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micahghi asac09:57
micahgany idea on bug 383484?09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383484 in firefox-3.5 "searchbar broken" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38348409:57
paranare there plans to provide firefox-3.5 in -backports after it is released?10:09
asachi micahg10:17
asacparan: we will update firefox in jaunty if thats what you ask10:17
paranasac: oh, so it will even be in -updates? I had guessed that would still be firefox-3.0 only10:32
asacparan: for jaunty it will get in -security/-updates10:35
asacfor everything before we dont provide builds (except dailies for now)10:35
asacfta: did this plugin manager error go away?10:35
paranasac: that sounds great10:35
paranasac: some friends who asked about 3.5 on jauny, now I can just tell them to wait :)10:38
asacyes. 3.5 will be out soonish. we will then update it in archive10:39
paran3.5 from mozilla-daily ppa works great for me, but nothing I recommend peolpe who like things stable10:39
asacparan: ack ... though after 3.5 gets out the branch is supposed to be in stable maintenance mode - meaning that even dailies shouldnt be that unstable (though there might be breakage, yeAH)10:41
paranyeah, but still, much less work for me to just have them wait for -security/-updates.10:44
paranwon't have to explain what a PPA is, for example :)10:44
ftaasac, no, tried many things, still broken, 3.6 unusable for me now10:47
asacfta: did this start with yesterdays daily?10:50
asacthats what i hvae10:50
asaclet me upgrade10:50
ftanot sure. it started after a reboot10:50
asaclet me upgrade ... its just two handful of packages10:51
ftai have hg20090627r2962210:51
asacfta: just trunk broken? oh ... we dont have daily builds atm for 3.510:51
asacok ... guess 3 minutes and i will know ;)10:52
ftai put 3.5 on hold because ~rc > ~hg. will be fixed with 3.5.010:52
asacThe error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'. (Details: serial 539 error_code 3 request_code 20 minor_code 0) (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;10:55
asacthats what i get10:56
asacbut it works if i try multiple time10:56
asac(i got that error for quite some time yet)10:56
asacso nothing new for me10:56
asacfta: ^^10:56
asacfta: 1.9.2~a1~hg20090628r29801+10:57
asacso maybe it got fixed upstream again10:57
ftafta@ix:~ $ firefox-3.611:07
ftaINTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager11:07
ftaSystem error?:: Success11:07
ftawith the last update11:07
ftayesterday, it was: <fta> System error?:: No such file or directory11:07
ftaasac, ^^ i had to remove sun-java6-* and now it's fine11:26
asacok i think thats expected. afaik trunk dropped java support for plugin11:30
asacthough not sure why i didnt see this11:30
ftait's now a new install, i had it for months/years11:34
fta2asac, how can i debug nspw? the plugin is loaded, but it fails to render the page13:21
asacfta2: reading code. adding debug statements, etc?13:26
andrew_sayersasac: speaking of nspluginwrapper, can we talk flash and screensavers?13:27
fta2it works fine in 32bit13:27
andrew_sayersSpecifically, merge 7797 seems to think I should be reviewing it.13:28
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stefanlsdjcastro: you said you had some insight re gears...16:33
jcastrostefanlsd: yeah I was trying to find someone in google to help with the licensing of those files, is that still a problem?18:07
asaci wouldd think that its still an issue18:13
stefanlsdjcastro: yeah. it is. i've logged an upstream bug and attached diffs of the change adding the license. I've posted to the user group. I mailed a contact i found in the one file from google who said he's not really involved anymore. I saw a google dev post this evening on the group re firefox 3.5, so i contacted him...18:58
stefanlsdbleh, just read my mail, he just replied and said done, thanks for heads up!18:58
stefanlsdawesome :)18:58
jcastrohah sweet18:58
jcastroyeah the guy I got sent to was a guy that used to work there but doesn't anymore18:58
jcastroso it might be the same guy18:59
jcastrowell, good to see you got it sorted!18:59
stefanlsdjcastro: hehe. yay! guy that helped me was called Aaron Boodman. Guy before that tried but didnt work there before was Scott Hess19:00
stefanlsdcool. that should be the last blocker. I have some guys who will revu advocate.  I dont see it in svn yet... as soon as its there, i'll get that done19:03
stefanlsdrefreshed, actually I do see it. great :)19:03
jcastrostefanlsd: when it's in I was trying to convinced asac to make the prism stuff depend on it19:04
jcastrobut this was over beers or something so I don't know if he's keen on that19:05
jcastrostefanlsd: imo we should make the gmail and calendar prism packages depend on gears19:05
asacso licensing is now sorted?19:05
stefanlsdjcastro: mm. i agree for a complete user experience, but probably more correct as as a recommends or suggests... as it strictly doesnt really depend?19:07
jcastrostefanlsd: sure, yeah19:07
stefanlsdasac: yeah. i think we are good... gonna fix the license file in revu quick and upload.19:07
jcastrostefanlsd: the user needs to explicitly turn it on the web app anyway, recommends or suggests isn't that much more of a stretch19:07
jcastrostefanlsd: you wouldn't happen to know how to make the prism icons suck less would you?19:08
stefanlsdjcastro: hehe. no. sorry. to be honest, i haven't even installed prism :P  but i imagine its fixable?  upstream bug logged for a new one? ubuntu art team?  :)19:09
jcastroyeah I was just wondering if you were familiar with that19:10
asacstefanlsd: just prod me if there is something todo again19:10
stefanlsdasac: its fixed in the latest svn. im building from an earlier revision. Do i need to fix the get-orig-source to get those 3 files from the latest svn?  (thinking bout it, probably)19:11
asacstefanlsd: just package a snapshot?19:12
asacor is that too unstable?19:12
stefanlsdasac: mm. the get-orig-source gets a revision and then ends up deleting a whole bunch of deps we managed to link against system libs or not need.  get-orig-source rule http://paste.ubuntu.com/206448/19:17
stefanlsdi can probably svn cat the 3 files we need from the latest svn in the get-orig-source and document it in README.source?19:23
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asacstefanlsd: how do you figure SVN_REVISION?20:03
stefanlsdasac: oh. i have .SRC_VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -ne 's/^Version: \(.*\)-.*/\1/p')20:06
stefanlsdSVN_REVISION := $(shell echo $(SRC_VERSION) | awk -F"~" '{ print $$2 }' | awk -F"+" '{ print $$1 }' | sed 's/svn//' )20:06
stefanlsdi've modified the get-orig-source to do a svn cat -r rev url > of the file we want and that works ok. i've also documented that in README.source.  not sure if u have a better suggestion?20:07
asacno thats ok20:08
asacstefanlsd: can i say SVN_REVISION=tip20:08
asacor something20:08
asacand then get the latest snapshot?20:08
jcastrostefanlsd: holler at me when this is all in the archive, I would like to blog about your work20:11
stefanlsdasac: you mean the latest revision? not currently... i can make a new target for that if you would like... i guess if you replaced changed SVN_REVISION to the latest though, it would work. eg. SVN_REVISION=3366.  btw asac, i have a branch here - https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stefanlsd/+junk/gears20:15
stefanlsdjcastro: cool. that would be great! just so you know, it was assisted lots by Rail Aliev. so i consider it a kinda joint accomplishment.20:18
ftajcastro, is there a channel for gwibber?20:18
ftajcastro, would be nice to have a sync for the translation files.. https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+question/75068  & https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber20:19
jcastrofta: there is #gwibber on irc.arstechnica.com, but you are better off just mailing or IMing segphault20:20
jcastrofta: ok I have no idea how to do that20:20
jcastrofta: what's he need to do just commmit them?20:21
ftajcastro, me neither, but iirc, they already did it several times20:21
jcastrofta: aha, it's milo who does that, I'll ping him20:22
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stefanlsdasac: got the new version in revu. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gears. when you get some time and wouldnt mind just checking it out (and advocating!), that would be great :)20:37
asacstefanlsd: is ffox 3.5 still not supported?20:43
stefanlsdasac: nope. still not...20:44
stefanlsdasac: i plan on upgrading it as soon as it is though20:44
micahgping asac bug 38348421:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383484 in firefox-3.5 "searchbar broken" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38348421:10
asacstefanlsd: something is odd ... i cannot advocate on revu21:44
asacasked on -motu21:45
micahgping asac22:18
ftaasac, http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMozExtTeam#PolicyforpackagingXULbasedapplications22:25
asacmicahg: hi22:25
micahgcan you look at a bug for me?22:26
micahgbug 38348422:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383484 in firefox-3.5 "searchbar broken" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38348422:27
asacmicahg: can you reproduce?22:27
asacthey say its like: start from scratch, use firefox-3.0 ... setup searchplugins; upgrade to firefox-3.522:27
micahgmy search is fine22:27
asac-> only added searchplugins are there22:27
micahgbut this is 3 people now22:27
asacyes. try to use that way22:28
asacstart from scratch == move .mozilla directory away22:28
asacthen add a few searchplugins22:28
asacthen start using ffox 3.522:28
micahgso, I should try that22:28
micahgI'm just wondering why it wouldn't restore with a new profile?22:29
asacyes. three are seeing it, so we should figure out how to reproduce22:29
micahgare the sqlite dbs recreated  from scratch?22:29
asacmicahg: seems migration dependent22:29
asacsqlite dbs are unlikely to be involved in the searchplugins22:29
micahgoh, the different engines and their histories aren't in there?22:30
asacnot sure where the stuff is saved22:30
asacmaybe if you seelect e adifferent default that info is saved in some db22:30
asacbut here, the searchplugins are not detected anymore22:31
micahgsafe mode couldn't restore the defaults either22:31
micahgmost of the problems I've found upstream with search engines are on windows22:31
asacmicahg: yeah. we need to reproduce it22:33
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micahgok, I can try tonight with a new user on my box, but I don't have too much time this week22:34
micahgam I the only one triaging right now?22:34
asaci asked something22:34
asacmaybe someone cna do that22:34
* micahg needs to find some minions to triage for me :)22:35
* asac clones micahg ;)22:36
micahgwow, nice job :)22:38
asacfta: yeah. i think they asked mike for adding a build-system like we have22:39
asacit worked ;)22:39
ftai just hope it's compatible22:40
micahgah, asac22:49
micahgI just noticed your post22:49

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