
=== chatzilla is now known as emilinz
emilinzi have a problem with syncdaemon09:11
emilinzI don't have any log09:12
thisfredemilinz, hi09:45
sammeI got an invitation on my mail but how do I use it ?11:26
thisfredhi samme, is there no link in the mail?11:27
thisfredsamme: also, when was the mail sent? At some point some mails were sent without the proper links, but I though that that was fixed now.11:28
samme24 jun.. just an link to the Plans page..11:28
sammethisfred: "To get started using this service follow this link https://ubuntuone.com/plans/"11:31
thisfredsamme, ah, that might have been when the wrong mails were sent out. The people who would know that aren't currently online, though. What happens when you go to the /plans page?11:32
thisfredsamme: that just shows the request an invitation buttons?11:33
sammethisfred: I must go now but I come back later.. ;)11:37
thisfredsamme: ok, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to wait for america to wake up to be able to help you :) I'll ask, but what I think happened is that the people who got the incorrect mails will receive new invitations, but I will verify. Can you ping me if I forget:?11:37
sammehmm ping?11:38
thisfredsamme: just say something to me here :)11:38
sammeAha I will do ;) Thanks for bthe help :)11:39
thisfredyou're welcome!11:40
facundobatistaHi all12:47
thisfredhi facundobatista12:52
thisfredfacundobatista: I assigned some bugs related to file synchronization to you, I hope that was the right thing to do, if not, feel free to shout at me and tell me who I should have assigned them to ;)12:53
facundobatistathisfred, I won't shout at you, but most probably these should be reassigned to __lucio__, as I'm focused in screen sharing right now12:56
thisfredfacundobatista: thanks, and sorry, reassigning now12:56
facundobatistathisfred, no problem!13:00
thisfredhey guys, a user reports that the browser doesn't open like it should when adding a new computer to Ubuntu One. Are there any know issues there, things I can ask them to check manually? Or should I just ask for the apport/logs, and if so, which ones?13:42
thisfredjdobrien: a user (samme) reported earlier that they got an invitation on the 24th with only a link to /plans, was that part of the problematic batch of emails? And if (not) so, can I tell them they'll receive a corrected invitation later?13:53
jdobrienthisfred: that is the correct behavior13:54
thisfredjdobrien: so what do they do then?13:54
jdobrienthisfred: login and subscribe13:54
thisfredand the information to log in *is* in the mail?13:54
jdobrienthisfred: I do not know. I wasn't the last one to touch the email :)13:55
jdobrieni can check though13:55
thisfredok, samme said he/she would be back later, so I'll ask then13:55
thisfredjdobrien: ^^ no need to check now, I'll gather more feedback13:56
thisfredjdobrien: I also assigned a bug to you where a user is getting OAuth errors. If you're the wrong person, or if you know things I can ask them to make the bug more complete, please let me know13:59
jdobrienthisfred: yeah those are client issues. I think dobey is fielding those.14:04
thisfredjdobrien: ok, thanks will reassign14:04
thisfredjdobrien: oh I'm full of it: the issue I assigned to you is about the web client being unresponsive14:08
thisfredok, dobey, kicked 3 bugs your way, let me know if I can ask the reporters for anything to make the bugs more complete.14:12
jdobrienthisfred: hmm, im not sure who14:13
jdobrienthisfred: im not sure who is handling those issues14:13
thisfredjdobrien: ah ok, jblount do you know who I can ask about the web client being unresponsive?14:14
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountOH HAI HACKERZ15:00
jblountAnyone here for the Ubuntu One desktop(+) developers meeting please say "me"15:00
aquariusis that it? rodrigo_, teknico, dobey?15:01
jblountDONE: Spent a lot of time evaluating and tweaking the design of /files/, should be able to start implementing some of the changes this week15:02
jblountTODO: Land a few small branches of functionality, start triaging some more /files/new/ work into queue for myself15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:02
jblountCardinalFang: Hit me!15:02
CardinalFangDONE: for pairing tool, started to ask for design-team guidance (just joined #design).  More polish.15:03
CardinalFangTODO: eyeball the edge cases (like pal disappearing or cancelling).15:03
CardinalFangBLOCKED: no15:03
aquariusDONE: moved records.client/server to be desktopcouch.records with thisfred, spoke to kenvandine who is taking it into a PPA, talk to #couchdb about rejecting inbound local connections that aren't from this UID15:04
aquariusTODO: make everything depending on desktopcouch.records actually work with eric, read about quickly15:04
aquariusBLOCKED: currently using the horror of lsof to find CouchDB port until the print-the-port logfile patch goes in15:04
aquariusurbanape: go do that voodoo that you do so well15:04
urbanapeDONE: That was so long ago, I don't even remember. Some new files UI hacking.15:04
urbanapeTODO: Gonna hack some FF extension today. Need to context switch.15:04
urbanapeBLOCKED: None15:04
urbanaperodrigo_: gogogo15:04
rodrigo_done: submitted couchdb-glib to REVU, although it seems it's not there yet, discussed some screen sharing things with the SS team15:04
rodrigo_todo: finish first package submissions of evo-couchdb and couchdb-glib, discuss with tomboy developers how to make tomboy use couchdb as storage (not syncing), setup review process for evo-couchb/-glib15:05
rodrigo_blocked: nothing15:05
rodrigo_I think that's it, no more me's15:05
jblountMEETING ENDS15:05
* jblount hugs 5 minutes standups15:05
dobeyuh "me"15:10
dobeyDONE: More work on python module reorg15:10
dobeyTODO: finish python module layout changes, Fix sharing branch for review comments15:10
dobeyBLCK: CouchDB failures in server tests.15:10
jblountdobey: Thanks!15:10
teknicosorry guys, a couple infrastructure problems here15:11
CardinalFangMe too.  /me curses MD software raid.15:13
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dobeyhrmm, i wonder if there are some broken firefox packages out there that people are using17:38
sammeHi all20:05
sammeany one here?20:13
sammeSomeone here who can help me with my invite? :)20:15
dobeysamme: thisfred might be able to help you20:17
thisfredah welcome back samme20:18
thisfredsamme: so your invitation email did not contain any login information?20:18
sammeNo :(20:19
dobeyit shouldn't20:20
dobeyi wouldn't think anyway20:20
thisfredah ok, then I'm confused (it's been a while since I saw it)20:20
dobeyubuntuone.com log-in is OpenID via launchpad20:20
dobeyyou just click on the link in the e-mail20:20
dobeyand subscribe20:21
thisfredsamme, so if you follow the link to /plans, and click on login, what happens?20:21
zbanksI was wondering if you guys needed any more developers? I do mostly python & have done a lot of web-based python/js if you need that too...20:21
sammeah now it works :)20:22
thisfredsamme, whew :)20:23
thisfredsamme: sorry for leading you down the wrong path, earlier!20:23
thisfredzbanks: you can look at http://www.canonical.com/search/node/jobs20:23
thisfredzbanks:  although I'm told that Human Resources gets a lot of applications each day, so it may be a while before you get a response20:24
zbanksAh, you guys are part of canonical, right20:24
thisfredzbanks: oh, you meant on the client?20:24
thisfredzbanks: sry, I thought you were talking about joining canonical :)20:25
thisfredzbanks: awesome!20:25
zbanksHaha, it's fine20:25
thisfredzbanks: I would join the ubuntuone users mailing list (there isn't a dev one yet, but I'm sure that's coming), and introduce yourself there, and have a look at the source code, and see if there's anything you'd like to tackle20:26
zbanksAh, k20:26
thisfredzbanks: I'm  not authoritative on this, but I assume it works like most OS projects: get a few patches in, and you might get check in rights.20:27
* thisfred is looking up mailing list address20:27
zbanksI got it, don't worry20:27
dobeyi think20:27
zbanksThanks though :D20:27
sammethisfred: I,m  just glad I got it to works :) But now you (and I) know how it works ;)20:28
thisfredyep, that's the one, thanks dobey20:28
thisfredsamme, right, helping people out here teaches me at least as much as them ;)20:28
sammehehe right :D20:29
sammeNow lets see if it works :)20:30
thisfredsamme: let me know if there's anything else I can help with!20:30
thisfredok, that's it for me good people of Ubuntu One, see you tomorrow!20:58
sammethisfred: cya20:59

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