
aacostahey anyone using xubuntu  on powerpc?05:11
aacostahow can i install that on my system05:22
XuzzI'm on a GMA950 with a max canvas size of 2048x2028 (for acceleration)...and I have my two monitors positioned "top-of" each other (in xrandr, they are side by side physically). I want to make them appear to X stacked on top but be able to use them as if they were positioned side by side in xrandr (isntead of having to have the mouse go off the top of the screen to switch)06:01
=== CYF is now known as CloseYetFar
chrissy_hello can anybody help me with email questions07:04
chrissy_anybody out there07:06
chrissy_i have email questions07:16
chrissy_can anybody help07:16
chrissy_can you help me with email07:17
n2diyChrissy, don't know until I here the question?07:18
aacostadepends wat the question is07:18
chrissy_i set up a email address but when i try to check mail it07:19
n2diycan you use sbackup and restore between an 8.04 box and a 9.04 box?07:19
chrissy_wants my password where is that07:19
n2diychrissy, use your login password.07:20
forces!ask chrissy_07:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask chrissy_07:20
forces!ask | chrissy_07:20
ubottuchrissy_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:20
chrissy_i tried that and it says password fail07:20
n2diyyour password is case sensitive, so don't mix capitals where non-capitals should be?07:21
chrissy_ok is there anything else that would make it fail07:22
n2diymake sure your num lock is on, if you are using the numeric keypad.07:23
chrissy_ok i will try now thanks07:24
n2diyyour welcome Chrissy.07:26
n2diycan you use sbackup and srestore between an 8.04 box and a 9.04 box?07:27
XuzzI'm on a GMA950 with a max canvas size of 2048x2028 (for acceleration)...and I have my two monitors positioned "top-of" each other (in xrandr, they are side by side physically). I want to make them appear to X stacked on top but be able to use them as if they were positioned side by side in xrandr (isntead of having to have the mouse go off the top of the screen to switch)07:42
aacostajust wondering why my eepc cant see my imac when i try to ssh into it08:04
aacostaone is on wireless the other wired08:04
SiDiif its the same network it should be ok08:11
SiDican you ping it ?08:11
aacostalet me try it08:13
aacostahost unreachable08:13
aacostait was working earlier08:13
aacostawhen i wasnt on wireless08:13
aacostaand i try to ssh from the imac into the eeepc and it just freezzes08:14
SiDiok its a network problem :p08:16
SiDiping google from both computers please08:16
SiDiand tell me which is disconnected08:16
aacostathey are both online forsure08:17
aacostathis one pings fine08:18
aacostaits a desktop08:18
aacostathe other pings fine too08:18
SiDiare they on the same network then ?08:29
SiDisame router ?08:29
aacostathey are08:30
aacostaits a netgear router08:30
SiDiare you sure the router doesnt forbid packet through local net machines then ? :/08:33
SiDido they use the same network mask ?08:33
aacostayeah they do08:43
aacostathey have the samenetowrk mask08:43
aacostais that bad?08:43
SiDiits what is meant to be08:45
SiDithe only reason why you couldnt ping them is because of : 1) wrong network setup | 2) wrong router firewall setup08:45
aacostaok let me go to my router08:47
aacostai dont think i chaned anything08:47
SiDii really dont understand how else you couldnt ping your machines08:50
SiDiwhat command did you use for pinging ?08:50
aacostaprobably wrong netwokr setup08:50
aacostaping and then ip adrress08:50
aacostaave no idea08:54
aacostawhat it could be08:54
aacostawould be great to use my eee as a server08:54
aacostaor my imac already has everything installed i jsut cant conect to i remotely08:55
mib486how do i get access to "system settings"?10:29
mib486i cant find it10:29
SiDiSystem settings ?10:54
SiDiDo you mean Applications -> System ?10:54
mib486yes i got it10:55
mib486how do i add items from the "applications" to the upper panel? cuz the "add new items" menu only has some apps, not all of em, i also tried to drag and drop em but it won't work10:56
mib486isnt there a well written guide to xubuntu? on the internet ive only found the ubuntu wiki, isnt there anything for xubuntu?10:56
ablomenmib486, i'm affraid your going to have to add them by hand, if you add a new (empty) launcher, here you can select the command, icon and wether it should be opened in a terminal etc10:58
mib486ah ok cool10:58
SiDimib486: there is the xubuntu documentation10:58
SiDiand the xfce documentation too10:59
mib486so i just add the "launcher" and then set what app i want10:59
mib486could u link it sidi?10:59
ablomenmib486, on the xubuntu.org site you can find all the links10:59
mib486that was the same site i was before11:00
mib486there's no doco for xubuntu, the link goes to ubuntu's11:00
ablomenmib486, click on "help and support" there is a xubuntu wiki link there (on the ubuntu wiki site)11:00
SiDimib486: visit file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/index.html11:00
SiDiNormally Alt+F1 shows it by default11:01
mib486https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu --> thatz where it getz u, and ive already been there, there's no doco for xubuntu! it takes u to ubuntu's11:01
mib486SiDi: it says file not found11:02
SiDimib486: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-docs11:02
SiDimib486: you're on Xubuntu 9.04 ?11:02
SiDiIts meant to be installed by default now as far as i know11:02
mib486unfortunately i dont have internet yet...11:03
mib486thatz why i want to find a guide11:03
mib486in order to understand lots of things11:03
SiDioh i see :P11:03
SiDiWell it is _really_ meant to be installed by default11:03
ablomenmib486, did you type that link on the xubuntu machine?..11:04
SiDihttp://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/all/xubuntu-docs/download mib48611:04
mib486whatz the terminal call here in xubuntu?11:04
ablomenthe one SiDi send you that is11:04
SiDiand yes of course the link must me typed in the xubuntu machine mib48611:04
mib486of course i did :D11:04
mib486im a newbie, not a jerk :D11:04
SiDijust download it from above then :p11:04
SiDimib486: stupid mistakes happen to everyone from times to times ;)11:04
mib486i no i no, im only kiddin :D11:05
mib486whatz the terminal call here in xubuntu?11:05
ablomenlol yeah sorry, just wanted to make sure we didnt find that out after 2 hours of trying to figure out whats wrong ;)11:05
SiDimib486: i dont get your question about terminal call11:05
mib486im putting a link to it on the panel and since i have to link it manually im looking for the file in /usr/bin11:05
SiDiApplications -> Accessories -> Terminal to open it, if its what you want to know11:05
ablomenxfce4-terminal should be it11:06
SiDii see11:06
mib486its added :D11:07
mib486but it put it on the extreme right, i wanted it on the left by the mozilla's icon11:07
SiDiright click -> move11:07
mib486i moved it11:07
mib486just found it11:07
SiDimib486: i checked and i have file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/ in my default xubuntu install11:07
mib486alright let me re-check then11:08
SiDiSo anyway, what's your wifi problem ?11:08
mib486the mistake was mozilla's11:09
mib486thatz what gave the error output before when i tried to open a file11:09
mib486cuz they're all .html files so it opens em on mozilla11:09
mib486ive found the doco :D11:09
mib486anyway, my wifi prob is that11:10
mib486before i had winxp installed on this machine and my airport-pendrive worked11:10
mib486i could get connected11:10
mib486during xubuntu's installation the network was not found, thus not installed11:10
mib486and now even if i plug in and out this usb-airport-pendrive, it wont see it, or recognize it, moral of the tale: i cant get connected at all!11:11
SiDiso whats going on is that is doesnt have linux drivers11:12
SiDiThere is a way to use windows wifi drivers on linux11:12
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:12
mib486hey ive just created a link of "xubuntu-docs" on the desktop but it wont let me rename it as i want, whatz the big deal with permissions over renaming?11:13
SiDia link ?11:13
SiDiWhat kind of link ? A "shortcut" or a true soft link ? :P11:13
SiDiIsnt there a little "?" symbol in top left of your panel ?11:14
mib486i got right click > property and try to rename it but it wont let me (a shortcut sorry)11:14
SiDimib486: do you know exactly the model of your card ?11:14
mib486no i dont unfortunately11:15
mib486(but how do i rename this shortcut?)11:15
SiDiAs for your shortcut, please right click -> Open with mousepad and paste the whole content of the file to paste.ubuntu.com11:15
SiDithe name is actually not the name of the file. I suppose the file is named xubuntu-docs.desktop or something similar. You can change the "display" name of a desktop file by editing the "Name" property it has, in a text editor11:15
SiDiYou can also specify a name for a particular locale :p11:16
mib486thatz weird, on this machine i have ubuntu and in order to change the name of a file i click f211:16
mib486or right click, properties, and rename it11:16
SiDihere too actually11:17
SiDibut its a .desktop file11:17
mib486(cant paste the content cuz the other pc is not connected to the internet)11:17
SiDithey're special :P11:17
mib486so how do i do? o_O i didnt really get it, im a newbie u no :D step by step? :D11:18
SiDihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/206131/ looks like that, right ?11:18
mib486what looks like that?11:18
SiDithe content of your xubuntu shortcut if you right click it and open it with the text editor (mousepad)11:22
mib486if i right click on it ive got "opne, open a terminal here, properties, applications" plus some other not clickable among which "rename" but i see no text editor11:23
SiDiNot clickable ?11:25
SiDimib486: where did you put this damn shortcut ? in your home folder, right ?11:25
mib486no, on the desktop11:26
SiDiwhat does "ls -l Desktop" say ?11:26
SiDii want the little bits on the left11:26
SiDi-rw-r--r--  1 yourusername yourusername ############## filename11:26
SiDiit should be like this11:26
mib486well.... it actually says "no such file or directory"11:27
mib486alright i got it11:28
mib486it says11:28
mib486"total 4"11:28
mib486"lrwxrwxrwx 1 mib mib 104 date xubuntu-docs -> /usr/share/xubuntu-docs"11:29
mib486thatz what it says11:29
mib486where date is date and time of today of course11:29
mib486(actually its date and time of when i created that shortcut)11:29
SiDimib486: type "cp /usr/share/applications/xubuntu-help.desktop ~/Desktop/" and you'll be done11:35
SiDiand remove that soft link :) its not a shortcut, its a soft link to a folder in /usr/share, on which you dont have rights :)11:35
SiDishortcuts in linux are .desktop files11:35
SiDilike the shortcuts in your menu entries11:35
SiDiWhat you created is called a soft link : when you open a link with a piece of software, it will actually open the linked file instead11:36
SiDiit allows you to browse through files more easily without having to duplicate your files11:36
mib486ah ok11:39
mib486but it isnt called xubuntu.help11:40
mib486is it the same?11:40
SiDii think :p11:40
mib486how do u do the tilde?11:40
SiDiDepends on your keyboard layout11:41
SiDimost likely with the tilde key :P11:41
ablomenshift+the button next to the 1 (in normal us-int style keybord)11:41
SiDiits Altgr+2 with french keyboards, and Shift + ² with US ones afaik11:41
SiDiablomen: meh: p11:42
mib486alright how do i remove that link now11:44
mib486it wont even let me remove it11:44
SiDiof course cause when you try to remove it tries to remove the file in /usr/share/xubuntu-docs, and you dont have the right to remove this one :D11:47
SiDirm Desktop/nameofthelink11:47
SiDiand dont use links anymore mib486 ;) its not really needed for end users11:48
SiDijust rm11:48
SiDiit will rm the link11:48
SiDiby default the file manager will follow the link and act on the file11:48
SiDibut the terminal, with ls and rm, will act on the link11:48
SiDiand not on the linked file11:48
mib486ok thanks SiDi11:49
mib486gotta go not11:49
knomehe's a jolly good fellow...11:49
mib486but sure ill be back to disturb u a bit more :D11:49
mib486thanks mate cya11:49
SiDimib486: no problem :)11:49
SiDisee you later11:49
LaibschHow do I prevent XFCE from leaving the current workspace when moving a window to another workspace via keyboard shortcut?12:06
SiDii think you cant12:07
SiDiit'll follow the current window12:07
ablomenit will stay btw if you drag it from one screen to another with the pager panel plugin, this might be an option to use12:08
Laibschthank you for your answer12:08
Laibschablomen: the idea is to minimize unnecessary "work"12:08
LaibschMoving the mouse is the worst12:09
LaibschI use the keyboard whenever possible12:09
Laibschablomen: Actually, I'm not so sure what you are talking about.  Can you please explain?  I initially thought you were talking about moving the window off the edge of the screen with the mouse.12:10
ablomenLaibsch, well you will have to use your mouse, but you can drag windows accros desktops from the pager plugin (the thing in your panel where you can see the different desktops)12:11
ablomen(http://xubuntu.org/sites/default/files/xubuntu-jaunty.png << the one next to the trash icon in the bottom right corner)12:13
Laibschthat is what I thought12:14
LaibschI have it set to a 2x2 matrix12:14
LaibschMaybe it is too small (I have reduced the size of the taskbar, too)12:14
LaibschBut I don't seem to be able to move windows around in there.12:15
LaibschAnd I don't think I'd be very interested in this since it involves the mouse12:15
LaibschThanks for sharing this, though.12:15
ablomenoh it might have been taken out (using an older version of xubuntu myself)12:16
knomeno, you can drag a window to another ws in the ws-applet12:18
=== SiDi_ is now known as SiDi
mib486hi guys, my session crashed the output was something like "your session only lasted 10 seconds this might be there's some installation problem, try to login with failsafe something...etc" what should i do?14:59
SiDimib486: please provide us .xsession-errors15:01
mib486i dont have internet on the laptop so i cant pastebin the output15:02
mib486ill try to read and copy here the most info possible15:02
mib486its weird cuz it was working well before15:03
mib486i only changed the time and date and now it wont let me log in anymore15:04
mib486ok so it goes:15:05
mib486gdm [2645]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: daemon/Greeter=/usr/lib/gdm/gdmlogin15:06
mib486(and this is the very first line15:06
mib486an important passage i think it is the following...15:07
mib486mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/mib/.config': Permission denied15:07
mib486same thing for /home/mib/.cache15:07
mib486then it goes15:07
mib486Can't create dir /home/mib/Desktop15:08
mib486and music and images and docs etc15:08
mib486last line is15:08
mib486xfce4-session: Unable to access file /home/mib/.ICEauthority: Permission Denied15:09
mib486what is going on??15:09
mib486SiDi: ?15:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient15:10
Slonkiewell be patient :)15:10
mib486i thought he/she didnt read it cuz i didnt mention who i was talking to...15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volunteers15:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:15
charlie-tcaEveryone here is a volunteer, and most are working a regular job while trying to help out15:15
mib486oh give me a break, i perfectly know how it works here on freenode, i didnt say anything but a question mark after SiDi's name alright?15:16
charlie-tcaAnyone know what "HPLJ 10XX Replaced Paper" is? It shows up in a fresh Karmic install under Applications -> System15:19
SiDiApp -> System -> printers -> this, charlie-tca ?15:35
SiDii know hplip (hp utilities for print/scan) is installed by default, but i dont think having a menu entry is normal15:35
SiDils /usr/share/applications | grep hp please charlie-tca15:36
charlie-tcaApplications -> System -> HPLJ 10xx Replaced Paper15:36
charlie-tcaI don't even have the printer installed15:36
charlie-tcaSiDi: hplj1020.desktop15:37
SiDicharlie-tca: okies, sec15:39
SiDicharlie-tca: searching for the culprit package15:42
charlie-tcaculprit seems to be /usr/share/applications/hplj1020.desktop15:43
SiDifoo2zjs contains this15:43
SiDiwho reports the bug ? :D15:43
charlie-tcano, HPLJ 10xx Replaced Paper.desktop15:44
charlie-tcaI guess I will15:44
charlie-tcaJust wanted to know it is a bug, not on purpose15:44
charlie-tcaI filed the screensaver bug last release.15:45
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
R1cochetis there anyway to mount a bin/cue kvcd file and play it?20:15
centyxI've just tried xubuntu this week, and I want to say I'm really impressed. I wanted something fairly lightweight and clean that my dad could use on his old 600mhz notebook, and I think this is it. Thanks for all of your hard work!20:17
aacostaok when i try to go to myip.com/test.php20:19
aacostainstead of displaying the test page it opens a dialoge for me to download it or save it20:19
aacostawhat is going on?20:19
centyxanyway just wanted to say that, thanks !20:20
aacostanevermind got it working20:21
nunuHi, I've got a little problem here. My network manager just doesn't want to save my pppoE connection. I already tried to figure out those problems with you guys a long while ago, but without success. Now I'm asking myself if that problem is fixt by now in the jaunty release? And a second question can I burn the CD ISO image on a DVD?20:21
R1cochetwhat cd iso image? and i would think yes. i have burned many w/ brasero20:29
nunuthe latest xubuntu iso image of course =)20:30
R1cochetas to the network manager i was having issues on 8.10. i think it was because it wasnt accessing keyring.20:30
R1cochetyes u can burn to dvd but y would u want to? use a cd. it will fit20:31
nunuit's 21:30 here, no way that I can buy a cd now :D20:32
R1cochetahhh ok20:33
Slonkiewhere do u live?20:33
R1cochetno walmart?20:33
R1cochetlol nope20:33
R1cochetwhat part of germany?20:34
nunua very small village:D20:34
nunumore cows than people20:34
R1cochetyea it should work fine on a dvd i would think20:34
R1cochetdamn nunu20:34
Slonkieborrow one from your neighbours!20:34
R1cochetlargest city u live near? one that shows on a map20:34
nununeighbours ????!!!20:34
nunuI think Oldenburg or Wilhelmshaven20:35
nunudunno what you call them in english :D20:35
R1cochetcool, i still have no idea where that is :)20:35
R1cochetbeen to munchen and berlinen20:36
R1cochetdamn u aint kidding about no neighbors20:37
nununo wait20:37
nunuthats the wrong villaghe20:37
R1cochetall good ur near my favorite, munchen :)20:38
R1cochetgotta love bavaria20:38
nunuhttp://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=Bockhorn+26345&sll=48.314083,11.987178&sspn=0.004395,0.009806&ie=UTF8&ll=53.392747,8.015792&spn=0.003941,0.009806&t=h&z=16 <- that should be it20:38
nunuI live at the north coast , so bavaria is a loooong trip =)20:39
R1cochetahh ok20:40
R1cochetthats a ways away from first city lol20:40
nunubut we got DSL up to 32k ^^20:40
nunuyes its ab bit20:41
S0210My panel does not use the /home/user/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml file for the panel popup menu. But I can't figure out what else is set to be used... How can I check it?20:41
nunu20 km20:41
R1cochetdid they ever get that maglev train built in germany? from frankfurt i believe?20:41
nunumy daily bicycle tour ^^20:41
nunuwhat train?20:42
R1cochetS0210: rt click on applications and hit properties20:42
R1cochetthey were talking about building a maglev hi-speed train near Frankfurt i believe20:43
nunuah now i get it, the magnetic stuff train ^^ No we don't use it, theres only a test course20:43
R1cochetahh ok20:43
nunu"to risky"20:43
R1cochethow so?20:43
R1cochetmight move people too fast20:44
nunuask the politicians20:44
R1cochetwhat do they know20:44
R1cochetwell i still like ur rail system20:44
nunu=) they're the ones in charge :/20:44
nunuI like it too20:44
R1cocheti know what u mean20:45
R1cochetim in the states20:45
S0210R1cochet: changeing it to menu.xml it gives an empty menu... <:-.20:45
nunuits fast and doesn't pollute the envoirement that much, (I think)20:45
nunuIf you want to ride that train you'd have to go to china or japan, I think there's one active20:46
R1cochetS0210: did u try xfce-applications.menu located in /etc/xdg/xubuntu/menus ?20:46
R1cochetyea i think so20:46
R1cochetS0210: did u get it?20:48
S0210R1cochet: I got it but ... its content does not remind me to the menu options20:49
R1cochet??? i dont understand?20:49
S0210R1cochet: what am I expected to see in xfce-application.menus?20:50
S0210R1cochet: that's the only file I find in /etc/xdg/xubuntu/menus20:51
R1cochetyea change that to ur menu file20:51
R1cochetim confused20:52
R1cochetdid u want to change ur applications menu file?20:52
S0210R1cochet: yes, after upgradeing to 9.04 my menu list became a long list of (existing but) unwanted applications...20:53
S0210R1cochet: I first thought to change the menu.xml but that is not recognized20:54
S0210R1cochet: (at leat in the main user account. in the other user account it works fine.)20:54
nunuk3b just told me to insert a cd when trying to burn the ISO on a dvd20:55
nunuis there another command I can use or so?20:55
nunuI'll just tell him that its a dvd iso ^^20:56
R1cochetnunu: not sure? ive never tried to burn it to dvd sry20:56
R1cochetS0210: as far as i know there is no way to edit the menu like there was in 8.1020:56
R1cochetive asked my self and was told that i couldnt.20:57
R1cochetu might be able to create ur own menu list and use that instead tho20:57
R1cochetbut i have no idea where to begin20:57
S0210hmmm... let's see some more experiments. }:-. thanks anyway!20:59
nunuR1cochet, works, I just selected the cd ISO image from the "Burn dvd image" option21:10
nunucya @ll21:10
=== techknowlust is now known as techknowlust|awa
aaqilwhy aria download manager is not working with xubuntu where it works with ubuntu? http://valentine.viviti.com/entries/softwares/linux-ubuntu-mint-download-manager-aria21:34
charlie-tcaPerhaps it has Gnome dependencies that Xubuntu does not install?21:39
R1cochetaaqil: have u not tried the dl manager for firefox?21:41
charlie-tcaDon't know for sure, though21:41
aaqilSo I cannot have that nice download manager in xubuntu? :(21:41
charlie-tcaPerhaps ask the linux-mint people21:41
charlie-tcaYou can not have that one, without installing everything it needs.21:41
aaqildl manager is not that good, i liked aria, its auto shut down, speed limiting etc features21:41
R1cochetahh ok21:42
R1cochetsry i dont know what to tell u, i would look into dependencies21:42
R1cochetdid u grab it from synaptic?21:42
aaqili dont know what u are asking, in ubuntu i used to install that by searching in synaptic package manager, or by using sudo apt-get install aria command in terminal21:43
R1cochetdid u install from synaptic in xubuntu?21:44
aaqilby terminal21:44
R1cochetand all dependencies were met?21:44
aaqilbut in xubuntu it said aria2 package name, but in ubuntu was only aria without "2"21:44
R1cochetso whats wrong w/ it?21:45
aaqilhow to run that aria2, in ubuntu after aria installation it was appearing in applications21:46
charlie-tcaaria is no longer available in Ubuntu either21:46
R1cochethave u tried to log out then back in?21:46
aaqilyes have restarted xubuntu21:47
aaqilcharlie-tca, why why why :'(21:47
R1cochetdid u grab the gui also?21:47
charlie-tcaAsk the developers who maintain the repositories, I guess. MOTU21:47
charlie-tcaIn 8.04, I see both apps listed, perhaps aria2 replaced aria21:48
R1cochetaaqil: i would look into getting a front end for aria21:48
R1cochetlooks like u need to install seperately21:48
R1cochetAria2::GUI is a graphical user Interface (GUI) for the command-line operated aria2.21:49
R1cochetaria2 is command line thats y u dont see it in the menu21:49
R1cochetu need a gui for it21:49
=== techknowlust|awa is now known as techknowlust
charlie-tcapersonally, I use "DownThemAll" in firefox21:50
R1cochetcharlie-tca: how is that?21:50
charlie-tcaWorks great21:51
R1cocheti used the basic dl manager for firefox and didnt like it at all21:51
R1cochetcan i grab that from add-ons in ff?21:51
charlie-tcabasic dl manager sucks21:51
R1cochetYES it does21:51
charlie-tcaI been using DownThemAll for a couple of years now. It is still working in karmic21:52
R1cochetit can stop and start dl after i close ff and open it back up?21:54
charlie-tcadon't know, never tried it21:55
R1cochetone last q about it21:55
charlie-tcaIt will stop and resume downloads21:56
R1cochetdoes it use own window or tab?21:56
charlie-tcaworth looking at, anyway21:56
R1cochetgot it ty21:57
R1cochetahh it even chimes :)22:00
R1cochethow cute22:00
charlie-tcaDon't forget to set up your preferences for it.22:01
R1cochetwill do22:03
aaqilthere was some command to remove unnecessary package, with word autoremove, sudo apt-get autoremove is not working22:04
R1cochetthat was the commend22:05
aaqilsudo apt-get autoremove packagename? ok22:05
R1cocheti think u have to do sudo apt-get purge package22:05
R1cochetthen sudo apt-get autoremove22:05
R1cochetno package name22:06
charlie-tcaaaqil: sudo apt-get autoremove does not use a package name22:07
R1cochetas far as i know22:07
R1cochetdta is awesome22:07
R1cochetty charlie-tca22:07
charlie-tcaIt removes all packages that are not applications and do not have any connection to any other package22:08
charlie-tcaYou are welcome22:08
charlie-tcaapt-get --help will give the options it uses22:10
aaqilR1cochet, charlie-tca  Thank you :)22:18
aacostawhats the easisst way to install drupal22:19
aacostaon xubuntu22:19
aacostai already have lamp set up22:19
knome!info drupal22:19
ubottuPackage drupal does not exist in jaunty22:19
knome!info drupal622:19
ubottudrupal6 (source: drupal6): a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1055 kB, installed size 4852 kB22:19
aacostaso i guess i have to try out another one22:20
charlie-tcause apt-get install drupal622:20
aacostaand then how do i set it up22:20
charlie-tcaor open synaptic package manager and search for drupal.22:21
charlie-tcaset up you should read the docs for drupal22:21
charlie-tcaand thank knome for helping22:21
knomecharlie-tca, isn't the web apps installed in server www root?22:21
knomei've never done that.22:21
aacostai found these22:22
charlie-tcaI don't know  where drupal will install. I always install from the internet by downloading and unzipping22:22
aacostayeah thats what im going to do22:22
aacostaand place everything in www/drupal22:22
charlie-tcaHave you read the wiki page?22:22
aacostaive done it on mamp before22:22
aacostaill go to that next22:22
knomeplease read it22:22
knomeit is answering your question 100%22:22
charlie-tcaI would, if I wanted to use drupal22:22
knomethinking of using drupal makes me sick22:23
* charlie-tca nods22:23
knomethat reminds me i should hack my wordpress a bit22:23
* charlie-tca don't use it either, but does like xoops and wordpress22:24
aacostawhat should i use then?22:24
aacostafor making a simple business webpage22:24
charlie-tcaI can't think of any reason to22:24
aacostaa webpage for a business22:24
knomei have drupal experience mostly from two commercial projects and either one has been a success, not cms-wise either in other points of view...22:25
charlie-tcayou have to decide what will work for you, not us22:25
aacostayeah ive only use drupal once before22:25
aacostait was ok22:25
aacostai wish it would be easier22:25
knomeaacosta, there are tons of cms' in the web22:25
charlie-tcaI have xoops for one website and html for the other one I built22:26
knomei have wordpress mu, wordpress mu, wordpress and hand-coded22:26
charlie-tcateamcharliesangels.com is all html I wrote by hand22:26
knomesince my "total website platform switch" this year ;)22:26
charlie-tcaYou're all wordpress now?22:27
knomeaacosta, selecting a cms is a matter of taste and need22:27
aacostai need to make a simple webpage for a business22:27
charlie-tcaShould be easier to maintain that way22:27
aacostaprobably just basic layout about us, services contact locations22:27
knomecharlie-tca, totally - gives me more time writing the blog and doing other things...22:27
aacostayou know suer basic22:27
aacostai thought it was kidna hard using drupal for something as basic as that22:28
knomeaacosta, drupal might be a bit overkill, to say22:28
charlie-tcaDo they need php?22:28
charlie-tcaDo they need interaction with others in the website?22:28
aacostayeah i know22:28
charlie-tcaIf not, use html in bluefish22:28
knomesome kind of cms is usually required by any client so they can modify the content themselves22:28
aacostayeah tahts why i wanted to use a cms22:29
aacostathat way they can mess w it22:29
knomeaacosta, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems22:29
knomeaacosta, out of those that are free, php and not blog-oriented, i've heard most good about joomla22:32
aacostayeah joomla was my first choice actually since my neighbor is super into it22:33
charlie-tcaIf you have tried about half of those, is that bad?22:34
knomeme? :)22:34
knomeheh, not really.22:34
charlie-tcaI think I have tried at least half of everything under free22:34
knomei think i "only" have notable experience of drupal (yak), mediawiki (yak), textpattern and wordpress.22:35
aacostai think im going ti give joomala try22:35
knometextpattern isn't that bad, but the decision to go wordpress was kind of intuitional22:36
charlie-tcajoomla should be good22:36
knomewordpress is a bit better looking than textpattern.22:36
charlie-tcaI like moinmoin, twikiwiki, dokuwiki, joomla, wordpress, xoops22:37
knomei've used textile a lot, and i like it.22:37
knomeimho it's way better than most of the wiki markup languages22:37
charlie-tcaso many choices, so little that works for each person22:38
knomeyep :)22:38
knomethough, i'm just building a site for a client with wordpress22:38
knomethe site has no news/blog section but a product catalog22:39
knome...which is built from the "blog articles" ;)22:39
charlie-tcanever thought of that.22:40
knomethe custom fields symbolise different models of a product (name/price)22:40
charlie-tcamakes sense, though22:40
knomeand that allows the site to have a product basket, where you can add items like in an eshop22:40
knomethough you can't order them from the site :)22:40
knomei've taken the finnish translation and changed a lot of translation to fit better in the product catalog scheme22:41
knome(the finnish translation for category was 'aihe', which is more like topic or subject, so i changed them to 'kategoria' which means.. uhm... category, obviously enough)22:42
ochosisorry to step in in the middle of this, but how's it going with the xubuntu-blog? any news on that, knome?22:42
aacostaxubuntu blog thats pimp22:42
ochosioh, and "hi" btw :)22:42
knomeochosi, nope. there is not yet a clear vision on where it should be set up and whether it shall aggregate posts or not.22:43
ochosimm, i see22:43
knomemost possibly it will be at (subdomain.)xubuntu.org and *not* aggregate posts from developer blogs22:43
ochosii wasn't really much around lately, i'm kinda super-busy atm, but i was reading the ml and it got kinda quiet there lately. so i thought i'd check in again22:43
knomestill thinking about it :)22:44
ochosiso what would be the concept of it, if it's not planet-like?22:44
ochosisomething like an *official* news channel?22:45
knomemmh. something like a team blog where we would write some forehead planned things.22:45
ochosihmm, sounds like extra work :)22:45
knomei'm already writing for two personal blogs and one company blog22:47
ochosiwow, that's a lot22:47
knomekind of yes... ;)22:47
ochosiso you all agree that this extra blog is a good idea?22:47
knomei don't totally agree. i agree that only aggregated blogs would kind of make the blog a not-so-xubuntu-blog, because everybody is not always writing only about xubuntu22:48
ochosibut adding a xubuntu-tag to those blog entries that are xubuntu-related is not an option?22:49
ochosi(i'm really sorry, if you had this discussion many times before just let me know and i'll leave you alone :) )22:49
knomeit is, but even xubuntu-tagged blog entries are not completely xubuntu, if they are published on your personal blog22:49
ochosimhm, that makes sense22:50
knomenot really. this is something i've thought about a lot and haven't found an answer, so if we find one doing this...22:50
ochosithe audience is different22:50
knomealso, every xubuntu-tagged blog is not even necessarily something we want to publish on "the official team blog"22:50
knomeand i think we can't affort to ask everybody (let's see, that's me and cody-somerville ;)) to use a yet another tag22:51
ochosiso you think it's better to have a dedicated xubuntu blog - even if that means more work and less publishing - than having say a "xubuntu-team" tag?22:51
knomenot really.22:51
charlie-tcaDon't forget vinnl. He blogs more than some of us22:51
knomeah, vinnl and charlie-tca of course;)22:52
knomebut i think vinnl does write relatively xubuntu-centric22:52
charlie-tcaYou can always count on me having nothing22:52
knomeso have i done thus far when i've tagged something xubuntu22:52
knomebut that might not always be the case22:52
ochosicause if it really doesn't aggregate blogs like a planet, i have to say i agree with charlie-tca's concerns (mentioned a few weeks back) that it will be difficult to get people to write22:52
knomeochosi, i really woudln't mind the extra work, honestly :(22:53
knomethat's true.22:53
knomeit's also a question of comfort.22:53
ochosiso you think having a "xubuntu-team" tag wouldn't work?22:53
ochosicause it could really help with the comfort of posting on your personal blog22:54
knomemight work, but that would be duplicating stuff22:54
knomei don't want to have both "xubuntu" and "xubuntu-team" tags22:54
ochosiwhy not?22:54
knomeok, i always could hide the xubuntu-team tag, but i still don't think that's so nice.22:54
knomeit's cruft on my database.22:54
Shmeckhi all22:55
knomehello sc22:55
knomehello Shmeck22:55
ochosihi Shmeck22:55
charlie-tcahello, Shmeck22:55
knometakes precious HD space.22:55
knome(ok, not so precious as in the 80's)22:55
ochosihm, yeah, well that really reduces the options, you know22:55
knomeochosi, even if i did that, the other would also have to...22:56
knomeand i think cody-somerville is the most hesitant here22:56
ochosiwell, i don't even say everyone would have to22:56
knomehe wants the extra xubuntu team22:56
Shmeckwow, warm reception :), so I'm looking for a tini-tiny linux for this REAL old pc, but there are a few catches22:56
ochosii'm just saying making this an option could help22:56
knomerather than an another planet22:56
ochosiwith getting people to write more22:56
knomeShmeck, how much ram?22:56
* charlie-tca too slow when knome is around22:57
knomecharlie-tca, ;)22:57
Shmeckknome: exactly :) it supposed to have a 192m22:57
ochosiyeah, knome is typing like crazy :)22:57
knomeShmeck, how much do you have?22:57
charlie-tca192mb is perfect22:57
knomeochosi, we would need an editor.22:57
knomeochosi, he could read and modify the aggregated posts if needed22:57
Shmeckknome: but, memcheck says different22:58
knomeShmeck, what does it say then? :)22:58
knomeochosi, and add the "monthly" team reports there, for example22:58
ochosiknome, hm, that's true on the one hand, but on the other hand it's people's responsibilities to post what they think is "xubuntu-team-blog"-worthy22:58
Shmeckwell, it doesn't, meaning i've got a 128 and a 64 cards, one of them should be fine, right?22:58
knomeochosi, or as an alternative to editing the posts, he could write there about somebody writing something and making little summaries about posts.22:59
ochosiknome, monthly team reports sounds like a really good idea. that would be a lot more accessible on a blog than on the ubuntu wiki22:59
charlie-tcaYeah, but they still need to be submitted to the wiki22:59
ochosiknome, what you're describing there is actually running a blog :)22:59
knomecharlie-tca, true, but not many *users* go to the wiki reading them23:00
charlie-tcaThey are printed in the weekly news too23:00
sakethhi does anyone know how to replace xfwm4 with metacity?23:00
knomeochosi, yes, kind of, except you wouldn't have to produce all the content *yourself* and it would be a burden to one guy only, not a small burden for everyone.23:00
ochosicharlie-tca, when i first went to the ubuntu wiki i wasn't sure whether this was something internal or actually meant for public viewing23:01
Shmeckknome: so iv'e heard of xubuntu (or just one of it's versions) to need only ~128 for live cd, any truth to that?23:01
knomeochosi, (i know that last sentence doesn't really fit the OS way of thinking ;>)23:01
sakethi mean i can switch window managers to metacity, but i cant change themes23:01
knomeShmeck, charlie-tca is the master in that.23:01
knomeShmeck, he's run xubuntu with 12823:01
mib486after a fresh install, xubuntu won't let me log-in, the xsession errors log says something like "cannot access the /home/myname/.ICEauthority" i cannot pastebin it cuz itz on a laptop that does not have internet connection. the suggestion that the "debug" gives is to re-start in failsafe mode and correct the error from a terminal, i dunno how to do that, could someone please help? thanks23:01
charlie-tcamib486: sounds like permissions are wrong. You need to chown /home/USER to your login name23:02
knomecharlie-tca, right, i've never read the weekly news that closely, so i don't know if others do23:02
charlie-tcaI do23:02
charlie-tcaShmeck: it will run slowly with 12823:02
ochosiknome, hmm, but don't blog authors do that as well? quoting and summarizing other blogs? (i've actually never *seriously* run a blog)23:02
knomecharlie-tca, ochosi: also xubuntu has a way much smaller audience than hugebuntu23:02
charlie-tcaYou can run one app at a time23:02
knomeochosi, sure.23:02
mib486charlie-tca: exactly! indeed it says "Permission denied" to a lot of things in the debug output, so what should i exactly do? (im a newbie) and if its possible id like to understand why is it telling so, thanks23:03
knomeochosi, but authoring a blog is *mostly* about your own thoughts in the end23:03
charlie-tcaEver used root to access the /home directory?23:03
Shmeckcharlie-tca: no problem with slow, only problem is to get it booting, which something i meanwhile wasn't able to do, but i only tried ubuntu so far (new to linux guy 0.o)23:03
ochosiknome, don't get me wrong, i think a blog editor (or someone responsible for it) is a must, but burdening that person with summarizing ... i don't know. the question with that is: from where should he take those articles and summarize them? the *internet*?23:04
Shmeckcharlie-tca, so so i need a specific version of xubuntu?23:04
charlie-tcaShmeck: go to http://xubuntu.org/get and download 9.04. It will work, but it takes a long time to boot the livecd23:04
Shmeckcharlie-tca: I have all night :D23:05
charlie-tcamib486: you will need to go to a tty, and then login.23:05
charlie-tcaIf you can't log in there, then you boot to recovery mode23:05
charlie-tcaShmeck: good luck23:05
knome(if anyone wants to follow the xubuntu blog discussion further, please join #xubuntu-devel, we moved it there)23:06
charlie-tcamib486: when you get the recovery menu, choose "root"23:06
mib486charlie-tca: following the debug advice i reboot in "terminal-failsafe" and now ive a terminal window that i can type in, i dunno how to go to a tty and i dunno how to get to the recovery menu, sorry :D23:06
charlie-tcatype in the terminal then.23:07
charlie-tcacd /home23:07
charlie-tcahit enter after each line23:07
charlie-tcawhat does it give?23:07
mib486lost+found myname23:07
charlie-tcasudo chown -R myname:myname /home/myname23:08
charlie-tcaenter your login password when it asks23:08
Shmeckcharlie-tca, while second-thinking this I reviewd the xubuntu.org/get page, it sais a minimum of 192 for livecd, any chance it just won't boot?23:09
charlie-tcaalways a chance. We use 192 for a safe limit. It booted here using 128, and installed from alternate cd using 64mb23:09
mib486charlie-tca: done23:09
aacostaso how do i go about installing joomla23:09
charlie-tcamib486: now restart the system23:10
charlie-tcasudo shutdown -r now23:10
charlie-tcaShmeck: I was even able to boot the desktop with 64mb after installing23:10
charlie-tcaI booted with 128mb to the live cd, and ran an install, but it took 17 hours to run23:11
charlie-tcaLike I say, it might be a bit slow to install23:11
charlie-tcaInstallation from the alternate cd is *only* about 4 hours23:12
charlie-tcaThat´s why we give 192mb minimum on the website.23:12
charlie-tcaIt could take up to 45 minutes to get the desktop to show up in the live cd at 128mb23:13
Shmeckand that's what i'm considering right now, but I really think I could work with a smaller distribution23:13
mib486charlie-tca: it gives the same error, it won't let me in23:13
charlie-tcadid not give any errors before?23:13
charlie-tcatry 'ls -lA | more' in the terminal, and see who owns the files23:14
charlie-tcaShmeck: after the install, it seems to boot up within two minutes, and works.23:15
mib486charlie-tca: sorry charlie, was that for me?23:15
ShmeckOK ill test the memory again in different combinations to see where i stand23:15
charlie-tcamib486: did not give any errors before?23:15
charlie-tcagood, Shmeck23:16
Shmeckmeanwhile ill get the alternate cd23:16
Shmeckciao then :)23:16
mib486charlie-tca: no it didnt, it is a fresh install, no errors at all, i boot it many times in 2 days and its the first time that it gives such an error23:16
charlie-tcamib486: try 'ls -lA | more' in the terminal, and see who owns the files23:17
mib486charlie-tca: lots of lines came out but ALL of em have myname myname at the beginning23:18
mib486charlie-tca: even .ICEauthority (the last line of the debug output)23:18
charlie-tcaokay, mib486. What are the permissions of .ICEauthority?23:19
mib486charlie-tca: what do you mean?23:19
mib486charlie-tca: ah u might mean this -rw----------23:20
charlie-tcathat is the one23:20
=== laptop is now known as Guest72809
charlie-tcaokay, try cd /home23:21
mib486also .dmrc and .esd_auth and gtk-bookmarks have the same permissions (among the ones im able to see now)23:21
mib486another one is .recently-used.xbel23:22
mib486and .Xauthority23:22
mib486im in /home now23:22
charlie-tcawho owns "myname"?23:23
mib486the output of "ls" in "/home" is "lost+found   myname"23:24
charlie-tcaoh, ls -l23:25
mib486alright ill copy it letter by letter, it'll take a min23:25
mib486total 2823:25
mib486drwx------ 2 root root 16384 date and time lost+found23:26
mib486drwx------ 28 myname myname 12288 date and time myname23:26
charlie-tcaokay, time for changes again. hit enter after each line23:26
charlie-tcasudo chmod u+rwx /home/myname23:27
charlie-tcasudo chmod g+rwx /home/myname23:27
charlie-tcasudo chmod o+rwx /home/myname23:28
mib486and done23:28
charlie-tcasudo shutdown -r now23:28
charlie-tcarestarting again23:28
mib486what did we do?23:29
charlie-tcawe made your /home writeable by you23:30
charlie-tcaand writeable by the system when it boots23:30
aacostawhen ever i try to play a song on vlc23:30
aacostait mysteriously closes23:30
charlie-tcait should now show rwxrwxrwx for ls -l /home23:30
mib486what does rwx mean btw?23:31
aacostaany mp3 pretty much23:31
aacostashould i apt-get remove vlc23:31
aacostaand then install it again?23:31
aacostaor why is it doing that23:31
charlie-tcaread, write, executable by owner, user, group23:31
charlie-tcaaacosta: I don't know23:31
mib486charlie-tca: (same error) what do i do? restart in terminal failsafe again?23:31
aacostayeah its really weird23:32
aacostai have to use movie player23:32
aacostato play mp3s23:32
aacostai really like vlc too23:32
charlie-tcamib486: yes23:32
mib486it says "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users."23:34
mib486so we made it? :D23:34
mib486we broke into the system? :D23:34
charlie-tcawe broke it again23:34
charlie-tcadid it let you in?23:34
mib486no, it let me in the terminal23:34
Shmecki'm back23:35
charlie-tcacd /home23:35
mib486when it wasnt lettin me in before i restart in failsafe terminal mode and it told me what i pasted u before23:35
aacostayup same error23:35
aacostai removed it23:35
mib486im there23:35
aacostait still does the ssame thing23:35
charlie-tcayeah, we will try again, mib48623:35
aacostaimon xubuntu 9.04 for powerpc23:35
Shmeckso, lucky me23:35
mib486aacosta: just try to delete the VLC folder23:36
charlie-tcaShmeck: did it work?23:36
aacostawhat do you mean?23:36
Shmeckfirst thing i've done was shifting the cards one slot -> memcheck -> no errors!23:36
Shmeckso uhm, kubuntu was the cd in the drive (don't kill me guys)23:36
mib486aacosta: sometimes u just need to delete an application's folder in order to make the system re-create it in a right way23:36
Shmeckso it's running right now23:37
charlie-tcaThan Xubuntu should work really good23:37
aacostawhere would the folder be?23:37
mib486dunno bout that :D23:37
Shmeckanyway, it's wierd,  that pc was laying there, it didn't boot till just right now (years)23:37
aacostain etc?23:38
charlie-tcaaacosta: look in /home/username/ for a . file23:38
mib486search it up on google, someone else might experienced the same error and maybe there's a workaround23:38
charlie-tcamib486: rady to try again23:38
Shmeckweve had 3 different machines since23:38
mib486charlie-tca: sure :D23:38
charlie-tcaShmeck: sounds like the memory slot is bad23:38
charlie-tcamib486: cd /home23:38
Shmeckof course23:38
charlie-tcamib486: sudo chmod g-w /home/myname23:39
Shmeckthis great leap brings me a step further, the original reason i'm looking for linux23:39
mib486charlie-tca: done23:39
charlie-tcamib486: sudo chmod o-w /home/myname23:39
charlie-tcatry another restart23:40
mib486charlie-tca: done, but shouldn't it be -R ?23:40
charlie-tcano -R23:40
mib486i thought it had to be recursive23:41
charlie-tcawe didn't -R those before, did you23:41
Shmecki'm joining this course a few months from now, it's an intense course involving different technologies, my background is actually embedded development, but this course involves linux also, and as I have absolutely no experince in linux, i thought it'd be a good idea to experiment with it now23:41
charlie-tcagreat, Shmeck . This is a good place to start23:42
mib486charlie-tca: no no, not at all mate, i was just wondering if it had to be -R or not23:42
charlie-tcano -R23:42
mib486charlie-tca: but i typed what u said23:42
charlie-tcaIt should work, I hope, now23:42
Shmeckthe objective now is to study as much as possible23:42
mib486charlie-tca: im really hopeful this time... this laptop is giving me such a hard time u cant even imagine23:43
mib486charlie-tca: nothing man... same error... uff23:43
Shmecki'd appreciate your (and I mean everyone lurking on this channel) ideas23:43
charlie-tcaYes, I can. I have had to reinstall when it screwed my permissions up before23:43
charlie-tcawhat same error? the .dmrc needs 644 one?23:44
mib486charlie-tca: so u think i should re-insall? but i didnt change anything at all23:44
mib486charlie-tca: no that was in between, now its giving me the original one, long list that ends up with .ICEAuthority not accessible23:44
charlie-tcatry something first. what is 'ls -la .dmrc'23:45
charlie-tcashould be myname and -rw-------23:46
charlie-tcamib486: you could rm any file starting with /home/myname/. and try again. That should rebuild the files for you23:49
mib486charlie-tca: thatz what it was -rw--------23:49
charlie-tcayour in a terminal23:50
charlie-tcatry cd /23:50
charlie-tcals -l /home23:50
charlie-tcasee if that is root and rwxr-xr-x23:50
mib486[00:24] <mib486> total 2823:51
mib486[00:25] <mib486> drwx------ 2 root root 16384 date and time lost+found23:51
mib486[00:25] <mib486> drwx------ 28 myname myname 12288 date and time myname23:51
mib486same thing that it gave before23:51
mib486no wait23:51
mib486im sorry23:51
mib486the second one is drwx-xr-x23:51
mib486and then equal as it follows23:51
mib486ill re-write it sorry ;D23:52
mib486total 2823:52
mib486drwx------ 2 root root 16384 date and time lost+found23:52
mib486drwx-xr-x 28 myname myname 12288 date and time myname23:52
mib486that is correct23:52
charlie-tcathose are right23:52
charlie-tcanow try 'ls -l | more' and look at home23:53
Shmeckcharlie-tca, umm, how long do you think it will take to format a 10g hdd. it's 2am right now so..23:53
Shmeckhaving 192 ram and xubuntu23:53
charlie-tcamib486: it also needs to be root and rwxr-xr-x23:54
charlie-tcaShmeck: not sure, mine are 40gb and take a couple hours23:54
charlie-tcaat 128mb23:54
charlie-tcaI would think maybe 1/2 hour at the most, but might be closer to 10 minutes23:55
mib486charlie-tca: so we need to change it as we did before but instead of myname myname it has to be root root right?23:55
Shmeckso its (couple hours)*192/(4*128)23:55
charlie-tcaYeah, with 192mb, it should only be a couple hours. It is much faster than 128mb23:56
charlie-tcamib486: yeah, here we go23:56
charlie-tcasudo chmod u+rwx /home23:57
charlie-tcasudo chmod g+rx /home23:57
charlie-tcasudo chmod o+rx /home23:57
charlie-tcaIt was rwx------- right?23:58
Shmeckcharlie-tca, could you translate those last lines to english please?, i only understood some:23:59
charlie-tcasudo is use root, chmod is change the permissions, u=user g=group o=other23:59
Shmeckfrom "sudo chmod u+rwx /home" i understood: sudo (as administrator, right?) chmod (unix's chmod)23:59

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