
lifelesssudo dpkg -P python-paste00:00
lifelessor in your favourite front end, choose 'purge'00:01
beunolifeless, launchpad-dependencies00:02
beuno is yelling at me when I try to do that00:02
beunolifeless, done00:04
lifelessnow install it00:04
beunolifeless, no luck00:05
beunoImportError: No module named paste00:06
lifelessdpkg -L python-paste00:06
beunolifeless, https://pastebin.canonical.com/19126/ is all I did00:07
beunolifeless, https://pastebin.canonical.com/19127/ for the above command00:07
lifelesshave I mentioned I hate eggs00:12
lifelessyou'll need to check that the namespace package contents are correct, and dig into the egg info00:13
lifelessdoes zc.buildout use eggs? if so, chalk another ugh up for it00:14
beunoit does00:14
beunowhich is why I suspect that installing LP first is to blame00:14
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:~$ cat /usr/share/python-support/python-paste/Paste-1.7.1.egg-info/namespace_packages.txt00:15
lifelessthe pth files is the namespace path info00:16
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:~$ cat /usr/lib/python-support/python-paste/python2.6/Paste-1.7.1-py2.6-nspkg.pth00:17
beunoimport sys,new,os; p = os.path.join(sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('paste',)); ie = os.path.exists(os.path.join(p,'__init__.py')); m = not ie and sys.modules.setdefault('paste',new.module('paste')); mp = (m or []) and m.__dict__.setdefault('__path__',[]); (p not in mp) and mp.append(p)00:17
mwhudsonwow that's *beautiful*00:18
mwhudson(mine is the same)00:18
beunolooks like perl00:18
mwhudson"the problem with setuptools is that people use it"00:18
mwhudson(unlike other pje creations, which managed to inspire saner alternatives before they took off in their own right)00:19
lifelesscheck your import hook list too00:20
lifelessand mwhudson - is python-support in your python path?00:20
lifeless(fooding and picking up mail from the post office, be 15)00:21
mwhudsonlifeless: yes00:21
cdecarlo_hi, kinda embarassed to ask, but I grabbed bzr-gtk from apt (ubuntu) but I'm unser of how to run the gui?00:21
lifelessbeuno: one thing you could try is to add python-support to your path by hand00:21
lifelessbeuno: and see if that works, if so that would be useful data00:22
beunolifeless, ok, I'll ask mwhudson for the command or from you when you get back  :)00:22
mwhudsonlifeless: python-support is on beuno's path00:22
beunocdecarlo_, you have new commands now. Try:  bzr help commands00:22
cdecarlo_oh, tricky00:23
mwhudsonlifeless: the problem is that /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/paste/__init__.py doesn't exist00:23
mwhudson(afaics anyway)00:23
beunomwhudson, does it exist for you?00:23
mwhudsonbeuno: yes00:24
mwhudson(it's an empty file)00:24
beunoI can try creating it, but it feels wrong00:24
mwhudsonyes yes it does00:24
mwhudsonmy limited understanding is that something in python-support is supposed to create these files after installation00:25
beunomwhudson, creating the __init__.py file fixes the import problem00:26
lifelessmwhudson: it's not in the package forme00:27
beunoI've removed it so we can figure out what's breaking it though00:27
mwhudsonlifeless: me neither00:27
mwhudsonif you mean what i think you mean00:27
mwhudsonmwh@grond:dont-test-self-stacking$ dpkg -S /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/paste/__init__.py00:27
mwhudsondpkg: /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/paste/__init__.py not found.00:27
lifelessits likely meant to interpret the namespace-packages.txt file or something00:29
lifelessI couldn't find quick docs on that00:29
lifelessreally -> post, now00:29
mwhudsonbeuno: what version of the python-paste package do you have installed?00:30
* mwhudson stares at a debian/rules file00:30
beunomwhudson, apt-cache says 1.7.1-1ubuntu100:31
mwhudsonbeuno: and python-support?00:31
beunomwhudson, 0.8.7ubuntu5~launchpad00:32
mwhudsonsame as me00:33
mwhudsonwtf is going on00:33
beunoI'd blame myself, but it's a fresh install00:34
beunothe reason I did a fresh install is to avoid these things  :)00:35
lifelesslook at update-python-modules00:35
lifelessdef post_change_stuff00:35
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
mwhudsonbeuno: ok00:43
mwhudsonsudo update-python-modules  python-paste00:43
mwhudsoncreates that file for me00:44
mwhudsoni see lifeless is chasing the same tails as me :)00:44
mwhudsonthat command is in postinst00:44
beunomwhudson, same here00:44
mwhudsonso if removing and installing the package doesn't create the file, something odd is going on00:45
mwhudson(well, it's in postinst if i debuild here...)00:45
mwhudson/usr/sbin/update-python-modules is not the finest example of python coding i have ever seen00:50
SamBmwhudson: what might be?01:00
pooliehello beuno, all01:05
beunoheya poolie01:06
thumperpoolie: got a few minutes?01:10
pooliethumper: for you, always01:13
poolielifeless: what do you think of https://pastebin.canonical.com/19067/01:16
poolienm i added the traceback to bug 39056301:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390563 in bzr "absent factory exception from smart server when streaming 2a stacked branches" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39056301:19
pooliebeuno, how's 2a going for you?01:34
james_wI've had a few instances of AbsentContentFactory related exceptions01:35
james_wI believe that is the bug that is fixed in 1.16.1 though01:35
pooliejames_w: hi! robert says, in 390563, that we haven't closed all cases01:35
pooliebut most seem to be fixed01:35
james_wwould you like me to open a new bug report with the backtrace I have?01:36
james_wit's one in autopack01:37
lifelessjames_w: upgrade your bzr01:37
james_w*I* can't01:38
lifelesspoolie: we have several bugs with the same bottom line but different intermediate stack traces01:38
james_wif it's a released version then a friendly sysadmin will01:38
lifelessjames_w: its fixed in newer bzr01:38
james_wgreat, good to know01:38
lifelessautopack failing in 2a is fixed in dev, nightlies and 1.16.101:38
lifelessjames_w: as a workaround, you can pack the repo that is failing01:41
lifelessjames_w: that will defer autopacking01:41
james_wI've only hit it twice so far, so implementing a workaround will be more work than just retrying the import when a fixed bzr is available on that machine01:42
james_wthanks for the tip though01:42
beunopoolie, doing great, flawless up to now. All ~120 branches converted, and just one very odd problem, which jam helped me resolve, and that a bug in bzr 0.13 or so introduced01:47
beunospeed has increased so much I don't even recognize the process  :)01:48
beunospace savings aren't something to write home about in my case01:49
* SamB wonders how jelmer expects people to check out dulwich from git ...02:21
SamB... and how he pushes to it02:21
mwhudsonhe pushes to it with bzr-git of course02:21
SamBthat's funny given what the launchpad page for bzr-git says: https://launchpad.net/bzr-git02:22
mwhudsonSamB: he uses dpush02:23
SamBmwhudson: oh, yuck :-(02:23
SamBwhat does the d even stand for?02:24
SamB... and why can't he at least push a repository that git can checkout?02:24
mwhudsoni guess you should ask him :)02:24
SamBbut, but, he's not here :-(02:25
SamBor maybe he fixed that02:30
spivThe d stands for destructive/devilish/deviant or something ;)02:31
RAOFSamB: git clone  git://git.samba.org/jelmer/dulwich.git works fine here?02:31
SamBRAOF: yeah, he must have fixed it02:31
SamBor git has changed02:31
SamBone of those02:31
SamBused to have a .git directory in there that git really didn't like02:32
pooliespiv, are you aroundL how's stuff?03:28
* igc lunch03:36
KhaZHey!  My tree is out of date, and if I do bzr update, it requires a merge.  Fine so far, except it's trying to rename a directory that has OS proteciton on it.  Is there a way I can tell bzr to update without moving the directory?04:00
lifelessKhaZ: no; its moving the directory because it got replaced on trunk04:02
KhaZlifeless: Nuts.  I suppose that makes sense, but I was hoping I could have a work around so I could merge them manually in the meantime.04:06
lifelessKhaZ: why does it have os protection04:06
lifelessSamB: ping04:06
lifelessSamB: bug 393694 is odd04:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393694 in bzr "bzr internal error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'builtins'" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39369404:06
lifelessthe code looks correct to me04:06
lifelessin 1.1604:06
KhaZlifeless: Well, I'm probably a dolt for doing it, but I version my home directory.  On eof the directories was 'Documents', which MacOS protects.04:06
KhaZFor a work around I'll repair it on my Linux box by moving it to a data/Documents directory or some such, I suppose.04:07
SamBlifeless: okay, well, I'm using version "1.16.1-1"04:07
lifelessSamB: same same04:07
SamBit could be a bug in Debian, I guess ...04:08
lifelessI've put a question in the bug tracker04:09
SamBis there a way to check that the .pyc and .py match?04:09
lifelessyou can remove the pyc04:10
lifelessor move it out of the way04:10
SamBI guess I'll sudo that, then04:10
lifelessI can't see any obvious leads to pull on04:11
SamB... and reinstall the package04:12
lifelessso I'm limited to suggesting things to do to debug04:13
lifelessas I don't see it myself04:13
SamBis there a way to get a bzr to use cgitb?04:14
poolieSamB: in loggerhead or otherwise?04:14
mwhudsonwhat the crap, why is "import bisect" in btree_index importing the bisect plugin?04:14
pooliei think the answer is no, but it's probably a trivial patch04:14
pooliemwhudson: python relative import fail04:15
pooliemwhudson: that's only a guess04:15
pooliesamb, actually i'd love a patch that would put cgitb-like data into the traceback04:15
mwhudsonpoolie: maybe if you ran it from within /home/naesten/.bazaar/plugins04:15
pooliewould improve our bug reports04:15
pooliemwhudson: yeah04:15
pooliethere's a bug that we should strip . off the path04:15
SamBpoolie: you just use cgitb.enable(format='text'), don't you?04:16
mwhudsonSamB: can you run python -vv /usr/bin/bzr rocks and pastebin the result?04:16
mwhudsonSamB: there will be quite a lot of output04:16
SamBmwhudson: figured04:16
lifelessmwhudson: oh well spotted04:16
SamBI already tried running python -v /usr/bin/bzr ;-)04:16
lifelessSamB: is there a bisect directory in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/ ?04:17
mwhudsonit's a circular import04:17
SamBlifeless: nope04:18
poolieigc, if/when you're back give me a call?04:18
lifelessSamB: is there a ./bisect?04:18
lifelessdirectory that is04:18
SamBlifeless: oh, yeah04:19
SamBthere is04:19
lifelessSamB: and is there a __init__.py in the current directory?04:19
SamB... no04:19
lifelessso '.' is in your python path04:19
SamBlifeless: it often is04:20
lifelessits causing the problem04:20
SamBmaybe bzr should take it out?04:20
lifelessI don't think thats a good idea04:20
lifelessbecause its needed sometimes too04:20
lifelessit would be like setting PATH in an application; bad idea04:21
SamBI mean, when bzr doesn't detect that it's running out of it's source tree04:21
SamBlifeless: isn't it more like slightly altering LT_LIBRARY_PATH in an application?04:22
SamBokay, so next time I get wierd errors when trying to branch a new plugin into my plugin directory, I guess I should try doing something in another directory ?04:23
lifelessyah. also take . out of your path :)04:24
lifelessits a security problem04:24
lifelessfor vim and other programs too04:24
SamB*I* don't have it in my PYTHONPATH04:24
SamB% echo $PYTHONPATH04:24
lifelessit is04:24
lifeless'' == .04:24
SamBlifeless: eh?04:24
lifelessits the last element in your path04:25
SamByeah, I could have sworn python(1) said something different though04:25
lifeless>>> "/home/naesten/hacking/Twisted:/home/naesten/hacking/Nevow:/home/naesten/lib/python:".split(':')04:25
lifeless['/home/naesten/hacking/Twisted', '/home/naesten/hacking/Nevow', '/home/naesten/lib/python', '']04:25
mwhudsonoh heh04:25
SamBlifeless: where is it documented that an empty element does that?04:26
lifelessI doubt that it is04:26
lifelessin the context of PYTHONPATH04:26
lifelesshowever, listdir and other os functions treat anything not starting with '/' as a relative path04:27
lifelessand listdir('') == listdir('.')04:27
SamBcrazy shit04:27
SamBmaybe bzr should at least warn if you run it like that -- or at least warn about it when it does crash?04:28
SamBI wrote "PYTHONPATH=~/hacking/Twisted:~/hacking/Nevow:~/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH" in my ~/.zprofile04:29
SamBwhat do I really want ...04:29
lifelessif [ -z "$PYTHONPATH" ]; ...04:30
lifelessok, time for iter_changes loving04:32
SamBlifeless: thanks for the help even if it was mostly me being stupid ;-)04:33
* SamB supposes this is why they added something for explicitly relative/absolute imports?04:35
lifelesspart of it04:35
lifelessa bigger reason is that namespacing is horribly broken if you can't say 'start at the root'04:35
SamBwell, yeah04:35
spivpoolie: hey04:35
spivpoolie: it's going pretty well, I'm just putting together the network bits.04:36
poolieoh ok, great04:36
SamBso ... I guess you won't be needing this -vv output?04:37
poolieis there already a bug for socket.error giving a traceback?04:37
lifelessnope, no need04:37
mwhudsonSamB: yeah04:37
pooliei thought there would be a heavily-duped one but i can't find it04:37
mwhudsonas in "you're right, no need"04:37
spivpoolie: in what context?  I don't know of any outstanding bugs with socket.error tracebacks (although I can believe they exist)04:39
poolielike bug 32648504:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326485 in bzr "bzr checkout bzr: ERROR: socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32648504:39
spivI fixed one at UDS.04:39
poolielaunchpad can't search for "socket.error" which sucks a bit04:39
pooliei don't think we treat it as an environment error but we probably should04:40
SamBpoolie: and google didn't index it yet?04:40
lifelesspoolie: socket error (just skip the dot)04:40
spivHmm, that particular example is arguably a bug in our ftp.py04:40
poolielifeless: it gives me bugs containing {socket || error} which is a lot of them04:41
SamBspiv: a bug report can show the presence of more than one bug simultaneously, yes ;-)04:41
spivI'd be a bit wary of a catch-all for treating socket.error as normal and not a bug.04:41
lifelesspoolie: oh uhm.04:42
SamBpoolie: try that ?04:42
* SamB almost sent "trie that" ;-)04:43
SamBincidentally, the title for that URL is really awful04:43
SamBPages matching ""socket error"" in Launchpad04:43
spivSamB: that's why they're called double quotes!04:43
SamBspiv: ... noo, it isn't!04:44
poolieSamB: gives an error04:46
SamBthere ought to be a "bzr sucks" command, which would just raise some sort of error04:46
SamBpoolie: what the?04:46
SamBpoolie: are you using edge or something, maybe?04:47
spivSamB: "bzr alias sucks=rocks"04:47
pooliespiv, can you think of a good counterexample?04:47
pooliecase 393713 btw04:47
SamBspiv: but bzr rocks doesn't raise an error04:47
spivSamB: true.  You could always alias it to something buggy I guess.04:48
SamBspiv: I was thinking it should be there for testing the bug-report thingy04:48
spivpoolie: if a socket.error ever escapes the HPSS client code that would be a bug, although not necessarily a serious one.04:49
spivpoolie: Also potentially many different internal operations might use sockets, e.g. if you make a commit via bzr:// (or to a lp: URL, which is resolved via XML-RPC), and you also have bzr-email make an SMTP on commit and another plugin that uses TCP somehow to kick off a buildbot, or a plugin to tell LP to update its mirror.04:51
pooliespiv, i guess you could say that each transport or other network-using code should catch it04:51
poolieand translate it04:51
pooliespiv, yeah, i know04:52
spivpoolie: so the question is how to report those different situations to the user04:52
pooliei would agree you don't just want a mysterious "connection refused" with nothing more04:52
spivA general "bzr: socket error: connection reset by peer" isn't going to help the user a whole lot.04:52
pooliehopefully you can at least say what host it was04:52
poolieotoh a traceback's not much better04:52
spivThe main issue is to give a good error.  I'm not sure that socket.error can give you enough details to report a host name or the particular operation that failed.04:53
pooliei think in general that's going to rely on transport-level or similar code decorating it04:55
poolieif it comes from eg a write() call, python's probably not smart enough to remember the host name04:55
poolieassociated with that fd04:55
spivSo I think we need to be catching it at the point it happens and turning it into something more useful for the user, e.g. "FTP connection closed during PASV".04:55
* mwhudson just merged pyflakes trunk into lp:~mwhudson/pyflakes/support-lazy-imports, if anyone is interested04:56
spivYeah, I think for socket-using transports the transport code needs to decorate it.  Similarly for plugins etc that use SMTP or XML-RPC.04:56
spivmwhudson: ooh, ta04:56
mwhudson(actual conflicts this time!)04:56
spivIt's a bit hard to know exactly which information is most relevant to tell the user when an error happens.04:57
spivBut the type of socket error (connection reset or whatever), hostname/port, and some sort of high-level description of what bzr was attempting to do (e.g. "retrieve file from $URL") is probably achievable and good enough.04:58
spivpoolie: I can add this opinion to #393713 if you like04:59
pooliejust paste the irc log04:59
fullermdSo, am I just special, or is the wiki really broken for everyone else since the openid change?05:08
fullermdWell, it's nice to be special I guess...05:30
GungaJinI just merged from trunk to a branch.. and I need to rebase to a previous revision of trunk in the branch.. how can I do this?06:39
spivGungaJin: there's a bzr-rebase plugin, but why do you "need to rebase"?  Rebasing is generally a means to an end, not an end in itself.06:42
GungaJinbecause I merge from trunk a revision that doesn't compile... so I need to reverse that or to rebase.06:43
pooliefullermd: wfm too, can you be more specific?06:43
GungaJinbut I committed already.06:44
dashGungaJin: that's what 'bzr uncommit' is for.06:44
pooliespiv, do you want a catchup call?06:44
pooliewell, i do anyhow :)06:45
fullermdpoolie: Well, I can't set anything in my UserPreferences, since it just keeps repeating "This email already belongs to somebody else."06:47
fullermdThe time zone is wrong too, but it's grayed out so I can't even attempt changing it anyway.06:47
lifelessfullermd: please open a question at https://launchpad.net/launchpad06:47
lifelessfullermd: that will get sysadmin attention06:48
lifelessfullermd: an/or try removing your moin cookie and logging in fresh06:48
pooliefullermd: your tz is supposed to come in openid from launchpad06:49
fullermdYes, but it comes in as -0600.  That's wrong; I'm on DST so it's -0500 now.06:50
fullermdlifeless: Does it really have anything to do with LP?  I thought LP just provided the initial auth; all the Prefs in the wiki should just be moin-internal, no?06:51
lifelessfullermd: 'that will get sysadmin attention'06:51
lifelessfullermd: but try the cookie thing first06:51
fullermdAlready did, no change.06:52
GungaJinwhat a mess...06:52
lifelessthen its possibly/presumably a side effect of the moin openid plugin06:52
lifelessGungaJin: what do you mean?06:52
GungaJinI mean something is messed up in my project..06:53
pooliefullermd: it's using a moin plugin to take at least some settings, including tz, from the openid thingum06:53
fullermdSo saving prefs actually works for everyone else?  :(06:54
lifelesshaven't tried06:54
spivpoolie: sure, call me in 5?06:57
vilahi all07:09
vilafullermd: Didn't your mother tell you about going to bed early ? Now you find even wikis can't understand your tz ? And you wonder ?07:11
spmhey vila07:11
vilahi spm !07:11
spmvila: I must say it's good to be back in a ... more reasonable TZ ;-)07:12
fullermdvila: She might've, I dunno.  I was sleeping late that day   :p07:13
spivpoolie: was that you calling?  All I got was a bit of crackling then silence.07:15
vilaspiv: ghosts do that these days, but poolie...07:18
thekornhi, I accidentially removed a file at revno 10, I'm now at revno 20, how can I get this removed file back08:14
thekornwith all its history08:14
spivthekorn: "bzr revert -r9 path/of/file"08:24
thekornspiv: ah, ok, thanks, and than bzr commit path/to/file and revert the other changes?08:26
thekornthat's easy08:26
thekornoh, nevermind08:28
thekornignore my last lines08:28
thekornthanks again08:28
spivthekorn: you're welcome :)08:28
lifelessthekorn: yes, you do need to commit the revert08:49
thekornlifeless: right, that's what I did, I was a bit confused because I did not know it is possible to revert only a certain file08:58
* igc dinner09:13
jmlbzr alias upll="pull"09:48
Peng_More important is aliasing zbr to bzr. :D09:52
Peng_And /em to /me...09:53
pooliehello vila, Peng09:55
Peng_Good morning. :)09:56
vilahi poolie09:58
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
vilapoolie: we both fixed the yY/nN FIXME in get_boolean but I wonder if mine isn't too broad...10:06
vilaI added the ability to use y/n Yes/No On/Off 1/0 for booleans in config files, but allowing the latter for get_boolean (which add y/n to the prompt) may not be such a good idea in retrospect... thoughts ?10:07
poolievila, both fixed in the sense of both merged or just both had patches?10:10
pooliei just wanted to merge the patch attached to that bug10:10
vilapoolie: you merged, I didn't submit my patch yet10:10
Peng_Is it just me, or did a blog post called "Scalability benchmarking: packs vs 2a on OpenOffice.org" semi-appear on the planet?10:10
pooliePeng_: why 'semi'10:15
poolievila, good stuff on the strict push etc10:22
vilapoolie: I need to talk with jam about his concern, I don't quite understand :-/10:22
vilapoolie: there is another patch waiting for a review about send --strict :-}10:23
vilaI'm waiting for both of them to land before submitting the boolean stuff and the tree.has_changes() asked during review of the first attempt to fix push --strict10:24
vilapoolie: by the way, I've switched to using mixins in the tests, you were right, that's clearer :-)10:25
Peng_poolie: It appeared in the feed, but without an URL. It's not displayed on the website.10:27
Peng_poolie: Never mind, now it's there.10:27
Peng_Still doesn't have an URL, though.10:27
Peng_igc: ping10:28
visik7a developer A has a local branch10:31
visik7how can I get it ?10:31
* vila lunch10:34
igchi Peng_10:42
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
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=== mv is now known as mvo
Peng_igc: http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/ lists a blog post by you, "Scalability benchmarking: packs vs 2a on OpenOffice.org", but there's no link to the rest of the post.12:21
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=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
Peng_Oh, I just found a link to igc's blog post on the mailing list. I had checked that blog once, but only before the post appeared.13:20
lifeless\o/ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~domas-mituzas/%2Bjunk/uncache/annotate/head%3A/uncache.c for testing cold cache13:31
jamlifeless: so that lets you test cold cache without destroying everything?14:16
jamthough figuring out what exactly needs to be uncached is probably a little tricky14:16
Peng_uncache looks slightly scary.14:19
bialixjam: good day15:09
bialixjam: I have question about TBZR version you're using to bundle into installer15:10
bialixjam: are you using tbzr trunk?15:10
jambialix: since AFAIK tbzr has never had a release, yes15:10
jamthough I think I need to manually update it15:10
jambialix: I was just sending a response to your bug comment15:10
bialixI've read your build_release.py script15:10
jamand building a 1.16.1-2 release15:11
jamwith the latest python pyqt and tbzr15:11
jamI'm copying it now15:11
bialixok, thanks15:11
garyvdmHi bialix15:20
bialixHi Gary!15:20
vilahi Gar, hi Alexander :-D15:20
garyvdmI'm busy updating the qbzr version in karmic :-)15:20
vilahi Gary, hi Alexander  (where did that y get lost ???)15:20
garyvdmhi Vincent15:20
bialixgaryvdm: about your logslot branch: what I should to look there?15:22
garyvdmI think just give it a test - Make sure there are no regressions that I have missed15:23
bialixok, will do in next few days.15:24
bialixthere is too hot these days, my brains are melting.15:25
garyvdmbialix: I'm asking for reviews just to try avoid regressions. - Maybe what I should do with large changes like this is push it to launchpad, run it locally. and give it a week before I merge it, so that I put it through it paces before I submit it on you guys.15:32
garyvdmpush it to a branch on launch pad...15:32
vilagaryvdm: the silver bullet against regressions is.... :-D15:33
LarstiQjml: /win 2215:36
LarstiQjml: woops, sorry :)15:36
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bialixvila: heh, it's not silver :-P15:37
vilabialix: why ? (May be I miss a joke there...)15:38
bialixwhen someone run tests on one platform then other platfrom can regressed, you know15:39
bialixit's not joke, it's a sad15:39
vilaha ! That's because we don't do *engouh* tests !15:39
vilabialix: I'm setting up a build farm as a background task, windows will find its way, one day, I promise15:40
fullermdWell, there ARE only so many bits out there, so the domain IS finite.  So it's theoretically possible to do exhaustive testing...15:40
fullermdIt would take a rather long time, though.15:41
vilabialix: and fullermd just voluntereed for a *BSD slave :)15:41
* fullermd emancipates all his machines.15:43
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vilafullermd: joke aside, I also want to add a BSD slave and I never installed one, so your advice will be appreciated15:46
awilkins_fullermd: I don't hink it's possible - because to do exhaustive testing you need more state than the astate you are testing. But then you need more state than that to test the testing. So exhaustive testing is infinite.15:46
vilaawilkins_: pfff, only for small values of infinites, we're talking about TRUE infinite here15:47
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* fullermd . o O ( `bzr selftest --aleph-one` )15:47
* vila . o O (`bzr selftest --parallel=morris-worm`)15:49
jelmervila: :-))15:50
jelmervila: botnets are the new cloud15:50
jmlLarstiQ, np15:50
vilajelmer: hehe, botnets *are* the true power of the net, it always scares me to compare the raw power of the internet periphery and the raw power of the internet backbone...15:52
vila...especially when the power of the former are used to attack the later.15:52
Pilkyhey all, I'm currently looking into building an Obj-C API for bzr. Am I right in thinking that bzrlib.builtins is the best place to look at how bzrlib is used from the command line UI?16:04
Pilkybasically I'm wanting to look at it from the view of "I can do bzr add from the command line, what does bzr call in bzrlib to do that" so I can use that for the basis of the Obj-C API16:05
jelmerPilky, yeah, bzrlib.builtins seems like the best place for that16:14
Pilkycool, thanks16:14
beunojelmer, hi16:21
beunoI'm trying to release loggerhead again16:21
jelmerbeuno, Hey16:21
beunoand one of the blockers is daemonizing serve-branches16:21
beunojelmer, could you point to your preferred implementation in bug 393619?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393619 in loggerhead "serve-branches should be daemonizable and replace start-loggerhead in setup" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39361916:22
jamabentley: I think bundlebuggy is down again16:43
abentleyjam: restarted16:44
vilajelmer: bzr-gtk users are dying for a new release ! :)16:56
jelmervila, yeah, I know :-/ I'll see if I can do another release at some point.17:00
jelmervila, It should really only matter for people who use the tarball though, and they can also use the bzr branch17:01
vilajelmer: that would be very appreciated17:01
vilajelmer: well, I'm pretty sure some distros will use only released versions...17:01
=== ljq is now known as Junqiang
Junqianghi all17:19
Junqianganyone knows how to use new eol filter feature in bzr? I have serious trouble with it.17:20
kfogelwhat command what I run to find out if a file is under version control, in a bzr working tree?17:50
kfogel'bzr status -v FILE' ?17:50
kfogelI guess so: silence means it's versioned, "unknown:" means it's not.17:51
visik7I have 2 branch of the same code17:52
visik7one at revision 117:52
visik7the other at rev 217:52
LarstiQkfogel: I'd go with `bzr ls -V` I think17:52
visik7from rev 2 I run bzr send17:52
LarstiQkfogel: but status would be my other approach17:53
visik7and from rev 1 I run bzr merge file.patch17:53
visik7but I got this error:17:53
visik7NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository('file:///Users/visi/Documents/Flex%20Builder%203/fotografie/.bzr/repository/') has no revision ('biagio@mattonella-20090630164723-2uiorutm7tj3srtq',)17:53
kfogelLarstiQ: thanks17:53
JunqiangWho have ever used the EOL filter feature?17:54
LarstiQvisik7: is the rev1 the submit branch for the rev2 one, and how did you run bzr send?17:54
jelmerJunqiang, igc developed it, but he's in .au so probably asleep atm.17:55
LarstiQJunqiang: I haven't, but what are you having problems with?17:55
visik7the first question : I dunno, the second question: in which sense  how I run it?17:55
* SamB wonders *why* git doesn't list directories in the index17:58
kfogelSamB: does git really version directories?17:59
jelmerkfogel: it only supports "implicit" directories, much like CVS I think18:00
SamBkfogel: it could, if it did18:00
LarstiQJunqiang: don't message people in private unasked, it is rude and will not get you help from other people18:00
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* LarstiQ personally is at europython and a talk just started18:01
mneptokisn't "Europython" a porn film?18:02
* mneptok shrugs18:03
spetruniaHi! Anybody could help with this problem: my bazaar doesn't send commit notification emails. "bzr gcommit" says nothing but returns non-zero status18:05
spetruniathe commit iself is made, can see it in bzr log18:05
SamBjelmer: you have a really wierd way of numbering bzr-svn versions, you know that?18:06
jelmerSamB, what's strange about it?18:06
SamBwell, I see 0.6 above 2.0 on this tree view ...18:06
spetruniaHere are .bzr.log and config: http://pastie.org/529613 ... overall the system is a very regular ubuntu 9.418:06
jelmerSamB: That's a Launchpad bug18:06
SamBjelmer: oh ;-)18:06
Takyay fetch-ghosts!18:27
LarstiQhmm, Junqiang left. I messed that one up.18:28
LarstiQmneptok: isn't everything?18:29
* LarstiQ moves to the CouchDB talk18:29
kfogelspetrunia: I'm no expert, but I'll take a look18:37
kfogelspetrunia: :-(  I lack the knowledge to help.  Sorry!18:39
spetruniakfogel: thanks for the attempt anyway :-)18:39
kfogelspetrunia: it was pretty futile -- I realized looking at your setup that you probably are more bzr expert than I am :-).18:40
jelmerspetrunia, does "bzr commit" work ok?18:51
spetrunialet me try...18:51
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spetruniajelmer: It has returned zero status, but still haven't tried to send the message... here's .bzr.log: http://pastie.org/52966918:56
spetruniaI wonder which part of bazaar sends emails? Is it its integral part or a plugin (property of your install), or a script (property of the branch), or both, or?18:57
jelmerspetrunia, do you have post_commit_to set? do you have bzr-email installed?19:03
* spetrunia looking19:05
spetruniajelmer: the tree has .bzr-mysql/ directory (next to .bzr) which has default.conf  which sets post_commit_to = maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net19:07
spetruniabzr-email... not sure.. "bzr plugins" shows bzrtools 1.13 , dbus , gtk, launchpad, netrc_credential_store19:07
* spetrunia tries to figure out if 'bzr commit' will even read .bzr-mysql/default.conf19:08
spetruniahmm it does but it's not clear whether that is a read of config file or part of commit action...19:09
* spetrunia googles for bzr-email19:10
spetruniaHooray! after installing  bzr-email plugin, and seeing post_commit_to globally, it worked19:18
spetruniajelmer: thanks!19:18
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jrwrenis there any smart server via fcgi info newer than http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr-0.15/http_smart_server.htm ?19:50
jrwrenwhat purpose does the pipe server in the regex?   RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.fcgi20:31
jrwrenisn't that equivalent to .*/? ?20:31
luks.*/? would mean "something and optionaly /"20:36
luksI guess you could rewrite (.*/|) as (.*/)?20:37
jrwren.* isn't something though, it oculd be empty, so aren't they call equiv?20:39
luksit could also not be empty20:43
luksyou don't want to accept "foo" as an input20:43
luksonly "foo/" or "/"20:43
luksonly "foo/" or ""20:43
jrwrenah, ok.20:43
jrwrenthank you.20:44
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
Haris1Hi, I need to do some web dev work and have been given access to a bzr installation. Being new to bzr I'm not sure whether I need to bzr checkout or bzr branch?21:17
Haris1I want to work on a local xampp installation and then when done developing upload back to the love server (original bzr installation)21:18
LarstiQHaris1: either will work21:18
LarstiQHaris1: ah, for that branch is better21:19
LarstiQHaris1: since with a checkout every commit will go directly to the place you checked out from21:19
Haris1Hi LarstiQ, ok thanks, i was concerned that when i did a bzr commit it would send things back to the main server against my will21:19
Haris1aha that makes sense21:20
LarstiQHaris1: `bzr branch` will get you a fully decentralized standalone branch to work with21:22
Haris1When I'm done developing locally, is it possible to send the local commit history and commit messages back to the main working folder (live server)?21:22
LarstiQHaris1: commit is just local, push/send  get it upstream21:22
LarstiQHaris1: yes21:23
Haris1Great! is push and send the same command?21:23
jrwreni'm having a bit of trouble with a wsgi smart server.   bzr ls bzr+https://myserver/rootofbzr works, but drilling down into a dir like https://myserver/rootofbzr/dir does not.21:23
jrwrenit says bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "An attempt to access a url outside the server jail was made: 'chroot-62309520:///'.")21:24
LarstiQHaris1: no, two different ones, you probably want push (send is for when you don't have write access/want to mail the history/review etc)21:25
LarstiQjrwren: that sounds like it doesn't like access above 'rootofbzr'?21:26
Haris1That's great it all makes sense now, thanks again LarstiQ, I'm off to put it into practice! :)21:27
LarstiQHaris1: ok :)21:27
jrwrenit should, but there is no "above" in the repo of rootofbzr, and in the apache config, the "above" is just the exposed bzr files.  I don't need a local checkout do i? because this is a repo with no trees.21:27
LarstiQHaris1: the user guide should also help answer some of these questions21:27
LarstiQjrwren: no, just the .bzr control dir21:28
Haris1I have been looking at it but I got a bit lost in the detail, will give it another look now that you've given mecontext21:28
jrwrenif I have two .bzr dirs, that means 2 different branches or repos, right?21:28
* LarstiQ nods at Haris1 21:28
LarstiQjrwren: .bzr/ can contain any of /repository/, /branch/ or /checkout/21:28
jrwrenI always found this particular repo rather strange.  I have c:/repo/.bzr and c:/repo/effectivelytrunk/.bzr and I thought I had all one repo, but now I'm thinking I actually have 2 repos21:29
LarstiQjrwren: if you have a shared repository, you will have one for the repository and one for each branch21:29
jrwrenah, so that is what I have, a shared repo and each branch.21:29
LarstiQjrwren: what does `bzr info` think of them?21:29
LarstiQjrwren: sounds likely21:29
jrwrenI was hoping to expose the whole repo, and all branches via bzr-smart.wsgi - but maybe I can only smart share a branch?21:30
LarstiQjrwren: I haven't heard of bzr-smart.wsgi before, but I'd expect you to be able to expose the whole repo21:30
jrwrenLarstiQ: indeed, my effectivelytrunk says it is a repository branch: effectivelytrunk21:31
LarstiQjrwren: in particular, the branch control dirs don't contain the revision data, so if you don't expose the repository .bzr there is no way anyone can use the branches21:31
jrwrenbut it says Location: shared repository: .21:31
jrwrenthe repo is actually at .. relative to effectivelytrunk21:31
LarstiQjrwren: if you run it from ..?21:32
LarstiQjrwren: right, that makes21:32
LarstiQjrwren: try to cd to effectiveltrunk and run `bzr info .`21:32
jrwrenok, so that was relative to my curdir, not relative to the subdir.21:32
* LarstiQ nods21:32
jrwrenLarstiQ: yup, just did that, and it makes sense.21:32
LarstiQjrwren: so, when you access a branch, it walks up the directory structure to find it's repository21:33
jrwrenok, so this repo looks good.  Now I just need to figure out how to use bzr-smart.cgi (the wsgi is just a port of the cgi) with a repo21:33
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lifelessjam: yes22:26
lifelessjam: cd repo; uncache; test22:26
jammorning lifeless22:26
lifelessI haven't tested it yet; but its from a drizzly/mysqly person so I imagine they have used it on Ubuntu :)22:27
lifelesshi jam22:27
jamlifeless: well, I suppose it depends if you want to flush the source files22:27
lifelesshmm, I wonder if it actually drops dentries as well or only content22:27
jamif you are just testing repo perf, then that looks quite good22:27
lifelessif (node->fts_info != FTS_F) continue;22:28
lifelessskips dirs I think22:28
lifelessbut its probably tunable22:28
lifelesswould need to use a stack22:28
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
lennymaioranihello all. I have just upgraded to bzr 1.16.1 and I am seeing unusually high CPU load. Is this a known issue? Is there some way I can fix this?22:48
mwhudsonlennymaiorani: on the server or the client side?22:49
mwhudsonand doing what sort of operation?22:49
mwhudson(basically, i haven't heard of anything like this)22:49
lennymaioranimwhudson: I have only looked at the client. I can take a peek at the server as well. I am doing a checkout, but also noticed it doing commits.22:49
mwhudsonlennymaiorani: what did you upgrade to 1.16.1 from?22:50
lennymaioranimwhudson: 1.15+x. I am not sure exactly which 1.15 I was on. It was something from the devel PPA22:51
mwhudsonthat's pretty strange22:51
mwhudsoncommit was supposed to be faster in this release :)22:51
mwhudsoni think22:51
mwhudsonlennymaiorani: what format are you committing to?22:51
lennymaioranimwhudson: server looks normal. very low load while i am doing a checkout22:52
lennymaioranimwhudson: the server has a rich-root-pack repo22:53
lifelesswhat bzr version is the server?22:53
lennymaioranioops. i thought it was 1.16.122:54
lennymaioraniactually, my client is also. maybe i should go back to 1.16.1. my fault.22:54
lennymaioranilooks like i am on the nightly PPA. i meant to be on the beta PPA.22:56
mwhudsonwell if 1.17dev is acting up and 1.16.1 is not, that's interesting :)23:00
lennymaioranimwhudson: I am downgrading to bzr 1.16.1 right now23:00
lennymaioranimwhudson: I am seeing the same behavior from 1.16.123:05
mwhudsonlennymaiorani: so the problem is committing to a rich-root-pack ... lightweight checkout?23:05
lennymaioranimwhudson: it is a rich-root-pack repo and a shared rich-root-pack repo full checkout23:06
mwhudsoni have one of them too23:07
mwhudsonand it seems ok23:07
mwhudson(well it's 1.9-rich-root, but that shouldn't really matter)23:07
mwhudsonlennymaiorani: how big is the branch?23:07
lennymaioranimwhudson: 107 MB23:07
mwhudsonall i can suggest is collecting as much data as you can (like, how much slower is it that it was) and filing a bug23:08
lennymaioranimwhudson: gotta run. i will try to get that done tomorrow. thanks for the input.23:09
mwhudsonno worries23:09
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