
kaddihello, I have a question about dragon player: kaffeine used to have a "minimalistic" view, which only showed the video, no menus or anything. Does dragon player have such a configuration?00:00
kubuntu_need help on partially installed packages00:23
kaddikubuntu_: what does it say? Not sure I will be able to help you though :/00:25
AndorinKatoWhat's the Kubuntu version of GParted?00:25
kubuntu_they need to configure00:25
Dragnslcr!info partitionmanager | AndorinKato00:25
ubottuAndorinKato: partitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): partition manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0~beta1a-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 527 kB, installed size 1968 kB00:25
kaddikubuntu_: does it give you a command you should run? If so executing usually solves the problem :)00:26
kubuntu_yes but it doesnt solve it00:26
kaddiwhat does it say when you run the command?00:27
AndorinKatoIs there any particular reason why a fresh install of Kubuntu Jaunty would not have partitionmanager installed?00:28
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kubuntu_a bunch of errrors00:28
kaddicould we see them? paste them somewhere and give us a link to it :)00:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:30
kaddihi :)00:31
elohimi need to run a recent kernel with kde 3.500:31
elohimKDE4 sucks.00:31
elohimis there a tutorial to remove KDE4 and install 3.5 ?00:31
AndorinKatoIs there any particular reason why a fresh install of Kubuntu Jaunty would not have partitionmanager installed?00:32
kaddiargh, elohim: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty00:32
elohimi thought jaunty came with kde400:33
kaddiAndorinKato: I would guess because most people don't need to use it once they have partitioned their harddisk. but I don't know00:33
kaddielohim: It does. But some people believe KDE3 du be more stable and did the work to get kde3 working on it again ;)00:33
kaddi*to even00:34
elohimso after i install jaunty, how do i rid of kde4 and install 3.500:34
AndorinKatoWell, we need a partition editor.00:34
elohimAndorinKato: i like gparted00:34
AndorinKatoelohim: On Kubuntu?00:35
elohimyeah so ?00:35
elohimit works00:35
elohimqtparted sucks00:35
FloodBotK1elohim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:35
AndorinKatoelohim: She doesn't have it.00:35
elohimso install it00:35
AndorinKatoelohim: She can't. She does not have an Internet connection.00:35
kubuntu_apt-get upgrade00:36
AndorinKatoSo apt-get works without an Internet connection, does it?00:36
elohimhow do i get rid of kde4 and install 3.5 after installing jaunty ?00:36
kubuntu_kaddi: any thoughts?00:37
kaddikubuntu_: I'm googling. My thought is that the package you downloaded might have been corrupted. I would try to clean the cache and download the packages again.00:38
kubuntu_well the wholemachine froze in the middle00:39
kaddikubuntu_: you could use sudo apt-get clean and then try to download the packages again afterwards00:39
kubuntu_all i was doing was removing totem-xine and installing totem-gstreamer00:39
kaddikubuntu_: removing all downloaded files has helped me once with a similar problem, so it might be worth a try00:40
kubuntu_kaddi: still nothing00:41
kaddiit shouldn't hurt. All it does is delete the package you downloaded for installation00:41
kubuntu_something about unable to execute post-installation script00:41
kaddithen maybe try uninstalling everything and reinstalling it. But by now I'm only guessing.00:42
kaddiYou can also force an installation with "sudo apt-get install -f <packagename>" maybe that'll work?00:42
kubuntu_thas the thing it wont even uninstall00:42
kubuntu_first time i ever even had the whole system freeze00:43
kubuntu_where is this post-installation script anyways?00:44
kaddiAndorinKato: I had a look around, the main argument seems to be, that you can't configure partitions that are mounted, so a partitionmanager in a running ubuntu is not very useful. this is why it is not instaled by default00:45
AndorinKatoAs we just discovered.00:45
AndorinKatoI am going to KILL my friend's computer.00:45
ign0ramusAndorinKato, no livecd lying around?00:47
AndorinKatoShe's booting from it now.00:47
ign0ramusAndorinKato, isn't parted installed by default?00:48
AndorinKatoign0ramus: Yes, but it's useless to her in the install.00:48
ign0ramusAndorinKato, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?00:49
ign0ramusAndorinKato, (i'm sure you've already explained, but i wasn't around...)00:49
AndorinKatoign0ramus: She needs to completely wipe her hard drive because she needs to install Windows 7 but it won't format her drive for some reason.00:49
ign0ramusAndorinKato, and you said she has no internet access?00:49
AndorinKatoign0ramus: The entire reason we're having all these problems is because her Kubuntu install will not do a THING with her wireless card.00:50
ign0ramusAndorinKato, cant you plug into router/modem?00:50
AndorinKatoign0ramus: We've been working for three days to get it working and we continue to hit brick walls at each turn.00:50
AndorinKatoign0ramus: Nope, she has to connect via wireless.00:50
kaddiign0ramus: could you take a look at kubuntu_'s problem as well: http://paste.ubuntu.com/206635/ I suggested apt-get clean, apt-get install -f and uninstalling the items that are giving problem. nothing worked00:50
kaddiI'm at a loss00:51
ign0ramusAndorinKato, nothing to do with Kubuntu, but can't you just make a DBAN disc, boot from it and wipe the whole drive?00:51
ign0ramuskaddi, lemme see00:51
AndorinKatoign0ramus: I don't know, I'm still rather new to Linux.00:51
ign0ramusAndorinKato, it's not a linux-specific thing.  just an .iso to download and burn to disc.  boot from the disc --> wipe the entire thing.00:52
ign0ramuskaddi, so 'totem-gstreamer' is the offending package here?00:54
kaddiyes, (s)he was removing totem-xine and installing totem-gstreamer, when the system froze. now (s)he can't install00:55
ign0ramuskaddi, well, (s)he bailed on us, so it's no use anyway :P00:55
kaddiand apparently (s)he is gone. :/00:55
kaddihehe, obviously, yes00:55
kaddibut are there any other obvious solutions than cleaning the cache and trying to force install?00:56
ign0ramuskaddi, maybe a dist-upgrade or build-dep00:56
kaddithank you :)00:56
ign0ramuskaddi, just guessing... apt packing is awesome, but it still has its quirks ;)00:57
kaddiway too many options for me... I know three commands, that has been enough so far :D00:58
AndorinKatoign0ramus: We may not need it. One, it would be extra hassle right now and this has been MORE THAN ENOUGH hassle already. Two, she got parted on the live CD to erase most of the data on the drive.00:59
ign0ramuskaddi, :)00:59
AndorinKatoThe only reason Windows 7 would not install now is if it needed the drive to be completely blank. It's not because parted would not erase the swap partition, saying it was being used.01:00
ign0ramusAndorinKato, from the live cd, parted reported swap being in use?01:00
AndorinKatoign0ramus: Yes.01:01
ign0ramusAndorinKato, hmm... why do you say Win7 needs a fully blank drive?01:01
AndorinKatoign0ramus: It doesn't, I was speculating. She tells me it's installing now./01:02
ign0ramusAndorinKato, aha! Win7 only needs a partition to install to01:02
ign0ramusAndorinKato, but this is getting a little ot for this channel :)01:02
kaddiever so slightly ;)01:03
=== TMKCodes is now known as TaMonKein
topramencan anyone tell me why would I need to put a live cd in to do an update?<<<<01:25
DragnslcrMaybe if you have the CD listed in your apt sources01:26
topramenok thanks i just done that01:29
eeanany idea where I can get the atl1e module?01:32
eeanfor my EeePC 1005HAB ethernet01:32
AndorinKatoOkay, because Windows 7 is not recognizing her card either, we have came to the conclusion that it is her card that is at fault.01:34
AndorinKatoThree days of extremely aggravating computer work for nothing.01:34
kaddiAndorinKato: my sympathies. :/ I know how this feels01:35
AndorinKatoThank you.01:35
AndorinKatoAs far as I can tell the best thing she can do is tell the person who bought the card that it's faulty.01:36
DragnslcrYeah, trying to troubleshoot problems that end up being broken hardware is rough01:37
AndorinKato*shrug* I don't know what other conclusion to come to. Installed Kubuntu 9.04 won't recognize the drive, even after extensive driver configuration. Neither will the live CD for it. Neither will Kubuntu Feisty. Neither will Windows 7.01:38
AndorinKatodrive? card.01:38
AndorinKatoShe did open her PC at one point and double-check that the card is plugged in properly.01:39
AndorinKatoIs there any other possibility for what's wrong?01:42
kaddicould be the "place where you inserted the card" that is defective. It would probably help if you had another card or another PC to test if the cards works on a different pc or if a different card works on your pc01:45
kaddithen you can see if it is the PC or the card that is the problem01:46
DaskreeCHAndorinKato: Hey01:55
DaskreeCHHow goes your issue?01:55
AndorinKatoDaskreeCH: Welllllll, she installed Windows 7 and it won't read her card either.01:56
AndorinKatokaddi: I passed your advice to her. She'll try it later.01:56
AndorinKatoShe has another card she can try, some Realtek piece.01:56
AndorinKatoAnd other PCI ports.01:56
DaskreeCHAndorinKato: Same one that was wonky in Winows 7 before ?01:57
AndorinKatoDaskreeCH: Yeah, but she thinks that it wasn't working quite properly because of a lack of a decent driver. This time she has the driver CD, but it won't let her install the driver for it.01:58
DaskreeCHAndorinKato: Alright It's too bad she doesn't have a nicer setup with either someone there to help bounce ideas off of or other hardware to test01:59
=== TMKCodes is now known as TaMonKein
chxhi. i need an RSS reader that makes the most obnoxious warnings when there is a new item and preferably can check the feed every minute. :)02:07
=== wsr3193 is now known as raghorn
GnuSebI just bought my first printer it's a canon pixma iP1900 !02:09
GnuSebum help02:09
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters http://linuxprinting.org GnuSeb check these links,02:10
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers and this GnuSeb02:11
chxwhen i click Settings Configure Notifications in Akregator nothing displays. this is KDE 4.2.2 , Kubuntu 9.0402:11
GnuSebthankyou bazhang02:12
DaskreeCHchx: Akregator?02:12
bazhangGnuSeb, you're welcome; a quick look at the ubuntuforums might help as well, let me check02:12
DaskreeCHAndorinKato: How are you btw?02:13
mrksbrddoes anyone have the correct broadcom 43xx driver, i'm about to pull my hair out trying to get this darn thing to work02:13
AndorinKatoDaskreeCH: At the end of my patience for wireless networks in general.02:13
GnuSebbazhang what does not supported but does work mean?02:13
DaskreeCHYeah I hate wireless as well. I think that's one of the reasons I never want a laptop02:13
* mrksbrd joins AndorinKato02:13
mrksbrdcan someone explain why in one version it works an others it doesn't ????02:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=980735 GnuSeb check there for solution02:14
chxah but i can in system notification configuration. great, great02:14
chxi want advanced screening tickets for the new harry potter movie so i need to follow closely our local wb rep on twitter, lol02:16
GnuSebbazhang; thank you02:17
GnuSebis hardy after or before intrepid ibex?02:17
bazhangalphabetical :)02:18
neo_Hi to all my friends02:23
neo_I have a question about microSD Kingstone en Ubuntu02:23
neo_I have a microSD Kingstone and I never can use it in Ubuntu 8.0402:25
neo_I get the messege "error E/S .. error 110 "02:29
nate_hello room02:29
neo_the micro card is ok, I use it in window$ and work good02:29
nate_i have 4 blocked updates and they are linux headers, anybody know why02:31
Dragnslcrnate_- because they depend on new packages, which KPackageKit won't install automatically for you. You can install the updates with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:32
neo_ usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 502:33
neo_[ 4426.671429] usb 1-2: device not accepting address 5, error -7102:33
DaskreeCHGnuSeb: Since Dapper they have all been alphabetical02:33
nikitisHow do i reload the smbd daemon?  sudo /etc/init.d/smb reload says command not found.02:33
neo_so sorry, I get this text when I conect my micro SD02:33
nate_Dragnsclr: does that move me from 9.04 to 9.XX?02:34
Dragnslcrnate_- no, dist-upgrade does not do a Kubuntu version upgrade02:52
hanhanhi Guys02:53
hanhanhelp me about asterisk-gui02:53
hanhanplease, help me02:54
bazhanghanhan, what are you trying to do, what have you done so far, and what errors have you gotten; also /join #asterisk and ask there as well02:57
hanhani can't comlplet03:00
bazhanghanhan, we need those three pieces of info before we can help; just repeating 'help me' wont get you any help03:00
nate_Dragnslcr: what  does it do?03:06
wendelsimplesmente impossivel instalar amsn03:14
ubuntuIs there a workaround for the karmic grub loader?03:27
bazhangubuntu, try #ubuntu+1 for karmic support ; here is Jaunty and earlier03:28
ubuntuIs jaunty a stable distro?03:37
bazhangubuntu, quite so03:38
ubuntuand thats the 9.04 version?03:39
ubuntuwhen is 9.10 coming out in august03:39
ubuntusry so many questions im bored and just dbaned my vista os lol03:40
bazhang09 is the year; 10 is the month ubuntu03:41
bazhangOctober 29, 2009 or thereabouts to be precise03:42
ubuntuvery good to know I love kde it rules03:44
=== wsr3193 is now known as raghorn
buddyirc.oltre irc.net04:01
bobbob1016I'm trying to get Second Life running on Kubuntu 4.2 Jaunty.  Whenever I run the "./secondlife" the window launches, then crashes, saying to install the 32 bit binaries, which I have installed already.  Any ideas?04:29
CrellHi all.  I have a PDF that is password protected.  I know the password and can open the file, but I want to remove or change the password so that I can pass it on to someone else.  How can I go about doing that?  I am using Okular at the moment but don't see a way to do so.04:48
xp-killerwhat the command to see all ip adress conected to my router04:52
xp-killerlike in xp i have to type ipconfigall04:53
xp-killerin linux i dont know it04:54
xp-killerPici: whats eth0 and lo?04:59
xp-killerPici: its only showing my ip05:00
xp-killerPici: how can i hide my ip?05:01
Picixp-killer: hide your ip? on IRC?05:04
xp-killerPici: no i want to hide my ps3 ip,but i guess to do that i have to hide my router ip05:05
Picixp-killer: I don't know how to do that, sorry.05:05
xp-killerPici: k05:06
xp-killerPici: can u help me install samba and get it runing?i want my sis to take my movie files05:06
xp-killermultimedia files05:07
Picixp-killer: I'm actually just about to take off to go to sleep, its a bit after midnight here. Sorry.05:07
xp-killeryea same here but i just got up now i cant sleep :(05:07
landon_hey anyone here know how to get flash on 64bit kubuntu?05:23
CrellHi all.  I have a PDF that is password protected.  I know the password and can open the file, but I want to remove or change the password so that I can pass it on to someone else.  How can I go about doing that?  I am using Okular at the moment but don't see a way to do so.05:23
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
harperHi, I need to import my e-mail certificates while moving from Windows XP to kubuntu. How do I import these PFX files?05:35
q_Is there a way to install on a computer without a monitor keyboard or mouse, but connected to the network?05:41
=== Andrea is now known as Guest5742
orion_ Downgrade  KDE 4.3 Beta 2 -> KDE 4.2.407:51
orion_help ?07:52
tsimpsonorion_: the short answer is you can't07:56
tsimpsonorion_: the longer answer is to remove all KDE packages, then remove the 4.3 repo, and reinstall the KDE packages. which is not a simple process07:56
Styles___\How do I check why my CD drive isn't being.. seen by kubu wntu, it was earlier07:58
Styles___\it said LP driver not found07:59
Styles___\   15.902223] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 008:00
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
diernosajso my kubuntu KDE doesn't work but it logs into gnome fine, im having bad resolution and nvidia graphics drivers and xorg.conf problems, can anybody help?08:25
diernosajanybody ?08:33
kuruminbrazil, please08:41
kurumini from brazil08:41
kuruminmy name is leo08:42
kuruminto talk for me08:42
m4v!br | kurumin08:43
ubottukurumin: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:43
diernosajwhy would gnome load fine, but i can't load into KDE with my resolution settings08:49
=== khaije1 is now known as khaije|amalt
cmstengo algunas preguntas, quien puede ayudarme?09:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:02
dwidmanndiernosaj: first thing I would try would be to create a new user and try to log in with that. If that works then it's a user level config issue.09:22
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=== ptl_ is now known as ptl
m4tth3vvI've been trying to hide my IP when using IRC. I typed "/msg NickServ set iphide on" but it didn't work09:36
m4tth3vvanyone know what I'm doing wrong?09:36
bazhangm4tth3vv, consider a cloak09:37
bazhang!cloak | m4tth3vv09:37
ubottum4tth3vv: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks09:37
bazhangm4tth3vv, help in #freenode09:37
alphahi leute, wer kann mir sagen wie ich pidgin für yahoo konfigurieren kann??10:12
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
eagles0513875what version of jack is in the kubuntu repos10:33
eagles0513875according to apt-cache policy 3.1.1 is that though for jack1 or jack210:33
Mamarokeagles0513875: you know where the repos are, don't you?10:34
Mamarokeagles0513875: also, you can type aptitude show jack to get the version number10:34
eagles0513875i did an apt-cache policy jack and it is showing candidate version as 3.1.1+cvs20050801-25build110:34
Mamarokeagles0513875: well, that's the version10:35
eagles0513875i found which version and comparing it to whats on the jackaudio.org website the versions dont match with whats on the jackaudio.org website10:35
Mamarokeagles0513875: what does the website say?10:35
eagles0513875tthey have 2 different ones jack1 and jack 210:35
eagles0513875jack1 is 0.116.2 and jack2 is 1.9.210:36
Mamaroklet me check10:36
eagles0513875the link to the jack website is http://jackaudio.org/download10:37
Mamarokeagles0513875: because that is not the package you are looking for :)10:37
Mamarokeagles0513875: do an aptitude search jack and you will see...10:38
eagles0513875what package should i be running apt-cache policy jackd10:38
eagles0513875ahhhhhhhh :)10:38
eagles0513875thanks Mamarok :) my bad on my part10:38
eagles0513875what is the difference between jack1 and jack210:39
eagles0513875or would that be a better question to ask in the jack channel10:39
Mamarokeagles0513875: I don't know, but here is an extensive documentation on their website, check that10:39
Mamarokeagles0513875: because that's waht they will tell you, read the docs10:39
naftilos76hi everyone, is there a menu editor for latest kubuntu?10:39
Mamaroknaftilos76: if you do a right click on the menu button you can open the editor10:39
eagles0513875touche Mamarok beat me to it10:40
naftilos76thanks man!10:40
Mamaroknaftilos76: yaw :)10:40
davidsandsjoin #taiwan10:40
Mamarokdavidsands: you forgot the /10:40
davidsandsyup, i did ...10:41
davidsandsthis is my first time using quassel ... and i don't use irc much .. will have to look into it ..10:42
Mamarokdavidsands: no problem, we all started at some time :)10:43
davidsandsI'm here to look into the format for the Tomboy notes database ...10:43
Mamarok!info tomboy10:44
ubottutomboy (source: tomboy): desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 0.14.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 3469 kB, installed size 12572 kB10:44
Mamarokdavidsands: I don't know that application, you should ask in #ubuntu as it is more a Gnome app10:44
davidsandsI see it's coded in C# ...10:44
eagles0513875c# is a windows thing davidsands10:44
davidsandsMamarok: ok, thanks ..10:44
davidsandsMamarok: it's also a mono thing ...10:45
Mamarokeagles0513875: it's a language, you can well use it on other systems10:45
Mamarokdavidsands: I know that10:45
Mamarokdavidsands: and KDE doesn't use mono10:45
eagles0513875granted but seeing it used in the dreaded win vista its super slow programming language10:45
davidsandsI see ...10:45
Mamarokeagles0513875: ot...10:46
=== frz is now known as RevengeTrader
davidsandsMamarok: so is there a riff between the gnome and kde camps in ubuntu?10:48
davidsandsMamarok: I'm looking into contributing to an app written with QT4 and KDE bindings ...10:49
Mamarokdavidsands: please, this is a support channel only, such questions do belong in #kubuntu-offtopic10:49
davidsandsMamarok: ok. Why doesn't my Qt4 Settings choices get reflected in KDE apps run under Gnome?10:50
davidsandsMamarok: GTK+ is one of the look and feel options ..10:51
Mamarokdavidsands: because you don't have all the packages installed I think10:51
davidsandsMamarok: I installed the complete package ... can use KDE as an option when logging in ...10:52
Mamarokdavidsands: you need to install the oxygen icons for example10:52
Mamarokdavidsands: well, if you have everything installed, then you should ask in #ubuntu, I never use Gnome so I can't tell, sorry10:52
davidsandsMamarok: thank you ...10:53
Mamarokdavidsands: yaw :)10:54
eshatHi all, why can I not aktivate Desktop Effects, when a beamer is connected?11:07
alarm is it normal for xorg to have always above 12-13% cpu usage ? even when i am not doing any process ?11:19
alarmi mean kwin and xorg keep my system even on idle above 20% alwats11:19
Mamarokalarm: well, if you use the desktop effects this is not much at all :)11:21
alarmi use just 2 widgets11:21
Mamarokalarm: no 3d effects?11:22
alarmi dont know i remember having on the old good debian 4 on idle or normal state something like 10-15% max. where here without any open application my system runs on 20-30% , both cores of the cpu11:22
alarmwell just those that kde4 provides by default11:22
Mamarokthe widgets are plasma, that doesn't show as an y activity but as a plasma PID11:22
alarmnothing extra11:22
Mamarokalarm: but you have 3d activated, haven't you?11:23
alarmmm let me check i am unsure.. :)11:23
alarmyeap "desktop effects" are enabled11:23
Mamarokalarm: well, that's what makes the difference I think11:24
alarmokie then :)11:24
alarmthank you11:24
alarmi will see how to reduce it a bit11:24
alarmi want to make my fan stop rotating like crazy all the time11:24
Mamarokalarm: remove all the effects you don't normaly use11:24
alarmalright, will do that11:25
Mamarokyour fan rotates for 30% CPU activity? Mine only starts at around 70%11:25
alarmlaptop... :>11:25
Mamarokwell, the fan noise I mean :)11:25
Mamarokand I am on a laptop too11:25
alarmwell its not rotating at full speed. but once it heats up a bit i can hear it a bit louder. i get a bit annoyed11:26
alarmone more short question whats the aplay zombie in my processes ?11:26
Mamarokmy X uses approx. 13% CPU with minimal DE11:27
Mamarokalarm: alsa11:27
alarmokie :) now we know :) thank you a lot11:27
Mamarokyou are welcome, alarm :)11:27
=== user_ is now known as ghostman
=== luis_ is now known as POLLON
DarkTanhow do i wtire scripts for konversation?12:10
hjbhi. how do i install acroread on IA64?12:48
hjbit's not in the canocial repo12:48
nofalhow to install xamp in ubuntu. i was install but still error12:50
T|-|e_SLiDeRhi there12:51
hjbis there no print preview for konqueror ?!?13:01
T|-|e_SLiDeRwhere do I find the desktop changers in KDE 4.213:01
Tetsuohi i want to install kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu but I get a lot of error messages about unresolvable dependencies. do I need some repositories for that??13:01
eMyllercould someone cp me a .bashrc file?13:07
eMyllermine is almost empty, i have no colors in terminal13:08
eMyllerand it's quite useful13:08
cortex_skeMyller: copy it from root or add   alias ls='ls --color=auto'13:12
cortex_skeMyller: or try this http://pastebin.ca/147943513:12
eMyllercortex_sk: great, thanks =]13:14
cortex_skeMyller: username is green and root is red13:14
hjbnoone who knows about print preview in konqueror?13:15
eMyllercortex_sk: ty. do i really have to log out/in to see the changes?13:17
cortex_skno you don't13:18
eMyllerisnt there any 'update' cmd?13:18
mateuszi buy Fuitsu Siemens esprimo mobile v6515, and i install Kubuntu 9.04, but i can't change bright. What I must do if only change the bright?13:18
cortex_skeMyller: i don't know13:18
mateuszAnd my batery is: "0%, full"13:18
eMyllerk, ty13:19
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mateuszHow I can do to change bright?13:22
eMyllermateusz: some machines only change bright "externally"13:23
eMyllercheck if isn't there any control in its body13:24
eMylleranyone know how can i trim the path from the current location @ terminal?13:35
mateuszno, special kay (bright)isn't work. (volume working)13:36
eMyllerit'd be better if i had just the name of the current dir, nothing else13:36
eMyllermateusz: so i guess kubuntu doesnt support your model natively13:37
eMylleraltough many people use workarounds for this (i dont know how)13:37
companionhi all!13:38
companionanyone using kubuntu 9.04?13:39
mateuszwhere i can place root's password?13:43
Dragnslcrmateusz- you don't13:44
mateuszso how i can install drives for my geforce, how i must be root?13:45
Dragnslcrmateusz- if a GUI program needs root privileges, it will ask for your password13:45
Dragnslcrmateusz- if you're in a shell, you can run a command with sudo13:46
BluesKajmateusz, you can find the drivers for nvidia card on adept13:46
mateuszbut this drives isn't install, i dont know why13:47
johnrdavisjrWhat would be the best ubuntu spin to use for audio recording?13:52
kaddiheya, I'm currently editing a windowsfile with kate. Can I ensure that kate will save the file with the same encoding it originally had? eg, that the linebreaks will still be linebreaks under windows?13:55
johnrdavisjrdoes anyone have any idea how to record skype conversations?13:56
kaddihi mortas :)14:03
BluesKajkaddi , whynot save it as a pdf file , then you'll be sure to preserve the structure14:07
T|-|e_SLiDeR_can anyone tell me how to find the desktop switcher in KDE 4.214:07
BluesKajT|-|e_SLiDeR_, look in widgets14:07
BluesKajT|-|e_SLiDeR_, oops , doesn'r seem to be there14:09
kaddiBluesKaj: it is actually a batchfile I'm editing for a friend... so pdf is rather inconvenient. ;) But I took the liberty to check with kde as well and kate automatically recognizes encoding and preserves it. :) I was worrying over nothing14:10
reagleBRKLNi have a unicode string, that will be used as part a URI (query), I use urllib.quote: quote("search.cgi?query=Pérez-Peña2009knk")14:10
reagleBRKLNthis gives me: 'search.cgi%3Fquery%3DP%C3%A9rez-Pe%C3%B1a2009knk'14:10
BluesKajkaddi , cool, good to know for future reference :)14:10
reagleBRKLNbut how do I roundtrip it, get the accented characters back?14:10
reagleBRKLNoops, sorry14:10
reagleBRKLNwrong chan14:11
T|-|e_SLiDeR__stil can`t find desktop switcher14:12
kaddiT|-|e_SLiDeR__: what do you mean by desktop switcher a shortcut? a widget? You can assign the cube or ball or a view of all desktops to one corner under settings ->appearance->desktop effects->desktop corners14:23
kaddiyou can also assign a key combination in the settings somewhere.14:24
kaddictrl-F8 seems to be the default for showing all desktops14:25
topramencan anyone tell me what telnet is and why they are floating through my pc?<<<<<14:25
DarkTanhow do i wtire scripts for konversation?14:30
T|-|e_SLiDeR__can`t find that here14:33
T|-|e_SLiDeR__I `ve added a widget now.. but can I have different wallpapers on each14:34
T|-|e_SLiDeR__ can I have different wallpapers on each desktop14:39
bordenby the way anyone knows how I can change wallpaper manually by editing a configuration file (if there exists one)14:41
kaddiborden: you should find the wallpaper location saved in .kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc14:42
bordenthx kaddi14:43
DarkTanany one know how to script in konversation?14:43
kaddiT|-|e_SLiDeR__ it is possible, but I don't think I can walk you through this successfully, sry.14:43
vbgunzanybody here have a GTX 260? what options/tweaks have you made for top notch performance on KDE4? I ask because prior to a GTX 260 I had a 7950GX2 which performed better and prior to that I had a FX5600 and that just outperformed both of the latter... a true wtf in a sense... am I missing something?14:43
T|-|e_SLiDeR__no problem kaddi14:47
T|-|e_SLiDeR__I`ll just have to do with changing wallpapers regularly14:49
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kaddiT|-|e_SLiDeR__ it seems you can assign an activity to each desktop, and configure your activities seperately, which would lead to every desktop being invidual. There are two threads in the kde forum about:http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=19397 and http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=767114:49
kaddiT|-|e_SLiDeR__ you know about the slideshow option for desktop background? :) it'll change your desktop for you regularly ;)14:50
T|-|e_SLiDeR__know I don`t know that one14:50
kaddiT|-|e_SLiDeR__ do a right click on your desktop, select the desktop settings, in the window that opens in the part labeled background, there is a dropdown menu for "type" default is image, but you can also choose slideshow. you can then choose a folder and the period of time after which the image will be changed14:52
T|-|e_SLiDeR__thank you kaddi.. I got that done now :)14:54
harperHi, I need to import my e-mail certificates while moving from Windows XP to kubuntu. How do I import these PFX files?14:54
leifdk1978?is there a fast way to see wich version on kde on is running14:55
kaddileifdk1978: select a program from kde, click on help, click on "about kde" it should show the version :)14:55
robin0800Linux Robins-Laptop 2.6.30-10-generic #12-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 22 16:30:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux14:57
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:59
bordenkaddi: I can change wallpaper only for once using the desktop-settings and wonder if it's related with one of the variables in the config file u gave me (~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc)14:59
bordenmight be a karmic bug as well15:00
sumani am running kubuntu 8.04 and firefox is really buggy... hangs often and takes lot of memory...15:03
sumanany ideas??15:03
T|-|e_SLiDeR__suman:  have you tried Opera15:04
shadeslayersuman: try something like rekonq or arora15:04
sumani have opera...15:04
sumanbut is this a known issue with firefox15:05
sumani am a developer and i love the addon that comes with firefox15:05
ActionParsnipsuman: firefox is a memory hog when you start adding addons15:05
shadeslayersuman: then thats the problem....the addon15:05
bordensuman: which version of firefox your using?15:06
ActionParsnipsuman: remove addons until it becomes usable, or use a firefox derivitive like swiftfox, firepup or kasenchase15:06
sumani am using 3.0.1115:06
sumanhmmm... do you guys have problems with firefox and addons as well.15:07
ActionParsnipno, just dislike firefox15:07
bordenwhat about the latest rc?15:08
bordenhere http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-rc.html15:08
sumanhas anyone tried chrome?15:08
ActionParsnipive liked opera for a long while, always seems faster than firefox, so i use it15:08
shadeslayersuman: buggier15:08
ActionParsniplooks like it has promise, just needs tidying15:09
shadeslayerActionParsnip: tried arora or rekonq?15:09
shadeslayerActionParsnip: both of them ?15:09
sumanborden: the latest release are not in the kubuntu repos yet ??15:09
ActionParsnipnot tried arora15:10
ActionParsnipwill give it a look in15:10
ActionParsnipi gotta jet15:10
FloodBotK1ActionParsnip: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
bordensuman: I'm using kubuntu karmic and yes it's in the repo15:12
sumanborden: i am using hardy heron, how do i check if this version is in the repo or not15:14
bordensuman: "apt-cache search firefox" in the konsole15:17
sumanborden: thanks15:19
bordensuman: this one is filters search results better "apt-cache search firefox-3.5"15:19
sumanborden: thanks again.... but damn, hardy repos do not have 3.5...15:20
sumani guess it is time to upgrade my laptop15:20
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kaddiIf I have Firefox 3.0 running will it get updatet automatically to  3.5 or do I have to do this manually?15:38
tsimpsonkaddi: there is a separate package for 3.5 currently, firefox-3.515:40
kaddiyes I see it. I've read online that this is a RC-package, which is why I asked15:40
kaddiis 20090330 the date the package was built?15:41
tsimpsonthat would be the date the snapshot of svn was taken15:41
kaddiwhat does that mean?15:41
tsimpsonor whatever CVS mozilla are using15:42
ubottucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/15:42
tsimpsonit's an online repository of the development work15:42
kaddihehe, I'm familiar with cvs and svn, I don't know what you mean by snapshot. is it when the file was last updated, last indexed, last uploaded, last modified?15:42
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kaddior none of the above? :p15:43
tsimpsonit's the date someone did a checkout of it15:43
kaddiok :)15:44
kaddiso it doesn't really tell me if the package was updated in the last couple of days15:45
tsimpsonit does, when the package is remade against a more recent svn, the version will be updated15:46
kaddiok, thank you :)15:51
Ahmucki've got a ati radeon card.  is there a way to turn off effects, it's causing me problems15:51
kaddiI'll guess I wait to see if the package gets updated in the next couple of days, now that the final version is available :)15:54
JuJuBeeAny idea why when I click on "Leave", the restart icon is missing? (Default ? icon)15:55
JuJuBeeI have system-restart.png in /usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions etc...15:56
ZoraelJuJuBee: I think there was a change in the icon name, from restart to reboot (or the other way around)16:03
ZoraelJuJuBee: so if you find the different system-restart.png's and symlink them to system-reboot.png, should hopefully display properly (after a logout)16:03
JuJuBeeZorael: where to I create the symlink, same folder?16:05
ZoraelJuJuBee: yeah16:05
jhutchins_wkkaddi: I wouldn't expect official packages to be ready before Mozilla makes it an official release instead of an rc.16:06
kaddijhutchins_wk: official release was yesterday, no?16:07
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jhutchins_wkkaddi: 3.0.11 is still the current release on the mozilla web page.16:08
JuJuBeeZorael: should I need to restart to take effect?16:08
JuJuBeeor just logout16:08
ZoraelJuJuBee: a logout should do it; I don't think the effects of the change should be immediately obvious before the icon cache is flushed, and I don't know any command to force that16:09
infocentroque pasa16:09
infocentronadien esta conectado16:09
JuJuBeeZorael: after logout it still not there16:10
infocentrono entiendo ingles16:10
kaddijhutchins_wk ah, ok.. I must have gotten confused somehow. lol. It's promoted on this site: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/ which made me think it had been released.16:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:10
ZoraelJuJuBee: So which files did you symlink? One for each size of system-restart.png?16:11
ZoraelJuJuBee: So the following command has the following output? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/207017/16:12
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ZoraelJuJuBee: er, make that http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/207018/16:12
jhutchins_wkkaddi: Well that's weird, maybe I was seeing a cached page or something.16:12
jhutchins_wkkaddi: You appear to be correct, 3.5 does appear to be official.16:13
ubsafderhow can i start a script as user1 (not root) at startup of the machine16:13
JuJuBeeZorael: not exactly, seems the symling is broken for some reason...  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/207019/16:15
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ZoraelJuJuBee: well that looks about right, not sure then ; /16:16
Machtini accidentaly removed the folder view in which you can enter subfolders.. i tried to add another one.. but if i click a folder there it opens dolphin, instead of opening the folder in the folder view... how can i get that one back?16:16
JuJuBeeWhy are the links broken?16:17
kaddijhutchins_wk: :) But if mozilla hasn't had the to update all of their sites it is also too early to expect an updated package in jaunty-reps I would think. :D16:17
ZoraelJuJuBee: well, only one is broken, isn't it?16:17
JuJuBeenevermind, I just noticed that...16:18
JuJuBeeThanks.  Maybe i need to restart?16:18
JuJuBeeare the icons cached?16:18
ZoraelJuJuBee: Perhaps. Or try downloading https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+files/kde-icons-oxygen_4.2.85-0ubuntu2~jaunty1~ppa2_all.deb and installing manually, might work16:18
ZoraelJuJuBee: yeah, think so16:18
ZoraelJuJuBee: anyway, off for a bit, hope it works16:19
TetsuoI installed kde on my ubuntu now, how can I switch to it?16:20
Tetsuomaybe crtl-alt-back16:22
Tetsuotry it now16:22
jhutchins_wkkaddi: Ok, looks like it's still officially a release candidate, not an official release.16:25
yogajhutchins_wk: are you talking about Firefox 3.5?16:28
jhutchins_wkyoga: Yes.16:29
yogajhutchins_wk: the one in januty/universe?16:29
jhutchins_wkActually, the one on the mozilla web page.16:29
yogajhutchins_wk: Did you install the release candidate?16:32
JuJuBeeZorael: FYI, that download seemed to do the trick, thanks again.16:33
jhutchins_wkyoga: No, I was just trying to figure out what the status is.16:33
jhutchins_wkA release candidate is unlikely to be packaged by the various distros until it's made an official release.16:34
DragnslcrThe site makes it look like it's a final release16:35
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yogajhutchins_wk: How do you know it's a RC?16:36
jhutchins_wkyoga: That's what it says on the mozilla.com web page.16:39
jhutchins_wk...or at least that's what it said 20 minutes ago.16:40
jhutchins_wk"June 30, 2009 – Mozilla, a public-benefit organization dedicated to promoting choice and innovation on the Internet, today released Firefox® 3.5"16:40
kaddijhutchins_wk: It's confusing I see a lot about the RC from two days ago, but I also find some blog entries saying that today the final has been released... no official announcement to be found though :/16:41
kaddi(blogs on mozilla.org that is ;) )16:41
DragnslcrLooks like the final release was within the last hour or two16:41
jhutchins_wkkaddi: It just updated within the last hour.16:41
kaddijhutchins_wk: lol... they did that just to confuse me, I'm sure :p16:42
jhutchins_wkWhen I first checked this morning, the main link was 3.0.11, then they had the RC page, now the official release.16:42
jhutchins_wkTHat's like within the last 45 minutes.16:43
yogaFirefox 3.5 is released16:43
kaddijhutchins_wk: Iyeah, I just realised it's the 30. today ;) I thought we were the 1. July today.... which made me believe FF 3.5 had been released yesterday16:44
jhutchins_wkGuess it depends on your planetary coordinates.16:45
yogaThe download file is firefox-3.5.tar.bz2.16:45
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yogaAre we going to do sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 in a couple of days?16:48
kaddilol, yeah that's what started the whole discussion. There already is a firefox-3.5 package in the ubuntu reps, however it seems to be of on of the older release candidates... I would hope that it will get updated soon now. :)16:49
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P17:02
yogaHay Hay Billie Jean not my lover...17:07
noaXess!search qbittorrent17:09
noaXess!search qtorrent17:09
ubottuFound: torrent17:09
Tm_T!ot | yoga17:09
ubottuyoga: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:09
noaXess!info qbittorrent17:09
ubottuqbittorrent (source: qbittorrent): bittorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar with a nice Qt4 GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1 (jaunty), package size 1467 kB, installed size 3412 kB17:09
SeanTaterA program (Gwenview) crashed while it was transferring files. How do I make the "docked" frozen transfers disappear?17:25
SeanTaterThe stop button has no effect17:25
SeanTater(BTW: The title has a typo, arrivig should be arriving)17:27
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kaddihello :)17:50
JackJizzpumpera wide green phosphor CRT screen...17:51
kaddiuh, I just hit an unkown key combination (probably ctrl-shift-L) and now all my chat-windows in konversation are empty.. :/ Can I get the windows to unclear? Or is that impossible?17:53
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JackJizzpumperkaddi, if you didn't log your conversations, there is not much you can do now.17:57
kaddithey are logged, they are also still there, but I would like to revert it, so I can scroll up easily and verify if stuff was previously discussed :)17:58
JackJizzpumperI understand. But it seems you have cleared the conversations. Maybe someone else here can give you a better help.18:00
=== jesirobendebua is now known as thefox
thefoxHi there18:03
kaddiheya :)18:03
thefoxI'm pretty new to kubunu18:04
thefoxmigrating to it from windows18:04
thefoxand I have some basic questions18:04
thefoxcayn you tell me how will I choose my default internet connection settings ?18:05
Joe____which version of kde do you have? 4.2?18:05
Joe____okay. there's a new plasmoid called "network management"18:06
thefoxI see18:06
thefoxI've setup new wired connection18:06
thefoxwith my settings18:06
Joe____does ist work?18:06
thefoxno, system is connecting automaticaly to eth0 with default settings18:07
thefoxand I don't know how to switch betwin connections18:07
Joe____one moment. gotta figure that out18:07
thefoxJoe____ : aha, thanks18:08
Joe____you want to connect via wlan, right? is your wlan device plugged in?18:08
thefoxit shows tha my cabel is plugged in18:09
Joe____so you have a cable acces to internet?18:10
Joe____hm... actually a stupid question how else would you able to chatt here with me ^^18:10
Joe____to set the default connection click on the plasmoid and choose "manage connections"18:11
thefoxJoe____:  now I am under windows:)18:11
demiando you know when new firefox 3.5 will be in repository?18:11
Picidemian: When its done being tested and built. No eta at this time. Definitely not today.18:12
demianbut in 9.04?18:13
thefoxJoe____ : I had done it. I enabled Connect Automatically option, but there is no reaction18:13
thefoxJoe____ : it is connecting to eth0 with auto detected settings18:14
thefoxJoe____ : not my IP address, not my DNS settings, not my Gateway18:14
Joe____is the ip adresse methode set to dhcp?18:14
thefoxJoe____ : I don't know what is it :(18:16
thefoxJoe____ : how set it ?18:16
Joe____thefox: okay let's make it step by step18:17
Joe____manage connections -> wired -> add18:17
Joe____check "connect automatically" and that under "ip adress" the method is "dhcp"18:18
thefoxJoe____ : ok18:19
BluesKajJoe____, thefox , there is anew network manager that bypasses the widget-network-management app, it's called Wicd and it is very stable and flexible18:19
thefoxBluesKaj : thanks, but how can I install it without internet ?18:20
BluesKajI use Wicd for both wifi/wlan0 and wired/eth0 on our linux pcs and laptop18:20
BluesKajthefox, are dual booting windows and linux ?18:21
PapaChubIs the ''recommended'' way to install Firefox via the regular mozilla.com ".tar.gz" download, or is there an "add this repository..." option (yet?)18:21
thefoxBluesKaj : yes, there is two os in my pc now18:22
BluesKajPapaChub, no need to add a repos afaik , just sudo aptitude install firefox18:22
PapaChubFirefox 3.5, I mean18:22
PapaChubBluesKaj, I realized I should have mentioned that right away.  :-}18:23
BluesKajthefox ,what ethernet card ?18:23
Joe____PapaChub: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main18:24
Joe____but be warned18:24
thefoxBluesKaj : Realtek18:24
PapaChubJoe____, Cheers! I don't mind living on the bleeding edge...18:25
thefoxBlueEagle : i think there is no problem with device18:25
thefoxBluesKaj : i think there is no problem with device18:26
Joe____it's quite strange. normally if your connected via wire you don't have to configure anything18:26
thefoxBluesKaj : because I can see kubuntus reaction when I'm plugging/unplugging cabel18:26
Joe____thefox: is there any error message18:27
BluesKajrealtek is quite generic  , thefox , lspci ..look for an ethernet controller device18:27
thefoxJoe____ : no, no errors18:28
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thefoxBluesKaj : realtek rtl8139/810x18:28
BluesKajthefox, Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10) or some such18:28
thefoxBluesKaj : realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet nic18:29
BluesKajhmm thefox seems like the same one I have ...it should connect you18:30
thefoxBluesKaj: as i see it's not device problem18:30
thefoxbut i cant provide my settings18:30
BluesKajrouter or modem , thefox18:31
thefoxBluesKaj : you know, I'm connectiong to my provider via lan connection18:32
BluesKajyes, thru a router or a modem ?18:32
thefoxrouter is d-link, if thats matter18:33
thefoxyou know, I have connected to internet under windows and ubuntu18:34
thefoxand do the same steps now in kubuntu18:34
thefoxbut it is not connecting with my filled settings18:34
thefoxin connection manager18:34
thefoxit show that connection i've set up is not used18:35
Luigi246xdcc send #3618:35
BluesKajwhy would you not use the default connection settings that kubuntu provides ?18:36
thefoxto connect with my provider i need fill settings as he (provider) gives me18:36
BluesKajmost providers assume you are going to run windows , hence those settings won't be the same as Linux18:39
BluesKajhostmasks etc will be the same as will IP addresses etc18:40
thefoxBluesKaj : but i'ce connected with internet with this settings with ubuntu18:41
BluesKajthefox, but why you are worried about using the providers settings is beyond me, just go with the default settings that HAL provides for you ethernet connection on linux18:42
vbgunzcan someone enlighten me? why when I go to tty 1 - 6 I keep seeing "cannot examine encrypted directory" after I log in? I dont remember ever trying to add encryption manually and I could almost swear when asked in the installer, I said no... whats happening?18:45
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thefoxBluesKaj : i cant :(18:48
thefoxYou know, I have real Ip address18:48
thefoxI will specify dns and gateway18:48
BluesKajthefox, you can always download wicd from http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php , then copy it from the ntfs volume while in kubuntu , then install it18:52
BluesKajthefox, actually that's what i did when the widget network manager wouldn't work on our wifi network18:54
thefoxBluesKaj : thanks for advice, i'll try it now18:54
newb09hello, is there someone who can help me install ubuntu on my toshiba laptop that has vista installed from the manufacturer? please?19:08
BluesKajnewb09, do want to keep vista ?19:08
newb09for now yes, until i know for sure ubuntu will work for me19:08
* newb09 knows windows but really wants to get rid of the huge OS eventually19:09
BluesKajthen the easiest wat is to use wubi to install kubuntu within windows , the you can choose which OS at bootup from the menu19:10
newb09well i have tried to do that19:10
newb09and it sends me to a screen with a grub prompt19:10
newb09and with my attempts to use commands, i get error message 8 - that it needs a kernel installed19:10
newb09i have no idea what that means, actually, or where to find the kernel *to* install19:11
BluesKajstart over , go back into windows uninstall kubuntu reboot and try again to install19:12
BluesKajuninstall wubi actually19:12
newb09alright, i have done that as well....i don't think ubuntu is fully uninstalled because.........ah, now where do i find wubi to uninstall?19:12
BluesKajin the controlpanel add-remove or uninstall programs19:13
newb09i still get the option when i boot, whether or not to boot to windows or to ubuntu, so i don't think it's fully uninstalled, but i can't find anything else to install....would a reinstall of windows help?19:13
newb09i did that, but only found ubuntu19:13
BluesKajno wubi ?19:13
newb09no, no wubi19:14
newb09hold on, let me recheck, but i know it's not there19:14
BluesKajlook for wubi in start/all programs19:14
BluesKajit has an uninstaller , I think19:15
newb09it's not there, let me search for it19:15
newb09no items matched the search19:15
newb09it's not on my computer19:15
BluesKajok look for kubuntu or ubuntu whichever19:15
newb09no items match that search either19:16
BluesKajlook for the downloaded app and remove that19:17
newb09i actually thought about doing a clean install of windows....i have everything backed up so i can reinstall it easily....would that help?19:17
newb09could the problem be because i have an external drive and i forgot about it when i installed ubuntu the first time?19:18
Pici!ff35 | fyi, kubuntu helpers19:18
ubottufyi, kubuntu helpers: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:18
BluesKajPici, read an unfavourable review of FF3.5 i Techrepublic ... it's too immature19:20
bartc_regarding wubi, please check c:\boot.ini for a line starting with c:\wubildr.mbr.  I uninstalled ubuntu on my laptop recently (to switch to kubuntu), and noticed also the ubuntu boot option after uninstalling ubuntu.19:21
Dragnslcrnewb09- did you look in the Add/Remove Programs control panel for wubi? I think that's where you uninstall it from19:21
newb09i did, Dragnslcr19:21
newb09i found ubuntu19:21
newb09but no wubi19:21
bartc_after installing Kubuntu, the line was changed to mention Kubuntu after installing Kubuntu.19:22
* newb09 has fought with this for a few days19:22
Dragnslcrnewb09- the Ubuntu entry is probably it19:22
newb09i uninstalled it, Dragnslcr19:22
newb09ugh ugh ugh19:22
* newb09 thinks this is like fighting with her teenagers!19:22
nikitisHow much bandwidth would playing world of warcraft use if it stayed connected for 1 month?  Roughly?19:23
nikitisI'm doing network experiments19:23
newb09i'm about to give up, really....but i seriously want a viable alternative to windows19:23
Pici!offtopic | nikitis19:23
ubottunikitis: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!19:23
bartc_If you uninstalled Ubuntu,it should be safe to remove this line I think to get rid of the boot option.19:23
BluesKajnewb09, I think you'll find that if you do a clean install of Kubuntu first you won't want to go back to Vista19:23
newb09well, the problem is how do i DO a clean install of kubuntu? and is kubuntu different from ubuntu?19:24
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors19:24
bartc_Using Control Panel/System/Advanced/Startup and Recovery, you also get to this file..19:24
nikitisnewb09: the underlying OS is the same, but the user interfaces are different.19:24
newb09y'all, please be patient with me, i am a serious newbie with linux anything, and i am not that great with computer terminology....it's like greek to me and i am language challenged19:25
nikitisnewb09: you'd be better off using ubuntu.  KDE has too many little problems atm, but soon they won't19:25
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BluesKajok newb09  ,if you a prefer a windows-like environment then Kubuntu is the way to go19:26
newb09i don't mind the environment....but when i go to message boards and try to find out what to do, they're all speaking "linux-ese"' and i am totally lost19:26
newb09i don't mind learning a new way to work :)19:27
BluesKajgnome is a little drastic compared to MS windows19:27
newb09a friend has been looking at ubuntu for a long time, and he finally downloaded it and LOVES it....that's how i got interested in it19:27
newb09but all he did was download the OS, copy it to a disk, and reboot with the disk in the drive, of course it worked perfectly!19:28
BluesKajnewb09, it's not a prob , we were all new to this once :) ...kubuntu -kde is more familiar looking for former windowa users19:28
newb09so maybe i should download kubuntu instead?19:28
Dragnslcrnewb09- yeah, the LiveCD ability is pretty nice19:28
BluesKajthat's my recommendation , newb0919:29
newb09alright, another question...19:29
newb09is downloading and burning the cd the same as what i would get if i had it mailed to me?19:30
BluesKajdunno , never installed kubuntu from a mailer ..always burned and installed19:31
newb09have you ever done it within windows?19:31
BluesKajyes, mylaptop19:31
BluesKajused wubi19:32
newb09and should the fact that i have windows that was installed from the manufacturer make a difference? i read something about partitions and such (greek to me) that made me wonder19:32
Machtini accidentaly removed the folder view in which you can enter subfolders.. i tried to add another one.. but if i click a folder there it opens dolphin, instead of opening the folder in the folder view... how can i get that one back?19:33
morenoal guien me dice la pagina de ubuntu en español19:33
BluesKajnewb09, some ppl, myself includedlike to keep a windows version on their pcs , which can live alongside linux by both having their own partition , yes19:34
BluesKaj!es | moreno19:35
ubottumoreno: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:35
newb09well, could a partition be a problem then? and if so, how do i know it is, and how would i solve it?19:35
* newb09 doesn't ask hard questions :)19:35
BluesKajMachtin, open widgets , folder view is available there19:36
nikitisIs there an app to monitor how much bandwidth a PID is using?19:37
BluesKajnewb09, I suggest you ask your friend to help ypu with partitioning , it's a bit difficult to do from here :)19:39
newb09lol, he has no clue, his worked perfectly....it's alright, i am just really frustrated with this.....would kubuntu have the same problem if it is a partitioning problem?19:39
newb09alright, i am going to download kubuntu, then i'll have both CDs, and use whichever one i can get to work first!19:42
BluesKajnewb09, the easiest way IMO is to wipe the hard drive/reformat it to ext3 using a live cd called GParted , the install kubuntu. As yousay if things don't work out , you can always reinstall windows19:42
newb09GParted.....i can download that?19:43
newb09thank you BluesKaj19:43
newb09i know i'm asking really basic questions, and not easy to answer specifically, but thank you for the help19:44
newb09one day i am going to have a best buddy who is a computer expert! :D19:44
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BluesKajnp, don't hesitate to come back and ask for help if you need it , newb0919:44
newb09i appreciate that, see you :)19:44
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skizooI people....one question...where can i found irc servers??19:48
skizoocause konversation only have this one19:49
tonii_server list, most likely? depends on client though I suppose19:49
BluesKajnikitis, http://sourceforge.net/projects/bwmon/19:49
skizooah ok...thanks to g.o.g.le i found my list xD19:51
markrodriguezi am running dual OS kubuntu and xp19:58
markrodriguezi'm trying it figure out how to get the music i had in xp into my amarok.. any answers?19:59
AndorinKatoHi, guys, quick question that will actually be answerable this time. My friend downloaded a driver for her wireless card and needs to compile it, but doesn't know how. The files are here: http://pastebin.com/d4edbb9f2 Can someone give me the correct commands to pass onto her?20:03
instructor_does she havea compiler ?20:05
instructor_AndorinKato: plus I'm guessing that readme26.txt would be interesting20:06
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She has GCC20:06
instructor_AndorinKato: where did she get thse from?20:08
AndorinKatoinstructor_: The readme doesn't contain any instructions.20:08
instructor_I'm assuming this is madwifi or ndiswrapper ?20:09
vadraoAndorinKato: What is the name of the file20:09
AndorinKatoNeither, it's the driver for a wireless card she's installed, some Realtek piece20:09
AndorinKatoShe's getting the link now20:10
vadraoThe commands are usually like this : ./compile <with compile options>20:11
vadraothen "make" and "make install"20:11
vadraoDo them with a sudo command20:11
AndorinKatoAlright, and what about these options? What might she need to do?20:12
instructor_There is no configure script there20:13
KrispyKremeI have a canon pixma 470. Where/what are the correct drivers I need?20:13
markrodriguezjust installed Kubuntu 9.04 on top of Windows XP, and you'd like to figure out how to access documents from your windows partition20:13
markrodriguez03:13:09 pm20:13
markrodriguezmrug13  20:13
markrodriguezyerah, no one told me how i could get my media20:13
FloodBotK2markrodriguez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
markrodriguezooops sorry.. i just installed it and owuld like ot know how to get documents in my windows partition.. thanks.20:14
vadraoAndorinKato: First she needs to install the compilers (gcc stuff). To do that run this command in the terminal "sudo apt-get install build-essential"20:14
AndorinKatovadrao: She can't, she doesn't have a connection to the Internet until she gets her wireless working.20:15
AndorinKatoBesides, I already said she has gcc.20:15
instructor_AndorinKato: try make then sudo make install20:15
vadraoThen go to the directory in which she has unzipped the files in the terminal and then run this command "sudo make install"20:16
KrispyKremehow do i install firefox 3.5 on kubuntu?20:18
vadraoFirefox 3.5 has not been released in the repos for kbuntu I think.. The firefox 3.5 in the repos trys to install gnome crap along20:20
vadraoIf you want to try Firefox 3.5 then just download it and unzip it and run the "firefox" file in it.20:20
instructor_KrispyKreme: wait for backports upgrade to Koala or visit http://getfirefox.com20:20
svencan someone tell me how to format my micro sd card in kubuntu? Its in a SD adapter, and the SD adaper is plugged in my card reader... When I plug a CF card in the card reader, Gparted detects the disk, when I plug in the micro sd card (in the adapter), gparted doens't detect a thing...20:21
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AndorinKatoinstructor_: http://pastebin.com/mb06ad8720:25
markrodriguezif i install kubuntu on top of an xp install how does it partition the drive by default?20:27
instructor_markrodriguez: uses the free space on teh XP drive unless you have another drive in the computer I think20:28
instructor_AndorinKato: Crap20:28
instructor_She needs the linux headers20:28
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AndorinKatoinstructor_: Ok, so what are Linux headers?20:29
instructor_AndorinKato: The source code for the linux kernel she's using20:29
markrodriguezinstructor_:does it resize the old windows partition and create a new ext3 one?20:29
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Er... what does she need that for?20:29
instructor_AndorinKato: The drivers need to know what options and calls they are going to make20:30
instructor_AndorinKato: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)20:31
instructor_markrodriguez: Yes20:31
AndorinKatoOh, LOVELY! This is exactly what the last four days have been like. Simple issue, no problem, we fix it but nope, there's an error, ok, let's fix the error- no, our error fix gets an error! This one is more complicated! Fine, let's fix it... nope, another error!20:31
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She does /not/ have an Internet connection.20:31
marcocome faccio ad installa xorg versione RC7.4 per ATI HD 240020:32
marcohi ppl20:32
instructor_AndorinKato: Ah that's always a problem with getting the network working20:32
instructor_I remember doing the same thing with Windows 9820:32
instructor_go to a friends house to get something doesnt work go back getsomething else20:32
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She doesn't have anywhere she can go, and there aren't any wired connections in the house that she can use.20:33
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instructor_!it | marco20:33
ubottumarco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:33
markrodriguezinstructor_:is there a command i can run to output a list of all my partitions and their filesystem whether they're mounted or not20:33
instructor_sudo fdisk -l ; mount20:33
marcoit's ok, let's talk in english20:33
AndorinKatoRight now she's on Feisty Kubuntu because for some reason her computer will NOT let her run a Jaunty CD. She's tried it with TWO separate CDs and it won't do it.20:33
instructor_AndorinKato: Ah feisty hmm20:34
marcoI have installed kubuntu jaunty20:34
PiciAndorinKato: Feisty is no longer supported and the repositories are no longer online.20:34
AndorinKatoWell, it doesn't matter much anyway since she /can't connect/.20:34
marcoI have already installed, but got some some problem with audio loading flgrx driver20:34
instructor_AndorinKato: where is this?20:35
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Where? What?20:35
instructor_Where is she? at home?20:35
ugurhi people. Does anyone use Kvpnc 0.9.1 with KDE 4?20:35
AndorinKatoYes. She's upstairs with her computer, which can't connect except via wireless. The downstairs PC, which also connects with wireless, DOES work, so she has some access to the Internet.20:36
AndorinKatoWe have been working for over three days trying to get her wireless to work, trying a crapton of things, and we are getting /reeeeally/ fed up with everything.20:38
AndorinKatoLast night she switches out her wireless card, after we discover that three separate operating systems will not detect it no matter what we do. The new card shows up but she needs drivers for it to run in Kubuntu.20:38
KDeskI would also know how to install firefox 3.5 (but 64 bit) for Jaunty?20:38
jimmy51_KDesk:  sudo apt-get install firefox20:39
vadraoFirefox 3.5 is not yet updated in the repos20:39
KDeskjimmy51_: but that installs firefox 3.020:39
jimmy51_KDesk: ah20:40
vadraoKDesk: You have to wait for the repos to get updated or get it from firefox.com20:40
KDeskI can not find 64 bit version in the mozilla ftp.20:40
instructor_AndorinKato: and she has feisty ?20:40
jimmy51_KDesk: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html20:40
AndorinKatoSo either: Someone please tell me a comparatively painless way to get her drivers to work, OR someone tell me why her computer would be refusing to load Kubuntu Jaunty on live CDs.20:40
jimmy51_KDesk: if there's no 64 bit version in those repositories, you'll probably have to compile it20:40
instructor_AndorinKato: that was my next question what happens with the Jaunty Live CDs ?20:41
KDeskjimmy51_: thanks for the link!20:41
shanipribadiAndorinKato: i found this about rtl8180l and feisty http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48142220:41
AndorinKatoinstructor_: The error is that she goes to boot them from the CD and at a certain point before the desktop appears, the screen goes black.20:42
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She says "I get through the loading screen and to one that says Starting KDE Display Manager (KDM) and a couple of things and then black."20:42
instructor_AndorinKato: Did she try the safe graphics mode?20:43
KDesksince FF 3.5. this is insane http://downloadstats.mozilla.com/20:44
BluesKajAndorinKato, may i ask how old is the pc and what cpu ?20:44
AndorinKatoHi, BluesKaj, it's a Dell Dimension 4600 and it's only a few years old.20:44
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She hasn't yet, because she says she's had past experience with that not working, but she will try it soon20:45
TacosarecoolI have error 17 on neogrub20:45
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KrispyKremeis there a way to update ALL the programs that needs updating in kubuntu 9.04?20:46
Tacosarecoolyum krispy kreme20:47
vadraoKrispyKreme: sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude upgrade20:47
KrispyKremevadrao, thanks. willl give it a try20:47
instructor_KrispyKreme: from the command line sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade or from the GUI open kpackagekit and go to software updattes and click select all20:48
markrodriguezinstructor_:'ve temporarily mounted my ntfs partition by running "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/xpdrive". how can i make it mount automatically on boot?20:49
instructor_AndorinKato: It may be trying to turn on some fancy effects that are not reacting as expected20:49
instructor_!fstab | markrodriguez20:49
ubottumarkrodriguez: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:49
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Graphical effects?20:49
instructor_AndorinKato: Since compiz started spinning a cube people want fancy effects on by default so the Live CDs turn them on to act as a test20:50
instructor_Safe graphics should disable them20:50
AndorinKatoinstructor_: I guess that makes sense, but the problem is that Jaunty worked fine before yesterday.20:50
KrispyKremevadrao, instructor_: thanks, my system is fully updated20:50
instructor_AndorinKato: eh? Hmm so... the Cd got scratched?20:51
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Two separate CDs, remember?20:51
vadraoAndorinKato: I might suggest using the usb as the install medium and try20:51
AndorinKatovadrao: Is there a way to create a Kubuntu installer on a flash drive, then?20:52
vadraousb installation will be faster aswell20:52
vadraoAndorinKato: Yes20:52
vadraoAndorinKato: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/20:52
KrispyKremeis there a way to "slipstream" a kubuntu disk will all the current updates like in windows xp?20:52
AndorinKatovadrao: Thanks, I passed that on to her and if safe graphics mode doesn't fix it she might go for that.20:53
vadraoAndorinKato: Download that software onto your Windows or linux machine and then give it the .iso file which you have dowloaded.. Then it will populate the usb.. Then insert it and restart the machine,, Remember to change the bios settings accordingly20:54
donnatI'm getting uber slow OpenGL in games (less than 1 frame every 10 seconds). But SDL games, Compiz, and glxgears (750FPS) are fine. <http://pastebin.com/m3e0e8fc9>20:54
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- dunno about slipstreaming, but you can easily download updated packages and burn them to a CD20:54
vadraoAndorinKato: Also saves valuble cd's :-)20:54
AndorinKatovadrao: Right, it looks pretty straightforward. She left to try safe graphics mode now.20:54
Dragnslcr!aptoncd | KrispyKreme20:54
ubottuKrispyKreme: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline20:55
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD20:55
instructor_KrispyKreme: yes20:56
KrispyKremeis there some kind of defense mechanism I could get for kubuntu, such as an alarm when the AC is unplugged from the laptop or when the touchpad/mouse is moved?20:57
instructor_AndorinKato: if it still dies in safe graphics mode press alt+ctrl+F1 and type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart20:57
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Ok20:57
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Safe graphics mode does not fix it, she gets the same issue,20:59
instructor_AndorinKato: try the thing I said20:59
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She said she can't even bring up a terminal.21:00
vadraoAndorinKato: at the blank screen just press CTRL+ALT+F121:00
AndorinKatovadrao: She did, and it doesn't /do/ anything.21:01
vadraoAndorinKato: No message or text what so ever ? Just plain vanila black21:01
instructor_AndorinKato: Does caps lock work?21:02
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- I would expect there's a program or system setting to bring up a notification for switching from line to battery power. I dunno if there would be anything for when the mouse is moved21:03
AndorinKatovadrao: Indeed.21:03
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She's checking.21:03
instructor_!hi | suke21:04
ubottusuke: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:04
sukeim really REALLY new to ubuntu, and im also not good at computers21:04
sukei cant install anything on ubuntu for some reason21:04
instructor_AndorinKato: If the Splashscreen came up she should be able to alt+ctrl+F1 at least at that point21:04
instructor_suke: What have you tried?21:04
sukeNo application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file.21:05
sukethat comes up21:05
DragnslcrWhat kind of file is it?21:05
vadraosuke: What were you trying to install ?21:05
sukebtw could u not use any technical jargon terms, i dont know anything about computers or its terminology21:05
sukeits a bionicle game >.>....21:05
AndorinKatoinstructor_: If that is the case, where does that even get her?21:06
jhutchins_wksuke: So learn.  We'll help.  We'll try to be gentle.  What kind of file is it?21:06
DragnslcrNever even heard of that21:06
AndorinKatoinstructor_: No, caps lock does not work.21:06
instructor_AndorinKato: ha.21:06
vadraosuke: How did you donwload that file.. from where ?21:06
instructor_oh crap. Which splash screen? the first one?21:06
KrispyKremeI have this shiretoko web browser I want to remove. How do I do it?21:06
instructor_right after the first menu ?21:06
AndorinKatoinstructor_: She says yes, the loading one.21:07
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- if you installed it through the package manager, you can uninstall it through the package manager21:07
instructor_AndorinKato: Ahh ah right no alt+ctrl wouldn't work at that point.21:07
instructor_suke_: open kpackagekit and install wine21:08
KrispyKremeDragnslcr, I installed it through the terminal21:08
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- using apt?21:08
AndorinKatoSo do you think she should try for making a USB installation?21:08
instructor_AndorinKato: Thought you were talking about a different splash screen. Did this happen after she put in the new card?21:08
KrispyKremeDragnslcr, it gives me this message: : Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)21:08
KrispyKremeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:08
instructor_KrispyKreme: close kpackagekit21:08
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- make sure no other programs are using apt21:08
jhutchins_wksuke: What's the full filename of the package you tried to install?21:08
suke_whats kpackagekit21:08
Dragnslcrsuke_- the package manager for Kubuntu21:09
instructor_suke_: press alt+f2 and then type kpackage21:09
instructor_jhutchins_wk: bionicle.exe I'm guessing21:09
suke_Could not open location 'file:///kpackagekit' The location or file could not be found.21:10
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Well, she says that the Jaunty CDs haven't worked since she put the new card in. However, at roughly the same time she also installed Windows 7 on a partition, so it could be either of those though I don't know why Windows would be messing with Kubuntu.21:11
BluesKajAndorinKato, Dell Dimension 4600 is prolly 5 yrs old with 512RAM , if so,that's barely meeting jaunty or even intrepid requirements for memory, hence the prob with trying to run those OS live cds21:11
suke_i clicked "show list of known applications" and there was nothing there21:11
AndorinKatoBluesKaj: But it ran them just fine before yesterday, and I think she has more than 512 MB RAM.21:12
suke_i clicked "show list of known applications" and there was nothing there21:12
suke_Could not open location 'file:///kpackagekit' The location or file could not be found.21:12
AndorinKatoBluesKaj: Yeah, she has 1 GB.21:12
jhutchins_wkBluesKaj: Wow, I build systems on 512k every day using CentOS 4.7.21:13
KrispyKremeinstructor_, I got it removed now. thanks21:13
suke_is kubuntu diffrent from ubuntu?21:14
shanipribadi_suke: quite a bit21:14
suke_i think im in the wrong irc21:14
shanipribadi_suke: are you using kubuntu?21:14
instructor_AndorinKato: highly unlikely it's windows 7. Does windows 7 see the card ?21:15
KrispyKremeAndorinKato, you could try the remix edition. it's designed for netbooks so it requires less ram21:15
instructor_are you using kubuntu or ubuntu ?21:15
kaddiis there a good tutorial how wireless works on kubuntu? And what the network clients really do, when I start them?21:16
kaddiBecause right now, I'm quite confused... I had lost my internet connection and killing wicd (the daemon, not the gui), brought my internet back to life. o.021:16
AndorinKatoinstructor_: It sees it and automatically installed a driver, but she's paranoid about going online with an unpatched Windows 7 beta version.21:16
Blues-Mani have several problems with jaunty jackalope on my kubuntu21:17
shanipribadi_kaddi: why are you using wicd? since my kubuntu started with network applet21:17
Blues-Manabout video and wifi21:17
instructor_AndorinKato: :-) You mean it might disable itself?21:17
Blues-Mani'm lost in launchpad threads..the problems comes on an update in April21:17
kaddishanipribadi_ because network applet is unable to connect to wpa2 encoded networks in jaunty21:17
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Yeah. Plus she wants to move to using Linux full-time.21:18
instructor_AndorinKato: baptized in fire it seems21:18
AndorinKatoWhich I personally think is a great choice except when things DO NOT WORK. :(21:18
kaddiAndorinKato: did you figure out your wireless problems? was the card faulty? (I'm just being curious :) )21:19
BluesKaj the w7 firewall is quite good, linux driver sites are quite safe IMO , I've had to just that in the past to DL linux drivers in Windows to repair/restore linux hardware drivers21:19
instructor_AndorinKato: depends on who you are. I like when things don't work as getting them working makes you learn so much21:19
AndorinKatokaddi: Kubuntu Jaunty wouldn't recognize the card, Feisty wouldn't recognize the card and Windows 7 wouldn't recognize the card. I think we've determined that it's the card.21:19
instructor_BluesKaj: I think the fear is that the beta will update itself and then die21:19
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Sure, except when you have to spend days on what should be a comparatively simple issue.21:20
KrispyKremeBluesKaj, do you really need a firewall in kubuntu?21:20
BluesKajshe can turn the updates off in W7 control panel21:20
motanybody know what directory plugins should be copied to for firefox 3.5?21:20
instructor_AndorinKato: yeah agreed. So I'm going on the assumption that the card is somehow causing the issue. when she bootsh the live CD can she press F6 at the menu and remove the words quiet and splash ?21:20
BluesKajKrispyKreme, i was using windows at the time21:20
moti tried /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and neither works21:20
instructor_KrispyKreme: no but a firewall is a godo idea21:21
motalso tried to look in ~/.mozilla/ and there was no plugins folder...21:21
AndorinKatoBluesKaj: I think her version isn't going to die out anytime soon, it's supposed to last for quite a while21:21
BluesKaj!firewall | KrispyKreme21:21
ubottuKrispyKreme: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist21:21
BluesKaj!virus | KrispyKreme21:22
ubottuKrispyKreme: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:22
instructor_AndorinKato: that should show what happened before it freaks out if it's a aCPI issue we can bypass that21:24
shanipribadi_kaddi: are you using jaunty? currently im using a wpa2 network with network applet, kde4.2.4 from kubuntu ppa updates. Since it is the default, i prefer it over wicd.21:24
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Ok, passing on21:24
KrispyKremeso ubuntu/kubuntu may not be vulnerable to viruses, but what about phishing/hacking?21:24
instructor_Whoops class is back in session :)21:24
BluesKajAndorinKato, being cautious is a good thing , W7 is still pretty safe ...I would go ahead and DL the needed drivers in W7 .. Idid the same thing , didn't get infected21:25
instructor_KrispyKreme: it's vunerable to viruses phishing and hacking21:25
AndorinKatoinstructor_: I think for the moment the plan is to get her online in Windows, so perhaps I can get her in here21:25
AndorinKatoBluesKaj: She did download the drivers but she can't compile them21:25
instructor_AndorinKato: Ah umm ok21:25
instructor_and from feisty she won'tbe able to21:25
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:26
KrispyKremeinstructor_, what firewall/antivirus do you suggest I get?21:27
instructor_KrispyKreme: you have a fw already and you shouldn't need Av21:27
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- every operating system is vulnerable to stupid users21:27
kaddishanipribadi_ When I first upgraded to jaunty there was no way to connect to WPA2.. It connected to unsecure networks just fine, but simply didn't do anything if secured networks were concerned. I switched to wicd back then, which immediately recognized and connected to the network. So far wicd has also been much more stable than knetworkmanager ever was (and I've been using it since Dapper), so I will stay with it. ;) My interest is21:27
kaddirather independent from the client in itself.. I would actually like to now what happens behind the scenes, where you tell ubuntu to connect to wifi, where the key is stored and this kind of stuff21:27
motnobody knows where the plugins folder is for ff3.5?21:27
instructor_see the link given as to why21:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3.521:28
DragnslcrKrispyKreme- you shouldn't need a running firewall, since the only ports that are listening for connections are ones for normal programs that you run21:28
BluesKaj!info firefox3.521:29
ubottuPackage firefox3.5 does not exist in jaunty21:29
Dragnslcr!info firefox-3.521:29
ubottufirefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 889 kB, installed size 3468 kB21:29
BluesKajsomeone posted a repos for ff3.5 a few hrs ago ,but i don't see it now21:29
KrispyKremeDragnslcr, I learned that the hard way on Windows. haha21:29
KrispyKremeBluesKaj, this one? http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html21:30
shanipribadi_kaddi: i see, well, before i upgraded to jaunty i had been reading about wireless stuffs and had dled wicd, (cos i had read somewhere that jaunty had some problems with secured wifi, but apparently i was lucky). You could try the ubuntu wiki, and google for wireless documentation, or wicd documentation21:30
BluesKajKrispyKreme, I've been on kubuntu for 5 yrs , no virus yet21:30
kaddishanipribadi_ the wifidocs actually have a rather technical introduction, that I'm lucking at right now... should help me along the way, thanks :)21:31
KrispyKremeBluesKaj, I've been on kubuntu for a month now. Not looking back to Windows21:31
BluesKajI'll wait for a while for FF3.5 to become more mature , I've read some disappointing reviews21:32
shanipribadi_there's firefox-3.5 on the official repos21:32
KrispyKremeshanipribadi, really?21:33
shanipribadi_KrispyKreme: on universe21:33
kaddishanipribadi_ yes but the firefox-3.5 is built from a RC, it is not the final release21:33
BluesKajKrispyKreme, I still keep a windows partition handy since my family and friends rely on me for windows advice , not that I'm any windows guru or anything21:34
markrodriguezinstructor_: i installed the nvidia 180 driver and for some reason my resolution is squished.. part of the monitor is black and i can't run the mouse over it and the other side i could keep going and the mouse disapears.. whatdo i do/21:34
moti'm not seeing an amd64 release on mozilla.com21:34
shanipribadi_kaddi: there's already a final release?? i didn't know that, for how long? well, try gg:site:launchpad.net ppa firefox-3.521:34
motonly i68621:34
Dragnslcrshanipribadi_- final release of 3.5 was today. Hopefully we'll get packages in a few days21:35
kaddishanipribadi_ I think there has been a final release for about 6 hours or so. :p21:35
AndySpaincan anybody please help me set up my wifi on my hp pavillion laptop?21:35
KrispyKremehow do i know which "package" i have,such as universe, etc?21:35
instructor_hi AndySpain21:35
AndySpainhi instructor_!21:35
BluesKajmarkrodriguez, which nvidia card and which monitor ?21:36
AndySpaineverything but the wifi works fine here21:36
shanipribadi_KrispyKreme: from cli, you can read /etc/apt/sources.list21:37
markrodriguezinstructor_:tough one,venturer 27in and the card is a 256mb ddr 3.. is that enough? i could look itup in my windows book21:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:37
BluesKajAndySpain, wired connect eth0 works ok ?21:37
shanipribadi_KrispyKreme: if you want to use GUI, you can open Package manager and find the option to edit sources21:37
AndySpainBluesKaj yes, eth0 works and is the onyl device shown in the network maanger21:38
BluesKajmarkrodriguez, in the terminal: lspci | grep -i vga21:38
shanipribadi_i found a ppa on launchpad with "firefox-3.5 - 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1~jaunty". what does nobinonly means?21:39
KrispyKremeshanipribadi, sweet, it looks like i have universe enabled21:39
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Just so you know, we're still planning to fix it, just need a break from all this madness ;-;21:39
BluesKajAndySpain, you are using the widget-network-manager then , right ?21:39
markrodriguez8600 gt21:39
markrodriguezinstructor_:8600 gt21:39
instructor_markrodriguez: sudo  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg && sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart21:39
AndySpainBluesKaj, correct. I know no CLI commands21:39
AndySpainBluesKaj, the green globe in panel21:39
shanipribadi_KrispyKreme: but the universe only has firefox 3.5 beta, not official release21:40
BluesKajAndySpain, which kubuntu version , intrepid ?21:40
KrispyKremeshanipribadi, how do I enable like multiverse/ etc?21:40
KrispyKremeand is it recommended?21:40
KrispyKremewait, nevermind.21:41
AndySpainBluesKaj, yes intrepid still21:41
instructor_AndorinKato: ping me when you are ready21:41
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Thank you, will do.21:41
AndySpainBluesKaj, right now I won't upgrade due to other factors.21:42
markrodriguezinstructor_:my keyborad won't let me type my password in after i type that command in21:43
KrispyKremedoes anyone use a program called "sweeper"?21:43
BluesKajkaddi, did you say you ran wicd on intrepid , did you uninstall knetworkmanager first or just disable it?21:43
instructor_markrodriguez: it is21:43
instructor_markrodriguez: type it normally. it's going in it's just not echoing anythign back21:43
kaddiBluesKaj:  no I ran wicd only on jaunty.. I've run knetworkmanager before, which is why I prefer wicd ;)21:44
kaddiBluesKaj: but if you want to do some test, I still have gutsy on a laptop whih is basically only used for messing around21:44
motif you install wicd it should automatically uninstall knetworkmanager and re-associate the service for wicd21:44
BluesKajno kaddi , i;m asking on behalf of AndySpain , should he just install wicd , or will there be a conflict with knetworkmanager ?21:45
shanipribadi_you cant have both wicd and knetworkmanager i think, cos they're in conflict, so installing one will remove the other21:46
kaddiBluesKaj: I can only tell you for jaunty. Wicd automatically removed networkmanager on jaunty. I don't know for intrepid21:46
BluesKajmot , yes i know that works for the widget-manager, but are you sure wicd will delete knetworkmanager ?21:47
BluesKajAndySpain, in the terminal : sudo aptitude install wicd21:48
kaddiBluesKaj: it removed networkmanager and the frontends knetworkmanager, nm-applet to be precise21:48
KrispyKremeI have a canon pixma 470 printer, but it doesn't have that driver available. What can I do?21:50
BluesKajkaddi, good21:50
AndySpainBluesKaj: ok, sounds easy. Thank you very much. i'll try right now21:51
BluesKajAndySpain, you still have to setup the wifi configuration , but that's quite straightforward21:52
AndySpainafter install i run it from terminal with "wicd"?21:52
BluesKajonce you download wicd , just look in the k-menu /internet ,21:53
=== shanipribadi_ is now known as shanipribadi
AndySpainBluesKaj: failure21:53
AndySpainBluesKaj: aptitude installed 0 packages - I think it was already there then.21:54
AndySpainIn kmenu, applications, internet there are only webbrowsers, amsn, Knetworkmanager but no wicd21:54
wirechief_AndySpain   check to see status of wicd using  dpkg -l|grep wicd21:55
BluesKajAndySpain, nope it should be in the repos multiverse/universe , unless wicd won't run on intrepid21:57
Dragnslcr!info wicd intrepid21:57
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid21:57
AndySpainwirechef_ dpkg -l|grep wicd  gives no result22:00
AndySpainis there no way to make it run on intrepid?22:00
AndySpainit's an atheros cards22:01
BluesKajwell srry but ihave to do some errands ..BBL22:01
AndySpainBluesKaj: Thank you. See you later22:01
wirechief_AndySpain no result, no wicd22:01
AndySpainwirechef_ no text at all, a new prompt22:01
BluesKajAndySpain, http://wicd.sourceforge.net/22:03
kaddiAndySpain: wicd is apparently not included in the ubuntu repositories, but you can get if from the repositories of wicd.http://wicd.net/moinmoin/Wicd on Ubuntu22:04
kaddihow do I get the link to be complete? it goes from here > http://wicd.net/moinmoin/Wicd on Ubuntu < til here22:04
AndySpainBluesKaj and Kaddi: Thanks. am reading22:06
=== alberto is now known as Guest75445
instructor_AndorinKato: tried the removal of quiet and splash ?22:12
AndorinKatoinstructor_: Not yet, I'll let you know when.22:12
wirechief_AndySpain here are the depends for wicd:  http://pastebin.com/f51393c5822:13
AndySpainok found out. Installing wicd it told me it would remove a BROKEN package knetworkmanager and that  network-manager-kde depends on network-manager (>= 0.6.2) which is not installable22:14
AndySpainwicd installed now22:14
AndySpainwirechief won't dependencies be installed automatically?22:15
AndySpainok, wicd installed and started. says cabled networkd found, no wireless found22:16
wirechief_AndySpain if not usually apt-get -f install works  (not sure if supported in your repos though)22:16
AndySpainI did sudo aptitude install wicd22:17
AndySpainno errors22:17
kaddiAndySpain: are you sure that the card is working?22:17
AndySpaindo i need to restart?22:17
AndySpainkaddi: yes under windows it works22:17
chris_mporei kapoios na me vohthisei?22:18
wirechief_usually for the first attempt, if it got a ip for you, or /etc/init.d/networking restart22:18
kaddiAndySpain: just wanted to make sure ;)22:18
ign0ramusAndySpain, if wicd doesn't find any wireless, sometimes restarting X works.  I've had to do that upon first installing on Hardy.  After that, it works seamlessly.22:18
wirechief_it seems to need to be kickstarted when first used.22:19
ign0ramusAndySpain, also, the version in the repos is a couple of versions older than what's offered on the sourceforge page, but stability-wise, you're good to go.22:20
wirechief_another trick is to use dhclient eth0  or eth122:20
andy_kaddi: yes under windows it works22:24
andy_now i closed the knetwork manager - maybe they conflict22:24
andy_and i got disconnected22:24
andy_clicked connect in wicd and could enter again, though wicd still says disconnected22:25
kaddiandy_ I see that, I'm gonna paste you the suggestions that were posted after you left. :)22:25
andy_now 'dpkg -l|grep wicd' foinds something: 'ii  wicd  1.5.9 wired and wireless network manager'22:25
andy_kaddi: thank you22:25
kaddiAndy_ http://nopaste.com/p/ajvAQ7Ehm22:26
andy_i even tried to manually write ath0 as the wireless interface in preferences as this was empty22:26
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kaddiandy_ what kind of card do you have? Did you already say, I didn't see it22:27
andy_even for the cabled one it tells me disconnected, but I'm in here...22:29
andy_I closed wicd and tried the /etc/init.d/networking restart  thing22:29
andy_to no avail22:29
andy_I don't know exactly the name, but it's atheros22:29
wirechief_did you try dhclient eth022:29
wirechief_or is it wlan022:30
wirechief_do a sudo ifconfig  and see which22:30
andy_wirechief, not yet. I think on a precviously installed ubuntu (dunno how it worked there, it was a hassle as well it was ath0)22:30
andy_do the names change?22:30
wirechief_ok well ifconfig will show whats available for use22:31
andy_eth0 and lo that's all in ifconfig22:31
wirechief_ok then its dhclient eth022:31
andy_in terminal?22:32
andy_i think in ubuntu in those days i had to download some driver from madwifi...22:32
andy_unfortunately I don't remember anything22:32
andy_this time I'm coying all to a txt file so I can do it alone in the future22:33
andy_ok dunno if it helps: lspci gives this card: 08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)22:35
wirechief_does lsmod show any wireless modules ?22:35
andy_wirechief_ no, nothing I could identify as wireless22:36
andy_powernow, bitlbit, kvm, sound, video, pata, ext3 and so stuff, no word wireless or wife22:36
wirechief_cfg80211               67756  3 iwl3945,iwlcore,mac80211  this is mine22:37
wirechief_i believe there needs to be a 8021122:37
andy_??, gosh. I'll paste you my output22:37
wirechief_use pastebinit22:38
wirechief_ maybe  lsmod |pastebinit22:38
vltHello. I opened a mail in KMail and chose "Save All Attachments..." from the context menu. I get a msg: "Found no attachments to save". Any idea what's the problem here?22:38
andy_wirechief_: http://nopaste.com/p/aaLBWCtli22:39
andy_what's a pastebinit?22:39
andy_no 80222:40
andy_and no 80211 there22:40
jhutchins_wkvlt: no attchments in the currently selected message?22:40
wirechief_andy_ maybe google  ubuntu Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x22:41
andy_so, lspci shows it and lsmod not?22:41
vltjhutchins_wk: The header section shows "Attachments: img1.jpg img2.jpg ..."22:42
wirechief_andy_  lots of hits...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90286022:43
wirechief_andy_  when you get lost, use google its your friend ;)22:43
ign0ramusandy_, specifically: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6837541&postcount=5222:43
wirechief_good luck22:43
wirechief_ign0ramus: ;)22:44
ign0ramuswirechief_, google is a great thing... we both immediately found the same article ;)22:44
wirechief_yeah, its gotten me out of lots of tight spots with compiling22:45
wirechief_some errors are just not human readable or understandable.22:45
ign0ramuswirechief_, me too.  it's usually some simple lib or package, but without google, i'd have never have known which one22:45
jhutchins_wkAtheros is still madwifi, isn't it?22:45
ign0ramusjhutchins_wk, it seems so (reading the above article)22:46
ign0ramusjhutchins_wk, but there are ath5k modules, too, not sure if they are madwifi or not22:46
* ign0ramus has an Intel chipset... wireless is the only thing he DOESNT have a problem with ;)22:47
ign0ramuskaddi, you know what i'm talking about!22:48
kaddiindeed I do :D22:48
ign0ramuskaddi, but following the performance guide, we can achieve usability almost comparable to a year ago :(22:49
vltAny idea how to save all attachment files from a mail (opened in KMail)?22:50
kaddiign0ramus:it can only go up from here. ;) I'm just glad there is a fix at all. ;)22:50
andy_wirechief_: thanks reading the posts. one included a wget from a madwifi site which didn't exist anymore. now I'm trying to figure out how to enable bakcports here22:50
ign0ramuskaddi, i'm with you.  some kernel devs have suggested that the intel regressions will be fixed by Karmic's release22:50
ign0ramusandy_, you can install backports from the repos.  perhaps "linux-backports-modules-jaunty" may be of interest to you...22:53
kaddikarmic will be kernelversion 2.6.30 ? or 29?22:53
kaddiign0ramus: he's using intrepid ;)22:53
ign0ramusandy_, oh, then search apt-cache or adept or whatever for 'backports'... they're in there :)22:54
ign0ramuskaddi, 2.6.30 or higher22:54
vbgunzcan someone enlighten me? why when I go to tty 1 - 6 I keep seeing "cannot examine encrypted directory" after I log in? I dont remember ever trying to add encryption manually and I could almost swear when asked in the installer, I said no... whats happening?22:54
ign0ramuskaddi, alpha2 snapshot and review: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2009/06/first-look-ubuntu-910-alpha-2.ars22:56
kaddiI didn't know about the ten-second startup goal... looks interesting ^^22:57
andy_thx ign0ramos22:57
ign0ramusandy_, np22:57
andy_well, trying this otmorrow22:57
andy_gotta go now22:58
ign0ramusandy_, may the force be with you22:58
andy_thank youz all for your active help22:58
andy_I'll let you know if it worked22:58
andy_good nite!22:58
kaddigood night :)22:58
andy_with you too, Ign0, kaddi and wirechief!22:58
ign0ramuskaddi, good to see you. i also have to go... first shift working for kgb.  I'll actually start getting paid to answer questions! :)22:59
instructor_vbgunz: double check that>23:00
kaddigood night then, I'm gonna leave as well :)23:00
ign0ramuswirechief_, you should look into it too!  looking stuff up on google can pay off!23:00
ign0ramusgnite kaddi :)23:00
vbgunzinstructor double check what and how? I do not want encryption *if* I have it23:00
kaddiok, I just have to ask: what does kgb stand for?23:00
ign0ramuskaddi, off-topic, but its just an answering service for people who ask questions via text message.23:01
kaddiok, thanks :)23:01
mubuHey guys is there anyway I can change an application icon so that when I go to "Applications" and go to a specific app I can see it with a custom icon? Thanks Im using ubuntu 9.0423:22
instructor_mubu: kemenueditor23:23
mubuinstructor_, thanks23:24
instructor_vbgunz: do you have a Private directory ?23:45
fabricio_hi everybody can anyone tell me if kde 4.3 can be usable and stable? i'm using kubuntu 9.04 kde 4.2.2 thanks a lot23:48
=== jono_ is now known as jono
instructor_fabricio_: is 4.2.2 unstable for you?23:49
instructor_hi jono23:49
jonohey instructor_ :)23:49
instructor_how are you?23:49
fabricio_no.. of course not! but i want to try kde 4.3 :D23:49
instructor_fabricio_: should be about the same23:49
fabricio_yes but i think the rc of kde 4.3 is release today right?23:50
instructor_fabricio_: It's released when they say it's released kubuntu should have it within a day of that. monitor http://kubuntu.org for that23:51
instructor_Course KDE 4.4 is where you want to be at :-D23:51
fabricio_thanks a lot, and sorry for my english and from venezuela :D last thing i want to know, do you think kde 4.3 rc can be stable? or at least usable?23:52
instructor_fabricio_: I'm on it now so for me it's fine. I think it should be alright for you as well. If you do find any problems please report them at http://bugs.kde.org so they can be addressed for the final release23:53
instructor_fabricio_: your english is fine. Better than my brother's :-D23:53
fabricio_thanks a lot jajaja thanks instructor your brother might be 4yo? jeje23:53
instructor_fabricio_: 27 sadly but never quite got that BET isn't a classroom23:56
fabricio_jajaja incredible!23:57
instructor_fabricio_: 4.3 is quite a fun release23:58
fabricio_why? :D23:58
instructor_It's not nearly the list of improvements of 4.2 over 4.1 but there is a lot of polish and nice things happeneing23:58
instructor_The system tray and notifications are much nicer and things which just got missed before work now23:59
instructor_Small things like some plasmoids not having info or tooltips and they pretty much all do now23:59
instructor_All the ones I tested at least23:59

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