
mneptok14:16 [Freenode] [mariahfemme(i=ircap8@] i have webcam and big tits do you want to see me? add to your msn Linda-Girl88@ in h0tmail . c0m01:03
mneptoki have a webcam, too, but V4L doesn't support it.01:04
mneptoki have big boobs, too, but my man-bra doesn't support them.01:04
mneptokanyone have me strike 3?01:04
bazhangwho is swoody01:29
bazhangin -irc , wanting to take over a ubuntu- channel01:48
naliothi'm trying to get to the bottom of it02:06
atari2600asome months ago I was banned from  #Ubuntu for lashing out or something02:51
atari2600aI don't exactly remember, but I still feel like an asshat because of it02:51
atari2600aI have since been put on Wellbutrin & don't exactly have those problems anymore02:52
bazhangatari2600a, using this nick?02:52
atari2600aso I was wondering...02:52
atari2600ayeah, but it may have been an IP ban02:52
atari2600aI'm not exactly sure02:52
bazhanghang on let me check02:52
atari2600aI was banned after I left the channel, so I didn't actually see the /mode line02:54
bazhangatari2600a, you have tried to rejoin #ubuntu since then?02:54
atari2600ajust like 5mins ago02:54
atari2600afrom Pidgin:  02:55
atari2600aYou are banned from #ubuntu02:55
atari2600alol, google +v's all it's ops too :P02:56
Piciatari2600a: Please fix your realname field on your irc client.02:56
atari2600aof crap02:57
atari2600ahow the hell did that get in there?02:57
PiciYou'd know better than me02:57
Piciatari2600a: Once you fix that, you'll probably have to reconnect to freenode, but then you can join #ubuntu02:58
atari2600ait's my lowest level password, I must've mistaen in for the password field when setting up Pidgin back in 9.04 (I have since copied most of my /home folders from reformat to reformat02:58
atari2600ahold on, reconnecting02:59
atari2600athanks, it's all working now03:00
atari2600athe realname thing was a honest mistake, I seriously must've mistaken the realname field for the password field in the initial  rush of setting everything up03:01
atari2600abye now03:01
Picinot a very good password :/03:10
bazhangI need to take a time-out. RhinoSerious ...03:14
cabreyhi is #ubuntu a general discussion and support channel or just support?03:55
naliothcabrey: just support03:57
nalioththere are no #ubuntu-* 'general discussion' channels here03:57
cabreyhmm well there is debate in #ubuntu because of the site03:57
cabreyit says general discussion03:57
cabreymaybe that could be changed?03:57
elkyit's general discussion within the topic of ubuntu03:58
elkytntc, can we help?03:59
naliothwithin the topic of "ubuntu support"03:59
tntcwe're having a bit of a debate.03:59
tntcIs #ubuntu purely a support channel, or both a general discussion/support channel?04:00
naliothtntc: i just answered that in #ubuntu 04:00
tntcnalioth: then you were likely offtopic :)04:00
elkytntc, and you're likely baiting?04:01
tntcelky: nalioth: sorry, just frustrated.04:01
tntcnalioth: if that were true, there would be no need to explicitly state that it's a discussion channel in the wiki04:01
tntceither the wiki should reflect that it's a support only channel, or the policy should reflect that it's both a support and discussion channel.04:02
tntcthe ambiguity detracts from conversations.04:02
naliothonly when the smell of mutton arrives04:03
elkyand having to answer these questions two time in five minutes after several years of people using commonsense detracts from my paid work04:03
tntcso basically you don't care.04:04
* nalioth smells a barbecue04:05
tntcI'm sorry to have wasted your time.04:05
elkywe do care. we just liked it when people used commonsense04:05
mooseberrygreetings ubuntu07:49
mooseberryim looking for a good graphics organizer program07:49
mooseberrycan anyone recomend one?07:49
elkythis #ubuntu-ops and  is for channel/operator issues only. not support questions07:50
mooseberryhow did i get here D:07:50
tsimpsonMyrtti: mOose != m0ose07:55
elkyyep, fixed07:55
elkythis is why fonts that disambiguate 0 and 0 are good07:56
elkyer, O and 007:56
tsimpsonor just copy & paste :)07:57
* elky growls in snuxoll's direction.08:04
elkyi really hate people misusing that word like that08:04
Myrttioh right08:07
Myrttihandwritten ban08:07
elkyall fixeded and waiting for him to notice my PM now08:08
elkythere we go08:08
Flannelplease don't use a capital letter at the beginning of each word?  whta?08:31
FlannelSomeone actually complained that someone else shouldn't use A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Each Word08:59
Flannel!away > Kristof_D 09:22
Tm_TFlannel: not even In The Title ?11:34
elkyif memed returns, please keep an eye on him. he was PMing and ctcping me just now, and went silent and left after i asked him what12:34
=== christel is now known as snooty
=== snooty is now known as christel
PiciJust did some asking about, if anyone asks, FF 3.5 final isn't in the repos, and its not even built yet, but it will eventually be.  17:01
PiciIf anyone is really really excited about it, I suppose we could point them to launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa , since it will get pushed there while testing.17:02
PiciI gotta run to a meeting, but we may want a factoid for this, we've been getting a lot of questions.17:02
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins17:04
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is being built and tested for Jaunty.  For best results, please do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com18:27
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins18:28
FlannelShould probably put a "see !ff35" at the end of that too18:28
Flannelmmm, maybe not18:28
Tm_TFlannel: for temporary, yes18:33
topyli"for best results, install epiphany instead" :)18:36
PiciFor best results: store in a cool, dry place18:36
Pici!firefox =~ s/$/ - See also !firefox-3.5/18:37
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:37
mneptoknalioth: meep18:48
mneptokchristel: you, too18:48
mneptokchristel: could you +o me in #maria-sysadm so i can register the channel? easier than asking people in various time zones to cycle.18:49
christeldone :)18:49
mneptokyou = the tops18:49
mneptokchristel: as a reward, would you like some therapeutic massage? do you know anything about massage therapy?18:51
* mneptok giggles18:51
christelwhy thank you, thats a very kind offer18:52
christeland i do know a fair bit, why? :)18:52
mneptokchristel: just needling you after catching the "I KNOW WHAT YOU DO FOR A LIVING" abuse you suffered in backscroll18:54
mneptokchristel: if i could DCC Thorazine ....18:54
mneptokheavy is the head that wears the crown, dear.18:55
Piciadded some more info:19:14
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:14
jribah, the joys of new software in a support channel...20:17
Piciits been a zoo in there20:17
ubottuff35 aliases: ff3.5, firefox-3.5 - added by Pici on 2009-06-30 17:27:04 - last edited by Pici on 2009-06-30 19:01:5522:35

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