
phoenix_andthorActually, if you go into Synaptic, you can remove everything nvidia related00:00
nekostarmodprobe inserts kernel modules and can unrun em i suppose,00:00
snakehmm, what causes audio to stop playing when I control+alt+f1?00:00
nekostarphoenix_andthor, yeah i know00:00
nekostarbut the problem is the `this kernel module has the version 180.37.05` vs `API mismatch: the client has the version 190.09`00:01
nekostarso i'm gonna rip out the 190.09 right now, but even then i'll still have the remainders of the 190.3700:01
nekostarer 180.37.05 rather; so are there any nvidia experts?00:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp00:01
mrkleanSound problem: I have Via AC97 onboard sound, it doesn't work. Ubuntu detects the hardware. Ubuntu seems to have the drivers installed. GNOME volume controls list all the devices that are involved with the sound, and they are all turned all the way up. Yet still no sound. Any help?00:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:01
WormikAfter suspend swapplace was changed and I can't run system. How can I do it?00:02
phoenix_andthorI'm not an nvidia expert, but I think you go in as root and manually remove the modules, assuming of course that are not compiled into the kernel itself00:02
nekostarphoenix_andthor, they are lol00:02
RabbitbunnyYou have to sudo modprobe...00:02
snakehas anyone else noticed audio they start in X stop playing when you drop down to a text shell with control+alt+f1?00:02
Rabbitbunnysnake: let me try that...00:03
snakeit is driving me crazy00:03
snakeeven if I start audio with mpg321 or mpg123, or whatever in x, it still does it00:03
Rabbitbunnysnake: that's just you. cmus gives me audio in tty1.00:03
phoenix_andthornekostar: Number 1, why the hell did you compile nvidia anything into the kernel?! 2, you will need to recompile your whole kernel from scratch00:03
`SKAPanyone configured an OTRS system before?00:03
snakeRabbitbunny: you started audio in X, and dropped to a text terminal to see if it still played?00:04
personCheese is performing badly despite Option "Clone" "true" being in my xorg.conf - what shall I do?00:04
phoenix_andthorAnd somebody tell me how to do private messaging in IRC00:04
Rabbitbunnysnake: Well, cmus is cli, But yes.00:04
snakehmm, interesting00:04
Rabbitbunny/msg <user> <msg>00:04
tenachphoenix_andthor:  /msg <user>... Rabbitbunny got to it first.00:04
snakeif I start audio in one TTY, and I switch to another, the sound stops00:04
RabbitbunnyI have a Model M, It's not fair.00:04
WormikAfter suspend I can't start system. SWAP was changed. What do?00:05
snakewtf is going on00:05
snakeif I switch back, the audio plays fine00:05
snakeI wonder if this is pulse audio related00:05
RabbitbunnyHmm. maybe approach from that tty asif audio isn't workig at all, and see what it tells you?00:05
kaddihello :)00:06
Abnixoh my dear god somebody help... not thinking I hit the windows key+r....  now I'm in uber zoomed funky mode and can't get out....00:11
phoenix_andthorPop quiz, for anybody who solve this. Sometimes when my mother is Windows XP in VirtualBox, the sound cuts off after about 15 minutes or so. Anyone know what's going? installed from 9.04 repos and using ALSA for host and guest.00:11
Abnixwait, got it, scroll wheel magic...00:12
legend2440any way to use livecd or alternative cd to reinstall ubuntu by just overwriting files without it formatting the drive?00:13
LordDragonis there a way in ubuntu to find out what sound chip is being reported to the os ?00:14
hilikushow can i get the network ID i'm connected to right now from the command line?00:14
LordDragonlike some sort of hardware profile ?00:14
phoenix_andthorlspci command00:15
personHey, I'm struggling at step 2 at this guide http://tinyurl.com/mjscen because the steps in another guide that it refers to don't exist. What do I need to do?00:15
person'Determine video memory register and assign to mtrr.'00:15
legend2440LordDragon: in terminal    asoundconf list00:16
phoenix_andthorthat works too, just doing it the hard way ;-)00:16
legend2440LordDragon: in terminal    asoundconf list   or    aplay -l00:16
stroyanLordDragon: Or "more /sys/class/sound/card*/id"00:17
grkblood13whenever i delete stuff off of my usb im not getting the space back00:17
CoJaBo-Aztecperson: Have a direct link?00:17
grkblood13it says the same amount is free00:17
Kjellgrkblood13: there are a trash folder in there you need to delete that one too00:17
personCoJaBo-Aztec: If necessary. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne#Notes%20about%20Ubuntu%209.04%20(Jaunty%20Jackalope)%20desktop%20and%20UNR%20(Netbook%20Remix)00:17
WinterWeaverSystem >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers, does not work anymore for some reason :( ... running it in the term gives me this error: http://smoeboe.pastebin.com/m755c76f100:17
dragonlinuxok i see the sound hardware list00:18
dragonlinuxin "Sounds" control panel, when i click "test" it seems to play audio00:18
dragonlinuxbut i hear nothing00:18
dragonlinuxit lists a bunch of drivers00:18
phoenix_andthorRepeating: Pop quiz, for anybody who solve this. Sometimes when my mother is Windows XP in VirtualBox, the sound cuts off after about 15 minutes or so. Anyone know what's going? installed from 9.04 repos and using ALSA for host and guest.00:18
dragonlinuxi dont understand why it wont come through the speaker though00:18
LamoI'm using sym links to link my slave drive mounted at /mnt to /var/www how do i give my apache user permission to access /mnt? Tried chown -R :www-data /mnt/slave00:18
grkblood13Kjell, i dont see a flash folder00:18
Kjellgrkblood13: Have you mounted the usb pen?00:19
grkblood13oh, trash00:19
grkblood13i thought you said flash00:19
phoenix_andthorLamo: if you're on Ubuntu, I think you have to use the /media directory00:20
Kjellgrkblood13: Well it is trash .trash . Have you found it?00:20
grkblood13weird that you need to do that, because i unplugged it and put it on another pc00:21
grkblood13the file wasnt showing as there but still no extra space00:21
grkblood13its workign nwo though00:21
grkblood13working now*00:21
ziggywigg54Hello, I just made an ubuntu 9.04 live usb... where does the casper file go? I made a new one but there was no default one...00:21
mlissnerHi, is anybody familiar with how UPnP works?00:21
tsrkWhat's the optimal -j number when running make on a machine with 512mb ram and a 3.4ghz P4 HyperThreaded CPU?00:21
mlissnerI'm curious if I can use it in Totem, or if I'm missing some core functionality...00:22
Lamophoenix_andthor, yeah im on Ubuntu why cant you use /mnt with apache?00:22
phoenix_andthorThat's strange. When you use the tool that ships with Ubuntu to make a live USB, it usually puts one on there00:22
ziggywigg54I'm guessing it goes in the casper directory cuz I made it with unetbootin00:22
legend2440dragonlinux: you checked volume control to see nothing muted and volume is up?00:24
Zopiachow do i fix it when apt-get returns this message? E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:24
RabbitbunnyI'd start praying.00:24
phoenix_andthorlol, yeah and look for your installation disc00:25
phoenix_andthorcause something messed up during initial install00:25
Zopiacphoenix_andthor: was that for me?00:26
Ian_Corneany specific channel for karmic?00:27
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:28
kubuntu_need some help with partially installed pkgs00:28
legend2440Zopiac: read post #2   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/sub-process-usrbindpkg-returned-an-error-code-1-171107/00:29
FatherTymeWhen's the pidgin package going to get updated in the Jaunty repo?00:32
Zopiaclegend2440: that did not help :(00:32
legend2440Zopiac: command should have said     sudo apt-get -f install            they left out the sudo00:33
Zopiaclegend2440: yes, i figures that out, but it doesnt give me any useful output, i will post in a sec00:33
Zopiaclegend2440: http://pastebin.com/m36476cda Both of the commands (sudoed) gave me that00:34
qe2eqelegend2440,  oooh -f flag.00:35
Zopiaci think i have to remake the dpkg files, or something..this happened to me before and i think i did something like that00:35
legend2440Zopiac: what is the command you are trying to run when you get that?00:35
=== _brEz is now known as brEz
WormikI used suspend and start other OS, now first OS doesn't start. What do?00:37
Zopiaclegend2440: those two commands that the post said, just with sudo attached to each00:37
Jeatonanyone here use Evolution Mail?00:37
gartralwhy does the sox that comes in the ubuntu distros have the *old* ogg naming scemes/00:37
WormikIt writes something like "Waiting for device /dev/sda9"00:38
qe2eqeZopiac, did you enable any experimental packages?00:38
Jeatonim using imap, and i keep deleting the emails it shows I have total00:38
Zopiacqe2eqe: idk, what are those?00:38
phoenix_andthorOH NO!!! que creepy organ music00:38
kubuntu_need some help with partially installed pkgs00:38
phoenix_andthorthe experimental zone00:38
Jeatonexplunging it and all, and it keeps showing up00:38
qe2eqeZopiac, idk = prolly not. You could call it tinkering.00:38
legend2440Zopiac: ok but what command gives you    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)?00:39
phoenix_andthorIf you're feeling adventurous, do experimental stuff00:39
Zopiaclegend2440: sudo apt-get install libgtk2*00:39
phoenix_andthoron a computer that you do not intend to use for anything important00:39
Zopiaclegend2440: well i just tried the 6th post in that link and now apt-get is not working ^_^ this will be fun00:40
phoenix_andthorwhat arch are you on?00:40
qe2eqephoenix_andthor, =) why not just switch to gentoo00:40
Zopiacphoenix_andthor: x86_6400:40
legend2440Zopiac: is this the command you used before ?    sudo dpkg --configure -a00:41
Zopiaci think so00:41
MaT-dghow can I open irc links in firefox with xchat?00:41
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: Pay me and I'll tell you.00:41
qe2eqeZopiac, what does the tailing asterisk do?00:41
tsrkMaT-dg, right click and click open in browser00:42
Zopiaclegend2440: i am 90% sure of it, but now i get http://pastebin.com/m59c4394200:42
Zopiacqe2eqe: it installs anything that starts with libgtk2 and ends with something else, be it nothing or something like -deb00:42
qe2eqeThese domain names are reserved for use in documentation. cool. example.com00:42
tsrkurgh... does anyone know how long a kernel takes to compile?00:42
phoenix_andthorcongrats, you now have a su account issue00:42
tsrkqe2eqe, yeah, nice eh?00:42
tsrkactually, i should advertised my site as the example :P00:43
MaT-dgtsrk: I mean the other way, a link in firefox (irc://...) and clicking on it opens xchat (or other irc client)00:43
oomCan anyone tell me the command to connect to other servers?00:43
qe2eqetsrk, ;/00:43
tsrkMaT-dg, oh, um, no idea sorry. I'll see if I can find it on google (nothing better to do now)00:43
MaT-dgtsrk: thx ^^00:43
f0rtplease stop spamming the chat its kind of anoying00:44
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: Run this in terminal --> gconftool -s --type string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/irc/command "/usr/bin/xchat --existing --url=\"%s\""  <--- and still pay me.00:44
qe2eqeZopiac, thanks. You must have reasons for specifying the library like that instead of letting dependencies figure it out00:45
llhirondGreetings all00:45
oomThank you. XD00:45
mobi-sheepllhirond: Greeting, Moblin Newbie.00:45
Zopiacqe2eqe: actually i didnt know which one i needed so i just chose them all ^_^00:45
=== short__error is now known as shorterror
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: That solved for you?00:46
oomI'm going to try it now.00:46
shorterrormobi-sheep: grettings00:46
llhirondHow is everyone today00:46
f0rtdoes anyone know any way to find exploits in ubuntu? I am a student and i am trying to get my license as a developer...please someone help.00:47
mobi-sheepshorterror: Enjoying gnome-do so far?00:47
shorterrormobi-sheep: oh yes works like a charm i was about to try and install Counter strike xD00:47
phoenix_andthorThis room is a little hard to keep up with. my fingers are getting a workout00:47
ubuntuyo_i'm tired.00:47
legend2440Zopiac: can you browse to folder   /var/cache/apt/archives  and see if fder partial and file  lock  are there?00:47
mobi-sheepf0rt: Join #remote-exploit00:47
tsrkMaT-dg, http://www.tsrk.net/docs/firefox-xchat-irclinks00:47
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: not yet, it opened xchat before without connecting and joining and it still does that00:48
tsrkMaT-dg, oh did you already solve it?00:48
legend2440Zopiac: can you browse to folder   /var/cache/apt/archives  and see if folder partial and file  lock  are there?00:48
Zopiaclegend2440: ls: cannot access /var/cache/apt/archives/: No such file or directory00:48
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: Give me an URL with irc link in it.00:48
Zopiaclegend2440: i believe i accidentally rm -rf'd that00:48
legend2440Zopiac: ok 1 sec00:49
Husainisorry technical problem :)00:49
FatherTymeWhen's the pidgin package going to get updated in the Jaunty repo?00:49
legend2440Zopiac: read posts 2 and 3     http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/varcacheaptarchiveslock-error-457486/00:49
tsrkmobi-sheep, http://www.tsrk.net/docs/irc-link00:49
HusainiFatherTyme you want to update pidgin2.5.7 ?00:50
phoenix_andthorZopiac, that would do it00:50
MaT-dgtsrk: mobi-sheep: In firefox I changed something (thought it was the handler for irc), edit > preferences > applications, and pointed content type 'irc' to usr/bin/xchat. Now it opens xchat without connecting to the server and joining the channel, de command from mobi-sheep had no effect on that behaviour00:50
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.00:51
tsrkMaT-dg, 1 sec, i'll find my settings for that (which seem to be working)00:51
llhirondhas anyone every seen or heard of a game that runs a linux dis and has built in apps to connets to a server.? it's a cross between Hitman and some kinds world search game00:51
shorterrorbastidrazor: that will not solve the problem!!!00:52
bastidrazorshorterror, it is a possible workaround.. you can use the PPA from pidgin if it doesn't00:52
qe2eqeZopiac, sudo apt-get install libgtk* -s shows me a list of what might be trying to happen with your system. I would think alot of these packages are conflicting00:52
bastidrazorshorterror, and it has worked for many others.00:52
shorterrorbastidrazor: i have 2.5.7 so i am ok..00:52
FatherTymeHusaini: Yes.00:53
tsrkMaT-dg, go back there and set it to "always ask" and open an irc link. Then it will give you the correct xchat option, and you can check the box to always use xchat and it should work.00:53
bastidrazorFatherTyme, http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/   if you want to use the PPA from pidgin00:54
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: Did you ran the command I gave you?00:54
=== paulcdancer is now known as Nanaki
Husainiu so fast than me00:55
Nanakidoes anyone know how to boot a cd through dosbox?00:55
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: yes, it had no effect on the current behaviour00:55
tsrkMaT-dg, did you try what i said?00:55
FatherTymeThank you bastidrazor.00:55
Husainifahertyme follow bastidrazor advise :)00:55
MaT-dgtsrk: doing atm00:55
Nanakidoes anyone know how to run dosbox? i have a game i would like to play through it00:56
MaT-dgtsrk: it ask me what program I want to use but it doesn't give me other options, just opens xchat without connecting and joining the channel again..00:57
mobi-sheepNanaki: dosbox ~/Desktop/SillyGame/sg.exe00:57
GenericNodeanybody in here have a dell e1705/9400/xps 1710 with ubuntu installed?00:57
tsrkMaT-dg, ok, 1 moment, i'll look at my "xchat" option and see what it's really doing00:57
HusainiGenericNode what the problem ?00:57
Nanakimobi-sheep, will that work if the game is on a cd?00:58
GenericNodeHusaini, I'm curious about thermal management with the nVidia 7900GS that is included on some of those models.00:58
GenericNodeHusaini, I know you can use dellfand, but that only appears to control the CPU fan, not the GPU fan.00:58
HusainiGenericNode its will automatic searching in your hardware drivers .00:58
mobi-sheepNanaki: Not sure, but you should be okay.  As long as you do this --> "dosbox /full/path/to/the/file/game.exe00:58
GenericNodeand relying on the BIOS isn't the best of idea's. I know since I've already burned up one 7900GS00:58
tsrkMaT-dg, sorry, i can't seem to find a way to see what it's doing00:59
GenericNodeHusaini, uhm, my issue isn't with finding a driver...00:59
mobi-sheepGenericNode: You're using the latest bio?  I flashed my Dell XPS M1530 bio other day from A07 to A12. :)01:00
Husainiyou already try envy ?01:00
Veratyr9in world of warcraft running in openGL is hardware cursor not availible?01:00
GenericNodemobi-sheep, if it isn't the absolute latest, it's only 1 gen old. But what changes were made in A12?01:01
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver01:01
Husaini!envy | GenericNode>01:01
ubottuGenericNode>: please see above01:01
Husaini!envy | GenericNode01:01
ubottuGenericNode: please see above01:01
GenericNodeI'm not sure as though you quite understand my question. Even the nVidia driver doesn't turn the fans on at a threshold that I would like.01:02
MaT-dgtsrk: no problem, I appreciate your effort :)01:02
jv1hi all01:02
GenericNodeI've left thermal management to the nVidia drivers and all it got me was a fried card.01:02
gartralGenericNode: i *hate* to ask this... but are you sure the fan is plugged into the card?01:03
tsrkMaT-dg, the only sure way I can think of is exporting the important options from firefox (bookmarks etc) and resetting all the firefox settings and importing the stuff you want01:03
threatrixI installed the firefox 3.5 and im not getting any sound im running it on 9.04 NBR01:03
mobi-sheepGenericNode: Wow.  You got a new card?01:03
tsrkMaT-dg, i'm sure there's an easier way but i can't say what it is01:03
GenericNodeOk guys. In Windows world you use 18kfangui, which can force GPU fan to high. Is there a linux alternative, since the nVidia driver fails to manage it properly and dellfand will only engage the CPU fan.01:04
GenericNodeand if you dont even know what dellfand is, please do not try to help.01:04
magnummeralguien habla español?01:04
GenericNodemobi-sheep, yea, Ebay $240.01:04
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: I restored the settings like it was before (gives a notification that firefox doesn't know how to open 'irc') and ran your command again but still doesn't work01:04
jv1got one very serious annoyance and I looked google but it does not work01:04
GenericNodegartral, Yes, of course it is plugged in.01:04
jv1how can I move a window without the mouse01:04
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: It didn't start a IRC in new server?01:05
jv1Alt-F3, M, then use cursor keys, hit Enter to set position;..01:05
Husainiits ok01:05
jv1does not work for me01:05
Husainiif i cannot help u so much , you can follow other people advise01:05
Jeruvy!info Pidgin01:05
ubottuPackage Pidgin does not exist in jaunty01:05
gartralGenericNode: haha. just making sure... and I think theres an acpi switch that controlls the fans system wide, hold on, ill try and fish the command out01:05
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete01:05
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: no, clicking an irc link just starts xchat like I would start it from applications > internet > xchat01:05
jv1thing is sometimes windows get stuck on my eeepc01:06
gartralnbm, im babbleing on like a bafoon01:07
mneptokgartral: better than "babbling" on like a "buffoon." ;)01:07
mobi-sheep!sensors | GenericNode01:08
ubottuGenericNode: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto01:08
magnummerhello any people here can speak on spanish?01:08
mobi-sheepGenericNode: That might be useful. :301:08
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: When you say it have no effect, you mean you got error message or it went in fine?01:09
legend2440GenericNode: http://thickey.com/?p=8601:09
mneptok!es > magnummer01:09
ubottumagnummer, please see my private message01:09
GenericNodemobi-sheep, while useful, it will only let me know when I need to shut down to avoid burning another GPU ;-)01:09
GenericNodebut not prevent it!01:09
Kjell!spanish | magnummer01:09
ubottumagnummer: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:09
* GenericNode sigs01:10
mobi-sheepGenericNode: So you installed Ubuntu and updated everything -- but you didn't reconfigure anything?01:10
phoenix_andthorisn't that impossible?01:10
gartralGenericNode: what companies Nvidia card do you have? I have an XFX 6200 with heatsink not a fan..01:10
GenericNodelegend2440, that utility is for windows01:10
cube_wow its late01:10
cube_eyes are blurry01:10
cube_oops wrong channel01:10
FloodBot2cube_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
gartralGenericNode: who made it01:11
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: now I get the same error like before and when I set that handler in firefox it also didn't have any effect01:11
GenericNodeoh goooosssh01:11
mobi-sheepGenericNode: There is a list --> http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html01:11
GenericNodeman I can't think of them right now01:11
mobi-sheepGenericNode: Is your card on that list?01:11
GenericNodeYou guys are continually under the impression that I cant install the driver...01:11
phoenix_andthorFor nvidia cards, I usually install another fan in the case to substitute the one that won't work on the card01:12
phoenix_andthornot a good solution, but it works01:12
GenericNodeLet me change the wording. Hey guys, how can I force my GPU fan to high under linux?01:12
jv1ok...just for anyone to know it can be done with the cursor01:12
GenericNodephoenix_andthor, I appreciate that you understand what I am after.01:12
jv1but not without it? I don't believe that01:13
mobi-sheepGenericNode: Is it on the list? :301:14
GenericNodemobi-sheep, of course it is.01:14
GenericNodeGeForce Go 7900 GS 0x02901:15
mneptokGenericNode: sudo apt-get install nvclock01:15
GenericNodea while back "GenericNode: haha. just making sure... and I think theres an acpi switch that controlls the fans system wide, hold on, ill try and fish the command out"01:15
GenericNodethat'd be super.01:15
mneptokGenericNode: sudo nvclock -f -F 80  (substitute "80" for whatever duty cycle you want)01:16
GenericNodemneptok, fantastic!01:17
* mneptok bows01:17
bastidrazor!cookie | mneptok01:17
ubottumneptok: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:17
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: do u know if I can view the current handlers for each protocol?01:17
Jeatonanyone here use evolution mail with an imap server?01:18
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: Sure.  ALT+F2 --> gconfig-editor01:18
kickwinhello...any suggestion for a good english-english dictionary?01:18
arthur_dose google earth work in jaunty?01:18
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: gconftool -s --type string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/irc/command "/usr/bin/xchat --existing --url=\"%s\""01:18
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: So you can see where you should go from there. :)01:18
ShexNivisI got a computer running vuze(graphical bit torrent client) and SSH. The problem is Vuze takes almost all the bandwidth witch makes the ssh works slow. So what I wanna do is kill vuze and after I'm done everything I have to do with ssh I wanna call vuze again. How can I do it?01:18
mobi-sheepGenericNode: That nvclock worked for you? :)01:18
mneptokkickwin: try repeating the third grade, if you haven't already.01:18
GenericNodeit will when I put the new card in ;-)01:19
Jeatonsome reason I cannot delete all the mail, it keeps reappearing in my all mail folder01:19
mobi-sheepGenericNode: Heh.01:19
bobzillion=============How do I add a 1tb usb drive?01:19
legend2440GenericNode: not sure if this helps but in synaptic package called   i8kutils01:19
kickwinnmeptok: why did you say that?01:19
legend2440GenericNode: not sure if this helps but in synaptic package called   i8kutils  and one called   gkrellm-i8k01:20
mneptokkickwin: you want an english to english dictionary? really?01:20
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: ok it works now01:20
GenericNodelegend2440, no way!01:20
GenericNodei'll have to check it out01:20
ziggywigg54Hey, I just made an ubuntu 9.04 live usb on my 8gb and used unetbootin and there is no casper file... I made one following directions online. Where does it go? Thanks!01:20
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: I thought you told me it didn't work?  I fed you that command few times already. o.O01:20
GenericNodeon the i8kfan site they redirect you to dellfand for *nix support01:21
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: in gconf-editor I added 2 booleans that were missing: enabled > true, needs_terminal > false01:21
mneptokkickwin: your questions smells of trollish-ness01:21
kickwinnmeptok:my first language is not english01:21
mobi-sheepkickwin: Office --> Dictionary?01:21
=== Flummoxed` is now known as Flumm0xed``
kaddikickwin: you want a thesaurus or an all english dictionary? There is a thesaurus package for openoffice, but I don't know of an all english dictionary01:21
jv1what terminal IM client works with google?01:21
ilembitovHi, all. I have several .jpg files. Those are scans of one book. I want them to be compiled in a single .pdf, .djvu, .div or .ps file (just any portable document format). What's the fastest way to do this?01:21
mobi-sheep!info finch | jv101:22
ubottujv1: finch (source: pidgin): text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.5-1ubuntu8.1 (jaunty), package size 208 kB, installed size 704 kB01:22
tritiumjv1: bitlbee with irssi, for one01:22
bobzillion=============How do I add a 1tb usb (SATA adapter) drive to kubuntu 8.04?01:22
darkhammevery time i must change in mpd.conf , the string "hw:0,0" of my audio card01:22
mdmbobzillion, plug it in01:22
darkhammhow can i fix this?01:22
scrooge74try gscan2pdf01:22
jv1tx..finch will be01:22
kaddikickwin: there are a lot of free online dictionaries though01:22
phoenix_andthorwhy you need command line chat anyway?01:23
bash_23do anyone know how i can mount the Live CD to my RAM?01:23
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: Ahh I see.  It's already enabled for me.  You must have disabled it somehow.01:23
bash_23so i can burn a Cd01:23
bobzillionmdm, ubuntu isn;t seeing it01:23
gartralGenericNode: how do i get lspci to give me the pci-id of the devices attached?01:23
mdmbobslaede, look at dmesg and see what it says about the drive01:23
mdmbobslaede, sorry stupid tab completion I meant bobzillion01:24
bash_23does anyone know how to mount the LIVE CD?01:24
=== umbra is now known as ShadowSaint
mobi-sheepjv1: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Finch01:24
bash_23to the RAM01:24
bash_23So i can burn a CD01:24
cabreybash_23, err what?01:24
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: well, it worked before and suddenly stopped. Don't know how I have done that. Also it wasn't jsut 'disabled', I saw the other protocols had those booleans and irc not so I added those manually01:24
jv1mobi-sheep: tx..cool01:24
mdmbash_23, are you trying to boot the cd or trying to write it to a blank/.'01:24
bash_23I want to mount the data thats on the Live CD in my RAM01:25
bash_23so i can burn a CD01:25
phoenix_andthorbash_23, use brasero01:25
bash_23I cant01:25
cabreybash_23, you don't mount something just to burn it...01:25
bash_23Because the Live CD is useing it...01:25
mdmbash_23, you cant put it in ram its too big, I belive what you want is to burn it, in which case you have multiple choices01:25
topramencan anyone tell me why would I need to put a live cd in to do an update?<<<<01:25
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: anyway, thx for the help :)01:25
bash_23Its not too big01:25
mobi-sheepbash_23: Why are you using LiveCD and attempt to burn something?  That's silly thing.01:25
bash_23i have 4GB ram01:25
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: No problem!  You still can pay me. :)01:25
bash_23the Live CD is 700 MB01:25
cabreybash_23, how are you running a livecd but you want to burn the livecd?01:26
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:26
bash_23I want to burn the latest one...01:26
bash_23I am on 8.04 Live CD01:26
phoenix_andthorYou need to A: get another CD burner installed or B: install the live CD already and go from there01:26
cabreybash_23, so use the current OS you have installed...01:26
bobzillionmdm. I see this severa times: usb 6-8:reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 301:26
bash_23I dont have one installed...01:26
mobi-sheepbash_23: You can install Ubuntu and update, upgrade and you'll be at latest Jaunty.01:26
cabreybash_23, what livecd do you currently have?01:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo01:27
gartralbash_23: make a bootable USB drive out of a live cd you have, and that will free up the cdrom01:27
mobi-sheepbash_23: Can't you burn it from your OS?01:27
bastidrazortopramen, you don't. in synaptic you can disable that. settings>repositories01:27
mobi-sheepActionParsnip: You rap? Cool. :)01:27
darkhammexcuse me, but the system every time set the address of the audio card at startup?01:27
cabreybash_23, just install that and upgrade01:27
gartralmobi-sheep: he appears to be on a system with only one CDrom... and no internal os01:27
gnubietopramen;  look in System > Administration > Software sources and see if the CDROM is checked as a source01:27
bastidrazortopramen, uncheck Cdrom01:28
phoenix_andthoractually, bash_23, you need to use the live cd to download 9.04 iso to a hard drive, flash drive, or something removable01:28
topramenok thanks..i just done that01:28
mdmbash_23, if you have the cd already running you can install the os.  If you need to burn a new one install the one you have and then burn and install the new one01:29
phoenix_andthorthen install 8.04, being careful not to kill the 9.04 iso, burn the 9.04 iso, then install that, wiping out the 8.04 install01:29
phoenix_andthora USB flash drive would good for this01:29
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: I think some update must have screwed some things, Just noticed that my nicknames suddenly are converted to lowercase01:29
bobzillionmdm, I see this several times: usb 6-8:reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 301:29
nigtvI have a question that is not ubuntu specific, but I came here because I am on ubuntu, the question is about FTP, would I be okay to ask it here?01:30
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: That's XChat issue.  Look in your Settings.  It's likely that you're connecting to a different server.01:30
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: not a big deal, but I'm pretty sure I didn't screwed those handlers myself :P01:30
gartral!ask | nigtv01:30
ubottunigtv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:30
nigtvGoogleis really not helping01:30
nigtvgartral: yea, I know, just wondering if you guys, well, yea, I know...01:31
linuxguy2009nigtv check PM01:31
gartralnigtv: then stop flooding and ask ;)01:31
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: no, always the same server like before01:31
phoenix_andthorwhat is your question about FTP? How to download something with it01:31
mdmbobzillion, your drive is resetting over and over, did you setup usb in bios? do you have 1.0 and 2.0 ports and can change the port?01:31
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: What are you connecting to (server).01:32
bobzillionmdm, I'll try it in another port.01:32
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: rizon.net01:32
phoenix_andthorunfortunately, I have to go guys. My mother wants to get on the net and attempt to infect my linux box with windows malware!01:33
lstarnesMaT-dg: if it's an irc server, try irc.rizon.net01:33
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: That's different.  We're on irc.freenode.net01:33
phoenix_andthorone day, I WILL get a eeePC and then she can have her own little toy to upload her bank account and credit card info to theives01:34
bobzillionmdm, it seems to be okay plugged into the other port,01:34
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: ah well, I use xchat for irc.rizon.net and pidgin for other servers01:34
mdmbobslaede, I suspect you have 1.0 and 2.0 ports and it does not like the 1.0 port01:34
bobzillionmdm, i'm fdisking it now.  anything special I need to know about 1tb disks  and 8.04?01:35
mdmbobslaede, there slower then internal ones?  not really01:35
acidstormcant do the pipe sign can anyone help me ? sorry for my bad english01:35
Likebobslaede,  that's bios bob01:35
=== jforte is now known as Jena
MaT-dgmobi-sheep: I always used 'MaT' or 'MaT-dg' for my nick like here but now I noticed it changed to 'mat' and 'mat-dg' in settings01:36
mobi-sheepMaT-dg: ;)01:36
bobzillionmdm, I'm on  a laptop so no real option.  thanks01:36
whoisHey guys01:37
iamtechnoWhat can we help you with whois?01:38
whoisquick question, whats the best software to take a video of your desktop in ubuntu01:38
iamtechno!best | whois01:38
ubottuwhois: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:38
gartralwhois: i like gtkrecordmydesktop01:38
whoisHThanx for the asnswer ^^01:39
iamtechnogartral, does it work with compiz?01:39
whoisI am not taking a poll01:39
gartraliamtechno: yes, in full buffer mode01:39
darkhammexcuse me, but the system every time set the address of the audio card at startup?01:39
linuxguy2009whois check pm01:39
darkhammhow can i fix this?01:39
whoisEnglish is second language and thats how best I could ask the question01:39
whoisregardless thank you01:39
theoziranhow to upgrading ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 9.04 from CD?01:39
iamtechnotheoziran, Let me check real quick.01:40
cabreytheoziran, use alternative cd01:40
cabrey!upgrade > iamtechno01:40
ubottuiamtechno, please see my private message01:40
theoziranhow !?01:40
lstarnestheoziran: you have to upgrade to 8.10 then to 9.0401:41
bazhang8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 theoziran01:41
iamtechnotheoziran, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD01:41
linuxguy2009eek Just fresh install 9.04 probably quicker.01:41
=== Flummoxed` is now known as Flumm0xed``
lstarnestheoziran: when upgrading via cd, I think you need the alternate cd unless you want to do a clean reinstall01:42
Platypus-ManI have been installing and removing software for hours, tried every image viewer in the repo, but still can not find anything that lets me view jp2 photos.  I am currently looking at openjpeg - http://www.openjpeg.org/index.php?menu=doc but before I plunge in to compiling tarballs, thought I'd ask you guys and gals for any sofware tips for .jp2 files,01:42
darkhammevery time i restart the system, i must set the address of my audiocard in mpd.conf of my mpd, why this?01:42
darkhammplease help me01:42
iamtechnotheoziran, lstarnes is right. You can only do one jump at a time. not two.01:42
gartralPlatypus-Man: are this files redistributable, maybe i can help01:43
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Platypus-Mangartral: no, it's family pictures, and not sure wether or not it would be okay for the other people to redistribute them01:44
Platypus-Manbut thanks for the offer though01:44
gartralPlatypus-Man: hmm... i take it GIMP wont open them?01:44
* Dr_Willis wonders what even made .jp2 01:45
Platypus-Manhave forgot to try that, will try now01:45
Dr_Willisbut ive seen very few things that the gimp wont open.01:45
chrisriohey guys using proftpd am I able to jail just a single FTP account to their home folder?01:45
gartral.ico files are the bane of GIMP...01:45
chrisrioor alternately, specify users who are exempt from the jailing?01:45
Dr_Willis.ico files are a bane anyway. :)01:46
Dr_Willisthen again - ive seen .ico to whatever converters out..01:46
iamtechnoPlatypus-Man, try this: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphics/XnView-4612.shtml01:46
mobi-sheep!chroot | chrisrio01:46
ubottuchrisrio: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)01:46
darlekdvd drive suddently not working.  http://pastebin.com/f2789ade701:46
linuxguy2009moderator acidstorm is PMing me floods here and wont respond. ahh01:46
Platypus-Mangartral: GIMP only gives me "unknown file type" error01:46
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/j2k_to_image.1.html Platypus-Man01:46
bobzillionmdm, thank you.01:47
gartralPlatypus-Man: do you care about rather or not you install a peice of closed source software on your system01:48
Platypus-Mangartral: xnview does not have .deb packages for 32bit ubuntu, so I'm back at square 1 again01:48
Platypus-Mangartral: closed source is okay, would prefer open, but I won't go on a rampage about it01:48
mdmbobzillion, np01:48
legend2440Platypus-Man: in synaptic is package called     openjpeg-tools01:48
Platypus-Manyes, I already installed that01:49
gartralPlatypus-Man: XnVeiw has linux binaries, which might work...01:49
=== Flumm0xed`` is now known as Flummoxed`
bazhangPlatypus-Man, openjpeg-tools will do it, see the link above01:49
darkhammevery time i restart the system, i must set the address of my audiocard in mpd.conf of my mpd, why this?01:49
darkhammplease help me01:49
mobi-sheepchrisrio: Chroot is what you're looking for.  However, that link isn't what you're looking for.01:49
iamtechnoPlatypus-Man, did you try to run j2k_to_image on the commandline?01:50
ThJI'm using a touchscreen with a high resolution and some of the buttons on the taskbar and title bars of windows are really small. I'm using Ubuntu Netbook remix. Is there a way to make them bigger? Setting screen resolution to 144 DPI is helping but only for fonts.01:50
aschmitz!repeat | darkhamm01:50
ubottudarkhamm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:50
Stanley_Any tips or tricks for data recovery from a bunked window's drive?01:50
Platypus-Maniamtechno: no... would need some batch ability in that case, but maybe it has that?01:50
legend2440Platypus-Man: in synaptic is package called     exifprobe01:50
iamtechnoThJ, I think I know a way let me confirm real quick.01:51
ThJiamtechno: ok, thanks01:51
darlekdvd drive suddently not working.  http://pastebin.com/f2789ade701:51
Platypus-Manlegend2440: got exifprobe now01:51
iamtechnoPlatypus-Man, you could use a wildcard in the filename. Like: *.jp201:51
zethero1over the last few weeks my Ubuntu Hardy system seems to be slowly deteriorating ... its taking longer and longer to log in and I am getting more errors ... could I be under the attack of something malicious?01:51
Dr_Willis'find'  and -exec to the rescue. :)01:51
Stanley_darlek: check and make sure it's plugged in? and then make sure it's recognized in BIOS01:52
mobi-sheepchrisrio: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-5287480.html01:52
iamtechnoThJ, go to System->Preferences->Apperence. Then click on details. then in the box up at the top change the DPI.01:52
chrisriocheers guys, got it sorted01:52
Platypus-ManI am currently looking at the documentation page, trying to find the syntax for batch converting, thanks for the help so far guys01:53
darlekStanley_, it's in, I ubuntu jaunty from it last night.  dmesg says ata2.00: model number mismatch 'TSSTcorpCD/DVDW TS-L532M' != 'TSSTcorpCD/DVDW`TS-L5s2M ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `'01:53
iamtechnoPlatypus-Man, you could try this: "j2k_to_image *.j2k" in the directory with the pics.01:54
darlekStanley_, oh, it's a laptop01:54
zethero1is there a utility that checks the Ubuntu system for error-causing issues?01:54
ThJiamtechno: It's set to 144 DPI. My fonts are nice and big. But icon size on task bar and title bars is not changing. I was able to make half of the icons on the task bar become bigger by changing the theme, but it didn't affect icons in the tray, and did nothing to the close button, etc.01:54
Dr_WillisPlatypus-Man:  use of the find command, has options  to do somthing on 'each' file.01:54
Dr_Willisj2k_to_image -i source -o destination [-r reduction] [-l layers]01:55
darlekStanley_, i'll be back, I'll try it as a livecd01:55
Dr_WillisI dont think it supports 'batch' conversions by default.01:55
Dr_WillisOh wait -> j2k_to_image -ImgDir sourcedir -OutFor extension [-r reduction] [-l01:56
bobzillionmdm, I made two partitions on the usb drive.  why can't dolphin see them?01:56
Guest87181hello i'm trying to partition my pc so that it boots windows andd linux but i'm having some problems. can anyone help?01:56
Dr_Willisj2k_to_image -ImgDir /your/pics/dir  -OutFor BMP          might work01:56
bobzillionGuest87181, what problems?01:57
wolter_has anybody achieved to print from ubuntu amd64 through a canon ip1800 ?01:58
wolter_I just discovered drivers for it have been released, but test page doesn't seem to work01:58
Platypus-Mantrying that line Dr_Willis01:58
iamtechnoThJ, Try this then: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75044.html. Look for Joe Jarvis' responce about halfway down. If you need help getting Configuration Editor to work let me know.01:58
bobzillionI installed and  made two partitions on a (SATA adapted to USB)  why can't dolphin see them?01:59
ThJiamtechno: okay, thank you01:59
Platypus-ManDr_Willis: -OutFor is the dir I want to save the converted images?01:59
Dr_WillisPlatypus-Man:  that command is a little.. 'odd' in how its options are :)   No.. Outfor is the FORMAT of the output - from what i read when i 'rtfm'd' the man pages.02:00
Dr_Willis-OutFor extension PGM, PPM, PNM, PGX or BMP output file format02:00
Guest87181well currently i have two questions: (1) i want to make a separate partition for each operating system, and one for data files. i have one 9.3GB partition ntfs for windows,  5.1GB ext3 for linux, a 1.9 GB for swap and about 281.8 GB free space (want to use this for data files). what format do i use for my data files? (2) my windows recovery cd installs over my partition, wtf?02:00
ThJiamtechno: looks related to desktop icons.02:00
Zopiacwhat file governs the bootsplash graphic?02:01
Dr_WillisGuest87181:  linux can read/write ntfs decently well these days.  as for (2) -  blame the company making the recovery cds02:01
bobzillionGuest87181, (2) can't be helped much.  recovery CDs are like bulldozers for yout HD.02:01
=== n is now known as Guest64588
Dr_WillisKeeping linux on its own HD is very 'usefull'02:01
gartralwhat are .u1/2/3/4 audio files?02:01
Guest87181um i was able to install windows earlier02:02
Guest87181on the ntfs partition02:02
bobzillionGuest87181, how did you do it?02:02
bobzillionGuest87181, did you use the recovery cd that time?02:03
Guest87181i had a friend help me02:03
Guest87181and he had an external drive with some windows stuff on it02:03
Guest87181that would just install on ntfs02:03
iamtechnoThJ, Yeah your right. Try this then. Right click (or the touch equivalent) on then menu bar and click preferences. then look for the dpi box and increase the number.02:04
bobzillionGuest87181, recovery CD is not like the windows installation disk; it doesn't usually give you great options.02:04
darkhammevery time i restart the system, i must set the address of my audiocard in mpd.conf of my mpd, why this?02:04
darkhammplease help me02:04
iamtechno!enter | Guest8718102:04
ubottuGuest87181: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:04
Guest87181oh so i can use my windows installation cd?02:04
Guest87181i still have that02:04
Dr_WillisGuest87181:  perhaps ask in #windows -  thers vast differanfes in what 'restore' cd's can do.. vs a real 'install' cd.02:05
bobzillionGuest87181, It will give you better choices.02:05
Guest87181oh right02:05
Guest87181well i remember using my install cd last time also02:05
Guest87181and it worked02:05
Stanley_Need help mounting a drive for data recovery... Here's the error when trying to mount it: http://pastebin.com/d3f3e202202:05
iamtechno!enter > Guest8718102:06
ubottuGuest87181, please see my private message02:06
bazhangGuest87181, don't use the enter key after two or three words02:06
BellinXFeloni have a seagate freeagent 500gb external hdd. It is partitioned to ext3, and if i take it and put it on windows it wont recognize it, how can i change that?02:06
saliakhey, anyone successfully use fetchmail to get email from gmail?02:06
yoopernatehas anyone been able to get hulu playing on their ps3 by chance?02:06
kitchethey blocked ps3 yoopernate02:07
yoopernateso i heard but even after you install linux?02:07
Kazrikoyoopernate, playon.02:07
BellinXFeloni have xubuntu 8.04 for ps302:07
yoopernateis hulu workin?02:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:08
Platypus-ManI think I'll just put vacation pics on hold until jp2 is more usable for newbies like me, but still, thanks for all the help guys, really appreciate it02:08
BellinXFelonhow can i change the partition of my external hdd from ext3 to ntfs?02:08
iamtechnodarkhamm, Try this: right click on the volume icon on the menu bar and clicking preferences. Then select your audio device.02:08
yoopernateuse gparted02:08
losherBellinXFelon: you can't easily. Windows doesn't read/write ext3. I believe there are 3rd party drivers for ext3 for windows, http://www.fs-driver.org/. I've never used it. so at your own risk...02:09
BellinXFelonthanks losher02:09
iamtechnoBellinXFelon, Why do you want ntfs, may I ask?02:09
BellinXFeloniamtechno : Windows will recognize it02:09
GnuSebI just bought my first printer it's a canon pixma iP1900 !02:10
iamtechnoBellinXFelon, I assume for file sharing?02:10
BellinXFeloniamtechno : correctamundo02:10
iamtechno!helpme | GnuSeb,02:10
ubottuGnuSeb,: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience02:10
MBD123How did Ubuntu get its name?02:11
iamtechnogparted or reinstall Ubuntu if you have to and see if there is an NTFS option.02:11
Like!welcome | rsr02:12
ubottursr: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.02:12
loshersaliak: I think getmail is better than fetchmail http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/. See also http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/backup-gmail-in-linux-with-getmail/02:12
iamtechnoMBD, from this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(philosophy)02:12
saliakhrm. interesting.  will check it out02:13
^Phantom^Is there any way to run a MAC program on ubuntu?02:13
rsrIm trying to run frozen throne on ubuntu amd64 but the wine screen keeps blinking and hardly anything shows on the screen. I can hear the game sound effects running. I am using wine version 1.0.2402:13
rsrcan someone help me debug this and possibly open a bug report02:14
iamtechnorsr, what do you need to report?02:14
dva59121just a quick question. Is ubuntu cheaper on ram than xp?02:15
rsriamtechno: well, the error is as stated above. maybe I can debug the error02:15
iamtechnorsr, what do you need debugged? Maybe we can help.02:15
dibblegoany recommendations for editing AVI movie files?02:16
bobzilliondva59121, I'm looking for a link to answer that.  wait a sec.02:16
iamtechnorsr, gotcha personally sounds like a video driver issue not a wine issue.02:16
rsrI dont know iamtechno, the game seems fine sound effects and esc key escapes the game back to the screen but the image keeps flickering tending to a blank screen02:16
pjzanyone got clues on how to catch resume errors?  I can suspend okay, but sometimes resuming comes back and accessing ata1 just throws piles of kernel errors02:17
pjzI'm not sure if maybe noacpi would help or not02:17
danbhfivepjz: maybe dmesg?02:17
bobzilliondva59121, please read this link about ram usage by linux.02:17
mrksbrddoes anyone have the correct broadcom 43xx driver, i'm about to pull my hair out trying to get this darn thing to work02:17
bobzilliondva59121, please read this link about ram usage by linux: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/02:17
pjzdanbhfive: well, sure, that's where I saw the ata errors02:17
legend2440GnuSeb: i think these drivers will work   http://software.canon-europe.com/download.asp02:17
pjzmrksbrd: I only got broadcom 43xx to work with ndiswrapper02:18
GnuSeblegend2440, I'm on hardy02:18
BellinXFeloniamtechno : why do you ask?02:18
Likenicest Qso bye02:18
mrksbrdi can't even get it to work thru ndiswrapper02:18
pjzmrksbrd: then I spent $30 on a new wifi card (intel) and it works muuuuch better02:18
danbhfivepjz: ata errors sound bad.  May install smartmontools, and check the S.M.A.R.T. stats02:18
danbhfiveI dunno though02:18
legend2440GnuSeb: you tried those already?02:18
pjzdanbhfive: it's a new drive, and the od one did the same even though it had no other errors02:19
mrksbrdbuilt into the laptop.........uuuuhhhhhggggg02:19
GnuSeblegend2440, which of them all? I can't find the one for the ip190002:19
dva59121Thats a cool website02:19
pjzmrksbrd: 'built in' may not mean what you think.  mine was a pcie card in my laptop and I just replaced it.02:19
pjzmrksbrd: what kind of laptop?02:19
iamtechnoBellinXFelon, about what? Sorry I'm doing like 5 things at once trying to help out and watch family guy.02:19
dva59121Thanks bobzillion02:19
saliaklosher - thanks!  getmail works great!  super simple!  much easier!  now i just need to integrate it with RT02:19
tyler_dI am searching for a file verification tool widely available on *nix flavors; wondering if md5 is still recommended and simplest or if there is another method / tool recommended?02:19
bobzilliondva59121, no problem.02:20
danbhfivepjz: then it must be just a motherboard driver issue?  if that's it, you should file a bug report I think02:20
mrksbrdHP dv9730us02:20
GnuSebook found it02:20
mrksbrdi had it working on 8.0402:20
loshersaliak: excellent news!02:20
mrksbrdnow all of a sudden .....upgrade fresh install and nothing02:20
BellinXFeloniamtechno : about the file sharing?02:20
mrksbrd9.04 install btw02:20
pjzdanbhfive: okay, right, so... what info should I provide? I think I read someting recently that this might be a known problem but I'm having trouble finding out if that's the case or not02:21
GnuSeblegend2440, theres a tarball, so i download it and then clickl on it?02:21
legend2440GnuSeb: download the Debian drivers here  http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010647.asp02:21
dva59121Compared to XP how well will ubuntu handle my laptops battery?02:21
bobzilliondva59121, what proc is in your laptop?02:22
legend2440GnuSeb: yes download tar then right click it and Extract02:22
GnuSeblegend2440, I am saving the tar file, once i got it what do i do? do i click on it and it does its thing? do i have to connect hte printer to it first02:22
GnuSebor can i install the driver rfrist02:22
dva59121Intel centreno02:22
legend2440GnuSeb: yes download tar then right click it and Extract02:22
dva59121bobzillion: Intel Centreno Mobile02:22
mrksbrdpjz: any ideas?02:22
pjzdva59121: it usually handles it fairly well, though things may be a little more 'manual' than XP02:22
legend2440GnuSeb: yes download tar then right click it and Extract. inside will be 3 files  install the two deb files02:23
losherdva59121: about the same battery life, according to comments I've seen on here, though some people report excessive fan usage in Ubuntu on some laptop models02:23
erossis there any demand or playability for a 2d rpg, with font-like or retro graphics?02:23
danbhfiveeross: like nethack?02:23
david___guys flash videos do not play on my computer, yet on another ubuntu machine they do, whats wrong02:23
gartralaplay wont play02:24
bobzilliondavid___,  what browser are you using?  if FF, do you use noscript?02:24
david___yes ff, not sure if i use noscript02:24
gartralaplay wont play it just gives me screaming static*02:24
erosssure but somewhat better looking :)02:25
Sylphidis it possible to set my ping timeout to less than 1 second?02:25
iamtechnoBellinXFelon, Because there is probably a way to file share to windows without changing partitiions.02:25
bobzilliondavid___, you'd prolly know, but check your extensions anyway.02:25
loshermrksbrd: ok, I'll bite. What does 'nothing' mean, exactly....?02:25
BellinXFeloniamtechno : oh i see02:25
GnuSeblegend2440, how do i install the deb files?02:26
pjzmrksbrd: looking at the maint manual02:26
BellinXFelonis anyone familiar with the program nicotine plus which is based off of soulseek p2p filesharing client?02:26
legend2440GnuSeb: right click and choose gdebi installer02:26
iamtechnoBellinXFelon, I would try to find out for you but I know nothing about filesharing. You might ask in here about howto setup a windows/ubuntu file share and see if someone else knows.02:26
tritium!samba | BellinXFelon02:27
ubottuBellinXFelon: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:27
pjzmrksbrd: looks like it's possible. See http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c01295898.pdf page 58 or so02:27
bobzilliondavid___, has flash ever worked on that machine?02:27
losherSylphid: not according to the man page. What are you trying to do?02:27
david___yes it did in windows and other flash things work just not videos02:27
jim____Not sure where else to ask this.. Is is possible for Digest HTTP Auth to transcend across subdomains?02:28
pjzjim____: no02:28
vaukalak1register soturi2010 sm.volkov@mail.ru02:28
jim____jigp_: any sort of HTTP auth02:28
pjzjim____: er. I don't think so. but yeah, wrong place to ask. try stackoverflow or someplace like that.02:28
Zopiachow do i make a usplash theme, and where do i find the currently existing ones?02:28
jim____pjz: ah stack's not a bad idea.  thanks02:29
Sylphidlosher, just trying to verify how frequently my response time is over 50ms02:29
bobzilliondavid___, check your file associations in FF02:29
david___bobzillion: how>02:29
mrksbrdpjz: i think i finally found something too02:30
* mrksbrd is crossing his fingers02:30
cornwallHi, what's the easiest way to set up a raid 1 with two disks?02:30
cornwallI've been looking at manuals and the like, but it's all very.... confusing02:30
pjzcornwall: mdadm is what you want02:31
legend2440!nvidia > me02:31
ubottulegend2440, please see my private message02:31
Sylphidlosher, was hoping i could set the timeout by ms to something like 50ms to get a fairly accurate percentage02:31
david___this is what a video looks like http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/8665/screenshotjat.png02:31
cornwallpjz: I'm guessing there's no GUI, then?02:31
bobzilliondavid___, in FF, edit>preferences.  at the top, look at "applications"02:31
legend2440!usplash | Zopiac02:32
ubottuZopiac: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork02:32
bobzilliondavid___, in the search box, begin typing, 'flash'02:32
losherSylphid: in that case, I would run ping periodically & parse the output. You could even graph the ping times if you're handy enough at scripting....02:32
pjzcornwall: mmm. not that I know of.02:32
jim____pjz: it appears thus: basic http auth cannot do this, but apache's mod_auth_digest can actually specify more with AuthDigestDomain directive.  However, there's an IE6 bug such that it won't work.  However again, as of Apache 2.0.51 there's a workaround to avoid the bug.02:33
david___yea two things popped up under flash02:33
pjzjim____: wow. I figured it wouldn't work at all. very cool.02:34
bobzilliondavid, what things appeared?  was one of them 'flash video'?02:35
trippsssswhen using vim in insert mode, my arrow keys are typing characters (the characters used to move the cursor when not in insert mode) rather than moving the cursor. I'm using bash and intrepid ibex. How do I fix this so the arrow keys always move the cursor?02:35
GnuSeblegend2440, I tried opening one of the deb files and it says Error: dependency is not satisfiable02:35
GnuSebwhat am i suposed to do?02:35
bobzilliondavid___, , what things appeared?  was one of them 'flash video'?  Also, do you have xine installed?02:36
jim____trippssss: the typical answer is "stop using arrows for movement!!" - in my experience though if the arrows don't work you're using vi not vim02:36
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ross__What dependency?02:36
legend2440GnuSeb: did you install   cnijfilter-common_3.00-1_i386.deb ?02:36
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:36
Zopiacwell what is the path to the default usplash image?02:36
SnakDocis the generic kernal optimized well for dual core cpu or should i install/ compile different kernel02:36
david___bobzillion: shockwave flash file appeared twice / i do not have wine02:37
david___bobzillion: srry i do not have xin02:37
david___bobzillion: xine02:37
GnuSeblegend2440, I dont know i startd doing so then it went into not responding and i dont know if it ccrashed orit did, i am doing it again now but again it's not responding02:37
zacktujoin #eclipse02:37
trippssssjim____, ah you would be correct! usually on systems with vim, vi is just a symlink. weird.02:37
GnuSebthe package installer that is legend244002:37
jim____trippssss: it is true, however, that using the arrows while in insert mode is not very vi-like.  try to get out of the habit02:37
zacktujoin #eclipse02:37
bobzilliondavid___, do you have a line that says, 'flash video'?02:37
losherzacktu: try: /join with a leading slash02:38
jim____trippssss: instead prefer to prefix hjkl with modifiers etc.  another topic :)02:38
vicky_some one help me a computer nerd fucked up my computer02:38
legend2440GnuSeb: did error mention   libcupsys2?02:38
bazhangvicky_, watch the language02:38
vicky_haha woops02:39
bobzillionvicky_, can you be a little more specific?02:39
ross__What's thebprob vicky?02:39
GnuSeblet me check02:39
vicky_he took off windows said linux would be better02:39
tritiumvicky_: watch your language, please02:39
vicky_and i know nothing bout linux02:39
reduzvicky_, we are all computer nerds here, feel at ease02:39
ross__It is better02:39
bazhanghelp with what vicky_02:40
vicky_i know nothing bout computers02:40
pjzvicky_: lots of places on the 'net to learn.02:40
jim____Not unconditionally better.02:40
bobzillionvicky_, d you want to learn linux or reinstal windows?02:40
vicky_i want my camfrog to work02:40
vicky_i cant download nothing02:40
pjzvicky_: if you've managed to get here, you must know something.02:40
YankDownUnderDunno if I'd feel comfy around a heap of computer nerds...02:40
david___bobzillion: here is what i see http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/1204/screenshotfirefoxprefer.png02:40
vicky_he put a icon that said xchat02:40
ross__No semantic pls02:40
jim____Vicky doesn't want to learn about computers on the net.  She wants to use her computer - homeboy screwed her, frankly02:40
GnuSebError: Dependency is not satisfiable:cnijfilter-common legend244002:40
jim____Linux is not unconditionally superior :\02:40
rhinoseriouswho is "homeboy"02:40
pjzvicky_: what are you trying to download?02:40
* reduz brings the popcorn02:41
rhinoserioushaha camfrog02:41
mobi-sheepWho is expert with compiling softwares from sources? >_>02:41
bobzilliondavid___, do a search for 'video' and send me another link02:41
jim____mobi-sheep: nobody will claim that - simply ask the true question and hope02:41
vicky_i downloaded cf and when i sign on it it logs me off02:42
legend2440GnuSeb: did error mention   libcupsys2?02:42
ross__I would say that when it comes to up time and stability it is superior02:42
bobzilliondavid___, it looks like you don't have the association made for video.02:42
mr_mustardhow do I enable PCF fonts on ubuntu? dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig gives me no option02:42
CanageekCan someone help me get a U.W. Robotics USR5416 wireless card working? It worked fine in an old version of Kubuntu but not any version since02:42
pjzvicky_: yeah, you're kind of hosed. find the nerd that did this to you and drag him over to your machine by his ears and make him fix it. And by 'fix it' I mean make him make your computer able to do all the things you want to do day to day.02:42
GnuSebwhere should it mention it legend2440 ? nope, it hasnt02:42
legend2440GnuSeb: can i pm?02:42
vicky_he wont come back and fix it02:42
GnuSebyes sure02:42
jim____vicky_: second pjz here.  also tell him to stop being a zealot and using you as a guinea pig.  angry nerds on the internet SAID SO02:43
bobzillionvicky_, do you have your windows recovery CDs?02:43
pedrosantahi all02:43
vicky_i was happy with windows i have no business being on this program02:43
ross__Vicky. U have a windows cd?02:43
bazhangjim____, pjz stay on topic02:43
vicky_i dont have it02:43
loshermobi-sheep: what are you trying to compile? (Disclaimer: This does not constitute a claim to be an expert)02:43
pedrosantais there some official ubuntu developers channel?02:43
david___bobzillion: here is the link http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1204/screenshotfirefoxprefer.png02:43
vicky_can i take my computer somewhere to get fix?>02:44
mobi-sheeplosher: OGMRIP --with-ocr=tesseract.02:44
rhinoserioushow did you mess up ubuntu?02:44
rhinoseriousi don't know how Ubuntu can be any more idiot-proof02:44
bobzilliondavid___, I'm checking resources.  brb.02:44
losherpedrosanta: there is, but it you weren't able to find it by yourself, I'm not sure you belong there02:44
pjzbazhang: huh?02:44
mobi-sheeplosher: Do you know how I can disable some of the dependency flags?02:44
linuxguy2009rhinoserious: lol right on02:44
pedrosantafair enough :)02:44
YankDownUndervicky_, Darlin, what's the prob - just yer camera bit?02:44
BellinXFelondoes anyone know if nicotine plus has the new server edition of soulseek02:44
CanageekFor some reason linux is IDing it as a ACX 111 card by Texas Instruments, I guess thats the chipset it uses02:45
rhinoseriousI run arch02:45
coleysvicky_: Just download windows =P02:45
pedrosantai just wanted to discuss some issues that could be relevant to further releases...02:45
bobzillionvicky, yes, you'll pay for it, but any computer shop should be able to reinstall windows for you02:45
vicky_i know i'll   have to pay02:45
ross__Look for tinyxp.02:45
mr_mustarddpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config should give me options... but the command gives me no return. is that working as expected?02:45
loshermobi-sheep: dependency flags?02:45
rhinoseriousvicky_: what's your problem?02:45
xzachtmx_vicky why dont you like linux?02:45
vicky_but i was happy before i had everything going good02:45
rhinoseriouswhat's wrong?02:46
vicky_i have no clue how to use it and it wont let me dl anything02:46
pjzrhinoserious: she's trying to get camfrog to work, which isn't going to happen as it's known to not work even under wine.02:46
tritiumvicky_: you can download things.  You just can't use the software you want.02:46
vicky_so how can i get it to work02:47
rhinoseriousare you joking?02:47
vicky_anyone know02:47
rhinoseriousit's not compatible under wine02:47
ross__Vicky. Google camfrog Linux see what it tells u to do02:47
YankDownUnderWhat IS Camfrog?02:47
vicky_ok i'll try that brb02:47
rhinoseriousthat eas02:47
rhinoseriousit seriously took 2 seconds of googling02:48
pjzrhinoserious: that's the server, she wants a client02:48
YankDownUnderAh...far out - yeah - heaps of info on Camfrog under linux - way cool...resolved!02:48
ross__Weak googlefu02:48
test34rhinoserious: this is the server02:48
pedrosantawhile using my ubuntu i felt the need for some a desktop widget system...02:48
CanageekSo anyone here good at getting wireless cards working?02:49
pedrosantalike the one found on Android or something...02:49
YankDownUnderpedrosanta, Get "Screenlets"02:49
pjzpedrosanta: kde. uh... plasma I think.02:49
pedrosantaI've installed gDesklets...02:49
pedrosantaLetś see how it goes...02:49
YankDownUnderpedrosanta, Screenlets, mate. Struth.02:50
pedrosantaOk :)02:50
pedrosantaNext thing up then... I will install that...02:50
vicky_it says could not open "camfrogsercer-4.2. noarch (5). rpm"       archive type not supported02:50
pedrosantagDesklets widgets seemed to lack on quality02:50
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  yes. i agree02:51
pedrosantawhile I was on that02:51
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  theres also the 'google widgits' stuff you can play with.02:51
vicky_anyone know what taht means02:51
ross__Vicky. What linux do u have?02:51
pedrosantaI though that having a widget system on Ubuntu out-of-the-box02:51
pedrosantacould be a good thing...02:51
vicky_ha i dont nkow02:51
pedrosantawhat do you think?02:51
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  'gnome' dodent have widgigs by default.. KDE4 does.02:52
pedrosantahum ok...02:52
YankDownUndervicky_, RPM packages aren't really for Ubuntu - however, if you've found RPM packages, I'm sure someone's done some DEB packages (they're for Ubuntu)02:52
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  i find most all the widgit stuff rather useless.. all i really use is a clock, a calander, and a weather gizmo.02:52
pedrosantadidn't know that...02:52
mobi-sheeplosher: Err.. You know when you install a package.  It pulls in another packages.  That's based on build configuration.  See, I'm trying to turn off few packages and use different packages.02:52
saliaklosher - ahh, so i think i have to use fetchmail cause the incoming stuff needs to get passed to rt-mailgate.. but i think i have fetchmail working now (as well).. but now it tells me that the email is read but "not flushed"02:52
Dr_Willisthat cairo-clock is one of the best looking clocks for the desktop.02:52
pedrosantabut if you make it into social web tools like02:52
vicky_he wrote on this disc xubuntu 8.1002:52
saliakso where does it go if it's not flushed?02:52
pedrosantatwitter updates and such02:52
pedrosantakinda makes sense...02:52
saliakit's like in that movie envy.. "hwere does the shit go?"02:53
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  i dont twitter.. plus i always fullscreen all apps. so i rarelys ee the widits anyway :)02:53
pedrosantayhea sure02:53
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  opera and google have some ok widgits also..  there may be others out as well02:53
pedrosantabut i think it could deliver a more personalized experience to Ubuntu users..02:53
SeaPhorvicky_, looks like you have 2 choices, go back to windows with a restore or tr to learn the easiest linux ever, but whatever you choose there is only so much you will get here (a lot can be learned here- dont get me wrong) but gimmie a shout if you choose the latter02:53
pedrosantaand maybe open new oportunities if we think about widget development...02:54
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  gnome is about keeping simple. If you want widgits - add them.02:54
pedrosantaor I can be wrong also... :)02:54
loshersaliak: I'm guessing, but 'read but not flushed' implies to me that it read the mail but couldn't delete if from the server after downloading it. Are you telling me getmail won't pass the mail to program after downloading?02:54
Dr_Willisthe whold 'widgit' scene - is very very  'chaotic'  in many ways.02:54
YankDownUnderGnome = "Gee, No Me!" :)02:54
rhinoseriousshe can use VB02:54
pedrosantaDr_Willis: i understand you point of view... and in some extent agree with you...02:54
vicky_i wouldnt mind learning this but it would be great if my cf worked02:54
rhinoseriousvicky_: do you know how to use virtual box?02:54
vicky_he put it on02:55
vicky_can u im me02:55
vicky_on this02:55
MellowDudehow do i open a root folder so i can edit something in it02:55
ross__Vicky I messeged u02:55
vicky_instant message02:55
Dr_Willispedrosanta:  as i said.. the only 3 'widgits' i (well the wife) had to have are Weather (no idea why she wants that) a Calander.  and a big big big CLOCK. :) i can actually do all 3 of those features with a custome conky script. :)02:55
rhinoseriousIf you use virtualBox then you can install XP in it and use camfrog on there02:55
loshermobi-sheep: ambitious. Why not just use the prebuild packages from getdeb, or use the prescribed packages which are presumably known to work?02:55
Dr_Williswell bye all.. work time02:55
mobi-sheeplosher: If you install stuff from the repos, it uses a binary package.02:56
YankDownUnderMy wife IS a widget...02:56
rhinoserioustry compiling from source02:56
dragon_YankDownUnder: click on her?02:56
scott_ino2does anyone know if there is commercially available(legal) software for linux to play bluray02:56
MellowDudei want to open /usr/share/deluge  folder with admin how i do it from terminal02:56
YankDownUnderdragon_, If I DO click on her, she slaps me. So I reckon it's a good widget.02:56
loshermobi-sheep: planning to do some development, then?02:56
cabreyMellowDude, gksu nautilus /usr/share/deluge02:57
rhinoserious have you tried playing the bluray in VLC?02:57
bazhang!ot > YankDownUnder02:57
ubottuYankDownUnder, please see my private message02:57
timo1Hi can any one please tell me how to automatically modprobe ? I dont want to do it manuly after every reboot02:57
linuxguy2009scott_ino check your PM02:58
rhinoserioustimo1: what's your problem?02:58
pedrosantabye all. cheers.02:58
Soulwarp!pure kde02:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pure kde02:58
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »02:58
=== sysdoc_ is now known as sysdoc
=== rhinoserious is now known as RhinoSerious
mobi-sheeplosher: Trying to learn how to compile stuffs so I can get ogmrip with better ocr supports (and probably).  Also, many packages often come with recommendation packages (documentation, etc).02:59
timo1I dont want to run sudo modprobe every time i log on. Is there a file that i can edit so its done automatically for me?02:59
RhinoSeriouswhat's OCR?03:00
mobi-sheeplosher: I also found out that when you install it, it pulls in german language by default, not english.  So that's what I'm trying to do.03:00
loshermobi-sheep: ok. So is there a configure script?03:00
YankDownUnderRhinoSerious, Optical Character Recognition03:00
cabreyRhinoSerious, it tries to convert scanned text into an editable format03:00
losherRhinoSerious: you need google practice....03:01
cyberghoser1RhinoSerious, Optical Character Recognitio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_character_recognition03:01
mobi-sheepRhinoSerious: http://tinyurl.com/mv2rme :)03:01
adambananais this D2?03:01
cabreymobi-sheep, i knew what that was even before clicking the link03:01
adambananais this Diablo Two?03:01
RhinoSeriousI wasn't using a browser03:02
timo1Is it /etc/modules?03:02
RhinoSerioustimo1: /etc/modprobe.conf03:02
cabreytimo1, you shouldnt need to load a module at each login03:02
timo1i do03:02
cabreyRhinoSerious, that is for *configuring* modules03:02
timo1sudo modprobe ndiswrapper03:03
phil__hey guys03:03
RhinoSeriousis that not what he needs to do?03:03
cabreytimo1, how did you install it?03:03
RhinoSerioustimo1: what card do you have?03:03
RhinoSeriousyou might be able to run it natively03:03
loshermobi-sheep: ok. So is there a configure script for ogmrip?03:03
timo1Card is working fine its a Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w833503:03
mobi-sheeplosher: I'm checking the bugs first.  Yes there are.03:03
cabreytimo1, how did you install ndiswrapper? and yes, you should use /etc/modules03:04
timo1cabrey: I used a terminal. And followed the inatll read me03:04
loshermobi-sheep: often, the default language etc. is a configure script option. Try './configure --help'03:04
freonchillbefore i install the ubuntu 9.04 restricted driver - (version 96), just want to make sure that it is the least buggy driver for my geforce4 ti 4200 mobile?03:04
mobi-sheeplosher: http://ogmrip.sourceforge.net/en/manual.html#installation03:04
cabreytimo1, that is not specific enough. did you use apt-get/aptitude?03:05
RhinoSerious freonchill: don't install the restricted driver03:05
timo1cabrey: http://pastebin.com/m6437318703:05
CanageekHello all, I'm trying to get my USR5416 working, using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75448&highlight=5410&page=4 but the lastest LiveCD release doesn't give me a acx directory03:06
Keo{iPod}Hey all, my wireless is moving quite slow in the newest release. I'm running the AR5007EG chipset, any ideas?03:06
freonchillRhinoSerious: whats the prefered driver then?03:06
RhinoSerioustimo1: that's the INSTALL file03:06
RhinoSeriousfreonchill: what'y your card again?03:06
cabreytimo1, yea... you should've used Applications > Add / Remove... to install ndiswrapper03:06
gartrali fear my hard drive is dieing.. what can i use to read S.M.A.R.T data?03:06
timo1I had no internet ?03:06
freonchillRhinoSerious: 4200 mobile (dell d800 laptop)03:06
cabreyfreonchill, what driver is listed in System > Adminstration > Hardware Drivers?03:07
freonchillcabrey: 9603:07
freonchillgartral smartd03:07
RhinoSeriouswhat's the nam eof your graphics card03:07
cabreyfreonchill, that is the legacy driver, it should work...03:07
Canageekie cd /lib/firmware/<your_version>/acx/default should be  /lib/firmware/2.6.28-11-generic/acx/default right? But /acx does not exist03:07
giacoI've rebooted my laptop and now my sound is gone03:07
linuxguy2009gartral check PM?03:07
giacoI've a mute laptop after a reboot03:07
fsufitchhey. i've got a problem with the built-in camera: cheese works fine with it, but skype doesnt capture anything. after trying skype, though, cheese doesnt work anymore either until i restart. is this a common problem?03:07
timo1cabrey: is it too late03:08
freonchillRhinoSerious: NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4200 Go AGP 8x] (rev a1)03:08
therussianjiggiaco: is PA running?03:08
RhinoSeriousare you running 64-bit or 32-bit03:08
giacotherussianjig, let me check it03:09
cabreytimo1, do you still have the ndiswrapper source directory?03:09
freonchillRhinoSerious: 32bit03:09
cabreyfreonchill, yea the 96 driver has support for your card03:09
giacotherussianjig, 3781 ?        00:00:14 pulseaudio yes it's running03:09
RhinoSeriousI don't know enough about your card to tell you which one is correct03:09
timo1Yeh I have the source. Its at my desktop03:09
cabreyRhinoSerious, we don't use that in ubuntu03:09
therussianjiggiaco: this sounds dumb but did you check the mixer and make sure all the channels are up?03:09
cabreyRhinoSerious, at least we try not to03:09
RhinoSeriouswhat do you mean03:09
RhinoSeriousthose are open source drivers no?03:10
timo1cabrey: ndiswrapper-1.5503:10
cabreyRhinoSerious, there is a proprietary driver manager for a reason03:10
giacotherussianjig, all the channels are fired up03:10
freonchillRhinoSerious: so its better to use the real nvidia over the restricted?03:10
RhinoSeriousHonestly, yes03:10
bazhangfreonchill, no03:10
cabreytimo1, cd into it from a terminal and run sudo make uninstall03:10
therussianjiggiaco: What is your active device03:10
freonchillbazhang: what do you suggest then?03:10
cabreyfreonchill, the restricted driver is the nvidia driver03:10
RhinoSeriousit's not the same03:11
bazhangfreonchill, use the one from the hardware driver03:11
cabreyfreonchill, use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers03:11
giacotherussianjig, what do you mean?03:11
loshermobi-sheep: what os version are you compiling for?03:11
cabreyRhinoSerious, yes it is, except packaged and tested by ubuntu devs03:11
bazhangRhinoSerious, please don't advise if you are not sure03:11
mobi-sheeplosher: Jaunty.03:11
RhinoSeriousderp I am sure03:11
therussianjiggiaco: In the mixer there is a drop-down for different devices....it might have been switched to an internal speaker03:11
timo1cabrey: Then install using the add or remove?03:11
RhinoSeriousWhy not use the drivers directly from the HW manufacturer?03:12
cabreytimo1, yes look for Windows Wireless Drivers03:12
giacotherussianjig, I've always used alsamixer, actually I don't know where's the gui one, lol03:12
cabreyRhinoSerious, they *are* from the manufactuers, just designed to integrate better03:12
freonchillcabrey: bazhang either of you know if they fixed hte suspend/hibernate problem with 9.04 yet?03:12
RhinoSeriouscabrey: that's bull03:12
loshermobi-sheep: ogmrip version 0.12.3 ?03:12
bazhangRhinoSerious, please stop03:12
mobi-sheeplosher: Yup.03:12
RhinoSeriousThe nVidia drivers performs better03:12
cabreyRhinoSerious, it is the nvidia driver managed by the ubuntu repos03:12
RhinoSeriousGLX gears03:13
timo1cabrey: done03:13
cabreyRhinoSerious, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers *are* the nvidia / ati drivers03:13
loshermobi-sheep: ok, I just downloaded it. I'm on 8.04 though, so my experience may not be the same as yours. The binary version is in english, btw03:13
RhinoSeriousnot the latest03:13
cabreyRhinoSerious, latest != greatest03:13
ctmjrRhinoSerious: it is an nvidia driver it is the latest driver that works in ubuntu at time of release,03:13
RhinoSeriousafter they've been *tested* newer drivers are released03:13
timo1cabrey:  should i install the driver now ?03:13
AndrewGearhartcan anybody help me out with a plan to install 386 instead of amd?03:13
GneaRhinoSerious: it's not bull to use the nvidia drivers that ubuntu provides, since the ones from the nvidia.com site are more likely to break or be broken due to system mis-management03:14
coleysRhinoSerious: Latest stable drivers. x'03:14
cabreytimo1, yes install ndiswrapper via add / remove03:14
freonchillcabrey: bazhang i had tried 9.04 when it first came out; and i had installed 96, then the next reboot, it had suggested 196 over the 96... onl reason i asked03:14
RhinoSeriousOld drivers doesn't help at all03:14
RhinoSeriousi run arch03:14
mobi-sheeplosher: http://www.my-guides.net/en/content/view/129/26/03:14
RhinoSeriousI know how to configure my xorg03:14
mobi-sheeplosher: You can see how it does not use tess*03:14
edbianfreonchill: Suspend / Hibernate is more of a system specific issue if it isn't working.03:14
RhinoSeriousand I know that nVidia drivers work well03:14
AndrewGearhartI'd most prefer to keep 64bit as a second install and start from scratch with a 386 install... on a separate partition03:14
edbianfreonchill: What do you mean "you installed 96" ??03:14
cabreyRhinoSerious, if you are running arch, then you do not know about the special utilities ubuntu provides for this purpose03:14
GneaRhinoSerious: k, that's all fine and good, but we support Ubuntu here03:14
RhinoSeriousI've used arch03:14
coleysRhinoSerious: Lol... arch is simple. And Im pretty sure you just use X -configure or nvidia-xconfig =P + Hal.03:14
timo1cabrey: done03:14
CanageekSo, still trying to get this wireless card working, help?03:15
RhinoSeriouscoleys: vesa doesn't work right03:15
cabreytimo1, go to System > Administration > Windows Wireless Drivers and install the inf driver03:15
RhinoSeriousand arch doesn't come with anything proprietary03:15
cabreyRhinoSerious, please stop03:15
coleysRhinoSerious: Wrong. =o You can easily install anything really.03:15
GneaRhinoSerious: please take arch discussion elsewhere.03:15
timo1cabrey:  it says the driver is already installed03:15
cabreytimo1, is it listed in the GUI?03:15
GneaCanageek: which wireless card?03:16
timo1cabrey: :)yes03:16
mobi-sheeplosher: Just wait.03:16
giacotherussianjig, I've found a "chip name"03:16
cabreytimo1, ok try a reboot03:16
iameliteUbuntu is the best. WOOT! *Streaks Naked through the channel*03:16
giaconot a device name03:16
CanageekExact same problem as listed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75448&highlight=5410&page=403:16
therussianjiggiaco: I had a simiair problem awhile ago and 'sudo killall pulseaudio' worked but I can't say why, or if it will work in your case03:16
loshermobi-sheep: wait for what?03:16
timo1cabrey: ok thanks03:16
CanageekI'm running the lastest live CD as I want to get this working before I go through the whole rigamaroll of installing03:17
mobi-sheeplosher: I'm testing it.  Somebody comment that the ogmrip failz at giving notification progress.03:17
freonchillcabrey: bazhang gotta check-out suspend/hibernate before i install the driver... it was broken when they first releasted 9.06....03:17
mobi-sheeplosher: Testing a single chapter at the moment.03:17
GneaCanageek: do you see it listed here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs#Cards Supported03:17
loshermobi-sheep: ok03:17
GneaCanageek: usually you have to wait to get it installed before getting wireless to work03:17
coleysCanageek: Whats your wifi card?03:17
edbianfreonchill:  This is no such thing as 9.06.03:17
CanageekOk, I'll try that then03:18
Canageekbut I had it working with an old version of Kubuntu03:18
coleysCanageek: Uhh.. .. Usr is ... what? Broadcom, intel... ?03:18
giacotherussianjig, solved03:18
CanageekUS Robotics03:18
giacoIt was pulseaudio03:18
Canageekbut it seems to have a texas instament chipset03:18
cabrey!who | giaco03:18
ubottugiaco: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:18
therussianjiggiaco: for a permanate fix, add a boot up line that disables pulse audio03:19
GneaCanageek: that post is about 3 years old, surely there must be another..03:19
mr_mustardwhat is the best radeon driver for linux?03:19
cabreymr_mustard, what is your hardware?03:19
CanageekGnea: *shrug* I found it from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsUsRobotics03:19
mr_mustardradeon hd320003:20
mr_mustardscrolling in firefox is a bit sluggish03:20
CanageekGnea: And it describes the problem I have in Kubuntu perfectly, seems a touch diffrent in Ubuntu but probably the same root problem03:20
GneaCanageek: nice03:20
mr_mustardops.. I'm using the proprietary driver03:20
cabreymr_mustard, the ati driver System > Administration > Hardware Drivers03:21
pedrosantascreenlets are written in python, sweet!03:21
edbianmr_mustard: I also have an ATI card (radeon 9550) There are only two drivers that I can use.  The open source "ati" driver and the proprietary (from ATI) fglrx driver.03:21
phil__hey umm i have a qustion, when i go away for like 10 min my piden sets my pm as im not here right now03:21
phil__how can i disable that03:21
edbianmr_mustard: Neither of which improve the firefox scrolling problem.  I think it's actually the firefox code that is the problem but I can't say for sure.03:21
mobi-sheeplosher: Halfwaay there now.  Testing it with subtitle too.  I'll keep you posted.03:22
mr_mustardedbian, do you have that firefox scrolling problem?03:22
edbianmr_mustard: I think everybody does.03:22
cabreymr_mustard, try a different browser like epiphany or midori or even google chrome preview03:22
therussianjigphil__: Tools > Preferences > Status Idle03:22
cabreyedbian, +103:22
edbianmr_mustard: yes03:22
RhinoSeriousnouvea drivers are open source03:22
RhinoSerioustherefore, better03:22
phil__thanks :)03:23
cabreyRhinoSerious, what are you talking about now?03:23
edbianmr_mustard: Try one that doesn't use the gecko rendering engine.  In my experience that seems to be part of the problem.03:23
loshermobi-sheep: I confess I found gocr so awful in the past that I use a windows app for ripping subtitles.... (ducks & covers)03:23
RhinoSeriouscabrey: open source nvidia drivers03:23
GneaCanageek: now I'm lost... perhaps someone else can help :/03:23
bazhangRhinoSerious, that is not correct.03:23
CanageekGnea: Thanks for your help anyway03:23
GneaRhinoSerious: for 3D? dream on..03:23
cabreyRhinoSerious, go to #ubuntu-offtopic03:24
RhinoSeriousbazhang: better in a sense of free03:24
RhinoSeriousfree as in freedom03:24
bazhang!ot > RhinoSerious03:24
ubottuRhinoSerious, please see my private message03:24
CanageekUm, ok thats bad. The liveCD just froze, and I just ran Check CD on it03:25
ascheelAnybody know why my PC goes through a shutdown when I ctrl-C in a terminal window?03:25
CanageekI'm pretty sure my hardware is good...03:25
RhinoSeriousI don't get private messages03:25
edbianascheel: ??03:25
edbianascheel: Are you logged in?03:25
losherRhinoSerious: you're being warned to stay on-topic or risk being banned....03:25
ascheeledbian: yeah.  I'm logged in, but if I go to cancel an rsync or ANY other command with Ctrl-C, my PC starts the shutdown procedure.03:26
timo1cabrey: It works i have rebooted twice wifi just connects on its own ;-)03:26
=== ce is now known as cewek
losherCanageek: froze when, exactly?03:26
cabreytimo1, using the repos are always a better way to go :)03:26
Soulwarpi wonder why my verison dsl works on linux but not windows03:27
edbianascheel: That is very strange.  There are no errors?03:27
CanageekWhen I hit numlock, I was goint to try sudo modprobe rt2500pci and when I hit numblock too type 2500 it seemed to crash03:27
Canageekas in everything locked up03:27
timo1Plus im running 64 bit not many have had success with wifi and 64 bit03:27
edbianSoulwarp: Cause linux rocks ;) ??03:27
Canageeksecond time its happend tonight03:27
ascheeledbian, no errors.  It's just as though I did:  shutdown now03:27
CanageekI've not touched this computer since oh, last summer03:27
Canageekwhen I tired to get linux working on it03:27
edbianascheel: You cannot cancel any command?  (Just so you know I don't really know how to fix this problem I am just really curious about it).  Is this in TTY1 or just a terminal or both?03:28
losherCanageek: which os live-cd are you running?03:28
CanageekI think the lastest Ubuntu relase03:28
Canageeklet me check03:29
ascheeledbian: just a terminal.  It DOES cancel the program, but at the same time it's like Gnome sees it and issues a shutdown becaus of it03:29
Canageeklosher: ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso03:29
losherCanageek: hangs are usually hardware related. Maybe you should run a memtest overnight?03:29
edbianascheel: bash, dash, sh ??03:29
ascheeledbian: bash03:30
CanageekI guess, but I used this computer constanly till I got my laptop without trouble so unless its broken down while sitting unplugged03:30
losherCanageek: 9.04 is fussier than other releases. Another options is try again with 8.04.203:30
CanageekI'll try that if installing it doesn't work03:30
edbianascheel: Switch to TTY1 and log in and run a simple command (something like ping that will run for a little while) and try to cancel it and see what happens.03:30
losherCanageek: good luck03:30
edbianlosher: 8.04.2??  What's the .2 ?  Are you referring to updates or something?03:31
CanageekSwap partition should be at the start of the physical drive?03:31
edbianCanageek: Doesn't have to be.  Ubuntu will find it as long as it has the /swap mount option when you format regardless of where it is03:32
losheredbian: if you download the latest version of 8.04. I think you'll find it's at revision 2 i.e. bugfixes etc.03:32
bastidrazorCanageek, doesn't matter, if you don't plan on changing partitions sizes later.03:32
edbianlosher: IC03:32
CanageekOk, thanks03:32
cabreyedbian, second release03:32
cabreyedbian, err third03:32
mobi-sheeplosher: Video looks great!  Subtitle == Failz.03:33
edbiancabrey: As in, it includes a number of critical updates.  Similar to what losher said?03:33
edbianHow do you tell the operators to ban somebody?03:33
loshermobi-sheep: failed in what way? Never extracted, couldn't ocr them, something else?03:33
cabreyedbian, yea so you don't download 2 GB of updates after you install hardy03:34
cabreyedbian, use !ops03:34
bazhangedbian, what is the problem03:34
edbiancabrey: Double thank you :)03:34
ryanpriorI want to install Ubuntu 8.04 but I don't have a CD or a flash drive. I've got a free partition to use. Can I somehow start the Ubuntu LiveCD in a virtual machine and allow it to format my free partition?03:34
mobi-sheeplosher: It did what it should did but I can't find the subtitle anywhere or and it's not embedded either.03:34
edbianbazhang: MichaelXX2 came in here just to yell.  I asked for future reference (for future jerks)03:34
cabreyedbian, it is a registered account on freenode, maybe take it to #freenode?03:35
zirodayryanprior: nope, you can use some of the methods in !install however, or wubi03:35
loshermobi-sheep: so it didn't produce an .srt file? Did it prompt you for any characters. Usually the OCR prompts a number of times when it has trouble recognising a character03:35
edbianryanprior: Check out "unetbootin"  It allows you to install an operating system with no external media (besides internet to get unetbootin in the first place)03:35
mobi-sheeplosher: Nothing.03:35
edbiancabrey: He left so I don't really care that much03:35
mobi-sheeplosher: You see the link?  tess* is best open-source ocr.03:35
zirodayedbian: umm unetbootin doesn't do what he wants03:36
loshermobi-sheep: I'll give tesseract a try. BTW: I've had reasonable success encoding dvds with dvd::rip03:36
mobi-sheeplosher: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ogmrip/+bug/24782603:37
edbianziroday: Boot a live CD from an ISO (without burning a CD) .  That's what unetbootin does.  ryanprior is that what you want?03:37
mobi-sheeplosher: I like it -- Very simple.  Got profile for high quality too.  Etc. :)03:37
KeoHey all, so I have an AR5007EG wireless chip, and the transfer rates are slow.03:37
ryanprioredbian: I'd like to use unetbootin, but for some reason I can't access Sourceforge. >.>03:37
zirodayedbian: he doesn't want to use a flash drive either. Plus its frugal install does what wubi does, just badly03:37
zirodayryanprior: wubi sounds like what you want03:37
mobi-sheeplosher: You even can throw in plugins for iPod support, iZune support, PSP support, PS3 support, Xbox360 Streaming support, etc.  You get the idea.  Optimization for those files.  :303:38
edbianziroday: ???  What are you talking about?  unetbootin works without a flash drive.  unetbootin does NOT do what wubi does.03:38
ryanpriorziroday: I'm currently running Ubuntu, so Wubi is out; and I really want to use my free partition.03:38
cabreyryanprior, it's in the repos03:38
odinsbaneI'm working on setting up the network manager, I reinstalled it but it doesn't come up in the systray when I start up.03:38
loshermobi-sheep: I'll try it next time I need an encode....03:38
ryanpriorcabrey: ah, thank goodness for the repos03:39
edbianryanprior: You're running ubuntu?  I'm getting confused.  Why do you want to install ubuntu?  It's already running03:39
zirodayryanprior: ah I didn't realise you were running ubuntu, then there is another method03:39
ryanpriorziroday: what's the other method?03:39
mobi-sheeplosher: Look at that bug link I gave you -- There are " + Drop configure flag --with-ocr=ocrad"03:39
zirodayryanprior: no promises but http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2894803:39
mobi-sheeplosher: Yes.  Configuration flag!  Which I was trying to learn how to use.  >_>03:39
ryanprioredbian: I'm running 9.04 and I want to install 8.04 alongside.03:39
=== keo_ is now known as Keo
odinsbanewhats th wireless/network applet that appears in the systray of gnome.03:39
zirodayodinsbane: nm-applet03:40
ryanprioredbian: I've got a tall stack of 9.04 CDs from ShipIt but left my 8.04 CDs hundreds of miles away. =D03:40
edbianryanprior: OIC.  Yeah I would suggest unetbootin.  Upt o you though03:40
edbianryanprior: kicking yourself huh lol03:40
=== shino_ is now known as Guest52778
cabreyryanprior, O.o just how many shipits?03:41
edbianGuest52778: Please ask a question and don't ask permission to ask a question03:41
Guest52778so im kinda new here03:41
odinsbaneziroday: thanks Ill see if I can get it to show up.03:41
ryanpriorcabrey: About 15, I originally had 20 but I've given some away.03:42
cabreyryanprior, oh :)03:42
edbianGuest52778: What's your question?03:42
ryanpriorcabrey: I find it's always useful to have Ubuntu CDs to use when people's computers bust, and then I just give them the CD to keep afterwards.03:42
edbianryanprior: Good lord man?!  What were you gonna do with that many?03:42
loshermobi-sheep: I don't understand the bug report. It implies that regardless of configuration, ogm will choose tesseract, gocr or ocrad, in that order, at runtime03:42
=== richard is now known as Guest90291
edbianryanprior: Frolf?03:43
Guest52778how much wood would a wood chuck chung if a wood chuck could chug wood?03:43
cabreyryanprior, i'm surprised the service allowed you to get that many lol03:43
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as cpudan80
cabrey!ot > Guest5277803:43
ubottuGuest52778, please see my private message03:43
ryanprioredbian: I give them away to people when they ask about what funny-looking OS I'm running, or when their Windows/Mac boxen crash and they need to restore.03:43
=== cpudan80 is now known as Cpudan80
bazhangGuest52778, wrong channel03:43
edbianryanprior: OIC. :)03:43
ryanpriorcabrey: I've been getting ShipIt CDs since Dapper, and I bump it up by a couple every year. I always manage to give them all away, so I'll continue the practice. :-)03:43
KeoRight on, anyone know why my wireless (AR5007EG) crawls in ubuntu?03:44
edbianryanprior: A real humanitarian.03:44
cabreyryanprior, i got one because i wanted an official cd, now i feel guilty03:44
* cabrey hides03:44
=== shino_ is now known as Guest84552
tntcI just burn em with my own blanks.03:44
Guest84552is there other irc places or its strictly this03:44
ryanpriorcabrey: no problem, you can do the same as I do -- bump it up by a couple every release. Next time ask for 3.03:44
linuxguy2009cabrey: Shame on you... your evil. hehe03:44
edbianGuest84552: There are lots of channels.  This is ubuntu support.03:45
bazhangGuest84552, /msg alis list help03:45
tntcI wish I had some label printing kit to make em officiallistic.03:45
ryanpriortntc: I do that too for alphas and so on, but I find that when I'm presenting Ubuntu to friends and colleagues, it's better received when it has the slick professional packaging.03:45
Guest84552how would you go bout switching channels ?03:45
losherGuest84552: www.irchelp.org03:45
cabreyGuest84552, /join #channel03:45
edbianryanprior: Doesn't it cost them money to print those?  Are they losing money on every one they ship?03:45
bazhangGuest84552, /join #defocus (for example)03:45
linuxguy2009Ill tell you whats cool is burning the Ubuntu ISOs on LightScribe disks and making nice labels with gimp and they have lightscribe for linux and everything. Looks like a bought CD if you buy the cool colored disks.03:45
ryanpriortntc: it's the difference between "let's try this slick product on your computer" and "here, put this sharpie'd CD I burned into your computer and reboot. I promise, it'll be cool!"03:45
cabreyedbian, probably a few quarters / cd03:45
tntcryanprior: Meh, my friends and colleagues aren't picky.  I find it's better presenting it with a willingness to help and support them :)03:45
tntcryanprior: I usually show em my three laptops running it first.03:46
cabreyedbian, scratch that, pennies most likely03:46
ryanprioredbian: Yes, they lose money with ShipIt. It's part of their advertising budget.03:46
tntcryanprior: the big seller: "Watch your pr0nz without worrying about viruses so much"03:46
ryanpriortntc: 3 laptops?! Maybe you'd like to buy me one. =)03:46
tntcryanprior: two are netbooks :)03:46
tntcryanprior: I had more.  I gave em away.03:46
cabreyok getting a bit offtopic03:46
cabreyraid #ubuntu-offtopic for this stuff03:47
* Keo takes a nice, deep breath and decides one more to ask for help.03:47
edbianKeo: What's your question?03:47
ryanpriorKeo: good attitude. ;-)03:47
tntccabrey: we're discussing computers that run ubuntu.  I think that's fair game.  It's not like we're talking about cars or something.03:47
edbianor just leave...03:47
Gneaor not03:47
KeoStupid hotkeys03:47
cabreytntc, it's a support channel, offtopic is for general ubuntu chat :)03:48
KeoAnyway, my wireless is crawling in Ubuntu (AR5007EG). Does anyone know why, or is it simply because the free driver doesn't like it?03:48
Gneaoh yes, sound via alsa works once more03:48
RedLanceOk, I'm sure this is the wrong place, but maybe someone here can point me to a better place to ask...I downloaded a copy of Mac OS9 for my old iMac, but I can't get it to burn correctly...and ideas?03:48
cabreyKeo, is there a madwifi driver available?03:48
ascheelKeo, use the ath5k drivers for that chipset.  It works awesomely03:48
KeoThey don't.03:48
edbianKeo: Yeah, It's probably because the driver is lousy.  That's a pretty speculative guess though.03:49
KeoAnd there is no madwifi installed03:49
ascheelKeo: I have the exact same chipset, Keo.  Use ath5k03:49
cabreyRedLance, erm OS9 isn't free, you must've torrented it03:49
rayluascheel: you must have ath confused with something else. ath5k is the farthest thing from "awesome"03:49
SnakDocis there anyway to program in visual basic in ubuntu ?03:50
GneaKeo: have you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113416503:50
Keoascheel, it's not working right in some way, shape or form. I should be pulling 300 some Kb/s from downloads, whereas I'm getting .503:50
ascheelraylu: on the contrary.  Installed ath5k, rebooted, wireless works perfectly03:50
rayluascheel: then you're part of the lucky few03:50
cabreySnakDoc, no, that is a proprietary language, tho wine might help...03:50
SnakDocok jw in the class say i just use virtual machine03:51
edbianSnakDoc: Why do you want to use visual basic anyway?03:51
SnakDocin the class lol could careless about it later03:51
edbianSnakDoc: OIC03:51
cabreySnakDoc, locking yourself into that language isn't exactly a good thing :03:51
SnakDoc:D yea03:51
ryanpriorSnakDoc: yes, you can program VisualBasic on Ubuntu using Mono I think.03:51
cabreyryanprior, mono is C#03:52
SeaPhorSnakDoc, no season 5 :-(03:52
ryanpriorcabrey: IIRC they also have VB.Net support03:52
cabreyryanprior, and the linux clone of .NET03:52
SnakDoco well03:52
tntccabrey: wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC says it's a general discussion, help channel.03:52
tntccabrey: perhaps the wiki needs to be updated.03:52
cabreyVB != VB.NET :)03:53
ryanpriorcabrey, SnakDoc: http://mono-project.com/Visual_Basic03:53
edbiancabrey: tntc has got you there03:53
Keoty Gnea, was what I was looking for.03:53
RedLanceOk cabrey, allow me to rephrase that...I've got a .toast file that I want to burn using Ubuntu, can anyone help?03:53
SnakDocok thanks03:53
tntcedbian: not the first time I've made the argument, and I'm sure it will not be the last time I have to.03:53
cabreytntc, ask the ops is all i have to say, they have reign over everything there03:53
edbianRedLance: There are many options for programs to use to burn iso's.  K3b and gnome-baker are both good options.  Do you know how to get software from the repos?03:54
losherRedLance: first hit on google: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82728003:54
tntccabrey: I'd note that they said nothing.  Perhaps it should be left to the ops to indicate when a discussion should be moved to offtopic.03:54
cabreyryanprior, hmm intriguing, i thought it was specifically for .NET... thanks for that :D03:54
iamtechnoWell honestly I think that VB is definitely off topic.03:55
ryanprioriamtechno: not if somebody is asking about VB development in Ubuntu03:55
RedLanceedbian: Yes, I do, I already have Thanks!03:55
edbianRedLance: np03:55
RedLanceedbian: I have Brasero03:55
edbianRedLance: That's good too03:55
edbiansam_ Hey03:56
loshertntc: it's really whatever the ops decide it is. Over time that changes, and it also depends who's on duty at any particular time. I've seen them be pretty hard nosed about banning people/topics even when I personally thought it was sufficiently on-topic...03:56
iamtechnoryanprior, true but when I got in here I all kept reading was weather VB and Vb.net are equal.03:56
tntclosher: yes, it is really whatever the ops decide.  So far, they have said nothing.03:56
ryanprioriamtechno: when you can't read the whole conversation it's hard to make a judgment. =D03:56
RedLanceedbian: I wish I had known it was that easy...thanks!03:57
edbianRedLance: np03:57
RedLanceand thanks losher too03:57
iamtechnoryanprior, true. I was just giving my two cents like everone else.03:57
loshertntc: yeah, looks like the ops are taking a break tonight. Personally I prefer it that way :-)03:57
ctmjrso grasshopper is it off topic to discuss what is off topic03:58
ryanprior!ot4ot | ctmjr03:58
ubottuctmjr: Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct03:58
rayluno, but discussing whether it is off-topic to discuss what is off-topic is off-topic03:58
nalioththis is a support channel.03:58
cabreytntc, i am in #ubuntu-ops now03:58
tntcnalioth: then why does the wiki say it is a discussion channel?03:58
RhinoSerious!Freenode Policy03:59
ubottufreenode is Freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. Freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on Freenode also have their own !guidelines03:59
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/03:59
naliothtntc: because all irc channels are "discussion channels"?  we just happen to only discuss support issues here03:59
ctmjrryanprior: can you explain that please03:59
iamtechnoPeople lets just try and answer peoples questions about Ubuntu instead of splitting hairs, eh?03:59
RhinoSeriousIs there a hardcore mode for ubuntu?03:59
Gneadefine 'hardcore'?04:00
cabreyRhinoSerious, uhh what?04:00
ryanpriorctmjr: some things, including those listed by the bot, are considred offtopic even for an offtopic channel. This is because the discussion can be harmful to the community, rather than resulting in productive communication. :-)04:00
edbianRhinoSerious: Debian ?04:00
RhinoSeriousHardcore Linux04:00
cabreyRhinoSerious, hard to use? gentoo.04:00
sebsebsebRhinoSerious: Ubuntu 9.10  Karmic Kaola  Alpha 2 ?04:00
RhinoSeriouscabrey: are you trolling?04:00
naliothRhinoSerious: go fetch Ubuntu Server Edition and have fun04:00
edbianRhinoSerious: Slackware04:00
earthmeLonHey buddies!  I have my Ubuntu laptop connected to WiFi for internet, and I have the ethernet port connected to a switch connected to another computer.  I can access SSH over the WiFi adapter, but not the Ethernet adapter.  I allow in my ssh config file.  Any suggestions?04:00
toterLauren Phoenix typing on the console... that's hardcore04:00
ryanpriorRhinoSerious: Yes, it's called Ubuntu Server. http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition04:00
sebsebseb!karmic >   RhinoSerious04:00
ubottuRhinoSerious, please see my private message04:00
iamtechnoRhinoSerious, try running on the CLI, its hardcore enough.04:00
aduxhello everbody, well i got some problems configurating a ftp, may somebody help me :S?04:00
cabreyRhinoSerious, on the contrary. It's you who are trolling. :\04:01
edbianearthmeLon: Is this a managed switch?04:01
GneaRhinoSerious: is that the name of a different distribution? please, don't call others out for trolling when, clearly, they are not.04:01
iamtechnoadux, are you trying to config a client or a server?04:01
earthmeLonI am getting "Connection Refused".  I am not sure what you mean edbian.  It has firmware04:01
naliothadux: please just ask your question  :)04:01
RhinoSeriouscabrey: on /g/, whenever someone asks about tech support, they are always told to install Gentoo04:01
RhinoSeriousNo matter what the problem is04:01
cabreyRhinoSerious, oh great, a 4chaner :/\04:02
aduxiamtechno, a server ;)04:02
naliothRhinoSerious: cabrey #ubuntu-offtopic is where your discussion should take place  :)04:02
Zopiacwhat is the wii remote program?04:02
RhinoSeriousnalioth: I was asking for support04:02
losherRhinoSerious: what is /g/ ?04:02
edbianearthmeLon: There are two types of switched.  Managed and unmanaged.  An unmanaged switch needs a router attached to it.  A managed switch is a router.  Describe your switch.  Large, rack-mountable?  Small (made by linksys) etc etc/04:02
aduxthe problem is i've tried to follow some guides but most are from like 2 yeas ago :S04:02
cabreynalioth, sorry to be a hypocrite :P got sucked in04:02
lwellsWhat plugins do I need to get to play video on websites like espn?04:02
edbianZopiac: wii-motes are bluetooth devices04:02
iamtechnolwells, Flash04:03
TriMeHello People, TriMe is having some problems with Linux ubuntu 9.04 - I have 2x 8800 GTS 320Mg Grahpics Cards, Running SLi... and i have installed Ubuntu as my main operating system... I install the Recommended Drivers from Nvidia and Ubuntu, but apon reboot is Come up with Checking battery State, and does SFA.... what do i do now? just leave it and wait or make more posts on ubuntu forums???04:03
lwellshuh, I have flash04:03
RhinoSeriouslosher: zip.4chan.org/g/imgboard.html04:03
iamtechnoadux, what program are you using for the server?04:03
cabreyRhinoSerious, /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:03
cabreylosher, NSFW04:03
aduxnalioth, i just got some problems with the proftpd.conf04:03
earthmeLonIt's a Linksys 10/100 router with DD-WRT running just as a DHCP server.  It's on vs wifi  Are you suggesting I try port forwording?04:03
aduxiamtechno, proftpd04:03
earthmeLonedbian: ^04:04
lwellsI have Shockwave flash, is that the correct flash to have?04:04
naliothadux: have you tried asking in a proftp channel?04:04
aduxiamtechno, the 0.3.5 version04:04
edbianearthmeLon: That is a small home use router (managed switch).  Now explain to me again what you did / what you're trying to accomplish.04:04
aduxnalioth, nop, didnt't know that existed :O04:04
iamtechnoadux, I agree. Try the proftpd channel04:04
Flynsarmywhat's the terminal command to get the current system time?04:04
rayluFlynsarmy: date04:04
naliothadux: /msg alis help   /msg alis list *ftp*04:04
GneaFlynsarmy: date04:04
cabreyFlynsarmy, man date for help04:05
edbianlwells: You have to remove all of the flash packages except for the one you want to use.  Otherwise they block each other out as firefox plugins and it is very confusing.  IDK if this helps but I think it is useful to know when installing flash.04:05
Flynsarmyraylu, Gnea thanks04:05
aduxTHANKS ;)04:05
iamtechnoadux, your welcome04:05
earthmeLonMy pc is connected to Main router and this switch through ethernet.  My laptop is connected wirelessly to Main router and to the switch over ethernet.  I want my laptop to continue getting internet access through the wireless adapter while SSH/SFTP over ethernet.04:05
earthmeLonedbian: ^04:06
losherRhinoSerious: looks like a weird mixture of softcore porn & technology. Inevitable I suppose. Not particularly readable, btw04:06
naliothlosher: #ubuntu-offtopic please04:06
earthmeLonI have try port forwording, but I thought forwording was only needed for stuff on the WAN port edbian04:06
veritosThe ubuntu-restricted-extras package pulls in Sun's JRE but OpenJDK's plugin. Why doesn't it use the Sun plugin (which does exist)?04:06
earthmeLonI can try*04:07
loshernalioth: no need, I'm done with it...04:07
NaynayDear God, why does my system go unstable with 8GB of RAM?04:07
edbianearthmeLon: So let me get this straight.  Both computers have a wifi connection (that you want to use for internet) and a wired connection through a second switch (second from the wifi router) that you want to use for SSH.  is this correcT?04:07
iamtechnoNaynay, it could be that your kernel isn't setup to run more than 4gb of ram.04:07
bccryptide: I knew I recognized you from some place04:07
edbianearthmeLon: That is correct you only need to port forward when you are going from a WAN or the internet inside a LAN.  (Getting though NAT).04:07
Naynaynah, it's going beserk in Memtest04:08
edbianearthmeLon: What SSH server are you using?04:08
Naynayloadsa errors04:08
cryptidebc: yeah total n00b here ;)04:08
cabreyNaynay, sounds like a hardware issue04:08
iamtechnoNaynay, bad ram stick then?04:08
NaynayI'm going to have to see if there's anything wrong with any inidividual stick04:08
earthmeLonopenssh.  I have accessable and on the MAIN ROUTER I can receive outside connections edbian04:08
Naynayit's brand new memory though04:08
bccryptide: I dunno, back there in #css makes up for it in my book lol04:09
naliothNaynay: that means nothing, unfortunately (except that i might still be under warranty)04:09
NaynayMobo supports up to 8GB, so it says04:09
losherNaynay: god stepped out. We're filling in for him. "Going berserk in memtest" usually means bad memory hardware. Brand new is no particular guarantee.04:09
edbianearthmeLon: Both of these computers are going to connect through the secondary switch so why does the MAIN router need to allow outside connections?04:09
NaynayI thought as much...04:09
PushaI think my HD failed, i booted into ubuntu live, the hd wont mount eitther gives error, when trying to get into windows i get a read error... is there ome tool/cmd i acn use to see hd status/condition/ if it crashedd?04:09
edbianearthmeLon: What is the IP of the desktop and laptop's WIRED connection?04:09
iamtechnoNaynay, what I would do is take out all but one stick. Turn your system on and see if it works. If it does shut down and swap it for another stick. repeat until all sticks have been tested.04:10
cabreyPusha, run an fsck check04:10
earthmeLonMain router already supported outside connections so my friend can login.  Wired IPS: edbian04:10
Naynaythat's what I'm doing now04:10
RedLancePusha: What brand is the HD?04:10
Pushanot sure04:10
NaynayI have 4 2GB sticks of RAM04:10
TriMeHello People, TriMe is having some problems with Linux ubuntu 9.04 - I have 2x 8800 GTS 320Mg Grahpics Cards, Running SLi... and i have installed Ubuntu as my main operating system... I install the Recommended Drivers from Nvidia and Ubuntu, but apon reboot is Come up with Checking battery State, and does SFA.... what do i do now? just leave it and wait or make more posts on ubuntu forums???04:10
iamtechnoNaynay, then test all of them one by one.04:10
edbianearthmeLon: Is the desktop logging into the laptop?  Is your friend logging into the desktop?  What is a server and what is a client here?04:11
NaynayI guess I have no choice.04:11
cabreyPusha, fsck will run a file system check and mark bad sectors04:11
losherPusha: most disk manufacturers provide their own downloadable diagnostics disk. Those give the best diagnostics of all. What model is your PC?04:11
earthmeLonAll I need to know is if there is any reason Ubuntu can't handle two simutanious(sp) adapters, or if there is something I need to do to allow it04:11
=== Inc`_ is now known as Inc`
mobi-sheepTriMe: SFA?04:12
iamtechnoTriMe, I don't quite understand the issue. Its hanging on the battery check, correct?04:12
=== TheQ_ is now known as TheQ
CanageekCan someone help me follow the advice at http://acx100.sourceforge.net/wiki/Firmware04:12
edbianearthmeLon: ubuntu 9.04 can handle 2 (or more) network connections at once.  I am concerned though why you needed to alter a config file for SSH.  AFAIK you simply install openssh-server on the server and you can log into it without any configuring.04:12
earthmeLonLaptop is Ubuntu server.  Desktop is windows box.  I want a dedicated line from my pc to the laptop ethernet(10/100) for faster transfers and less latency04:12
jbrewI installed Ubuntu on the 2nd hd on my desktop.  It will not boot.  I get an "unable to execute '/sbin/getty' fot ttyx no such file or directory" message04:13
earthmeLonI added another port in the ssh config since ISP blocks port 22 edbian04:13
NaynayI also had the misfortune of getting a 2TB Western Digital Hard drive, only to find that it kicks itself off the system at random04:13
Naynaybad firmwire I think04:13
cabreyearthmeLon, you need a crossover cable04:13
edbiancabrey: He has a switch04:13
jbrewtty main processes 1-6 all terminated with status 25504:13
earthmeLonI have a switch, cabrey04:13
DarkMage26Canageek, this is for your wireless card?04:13
iamtechnoNaynay, RMA them. Where did you get youre parts from?04:13
CanageekDarkMage26: Yes04:13
cabreyearthmeLon, oh ok. then you want an ad-hoc network?04:14
DarkMage26Canageek, why do you need to update it's firmware?04:14
linuxguy2009TriMe check PM?04:14
edbianearthmeLon: You have a modem connected to your main router correct?  The IP address of your modem (your public IP) is the one that has port 22 blocked.  The ip of the machines inside your network probably don't have any ports blocked unless you're running a firewall somewhere that you didn't mention04:14
CanageekDarkMage26: Becuse there is a bug thats been around for a while with my card (since 2006) and all the advice I can find says that doing this will work04:14
CanageekDarkMage26: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75448&highlight=5410&page=304:15
TriMemobi-sheep: SFA - sweet F*ck All...04:15
earthmeLonI realize that edbian.   I was just giving you a clearer picture of my entire network because I am not sure what is causing the problems04:15
RedLanceNight all, and thanks again.04:15
TriMeiamtechno: Yeah its just hanging on battery Check Dude...04:15
=== Khronos is now known as DoYouKnow
edbianearthmeLon: Ok.  Can you ping your machine (the ubuntu server) from your friends client computer?04:15
CanageekDarkMage26: Is the best source, people have opened a number of bugs on it with 10+ people reporting that this fixes it, but then the bug gets closed by a new version so *shrug*04:15
earthmeLonI was trying to let you know that I can connect to the server over wifi EVEN over internet.  Just not over the switch04:15
gogetaknothing like bulding your own ubuntu04:16
CanageekDarkMage26: I can link you to the tickets04:16
iamtechnoTriMe, Will it boot if you take the battery out and just run it from the AC adapter?04:16
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DarkMage26Canageek, one sec let me read what it wants you to do.04:16
earthmeLonReply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64 < edbian Ethernet does ping04:16
edbianearthmeLon: What does the SSH command look like?04:16
TriMeiamtechno: like i install the driver (ubuntu Reomends for me to install, and then it reboots my machines and just hangs on 'Checking Batter State' and this install of ubuntu is now for 4th time in 24hrs... because i ahve tried all three drivers..04:17
DarkMage26Canageek, what is the model that is being updated?04:17
CanageekThe card is USR541604:17
earthmeLonssh x@ > "Connection refused"04:17
Canageekits trying to use the ACX111 driver04:17
TriMeiamtechno: U mean the bios battery ay??04:17
edbianearthmeLon: Is that the command your friend is running?  (Across the internet) ?04:17
earthmeLonCMOS ^04:17
rayluearthmeLon: sounds like iptables or sshd_config is causing this04:17
CanageekWhich seems to live at /lib/firmware/acx04:17
edbianearthmeLon: That is from what computer then?04:17
mobi-sheepTriMe: http://www.darraghverschoyle.com/2009/03/enabling-sli-on-ubuntu-810/ ?04:18
earthmeLonraylu: sshd_config allows  IP tables is blank04:18
losherTriMe: isn't there some way to disable apci on boot? Might be worth trying for you...04:18
earthmeLonedbian: Yes, since that's what my question is: Why can't MY desktop get to MY laptop over a secondary connection (switch)04:18
D3f0\join #twisted04:19
edbianearthmeLon: You're using putty on the windows machine?04:19
earthmeLonIndeed edbian.  x@ (wifi ip) works.  x@ "Connection Refused"04:19
iamtechnoTriMe, no. I suspect that the SLI is sucking all of your main battery's life and/or it is not charging properly.04:20
rayluearthmeLon: invoke-rc.d sshd stop; /usr/sbin/sshd -d04:20
rayluearthmeLon: or have you already done this?04:21
everton137Hi, I'm with a problema on my notebook wifi card. I bouth a compaq presario yesterday and I configured wifi connection this morning. After upgrade Ubuntu, the system cannot find th wifi signal anymore. I'm very worried if my wifi broke... ifconfig cannot detec wlan anymore. I tried livecd and it didnt detected wifi also. How can I know if I have to back to the store (until tomorrou) and change the laptop? (on #ubuntu-br a wifi card04:21
everton137from a guy just stoped working on a HP pavillion this week after upgradeing ubuntu)04:21
earthmeLonraylu: both of my SSH ports give me this error:  Bind to port 22 on failed: Address already in use.04:21
TriMeiamtechno: OK cheers man i havw 2 other guys helping me out atm we'll see what they say too cheers budyd for help04:22
raylueverton137: lspci, ifconfig -a04:22
mobi-sheeplosher: I'm going to do a full rip.  It seems that when I chose the smallest file (3min).  There are no subtitle for that said file.  Only a single chapter have the whole subtitle.  Something like that.  Looks like it's part of encrypted dvd progress. >_>04:22
earthmeLonDo I need a different port per IP addy?  That's what it looks like raylu04:22
rayluearthmeLon: you didn't stop the server, then04:22
earthmeLonone sec raylu04:22
iamtechnoTriMe, okay. Your welcome. That's what we're here for.04:22
rayluearthmeLon: you don't need a different port for each machine/ip04:22
edbianearthmeLon: You shouldn't need a different port of each IP.04:22
zaccouri have an sd card for my cell phone, what format should i use?04:22
earthmeLonraylu: Worked that time and now it's hung04:22
zaccouri mean using gparted04:22
Hylianhello all04:22
rayluearthmeLon: -d makes it not background, that's normal04:23
rayluearthmeLon: now try ssh-ing in04:23
zaccourwhat format to i make an sd card for a cell phone using gparted?04:23
loshermobi-sheep: makes sense. btw, I think mplayer will tell you if a file has subs in it....04:23
edbianearthmeLon: I think that is is very likely that you can only have 1 SSH connection at a time.04:23
earthmeLonRight, I just tried to connect raylu and the terminal made no changes04:23
rayluearthmeLon: can you also try on a working connection?04:23
Caleb_I use like 4 oses04:23
Hyliani installed a .run file, and now i want to uninstall it. synaptic doesnt see it to uninstall it for obious reasons. my interenet is just too seratic to run the program. anyone know how to uninstall this?04:23
naliothzaccour: i'd suggest joining ##hardware04:23
edbianraylu: He said it works fine via wifi.  Just not wired.04:23
earthmeLonI am doing all of this remotely raylu, using the Wifi connection.04:23
Caleb_3 of em are linuc04:23
rayluedbian: yes, but i want to see what the debug output looks like04:24
edbianraylu: OIC :)04:24
everton137raylu, lspci is not detecting  wifi card. ifconfig -a returns only eth0, lo and pan004:24
zaccourbarbarella, thanks04:24
earthmeLonraylu: when I restarted ssh, it didn't disconnect my existing connection.04:24
paloris_JCaleb_:   http://www.thelin-xportal.com/index.php?cPath=13_102 You can buy a copy of linux from hera ratehr than down loading04:24
rayluearthmeLon: i get the feeling you have your machines confused, then...04:24
edbianearthmeLon: Are you running multiple SSH servers?04:24
Caleb_Oh yea how the hell do i get online on ubuntu? I use vmware, is that wat causes it?04:25
earthmeLonOnly one is running windows raylu04:25
rayluearthmeLon: try killing the latest sshd that we're running in debug mode04:25
cabreyCaleb_, install the additions04:25
edbianCaleb_: You use vmware to get online?04:25
=== Peter3 is now known as iPeter-
Hyliani dont know about you guys, but i have had a lot smoother time with virtualbox once i ditched the ose stuff and downloaded the ubuntu version from sun04:25
Caleb_I use vmware to use ubuntu04:26
edbianHylian: Me too04:26
sebsebsebHylian: yep  the one from  Sun :)04:26
rayluearthmeLon: sudo netstat -ntlp04:26
Hylianyeah that's the ticket ;)04:26
iamtechnoHylian, I agree. VirtualBox is awesome. Its simple yet elegant.04:26
edbianraylu: earthmeLon You're above my head now.  Sorry I couldn't help more!  Good luck!04:26
RhinoSeriousI'm banned?04:26
cabreyRhinoSerious, you were04:27
RhinoSeriousofftopic I know04:27
earthmeLonSSHD is no longer running raylu04:27
Hyliannoo edbian come back. hmm04:27
earthmeLonI will start it up and try to connect now, raylu04:27
Caleb_But it wont access internet at all...04:27
zaccourin gparted i got an error04:27
zaccourhow do i fix it?04:27
Caleb_I also have wubi to install the iso04:27
sebsebsebCaleb_: you don't do the ISO with Wubi, also Wuib = bad04:28
Kage_JittaiAny developers or package maintainers on?04:28
Kage_JittaiI can talk to04:28
rayluKage_Jittai: #ubuntu-dev, #ubuntu-motu04:28
cabreyKage_Jittai, /join #ubuntu-motu for that04:28
Caleb_Partition=bad too04:28
earthmeLonraylu: (Wifi) Successful. (Switch) *UN*-Successful04:29
Caleb_Why is wubi bad?04:29
ulbwubi rocks04:29
rayluearthmeLon: wait, do you have direct access to the server?04:29
MrKeunerhello, is there a PPA for gnumeric?04:30
ulbshows people that linux IS a viable alternative04:30
Caleb_sebsebseb said its bad04:30
sebsebsebCaleb_: runs inside Windows,   if  the  drive isn't fragmented,  can get all slow,  if Windows get virus that deleted it, bye bye Wubi/Ubuntu  as well, and so on04:30
gogetaulb: ?04:30
rayluulb: hardly, since your alternative is sitting in a windows partition04:30
sebsebsebCaleb_: real partitions is the best :)04:30
earthmeLonYes.  I am sitting next to the laptop/server.  I killed all of my remote connections, killed SSHD, started SSHD with -d flag.  < raylu04:30
ulbeverybody needs to start somewhere...04:30
gogetaulb: partating a drive is pretty safe04:31
nsgngoodevening. new ubuntu user here, but long time tech. i've got PPTP connections running via connection manager in ubuntu, but i can't actually ping or utilize any remote resources. any advice?04:31
rayluulb: no reason why you can't start with a partition04:31
nsgnthey authenticate and logs show all is good04:31
Caleb_With fragment, it slow. Not other way around04:31
gogetaulb: and no woorys of a windows trojen messing it up04:31
rayluearthmeLon: the reason i wanted to run netstat was because you said that killing the sshd didn't kill your connection04:31
sebsebsebCaleb_: yes I meant the other way round04:31
ulbdon't hate on wubi04:31
ulbbaby steps04:31
Caleb_Btw I used pcs for like ages and i only got ONE virus04:31
ulbyou need to walk before you run04:31
rayluulb: it causes lots of problems while trying to present itself as an "easier" way04:31
gogetaulb: the ubuntu installer can even auto partation04:31
earthmeLonRight, so I logged into the computer and ran netstat to MAKE SURE it was killed.  It *WAS* killed04:31
rayluulb: when, really, it represents all the flaws of windows design04:32
ulbhey, you are preaching to the choir04:32
Hyliansay, anyone know how to uninstall a program installed with a .run package?04:32
rayluearthmeLon: and your ssh sessions died? or did you have none at that point?04:32
lstarnesHylian: it depends on what it was04:32
gogetaulb: wubi is like running inside a zip file it hurts preforance04:32
ulbbut if something can bring more usuers, please, by all means...give it a chance04:32
gogetaulb: its just for those who fear partating04:33
earthmeLonIt seems that if you "STOP" sshd remotely, it doesn't actually stop.  It was still running.  So, I got on the laptop, killed ssh, and then started it up again04:33
Hylianwolfenstein enemy territory, i have broadband again but my ping is in the toilet, so it wont play well.04:33
ulbgogeta: read 90% of windows users04:33
earthmeLonraylu: ^04:33
Caleb_1.Wubi is safe04:33
sebsebsebulb: maybe an Ubuntu virtual machine  with Windows as host,  Windows as host :(   ,but  Wubi NO!04:33
Caleb_2. Its easy to usr04:33
rayluearthmeLon: makes sense, i guess04:33
gogetaearthmeLon: you gotta stop the service04:33
ulbyeah I am all for VM too04:33
sebsebsebulb: virtual machine in that case only to get the feel for Ubuntu, not for proper usage,  same thing for people that do Wubi, only to get a sort of feel04:34
raylugogeta: he means that stopping the sshd service from within an ssh session doesn't04:34
gogetaearthmeLon: sudo /etc/init.d ssh stop04:34
raylugogeta: also, you're missing a / :P04:34
Hylianif you know of a good page with bash script for several ways, that would be cool too. i always check the boards first. they all want me to use synaptic, but it wasn't installed that way...04:34
gogetastoping it that way will keep it off04:34
sebsebsebulb: Linux as host :)  other stuff in vm,  that's a good set up04:35
gogetauntill you start it or reoot the pc04:35
Caleb_3.You cant remove the partition without walking through fire?04:35
raylugogeta: 22:32:29           raylu> gogeta: he means that stopping the sshd service from within an ssh session doesn't04:35
earthmeLonGot any idea what might be causeing the problem raylu?  It's weird I can ping the machine on the switch, but can't get ssh access04:35
ulbsebsebseb: lolz04:35
ulbok ok ok04:35
gogetaraylu: dud he type logout04:35
jbrewinstalled xubuntu this morning and desktop wouldn't boot.  how do i diagnose?04:35
sebsebsebCaleb_: Wubi is for  newbies, that don't know better04:36
Caleb_Well? How do you remove the partition with ubuntu?04:36
Hylianearthmelon, i half jumped into your conversation, but the "machine" on the switch, could it be blocking that port?04:36
gogetaCaleb_:  gparted04:36
sebsebsebCaleb_: simple delete it on the Live CD in gparted04:36
raylujbrew: what do you mean by "desktop"?04:36
rayluearthmeLon: nothing comes to mind, besides machine confusion04:36
Caleb_People who call other people noobs are truly the REAL noobs without a life...Meh.04:36
rayluearthmeLon: can you configure a different IP for the server?04:36
gogetajbrew: desktop?04:36
earthmeLonIPTABLES is null and sshd_config allows Hylian04:36
zaccourin gparted i got an error04:37
zaccourhow do i fix it?04:37
earthmeLonDo you mean I am getting things confused, raylu ?04:37
Caleb_We all use different methods04:37
rayluearthmeLon: perhaps04:37
earthmeLonI can give it any 10.1.2.XXX address raylu04:37
rayluCaleb_: but not all of them are valid04:37
Hyliandidnt know that. i have to admit, i havent been a++ cert since 1993. im an old dude04:37
sebsebsebCaleb_: I have used Linux  before Ubuntu even existed,  since 200404:37
rayluearthmeLon: try it04:37
jbrewsorry.  it's not a laptop.  splash freezes and then screen reads "ttyx main process terminated with status 225"04:37
earthmeLonOkay, I actually don't remember how to specifiy IP address in linux, so give me a second raylu04:38
rayluearthmeLon: sudo ifconfig [eth0] 10....04:38
Hylianinit: rc-default main process terminated with status 225?04:38
Caleb_sebsebseb:Good for you..04:38
rayluCaleb_: also, i feel that sebsebseb was using the original meaning of "newbie," and your use of "noob" was a misinterpretation04:38
earthmeLonraylu: ifconfig > inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Caleb_noob is short for newbie.Doesnt matter04:39
raylujbrew: i'd take off quiet from the boot parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:39
rayluCaleb_: not necessarily04:39
rayluearthmeLon: is that a new address04:39
earthmeLonraylu: ssh x@ > Connection refused04:39
Caleb_Lets just talk about linux. And wiki noob04:39
earthmeLonYes, that's what I changed it to raylu04:39
jbrewraylu: how do i access that without being able to boot04:39
linuxguy2009Hey guys how do i tell someone to check weather they have 32bit or 64bit ubuntu install.Whats the command?04:40
rayluCaleb_: i'd hardly cite wikipedia as a definitive source for internet slang04:40
earthmeLonuname -a linuxguy200904:40
Hylianlook, there is nothing wrong with calling someone a noob or newbie, it's one of those used to be bad words like geek. i now where that tag with honor. i am a noob to linux.04:40
raylujbrew: a liveusb/cd04:40
shleephey ya'll, i've been searching some forums for an answer to why i cannot type in wine or any programs i run in wine04:40
linuxguy2009thank you much!04:40
Caleb_Fine google04:40
earthmeLonlinuxguy2009: My output for my 64x is Linux Sleipnir 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 19:29:46 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:40
jbrewraylu: live cd just froze, as well.  tried that first before attempting an install04:40
Caleb_Hylian:Im a noob in fedora04:40
raylujbrew: then how were you able to install?04:41
linuxguy2009cool thanks that helps04:41
sebsebseb!ot  |  Caleb_04:41
ubottuCaleb_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:41
rayluearthmeLon: here's an interesting experiment04:41
jbrewused the alternate install iso04:41
rayluearthmeLon: ssh localhost; ssh
Hylianby the way, i know this is ot, but ubuntu is the best os i have ever had.04:41
rayluearthmeLon: from the server itself04:41
jayproi was running ubuntu 8.04 and it was running great.  now, i just installed 9.04 but it seems choppy.  i have a p5s-mx se, asus motherboard.  should i install nvidia-glx to take care of the graphics?04:41
barbarellaearthmeLon:can you ssh local to the server?04:41
Shishire1Is there a way to get natuilus to resync its listing of the available drives without restarting the computer?  I changed the partition table, and the kernel took the change ok, but nautilus is listing all sorts of weird devices. My liveUSB is still on Intrepid (that's what I'm using now).04:41
earthmeLonI tried connecting from the machine from the server itself just now.  Connection Refused raylu04:41
ctmjrHylian: look here for the uninstall script /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/uninstall.run04:41
raylujbrew: can you boot in recover/single-user mode?04:41
raylujaypro: i'd recommend it04:42
jbrewraylu: nope, same result all around04:42
Hylianthanks ctmjr, so what your telling me is most .run installer's have a uninstall script somewhere?04:42
freonchillsearched google, could not find it - how to you edit the number of lines that the mouse wheel scrolls; its not under system/pref's/mouse04:42
rayluearthmeLon: eh? as localhost or
Caleb_This is dumb but ubuntu 7. something wouldnt run. It said x window system failed04:42
earthmeLon1.51 @ localhost work04:42
raylujbrew: when grub shows up, you can press e to edit a boot entry04:42
Caleb_whyd it do that?04:42
gogetaCaleb_: ubuntu 7x is oooollllddddd04:43
Caleb_But i got 8.04 noe04:43
jayproraylu hrmm...okay... just wanted to be sure.. thanks!04:43
Hylianim personally not switchin to 9.04. 8.04 is running too well to mess with it.04:43
raylufreonchill: that's generall a per-app setting04:43
Caleb_i know04:43
earthmeLonraylu: I'm going to disconnect WiFi and see if anything changes04:43
jbrewraylu: now have a list of 4 items: uuid, kernel, initrd, and quiet.  what now?04:43
gogetaHylian: 8..04 is lts so its all good04:43
rayluCaleb_: first result on google: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=noob04:43
rayluCaleb_: see part A.II04:43
freonchillraylu: so there is no X setting (one of the pages i found said that it was handled by the hal rather than the Xorg.conf these days, but didnt say how to configure it through hal (or if that was possible at all)04:43
Caleb_Is there a online software thing like cnet for ubuntu?04:44
rayluCaleb_: yeah... the repositories04:44
ctmjrHylian: yes most do04:44
gogetaCaleb_: apt-get04:44
Shishire1Is there a way to get natuilus to resync its listing of the available drives without restarting the computer?  I changed the partition table, and the kernel took the change ok, but nautilus is listing all sorts of weird devices. My liveUSB is still on Intrepid 8.10 (that's what I'm using now).04:44
sebsebseb!repo |  Caleb_04:44
ubottuCaleb_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:44
Caleb_Whats the site?04:44
raylufreonchill: X only interprets the mousewheel as a button04:44
raylufreonchill: it hands it to your window manager which hands it to your app which decides to scroll04:45
Hylianroot@denny-desktop:/usr/local/games/enemy-territory# sh uninstall.run04:45
Hyliansh: Can't open uninstall.run04:45
gogetaCaleb_: apt-get is like yum04:45
raylufreonchill: it's possible that there's a gtk-wide configuration, but, at least in firefox, it's app-specific04:45
gogetayum is based off it04:45
earthmeLonraylu: Killing WiFi did not work from the server or desktop04:45
raylugogeta: in what sense?04:45
Caleb_oh om04:45
Hylianit isnt visible, so either uninstall.run isnt there, or is invisible04:45
idioti've just installed ubuntu 9.0.4 desktop (amd64).  i installed without doing anything but the default for the partition, namely _no_ swap.  is that a bad idea?  should i go back and install a swap partitoin?04:45
ctmjrHylian: sudo sh ./uninstall.run04:45
Caleb_yea thats in another linux04:45
barbarellaearthmeLon:do you have a hosts.allow an hosts.deny file?04:45
cabreyHylian, run chmod +x uninstall.run then ./uninstall.run04:45
gogetaraylu: yum is like apt for rpms04:45
bastidrazorCaleb_, getdeb.net04:46
rayluearthmeLon: wait, what's .1.51 again?04:46
Hylianctmjr: thanx again04:46
gogetanot as good thow04:46
raylugogeta: yes... but how is it based off it?04:46
Caleb_Can you search in the repositories?04:46
barbarellaearthmeLon:and can you pastebin your sshd_config?04:46
earthmeLon1.51 is Server WiFi04:46
rayluearthmeLon: and .2.75?04:46
gogetaraylu: it used apt source it was called  apt4rpm at one time04:46
Hylianctmjr: sh: Can't open ./uninstall.run04:46
cabreyCaleb_, yes apt-cache search package or aptitude search package04:46
raylugogeta: you are confused. apt-get is written in c++, yum is written in python04:46
gogetathen latter yum04:46
raylugogeta: apt4rpm is a separate project to make apt-get work for rpms04:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:47
earthmeLonraylu: barbarella One sec.  I'm going to handle this like I handle windows04:47
Hylianit's no big deal dude, if i cant uninstall it, i will just remove it from the menu bar. but i would like to free that 256 mb04:47
rayluearthmeLon: uh...04:47
ChaosFactor333Has anyone got there MacBook 13inch (Aluminum) to work with 9.04?04:47
ubottuFor PPC discussion, join #ubuntu-powerpc. For discussion on Mac software, or help with same, please visit ##apple.04:47
rayluHylian: do you know where it installed to?04:47
cabreyChaosFactor333, there is a mactel section in help.ubuntu.com04:47
earthmeLonAfter I re-connected the wifi, raylu, I wasn't able to reach the laptop over ssh remotely over EITHER adapters04:48
ctmjrHylian: cd  /usr/local/games/enemy-territory      then sudo sh ./uninstall.run04:48
MrKeunergnome-applets crash upon login, how can I track the problem?04:48
rayluearthmeLon: ok, since .1.51 is the server, what is .2.75?04:48
MrKeuneri can add them after they crash though, and they work that time04:48
cabreyChaosFactor333, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam04:48
earthmeLonI have two connections.  WiFi  Switch raylu04:48
rayluMrKeuner: ~/.xsession-errors04:48
Hylian/usr/local/games/enemy-territory is where it's installed to, and the link path is: /usr/local/bin04:49
rayluearthmeLon: oh......04:49
bobbob1016When I start SecondLife, it crashes after showing a sudo-loading screen.  I'm running 64bit, but I installed the 32bit libraries, any ideas?04:49
rayluearthmeLon: can you configure a new ip for the switch?04:49
raylubobbob1016: *pseudo?04:49
earthmeLonI *can* but I kinda wanted it on it's own subnet04:49
=== qiyang__ is now known as qiyang
Hylianmaybe i gotta download the uninstall.run package?04:49
MrKeunerraylu, thank you I'll check that04:49
earthmeLonSwitches IP is
rayluHylian: i'd suggest just removing those04:50
shleephey, can anyone tell me why i cannot sign up for skype? my only options are to reset or close04:50
Hylianok great, how?04:50
rayluHylian: rm -r :D04:50
raj_hey evry104:50
Hyliando you mean just deleting enemy-territory 's folder?04:50
rayluHylian: yes04:50
rayluHylian: and the link in /usr/local/bin04:51
earthmeLonraylu: Reboot solved my problems04:51
rayluearthmeLon: ...04:51
rayluearthmeLon: interesting. now we'll never know what was wrong04:51
Hylianhmm, ok. where do i use "rm -r" from inside the enemy-territory folder?04:51
earthmeLonI've always had problems when I plug in ethernet for the first time. raylu04:51
rayluHylian: no, you can't remove the directory you're currently in. sudo rm -r /usr/local/games/enemy-territory04:51
numerounoi tried to update but it stated no enough disc space04:52
Hylianok cool04:52
earthmeLonraylu: something keeps changing my MOTD file.  Do you know what's doing this/how to stop it?04:52
numerounoi clean already all trash but still the same04:52
raylunumerouno: du --max-depth=1 -h ~04:52
DulakearthmeLon: motd is overwritten on every boot04:52
rayluearthmeLon: i think it's /etc/issue being parsed by something04:52
rayluoh, what he said, then04:53
earthmeLonYeah, just wanted to know what that something is.  So I can stop that bastard :P04:53
anthony_rI have a flash drive that is no longer showing up when I plug it in. Here's the dmesg output: http://pastebin.com/d246986f2 And here's lsusb: http://pastebin.com/d519742e7 (it's the first one). Any ideas?04:53
Hyliannow i dont want to remove the bin folder, so then i just want to delete the enemy territory files?04:53
bastidrazorearthmeLon, there is a fix.. which version of ubuntu?04:53
DulakearthmeLon: have a look in /etc/init.d/bootlogs.sh04:53
earthmeLonLinux Sleipnir 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 19:29:46 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:53
numerounoThe upgrade needs a total of 356M free space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 356M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. - done emptying everything but still not enough disc space..hurmm..anyone can help me04:54
rayluHylian: which bin folder?04:54
anthony_rgparted shows it as /dev/sdb1, with the following error on its partition: "Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable"04:54
DulakearhmeLon: standard practice is to make an /etc/motd.tail which is appended to the normal motd at boot04:54
Hylian/usr/local/bin which is used by more than just et.04:54
raylunumerouno: 22:50:41           raylu> numerouno: du --max-depth=1 -h ~04:54
earthmeLonnormal motd is too large.  It looks ugly :P Dulak04:54
numerounoalready done..still the same04:54
rayluHylian: yes, just remove the enemy territory files in that directory04:55
Hylianet  etded  googleearth04:55
Hylian so everythin except google earth04:55
earthmeLonraylu: Thanks so much for spending the time to help me out04:55
DulakearthmeLon: whatever floats your boat, you can change /etc/init.d/bootlogs.sh if you like04:55
rayluearthmeLon: np, even though i didn't help much04:55
earthmeLonty Dulak I will look into that04:55
rayluHylian: yep.04:55
raylu!prefix | Hylian04:55
ubottuHylian: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:55
numerounohurm, then how?04:55
Hylianraylu: yeah man you a great help, im a old windows war horse. linux is a steep but enjoyable learning curve04:55
DarkMage26anthony_r, it is an external hdd?04:56
raylunumerouno: what?04:56
numerounostill stated not enough disc space for update install04:56
anthony_rDarkMage26: No, just a thumb drive. 8GB PNY. It's got one fat32 partition. Is there a good way to scan it for errors?04:56
Hyliani paid 2 years and 60 thousand dollars for my MS A++ cert, which is now an entoire joke in my new os, LOL04:57
Caleb_If i partition my drive to install linux... Will it mess up my hard drive and/or windows installation?04:57
raylunumerouno: can you show me the output of that command?04:57
rayluCaleb_: no04:57
Caleb_What do i choose?04:57
bastidrazorearthmeLon, /etc/rcS.d/S80bootmisc.sh and   put a # before this line   uname -snrvm > /var/run/motd04:57
rayluHylian: i beg to differ, but if i do, people will tell me i'm off-topic again04:57
rayluCaleb_: what?04:57
Caleb_I think theres guided,use free space and one more.What do i choose?04:58
raylubarbarella: i don't think that's the issue04:58
Hylianit's better if you can scrounge up anther hd, than grub wont mess with your boot sector, as long as you make sure to tell ubuntu to use that sector, so it helps if the "ubuntu" hd is the master04:58
raylubarbarella: i'd try mounting it first. it's probably just not being automounted04:58
DarkMage26anthony_r, /sbin/fsck.vfat04:58
rayluCaleb_: oh, you're installing it right now? there should be multiple guided options04:58
rayluCaleb_: but they're pretty clear. choose what you want04:58
jbrewralyu: I took 'quiet splash" off of the kernel entry in GRUB and it seems to be freezing on the same lines I am getting when the live CD failed:init: Unable to execute "/sbin/getty" for tty1: No such file or directoryninit: tty1 main process (15__) terminated with status of 25504:58
Caleb_Nah i cant do that.I got a laptop and 0$.Well im not installing now.04:59
Hyliannorth central technical college 1993 grad. it's served me well, i can do wonders with windows. Ugh04:59
raylujbrew: no such file or directory? sounds like we need to reinstall04:59
rufoni2003woi livince john05:00
Caleb_What do i choose if i wanna keep my oem os and have linux with it too, and be able to add extra programs?05:00
Caleb_On both oses05:00
adminmcHi All05:00
anthony_rDarkMage26: It says "There are differences between boot sector and its backup", lists a ton of stuff, and asks me to: 1) Copy original to backup, 2) Copy backup to original, or 3) No action05:00
Hylianone last question before i go, i have noticed every 3rd of 4th install of ubuntu, grub doesnt complete it's task and i end up reinstalling ubuntu, then grub fully boots... anyone else with this problem?05:00
rayluCaleb_: ...it's really not that hard to figure it out, given the options presented by the installer05:00
SageXI need help configuring my sound system I have a p6t motherboard and I want install my drivers help05:00
anthony_rDarkMage26: Of course, I have no idea what that means. Any advice?05:00
Caleb_Hard to decide xd05:01
Caleb_Lol new emoticon05:01
DarkMage26anthony_r, do you have data on it?05:01
Caleb_Ok which ones will kill my vista installation?05:01
Hylianit's no big deal really because ubuntu installs so fast, but..05:02
anthony_rDarkMage26: Yes05:02
SageXI need help configuring my sound system I have a p6t motherboard and I want install my drivers help05:02
rayluDarkMage26, anthony_r: i'd suggest mounting it to see if it works first...05:02
anthony_rDarkMage26: I originally used it to load UNR on my netbook (mounted the ISO onto it), and then I wiped it and put data on it. That probably doesn't matter, but FYI.05:02
anthony_rraylu: DarkMage26: Just manually mount it with mount?05:02
rayluanthony_r, DarkMage26: yes05:02
DarkMage26anthony_r, did you reformat it after?05:03
anthony_rDarkMage26: I'm nearly certain that I did. It was a while ago. It wouldn't let me write to it if I didn't, right?05:03
Hylianwell thanx all, and bye05:04
anthony_rDarkMage26: raylu: "mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock"05:04
rayluanthony_r, DarkMage26: ohhh. continue on, then05:05
Caleb_My question before..Which install option will mess up my vista?05:05
DarkMage26raylu, it should not be able to written to it if it was formated for boot right?05:05
anthony_rraylu: DarkMage26: Is it usually best to copy original to backup or backup to original?05:05
sharddeddxhello all05:05
rayluDarkMage26: no, bootable drives can be written to05:05
anthony_rraylu: DarkMage26: Also, when I skipped the first error it gave me (about the backup), it said "FSINFO sector has bad magic number(s)", if that's relevant.05:06
dragon_how do i install multiple .deb packages in a single command? packages depend on each other and hence they better be installed together...05:07
anthony_rraylu: DarkMage26: But it wouldn't be showing up as a fat32 partition if I didn't format it after UNR, right?05:07
Caleb_Now you see em, now you dont05:07
Caleb_OH that reminds me05:07
Dulakdragon_: dpkg -i *.deb05:07
rayluanthony_r: unr = ubuntu netbook remix?05:07
sharddeddxneed a bit of help pleas i need to install a D-link DFE-520TX wired ethernet card onto my ubuntu machien but am realy new to things so i dont know wear to star05:07
anthony_rraylu: Yes. It doesn't have any optical drive, so I had to do a boot from USB to install it.05:08
Caleb_Will ubuntu install on a ntfs/fat32 drive without format?05:08
rayluanthony_r: i don't understand what you mean by "format it after UNR"05:09
anthony_rraylu: Well, after I installed UNR, I didn't need the thumb drive for that purpose anymore. So I formatted it to hold normal data.05:09
anthony_rraylu: I sometimes have to go back and forth between Windows machines at school, so I used fat32.05:10
DarkMage26anthony_r, how did you format it afterward?05:10
anthony_rraylu: I guess NTFS might have been better, but oh well.05:10
anthony_rDarkMage26: raylu: I probably just used gparted.05:10
mefachedWhen I start into GNOME, I get a big white screen.05:10
anthony_rDarkMage26: raylu: It was a little while ago, though.05:10
Caleb_does ubuntu work with windows partitions?05:10
mefachedCaleb_: Don't install it to NTFS or FAT32, but I believe it read/writes them fine.05:10
bastidrazorCaleb_, no, you'll need ext3 or ext4 for the / partition05:10
DarkMage26anthony_r, what did it say when you tried to mount it manually?05:11
mefachedbastidrazor: ext2?05:11
Caleb_Oh noes then...Will it have to format?05:11
raylubastidrazor: actually, those aren't your only options, but that's besides the point05:11
anthony_rDarkMage26: raylu: "mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock"05:11
bastidrazormefached, who would want to go backwards..05:12
bastidrazorraylu, true but ext3 and ext4 are the best options05:12
Caleb_bastidrazor:Do i have to formar c: to install?05:12
bastidrazorCaleb_, you'll need to have a seperate partition.. and it seems you've been told these things before.05:13
mefachedbastidrazor: ext2 works fine. I'm nostalgic about simpler things like that.05:13
mefachedbastidrazor: I've had a Slackware box running ext2 for like seven years.05:13
raylumefached: teehee, are you nostalgic about lack of dependency resolution too?05:13
mefachedCaleb_: Make a new partition?05:13
mefachedraylu: Dependency resolution? I don't even use tarballs. I install my software with a magnifying glass and a magnetic needle.05:14
Caleb_sorry i got killed but will i have to format c to make a new linux ext partition?05:14
raylumefached: you forgot the steady hand05:14
mefachedCaleb_: Make a new partition.05:14
timo1Can any one help i have placed this command in startup applications (sleep 3 && cairo-clock) its not working05:14
mefachedCaleb_: You can resize the Windows partition, but I recommend two separate drives for simplicity.05:15
DarkMage26anthony_r, so it will read the fact that the drive is attached but it won't mount, right?05:15
Devon_Cdoes anyone know of a plugin or driver that allows ubuntu 9.04 to recognize iPod Touches as Mp3 players instead of digital cameras?05:15
Devon_C*has already spent expansive time on google*05:15
Caleb_In the linux install thing can you partition without c getting formatted?05:15
mefachedDevon_C: Ubuntu 9.04 is pretty new, so I don't know if you'll be able to find anything.05:15
anthony_rDarkMage26: Yes. It shows up in dmesg and lsusb. Mount doesn't complain about the drive not being there, just that it has a bad superblock.05:15
Devon_Cmefached: thats what I feared05:16
SnakDocDevon_C: amarok should support it05:16
mefachedCaleb_: Resize it. Do it manually. That's why I suggest a new drive entirely.05:16
Devon_CSnakDoc: no, it's an issue with mounting05:16
Caleb_Devon_C: Even windows does that.Im on my ipod touch05:16
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SnakDocDevon_C: which version did you try ?05:16
Devon_CCaleb_: Well you can install iTunes on Windows05:16
mefachedDoesn't iTunes work in WINE?05:17
Devon_Cmefached: not 805:17
Caleb_Well i got about 210gb free.What should i resize it to for ubuntu?05:17
timo1Or should it be sleep 2; exec cairo-clock05:17
Devon_CSnakDoc: I havent used amarok, but I've tried to use gtkpod, RhythmBox, and Banshee05:17
mefachedCaleb_: Are you resizing NTFS or FAT32? You should back it up regardless, but resizing NTFS is... strange.05:17
jbrewraylu: attempting reinstall...  ext 2, 3, or 4 for root?05:17
Sharddedneed help installing drivers pleas so i can get my internet up and running pleas05:18
nuxlee1whats the name of the app default ubuntu has to make bootable usb sticks?05:18
Devon_CI might just wait until iTunes 8 is supported with Wine05:18
mefachedjbrew: ext3 for root, ext4 for everything else, I believe is the best.05:18
Pushaguys how do i properly use fsck ? fsck.vfat says ''-t and -w require -a or -r''05:18
SnakDocDevon_C: i look up know an see what they use for it05:18
raylujbrew: be a rebel and use xfs05:18
Caleb_mefached:no idea.I can convert it to fat32.Is that suppprted?05:18
Devon_CSnakDoc: use what for what?05:18
soreauDevon_C: The linux equivalent of iTunes is Songbird05:18
mefachedCaleb_: Convert an NTFS partition to FAT32? o.o05:19
Devon_Csoreau: does it support all iPods and have the Music Store?05:19
grafthi, i have this weird issue where my sound 'crashes' and keeps repeating continuously, until i kill the process, but it remains broken after that until i reboot...05:19
SnakDocDevon_C: amarok uses some libary05:19
Devon_Csoreau: I have Banshee and RhythmBox already05:19
jbrewraylu: and the difference would be?05:19
soreauDevon_C: It has a lot of plugins and looks clean plus, it works. Google it05:19
raylujbrew: nevermind, just take mefached's advice and use ext305:19
Devon_Csoreau: I'll give it a shot, thanks05:19
Devon_Cbut really, I think it's a problem with mounting05:20
mefachedCaleb_: I recommend just backing it up and trying to resize. GParted should resize it fine, but resizing NTFS takes some time, so you'll have to wait a bit.05:20
Devon_Cand, the thing is, I've tried ripping my music using gnomad205:20
dpreacheri got a question about ubuntu server edition. i know that both ubuntu and kubuntu have their respective GUI packages that have special utilities to notify you of packages you need to update from bugfix/security point of view. Is there anything like that on server edition command line? does apt-get/aptitude have some similar functionality?05:20
SnakDocDevon_C: this maybe option http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod#iPod_Touch_and_iPhone05:20
Pushaguys how do i properly use fsck ? fsck.vfat says ''-t and -w require -a or -r''05:21
snifBuenos dias ¿ alguien sabe si LInux posee alguna version alternativa como ubuntu , ademas de la version LIve ?05:21
dpreacherSnakDoc amarok in jaunty doesn't show the Enable MP3 support prompt. that led to getting the required libraries in gutsy. any ideas how to do it manually?05:21
rayluanthony_r, DarkMage26: unless DarkMage26 has some further objections, let's just copy the backup to original05:21
Devon_CSnakDoc: I'm not jailbreaking my iPod05:21
mefachedsnif: I don't speak Spanish. Mind translating that with Google Translator05:21
rayluanthony_r: is the data on there vital?05:21
DulakPusha: man fsck.vfat05:21
mefachedDevon_C: Non-jailbroken iPod = useless05:22
Devon_Cmefached: I prefer to keep my warranties, thanks05:22
PushaDulak ? wtf that dont do anything05:22
SnakDocDevon_C: i can't say 100% cause i don't have a ipod05:22
Devon_Cmefached: when it runs out, then maybe05:22
raylu!es | snif05:22
ubottusnif: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:22
mefachedDevon_C: Apple repairing your iPod? Most third-party repairmen are better, faster, and cheaper.05:22
DulakPusha: it shows you the manual page for fsck.vfat05:22
redsoxkingis there anything like norton ghost for ubuntu05:22
anthony_rraylu: DarkMage26: I don't believe so. I don't exactly remember, so probably not. But I'm afraid I'll remember right after I lose it. :p05:22
Devon_Cmefached: maybe so, but bringing that idea to my parents would not fly05:22
bastidrazordpreacher, i've noticed on 9.04 when you ssh in the motd will tell you if X number of updates are available05:23
Devon_Cmefached: they're not so technologically literate05:23
mefachedDevon_C: Why not? Is it theirs?05:23
mefachedDevon_C: Warranties are 99% of the time useless.05:23
viseWhere is the network configuration stored in ubuntu? Like the IP, gateway etc?05:23
Devon_Cmefached: lets not get into specifics05:23
soreauDevon_C: You don't need to jailbreak anything to use songbird05:23
dpreacherbastidrazor...so its important that the motd be never touched...05:23
mefachedsoreau: No, but most actually useful apps for iPods require jailbreaking.05:23
Besogonmy mpa_supplicant can't connect to AP, but before I updated to 9.04 it worked.05:23
donavan_were can i get the windows 7 download05:23
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soreaumefached: I wouldn't know, don't own one ;)05:24
visedonavan_: Microsoft05:24
mefachedsoreau: I don't either. I'm just saying.05:24
bastidrazordpreacher, yes and no.. when you log in just run apt-get or aptitude. that is how i do it. regardless of being told an update is available05:24
soreaudonavan_: You're asking in the wrong channel btw05:24
mefacheddonavan_: BitTorrent. :D05:24
redsoxkingis there anything like norton ghost for ubuntu05:24
PushaDulak i know from manual apge i try fsck.vfat -t then it say "-t and -w reuire -a or -r" so if i do "fsck.vfat -t -a" it do nothing05:24
mefachedredsoxking: Google is your friend.05:24
soreauredsoxking: For what?05:24
mdghi Devon_C !05:24
Devon_Cmefached: and to be honest, all I use my iPod touch for is music, maps, and a little weather05:24
Devon_Coh hey mdg05:25
timo1I have accidentally deleted notify from start-up application can some one do me a favour and help me add it back on please05:25
Devon_Cmdg: I'm trying songbird to see if THAT works05:25
soreau! virus | redsoxking05:25
ubotturedsoxking: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:25
mdgDevon_C: any luck with your ipod touch?05:25
Devon_Cmdg: I'm still at it lol05:25
donavan_one more thing is windows 7 still out on beta ?05:25
mefachedredsoxking: Anti-virus on Linux = snake oil.05:25
zirodaydonavan_: ask in ##windows05:25
bastidrazordpreacher, mine is customized but i didn't really pay any attention to the update message since i ran apt-get every day05:25
dpreacherso aptitude which am more comfortable with...run without params...would show that ncurses interface...so is there anything in there that can start download of the 'critical' updates bastidrazor.05:25
losher!backup | redsoxking05:25
ubotturedsoxking: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:25
visedonavan_: Its RC now.. yeah.. ask in #windows05:25
redsoxkingto back up my ubuntu just incase after a trial boot of windows 705:26
Pushaguys how do i properly use fsck ? fsck.vfat says ''-t and -w require -a or -r''05:26
zirodayPusha: I usually do fsck /dev/whatever05:26
mdgDevon_C: http://gtkpod.wikispaces.com/Supported+iPods05:26
dpreacheryou just ran apt-get everyday...means whats the exact command? apt-get itself? bastidrazor?05:26
BesogonCan anybody help me with wpa_supplicant? It warked in 8.10 and I hve wpa.conf file.05:26
ascheelCan somebody tell me where I can manually edit Gnome's bookmarks?05:26
visePusha: use -a then..05:26
Pushaziroday MY hd wont mount i wanna chck it for errors05:26
Devon_Cmdg: odd, I have a first gen 16 gig05:26
SeaPhordonavan_, not sure about the win7 download, but if you find it, get familiar with http://www.malwareremoval.com05:26
Devon_Cmdg: they might have to be jailbroken, though05:27
mefachedascheel: I believe the command is alacarte in Alt+F2.05:27
Besogonascheel, in home dir05:27
zirodayPusha: okay, well fire up a livecd and fsck it05:27
bastidrazordpreacher, i prefer apt-get when running manually .. i have a script that runs aptitude --safe-upgrade05:27
KeoWhy is it now, that even with Madwifi drivers... My internet crawls when using wireless?05:27
ascheelmefached, alacarte?05:27
linuxguy2009ascheel check PM?05:27
ascheellinuxguy2009: can you tell me what PM is?05:27
dpreacherhow often do you run the aptitude script? can you share it? bastidrazor05:27
zirodayKeo: what card, drivers and version of ubuntu? Do you have ipv6 enabled?05:27
mefachedascheel: Press Alt+F2 and when asked for what to run, type alacarte. It modifies GNOME's menu.05:27
dpreacherprime minister05:27
linuxguy2009private message05:27
Besogonascheel, no in Home dir! Bopkmark lies in hidden file05:27
ascheelmefached, thank you.  :)05:27
linuxguy2009I sent you for 1 on 1 help05:27
ascheelBesogon, you know the name of it?05:28
ziroday!pm | linuxguy200905:28
ubottulinuxguy2009: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:28
Keoziroday, AR5007EG, madwifi, Jaunty, no.05:28
Pushaziroday im in the live cd with terminal open.. can u plz help me out bro i beeh ere so long wiht same prob ..05:28
Sharddedcan anyone help my install my network card ?05:28
zirodayPusha: okay, can you pastebin sudo fdisk -l please05:28
Besogonascheel, ~./.bookmarks file may be05:28
mefachedPusha: Try Google.05:28
bastidrazordpreacher, every few days.  it is actually an alias.05:28
zirodayKeo: hmm there shouldn't be any troubles with that card, did you compile the madwifi drivers from source?05:28
linuxguy2009Yes ubottu Im a bad person for giving 1 on 1 advice.thank you.05:28
soreauShardded: What is it listed as in the output of 'lspci' in your terminal?05:28
mefachedlinuxguy2009: Post your help in the channel so we can correct you if you're wrong and make sure you're giving good advice. Also more than one person may need it.05:29
Caleb_I will use wubi.Does that let me choose what software i get bundled?05:29
Keoziroday, yeah, they work in any other distro. Ubuntu just crawls along though. I'd be lucky to hit 1Kb/s05:29
mdgDevon_C: you have libgpod05:29
zirodayCaleb_: nope, but you can change that after the install05:29
Devon_Cmdg: no I have gtkpod05:29
linuxguy2009Im sending PMs cause its no elses business who I help.Nothing personal.05:29
Pushaziroday bro no internet on it, but theres only one entry and it says /dev/sda105:29
Besogonascheel, ~./.gtk-bookmarks05:29
mefachedlinuxguy2009: New to Open Source?05:29
Caleb_Cool.Im installing from usb.05:30
mefachedlinuxguy2009: That's not how the community works.05:30
zirodayKeo: hmm I can't see I'm really sure, did you try the ath5k drivers first?05:30
ascheelBesogon, thanks.  :)05:30
soreauShardded: You didn't answer my question05:30
linuxguy2009Im here contributing and looks like im getting flamed. hmm05:30
zirodayPusha: okay, well do sudo fsck /dev/sda105:30
Keoziroday, yep, same deal.05:30
losherlinuxguy2009: there are some jokers who think it's funny to tell newbies to "rm -rf /". That's why we like to see what advice is being given...05:30
Gnea!pm | linuxguy200905:30
ubottulinuxguy2009: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:30
mdgDevon_C: libgpod goes with gtkpod05:30
Devon_Cmdg: I have to download both?05:30
Keoziroday, Although, they had a higher failure rate when connecting to the AP.05:30
mefachedlinuxguy2009: You were asked rather politely to keep it to the channel so we all can benefit. That's the point of FOSS.05:30
zirodayKeo: then I really have no idea sorry05:31
linuxguy2009Ok well im here and Im going to continue to help via PM that is my peronsal choice. Im contributing.05:31
Keoziroday, No problem, I'll continue whacking away at it to see what I can dig up.05:31
Caleb_hmm you must have been born in 2009 like your name suggests.Or maybe youre an old man just trying to talk to little boys.05:31
Threetimes2Hi, I want to convert a dvd to watch on my phone. Wat program should I use?05:31
Pushaziroday it said fsck.ext2 permissin denied while trting to open /dev/sda1 u must have r/w access or be root05:31
zirodayKeo: good luck05:31
mefachedlinuxguy2009: No you aren't. If you're not going to contribute in FOSS style, your contributions aren't wanted.05:31
zirodayPusha: erm you did do sudo fsck /dev/sda1 correct? And you haven't mounted the drive have you?05:32
Caleb_His intellectual age is 105:32
Devon_Cmdg: I know this is "hurrr" question, but after I download a zipped .tar.gz, what do I do? open it with Synaptic?05:32
mefachedDevon_C: tar -xzvvf (tarball here)05:32
ThePulgarcitoThreetimes2: What formats/codecs are supported on your phone?05:32
Gnealinuxguy2009: can't say you're much of a linuxguy then...05:32
mdgDevon_C: just double click it and a zip program will open05:32
Devon_Cmdg: I've been up since 5 and it's 0030 right now :|05:32
zirodayThreetimes2: rip it with ogmrip, and then convert it/downsize it with avidemux05:32
Devon_Cmdg: yeah but then what, extract it?05:32
mefachedlinuxguy2009: Installing Ubuntu last week doesn't make you a linuxguy.05:32
mdgDevon_C: it will ask where you want it extracted, etc, like windows zip05:33
viseDevon_C: that command extracts it05:33
Caleb_devon_c:Double clicking is the solution to all of lifes problems05:33
Sharddedsoreau , host bridge : Via Technolagies Inc VT8601 [Appolo Pro media]05:33
mefachedDevon_C: Use the command-line tar utility. It's fast and easy.05:33
Threetimes2it supports 3GP, MPEG4, DivX, WMV, AVI, H.263, H.26405:33
Pushaziroday i did it now with sudo and i got "fsck.ntfs: not found" "Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1"05:33
ascheellol guys, chill out.  Linuxguy helps people via private messages.05:33
Devon_Cmefached: what's the command?05:33
soreauShardded: Is it an ethernet card?05:33
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rayluThreetimes2: http://mediacoder.sourceforg.net/05:33
jayproi had installed ubuntu 8.04 and it was running great.  i just installed 9.04 and the graphics seem to be a bit choppy.  i have an asus motherboard, P5S-MX SE, and installed nvidia-glx with no effect.  any recommendations?05:33
mefachedDevon_C: "tar -xzvvf (tarball filename)"05:33
ascheelThat's  the second time that linuxguy2009 has bailed me out tonight alone05:33
rayluThreetimes2: alternatively, mencoder05:33
zirodayThreetimes2: okay, then rip it with ogmrip and downsize it with avidemux05:33
Sharddedsoreau yes the D-link DFE-520TX05:34
Gneajaypro: what's your graphic card?05:34
zirodayraylu: ogmrip uses mencoder, so does avidemux05:34
jayproGnea it's intergrated with the motherboard05:34
mdgDevon_C: should check the mountpoint - should be /mnt/ipod05:34
mefachedascheel: Yes, and he's not helping the community by refusing to use the chat at large. It's bad style, and it's not how this community works.05:34
rayluThreetimes2: * http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/05:34
Caleb_linuxguy2009 says he is born in 2009. He was born in 1787.He just likes talking to teenagers like the old guy in family guy05:34
zirodayPusha: erm you can't run fsck against an ntfs drive05:34
Gneajaypro: should show up with:  lspci | grep VGA05:34
soreauShardded: Do you have an eth interface showing from 'ifconfig'?05:34
jayproohhh hrmm05:34
jayproGnea: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)05:35
ascheelmefached, point taken.  He's still a valuable reservoir of knowledge, though.05:35
Caleb_I shall use wubi.05:35
Caleb_My ultimate weapon05:35
Gneajaypro: ah, okay, you've got a SiS then, not an Nvidia05:35
Devon_Cmdg: you're losing me... how do I check the mount point? I dont even think I have libgpod installed05:35
Sharddedsoreau 1 sec05:35
Devon_Cmdg: its only extracted05:35
sleepy_cathi any better Chat client than Pidgin?05:35
mefachedascheel: The community is set up this way for a reason. There's a reason Linux is still around and strong. We'd all be appreciative if people would stick to the proven model.05:35
jayproGnea> ahh i see...05:35
Gneajaypro: it's just a matter of reconfiguring the GUI to use the sis driver instead05:35
linuxguy2009Im here to help anyone and everyone I can, when i was a newb I would have done anything to have 1 on 1 help and that is what i come here to provide. I love helping people! You guys are all great here.05:35
ziroday!best > sleepy_cat05:36
ubottusleepy_cat, please see my private message05:36
mdgDevon_C: in a file browswer, go to /mnt directory and see if there is an entry for ipod05:36
mefachedlinuxguy2009: You can get 1 on 1 help in the channel too. Start prefacing your lines with the name of your target.05:36
mefachedlinuxguy2009: Notice that's what we're all doing.05:36
Devon_Cmdg: does my iPod need to be plugged in?05:36
sleepy_cathi any similar Chat client than Pidgin?05:36
linuxguy2009Well I just prefer my way.The people that need the help really appreciate it when  I do.05:36
mdgDevon_C: yes05:36
zirodaysleepy_cat: for what protocols?05:37
Sharddedsoreau . ok its on my display05:37
mefachedlinuxguy2009: We prefer our way, and our way works. Your way doesn't help the community.05:37
Gnealinuxguy2009: that's fine, but we do ask that you take the channel approach and stick to it. there's not much to it, and as long as you're direct with someone, like I'm doing with you right now, the nick highlights will help people see what's going on.05:37
Devon_Cbrb gotta go get it...05:37
regresslessHi, all. My "special needs" client was given an old computer with a crippled version of windows ME with do way to fix it. I wanted to give him ubuntu instead, but I'm having problems with installation. I am not good at ubuntu problems. It seems to be a video issue as the background image shows up pixelated during install and the menu tries to come up, but it goes black instead and nothing happens. I have tried leaving it for hours to 05:37
linuxguy2009My way helps individuals who need the help.It works quite well for them.05:37
mefachedlinuxguy2009: It's not difficult, really.05:37
dpreacherbastidrazor alias aptitude=aptitude --safe-upgrade...something similar. but won't it then upgrade even larger packages just because an update is there and its safe to get it. do the gui tools for such updates also get major updates?05:37
Gnealinuxguy2009: in Ubuntu, there is the Ubuntu way of doing things... it's part of the whole 'humanity toward others'...05:37
travisseinquick Q, I use Xubuntu, and the applications menu disappeared. The xfce panel is stillthere with some of the utilities, just no applications meno or places menu. How can I fix this?05:37
soreauShardded: What is?05:37
mefachedregressless: Hardware?05:37
Caleb_But the only thing is that its not official ubuntu.Its a derivative made by pc user australia.Its based on hardy heron just with like 20 extra apps.Am i still an ubuntu user or a pc user useros extreme user?05:37
* dpreacher wonders if apt will have Presto like delta-debs05:37
ziroday!derivatives > Caleb_05:38
Sharddedsoreau , ifconfig05:38
ubottuCaleb_, please see my private message05:38
mefachedlinuxguy2009: Our way also helps individuals, but it helps more than one on many occasions. You're being wasteful05:38
zirodaydpreacher: that is planned, take a look at apt-delta05:38
viseI am using ubuntu in vmware and configured a NAT. But its not configured properly. ping to servers work, but connection always fails. Firefox doesnt go beyond 'connecting...'.. Any ideas how i could go about this?05:38
soreauShardded: And? Have you an eth0 interface?05:38
Caleb_I cant see pms05:38
Gnealinuxguy2009: also, this channel is publicly logged, so all of your advice really DOES reach others.05:38
ziroday!derivatives | Caleb_05:39
ubottuCaleb_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)05:39
linuxguy2009Im being very efficient.Ive helped a good 10 people today I feel great for doing so and encourage others to do the same.05:39
Sharddedsoreau , no just the lo05:39
loshervise: I usually used bridged networking. Why did you choose NAT?05:39
bastidrazordpreacher, aptitude will upgrade just the same as synaptic.05:39
soreauShardded: Ok, then you need to load the driver for it05:39
viselosher: I have a dialup.05:39
mefachedlinuxguy2009: We've helped more than that I'm sure. Right now, down the road, and so on.05:39
Caleb_meh it IS exactly the same anyway05:39
mefachedlinuxguy2009: This model works for a reason.05:39
Gnealinuxguy2009: that's actually inefficient. to be more efficient, keep it in the channel and you'll help not 10 people, but 40-80 people, easily.05:39
dpreachergreat i'll give it a try. thanks bastidrazor :)05:39
Devon_Cmdg: whats the /mnt thing under?05:39
waqarDoes any body knows anything about rescue05:40
mdgDevon_C: see on your desktop an icon that says "Computer", click that05:40
bastidrazordpreacher, good luck05:40
ziroday!anyone | waqar05:40
ubottuwaqar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:40
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"05:40
mdgDevon_C: you should see a file manager come up05:40
Devon_Cmdg: yeah05:40
dpreacheris there a way to do dry-run of aptitude --safe-upgrade bastidrazor...to see what updates will get downloaded...so i could choose if needed...05:40
mdgDevon_C: now click on "Filesystem"05:40
Devon_Cmdg: okay05:41
offipsohow do I remove the partial transparency of the window border and chrome?05:41
mefachedlinuxguy2009: And start prefacing your lines with names... it makes it highlight, and it's really simple. Use the nick completer.05:41
mdgDevon_C: with your ipod plugged in, click on the /mnt folder05:41
waqarOK, How do i rescue a system using live CD, fedora 10, is it possible05:41
Devon_Cmdg: yeah i dont see anything05:41
Devon_Cmdg: hidden file?05:41
Sharddedsoreau, thats what i have bean trying to figuer out how too for the last 12 houres XD i know that you cant compile the drivers in ubuntu like the D-Link instructoins state so im defnatly lost and its my first time using a linix invirment05:41
Caleb_Vise:Vmware internet doesnt work for me either.Consider using wubi if you dont wanna partition05:41
mdgDevon_C: it shouldn't be05:41
linuxguy2009Ok I'm gonna end the night of contributing help to others with a positive note and call it a day. I will be back again tommorow to help in my free time, hopefully not get banned for doing a jood service. Your all awsome! Goodnight everyone.05:41
Devon_Cmdg: yeah, nothing05:41
Gnealinuxguy2009: you'll find that your way doesn't mesh too well here... but if you can avoid the PM help, you'll do good.05:41
Pushaziroday i did it now with sudo and i got "fsck.ntfs: not found" "Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1"05:41
mdgokay, one more place to check05:41
losherwaqar: it depends on what's wrong with the broken system...05:41
mefachedlinuxguy2009: Fail.05:42
waqarno grub05:42
zirodayPusha: yes, you cannot run fsck against an ntfs volume05:42
mdgDevon_C: go up a directory level and click on /dev05:42
regresslessmefached: I'll get it plugged back in to see more details. I gave him a half gig of old pc133 i had laying around and a newer hard drive05:42
mefachedlinuxguy2009: In the meantime, we'll be helping much more people through archived help.05:42
Devon_Cmdg: yeah05:42
Caleb_Dont hurry linuxguy200905:42
mdgDevon_C: you are looking for something like /dev/sdc05:42
Gnealinuxguy2009: we're trying to be nice... if you do get banned, it will be on your own accord.05:42
mefachedregressless: PC133? Meaning a 133 Mhz processor? I'm unfamiliar with the name.05:42
soreauShardded: Ah, in that case show me the link that tells your how to compile your drivers and maybe I can help05:42
linuxguy2009I love you Caleb. God bless.05:42
zirodaymefached: I believe he means the type of ram he's using05:42
Pushaziroday ok what a waste of time05:42
Caleb_Uh oh05:42
travisseinanyone know howto get back thae applications/places drop down menu?05:43
Caleb_Ima guy05:43
bastidrazordpreacher, add a -P to the syntax.. aptitude --safe-upgrade -P  ... that will give you a prompt05:43
GneaCaleb_: you just got pwned. :)05:43
KeoThis is odd... The card seems to spike when you first enable it, and then it hits the toilet from there.05:43
mefachedregressless: If the computer is old enough to use PC133, I'd definitely like to see the specs.05:43
q_Is there a way to install on a computer without a monitor keyboard or mouse, but connected to the network?05:43
zirodaytravissein: add it to the menubar05:43
Caleb_I meant you leaving05:43
Devon_Ci have an sdc05:43
sleepy_catcan someone tell me about the chat client Epipathy05:43
ziroday!install | q_ see network install05:43
ubottuq_ see network install: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:43
travisseini didn't see any...05:43
Pushaziroday no way i can somehow mount/try to get data off it?05:43
mefachedsleepy_cat: Google can.05:43
regresslessmefached: pc 133 ram, sorry05:43
Caleb_Take a holiday or something on your wah05:43
Devon_Cmdg: I see sdc05:43
losherwaqar: in theory I don't see why it shouldn't work. Dunno if it will actually work in practice though....05:43
mdgDevon_C: what else in that directory?05:43
Devon_Cmdg: want me to click it?05:43
sleepy_catyeah but when i search for epipathy+ubuntu it gives no results05:43
Devon_Cmdg: it's not a folder05:43
Sharddedsoreau , its on the driver cd and it dousent it just says compile the driver and rinefet.o will generate05:44
^cheekyhi, iam using ubuntu 9.04 and when i play tv shows on hulu, it works fine in the small box but when i click full screen it gets all choppy and goes frame by frame, i read online that if you have compiz you just go under settings and uncheck "undirect full screen window" but the thing is i dont have compiz installed on my machine05:44
mefachedsleepy_cat: Just search for the program.05:44
zirodayPusha: well if its corrupted no, you need to run chkdisk against it. Ask in ##windows how to do that05:44
mdgDevon_C: you can click it and see what happens05:44
waqarOK thanx, i also found an article05:44
mefachedsleepy_cat: Make sure you're spelling it right. Is it Epiphany?05:44
soreauShardded: Ok, does it have a Makefile in the driver sources?05:44
waqarmay be this will help05:44
Caleb_Ill be back05:44
GneaCaleb_: and someone should mention to that guy that religious references should be avoided05:44
Devon_Cmdg: says it cant open it - no application for it05:44
zirodaysleepy_cat: do you mean empathy or epiphany. The latter being a web browser and the earlier an IM client05:44
Sharddedsoreau , yes05:44
Devon_Cmdg: you know that I only have libgpod only extracted right?05:44
mefached^cheeky: Full screen doesn't work for me in 9.04 either.05:44
mdgDevon_C: I think your ipod is mounted at /dev/sdc05:44
mefachedsleepy_cat: Yeah, you're looking for empathy. Google that.05:44
sleepy_catsorry for the spelling mistake05:44
^cheekymefached, :(05:45
mefached^cheeky: Works fine in 8.04 though.05:45
sleepy_catok mefached is there some chat client better than empathy05:45
mefachedsleepy_cat: Pidgin's perfect.05:45
^cheekymefached, yeah i used to remember it worked05:45
mdgDevon_C: just need to figure out how to tell rhythmbox or gtkpod that's where to find it.05:45
sleepy_catno i dont want pidgin05:45
soreauShardded: Get the sources to a place on your ubuntu machine, like ~/src/wifi for example, then change into the directory that the makefile is in and then run 'make'05:45
zirodaysleepy_cat: I already told you about best and better. Its relative.05:45
binMonkeyhi, guys.  i have lost sound in videos in firefox and opera.  sound works fine in epiphany.  i haven't changed anything since last night.  how can i fix this?05:45
mefachedsleepy_cat: If you mean IRC, XChat or irssi (one is GUI, one is console)05:45
mdgDevon_C: feel like firing up Rhythmbox?05:45
Devon_Cmdg: should I try Songbird?05:45
Devon_Cmdg: sure05:45
mefachedsleepy_cat: If you're running KDE, Kopete is good, otherwise, Pidgin's by far the best. :/05:45
sleepy_catno i meant something like pidgin05:46
sleepy_catactually on pidgin there is yahoo problems05:46
sleepy_cati was searching some other chat client05:46
mefachedsleepy_cat: Google "yahoo chat client ubuntu" then.05:46
mdgDevon_C: after you start rhythmbox, click on Edit > Preferences05:46
SnakDocyou can fix by upgraing to newest pidgin05:46
regresslessmefached: before it had pc 100, a quarter gig's worth05:46
zirodaysleepy_cat: the yahoo issue is being fixed, keep your system up to date and a fix will be shipped shortly05:46
mefachedsleepy_cat: Also, yes, upgrade Pidgin fixes it05:46
mdgDevon_C: sorry Edit/ Plugins05:46
mefachedregressless: I don't recommend Ubuntu for a machine that old. Perhaps Zenwalk.05:47
q_ziroday: the point is that I have access to the cd, but no monitor or keyboard or mouse attached to the server .... so I can put a CD/DVD in the CD/DVD reader .... but then I have to manage the installation from a laptop connected to the network ....05:47
Devon_Cmdg: mhmm05:47
q_ziroday: I cannot find the appropriate option05:47
zirodayq_: sure, the guides in !install explain how to do that, look for network install or install over ssh05:47
mdgDevon_C: On the rhythmbox main window, click Edit > Plugins05:47
Devon_Cmdg: yeah in the window05:48
SnakDocsleepy_cat: http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/05:48
mdgDevon_C: scroll down and make sure there is a checkmark in "Portable Players - ipod"05:48
regresslessmefached: keep in mind that this is for a child-like person. I'm actually nervous about ubuntu, but I'm sure not going to buy a windows key, although xp works, surprisingly05:48
Devon_Cmdg: yep05:48
zirodayq_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation go to Server and Network Installations05:48
mdgDevon_C: May as well checkmark Portable players - MTP05:48
SnakDocsleepy_cat: that works with yahoo and using now05:48
Devon_Cmdg: did that too05:48
mdgDevon_C: Okay click the close button to get rid of that window05:48
jayproGnea so i already have xserver-xorg-video-sis installed. i just configure xorg per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=345492 ??05:49
q_ziroday: I have already looked at them .... but it does not seem to b covered!!05:49
mdgDevon_C: back at the main rhythmbox window05:49
mefachedregressless: Zenwalk isn't much harder than Ubuntu. Although Linux may be a bit difficult for your target. :/ I recommend XP anyway.05:49
mdgDevon_C: make sure you can see the side panel (shows up on the left)05:49
sleepy_catok i shall update pidgin05:49
Devon_Cmdg: the source list, okay05:49
zirodayq_: err yes they do apply, however its by no means a simple process05:49
binMonkeyhi, guys.  i have lost sound in videos in firefox and opera.  sound works fine in epiphany.  i haven't changed anything since last night.  how can i fix this?05:50
losherregressless: I don't see why Ubuntu would be any less usable by a child than XP, if it's just for browsing/email. In fact, there'd be fewer problems with pop-ups/viruses etc.05:50
mefachedbinMonkey: Try restarting?05:50
mefachedlosher: Apparently Ubuntu is giving trouble with installation. Pixelated graphics, etc.05:50
mefachedregressless: Sounds like a graphics issue.05:50
KeoI'm guessing IPv6 is integrated into the kernel in Jaunty, yes?05:50
binMonkeymefached: i've tried that twice.05:50
mdgDevon_C: did you get an entry there for "devices" (may have to scroll down a little"05:51
regresslessmefached: I have a key for xp home, but my disk is scratched up. downloaded xp home sp3 and it says my key is invalid. don't know how to help the guy now, been sifting through viruses all day looking for a crack05:51
mefachedbinMonkey: Purge alsa-base and reinstall it.05:51
q_ziroday: I read them .... but do not understand .... the server has a CD/DVD reader .... which is the guide I should refer to?? Maybe I missed something ....05:51
DoYouKnowPower: XP < Linux. Ease-of-compatibility.... xp is easier than ubuntu05:51
mefachedbinMonkey: You may need to reinstall gdm. I think alsa-base takes that out with it.05:51
DoYouKnowto get drivers working... that's the hardest part05:51
mdgDevon_C: my mp3 player shows up below "Stores"05:51
Devon_Cmdg: no05:51
binMonkeymefached: thanks.  i'll try it.05:51
mefachedregressless: Torrent a cracked XP.05:51
regresslesslosher: u may be right, but I know how to lock down xp to keep the curious idiots out05:52
mefachedregressless: If you have a key that for some reason won't work, it's gray-area legality, but it's fine.05:52
SnakDockeo: as far as i know05:52
soreauShardded: You will most likely need kernel headers installed to compile it successfully05:52
losherregressless: plenty of linux choices for slower machines e.g. damn small linux. puppy linux, ubuntu 8.0405:52
soreauShardded: As well as the build-essential package05:52
zirodayq_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole05:52
KeoSnakDoc, I guess I'm screwed on the wireless, unless I recompile the kernel.05:52
mefachedregressless: Try 8.04 instead of 9.04.05:52
mdgDevon_C: Try clicking on "Music" and then "rescan media"05:52
SnakDockeo: no supports both ipv6 and ipv405:53
q_ziroday: the point is the DVD reader is on the server, but the installation is managed from a laptop .... because the server does not have a keyboard or a mouse or a monitor ....05:53
losherregressless: it;s your choice. I don't think there's any right/wrong answer. Picking the easiest for you to maintain is a reasonable thing to do05:53
Devon_Cmdg: yeah tried that too, I think we went through this the other day as well05:53
Caleb_If i have 4gb ram will using wubi drastically slow down ubuntu or will it be ok?05:53
SnakDockeo: on wireless now running ipv4 with out any problems05:53
zirodayq_: please read the help page above05:53
KeoSnakDoc, But I can't have ipv6 support running, it makes the wireless connection crawl to a halt.05:53
q_ziroday: but the DVD reader to be used is on the server itself05:53
zirodayCaleb_: wubi will run fine, there is a slight performance hit however05:53
mdgDevon_C:  one more thing to try05:53
zirodayq_: yes that is correct05:53
mdgDevon_C: Click on Edit and go to Preferences05:53
Bumpini just realized i messed up the install with ubuntu 8.04 server, is there a way to redo it?05:53
mdgclick the Music tab05:54
sharddeddxsoreau , ok i ran make and it spit out a bunch of errors05:54
SnakDockeo: you can disable that in firefox i know for sure not sure what other areas it can be edited05:54
Caleb_So no lag?05:54
mefachedBumpin: Yeah, do it again and format the old one.05:54
Bumpini tried booting from the same disk but it wont let me05:54
mdgDevon_C: Browse to /dev/sdc05:54
mefachedCaleb_: Shouldn't lag too badly with that much RAM.05:54
mefachedCaleb_: It's a slight hit, but it's not -slow-.05:54
cjoneswhere would aptatude install phpbb3 by default?05:54
KeoSnakDoc, I need it disabled globally, not just in firefox. :\05:54
Bumpinmefached, it wont let me boot from disk05:54
soreausharddeddx: Did you get my posts I sent to Shardded ?05:54
mefachedBumpin: Is the CD the first in the BIOS boot menu?05:55
Bumpini made it 1st05:55
sharddeddxsoreau , no sorry disconected05:55
Bumpinand it still didnt boot from disk05:55
q_ziroday: that help document requires you to have the possibility to create a DVD, which I do not have05:55
mefachedBumpin: Try getting a new CD then.05:55
zirodayq_: you can create a CD05:55
Devon_Cmdg: wont let me05:55
SnakDockeo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684105:55
Devon_Cmdg: sdc isn't highlighted05:55
Bumpinill try it out mefached05:55
Devon_Cyeah man05:55
soreausharddeddx:  You will most likely need kernel headers installed to compile it successfully as well as the build-essential package at least05:56
mdgDevon_C: I know you are so close...05:56
travisseinanyone know howto get back thae applications/places drop down menu? i dont see any modules to add back to the panel05:56
Devon_Cmdg: my first step I want to take care of is making sure its mounted correctly05:56
Devon_Cmdg: then I want to use gnomad2 or whatever to rip the music off of it05:57
mdgDevon_C: what format is the music in?05:57
q_ziroday: I just told you I cannot!05:57
SnakDoctravissein: system > preferences > main menu05:57
sharddeddxsoreau , ok but isent the irony in this that you have to go online on ubuntu itself to get those and i need those to get on line?05:57
mdgDevon_C: actually you would use gtkpod to transfer the music off/on it05:57
Devon_Cmdg: a little bit of mp4 (songs bought in the iTunes Music Store), but mostly mp305:57
Devon_Cmdg: so I can uninstall gnomad?05:58
mdgDevon_C: I think so05:58
zirodayq_: then you use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH (which I gave you before)05:58
soreausharddeddx: Ah yes. This is a trick :p05:58
Caleb_My laptop is an acer aspire 5536g with 4gb ram and a AMD Athlon 64x2 processor QL 64(2.1ghz) Graphics card:ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 Up to 1791 mb hypermemory.Will ubuntu run ok under wubi with those specs?05:58
soreausharddeddx: Which version of ubuntu?05:58
travisseinSnakDoc: i can't get to system>preferences>main menu because i don't have a menu :(05:58
zirodayCaleb_: yes05:58
sharddeddxsoreau , 9.0405:58
Caleb_Will it lag?05:59
mefachedCaleb_: Yes, it will. I've run Ubuntu under Wubi in weaker.05:59
Devon_Cokay i'be been up for about 21 hours05:59
Devon_Cgonna grab some sleep05:59
mdgDevon_C: try this05:59
mefachedCaleb_: I have never tried Wubi in 64-bit though. Let us know how that works.05:59
Devon_Cmdg: okay man make it quick05:59
zirodayCaleb_: nope05:59
SnakDoctravissein:: o i was thinking you ment just the application part was missing05:59
mdgat a terminal type "sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/ipod05:59
mdgDevon_C: without quotes05:59
Caleb_Ok it was blisteringly fast through livecd though?06:00
q_ziroday: it is a completely blank server! how can I use the install over ssh?06:00
ctartamellacan anyone tell me what minimum number of packages would be needed on ubuntu-server to run X11 apps over ssh?06:00
zirodayCaleb_: it will run fine06:00
SnakDoctravissein: you still have bars ?06:00
MrNfectortravissein: run "gnome-panel" in your terminal, should restore the menus.06:00
soreausharddeddx: Ok, here's what you do06:00
travisseinSnakDoc: yeah it's really werid; thunar was acting up, so i found a fix online, installed the deb packages, and then my Applications and Places menu dissapeared :(06:00
visevoila! I had forgotten to do the ICS from my dialup to LAN206:00
q_ziroday: blank as in absolutey nothing of any sort installed on it06:00
travisseink, will try; restarting the ps3 for linux fun time06:00
Devon_Cmdg: it says mount point mnt/ipod does not exist06:01
Caleb_Ok,gonna watch coldplay concert on tv, thanks for all your help.You guys are awesome.06:01
zirodayq_: then you can use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot please just actually read the section I gave you and pick the most appropriate one.06:01
TD-LinuxCaleb_, the only limiting factor of Wubi is disk I/O06:01
Devon_CCaleb_: i went to see them at verizon Center06:01
TD-Linuxotherwise it runs as fast as normal Ubuntu06:01
Devon_Camazing concert06:01
mdgDevon_C: try again "sudo /dev/scd2 /mnt/ipod (note slashes and spaces)06:01
soreausharddeddx:Put the live 9.04 cd in your cdrom drive and then get to Sys>Admin>Software Sources. There, disable all but cdrom and then click update. After that close the window then do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'06:01
mdgoops /dev/sdc206:02
travisseinMrNfector: I'm running Xubuntu; will that still work even though I'm running xfce?06:02
mdgI transposed - sorry06:02
travisseinSnakDoc: No, my xfce panel is still there, and all the icons/modules are still there except for the applications and places drop down menus06:02
Devon_Cmdg: it says command not found06:02
Caleb_Sorry i got disconnected.Did someone say something to me? I heard the huge "BEEP!!"06:02
SnakDoctravissein: right click hit add to panel  find main menu06:02
Devon_Ccaleb_: yeah06:03
Devon_Ccaleb_: i went and saw coldplay at the verizon center last august06:03
MrNfectortravissein: I'm sorry, I must have missed that part. No, I'm not sure how to do that with xfce.06:03
Caleb_What was it?06:03
mdgDevon_C: "sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/ipod" (without quotes06:03
travisseinSnakDoc: I'll try; still starting up T_T06:03
Devon_Ccaleb_: AMAZING06:03
Devon_Cthats what it was06:03
Caleb_They rule06:03
SnakDoctravissein: see if thats what you want i am running gnome not sure if same for you06:03
travisseinMrNfector: OK thanks tho :)06:03
sharddxim back after a nasty disconect06:03
Devon_Cmdg: "mount: mount point /mnt/ipod does not exist"06:03
Caleb_If you wanna see go on channel mtv06:04
travisseinSnakDoc: Yeah I was running gnome, but with no graphics acceleration 2D or 3D, its a little much for the PS306:04
ctartamellacan anyone tell me what minimum number of packages would be needed on ubuntu-server to run X11 apps over ssh?06:04
travisseinSnakDoc: *Hardware acceleration06:04
mefachedDevon_C: "cd /mnt" and "ls", tell me what you see.06:04
travisseinSnakDoc: And fluxbox is TOO minimalistic for my taste :306:04
Devon_Ci typed in "cd /mnt"06:04
Devon_Cthen a new line came up06:04
Devon_Cafter I hit enter06:05
Devon_Cand it says "/mnt$ "06:05
mefachedDevon_C: Now type "ls"06:05
Devon_Cmdg: yes, then I hit enter and a new line with the same thing came up06:05
Caleb_travissein:try the lightweight os called UBUNTU06:05
travisseinCaleb_:Xubuntu ftw06:05
q_ziroday: thanks a lot06:05
mdgDevon_C: mefached is guiding you in making directory06:05
mefachedCaleb_: Distro isn't WM. I use Ubuntu, but I don't use GNOME. I use IceWM.06:06
Devon_Cmdg: oh... my bad. like i said... up for 21 hours06:06
mdgDevon_C: that's a long time!!06:06
Caleb_Xubuntu is good06:06
Devon_Cmdg: yeeeah. 5am to now 1 am06:06
mefachedDevon_C: If "ipod" doesn't come up, type "sudo mkdir /mnt/ipod" and put in your password06:06
mefachedDevon_C: Then do what mdg said earlier.06:07
Devon_Cmefached: nothing happened06:07
mefachedDevon_C: Don't worry. After a short while, you'll be more comfortable with the terminal.06:07
Caleb_mefached:kde then or xfce?06:07
sharddxsoreau , you still thear?06:07
Devon_Csame thing happened again - new line with /mnt$06:07
mefachedDevon_C: Nothing is supposed to. Type "ls" again, tell me if you see "ipod"06:07
travisseinsorry for the noobish question, where are user installed packages located post installation? like where would the firefox bin be?06:07
soreausharddx: yea06:07
mdgDevon_C: the command "ls" means list files, i.e., like window "dir" command06:08
Devon_Cnow we're getting somewhere06:08
jyganyone know how to turn off the grey background on ircII?06:08
mefachedDevon_C: You should. Then type "sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/ipod"06:08
mdgDevon_C: /mnt$ is the directory you are in06:08
=== mod is now known as jyg
Devon_Cnow it says06:08
Devon_C"mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist"06:08
mefachedCaleb_: IceWM. Xfce is too slow, I think. I'm a nerdy power-user.06:08
sharddxsoreau , last awnser was i have ubuntu 9.04 before i had a nasty disconect06:08
mdgDevon_C: is your ipod still plugged in?06:09
soreausharddx: Ok, sec06:09
Devon_Cmdg: yes.06:09
Caleb_Where do you get that?06:09
mefachedDevon_C: /dev/sdc2, I meant. Sorry.06:09
Devon_Cisn't it sdc2?06:09
visetravissein: /usr/bin06:09
soreausharddx: Put the live 9.04 cd in your cdrom drive and then get to Sys>Admin>Software Sources. There, disable all but cdrom and then click update. After that close the window then do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'06:09
losher travissein: usually somewhere under /usr/bin. firefox is in /usr/bin/firefox. Why do you ask?06:09
Caleb_IceWM is the dock like thing , i think06:09
Devon_Cmefached: same thing06:09
Devon_C"mount: special device /dev/sdc2 does not exist"06:09
mefachedCaleb_: IceWM is a very, very small window manager. No desktop, no wallpaper, no icons, nothing. Super fast.06:10
mdgDevon_C: maybe check the /dev directory again06:10
mefachedDevon_C: Is your ipod plugged in? Check the /dev directory.06:10
Devon_Cwhat am i looking for in /dev again?06:11
=== Derander_ is now known as Derander
mefachedCaleb_: It's much faster than Xfce or Fluxbox.06:11
mefachedDevon_C: Your iPod.06:11
mdgDevon_C: something that says /sdc06:11
losherDevon_C: why not go to bed and do this when you're fresher?06:11
Caleb_It looks like windows 95.Dont do off topic, im saying what it looks like06:11
mdgDevon_C: /sdc1 or sdc2 or just /sdc06:11
Devon_Cmdg: I see sdc but it's a block file thats 0 bytes06:11
mefachedCaleb_: No, after installing icewm-themes, it can look like pretty much anything. Mine looks like OS/2 Warp.06:11
mefachedDevon_C: That's what you want, I believe. Try "sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt/ipod"06:12
mdgDevon_C: its odd that the computer thinks your ipod is a camera, but now we can't find anything06:12
loshermefached: os2/warp: that's not much of a selling point06:12
viseHow do we figure out what the device appears as in /dev?06:12
Caleb_Is there an online kde/xfce/gnome theme repository?06:12
mefachedlosher: It looks like. There are like a hundred different themes. I'm not saying it looks nice. It's just fast.06:12
loshermefached: sorry, just teasing. I"m an fvwm man myself...06:13
mefachedCaleb_: For GNOME, google gnome-look.06:13
mdgDevon_C: "sudo mount /dev/scd /mnt/ipod06:13
Devon_Cmdg: yeah just did06:13
Caleb_I use xfce-dusk06:13
mefachedlosher: fvwm is nice too.06:13
unitrixwhat is the topic?06:13
Devon_Cit says mount: /dev/sdc: unkown device06:13
bazhangplease chat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:13
mdgDevon_C: darn!06:13
losherunitrix: we give Ubuntu os support here06:13
agliodbsif I want an installation cd or dvd which has everything on it06:14
Devon_C*smacks face on keyboard* this is starting to irk me06:14
agliodbsi.e. no downloads06:14
Devon_Clike really badly06:14
agliodbswhere should I look?06:14
mefachedDevon_C: Some hardware gives us big problems. Sorry.06:14
Devon_Calright I'm done for tonight06:14
MrNfectorSometimes the simplest GUIs are the best, tbh. I like fluxbox, but on good hardware gnome with compiz is fun as well. =p06:14
bazhangagliodbs, remaster a live cd06:14
Devon_Cthansk guys06:14
mefachedDevon_C: Once you become more familiar with Linux, you'll be able to do it yourself pretty easily.06:14
Devon_Creally you're all awesome06:14
mefachedDevon_C: Don't worry about it.06:14
mdgDevon_C: we are close!  Don't give up hope06:14
bazhang!remaster > agliodbs06:14
ubottuagliodbs, please see my private message06:14
mefachedMrNfector: I use GNOME with Compiz for gaming and IceWM for everything else.06:14
mdgDevon_C: after some sleep it will all come together06:15
agliodbsbazhang: so there isn't a "has everything" ISO anwhere already built, then.06:15
Devon_Cto be honest, i have very little idea what I'm doing - I'm really new to all the deep coding and everything06:15
Devon_Cand yeah06:15
Devon_Cmdg: i hope06:15
mefachedagliodbs: The basic Ubuntu LiveCD is almost a full CD, I believe.06:15
bazhangagliodbs, , no due to licensing / IP reasons06:15
mefachedDevon_C: Good night.06:15
losheragliodbs: it's not really possible, as bugfixes are happening constantly. You can choose not to download anything additional though...06:15
mdgDevon_C: your computer sees you ipod as a camera - there has to be a way06:15
viseCan we watch the kernel messages to watch how the ipod comes up and as what in /dev????06:15
Hosscan someone recommend a good app to create/edit ISO's and burning?06:15
mdgvise: same problem with ipod?06:16
agliodbslosher: this is for my father-in-law who is on 14.4. dial-up06:16
MrNfectorIceWM is on my list to try at some point, can't say I've played with it yet. Could be fun.06:16
mefachedHoss: Brasero with GNOME/Xfce, K3B with KDE.06:16
agliodbsdownloading *anything* isn't possible06:16
loshervise: yes, the dmesg command will show what the devices are named as06:16
visemdg: No i just have a doubt.. How do devices come up in /dev. Whats the rule..06:16
bazhangagliodbs, then read the message from ubottu06:16
Hossmefached:  That app will do both tasks?06:16
agliodbsyeah, looking at it06:16
Cupmanhi all i have a newbe problem. i lost my superuser password, and cannot upgrade from ubuntu 8-10 to 9-4. can anyone help ?06:16
mdgvise: I just use the shortcut and check with "dmesg"06:16
mefachedHoss: It'll create. Google "edit ISOs ubuntu".06:16
mefachedCupman: "sudo passwd"06:17
Hossmefached:  What about burning software?06:17
mefachedHoss: Brasero and K3B are perfect for burning anything, ever. Audio, data, ISOs.06:17
losheragliodbs: you can install from a latest dvd e.g. 8.04.2 and choose not to download any updates.06:17
mdgmefached: thanks for your help with devon_C06:17
mefachedmdg: Anytime. That's what I'm here for.06:17
agliodbslosher: I'd be fine with that.06:17
Hossmefached:  Thanks a ton, last question.  What should I use for ripping dvds?06:17
mdgmefached: :)06:18
mefachedHoss: I know K3D does it, and I thin Brasero does as well.06:18
mdgnight all o/06:18
rayluHoss: http://www.doom9.org/06:18
viselosher: dmesg seems to give a lot of output. Do you do dmesg just after the dev plugin and then see the output?06:18
agliodbsit's just been my experience that the live cd doesn't have all the applications you want on it06:18
crxlpyosiris you here?06:18
Hossmefached:  Right on, I will give Brasero a whirl.  Thanks!06:18
Hossraylu:  Thanks, I will check it out.06:18
mefachedagliodbs: The LiveCD is pretty packed for space. Remaster it.06:18
zirodayHoss: dvd::rip or ogmrip (simpler)06:18
Hossziroday:  What would you recommend between the two?06:19
loshervise: yes, dmesg before & after adding the new device. only the last dozen or so lines are important06:19
zirodayHoss: what are you planning to do with the rips? Do you need special subtitles or audio tracks?06:19
MrNfectorvise: "dmesg | tail" is best for displaying only the last bit. you can also use grep to find different devices specifically, if you know part of the name.06:19
agliodbsmefached, losher: realistically I don't have time to do the remastering.06:20
agliodbslooking at the canonical store now06:20
mefachedagliodbs: Remastering is about the only way.06:20
viseMrNfector: ty06:20
mefachedagliodbs: What do you need the LiveCD to do?06:20
mefachedagliodbs: A lot of non-Ubuntu LiveCDs specialize.06:20
bazhangagliodbs, remastering is very speedy.06:20
Hossziroday:  Nope, no subs or remastering.06:20
zirodayHoss: then ogmrip sounds perfect, super simple to use really :)06:20
agliodbsbazhang: not if you don't have the prerequisites installed ...06:21
bazhangagliodbs, at any rate, that is the only method.06:21
losheragliodbs: what apps are you missing? Latest firefox I'm sure. What else?06:21
mefachedagliodbs: Apt-get takes care of prereqs...06:21
agliodbsCanonical Store: out of stock06:21
Hossziroday:  Does it maintain DVD structure?06:21
Trent0r_Question:  In ubuntu when you make a critical system change it always asks you your password, and with the default appearance makes the screen in the background darker, how do you disable the background from getting darker?  Because I am running portable ubuntu in windows on a flashdrive and it slows down the confirmation process.06:22
bazhanglosher, all of the codecs06:22
zirodayHoss: I believe so, but not certain06:22
losherbazhang: right...06:22
Hossziroday:  Okay, thanks!06:22
mefachedTrent0r_: Learn to do whatever it is from a console instead. That's the best way, really.06:22
dedethy all06:22
dedethelp me please06:22
agliodbslosher: not sure exactly.  however, both SuSE and Fedora come on DVDs, so I can't imagine that all of that stuff fits on a CD for ubuntu06:23
mefacheddedet: Ask your question. Don't say "help me please".06:23
Trent0r_Well, I know the console well, but its easier to go through add/remove programs06:23
dedetwhere shell free06:23
Trent0r_for a few of the apps I want06:23
TriMehey guys, is there a program similar in ubuntu to Lime wire???06:23
bazhangdedet, wrong channel06:23
mefachedTrent0r_: The console "apt-get" is much easier. Use "apt-cache search" to find things.06:23
Trent0r_mefached: is there a way to remove the darker background06:23
TriMei already have Vuse.06:23
bazhangTriMe, frostwire06:23
TriMeta man06:23
mefachedTriMe: LimeWire is Java, isn't it? If not, Frostwire.06:23
crxlpyTrime try frostwire06:23
dedetwhere shell free???06:23
Sharddedsoreau , ok the buid tools are installed06:23
zirodayTrent0r_: one sec, taking a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/43148 might be helpful06:23
TriMecheers guys06:23
bazhangdedet, not here. please stop06:23
viseTrent0r_: That is not an overhead.. Theres other things that ubuntu does probably making it slow..06:23
mefacheddedet: No, leave.06:24
soreauShardded: Cool, any difference in the 'make' command now?06:24
Sharddedstill the same errors06:24
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mefachedTrent0r_: I doubt it. :/06:24
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zirodayTrent0r_: or tick "disable-grab" in gconf by opening gconf-editor and going to apps/gksu06:24
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losheragliodbs: there is a dvd version for Ubuntu also. which has a bunch of software on it, like the suse & fedora ones06:25
agliodbsaha, where do I find it?06:25
Sharddedsoreau , you head somthing obout headers aswell06:25
agliodbslosher: I found one for sale on Amazon, but it's old :-(06:26
soreauShardded: I assume 'make' failed again?06:26
Sharddedsoreau , about*06:26
``y7i switched routers and ubuntu can ping my new router but it cannot ping yahoo.com. all of my other machines (non-ubuntu) can ping yahoo.com after the router switch. i did a sudo /etc/networking/restart and it didn't help. any ideas?06:26
Sharddedsoreau yes same errors as last time06:26
bazhangagliodbs, losher that still requires codecs etc, which do not come with it06:26
losherbazhang: no way round that, I'm afraid...06:26
soreauShardded: Yes, try to 'apt-get install linux-generic-headers' not sure if that's the exact name of the package though06:26
Trent0r_gziroday: ill try that06:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:27
bazhangagliodbs, remastering is the only techhique.06:27
Sharddedsoreau , thank you ill try it06:27
travisseini give up; i'm just going to reinstall xubuntu desktop06:27
agliodbsbazhang: if that's the case, then he's getting OpenSuse06:28
losheragliodbs: actually, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd says that the dvds mostly have language packs on them, which you don't need...06:28
bazhangagliodbs, that requires downloads as well. please take this #ubuntu-offtopic06:28
losheragliodbs: nothing wrong with opensuse....06:28
visetravissein: What was your problem?06:28
``y7i switched routers and ubuntu can ping my new router but it cannot ping yahoo.com. all of my other machines (non-ubuntu) can ping yahoo.com after the router switch. i did a sudo /etc/networking/interfaces restart and it didn't help. any ideas?06:28
Dulak``y7: check /etc/resolv.conf and make sure you got good nameserver(s) in there06:29
agliodbslosher: yeah, I wanted to test both though. he has some old hardware, and I'm not sure what it'll work best on06:29
``y7i've got nameservers in there set to the opendns.org ones06:29
travisseinvise: xfce4-panel in xubuntu isn't showing the applications or places menu anymore. the panel is still there, it just only has my shortcuts to firefox, help, and network/volume06:29
Dulak``y7: also check 'route -n' and make sure your router's ip is your default gateway06:30
visetravissein: Is there some right click, n then 'add menu' or something like Gnome?06:30
SnakDocanyone ever have trouble with a nic going in and out with ubuntu - server06:30
travisseinit's not there lol06:30
``y7Dulak, the destination is wrong in route -n. how do i fix that? it's correct in sudo joe /etc/network/interfaces06:30
Dulak``y7: it'll show in the gateway column for your default gateway, the first column on that line should be your router's ip06:30
travisseinvise: it should be called "XFCE Menu" but it's not there06:31
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Dulak``y7: you can manually fix it with 'route add default gw router.ip.here'06:31
TriMeHey Guys, Is there a program that Auto Reads .PDF files in Linux or is there a standalone program? - if so what is it called so i can download. it. Cheers06:31
losheragliodbs: if you can get access to a burner with a fast internet connection, you can download & burn countless distros...06:31
bazhangTriMe, evince06:31
dpreacherbastidrazor what would you suggest to use, to create a system snapshot before doing a aptitude safe-upgrade. i guess using safe-upgrade is safety already, but in case a rollback is needed. is it possible to rollback packages? how?06:31
Dulak``y7: pastebin your interfaces file and link me the url to it06:31
TriMebazhang:  Cheers :)06:31
viseTriMe: Should come with your distro..?06:31
agliodbslosher: meet me in -offtopic before I get booted?06:32
losheragliodbs: ok :-)06:32
``y7Dulak: eth0 is the only card i'm using: http://pastebin.ca/147916406:32
TriMevise: ubuntu 9.04 64bit?06:32
``y7Dulak: route -n shows the destination is
bazhangTriMe, yes it is there06:33
``y7Dulak: route -n shows the destination is      <------ typo on first one06:33
viseTriMe: yeah.. it should be there. Try Foxit otherwise..06:33
TriMebazhang: vise: yeah Cheers guys it is already installed...06:33
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TriMewell i am just about finished installing all i need.06:33
Dulak``y7: for some reason pastebin.ca won't resolve for me06:34
Bumpini just installed ubuntu 8.04 LAMP, and am fumbling around06:34
TriMePhotoShop, AI, and then Word Excel Etc... :: is there a different Standlone for Linux for Word, Excel, Access, Power Point???06:34
Bumpinanyone know of any tutorials or anything to help me out?06:34
TriMeyou tube?06:34
``y7Dulak: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/72003022061520093701E734D844.png06:34
bazhangTriMe, open office06:34
viseTriMe: Open offic06:35
bazhangTriMe, youtube watching, or downloading?06:35
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Sharddedsoreau , thanks for all your help but im afraid no luck on the make this time ither again wight the same errors but thank you again for your time06:35
viseTriMe: flash player available for firefox06:35
visein linux06:35
Dulak``y7: that looks great to me, I usually give the broadcast as well but I don't think that would affect your gateway06:36
TriMeBumpin: i mean to him You Tube for tutorials06:36
TriMeVise: yeah got flash player...06:36
TriMeOpen office is that already fully installed also?06:36
``y7Dulak, so why do you think the gateway is stuck on even after i restarted my network?06:36
Bumpinill try it out TriMe, thanks06:36
viseTriMe: yeah..06:36
bazhangTriMe, in the full ubuntu install yes06:36
mefachedAlright. It's been a good night, everyone. I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow.06:36
TriMebazhang: vise Cheers guys... well i am about done!!!06:37
Dulak``y7: not sure, does setting the default gateway manually fix it for you?  "route add default gw router.ip.here"06:37
``y7i'll try it now06:37
visebazhang: I have it in the cd install too.. or am i missing something?06:37
``y7Dulak, do i need to specify eth0 in there?06:37
soreauShardded: Well if you care to, you can pastebin the errors06:37
soreau! paste | Shardded06:37
ubottuShardded: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:37
bazhangvise, the full Ubuntu install, sure it is there06:37
Dulak``y7: nope route will figure it out06:37
visek so 'the full ubuntu install' can be through a 700meg cd too.. k06:38
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``y7Dulak, it fixed it. however, i now have this in route -n: http://www.grabup.com/uploads/62003022061520093701E738D819.png06:38
Dulak``y7: also eth1 is on the same subnet, it might be causing issues, for testing switch it to a different subnet06:38
``y7it kept the first line06:38
Dulak``y7: that's normal actually, it's saying anything in the subnet needs to go through eth0, eth1 will never see anything for that subnet06:39
``y7[TueJun30: 01:38:32] <Dulak> ``y7: also eth1 is on the same subnet, it might be causing issues, for testing switch it to a different subnet    <------ what do i change? i don't know what the subnet is..06:39
Dulak``y7: change it to
Dulak``y7: then restart the network and see if you get a default gateway set06:40
linux_stuhow can i boot ubuntu without having X start?  edit the grub entry when booting?06:40
``y7it works06:41
``y7good call with the subnet06:41
Dulak``y7: yeah you can't have 2 devices on the same subnet, it messes up your routing table, try a full reboot now and make sure it all comes up ok06:41
``y7roger that06:41
Sharddedsoreau , http://paste.ubuntu.com/206742/06:42
danbhfivelinux_stu: obviously, you can remove X.  I think maybe you can also boot into recovery mode if you just need it temporarily.  (Im guessing)06:42
linux_stui wish there was a way with runlevels, but apparently ubuntu doesn't use the traditional system06:43
viseanyone knows how to get my nick highlighted when i get a reply with 'vise:'?06:44
vise(in Mirc)06:44
soreauShardded: Seems it's not compatible with your kernel version or that you're still missing some headers06:44
i3earI have a problem with firefox and sound06:44
i3earFlash does not make sound, and I have no idea why06:44
i3earsomeone sent me a link to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279497 I tried all the fixes and none of them work06:45
jbrewraylu: just finished a new install and get a looong hang with the line udevd-event[1298]:06:45
Sharddedsoreau ,  i give up for now then i have bean up all night trying to get it to run aww well if push comes to shuve i can always return the card :P thanks again soreau for all the help06:46
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soreauShardded: I wish you the best then. Cheers and gnite06:46
Sharddedgood nite all06:46
soreauShardded: I recommend a card more compatible with linux, most are working out-of-the box, you have a very 'off' chipset there06:47
Bumpinhello all, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 LAMP and i want to set up the server to host a blog, im fumbling around and have been googling FOREVER, can anyone point me in the right direction pls?06:48
danbhfiveBumpin: you want to install a CMS, like drupal or wordpress, right?06:49
SnakDocBumpin: what you having trouble with06:49
Bumpini do want to install a CMS06:49
SnakDocBumpin: can you view test site06:50
i3earIs anyone gonna help me here06:50
i3earCan anyone help me?06:50
jbrewI just did a fresh xubuntu install and boot is hanging on the line "udevd-event[1298]: '/bin/mkdir /var/run/network' abnormal exit06:50
Bumpini havent a clue what you're refferring to snakdoc06:51
danbhfive!ask | i3ear06:51
ubottui3ear: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:51
Bumpinim new to ubuntu06:51
i3earI already did ask my question, nobody has said a thing about it06:51
Bumpini do want to install wordpress06:51
Bumpinbut shouldnt i install something like cpanel 1st?06:51
visei3ear: Repeat after some time. Otherwise no one knows the answer..06:51
SnakDocBumpin: u said you have ubuntu up with LAMP correct06:52
SnakDocBumpin: or that what you trying to get06:52
Dulaklinux_stu: you can make say runlevel 3 be no X, and switch to runlevel 3 whenever you want to have no X06:52
Bumpini sure do snakdoc06:52
Bumpini already have it installed sitting here at the promt06:52
Dulaklinux_stu: just turn off gdm/xdm/kdm or whatever in runlevel 3 and do a "telinit 3" to go into that runlevel06:52
SnakDocBumpin: ok you know server ip address06:52
Bumpini couldnt figure out how to check it06:53
Bumpindo i have to configure a static ip?06:53
Likeyea mf06:53
Bumpinpardon my n00biness06:53
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SnakDocBumpin: type ifconfig | grep eth006:54
DulakSnakDoc: 'ifconfig eth0' works just as well06:54
SnakDocBumpin: yes and no be easier to do if you did06:54
vi390how do I get openvz kerneles with jaunty ?06:54
SnakDocBumpin: whats it say for ip address06:54
Bumpinsnakdoc, btw, i have the server plugged into my router06:55
SnakDocBumpin: more and likely be something like 192.168.1.*06:55
Bumpinip didnt someup06:55
Naynaysolved my memory issue06:56
SnakDocBumpin: try just ifconfig to list all interfaces see if any of them list ip address06:56
Bumpindulac, i tried your command and it came up06:56
R0b0t1Hello, I was trying to set up a Samba share of one of my drives mounted on /media/SMALL, but the Windows computer can not read it. I've been googling for a while, could anyone help?06:56
LikeBumpin come in..06:57
vegombreihi i need help setting up bluetooth headphones .. anyone successfully done this?06:57
Naynaywas running 4x2GB sticks at 800, so I dropped the mobo down to 667 speeds. Now we have stability.06:57
BumpinLike, what you talkin bout?06:57
Likeaptitude install talk Bumpin06:58
bazhangLike, please take chat elsewhere06:58
Bumpinsnakdoc, ok so all i need is the iner addr06:59
SnakDocbumpin: for now lets get site working on lan06:59
R0b0t1Does anyone have information about Samba failing to share files? I 'm trying to share a drive I have mounted at /media/SMALL and it's not working.06:59
Bumpinim just setting a small server at home to learn how to manage them n whatnot, but i do really appreciate the help guys07:01
SnakDocbumpin was you able to find ip ?07:01
Bumpini believe i have it07:01
jbrewOn a new install, boot is freezing with the line " init: Unable to execute "sbin/getty" for tty1: No such file or directory"  Suggestions on where to go from there?07:02
i3earIs anyone free to help me?07:02
i3earI have a problem with firefox and sound. Flash does not make sound, and I have no idea why. Someone sent me a link to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279497 I tried all the fixes and none of them work07:02
Bumpinok so i should setup a static ip now snakdoc?07:02
SnakDocbumpin: use that address in other computer on your lan07:02
paynehey does anyone know how to setup multichannel audio07:03
Bumpinsnakdoc, what do you mean07:03
SnakDocbumpin: like u vist another site07:03
visei3ear: Did you try reinstalling flash player?07:03
Bumpinsnakdoc, i still dont understand what you mean07:03
SnakDocbumpin: sorry not thinking getting late for me in other words. http://ip-address07:03
i3earvise: many many many times07:03
SnakDocgo to that07:03
lwellsI have four entries in my grub for a single install of ubuntu, do I need to keep the extra ones?07:03
paynehey does anyone know how to setup multichannel audio07:04
i3earvise: I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling all of the flash codecs I could find07:04
bazhanglwells, might want to keep one or two, just in case07:04
i3earvise: Though, I can not find any open source flash codecs07:04
SnakDocbumpin where you would say go to google.com put that ip in address bar should load a welcome you got server up page07:04
visei3ear: Il try searching.. Meanwhile, have you tried reinstalling ff too?07:04
Bumpinsnakdoc: it came up "It Works!"07:04
lwellsThe entra one seems to be "Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11-generic"07:04
i3earvise: Firefox? No07:04
lwellsbazhang, so I need to keep all four?07:05
SnakDocbumpin awesome that means server is running07:05
bazhanglwells, certainly not07:05
i3earvise: If I do, how should I do this? Uninstall firefox THEN flash, then install firefox THEN flash?07:05
Bumpinok cool07:05
SnakDocbumpin: now you need to get wordpress to server07:05
i3earvise:  or does it even matter?07:05
Bumpinno static ip?07:05
Bumpinsnakdoc, should i setup static ip?07:05
lwellsSo I can safely remove them from Grub without messing anything up, bazhang?07:05
bazhanglwells, what are the four extras07:05
SnakDocbumpin go to server type cd /var/www then wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz07:06
visei3ear: Uninstall firefox, then install firefox and simply update flash from adobe.. thats it..07:06
Striking7Hi everyone. I'm using Jaunty and I'd like to know if zip is compiled with large file support.07:06
Striking7Anyone know how I can do that?07:06
SnakDocwhen you get ready for port forwarding i would07:06
i3earvise: Alright I will try that07:07
lwellsbazhang: here http://pastebin.com/d388432a007:07
i3earvise: Then try those fixes I have07:07
lwellssorry actually 5 entries07:08
visei3ear: I found two links for you.. See if you know them: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59098907:08
antixdoes ubuntu 9.04 work well on asus eee top? (ET1602)07:08
bazhanglwells, it's really up to you how many you keep, they don't take up much space though, keeping a minimum of one extra set (which you have now) is better safe than sorry07:08
SnakDocbumpin: that should start download let me know when its done07:09
bazhangantix, do you have the live cd on it now?07:09
lwellsbazhang: the second set is an older kernal version right?07:09
Bumpinam i supposed to be d/ling from the server?07:09
bazhanglwells, yes07:09
bullgard4Why does my Ubuntu computer have 2 generic SCSI device nodes although I have got only one hard disk? Is the second used for my CD-ROM drive?07:09
Bumpinsnakdoc, am i suppossed to be d/ling from the server?07:09
Bumpinor my lap, which im talkin to you on now07:10
lwellsIf I boot into the older kernal version, would everything still be set up the same, bazhang?07:10
SnakDocbumpin run commands i posted07:10
i3earvise: No I have not, I will try them07:10
antixbazhang: no, I'm thinking of buying one but I can't find anything on google confirming it works. just a lot of issues in the past.. do you know anything about it?07:10
SnakDocbumpin go to server type cd /var/www then wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz07:10
jbrewNew install won't boot!?!07:10
bazhangantix, let me do a quick search07:10
losherbullgard4: yes, one for each scsi emulated device...07:10
i3earvise: but when I go to uninstall firefox, I get the "Use the Synaptic Packet Manager" thing07:11
lwellsI mean all the same installed programs and setting, that I have on the other version, bazhang07:11
i3earvise:  What?07:11
vince_Curious if anyone else has been having issues playing flash video's in Ubuntu Firefox lately.07:11
visei3ear: Use the package manager.. how are you trying btw?07:11
YankDownUndervince_, Er, mate, have you updated the flash player and/or the browser?07:12
R0b0t1Does anyone have information about Samba failing to share files? I 'm trying to share a drive I have mounted at /media/SMALL and it's not working.07:12
i3earvise: Sorry, I am a complete ubuntu noob here, I am simply using the "Add/Remove Application"07:12
gnarfyim using inadyn to automatically update my dyndns ip address. I just got blocked by dyndns for updating too often (every 6 seconds) how can i configure inadyn to trigger only when the ppp0 interface is established? Im on dialup07:12
Bumpinsnakdoc, permission denied07:13
visei3ear: Just a min07:13
i3earvise: wait, hahaha nevermind I just found it poking around07:13
* justin_ waves07:13
vince_YankDownUnder : Not recently, though it may have slipped in under one of the large set of updates from the update manager.07:13
* Striking7 waves at justin_07:14
YankDownUndervince_, If anything, you might want to "by hand" update the flashlpayer - just for giggles and grins07:14
khelvanHello - what could cause a Jaunty machine to lose its route to the local Ubuntu Server running Samba until I add an entry for the server in the /etc/hosts file? It worked for weeks beforehand...07:14
lwellsOnce Ubuntu is installed, I cannot change the file system any more?07:14
justin_Hello Striking7:  This is my very first time here07:14
SnakDocbumpin sry  sudo wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz07:14
bazhangantix, from the Phoronix website review, it seems the main issue with eeetop is having to do some serious tweaking to get the touch screen to work07:14
Striking7justin_: welcome.  Need help with something?07:14
justin_Striking7: No.  Just saying a friendly hello.  But thank you!07:15
vince_YankDownUnder : I was afraid of that.  I was hoping it was something obvious as it was working fine a day or so ago with no issues.  I07:15
lwellsI hear ext4 works better07:15
idefI have created an ssh key for remote logins, but I am unable to login. It works for the root user, but it doesn't work for another user on my machine, any ideas? thanks.07:15
antixbazhang: I found that this might be resolved in the fix for defect 350001 on launchpad07:15
vince_ve been having all kinds of issues lately with things just BREAKING for no reason then starting to work agian07:15
Striking7justin_: haha.  Awesome.  Well I'm not here too often, but I've been around a bit.  Good to have you.  Been using Ubuntu long?07:15
Bumpinsnakdoc, download finished07:16
greensimianHey there Unbuntu fans!07:16
YankDownUndervince_, Didja set yer stuff up to automagically update/upgrade? - as well mate, you can always experiement by creating a new user account, logging into that account and testing to see if it works under that account - sounds like kinda a kludge, but it tells you then if it's something in the profile (yours) or something with the system...know what I mean?07:16
justin_Striking7: I've been using Ubuntu as my sole OS for the past 6 months, but the only thing I ever did with it was surf the internet or chat on pidgin07:16
antixbazhang: and they seem to have tested with 8.10. it would be interesting to see a more recent test with 9.0407:16
justin_Now I'm trying to learn how to do all kinds of things.  Starting with this07:16
YankDownUnderUbuntu? Dang...and here I thought this was the Win7 channel...07:16
SnakDocbumpin: sudo tar xvfz latest.tar.gz07:16
gnarfyhow can i trigger an event when an interface comes up? Ie when ppp0 is established when i dialup to the internet07:17
Bumpinsnakdoc, done07:17
Striking7justin_: nice.  I've used lots of operating systems and I have to say Linux in general really gives you a ton of freedom to do whatever you want to take the time to learn.07:17
Striking7justin_: Sky's the limit man.  Enjoy. Experiment.07:17
enterneodoes the new grub in jaunty, does not play on GPT drive on a PC, when it is not being installed on the MBR (and on the specific ubuntu partition)?07:18
SnakDocbumpin: ls tell me what it says back07:18
justin_Striking7: Couldn't have said it better myself!07:18
enterneo*play well07:18
justin_I absolutely love this OS!07:18
Bumpinits back to admin@admin:/var/www$07:18
* YankDownUnder using linux since '94 => customise/utilise/live = one good philosophy07:18
SnakDocbumpin type "ls"07:19
Bumpinsnakdoc: its back to admin@admin:/var/www$07:19
wildc4rdis there any way to get the normal text based startup and shutdown in ubuntu?07:19
R0b0t1Does anyone have information about Samba failing to share files? I 'm trying to share a drive I have mounted at /media/SMALL and it's not working.07:19
Bumpinsnakdoc: it says -bash: is: command not found07:19
justin_ls, not is07:20
SnakDocthas L07:20
SnakDoclike list07:20
Bumpinlol thanks justin_07:20
YankDownUnderwildc4rd, Change the settings in grub => /boot/grub/menu.lst => add "textonly" or remove the bit that says "silent"07:20
greensimianI am running Ubuntu on my gimpy P4 and I am wanting to buy a fancy new Mini-ITX machine.   Is there a hardware compatibility list to work from when selecting my mobo and video card?07:20
justin_No problem.07:21
YankDownUndergreensimian, Nah mate.07:21
Bumpinsnakdoc: its says index.html latest.tar.gz wordpress07:21
bazhang!hcl | greensimian07:21
ubottugreensimian: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:21
bazhangYankDownUnder, sure there is.07:21
greensimianThat is just what I was looking for!07:21
ubottuvimtutor is an excellent tool for learning how to use vim. It can be found in the vim-full package, among others.07:21
YankDownUnderbazhang, Yeah, but how many times you met up with a bit that didn't work under a new kernel?07:21
SnakDocbumpin go ahead and rm latest.tar.gz then cd wordpress07:21
greensimianIs there a way to move my profile, settings, and files to a new Unbuntu machine?07:21
greensimianI spending quite a while getting pigeon working and I would like to avoid doing it again.07:22
Machtingreensimian: you might want to copy your entire /home/user directory07:23
Machtin(including all the .bla-folders)07:23
YankDownUndergreensimian, Just as an FYI, ya know, aMSN is heaps cooler...but that also depends on what yer doin...07:23
SnakDocbumpin you are now to Using the MySQL Client  on http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress#Detailed_Instructions07:23
bazhangYankDownUnder, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks07:23
Bumpini dont think it worked07:23
bazhanggreensimian, you can clone it07:23
SnakDocbumpin you get error ?07:23
bullgard4losher: But I have a /dev/sr0 file too. This is no soft link. So please explain why there are coexisting /dev/sg0, /dev/sg1 and /dev/sr0 side by side?07:23
bazhang!clone | greensimian07:23
ubottugreensimian: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:23
justin_Hmmm...my only issue (so to speak) with pidgin is the lack of support for emoticons.  But I read that this is a work in progress or that it has something to do with gifs not being supported or something.07:24
bazhanggreensimian, but what Machtin said about backing up home will work as well07:24
greensimianDude, I have 7 IM accounts, 2 IRC accounts and it works like a champ07:24
losherbullgard4: sorry, I haven't the faintest idea....07:24
wildc4rdYankdownunder, where do I add the textonly line in the file?07:24
Bumpinsnakdoc: after i typed rm latest.tar.gz is said rm: remove write-protected regular file 'latest.tar.gz'? and i typed cd wordpress and it went back to admin@admin:/var/www$07:24
greensimianAll those AOL accounts from back in the day that I abandoned cause AOL SUX on Windows are back  :P07:25
bullgard4losher: Thank you for commenting.07:25
SnakDocbumpin so sorry i keep forgetting07:25
SnakDocbumpin sudo rm /var/www/latest.tar.gz07:25
YankDownUnderwildc4rd, If you read through the info in the beginning of the "menu.lst" you'll see what I mean - otherwise, remove the "silent" bit at the end of the kernel boot towards the bottom of the file07:25
greensimianThanks for all the help gang!07:26
greensimianHave a great evening/morning!07:26
YankDownUnderPeace greensimian07:26
Bumpinsnakdoc, i typed that in and nothing happened07:26
justin_You too, greensimian!07:26
YankDownUnderpayne, Gday07:26
paynehow do you configure 5.1 sound systems07:26
paynein linux07:26
YankDownUnderpayne, Hang on - I have the URL...07:27
SnakDocbumpin if it went to next line thats fine just removing compressed install file07:27
losherbullgard4: does this help: http://www.redhat.com/archives/rhl-list/2004-May/msg01725.html07:27
Bumpinsnakdoc, oh ok07:27
SnakDocbumpin you need to run the mysql install setup under mysql client has example http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress#Detailed_Instructions07:27
YankDownUnderpayne, http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/enable-sound-in-ubuntu-linux.html07:28
payneYankDownUnder,  thanks07:28
paynenot found07:28
YankDownUnderpayne, This allows you to have true 5.1 (or better)07:28
Bumpinim guessing it removed it07:28
payneYankDownUnder,  page not found07:28
YankDownUnderpayne, Hang on...checking07:28
Bumpinthanks for all your help snakdoc, i appreciate it greatly07:28
wildc4rdYankdownunder shows here as quiet, could that be it?07:28
=== mike is now known as Guest24335
bazhangwildc4rd, remove quiet and splash07:29
YankDownUnderwildc4rd, Yeah. Remove07:29
SnakDocbumpin: once database is created run setup for wordpress at http://ip-address/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php07:29
payneYankDownUnder,  how did you configure your sound07:29
SnakDocbumpin not a problem let me know if you run into any trouble i be around for a little longer07:29
collimiclooking for info or a howto with iptables? am i in the right channel?07:29
YankDownUnderpayne, http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/enable-surround-sound-in-ubuntu-linux.html07:30
YankDownUnderpayne, Sorry...missed a bit on that one...s'all good07:30
payne:D thanks YankDownUnder07:30
vegombreibazhang: hi can you help me set up bluetooth headphones? i've been on it 2 days now .. downloaded and installed all kinds of a2dp etc software i just cant get it to work ..07:31
bazhangpayne, better would be to install pavucontrol07:31
collimicNeed some help with iptables in ubuntu 8.10. I need to know how I can at will block and upblock ip addresses.07:31
Bumpinsnakdoc, so wait, did that install cpanel?07:32
justin_Oh.  So does anyone know what the current status is as far as whether ATI or Nvidia is best when being used with Linux?07:32
SnakDocbumpin no go down to manual install07:32
YankDownUnderjustin_, Opinions, or struth?07:32
paynebazhang,  thanks07:32
justin_YankDownUnder: The struth07:33
SnakDocbumpin you can install phpmyadmin for mysql gui if you like its a one time setup and you done07:33
justin_I'm thinking about buying a new Desktop, so I'm considering what to buy.07:33
YankDownUnderjustin_, From a tech standpoint, NV has always delivered. Hardware and software.07:33
Bumpinsnakdoc, im not sure what to do07:33
Bumpinive used cpanel before, but i never set cpanel up before07:33
SnakDocbumpin scroll down below cpanel stuff07:34
SnakDocbumpin search this line "mysql -u adminusername -p07:34
Bumpinon the server?07:35
Bumpinnevermind i see it07:35
justin_The reason why I ask this is because I go the following response when inquiring about a purchase: "We used to have nVidia cards available for our Desktops. However, after running some benchmarking tests on a number of ATI cards, we came to the conclusion that ATI was producing much better performance than similarly priced nVidia cards. We also found that the ATI Catalyst configuration tool was superior to the nVidia Settings configuration too07:35
Striking7justin_: I've had good luck with my NV stuff.  Back in 2005 ATI was a serious pain but I hear that's been dramatically improved since07:35
SnakDocbumpin no in web page i sent has that line07:35
justin_Wondered if there was any truth to that statement.07:36
YankDownUnderI'd not be so sure about those stats...be wonderin who paid for 'em...07:36
YankDownUnderhowever, that being the case, I've consistently had success and performance with selling NV based systems...07:37
justin_It's a statement from the System76 people.07:37
Striking7justin_: my first few linux boxes had ATI stuff and the drivers didn't support a lot of the power the hardware supported.  I've had one machine with Intel graphics and it had a few widescreen resolution issues.07:37
paynehey when I type alsamixer in terminal it says nothing where the chip is sposed to be ??????????07:37
Striking7justin_: the Intel was easier to deal with than the ATI, and the Nvidia has been easier to deal with than both others.07:37
justin_I was asking howcome none of their Desktops came with Nvidia cards and only ATI.07:37
justin_I see07:37
=== sn00pz is now known as sn00py
Bumpinsnakdoc, i wonder why it didnt ask for mysql password07:37
SnakDocbumpin did you setup one on install07:38
Bumpinsnakdoc, i sure did07:38
death_How do I check which process is using the sound card? I forgot the command.. lsof?07:38
justin_I'm running on an old ATI card now, but it has issues...07:38
SnakDocbumpin type mysql -u root -p07:39
Bumpinok wait, i didnt type in the 1st command properly07:39
TriMehey guys i stuffed up FGT Wine..07:39
Striking7justin_: how old? Able to use the open source ATI drivers with it, or are you using the binary ones?07:39
TriMecan anyone tell me where the install goes.07:39
SnakDocbumpin that should ask you for pass that page you can't copy 100% have to make changes that you want for your system07:39
TriMeand hows to remove it 110%07:39
justin_using the proprietary ones.  And old as in, I'm running a Pentium 4 machine07:39
=== faizi_20m is now known as hii
justin_I wanted to create that cube effect that I've been seeing.  But when I enable the special effects and all, I only get two desktops instead of the usual four.07:40
justin_Kind of hard to create a cube with only two sides, you know? lol07:41
salvatoremmm do tou need help?07:41
collimicwhere can I find someone that understands iptables and can help me write a script for it.07:41
zirodayjustin_: you need to increase your desktop size to four in ccsm07:41
YankDownUnderjustin_, Er...have you installed fusion and all the other bits and bobs?07:41
BellinXFelonhow can i take a screenshot?07:41
salvatorestamp r sist07:41
zirodaycollimic: just explain your issue, if you're not using ubuntu then you need to ask in ##linux07:41
justin_ziroday: The maximum size available in the options was only 2 for some reason when I did that.07:41
salvatoreon you keyboard07:41
justin_YankDownUnder: I believe so.07:42
quibblerBellinXFelon-> prt scr07:42
BellinXFelonquibbler : and then paste?07:42
justin_Later on, my entire desktop just froze up.  So I turned all of the effects back off since then.07:42
zirodayjustin_: open ccsm > general options > desktop size > Horizontal Virtual Size > Slide it along to four07:42
Bumpinsnakdoc, i never setup a mysql username07:42
zirodayYankDownUnder: compiz(-fusion) is installed by default :)07:43
Bumpinsnakdoc, it only asked me to set a pass07:43
collimicit is ubuntu 8.10 I need to know how I can add and remove ip entries from the iptables at will. I just started a small wifi probider and I need to be able to block people by ip address.07:43
lepine1does network manager bypass anything? I've got an openvpn tunnel setup, and it's connected. but it doesn't show up in either route or ifconfig ... what's up with that?07:43
Striking7justin_: know what ccsm is?07:43
quibblerBellinXFelon-> just press the prt scr  key and save the image where you want07:43
collimiclets say I have a client with an ip of and they need blocked today and maybe tomarrow I need to unblock them.07:43
justin_yes.  The compiz configuration manager thing.07:43
ziroday!iptables | collimic I strongly recommend you take a read through07:43
ubottucollimic I strongly recommend you take a read through: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist07:43
Archadeswill the MID and netbook remix work on a windows XP pc running virtualbox?07:44
collimicI am not using a GUI only command line.07:44
Striking7justin_: K, just making sure.  I always hated it when people threw acronyms that meant nothing at me.07:44
zirodayArchades: netbook probably, not sure about MID (but I doubt it)07:44
zirodaycollimic: then see the second link07:44
Archadesdamn, theres a KVM version of mid apparently, it's got a .kvm script thingie, and a .qcow2. any idea if i can run that from virtualbox?07:44
collimicI have read that page many times I guess I just do not understand iptables enought to understand what I am reading.07:45
SnakDocbumpin: the root is default07:45
death_How do I check which process is using the sound card? I forgot the command.. lsof? I need to kill the process currently using the sound card07:46
YankDownUnderziroday, Didja get all the extra bits and bobs? Oh, by the way, on gnome-look.org some folks have posted their configs for compiz so that you can just d/l them and start with that...just FYI mate07:46
stickboyis it possible to run a 32bit os on a 64bit processor?07:46
SnakDocdeath_: top will show services07:47
zirodaycollimic: well you do iptables -A <chain> -s <ip range> -j <action>07:47
SnakDocstickboy: yes07:47
death_SnakDoc: I know that but I dont know which one is using sound07:47
zirodayYankDownUnder: ooh neat didn't realise that, thanks!07:47
SnakDocstickboy: just can't do other way around07:47
hiiwhat is your opinion about pakistan07:47
hiiwhat is your opinion about pakistan07:47
death_I was running exaile, and then my sound started looping over and over again.. it didnt stop after I killed exaile07:47
stickboyok ty SnakDoc07:47
zirodayhii: not here07:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about social07:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:48
SirMooOn a smiliar note to stickboys question... does Ubuntu have a ram cap like 32bit linux?07:48
SnakDocdeath_: not sure about that then07:48
zirodaySirMoo: yes, unless you use the -server kernel07:48
MadScientisthi people, someone who uses rhythmbox?07:48
SnakDocdeath_: sorry i not much help with that07:48
vvpalin_question, why cant i start cron .. when i do /etc/init.d/cron start i get this error ... Starting periodic command scheduler: crond failed!07:49
death_SnakDoc: np :)07:49
vvpalin_am i doing something wrong ?07:49
SirMooAlso. Server ubuntu is strictly command line, righT?07:49
tenachSirMoo: 32bit operating systems have a 4gb memory limt07:49
Bumpinsnakdoc, whats my hostname?07:49
tenachIf you want more than 4gb you want a 64bit OS07:49
vvpalin_3 gig limit fyi07:49
SirMooSo it's 32bit in general, not just windows?07:49
stickboySirMoo, server starts out as command line, but you can add a gui to it07:49
SnakDocdeath_: maybe google have something07:49
tenachvvpalin_: Fat fingered my keyboard. Thanks for the correction.07:49
collimicziroday if I give you and IP that might need blocked and you give me the command to block it and then the command to unblock it?07:50
stickboySirMoo, it's the limitations of 32bit, it's not os specific07:50
SnakDocbumpin its what you have to right of @ think i seen it as admin07:50
viseSirMoo: tenach: PAE allows to get upto 64 GB in any os..07:50
SirMooBecause I bought 4 gigs for my Windows and was pissed to learn it only gave me 3.25 D=07:50
death_SnakDoc: trying that already.. just looking for a solution (other than reboot) fast before I go insane.. this sound wont stop looping and I cant mute it07:50
zirodaycollimic: err okay07:50
tenachvise: PAE?07:50
Bumpinoh ok07:50
visePhysical Address Extension.. I dont know about Ubuntu. but theres an option in the bootloader for windows.. /PAE07:50
collimicsirmoo what windows os do you have that only sees 3.2507:50
viseIts a processor facility07:51
SnakDocdeath_: i know thats not funny but made me laugh i take a look see what i can find07:51
death_SnakDoc: hehe07:51
justin_whoa.  Got stuck in another desktop for a while there...07:51
SirMoocollimic, XP 32bit I'm guessing. It's missing some due to I think the graphics card is 500 something.07:51
collimicis graphisc card on coard07:52
collimicboard that is07:52
tenachShared memory integrated card?07:52
SirMooWell, there is a built on one, but I added another?07:52
viseIn linux i think, theres a kernel configuration for enabling 'PAE'07:52
death_SnakDoc: Hm, the process died by itself or something itseems.. the looping stopped now.. whew. It was driving me crazy for the past 15 minutes07:52
SnakDocdeath_: you know what started sound ?07:52
tenachvise: That's pretty neat.07:52
justin_Just really quick, what is the shortcut key to switch between desktops?  I can't seem to find this in my Ubuntu Kung-fu book.  (I'm still a young grasshopper)07:52
collimicwin xp will only see 3 gig of ram but it will use up to 4 gig but it will not show it.07:52
SnakDocdeath_: that was easy enough then :)07:52
zirodayjustin_: ctrl+alt+left07:53
death_SnakDoc: Yeah, I was listening to FLAC on exaile.. then it it started looping at one part of the song so I killed it but the sound didnt go away07:53
ubuntu_hello !07:53
ubuntu_hi !07:53
zirodayubuntu_: hi07:53
SnakDocdeath_: i had times like that normally they end in a few seconds not minutes later07:53
death_SnakDoc: Any idea what causes? Pulseaudio bug?07:54
ubuntu_Can I Upgrade To Latest Ubuntu ? I Have Ubuntu 5.1007:54
hermitmodeOw my your using 5.10 cool07:54
FeasibilityStudyubuntu_: no.  Fresh install07:55
SnakDocdeath_: not a clue i have had that happen in windows and linux both not a clue to source of it07:55
Archadescan u steal the gui from the MID or netbook editions and use it ona basic pc version for testing?07:55
ubuntu_Yes, I Am Using Ubuntu 5.10 :(07:55
erossdo kdeveloped apps behave nicely in gnome?07:56
zirodayeross: yes07:56
Boohbahubuntu_: why not do a fresh install?07:56
erosskde is based on Qt?07:56
Boohbaheross: yes07:56
SnakDocbumpin you getting there ?07:56
ubuntu_Fresh Install ? I Have To Download Ubuntu Then07:56
hermitmodeubuntu_: Old released got in my collections I only started at 5.x i dont have 4.x07:56
Bumpinsnakdoc: its saying that my syntax is wrong when i followed it to the T mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO "wordpressusername"@"hostname"07:57
Bumpin    -> IDENTIFIED BY "password";07:57
SirMooOH! I found my 5.04 Ubuntu disk I got form a compuer shop. Thats what got me into Linux!07:57
Bumpinive tried it several times now07:57
BoohbahBumpin: you aren't typing that arrow "->" are you?07:57
SnakDocbumpin GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO "wordpressusername"@"localhost"07:57
gnarfyi want to run an app whenever i dial up the the internet. Ive added a line to /etc/network/interfaces : "iface eth0 post-up inadyn" . Where in the logs would i look to see if this is actually running? I tried tail var/log/messages but it shows nothing..07:58
Bumpinit puts the arrow up by its self07:58
death_SirMoo: Sort of the same here... I got it an ubuntu CD with a magazine or else I would have never tried it. I was on dialup till last year ;>07:58
Bumpinsnakdoc, so use localhost instead of admin?07:58
SnakDocbumpin GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO "wordpressusername"@"localhost";07:58
SnakDocbumpin i do localhost cause if you change host name down road you have to change this07:59
yogaWe we have Firefox 3.5?07:59
erossno kde libraries installed, I have kde5 libs07:59
zirodayyoga: the beta is in the repo's, yes07:59
SnakDocyoga: you saying its released ?07:59
viseyoga: not still08:00
yogaFirefox 3.5 is released.08:00
Bumpindamn its still messing up08:00
SnakDocits at rc3 last time i lookied08:00
SnakDocbumpin GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO "wordpressusername"@"localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'08:01
viseff3.5 should come today though..08:01
SnakDocbumpin GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO "wordpressusername"@"localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';08:01
ubuntu_Can Somebody Help Me ?08:01
visewhats ur problem ubuntu_?08:01
Archadesnetbook remix works with all PC's , and with teh netbooks right? whereas the MID will only work on certain devices?08:01
SnakDocvise: awesome news i like it been using since beta 3 or 408:01
Bumpingot it :D08:02
ubuntu_I Am Using Ubuntu 5.10 . Just Downloaded Latest Firefox . How To Install ?08:02
SnakDocbumpin awesome  was dumb i missed whole password line lol08:02
viseubuntu_: Form of package? tar.gz? .deb?08:02
d0htemdoes ubuntu server have most normal services installed on livecd? like dns dhcp and nat?08:03
Bumpinsnakdoc, its ok i was puttin in identify instead if identified08:03
yogaIn order to get Firefox 3.5, we are going to do apt-get install firefox-3.5, or we need to add another entry to to source.list?08:03
SnakDocd0htem: no08:04
HossNeed help with setting up a shared folder between my host "Ubuntu" and my VMware Server 2.0 client "Windows 7".  Anyone out there with this knowledge?08:04
ubuntu_WHAT TO DO ?08:04
Bumpinsnakdoc, so what did all that enable me to do?08:04
SnakDocd0htem: you can install them while in live session08:04
viseHoss: I dont know.. but they should come up as a network drive in 7 IMHO08:04
SnakDocbumpin you made a database and a user that can access it08:05
SnakDocbumpin now run install should be done after that08:05
ubuntu_What To Do With This Firefox .Tar.gz Package ?08:05
viseubuntu_: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-install-firefox-20targz-in-linux/08:05
Bumpinsnakdoc, install?08:05
Hossvise:  its not windows fault that vmware server doesnt support host/client sharing by default.  Share has to be established via IP shares.  So I have read thus far.08:06
SnakDocbumping yea one sec have to look path up again08:06
Bumpinsnakdoc, do i have to setup wp-config.php ?08:06
rrajaratnamhey guys, I need some help getting my headphone socket to work, I just managed to get the speakers working.08:07
viseHoss: Dont you have options->shared folders for your w7 vm in vmware?08:07
SnakDocbumpin http://ip-address/wordpress//wp-admin/install.php08:07
SnakDocthat should work for you08:07
Hossvise:  I am sure I do, but think permissions need to be established on both ends.08:07
Hossvise:  that is where I am uncertain on how to do it.08:07
yogaWhat is the Ubuntu way of getting the newly releasing Firefox 3.5?08:08
vigoubuntu_: here> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83617308:08
Bumpinsnakdoc, its saying ther isnt a wp-config.php file08:08
viseyoga: Update package list once its released (probably tomorrow.. give 1 day?) and then find it in synaptic08:08
Bumpinand wants me to create it08:08
erossoh man.. qdevelop is wonderful, what's the catch?08:08
viseHoss: I dont really know about permissions.. but did u just try enabling them and see if they appear?08:09
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mooseberryI was just wondering if anyone here could possibly recommend a program for creating flow charts, and that sort of thing (similar to inspiration, the most widely known type to help understand what im asking.)08:10
Hossvise:  appear where?  on ubuntu?08:10
vigoyoga: I guess one can use wget or download and then install from Mozilla. I think 3.5 is BETA still? I do not know, but is worth a shot.08:10
viseHoss: Enable the option in the vmware server 2.0 to share some folder like /home in ubuntu.. Then once you boot your 7, it should appear as a network drive in the explorer in 7...08:11
ubuntu_How To Enable NTFS And FAT32 Partitions In Ubuntu 5.10 ? URGENT08:11
viseubuntu_: mount? What is the kernel version?08:11
vigo!samba | ubuntu_08:11
ubottuubuntu_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:11
Flannelubuntu_: Do you actually mean 5.10?08:11
Hossvise:  From what I have read there is no folder sharing in server, only in workstation or player.  Do you know if there really is a setting for this in server?08:12
erossmooseberry - have you looked at openoffice?  it includes opendraw which is like powerpoint08:12
gnarfyive been poking around in var/log but i cant find if a certain app ran at a certain time. How do i do this?08:13
vigognarfy: look at the logs.08:13
voidmageDoes anyone know if firefox 3.5 final is going to be packaged in jaunty universe?08:13
ubuntu_I Have A 40 GB Hard Disk . It Previously Had 2 Partitions On Which Windows Is Installed . I Created One More Partition For Ubuntu .08:13
gnarfyvigo: what logs. There are dozens of files in /var/log08:13
Flannelubuntu_: Do you actually mean 5.10?08:13
zirodayvoidmage: its unlikely08:14
ubuntu_Flannel : Yes, Ubuntu 5.1008:14
hermitmodeubuntu_ : 5.10 I really love to help but To really solve that problem easily try downloading 9.04 it will recognize NTFS automatically08:14
mooseberryeross: Ive used openoffice, although i havnt looked to closely at opendraw, i want something that will be able to do this: http://tiny.cc/51NQP08:14
vigognarfy: In GUI is a log viewer, there are many, I also like mc for that stuff. let me check where those logs are....08:14
Flannelubuntu_: You can read FAT no problem, but not NTFS, without compiling things yourself.  Why not snag a newer version?08:14
SnakDocaccording to mozilla.com 3.0.11 is still newest08:14
viseHoss: Ah.. i use workstation... No idea about server.. Il try to find out..08:15
voidmageAny chance for it getting in backports at least?08:15
ubuntu_I Am New To Ubuntu .08:15
Hossvise:  is workstation free?08:15
Flannelubuntu_: You really don't want to be using 5.10 then.  Try 8.0408:15
viseHoss: Nope.. I got the ******* one...08:16
ubuntu_Then, Can I Install The Latest Version Of Ubuntu On This Same Partition ?08:16
erossmooseberry - http://projects.gnome.org/dia/08:16
Flannelubuntu_: you can yes.  Just install it over top of your other linux08:16
hermitmodeFirefox just got updated....08:17
mooseberrythanks eross08:17
erossis it sacrilege or however you spell it, to develop QT apps on linux?08:17
Flanneleross: No.  KDE is all based on Qt08:18
ubuntu_Thanks, I Will Download It Later .08:18
erossthanks Flannel08:19
ubuntu_If I Want To Uninstall Ubuntu, Can I ?08:19
Flannelubuntu_: Yes, just reinstall your windows bootloader, and remove the partition that Ubuntu is on (and use the space for whatever)08:20
ubuntu_How To Remove Partitions ?08:20
seb_Hello I need some help about my dvdrom08:20
gnarfyvigo: i went into /var/log and typed "cat * | grep inadyn", where inadyn is the name of the app im looking for... that helped a bit but its hard to interpret the results as there is no indication of what file they come from08:21
Flannelubuntu_: you'll use whatever your favorite partition editor is in windows.  Or, if you don't have one, you can use an Ubuntu Live CD to do it.08:21
ArchadesUbuntu UMPC, Netbook remix, and MID which is what?08:21
mneHi. I'm using nut/upsmon to monitor my UPS which is connected over serial port. Since I really want to have ttyS0 free for use, I now plugged the UPS to the ttyS1 port. I also did change the port in the ups.conf file. After restarting everything worked. However, now that I changed the serial port, upsmon does not work after suspend (which worked when the ups was on ttyS0). As a workaround I added a script to /etc/pm/sleep.d to restart upsmon. Since that makes08:22
mne the time needed for resume longer, I would however prefer another solution. Can you help ?08:22
ubuntu_Now I Can Log On In Windows And Download Partition Manager And Do It ?08:22
viseubuntu_: Partition magic.. dont use anything else.. i dont trust anything else..08:23
vigognarfy: I am still looking for that particular app command. now I will search for inadyn.08:24
ubuntu_From Windows Or From Ubuntu ?08:24
seb__join #ubuntu-fr08:25
earthmeLonAnybody know what iface is?  iface eth0 inet static  < what does inet mean?08:25
rrajaratnamearthmeLon, iface = interface, inet = internet08:26
m0u5ewhat is a good utility to determine your hard-drive health? in particular, I remember i used one that told me approximately how many spins of my hd had already taken place... anyone know?08:26
felix_earthmeLon, iface is internet interface, eth0 is your default ethernet adapter and the rest means that you have statip ip08:26
FeasibilityStudyiface = interface.  eth0 = wired internet08:26
vigognarfy: Is it iNDAYN or lyndan?08:26
gnarfyvigo: ive set up inadyn to run every time i connect to the net on dialup. inadyn updates the ip address at dyndns.com. All i want to know is whether or not it is working.... I want to check the logs but there are so many i cant find it08:26
earthmeLonrrajaratnam: What are the other options other than inet?08:26
earthmeLonfelix_: What are the other options other than inet?08:26
vigognarfy: Ok, here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=e3b45582ad1f881aea33d17bc05e7e95&t=1122832&highlight=inadyn+output+log08:26
gnarfyvigo: inadyn, a program for updating dyndns08:27
vigognarfy: Yes, I understand now.08:27
felix_earthmeLon, "$ man ifconfig"08:27
earthmeLonfelix_: Thanks you, I didn't know what iface was coming from08:27
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ubuntu_Please Tell Me How To Remove Ubuntu Partition Using Ubuntu Live CD !08:28
crashanddieubuntu_, please don't use a capital letter at the start of each word08:29
m0u5eubuntu_: like completely move the partition so you can no longer boot?08:29
vigognarfy: See line 4 on that link?08:29
ubuntu_Yes, but i want to boot windows . windows is is another partition08:30
Bumpinsnakdoc, everything is complete, i thank you sir.08:30
crashanddieubuntu_, you could simply try installing another OS atop of it, and tell the installation to "Use the whole disk"08:30
crashanddieubuntu_, easy, you can delete the Ubuntu partition from Windows08:30
gnarfyvigo: sorry, im on dialup and the page is still loading.......08:30
ubuntu_windows is not detecting ubuntu partition:(08:30
crashanddieubuntu_, sure it does, he's just going to tell you that he doesn't know what it is08:31
felix_how to mount a iso?08:31
Flannel!iso | felix_08:31
ubottufelix_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:31
vigognarfy: Ok, it is only a two post page, shouldn't take long.08:31
gnarfyvigo: just looking now08:31
crashanddieubuntu_, right-click on my computer, click manage, select "hard drive" or something like that, you will see two partitions, one called C:\ and the other called "Unknown"08:32
vigognarfy: Let me know if that is in the area of what you are doing,,,08:32
earthmeLonWhat would I need to look up to make an entry in grub that loads ubuntu in server mode?08:32
ubuntu_Ok, now what to do with that "unknown" ?08:32
crashanddieubuntu_, hit the delete key on your keyboard08:33
ubuntu_will it distribute the drive space in windows partitions ?08:33
crashanddieubuntu_, no, it will remove the partition08:33
crashanddieubuntu_, you can subsequently right click in the free space and select "New Partition"08:34
crashanddieubuntu_, you get the idea08:34
ubuntu_then what about the 10 GB space that it is using ?08:34
H`irssiHi, I try to play audio on 9.04 with GNOME, and I get this eror, audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.08:34
H`irssiWhy, and how can I fix?08:34
pawanunable to mount08:35
gnarfyvigo: not exactly... Its similar. I dial up to the net. Everytime i dial up, i want the program inadyn to run. I tried to accomplish this by adding the line "iface eth0 post-up inadyn" to my /etc/network/interfaces file. I think that should work. All i want to do now is check if inadyn runs every time i dial up. I thought i could look in some log to do this but haven't been able to find where to look08:35
pawanunclean shutdown error08:35
pawanevery time08:35
ubuntu_Ok, i will try . thank you08:35
crashanddie!enter | pawan08:35
ubottupawan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:35
bullgard4':/usr/src/$ sudo bzcat linux-source-2.6.28.tar.bz2' triggers a very long activity on my Ubuntu 9.04 computer. (> 1min without stop.) Did I command something wrongly?08:35
crashanddiebullgard4, probably not, linux-sources are pretty massive08:36
n2diyany idea of what the time lag will be between the release of Firefox 3.5, to when it hits our updates?08:36
hemanthbullgard4: no , source will ofcourse have loads of files08:36
bullgard4crashanddie, hemanth Thank you for commenting. I will continue.08:37
hemanthbullgard4: np08:37
vigognarfy: Using a GUI?08:38
gnarfyvigo: im on a desktop. I dont mind using command line.... it seems like a simple problem, its taking me a while...08:39
n2diy! Firefox08:39
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:39
nikolamI am using LTS 8.04. I deleted user in `Users and Groups` and deluser states it is not there anymore.08:39
nikolamBut the same tool - `Users and groups now Refuses to make user with the same user name!!08:39
jpdsnikolam: Yes, the group that the user belonged to by the same name still exists.08:40
vigognarfy: Using GUI> System>Administration>LogFileViewer , that should show you what or anything that you need or want to know.08:40
H`irssiHi, I try to play audio on 9.04 with GNOME, and I get this eror, audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback. <-- any way I can fix this?08:40
nikolamjpds, and why is that ? I just deleted user08:40
jpdsnikolam: But you didn't delete it's primary group.08:40
earthmeLonI am having trouble with openssh-server over multiple network interfaces (it works on one, but not both interfaces)08:41
gnarfyvigo: thanks, ive been looking there but can't find it... maybe it isnt working....08:41
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nikolamjpds, ok, i need to delete group of user when deleting user. it is just not so obvious and user removing user is not informed about this on removing user.08:41
nikolamOk, thanks jpds But I think it should be more obvious etc.08:41
vigognarfy: Have you done an update or dpkg fix?08:42
jpdsnikolam: Yeah, I fixed a bug in that program once... once wasn't the greatest I've seen.08:42
gnarfyvigo: what does that do?08:42
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can enable flash for chromium08:42
vigognarfy: update and upgrade, in terminal most times help fix all broken or missing packages.08:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:43
gnarfyvigo: ok thanks08:43
foobar2kfor some reason ive got loads of instances of mysqld showing up in top08:43
foobar2kany idea how to control the number of mysql instances/threads08:43
n2diyany idea of what the time lag will be between the release of Firefox 3.5, to when it hits our updates?08:43
nasrullahmy yahoo messenger is not working in pidgin your help pls08:44
FeasibilityStudynasrullah: known issue.   Do you have latest pidgin installed?08:45
earthmeLonI am having trouble with openssh-server over multiple network interfaces (it works on one, but not both interfaces)08:45
vigognarfy: bookmark this one, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80140408:46
nikolamnasrullah, what ubuntu you are using?08:46
gnarfyvigo: ta08:46
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can enable flash for chromium08:46
FeasibilityStudynasrullah: http://www.kabatology.com/06/22/pidgin-2-5-7-for-ubuntu-fixes-yahoo-login-issues/08:46
nikolamnasrullah, try deinstall pidgin and install one from getdeb.net08:47
nasrullahthank you my friend....08:47
nasrullahoh yes thank again nikolam08:48
H`irssiHi, using Ubuntu 9.04. Even when I use the sound control panel to mute sound, it still plays. Also, though it is defaulted to my headset, only playing a direct mp3 file from my browser works; all else uses my external speakers. I have even changed the config so it all points to my headset; doesn't work.. :/08:49
Archadesyou can install netbook remix onto a basic pc desktop version of ubuntu?08:49
nasrullahwhat about errors in signatures when updating08:49
nasrullahi want to know which netbook is best for ubuntu08:50
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can enable flash for chromium08:51
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can enable flash for google chromium browser08:51
bazhangPerryArmstrong, it does not support it08:52
Archadesi been looking thru the versions and damn theres so many, lol.08:52
nasrullahchromium is not stable for the time being wait  a bit  perry08:52
PerryArmstrongbazhang; very bad08:53
gabkdllynasrullah: you might wait and see if the idea of ubuntu hardware certification catches on in the netbook market08:54
nasrullahi want to know which brand netbook is the best for ubuntu08:54
nikolamnasrullah, best netbook for ubuntu is one the comes with ubuntu preinstalled :)08:54
nasrullahwhich one ?08:54
Thingymebob1nasrullah: I would guess one of the dell mini 9/10 series as they're shipped with ubuntu08:54
nikolamnasrullah, I think Dell preinstalls Ubuntu on netbooks08:55
n2diyAny idea of what the time lag will be between the release of Firefox 3.5, to when it hits our updates?08:55
nasrullahoh yes Dell08:56
nasrullahwhich digital camera support well ubuntu08:57
Myrttin2diy: wait until october, or check ubuntu-backports.08:57
n2diy! hardware | nasrullah08:57
ubottunasrullah: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:57
H`irssiHi, using Ubuntu 9.04. Even when I use the sound control panel to mute sound, it still plays. Also, though it is defaulted to my headset, only playing a direct mp3 file from my browser works; all else uses my external speakers. I have even changed the config so it all points to my headset; doesn't work.. :/08:57
uguptaHI can anyone tell me if   Bug #147119 is fixed why its not working in jaunty (9.04)08:57
H`irssiHi, using Ubuntu 9.04. Even when I use the sound control panel to mute sound, it still plays. Also, though it is defaulted to my headset, only playing a direct mp3 file from my browser works; all else uses my external speakers. I have even changed the config so it all points to my headset; doesn't work.. :/08:57
earthmeLonWhat would I need to look up to make an entry in grub that loads ubuntu in server mode?08:57
bullgard4man bzip: "bzcat (or bzip2 -dc) decompresses all specified files to the standard output." What command will decompress the file /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28.tar.bz2?08:57
n2diyMyrtti: roger.08:58
mrroboto_I just did a fresh install of 9.04 on my desktop and am unable to get any audio to playback.  Can anyone lend a hand?08:58
H`irssisame here, mrroboto_08:58
uguptaI am not able to use Pidgin because it depends on NM and I am using WVdial08:58
nikolamugupta, tried getdeb.net pidgin?08:59
uguptaHI can anyone tell me if   Bug #147119 is fixed why its not working in jaunty (9.04), I am not able to use Pidgin because it depends on NM and I am using WVdial08:59
uguptayou mean the new version08:59
n2diymrroboto_: right click on your speaker icon, go to properties, and check all your sliders.09:00
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uguptanikolam: you mean the new version09:00
H`irssin2diy: I have the same problem; did not fix it09:00
Thingymebob1earthmeLon: if you mean straight to a shell remove quiet and splash options and add single09:00
uguptanikolam: okay I will give it a try09:00
n2diymrroboto_: H'irssi, and check at the base of the slider controls, to make sure the slider isn't muted.09:02
H`irssin2diy: first thing I checked; did not work. I am able to stream an mp3 through firefox, but in any other program it fails.09:03
mrroboto_n2diy: Nothing is muted, even in the terminal alsamixer09:03
gangilwhat are the safe THM and GPU temp.?09:04
gangilTHM=37C GPU = 61 C , are they fine?09:05
hermitmodeWhich is the best KDE or GNOME in developers point of view. ---> mine I love gnome cause its light and Firefox works great and some dbase tools?09:05
earthmeLonI have two nics on and  1.50 is WiFi and 2.75 is Ethernet.  I am able to connect with WiFi to my openssh-server, but not over ethernet.  I also can't ping 2.75 remotely or even on the box itself.  Any suggestions?09:06
earthmeLonAlso, 2.75 is static ip eth0 (edited /etc/network/interfaces)09:06
n2diyH'irssi, ok, you have some audio, so it seems to be an app. problem. mrroboto_has no audio, so I'm going to focus on that. mrroboto_have you made sure the slider aren't muted in alsamixer, you have to right click on the base of the slider to be sure, you can't rely on anything else.09:07
anders^^earthmeLon: are you sure the interface is up and running?09:07
earthmeLonifconfig shows they both have IP addresses.  Other than that, I don't know anders^^09:07
anders^^earthmeLon: ok then it should be09:07
earthmeLonIt's not up right now09:08
anders^^earthmeLon: then ifconfig eth0 up i think09:08
H`irssin2diy: it doesnt work on all apps though .. :/09:09
n2diyH'irssi, ok, you have some audio, it might not be an app. problem, your might be missing something, google might help you track it down.09:09
H`irssiI tried Google already.. Why would only 1 app work out of 99 others? Flash won't work, etc etc etc09:09
mrroboto_n2diy: Yep, I've checked all sliders, and toggled them all off then back on as well just to be sure.  The only thing I get is a bit of a ticking when I run the master slider up and down09:09
earthmeLonanders^^: eth0 is not getting an ip address.09:10
earthmeLonanders^^: It did get IPv609:10
mrroboto_n2diy: Ive tries youtube, slacker, and local files, and dont get anything.  I seem to remember the startup sound playing, but I wasnt really paying attention then >.>09:10
anders^^earthmeLon: but didn't you say you set an static ip?09:10
earthmeLonYes, I did anders^^09:10
earthmeLonanders^^: http://pastebin.com/m53045276 > /etc/network/interfaces09:11
n2diymrroboto_: have you installed Audacity?09:11
mrroboto_n2diy: as a matter of fact, I just did that a few minutes ago while browsing the package manager09:11
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H`irssin2diy: I have not, might it help me with my problem?09:11
rayluearthmeLon: you could try explicitly setting two listen lines in sshd_config for the ips instead of listening on
PromilleHey guys. I get this error while trying to build desmume(to check if there is any difference from the one in the reps): configure: error: glib-2.0 >= 2.8 is required to build desmume gtk frontend. Shouldnt that come with apt-get upgrade?09:11
earthmeLonraylu: Okay09:12
rayluPromille: not necessarily09:12
earthmeLonraylu: I can't ping the second NIC anymore09:12
rayluPromille: the latest version in the ubuntu repos has nothing to do with the version needed by some software out of the repos09:12
Promilleraylu: ok, but i cant find it in the reps either.. where can i find it then?09:13
n2diyH'irssi, yes, install Audacity, and you, and mrroboto_ can use that to trouble shoot your sound.09:13
H`irssiokay :o09:13
rayluPromille: it might be in there. make sure you're installing the -dev package09:13
mrroboto_n2diy: update....  It seems I AM getting sound, but it is playing through my headphones (Connected to a PCI soundcard) and not the onboard (connected to speakers)09:14
Promilleraylu: allright, i will look some more, thanks09:14
mrroboto_n2diy: I hadnt even considered that, as last I checked my pci sound card wasnt compatible yet09:14
Promilleraylu: so the search-word in synaptic should be "glib-2.8" ?09:14
earthmeLonraylu: Adding both IP addies did not help09:15
n2diymrroboto_: check your bios settings, your onboard sound could be off?09:15
mrroboto_n2diy: I suppose I need to switch the default, as I only use these headphones for gaming, which I boot to windows for.  Its enabled in the BIOS, i frequently switch between the cards in windows09:16
rayluearthmeLon: :(09:16
n2diymrroboto_: or, and a lot easier, just plup your speakes into the jack that your headphones work with.09:16
mrroboto_n2diy: I can see the device listed if I "aplay -l"09:17
mrroboto_n2diy: no can do, its a proprietary interface.  The card and headphones are a matched pair, its like a DVI port09:17
=== Guest95827 is now known as Husaini
ecolitananyone know how to find the FS type for a disk without it being mounted09:18
ecolitani cant mount w/o fs type09:18
Flannelecolitan: sudo fdisk -l (that's an L)09:18
n2diymrroboto_: what!???, audio is audio, are you saying it is encrypted???09:18
ishbibenobany luck setting up OO email mailmerge in Jaunty?09:19
mrroboto_n2diy: not encrypted, but this card doesnt use an audio jack.  (http://jaxboo.com/wp-content/gallery/razer-barracuda-ac1-sound-card/razer_barracuda_ac1_sound_card1.jpg)09:19
n2diymrroboto_: ok, so the hardware doesn't interface.09:20
mrroboto_n2diy: right, hence why I keep the speakers hooked up to the normal realtek onboard  =/09:20
earthmeLonraylu: My eth0 seems to be very messed up.  You see anything wrong with this: http://pastebin.com/m1a2f545609:20
mrroboto_n2diy: If I can convince ubuntu to use the onboard card instead, I think ill be in business09:21
ecolitanFlannel: fdisk -l doesnt return FS type09:21
Flannelecolitan: under "id"09:21
Thingymebob1ecolitan: It doesn't mount if you don't specify -t?09:21
n2diymrroboto_: ok, not sure what to suggest? Could the two sound devices- be conflicting?09:21
Flannelecolitan: oh, and "system"09:21
ecolitanFlannel: the number?09:21
lianimatorwhat is a decent video editor?09:21
ishbibenobkdenlive is pretty good09:22
rayluearthmeLon: looks fine to me09:22
rayluearthmeLon: i'd recommend killing network manager, though09:22
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Thingymebob1ecolitan: from mount man page: If  no  -t  option  is  given, or if the auto type is specified, mount will try to guess the desired type.09:22
mrroboto_n2diy: potentially, but I've hit the ceiling of what I know about linux audio setup.  Most of what Ive done so far was based on a howto09:22
DulakI have never had good luck with network manager, I switched to wicd last year and have never looked back09:22
earthmeLonraylu: ps -e | grep net doesnt give me anything09:23
mrroboto_n2diy: Is there any sort of "device manager" sort of thing available on ubuntu?  I could just disable to PCI card...09:23
H`irssimrroboto_: have you tried sudo asoundconf list, then sudo asoundconf set-default-card CARDNAME ?09:23
rayluearthmeLon:  invoke-rc.d NetworkManager status09:23
n2diymrroboto_: Fine business, and I hit the same ceilitng. Wait.09:23
mrroboto_H`irssi: That sounds like it might be a winner, lemme give it a shot (WHOA, typo almost went bad)09:24
PromilleJesus. I still get the error message but i cant find it in the reps... configure: error: gtk-2.0 >= 2.6 is required to build desmume gtk frontend09:24
n2diymrroboto_: You could disable the card in bios, I think.09:24
Polysicshi all09:25
Polysicsi have installed ubuntu server 9.04 on a machine with 2 NICs09:25
Polysicsi configured 1 NIC09:25
Polysicsat install09:25
Polysicsthen i went into /etc/network/interfaces and configured the other09:26
Polysicsbut apparently it's the CARD that is not recognized09:26
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Polysicssystem says that there is no eth1 interface09:26
Polysicshow do i know if the system at least is seeing the card?09:27
n2diyPolysics: ifconfig09:27
Archadesanyone seen an app in ubuntu for running car navigation with a usb GPS reciever?09:27
n2diyArchades: Xastir09:27
Polysicsn2diy, ifconfi -a only shows lo and eth009:27
lvlefistoPolysics: lspci09:28
Polysicslvlefisto, what am i looking for in lspci?09:28
Polysicsok, only 1 ethernet controller shows up09:28
n2diyPolysics: ifconfig eth1?09:28
n2diyPolysics: ifconfig lshw09:29
n2diyPolysics: forget that, just lshw09:29
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wbcIs there any way to make the terminal in Jaunty, rerun a command when it finishes?09:30
wbcEither with any app or something09:30
Polysicssomething does show up in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules though, there are 2 interfaces09:30
rayluPolysics: ifconfig -a09:30
faltantornillosHi there. I have no sound when I start xephyr but my user has audio privileges and is part of all the pulse-audio groups. what else can I do_ please09:30
Archadespopup onscreen keyboard for touchscreen application?09:30
rayluwbc: command1; command209:30
Polysicsifconfig -a doesn't report eth109:30
ecolitanFlannel: cheers! finally got it mounted:) was trying to mount the whole disk instead of the partition with the fs09:31
wbcraylu, In my case I want to rerun the same command "forever", is that possible?09:31
earthmeLonfor loop bash scripting wbc09:31
earthmeLonhttp://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-for-loop/ wbc09:31
PromilleOk, to ask my question like this then. When will be the apt-get install command to upgrade from gtk+2.0 to 2.6 ?09:31
rayluwbc: while true; do09:31
rayluwbc: command09:31
Polysicsthe second card is not even in lshw09:31
rayluwbc: done09:31
TriMeGuys is there a Hard Way i am Uninstall Wine???09:32
nqeAnyone usccesfull installed prelude-ids from source?09:32
rayluwbc: (yes, bash is weird)09:32
earthmeLonraylu > all09:32
ikonia!wine > TriMe09:32
ubottuTriMe, please see my private message09:32
felix_how can 3 hard drives break into a week? bad cable? drivas were about 10years old09:32
ikoniafelix_: hardware dies09:32
rayluwbc: i think with the liberal application of semicolons, you can shorten that to one line09:32
Polysicsapparently, only the original installation process found that card09:32
Polysicshow odd09:32
felix_ikonia, yeah but the same week?09:32
ikoniafelix_: yes, a power surge/temperature/anything can cause it09:33
wbcraylu, lets say i want command "testcommand" to be looped, how may I do so09:33
rayluPromille: again, make sure you've got the dev package09:33
rayluPromille: what are you compiling again?09:33
Promilleraylu: yeah but i cant find the dev packages. im compiling desmume gtk frontend09:33
rayluwbc: while true; do testcommand; done09:34
wbcraylu, Got it working, thanks a lot!09:34
rayluPromille: i think you want to install libgtk2.0-dev09:35
H`irssimrroboto_: how did those commands work for you ?09:35
Polysicsok, i'd say the card isn't working/recognized/whatever09:35
Polysicsthere are no other Ethernet devices in dmesg either09:35
Promilleraylu: thanks, but the program asks for gtk2.6, thats the problem09:35
rayluPromille: you already have that package installed?09:35
mrroboto_H`irssi: Nothing seemed to change, is a re-log in order?09:36
H`irssiI do not think so09:36
H`irssisorry :(09:36
giorgos_can you recommend me some web browsers except firefox?09:36
Flannel!browsers | giorgos_09:36
ubottugiorgos_: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)09:36
wbcgiorgos: opera09:36
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rayluPromille: there's no such thing09:37
rayluPromille: http://www.gtk.org/09:37
Promilleraylu: ah allright, found the dev now :) thanks, i think i was just missing the -dev as you said :)09:37
Polysicsi basically need to make the original hardware detection re-run09:37
giorgos_wbc:i need something open source...09:37
Polysicsis there a way to prompt re-recognition of networking hw?09:37
rayluPolysics: modules are loaded at boot-time as needed09:38
wbcgiorgos: konq09:38
Polysicsi can try a reboot, but i don't think it is going to change much09:38
raylugiorgos_: firefox fits that criterea09:38
rayluPolysics: of course not09:38
giorgos_raylu:too slow ...need something faster...the only reason i use it is firebug09:39
rayluPolysics: lspci | grep -i net09:39
rayluPolysics: i assume you've poked around here already, though09:39
raylugiorgos_: firefox is too... slow?09:39
Polysicsraylu, i see a single controller09:39
giorgos_comparing with opera09:39
uguptanikolam: I have downloaded pidgin from getdeb.net09:40
d0htemubuntu server comes with no window manager correct?09:40
uguptanikolam: but the install is not working09:40
tim_rangeri'm using pidgin as well09:40
uguptanikolam: see http://i39.tinypic.com/2zssktj.png09:41
tim_rangerdpkg -i <filename>09:41
tim_rangermake sure you're root09:41
DJonesd0htem: Thats correct, the server instalation is a command line only system by default09:41
d0htemDJones: thx09:41
raylugiorgos_: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Content.notify.interval http://kb.mozillazine.org/Content.notify.backoffcount09:42
uguptanikolam: the install tab is not showing09:42
zax1i was hoping one of you experts can help me out here,  i have a ubuntu webserver that was left here with out any info about users or passwords. i am now on the LIVE cd and want to reset the password, or create a new administrative user. i am a windows man and know hardly a thing about ubuntu. can some one guide me step by step on what needs done ?09:42
noMasteranybody know how to format FDD?09:43
vegombreihi is there a language translating software for ubuntu?09:43
tim_ranger:Р FDD09:43
nikolamugupta, try to restart09:44
rayluzax1: do you know how to mount the ubuntu partition?09:45
rayluzax1: sudo parted -l09:45
zax11 l09:45
hermitmodenoMaster: why used floppy?09:45
nikolamugupta, I am using wicd manager on my laptop, anyway09:45
zax1was that a one or an 'L'09:45
rayluzax1: an L09:45
zax1k, at the welcome bit now, and awaiting further input09:46
rayluvegombrei: what language do you want it in?09:46
rayluzax1: uh, what?09:46
noMasterto hermitmode I need reburn my bios, and my floppy disk is not formated in Win. How can I do it for ubuntu?09:46
raylu!prefix | zax109:46
ubottuzax1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:46
earthmeLonraylu: Everytime I restart my laptop, eth0 is not listed in ifconfig's output.  When I do sudo ifconfig eth0 up, it appears, but without ipv4 IP and isn't actually connected.09:47
viseHoss: Restarted already?09:47
rayluearthmeLon: sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart09:47
rayluearthmeLon: might shed some light on the situation09:48
zax1raylu: ok, clicked on print i think the one i need is partition 109:48
rayluzax1: um... it sounds like you got a parted prompt or the gparted ui, which you weren't supposed to09:48
rayluzax1: sudo parted -l09:48
zax1i run it from terminal09:48
rayluzax1: you might have typo-ed it, then09:49
rayluzax1: parted -l should just list drives/partitions and exit09:49
zax1raylu: thats what i ran, will try again09:49
shafi_I need a script that take backups of the mysql database each 10 days once09:49
rayluzax1: anyway, if you're confident it's /dev/sda1,09:49
rayluzax1: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda109:49
earthmeLonraylu: That just says it's reconfiguring the network and says okay.  Sometimes it says it skips the other nic (wlan0, the one that *IS* working)09:49
rayluzax1: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda109:49
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DulakearthmeLon: did you configure eth0 with network manager?09:50
vegombreiraylu: what is free bsd? i found a software but it says its for linux under freebsd09:50
earthmeLonI can't Dulak.  It says it's managed, even when I remove my entry from /etc/network/interfaces09:50
rayluDulak: 03:09:32      earthmeLon> anders^^: http://pastebin.com/m53045276 > /etc/network/interfaces09:50
zax1raylu: parted said -l is invalid, but i do now have partition list, i think partition 1 is the one i need09:50
zax1would that then be sda1 ?09:51
rayluzax1: yes, if no other drives are listed09:51
jillsmitt HELLO09:51
earthmeLonnetmask is raylu Dulak09:51
zax1raylu: there are 3 drive listed09:51
rayluvegombrei: it's another unix variant... linux under freebsd? what?09:51
rayluzax1: oh. "sudo fdisk -l" may be more appropriate, then09:52
HIK3hi all :)09:52
HIK3I'm not sure, but i've found a bug in the help center of ubuntu09:53
DulakearthmeLon: add a line right above that "auto eth0"09:53
zax1raylu: yes that output is far closer , by the way, on sdb1  the file system is called EFI GPT , is that an encripted system ?09:53
rayluDulak: ah, good catch09:54
rayluDulak: http://pastebin.com/m1a2f5456 is a more recent version of earthmeLon's interfaces, i think09:54
earthmeLonDulak: Thank you.  I can now ping my laptop but I still cannot connect to sshd < raylu09:54
Dulakraylu: Yeah, I hate network manager so much.  NEver works right for me.09:54
rayluzax1: i'm actually not sure. "gksu gparted" is a graphical equivalent that might give more details09:54
DulakearthmeLon: ok, is sshd running?09:55
DulakearthmeLon: ps aux | grep sshd09:55
FloodBot2user_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
uguptanikolam: well this might look quite stupid but the problem was due to not uninstalling the previous version completely...09:55
earthmeLonDulak: I can connect to my server over wlan0, but not eth0.  I have AND both ip addresses in sshd_config09:55
uguptanikolam: well this might look quite stupid but the problem was due to not uninstalling the previous version completely...09:56
rayluzax1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table it seems to be a partition table, not a file system09:56
farciarz84I would like to add a console option in nautilus09:56
farciarz84to open console with path of nautilus09:56
farciarz84is it possible?09:56
DulakearthmeLon: ok but we need to troubleshoot it from the beginning, so make sure sshd is actually running: "ps aux | grep sshd" should show some output09:56
viseslightly offtopic.. but is it possible for me to rerelease my software as closed source? its open source now under lgpl and im the only owner...09:57
raylufarciarz84: no, but you can open nautilus with any path from the console :D09:57
earthmeLonroot      7216  0.0  0.0  48912  1240 ?        Ss   03:53   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd < Dulak09:57
uguptanikolam: but prev problme is there...pidgin rely on NM for connection and NM doesn't detect ppp connection and I am using USB modem(wvdial)09:57
tim_rangerhey, do you know some stuff like Dropbox? i'd like to share some files, like dropping 'em to virtual directory09:57
rayluvise: yes, but previous versions maintain lgpl... i think. IANAL, but #ubuntu-dev and #ubuntu-motu are more likely to be helpful09:57
raylutim_ranger: share between what?09:58
Thingymebob1farciarz84: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal09:58
tim_rangerraylu: through internet09:58
DulakearthmeLon: Ok, on that machine, can you ssh to localhost ok?09:58
raylutim_ranger: ... yes, but between what kind of machines?09:58
DulakearthmeLon: "ssh localhost" should prompt you for your password and let you login09:59
earthmeLonDulak: Yes, I can.  I can also connect over wlan0.  I cannot connect over eth009:59
viseraylu: So if vise-0.0.2 is open source, i can make entire vise-0.0.3 closed? keeping 0.0.2 still available?09:59
DulakearthMelon: you can ping both ways?  from this machine and to it from another?09:59
tim_rangerraylu: ouch, table pc, i guess.... i'm a simpleton, though :P09:59
earthmeLonIndeed, Dulak09:59
rayluvise: yes... i think. again, i'd ask in those two channels09:59
DulakearthmeLon: that's just weird then, if ping works, ssh should too.  You using any type of firewall on that machine?10:00
raylutim_ranger: i'm more concerned about the OS than whether your screen can swivel10:00
nikolamugupta, i used usb modem for 2 years with sudo pon and sudo poff for ppp connection10:00
viseraylu: oops.. i thot 'IANAL' is another user and that was meant for them.. he he..10:00
earthmeLonNot that I am aware, Dulak, and iptables is all commented out/no entries10:00
rayluvise: heh10:00
lesshaste I installed awn but how do I get the icons for the apps currently running to appear along the bottom?10:00
earthmeLonCan sshd only run over one nic?  That doesn't make sense if you can have it on multiple IP's10:01
nikolamugupta, and pppconfig for making ppp connection10:01
rayluearthmeLon: just in case... sudo iptables -L10:01
C0nn0RGrrr... my auto-connect script for wpa_supplicant, ubuntu hates BASH I guess until it is at login prompt10:01
zax1raylu: thanks its succesfully mounted10:01
tim_rangerraylu: you know i was hoping to find some sofware - may be *.py for nautilus - to upload and give links/or see, what's uploaded - from other computer10:01
rayluzax1: at /mnt/sdb1? "sudo chroot /mnt/sdb1"10:01
rayluzax1: from there, you can "sudo passwd" to change root's password10:01
earthmeLonsudo iptables -L > http://pastebin.com/m1be6f368 raylu10:01
tim_rangerraylu: my os is ubuntu 9.0410:02
raylutim_ranger: yes, but what OS are your two machines running?10:02
gartralok... I'm haveing sever drive issues... every so often, my system will reset.. shortly after a long drive access time... im beginning to worry about integrety and the drives MTTF10:02
zax1raylu: sda1 actually , once i do that, would i be able to log on to the system using root and the new password ?10:02
tim_ranger(both of them)10:02
nikolamugupta if you want ppp to dial on boot, put it in /etc/rc5.d/S99rc.local10:02
rayluzax1: yes. you can also "sudo passwd username" any other users' password without supplying the old password10:03
reel_Hi, Can boot process be made to skip invalid entries in fstab instead of stopping to as root password ?10:03
rayluzax1: sudo passwd -Sa10:03
rayluzax1: will list all users10:03
Mark21reel_: remove them from fstab10:03
earthmeLonHey raylu Dulak, I restarted SSHD after my network was actually working again and it is now working10:03
earthmeLonThank you both very much :D10:03
reel_Mark21: :) Yes, in case I donot have access to the machine?10:04
raylutim_ranger: the easiest way is to install openssh-server, in my experience. from there, you can use scp/sftp10:04
DulakearthmeLon: doh, I should have thought of that, eth0 wasn't there to bind to when sshd started10:04
rayluearthmeLon: o.0, congrats10:04
Mark21reel_: say the person that has access to change it ;)10:04
reel_Mark21: this is supposed to work with users having no experience with linux10:04
uguptanikolam: I am using gnome-ppp (which in UI for wvdial)10:04
earthmeLonYeah Dulak, but raylu has had me restart that damn thing 100 times, so who knows wth was going on10:05
uguptanikolam: actually the problem here is that bug I mentioned earlier10:05
tim_rangerraylu: openssl - is an encryption server, i guess?.... i don't see how can it help, but i'l give it a try, though10:05
zax1raylu: i get an error: chroot can not run command "/bin/bash" exec format error10:05
uguptanikolam: I am not sure what it actually fixes10:05
gartralok... I'm haveing sever drive issues... every so often, my system will reset.. shortly after a long drive access time... im beginning to worry about integrety and the drives MTTF btw, this just started today10:06
tim_rangerraylu: thank you, by the way!!10:06
uguptanikolam: according to it the ppp connection should be able be detected by NM10:06
Mark21is someone using xen on ubuntu 8.04 server edition (32 bit)? after installing with apt-get it doesn't startup after a reboot (it needs a different kernel).10:06
raylutim_ranger: openssh, not ssl10:06
DraveWhat was the terminal command to get all dependencies associated with an application?10:06
Mark21reel_: don't let them edit fstab or create a script that will fix it for them10:06
rayluzax1: sounds like you have a 32-bit cd on a 64-bit machine10:07
uguptanikolam: I think there is some ppp modem which work with NM, but mine is not being detected by NM10:07
mrroboto_*sigh*  So I installed the fglrx driver on my desktop via the "Hardware Drivers" application, and now I cannot get it to boot to anything visible.  I have already attempted xfix in the recovery mode.  Are there any suggestions?10:07
zax1how do i check that ?10:07
rayluzax1: if it comes down to it, you can manually edit /mnt/sda1/etc/passwd10:07
tim_rangerraylu: ouch, dammit, i'm crapped ^_^10:07
zax1how do i do that ?10:07
uguptanikolam: and pidgin totally depends on NM to detect the network10:07
rayluzax1: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags10:07
rayluzax1: the lm flag indicates 64-bit-ness10:07
reel_Mark21: Do you have any idea which script stops the booting in this case? /etc/init.d/mountall.sh ?10:08
uguptanikolam: anyway thanks for your views..10:08
rayluzax1: uname -m will show you your kernel's architechture support10:08
rayluzax1: sorry, i meant /mnt/sda1/etc/shadow10:09
juzernamegood morning10:09
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zax1raylu: ok, so what do i do with that shadow file ?10:10
rayluzax1: that contains hashes of passwords10:10
joel_Hi, i downloaded karmic ubuntu CD because i want to install with LVM support on my partitions, now when i say in the installer that it writes the changes to disk, it says me that please inser the disk Ubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Alpha i386 20090629, wtf?10:10
rayluzax1: so you could copy over a hash from the livecd's system. "sudo passwd ubuntu" will allow you to change ubuntu's password on the livecd10:11
khelvan_Hi, I installed the theme Slickness Black, and I keep getting this error message now when I launch a gnome application. How do I get rid of it?  Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks",10:11
rayluzax1: then, you can copy the hash from /etc/shadow into /mnt/sda1/etc/shadow10:11
Mark21reel_: I have no idea10:11
reel_Mark21: okay. Thanks.10:11
Mark21the server stops with (initramfs)10:11
gartral!karmic > joel_10:11
ubottujoel_, please see my private message10:11
juzernamei just tried this chat program in ubuntu, wanted to see if i can connect to irc10:12
pretenderwhat is the best format to save openoffice documents to share with ms word10:12
gartral!hi | juzername10:12
ubottujuzername: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:12
zax1raylu: is the hash the thing right after the root ?10:12
rayluzax1: yes, it's the second "column"10:13
juzernameif i can ask one quick question, on other computer, when i changed to ati drivers, it doesnt want to start anymore. so point me to right article, if that is known problem10:13
c_nicki have a string.. i want to pass this to a url.. so i need to create a POST header for it.. can someone guide me how can i do that.. some documentation advise10:13
rayluc_nick: GET is insufficient?10:13
juzernameati 435010:13
rayluc_nick: also, what language?10:14
rayluc_nick: what http library?10:14
c_nicki am not sure10:14
c_nicki think its the normal way only10:14
raylui'm not too familiar with making http requests in C10:14
rayluc_nick: oh, you're doing it raw?10:15
juzernamething is, it was working ok on previous version10:15
gartralok... I'm haveing sever drive issues... every so often, my system will reset.. shortly after a long drive access time... im beginning to worry about integrety and the drives MTTF btw, this just started today10:15
c_nicki am not sure.. i have to do it.. i am still figuring it out how i have to do that10:15
usicowhow do I set environment variables in ubuntu when I'm opening terminal windows from the desktop?10:16
rayluc_nick: is another language an option?10:16
rayluusicow: .bashrc10:16
usicowraylu: do I have to logout/in to make it take effect?10:17
cowgarden!offtopic | cowgarden10:17
ubottucowgarden, please see my private message10:17
rayluusicow: no, but it only applies to new shells, so you have to restart the terminal10:17
c_nickanyways i will figure it out10:17
rayluc_nick: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/how-can-i-post-data-with-post-method-in-c-programming.-542700/#post270076310:18
zax1raylu:  can you explain this to me again how do i put a hash on the old system from the live cd10:18
rayluzax1: first, generate a hash for a user with "sudo passwd ubuntu"10:18
rayluzax1: now, you have the hash of a known password in /etc/shadow, so copy that hash to /mnt/sda1/etc/shadow10:19
=== faitz_ is now known as faitz
aytekin__i ve problem with my php project saving to /var/www directory10:20
mrroboto_I recently installed the ATI proprietary driver on my other system, and now it boots to technicolor static.  Is there any way to reset the graphics options to their defaults?  Ive already tried the auto-xfis in recovery mode10:20
=== bias is now known as lvlefisto
aytekin__i use the bluefish IDE10:21
juzernamerecovery mode, i tried it10:21
mrroboto_raylu: xfix, typo...10:21
zax1raylu: i still have the chroot /mnt/sda1 - when i do sudo passwd ubuntu ... will it not change the old system ?10:21
juzernamedidnt fix it. i think i have same problem as mrroboto10:21
raylumrroboto_: sorry, still don't know what auto-xfixs are.10:21
rayluzax1: i thought the chroot failed?10:22
aytekin__is there anybody to help me10:22
juzernameman, 1300 ppl in here... he said it was typo, he meant xfix10:22
khelvan_juzername - try this link for ATI problems when upgrading to the new version - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7349505&postcount=24010:22
mrroboto_raylu: When you boot to recovery mode through the GRUB menu, there is an option labeled xfix to try to automatically recover x from any problems.  It failed.10:22
zax1raylu: hmmmmm cant remember now sorry10:22
zax1how do i check ?10:23
aytekin__i am trying to save my php project in /var/www file10:23
rayluzax1: you could just run the command again10:23
juzernamethank you, khelvan10:23
raylu04:03:46            zax1> raylu: i get an error: chroot can not run command "/bin/bash" exec format error10:23
zax1raylu: oh yea.....64 32 bit thing.... sorry busy on the phones here as well :|10:23
aytekin__but it is not saved10:23
khelvan_juzername - my pleasure.  (And don't forget the _ in my name, or my IRC client won't alert me that someone has typed to me)10:23
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:24
raylu!permissions | aytekin__10:24
ubottuaytekin__: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:24
anden_aytekin__: /var/www is owned by root, and your PHP script probably runs as the www-data user. You could create a sub-directory in /var/www which www-data owns.10:25
wersany chance to sync iphone os 3.0 with linux yet? hehe10:26
Mark21what is wrong with the following command (done at a prompt with (initramfs) at the start)? mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/4ea6520e-b5f6-448-ac02-98c17f8d2942 /10:26
zax1i dont have a ubuntu user in etc/shado....10:26
chikkeni have bunty bunty10:26
AbyssGerwers: i dont think they got it work till now10:26
rayluzax1: type "id" in the terminal10:27
rayluzax1: really, any user will do. you could just "sudo passwd"10:27
wersAbyssGer, aw. i guess i have to wait for a couple of weeks more. hehe10:27
chikkensudo -s10:27
AbyssGerwers: what kind of datan you want to sync?10:28
chikkendatan? Like satan's data?10:28
zax1ubuntu is the user10:28
zax1but i cant see it in shadow10:28
littlebeautywhich commande is used to display current time in terminal?10:28
wersAbyssGer, music, video, etc. i also want to access the filesystem10:28
chikkentibbidy time10:28
zax1raylu: if i just do sudo passwd, would i then change the root password ?10:29
littlebeautychikken: thank you10:29
chikkenmy absolute pleasure10:29
AbyssGerwers: well i met the guy from amarok on LinuxDay in Berlin and they told me to sync music should be work for ipod touch10:29
AbyssGerwers: so why not give a try to the iphone10:30
chikkenewww a guy from amarok10:30
chikkenone of the worst code bases out there10:30
mrroboto_khelvan_: TY for your ATI advice, I was having a similar issue and that little writeup did the trick10:30
venicehttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=473283 :/ i'm having exactly that behaviour with jaunty :/10:30
wersAbyssGer, i'm on an ipod touch, actually. it's just that, os 3.0 broke that hack, afaik10:30
AbyssGerwers: i couldnt verify that theorie but you can give it a try10:30
rayluzax1: yes10:30
veniceany ideas? i just dont have keyboard access when i boot to the encryption stuff :/10:31
zax1sorry scrolling is a task i just mastered :| the ubuntu was at the bottom10:31
zax1raylu: so i take anything between the : ?10:31
AbyssGerwers: if not i jailbreaked my touch to get ssh and sftp access to upload my music10:31
rayluzax1: you must take everything :P10:31
wersAbyssGer, ooh. i'll try that. mine is jailbroken but i dont know ssh yet10:32
AbyssGerwers: if you jailbreaked it already then you can get that openssh package from cydia10:32
wersAbyssGer, thanks! i already have cydia :D10:33
AbyssGerwers: and for a "howto connect" read the package description10:33
TriMeanyone know of places i can Advertise my web site??? its about Bidding Similar to E bay?? - Ebay aren't interested as i am KIND OF 'Opposition' the audience i am looking for is more the Lottery, Raffle, Gambling Type...10:33
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wersAbyssGer, so you're familiar with it. are you on os 3.0?10:34
wersi guess, i can transfer files but they wont appear on ipod.app10:34
AbyssGerwers: you mean the firmware?10:34
ibnulislamWhat should be the recommended SWAP partition size. Specially when we need to hibernate the system?10:35
wersAbyssGer, yeah. or what they call iphone os 3.010:35
Myrttiibnulislam: the size of physical ram in the minimum, of course.10:36
AbyssGerwers: im on ipod touch fw-v 2.210:36
wersAbyssGer, is compatibiity with ubuntu the reason why you're not upgrading yet?10:36
khelvan_mrroboto_ - my pleasure. I feel (felt) your pain.10:36
AbyssGerwers: never (Ipod) touch a running system :)10:37
khelvan_Can anyone help me with this error message?  Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks",10:37
ibnulislamMyrtti: Thanks10:37
pundaAt a guess I would say the theme engine is not found10:38
AbyssGerwers: actually the new upgrade wont bring me any benifit i really need so i stay on the version which work for me10:38
imaginativeonehow do I uninstall Turboprint?10:38
bullgard4dmesg prints a line: 'sr 0: 0: 1: 0:  Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5.' Can you please translate this into English?10:38
pundaapt-get remove Turboprint10:38
Dulakbullgard4: it found a scsi device in /dev/sg110:39
khelvan_punda - Synaptic tells me the theme engine is installed.10:39
wersAbyssGer, ooh. i upgraded for compatibility with some apps like evernote. also, i find copy and paste very useful10:39
imaginativeonecouldn't find it10:39
pundakhelvan,  what is the app?10:39
bullgard4Dulak: What do the other letters and words in this line mean?10:40
n0gearhow can i save alias commands?10:40
khelvan_punda - I installed the Slickness Black theme, and made sure the emerald theme engine (which it uses) is installed. Any gnome app I start from the terminal now gives me that error (this particular one was gedit).10:40
visebullgard4: Major minor numbers (0:0:1:0) imho10:40
pundakhelvan, just for fun do "apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks"10:40
bullgard4n0gear: this is described in 'man bash'.10:40
Dulakbullgard4: nothing that means anything unless you are having problems, it's telling the id on the bus, and the type of drive it is10:41
drowsywhat is the admin command to install the graphic user interface on the desktop version of ubuntu 8.04 under VMWare, any help would be much appreciated as im stuck on the console bit10:41
viseoh yes.. its the pci dev, fn etc..10:41
khelvan_punda - Ok, I'm an idiot, I guess it wasn't installed.  :(10:41
pundaI forgive you10:41
bullgard4Dulak: I know that dmesg stands for "diagnostic messages". But this was not my question. --  What is telling me the type of the bus?10:42
joaopintodrowsy, you mean you want to install the desktop packages on a minimal/server install ?10:42
pundadrowsy, er ... which "graphic user interface" are you seeking? Gnome, KDE, or (preferably) fluxbox?10:42
AbyssGerpunda: lol10:42
Dulakbullgard4: again the bus id 0:0:0:0, drive type 510:43
Dulakbullgard4: google is your friend10:43
drowsyum standard desktop version of ubuntu 8.0410:44
bullgard4Dulak: I know that Google is my friend. You do not need to tell me that.10:44
aytekin__mind if i want to ask ,how can i find a channel for web and php developer in irc10:44
drowsyany interface would be better than console10:44
n0gearhow can i save alias commands?10:44
Dulakbullgard4: I'm thinking you don't have many friends, I tried to help and yer trying to jump down my throat.  Good day to you.10:44
joaopintoaytekin__, /list (will get you a list of available channels=10:44
pundadrowsy, so you don't know if you want Gnome or KDE, better go for gnome10:44
zax1raylu: thanks alot10:44
drowsyi thought ubuntu may of had a standard one with it, but it says it is installing graphic interface please wait, but nothing happens. im running this under VMware10:44
rayluzax1: np10:45
zax1raylu: but.....i tryed logging on and it would let me in10:45
rayluzax1: o.010:45
pundadrowsy, I've decided I don't like where this is going. Please refer all questions to someone else10:45
rayluzax1: perhaps you did it in the wrong drive. did you try to login as root?10:45
aytekin__joaopinto, --yea, but i ve searched it for, i didnt10:46
zax1no, i placed the hash in to the ubuntu account10:46
pundaaytekin__, it's not really the thing you need a channel for10:46
drowsyok i have fully installed ubuntu 8.04 under vmware on my xp pc, i boot up ubuntu and login fine! ... however at the top of the screen it says GRAPHICAL INTERFACE INSTALLING PLEASE WAIT. although this does not end up loading. i was wondering if there was something specific i had to type to get this working10:46
zax1i did it in nano which was a pain in the but for text editing, is there another text editor on the live cd ?10:46
pundaaytekin__,  I mean you could join #php10:47
pundaaytekin__, but there is no general web development channel10:47
aytekin__ok i did10:47
rayluzax1: "gksu gedit"10:47
n0gearzax1: gkedit10:47
rayluzax1: nano hard wraps, so i'd be worried about that10:47
juzernamedrowsy: i am using now vmware, it is working fine, it is something from your side10:47
aytekin__but there s nıbody over it10:47
pundazax1, vim10:47
gribouillewill firefox 3.5 be available on hardy ?10:48
aytekin__ok thx punda10:48
drowsyi have no idea what could be going wrong10:48
drowsydo i have to install vmware tools?10:48
pundaaytekin__, might I recommend you learn cakephp?10:48
pundadrowsy,  no. Something seems to have gone wrong in your install10:48
drowsysomething comes up about installing vmware tools but i dont know how to, it doesnt give me any help regarding this10:48
bullgard4Since upgrading from 8.04.2 to 9.04 the number of loaded kernel modules cut in half. Why?10:48
aytekin__punda. what is that10:48
Dulakpunda: will cake auto build forms for CRUD?10:48
pundadrowsy, you should have no problems in installing10:49
aytekin__how can i10:49
joaopintodrowsy, are you sure you dont have another cd/iso setup for the vmware image ? That message does not appear to be related to an ubuntu installer10:49
n0geardrowsy: i run ubuntu on a Virtual PC 2007 at work so try that maybe ???10:49
pundaDulak,  yes10:49
gribouillewill firefox 3.5 be available on hardy ?10:49
pundaaytekin__, google it. You might like it10:49
Dulakpunda: mmmmm, I'm gonna have to look at that, codeigniter is making me code out the entire admin interface of my site.10:49
aytekin__punda, thx man10:49
joaopintogribouille, not on the regular repositories10:49
drowsyok, what i think im going to do is re-download it, the latest version for that matter10:49
drowsy9.04 is latest version am i correct?10:49
gribouillejoaopinto, where then ?10:49
joaopintodrowsy, yes10:49
joaopintogribouille, maybe backports, you shouldnot expect newer software versions on an older release10:50
pundaDulak, I used to use codeigniter too. Cakephp can be a little inflexible, but it's quick to get a CRUD framework up10:50
Dulakpunda: does it use URIs or GET vars?10:50
drowsythanks anyways people, im new to linux first time user haha thought i would give ubuntu a shot, however things did not go to plan. i guess the latest version might be easier for me to work out10:50
pundaDulak, well, it can (obviously) use both, but mostly URI10:50
Dulakpunda: sweet, I"m gonna check it out in a few, CI is driving me mad with the amount of duplication I have to do10:51
pundadrowsy,  don't give up hope10:51
pundaDulak,  yeah, it blows chunks sometimes10:51
gribouillejoaopinto, are you joking ? hardy is just one year old10:51
pundaDulak,  as long as your cool with the MVC model it's pretty easy10:51
drowsythanks ;)10:51
joaopintogribouille, I am not joking, that software update policy in general is to not update packages after release, except for security or critical patches10:52
Dulakpunda: yeah MVC is fine with me10:52
joaopintoI mean, the software update policy for Ubuntu10:52
gribouillejoaopinto, the infamous megafreeze10:52
pundaDulak,  well get developing then!10:52
joaopintogribouille, stable release update policy :)10:52
pundajoaopinto,  don't even tell him about Debian's policies if that freaks him out10:53
gribouillejoaopinto, you won't get many desktop users that way10:53
Dulakif you want to be on the bleeding edge debian unstable is much fresher than ubuntu10:53
pundableeding edge for newbs == dependency hell10:53
DulakI'm just pointing out the other side of the coin10:54
joaopintogribouille, there are some projects which try to serve people needing updated software, officialy you have the backports repoistory, non officially you have the getdeb site10:54
pundaand that's why I respect you, Dulak10:54
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khelvan_drowsy - you'll probably have better luck dual booting, if you can, rather than running in a virtual machine...imo10:55
gribouillejoaopinto, is the backports repository reliable ?10:55
pundakhelvan, there are no problems with using ubuntu and VMware10:55
joaopintokhelvan, why do you say that ? what's wrong with a vmware install ?10:55
Dulakgribouille: i've used it before, never had a problem with anything from backports that I can remember10:55
joaopintogribouille, I don't know, I am a getdeb user, not backports :\10:56
pundanothing wrong with backports ...10:56
gribouillewho manages the backports repo ?10:56
pundawhat doyou mean "reliable"?10:56
joaopintogribouille, a few members of the team which manages the regular repository10:56
pundait's not like backports is run by cowboys or anything10:57
hemanthBus 002 Device 004: ID 0d49:7450 Maxtor {portable HDD} mounts only in readonly mode , any remedy ?10:57
gribouillepunda, I mean that software from this repo is correctly packaged10:57
joaopintohemanth, have you checked dmesg for errors related to the mount ?10:57
Dulakhemanth: umount it, fsck it, remount and see if it'll mount rw10:57
pundahemanth,  um, unmount it and try to mount it read write and see what happens10:57
pundaOh, Dulak pre-empted my next step :(10:57
hemanthDulak: punda: ok10:58
pundadepending on the result fsck that puppuy10:58
hemanthjoaopinto: nope10:58
TriMeHey Guys whats a Good program to make Animated Gif's?10:58
hemanthjoaopinto: end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 24421086310:59
pundaTriMe,  Gimp10:59
pundahemanth, fsck that puppy10:59
joaopintohemanth, that explains why it's mounted ro10:59
pundalike there's no tomorrow10:59
joaopintofsck will not fix I/O errors10:59
Dulakyup, drive is dying10:59
Dulakcopy everything you can off it10:59
pundadon't tell him that!10:59
pundahe'll panic10:59
joaopintoI/O errors indicates a major failure, either an hw failure, or a driver issue10:59
indusget a seagate10:59
joaopintomost likely, and hw failure10:59
hemanthjoaopinto: o no11:00
pundaBut he loves that sector!11:00
DulakI'm guessing it worked and stopped, so probably hw11:00
pundaok then, dd that puppy11:00
joaopintohemanth, copy the data to another media, and pray :)11:00
pundaNo praying!11:00
frybyeHi - Parallel to my ubuntu 9.04 I installed an open-suse 11.1 on its own partiton as dual boot system.. I am considering getting rid of the o-suse again now - just deleting the partition will not be all to do or?11:00
DulakI bet windows would mount it rw even with that error11:00
pundaDulak,  so do I11:01
hemanthjoaopinto: 250gb of data , where to copy !11:01
pundaI even bet if you fscked it you would get interesting results11:01
frybyeIf I just delete the o-suse partition then jaunty wont start properly I assume.. so i need to fix something about grub or...?11:01
joaopintofrybye, it depends on how you have setup the boot manager11:01
joaopinto!restoregrub | frybye11:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restoregrub11:01
hemanthpunda: doing fschk11:01
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:01
Dulakpunda: yer a little evil, I like you11:01
pundaDulak, heh11:01
NEfrybye: you will probably have to delete the entry from /boot/grub/menu.lst11:01
joaopintohemanth, attempting to fix a failing drive by changing contents can trash it even more11:02
cowgardenNE, why?!11:02
pundahemanth, 250Gig? Well, since you probably need a new drive anyway ....11:02
* hemanth fschk must save the day , h/w failure will make /me sad 11:02
frybyeNF - the booting seems to be being done by suse now..?11:02
Dulakhemanth: seriously, don't fsck it, turn it off until you can copy data off it, cuz it's just gonna get worse11:02
joaopintofrybye, you may need to reinstall grub, check the message from ubottu11:02
pundahemanth, don't fsck it unless you are willing to lose data11:02
NEcowgarden: I take that the suse system is listed in the grub menu as well11:02
hemanthpunda: so you mean I should switch to 1tb?11:02
pundahemanth, do nothing to it until you can get another drive11:03
cowgardenNE, so that one would just now work, but ubuntu would and he could just delete the suse-entry from it11:03
pundaThen obviously do a bit-stream copy11:03
NEfrybye: hmm. the booting is from the suse grub isntallation you say ?11:03
zax1ho can i log in as root ?11:03
* hemanth fully confused 11:03
joaopinto!root | zax111:03
ubottuzax1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:03
DulakI'm gonna have to remember that next time, don't tell em to fsck it before you try a manual mount.  That would have been more than a little evil.11:03
pundahemanth, leave the drive alone. It's toast11:04
hemanthpunda: ha ha11:04
pundahemanth, get another drive then come back for advice11:04
cowgardenfrybye, make a backup of your menu.lst, so you can copy the ubuntu-entry in your new grub if it doe snot work out of the box11:04
frybyeNE - yeah because I notice that the dual-boot- menu is in suse design now...11:04
joaopintoDulak, actually, when you have a read-only mount, the first thing to check is dmesg, as it will have a reason why the mount was read-only11:04
joaopintoretrying a failed operation is not a good practice :)11:04
pundayou can get a tb drive for $150<11:04
Dulakjoapinto: dmesg is for wimps!  ;)11:04
Dulakjoaopinto: good point though11:05
pundaBad point!11:05
hemanthpunda: if 1Tb also end up with the same issue ?!11:05
joaopintofrybye, like I said, you mau need to restore grub, changing suses menu.lst will not help, because that menu.lst will be lost once you remove suse's partition11:05
cowgardenfrybye, than you have to reiinstall grub:11:05
frybyecowgarden - the one in suse or will there be the old one someplace in ubuntu from before the suse was installed.. can I just re-activate that one??11:05
pundahe'll only learn by massive catastrophes11:05
pundahemanth, if it has bad sectors as soon as you buy it, return it11:05
joaopintofrybye, or, before removing suse, just boot into ubuntu, and re-run grub-install11:05
zax1iwent to all the trouble of changing the password for root and now can even log on to it11:06
joaopintohemanth, if the drive is serious damaged and you have important data, you man need to use ddrescue for the copy11:06
cowgardenfrybye, the one in suse. but maby it mixes up the partitions :) try a clean reinstall of grub from a live CD11:06
frybyeok  I will read all the stuff about grub - will try your method then joaopinto11:06
NEfrybye: when in ubuntu, what happens when you try to reinstall grub? also, a good thing to do is to get the menu.lst from the suse installation and have it somewhere in the ubuntu installation for refference. Only when you can see that there's no reference to the suse installation during booting, only then you could delete the suse partition.11:06
cowgardenfrybye, yea, the ubuntu reinstall-grub method sounds good11:06
pundahmm, you made hemanth angry11:07
pretendererror lbreakout install  Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libstdc++2.1011:07
frybyefine - I am a load further on now - thanks folks...11:07
zax1when i inspect etc/shadow i can see laods of users, can i log in with any of them ?11:07
joaopintoprefrontal, did you install lbreakout from the repository ?11:07
joaopintozax1, are you a member of the admin group ?11:07
zax1nope i am a member of the 'got a server to get in to' group11:08
pundanice group11:08
zax1oh and also a memeber of the 'dont know anything about linux/ubuntu' group11:08
pundanot exactly "wheel"11:08
joaopintozax1, on a terminal type: id11:09
joaopintoif you are not member of the admin group, you can't get sudo11:09
cowgardenpunda, what does that "wheel" stand for? It's the sudoable usergroup in arch and I wondered what that name came fom11:09
zax1i cant log on to the server, only logged on through live cd11:09
Dulakwheel is the original root group11:10
zax1is any of the built in users members of the admin group ?11:10
pundacowgarden, oh no, i've started something. RMS hates "wheel"11:10
Dulakancient unix put root in the wheel group, it evolved into a root group11:10
cowgardenDulak, why "wheel"? did they need wheelchairs to get anything done?11:10
pundaer, it's not ancient11:10
pundaBSDs and real unix still uses wheel11:10
joaopintozax1, can't you boot with rescue mode ?11:11
Dulakcowgarden: honestly I don't know why it was called wheel11:11
pundaonly GNU doesn't11:11
cowgardenDulak, okey :)11:11
zax1joaopinto: i dont know how11:11
joaopintoknock knock, can we geton topic ppl ?11:11
zax1i have a ubuntu 32 cd and the os is 6411:11
joaopintozax1, first, why can't you login, what error do you get ?11:11
zax1i dont have the log/pass - its a server of a client who had their admin leave on bad terms, so he isnt giving the password11:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:12
joaopintozax1, you will need to boot into rescue mode, you have that option during boot11:12
pundazax1, drop into single user mode11:12
joaopintoand then reset the admin user password, with: passwd user11:13
Dulakzax1: boot it single user mode and add a new user, then add that user to the admin group, then change that user's password, then you can login as that user and sudo11:13
pundazax1, then .. oh, it's covered11:13
pundapretty boring when we're all on topic, huh?11:16
zax1punda: Dulak  to get in to single user mode i need to log in as someone, and i dont have any user password11:16
Dulakzax1: it prompts for a password when you choose rescue mode?11:16
pundauh, no you don't11:17
zax1user first11:17
Dulakzax1: you gotta boot rescue mode from the menu that pops up when it first boots, before the user prompt11:17
zax1Dulak: i know.... then , and space and single right ?11:17
Dulakzax1: is this ubuntu?11:18
NehyxI forgot password in another PC with ubuntu 9.04, can I restore it?11:18
zax1would you guide me in  ? i'll do it now11:18
zax1ubuntu server11:18
Dulakzax1: it should have a menu option for rescue mode11:18
zax1it does, gives me 2 kernels with rescue in ( )11:18
Dulakzax1: select the top kernel with rescue mode, either shoudl work though11:18
alarmis it normal for xorg to have always above 12-13% cpu usage ? even when i am not doing any process ?11:18
zax1k, rebooting from live cd now11:19
smashboxDoes anyone have time to help me with a couple questions?11:19
Dulakalarm: yeah constant cpu is normal for X11:19
NehyxCan I recover a password in ubuntu 9.04 desktop? Thanks11:19
doktoreasHello folks..anyone having troubles with pidgin? I have got a segmetation fault but yesterday was fine11:19
DulakNehyx: if you have physical access you can boot it into rescue mode and change the password11:20
zax1Dulak: chose recovery mode and hit enter ?11:20
jpdsNehyx: No, but you can boot into recovery mode and change it.11:20
Dulakzax1: yup11:20
alarmwhy do i think that on debian my idle was like lower than 20% on a slower system, while here i am above 20% most of the time11:20
zax1Dulak: k, option is now11:20
zax1which one ?11:20
Nehyxjpds: how?11:20
zax1root ?11:20
Dulakzax1: it doesn't matter, just choose the first rescue mode11:20
sarmisakalarm: might it be trackerd daemon?11:20
smashboxWhenever I install the driver for my video card, all applications freeze, including my gnome panels, update manager, and anything that requires a sudo login in the terminal. Does anyone know why this might be?11:21
alarmwhat is trackerd daemon ? :)11:21
jpdsNehyx: At grub, pick recovery mode.11:21
zax1Dulak: i have resume, dpkg, root, xfix11:21
jpdsNehyx: Then, when you get the root shell, do: password $USERNAME11:21
jpdsNehyx: I mean: passwd $USER11:21
Dulakzax1: ummm, weird, I think you need to choose root, I don't remember it prompting for anything last time I did this11:22
zax1ok, chose root11:22
Nehyxjpds: ok, thanks11:22
zax1and logged in with a password i hashed through the live cd11:22
smashboxAnyone know why all applications lock up when I install my display driver?11:22
zax1can i create an admin user from here ?11:22
smashboxAm I in the wrong channel or something?11:23
Dulakzax1: yup, just do something like "useradd zax"11:23
pundasmashbox,  patience grasshopper11:24
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, ofc they lock up, you are still in X11:24
zax1?...? something like ?11:24
smashboxSorry =(11:24
pundasmashbox,  what display driver is it?11:24
smashboxSupersaiyan: What is ofc? And what is X? =(11:24
Dulakzax1: we'll make it real simple ok?  Do this: "adduser zax"  and follow the prompts, it will end with asking you for a password11:25
Dulakzax1: tell me when that's done11:25
pundaoh boy, this'll be fun. I'll leave it to Supersaiyan_IV11:25
saravananis there a program which can index all pdf docs in my system?11:25
saravanansomething lke a playlist and metadata management but for docs..11:25
saravanana doc player:)11:25
Supersaiyan_IVpunda, bah11:25
pundasaravanan, a document management system11:25
zax1Dulak: there are no prompts11:25
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, what kind of driver are you trying to install11:25
saravananpunda: yeap11:25
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, paste the filename here, unless it's a .deb11:26
Dulakzax1: ok so it just came right back to the prompt?11:26
smashboxSupersaiyan: The one on the11:26
smashboxwhoops sec11:26
pundasaravanan, well, I'm writing one for university atm. I'll get back to you when it's done :)11:26
pundasaravanan, sorry11:26
zax1just sitting on next line root@ubuntu:~#11:26
Dulakzax1: type "passwd zax" and give that user a password11:26
pundazax1, and then thank Dulak11:26
Dulakzax1: then add zax to the admin group: "adduser zax admin"11:26
nasrullahhow to fix GPG error11:26
smashboxSupersaiyan: 171.06 NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Graphics Driver11:26
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, allright11:27
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, is that installed through synaptic?11:27
zax1'thank dulak' is not a recognised command11:27
Dulakzax1: now you can reboot, and login as zax, and you'll be able to use sudo to get root access11:27
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, also, what gfx card do you have11:27
zax1great !11:27
zax1Dulak: !Thanks!11:27
Dulakzax1: and to be sure, you booted off the hdd right?11:28
Dulakzax1: you didn't boot off the livecd?11:28
Dulakzax1: ok, you can reboot and login as zax11:28
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, do yor run 32bit or 64bit?11:28
smashboxSupersaiyan. I am using a GeForce 9600 GT. I am installing through Sybaptic. 32bit11:29
Supersaiyan_IVi see, uninstall that driver11:29
zax1would that user have access to all programs ? i am from a windows background , does it work similar that all progrmas would be gui available to that user ?11:29
smashboxYes I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu so I am not using one right now.11:29
pundafind / -iname \*porn\* -exec rm {} \;11:29
pundaoh sorry11:29
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, very good11:29
Dulakzax1: yes, you might have to add that user to a couple more groups for a few things but it should work right away to let you in11:29
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, download the latest nvidia driver here http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_185.18.14.html11:29
nasrullahGPG error , how to fix it in ubuntu jaunty11:30
pundazax1, you are now in control of that box!11:30
pundazax1, do only good11:30
zax1punda: :D11:30
smashboxSupersaiyan: Thank you very much for your help. I am looking at the installation directions at the bottom and it is telling me to use something called.. SuSE?11:31
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, now after you've downloaded that you do ctrl+alt+F1 to enter shell, in shell you do 'sudo sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'11:31
pundathat something called SuSE11:31
choonminghi there. im having a problem with my ubuntu installation. having a problem booting up. booted into initramfs prompt instead of the desktop. in the livecd mode i cant mount the / partition. the error was bad superblock. tried running fsck /dev/sda but returned with bad superblock size error etc..11:31
pundaAt least the install directions didn't tell you to install Gentoo11:31
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, then you do 'sudo sh NVIDIA-filename --uninstall'11:32
zax1Dulak: punda not just yet though...it tells me i have no home directory and do i want root as my home directory....it is unlikely any thing will work unless you use a failsafe session.....................WHATS that all about ?11:32
nasrullahhow to make gnome radio works on ubuntu11:32
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, then you simply install 'sudo sh NVIDIA-filename'11:32
pundazax1, just agree to all that11:32
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, then 'sudo sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'11:32
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'*11:32
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, if you follow that you wont even have to reboot11:33
pundadd if=pizza of=poop11:33
Dulakzax1: you used useradd not adduser11:33
Supersaiyan_IVsmashbox, but be sure to have build-essentials downloaded11:33
Dulakzax1: gonna have to reboot into rescue mode again and make yourself a home directory11:33
pundayou told him to use useradd11:33
sarmisakis anyone having problems with the update server speeds?11:33
sarmisakI cannot exceed 20~30 kbs11:34
c_nick i saw the Http request headers and thats exactly what i want.. now i want to post some data to the url so in the header which i make i want to add the field names.. eg Name, Address etc which i will post in the message body.. so how to go about that i know i have to add it after Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded11:34
c_nick but where11:34
FloodBot2c_nick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
Dulakpunda: actually I told him that the first time but then changed it, it's my fault though really11:34
nasrullahthe speed seem to be like that on my machine11:34
pundaDulak, see? That's why I like you - you don't run from responsibility11:34
pundaDulak, but it's his fault11:34
zax1hmmmm, could be....11:34
zax1k, restarting11:35
Dulakzax1: reboot into rescue mode and do "mkdir /home/zax" then "chown zax:zax /home/zax" and reboot again and you'll be in11:35
pundazax1, don't worry - it'll mean you really know how to do it. And it's a nice thing to know11:35
Dulakzax1: my fault there I should have made sure and told you I had changed the command11:35
saravananpunda: great that you are working on one! are you taking any base? such as evince or so?11:35
zax1yeah , i really feel liek i know what i am doing :P11:36
pundasaravanan, we have to do it from scratch. I chose PHP and MySQL, others chose different things like ASP.Net, even C++ cgis lol11:36
pundasaravanan, the heavy lifting will be done by C++ though11:37
saravananpunda: what?! oh thats an online thingy? i was thinking of an offline one..11:37
saravanana rhythmbox/amarok for docs..11:37
zax1Dulak: so basicaly i am making a directory, then changing its ownership to zax ?11:37
Dulakzax1: yup11:38
zax1and am all done ?11:38
pundasaravanan, er yeah, it's for both, sorry. We keep talking about this though and someone will give us a ....11:38
Dulakzax1: yup, once that's done you reboot and should be able to login as zax now11:38
saravananhmm.. unfortunately as of now there isn't more to talk.. i'll check it up.. i would like to do tht in emacs though.. so digging deep on (info "(emacs) Dired") :)11:39
saravananpunda: ^11:39
pundain emacs?11:39
pundahmm that reminds me too much of my lisp class11:39
pundaand that makes me hungry11:40
saravanani didn't had any:(11:40
pundaI'd demand your tuition fees back11:40
saravananbut ofcourse i had my lunch a plate starts with an opening paranthesis and ends with a closing paranthasis:)11:40
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dinmammais firefox 3.5 going to be added to the 904 repositories?11:44
pundano, but the new lynx will be!11:44
pundait's hot11:44
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pundaand no chance of XSS11:44
pundacross site scripting11:45
zax1Dulak: i have a light baige(whitish0 screen and a mouse pointer, but no desktop or anything i can do on that machine , Does it take a long time for first log on ?11:45
pundano javascript, you see11:45
Dulakzax1: hit ctrl-alt-f1 and see if it gives you a normal login prompt11:45
Dulakzax1: there are a couple default groups you probably need that user added to for everything to work right11:46
Dulakzax1: it has literally been years since I had to do this the long way11:46
pundaif only ubuntu had a "wheel" group it would be so much easier :(11:47
pundajust jokes RMS, just jokes!11:47
zax1when ct+alt+f1 i get a ubuntu login11:47
pundadon't take my ubuntu back!11:47
zax1and can log in there11:47
Dulakzax1: ok let's add you to some groups11:47
zax1ctrl+alt+f7 then gets me to the same vanilla scrn11:47
Dulakzax1: do this: sudo adduser zax video11:47
Dulakzax1: then do "sudo adduser zax audio"11:48
pundasudo call pizza dude11:48
Dulakzax1: keep doing it for all these groups:  adm, dialout, cdrom, floppy, dip, plugdev11:48
paul1are there any other IM chat programs I can use other than pidgin? I'm currently using ubuntu 8.1011:48
zax1u r joking a floppy group ?11:49
Raydiationi was wondering if there was a graphical way in jaunty to set samba shares recursively11:49
Dulakzax1: it's a default group for access to drives labeled floppy11:49
Dulakzax1: I'm just going off the default groups I'm in on this box, not sure what all is absolutely required11:49
smashboxSupersaiyan: Are you still here?11:49
Raydiationnow only the top folder is accessible11:49
Raydiationall subfolders cant be accessed11:49
Dulakzax1: once you have the user added to all the groups, run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" then switch back over to the F7 and see if you can login11:50
nshif i completely-remove all 'Not installed (residual config)' packages using synaptic11:51
nshwill the bogeyman destroy my unixes/11:51
nshbecause some page is advising me to (need to clear up some space), but there are a lot of them, and i am a-fearful11:51
arshadHi all. Need some help, Need to create a backup CD/DVD of  my Ubuntu8.04 Hardy11:52
zax1jut a sec on the phone11:52
monckynsh: apt-get autoclean might be a better option11:52
arshad Hi all. Need some help, Need to create a backup CD/DVD of  my Ubuntu8.04 Hardy11:52
Red-XIIIhi all, there's an official chan for xchat?11:53
arshadPLzzzzz  Hi all. Need some help, Need to create a backup CD/DVD of  my Ubuntu8.04 Hardy11:53
arshadanyone can help11:53
Thingymebobnsh:Not installed residual configs are configs left over from packages that are no longer installed, removing them is extremely unlikely to cause any problems, it also not going to gain you a great deal of space, regardless of how many there are.11:54
nshi'll save that as a more lasterly resort11:54
nshany good tips for filesystem cleanup?11:54
Dulakburn yer porn to dvds after you're done with your business...11:55
* nsh smiles11:55
Thingymebobnsh: as sugegested by monckt, sudo apt-get autoclean will do some work clean sudo apt-get clean would free up more space though.11:56
nshright on11:57
Thingymebobnsh: you can also gain about 180Mb by removing language packs you don't need e.g german french etc.11:59
vi390hi, does someone know what happend to the openVZ kernels in jaunty ?11:59
nshThingymebob, ah, thanks11:59
vigonsh: and Thingymebob, also maybe some dh_ scripts? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man7/debhelper.7.html11:59
Raydiationi have problems with smb file shares12:00
abosamooris there any packages that contains extra mime types icons ?12:00
Raydiationi cant access any subfolders12:00
Thingymebobvigo: Cheers, bookmarked!12:00
Dulaknsh: localepurge is a package that will purge all the extra locale files you don't use, providing you don't need multiple languages on the machine12:00
* nsh notes 12:01
Raydiationok a sudo chmod -R a+rwx solved it12:01
Dulaknsh: saved me a bit of space once upon a time12:01
nshon it now12:01
vigoYes. local purge is a neato one also.12:02
DulakIt's ongoing too, runs everytime you install a new package and clears out the stuff you won't use12:02
zax1Dulak: same thing vanilla screen , no desktop12:03
Dulakzax1: at the login screen, do you have an options menu?  try some of the other session types, maybe gnome-failsafe will work or something12:03
maxagazI have a Nvidia graphic card (nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)), and the max resolution i can have 640x480, even when installing nvidia drivers using envyng, what else can i do ?12:03
maxagazon hardy12:04
DulakI had that same problem on hardy, used envyng to install the oldest version of the nvidia driver and it worked, but then that version was removed12:05
Dazzlerhi all, I wonder if anyone could help me. Im trying to delete words that contain a certain character (e.g. ø) from a text file using a sed command with no luck any ideas?.12:05
joel_Dazzler: Use Perl12:06
quintinvrcan anyone help me with a python+ubuntu question?12:06
zax1ok, might it be better to maybe do the adduser or useradd from the start ?12:06
DulakDazzler: what joel said, I don't think sed's regex has a word boundary option like perl does12:06
vigomaxagaz: Hardy 8.04.2?12:06
Dulakzax1: nope you have a full user, with the same groups adduser would have added you to, that's what I walked you through.  On the login screen for the GUI, (F7) does it have an options or sessions menu there?12:07
zax1Dulak: well done, on failsafe i am in12:07
Dazzlerjoel_: i was looking at Perl tbh I'm not very good at this and got bit confused when I tried :). I will have another look n see if I can do it12:07
DazzlerDulak: cheers mate will have a look12:07
zax1Dulak: well done, on failsafe i am in12:07
Dulakzax1: ok so the default gnome setup is hosed somehow, that's probably broke for everybody12:08
zax1he might have been malicious about his leaving, so yeah thats possible12:08
quintinvrI am looking for gtkmoz where in the repo's do I find it?12:09
zax1how would i flush it ?12:09
Dulakzax1: the thing is it should have worked for a brand new user, but it didn't, so something is major wrong there, not something simple12:09
Dulakzax1: I would recommend copying all the important data off the machine, and wiping it and doing a fresh install, it's the only way to be sure he didn't leave anything behind12:10
A|iwhich channel is for ubuntu packagers?12:11
zax1hmmm, fair point12:11
ims/etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.freshclam <--- Is this file safe to remove?12:11
zax1some of the folders have a padlock on them, and i am told i have no permissions, how can i allow my self in on all folders12:12
vigoims: That is like an update manager, ClamAV is the package, freshclam is the sig update vehicle.12:12
Dulakims: check to see what package owns it: dpkg -S usr.bin.freshclam12:12
VenganceoffarnelHi room12:13
imsDulak, dpkg: *usr.bin.freshclam* not found.12:14
vigoA|i: ubuntu-dev or something like that, you mean Karmic or some other not yet released thing?12:14
A|ivigo, not just ubundu debian packagers12:14
Venganceoffarnelwondering if anyone could help me out with my sound, just installed Ubuntu 9 64 bit and the sound to my headphone jack doesn't work but the speakers do, already checked volume control settings12:15
Dulakims: sec I'm testing12:15
Dulakims: you didn't put the * in there or you did?12:16
vigoA|i: Current, Stable or Proposed?12:16
sergeykishHello, I have a problem with Acer Aspire One 751 on Arch - X doesn't work, from wikipedia "There is no sufficient driver support for the GMA 500. The driver wasn't developed in-house and will not work with kernels newer than 2.6.24." Does it works on Ubuntu?12:16
A|ivigo current, package maintainers12:16
Dulakims: if you added * to it, don't, just dpkg -S usr.bin.freshclam12:17
Dulakims: if it doesn't find it, the file doesn't belong to any package12:17
imsDulak, Just purge my clamav package...12:17
bullgard4dmesg prints a line: 'sr 0: 0: 1: 0:  Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5.' Can you please translate this into English?12:17
imsDulak, And I'm trying to clean out.12:18
Dulakims: well if dpkg -S doesn't find it, the file is not owned by a package, so fairly safe to delete it12:18
vigoA|i: That would be something like dpkg ,  but that is some iffy territory.12:18
Myrttisergeykish: have you asked in Arch's channel?12:18
imsdulak, thanks!12:19
zax1Dulak: some of the folders have a padlock on them, and i am told i have no permissions, how can i allow my self in on all folders on the drive ?12:19
Dulakzax1: you have to use sudo for that, it's multi-user with permissions12:20
sergeykishMyrtti: of course, seems all slip12:20
Myrttisergeykish: we don't support arch on this channel, that's why I was asking12:20
zax1how do i do that on a folder ?12:20
sergeykishMyrtti: I ask because it is driver problem12:20
Myrttisergeykish: and we don't go to #debian to ask about driver problems either...12:21
Dulakzax1: you could change it's perms, or just get root and check things out that way.  It's not a good idea, but you can get a full root login with "sudo -i"12:21
Dulakzax1: then that login will have full access to everything till you exit the shell12:21
Dulakzax1: the GUI runs as your normal user, so it won't be point and click12:21
sergeykishMyrtti: I'm asking "does it works on ubuntu?"12:22
wildmanhello there, Ubuntu Jaunty x86_64, starting yesterday, and with no apparent reason, I've started to notice that my main disk I/O is slower than usual, any ideas?12:22
zax1so sudo -i will get me SUDOing all through out the session ?12:22
wildmanbesides the fact (God forbids it!) that my disk may be dying (it would be the 1st SATA disk dying on me)12:22
Dulaksergeykish: I vaguely remember somebody a bit ago not getting the newest acer laptops working cuz of that new graphics chip, so I'd say tentatively no12:22
zax1by the way on terminal i cant get the real deal i only get a $ prompt and i cant get the arrow keys like i could before, would that be because of the session i used ?12:23
Dulakzax1: sudo -i pretends like you logged in as root, but only for that one terminal12:23
aMuleAduGuest760my emule dont start the downloads why???12:23
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zax1only on that terminal window ?12:24
Dulakzax1: yeah you do that in the terminal12:24
zax1how can i ch permission on the entire drive ?12:24
Thingymebobzax1: DONT!12:25
sergeykishDulak: thanks12:25
Dulakzax1: the quick way is to enable root, then login to the GUI as root, but that's still a very bad idea12:25
Rackerkann mir jemand helfen12:25
zax1well it will allow me to move all out of that server and wipe it as you suggested, wont it ?12:25
Dulakzax1: yes but it's the lazy bastid's way of doing it, not a good sysadmin12:25
wildmanRacker: this is an international channel, English only please, thanks. Racker: try ubuntu-de if you speak Deutsch, good luck12:26
Dulakzax1: if you want to do it the fast way, I suggest google, it's really frowned on here to tell noobs how to enable root12:26
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:28
wildmannice Matrix'ish help bot12:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:29
vigoI love that bot message12:29
wildmanvigo: indeed, I'm going to fetch my spoon... oh! there's no spoon!12:29
zax1ok, then whats the good practice way of giving a user permissin on a folder that is locked and is owned by root ?12:29
vegombreiActionParsnip: yo yo yo12:30
vigoNow have a cookie, or not.12:30
wildmanzax1: becoming root, giving him access to that folder, done12:30
ActionParsnipzax1: give the folder a different group permissoion, then add the user to that group12:30
wildmanActionParsnip: slow, but more accurate than me, writer ;)12:30
zax1you are talking as if i have a clue bout what you are saying......12:30
wildmanvigo: for all I care, yes we do12:30
zax1can i get the idiot way of doing this ?12:31
vegombreiis there a way to tell ubuntu to switch audio from spraker output to bluetooth headphones ?12:31
wildmanzax1: sorry12:31
Linux_UserAre the package versions on ubuntu the same as debian?12:31
ActionParsnipzax1: so at the moment it will be root root, if you change it to root group_a  (for example) then add root and the user to group_a then the user will get the access of the middle access byte in the chmod12:31
abdoHi everybody12:32
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ActionParsnipzax1: all files and folders have an owner and a group ownership, thats why there are 3 parts in a chmod command, like 75012:32
icerooti am using a ramdrive from another pc for swap. can i also use the local disk for swap + ram-drive from the other pc?12:33
abdoI have a problem with zenoos & snmp protocol running in ubuntu12:33
ActionParsnipzax1: 750 = owner has RWX, the group that owns the file/folder has RX and the world and his dog has no access12:33
zax1ActionParsnip: its all over my head12:33
zax1sorry i thank you for the hep but can we step it back12:33
ActionParsnipzax1: then you need to read up on linux security12:33
zax1at the moment i have no access to a folder12:33
vigoLinux_User: Ubuntu is based on Debian, it gets kinda strange after that.12:34
zax1what command can i type in to get access to that folder and keep access to that folder permenantly ?12:34
jefinczax1: what is the folder you require access to?12:34
wildmanzax1: but you can run commands with sudo, right?12:34
abdo I want to list OS Process info under OS tab like RRD in Prof Tab12:34
zax1i can run commands with sudo correct12:34
ActionParsnipzax1: then you can use sudo cp to write to it, or use  gksudo nautilusto run nautilus with elevated priveledges12:34
wildmanzax1: follow last advise from ActionParsnip then12:34
Shmeckjust installed xubuntu, got a sound problem12:35
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ShmeckListen seem to crash12:35
vigoLinux_User: here, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/Debian >>that explains it better than I can.12:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel12:35
jefinczax1: what is the folder you require access to?12:35
ActionParsnipzax1: then you will need to create a new user group and give that group the ownership of the folder, or see what group currently owns the folder (use ls -l <folder>) and add your user to that12:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addgroup12:36
zax1jefinc: lost+found ?12:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about groupadd12:36
Nexoswildman: man ?12:36
wildmanunknowledgable bot :)12:36
streetyeah :D12:36
streetbad bot :D12:36
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/12:36
ActionParsnipwildman: go teach her then12:36
jefinczax1: why would you require access to that?12:36
ActionParsnipwildman: type   /msg ubottu hi12:36
wildmanNexos: I do know the man pages, I just wanted to tell zax1 something about group mgmt12:37
wildmanI mean, to make the bot tell him12:37
wildmanActionParsnip: have other cats to whip, thx for the tip though12:37
ActionParsnipwildman: then type    !groupadd is <type some stuff here>12:37
ims/etc/rc0.d/K20clamav-freshclam <<---How can I delete this? (cleaning up on clamav)12:37
zax1cause its locked12:37
hemanthjoaopinto: hi , my kernel went to panic after fschk12:37
ActionParsnipims: you can rename it so the k is lower case12:38
vigoims: Tied aptitude?12:38
zax1i need access to a few other foldrs , this is jsut one12:38
jefinczax1: but why do you need to read/write to it?12:38
streetcan anyone explain what runlevel is?12:38
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide12:38
imsActionParsnip, Is that safe?12:38
andenwstreet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel12:38
Shmecksudo gobbledegook blah_blah -w -t -f aWkward/ComBinationOf/mixedCase/underscores_strokes/and.dots12:39
ActionParsnipims: sure, if it causes issues then boot to recovery root console and rename back12:39
zax1i dont know.. is the full answer, this a system that was locked by the previous suysadmin, he left on bad terms and didnt give out any passwords to the ubuntu server. i was hired to get in to that server and that is what i am trying to do. i dont know which folders they need access to, but ineed that server up and running with access to all files on it12:39
ActionParsnipzax1: like i keep telling you, look at the group ownership, if its not root then add yourself to that group, if not then create a new group, change the group owner to the new group and add yourself (and root) to that12:39
imsActionParsnip,ok, I'll try.12:39
zax1ActionParsnip: ok12:39
wildmanbye ppl, good luck and have a nice day!12:40
ActionParsnippeace out wildman12:40
ActionParsnipzax1: so if the folder's ls -l shows:drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 2009-06-30 12:33 samba12:41
ActionParsnipzax1: then you can make a group called samba_group12:42
vigozax1: There is a way to resolve that, let me find the documents.12:42
ActionParsnipzax1: then run: sudo chown :samba_group ./samba12:42
zax1ActionParsnip: many thanks12:42
ActionParsnipzax1: the ls -l will then read: drwxr-xr-x  3 root samba_group  4096 2009-06-30 12:33 samba12:42
ActionParsnipzax1: you will then need to add youur user and root to the samba_group12:43
vigozax1: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-817792.html that explains a way to resolve such an issue.12:44
ActionParsnipzax1: if you read the group restriction you will see the group has execute and read access but you can add write access with: sudo chmod g+w ./samba and your user will have write access12:44
ActionParsnipzax1: as it is in the group and the group has write access12:44
ActionParsnipzax1: I dont recommend you type any of that, its just an example12:44
ActionParsnipzax1: i recommend you research linux priveledges and access thouroughly12:45
zax1ActionParsnip: offcourse :)12:45
ActionParsnipzax1: do you get it now?12:45
vigoI agree with ActionParsnip12:45
ActionParsnipzax1: its childishly simple once you know how12:46
zax1like most thing...12:46
zax1vigo: me to12:46
ActionParsnipzax1: you find windows folks dont understand permisions and access as they usually log in (stupidly) as admin12:46
zax1many thnks to you all12:46
ActionParsnipwell, desktop users anyroad12:47
l3dplatedwhats the deal with atheros wifi drivers   and ubuntu i cant get them working12:47
ActionParsnipl3dplated: my atheros works out of the box12:47
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ActionParsnipl3dplated: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network12:47
ActionParsnipl3dplated: pastebin the output12:47
ActionParsnipl3dplated: don't paste it all here12:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:47
hemanthWhat is the advantage of installing from  ubuntu dvd {4.5 gb iso}12:49
ActionParsnipAtheros AR5001X+ works out of the box since gutsy :)12:49
lean2501hi! how can i remove the boot loading ubuntu screen? i want only it to display the console output12:50
ActionParsniphemanth: all the DEs are on the disk, not just one. as well as more language support on disk12:50
hemanthActionParsnip: are they listed anywhere ? Like which all ?12:50
hjbanyone knows how to install acroread on IA64?12:51
ActionParsniplean2501: you can uninstall usplash, or you can edit /boot/grub/menu.list and remove the word quiet from the kernel line12:51
lean2501ah ok thanks!12:51
ActionParsniphemanth: all the ones from official releases, kubuntu, ubuntu, edubuntu, most of medibuntu12:51
ActionParsniphjb: add medibuntu repos and then run: sudo apt-get install acroread12:51
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | hjb12:52
ubottuhjb: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:52
WeezzZHello !12:53
ActionParsniphowdy :)12:53
hemanthActionParsnip: so all the universal packages will be in my machine12:53
hjbActionParsnip: thanks :)12:53
waraihi, anyone having trouble with wow 3.1.3? No OpenGL rendering mode?12:54
ActionParsniphemanth: yes12:54
ActionParsnipwarai: have you installed and configured video drivers? have you installed wine fromthe wine repo?12:54
hemanthActionParsnip: but i cant switch sessions ....12:54
waraiActionParsnip: Of course,12:54
Dulakhemanth: the list of packages will be on your machine, the packages won't be on your machine until you decide to install them12:54
ActionParsniphemanth: if you install the other sessions, yes. If you use the web after you install then the DVD is pointless, unless you only have DVD media12:55
ActionParsnipwarai: there is no of course here, hence me asking ;)12:55
hemanthDulak: can i do an offline installation or is there a method to install them all , cos i downloaded the iso and installed finding no difference so asked12:55
waraiActionParsnip: hmm :)... anyway, wow worked fine before with 2.4.312:56
zenohow do i list all installed packages (cli)?12:56
ActionParsnipwarai: maybe its a known bug with the update? I'd try asking in #winehq12:56
hemanthActionParsnip: i have the dvd , and i installed it from the same , i'm finding no difference b/w the normal and this version12:56
rrajaratnamhey i need some help to get my headphones working on my laptop12:56
zenohow do i list all installed packages (cli)? that are NOT dependencies?12:56
ActionParsnipzeno: dpkg -l | less12:56
waraiActionParsnip: Thanks, I will look into it.12:56
Dulakhemanth: you can mirror a repository, but for that type of situation it would probably be better to download individual packages you might actually use, since the repositories are huge12:57
zax1many thanks Dulak punda wildman ActionParsnip  vigo and any one else who helpped me , adios12:57
AbyssGerlo, does on freenode a channel for apache-module (mod_rewrite) exist?12:57
rrajaratnamis there a way to dynamically toggle the transparency of a window in compiz?12:57
hemanthDulak: the same would be done with a normal cd also right ? so what is the advantage of dvd ?12:57
Halitechzeno, see here  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7343421&postcount=412:58
zenoActionParsnip: Halitechthanks12:58
ActionParsnipzeno: np man12:58
Dulakhemanth: I misunderstood your question, if you have the dvd you have most of the common packages on that dvd12:58
Halitechzeno, just used that info last night after reinstalling and it works great :)12:58
Dulakhemanth: not all of them, but the more popular ones.  To get even most of the packages it's at least 5 dvds12:59
ActionParsnip!hi | ayoyo12:59
ubottuayoyo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:59
ayoyodoes anyone have an archos 10 netbook?12:59
ActionParsnipDulak: who installs ALL the packages....madness I say12:59
DulakActionParsnip: yeah13:00
ActionParsnip!anyone | ayoyo13:00
ubottuayoyo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:00
hemanthDulak: where is the list of most common packages , packages.medibuntu is it ? if so even restricted will be active is it ?13:00
zenodpkg: need an action option13:00
zenoHalitech: thats the err i get13:00
Dulakhemanth: the list of all the packages is on the dvd, sec while I find it13:00
ayoyoi'd like to know if the sound recording works on an archos 10 with ubuntu 9.0413:01
hemanthDulak: ok13:01
Halitechzeno, did you copy and paste the command given first?13:01
MaT-dgtrying to compile a program on jaunty, it ends with error 'make: *** [all] Error 2'. Fulle output here > http://pastebin.com/d1f3c0ac13:01
ActionParsnipayoyo: it can, it just may not work out of the box13:02
zirodayMaT-dg: what program?13:02
emilioi have an holux m1000 - i need help on how to make gpsdrive working.13:02
zenoHalitech: yes i got that error13:02
MaT-dgziroday: prismstumbler13:02
zirodayMaT-dg: you do know its in the repo's right?13:03
Halitechzeno, try it with sudo, I may have done it that way13:03
ActionParsnipayoyo: they do sell on with uuntu preinstalled13:03
Dulakhemanth: there are package lists all over actually, if you search the dvd for Packages.gz those are all files that list packages on the dvd13:04
zenoHalitech: same error13:04
MaT-dgziroday: yes, I'm aware of that, I installed from the repo's firstbut that's version 7.3 and it crashes all the time. The source I'm trying to compile is that of version 7.4 pre13:04
zirodayMaT-dg: right, did you remove the old version of prismstumbler first?13:04
boss_mcMaT-dg: it seems that the code has an error, report it upstream (to the code's developer)13:04
Halitechzeno, I see, not sure why it worked for me before but its not working now either .... maybe try the guys script from below it13:05
zirodayboss_mc: I wouldn't jump to that conclusion just yet13:05
hemanthDulak: so if i install from a DVD those packages will be installed on my machine ? or should i do apt-cdrom ?13:05
MaT-dgziroday: yes, but that shouldn't make a differrence for compiling (make) right?13:05
zirodayMaT-dg: correct, did you install the dependencies and ./configure ran fine?13:05
AbyssGerive install apache2 and rewrite is also enable but my mod_rewrite dont work in my .htacces any clues?13:05
boss_mcMaT-dg: possibly you have the wrong version of some header files (and libraries)13:05
morris1how do i search for a string that should appear inside a file in a directory?13:05
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boss_mcmorris1: grep <string> ./*13:06
zirodaymorris1: try grep -r foo /path/to/wherever13:06
MaT-dgziroday: yes, installed al dependencies and configure seems ok13:07
ActionParsnipziroday: i thouht it was -R not -r13:07
PiciActionParsnip: they're interchangable iirc13:07
zirodayActionParsnip: they all do the same thing :)13:07
MaT-dgziroday: I can post output from configure to if u want13:07
zirodayMaT-dg: yes please13:07
ActionParsnipziroday: gotcha, just remembering its case sensitive ;)13:08
ActionParsnipPici: apparently so.New knowledge today :D13:08
zirodayActionParsnip: :)13:08
MaT-dgziroday: http://pastebin.com/d3b2c075013:08
hemanthhow can i know if i'm metacity is active or compiz ?13:09
Titan8990_hemanth, ps | grep metacity13:09
zirodayhemanth: ps aux | grep -i compiz13:09
ActionParsniphemanth: Titan8990_ beat me to it13:09
maxagazsome files are being downloaded on my system, is there a way to know where they are ?13:09
ActionParsnipps -ef | grep -i compiz13:09
jribmaxagaz: being downloaded by...?13:10
Titan8990_lol there was a line to tell about ps + grep13:10
* ActionParsnip uses the linux standard :)13:10
hemanthActionParsnip: i'm running metacity13:10
zirodayMaT-dg: hmm that all looks fine13:10
maxagazjrib, by the hardware updater13:10
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hemanthTitan8990_: ziroday thanks13:10
waraiActionParsnip: Hi again, people in other channels are not responding. Do you have wow 3.1.3 working fine? :)13:10
jribmaxagaz: you mean update manager?13:10
maxagazjrib, yes13:10
zirodayMaT-dg: I don't know sorry13:10
hemanthi tired ps -aux | grep m*13:10
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ActionParsniphemanth: you can even write a script to output what you are running based on the output of those grep commands :)13:10
hemanthdidnt work13:10
MaT-dgziroday: so it's an error in the code like boss_mc says?13:10
zirodayMaT-dg: I'm not sure sorry13:11
hemanthActionParsnip: ok :)13:11
Dulakhemanth: if you install off dvd, and want all the packages, you'll have to select all the packages when it comes to the point where it asks you about installing packages, then after it's done you would have all packages.13:11
jribmaxagaz: it downloads debs to /var/cache/apt/archives but why would you want to know that?13:11
boss_mcMaT-dg: can you pastebin gpsctl.c?13:11
maxagazjrib, but independantly from that, is there some log of downloaded files ?13:11
Dulakhemanth: otherwise, only the packages you select at install will be installed, but those packages would be on the dvd, if you wanted to install them later13:11
hemanthDulak: if i have missed that step ?13:11
jribmaxagaz: I don't know.  Check /var/log/13:11
hemanthDulak: it didnt prompt me at all!13:11
Dulakhemanth: is the dvd listed as a package source in /etc/apt/sources.list13:12
maxagazjrib, because the update manager looks like frozen13:12
hemanthDulak: brb13:12
maxagazjrib, i'd like to make sure wether it's working or not13:12
boss_mcMaT-dg: in prismstumbler/src/deamon/13:12
jribmaxagaz: can't you hit cancel or abort or whatever?13:12
maxagazjrib, and i can see that something is being downloaded on the system13:12
maxagazjrib, from the system monitor13:13
maxagazjrib, i can do that yes13:13
maxagazjrib, but it won't answer my question13:13
jribmaxagaz: what is your question?13:13
MaT-dgboss_mc: gpsctl.c > http://pastebin.com/d2f5c5dbb13:14
maxagazjrib, the Jockey backend crashed...13:14
maxagazjrib, i've got my answer13:14
Trent0r_How do I manually edit my wine menu in Applications?  I've gone through the entire wine faq and nothing seems to help.13:17
jribTrent0r_: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu13:17
Trent0r_jrib the folders will remain somewhere on the os though, I'm looking for the folder that acctually has the physical files13:18
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
Trent0r_Editing the menu via edit menu does not and will not work13:19
ActionParsnipTrent0r_: is it not editable with alacarte13:19
boss_mcMaT-dg: It isn't lying to you, there is no data member called newdata, I'd get in touch with the package developer and ask them (they may be using a different version of the library where this is valid code)13:19
ActionParsnip!info alacarte13:19
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.10-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 55 kB, installed size 1240 kB13:19
jribTrent0r_: ~/.local/ and ~/.config, read the freedesktop spec13:19
DASPRiDSince today is Firefox 3.5 release day: will ubuntu 9.04 update automatically to it, or do i have to install the firefox-3.5 package (which yet is still beta tho) ?13:19
klenixwhat is application for modding/flashing A2 phone.13:19
Trent0r_I've done it before, you find some folder and it has the programs folder and if you go inside the folder you see the tree of programs in the menu13:19
Nexos!info nethack13:19
ubottuPackage nethack does not exist in jaunty13:19
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: when its ready, it will come13:20
boss_mcDASPRiD: firefox 3.5 out today! amazing13:20
boss_mcDASPRiD: but yes, what ActionParsnip said13:20
lstarnesDASPRiD: you'll probably have to wait for 9.04 for the released firefox 3.5 to reach the official repos13:20
DASPRiDAh good, so we don't have to wait for 9.10 to have it officially supported in ubuntu :)13:20
lstarnesDASPRiD: but it should be available in a PPA13:20
lstarnesDASPRiD: I meant 9.10, sorry13:21
DASPRiDoh :/13:21
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: does the current release not work for you?13:21
hjbanyone knows if konqueror works with the adobe pdf plugin?13:21
DASPRiDActionParsnip, you mean the firefox-3.5 package?13:21
ActionParsniphjb: i'd imagine so13:21
DASPRiD!info firefox-3.513:21
ubottufirefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 889 kB, installed size 3468 kB13:21
hjbi've enabled it but konqueror keeps crashing on pdfs now13:21
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: no, does the current firefox version you have installed at the moment work ok?13:22
DASPRiDthe 3.0? yes13:22
MaT-dgboss_mc: right now?13:22
DASPRiDbutz i want the 3.5 features ;)13:22
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: then why do you want to fix something that isnt broken13:22
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: have you read the feature list?13:22
DASPRiDwhy else would i want it13:22
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: this selective history wiping thing...not such a big deal13:22
DASPRiDActionParsnip, and much more like partial html5 support13:23
DASPRiDalso it's much faster than ff 3.013:23
DASPRiDnew js rendering engine…13:23
djiezesActionParsnip: but the javascript performance (tracemonkey engine) should be a big deal, right?13:23
* ActionParsnip loads up firepup ;)13:23
ActionParsnipif you want speed, opt for a firefox derivative thats simply lighter and faster13:24
DASPRiDActionParsnip, you mean: use lynx13:24
DASPRiDthats not a fix13:24
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: lynx isnt based on firefox is it13:24
DASPRiDwell but its faster13:25
DASPRiDso its solves the slowness problem according to you13:25
boss_mcMaT-dg: whenever you can be bothered, the site's not very accessible though13:25
jribDASPRiD: the answer here is that the safe and supported way is to wait for package maintainers to get 3.5 updated in the repos.  Even though the final release is not in the repos, there is a beta or rc that has those features.  Why can't you use that while it gets updated?13:25
MaT-dgboss_mc: but how will you let me know? I'm not on this channel 24/713:25
Trent0r_ActionParsnip: when you edit the menus of wine with the gnome edit menu you cant delete folders, I click delete but nothing happens...13:25
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: kazehakase is a good example13:26
ActionParsnipTrent0r_: tahats all i know, I dont use menus to launch apps so I am unsure13:26
boss_mcMaT-dg: I meant you get in touch with them13:26
jribTrent0r_: I told you where they were already13:26
ActionParsnipDASPRiD: still uses firefox engines but is simply alighter app13:27
Trent0r_I checked ~/.local and ~/.config, nothing was there13:27
Trent0r_no wine folder jrib13:27
jribTrent0r_: really?  You checked ~/.local/share/applications/?13:27
MaT-dgboss_mc: ah ok, so they is a change they fixe the code in a few days?13:27
ActionParsnipTrent0r_: checkin /usr/share/applications13:27
ActionParsnipTrent0r_: I am unsure how the folder that they appear in are managed but I'm sure if you opened a few in gedit/leafpad you could see whats going on13:28
Trent0r_thanks jrib13:28
boss_mcMaT-dg: they'll either release a change or help you sort your install13:28
racerxI have this messages when my computer froze: hpet increasing min_delta_ns to 33750 nsec. A bunch of these message with increasing time. It has happened to me numerous time since I installed jaunty. Anyone can help with this?13:28
boss_mcMaT-dg: or bluntly ignore you... they're only human13:28
djiezesTrent0r_: i'm not sure what you're looking for exactly, but don't you need to be in ~/.wine/... ?13:28
Trent0r_I got it thanks13:29
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
jribTrent0r_: ~/.config also has relevant data iirc13:29
MuyayoHola people13:30
racerxcomputer keeps freezing. error msg "hpet increasing min_delta_ns to 33750 nsec". Had to power down to bring it back up. Need help.13:30
MaT-dgjrib: DASPRiD: I tried the firefox-3.5 package, you can install it next to firefox 3.0 and even run them both at the same time. Bookmarks and plugins are in both. The problem is that it's the beta4 so it's still very bugged. For example: back and forward buttons are greyed out13:30
ActionParsnipracerx: let me see what i can dig up13:31
Trent0r_~/.config has nothing for wine in it13:31
Iliehi, I'm trying to install easycam-gtk but it complains about missing python2.4-glade213:31
Ilieand python2.4-gtk2, any idea what should I Install ?13:31
ActionParsnipracerx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27079813:31
jribTrent0r_: grep -R -i wine ~/.config/13:31
MaT-dgboss_mc: ok thanks, now the code on pastebin lasts only 1 day... is that a problem?13:31
ActionParsnip!bug 27079813:31
nukedclxanyone can tell me what ubuntu using for remote desktop sharing?13:32
boss_mcMaT-dg: nah, why would it?13:32
nukedclxi need port of that app13:32
hoellpnukedclx, is it windows remote?13:32
MaT-dgboss_mc: dunno, maybe u give a link to it to the devs...13:32
Trent0r_yeah those are the config files, i tried manually editing those and what it does is in gnome it will activate the "other" category in the menu and put them there13:33
MaT-dgboss_mc: I'm not familiar with reporting problems ;)13:33
racerxActionParsnip: Are you using Jaunty as well? I may need to go back to previous version.13:33
nukedclxmy friend tell me13:33
nukedclxhe shared his desktop with builtin app but dont know port for forwarding13:33
ActionParsnipracerx: i dont get the error myself but i am using jaunty13:33
boss_mcMaT-dg: I havn't given them anything, you just send them an e-mail, explaining your problem, attach the output of make and ask for a fix/advice13:33
hoellpnukedclx, on a windowsbox?13:33
nukedclxi need know something about that app13:33
boss_mcMaT-dg: it's very simple13:33
nukedclxon ubuntu13:33
hoellpnukedclx, then it's vnc13:34
nukedclxi knew13:34
nukedclxthen it will 590013:34
nukedclxi guess13:34
hoellpnukedclx, usually yes13:34
ActionParsnipnukedclx: if its using RDP then you need rdesktop and  3389 (default)13:34
nukedclxrdp isnt windows thing?13:35
hoellpnukedclx, it is13:35
racerxI thought maybe it was because I use EXT4. I reformat and used EXT3 now. It has happened once so far since the last two days I switched to EXT3.13:35
Iliehow can I install python2.4-glade2?13:35
hoellpthere are some viewers for linux though13:35
ActionParsnipnukedclx: if you are connecting to him thn you need no port forwarding, if he's connecting to you then open port 5800 and 5900 for both UDP and TCP and forward to the IP of the system running the servince13:35
ActionParsnipnukedclx: if he's connecting to you make sure you use an ssh tunnel for security as vnc is all plain text and unencrypted13:36
ActionParsnip!vnc > nukedclx13:36
ubottunukedclx, please see my private message13:36
nukedclxi know good that ideology, but i dont know ubuntu13:36
nukedclxim gentoo user :)13:36
GalbadoreQuestion: Is IP tables a statefull firewall or just like an ACL in the Cisco world?13:36
ActionParsnipnukedclx: its all generic, vnc, rdp, ssh is distro independant13:37
nukedclxyea, but he said builtin13:37
nukedclxi dont know what ubuntu uses for that :)13:37
ActionParsnipnukedclx: sounds like RDP13:37
hoellpnukedclx, vncserver is preinstalled13:37
ActionParsnipnukedclx: sounds like he's enabled remote logon using rdp13:38
hoellpActionParsnip, isn't that much less obvious than vnc?13:38
ActionParsnipGalbadore: ip tables blocks and allows trafic based on rules only13:38
Galbadorehoellp: Okay, like a ACL then. Thanks.13:38
ActionParsniphoellp: nothing is obviousto me. I always dig to find out whats shaking13:38
hoellpActionParsnip, i mean if you're new, you'd rather find vnc to enable than rdp13:39
ActionParsniphoellp: i wouldnt use either, i'd use ssh and x forwarding13:39
hoellpActionParsnip, i use just ssh ususally, but still13:40
ActionParsniphoellp: me too but folks like pretty pictures13:40
hoellpwe're drifting...13:40
DASPRiDMaT-dg, i already installed the 3.5 package, but as you said, it's outdated (b4 instead of rc2) and it rquires the new xulrunner, which means i have to start it manually as it tries to use the old xulrunner by default13:40
hoellpnukedclx, can't you just ask him what he activated?13:40
ActionParsniphoellp: well he never stated what OS both sides of the connection were using13:40
hoellpsure he did13:40
wiwarhow to switch off  "Mirror Screens" ("System"->"Preferences"->"Screen Resolution") option with configuration files ?13:41
hoellpit's on ubuntu13:41
hoellpso rdp would be a PITA, x-forwarding is pretty buried13:41
ActionParsniphoellp: on both?13:41
hoellpand vnc is right there in the menu13:41
hoellpon the server, but that's the only thing that counts...13:41
ActionParsniphoellp: how do you mean buried?13:41
hoellpActionParsnip, that it's not really easy to find13:42
ActionParsniphoellp: its default enabled when you install openssh-server13:42
ActionParsniphoellp: so if the client system is linux with a running x server its all done, and secure13:42
hoellpActionParsnip, i know13:43
hoellpActionParsnip, but still it's about a kind of novice who activated some desktop sharing13:43
hoellpthat's probably vnc in 90% of the cases13:44
ActionParsnipwell i assume nothing on here13:44
ActionParsnipi got a meeting kiddiwinks, peace out13:45
sillyCEOMUST uninstall / reinstall Firefox. But once I uninstall, I have no browser! How do I install stuff without a browser??!13:45
hoellpsillyCEO, how do you install with a browser?13:46
hoellpsillyCEO, and why do you need to reinstall?13:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about p3nfs13:46
sillyCEOhoelip: I usually go to "firefox.com" and download software13:46
hoellpsillyCEO, that's win-style, you probably don't want to do that on ubuntu13:47
sillyCEOheellp: oh.13:47
hoellpsillyCEO, open system-systemconfig-synaptic package manager13:47
hoellpand search for firefox there13:47
sillyCEOhoellp: yes, found that.13:47
Hodappwell, with Firefox both ways work, really.13:47
hoellpthat's how you "should" install all of your programs13:47
nukedclxits vnc13:48
JNSamuelyou should compile, really13:48
sillyCEOhoellp: But once I uninstall, where do I get it again?13:48
hoellpsillyCEO, exactly there13:48
sillyCEOheollp: Oh! I thought it would disappear!13:48
hoellpsillyCEO, but the question remains why you need to reinstall13:48
hoellpsillyCEO, in most cases that won't change anything13:48
sillyCEOhoellp: I have a bad add-in causing problems.13:49
hoellpsillyCEO, can you start ff?13:49
hoellpbut can't uninstall the addon i guess?13:49
sillyCEOheollp: yes, but I think it 'leaves' someting.13:49
DASPRiDMaT-dg, found a ppa of mozilla which daily ships the newest ff :)13:50
hoellpusually not13:50
hoellpsillyCEO, but we can make sure of that13:50
MaT-dgDASPRiD: nice, gimme gimme ^^13:50
sillyCEOhoellp: how?13:50
hoellpsillyCEO, you're on ubuntu (gnome-ui)?13:50
DASPRiDMaT-dg, http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/05/daily-firefox-35-36-repository-for.html13:50
sillyCEOheollp: Eeebuntu. On an EeePC13:50
DASPRiDcurrently rc2 is in there, should soon update to final13:50
hoellpsillyCEO,  then please open the filemanager in your home-directory13:51
hoellpsillyCEO, that's gnome, yeah, a little modified13:51
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sillyCEOheollp: OK in file manager13:51
hoellpsillyCEO, once in homefolder, press ctrl+h to see the hidden folders13:51
drew_anyone have the splinter cell linux install for xbox?13:51
hoellpsillyCEO, the ones with "." before13:51
hoellpsillyCEO, find .mozilla13:51
sillyCEOheollp: done13:51
sillyCEOheollp: OK13:52
hoellpif you don't care about ff settings, you can just rename/delete it13:52
hoellpsillyCEO, then you're back to factorysettings13:52
johnrdavisjrWhat would be the best ubuntu spin to use for audio recording?13:52
sillyCEOheollp: wow, cool.13:52
sillyCEOheollp: It will make a new one when I start FF?13:52
hoellpsillyCEO, yes13:52
sillyCEOheollp: Will give it a shot, thx13:53
hoellpyou can export your bookmarks before if you want13:53
sillyCEOheollp: So delete the whole hidden .mozilla folder?13:53
JNSamuelwhy not remove the extension in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>.default/extensions ?13:53
JNSamuelthat way you dont loose your settings13:53
hoellpsillyCEO, like i said, just do it if you won't miss anything13:53
sillyCEOheollp: dont care about settings.13:54
sillyCEOJNSamual: Good idea, but settings aren't important.13:54
DASPRiDMaT-dg, is it just me or is the GUI font in ff-3.5 larger than in the 3.0 install?13:54
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hoellpsillyCEO, then go ahaed, that should make sure it works, regardless of the addon13:54
hoellpsillyCEO, if you're sure what the problem is, you can also delete just the addon13:54
hoellpbut i think .mozilla is really a mess13:55
MaT-dgDASPRiD: just a sec, still busy adding the repo13:55
sillyCEOheollp: And the add on is in the location that JSamuel said?13:55
hoellpyes, but some store their settings in folders in .mozilla/firefox13:56
hoellpwhat are we talking about anyways?13:56
johnrdavisjrdoes anyone have any idea how to record skype conversations?13:56
blankthemuffinHi, just wondering what the package name for the flgrx ati drivers is. I need to be able to disable it and drop back to the open source drivers via apt, is this simple?13:57
boss_mcblankthemuffin: to revert to ati drivers, jut change your Xorg.conf to read Driver "ati"13:57
hoellpblankthemuffin, you have to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf there you can state which driver is in use13:57
lesshastemy root partition /dev/sda2 is full and I have another partition /dev/sda4 which I don't use at all.. can I add it to the root partition in some clever way?13:57
hoellplesshaste, not easily if you can't resize them13:58
lesshastehoellp: how can I tell if I can resize them?13:58
hoellplesshaste, and i guess there is another partition in between13:58
induslesshaste: well,i dont think you can add, but resize probably with live cd13:59
lesshastehoellp: http://pastebin.com/f3d915f813:59
hoellplesshaste, which makes it kinda hard, except you can backup sda3, remove both 3+4, resize 2 and make a new 313:59
hoellplesshaste, that's even worse13:59
lesshasteoh really?14:00
lesshastetell me more14:00
hoellplesshaste, your sda3 is the extended, which hosts 3 other partitions14:00
sillyCEO_hoellp: That worked amazing. Like a fresh Firefox. Thanks you a million times, that's a great trick!14:00
hoellplesshaste, so you'd have to backup everything and start over partitioning, that's not really an option14:00
hoellpsillyCEO_, you're very welcome14:00
lesshastehoellp: :((14:01
lesshastehoellp: any lvm is too painful?14:01
hoellplesshaste, how big is your root?14:01
hoellplesshaste, on a running system?14:01
hoellplesshaste, not something i'd recommend14:01
Titan8990_lesshaste, lvm on / is painful... anywhere else is good14:01
lesshastehoellp: it's sda214:01
MachtinI'm looking for a tool to directly rip the audio-stream from a youtube-video14:02
Titan8990_lesshaste, if you have a regular partition on / and lvm for say /usr /home and /tmp that is ideal for a lvm configuration14:02
lesshastehoellp: sda4 ... http://pastebin.com/f1f6a6c5f14:02
Machtindoes anyone know a tool, which does that?14:02
`PuTaNgHi everyone, I am trying to install a BNC on my server running 8.04 Hardy Heron. The "configure" script which compiles the BNC executable binary uses GNU C compiler which I have installed, but I get an error message stating:    "configure: error: C compiler               cannot create executables"   Is there anyone that can help me with this please?14:02
hoellplesshaste, / "should" be about 10 gig14:02
lesshasteMachtin: you can download the video and then use mencoder I think14:02
Titan8990_`PuTaNg, try sudo or root14:03
MaT-dgDASPRiD: I can't get the key for the repo14:03
Machtinlesshaste: i know, but i want one tool to do both :)14:03
lesshastehoellp: right.. mine is 6763333 but if I added sda2 it would be perfect :)14:03
hoellplesshaste, do you have backups?14:03
`PuTaNgah ok will try ty14:03
lesshastehoellp: not really... I could go down that route14:03
Machtinif there is.. if not i will need to use your method14:03
lo127anyone know the name of the app that send WOL packages?14:03
DASPRiDMaT-dg, sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com EF4186FE247510BE14:03
hoellplesshaste, where do you want to add sda2?14:03
hoellpi though that's your /14:03
lesshastehoellp: I want to add it to /14:04
lesshastesda2 is spare14:04
lesshastesda4 is root14:04
lesshastesorry about this14:04
lesshastesda5 is /14:04
FloodBot2lesshaste: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
lesshasteI can't type today14:04
fenn_hello, I have "printer not connected" after upgrade to jaunty on /dev/lp0 - but the printer is connected and worked fine with intrepid14:04
lesshastehoellp: look at http://pastebin.com/f1f6a6c5f14:04
lesshaste  It doesn't have typos :)14:04
hoellpthat makes it a lot easier14:04
Shishire_MaigaOk, I've got a bit of an unusual problem.  I had some trouble with my partitions recently, and just now recovered them.  However, one of them, my home partition had a slightly larger filesystem (ext3) than it has a partition.  I can mount it fine, and as far as I can tell, all the data is fine, but when I run e2fsck, it tells me that the superblock says the FS is too large, and then proceeds to work fine. http14:04
lo127found it, its "etherwake"14:04
noMasterI'm going to create new partition table on HDD by Gparted. What kind of it I should choose? Are there any advanteges for each kind? I will have 3 primary partiotion with linux, windows and filetemp.14:05
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hoellplesshaste, still, you'd have to cut a piece of sda4 and add to sda514:05
sipior`PuTaNg: have you installed the "build-essential" package? you'll need more than just the compiler itself.14:05
lesshastehoellp: do you mean something else? sda4 is not part of this story14:05
hoellpless then you can remove sda2, add it to the extended (sda3) and finally add it to sda414:05
Titan8990_Shishire_Maiga, use resize2fs to restore the partition to the original size14:05
`PuTaNgty i will check14:05
Shishire_Maigaoh, good :D I forgot about that14:06
hoellplesshaste, the problem is, you can only resize partitions when they're physically beside each other14:06
lesshastehoellp: hmm14:06
hoellplesshaste, so you can't just add sda2 to 514:06
hoellpyou can add from 4 to 514:06
Titan8990_hoellp, with lvm you can mix and match however you choose14:06
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`PuTaNgty sipior, no it wasnt installed :$14:07
fenn_please help! "printer not connected"14:07
hoellpTitan8990_, then you should guide him through setting one up for root on a running system14:07
MaT-dgDASPRiD: okay, worked :) now, wich one? firefox-3.1 package?14:07
Titan8990_hoellp, hehe, I already advised against having root on a lvm14:07
lesshastehoellp: I could just copy a directory over I suppose from 5 to 214:07
Shishire_MaigaTitan8990_: thank you very much, its all fixed now :D14:07
hoellplesshaste, hmm14:07
Titan8990_Shishire_Maiga, excellent14:07
lesshastehoellp: not a good idea?14:08
hoellplesshaste, not so easily14:08
lesshastehoellp: why not? Can't I mount /var wherever I want? for example14:08
noMasterI'm going to create new partition table on HDD by Gparted. What kind of it I should choose? Are there any advanteges for each kind? I will have 3 primary partiotion with linux, windows and filetemp.14:08
Titan8990_lesshaste, uhh, at /var...14:08
fenn_please help, printer not connected lp014:08
hoellplesshaste, you can14:08
lesshasteTitan8990_: ?14:08
Titan8990_lesshaste, /var is an absolute path14:08
hoellplesshaste, at least some of the dirs14:08
djiezesAnyone can tell me if we should expect the Firefox update (3.5) - which comes today - to appear in Jaunty's default repositories? If so, today? Later? Or will we have to wait for Ubuntu 9.10?14:08
lesshasteTitan8990_: I mean on whatever partition I want14:08
Titan8990_lesshaste, yes14:09
sipiordjiezes: i believe it's slated for 9.10.14:09
hoellplesshaste, it's just not easy to accomplish without bricking the system14:09
fenn_please help, printer not connected lp0 - was my parallel card dropped from jaunty?14:09
lesshastehoellp: :)14:09
unophoellp, mounting /var somewhere else - will brick the system?14:09
hoellplesshaste, the easiest way'd be a backup, repartitioning and reinstalling14:09
Titan8990_fenn_, try: cupsenable lpt014:09
lesshastehoellp: :(14:10
hoellpunop, if you don't know how to resize partitions on an installed system14:10
hoellpunop, chances are not so bad14:10
sipiorfenn_: are we supposed to guess all of the details, then?14:10
lesshastein theory, could I move the partitions round using parted or similar and then add 2 to 5?14:10
djiezessipior: so the current FF 3.0.11 won't update itself to 3.5 in this Ubuntu release? Will they convert the current 3.5 beta package to final then?14:10
jamiewancan someone please advise me of a good program to burn .avi files to dvd, ive tried tovid and todisc with no success :-(14:10
`PuTaNgTitan8990_ & sipior thanks, its all fine now :)14:10
hoellplesshaste, with some legwork, yes14:10
sipiordjiezes: i've no idea.14:10
joaopintodjiezes, you should not expect major release upgrades on a released version14:11
suwroPidgin is not connecting to yhoo any more - can someone confirm this? is a bug?14:11
hoellplesshaste, like i said, you can cut off a piece of 4 to make 5 bigger14:11
Titan8990_lesshate, really, you could make a tar image of the entire filesystem, repartition and then copy all the files back over14:11
lesshastehoellp: ok.. this seems ok14:11
Titan8990_lesshaste, using whatever new partition scheme you want14:11
joaopintosuwro, there is a known problem, either you need to setup a specific server, or upgrade pidgin14:11
Huda^_^iam huda14:11
Titan8990_lesshaste, just remember to have tar preserve perms when tarring and untarring14:11
hoellplesshaste, than you can also delete 2, add it to the extended partition, and then add it to sda4, so you can use the whole space14:11
lesshasteTitan8990_: I wasn't going to tar but thanks14:11
MaT-dgDASPRiD: it's that shiretoko thing again..14:11
suwrojoaopinto: i'm using the latest from repo.14:11
DASPRiDMaT-dg, cause rc214:12
lesshastehoellp: looks like fun with partition magic :)14:12
hoellplesshaste, will you do it from windows?14:12
joaopintosuwro, I am not sure the repository version will be fixed14:12
DASPRiDMaT-dg, final weill be renamed.. the question is, is the gui font size for you larger as well as in ff 3.0 or other applications?14:12
djiezesjoaopinto , sipior: okay, thanks for the input, i'll see how the packages evolve tomorrow & probably look for a repo that offers 3.5 then.14:12
hoellpi'd recommend a livecd14:12
suwrojoaopinto: where can I find more info about this problem?14:12
Titan8990_lesshaste, you MUST use tar unless you are backing up to linux partition14:12
MaT-dgDASPRiD: oh, anyway, it still has the same problems...14:12
lesshastehoellp: I was going to make a partition magic boot disk14:12
Titan8990_lesshaste, it you made a file backup to say, FAT32, you will lose all UNIX perms14:12
DASPRiDMaT-dg, which?14:12
Titan8990_lesshaste, unless its archived14:12
hoellplesshaste, good idea, there is also a gparted iso which is pretty small14:12
lesshasteTitan8990_: I am not doing that but don't worry14:13
MaT-dgDASPRiD: but the font is no different from 3.0 here14:13
lesshastehoellp: thanks for your help14:13
joaopintosuwro, search on launchpad, it should be reported there14:13
joaopinto!launchpad | suwro14:13
ubottusuwro: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/14:13
DASPRiDMaT-dg, then thats just me :)14:13
suwrothank you14:13
hoellplesshaste, sure, just ask if you have some more questions14:13
hoellplesshaste, and tripplecheck everything14:13
hoellplesshaste, and if everything goes wrong, get yourself a copy of testdisk14:14
hoellpvery small, very powerfull14:14
jetblasthey guys, i keep getting unclean shut downs over and over14:14
T|-|e_SLiDeR__can anyone tell how to find the desktop switcher in KDE 4.214:14
hoellplesshaste, another thing, make / big enough for the next 10 years14:15
jetblasti have ubuntu 9.0414:15
hoellplesshaste, i like to go with 15-20 gb14:15
MaT-dgDASPRiD: problems at first sight > back forward does not work, clicking on no-scipt plugin icon in statusbar doen not react, weave addon doesn't sign in14:15
noMasterI'm going to create new partition table on HDD by Gparted. What kind of it I should choose? Are there any advanteges for each kind? I will have 3 primary partiotion with linux, windows and filetemp.14:15
crankhardersome script I'm hacking is using "kfmclient openURL some_url" to open the url in the default browser, and it's not working on my box -- is there another command that's installed on *most* linux distros that can handle this?14:15
lesshastehoellp: thanks....14:16
Picicrankharder: ##linux would be a better place to ask for cross-distro compatibility14:16
jetblasti keep getting unclean shut downs on reboot or just plain shut down.  it never did that before. i uninstalled seamonkey and opera and i dont know what is causing my unclean shut downs now.14:16
sipiorcrankharder: you can try "gnome-open"14:16
jetblastthose 2 programs were the last 2 installed14:16
jamiewancan someone tell me a good prog to burn .avi files to dvd, tried tovid and todisc no good14:16
hoellpcrankharder,  you can check if it's gnome or kde14:16
hoellpcrankharder, for kde it's kfmclient, for gnome gnome-open14:17
hoellpcrankharder, but you can try xdg-browser(?) as well i think14:17
DASPRiDMaT-dg, hm, the buttons work here14:17
joaopintocrankharder, xdg-open url14:17
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hoellpjoaopinto, ah, y, right14:17
PiciMaT-dg, DASPRiD: fyi, the versions of 3.5 in Jaunty are betas, even the version in Karmic is RC2.14:17
bobzillionT|-|e_SLiDeR, you can add "pager" as a widget to the KDE toolbar.14:18
hoellpcrankharder,  that covers lsb-conform distros14:18
DASPRiDpicca, i'm using the rc2 from the mozilla daily ppa14:18
DASPRiD* Pici14:18
T|-|e_SLiDeR__jamiewan: ,do you just want it so it will play in any DVD player14:18
gangiljetblast: even I suffered the same problem , but after updating it all went off... is your system up to date?14:18
MaT-dgDASPRiD: grayed out all the time, togheter woth the reload end stop button. Also mouse side buttons don't work14:18
DASPRiDMaT-dg, well not here14:18
DASPRiDmust have something to do with a plugin of you or so14:18
jetblastgangil: yes, i installed some security updates and then all of a sudden, my computer started doing it14:18
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jamiewanT|-|_slider: yes mate14:19
T|-|e_SLiDeR__there is one called DeVeDe14:19
* gangil doesnt know the cause of the problem :(, but his problem solved after recent updates :D14:19
crankharderthanx everyone14:20
visecrankharder: you are welcome :)14:20
jamiewantried that also, ive got quiet a few installed but none seem to work, i have good success disc to disc burn with k9copy but thats a\ll i can manage14:21
testi_How can I change the master password of my keyring?14:21
T|-|e_SLiDeR__so whats it doing wrong14:21
jamiewanjust6 says it cant open disc14:21
soniumhi, how can I put together files produced by split command?14:22
testi_I changed the user password and now it keeps asking for the (previous) password14:22
testi_when an applications wants to access the key ring14:22
ninixhi, does anyone is familiar with raid arrays rebuild here ?14:22
PistosHi all. Wondering if tehre is anyone here who more or less officially deals with Ruby under Ubuntu?  I may have found a bug in Ubuntu's build of Ruby (because it odesn't appear in Debian or Gentoo).14:23
maxownzanyone know where I could sign mark@pavprop.com up for copious amounts of spam?14:23
testi_got to go :( see you later14:23
Picimaxownz: not here.14:23
T|-|e_SLiDeR__jamiewan:  did you add the extra  repositories14:23
Z-bobmaxownz, this not the place for that.14:24
jamiewanYes all installed as far as i can see14:24
hoellpPistos, www.launchpad.net is the way to go14:24
hossamhello, i deleted a folder from an additional mounted drive and even removed from the trash, is there a chance i can recover this folder?14:24
MaT-dgDASPRiD: then it's quite useless for me, I need my plugins :) Also the most important reason for me to have 3.5 (except for the new engines) is compatibility for the weave addon... wich still doesn't work14:24
fenn_hello, printer problem solved by adding "parport_pc" to /etc/modules and rebooting14:24
Pistoshoellp: I tried there, but never got the registration e-mail [to my spam-protecting email proxy service].14:24
ageyanyone know how to set datetime from terminal without authentication?14:24
Pistoshoellp: But I'll try again.14:24
Piciagey: You cannot, why do you need to be able to do that?14:25
jamiewanT|-|e_slider: hell your nick is hard to type, yep all installed i'm sure14:25
Pici!tab | jamiewan14:25
ubottujamiewan: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:25
Pistoshoellp: Thank you for your response.14:25
topramencan anyone tell me what telnet is and why they are floating through my pc?<<<<<14:25
hoellpPistos, this is just usersupport here14:25
Pistoshoellp: Okay, thanks.14:25
termosis there a fix for the eduroam bug in gnome network manager in ubuntu?14:25
hoellpPistos, but you can try #ubuntu-dev, but it's not so easy to get a hold on someone14:25
hossamhello, i deleted a folder from an additional mounted drive and even removed from the trash, is there a chance i can recover this folder?14:26
Pistoshoellp: Okay, I will do that, thanks!14:26
hoellphossam, you can try testdisk for example14:26
MaT-dgDASPRiD: besides, now 3.5 is fully released today it won't take ages for the repo's to update I guess?14:27
hossamhoellp, i read that somewhere else, i ran it and it asked me whether i should have tried all the disk, or unallocated space14:27
T|-|e_SLiDeR__is there any way to have different pictures on each desktop14:27
hossamhoellp, when choosing the whole disk that would have taken 33 hours or something, would the folder be found in unallocated space now?14:27
ageysorry, I was lost connection14:28
ubuntuhi all14:28
hoellphossam, probably not14:28
hoellphossam, you should check the partition where the file was14:28
hossamhoellp, so should i just let it run the recovery for 33 hours and hope it will find the directory? and will the directory structure be maintained?14:28
ubuntui1ve problem.when ubuntu boots up 'panic kernel' message appears14:28
DASPRiDMaT-dg, afaik no 3.5 before 9.10 in the official repos14:28
hossamhoellp, i let it begin and it just created a compressed file14:29
MaT-dgT|-|e_SLiDeR__: yes, if u have KDE u can do it nativly I heard. In gnome u have to disable nautilus drawning the desktop and use the compiz wallpaper plugin. However, disabling nautilus drawning the desktop means that u have no more icons on the desktop14:29
hoellphossam, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery14:29
hossamhoellp, will do thanks14:29
MaT-dgDASPRiD: I can't believe they are going to wait until october14:29
DASPRiDMaT-dg, i think they will14:30
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hoellpDASPRiD, but you can still install ff3.5 manually when it's released14:30
T|-|e_SLiDeR__not sure what you mean MaT-dg14:30
hoellpand there probably will be a PPA for it14:30
DASPRiDhoellp, right14:30
DASPRiDhoellp, there already is14:30
DASPRiDthe mozilla daily ppa14:30
MaT-dgT|-|e_SLiDeR__: are u using gnome?14:30
progre55hi people! how do you set a specific encoding in a terminal?14:31
MaT-dghoellp: just hope that they have 64bit source to then.. couln't find it for the beta's/rc's14:32
progre55set SMTH=utf814:32
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hoellpMaT-dg, there is already a 64bit in karmic14:32
progre55but dont remember what that SMTH was =)14:32
Guest24779Hi there. does someone know how to build a custom ubuntu install CD ?14:32
hoellpMaT-dg, so there probably will be one for jaunty too14:32
Guest24779Built from an actual config14:33
ubuntuis some tool that in easy way for noobs can restore grub in gnome?14:33
hoellpGuest24779, search for remastersys please14:33
ubuntusorry some=any14:33
Z-bobGuest24779, look at this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization14:34
hoellpGuest24779, there is also uck which is specific to ubuntu14:34
hoellpubuntu, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows please14:36
hoellpwhich is kinda long ;)14:37
ThJThe fonts in the Ubuntu netbook launcher are rather unreadable. Is there a way to adjust the font gamma?14:37
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bharathanybody there ?14:42
Z-bobbharath, hi.14:42
bharathnive to meet u bob14:42
Z-bobbharath, what's going on?14:43
bharathjus checked in14:43
bharathwat ya doing ?14:43
bharathwer r u from bob ?14:43
allquixoticHello! On a minimal Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64, I am seeing a high CPU Load of 1.00 (pegging one of my four cores) on an otherwise-idle system, and the only processes that occasionally appear on top are md2_raid5 and md2_resync. Is it a bug that these processes are so busy on a completely idle system that is only running core services and SSH?14:43
Z-bobbharath, waiting for a tech question.  nhf. but this is not a social channel.14:43
Paddy_EIREIs there a tool that could monitor my mobile broadband connection so that I can keep track of my usage?14:44
bharathis der any editor i can use to write my c++ codes14:44
bharathn i wanna learn embedded c++ ?14:44
Paddy_EIREbharath: use gedit14:44
mhall119allquixotic: you're running raid5?14:45
bharathcan i use gcc to compile my embedded c++codes ?14:45
allquixoticmhall119, correct14:45
cyberghoser1hello to all :)14:45
mhall119bharath: you can use any edit, gedit is light and non-fancy, or you can get Eclipse and the CDT14:46
allquixoticmhall119, I'm a bit puzzled as to why the software RAID should be doing _any_ kind of disk I/O when there aren't any files being written to or read from. `lsof` shows only a few idle daemon sockets.14:46
dAnonhow do I modify text files via terminal?14:46
ubuntuwhen i try to use chroot command appears message 'unable to run command `bin/bash':no such file or directory'14:46
mhall119dAnon: vi14:46
mhall119or gedit if you've got a desktop running14:46
cyberghoser1dAnon, or gedit or nano14:46
bharaththanks !14:46
dAnonhow do I form the command to use gedit to edit certain file?14:47
Z-bobPaddy_EIRE, http://www.pcurtis.com/ubuntu-mobile.htm#connection_monitoring14:47
dAnoncat file |gedit doesn't work14:47
dAnonit opens a emty file14:47
bharathis der any libraries to be updated for compiling embedded codes ?14:47
sipiordAnon: gedit "file" will do14:47
bnmrrs_Hey guys, I have a D-Link dwa-130c wireless usb adaptor and I'm trying to install it with this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper It says to download the appropriate files but I'm not quite sure how to do that.. Could somebody point me in the right direction?14:47
Z-bobdAnon, use "gedit [file]"14:47
monckydAnon: gedit file14:47
bharathcuz the ebooks says cross compilers14:48
mhall119bharath: you'd need to ask the maintainers of the embedded code you'll be working on14:48
Paddy_EIREZ-bob: cheers I will have a look at it later I gotta run at the minute, cheers mate :)14:48
dAnonthx a lot14:48
mhall119dAnon: when in doubt, run "man <command>" for more info14:48
dAnontried it earlier but for some reason didn't work14:48
Z-bobPaddy_EIRE, that's not the perfect tutorial, but it's a start.  cheers14:49
dAnonthx I'll remember14:49
tw3akhello everyone14:50
dAnonhow to escape that man help14:50
dAnontyped man cat14:50
tw3akhit "q"14:50
Z-bobdAnon, "q"14:50
sillyCEOAnyone know where can I sell my tiny Koolu Linux boxes?14:52
ubuntuyo_Anyone use skype on ubuntu?14:52
pgirouxneed help configurng a tablet PC (lenovo x200)...  anyone has experienced?14:52
mhall119sillyCEO: ebay?14:52
cyberghoser1ubuntuyo_, yes me14:52
ubuntuyo_cyberghoser1 how is the quility14:52
pgirouxanyone used Jaunty with a tablet PC?14:53
cyberghoser1ubuntuyo_, so far good14:53
ubuntuyo_cyberghoser1 I mean on the voice chatting14:53
sillyCEOmhall119: Yeah, I was hoping there was an Ubuntu/linux classified for old hardware. eBay would be OK...14:53
mhall119sillyCEO: I've seen people selling rebranded classmate PCs on target.com and sears.com14:53
ubuntuyo_cyberghoser1 is there any noisy?14:53
tw3akI have a question?, I 've had some issues with flash movies in hulu, I updated to the current flash from adobe by going to their site. still had some issues. then I rebuilt my kernel with pentium4 optimizations.  I wish to continue to tweak the kernel, but I installed as a deb. how can I rebuild the kernel each time without errors? using deb or not?14:53
mhall119sillyCEO: are these manufactured or refurbished boxes?14:53
Z-bobsillyCEO, Ebay.  this is not ebay.14:53
cyberghoser1ubuntuyo_, good, a little bit14:53
ubuntuyo_cyberghoser1 ok. thanks for your answer.14:53
cyberghoser1tw3ak, try flash 9 maybe?14:53
tw3akI'm currently using kernel 2.6.3014:54
tw3akcyber that was not my question14:54
sillyCEOZ-bob: yes I know :) I was hoping there's a good Linux hardware swap site somewhere.14:54
mhall119sillyCEO: not that I know of14:54
tw3akI'm using the latest flash from adobe the flash problem is fixed14:54
cyberghoser1tw3ak, sorry dude just waked up :) :P14:54
ubuntuyo_cyberghoser1 can i Know what do you use a soundcard.?14:54
sillyCEOmhall119: Manufactured. 500Mhz little black boxes.14:54
tw3akI want to further customize my kernel as the   first change made such a great fix14:54
mhall119sillyCEO: then you should try target.com and sears.com14:55
sillyCEOmhall119: OK, thanks!14:55
mhall119or team up with someone like system7614:55
ubuntuyo_tw3ak any problem in flash?14:55
cyberghoser1ubuntuyo_, intel one14:55
cyberghoser1ubuntuyo_, intergrated14:55
bananamuffinok, i am running jaunty on a acer aspire one AOA 150, the only problem i am having is that my sound isnt working. its currently set to HDA intel ( alsa mixer )14:55
ubuntuyo_cyberghoser1 on board?14:55
cyberghoser1ubuntuyo_, yeap14:55
joabeou esta com poblema com o java14:55
dva5912At setup i told ubuntu that i want to automaticaly log in. But now i dont, is there anyway to change it?14:55
tw3akfixed it with pentium4 opts in kernel recompile and getting tgz from macromedia14:55
mhall119bananamuffin: have you tried OSS?14:56
bananamuffinnope, where do i find that14:56
mhall119dva5912: System0>Administration->Login Window->Security14:56
ActionParsniphey all14:56
ubuntuyo_dva5912 it's easy on ubuntu.14:57
joabealguem de brazilian14:57
mhall119bananamuffin: System->Preferences->Sound->Playback Device14:57
bananamuffinlol nvm mhall lol14:57
tw3akmy movies run better with the opts , I want to continue to optimize my kernel... I compiled and installed as a deb if I want to recompile the same kernel again do I just do the same or will the deb package have a problem reiiinstalling the same kernel with slight changes?14:57
sadfaanyone knows how i can get this http://dirac.org/linux/gdb/ into a file so i can read it offline?14:57
ActionParsnipin Gnome in Jaunty is there: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution14:57
dva5912i think my resoloution is to small for ubuntu. The close button isnt visible.14:57
dva5912and i cant get higher resolutions i dont think14:57
bananamuffinubuntu can run 800x60014:57
ActionParsnipdva5912: use alt + drag to allow you to click anywhere14:58
mhall119ActionParsnip: it's called "Display" now, not "Screen Resolution"14:58
dva5912ActionParsnip: i can drag it but not just up14:58
mhall119dva5912: alt+F7 will let you move the window around14:58
ActionParsnipmhall119: thanks, i dont use gnome and have someone asking :)14:58
tw3akcan I reinstall an already installed .deb file?14:58
dva5912alt f7 did it. Thanks!14:59
mhall119tw3ak: I think so, but you might want to do your own versioning on the debs you're making14:59
dva5912now so with that. Next question how can i force this thing into higher resolutions?14:59
mhall119dva5912: it will try to auto-detect the capabilities of your video card and monitor14:59
dva5912im not too enirely fond of the 1024X80014:59
mhall119dva5912: are you the one with the Aspire One?15:00
dva5912yes but ive read that this thing can get up to 148015:00
dva5912no dell latitude  d61015:00
ActionParsniptw3ak: you could use the --force-all   option in dpkg. there may be a better way15:00
dva5912mhall119: ^15:00
mhall119in that case you may need to edit xorg.conf with the specific modeline if it's not being autodetected15:00
riothey there.15:00
bananamuffini am the one with the aspire one15:00
ActionParsniptw3ak: you could always, sudo dpkg -rP <name>; sudo dpkg -i ./<deb file>; sudo apt-get -f install15:00
mhall119it may be that it is capable of 1480, but the hardware doesn't advertise that fact15:01
riotis there a good howto "install ubuntu on multiple machines at once - conveniently"?15:01
ubuntuyo_I love a UBUNTU..15:01
mhall119riot: use multiple CDs?15:01
dva5912mhall119: i thought their was a graphical way of changing it? i remember doing it to my desktop and about broke it15:01
mhall119dva5912: there might be, but not in the default install15:01
ubuntuyo_How many people use the Ubuntu of the world?15:01
mhall119some cards come with their own configuration programs, like nvidia15:02
bananamuffini switch to OSS mixer for my sound and it somewhat works i  just get a buzzing noisse tho15:02
dva5912looks like im editing xorg then15:02
riotmhall119: not convenient ;) i want those several boxes to be all the same. So its stupid to repeat all the same stuff dozens of times.15:02
mhall119ubuntuyo_: 10,587,892.315:02
mhall119riot: t15:02
ubuntuyo_I'm using a ubuntu in Korea. korea web is suck..15:02
mhall119ubuntuyo_: I just made that number up15:03
tw3akAction I want to build and test new kernels I started with old config  changed the cpu to pentium4 and made sure my ethernet card was good and saved and exited. that way I knew it would work I installed as deb  now I want to get nasty and really trim down if I install the new deb would this cause a problem?15:03
mhall119ubuntuyo_: nobody knows how many there are15:03
ubuntuyo_too many active - x in here.15:03
mhall119riot:  are the boxes all identical hardware?15:03
dva5912um wow. im into the xorg config file but their is NOTHING about screen resolutions15:03
dva5912that might be the problem15:03
jamiewanUbuntuyo: Many15:03
riotmhall119: yep.15:03
riotmhall119: all ibm thinkpads with network.15:03
mhall119dva5912: not anymore, it's all auto-detected on startup these days15:03
mhall119but you can still add them in15:04
jerroomehello, does anyone know the difference between the gnome-terminal and the normal terminal ?15:04
mhall119riot:  you can install on one then dd the disk image to all the others15:04
dva5912mhall119: i must still be in the 6.06 mind state then15:04
riotmhall119: hmm, not a bad idea :)15:04
mhall119there's other tools, like ghost, that work better than dd, but I don't recall the names15:04
dva5912lol i still got the 6.06 cd too15:04
bananamuffinso what do i do if my sound isnt worker after switching to the (oss mixer )15:04
ubuntuyo_I love a Blender 3d too..15:04
mhall119bananamuffin: try ESD and Pulse15:04
riotmhall119: there's no easy way to use pxe or something alike?15:04
ubuntuyo_kill the pulsaudio.15:05
ubuntuyo_why don't you kill the pulsaudio on system.15:05
n0gearIIwhich log tells me what username and pwd someone tried when trying to log into SSH?15:05
mhall119bananamuffin: also, check the volume level, I spent  an hour once troubleshooting a sound card before I realized the volume on th speakers was turned down15:05
mhall119riot: pxe is never the easy way15:05
mhall119riot: you could use pxe to load the installer, but I don't know of anything pre-built to do that for you15:05
sipiorn0gearII: /var/log/auth.log. won't show the password, though.15:06
Roland123How to twinview with 2 or more computers? setup would look something like this: main pc with a large monitor + 1-2 laptops. I'd like to be able to drag a window to the right of the screen and it shall pop up on one of the laptops. Is this possible?15:06
ubuntuyo_aleady 11pm. goodbye all.15:06
mhall119Roland123: it should be plug-and-play these days15:06
n0gearIIsipior: yep i checked that all ready15:06
bananamuffini get a buzzing sound with all the different types and ESD isnt in there15:06
InnxisHello! I have a 5g (2005) classic iPod and I used my netbook (with Windows) to sync music on it till now but for particular reason I switched to linux on it as well. The problem is that when I plug the iPod into my machine nothing happens. No iPod icon on desktop. Can someone help me with this please?15:06
mhall119oh wait, across different boxes?15:06
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Roland123mhall119: yes different boxes15:07
InnxisThis happens with my station as well...15:07
mhall119Roland123: no way to do that right now15:07
mhall119Roland123: the best you can get is xmove, which lets you send a window to a different box15:07
mhall119but I've never played with that15:07
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sipiorn0gearII: if you're looking for an earlier login, check the gzipped versions of the file in the same directory.15:07
mhall119I created a Brainstorm idea to do what you want though15:07
dva5912this thing has an ATI in it. but no drivers are being used. should i install some drivers and see if it gets higher res?15:07
mhall119dva5912: if you get a desktop, there are drivers being used15:08
hoellpRoland123, try (quick)synergy, that allows you to use one kb/mouse on every pc connected15:08
hoellpRoland123, you can't drag windows over though15:08
mhall119Roland123: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19514/ vote it up if you like it15:08
dva5912so how do i specify new resolutions mhall11915:09
nameless`i've got an NTFS partition on my external HD, i can mount it but gparted doesn't see that partition15:09
Asad-awayI installed firefox 3.5 from an PPA repo and the fonts don't seem to render correctly as in FF 3.0.11 ... I think ubunut-specific font rendering settings aren't applied?15:09
mhall119dva5912: google Xorg modlines15:10
mhall119you'll need to scan your hardware to see what settings you can use15:10
hoellpdva5912, the resolution is (mostly) a problem of monitor settings15:10
hoellpdva5912, you can still specify the specs in xorg.conf if you have a CRT15:11
Roland123mhall119: but is it possible to connect to one of the available virtual desktops?15:11
mhall119dva5912: where did you read that it can go up to 1480?  Perhaps it meant with an external monitor, the video card can produce that, but the built-in screen may not15:11
dva5912hoellp,mhall119 the way that i was supposed to get hier res was through xsga i think thats what it was.15:11
mhall119Roland123: xmove is an X11 server that lets you move windows from one host to another15:11
mhall119that's about the best that is available right now15:12
hoellpdva5912, what kind of machine do you have?15:12
mhall119typically a window spends it's whole live on the X display it started on15:12
dva5912hoellp: notebook15:12
hoellpdva5912, and you don't get the native resolution on the builtin screen?15:12
dva5912acording to dell the native is teh 1024 but i want a bigger res. Im used to that.15:13
dva5912hoellp: ^15:13
hoellpdva5912, that won't do you much good on an lcd15:13
AxzHi there guys whats best way to mount a encrypted harddrive15:14
mhall119dva5912: the LCD probably only does 1024x80015:14
sadfahey guys15:14
sadfacan i get someones help?15:14
mhall119Axz: what encryption?15:14
dva5912mhall119: but what about the reports of the 4*** resolutions through that thing15:14
mhall119sadfa: ask and ye might recieve15:14
hoellpdva5912, check xrandr in the terminal to see which resolutions are supported15:15
Axzmhall119, dunnp i encrypted it on installation of OpenSuse 11.115:15
Z-bobsadfa, just throw out your question.15:15
mhall119dva5912: like I said, the video card might be capable of that if connected to an external monitor15:15
hoellpdva5912, that's the capabilities of the graphics card and is for an external monitor...15:15
mhall119Axz: you might try the OpenSuse people then, I don't know what they do for encrypted disks15:15
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Myrttisadfa: use |tee15:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uptrack15:18
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations!15:18
dva5912I guess il have to just deal with this :( better than nothing i suppose15:18
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dva5912http://cgi.ebay.ca/DELL-Latitude-D610-Laptop-PM-1-73Gh-1G-DVDRW-160G-WiFi_W0QQitemZ120431646114QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLaptops_Nov05?hash=item1c0a4915a2&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A7|66%3A2|39%3A1|240%3A1307|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 thats the one i got and i paind 237 with free shipping15:19
dva5912and two gig ram15:19
ftwIs there any downside to using this new ksplice uptrack software that allows for rebootless kernel upgrades?15:19
bananamuffinall i get under each setting of sound is a buzzing noise following that sound.15:19
Myrttisadfa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace15:19
dva5912ok so lets have some fun.,\ Using the IR port on this thing is it possible to like turn of and on my rv?15:20
sadfaMyrtti: i want to do some other things in gdb15:20
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saiasakado you know how install flash for xubuntu 9.04 ?15:24
dva5912through ad.remove programs?15:25
ggggsaiasaka, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:25
cyberghoser1!flash saiasaka15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash saiasaka15:25
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:25
dva5912!flash | saiasaka15:25
ubottusaiasaka: please see above15:25
cyberghoser1wow wrong comment kicks me out :p15:25
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:26
wizzHow can i remote desktop control my friend's desktop without asking my friend to port forward and check her external IP?15:27
dva5912Do i have to install the full fleged apache server? I need php but im doing a local programing15:27
wizzby using terminal server client15:28
mhall119wizz: there is a way to put VNC into "listen" mode on your end, then have a server on his end contact you15:28
wizzdva5912: why dont u use lampp?15:28
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mhall119dva5912: php5-cli?15:29
wizzmhall119:she is using msn.15:29
wizzcan terminal server client get the ip from msn server or i have to check it?15:30
mhall119wizz: is she on Ubuntu?15:30
{g}Hey People! I installed Ubuntu 9 and there seems to be no OpenOffice base anymore. What happened to it?15:30
wizzmhall119: she is using vista with msn now15:30
mhall119dva5912: apt-get install php5-cli will give you PHP without Apache15:30
mhall119wizz: oh, then I know of no easy way15:31
rudolfI need help.....15:31
wizzG: really? i also install , did you checked applications office there ...15:31
stroyanftw: ksplice looks interesting. But I am pessimistic about it handling _all_ kernel updates.  If a patch fixes hardware state then it is a huge task to make a ksplice update that transitions to a good state.15:31
mhall119rudolf: we're here to help15:31
{g}wizz: where?15:31
mhall119convenient, huh?15:31
rudolfIm using Ubuntu 9.04. but I cant get the sound out of my altec lansing speaker...15:32
wizzmhall119: how? haha , please tell me!15:32
ftwstroyan: It seemed a little too good to be true. I think I'll hold off of ksplice.15:32
mhall119wizz: I don't know much about vista, sorry15:32
Roland123rudolf: check this out.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=750910415:32
stroyanftw: And, you won't really know that a new kernel and other updated files will actually boot until you boot from it. Sometimes bad news is better served fresh. ;-)15:33
mhall119wizz: you can turn on remote desktop, but she'll have to enable port forwarding if she's behind a firewall15:33
rudolfok,my laptop is compaq,using AMD turion 64,ATI,and Altec Lansing speaker...but,I'm totally sad it cant load any sound...huhuhuh...15:33
rudolfI've seen the website already15:34
mhall119I don't think Remote Desktop can do that with uPnP15:34
mhall119rudolf: System->Preferences->Sound, try changing the playback device15:34
rudolf i post my problem there ok15:34
mhall119sometimes one works when another doesn't15:34
rudolfok.wait a.15:34
wizzmhall119: i teach her one hour to port forward and find her external ip , still she didnt get it ...... i think i have to open a xp virtual box to use window live messenger's remote desktop , anyway , thanks for u guys115:36
rudolfok,when im using the headphone,it produce the sound....only the main speaker doesnt.15:36
mhall119wizz: have you tried amsn?15:36
dva5912mhall119: ok so with that installed what bout mysql? that doesnt need apache does it?15:36
mhall119dva5912: nope15:37
wizzmhall119: tried b4 but too many things bugging me , so i uninstall already , ok  , i will try. thanks15:37
mhall119apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql15:38
rkitectI am having problems mounting an LV from my VG, says the file system must be specified, but specifying the filesystem I thought it was is not helping.  Any way to check what the filesystem is on an LV?15:38
rkitectdealing with an LVM structure, btw15:38
rudolfany suggestion?15:39
mhall119rudolf: check the volume controls15:40
rudolfi've put it all to max15:40
mhall119headphones and speakers have different volume controls15:40
dva5912mhall119: so with that installed i can make my programing anywere right?15:41
mhall119check the volume on each, and try changing mixers15:41
rudolfI try15:41
Axzmhall119, is there software that can mount encrypted partitions or harddrives15:41
mhall119Axz: yes, but you'll need to find out how it's encrypted to know what to use15:42
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stroyanrkitect: You could use vol_id:     "sudo /sbin/vol_id /dev/vg1/lv1"15:42
Axzmhall119, i guess default encryption15:42
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rkitectstroyan: "unknown or non-unique volume type"15:44
stroyanrkitect: I expected it would stick the the same story as mount told you ;-)15:44
rkitectI had this mounted earlier today, any ideas why I would suddenly not be able to mount it or even get any information from the LV?15:45
stroyanrkitect: It seems that you have the wrong lv or the one you have was damaged somehow.15:45
rkitectpower went out15:45
dva5912mhall119: so that php5-cli was all i needed?15:45
rkitectwould that damage an LV?15:45
Axzmhall119, encryption mode is twofish25615:45
mhall119should be15:46
vickis xetex available to ubuntu ?15:46
dva5912mhall119: well just tryed a test document and it wants me to download it15:46
javierAndres\join #ubuntu-es15:46
stroyanrkitect: A non-journaled filesystem might be damaged by a power failure.  But I wouldn't expect that to make it unrecognizable.15:46
mhall119dva5912: what?15:46
stroyanrkitect: The best way to hurt it like that is to write to the raw volume when you thought you were writing to a file/tape. :-(15:47
dva5912mhall119: i just tryed to exicute index.php from Firefox and it wants me to download the index.php file15:47
rkitectstroyan: well, it's suposed to be ext315:47
rudolfstill...no sound...15:47
rkitectstroyan: lol, yeah, I would have no reason to be doing that on this system15:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es15:47
rudolftried all the options15:47
TorgotonjavierAndres: You want "/join" not "\join"15:47
stroyanYou could let fsck have a try at it.15:47
dva5912ubuntu-es = ubuntu espanol15:47
mhall119dva5912: if you want to execute PHP web pages for firefox, you'll need apache and mod_php515:48
dva5912mhall119: thats what i was asking berore15:48
mhall119dva5912: sorry, I thought you wanted to execute php scripts from the command line, not for firefox15:48
dva5912mhall119: so i will need a full blown apache server15:48
mhall119dva5912: yup15:48
TorgotonHey all, I've just installed xubuntu 8.10 on an old laptop, and the GUI is... unuseful. Consoles work fine though.15:49
dva5912mhall119: dont worry about it. I just hope that this little laptop wont get boged down too much15:49
TorgotonAny tips or pointers?15:49
TriMeWhats Other Channels Are Avaliave in Free Node to do with ubuntu?15:49
stroyanrkitect: If you don't have current backups, then you should consider saving off an image of the volume before trying to rescue it with fsck.15:49
mhall119dva5912: apache isn't very heavy15:49
mhall119TriMe: /msg alis list *ubuntu*15:49
rkitectstroyan: fsck returned ext2 but I'm getting bad superblock and magic number errors :(15:50
dva5912mhall119: mysql can be15:50
mhall119Torgoton: try Xubuntu instead15:50
rkitectman fsck15:50
mhall119dva5912: what about mysql?15:51
rkitectwrong window :/15:51
dva5912mhall119: mysql can become pretty heavy15:51
Torgotonmhall119: Are you picking on my lack of capitalization, or did you miss that I did install Xubuntu, or are you suggesting another IRC channel?15:51
mhall119dva5912: depends on how much data you have15:52
mhall119Torgoton: sorry, thought you said Ubuntu15:52
mhall119try fluxbuntu?15:52
dva5912mhall119: Well anyway, Thanks for the help.15:52
zek152how do you check what number your serial (RS232) port is?15:52
Torgotonmhall119: Thanks. I think it's a driver/xorg issue because I can't even see the login prompt, so XFCE hasn't even started.15:53
monckyTorgoton: what do you mean by unuseful? do you mean it is broken or you dont like it15:53
dva5912now the next thing i have. I got apache and it all installed but how do i gain access to the apache document root?15:53
w-heatdoes anyone know when a firefox 3.5 package will be available?15:53
Torgotonmoncky: It looks to be set to 640x480, and just has some big blue blocky swirls.15:53
mhall119Torgoton: oh, then yeah, probably bad drivers15:54
mhall119check the xorg log15:54
TorgotonTo the logs!15:54
mhall119dva5912: it defaults to /var/www15:54
dva5912mhall119: i know that but il have no access to that15:54
rudolfanyway,thx mhall11915:54
dva5912as in write anyway15:54
monckythat sounds like  an xorg thing on the face of it15:55
Torgotonmhall119: Oh! This is after I force the vesa driver. The standard driver just gives me a full-on white screen... like stress-the-LCD kind of white.15:55
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stroyanrkitect: You may get better behavior from fsck by using the option to specify and alternate superblock.  But figuring out where the alternate superblocks are is not as straightforward as I would like.15:55
mhall119Torgoton: what video card does it have?15:55
rkitectstroyan: agreed, I think I'm just going to suck it up for now and use another partition to accomplish what I need.15:56
sliptteesh all15:56
rkitectthanks for the help15:56
dva5912mhall119: that direcroty is owned by root. How can i become a member of root? or is there a better way to do this?15:56
Torgotonmhall119: It's a ThinkPad 560E with a... Trident Cyber9660.15:56
mhall119dva5912: sudo15:56
dva5912mhall119: i have to keep doing that for every file i do?15:56
Torgotondva5912: sudo su15:57
mhall119dva5912: you can create a new directory and chmod it to your user id15:57
Bash_23does anyone know how to fix Grub Error 17?15:57
dva5912Torgoton: im not about to unlock that root15:57
Bash_23I tried reinstalling ubuntu and tried reinstall grub...15:57
mhall119mkdir /var/www/test; chown dva5912 /var/www/test15:57
Bash_23but when i tried to reinstall grub15:57
Bash_23grub> find /boot/grub/stage115:57
Bash_23Error 15: File not found15:57
dva5912mhall119: ok il do that thanks for the help15:57
mhall119replace dva5912 with your actual username15:58
dva5912I know ;)15:58
mhall119Torgoton: that's an S3 card?15:58
sliptteesi have problem with squid 2.6.18 ubuntu 8.04.3 server15:58
Rudd-Ohey guys.  if i logoff from my machine, how do i get it to suspend after say, 15 minutes of inactivity WITHOUT anyone logged on15:58
mhall119dva5912: just make sure your php files are readable by the apache process15:58
sliptteeswont make swap directory /var/cache/squid15:58
Bash_23Does anyone here know how to fix Grub????!?15:59
Bash_23error 1715:59
slipttees!grup | Bash_2315:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grup15:59
Torgotonmhall119: No, it's a Trident. There seem to be a lot of issues with many of those chips in Linux.15:59
mhall119Bash_23: have you asked in #grub?15:59
Rudd-OBash_23: boot with a rescue cd, and then run grub-install /dev/sda15:59
slipttees!grub | Bash_2315:59
Bash_23kk ill try there15:59
Rudd-Oif i logoff from my machine, how do i get it to suspend after say, 15 minutes of inactivity WITHOUT anyone logged on?15:59
mhall119Torgoton: yeah, you may be in for a fight on that one16:00
mhall119Torgoton: have you tried using kernel framebuffer?16:00
Neremorhello! I saw the driver "xserver-xorg-video-intel" beeing updated a few minutes ago and wondered for what it is used. I'm using an ATI-Card; shouldn't the "xserver-xorg-video-ati/radeon/radoenhd" driver been installed?16:00
Torgotonmhall119: So, I had read that vesa works, but no such luck for me. Haven't tried fb. Got a URL for that handy?16:00
mhall119Rudd-O: if nobody answers, that usually means nobody here knows16:00
mhall119Torgoton: nope, but if you dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it should ask if you want to use it or not16:01
tainko sepi banget16:02
MK13how do you force an application running in wine to close?16:02
Axzmhall119, so what application or waydo you recommand to mount the partition?16:02
mhall119Torgoton: I think the  xorg.conf option is "UseFBDev"16:02
Torgotonmhall119: Thanks. Trying. (And the Xorg log file is verbose. oeyh)16:02
mhall119Axz: sorry, I don't know much about disk encryption16:02
cyberghoser1Axz, i usually force close wine16:02
sliptteesi have MacPro, have 2 hdd, first hdd i have Mac OS X guid partition, secound hdd, i have windows vista+ubuntu, grub don't add line Mac OS X in bootloader16:02
mhall119Axz: have you tried the OpenSuse channels or forums?16:02
=== RealMooKow is now known as MooKow
Axzcyberghoser1, what do you mean?16:03
MK13cyberghoser1, i guess you were talking to me16:03
cyberghoser1Axz, wrong name sorry :P16:03
cyberghoser1MK13, yes16:03
cyberghoser1too lazy16:03
nukedclxwhere i can find vnc configuration in ubuntu?16:03
sliptteesubuntu grub don't load darwin16:03
Kristof_DMK13: for any application, just press alt+f2 and typ xkill, then click the window, although you'll probably close wine when you try that on a wine app16:03
Bash_23No is is active one the grub channel :(16:04
mhall119nukedclx: server or client?16:04
slipttees!grub > Bash_2316:04
ubottuBash_23, please see my private message16:04
nukedclxis there a problem16:04
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:04
nukedclxthat vnc reads my inputs but dont show any visual effect ;o16:05
nukedclxjust screen when i connected16:05
mhall119nukedclx: vino or some other server?16:05
nukedclxmy friend said "i run builtin remote desktop sharing"16:05
bastidrazornukedclx, system>preferences>remote desktop has some settings16:06
nukedclxi figured out its vnc16:06
nukedclxi have only ssh access16:06
metalsiloaw i just missed him16:06
nukedclxlooking in /etc but so confused16:06
fastputtyhello i am trying to run cron in a specify path.. is it posisble?16:06
sliptteeshi, can help me with squid16:06
fastputtyfor example i want the execute php myscript.php in /var/www/ every 5 minute16:07
mhall119nukedclx: are you using compiz on the host?16:07
mhall119nukedclx: are you starting the vnc server from the command line?16:07
nukedclxhes started vnc16:07
mhall119fastputty: you can have it execute any file16:07
mbeierlMaybe someone can answer this: There's xnest and XDCMP to start a completely new session remotely, or vino/vinagre/vnc for taking over an existing local session, but is there anything like windows Terminal Services which allows you to start a new session and "disconnect" so that it stays running in the background?  Like XDCMP with nohup somehow?16:07
nukedclxi think he done that by gui or something16:07
nukedclxhes a bit newb16:07
mhall119nukedclx: ah, have him try disabling compiz if it's running16:08
fastputtymhall119: how to make that command : "php myscrip.php" to be execute in /var/www/ ?16:08
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metalsilodva5912: Do you have that project done for me?16:08
nukedclxmivus     3526  0.0  0.0   1872   496 ?        Ss   14:42   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator16:08
nukedclxmivus     3527  0.0  0.0   1872   532 ?        S    14:42   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/compiz-decorator16:08
mhall119mbeierl: vncserver can do that16:08
nukedclxi dont like compiz16:08
nukedclxjust kill em?16:08
dva5912metalsilo: I am currently in the process of getting set up. the ETA is still active.16:08
mbeierlmhall119: for multiple users or for a specific X session?16:09
mhall119nukedclx: metacity --replace16:09
mhall119mbeierl: you can start a new X display for the VNC session, and keep it going after you disconnect16:09
nukedclxNo protocol specified16:09
nukedclxBłąd menedżera okien: Unable to open X display :0.016:09
mhall119nukedclx: he'll need to do that16:10
metalsilodva5912: You know the rules. And i dont think you will have it done by the end of the week. You dont get paid until its finished on a disk in my hands16:10
mhall119or you can try: DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace16:10
nukedclxi set DISPPLAY to :0.016:10
fastputtysomeone could tell me how to execute in the cron "php /var/www/myscript.php" in the folder /test/ ?16:10
mbeierlmhall119: googling vncserver now... don't recall this quite being as straightforward as that... thanks!16:10
nukedclxsame err16:10
slinqfastputty: add /usr/bin/php /var/www/myscript.php16:10
dva5912metalsilo: Dont remind me. Im working on it ok?!16:11
mhall119mbeierl: if you want the session accessible from teh console, it's not as straight forward16:11
nukedclxeh, and now hes gone16:11
mhall119nukedclx: I think you'll have to get him to disable compiz16:11
nukedclxbut thanks, i have now a point16:11
fastputtyslinq: it wont be execute in /test/ folder16:11
nukedclxwhats wrong16:11
acidstormcan anyone help me pls i cant type a pipe sigen sorry for my bad english16:11
slinqfastputty: you mean you want to change the working directory?16:12
mbeierlmhall119: no I'm thinking like what tsm for windows does where you have a client that does the initial connect and you get a "login" screen or resume your current session16:12
marceloHI. I cant get .mov to play images... i installed libquicktime* but it didnt work. Any one experienced this problem?16:12
fastputtysling: changing where it will be executed16:12
ryanpriorI installed Ubuntu 8.10 on a new partition, but now Grub doesn't show my Ubuntu 9.04 install. How can I add 9.04 as an option to my Grub menu?16:12
mhall119nukedclx: VNC uses the XDamage extension to only send changed portions of the screen across, but compiz doesn't work that way, it doesn't damage screen regions, so the default vnc setup wouldn't know to redraw anything16:12
slinqfastputty: that's called the working directory16:12
slinqfastputty: http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.chdir.php16:12
fastputtyslinq : OK ;P16:12
mhall119mbeierl: Xvnc is an X extension that shares the default display over VNC16:13
fastputtyslinq: we cannot specify it in crontab??16:13
mbeierlmhall119: I see - that's what I thought for the vnc server: it's started as the specific user and waits for that user to connect, not as arbitrary user16:13
mhall119fastputty: you'll need to have cron execute: cd /test; php /var/www/myscript.php16:14
Machtini accidentaly removed the folder view in which you can enter subfolders.. i tried to add another one.. but if i click a folder there it opens dolphin, instead of opening the folder in the folder view.16:14
fastputtymhall119: thanks you!16:14
Machtinhow can i get that back?16:14
bastidrazorMachtin, #kubuntu may have better answers16:15
mbeierlmhall119: but, there again, it's the default console, not a remote session that can be used at the same time as others.  Say I want user1 and user2 to both be able to log in remotely and disconnect/resume sessions independently.  To make it more complicated, user1 and user2 can be any arbitrary user on the system16:15
mhall119mbeierl: I'm not entirely sure how to do that with VNC16:16
Machtinbastidrazor: word, thanks.16:16
mbeierlmhall119: that's just it - I cannot actually find a suitable replacement for Microsoft's terminal service manager under linux and I am really baffled that Microsoft can make their OS more multi-user usable than the Linux community can.  I'm actually stumped here16:17
mhall119mbeierl: XDMCP can probably do what you want16:17
mbeierlmhall119: close, but if the connection drops, XDMCP completely closes the session - hard16:18
mhall119also, VNC is not a terminal server16:18
mbeierlmhall119: that's why I started the question the way I did.16:18
baba_b00iemhall119, multi-user, and microsoft don't belong in the same sentence or paragraph16:19
slinqterminal sever is actually an excellent piece of software16:19
MoltenBobcatbaba_b00ie: that's a rediculous statement terminal services is amazing16:19
MoltenBobcatprovided you can afford it16:19
mhall119mbeierl: have you seen http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/xvnc/ ?16:19
acidstormcan anyone tell me why i can type pipe ?16:20
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baba_b00ieMoltenBobcat, ms-ts is good.. i'm more refrerring to the O/S design level.16:20
mbeierlbaba_b00ie: it was me, not mhall119 who said MS and multi user was better under Windows Terminal Services than anything I have yet to find under Linux.  If you can refute that I would be so very happy.  It's a sad admission for me right now16:20
mezquitaleanybody knows how to setup custom SSH keys on freenx server and client???16:21
mbeierlmhall119: looking at it now...16:21
baba_b00iealthough vista, and the 2k3/2k8 servers have greatly improved since NT 3x-4x16:21
nukedclxwhere ubuntu normally looking for firmwares when loading a module?16:21
MoltenBobcatbaba_b00ie: yeah they are getting better my major beefs revolve around CALS and pricing16:21
MoltenBobcatUnfortuantely we are a a microsoft shop16:22
acidstormcan anyone tell me why i cant type pipe character ?16:22
baba_b00ieMoltenBobcat, you said that right brother ;)16:22
Piciacidstorm: How are you trying to type it?16:22
baba_b00ieacidstorm, type a pipe where? on irc, cli ?16:22
MoltenBobcatI try to use linux wherever possible though to save some $$ mostly and add stability16:22
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unix3Hey guys, Iam trying to run sftp... with "connect to server" under Places... however its displaying a message it needs to unlock the default keyring... and asks for a password..?16:22
Kristof_Dacidstorm: maybe the keyboard layout changed? Try to type an "m" or something16:22
unix3what password would it be asking me?16:22
mhall119mbeierl: I'm not sure if you can make that setup keep a session alive after a disconnect and have the user re-connect to it again later16:23
unix3i tried my user password no success16:23
MoltenBobcatunix3: you should of set it when you first setup yoru machine16:23
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:23
acidstormi cant type a pipe character everywhere16:23
mbeierlmhall119: Wow.  That might do it, but it's not going to be easy to streamline the client connection process :(16:23
unix3MoltenBobcat, hmm.. ill ask the admin for a keyring password.. ? is that the name?16:23
unix3os that what the installer originally prompted for?16:24
mhall119unix3: you were probably asked for a keyring password the first time it needed to access it16:24
acidstormand i cant type another special characters16:24
baba_b00ieacidstorm, check your keyboard layout, check to see if you have shift, caps or ctrl, alt keys are stuck on kb.16:24
ryanpriorI installed Ubuntu 8.10 on a new partition, but now Grub doesn't show my Ubuntu 9.04 install. How can I add 9.04 as an option to my Grub menu?16:24
acidstormsorry iḿ a newbie in ubuntu and english ^^ what u mean with kb what is that ?16:25
MoltenBobcatunix3: yeah. that woudl be th right person to ask16:25
mezquitaleryanprior,  go into the partition where you have 9.04 and copy  the settings for 9.04 that you find in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and copy those settings to the "menu.lst" on the 8.04 partition16:26
Piciacidstorm: What is your native language? We have many international channels here.16:26
eirik__Hi, I am having problems with my sound. Pulseaudio volume control displays that there is something happening I just can't hear anything. The device is a built in ATI IXP AC97. Any hints or tips?16:26
ryanprior!de | acidstorm16:26
ubottuacidstorm: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:26
acidstormthx !!!16:27
ryanpriorI don't really like our international channel messages, they're kinda condescending. >.>16:27
mbeierlryanprior: agreed - they do sound a little "get out of here"16:28
Piciryanprior: suggest new ones to the bot then. /msg ubottu usage  for the syntax16:28
Rudd-Ohey guys, how do i get an ubuntu to suspend after a while of inactivity, if no one is logged on16:28
OsamaK_when will firefox 3.5 be available through update?16:29
nukedclxmhall119, finally hes back and switch it off and now its working, thanks!16:29
sipiorOsamaK_: october.16:30
mhall119OsamaK_: maybe in backports16:30
mbeierlRudd-O: in gnome, there's the gnome power preferences which allows suspend after inactivity --- oh wait.  You said "if no one is logged on".  Tougher.  Don't know16:30
mhall119nukedclx: cool16:30
eirik__Hi, I am having problems with my sound. Pulseaudio volume control displays that there is something happening I just can't hear anything. The device is a built in ATI IXP AC97. Any hints or tips?16:30
baba_b00ieany one know how to update pidgin ? i'm running ubuntu 81016:31
OsamaK_mhall119: sipior: why is this?16:31
ryanpriorCan I mount an ext4 partition as an ext3 partition to get read access?16:31
Cookiechefhi everyone , i got a question16:31
mbeierlmhall119: Wait!  I think freenx is what I might be wanting :)16:31
CookiechefHow can i update my current firefox realeaase "3.0.11" to 3.516:31
sipiorOsamaK_: they are unlikely to move to a new version of firefox during a stable release cycle. you can always grab it separately, of course.16:31
CookiechefI want to keep my Bookmarks and stuff...16:32
mbeierlmhall119: fyi: http://freenx.berlios.de/16:32
woodong50wow this is a good oprater system16:32
ThingymebobAnyone like me jumps in half way through to find out someone's already been told something. A short script here to quickly filter the days log based on a nick so you can quickly scan and see what advice has already been given. http://paste.ubuntu.com/207028/16:33
=== qedx_ is now known as qedx
ice109can someone help me with a weird question: if i have multiple logins via ssh to a terminal account on a server, can i send messages between each account?16:34
mhall119mbeierl: thanks, I've heard of it before, but not really familiar16:34
mbeierlmhall119: or better yet the NoMachine (commercial but with free version) http://www.nomachine.com/select-package.php?os=linux&id=116:34
MoltenBobcatice109: you could use talk16:34
MoltenBobcatI think that' swhat it was called16:34
jasonlifeI build a my own kernel module, "a.ko" and copied it to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra directory..  When I modprobe a, I got "Module a not found".  any idea?16:34
rickestice109: 'write'16:35
Dulakice109: you can use the write command to send lines from one tty to another16:35
mhall119insmod maybe?16:35
ice109the other account isn't using a terminal16:35
ice109it's using a gui16:35
sipiorjasonlife: have you run depmod?16:35
MoltenBobcatyeah talk is more of an ongoing chat16:35
jasonlifemhall119: insmod works.. but I want to make it loaded automatically16:35
jasonlifesipior: nope16:35
jasonlifedo I need to that?16:35
ice109is there a way to pop up a msg on the other account?16:35
sipiorjasonlife: do that :-)16:35
jasonlifejust run  depmod?16:36
ice109and what would i do? write to myself?16:36
sipiorjasonlife: "man depmod"16:36
Dulakice109: yes you can write to the same user if you specify the ttyname, but if one user doesn't have a tty it won't work16:37
brandonban6hey all, I was looking for an app that would allow you to to use hotkeys to insert current date and time, anyone know of such an app?16:37
cubehey how can i install firefox 3.5 on 8.10?16:37
mezquitaleanyone knows know to use freeNX??? I am trying to configure custom ssh keys and dont know where to put the custom keys created on the client16:38
sipiorcube: grab the binary from mozilla.com16:38
jasonlifesipior: you rock... thanks..16:38
cubesipior: yeah got that, and then?16:38
sipiorjasonlife: no trouble16:38
cubesipior: no package way to do that? like apt?16:38
ice109dulak how do i get it to pop in a remote session16:38
cubei mean i ran ./firefox16:38
forceshow can I install plymouth in ubuntu?16:38
cubebut i want it instaleld16:38
Piciforces: You cannot.16:38
saliakhey, i'm getting a bit confused settting up mail on my system.  i see these errors (http://pastebin.com/d5529f3e7) in my mail.err log and am not sure why16:39
sipiorcube: you might look around to see if someone's made a repository for it.16:39
DonnieDoes anyong know the deal with Wine and mIRC ?16:39
cubesipior: alright16:39
Piciforces: Because there is no package for it and it has not been tested as a replacement for usplash. Nor will we be using it in the future.16:39
OsamaK_Donnie: why the hell do you use mIRC?16:39
DonnieCuz I prefer it over xchat?16:39
Dulakice109: it's tty to tty, if both sessions are terminals you can send messages back and forth with it.  man write16:39
DonnieI've been using it since i was 16 :x I like it.16:39
MoltenBobcatDonnie: have you looked at winehq tos ee if there are any notes on specific things to run16:40
ice109dulak other account isn't in terminal16:40
DonnieMoltenBobcat: dude16:40
DonnieI've looked16:40
sipiorsaliak: do you not have postfix (or some other MDA) installed?16:40
ice109i mispoke16:40
Dulakice109: so it won't work16:40
FloodBot2Donnie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:40
DonnieBut the tutorials are confusing16:40
OsamaK_Donnie: It's a backstep in the way of a free operating system.16:40
DonnieI don't get them.16:40
ice109dulak yes i know16:40
eirik__Hi, I am having problems with my sound. Pulseaudio volume control displays that there is something happening I just can't hear anything. The device is a built in ATI IXP AC97. Any hints or tips?16:40
Zopiachow do i re-enable the ctrl+alt+backspace in 9.04? its really ticking me off, i use it almost constantly16:40
Donnielol wth >_>16:40
sipiorsaliak: beg pardon, i meant procmail.16:40
forcesopensuse use plymouth?16:40
DonnieOsamaK_:  er what is?16:41
cubesipior: is there no simple way to install 3.5?16:41
OsamaK_Donnie: ?16:41
cubesipior: just like on windows - you open 3.0, go to update, and it updates16:41
sipiorcube: downloading it from mozilla.com is pretty simple.16:41
cubesipior: just like on windows - you open 3.0, go to update, and it updates16:41
Donnie<OsamaK_> Donnie: It's a backstep in the way of a free operating system.16:41
DonnieOh mIRC. Er.. BUT I LIKE IT!!!!!! :|16:41
saliaksipior : yeah, i think so.  there's a fundamental issue here, as i'm not really sure what all these different thigns do (procmail, sendmail, fetchmai, sensible-mda, whatever else might be installed)16:41
sipiorcube: yes, you can get automatic updates, just as in windows.16:41
DonnieOkay. So no one has any clue? :=/16:41
saliaksipior : i installed it to see if it'd get rid of this error16:41
jerbearWhat's the likelyhood that jaunty will get Firefox 3.5 packages?16:41
cubesipior: well i cant click "Check for updates" though - its greyed out16:42
OsamaK_Donnie: the whole point of GNU/Linux is to have a free operating system, by using a non-free software (no matter what) it's a bad thing and it doesn't help us all reach the goal.16:42
sipiorcube: ah well.16:42
cubesipior: hmm?16:42
doktoreaswhich is the mozilla client for mail Im and calendar?16:42
Donniezomg nnnnnnnouuuuu16:42
Donniebut but16:42
FloodBot2Donnie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
PiciDonnie: stop.16:42
sipiorsaliak: how exactly have you set up your mail system?16:42
MoltenBobcatwho cares if it's not free16:42
doktoreasI heard about it, but can't recall the name :(16:42
DonnieExactly MoltenBobcat16:42
MoltenBobcathe likes it16:42
saliaksipior : i'm trying to install RT on this system and would like it to send/recieve email from the gmail servers for my domail.  i got the incoming email to work using fetchmail16:42
DonnieI'm a she >.>16:42
Piciforces: This isn't OpenSuse, this is Ubuntu.16:42
MoltenBobcatshelikes it16:42
brandonban6anyone know how to write a shell script that when called inserts the date and time in whatever application you are working in?16:43
DulakNo way, it's the internet, where guys are guys, girls are guys, and underage girls are fbi.16:43
sipiorsaliak: RT?16:43
monckyDonnie: you may be askin in the wrong place, try #wine or if mIRC has a user forum try their16:43
OsamaK_Donnie: I gave up programming language I have been working on for years in sake of freedom. It's not a stupid "mIRC" :)16:43
Donnierofl @ Dulak16:43
forcesI know, but I want a splash like opensuse16:43
cubeDulak: hahaha16:43
saliaksipior : so, honestly, i'm not sure.  i know i have fetchmail configured so when it runs, it successfully pulls down new emails from my gmail pop box and passes them to rt-mailgate to add them to the database16:43
forcesso, if opensuse use plymouth I need to install plymouth16:43
saliaksipior : RT = RequestTracker16:43
MoltenBobcatOsamaK_: that's great but you shouldn't expect everyone to adopt the same ideals as you just because they like linux too16:43
ice109dulak basically my friend is loggedo onto my account on another computer and im logged in through ssh16:44
DonnieI've been kicked from channel wine as it's an "invite channel"16:44
PiciDonnie: The channel name is #winehq16:44
ice109dulak and i want to send him a msg or something or pop open a file16:44
OsamaK_MoltenBobcat: I just remain them.16:44
DonnieOsamaK_: don't call mIRC stewpid :x16:44
jiffeis there a way to execute something as a remote command via ssh where the command has a $ in it?  I'm trying to pipe something through awk '{print $1}' and this doesn't appear to work through an ssh remote command16:44
cubeDonnie: are you ok?16:44
Donnieoh Pici ty.16:44
OsamaK_MoltenBobcat: *remind16:44
Piciforces: You're welcome to try to install it yourself, but there is no package for it.  Theres also a high probability that this will break your install.16:44
saliaksipior : but whenever i comment or RT tires to send email out, it seems like it collects in /var/spool/mqueue16:44
Zopiachow do i re-enable the ctrl+alt+backspace in 9.04?16:45
jiffeI've tried escaping with \ with no luck16:45
=== homo is now known as hello
erUSUL!dontzap | Zopiac16:45
ubottuZopiac: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.16:45
Dulakice109: you can't afaik, X uses a token so users can't cross sessions16:45
sipiorsaliak: i see. you'll need a Mail Transfer Agent (like postfix) to send outgoing mail.16:45
forceskarmic will come with plymouth?16:45
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OsamaK_Donnie: It's too restricted, too useless, you gave your rights in seek of a program? no thanks.16:45
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Donnielol is it....16:45
Donnie=/ i find it so much more easier to use than xchat.16:45
cratylusa question i'm sure lots have asked. tried googling for it without much answer. is firefox 3.5 coming to current ubuntus? (like jaunty )16:46
brandonban6anyone know how to write a shell script that when called inserts the date and time in whatever application you are working in?16:46
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OsamaK_Donnie: then learn, it won't take you more than 15 minutes to figure about the basis.16:46
ZopiacerUSUL: it didn't work...16:46
spowersbrandonban6: perhaps xmacrokeys-play from the xmacro plugin16:46
sipiorsaliak: normally, fetchmail grabs the remote mail, and sends it to the MTA on the local system (postfix or sendmail or qmail &cet.) postfix then can deliver that mail directly to a mailbox, or use an intermediary like procmail to do the delivery.16:46
spowersbrandonban6: perhaps xmacrokeys-play from the xmacro package16:47
ice109dulak any ideas then16:47
confoundsAnyone know why a "command not found" would show up when calling logrotate?16:47
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confoundsi tried from a regular user & from sudo16:47
mbeierlall: from my question earlier.  I get to take back what I said about MS Terminal Services being better than competing Linux technologies.  NoMachine's NX Server and Client provide the same functionality - free of charge!  Now to convince the powers that be to include them in the partner or restricted repositories somehow so that Ubuntu in general can be seen as a viable replacement for MSTS.16:47
DonnieOsamaK_:  er i HAVE learned. but i don't like the look of it :x16:47
OsamaK_Donnie: try other IRC programs.16:47
spowersmbeierl: nomachine.com has debs that work16:47
sinanhow can i close an established connection from the terminal?16:48
spowersmbeierl: they're quite good16:48
spowersmbeierl: also look into freenx16:48
Donnie:| none of them'll let me use colorrr >=|16:48
MoltenBobcatmbeierl: nice! thanks for sharing16:48
saliaksipior : interesting.  so in my fetchmailrc file (that i use when i run fetchmail) it says "mda "/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General .... (some more rt related stuff)".  so does that mean that it's using that script as the MDA when it gets mail?16:48
spowersi love the nx system for working from home16:48
spowersbest ever16:48
OsamaK_Donnie: then file a bug. (a 'withlist')16:48
sipiorsaliak: yep16:48
mbeierlspowers: yes, I'm using them right now, but the point was to see if Canonical could enter into agreement to make one-stop shopping for the NX clients.  And freeNX is a little too far behind - you cannot do disconnect/resume yet16:49
sipiorsaliak: have a look here for a boatload of information: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Mail-Administrator-HOWTO.html16:49
Donnieand that'll take till i'm 20 to process 8-)16:49
LinuwbCan someone do a quick favour for me?16:49
saliaksipior : so are these errors from when it's trying to send mail (and that's all the stuff that's sitting in the outgoign queue?)16:49
planegenius1hey guys im trying to install firefox 3.5 i found and used all the right commands and it says its installed but when i launch ff its stil 3.0.116:49
spowersmbeierl: oh, i really like disconnect/resume.  and i think the onus is on nomachine.com to start the partner process16:49
OsamaK_planegenius1: go to mozilla.org16:50
mbeierlLinuwb: I've learned not to say yes until I hear the question ;)16:50
mezquitaleanyone knows how to setup an ssh server so that it is accessible remotely through a cable modem and router?16:50
LinuwbCans someone tell me the correct code to chmod the file in usr/home/myusername/.drmc16:50
OsamaK_planegenius1: it won't be available through update.16:50
jribLinuwb: just delete it16:50
sipiorsaliak: no, looks like something is trying to invoke the "sensible-mda" script to deliver mail locally, but it can't find procmail and the others cited.16:50
mezquitalechmod user:user  .drmc16:50
Dulakice109: is he in kde or gnome?16:50
cratylusconfounds: did you try /usr/sbin/logrotate ? is it in your PATH ?16:51
saliaksipior - how do i figure out what's trying to invoke sensible-mda?16:51
OsamaK_planegenius1: software are only updated when there is a security bug.16:51
confoundscratylus: i'll check on that.... thanks16:51
mbeierlLinuwb: mine is set to 600.  Is that what you want to know?16:51
sipiorsaliak: i would start with the script you have list as the mda in your fetchmailrc.16:52
planegenius1ok, i just dont get why after i installed it 3.5 it wont run it16:52
rageHello, "su" is to "su -", as sudo is to "?????"16:52
LinuwbCan someone, help me? i need to chmod some files?16:52
Dulakrage: sudo -i16:52
rageDulak: excellent, ta16:52
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OsamaK_planegenius1: Did you close any opened firefox?16:52
fosco__sorry, many times answered but where can i find info about old releases?16:52
regeyawell, son of a gun, it's right there in the sudo manpage16:53
mbeierlLinuwb: I'm trying to help you.  I just don't understand your question and I'm trying to get clarification.  What are you trying to do?  just issue chmod 600 .dmrc ?16:53
OsamaK_planegenius1: including download and add-on windows16:53
confoundscratylus: i don't have the logrotate command in that directory... but i do have an /etc/logrotate.d/ directory....16:53
planegenius1OsamaK_: i think so16:53
simmerzhi. The firefox-3.5 in ubuntu package is beta 4. is that going to get updated to release soon?16:53
Uncle_MeatAnyone know of a good CPU meter for the GNOME tray16:53
OsamaK_planegenius1: try "$ killall firefox"16:53
mezquitalejust ignore Linuwb, i already gave him the answer and he keeps asking the same question16:53
Linuwbsorry didn't see your shout mbeierl, i ned to chmod .dmrc to 644. but i am using an in correct code and don't no the correct one16:54
cratylusconfounds, do you get output when you type: dpkg -s logrotate ?16:54
cratyluswondering if you have the package16:54
mezquitaleanyone knows how to setup an ssh server so that it is accessible remotely through a cable modem and router?16:54
baba_b00ieif anyone uses pidgin and has a yahoo account, here's how you update pidign to support the new authentication code... http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/16:54
mbeierlLinuwb: ok, so what happens when you do the following: "cd ; chmod 644 .dmrc" ?16:54
mezquitalebaba_b00ie, thanks when I log in to yahoo in the next full moon ill make sure to update pidgin16:54
Linuwbnothing no report or anything16:55
OsamaK_planegenius1: ?16:55
confoundscratylus: good call - "Package `logrotate' is not installed and no info is available." - so i guess it's just calling the files from cron16:55
baba_b00iemezquitale, no need to be a el douche,  i was having issues with it.. and thought i'd pass the knowledge on16:55
mbeierlLinuwb: that means it was successful.  do "ls -al .dmrc" and what does it show?16:56
jerbearWhat's the likelyhood that jaunty will get Firefox 3.5 packages?16:56
sillyCEOLooking for a script that will delete the "localstore.rdf" file from Firefox, everytime it is run.16:56
sipiorjerbear: nil, i suspect.16:56
confoundscratylus: thanks a lot16:56
lenswipehey guys16:56
Linuwbit shows this -rw-r--r-- 1 tm0 tm0 28 2009-06-24 10:36 .dmrc16:56
sipiorjerbear: officially, of course. i'm sure it will be available in other repositories soon.16:56
raspaHi, how can I activate a case sensitive globbing with bash on ubuntu ?16:56
cratylusconfounds, yeah that's what it looked like. i figured it'd be in your path if it were installed. so all you need is to aptitude install it. no prob16:57
lenswipeanyone know where the games folder for ubuntu can be found?16:57
mbeierlbaba_b00ie: there have been many people asking about problems with Yahoo here, so thanks very much - will be sure to pass it on :)16:57
rickestsillyCEO: just write a bash script that deletes that file before it launches firefox16:57
sillyCEOdon't know how to do that. Whats a bash script? A text file?16:57
mbeierlLinuwb: rw-r--r-- is the same as 644.  it worked.  What else might it be that you are trying to do?16:57
sillyCEOOops, I mean rickest:, I don't know how to do that. Whats a bash script? A text file?16:58
LinuwbThats all, i was messing with wine adn i hit that by accident. many thanks. :)16:58
Linuwbacutally one more thing16:58
rickestsillyCEO: yeah. you'll also need to associate links (URLS) with that script instead of firefox directly. might help if you have someone around you can ask16:58
Linuwbwere is the firewall settings?16:58
baba_b00iembeierl,  yup.. yahoo upgraded their servers to drop yahoo im 6,7 support to push the newer clients including any 3rd party IM software that uses the older authenication codes..16:59
cb_I think im a noob..im runnin glinux as the host and windows xp as the guest..i installed guest additions..full screen windows (guest) looks great...but if i run seamless mode...switching between a windows program then back to linux...or moving windows programs/lmenus over my fluxbox linux desktpo, the screen flickers horribly.  Am  I missing something? is this a video issue on the guest side or my host side?  never had any 3d/video issues before on my nix setup .16:59
lenswipeLinuwb: /etc/sysconfig/iptables16:59
ice109dulak he's in gnome16:59
mbeierlLinuwb: in Ubuntu?  you can use "ufw" the Ubuntu FireWall...16:59
sipiorraspa: it's probably on already. confirm that shopt | grep nocaseglob returns "off".16:59
confoundscratylus: cool - thanks again16:59
lwellsI have an Ubuntu 9.04 disk, how can I tell if it is the 64 bit version??16:59
lenswipeanyone know where the games folder is on ubuntu?16:59
mbeierlcb_: are you using VirtualBox or VMware... or?17:00
cb_i searched google for the problem with eithe rlike +flicker or +flashing.17:00
Picisipior: fyi: I just spent a little bit of time asking around about firefox 3.5.  Once we get it built in Ubuntu, it'll need to be tested, but we shouldn't need to wait until Jaunty to see it.17:00
rickestsillyCEO: something like http://pastebin.com/m11399d017:00
monckylenswipe: in what respect? there is a games menu in the applications menu17:00
sillyCEOrickest: associate URLS with the script instead of Firefox directly? What do you mean?17:00
LinuwbNot in command line just in GUI :P my webcam doesn't work with iton i think17:00
Picisipior: But of course it won't be available today17:00
identityMSG does anyone know how to add special characters from non english languages for use in the terminal?17:00
cratyluslwells lwells, you can boot off of it and execute uname -a in the command line17:00
rickestsillyCEO: so when you click a link in e-mail, for example, it runs your script instead of firefox17:00
lenswipemoncky: im looking for the actual folder containing the games in file browser, i need to make some config changes17:00
Buletinalternative for pidgin more like yahoo messenger with webcam support and voice call ?17:00
sipiorPici: oh, that's nice. and very different from what i had heard. then again, i suppose they couldn't very well make folks wait so long :-)17:00
cb_mbeierl, virtalbox*17:00
monckylenswipe: apt-get install mlocate17:00
cb_latest ubuntu/vbox17:00
cb_via fluxbox though17:01
planegenius1ok i made sure firefox was killed, and removed it and reinstalled it, still no luck17:01
cb_i havent tried it in the default gnome17:01
monckylenswipe: then run  updatedb17:01
monckylenswipe: then use the locate command17:01
mbeierlcb_: sorry - vmware user here.  don't know about those issues with vb :(17:01
cb_Buletin, there is a great one but i cant remember the name17:01
lenswipemoncky: locate?17:01
sipiorPici: perhaps consider adding it to the channel topic? (although whether anyone reads it...)17:01
cb_i would use vmware but its expensive lol17:01
cb_Buletin, check out Gyach17:02
monckylenswipe: yeah it searches your file system though configs may be in a . file in your home dir17:02
cb_they have video/voicechat support for yahoo17:02
identitydoes anyone know how to add non english characters to the standard character set?rn17:02
sipiorPici: or a factoid, maybe.17:02
cb_it may be a little complex to setup..not sure if its in ubuntu repos or not17:02
Picisipior: I'm making a note of it to the other ops, I gotta run for a bit.17:02
lenswipemoncky: thanks, got them they are in /var/games aparently :)17:02
LinuwbThank anyways guys i got to go.17:02
LinuwbBye bye17:02
ice109dulak you still there?17:02
Dulakice109: sad that, kde will pick up a wall message but apparently gnome will not17:02
ice109dulak hmm17:03
Dulakice109: yeah I'm coding in another window17:03
Dulakice109: I'm gonna test it, sec17:03
sillyCEOrickest: Do I copy and paste that text into a text file and put it somewhere? Never did a script before (nooooob)17:03
lenswipemoncky: hmm the config file im looking for isnt there, how do i search for it?17:03
rickestsillyCEO: yes, then to make it executable do: chmod +x name_of_script17:04
lenswipemoncky: im running open arena server from the ubuntu repos and i cant find the confg file to make changes to it :(17:04
rickestsillyCEO: you see the part in there that you need to replace with an actual folder name, right?17:04
tulcodwith what kinda CFLAGS is the majority of ubuntu built?17:04
homohello i have a question: if i have multiple linux operating systems on one pc, do i need to have multiple linux-swap partitions or can i use just one swap partition?17:04
Dulakice109: yeah gnome doesn't pick it up at all, but kde would it has a program that listens for wall messages and gives a popup, but gnome gets nothing17:04
sillyCEOrickest: still staring at "chmod"...17:05
jribhomo: one is fine17:05
ice109dulak what are wall messages?17:05
limmerhi, i just installed jaunty on my macbook pro and all of a sudden the default 'human' theme is missing. i have tried reinstalling it through the package manager, but it still doesn't appear in the appearance dialog. any ideas on how to get it reinstalled?17:05
jribhomo: well maybe if you want to suspend multiple at the same time you want more than one...17:05
planegenius1i do not get why i cant launch firefox 3.5?17:05
Thingymeboblenswipe: have you looked in you home folder (its probably a hidden file/folder in there somewhere)17:05
ibuclawtulcod, that would depend on the application ... but the most generic is -O2 (although some low-level libraries will refuse to compile with that flag as they are written in a certain way).17:05
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:06
zek152how do i see which usb port my usb-serial cable is connected to?17:06
FloridaGuydoes gnome have a snapshot package...the printscreen ( prtscn ) on the keyboard dont work when the panel menu is selected17:06
Dulakice109: like write, but to all users17:06
Dulakice109: oldschool mass message to all logins17:06
ice109dulak anyway i can remote open a file?17:06
NetLarIrvineWhen I type is uname -a what does it need to say for me to know it is 64 bit?17:06
jribNetLarIrvine: uname -m  should return x86_6417:07
Dulakice109: no the X session token wouldn't let you do anything17:07
Dulakice109: it's to prevent just that from happening, one user starting apps as another and such17:07
NetLarIrvineit says just "i686"17:07
lenswipeThingymebob: no its not, i mean there is an instance of openarena server in there, but its one i downloaded and when i run it its loading a config file called default.cfg from somewhere, which contains the wrong values17:07
jribNetLarIrvine: then it's not 64-bit17:07
NetLarIrvineok thanks17:07
Thingymeboblenswipe: locate default.cfg17:08
angelblacksalut all17:08
lenswipeThingymebob: it returns nothing17:08
Thingymeboblenswip did you sudo updatedb17:09
lenswipeThingymebob: no, what does it do?17:09
Thingymeboblenswipe, updates the database of files, do that first then locate default.cfg17:09
Merkuriyhello all!17:10
lenswipeThingymebob: mmkay, its weird tho, cos when i start a game server thats located in my home dir, it loads a file with incorrect values in it called default.cfg but i cant find that file anywhere, weird or what!?17:10
lenswipeThingymebob: i just ran sudo updatedb and locate default.cfg still returns nothing17:11
Thingymeboblenswipe: Indeed, it must be somewhere!17:11
rgbcsis there an ubuntu deb for firefox 3.5 yet?17:11
rgbcs(the final release from today)17:11
danbhfivergbcs: probably not till karmic17:12
zek152how do i tell what /dev/ttyUSB port my usb serial converter is on?17:12
sillyCEOrickrest: Yes, I see that part where I enter my "ff userid" (whatever that is!)17:12
sipiorrgbcs: no, but it is apparently being worked on.17:12
lenswipeThingymebob: the thing is, its setting the bind address to dpmaster.deathmask.net17:12
rickestsillyCEO: ok17:12
rgbcssipior, danbhfive: k thanks17:12
Thingymeboblenswipe: have a look in /usr/lib/games/openarena17:13
lenswipeThingymebob: which, seeing as my game server is not hosted from that domain will cause connections to the game server to be lost17:13
lenswipeThingymebob: ive been in there, theres no mention of default.cfg17:13
tw3akI have a question? I'm experiementing with kernels, after I build a kernel do I have to delete the source dir or can I make clean and build another? with different opt?17:13
lenswipeThingymebob: offs, now it cant even find /usr/lib/games17:13
Dulakzek152: dmesg should show what device it got attached as17:14
lenswipeThingymebob: im cracking up here17:14
bkevanDoes anyone have a default /etc/group ? mine seemed to lose all group memberships for hal etc when I upgraded my 9.10 Alpha 2 box.. thanks17:14
Thingymeboblenswipe: now that can't have gone, give me a minute, installing.17:14
Dulaktw3ak: make clean clears out everything17:15
sillyCEOrickest: I substituted [your_ff_userid] with what I think is my profile folder name, and saved the whole thing as a text file called "script.sh". Now what?  What's chmod?17:15
lenswipeThingymebob: im just re-installing openarena-server17:15
unr3a1hey all17:15
jeancalvinhow do i install Firefox 3.5 on my ubuntu?17:15
lenswipeThingymebob: should gimme something to do to stop me breaking the keyboard over my head17:15
sergey_может ктонить помочь с разрешением дисплея ?17:15
tw3akok so I don't have to .. great save time once I know I've got the one I want then I'll delete and reinstall a new source dir17:15
leftyfbAnyone have a PPA for Firefox 3.5 besides mozilla-daily or fta? Both of those still have RC and it segfaults on my hardy installation.17:15
unr3a1I am sure you are getting this question a lot, but how can I update to firefox 3.5 in 9.04?17:16
sipior!ru > sergey_17:16
jeancalvini don't mind having it go over my regular firefox install17:16
ubottusergey_, please see my private message17:16
zek152Dulak, i think i found my problem.  my virtual box didnt have the usb enabled17:16
eirik__I'm having problems with sound. It has never worked on this machine. All the channels are unmuted and the voulme display clearly shows there is something happening. This is a motherboard soundcard and it is "sorround" capable. Is there a way to check that all is well with the system/soundcard?17:16
Roland123zek152: try dmesg | grep ttyUSB17:16
rickestsillyCEO: chmod marks the script as executable so you can run it as a program17:16
bkevanDoes anyone have a vanilla (or close to) /etc/group they can paste to me so I can see the required default groups for haldaemon etc etc? thanks17:17
tw3akI've got a 2-5% improvement over 686 with just cpu selection on bytemark... I'm planning on trying the Intel compiler once they have 2.6.30 patched for it. But for now I'm going to try different opts in make menuconfig17:17
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unr3a1so does anyone know where I can get the firefox 3.5 .deb package?17:18
sillyCEOrickest: OK, sorry for being an idiot, but when you say "do: chmod +x name_of_script" - what do you mean by "Do"?17:18
zek152Roland123, thanks17:19
leftyfbAnyone have a PPA for Firefox 3.5 besides mozilla-daily or fta? Both of those still have RC and it segfaults on my hardy installation.17:19
twig11I'm booting 9.04 from the liveCD on an older machine. I get as far as the Ubuntu splash screen then there is a delay and a command prompt. Is there a way to get it to finish loading from here?17:21
ascheelIn my ever progressive move to Ubuntu from Windows, does anybody know of a decent MUD client for the Linux CLI?  Will telnet work just fine with it?  It's the colors that I'm mostly concerned about.  Common MUD clients will colorize specific actions and I'm not sure if that's the emulation (xterm) or if it's the client parsing the information17:21
alkisgBetween 2 ubuntu PCs running openssh-server that are connected with a crossover cable, how would I copy files without the overhead of encryption? I think rsync can use ssh to get a remote shell and then run temporarily as a server, is this correct?17:21
perturbedcan anybody help me with google chromium ?17:21
bkevanDoes anyone have a default /etc/group ? mine seemed to lose all group memberships for hal etc when I upgraded my 9.10 Alpha 2 box.. thanks17:21
ascheelalkisg, you don't use ssh if you don't want the encryption overhead.  Use FTP17:21
bkevanpeturbed: what do you need17:21
ascheelalkisg, rsync would also work just fine17:22
Hilikushey guys17:22
perturbedi added the key and the source ..dude but the updates arent showing in the update manager bkevan17:22
limmerdoes anyone have any idea why my 'human' theme would simply disappear?17:22
Hilikuswhere should i put scripts i write that will be executed by the system??17:22
ascheelalkisg, you do not need ssh as you are using a crossover cable between 2 PCs and the security is pointless in that scenario17:22
alkisgascheel: what's the syntax for not using encyption with rsync? I'm unable to find it :(17:22
perturbedthe daily updates from google i mean bkevan17:22
ascheelalkisg, rsync doesn't use encryption as far as I know17:22
alkisgascheel: the ssh server is already there, and I didn't want to install ftp just for that17:22
bkevanHilikus .. depends where you want to put them.. /usr/local/ is a good place..17:22
ascheelHilikus, just add a ~/scripts directory and add it to your paths17:23
alkisgascheel: I think rsync over ssh uses the underlying ssh encryption17:23
ascheelalkisg, then don't use rsync over ssh17:23
ascheeljust use rsync17:23
alkisgascheel: ok, how would I do that?17:23
Hilikusascheel: but i won't be running them, it's the system. its a script to detect wireless changes17:23
alkisgascheel: do I have to run it in daemon mode?17:23
twig11What does it mean if I'm trying to run 9.04 from the liveCD but it opens a command prompt after the ubuntu splash screen?17:23
ascheelHilikus, then the advice that bkevan said would work well17:23
ascheelalkisg, rsync always has to have a daemon and a client17:24
seyacati have a problem, i have usb-serial device, but it disconnecs and reconects and its imposible get device17:24
ascheelalkisg: stand by, getting you an example of my rsync script17:24
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leftyfbalkisg: ssh = encryption. rsync over ssh = encryption. No way around it. Mount the remote driver using NFS if you want to copy files with no encryption. But to be honest, I just don't think you're going to see a difference in speed.17:24
Hilikusascheel: but where inside usr/local?17:24
ascheelHilikus, just put the script in /usr/local17:24
krammer_how can i send a file while in ssh17:25
Hilikusascheel: oh i see17:25
ascheelHilikus, correction, /usr/local/bin perhaps17:25
leftyfbkrammer_: man scp17:25
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ascheelHilikus, just type this and use that:  echo $PATH17:25
alkisgleftyfb: ftp is about 5 times faster than ssh in gigabit connections with my current PCs17:25
Hilikusascheel: thats what i thought, but strictly speaking it's not a binary17:25
leftyfbalkisg: then use ftp17:25
lenswipeThingymebob: fixed it, my custom config file was called server.fg when it should have been server.cfg17:25
ascheelalkisg: here's the script I use for rsync.  You can figure it out, but ftp is far and away the easiest solution.17:25
ascheelrsync -av --delete rsync:// /home/music17:25
Dulakalkisg: 5x faster???  encryption overhead isn't that much on the wire man, you got something going on there if it's really that big of a difference17:26
lenswipeThingymebob: im guessing that when the game couldnt find server.cfg it defaulted to one somewhere else17:26
ascheelalkisg: you can also look into creating an NFS share to accomplish that17:26
leftyfbascheel: that's assuming he has the other machine mounted on /media/Music17:26
Thingymeboblenswipe:8-) I'll stop the install now then!17:26
alkisgDulak: are you sure? I've done extensive testing on that17:26
unr3a1does no one know where you can get firefox 3.5 in deb format?17:26
ascheelleftyfb, that's why it's just an example17:26
lenswipeThingymebob: :) thanks anyways :)17:26
kbrosnanunr3a1: not possible atm17:26
leftyfbalkisg: i'll agree with Dulak17:26
Dulakalkisg: encryption overhead on the wire shouldn't be more than 30% of normal traffic from what I've seen17:26
ascheelDulak: the encryption is a huge overhead on some systems.  On my home fileserver (1.6 GHz atom CPU), I get 3 MB/sec over SFTP.  I get 50 MB/sec over FTP17:26
lenswipeThingymebob: actually no, leave the install going - its a good game if you like quake :)17:26
Dulakalkisg: granted that was at 100m not 1g but still....17:26
rickestsillyCEO: I mean run that command from a terminal/cmdline17:26
alkisgDulak: the problem is in CPU...17:27
lenswipeThingymebob: mebbe u could play against me on my server :P17:27
infinity217i m a beginner, i want to compile desmume and i have an error gtk2.6 is required to build... how do i get it17:27
Dulakascheel: that's cpu, not the wire17:27
JamalFanaianunr3a1, i would recommend installing this ppa and using the package manager. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa17:27
ascheelDulak, it's the CPU that's the bottleneck17:27
JamalFanaianunr3a1, but you can download the individual deb packages from there as well17:27
Thingymeboblenswipe: may as well now, i've got the space and the time now with my broken foot!17:27
DulakGuess I'm just spoiled with my bleeding edge cpus17:27
leftyfbmount the drive over nfs and just rsync17:27
ascheelDulak, it's not the wire that encrypts the data17:27
lenswipeThingymebob: heh, gimme a second to make sure everything is working and the ports are open, sorry bout ur broken foot btw :)17:28
twig11Can somebody give a beginner some pointers on getting 9.04 to boot from the liveCD on an older machine? I'm getting the splash screen and then a command prompt.17:28
alkisgascheel, leftyfb: I though it would be possible to use rsync regularily, which would login to the remote server with the usual ssh, and then it would open temporarily a port remotely, and use that to avoid encryption. So that scenario isn't possible, then?17:28
Dulakascheel: well my stuff is all super fast so I don't notice the cpu being the bottleneck usually17:28
leftyfbalkisg: ssh = encrypted17:28
krauthow do i restart the panel, if i deleted it?17:28
ascheelalkisg: ssh is always encrypted.  Don't use SSH if you're going over a crossover cable.17:28
alkisgleftyfb: yes, that's why it would open another port17:28
leftyfbSSH = Secure SHell (encrypted)17:29
leftyfbalkisg: ssh = encrypted17:29
alkisgAh I'm not getting through, my English sucks17:29
Dulakalkisg: just set up rsyncd on one box and direct rsync it over17:29
alkisgLet me try that again17:29
crashRhi there ! does someone knows if FF3.5 will be included in the main repository soon ? Or is it a better idea to get it from launchpad ?17:29
leftyfbalkisg: you CANNOT use ssh unencrypted, period17:29
* ellar is interested in crashR s question17:29
Dulakalkisg: rsync doesn't have to transport over ssh, it has it's own bare protocol it can use if you set it up to do so17:29
alkisgleftyfb: I'm not talking about ssh. rsync can execute commands remotely. So it can temporarily execute an rsync daemon17:30
DulakcrashR: I think the repo version is still the beta, it hasn't updated to the full version, I expect it'll show up pretty quick though17:30
leftyfbalkisg: rsync over what?17:30
ascheelalkisg, the rsync daemon has to be running already, or the rsync client won't be able to connect to it17:30
regeyacrashR: shiretoko(sp) is 3.5; I haven't checked in a couple of days, but isn't 3.5 still in beta?17:30
leftyfboh wait, rsync daemon17:30
brandonban6anyone know how to write a shell script that when called inserts the date and time in whatever application you are working in?17:30
crashR3.5 final is out now :)17:31
krauthow do i restart the panel, if i deleted it?17:31
ascheelbrandonban6: try going to #bash for that, but use backticks(`) around the 'date' command17:31
ellarregeya, final released today17:31
KragneracHi, does anyone know when 3.5 Final will be in the repos?17:31
Kragnerac*Firefox 3.5 Final17:31
ascheelkraut, right-click the panel, choose Add, then find the applet again17:31
brandonban6thanks ascheel17:31
krammer_kraut, do u have a panel now17:31
ascheelbrandonban6: you're welcome sir17:31
krautkrammer_: no17:31
krautkrammer_: i did a mistake and deleted the above panel completly17:32
crashRbut I wondered if packagers will include it in jaunty main repositories17:32
krautonly the bottom one is still there17:32
haytham-medfirefox 3.5 released17:32
krautasanchez: the entire panel is away17:32
ascheelkraut, now i see what you mean.  You deleted the panel entirely.17:32
krautyes :/17:32
DulakcrashR: again, only the beta is in the repos, it should get updated soon17:32
ascheelright-click the existing panel and choose "New Panel" and re-set it up.17:32
alkisgascheel, leftyfb, Dulak: OK let me try to explain the scenario again. (1) rsynch can execute commands remotely. (2) To do that, it connects with ssh. (3) After it connects, it can start an rsync daemon. THE DAEMON WON'T BE USING SSH. But note that when it's started like this, it's called an rsync server, not a daemon. (4) Then, it can use this server to transfer the files without ssh encryption.17:32
alkisg==> This way I can transfer files without the need of installing ftpd in all my PCs (they already have sshd installed).17:32
alkisgIs this scenario possible?17:32
krammer_ascheel, he doesnt have a panel correct?17:33
krautascheel: oh noes, do i need to reasign every stuff?17:33
ascheelkrammer_: missing one of his 2 default panels17:33
krautkrammer_: the bottom one is still there17:33
Dulakalkisg: you're not getting it, rsyncd is how to do what you are talking about, not ssh, even if it could do it how you think, it would probably just use a ssh tunnel and still you'd have encryption.17:33
krammer_just add then move up or where ever side u like17:33
alkisgDulak: why would it need an ssh tunnel if it could open a port on it's own and make a direct connection to it without ssh?17:34
ellarno one knows how to get firefox 3.5 from (main) repo?17:34
kbrosnanellar: it has not been updated yet17:34
sillyCEOrickest: Oh, Duh. OK. So my script is called "killthefile.sh" so in terminal, I just write "chmod killthefile.sh" ?17:34
StarbucksHey I have an issue with my vista...grub error 18 (done a google search but its not helpful). I have two drives one with win 7 the other previously with ubuntu but formatted now with vista...working fine untill I turned it on one day and bam it stopped me booting into vista with the grub 18 error. Thanks.17:34
erUSUL!info firefox-3.5 | ellar17:35
ubottuellar: firefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 889 kB, installed size 3468 kB17:35
jpoloniahey need help17:35
alkisgascheel, leftyfb, Dulak: thanks for your help :)17:35
krammer_Starbucks, have you tried fix MBR?17:35
Dulakalkisg: from a programmer's point of view, why wouldn't I use a ssh port instead of an open port when obviously I was used through ssh, as opposed to being in daemon mode which covers your usage scenario?17:35
ascheelalkisg: ignore ssh.  Forget SSH.  First off, Daemon = Server application.17:35
aytekinis there any geek about local area network connection17:35
alkisgascheel: look at the rsync man page about the daemon <> server meanings17:36
ascheelalkisg: start rsyncd, use rsync on the other PC to connect to it.  No SSH.  DO not use SSH17:36
djolefol1How can I connect to mobile broadband with Option Globethrotter iCON 401 USB modem in Jaunty?17:36
krautkrammer_: ascheel: ok, got it back mostly17:36
aytekinhow to connect to another comp in local area17:36
ellarKragnerac, crashR you got that?17:36
Dulakalkisg: to program rsync to use a bare port while being used through ssh when running in daemon mode does the same thing would be redundant17:36
krautdamn it, never click to fast again17:36
ellarthanks erUSUL17:36
twig11anybody willing to take a few minutes to help a beginner with an install on on older computer?17:37
hemanthPrevious i was asking about the advantage of using Ubuntu DVD and methods to install packages from DVD , i don rembr the nick of those who were helping me , can anyone help me on this issue17:37
jpoloniai need to know how autentificated in windows proxy17:37
ascheelalkisg: if you use ssh to remote-start the rsync listener, the connection will be going over ssh, hence encryption17:37
crashRif its in universe I'll get it now (even in beta) ellar :)17:37
RJARRRPCGPIs this possible: to have / and /boot on a USB flash drive and /home, /tmp and /var on a normal HDD?17:37
Starbuckskrammer_: I don't know how to make it work...the vista disk gives me the option to go into C AFTER it asks for some 'drivers'?17:37
jpoloniasome body nkwo17:37
ascheelalkisg: If you do NOT want encryption ( and the associated overhead), do not remote start it over SSH.  You will have to start rsyncd daemon as the server.17:37
krammer_Starbucks, go into recovery mode17:38
ascheeljpolonia: I'm sorry but I dont' understand your question17:38
alkisgascheel: I'm looking to start rsync in daemon mode from within the ssh connection.17:38
RJARRRPCGPBecause I likely have REAL slow writes.17:38
jpoloniathe proxy of ubuntu it's not working17:38
ricardoromaosomeone has the problem than I, my pidgin transmission rate is to slow to transfer files17:38
ascheelalkisg, you can do that over SSH, but you will need to connect rsync over a SECOND connection over the UNENCRYPTED port17:39
alkisgascheel: yes17:39
TyphHow do I disable system beep?The "alert" box is unchecked in sound, but it still happens.17:39
krammer_Starbucks, http://askbobrankin.com/fix_mbr.html17:39
jpoloniawho can help me ?17:39
ellarcrashR you should also see meta package firefox-3.117:39
alkisgascheel: that's the rsync command line I'm looking for.17:39
ascheelalkisg: so just use ssh to start rsync as a listener.  Stand by...17:39
jpoloniahi i'm new17:39
Dulakalkisg: it's not automatic, you login via ssh, start rsync in daemon mode, then from the other computer you do a normal rsync over17:39
XbmcUserHi all17:40
alkisgascheel, Dulak: rsync can tell ssh to execute a command, so no need for a different ssh connection17:40
Dulakalkisg: I just don't think it's gonna be an automatic "one-liner"17:40
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TyphAh. Terminal profile. Who'd have thunk.17:40
jpoloniai want to work with the proxy of my company17:40
jpoloniawho can help17:40
ascheelDulak, he understands that.  He wants to start rsync to listen, but he wants to do it manually over an SSH connection so he can then start rsync over a second connection that's not over SSH.17:40
RJARRRPCGPI would like to have files that are usually only read on a USB flash drive and the files being changed often on a normal HDD.17:40
fophillipsI don'17:40
ascheelDulak: what's he's done, he will manually shut down the rsync listener over ssh17:40
hemanthDulak: sorry i said brb and came back now , u were helping about ubuntu dvd17:40
fophillipsI don't suppose anyone can explain why my window borders have turned pink?17:41
Dulakascheel: I understood him to want to run a single command to have all that happen automagically17:41
fophillipsWait, never mind. Back to normal now :\17:41
nasrullahyahoo messenger is not working in pidgin your help please.17:41
ascheelDulak, he could if he sets up .bashrc for a specific login17:41
XbmcUserI've messed with grub.my ubuntu is 8.10 and installed it using wubi17:41
alkisgDulak, ascheel: I think it's possible with a one-liner. I thought it was hard myself; that's why I got here to ask. I understand now that what I'm asking is not trivial, so I'll do it in the next few hours :) If you want, I can come back and tell you the results...17:41
aytekinis there any specialist knowing about local area connection17:41
RJARRRPCGPI was able to do a full install of 9.04 on to a SanDisk Cruzer, but the boot is slow.17:41
ascheelnasrullah: go to #pidgin and read the topic17:41
krammer_nasrullah, go to irc17:41
jpoloniaproxy ubuntu not work17:41
twig11What causes the 9.04 desktop cd to boot to a command prompt instead of to the desktop on on older pc?17:41
RJARRRPCGPI dunno.17:42
crashRsaw this too ellar.. but this is the same beta version .. so lets run with 3.5 ^^17:42
hemanthtwig11: older pc means ? How old ? What is the config ?17:42
alkisgDulak, ascheel: thanks again for your advice and your patience :)17:42
Dulakalkisg: g'luck with it17:42
dva5912How would i go about upgrading my laptop processor? It currenly has a Intel Centrino 1.73. Id love to get at least 2 ghz on my laptop. What can i do? Its a Dell D61017:42
ascheelalkisg: my advice is to run rsyncd permanently on the server17:42
MacinManwhat command does ubuntu run on install to configure hardware? i need to reconfigure x to recognize 3d support i enabled in my vm17:42
aytekini need some options about connecting to another comp in a local area17:43
sillyCEOrickest: So I wrote "chmod killthefile.sh" in terminal, and it said "missing operand after 'killthefish.sh' Any ideas?17:43
rickestsillyCEO: that's not the command I said to run17:43
DulaksillyCEO: you didn't give it any permissions17:43
perturbedwhat the hell17:43
RJARRRPCGPAnd BTW, the Asus A7N8X-X is capable of USB flash drive booting!17:43
aytekini need some options about connecting to another comp in a local area17:43
freecom4everwhat is the channel ubuntu es?17:43
jpoloniai want to configure mi laptop with the proxy of ubuntu in my company17:43
jpoloniabut fail17:43
ascheelsillyCEO: the command syntax for chmod is as such:  chmod 666 filename.sh  (666 is the mask you want to use for permissions, there are other methods of modifying the permissions besides the numbers)17:43
krammer_dva5912, from 1.7 to 2 there wont be much difference upgrade the memory17:43
Dulak!es | freecom4ever17:43
ubottufreecom4ever: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:43
dva5912krammer_: i already got it maxed17:44
twig11hemanth: I'm having a hard time finding out. It's not a name-brand box, and it's got a broken XP installation on it, probably pirated. It looks like it's got an AMD Athlon processor. That's all I've been able to figure out so far. I'm a beginner.17:44
dva5912krammer_: it dont have tgo be 2ghz maby 2.5 or even three17:44
dva5912just so this thing isnt boggy17:44
RJARRRPCGPI just tested, but the boot is REAL slow!17:44
aytekini need some options about connecting to another comp in a local area17:44
nightdreverI installed a program called scid......to run it i have to type in scid at the terminal.......when its running i have to keep terminal........can i make a shortcut?.....and anyway it running without terminal open??17:44
twig11hemanth: I'm working on this box for somebody else.17:44
krammer_dva5912, ok then go with 3 you will experience the difference17:44
ascheelnightdrever:  command &17:44
hemanthtwig11: in the terminal can u type cat /proc/cpuinfo17:44
jpolonianot it's no17:44
zakif i want to use filezilla,(ftp) should i open ports in my routeur and Firewall ?17:44
ascheelnightdrever add the & after the command17:44
dva5912krammer_: but what do i get? Another Intel centreno?17:45
Hyliansay guys, i know how to get around dos and windows file systems, but i dont quite yet understand just where everything is placed in the linux system yet, is there a good walkthrough or something for this, having a hard time finding it on google17:45
Dulaknightdrever: you can make a launcher on the desktop or in the menu that will run it directly without having to go to terminal17:45
hemanthtwig11: did u try xubuntu ?17:45
RJARRRPCGPI highly suspect the flash drive having REAL slow writes!17:45
nasrullahthank you17:45
sillyCEOrickest: Oh, I see. So how do I know what my permissions mask would be? My "666" ??17:45
twig11hemanth: Is that more likely to work even from the Desktop CD?17:45
krammer_dva5912, If you dont have the experience with hardware save ur money and but a new laptop for few hundred more hundred $$17:45
cyberghoser1zak, if you want to turn your pc in a ftp server to allow peoeple to downloads files then yes17:46
unitedpotsmokershey guys, what is the best editor for programmer? i used notepad++ in windows, and now im searching for ubuntu17:46
beast_Hylian:  http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/17:46
rickestsillyCEO: run the command I told you to run, peroid.17:46
Dulaknightdrever: right-click on a panel and click add to panel, then choose Custom Application Launcher from the list that comes up17:46
zakcyberghoser1: i just want to transfer files from my pc to my lappy17:46
hemanthtwig11: yes very much , what kind of work are u planning to do17:46
krammer_unitedpotsmokers, there are many to choose from but most like vi17:46
RJARRRPCGPThus, I want to have the boot files on the SanDisk Cruzer and the /tmp and /var on a normal mechanical drive!17:46
Hylianbeast: thanx17:46
hemanthDulak: sorry i said brb and came back now , u were helping me about ubuntu dvd17:46
sillyCEODulak: thx. Just learning syntax and scripting. Don't know what 'mask' is......17:46
cyberghoser1zak, share folders then :)17:46
Dulaknightdrever: talk in channel please, it'll help other peole17:46
zakcyberghoser1: how<17:47
RJARRRPCGPGee wiz, tons of users!17:47
twig11hemanth: The person I'm fixing it for just wants to store pictures. nothing intensive there.17:47
Dulakhemanth: yeah did you check your /etc/apt/sources.list to see if the dvd is listed as your package source?17:47
zakcyberghoser1: i installed filezilla17:47
cyberghoser1zak, right click on a folder ans go to the share tab17:47
cyberghoser1zak, filezill is a ftp server/client17:47
ascheelnightdrever, when you execute the command in the terminal, just type the command and add a & after the command THEN hit Enter17:47
zakcyberghoser1: i have 100gb of files17:47
zakis that possible17:47
nightdreverok ive clicked add to panel17:47
cyberghoser1zak, of course it is17:47
nightdreverbut how do i get scid showing?17:48
Dulaknightdrever: then custom application launcher17:48
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cyberghoser1zak, right click on a folder choose properties then share and share it through your network17:48
hemanthDulak: checked its not there17:48
dva5912I can do the processor change. I just need to know what to get. My current one only supports 32 bit. DO i need to get another one like it? Or can i just get any other intel mobile processor?17:48
hemanthtwig11: does he want to access ntfs ?17:48
zakcyberghoser1: gonna try it;)17:48
sillyCEOrikest: Oops, your original command is not showing anymore. I think it had an "x" and a "+" between the filename and the chmod...17:49
cyberghoser1zak, good luck :)17:49
threatrixI was trying to install a printer on my computer when I went to find the printing tab under the administration menu it was not there. What can i do?17:49
krammer_dva5912, see you mb manufacture17:49
twig11hemanth: sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking if he needs access to the existing file system?17:49
nightdreverok done that thankz17:49
hemanthtwig11: yes17:49
Dulakhemanth: you can go to Settings->Repositories->Third Party, have the dvd in the drive and select cdrom and it should add the dvd as a source17:49
nightdreveris there a way to change what the launcher looks like?17:50
shesekHey, I'm trying to install an external USB wifi (wn620g) on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit (server edition). I tried installing netathrxusb driver (the original driver that was supllied, for Vista 64bit) using ndiswrapper, but I'm getting a bunch of errors ("ndiswrapper version 1.53 loaded...", than lots of "unknown symbol" errors and than it fails)17:50
dva5912krammer_: yeah thats a good place to start. Where do i find that information? Do i HAVE to open the thing up to find that out?17:50
shesekany hints?17:50
hemanthDulak: ok after that17:50
Hylianugh this is so confusing, in windows if i wanted to find an executable i would search for *.exe... how do i find where something is installed?17:50
jpoloniasome body know, how can i connect to a proxy, because i cant't17:50
krammer_dva5912, start with the brandname of your laptop then go to specs17:50
hemanthDulak: the current version was installed from the same DVD17:50
disappearedngmsg nickserv identify iloveacs17:50
jpoloniain ubuntu17:50
dva5912krammer_: ok. Searching17:51
shesekdisappearedng, change your password..17:51
beast_Hylian:  type "which progname"17:51
twig11hemanth: I think he'd like to, but I don't think it's absolutely essential if it can't be done.17:51
Dulakhemanth: you checked sources.list and the dvd wasn't listed in there as a source, so when you installed it put in network sources, not the dvd17:51
Hylianfrom what i have read, executables have no extension in linux, how do you know what file is the executable..??17:51
Dulakhemanth: you add the dvd as a source, then synaptic will show all the packages on the dvd in it's on fake repo17:51
Hylianok cool17:51
Hylianbeast: thanx again17:51
RJARRRPCGPI have a question:17:52
DulakHylian: the permissions on the file shown with "ls -l filenamehere" determine if it's executable and by who17:52
RJARRRPCGPAbout partitioning.17:52
hemanthDulak: so i need to add them all and install from net ? i just did cat /etc/source.list17:52
RJARRRPCGPI have a SanDisk Cruzer and a normal HDD.17:52
zakcyberghoser1: it saya 'you need to be authoised to share;//17:52
disappearedngHey how do I turn off the really annoying flash screen on the top right whenever a person logs in on pidgin?17:53
hemanthtwig11: they xubuntu is best for him17:53
krammer_disappearedng, preferences17:53
Dulakhemanth: open synaptic package manager from System->Administration17:53
Hyliani have to admit, i love the operating system, hate the file structure. i like how dos wears it's designation on it's sleeve, no typing a command for every file to see what it is.17:53
sillyCEOascheel: OK, so I ran the command "chmod 666 killthefile.sh" and now it says "no such file or directory". Do I have to place "killthefile.sh" file somewhere special? Its on the desktop now...17:53
heatmzzrWhy cant i play streaming video from cnn thru firefox??????????17:53
cyberghoser1zak, when on the share tab, click on share this folder, do you have a popup saying sharing service is not installed?17:53
Hylianwell thanx dudes/dudettes17:53
hemanthDulak: ok opened17:54
Dulakhemanth: now go to settings->repositories17:54
twig11hemanth: If I've got the Ubuntu CD, is there any way to install xubuntu without downloading the whole thing? LIke downloading just the xubuntu desktop or something?17:54
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aleron6can someone help me install enchant17:54
zakcyberghoser1: nope17:54
aleron6pm me please17:54
tulcodibuclaw: yeah, but I also mean the -march, -msse etc settings17:54
jpoloniaubuntu proxy ?17:55
hemanthtwig11: as of i know it aint possible17:55
hemanthDulak: Cdrom is unchecked17:55
threatrixI was trying to install a printer on my computer when I went to find the printing tab under the administration menu it was not there. What can i do?17:55
Dulakhemanth: check it17:55
twig11hemanth: Okay thanks. I'll try xubuntu. Does it have a graphical installer too?17:55
jpoloniaAlguien puede ayudarme ?17:56
limmerany idea why all of my themes are all of a sudden gone?17:56
mhall119twig11: once you install Ubuntu, you can apt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:56
hemanthtwig11: yes17:56
Dulakhemanth: now when you try to install a package that is on the dvd, it should prompt you for the dvd instead of installing it17:56
hemanth!xubuntu | twig1117:56
twig11hemanth: okay thanks.17:56
ubottutwig11: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:56
Hylianhe he i spoke too soon, according to which there is a folder called sauerbraten under /usr/games/ but according to nautilus, there aren't any folders in /usr/games/ even after checking "show hidden files"17:56
Dulakhemanth: instead of downloading it, even17:56
limmermy theme is set to 'custom' but i get an error that says the theme 'human17:56
jpoloniaNecsito configurar el proxy de ubuntu17:56
limmer is not installed17:56
hemanthDulak: reloading17:56
dva5912ZIF-socket  is that detail enough to purchase a better cpu?17:57
Dulakhemanth: synaptic is pretty decent actually, it will show you all the packages available to you17:57
hemanthDulak: ya its showing all , but how do i know which are from dvd?17:57
Dulakhemanth: in the main window, click origin17:58
ibuclawtulcod, -march and -sse would depend on the architechture ... ie: you wouldn't use -march=core2 on, say, a pentium II (well... you probably could, but you won't notice anything different anyway...)17:58
jpoloniaAlguien puede ayudarme ?17:58
Fenix|workAnyone know how to make a full, bootable backup of a system to a USB key?17:58
Dulakhemanth: that lists by repo, the dvd should be listed there17:58
jpoloniaAlguien puede ayudarme ?17:58
Hylianhmm, maybe it's like windows? the save games arent with the actual install on newer games, they are in my documents. is there a chance i would go to /home/ and thats where i would put sauerbraten stuff?17:58
ascheel!es | jpolonia17:58
ubottujpolonia: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:58
tulcodibuclaw: so does ubuntu have binaries for all the different -march settings?17:58
hemanthDulak: origin where?17:58
jpoloniaascheel can you help ?17:58
Dulakhemanth: should be a button on the left side of synaptic17:59
hemanthDulak: got it17:59
ascheeljpolonia: with what?17:59
hemanthDulak: so i now i can select them all and install and it will be offline ?17:59
jpoloniathe ubuntu proxy it' not work17:59
Dulakhemanth: just choose the dvd on the left and on the right all the packages available from the dvd should be listed, you can check a package to install whatever17:59
jpoloniabut the firefox proxy working18:00
rascal911ok, under installing additional components, what makes up 'Basic Ubuntu Server'?18:00
Dulakhemanth: yes but only for the packages listed with dvd as the origin, anything not in that list would have to be installed from the internet18:00
shesekI'm trying to install an external USB wifi (wn620g) on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit (server edition). I tried installing netathrxusb driver (the original driver that was supllied, for Vista 64bit) using ndiswrapper, but I'm getting a bunch of errors ("ndiswrapper version 1.53 loaded...", than lots of "unknown symbol" errors and than it fails)18:00
hemanthDulak: so All in Origin right ? i have clicked Origin and clicked all18:01
lenswipei can ping other machines on my LAN but i cant ping google anyone know whats going on there?18:01
jpoloniai'm working in a company with a proxy18:01
Dulakhemanth: no, origin tells you what repo it's from18:01
jpoloniabut only firefox with hes proxy can connect to internet18:01
lenswipecan someone give me a hand with getting on the net with ubuntu18:01
Dulakhemanth: click the dvd in the list, then those packages on the right are what can be installed "offline"18:01
lenswipei can ping machines on my LAN but i cant connect to the internet18:02
Dulakhemanth: if you have all selected that's everything, internet, dvd whatever18:02
ascheellenswipe: type these 2 commands and give us a pastebin:  'netstat -rn' and 'traceroute google.com'18:02
Fenix|workjpolonia, Pruebes #ubuntu-es18:02
Cheeryis firefox 3.5 already in the repository?18:02
kbrosnanCheery: no18:02
DulakCheery: not yet, still the beta version18:02
bobuMobility Radeon X13 is it working yet in 9.04?18:02
lenswipeascheel: how can i give you a pastebin?18:02
jpoloniaok, thank for you help.18:02
Fenix|workde nada18:02
ascheellenswipe: http://paste.ubuntu.com18:02
CheeryDulak: kbrosnan http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2009/06/hands-on-firefox-35-released-aims-to-upgrade-the-web.ars18:02
lenswipeascheel: the machine that i would run the command one cant get on the net and it doesnt yet have ssh server installed18:03
DulakCheery: yes it was released, but the package maintainer hasn't update the package yet18:03
ascheellenswipe, then install ssh server or telnet or something.18:03
lenswipeascheel, : how can i if i cant get on the net?18:03
hemanthDulak: in origin there are ALL then Ubuntu 9.04 _jaunty jackalope_ - Realease thinge and then us.archive.ubuntu.com/main so on , so only the second and third are from dvd and rest is from internet right ?18:03
ascheellenswipe: touche18:03
lenswipeascheel, : the ubuntu machine refuses to contact anything outside my LAN18:03
ascheellenswipe, save it to a text file, then FTP to the other machine18:03
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lenswipeascheel, : including the ubuntu repos18:03
Dulakhemanth: only one of those in the list ont he left is the dvd18:04
Cheeryquick quick quick! :) Dulak, that's providing stuff like video and audio tags into html.18:04
bobuMobility Radeon X13 is it working yet in 9.04?18:04
lenswipeascheel, : kk ill do that :)18:04
ascheellenswipe, execute this command:  netstat -rn > ~/pastebin.txt && traceroute google.com >> ~/pastebin.txt18:04
ascheellenswipe: then FTP that text file to your other machine that CAN connect.  Paste it into paste.ubuntu.com and give us the URL18:04
lenswipeascheel, : kk thanks :)18:05
hemanthDulak: ok :)18:05
ascheellenswipe: thank me when the problem's fixed.  ;P18:05
lenswipeheh k18:05
ctroyaHi, friends18:05
hemanthDulak: i was trying to add a right click context menu in nautilus from many days from a bash script is it possible ?18:05
hemanthDulak: without any dependencies18:06
ctroyaI have a trouble with evolution, somebody can help me, please?18:06
rickestctroya: just ask18:06
ascheel!ask | ctroya18:06
ubottuctroya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:06
lenswipeascheel, : aaagghh! "The program traceroute can be found in the following packages traceroute-nanog traceroute Try: sudo apt-get install <<selected package>> bash: traceroute: command not found"18:06
hemanthDulak: i saw something called nautilus-auto-config , it has only GUI , cli it wont take arguments18:06
ascheellenswipe: what about netstat results?18:06
lenswipemmkay ill do that18:07
lenswipetraceroute isnt intalled apreenly tho18:07
ascheellenswipe: we'll work with what we can18:07
hemanthDulak: also tried  python-nautilus package , it had no good man pages18:07
lenswipeascheel, : http://pastebin.com/m408a7a0218:09
Dulakhemanth: I dont' really know anything about nautilus18:09
hemanthDulak: o ok18:09
hemanthDulakUnable to eject cdrom !18:10
hemanthDulak: Unable to eject cdrom , synaptic is killed but also18:10
ptrmvnc is in the repo ?18:10
hemanthDulak: An application is preventing the volume 'Ubuntu 9.04 i386' from being unmounted.18:11
Dulakhemanth: weird, you got a terminal open sitting in that directory or something?18:11
ctroya:) thank you. I have a dammage in my contacts into Evolution and need to remove all of them18:11
rrittenhouseIs the newly released Firefox going to show up in Jaunty updates?18:11
Picirrittenhouse: When its done being tested and built, yes.18:11
disappearedngHey how do I turn off the really annoying flash screen on the top right whenever a person logs in on pidgin?18:11
Dulakhemanth: use lsof to see what process has the drive open18:11
Picirrittenhouse: Likely you'll need to use the firefox-3.5 package though, it probably won't replace the 3.0 package.18:11
Dulakneed the firefox 3.5 thing in the topic today, jeez18:12
lenswipeascheel, : what do you make to that then?18:12
zakhow to connect to a machine on the same network via ssh using konqueror?18:13
hemanthDulak: lsof | grep what?18:13
hemanthDulak: DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending18:13
pepperjackhi , i want to write a script like "cd !$; ls", but !$ as a last used argument fails when typed to .bashrc, any suggestions?18:13
ascheellenswipe: what's the IP of your router?18:13
lenswipeascheel, : im using a proxy server in place of a router and its IP is
ascheel.8 or .18?18:14
guntberthemanth: you can also try fuser -m <path/where/cd/is/mounted>18:14
rrittenhousePici, awesome. Thx18:14
lenswipeascheel, : .818:14
rrittenhousePici, how long does it normally take to get it into the repos? :D18:14
ascheellenswipe: which PC on your network is .18?  That PC is trying to use .18 as the default gateway.18:15
hemanthguntbert: /media or /dev ?18:15
Dulakhemanth: no idea, restart X or reboot if it wont' give up the dvd18:15
guntberthemanth: /media18:15
Dulakhemanth: something is accessing it still18:15
lenswipeascheel, There is no .18 think that needs correcting :P18:15
ascheellenswipe: Set your default gateway (a.k.a. default route) to .8 or whatever and see if that fixes it18:15
hemanthDulak: think so18:15
hemanthguntbert: fuser -m /media/cdrom18:16
lenswipeascheel, : yeah i am doing :) i think it may..18:16
hemanthguntbert: result was /media/cdrom:         3266c18:16
lenswipeascheel, : yeah there we go i think18:16
hemanthguntbert: but unable to eject18:16
djdarkmanhello, where can I get firefox 3.5 for ubuntu?18:16
TheBraynhow can I manually add additional fonts to ubuntu?18:16
guntberthemanth: c means "current directory", try ps aux|grep 326618:17
TheBrayndjdarkman: it's not yet in the repo18:17
lenswipeascheel, : yup thats it working, thank you :)18:17
Picidjdarkman: You can wait for it to be built and tested and then it will be in the repo in a few days.18:17
lenswipeascheel, : cant belive i missed that *sigh* always the simple things i guess :P18:17
ascheellenswipe: you're very welcome!18:17
ascheellenswipe: we've all had those moments.  Glad it's working for you.18:17
lenswipeascheel, : :)18:17
lenswipeyeah thanks18:17
djdarkmanisn't there QA testing that I can participate in?18:17
lenswipedefinately a facepalm moment that18:17
lenswipeor mebbe a headdesk moment idk18:18
hemanthguntbert: did sudo umount /media/cdrom then h/w eject it worked :)18:18
hemanthDulak: the dvd is out safe and sound :)18:18
guntberthemanth: ok :)18:18
Picidjdarkman: The package will be on the mozilla testing ppa when it gets built: launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa18:18
hemanthguntbert: was it fuser or unmount lol18:18
ptrmHello. can i install VNC for ubuntu server with apt-get?18:19
CITguy-Prometheuanybody know how to install firefox 3.5 in Ubuntu 8.10?18:19
hemanthguntbert: fuser is for ?18:19
hemanthguntbert: getting the socket number is it ?18:19
guntberthemanth: no, fuser -m only tells you, what process has "something" open under that directory18:19
Dulakhemanth: fuser shows you files in use18:20
Dulakhemanth: same type of thing as lsof really18:20
hemanthguntbert: o so i should kill the process by getting the number18:20
guntberthemanth: yes18:20
hemanthguntbert: Dulak: can i do it with a single command ? getting the pid and killing ?18:20
hemanthguntbert: Dulak: xargs is it ?18:21
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Baha|Nemesishey can someone help me set up ubuntu?18:21
qbrixwhich /dev device is audio directed to/from ?18:21
hobomancan someone let me a know of a webcam app for intrepid that i can apt-get? or whatever...18:21
Dulakfuser has a -k option that will kill the process18:21
hobomandoesnt HAVE to record video necesarily, just need to get some snapshots... etc.18:22
guntberthemanth: not sure, have a look at man fuser, xargs would require a little "fussing", because of the letter after the pid18:22
hemanthDulak: kool ok fuser -k18:22
Dulakhemanth: something like fuser -m /mount/point/here -k18:22
Dulakhemanth: would kill any process holding onto the device that was mounted at /mount/point/here18:22
Baha|Nemesisdoes anyone know why when I start up my live cd and select try without installing my screen blacks out and just the mouse shows up?18:23
hemanthDulak: fuser -m or -k ?18:23
guntberthemanth: you'll need both, as Dulak said18:23
Dulakhemanth: both, -m tells it to look for whatever is holding the mount point you give it, -k tells it to kill that process18:23
hemanthBaha|Nemesis: can u give more info abt the version of ubuntu and your machine ?18:23
syntax\how can i check my ntfs partition for bad sectors / badblocks?18:24
khearanyone happen to know if the release version of Firefox 3.5 will be backported some way for Jaunty?18:24
Dulaksyntax\: boot windows and run chkdsk on it18:24
=== Raff7 is now known as r7|znc
hemanthguntbert: Dulak: o ok :) , can that be used to kill any proc , can it b used instead of ps ?18:24
Baha|NemesisI have a compaq pewsario notebook and the newest version of ubuntu desktop18:24
Devon_Cheyo guys, real quick - whats the keyboard shortcut to "select all"?18:25
Dulakhemanth: it's for files in use, killall is better for a random process18:25
hemanthDulak: ok18:25
GneaDevon_C: ctrl-a18:25
Devon_CGnea: thanks18:25
syntax\Dulak: does that mean that there's no available tool in ubuntu to do that?18:25
guntberthemanth: I suggested using ps only so you know what you are killing18:25
Picikhear: yes.18:25
Hylianfyi if anyone wants to know where sauerbraten maps go in the future, it's /home/name/.sauerbraten/packages/base/ ohh and the "packages/base" folders might have to be created by the user. ok dudes, im out18:25
hemanthguntbert: ok18:25
Dulaksyntax\: available and "trust my data to this reverse engineered thing that may or may not work" are 2 entirely different things my friend.18:25
alex39Enter text here...boas18:25
Baha|Nemesis*compaq presario not pewsario18:26
syntax\Dulak: uhh what do you mean18:26
khearPici: so will it be in updates or backports, or in a separate ppa?18:26
Dulaksyntax\: I mean ntfs is not open, any filesystem checker for linux would have to have been reverse engineered by some guy with lots of time on his hands....18:27
Picikhear: I'm not sure if it will go into backports or directly in universe, but you won't have to rely on a separate PPA once it is done testing.18:27
disappearedngHey everyone I realize that in openoffice calc if you cut, it cuts the background color too. Is there a way for me to lock up the background color in the back so that cutting and pasting won't remove the background color?18:27
ozzloywhere is the "data directory" for bugzilla on ubuntu 8.1018:27
thantrungchán qué18:27
thantrungtoàn tiếng anh thía nè18:28
thantrungng việt đâu hết rùi18:28
Pici!vn | thantrung18:28
ubottuthantrung: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ18:28
syntax\Dulak: i got it. thanks :)18:28
khearPici: nice, thanks18:28
=== dYna is now known as basti
cyphasedoes anyone know of a ppa with the official firefox 3.5 release?18:28
hobomananyone? webcam app name?18:29
hobomanfor intrepid?18:29
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ZykoticK9hoboman, cheese?18:29
hobomansimple basic and able to snapshot from a webcam?18:29
hobomancheese is the name? i'll check er out thanks zyko18:29
ZykoticK9hoboman, yup, cheese is the name.18:29
Picicyphase: It will be in the regular repositories once its been built and tested. Its not yet even in the staging ppa yet.18:29
Alex_Kutter newbie: I run TightVNC on a Win PC and can log in to another home  PC running Ubuntu, but other than the first screen the Win PC does not update its screen at all, although mouse clicks and actions do register on the Ubuntu PC. Any suggestions? or please point me to the newbie channel. Thank you.18:30
chetnickcan anybody suggest a good book, or online reading about what all this options mean when compiling the kernel (make menuconfig)?18:31
Sp00KHi guys. I'm rent a server, but the main language was German. Now I do like to change that, how can I do that? I've searched google but nothing that worked came up.18:32
th0rchetnick: you might try the linux documentation project...might be something there18:33
Houba1986hi, i need help please, i'm trying to connect a wince 5.0 device to my ubuntu 9.04 through usb, but i plug it in and nothing happens... are there any drivers or anything i need to install?18:33
syntax\Dulak: i'm copying from one disk to another and guess what! transfer rate is on KB! I'm afraid to accept the fact that my 250gb hard drive is already busted.. :|18:33
ZykoticK9chetnick, for some basic kenel compile options you could check out the Gentoo documentation at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=7 - gives some of the basics for ya18:34
hobomanthanks ZKYO18:34
chetnickZykoticK9: thanks, i am there right now. :)18:35
yellabsSp00K : what is the system , is it an ubuntu server?18:35
Sp00Kyellabs, Yes it is. 8.04 to be exact. :)18:35
yellabsi think, but not sure , its sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales , might check the internet though..18:35
ZykoticK9chetnick, i started under Gentoo and have compiled more kernels then I'd ever want to again, but since switching to Ubuntu I've never found a need too.  I learned most of the options through trial and error.  Good luck man.18:36
Sp00Kyellabs, I already done that. It doesn't really help me. :S18:36
Dulaksyntax\: get what you can off it, reformat it to ext2 or ext3 and run a full fsck, it could just be ntfs is messed up18:36
Houba1986does anyone know how to connect wince 5.0 device (such as pocketpc) to ubuntu 9.04 through usb? i plug it in and it didn't do anything18:36
yellabsSp00K are you sure you are allowed to change the config?18:36
Sp00Kyellabs, yeah. Its my server, so yes.:)18:36
eveenendaalhey everybody, has anyone tried installing firefox 3.5 yet?18:37
sanjayhello sir,i need one help... can u fix this problem?Setting up snort-mysql (2.7.0-22ubuntu1) ...18:37
sanjay * Stopping Network Intrusion Detection System  snort                            * No running snort instance found18:37
sanjay * Starting Network Intrusion Detection System  snort                            * /etc/snort/db-pending-config file found18:37
sanjay * Snort will not start as its database is not yet configured.18:37
sanjay * Please configure the database as described in18:37
FloodBot2sanjay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
sanjay * /usr/share/doc/snort-{pgsql,mysql}/README-database.Debian18:37
lenswipe!flood | sanjay18:37
ubottusanjay: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:37
chetnickZykoticK9: I am doing linuxfromscratch. I am not recompiling kernel on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is just my host system for developing linuxfromscratch.18:37
sanjayfloodBot: sorry... i don't how it happened?18:37
Devon_Cdoes anyone know if there's an add on to add entire folders of music onto Songbird?18:38
ZykoticK9chetnick, ahhh - well double good luck then.  I've never tried LFS before - must be interesting, but a lot of work.18:38
* zerozerozero hello i have installed a samba server on a pc (lets call it PC 1) running ubuntu server ( i followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605) i want to access the shared folders(of PC 1) from my desktop running ubuntu intreped (lets call it PC 2 ) how can i do it? 18:38
Devon_Cbecause adding individual files is tedious18:38
sanjayfloodBot: sorry... i don't know  how it happened?18:38
Prometheshi, is there somewhere deb package with firefox 3.5 for jaunty?18:38
pr0tonzerozerozero : search in network neighbourhood18:38
Sp00Ksanjay, Floodbot is an computer program.:)18:38
pr0tonPlaces -> Network18:38
yellabsSp00K could you read this and see if it sheds any light on your issue : http://blog.andrewbeacock.com/2007/01/how-to-change-your-default-locale-on.html18:38
sanjayfloodbot2: r u there?18:38
sanjay sorry18:39
sanjay spook18:39
zerozerozeropr0ton: tried that says unable to mount windows sahre18:39
chetnickZykoticK9: It's fun, it's good way to learn more in depth linux. Thats why i do it. Thanks, luck i will need! :)18:39
asxsax_anyone know how to get the "terminator" to start with 2 terminals?18:39
Sp00Kyellabs, Thanks :).18:39
sanjay spook can u fix this problem18:39
pr0tonis it accessible from windows?18:39
sanjaySpook: i am new to this ubuntu... can u pls help me  on this regard18:39
pr0tonmaybe some firewall issue18:39
zerozerozeropr0ton: hmm dont have windows installed18:40
Sp00Ksanjay, please stop repeating yourself. Just ask your question in the channel.18:40
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pr0tonu have both shares as samba ?18:40
yellabssanjay Sp00K is working on his own problem18:40
zerozerozeropr0ton: meaning?18:40
pr0tonboth terminals are ubuntu u mean ?18:40
yellabsstate yours in a clear simple question18:40
sanjayspook:Setting up snort-mysql (2.7.0-22ubuntu1) ...18:40
sanjay * Stopping Network Intrusion Detection System  snort                            * No running snort instance found18:40
sanjay * Starting Network Intrusion Detection System  snort                            * /etc/snort/db-pending-config file found18:40
sanjay * Snort will not start as its database is not yet configured.18:40
sanjay * Please configure the database as described in18:41
FloodBot2sanjay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
sanjay * /usr/share/doc/snort-{pgsql,mysql}/README-database.Debian18:41
yvan_ /facepalm18:41
dattais there any way to find how much i am using in my upload18:41
yellabswell sanjay... its,,,,18:41
yellabsah .. gone18:41
ozzie212I am having trouble with wireless internet  on ubuntu 9.04 can anyone help me18:41
dattaor at least control how much there are to give to this perticular upload?18:41
Sp00Kyellabs, That is already done a while ago. :S, only it still errors me. Wait let me pastebin 'locale'18:42
dattai know you can do that in torrents for download but can i do the same for uploads18:42
zerozerozeropr0ton: hey i tried to access it from networks again and i get password required for share18:42
dattaor at least get a resumeable uploader?18:42
pr0tonhow ?18:42
sanjayyellabs: can u pls help me on this regard?18:42
zerozerozeropr0ton: what do i put under domain18:42
pisecxHi, guys, where is firefox?18:42
pisecxshould I wait for update?18:42
pr0tonif it shows unable to connect18:43
pr0tontry pinging each other18:43
yellabssanjay . you have to configure mysql i think. but if you are not an experienced user, why do you need snort?18:43
pr0tontype ifconfig in terminal in PC 1 and same in PC 218:43
Jjpisecx: im trying to look for an apt source18:43
Alex_Khello... I use TightVNC to remote control an Ubuntu PC from a Win PC... I can log in but the VNC window on the Win PC does not update even though mouse clicks pass through OK to the Ubuntu PC. Any suggestions?18:43
ibuclawpisecx, firefox-3.5 ?18:43
pr0tonu can see the ip address there18:43
pisecxibuclaw: of course :)18:43
pr0tonthen from PC B, in terminal type18:44
pr0tonping (ip address of PC A)18:44
Jjah si?18:44
pr0tonif u get reply there is a physical connection18:44
sanjayyellabs: i think snort is intrusion detect software...18:44
dattaplease tell me how i can control my uploading speed18:44
Titan8990_pr0ton, requires more than physical connection however18:44
Sp00Kyellabs, http://pastebin.com/m285632a8 heres 'locale' & 'locale -a' output :S18:44
Titan8990_datta, QOS on your router18:44
yellabssanjay , for an not so experienced user you can try nubuntu, wich has most things configured for you , for network intrusion work,18:44
sanjayyellabs:  thought it  is a necessary software18:44
ibuclawpisecx, wait a day or two ... and it should be up in a ppa18:44
NetLarIrvineI am installing Ubuntu 64 from live CD and I do not see anywhere I can choose ext4 as my file system, how can I use ext4?18:44
pr0tonyes true but that is bare minimum u need18:44
ibuclawpisecx, but don't expect it to be in mainline Ubuntu repos until next release (I could be wrong though).18:45
sanjaynow i installed.. xubuntu in my system18:45
balgarathrecommended way to install firefox 3.5 release?18:45
Jjibuclaw: what would that ppa be?18:45
ibuclawbalgarath, for the moment: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion18:45
ibuclawJj, Personal Package Archive18:45
yvan_whats the policy with firefox by the way? will 3.0 be replaced now that 3.5 is stable in jaunty, or if I want to use it I should stick still try firefox-3.1-branding instead of waiting(though as far as I see this way I'll lose the ability to use the extensions packed in ubuntu and have to install them manually)18:45
balgarathibuclaw, thanks18:45
NetLarIrvineIt does not give me the option, should I format that partition first?18:45
datta@Titan8990 how do i do that?18:45
pisecxibuclaw: next release? release is 9.10 ?18:45
pisecxibuclaw: why?18:46
sanjayyellabs: what is this nubuntu...?xubuntu not  so gud?18:46
zerozerozeropr0ton: http://yfrog.com/2fscreenshotizhp18:46
pisecxibuclaw: many people wait for this update18:46
yvan_ah ibuclaw might have just answered my question...18:46
ozzloywhere is bugzilla root on ubuntu 8.10?18:46
ozzloyor 8.04?18:46
yellabssanjay , xubuntu is fine, but maybe not for what you are trying to do? snort? why would you need it?18:46
zerozerozeropr0ton: what do i type under domain18:46
Dulakyvan_: I don't think 3.5 will supercede 3.0 in the repos, the packages will remain seperate for jaunty18:46
pr0tonzerozerozero, i dont understand ur question18:46
yellabsSp00K did i miss your paste somehow?18:47
pr0toni think it automatically detects the other PC18:47
Dulakyvan_: karmic on the other hand will probably go to 3.5 as default18:47
Sp00Kyellabs, Its here: http://pastebin.com/m285632a818:47
yellabsah found it18:47
ozzie212i am unalbe to use my Belkin usb wireless adapter on ubuntu 9.0418:47
ibuclawpisecx, upgrades in releases tend to be only bug-related or security-related.  Firefox-3.0 -> Firefox-3.5 is a feature upgrade.18:47
sanjayyellabs: so snort is not a compuslory  part for our ubuntu platform!!!! ?18:47
ibuclawJj, the mozilla daily builds are in this ppa. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa18:47
zanberdowhat is the gnome equivalent to kcolorpicker?18:47
Jjibuclaw: thanks, i meant which is the ppa for upgrading to 3.518:48
zerozerozeropr0ton: hmm shall i paste the smb.conf can u take a look at it and say if its fine?18:48
yellabssankay, no its optional if you need it..18:48
sanjayyellabs: how we can uninstall this error?18:48
ibuclawyou may expect the official Firefox-3.5 release to be put in, but no doubt someone else will make one too :)18:48
=== bombshelter13_ is now known as bombshelter13_lu
NetLarIrvineDo I need to set up a partition with ext4 first to have Ubuntu use that file system?18:49
Baha|NemesisHi I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 notebook and the newest version ubuntu desktop, when I select Try without installing It shows the loading screen then just shows a black screen with my mouse.18:49
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nasrullahgpg error your help pls18:49
yellabssanjay , just uninstall snort..18:49
raskhi, i am running ubuntu 9.04, does anyone have any idea on how to install flash in firefox? my last try crashed my entire installation... :p18:50
Sp00KBaha|Nemesis, I had that too, when I tried to boot the 'not' 64 bits edition on school, is your computer 64bits?18:50
PolitikerNEUHello everyone, is it possible (in gnome) to newly opened programs only get into the foreground if the currently focused application is the parent of the application with the new window?18:51
sanjayyellabs:can u pls give  me the command for this uninstall18:51
Baha|Nemesisit is 3218:51
Thingymebobrask: sudo apt-get install !flash | rask18:51
yellabssanjay, you can use synaptic18:51
Thingymebob!flash | rask18:51
ubotturask: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:51
Titan8990_Thingymebob, the bot only parses commands at the start of lines18:51
Sp00KBaha|Nemesis, then, I dont have any idea. Sorry.18:51
yellabsSp00K, dutch eh?18:51
Sp00Kyellabs, Yeah :)18:51
raskthank you Thingymebob :)18:51
yellabsagain an read18:52
Sp00Kyellabs, Thanks18:52
yellabshope it helps18:52
ThingymebobTitan8990_: too many windows open and typing in wrong one.... Doh!18:52
Baha|Nemesiswould boot parameters help with my problem?18:52
Baha|Nemesiswhat ever18:53
Baha|Nemesisthanks for the help18:53
Baha|Nemesisnot really18:53
ibuclawBaha|Nemesis, is there a safe boot option on CD ?18:53
yellabshe is gone18:53
holotoneUsing jaunty and after editing a config file, jaunty is hanging on the splash screen - How do I get to bash to revert my changes?18:53
sanjayyellabs: thank u boss, thank u so much.. may i know ur gud name.. pls?18:53
yellabsits probably due to his intel chip set... hehe18:53
mykiHello. I have problems with sound from the terminal. It does not work for normal user, but when I log into gnome, or use root account, it works properly. User is in audio/pulse groups.18:54
Titan8990_holotone, what changes?18:54
yellabssanjay, sorry what?18:54
Sp00Kyellabs, http://pastebin.com/m23ccebf3 when I do 'dpkg-reconfigure -a locale'18:54
ibuclawyellabs, his attitude reminds me of this blog I read earlier: http://open.knome.fi/2009/05/28/getting-support/18:54
belcohello can somebody tell me if this is bad18:54
belcoSetting up gconf2 (2.24.0-0ubuntu1) ...18:54
belcoWARNING: Failed to parse default value `??????????? ?????? ;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,???????????? ??????????? ???;default-applications.desktop,??????????? ????;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]' for schema (/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list)18:54
FloodBot2belco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:54
holotoneTitan8990_:  Good question, following a guide to fix my eff'd up sound card I found online18:54
holotoneTitan8990_: and can't remember what the file was, because it's on the browser in the computer I"m locked out of18:54
th0rholotone: choose recovery from the boot menu18:54
yvan_I have a strange problem though. Installed jaunty amd64 on both my desktop config, and my notebook...for a day aptitude was fine on the notebook and was crying out referring to unauthenticated packages on my desktop pc...after a day the situation changed, now its crying on my notebook, and works fine on my pc...what the hell did I do wrong? the configuration is the same18:55
Titan8990_myki, total guess: alsa is being loaded and controlled by HAL which is only initialized when xserver is launched18:55
holotoneth0r: hangs on recovery, too18:55
sanjayyellabs: thank u so much for ur help...18:55
raskThingymebob: thanks! it worked! :)18:55
Titan8990_holotone, try a different kernel from the grub prompt18:55
mykiTitan8990_: root from terminal can play soundm though18:55
ryanpriorI am wanting to mount an ext4 without extents so that I can read it with my ext3 driver. How do I do that?18:55
redrebelhow do I install opera from a .deb file?18:55
mykiTitan8990_: root from terminal can play sound, though*18:55
yellabsSp00K, is it set up with apache and so on? i mean would re installing be an option? or would that give you even more troubles?18:55
yvan_I have the auth keys for the used repos, and they are the same on both computers. weird part is that it changed18:55
th0rholotone: you can boot the live cd, then mount the hard drive to a temporary mount point, then edit the file from there18:55
Sp00Kyellabs, It would give me alot of problems, since its an production machine.18:55
Titan8990_redrebel, sudo apt-get install opera18:56
holotoneTitan8990_: Just a different kernel or a diff. kernel in recovery mode18:56
yellabsibuclaw, yeah thats the thought18:56
yellabs lol18:56
Titan8990_redrebel, but IF you really must... sudo dpkg -i FILE.deb18:56
holotoneth0r: thanks, I'll give that a shot, surprised there'snot a fallback bash prompt somewhere in there18:56
holotonecan't even change to a different virtual terminal18:56
redrebelnotyjoey, but i want to install the latest from a deb file18:56
Titan8990_holotone, different kernel, doesn't work try recovery mode18:56
th0rholotone: there is, but only if you can get to the login screen.18:56
Titan8990_holotone, any errors?18:56
redrebelTitan8990_, thanks18:56
holotoneTitan8990_: lemme give it a shot, brb18:56
holotoneTitan8990_: no errors, no, just hangs on the splash screen18:56
brandonban6can you create a keyboard shortcut that would allow you to call the date command and then insert it where ever your cursor happens to be (i.e. gedit, word processor, tomboy notes, etc.)?18:56
Titan8990_holotone, remove the splash screen18:57
Sp00Kyellabs, I'm the only one who can use SSH (except for those who have chrooted ssh) and I really dont want downtime lol. I am thinking of rebooting the server friday night.:)18:57
Titan8990_holotone, e to edit a menu in grub18:57
yellabsok ...18:57
Titan8990_holotone, remove the words quiet and splash from the kernel boot line18:57
Sp00Kyellabs, Maybe the last things I did, Might have effect, I hope.18:57
Titan8990_holotone, those changes are not saved so you don't have to worry about losing your splash forever18:57
yellabsSp00K, since its more of an server issue, and we are not getting any where right now, woudl you mind asking it again in #ubuntu-server  ?18:58
Sp00Kyellabs, Not at all, thanks :-)18:59
yellabsyou might get some more insights there...18:59
Sp00KI hope so, thanks :)18:59
yellabsgood luck!18:59
offipsoDoes anyone know how I can change the translucency of windows that don't have focus? The chrome is sort of transparent18:59
mykiHello. I have problems with sound from the console. It does not work for normal user, but when I log into gnome or use root account, it works properly. User is in audio/pulse groups.18:59
bastidrazorryanprior, from what i've read if extents is not used mount it just like an ext3 drive/partition .. if extents was used on ext4 then mounting it as ext3 is impossible19:00
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StarbucksGuys Im getting Grub error 18 when trying to start up vista...(duel booting on sep drives win 7), ubuntu was set up on the vista HDD before but I formatted to install vista and now im just stuck with an error that only appeared today...-.- Any ideas please?19:01
bastidrazorryanprior, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4#Extents19:01
yellabsoffipso : use compizconfig-settings-manager19:02
offipsoyellabs: Where in CCSM should I look?19:02
yellabsinstall with synapitic, you need 3D card afcuase19:02
yellabsi dont have it installed but there is an trasnlucentcy settings some where...19:03
offipsoyellabs: Yeah, I looked through all my enabled options. I must be missing it19:03
brandonban6Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut command that would call the 'date' command and insert it wherever the cursor is at? (i.e. gedit, wordprocessor, email, ect.)?19:03
marcel_any users of karmic here?19:04
yellabsoffipso whats the excact effect you are trying to get?19:04
offipsoyellabs: When windows lose focus the window chrome becomes slightly transparent. I'd like to turn that off19:05
Pici!ubuntu+1 | marcel_19:05
ubottumarcel_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:05
marcel_how can i get firefox 3.5 on jaunty?19:05
martin``hello all19:05
Pici!ff35 | marcel_19:06
ubottumarcel_: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  For best results, please do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com. Thanks for your patience.19:06
ikus060Hi, I'm looking for a way to map some mouse button to some key. e.g: button 10 -> Alt+Z19:06
adhokAnyone know of a surefire way to install the Nvidia 180 drivers?  I've used synaptic manager in 8.10/9.04 with no luck, and then tried to install them manually through the term.  Won't let me back into the gde after I reboot :(  Could having two separate cards installed on my mobo be the cause of my worries?19:06
volo1Someone gave me an SWF file (Shockwave Flash file). I need to determine what its resolution is supposed to be by default. How can I determine that with Ubuntu Linux?19:07
alesanhi will 9.04 support the new firefox 3.5?19:07
Pici!ff35 | alesan19:07
ubottualesan: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  For best results, please do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com. Thanks for your patience.19:07
pisecxubottu: when do you plan to create an update, plase?19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
pisecx* please19:07
alesanor one will have to wait until 9.10?19:07
marcel_haha fail19:07
alesanPici, so it will come as an update?19:07
toniiadhok: is it nvidia ?19:07
yellabsoffipso. i am installing it to see if i can find it..19:07
yvan_ah. thats epic, there is a trigger for ff3.5 :)19:07
alesanor one will have to add another repository etc etc etc?19:08
adi_hi ppl19:08
adhoktonii: ya im running two gtx280's and can't get the drivers to work :(19:08
Picialesan: If you install the firefox-3.5 package now (which is the beta), it will be updated when testing is completed.19:08
offipsoyellabs: Cool, thanks19:08
yvan_Pici: will it get installed by the firefox meta package?19:08
offipsoyellabs: I'd disable compiz entirely, but I love zoom desktop and grouping windows19:08
jeromatronis there a place that maintains the latest firefox deb packages?  I see a daily builds site (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa) but I'd like something for releases...19:08
adi_anybody here knows about the problems of dc++? open ports, closed ports...19:09
cabreyyvan_, i don't think so, ubuntu is pretty stubborn about that19:09
yellabsoffipso : i think it might be in the effects , and then its the last one below draw fire...19:09
toniiadhok: I got the same problem, haven't found a solution for me yet. I wish you luck though :)19:09
yvan_ah well. thats fine too19:10
NetLarIrvineDoes Ubuntu 64 use ext3 as the default file system when installing?19:10
Piciyvan_: Not in Jaunty.19:10
PiciNetLarIrvine: yes19:10
adi_NetLarIrvine, yes, it does19:10
offipsoyellabs: The "window decoration" one? I'm checking there now19:10
NetLarIrvinePici,: how can i get it to use ext4?19:10
Picijeromatron: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa19:10
cabreyNetLarIrvine, manually setup partitions19:10
adhoktonii: have you tried taking out one of your cards and trying it with just one?  I would try that but I have the cards on my water loop and I don't really want to drain it.19:10
PiciNetLarIrvine: Choose ext4 as the filesystem when you install.19:10
yellabsoffipso , in effects the last row, the last item there19:11
yellabsoffipso , mine is in dutch... hehe19:11
toniiadhok: I just have the one card, but the propertiary drivers wont work for me. Only VESA is working as "normal" ^_^19:11
offipsoyellabs: Oh. On mine that's wobbly windows19:11
vickhow do i install a .deb package while making it install all other dependencies ?19:11
ikus060Hello, does xbindkey work in Intrepid ?19:11
Titanwhen is firefox 3.5 going to come on ubuntu19:11
offipsoyellabs: "Window Decoration" is down there and enabled, but nothing in there about focus and alpha19:11
yellabsoffipso , its the icon with windows over each other19:12
NetLarIrvinePici: there is no option to change the file system to ext419:12
PiciNetLarIrvine: What version of Ubuntu are you installing?19:12
yellabshmm wonder if you are looking at the same thing19:12
vittoriosforzaciao a tutti19:12
adhoktonii: thanks a lot tonii, at least I know its not multiple cards giving me problems now.  Best of luck to you, not being able to play CSS is annoying :(19:12
offipsoyellabs: Hmm.. In CCSM, Effects area, one sec, I'll show you19:12
NetLarIrvineDesktop 6419:12
adi_NetLarIrvine, to transform it? from ext3 in a ext4?19:12
FrozenFireSo how long can I expect it to take for FireFox 3.5 to hit the Ubuntu repository?19:13
PiciNetLarIrvine: 9.04? 8.10? Jaunty? Intrepid?19:13
cabreyNetLarIrvine, in the installer, choose the manually setup partitions options19:13
spowersfrozenfire: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/160-FAQ-Where-can-I-get-firefox-3.5-for-Ubuntu.html19:13
PiciNetLarIrvine: Then if you use the manualy partitioning you should have the option to change the filesystem.19:13
vickhow do i install a .deb package while making it install all other dependencies ?19:13
snakehey guys, I am still having problems with sound stopping when I switch from X to text console19:13
cabreyvick, sudo gdebi package.dev19:13
NetLarIrvineok I will try19:14
snakeor even when I start sound with mpg123/mpg321 on one tty, the sound stops when I switch to another tty19:14
yvan_NetLarIrvine: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext419:14
snakedoes anyone know why this would be happening?19:14
toniiadhok: Seems to be a problem for "some" nvidia cards. Haven't dug around much to find out why that is though. Give google a go if you wish :)19:14
offipsoyellabs: http://senduit.com/e2f4c419:14
adi_snake, try man alsa19:14
yellabsits http://www.siltala.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/screenshot-compizconfig-settings-manager.png19:14
snakeadi_: thanks, I will try taking a look19:14
JeZ-l-Leehow would i install a TTF font into Ubuntu 9.04 ?19:14
yellabsoffipso , fading windows19:14
snakeadi_: man alsa didn't seem to work19:15
Pici!fonts | JeZ-l-Lee19:15
ubottuJeZ-l-Lee: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:15
adi_snake, man alsa it's the manual of alsa19:15
offipsoyellabs: K, let me try that. That's disabled on mine, actually19:15
adi_i think19:15
snakeman alsa19:15
snakeNo manual entry for alsa19:15
peteforsyth_Hi I have a graphics card problem, can anybody help me troubleshoot? I've been googling all morning, but having trouble still.19:16
adi_snake, yes, i saw :|19:16
lianimatorhi, firefox 3.5 is out. how long until it gets into the ubuntu update manager?19:16
adi_snake, anyway u must config alsa in terminal19:16
JeZ-l-LeeI googled for like 4 hours, thanks for the font info19:16
offipsoyellabs: Unfortunately it doesn't change the window decorations. I think it only fades the windows if they're trying to get your attention or they're unresponsive19:16
yellabsno i see19:16
snakeadi_: what is the best way to do that?19:16
spowerslianimator: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/160-FAQ-Where-can-I-get-firefox-3.5-for-Ubuntu.html19:16
yellabsoffipso, and window decoration?19:16
adi_snake, i don't remember if it's alsaconfig or something like that19:17
Picispowers: I updated !ff35 with some of that info19:17
spowersPici: thanks19:17
offipsoyellabs: Nothing in there, either19:17
peteforsyth_How do I determine on the command line what driver my graphics card is trying to use?19:17
spowersi was going to ask about that19:17
offipsoyellabs: I also tried changing my theme in appearances, and it still happens19:17
yellabsoffipso, what them are you using?19:17
rom1vwill firefox-3.5 package be localized (in french)?19:18
adi_snake, maybe, i don't remember19:18
rom1vfor the moment I have it in english only19:18
offipsoyellabs: custom. Window border is "bright"19:18
* zerozerozero hello i have all my music stored on a PC that has ubuntu server now when i try to play it using rythmbox music player i get an import error saying "could not open resource for reading"19:18
offipsoyellabs: controls are "industrial"19:18
peteforsyth_is there a better place for me to ask troubleshooting questions?19:18
zerozerozeroi have ensured proper permissions for the music files19:18
peteforsyth_my problem came up after upgrading intrepid -> jaunty19:18
lianimatorI went to firefox.com, clicked "get firefox". and got a tar.gz ... safe to install from there?19:19
miramardesignhey all what is the best way to install ff3.5 final,  i just tried and it installed a beta19:19
Picilianimator: We'd prefer not.19:19
Pici!ff35 | lianimator miramardesign19:19
ubottulianimator miramardesign: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:19
jeromatronpici: tx.  looks like they haven't posted 3.5 yet... it's still pretty early.19:19
offipsoyellabs: Ah, if I change to "human" it doesn't do that19:19
offipsoyellabs: No, wait, yes it does19:19
yellabsoffipso, ok, last try, go to system and prefences...oh ok..19:19
miramardesigni wish apt-get install would work the first day :(19:19
spowersi'm using firefox-3.5 from universe and it's working good.  i'll get an upgrade whenever it's ready. :)19:19
rom1vwill firefox-3.5 be able to use firefox-3.0 settings?19:20
yellabsffff. i was getting desperate...19:20
adi_snake, there is somethin with amixer19:20
adi_try man amixer19:20
yellabsany way got to go chill down..19:20
spowersrom1v: my profile is okay fwiw19:20
yellabsgood luck you all19:20
adi_then try amixer...u'll ssee something19:20
Picipeteforsyth_: No, this is the place.  Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log (I think, you may need to check the casesenistivity on that)19:20
miramardesigna bit deceiving when the terminal responds that firefox is curr ver. :(19:20
brandonban6Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut command that would call the 'date' command and insert it wherever the cursor is at? (i.e. gedit, wordprocessor, email, ect.)?19:20
spowersit's beta, do a backup of .mozilla.19:20
Picirom1v: Hopefully, thats what testing is for.19:20
yvan_rom1v: it is, but you might need to replace extensions that you installed with synaptic19:20
yellabsbye all19:21
yvan_rom1v: worked for me, only things brokan are the extensions I installed with aptitude, so just remove the system wide ones, and install the new versions by hand19:21
snakeadi_: I will take a look, thanks for your help19:21
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
peteforsyth_Pici: Thanks. Big text file came up, looking through it...19:21
* pisecx wants firefox 3.5 =)19:21
adi_snake, np19:21
cabreylianimator, did you get my response?19:21
KeiAhnig7J bt419:22
lianimatorcabrey: no I did not.19:22
cabrey<cabrey> lianimator, it seems it won't be updated to the latest FF sadly, it'll be available as a separate package19:22
lianimatorPici: I can run firefox 3.5 directly from the folder I downloaded.19:22
NetLarIrvineI have another question pici, when I install Ubuntu 9.04 64, the disk already had Ubuntu 32 installed19:22
* zerozerozero can somebody tell me how to play music files that are stored on another pc19:23
NetLarIrvineI want to remove that from the drive19:23
lianimatorcabrey: oh thanks. just like what happened with 3.019:23
PiciNetLarIrvine: Do you have a separate home partition?19:23
NetLarIrvineWould deleting that partition mess up anything?19:23
mickster04evenin all :D19:23
adi_NetLarIrvine, delete that partition, after that u make another partition in that space19:23
NetLarIrvinePici, seperate home partition?19:23
peteforsyth_Pici: hmm, I'm not sure what to look for in there. I see a line for my graphics card, but it doesn't mean much to me.19:23
yvan_NetLarIrvine:  apart from all your data?19:23
KFPUhh, hi. I have a little question.  How do I access the "trash bin" in Ubuntu?19:23
Pici!trash | KFP19:24
ubottuKFP: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:24
Picipeteforsyth_: What graphics card do you have?19:24
peteforsyth_Pici: I upgraded from intrepid to jaunty, and now my screen doesn't work...it's all garbled after the initial Ubuntu logo.19:24
NetLarIrvineI am doing a separate fresh install of ubuntu19:24
peteforsyth_ATI technologies inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF19:24
cabrey_lianimator, sorry didnt know if you responded or not, my connection keeps dropping out19:24
lianimatorKFP: in your file browser, go to Trash:///19:24
NetLarIrvineI do not need any data from the older Ubuntu install19:25
NetLarIrvineJust want to get rid of it19:25
zerozerozeroPici:  can somebody tell me how to play music files that are stored on another pc19:25
cabrey_NetLarIrvine, format the drive19:25
spowersKFP: i usually open up a new file browser, and then go to the "Go" menu.  Trash is in there.19:25
peteforsyth_Pici: I've googled enough to learn that ATI dropped support for this card from their newest round of drivers...so I think what I want to do is revert to the open source drivers, but have no idea how to do that!19:25
zykes-does ubuntu support mysql 5.1 fully ?19:25
NetLarIrvinecabrey_ I do have Windows that I want to keep19:25
adi_NetLarIrvine, so, delete the ext3 partion of ubuntu, then go ahead and  make a new partion ext4, apply19:25
yvan_zerozerozero: rhythmbox works fine for me, but I'm using mt-daapd at the moment as it acts as a daap server and rhythmbox can autodiscover all the music that way19:26
KFPThanks Pici, lianimator and spowers. :)19:26
cabrey_NetLarIrvine, then format the partition ubuntu was on19:26
Bruno_Borgessomebody uses xmlsec1?19:26
peteforsyth_Pici: these instructions looked promising, I ran through the config utility, but it did not help.19:26
NetLarIrvinecabrey_ that will not mess up grub ?19:26
edbian_peteforsyth_: The open source driver is called "ati" and can be found in the "xserver-xorg-video-ati" pacakge19:26
zerozerozeroyvan_: i am sharing files using samba19:26
cabrey_NetLarIrvine, grub will be automatically reinstalled when installing ubuntu19:26
Picipeteforsyth_: Unfortunately, those are instructions for installing the ATI closed source drivers.19:27
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
peteforsyth_edbian_: Thanks!! That's very helpful. Do I need to uninstall the restricted driver somehow first?19:27
NetLarIrvinecabrey_ it is already a dual boot computer with grub19:27
peteforsyth_I found some instrux for that but they required a GUI :(19:27
zerozerozeroyvan_: also i am new to linux19:27
KeiAhnighello..i'v my ubutnu on 2 partitions...now i want to make from both one singel....the first partition is the system on the second partition is my homefolder....is there a way without dataloss? thx19:27
yvan_zerozerozero: I was doing that too but my debian had no gvfs at that time and rhythmbox had some trouble with the files, so I moved to daap share19:27
edbian_peteforsyth_: You can use the modprobe command to insert / remove modules (drivers) in the kernel.19:27
peteforsyth_Pici: Ah, thanks :)19:27
cabreyNetLarIrvine, yes grub will be reinstalled for you when you install ubuntu19:27
Picipeteforsyth_: Probably best to remove xorg-driver-fglrx, and delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:27
peteforsyth_just delete the xorg.conf file outright??19:28
edbian_peteforsyth_: for example: "sudo modprobe -r fglrx"19:28
yvan_zerozerozero: well I moved to ubuntu on the clent side since then thanks to the broken hal in debian, so it might not be an issue anymore19:28
NetLarIrvinecabrey grub is already installed19:28
edbian_peteforsyth_: Removing the package will ensure that your system will choose the other driver at boot time though.19:28
peteforsyth_OK, ran the modprobe command...19:28
Picipeteforsyth_: xorg no longer requires it to be populated. If you have other configuration in there then you should only remove references to the fglrx driver.19:28
cabreyNetLarIrvine, yes i understand that, but when you run the ubuntu installer, the MBR (grub) will be overwritten19:28
edbian_peteforsyth_: No errors?19:28
adi_anyone knows why on dc++ i can't get results with search, even with a big share, ports forwarded in the router, activ connection?19:29
peteforsyth_not running modprobe -r fglrx19:29
peteforsyth_not=no errors on that command19:29
NetLarIrvinecabrey, i left the old Ubuntu install on there19:29
edbian_peteforsyth_: Good :).  Now simply install the package I mentioned earlier and "sudo modprobe ati"19:29
rayno_bHi there.  My Ubuntu box used to work 100% as my gateway to the internet - I have now installed virtualbox (had to install kernel) and all of a sudden, no routing will take place from my lan to the internet via my ubuntu box.  Ubuntu box can ping domains on the internet fine.19:29
edbian_peteforsyth_: It might be "sudo modprobe radeon" I can't remember.  Which ever one doesn't error out.19:30
brandonban6Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut command that would call the 'date' command and insert it wherever the cursor is at? (i.e. gedit, wordprocessor, email, ect.)?19:30
NetLarIrvinecabrey, just want to know, when I remove the partition with the old Ubuntu after installing the 64 bit Ubuntu, will that mess up grub?19:30
peteforsyth_Pici: edbian_ : Right now it just says "Configured Video Device" and "UseFBDev" "true" in the device section of xorg.conf19:30
tel0shey guys, jsut got myself an acer aspire one, and install ubuntu netbook remix on it, it works great on the standard ubuntu netbook desktop, but using the desktop switcher and then rebooting results in me losing alll the gnome panels, and all i can do is right click the desktop :(19:30
peteforsyth_no ref. to fglrx19:30
zerozerozeroyvan_:how do share the music files that are on my server using daap ?19:30
tel0syup, into terminal.19:31
* cabrey_ has a really bad storm here...19:31
peteforsyth_I should delete the "device" section anyway?19:31
edbian_peteforsyth_: you can use "modprobe -l" to check what modules are loaded.  Combine it with the grep command to make things quicker.  I don't usually mess with xorg.conf19:31
tel0s[rip]oink,  im sat in a terminal mate19:31
yvan_zerozerozero: sudo aptitude install mt-daapd , then you can just set it up through its web interface to share the music files19:31
yvan_zerozerozero: i don't recall the port to access it but its configuration is at the usual place, and pretty straigthforward19:32
TacosarecoolI messed up my menu.lst well not exactly but can someone reorganize my menu.lst?19:32
TacosarecoolI'll pastebin19:32
peteforsyth_edbian_: What should I grep for? ati?19:32
edbian_peteforsyth_: try "radeon"19:33
tel0s[rip]oink,  im sat in a terminal mate??19:33
spowerszerozerozero: i use rhythmbox for daap sharing and it's okay.  there's a plugin.19:33
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Tacosarecoolpastebin reorganized it19:33
spowerszerozerozero: but i'm sharing from a workstation, not a server19:33
peteforsyth_OK, kernel/drivers/video/aty/radeonfb.ko19:33
NamShubHow do I connect manually (console) to a wireless network?19:33
peteforsyth_and kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.ko19:33
edbian_peteforsyth_: You are using the open source radeon driver right now :)19:33
peteforsyth_oh :(19:34
yvan_rayno_b: are you stuck with virtualbox? can't you use kvm + virt-manager instead? that would work with your original kernel19:34
twig11I'm a novice trying to boot xubuntu from the desktop CD on an old generic box with a 1GHz processor and about 512 Mb RAM. After I hit the Xubuntu splash screen, there's a delay and I get a command prompt, even when I boot in safe graphics mode. I asked the question on #xubuntu, but it's pretty dead over there right now. Help!19:34
edbian_peteforsyth_: Isn't that what you wanteD?19:34
zerozerozeroyvan_: this is how my rig is set up i have an old pc that i plan to use as a media server i have installed ubuntu server(all my music files are on the server) and my regular pc has ubuntu19:34
peteforsyth_well, what I want is a working GUI....ultimately19:34
adi_NamShub, encrypted network? or open?19:34
edbian_peteforsyth_: How is your GUI not working?19:34
peteforsyth_so maybe my theory that the restricted drivers were the problem was wrong19:34
KeiAhnigNamShub: on backtrack4 prefinal i must configure my wlancard manually and bring it up manually....i'm a noob....19:34
edbian_peteforsyth_: What type of card are you using?19:34
adi_NamShub, first config the interface19:35
yvan_zerozerozero: pretty much the same here, only difference is that my server is anciant and has debian installed19:35
SandGorgonis Firefox 3.5 for ubuntu up for upgrade - it is up on the official site ?19:35
peteforsyth_after upgrading to jaunty, it goes through the ubuntu logo at the beginning, and then shows two mis-colored ubuntu logos with lots of ugly colored lines on the screen19:35
adi_NamShub, iwconfig ip_here netmask_here19:35
peteforsyth_just hangs like that forever...19:35
Mike94287How long until I'll be prompted to install Firefox 3.5 from the Update Manager?19:35
peteforsyth_ATI technologies inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF19:35
NamShubadi: thankx...19:35
adi_NamShub, then u add a route19:35
yvan_zerozerozero: I was too damn lazy to figure out what the problem was with rythmbox+samba so when I saw it can use daap shares I went for the easy solution19:35
KeiAhnigNamShub: ok here is the way i'm going: set some stuff up with iwconfig () essid, key, etc - then bring it up with ifconfig - then use dhclient DEVx to connect. i hope my descrition is usefull19:36
adi_NamShub, route add default gw ip_of_access_point_here19:36
zerozerozerook ill also try te same..19:36
yvan_zerozerozero: are you using rhythmbox by the way? not sure what other players have daap support19:36
tel0s[rip]oink,  im sat in a terminal mate??19:36
zerozerozeroyvan_: yes19:37
adi_NamShub, after that make a file resolv.conf, write in it the ip of your dns server and put it in /etc19:37
twig11I'm a novice trying to boot xubuntu from the desktop CD on an old generic box with a 1GHz processor and about 512 Mb RAM. After I hit the Xubuntu splash screen, there's a delay and I get a command prompt, even when I boot in safe graphics mode. I asked the question on #xubuntu, but it's pretty dead over there right now. Is anyone available to give me some assistance?19:37
zerozerozeroyvan_: are there any players that support samba??19:37
edbian_peteforsyth_: Trying googling?19:37
edbian_I have no idea :(19:37
edbian_sorry dude19:37
peteforsyth_edbian_: any thoughts on that? I'mpretty stumped, have spent hours googling and experimenting...but I'm not much of a linux guru, just follow instrux as best i can19:37
edbian_peteforsyth_: Maybe it's a bad card?19:38
NamShubadi: sorry but I lost you at iwconfig, I dont know what IP i should enter anywhere?19:38
peteforsyth_edbian_: Well I appreciate the help...19:38
edbian_peteforsyth_: Sorry I couldn't hlep more :(19:38
adi_NamShub, if u write man iwconfig u'll see the commands for autenticate19:38
yvan_zerozerozero: thats cool then, you should have no problems I belive. and as spowers said 2 rhythmboxes can also share music with daap share19:38
NamShubadi ok will try19:38
peteforsyth_Pici: did you follow any of that?19:38
yvan_zerozerozero: ah. make sure to enable the daap plugin under rythmbox though. can save you a lot of time :)19:38
NamShubi didnt expect that to be so complicated :S19:39
adi_NamShub, do u know the ip of the access point?19:39
NamShubadi: yes19:39
EulexI incorrectly rebooted an ubuntu box by mistake, and now when it's booted again, the fs appears to be read-only (touch: cannot touch `foo': Read-only file system) even tho it's read-write according to mount (/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)! what gives?)19:39
peteforsyth_I guess I have another thought -- is it possible to just put in an Intrepid disc and re-install the OS without wiping out music, photos etc.?19:39
adi_NamShub, ok, generally u will have a ip from the same class like the access point. if the dhcp it's not enabled on access point19:40
yvan_zerozerozero: rhythmbox should support samba(actually even if it doesn't it should be able to access the share through ~/.gvfs as it is with smplayer), no idea what its problem is on your comp19:40
cabrey_Eulex, try running this: sudo mount -o remount,rw /19:40
NetLarIrvineHow do I find out if I am using ext4 on my Ubuntu install?19:40
Mike94287Will I be prompted to install Firefox 3.5 from the Update Manager eventually?19:40
PiciMike94287: No.19:40
Pici!ff35 | Mike9428719:40
ubottuMike94287: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:40
cabrey_NetLarIrvine, have you explicitly enabled it?19:40
Eulexcabrey_, mount: / not mounted already, or bad option19:41
yvan_NetLarIrvine: well its the partition type "use as" default is leave as is  think, or ext319:41
adi_NamShub, if the access point it's your ip will be 192.168.1.* (2...or 5...)19:41
Mike94287Pici: I thought it was released today19:41
NetLarIrvineYes on the install, but is there a way to verify that I am using it on this install?19:41
NamShubadi: ok but its usually given to me by dhcp19:41
ltcabralwhat forum can i ask about digital image processing?19:41
ltcabralor chanel19:41
yvan_NetLarIrvine: at manual partitioning not a guided one19:41
NetLarIrvineLike in terminal?19:41
PiciMike94287: It was.19:42
adi_NamShub, if the access point it's u must set the network interface in this way iwconfig wlan0 netmask
ZykoticK9NetLarIrvine, try just typing "mount" in terminal - should show you what file system everything is using.19:42
zerozerozeroyvan_: tryed to go via ~/.gvfs still same prolem19:42
NetLarIrvineWhen I do uname -a, it does not say about if I am using ext4 or not19:42
Mike94287Pici: So why wouldn't I be prompted to install it normally. Why do I have to install the beta package?19:43
adi_NamShub, generally works...depends of how it's maked your network19:43
yvan_zerozerozero: no idea then really, try daap, should do as a workaround19:43
yvan_zerozerozero: file operations work fine?19:43
cabrey_Mike94287, because they don't want to update it because jaunty is 'stable'19:43
PiciMike94287: Because we aren't replacing the firefox-3.0 package with the 3.5 package.19:43
adi_NetLarIrvine, no. try mount in terminal19:43
adi_NetLarIrvine, u'll see the type of all partition mounted19:43
NamShubadi: unkown command ""19:43
mickster04netlarirvine try looking at the system monitor19:43
Eulexcabrey_, the same command 'works' on another of my linux boxes (tho which has a proper rw fs)19:43
zerozerozeroyvan_: yes i can play files youing totem mut i need some player that has a library19:43
adi_NamShub, if u write iwconfig what u get?19:44
cabrey_Eulex, ok I would run a fs check19:44
cabrey_!fsck | Eulex19:44
NetLarIrvineahh yes, it is ext419:44
ubottuEulex: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:44
NetLarIrvinethanks guys19:44
NamShublisting, with wlan019:44
hoolzhey guys im trying to burn a .iso to a DVD19:44
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DoYouKnownot iwconfig19:44
hoolzbut ubuntu wont let me19:44
hoolzany ideas?/19:44
guntbert!u > adi :-)19:44
cabrey_hoolz, what do you mean it won't let you? are you grounded?19:44
adi_DoYouKnow, ifconfig it's for wired interface19:44
hoolzit gives me an error saying it cant copy19:45
adi_iwconfig it's for wi-fi interface19:45
DoYouKnowadi_, no, ifconfig works for wireless too19:45
adi_or not?19:45
cabrey_ok never mind you didnt get that reference19:45
hoolzis it because im missing a codec or a lib?19:45
mickster04 anyone here know how to install a usb wireless adapter with a cd, its a belkin F5D705119:45
DoYouKnowyou set the ip address and netmask with iwconfig19:45
peteforsyth_Guys is it possible to install Intrepid on a (broken) Jaunty system without losing user data? If so, what's the general process?19:45
cabrey_hoolz, what software are you using?19:45
vigohoolz: Did you read the How To Burn an ISO at Ubuntu website?19:45
adi_DoYouKnow, yes, depends19:45
DoYouKnowyou set the ssid and other access point settings in iwconfig19:45
yvan_zerozerozero: strange, no idea.19:45
Eulexcabrey_, I was just going to ask about that file you can touch in / to make it fsck upon boot, but then I read the full of ubottu's reponse :) I'll try that, thanks19:45
DoYouKnow*you set the ip address and netmask with ifconfig19:45
DoYouKnowand the access point settings with iwconfig19:46
rohanis there *any* way of getting firefox 3.5 on ubuntu 8.04? a ppa or something?19:46
toresbeHey yo. Does anyone know anything here about the Ubuntu keyserver? It seems to be down?19:46
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cabrey_rohan, you can download the tarball from mozilla19:46
toresberohan: yes19:46
adi_DoYouKnow, help the boy, u know better these things :)19:46
cabrey_toresbe, sounds like a launchpad issue19:46
toresberohan: I'm trying to do the same, but it requires importing a key from the Ubuntu keyserver, which looks to be down atm.19:46
patxWhat is http://rt.ubuntu.com?19:46
NamShubDoYouKnow: But how can I list the essids?19:46
toresberohan: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html19:47
NamShub(dont know it by heart)19:47
DoYouKnowjust make sure you bring the interface up with "ifconfig wlan0 up"19:47
DoYouKnowthen set the ip address and netmask19:47
DoYouKnowand the gateway19:47
DoYouKnowif you're not using dhcp19:47
Pici!ff35 | toresbe rohan this is more supported:19:47
ubottutoresbe rohan this is more supported:: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:47
Randomtimepatx: Request Tracker19:47
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cabrey_Pici, is that package available on hardy?19:48
hoolzvirgo yes i did19:48
rohan_toresbe: sorry, bad net. can you please repeat?19:48
hoolzbrasero wont burn my iso19:48
patxRandomtime: ah ok19:48
Picicabrey_: One of the dailies might be, but the regular staging repo is not.19:48
Zopiachow do i get me sound card to work?19:49
cabrey_!doesntwork | hoolz19:49
ubottuhoolz: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:49
NamShubDoYouKnow: how I managed to start OpenBox is there a graphical tool I could use then? (I normally use Kubuntu Network Manager -- but KDE is broken right now I wanna connect so I can fix the install...)19:49
machinebacon_rohan this is more supported:: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:49
nick125Good afternoon. I'm having an issue scanning with my HP Color Laserjet. Whenever I try to scan, it gives me a device I/O error. I'm using the latest version of hplip in Jaunty. Any ideas?19:49
toresbePici: thanks!19:50
itsme1ubuntu - wlcome to windows 819:50
adi_cabrey, can u help me to understand why i can get results with dc++? i have share, activ connection with ports dedicated for dc++ in router and client, registered user in that network...19:50
DoYouKnowNamShub, hmm... you can try wicd.19:50
ksc654nick125: What model number and how is it connected?19:50
DoYouKnowNamShub, sudo apt-get install wicd19:50
nick125ksc654: cm1312nfi and it's over network.19:51
NamShubDoYouKnow: apt-get would work great if my wifi would ;)19:51
amikropHello. Any rough estimation about when will Firefox 3.5 get into the stable repository?19:51
Eulexcabrey_, the box came up again, but the fs is still ro, and there's no clue that it has run any fsck...19:51
Pici!ff35 | amikrop19:51
ubottuamikrop: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you install the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repos, it will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:51
amikropOr it will do in the next Ubuntu release?19:51
KeiAhnig_grmblNamShub: u try'd to set essid, key with iwconfig?19:51
cabrey_Eulex, can you boot into recovery mode?19:51
Zopiaci just put in a soundblaster sound card, but when i booted up the computer there is no sound. hardware drivers shows no sound-related option, either.19:51
amikropPici: Thanks, any calculations about the time?19:51
mariachihey! I'm getting kernel panics! how can I know what caused it? (after my pc boots again...)19:52
toresbe!ff35 rohan19:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff35 rohan19:52
toresbe!ff35 | rohan19:52
ubotturohan: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:52
Eulexcabrey_, perhaps, but awkwardly, as the box is headless and sitting in a closet ^^19:52
Piciamikrop: None at this moment.19:52
nick125ksc654: Interestingly enough, the preview works fine.19:52
machinebaconZopiac go to the terminal and try the command: alsamixer19:53
cabrey_Eulex, O.o that is a bit awkward...19:53
DoYouKnowNamShub, hmmm. I didn't think of that19:53
NamShubDoYouKnow: well thanks for the help. I'll just wait until I can get a wired connection :S19:53
amikropPici: ok, thanks again ;)19:53
Zopiacmachinebacon: then what? the Card: says it is trying to use the onboard sound19:53
twig11What is the likely cause of the Xubuntu Desktop CD taking me to the command prompt instead of the xubuntu desktop when I boot from the cd? The system I'm trying to boot it on is an older generic box with about a 1GHz AMD processor and 512 Mb RAM.19:53
adi_snake, yes it's alsamixer19:53
ksc654nick125: Hmm, that is interesting. So you can preview but not do a full scan?19:54
DoYouKnowNamShub, so your only problem is that you can't configure your card?19:54
nick125ksc654: Now I can seem to do a full-scan. Awkward. :/19:54
adi_machinebacon, knows better19:54
machinebaconZopiac, boot up the PC, enter the BIOS and turn off the onboard card19:54
rohanso, toresbe , what is the method of geting ff35 on 8.04?19:54
machinebaconZopiac, you know how to enter the BIOS?19:54
machinebaconhehe he knows19:54
adi_machinebacon, :))19:54
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mariachihey! I'm getting kernel panics! how can I know what caused it? (after my pc boots again...) is there a log file that gets saved or something (Linux doesn't have BSODs hehe)19:55
NamShubDoYouKnow: I usually use KDE tools. It's broken right now so I want to connect using either openbox or the terminal so I can apt-get my broken / missing packages19:55
ksc654nick125: I would close down the scanning software and try again just to make sure it wasn't an isolated incident.19:56
Zopiacmachinebacon: it is still tryinh to use onboard19:58
adi_bye ppl19:59
machinebaconfunny, if it is turned off, Zopiac19:59
machinebaconbye adi_19:59
tofupaulhi, i connected a monitor as extended screen. it works but i cannot find an option to put the main desktop on my notebook screen.19:59
vigoZopiac: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=sound+card+jaunty <<<that thread is good.19:59
Zopiacmachinebacon: i disabled what i could find. the only audio-related thing i found was HDaudio which could be Enabled or Disabled. i switched it from the former to the latter.20:00
tofupauland make tzhe monitor the extended part20:00
IRConanare there plans to update the firefox-3.5 package in jaunty?20:00
machinebaconZopiac, thats High Definition, so.... i am quite sure it is not theswitch for the onboard sound card20:00
zerozerozeroyvan_: hey dow do i configure daap server?20:00
cabrey_!ff35 | IRConan20:01
ubottuIRConan: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty.  If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:01
cabrey_IRConan, in other words, you have to install it manually20:01
IRConanfair enough20:01
yvan_zerozerozero: under debian its configuration file is /etc/mt-daapd.conf it should probably be the same under ubuntu server20:01
lee1969 release of Firefox has been issued, how do i get the zip file on my desktop to extract and install the new FF ?20:02
machinebaconZopiac do you have the motherboard name and chipset at hand?20:02
yvan_zerozerozero: there is a setting inside that where you can set up what interface it should listen on, and what port. then you can reach it through a web browser...though you can just set it up manually in the config file, as the options are the same20:02
jasonlifeabout:plugins in firefox shows me that it has flashplugin 9.0.r999 even if I installed abobe-flash 10.. is it normal?20:03
lee1969anyone know ?20:03
zerozerozerowhich port do i use?20:03
machinebaconjasonlife i trhink yes, the version number 10 is sometimes misinterpreted as 1.020:03
machinebaconjasonlife so they stuck to 9.999920:03
yvan_zerozerozero: then just restart it through its init script, and you should be fine. it uses auto discovery, so rhythmbox should see it in a few moments after it comes up20:03
Zopiacmachinebacon: ASUS M3A78-EM is the motherboard name20:04
mickster04!ff35, lee1969,20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff35, lee1969,20:04
jasonlifemachinebacon: thanks20:04
Pici!ff35 | lee196920:04
ubottulee1969: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:04
ksc654Can the Ubuntu menu be configured by user group? I want to display different menu items for different groups of users? Is this possible?20:04
machinebaconZopiac hold the line ;)20:04
mickster04!ff3 | lee1969,20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff320:04
machinebaconjasonlife anytime20:04
zerozerozeroyvan_: can you paste you  conf file?20:04
yvan_zerozerozero: you might have to wait for the initial indexing to finish though, also keep an eye on its log file20:04
mickster04lee1969,  nm someone beat me to it20:04
yvan_zerozerozero: wait a moment20:04
jasonlifemachinebacon: do you know anything about youtube video slowness in firefox?20:05
lee1969yes it's suppose to be faster so I want it now lol !!20:05
tofupaulguys, even when i put the 16 inch monitor over the 13 inch notebook screen in screen settings, the primary screen(with applications, places et cetera) is showed on the 16 inch monitor. can anyone help please?20:05
ksc654Does anyone know the answer to my question?20:06
jasonlifeYoutube video in my ubuntu9.04 seems very slow.. If i maximize the screen, it's very choppy..20:06
gogetadont knoe it20:06
Zopiacmachinebacon: Realtek ALC1200 HD Audio 8-Channel20:06
twig11What is the likely cause of the Xubuntu Desktop CD taking me to the command prompt instead of the xubuntu desktop when I boot from the cd? The system I'm trying to boot it on is an older generic box with about a 1GHz AMD processor and 512 Mb RAM. I'm new to linux, with minimal command line skill.20:06
machinebaconjasonlife no idea, i am in china, we dont have utube20:06
gogetajasonlife: compiz can slow down flash20:07
machinebaconZopiac all right, i just seen there is also another one20:07
yvan_zerozerozero: http://amnesia.hu/~yvan/tmp/mt-daapd.conf20:07
Hylian_hey guys, in some windows progs via wine, all my letters and numbers are boxes...??20:07
Dulakmachinebacon: use ToR and discover the real internet20:07
vigozerozerozerozero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=743566&highlight=ff3.5+install20:07
machinebaconDulak i have VPN, but thanks :)20:07
voidmagewow, the bot already has a !ff3520:07
voidmagethat was fast and was about to ask it myself20:08
gogetaHylian_: are you using winhq or defult ubuntu20:08
KeiAhnigNamShub: r ur problems solved?20:08
KrispyKremehow do I install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 9.04?20:08
Hylian_default ubuntu, although i am on irc channel winehq right now, they arent responding20:08
machinebaconZopiac is it possible that the onboard sound is somehow connected to the digital video?20:08
Pici!ff35 | KrispyKreme20:08
ubottuKrispyKreme: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:08
gogetaHylian_: winehq wine tends to work better20:08
KeiAhnigNamShub: sry i'v some heating probs here ;)20:08
ulbis there a way to set printer defaults to print to pdf?20:08
Zopiacmachinebacon: how do you mean?20:08
zerozerozeroyvan_: thanks now i can configure it...20:08
machinebaconZopiac http://www.xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5220120:08
darkboyhow can i install vlc media for 9.0420:08
KrispyKremewhen will firefox 3.5 come out as stable for ubuntu 9.04?20:09
erUSUL!software | darkboy20:09
ubottudarkboy: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:09
Hylian_im starting to see that synaptic versions tend to be older, for some reason.20:09
NamShubKeiAhnig: No but I give up. I'll fix this with a wired connection tomorrow. Thanks a lot for the help :)20:09
vigoFor a How to install FF3.5 here is a good post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=743566&highlight=ff3.5+install20:09
gogetaHylian_: add there repo and upgrade it20:09
nsahooI am trying to open an X application (xclock) from a different machine20:09
erUSUL!ff35 | KrispyKreme20:09
ubottuKrispyKreme: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:09
yvan_zerozerozero: generally if there is no config to find in /etc you should be able to find one under /usr/share/doc/<packagename>20:09
zerozerozeroits in .etc itself20:09
gogetaHylian_: ubuntu repo wine is pretty outdated20:09
Pici!latest | gogeta Hylian_20:09
ubottugogeta Hylian_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.20:09
nsahoodid xhost + on local machine, export DISPLAY=mymachine:0.0 followed by xclock; on remote machine, still says can't opendisplay20:10
darkboyvlc for 9.04 how can install it20:10
gogetaPici: lol20:10
_Tia_^there's any italian?20:10
Picigogeta: why is that funny?20:10
Pici!it | _Tia_^20:10
ubottu_Tia_^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:10
Hylian_ok gogeta, but should i just uninstall wine and then get the new verison form winhq myself, or is there a way to get synaptic to do it20:10
gogetaPici: not wine20:10
KrispyKremedarkboy, what's the latest version of vlc?20:10
ksc654ulb: Yes. You need to install a package for pdf printing. Then you can set it as the default printer like any other printer.20:10
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:10
tofupaulKrispyKreme: type "sudo apt-get install firefox" into terminal and it will install i think20:10
liarhey, i just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my acer aspire one. harddisk configuration is: /dev/sda1: 200MB /boot, /dev/sda2 ~7GB /home, /dev/mmcblk0p1: 16GB /. when i try to boot the netbook it drops me into BusyBox v1.10.2 because of /dev/mmcblk0p1 is not found.. i think its because the modules for the card reader are loaded after ubuntu tries to mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /. is there a workaround?20:11
darkboyi duno20:11
Picitofupaul: No it will not.20:11
KrispyKremetofupaul, that doesn't work20:11
machinebacondarkboy enter the terminal, sudo apt-get install vlc20:11
clamiaxI would like to customize my keyboard layout but Gnome seems to reset everything I do on startup. If I apply the setting once it started then everything works okay but if I automize the thing, then Gnome reset the configuration on startup. I played with session manager and script run on strartup, keyboard setting, and lots of other utility from Gnome but without results. Does anyone can point me to the20:11
clamiaxright URI/doc/man page/whatever? Thanks in advance.20:11
gogetaPici: the newer wine has alot more compatbily20:11
ulbty, do you know the name of the package?20:11
ksc654ulb: Hold on a sec, I'll look it up.20:11
ZykoticK9nsahoo, are you using SSH to connect to the remote machine?  If so did you use -X or -Y in your SSH command?20:11
Hylian_ok i am a do it myself er. i am gonna go do that now, bye20:11
nsahooZykoticK9: yes20:11
Zopiacmachinebacon: so what does that mean, that in order to disable the sound i need a seperate video card?20:11
nsahooZykoticK9: i didn't , i'll try that now20:11
KrispyKremedarkboy, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html20:12
nsahooZykoticK9: what do -X -Y mean?>20:12
gogetaPici: they made alot of goood changes in the 1.1x builds ubuntu still uses 1.020:12
ksc654ulb: cups-pdf20:12
ZykoticK9nsahoo, "ssh -X hostIP" sorta thing20:12
machinebaconZopiac _this_ i dont know, but it seems like only the SPDIF digital sound can be dis/enabled in the bios... sorry no idea20:12
ulbty so much!20:12
MellowDudehi all how is it going20:12
nsahooZykoticK9: do I need -Y or -X is enough?20:12
Picigogeta: The File a bug then. I don't control what builds go into the repositories  ;)20:12
ZykoticK9nsahoo, just one of them, you choose.20:13
KrispyKremeI have a canon pixma 470. Where/what are the correct drivers I need?20:13
machinebaconZopiac you could check the HDMI settings in your BIOS20:13
gogetaPici: not a bug just dated20:13
nsahooZykoticK9: ok, works now. no need to export display anymore?20:13
ZykoticK9nsahoo, don't think so.20:13
lee1969can't install ff 3.5 ? why ??20:13
nsahooZykoticK9: it must be a new thing, I am sure it was not there 12 years ago when I used them before20:13
Picilee1969: Did you see the message from ubottu?20:13
Zopiacmachinebacon: ok, i will check my bios further20:13
machinebaconZopiac so that you check if there is a way to disable digital audio of HDMI20:14
JorgeJorgessonHas anyone gotten mysql-server to work with Ubuntu 9.04 desktop version?  I've not and over at ubuntu-server they cannot either.  It works, but you have to start mysql server manually at every reboot.20:14
twig11Where should I start reading to figure out why I'm getting sent to BusyBox command prompt when I try to boot from the Desktop CD?20:14
lee1969yes, but can't get the public key20:14
machinebaconZopiac quite sure that the BIOS is the rotten fish20:14
gogetatwig11: lol do you ever get ubuntu working lol20:14
snollocan some one help me with a touchpad problem on a new install of ubuntu remix 9.0420:14
_R_hi all, how can i compile a application, make a deb package and put it into ubuntu repository?20:14
darkboyok what about msn live20:14
gogetatwig11: i would say x crashing would be driver realted20:15
darkboyhow can i install it?20:15
twig11gogeta: yes I did on the Dell C521. It's perfect now.20:15
Travis-42how do I specify the user that I want logrotate to run a "prerotate" script using?20:15
KrispyKremePlease don't flood, use http20:15
machinebacondarkboy MSN you have to use alternatives, like aMsn or Pidgin20:15
Picilee1969: looking into it...20:15
gogetatwig11: LOL thats older then my c61020:15
lee1969Pici: cheers20:15
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:15
lee1969help would be appreciated, am still a noob at Ubuntu lol20:15
tofupauli still could need some help with the extended screen function20:15
KrispyKremelee1969, what do you need?20:15
gogeta!ask | lee196920:15
ubottulee1969: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:15
twig11gogeta: what would I do if it's a driver problem.20:16
lee1969installl version 3.5 of Firefox20:16
gogetatwig11: is it a new card:20:16
Picilee1969: Looks like its working, but its taking a long time to come up.20:16
machinebacondarkboy in terminal: sudo apt-get install amsn   or just use Pidgin which is already in Applications -> Internet20:16
KrispyKremelee1969, it's not stable for ubuntu yet20:16
lee1969I know, but I want it20:16
twig11gogeta: the computer I'm working on now is an old generic box with an AMD processor, about 1 GHz, 512 Mb RAM.20:17
MellowDudelee1969 u have to wait for it20:17
twig11gogeta: I don't know how old it is.20:17
lee1969or how long will it be bfore its rekeased for ubuntu then ?20:17
snolloinstalled ubuntu remix on acer one and touchpad works,then doe not when i have clicked on the icon to use it? any ideas?20:17
gogetatwig11: strange20:17
alan205i want to be able to use ctrl alt backspace but it is disabled according to the community documentation for 9.04. why would they do that and is there a way to enable it?20:17
gogetasomething old should work out of the box20:17
vigotwigill: Tried or using Minimal?20:17
_R_ubottu, thanks!20:17
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:17
Pici!dontzap | alan20520:17
ubottualan205: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.20:17
jeffwheeleralan205: it was probably disabled because it's such an easy way to accidentally lose lots of work20:18
twig11It seems to have to broken installations of pirated Windows XP professional on it, and the person I'm doing it for would like to access their files before I overwrite.20:18
gogetatwig11: maybe its just short on ram for the live cd20:18
Zopiacmachinebacon: there was an option for Audio within the Graphics settings in my bios. i disabled it as well, and now we'll see if it was what i needed :)20:18
KrispyKremetwig11, pirated? lol20:18
twig11gogeta:  would 512 not be enough for xubuntu?20:18
MaT-dgjeffwheeler: do u share that opinion?20:18
alan205jeffwheeler: youre likely right but it sure comes in handy20:19
twig11KrispyKreme: It wasn't me.20:19
gogetatwig11: its enough for any but i cant rember how mutch the live cd nedded 512 or 76820:19
jeffwheelerMaT-dg: I do, because I have lost work with it.20:19
MellowDudetwig11 u could use the ubuntu live cd to access the hard drive and files on a windows portion20:19
alan205thanks I appreciate the advice20:19
jeffwheeleralan205: I know, and I've had to use it before; but, personally, I hit it much more frequently by accident20:19
mezquitaleanyone here ever used freenx?  Im trying to configure the custom SSH keys but I am unable to login, im trying to find out where in the client should I copy the SSH keys, Im using NX client as the client20:19
gogetatwig11: if thats the case use the alt install cd to install ubuntu20:19
twig11MellowDude: I thought so, but it won't boot to the desktop. That's my problem. I keep getting the BusyBox command prompt.20:20
gogetashould be fine20:20
MaT-dgjeffwheeler: I don't understand how you can accidentally hit that combination unless you are used to windows :P20:20
MellowDudetwig11 what version of ubuntu live cd u try to boot from20:20
twig11gogeta: does the alternate install cd have a text-based installer instead of graphical?20:20
gogetatwig11: yes20:20
gogetatwig11: its just as easy thow20:20
jeffwheelerMaT-dg: I'm used to deleting by words with cmd/alt, and sometimes I do that right after coming from another shortcut20:21
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:21
MellowDudetwig11 if its an older pc i try 8.04 LTS if i was u on it20:21
gogetatwig11: you dont need x to get your files anyways :)20:21
twig11MellowDude: Xubuntu 9.0420:21
MellowDudetwig11 what graphic vard does the pc have20:21
MellowDudeor is it an intel chip set20:21
zerozerozeroyvan_: hey the screen(as te application) in ubuntu shows stuff like 1.56  2.4GHz  228MB 25% date20:22
gogetaMellowDude: he right just be short ram20:22
gogetafor the live cd20:22
tofupauli connected a cfl monitor to my notebook. now i want to have ubuntu on the notebook screen so that the mouse when i move it out of the screen goes to an emty extended screen on the cfl monitor.20:22
twig11MellowDude: I'm not sure. how do I find out?20:22
zerozerozeroyvan_:  whats does 1.56 represent?20:22
vigoMaybe Puppy or minimal CD , and yes, 8.04 would be my go.20:22
tofupaulbut i cannot find out how.20:22
yvan_zerozerozero: no idea where you see that :)20:22
JPSmandoes wubi always install the AMD64 version of ubuntu?20:23
MellowDudetwig11 9.04 has trouble with intel graphic chipsets20:23
zerozerozerobottom right20:23
gogetatwig11: if you plain on installing alt cd if you need a live cd only then puppy20:23
zerozerozeroi am using screen application20:23
TacosarecoolI'm getting error 17 on neogrub20:23
gogetathat will run on anything20:23
Picizerozerozero: The system load.  See man uptime for a short description of how that is calculated.20:23
MellowDudei had to install 8.04 on my old hp computer because of the intel chipset20:23
zerozerozerooh ok thanks20:24
gogetatwig11: humm you have enough ram why did it fail20:24
gogetajust checked20:24
twig11gogeta: does puppy have a GUI?20:24
yvan_zerozerozero: its probably like that because there is much iowait now. daapd is probably building its index for the first time20:24
gogetatwig11:  yes xfce20:24
gogetatwig11: i built a eee distro using it L)20:25
gogetaits light and very fast20:25
vigoPuppy is a great workaround for older or minimal boxes.20:25
MellowDudetwig11 dream linux has xfce and with a Mac look20:25
svencan someone tell me how to format my micro sd card in ubuntu? Its in a SD adapter, and the SD adaper is plugged in my card reader... When I plug a CF card in the card reader, Gparted detects the disk, when I plug in the micro sd card (in the adapter), gparted doens't detect a thing...20:26
gogetalook for yourself20:26
twig11MellowDude: Is dream linux lightweight also?20:26
MellowDudeyes it is20:26
twig11gogeta: I'll look, thanks.20:26
tofupaulatm the ubuntu is on the monitor and when i move the mouse out it goes to the empty extended screen on the notebook. how can i change it? i tried to put the monitor over the notebook screen in the screen preferences but it does not change then20:26
Tacosarecoolsven go to home then right click the sd card20:26
Tacosarecoolprobably format20:26
JorgeJorgessonHas anyone gotten mysql-server to work with Ubuntu 9.04 desktop version?  I've not and over at ubuntu-server they cannot either.  It works, but you have to start mysql server manually at every reboot.20:27
tofupaulit worked with vista, as tehre was an option for it20:27
TacosarecoolI have error 17 on neogrub20:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about neogrub20:27
svenTacosarecool: i cant find the micro sd card... the device is not shown20:28
xiongcan anyone tell me why i have "Error while Expunging folder" when emptying Trash in evolution mail client?20:28
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, mysql works fine on my 9.04 desktop???  Don't know why your's doesn't start at boot?  Mine does.  Sorry I gots nothing for you - other then to say that it's working on mine.20:28
machinebaconsven is the reader shown in nautilus?20:28
erryum hi um i allowed here nao?20:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Neogrub20:28
svenmachinebacon: what is nautilus?20:29
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: thanks....must be my unique systems20:29
JPSmandoes wubi always install the AMD64 version of ubuntu?20:29
machinebaconsven if you use ubuntu, it is the file manager, like explorer20:29
usr13!nautilus | sven20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus20:29
usr13sven: Nautilus is the file manager20:29
MellowDudetwig11 u can go to distro watch they have all the linux distros there with screen shoots of them20:29
twig11MellowDude: Thanks, I will.20:29
alan205dontzap wors great thanks everyone20:30
vigousr13: that is a silly bot today.20:30
MellowDudethat way u can seethe screen shhots and pick one u want20:30
guntbert!version > guntbert20:30
ubottuguntbert, please see my private message20:30
erryam i?20:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus20:30
twig11MellowDude: But I need something that doesn't require much technical expertise to install. You guys are a real help. I'll see what I find.20:30
machinebacon!explorer | :)20:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about explorer20:31
erryum i try to play sound but i hear an annoying noise with everything i try?20:31
Picivigo: I suspect if it didn't know a moment ago, its isnt going to know now.20:31
gogetatwig11: i used the mini iso and built my own lxde ubuntu very fast hehe20:31
svenmachinebacon: no the reader is not shown in de file manager, it is shown when I plug in another card, but i think this card is not formatted yet but cant find a way to do it... If its not shown in gparted...20:31
machinebaconsven you can load the formatter program... errr forgot its name20:32
machinebaconit is in the repos20:32
twig11gogeta: Sounds like fun but not something I would know how to do.20:32
gangil!version > gangil20:32
ubottugangil, please see my private message20:32
gogetatwig11: its easy base install and apt-get what you whant20:32
vigoPici: true that is,,,20:32
svenmachinebacon: what?20:32
twig11gogeta: That might not be bad then.20:32
machinebaconsven one moment, i check it20:32
gogetatwig11: i use wicd for the network manager20:32
gogetawpa supprt and junk20:33
gogetafaster then xfce looks nicer to20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilis20:33
=== kb is now known as Guest74553
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: works fine under XP, will switch back.  Thanks.20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus20:33
gogetalook up lxde if you wanna see it20:33
twig11gogeta: okay.20:33
Pici!msgthebot | vigo20:33
ubottuvigo: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:33
m4rkhow do I get fire fox 3.5?20:34
gogetamini iso uses net to dl base packages20:34
vigoMy apologies20:34
Pici!ff35 | m4rk20:34
ubottum4rk: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:34
m4rkI need fire fox :(20:34
uofm49426how is work on the opensource ati driver20:34
gogetatwig11: of course your removing all that ease to use stuff lol but your get a major speed boost and small size20:35
cubeis there a twitux irc channel?20:35
gourletquel est le code pour le forum FR20:35
darkboythere is any program like photo shop for ubuntu?20:35
cubeanybody know how to contact the twitux main guy?20:35
guntbert!fr | gourlet20:35
gogetatwig11: why its called a expert install20:35
ubottugourlet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:35
mac9416Hello, how can I get Gnome NetworkManager to work in E17?20:35
m4rkdarkboy: gimp is good20:35
zerozerozerohow do i open files that are on another computer in mplayer20:35
ThePulgarcitozerozerozero: ftp/http works20:36
guntbertgourlet: /j #ubuntu-fr20:36
gourlet /j #ubuntu-fr20:36
twig11gogeta: well this system isn't that terribly slow, so I'll probably go for the ease of use stuff. The person I'm installing it for just wants it to work.20:36
machinebaconsven http://live.gnome.org/gnome-format20:36
zerozerozeroThePulgarcito: samba?20:36
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: I just hate changing back so many machines!20:36
zerozerozeroThePulgarcito: or sftp?20:36
gogetatwig11: have to tryed starting the live cd in safe gfx mode20:36
uofm49426will the opensource ati legacy drive be as good as one made by ati20:37
gogetatwig11: might work around the issue20:37
ThePulgarcitozerozerozero: I dunno, you could try it.20:37
twig11gogeta: yep. same result.20:37
aschmitzcube: http://live.gnome.org/DanielMorales20:37
machinebaconsven dont forget to format it with filesystem FAT1620:37
cubeaschmitz: thanks20:37
aschmitzcube: (At least, I think so: http://live.gnome.org/DanielMorales/Twitux is the Twitux page that sf.net redirects to)20:37
guntbertgourlet: / must be the first character on the line (/ doit'etre le premier ...)20:37
m4rkfire fox :(20:37
MK13is there a way to transfer drivers on one ubuntu installation to another w/out internet access being needed?20:37
gourlet_je n'arrive pas à axeder au #ubuntu-fr20:38
aschmitzMK13: You can save the .deb files, which drivers?20:38
vigoTo restore Nautilus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreNautilusLocationBar20:38
dx9s_workis there a problem with the depos?20:38
syn717i have a strange problem, i can boot into my linux and mount partitions however fdisk says: Cannot open /dev/sda20:38
jabagawee_is there a way to set a quota for a specific folder to make sure it only uses a certain amount of disk space?20:38
uofm49426using ati xpress 1200 laptop so stuck unless i get a new laptop witch will be year and want to run 9.0420:38
owner__how can i find out what the manufacturer of my microphone is ?20:38
=== midknihtt is now known as midkniht
jabagawee_owner__, if its plugged in via usb, you can use `lsusb`20:39
=== elpargo__ is now known as elpargo
syn717owner__: if it isn't usb then there is no way20:39
guntbertgourlet_: click on #ubuntu-fr (ici, svp)20:39
mickster04 anyone here know how to install a usb wireless adapter with a cd, its a belkin F5D705120:39
mickster04!belkin | mickster0420:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about belkin20:39
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:39
owner__syn171 then how can i install a driver for it?20:40
DasEimickster : I guess you already tried to have it recognized by kernel ?20:40
=== root is now known as Guest14240
owner__syn171: then how can i install a driver for it?20:40
syn717owner__: sound card driver should support it20:40
TacosarecoolNeogrub has error 1720:40
DasEimickster04:  : I guess you already tried to have it recognized by kernel ?20:40
machinebaconowner__ is it plugged in your soundcard?20:40
sharddedhi all20:41
jabagawee_mickster04, do you know what chipset is inside of it?20:41
dx9s_work****IS**** there a problem with the software depos? I'm gettting 404's20:41
owner__syn171: yes but i only have sound no mic, its built in the soundcard20:41
svenmachinebacon: that software doesn't even find my card which is detected..20:41
jabagawee_owner__, the mic is built into your osund card?20:41
Picidx9s_work: What version of Ubuntu, what mirror?20:41
JorgeJorgessonm4rk: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-beta.html20:41
atomic007zaI need to know if there is/ what it is called/ how to restrict uses desktops in LTSP20:41
owner__jabagawee: yes20:41
dx9s_workPici, I've tried different mirrors... gutsy20:41
gogetatwig11: i would disbale compiz and see if the live cd works then20:41
Picidx9s_work: Gutsy is no longer supported, sorry.20:42
Pici!ff35 | JorgeJorgesson m4rk20:42
ubottuJorgeJorgesson m4rk: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:42
machinebaconsven i guess you need a reboot first with the reader and card plugged in... just a guess20:42
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy20:42
twig11gogeta: How do I disable compiz20:42
uofm49426is the belkin ralink mickster0420:42
mobi-sheep!gutsy | dx9s_work20:42
ubottudx9s_work: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:42
=== bombshelter13afk is now known as bombshelter13_
syn717owner__: have u tried increasing the volume of it in the volume control recording section?20:43
owner__syn171: yes, it is not even detected that i have a mic20:43
Coudymy digital out stop working, I have Ubuntu 9.04 and SBLive!20:43
machinebaconowner__ enter alamixer int erminal and pull all capture devices up ;)20:43
helloerwatchdog detected lockup cpu3 <- on kernel 250hz its ok but on 1000hz no... services dont load20:43
TacosarecoolError 17 on neogrub20:43
dx9s_workso I have to upgrade and then re-do my custom kernel!! POS!20:43
machinebaconowner__ alsamixer20:44
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:44
mickster04uofm49426, how do i find out?20:44
mdgmickster04: what belkin wifi adapter do you have?20:44
mickster04mdg, belkin F5D705120:44
owner__machinebacon: it shows no movement for microphone20:44
mickster04mdg, usb20:44
vigoTacosarecool: I do not know neogrub, did you try fix grub?20:45
gourlet_then quiet20:45
mdgmickster04: I have a belkin F5D7050 version 3 and 4 - they both work with ndiswrapper and ndisgtk20:45
mickster04mdg, i dont have internet without it, but i have the install cd20:45
TacosarecoolI'm going to see if someone knows in #kubuntu20:45
machinebaconowner__ does sound generally work?20:45
owner__machinebacon: all the time20:45
KrispyKremeis there a way to update ALL the programs that needs updating in ubuntu 9.04?20:45
roundrobinCan I ask you why the temperature of my laptop is too high with ubuntu?20:45
uofm49426it is a ralink chip set20:45
mickster04mdg, i cant install eitehr program, i am on a linux eeepc now so could download an .deb if need be/possible20:46
machinebaconowner__ what sound card do you use?20:46
mickster04uofm49426, cheers20:46
uofm49426i think the seamonky driver would work20:46
owner__machinebacon: realtek alc26820:46
mdgmickster04: if you have access to an external cdrom and have your ubuntu install disk as well, you get those from the install cd20:46
jabagawee_mickster04, give this a shot: http://kahrn.wordpress.com/2009/05/27/belkin-f5d7051-usb-wifi-and-linux/20:47
vigoKrispyKeme: try aptitude, but let me look,20:47
DasEiKrispyKreme: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:47
jabagawee_mickster04, i don't know if ubuntu has rndis_wlan though20:47
piccawill firefox 3.5 appear in the universe repository?20:47
tyg13Is it possible to use pacman in ubuntu?20:47
Pici!ff35 | picca yes20:47
ubottupicca yes: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:47
jabagawee_mickster04, silly me, it's part of stock kernel. that website i linked should work20:47
FloridaGuyawn for 9.0420:48
TacosarecoolHow do I fix grub?20:48
machinebaconowner__ a quick search in google shows realtek alc268 problems with alsa20:48
piccathanks Pici20:48
machinebaconowner__ OSS seems to be a solution though20:48
DasEi!grub | Tacosarecool20:48
ubottuTacosarecool: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:48
gogetatwig11: metacity --replace from the command line then startx20:48
owner__machinebacon: in simple terms what do i have to do?20:48
roundrobinMy laptop burns on ubuntu, it's too hot :(20:48
gogetashould start without compiz20:48
DasEi Tacosarecool also google super grub disk, very handy tool20:48
machinebaconowner__ read this: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=7231420:48
techteenHey! I'm wondering up to upgrade to Firefox 3.520:49
uofm49426for mickster04 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=962003&page=420:49
syn717machinebacon: oss is default on debian and it has alsa emulation if i'm not mistaken20:49
mickster04cheers guys, will report back later:D20:49
Tacosarecooltechteen try getdeb.net20:49
syn717i mean ubuntu20:49
mdgmickster04: once you have figure out20:49
owner__machinebacon: alright give me a second20:49
twig11gogeta: you want to walk me through it? I'm new at this stuff.20:49
KrispyKremeDasEi, vigo: thanks. it seems my system is fully updated20:49
mdghow to get those two things, see this link for further instruction:20:49
edo1493qualcuno mi potrebbe dare una mano con ssh?20:49
uofm49426now anyone ever use the opensource ati drive20:49
roundrobinnoone? :(20:50
gogetatwig11: when the live cd crashes to text type metacity --replace20:50
mdgmickster04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1192717 - post #320:50
mdgmickster04: good luck!20:50
twig11gogeta: I'm on my way...20:50
donnatI'm getting uber slow OpenGL in games (less than 1 frame every 10 seconds). But SDL games, Compiz, and glxgears (750FPS) are fine. <http://pastebin.com/m3e0e8fc9>20:50
MellowDudewhat the best game for ubuntu 9.0420:50
mdgmickster04: actually post #620:50
MellowDudei have a nvidia 1gig vid card20:50
donnatMellowDude: World of Goo, if it were FLOSS20:51
FeasibilityStudyAnyone know when FF 3.5 is going to hit the repos?20:51
gogetadonnat: turn off compiz when gaming20:51
syn717owner__: can u please type dmesg|grep alsa into the console?20:51
guntbert!it | edo149320:51
ubottuedo1493: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:51
owner__sys171: alright20:51
donnatgogeta: Yes, I tried that, no effect, even avter rebooting20:51
techteenCould someone tell me how to upgrade to FF 23.5?20:51
DasEiff35 | FeasibilityStudy20:51
edo1493i am sorry20:51
DasEi!ff35 | FeasibilityStudy20:51
ubottuFeasibilityStudy: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:51
edo1493good bot20:51
machinebaconsyn717 right, just for skype there is another situation ;)20:51
FeasibilityStudytechteen You must wait a few years for FF 23.520:51
syn717owner__: what does it say?20:51
uofm49426i have ati xpress 1200 would you stay with 8.10 or trust the opensource driver20:51
owner__sys171: i get no response back20:52
twig11gogeta: /bin/sh: metacity: not found20:52
uofm49426and upgrade to 9.1020:52
xiongcan anyone tell me why i have "Error while Expunging folder" when emptying Trash in evolution mail client?20:52
owner__sys171: the command is working but no response20:52
syn717owner__: then u are using oss20:52
gogetatwig11: humm20:52
techteenThanks guys!20:52
gogetatwig11: try startx20:52
owner__sys171: and what do i do then?20:52
twig11gogeta: How?20:52
syn717machinebacon: hmm, i've never tried skype on linux20:52
gogetait should tell you why its going down20:53
gogetajust type it in text20:53
rgavrilhi guys, can anybody sugest a name for a asterisk web gui ?20:53
machinebaconsyn717 in 8.10 it workS and in 9.04 i had to switch the mic to alsa.20:53
twig11gogeta: just startx > enter?20:53
DasEimachinebacon: I tried longer ago, ekiga worked well as skype for linux did20:53
tofupaulcan anyone help me with the extended screen function in jaunty please?20:53
rgavrila new project that i'm working on and want to make it public but first i want to find out a good name for it20:53
machinebaconDasEi true, but how can i get my dear old friends to use ekiga ;)20:54
twig11gogeta: /bin/sh: startx: not found20:54
gogetatwig11: bad cd20:54
MellowDudetwig11 what u trying to do20:54
DasEimachinebacon: don't mind, once connection is established, the client won' t matter20:54
darkboyi want a eazy way to use arabic keyboard20:54
machinebaconDasEi they are real Eier, they have no Bock to use jabber or ekiga :)20:54
mneptoktwig11: "which startx" (no quotes)20:55
owner__i have to go now i will come back on later though thank you for the support20:55
syn717owner__: i've found something about this: http://blog.mageprojects.com/2009/03/24/get-your-microphone-working-in-ubuntu-904-and-skype-x64/20:55
twig11gogeta: but I md5summed it and verified the cd!20:55
Polarina1Does Intel X4500 HD work with Ubuntu 9.04?20:55
machinebaconsyn717 *I* do appreciate anyways :D20:55
twig11MellowDude: Just trying to get xubuntu to boot from the desktop cd.20:55
rom1vis there a packet to have openoffice thumbnails in nautilus ? (a .deb, not a python script to copy somewhere)20:55
mezquitaleanyone here ever used freenx?  Im trying to configure the custom SSH keys but I am unable to login, im trying to find out where in the client should I copy the SSH keys, Im using NX client as the client20:56
twig11mneptok: /bin/sh: which: not found20:56
vigoxiong: What version is it?20:56
mneptoktwig11: "/usr/bin/startx" (no quotes)20:56
FeasibilityStudyIs "Shiretoko" the latest version of FF in Universe?20:56
gogeta twig11 i dunno try xwin metacity20:57
xiongvigo: 2.26.120:57
twig11mneptok: not found20:57
kamokowI have a question. So, I wanted to run a bittorent tracker (to send important files around for a project I am working on), and so I heard about open tracker. It says to just type "./opentracker" into the terminal to start it (I already installed it, so thats not the problem), but ubuntu just keeps spitting "bash ./opentracker: is a directory" at me. What should I do?20:57
KrispyKremeis there some kind of defense mechanism I could get for kubuntu, such as an alarm when the AC is unplugged from the laptop or when the touchpad/mouse is moved to prevent theft?20:57
twig11gogeta: not found20:57
mneptoktwig11: this is when you boot from CD?20:58
gogetax isnt installed then20:58
jabagawee_anyone know if mickster04 ever got his problem solved?20:58
twig11mneptok: yep20:58
vigoxiong: did you look at the Debug logs?20:58
gogetatwig11: very basic then xinit20:58
MellowDudetwig11 check ur pm20:58
gogetatry that20:58
mdgjabagawee_: you have belkin USB adapter too?20:58
twig11gogeta: nothing's installed20:58
mneptoktwig11: did the GUI try to load at all?20:58
wildc4rdevening all20:58
klenzy i have a question how can i automount on startup my media folder that is on my mac shared via smb?20:58
jillsmitti want to build gui-programs under ubuntu, what IDE is the best od today?20:59
ZykoticK9kamokow, the "./" means in the current directory.  Try either "opentracker" and see if it works or "cd opentracker" then "./opentracker".20:59
xiongvigo, don't know what debug logs are, where they are, how to view them, or how to interpret them20:59
Dr_Willisklenz:  you can mount 'samba shares' from /etc/fstab - yes...20:59
edbianjillsmitt: I like geany :)20:59
mneptokklenz: /etc/fstab20:59
jabagawee_mdg, nah20:59
gogetatwig11: somethings wrong with the disk20:59
YerzriknotDo I need to completely reinstall firefox to get 3.5? I'm running the 3.0.11 version that came with Ubuntu and it hasn't updated itself yet.20:59
jabagawee_just wanted to know if it worked out for him20:59
vigoxiong: here: http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/b1a4ol61.html.en20:59
gogetabad burn maybe20:59
klenzdo i have to edit a file in there for it to automount?20:59
FatherTymeIs Ubuntu upgrading to Firefox 3.5 in the jaunty repo?21:00
mneptokklenz: /etc/fstab is a file21:00
gogetatwig11: do you have the disk you used on your dell21:00
mneptokklenz: so there is no "file in there"21:00
kamokowthanks ZykoticK921:00
gogetatwig11: see if that works21:00
pronoymy update manager shows my package info is 80 days old and yet has no updates to be installed also i ran the update manually still it shows the same ...how do fix this ?21:00
* xiong looks21:00
YerzriknotFirefox always upgraded itself fine in windows21:00
gogetatwig11: then you will knoe21:00
vigoxiong: and here: http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/bugs.html.en21:00
edbianYerzriknot: Yeah ubuntu is going to push out firefox 3.5 in 9.10 (in october).  If you download firefox 3.5 from the website (get a .deb file) you can have it now.  You don't need to remove firefox 3.0.11 (or whatever it is).21:00
YerzriknotDoes it not do that in linux?21:00
klenzim sorry im not to keen on linux im looking for etc/fstab now21:00
gogetaYerzriknot: yes it does21:00
YerzriknotI didn't see a .deb file on mozilla's site21:01
kbrosnanedbian: firefox does not do a deb21:01
twig11gogeta: It kicks me to the text with xubuntu 7.04 and with Ubuntu 9.04 (and that CD is an original from Canonical.21:01
DasEiklenz : look for /etc/fstab21:01
edbianYerzriknot: A .tar.gz will work too but it's slightly more annoying to install.21:01
edbiankbrosnan: Thank you :)21:01
pronoymy update manager shows my package info is 80 days old and yet has no updates to be installed also i ran the update manually still it shows the same ...how do fix this ?21:01
YerzriknotBut Firefox wont upgrade itself on its own?21:01
klenzi dont have that file21:01
vigoxiong: and here: http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/developer.shtml <<those are the Gnome sites, maybe is more data on Launchpad.21:01
Hydrant2Does anyone know how to setup Ubuntu to fallback to local password/shadow files if LDAP fails?21:02
DasEipronoy : system date in order ? foreign mirror chosen ?21:02
[Nikola_93]Any SDL / SGE users?21:02
machinebaconpronoy try in terminal: sudo apt-get update21:02
DasEi!who | klenz21:02
ubottuklenz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:02
pronoymachinebacon: that is manual update !!21:02
DasEiklenz : open a terminal ..21:02
Daisooo...  how many more hours do i have to get support for dapper on the desktop?21:02
edbianYerzriknot: It will eventually.  In ubuntu (all of linux really) updates are handled by the package manager.  It checks what version of a program you're running vs. what is available in the repos.  If it is newer in the repos it will tell you.  The ubuntu developers just haven't put the latest firefox in there yet.21:02
edbianYerzriknot: They will in 9.1021:02
BabblebackI have an acer one running 9.04 UNR.  Everything has been running fine till today.  I get the login screen.  After the login I get just the desktop background. Switching to tty1 shows: "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot..."21:03
klenzDasEi ok21:03
tofupauli feel ignored with my extended desktop question, does anyone know a bit about it?21:03
DasEiklenz : gedit /etc/fstab21:03
mdgmickster04: how you coming along?21:03
gogetatwig11: ok strange21:03
pronoyDasEi: system date is correct and foreign mirrors ? i just have the standard repo should be updating on its own..also i am running intrepid21:03
machinebaconpronoy sry21:03
Pici!ff35 | edbian Yerzriknot21:03
ubottuedbian Yerzriknot: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:03
xiongvigo, that is way too much info; i'm a raw noob21:03
gogetatwig11: why it isnt accepting manual start is also confusing me21:03
klenzDasEi ok i got the file21:03
edbianYerzriknot: Well what do you know!  I was wrong :P21:03
xiongvigo, wait til i absorb this 'debug log' stuff21:03
Yerzriknotubottu: It's no longer a beta21:04
pronoymachinebacon: m running intrepid..could that be a reason ?21:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:04
YerzriknotIt's current21:04
[Nikola_93]SDL / SGL references & linking problem anyone?21:04
DasEiklenz : need more advice ?21:04
PiciYerzriknot: The version in the repositories  is beta.21:04
pronoyYerzriknot: its just a bot dude21:04
vigoxiong: Learning is FUN! I use Mutt, Mozilla and whatnot.21:04
klenzDasEi yes not to sure what to do next21:04
PiciYerzriknot: That package will become firefox 3.5 final once we complete testing.21:04
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: how did you get your version of mysql-server?  From the repos?  What version of Ubuntu, what version of mysql-server?21:04
DasEi!details | klenz21:04
ubottuklenz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:04
twig11gogeta: is there any way this could be a hardware problem?21:04
klenzDasEi do i create a mount point in mnt then point the file to it21:04
xiongvigo, i agree that learning is fun but i have only a limited amount of time -- also, i'm not sure i care for evolution but the more popular client is thunderbird21:05
pronoyPici: my update manager shows my package manager is 80 days old...how do i fix it...intrepid and update done manually......21:05
jno348I get no picture on my Samsung 260T display, connected through HDMI on a Sony Vaio, display works with xbox360 and Vaio w/ Vista, tried "xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto", still black on monitor. Suggestions anybody? Heeelp! :)21:05
klenzDasEibasically i have a media file stored on my mac that is share via smb i want to auto mount it21:05
edbianklenz: Either in /mnt or in /media.  Both are common practice.21:05
xiongreally do wish i could just have eudora...21:05
Picipronoy: sudo apt-get update21:05
TheNewGuyhi, can anyone help me install flash?21:05
pronoyPici: that is the manual update !!21:05
bkraptorwhere does the mouse properties dialog keep its settings?21:05
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, Ubuntu 9.04 (64bit) Mysql 5.0.75 from Ubuntu repo21:05
vigoxiong: I agree, T-Bird and Mutt are great.21:05
YerzriknotTheNewGuy: Go to applications > Add/Remove21:05
klenzDasEi ok im gona work with it if i need help ill ask u guys thanks :)21:05
YerzriknotTheNewGuy: Search for Ubuntu-restricted-extras21:06
Picipronoy: I don't think I understood your question then.21:06
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: Ok, the same.  I guess my 4 machines are unique then.....21:06
DasEiklenz : I assume you want to mount a partiton permanently; yes, you create a dir somewhere in your filesystem and then tell fstab whicht parti to mount there21:06
ageyanyone know how to set systemtime from terminal without user authentication?21:06
fdrhello... can anybody help me with launchpad please? How do I report this bug upstream? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+bug/19535921:06
pronoyPici even after apt-get update package manager informs that its package info is 80 days old21:06
DasEi!fstab | klenz21:06
KrispyKremeI have this shiretoko web browser I want to remove. How do I do it?21:06
ubottuklenz: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:06
edbianPici: running "sudo apt-get update / upgrade" is the manual way to update the system.21:06
klenzDasEi not a partition just a folder im sharing21:06
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:06
jachhi, someone have evolution 2.26  like client with exchange 5.5?21:06
TheNewGuyyerzriknot, I need the real thing, not gnash.  which I have installed21:07
DasEiklenz : so fstab might not be the right place, give more details21:07
jno348 I get no picture on my Samsung 260T display, connected through HDMI on a Sony Vaio, display works with xbox360 and Vaio w/ Vista, tried "xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto", still black on monitor. Suggestions anybody? Heeelp! :)21:07
derenrichany word on getting FF3.5 through the repos?21:07
BabblebackI have an acer one running 9.04 UNR.  Everything has been running fine till today.  I get the login screen.  After the login I get just the desktop background. Switching to tty1 shows: "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot..." Does anyone have some idea on how to fix this?21:07
edbianHow do you turn off the system speaker in ubuntu??21:07
DasEi!ff35 | derenrich21:07
ubottuderenrich: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:07
fdrvigo, i've already made the report -- but it seems it needs to be filed upstream. Just, I don't know how to do it.21:07
Picipronoy: I'm not sure why that is, what happens if you press the update button on update-manager?21:07
TheNewGuyby the way, I am kinda new, butdo  have some cpm exprience21:07
mdgTheNewGuy: what kind of pc?21:07
pronoyedbian: i have a script rmmod pcspkr21:07
edbianpronoy: Wanna give it to me?  Or just give me a jist of the code?21:08
Picifdr: The folks in #ubuntu-bugs should be able to explain the proper upstream reporting procedure21:08
pronoyedbian: actually that's not a script ..sorry its jst a command21:08
edbianpronoy: Even better!!21:08
TheNewGuymgd duel core compatible21:08
fdrPici, thanks21:08
pronoyPici: did that..same thing21:08
klenzDasEi ok i have a boxee media center pc and all my movies/music is on my mac desktop i have that media folder share via smb over the network from my mac i would like it to automount on my htpc so i dont have to manually do it everytime i want to run boxee21:08
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: desktop, right?21:08
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, yup21:08
TheNewGuydesk tip21:08
TheNewGuydesk top21:08
guntberthow do I change  the language (GUI and console) after the installation ( I saw :To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf, but wasn't able to accomplish anything)21:08
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: ok.....I tried!21:08
machinebaconTheNewGuy 32 or 64 bit?21:08
pronoyedbian: i added it to rc.local so that it removes it at boot...really really irritating you know21:09
edbianpronoy: Yes,  IDK why linux loves the PC speaker sooo much.  They are irritating as hell.21:09
TheNewGuybad speller :-X21:09
DasEiklenz : right, so you can already mount it successfully by hand ?21:09
klenzDasEi yes21:09
machinebaconTheNewGuy usually the command is sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree  | hopefully it works ;)21:09
xiongvigo, debug logs are empty21:10
DasEiklenz : by which cmd ?21:10
pronoyTheNewGuy: try to keep it in one line buddy or floodbot will jump u21:10
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, you have checked that it has a checkmark in System / Admin / Services - Database server (mysql) ?21:10
mangosporkHey guys, I'm on gentoo. You know the application usb-creator? I wanted to use that over gentoo, does anyone know an alternative?21:10
mangosporkor something/21:10
klenzDasEi well i go to network and then find it via the gui21:10
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: I tried everything and it will just not start automatically.  I searched in #mysql, #ubuntu-server, #ubuntu....no luck.  You are the only one that I've met that have it working.21:10
edbianTheNewGuy: You have to remove all the flash packages except the one you want to use.  If you don't they sort of block each other out and it is difficult to get the system to use the one you want.21:10
TheNewGuyok, will try it out .. .and one line.   also What is sudu?21:10
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: yup21:10
machinebaconTheNewGuy i'm afraid gnash is already in firefox21:10
YournamHi, what does the rule have to be so I can allow access to port 80 from selected IPs?21:10
klenzDasEi basically i use nautillus to find it21:10
Picipronoy: I'm not sure whats going on with that, sorry.21:10
crashanddiemangospork, compile from source?21:10
vigoxiong: Then that needs filing. or did you also see the #ubuntu-bugs channel that was posted a moment ago?21:10
DasEiklenz : so do that now, and get it mounted21:10
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:11
wolfgangi have a question21:11
YournamAllow access to HTTP only from selected IPs21:11
pronoyPici you won't believe this but i did the apt-get install again and the update using manager and it totally work...Hahaha..how did you do that :)...lol21:11
crashanddieYournam, deny from all, allow ip,ip,ip21:11
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, I'm affraid I have no other suggestions for you.  Sorry man - it just works for me out of the box???21:11
klenzDasEi ok done21:11
edbianTheNewGuy: sudo: gives root power, apt-get: program for downloading / installing software from the repos, flashplugin-nonfree: name of a software package in the repos.21:11
Yournamcrashanddie: Can't seem to get the proper command...21:11
pronoyPici: i meant apt-get update21:11
Picipronoy: ah :)21:11
guntbert!ask | wolfgang21:11
ubottuwolfgang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:11
machinebaconTheNewGuy trry to remove gnash first21:11
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: good for you!  Glad it worked.21:11
wolfgangyeah i know sorry didnt mean to just really blazed21:11
TheNewGuycan i un-install gnash?21:11
crashanddieYournam, you need to edit a configuration file, the vhost to be more specific (assuming you're using apache)21:12
edbianTheNewGuy: sudo apt-get remove gnash21:12
wolfgangi just installed vsftpd21:12
DasEiYournam: iptables, hosts.allow, hosts.deny21:12
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status" does it show Stopped?21:12
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: yes, stopped.  Does not start21:12
wolfgangand disbled anonymoud login but i can still login anonymusly21:12
DasEiklenz :(terminal) sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:12
YournamDasEi: I know what needs to be done, I'm just trying to get the syntax to "allow access from this IP only to port 80"21:12
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, it won't start?  "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" what output do you get?21:12
YournamDasEi: On iptables i mean21:12
b3rz3rk3rwhen i update i get the message that certain sources are being ignored because of a lack of GPG keys.. where can i get these from?21:13
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: Sure it starts, just not on bootup21:13
gonzojiveHi, I want to add a line in grub to boot windows.  However, I don't know how to figure out what drive to use.  The examples I look at use hd1 or hd0 in the grub config, but my drive is /dev/sdb1 in linux.  what is it in grub?21:13
klenzcouldnt find pastebinit21:13
kamokowOk, so... Im trying to start an executable via terminal... now, at times before I could get ./[executable-name] (without []'s) to work (while in  the directory of the executable). But now it just says no such file or directory... however, it should work, because its installed and such...21:13
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, ok - just checking.21:13
gonzojiveI just cannot figure out how to map from a hard drive like /dev/sdb1 to a grub name for the drive21:13
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: no problem, appreciated21:13
DasEiYournam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:13
klenzDasEi couldnt find package pastebinit21:13
edbiankamokow: you are in the folder containing the executable?  "./<scriptname>" doesn't work?21:14
DasEi!paste | klenz21:14
ubottuklenz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:14
pronoykamokow: ok in know this is really basic..are you sure that executable exists in the dir ? or maybe permissions are changed21:14
xiongvigo, did *not* see but will join bugs chan, ty21:14
kamokowit should exist -.-21:14
YournamDasEi: It's not in there on how to selective allow21:14
klenzDasEi ok i know about paste bin what file should i pasttebin21:14
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: unfortunately, XP works.  I may have to resort to that.21:14
vigoYournam: And remember man man is your friend.21:14
suke_i need help :(21:14
pronoykamokow: check21:14
b3rz3rk3rwhen i update i get the message that certain sources are being ignored because of a lack of GPG keys.. where can i get these from? anyone?21:14
ZykoticK9JorgeJorgesson, that's very sad...21:14
DasEiklenz : just type mount in trml, and copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com21:15
machinebaconsuke_ let's hear it21:15
suke_im really new to ubuntu, and infact im not very skilled at computers21:15
mdgsuke_: jump right in21:15
hatter243b3rz3rk3r, you get them from the source. Which ones are missing keys?21:15
pronoyb3rz3rk3r: you'll need to google that with the repo name21:15
suke_i cant install anything21:15
gpledneed help converting and mp4 to mp3.21:15
JorgeJorgessonZykoticK9: well, whatever works.....I have to change all computers back to that.  All must be the same for ease of mangement.21:15
suke_i keep getting the same message21:15
suke_No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file.21:15
mdgsuke_: what you want to install?21:15
gpledtried ffmpeg, but i get errors about unsupported format21:15
pronoysuke_: what type of file are you trying to use ?21:15
gonzojivethis channel is way too crowded to get any help21:15
b3rz3rk3rhatter243, http://ppa.launchpad.net/kow/ppa/ubuntu and the medibuntu one too21:16
pronoygonzojive: what's the problem bud ?21:16
suke_a bionicle game >.> ...21:16
machinebaconsuke_ show us what you enter, or tell us where you want to install it :)21:16
suke_but im having the same message with other things21:16
Mike_lifeguardApparently I have an encrypted .wmv -- how can I decrypt it?21:16
pronoysuke_: works on windows? works on wine ?21:16
hatter243b3rz3rk3r, try looking on those sites for things that say "This is how to import our GPG key..." They'll have their string in there21:16
mdgsuke_: what a bionicle game?21:16
biglinux me21:16
Pici!ppagpg | b3rz3rk3r21:16
ubottub3rz3rk3r: Getting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system21:16
b3rz3rk3rhatter243, alrighty, ty, il have a closer look21:16
biglinuxhouse my21:17
suke_the reason im on ubuntu is because for some reason whe ever i sellect windows on my os screen it takes ages then suddenly restarts21:17
klenzDasEi: http://pastebin.com/m366be0d21:17
tofupaulhow can i get the desktop on the notebook screen and the extended on the connected monitor?21:17
hatter243Pici, good call, I didn't know about that one21:17
b3rz3rk3rty Pici21:17
machinebaconsuke_ so the game is a windows game?21:17
ZykoticK9kamokow, do you happen to be running 64bit?21:17
pronoysuke_: no idea about windows..what's the problem in linux ?21:17
b3rz3rk3rPici, hatter243 thanks for you help if i dont come back ;)21:17
suke_no i chose the linux version21:18
kamokowno im running 32 bit21:18
pronoysuke_: check the wine db and see if it works on linux21:18
suke_whats wine db?21:18
mdgsuke_: what's the name of the game again?21:18
KrispyKremesuke_, it's an emulation to run Windows stuff21:18
petxjoin #samba21:18
suke_the file is called bionicle21:18
machinebaconmdg i remember there was some kind of bionicle game in the repos.... :)21:18
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:19
ZykoticK9suke_, http://appdb.winehq.org/appbrowse.php21:19
pronoysuke_: its the list of windows applications which work on linux using wine21:19
ageywhere I can join about C++ room?21:19
pronoymachinebacon: nope..just checked no bionicle game there21:20
suke_were can i get wine?21:20
machinebaconpronoy wine db maybe? i remember even not knowing what bionicles are :D21:20
pronoysuke_: sudo apt-get install wine21:20
pronoyagey: you'll have to search for it..try #cpp21:20
pronoyagey: use the search lists in the irc client option21:21
suke_were can i downlod wine?21:21
antonihi, the fresh ubuntu studio 9.04 was seemingly forcefully turned off during synaptic's run. i was asked to do 'dpkg --configure -a', and it worked in recovery mode,21:21
antoniit found some loop (as i understand) error and fixed it (it said). i did this repeatedly to make sure, and once it seemed it worked, and again it found the same error (and fixed it). anyway, when rebooted to normal mode 'apt-get autoclean' worked and synaptic is accessible. however, it doesn't help. synaptic stucks and now asks for 'dpkg --configure -a' again. thx in advance.21:21
KrispyKremesuke_, type this in terminal. sudo apt-get install wine21:21
pronoysuke_: i just told you go to terminal and type sudo apt-get install wine21:21
ZykoticK9KrispyKreme, i love it when people say wine is an emulator - wine stands for "Wine Is NOT an Emulator", they call it a compatibility layer, but I agree - it's kinda an emulator.21:21
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suke_sudo apt-get install wine21:21
loquitusHow do I get firefox 3.5 onto my machine via synaptic?21:21
pronoyZykoticK9, correct !  i was gonna point that out ....lol21:22
machinebaconsuke_ you can also install it easily in Add/Remove Programs, just search for All Aplications and "Wine"21:22
KrispyKremeZykoticK9, sorry, I'm kind of ignorant. lol21:22
mohammed510I want to ask a question please about permissions in ubuntu21:22
pronoysuke_: the terminal not here !!!!!!!!121:22
Pici!ff35 | loquitus21:22
ubottuloquitus: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:22
pronoymohammed510: ask21:22
suke_how do i access the terminal?21:22
mohammed510any body can help !!21:22
pronoysuke_: application > accessories > terminal21:22
mohammed510pronoy: Why  I can't change permissions of files stored in my hard disks21:22
ZykoticK9mohammed510, simply ask your question and if someone knows they'll answer :)21:22
pronoy!ask | mohammed51021:22
ubottumohammed510: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:22
KrispyKremeI finally know what gksu gedit does.21:23
pronoymohammed510: did you try sudo chmod +permission <filename> ?21:23
Mike_lifeguardIs it possible to decrypt a .wmv file?21:23
fastputtymohammed510; chmod 777 *21:23
mohammed510pronoy: also the ownership and the groups of the files don't change21:23
mohammed510yes I tried these21:23
fastputtymohammed510: chown mygroup *21:23
fastputtymohammed510: chgrp mygroup *21:24
mohammed510I also tried  chown root filename21:24
pronoymohammed510: how bout chown21:24
suke_Reading package lists... DonenBuilding dependency tree       nReading state information... DonenE: Couldn't find package wine21:24
toniimohammed510: did you use sudo?21:24
machinebaconsuke_ do following: sudo apt-get update21:24
pronoysuke_: go to system > administartion > software sources21:24
mohammed510when I do the chown command and the change group command I have an error messages saying that I don21:24
machinebaconhehe pronoy is right :D21:24
mohammed510saying that I don't have the permissions21:25
pronoysuke_: check mark 3rd party software lists...and reload21:25
MK13is there a way to transfer drivers from one install of ubuntu to another?21:25
machinebaconokay late (early) already, everybody good night21:25
mohammed510I uses the root user21:25
ZykoticK9mohammed510, put "sudo" before your chown/chmod command21:25
aboyz hi. I can't boot up my system because i edit something wrong in my /etc/fstab. how do i boot it up so I can edit the fstab anyone know how to do it? do i boot it up from single mode?? thanks..21:25
Pici!enter | mohammed51021:25
ubottumohammed510: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:25
MK13without an internet connection available?21:25
KrispyKremesuke_, use sudo21:25
suke_what is sudo21:25
mohammed510ubottu: ok21:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:25
toniiaboyz: chose failsafe mode, then boot to prompt21:25
pronoyKrispyKreme: don't think he's enabled the repos yet21:25
suke_i dont know any of this termonligy21:25
vigosuke_: Wine is in the Repos, Synaptic, or should be, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine , to access terminal ,,one moment21:26
pronoysuke_: it means getting root power or adminstrator21:26
suke_im used to windows, ubuntu is just too confusing for me :(21:26
mohammed510I used sudo and no thing useful happened21:26
pronoysuke_: just do as i told you to..21:26
pronoysuke_: pm me..i'll guide you21:26
machinebaconsuke_ it is not confusing, just remember these commands pronoy tells you, they will be your daily bread21:26
mohammed510Zykotick9: I uses the sudo command21:26
vigosuke_: It is a learning curve, but it is learning, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware21:27
ZykoticK9mohammed510, you need the rest of the chown/chmod command did you put something like "sudo chmod ugo+rw file"?21:27
suke_how do i pm?21:27
KrispyKremesuke_, the word "sudo" is equivalent to the word "psuedo"21:27
mohammed510Zykotick9: yes I did21:27
guntbertmohammed510: you use sudo together with the command you want to execute (for instance: sudo cat /etc/shadow)21:27
vigosuke_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto just book mark all these links and go back to them.21:27
KrispyKremepsuedo means fake/ungenuine21:28
ZykoticK9mohammed510, what file are you trying to change?  is it a device?21:28
DasEiklenz : can't find the share in the output of mount, but I think you can see the servers name in nautilus, so follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently21:28
pronoysuke_: i pmed you...check the tab...21:28
mohammed510Zykotick9: any file and every file21:28
PlasmaSheepI'm having big problems with QT on gnome, ubuntu 9.04 (http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png)21:28
mohammed510Zykotick9: I can change permissions of files  in my home directory and the system direcotries21:28
ZykoticK9mohammed510, are you running off the LiveCD or on some other read-only file system?21:28
robinanyone around21:28
MK13is there a way to take drivers from one install of ubuntu to another without needing internet access?21:29
PlasmaSheeprobin: no21:29
mickster04jabagawee i've been busy back now tho21:29
=== randabis1 is now known as randabis
PlasmaSheep!ask robin21:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask robin21:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:29
mohammed510Zykotick9: but I can't change them for files stored in my hard disks21:29
toniimohammed510: why would you want to change permissions for _all_ files?21:29
ageyjoin mingw21:29
mohammed510tonni: I don't want to change permissions of all files21:29
ZykoticK9mohammed510, I'm affraid I need more detail of what you are trying to do.21:29
vigo!pipe | PlasmaSheep21:29
mohammed510tonni: I mean that I want to change the permissions of any files21:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pipe21:29
PlasmaSheepvigo: ?21:30
robine lets say that if i boot my ubunt in usb drive how to disable my hard disk from my laptop anyone21:30
PlasmaSheep!sense | vigo21:30
ubottuvigo: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.21:30
toniimohammed510: isn't that the same thing? ^_21:30
vigoJust a little fun.21:30
machinebaconrobin quite sure in your BIOS21:30
MK13robin, do you mean unmount it?21:30
robincannot lei mine is sony vaio cannot disable21:31
mohammed510Zykotick9: I am studying linux and I studied how to change permissions , I change permissions in my home directory but I can't do this for files in my hard disks after mounting them21:31
pronoyrobin: unmount like safely remove ?21:31
DasEiklenz : paste the out of : findsmb21:31
mohammed510tonni:  I am studying the permissions under ubuntu , that is the matter21:31
ZykoticK9mohammed510, is you HD formatted for Windows?  If so, permissions are different between Windows/Linux.21:31
toniimohammed510: is the harddrives in NTFS ?21:31
machinebaconrobin change the boot order there21:31
petxhi all... I try to share folder with samba.. but it returned error 255... then I edit the smb.conf by adding the 'net user ...' line as requested... but it's still error when the other computer open my shared folder... any clues...??21:32
robinactually wat i want is i dont wann see my hard disk at all in ubunt21:32
zerozerozeroPici: hey when i run screen i get 5! before server load what does it represent?21:32
MK13robin, then unmount it21:32
toniimohammed510: what file system is the harddrives using?21:32
mohammed510Zykotick9: they are fat3221:32
machinebaconrobin thats unmounting then21:32
toniioh well.21:33
Rob235where can i find config files for programs that have the icon path so i can change the default icon21:33
ZykoticK9mohammed510, then the Linux permission do NOT work!!!  They are for Linux only.21:33
mohammed510tonii: they are fat3221:33
machinebaconrobin the command is umount /dev/sd...21:33
toniimohammed510: I saw. and ZykoticK9 is correct ;)21:33
machinebaconrobin where sd... is the device21:33
mohammed510Zykotick9: Really ??!!21:33
ZykoticK9mohammed510, you'd need EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 for linux permissions.21:33
mohammed510Zykotick9: thanks very much21:34
ZykoticK9mohammed510, np21:34
MK13robin, ubuntu shouldn't automatically mount hard disks on boot up anyway21:34
machinebaconrobin open the terminal and enter  umount /dev/ and directly hit the TAB button twice21:34
antonianybody? (waits patiently) :)21:34
mohammed510Zykotick9: What is the real difference between EXT3 and EXT421:34
PlasmaSheepI'm having big problems with QT on gnome, ubuntu 9.04 (http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png)21:35
robinbut if that case i still can see my hard disk lei21:35
vigorobin: Here is a light read: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html21:35
ZykoticK9mohammed510, ? i'm affraid I haven't looked into EXT4 at all yet.  Sorry.21:35
masmoshello, good evening! i have a short question. i installed ubuntu 8.04 on the old computer of my father. but i'm not satified with the resolution of 800x600 ? how can i change it?21:35
guntbertantoni: for what are you waiting?21:35
domeniqueI'm trying to configure mod_proxy for apache2 but I keep gettings GET requests in my access log from external ip's anyone know how to solve this ?21:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers21:35
antonihi, the fresh ubuntu studio 9.04 was seemingly forcefully turned off during synaptic's run. i was asked to do 'dpkg --configure -a', and it worked in recovery mode, it found some loop (as i understand) error and fixed it (it said). i did this repeatedly to make sure, and once it seemed it worked, and again it found the same error (and fixed it). anyway, when rebooted to normal mode 'apt-get...21:35
antoni...autoclean' worked and synaptic is accessible. however, it doesn't help. synaptic stucks and now asks for 'dpkg --configure -a' again. thx in advance.21:35
f0rtsup everyone21:35
f0rtdo you guys know of a user named zopiac?21:36
antoniguntbert: :)21:36
mohammed510zykotick9: please, What does journaling means in EXT321:36
MK13masmos, install the drivers for your graphics card21:36
edo1493how i can open port 22 ?21:36
f0rthim and i are working on ubuntu for the wii21:36
ibeekmanI just dist upgraded from hardy to intrepid and I had had to configure my ethernet cards using the manual option provided by network manager, but now I can't change their settings, any one have any thoughts?21:36
masmosMK13 thats the problem! i don't know how to do.21:36
guntbert!ot | f0rt21:36
ubottuf0rt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:36
ZykoticK9mohammed510, EXT3 is MUCH safer then EXT2 due to the Journalling - sorta an error correcting type thing.21:36
f0rtbut it is a secret so we cannot really give out any details. i was just saying to give you guys something to look forward to.21:37
mohammed510Zykotick9: It safes time??21:37
rom1vwhy when I "nautilus -q", it restarts nautilus with --no-desktop?21:37
vigoantoni: Tried the dh_ things? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man7/debhelper.7.html21:37
masmosMK13 i do not even know the name of the graphic card21:37
domeniqueI'm trying to configure mod_proxy for apache2 but I keep gettings GET requests in my access log from external ip's anyone know how to solve this ? anyone ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7541613#post754161321:37
ZykoticK9mohammed510, no sorry - it's safer in you're less likely to lose data21:37
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antonivigo: didn't. i'll read and check. thx.21:37
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mohammed510ZykoticK9: thanks for your answers and thanks to ubuntu21:38
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ubuntuyo_I love a Ubuntu21:38
PlasmaSheep0GTFO PlasmaSheep21:38
vigoantoni: also look at aptitude, vim and stuff.21:38
masmoshow can i install my graphic card under ubuntu?21:38
Fenix|work!seen mdm21:38
ubottuI have no seen command21:38
=== PlasmaSheep0 is now known as PlasmaSheep
=== invierno is now known as infierno
ulbubuntu rul sarang hae yo21:39
guntbertdomenique: #httpd might be a better place for your question :-)21:39
vigo!graphic card21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about graphic card21:39
MK13masmos, look in the system menu and there should be a device drivers listed, click that and ubuntu might already have a driver available21:39
vigo!sound card21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sound card21:39
=== infierno is now known as lvlefisto
domeniqueguntbert: ok I'll try there :)21:39
ubuntuyo_ulb are you korean?21:39
PlasmaSheepQT problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png21:39
mickster04jabagawee http://kahrn.wordpress.com/2009/05/27/belkin-f5d7051-usb-wifi-and-linux/ see,ed to work, tho i only did the last but, i hadnt checked if it worked from scratch actually... but it works now :D21:39
vigoratso,,I am going sailing, y'all have fun21:39
ulbno, but I have been there21:39
ubuntuyo_I see..21:39
guntbert!ot | ubuntuyo_21:40
ulba few times...last was 2 years ago21:40
ubottuubuntuyo_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:40
ulbis ubuntu very popular in korea?21:40
RayTracerhow can I find out my currently used part of the ulimit limits?21:41
ulbsorry gunt21:41
masmosMK13, there is a menu  "Hardware-driver"; and than theres written there are no properitie drivers on your system21:41
mickster04uofm49426, its working now, an i realised i dont know if it wasnt before, it just gave no acknolwedgement that it had noticed i had stuck the device in...21:41
ubuntuyo_I think it's popular a bit more...21:41
mickster04mdg, see above:D21:41
PlasmaSheepQT problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png21:42
pronoyPici: will it be safe to install a new version of wine on gutsy considering the fact that it wasn't in their official repo  ?21:43
scott_ino2Where should i report feature requests for gnome applets?21:43
ZykoticK9masmos, if you're still looking for your graphics card from a terminal you could try "lspci | grep VGA"21:43
MK13masmos, sorry had to go get my laptop w/ ubuntu (this computer is too slow to run it)21:44
pronoywill it be safe to install a new version of wine on gutsy considering the fact that it wasn't in their official repo  ?21:44
ubuntuyo_tts engines...21:44
MK13masmos, in the terminal of the computer do an lspci and copy what is sent back to pastebin then give me the url21:45
Milos_SDHow can I get automake 1.11 on Ubuntu 9.04?21:45
mohammed510Zykotick9: If a use a datashow and I want it to work proberly I have to type a command which I can't remember21:45
dethrayIs there an idle chat channel fer #ubuntu21:45
mohammed510Zykotick9: If I use a datashow and I want it to work proberly I have to type a command which I can't remember21:45
FrEaKmAn_any tutorials how to upgrade php to latest 5.3 version?21:45
ZykoticK9mohammed510, "datashow"?  I don't know what that is.21:45
dans__is there a button/command to make networkmanager connect to the dsl-connection i added in nm-connection-editor? - it looks like the entries are completely ignored (so i can't use pppoe)21:45
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: sudo apt-get update21:46
stroyanRayTracer: Most ulimit values are enforced per process.  Each process would need to look at those.  The mechanisms to inquire resource usage vary for the different limits.  Do you have one resource in mind?21:46
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: sudo apt-get upgrade21:46
pronoywill it be safe to install a new version of wine on gutsy considering the fact that it wasn't in their official repo  ?21:46
guntbertdans__: if you left-click on the nm-applet there should be an item21:46
PlasmaSheepQT 4.4.3 problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png21:46
masmosMK13, i'm not sure if i understood well21:46
mohammed510Zykotick9: It is some device which is connected to the laptob to show the screen of the laptob in the class21:46
masmosMK13 like this http://pastebin.com/d748c927e21:46
MK13pronoy, as long as it is compiled for your version of ubuntu, or if you are compiling it yourself21:47
mohammed510Zykotick9: I don't know it's exact name in english21:47
ZykoticK9mohammed510, i have no idea21:47
=== spsneo_ is now known as spsneo
Naddixanyone have any exp. on ubuntu 9.04 and intel graphics21:47
Naddixjust wondering if all them issues are still there21:47
pronoyMK13: i guess i am looking for an individual repo that works on intrepid and wanna know if it would be safe to add it to gutsy's list21:47
mohammed510Zykotick9: It is a device which focus the light comming out of it to the wall21:47
edbianNaddix: What's your question?21:47
dans__guntbert, left-click brings up a list of wired and wireless networks but nothing about dsl-connection21:48
ulbZykoticK9: he might mean a projector21:48
dethrayis google desktop worth a download?21:48
guntbertmohammed510: could it be xrandr? (just guessing)21:48
Naddixedbian , when i installed 9.04 i had nothing but problems with compiz and intel21:48
FrEaKmAn_PlasmaSheep: I get nothing new -> 0 0 0...21:48
spsneohow to install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 9.04? has it been included in updates?21:48
Naddixi had to go back to 8.1021:48
edbianNaddix: Have you seen the compiz check script??21:48
mohammed510guntbert: yes you are right21:48
Naddixno i didnt21:48
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: did you install it via apt?21:48
PlasmaSheepQT 4.4.3 problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png21:48
ZykoticK9mohammed510, I'd imagine you do mean projector as ubl suggested, I think they are treated the same as external monitors - i have no experience with them, sorry.21:49
FrEaKmAn_PlasmaSheep: I just selected option to install it automatically21:49
MK13pronoy, it will not work w/ different versions (headers would have been wrong for instance) or atleast it would not be safe21:49
masmosNaddix, i had the same problems on my intel notebook ...21:49
edbianNaddix: http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check21:49
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: Are you sure you're not already updated?21:49
pronoyMK13: ok thanks21:49
Naddixthanks for the link edbian21:49
mohammed510Zykotick9: guntbert give me the command I want , it is xrander21:49
masmosMK13, did you got the link21:49
edbianNaddix: NP.  The compiz check script is great :) :) :)21:50
masmosdid xou get21:50
lelhebrew won't display in my xchat@ubuntu 9.04 , anyone knows this problem?21:50
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora21:50
KrispyKremeI have a canon pixma 470 printer, but it doesn't have that driver available. What can I do?21:50
mickster04!ff35 | spsneo21:50
ubottuspsneo: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:50
FrEaKmAn_PlasmaSheep: pretty sure. Actually 5.2.6 version is installed by default21:50
MK13masmos, do the same thing only this time run "dmesg"21:50
domeniqueguntbert: there not really helpfull there eh.... what a bunch of narrowminded f*cks21:50
pronoyKrispyKreme: doesn't it work without it ?21:50
guntbertdans__: sorry, then - that could mean that your dsl-connection isn#t properly configured or that the hardware isn't present/recognized21:50
=== meinte is now known as mentr
Naddixedbain is this able to test in a live session21:51
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: 5.2.6 is latest in repos21:51
edbianNaddix: Yes21:51
lelHi all, hebrew won't display in my xchat@ubuntu 9.04 , anyone knows this problem?21:51
FrEaKmAn_PlasmaSheep: I know. But can I upgrade it to 5.3?21:51
MK13masmos, from your lspci print out it looks like "ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 RL/VR AGP" is your graphics card21:51
edbianNaddix: But changes you make are lost when you shutdown a live session21:51
Naddixthank you very much edbain, got ya21:51
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: If you want to build it, sure21:51
PlasmaSheepIf you know how21:52
edbianNaddix: Good luck!21:52
guntbert!ohmy | domenique, but in the end they are right, you are obviously sustaining an open proxy :-(21:52
ubottudomenique, but in the end they are right, you are obviously sustaining an open proxy :-(: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:52
sshchow do I find which partition I'm using and which is the cdrom in /dev/?21:52
Naddixedbain, i just wanted to make sure things were good before hand because i like nice fresh installs.21:52
FrEaKmAn_PlasmaSheep: but how long does it take to update version is repos?21:52
gjperezFirefox 3.5 is ouT!!! Shiretoko Shock!21:52
edbiansshc: fdisk -l21:52
KrispyKremepronoy, no, it prints a blank page..21:52
edbian :) :)21:52
MK13masmos, and you don't have options higher than 800x600 in the screen resolution selection right? (i assumed this by accident)21:52
tofupauli played with extended desktop settings and now jaunty does not offer me widescreen anymore. max is now 1024 - 768.21:52
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: It varies, why do you need it so badly?21:52
masmosMK13, http://pastebin.com/d7a576fe421:52
domeniqueguntbert: it could be that there right, but there not helping either..... is that the ubuntu way ?21:52
tofupaulhow can i change to wifdescreen again?21:53
edbiansshc: look in those folders and see what's in them!  If you have a CD in the drive it is pretty obvious which folder is the correct one.21:53
FrEaKmAn_PlasmaSheep: because I want to test it :D21:53
PlasmaSheepQT 4.4.3 problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png21:53
pronoyKrispyKreme it gives a command to the printer right ? i mean you get the dialog box showing you that the command is being processed right ?21:53
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: You need to build it.21:53
ubuntuyo_tofupaul 8.04 is better.21:53
LinuX2halfhow do I remove a theme that I install?21:53
PlasmaSheepFrEaKmAn_: Unless you can find a deb (not likely)21:53
masmosMK13 yes i don't have options higher than 800x600; what can i do?21:53
masmoson windows my father had much bigger something like 1200x800 ... or so21:54
ibeekmanI just upgraded from hardy to intrepid and I am having serious network issues21:54
KrispyKremepronoy, yeah, it asks for a "driver" i would like to make default for my printer and when it comes to print ( there is a popup dialog box confirming) the page is blank21:54
threatrixDoes anyone know the bianary name of the printer configuration program for some reason I dont have it under administration21:54
pronoyMK13: tell him to edit his xorg.conf21:54
dans__guntbert, all i have to do is enter username/password... how could i configure that wrong? the hardware should be okay, it's pppoe over wlan and i can connect to the wlan21:54
ubuntuyo_ibeekman 8.04 is better.21:54
KrispyKremeLinuX2half, shouldn't there be a uninstall.sh in the folder?21:55
guntbertdomenique: I hope not, but they are apache admins, nothing to do with ubuntu - but *please* shut down your apache server, and get someone to check the config for you21:55
ibeekmanthanks but I am not looking for opinions21:55
domeniqueguntbert: it already shut down21:55
guntbertdans__: sorry, no idea :-(21:55
pronoyKrispyKreme: ohk then you do require the driver...check their site they should have linux version21:55
domeniqueguntbert: but no-one seems to be able to help me21:55
dans__guntbert, okay, thanks anyways21:55
machinebaconMK13 xorg.conf probably needs the "fake" screen settings21:55
RayTracerstroyan, no I don't know which resource, I'm experiencing problems without a hint on the cause - I can't start new screen windows or *terms and can't even re-login or su to my user as root21:55
pronoyKrispyKreme: of just google it21:55
LinuX2halfwhere? Uninstall.sh?21:55
fswI'm sure many people have asked this, but is Firefox 3.5 available for the ubuntu family through Synaptic?21:56
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PlasmaSheepfsw: not yet21:56
machinebacon!firefox3.5 | ;)21:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3.521:56
pronoyfsw nope21:56
KrispyKremepronoy, I heard it was unstable. Do you happen to use turboprint?21:56
fswthanks for the quick answer!21:56
ibeekmancan anyone PM me about my network manager/connectivity issues?21:56
kbrosnan!ff35 | fsw21:56
ubottufsw: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:56
pronoyKrispyKreme no bro     i stick with HP21:56
guntbertdomenique: neither am I, sorry (I understand that the guys in http *were* being unfriendly and unhelpful)21:56
i3u4kHi :)21:56
pronoy!hi | i3u4k21:57
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
ubottui3u4k: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:57
KrispyKremepronoy, dual boot?21:57
KrispyKremewait. never mind21:57
pronoyKrispyKreme: mine ? yup :)21:57
tofupauli played with extended desktop settings and now jaunty does not offer me widescreen anymore. max is now 1024 - 768. how can i change it to widewscreen again?21:57
masmosMK13 whats up???21:57
threatrixSo for some reason printer configuration is now in my administration tab how do I get to it21:58
pronoy!espanol | madman_21:58
ubottumadman_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:58
=== jabagawe` is now known as jabagawee
BoblyQ: I have set a network shared folder to be mounted in fstab, but when not connected to the network (booting), it hangs for a while until it time outs. Is there a way to stop it doing that or should I just not use an alternative?21:58
KrispyKrememadman_, yo hablo un pequito espanol21:58
LinuX2halfI just delete the folder in the theme location21:58
Boblyjust use an alternative*21:59
aemadridanybody knows where I can find a howto install 9.04 with manual partition for lvm + encrypted?21:59
i3u4khi :)21:59
stroyanRayTracer: My first guess based on what fails is that you are having trouble allocating pty's.21:59
PlasmaSheep!espanol | KrispyKreme, madman_21:59
ubottuKrispyKreme, madman_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:59
pronoyLinuX2half: you go to appearance and themes and just delete it from there21:59
aemadridI want to have partitions for / and /home but encrypted21:59
M1K3masmos, it's MK13... did you get my last few messages?21:59
LinuX2halfbut the delete option isn't enabled.21:59
PlasmaSheepQT 4.4.3 problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png22:00
edbianBobly: The point of fstab is to mount things that are always going to be connected automatically.  If you want to first check for a working network connection than write a script that checks for one and calls the mount command appropriately and then have it run at boot time.22:00
masmosMK13 what do i have to do? which driver?22:00
i3u4kTurk var mi ?22:00
pronoyLinuX2half: so don't delete it use another theme doesn't matter anyways...22:00
aytekinhello is there any irc channels for java programmers22:00
hombreBobly: mount after booting22:00
peteforsyth_got a pretty basic question -- if I want to install Intrepid on a disk that already has a (broken) Jaunty install, is there a way to do it and keep user data (mp3s, photos..) intact?22:00
BoblyThankd edbian I'll look into that, was looking into network shares and people tend to suggest using fstab but I can't see how that's any use in wireless cases :)22:00
stroyanRayTracer: If you can su to root, but not to your own user, then the .bashrc and related shell startup files are _very_ suspect.22:00
pronoyaytekin #java22:00
BoblyThanks hombre I'll look into that22:00
i3u4kben yeni kurdum ubuntuyu22:01
PlasmaSheepaytekin: search before asking22:01
aytekinwhat is their jservers name22:01
i3u4kyardımcı olabilicek var mı ?22:01
KrispyKremesometimes I type something in the terminal and it bashes me. what does that mean?22:01
mickster04peteforsyth_, use the live disk to boot up then copy the data onto aan external drive, then install?22:01
edbianBobly: It is useful if you are always going to be connected to your network :)22:01
pronoyaytekin: if you mean server then its freenode i guess22:01
PlasmaSheepKrispyKreme: lolwut?22:01
i3u4kJdownloader java sorunu yaşıyorum22:01
edbianBobly: I can help you more if you'd like.22:01
aytekini ve searched for22:01
Boblyedbian: Heh I am, but not until it boots and network manager connects :P22:01
n2diycan you use sbackup and srestore between an 8.04 box and a 9.04 box?22:01
peteforsyth_mickster04: That could prolly work, thanks..I'd rather not have to copy to another disk, but if necessary that's a good idea.22:02
Boblyedbian: nah don't worry about it I'll look into it :)22:02
pronoyaytekin: /join #java on irc.freenode.net22:02
KrispyKremelike bin/bash "dlfkj" like that22:02
threatrixSo I don't see my printer tab under administration. how would I go about adding a printer?22:02
aytekinbu i vae nothing result22:02
LinuX2halfI delete the folder but the theme still there in my appearance box.22:02
PlasmaSheeppronoy: join the goddam #java channel22:02
RayTracerstroyan, thanks for the hint, I started editing one and didn't finish it. solved it.22:02
PlasmaSheep /join #java22:02
aytekinpronoy, thx22:02
M1K3masmos, is 800x600 the highest video setting you have available?22:02
edbianBobly: ok :)  Good luck!22:02
pronoyPlasmaSheep: dude...22:02
seanwant do date22:02
sveinseHello. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 (32-bit) on a Dell laptop with Nvidia gfx card. I'm having problems with xterm sessions where parts of the text sometimes falls out. Pressing enter (or a screen refresh) updates the screen correctly. Any other with the same sympoms?22:02
tofupaulKrispyKreme, no offence but why dont u read the tutorials so the people can focus on for example my extended desktop question?22:02
seanemail me a22:02
=== sean is now known as Guest71597
Guest71597thats seanorama44@gmail.com22:03
PlasmaSheeppronoy: How does he program java if he can't figure out the fundamentals of #java?22:03
PlasmaSheepor, the join comman22:03
tofupaulwhich i cannot solve using google22:03
pronoyPlasmaSheep: seriously :D22:03
i3u4kaytekin abi ? javayı nasıl yapabilirim jdownloader ı açamıyorum22:03
edbiantofupaul: What's your question?22:03
KrispyKremetofupaul, your question is most likely on bing22:03
pronoyPlasmaSheep: what language is that ?22:03
i3u4kaytekin: ?22:03
PlasmaSheeppronoy: what language is what?22:04
pronoyi3u4k : he left for #java22:04
pronoyPlasmaSheep: i3u4k's speakin22:04
aytekinjdownloader ı open source kaynaklı olanı varmıydı ki22:04
wolter./join #gtkmm22:04
peteforsyth_edbian: Didn't get a chance to thank you for your help before :) appreciate it.22:04
PlasmaSheeppronoy: I wish I knew.22:04
masmosMK13, yes it is!22:04
edbianpeteforsyth_: What did I help you with?  I remember you nick but not your problem.22:04
ghjyuhi guys22:04
edbianghjyu: Hi, what's your question?22:05
mickster04!hi ghjyu,22:05
edbianpeteforsyth_: Your welcome BTW :)22:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi ghjyu,22:05
peteforsyth_I have the problem with the ATI graphics card and Jaunty. Didn't solve it, but....22:05
i3u4kben hiç birşey anlamıyorum ubuntudan kurdum bi kere silemiyorum... linux sürümü var wineyle açılıyor ama javada sorun var22:05
pronoyedbian: wow :D22:05
mickster04!hi | ghjyu,22:05
ubottughjyu,: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:05
edbianpronoy: what ??22:05
peteforsyth_helped me figure out at least the status of my system a little better.22:05
ghjyuthanks for being so welcome22:05
aytekini3u4k, jdownloader ın opensource lusu varmıydı ki22:05
pronoyedbian: nevermind22:05
edbianpronoy: ok :)22:05
pronoy!ask ghjyu22:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ghjyu22:05
pronoy!ask | ghjyu22:06
ubottughjyu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:06
pronoygod !22:06
PlasmaSheepalmost got it ;P22:06
ghjyui've been trying to figure out voice auth in linux. found this http://web.archive.org/web/20060217095644/http://cscience.org/~lucasvr/projects/voiceauth.php. any idea how to get it to work?22:06
i3u4kaytekin, ben hiç birşey anlamıyorum ubuntudan kurdum bi kere silemiyorum... linux sürümü var wineyle açılıyor ama javada sorun var22:06
tel0scan anyone reccommend a tiling window manager please? im interested in trying one.22:06
aytekinjdownloader ı ne hangi indirmeler için kulanıcan22:06
pronoytel0s: what's a tiling window manager ?22:06
M1K3masmos, then google for linux drivers for the video card i told you, I am surprised ubuntu does not have an entry in "System>Admin...>Hardware Drivers"22:06
aytekinbel ki ubuntuya22:07
i3u4kalternatif varsa onlarıda kullanabilirim22:07
aytekinjre kurman lazım22:07
RoyallHow would one update Firefox on Ubuntu?22:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about klingon22:07
PlasmaSheep!ff3.5 | Royall22:07
ubottuRoyall: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:07
pronoyRoyall: lemme guess you're after ff3.5 ?22:07
iioI need update firefox on ubuntu 9.0422:07
ThePulgarcitotel0s: Depends on what you want. Right now, I'm using wmii, and it's pretty easy to pick up/modify22:07
aytekinbunuda terminalden apt-get install komutuyla yapıcaksın22:07
PlasmaSheep!ff3.5 | iio22:07
ubottuiio: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:07
PlasmaSheepchrist <.<22:07
i3u4kjavada sorunum var 1.5 or hing diyor22:07
edbianpronoy: A tiling window manager places the windows on the screen in a more organized fashion instead of just all over like a floating manager.  An example of some are: openbox, awesome, icewm22:08
iiotoday is final verdion!22:08
PlasmaSheepi3u4k: what the bloody hell is that language?22:08
tel0sThePulgarcito: i love the cleanliness and keybindability of openbox, so something along those lines with tiling please.22:08
aytekinşimdi bana bir iki dkka müsade et22:08
tel0sopenbox is tiling? :O22:08
edbianPlasmaSheep: russian ??22:08
PlasmaSheepedbian: no22:08
i3u4kpeki :)22:08
pronoyedbian: doesn't compiz does all of that ? it's got a few plugins22:08
i3u4kTurkish :)22:08
aytekinweb te bir google yaptırayım22:08
PlasmaSheep!turkish | i3u4k22:09
ubottui3u4k: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:09
tel0spronoy: compiz is bloatware ;)22:09
edbianpronoy: There is a tile plugin in extra-plugins but it isn't very good compared to awesome.22:09
nightdreveris google chrome avaliable yet22:09
pronoyedbian cool name awesome :D22:09
tel0sedbian: is openbox tiling? i've used it for years and never realised it had those features?22:09
sveinseIf I open 20-30 windows in gnome, they go black (blank). If I close some of them, the contents appear again. Quite annoying. Anybody knows about this?22:09
pronoynightdrever:" don't think so22:09
adeodatusnot yet22:09
PlasmaSheepnightdrever: google is your friend22:09
tel0snightdrever: pre-releases are available22:09
edbiantel0s: I thought so?  You'd know better than me if you've been using it for years.22:09
aacosta_im having some trouble with vsftpd22:09
threatrixSo for some reason printer configuration is not in my administration tab how do I get to it?22:09
nightdreverits taken ages....wonder if it actually will22:09
forceflowhow can I get firefox 3.5 on ubuntu jaunty?22:10
PlasmaSheepnightdrever: they will22:10
nightdreverbecauese chromanium is crap22:10
aacosta_i cant seem to upload my files22:10
PlasmaSheepforceflow: build it22:10
tel0sedbian: as far as i know it's not.22:10
pronoytel0s: dude compiz totally rocks....well to everyman his own22:10
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:10
forceflowPlasmaSheep: in a repository-kind of way :)22:10
aemadrid@nightdrever go to http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/eula_dev.html?dl=unstable_i386_deb22:10
PlasmaSheepforceflow: wait22:10
aemadrid@nightdrever I'm using it right now22:10
pronoywow what's up with ff 3.5 ..that's like the gazzillionth question related to it.....22:10
edbianpronoy: Yeah I have no idea22:11
Babblebacki'm using ubuntu netbook remix and i'm not getting a full desktop... i was able to create an xchat launcher but that is the only thing i see on the desktop... something is wrong with the windows management... any help?22:11
kbrosnan!ff3.5 | LinuX2half:22:11
ubottuLinuX2half:: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:11
ThePulgarcitotel0s: Most of the differences between tiling WMs is in the language they use for configs. Wmii uses bash,s so it's pretty easy to understand and pick up, but Awesome is nice if you know lua, and openbox has the "Poor man's Tiling" somewhere.22:11
forceflowpronoy: because ubuntu users want to get it22:11
PlasmaSheeppronoy: yeah, not much hype over 3.322:11
forceflowI think it's a logical reaction22:11
PlasmaSheepforceflow: it's unique for firefox22:11
Babblebackctrl+alt+backspace used to restart the x server but that doesn't work22:11
pronoyforceflow duh! thats the point ? why !?22:11
tel0sBabbleback: one moment i'll get you a link22:11
ThePulgarcitohttp://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=64100 Here's the Poor man's tiling WM for Openbox22:11
pronoyBabbleback: its something else in jaunty22:12
i3u4kaytekin : İngilizcem pek yok yaş 14 :) sorunu tamamen yazayım tıklayınca : this application requires a java runtime environment 1.5.0 diyor...22:12
Babblebacktel0s, ty..22:12
forceflowwell, I guess I'm just jealous at my windows friend here checking it out before me :)22:12
aytekin    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts22:12
tel0sBabbleback: I've just fixed it myself. lol :D its  a bug in desktop switcher but theres a fix.22:12
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ctrl+alt+backspace+ubuntu22:12
pronoyaytekin: or just sun-java6-jdk22:12
aytekinbu komutu terminale yaz gerisini bana kurulurken yaz22:12
PlasmaSheeptel0s: not a bug, feature22:12
sveinsepronoy: This is nothing like it were the day Jauty was going to be released! *everyone* asking "when is it going to be released"22:12
PlasmaSheepaytekin: language?22:13
edbianforceflow: spin your cube to an empty workspace and show him up22:13
nightdreveryeah i see the pre alpha realese22:13
PlasmaSheep!turkish | aytekin22:13
aytekinpronoy, thx22:13
ubottuaytekin: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:13
PlasmaSheepgod people <.<22:13
pronoysveinse: well only if they knew what a shitload of bugs jaunty had...wouldn't have been so keen22:13
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nightdreverbut chromanium u cant install flash.......so u cant even watch music clips or play games22:13
aytekineyvallah ubottu22:13
PlasmaSheepnightdrever: use FF22:13
pronoyPlasmaSheep: turks22:13
nightdreveryeah i am22:14
PlasmaSheeppronoy: I agree22:14
LinuX2halfCan you install SElinux in ubuntu?22:14
i3u4kkurdum :)22:14
nightdreverits just i like chrome better on xp22:14
PlasmaSheepnightdrever: you're doing all you can then22:14
i3u4ktekrar deniyorum22:14
pronoynightdrever dude use opera...totally rocks22:14
tel0sBabbleback: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/desktop-switcher/+bug/34951922:14
PlasmaSheeppronoy: opera is okay22:14
aytekintamam şimdi ne yapıcaksan bi daha dene22:14
nightdreverbetter than firefox?22:14
PlasmaSheepstandards support is nice22:14
tel0sBabbleback: read that, g2g mate sorry22:14
PlasmaSheepbut I prefer firefox22:14
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: did you see that link I sent?22:14
Babblebacktel0s, what is g2g22:14
pronoyPlasmaSheep: totally22:15
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ctrl+alt+backspace+ubuntu22:15
i3u4kyok yine aynı sorun jdownloader ın sitesindeki javayı indirdim ama bin dosyası açanmıyorum :(22:15
pronoyBabbleback : got to go g2g22:15
BabblebackPlasmaSheep, i did but i'm more concerned with fixing the desktop, but ty22:15
AddictsGood to go22:15
pronoyBabbleback : don't confuse it for a package name :D lol22:15
=== Caleb is now known as Guest19847
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: fixing the desktop?22:15
PlasmaSheepQT 4.4.3 problems on gnome jaunty! http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3677/screenshotconfiguration.png22:15
chris_geia sas paidia..22:16
dethrayYah, I ended up using it in xp...22:16
Babblebacki can't minimize or switch windows or anything...22:16
chris_mipws mporei kapoios na me vohthisei?22:16
i3u4krapidshare downloader ? alternatif var mı ?22:17
pronoyBabbleback: do you have the vga up and running and are you using compiz ?22:17
edbianBabbleback: That is how UNR is supposed to fuctino22:17
Babblebacki have a little firefox window with that link you sent me22:17
edbianfunction* It is a "feature"  I also could not stand it.22:17
aytekinvalla bi kanala sormak lazım22:17
Babblebackit used to function fine where i could switch windows by the tabs at the top... now there is no top22:17
TheNewGuyThanks everyone that helped me get the real flash player working!!  my program is working now!!  It is for business and with out flash working, I would have to go back to ... (getting quizy thinking about it) ... windows....  ( I just spit up a little in my mouth... uggg .....   )  Thanks!!!22:17
aytekinsen ubuntu-tr de sordun mu22:17
Babblebacknot using compiz or anything fancy... this is just a little netbook22:17
edbianTheNewGuy: awesome!22:18
pronoyaytekin: guys not to be rude or anything but we already have too much load on the english channel...maybe you could like draw a private conversation...much obliged22:18
i3u4kevet aslında daha önce calıştı ama tekrar kurdum bu sefer böyle oldu.. önce ingilizce olabilir22:18
TheNewGuy:-D you guys are the best!22:18
Babblebacktel0s, where in that link is the fix?22:18
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: prolly removed the panel22:18
aytekinsorry prono22:19
LinuX2halfhow do I encrypt my hard drive?22:19
aytekinthis guy new one trying learning ubnutu22:19
RandomtimeLinuX2half: http://www.truecrypt.org/ is cross platform, and awesome22:20
pronoyaytekin: its all cool..its just that we cant help unless its english..since nobody's able to understand anything you might as well take him to a private channel22:20
RandomtimeLinuX2half: just go to downloads and get the ubuntu version22:20
PlasmaSheepaytekin: tell him to go to #ubuntu-tr for godssakes22:21
pronoyaytekin: tell him to join #aytekin ..you too join it22:21
pisecxfirefox 3.5 ?22:21
pisecxstill compiling ?22:21
aytekinis there any software to download rapidshare files like jdownloader22:21
loca|hostwhat is the best mp3 player on gnome ?22:21
pronoy!ff3.5 pisecx22:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff3.5 pisecx22:21
pronoy!ff3.5 | pisecx22:21
ubottupisecx: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:21
pisecxhe doesn't know22:21
PlasmaSheep!ff3.5 | pisecx22:21
edbianloca|host: Any music player can play mp3's if you have the correct gstreamer plugin22:21
pronoyPlasmaSheep HAHAHAHAHAHAHA22:21
PlasmaSheeppronoy: just wait :P22:22
antonihi everybody, i still need help. user vigo, who suggested something, is not here anymore22:22
pronoyPlasmaSheep; man there are so many queries its like a game now ! hahaha22:22
PlasmaSheep!ask | antoni22:22
ubottuantoni: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:22
edbianantoni: What are you trying to do?22:22
PlasmaSheeppronoy: hahahaha!22:22
antoniedbian: didn't want to repeat22:22
pronoyedbian: guessing he asked what would be a really good music player22:22
antonihi, the fresh ubuntu studio 9.04 was seemingly forcefully turned off during synaptic's run. i was asked to do 'dpkg --configure -a', and it worked in recovery mode, it found some loop (as i understand) error and fixed it (it said). i did this repeatedly to make sure, and once it seemed it worked, and again it found the same error (and fixed it). anyway, when rebooted to normal mode 'apt-get...22:23
antoni...autoclean' worked and synaptic is accessible. however, it doesn't help. synaptic stucks and now asks for 'dpkg --configure -a' again. thx in advance.22:23
ubuntuyo_!ask | ubuntuyo22:23
ubottuubuntuyo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:23
n2diywhy can't I manage my "guest" account with system-manage users?22:23
aytekinpronoy: is there any software to download rapidshare files like jdownloader22:23
AddictsAny cool changes with FF 3.5 ?22:23
edbianantoni: Well I wasn't here when you asked the first time.22:23
pronoyloca|host: try songbird, or banshee, or rhythmbox or exaile22:23
PlasmaSheepAddicts: read the changelog22:23
antoniedbian: sorry then, i already repeated once22:23
TheNewGuyHI, I have umbutu and I saw a cool desk top feature that would let you spin your desk tops on a cube.  each side with a different application.  anyone know how I can get that?22:23
edbianantoni: Alright well then I can't help you.22:23
Guest1604_948fakeroot debian/rules clean /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: not found dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 12722:23
edbianTheNewGuy: Yay!!!22:23
loca|hostedbian, yes, my problem is not for reading mp3, its just for getting your feedbacks on the best user-friendly apps22:23
PlasmaSheepGuest1604_948: context22:24
edbianTheNewGuy: See my Personal Message?22:24
pronoyaytekin: you could use jdownloader.. if it works on windows check whether it works on wine22:24
mickster04TheNewGuy,  go nto synaptics package manager22:24
antoniedbian: is it unsolvable?22:24
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NetLarIrvineHow do I do a format for a fresh install of Ubuntu?22:24
LinuX2halfwell I always hate downloading stuff and comes in a package22:24
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: reinstall22:24
edbianantoni: I don't even know what your question is?!!?22:24
pronoyTheNewGuy: its called compiz-fusion22:24
Guest1604_948i try to build a package22:24
mickster04TheNewGuy,  get compision fusion icon22:24
rom1vhow to remove a gconf-editor entry?22:24
mickster04TheNewGuy,  lol :D22:24
antonibut i DID paste it in a few seconds ago!22:25
PlasmaSheepmake install22:25
NetLarIrvineThere are many partitions PlasmaSheep22:25
NetLarIrvineI want to also use ext422:25
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: you can prolly merge during reinstall22:25
Guest1604_948my line issue is /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: Permission denied dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 12622:25
TheNewGuythanks  will do22:25
PlasmaSheepthere will be a partition editor22:25
antoniedbian: again to you: hi, the fresh ubuntu studio 9.04 was seemingly forcefully turned off during synaptic's run. i was asked to do 'dpkg --configure -a', and it worked in recovery mode, it found some loop (as i understand) error and fixed it (it said). i did this repeatedly to make sure, and once it seemed it worked, and again it found the same error (and fixed it). anyway, when rebooted to...22:25
antoni...normal mode 'apt-get autoclean' worked and synaptic is accessible. however, it doesn't help. synaptic stucks and now asks for 'dpkg --configure -a' again. thx in advance.22:25
NetLarIrvinePlasmaSheep I just want to wipe drive clean first22:26
PlasmaSheepGuest1604_948: did you use make / ./configure22:26
pronoyPlasmaSheep: how bout the gparted ?22:26
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: why not during install?22:26
PlasmaSheeppronoy: well, that's two steps22:26
Guest1604_948i use dpkg-buildpackage -tc -rfakeroot22:26
NetLarIrvineI want to be able to use ext4 and during install it does not give you that option22:26
PlasmaSheepand deleting the partition in use is odd22:26
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: yes it does22:26
PlasmaSheepupdate your disk22:27
NetLarIrvinePlasmaSheep not if you choose the option of using entire disk22:27
edbianantoni: Do it in normal (not recovery) mode.  That is my only guess.22:27
pronoyNetLarIrvine: google for converting ext3 to ext422:27
antoniedbian: it stucks. i tried in recovery because it didn't work in normal mode.22:27
PlasmaSheeppronoy: you don't (?)22:27
=== kalon33_ is now known as kalon33
NetLarIrvineI know about that, I just want to do ext4 from beginning without having to convert22:28
edbianantoni: do you know what package is the problem?22:28
Aperculumwhere can I find out when the firefox 3.5 becomes available in standard repositories22:28
pronoyPlasmaSheep i didn't try it :) still on intrepid ext3 partitions  ... :D22:28
pronoy!ff3.5 | Aperculum22:28
NetLarIrvineSo there is no way to wipe disk clean first??22:28
ubottuAperculum: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:28
Babblebacktried the gconftools-2 thing and it didn't work22:28
pronoyPlasmaSheep: +122:28
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: try wiping the disk then makin a partition that is 1mb short22:28
Babblebacktel0s, lost the link after rebooting to see if it worked22:28
Aperculumthanks a lot, ubottu :)22:29
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: then resize the partition into that 1mb22:29
NetLarIrvineOk, PlasmaSheep how do I do that?22:29
PlasmaSheeppronoy: I was helping NetLarIrvine :P22:29
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: the large partition in the install process22:29
PlasmaSheepthen through gparted22:29
pronoyPlasmaSheep: yeah yeah :D showoff :)22:29
NetLarIrvinecan I use gparted to just wipe out whole drive?22:30
user345fghhow do i change the ubuntu mirror for apt from my console?22:30
cleareddhi, I am having problems with thunderbird on ubuntu 9.04. It starts to load then just goes away. I have removed it and re-installed with no success, any ideas on what to try next?22:30
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: that's like sawing off the branch you are standing on22:30
PlasmaSheepclearedd: start from terminal22:30
Guest1604_948my line issue is /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: Permission denied dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 12622:30
=== Caleb is now known as Guest71727
NetLarIrvinePlasmaSheep but after I wipe out drive i will install Ubuntu22:30
Guest1604_948no clue22:31
cleareddok let me reinstall and try that22:31
PlasmaSheepNetLarIrvine: If you run a program that deletes itself, do you expect it to finish running?22:31
user345fghNetLarIrvine, the ubuntu installer can wipe the drive22:31
PlasmaSheepuser345fgh: that's what I said22:31
pronoyNetLarIrvine: only humans commit suicide22:31
Babblebackanyone familar with how to start the windows switcher without the shortcut?22:31
GnuSebhello, yesterday i installed the drivers to a new printer i got but i can't seem to get it to work, i don't know if there's something else that needs done regarding the cartridges22:31
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: add it to the panel22:32
GnuSebit's an pixma ip1900 canon22:32
PlasmaSheepGnuSeb: try printing from windows22:32
GnuSebPlasmaSheep, ive ubuntu only22:33
=== Caleb is now known as Guest57510
GnuSebi've already downloaded and apparentlyinstalled the drivers for linux22:33
GnuSebbut it own't print22:33
i3u4k#aytekin abi bir sorunum daha var22:33
i3u4kaytekin : Radyo dinleyemiyorum22:33
=== Guest57510 is now known as Caleb-ubu
AnnonyMouse1guys know when FF 3.5 is available in repo download/upgrade?22:34
PlasmaSheep!ff3.5 | AnnonyMouse122:35
ubottuAnnonyMouse1: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:35
BabblebackPlasmaSheep, i have nothing but a desktop background... i was able to right click and add a launcher for xchat but thats all i've got available...i could add a launcher for windows-switcher if i knew the command22:35
cleareddPlasmaSheep, this is the error i get. /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc+.so.5: cannont open shared object file: Nosuch file or directory22:35
Babblebackbasically trying to manually start the applet that was made for the netbook remix22:35
Babblebackthere is no chrome around any windows i manage to open22:36
Caleb_Todays the day.Ive been virtualizing ubuntu but now im fully installing it with wubi...22:36
antoni_edbian: sorry i fell out for a moment, any answers?22:36
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: Not running a wm.22:37
PlasmaSheepmetacity --replace.22:37
trevorhello people22:37
PlasmaSheepno period22:37
Caleb_Any tip on installing it?22:37
PlasmaSheepGnuSeb: what makes you think it's compatible?22:37
pisecxguys, according to you ff3.5 faq (nice, created a faq), I have to install firefox-3.5 and wait. can I just wait without any firefox-3.5 packages? I thought I will get update notification.22:37
PlasmaSheepCaleb_: follow the installer22:37
PlasmaSheepwubi sorta sucks22:37
BabblebackPlasmaSheep, not sure what to call the program that should be handling the windows.. i used to have the option between the classic and the one that is run by default... now neither is running22:37
PlasmaSheeppisecx: ?22:37
PlasmaSheepBabbleback: metacity --replace22:38
user345fghhow do i change the ubuntu mirror for apt from my console?22:38
pisecxPlasmaSheep: do I have to install firefox-3.5 package to get firefox 3.5?22:38
PlasmaSheeppisecx: erm, yes?22:38
PlasmaSheepit will give you an update notice22:38
PlasmaSheepbecause it's 3.5?22:38
cleareddPlasmaSheep, this is the error i get. /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc+.so.5: cannont open shared object file: Nosuch file or directory22:38
pisecxI thought "firefox" marker package is for such purposes22:38
GnuSebPlasmaSheep, well, how do i check on that? i saw the driver on canon, also the software seems to work, when i go to administration and printing it shows up and it says there are pending jobs22:38
cleareddsorry I am new to ubuntu22:38
GnuSebbut it won't print them22:38
PlasmaSheeppisecx: firefox is meta pointing to latest version22:39
pisecxPlasmaSheep: exactly!22:39
dethray3.5 is up?22:39
PlasmaSheepclearedd: google for libstdc5 install22:39
Caleb_No like how much disk space to allocate.Wubi only is suck if your hdd is fragmented heaps and/or your computer is really slow.My pc runs vista blazingly fast.It can handle wubi22:39
PlasmaSheep!ff3.5 | dethray22:39
ubottudethray: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:39
PlasmaSheeppisecx: okay22:39
pisecxPlasmaSheep: why should I install firefox-3.5 package to get the latest firefox?22:39
pisecxPlasmaSheep: If we already have meta package22:39
pisecxPlasmaSheep: is it a stupid question? =)22:39
PlasmaSheeppisecx: you install package firefox which points to the latest version22:40
PlasmaSheepquite common22:40
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
pisecxff3.5 | pisecx22:40
pisecx!ff3.5 | pisecx22:40
ubottupisecx, please see my private message22:40
pisecx"just install the currently available firefox-3.5 package from universe and wait. The final bits will be there really soon."22:40
pisecxwhy should I install this package if we already have meta firefox package? I don't understand22:41
Caleb_How much gb should i allocate for ubuntu?22:41
PlasmaSheepI guarantee you it will update by itself.22:41
pisecxaren't you going to update meta package?22:41
cleareddPlasmaSheep thanks!22:41
cleareddgot it working22:41
cleareddany other libs you think i might need in the future?22:41
PlasmaSheepYou will get 3.5 if you have 3.4 or whatev22:41
pisecxPlasmaSheep: so I don't have to install firefox-3.5 ?22:41
PlasmaSheepclearedd: unless it asks for, no22:41
cleareddi had 6 installed but not 522:41
PlasmaSheeppisecx: no22:41
pisecxPlasmaSheep: ok, thanks, that was my question22:42
mr_frosteeI have been using 3.5 for quite awhile.  It works great.22:42
stroyanshh... it's nap time22:46
weed37who woke me up >.<22:47
gangil1this channel doesnt looks great when quiet!22:48
m1rnetsplit in progress22:48
PlasmaSheepokay then22:48
PlasmaSheepthat explains it22:48
gangil1m1r: what?22:48
PlasmaSheep!netsplit | gangil122:49
ubottugangil1: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:49
gangil1cool :)22:49
Guest1604_948my line issue is /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: Permission denied dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 12622:49
KFPHmm. Doesn't look like a netsplit.22:49
Guest1604_948any clue22:49
m1rKFP: definetly longer then ussual :)22:50
TheNewGuyHi  Ive got compiz working, but I cant figure out how to get the cube rotating on my screen.  anyone know how to do that?22:50
MrPocketsRotate Cube22:50
lelctrl+alt and left mouse button22:50
zleapcompiz settings manager22:50
MrPocketsclick both mouse buttons and wiggle22:50
leli've just finished installed fedora11 on my laptop but i can't figure how to install nvidia drivers22:51
PlasmaSheepGuest1604_948: how did you try to compile?22:51
leli'm actually trying to download some package called akmods-nvidia but i can't seem to find it22:51
m1rlel: /join #fedora ?22:51
lelah yea22:51
lelsilly me22:51
TheNewGuypockets.. thats it?  I thought my aps would be on a cube floating on the screen?22:52
RHNHello all; Has anyone had any success with desktop recorders I have tried instabul deskto-recorder and xvdicap, cant seem to get any working properly. Are there any others ?22:52
MrPocketsTheNewGuy, what happens when you hit CTRL-ALT-LEft arrot22:52
MrPocketsor Right arrow22:52
FloodBot2MrPockets: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
PlasmaSheepRHN: hold down prntscrn :P22:52
TheNewGuymy whole desk top spins22:53
TheNewGuyits cool, just not what I thought22:53
RHNMite not have a choice PlasmaSheep :)22:53
MrPocketswell if you click both mouse buttons and hold 'em down, you chould be able to "grab" the cube and rotate it with the mouse22:53
Dr_WillisRHN:  i use 'recordmydesktop' and the gui for it. to make videos of 'tutorials'22:54
TheNewGuyI don't get a cube.. I get a sheet of paper with my running application on it.22:54
Dr_WillisTheNewGuy:  you have to set the # of desktops to be 4.22:54
TheNewGuyso when I spin it I flip the paper22:54
RHNgtl-RecordMydesktop Dr_Willis  ?22:54
PlasmaSheepTheNewGuy: add more desktops22:54
Dr_WillisRHN:  sounds right to me.. try it and see.22:54
hatter243TheNewGuy, try changing the amount of desktops to 4.22:54
TheNewGuyoh!  cool... how?  been using linux for about 6 hours....22:54
MrPocketsor even better, FIVE!22:54
RHNThat one does work. But i find it eats so much resources the video is choppy22:54
Dr_Willisset the # of desktops to 12 that way you have a Do-Dechhadron!22:55
MrPocketsthats a tricky one, its in the General Tab IIRC22:55
PlasmaSheepTheNewGuy: bottom-right corner right click22:55
TheNewGuyand 4 hours spent trying to get java working!  LOL.22:55
Dr_WillisRHN:  never noticed.. works fine for me.22:55
PlasmaSheepadd crap22:55
RHNOk thanks Dr_Willis. I'll give it some more tinkering.22:55
wizaredhello. i have an hp psc 2175 that works well with 8.04 im having trouble scaning, any ideas22:55
Dr_Willis4 hrs for java? I just install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' and away java and flash and other things go.. :)22:56
TheNewGuyvery cool.  thanks!22:56
TheNewGuyis there a way to set a screen saver that will spin my desktops on a cube ?22:57
MrPocketsthat'd be pretty sweet...22:57
MrPocketsif you portforward 5900 to your machine22:57
droolpalI am not able to install an application because of unresolved dependencies with " Depends: libtiff-tools  but it is not installable22:58
droolpal Depends: libjpeg-progs  but it is not installable" -- how do I figure out what is messing up my deps?22:58
MrPocketsi'll show you some sweet shit22:58
TheNewGuyI saw a screen with the apps on a cube.... and it was slowly spinning.  thats what I thought this was.22:58
PlasmaSheepdroolpal: google22:58
cabreyMrPockets, uhh no?22:58
wizaredI can not get my printer to scan a paper into my documents file.can someone help?22:58
droolpalPlasmaSheep: yes, thanks, I try that first22:58
droolpalnow I'm here22:58
TheNewGuysorry pockes... I cant let access to the system.22:58
PlasmaSheepTheNewGuy: try ctrl-alt-left click and drag22:58
TheNewGuyplasma!  nice!!!   that is amazing... got a harrrrd on.22:59
PlasmaSheepdroolpal: try #ubuntu-motu?23:00
TheNewGuywhat is that?23:00
wizaredi am running 8.04 and cannot get my scanner to work. help please23:00
PlasmaSheepTheNewGuy: it's an erection23:00
cabreyTheNewGuy, are you talking about kde's plasma?23:00
PlasmaSheepcabrey: he's talking to me23:00
qe2eqeYikes. Synaptic has crashed twice today. Where should I begin?23:00
cabreyPlasmaSheep, ahh ok :D23:00
droolpalPlasmaSheep: will do23:00
PlasmaSheepqe2eqe: apt-get23:01
TheNewGuyno I'm using umbutu... I'm a linux noob... but I know compoooters23:01
PlasmaSheepqe2eqe: or run it from terminal and induce crash23:01
PlasmaSheepsort of like inducing vomiting23:01
cabreyqe2eqe, report bugs!23:01
PlasmaSheepbut not quite23:01
qe2eqecabrey, that's what I mean23:01
cabrey!bugs | qe2eqe23:01
ubottuqe2eqe: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:01
maccam94is there an ubuntu package of firefox 3.5 final?23:02
volvo142how come when i type "sudo passwd"  it tries to change root's password  instead of the user who is currently logged in 's password23:02
TheNewGuyno crashing for me... thats why I left billy company.23:02
dunksbecause sudo runs things as root..?23:02
cabrey!ff35 | maccam9423:02
ubottumaccam94: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:02
dunksvolvo142: just run passwd to change the users password23:03
qe2eqecabrey, wow. So ubuntu-bug tool does all the super verbose information and sends to devs?23:03
PlasmaSheepvolvo142: sudo runs commands as root23:03
PlasmaSheeptry passwd23:03
maccam94cabrey: thanks23:03
cabreyqe2eqe, automated bug reporting :)23:03
qe2eqecabrey, nm, i see. Where do I look for the crash file?23:03
cabreyqe2eqe, sorta like MS / Apple's send, except you decide when to23:03
qe2eqemy god23:04
Viper550Will Firefox 3.5 be in the repos soon?23:04
volvo142Viper550 repos?23:04
maccam94!ff35 | Viper55023:04
ubottuViper550: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:04
sebsebsebViper550: not for 9.04, they only do security updates23:04
sebsebsebViper550: in those repos23:04
maccam94sebsebseb: won't it go in proposed/backports?23:04
sebsebsebmaccam94: maybe in those23:04
cabreymaccam94, FF won't be automatically upgradeed to 3.5, you must explicitly install it23:05
qe2eqecabrey, it's nice so far... but the if the 'content of the report' section is at all accurate, how are devs supposed to do anything with so little info?23:05
cabreyqe2eqe, if you want, you can always file it manually and talk with other people23:05
TheNewGuyHi, what is the command to install all the extras when you load up a new system?  I want to switch my other system!  :-)23:05
Lokiananyone have experience getting ricoh webcam installed on HP Pavillion dv6700?23:05
bthorntonJaunty + Compiz + OpenOffice users: Is OpenOffice broken to the point of being almost useless on your system? In writer, highlighting text can cause text to disappear; sometimes text boxes (i.e. for Find and Replace) show no text even though there is text there; text randomly disappears in Impress, etc...23:05
bthorntonThere are so many problems that I don't even know how to file a bug report :p23:06
bthorntonbut I don't know if it's just me or what23:06
volvo142can somebody tell me what "repos" is23:06
bthorntonvolvo142: Repositories23:06
bthorntoni.e. place for your package manager (apt) to download software23:06
cabreyvolvo142, a vast collection of software available for you23:06
usr13volvo142: short for Repositories.  It's where you get your software from.23:06
cabreyvolvo142, default repos have ~26,000 packages available23:07
usr13cabrey: volvo142 Yea, lots!23:07
volvo142what is windows versions of apt-get ?23:07
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:07
cabreyvolvo142, uhh an msi23:07
cabreyvolvo142, scratch that, none23:07
lstarnesvolvo142: windows doesn't have a package repository system23:08
volvo142who is the one/ones  that  put together  such  as apt-get23:08
=== gogeta2 is now known as gogeta1
cabreyvolvo142, this is offtopic, go to #ubuntu-offtopic23:08
volvo142i see; sorry23:08
LogicalGhost<-- Newb needs help - I've been trying to install Ubuntu on my old laptop but was having issues and out of curiosity when I restarted it with the boot CD I hit "Check Disk Integrity" and now it says I have errors in 1 files - what do I do?23:08
=== gogeta1 is now known as gogeta
usr13volvo142: apt-get is particular to opensource. MS is not open source23:09
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.23:09
sebsebsebLogicalGhost: ok  maybe  you got a dirty or sractched  CD23:09
TheNewGuywhat is the app for all the extras?   sudo apt-get ?23:09
lstarnesusr13: specifically, debian and its derivatives23:09
LogicalGhostSo it's the CD that's damaged, not my computer?23:09
volvo142usr13 just because windows is not open source doesn't mean its thirdparty programs can't be23:09
sa1any one here use ubuntu pls23:09
antixdoes the latest ubuntu (or UNR) work good on the asus eee top? I can't find any information confirming this, just issues in the past..23:09
sebsebsebLogicalGhost: also  you can MD5um an ISO to make sure the download is good in the first place23:09
LogicalGhostOkay thank you I will try that23:09
lstarnessa1: I think almost everyone here uses ubuntu23:10
gogetaantix eeebuntu is better23:10
sa1i want to know how i can install the cam on it23:10
SageXanyone here have hda intel audio drivers23:10
gogetabut yes unr works23:10
sebsebseb!md5sum |  LogicalGhost23:10
ubottuLogicalGhost: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more23:10
TheNewGuyhow do you install flash and java?23:10
sa1i have intgreted cam23:10
cabreyantix, eee top?23:10
sa1and i want know how i can use it23:10
antixgogeta: does the touch screen work?23:10
SageXanyone here have hda intel audio drivers23:10
gogetaantix: dunno thats 3rd party23:10
usr13volvo142: Sure there are open source applications for MS Windows, but the point is that MS Windows does not have opensource repository systems like apt or yum etc.23:10
cabreySageX, i have an intel sound card23:10
TheNewGuycan anyone read this?23:11
antixcabrey: http://se.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=24&l2=16923:11
SageXare they the high definition ones cabrey23:11
volvo142usr13 who distros use yum?23:11
ichatjust one Q:  is it true that   9.10 will drop pidgin in favor of telepathy ?23:11
marca311the new guy: what, your message?23:11
cabreySageX, lspci says yes23:11
usr13volvo142: RH, Suse etc.23:11
gogetavolvo142: redhat/fedora mandriva23:11
antixgogeta: that's something I need to know before buying.. can't find any info though..23:11
TheNewGuyi guess I am band... um... how long?23:11
SageXcabrey what audio client do you use23:11
volvo142is yum = rpm?23:11
cabreygogeta, opensuse uses yast, mandriva uses urpmi23:12
cabreyvolvo142, no23:12
SageXcabrey what audio client do you use23:12
cabrey!ot | volvo14223:12
gogetaantix: thers no offical touch eee yet23:12
ubottuvolvo142: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:12
marca311sa1: hi23:12
usr13gogeta: Yes, and they have their own sets of repositories that basically contain the same packages.  (yes rpm / yum )23:12
cabreySageX, what do you mean? I use ALSA & PulseAudio23:12
sa1marca hi23:12
mcalamelliHi, there's someone that know an issue related to jaunty and gmail/facebook?23:12
SageXcabrey,  some reason the oss ones work for me only??23:12
gogetaantix: but ubuntu does have support for touch screens23:12
usr13volvo142: Yes, and they have their own sets of repositories that basically contain the same packages.  (yes rpm / yum )23:12
marca311sa1: do you have a problem23:13
coleysmcalamelli: What browser?23:13
mcalamellicoleys: both firefox and opera23:13
antixgogeta: ok I hope it works though :)23:13
cabreySageX, you're using OSS?23:13
coleysmcalamelli: Whats the issue? Like... facebook isn't loading or..?23:13
SageXcabrey,  yea23:13
gogetaantix: try on the live cd and you will knoe23:13
marca311sa1: what is it?23:13
cabreySageX, may i ask why?23:13
sa1i want to use my web cam23:14
mcalamellicoleys: i can't login in fb, and one issue in the wordpress dashboard23:14
sa1with ubuntu 9.0423:14
usr13volvo142: We should also add that apt is more sophisticated than yum / rpm.23:14
ichatQ:  is it true that   9.10 will drop pidgin for  telepathy ?23:14
SageXcabrey,  some reason the alsa drivers dont work23:14
marca311sa1: what webcam is it?23:14
volvo142usr13  how so?23:14
mcalamellicoleys: i can create a new draft, but i can't save it23:14
cabreyvolvo142, you really need to go to #ubuntu-offtopic23:14
coleysmcalamelli: Uhh... It should work fine... I dont think fb requires flash or anything. Have your parents blocked you from fb =p?23:14
usr13volvo142: Several reasons, one is that it automatically resolves dependencies.23:14
antixgogeta: you mean the eeebuntu live cd?23:15
sa1its intgreted webcam23:15
cabreyusr13, go to #ubuntu-offtopic and that isn't true at all23:15
marca311what computer23:15
volvo142usr13 yum doesn't do auto resolve rependencies?23:15
sa1its included with the laptop23:15
gogetaantix: unr or eeebuntu23:15
SageXcabrey, i get this message when I select alsa in sound prefrences audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open audio device for playback.23:15
mcalamellicoleys: no blocks, also tested firefox as root23:15
antixgogeta: ok thanks I'll try :)23:15
gogetaantix: i assume ebuntu wil as well23:15
cabreySageX, how about Pulseaudio?23:15
marca311sa1: what make and model of computer is it?23:16
gogetaantix: being a tougch eee is a common mod23:16
usr13volvo142: It does to a certain extent, but not as accurately as apt.23:16
cabreyusr13, stop spreading FUD and go to the offtopic channel23:16
mcalamellicoleys: another tip, using another wifi, and my nokia, all works fine23:16
sa1toshiba computer23:16
coleysmcalamelli: Welll I dont thiink facebook is broken on jaunty... otherwise there would be a "pandemix /omg23:16
marca311sa1: toshiba what?23:16
SageXcabrey,  pulseaudio fails23:16
antixgogeta: yes but from what I've read the touch works better on the netbooks than the eee top23:16
cabreySageX, what error?23:16
usr13cabrey: Ok, ok, but apt is more sophisticated than yum in a couple ways.  volvo142, I stand corrected.23:17
SageXno sound no error23:17
mcalamellicoleys: i know that :) anyway, this is really strange23:17
sa1how i can know where it is written23:17
SageXcabrey,  no sound no error box23:17
gogetaantix: eee top?23:17
usr13cabrey: Oh, come on. I'm not spreading FUD.23:17
marca311sa1: usually on the bottom23:17
coleysmcalamelli: Well you could try some more browsers see if you get same situation... (Like epiphany and Konqueror)23:17
cabreySageX, what are you doing to test sound and how did you get back to ALSA / PA?23:17
marca311sa1: of the laptop23:17
antixgogeta: http://se.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=24&l2=16923:18
gogetaantix: you mean that atom 330 dule core desktop23:18
mcalamellicoleys: ephipany does the same result23:18
SageXcabrey,  sys > Prefs > sound23:18
marca311sa1: go to #\marca31123:18
antixgogeta: yes23:18
coleysmcalamelli: Give konqueror a try.23:18
marca311sa1: i mean #marca31123:18
short__errorOk when i booted up my system this morning i went to go to the add/remove progams in the Applications and it was not there...23:18
mcalamellicoleys: uhm, a lot of extra packages to add...23:18
gogetaantix: i woulda got a hp touch lol23:19
coleysmcalamelli: Yeah, its kde. =o23:19
usr13cabrey: Feel free to correct me, give correct information if you like, but don't accuse me of launching a FUD campaign.23:19
gogetaquad core23:19
legend2440is it adviseable to upgrade the ubuntu nvidia  180 drivers with the nvidia 185 drivers from the nvidia web site? will i have to reinstall or reconfigure erverytime there is a kernel upgrade?23:19
MadScientisthi people, someone who to use rhythmbox?23:19
gogetanv  me thow23:19
cabreyusr13, move to #ubuntu-offtopic and i will23:19
antixgogeta: hm I haven't seen them. do you have a link?23:19
SageXcabrey,  sys > Prefs > sound23:19
Dr_Willislegend2440:  if the old driver does all you need.. i would stick with it.23:19
cabreySageX, check to see PA is running.23:19
sa1pls how i can go there23:20
legend2440Dr_Willis: ok thanks. yes it works fine23:20
SageXcabrey,  how would I do that23:20
Dr_Willislegend2440:  'if its not broke.... ' :P23:20
gogetaantix: http://www.hp.com/united-states/campaigns/touchsmart/23:20
legend2440Dr_Willis: don't fix it. yea thanks23:20
cabreySageX, open a terminal and run ps aux | grep pulseaudio23:20
cabreySageX, and look for pulseaudio ( ignore the grep pulseaudio one)23:21
VK-kasoperroTomalaaaaa http://my-bikini-game.com/?id=4292320 pa fliparlo!23:21
gogetaantix: they get big toi23:21
gogetalikke 24 inch23:21
gogetahdtv tuners as well23:21
short__errorD= noone to help me23:21
mcalamellicoleys: isn't opera enough as test?23:21
coleysmcalamelli: Well there shouldn't really be a problem with facebook. So really this is just troubleshooting...23:22
antixgogeta: ok, no need for me. just need it for a POS system23:22
mubuHey guys is there anyway I can change an application icon so that when I go to "Applications" and go to a specific app I can see it with a custom icon? Thanks Im using ubuntu 9.0423:22
gogetaantix: well standerd ubuntu sould have no problem with it23:22
coleysmubu: sudo apt-get install alacarte23:22
th0rdoes anyone know the correct gspca module for a creative vf-0250 webcam?23:22
Dr_Willismubu:  you can customize your menus if you wanted to23:22
mcalamellicoleys: k. i'll try to debug the connection using wireshark23:22
antixgogeta: thanks I'll have a closer look23:22
SageXcabrey,  sage      3824  0.1  0.2 128024  7456 ?        Ssl  05:27   0:55 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start23:22
SageXsage      3825  0.0  0.0   7844  2680 ?        S    05:27   0:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper23:22
SageXsage     17546  0.0  0.0   3340   812 pts/3    S+   18:21   0:00 grep pulseaudio23:22
gogetaantix: it should supoport the eeetop23:23
mubuDr_Willis, how?23:23
mubucoleys thanks ill look into that to see if that suits my needs23:23
short__errorOk when i booted up my system this morning i went to go to the add/remove progams in the Applications and it was not there...23:23
mcalamellicoleys: if i can't get nothing interesting, i'll start with kdeisms...23:23
coleysmubu: IT will, after its installed right click on your Menu, and Choose "Edit Menu" or something.23:23
gogetaantix: but  for the price hp wins23:23
iradi have a blu-ray drive, is there a blu-ray player for linux?23:23
gogetairad: vlc maybe23:24
SageXsage     17546  0.0  0.0   3340   812 pts/3    S+   18:21   0:00 grep pulseaudio23:24
antixgogeta: there has been issues with the touch screen for eeetop but not sure if it's fixed now.. the hp machine looks really nice!23:24
SageXcabrey, ...23:24
mubucoleys, turns out I already have it. Its perfect23:25
cabreySageX, hmm something definitely with the ALSA drivers23:25
TheNewGuycan anyone read this?23:25
coleysmubu: Great =)23:25
SageXcabrey,  what should I do?23:25
gogetairad: looks like blueray needs some work23:25
bastidrazorshort__error, right click and edit menus.. do you see it in there?23:25
gogetairad: http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/2007/04/05/how-to-play-blu-ray-and-hd-dvd-movie-discs-in-linux/23:25
=== Orest is now known as Orest^bnc
VCoolioTheNewGuy: hi23:25
FloodBot3TheNewGuy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
cabreySageX, /join #alsa and see if you should report a bug23:25
gogeta!ask | TheNewGuy23:25
ubottuTheNewGuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:26
short__errorbastidrazor, no it is not there that is what confused me so much cause that was the first place that i looked23:27
TheNewGuyI just loaded umbutu  and someone helped me load a big package with flash and java and a whole bunch of stuff... anyone know what the general package is?23:27
gogetaTheNewGuy: as of 9.04 that package no longer is nedded23:27
gogetaall should be installed23:27
dekushrubDoes anyone know I can replace Firefox 3 with Firefox 3.5 on ubuntu 9.04?23:27
aacosta_anyone familiar with vsftpd?23:28
TheNewGuygogeta, does it have other stuff in it?  extras?23:28
jrib!ff35 | dekushrub23:28
ubottudekushrub: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:28
bradsuckshi, i have a laptop with the SiS video card, but when i install ubuntu in this computer the video resolution is 800 x 600 when in windows it is 1280x800. Exist a version of this driver for Ubuntu? thanks!23:28
gogetathe extras is installed by defult now23:28
TheNewGuyall of it?23:28
Dr_Willisdekushrub:  for a single user. you could just go to the firefox web site. and download the latest. and install it in the users home dir.23:29
KingKhahey, i have a usb hard drive that i generally keep turned off unless i need it, now that it's summer. It gets detected fine by ubuntu the first time i turn it on, but if i turn it off and later back on it's not recognized at all23:29
dekushrubjrib, firefox 3.5 official release came out today23:29
TheNewGuydose it insall the real flash  or the open version of it?23:29
jribdekushrub: read the link ubottu gave you23:29
jribaacosta_: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html23:29
gogetago to youtube and chack for yourself23:29
Dr_WillisKingKha:  you do UNMOUNT it befor ya turn it off?23:29
gogetathats a java flash site23:30
TheNewGuywow... then installing it is what caused all the problems! LOL.23:30
bradsucksi need install a sis video driver, do you know a driver for Sis in Ubuntu?23:30
gogetawell if your running anything below 904 you need it23:30
TheNewGuyI had gnosh installed and it did not work, had to install the non-free version.23:30
TheNewGuysudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:30
TheNewGuyanyone know if there is a multi-touch screen for linux?23:31
gogetaTheNewGuy: remove any old version of flash befor installing a new one23:31
jschiffTheNewGuy: multi touch was implemented in 2.6.30 kernel23:31
jschiffwill work on hp touchsmart23:31
gogetaTheNewGuy: thers some multituch support yes but iv been issues23:31
gogetabeen told23:32
TheNewGuyjschiff.. really it works well with hp touchsmart?23:32
jschiffalthough i still prefer a keyboard23:32
Mike_lifeguardIs there a PPA that'd have FF 3.5?23:32
jrib!ff35 | Mike_lifeguard23:32
ubottuMike_lifeguard: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:32
TheNewGuyis there cool software for it.. like grab something and enlarge?23:32
gogetajschiff: eee keybord is gonna pown keybords23:32
TheNewGuywhat is ee keyboard?23:33
PlasmaSheepgogeta: okay, I don't use keybords23:33
gogetaTheNewGuy: keybord with a eeepc  intergrated23:33
bastidrazorshort__error, what have you uninstalled lately? or installed for that matter?23:33
mubuHey guys, how can I update to firefox 3.5. I currently have 3.0.11 and downloaded the 3.5 tar file from mozilla.com thanks23:33
jschiffnaw.. i will use that.23:33
gogetacomes out next month23:33
mubuI have ubuntu 9.0423:33
jrib!ff35 | mubu23:34
ubottumubu: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:34
* jrib is having fun23:34
TheNewGuythose have been around for years23:34
PlasmaSheepjrib: :P23:34
PlasmaSheepTheNewGuy: it'll pwn any day now...23:34
bastidrazorevery time a new app comes out the flood of .. why isn't it in the repo's..  :\23:34
gogetaTheNewGuy: not like this has a 5 inch touchpad/monoter its a full pc inside can even be disconnected from the pc and act as a netbook has a internel battery23:35
jschiffportability is overated23:35
TheNewGuyI don't get it...  what can I google to find it?23:35
PlasmaSheephow can something be a netbook AND as an internal battery?23:35
PlasmaSheepor is my understanding of pseudo-english bad?23:35
jschiffpriced at like 1000 bucks i'd rather get a macbook pro23:35
gogetanot pirced yet23:35
PlasmaSheepjschiff: lulz23:35
PlasmaSheepfail :P23:36
short__errorbastidrazor, i disabled alsa, that is the only thing that i have done that i did not do before i reinstalled ubuntu......23:36
bradsuckshi i have a sis video card, but it's not found in ubuntu23:36
jschiffPlasmaSheep: Why fail?23:36
TheNewGuyyour pseudo english is great! your real english is .. .kinda so so .23:36
PlasmaSheepthey suck23:36
jschiffPlasmaSheep: i'm writing from one right now23:36
mubuWhen do you guys reckon Firefox 3.5 will be released to the jaunty repositories?23:36
PlasmaSheepyour loss23:36
gogetalook for yourself23:36
jschiffPlasmaSheep: switched from linux to macbook just a month ago23:36
PlasmaSheepwhy are you here then? :P23:37
jschiffPlasmaSheep: used linux for 5 years beforehand, and i'm not goin back23:37
jschiffi enjoy helping aspiring linux users23:37
jribmubu: did you see what ubottu told you?23:37
bastidrazorshort__error, /usr/bin/gnome-app-install  is the binary23:37
jschiffbecause linux is great23:37
gogetaintel atom 330 dule core23:37
TheNewGuywhy did you leave linux?23:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:37
mubujrib yeah, but no timeframe was mentioned23:37
short__errorbastidrazor, i will try that ;o23:37
forceshow can I install firefox 3.5?23:37
jschiffosx is a far more streamlined and developer friendly environment in my opinion23:37
jrib!ff35 | forces23:37
ubottuforces: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:37
jribmubu: "really soon"23:38
forcesfirefox 3.5 was released23:38
jschiffI've had the longest uptime on my macbook then i've had on any laptop in the past23:38
bastidrazorjrib aka Capt. FF23:38
forcesthe final23:38
COOLKID4EVERim new here23:38
puffI have a USB keyboard plugged into my laptop.  Unfortuantely, the USB keyboard has a poorly-placed power button.  How can I either prevent ubuntu from powering down when it's hit, or force it to always use suspend instead of shutdown or restart?23:38
sebsebsebjrib: the second part of the factoid does not quite make sense23:38
mubujrib, would you say "tomorrow-soon"? or before the weekend soon?23:38
jribsebsebseb: what part is that?23:38
jribmubu: a few days would be my guess23:39
jschiffpartly because suspend and hibernate and all that works perfectly, partly because of the 7 hour battery, partly because each time linux breaks i don't have to reinstall or get frustrated and upgrade etc.23:39
PlasmaSheepCOOLKID4EVER: wow, nice name =/23:39
short__errorbastidrazor, bash: /urs/bin/gnome-app-install: No such file or directory23:39
mubujrib, alright, thanks. cant wait23:39
short__error D=23:39
pw-toxichi, i didnt change anything, and my boot loader causes an ERROR 1723:39
PlasmaSheepjrib: I have uptimes of weeks =/23:39
sebsebsebjrib: If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories  will be updated when testing is complete.23:39
pw-toxiccould it be that my HDD crashed? how can i test my HDD?23:39
bastidrazorshort__error, apt-get it?23:39
TheNewGuyalso the new mac os. (latest core) is unix.  so in reality jshiff is still on a "linuxish" os23:39
COOLKID4EVERyea well23:39
COOLKID4EVERhey im new here23:39
jribsebsebseb: oh you mean the english?  Feel free to suggest a correction :)23:40
PlasmaSheepwe get it23:40
jschiffyep i wouldn't use anything before osx, with the unix core23:40
COOLKID4EVERi want to know how install the tar.gz file?23:40
jschifftar xf file.tar.gz23:40
PlasmaSheepCOOLKID4EVER: man tar23:40
sebsebsebjrib: well it sounds like there some sort of beta package in the repo, but it's not clear23:40
jschiffcd directory23:40
jribCOOLKID4EVER: what tar.gz file?23:40
jschiff./configure && make && make instal23:40
PlasmaSheepjrib: THE tar.gz file23:40
PlasmaSheepdon't you know?23:40
jribPlasmaSheep: oh.  I missed the "the"23:40
bastidrazorshort__error, you spelled it wrong.. /usr/23:41
jribCOOLKID4EVER: you shouldn't install using tar.gz in general23:41
short__errorrofl =|23:41
MK13is there a way for me to save my nvidia drivers so that that can be installed again w/out re-downloading?23:41
Mike_lifeguardso I've messed up with dpkg-divert... is there a way to just nuke all local diversions?23:42
short__errorbastidrazor, well i now have it thru the install23:42
jribMK13: don't delete the deb from /var/cache/apt/archives?23:42
PlasmaSheep<jrib> COOLKID4EVER: you shouldn't install using tar.gz in general23:42
DarkMage26how can I view ms power point files??23:42
bastidrazorshort__error, good. it is back in the menu?23:42
jschiffit's best to practice good practices when install source packages (tar.gz) by putting them in /usr/src/ and keeping the source so once your done you can just make uninstall, and get rid of it without hassle23:42
Kasm279im wondering how to change the default web browser and email client in ubuntu23:42
jribDarkMage26: open office?23:42
short__errorbastidrazor, yes it is23:42
short__errorbastidrazor, thank you23:42
jribPlasmaSheep: APT23:42
bastidrazorshort__error, enjoy :)23:43
jschiffKasm279: System -> Preferences -> Preffered Application23:43
PlasmaSheepjrib: not all packages in the world are in repos23:43
jschiffhaha it's awesome i still remember this crap23:43
TheNewGuywhat is <super>F key pattern?  is it shift F?23:43
jribPlasmaSheep: "in general"23:43
MK13jrib, shows nothing about drivers23:43
jschiffsuper is the windows key23:43
PlasmaSheepand has anyone heard of ./configure && make && checkinstall ?23:43
ThePulgarcitoSuper is the Windows key23:43
jribMK13: what shows nothing?23:43
Kasm279jschiff: oops23:43
short__errorbastidrazor, i was extremely confused when that happened23:43
PlasmaSheepI never keep tar.gz sources23:44
MK13jrib, the folder shows nothing about the drivers unless it is linux restricted modules23:44
jschiffit's a good practice, otherwise you lose track of all the files it installs23:44
Kasm279jschiff: thanks, i must be blind for not seeing that :x23:44
jschiffno prob Kasm27923:44
jribMK13: debs for packages you installed are saved there23:44
COOLKID4EVERcan i install23:45
COOLKID4EVERtar.bz2 (32bit)23:45
TheNewGuywhat is the super key?23:45
jschiffTheNewGuy: super key is the windows key23:45
wolterWindows logo23:45
COOLKID4EVERon ubuntu im sure i can but im just new to thisle thing who23:45
MK13jrib, i was asking about a driver23:45
jribCOOLKID4EVER: no one can help you if you do not answer questions.23:45
PlasmaSheepCOOLKID4EVER: ^^23:45
coleysCOOLKID4EVER: Which program are you trying to install?23:45
TheNewGuythanks... macman!  :-)23:45
jribMK13: the driver is in APT as a package.  That is how you installed it right?23:45
PlasmaSheepcoleys: the tar.gz file :P23:45
COOLKID4EVERim trying to install vuze23:45
coleysCOOLKID4EVER: sudo apt-cache search vuze23:46
coleysCOOLKID4EVER: Then if it finds it, sudo apt-get install [packagename]23:46
jrib!software > COOLKID4EVER23:46
ubottuCOOLKID4EVER, please see my private message23:46
COOLKID4EVERok thank you let me try that really qucik23:46
TheNewGuyjschiff... since the mac os is really unix... have you really gone that far away?  I don't think so.  you just have a great desktop! LOL23:46
MK13jrib, through the "hardware driver" item in  the system menu, yea23:46
ThePulgarcitocoleys: Aptache shouldn't need sudo23:46
jschiffyep, my most used applications are still Terminal and vim23:46
jribMK13: it's nvidia-*23:46
PlasmaSheepI mean, for noobs like COOLKID4EVER, apt all the way23:46
coleysThePulgarcito: Uhh.. Im just covering all bases dont use ubuntu myself. Don't remember the intricies of it =P23:47
jschiffCOOLKID4EVER: http://forlong.blogage.de/en/entries/2008/12/2/How-to-install-and-update-Vuze-formerly-Azureus-4-on-Ubuntu23:47
jribPlasmaSheep: it's not just for beginners.  APT is what you should always use...23:47
MK13jrib, nothing w/ nvidia is shown23:47
jribMK13: is it installed?23:47
PlasmaSheepjrib: I meant that beginners should always use apt.23:47
TheNewGuycool, whats vim?23:47
jschiffA little googling is your friend23:47
jribMK13: aptitude search '~i~nnvidia'23:47
jschiffvim is and editor, just like emacs23:47
jschiffand nano23:47
PlasmaSheepI disagree that apt is what you should always use, jrib23:47
coleysTheNewGuy: Cli editor23:47
bastidrazorPlasmaSheep, it creates less opportunity to break tings23:48
bastidrazor +h23:48
PlasmaSheepbastidrazor: so?23:48
jribPlasmaSheep: package management is the whole point of a distribution23:48
DarkMage26I have a ms power point presentation 2007 and would like to view it in ubuntu. How do I open it in open office?23:48
COOLKID4EVERhey thanks guys its installing23:48
coleysCOOLKID4EVER: wo =)23:48
MK13jrib, what would i be looking for in the printout?23:48
jschiffQuadruple click and pray23:48
PlasmaSheepjrib: well, that doesn't mean I should always use it23:48
iradi have 2 dvd drives, 1 is a blu-ray how do i get mplayer to play the blu-ray?23:48
gogetaPlasmaSheep: apt 4 life23:48
=== jono_ is now known as jono
jschiffi prefer emerge to apt23:49
coleysI prefer pacman to emerge =D23:49
jribPlasmaSheep: yes it does :)23:49
COOLKID4EVERthx coley i followed ur instruction23:49
gogetaPlasmaSheep: emrerge23:49
jschiffeh pacman is fast23:49
jschiffbut emerge i still like better23:49
PlasmaSheepgogeta: you talk about 'keybords' and use '4' instead of 'for', so excuse me if I don't take you seriously.23:49
gogetathats gentoo23:49
TheNewGuyjschiff, do I need special software to run multi-touch on hp ?  I mean with the linux not with the ugly op that comes with it.23:49
mneptokPlasmaSheep: apt is what you should always use. i say this as a former Senior Ubuntu System Support Analyst for Canonical. you are welcome to disagree, but i think my opinion and experience carries more weight.23:49
MK13DarkMage26, open office should already support 2007 .docx documents23:49
jschiffTheNewGuy: it takes a bit of work to make multi touch work on it23:49
PlasmaSheepmneptok: Do you play many games?23:49
gogetamneptok: :)23:50
TheNewGuyI assume its not really that stable when installed?23:50
mickster04ab__, ?23:50
gogetamneptok: as a 12 year user i agree23:50
DarkMage26MK13, I tried to open the file and now it wants me to select a filter. Not sure what to do.23:50
jschiffTheNewGuy: i'd wait a while, until 2.6.30 becomes mainstream23:50
mneptokPlasmaSheep: no. i'm busy actually doing work.23:50
mdghey mickster04 !  Get your wifi working?23:50
mickster04!ask ab__23:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ab__23:50
jschiffthen people should be writin guides on it23:50
ab__sorry wrong window23:50
TheNewGuyok, is that the linux core?23:50
jschiffthat's the linux kernel23:50
mneptokPlasmaSheep: the fact that games aren't packaged for Debian doesn;t mean you should not use apt whenever possible. full stop.23:51
PlasmaSheepmneptok: then you wouldn't notice that there are no up to date games in apt except solitaire and wurms23:51
NetLarIrvineDo a lot of you have dual boot machines??23:51
MK13DarkMage26, i never had it ask me... just select one and trial and error23:51
mickster04mdg yeah :D altho i realised i hadnt actually checked if it was properly roken...23:51
nbieneed i permisions for execute mv command ?23:51
jschiffmulti touch support was introduced in the 2.6.30 kernel, most distros right now are using 2.6.2923:51
mneptokPlasmaSheep: see above23:51
TheNewGuythanks everyone,  very helpful!  bye23:51
COOLKID4EVERi have dual boot23:51
DarkMage26MK13, thanks.23:51
rickestNetLarIrvine: yes23:51
mickster04mdg i assumed that cos it hadnt said i had plugged the thing in, it was broken :/23:51
PlasmaSheepWhat I'm saying is that you can't, nor should always use apt.23:51
emetwhat is the name of the GTK+ diff tool in ubuntu repos23:51
mickster04mdg but it works now brilliantly23:51
NetLarIrvineI just did not see any reason anymore to keep windoes23:51
mdgmickster04: Excellent!23:51
emetlet you find the differences in two files23:51
jschiffI always used apt when i was on ubuntu PlasmaSheep23:51
COOLKID4EVERI still use windows for school23:51
geirhaemet: meld I think23:51
mneptokPlasmaSheep: apt is what you should use *wnerevr possible*23:51
NetLarIrvineI can use Virtual box if I really have to23:52
PlasmaSheepjschiff: your loss23:52
emetyes it's meld thank you23:52
jschiffhow is it my loss?23:52
RomDI don't have sound in ogg-theora videos in firefox 3.5 on hardy with pulseaudio. is there a way to resolve this problem?23:52
rickestNetLarIrvine: GAMES23:52
PlasmaSheepmneptok: well, that's different :P23:52
PlasmaSheepjschiff: repos not always up to date23:52
jschiffwhat can any other package manager on ubuntu do better then raw apt?23:52
puffI have a USB keyboard plugged into my laptop.  Unfortuantely, the USB keyboard has a poorly-placed power button.  How can I either prevent ubuntu from powering down when it's hit, or force it to always use suspend instead of shutdown or restart?23:52
NetLarIrvine<-- horrible game player23:52
gogetaPlasmaSheep: dissing apt on a deb based distro should be a banning23:52
jschiffyou can add 3rd part repos23:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:52
COOLKID4EVERNetlarirvine are you good with windows23:52
jschiffas i often do for things like wine23:52
PlasmaSheepgogeta: the abuse you inflict on the English language deserve a ban23:52
jschiffbecause the wine that is in the ubuntu repo's is horribly outdated and sucks23:52
NetLarIrvineHave not used it full time for like 10 years now23:52
NetLarIrvineBeen on a Mac for long time now23:53
PlasmaSheepjschiff: not every little program has a repository23:53
jschiffmost do23:53
COOLKID4EVERah i c23:53
jschiffname one that doesn't23:53
COOLKID4EVERim in school for computer networking23:53
puffI've been hearing a lot, lately, about synaptic being substantially better/more reliable for dist-upgrades than apt.  This botehres me.23:53
COOLKID4EVERi hope to learn security wth linux23:53
NetLarIrvineVirtual Box seems stable enough now23:53
COOLKID4EVERim using backtrack right now23:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:53
jschifffirefox is plenty up to date23:53
jribpuff: what do you mean by "dist-upgrade" exactly?23:53
PlasmaSheepjschiff: really?23:53
PlasmaSheepand 3.5?23:53
puffjrib: admittedly, that's part of the problem with apt.23:54
jschiffppa repo23:54
mickster04how secure is ubuntu from the box, what about firewall settings, and temp stuff from browsers?23:54
NetLarIrvineCOOLKID4EVER I use Parallels on my mac23:54
mickster04pm me:D23:54
PlasmaSheepjschiff: nexuiz.23:54
jrib!pm | mickster0423:54
ubottumickster04: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:54
PlasmaSheepjschiff: not there.23:54
jschiffyes it is23:54
jschiffnexuiz 2.5.1 is on getdeb23:54
jribmickster04: ubuntu has no services listening on any ports by default so it's secure in that respect23:55
PlasmaSheepExcept it never works.23:55
jschiffworked for me23:55
jschiffand of course when your installing a deb your using apt23:55
PlasmaSheepSegfaults for me and fails for almost everyone else.23:55
COOLKID4EVERNet i dont know anything about mac23:55
PlasmaSheepAnd tremulous?23:55
MK13jrib, i guess i have used apt-get clean since installing them, thnx anyway23:55
mickster04jrib oh ok, what about open ports etc23:55
COOLKID4EVERI just know about windows23:55
FloodBot3phisliqshey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:55
linduxedi have one directory that i backed up onto an extHDD some time ago, and i want to have a command print what new files there are, which ones have changed and which ones are missing. which command do i use?23:55
NetLarIrvineCOOLKID4EVER it is stable and works well enough23:55
PlasmaSheepAnd blender?23:55
jschiffblender is in apt23:55
jriblinduxed: no idea but I would see if rsync can do that23:55
coleyslinduxed: cat /path/to/directory23:55
PlasmaSheepYes, if a dinosaur is acceptable.23:56
jschiffi think ubuntu is 1 subversion down23:56
jschiffblender 2.49 is latest23:56
jschiffubuntu has 2.4823:56
COOLKID4EVERah i c23:56
FloodBot3jschiff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
COOLKID4EVERi played with the new window 723:56
PlasmaSheepWhich isn't the one in repos unless it's been updated recently.23:56
NetLarIrvineCOOLKID4EVER always been torn between ubuntu and os x23:56
jschiffand in which case you can download the latest version from blender.org23:56
NetLarIrvineCOOLKID4EVER how do you like MS 723:56
linduxedjrib: will check23:56
FloodBot3gogeta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
COOLKID4EVERwhat are your dislikes about ubuntu?23:56
PlasmaSheepYou can't hope to argue that apt/repos always has the most recent version of EVERYTHING.23:57
PlasmaSheepThat's ridiculous.23:57
puffjrib: A dist-upgrade is how you go from, say, intrepid to jaunty.23:57
COOLKID4EVERit is ok very similar to vista23:57
PlasmaSheepNot even mneptok will agree I'm sure.23:57
MK13COOLKID4EVER, most ppl prolly have already messed w/ win7 (beta/RC) :D23:57
NetLarIrvineCOOLKID4EVER does not have all the software I need23:57
jrib!backups > linduxed23:57
ubottulinduxed, please see my private message23:57
jschiffi'm saying that anything usefull is ridiculously easy to get23:57
jschiffand all through apt23:57
jriblinduxed: that may be something you are interested in as well23:57
bazhangPlasmaSheep, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic23:57
COOLKID4EVERyea mk1323:57
caiohow can I upgrade a library manually? compiling, etc... just compile that? remove old?23:57
PlasmaSheepWow, way to be objective.23:57
COOLKID4EVERah i c23:57
jschiffbarely ever do i have to compile my own packages23:57
NetLarIrvineCOOLKID4EVER there is some software that I use that only work on mac or windows23:57
jschiffi had to do it once for libuvc because i wanted to tweak with the source23:57
COOLKID4EVERlike which software?23:58
linduxedjrib: hmmm i liked those23:58
NetLarIrvineQuicken and iTunes come to mind and some special business software23:58
TDJACRWhen I am playing a game, such as bzflag or Nexuiz, my arrow keys seem to "get stuck".23:58
jschiffclean your keyboard ;)23:58
gogetaNetLarIrvine: itunes wine can do23:58
COOLKID4EVERoh i c23:58
TDJACRI have replaced by keyboard.23:59
Kasm279TDJACR: wired or wireless?23:59
jschiffiTunes in wine is useless23:59
gogetasupports ipods fine23:59
PlasmaSheepTDJACR: Whatever it is, the solution is in apt, since apt always has the most recent version of everything useful.23:59
NetLarIrvinegogeta Bronze in wine?23:59
COOLKID4EVERwhat i noticed about ubuntu is that is seems to crash alot23:59
jschiffnow your just being arrogant PlasmaSheep :)23:59
Kasm279COOLKID4EVER: it does?23:59
rgavrilAnyone interested in creating a name for a software i'm developing ? :D23:59
jrib!ot | rgavril23:59
TDJACRPlasmaSheep, This has been happening for a while now,23:59
ubotturgavril: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:59
mickster04COOLKID4EVER, i have never crashed ubuntu23:59
bazhangPlasmaSheep, jschiff please take chat elsewhere23:59
COOLKID4EVERit has crash about tree times on me23:59
gogetaCOOLKID4EVER: it does ?23:59

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