=== GreySim_ is now known as GreySim [05:38] does anyone know how to *remove* a project from a bug? since there are so many papercuts being reported and reassigned , its almost creating spam [07:55] macvr: you can only mark a project as invalid. [07:55] no way to remove it [08:31] hyperair: another easy way i find is re-assign it , but sometimes I'm too lazy to identify the project ;p [08:31] macvr: you can only reassign a source packge in a distro, but not an actual project =\ [08:32] yup [08:34] hyperair: well the prob is there are so many *1 line feature requests* , after a time its like why bother when the OP doesnt even take the time to complete his own requests! [08:34] heheh leave it to the bug triagers to feel the pain of stupid bug reportrs =p [08:34] reporters* [08:34] i just request for information and mark every damn thing as incomplete [08:35] macvr: you sleep from times to times ? [08:35] SiDi: nope ;p [08:35] it's 1pm over there anyways. not bedtime is it? [08:36] its 9 AM here. But the fact is that macvr is on when i go bed and on when i wake up, and i dont sleep much, hyperair [08:36] SiDi: i'm sure he sleeps when you're not looking ;) [08:36] SiDi: well , i just leave my laptop running [08:37] SiDi: i think many people think the same about me. [08:38] SiDi: its been on since the last 3 yrs ;p , rarely switch it off , if it had a mouth it would beg for mercy [08:38] D= [08:39] why do you even use a laptop instead of a desktop then? [08:40] hyperair: i find it easy , rather than a desktop , can lie down ;p too lazy to sit [08:43] macvr: one of my exclassmates had a cpu and monitor next to his bed, with the keyboard and mouse on the bed. =p [08:44] granted, his case was because he really didn't have anywhere else to put it but hey it meant he could lie down and use it. =p [08:44] but he cant carry it around , can he ;p [08:45] hmm good point =p [08:48] my notebook's kinda grounded as well due to the attached monitor =p [08:50] i make sure not to get used to dual monitors... [08:50] i only use this set up when i'm home [08:50] ~3 months or so then i'm off again [08:50] it just becomes weird if its not attached ! [08:50] hehehe [08:50] well it takes some getting used to but it's fine =\ [08:51] on the other hand, when i'm using a dual monitor setup, i have to make sure not to trigger the compiz ezoom plugin when the cursor is near place where the two monitors join [08:52] the cursor starts to jump between the two monitors [08:52] very irritating [08:52] i contacted the ezoom plugin author about it.. last year i think. no news =\ [08:52] i mean he did say he would work on it, but i haven't heard from him since [08:55] ah ... almost forgot about all the compiz probs! [11:54] * MacSlow -> lunch === SiDi_ is now known as SiDi [15:28] tedg: ping ? [15:28] SiDi: Hey, I'm on a call right now... I can answer in a few minutes. [15:28] okey [15:38] SiDi: Sorry about that, what's up? [15:39] tedg: hello. i wanted to ask you if it was possible to split libindicate and indicator-applet in LP so that libindicate can be built without indicator-applet's specific dependencies [15:39] SiDi: Uhm, in theory. But, I'm not sure why that'd make a difference. It seems like that only effects Soyuz, right? [15:40] tedg: its actually because someone (Mark__T) wrote an indicator-applet-xfce [15:40] and it depends on libindicate 2 [15:41] (and my karmic vm doesnt have enough room anymore to install all indicator-applet's dependencies :$ - but anyway it'd be cool for the xfce people to can easily test the xfce applet if you could split the lib and the gnome applet) [15:42] SiDi: Okay. I can look at doing that, they kinda grew organically to be in the same repo. There's no technical reason to have them together. [15:42] tedg: great :) [15:42] I'll make kenvandine go through the NEW process of having different source packages ;) [15:42] kenvandine: sorry :P [15:42] * tedg owes kenvandine lots of beer next week :) [15:42] :) [15:43] new source package... that is a ton of work :/ [15:44] SiDi, i don't see why that matters? [15:44] you don't have to install indicator-applet... just libindicate [15:45] actually i guess it shouldn't be that much work... since it was already in main... just being split [15:45] can someone file a bug about that and assign it to me? [15:46] kenvandine: i cant build it :/ [15:46] i need to download all of indicator-applet's deps for building libindicate [15:47] in theory you shouldn't need to build it :) [15:47] i need the trunk one for the xfce applet :) [15:47] we just need to get it in main [15:47] is there a deb for libindicate 0.2 yet ? [15:50] SiDi: I don't think I've put one out there. But the packaging branch is up-to-date and should build. [15:51] kenvandine: I think it's something we should do anyway as when GNOME 3 comes around the applet part will have to die anyway. [15:51] I'd imagine all the bonobo deps will fall out of main rather quickly. Or perhaps I'm just being hopeful :) [15:51] tedg, yeah... i guess the first step is to split it into a separate branch right? [15:52] the sources is what matters for SiDi [15:52] kenvandine: Hmm, yeah. Do you think they should be separate LP projects? [15:52] It seems like a 1:1 of source packages to LP projects makes things easier. [15:53] But, I don't work on the distro anymore ;) [15:54] tedg, nah... i am happy having them in one project [15:54] just split it in bzr [15:54] and we can create releases for each independantly [15:55] Okay. I'm not going to do that today. But it'll be a good activity when I can't sleep on the plane. [15:55] It doesn't take a lot of thought, but takes time :) [15:55] :) [15:55] cool [15:55] tedg, how is the empathy stuff coming? [15:55] i plan on doing my part of it on the plane :) [15:55] unless i find time before then [15:56] kenvandine: Apparently there is going to be an Empathy/Telepathy hackfest session at Desktop Summit. [15:56] yup [15:56] kenvandine: I was thinking about doing it then. [15:56] ok [15:56] kenvandine: Then I have a basis for asking questions :) [15:56] i was thinking it would be nice to have it before then :) [15:57] kenvandine: I can try, but I need to get some applet stuff done and slides for my talk Monday. Plus, I'm single-parenting it this week. I'm not optimistic that I'll get much time on it. [15:57] sure [15:57] understand [15:57] i am still needing to prepare for my talk on tuesday :) [15:58] I don't even have a clear vision for my slide template yet... usually I have that by now. :) [15:58] The new background art wasn't as inspiring as previous ones :( [16:00] tedg, background art... did i miss something? [16:01] kenvandine: http://gould.cx/ted/presentations/scale7x/ [16:01] oh... background art you created :) [16:02] kenvandine: Well, that was basically the Hardy background remixed. [16:02] It was all kwwii's doing. [16:02] :) [16:03] get the jaunty background and do the same :) [16:03] * kenvandine is using gnome love artwork :) [16:03] feels weird that my talk will demo something not based on ubuntu... and.. it feels weird that that feels weird :) [16:03] artir: Yeah, the Jaunty background is boring. [16:04] kenvandine: Heh. [16:04] who did it? [16:04] artir: I believe that mt did. [16:04] Though I'm not sure. [16:04] i like it... it is good for a wallpaper [16:05] and for cd covers too [16:05] yup [16:05] * tedg thinks you guys are bland ;) [16:06] :) [16:07] i haven't changed the wallpaper since i installed jaunty, it's simplicity it's appealing [16:07] plus i don't usually see my desktop clean :P [17:54] djsiegel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/393158 [17:55] djsiegel: ^something that can be fixed this cycle :) [17:58] macvr: awesome, but I gtg now [17:58] later... [17:58] go to his new job as Apple CEO he means [17:59] CEO , haha! [17:59] somebody will probably have to forcibly throw out Jobs [19:18] MacSlow: do you use the gconf font size / dpi for notify-osd in trunk ? [19:19] yes [19:23] MacSlow: wont work with xfce ^.^ [19:23] i was wondering why the font was _so_ little with trunk... my gnome font used to be more little than the xfce one [19:23] *shrugg* [19:24] MacSlow: i'm gonna report this cause we're likely to use notify-osd in xubuntu now (i think its already the case in karmic) [19:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/339026 actually its already here [19:24] correct [19:25] actually I don't have time to look at bugs atm [19:25] no problem