[00:00] gogeta or Gold or Platium level [00:00] jschiff: #ubuntu-offtopic [00:00] maybe im doing something wrong [00:00] COOLKID4EVER, wow what r u doin? what are your specs? [00:00] i dont know im new [00:00] COOLKID4EVER: Most likely =) [00:00] NetLarIrvine: i only knoe i tunes works [00:00] i have an intel dual core 1.60 ghz [00:00] k [00:00] COOLKID4EVER: And what you conisder a crash, can most likely be fixed. =) [00:01] coleys the problem is im not so that is my fault that i dont know how to trouble shoot [00:01] becase im unfailar with this os [00:01] COOLKID4EVER: what is it doing /not doing? [00:01] COOLKID4EVER: Well thats why the #ubuntu channel is here. [00:01] im not = im new sorry [00:01] ok thank you coleys [00:01] COOLKID4EVER: You ask us, we try and help/guide you to a solution. Most of the time its an easy fix. [00:01] NetLarIrvine: i do think you need to use winetrick to install quicktime [00:01] * mickster04 loves how everyone jumps when someone says crash and ubuntu together [00:02] just my opinion...used windows and several linux distros...solaris etc ...most stable platform...ubuntu [00:02] lol mickster04 [00:02] mickster04: lol [00:02] has anyone got an acid3 test on 3.54 firefox? [00:02] did they hit 100/100 yet? [00:02] kasm279 its fine now sometimes my mozilla will do some funny things like giving me error " moxilla is already running" when im trying to open it up [00:02] !ot | jschiff [00:02] jschiff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [00:02] gogeta well I still use my mac anyway [00:02] thx coley [00:02] COOLKID4EVER: thats firefox's problem then :P [00:02] that's totally an ubuntu related support question [00:03] can ssh server ban you if you fail to connect too many times??? [00:03] COOLKID4EVER: No worries. We were all new at this once. =) [00:03] mezquitale: if it's setup to do so, sure. [00:03] NetLarIrvine: i love macs to soo woot [00:03] leaving...bbak [00:03] COOLKID4EVER: try Opera 10 beta [00:03] jrib, do you know how I can check? [00:03] NetLarIrvine, gogeta, go to offtopic [00:03] mezquitale: check what? [00:03] i have backtrack 4 so i figure i go to the bt4 chatroom those guys were chewing me up [00:03] COOLKID4EVER, if you've only just clos4d it, or left the download/add ons window open, its still runnin [00:03] NetLarIrvine, gogeta: my old iMac (333MHz) is faster than my 2.8GHz HP laptop [00:03] anyone here know if acronis or clonezilla support ext4? or something similar that might? [00:04] yea i dont think I have anything running [00:04] nellmathew: what do those programs do/ [00:04] Hate MS now, it is so slow [00:04] +1 [00:04] is there a system task like in windows?? to see which process is running? [00:04] NetLarIrvine: #ubuntu-offtopic ? [00:04] jrib: backup partitions/harddrives (create images from them) [00:04] helo marca i am in the channel [00:04] nellmathew: hmm, I know of partimage for that but I have no idea if it has ext4 support [00:04] COOLKID4EVER: ps -A [00:05] shoes all running task [00:05] lol [00:05] thanks jrib, i'll check out partimage's site [00:05] COOLKID4EVER: top (in terminal) [00:05] COOLKID4EVER: try applications>system tools>system monitor [00:05] let me see [00:05] COOLKID4EVER, if you right-cick on a panel (like the start bar in windows) then add to panel, then system monitor, you can also get the cpu/memory/network... stuff in the panel [00:06] ok thank you very much [00:06] COOLKID4EVER, if you then click on this(these) box(es) you get a task manager-ike app up [00:06] mickster04: uh, the only CPU thing thats installed for the panel is the CPU scaling thing [00:06] oh ok [00:06] Kasm279, system monitor too:D latest ubuntu [00:07] whats a goof ftp server? [00:07] i just tried vsftpd [00:07] mickster04: 9.04? [00:07] Kasm279, ya [00:07] How can I make a link so running 'program -option' actually runs 'program_by_another_name -option'? [00:07] ppl what is the easyset way to pass a gconf config from a user to other? [00:07] Mike_lifeguard: an alias? [00:07] when i click a station on the BBC plugin for totem, nothing happens. What gives? This is also the case when using the youtube plugin [00:07] anyone know how to record what's going on your screen other than grabbing a video cam? [00:07] sorry mickster04, i couldnt find it [00:07] !screencast | irad [00:07] irad: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [00:07] jrib: sure [00:08] iGama: sudo cp /path/to/orginalfile /path/to/new/location [00:08] Any ideas on the keyboard thing? [00:08] Mike_lifeguard: example: alias ls="ls --color=always -l" [00:08] Kasm279, add to panel>system montitor should be there? [00:08] Mike_lifeguard: alias foo='bar' [00:08] mickster04: i found it now [00:08] iGama: And that will copy the file. [00:08] when i play youtube videos, it's very choppy [00:08] any ideas? [00:08] nvidia x server settings app sets my resolution correctly, but if i save it to xorg.conf, it ruins settings (resolution switches back to original and no titlebar of windows) [00:08] Kasm279, win [00:08] JoshuaP0x1: uh, what video card do you have? [00:09] i anna install dreamlinux for my girlfriend she think its cute [00:09] ATI [00:09] but is it good? [00:09] JoshuaP0x1: whats the RAM size on it? [00:09] jschiff: where do I put that? [00:09] COOLKID4EVER: another distro you mean? [00:09] yea dreamlinux [00:09] 128 [00:09] COOLKID4EVER: that's not common that one [00:09] COOLKID4EVER: Uhh.. entirely different channel. But... Its a highly customized version of xfce, so its better for older computers. (But suitable for anything really) [00:09] JoshuaP0x1: Rage? [00:09] dont know [00:09] Mike_lifeguard: if you want it to persist put it in ~/.bashrc [00:09] how do i find out? [00:10] has a mac GUI lookalike [00:10] oh i c [00:10] JoshuaP0x1: also, do you have anything else running in the background? [00:10] Mike_lifeguard: you can also just type it in a terminal to test it, but it won't stick that way [00:10] she think its cute [00:10] think's* [00:10] jschiff: oh, will that work for graphical stuff too? [00:10] dont think so [00:10] jschiff: or only in bash? [00:10] Mike_lifeguard: not so much, what are you trying to do specifically? [00:10] hi, nvidia x server settings app sets my resolution correctly, but if i save it to xorg.conf, it ruins settings (resolution switches back to original and no titlebar of windows) [00:11] COOLKID4EVER: Its entirely different and I'd say more difficult. (Less packages, i.e less programs... She can make ubuntu look like a mac easily) [00:11] oh ok how? [00:11] is there videos on youtube [00:11] JoshuaP0x1: open a terminal ant type "xterm top" [00:11] if there is i can search it up later [00:11] without the quotes [00:11] COOLKID4EVER: Search Mac4lin [00:11] does anyone know of a good dock app for ubuntu? [00:11] oh alright [00:11] whats a goof ftp server to us on ubuntu? [00:11] good [00:11] mickster04: uh, Avant Window Manager [00:12] aacosta_: You mean... application? [00:12] aacosta_: proftpd or sftp (comes with openssh-server) [00:12] Kasm279, cheers [00:12] coleys, its a gconf config, it wont work like that [00:12] aacosta_: I personally use profrtpd, it's pretty easy to set up. [00:12] Kasm279, synaptics package manager or dedb? [00:12] I have a launcher that is pointing at something that doesn't exist. Yes, I could change what the launcher points at but I also want to learn how to link /usr/bin/whatever to /usr/bin/somethingelse [00:12] hi, nvidia x server settings app sets my resolution correctly, but if i save it to xorg.conf, it ruins settings (resolution switches back to original and no titlebar of windows) [00:12] jschiff: ^ [00:12] aacosta_: are you running the service for people without accounts on the system or anonymous users? [00:12] I'm an ex-openSUSE user, right now I have headphone, and they work with Skype, but when I'm watching something on youtube the sound is always on the speaker. On openSUSE I would open the sound control and send the sound to the headphone... how do I do that on Ubuntu ? [00:12] does scim work? [00:12] Mike_lifeguard: man ln [00:12] Mike_lifeguard: you can do the following ln -s /usr/bin/whatever /usr/bin/somethingelse [00:12] Mike_lifeguard: man ln [00:13] mickster04: uh, dedb? [00:13] omgomg, I get the message :P [00:13] what [00:13] i guess [00:13] opps [00:13] mickster04: just use whatever package manager you have [00:13] what causes firefox to just close out of the blue? [00:13] jsut for me [00:13] so i can upload stuff on to my www folder [00:13] FloridaGuy: many things [00:13] hi, nvidia x server settings app sets my resolution correctly, but if i save it to xorg.conf, it ruins settings (resolution switches back to original and no titlebar of windows) [00:14] anyone in here using backtrack4 [00:14] Kasm279, i meant is it a .deb file i have to install [00:14] !fixres | zs [00:14] zs: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [00:14] yes [00:14] !anyone | COOLKID4EVER [00:14] COOLKID4EVER: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [00:14] !repeat | zs [00:14] zs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [00:14] i just tried out vsftpd and after messing witht he ocnfiguration enabling writes i still couldnt download and uload stuff [00:14] lolol [00:14] so what's the story with firefox 3.5 on jaunty? will the 'firefox' package become version 3.5 at some point (and when) [00:14] aacosta_: have you read the server guide's documentation on it? [00:14] !ff35 | bazz [00:14] bazz: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [00:15] Thx for the help guys [00:15] Kasm279, so more less a bug between firefox and the dependenceies [00:15] jschiff: darn, you got one [00:15] Im off for a lil bit [00:15] i read how tos [00:15] jrib: owned :) [00:15] FloridaGuy: yeah [00:15] but i dont know why i wasnt able to use it [00:15] jschiff: thanks [00:15] FloridaGuy: try another browser and see if its just firefox or what [00:15] aacosta_: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html is what you should read [00:16] hello all [00:16] hallo [00:16] thanks [00:16] Kasm279, its just firefox...does it in other distro's to [00:16] FloridaGuy: I'd reccomend downloading the latest flash player from adobes site and putting it in ~/.mozilla/plugins [00:16] FloridaGuy: seems to work better then ubuntus flashplugin-nonfree package [00:16] In short.. in Ubuntu, where can I decide where the sound is going so I can send it to my headphone instead of the speakers ? [00:16] FloridaGuy: also, if you dont mind another browser, try opera 10 beta [00:16] yup [00:17] those were the excat instructions i followed [00:17] but i was only able to log in [00:17] not dowload and pload [00:17] jschiff, ok..but whats flash got to do with firefox...it was gnome-loo.org where it closed on me [00:17] is it allowed to have a symbolic link -> symbolic link -> real file? [00:17] Mike_lifeguard: yep [00:17] Kasm279, i like opea [00:17] yay [00:17] oh oops i thought you were talking about youtube my bad [00:18] FloridaGuy: have you tried the 10 beta? [00:18] what program can i use to create a printed calender? [00:18] Kasm279, no...ill grab it now [00:18] PhDP: no idea but try paprefs since you haven't gotten an answer [00:18] in ubuntu with gnome desktop manager; when you scroll your mousewheel over the bottom taskbar you "alt+tab" trough your open windows with your mouse. is there a way to turn this feature off? [00:18] FloridaGuy: on the download page click 'next' [00:19] also do i have to change my ftp home directory to my www directory [00:19] jrib: paprefs ? [00:19] or i should be able to do the things i want to do ith out changing so much stuff [00:19] PhDP: program for pulseaudio preferences [00:19] my /dev/loop seems to have eaten its own foot. rebooting is not an option. suggestions? http://paste.debian.net:80/40700/ [00:20] RichiH: sudo modprobe loop [00:20] anyone using firefox 3.5 and hardy? my ogg-vorbis doesn't work there. [00:20] RichiH: why no reboot? [00:20] gartral scribus? [00:21] i ran xterm top, now what? [00:21] ThePulgarcito: loop is loaded, else the paste would make no sense [00:21] Kasm279: because i have stuff running which must not be stopped [00:21] JoshuaP0x1: is there any apps that are using a lot of CPU? [00:21] how can i check my etc2 partition for errors? [00:21] firefox [00:21] anyone running vmware server software on ubuntu ... if so how much mem usage does it take up just running the vmware server service? [00:21] or even the entire hdd? [00:21] !fsck | pw-toxic [00:21] pw-toxic: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [00:22] i'm playing a vid on youtube [00:22] 93% [00:22] pw-toxic fsck? [00:22] Kasm279, opera 10 beta...nice..fast [00:22] JoshuaP0x1: how fast is your CPU? [00:22] FloridaGuy: ;) thats why i have it [00:22] freedumMan you allocate how much memory the vm uses [00:22] jrib: Honestly I have no idea what to do in papref, but it shouldn't be complicated, how can you decide where the sound is going, it's that simple. All my devices are detected, and my headphone works fine on Skype. But for some reason Firefox send the soundstream to the speakers. [00:23] PhDP: no idea that was just a shot in the dark [00:23] 2.20GHz [00:23] JoshuaP0x1: single core or dual? [00:23] Anyone know the default home page for firefox when installed from ubuntu repo? it's some local file somewhere, not on the web [00:23] hmmm ima try opera 10 b on osx [00:24] What's the command for converting Unix timestamp to human readable date/time? [00:24] PhDP: hmm paprefs wasn't the right program, it's some other pa* see what you have available [00:24] not sute [00:24] sure [00:24] Kasm279, but not much faster then the last.. [00:24] how do i tell? [00:25] anyone an idea what "Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum su ppported by BIOS" means? this shows up directly after i have chosen ubuntu after grub [00:25] Mike_lifeguard: chrome://ubufox/conten/startpage.html [00:25] thanks [00:25] my system monitor says it's a Intel Xeon CPU 2.20 GHz [00:25] irc.ukscifi.net === jreyes33 is now known as jirg [00:26] JoshuaP0x1: quad core? o.o [00:26] err [00:26] Mgiht be [00:26] wait [00:26] xenon is quad core, not xeon [00:26] >.< [00:26] hi guys... there is a "official" package of Firefox 3.5 final to 9.04? [00:27] Kasm279: O.o I can't open that by putting it in the address bar... it doesn't even say "oh, that doesn't exist" or something, just... nothing === dragon_1 is now known as aaditya [00:27] JoshuaP0x1: i thinks thats a single core, but look at the sticker on the computer [00:27] !ff35 | murielgodoi [00:27] murielgodoi: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [00:27] * regeya is living under a rock...3.5 is final, eh? [00:27] Kasm279: doesn't say anything about quad [00:27] Kasm279: so i assume it's not [00:27] the sticker? [00:27] jrib: thanks [00:27] i know its not quad [00:27] regeya: Final is most likely for windows. [00:27] wow opera still sucks hard with in browser rendering [00:27] K, why does that message suck so bad? parts of it are missing [00:28] jschiff: eh? [00:28] coleys: figures. I'm sitting on an os x machine, and checked for an update...no dice. [00:28] just does.. lol [00:28] regeya: Yeah. D= [00:28] Mike_lifeguard: I'm guessing that's a special thing of the ubufox extension, it may work in mysterious ways [00:28] terrible peacekeeper benchmark score for opera 10 [00:28] !no, ff35 is Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the *beta* package 'firefox-3.5' from the repositories will be updates when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [00:28] guys whats a good nintendo 64 emulator? [00:28] jschiff: it owns on my comp, its a P4 1.7GHz with 512MB of RAM and quad GPUs [00:29] PhDP: how about pavucontrol...? (I don't have pulseaudio on this system) [00:29] safari still performs 3x faster [00:29] jschiff: so what? [00:29] so i like my browsers fast and acid3 compatible [00:30] jschiff: =o [00:30] jschiff: Then use Midori. [00:30] jschiff: uh, what is acid? [00:30] koshari, correct but i was wondering what the vmware server service usage is? with no X-server installed using the web page control panel [00:30] http://acid3.acidtests.org/ [00:30] Kasm279: Solutions with a pH of less then 7. [00:30] jrib: I'll install it [00:30] jschiff: o rly? so where do we get safari for Ubuntu, you genius? [00:31] ya don't :) [00:31] How do you get the sound working on a unibody Macbook pro with jaunty? [00:31] We have Midori though. [00:31] !macbook | Comrade-Badger [00:31] Comrade-Badger: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [00:31] midori crashed often on me [00:31] but i've heard it's fast [00:31] Comrade-Badger: sudo lspci |grep -i audio (paste output please) [00:31] It's gotten better. Much better. [00:31] Kasm279: any other idea? [00:31] jrib they dont habe the unibody stuff there === aaditya is now known as dragon_ [00:32] i need to burn an ubuntu cd.. what program should i use to burn the iso? (i only have ubuntu here..) [00:32] hmmm firefox 3.5 final gets 93/100 on the acid test. [00:32] coleys, 00:08.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio (rev b1) [00:32] guys whats a good nintendo 64 emulator? [00:32] pw-toxic: Brasero [00:32] ah ! [00:32] coleys: 5-1? [00:32] pw-toxic: Or k3b (if your kde) [00:32] Comrade-Badger: 5-1? [00:32] jrib: Problem solved, thank you ! === yofel_ is now known as yofel [00:32] jschiff, hows ff 3.5 so far? [00:32] jrib, ? [00:32] TannerS, mupen64plus from svn is doing incredibly well. else you could go for project64 in wine [00:32] coleys, thanks [00:32] eh i still prefer safari, but 3.5 improved on 3.0 a lot [00:32] it's a good step for firefox [00:32] jschiff, is it stable? [00:32] jrib, ah [00:32] by far the best browser for linux so far [00:32] Comrade-Badger: unibody is version 5,1 of the macbook is it not? [00:32] yep [00:33] wat do u mean project64 in wine? they have pj 64 for ubuntu? [00:33] jschiff, what dont u like about it? [00:33] Comrade-Badger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook5-1/Jaunty#Sound [00:33] youtube and streaming video is very choppy on my machine. anyone have any ideas? [00:33] Comrade-Badger: there's also 5,2 if you have that one [00:33] jrib, yea i gotit thanks [00:33] anyone using minicom in 8.04.2? [00:33] it's slow, and feature defficient compared to safari [00:33] jrib, i wasnt paying attention 5.2 is the 13" i believe [00:33] i have the 25 [00:33] im getting the same error as bug 244958 except using onboard serial port [00:33] there are some little things you just can't add to firefox that are in safari, that i just love [00:33] ohh well not comparing it to other browsers but to 3.0 itself how do you like it [00:33] 15 [00:33] Comrade-Badger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-1_5-2/Jaunty#Sound [00:33] oh i love it [00:34] name those things [00:34] Comrade-Badger: Follow all those steps [00:34] Comrade-Badger: 25 :) [00:34] flash, plugins, etc... all work? [00:34] yep [00:34] sweet [00:34] TannerS, Read what I said. you can try the version of mupen64plus, which is a native nintendo64 emulator (and if you do, use the version from svn), or if it's too much trouble for you to compile it, install wine and run project64 inside that [00:34] jirg: u talking to me? [00:34] when I try to 'sudo ifdown eth0', I get the error: ifdown: interface eth0 not configured. However, I'm definetely using eth0 (confirmed with ifconfig eth0). Anyone know what else might cause this problem? [00:34] sure [00:34] jrib, yea a 25" MBP sweet! [00:34] ok now i understand [00:34] safari is integrated with the OS, when i download a .tar.gz file in it, it untars it and deletes the tar [00:34] is one little thing i love [00:35] also if i drag a tab out of the bar, it turns into a mini window, which i can detach from the main window anywhere [00:35] nice [00:35] and just a lot of other many small nice things [00:35] jschiff: also in 3.5 [00:35] nope not as streamlined [00:35] i like the safari main page with the portal look [00:35] you can drag a tab out of the bar [00:35] but it will just pop up on top of the firefox main window [00:35] you can't place it or see a mini preview [00:35] which is annoying on dual monitors [00:35] jschiff: The latter thing was just added, and you can make a shell script for the former [00:35] nogaplz so i isntall wine and it has it already built in man? [00:36] is there a safari yet for ubuntu? [00:36] jschiff: got you, but you're all for the visuals [00:36] no [00:36] and don't expect one. [00:36] don't need it [00:36] Safari is crap... TO BE HONEST. [00:36] freedumMan: NO, but Midori uses the same engine [00:36] coleys: I second that [00:36] nope it's the integration with the OS that is the best part of safari [00:36] and not with windows, safari on windows is terrible [00:37] jschiff: That's what KDE is for. [00:37] kde 4.3 is gonna be da bomb [00:37] kde ftw =D [00:37] ThePulgarcito, ohh [00:37] (kdemod actually =) [00:37] i enjoyed the great integrated desktop environment kde 4.3 beta had to offer [00:38] the customizability is endless, and the integration is getting pretty nice [00:38] jschiff: Woooo integration =) [00:38] still not AS integrated as osx but it's gettin there [00:38] is FF 3.5 in the repo's on ubuntu [00:38] !ff35 [00:38] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [00:39] So I just dist upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 and I have some connection problems. Could someone familiar with network manager and manual interface configuration send me a PM to trouble shoot? [00:39] ibeekman: Wired or Wireless? [00:39] coleys: wired [00:39] ibeekman: Name of your ethernet card? [00:39] In screen, my backspace key doesn't work. It works in terminal, it works in other gui programs. Only screen (AFAICT) does the key not do anything. Is this a silly configuration quirk like the license whinging, or something more strange? [00:40] Mike_lifeguard: Go into settings, and change backspace key to control + H [00:40] coleys: settings where? [00:40] coleys: it was a manual i.e. through the gui selecting manual configuaration in 8.04 because I have two ethernet cards one to a secure local network and one to the broader LAN [00:40] Mike_lifeguard: Of gnome-terminal [00:40] k [00:40] thanks [00:40] !ff35 =~ s/install/install it/ [00:40] I'll remember that jrib [00:40] coleys: don't know the name I can check maybe with ifconfig [00:41] ibeekman have you tried a simple: sudo dhclient [00:41] ibeekman: Nah, do lspci | grep -i ethernet [00:42] coleys 2 broadcom NetXteme [00:42] its not a hardware problem though definitely software [00:43] I can't get openoffice to open a ppsx file from power point 2007 properly. I can see the pictures but none of the words are showing up in both the editor and the actual slide show. [00:43] coleys: it is def software... there was a manual config option in the gui with 8.04 now it's gone but there is no way to update the settings with network manager, the old ones are stuck [00:43] has anyone got dropbox to work flawlessly in Ubuntu? [00:43] *by ones I mean settings [00:43] ibeekman: sudo apt-get install wicd [00:43] Use wicd instead :< [00:43] coleys: what's that? [00:44] wicd [00:44] wicd > network manager [00:44] Both handle networks. =) [00:44] Wicd is wayyy better though. [00:44] coleys does wicd > network manager mean you think it's better? [00:45] Yeah. =o [00:45] straight upppp. [00:45] hmmm I have been impressed with network manager so if that's true I will be doubly impressed [00:45] k [00:45] ibeekman: You will like wicd better, for sure. [00:45] coleys: installed now how do I get to it? [00:45] Wicd is pretty good. with network manager you can't configure an static IP in wireless networks [00:46] I'm setting up a new storage hard disk, and it's asking for a partition table. ----- I see the msdos is the default partition table, but is there a better (opensource) parition table I should use? [00:46] ibeekman: uhh... you'll want to kill the network... so... do ... sudo /etc/init.d/network stop [00:47] Current running Ubuntu 9.04 [00:47] ademos: will you use it in other OS? or just linux? [00:47] and you can start wicd the same way... sudo /etc/init.d/wicd start [00:47] hmm that will end our conversation no? [00:47] I added a line in /etc/rc.local that reads "hdparm -M 128 /dev/sda" but when I boot my system, the value remains at 254 (by checking with "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda") [00:47] ibeekman: Yes, but start wicd from gnome menu... Or Alt +f2 --> wicd-client [00:47] I'm having a problem with my laptop lid in Ubuntu 9.04. The lidbtn event is never triggered when the lid is closed. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state reports the proper states (open or closed), but the lid.sh script is never executed. [00:47] and you should reconnect [00:47] How come the line in /etc/rc.local is being ignored? [00:48] jirg, well it's an internal hard disk so I'm fine with a linux-only parition table ---- Also, I'm formating it with ext4, so that in itself will make it Linux-only without extra software on Windows [00:48] flanders: do the file has the x bit set ? [00:48] command not found [00:48] er... [00:48] try... sudo /etc/rc.d/network stop [00:48] (Im use to other distros now -P [00:48] ) [00:48] rgavril: Yes, it does have the x bit set. [00:48] still no dice [00:48] I am 9.04 [00:49] ademos: what software are you using to format it? [00:49] jirg, I'm using gparted [00:49] ibeekman: Allright... Just sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add network and networkmanager (Two seperate lines then save and exit [00:49] coleys: rc.d is for other distros, init.d was right [00:49] flanders: you aded the line before 'exit 0' ? [00:49] jrib: My bad=P [00:49] coleys: gksudo, not sudo [00:49] yeah! [00:49] gksudo =) [00:49] I can't get openoffice to open a ppsx file from power point 2007 properly. I can see the pictures but none of the words are showing up in both the editor and the actual slide show. [00:50] ademos: so you've decided to go with ext4 as the Filesystem [00:50] should it be empty to start? cause it is [00:50] DarkMage26: 3.1 supports 2007 office better. [00:50] DarkMage26: Your probably using 3.0.1 [00:50] jirg, well yes. I'm already using it for my system hard disk, and it's been very reliable, and definitely faster [00:50] rgavril: Yes, I did. [00:50] ibeekman: Yeah. [00:50] coleys, so use 3.1? Is it stable? [00:50] DarkMage26: Yeah.. Ubuntu repos are slow(no offence) [00:51] flanders: then it's not ignored :) [00:51] coleys: each on its own line? [00:51] ibeekman: Yeah. [00:51] rgavril: Nevermind. I am an idiot. [00:51] k [00:51] coleys, any special instructions for upgrading? [00:51] ademos: good. but what was your problem again? partition table type? I don't remember being prompted by gparted about partition tables [00:51] Hello people. [00:51] rgavril: I meant to add the line "hdparm -M 128 /dev/sda" but accidentally put "hdparm -M /dev/sda 128" [00:52] how can i open an image file as iso [00:52] DarkMage26: what are you upgrading to/from [00:52] Oops, hehe. [00:52] hello [00:52] flanders: good that you find it [00:52] coleys: edits made .... [00:52] 3.0 I think [00:52] aytekin: wanna convert it to ISO or what? [00:52] My brain doesn't think in proper syntax. [00:52] Can I get some help with something? >.> [00:52] ibeekman: ibeekman now restart, and... once your logged in... Alt +f2 --> wicd-client (Or type that from terminal, or just plain wicd) [00:53] no just to open like an dvd or cd [00:53] jirg, my problem is the following; I just bought this hard disk (2 TB Western Digital) and so far I've plugged it in and run gparted. The first message I got when choosing "new" from the menu, was a message asking me which parition table I wanted. It tells me msdos is default, but that sounds strange, but opensource-wise and best-software-wise [00:53] But here is another problem I am trying to solve: Whenever it tries to connect to my wireless router, it always asks me to "Connect", but with the password already filled in. How come it will not connect automatically? What is the purpose of this redundant extra step? [00:53] aytekin: you mean mount an image file? [00:53] *both [00:53] ademos: ext 3 =o [00:54] yea [00:54] flanders, you have to tell it that you want it started auto [00:54] I have that box checked. [00:54] coleys, I used to use ext3 for my system parition, but once I tried ext4, and expirenced the speed...well that was it for ext3 :P [00:54] is there any a kind of gui in ubuntu [00:54] aytekin: for? [00:54] It automatically begins to connect, as soon as I log in, but then it pops up a dialog box asking me to "Connect" with the password field already filled in... [00:54] ademos: ehh... welll ext 3 is alot more stable and polished... Ext4 isn't really necessary for desktop user, and not really stable enough at this point, up to you though. ;) [00:55] Once I click "Connect" it finishes connecting. [00:55] Anyone? Help? [00:55] as if there is cd driver [00:55] !question [00:55] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:55] coleys, :P Well over the past couple months, I haven't noticed one issue. So considering the faster speed, I'm staying ext4 :P [00:56] ademos: Like I said, up to you =) [00:56] for an iso image file [00:56] coleys, well thanks for the advice ;) [00:56] do I need to uninstall openoffice 3.0 before installing 3.1?? [00:56] DarkMage26: I would for good measure =) [00:56] So, hypothetically, what happens if my SSH connection dies during do-release-upgrade? [00:56] aytekin: try right clic on the iso file and Open with... [00:56] aytekin: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html [00:56] coleys, how do I uninstall it? [00:57] DarkMage26: sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org* [00:57] threepointonefou, you'll have better luck asking your question. So far you've only asked permission... [00:57] coleys, thanks :-D. [00:57] !question | threepointonefou [00:57] threepointonefou: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:57] seems I get an I/O error from 'cat /dev/ttyS0' after updating to 8.04.2, I see it initialised in dmesg, any ideas? [00:57] Okay...well, I just got my new Del Inspiron Mini 10v with preinstalled "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Mini Standard Edition"...I can't seem to connect to wireless...I turned on the driver (which wasn't on before) but that didn't seem to help anything. Umm...yeah, and I know the networks work because I am currently on my other laptop. [00:57] !anyone | threepointonefou [00:57] threepointonefou: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [00:57] is there any a kind of software like isobuster in win [00:58] aytekin: K3b, Brasero [00:58] I'm having a problem with my laptop lid in Ubuntu 9.04. The lidbtn event is never triggered when the lid is closed. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state reports the proper states (open or closed), but the lid.sh script is never executed. [00:58] aytekin: right click, open with file mounter works [00:58] coleys: so what was the name and location of the module blacklist file? I did what you said but I have an issue with wicd: it only lets me configure one ethernet card, AND there's no easy pptp vpn config gui and the settings still seem to be locked... I can access the internet and the local network whether or not wicd is started [00:59] there is some other remnant from 8.04 which is hijacking my connection settings [00:59] ibeekman: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [00:59] to mount an image file i think there is no software to run the file [00:59] so jirg, I'm still wondering which parition table is best. I'm told that msdos is default, but if possible I want to avoid microsoft software.... [00:59] ibeekman: Uhh.. I recommend you just fresh install... Upgrades are scewy =) [00:59] screwy* [00:59] and we need to find this and disable/remove it so I can use network manager which I like and use on my other machine [00:59] Will firefox 3.5 be available for jaunty not shiretoko [00:59] !ff35 [00:59] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [01:00] thank you [01:00] hmmm well good thing I took a disk image before upgrading... maybe I can go back and turn off that stuff in 8.04 which is causing the problem then upgrade [01:00] ok thx jirg, coleys and rgavril [01:00] *sigh* [01:01] I take that as a no one knows... [01:01] ibeekman: Nah, I would just backup on to some form of media, i.e Dvd,etc... And then fresh install 9.04... =) Definitly alot less problems ahead that way. [01:01] threepointonefou, what is your problem? [01:01] Heyo. Is there any way to say overwrite a current installation of ubuntu with the default files? (Keeping all files not installed with ubuntu) [01:01] yeah but this is my workstation at work and I went through hell to get everything setup like it is now [01:01] My login screen doesnt show up after it loads, it artifacts. I tried all of the recovery options [01:01] threepointonefou: Have you restarted? And what is your wireless card? Broadcom, intel...? [01:02] I just got my new Dell Inspiron Mini 10v with preinstalled "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Mini Standard Edition"...I can't seem to connect to wireless...I turned on the driver (which wasn't on before) but that didn't seem to help anything. Umm...yeah, and I know the networks work because I am currently on my other laptop. [01:02] ademos: hard to say, because i've never ran into that situation before. [01:02] I have restarted 3 times [01:02] threepointonefou: Try 8.10, it has increased networking capabilities [01:02] threepointonefou: We are not at your command, we are volunteers sighing just pisses us off =) === andrew__ is now known as AndrewGearhart [01:03] jirg, alright well since msdos is default I guess I'll stick with that. Better safe than sorry I suppose. [01:03] Internal WLAN (half-sized Mini-Card) with WiFi bgn [01:03] jrib, coleys i did what that article said and i have sound now but its very low and wont go through to my speakers [01:03] wow ff3.5 gave me a 90/100 [01:03] ok people i ve foun it [01:03] Any way to install ubuntu while in windows? [01:03] ademos: did you read this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1051692.html [01:03] alright time to restore to 8.04 and try upgrading again [01:03] it s named gmount-iso [01:03] Comrade-Badger: Open your mixer, and adjust channels? Or open terminal and use alsamixer (adjust channels too_ === AndrewGearhart is now known as m1ckeyknox [01:04] threepointonefou: what does ifconfig and iwconfig say? [01:04] threepointonefou: Do you know if its ... broadcom or Intel? or... Atheros... etc? [01:04] thanks for your efforts coley, I think this is probably the sanest thing to do. [01:04] coleys, i did theyre all the way up === m1ckeyknox is now known as AndrewGearhart [01:04] !ff3.5 | pisecx [01:04] pisecx, please see my private message [01:04] Comrade-Badger: What are you using to test the sound? Youtube, or music or something? [01:05] jirg, interesting discussion but the result was sadly... [01:05] isnt there a more modern partition table that works better with ext3 and huge external HD than msdos partition table, given that i will never need any fat or ntfs on this drive? [01:05] Good question! (I'd like to know the answer as well.) [01:05] ademos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:05] sorry FloodBot1 [01:05] coleys, movie player and a mp3 [01:05] * aytekin you are a kind of geek === Outro_cara_qualq is now known as Um_cara_qualquer [01:05] i don't know what ifconfig and iwconfig are [01:05] jirg, so I guess I'll stick with the default to make sure everything runs [01:05] anyone experience with ubuntu on a macbook? [01:05] threepointonefou: Alt + f2 --> gnome-terminal [01:06] pw-toxic: I have ubuntu on a G4 iMac (PPC) [01:06] how do I find out if it's broadcom or intel or things? [01:06] ademos: yeah. msdos seems the way to go here. i don't think you want to try with the other alternatives mentioned: aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, sun, loop [01:06] threepointonefou: Type iwconfig first, then paste outcome at http://pastebin.ca and ifconfig second and paste at http://pastebin.ca [01:06] Alt +F2 doesn't do anything [01:07] threepointonefou: check your PM. [01:07] jirg, haha yeah, those aren't really any better I suppose, just different; thanks for the help [01:07] threepointonefou: sudo lspci | grep -i network [01:07] evening folks. I was wondering if anybody could help me out with figuring out how to dual boot. I'm on ubuntu-64-jaunty and I'd like to also boot ubuntu-x86-jaunty [01:07] ademos: you're welcome. I learned something today [01:07] jirg, haha me too [01:07] hi, the gcompris app freezes at the start with the message "No module named numeric in garbage collection", what shoud I do? [01:08] coleys, any other ideas? [01:08] is there any command to ask ubottu to join a channel? =) [01:08] Comrade-Badger: hum, restart? [01:08] later all [01:08] coleys, just did [01:09] Comrade-Badger: try different modes of audio, i.e pulse, oss, esd etc see if they give better sound? [01:09] AndrewGearhart: Umm.. Just wondering why you would want to do that? [01:10] coleys: dual boot? or go back to x86? [01:10] 64bit works very well for me here. [01:11] AndrewGearhart: Whyy dual boot the same system, and not use the x64 if you can? [01:11] is there a 64 bit flash firefox plugin? [01:11] Comrade-Badger: Yeah. [01:11] hey so is there anyone here who can point me to some information on getting nvidia drivers to work in jaunty? [01:11] when i watcg a movie, after a while the movie stops although i disables screensaver and set power management never to turn black [01:11] !flash | Comrade-Badger [01:11] im having interesting problems with it [01:11] Comrade-Badger: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [01:11] dutch: i can [01:11] coleys: long story short is that I've been working with 64 for a year now... and I've had plenty of trouble. I have enough "odd" things going on that adding 64 to the mix makes things complicated. [01:11] Hey folks, I installed empathy in ArchLinux version 2.26.2, I also installed libjingle, telepathy-haze, telepathy-mission-control, telepathy-stream-engine, and telepathy-gabble. I was hoping to do a voice conversation with a contact who uses google talk, from gmail.com. But "Call" is greyed out. [01:11] Comrade-Badger: there's a link there I think. [01:12] AndrewGearhart: Whats your problems, perhaps we could help with those. [01:12] !flash64 | Comrade-Badger [01:12] Comrade-Badger: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [01:12] AndrewGearhart: And may I ask your ram? === mike is now known as Guest90758 [01:12] Comrade-Badger: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html [01:12] coleys: 4mb ram [01:12] anomymous: i have two 7900s in my comp, but the last couple times i tried installing the drivers (months ago), x refused to start [01:12] AndrewGearhart: With 32 bit you can only use ~3.2 gigs of it. [01:13] coleys: for example, I'm using dual monitors with an intel gma card... which made that difficult... [01:13] can anyone think of a wm that lets you bind shortcuts to running processes? [01:13] anomymous: so ive been living with nv drivers until now [01:13] coleys: I'm now having problems with all of my video applications... none of them seem to work. [01:13] coleys: I can't play .wmv, .mov etc [01:13] hello fellas, i have 2 system on my computer xp and ubuntu but i forgat i had ubuntu and i restored my xp so.. after restore it s doesn't ask when i boot my computer like "ubuntu or xp". what can i do. [01:13] dutch: SLi ? [01:13] anomymous: yes, they are connected via SLI [01:13] AndrewGearhart: May I suggest a fresh reinstall? I Mean... you might aswell run one Jaunty... or give another distro a try. =o [01:14] whoops i mean mobi-sheep yes they are connected via SLI [01:14] coleys: my fear is the lack of a system.... that's the reason i wanted to dual boot.. [01:14] i think it s grub problem but don' know how to configre it [01:14] if a cpu is running at 100% what are the chances of overheating? [01:14] thee_, you want to reinstall grub. Backup your mbr using the dd command (google mbr backup dd?), and use grub to point to that .img file [01:14] AndrewGearhart: Lack of a system meaning? [01:14] mobi-sheep: you have any information on that? [01:15] dutch: go to 'beheer' (administration), then hardware [01:15] dutch: http://www.darraghverschoyle.com/2009/03/enabling-sli-on-ubuntu-810/ [01:15] can anyone help with a ext4 fstab question? I recently reformatted a secondary internal drive to ext4 and now it will only allow me to mount it as root. Help? [01:15] thee_: you could also try with the Live CD [01:15] , how? [01:15] irad: i would say low. CPUS run at 100% for long periods of time..if its overheating.. get better fan/heatsink [01:15] too many people here [01:15] coleys: I have a vista machine that is my wife's to fall back on... but even after a year of ubuntu and installing things and working on configuring things manually to try to understand things... I'm not confident in my ability to wipe things out [01:15] thee_, nevermind, actually. [01:15] ... well... and recover [01:15] Dr_Willis, ah..ok, just wondering..whew! i'm safe [01:15] can we make call using gtalk in ubuntu [01:15] coleys: I'm sure I'd do just fine wiping things out.. ;-) [01:16] ? why [01:16] AndrewGearhart: Ah... That's why I would suggest an easy replacement for such sort of things. [01:16] irad: when implaying 6+ hrs of FPS games.. or encoding videos.. 100% for 12+ hrs - not uncommon. [01:16] dutch: Run "man nvidia-xconfig" and you'll find out what this does. :) [01:16] mobi-sheep: see the problem is that when i install the nvidia restricted drivers, on a reboot, X refuses to start [01:16] thee_, because I haven't done that in a long, long, long time [01:16] you think it s easier with LiveCD [01:16] do the cpus have to be at 100% to overheat? [01:17] dutch: Oh then you need to learn how to use TTY. CTRL + ALT + F7 is your Graphic. CTRL + ALT + [F1-F6] is your virtual terminal consoles. [01:17] thee_, yes and no.... [01:17] !tty | dutch [01:17] coleys: when I first installed ubuntu it took me a day because I had two drives... an IDE and a SATA... and the build of grub caused it to try to boot to the IDE drive... where an old install of windows lives partially crippled [01:17] dutch: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution. [01:17] irad: if your Heatshink gets full of crud.. or fan Stops... No :) [01:17] can anybody help with a Xorg memory problem? I am using gnome/openbox, and after starting X, openbox seems to loop (keeps trying to open) and eventually uses up all memory [01:17] lol [01:17] thee_, hold on, actually, i might have an easier, more sure way to do things [01:17] how can I tell xdg-open what to use to open urls? [01:17] thee_: read this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24113 [01:17] can anyone help with a ext4 fstab question? I recently reformatted a secondary internal drive to ext4 and now it will only allow me to mount it as root. Help? [01:18] mobi-sheep: i appreciate the help, but i know about that. im just wondering, if i install the drivers, then turn on SLI, do you think X will start? [01:18] dutch: You might want to install irssi -- It's a terminal CLI IRC so you can connect back to here after you install it. :) [01:18] mobi-sheep: thats what i use ;-) [01:18] olivia: add the user option to fstab? [01:18] =) thank bro i was just reading that site. [01:18] dutch: I can't guarantee you that -- It's hit or miss approach. :) [01:18] mobi-sheep: cause i would think that installing the drivers without enabling SLI wouldnt cause X to break, would it? [01:18] mobi-sheep: okay then [01:18] mobi-sheep: ill try it out [01:18] Mike_lifeguard no I did defaults. [01:18] dutch: Also, you might want to try... (hold). [01:19] hm === caleb is now known as Guest18356 [01:19] dunno then, sorry [01:19] thee_: This link should help too, doesn't look so easy so be careful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [01:19] thee_, you can use ntldr (windows boot loader) to boot grub (linux's boot loader), or vice versa. Here's option B http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_setup_boot_loaders#Using_the_NT_Boot_Loader_to_boot_Linux [01:19] dutch: sudo nvidia-xconfig --a [01:19] mobi-sheep: if i get borked, though, will "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" fully restore me to working config? [01:19] dutch: -a, --enable-all-gpus Configure an X screen on every GPU in the system. [01:20] thee_, although alot of people recommend doing it the other way around. And I think the ubuntu scripts can do this for you nowadays, using the grub to ntldr method--- which is probably the best route [01:20] Mike_lifeguard what is the user option? I can't find mention of it in fstab man page [01:20] dutch: No. Meh. You would need to reconfigure your Xorg to include some kind of SLI / GPU supports and such. :) [01:20] n [01:20] dutch: Also, more information can be asked at #nvidia [01:20] coleys, well i got it so crank up, but it still wont come out the head phone jack [01:20] thee_, I bet the liveCD probably has a tool for you == either way I got class, pz. [01:20] dutch: But I'd suggest you try that after you test the commands first. ;) [01:20] mobi-sheep: okay thanks [01:20] mobi-sheep: ill give that a try [01:21] Comrade-Badger: Hmm.. Completely read that ubuntu wiki? [01:21] Dr_Willis, which one would bun out faster - Video Cards or CPUs? [01:21] olivia: lets any user mount it [01:21] dutch: Do you knwo how to use TTY now? [01:21] Does anyone know anything about over clocking, and or undervolting? [01:21] coleys, i think i did it all rightl [01:21] mobi-sheep: oh yes lol trust me, ive been using GNU/Linux for 15 years now ;-) [01:21] dutch: Go ahead and test it. F7 bring you back to X. [01:21] MontelEdwards, overclocked forums [01:21] uniquebob: have you ever recovered GRUB with the method you suggested? [01:21] dutch: Lol. Alright. Good. :) [01:21] MIke_lifeguard yes that what I am looking for. HOw do I use it whats the syntax or where can I find more info? [01:21] uniquebob, huh? [01:21] mobi-sheep: thanks for the help, ill try out those nvidia things [01:21] jirg, the latter? No, not recovered. [01:22] MontelEdwards, just google it. Vast swath of information [01:22] , i think i ll try the LiveCD couse other ways not seems easy as i can do. [01:22] uniquebob: the NT Boot loader one [01:22] olivia: man fstab -- but just add ,user after whatever you have for that line already [01:22] uniquebob, OK< dont you think that i have already done that? [01:23] thee_: good luck [01:23] can i remove a package without remove your dependents? with apt-get... [01:23] MontelEdwards, I oc'd once and it failed and i held down the reset cmos jumper too long, fried it. ($15 mobo =) ). Anyways, on a related note, rpgs give you more xp if you don't fail... ? [01:23] uniquebob, off-topic [01:23] jirg, yeah. [01:24] anyway thanks for your kindness helps. [01:24] crashanddie, I blew up hardware overclocking once, and that's how I did it... surely I feel obligated to try save a newb from same fate? [01:24] uniquebob, PM [01:24] MIke_lifeguard can I use defaults and user? ie "/dev/sda2 /media/disk ext4 defaults,user 0 2" ? [01:24] uniquebob: either way, it's not easy to solve [01:24] olivia: I think so, yes [01:24] anyone know about vsftpd [01:25] MIke_lifeguard Thank you. [01:25] np [01:25] jirg, well the same script that exists on livecd for install... that same action ought to repair. [01:25] How can I set what xdg-open uses for opening URLs? [01:25] aacosta_, loads of people, you won't know until you ask the question you want to ask [01:26] i am having difficulty uploadding and downloadin files [01:26] anyone have any idea what .u1/2/3/4 audio files are? sox can make them, but nothing plays them... [01:26] i can log in fine with filezilla but when i try to do any transfers i guess it says i have no permission [01:26] buut i already edited the .conf file to enable writes [01:26] and local logins [01:27] !enter | aacosta_ [01:27] aacosta_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [01:27] yeah i know i jsut forgot to include local logins to the list [01:28] jirg, in a nutshell, you copy the mbr to an image. you copy grub to mbr. you point grub to the old mbr (windows) and to ubuntu in the conf. dd scares me, and I don't want to rtfm atm. [01:28] aacosta_, just write your question on one line, not 4 [01:28] Randomly, my icons in sys tray keeps moving around, and the "Window List" needs to be added again and again to the Panel.. Bug? Or something else? [01:28] aacosta_, you don't jump from one to 4 with only one addition [01:28] anyone knows live station like ustream.com? [01:29] im sorry wont do i t again [01:29] anyone know? [01:29] do you know by any chance if maybe i need to configure it more? [01:30] aacosta_, I suppose your ftpd runs in a specific user/group? [01:30] uniquebob: sooner or later, you'll have to use dd for something [01:30] Randomly, when I reboot Ubuntu 9.04, my icons in sys tray keeps moving around, and the "Window List" needs to be added again and again to the Panel.. Bug? Or something else? [01:31] maybe? but i didnt set it up like that i can send you my .conf file thru pastbin [01:32] PowerTop suggests to me (Ubuntu NBR 9.04) to disable hald-addon-storage, with a "K" shortcut key to kill the process. I do not have any CD drives on my netbook, and /dev/cdrom does not exist. So why is "hald-addon-stor" even running? Is there a way to disable it from running at every bootup? [01:33] is there anything in ubuntu repos for good wiki software? [01:33] I cannot find any option to disable it in "Services" or "Startup Programs". [01:33] deadmau5 [01:34] hi, can you tell me how can i disable "system sounds" in KDE? on gnome it was in system/sounds settings, can't find it on kde.. [01:35] m0u5e: why Ubuntu? you should host it in your web server [01:35] somebody help please! when i try to open virtualbox i got this messageFailed to open a session for the virtual machine WindowsXp. [01:35] Virtual machine 'WindowsXp' has terminated unexpectedly during startup. [01:36] !please | wolf23 [01:36] wolf23: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [01:36] wolf23: try #vbox [01:36] sebsebseb, can u help me please [01:36] the minimize, close, maximize buttons in firefox are gone how can i get them back? [01:37] crashanddie, yes i got this message when i try to open vbox [01:37] There is no way to permenantly disable hald-addon-stor? [01:37] wolf23: oh when you open it? [01:37] wolf23: not when you try to run the vm? [01:37] mistalo: just firefox or all windows? [01:37] firefox and terminal. xchat has it [01:38] sebsebseb, yes sorry, this happen when i try to start windows xp, guest [01:38] wolf23: have you got any other vm's that work? [01:38] hello ... what is the cli to upgrade firefox to 2.5? [01:38] hello ... what is the cli to upgrade firefox to 3.5? [01:38] corrction ..... 3.5 [01:38] NEWBIE question but how do I tell what version of Ubuntu I have [01:38] !ff35 | sysRPL [01:38] sysRPL: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [01:38] ty [01:38] !release | pnema [01:38] pnema: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [01:39] !version | pnema [01:39] pnema: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [01:39] sysRPL: np [01:39] sebsebseb, ye sthe first time works fine,and i have about one week without working on it [01:39] Hi... [01:39] wolf23: it used to work, but not anymore? [01:39] Im installing ubuntu with wubi [01:39] YOUR_MUM, change your nickname please [01:39] YOUR_MUM: Wubi is bad, just like your name is [01:39] sebsebseb, now it is not working :( === YOUR_MUM is now known as Caleb_the_person [01:40] Caleb_the_person, thanks [01:40] Is there any risks with using wubio? [01:40] wolf23: you can add the vm agian [01:40] wubi* [01:40] wolf23: that might solve the problem [01:40] mistalo: are you using metacity? [01:40] Is there any risks? [01:40] Caleb_the_person: yeah if WIndows gets a nasty virus that deletes it, all bye bye Ubuntu as well [01:40] I dont get viruses XD [01:41] Ever [01:41] ubottu, and all else thank [01:41] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [01:41] Caleb_the_person: also it won't work as well as a proper Linux install, espesailly if it has Ext4, but that's not fully ready for Ubuntu just yet, but Ubuntu 9.10 the next one will use by default :) [01:41] jirg, how can i find out if i use metacity? [01:41] sebsebseb, wait i have the error detalis [01:41] I was searching for libg2c0-dev package, but it's not maintained anymore. Anyone knows the reason? [01:41] Apart from viruses is there ANY other risks with using wubi for installing ubuntu alongside windowse? [01:41] If I want to mount my Windows partition on-demand, what options should I use in fstab? [01:41] windows* [01:42] Touch type lol [01:42] just installed a bunch of packages in 9.04. Rebooted and eth0 is gone. [01:42] Now my two follow up questions. Can I easily upgrade my 8.04.2 to Jaunty? Or is that necessary as I've been updating all my packages, etc [01:42] Helloooo??? [01:42] Caleb_the_person: If Windows is all fragmented Ubuntu can get slow, weird things can happen with Wubi, so Ubuntu can't just boot up, and then you can't get hold of your data normalley with a Live CD and mounting the partition, because you used Wubi, and so on [01:42] Ive got the window open pls tell me [01:43] jirg: yes i am using it [01:43] What weird things happen with wubi? [01:43] sebsebseb, [01:43] Result Code: [01:43] NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) [01:43] Component: [01:43] Machine [01:43] Interface: [01:43] wolf23: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:43] Caleb_the_person, you're trolling.. you've been in here two days straight claiming the same things.. please don't waste these peoples time. [01:43] mistalo: try running #metacity --replace [01:43] Kk? [01:43] bastidrazor: report him to the ops? #ubuntu-ops ? [01:43] Nah im fine. [01:44] Google for me [01:44] there is a bot command that calls ops too [01:44] sebsebseb, nah.. he'll be okay. he shuts up after a bit. [01:44] XD [01:44] Titan8990_: yes, but this is not a channel emergency [01:44] jirg: i tried this already and just now again. close button still gone but i have a error message of metacity one sec [01:44] does wubi always install the AMD version of ubuntu? [01:44] Idk [01:44] and what is the minimun space needed for wubi in windows? [01:45] Umm [01:45] Depends [01:45] JPSman: Wubi sucks, just install to harddrive now =) [01:45] I gave it 17 gigs, can It run on say 7 [01:45] No one knows how I can completely disable hald-addon-stor on Ubuntu 9.04? It is pointless to me, and it is not good for my battery. [01:45] cant, moms computer [01:45] mistalo: it's weird it's only happening with some windows [01:45] If you only want a little bit of programs, 15gb [01:45] JPSman: What mom doesn't know doesn't hurt her. [01:45] Lol [01:45] All my installs have been clean, but now that I've been using Ubuntu for a while I would like to update to the current stable release. Does Ubuntu have an upgrade option when loading? [01:46] how do I check to see if I'm running 32 bit or 64 bit os? [01:46] coleys, if I could somehow make the grub not show up unless I want to..... [01:46] JPSman: Thats simple =P [01:46] omfg, I've been troubleshooting around wubi this whole time [01:46] poor mr mental... [01:46] JPSman: And its also simple to make windows boot by default. [01:46] =) [01:46] JPSman: The same size as regular Ubuntu, 2G or so. [01:46] "The only downside I could find was that I was unable to access files stored on my Windows drive from Ubuntu; it appeared not to be mounted under Wubi. Running fdisk -l didn't show me the host drive either. The ability to view files stored on the Windows drive would have been nice, and it would've been nicer if Wubi integrated my home folder in Ubuntu with the My Documents folder in Windows." [01:46] Thats what the random said from google [01:47] mobi-sheep: so yeah my Xserver is hosed now. i installed the driver, and restarted my machine, and it wont even start anymore. any ideas? [01:47] Ohk wish me luck [01:47] Another question, I trying to attach an external monitor to my laptop. Any pointers, suggestions as I cannot get it work at the moment? Thanks [01:47] Caleb_the_person: Wubi is for new Ubuntu users that don't know better, I as well as other experienced Linux users, highly recommend you dont' use it, and instead you do a proper partitioned install [01:47] JPSman: Its reallly easy to hide grub, and change default boot. (You will press escape, and grub will appear, then you can choose it) [01:47] by "it wont start" i mean xorg wont start [01:48] JPSman, I'm using just under 7 megs with lots of software but not much media [01:48] But partition=EPIC windows fail [01:48] wubi is crapppppppp =P And a waste of time. No offence to developers. [01:49] uniquebob, well, the media I can access from with windows partition anyway .... [01:49] thank you uniquebob [01:49] JPSman, i mean 7 gigs. Anyways, if space is an absolute issue, take a look at DSL [01:49] my last question is, does wubi always have to use the AMD64 version? [01:49] o.o [01:49] Caleb_the_person: and if your trolling as someone said you were, please feel free to leave the channel [01:49] its not [01:49] Well cya [01:50] lol [01:50] yo whazzup [01:50] JPSman, now that I think about it, I can probably cut that size down significantly by getting rid of old source files for packages. [01:50] !ot | melement [01:50] melement: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [01:50] coleys: :D [01:50] ohhh shit I not speak english [01:50] =) [01:50] mistalo: can you check your metacity configuration? Alt+F2 -- gconf-editor [01:50] Mandrake6: What language ? [01:50] I need to try wubi === asdsadds is now known as mistalo1 [01:50] Mandrake6: well you speak enough to use a swear word [01:50] Portuguese - Brazilian [01:50] !pt [01:50] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [01:50] uniquebob: why do you think that? [01:51] quite [01:51] #ubuntu-br [01:51] jirg: i tried this metacity --replace command before and it didnt work. when i tried after u sayed it to me, i had to restart the computer [01:51] Mandrake6: Type: /join #ubuntu-br [01:51] ok, see you guys later, gonna go nuke this copy of ubuntu and use a smaller 7 gig install [01:51] sebastien, Because people are using it, and it seems like a neat concept. [01:51] thx guy =P [01:51] I am newbie ^^ [01:51] Mandrake6: No worries. =) [01:52] jirg: i am sure it has something to do that i changed the screen settings [01:52] uniquebob: yeah many Ubuntu newbies use it, but most experienced users will avoide it :) [01:52] mistalo1: can you check your metacity configuration? Alt+F2 -- gconf-editor [01:52] sebastien, In similar fashion, I don't have an xbox, but I'll look at xbox distros to see whats going on. =) [01:52] uniquebob: it's usaully always better to do a proper partitioned install :) [01:52] !install | uniquebob [01:52] uniquebob: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [01:52] how do you read the channel topic? [01:53] .../topic [01:53] schwinn434: type /topic and hit enter [01:53] thx sebsebseb [01:53] sebsebseb, I know, and thats what I do. Newbs don't leave space for new o/s, and they often don't have the tools to migrate easily. [01:53] uniquebob: You need no tools except this irc, to migrate easily. [01:53] =) [01:53] sebsebseb, mostly i feel guilty because i didn't know what wubi does, and I tried helping someone who used the 'ubuntu installer'.... [01:54] later dudes [01:54] coleys, I play it by the book with backups through usb before anything rough [01:54] uniquebob: well Ubuntu in a virtual machine inside Windows, is better than Wubi, and that was coming from someone who thinks Windows is a bad host OS for virtual machines [01:54] Play with Ubuntu/Linux in virtualbox.. is a handy thing to do. [01:54] jirg: after typing the gconf command, where should i cliuck? apps, desktop, scheemes or system? [01:54] Yeah... Virtual box > WUBI. [01:54] so i just installed the nvidia restricted drivers, and now xorg is hosed, it wont even start. can anyone tell me how to revert to a working xconfig? [01:54] uniquebob: Wubi puts Ubuntu in a section of the Windows partition [01:54] sebastien, lol I survived three months of gentoo and you sent ubottu after me for install guidelines? ... =) [01:54] mistalo1: apps - metacity [01:54] dutch: Are you at command line? [01:55] coleys: yessir [01:55] dutch: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [01:55] Change Nvidia device to... vesa [01:55] A friend of mine just installed Ubuntu, but has an Intel-based GPU. She wants to enable desktop effects, but just get's that archaic "Could not enable desktop effects" error. [01:55] uniquebob: A Gentoo user, that wants to use Wubi is this a joke? [01:56] mistalo1: in metacity, choose general. and copy here the values for "button_layout" property [01:56] Reformer81: Not really archaic... =) Whats her graphics card. [01:56] coleys: there is no Nvidia device, because i ran a dpkg-reconfigure on xserver-xorg to try to fix it [01:56] uniquebob: do a partitioned install :) I would have thought as a Gentoo user, you would know that it's usaully better :) [01:56] I can't see my battery health when i click on my battery information, how do i access this information? [01:56] dutch: type: sudo nvidia-xconfig? [01:56] coleys: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) [01:56] coleys: Apparently it's "blacklisted" [01:56] sebsebseb, ubuntu = gentoo rehab. And yeah, I want to help people. I'm on the front lines of GPL education more often than not, and I'd like to know whats out there. [01:56] dutch: It's not working? [01:56] Reformer81: Says who? [01:57] i need a im client that has a smaller footprint than pidgin [01:57] coleys leaf-sheep: that didnt work either, it wont start [01:57] coleys: Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found [01:57] when is that FF3.5 update coming? Few days like normal. [01:57] dutch: startx [01:57] dutch: ? [01:57] uniquebob: well find a distro that you like, put that on as host, and virtual machine other stuff, assuming you have enough RAM [01:57] dutch: Could you tell me your graphic card? I'll check on the list --> http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html === ballzee is now known as Sinister [01:57] OK: Is the upgrade process to download the current release CD and boot off the CD? And I assume choose upgrade? [01:57] !ff35 |darthanubis [01:57] darthanubis: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [01:57] !firefox | darthanubis [01:57] darthanubis: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [01:58] Is there any way to bypass "blacklisted" hardware checks? [01:58] uniquebob: Wubi installs on a loopback filesystem that sits ontop of NTFS. To windows, it appears like a few large files. [01:58] Reformer81: Her graphics card is not blacklisted. [01:58] leaf-sheep: 2x geforce 7900 GS [01:58] leaf-sheep: thanks [01:58] sebsebseb, no I want to know why wubi sucks. And I have a game plan for all my o/s needs. [01:58] !im [01:58] The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete [01:59] coleys: Well, a couple of forums mention that it is... and so does Compiz when trying to run it. If it's not blacklisted, then why can't she enable the effects? [01:59] coleys: startx tells me no screens found... [01:59] *multi-os needs, even [01:59] dutch: GeForce 7900 GS -- 0x0292. Hmm. [01:59] Flannel, thanks. [01:59] Reformer81: Has she installed intel driver? [01:59] uniquebob: Wubi can sometimes be useful, it depends on the computer set up, and who it bellongs to, but most of the time, it's best to avoide it. [01:59] uniquebob: There's no reason it sucks. Some people in here are just opinionated. Wubi has some drawbacks, but it also has some benefits (by golly, like everything else!) [01:59] dutch: sudo init 5? [01:59] Reformer81: restricted drivers not installed? [01:59] coleys: It was installed automatically... [01:59] coleys: It's shown in lspci. [01:59] gartral, thanks I already have mozilla's repos and am using FF3.5 now, and for the last month or so. Just wanted to see the official Ubuntu update. That is always fun.:) [01:59] Flannel: There is many reasons it sucks =P And really has no benefits. =P [02:00] coleys: But not in the Hardware Drivers panel. [02:00] Flannel, exactly. I need to know! [02:00] uniquebob: ask coleys :) [02:00] coleys: nothing happens, init 5 just returns to the shell [02:00] dutch: okay... sudo rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:00] coleys: runlevels 2-5 are identical by default on debian and ubuntu [02:01] Anyone heard any eta for firefox 3.5 to be avail in 9.04 or am I already lagging? [02:01] coleys, dutch: Er, no reason for the -r or the -f on that.... [02:01] mistalo1: so?? what are your settings in metacity? [02:01] !ff35 | Tenkawa [02:01] Tenkawa: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [02:01] dutch: try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [02:01] jrib: thanks [02:01] eee. Anyways no harm in it =P [02:01] coleys: lol init 5 stopped my keyboard from working on the other virtual terminals [02:01] coleys: Yeah, there could be actually. Some are contrived, others aren't. [02:01] !firefox35 [02:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about firefox35 [02:01] jrib: figured it had to be in process :) [02:02] Flannel: No... =) [02:02] !firefox3.5 [02:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about firefox3.5 [02:02] uniquebob: Obvious problems (when compared to a proper dual boot): it sits on NTFS, so anything that breaks the NTFS partition, breaks wubi (a windows virus can leave you without an OS instead of just one). Likewise, it uses the windows loader (via boot.ini) to get to GRUB [02:02] !ff35 [02:02] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [02:02] coleys: Yes.... [02:02] coleys: Are you just here to argue with people? or what? [02:02] !envy | dutch [02:02] dutch: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver [02:02] Flannel: No =) Lolll =P [02:02] dutch: If your standard methods does not work, you could try that. [02:02] Any of you ever had a "stable" ath5k card? [02:02] heh [02:03] Is there any way to enable Compiz when it claims the graphics hardware is "blacklisted?" How do I remove the blacklisting? [02:03] I found something that fits me better than dual booting anyways. I duct taped my laptop upside down above my server and kvm test monitor... =) [02:03] coleys: so what do i do after removing the xconfig? [02:03] !python [02:03] python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org [02:03] leaf-sheep: thanks, i might try that [02:03] !athero [02:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about athero [02:03] !atheros [02:03] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [02:03] Reformer81: ask in #compiz but note that you remove the blacklisting at your own risk - it is there for a reason [02:03] coleys: thanks [02:03] jirg: you sayed "later dudes" are you still there? [02:03] dutch: Also, did you ask people in #nvidia ? [02:03] leaf-sheep: no, is that a good place to goto for help? [02:03] Flannel, what are the major drawbacks of using ntldr=> grub sequence instead of vice versa? [02:03] mistalo1: yes, I was going but saw you come back [02:04] Mike_lifeguard: The hardware apparently worked just fine in Hardy, but Ubuntu blacklisted it in Jaunty for "performance" issues. [02:04] dutch: Sure. They regulate with graphic cards. ;3 [02:04] uniquebob: grub is better in just about every way possible, ntldr messes with weird loading sequences [02:04] Flannel: Im not here to argue with people, I have been helping for quite a while =p I wouldn't tell anyone something that caused them problems, and... I wasn't argueing with everyone. =) [02:04] uniquebob: Just the obvious: if something does wonky things to your boot sequence, you're stuck without. Other drawbacks: a very *small* performance hit do to the extra layer of abstraction. [02:04] mistalo: i'm still here, man! [02:05] uniquebob: The biggest benefit is that you can use Linux without repartitioning, whether you're unable to, or just too unsure to. [02:05] dutch: Have you removed it? If so I'd try a reboot, xorg might be recreated. === jonnyro_ is now known as Delobox [02:05] uniquebob: what Flannel said, but being able to run two or more OS's at once is :) so virtual machines rather than Wubi [02:05] coleys: alrighty ill try that, and i might brb ;-) === andrew__ is now known as AndrewGearhart [02:05] dutch, Flannel, thanks. but I just don't know the importance of this wonky weirdness. Is it software or hardware that most typically finds wonk to be unbearable? [02:06] dutch: If not, we'll try some more troubleshooting =) [02:06] uniquebob: of course no good if on 256MB RAM for VM's since it won't work [02:06] uniquebob: and partitining isn't that difficult [02:06] uniquebob: Are you on vista? [02:06] Flannel, yeah, repartitioning data in situ was always off-limits to me. Same as writing to ntfs in linux, guess things change? [02:07] uniquebob: I write to NTFS from Linux all the times [02:07] coleys, No. [02:07] jirg, yeah, they made the warnings alot less scary now [02:08] good night every one :) [02:08] uniquebob: Try acronis disk suite, make free space and it will make an easy install =) And you will get best performance from a harddrive install as other OS's will not be competeing with eachother. =) So unlike Flannel I would not recommend it. [02:09] coleys, yeah, or partition magic. XP and it's drivers are the only proprietaryness I get stuck with [02:09] morning from finland [02:09] What options should I have in fstab for my Windows partition? [02:09] see you all [02:09] uniquebob: If you need a hand definitly give this channel a poke. installs are pretty easy/streamlined =) [02:10] heya is there something called : non ssh ip ? [02:11] coleys =) i bet i'll do fine - especially considering I plan to use wubi and the livecd host os as the last trials in this pc's throwaway setup [02:11] Hey, I'm trying to get the in/out going mail on my server to work, but I'm pretty confused now in a sea of MTA, MDA, postfix, sendmail, fetchmail, etc. I'm getting lots of errors in my mail.log file (http://pastebin.com/d63baa1eb), but i have no idea where they're coming from (well, i know they're from sensible-mda), or even how to find out), I also know that all the outgoign mail that my system generates seems to be living in /var/spool/mq [02:12] hey guys there...i 've got a prob...new in this ubuntu 9.04 and need skype, any simple advises? [02:12] for simple guy [02:12] my close, minimize, maximize buttons in firefox are gone. what do i have to do? i tried metacity --replace, didnt work [02:12] mistalo1, perhaps f11 key? [02:12] hello [02:12] timi2546, just download the ubuntu version from official site [02:12] mistalo1: Just choose a different window, then they should return. [02:13] cyber, i have done that [02:13] timi2546, and? did you install it? [02:13] Flannel, is there a "changelog" somewhere i can look at what was changed from 8.04-8.10-9.04 ? besides the kernel stuff? === Killerkid1 is now known as Killerkid === DaNkaTa` is now known as DaNkaTa`zZz [02:14] Are 32 bit applications compatible with Ubuntu 9.04 64? [02:14] i read about the thinng, does it need smth about medibuntu....i used opensuse and really , totally new user in this [02:14] the current version ( 7.4 ) of libgl1-mesa-dri and libgl1-mesa-glx is broken for my graphic card ( 965GM ) at the moment I'm forcing the installation of the older version ( 7.3) with dpkg -i, but obviously apt-get is complaining about that. How can I upgrade this package ( maybe compiling it ) in a ubuntu fashion way? [02:14] 64bits [02:14] Yes 64 bits [02:14] timi2546, i just install skype by its debian package and that's it :) [02:14] !skype | timi2546 [02:14] timi2546: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga [02:15] u lucky b..stard hehehehee [02:15] Firefox suddenly stopped working on Ubuntu 9.04. It says "Connecting to [website]", but it doesn't load the page. [02:15] look at what geirha gived you [02:15] SeaPhor: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810overview http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904overview gloss over things [02:16] ty Flannel [02:16] thanx, i wil check those things === tonsofpcs is now known as tonsxchat === tonsxchat is now known as tonsofpcs [02:17] dloading ! [02:18] Is there something wrong with 64 bit Ubuntu [02:18] ? [02:18] a little slow this night....6 beers with me [02:18] NetLarIrvine: i have no issues with 64bit ubuntu [02:18] 64 bit worked fine with me aswell. === zer0 is now known as Guest55526 [02:18] Firefox just suddenly stopped working on Ubuntu 9.04. It says "Connecting to [website]", but it doesn't load the page. [02:18] NetLarIrvine: that's a fairly broad question, want to narrow it down a bit? [02:18] Dr_Willis do all the same applications install? [02:18] Hello [02:18] i bought my laptop in thailand, acer aspire4520 [02:19] what do i have to change in compiz to get the close,maximize and minimize buttons back to firefox? [02:19] mistalo1, windows decoration [02:19] didnt work.. [02:19] mistalo1: Alt + f2 --> metacity --replace [02:20] coleys: hahaha, thats not really a solution [02:20] could you point me to the correct guide to perform the described operation? [02:20] Like Thunderbird [02:20] coleys: so that didnt work, but i can tell that the nvidia-xconfig ALMOST makes X work. but X says it cant find any devices [02:20] clearzen: I guess that's so funnny ehhhhh... ? =) Anyways it is a solution if emerald is messing up =P [02:20] coleys: alt f2 metaCITY --REPLACE DOESNT DO THE JOB [02:21] coleys: you know anything about AllowEmptyInput in xconfig? [02:21] mistalo1, what do you want to do? [02:21] I just tried to install it in terminal, and the last statement said ldconfig deferred processing now taking place [02:21] mistalo1, in compiz check windows decoration [02:21] coleys: I thought it was amusing [02:21] Hi, where is xserver-xgl package [02:21] clearzen: I can see how a command would be so funny, =) * [02:21] and I do not see it in my menus yet, what do that mean? [02:21] cabrey one sec please, thx cyberghoser1 === zer0 is now known as Guest62794 [02:22] Is it a problem because I am on ext4 also? === pr0t0n is now known as J0s3 === Guest62794 is now known as pXd [02:23] noboddy know about Xgl [02:25] is there a commandline tool which can generate md5 crypt hashes as used in /etc/shadow? [02:25] What do the fstab options dmask=027 and fmask=137 do? [02:26] cyberghose1: i cannoit find windows decoration. is it in compiz->allscreens->options? or screen0->options? [02:26] And do I need to specify relatime if I haven't also specified defaults? [02:28] sorry to jump in but: when should firefox 3.5 be available via Update Manager? [02:28] !ff35 | fiver22 [02:28] fiver22: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [02:29] ty [02:29] np [02:29] hello [02:30] I look like Firefox 3.5 is in queue to being built on https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa [02:30] it look* [02:32] should I mark "pre-released(jaunty-proposed) and unsupproted(backports)" updates in update manager in a normal system ? [02:33] cyberghoser1: i found decorations [02:33] x-kent you could but if you are happy with the current versions of software i'd say don't. [02:34] I thought we were going to be able to update to firefox 3.5 just by updating inside the browser? === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:35] Do you actually need to work with the Tar? === TD--Linux is now known as TD-Linux [02:35] holo, I just want to keep my system updated... does "pre-released updates" mean "beta" version updates ? [02:35] Hello. I am currently dual booting ubuntu (latest version+patched) and windows xp professional (all latest security patches, firewall etc...) If my windows install gets compromised will that mean that my ubuntu install is also compromised? [02:36] hellonickname: no...the linux partition should be safe enough [02:36] technically it could be, but in all probability it wont be [02:36] they are release candidates x-kent. [02:36] x-kent: up to you... I have both, but you don't need to do that [02:37] holo: will they get to normal update once they are confirmed stable or they will go to next release of ubuntu ? [02:37] So assuming that my windows machine is trojaned, it wouldn't be easy for the attacker to also comprimise the linux partition (which is ntfs and accessible through windows) [02:37] through the trojaned windows machine [02:37] x-kent: yes, jaunty-proposed is pre-release updates (ie for testing before being made available to everyone on that version) [02:37] hellonickname: if your ubuntu install resides on an ntfs partition it won't be safe [02:37] thanks, I got it now [02:38] but chances are unless the trojan also targets linux, you have nothing to really worry about [02:38] I have NVIDIA raid on my system and it shows up as two drives on Ubuntu, is there a way I can get it to show up as one and work properly? [02:38] thats the main reason I'm against wubi [02:38] yeah thats what i used [02:38] sorry mistalo1 i was afk, so is it ok now? [02:38] hellonickname: part of the protection in linux is that windows can't write to the ext partition. [02:38] windows can though. [02:38] th0r: well it can with a driver [02:38] and i immediately thought that it gets compromised through the windows install [02:39] X-kent next releases of don't auto update, it will warn you and ask before installing the new version of ubuntu first. [02:39] ... next releases of ubuntu don't ... [02:39] cyberghoser1: np! i found decorations, what do i haver to change there now? [02:39] even if you don't have the driver installed there's nothing stopping someone incoprorating the driver into a virus/worm/trojan of some sort [02:39] so if i redid my partitions and made an ntfs partition for windows and an ext partition for linux with wubi i would be safe? [02:40] because that wubi makes me paranoid [02:40] mistalo1, is it checked? [02:40] another question, I am planning to get an external usb hard drive, what file-system options I have if I use Linux but I want my external drive to be accessible by windows on other machines ? [02:40] when installing 9.04 -does it easily guide you through setting up a linux- swap? -and do you need to set up an extended partition? I ask because a friend recently dl-ed the ISO and I'm telling him (a Windows user) how easy it is to set up Ubuntu. I've had Ubuntu running for a while so I haven't needed to mess around with partitions for some time. [02:40] Yes fiver22, it's extremely easy [02:40] holo, ok, I think I will not mark them, I will wait until it gets stable than it will install anyway === andrewGearhart_1 is now known as AndrewGearhart_9 [02:41] @ dunks -my friend would be GUIDED through the process, then? [02:41] if you use both windows and linux i don't recommend using NTFS, fat should do the trick unless you plan on storing large files on there, ext3 is what i use, you can use a windows driver + tool to read / write / browse the ext partition on your external drive from windows if you like. [02:41] Yes fiver22, it guides you all the way [02:41] cyberghoser1: i don't know what you mean. i went to decorations and all i see that can be checked or unckecked is "mipmap" [02:41] or you can specify manual setup of the partitions [02:41] which isn't very complicated as well === AndrewGearhart_9 is now known as AndrewGearhart === oldude67 is now known as help === randabis1 is now known as randabis [02:42] just make sure you read what it tells you, don't want to make any silly mistakes [02:42] mistalo1, i mean go in compiz -> effects and check the box near window decoration === help is now known as Guest99971 [02:42] hellonickname, i would not have anything more to do with wubi, but thats just me, there is a strain out there that gets in thru the windows and formats the hdd, NOT just the partitions, but the whole hdd to a raw format, its not pretty [02:43] @ dunks -thanks very much. [02:43] hi [02:43] even if you didnt use wubi and dual booted SeaPhor that would still be a problem === lubosz1 is now known as lubosz [02:43] is there a ppa repo for firefox 3.5 stable? [02:44] how do I check if I have freeimage/ image science is installed on my server? [02:44] dunks, true- but... it is a progressive attack, and there are evidences [02:44] and is it possible to REPLACE firefox 3.0, and taking my firefox 3.0 profiles? [02:44] are unetbootin installs persistant? [02:44] dhfs: no [02:45] dhfs: only thing is to do REAL installs, unetbootin kinda copies the livecd [02:45] dunks, and its only active while windows is running' [02:45] if i do a install from the livecd will it mess up my main mbr? === Guest99971 is now known as oldude67 [02:45] dhfs: dont write the mbr to your hdd, but to the pen drive [02:46] dhfs: regular ubuntu setup will do it, just target the pen drive [02:46] cyberghoser1: i went to gconf-editor. there is a list with all programs. when i click on compiz there is genral, allscreens and screen0 - options. i cannot see "effects" at all [02:47] when i hookup my laptop to an external output and try to switch workplaces, my computer slows to a crawl, it takes like 3 minutes for it to just finish transitions to the next workplace [02:47] mistalo1, do you use compiz-setting manager? [02:47] m0u5e: which graphics hardware do you have? [02:47] lubosz: nvidia [02:47] cyberghoser1: how csan i run copmiz.setting.manager? [02:47] m0u5e: try deactivating compiz for more performance [02:47] lubosz: nvidia 8400m GS (m1330) [02:47] m0u5e: an older? [02:48] lubosz: but i want compmiz to work on the external monitor :( [02:48] mistalo1, through synaptic install simple-ccsm [02:48] m0u5e: do you set the monitor in the nvidia-settings ? [02:48] oh great, i will do this now cyberghoser1 [02:48] lubosz: yeah, but when i use the nvidia settings, it messes up my panels [02:49] mistalo1, ok [02:49] !ff35 | lubosz [02:49] lubosz: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [02:49] m0u5e: this is definitly an performance issue, deactivate compiz effects, deactivate compiz, but a better gpu ^^ or wait for X.org to fix their shit [02:49] Mike_lifeguard: thx, are they stable yet? [02:49] mistalo1: are you trying to change compiz settings? (apologies for not reading back very far) [02:49] m0u5e: not but, BUY [02:49] lubosz: i just pressed the fn hotkey, and it activates the other display [02:50] lubosz: :( [02:50] lubosz: it sometimes works, but othertimes it doesnt [02:50] lubosz: i was just wondering if there was a method to the madness [02:50] lubosz: are what stable? FF3.5 is now a final release - it's good to go as far as I'm concerned (no matter what the ubuntu tivo-ers try to tell me) [02:50] m0u5e: you could tweak in the xorg.conf [02:50] can anyone comment on Vuze? -specifically: is the upgrade from pointless? -should I just start using Transmission or another client? [02:50] lubosz: i thought we've moved away storing display stuff in xorg.conf? [02:50] i am trying to get vsftpd server to let me upload and download files [02:50] Mike_lifeguard: thx, i found a lot of repos with older versions [02:51] m0u5e: nvidia-settings is good for changing monitors [02:51] m0u5e: what is your panel problem? [02:51] anyone in here running an open arena server? [02:51] m0u5e: yes, i moved away from that ^^ [02:51] lubosz: is there a way to stop it from messing up my panel locations whenever i'm cloning to a monitor with different dimensions? [02:51] aacosta_, whats the problem? [02:52] m0u5e: i have a notebook with nvidia 8600M and no problems with fullhd external monitors and compiz [02:52] lubosz: where is all the display stuff stored now if its not stored in xorg.conf? o_O; [02:52] lubosz: my only problem is with cloning [02:52] m0u5e: but the framerate with cube deformation isnt 60fps [02:52] i am able to login and view the directories... but when i try to makea transfer it says permission denie [02:52] d [02:52] m0u5e: most stuff should be autodetected [02:52] m0u5e: nvidia has its own ways [02:52] i edited my conf file to allow local logins and writes.... is there anything else i might have to do ???? [02:52] cyberghoser1: i installed it. now how do i get to the "effects" place u told me? [02:53] m0u5e: so try sticking to nvidia-settings [02:53] Is there going to be a firefox 3.5 package for ubuntu? [02:53] or do we have to wait till oct [02:53] !ff35 | vbabiy [02:53] vbabiy: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [02:53] m0u5e: cloning will only be good with SAME resolustion btw [02:53] mistalo1, go to system menu then administration do you see there compiz settings manager or similar? [02:53] aacosta_, this is not a Ubuntu issue, so its OT, i'll talk to u in my channel if you want [02:53] having trouble with 3d support [02:53] for ati / fglrx [02:53] FF3.5 should be topic xD [02:53] mistalo1, sorry preferences not administration [02:53] thanks Mike_lifeguard [02:53] lubosz: damn :< [02:53] ok [02:53] cyberghoser1: found it [02:54] mistalo1, click on it [02:54] what is the channel again? [02:54] m0u5e: i clone but i dont use the internal display then. because its fucked up [02:54] mistalo1, then go on effects -> and check the box near window decoration [02:54] lubosz: i'll keep that in mind... i was hoping I could clone and it would auto resize on the external (i dont mind if it looks squished) [02:54] m0u5e: i.e. for beamers [02:54] lubosz: yeah [02:54] Is anyone here familiar with pptpd? [02:54] m0u5e: for external displays i clone and deactivate the internal [02:55] m0u5e: so the panels dont get cropped etc === myron is now known as dejavou42 [02:55] cyberghoser1: windowdecoration is checked already [02:55] myron what is it? === AndrewGearhart_9 is now known as AndrewGearhart [02:55] mistalo1, uncheck then recheck does it bring back the buttons? [02:55] m0u5e: if you want dual screens, then you will have trouble with different display sizes [02:55] lubosz: thast so annoying >_<; i wish there would just be an easy way to do additional displays [02:55] Greets, I tried to get this asked in rtorrent's irc channel but it's a ghost town over there. I'm trying to install libtorrent from source but i get this error message [02:55] make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/yerz/src/libtorrent-0.12.4/src' [02:55] make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/yerz/src/libtorrent-0.12.4/src' [02:55] make[2]: Entering directory `/home/yerz/src/libtorrent-0.12.4' [02:55] make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'. [02:55] make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/yerz/src/libtorrent-0.12.4' [02:55] Yerzriknot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:55] it is a package on ubuntu that allows you to use your ubuntu box as a vpn server [02:55] lubosz: windows seems to handle it pretty well :< [02:55] make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/yerz/src/libtorrent-0.12.4' [02:55] KICK HIM [02:55] xD [02:56] m0u5e: mac os 9 did that better [02:56] lubosz: hmm, i mean if ubuntu can even reach the windows level of handling displays, i would be happy [02:56] m0u5e: i dont like a lot of things about x11, LIKE SPAMMING 12 GB OF MEMORY YESTERDAY [02:56] lubosz: oh do you have a ATI gpu? [02:56] i have the same problem on my desktop [02:56] no, nivida gtx275 [02:56] theres a giant memory leak in fglrx :( [02:57] lubosz: o_O; [02:57] and X11 works like crap [02:57] and crashes [02:57] 2 times [02:57] it happend [02:57] lubosz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:57] lubosz: well hopefully they'll patch it to the point where it becomes something else :D [02:57] Hello everyone [02:57] it shows up as a normal network connection. Problem is, even though I have given the vpn local ip addresses to use, ubuntu still separates it from my local network. I need a way to combine the two networks and get the computer that is loging in via vpn onto my local network [02:57] i should't use enter as punctation indeed [02:57] cyberghoser1: it does not bring back the buttons [02:58] m0u5e: maybe its my beta driver. i have a new card and needed dev headers for cuda [02:58] mistalo1, through synaptic install fusion-icon [02:58] lubosz: maybe [02:58] pptpd that is.... [02:58] anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? [02:59] mistalo1, you don't have the buttons only in firefox or on all windows? [02:59] how well supported are is the ati mobility radion ? Im thinking about buying a new dell laptop and want to know if ati has good linux support. Ive always used nvidia (good) or intel (kinda sucks for compiz). [03:00] cyberghoser1: i installed the fusion icon. no buttons yet. it is only the firefox. [03:00] osmosis: you might find ati a bit problematic right now [03:01] osmosis: it is getting fixed, but it might take a year or so [03:01] DO NOT GET ATI ANYTHING! === AndrewGearhart_9 is now known as AndrewGearhart [03:01] mistalo1, lol that's something else then, launch fusion icon on the applications -> system tools then an icon will open on the top panel right click it and select reload window manager [03:01] they are a real pain to deal with [03:01] osmosis.. what do you want to do with your card though? [03:01] mistalo1, i had one time this issue with firefox after double click on the title bar [03:01] if you want to use compiz, intel and nvidia are better [03:02] ATI works with a bit of fiddling ... [03:02] nvidia requires a little nudge to get off the ground though [03:02] osmosis, i have an OLD mobility radeon card (9100), works perfectly.. all the compiz stuff works except a few (raindrops i think? and a few others..) [03:03] for me only blur don't work on intel 915gm === root is now known as Guest69869 [03:03] have any of you gotten the new firefox 3.5? It didn't seem to come in the updates [03:03] yup [03:03] armenian: wait a little while, they're gonna test it a bit and then put it in the repos [03:03] i have it [03:03] seaphor, im not worried about that im worried about being trojaned and looked at. some kid tried selling me drugs on aim and without a doubt THROUGH MY WINDOWS MACHINE (trust me) the police went and had drug dogs circle my house. I'm not kidding, with riot gear on and shit. And I know for a fact that i was spyed on through my windows machine because thats the only place i've been in like 2 weeks === [o_O] is now known as danopia [03:04] i need a program or any stuff to fill 250Gb hard drive 100% [03:04] i'm trying to use ping as I do in windows to easily determine when my connection is lost... but it seems when I do "ping " it will only show me successful pings. How can I get "request timed out" and similar [03:04] How do I fix this? mount: unknown filesystem type 'nvidia_raid_member' [03:04] they have a cyber unit in the military/police [03:04] cyberghoser1: i did the icon right click restart thing but still no close button. also thanks you for taking so much time for me [03:04] be aware [03:04] I got a software / hardware raid [03:04] armenian: wait 4-5 days for it to get to repos, or install it on your own, or [03:04] i wouldnt be geting ati gpu for linux [03:05] mistalo1, well i don't exactly remember how to brin it back, do a "replace --emerald" in terminal [03:05] how do i check my battery health? for some reason it doesn't display this information for me :( [03:05] armenian: add pre-released updates (proposed) to sources, you'll get the latest software updates, but they aren't fully tested.. [03:05] nellmathew, well should I order my dell laptop with the intel or the ati card internal ? === AndrewGearhart_9 is now known as AndrewGearhart [03:05] whats the best torrent app for ubuntu ? [03:06] mistalo1, "emerald --replace" kinda tired :P [03:06] pkt: whats the problem? how it it getting fixed? [03:06] osmosis: personally i wouldnt want ati gpu, [03:06] vvpalin i like ktorrent [03:06] Is there any way to play encrypted .wmv files? [03:06] osmosis, intel cards have issues in jaunty that are supposedly getting fixed in karmic koala (by october), i don't know which "problems" right now.. but intel doesn't have a good rep with linux users right now. either will be fine, if you want support now, then ati, if you can wait - then either. [03:07] !DRM [03:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about DRM [03:07] How do I fix this? mount: unknown filesystem type 'nvidia_raid_member', how do I setup raid ? [03:07] stupid bot [03:07] koshari, is it comparable to utorrent ? [03:07] cyberghoser1: when i type "replace --emerald" it says that it cannot find it.(replace --emerald -no such file or directory) [03:07] mistalo1: no, it should be 'emerald --replace' O.o [03:07] mistalo1, emerald --replace [03:07] ok [03:07] vvpalin feature wise it pretty much offers the same as utorrent, [03:07] jaunty support for intel cards is better than intrepid, imo [03:08] yup [03:08] nixiepixel: then you don't know what you're talking about [03:08] hehehe [03:08] nellmathew: ohh, ok, :) any idea around how long it'll take? [03:08] only now are we getting acceptable levels of stability [03:08] is there a consensus on what gfx card is better for Ubuntu? -nvidia or ati? -it seems ati is getting slammed [03:08] nellmathew, so intel has problems and ati has problems..and those are the only options dell has. Obviously I would prefer a nvidia. Is there a better laptop manufacturer then Dell ? [03:08] hey guys [03:08] koshari, ok thanks ill grab that then, just need a few random things, i ushly use newsgroups heh [03:08] i need help [03:08] Mike_lifeguard, the blur window on compiz does not work on intel or is it only me ? [03:08] Mike_lifeguard - that is likely [03:08] armenian: give it 4-5 days tops [03:08] osmosis: zareason? :) [03:09] I'm havinng all sorts of problem [03:09] nellmathew: ok :) thanks [03:09] cyberghoser1: apparently it's totally broken now and doesn't do anything - there's an open bug [03:09] guys i want to knwo how to get project64 for ubuntu, i bleive i alreayd have wine installed [03:09] Mike_lifeguard, maybe we can try the new driver thats gonna be released with karmic [03:09] anyone know about battery health? [03:09] ok. I give - anyone know: mount.cifs is installed setuid root, and still as a user I get "only root can do that" when I attempt a mount.cifs command [03:09] fiver22: ati drivers have been pretty crappy, all though thay have stated they intend to open source the restricted drivers [03:09] @ patrickeeee -specify. [03:09] cyberghoser1, mike_lifeguard: emerald --replace ->no such file or directory [03:09] TannerS, mario nostalgic ? [03:09] mistalo1: then you need to install emerald [03:10] cyberghoser1 huh? [03:10] mistalo1, install emerald through synaptic if not already, check it [03:10] fiver I am using backtrack 4 and i have trouble connecting to the internet since there is no network manager on here [03:10] TannerS, project64 is a nintendo 64 emulator no ? [03:10] Mike_lifeguard: why would he need to install emerald.. is he looking for emerald? [03:10] Mike_lifeguard, I was thinking about one of those msi x-slim x600's maybe. [03:10] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like just 1 kernel (the newest)? [03:10] correct [03:10] cyberghoser1: you can get stability and performance with jaunty-proposed + a .30 kernel [03:10] osmosis: well, which cards are you looking at exactly (models)? for both ati and intel? and i don't prefer any manufacturer but dell is a great one, it depends on the hardware that's inside each model.. [03:10] if i want to connect to the net i have to commands line ifconfig wlan up [03:10] Paddy_EIRE: apparently yes [03:10] Mike_lifeguard, will it enable blur? [03:11] !effects | cyberghoser1 [03:11] nellmathew, mobility radeon HD 3650, or intel 4500mhd [03:11] cyberghoser1: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu [03:11] cyberghoser1: no, that's a compiz bug. that whole plugin is totally broken and doesn't do anything any more [03:11] I have to type commands like iwconfig wlan0 essid ETC [03:11] patrickeee, used ndiswrapper for the driver? [03:11] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like to use just 1 kernel (the newest)? [03:11] i dont think i have that driver [03:11] so... [03:11] !project64 [03:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about project64 [03:12] :P [03:12] what is ndiswrapper? [03:12] TannerS, project64 should run through wine [03:12] also, I installed Ubuntu using the entire disk option, is there a way I can shrink a partition, don't know which one, and install XP without overwriting my Grub bootloader? [03:12] Mike_lifeguard, too bad :( [03:12] patrickeee a package for using windows drivers with some hardware thats not supported directly bu linux [03:13] !ndiswrapper | patrickeee [03:13] patrickeee: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [03:13] cyberghoser1 but idk how i never used wine [03:13] cyberghoser1: dunno 'bout that... from the description i think it sounds annoying as all getout :D [03:13] oh ok so u sugjest in stall this? [03:13] TannerS, did you installed wine actually? [03:13] Is it possible to run windows media player in wine? [03:13] in applications > wine shows up [03:13] Mike_lifeguard, well when i click on the blur window on effects, my god all become black slowly :P [03:13] Whats the 'proper' way to turn IPSec off on an ubuntu server box? [03:14] cyberghoser1: that sounds bad :) [03:14] ARMENIAN: It is advisable to firstly install Windows followed by installing Linux. [03:14] Mike_lifeguard: what version? why you would want to is a mistery to me however [03:14] ubunnttuuuu [03:14] TannerS, ok then launch the exe of project64 by right click and choose open with wine [03:14] ooo ok let me try thanks [03:14] bullgard4: ok, I might just do that, thanks :) [03:14] bullgard4 why, you can easily replace grub [03:14] Mike_lifeguard, yeap tested on two laptops with same chipset [03:14] koshari: any semi-recent version... I want to see if it'll play DRM-encrypted video so I don't have to boot into windows [03:14] osmosis: from searching around a bit, intel seems more compatible out of the box - 3650 has some issues but you can fix them easily: http://blog.sbw.be/2009/06/18/ubuntu-ati-hd-3650-elitebook/ === richard is now known as stickboy [03:15] could someone message me about kildclient fonts for Medievia -I'm lost. [03:15] cyberghoser1, mike_lifeguard: i installed emeral, did emerald --replace but still no buttons(it worked, i saw the screen re-..rearranging) [03:16] mistalo1: your windows don't have window decorations? [03:16] mike_lifeguard: i am not sure [03:16] mistalo1: well, what do you mean "still no buttons"? [03:16] how do they look? [03:17] cyberghoser1 when i click open with i dont see wine on the list [03:17] mistalo1, try pressing f11 twice [03:17] mistalo1: window decorations are the bar across the top, the minimize/maximize/close buttons at the top left [03:17] Hey i have another question [03:17] err, top right [03:17] how do i access Ndiswrapper? [03:17] mistalo1, on firefox [03:17] Mike_lifeguard: and the frame [03:17] koshari: Because Windows deletes Grub, and this is not what you want. [03:17] !ff3.5 [03:17] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [03:17] TannerS, weird are you sure wine is installed? look in synaptic [03:17] draeath: of course, but that's not visible if your windows are maximized and generally isn't noticed even if not, thus useless to mentione [03:18] -e [03:18] how do i access Ndiswrapper? is this some kind of networking GUI or is it simply a driver? [03:18] cyberghoser1 ok, now whats synaptic? [03:18] patrickeee: It's a wrapper for Win32 drivers [03:18] Why does mount.cifs require root access if mount.cifs is setuid root? [03:18] what does that mean? [03:18] -g'night everyone. [03:18] hey all - i have a workgroup that contains a samba server, what do i need to do to browse the samba shares from a ubuntu jaunty workstation ? - i can see the windows network and the workgroup but can not open it ? [03:18] Mike_lifeguard: i open firefox and i can see"file" "view" et cetera but at the end right top corner where usually was the close button(x) there is now the"working"sign. the sign you see when the computer is working(circle in dots) [03:18] TannerS: one is a package manager, the other is a touchpad driver [03:18] patrickeee: It allows you to use Windows drivers [03:18] TannerS: same name [03:18] TannerS, synaptic is a package manager that install software available in the repos of ubuntu go in there by going in menu System -m administration - synaptic package manager [03:19] ok let me see [03:19] sond: What error do you get? [03:19] mistalo1: ok, you have no window decorations... draeath or cyberghoser1 might have an idea? [03:19] oh ok [03:19] i see it guys [03:19] soo [03:20] there is no STABLE (final) firefox 3.5 package for ubuntu [03:20] nowhere [03:20] is madwifi used for injection? [03:20] i grab the binary [03:20] lubosz: no, it's coming... and you can install manually [03:20] no fun with pre1 [03:20] Mike_lifeguard: the window manager might be half dead. whats the rest of the context? [03:20] Edward_: nothing happens - just get a popup box saying that its connecting with a cancel button --- havnt looked at the logs yet [03:20] Mike_lifeguard: install manually, like get it from firefox.com ^^? [03:20] draeath: dunno, unfortunately and I'm just about to reboot... === amazin_ is now known as amazin [03:20] lubosz: sure [03:21] yeah, i did that with all the RCs :D Mike_lifeguard [03:21] mistalo1, a workaround found on launchpad -> http://pastebin.com/m2736a6a4 [03:21] lubosz: or use the PPA's RC for now -- the final will be released to PPAs soon [03:21] sond: try smbclient //servername/sharename [03:21] nellmathew, neat, thx..ill read the link. [03:21] sond: from the terminal, it might be more verbose [03:21] Mike_lifeguard: i also did that, but it uses different profiles, and i'd had to set a symlink [03:21] cyberghoser1: thank you very much. and mike_lifesaver aswell! will try the workarround now:) [03:21] mistalo1: did you try compiz --replace yet? [03:22] is there a networking management i can download to connect wirlessly [03:22] because there is none on backtrack 4 [03:22] guys is there any hi def games for ubuntu? [03:22] yes ctmjr but not after installing compiz and emerald, i will try again [03:22] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like to use just 1 kernel (the newest)? [03:22] i need example of dd command to fill 250Gb on /dev/sdb1 [03:22] mistalo1: try hitt Alt-F2, then in the box; compiz --replace [03:23] (give it a half a minute) [03:23] Edward_: yeah that works fine .. from the GUI tho nada [03:23] ctmjr: no didnt bring the buttons back, will try workarround [03:24] Can anyone explain the difference between mount -t cifs and mount.cifs? I cannot use mount -t cifs as a user in Ubuntu 9.04. [03:24] sond: In the terminal, run this; ps axu|grep gvfsd-smb [03:24] Edward_: GUI error is Failed to retrieve share list from server [03:25] It should show gvfsd-smb-browse running [03:25] hello, does anyone know what do I need to do in order to use PAE? [03:25] Edward_: yeah it is .. [03:26] gabe_: a 64bit system? [03:26] patrickeee: network manager should already be running if not, run System > Administration > Network [03:26] waits any dd example to make my /dev/sdb1 100% full [03:26] no, I've got a 32-bit system with 8gigabites of ram and I just wanna be able to use that ram [03:27] edwan i am using backtrack 4 which use Ubuntu but it doesnt have any networking manager by default [03:27] gabe_: I didn't think that was possible BUT let me google about PAE === Oneiros is now known as OneirosFade [03:27] the PC supports 64 but the OS is 32 [03:27] sond: Sounds like nautilus isn't connecting to gvfsd, does ssh in nautilus work? [03:27] how do i do the run system thing [03:27] Hey all. Can someone spare a few minutes to assist me in troubleshooting some permissions problems? I'm stuck :( [03:27] patrickeee: Ah, you should probably install it, or google running linux wifi command line [03:27] * sond goes sshing [03:28] OneirosFade: Drop a summary of the problem in [03:28] hmm [03:28] if someone can help, they will [03:28] mmm unless I misunderstood what I read on wiki, PAE simulates your 32 bit system into a 64 bit, or something like that [03:28] patrickeee: That's not specfic [03:28] edward i know how to run command line [03:28] thats what i use to connec [03:28] gabe_: I think this tells you how to do it. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/#comments [03:28] but sometimes it gives me trouble [03:29] OneirosFade: Whats up? [03:29] thank you for that, I'm checking the link [03:29] OneirosFade: Whats your problem [03:29] why does my screen keep flickering on my recorded video screens but doesn't flicker when i'm recording [03:29] and when i try to install networking manager it ask me to remove some other components first in synthetic [03:29] gabe_: you have to use a different kernel that has that support built in [03:29] what kernel would it be? [03:29] patrickeee: Ok, what's the problem then? [03:29] gabe_, the kernel does support it from 2.6 but your cpu must support it also [03:30] Ok, so I have a server, we'll say //srv, with some files. Right now all dir/files are root:root a+rwx. Local users can play at will. Dirs are shared over SMB with create/dir mask of 775, writable, but I can't make dirs with anything in them, and all files are "locked" [03:30] gabe_: does free -m say you have 8gigs [03:30] edwand this "Cannot install 'network-manager-kde' [03:30] This application conflicts with other installed software. " [03:31] hey [03:31] right, that's what I thought... my PC supports 64 but I installed a 32-bit system because the 64-bit gives me a headache with many programs [03:31] let me see, one sec please [03:31] OneirosFade: You need to get individual users to access smb shares as themselves, rather than one system connection [03:31] having trouble. disabled roaming mode and now cannot re-enable. 8.04 x86-64. wireless is really jacked now [03:31] ... eh? [03:31] can someone help me privately with nvidia driver problems? [03:31] OneirosFade: You've mounted the share using /etc/fstab right? [03:31] No [03:32] If I install the firefox-3.5 package, will it automatically update to the regular firefox when the package is ready? [03:32] OneirosFade: what user are you when you try to make dirs ? [03:32] though smb ? [03:32] patrickeee: Well, then you need to either remove that software, or force install anyway [03:32] Regular user [03:32] huy guys [03:32] gtg, back to work [03:32] it says 3000, I guess a 32-bit OS won't use more than that, that's why I'm trying to use PAE [03:32] how can i update to FF 3.5 if it's not in the repos? [03:32] hello [03:33] !ff3.5 [03:33] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [03:33] Edward_: sftp works fine [03:33] OneirosFade: but isn't dir 775 and owned by root? your not in roots group ?5 = read/execute? [03:33] just taking portable ubuntu for a spin [03:33] I've installed my NVIDIA driver for 8800GTX, and every time I reboot I get a error stating that "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics" I have the NVIDIA-bug-report.log if anyone needs it. [03:34] schwul: have you run nvidia-xconfig as root? [03:34] Is there a better all-around way rather than giving the world full perms? [03:34] yea but it doesnt ask me which to uninstall [03:34] yes, I've tried with sudo ./NV* [03:34] OneirosFade: make a group own it and add users that you want to to beable to read/write to it be members of that group [03:35] i have VIA k8m800 graphics chipset,,from where can i get driver ? [03:36] I messed grub.conf, and am in a live cd, but i dont have permission; what should I do? [03:36] so what should I do? [03:36] ganesh_, http://drivers.softpedia.com/get/Other-DRIVERS-TOOLS/Others/Via-K8M800-Chipset-16944410-WHQL.shtml [03:36] Ok, so it's root:root 777 locally, and set as 777 in Samba, and still it has issues [03:36] aaronorosen1: thank you very much, the link is just what I needed... I'm doing it right now. Goodbye [03:37] hello [03:37] is there a channel to ask about shell scripts? [03:37] schwul: you never really answered my question can you run sudo nvidia-xconfig? sudo ./NI* has nothing to do with it [03:37] does anyone knows why I get this error? http://pastebin.com/m6c53ca3 [03:37] i want to use a variable in the name of a file being passed to a command [03:37] like this [03:37] swig -python -c++ -o Python/$name_wrap.cpp Python/$name.i [03:38] aTr: you don't have the command pam-auth-update [03:38] aaronorosen1: yes I can [03:38] but I get a Validation error [03:38] cyberghoser1: that is for windows.. [03:38] ganesh_, the zip contains inf files ? [03:39] schwul: can you pastebin me what that error is saying? [03:39] yes [03:39] aaronorosen1, isn't that suppose to be installed by default? [03:39] aaronorosen1: http://pastebin.ca/1480283 [03:40] cyberghoser1: in the download site its written os support xp/vista [03:40] cyberghoser1: sorry os support only xp [03:41] ganesh_, try with ndiswrapper and point to the inf file inside [03:41] schwul: Odd its not creating that section correct. If you want you can try my xorg.conf i have an nvidia card. No promised that it will work though http://pastebin.ca/1480287 [03:41] Just back up your current one and put my in and restart X [03:41] aaronorosen1: ok I'll give it a shot [03:42] does linux work like windows? [03:42] does it have excusive services [03:42] aaronorosen1, is there any way I can reinstall that? [03:42] .hal etc [03:42] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like to use just 1 kernel (the newest)? [03:42] patrickeee, some may say pretty much some may say not at all i may say discover it :) [03:42] hello. heads or tails? [03:43] aTr: if you can find out which package it is from [03:43] yea im a long time window users [03:43] aTr: let me google a little for you [03:43] net [03:43] cyberghoser1:what is ndiswrapper? i am not an advanced user [03:43] crazy2be: There is #bash. [03:43] ganesh_, open synaptic and search fir ndisgtk [03:43] *for [03:43] i was just wunderin if there was something kind of mediate that provide communications between the software and the hardware [03:43] ganesh_, and install it [03:43] Edward_: hmmm, connect to server ( windows share ) works also, but going via places>network>windows network>office gives error "unable to mount location" - "failed to retrieve share list from server" [03:43] gosh, after setting up my linux box with compiz fusion and being able to play WoW with all max settings, i don't think i'll be able to go back to windows [03:44] how can i update to FF 3.5 if it's not in the repos? [03:44] !ff35 | Hilikus [03:44] Hilikus: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [03:44] aTr: try this sudo apt-get install libpam-ck-connector libpam-gnome-keyring libpam-modules libpam-runtime libpam0g [03:44] patrickeee: Software is there (amng other things) that hardware components do communicate with each other. [03:45] aTr: those are the packages I have that refer to pam idk let me know if that installs anything. [03:45] REGISTER gan68xt6 colt674@hotmail.com [03:45] Steelmourne, redo and change :) [03:45] i'll wait then [03:45] ouch [03:45] What does this mean "2 x 400GB Software-RAID" ? Does that mean I get 800 GB total, or 400 GB mirrored as a backup somehow? [03:45] i was saying was there something that prvent the software from having full control [03:45] ok, thanks [03:45] of the hardware [03:46] like Hardware abtract layer hal in windows [03:46] cyberghoser1: ya done what should i do next? [03:46] #baka-updates@irc.Rizon.net [03:47] ganesh_, launch ndigtk from the menus, and once you got the zip containing your driver extracted search for inf file from ndisgtk and do install it [03:47] i_am_null: normally you need a number behind the raid to determine which kind it is [03:47] I've just tried to log in 3 times and each time (except this one) my connection was refused by chat.freenode.net and I was connected to ircnet.stealth.net (or something similar) which also has an #ubuntu channel.. [03:47] hmm [03:47] what's up with that [03:47] The following extra packages will be installed: [03:47] gconf2 gconf2-common gnome-keyring libgconf2-4 libgp11-0 libhal-storage1 [03:47] libidl0 liborbit2 libpolkit-dbus2 [03:48] aaronorosen1, this is what I get ^ [03:48] hey whats the command to check the programs in cache [03:48] is it sudoe apt-cache limwire? [03:48] aTr do you have that pam-update command now? [03:48] i_am_null: RAID-0 is more capacity, RAID-1 is mirroring [03:48] aaronorosen1: ok I did it, now what? [03:48] patrickeee: apt-cache search [03:48] ah [03:48] oh ok and to install is [03:49] patrickeee: sudo apt-get install [03:49] aTr: what does this say why you type it in pam-auth-update [03:49] aaronorosen1, it's still reported as missing [03:49] thank you verymuch [03:49] so software raid could be either type? [03:49] np :) [03:49] hey guys, I can set the resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf so that gdm shows 1680x1050 however, when I actually log into ubuntu, the resolution backs off to 1024x768 and the display preferences applet doesn't allow an increase to 1680x1050 any ideas? [03:49] aTr: hmm idk sorry you have 9.04? [03:49] i_am_null: RAID 5 also offers more protection against data loss [03:49] schwul: did it fix your problem or no? === vaquero_ is now known as vaquero [03:49] 8.10 AMD64 [03:49] how can i take my external hd which is in ext3 partition format and have windows recognize it? [03:50] aaronorosen1: should I try installing the nvidia driver now? [03:50] BellinXFelon obtain the windows ext driver [03:50] how do I setup raid on my system? [03:50] ill find the site [03:50] polywaffle : i have the driver for ext2, but it wants me to format in order to read it [03:50] aaronorosen1, I also tried to run dpkg -i libpam-ck-connector 0.2.10-1ubuntu10 (using libpam-ck-connector_0.2.10-1ubuntu10_amd64.deb, and it gives the same result [03:50] polywaffle : i dont want to loose what is on the disk [03:50] i_am_null: like Steelmourne said, there are a couple of more RAID systems. I guess you could have them all as software raid too. not sure though. [03:51] BellinXFelon did you get the driver from: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [03:51] yes [03:51] *polywaffle : yes [03:51] RomD: Yes, if you have the drivers [03:51] schwul: I thought you already had it installed? [03:51] #kde [03:51] aTr: sorrry I don't know :( [03:51] umm [03:51] sir [03:51] that didnt work [03:51] I believe you don't *have* to reformat, but it will say journaling support is not available [03:51] nothing pops up [03:51] aaronorosen1: well everytime I would install it, I would get a error after reboot [03:51] patrickeee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:52] what is the command to display the linux kernel version? [03:52] anyone up for my X problem? [03:52] licul: uname -r [03:52] Ok, now I'm mad. On host system, I added a group "store" and put my user in it. I chowned everything to group "store" and chmodded it 775. I setup samba for 775 perms. Restarted Samba, remounted everything on client side. Added group "store" clientside and added my user to it, and no dice whatsoever. [03:52] Steelmourne: thanks. [03:52] aaronorosen1, anyways, thanks for your time [03:52] How can I make my laptop wake up when I open its lid? (That is, instead of having to click the power button after opening the lid. Having the computer suspend on closing the lid works fine.) [03:53] polywaffle : can i use gparted to change to ext2 without formatting [03:53] What woul [03:53] BellinXFelon you should be able to (is it possible to back up the drive) [03:53] What would the command look like for copying files from local to ssh server? [03:53] aaronorosen1: nvm it is installed, but I still can't get the visual effects to work [03:54] is firefox 3.5 available for ubuntu? [03:54] libtech probably in PPA [03:54] !ff3.5 [03:54] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [03:54] schwul: Manually installing drivers usually works [03:54] cyberghoser1: it says unable to see if hardware is present [03:55] Looking at wireshark, my machine is constantly pinging cups and the printers installed.. why is that? [03:55] thank you [03:55] Steelmourne: my drivers are installed, but the desktop effects still can't be enabled for some odd reason [03:55] schwul: you may want to ask in #nvidia === _|Zippo|_ is now known as |Zippo| [03:55] aaronorosen1: ok thanks for the help [03:55] schwul: did you restart after installin the drivers? [03:56] Scunizi: yes i restarted but I got an error saying "Ubuntu is running in low graphics" [03:56] is it advisable to install firefox 3.5? [03:57] Hi all, only 1 question: is this command correct? "sudo firefox /update" without quotes. thank you [03:57] aaronorosen1, take a look at this: http://pastebin.com/m7695eb67 [03:57] schwul: If you need to reinstall the drivers, you need to purge every trace of nvidia from your system [03:57] native resolution of my screen is not displayed in "Display Preferences" any help? [03:57] schwul: then the drivers either are not installed or are not configured correctly.. did you use System/Admin/Hardware drivers to install or did you download from nvidia and install? [03:57] I've done both [03:57] schwul: did you use envy-ng at some point? [03:57] ... [03:57] yes I did [03:57] but right now in Hardware Drivers it says that my Graphic card is activated and currently in use [03:57] bobzillion, ya, it's in release candidate IIRC. [03:58] cyberghoser1:ya it said driver is already installed.. but its wireless driver installer right..will install graphics driver? [03:58] schwul: this should do it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125400 [03:58] schwul: Purge the drivers first though === oldude67 is now known as help [03:58] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like to use just 1 kernel (the newest)? [03:58] alright thanks I'll give that a shot === help is now known as oldude67 [03:59] schwul: ok.. the nvidia forums aren't going to be able to help you.. you need to look on the ubutnu forums for how to completely remove the envy-ng program and the drivers it installed.. once that is done you need to uninstall the drivers downloaded from nvidia, THEN make sure that the driver in synaptic that ubuntu provides are installed. [03:59] aTr: idk if i would do that it might break something [03:59] or your system [03:59] alright thanks for the help [03:59] schwul: That has the instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125400 [04:00] schwul: then if you prefer to use the latest drivers from nvidia download them but before installing, uninstall the ubutnu provided drivers *not* just disable them.. [04:00] mike_lifeguard and cyberghose1, i just wanted to tell you that the close button in firefox was hiding under the date and time field righ top corner. there is a line of pixels i could grab with the mouse [04:00] oh alright thanks for the help gonna use that thread to do it [04:00] What're some fun things to do in ubuntu? :D [04:01] dethray: Compile your own kernel === saulus_ is now known as SauLus [04:01] Fun! I forgot about that. :P [04:02] join #ubuntuone [04:02] Is there an apt-get command that will list possible packages, or possible packages starting with "s"? [04:02] hi guys [04:02] karmic is kicking my arse...lmao [04:02] bobzillion: apt-cache search s* [04:02] i just installed, but having some problems [04:03] bobzillion: apt-get also has tab-completion so if you type sudo apt-get install s and hit tab, it should give you a list [04:03] i run the ubuntuone client, but it doesnt appear on task bar [04:03] bobzillion, get to know man apt-get and man dpkg, also install apt-file [04:03] but the task is still running [04:03] any ideas? [04:03] damn, wrong channel [04:04] i thought i was in ubuntuone :) [04:04] Scunizi, thanks [04:04] dlangeliers, what is ubuntuone...... oh ok [04:04] ssd7, thanks [04:04] durt, thanks. will do. [04:04] np === lstarnes is now known as sheep [04:05] what's the command for renaming a file? [04:05] mv [04:06] schwul, mv (move), see man mv. [04:06] alright thanks for the help [04:07] What's the best way to install Firefox 3.5 in Jaunty? [04:08] I'm trying to install firefox 3.5 in jaunty from the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA, but apt still wants to install the beta version in universe. How can I make it install the PPA version? [04:08] cellofellow, most likely from the PPAs [04:08] Where is my windows install how do i access the files, i used wubi [04:08] !ppa | voidmage [04:08] voidmage: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [04:09] hello all [04:09] anyone in here know how to make optical audio out work? TOSLINK, IEC958? [04:09] voidmage: the ppa is not done building the packages yet. [04:09] bbigras: in that case, how much longer will it be? [04:10] I have no idea [04:10] cellofellow: soon-ish. [04:10] i386 started 6 minutes ago [04:10] bbigras: It's showed up as published 2 hours ago. If it's still in the build queue where's the link to it? [04:10] Flannel: with PPAs, Launchpad does the compiling, not the developer, right? [04:10] is there a source package? [04:11] what is the link? [04:11] voidmage: click the little arrow on the left of "firefox-3.5 - 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 " [04:11] how to login into another user from putty? [04:11] hi all... I try to install flash player on firefox... any ideas?? === TheQ_ is now known as TheQ [04:11] to install VIA graphics driver i downloaded a source file and it says run the command "xf86config" but this command doesnot exist [04:11] !flash | petx [04:11] petx: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [04:11] anyone know how to manually get wifi to work in *buntu? [04:11] petx: Browse Firefox to a website that needs Flash and install the missing plug-ins. [04:12] sd? [04:12] thechris: you mean with ifupdown instead of with NetworkManager? [04:12] It seem the Firefox 3.5 i386 built just finished [04:12] Steelmourne, if that actually works it'll be a user specific install not a system wide install [04:12] The amd64 build is having dependency problems :( [04:13] cellofellow, whatever i can get good errors from. I've tried NM and wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c myconf [04:13] Like a missing xulrunner-dev [04:13] cellofellow, with a config file of course [04:13] voidmage: It was waiting for xulrunner which just finished building [04:13] Steelmourne, it give me 3 player... I dont know the recommended one.. [04:13] cellofellow, the error is that it doesn't attempt to connect, then times out [04:14] I could use some help getting my ATI graphics card performing. I tried installing the proprietary driver via the "Hardware drivers" application, but ended up having to remove it from the recovery console as it wouldnt boot with it [04:14] thechris: I've done this before, connected a computer to a 802.11g WAP network, using ifupdown, but I don't remember precisely how I did that. I think I read the man pages. [04:14] petx, install from the repository, flashplugin-nonfree, IIRC, please correct [04:14] Anyone know of a fix for the broken NetworkManager in every Ubuntu release? It "hunts" every 30 seconds, for 5 seconds... dropping all traffic during that period, even when I have a solid, associated connection the entire time. [04:14] thechris: I could go boot up that machine but I'm not sure I want to. [04:14] cellofellow, and wpa_supplicant just fails repeatedly with an error message that isn't in google" [04:14] thechris: ? [04:15] thechris: might want to ask the wpasupplicant mailing list then. [04:15] screen profile errors suck...:( [04:15] gogeta, the gui junk in kubuntu fails, and I'm wanting to know if anyone knows of a CLI way to get good information back. [04:16] thechris: you mean a good wifi app? [04:16] though the symptoms are the same -- appears to not attempt to connect. [04:16] I have a radeon hd 4670, what's the best way to get the least buggy video drivers: install the proprietary drivers via the "hardware drives" or download the drivers from ATI? [04:16] Jupp, hardware drivers [04:16] gogeta, no, i mean a way to connect without a GUI where I can get good error messages back, or possibly connect [04:16] well, back to waiting on amd64 to build [04:17] Jupp, ati's will make your computer go nuts like mine [04:17] gogeta, unless you know of a pre-installed wifi app in kubuntu that works better then the default. [04:17] thechris: thers a way to do it with iwconfig [04:17] Ok. Server's files are root:share 775. Samba shares as 775. Remote user can't do anything but read. [04:17] thechris: i do called eicd [04:17] I'm getting pretty frustrated here. [04:17] thechris: wicd [04:17] What version had the three people holding hands in their underwear on the CD cover? [04:17] what is the -proper- way to install ATI Radeon 9200SE non-open source drivers from AMD [04:17] thechris: good for both wired and wireless [04:18] is there a way to disable the hardware switch for wireless so that the wireless stays on unless i disable it on ubuntu ? [04:18] thechris: i knoe you can make iwconfig scan but i dont rember how [04:19] thats cli [04:19] after trying to download the drivers, I get an error saying "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'" [04:19] schwul: when you try to install them? [04:19] oh wait nvm [04:19] bbigras: what's the URL for the PPA that has the Firefox 3.5 update? [04:19] I accidently typed in 22M) and didn't notice it [04:19] cellofellow: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa [04:19] schwul: remember you have to install them from a tty not from the gui.. the gui has to be shutdown [04:19] bbigras: thanks [04:20] I'm installing from the terminal [04:20] cellofellow: you're welcome [04:20] i got some notifications that don't go away guys [04:20] hi all -- i have a link on my desktop to a remote share .. it vanishes if i log out , how can i preserve the link after reboots ? [04:20] anyone familiar with python? [04:20] schwul: did you "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" ?? [04:20] oh you have to exit out of X? [04:20] Hi! How can i split a text file on even parts? [04:20] cellofellow: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html i found this not sure works haven't tested yet [04:20] * sattam brb4breakfast [04:20] i would like to run this script http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=690256 [04:20] schwul: yes.. so ctrl+alt+F2.. login then type the line listed above [04:20] when i'm playing video, and i plug my laptop in, the screen brightness pop-up just stays there [04:20] but i'm having troubles [04:21] i used to have an icon that would show up top whenever I had a new email in thunderbird. I accidentally deleted my top panel though, and had to remake it, and now I do not get any icon! I've added indicator applet and notification area but still nothing. any help? [04:21] thechris: iwlist scan [04:21] so do I have to do everything again since I already installed with gui [04:21] Drknezz: Have a look at the "split" command. :-) [04:21] thechris: cli [04:21] so i guess there is no way to disable the hardware switch for wireless [04:21] stroyan: thanks... ;) btw, are you strogg? [04:21] schwul: not everything really.. just stop the gui while in a tty and reinstall .. that should correct it [04:21] doh - still says 9 hours on firefox ia64 - amd64 hasn't even been requeued yet [04:21] :| [04:22] http://paste.ubuntu.com/207286/ anyone else getting this error? [04:22] Drknezz: If I knew what "strogg" was I could tell you more certainly. [04:22] go bored of geeky channels and geeky convos ? ##webcam is a great place for you , join. [04:22] what is the mkfs command? [04:22] stroyan: lol, i thought you used the name of certain substance vital for the life of some creatures on Quake [04:22] there's a build of 3.5 on the daily ppa too : https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa [04:23] So nobody knows then? NetworkManager has been broken for a LOOOOOOONG time. [04:23] stroyan: Quake 4* [04:23] oldude67: What version of Ubuntu are you running? [04:23] karmic [04:23] oldude67: Ah. #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support. That looks like some sort of packaging error [04:23] Flannel: im in there too [04:24] no answer [04:24] bbigras: Isn't the daily ppa already on 3.5.1 builds? [04:24] can i dcc send any one a file to test to see if my firewall lets me send [04:24] oldude67: That's the correct channel for development version support, this channel is not appropriate for development support. [04:24] voidmage: I don't know, that's why I wait to the ubuntu mozilla security ppa [04:25] stroyan: www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strogg [04:25] I keep kicking myself for using amd64 when I have to wait through times like this, but then I remember I can't use all my memory in i386 [04:25] oh sorry, so do I have to do everything again since I installed the driver with the gui === map7|away is now known as map7 [04:25] Can anyone help me sort out a keyboard problem, I just brought a Logitech S520 keyboard and I cannot get the backtick to work under Ubuntu although I can under Crunchbang Linux [04:26] Stroyent is people! [04:26] Did someone install firefox 3.5 in Jaunty? [04:27] not yet [04:27] !ff35 | Goldiadkin [04:27] Goldiadkin: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [04:27] stroyan: lol, anyways, split is treating the .txt as binary file [04:28] stroyan: generating text AND binary slices of the file [04:28] Drknezz: The "split -l" option splits on lines. [04:28] map7: try one of the other keyboard layouts in System/Preferences/keyboard [04:28] I'll check the log later to see if anyone answers my question. Thank you in advance. [04:28] Drknezz: linux genrely does [04:28] stroyan: im using that option ;) [04:28] huh? gogeta, lol [04:29] Thanks, I'm aware of the testings, my question is why did my firefox install became Sharetoko web brwoser :S [04:29] i used to have an icon that would show up top whenever I had a new email in thunderbird. I accidentally deleted my top panel though, and had to remake it, and now I do not get any icon! I've added indicator applet and notification area but still nothing. any help? [04:29] Drknezz: text files being treated like binerys [04:29] gogeta: oh, lol [04:29] Scunizi I've already tried all the Logitech ones and I'm currently on the Generic 105-key [04:30] Drknezz: all sh files are text files modded for exe [04:30] Does the time in my bios not reflect my hardware time? [04:30] Scunizi: I accidently installed the driver with the gui instead of the tty, so should I uninstall again? [04:30] no no no [04:30] i need any downloader under ubuntu [04:30] fast [04:30] I can use the Tilda character which is on the same key [04:30] jillsmitt: any? [04:30] jillsmitt: what do you mean "any downloader" [04:31] gogeta: software to download files) [04:31] jillsmitt: downthemall [04:31] firefox addon [04:31] gogeta: gtk? [04:31] Hey guys, this is whois [04:31] I just set up my friend with Ubuntu [04:31] yay [04:32] gogeta: stayalone [04:32] jillsmitt: its a firefox addon [04:33] jillsmitt: thats what you whant? [04:33] I <3 Kde [04:33] gogeta: emm i need standalone program [04:33] Can anyone explain the difference between mount -t cifs and mount.cifs? I cannot use mount -t cifs as a user in Ubuntu 9.04. [04:33] I keep getting "only root can do that" [04:34] jillsmitt: http://www.downthemall.net/ [04:34] mbeierl: only root can mount [04:34] jillsmitt: stand alone? why [04:34] mbeierl: have you tried with "sudo" [04:34] gogeta: because [04:34] /server irc.whatnet.org [04:34] well, it looks like wifi doesn't work. this is again, not the year of *buntu. [04:34] gogeta: sorry but i realy need any standalone [04:34] Drknezz: the point is to have a script mount directories as part of login... don't want to give sudo to all users for mount... [04:35] jillsmitt: whats the diffrence you use firefox to download [04:35] Drknezz: is there a real difference between calling the mount.cifs directly and using mount -t cifs? or do they accomplish the same thing? [04:35] mbeierl: why dont u just start it with "sudo -i" and end it with "exit" ;) [04:35] jillsmitt: wget? [04:35] jillsmitt: http://www.downthemall.net/ [04:35] gogeta: i have phoby on use firefox [04:36] Drknezz: as the user who might be logging in could not have sudo perms, so I want them to have their "home" directories mounted, but not sudo perms on mount itself [04:36] mbeierl: mount -t is just a frontend for mount.* [04:36] Drknezz: ok, that's what I wanted to check - to make sure there wasn't any other "magic" going on there, perfect, thanks! [04:36] Drknezz: It sounds like you may be talking about DOS style .txt files. You can convert between DOS and unix newline styles with the tofrodos package and its dos2unix and unix2dos commands. [04:36] mbeierl: maybe mounting into a world-writeable folder? [04:37] jillsmitt: i dont think thers any [04:37] stroyan: lol, dolphin took em as binary files, but, they were actually txt files that could be opened with kate [04:37] jillsmitt: just jdownloader but thats for sites like megaupload === tyler is now known as Guest75584 === mlrobinson is now known as optiontrader [04:37] gogeta d4x [04:38] jillsmitt: blote [04:38] how do you preserve a desktop link to a remote folder across reboots ? [04:39] ooo, sond has a good question, I want to know too [04:39] link is created via connect to server type.. [04:39] how to show the request time out while pinging... any ideas?? [04:40] Why system slows down when copying files? :S [04:40] lol, seriously Drknezz? [04:40] you are using the Hard DRives [04:40] and CPU [04:40] Interphase: yeah, when i copy big files, system just starts goign slow [04:40] Interphase: SATA 3G isnt enough? [04:41] it depends on the HDD speeds [04:41] SATA is not the limit [04:41] I just tried to connect to my desktop from my laptop on the lan via ssh and received a ssh error that the key has been changed. This is probably because the desktop ip has changed. The error says that the offending key is in /home//.ssh/known_hosts:3 .. does that mean it's the 3rd key reference in the file? and if I delete that reference will it try to reconnect? [04:41] joining [04:41] :p [04:41] exit's gnome 3 for ubuntu? [04:42] izinucs, you might try deleting your known_hosts file [04:42] mbeierl: You should have a look at the "autofs" package. Mount points can be configured so they mount whenever the path to them is accessed. [04:42] sup doods [04:42] you can back it up first if you are scared [04:42] Interphase: the whole thing or just the key reference for the third listing? [04:42] probably just the third listing [04:43] Interphase: ok.. I'll give that a shot.. I alway create a backup anyway.. no worries. thanks. [04:43] what service controls usb devices [04:43] does aire work in linux? [04:43] i accidentally hid the menu bar of my xchat client [04:43] flex? [04:43] how do i turn it on again [04:43] whats the app that visually configures the kernel ? [04:43] izinucs: That means that the offending system entry is in the 3rd line. The identity of the systems is hidden in recent versions of ssh for security. If you delete the third line then ssh will complain that it doesn't know the key and ask you if that is OK. [04:43] * sattam your message [04:43] xconfig [04:44] god i havent used linux in forever ::x.x:: [04:44] Severity1: try doing rm -rv .xchat* [04:44] the kernel [04:44] Hi, I got a forced fsck and I have huge amount of numbers scrolling down, it's been 30mn [04:44] is it normal ? [04:44] make menuconfig or make xconfig [04:44] in term or in xchat? [04:45] Severity1: Perhaps F9 It kind of depends on which client you are using. [04:45] it takes the whole screen [04:45] Interphase: thanks that worked.. stroyan thanks that's exactly what happened... [04:45] =D [04:45] that is so weird [04:46] anybody knows about it ? [04:46] does ubuntu-server automatically detect usb devices? [04:47] P_Kable: if this is on boot then it's normal and you have a large drive.. 30 minutes is a long time but is drive size dependant.. [04:47] stroyan, okay thanks that worked, i noticed there was actually a prompt that tells thatsame command to toggle the menubar [04:47] stroyan, andi didnt even bother looking at it xp [04:47] Scunizi=> thanks this is comforting :) [04:47] any way for ubuntu to be forced to use xorg.conf settings rather than "Display Preferences"? [04:48] I did ctrl+d to skip it and my /home/users were all gone, so I reboot and let it do it Scunizi [04:48] Severity1: You can also use the right mouse button in the text area to get to a menu, including the menu bar option. [04:48] P_Kable: altough.. I've had drives do that that ended up having issues.. [04:48] stroyan, thanks === AndrewGearhart_5 is now known as AndrewGearhart [04:50] hello. i'm trying to back up some files on my machine to an external hard drive. i can't write to it, and when i try to do sudo chown to my username, it says the volume is read only. is this b/c of the way it's formatted, or a mount error, or.. ? sorry if this is naive, i'm still new. [04:50] what does it mean if lsusb gives me no output [04:50] from where can i get VIA K8M800/ K8N800/ K8N800A [S3 UniChrome Pro] driver? [04:50] ignore this [04:50] elfinch: Did you format this drive? === Paddy_EIRE_ is now known as Paddy_EIRE [04:51] what's the filesystem on the external drive? [04:51] goddamnit [04:51] i hate niggers [04:51] elfinch: Hello? [04:51] edbian: well, yeah. i think it may be hfs [04:52] !ops | killerng [04:52] killerng: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [04:52] elfinch: You have it mounted? What mount options did you use? [04:52] oops. which is the channel for dedicated UNR support? [04:52] I muchly want to ask questions. [04:52] edbian: it is mounted. no mount options, it just mounted automatically. what is the command line tool to determine what the format is? [04:52] Scunizi, he's gone [04:52] 94% installed.. hehe. very cool. [04:52] elfinch: fdisk -l [04:52] elky: k.. I have messages turned off so I didn'tt know.. [04:52] awesome thanks will try now [04:53] elfinch: (as root) [04:53] Scunizi, that's why we say it, so you know we're not ignoring you :) [04:53] elky: It's appriciated :) [04:53] elfinch: is this a usb hdd? [04:55] edbian: hmm, maybe i'm doing something wrong. that command returned "last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 40755" Yes, it's usb, but I could dig out my 4 to 6 pin firewire cable and try it also. It is likely hfs, as I also use it with my mac. I'm afraid i can't remember if HFS is compatible/writable as a rule? [04:56] elfinch: hfs? I have never heard of this and neither has google. [04:57] is that a filesystem? [04:57] i think its a heirarchical file system [04:57] i need help [04:57] please [04:58] hfs+ = mac os x file system [04:58] elfinch: do you mean the default file sys used by mac's? it might be readable but not write-able [04:58] edbian: sorry, can't remember what it's called then, Mac os journaled [04:58] im trying to load a java chat room but it shows a bunch of littlw scribble [04:58] or, what vraa said [04:58] leaving [04:58] i cant even see the text [04:58] how do i fix it [04:58] elfinch: I doubt that it is read-only by default. What folder is it mounted in? [04:58] scunizi: that might be it [04:58] COOLKID972: see if the room is accessable from a normal irc client [04:58] probably have to pass some options using mount to make it writable [04:59] no this room is a custom made room [04:59] edbian: maybe it's what Scunizi suggested? it's mounted in /media [04:59] I have a support question - kubuntu 8.04 | KDE 3.5 | Firefox 3.0.11 [04:59] elfinch: I don't know much about mac's but I believe you can get them to read/write ext3.. windows can too.. you might consider reformatting it. [04:59] i just wanna make it bigger [04:59] elfinch: sudo chown elfinch /media ?? [05:00] Hi there. How can I make a persistant live usb? [05:00] elfinch: Also do you have the hfsplus package installed? [05:01] Scunizi: you're right, you can read/ write to ext3 i think.. but i was just trying to use this 2/3 full drive i already have. maybe i'll just abandon this plan and use another external drive i have with extra space.. [05:01] elfinch: or the hfsutils package? [05:01] sudo mount -w -t hfsplus /dev/hda[partition number] /media/[volume name] [05:01] edbian: not sure.. can i use locate to check [05:01] voidmage: amd64 is building [05:01] :D [05:01] is anyone using backtrack? [05:01] :D [05:01] elfinch: just try to install it and see if you have already. (if not you'll need it) [05:02] edbian: ok, yeah - i didn't have it.. i'll add it, thanks [05:02] elfinch: NP. I bet that is the reason you couldn't access it [05:03] Can someone save me from a reinstall?? [05:03] DesignsEdge: I bet we can!! [05:03] What's the problem? [05:03] DesignsEdge: You need to actually ask your question before we can answer that [05:04] Firefox 3.0.11 on Kubuntu 8.04 x64 kde 3.5 is locking [05:04] !ask| DesignsEdge [05:04] DesignsEdge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [05:04] whoops, a little late there [05:04] DesignsEdge: What does dmesg have to say? [05:04] does anyone here know wordpress ? [05:04] DesignsEdge: "locking"? [05:04] good morning,everyone!! [05:04] its greying out - waiting for a call to CPU from what we can tell [05:05] I did everything on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125400 and after initiating the driver and rebooting X I get the same error "Ubuntu is running in low graphics" [05:05] no memory or CPU usage in Top [05:05] I'd like to get somone's opinion (feel of) wordpress, any tips on installation or use of it [05:05] good evening kbfz! [05:05] hello all :D [05:05] i'm trying to dualboot Win7/Ubuntu 9.09 here, but after installing Win7, i can't get GRUB to work. Can anyone help me? [05:05] DesignsEdge: Interesting. How long have you been more than one person? [05:05] MrPiracy: (there is no such thing as ubuntu 9.09) [05:05] edbian? [05:05] newbuntu: depends on what you're after.. if you want to create a site for many things then also look at joomla.org [05:05] did you creat a partition [05:05] lost me there -- [05:06] install windows first [05:06] windows overwrote the mbr, MrPiracy [05:06] Interphase, so strange [05:06] DesignsEdge: :"call to CPU from what WE can tell" It was a joke... nevermind [05:06] edbian: 9.04, sorry [05:06] kbfz, you are in China, of course it is morning [05:06] Scunizi: I just want a website, that it easy for users to manage, there are many users but 1 site [05:06] DesignsEdge: Does this only happen with firefox? [05:06] Ah, no its funny - just didnt see it -- a friend has looked as well - and yes only firefox [05:07] dethray: i know, but how can i access the GRUB in my HD from the live cd? [05:07] Scunizi: my users are working together to maintain a single site [05:07] Interphase, yes where are you? [05:07] Southern California [05:07] dethray: so i can setup it again to occupy the mbr [05:07] I did everything on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125400 and after initiating the driver and rebooting X I get the same error "Ubuntu is running in low graphics" [05:07] you need to mount it [05:07] Scunizi: custom wysiwyg is getting to complex for me to manage so wordpress was suggested [05:07] well, let me qualify - to a less extent thunderbird (so mozilla based) - console launch shows no crash, nor is there anything in /var/log [05:07] newbuntu: wordpress may not be the right one.. joomla I find one of the easier/better cms sites that's flexable and with a backend that is fairly intuitave [05:07] hola [05:07] quien habla español [05:08] edbian: hmm, alas ! still when i try sudo chown "me" /media/"the volume" it's returning that it's a read-only file system :/ [05:08] !es [05:08] dethray, i have a script here that used to work on previous version of ubuntu, but now i set it to Ext4 and made a /boot partition separate [05:08] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [05:08] quien habla español [05:08] DesignsEdge: I am willing to bet it is simply a bug in firefox 3 (amd64). I have no experience with x64. If you do reinstall I suggest x86 [05:08] Scunizi: thanks, I think I'll setup two (or more) and let them see it. [05:08] voidmage: Successfully built [05:08] hey, does jaunty not allow Ctrl+Alt+Backspace X restarting? [05:08] elfinch: can you umount it? [05:08] I am leaning the same way - I was thinking of trying 3.5 first, just for kicks n giggles -- see if its an architecture hang -- [05:09] elfinch: umount it and mount it manually with the rw option [05:09] newbuntu: if it's on a personal server that's easy to do and probably best.. if you're paying for server space you might check to see how many databases you get before being charged more $$'s [05:09] well that was fast [05:09] !dontzap | dutch [05:09] dutch: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. === Guest75584 is now known as thankyou [05:09] hey guys [05:09] i keep getting tis message [05:09] probably going to take a few minutes to hit the PPA, i suppose [05:09] Interphase, how do you know I'm in China [05:09] legend2440: thanks [05:09] MrPiracy, chroot into the other install via the terminal [05:10] voidmage: yes I think too [05:10] kbfz, your IP address [05:10] Thanks edbian -- I am betting you are right -- thanks for the help [05:10] DesignsEdge: I am surprised. Try a different browser. There are others. In particular try one that uses the webkit engine instead of gecko [05:10] edbian: oh.. ok. well - here's what i did. i unmounted it, then unplugged it, then plugged it in again. can you spell out a bit more what you're suggesting? unmount it, and then .. er.. can you tell me more about how to mount with -rw option ? [05:10] it is right next to your nick when you join [05:10] you can do the same thing to mine [05:10] dethray: into to what partition? i made the huge mistake to map /boot in a different partition this time [05:11] Interphase, you're so smart [05:11] voidmage: I see amd64 at http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.5/ [05:11] elfinch: You can unmount manually (without unplugging) using the umount command (sudo umount /dev/volume) [05:11] kbfz, not really, I am a dumbass American [05:11] there we go [05:11] We are stupid people by and large [05:11] mount your main / first then the /boot into that [05:11] it's going to install 3.5 final now [05:11] we believe almost anything we are told [05:11] (going to do it when i'm not working) [05:12] dethray: would u like to have a look at the script i have here? where's that site i can paste things to it? [05:12] Interphase: spak fu ur selv.. [05:12] Interphase, what's dumbass? [05:12] scunizi, sarcasm. [05:12] pastebin.com? [05:12] Harro is anyone here good with JACK? [05:12] elfinch: Then you can mount manually using "mount -o rw /dev/X /media/volume" [05:12] kbfz, dumbass: an untintelligent person [05:12] lol Scunizi [05:12] Scunizi: understood.. just giving it back to him [05:12] but it is rude [05:12] don't say that to people you don't want to offend [05:13] Interphase: thought you'd like that kentucky hill country drawl :) [05:13] Scunizi, can you provide me with any help with this? [05:13] =D [05:13] then to figure out how to make 'firefox' default to 3.5 (if the ppa thing doesn't do this already) [05:13] people from CA really appreciate southern accents [05:13] schwul: ok.. still working on the video driver? [05:13] linuxguy2009, yes ;) [05:13] or . . . border states [05:13] huh? [05:13] elfinch: that's umount (no typo) and rw is for "read/write" [05:13] Scunizi: yeah I did everything, from the topic and after initiating the video card, it told me to reboot X, I did it and still got the same error [05:13] edbian: ok, i unmounted it , but i'm confused by /dev and /media [05:14] Interphase: so cal people learn to speak with all kinds of accents.. [05:14] edbian: i only see it mounted in /media - do you include both b/c it could be in either place depending on release version? [05:14] schwul: try typing nvidia-xconfig at terminal [05:14] Scunizi, I am moving to New Jersey, so hopefully I can get that down [05:14] dethray: here, have a look http://pastebin.com/m6935044f [05:14] elfinch: When you plug something into your system (and when the system is booted) a file is create in /dev (device). You mount the filesystem of that device (if it is possible to do so) in /media [05:15] elfinch: hence mount /dev/sda2 /media/HDD2 for example [05:15] Interphase: ouch.. enjoy the humidity and attitude over there.. seafood is good though [05:15] Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". [05:15] VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. [05:15] Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver [05:15] line. [05:15] ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. [05:15] schwul: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:15] where is the VLC application stored? [05:15] gbear14275: /usr/bin/vlc [05:15] elfinch: Places all of the files from /dev/sda2 (probably a HDD) in /media/HDD2 [05:15] looks fine [05:15] schwul: use sudo with the commnad [05:15] dethray, this script is not working anymore because now the linux partitions are ext4 and because /boot is sitting on a diff partition [05:15] elfinch: Do you understand?? [05:16] gbear14275: why? generally, you can run "which vlc" to find the executable location [05:16] hmm [05:16] excuse me, i dont know where else to ask this but can anyone recommend good blogging software ? [05:16] im trying to set up a blog [05:17] Scunizi: http://pastebin.ca/1480362 [05:17] glick: wordpress is a pretty widely-used one... [05:17] glick: wordpress? [05:17] btw... input for a huge improvement in usability, instead of having to navigate the filesystem to find the target of "open with" if it would be possible to populate a list of applications installed... that would be huge :) [05:17] thanks for the help guys! [05:17] is backtrack a distro? [05:17] gbear14275: that list would be very large, since there are literally thousands of little utilities in /usr/bin. [05:17] im having all sorts of problem at the moment [05:18] gbear14275: so it wouldn't be an improvement in usability, really. :) [05:18] gbear14275: Most executables are listed in either /bin and /usr/bin already... [05:18] schwul: when you installed the driver did it ask you if it could run nvidia-xconfig? [05:18] Interphase, nice to meet you [05:18] yeah and I said no [05:18] Just logged in and now I am not able to get to my vt, all are just a flashing prompt. What's going on? === sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick [05:18] nice to meet you too kbfz, it's cool how you can speak English [05:19] I don't know any Chinese [05:19] hi ,every body. [05:19] It's weird, the firefox-3.5 package depend on 3.0 [05:19] schwul: do the reinstall again and say yes and allow it to write to the file it wants to write to.. [05:19] schwul: were there any other errors on install? [05:19] * c_nick changed IRC password [05:20] Interphase, l'm a university student ,so I can .there're a lot chinese people can speak English [05:20] Scunizi: umm there was something about the kernel, it asked if it should try to find a kernel from the ftp on the nvidia website, and said there was none [05:20] to install VIA graphics driver a guide says copy the driver into /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ and change xorg.conf's driver to via. but my xorg.conf is like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/207299/ how do i change it? [05:20] dethray, no help? [05:20] so... ff3.5 is pretty fast, eh? :) [05:20] kbfz, I think more Chinese poeple speak English than there are Americans [05:20] edbian: oh, perhaps i didn't really unmount it succesfully then, b/c it is still there in /media [05:20] nanotube: not to compare as I know its different, but windows is able to populate a list... and its helpful to have. I know linux is different but if we (linux community) wanted to maybe even do it better... make a list of programs that are able to actually use the file type. A flaw in the windows list is you can still select programs to which the file is not compatible or usable. We could theoretically do better... but I don't even kno [05:20] Interphase, so it is [05:20] schwul: ok.. from terminal type.. sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms .. this will install stuff the nvidia installer will make use of on install. [05:21] elfinch: /media should have folders inside it. Those folders should have mounted filesystems in them [05:21] elfinch: "sudo umount /media/" should unmount it [05:21] Interphase, time for lunch ,goodbye [05:21] has ubuntu changed something? Why I can't get my virtual consoles? [05:21] gbear14275: the "open with" list is already prepopulated with a subset of applications, just not all of them... you're right that it would be nice to filter things by filetype... [05:21] Scunizi: that's already installed [05:21] schwul: then reinstall the driver.. when you need to restart the gui type .. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start .. [05:21] lol, later [05:22] gbear14275: but this is not the best place for suggestions - try brainstorm.ubuntu.com and submit your idea there. (first see if there already is a suggestion for your idea) [05:22] schwul: basically say yes to all the questions it asks on install. [05:22] elfinch: If the folders from your device are still accessible in your system then it is mounted. [05:22] oh alright [05:22] Interphase, a last question "lol" means? [05:22] hi [05:22] Laugh Out Loud: to express your amusement with something [05:22] nanotube: I'm sorry I didn't realize that. I was trying to open a .pls file and while mediaplayer was listed (win) vlc wasn't and had to find it... that was a bad assumption on my part that we didn't already populate the list... (which wasn't true) [05:23] not very serious [05:23] people just said it [05:23] *say it [05:23] hehe [05:23] gbear14275: filtering by filetype (which would involve maintaining a list of app-filetype matches somewhere) is still a pretty decent idea (i think). so if you do have a minute, i would suggest sticking it up on brainstorm.ubuntu.com. :) [05:23] what's the server address for this, I want to connect on my laptop [05:23] nanotube: thanks! I appreciate the help [05:24] nanotube: and will do [05:24] edbian - FYI - added repos for 3.5 - installed - same problem -- guess I am off to reinstall land [05:24] schwul: for this irc server? irc.freenode.net #ubuntu [05:24] Scunizi: ok thank you [05:24] gbear14275: cool, good luck :) [05:24] DesignsEdge: I'm sorry to hear that. Post a bug at bugzilla [05:25] anyone have remote desktop connection working under XWin? [05:25] nanotube: There is the /etc/mailcap and /etc/mimetypes data to start from. That is used by the "see" "edit" "compose" and "print" commands. === joshthecoder is now known as joshthecoder_afk [05:25] Hey #ubuntu [05:26] i need a little bit of assistance [05:26] !details | EsotericGuy [05:26] EsotericGuy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [05:26] I'm helping a buddy via IM with his dell insipiron E1705 [05:26] she's got the latest everything, it's a fresh install [05:26] she can't get the wifi to work it seems [05:27] edbian: i ran "sudo umount /media/" and then was going to follow your directions and mount it but was confused by this part: "elfinch: Then you can mount manually using "mount -o rw /dev/X /media/volume" [05:27] she's completely new to linux, and i'm just a beginner [05:27] stroyan: ah cool. yea, those look like just the right kind of info [05:27] !wireless | EsotericGuy [05:27] EsotericGuy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:27] so, can anyone help me get to grub from ubuntu live cd? [05:27] elfinch: So it is unmounted then? :) [05:27] EsotericGuy: could you pastebin the output of lspci please so we can find out what wireless card she has [05:27] isyou wiifi a usb type? [05:27] no it's a wifi card [05:27] ziroday: how would i do that? [05:28] edbian: yep [05:28] EsotericGuy: I wonder how many people have left Linux, thinking Ubuntu was the only Linux distro or something, and because their wireless didn't work [05:28] sorry to be slow [05:28] EsotericGuy: open a terminal and type in lspci, then send the output to pastebin. Or ask her to install pastebinit with sudo apt-get install pastebinit and then do lspci | pastebinit and give us back the URL that is returned [05:28] JanC: haha you're my evil twin. [05:28] Can someone help me to get a script run at boot? [05:28] I thought I was looking into a mirror [05:28] EsotericGuy: that's, because of hardware manufactures not suppourting Linux properly or at all, why people get wireless issues, usually by teh way [05:28] Scunizi: ok should I do everything from the topic again? or do I have to unistall? [05:29] elfinch: well the mount command is intended to basically undo what you (we) just did :). do you know what file the device is in /dev ?? [05:29] schwul1: I think you should be able to just reinstall with no uninstall [05:30] edbian: err.. not really :/ [05:30] Scunizi: ok [05:30] EsotericGuy: did that all make sense? [05:30] elfinch: That's fine :) run "sudo fdisk -l" again see what's listed. Figure out which one is the HDD in question. [05:30] hi room.. any one hear use ubuntu studio? [05:30] tcp [05:30] ziroday: yes, i'm just walking her through everything right now. [05:30] ip [05:30] ip! [05:31] !ip [05:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about ip [05:31] COOLKID972: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:31] EsotericGuy: great [05:31] Esoteric tru installing the linux-backports-modules-(yourkernelversion-1) then do a restart [05:32] im trying to get my usb audio card (M-audio Quattro) to work with jack connection kit..... [05:32] can any one help me with that? [05:32] edbian: oh ok .. /sda , but having a hard time figuring out which # it is.. [05:33] edbian: there is sda1 - sda4 [05:33] elfinch: The partitions are numbered. This HDD must have 4 partitions [05:33] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like to use just 1 kernel (the newest)? [05:33] Severity1: there is no point in doing that until we know his card, and it could be dangerous [05:33] elfinch: Each partition has it's own number and filesystem. [05:33] elfinch: and format [05:34] ziroday, you are right but if all else fails you shud try that [05:34] edbian: oh.. mkay. well, i'm a dope - i probably did partition it back in the day, but i can't remember how many [05:34] Severity1: not until you have diagnosed the issue [05:35] elfinch: Do you have gparted installed? [05:35] elfinch: You can get a graphical look at the disk using gparted. (sudo apt-get install gparted if not) [05:35] edbian: would have thought only into two partitions though. no , don't think so. i could install it. [05:35] if it is a driver issue then its possible the backports can fix it [05:35] edbian: right ok i'll do that now [05:36] elfinch: Only if you want. It's not necessary. Anyway which partition is the hfs one we're trying to mount> [05:36] ?? [05:36] especially if that driver is realtek type [05:36] hey, men [05:36] do you know if there's a way to mount skydrive as a common drive in ubuntu 9.04? [05:36] may be some sort of plugin for nautilus? [05:36] edbian: i have no idea. [05:37] elfinch: It should also list the formats. Are they all hfs ?? [05:37] ziroday: pastebin.com/4edd8a3 [05:37] hey, how do u get a pic on grub interface? [05:37] sorry to disturb [05:38] edbian: oy. not sure. i can use gparted to analyze it ? if you have other stuff to besides this i can give up ;) [05:38] edbian: feel like i'm taking up a lot of time [05:39] EsotericGuy: hmm I can't seem to get that to display, can you try opening the link and pastebining the text somewhere else (like paste.ubuntu.com) [05:39] .... [05:39] elfinch: Yeah check out gparted. I do need to go (don't know how you knew). Good luck! [05:39] helpers, is there any good torrent program than ktorrent and fast? [05:39] im trying to get my usb audio card (M-audio Quattro) to work with jack connection kit..... [05:39] can any one help me? [05:40] ziroday: fixed: http://pastebin.com/f4edd8a3 [05:40] EsotericGuy: awesome [05:40] .....aukey! may be you can recommend some other interface for fetching/uploading files? [05:40] any one use ubuntu to compose/produce music? [05:40] EsotericGuy: okay should she need to know again her network card is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01) [05:41] ziroday: i'm sorry, what? [05:41] EsotericGuy: can she go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and enable the applicable driver for that card [05:41] Scunizi: when I type "sudo killall Xorg" it says "Xorg: no process killed" [05:42] EsotericGuy: the BCM4311 is the model number of her wireless card, if she needs help with it again her helper will need to know that [05:42] alright, one second. thanks btw [05:42] is her wifi being detected? [05:42] schwul1: you can't kill x that way.. it's sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [05:42] what is the real problem with her wifi [05:42] any one have backtrack 4 [05:43] yes [05:43] I did that but in the topic it says "In some rare instances, stopping gdm won't stop Xorg, due to the Xsession being busy with whatever error has occurred " [05:43] edbian: okey doke, thanks so much for your help/patience [05:43] helo [05:43] schwul1: where did you read that? [05:43] elfinch: NP! [05:43] Scunizi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1125400 [05:43] COOLKID972, I used Backtrak 3 a couple times [05:45] is firefox 3.5 out for jaunty? [05:45] schwul1: when you sudo killall Xorg was that after the command that I gave you? [05:45] !ff35 | SandGorgon [05:45] yeah [05:45] SandGorgon: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [05:45] i have a question [05:46] how do i shut down my computer [05:46] !deatils | COOLKID972 [05:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about deatils [05:46] i dont have shut down [05:46] i only have logout [05:46] !details | COOLKID972 [05:46] COOLKID972: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [05:46] schwul1: that's why it couldn't do anything.. the first command took care of it [05:46] Scunizi: oh alright [05:46] sebse i dont know how to shut down [05:46] how do i shutdown i only have log out option [05:46] EsotericGuy, what is the problem with yourwifi? [05:47] all i know is that it is a b43 series [05:47] Severity1: it's not recognizing the wifi card [05:47] COOLKID972: on top panel far right see red icon? no shutdown in there? [05:47] Severity1: I've got this thanks [05:47] how can yousay it is not recognizing the wifi card [05:47] COOLKID972: oh right well sadly they removed shutdown and logout from the system menu, where it is meant to be really, because of the thing on the top right [05:47] no i dont [05:47] there is nothing on the top right [05:47] ziroday: this is what she's showing me right now [05:47] Scunizi: it says "There appears to already be a driver installed on your sytem (version 185.18.14). As part of the installing this driver (version: 185.18.14), the existing driver will be uninstalled. Are you sure you want to continue? I shall click yes, correct? [05:48] ziroday: http://imgur.com/oHGNH.png [05:48] what menu am i suppose to be looking at [05:48] schwul1: yes [05:48] EsotericGuy: hmm what version of ubuntu is she running? [05:48] COOLKID972: are you using gnome? [05:48] COOLKID972: well shutdown and logout used to be in the system menu, untill Ubuntu 9.04, because they come up with the top right thing idea [05:48] i think its KDE [05:48] unbuntu [05:48] COOLKID972: oh your on KDE that explains it kind of [05:48] umm [05:49] backtract 4 [05:49] itsa 9.04 [05:49] then it says "No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you like the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel from the NVIDIA ftp site? Yes on this too, correct? [05:49] im new to linux [05:49] ziroday: 9.04, she just updated everything today from a fresh install from yesterday. [05:49] schwul1: yes [05:49] COOLKID972: the thing we were refering to is not in KDE, and backtrack is not suppourted here, and that's not a CD you should be using as a proper operating system [05:49] Whats the default file to modify bash environment variables for? [05:49] am i banned? [05:49] EsotericGuy: ookay, can you get a screenshot of the Broadcom STA wireless entry too please, I'm not really familiar with the options [05:49] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=767372 [05:50] Scunizi: ok now it says "No matching precompiled kernel interface was found on the NVIDIA ftp site; this means that the installer will need to compile a kernel interface for your kernel" and I have to click ok [05:50] sabot: ~/.bashrc [05:50] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=779754&highlight=wireless+work+hardy [05:50] oh ok [05:50] sabot: ~/.profile [05:50] well im using it for learning purposes [05:50] COOLKID972: if your new to Linux, you so shoudn't start with backtrack [05:50] schwul1: that's good.. click ok [05:50] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=883271 [05:50] backtrack is just a feature [05:50] Why are there two files? [05:50] the core is ubuntu [05:50] is .bashrc for all users? [05:50] COOLKID972: that's for security stuff and such [05:51] EsotericGuy, try looking at this links says what you need to use b43 drivers [05:51] COOLKID972: system administrators that's what it is for, and people like that [05:51] sabot: /etc/bashrc is for all users, ~/.bashrc is for the owner of ~ [05:51] ah [05:51] yea [05:51] isn't .bashrc only run for terminal sessions whereas .profile is for any shell session, including console and script? [05:51] well i like to learn [05:51] im pretty good with windows os [05:51] COOLKID972: also it's a Live CD distro, your not even meant to install it [05:51] Scunizi: Now it says "Would you lioke to run the nvidia-xconfig utility to automatically update your x configuration file so that the NVIDIA X driver will be used when you restart X? Any pre-existing X configuaration will be backed up." Yes or No? [05:51] hi everybody! [05:51] i wanna learn security [05:52] sebse this thing has an install .sh [05:52] schwul1: yes [05:52] er, whats the bash equivalent of setenv [05:52] Scunizi: ok now it's complete and sucessful [05:52] it could be a live cd or [05:52] install [05:52] cellofellow: bashrc is for all bash shells [05:52] sabot: export === Caleb is now known as Guest96316 [05:52] schwul1: ok.. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [05:52] Scunizi: I know [05:52] COOLKID972: well use real Ubuntu as a real operating system [05:53] export name directory, works? [05:53] stroyan: fyi: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/20484/ [05:53] COOLKID972: well and there are other good ones to [05:53] EsotericGuy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=759467 the reason whwy i suggested linux-backports [05:53] what do you have against this one? [05:53] sabot: in bash you do export foo=bar [05:53] ziroday: I got it backwards? [05:53] Scunizi: ok my screen flashed 3 times, then the same error popped up... [05:53] okay [05:53] sabot: export VAR="value" will put $VAR into bashes current environment [05:53] Makes sense [05:53] COOLKID972: no one uses backtrack as an alternative to Windows, it's a tool, with a specific purpouse [05:53] work uses tcsh, so Im a little lost :p [05:54] COOLKID972: it was never designed to be a proper Linux distro for general usage [05:54] when is firefox 3.5 out for ubuntu? [05:54] sabot: err export SOMEVAR=somevalue makes more sense, and then you call SOMEVAR with $SOMEVAR [05:54] sebe im using it for learning [05:54] serious [05:54] Good evening, would any of you guys have some experience installing a sabrent usb2.0 tv tuner on ubuntu? [05:54] !firefox > A|i [05:54] im in computer networking tech [05:54] A|i, please see my private message [05:54] !ff35 | A|i [05:54] A|i: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [05:54] schwul1: did you find the thread on the forums that describes how to remove all the envy-ng stuff? and did you get it done? [05:54] i have to learn about computer [05:54] and good security [05:54] EsotericGuy: how we going? [05:54] the vulerbity [05:54] the flaws [05:54] etc [05:55] COOLKID972: ok well don't install that one to your hard disk, in fact as far as I know your root by default in backtrack, because it's a special security Live CD distro [05:55] i have my own small network set up at home [05:55] Scunizi: Yes I purged them [05:55] ziroday, sebsebseb that's not my answer [05:55] schwul1: what card do you have? [05:55] its so damn slow on the live CD [05:55] Scunizi: 8800 GTX [05:55] A|i: the answer is soon. [05:55] i actually used it on live CD [05:55] hey, why does wireless suck so bad in Ubuntu? [05:55] lol schwul1 I remember when that was THE gfx card [05:55] or maybe it's network manager.. [05:55] i managed to remove my "hardware drivers" menu entry from my System->Administration, which package should I reinstall to get it back? [05:55] I have an install script which needs the super user previlage , how can I handle this? [05:55] campee: because you've done something wrong? [05:55] Interphase: yeah lol that's when I got it [05:56] shafi_: root script.sh [05:56] =D those were the days [05:56] ziroday: she just enabled the first driver there and it worked [05:56] shafi_: err sudo script.sh [05:56] EsotericGuy: awesome! [05:56] so, thanks for the help that let me help a friend! [05:56] Interphase: I remember I went in the shop to get it, they went in a special place with locked door opened it, and it was in this special window [05:56] a HDD is times faster than a CD drive [05:56] if you have an ethernet connection and a wireless connection going at the same time and unplug your network cable.. it turns off BOTH interfaces [05:56] ^X [05:56] schwul1: I'm stuck at this point.. You've done everything correctly as far as I can determine. Unless there's something that's still left in your system that's still causing issues.. do you have a seperate /home partition? [05:56] also, i like #ubuntu's bot [05:56] anyone? any help on installing a tv tuner on ubuntu? it has a trident master tm5600 chipset [05:56] eerrrrrrg, Sorry, is there a way to change to tcsh instead of bash for one terminal window? [05:56] how retarded? [05:56] hi i am having trouble with dule boot [05:56] COOLKID972: in a proper Linux distro, such as for example, Ubuntu, Fedora 11, and Mandriva, the first rule of Linux is never run with the root account. Well Ubuntu uses sudo instead anyway so :). Anyway http://www.distrowatch.com you don't put Backtrack on for general computer usage, that's what I am trying to get at here [05:57] sabot: just type in tsch? (if you have it installed) [05:57] Scunizi: umm no I used all the partition for Ubuntu [05:57] i had a horible virus on windows [05:57] and it destroyed by harddrive so installed ubutu on it [05:57] Scunizi: Do you want me to tell you what the error says? [05:57] then [05:57] schwul1: k [05:57] oh yea I know seab [05:57] cactusfrog you installed ubuntu on a destroyed hdd? [05:57] I got a dual boot [05:57] i only use it for learning purposses [05:58] schwul1, that is epic [05:58] hi, can anyone explain why i need to append '.local' to the remote hostnam when logging in via ssh? [05:58] I ended up with a Radeon 1950XT [05:58] COOLKID972: and Wndows for everything else, well that's not much good idea, I suggest you install Ubuntu for example properly on your hard disk [05:58] in the past 3 days i've learn quite a bit don't let my " where is the shut down button " fool you === Bhavic1 is now known as Bhavic [05:58] Interphase: yeah haha, I was going to get the 8800 Ultra, but they didn't have it, spent 800 on this card, and my computer overall was 5g's [05:58] I have windows installed on one harddrive and ubuntu on the slave drive how do i install ubuntu on the other hardive so that windows reconizes it and i get the option when booting up windows [05:58] ziroday: this script only make a directory and other subdirectories but when I run it with out sudo it ask me that I need to have the right privelage , but the problems is that I don't have the super user right to run it via sudo [05:59] !grub | cactusfrog the first link [05:59] cactusfrog the first link: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [05:59] COOLKID972: also just, because something is based on Ubuntu, dosan't mean you can get suppourt for it here [05:59] oh im not [05:59] shafi_: well if you need permissions but you don't have them there is nothing I can do sorry [05:59] im just asking where the shut down button is [05:59] ziroday, thanks all check them out [05:59] COOLKID972: and for general Linux stuff and that ##linux is good [05:59] ziroday: sorry _ super user privelage, sorry for bad english [06:00] i like linux yea [06:00] ziroday: but its the matter of creating some simple directories [06:00] shafi_: erm I don't follow you sorry. Do you have sudo privileges and do you need sudo/root privileges? [06:00] please, someone that knows how to install a sabrent usb tv tuner on ubuntu [06:01] sebse how do you get ur nam in yellow like that where i can see you [06:01] im new to linux... can any one help me with the jack connection kit? [06:01] COOLKID972: including your name in the text makes it highlight. [06:01] ziroday: I have the sudo privileges but I want this script to be run by some one else which he is a normal user, what can I do then? [06:01] COOLKID972: yellow that sounds like xchat, red on Konversation what I am using :) [06:02] can ubuntu work with mac extended format drives? [06:02] COOLKID972: type the first few letters of someones name and hit tab to autocomplete [06:02] yellow on irssi [06:02] theme dependant [06:02] Scunizi: exactly how my screen is right now http://pastebin.ca/1480384 [06:02] sejo [06:02] . [06:02] sebsebseb [06:02] light50: If you can only find host1 with "ssh host1.local" or "host host1.local", then it seems that the /etc/resolv.conf file does not list "local" for either you domain or search list. You could edit /etc/resolv.conf to add a search line. But if you use dhcp you need to change the dhcp server or the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf file to make the change last. [06:02] sebsebseb there [06:03] COOLKID972: your not auto completing I think [06:03] does ubuntu netbook remix have an irc channel [06:03] sebsebseb there [06:03] dudebuntu: yep this one [06:03] schwul1: ok.. it suggests looking at the log. but at this point I'd google or check nvidia linux forum for more info.. I'm totally stuck [06:03] Taruz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324518 [06:03] sebsebseb i cant auto complet because it brings up 3 names [06:03] COOLKID972: I don't see a , or : anyway off topic now [06:03] can ubuntu read and do everything with mac extended format drives? [06:04] COOLKID972: you can use the mouse to select mine [06:04] COOLKID972: you have to type enough of the name to get a unique match. [06:04] is it possible to use the ubotu database with supybot? [06:04] duckwars: News to me if it can; not a lot speaks HFS+ [06:04] Scunizi: yeah I've tried it, even poosted a thread on the nvidia forums no help yet [06:04] thank you stroyan [06:04] anyone tested upgrading in-place to 9.04 ubuntu netbook remix from dellbuntu 8.04 dvd? [06:04] legend2440: i read that, but i cant seem to find the drivers to get it to work [06:04] schwul1: when you find the answer you might consider posting a solution to the ubuntu forums for others to find.. good luck [06:04] i mean, i googled for a long time [06:05] i installed mythtv,kdetv and some ohers [06:05] so I'm going to reformat this drive, what should I do it in if I want my ubuntu machine to read it easily? [06:05] NTFS is not a good idea? [06:05] Scunizi: Alright, thanks for the help anyways. [06:05] schwul1: np.. at least we tried :).. [06:05] linux newbie question: does "aptitude dist-upgrade" do a complete upgrade of all components on your system that have a newer version available? (hence the name?) it seems obvious, but I want to make sure I got that right first [06:05] I'm still learning bits and pieces [06:05] how do i install sis graphics drivers [06:05] duckwars: do you want /just/ ubuntu to read it? or also have it readable by some other operating systems? [06:05] COOLKID972: yeah the two usual ones that I never see type here, well maybe I did for one, oh and loads of these people lurking in here right now, should probably have their computer turned off really, but they don't bother [06:06] sebsebseb: there we go [06:06] sebsebseb: thx guys [06:06] well... I think it would be nice to be able to be read by a lot of stuff, but if there is some advantage to it only being able to be used by ubuntu, then I could do that [06:06] thx guys [06:06] COOLKID972: yep that's how to do it, and np [06:06] sebsebseb: ARP poisioning [06:06] I'm trying to make my dad's 400mhz P2 into a server, connnected to a 1TB usb drive [06:06] sebsebseb: cross site scripting [06:06] sebsebseb: I take lots of interest in these [06:07] sebsebseb: what is ur interest [06:07] ae [06:07] also, is there an easy command line to see the macaddress of my machine? [06:07] COOLKID972: oh this channel is only really meant to be Ubuntu suppourt, other chat well #ubuntu-offtopic or pm, but I am going soon anyway so [06:07] duckwars: if you are going to share the drive over the network, you should use an optimal filesystem type. [06:08] I plan on actually sharing it over the internet as well, but I'm guessing that means even more reason to make it an optimal filesystem [06:08] by optimal filesystem I assume you mean one that works ideally for ubuntu === nabeel is now known as Guest40129 [06:08] sebsebseb: oh ok lolol [06:08] !ot | COOLKID972 [06:08] duckwars: less, really, considering that local network traffic is more intensive. [06:08] COOLKID972: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [06:08] oh, i see what you mean [06:09] this will be used almost exclusively over the internet [06:09] So who's the skid? [06:09] duckwars: You can see the HWaddr of each interface in the output of "/sbin/ifconfig". [06:09] Who wants to have their botnet jacked tonight? [06:09] COOLKID972: of course things go off topic in here every now and again, and sometimes it can be pretty interesting [06:09] I believe my brother told me 'X" format is native to unix [06:09] yea [06:09] i don't know what HWaddr is [06:09] Who's the skid? Huh? [06:09] im sooo hungry [06:09] Who's getting their botnet jacked tonight? [06:10] duckwars: set it to ext3, then, that should work well. [06:10] duckwars: also, to see macaddress, run "ifconfig", it will show you all your nics [06:10] duckwars: HWaddr is "the macaddress of my machine" [06:10] Anyone know when we can expect php 5.3? [06:10] nanotube: ext3 is a drive format? [06:10] in sound recorder volume level is very low..how can i record so that playback will be loud enough? [06:10] COOLKID972: I am a bit as well, anyway off topic :D [06:10] duckwars: yes, it's the default disk format that ubuntu uses [06:11] im about to go to 7 evelen [06:11] COOLKID972: ok bye [06:11] when will the new firefox 3.0 release be included in the ubuntu packages? [06:11] *3.5 [06:11] !ff35 | fsufitch [06:11] fsufitch: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [06:11] nanotube: okay thanks, do you think it would be a good idea to use my EXTREMELY old ubuntu machine to format the drive, or is there someway I can do it through my much faster mac? [06:11] stroyan: this may be stupid, but wher eis the sbin folder? [06:11] duckwars: don't worry about it, and just let it format. :) [06:12] not yet === cactusfrog is now known as someguy [06:12] ill be on for a bit [06:12] ohhh i see [06:12] duckwars: it's in root... but since /sbin is in the default path, you can just run "ifconfig" from the terminal, and it will run. [06:12] can anyone help trying to install google earth did this in terminal: [06:12] i see the mac address [06:12] sebsebseb, thanks for answering despite me saying the wrong version :) [06:12] duckwars: The sbin folder is /sbin. It is in /. [06:12] thanks [06:12] mark@ubuntu:~$ cd /home/mark/Desktop [06:12] mark@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin [06:12] [sudo] password for mark: [06:12] Sorry, try again. [06:12] [sudo] password for mark: [06:12] KrYoGeNiC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === [USA|01|P|89970] is now known as redskull [06:12] o i c [06:12] fsufitch: np === someguy is now known as unnamedplayer [06:13] does someone know of a better alternative to making your own driver for a tv tuner? [06:13] fsufitch: you can also just grab the tar.gz from mozilla. or use the ubuntuzilla script that does that for you automatically. [06:13] i cant enter my password in the terminal to install google earth. help please! [06:13] Taruz: getting a driver that someone else already wrote? what device we talking about here? [06:13] Taruz use a supported one? [06:13] KrYoGeNiC: you type you password and hit enter. don't worry if it doesn't appear on screen. [06:13] nanotube, i have the firefox-3.5 package installed (i couldn't wait) but all the links i click in pidgin and such open in 3.0, since that's still the default firefox. i was wondering when 3.5 would become default [06:13] Hello [06:14] its a driver for a trident master tm5600 tv tuner, also known as a sabrent tv tuner [06:14] anyone? [06:14] nothing urgent :) [06:14] nanotube: ubuntuzilla didn't know there was such a thing, and usually it's better to get stuff from the repo === david__ is now known as noisymouse [06:14] Hello? [06:14] KrYoGeNiC: the terminal automatically suppresses stdout when typing a password. just keep typing and press enter [06:14] well somebodys ddosing my site and its got traced to this irc ... [06:14] KrYoGeNiC, you need to be able to use root to install google earth. do you have sudo access? [06:14] the tv tuner works fine in XP but ubuntu doesnt seem to recognize it [06:14] umm im not sure im a noob [06:14] Hi, how can I check what programs are using a certain device in Ubuntu? [06:15] ziroday: better explanation of the problem: I have an installation script which needs the super user privelages , if I run it via sudo then it works fine, but if this script run by some normal users it complains for the permission, But I want all the users to be able to run this script with out any problem. how can I handle this? [06:15] fsufitch: you can change your default url handler to 3.5 in System->Preferences->Preferred Applications [06:15] KrYoGeNiC, in that case, try to type your password despite it not showing in the terminal [06:15] how can I make my ubuntu machine stop its gui and just come up with terminal? [06:15] Hello [06:15] helpers, is there any good torrent program than ktorrent and fast?! [06:15] my computer has to think REALLY hard for the gui [06:15] will do [06:15] Dulak, awesome! thanks! [06:15] sebsebseb: i just tried it, ubuntuzilla knows about ff 3.5. you must have tried it before the rc went to release. [06:15] fsufitch: now if he had only listened to me in the first place :P [06:15] I need get the timezone hour for an application made in Java [06:15] any thoughts ? [06:15] would be gladly appreciated ! [06:15] jabagawee, if he's a noob, he doesnt know what stdout is methinks ;) [06:15] duckwars: well the server edition doesn't come with a gui [06:15] nanotube: no I said I didn't even know about it [06:15] fsufitch: says sorry try agian [06:16] sebsebseb: aaah, ic :) [06:16] i don't have the server edition though.... [06:16] what's the command for getting a human readable date/time from a unix timestamp? [06:16] anyone? [06:16] give it a shot? [06:16] fsufitch: gah, silly me [06:16] sebsebseb: well, it's there, and it works well. :) if i do say so myself. ;) [06:16] dragon_: man date [06:16] whats the name of the program in jaunty which does all the effects? compiz fusion? [06:16] fsufitch: says "[sudo] password for me [06:17] nanotube: normalley better to use offical things for Ubuntu [06:17] cellofellow: tried that [06:17] dragon_: ehrm... "date" ? [06:17] koshari, jabagawee: any clues on the tv tuner thingie? i searched in the forums and all i found is a link to create my own driver [06:17] and im like 50% noob [06:17] KrYoGeNiC, then (assuming you typed your password right) you probably don't have administrator permissions. you'll need to get the administrator on the system to install google earth for you [06:17] lol [06:17] heh, i'm trying to figure out what arguments to give to `date` [06:17] Taruz linuxtv may be the place to look, you will need to know the chipset to see if its supported, i assume its a dvb-t device [06:17] fsufitch: and where do i give myself admin rights [06:17] Taruz: honestly no clue. tv tuners aren't my forte/expertise [06:18] sebsebseb: oh yes, for sure. but just try and get anything besides ff 1.5 on dapper. :) [06:18] nanotube: your on Dapper? [06:18] surely there must be a way to have ubuntu running without the gui going, right? [06:18] dragon_: what exactly do you want your date string output to look like? [06:18] Taruz: search the forums for Incorrectly Recognized saa7134 TV Tuner Cards [06:18] KrYoGeNiC, is this your own computer? or, are you the only user? [06:18] nanotube: any human readable form works [06:18] sebsebseb: no, but there are people who are, and they appreciate an update :) [06:19] !dapper | nanotube [06:19] nanotube: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details. [06:19] KrYoGeNiC, i'm trying to figure out if you have admin privileges and sudo's just confusing you, or whether you don't have admin privileges [06:19] fsufitch: on ubuntu yes on winows i have admin [06:19] dragon_: the default output from date is this: "Wed Jul 1 01:20:48 EDT 2009" [06:19] dragon_: that's pretty human readable, isn't it? [06:19] How can I tell what program is using a particular device in /dev/? [06:19] many thanks dudebuntu, ill try that [06:19] nanotube: yes, but that's the current date. i have a timestamp and would like to convert that to a human readable form... [06:19] KrYoGeNiC, but on ubuntu you can install other programs using your normal password, right? [06:19] aaaah [06:19] thanks koshiri, jabagawee [06:19] fsufitch, yes [06:19] dragon_: ah ic [06:20] nanotube: for example, 1246416750 [06:20] I'm running a home server running Jaunty. It has Samba, a LAMP server, DNS, DHCP, Squid, Webmin, SSH, VNC, the works. I was wondering how I would go about setting up a custom dns error page that my network users would get redirected to when they search for an invalid domain. Something similar to http://guide.opendns.com/?url=drfsdgg.com. Thanks in advance. [06:20] KrYoGeNiC, try running the command: sudo whoami [06:21] KrYoGeNiC, actually, no, do: gksu whoami [06:21] it will prompt you for the password graphically that way === ubuntu is now known as ba [06:21] nanotube: well I'll find out about that script anyway, so thanks in a way [06:22] KrYoGeNiC, when it does, just give it your regular password that you use to log in [06:22] dragon_: date can't do that. you might want to use python for that [06:22] fsufitch, asked for password to do admin tasks and i entered correctly and it mark@ubuntu:~$ [06:22] sebsebseb: np :) tell me if you have any suggestions :) [06:22] if that works, and "root" is printed out on the terminal, then try running: gksu sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin [06:22] KrYoGeNiC, did it say "root" though? [06:22] nanotube: actually, I've seen date do that but I forget how. Google will help, that's where I found it. === ba is now known as ubuntu [06:22] dragon_: ^^^^ [06:22] i hate to ask this, but what is GNOME? [06:23] fsufitch, yes it did [06:23] KrYoGeNiC, awesome [06:23] nanotube: yes i had that feeling. i am able to do it in PHP but i love bash more than i love PHP ;) [06:23] KrYoGeNiC, then just type: gksu sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin [06:23] duckwars: it's a suite of programs that provide things like the desktop, the menu, the taskbar, the file manager, and such as that. [06:23] fsufitch, said it cant open [06:23] Scunizi: my resolution is really low, what happened? [06:24] what is the default in ubunutu, because I had to specifically startup in GNOME as opposed to whatever else it is [06:24] nanotube: oh it's on sourceforge :) [06:24] duckwars: and the window manager that lets you place windows on the screen, click buttons to control them. there's two options in window managers: metacity and compiz. [06:24] KrYoGeNiC, could you copy the error? [06:24] cellofellow: i'll google it again [06:24] mark@ubuntu:~$ gksu whoami [06:24] root [06:24] mark@ubuntu:~$ gksu sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin [06:24] sh: Can't open GoogleEarthLinux.bin [06:24] mark@ubuntu:~$ [06:24] KrYoGeNiC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:24] does any one know about ipmsg used in ubuntu [06:24] duckwars_: there's KDE, but that's Kubuntu, and XFCE for Xubuntu. [06:24] Ahorner: tell your users to go to about:config, keyword.url , and change that to http://www.google.com/search?q= because putting up one of those search results stealing pages like opendns does is plain evil. [06:24] sebsebseb: yea, sf ftw. :) [06:24] KrYoGeNiC why donty you use the medibuntu repo version [06:24] !pastebin > KrYoGeNiC [06:24] KrYoGeNiC, please see my private message [06:24] duckwars_: they do the same thing (provide a full-featured desktop) but in different ways. [06:25] nanotube: well the wiki for it is, didn't know sf had wikis [06:25] ahhhh, ok [06:25] KrYoGeNiC, actually, using the medibuntu version would probably be smarter, since it's specially made to run better on ubuntu [06:25] KrYoGeNiC, koshari is right [06:25] Hi everybody [06:25] can any one help [06:25] srry all im kinda of a noob === ubuntu is now known as norbert [06:25] nanotube: anyway time to end the off topic, and I am going soon, so bye [06:25] sebsebseb: they've actually added a lot of cool stuff on sf, since they migrated to a new datacenter. they now allow a bunch of hosted apps on the project space. if you do any foss development, you should check them out. :) [06:26] KrYoGeNiC, it's all good :) it's why you get help [06:26] sebsebseb: i should get some sleep myself... :) ttyl. [06:26] duckwars_: like GNOME, XFCE is built on the GTK+ graphical widget toolkit (a system for writing graphical programs). KDE, on the other hand, uses Nokia/TrollTech's Qt. [06:26] nanotube: I have known about sf and freshmeat for a few years now or something [06:26] fsufitch, thanx but where or how do i medibuntu [06:26] KrYoGeNiC, do you need help enabling the medibuntu repositories? i can guide you through it [06:26] fsufitch, yes [06:26] is there any easy vnc server program I can get? [06:27] cellofellow: thanks for the info [06:27] KrYoGeNiC, actually, this explains it better than i could ever explain it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu [06:27] hi === jp is now known as Guest72298 [06:27] duckwars_: open up synaptic and search for "vnc" by name, you'll find a few. [06:27] KrYoGeNiC, just copypaste the horrendously long command for "Any Ubuntu Release and keyring" into your terminal and hit enter [06:27] why arnt i banned? [06:27] fsufitch, will read and i will get back to let u kno if it went through. thanx for the help [06:27] duckwars_: dunno what "easy" means, but there are xvncserver, tightvnc, and a few others. Also FreeNX is a good alternative to VNC. [06:27] KrYoGeNiC http://www.medibuntu.org/ [06:28] what is synaptic? [06:28] KrYoGeNiC, that will enable medibuntu [06:28] sup [06:28] hello, anyone out there to help? [06:28] why didnt i remove this from auto join? [06:28] why am i here?? [06:28] KrYoGeNiC, once it's enabled, run the command: sudo apt-get install googleearth [06:28] nanotube: one day I might do some FOSS Dev [06:28] ask your question pheonix, if anyone can help you they will answer [06:28] can i get re banned? [06:28] fsufitch, will do brb [06:29] u banned me for no reason before this time i want it [06:29] KrYoGeNiC, ok i'll be around [06:29] !ops | joejc [06:29] i have asked my question, anyways is there any tool like ipmsg in ubuntu [06:29] joejc: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [06:29] oops [06:29] nanotube, cellofellow: i figured out that date issue: `date -d @1246416750` [06:29] sebsebseb: every day is a good day for foss dev :) [06:29] hello [06:29] why is is that when I stopped gmd, my screen turned black o_O? [06:30] dragon_: there we go. That looks good. [06:30] nanotube: well got to know the language it's written in well enough first, that's the thing, and it takes time to learn stuff like that [06:30] phenox what is ipmsg? [06:30] you mean like ping commands? [06:30] dudebuntu: Well, I was thinking something more like a personalized page hosted locally on the server. [06:30] * cellofellow thinks the use of ticks to measure time is quite funny, actually. [06:30] i'm trying to get Desktop Effects to work with Dual Monitor. Google returns osmething with GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE being smaller than the value I have in xorg.conf. Anybody knows what should i do? [06:31] dragon_: hey, thanks for sharing that, that does work. nowhere documented in 'man date', but it works. :) === traemccombs1 is now known as traemccombs === joey is now known as Guest32873 [06:31] ipmsg is a tool in which you can view all the users in your lan [06:31] its very popular in windows [06:31] sebsebseb: you write your stuff in whatever language you know and like. unless you join an existing project, in which case yea. :) [06:31] ohhh i c [06:31] how do i get synaptic? [06:31] pooka pooka [06:32] i'm trying to get Desktop Effects to work with Dual Monitor. Google returns osmething with GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE being smaller than the value I have in xorg.conf. Anybody knows what should i do? [06:32] im trying to think [06:32] i know what u are talking about [06:32] duckwars_: that should be somewhere under system> administration [06:32] you are talking about something like cain and abel [06:32] hey guys. is it possible to put ubottos brain in a supybot? [06:32] i need to install sis driver. im in the middle of reconfiguring the xserver, but i was asked a question about the kernal framebuffer device interface. what is that? [06:32] i am not really sure [06:32] sircrazy: yes... ubottu is a supybot [06:32] thanks much nanotube [06:32] Sava: why is google returning anything about your xorg? what does your xorg return? :) [06:32] duckwars_: :) [06:33] allo ubuntu woth no codecs and preloaded flash and java and mint tools [06:33] jussi01: thanks [06:33] nanotube, i googled "Desktop effects + Dual monitors", and few of the results mention about that :) [06:33] sircrazy: further bot questions you can ask in #ubuntu-bots [06:33] kk [06:33] pheonix are you looking for something to check your network traffic [06:33] Sava: if you're getting that error message then worry about it. Otherwise don't. [06:33] fsufitch: wow its installing now thanx. do u reccomend and place where i can learn the commands. i wanted to learn linux to make modding of my g1 easier as it is based off a linux kernal. i have root access on it [06:33] it's about the TEXTURE value is lower than what my "xrandr -q" returns [06:33] so how is ubuntu with no codecs and preloaded flash and java and mint tools? [06:34] CoolKid: ya [06:34] Sava: yea, but what happens when you actually do try to enable desktop effects with dual monitor? works, no? any errors? [06:34] it's not the error i'm getting, it's just that desktop effects not working when i hook up my external monitor [06:34] theres wireshark [06:34] dual monitors works fine for me when I use nvidia-settings. My chip (geforce go 6100) doesn't support xrandr I'm afraid. [06:34] i have a problem with xd-picture card and Ubuntu 8.10/kernel2.6.27.i can not get it mounted nor seen. [06:34] so how is ubuntu with no codecs and preloaded flash and java and mint tools? [06:34] nanotube [06:34] !repeat | programble [06:34] Bad. [06:34] programble: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [06:34] pheonix: check out xipmsg its in synaptic [06:34] it won't enable it when dual monitor [06:34] !troll | programble [06:34] programble: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel [06:35] KrYoGeNiC, i really have no idea where you can learn your way around linux. the way i did it is just "accidentally" wipe out windows when i installed linux on my computer, then was too lazy to fix windows, so i forced myself to learn [06:35] says it can't, then back to "None" [06:35] is not trolling [06:35] programble: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:35] does the terminal in OS x have ipmsg [06:35] sebsebseb: what is? [06:35] when i type ipmsg it says command not found [06:35] !restricted | programble [06:35] legend2440: i have tried using it, but it doesnot have the facility to send and receive files [06:35] programble: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:35] KrYoGeNiC, ive found this #ubuntu channel and the ubuntu forums very useful though [06:35] Sava: how much video ram do you have, and what is the total resolution of your two desktops? [06:36] sebsebseb: LM FTW [06:36] !terminal | programble [06:36] programble: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [06:36] programble: what's LM? [06:36] fsufitch: haha i c maybe i should go the same route. k i gess i will kep surfing the forms and documentation === [1]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony2 [06:36] programble: oh Linux Mint [06:36] sebsebseb: i know CLI you person who think im stupid [06:36] KrYoGeNiC, good luck! and remember there's no such thing as a question too stupid or newbie that you shouldn't ask it :) [06:36] nanotube: video takes about 512Mb of my 4GB, the max resolution from "xrandr -q" is 2560 x 1024 [06:36] !ops | programble [06:37] programble: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [06:37] sebsebseb: what's FTW? [06:37] sebsebseb: thanks. [06:37] programble: please keep to the topic of the channel [06:37] For The Win [06:37] Sava: what is the actual physical video memory that's on your graphics card? [06:37] programble: I'm using mint, and I suggest you try asking on the #linuxmint channel on irc.spotchat.org [06:37] programble, please /msg ubottu guidelines and read what it tells you to [06:37] fsufitch: thanx for all ur help and patience i appreciate it [06:37] ubottu, best video editing for ubuntu? [06:37] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [06:37] programble: do you have a question? [06:37] cellofellow: im not asking a question [06:37] ubottu, best vnc server [06:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about best vnc server [06:38] there we go. [06:38] im here to help [06:38] ubottu, vnc [06:38] VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [06:38] KrYoGeNiC, i do what i can to be a part of the community :) enjoy ubuntu! [06:38] !vnc [06:38] i tried to follow this thread, "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=450176", and typed "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", only to be asked about my keyboard, and not my video card. what can i do to configure video card with sis drivers [06:38] ? [06:38] nanotube .... im not sure. it's a ATI X3100 [06:38] /lib/modules/ shows on 3 different Ubuntu computers 3 (but different) module directories. Does Ubuntu erase automatically all older module directories if there are > 3 and Update Manager installs a new kernel? May I delete all older module directories in /lib/modules if I just would like to use just 1 kernel (the newest)? [06:38] fsufitch: i am enjoying it as we speak so much to learn. thanx agian good night all [06:39] best video editing software? ANYONE [06:39] bullgard4: my /lib/modules directory gets quite crowded with old kernel versions eventually. [06:39] Sava: there's no such thing... there's an intel x3100 though. is that it? [06:39] redsoxking: while not particularly full-featured or pretty, openmovieeditor is nice. [06:39] this is what i get checking the glxinfo glxinfo -l | grep GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE [06:39] GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048 [06:39] redsoxking: if you can get it to work, PiTiVi. [06:39] oh yeah nanotube, lolz sorry [06:39] Intel , not ATI [06:39] redsoxking: I dunno about "best." I like cinelerra. [06:40] !info kdenlive | redsoxking [06:40] redsoxking: kdenlive (source: kdenlive): a non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.3-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1285 kB, installed size 3940 kB [06:40] fsufitch: o one more thing the instalation is done and i came to a config google earth message it says ok at the bottom and i cant clink it mind u this is all in terminal [06:40] cellofellow: And do you need them all? [06:40] KrYoGeNiC, hit enter :) [06:40] bullgard4: no, you don't need more than one kernel, as only one runs at a time. [06:40] fsufitch: lol i did nothing happened [06:40] KrYoGeNiC, i dont remember how the google earth installer works, but if enter doesn't work, hit tab until the ok button is selected, then hit enter [06:41] fsufitch: BINGO! [06:41] i tried to follow this thread, "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=450176", and typed "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", only to be asked about my keyboard, and not my video card. what can i do to configure video card with sis drivers?? [06:41] is there an mIRC-look-like client for Ubuntu? i'm having a hard time reading this within Xchat [06:41] bullgard4: search in synaptic or aptitude for 'linux-' and remove any linux-*-modules packages that aren't the current version. *Bing*, clean /lib/modules dir. [06:41] KrYoGeNiC, :) [06:41] Thnx everyone [06:41] hey [06:41] bullgard4: of course some dkms modules like nvidia or virtualbox might not be cleaned with that. [06:42] Sava: hmm, well, i'm not sure if what i was thinking can be the case. for me, my vid card with 64m of ram just doesn't have enough ram to support the resolution of two monitors, i was thinking maybe it's a similar case for you... but it appears that the x3100 can address a decent chunk of ram... [06:42] yeha [06:42] so, you should look in your system log in xorg.log, and see if you see anything there, as far as errors, and then google for those specifically. [06:42] fsufitch: once again thanx for the patience i like the comradeship of the community:-D [06:42] Sava: KSirc sort of looks like mIRC [06:42] jaypro: well, X.org has so much auto-conf stuff it will run without the xorg.conf at all, which is what reconfiguring xserver-xorg messes with. So, it's unnecessary. [06:43] KrYoGeNiC, no problem! seriously! [06:43] * cellofellow likes xchat [06:43] when trying to install googleearth it freezes and turns black anyone know what could be the problem? [06:43] fsufitch: have a good rest of ur day [06:43] Sava: If coloring is the issue...you can just theme XChat. [06:43] also, you know if u wanna magnify any viewing, you can Ctrl + or Ctrl - n stuffs? It doesn't work when i'm dual-monotiring as well [06:43] would it have to do with this desktop effect thing as well? [06:43] yesitisjustme: could you run it from the terminal to see any error messages? [06:43] when dualmotnitoring, i don't see few options in Keyboard Shortcuts [06:44] Sava: so, what is it? Compiz crashing when you add the second monitor? [06:44] thanks dudebuntu, KGodwin [06:44] cellofellow: I have deleted all old kernels using Synaptic and deinstalling the image DEB (for example linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic). Still with me there are two unnecessary module directories below /lib/modules/. Why? [06:44] ok will try form terminal [06:44] cellofellow: no, it just won't let me enable desktop effet [06:44] What is ubuntu application for accessing cellphone file system. [06:44] Sava: so Compiz won't start. In a terminal, type `compiz --replace` and see what it says. [06:45] is there anything i need to backup before running that? [06:45] bullgard4: um, it'll be linux-modules-2.6.20-16-generic you want to remove for the /lib/modules. [06:45] s/DEB/DEBs/ [06:45] cellofellow? [06:45] where is the shutdown button [06:45] Sava: from here: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=6871 it seems that total resolution has to be less than 2048x2048 for compiz to work [06:45] Sava: no, it just tries to enable the desktop effects. [06:45] (same limitation that i had on my card) [06:45] Sava: so... try reducing resolution [06:45] just so you guys know, im downloading mythtv, apparently it will work if my card is connected, its a 138mb download so it will be a while for me, thanks for all your help [06:45] please help connecting from ubuntu (8.10) to windows xp, I've read the guides and generaly failed, I'm afraid I need a little hand holding, already installed samba samba-client smbclient and smbfs in nautilus smb://windows-ip does not work, help [06:46] COOLKID972: behind the keyboard? [06:46] is there anyway to get a mac to format a harddrive to ext3? [06:46] bullgard4: well, what's in those dirs? and have you tried purging the packages instead of just removing? [06:46] * cellofellow h8s smb [06:46] cellofellow: here's what i get: Comparing resolution (2560x1024) to maximum 3D texture size (2048): Failed. [06:46] aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity [06:46] cellofellow: I do not know what your interjection "um" means. -- Yes, I purged instead of just removing. [06:46] duckwars_: use a bootable Ubuntu CD? [06:47] nanotube: ... i was hoping for a better solution [06:47] PyChild: did you look at the samba guides? [06:47] !samba | PyChild [06:47] PyChild: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [06:47] well I have a 400mhz P2 computer with ubuntu, I'm just afraid it formating a TB usb drive will take an infinite amount of time [06:47] Sava: heh, well... it's what i've got. maybe someone will find something better, but... hardware limitations are difficult to overcome :) [06:47] bullgard4: well, look in those directories, and use `dpkg -S /lib/modules/path` to find out which (if any) package provides that file. [06:47] bullgard4: if no package does, just rm them. [06:48] cellofellow hrmm... well my issue is that i was running 8.04 and the graphics was working just fine. i recently installed 9.04, and now the graphics appears to be a bit choppy [06:48] duckwars_: it doesn't take that long... the biggest bottleneck is usually disk speed, rather than cpu speed... [06:48] dragon_: did so, doing so again to confirm and not waste your time [06:48] either way, you coul dalways just leave it running and go to sleep. :) [06:48] nanotube: no of course :) thanks alot for the help, i really appreciate it [06:48] thank you nanotube [06:48] jaypro: I've heard of performance issues with some Intel and ATI chips, but as I have an nvidia I don't know what to say. [06:48] duckwars_: or... try booting mac off an ubuntu livecd, like dragon_ suggested, then format the drive from there. [06:49] Sava: sorry :| [06:49] I can't make my wireless connection on with jaunty. I have a ASUS laptop with Atheros card [06:49] :p [06:49] my os x is very particularly, when I keep an ubuntu cd on there and try holding down alt when I restart, the ubuntu cd only shows up like 1 out of 10 times [06:49] bullgard4: how's it coming? [06:49] my disk drive is goofy or sumfin [06:50] cellofellow ahh okay. just kind of irritating. almost makes me want to go back to 8.04 [06:50] duckwars: and no, you can't format ext3 or xfs or any of that in OS X, but you could just boot the mac with a linux livedisk and format it then [06:50] !wifi | MaKsaw [06:50] MaKsaw: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:50] jaypro: there's been a ton of changes to X11 that some of the drivers haven't quite caught up with yet, or so I'm led to believe. [06:51] duckwars: well, "can't" more easily than boot disk method [06:51] please help me to setup wireless on jaunty [06:51] okay [06:52] cellofellow okay coo... thanks for the info [06:52] also, are usb 2.0 compatible with usb 1 computer? [06:52] will it just go slower? [06:52] anyone else using backtrack [06:52] ubottu: thanx. I'll try it [06:52] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [06:52] duckwars_: most of the time, yes. [06:52] hrm........ [06:52] dragon_: no help, first guide assumes I can access the server, second one only talks about setting up a share, I want to access one === mauricio is now known as Guest78476 [06:53] duckwars: honestly the power this p2 will take to run will cost more than acquiring a low-wattage server computer that does have things such as usb 2 [06:53] hello [06:53] hi, does any one here use the JACK AUDIO CONNECTION KIT prog? [06:53] PyChild: do you have a firewall? [06:53] PyChild: i find the most trouble-free way to connect two computers is ssh [06:53] jeffs: used it once or twice. what's up? [06:53] dudebuntu: you're probably right, but before I put down $$$ I wanna play with this free computer [06:53] hey bob3 [06:53] also my parents pay for electricity [06:54] duckwars_: haha [06:54] I cant get it to act right with my usb audio hardware [06:54] quick question, has anyone tried network sharing through network nanager in iprv4 settings [06:54] cellofellow: no firewall also my 2wire modem doesn't use a firewall as AFAIK [06:54] I really wanna get a fitPC2 [06:54] PyChild: since you're connecting from ubuntu to XP, server is already there. [06:54] nanotube: agreed, though ftp isn't bad either. Either one can be set up to broadcast with dns-sd and then they just appear in network://. [06:55] PyChild: for client side, try "Places > Connect to server.." [06:55] cellofellow: "if no package does, just rm them." <- I have done so. Hopefully I will not regret what I have done. [06:55] PyChild: I used to never be able to connect to SMB networks cause I had ufw enabled and it blocked NETBIOS traffic. [06:55] dragon_: smb://windows-ip does not work [06:55] my (m-audio quattro) usb sound card works with ubuntu, but the sound pops and cracks when using jack audio connection kit [06:55] bullgard4: as long as linux-modules-`uname -r` is installed you'll be good. [06:55] cellofellow: ufw? longer googleable string please? [06:56] !ufw | PyChild [06:56] PyChild: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [06:56] PyChild: first link there [06:56] PyChild: the uncomplicated firewall. If you don't know what it is then you're ok, as it's not enabled by default and is mostly a server tool. [06:56] cellofellow: Thank you for your help. [06:56] bullgard4: you're welcome. [06:56] what terminal command can I use to see all the computers on my network and their IP's? [06:57] third google result for ufw is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall for me [06:57] cellofellow: I'd remember setting that up [06:57] PyChild: that's your problem. [06:57] duckwars_: nmap [06:57] im new to linux. I wanted to set it up for my home studio, but cant get jack audio connection kit to work with my m-audio usb sound card properly [06:57] leaving...goodnight all [06:57] I heard that jaunty wireless works perfect out of the box [06:57] nanotube: doesn't seem to work in OS X terminal [06:57] cellofellow: I meant I didn't [06:57] PyChild: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=806000 [06:57] oh, ok [06:58] duckwars_: probably not installed by default [06:58] nvm then [06:58] Has anyone successfully gotten Ekiga to work with Pulse Audio? How? [06:58] cellofellow, thx will do [06:58] hi every body [06:58] uhm, hi [06:58] how can I install it? [06:58] duckwars_: it's not even installed by default in ubuntu :) [06:58] ohhhhhh [06:58] duckwars_: sudo apt-get install nmap? [06:58] i can't sudo, os x doesn't allow it [06:58] * cellofellow <3 nmap [06:58] duckwars_: well, i don't know the first thing about osx :) [06:58] osx? you are in the wrong channel [06:58] Question: Has anyone successfully gotten Ekiga to work with Pulse Audio? How? [06:58] but if you google for "nmap" youll find their website, and i bet they have installers for mac [06:58] lol, I know [06:59] PyChild: hey, maybe nmap can help. Install it and run `nmap -T Aggressive windows-ip` [06:59] ufw status is not loaded [06:59] will do [06:59] cellofellow: nmap can always help. :) [07:00] :D [07:00] cellofellow: or at worst, can't hurt ;) [07:00] Flannel, are you in here tonight? [07:00] My wireless driver is ok. But It seems like not switching on the device . LED just gets on and gets off with a flash. My wireless card works well with Hardy. Any help? [07:00] well, if you've got someone snooping the network and they see your scan they can get a bit TOd. [07:00] I need some help with upgrading my distro I run 8.04.2 but for some raison when I try to do sudo apt-get upgrade & apt-get dist-upgrade it tells me that all is good and that I do not have to upgrade I do not know why? [07:00] well thanks everyone [07:00] i'm gonna keep playing with this [07:01] Wzcocoon_: did you fix edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file? [07:01] Hey all [07:01] I've been having a problem with my wireless being slow..need a tip on fixing it [07:01] no [07:01] Wzcocoon_: as i recall, you may have to go to synaptic preferences and turn on update notifications for non-lts releases. by default hardy is set to only suggest updates to other lts releases. [07:02] Wzcocoon_: at least that's what i remember about hardy... don't actually run it now, so can't check. [07:02] nvidia > me [07:02] anyone knows away to switch on the wireless card through command prompt? [07:02] !nvidia > me [07:02] legend2440, please see my private message [07:02] and how do you do that? [07:02] nanotube: you are correct about the update suggestions [07:02] MaKsaw: not using NetworkManager. [07:03] PyChild: any luck? Ports 139 and maybe 445 should be open. [07:03] cellofellow: what did u mean? [07:03] cellofellow: nmap says: Host seems down. try -PN. But I can access it from another windows pc! trying with -PN returns Failed to resolve given hostname/IP, confirming IP and networkaccess from second xwindows machine [07:03] dudebuntu: cool, thanks for the confirmation :) feels nice to be correct about something once in a while :P [07:03] PyChild: weird [07:03] Wzcocoon_: open synaptic package manager. it's somewhere under system > administration [07:04] which file do i need to modify in order to blacklist a module? [07:04] nanotube: usually when I guess, I remembering how things were in redhat 4 [07:04] done [07:04] nanotube: what's it mean when Windows can ping a box but Linux can't? [07:04] PyChild: only thing I can think of is some kind of firewall or misconfigured router maybe between the boxes. [07:05] [Ubuntu 9.04] I am running a sound application all right. How can I determine if it is using PulseAudio or not? [07:05] cellofellow> What can be done about a slow wireless connection? It only happens on linux... [07:05] cellofellow: My network manager is OK [07:05] what was that sudo command to get nmap? [07:06] xiven: First you will have to observe more carefully what exactly is slow and report that precisely here. [07:06] bullgard4: open the pulseaudio volume controller (pavucontroller). [07:06] cellofellow: hmm, a firewall on the linux comp would be my guess. PyChild: try running "sudo iptables --list -v" and see if there are any firewall rules in there. pastebin them if there are... [07:06] duckwars: sudo apt-get install nmap [07:07] dudebuntu: haha my first rh was 6. but my first freebsd was 2.2.8 ;) [07:07] thanks again [07:07] My first *nix anything was Kubuntu Dapper. [07:07] duckwars: np :) [07:08] Wow. Only 1284 users on this channel. [07:08] cellofellow: a good one to start with. my first *buntu was breezy. ;) [07:08] Looks like ff 3.5 was built.. :D [07:08] I wish I had started with something as sophisticated as ubuntu dapper [07:09] cellofellow: confirmed access by name AND ip from second windows machine (laptop), nmap at problematic windows machine (desktop) still fails to resolve [07:09] hi [07:09] cellofellow: windows hates linux I know [07:09] PyChild: can you ping and/or scan this second windows box from linux? [07:09] cellofello: will try... [07:11] PyChild: better idea. What's your IP address and subnet mask? [07:11] PyChild: also try the iptables list. [07:11] hey everyone [07:11] PyChild: are you able to ping? [07:11] how do I use nmap to see the computers on my network? [07:12] i want to install firefox 3.5, how can i update my current firefox with it? [07:12] duckwars: "man nmap" for usage details ;) [07:12] do u have a serial terminal emulator? [07:12] duckwars: there's a lot of ways [07:12] antler: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166624 [07:12] !ff3.5 | alkasmolik [07:12] alkasmolik: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [07:12] duckwars: on my network, nmap -sP will ping my entire LAN. [07:12] okay so dont bother til its ready [07:12] and its not [07:12] do u have a serial terminal emulator? [07:12] thanks [07:13] duckwars: which shows one router, one server, a laptop, and a desktop running. [07:13] do u have a serial terminal emulator? [07:13] do u have a serial terminal emulator? [07:13] cellofellow: This works great! Thank you for your advice. [07:13] bullgard4: :D glad you like it. [07:14] is there someway to get through this manual faster than a line at a time? [07:14] !repeat > louie_ [07:14] louie_, please see my private message [07:14] duckwars: page down key? [07:14] bullgard4: you can also use padevchooser (a system tray applet) to launch various PulseAudio GUI tools and choose soundcards (I have a USB headset so that comes in handy). [07:14] legend2440: oh, ok: a directory with a file for every blacklisted mod [07:14] duckwars: or press / and then enter the word you are looking for [07:15] now i've gotten to the end and it just beeps at me [07:15] duckwars: also I think PgUp/PgDn work as expected. [07:15] i tried ctrl-c [07:15] to no avail [07:15] duckwars: q [07:15] duckwars: space pages down. q [07:15] quits [07:15] legend2440: thank you :) [07:15] duckwars: try "man man" :) [07:15] duckwars: it's just the `less` pager that displays the manpages. [07:16] antler: what module are you blacklisting? [07:16] cellofellow; cannot contact laptop from either machine, neither by name or ip, looking up subnet mask in ubuntu [07:16] googleearth install ok but when i try to run i see the planet spinning and stuff and then it freezes and turns black it says out of range 85.2k 106hz so i am forced to reboot [07:16] PyChild: right-click the network manager applet and see the Connection Information. [07:16] yesitisjustme: are you using compiz? [07:17] yesitisjustme: use ctrl+alt+prntscn+k instead [07:17] legend2440: any module i don't want loaded, e.g., pcspkr [07:17] <|Zippo|> is there any repo for eclipse 3.5? [07:17] ok [07:17] cellofellow: subnet mask [07:17] that can't be right [07:17] maybe. [07:17] hey peeps [07:17] cellofellow: should be [07:18] i'm having nightmares with ubuntu again [07:18] cellofellow: ehr, that was to pychild. :) [07:18] cellofellow: its not, class D isnt used, its a broadcast mask [07:18] antler: oh ok yes the instructions in that forum post should work [07:18] i can't set my monitor refresh rate to 85, which is absolutely supported. i'm running latest nvidia drivers. can anyone help? [07:18] i tried editing the xconf file to no avail [07:18] cellofellow: my mistake its [07:18] PyChild: ok, that's better. [07:18] PyChild: and your IP? [07:19] Shiritoko [07:19] [07:19] j/k [07:19] why doesnt ctrl-alt-backspace work anymore. and how do i turn it back on.. (and whos retarded idea was it to disable it..) [07:19] !dontzap | intangir [07:19] intangir: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. [07:19] !dontzap [07:19] helpers, is there any good torrent program than ktorrent and fast?!! [07:19] * cellofellow is glad Mint has dontzap enabled by default. [07:20] or disabled [07:20] intangir: apparently, people were pressing it y accident...its fine worked for years before though [07:20] !bittorrent > wolf23 [07:20] wolf23, please see my private message [07:20] PyChild: what's your IP? [07:20] PyChild: not your public IP, your lan IP. [07:20] cellofellow: [07:20] is that a public IP? [07:20] please peeps, could anyone help? :( [07:20] jimy [07:20] cellofellow:yes [07:21] PyChild: do you have not NAT/Masquerade between you and the Internet? [07:21] cellofellow: not sure [07:21] what does one have to do to use a mass storage device with 9.04? [07:22] plug it in? [07:22] yossarian: Have you looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution ? [07:22] Looks like you're got yourself a Class B subnet. [07:22] yossarian: did you try setting it in nvidia-settings [07:22] yes i tried [07:22] PyChild: to ping your whole subnet you can do `nmap -sP' [07:22] the desired refresh rate does not appear even after editing xconf [07:22] I've tried on two different machines to just "plug it in" and on each occasion it was not recognised -- however, earlier versions of ubuntu on the same machines recognise it just fine [07:22] hi, to everybody I'm developing a web site with vim [07:23] assuming that i edited it right [07:23] jmp_: cool. [07:23] and I wonder if it the right editor [07:23] cellofellow: Nmap done: 4 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 0.280 seconds [07:23] jmp_: I do everything with vim.. [07:23] PyChild: what's the infamous "windows-ip" address? [07:23] ok [07:23] yossarian: how did you determine what refresh rate is set at now? === lipsin_ is now known as lipsin [07:24] i looked in the monitor menu [07:24] cellofello: [07:24] and nvidia-settings shows too [07:24] PyChild: ding! here's the problem. [07:24] jmp_: install vim-full [07:24] cellofellow: laptop is [07:24] PyChild: your Linux box is on a completely different network than your Windows box. No wonder you can't access it. [07:24] but it's very hard when you got the habit of wyiswyg [07:24] ok I'll [07:25] PyChild: your Linux box should have an IP of 192.168.1.* and a subnet mask of [07:25] and turn on syntax highlighting [07:25] jmp_: &^^ [07:25] yossarian: what does it say its set to? [07:25] 75 [07:25] cellofellow: *cries* thanks so I was't having delusions, I do have a problem [07:25] what difference between vim and the full one [07:25] how can I fix this? [07:26] vim-tiny is just that jmp_ tiny. [07:26] I don't really know. How is your linux box connected to the network? [07:26] lool [07:26] jmp_: You want "vim" for the regular CLI one, "vim-full" includes gvim, etc. [07:26] ok got it [07:26] cellofellow:via home router [07:27] PyChild: wired, wireless? [07:27] but sometimes I wonder why vim and not bluefish or others soft [07:27] cellofellow: desktops wired, laptop wireless [07:27] more easy [07:27] PyChild: linux desktop, is it using DHCP for IP address assignment or a manual IP? [07:28] hey [07:28] cellofellow: DHCP [07:28] I'm impressed with Ubuntu, nice [07:28] PyChild: 0_o [07:28] is there a way the `at` command can be used to launch X based applications? [07:28] i'm trying to launch totem with a playlist ... but it never starts ... [07:28] any ideas? [07:28] PyChild: the same DHCP that the Windows boxen are using? [07:29] cellofellow: can't know, if the winboxen are using the router's dhcp then yes [07:29] cellofellow: My guesss is they are [07:29] lepine, sometimes it can't open the playlist so it won't play anything [07:29] chello all [07:29] Gone_smoke : are u sure you do all with vim [07:29] lepine, try doubleclicking the first [07:29] hey folks, i'm using smplayer and i get slightly visible horizontal tears when there's a lot of action on the video, can anyone help? I really love ubuntu but not if i can't play video right... :( [07:30] techlobyte1: ah, hadnt thought of the path to the playlist ... perhaps at executes from / as cwd [07:30] painted: i get the same thing as well [07:30] painted: what care are you running/ [07:30] what do you mean by care? [07:30] painted: card [07:30] gtx 280 [07:30] techlobyte1: actually ... i tried redirecting output in the at command ... [07:31] PyChild: well, maybe disconnecting and reconnecting will straighten the IP address out. If the DHCP doesn't work out, right click the NetworkManager applet, go to Edit Connections, choose your network interface and set it to a manual IP in the range with the subnet mask and the DNS server your routers IP. [07:31] and i'm getting 'cannot open display' ... so it's really a display/X issue ... === still is now known as Guest2604 [07:31] hmmm [07:31] cellofellow: I'm going... [07:31] I get that when it wants to play DVDs [07:31] PyChild: you select the interface, click Edit, and set the IPv4 settings. [07:31] so, i guess at is executing from somewhere higher up than the x process, so it has no clue about the whole window management thing [07:32] painted: i've had this problem for a long time, finally gave up on fixing it, but it seems to get better as the drivers improve [07:32] how do I reduce used up disk space [07:32] hey guys where can i get the apache2-ssl-certificate file from? [07:32] jmoncayo: afaik, no longer maintained [07:32] PyChild: me too. Going to bed. [07:32] hihi, I search a PPA with PHP 5.3. is one available? [07:32] lepine, but autoplay works [07:32] google a howto ... it'll serve you well [07:32] cellofellow oh [07:32] lepine: how can i set up ssl for apache2 under ubuntu then? [07:32] techlobyte1: it works for you? [07:32] at TIME [enter] [07:33] jmoncayo: the steps to do that would take a while to explain to you [07:33] totem someplaylist.pls [07:33] Help: Monitoring tool for detecting bandwidth utilization per Client IP? [07:33] ? [07:33] yea [07:33] jmoncayo: your better off finding a good guide [07:33] <[criipt]> !find twisted [07:33] Found: python-twisted, python-twisted-bin, python-twisted-bin-dbg, python-twisted-conch, python-twisted-core (and 12 others) [07:33] poocorner, sniff..... it's a video card driver issue? find it hard to believe ubuntu can't even play video right [07:33] weird ... [07:33] kaffeine plays better though, menu's are correct [07:33] anyway ... i'll keep using sleep DELAY && totem wakeup.pls ! [07:33] painted: it's an nvidia issue with not providing drivers that work [07:34] cellofellow: Are you still there? I changed my settings via applet [07:34] poocorner, so ATI cards play video fine? [07:34] cellofellow: but ifconfig reports no change [07:34] painted: I had a nice ati before this nvidia - it had other issues, but the playback was slightly better [07:35] jmoncayo: http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1818 [07:35] lepine: try vlc it is better [07:35] poocorner, this is really frustrating.... [07:35] i agree [07:36] it sucks dropping $ on a nice card only to find out it puts out subpar [07:36] poocorner, even crappy intel integrated gpu doesn't have a problem with video playback [07:36] poocorner, video works great on windows 7 = / [07:36] or xp... or vista [07:36] painted: yeah, but it's still windows [07:36] jmoncayo: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html#https-configuration [07:37] Help: Monitoring tool for detecting bandwidth utilization per Client IP? [07:37] poocorner, yeah but video playback is important to me... sniff [07:37] painted: i'd rather deal with slightly bad video playback before using that. I did just install FF3.5 and HD videos from vimeo seem to have a much smoother playback [07:38] cellofellow: Thanks anyway [07:38] painted: check if you driver is deactivate or not [07:39] I got the same problem with jaunty [07:39] poocorner, i'm not having a problem with flash video play back... it's with xvid/h264/mpeg files [07:39] jmp_, where do i check that [07:39] painted: I have it w/ that also, just noting that flash did improve with new ff [07:39] jmp_, it says activated [07:40] painted: which I guess is better than having neither working well [07:40] painted: system /administration/hardware drivers [07:40] poocorner, yeah but i'd rather bite the bullet and just use an OS that has flawless video playback === tenach_ is now known as tenach [07:41] remember guys, never go full retard [07:41] painted , ok so you must check which graphics driver you have [07:41] painted: have you tried virtualbox at all? I wonder if you could get better playback in a virtual windows7 or if it's the same [07:41] lspci in a console [07:41] poocorner, i tried running kmplayer thru wine, it barely worked = / [07:42] I have a problem with [07:42] hold on, i have a virtual image handy - let me see if it's any better [07:43] each time unable to uninstall a soft [07:44] is their a command to show what ports are trying to be used, so I can unblock them on the firewall? [07:45] Gorlist: netstat [07:45] ta [07:45] hold on; maybe not [07:45] read the man page [07:45] unable to mount [07:45] Gorlist: netstat -l [07:45] pawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd5 /mnt -o force [07:45] [sudo] password for pawan: [07:45] $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) [07:45] WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile. [07:46] pawan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:46] painted, nope the same - bad scaling issues [07:46] pawan? like Ashoka pawan? [07:46] Wind! [07:46] askvictor, not really giving anything useful [07:46] what [07:47] sorry, there is this Bollywood movie where the dude is named Pawan [07:47] !mount [07:47] mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [07:47] about the ancient emperor Ashoka [07:47] ok [07:47] Gorlist: netstat -ln [07:47] not you? [07:47] it means like . . . wind in Hindi [07:47] thats better, thanks [07:47] yes [07:47] don't worry about the unix sockets [07:48] hi all does some use dropbox and if so when copying file to a windows 2003 server does nautilus crash on you ? [07:50] how do i restore the icons in my desktop? they just disapeared [07:51] nautilus died on you to [07:51] open bash [07:51] then try sudo nautilus [07:51] run nautilus [07:52] my error nautilus[5150]: segfault at 0 ip b55e7f90 sp bfac4140 error 4 in libnautilus-dropbox.so[b55e5000+7000} [07:52] 100 % sure it dropbox now [07:53] nt external hard drive, and i just changed the partition to ext2 with gparted, and xubuntu recognizes it but i cannot write to it, how can i change that? [07:53] does it usually take 1-2 days before new releases of firefox are in the repos? [07:53] hi [07:53] LogicFan, you can get 3.5 now [07:53] gggg: hi [07:53] what's the best url grabber for ubuntu 9.04 [07:54] LogicFan, add : deb http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor jaunty main [07:54] vegombrei, what's the best url grabber for ubuntu 9.04? [07:54] poocorner, i found some .debs, but i was just waiting for official updates [07:54] and LogicFan and: deb-src http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor jaunty main [07:54] hello,can anyone tell what's the best url grabber for ubuntu 9.04? [07:54] help [07:54] whats a url grabber? [07:55] seek failed totem [07:55] LogicFan, website link grabber [07:55] i have an external hard drive that i just changed the partition to ext2 and i cannot write to it, how can i change that? [07:55] gggg: down them all .. its a firefox addon [07:55] gggg, sounds like a firefox extension would do the trick [07:56] LogicFan, how can i active do that with firefox? [07:56] gggg, addons.mozilla.com === credobyte is now known as [away] [07:58] * [away] is trying to find his PC: Gone away for now === [away] is now known as credobyte [07:58] <__doc__> hi, I've got a problem. when doing apt-get update it hangs quite a long time at [Connecting to ch.archive.ubuntu.com] and then says W: GPG error: http://apt.wxwidgets.org gutsy-wx Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0E0BCE7F53B087BC [07:58] <__doc__> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [07:58] * credobyte have found his PC. [07:58] <__doc__> well... [07:58] <__doc__> I've just run apt-get update, and it didn't help. what now? [07:58] * credobyte is trying to find his PC: Gone away for now [07:58] * credobyte have found his PC. [07:59] LogicFan, what type of addon could it be? [07:59] download them all is a good one. [07:59] vegombrei, how to add that addon,which addon? [07:59] does anyone here has configured apache2+ssl willing to help me? [08:00] jmoncayo: What questions about those instructions do you have? [08:00] __doc__: can u paste ur sources.list [08:00] is it possible to use apt-get to install stuff for myself, as a non-privileged user of a machine? [08:00] gggg, what the hell do you wanna do with a url grabber [08:00] Flannel: i get some errors when starting apache2 [08:00] VanDyke, ?? [08:01] what is it for [08:01] jmoncayo: which ones? [08:01] http://pastebin.com/m458e9fb7 : can someone please tell me if we have any known hardware issues for the above laptop configration please? thanks and appreciate your help [08:01] the gnome wireless network applet (nm-applet) won't work on the eduroam network, is there a patch or fix for this? i'm using version on ubuntu [08:01] <__doc__> indus: I just switched to the "de" sources, which remedies the hanging problem, hmm, ah there's an apt.wxwidgets.org source [08:01] amagee, in most scenarios, no. [08:01] what exactly are you trying to do that requires this "url grabber" [08:01] * __doc__ removes this one [08:02] LogicFan: what scenarios could change it to yes? :) [08:02] <__doc__> indus: yeah without the wxwidgets.org source it works, they've somehow screwed their repo over there [08:02] <__doc__> indus: deb http://apt.wxwidgets.org/ gutsy-wx main [08:02] amagee, as root, you can create users who can use programs without being root [08:03] oh right.. hmm, don't think that's gonna happen [08:03] or add users with the same privileges as root === Bo0m_away is now known as Boom_o [08:04] Flannel: http://pastebin.ca/1480442 for /etc/apache2/sites-available/default [08:04] __doc__: well then obviously you need to update without that repo [08:04] __doc__: or get a new public key for it [08:04] <__doc__> indus: just did [08:04] <__doc__> indus: wx is crap anyway [08:04] __doc__: then what si the problem [08:05] jmoncayo: er... What are the errors? [08:05] <__doc__> indus: no problem anymore [08:05] __doc__: wx is fine i think [08:05] __doc__: or try qt [08:05] <__doc__> indus: nah. I hate the API and the look&feel [08:05] <__doc__> indus: well QT is evil :) [08:05] <__doc__> (KDE uses it... nuf said ^^) [08:05] __doc__: off topic i guess [08:05] <__doc__> indus: totally [08:06] __doc__: try tk [08:06] :) [08:06] <__doc__> indus: tk has a nice API, but it looks awfull [08:06] yes [08:06] __doc__: yeah awful [08:07] i am looking for a descent video editing software for ubuntu, which one is good ? [08:08] mudittuli: cinerella [08:08] actually they are all pretty crappy, which is sad [08:08] mudittuli: kino you can try but it will crash a lot [08:08] mudittuli, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty#Graphics_and_Video_Applications [08:09] hello [08:09] hello [08:09] MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD???!!! [08:09] indus , LogicFan , thanks [08:09] Nope, he's just resting his eyes. [08:11] mudittuli: try #cinerella for more help [08:12] Boom_o: couple of minors, here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=961184, but looks like you should be able to get it to work [08:14] hi folks [08:14] my hal apparently ignores anything in /dev/mapper; is there some way to change this behaviour? [08:14] 1 [08:15] hello [08:16] hi; I've got ubuntu 8.04.2 server installed and I have no /dev/parport when I boot off a live-cd there is a /dev/parport I've tried doing "modprobe parport" and also adding "parport" to /etc/modules I want to get my parallel port working, any ideas? [08:17] hey guys, can i get rid of "update-notifier" if i don't want to be notified of updates? i have a tendency to do apt-get update/upgrade after boot anyway. [08:18] ^ i meant from startup [08:19] Synaptic has an option for you to disregard updates [08:20] hi! what's the name of audio driver used on the system by default? [08:20] backtrack baby!! [08:21] rbo_: depends on which card yu have [08:21] indus: builtin [08:22] !alsa [08:22] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [08:22] indus: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller [08:22] rbo_: alsa is the audio library which detects and loads drivers appropriate to your device [08:24] indus: i know that. [08:24] 1 [08:24] rbo_: ok [08:24] rbo_: then whats the question ? you having audio issues? [08:24] indus: my question was regarding name [08:25] indus: is it alsa-base or alsa-utils...? [08:25] rbo_: hmm alsa-base [08:25] k [08:25] rbo_: want to reinstall i guess [08:25] indus: yes [08:25] can't capture my mic [08:25] hi, when i try to boot 9.04 i get the error: device-mapper table 252 raid45 unknown target type [08:26] and it keeps displaying that and doesn't continue to boot. anyone knows this problem? [08:26] Hi... how can I determine what caused Ubuntu to crash (as in total system freeze, requiring power-off to fix)? [08:26] rbo_: ok try experimenting with sound preferences, for example in skype, my settings are for mic plughw0 [08:26] rbo_: good luckl [08:26] indus: i did many times [08:26] i read something about dmraid changing the module name to dm_raid4-5 but i don't know how to fix it [08:26] rbo_: ok [08:26] indus: cannot record audio [08:31] is there a tool to securely remove users for debian/ubuntu? [08:31] is there a way to compare two initramfs files and see differences? my old one seems to boot but the new one has a problem with dmraid 45 module [08:31] like trash all personal data (homefolder) and write over with zeros [08:32] lo127: you can use shred to do that to files/folders, but it won't automatically do it for a user, you'd have to manually specify the files and folders to shred [08:34] when will ubuntu update there repo for firefox 3.5 ? [08:34] !ff35 | SnakDoc [08:34] also why do they tend to delay release so long ? [08:34] SnakDoc: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [08:35] moin [08:35] Does the USB Startup Disk Creator work for non-Ubuntu iso's? [08:35] long?? [08:35] hi [08:36] can you please tell me what i have to do to resolve this problem in instalation? [08:36] what's the prob? [08:36] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [08:36] Omar87: I don't know if it will work with non-ubuntu, but unetbootin will [08:36] i work with xubuntu [08:37] Obituary: Is is in the repo.? [08:37] Is *it* [08:37] yeah [08:38] Obituary: Great! Thanks buddy. [08:38] I'm running hardy 64bit with nvidia graphics. When I go to 'hardware drivers' there is no option to install the restricted driver. Any ideas? [08:38] askvictor: there is no 64 bit version of the nvidia driver, 32 bit only [08:38] ah nuts [08:38] how to install vlc player in ubuntu? [08:39] askvictor: gotta use the crappy free driver in 64 bit, till nvidia gets off their butts and makes a 64 bit version [08:39] you can get the 64 bit version off of nvidia's server I believe [08:39] Oh really? [08:39] * Dulak goes to work, my laptop needs real graphics. [08:39] Dulak: huh what are you talking about [08:40] check this, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_185.18.14.html [08:40] Dulak: nvidia have offered a 64 bit driver for a long time [08:40] Last time I looked for the driver it was 32 bit only [08:40] hackoo, sudo apt-get install vlc [08:40] I'm pretty sure Ubuntu offers it tho [08:40] is there a deb for hardy with the 64bit nvidia drivers? [08:41] Kartagis: I did but it says couldn't find package vlc [08:41] don't think so victor, download the one off of the site [08:41] just had some _extreme_ wierdness happen using the nv driver, so I want that not to happen again [08:42] hackoo, sudo apt-get update [08:42] This is sweet, finally gonna get compiz working right on my laptop, thanks EvRide [08:42] Dulak: according to their archive, the first AMD64 driver was December 11, 2002 [08:42] np [08:42] askvictor: install the driver from synaptic [08:42] Kartagis: and what about starting compiz there. [08:43] hackoo, no idea [08:43] Kartagis: np [08:43] untu-pl [08:44] e... anyone can help how come whwn in ubunt my computer no fullscreen [08:45] how do i disable the load of dmraid stuff in the boot process? i dont need the raid to boot, but it tries to load in the initrd and fails === peppe is now known as Guest64754 === Guest64754 is now known as peppeq [08:46] e... anyone can help how come whwn in ubunt my computer no fullscreen [08:47] !repeat > robin_ [08:47] robin_, please see my private message [08:47] I'm curious why the driver doesn't pop up in 'hardware drivers' [08:47] robin_: could you explain that further? [08:47] Cuz ubuntu doesn't package the 64 bit version as far as I can tell, which is why I thought it was 32 bit only [08:48] I never saw it in hardware drivers either in 64 bit, only 32 bit === peppeq is now known as pepito987 [08:49] * beratalp is very happy [08:49] e dragon my computer is only half screen when in ubunte [08:49] no full screen [08:50] robin_: to fix screen resolution, check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [08:50] good morning ubuntu community! [08:50] good night mickster04? [08:50] k tanks [08:51] dragon, im in england, its 8.50am here [08:51] hey can somebody help me I did apt-get remove and then deleted the config file directory and now I can't figure out how to get the config files back [08:51] hi. i have an xp comp that i added an old HDD that i had laying around to. can i just boot with ubuntu cd and install on that drive without changing anything on my xp settings to have dual boot? [08:52] e dragon wat i mean is that e system can detect mt graphic card ?? [08:52] hello how to put a permission to /home/jigp? i dont want my users access my /home/jigp folders and files..thanks [08:52] hblount, that is correct, if you install grub (a default option in the installation process, look out for it:D ) then xp stays the same, i have the same on my pc [08:53] mickster04: thanks! [08:53] Dulak: 64bit nvidia package is in the repos [08:54] hblount, it should ask whether you want to install grub or use another boot loader most people are very happy with grub [08:54] if i want the latest and best version of ubuntu, will installing with an older version (8.10) and updating be the same as downloading the full new version and using that? sorry if thats a dumb question [08:55] hblount: in theory, yes. In practice, not quite [08:55] well I'm just all kinds of ignorant today I guess. [08:55] hblount, it would possibly be just as quick to download-burn an install the latest one [08:55] hblount: for a fresh install, pretty much. [08:55] Guess I should work more and chat less, I'm batting zero [08:55] e... anyone can help how come whwn in ubunt my computer no fullscreen [08:55] jigp_: chmod o-x /home/jigp [08:55] kk thanks guys [08:56] robin_: did that guide not help? [08:56] * mickster04 puts his ubuntu cd's onto rw's t be recycled when a new version comes out:D [08:56] e no lei cause that one is software e promble is i can detect my graphic card [08:56] I installed netbook-Ubuntu on an old Panasonic Toughbook, and absolutely LOVE IT thus far. This OS is a tinkerer's wet dream. The Toughbook in question has recently developed a fault, however: due to some hardware failure Windows XP, and now Ubuntu, occasionally lock up. Seconds counter stops ticking, no response to ctrl+alt+del. I checked the log application but there's nothing recorded at the time of the lockup - how can I use this fancy [08:56] thing to find where the problem lies? [08:57] * askvictor likes mickster04's idea [08:57] askvictor, cheers :D [08:58] Zrs_, do you know what the hardware faullt is? [08:58] Are there low-level logs that aren't in the log viewer GUI? If not, are there some I can turn on? [08:58] * askvictor has _way_ too many CD-Rs of old distributions rotting away on the desk [08:58] my ubuntu is damaged /some part of system files is gone or are broken/. even libncursesw.so is gone.in apt-get i have try options install -f, check, build-dep but it is useless. i can`t run aptitude too [08:58] mickster04: No clue. Suspect harddrive, but I thrash this thing pretty hard installing stuff and lockups don't seem to correlate to disk use. [08:59] Ran memtest while installing Ubuntu, one pass came up clean. [08:59] Zrs_, try running "dmesg" [08:59] currently chroot is used by me [09:00] ubuntuUSR: try running an fsck [09:00] !fsck | ubuntuUSR [09:00] ubuntuUSR: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [09:00] dragon_ : they cant view my folder right?how to return in default so that they can access it? [09:00] ubuntuUSR: restore from backup? === jigp_ is now known as jigpe [09:00] dragon so i should umount my drive or not? [09:00] jigpe: chmod o+x /home/username [09:00] ubuntuUSR: or copy /home (and any other data files) somewhere, re-install the base system, and copy back [09:01] how to save and edit fstab file [09:01] I'm not getting /dev/parport on ubuntu server 8.04.2; tried "modprobe parport"; also tried "modprobe -r parport" and then rebooting; also tried adding "parport" to /etc/modules; when I boot with a live-cd I get /dev/parport; any ideas? [09:01] askvictor: unfortunetly i haven`t any bckp [09:01] pawan: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab [09:01] good morning! yesterday i wanted to try the KDE desktop on my Ubuntu 9.04 and so i done but after i didn't like it so i disinstalled it but my switch of tast dissapeard from the bar...how i can fix it? [09:01] !puregnome | IngerPoznas [09:01] IngerPoznas: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal [09:02] i've done that but it didn't fix [09:02] IngerPoznas: what disappeared? [09:02] IngerPoznas: you need to be in a gnome session [09:02] IngerPoznas, what do u mean switch of tast? [09:03] IngerPoznas: once you run those commands run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove [09:03] askvictor: i`ve one try succeded but when i`d like to restore all files with configs and preferences kernel files was replaced too [09:03] ubuntuUSR: is /home (and any other data folders you might use) intact? [09:03] i am in a GNOME sessione ActionParsnip1.... [09:03] unable to mount [09:03] i don't have anymore Kde [09:03] IngerPoznas: good. [09:03] ubuntuUSR: /etc as well then [09:03] pawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd5 /mnt -o force [09:03] $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 1) [09:03] WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile. [09:03] pawan@pawan-desktop:~$ [09:03] pawan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:04] pawan: is it a usb disk? [09:04] i retry now to see if something change [09:04] askvictor: my point is to move all applications [09:04] a internal hard disk [09:04] ntfs file system [09:04] pawan: is it bootable? [09:04] askvictor: /etc skip in copy or copy it? [09:04] yes [09:04] windows [09:05] dragon_ : no more chmod 777777 numbers? [09:05] hello?? [09:05] jigpe: if you want those [09:05] xacobe, hi [09:05] mangogo [09:05] hey hoo... [09:05] dragon_ : how to use them? [09:05] ActionParsnip1: i've done everything you said but nothing changed... [09:05] ubuntuUSR: copy it [09:06] anyone have experience with rdiff-backup ? [09:06] catia v5 [09:06] can i use it on ubuntu [09:06] >?? [09:06] where i can find ubuntu 3d games ??? [09:06] askvictor: i`d like copy all except kernel and it`s modules [09:06] IngerPoznas: so you say you are missing task switcher? [09:06] dragon_ im not sure about the numbers though of what their usage [09:06] !games | gogo [09:06] gogo: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [09:06] gogo: try penumbra, urban terror [09:06] To whoever suggested dmesg: I suspect the failure won't show up on bootup. It seems like a defect due to the hardware's age, that kicks in under rare conditions. All I want to do, really, is find which part does it. [09:06] jigpe: 'o' means others, 'x' means execute. you allow keep 'others' from 'executing' in your directory, that is, accessing your directory, by saying o+x or o-x [09:07] how do I tell rdiff-backup to include only a set of directories (recursively) and only those directories? [09:07] gogo: fretsonfire, super tux [09:07] ubuntuUSR: are you using a custom kernel? [09:07] hey every one... [09:07] jigpe: to check permissions, `cd /home; ls -l` [09:07] hlp me [09:07] thanks [09:07] !ask | seto [09:07] seto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [09:07] askvictor: standard ubuntu [09:07] gogo: penumbra is dead scary, but fun (and paid for but the demo is awesome) [09:08] LiraNuna: --include ? [09:08] I just unplugged my external hdd (by accident) while a file was copying. Know I can't delete the halve copied file. What should I do? [09:08] dragon_ drwxr-xr-- 21 jigp jigp 4096 2009-07-01 15:05 jigp [09:08] askvictor, eh no, since it always includes everything [09:08] dragon_ im not sure what it mean [09:08] askvictor, I want to include ONLY those folders/** [09:08] !chmod | jigpe [09:08] jigpe: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [09:09] askvictor, meaning exclude everything that is not in that folder [09:09] LiraNuna: add something like --exclude /* as well; hold on [09:09] anodesni: why can't you delete a half copied file? [09:09] askvictor, I want to include *only* /var /etc and /home [09:10] hey guys anyone here could help me out setting up freeradius? i get an error saying no Auth-type when loading the modules in the virtual servers [09:10] anodesni: I'd reboot, plug it back in. you may need to use sudo to delete it. [09:10] got an usbstick windows wont read. im using a ubuntu live now. how do i find or mount the usbstickl now to see if get those files on there? [09:11] LiraNuna: rdiff-backup --include '/var' --include '/etc' --include '/home' --exclude '/*' / [destination goes here] [09:11] askvictor, thank you, /* [09:12] I was trying --exclude ** and it only got the actual directories [09:12] do i need any aditional packages or something [09:13] my video is almost always out of sync with my sound on flash player or movie player (i think thats aka totem). whats going on? i have 9.04 64bit. [09:13] hi .. i need to know how i can control programs / services that run at startup [09:14] I can use 'history' to view commands that were previously run. Is there any way to see what *time* they were run? [09:14] gladiator, system>admin>services [09:14] i installed sendmail and i dont want it to startup when the system starts .. also it doesnt show up in the startup applicatins [09:14] gladiator: init scripts. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto [09:15] I noticed the lockup is pretty much guaranteed when I open up firefox with lots of tabs... But installing a lot of packages (high cpu use, high disk abuse, low memory) went smoothly. I assume this means the fault is with the memory, does ubuntu come with a memory tester? [09:16] thanks mickster04, patmaddox [09:17] my video is almost always out of sync with my sound regardless of what i use: flash player or movie player (i think thats aka totem). whats going on? i have 9.04 64bit. [09:17] Zrs_ other than memtest in grub...? [09:19] fsck should be used on mounted or umounted file system? [09:19] ubuntuUSR: unmounted [09:19] ubuntuUSR: unmounted [09:19] jinx! === janis_ is now known as revil [09:21] how to check command prompt to my partition when it`s umounted? [09:21] hi all [09:21] hi' [09:21] firefox 3.5 is awesome :) [09:22] it is on windoze anyway [09:22] pt1989, its not on ubu yet is it? [09:22] mickster04, i installed it from synaptic [09:22] u can get it there i think [09:23] but it wont show up in the menus [09:23] pt1989, well is that the eta [09:23] beta* [09:23] !ff35 [09:23] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [09:23] u have to run it from Alt-F2 -> firefox-2.5 [09:23] *3.5 [09:23] I found an answer to my question: http://bit.ly/DxLl2 won't work for commands up to this point. oh well [09:23] hi all [09:23] kukaa, hi [09:23] ubuntuUSR: 'sudo shutdown -F -r now' will reboot the system and force an fsck before it mounts [09:23] i had seen on the spreadfirefox site, that on June 30th, Firefox 3.5 was being released [09:24] pt1989, for windows it has been [09:24] btw i wanted to ask, how do i enable the bug reporting feature in Firefox, used to be there on Windows [09:24] i think it's pretty stable so far, better than 3.0.11 which crashes a lot [09:24] i think mostly it crashes with flash sites, any idea why? [09:24] i'm using Adobe's plugin fyi [09:25] cos adobe havent got their act together? [09:25] I've been using shiretoko [09:25] =ff3.5, but without the branding [09:25] how do i setup, kernel messages dont print to all vt, only to tty12? [09:25] possible [09:25] http://linuxsucks1.blogspot.com/ [09:25] now we just have to wait until html5 renders adobe irrelevant (pun intended) [09:26] pt1989: i had the same problem (frequent crashes with flas) yesterday (on 64bit jaunty), i just uninstalled the flashplayer-nonfree & reinstalled it. works like a charm now. [09:26] Linux_User: ironic blog name given ur handle [09:26] indirectly u mean to say u suck [09:26] since u use linux and u say it sucks [09:26] so u do sucky things === Linux_User is now known as Helloworld [09:26] Linux_User :S [09:26] just read it [09:26] !language | pt1989 [09:26] pt1989: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [09:26] Helloworld go to MSDN forums [09:27] http://linuxsucks1.blogspot.com/ read it and tell me what u think [09:27] ubottu ok [09:27] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [09:27] !ops | Helloworld [09:27] Helloworld: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [09:27] how to control ubottu ? [09:27] hey guys - curious is there any way i can change the default shell font size for ubuntu box ? [09:27] ubottu -help [09:27] help is ubotu - added by Seveas on 2006-06-21 00:28:59 - last edited by stdin on 2008-06-15 17:59:48 [09:27] Please don't troll Helloworld [09:28] !troll | Helloworld [09:28] Helloworld: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel [09:28] (i'm running ubuntu server 9.04) [09:28] Helloworld, what are you aiming to achieve here? [09:28] askvictor: but haw in case when i`m live user? [09:28] elky, he aims to get some traffic [09:28] people to read this http://linuxsucks1.blogspot.com/ [09:28] Helloworld, so you're spamming then? [09:28] elky, looks like a derivative of Paris Hilton Species [09:28] askvictor: sorry haw=how [09:28] elky, he is trolling and spamming [09:28] :D [09:29] pt1989, stop please [09:29] ok [09:29] just wanted some people to read my blog [09:29] Helloworld, this aint the right place to publicize it [09:29] ubuntuUSR: just try running the fsck - if the filesystem is mounted it won't do it [09:29] !Helloworld | spam [09:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about Helloworld [09:29] !spam [09:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about spam [09:29] hi all folks [09:29] pt1989, remember me telling you to stay out of it? [09:29] !spam | Helloworld [09:30] Greetings, just wondering what partitions do you guys recomend while installing ubuntu. /home /swap and? Thanks [09:30] pt1989, he's *gone* [09:30] is there a way to backup my system and restore it on a new pc? [09:30] oh nice, it does keep all the history data! [09:30] Boom_o: dont forget the root partition '/' :P [09:30] my video is almost always out of sync with my sound on flash player or movie player (i think thats aka totem). whats going on? i have 9.04 64bit. [09:30] !ff35 [09:30] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [09:30] indus : lol will keep that in mind [09:30] hehe [09:30] b0e, are u using 64-bit Flash player 10 ?? [09:31] and does /swap depend on the Ram I have? [09:31] Boom_o: just keep a 1 gb swap [09:31] yes [09:31] Boom_o, most people have the same amount of swap as ram, unless they have 3 gig upwards...:P then i think thats enough [09:31] indus: excuse my naiveness, does it give me a option to choose /swap to be 1gb while installing? [09:31] Boom_o: they all say keep swap double that of ram.but frankly i dont see it using more that 100 mb [09:31] Boom_o, on my asus i dont have any cos its a solid state drive.... [09:32] Boom_o: of course it does [09:32] right. I have 2 gig ram. Will go ahead and have 1 gb for /swap [09:32] Boom_o: i think ill keep swap at 100 mb next time :D [09:32] Boom_o, when it askes about partitions, yo may have to select the option to specify it all yourself [09:32] b0e, i have seen people who have had a 32-bit plugin in their ~/.mozilla/plugins directory or elsewhere which caused it to be loaded rather than the 64-bit.. u might want to verify that [09:33] mickster04: Thanks will keep that in mind. [09:33] Thanks All :) [09:33] Boom_o: that will be 10 dollars [09:33] SandGorgon: this is happening with movie player too though [09:33] * Boom_o paypals indus [09:33] Boom_o: thanks [09:34] b0e, u might also want to change "Visual Effects" (in "System-> Appearance" ) and see if that makes a difference [09:35] i need help with java, i cant isntall the newest versions [09:35] is there a way to backup my system and restore it on a new pc? [09:35] ok thanks ill try that SandGorgon [09:36] adasz: whats the prob? [09:36] is there a way to configure empty-trash (gnome) to use wipe? [09:36] SandGorgon: its still doing it [09:37] C-S-B, i want to install java6 jre the 14 ubdate but the packet manager insall only the update 13 === tyler is now known as tdawg1 [09:38] C-S-B, i want install the sunjava6u14-jre [09:38] b0e, hmm... that is strange. I would say that u file a bug on ubuntu-bugs. Usually these steps fix the problem. Alternatively, you can try another browser like Opera to see how it works? [09:38] hay i installed xbmc by adding ppa to software sources...and i installed it and everything....but when i search under synaptic package manager i cant find it....any ideas? [09:38] tdawg1, update your sources [09:38] adasz: any error messagess? [09:38] SandGorgon: it happens with movie player too though [09:39] b0e: which one is ahead? video or audio? [09:39] ultraputz: yeah i already did apt-get update [09:39] C-S-B, if i do it so like in the instruction wrote, ubuntu dont find it [09:39] dragon_ im not sure let me check [09:39] http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000011400.xml [09:40] C-S-B, first i have ubuntu jaunty in 64bit [09:40] like i just manually went sudo apt-get install xbmc and it let me....but i serached for it using synaptic and i couldnt find it [09:41] is there a way to 'cheat' with apt-get to get it to install a local .deb file, but making it think it came from a repository? [09:41] dragon_ the video is ahead [09:41] askvictor: what's the source of the deb? [09:41] ubuntu repos [09:41] b0e: then probably your sound is lagging. [09:42] adasz: I had 64 bit ubuntu on my other machine and dont remember having a problem, what cmd are you using? [09:42] dragon_: but I need to install on a machine temporarily disconnected from the internet [09:42] askvictor: use gdebi [09:42] askvictor: sudo dpkg -i [09:43] dragon_ maybe its just these crappy videos im playing [09:43] askvictor: sudo dpkg -i debname.deb [09:43] how can I search all files in all subdirectories for a specific string? Something like find | cat | grep searchString [09:43] i download the .bin from java.com and install it so like in the instruction wrote [09:43] http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000011400.xml [09:43] adasz: try from the repos [09:43] jussi01: is dpkg safe enough to be used directly? [09:43] !java | adasz [09:43] adasz: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [09:44] dragon_: as long as the deb is from asafe source [09:44] dragon_, jussi01: those will install the package, but apt will keep it in a special 'local' section, no? I want it to think it came straight from the repo [09:44] but its not ne newest version [09:44] adasz: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts [09:44] adasz: is there a reason you need the newest? [09:44] newest != the best [09:45] C-S-B: that does not install the latest java update [09:45] dragon: but it installs java 6 [09:46] jussi01, w8 i reinstall it [09:46] C-S-B: yeah, i don't see a difference between 13 and 14 [09:48] dragon_, jussi01: problem solved by dropping the file into /var/cache/apt/archives/ , then installing using apt-get. works a dream [09:48] !time [09:48] askvictor: nifty one, good [09:48] Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) [09:49] I have two computers (Jaunty 9.04), how can I create a local wireless network between the two?? [09:49] !botabuse | mickster04 [09:49] mickster04: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [09:49] cheers [09:49] kholerabbi, i presume u have two wireless adapters? [09:50] kholerabbi: create new wireless network [09:50] mickster04: laptops [09:50] kholerabbi: click on the wifi icon in the top right tray, and select "Create New Wireless Network..." [09:51] dragon_: thanks - can you tell me the best encryption to choose? [09:51] kholerabbi: WPA is the most secure one [09:52] !wifi | kholerabbi [09:52] kholerabbi: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [09:52] Anyone here have some experience with mame under ubuntu? More specifically: gmamui & sdlmame? I got everything configured but I cannot find where & how i change the control options for keyboard. [09:52] thanks dragon_ [09:53] !anyone [09:53] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [09:53] trying to fix an nfs share that went down between two computers. i'm kind of lost in the rpcinfo portmapper nfsd mess [09:55] is firefox 3.5 in repos? [09:55] !ff35 | ddoom [09:55] ddoom: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [09:55] server A with the nfs share can rpcinfo -p connect to serverB which is mounting the nfs share, but server B can't rpcinfo connect to server A [09:55] server A iptables looks pretty bare, [09:56] i'm not sure where we're failing [09:56] anyone good at this side of iptables work? [09:56] still having a prob with nvidia driver on 8.04 64 bit. I've installed nvidia-glx-new, but nothing shows up in Admin->Hardware Drivers. ideas? === MakX_ is now known as MakX [09:57] why is it that firefox we get newer versions while we have to upgrade to next ubuntu release for other packages? [09:57] !ff35 | indus [09:57] indus: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [09:57] indus? [09:57] mickster04: what [09:58] indus have u tried system>admin>update manager [09:58] mickster04: for what [09:58] indus: libraries often cause incompatibilies and problems, and need to be tested thoroughly, which takes time. ff3.5 beta was in the repos when jaunty was released, so this is less of an issue [09:58] kbrosnan: iam using ff3.5 already [09:59] indus well what was your question meant to ask? [09:59] askvictor: will this come to hardy? ff 3.5 [09:59] read the link, askvictor provided the tldr version [09:59] indus: doubt it. Maybe in a ppa [09:59] mickster04: i was saying -- firefox seems to be updated more frequently in ubuntu than any other package [10:00] quit [10:00] is ff 3.5 a new version or a bug fix [10:00] new version with bugfixes [10:00] !shiretoko [10:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about shiretoko [10:00] indus, prolly cos they work on it loads [10:00] indus: by popular demand? it's kind of a flagship open source product [10:00] kbrosnan: so why dont we get apps like ekiga pidgin etc new versions [10:00] security updates are on a 4-6 week cycle [10:01] no idea check with the maintainers for those packages [10:01] indus: hmm [10:02] those karmic alphas have nvidia newer versions while we are stuck with older things [10:02] indus maybe the nvidia version are also eta? [10:02] mickster04: whats eta [10:03] can anyone recommend me a graphics app that is somewhere inbetween kpaint and gimp from its complexity? [10:03] indus beta soz [10:03] mickster04: mmm whats soz? [10:03] indus my b key is a bit tempramental, cos im not sitting right, an its an asus eee :D [10:03] lol ok [10:04] indus oh dear, i apologise, soz = sorry (in slang, i should stop that) [10:04] !paint [10:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about paint [10:04] hmm i hate to wait 6 months for new stuff [10:04] !graphics [10:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics [10:04] NET||abuse: does this help? http://www.nblug.org/pipermail/talk/2002-June/001360.html [10:06] !imaging [10:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about imaging [10:06] gawd [10:06] !botabuse | remoteCTRL1 [10:06] remoteCTRL1: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [10:06] remoteCTRL1, have u looked for tutorials for gimp? [10:07] mickster04: its for our secretary and she's not willing to learn it... which i can understand as it is really substantial... [10:07] remoteCTRL1, what does she need it for then? [10:08] mickster04: just to create some folders and flyers for the institute [10:08] mickster04: so kpaint is a little too trivial but gimp is overkill [10:09] remoteCTRL1, what does she need it for then?/ [10:09] remoteCTRL1: Wouldn't scribus or openoffice.org be usefull to that [10:09] having a prob with nvidia driver on 8.04 64 bit. I've installed nvidia-glx-new, but nothing shows up in Admin->Hardware Drivers. ideas? [10:09] remoteCTRL1, woops sorry [10:09] remoteCTRL1: Or do you need to create graphics for it? [10:09] sakjur: err... not precisely as she would like to edit images, not just to insert them... [10:09] remoteCTRL1: Ok, what about krita? [10:10] remoteCTRL1, that what i was goin to say, ms pulisher would be right for the job, but then depending on how she wants to edit the pictures, [10:10] sakjur: never heard about that one? [10:10] haven't tried it since 7.10 but it's a advanced kpaint [10:10] mickster04: ms publisher??? we are on ubuntu dude!:D [10:10] remoteCTRL1, obviously you'd have to find a suitable replacement for publiser.... [10:10] mickster04: Scribus [10:11] remoteCTRL1, da, open office would do it, what are you expecting to be able to do to the pics? [10:11] sakjur, cheers [10:11] * sakjur thinks it's krita is the best alternative for that [10:11] mickster04: humm.... there's this page where they list all the pendants to windos apps for linux, maybe i'll find something there... [10:11] mickster04: :) [10:11] sakjur: thanks alot for the hint i'll look into that!:) [10:11] remoteCTRL1, cool [10:11] remoteCTRL1: Np [10:11] mickster04: also thanks dude:) [10:12] remoteCTRL1, hope it solves the prob [10:12] we will see, otherwise i'll coem back and slap you *g* [10:12] -_- [10:13] http://kuvaton.com/u/cA look this I mean is this ubuntu in sere [10:13] remoteCTRL1: xD [10:13] mickster04: irc slap i meant not in the face;) [10:13] I have a directory controlled by bazaar. I want a subdirectory having another repository. How can I gain this?? [10:13] lol [10:13] http://kuvaton.com/u/cA [10:13] http://kuvaton.com/u/cA [10:13] http://kuvaton.com/u/cA [10:13] Herra_X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:14] !ot | Herra_X [10:14] Herra_X: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [10:14] ok [10:14] ^ from Sault? [10:14] remoteCTRL1, is the /slap command still available on this channel? [10:15] mickster04: i have not the slightest idea, why don't you just try it out? [10:15] I banned from ubuntu offtopic [10:15] remoteCTRL1, i dont wana get told off:P [10:15] slap :Unknown command [10:15] ah [10:15] ot mind [10:15] mickster04: btw if someone writes your name you're being highlighted, you may consider yourself slapped then:) [10:15] anybody need help? [10:16] Hi guys, could u help me with internet? ifconfig returns eth0, pan0 and lo. I need to connect from eth0. I used pppoeconf, it found eth0 and pan0, but couldn't find access concentrator. I can't imagine why. I could setup internet from kubuntu-livecd by the same way. [10:16] remoteCTRL1, true [10:16] Hi folks! [10:16] hi [10:16] Ockonal: do you need a PPP connection? [10:16] Gun_Smoke: yes [10:16] whats the diffirence between JDK and JDR for Java on Ubunbtu, if someone was going to want to run java on firefox and stuff like that which is best? [10:17] errr JDK and JDE [10:17] myself: jdr is runtime lib, jdk for developing [10:17] JRE i mean [10:17] JDK is java development kit, is for programming in javas [10:17] JRE is what someone should get then right? [10:17] JRE is just java for normal people [10:17] myself: JRE Java Runtime Enviroment [10:17] JRE is fine then [10:17] yep [10:17] kbrosnan, lol "normal people" [10:17] you should get it from the package manager unless you are on x64 [10:18] Gun_Smoke: any ideas about internet? Sry, i have no time=( i need in internet for my ubuntu [10:18] kbrosnan: why I believe 64 has been supported for a while now. [10:18] i don't really follow x64. was not sure if the x64 plugin made it into 9.04 [10:19] to get Java from the Synaptic Package manager in ubuntu ,w hat package should I click on? [10:19] sun-java [10:19] what directory is the firefox executable in ubuntu [10:20] Ockonal: not really, check the scripts for bringing that up and down.. maybe /etc/networking/ has some related to ppp I think [10:20] myself: sun-java6 and sun-java6-plugin [10:20] I'm unsuccessfully trying to connect to the internet via my GPRS bluetooth mobile phone. I tried this tutorial (http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/GPRS_Internet_over_Bluetooth), but it's not going anywhere (nothing happens when I type in the command as root, and I get "Jul 1 11:20:24 jean-laptop pppd[3739]: Connect script failed" in syslog).... Can someone help me? [10:21] Okay, guys. Could anyone help me? I need in ppp-connecting, and pppoeconf couldn't find acces concentrator [10:21] sagaci: /usr/lib/firefox* [10:22] how do i disable taskbar scrolling? [10:23] kbrosnan: how can i open firefox via nautilus [10:23] with the compiz manager [10:23] kbrosnan but if im not using compiz [10:23] not sure then [10:24] hi guys, does anyone know when there will be 64 bit support for PPTP Linux? [10:24] sagaci, try typeing firefox [10:24] sagaci, woops sorry ignore that [10:26] sagaci: in nautilus ctrl + l, /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.x/ where x is the current version of firefox you have installed [10:26] kbrosnan: would it be possible to open some gnome file and comment out the feature? [10:27] Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libstdc++2.10 when installing lbreakout ubuntu 9.04 [10:27] wWales: right click on the taskbar's left edge, and select properties [10:28] wWales: then you can enable "group windows when space is limited" === torrentow_ is now known as ToRRentow [10:29] dragon_: this still makes the focus window switch on scrolling [10:30] evening all, q: I'm running 32 bit ubuntu atm, is there a way to tell if my architechture can support 64 bit? Or can someone tell me? I have an AMD TurionX2 Ultra '64', but I'm not sure if tht means it's 64 bit. [10:30] Can't find anything online about it...... === sean is now known as Guest7681 [10:31] aurilliance: grep lm /proc/cpuinfo [10:31] what's the output like? [10:32] aurilliance: your proc is a 64 bit CPU [10:32] dragon_: :( I'm on my vista dual boot part. atm, have to checkk later :P [10:32] indus, it is? thankyou :P [10:32] aurilliance: in any case when you put the live cd in, it will tell you if it will install or not :) [10:32] aah [10:32] thanks for that both :P [10:33] aurilliance: indus is right, AMD TurionX2 Ultra 64 means 64-bit [10:33] i was too late? [10:33] da [10:34] dragon_: :) never too late [10:34] heh right [10:34] I had a package fail to install...and not it's hanging up all my other apt-get install tries [10:34] how can I tell apt-get to forget about it? [10:34] dragon_: but i believe all X2 models are 64 bit [10:34] zhobbs_: sudo apt-get purge packagename === taec__ is now known as taec [10:35] indus: according to wikipedia, all "AMD Turion" are 64-bit [10:35] wWales: keeps throwing errors about files that don't existing [10:35] dragon_: yeah most amds are anyway [10:35] dragon_, must be true then:P [10:36] yeah [10:36] zhobbs_: what is the error exactly? [10:36] dragon_: i dont remember amd making 32 bit procs for a long time, and also, turion was a newer range of procs so hmm [10:36] dragon_: I touched all the files...think it might be ok now [10:37] zhobbs_: good luck with that [10:37] dragon_: btw, uname -m will tell you what your hardware is [10:37] short question about the new firefox: will the package "firefox" be changed to v3.5 soon, so i can wait, or do i need to install 3.5 manually anyways ? [10:37] !ff [10:37] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [10:37] !firefox-3.5 [10:37] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [10:37] hoooray [10:37] cant wait [10:38] !firefox-3.5 [10:38] it's no longer a beta I believe.. [10:38] the 64bit version is afaik [10:38] indus: uh that uname was so easy [10:38] hello [10:38] dragon_: heeeh yes i learnt that here [10:38] i [10:38] hi [10:38] hi [10:39] dragon_: man uname :) [10:39] !uname [10:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about uname [10:39] oh [10:39] yeah but i want to update firefox, not install "firefox.3-5" and uninstall "firefox" [10:39] hooray ff 3.5 released june 30 [10:39] indus: you're the man ;) [10:39] plumpskunk, you have to :P [10:39] do you know about rtorrent how to be used [10:39] plumpskunk, it will just update like the rest [10:39] man i need to read the papers more often :) [10:39] ? [10:39] everyone tells something else === Overflow is now known as S18 [10:39] ;) [10:39] isn't it updated in the next release? [10:40] !fx35 [10:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about fx35 [10:40] plumpskunk, when it is ready it will update [10:40] !botabuse [10:40] Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [10:40] to the package "firefox" ? [10:40] yeah wait for the updates [10:40] what is the info command for firefox 3.5 [10:40] I need to type special chars in pico/nano ... such as æøå , these chars turn into a hellish nightmare with my current config. How can I fix this? [10:40] !ffox35 [10:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about ffox35 [10:40] !info firefox-3.5 [10:40] firefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 889 kB, installed size 3468 kB [10:40] plumpskunk, yeah, if u dont wana wait get te eta package [10:40] hello [10:40] sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 [10:40] do you know about rtorrent how to be used [10:41] !repeat aytekin [10:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about repeat aytekin [10:41] i dont want firefox-3.5 i want firefox updatet -_- [10:41] !repeat | aytekin [10:41] aytekin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [10:41] i know that i can get firefox-3.5 [10:41] plumpskunk: mickster04:well do you mean the firefox will be updated to 3.5 from current 3.0.11, right now i use another pacage from synaptic called ff 3.5 [10:41] plumpskunk: then have patience, and firefox-3.5 will come to you itself :) [10:41] indus that is the beta [10:41] * dragon_ gotta go now [10:42] sweet dreams y'all [10:42] fine [10:42] indus: can you use it with your current firefox (3.0) profile [10:42] dragon_, tara [10:42] forceflow: well i didnt see much difference with it so havent really used it that much [10:42] aytekin, what is your problem [10:42] forceflow: and yes i think it used current ff profile [10:42] forceflow: not sure [10:43] is ext4 better than ext3? ... I just saw it in Ubuntu 9.04 ... so wondering ... [10:43] my prob is about how to down a torrent file [10:43] aytekin, do you kno whow to download from the internet [10:43] zetheroo: it's faster, but I don't trust it yet [10:43] my question is .... will the current ff be replaced with the ff 3.5 or it will co exist [10:43] zetheroo, I do trust it :D [10:44] indus replaced when ready [10:44] mickster04: thats goodie good [10:44] Dulak: trust it? ... please explain .. [10:44] especially etorrent [10:44] some people say it's not reliable [10:44] that it could cause data loss [10:44] mickster04: i hear its super fast , etc and tabs look different [10:44] zetheroo: when it comes to my data, anything new is untrusted until I see it's just as good as what I have now [10:44] sorry with rtorrent [10:44] !ff35 [10:44] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [10:44] Loloftherings: why would it not be reliable? [10:44] indus, on windose its noticably faster [10:44] zetheroo: I'm cautious when it comes to my data, I got burned too many times on new stuff that hosed me [10:45] aytekin, define rtorrent [10:45] i am newbie about ubuntu [10:45] mickster04: of course , always has been and also scrolls infinitely smoother on it [10:45] Dulak: oh ok ... so its not really tried and proven yet? [10:45] aytekin, well have u downloaded the .torrent file from the internet [10:45] hello I have strange problem with Firefox 3.0.11 on Ubuntu 9.04 amd64 arch. It freezes very often and after every freeze I've got few defunct lines in ps -aux output [10:45] zetheroo, exacltly. [10:45] zetheroo: it's getting there, but not enough for me, I might try it out in a year or so, after they figured out how it can mess up [10:45] I haven't experienced any trouble yet [10:46] yes i know about torrent [10:46] how to install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 9.04 ? [10:46] Loloftherings, i use it fine [10:46] Loloftherings: how long have you been using it? [10:46] !ff35 [10:46] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [10:46] zetheroo, since the alphas of jaunty [10:46] mickster04: you using it too? [10:46] aytekin, well open your program, file>open torrent? [10:46] wow huge interest in ff 3.5 but isnt it just renamed from 3.1 [10:46] *to [10:46] Loloftherings: do you notice the faster speed? [10:47] ok [10:47] zetheroo, i do:D i've heard its good for boot times an i havent had a problem with it im on an asus 900 16GSSD [10:47] indus no! [10:47] zetheroo, a lot of benchmarks indicate a better speed [10:47] it is on my desktop [10:47] ondus loads of updates! [10:47] lol [10:47] indus loads of updates [10:47] I don't really know, it could be the overall jaunty speed too. [10:48] aytekin, is your torrent program open? [10:48] ok [10:48] hi *. Sorry this is probably a faq. But is there a .deb package for firefox 3.5 amd64? [10:48] Loloftherings: yes, Jaunty does seem to be a faster running release than the previous ones .. [10:48] aytekin, the first drop down menu available then click on open torrent file [10:48] zetheroo: the thing I noticed most when I put it on a virtual machine is boot time, it went down quite a bit compared to ext3 [10:48] jaunty definitely boots faster than previous ubuntu versions [10:49] pcascini: yes [10:49] shaved off 20 seconds here [10:49] zetheroo: but again, I'm cautious, I won't use it in production for at least another year [10:49] forceflow i have a 40 second boot time [10:49] zetheroo, maybe you want to take a look at this: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ext4_benchmarks&num=1 [10:49] leagris: where can I get it? [10:49] jaunty has problem with ati drivers. any solution [10:49] mickster04: any idea how scrolling pages is smooth in windows andnot in linux ff [10:49] ? [10:49] indus, i do not :/ [10:49] oops [10:49] indus: enable smooth scrolling? [10:50] Dulak: so are you thinking that ext4 can just become corrupted or something? [10:50] aytekin, found it? [10:50] aytekin, it will be in /home//desktop [10:50] pcascini: firefox-3.5 from the universe repository [10:50] ok [10:50] zetheroo: if you read the forums and other stuff too many people are having issues with it for me to put it into production, I'd rather wait and let that get figured out first before I chance my data on it [10:51] !ff35 [10:51] Dulak: yeah for sure [10:51] zetheroo: again I'm really cautious though, I got burned in the late 90s by some stuff and don't want to go through it again [10:51] why is the Ubuntu package of syslog-ng ancient? it's 2.0.9 when the latest 2.0.x is 2.0.10, latest 2.x is 2.1.4, and the overall latest is 3.0.3 [10:52] aytekin, ok ? problem solved (yes or no reply) [10:52] I also have proglems with flash files with Firefox [10:52] with adobe-plugin 386 force installed on amd64 as well with amd64 plugin alpha version [10:53] when I try right click and setting on flash file firefox freezes [10:53] it opened with transmission torrent [10:54] aytekin, is that good anough for you? [10:54] thx micksted [10:54] pcascini: actually it is the b4 of firefox 3.5 The pacage for final version is not out yet. Bythe way it works quite well. You will see it branded as Shiretoko Web Browser when installed in the internet submenu [10:54] aytekin, not a problem [10:54] thx mickster04 [10:55] zetheroo, Ext4 is gonna be default in Ubuntu 10.04 for new installations, maybe you want to wait for that. [10:55] Loloftherings: yeah true [10:55] leagris: thanks! [10:55] Loloftherings: are the issues with ext4, file syncing and kde sorted out yet? [10:56] how do i get the arch (in a 32bit chroot on a 64bit host) [10:56] leagris: I have no idea.. you could take a look at launchpad [10:56] forceflow: in windows i dont have that option enabled yet its smooth while its jerky in FF [10:56] forceflow: smooth scroling isa a liitle too much for my taste [10:57] how can i run X in ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server Edition [10:57] sumesh: You could run the 'startx' command [10:58] is there a way to figure out what package will give me which binary? [10:58] sumesh: or use 'sudo gdm' [10:58] Sumesh:you need to install X first [10:59] eldenz, In Synaptic, you can right click on a package, press properties and checkout the "installed files" tab [10:59] Loloftherings, i have the executable name and i'm looking for the package [10:59] i have installed using apt-get install xinit [10:59] Sumesh: xserver-xorg-core? [11:00] eldenz: you could try to run the command in terminal and see what you get [11:00] sumesh: you might want to install the complete ubuntu desktop: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" [11:00] indus: thanks [11:01] Sumesh: xserver-xorg and xserver-xorg-core [11:01] indus: you mean i need to install both ones using apt-get ? [11:02] Sumesh: yeah [11:02] indus: after installing ubuntu-desktop ? [11:02] Sumesh: no need of installing ubuntu-desktop [11:02] Sumesh: you only need X server [11:03] Sumesh: why do u need X btw? [11:03] gotta go, cu [11:03] cu [11:03] Where do I sign if i want to help the ubuntu-organization, with something? anything? [11:04] anyone else had VLC make awesome crash? or heard of it? [11:04] apan: sign up on the forums first,then onlaunchpad [11:04] apan have you looked at ubuntu.com? [11:04] !launchpad [11:04] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [11:04] !forums [11:04] The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. [11:04] amee2k_, how awesome? [11:05] apan, you could also run the beta Karmic Kola and help report bugs via Launchpad [11:05] mickster04: yes, but not close enough? :) [11:05] awesome3 [11:05] amee2k_: awesome ! vlc [11:05] ? [11:05] indus: and in what way will i help anyone? I want to do what I can. I love linux. :) [11:05] indus have i missed sumat here? [11:05] mickster04: whats sumat [11:05] hallo people... [11:05] http://awesome.naquadah.org/ [11:05] indus sumat = something [11:06] this awesome :) [11:06] !english [11:06] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [11:06] :) [11:06] apan: join the forums help other users, report bugs in ubuntu are the best ways to start [11:07] mickster04: where are you from [11:07] apan: one way to help is to hang out on this channel & help solve user's problems [11:07] indus: alright. I will do that. I am a member on the forum. [11:07] I wont change DNS with opendns but how can i change them with a script that comment out all exiisting and inserts the new in resolv.conf? === sheep is now known as lstarnes [11:07] losher: apan:and what losher said of course [11:07] amee2k_, oh i see i thought you were describing the scale of the crash:D [11:07] indus england [11:07] losher: I can do that. I want to help spread ubuntu also :) [11:07] mickster04: mm [11:08] indus mmm? [11:08] hehe :) [11:08] mickster04: nothing just a sound my head makes sometimes mmmm mmmm [11:08] indus, i use some bad written text [11:08] mickster04: why is that? [11:08] mickster04: in that way, the name they picked is just as awesome >_> [11:08] indus, it's my accent, i am from yorkshire.... [11:09] mickster04: mmmmm [11:09] amee2k_, i got confused :D its good for a laugh [11:09] * indus googles yorkshire [11:09] where is the root trash located in Jaunty? [11:09] indus yorkshire is the greatest county in engand [11:09] ot i know [11:09] !offtopic | mickster04 :P [11:09] mickster04 :P: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [11:10] thanks indus [11:10] mickster04: is it safe and peaceful? [11:10] england* [11:10] mickster04:nvm [11:10] indus ? england generay tries to be, yorkshire is exemplary :P [11:10] * mickster04 is proud of yorkshire [11:11] indus yourself? [11:11] hello does anyone have any support questions? happy to help ( copyright vodafone) [11:11] mickster04: india [11:11] what he said ^^^^ === jer_ is now known as Deviltheory [11:11] indus your english is very good then :D [11:12] mickster04: yeah its a common misconception people have about us, but ill explain later as it is a long story :) [11:12] indus no doubt :D i presume you might learn english as a second/third language in school? [11:12] sorry !ot [11:12] mickster04: indus: indus' English is better than mickster04's (just kidding. I'm from Manchester....) [11:12] mickster04: first ! language [11:13] indus ok? losher, your not far wrong [11:13] mickster04: british legacy [11:13] indus wow, sorry :* [11:13] mickster04: so i speak exemplary english :P [11:14] ok i need some support questions now :) [11:14] Hey guys, when installing something, it hangs on the Processing triggers for the lib6 [11:14] there is one [11:14] libc6* === bloupotlood is now known as bluepencil [11:14] bloupotlood: which package are you installing [11:14] indus: wim [11:14] indus: vim* [11:15] losher: where is manchester exactly === Orest^bnc is now known as Orest [11:15] bluepencil: similar errors when you install any other package? [11:15] indus: there is one in Michigan. [11:15] indus: just this one actually, at the moment anyway.. [11:16] indus: Manchester is in the north of England, 3rd largest city after London & Birmingham. [11:16] bluepencil: could you just try install something silly like cheese for example , just to check [11:16] yo yo yo [11:16] hello [11:16] losher: thanks, i did fail in geography [11:16] how do you do? [11:16] losher: they have the famous football team right? [11:16] ActionParsnip1: hi [11:16] losher: Leeds represent here [11:17] does anyone know where the root trash is now located? [11:17] actionparsnip good mornin then :D [11:17] !trash | zetheroo1 [11:17] zetheroo1: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [11:17] dose firefox host a repo for ubuntu ? I was hoping to get 3.5 of firefox [11:17] zetheroo1: my guess is /root/.local/share/Trash [11:17] !ff35 [11:17] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [11:17] mickster04: happy 11:00am :) [11:17] wonder why it was moved there? [11:17] ActionParsnip1: does not exist [11:18] mickster04: how many times have you done !ff3.5 today ? [11:18] mbostwick1, it will be updated when it is ready otherwise [11:18] indus too many [11:18] heh [11:18] zetheroo1: try: sudo find / -name Trash [11:18] ActionParsnip1, indeed [11:18] Manchester is famous for its football teams, punk rock groups, the University, and its trendy gay scene... [11:18] hi to all from usa and uk [11:18] mickster04: any guess when that is ? [11:18] losher: sound like Seattle [11:18] indus: probably a billion, its rife on the launchpad answers too [11:18] mbostwick1, like uottu said [11:18] losher: isn't this a bit offtopic? [11:19] mbostwick1, try synaptics [11:19] heh a mod finally caught us [11:19] :P [11:19] :p [11:19] SORRY [11:19] oops sorry for the caps too:( [11:19] Myrtti: completely off topic. My only excuse: it's a slow night. Have pity.... [11:20] mbostwick1, oh wait you said WHEN...errmmm..no idea [11:20] losher: yeah not many questions today, is it some holiday [11:20] hi guys - having trouble finding the ssl logs. anyone have a clue? [11:20] indus: and you keep going? [11:20] can we have a factoid to say "firefox is on the way. calm your boots. you aren't going to die without it" [11:20] ActionParsnip1: /home/zeth/.local/share/Trash [11:20] ActionParsnip1, that would e fun [11:20] zetheroo1: thats your trash, not roots [11:20] mickster04: its being laboured todeath and its really boring [11:21] ActionParsnip1: Yes, I know that :) ... but I am looking for the root trash ... [11:21] ActionParsnip1: you seem to be knowledgeable about stuff - you wouldn't happen to know? [11:21] Myrtti: keep going ? [11:21] ActionParsnip1: very frustrating to find its just gone!!! [11:21] luckysquid: have you checked in /var/log [11:21] ActionParsnip1: yeah.. but no luck :/ [11:21] indus: drop it and move to support questions/answers. [11:21] zetheroo1: did you try the search? [11:22] ActionParsnip1: checked the openssl.cnf for a reference to where it could be, but there is none. [11:22] ActionParsnip1: the search you just had me do? .. yes [11:22] Myrtti: where are the questions [11:22] mickster04: whats even funnier its when its out we'll have to deal with users crying "addon x doesn't work" [11:22] Myrtti: not many i see [11:22] indus: doesn't mean the channel can be used for offtopic [11:22] ActionParsnip1, oh wow, yeah....that'll suck... [11:22] zetheroo1: thats all i can suggest. I don't use root (and neither should you) so I have no idea [11:22] Myrtti: ok understood === IVBela1 is now known as IVBela [11:23] anyone not being attended to? [11:23] mickster04: its the price to pay for the latest and "greatest" [11:23] ActionParsnip1: why shouldn't I? hehe ... I mean sometimes you have to ... [11:23] is there a special way to edit the %gconf.xml files? [11:23] ActionParsnip1: what is this acid test thing [11:23] zetheroo1: ive never used root since i started with ubuntu [11:23] !offtopic | reminder for everyone [11:23] ff still lags behind i hear [11:23] reminder for everyone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [11:23] everytime i edit the %gconf.xml for gnome-terminal it returns back to what it was before [11:23] ActionParsnip1: ok [11:23] ActionParsnip1, yeah always, they aren't bad for updating stuff tho [11:24] indus: its a test of your browser against an agreed standard of web browser capabilitys, basically browsers using webkits will adhere to this standard and get 100%, firefox does not get 100% but its getting better [11:24] severity are you sudo editing it? [11:24] yes [11:24] ActionParsnip1: opera scores 100 % i hear [11:24] zetheroo1: just use sudo and gksudo and you are fine, sudo -i will start an interactive sudo with is similar to sudo su but the settings will be your users [11:24] Severity1, hmm, what else have you tried [11:24] im using konsole right now since my gnome-terminal wont open because i accidentally put some garbage on my default profile [11:25] indus: i believe so yes, opera rocks hard imho :) [11:25] i tried deleting the xml file but it returns again [11:25] Severity1: editing the config file by hand isn't such a good idea. Have you tried gconf-editor? [11:25] ActionParsnip1: i installed it but i cant get it to look like my system theme, it has this ugly grey blue theme [11:25] cheers Myrtti [11:25] ActionParsnip1, it isn't really "rocking hard" when you just implement the stuff required for passing acid3 ;P [11:25] I have /tmp mounted as tmpfs on my long-running LAN server. df says that 115MB are taken, while find, du, baobab and just about every other tool can only find 14MB of that http://paste.debian.net/40730/ Where are the remaining 100MB? I need to make a bit of room. [11:25] indus: get it skinned then :) [11:26] indus: Sorry mate, its working, just had to scroll one line down! :) [11:26] ActionParsnip1: i heard that with some new gtk qt curve, a qt app will look like gtk [11:26] DASPRiD: ive used it for ages, never had an issue. I dont use it because it passes acid test. i use it because i find it works better than firefox [11:26] bluepencil: heh ok lols [11:26] ActionParsnip1, personal preferations ;) [11:26] indus: its fully skinnable, find one you like [11:27] zetheroo1: if you deleted it with a root nautilus window it will appear in ~/.local/share/Trash [11:27] DASPRiD: indeed. I think people rate firefox as great but can't really qualify it except cool addons [11:27] zetheroo1: err /root/.local/share/Trash [11:27] ActionParsnip1: the problem is, i have tweaked my human theme and changed the colours to a nice dull cream , so hmm wonderng if thats possible [11:27] ActionParsnip1, hm? [11:27] ziroday: thats what i said but it doesnt exist apparently [11:27] ziroday: does not exist in Jaunty [11:27] hola! does anybody know when will the new FF3.5 be updated in the repositories? [11:27] abhhha!!!!! finally! i did it [11:27] indus: maybe [11:27] is there any application for accessing cell phone file system. [11:27] zetheroo1: does too, have just tested it myself. [11:28] !ff35 [11:28] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [11:28] i am myself! :) [11:28] zetheroo1: did you remove it with sudo rm? [11:28] Severity1: did what [11:28] !goodwork | mickster04 [11:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about goodwork [11:28] ziroday: I cannot find it and I just read a forum where others could not find it either [11:28] Thank you for the information, I sit still and wait :) [11:28] !ff35 | vadviktor [11:28] vadviktor: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [11:28] indus: suggest the factoid to ubottu ;) [11:28] ziroday: no I didn't ... this is a fresh install too [11:28] dans [11:28] vadviktor, sorry for the repeat [11:28] dans from FYAD [11:28] indus: there is !cookie [11:28] uh... no === dans is now known as dans___ [11:29] zetheroo1: works absolutely fine here. [11:29] !cookie [11:29] Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [11:29] :) [11:29] ! [11:29] :) [11:29] heheheheheeh [11:29] ActionParsnip1: thanksa lot [11:29] !cookie | mickster04 [11:29] mickster04: please see above [11:29] indus: or you can talk to ubottu and say: [11:29] indus: !goodwork is Well done, you rock [11:29] ziroday: your working on a fresh install? .... or an upgraded system? [11:29] indus: or something like that [11:29] zetheroo1: fresh install. [11:30] ActionParsnip1: hmm i didnt get that [11:30] indus: and your suggestion will be considered for addition [11:30] !p3nfs [11:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about p3nfs [11:30] ActionParsnip1: oh man how do you know all this [11:30] indus: type /msg ubottu hi [11:30] indus: experience [11:30] indus: when you are talking to ubottu type: ! is [11:31] ziroday: is it fully updated ? [11:31] hi all [11:31] zetheroo1: yes [11:31] ubottu: !goodwork is welldone [11:31] ActionParsnip1: hooray that worked [11:31] indus: just like that, but in a 1 to 1 with ubottu [11:31] nice [11:31] is it possible to use one wlan-card to join an infrastructure network AND set up an ad-hoc-network to another computer? [11:31] ziroday: ok .. maybe after I do all the updates I'll see it [11:31] indus, finally figured out how to edit my gnome settings the hardway [11:31] indus: it's now going to the list of stuff to be moderated and maybe it will be added [11:32] lol funny ...I am running firefox 3.5 and in using it was like man this dosnt seem much faster then the old firefox....then figured out it was moving the speed with out having the whole profile in ramfs [11:32] ActionParsnip1: are you a mod too? [11:32] indus: no i'm not [11:32] dans___, i don't think at the same time [11:32] putting ubuntu on a dell laptop is not the smartest idea lol [11:32] wim_: why? [11:33] Now I got to find the right linux drivers for my wireless connection [11:33] dans___, cos they count as seperate networks, if you find a way to do it then pass it on:D [11:33] wim_, gutted lol:/ [11:33] wim_: what do you mean [11:33] wim_: i've used d600, d610, m6300.. etc. all work out of the box [11:33] mickster04, okay... so multiple interfaces on one device can't be up at the same time? [11:33] ActionParsnip1: how do i know whether the word has been added to ubottu [11:33] I got a vostro 1710, so no clue what driver to install [11:34] dans___, im not certain but i wouldn't have thought so, not without some clever programming [11:34] wim_, are you sure it doesnt work? :p [11:34] Yes, it doesn't see my router [11:34] wim_ ah ok [11:34] I'm plugged in now with a cable [11:34] mickster04, okay, thanks, i'll see if i can find something :) [11:35] indus: not sure, try it in a week or so would be my guess [11:35] wait [11:35] I'm an idiot [11:35] A big one [11:35] Forget what I said lol [11:35] wim_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:35] dans___, you might find someone has created some hack/program to do sumat like that, but we'll see [11:35] indus: or look at the ubottu site...? [11:35] wim_, was it working? [11:36] hello [11:36] indus: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi < vigo: thank you [11:36] Hope that helps. [11:37] Fuck [11:37] !ohmy [11:37] Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. [11:37] If it doesn't, fix it and make it happen. [11:37] 498762094856724678-23406982734-8672-34762304876892347509872304985723409875-2345-0237409687234905723409750923875-2734597230945723904875-23452743 [11:37] !yourself [11:37] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [11:37] clearly I linux has become far more graphical then I expected, I clicked on the internet tray, and it has shown me all the connections [11:37] Tihi [11:37] somebody knows how to fix vista boot after removing ubuntu [11:37] jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj [11:37] someone ban porkenstein [11:37] !WTF [11:37] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [11:37] lol [11:37] :) [11:37] -450968-0349586=-08345-=68=349586-0938456=9083490586=38456-98349-0586-039456 [11:38] just testing [11:38] 345666666663456345673456345655 [11:38] Myrtti, your an op deal with porkenstein [11:38] porkenstein: do you have an ubuntu question? [11:38] hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [11:38] porkenstein: That will be enough. [11:38] porkenstein: what is the problem, are your keys stuck :) [11:38] W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4874D3686E80C6B7 [11:38] I AM GOD UNBUNTU ONLY QESTIONS ME [11:38] W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [11:38] guys getting above error even after doing sudo apt-get update [11:38] rubydiamond: sec, i'll get you the command [11:38] With the last kernal update on 9.04 it broke my graphics - ATI, standard fglrx drivers. Tried to run the recovery xorg but still not working? [11:38] somebody knows how to fix vista boot after removing ubuntu [11:39] rubydiamond: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 6E80C6B7; gpg --export --armor 6E80C6B7 | sudo apt-key add - [11:39] maris this is really an ubuntu help forum, we dont do vista [11:39] I double checked my xorg file with the on from a livecd boot up - identical [11:39] thanks Myrtti [11:39] mickster04: in the future use the !ops -trigger [11:39] rubydiamond: its the same for ALL errors like that, just use the last 8 didgits of the output [11:39] maris: rescue disc and fixmbr [11:39] ubuntustudio freezes after restarting using the rt kernel. Has anyone a clue on it? [11:40] Myrtti, what does that do? [11:40] rubydiamond: after that, run: sudo apt-get update [11:40] mickster04: notifies all ops. [11:40] ah cheers [11:40] Anybody has a clue about gnome x-chat? what addon to get a nickname sidebar [11:40] maris: I never did vista, but fix mbr or somesuch command. maybe ask in #windows [11:40] i know my self im using ubuntu but gf want f vista back now vista boot gone [11:40] Myrtti: so !ops and the troublemaker?? [11:40] indus: yes, separated by the | sign [11:40] gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/anil/.gnupg/gpg.conf' [11:40] gpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions [11:40] gpg: keyserver communications error: general error [11:40] gpg: keyserver receive failed: general error [11:40] gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/anil/.gnupg/gpg.conf' [11:40] rubydiamond: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:40] gpg: WARNING: nothing exported [11:40] maris: boot to your vista cd and drop to recovery console, yu will need to type fixboot and fixmbr [11:40] maris: stay and you will be helped [11:41] maris is vista still there? [11:41] and please, don't try it just to test how it works [11:41] maris: help doing this will be given in ##windows [11:41] * pizzaman3 vous souhaite bien le bonjour :)) [11:41] Where is the session manager for ubuntu 9.04? I want to select programs for startup [11:41] !fr | pizzaman3 [11:41] pizzaman3: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [11:41] problem is that vista factoru disk comes from asus and in begining says that they clean or information on HD [11:41] i think someone will be able to help him here too , this is a dual boot world we live in [11:42] rubydiamond: sudo chown anil /home/anil/.gnupg/gpg.conf [11:42] indus true [11:42] mickster04 yes stil on c: [11:42] rubydiamond: then rerun the command i gave (use up cursor) [11:42] rubydiamond: have you being using command like 'sudo gedit' and 'sudo nautilus'? [11:42] Last question, it asks for a WPA or WAP key, but my router key is WEP 64 bit.. how can I change that and make it so that I can give in the correct PW. [11:42] * indus goes for a smoke [11:42] maris well if you have just removed the boot option from grub? go to /boot/grub/menu.lst an add it in (must be sudo'd [11:42] ) [11:42] disappearedng: System->Preferences->Startup Programs [11:43] wim_: its in network manager, change the authentication method in the drop down [11:43] armo thx [11:43] i look for a french help for ubuntu somebody now a chan please ? [11:43] !fr | pizzaman3 [11:43] pizzaman3: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [11:44] pizzaman3: you can use this channel if your question is in English [11:44] mickster04: give me second after restar error 22 comes up [11:44] thx ubottu and Myrtti :)) [11:45] is there a way to make my gnome terminal start on a specific directory example: /Desktop/python? [11:45] maris ok [11:45] Severity1: I think its in the options bit on the top bar [11:45] Hey all, after installing something with ,/configure make make install, how can i remove it? [11:45] lekremyelsew: it depends on what it was [11:46] Hello. I got a problem ... Some time ago I found a program/command called "domainame" so i wrote "domainame help" but that changed some "servers", I don't know exactly, from then when I open my computer it says "Connecting to YP Server" and takes too much time too open Gnome. What can I do? Thank [11:46] mickster04: how i do understand i must run live cd from ubuntu and edit grub list? [11:46] lstarnes, i was going to install e16 but i want to be sure that i can remove it afterwards [11:46] thx Dulak no ubottu lol [11:46] monra: can you ping the server? [11:46] maris, in ubuntu terminal > sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [11:47] lekremyelsew: it might have make uninstall, but make sure that that exists before installing if you want to uninstall it later [11:47] ActionParsnip1, where is that? [11:47] mickster04: it is empty [11:47] lstarnes, how would i check that? [11:47] mickster04: gksu gedit, please ;-) [11:47] anyone here have a vista dual boot ? maris needs the vista menu.lst entry [11:47] ActionParsnip1: Sorry for not understanding but how can a ping the server(I guess you mean "ping IP_ADDRESS") but what server? [11:47] lekremyelsew: by running it [11:47] maris? [11:47] mickster04: yep [11:47] Severity1: i'd imagine its at the top of the app window itself. [11:47] lstarnes, after installation? [11:47] monra: whatever server the app i strying to connect to [11:48] maris sorry what do you mean gksu? [11:48] lekremyelsew: after ./configure but before compiling [11:48] lstarnes, thanks. [11:48] lekremyelsew: or you can look through the Makefile namually [11:48] *manually [11:48] maris thats beyond me? [11:48] maris sorry hang on [11:49] Myrtti, whats the difference? [11:49] Myrtti, i was told sudo? [11:49] !sudo [11:49] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [11:49] hey how do I disable the popup notification in ubuntu [11:49] mickster04: gksudo should be used with graphical programs [11:49] maris it cant be empty [11:49] can you stream media to a ps3 with 9.04? [11:49] Since the latest update on the kernam 2.6.28-13 my desktop no longer displays, horrible colourful lines [11:49] kernal [11:50] lstarnes but it doesnt seem to make a difference? [11:50] ActionParsnip1: Well ... it just said "YP server" ... although now I'm in GNOME I cannot see what it was exactly but I'm 99% sure it just said "Connecting to YP Server ..." nothing more [11:50] mickster04: for me it is empty :D becouse i removed totally ubuntu on disc D: [11:50] tried reseting the xorg, no help.. really need help as its my work station [11:50] Severity1: you can launch gnome-terminal --working-directory=DIRNAME The nautilus-open-terminal package is useful for opening from nautilus as well [11:50] mickster04: sudo does not handle the environment correctly for graphical programs [11:50] oh, wait so you just have vista on a hdd an thats it? [11:51] lstarnes i'll try to remember that === BromaxSux1 is now known as BromaxSux [11:51] lstarnes, so gksudo or gksu? === bluepencil is now known as Mclovin [11:51] maris how did u remove it? [11:51] mickster04: they might be the same [11:51] armo, thanks just what i was looking for [11:52] mickster04: format :( fith partition editor :( [11:52] mickster04: format :( with partition editor :( === Mclovin is now known as mcfarlane [11:53] mickster04: i dont know other way :( [11:53] ActionParsnip1, ? [11:53] Anyone seen supersaiyan_IV [11:53] rubydiamond: did you get the key added ok? [11:53] maris, ermmm i have never actually done that, i think the vissta bootloader may still be there, you have to tell the ios to boot of the correct partition [11:53] maris, dunno if its savable [11:53] no [11:53] ciao [11:53] maris your gona have to ask around for that [11:54] ActionParsnip1, http://pastie.org/530602 [11:54] armo, worked like magic thanks [11:55] rubydiamond: you didnt copy the whole command, the line i gave is all the command you need [11:55] hello [11:55] Severity1: No problemo [11:55] Anyone seen supersaiyan_IV [11:55] rubydiamond: do not copy and run partial commands, you may damage your system [11:55] !hi | moon [11:55] moon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [11:55] can you send me the italian support? [11:55] ActionParsnip1, could you give that again [11:55] I lost it [11:55] !it [11:55] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [11:55] it | moon [11:56] mickster04: :) [11:56] thanks [11:56] indus curses [11:56] hey guys [11:56] ActionParsnip: remember the guy yesterday that wanted to install all packages? [11:56] hi [11:56] SerenityKill3r: hello [11:56] dulak seriously? like EVERYTHING? [11:56] ActionParsnip: He did it a while ago [11:56] mickster04: txh i keep lookin in net ther is only programs but mu writer not working how to sey im in deep p [11:56] apt-get install * :P? [11:56] rubydiamond: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 6E80C6B7; gpg --export --armor 6E80C6B7 | sudo apt-key add - [11:56] he actually did it? [11:56] mickster04: every package on the dvd [11:57] rubydiamond: copy ALL of that and run it [11:57] ActionParsnip1: you are good with keys :P [11:57] dulak oh i thought u meant all the repos stuff [11:57] mickster04: he's downloading all the dvds to install all the packages, he's insane [11:57] indus: its in a script i have, its the same for every key, just needs a different key, made sense to script it imho [11:57] maris yes i think u are u can get the documents off it with the ilve cd [11:57] ActionParsnip1, http://pastie.org/530608 [11:57] mickster04: he doesn't want to install from the repos, he wants to install from dvd, and install everything [11:58] Dulak: that's like 20GB isn't it? [11:58] mickster04: one of the weirdest guys I ever helped truly [11:58] dulak whats the difference? # [11:58] SerenityKill3r: yeah something like 22G after all is said and done [11:58] ActionParsnip1, ? [11:59] mickster04: I have no idea, he's just crazy [11:59] lol [11:59] kwork: even i was behind sudo apt-get install * ;) [11:59] hello, gentlemen, nice seeing you again, well, i know most of you are experts, well would you please advice me which pakage is good for connection proxy use? [11:59] do I need to download the alternate ISO to do a base install of Ubuntu? [11:59] hemanth1, yesterday did install boost-* [11:59] quite handy [11:59] rubydiamond: maybe the keyserver is down [11:59] when you are not sure what dep you are missing @ compilation :P [11:59] wtb supersaiyan_iv [12:00] kwork: boost? [12:00] ActionParsnip1, :( [12:00] aha, here gain, thanks ops! [12:00] hemanth1, libboost [12:00] kwork: o ok [12:00] hrmpf [12:00] didn't work [12:00] ActionParsnip1, its down for 4-5 hours [12:00] maris if u resolve it tell me how [12:01] when I unplugged my internet cable it said I was connected wireless but nontheless I could not do anything [12:01] can anyone help me do a bootstrap install? [12:01] ActionParsnip1, also I don't have access to 11371/ [12:01] on ubuntu in LAN [12:02] Actionparsnip: My panels and all applictions totally freeze after I do any updates to Ubuntu. I also cannot run ANY root commands without the terminals freezing, do you know why this may be? [12:02] mickster04: ok probably its will be much later :) i thin will get somewhere vista installation disk an will try with that [12:02] maris: Do you know about AIK? [12:02] rubydiamond: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/59304 [12:03] mickster04: no [12:03] vigo aik? [12:03] smashbox: does it happen with other users? [12:03] maris: I found this: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc721929(WS.10).aspx [12:03] Actionparsnip: Other user accounts? [12:04] ActionParsnip1, no help [12:04] can anyone help me do a bootstrap install? [12:05] Kinda funny they called it AIK, but that is like a network install, similar to but three times as hard as a win2k net install. [12:05] lstarnes, i totally realized that there is an e16 package XD [12:05] mickster04: thx i will have a look at that [12:05] maris that was vigo's aadvice [12:05] not me! [12:05] ? [12:06] * mickster04 just got cconfused [12:07] mickster04: anyway late i give you shout how im going on with that vista XP much simple [12:07] rubydiamond: if the server is down then there is nothing I can sugest. you could find the text based PGP key and paste it to a text file, this wil then be your key, you can then add that using: sudo apt-key add [12:07] i gotta jet [12:07] maris cheers [12:07] When re-installing ubuntu will selecting the "Use entire disk" option leave you without swap? [12:08] smashbox; nope it should use part of that disk for swap by default [12:08] Dulak, Thank you [12:09] Actionparsnip; Any clue what may be freezing all of my programs and not letting me run root commands after installing updates/ [12:09] maybe a restart? [12:10] Vigo, tries several times [12:10] tried* [12:11] smashbox: Did you try the Fix dpkg fix? it is in the recovery boot option. [12:11] Vigo, yes I did, and I came back to my GUI with the same results [12:12] =( [12:12] Hrmm,,I am stumpered then, try an older one? [12:12] Is there a huge difference between jaunty.. and the previous version? [12:14] smashbox: At boot, there are usually two or three Jaunty or whatever installs that you can choose from, some are older kernels that may help to resolve or fix an error. [12:14] hey guys, i'd like to change my monitor;s refresh rate from 75 to 85(i use this in vista) but i can't set it, not even in nvidia-settings. please help. [12:15] yossarian: Can the monitor do it? [12:15] yes of course [12:15] i use it in windows all the time [12:15] Then generate the modeline and add it to your xorg.conf [12:15] but it probably reports the wrong values to the OS [12:15] i tried that but i didn't succeed [12:15] are you sure it can be done with nvidia? [12:15] ask! [12:15] I had to do that for anything other than 640*480. FX5200. [12:16] ask! ubuntuyo [12:16] yossarian: System>Prefs>Display [12:16] !ask [12:16] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [12:16] vigo: that's broken here, i get 50-53 hz in Display [12:16] nvidia-settings works but i still can't set it to 85 [12:17] so what can i do? [12:17] i tried generating a modline but it doesn't appear either in nvidia-settings or ubuntu's display manager [12:18] yossarian: I used the Generic Driver, it is an older Radeon, but it works fine on the Dell 17" flat screen [12:18] generic driver is no good for me [12:19] Hello there [12:19] hey [12:19] Í was wondering if you guys could help me out with a preseed problem [12:19] how do I setup networking on ubuntu 8.04 lts server? [12:20] apelgate: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces [12:20] man interfaces? [12:20] hi, I just isntaleld google earth from the 8.10 repos... anyone know the name of the binary ? [12:21] a [12:21] I run into problems with an expert_recipe in a preseed for Ubuntu 8.04LTS on a HP380 G5 with SmartArray [12:21] apelgate: or google, you find the same this command and then /etc/init.d/networking restart [12:21] anyone can help with this ? [12:21] blip-: dpkg -L PACKAGE_NAME | grep bin [12:22] jrib: Will that work for any package? [12:22] jrib: how can I get the version too ? I just noticed the google earth website has a linux bin I can download, any downsides to using that ? [12:22] how to extract .bin file? [12:23] Has anyone had the problem of frozen blank gnome panels and not being able to run sudo commands in the terminals after doing updates? [12:23] ok, please help, this is driving me crazy [12:24] AND i'm going blind [12:24] smashbox: what happens when you try to run a sudo command? [12:24] Nothing at all, goes to the next blank line [12:24] Rabbitbunny: yes [12:24] !ask | yossarian [12:24] yossarian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [12:24] blip-: apt-cache policy PACKAGE [12:24] I run into problems with an expert_recipe in a preseed for Ubuntu 8.04LTS on a HP380 G5 with SmartArray [12:25] blip-: if you use the repositories, then upgrades will be managed for you and you can easily remove it using the package management system [12:25] i want to set my monitor's refresh rate to 85(i know it supports) using nvidia card and latest drivers but i can't [12:25] !info firefox [12:25] firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.11+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB [12:25] tried editing xconf with no luck [12:25] I was talking to someone about it for 6 hours yesterday and we couldn't figure it out [12:25] Update manager differentiates 'Important security updates' and 'Recommended updates'. Where can I find the criteria for this differentiation? [12:25] dang [12:25] smashbox: pastebin what you are actually doing and the output [12:26] !who | smashbox [12:26] smashbox: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [12:26] pastebin? [12:26] !pastebinit [12:26] pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit [12:26] bullgard4: I am guessing one is from the -security repo and the other is from -updates. Just my guess [12:26] Has anyone got the brightness bar on their desktop all the time in Karmic? [12:26] !pastebin > smashbox [12:26] smashbox, please see my private message [12:26] !karmic | Mechdave [12:26] Mechdave: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [12:27] cheers jrib [12:27] jrib: I am not sure what that is [12:27] anyone? [12:27] smashbox: go to the website paste.ubuntu.com and paste the information I asked about, then give me the link you get [12:27] smashbox, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ [12:28] jrib, sorry dude, I'll leave you two alone :P [12:28] !cookie | exodus_ms [12:28] exodus_ms: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [12:28] jrib: what do you want me to paste....? my question? [12:28] * exodus_ms grabs some milk [12:28] smashbox: pastebin what you are actually doing and the output [12:29] jrib: Doing where.... === keppchen is now known as rotkeppchen [12:29] :\ [12:29] smashbox: you said you ran a sudo command and "nothing happened". Show me please [12:29] I run into problems with an expert_recipe in a preseed for Ubuntu 8.04LTS on a HP380 G5 with SmartArray. The installer seems to ignore the recipe. However, no errors are found in the logfiles [12:30] jrib; when my panels feeze I cannot run any sudo commands.. it just goes to the next blank line. That is what happens. [12:30] smashbox: great. Pastebin that please. [12:30] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/207465/ [12:30] smashbox: I don't want your description, I just want to see the terminal === TamCore[oFF] is now known as TamCore === MadMax is now known as Guest32482 [12:31] jrib: I am sorry I must be missing something, This is not the computer that is having the problems, I cant even run applications on that computer because they freeze, I don't know what you want me to type in this pastebin thing [12:32] read my question?http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/207465/ === Orest is now known as Orest^bnc [12:33] anyone? any idea? [12:33] haaaallooooo rotkeppchen [12:34] anyways.. [12:34] m [12:35] Has anyone had the problem of frozen blank gnome panels and not being able to run sudo commands in the terminals after doing updates? [12:35] oh come on, my eyes are killing me [12:35] yossarian; just run 75 refesh, I mean can you really tell he difference? No. [12:35] on this monitor, yes, i very much can [12:35] yossarian: It's in your head. [12:36] oh, sure then, why don't i run it on 60? the difference is only in my head i'm sure [12:36] man, this is a 22" crt [12:36] how much slower is it to install ubuntu via wabi [12:36] slower to run? [12:36] !attitude | yossarian [12:36] yossarian: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [12:37] smashbox: That's not appropriate either. [12:37] matey: not very, but there is a small performance hit [12:37] jrib: Synaptic > Settings > Repositories > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu Updates allows you to assert the buttons 'Important security updates' and 'Recommended updates'. What are the criteria that maintainers use to triage updates to this or that category? [12:37] okay, but if no-one can answer it, is it an appropriate attitude to say "there's nothing wrong with it, you're imagining things" [12:37] * matey is disappointed, would rather a _BIG_ hit [12:38] Flannel: I did nothing [12:38] Flannel please don't cause drama thank you [12:38] thanks jrib [12:38] yossarian: No, it's not. I apologise for his immaturity. [12:38] am i back properly? [12:38] back [12:38] excellent [12:38] ubottu: !ff35 > StakOver [12:38] right, anyone not being served [12:39] mickster04: oh its on! :) [12:39] Yes Mickster, how are yo [12:39] is the nvidia replacement for xvmc available for mainstream use now / [12:39] is is vdpam ? [12:39] im grand [12:39] smashbox, im good thank you, whats your problem [12:39] !info vdpam [12:39] Package vdpam does not exist in jaunty [12:39] Great! I have a question for you if you have time. [12:39] !ask smashbox [12:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about ask smashbox [12:39] bullgard4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Ubuntu%20Updates [12:39] it's okay, but i'd really, really like to keep using ubuntu without getting holes instead of eyes :) [12:39] !ask | smashbox [12:39] smashbox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [12:40] jrib: turns out the repos doesn't directly install gearth, instead it installs a script that downloads the latest bin from google and makes a package. even better :) [12:40] smashbox, anyway as u were asking [12:40] bullgard4: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories [12:40] Mickster: When I do the updates for .... wait why does that machine keep yelling [12:40] matey: Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine is the only acronym I can find of VDPAM [12:40] !stopyelling machine [12:40] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:40] Never did =) [12:41] matey: yes, VDPAU is used in mplayer and other places now [12:41] smashbox, you what? [12:41] mickster04, i'd like to set my CRT's refresh to 85(supported for sure) but i can't seem to do it either from nvidia-settings for the gnome display manager. any ideas? [12:41] Mickster: When I do the updates for ubuntu, upon rebooting and relogging in my gnome panels are blank and fozen, and I cannot access the root terminal [12:41] matey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Video_Motion_Compensation#Nvidia [12:41] can you issue remote commands via ssh [12:41] smashbox, what system have you got atm? (pc an os) [12:41] smashbox: what about if you log in as another user? [12:42] Mickster: PC [12:42] Mickster: Jaunty [12:42] ActionParsnip1: I'm pretty sure matey is referring to VDPAU which is the -nvidia's driver method of offloading video decoding to hardware [12:42] smashbox, what is it trying to update? [12:43] ziroday: thanks [12:43] hello! could anyone suggest me the most lightest web browser please? (ie as less heavy as possible, but be able to browse flash content - i need it for a server) Thank you very much [12:43] Mickster: It was the recommended updates for the operating system. It also happens when I try to install my video driver. It happens for several reasons [12:43] matey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU says Xime, mpplayer, xbmc and boxee all support it [12:43] smashbox, so you know what the problem is? [12:43] matey: and mythtv [12:43] kbp: midori [12:43] Mickster; I have reinstalled about 10 times in the passed 3 days trying to figure out the cause [12:43] ziroday: Excellent! -- Thank you very much for your help. [12:44] Mickster: I have no clue what the problem is because doing just about anything seems to cause it [12:44] kbp: lynx but with an x server you want something like swiftfox or firepup [12:44] heads up :\ === amee2k_ is now known as amee2k [12:44] yossarian, , there is a file somewhere that stores info about the devices and drivers used, [12:44] thank you ziroday and ActionParsnipl [12:44] yossarian, , but i cant remember what it is called or where to find it! [12:45] kbp: of Kazehakase [12:45] uhm [12:45] s/of/or [12:45] yossarian, , but i cant remember what it is called or where to find it!/ either you know what the problems are or you don't, [12:46] ok im gonna compare swiftfox fireup kaehakase and midori to see which one is the lightest [12:46] smashbox, have you tried updating individual items [12:46] yossarian: mickster04, i'd like to set my CRT's refresh to 85(supported for sure) but i can't seem to do it either from nvidia-settings for the gnome display manager. any ideas? [12:46] smashbox, one by one [12:46] that is my problem [12:46] yossarian: do you use compiz? I know there's a setting there you're able to change [12:46] üü [12:46] yes i use it [12:46] yossarian: okay, go to compiz-settings-manager > default options > display settings, it's there [12:46] hi [12:46] anyone know a fix for the network manager so that it works with EDUROAM? [12:47] hi i have in my second xserver no sound. can you help me? [12:47] ok :D [12:47] termos i had that working, but not on this install sorry, what are your conncetion settings [12:48] smashbox, so how have you tried fixing it, i unfortunatly have had no problems with updates, what errors are you getting? [12:48] where can you find the status of packages that will be put into the repo with a timeline? packages.ubuntu.com is not what I am looking for. now that firefox3.5 final is out when will it be pushed thru? [12:49] !ff35 | donkeyboy [12:49] donkeyboy: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [12:49] ubottu: !ff35 | donkeyboy [12:49] he he he [12:49] mickster04: wpa & wpa2 enterprise with PEAP is what i have [12:49] mickster04: also tried tunneled tls with no success [12:50] mickster04, okay i did it [12:50] now restart x? [12:50] this did work on an older install of ubuntu however, and also works nicely with wpa_applicant [12:50] yossarian, well done [12:50] mickster04: Thanks. But I don't want to use some PPA I just was wondering when it was going to get pushed into the main repo. is there a website that tracks these things? I can seem to find that out on packages.ubuntu.com [12:50] Anyone got a good Music Media Player for 9.04, IE: Winamp? [12:50] VLC/ [12:51] TriMe: rhytmbox === richard is now known as Guest19968 [12:51] TriMe: im using audacious, its very winamp like [12:51] Hello, Firefox has just been released, why i can't update it ? apt does not tell me anything :( [12:51] its even got a skin just like winamps [12:51] termos yeah i dont have that connection in my set anymore sorry, i remember having to set up an anonymous user or sumat....sorry [12:51] it supports winamp skins too [12:51] !player | TriMe [12:51] TriMe: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [12:51] !ff3.5 > worm [12:51] worm, please see my private message [12:51] !ff35 | worm [12:51] worm: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [12:52] TriMe: all those are great :) [12:52] thanks :) [12:52] mickster04, it doesn't seem to work [12:52] the best one ever was xmms.. but good luck finding it and its plugins in a repo ;( [12:52] mickster04: hmm ill look into that, thanks anyway [12:52] yossarian, i wasnt following what didnt work? [12:52] intangir: theres xmms2 [12:52] i changed the refresh to 85 in compizconfig [12:52] intangir: best is an opinion ;) [12:52] its totally different [12:53] no no, it was the best, thats a fact ;) [12:53] restarted x and nothing [12:53] yossarian, oh right, an that didnt work? it may e easier to reboot? [12:53] ActionParsnip1: Cheers Buddy. [12:53] ok will do [12:53] brb === Guest19968 is now known as RichardYu [12:53] intangir: amarok is great but vlc sings with my g1 phone so is best to me :) [12:53] kk [12:53] wtf yossarian from poland? [12:53] no [12:53] romania [12:53] oh nvm [12:53] !language [12:53] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [12:53] ActionParsnip1: do you know if any of them can handle audio AND video, with a searchable playlist? i could do that on xmms [12:53] but i cant on any of the others [12:53] also it was hotkeyable [12:53] hello does anyone know which tool i should use to recover files from a re-formatted ntfs drive? [12:54] intangir: banshee [12:54] i wonder how i can become a mod [12:54] indus that wasn't necessary [12:54] I keep my music on an external hard drive. Sometimes it's connected, sometimes it isn't. Everytime the drive is disconnected, Rhythmbox removes all tracks from the library ... is it possible to make Rhythmbox work well with this setup? Or perhaps there's another audio player that tolerates this better? [12:54] hossam: foremost [12:54] ActionParsnip1, thank you i will check it out [12:54] dAnon: if he hadn't, I would have [12:54] ActionParsnip1, sudo apt-get install foremost? [12:54] this is nerdrage, but ok [12:54] Halabund: Make sure FSTab has ur External Drive Mount Auto... [12:55] !info foremost [12:55] foremost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.5-1 (jaunty), package size 41 kB, installed size 140 kB [12:55] Myrtti: do u have some automated program which notifies you of unwelcome words? [12:55] hossam: yep [12:55] trime, it get mounted automatically when it's plugged in. But I don't carry it around much with my computer. When I'm at work, I don't have it ... [12:56] hossam: make sure its unmounted before you play, you will need as much space as you had data. Do you not have a backup of its contents? [12:56] indus: no. [12:56] indus, no he just sits there scanning al the channels reeeallly quickly [12:56] Argh yeah well that's why then... you may not be able to them [12:57] Mickster: I have an update for you. Apparently it's ndiswraper that is doing this to my panels and applictions. I installed it and installed my wireless driver and then rebooted and logged in to frozen blank panels [12:57] ActionParsnip1, the backup became corrupted!~ i have enough space to copy over the entire drive, will this program recover only the filetypes (-t) that are described in the manpage? [12:57] isnt this difficult to do unless you dont have any other work ? iam not meaning to be rude here , no offence [12:57] smashbox, ah welldone ill you be able to work around it? [12:57] are you mods students? or do in your spare time say evening? [12:57] Got it work, had to change some stuff [12:58] (wireless) [12:58] ActionParsnip1, or can i also recover other filetypes (specifically nikon raw image NEF files) [12:58] indus: you're a bit offtopic on this track of discussion btw, this is supposed to be for support only. how about you take it to, say, #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere? [12:58] indus i am a student, summer holidays for me [12:58] Mickster: negative. It seems once this happens I cannot run anything in the terminals. Unless you know a way I can get rid of Ndiswrapper without being root [12:58] Myrtti: i maybe off topic but you seem to have a problem with me [12:58] smashbox, what device are you using with ndis* [12:59] ActionParsnip1, oh im supposed to make an image.dd file? [12:59] indus, nah we just go off-topic far too easy [12:59] Mickster: A wireless internet card [12:59] smash, have you checked that it needs it? jaunty is pretty supportive [12:59] indus: the problem is this is support channel and that particular topic isn't related to ubuntu support with anything but a loose thin thread. [12:59] mickster04, nothing happened [12:59] smashbox, , have you checked that it needs it? jaunty is pretty supportive [12:59] Myrtti: ok understood. sorry [13:00] yossarian, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf have a look in there too [13:00] Mick, Yeah it does, the jaunty drivers didn't work for it. It's a pretty old card === uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam [13:00] gksu is enough no? [13:00] indus ya [13:00] what exactly am i looking for here? [13:00] indus i copy pasted [13:00] Does anyway know howto fix RAID1 on asus p5q pro with ubuntu ? it doesnt see RAID 1 but apart drives [13:01] yossarian, look for section monitor, see if there is a frequency in there [13:01] whilst i look for the right tags [13:01] mickster04, nodda [13:02] Mick; Anyway you know of to get rid of ndiswrapper without being root? === wapko_ is now known as wapko [13:02] ModelName "SUN GDM-5410" [13:02] HorizSync 30.0 - 121.0 [13:02] VertRefresh 48.0 - 160.0 [13:02] nothing else [13:02] yossarian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:02] smashbox, no idea, sudo apt-get remove? [13:02] yossarian, give me a sec [13:02] mick: sudo=root =no responce frm terminal === Volt is now known as Solitary_Scar [13:03] i hope i dont get banned from here [13:04] lol [13:04] could someone please tell me about the new xorg.conf file and all that automatically generated stuff since hardy [13:04] indus: if you don't troll and be quiet or helpful, then you will be fine [13:04] xorg.conf being auto generated on startup [13:04] indus: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [13:05] indus, no its not, it actually doesn't use rely on xorg.conf anymore [13:05] indus: say no to framebuffer and restart x [13:05] smashbox, press tab after the start of a nick it will autofill if using xchat? [13:05] indus, since the release of xorg 1.5 that is all handled by the HAL daemon on the fly [13:05] hello ,how to install super grub? [13:05] Titan8990_: it can and will if you populate it [13:05] how do i modify gnome screensavers? [13:05] ActionParsnip1, yes but it doesn't rely on it, with xorg 1.5+ you can run xserver without a xorg.conf completely [13:05] anyone know how to set a refresh rate in xorg.conf [13:05] ActionParsnip1: Titan8990_:that command gave a lot of options before,but now seems really useless [13:05] ActionParsnip1, that does more on configuring the keyboard and mouse then anyting else except the framebuffer [13:06] !en [13:06] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [13:06] indus, what ActionParsnip1 gave was simply a TUI for generating a xorg.conf [13:06] Titan8990_: true but if its populated it will override th settings picked up bay any app / service [13:06] how can i install super grub? [13:06] indus, hald configuration is terrible, stick to xorg.conf that you are used to but just keep in mind that thats no longer required [13:07] Halitech: it doesnt have the graphics settings like it did pre-gutsy but will set the video to failsafes [13:07] Titan8990_: i remember the command used to configure monitors , etc refresh rates but now seems to end at select keyboard and mouse [13:07] gggg: i dont think u need to install it ... just burn the .iso to CD [13:07] ActionParsnip1, yes but many of us come from a time/distro that did not include HAL support in xserver so if it wasn't in your xorg.conf, it didn't work [13:07] indus, you really shouldn't need to edit resolutions or refresh rates anymore but feel free [13:08] abu xD [13:08] n0gear, where would i get it ,? [13:08] Titan8990_: well i never did but just curious how things have changed [13:08] n0gear, what's the size of that super grub.iso? [13:08] ActionParsnip1, but most people are in failsafe which sucks due to something not communicating back info and makes it hard to manually configure xorg to get it to work [13:08] Titan8990_: true [13:08] Titan8990_: but i also remember a screens and graphics option in hardy which seems to have been removed again from jaunty [13:08] yossarian, im out of idea's sorry [13:08] Halitech: then read you xorg log in /var/log and see whats going on [13:09] oh damn :( [13:09] yossarian, just a question, why do u need it that high anyway? [13:09] hi, is there i way i can get directory listing of a website [13:09] it's a huge monitor and i got used to it on 85 [13:09] Halitech: run: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log [13:09] on command line [13:09] mickster04, do you know how to add modes manually to xconf? [13:09] like the ls command , except for a webpage [13:09] yossarian, http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html [13:10] hello everyone [13:10] gggg: http://prdownload.berlios.de/supergrub/super_grub_disk_0.9797.iso [13:11] http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Audio_setup: "Choppy sound with Ekiga; From ALSA version 1.0.9, DMIX is enabled by default for soundcards that do not support several channels at the same time. The default configuration of DMIX in ALSA does not necessarily provide good results by default for VoIP applications." Can you point me to a sound file in the Internet with a typical "choppy" sound? [13:11] hi [13:11] uhm ok [13:11] ActionParsnip1, mine is working fine [13:12] i am interested in modding a screensaver for a custom distro. how can I mod xflame? [13:12] mickster04, i have several sections with monitor and screen [13:12] Halitech: then advise whomever === jay is now known as Guest70392 [13:12] n0gear, man it's only 4.4 mb,why would i waste space for 4.4 mb in a blank cd? [13:12] yossarian, the site will help you with all aspects of xorg.conf, thats all i can suggest, as i dont know any further [13:12] n0gear, any option to save space? [13:12] zombie-robot__: you can chnage the settings in the screensaver settings, if you want to change the code you will need the source deb of the package that provides that [13:12] mickster: Is it possible that because it is ver 1.53 rather than 1.55 that this could be happening? Ndiskwrapper that is [13:13] ok thanks :) [13:13] ActionParsnip1: could you give me that script for gpg keys and instructions on how to run it [13:13] thanks [13:13] gggg: cost of 1 CD? .001 pennies [13:13] indus: sure [13:13] ill save it for other users and add a note of credit to you [13:13] indus: http://pastebin.com/f39b20cec [13:14] smashbox, you should try to use the most up to date version of most things, once theyre a realesed, i have eard of ndis* problems being solved with an update [13:14] indus: simply scriptname EFAC330A for example [13:14] smashbox, try to use my full nick else it doesnt highlight for me :D [13:14] indus: just throw the last 8 characters of the output at the script, job doe [13:14] n0gear, ok,but the size of wastage =750-4.4 =745.6 MB [13:14] mickster04: You got it, thank you for your help [13:14] I wonder where to get nvidia drivers for 2.6.30? [13:15] indus: the top lump just makes sure you didnt just run the script without giving it any input [13:15] ActionParsnip1: aah i remember now thanks [13:15] !nvidia > yacc [13:15] yacc, please see my private message [13:15] let me try it :) [13:15] indus: handy script :) [13:15] smashbox, excellent:D === tyler is now known as tdawg1 [13:16] jrib, well, the driver works well in 2.6.27-14, but DKMS or whatever comes up empty when booting 2.6.30, ... [13:16] yacc: is 2.6.30 from the repositories? [13:16] ActionParsnip1: i saved it to desktop as a text file, so how do i run it [13:16] jrib, ppa [13:16] :/ [13:16] gggg: there was a option to make USB version as well if u dont want to waste CDs [13:16] jrib, 2.6.28 is defective for my laptop. [13:16] indus: chmod +x the file [13:16] hay...i have oss as my sound and when im listening to music...another program sound stops the music and then i cant hear the music again till i restart the computer...in sound settings it says the device is busy...is there a simple command to restart oss without restarting computer? === Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam [13:17] jrib, 2.6.30 seems not to kill my laptop, but without graphics and wlan, it's a low fun proposition. [13:17] ActionParsnip1: just works! [13:17] ActionParsnip1: please supply key [13:17] indus: then when you get one of those pesky GPG errors simply go to the directory containing the script and type: [13:17] hi how do i reset the ubuntu repositiries? [13:17] ActionParsnip1: scriptname and those keys yes i got it thanks [13:17] n0gear, yea that's the key,unetbootin?? [13:17] indus: ive not got one to add, you will get a need for it if you add a new repo to your system [13:18] i cannot install anything [13:18] papul: system -> administration -> software sources [13:18] ActionParsnip1: can we integrate this script into synaptic itself i wonder [13:18] jrib: then? === Polarina1 is now known as Polarina [13:18] papul: then remove your custom ones === bloupotlood is now known as mcfarlane [13:19] indus: if you rename it so it doesn't have a file extension and sudo cp it to /usr/bin then it will be globally available, make sure it doesnt conflict with the name of an file already in there [13:19] jrib, beside the wiki page you directed me is slightly out of date, Intrepid and Jaunty seem to default to nvidia (OTOH, I've been fed up with the nvidia driver often enough that I more than once switched to nv). [13:19] indus: if you can integrate it, be my guest [13:19] yacc: what do you mean "default to nvidia"? [13:19] any know issues with the I386 8.04 iso at the moment? Downloaded it 3 times in the last 24hrs from 3 different mirror, and all 3 I get an error on a restricted linux package... [13:19] ActionParsnip1: but saving it to home anyway makes it globally available no? [13:20] jrib, I don't remember to have needed to manually enable nvidia on Jaunty, .. [13:20] ActionParsnip1: i mean i just type scriptname and tab and it auto completes [13:20] indus: no as that is not in your $PATH [13:20] yacc: it let's you do that automatically but it isn't the default [13:20] jrib, but as I said, perhaps my memories are imperfect ;) [13:20] Crash_99, did use the check disk util [13:20] jrib, well, it does not for the new kernel, ... [13:20] !kernel > yacc [13:20] yacc, please see my private message [13:20] Crash_99: try the alternate install download [13:20] yacc: i'd read about custom kernels. I have no idea what kernel you are using [13:21] indus: no, you must type the name of the script as you named it. Mine is called 'getkey' yours can be called 'submarine_toaster' it doesnt matter [13:21] yup, on all 3 disks and it gives me the same error. [13:21] jrib, the Ubuntu one, and I want to upgrade to the Ubuntu PPA provided one. [13:21] indus: provided you run the script with the key it will work [13:21] ActionParsnip1: lol [13:21] ActionParsnip1: can you explain a bit about globaly available [13:21] indus: if you called it 'scriptname' i would suggest naming it something more appropriate [13:21] mickster04 - Yup, on all 3 disks with the same error poping up. [13:21] jrib, as the current Jaunty kernel (2.6.28) is incapable of running much longer than 60 seconds on my laptop ;) [13:21] yacc: I thought you said you were already using one from a ppa? What ppa is this? [13:21] so what is the error [13:21] ActionParsnip1: no dont worry i called it gpgscript [13:21] indus: if you type firefox in a terminal, it runs doesnt it? [13:21] Crash_99, so what is the error [13:22] jrib, I'm using 2.6.27-14-generic, and wlan + nvidia work. [13:22] indus, I think what you want is to make a dir: ~/scripts and then add it your $PATH [13:22] indus: thats because the binary file named firefox is in your $PATH [13:22] mickster04 - gonna try to get it again... [13:22] ActionParsnip1: aargh i got it [13:22] indus: if you type echo $PATH [13:22] Crash_99, ok, i presume you've googled it [13:22] yes /usr/bin /usr/sbin etc [13:22] indus: you will see a whole load of other folders that are universally available [13:22] jrib, I'd like to install the 2.6.30 from the ppa, skipping 2.6.28 (which is bad for my hardware), but while 2.6.30 seems to be stable thermically, it is missing nvidia/wlan. [13:22] yacc: what ppa [13:23] ActionParsnip1: and we can also add ~home to this path [13:23] indus: yes, so you can either add the location of the file to $PATH, or you can move the script into one of those foilders [13:23] jrib, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/ [13:23] I have installed ubuntu 9.04, by default it has only 2 workplaces, how to add more workplaces like fedora? [13:23] indus: you can add ANY folder to $PATH [13:23] hackoo, right-cick? [13:23] hackoo, right-cick?>prefernces [13:23] hackoo: right click on it and select 4 [13:24] hackoo, right-click?>preferences* [13:24] #ubuntu-it [13:24] hackoo: you can also rename the workspace name to whatever u like [13:24] indus: if the script you made is in the paths then you can call your script without having to specify the absolute path to it, just like you dont have to type /usr/bin/firefox to launch firefox [13:24] jrib, no "custom" kernel at all. [13:24] ok doing that [13:24] ActionParsnip1: yes i got it [13:25] is it safe to run jaunty with ext4? [13:26] christophsturm, long debated [13:26] as long as its not a production server [13:26] christophsturm: its a vague question but ext4 is not official in jaunty and will only be in ubuntu 10.04 [13:26] christophsturm, i am using it :D fine so far [13:26] I have a question; I am currently connected to my irssi on my server; screen is showing 5 available updates, but sudo apt-get upgrade is not grabbing them? [13:27] !irssi [13:27] Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen [13:27] any personal finance program in ubuntu/linux? [13:27] n0gear:!gnucash [13:27] !gnucash [13:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnucash [13:27] n0gear: gnucash [13:28] !screen > me [13:28] lincid, please see my private message [13:28] yacc: but I imagine you want to build linux-restricted-modules for that kernel... [13:28] hi [13:28] !ls > me [13:28] maverick340, please see my private message [13:28] hi [13:28] yacc, vanilla kernels in ubuntu are not recommended [13:28] I am trying to use a vpn [13:29] it works fine on windows [13:29] how do i view direcotry listing of a webpage via command line ? [13:29] I have a question; I am currently connected to my irssi on my server; screen is showing 5 available updates, but sudo apt-get upgrade is not grabbing them? [13:29] !vpn [13:29] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [13:29] !info gnucash [13:29] but it doesn't work on ubuntu [13:29] gnucash (source: gnucash): A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.6-2ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 1767 kB, installed size 5324 kB [13:29] what do you recommend? [13:29] lincid, sudo aptitude full-upgrade OR sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [13:29] lincid: the command is sudo apt-get update [13:30] indus, no its not [13:30] !vpn | bring-back-mibbi [13:30] bring-back-mibbi: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [13:30] I'm setting up a server for my home office, and i have 4 tb disks in it with a mdadm raid. and I want to use ext4 for performance reasons [13:30] Titan8990_: I'm using 9.04, I'm just talking 5 packages showing for updates. [13:30] Titan8990_: well ok [13:30] indus: That just updates the sources.list, not what I'm needing. ;) [13:30] christophsturm, i think it might be safer to wait [13:30] lincid, I know what you are talking about, I gave the commands to use [13:30] lst* [13:30] I get this error when running make: make[1]: Entering directory `/download/kazehakase-0.5.6/po' [13:30] file=`echo cs | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \ [13:30] && rm -f $file && -o $file cs.po [13:30] /bin/sh: -o: not found [13:30] lincid, apt-get upgrade IMPLIES safe-upgrade [13:30] kbp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:30] mickster04 - It's giving me a checksum error on a linux-restricted package when I do a disk check and during install. [13:31] I'm SSHed into my box right now from a windows machine at work. I would like to transfur some files over. what are the commands? [13:31] lincid: ok. I'll bite.. screen doesn't show updates perse. you have to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade [13:31] yacc: if I were in your shoes I would just build the kernel myself including -restricted using the information ubottu provided. But if you wish you can just build -restricted and use that ppa for the kernel [13:31] Crash_99, have you tried locating the .deb file on the internet? [13:31] n0gear:also try kmoney in kde , [13:31] I'm running my workstation with karmic and ext4 for some time without problems now [13:31] but for the server I'd rather use jaunty [13:31] !sshfs | JoshuaP0x [13:31] JoshuaP0x: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS [13:32] mickster04 - nope, never tought of that. [13:32] JoshuaP0x: you need winscp [13:32] christophsturm, with 4tb of data play it safe? [13:32] ActionParsnip1: thanks. [13:32] Titan8990_: why do a dist-upgrade [13:32] Hi all, I upgraded jaunty and I think the intel driver was updated, on restart I get something about invalid LVDS modes and can only run in safe graphics modes [13:33] scunizi: dist-upgrade implies upgrade [13:33] mickster04: but i still would like to use ext4, because the other option is to convert 4 tb to ext4 later without backuping them [13:33] scunizi: Alright, that seems to be all and well. My question now, is on screen what is the "5!" in the red block? ;) [13:33] scunizi: I was under the impression that was available updates? [13:33] ActionParsnip1: really, i need a ftp server even if i'm SSH'ed into the box already from the box i want to Tx to? [13:33] ActionParsnip1: but not to the next version release of ubuntu [13:33] christophsturm: youdont really get the benefits of ext4 if its convrted from ext3 [13:33] JoshuaP0x: should be fine [13:34] indus, dist-upgrade doesn't mean that it upgrades to a new version, however it is used as such in debian [13:34] ActionParsnip1: good to know [13:34] scunizi: no you need the update-manager for that [13:34] christophsturm, why doesnt that happen now? i dont iunderstand? [13:34] Titan8990_: ok now thats something new i hear, are you sure of this [13:34] lincid: my version of screen doesn't have a theme and is fairly "invisible". do you mean on irssi? [13:34] mickster04: I'm setting up the raid right now, and i still have the data on other disks [13:34] indus, man apt-get [13:35] scunizi: I'm pretty sure it is screen, because I don't see this information via just plain irssi. It has the load info as well, etc. [13:35] christophsturm, oh, cant you keep the ol disks anyway> [13:35] scunizi: To be honest, the last time I was on linux, screen didn't have these "tabs", so I'm still getting used to it. [13:35] indus: dist-upgrade also pulls in new kernels and other such stuff that isnt always needed [13:35] org [13:36] lincid: can you do a screen shot and pastebin it someplace? [13:36] indus: if you stick to upgrade you'll be fine [13:36] scunizi: Indeed. Just a sec please ;) [13:36] lincid: tabs? now you've really mystified me [13:36] is there a way to connect to network-manager networks without logging in to X? === hello is now known as Guest45917 [13:36] scunizi: The ss will explain a bit. ;) [13:36] mickster04: i want to put the disks into the raid too and grow the raid onto them :) [13:36] mickster04: has the ff 3.5 update arrived yet [13:36] christophsturm, o i c [13:37] indus iunno :P [13:37] Le-Chuck_ITA: network manager is an x app so I'd say no, you can use /etc/network/interfaces if you wish to use non-x. it will override anything network manager trys to setup [13:37] mickster04: do that !ff3.5 redirect to me now :P [13:37] !ff3.5 > indus [13:37] !ff-3.5 [13:37] indus, please see my private message [13:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about ff-3.5 [13:37] lol [13:37] ActionParsnip1: wifi can't be turned on from command line, iwconfig just does nothing [13:37] !ff3.5 > indus [13:37] !ff35 [13:37] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [13:38] ActionParsnip1: but as n-m can connect there should be a way [13:38] Le-Chuck_ITA: set it up in the interfaces file and then run /etc/init.d/networking restart [13:38] ActionParsnip1: mickster04:also, are you guys using it already from some PPA and what are the noticeable improvements [13:38] Le-Chuck_ITA, there is nothing wrong with iwconfig, you are likely not using it properly, but that not what action told you to do [13:38] indus: i dont use firefox [13:38] damn [13:38] indus: i think its overrated [13:38] opera ftw [13:38] indus im using it on windows an its faster, a bit shineyer [13:38] ActionParsnip1: which one you use [13:38] Titan8990_: HI5! [13:39] indus: opera [13:39] indus i dunno what else, not really played much [13:39] yeah opera is getting overrated these days :P [13:39] its all personal choice [13:39] Titan8990_: I used iwconfig when I was younger, I do "iwconfig wlan0 essid v2" where v2 is a non-protected network, and it does not associate. I do "iwconfig ap ADDRESS_OF_AP" and it does not associate again [13:39] ActionParsnip1: can I set the wireless ESSID in interfaces? [13:39] ActionParsnip1: but i find the way it loads pages a liitle strange/ not used to [13:39] Le-Chuck_ITA: indeed [13:40] Le-Chuck_ITA: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12045 [13:40] indus: who cares how they are loaded as long as they view fine? [13:40] Le-Chuck_ITA, iwlist wlan0 scan; iwconfig essid 'ESSID'; dhclient wlan0 [13:40] ActionParsnip1: man interfaces, man wireless [13:40] Le-Chuck_ITA: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces [13:41] Titan8990_: yes, after the second step the status reported by iwconfig is "unassociated" [13:41] scunizi: http://i40.tinypic.com/1z1fbj9.jpg [13:41] ActionParsnip1: I know the rest, thanks a lot [13:41] Le-Chuck_ITA: np bro [13:41] oh Jesus Christ on a rubber crutch i did it! [13:41] can any1 tell me the default repositories of ubuntu [13:41] :D [13:41] lincid: sorry that link gives me nothing.. just white space [13:42] i cant install any software [13:42] papul: did I not tell you the procedure before? [13:42] papul, what happens when you try? [13:42] !automatix [13:42] Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe » [13:42] hi, someone there wo knows how i can include openssl? [13:42] scunizi: ...strange [13:43] papul, and what version are you using? [13:45] papul: the repository I use is http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy,substitute hardy with your distro name [13:46] hi! has anyone used a (software) load balancer in linux? any (negative?) recommendations? [13:46] is it possible to see which services or program is keeping my sound card busy? [13:46] carml: whats ubuntu 9.04 called? [13:46] xukun: sudo lsof /dev/snd/* [13:46] jaunty [13:46] !jaunty [13:46] Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents [13:47] mickster04: :P [13:47] xukun : at least there alsa sound,look under system-monitor === jean is now known as Guest9325 [13:47] pastebin is not workin [13:47] can someone tell me how i can include openssl for using psybnc with ssl? [13:48] ackbahr here : I managed to connect to the internet over bluetooth and GPRS! Yeeha! Now I'm gonna have to call my mobile phone provider.... [13:48] So long! [13:48] Guest9325 well done, what software did you end up using? blueman? [13:49] we want firefox 3.5! c'mon ubuntu!! [13:49] erUSUL, thanks but that does not do it for me [13:49] papul 9.04 for short is jaunty,it's complete name is Jaunty Jackalope [13:49] all windows users already have firefox 3.5, it's not fair [13:49] papul, use this for now http://pastebin.com/ [13:49] 14:49:06) (A|i) all windows users already have firefox 3.5, it's not fair <- compile your self ;) [13:49] join #firefox [13:49] lol [13:49] A|i, there is a PPA for it... [13:49] anyone not being served [13:49] deany, isn't the PPS RC2? [13:50] !latest | A|i [13:50] A|i: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. [13:50] the ppa gave me an old beta [13:50] !ff35 [13:50] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [13:50] A|i, guess you have to wait for them to update it then. dont expect ubuntu to have it in repos tho. [13:50] !backports [13:50] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging === wet-chan is now known as wet [13:50] ahh, it might be in repos after all then. [13:50] mickster04, yeah, I ordered a beer half an hour ago and I haven;t been served yet :D [13:50] i've just installed firefox 3.5 on my ubuntu HH, but it seems to be a Shiretoko 3.5 pre... WTF is going on? [13:51] Halitech, so u r being served, just slowly :P [13:51] Well, here I am really to tell you about it : I'm over GPRS over bluetooth! Well, so long, gotta save on data volume.... [13:51] . [13:51] any ideas? [13:51] !ff35 | f_ [13:51] f_: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY === tyler is now known as Guest16367 [13:51] h [13:52] i [13:52] Good afternoon gentlemen. I have a hard drive with 3 partitions on board. All are NTFS. When I am trying to install Ub 9.04, it sees the whole hard disk as a single partition. What's the problem? [13:52] thank you [13:52] (andd ladies) [13:52] np. [13:52] j [13:52] My apologies to ladies, good afternoon to ya too === Guest16367 is now known as umoss4 [13:52] red problem? [13:53] red_ problem? [13:53] jaunty update manager still doesnt give me automatic popups [13:53] can I make hal recognize my software-raid-devices as normal drives? [13:54] sorry mickster I'm testing new version of xchat [13:54] indus: You can always just sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade [13:54] red_ o? i use xchat... [13:54] me too :-) [13:54] KGodwin: yes i know but iam getting tired of manually updating always [13:55] KGodwin: i also tried the fix but IT DOENST WORK [13:55] indus: Write a script to do it? xD [13:55] red_ i've got 2.8.6 is that not the latest [13:55] really? [13:55] it seems update manager now only wakes up to european time [13:55] red_ i've got 2.8.6 is that not the latest? [13:55] sorry but iam not from europe [13:55] Hello all [13:56] indus: I just tend to rubber band things when I can't fix them easily...like gnome's lack of wallpaper support for multiple monitors. Just one perl script solves the problem. :P [13:56] hi [13:56] imho it's the latest one [13:56] indus: cron a job [13:56] i'm runnin' it on ubuntu 9.04 x64 [13:56] red_ oh ok [13:56] im trying to switch from windows to ubuntu but not sure how to get programs like skype onto this system [13:56] ActionParsnip1: iam trying to get the old notification back [13:56] just installed after arch and ubuntu 7.10 :-) [13:56] !skype > vadimer [13:56] vadimer, please see my private message [13:56] !skype | vadimer [13:56] ActionParsnip1: but it just aint working [13:56] vadimer: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga [13:56] vadimer, system>admin>synaptics [13:57] you guys know the notification that flashes when someone sends you a message right? [13:57] indus: ive never used it. its on my gutting script for clean installs. Get rid, cron a job [13:57] vadimer: are you on windows now or ubuntu? [13:57] ubuntu [13:57] does anyone know how to change the location of where it appears? [13:57] Severity1: its on the to do list [13:57] ActionParsnip1: what u mean never used it? Notification popups are default in ubuntu , that orange glow [13:57] vadimer, synaptics package manager is the easiest way to instal stuff [13:57] i'm sure this has been asked but does anyone know if the firefox 3.5 in universe is going to get updated to the release version for jaunty? [13:57] indus: yes i always get rid of it [13:57] ActionParsnip1: updates available [13:58] !ff3.5 [13:58] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [13:58] Severity1: its an applet, so you can move it wherever you want (I presume you are talking about indicator-applet and not notify-osd) [13:58] mibye guys :-) [13:58] can I assign a bug to more than 1 ubuntu package in launchpad? [13:58] ActionParsnip1: why? [13:58] indus: my cron job runs every 3 hours [13:58] thanks [13:58] what's the best offline dictionary for ubuntu? [13:58] indus: so i dont worry about them [13:58] no the new notification popup stuff that came with jaunty [13:58] ActionParsnip1: i prefer that glow so can you help me trouble shoot [13:58] !best [13:58] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:58] Le-Chuck_ITA: how can a bug affect more than one package ? [13:58] Le-Chuck_ITA: ask in #launchpad [13:59] indus: well as you know its not something i'm familiar with as i've only seen it once, hated it and got rid [13:59] erUSUL: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poppler/+bug/394266 affects both firefox and poppler [13:59] for different reason, union is strenght erUSUL :) [13:59] indus: I hate stuff popping up or making a stupid noise. I'll do it when i want not when some system prompts me to ump [14:00] ActionParsnip1: heh its a gentle icon in thetray thats all [14:00] ActionParsnip1, i agree with u [14:00] ActionParsnip1: anyways back to problem, they say to change some options to get it back, [14:00] indus: He finds it annoying, so do I. :P [14:00] indus: i still dislike it greatly. I can go for months without updateing if i wish but its gonna sit and bug me to update all the time [14:00] ziroday, the new notification thing that came bundled with jaunty [14:01] ActionParsnip1: KGodwin:iam trying to get old behaviour back but i am not able to === richardsith is now known as richard_sith [14:01] Severity1: are you talking about notify-osd or indicator-applet? [14:01] ActionParsnip1: KGodwin:do you know how i can [14:01] hi. my girlfriend has problems with wlan on ubuntu 9.04 (bcm4306 card). i used bc43-fwcutter to make it find wireless lans. suddenly wlan stopped working. someone may help please? [14:01] indus: i'm no help. sorry [14:01] indus: And we are telling you a work around...but we don't know how to fix it 'cause we never use it. [14:01] hello,need a offline dictionary for ubuntu [14:01] i think it is the notify-osd [14:01] Le-Chuck_ITA: this are imho two different bugs one for firefox and one that affects evince/poppler. both bugs are triggered by the same pdf file but are different bugs [14:02] Severity1: no it cant be changed [14:02] awwww [14:02] !patience | gggg [14:02] gggg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [14:02] erUSUL: perhaps you're right, I am a bit lazy today [14:02] Severity1: actually there is a tool to change it but it doenst work [14:02] Le-Chuck_ITA: or perhaps is one bug that afects Cairo and its handling of pdf files [14:02] KGodwin: what was funny is that it was a big deal in jaunty from what i read, when i got it i hated it [14:02] gggg: add/remove applications has usage statistics, I'd pick-up the first one that matches my desktop, e.g. for gnome [14:02] hmmmmmm [14:03] erUSUL: what I will do is wait for poppler maintainers to tell me what to do :) [14:03] holy crap that was easy to install lol [14:03] ActionParsnip1: what are you talking about [14:03] ActionParsnip1: you mean auto pop update manager? all of us hate it [14:03] indus: could try: apt-cache search notify | less [14:03] ActionParsnip1: I nuke anything that gives notifications other than Pidgin, Gwibber, and XChat. [14:03] now when i use wine i take the game i want to play and install it with a disk do i do it just like windows? [14:04] vadimer: More or less, yes. [14:04] ok cool thanks [14:04] vadimer: Some games may require more effort to get working properly. Some will not work. [14:04] vadimer: if it works under wine, you run the installer but better looking at the wine applications database and see how to configure wine for your game [14:04] vadimer: you should check the appdb for compatibility, not all games run [14:04] ok [14:04] vadimer: some run awesome (doom3, deusex, world of warcraft) [14:04] vadimer: which game? [14:04] Hello. I'm trying to build partimage from source, but I'm having trouble. http://paste.ubuntu.com/207512/ [14:04] warhammer [14:04] or aion [14:05] ActionParsnip1: doom3 is a linux game too [14:05] vadimer: some will not work. some require you to download dll files and place them in certain directorys [14:05] vadimer: I suggest installing and testing it yourself anyway...I've found the compatibility database not 100% accurate. ;) [14:05] indus: i know but the win version runs fine in wine [14:05] I fail to see the difference between Fedora 11 and ubuntu.. is it that different? [14:05] I've just install Kazehakase from terminal but no idea how to run it. Could anyone please tell me its location? (sorry for my noob question). Thank you very much [14:05] ActionParsnip1: i hate the concept of wine [14:05] cool thanks for the help [14:05] PastaMan: package management [14:05] vadimer: make sure you get the wine version off the wine repo: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb [14:05] OK, thanks anyway. [14:05] i rather use windows xp [14:05] jrib, it is better in fedora? [14:06] indus: helps run games some [14:06] PastaMan: are you a troll? [14:06] I'm just asking.. I know little to nothing about the differences [14:06] kambing [14:06] PastaMan: try a few distros, see which you like [14:06] No, I got ubuntu installed atm. [14:06] jrib:thats rude [14:06] indus: I run old windows-only games like X-COM: Interceptor, Pax Imperia, etc. [14:06] PastaMan: ok, just a strange way to ask the question [14:07] indus: really old games work great in dosbox too :) [14:07] indus: like jones i the fast lane and dune 2 [14:07] tguyp [14:07] jrib, , I'm new to linux [14:07] KGodwin: i play quake and only quake [14:07] I instilled it this night [14:07] I want to install opensuse.. Shall i use gparted to resize my ubuntu ext4 partition and make some space for osuse ?? [14:07] PastaMan: try both and use what you like [14:07] indus: the first quake? [14:07] ActionParsnip1: quake 4 mp [14:07] ActionParsnip1: although i love quake 2 a lot the sp [14:08] That costs me too much time hehe, I'll just stick with Ubuntu for now until I get a real reason or explenation that convines me to switch [14:08] indus: gotcha, quake implies quake 1 === Gun_Smok1 is now known as Gun_Smoke [14:08] I want to install opensuse.. Shall i use gparted to resize my ubuntu ext4 partition and make some space for osuse ?? .. i mean,i want ubuntu and opensuse both... [14:08] hi.. can anyone help me with a small bash script? http://pastebin.com/de7f365b .. i didn't wrote it, i just want that it shows me GHz frequency in conky, but it doesn't work :) the highlighted line i don't get, what does it do? [14:08] Krishna, you can't resize a mounted partition so you will need to use the live cd [14:09] Krishna: well opensuse will need some space, so you will have to free up some room for it. [14:09] PastaMan: sure. Sorry about the troll thing. I'm a bit paranoid I suppose [14:09] Krishna: yep use live cd [14:09] indus, ziroday Halitech thanks [14:09] uhok: why compile partimage? same version is already in synaptic [14:09] how is open suse btw [14:09] PastaMan: do you know about virtualization? You can run other distros inside ubuntu to try them out [14:09] good kde 4 mmm [14:09] !virtualizers > PastaMan [14:09] PastaMan, please see my private message [14:09] !ff35 [14:10] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [14:10] PastaMan: I'd recommend virtualbox [14:10] legend2440, I'm not seeing partimage within synaptic. [14:10] what kind of testing is being done for ff 3.5? [14:10] jrib: PastaMan Same here, but not the -ose edition. [14:10] indus: the does-it-actually-work testing. [14:10] ok [14:11] I'll burn the fedora CD and see if it fits me, i'll just make a new partition for it [14:11] ziroday: well if it doenst work, will the windows version be out? [14:11] PastaMan: if you use virtualbox, you don't have to burn or partition anythning and you run fedora inside ubuntu [14:11] ziroday: i think they are doing the packaging and update process [14:11] supersasho, not sure myself but I just have this line in my conky, no script required ... ${execi 1000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //'} ${color lightgrey}${freq_dyn}Ghz [14:11] indus: um yes? firefox 3.5 has already been released. It just has to be packaged for ubuntu [14:11] ziroday: heh yes same point [14:12] Not into virtualbox [14:12] indus: ubuntu testing of the updated ubuntu firefox packages are being done. [14:12] uhok: do you have universe repo enabled? [14:12] Halitech: ok, i'll try that :) [14:12] ziroday: iam mighty excited about this [14:12] ziroday: had too many issues with ff so i hope its solved now [14:12] almost made the jump to opera [14:12] does somebody know how to get firefox3-5 to play html5 videos . [14:12] ? [14:13] tyranos: what site? [14:13] tyranos: where did you find an html 5 video [14:13] legend2440, yes. [14:13] on youtube === jdo_ is now known as jdobrien [14:13] my locale -a only lists C and POSIX, how do i get others? (like en_US.UTF-8) [14:13] tyranos: h.264 encoded avi. firefox is ogg theora only [14:13] tyranos: you can't play the youtube videos as youtube uses the h.264 codec. You can however play all videos using the theora codec. [14:14] where can i find some [14:14] is it possible to run a sidebar as in windows on ubuntu? [14:14] openvideo.dailymotion.com [14:14] tyranos: openvideo.dailymotion.com [14:14] ziroday, i was there and same error [14:14] tyranos: error being? [14:15] uhok: are you using jaunty? [14:15] i should update firefox although i was using 3.6 on intrepid [14:15] legend2440, yes. [14:15] tyranos: try play the video in http://en-us.www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/3.5/whatsnew/ [14:15] uhok: in terminal type suso apt-get install partimage.. [14:16] uhok: in terminal type sudo apt-get install partimage.. [14:16] sudo [14:16] tyranos: they user agent sniff for Firefox only [14:16] Conky it seems [14:16] they being dailymotion [14:16] weeh, language-pack-en ftw [14:16] uhok: sorry in terminal type sudo apt-get install partimage not dots on end [14:16] legend2440, Package partimage has no installation candidate [14:17] ah that could be it if minefield identified as something else [14:17] legend2440, I've already done this.. [14:17] or or cairo dock [14:18] ziroday, ok my firefox 3.6 is crashing on those videosites , i ll try 3.5 again and see [14:19] Why does everything depend on this useless avahi daemon and related avahi packages? [14:19] wine? gthumb? What could they possibly have to do with mDNS? [14:19] uhok: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/partimage [14:20] gnumeric? f-spot? totem? ubuntu-docs?! Seems like some packager went rogue and linked it to everything, just to be sure it never was ejected from the system. === mehdi is now known as bayar [14:21] kbrosnan, when i use firefox-3.5 i get only flash content even if i m here openvideo.dailymotion.com [14:21] legend2440, I am AMD x86_64. [14:21] it says on mozilla wahts new site that i should update to the latest beta !!! [14:21] can it be use ram more than 4 gb on 32 bit os? [14:21] uhok: ok that explains it... sorry for the confusion [14:21] thanks [14:22] !avahi [14:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about avahi [14:22] !info | avahi [14:22] avahi: [14:22] avahi: Retrieve information on a package: !info [14:22] !info avahi [14:22] Package avahi does not exist in jaunty === Igorot is now known as Knightlust [14:22] good afternoon gentlemen. [14:23] !info avahi-daemon [14:23] avahi-daemon (source: avahi): Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.23-4ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 61 kB, installed size 384 kB [14:23] thee_: yeah, server kernel [14:23] indus, avahi has 125 dependents [14:23] you mean "ubuntu server"? [14:23] If I remove avahi, 125 other packages get pulled with it [14:23] is that with some pae thing then ? [14:24] thee_: the servers kernel can address more than 3GB of ram on 32bit machines [14:25] I've just install kazehakase. Does anyone know how to run it from terminal? [14:25] *installed [14:25] , normal machines can adress maximum 4 gb. on 32 bit os using more than 4 gb ram is handicap for performanca? [14:26] thee_: 32bit can only access 3GB. [14:26] why? [14:26] thee_: You'll need to use linux-image-2.6.28-13-server or a 64bit machine to access more than 3GB. [14:27] uhok: this post mentions how you might get partimage to install on x64 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191205 [14:27] if I have 4 GB,that means 1GB gets wasted on a 32-bit OS [14:27] ? [14:27] gangil: yes [14:27] look [14:27] free -m [14:28] thanks a lot buddy . but now i m confuesed a little bit isn't it 4byte(32 bit) = 4gb ? why 3 gb? [14:28] gangil: Yes. [14:28] legend2440, do you have any idea why, after doing everything right I am unable to compile this stupid program? [14:28] +1 thee [14:28] even I wanna know [14:28] uhok, see here ... http://www.partimage.org/Partimage-FAQ [14:29] thee_,gangil: Hardware addressing, etc. eats up some of that extra space. I think you actually get 3.2 GBish actually. [14:29] thee_: afaik the system has to set asid your VRAM into the allocated space, and hardware addressing takes up some too [14:29] KGodwin: faster than me ;) [14:29] tel0s: I have my moments I suppose. ;) [14:30] I also notice that in linux , swap is never used , although the system allocates it at the time of installaion [14:30] anyone experience in using AwesomeWM? [14:30] gangil: its similar to a pagefile on an M$ system. It's generally only used when your ram is struggling. [14:30] Infact the Memory usage on my system never goes beyond 1GB when I m on ubuntu [14:30] Halitech, what do you recommend in replacement? [14:30] gangil: Swap does get used, just rarely if you have enough RAM. [14:30] !ff35 [14:30] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [14:31] gangil: that's nothing to complain about ;) [14:31] uhok, there is a live cd version you could try [14:31] thee: actually you need to add up all the memory (i.e. graphics card + mainboard + hdd cache + ram... and all of them must be less than 4GB, thats why your ram will be around 3-3.2GB depend on each machine) === iqkyu5566 is now known as kambvna_delgado [14:31] So there is no point to have more then 2GB ram if u wanna run linux , as more than that would be a waste I think , right? [14:31] Halitech, Besides the live cd? [14:31] gangil: I'm currently using 8 GB. [14:31] gangil: no [14:32] uhok, not really [14:32] gangil: I have 4G max in this laptop. [14:32] i ll chek what you meant "hardware addressing". anyway thanks a lot!! [14:32] wow, awesomeWM is difficult to get into >.< [14:32] gangli .. You should know that you can't have enough ram ;) [14:32] gangil: I have 8GB. I usually have a minimum of 1 GB in use. Sometimes, I use all 8. [14:33] Has anyone here able to view webcam in Yahoo IM? [14:33] anyone know how to rotate the programs allocated to each tile in AwesomeWM? [14:33] KGodwin: when does you have 8 GB ram in use? [14:33] s/does/do [14:34] member:identifier:kgodwin I have 16gb ram and it's great for filetransfers .. it sucks for hibernation tough [14:34] hi, has anyone tried to compile firefox 3.5? [14:34] * gangil is planning to buy a laptop in coming days , so want to know about these stuff :) [14:34] !ff35 [14:34] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [14:35] gangil: I sometimes write really really crappy programs to perform a task because it is faster for me to code the task than do it by hand. Sometimes when running VirtualBox I need to give it a good chunk of the RAM. Etc. [14:35] member:identifier:destieee Yes, but I ****** up adobe flash dependencies .. [14:35] I think even 2 GB is enough for me! [14:36] i'm stuck @ configure with configure: error: Your compiler does not follow the C++ specification for temporary object destruction order. [14:36] Hi, I have a problem with twinview (1440x900 on my main screen and 1900x1200 on the secondary screen), It seems to work but I can't move my cursor out of the 1440x900 box :/ [14:36] gangil: thee_ http://blogs.technet.com/markrussinovich/archive/2008/07/21/3092070.aspx [14:36] anyone know the keybind to close a window in awesome? [14:36] gangil, try to open a 300mb excel file (yes they exist) on 2gb RAM ! [14:37] anyone know how to check the version of a package from repository without apt-get install it? [14:37] hi [14:37] SandGorgon, what is this "excel" you talk about? [14:37] Attempting to boot LiveCD hangs on the splash screen so i installed using the alternate CD. It seems to hang at the same spot, with the following output [14:37] How do I completely purge any and all avahi packages/dependencies, without ripping out 1/3 of my installed system? [14:37] Juppp: MS excel!! [14:37] SandGorgon ... or a 500-1000mb Gimp-file.. ;) [14:38] gangil, i know :) j/k [14:38] "unable to execute '/sbin/getty/' for tty1 no such file or directory" [14:38] who has, ar5b91 atheros driver ? or ath9k driver? [14:38] Deathstar87, madwifi does [14:38] Guys whats best proxy scanner? [14:38] ubuntu doesnt detects my iCH10 intel RAID 1 [14:38] so baddddddd [14:39] for Linux or Ubuntu [14:39] SandGorgon: What happens if I do that , it wont open , or take long? [14:39] for ubuntu [14:39] on opensuse freebsd pcbsd works perfectly === iqkyu5566 is now known as kambvna_delgado [14:39] just noob q: will be firefox in hardy repos or not? [14:39] i mean firefox 3.5 of course [14:39] starenka: yes i think [14:39] !ff35 [14:39] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [14:39] hey all [14:40] I am lovin it!:) [14:40] gangil, ur disk starts swapping badly since ur other programs (including firefox) take up a lot of memory as well [14:40] "For example, the 32-bit version of Windows Server 2008 Standard supports only 4GB, while the 32-bit Windows Server 2008 Datacenter supports 64GB." [14:40] hey is it possible to install a distro directly from the desktop instead of burning it into a cd or a usb stick??? [14:40] gangil: if i had £1 for everytime !ff35 got typed in an average day at the moment.... [14:40] I installed firefox-3.5, but i cannot run it from the applications menu. I have to run it from terminal. then when I run it, it says that the name of the program is Shiretoko. Does anyone know what this is? [14:41] gangil: asking for hardy, [14:41] logic: wubi installer does what you require. [14:41] gangil: NOT hardy++ whatever [14:41] tel0s: isn't wubi installer the program for win? does it work in ubuntu too?? [14:41] unr3a1: the version of firefox-3.5 in the repositories currently is the *beta*, its codename is Shiretoko [14:41] oh ok [14:41] logic: im unsure. there may be a buntu equivalent. [14:42] Pici... any idea when it will be non-beta in the repositories, and I will be able to replace my firefox 3.0.11 install with 3.5? [14:42] tel0s: could you help me to look for it or for some alternative? [14:42] logic:what do you want to do exactly [14:42] logic: one moment. [14:42] SandGorgon: what do you do ? just like that [14:43] unr3a1: When testing is completed, and no. You will need to use the firefox-3.5 package, we arent replacing the ff-3.0 package with 3.5 [14:43] Halitech, maybe you can help me. I'm just trying to sync files once in awhile. But it's a lot. And when I tried Grsync it kept getting stuck on .lost+found [14:43] by the way firefox is deadly slow on ubuntu. i hope they will solve.. [14:43] indus: i'd like to install Fluxbuntu in my pc, and now i am running the normal ubuntu.. i would love to use a light WM.. so i prefer installing a pre-installed distro:) [14:43] Pici: what do you mean 'we' [14:43] Pici: from what i know, firefox 3.0.11 will become ff 3.5 [14:44] gangil, I have had to look on some financial data, which comes bundled in large excel files... I do open them on OO tho [14:44] Pici: in jaunty at least [14:44] logic: Fluxbuntu is just ubuntu with flux installed, just sudo apt-get install fluxbox and change your session at the login screen [14:44] whats the best game for ubuntu which doesnt concentrate on 3d......its just i cant get my graphics card to work [14:44] anyone have any idea on my boot issue? [14:44] indus: Where did you get that information? [14:44] Pici: well all day inside this channel [14:44] Pici: where are you getting your information? [14:44] SandGorgon: :) nice [14:44] !ff3.5 [14:44] hi all I have a lot op .psd (windows / photoshop) files I am wondering if there is a image viewer / file browser for Linux / Ubuntu which can view these files. [14:44] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [14:45] tel0s: what i'm looking for is not exactly fluxbox.... i'm looking for ubuntu with the fluxbox wm... and i'm not so good at geeky things.. so i prefer to be cautious and just install the preinstalled distro.. [14:45] Pici.. so FF 3.5 is going to remain a different package from FF 3.0.11? [14:45] indus: The ubuntu mozillateam [14:45] Pici: hmm thats funny, why do we need 2 diff firefox in jaunty? are we crazy ? [14:45] uhok, never really done anything with syncing files so no idea [14:46] indus: There are two different versions in Jaunty already [14:46] logic: im unsure what you're saying: you say you don't want fluxbox, you're looking for ubuntu with teh fluxbox wm, which is exactly what you'll get if you install it from the repos. [14:46] Pici: why are they doing it that way? Why not replace 3.0.11 with 3.5? [14:46] jaapvisser, GIMP should open psd files [14:46] tel0s: hang on a sec.. could we talk in pvt? [14:47] Pici: the packagers are crazy are they? all day in this channel, i was told it will become the official package in jaunty [14:47] baah nvm now [14:47] logic: user's on this channel aren't supposed to pvt.... [14:47] @Halitech I know but I only want to browse quickly through them. [14:47] jaapvisser, default image viewer or gthumb should be enough [14:47] jaapvisser, This isn't twitter [14:47] I am confused, why are they keeping 3.0.11 separate from 3.5? [14:47] is there anyone here who knows how to configure openswan? [14:47] unr3a1, different codebases [14:47] so , what only karmic users get the new ff as official release? [14:48] i dont have a write access on /dev/sda7. how to give a permission? [14:48] indus, No, just grab it from mozilla.org and install it in /opt/ [14:48] Does Rhythmbox support album-art for ipods? I backported to Amarok 1.4 but I'm fed up. [14:48] okey deany will look at gthumb. [14:48] ptrm, be root [14:48] jaapvisser, other then GIMP I haven;t heard any but deany thinks the default or gthumb will work [14:48] setuid: The firefox-3.5 package will be updated to be the final version in Jaunty [14:48] unr3a1: Not everybody will want to upgrade, some people may have a reason to stay on an older and in theory, more stable version [14:48] tnx.. [14:48] ptrm, you have to mount it [14:48] this is disappointing indeed [14:48] rudeboy_xix: it is mounted. [14:48] thats wierd [14:48] ptrm, what are you trying to do to /dev/sda7? [14:48] when 3.0 was released it replaced the old 2.x version [14:49] DJones: firefox is not stable at all with 3.0.... and 3.5 aims to fix most of those issues [14:49] then you have to be root [14:49] ptrm: You need to access the place to where it is mounted, not the device node [14:49] Juppp: i'm trying to change /boot/grub/menu.lst on /dev/sda7 [14:49] Pici: i was under the impression FF 3.1 is renamed to 3.5 (read taht from mozilla devs) [14:49] Gun_Smoke: where can I get that info for ubuntu , the blog you directed me to explains the *windows* way [14:50] yah, soreau is right [14:50] gtg bye [14:50] ptrm, try editing the file as root [14:50] i can see the files on file manager but cant write on it. [14:50] indus: From Ubuntu or from Mozilla? [14:50] Juppp: cant i do it as user? [14:51] my systems hard drive is failing... anyon know where i can get a newish IDE drive? [14:51] ptrm, try "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" from the terminal [14:51] ptrm, no you won't be able to do it as user. [14:51] !gksudo | Juppp [14:51] Juppp: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [14:51] Juppp: but it is on /dev/sda7. i'm on /dev/sda5 right now. [14:51] hi guys. When starting up the LiveCD for ubuntu 9.x, i select to try ubuntu, but then the screen freezes on "Loading, please wait.." while my keyboard lights flash. Is there a way to see any logs/startup messages to see whats going wrong? [14:51] ptrm, use terminal [14:51] gardar: newegg or tiger direct might be a good start. google.com is your friend [14:52] ptrm: Use the terminal and open the file with your favorite text editor with sudo. You will need to know to where /dev/sda7 is mounted though [14:52] wok: ctrl + alt + f1 [14:52] deany and halitech tested gthumb which is a nice file browser sad enhough my CS4 .psd files are not displayed >:( [14:52] Pici: This is probably what indus was referring to re the firefox name change https://developer.mozilla.org/devnews/index.php/2009/03/06/shiretoko-to-be-named-firefox-35/ [14:52] wok: should show you the messages [14:52] Why would both Ubuntu and Xubuntu drop me to a text prompt without any error message when I try to boot from the Desktop CD? I'm using a disc I just burned, the checksum was good on the ISO, the disc is verified. I'm trying to get Ubuntu or at least Xubuntu installed on an older generic PC for a friend. It's got 512 Mb RAM and a 1GHz AMD processor. [14:52] where can i get firefox 3.5 for ubuntu hardy [14:53] twig11: Which gpu? [14:53] where do i find my boot logs ? (ubuntu 810 64bit) [14:53] iceroot, trying now. im presuming that will work before the loader even starts? [14:53] twig11: what gfx card do oyu have? [14:53] soreau: I'm not sure. how do I find out? [14:53] wok: dont know [14:53] twig11: it seems your graphics settings weren't detected properly. [14:53] twig11: lspci|grep VGA [14:53] twig11: lspci [14:53] wok: try remove splash and quiet from the kernel boot line [14:53] soreau: if you use grep -i it makes it case insensitive ;) [14:54] ActionParsnip: And? [14:54] wok: that way you can see where its failing [14:54] ActionParsnip: grepping for VGA is completely sufficient for this application [14:54] Ok, will try that now [14:54] wok: also when booting try turning acpi off, that seems to be a boot stopper for me sometimes [14:55] soreau: is that command formatted exactly the way I should type it? [14:55] soreau: just letting you know as if you get users who type instead of copy / pasting then it wont find it [14:55] twig11: yes [14:55] how do i play mp3 in ubuntu [14:55] hi, i have a modem/faxmodem in a pci slot [14:55] ActionParsnip: Ahh.. shame for them :) [14:55] soreau: just a friendly point, tahts all [14:55] i have a problem with 64bit ubuntu 810, when i start my machine it starts to boot, displays boot logo, but unless i push random keys on the kb ubuntu hangs [14:55] how would i figure out what name it would be in /dev/? [14:55] soreau: indeed shame for them ;) [14:55] jaapvisser, weird, I thought they would of.. Try gwenview, its a kde app so will need extra packages installed [14:55] hey when i play any soundtrack the volume is very low [14:55] i need help [14:55] im trying to setup hylafax [14:56] ActionParsnip: I don't usually think in noob mode, so thanks for that reasoning [14:56] kabboo: launch your volume mixer and crank the sliders [14:56] booting my system with a fresh install is hanging [14:56] hmm, i dont see any errors when it freezes [14:56] h [14:56] Hello, can someone please tell me how to slow down my DVD-burner when watching movies. I have tried 'hdparm -E 2 /dev/sr0 and it says it sets the speed but nothing happens. === dren_ is now known as dren [14:56] soreau: its hard to noob mode sometimes, real frustrating but its needed :( [14:56] deany will see if gwenview will work >;0 [14:57] soreau: I just get "not found" [14:57] last message is Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4, then freezes with keyboard lights flashing [14:57] any ideas? [14:57] twig11: When typing 'lspci' without quotes? [14:57] how do i install mp3 codec in ubuntu? [14:57] papul, you don't, don't use mp3s [14:58] gangil: have a look at google.. like bigmem 32bit etc... you'll find something.. better yet search google.com/linux [14:58] wok: try booting with another keyboard? [14:58] papna: Install ubuntu-restricted-modules iirc [14:58] !restricted | papul [14:58] papul: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [14:58] C-S-B, this is just a standard keyboard though :/ will see if i have a spare though.. [14:58] hi all [14:59] soreau: "ell-es-pee-see-eye?" [14:59] it wouldnt be the BIOS setting to set num-lock upon boot will it? [14:59] twig11: correct [14:59] jaapvisser, hangon [14:59] sure [14:59] jaapvisser, im trying something called libgdk-pixbuf2 [14:59] mickster04: supergrub didthe job :) [14:59] how do I properly uninstall deb packages downloaded from web or other sources ? [14:59] can someone help? [15:00] !ask | Dekko [15:00] Dekko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:00] soreau: that's how I typed it. (It's on a different computer and I can't cut and paste) [15:00] !ask [15:00] h4f, use synaptic and search for the package [15:00] twig11: And it says command not found? If it's xubuntu you have to install it.. lemme see which package it's found in [15:00] how to activate ubuntu recovery screen /blue box/ [15:00] ? [15:01] twig11: apt-get install pciutils [15:01] h4f; they normally appear in synaptic (status - installed local or obsolete) [15:01] Juppp: ok thanks . how do I properly uninstall compiled from source package ? [15:01] soreau: I haven't installed anything yet. I'm trying to do the initial boot. [15:01] Has anyone upgraded to Firefox 3.5 on 8.10 yet? What's the best way to go about doing it? [15:01] h4f, "make uninstall" in the directory were you built the source [15:01] thanks Gun_Smoke I didnt know that part of google :) [15:02] Juppp, rudeboy_xix, soreau: Can't i edit it on filemanager as root? === carlos is now known as Guest54807 [15:02] ptrm: Yes, though I wouldn't recommend it [15:02] Juppp: ok. where should I install my packages. usually I drop everything on desktop [15:02] how to save ubuntu log when it`s starts? [15:03] h4f, deb packages? [15:03] okay semi-emergency here, i have to leave to base in less than 3 days, and i have a media storage drive hooked up to my ubuntu 9.04 system, being served through various means. the drive type is FAT32, but the file system keeps jumping to read only!!!!! re-formatting isnt an option as there are hundreds of gigs worth of stuff on there. if it helps, this only started after i installed gtkpod. please help me! its not often i come in here and [15:03] beg! [15:03] ubuntuUSR, /var/log/dmesg? [15:03] i want a good download manager for ubuntu [15:03] soreau: Please just tell me how ? [15:03] gh0stp, You can't have "hundreds of gigs" on FAT32 [15:03] Juppp: deb are installing automaticly. I am talking about compiled from source one [15:03] gh0stp, Just check the fs with fsck.vfat [15:03] MultiGet, seems the best file downloader in ubuntu at present [15:04] twig11: Well, you can install in text mode, but it's likely when you boot it you'll still have the same problem.. which is your graphics chipset driver is not working properly. So, I'd recommend using the vesa video driver which is the 'justworks' driver. You have to put Driver "vesa" in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf [15:04] Juppp: where is the standart place for them [15:04] ptrm: You still haven't revealed to where /dev/sda7 is mounted [15:04] setuid: what is fsck.vfat and how do i run it? [15:04] gh0stp, man fsck.vfat [15:04] h4f, "make install" will put them in the right place [15:04] setuid: is it current? i mean it can`t be old one? [15:04] soreau: is that something a novice can do with the right coaching? [15:05] : ) [15:05] Juppp: and then I can delete the folder from where I do make install ? [15:05] twig11: I guess.. yea [15:05] but I have to go to work here after while [15:05] soreau: that's me. [15:05] gh0stp: i'd run it from a live cd environment [15:05] gh0stp: its needed if you are checking your root fs [15:05] ActionParsnip, his rootfs can't be FAT32, so that's not the case [15:05] twig11: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf <-- run that after it's loaded to the live command prompt [15:05] gh0stp: if its a removable storage its fine in the booted system [15:05] h4f, yes but if you do then you won't be able to uninstall (I think) [15:06] setuid: given [15:06] hello. how do i add the logout session to the Alt+Ctrl+Del window? [15:06] Juppp: hm. looks a bit weird for me. [15:06] gh0stp: you'll need sudo fsck.vfat /dev/ gh0stp: sudo fdisk -l will show you the disk names [15:06] twig11: If you're using Jaunty, it will likely have a Device section, but no Driver line so you would add: Driver "vesa" [15:06] i think i saw it once on ubuntu site, but can't find it now... [15:06] jaapvisser, ok didnt work.. i`m trying krita. Cant you just convert them? [15:06] <_talon> hello, does somebody here know about sshfs? [15:07] soreau: sorry, can you put the whole command in quotes? [15:07] twig11: No, it's not that simple [15:07] <``Cube> when is ubuntu 8.10 going to adapt firefox 3.5? [15:07] !ff [15:07] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [15:08] twig11: There is a series of commands and actions you have to perform [15:08] <``Cube> !firefox-3.5 [15:08] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [15:08] if i`d like paste log which web page is prefferd? [15:08] ``Cube, probably won't see it in 8.10 [15:08] !pastebin | ubuntuUSR [15:08] ubuntuUSR: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [15:08] <``Cube> Halitech: crap [15:08] twig11: Is the machine on which you're loading the live cd connected to the net? [15:08] Which is the fastest browser on ubuntu firefox/opera/chrome ? [15:08] firefox [15:08] ``Cube, language [15:08] imo [15:08] soreau: I understand that. I just wanted to make sure I got the initial command right. [15:08] !best | gangil [15:08] gangil: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [15:08] <``Cube> Halitech: I got easy peasy, which doesn't let me install 9.04 [15:08] soreau: no I'm not connected on that machine. [15:09] <``Cube> joaopinto: cry me a river [15:09] soreau: how to reveal ? [15:09] ``Cube, if you want it, you'll have to install it manually from the mozilla site [15:09] deany the gdk-pixbuf lib is just a library ..... indeed maybe i can better make a simple batch to convert them to a easier format.... maybe test something with wine [15:09] ok thanx [15:09] twig11: Oh ok then "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and it would ease things if you were connected [15:09] ptrm: mount [15:09] i hope i`ll paste log over there someone is help me out [15:09] ptrm: Just type 'mount' without quotes in your terminal [15:09] <``Cube> Halitech: yeah, got that. thanks [15:10] i am having problems with translation_en_in [15:10] gangil: firpup is fast, or swiftfox [15:10] gangil: firefox stock is pretty slow but is getting better [15:10] soreau: I don't have any way of getting it online at the moment. I'm on a wireless network and no wired available in this building. Running the command now... [15:10] <_talon> can sshfs be used with corkscrew? [15:10] jaapvisser, imagemagick can batch convert [15:10] soreau: it is /media/disk [15:11] soreau: wierd. "sudo: not found" [15:11] yeah I believe even gimp can do the job... [15:11] ptrm: In that case you need to run 'gksudo gedit /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst' [15:11] twig11: ugh, which live cd is this? [15:11] soreau: that's good, thank you! [15:11] <``Cube> joaopinto: crying yet? [15:11] jaapvisser, the pixbuf thing is aso the name of something someone was/is making for eog/gthumb to handle psd files.. I thought maybe it was that. [15:12] soreau: you understand I'm at the BusyBox v1.10.2 command prompt? [15:12] twig11: Uhm..... no [15:12] hey my volume in ubuntu is very low [15:12] twig11: You said ubuntu or xubuntu [15:12] i need help [15:12] kabboo: Try running 'alsamixer' from your terminal [15:12] jaapvisser, works. http://code.google.com/p/gdk-pixbuf-psd/ [15:12] soreau: I've got xubuntu 9.04 Desktop CD in now. [15:12] does any body know. is it possible to run 2 or more apt-get at the same time ? or at least put requests in a queue ? [15:13] <_talon> kaboo: alsamixer [15:13] <_talon> h4f: for i in 1 2 3 4; do apt-get xxxx; done [15:13] h4f: No and why not do: apt-get install package1 package2 package3 etc? [15:13] _talon: but usually I browse. then install. then I found something new and again. [15:14] <``Cube> twig11: what's busybox? [15:14] Pici: cause (17:13:58) [15:14] looks great >:) the google gdk-pixbuf ... looking how to hook it up with a default gthumb now [15:14] h4f: Well you're out of luck then, sorry. [15:14] twig11: Well.. you need to install sudo or get to a root shell.. why in the heck are you using busy box? [15:14] soreau: [15:15] oops === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [15:15] I am not able to boot a a fresh install of xubuntu on my desktop. It also won't boot the live install CD [15:15] thank you soreau so much [15:16] jpbaao_: What are the cpu specs and where does it get stuck at? [15:16] how do i play games using wine that require directx? [15:16] kabboo: no problem [15:16] ! wine | papul [15:16] papul: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [15:16] soreau: I need instructions on how to do that. BusyBox is where I get dropped when I'm trying to boot from the Desktop CD. I get the language menu, then the boot and install options, then the Xubuntu splash screen for about a minute, then the BusyBox command prompt. What should I be doing different? [15:16] twig11: Not using xubuntu? :P [15:16] * Dekko got eject -t -x 2 for slowing down DVD playback, but is there a way to make it "permanent"? [15:16] is firefox 3.5 final coming to the jaunty repos soon? [15:17] i installed a 32 bit version of ubuntu intrepid on my dual core machine, can i change it from inside my current os? [15:17] !ff35 > SirFunk [15:17] SirFunk, please see my private message [15:17] hey i have done an UML diagram in Umbrello, and i want to paste the diagram into openoffice, which i am unable to do using copy paste...does anyone have any idea how i can get it.. [15:17] soreau: it sticks on "unable to execute '/sbin/getty' for tty1 no such file or directory" [15:17] twig11: I don't understand why they don't have pciutils and sudo installed by default at the very least :/ [15:17] soreau: There's no linux installed on the system now, if that's what you're asking. [15:17] gangil: no problem.. [15:17] twig11: No, I'm just getting frustrated with xubuntu [15:17] SandGorgon: ahh, ok, so soon.. i just installed it (i think from the universe repo?) and it installed b4? [15:18] will the final be named firefox? or firefox-3.5 instead of shiretoko? [15:18] twig11: Try 'su' without quotes [15:18] allow multiple apt-get http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/5212/ . will it goes ever implemented ? [15:18] soreau: just su? [15:18] yes [15:18] soreau: not found [15:18] h4f: Probably not [15:18] wow [15:18] can i change my 32 bit ubuntu intrepid into 64 bit without reinstalling? [15:18] use " sudo su "instead [15:18] anomymous, no [15:19] solar-ubuntu: sudo: not found [15:19] soreau: compaq d220, 1.24 gig ram, 30 and 40 gig HD, NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400 [15:19] hey i have done an UML diagram in Umbrello, and i want to paste the diagram into openoffice, which i am unable to do using copy paste...does anyone have any idea how i can get it.. [15:19] twig11: Well I don't know what's going on then, you might try #xubuntu to see why it doesn't have sudo installed by default. Otherwise, use ubuntu (which has pciutils and sudo installed by default) [15:19] Pici: :( . ok other question. Did you use new feature. It is related to update the kernel without reboot [15:19] SirFunk: shiretoko is the beta codename of Firefox. Please see the message from ubottu regarding the details. [15:19] SirFunk, it should not be firefox-3.5 .. it should be plain ole "firefox" .. that happens when the overlords decide [15:19] anomymous, might be able to keep your home folder (ifts on its own partition) tho to save setting the apps up [15:19] soreau: you understand I'm still at the BusyBox command prompt? [15:19] jpbaao_: What about the cpu? [15:19] twig11: I do now [15:19] h4f: I'm not sure I understand your question. [15:19] or maybe i`m wrong. ive never had 64bit in my life [15:20] soreau: I'll put the Ubuntu CD in now and we can start over if you want. [15:20] anyone can really help me [15:20] ok, can i install a new 64 bit version on an usb-stick? [15:20] twig11: I have to go to work in about 30 minutes [15:20] Pici: http://www.ksplice.com/uptrack/ [15:20] twig11, sounds to me like something isn't being detected properly, possibly the video card [15:20] soreau: sorry, u did ask that... celeron 2.4Ghz [15:20] soreau: no prob, thanks for all the help. [15:21] i hust install ubuntu but when in desktop i only got a half scree [15:21] i just install ubuntu but when in desktop i only got a half scree [15:21] anyone can really help me [15:21] can i install a new 64 bit version with usb device as intermedium? [15:21] hello. how do i add the logout session to the Alt+Ctrl+Del window? [15:21] robin: try change resolution [15:21] <-- Newb with wireless problems is back again, Hi all [15:21] h4f: Thats not a feature developed or currently supported by Ubuntu, you'd need to speak to ksplice about it. [15:21] jpbaao_: Then it should be loading.. [15:21] hey all, i am trying to run the update manager, and I am getting this error: http://pastebin.com/m7e3a7dbb [15:22] Trying to unmount an USB stick, Disk Mounter 2.26.1 complaints: "Cannot unmount volume. An application is preventing the volume 'Cruizer1' from being unmounted". How can I determine what application that is? [15:22] Pici: thanks :) [15:22] any idea when firefox 3.5 will be in the main repos? [15:22] ExMachina: When it is done being tested, no eta yet. [15:22] unr3a1, did you run it as sudo? [15:22] anyone can help how come i cant get a full screen destop all i get is a center destop which black at e side [15:22] anyone can help how come i cant get a full screen destop all i get is a center destop which black at e side [15:22] how do i change the logout options dialog back to what it was on ubuntu 810? [15:22] !patience | robin [15:22] robin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [15:22] So I installed ndisgtk but when I selected my inf file and hit "install" it has frozen [15:22] ExMachina, from what I understand, it wont be. it will not be replacing 3.0.x. It will simply be installed along side it [15:22] soreau: live cd just freezes, and tty processes terminate with status 225 [15:23] !ff35 > ExMachina [15:23] ExMachina, please see my private message [15:23] unr3a1, um, why? [15:23] jpbaao_: That's no right at all :p [15:23] Halitech, my update icon in my task bar is a red circle with a black line through it. and I get that error when I click on it [15:23] ExMachina, no idea [15:23] hey i have done an UML diagram in Umbrello, and i want to paste the diagram into openoffice for the purpose of documentation, which i am unable to do using copy paste...does anyone have any idea how i can get it.. [15:23] unr3a1, try updating from the terminal? [15:23] ExMachina: Because Ubuntu strives for stability, not latest updates. [15:23] bullgard4: was that with sudo at the start? [15:23] soreau: it isn't helping win my wife away from that other OS [15:23] Yes. [15:23] Pici, lol what? ubuntu strives for stability? that's a new one [15:24] oldude67: Yes. [15:24] Not sure what to do with a frozen process in Ubuntu [15:24] if i wanted stability i'd be using debian [15:24] anyone can help how come i cant get a full screen destop all i get is a center destop which black at e side [15:24] jpbaao_: No doubt.. did you say this is a Jaunty live cd 9.04 and that you already ran the cd check utility? [15:24] I wouldn't be using a generic kernel that installs a million modules (eg ath5k) as well as loading proprietary ath5000 [15:24] LogicalGhost: kill it [15:24] How? [15:24] (from earlier versions of ubuntu) [15:24] soreau: tried the live CD on the laptop I'm on now and it works fine. did run cd check and it checks out [15:24] ExMachina: We really rarely update package mid-release anyway [15:25] Does anyone know if keyserver.ubuntu.com is down, and where it should be reported if it is? [15:25] soreau, how? [15:25] could someone help me install a vpn-service called Relakks on ubuntu? [15:25] Halitech, I already did, but the update icon in the task bar is that red circle with the black minus sign. [15:25] * WeEeE __doc__ sei un lamer! [15:25] soreau: it is xubuntu Jaunty, but i've tried kub and ub with the sane result... [15:25] How can I force which repo the package is comming from? I need the ffmpeg package from the Multiverse :-( [15:25] Pici, except the update manager is always peskering me about updating this package blah blah blah [15:25] LogicalGhost: Which process is it? [15:25] jpbaao_: You mean s/sabe/same [15:25] d'oh [15:25] jpbaao_: You mean s/sane/same [15:25] soreau: ndisgtk . . . I think? [15:26] <``Cube> joaopinto: ping [15:26] ExMachina, Ubuntu is extrememly stable === joshthecoder_afk is now known as joshthecoder [15:26] I downloaded it from the documentation site [15:26] soreau: same [15:26] unr3a1, have you tried a reboot to see if that clears up whatever is jamming it up? [15:26] ExMachina: Mostly for security/high impact bugs, NOT new versions with new features. [15:26] can anyone help me install a vpn-service? [15:26] Halitech, not yet.. :P [15:26] lol [15:26] LogicalGhost: Try 'ps ax|grep ndis' to see it, then kill the process using the PID (process id) 'kill ' or 'killall ' [15:26] subzero2000: It was really really slow for me yesterday. I ended up trying a few times and eventually got it to respond :/ [15:27] unr3a1, I know its usually a windows fix but sometimes we still have to [15:27] soreau: So I should open up a terminal? I'll try that . . [15:27] hoşçakalın / bye [15:27] Halitech, yea... alright, I will try that then [15:27] bullgard4: what do you get when you go to terminal and type in apt-get update? [15:27] can someone tell me how to figure out why "sudo chmod 777 -R /media/disk/" wouldnt work? [15:27] jpbaao_: Not sure what's going on then. Try a different OS for testing maybe? not really sure what's going on. Maybe ask in #linux [15:27] Pici: Yeah, slow is an understatement. Having the connection timeout is usually more a sign of down rather than slow, but it's nice to know I'm not alone here ... :) [15:27] soreau: thanks! i'll give it a shot. [15:28] how do i make it so that my other partitions are mounted when i boot up === kelvin is now known as Guest6060 [15:28] Zopiac: /etc/fstab? [15:28] soreau: I entered in that command and got six processes and I'm not sure which one it is [15:28] subzero2000: I'll see if I can bug someone about it [15:28] Zopiac: /etc/fstab [15:28] LogicalGhost: You have to figure it out [15:28] hi.. how can i change the way when linux changes my cpu frequency? because on "ondemand", the load is up to 60% and it still doesn't rise the frequency [15:29] Why does the Ubuntu Jaunty Desktop CD keep dropping me to the BusyBox command prompt when I try to boot from the CD? Xubuntu does the same thing. I'm trying to install ubuntu for a friend on an old generic machine with 512 Mb RAM and a 1GHz processor with two hard drives, each with an illegal copy of XP Professional which has gotten pretty unstable. [15:29] Guest6060: do i just add the /dev/sdax to it? or like /dev/sdax /media/disk? [15:29] Pici: Thanks. Didn't know if there was a more appropriate room for Ubuntu issues like that or not. [15:29] can someone tell me how to figure out why "sudo chmod 777 -R /media/disk/" wouldnt work? [15:29] twig11: I had the same problem with an HP Mini 1000 - I think I ended up using the alternate CD. [15:29] deany the gdk-pixbuf-psd does not work... will go for the batch conversion route or hook up a wine program many tnx for your help and suggestions [15:29] /dev/sdax /media/disk auto defaults 0 0 [15:30] jaapvisser, does for me.. loads in image viewer (EOG) and Gthumb [15:30] Guest6060: thanks [15:30] soreau: gksu /usr/sbin/ndisgtk python /usr/sbin/ndisgtk [ndis_wq] [wrapndis_wq] grep ndis [15:30] currently not testing from a ubuntu box >:) will try that later at home. [15:30] <``Cube> joaopinto: ping!!! [15:30] LogicalGhost: I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish ultimately [15:31] Install a wireless driver [15:31] hi ,i want to make fakeraid0 with 2 disk 250gb ..how good is speed from raid0 in ubuntu? "sorry for my english" [15:31] gh0stp, sounds like an external usb drive, is it? if so, is it actually mounted there and not made another folder called media/disk1? === DoN is now known as Guest24052 [15:32] deany: checking now [15:32] <``Cube> joaopinto [15:32] this machine had a bit newer gtk maybe that's why... [15:32] gh0stp, also, try unmounting it, and mounting it again after the chmod [15:32] LogicalGhost: What is your wifi chip listed as in the output of 'lspci'? [15:32] ``Cube, I am away [15:32] Morning all [15:32] deany: double checked mount point, have re-mounted it several times [15:32] <``Cube> joaopinto: so who just answered? [15:33] deany:FS is FAT32 [15:33] gh0stp, doh! then [15:33] Can anyone assist me with using vncpasswd to authenticate using vncviewer from the command line [15:33] soreau: I really have no idea. Possibly [15:33] gh0stp, should be able to read/write it automatically [15:33] gh0stp: i reckon the linux style file permissions are not applicable to fat32 systems [15:33] soreau: "Modem: Intel Corporation", but it's a really old comp so it might actually be a modem and not the wireless [15:33] gh0stp: but when automounted as usbdevice you have all write & read permissions, right? [15:33] deany that's funny eog does work with the gdk-pixbuf-psd .... that's great! [15:34] LogicalGhost: Is it a PCI card or what? [15:34] i can but many other utilities and programs cannot, IE: apache,the chmod command xD also intermitantly it will cahnge to a "read only file system" === darek is now known as Guest63656 [15:34] gh0stp, is it possible to format it again? sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/whatever and try remounting it.. if not, format to ext [15:35] jaapvisser, does with gthumb too [15:35] soreau: There's a PCI bridge . . . two entries like that, would that be it? ISA? IDE? SMBus? [15:35] Hey guys how do I configuer Grub to stop giving me an grub error 22 message? Or remove it completely please? I want to install windows 7 on a drive that previously had ubuntu. [15:35] hehe [15:35] I have win 7 BETA on the other drive. [15:35] jaapvisser, gthumb is more of a acdsee type viewer. [15:35] well not with my gthumb yet but it solved the problem.... [15:35] <``Cube> Starbucks: lol [15:35] LogicalGhost: In the lspci output it should be apparent which one it is [15:35] Starbucks, you'll need to repair the MBR with windows [15:35] How could I do that please? [15:35] formatting is out of the Question outright, it needs to be fat32 due to my PS3, and it has 500GB of 700mb movies on it [15:36] ``Cube: Why 'lol'? [15:36] <``Cube> Starbucks: why not? [15:36] any help with vpn? [15:36] gh0stp, ok. well there is no need to do chmod on it, because fat32 does not support linux permissions. you shouldnt need to do anything really. just plug it in and go [15:36] ive ran checks on it and repaired any errors, for now its just straight up permissions [15:36] Starbucks, boot from the windows cd and go into the recovery option and run fixmbr [15:36] soreau: You're assuming I have some idea about what I'm doing . . . [15:37] LogicalGhost: Yes, I do now [15:37] hmmmm. any idea why apache wouldnt be able to access it through a symlink then? [15:37] LogicalGhost: Sorry, misread. [15:37] it could access a symlink to my /home fine [15:37] Where do I find the recovery option? [15:37] LogicalGhost: No, I don't assume you know what you're doing, but installing a driver first requires you know which device you're trying to get working [15:37] It says command prompt but I've tried fixmbr and nothing worked. [15:37] I believe there is an error in ubuntu 9. I have a fresh install and realize that when I MOVE TO TRASH it is actually deleted and the trash bin shows nothing inside. Any ideas? [15:38] gh0stp: i don't think symlinks work on fat32 [15:38] <``Cube> Starbucks: tell me, why not? [15:38] Starbucks, when you boot the install it should give the option to recover [15:38] ``Cube: can you move on? [15:38] :( are you kidding me?! [15:38] Nope doesn't seem to...but I will try again. [15:38] <``Cube> Myrtti: yeah, im sorry. please answer that. [15:38] I just looked on the documentation site and it said if you need to install a driver to install ndisgtk, so I clicked on it, and it seemed pretty straightforward [15:38] gh0stp: you're better of doing apache on a native linux filesystem like ext3 [15:38] cube your fine to say lol obviously I just wondered what you were lolling about xD. [15:38] hi [15:38] Nice easy graphical interface [15:38] Starbucks, might also be repair [15:38] gh0stp: you'll run into file permissions troubles & symlink troubles like you're doing now [15:38] unable to mount [15:39] unclean shutdown [15:39] what if i symlink to a symlink created on my home FS? my local FS is EXT4, the storage drive is FAT32(it can't be anything else due to compat. issues) [15:39] I've just been googling also...I found something called super grub. Could this be useful? [15:39] Mint IRC channel? [15:40] !mintsupport | seevee [15:40] seevee: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org [15:40] gh0stp: no idea, google for "symlink fat32" and "chmod fat32". [15:40] Starbucks, that will work as well (from what I've read) [15:40] !mount [15:40] mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [15:40] I just don't know which version I should download. [15:40] LogicalGhost: ndiswrapper is a way to use wifi drivers designed for windows, in linux. It is possible that there is already a linux native driver for your hardware, and lspci should tell you what your hardware chipset is. If it's not listed there in lspci, it is likely not plugged in or some other physical hardware issue [15:40] oldude67: This does not help. === chaky_ is now known as chaky [15:41] soreau: Damn, okay. So with ndisgtk, should I just try to force a restart? [15:41] LogicalGhost: No, you should stop and decipher the output of 'lspci', and identifying your hardware then telling us what it is exactly [15:42] djiezes: interesting link http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-do-i-chmod-fat32-635778/ sorry for the trouble, but could you "dumb this down" for me? lol [15:42] hey i have done an UML diagram in Umbrello, and i want to paste the diagram into openoffice for the purpose of documentation, which i am unable to do using copy paste...does anyone have any idea how i can get it.. [15:42] gh0stp: fat32 does not support links period [15:43] damn. thank you [15:43] Hi, I added the Skype repo to my software sources list and updated but when I search for skype nothing comes up. Also I tried installing skype from the .deb and the installer told me that the same packagee was available in the software channel and that it should installed from there. [15:43] hello [15:43] :\ === root is now known as Guest23886 [15:43] thanks to all that helped me!! appreciate it! [15:43] Hi, I believe there is an error in ubuntu 9. I have a fresh install and realized that when I right click and "MOVE TO TRASH" it is actually deleted and the trash bin shows nothing inside. Any ideas? [15:43] Much love for the netbook ReMix [15:43] soreau: if it's the ones that start with PCI I've got "PCI Bridge: Intel Corporation 82855PM Processor to I/O Controller (rev 03)" and "PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82810 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev 83)" [15:44] LogicalGhost: It will most likely start with 'Ethernet Controller' [15:44] gh0stp: that link says how to mount a fat32 partition at boot with all read/write/execute permissions. symlink still won't work. [15:45] djiezes: thanks for clarifying, ill look into a back-up reformat solution [15:45] soreau: "Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5705 Gigabit Ethernet"? [15:45] hello, are there some easy general fast ways to making ubuntu desktop overall "more secure"? [15:45] user1__: define more secure [15:45] fonts are too sharp and not clear in ff3.5 in ubuntu 9.04 [15:45] can I perhaps easly sandbox internet-exposed apps like firefox, kmail [15:45] Tick`: [15:45] LogicalGhost: Do you have anything that talks about wifi there? [15:45] !ff35 [15:45] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [15:45] soreau: No [15:46] gh0stp: only solution i can think of with having to back up is resizing your fat32 partition and adding an ext3/ext4 partition for whatever it is you want to do with apache on there. [15:46] LogicalGhost: Ok, then that's probably it. sec [15:46] user1__: don't install outside of ubuntu official repositories, install chkrootkit [15:46] gh0stp: but resizing without backing up is a bad idea ... [15:46] and some security framework to make programs, users, more isolated? [15:47] LogicalGhost: Can you show the link where it's telling to use ndisgtk? [15:47] Hi, i have a new laptop, Dell XPS 16, and SOMETIMES, when ubuntu is going to boot "starting" i get CRC ERROR System halted, i power it off, and then power it on, and it boots OK. That happens sometimes, any idea? [15:47] how do i change the logout options dialog back to what it was on ubuntu 810? [15:47] soreau: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html#troubleshooting-wireless-ndiswrapper [15:47] deany also working with gthumb now had another version running in the background so had to kill all gthumb programs first.... bit stupid ... === TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF] [15:47] javb: are you booting from CD? [15:48] xman, no, from hard disk [15:48] user1__: SELinux tightly restricts permissions per application, it isn't sandboxing but it is quite effective. [15:48] javb: CRC mostly come when we have bad sectors on CD or Hard Drive [15:49] javb: you'll want to fsck your system [15:49] LogicalGhost: I googled and I can't find a linux driver (I do not care for BroadCom chipsets but that is not relevant here) so.. how far did you get? Do you have the windows .inf file? [15:49] xman, the computer is NEW, and it has dual boot with windows Vista... any idea on how to fix this problem? And WHY iis it SOMETIMES? [15:49] javb: New or not, doesn't matter. [15:50] I came on here about a week ago and someone else did something they sent me that has an inf file and they said it would work [15:50] Polarina, any idea on why "sometimes"? [15:50] javb: do fsck as djiezes is saying, may be it will work for you... [15:50] is there anyone who can help me with my problem regarding my intel GMA 3100 graphics, cause whenever I open my laptop, the brightness is always dim. [15:50] javb: Damaged memory. Try to run memtest86+ on it. [15:51] is there someone who can help me? [15:51] Polarian, i did memtest, and it PASSED [15:51] cman, "fsck" do i have to be out of the system to do that? [15:51] javb: How long was it running? [15:52] Polarina, 4 hours. [15:52] javb: Ok, I don't know then. [15:52] LogicalGhost: Try getting it from here or downloading the driver for XP from the broadcom site http://www.bioticaindia.com/bcm5705.html [15:52] gh0stp, how much data is on it and how much free [15:52] javb, yes, you can't check a mounted system [15:53] I was thinking that it may be the hard drive connection, maybe is bad connecred? [15:53] can someone help me remember what to hold down to boot from livecd? [15:53] soreau: So what should I do about the current frozen process? [15:53] what is the name of the package for the netbook remix launcher [15:54] elfinch, depends on your system [15:54] javb: Possibly electromagnetic interference. Are there any machineries around you that might cause that? === r7|znc is now known as Raff7 [15:54] Polarina, not that i know, i have gotten the error in different places [15:54] LogicalGhost: Kill it [15:54] Halitech: oh, well, i'm running ubuntu, trying to use clonezilla. is that enough info? [15:54] soreau: I don't know how, I've never done that in linux [15:55] LogicalGhost: I told you how already... [15:55] hello [15:55] LogicalGhost: Try 'ps ax|grep ndis' to see it, then kill the process using the PID (process id) 'kill ' or 'killall ' [15:55] elfinch, not really, what kind of computer? [15:55] deany: 223.9 GB used 241.6GB free === TamCore[oFF] is now known as TamCore [15:55] HELLO [15:55] elfinch: it depends on your motherboard BIOS. possibly the delete key, F11 or F8 [15:55] javb: I am not sure what might cause that then. [15:55] HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15:56] hello [15:56] kittu: hello? [15:56] soreau: but I don't know which process it is. It's the only thing running so would it be all six of them? Is there a process I shouldn't kill? [15:56] Halitech: oh, right ;) um, i386 (?i'm pretty sure) dell xps laptop [15:56] Halitech: do you want info about the processor ? [15:56] LogicalGhost: Kill them all [15:56] elfinch, could be F12 [15:56] HEYY HOW DO YOU DO?? [15:56] !offtopic | kittu [15:56] kittu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [15:56] gh0stp, hmm. might be able to split it to make 2, the other being ext. copying data from fat to ext, and then formatting fat32 to ext, then copyin data back to original location, then resize to make use of all space.. [15:56] Halitech: awesome, i will try it. thanks so much [15:56] !caps | kittu [15:56] kittu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [15:56] elfinch, no, just needed the computer type [15:57] I DONT UNDERSTAD ENGLIS [15:57] great idea, ill try, i will literally fall to my knees crying if i lose my data though xD [15:57] !es | kittu [15:57] kittu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [15:57] gh0stp, well, remove the 2nd ext partition and resize 1st to full space. [15:57] elfinch, when the system boots it should say something about press XX for boot menu [15:57] I SPEAK SPANISH!!! [15:57] sometimes when i run more heavy applications, my computer becomes really slow for a biref period of time before resuming to normal. I think its the cpu getting overloaded or something like that. Between these moments the apps workds just fine, so my wuestion is if there is any way to control the frequency of the cpu? [15:57] ban that troll [15:57] hi.. how can i change the way when linux changes my cpu frequency? because on "ondemand", the load is up to 60% and it still doesn't rise the frequency [15:57] derenrich: the situation is being handled, thank you [15:57] Polarina, what is driving me crazy is that the error is SOMETIMES, if there is something broken. IT IS broken. but it acts like it want to get broken, but doesn't finally break! [15:57] gh0stp, nothing in life is certain (death taxes and morons excluded) [15:58] soreau: I killed one but it keeps saying "Operation not permitted" when I try to kill the others [15:58] lol [15:58] LogicalGhost: Use sudo [15:58] gh0stp, ive resized an ext partition a couple times fine [15:58] javb, might be a wire connecting the hard drive to the motherboard has a slightly broken connection and flexing a certain way might make or break the connection [15:58] deany, I agree with you on the morons ~L~ [15:59] deany: lol [15:59] deany: should the new ext part. be primary or extended? [15:59] I need a command to start as early as possible in the boot process (right after nic starts). Where do I look? [15:59] How can I ssh through an ssh tunnel? [15:59] hey i have done an UML diagram in Umbrello, and i want to paste the diagram into openoffice for the purpose of documentation, which i am unable to do using copy paste...does anyone have any idea how i can get it.. [15:59] gh0stp, if there is only 1 already, and its primary, then primary. [15:59] Halitech, is a laptop.. i refuse to that idea, but i think that ill have to open it! [15:59] PerryArmstrong: export as svg or similar? [15:59] i only use extendeds when i HAVE to [15:59] javb: fsck first ... [16:00] supersasho, might need to change a setting in the BIOS to have it kick in sooner [16:00] crossing fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16:00] Halitech: ok, we'll see.. [16:00] there are netbook packages in the jaunty repos [16:00] javb, there is no wire to hdd in laptop usually. connector goes right to board [16:00] sometimes when i run more heavy applications, my computer becomes really slow for a biref period of time before resuming to normal. I think its the cpu getting overloaded or something like that. Between these moments the apps workds just fine, so my wuestion is if there is any way to control the frequency of the cpu? [16:00] djiezes: thanks :) surely it is one of these! [16:00] djiezes, i'll do that. Booting with a live cd? and then doing the fsck? [16:00] gh0stp, i know its a pain but defrag the fat32 first [16:00] is it safe to install? [16:00] soreau: Okay I think I killed it [16:00] soreau: I have to go, thanks for your help [16:00] javb, if its new, be careful as you could void your warranty [16:00] deany: allready did :) [16:00] gh0stp, it will make resizing less painful [16:00] gh0stp, cool [16:00] gh0stp, since you all that space free it shouldnt be a problem [16:01] i want to upgrade firefox on ubuntu 9.04. when i go to synaptics package manager i see the latest version is only 3.0.10 but the latest one is 3.50 [16:01] how do i update to 3.50 [16:01] javb: yeah, i'm not sure about which arguments or so to use, read the man page or look for a howto online before rebooting with livecd [16:01] deany: just lighting up a smoke and hoping nervously! 7 seasons of mythbusters, all seasons of house etc [16:01] !ff35 > s27 [16:01] s27, please see my private message [16:01] !ff3.5 > s27 [16:01] elfinch: glad to help :) [16:01] gh0stp, ah. well they will all be on usenet for like, ever and ever if you lose em all :) === NiX9318Watertige is now known as shesek [16:02] i have another question, possible naive.. i'm trying to make a bootable back up of my machine using clonezilla. i'm going to put on an external hd , which is formatted to fat32.. is fat32 an ok choice? or should i reformat to ext3 or some such? [16:02] Myritti; hey thanks..i didnt get the idea of exporting before and i got it now [16:02] elfinch, to dump the backup onto, its fine [16:02] deany: true except for the mythbusters, a couple of these files are quite rare, no longer on any trackers :) [16:02] elfinch: to make sure all the file permissions are correct, I' [16:02] if cpufreq-selector gives "No cpufreq support", what can i do to fix that? [16:02] elfinch, change it to ext if you really dont need fat tho [16:02] what does that mean [16:03] elfinch: I'd use ext3 or some other native file system [16:03] elfinch, fat32 has a 4gig file size limit [16:03] s27: did you read the message ubottu sent you? [16:03] i cant upgrade to firefox 3.50 on ubuntu 9.0.4 now [16:03] yes [16:03] s27: yes. [16:03] gh0stp, I use newsgroups, so dunno [16:03] s27: you need to wait for a few days [16:03] Halitech: a ha! i knew that once, i think. yeah, that is definitely a great reason to change it, thank you. [16:03] s27: it will eventually be upgradeable [16:04] okay, ill wait [16:04] thank you guys [16:04] elfinch, something I forget about once ;) [16:04] elfinch, clonezilla doesnt need permissions fixing up and it defaults to 2gig file splits.. so you dont HAVE to format [16:04] one more question. is there a way to unselect all the packages in package manager? [16:04] deany, didn't know that about clonezilla [16:04] elfinch, i use a fat32 drive myself with clonezilla. go ext tho [16:04] Anyone know how to add commands to the early boot sequence? [16:06] anyone heard of Ubuntu Tweak? [16:06] on ubuntu can I be sure that no user can edit other users file? Concerning kernel and software exploits. How to protect better in this area? [16:07] Myrtti; hey thanks..i didnt get the idea of exporting before and i got it now [16:07] if cpufreq-selector gives "No cpufreq support", what can i do to fix that? [16:07] hey my bluetooth is not working i need help [16:08] qe2eqe, press 'e' at boot menu [16:09] deany: thanks, that's good to know [16:10] PerryArmstrong: np [16:10] anyone heard of Ubuntu Tweak? [16:10] imaginativeone, yes [16:11] if cpufreq-selector gives "No cpufreq support", what can i do to fix that? [16:11] Myrtti; umbrello is working strange...i created an object for Collaboration diagram and when i create a same object for sequence diagram...it says that the object exists [16:11] zicho, does your system support it? [16:12] PerryArmstrong: I've personally used only Dia to do diagrams [16:12] in a time [16:12] Halitech: how do I get it? [16:12] Myrtti; is it another alternative to umbrello [16:13] hey i was having windows vista on my laptop and the bluetooth was working fine ,then when I removed vista and installed ubuntu the bluetooth isnt working [16:13] any ideas how I can figure out if this guy is using bsd or linux?? He's asking for help and I can't see the system [16:13] help please [16:13] i can`t run ubuntu until fsck begin works. the problem is i`ve broken fsck and i`ve readonly file system [16:13] celthunder: lsb_release -a [16:13] I'm running karmic on my laptop, with hardy in a chroot -- what's the most expedient way for me to get python2.3 [16:14] imaginativeone, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ [16:14] jml: #ubuntu+1 [16:14] how to repair broken packages and dependency using chroot? [16:14] hey why is it that when i installed ubuntu 904 to my lappy it worked for a sec and after that the wifi didnt atheros madwifi drivers were installed but nothing and after installing xp and then dual booting tried it and its working fine, I mean will i have to keep xp on there for it to continue to work? [16:14] PerryArmstrong: probably not exactly what you want [16:14] how can ksplice have kernel upgrades tha native ubuntu update manager doesnt have? [16:14] Myrtti; is there another alternative to umbrello [16:14] i`ve already try to use apt-get with no effect [16:15] PerryArmstrong: I'm not too knowledgeable in that, sorry [16:15] blackfate: Nothing is stopping them from using their own kernel sources to compile from [16:15] Myrtti; np [16:15] Halitech: hmm, i feel foolish - now that I'm examining the partition i was thinking of reformatting in gparted, it's not letting me reformat it.. any thoughts as to why? [16:15] ubuntuUSR, sudo apt-get -f ?? [16:15] jml, you mean vs python 2.4/2.5? [16:15] elfinch, is it mounted? [16:15] Halitech: as i said apt-get can`t help me [16:15] Pici, only ksplice can cover all the upgrades? or i should be using both of them? [16:15] Halitech: think so, i can see it, and all 3 of it's partitions [16:16] ubuntuUSR, the -f should fix anything broken [16:16] lol i applied the unr gui to my jaunty install [16:16] elfinch, if its mounted you can't make changes [16:16] TD-Linux, I guess. I need python2.3 to test my changes to Twisted, which still supports python2.3 [16:16] looks fun but you hafya disable the effectsof jaunty [16:16] blackfate: Can you rephrase that? I'm not sure I understood what you were asking. [16:16] how to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu [16:16] Halitech: ahh, ok. so " sudo umount /my/drive " is that right? === irfan is now known as Guest98830 [16:17] irfan, sudo apt-get install pidgin [16:17] elfinch, yup [16:17] Halitech: i`ve try it but without no expected results [16:17] but it is not working now [16:17] does anybody suggest an alternative to umbrello [16:17] pici: if there is a kernel fix from ubuntu team, ksplice will include it too? [16:17] jml, hmm... what I would do is download the python 2.3 source package and configure it to install in its own directory with special suffix [16:17] or possibly just not install it at all... dunno if python can run without being installed [16:17] I don't believe repos have python 2.3 [16:17] Anyone here use Comix? Having some trouble with opening .cbr files, even though I have the RAR package. [16:17] How can I ssh through an ssh tunnel? [16:18] * sattam brb [16:18] please tell me sulotion [16:18] Halitech: i think some part of core files is damaged [16:18] Myrtti; whats your opinion about Dia [16:18] ubuntuUSR, if thats the case then probably not [16:18] jml, I just take that back, I see python2.3 packages [16:18] blackfate: You'd have to ask them, they are completely separate from Ubuntu and Canonical. [16:18] TD-Linux, yeah, I guess that's what I'm going to have to do... I was hoping that there might have been a backport in a ppa or something [16:18] <``Cube> shit [16:18] <``Cube> oops sorry [16:18] no anyone messenger support now [16:18] TD-Linux, oh where? [16:18] Pici, i c.. thanx for your time [16:18] please solve my problem [16:19] PerryArmstrong: it's not perfect, but it's sufficient for my use [16:19] jml, I dunno, I did an aptitude search python [16:19] jml, probably in universe? [16:19] Myrtti; i just need to create simple UML diagrams...will this be ok [16:19] Halitech how do i check that? [16:19] no one can help me? [16:19] guest 98830, whats the issue? [16:19] Anyone here use Comix? Having some trouble with opening .cbr files, even though I have the RAR package. [16:19] zicho, what kind of computer? [16:20] Orange_v_Blue: you might need unrar-nonfree [16:20] Guest98830: which version of ubuntu do you have? [16:20] err [16:20] just unrar [16:20] 9.04 [16:20] Halitech: taht`s the result of apt-get install -f: 0 updated, 0 new installed, 0 removed i 0 non-updated. [16:21] can i install yahoo messenger in ubuntu? [16:21] Halitech a zepto znote 315W laptop [16:21] i think pidgin handles yahoo accounts, guest98830 [16:21] How can I ssh through an ssh tunnel? [16:21] does 904 have better laptop support. meaning power management and hibernation features.. ?? [16:21] Halitech: any other ideas? [16:21] !yahoo | Guest98830 [16:21] Guest98830: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps. [16:21] but no one messenger open my yahoo ID [16:22] how do I install Ubuntu Tweak? [16:22] Guest98830: yeah the Yahoo IM servers changed... official clients died too from what I heard [16:22] GDebi doesn't seem to do the trick [16:22] ubuntuUSR, backup and reinstall? [16:22] how it will work [16:22] Guest98830, go to pidgins website and do what they say on the download ubuntu page [16:22] Guest98830: I believe there is a pidgin update soon too [16:23] ok [16:23] TD-Linux: I just grabbed whatever I found when I looked up rar in add/remove programs [16:23] Guest98830, i had like many had the same problem. they tell you how to update the program right from there to 2.5.7 [16:23] hello [16:24] VMware question. Has anyone in here had any success running the vSphere client in Ubuntu? [16:24] anyone here knows about epsxe ,I have run into a problem [16:25] zicho, anything in the bios about it? [16:25] TD-Linux, are you sure, there have been 3 new versions since [16:26] I have a user that has no shell permission nor homedir: how can I give him both? [16:26] so will ff 3.5 replace 3.0.11 in jaunty? [16:26] hello friend need help can some one guide me how to sent mail pl [16:26] kandinski: sudo mkdir /home/username, then chown -R username /home/username [16:26] Halitech i dont know, i havent checked [16:27] hello [16:27] everyone [16:27] zicho, I'm not finding anything online about it so not sure [16:27] coleys: thanks [16:27] kandinski: OR... you can make it easy on yourself, and just delete this user, and ill give you command to create everything at once? [16:27] * TwoToneSpirit has never seen so much attention on one topic in this channel as FF3.5 has received today. [16:28] coleys: it's not my machine, I am helping a friend, and I don't know what else depends on this user. but thanks [16:28] well, people expect their updates to be up to date i guess :) [16:29] Halitech because as i said before, the computer runs fine but sometimes the cpu just gores crazy for a while and then resumes to normal [16:29] Halitech: it`s not good idea, i`ve got backuped files already. i`ve installed and updated new-installed ubuntu.then i used old files to replace new /new files now are overwritten by old ones/ [16:29] Yeah, I still don't feel like I have a solid understanding of when (and under what circumstances) FF3.5 will replace 3011 in the repos. [16:29] kandinski: ahh, welll the easiest way to create a user with home directory and allowance for bash.. is this command: useradd -m -s /bin/bash username [16:29] what is the simplest way to send e-mail from terminal [16:29] mirzabaig: sendmail [16:30] TwoToneSpirit: as far as i understand it, it won't, it'll replace the firefox-3.5 beta4 package ... [16:30] mirzabaig: i.e. postfix [16:30] Is there a problem if a wireless card (BCM4315) shows up as eth1 instead of a wlan? [16:30] zicho, not sure what you mean by it goes crazy [16:30] djiezes: So people using 3011 will never be alerted to change to 3.5? [16:30] Hi [16:31] Halitech: now i`ve some problems with some kernel modules. i think is a bit hard to fix it but it should be possible to do that [16:31] TwoToneSpirit: that's what I figured, yes. 3.5 is a major update & wont replace 3.0.x afaik [16:31] bruenig: i dont want a mail server :( [16:31] djiezes: and for that matter, when will 3.5(final) replace the beta in the repo [16:31] Hi! Anyone here ever used "motion" with their webcams? [16:31] ubuntuUSR, should be able to but beyond my abilities [16:31] TwoToneSpirit: no idea at all. "soon" they say [16:31] this page not have ubuntu dvd hash.how i check it?https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes [16:31] !ff35 > TwoToneSpirit [16:31] TwoToneSpirit, please see my private message [16:31] Saouka: In my experience, network cards have always shown up this way. [16:32] how do I install Ubuntu Tweak? [16:32] GDebi doesn't seem to do the trick [16:32] TwoToneSpirit: 3.0.x will still be the default in Jaunty, it still receives security updates. Karmic will have 3.5 as default [16:32] !ff35 > chocobanana [16:32] chocobanana, please see my private message [16:32] Halitech it slows down and lags, and the computer runs on like 99% cpu [16:32] imaginativeone: http://getdeb.net [16:32] Hello, #ubuntu. I have old_passwords=1 set in my.cnf but PASSWORD() still outputs new-type passwords. I don't like this. How can it be fixed? [16:33] anyone know how to preform fsck when it`s not in the system? [16:33] imaginativeone: More specifically http://www.getdeb.net/app/Ubuntu+Tweak [16:33] zicho, when it does that, open a termina and run top to see whats using the Cpu [16:33] HELLO [16:33] coleys: thanks! [16:33] ubuntuUSR: what does "not in the system" mean? [16:33] hello [16:33] kittu: sup [16:33] sorry [16:33] lol [16:33] sjzzalx: is broken [16:34] kittu: skzzalx meant "what's up?" [16:34] como estan todos? [16:34] !es > kittu [16:34] kittu, please see my private message [16:34] Halitech i know whats using the cpu [16:34] ok [16:34] kittu: ola! english only! [16:34] ubuntuUSR: fsck is broken or your disk is broken? [16:34] zicho, what is that? [16:34] but i wanna know if there is a way for the computer too get overloaded === mathieui is now known as Guest58653 [16:34] sjzzalx: fsck of course [16:34] since the application runs fine in between these moments [16:34] ubuntuUSR: what happens when you try to run fsck? [16:35] join #md5sum [16:35] zicho: what exactly is the problem? your app hangs when cpu load goes to 99%? or the cpu fan gets to loud? ... ? [16:35] hi [16:35] i`ve got error message about missing some .so file [16:35] how to send mail from terminal, i do not want to run mail server [16:35] djiezes the fan gets loud [16:36] ubuntuUSR: copy it here if it's a single line, if not, copy to http://www.pastebin.com [16:36] the app still works but it lags, and so does the rest of the computer for a while [16:36] zicho, means the unit is heating up [16:36] how do i change the logout options dialog back to what it was on ubuntu 810? [16:36] mirzabaig, use another mail server [16:36] only english? [16:36] zicho: there might be some options on your BIOS motherboard to change to a "smart cpu fan" mode or "cool 'n quiet" , depending on the mobo & cpu. [16:36] djiezes okay, i'll look [16:37] ubuntuUSR: and the best way around it is probably going to be to load up a live CD or something and check with that. You shouldn't fsck on mounted filesystems anyway. You're not trying to do that, right? Fastest solution would probably be to get a Puppy Linux disc, pop that in, and run fsck from there. [16:37] zicho: the sensors package (in ubuntu) should give you an idea about temperatures & rpm. [16:37] Quick q - when my net connection dies, firefox, and any other programs the use the net, stop responding. Which, in turn, leads to ubuntu crashing. [16:37] Also, my net is stopping pretty frequently - any ideas why? [16:37] zicho: for the sensors package & howto configure, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2780 [16:37] bom dia!!! [16:37] sjzzalx: ok but for now i must shut down my computer. i will appear as XbmcUser using phone [16:38] ubuntuUSR, try recovery mode, there is an option to fsck [16:39] the output of md5sum kubuntu-9.04-dvd-i386.iso is: 265ebbbfe41d6daff249d52a91db0e97 -- how i know it is complete? [16:39] deany: it appears after i use ctrl+alt+delete but only for a moment and is not interactive [16:40] hello [16:40] hello [16:40] hi [16:40] !ot | kittu [16:40] kittu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [16:40] ubuntuUSR, ah, well livecd it is then [16:40] i am new using ubuntu my question send email from the terminal without using mail server [16:40] ubunto no seas mala onda [16:40] kittu: english, or out [16:40] mirzabaig, you can't [16:41] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' [16:41] sry ^ cat [16:42] !es > kittu [16:42] kittu, please see my private message [16:42] yes === Guest58653 is now known as mathieui === Guest18348 is now known as Adola [16:43] Anyone ever used Motion? [16:44] Quick question: Can there be multiple MSN accounts at the same time in Pidgin? [16:44] n0gearII: Yes. [16:44] coleys: ty [16:44] coleys: gmail supported as well? [16:44] n0gearII: yes, you can have multiple msn/gmail/aim/yahoo accounts [16:45] sup [16:45] DJones: excellent [16:45] Sjzzalx: libuuid.so.1 cannont open shared object file:no such file/directory [16:45] n0gearII: I believe there is plugins for that effect, but if your refering to google talk, then yes it does support it. [16:45] Sjzzalx: fsck died with exit status 127 [16:46] sup [16:46] hi [16:46] hi [16:46] sowmithry, hi [16:46] hi, ive compared java jre performance on Ubuntu 9.04 and on OpenSuse 11.1 and on OpenSuse java is faster (for example netbeans). Is there a way to make java runs faster on ubuntu? Anyone knows something about this topic? [16:47] I'm back on Ubuntu [16:47] how to set envinormental variable to an user login [16:47] what's a good program besides cheese to give nice effects for my webcam? [16:47] !netsplit [16:47] lol [16:47] could anyone help me install a vpn-service? [16:47] Sjzzalx: how to save entire bootlog?i'd like use paste.ubuntu.com [16:47] coley === marcos is now known as w525aa [16:47] kittu: Sii? [16:48] how do i get nice effects on ubuntu [16:48] could anyone help me install a vpn-service? [16:48] how do I play VP7 encoded video ? [16:48] papul: Sytem > Preferences > Appearnce > Visual Effects [16:48] hi papul please tell me how to set envinormental variable to an user login [16:48] papul: System* > Preferences > Appearnce > Visual Effects [16:49] I found that now QQ is not available in pidgin. How can I solve this? [16:49] how do i change the logout options dialog back to what it was on ubuntu 810? [16:49] grub2 in ubuntu (and probably debian) has a bug in /etc/default/grub. there is a "splash" command added to CRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX which is also used in single-user mode. which means the splash system is started in single user mode, this doesn't seem desired. [16:49] coleys, other than that such as the cube [16:49] papul: sudo apt-get install ccsm [16:49] =) [16:50] what is the uname -a for ubuntu 9.04 ? [16:50] coleys, whats ccsm? [16:50] how do I play VP7 encoded video ? anyone. did not find solution on the web :( [16:50] papul: Compiz Config Settings Manager has all the extras your looking for. [16:50] is 2.6.28-3 correct? because my ubuntu does not see suddenly ext4 partitions [16:50] !netsplit [16:50] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [16:51] gzojw: I'm on 2.6.28-13 [16:51] how do see the cube? [16:51] papul: There is a cube setting within the program, just take a look =P [16:51] Thingymebob: can you pastebin me your /etc/fstab ? [16:51] hey guys pls help me out [16:51] h4f: tried mplayer from svn? [16:51] sowmithry: what is the problem [16:52] How can I access a server through SFTP over an SSH tunnel? [16:52] whats new [16:52] how to set envinorment variable specific to that user login [16:52] rski: yeap tried everything [16:52] oggu, yes you can [16:52] hekinami1: How? [16:52] rski: sorry svn no [16:52] h4f: also hang out in #mplayer [16:52] after you tried [16:52] if it dosen't work [16:52] rski: :) [16:52] anyone, please paste me your /etc/fstab if you are using ext4 [16:53] coleys, i have enabled the desktop cube now how do i see it? [16:53] oggu, just connect the server like what you do when connect the ftp [16:53] papul: Control + Alt + Move mouse. [16:53] hekinami1: I cant get it to work over the tunnel [16:53] papul: And you should look at documentation. +P [16:54] I have a quick question. My computer needs some rather complex routing stuff done at boot so I wrote a script and got it all dialed in. What is the simplest way to execute it at boot-up? Is it as simple as adding it to /etc/init.d/ ? [16:54] How to save bootlog? [16:54] gzojw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/207591/ not sur what help it will be for some mad reason I decided to use JFS [16:54] coleys, nothing happens [16:54] bot wars! [16:54] when firefox is gone be updated? [16:54] * gzojw whacks ubuntu 9.04 for failing [16:54] !firefox [16:54] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [16:54] papul: control + alt + left or right. [16:55] !ff35 | ubuntistas [16:55] ubuntistas: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [16:55] coleys, still nothing happens [16:55] Hello, I have trouble with flash, I install adobe-flashplugin, but still firefox doesn't display the flash object [16:55] * D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora [16:56] papul: I don't know default keystrokes. Check within Compiz config settings manager. [16:56] oggu, any message? [16:56] * gzojw rates ubuntu 9.04 as Full of Fail [16:57] I Installaed TUXEDO server on my system and now to start it i need to set envnorment variables in my profile, but when i did that they are not reflecting when i relogin back in to my session in shell [16:57] gzojw, what about kubuntu [16:57] nogagplz: its the same [16:57] problems I see so far seem to be on system level [16:58] whew, lucky I aren't using any of them then :D [16:58] This might sound like a stupid question... But if you compile and install an application from source and you want to recompile it, can you just run './configure', 'make', and 'make install' again or is there something else you have to do first? [16:58] How to enter into recovery menu manually? [16:58] make clean [16:59] that's it? [16:59] gzojw: if its a fresh install, try again with ext3, I'm not sure all the ext4 issues are resolved yet [16:59] big problem with a usb stick with u3 [16:59] bsigil, yup. sets back to normal [16:59] bsigil, well you could uninstall it first too === |Zippo|_ is now known as |Zippo| [17:00] Great. I compiled Pidgin 2.5.7 with some options switched off and it's not behaving properly so I figured I'd try recompiling it with the options turned back on. [17:00] who can tell me how to remove u3 under linux? [17:00] How do I do that? 'make uninstall'? [17:00] bsigil, tried getdeb.net for latest debs? [17:00] Sorry. I've never had to uninstall a piece of software I've compiled from source. [17:00] make uninstall [17:00] bsigil: make uninstall [17:01] deany, I'm still running feisty. There isn't a deb for Pidgin 2.5.7 [17:01] bsigil, ouch :) [17:01] bsigil: http://getdeb.net [17:01] One better. 2.5.8 =) [17:02] coleys, he`s on feisty [17:02] hekinami1: I set a local SOCKS 5 proxy in FF. I then surf to an IP over the tunnel in my web browser. No problems. Then I try to connect with my ftp-program with the same proxy settings over sftp and it doesn't connect. [17:02] weird, on getdeb, jaunty and hardy are 2.5.8 but intrepid is 2.5.5 [17:03] was intrepid that much a Fail. :) [17:03] =D [17:04] Hey. How would the command be if im searching for something in a nfo file. find | grep ... ? [17:04] How do I log into Ubuntu as a root user? [17:04] Anyone know where I can find a package for Firefox 3.5? [17:04] LinKDeaD, you don't [17:04] LinKDeaD: type in su [17:04] but dont [17:04] use sudo [17:05] LinKDeaD: you can use sudo -s as a regular user [17:05] Its not working [17:05] !ff35 | OneFix_Work [17:05] OneFix_Work: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [17:05] Well, its working [17:05] !root | Promille [17:05] Promille: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [17:05] But I cant run the program that way [17:05] LinKDeaD, what are you trying to run? [17:05] LinKDeaD: what are you trying to do do? [17:06] A game called Planeshift. I installed it as root, then when I click on the icon in my applications menu it tells me Permission Denied [17:06] LinKDeaD: how exactly did you install it as root? [17:06] So I tried installing as a user and I dont have permission to create directories [17:06] LinKDeaD, try gksudo [17:06] The install file is in my home directory, so I did "sudo su" [17:06] Gave my password and got root [17:06] o.o [17:07] then used chmod +x PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x86.bin [17:07] yeah and if you wanna run it, use sudo and.the.command.. [17:07] Then just did ./PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x86.bin [17:07] LinKDeaD: unless the installer did it wrong, you sould be able to run the program as a non-root user [17:07] And the installer ran fine === Kurisuchan__ is now known as Kurisuchan [17:07] LinKDeaD: try sudo ./PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x86.bin [17:07] Promille, if its a grapical app he should use gksudo, not sudo [17:07] Halitech: thats right [17:07] Its a graphical app [17:07] LinKDeaD: try to run it without sudo [17:08] is the installer graphical [17:08] please, how can I format a usb stick in linux? [17:08] synta10: he said something about non-root not being able to make folders. it probably writes to /opt [17:08] the installer - place it somewhere into your directory [17:08] it show only with lsusb [17:08] Yeah, it writes to /opt [17:08] Operations: tried gparted? [17:08] Operations, Partition Editor [17:08] now I'm installing it [17:09] jabagawee: oh yeah, but most of these installers are able to install into home dir [17:09] !gparted | Operations [17:09] Operations: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [17:09] heyia, ive got a problem trying to install python-libxslt1 with python2.4 installed -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/207598/ [17:09] python-libxslt1: Depends: python (< 2.5) but 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed [17:09] hmm [17:09] How would the command be if im searching for something in a nfo file. find | grep ... ? [17:09] paste has the full error output and such [17:09] the thing is that this usb had u3 capabilty but in ubuntu i've deleted the sys files [17:09] Promille: grep "whatnot" file.nfo [17:09] now in win it shows u3 partition but it doewsnt start [17:09] Thanks for the help, deany. I hope this fixes the problem [17:09] find is for finding files === TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF] [17:10] Neo-Vortex: i wanna search in all nfo files in that folder [17:10] Promille: grep "whatnot" *.nfo [17:10] Hello volunteers. I was wondering if there are drivers out yet to support the older ATI cards, so I might upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04. Specifically I was wondering where on the web I would track such an event. Thanks for your time [17:10] Neo-Vortex: ah ok, i tried that only with 'spam' instead of "spam".. thanks [17:10] LargePrime, there isnt. I`m gutted im one of those left behind. [17:11] heeelp [17:11] Hey, so if I have the b4 version of firefox 3.5 do I just have to wait for the package maintainers to package up the final and get it in the repositories, or is it worth my time to go add other sources and get it from there? [17:11] Neo-Vortex: but whats the difference between find | grep and just grep then? [17:11] LargePrime, unless you can find someone that has it you won't find it on a site [17:11] deany: But you hold hopw there will be? [17:11] it is not appearing in gparted [17:11] Promille: grep will tell you what file it found it in effectively ;) [17:11] and is simpler ;) [17:11] LargePrime, no, they said, they are unsupported now. its the opensource "radeon" driver or nothing now [17:11] Imperfect: depends if you want run on the edge ;-) [17:11] Neo-Vortex: ah ok, thanks buddy [17:12] LargePrime, which might be ok for some, but unacceptable for anything other than compiz, for me. [17:12] hey all, i keep getting this error when updating: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-updates/main/source/Sources.bz2 Hash Sum mismatch any ideas? [17:12] although if you want to say do it for every nfo file in the system, you have to use grep, although you could use find to only get the filenames then pass those as params to grep ;) [17:12] LargePrime, deany would version 8.42 do you any good? [17:12] grep "spam" `find ...` or the like ;) [17:12] how do i run ghex? [17:12] Ddorda: ghex2 iirc [17:12] thanks! [17:12] catalyst 9.3 is the last driver you can use for the "unsupported" cards, and that doesnt support the newer xorg in jaunty [17:12] Neo-Vortex: i see, thanks [17:12] Halitech: It was my information that these cards are now "open" and there is open source work being done to get one developed. deany [17:12] synta10: I can afford to wait, so long as eventually it'll happen eventually. [17:13] how do i uninstall flash player 10 that i got off the flashplayer website [17:13] LargePrime, I can play 3d games with the OSS driver, but not really fast enough [17:13] Neo-Vortex: but does that command search inside the nfo or just in the names that have i.e. "spam" ? [17:13] deany: that is my info too. I understood that now ATI had released the docs, so the open source community can develope drivers for these. Halitech [17:13] Imperfect: there is this repo: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa [17:14] !radeon | LargePrime [17:14] LargePrime: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [17:14] LargePrime, could be right, just happened to remember I still have a copy of 8.42 but haven't tried to use it [17:14] hey all, i keep getting this error when updating: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-updates/main/source/Sources.bz2 Hash Sum mismatch any ideas? [17:14] Promille: `find ...` should in theory end up returning a list of filenames, then grep will search for "spam" in those files ;) [17:15] that page in the bots link needs updating :) 9600 indeed [17:15] LargePrime, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver [17:15] its equiv of doing grep "spam" a.nfo b.nfo c.nfo etc [17:15] Halitech: How could I get that from you [17:15] deany: Its a wiki, feel free to update it. [17:15] any help on hoe to remove flashplayer 10 [17:15] deany: Reading now [17:15] I have installed ubuntu from an old 8.04 live cd, is there an easy way of getting it up to date to 9.whatever? [17:15] how* [17:15] Neo-Vortex: kk:) [17:15] i need help w/debian [17:15] commander_: Then ask in #debian [17:15] !upgrade | Kurisuchan [17:15] Kurisuchan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [17:15] when a tested/patched version of firefox3.5 is available for jaunty, how can i upgrade my existing ff installation? will it update automatically? [17:16] Neo-Vortex: reason im asking im searching inside nfo files, and searching for a specific label, if you understand. but grep "spam" *.nfo didnt return anything so it must be something wrong [17:16] LargePrime, give me a second and I'll toss it on a server for you [17:16] lfk i thik its a seperate package [17:16] Promille: are the nfo files in the current directory? [17:16] Kurisuchan: Do "From 8.04 LTS to 8.10" then "From 8.10 to 9.04" [17:16] b3rz3rk3r: Have you tried a different server [17:16] good morning, anyone here has installed chillispot + freeradius? [17:17] Promille, there is a command to search inside text files, but i cant for the life of me remember it [17:17] no theres alot of subdir's in that directory [17:17] Halitech: Great. [17:17] mobi-sheep: thank you [17:17] is it possible to set different resolution for 2 monitors? [17:17] Promille: find -name "*.nfo" -exec grep "spam" {} + [17:17] u can upgrade 8.04lts to 9.04 with the altrnative cd [17:17] Neo-Vortex: no theres alot of subdirs in that directory [17:17] geirha: thanks :) [17:17] Thingymebob, i think that might be the problem actually, i move around a lot, many different countries, and to maintain decent download speeds wherever i am i change my server location too [17:17] then what geri said ;P - grep is easier to remember, but only works for current directory as i said ;P [17:18] LargePrime, just sent you the link in another window [17:18] C-S-B: ic.. so i guess ill have to install the firefox3.5 beta package and wait for an update then? [17:18] Promille, grep -i -n ‘filename’ * [17:18] Neo-Vortex: ah kk. thanks alot anyways :) [17:18] actualy [17:18] might work [17:18] Promille: If you're using bash, you can also do: grep "spam" **/*.nfo [17:18] lfk: yes if you cant wait, but I'd wait [17:18] deany: wait, isnt -n just line numbers? [17:18] I need to upgrade ubuntu but I really don't feel like waiting six weeks for the disc to arrive >< [17:18] C-S-B: wait until karmic? [17:18] damned dialup.. [17:18] geirha: lol, which one is easiest.. theres so many now:P [17:19] sorry missed out function [17:19] lfk: you can download from mozilla and run from a folder if you want [17:19] bsigil, if you get the live cd you can't upgrade from it, only do a fresh install [17:19] hey.. does anyone know how to install C/C++ features in NetBeans? [17:19] lfk: they are jaunty testing 3.5 [17:19] Halitech, well, that's what I'd do anyway. [17:19] lfk: theyll be a jaunty release of 3.5, eventually [17:19] C-S-B: oh.. nice. then i may as well just wait it out. [17:19] geirha: thanks that worked great :) but is there anyway that result come as it search? because its a big directory and it will take some time [17:19] Probably can't upgrade since I'm still running feisty. [17:19] Mikau: through plugins? [17:19] bsigil, ok, just wanted to point that out so you were aware [17:20] can be.. [17:20] C-S-B: thanks for the info :) [17:20] lfk: download the tarball from mozilla [17:20] i installed the java pack only.. [17:20] Halitech, yeah, I'd have to get the 'alternate installation' cd. I've looked into upgrading before. :) === mheath_ is now known as mheath [17:20] bsigil, no one around with highspeed that could grab you a copy? [17:20] C-S-B: yeah, i think i might do that just to play with it [17:20] and synaptic doesn't have the C/C++ features.. [17:20] Promille: You can add the -l option to grep, which will make it only output the filenames that have a match. Might be slightly faster [17:20] geirha: allright, thanks for all help [17:20] Mikau: so you've got version from Synaptic, right? [17:21] lfk: if you apt-get firefox-3.5 youll get a beta atm [17:21] nope.. [17:21] i typed sudo apt-get install netbeans [17:21] I dunno. I suppose I could try downloading it the next time I'm at my friend's house. [17:21] then i searched for the c/c++ features in synaptic [17:21] hi all, I'm running 8.10... I have a USRobotics external USB dial-up modem, I used it successfully on 8.04 many months ago... but now i'm not sure how to install the modem... the KDE system settings for KDE4 doesn't have a place to install modems and Knetwork manager doesn't manage dial-up modems. any idea ? [17:21] anyone can help me? VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (rc=-1908) [17:21] The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Re-setup the kernel module by executing [17:21] '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' [17:21] as root. Users of Ubuntu or Fedora should install the DKMS package at first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary. [17:21] Mikau, netbeans has a built in functionality for adding that sort of thing [17:21] wizz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:21] well, that's the same - you have netbeans from repository [17:21] mikael79, they are simply plugins [17:22] Promille: Oh, and I recommend remembering the find -exec one. It's most portable [17:22] sorry .. [17:22] wizz, did you try the command it says to run? [17:22] Someday I hope to have broadband so I can just do 'apt-get dist upgrade' :P [17:22] Titan8990_: where can i find it? [17:22] b3rz3rk3r; his bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/208863, looks like changing back to main server fixes it, then just wait for whichever one you were trying to sync again. [17:22] Mikau: go Tools > Extension (or maybe Plug-ins, I dunno how it's in English) [17:22] geirha: what does exec do ? [17:22] Titan8990_: i try already , but there is no file named that ... [17:23] Mikau: I mean in NetBeans [17:23] synta10: what is ur first language? [17:23] Mikau: Czech [17:23] wizz, http://plugins.netbeans.org/PluginPortal/faces/PluginDetailPage.jsp?pluginid=64 [17:23] anyone can help me with a u3 usb disk that i cant erase? [17:23] Thingymebob, great.. thanks very much man! il give that a go :) [17:23] does anyone here use relakks? [17:23] synta10: yeah.. it must be hard to translate.. well i'm gonna try that.. [17:23] Titan8990_: thx! [17:23] Operations, you have to use the u3 removal tool (windows only) [17:23] synta10: wait a moment. [17:24] Operations: have you tried dd if=dev/zero of=dev/sdb? [17:24] Operations, or you could use dd [17:24] Mikau: it's one of the top plugins [17:24] C-S-B, you shouldn't use relative paths like that [17:24] synta10: ok, thanks [17:24] Titan8990_ ,yes but i've deleted in linux u3 system files [17:24] you're welcome [17:24] Titan8990_: sorry! copy and paste noobs I assume? [17:25] Operations, you can remove them, but they will be recreated unless you do something more drastic [17:25] 'win 7 [17:25] Promille: Don't know how to explain it without spamming the channel. See find's man-page. "man find" [17:25] !ff35 [17:25] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [17:25] geirha: allright:) [17:25] C-S-B, with a command as powerful as dd you don't want any question on what its doing [17:26] Titan8990_: I understand, i don't want to be part responsible for a zero'd drive! [17:26] synta10: yeahm i found it.. it was in "Plugins" [17:26] Question. I posted this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/386709 but these is no reply's to it. Did I post it wrong? [17:27] Mnemonic^, that belongs on the public forum, not the bug tracking website [17:27] Mnemonic^: Let me take a look at it [17:27] Mnemonic^: Thats not really a big... [17:28] Bug* yeah like he said, ubuntuforums. [17:28] Mikau: okay, that's the easiest way how to get it - there's no Ubuntu package for that [17:28] Titan8990_: Where should I post bugs then? [17:28] Mnemonic^: ubuntuforums.org [17:28] Promille: Ok .. Thanks.. [17:28] Mnemonic^: Your situation is not a bug. Its a problem you are having. =P [17:28] Halitech: Does that driver work under 9.04? [17:29] evening all [17:29] coleys: What makes you say that? [17:29] synta10: i was going to install the .sh file, wich i downloaded from netbeans homepage.. [17:29] Mnemonic^: Launchpad is where you post the bugs, you ask questions on the Ubuntu Forums [17:29] Mnemonic^: I guess you better post bugs on launchpad [17:29] LargePrime, not sure, haven't tried it and I'm running Debian on the system with the ATI card [17:29] Flare183: Ok [17:29] Mnemonic^, that is not a bug really [17:29] Mnemonic^: what he means to say is that its more likely to get a answer there, because this only involves you(and may a few other ppl). nobody wants to bump it ;) [17:29] Tes [17:29] There you go.. [17:29] does dpkg support custom hooks?id like to have dpkg execute a script/binary whenever a package matching a specified pattern is installed/updated [17:29] Mikau: yeah, that's how I use my NetBeans [17:30] is this possible? [17:30] Mnemonic^: I'll look into it [17:30] What is my nick? [17:30] Why wouldn't freeglut3 be in the Jaunty repositories? [17:30] how can i format it? :( [17:30] Mnemonic^, everyone with an ati 3850 is not having that issue [17:30] Panoramix: Panoramix [17:30] Panoramix: Panoramix ? [17:30] Promille: So you are saying that is it me that has done something wrong? [17:30] I'm stuck trying to reolve some deps [17:30] synta10: but it leaves an installation folder in home [17:30] Mnemonic^: It might be aproblem with your hardware, so ask questions on ubuntu forums. Might be just an easy fix. [17:30] and i didn't want that.. [17:30] Okay, Thank You Very Much... [17:31] Titan8990_: But I have it both on 8.10, 9.04 and also on both build when trying with the LiveCD [17:31] Mnemonic^, possible incorrect xorg configuration [17:31] Mnemonic^: FYI, xserver-xorg-driver-ati is not the fglrx driver. xorg-driver-fglrx is. [17:31] Mnemonic^: I subscribed to the bug report [17:31] Am just testing whether my nick really shown as what i see [17:31] Mnemonic^: i dont know, but i see you allready got your answer [17:32] Panoramix: what irc-client your using? [17:32] Titan8990_: If Ubuntu configures my X wrong when using the build in Hardware Driver Activation .. That is a bug! [17:32] Jmirc [17:32] Titan8990_: Mnemonic^ is correct [17:32] I am using jmirc from mobile phone [17:33] * Flare183 is on the Bug Squad Team [17:33] Panoramix: allright. try irssi :) absolutely wonderfull [17:33] Mnemonic^: Bugs are not questions. =P You clearly asked a question, specific for yourself. [17:33] Panoramix: ok [17:33] synta10: hey... i'm leaving now, thanks for your help [17:33] Promille: is it for mobile or pc? [17:33] anyone use pptp vpn? [17:34] yep [17:34] coleys: I will try the ubuntuforums [17:34] Panoramix: Linux/Pc (Although pc irssi is crap) =p [17:34] Panoramix: i didnt see you were on cell.. nevermind :) your nicks says Panoramix [17:34] roffee: that was to you [17:34] Okay, thanks :) [17:34] coleys: yeah it is i'd rather just putty into a linux box if I am using another machine [17:34] coleys: irssi is crap :O ? [17:34] MoltenBobcat: ok, I can't get it to work.. it just says "there are no valid vpn secrets" [17:35] irssi rules! [17:35] Promille: Re-read what I said =p [17:35] yo?ing irssi is crap under windows [17:35] is there a better way to save all your tunnels and connect to them easily than using putty on linux? [17:35] pc != windows :P [17:35] hi all [17:35] roffe: i'm pretty sure that's a a bug [17:35] coleys: haha i didnt know you ment pc = windows [17:35] hello, i have problems with my xserver: i think he doesn't detect the monitor in the right way. so it is a hp d 2842a (i have only the choice to choose hp d2842); so i can only run the xserver with a resolution of 600x800 ... who can help me? [17:36] MoltenBobcat: Ok, you're not aware of a work-around? [17:36] C-S-B: You can just create bash aliases and use terhminal ssh to do it [17:36] whatever. =) [17:36] roffe: I haven't looked too much into it I mostly use ssh tunnels [17:36] MoltenBobcat: would you recommend that over putty? [17:37] rofl [17:37] i quite new to the whole ubuntu thing, i wonder if someone could help me with me partition plan [17:37] t36: whats the problem ? [17:37] t36: How much space are you giving ubuntu? [17:37] it's not really a problem, i have 100 gig of free space and i was wondering how to best partition it === denny_ is now known as denny [17:38] from what i understand i need a / partition and a /swap partition [17:38] t36: 15 gigs for /, 1gig for swap, rest /home [17:38] t36: well, the livecd from ubuntu has a great 'walkthrough' when installing [17:38] hey fellas - is there any program i can use to figure out what all the buttons on my shiny new logitech VX revolution mouse are called? [17:39] root is where all my programs are installed right [17:39] t36: Yeah. [17:39] t36: you dont have to patition / and /home seperately though, but it's useful when changing os [17:39] s1gmab3ta, typically mouse button 1-7 [17:39] because i'm trying to set these two buttons on it labeled "zoom" to control the compiz enhanced zoom plugin [17:39] and if i upgrade ubuntu, i won't lose anything on home right? [17:39] t36: correct. [17:39] Titan8990_: compiz lists 9 buttons [17:39] hi [17:39] great, that's what i needed to know [17:39] sebsebseb, hey.. wb [17:39] thanks guys for helping a newbie! [17:39] C-S-B: Yeah I would I didn't even know there was a linux putty command [17:39] hi, i have just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop.. i opened a terminal and typed "ping google.de" and it works.. now i do "apt-get install gnome-do" and he tells me "E: Couldn't find package gnome-do" .. the same with any other package [17:39] s1gmab3ta: Open a termina, run xev. press the mouse buttons in the little window that comes up and see what the output is in the terminal window. [17:39] what is going wrong? [17:40] csb: let me look for the line you need to use [17:40] b3rz3rk3r: ty I guess, but it was hours ago when I was here last [17:40] MoltenBobcat: yeah, its a great program. :) [17:40] bye all! [17:40] t36, I have my / as 28gig, 2gig for swap and the rest for /home [17:40] Pici: thanks that's just what i was looking for [17:40] pw-toxic: Did you apt-get update yet? [17:40] it was button 13 :) [17:40] sebsebseb, i know, i just see you on here all the time, so thought id say hi :p [17:40] pw-toxic "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install gnome-do" [17:40] Halitech: too late [17:41] hatter243, thanks [17:41] Hi, anyone here _really_ familiar with ALSA? trying to setup an Intel HDA (VT1708S) [17:41] picca, thanks [17:41] b3rz3rk3r: ok ty [17:41] after i preform chroot and type ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx i can`t connect to the internet [17:41] Halitech: 2gigs is probably not needed for swap. =) [17:42] warren_: please register your own nickname [17:42] !ot [17:42] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [17:42] C-S-B: you can get something setup like this ssh -L localport:host:hostport user@ssh_server -N to do an individual port and I just create a bash alias [17:42] there is also a flag that lets you setup a proxy [17:42] warren: /msg nickserv ghost warren_ (will boot him) =P [17:42] ubuntuUSR, did you put all the proper networking files in the chroot environment? [17:42] coleys: I did, he came back === ScottG is now known as ScottG489 [17:43] warren: enable enforce on your account, if you need help, ask in #freenode [17:43] join #debian === ScottG489 is now known as ScottG [17:44] hatter243: don`t know. how to check it [17:44] MoltenBobcat: i understand that, and as a geek, i feel wrong saying it...but through the gui, its easier with no need to remember the cmd. [17:44] warren_: Please register your current nickname now. [17:44] ubuntuUSR, compare /etc/network with your chroot environment. e.g. /chroot/etc/network [17:44] mobi-sheep: please stop [17:45] hatter243, he shouldn't need that for chroot, just resolv.conf === warren is now known as warren_ [17:46] C-S-B: Yeah I create aliases for different locations and I use the program guake to pull up a little command prompt when I tap a hot key then I just type my one word alias and I watch it startup tehconnection [17:46] when I dont' need it anymore [17:46] coleys: If I should file a bug report in launchpad, what package should I commit it to? [17:46] i hit my hotkey again and ctrl-c it and it closes the tunnel [17:46] Titan8990_, Ah! That's what I was thinking of. ubuntuUSR: Just check /etc/resolv.conf vs /chroot/etc/resolv.conf [17:46] hatter243: compare all files are withi it or compare it`s content? [17:47] You can even run it inside a screen session to make it so that if you logout of your machine it will still keep the tunnel active === warren_ is now known as warren [17:47] ubuntuUSR, just the chroot's resolv.conf vs the normal resolv.conf [17:47] Mnemonic^: Your situation isn't a bug, otherwise a bunch of people would have same problem. [17:47] MoltenBobcat: nice setup [17:47] but in windows putty lets you save sessions doesn' tit [17:48] any idea when Firefox 3.5 will make it to the official repositories? The ones in unofficial repositories lack the plugin to apply the gnome font settings.. the font renders differently.. [17:48] I woudl think you could do the same thi9ng on the linux port [17:48] coleys: Lets ASSUME it is a bug.. What package would it be? [17:48] !ff35 [17:48] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [17:48] hatter243: and resolve.conf location? [17:48] MoltenBobcat: i feel like an idiot, im travelling and have temp moved to oz, forgot to leave my wrt54g plugged in at home, which i was going to use as a shell for piping bbc programs to me... [17:48] how to customize notification area? [17:48] Mnemonic^: You tell me, you know what packages you have installed =P [17:48] ubuntuUSR, /etc/resolv.conf [17:48] stz184, have you tried right-click>preferences [17:49] yeah [17:49] what did u want to do stz184 ] [17:49] does anyone know of a way I can prioritise network traffic on a server running ubuntu-server? [17:49] on chroot account is empty [17:49] !server [17:49] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support [17:49] ubuntuUSR, make chroot resolv.conf the same as the working resolv.conf [17:50] IRConan: /join #ubuntu-server [17:50] I can't boot into windows or ubuntu after I changed the partitions [17:50] IRConan: I dont' specifically know how to do taht but the correct terminology is QoS [17:50] coleys: already done [17:50] firewall03: what did you change? [17:50] !grub [17:50] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [17:50] IRConan, http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.cookbook.fullnat.intro.html [17:51] IRConan, MUCH easier to control QOS at your networking device and not the server though [17:51] what does < do in the terminal? [17:51] C-S-B: I did a wubi install and I wanted to make it a permanent install [17:51] Titan8990_: problem is I don't have any access except my server... it's in a public datacentre === kb is now known as Guest98400 [17:51] IRConan, then you will have implement QoS similar to the link I posted [17:52] !redirect | tsrk_ [17:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about redirect [17:52] how can I remove a package only, and not the packages that depend on it? [17:52] tsrk_, ask #bash that question [17:52] michaelb, apt-get remove [17:52] hatter243, ok [17:52] firewall03: ok, i would use a cd and reinstall, just make sure not to install over your ntfs win partition [17:52] is testdisk/photorec supposed to freeze after the "select media" screen? [17:52] Titan8990_: that removes packages that depend on it [17:52] michaelb, only aptitude remove will remove depends [17:52] i don't have a gui [17:52] firewall03: grub should pick up your win install and place an entry for it [17:52] hi [17:52] michaelb, oh [17:53] michaelb, why would you want to do that? [17:53] coleys: Well it looks like I was right.. It is a bug.. And I am not the only one.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/254583 [17:53] michaelb, that would break all those package you would want to keep [17:53] hatter243: nothing happens [17:53] Titan8990_, didi2002: I installed the latest version of the package from source... it won't break anything [17:53] i cant get rid of u3 from my usb flash drive... [17:53] firewall03: what are you getting at the moment? do you get a grub menu? [17:54] Mnemonic^: Read that bug report, and learn their format =) [17:54] Operations: dd the fist 512 bytes of the disc [17:54] how? [17:54] C-S-B: I would rather not reinstall over linux and lose everything [17:54] Is Ram dynamic in Ubuntu 9.04 [17:54] Operations, dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdb count=1 bs=512 [17:55] hatter243: is working! exit command was needed! [17:55] firewall03: backup your home directory [17:55] i have a 4 gig machine, but when I look at the System Monitor, it tells me that there is only 2.7 GiB there [17:55] firewall03: whats the current state you have? [17:55] That seems like a strange number [17:55] lwells: 32bit Ubuntu? [17:56] can i install debian 5.0 in ubuntu? [17:56] Yes it is mobi-sheep [17:56] commander_: in a virtual machine you can [17:56] commander_: with enough RAM also [17:56] how do i get that seb? [17:56] C-S-B: do you mean what am I running? [17:56] lwells: Ah-ha! Your CPU got 64bit processor though? [17:56] C-S-B: Jaunty [17:56] Yes [17:56] commander_: How much RAM do you have? [17:56] i got 3GB Ram [17:56] Amd processer [17:57] commander_: ok that's more than you need to virtual machine [17:57] hey [17:57] i put in mozilla-firefox-builds (or something like that) into my repository yesterday. how come i still don't have firefox 3.5? [17:57] what an I do if ALSA says "Default PCM: rates [0x0]: bits [0x0]: formats [0x0]" or is this the right setup (all 0x0) [17:57] firewall03: as in how broken is your setup [17:57] run a Intel Centrino dual core processor 1.83gHz [17:57] sebsebseb, its me from yesturda [17:57] mobi-sheep: I am cheating my machine with 32 bit Ubuntu? [17:57] i`d like to check dependency for all files using apt-get. how do taht? [17:57] ok Seb how do i get virtual machine? [17:57] sebsebseb, with the back track 4 [17:58] commander_: there's Virtualbox open source edition in the repo, but that lacks USB suppourt, so if you want that feature get it for linux hosts and for Ubuntu from http://www.virtualboxorg [17:58] commander_: http://www.virtualbox.org [17:58] PATPAT: oh [17:58] ubuntuUSR: apt-cache showpkg [17:58] C-S-B: I don't think its too bad, something went wrong after I resized the partitions but the partition manager said that it completed without problems [17:59] lwells: The solution would be to install 64-bit Ubuntu or install a different kernel that supports this. [17:59] so is it possible from the command line to remove packages without removing the packages that depend the on to be removed? [17:59] whats todays date [17:59] lwells: Well, if you got amd64 processor on your machine, you might as well go with Ubuntu 64. :) [17:59] !ot | PATPAT [17:59] PATPAT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [17:59] michaelb: man apt-get [17:59] PATPAT: date -u [17:59] mobi-sheep: I did install 64 bit, but some software was not available for it [17:59] !ot [17:59] date-u [18:00] ? [18:00] -U! [18:00] PATPAT, in terminal [18:00] !date-u! [18:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about date-u! [18:00] lwells: What software? [18:00] Like Skype [18:00] mickster04 SUPERGRUB fixed my problem ;)THX for help anyway === akgraner_ is now known as akgraner [18:00] maris awesome well done [18:00] usr13: noting appears. what now? [18:01] lwells i use skype with 64bit [18:01] mickster04 windows restore CD dint work :D [18:01] ubuntuUSR: Some packages don't have dependencies. [18:01] lwells: You're using 8.04? [18:01] maris, well at least i know hot to fix it D [18:01] usr13: nothing in there about removing a package without removing the packages that rely on it... i've read backwards and forwards [18:01] good afternoon, someone already used the ebuntu? [18:01] mobi-sheep: 9.04 [18:01] need help! just did an aptitude upgrade (karmic), rebooted, now I have no video (nv), and I'm not sure how to connect the wifi to even try to fix it w/o nm-applet. :/ [18:01] usr13: but i`m sure i have moved out core files like kernel modules. how fix it? [18:01] hello? [18:01] C-S-B: did you see my last? [18:01] !karmic | sporkboy [18:02] sporkboy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [18:02] !ot [18:02] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [18:03] mobi-sheep: is 8.04 more stable? [18:03] !8.04 | lwells [18:03] lwells: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details. [18:03] majnoon, what was ot? [18:03] !lts | lwells [18:03] !lts | lwells [18:03] lwells: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04) [18:03] ubuntuUSR: not sure what your question is. [18:03] Yikes what did I say [18:04] lwells: It's far more stable because of LTS -- Primarily recommended for business and such. [18:04] C-S-B: may I msg you? [18:04] offtopic chat basically talk about ALMOST anything :) [18:04] the screen resolution keeps getting back at 1024x768, after every reboot, any ideas? Someone? [18:04] lwells: But if you're home user, you might as well enjoy the fruits of the latest 9.04. [18:04] majnoon, yeah but what was ot that you pulled that? [18:04] mobi-sheep: I like bleeding edge stuff [18:04] dAnon: what video card are you using/ [18:04] ? [18:04] I just noticed in synaptic that flashplugin-installer is installed, but neither adobe-flashplugin nor flashplugin-nonfree. Firefox seems to deliver flash okay. Should I leave well enough alone or install something more? [18:04] GF 7800GT [18:04] lwells: well you don't get that with Ubuntu [18:05] mobi-sheep: huh? [18:05] Can someone tell me how I might add a request to have MSSQL compiled, by default in PHP5 for both the desktop and server versions going forward? [18:05] lwells: try Fedora 11 if you want more cutting edge, but also something that isn't pretty complex [18:05] lwells: Then stick with 9.04 if you want to be on bleeding edge. [18:05] anyone need a hand? [18:05] usr13: i have removed some files .so [18:05] lwells: Also, you didn't know this, you can run 32bit in 64bit. [18:05] !chroot | lwells [18:05] lwells: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot) [18:05] webereinc: Have you filed a bug against the php5 package? [18:05] * scunizi clap clap clap... got 2 of my own [18:06] mobi-sheep: I thought it was backward compatible [18:06] dAnon u have to save the xorg config - its read-only - so you need to save it then sudo copy it to /etc/X11 [18:06] Pici - I didn't know if this would be considered a 'bug' as opposed to just a request [18:06] lwells: Anyway, you could solve your issue by using server kernel. Let me find you a link. [18:06] mobi-sheep: just lot of software was saying it could not be install, due to incompatible architeture [18:07] mobi-sheep: thanks [18:07] webereinc: Its still appropriate to log it on Launchpad against that package. It may be classified as 'wishlist' though. [18:07] lwells: To learn more about 32 or 64 bit, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit Look under Memory. You'll find the limit in 4GB. [18:07] it gives you the name of the offtopic channel [18:07] dAnon theres an option to save it on the nvidia config gui [18:07] OK, thanks! === lifi is now known as bdl [18:07] joebodo why do I have to everything manually? [18:07] if I do the install option via the live cd will that totally reformat my computer? [18:07] majnoon, yeah but normaly people go off topic before you moan about it [18:07] was gettig for ME [18:07] firewall03: do you have a windows install you want to keep? [18:07] hi [18:08] scunizi: roger [18:08] how do i setup an intel hda soundcard? [18:08] !hi | vonor [18:08] vonor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [18:08] lwells: You see this on the page? :What should I choose - 32 or 64 bit? [18:08] Unless you have specific reasons to choose 32-bit, we recommend 64-bit. [18:08] dAnon did u want me to come over and do it for youu ? [18:08] majnoon ah ok [18:08] 2nd question - how can you change ownership of a file using nautilus? File is set to my own account and I want to change its ownership to www-data [18:08] ok, how can I tell apt that I already have something installed manually which satisfy dependencies for other packages? [18:08] scunizi: yes I do [18:08] joebodo no just, when I click save x configuration it says it can't [18:08] firewall03: then part of the process, the install cd will ask how much space you want to allocate to ubuntu and it will repartition your drive.. to be safer you can always do that yourself manually === will___ is now known as throughnothing [18:09] mobi-sheep: yes I will read that [18:09] joebodo where's the common logic in this? [18:09] does the alternative cd also has ltsp support, or only the desktop cd? the server cd surely doesn't have it on the install cd as option :( [18:09] webereinc: right click, choose properties and edit. [18:09] joebodo I see none [18:09] scunizi: will it give me the option to use my own partitions that I have already made? [18:09] (When) will ubuntu 9.04 get the firefox 3.5 version? === root is now known as Guest82278 [18:09] dAnon save to ur desktop - then sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11/ [18:09] usr13: no - properties shows my ownership but doesn't give a drop down or anyway to change the owner [18:09] shled: when it is done being tested. [18:09] mickster04: why from external hard drive => HD to copy file speed is 10kb but from the DH=> external is 20mb? [18:09] mickster04, i'd appreciate that if you want to greet me to do it yourself instead of through a bot :P [18:10] michaeldb : dpkg offers such possib's, man dpkg > force options;; apt won't remove packages needed for other apps usually [18:10] lwells: Read few links from this --> http://tinyurl.com/kqa66a [18:10] Pici, thanks [18:10] mobi-sheep: ahh , so there is a work around for 32 bit applications on Ubuntu 64 [18:10] lwells: That should solve your issue. However, I suggest you to use 64bit Ubuntu in the future. :) [18:10] firewall03: If you make them yourself then when the installer gets to the partitioning portion choose manual.. from there you can tell it what is what.. if you make the partitions yourself then 8-12 gigs for / (root)... 1-2gigs for /swap and the remainder /home [18:10] maris? 10kb? [18:11] sry mb [18:11] maris? i have no idea.... [18:11] firewall03: /home is where all your personal data lives. mostely [18:11] mobi-sheep: Well there is some more work to get some of the same software on 64 bit Ubuntu === michaelb is now known as brailsmt [18:11] quit [18:11] lwells: Yes, by using chroot, your application will believe you're at root (/) when in reality, you're using /home/lwells/ or something else. :) [18:11] maris? oh write speeds might be different to read? [18:11] scunizi: I knew that, is there a way I can restore my wubi install at all? [18:11] Anyone? How to change ownership of a file or folder using nautilus - -- properties shows me as owner and I want to change ownership to www-data [18:11] webereinc: Oh, I see. Well, I guess that's just something you can't do in Nautilus. Sorry. [18:11] firewall03: that I don't know.. I've never played with wubi [18:11] DasEi: dpkg can tell apt that I've already got a dep installed and don't need it to be installed? [18:11] just now removing 34GB data deadly slow :/ [18:12] !wubi | firewall03 [18:12] firewall03: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [18:12] mobi-sheep: got wish I new that before reinstalling under 32bit [18:12] lwells: You could always ask here for assistances and such. ;) [18:12] webereinc: do it from terminal better, or you'd have to run nautilus as root (dangerous) [18:12] webereinc: I suppose you'll have to do it from CLI using command chown [18:12] scunizi: its no big deal ill just have to reinstall everything, thanks for you help [18:12] ok Seb i'M dl virtualbox now wha?t i do after that [18:13] mobi-sheep: guess i figured it to be a simple process to go to 64 bit [18:13] firewall03: np :) [18:13] howdy all [18:13] heh I broke ubuntu! 8.10 I have a command prompt on boot and I can login. No GUI. I am now on win looking for help. I was removing the ATI driver and trying to get the Open driver installed to get ready to go to 9.04. upon reboot no GUI. I do not know what ubuntu help guide I was following, as now I am on win. I do not know the command to launch the GUI even. Please help. I thank you [18:13] joebodo so basically I need to copy this file to /etc/X11 [18:13] joebodo If so, I'm done right? [18:13] mickster04: interesting then to move to external much faster than other way :) [18:13] scunizi: 1 more thing, my windows should still remain intact after the install? [18:13] brailsmt: nope, the queston was how to keep apt from removing additional packets, needed by remaing deb's [18:13] dAnon yes that should do it [18:13] I have a dummy question. How do I do a search in the terminal (to find previously typed commands)? === jared__ is now known as Jaret [18:13] vibra: use the up or down arrows [18:13] lwells: I suppose things would run faster (and natively). Using 32bit ubuntu on 64bit, that's just robbing your processing time since the other 32 aren't going to be used in threads. [18:14] vibra: history [18:14] my nvidia-settings app doesn't save to file what it sets on the fly, what should i do? [18:14] mobi-sheep: one more question , is there anyway not to lose all the work I have done , setting up machine, or would I need to start all over [18:14] LargePrime1: you got a cmd-prompt ? [18:14] joebodo thanks then, but it shouldn't be that way, and I can't find a reasonable excuse for such fail [18:14] firewall03: should .. I've never had an issue.. occationally grub will not be referenced correctly but that's a realatively easy fix.. [18:14] usr13 & DasEi: Is that what everyone else does when promoting websites from local accounts into production? Mannually change ownership with CLI. Why invest in the GUI of nautilus if you can't accomplish this needed file maintenance? [18:14] DasEi: i went ahead and just blew away everything, so now I need to tell apt that I don't need a package installed... [18:14] scunizi: alright Ill give it a whirl and harass you about it when I get it done thanks again [18:14] DasEi: Yep. also sorry this pidgin is not configgured for IRC === _ejb is now known as ejb [18:14] webereinc: Maybe you should tell us what you are trying to do. [18:15] mobi-sheep: I have no data yet, but I installed and set up the machine the way I liked it, hate to do that work again [18:15] LargePrime1: learn irssi for irc access from the command line.. ctrl+alt+F1-6 will give you different TTY's that you can 'fix' things from [18:15] LargePrime1: you're next to the cmd-line one ? [18:15] my nvidia-settings app doesn't save to file what it sets on the fly, what should i do? [18:15] anyone have a couple of min to help with a problem where one box will respond to a ping from one computer but not the other when they are all on the same hub [18:15] DasEi: scunizi I am in win now [18:15] rblst: Run it under sudo [18:15] Jodosh: Are you sure the hub is functional? [18:16] yes [18:16] DasEi: scunizi I am in win now. I can boot ubuntu but have no GUI [18:16] Jodosh: Also, are ytou sure it's a hub? Most hub saren't hubs, these days, but switches. [18:16] PCa can ping PCb and PCc [18:16] webereinc: as said you could, but you can accidently destroy a lot [18:16] LargePrime1: get a paper & pen .. [18:16] PCb will only ping PCa [18:16] I know that exist a shortcut to find commands previously typed in terminal, but i don't remember, and i couldn't find it. [18:16] I have a USB keyboard plugged into my laptop. Unfortuantely, the USB keyboard has a poorly-placed power button. How can I either prevent ubuntu from powering down when it's hit, or force it to always use suspend instead of shutdown or restart? [18:16] and PCc will only ping PCa [18:16] My employees are using webmin to file-xfer from their local machines (development) up to the test (and eventually production) web servers. After the file transfer, the files and folders are set with the developer's account from the webmin transfer and they need to be given to www-data ownership. Most of the developers are not CLI experts so I wanted them to be able to change the ownership using nautilus... but this looks like it doesn't work. [18:17] puff, system>preference>power options? [18:17] usr13: it saves the file, but those settings are not the same as the ones it sets when i click apply [18:17] scunizi: are you saying I can log into Ubuntu and type Irssi and have an IRC client? [18:17] puff power management sorry [18:17] webereinc: Using CLI to change ownership is not that difficult: chown user-name file-name [18:18] An IRC question if that is okay. How do I get a channel list? [18:18] mickster04: Bah humbug, no optoin for "do nothing". [18:18] rblst: Are you using gnome? [18:18] vibra if your still in the same window, press up-key [18:18] really? [18:18] DasEi: Got it [18:18] mickster04: But I guess defaulting to suspend is better than nothing. Thanksl. [18:18] LargePrime1: boot into command line, login as user with PW, then : http://paste.ubuntu.com/207629/ [18:18] puff hmm....i set mine to "ask" [18:18] which package contains libncursesw.so ? [18:18] usr13: yes [18:19] usr13: Yep, that looks like the way I'll have to go [18:19] Thanks [18:19] brailsmt:apt-get remove [18:19] lwells: Sorry, I'm back. [18:19] webereinc why not add them to the proper group / [18:19] mickster04: Yea, that's what I had it set to, but the problem is, if I'm typing a mile a minute and accidentally hit the on-keyboard power button.... [18:19] mobi-sheep: you see my other question? [18:19] lwells: I went in kitchen to get myself a drink. You can back up your home directory. [18:19] mickster04: The ask dialog comes up and by default it's on shutdown and my fingers are flying... [18:19] !home | lwells [18:19] lwells: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [18:19] puff yeah.... [18:19] webereinc: Are they using webmin on a ubuntu server? [18:19] joebodo: They are in the group www-data, but when the files transfer, the retain the local owner's account... [18:19] brailsmt:use --purge option if you want to delete config, too [18:19] We are required to use corporate specific fonts.. I installed the microsoft-corefonts and that works. How to I install fonts from the .PFB and .PFM extensions? [18:20] usr13: yes [18:20] lwells: All configuration files too, not just your personal files. :) [18:20] webereinc: What does "file-xfer" mean? [18:20] usr13: but i'd be content with any command line solution too [18:20] usr13: file transfer [18:20] mobi-sheep: so I could just copy that over to the new install? [18:20] there is a panel on my desktop which can't be deleted, is there another way to delete it? [18:21] webereinc sounds like a config issue with ur ftp or whatever ur using [18:21] webereinc: I would suggest that you have them file transfer via an SCP GUI client to a local direcotry in their user account, then have a shell script that synchronizes (and sets permissions properly) to the web account for deployment. [18:21] lwells: Yes. Or you can create a separate home partition (easier). [18:21] Pirate_Hunter:which app ? [18:21] when i type a command in terminal, i can use a shortcut to find similar commands previously typed. anyone remember which it is? [18:21] Pirate_Hunter: is there any error message? perhaps try to remove it as root [18:21] lwells: Also, if you want to keep a list of newly installed packages that you added. [18:21] webereinc: Ok, well, I've never used webmin to do that. But, if you want to change ownership of a whole directory full of files, just cd to that dir and do; chown user-name * [18:21] !clone | lwells [18:21] lwells: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate [18:21] DasEi: away I go . wish me luck! [18:21] mickster04: by the way I have creative VF-0050 web cam and I cant get to work that on UBUNTU [18:21] joebodo: Not really, the web development world is still quite kludgy when it comes to permissions. [18:21] do so XD, LargePrime1 [18:22] puff bah [18:22] mobi-sheep: do you have a link for that? [18:22] lwells: That'll give you a list. I personally like to keep my home partition on different hard drive and find a smallest HDD I could... 20GB or so and use that for my core system. ;) [18:22] maris yeah i have my webcam built in a n it just worked....sorry [18:22] DasEi: Can I save thoes commands to a file and run them from the command prompt? [18:22] lwells: Link for what? [18:22] usr13: Yep - I could do that, but having non-experienced developers running amok with a CLI sounds a little scary to me...... [18:22] joebodo: That's about how I feel about it :-) [18:22] gzojw, how would i go removing it as root, doesnt root access only work on nautilus and cli? Well i right click it and the delete option is greyed out which aint supposed to happen [18:22] webereinc: I told you what you should do. [18:23] webereinc: but if they ftp the files, the ownership would become what it should be. The file transfer method is the problem. [18:23] puff: that suggestion might be the way I have to go [18:23] mobi-sheep: for doing a seperate partition for the old home directory and having it work with the new install/ [18:23] my nvidia-settings app saves a different config to file from what it sets on the fly, what should i do? [18:23] ppuff ftp can do what he needs - just needs to be configured - [18:23] The file xfer is a java applet running within webmin [18:23] !home | lwells [18:23] lwells: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [18:23] LargePrime1: you could sum in a script an call it as root, but for three lines and usage once .. lern basic cmds ;-) [18:23] maris, i suppose you've googled your webcam + linux? [18:23] lwells: See the link ^^ [18:23] webereinc: I've been doing web stuff since 1994, trust me. [18:23] afternoon all =D [18:23] joebodo: Depends on how he has group perms and sudo and etc set up. [18:23] Pirate_Hunter: what is the name of that folder? in console try doing stat Desktop/name_of_that_folder to see its permissions status [18:24] webereinc: Yes, I understand that you dont want un-experienced users on CLI for sure... but there are other solutions. AND you already have them using webmin and that is scary to me. [18:24] puff: most of my developers are developing on Windows boxes............ [18:24] joebodo: MAybe you don't *want* your users to have sufficient access to do that. [18:24] DasEi: Yes sir... [18:24] * LargePrime1 sulks [18:24] puff exactly [18:24] heh [18:24] lwells: Do you have several files / large-sized files in your home directory? [18:24] webereinc: webmin is for lerning purposes only, just a learning tool - IMO [18:24] mysk system on ubuntu 9.04 is hogging all the cpu. running only task manager too freezes the system. what should i do? [18:24] I have no data yet mobi-sheep [18:25] anyone know any good apache stats analytics packages that let you keep up to date through the day in "real time" or within the last 10 minutes or something? [18:25] webereinc: The way to use webmin is to use it, see what it does, learn from it, and then uninstall it. [18:25] Jodosh: Okay, so you have three boxes plugged into the same hub. [18:25] puff id rather not have them log in ... just to change perms [18:25] angad: see top or htop to see which proc causes this [18:25] watching movie running firefox everythi [18:25] mobi-sheep: I just set up all this yesterday [18:25] I'm having some trouble setting up postfix for my server. I followed the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and it works through "testing", but if i try to send an email (say, via telneting to port 25 and manually issuing commands) locally or remotely, it doesn't work. any ideas where i should/could start? the test email i sent o my address @gmail.com is still in the outgoing queue and it says the connection to gmai. [18:25] my nvidia-settings app saves a different config to file from what it sets on the fly, what should i do? [18:25] lwells: You could just tar up your home directory and put it on your USB or something, since you don't have data at all. [18:25] joebodo: I didn't say they sh ould, I said he should have a script that does it for them. [18:25] we have goog analytics, but we're looking to do analytics of our own to cross reference/ match up against 3rd party analytics. [18:25] puff & usr13: my developers develop in local apache/mysql/php environments on Windows... when they get it right, they need to push it up to an Ubuntu server.... I don't want them in the CLI but I don't want to have to go behind them ... [18:26] and also to get a more realtime feel for our site activity. [18:26] webereinc: You might want to look into a CMS solution. [18:26] puff yeah thats easiest route [18:26] they are all on the same subnet (10.0.1.X/24) [18:26] rblst, what nvidia are you useing [18:26] Is anyone familiar with kernel commandline stuff? [18:26] mobi-sheep: but I would in affect have two home directories with the new install? [18:26] webereinc: What's the development platform? [18:26] I have found by myself the answer to my previous question! [18:26] In terminal do: [18:26] webereinc: Apache, php, perl, java? [18:26] A can ping both B and C, but B and C can't ping eachother [18:26] ctr+r → It searches for commands you've already typed. [18:26] Anyway. Thanks for the guys that tried help me :) [18:26] vibra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:26] Jodosh: Can B or C ping A? [18:26] DasEi, processes change. terminal took 10 secs to start [18:26] lwells: No. When you finished installing, you would not log in. You would overwrite your ~/home with a backup ~/home. [18:27] they both can [18:27] puff: apache (and/or IIS) php5 mysql (and/or MSSQL) [18:27] anyone knows how to remove the last panel from desktop? [18:27] Jodosh: Can B or C ping the outside world? [18:27] short__error: geforce4 mx 440 [18:27] Pirate_Hunter: Can't hide the last panel. Invisible it? [18:27] this is one a network that isn't connected to the outside [18:27] well, device_nomsi=0x0AD410DE dosen't do much. [18:27] angad: if you use htop, can press f6 and sort for mem or cpu load [18:27] Pirate_Hunter: can you right click on it and delete it? [18:27] Pirate_Hunter: Err, Can't delete the last panel. Hide it. [18:27] usr13: Which CMS solution might you suggest? Don't many of them also generate unwanted code as a by-product? [18:27] webereinc: I've recently started using joomla and like it quit a bit. Maybe you could make some sort of shift in that direction somehow? [18:28] FloodBot3. I didn't understand... [18:28] usr13: I'm not familiar with joomla - please describe briefly [18:28] mobi-sheep: thanks for all your help [18:28] webereinc: I could show you an example if you like. (Can I PM you?) [18:28] what is intresting is that of i hook a second NIC from B to the hub then they can ping eachother [18:28] DasEi, top process is gnome-system-moniter itself [18:28] mobi-sheep, hmmm weird considering there is a command to bring panel back encase something goes wrong. [18:28] lwells: Read whatever I gave you. It should help you understand it better. Don't do this when you're logged in. You need to do this in TTY and such. [18:29] usr13: New to this chat forum (first time on Pidgin) Please advise [18:29] angad: which amount/percentage ? [18:29] mobi-sheep: yes that makes sense [18:29] my nvidia-settings app saves a different config to file from what it sets on the fly, what should i do? [18:29] webereinc: Yeah, just set up a script that syncronizes from, say, /home/foo/development to /var/www/htdocs/foo and then chowns as appropriate. [18:29] webereinc: never mind. See: saint-annes.org [18:29] hello [18:29] Pirate_Hunter: Well, I know that you can't hide the last panel. That's all there is. Meh. [18:29] webereinc: However, i'm not sure you really need to chown to www-data. Why do you think you need to? [18:29] DasEi, 55-60 [18:30] rblst, are you using ubuntu 9.04 [18:30] mobi-sheep: you know what was funny, when had the 64 bit installed, the Ram was at 3.6 [18:30] webereinc: http://www.joomla.org/ [18:30] angad: pretty much for that, disable it then, and check your logs [18:30] Still not the full 4 gig [18:30] puff: because www-data is the account that apache is using [18:30] short__error: just installed it from cd [18:30] mobi-sheep, yeah just tried hiding it and nothing is happening :p starting to annoy me now [18:30] usr13, webereinc maybe we should take this discussion over to #web or #php? [18:30] angad: your machine specs ? [18:30] gah! can I download an application source tarball from the apps site, and use that source tarball to build the package and have apt know that the dependency is fulfilled? [18:31] webereinc: Drupal is supposed to be good, See drupal.org [18:31] webereinc: That is only really releveant if you need to give a script write-access to afile. [18:31] how do i show a logout option on quit dialog? [18:31] usr13: I kinda disagree with both of those comments :-). [18:31] usr13: But not virulently.; [18:31] puff: webereinc Probably should, and could get more experienced input from there too [18:31] usr13, webereinc maybe we should take this discussion over to #web or #php? [18:31] I suggest #php to start. [18:31] DasEi, nothing is right. mp3 avi no matter what i do cpu reaches 90. [18:32] Though they explicitly don't do app support. [18:32] puff: I'll go either way. How about you webereinc ? [18:32] angad : try to start the app from cmd-line, to see error messages [18:32] puff: Yes, that is what's going on - updating some statistic files, uploading images, etc. [18:32] Hi, can anybody check is my 22 port open on [18:32] puff: There is also #joomla .... [18:33] moving to #php [18:33] webereinc: ok very good, c u there. [18:33] How [18:33] ? [18:33] rblst, do you have the correct drivers installed [18:33] brailsmt: that would work, but if you got no repo for sources.list, system might get unstable next update you do, see also : [18:33] !compile [18:33] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [18:34] DasEi, i dont think its related to the packages. firefox also froze [18:34] how do i show a logout option on quit dialog? === TamCore[oFF] is now known as TamCore [18:34] angad: so check /var/log/syslog ,...kernel.log [18:34] Synegami: it does not show any open ports for that IP [18:35] short__error: i have enabled the closed source driver; when i click to change monitor settings in gnome, it pops up the nvidia proprietary config app [18:35] Jodosh: mysterious, dude... have you ytried swapping the plugs around to see if it's something about that particular port? [18:35] how can i create a casper-rw file of a specific size? [18:35] redsoxking, u took my ID LoL [18:35] DasEi: my case is unixodbc, i'm trying to install the latest, the package in apt is not working (i'm on 9.04), so I compiled the thing from the unixodbc website, but now I need to tell apt that I *already* have the unixodbc dependency installed and don't need the package version installed when I install anything that depends on unixodbc, like jdbc... [18:36] yea, I have tried 4 different hubs with new cords, looks like I'll have to treat it like windows and see if a restart fixes anything [18:36] Ddorda there are several panel applets that show log out - u may need to select a different one [18:36] jefinc: thx, that sux :( [18:36] rblst, is this what is tells you "It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?" [18:36] DasEi: this should be simple... [18:36] joebodo: can you recommend me some? [18:36] short__error: that's right, and i click yes [18:37] does device_nomsi= work on ubuntu kernels? [18:37] does anyone know how to connect a PS3 via USB to ubuntu [18:37] Ddora i use the fast user switcher applet [18:38] DasEi, what do i look for ? its huge [18:38] brailsmt: let's not break your packagemanagement, sure you can force dpkg to ignore the unixodbc depencie, if that's the matter and you want to act so, mind unstability [18:38] Hi! I'm searching for a shell command which will list files in a repo package. Do you know of one? [18:38] Ddorda i use the fast user switcher applet [18:38] rblst, click not and it will bring you to the gnome display settings and you will be able to change what you need i do believe [18:38] angad: use search function > error [18:38] RedSoxKing_, is the ps3 running ubuntu? [18:39] !info unixodbc | brailsmt: [18:39] brailsmt:: unixodbc (source: unixodbc): ODBC tools libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-16build3 (jaunty), package size 288 kB, installed size 848 kB [18:39] how can i create a casper-rw file of a specific size? [18:39] hey guys [18:39] hallo [18:39] brailsmt:why don't you use it ? [18:40] how can i uninstall additional packages that were installed as complements for a package when i remove that package?? [18:40] sudo apt-get autoremove [18:40] Can anyone help me? I've compiled the 2.6.30 kernel, and, when i log in to kde, i have no mouse, but, when X crashes (nvidia stuff ¬¬ solved), i DO have a mouse [18:40] DasEi: i need 2.2.14 of unixodbc... 2.2.11-16build3 does not work... *sigh* [18:40] puff: a reboot of one of the 2 computers fixed the error, weird. Thanks for your help [18:40] I'm going to download skype, but it says on the download page the download is for ubuntu 7.04-8.04, and Im currently upgrading to 9.04, is there any reason why it shouldn't work on 9.04? [18:40] MK13: This will create a 100M file filled with zeroes: dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 of=/path/to/store/casper-rw [18:41] Kurisuchan: Use the medibuntu repos [18:41] Kurisuchan: i tried it in my ubuntu remix and it doesn't work, i don't know if its because it was remix edition or ubuntu 9.04 [18:41] !medibuntu | Kurisuchan: [18:41] Kurisuchan:: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [18:41] MK13: Then run mke2fs /path/to/store/casper-rw [18:41] brailsmt: so you compiled it, and now a app won't to install the deb from repo ? [18:41] MK13: to format it [18:41] geirha, thnx [18:41] well okay, thank you for the answers, I will check out medibuntu [18:41] brailsmt: so you compiled it, and now a app want to install the deb from repo ?* [18:42] Kurisuchan i have skype running fine on 9.04 [18:42] geirha, what does the /dev/zero do? [18:42] well that leaves me confused [18:42] MK13: When you read from it, it will continuosly output zero bytes, infinately [18:42] MK13: /dev/zero is like a virtual harddrive with only 0's [18:42] geirha, ahh, gotcha [18:43] MK13: dd just copies "data" from it to a file [18:43] Kurisuchan it works better on 9 due to the sound improvements [18:43] DasEi: yes [18:43] Can anyone help me? I've compiled the 2.6.30 kernel, and, when i log in to kde, i have no mouse, but, when X crashes (nvidia stuff ¬¬ solved), i DO have a mouse [18:43] joebodo: so where did you get your skype, medibuntu repositories or skypes homepage? [18:43] servus [18:44] Kurisuchan medibuntu [18:44] Drknezz: first off kubuntu is halfass implmenation of KDE, second... Is hal going? [18:44] ? [18:44] geirha, could you explain most of that command so I can learn the components used? [18:44] coleys: HAL? [18:44] coleys: the Hw abstraction layer? [18:44] Drknezz: Hardware Abstraction Layer. [18:44] joebodo: ok, thanks, I will use that then :) [18:44] coleys: why wouldn't it ever be running anyways, isn't it essential? [18:45] Drknezz: It could be erroring or something. And No its not essential if you know what your doing. [18:45] DasEi: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk tomcat5.5 -> The following extra packages will be installed: ... unixodbc [18:45] MK13: from the input file (if=), read 100 (count=100) blocks of size 1M (bs=1M), and write them to outfile (of=) [18:45] coleys: how can i check for it? [18:45] am I correct in thinking its not possible for a script on a mounted volume to unmount the volume that its written on and remount it again? [18:45] DasEi, hey now all of a sudden everything is normal. i didn't do anything at all. it froze yesterday like this for a long time too. my syslog errors o/p > http://pastebin.com/m3a7d1c60 [18:45] geirha, kk thnx alot [18:46] hello, my screen gets garbled after i boot into the login screen. I set my drivers to intel 2.4 and defaultdepth to 24 which doesnt work with any resolutions i set in the "display" subsection. For some reason I can use depth 24 if i change into this with xorg.conf and then reboot instead of shutting down and turning my comp back on. If i use 16bit depth everyting works fine with the intel driver and vesa. [18:46] MK13: Don't set the blocksize too high. With bs=1M, it will use at least 1M memory, if you set bs=1G, it will use at least 1G memory [18:46] Drknezz: sudo /etc/init.d/hald restart [18:46] coleys: when the X-error ggtk dialog popped up, the mouse worked correctly, but when i finally could log in to kde, the mosue was still all time, no matter what i did, but when i boot back into Ubuntu's stock kernel, it works [18:47] does device_nomsi= work on ubuntu kernels? [18:47] geirha, very good to know [18:47] geirha, 1M shouldn't impact 2 gigs much :D [18:47] does anyone use rtorretn 0.8.4? [18:48] Drknezz: How did you install kde? Via kubuntu liveCD or... apt-get? [18:48] MK13: Yeah, 1M should be fairly effcient [18:48] coleys: kubuntu liveCD [18:48] Drknezz: and your mouse isn't a touchpad right? [18:48] coleys: this is pure kubuntu, not ubuntu conversion, i came here because #kubuntu is a ghost town [18:48] geirha, the count wont matter will it... it will just cause it to run longer while using 1M right? [18:48] coleys: it's a desktop [18:48] ;) [18:49] Drknezz: Okay. And Yeah..Kubuntu is a ghosttown =P hmm.. [18:49] lol [18:49] short__error: i tried that as well, but then the frequency is too low, whereas the nvidia app sets it well [18:49] i need help. I have a external hard drive that i just formatted to ext2 and it mounts but i cannot write to it [18:49] rblst: just click on write to X config file ;) [18:50] !fstab | BellinXFelon [18:50] BellinXFelon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [18:50] Drknezz: it writes to xorg.conf, but those settings are bad [18:50] MK13: With the one I showed you, it will read 1M into memory, then write it, read another 1M, and write it. Reapeated 100 times when count=100 [18:50] does somebody know how to install rtorrent 0.8.4 to ubuntu 8.04 server? [18:50] rblst, yes do as Drknezz said..... [18:50] rblst: :S [18:50] Drknezz: Im not really sure... Honestly it should be working. [18:50] geirha, thnx alot [18:50] rblst: it always works for me, X detects freq's wrong, and nvidia-config fix them [18:50] does any1 have a prob with jave intergrating properly with browsers in jaunty? [18:50] jave = java [18:51] hello folks, I was wondering if anyone here has a highly optimized kernel (single cpu) and would share the size of that kernel with me 2.6 version please. [18:51] brailsmt: I feel don't feel too lucky with that advice, but man dpkg tells you how to update the package information, from tarball to deb : http://abz89.wordpress.com/2008/03/24/building-debian-deb-package-from-tarball-source-targz/ >>OWN risk !! [18:51] I've been trimming for a day and still have some trimming to do. [18:51] coleys: i'd say i didnt compile a certain module, but i had a functional mouse on gtk dialog :S [18:51] Drknezz: Yeah thats what doesn't make sense. =p [18:51] rblst: you got to run the tool as sudo [18:51] I keep getting: WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed! python-moovida python-pgm moovida-plugins-ugly moovida moovida-plugins-good moovida-plugins-bad, even though I've added the key and updated. Any idea why? [18:52] hey all... if I know the name of a package that I want, how do I figure out what repository it's in, so aptitude can add it to my source list? [18:52] DasEi: thank you for your time, I'm an advanced user and I know what I'm doing, I just need to workaround this limitation in apt, thanks for your help... I found the equivs package and will try that out... [18:52] coleys: kde depends on hal for mouse stuff? [18:52] Cainus: First check if its available with current repos. apt-cache search packagename [18:52] so if i install something and it asks for another 35 packages and then uninstall it, will aptsget autoremove remove the extra 35 packages?? [18:52] coleys: it's not [18:52] Drknezz : how do i use fstab im fairly new to this [18:52] brailsmt: may your sys last long.. [18:52] Cainus: Search google for ubuntu repo for it, what application if I may ask? [18:52] lwells: I have 3GB ram and it displayed 2.9GB for me. :) How did you find out your RAM size? [18:53] BellinXFelon: you dont *use* fstab, it just signals the kernel how to do stuff [18:53] Drknezz: Everything depends on HAL =P [18:53] coleys: python-pypoker-eval ... I've installed it on another system, so I know it's the correct name [18:53] BellinXFelon: modify it according to those guides ;) [18:53] coleys: so, how did gtk took control of mouse? [18:53] Drknezz : ok well i have done this same thing before, i just forgot how to do it, i remember using sudo chown [18:53] I have a terminal application launcher but i need to designate a specific working directory. Which env variable should i set? [18:54] Drknezz: I don't have a clue, I don't trust kubuntu myself =P [18:54] ciao a tutti inchatt [18:54] BellinXFelon: Huh? changing the owner of fstab should make a kernel panic [18:54] coleys: lol [18:54] Drknezz : I am just trying to write to the disk, It is already mounted [18:54] on a desktop system single cpu kernel 2.6.x what should the approximate size be? [18:55] BellinXFelon: i think it is being mounted as R [18:55] BellinXFelon: not RW [18:55] Drknezz: i do it so, i run it as root, makes no difference [18:55] Hello beautiful people! Can someone help me troubleshoot my dvd burner? [18:55] Drknezz : and I edit fstab [18:55] BellinXFelon: yeah, you have to edit it, stick to the guides ;) You can do it [18:56] rblst: weird [18:56] Drknezz : ok thanks [18:56] coleys: this one: http://packages.debian.org/experimental/python-pypoker-eval . What repo do I add to my source list? [18:56] Drknezz: indeed [18:56] BellinXFelon: np [18:56] sera gente! [18:56] Drknezz: Check msgs. !> [18:56] rblst: !pastebin your xorg.conf [18:56] !it | luca [18:56] luca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [18:57] ciao luca [18:57] sorry, tx! [18:57] Hello beautiful people! Can someone help me troubleshoot my dvd burner? [18:57] Drknezz: which one? the one nvidia app makes? [18:57] rblst: Hmmm [18:58] !ask | jimdandy [18:58] jimdandy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:58] Hello everyone -- I need help enabling desktop effects -- it doesn't like my graphics drivers for some reason [18:58] rblst: there's only one xorg.conf === hombre__ is now known as goodhombre [18:58] !ask jimdandy [18:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about ask jimdandy [18:58] rblst: it's located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [18:58] rblst: and nvidia tool should store it there no matter what [18:58] Drknezz: sure, but the current file is the original one, not modified by nvidia [18:59] how do I find out which graphics driver is in use right now? [18:59] Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to restore a backup-file in lampp/xampp ? [18:59] rblst: then nvidia tool is not being run as root [19:00] hi all.. i wish to tunnel traffic through my offfice firewall through my home computer .. to the internet ... the application speaks over the say the 3334 port [19:00] Drknezz: i have restored it, as the modified file is wrong [19:00] app [3334->443] ((office firewall)) [443] ((home computer)) [443->3334] (( internet )) [19:00] can anynone pls guide me in doing this? [19:00] I have to restore my mysql-database in lampp.... how do i do it? [19:00] Zaqq: i'd suggest you start reading iptables' manual ;) [19:00] rblst: :( [19:00] =D [19:01] zaqq ssh and squid [19:01] any quicker way to do this? [19:01] Zaqq: AFAIK, no [19:01] can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my graphics driver? Desktop effects wont work and games are slow [19:01] Zaqq: ssh is easiest, or [19:01] !vpn [19:01] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [19:01] Drknezz: so you want me to pastebin the one nvidia app makes, right? [19:01] Zaqq: Iptables may be hard on new users, but once you master it, it's perfect for anything [19:01] can i make the traffic seem like it is some random https traffic ... so that my real bits are not detected at the firewall? [19:01] rblst: both [19:02] okay [19:02] rohtie: mysql < mysqlbackup.sql [19:02] Zaqq: BitTorrent? [19:02] no [19:02] ? [19:02] Ok, sorry. My dvd burner stopped working, I believe since my upgrade to jaunty. It is a Samsung sata model. All I get are corrupted discs. I've tried Brasero, k3b, dvdrecord, and growisofs. This is all in an attempt to burn an official Xubuntu Jaunty iso, which passes the md5sum with the provided hash from the server. Also the discs either don't boot at all, or when I get to the boot menu and select the option to t [19:02] its a java application [19:02] Zaqq: traffic scramblers... :/ [19:02] no downloads .. the traffic is very very thin [19:02] zaqq ssh will encrypt [19:02] rohtie: It's a backup made by mysqldump, right? [19:02] geirha: i backed up a .sh-file [19:02] 1-2 kbps .. but latency is important [19:02] geirha: there is a downside [19:02] Drknezz: rblst: the entry in system administration menu doesnt, you need to run it from a terminal with sudo nvidia-settings [19:02] how can i mount a disk image to modify its partition table etc...? [19:02] geirha: the other guy has to have ssh too [19:03] geirha: but for some reason it can't be restored [19:03] Thingymebob: he assured me he ran it with sudo [19:03] Drknezz & DasEi : is there a friendlier guide than the ones you mentioned? [19:03] Thingymebob: idk if he really did [19:03] hi, how can i disable compiz/the graphics temporarily to give full gfx card power to a game and re-enable it again? [19:03] !iptables | Zaqq [19:03] Zaqq: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [19:03] geirha: i get this error: /opt/lampp/backup/xampp-backup-29-06-09.sh: 7: function: not found [19:03] yahya__: simple [19:03] Drknezz: jumped in hafway here, just checking [19:03] yahya__: metacity --replace disables compiz [19:03] someone has a fix to kill or hide the last -gnome-panel? [19:04] rohtie: sounds like you are running a bash script with sh [19:04] yahya__: compiz --replace enables it [19:04] Thingymebob: lol [19:04] zaqq u can use corkscrew to get ssh tunneled through a corp proxy server [19:04] Drknezz, thanks alot :) been a headache to play games with slow gfx :) [19:04] * Thingymebob slaps forehead [19:04] geirha: well i did run it with "sudo sh file.sh" [19:05] yahya__: lol, i can play warsow with full quality with compiz on ;) nVidia 9500GT [19:05] rohtie: You probably want to run sudo bash file.sh [19:05] geirha: sudo ./script.sh [19:05] geirha: whats the difference? [19:05] joebodo: thanks .. googling it ... anyone else have any more ideas? === MartyMacFly is now known as Guest4183 [19:05] i'm running ubuntu 904, i want to remove old kernel entries in grub, how do i do that ? [19:05] How can i mount a disk image like hd.img and format it/create partition table etc using fdisk etc... [19:05] joebodo: the other guy must have ssh -.- [19:05] Drknezz: I'll try that [19:05] I have an ati radeon 4670 hd, and since upgrading to Jaunty I get a wallhack for free in warsow. It got on my nerves though... [19:05] baba_b00ie: gksu gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf [19:06] rohtie: sh is a less feature-rich shell than bash. Amongst other things, it does not recognize the function keyword that bash does [19:06] ah ty [19:06] !iso | vise [19:06] vise: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [19:06] baba_b00ie: Then you can also delete corresponding Kernels from there aswelll. [19:06] drknezz he said to his home comp i believe [19:06] geirha: okay! I'll try that as well [19:06] jimdandy: issue? [19:06] yeah ... my home computer i can setup anything [19:06] joebodo: may work [19:06] mobi-sheep, it has to be a disk image with a partition table... [19:07] Zaqq: then use ssh ;) [19:07] Zaqq: there are clients for windows too [19:07] !peak [19:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about peak [19:07] I've installed a new kernel as root using deb ---- deb package will not uninstall without specific file names so if I just delete /lib/modules and all 2.6.30 refs in /boot and the source dir in /usr/src should be enough to do new install ? [19:07] its just that the traffic at the office must seem innocent enough ... (which it is btw :) just want my privacy) [19:07] geirha: yay! it worked :) thanks alot!!! [19:07] sorry /lib/modules/2.6.30 delete [19:08] tw3ak: just do this: sudo dpkg -r linux-image-2.6.30-(uanme -r's output) replace the () [19:08] Drknezz: what? [19:08] on port 443 the traffic will not be readable right? [19:08] drknezz that wouldnt make sense [19:08] jimdandy: is that an issue? [19:08] does anyone know of a fix to permanently kill or hide the last gnome-panel in desktop? [19:08] Zaqq: it will be weirdly scrambled [19:08] the wallhack in warsow or my disfunctional dvd burner? [19:08] Zaqq: i doubt they can block it [19:08] thats y i choose 3334->443 :) [19:08] is firefox-3.5 package in the repo the stable 3.5 version? it seems to be dated to march [19:08] or maybe i can try port 80 too [19:08] jimdandy: if you're off-topic'ing, go #defoucs pls [19:08] ahem.. How do i mount a 'disk.img' and create a partition table on it? [19:09] Hello. Can anyone help me with this? Every time I start a game in Full screen it restarts Ubuntu. I am using Ubuntu 8.10 and the game I am trying to run is Open Arena. [19:09] Zaqq: any port can work [19:09] Hello [19:09] Pirate_Hunter: the panel ? or a window ? [19:09] reborn: have you installed nvidia drivers?= [19:09] How do i disable MSI on a MCP78S sata chip? [19:09] how do i get firefox 3.5 on ubuntu hardy? [19:09] !ff3.5 [19:09] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [19:09] !iso | vise : [19:09] vise :: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [19:09] I have installed my drivers for my Radeon Ati 9600 SE card. [19:09] vise: You can't mount an image if it has no filesystem [19:09] DasEi, the panel (gnome-panel) [19:09] Drknezz: jimdandy: i will go through the links ... but right now .. can i somehow stest the setup? before testing it in the office? [19:09] vise : you won't create a parti table there [19:10] !ati | reborn [19:10] reborn: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [19:10] test* [19:10] Drknezz: I am trying to solve an issue with my dvd burner, but someone mentioned warsow working with their vid card, I just mentioned it doesn't work correctly with mine (I get a "wall hack" type glitch) [19:10] can anyone help me how to write a cron to run every 2 h in the terminal [19:10] jimdandy: fglrx suckz [19:10] vise: what are you trying to do? [19:10] Zaqq: idk [19:10] I'm trying to use the program Nautilus Actions Configuration to add a custom menu item to the right click menu, however once I add it I don't see it in the menu for some reason. [19:10] geirha, DasEi, I want to make a disk image for Bochs to test the file system and partition table reading code of my os... [19:11] Drknezz: http://pastebin.com/d6e991af this is the original [19:11] Mike94287: press Alt+F2 and type "killall nautilus" [19:11] * */03 * * * comand ?? [19:11] Mike94287: then Alt+F2 --> "nautilus" [19:11] vise : Bochs ? don't know.. [19:11] vise: Try with parted then. "parted disk.img" [19:11] I already have the drivers installed. May I ask what I am looking for on this site you gave me? [19:11] ok rblst [19:11] reborn: hmmm... [19:12] reborn: is it hard reset or just a normal reboot? [19:12] vise: And in the parted prompt, run "help mklabel" [19:12] Drknezz: http://pastebin.com/d1db625e8 and this is the nvidia generated one; thanks [19:12] thank you much Drknezz, I've spent at least a day looking up each and every line in make menuconfig trying to figure this stuff out the help is not enough in menuconfig. I 'm going to need that command much in the next few days :D [19:12] how do I find out what graphics driver I'm using right now? [19:12] Drknezz: That worked, thanks :) [19:12] Well it is more like a sends me to the log in screen. [19:12] yo [19:12] tw3ak: :D [19:12] But it shuts down my current session. [19:13] Mike94287: np [19:13] geirha, ok i got how to make partition table.. But what about formatting the individual volumes? any ideas? or any program that would do it? [19:13] reborn: hmmm, try reinstallign drivers [19:13] hey question? on a highly optimized kernel 2.6 approximate size single cpu? [19:13] Okay will do. [19:13] Format drive, reinstall system, if it don't work change pc :) [19:13] vise: "help mkpart" and "help mkpartfs" in parted. Just "help" to see all available commands [19:14] rblst: do you have the monitor's manual? [19:14] how can load driver from a hard drive install of ubuntu onto apersistent live install? [19:15] !usb | MK13 [19:15] MK13: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [19:15] hi [19:16] !hi Guest4183 [19:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about hi Guest4183 [19:16] hmm, I'll come back later after some more reading [19:16] !hi | Guest4183 [19:16] Guest4183: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [19:16] rblst: you still there? [19:16] someone can explain me what's a linux kernel image [19:16] I'm going to build a linux media pc for my high def , 1 terabyte drive large video files , ext4 or something else? [19:16] Guest4183: it's the kernel EXE (in windows-like terms) [19:17] oh ok [19:17] geirha, Cool that works... I must now test it for my os :) [19:17] tw3ak: i'd recommend ext4 [19:17] but it's very small [19:17] strange [19:17] Drknezz: hey guys .. can hamachi (free) work for me? [19:17] is there a easy way to test for disk bad sectors [19:17] Guest4183: that's normal [19:17] thanks [19:17] Zaqq: maybe [19:17] Pirate_Hunter: you want to reset the panel to it's defaults ? [19:18] Zaqq: but i doubt it passes the blockade [19:18] and what's the purpose of a kernel image in the booting process? [19:18] Drknezz: in terms of latency .. which will be the faster approach? [19:18] Pici: i have two kernels installed on my machine 2.6.27-14 and 2.6.27-7 how can i remove the latter and why does it get installed in the first place [19:18] Zaqq: ssh [19:18] Guest4183: the kernel image is the kerne l [19:18] ok [19:18] kernel [19:18] DasEi, no i want to remove it i think ive done it need to logout and see if it works [19:18] ok, when i play open arena, when there is alot of activity my sound changes to a loud static and its annoying, how do i fix it [19:18] Hello, I install Ubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 751 and connect external 17" monitor. System recognize it as 15", that can I do? [19:18] hmm [19:18] ikonia : i have two kernels installed on my machine 2.6.27-14 and 2.6.27-7 how can i remove the latter and why does it get installed in the first place [19:18] Guest4183: the kernel image is loaded to memory so other things can [19:19] hello [19:19] oh ok now i see [19:19] 有没有中国人? [19:19] pronoy: the later is an update that has now been updated to the newer version [19:19] ? [19:19] pronoy: the former is just a bugfix version of the former [19:19] pronoy: open your pagkage manager - search for the package and just mark it for removal [19:19] !cn | czginny [19:19] czginny: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [19:19] Hi, if i open the synaptic packaer manager, i can only see already installed packages... why? [19:19] pronoy: the kernel is just a package like any other software [19:19] ikonia: can't it be done using apt ? [19:19] pronoy: it sure can [19:19] pw-toxic: you just installed? [19:19] geirha, Any idea how i could copy files into it now? how do i mount it? [19:19] pronoy: apt is also a package manager [19:20] sergeykish i had to look up my monitor info and enter it into xorg.conf [19:20] Drknezz, yes [19:20] how do i eliminate the staticy sound ? i use 9.04 jaunty on a acer aspire one AOA 150 ZG5 [19:20] pw-toxic: just hit "reload" [19:20] ;) [19:20] Drknezz, already did.. ;( [19:20] ikonia: but i don't get the point as in how do two exist on the same system .. the packages that we install are kernel dependent right ? how do they work on both ? [19:20] pw-toxic: try editing the software sources [19:20] Drknezz: i don't have the manual i am afraid, why? does the monitor count? [19:20] Dragnslcr, i didn apt-get upgrade and update manually on console . maybe this was a fault? [19:21] pronoy: the older kernel is kept so ppl can boot into if new one fails [19:21] now i run the update manager from the menu.. maybe this helps [19:21] Drknezz, i couldn't find any information on that website... i am up and running on the live install, i justneed to know how to transfer thedrivers [19:21] pronoy: they are the same base version with bug fixes applied [19:21] vise: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1000644 [19:21] pronoy: you have to on there as you start with one - and a new updated one is added [19:21] i am trying to add a graphical bootloader screen to my pxe server. is my simplest solution to use the pxelinux.0 for an ubuntu box and add my own images? [19:21] MK13: drivers? [19:21] .. [19:21] Drknezz, yea [19:21] kc8pxy: yes [19:21] MK13: the ubuntu install comes with all drivers you would ever need [19:21] Drknezz ikonia so is it safe to remove the older version ? and which one is older btw ? [19:21] MK13: except nvidia/ati ones ;) [19:22] Drknezz, and I need nvidia drivers [19:22] pw-toxic: I've seen this on a couple of installs recently, not sure what causes it but sudo update-apt-xapian-index -f cures it [19:22] pronoy: -7 one is older, and yes, it is safe to remove it [19:22] pronoy: why remove it if you don't know about it, the older version is the one with the lower version number [19:22] pronoy: it's good to keep a fallback kernel incase you have problems with your current [19:22] pronoy the lower numbered one === goodhombre is now known as gagarin [19:22] MK13: then you cant use a CD, you must use a thumbdrive, then boot into it and install the nvidia drivers [19:22] ikonia: AGREED [19:22] tw3ak ikonia Drknezz in that case i'll keep it...i do tend to screw up a lot..thanks gusy [19:22] Drknezz, i am using a live persistent usb drive :D [19:23] np pronoy [19:23] Thingymebob, i'll try that after reboot - thanks [19:23] MK13: then just go to restricted drivers and install the nvidia driver that suits you best ;) [19:23] Drknezz: one more problem that has surfaced ... the application uses three different non standard ports ... do i need more than one ssh for wach port? [19:23] each* [19:23] Drknezz, don't have fast enough internet right now [19:24] Thingymebob: xapian stuff is realted to packagekit, AFAIK pkit is only on kubuntu, why would you evfer update it? [19:24] hi [19:24] MK13 whats your gpu ? [19:24] does anyone have a clue how to run fsck on ntfs [19:24] <<< had to increase my /boot partition size with gparted because I'm experimenting with the kernels and also plan on using the Intel ICC compiler to further optimize my kernel I've been benchmarking as I go, so far I've got a 5% increase just from a minor recompile [19:24] Promille, nvidia geforce 7000m [19:24] I've already tried ntfsfix [19:24] Promille, sry wrong person [19:24] Zaqq: idk, i think the ssh clients will take care of ports [19:24] pronoy, geforce 7000m [19:24] Zaqq: just open the one ssh needs [19:24] Drknezz; Remove it , Synaptic quick search stops working, its tied there somewhere [19:24] Hi all, I have a question regarding a mac address flip flop reported by arpwatch, can anybody help me? [19:24] is there a way to map the mouse tilt wheel button to say browser back and forward action? [19:25] ICC is supposed to be as much as 500% increase on some programs compiling on x86 platfors [19:25] ikonia: i noticed that the animation is a RLE file and my system recognized it as a run-length-encoded bitmap.. what is the best tool to make one of those? [19:25] Zaqq: i'd recommend just following the !ssh guide [19:25] ? [19:25] Thingymebob: i never use quick search, it suckz, i use normal search ;) [19:25] Drknezz: ok .. reading .. need 3 ports -> 443 and back [19:25] soihf [19:25] :-D [19:25] MK13: i think nvidia 180 should work with yours...why don't yoiu install it using add/remove ? [19:25] Zaqq: i dont know much about ssh tho [19:25] :p [19:26] Drknezz: any ssh channel? [19:26] pronoy, slow internet right now [19:26] pronoy: aren't 7xxx falling into old section? [19:26] how do i get rid of the static sound ? it only happens when there is alot of things going on [19:26] Zaqq: none that i know of, but i'd try "ssh [19:26] nobody in openssh bothered to answer me [19:26] Drknezz, no, 180 are the right ones [19:26] Drknezz lemme check the compatibility sheet... [19:26] #ssh * Zaqq [19:26] Hi all, I have a question regarding a mac address flip flop reported by arpwatch, is there a better place to ask than here? [19:26] Zaqq : sudo apt-get install ssh [19:26] MK13, ok, go over, isntall them, reboot, and that's it [19:26] * mobi-sheep makes static sounds on orangeMUFFIN. [19:27] DasEi: thanks [19:27] how do i split 720p x264 mkv video file [19:27] Drknezz, i am on dial up here tho :/ [19:27] hhuh [19:27] mmerlone: what's the question? [19:27] MK13, oh! :( [19:27] MK13: only 20 MB's tho [19:27] Drknezz, so i wanna get them from my HDD install of ubuntu [19:27] vlad: install mplayer and read it's manual ;) [19:28] MK13: try checking /var/cache/apt for any nvidia-related deb's [19:28] #ssh * Zaqq <<-- this did not help me [19:28] anyone here use squid w/ NTLM auth?? [19:28] Drknezz, i use sudo apt-get clean alot D: [19:28] I have a server with two nics, each on a different logical network, but same ethernet bus. Arpwatch on another machine (also ubuntu 8.04 lts) reports they keep swapping mac addresses... [19:28] MK13: bad luck buddy :/ [19:28] kantxx: Have you asked in #squid ? They'd probably be more knowledgable than us. [19:29] Drknezz i think its supported by 177... almost all Geforce 7xxx are listed there [19:29] Zaqq : openssh-server installed also ? [19:29] Pici: #squid is like trying to talk to the dead [19:29] well im going back to the servers yall are no help [19:29] I have a server with two nics, each on a different logical network, but same ethernet bus. Arpwatch on another machine (also ubuntu 8.04 lts) reports they keep swapping mac addresses... [19:29] pronoy: i'd go with most recent, as i have 9500 GT i use 185 [19:29] Drknezz, well i will prolly just steal my university's internet for a bit tomorrow [19:29] Drknezz maybe he could check the dependencies using apt and then download the package in parts using d4x downloader like tool [19:29] Thingymebob, thanks very much.. it works. But what is this xapian thing?! [19:29] how can a network card change it's mac ( hardware addy?) I think the device name may be changing because of UDev uevent [19:29] MK13: LOL [19:30] Zaqq : done ? [19:30] mobi-sheep: That is not helpful [19:30] pronoy: lol? [19:30] pronoy: sounds complicated [19:30] DasEi: i am reading the manual [19:30] tw3ak, I ask my self the same. [19:30] hello! [19:30] mmerlone: the server with the 2 nics is also ubuntu804 lts? [19:30] hi [19:30] I'm trying to burn an dvd image to a blank dvd+r with k3b... [19:30] ecolitan: yes [19:30] hello [19:30] MK13: its not a big file you know..you can download the package manually from packages.ubuntu.com and if yoiu have an unreliable internet you could just use a tool called d4x it pauses the dowload...and resumes at your will [19:30] pw-toxic: Who knows? found it after about 4 hours of googling when I first encountered it [19:30] Zaqq : best way, also http://www.unixtutorial.org/2009/05/ubuntu-ssh-how-to-enable-secure-shell-in-ubuntu/ [19:30] DasEi: i will come back if i need more assistance [19:31] zaqq : [19:31] pronoy, i might just do that [19:31] I keep getting: WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed! python-moovida python-pgm moovida-plugins-ugly moovida moovida-plugins-good moovida-plugins-bad, even though I've added the key and updated. Any idea why? [19:31] pronoy: wget does that [19:31] it recognizes the dvd, but when i click "start", it does nothing for a few minutes and then says "Writing error"... [19:31] who here knows a better distro then ubuntu that cant install anything properly??????? [19:31] who here knows a better distro then ubuntu that cant install anything properly??????? [19:31] who here knows a better distro then ubuntu that cant install anything properly??????? [19:31] zaqq : one more thing, disable root-acces in ssh (google) [19:31] shrooms: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:31] Gillagal: maybe they were signed using a different key [19:31] the dvd-drive doesn't do anything, so the few minutes aren't used for burning the dvd [19:31] CAN ANYONE HEAR ME [19:31] shrooms: don't troll [19:31] any ideas whats wrong? [19:31] shrooms: don't repeat [19:31] CAN ANYONE HEAR ME [19:31] Drknezz: i haven't used wget much..i used the gui d4x and it worked like a charm [19:32] Thingymebob, its always strange to use commands i dont know what they are doing.. maybe may system gets corrupted any someone gets access to my pc? ;) [19:32] I feel like a moron how do I open the restricted-manager in 8.10 (it's not in my administration folder) [19:32] we sure as hell can't here you know shrooms ;D lol .............................. [19:32] pronoy: lol, i loved wget when i had narrow-band internet [19:32] mmerlone: unfortunatly i have a friend who could very likely help with mac address binding [19:32] shrooms: please behave this time [19:32] xD [19:32] I would like to be able to start a process (jetty) as soon as the machine has booted. I would like to be able to specify the user that runs the process. Is there a way to do this? I think rc.local runs stuf as root. [19:32] ok [19:32] mmerlone: but not me too good [19:33] shrooms: why so angry? [19:33] pw-toxic: The man page is not at all descriptive (Description Rebuild the Apt Xapian index) Cheers author, I'd guessed that much [19:33] heh, shrooms. This is an ubuntu support channel. Other distros will most likely not be suggested. [19:33] I vote 'W: The "upgrade" command is deprecated; use "safe-upgrade" instead.' as the dumbest idea this month. [19:33] http://paste.ubuntu.com/207665/ [19:33] Ubuntu is a great distro and as with every other linux distro.. it is still LINUX. [19:33] i heard slaceware was good [19:33] i dont really like gnome [19:33] slackware* [19:33] So get Kubuntu, comes w/ KDE [19:33] wut eve [19:33] shrooms: then try it - or ask in a non-ubuntu specific support channel [19:33] hello anyone know when is the new ubuntu version coming? [19:33] phisher1: i would suggest him Gentoo xD [19:33] or install KDE while in Ubuntu [19:33] mooperd: well i add my stuff to the startup manager you know... [19:33] Drknezz: gentoo was my 1st love, but I got tired of waiting a weekend to use my system =\ [19:33] !karmic | david3 [19:33] david3: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [19:33] DasEi: sorry i missed wht u said last [19:34] zaqq : one more thing, disable root-acces in ssh (google) [19:34] pronoy: Im on ubuntu server [19:34] no x [19:34] phisher1: i had to leave my system 5 housr to compile KDE [19:34] xD [19:34] zaqq :http://www.unixtutorial.org/2009/05/ubuntu-ssh-how-to-enable-secure-shell-in-ubuntu/ [19:34] 5 hours? [19:34] uhh.... try 12 hours. [19:34] mooperd: oh ! :D [19:34] ecolitan, whois that friend? :) [19:34] hey is anyone here watch heroes [19:34] = ( [19:34] shrooms: stay on topic or leave. [19:34] david3, probably 9.10 == october (guessed) [19:34] phisher1: lol [19:34] someone ban him [19:34] sheesh [19:34] here we go again :D [19:34] DasEi, Zaqq_ : You don't need a tutorial, just install openssh-server and you're done. [19:34] !offtopic | shroom [19:34] shroom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:34] pw-toxic: http://packages.debian.org/sid/apt-xapian-index [19:34] Drknezz: i don't have the manual i am afraid, why? does the monitor count? [19:34] he hasn't rejoined. [19:35] Hm, sometimes when i use my mouse scroll, my desktop gets switched - this is annyoing. someone knows where i can disable this option? [19:35] hola este es el canal en español? [19:35] shrooms: last warning [19:35] phisher1: yeah it would be fun :) to see him kicked again... [19:35] rblst: the manuals usuallly list good freq'a [19:35] damn compellent taking forever to answer [19:35] !es > ariel [19:35] ariel, please see my private message [19:35] why i keep getting kicked [19:35] !ot > shrooms [19:35] shrooms, please see my private message [19:35] shrooms: stay on topic or stay o ut [19:35] shrooms: I have explained the topic for you - [19:35] Thingymebob, thanks [19:35] shrooms: this is a support channel, if you want chit-chat go somewhere else plz ;) [19:35] ok wuts the topic [19:35] we talkin abot [19:35] mmerlone: does it flip just on boot? [19:35] shrooms: ubuntu support discussion as I explained to you [19:36] Drknezz: nvidia apps sets the right freq, i can view it on the osd info [19:36] pronoy, lol and the 64bit drivers are twice the size of the 32bit drivers :( [19:36] ok [19:36] Okay so im trying to connect wirelessly with ubuntu on a gateway mx6027 and having no luck i'm a n00b can anyone help? [19:36] ecolitan, it flips any time, no apparent logic on that. [19:36] DasEi: okay tx [19:36] pw-toxic, sometimes == mouse on desktop, with xfce it's in the workspace switcher settings [19:36] MK13 well you have to be persistent :D haha [19:36] Okay google sucks for some reason today. [19:36] pw-toxic one of the settings in compiz :) [19:36] kldavis89: !pastebin the output of lspci [19:36] hey i have a support qusetion [19:36] How do I open the restricted manager? [19:36] reborn: scheduled maintenance [19:36] rblst: i have no ideas then :'( [19:36] what? [19:36] i have a support question [19:37] it takes 5, 20 minuts, hours or lots in a minute. [19:37] pw-toxic i disabled that [19:37] !ask | shrooms [19:37] shrooms: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) === Zaqql is now known as Zaqq [19:37] Would anyone be interested in beta testing a new game? (send me a private message if you are) [19:37] !pastebin | kldavis89 [19:37] kldavis89: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [19:37] mmerlone: can you manually set the MAC in /etc/network/interfaces? [19:37] jamesjr: please don't advertise [19:37] how do i launch windows [19:37] Drknezz: if i click apply, it's absolutely all right, but if i save the config to xorg.conf and restart X, it returns to the old resolution and freq [19:37] shrooms: as in microsoft windows, or X windows ? [19:37] i'm not flooding anything [19:37] .... [19:37] microsoft windows xp [19:37] ecolitan, I don't know, can I? I admin the server.... [19:37] rblst: i had that issue.... [19:37] i have it but i cant find it [19:37] shrooms: you don't - ubuntu is a different operating system [19:38] shrooms: this is for ubuntu support discussion only [19:38] i'm just looking for help because no one will reply to me anywhere else [19:38] kldavis89: pastebin'ing involves pasting stuff to a webiste [19:38] shrooms: consider this your final warning [19:38] i no [19:38] kldavis89: not here [19:38] ok ok [19:38] this is an ubuntu chat....right? [19:38] i have another question [19:38] regarding ubutun [19:38] !ot | shrooms [19:38] shrooms: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:38] Drknezz: thanks for your time anyway [19:38] mmerlone: yeah, just read up the syntax on how to specify the MAC there, see if that works [19:38] shrooms, reboot and choose in grub on dual-boot, or use virtualization, or wine for win apps (but you were trolling anyways, no?) [19:38] rblst: it solved by running the nvidia tools from the console [19:38] shrooms you use video files and music etc? [19:38] so.... [19:38] rblst: wait a bit [19:38] this is fucking rediculous... [19:39] kldavis89: Someone just asked you to pastebin the contents of the output of lspci. [19:39] i'm trying to setup my bluetooth microsoft 5000 mouse. And is failing i followed instructions and mouse isn't working [19:39] how do i install itunes on ubuntu [19:39] So google doesn't know and neither do people here >< Damn I am screwed. [19:39] joebodo, i cant find it.. i have really few things activated in compiz.. its strage [19:39] Drknezz: i have tried that too [19:39] !patience | kldavis89 [19:39] kldavis89: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [19:39] kldavis89: please control your language [19:39] kldavis89: Watch your language please. [19:39] !itunes > shrooms [19:39] shrooms, please see my private message [19:39] rblst: Alt+F2 -> gksu /usr/bin/nvidia-settings [19:39] i just said i'm a n00b i don't knwo what any of that means [19:39] mmerlone: they're not trunked or anything? [19:39] pw-toxic ill look 2 mins [19:39] hi people [19:39] kldavis89, what's the issue? [19:39] shrooms you should take a look at Crunchbang Linux it's based on Ubuntu except it uses Openbox window manager [19:39] What's a good console program that can convert many kinds of video formats (mpg avi etc..) to swf? [19:39] does anybody have kde3 experience? [19:39] RayTracer: wifi stuff [19:39] i'm just trying to connect wirelessly in ubuntu [19:39] no, they are as simple as it can get [19:39] and can't figure it out [19:40] * RayTracer doesn't use wifi [19:40] do you have a sample hwaddress line? [19:40] and it has most codecs already installed [19:40] yeah i know about crunchbang [19:40] it boots up fast [19:40] Drknezz: yes, i have done that [19:40] !video convert [19:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about video convert [19:40] well i guess this was a big help... [19:40] thanks anyway.... [19:40] kldavis89: Open a terminal. [19:40] Ecolitan : you can add this line "hwaddress ether nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn in /etc/networkwork/interfaces do you use nm-applet? [19:40] kldavis89: Please be patient, it takes a moment to type answers. [19:40] mrNotYou: try mencoder [19:40] What's a good console program that can convert many kinds of video formats (mpg avi etc..) to swf? [19:40] ctjr: oh, ok thanks. :) [19:41] mrNotYou: flash is not a codec [19:41] mrNotYou, I don't know for swf, but I'd check mencoder and ffmpeg [19:41] i have a terminal opened [19:41] I'm using it although I like XFCE4 and would like to have a Ubuntu based distro built on XFCE4 or maybe I'll add it to crunch [19:41] kldavis89: type lspci on your terminal and paste the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com/, give us the url after you submit [19:41] tw3ak: xubuntu is [19:41] tw3ak: isnt that xubunt [19:41] u [19:41] Hey guys, i'm a little confused about the differences between Ubuntu server edition and debian for use as a SOHO server. Does UBuntu offer any wizards or packages that help with setup? [19:41] Hey! [19:41] DebainDewd: no [19:41] oops [19:41] i'm trying to setup my bluetooth microsoft 5000 mouse. And is failing i followed instructions and mouse isn't working [19:41] Um, I forgot who it was. but thanks. got ubuntu working again [19:41] djveer: no [19:41] nerdshark xubuntu won't boot on my pc [19:41] i installed an app called nvtv (app for nvidia connection to tv) how do i know the list of supported apps [19:41] djveer: ubuntu server is ubuntu without any extras. [19:42] !yay | LargePrime: nice to see you ! [19:42] LargePrime: nice to see you !: Glad you made it! :-) [19:42] VillpnD: i dont understand the question...the nm-applet is running but cant that file just be edited with vi? [19:42] something wierd with their livecd it don't boot [19:42] DasEi: How could I forget [19:42] easily [19:42] k thanks [19:42] pw-toxic ok - cant find it - but it will be set to button4 and button5 [19:42] So you had me kill xorg.config and rebuild it right? [19:43] I've done work with both Gentoo and LFS so I'm getting comfortable installing and changing things around [19:43] ö [19:43] LargePrime: yes, it re-writes it [19:43] jedi06: I Lol'd at your pain. :) [19:43] joebodo, i have already found it too, but this is some months ago, and i had to reinstall ubuntu since my HDD crashed... [19:43] pw-toxic settings are very confusing [19:43] i cant believe i cant find it [19:43] joebodo, you remember it too being in the compiz manager? [19:43] mobi-sheep, it sees that dag on thing [19:43] got my kernel down to 2m [19:43] CompizConfig Settings Manager [19:43] LargePrime: look under system > hardwaredrivers if your cardis listed there [19:44] ok only thing was I did not know one needed to "right arrow" to get to the next screen. but other than that was cake. DasEi [19:44] pw-toxic yes - changed it like 2 days ago [19:44] jedi06: Try "sudo aptitude install bluez-compat && sudo hidd --search" I have same mouse you have. [19:44] tw3ak: LZMA? [19:44] I need a console program that can convert videos to swf. [19:44] it's just gzip [19:44] joebodo, found it ! [19:44] I've got alot of work yet to do though [19:44] I am using a macbook and am trying to configure the speed since mouse movement is very slow. I looked in xorg.conf but it is rather small compared to other xorg I have seen before. There is also no entry about the mouse device. Maybe it is in another file. Does anyone know where I can configure the touchpad sensitivity ? [19:44] i searched for "switch" and there is the ViewPort Switcher plugin [19:44] pw-toxic nice [19:44] mobi-sheep, how do you like it [19:44] tw3ak: OMG, Gzip'ed :S [19:44] that's just the kernel not init or sysmap [19:45] joebodo, thanks anyway for searching <3 [19:45] mobi-sheep, seems a little on the cheap side like flimsy but may just need to get used to it [19:45] <<<< Drknezz I've only been using Linux for 2months [19:45] jedi06: Uh? I like the mouse. It's small. It's white. It's cute. Just like a mouse. [19:45] Ecolitan no pb. so you use nm-applet you must change it from the ifconfig : sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether yo:ur:ma:ch:er:e! and restart you router [19:45] DasEi: It is there, but not activated. I was doing this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver It said to entirly remove the ATI driver [19:45] !info bluez-compat | jedi06 [19:45] jedi06: bluez-compat (source: bluez): BlueZ 3.x compatibility binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.32-0ubuntu4.1 (jaunty), package size 51 kB, installed size 188 kB [19:45] hello everybody [19:45] I've built LFS and gentoo from scratch [19:45] tw3ak: OMG, fast-learner, Nice [19:45] jedi06: Compatibility binaries! [19:46] ecolitan, I cant do this right now, this is a busy box right now, but will give a try later. Anyway, why would that happen? [19:46] !offtopic | tw3ak [19:46] tw3ak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:46] tw3ak: gentoo is easy [19:46] jedi06: Is the mouse working for you now? [19:46] I've got a blog on www.linux.com NEWB's adventure's in linux from scratch [19:46] i'm downloading [19:46] i need help partitioning a fresh jaunty amd64 bit install. i got 2 40gb HDs, i want one to be boot, root and swap [19:46] LargePrime: so you seem to be lucky, if it's listed, backup xorg.conf again (so you could copy back) and activate it [19:46] mmerlone: no idea [19:46] and the 2nd one home [19:46] how would i go about this? [19:46] ubottu ok, there's always a "cop" in the channel [19:46] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:47] lol tw3ak [19:47] r4ban: the -alternate CD makes this easy [19:47] mmerlone: normally you only need to set the MAC manually if you want to change it from the default [19:47] mobi-sheep, yup works now thats [19:47] thanks [19:47] <<<<< gets ticket join's offtopic [19:47] jedi06: :3 [19:47] mneptok: is there an online tutorial to do this on non-alternate? [19:48] DasEi: I thought I DID not want to activate it. As I am trying to upgrade to 9.04, and fglrx will screw me if it is active. [19:48] This works: openssl s_client -connect example.com:21 -dtls1. Is there anyway to specify dtls1 in stunnel.conf so I can create a client mode tunnel? [19:48] r4ban: no idea. i *always* use the text mode installer. i like the additional options it provides. but i know it is possible, i'm just not the best person to ask. [19:48] r4ban: It's easy to do on the desktop too. Just do manual partitioning, and it asks the same questions as the alternate (and anything else) [19:48] ecolitan: I see. BTW, arpwatch is on the same machine where flip flops happen. [19:48] Pici: You see that? I helped jedi06 out. :) [19:48] LargePrime: ah I see, yes, do the upgrade first, then http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-9.04 [19:48] mmerlone: did you read how VillpnD said about being able to do the change with ifconfig? [19:49] Flannel: i'm just not sure how i would go about partitioning the 2nd drive with /home [19:49] ecolitan, no I think I lost it, I am using the freenode's webchat interface [19:49] thanks for your help anyway, mneptok [19:49] !dist-upgrade | LargePrime [19:49] LargePrime: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [19:49] r4ban: "mount point" is the operative term here [19:49] mmerlone: ifconfig eth0 hw ether yo:ur:ma:ch:er:e! [19:50] r4ban: When you create partitions during the installer, it'll ask you where you want to mount them, you'll indicate /home for the one you want to use for your homefolder [19:50] ok, will try that, Flannel [19:50] I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm trying to set up my microphone, and I can't seem to mute the playback of it on my own speakers, the sound is fine when I test it, its just that I can hear myself, how do I mute it? [19:50] ecolitan: what is nm-applet? [19:51] mmerlone: dont think that will be running on a server install [19:51] how can i copy out of an xterm window? [19:51] mmerlone: network manager gui applet [19:52] Ahn... [19:52] i have a dell optiplex sx270 running ubuntu 8.10 but will not run 9.04, it has 1 gig ram, p4 3.0, i want to upgrade but wont run live cd [19:53] crazybe right click - copy [19:53] Hi, I'm trying to set a separate theme for root, but although gksu gnome-appearance-properties does change the current window, if I then start up synaptic, it retains the old theme. Any suggestions? [19:54] joebodo: what do you mean? right-clicking just selects text [19:54] the same as left-clicking [19:54] ecolitan, I run that for both nics, but it feels like it did nothing, does not seem it would fix the point... [19:54] my laptop gateway will not run ubuntu any version:(, why? [19:54] morgan: error? [19:54] what doesn't work? [19:55] morgan will not run or will not boot? [19:55] no [19:55] I run whit live-cd [19:55] crazybe right click in xterm shows me a menu .. [19:55] but [19:55] !enter | morgan [19:55] morgan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:56] joebodo: are you sure it is xterm? [19:56] crazybe its te gnome term\ [19:56] joebodo: i need to do it with xterm === qss is now known as the_archit3ct [19:57] crazybe regular xterm should just copy by highlighting [19:57] no [19:57] mmerlone: you ran as root? with the correct IP substituted in right? [19:57] it copies into it's buffer [19:57] so you can middle-click to paste into IT [19:57] but not other applications [19:58] mmerlone: sry, correct MAC [19:58] morgan if you your in need of some 1 on 1. PM me. [19:58] !enter | crazy2be [19:58] crazy2be: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:58] ecolitan: I run as root, but no IP Address, just mac address [19:58] :) [19:58] crazybe u have custom ,xtermrc (i think thats the file)? [19:59] not that i know of [19:59] mmerlone: then just edit the interface file with vi and restart networking [19:59] I cannot restart network now, its a live server... [19:59] but did edit the interfaces file and will test on next reboot. [19:59] does ksplice uptrack include canonical kernel fixes? [20:00] what is the meaning, in synaptic, of packages held back and not upgraded? [20:00] mmerlone: could also apt-get macchanger and see what that util can do for ya [20:00] Is it normal in jaunty that root applications use the same theme as user applications if they have the right files? how do I bypass this? I want it to be clear when an application is running as root.. [20:01] xiong: probably means there are updates available. Install them. [20:01] have a dell optiplex sx270 running ubuntu 8.10 but will not run 9.04, it has 1 gig ram, p4 3.0, i want to upgrade but wont run live [20:01] linuxguy2009, my difficulty here is that i rely on synaptic to do that sort of stuff... [20:02] douwe: apps dont run as root unless you start them with sudo. [20:02] is there a good gnome alternative to soundconverter? [20:02] i guess my question would be, how can you change the "terminal" used by code::blocks? [20:03] linuxguy2009 I know, but even typing sudo synaptic doesn't work [20:03] mattchewie: What does soundconverter not doing for you? What do you need it to do? [20:03] douwe:no need to run synaptic as root. [20:03] douwe: synaptic is automatically run as root. [20:03] douwe: Using gksu [20:04] douwe: synaptic does not require sudo [20:04] okay, so why does it have the same theme I have set for my own profile then? [20:04] crazybe u can set the EDITOR env var - that may work [20:04] linuxguy2009, sorry if that's a dweebish statement -- it's true [20:04] douwe: Roots theme is the same? Which is probably default. [20:04] douwe: Its gonna use whatever theme your account is set to use. [20:04] =) [20:05] i have trouble getting scim-pinyin to work [20:05] has anyone been having problems with loosing sound after installing nvidia drivers? [20:05] douwe: running something as root doesnt effect themes. it effects permissions. [20:05] ecolitan, I dont think that would be a soution, even less an explanation.... [20:05] linuxguy2009: I'm converting wma's and mp3s to flac. After using soundconverter I noticed that the files were pretty big (even for flac). [20:06] I tried the ubuntu-kernel channel but no one seems to be there. [20:06] redpill_: no polling please, ask your question.. [20:06] redpill_ > 180 ver ? [20:06] mattchewie: flac is lossless.There gonna be big. Usually slightly smaller than there WAV sources. [20:06] linuxguy2009: ahh.. used to be that it did affect themes.. kinda liked that, because it allowed me to make clear I was running an app as root [20:06] is there a ubuntu nvidia channel? [20:07] mattchewie: Why would you convert a lossy format like mp3 to lossless? Thats pointless. [20:07] ecolitan, it has just flip flopped... [20:07] mattchewie: The file zise will increase dramatically and you gain no sound quality improvment at all. [20:07] OMG, why? why? WHY?!?!? :) [20:08] mmerlone: if you havnt restarted networking it wont have taken effect [20:08] but I did the ifconfig thing [20:08] lol ^ [20:08] mattchewie: Make sense ? [20:08] wich will be also done by restarting networking === john is now known as Guest66112 [20:09] redpill_: #nvidia "UNOFFICIAL NVIDIA Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris Graphics Driver Support" [20:09] brb [20:09] linuxguy2009: Just wanting my music to be in one format. [20:09] when you do an ifconfig do the MACs show up the same as what your arp util or whatever you're using shows? [20:10] having a roblem with sound loss after installing Nvidia drivers. help please [20:10] hey guys.. what is this? [20:10] redpill_ > 180 ver ? [20:10] yes [20:10] mattchewie: Well you gain nothing from converting mp3 to flac.Its actually a great way to waste drive space. [20:11] who is haapy today? [20:11] redpill_ i read on the forums that people r having that issue [20:11] meeeeeeee [20:11] joebodo sry yes I am using 180 [20:11] redpill_ oh - then nm [20:11] I love a Ubuntu. [20:11] Hello [20:11] mattchewie: If you would like some more detailed explanation of audio formats I would be happy to help you if you PM me. [20:11] someone can tell me what hell is this???? [20:12] I havnt seen anything on the forums about sound loss o=fter nvidia driver install can you pass the link> [20:12] i can't get sun-java working on ubuntu intrepid amd64 [20:12] memtest86 on ubuntu interprid 64bit is this 64bit too? [20:12] !ask [20:12] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [20:12] redpill_ sorry that was for 185 or 190 / not 180 [20:13] np sendt the llink anyways might be some clues in there [20:13] hans1234321: why not? Works for most folks. [20:13] Jeruvy: the plugin does not exist in synaptic [20:14] redpill_ i have no link - but it was current yesterday in community cafe [20:14] Ill check there thx [20:15] could i install a 32-bits browser on my 64-bits os? === The_Toxic_Mite_ is now known as The_Toxic_Mite [20:15] hans1234321 whats not working specifically [20:15] hi.what's the purpose of PPA please ? [20:16] ecolitan, it seems that the macs does not get swapped, seems to be an arpwatch or kernel (packet generation) issue, since both nics are on the same switch, without vlan. [20:16] hi o/ [20:16] I googled about with no luck, and could not find an "official" arpwatch channel [20:16] !ping [20:16] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore [20:17] mmerlone: i know nothing of arpwatch, gonna have to leave you swimming there [20:17] ok, tks anyway. [20:18] hey.. what is a good utility to check for errors on an external hd? [20:18] hi.what's the purpose of PPA please ? [20:18] mmerlone np [20:18] ongolaBoy: so you can get later versions of programs easilly, without having to wait for the next Ubuntu release, or intalling yourself [20:19] hey folks [20:19] anyone here use swiftweasel? === ecolitan is now known as ecolitan|afk [20:19] !ff35 [20:19] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [20:19] Hello, I have Lenovo r61, and after having inet on wifi for sometime it block and I cannot access it anymore. All configurations are done via DHCP and it works until I start downloading something huge (ex. eclipse zip) and then it's no longer responding. [20:19] sebsebseb: can i trust them ? I mean in terms of stability, security ? [20:19] ongolaBoy: nearlly they are for more experienced users [20:20] So basically its not clear if 3.5 will be available for hardy heron or not? [20:20] hello [20:20] ongolaBoy: normalley not nearly [20:20] what is the best program in ubuntu for shrinking dvd9 to dvd5? [20:20] can someone look at my config for some reason I can NOT for the life of me get my 2nd card and 3rd monitor to come on in jaunty. http://paste.ubuntu.com/203687/ [20:20] Hi all! I am trying to switch keyboard layout from swedish to svdvorak, but when I click "Apply System-Wide" nothing happens. Tried to logout/login without success. Am I missing something? [20:20] sebsebseb: thanks. who has tried http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu for example ? [20:21] ongolaBoy: that one is fine [20:21] sebsebseb: great ;) [20:22] j #ubuntu-es [20:23] silent today =) [20:23] ssh [20:23] :p [20:24] ok guys fresh install of ubuntu with all updates and /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 is taking up up to 47% cpu [20:24] SlimSoldier, some things that jump out at me. 1) device3 & device2 have the same BusID 2) device1's BusID with the "02" is rather unusual [20:25] ZykoticK9: They are both dual head cards so yea screen one and two have sambusid [20:25] ZykoticK9: screen 1 and 2 work just fine atm its screen 3 that does not [20:25] fala [20:25] coz_: apt-get install htop and check if you see anything unusal there [20:26] Google squared leaves something to be desired: http://www.google.com/squared/search?q=linux [20:26] !htop [20:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about htop [20:26] is 3G ram memory usable for a 32-bits ubuntu intrepid installation? [20:26] jophish: This is a support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to discuss this. [20:26] Promille, that is what i used to see that is taking up the cpu things get very "jerky" :) [20:27] coz_: but do you see anything strange, that eates your cpu? [20:27] Promille, no that is the only thing eating it up [20:27] coz_: what? htop? [20:28] Promille, no the /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 [20:28] Promille, everything else is 1% or nothing [20:29] it seems i have overwritten parts of my jaunty system through a script typo with debootstrap of debian lenny. i'm getting a lot GLIBC_2.8 not found errors, can anyone imagine a way to fix that? what can happen if a simply do a debootstrap jaunty over it? [20:29] coz_: ah allright..hm. that only uses 1% by me. you have compiz installed? [20:29] Promille, I do and it is running [20:29] Hello- Looking to find out if/when Canonical will be releasing an upgrade to FireFox 3.5 for 9.04? [20:29] Promille, but that is only taking up 1% [20:29] !ff35 | Digital_1 [20:29] Digital_1: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY === ecolitan|afk is now known as ecolitan [20:30] hi everybody, i just installed 9.10 with a nvidia on mother board graphics card.. with previous versions, i'd be able to enable the driver, restart, and it'd put me in low graphics mode, where i'd be able to select the driver nv and it'd be on it's way.. however with 9 i can't.. how would i go about getting nv selected? [20:30] hi [20:30] abbazabba: 9.10 or 9.04? [20:30] pici 9.04 [20:31] my bad [20:31] coz_: try to not run it, and see then. compiz can do alot of strange things to your pc [20:31] When I connect an external HD, ubuntu automatically mounts it on /media .. but how do I know which device is assoaciated to it on /dev ? [20:31] Promille, ok [20:31] coz_: x11 is the xserver you run, which compiz is a part of i guess [20:32] iLogic, I like to use the partition manager to figure that out [20:32] there's probably a better way, but it works for me [20:32] Promille, with compiz disabled.. it hasnt dropped it moves up and down from 3 to 40 some % [20:32] iLogic: Several ways. fdisk -l is one [20:32] iLogic: mount [20:32] coz_: its normal that it drops, but if you arent doing anything it stays low? does it stay low or constant high when compiz is enabled? [20:32] Promille, this wasnt happening just before I reinstalled though it happened during pre release versions and on karmic as well [20:33] Hi all! I have upgraded my hard drive. I'm booted into Live CD and my old hard drive is connected via USB and mounted. What is the correct way to copy over my / and /home from old hard drive? Apart from hard drive it is the same laptop. New partitions are same file system types but MUCH bigger =) === ck is now known as Guest58503 [20:33] usr13: cool, thanks! [20:33] Promille, yes it does drop a bit but as I said this never happened before even with compiz running only on prerelease but no biggie I will deal :) [20:34] xnox: just "cp" should work. As long as it preserves permissions and such. [20:34] I just updated this machine last night and rebooted it (so the bluetooth adapter probably never lost power) and last night my bluetooth was working. Today I have no bluetooth whatsoever. Every command, right down to hcitool scan ends with an Input/Output Error. [20:34] cellofellow: cp -rp ? =) [20:34] Pici: 9.04, i'm sorry [20:35] coz_: ok, great, I'm dont know then, but there can be some bug or something in the x server. === sean is now known as Guest48130 [20:35] xnox: looks about right. `cp -rp /media/drive/home/* /home/` === Guest48130 is now known as SeanTater [20:35] Is there anywhere I can see a history of ubuntu updates? [20:36] Promille, probably I didnt pay attention to the update process this time so it ;s essentially my fault for not knowing what was updated [20:36] I m using ubuntu on a laptop .. just a regular dumb user nothing special like running database or anything. Would I gain by using EXT4 or XFS or am I well off on EXT 3 [20:36] iLogic: mount is probably the most straight forward and tells you what you want to know.... anyway, I think you get the point. df will also show the device and how much of it is occupied by data etc... [20:36] CodeWar: Do Ext3 for now then when 9.10 is released, do a clean install of Ubuntu and you get Ext4 by default :) [20:36] abbazabba: You have to set it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the Device section put: Driver "nv" [20:37] sebsebseb, clean install will make me lose data? [20:37] CodeWar: and you need to clean install for full Ext4 suppourt [20:37] * cellofellow has been using Ext4 with great performance and no problems. [20:37] My wireless network is sporadic and tends to drop packets. How can I tell if it's interference from my neighbors? [20:37] CodeWar: and yes it will, so you would backup stuff first [20:37] CodeWar: not if you backup [20:37] test [20:37] hi [20:37] cellofellow: yeah Ext4 has been working well for me in 9.04 as well :) [20:38] Hmmm I spent some time over the last year collecting my fav apps/packages and my installation is something I m used to. Is there a way to export a list of all installed packages and then reinstall them on a clean OS [20:38] are there multiarch dvds available, like debian's multiarch dvds? [20:38] cellofellow: I assume your on 9.04 [20:38] soreau: could you possibly give me a copy and paste of that [20:38] I wish PartImage supported ext4 for doing backups and I would switch to ext4 right now. [20:38] sebsebseb: yes [20:38] * xnox has / on ext4 but /home is still ext3 waiting for karmic [20:38] Section "Device" [20:38] Identifier "Configured Video Device" [20:38] seantater start with kismet see howmuch power ur neighbor is transmitting [20:38] linuxguy2009, clonezilla (experimental ubuntu based) is your friend. [20:38] abbazabba: If you pastebin your xorg.conf, I'll edit it and send it back to you [20:38] linuxguy2009: you dont get the full advantage of ext4 if it is the result of a converted ext3# [20:38] xnox: sounds like a good way to go. Fast boots by booting from ext4, but safety for your data with ext3 in /home. [20:39] soreau: alright let me restart.. what is it pastebin.com? [20:39] yes [20:39] I would do a fresh install for sure/ [20:39] please, create an update with firefox O_o people are waiting... [20:39] * cellofellow likes paste2.org [20:39] windows users use it already for one day [20:39] linuxguy2009: cool [20:39] pisecx: that would be great to say that on LP [20:39] redpill_: Thanks [20:39] cellofellow: especially since I'm on .30 kernel with KMS =) [20:39] * deany uses ext4 for all his computers [20:39] !ff3.5 > pisecx [20:39] pisecx, please see my private message [20:39] * xnox loves backports [20:39] really does not do good here pisecx [20:39] !ff3.5 [20:39] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [20:40] SeanTater: iwlist scan should show you the access points in your neighborhood, if the channels are not at least 3-4 apart there might be problems [20:40] I am really frustrated with ubuntu bluetooth right now... my Gentoo box works with these bluetooth headphones fine, but my netbook (running Xubuntu via Wubi) has such horrible bluetooth support that I can't even see that the headphones exist, let alone use them. I've even used the headphones on Ubuntu successfully before, which is even more annoying... I know that it SHOULD be working. lol [20:40] I like the speed of fsck with huge partitions [20:40] Yes, I so this help tomorrow, but I prefer stable update from repository [20:40] deany: Hmm cool Ill have to download an ISO for clonezilla again maybe it has matured and I can actually figure it out this time. Thanks for the recomendation. [20:40] * ActionParsnip doesnt get why people want to fix their firefox when its not broke [20:40] BitWraith: may be adapter [20:40] ActionParsnip: it's slow! [20:40] quit [20:40] BitWraith: I dont think anyone has answered your question.... yet... I may have a solution [20:40] seantater also check the channel...if u 2 r on the same (or adjesent) channels could cause interference [20:40] I tried ff3.5 in windows on my job and it flyes! [20:40] pisecx: you weren't moaning 4 months ago [20:41] hah [20:41] pisecx: maybe you installed an addon and it went slow [20:41] ActionParsnip: I was waiting for ff3.5 since they said that going to do it [20:41] I'll take any solution I can get, I just want to listen to music [20:41] linuxguy2009, ive used the stable one for ages, never had trouble. simple, just, enter, enter, enter [20:41] hey does anyone know why windows xp would dramaticly slow down after installing ubuntu [20:41] redpill_: There are fourteen (or fifteen) networks in range - so they are in close channels [20:41] I will go get the bluetooth adapter fromm y pther machine and see if it works any better, brb [20:41] !ot | pisecx ... [20:41] pisecx ...: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [20:41] linuxguy2009, also I use it on a usb stick [20:42] BitWraith: if you do: ls -ltr /var/lib/dpkg/info/ and look at the dates and recall the dates you have done updates, you should be looking at the info you want. [20:42] BitWraith: it may be that your adapter does NOT support streaming' [20:42] i have installed virtualbox, and there r many guests os including ms-vista, i want few of my friends to access those vms through vnc/rdp [20:42] sweet Ill definetly try it. [20:42] most adapters do not [20:42] can anyone plz tell me how or where i will find a decent guide step by step [20:42] sil3nt|warri0r: then install VNC on them,,, [20:42] seantater then mover ur channel to the farthest from all of them...if most are in the low digist say <6 then move to 11 [20:42] errrh dont know how but i did something and alt-f2 doesn't work no ore anyone know how to fix this? [20:42] pisecx: it was announced 2 months ago [20:43] ActionParsnip: yep. And I'm waiting for 2 months =) [20:43] redpill_: thanks - gtg [20:43] pisecx: and you weren't monaning it was slow when the current version was released [20:43] ActionParsnip: I think we can go to offtopic channel [20:43] sil3nt|warri0r: you just set that up in the vm's [20:43] also check the power on ur wifi device make sure the power is maxed out [20:43] Pirate_Hunter: Which window manager are you using? [20:43] deonte: as I just said, I have used these headphoens with this adapter before the update... it took a couple tries to establish the connection, butit did work [20:43] so upgrading to ext4 will give me better perf? Any reasons to believe it would be unstable yet ? One of the things I wished for is the ability to reset laptop ( well it gets reset or power drains out ) and not have to run fsck or some long check on the next boot [20:43] soreau: http://pastebin.com/d375832f [20:43] is this something ext4 provides? [20:43] BitWraith: oh, i must of missed that [20:44] it's a pretty crowded channel, I'm not surprised :-) [20:44] Hey guys, I was hoping someone would help me out on this one. I need to completely uninstall ubuntu and use a different version (going from x64 back down to x86). How would I go about completely removing the unbuntu from my drive? (I'm dual-booting Ubuntu and Vista.) === kevin__ is now known as Roppongi [20:44] CodeWar: perf? [20:44] Codewar one reason to think i9t is stable is that the Ubuntu team chose to include it in one of their releases [20:44] Kandy: Just reinstall on the partition [20:44] Kandy: delete the Ubuntu partitions on the Live CD in gparted/partitioneditor [20:44] Go manually on the live CD [20:44] Kandy: pop in x86 and install on top of the old partitions [20:44] soreau, gnome, i know it is weird i havent assigned any keys using alt+f2 yet now ive tried it and it doesn't work [20:44] ext4 has been around for a while but its taken awhile for it to be included in Ubuntu [20:44] abbazabba: http://pastebin.com/m14fab539 [20:44] !prefix | BitWraith, thats why: [20:44] BitWraith, thats why:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [20:45] ext4 ran like a sloth on my laptop. === Roppongi is now known as kevin__ [20:45] Is there any good books about how internet works perse? Like http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO//networking-concepts-HOWTO.txt ? just more... [20:45] deonte: sebsebseb: that i know, that i have to install vnc, but after that ? i have onely one public ip, how can i give muntiple access to mutiple vmc [20:45] comprehensive [20:45] ^vms [20:45] Pirate_Hunter: Assigned using what? [20:45] soreau: thank you, let me cross my fingers [20:45] sil3nt|warri0r: iirc you can specify ports. I am not sure [20:45] Do I need to completely reinstall windos also? [20:45] soreau, i said i havent assigned any keys so it should work but doesn't how do i fix it? [20:45] windows* [20:45] Kandy: no [20:45] Kandy: no [20:46] Just reinstall the partion where ubuntu IS already installed [20:46] do not touch the windows partition [20:46] Kandy: what do you use Windows for? [20:46] sebastien: that is not the problem [20:46] sebsebseb: gaming really === kevin__ is now known as Roppongi [20:46] Pirate_Hunter: I don't know what you did to break it.. if there's no window manager running I know it wont work but it your windows have borders then it should be working [20:46] deonte: I decided to try the bluetooth adapter I normally use on my other machine... apparently ubuntu doesn't have a driver for it [20:46] Kandy: have you tried WINE or CrossOver === gzojw is now known as j_f_kennedy [20:46] Kandy: I was thinking you could maybe virtual machine Windows, but since your gaming well [20:46] Pirate_Hunter: s/it/if === j_f_kennedy is now known as LimCore [20:47] is there a better bzr front-end than olive? [20:47] deonte: I tried to use WINE with WoW but it keeps crashng [20:47] waylandbill: not that i know of, bzr is not that hard [20:47] deonte: so I am stuck with this one and I can't prove that the adapter isn't broken (aside from the fact that it worked fine last night and has done nothing but sit on my desk since then) [20:47] Kandy: VirtualBox 3 (released yesterday) has experimental 3D (DirectX and OpenGL) support. Try that maybe. [20:47] yo [20:48] deonte, I use the command line now just fine. was curious is all. [20:48] Is there any good books about how internet works perse? Like http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO//networking-concepts-HOWTO.txt ? just more...comprehensive. Like the book about nmap by Gordon "Fyodor" Lyon ? I really enjoyed that book [20:48] BitWraith: it should not matter the adapter, uh iirc. [20:48] waylandbill: I understand. I hate bzr, rather use svn [20:48] It is so damn slow to me [20:48] soreau, my windows got border, however, i really need that function as it is useful. Oh well i'll ask again in a bit [20:48] deonte: it didn't recognize either adapter thattime, something is wrong with my bluetooth stack on ubuntu [20:49] Hey just wondering has Adobe released a final stable version of flash for 64 bit installs yet? [20:49] no [20:49] Kandy: If your computer is powerful enough, you could try installing VirtualBox. [20:49] I had to /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart just for the device to show up [20:49] salut [20:49] linuxguy2009: No, but the one in the respos works perfectly [20:49] does anyone know by shuffle by album is disabled in banshee? or how to enable it? [20:49] cool [20:49] why* [20:49] est ce qu'il y a moyen de faire en sorte que firefox ne vole pas le son aux autres applications ? nottament en ce qui concerne le flash et youtube [20:49] deonte: What do yo thinkwould be reccoended requirements for it? [20:49] michael@ubuntu:~$ hcitool scan | Scanning ... | Inquiry failed: Connection timed out [20:50] !fr | mirak [20:50] mirak: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [20:50] is there a way to have firefox not steeling the sound ? [20:50] guntbert: sorry [20:50] anyone know how to get alt-+2 working again [20:50] oops [20:50] Kandy: Well, what version of windows are you looking at? [20:50] I ersnally use Windows Vsta Ultiat [20:50] firefox hogs the sound, with it's flash plugin, that's very anoying [20:50] anyone know how to get alt+f2 working again, it doesnt work for me? [20:51] deonte: I also have this lag with my keyboard when I use linux. It's very annoying [20:51] have you tried turning it off and on again ? :P [20:51] Pirate_Hunter: alt+f2 is part of the gnome-panel process. So, if gnome-panel isn't running it won't work. [20:51] Kandy: Ok, then i would reccomend that your system have at LEAST 1.5gb of ram, and iirc an extra 40-50gb of HDD space [20:51] deonte: and I keep getting an error whn Itry to turn on y graphics all thewa to max. [20:52] Kandy: what is your graphics card? Nvidia? [20:52] deonte: good, I've got 4 gigs and plent of spae [20:52] deonte: yep, 8600 GTS [20:52] cellofellow, oh that explain a lot than, hmmm would've thought it was independent lucky i got (do) running as well [20:52] deonte: see, you can see I'm missig a few keys as I type [20:52] Kandy: have you enabled the restrcited drives? === [1]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony2 [20:52] How can someone turn off/on a keyboard with some shell command? Turning off/on mouse would be good too. Any ideas? [20:52] eonte: I don't think so [20:52] Kandy: for VirtualBox you *really* want to have a dual-core CPU with the virtualization extensions. (AMD-V or VT-X). [20:53] cellofellow: that is not true [20:53] it's not required but it helps a ton. [20:53] deonte: after restarting the bluetooth services, I finally got ubuntu to recognize the other adapter. One adapter can hcitool scan but cannot use my headphones. the other adapter gives me nothing but errors. [20:53] Now, for KVM it *is* required. [20:53] cellofellow: AMD Athalon X2 5200+ [20:53] cellofellow, thanks for that really surprised me that it stoped working for no reason [20:54] Kandy: You are fine, just run it. You will have to provide a copy of windows though, do you have a CD or DVD with windows on it? [20:54] hi [20:54] Pirate_Hunter: well, at least we figured it out. I know KDE and XFCE don't do it that way so it's always confused me, but hey, let it be. [20:54] i am having trouble dule booting [20:54] deonte: hmm, I think I've trashed that dvd. It got too scrathced. Can I use an image? [20:54] i have one harddrive with linux an another with windows [20:55] Kandy: yes you can, that is better [20:55] deonte: I can also go to XP for beterperformance if needed [20:55] Kandy: VirtualBox installs like a champ from ISO images. [20:55] That would be best Kandy [20:55] Hi everyone, I am trying to install a BNC on my server, I can compile the executable no problem without OpenSSL, but when I attempt to compile using OpenSSL it keeps saying "No such file/directory" even though I know I have it correct. ( /usr/bin/openssl ). I can run OpenSSL via PuTTy without problems. The cmd I'm using is ./configure --without-boost --with-ssl =usr/bin/openssl I'm on 8.04 Hardy Heron, anyone know what I am doing wrong? [20:55] * cellofellow has XP in VirtualBox, works as well as one can expect Windows to work. [20:55] i really need to dule boot and i can't figrue out how === cyban is now known as cyban-gone [20:55] i have both harddives plugged in but what ever is the slave drive does nothign [20:56] while I'm etrieving my isofom my other box, does anyone knowhow to fix this keboard lag? I hav a micosoft wirelessdesktop 6000 [20:56] Im using OpenSSL that came installed with ubuntu [20:56] cactusfrog: oh, that's an interesting setup. It will require you to tweak /boot/grub/menu.lst a bit. [20:56] cactusfrog: which system is on the master and which on the slave?\ [20:56] Kandy: Uh, cant help ya there. [20:56] cellofellow, ubuntu is master now [20:56] cactusfrog: for this to work, Linux (or at least the /boot partition) needs to be on the Master, as does GRUB. [20:56] cactusfrog: ok, good. [20:57] deonte: it works 00% fine when I go to windows but when I come her I get that lag [20:57] cactusfrog: can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst file? [20:57] cellofellow, ok hold on [20:57] Kandy: hmm, strange. Uhhh i dont know what to tell you [20:57] !dualboot > me [20:57] cellofellow, please see my private message [20:57] deonte: alright thanks [20:57] !dualboot [20:57] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [20:58] cellofellow, i am new to ubuntu whers the adress bar in your folderse [20:58] #wormux [20:58] How long will it take to copy 12GB over USB 2? [20:58] cactusfrog: press ctrl-l [20:58] !multiarch [20:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about multiarch [20:58] xnox: about 20-30 min [20:59] deonte: tnx I hope my laptop battery will last =/ [20:59] cellofellow, ok here http://pastebin.com/m1cedae4e [20:59] xnox, depends heavily on the speed of the device (like one flash drive etc can be tons faster than another) [20:59] cactusfrog: in Nautilus next to the pathbar buttons you can click a little button with a paper and pencil to get the ability to enter paths. [20:59] xnox: What format is the stick? [20:59] cellofellow, ok thanks [20:59] deonte: Barridus: it's external harddrive which used to be internal [20:59] Hi [20:59] xnox, also depends on what the file(s) is. one huge file is faster than several smaller ones [20:59] cellofellow, http://pastebin.com/m1cedae4e [21:00] Barridus: Ubuntu installation =) so many small ones [21:00] Hello, how do I scroll down on a man page? [21:00] xnox: oh, it should be uhh, idk like 15min then. If ur lucky [21:00] cactusfrog: ok, let's look at this [21:00] i'm looking for an itunes replacement, any that you can buy from istores? [21:01] rlox: j/k [21:01] DON'T LAUGH: Is there an undelete command for the ubuntu prompt? [21:01] no I am not joking.. nothing is working [21:01] I just did a monstruously stupid thing... [21:01] rlox: what? [21:01] !recover | NickRiviera [21:01] NickRiviera: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [21:01] I am using putty to connect to my server and when I open man page I can only view the first page of it [21:01] rlox: press j and k (sorry) [21:01] deonte: should I install my new ubuntu on a ext3 filesystem or ext4? [21:02] How do i run games on the tv ? === NOMIND is now known as rroirr [21:02] rlox: , '>' goes to the end,.... mostly the program "less" is doing the work, so man less should help too [21:02] rlox: I couldn't figure out why you brought up joking... [21:02] What is the best program to shrink dvd? [21:02] Kandy: ext4 [21:02] Kandy: it's not 100% stable in Ubuntu 9.04, because they don't have the later kernel and such [21:02] jrib: tnkx [21:02] henryklyczkowski: what? [21:02] are there any multiarch media? [21:02] deonte backup dvd [21:02] no, it's not dvd, games on tv [21:02] henryklyczkowski: I never heard of shrinking [21:03] sebsebseb: that may the be the problem I have with my keyboard. Sounds stupid I know ut hey, it's worth a shot [21:03] jrib ahh I understand now ... j/k lol [21:03] I'll try with less, second [21:03] Kandy: no the file system has nothing to do with your keyboard [21:03] Kandy: the filesystem type has nothing to do with it [21:03] !keyboard | Kandy [21:03] Kandy: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts [21:03] hi there [21:03] yo [21:03] i got a problem too [21:03] Kandy, i am using ext4 an its fine tho :P [21:03] what [21:03] Kandy: me too [21:04] Hi everyone, I am trying to install a BNC on my server, I can compile the executable no problem without OpenSSL, but when I attempt to compile using OpenSSL it keeps saying "No such file/directory" even though I know I have it correct. ( /usr/bin/openssl ). I can run OpenSSL via PuTTy without problems. The cmd I'm using is ./configure --without-boost --with-ssl =usr/bin/openssl I'm on 8.04 Hardy Heron, anyone know what I am doing wrong? [21:04] cactusfrog: http://pastebin.com/d4a9a83c [21:04] sebsebseb: wireless keyboard? [21:04] Hm.. what is the syntaxis when using less with man ? [21:04] TurboTron: install -dev package [21:04] I'm using OpenSSL installed with ubuntu [21:04] !repat | TurboTron [21:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about repat [21:04] cellofellow, what should ido just replace my existing file [21:04] !repeat | TurboTron [21:04] TurboTron: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [21:04] hey everyone, i am looking for a graphical frontend to LAME - something like razorLAME on windows, anyone know one? [21:04] cactusfrog: this should work. After using this menu.lst run `sudo update-grub` and rebooting. [21:04] cactusfrog: yup [21:05] preferably something that can also work with FLAC [21:05] sorry, thought it went unoticed [21:05] alright, apparently nobody can help me here. I guess I'll give up, maybe switch to Gentoo on this machine as well. [21:05] because i'm trying to get some FLACs to convert to MP3... [21:05] ok [21:05] is there anybody who got knowledge about xrandr [21:05] TurboTron: do you have libssl-dev installed [21:06] yes [21:06] my second monitor displays the wrong resolution [21:06] but the command i use should be correct [21:06] i use tje same one at work or at friends home [21:06] rlox: no, usually if you type man the "pager" used to display the manpage is "less", so any command that works in "less" should work with the man pages too === TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF] [21:07] !grub > xnox [21:07] xnox, please see my private message [21:07] cellofellow, ok all try it [21:07] here the cmd i', working with: xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1440x900 --rate 60.2 && xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --rate 60.0 --right-of LVDS1 [21:07] cellofellow, copied the thing for paistibin and then just typed this into terminal sudo update-grub [21:07] TurboTron: did you see the suggestion from xnox ? [21:07] cellofellow, should i reboot now [21:07] cactusfrog: ok, yes [21:08] but the resolution on the second screen is just 1152x870 [21:08] cellofellow, thanks a lot [21:08] yes [21:08] cactusfrog: np [21:08] and bucky [21:08] i have the libssl-dev package installed [21:08] hello everybody [21:08] TurboTron: how are you compiling? using dpkg-buildpackage or manual upstream way? [21:08] How do I get an entire directory structure via command line ftp? [21:08] anyone who can help me [21:09] !ask | The-Real-Rudi [21:09] The-Real-Rudi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) === richard is now known as stickboy [21:09] TurboTron: BNC's website is dead.. consider apt-get install sbnc [21:09] xnox: ok, sorry, my first time here [21:09] so... is firefox 3.5 ever going to be added to the jaunty repos? [21:10] xnox: Compiling using whatever came with the BNC settings for conf, then using "make" not too sure [21:10] xnox: The-Real-Rudi *did* state his problem, though ... [21:10] Barridus: yeah what is up with that, it's still at beta 4 [21:10] Barridus: it's already in there [21:10] what is this april [21:10] !enter | The-Real-Rudi [21:10] The-Real-Rudi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [21:10] gcc compiler? [21:10] I'm getting the "Setting Locale failed" problem. I've tried everything I've found on the boards (locale-gen, reinstalling the english language pack, dpkg-reconfigure locales, etc...) Anyone know how to fix this problem? [21:10] nsorry not BNC, ezbounce [21:10] bucky: what are you talking about, all the repos have is beta 4 [21:10] but it is a IRC BNC @ bucky [21:11] !ff35 | Barridus s1gmab3ta [21:11] Barridus s1gmab3ta: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [21:11] ' [21:11] guntbert: sorry I didn't see it at first (too far back), sorry The-Real-Rudi [21:11] thanks pici. i can wait, just curious [21:11] Barridus: yw [21:12] wasn't sure if jaunty was "frozen" at ff3.0 or whatever [21:12] xnox: :) [21:12] hey... I have a problem... my desktop and laptop cant see each other on my network, unless I turnoff my firewall (firestarter) my laptop is wireless and desktop lan, and both use ubuntu 9.04, but had same problem with 8.10 [21:12] TurboTron: try apt-get source package (where package the one you want to recompile with openssl) [21:12] TurboTron: and read up in debian/ dir maybe maintanainers left easy pointers on how to comile with openssl [21:13] TurboTron: debian way to recompile packages with optional stuff enabled === sean is now known as Guest59162 [21:13] ok thanks for the help xnox [21:13] Hi all - is there a linux-image-2.6.xx-yy-generic-pae image available for 9.04? It seems Karmic will have one, but can't find it for Jaunty? [21:14] so, here is my whole prob: i'm using xrandr with intel driver 2.7.0 and kernel 2.6.30 on jaunty, when i want to control my second monitor with the following cmd "xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1440x900 --rate 60.2 && xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --rate 60.0 --right-of LVDS1", the second monitor shows the wrong resolution - only 1152x870, so what could i do? [21:15] no help for me ??? [21:15] jushoa does the internet work for both [21:15] The-Real-Rudi: google up xorg-edgers ppa and try intel drivers from there. There is a page on wiki.ubuntu.com about xorg-edgers ppa. I hope the external monitor will work better with those bleeding edge drivers [21:15] hello everyone [21:16] i have just copied Openoffice [21:16] The-Real-Rudi: personally I never managed to get external monitors to work *sigh* sorry [21:16] how do i install it( sorry i am quite new to linix) [21:16] Mickster...yes... its working fine... Its just on local network [21:16] dule boot still doesn't work [21:16] Anyone know how to fix the "Setting locale failed" problem? [21:16] I have electric sheep as my screen saver but my screen now never goes to sleep, anyone have this issue? [21:16] * awake is also a nerd [21:16] it takes forever to load the os's and xp isn't in their [21:16] :-) [21:16] xnox: thanks, i'll try it [21:16] PEPSIpilot, welcome, but please be aware that the enter key is not to be confused with punctuation :D [21:17] have you set up sharing folders on oth correctly? [21:17] Sorry Linux(Ubuntu) [21:17] jushoa: Define "See eachother" [21:17] PEPSIpilot: openoffice.org should already ben installed on your Ubuntu [21:18] PEPSIpilot: openoffice is in the repositories, so no need to "copy" it, just install it from the software manager you like (synaptic, aptitude, apt-get) === richard is now known as stickboy [21:18] How to turn off all of those status messeges in Pidgin? (e.g. nick enter/left channel) [21:18] i really need help [21:18] yip it was but i want the updated one [21:18] which i already downloaded [21:18] there is no icon in the network ... only a icon for its own [21:18] i can't dule boot eventhough i enter the grub os selecter xp isn't their [21:19] PEPSIpilot: did you download a .deb file? [21:19] cactusfrog, have you tried adding it in:/ [21:19] and I have granted accecs for the ip adr... for both computers [21:19] mickster04, i have no idea how to do it [21:19] xnox: Look under Pidgin Settings / Preferences / Plugins. [21:20] mickster04, someone else modified it for me [21:20] mickster04, what do i do [21:20] cactusfrog, well is it XP or vista? [21:20] its called RPMS version [21:20] mickster04, xp [21:20] PEPSIpilot: easier to enable http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu jaunty main as third party software source [21:20] PEPSIpilot: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Build_Instructions [21:21] PEPSIpilot: don't use RPM on ubuntu [21:21] !rpm | PEPSIpilot [21:21] why not [21:21] PEPSIpilot: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) [21:21] cactusfrog, i dont have dual boot atm, mayb someone here does who can lend you a copy of theres [21:21] mickster04, what do i do? [21:21] * D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora [21:21] mickster04, what is atm [21:21] ohh okay [21:22] mobi-sheep: yeap it's a plugin to hide them! it's so much better here now ;-) [21:22] well this is wat i downloaded OOo_3.1.0_LinuxX86-64_install_en-US.tar.gz [21:22] cactusfrog, you need to add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst [21:22] cactusfrog, atm = at the moment [21:22] !ndiswrapper | smashbox [21:22] smashbox, please see my private message [21:22] mickster04, ah ok [21:23] test [21:23] PEPSIpilot: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Build_Instructions [21:23] mickster04, all try google what happens if i screw this up? [21:23] Enter text here...ciaoooooooo [21:23] jushoa: I'm guessing you have a rule in your firewall that is blocking outgoing packets. [21:23] cactusfrog, dont delete anything, you just want to add a couiple of lines [21:23] Anyone know how to fix the "Setting locale failed" problem? [21:24] How do I upgrade Firefox to 3.5 in Jaunty? [21:24] natet: what do you do when you see this error? what's the problem? please give more details [21:24] ff3.5 | theunixgeek [21:24] !ff35 [21:24] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [21:24] * xnox forgot ! =( [21:25] It's a warning, perl: warning: Setting locale failed. [21:25] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "en_US" [21:25] thanks, xnox [21:25] natet... dont know how... i have granted all my computers ip adr acces to each other, and have the deny rule instead of granted rule, soo I have to write if I want to block [21:25] theunixgeek: make all your repos available in synaptic and apt-get it === sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy [21:25] jushoa: That's incoming access... === duncan is now known as dunks [21:25] can someone please lend me their menu.lst for grub so i can dule boot wint xp [21:25] natet: Oh that's simple. Edit your .bashrc and add export LC_ALL = "en_US" for example [21:26] cactusfrog, if someone has dual boot could they tell us the lines needed [21:26] natet: it's just an environment variable you can safely ignore it [21:26] cactusfrog, is it xp or vista on the other partition [21:26] is there no other to update openoffice [21:26] mickster04, its xp on another harddive [21:26] xnox: I know I can ignore it, but it's masking the output from my commands, and is generally annoying... [21:26] PEPSIpilot: what version do you need and why [21:27] natet...yes in firestater is it not the policy part...and inbound traffic policy??? [21:27] * awake says goodnight [21:27] i have version 3.0 [21:27] and 3.1 has more features [21:28] natet then add lines like this " export VARIABLE = "lang_COUNTRY" to ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile for each one perl is complaining about. I did long time ago once on one computer can't remember precise [21:28] natet...I have "allow connections from host" and then my computers, my router and my printer ip adr [21:28] PEPSIpilot: then build it according to that link i gave you [21:28] cactus frog, if i was at home i could log onto my ubuntu pc [21:28] hi can someone tell me the location of the ubuntu start main menu icon? [21:28] why is the firefox 3.5 beta 4 on the repos called "shiretoko" and not firefox/ [21:28] ?* [21:28] sagredo: usually it's the top left corner. But it can easily be removed and readed by right clicking on the panel [21:28] looks like a big proccess [21:28] xnox: I mean the location in the harddrive, to change it [21:29] how do i know what Ubuntu i have [21:29] sagredo: upper right corner... called Applications [21:29] hi can someone tell me the location (/usr/share/icons....) of the ubuntu start main menu icon? [21:29] jushoa: I havne't used firestarter, but what I'm saying is that your computer is blocking specific outgoing packets from your computer. If it can't send the packets to identify itself on the network, then the incoming rules you're talking about are useless. [21:29] !version | PEPSIpilot [21:29] PEPSIpilot: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [21:29] sagredo: It's part of the theme so it will be somewhere in /usr/share/icons/theme-name/ [21:30] Ubuntu 9.04 - the Jaunty [21:30] i have a program on my system that outputs all its activity into a logfile, how can i view this logfile in "real time", as in whatch whats being added as the program runs? [21:30] !shell [21:30] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [21:30] sagredo: I'd recommend to use dpkg -L human-theme to see what icons it installs to pin point the icon exactly [21:30] cactus frog, if i was at home i could log onto my ubuntu pc [21:30] seb? [21:30] xnox: very clever my friend, thank you [21:31] PEPSIpilot: I got OOo 3.1, from the ppa, I told you above [21:31] !grub [21:31] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [21:31] * xnox it took ~30 min to copy 9GB of ubuntu root over USB2 [21:31] sagredo: it depends on what icon set you are using, most of the ones i have seem to name the startmenu icon start-here.svg or start-here.png [21:31] !grub | cactusfrog [21:31] cactusfrog: please see above [21:31] cactusfrog: how'd it go? [21:31] ppa? [21:31] PEPSIpilot: here's a repo for OO.org 3.1 [21:31] natet...ok, so peharpse I should put the ip adr the computer im sitting on the list and not just other computer I want to have accecs...thx I will try that [21:31] http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/install-openoffice-31-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html [21:31] http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Build_Instructions [21:31] HI. My name is Wandeson. Brazil. Where i find source code of the Ubuntu to Download. [21:31] wWales: tail -f , when you are done c [21:31] PEPSIpilot: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/install-openoffice-31-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html [21:32] !source [21:32] You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [21:32] guntbert: thanks [21:32] thanks [21:32] i will have a look at it now [21:32] I have a question, if my sound card is 5.1 channel and my speakers are 2 channel, will that cause me to only hear static? [21:32] xnox: That didn't fix it. [21:32] hopefully i wont have any questions [21:32] wWales: np :-) [21:32] so Bucjy i am just new to the whole Linux thing [21:33] natet: =( sorry [21:33] PEPSIpilot: someone will always be here to help :-) [21:33] thanks alot [21:33] why is the firefox 3.5 beta 4 on the repos called "shiretoko" and not firefox? [21:34] What's the temperature program which shows the temperature of CPU in a panel? [21:34] now tell me the key i need to make does it need to be any extension [21:34] cellofellow, i didn't work [21:34] because shiretoko was a mythical beast that didn't know how to google [21:34] cellofellow, xp was not on the list [21:34] cactusfrog: oh, darn :( [21:34] Barridus: I doubt that is a support question, is it? [21:34] PEPSIpilot, I have a question: If my sound card is 5.1 channel and my speakers are 2 channel, will that cause me to only hear static? [21:34] cellofellow, and it took forever for that list to genirate like 30 seconds [21:35] cactusfrog: is the Windows section still at the end of /boot/grub/menu.list? [21:35] you never put it their [21:35] the UUID's on my harddrive have changed (moving partions around) is there an automagical way to fixup fstab and menu.lst? [21:35] cellofellow, no [21:35] guntbert, well it's hardly one about what someone had for lunch today :p [21:35] no [21:35] aaronsnell89: please ask the channel, then be patient, don't pick one nick for a question [21:35] Really? [21:35] cellofellow, i dont think it ever was their how do i add it [21:36] Barridus: but just as pertinent here :-) [21:36] sorry [21:36] I have a question, if my sound card is 5.1 channel and my speakers are 2 channel, will that cause me to only hear static? [21:36] _Lau_: HI. My name is Wandeson. Brazil. Where i find source code of the Ubuntu for download. [21:36] aaronsnell89: try and sii what happens ;) [21:36] what is the comand to desinstall startup manager? [21:36] Barridus: I think just so as to set it apart from Firefox since it is "Shiretoko Alpha 1 is being made available for testing purposes only, and is intended for web application developers and our testing community." [21:36] aaronsnell89: well.... hear :) [21:36] cactusfrog: ok, just edit the file, and in there under the section Examples is an example Windows boot item. Just copy that to the end of the file, remove the comments, and change the "root" line to hd(1,0). [21:36] guntbert, well then who should i ask to ensure i did not install the incorrect thing? the vacation in hawaii channel? [21:36] !repeat | aaronsnell89 [21:36] aaronsnell89: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [21:37] Barridus: there is always #ubuntu-offtopic for this kind [21:37] usr13, ok then i have the right thing, thank you for supporting my question [21:37] just asking cause I hear static and I was wondering if that was the problem [21:37] ok [21:37] w41pe, http://releases.ubuntu.com/ [21:38] what is the command to uninstall startup manager? [21:38] bastidrazor: Thanks. [21:38] Um_cara_qualquer: "startup manager"? [21:38] yep [21:39] Um_cara_qualquer: dpkg -i startupmanager [21:39] !info startup-manager [21:39] Package startup-manager does not exist in jaunty [21:39] Um_cara_qualquer: dpkg -r startupmanager [21:39] sorry [21:39] Um_cara_qualquer, apt-get remove startupmanager [21:39] thx [21:40] Bucky Thanks [21:40] !info startupmanager [21:40] startupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.12-1 (jaunty), package size 95 kB, installed size 1072 kB [21:40] i think its doing the trick [21:40] If I saved a bunch of files to an external hard drive before uninstalling ubuntu and then ran a ubuntu live cd to try to retrieve the files, why would some of my pdfs say "permission denied" and not let me open or copy them? Is there anything I can do to fix this? [21:40] can u just roughly explain to me what i just did [21:40] and what the key means [21:40] can anyone help me with sli? [21:41] Chejop, you need to set the correct file permissions/user/groups for those files using sudo chown/sudo chmod [21:41] i am on mint could u still help me at all? === lethu_ is now known as lethu === | is now known as Guest37171 [21:42] !mintsupport | st3ph [21:42] st3ph: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org [21:42] hi guys. should I be worrying if /usr/X11R6/bin/X always seems to be eating my CPU cycles? I'm on an eee with Jaunty running, and getting annoyed by the thing grinding to a halt all the time :( [21:42] st3ph: ssssshhh, don't tell them you're on mint and no one will even notice. It's really 95% the same. [21:42] does anyone now how to set up sli on ubuntu 9.04 [21:42] vesta try eeebuntu, it works gr8 on mine [21:42] ok ty cellofellow === tim__ is now known as simplemotives [21:43] Oh boy. It has been a while since I have used a command line (and I wasn't good at it then.) Do you think you could explain it idiot-level step by step? [21:43] would u still help me plz [21:43] mickster04, ooh, yeah... I'm using the netbook remix from the ubuntu site. afaik, it's based on eeebuntu [21:43] im trying to delete all the folders in a certain folder under a certain size. unfortunately, nautilus only shows folder size in terms of file count, not in terms of total item size. how should i go about this? [21:43] is there a setting i can change in nautilus? [21:43] vesta, what eee u using [21:44] mickster04, eee 1000 [21:44] cellofellow: are u good with sound problems? [21:44] Chejop: when using the CLI, just remember the computer is more stupid than you and needs everything spelled out very precisely. [21:44] vesta, what eee u using/ [21:44] vesta, sorry [21:45] O [21:45] vesta, did u check the list [21:45] <[A]KangB> hi people! [21:45] mickster04, the list? [21:45] s1gmab3ta: the reason that Nautilus doesn't show the size of the folders is that the folders need to be scanned to determine that. Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab) will do that scanning for you, as will the du command. [21:45] st3ph: not really, but I can try to help. [21:45] ls [21:45] doh, wrong window [21:45] mickster04, if I'm not on it does that mean I can't come in? :P [21:45] i get no sound at all, i have soundcard it seems to know the drivers [21:46] but it still doesnt play [21:46] st3ph: :( [21:47] st3ph: the sounds system in Ubuntu is so layered and convoluted. It could be the kernel drivers, could be pulseaudio. Hard to tell. Try installing pavucontroller and see if there is a sound device in there. [21:48] ok [21:48] Help! I want to setup my gnome-do-docklets. I want tue weather docklet and I cand't install it [21:48] * cellofellow will bbl [21:48] cellofellow: i did use disk usage analyzer, though. [21:48] its alright, i found a way around the problem [21:49] Vesta, sorry on the ubuntu nbr site [21:49] there is a link called "popluar models" in the text [21:50] i try that cellofellow [21:50] Hi, Can I accesssame drive ? my ext3fs filesystem from an xp install on the [21:50] woops [21:50] Hi, Can I access my ext3fs filesystem from an xp install on the same drive? [21:51] i just updated to the latest ubuntu release. It prints something like error: int 2: then gives a hex dump of the memory [21:51] is there a #eeebuntu somewhere? [21:51] do i have to wipe and instal from scratch? [21:51] I have some training videos that I'd like to access from both ubuntu and windows [21:51] and my ubuntu partition is where they reside [21:52] it didnt help to add the computer I used to the allow list, and uninstall firestarter, now it cant get the share list from server [21:53] joining [21:53] Whitor, boot with your ubuntu cd/dvd and send it to a network linked computer [21:54] hey [21:54] Whitor, http://www.fs-driver.org/ [21:54] mickster04, thanks for the pointer. I've taken a look. the only issue listed is to do with sound performance with pulseaudio, but I've already taken that off to fix another problem [21:54] sorry, microphone stuttering [21:54] Whitor, or boot with that same cd/dvd and copy those files to your winx partition [21:54] which is the best stable version of Ubuntu??? [21:55] bobo: 8.04 and 9.04 [21:55] agree [21:55] ikonia: and the most fastest? [21:55] bobo: the latest is 9.04, the latest LTS is 8.04. If you need LTS, use LTS, otherwise use 9.04 [21:55] bobo: neither [21:55] !lts | bobo [21:55] bobo: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04) [21:55] cellofellow: it is already installed [21:56] is there some clipboard viewer for gnome (something that will list several items copied) [21:56] jrib: is there a site how to boost Ubuntu, because i'm on 9.04 and it's not very fast [21:56] grendal_prime: glipper or something like that [21:56] i like kilpper but it causes x to crash on occations [21:56] jrib: i've used arch linux and it was pretty fast [21:56] vesta, well that's all i can think of, try the eeebuntu [21:56] bobo: how are you determining that? What specs? [21:57] mickster04, okiedoke. thanks for your help :) [21:57] grendal_prime: there's xclipboard in x11-apps [21:57] jrib: 2GB of ram and Intel 1.6 Core 2 Duo [21:57] jrib: laptop [21:58] Hi! I want to make a small .sh-script to start three programs in this order: http://pastebin.com/m3eb4a02a what should I put in front of each line to start the program and then move on to start the secnd one, and so on? [21:58] bobo: are you using the same software on arch and ubuntu? === mark__ is now known as markskilbeck [21:58] well yes [21:58] NorthByNorthWest: put an & at the end\ [21:59] bobo: not sure what to tell you. Both seem just as fast to me. Maybe check "top" to see if anything is hogging your processor [21:59] Is the firefox-3.5 package available in Jaunty universe the final release? [21:59] !ff35 | FFEMTcJ [21:59] FFEMTcJ: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [21:59] jrib: the booting is also more faster, i can say that, on arch there aren't a lot of things, and on ubuntu there are and they are making my life easier, arch linux is a hassle [21:59] The command line won't let me go to the file [21:59] hi all [22:00] ty jrib [22:00] toresbe: like this? http://pastebin.com/d4515b669 [22:00] hello flavio [22:00] grendal_prime: apt-got glipper [22:00] I have problems with sound, it works for a while but from time to time it stops working and I have to reboot to make it work again. [22:00] bobo: right, booting is faster because ubuntu has more stuff going on by default [22:00] NorthByNorthWest: synce-sync-engine &; synce-kpm &; multisync0.90; [22:01] jrib: do you know a web site with hints how to boost ubunut? [22:01] put semicolon, that should do it. you might have to put #!/bin/bash at the top of the file too [22:01] bobo: no [22:01] nottaken: ah ok, just one line in the .sh file? [22:02] nottaken: yeah... ive seen the #!/bin/bash in other files, what does it do? [22:02] glipper seems to do the trick [22:02] bobo: that doesn't really make sense since developers would obviously make ubuntu as fast as possible by default. You can disable services you do not need I guess [22:02] it can be multiple lines. I just didn't want to spam the chat [22:02] good afternoon. i'm very new to ubuntu and hitting a confusing snag. i've got 9.04 64bit running here and can't seem to find a practical way to install firefox 3.5 [22:03] the "#!" at the start of the file talls the computer what program should execute the file in case it doesn't already know [22:03] i'm not being offered the update by any of the variety of normal methods [22:03] nsgn: wait for it to be released to you [22:03] i have an eeepc 901 with a 16GB SSD, the regular (not eeecpc-specific) version of ubuntu on it, want to update from 8.04 to 8.10, but the SSD is partioned, and though i have lots of free space on the 16GB 'docs' partition, the filesystem is 300mb short for the upgrade files. how can i get around this? [22:03] nottaken: thanks! [22:03] jrib: and the flash programmers for firefox aren't doing their job good because when i open a site with flash on it then my computer goes slow [22:03] hello, can any one help me with this issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/207732/ [22:03] #!/usr/bin/perl for instance will start the perl parser and run the script through it [22:03] ikonia: ah, that was the next thing i was going to ask. does it have to be released specially and what is the typical timeframe for major apps like mozilla or open office? [22:03] flavio: remove space [22:03] bobo: you have to take that up with adobe unfortunately :( [22:04] Hello, all. I need to figure out why my dvd burner has turned into a coaster factory. It may have been my upgrade to jaunty. I usually right click on an iso, then click "burn image to disc" or whatever. Now my verified xubuntu iso keeps turning out corrupted dvds... can someone help me troubleshoot it? [22:04] jrib: hah:D [22:04] nsgn: it will happen quite quickly if it is a worth while update [22:04] flavio, make your big partition smaller and your small partition bigger [22:04] bobo: hopefully flash mostly dies with html5 [22:04] ikonia: cool. thanks. 3.5 seems more significant than most expected [22:04] nsgn: in what way ? [22:04] tsrk: and can i do that without reformating all of the SSD? [22:05] jrib: thanks for the tips, looks like i'm going to install 8.04, just to try it [22:05] ikonia: well, it was originally planned to be a service update but ended up getting features such as private browsing mode, significant performance enhancements, etc [22:05] !ff35 [22:05] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [22:06] How do I get the 3d stuff to work on ubuntu. I do have a video card with 3d capabilities. any help is greatly appreciated thanks [22:06] flavio, yes, but you'll have to boot off a usb drive or something [22:06] !nvidia > ravigehlot [22:06] ravigehlot, please see my private message [22:07] flavio, because you can't resize a partition that's mounted [22:07] NorthByNorthWest: also, I should have mentioned, if you are trying to run it from the command line for example you need to set execute permissions on the file and run it as "./filename" [22:07] tsrk: i can boot of a usb with a livecd, will that do? [22:07] I think I got it [22:07] thanks [22:07] Is there a way I can find out what versions of a source tree are availible using svn? [22:07] flavio, yeah, that's what I would do [22:08] slashdot posted an article saying firefox-3.5 was 1.5 milliseconds faster than firefox-3 so now everyone wants to see how fast 1.5 milliseconds is [22:08] will someone please help me troubleshoot my dvd burner? I've tried dvdrecord, growisofs, brasero and k3b under jaunty 64-desktop and no love so far. [22:08] tsrk: and what tool do i use to resize the partitions? [22:09] <_Brun0_> when will we have firefox 3.5 in official ubuntu 9.04 repos? [22:09] !firefox [22:09] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [22:09] Recently I am seeing the unlock button on several apps greyed out.Network, Services, Users_Groups and date_time. It seems to be a policy kit problem, but I cant find an exact solution. [22:10] !firefox3-5 [22:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about firefox3-5 [22:10] lol it's worth sitting in this channel just to watch people ask about firefox every 10minutes [22:10] nottaken: I want to make it a "double-clickable" file... doesnt quite seem to work right now... [22:10] doh [22:10] I am using Hardy.... [22:10] is it possible to put avant window navigator on a different side of the desktop? [22:10] !firefox-3.5 [22:10] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [22:10] Can I get the versions of a source tree using svn? [22:12] NorthByNorthWest: you mean an icon on the desktop? or are you trying to double click through a file program like nautalus? [22:12] both are doable [22:12] leaving [22:13] avant window navigator is in the middle of the bottom of the screen [22:13] What do I do if a keyboard does not have the key for the <, >, and the | characters? [22:13] !ff35 [22:13] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [22:13] but I have a widescreen which means I am pressed for height sometimes [22:13] hello [22:13] it would be better if I could move awt over to the side of the bottom, or vertically to a side of the screen [22:14] hello [22:14] i search a german room [22:14] awn i mean not awt [22:14] Palermo: If your keyboard does not have characters you need, you will need to get one that does. (We can't do anything about it.) [22:15] !de [22:15] In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [22:15] nottaken: an icon on the desktop! The file is currently sync.sh and the has permissions to run as executable [22:16] hi [22:16] hi [22:16] friends [22:16] NorthByNorthWest: i can't be much help here then as I'm here because of my own problems, so i can't really go through the steps [22:16] nottaken: ok, thanks anyways! [22:17] I have a question, if my sound card is 5.1 channel and my speakers are 2 channel, will that cause me to only hear static? [22:17] NorthByNorthWest: what directory is sync.sh in? [22:17] aaronsnell89: no not as long as you plug it into the right port [22:17] bucky: ~/Desktop [22:17] nottaken: i make a 'script' on the desktop. 2 lines. #!/bin/bash then, command_to_run , make it executable.. i click on it.. it asks to view/runin terminal, or run.. 'run' runs it. [22:17] NorthByNorthWest: but i believe you can right click the desktop and select create launcher, then type in the filename (may need to be absolute file name eg /home/north/sync.sh) [22:17] doh wrong nick. :) [22:18] NorthByNorthWest: : i make a 'script' on the desktop. 2 lines. #!/bin/bash then, command_to_run , make it executable.. i click on it.. it asks to view/runin terminal, or run.. 'run' runs it. [22:18] or in this case /home/north/Desktop/sync.sh [22:18] can anyone help me... via released a driver for 8.10, 2d and 3d and all that for my s3 unichrome igp, even has compiz setup instructions in the readme! but, i've been unable to get it to work, following the install instructions... my computer asks for restart, i reboot it and it says error detecting device/video card etc, and i have to re-hack the xorg.conf and uninstall the driver before i can get back to the way i [22:18] t is now... i mean, it never used to be supported, and there was the openchrome project, well, via released the driver... i try, but i cant make it work. [22:19] Dr_Willis: yeah, but I want to run three programs... after the first porgram is run it doesnt start the other two... [22:19] you can't run executables out of the home dir without a path [22:19] This k9copy is better than clone dvd [22:19] ./ [22:19] i am very new to linux. i am running ubuntu on an eeepc. i have two internal hds, a 4gb that ubuntu is installed on and a 20gb that is now completely empty. i have installed a large amount of software so the 4gb is almost completely full. is it possible to move /usr or other directories onto the other hd [22:19] NorthByNorthWest: whats the exact script you are using then? pastebin it.. sounds like ascript issue to me. [22:19] NorthByNorthWest: for 3 programs.. it would be #!/bin/bash command1 & command2 & cmmand 3 & [22:19] would someone walk me through setting up routing between 2 network interfaces [22:20] NorthByNorthWest: 4 lines total) [22:20] Dr_Willis: at the moment its: http://pastebin.com/mf26a7ea [22:21] bucky: Is that a question? [22:21] NorthByNorthWest: do it on 3 seperate lines.. and try with a simpiler test case perhaps [22:21] usr13: that's a path [22:21] NorthByNorthWest: pastebinit test.sh [22:21] http://pastebin.com/f4eee81d3 [22:22] .cl [22:22] bucky: You can create a bin directory your /home/user/ place your new executible in there and add that your path. [22:23] Dr_Willis: and xterm in in the $PATH like /usr/bin right? where is synce-sync-engine ? [22:23] if you make a 'bin' directory in /home/username - the default bash scripts AUTOMATICALLY add the ~/bin to your default path. [22:23] bucky: if the command is in the default path you dont need to sue full path [22:23] how can i tell what network card i have in ubuntu by useing the terminal [22:23] NorthByNorthWest: Sorry [22:24] NorthByNorthWest: after each command there should be a space then '&' [22:24] Dr_Willis: oh yeah! that did it! THANKS! :) [22:24] bucky: To add to your path: PATH=$PATH:/home/user-name-here/bin [22:24] NorthByNorthWest: lol, no wonder it only runs the first command [22:24] nottaken: yep... thanks anyways! :) [22:24] just some gratification; this channel rocks guys, managed to solve alot of problems i didnt find the solution for anywhere else, keep up the good work! :) === nathan is now known as Guest47337 [22:24] hi, i imported contacts into evolution and before edit i can not see phone numbers on list, any clue? [22:24] Dr_Willis: now... next step then, can I do something so I dont have to select "Run in terminal / Run / View" when doubleclicking the icon? [22:25] i'm using amarok but it doesn't play mp3s; oggs play fine. rythmbox and banshee play mp3s and oggs fine. any ideas what could be the problem? [22:25] hey [22:25] has someone Urban terror? [22:25] i need the ioUrbanTerror.exe [22:25] file, since i deleted it [22:26] but i have to boot on windows to play it on my laptop since my ATI isnt HD (so there is no proprietary drvers) [22:27] I have a problem. I develop sw and control versions by subversion. Problem, I am doing the back up of your repository by command line. Do you know if there is a backup method possibly through ftp which automatically will solve the problem === mark__ is now known as markskilbeck [22:28] can I configure gnome panel to act like a dock? I am not satisfied with avant window manager [22:29] ok, this is really getting annoying, my /etc/resolv.conf file keeps getting overwritten, why is that? [22:29] that is I want icons for open applications in gnome panel (just the icons) that can be clicked on to go to them [22:29] when it is overwritten it erases everything in there? [22:29] halberd, possibly give cairo-dock a try? [22:29] and I can't connect to the internet [22:29] halberd: look at gnome-do (and docky) [22:29] I tried cairo-dock, bastidrazor , but it has problems on my system... many problems [22:29] shane2peru: the network manager does it. [22:29] I think it may have caused a freeze last night [22:29] so I removed it [22:29] usr13: then where is my nameservers supposed to be specified? [22:29] shane2peru: You must have a dhcp server that is handing out bogus info. [22:30] usr13: ok, how do I fix that? [22:30] shane2peru: /etc/resolv.conf [22:30] usr13: lol, I know add, nameserver [22:30] Rev_: There is a pointer to a torrent at http://www.urbanterror.net/page.php?6 [22:30] shane2peru: Find the offending dhcp server and turh it off or reconfigure it so that it gives proper IP info. [22:30] usr13: I have to do that regularly, and am getting annoyed [22:31] usr13: what do you mean? [22:31] Anyone here familar with Xubuntu 9.04? [22:31] my router? [22:31] stroyan thans [22:31] well [22:31] thanks [22:31] I'm on 8.10 [22:31] I have a problem. I develop sw and control versions by subversion. Problem, I am doing the back up of my repository by command line. Do you know if there is a backup method, possibly by ftp, which automatically will solve the problem [22:31] so perhaps I should back my stuff up and do a dist-upgrade [22:31] usr13: the thing is this all started happening all the sudden, I have 3 or 4 computers connected to the router and it seems mine is the only one with this issue [22:31] when i run dumb.sh in Desktop/ it returns 'command not found' but when i run ./dumb it runs the script [22:31] !ask > jacatone [22:32] jacatone, please see my private message [22:32] usr13: leaving me to believe there is a config, or software issue on my box. [22:32] shane2peru: You can do one of two things: 1) Find the offending dhcp server and turh it off or reconfigure it so that it gives proper IP info. or 2) set your PCs NIC to static and enter proper IP info for it to connec to your network. [22:32] How do I view your private message? === AakashPatel is now known as AakashPatel|Away [22:32] halberd, with 9.04 and ATI drivers i have zero issues with cairo-dock .. 8.04 and nVidia no issues [22:32] lonejack: Do you know where the datafiles are stored on your svn server? [22:32] got it. [22:32] usr13: I don't understand what a dhcp server is, software or hardware? [22:32] bastidrazor, are you denying that I have issues? [22:32] with cairo-dock [22:33] bast how did u get cairo dock and how do i get the themes? [22:33] halberd, no, i'm hoping 9.04 for you will give better results [22:33] for example transparency doesn't always work [22:33] it does sometimes but not always [22:33] halberd: have you tried compiling cairo-dock 2.0 beta from source? [22:33] MoltenBobcat: yes on my pc [22:33] and it sometimes locks up and I had to kill it [22:33] usr13: the issue seems to be on this box, and not the others leaving me to believe the dhcp server must be software on my box??? [22:33] Hilariousity, why would I want a beta? [22:33] commander_, i actually grabbed the deb of the latest.. one sec and i'll give you the link [22:33] I'm going to update to ubuntu 9.04 [22:33] MoltenBobcat: I would like to save my data on a remote server by ftp [22:34] halberd: because it actually works better then the version that comes with ubuntu [22:34] ok cuz every time i get it it gives me the default theme [22:34] shane2peru: A DHCP server allows hosts on a TCP/IP network to request and be assigned IP addresses [22:34] hi people [22:34] i need help [22:34] hy [22:35] does anybody know how to set up kde3? [22:35] Q: I haven't thought this through too much, but is there an easy way for me to start lengthy commands, and have the terminal tell me (via tweet, txt, email, etc.) when they're done? [22:35] lonejack: your client is a linux box and your remote server is a linux box as well and you have ssh access to the server? [22:35] why can't see buddies in my pidgin list? [22:35] usr13: being the router that I'm plugged into then? [22:35] shane2peru: i just uncomment prepend domain-name-servers in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and put my favorite name server ip in there and dhclient eth0 [22:35] MoltenBobcat: yes [22:35] !kde3 [22:35] Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page [22:35] bucky: thank you I will look at that [22:36] howdy folks [22:36] bucky: the other fellow seems to be over my head [22:36] MoltenBobcat: but... on my remote server I can't install subversion [22:36] which channel is the best to discuss video formats? [22:36] * bucky loves dhclient [22:36] shane2peru: A work-around would be to just set it to static. Set the IP address to one that is outside the range of the DHCP server's pool, but yet inside the subnet of your LAN. Add the line for nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf and set the default gateway as it should be. [22:36] commander_, http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724 you'll need to grab both the dock.deb and the plugins.deb [22:36] ubottu, i know, my question is how to install Russian language in KDE3 and some other minor issues [22:36] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:37] lonejack: so you just want to manually push the files up there [22:37] I would just use scp you could do something like this asssuming you have ssh enable on the rmote box. [22:37] Certh: you're using kde3? [22:37] !kde4 [22:37] KDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 and http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 - Support in #kubuntu [22:37] ayone knows if epiphany is now running wekbit as defaults [22:37] ? [22:37] shane2peru: Other that, we cannot say, not knowing more about your network. (In other words, you would need to describe in detail all about your network for us to give you any specific instructions.) [22:38] dragon_, yes [22:38] usr13: I'm sorry you are really over my head on this. [22:38] MoltenBobcat: yes [22:38] scp /path/to/local/source/* user@server.com:/destination/dir [22:38] lonejack: rsync is very efficient at mirroring a directory that may have changed only partially. It can use ssh as a secure transport. But you may want to keep multiple versions to recover from making a backup of already corrupted files. [22:38] dragon_, but i wonder how to make the interface to appear in Russian [22:38] usr13: I think bucky gave me a solution, with editing my /etc/dhcp3/dhcpclient.conf file [22:39] hello i need some help installing ubuntu on my friends computer [22:39] shane2peru: Very well, if his solution works, by all means, use it. [22:39] selamlar [22:39] darrikm: What's your address, I'll be right over. ") [22:40] Rev_ according to apt-cache show epiphany-browser... epiphany-webkit is a dependancy, so yes [22:40] stroyan: rsync, I'll have a look, I'll rsync the entire svn repository. Should I? [22:40] bucky: I think I remember editing that file before, and something I removed must have reset that file or something [22:40] i cant see my buddies in pidgin list!!!!!1 [22:40] darrikm: make sure you delete all his personal files [22:40] I'm having trouble reading and editing proprietary AVCHD video format. Point me to some resources, por favor. [22:41] t [22:41] ok thanks bucky [22:41] i boot to the disk and select the install ubuntu option it works for a few minutes then crashes with a error [22:41] usr13: hopefully it will work, I had my dns set to opendns servers and it worked for a very long time, I think something overwrote that file, perhaps an update or something. [22:41] can anyone give some partion advice for a file server i am setting up? [22:41] usr13: thanks though. [22:41] bucky: thanks. [22:41] yup [22:41] chaotic: when in doubt.. keep it simple? :) [22:41] Certh: did you try installing "language-pack-kde-ru"? [22:42] I'm failing at configuring my wireless network. Router is set at WPA-TKIP, I have edited the /etc/network/interfaces file according to some howtos, but I always get that message (After what lloks like a few trys to get an IP from the router): No DHCPOFFERS received. The network card is "working" (recognized by ifconfig) and I can see the networks with a scan so I suppose the card is working fine. Any Ideas? [22:42] lonejack: Yes. rsync -a will archive all the files. It will also recognize and take advantages of unchanged parts of files. [22:42] darrikm: What is the error that it crashes with? [22:42] well i have 2 drives and i do not know how to do the second [22:42] pokerface: Buddies > Show > Offline Buddies [22:42] not work [22:43] darrikm: what error do you see? [22:43] nor in kopete [22:43] i have asus eeepc [22:43] with eeebuntu2.0 [22:43] chaotic: how many operating systems are you going to have? are you planning to use both of the drives? what are their sizes? [22:44] joining [22:44] B it's a no go [22:44] hey [22:44] any help on what to do with that: No DHCPOFFERS received. ? (I'm not a total moron who hasnt searched on google before asking here btw) :P [22:45] Sup #ubuntu [22:45] stroyan: good advice, thank you!! [22:45] joker_: the DHCP server is not working. what are you trying to connect to? [22:45] chaotic: you can make a partition on the other drive and copy your files over and then have it mounted in fstab... google it [22:45] pokerface: you got no friends then [22:45] I'm trying to backup a whole bunch of files to a portable harddrive and I'm getting "illegal file name" errors [22:45] only one OS main install drive is a 500gig and the drive i want to store the files on is a 80 solidstate [22:45] default main process (3060) scsi error 127 "i think" then all this stuff goes past it all fast [22:45] dragon_: the dhcp server IS working, I have several computers connected to it. === carlos is now known as Guest52951 [22:45] is there some way I can automatically rename files eliminate prohibited characters [22:45] joker_: out of IPs? [22:45] dragon_: it's a wireless connection, and the problem seems to be "in the air" :) [22:46] dragon_: it's got 100 IP free for wireless :) [22:46] dragon_: any other input? [22:46] joker_: which wireless encryption are you using? [22:46] what backport package do u need to install to get ubuntu's wifi working on an eeepc900 [22:47] 9.04 i believe [22:47] phrontist: you some how made files with prohibited characters in the file names? [22:47] wpa-tkip (I was using wpa2 but switched to wpa to see if it would be simpler or at least work - but it's not) [22:47] dragon_: so yeah, it's wpa-tkip [22:47] Dr_Willis: No, they are totally legit on *nix, but I think this HDD I'm transferring them to is FAT or NTF [22:47] *NTFS [22:48] Hey im a first time ubuntu user. I made a new partition to install ububtu to but when i click forward it says no root file system is defined, can anyone help plz? [22:48] phrontist: when you mount a ntfs filesystem. the ntfs-3g tools have some 'options' that can somehow change/fix filenames i recall. check the ntfs-3g docs/homepage perhaps [22:48] filesystem type is shown as "msdos" by the graphical dialog brought up by right clicking the drive's desktop icon [22:48] BornRebel: you will need to specify where that partition is mounted [22:49] BornRebel: specify the mount point as / [22:49] dragon_: want me to post my /etc/network/interfaces file? [22:49] ok, so just specify it as / ? [22:49] BornRebel: right [22:49] ok perfect ty [22:49] joker_: feel free to [22:50] BornRebel: you may need a swap partition too. [22:50] BornRebel: no problem [22:50] I can use the gparted Live CD to shrink my ext /home partition down and make an ntfs partition to install windows 7? [22:50] dammit, I have an external hard disk formatted as hfsplus, with no journaling. It mounts fine on my other laptop which is also ubuntu [22:50] but it only mounts read-only on this laptop [22:50] what might be the problem? [22:50] Dr_Willis: well, I think this might be FAT [22:50] http://pastebin.com/f64a6d7e1 [22:50] dragon_: http://pastebin.com/f64a6d7e1 [22:51] is there something I need to get to mount hfsplus rw? [22:51] dragon_: please, discard the encrypted password ;) [22:51] ok i got the full error: [22:51] how do i restore one directory in a tgz file? [22:51] i was using windows 7 beta but thats running out so im puttin ubuntu next to 2 small partitions made but my computer manufacturer. Should the ubuntu file system be ext3 journaling file system? [22:51] Randomly, my icons in sys tray keeps moving around whenever I boot Ubuntu, and the "Window List" needs to be added again and again to the Panel.. One day they appear on the left side of the Panel, the next day they appear in the middle etc. Bug? Or something else? [22:51] ah, apt-get install hfsplus [22:51] i need to authenticate my ip address.can an operator feed it back to me? [22:51] thanks guys will go try that [22:51] BornRebel: my W7 doesnt expire till July 2010 [22:51] phrontist: check 'fdisk -l' output and verify what it can be.. the MS filesystems have options when mounting to tweak name conversion and so forth. [22:51] BornRebel: you downloaded the wrong W7 if it expires soon [22:51] .nit: rc-default main process (3058) terminated with statis 127 [22:52] BornRebel: choose ext3 [22:52] Cry_Baby: i downloaded the build 7000 beta not the release candidate [22:52] Cry__Baby, correct the current Windows 7 RC expires in July 2010 [22:52] BornRebel: use ext3 if you want.. or test out ext4 [22:52] Dr_Willis: any ideas? [22:52] thx guys ill go install [22:52] joker_: were you able to connect from this machine before? [22:52] BornRebel: and get the alternative CD [22:53] Cry__Baby: try a new user. see if the problem happems with them also.. for the icon issues... sounds like a messed up gnome setting. [22:53] BornRebel: and use encryption [22:53] Hi everyone [22:53] hey [22:53] Dr_Willis: solution? [22:53] Im trying to connect to my ubuntu server using Terminal Server client [22:53] but I dont know how [22:53] Dr_Willis: yeah, it's vfat [22:53] dragon_: never tryed. Thats the first time I try to connect with wireless on this machine. I was using a cable (as I am at the moment) but I'm thinking of loosing the wire as I've mooved and the wife finds it "in the way"... [22:54] what do I type in computer? [22:54] Cry__Baby: if the problem is just for tha tone user.. id whipe out all their gnome/gtk settings.. so they are back to the gnome defaults.. [22:54] with 1 gb of ram i dont need a swap partition for installing do i? [22:54] lol. yeah. netcables tend to have a low WAF! :P [22:54] Dr_Willis: how can I do that? [22:54] joker_: heh ok. are you using the terminal to connect? [22:54] Dr_Willis: i only have 1 user. my main user [22:54] BornRebel: i always put swap on eveyr system.. even if i got 5gb ram.. i put at least a 512mb swap on a drive [22:54] !enter | sant [22:54] sant: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:54] dragon_: yup, I'm a mad terminal user :) [22:55] joker_: cool. what commands? [22:55] TESTING please acnoledge this message [22:55] jerkman: hi! [22:55] Cry__Baby: make a new user.. see if it affects them... or just delete/rename the main users .gnome* dirs and .gtk* dirs to reset all the gnome settings back to defaults when you next login. [22:55] thanks [22:55] my chroot is not working here [22:55] i got 'quieted' in a channel [22:55] dragon_: in fact, my video card (nvidia 9600) doesnt show the taskbar (I miss like 2 inches on each side of the screen - known nvidia bug on tv-out). So yeah, command line it's gotta be. [22:55] how do i hide a file in ubuntu [22:55] Dr_Willis: id whipe out all their gnome/gtk settings.. so they are back to the gnome defaults.. <-- How I do that? [22:55] what even is that? [22:55] it says it can't change the root directory [22:55] all of a sudden my shift key has stopped working entirely. everything else works. ideas/ [22:56] xstatic, place it in a folder with the name starting with a dot, like ".folder" [22:56] hmm also my ctrl and alt keys, but not my super key [22:56] Dr_Willis: will that affect anything else? [22:56] Cry__Baby: Cry__Baby: make a new user.. see if it affects them... or just delete/rename the main users .gnome* dirs and .gtk* <-------------------------- I allready said. :) [22:56] Dr_Willis: So i should make a new 512mb partition and then assign it as swap space? [22:56] dragon_: I used wpa_passphrase for the passphrase encryption, then simply fired the /etc/init.d/networking restart command [22:56] italomaia_: ok [22:56] Dr_Willis: or just delete/rename the main users .gnome* dirs and .gtk* dirs <-- How I do that? [22:56] dragon_: as told on the stiky howto on ubuntu forum [22:56] xstatic: put a period in front of the filename; not necessarily the folder [22:56] BornRebel: i always put a 512mb swap at the end of every drive i have in any system. :) i find it handy because live cd's look for them [22:56] Cry__Baby: use the file manager or shell. [22:57] Dr_Willis: live CD will still run without it :) [22:57] !eclipse [22:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about eclipse [22:57] Cry__Baby: i use a lot of different live cd's and most all of them use swap if seen.. which comes in very handy. [22:57] dragon_: I'm wondering what the networking is at... the lights are flashing like mad... [22:57] Dr_Willis: or just delete/rename the main users .gnome* dirs and .gtk* dirs <-- How I do that? [22:58] Dr_Willis: what cant I do on a livecd without a swap partition, that a person can do that has a swap partition? [22:58] I'm 100% unfamiliar about swap space, so should i do it when all i want to do is install ubuntu? i wont be using live discs [22:58] hi guys, do you know when ubuntu will release firefox 3.5 in apt? [22:58] my ctrl, alt, shift, and caps locks keys have stopped working. anyone have any ideas [22:58] BornRebel: the alternative install will do all that for you [22:58] I've got one partition with both my current OS (Ubuntu Hardy) and all my data on it (mistake, I know). I want to have a clean slate and install Xubuntu - is there a way to do that without nuking all my data? [22:58] leaving [22:58] Does anyone know where to install eclipse for jaunty? [22:58] BornRebel: just install ubuntu and let it create everthing it needs on its own [22:58] Cry__Baby: go try to run a live cd on a machine with 256mb ram - with and without swap.. and you will see. [22:58] ff3.5 | purepain [22:58] !ff3.5 | purepain [22:58] purepain: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [22:59] Dr_Willis: i have 2GB RAM, so I guess I dont need a swap partion? [22:59] Dr_Willis: or just delete/rename the main users .gnome* dirs and .gtk* dirs <-- How I do that? [22:59] Cry__Baby: where do i select alternative install? [22:59] BornRebel: if you let the installer auto-partition - it will make a swap partition. [22:59] BornRebel: you have to download it/.. its a different ISO [22:59] How can I connect to my other PC with ubuntu server edition using the terminal client in desktop edition? [22:59] !info eclipse | hubar [22:59] hubar: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 126 kB, installed size 420 kB [22:59] BornRebel: look for "alternative" [22:59] Cry__Baby: Useing a file manager/shell - if you dont know how to use the gnome file manager to delete a directory/folder.. its time to learn to use it. [22:59] joker_: the wireless card isn't working as expected [22:59] Cry__Baby: and i ALWAYS make a swap partition for every system. [22:59] joker_: start with the wireless docs [22:59] !wifi | joker_ [22:59] joker_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [22:59] Dr_Willis: I do know.. gksudo nautilus [23:00] Cry__Baby: TOTALLY WRONG. [23:00] Dr_Willis: settle down lol [23:00] dragon_: hummm and how would it be discovering all the networks and all? [23:00] Cry__Baby: these are user files.. no need for 'sudo' for user files. [23:00] :) [23:00] err [23:00] thank you for the info [23:00] Cry__Baby:I dont want to download and burn another iso so ill just make a half gb swap partition [23:00] joker_: so it is discovering. where do you see that list? [23:00] dragon_: what you are saying is that it's configured correctly, but the problem is somewhere else... In other words: it SHOULD work [23:00] bastidrazor: I meant 3.5 [23:00] dragon_: wlan scan or something like that [23:01] Dr_Willis: so I just delete .gnome* dirs and .gtk* dirs in my home? and reboot? [23:01] Cry__Baby: and 'sudo nautilus' is dangerous and IF you ahve done that command in the past.. that MAY be the 'core' of your whole problem.. its very possivble that some 'user' config files are incorrectly owned by root. due to you using that filemanager as root. === Raven__ is now known as rvn_ [23:01] bastidrazor: 3.2 is 3 years old version [23:01] joker_: is NetworkManager an option to handle the connection, rather than manual config? [23:01] dragon_: I installed wireless-tools or something like that [23:01] Cry__Baby: thats a thing to try.. or since youmentioned the sudo nautilus.. a 'possible' fix for that is to check/change the ownership of all the files in the users home dir, to the original owner. [23:01] dragon_: yes, but I'd have to fire it with the command line [23:01] dragon_: as I don'T see my taskbar [23:01] Dr_Willis: i needed to use gksudo nautilus to mount and copy files between Windows and Ubuntu through Virtualbox [23:02] Dr_Willis: how do I change every file in my home to my username? [23:02] Cry__Baby: Hmm.. I imagine you dident need to do that. :) but thats not the issue here. [23:02] joker_: i'm not sure if the config it correct. it looks ok. [23:02] What should my swap area partition be mounted as? [23:02] dragon_: I fired it trough a console but it doesnt do anything [23:02] nvm [23:02] Cry__Baby: sudo chown -R username.username /home/username (i think) [23:03] is firefox 3.5 available for ubuntu ? [23:03] Cry__Baby, you want to change ownership of these files? or rename them? [23:03] Dr_Willis: so you mean every single file in "Home Folder" should be owned by me, not root? [23:03] dragon_: I typed: sudo NetworkManager - and it did nothing (other than asking for password) === manio_ is now known as manio [23:03] unop: no idea.. Dr_Willis said I should [23:03] Cry__Baby: its /home/username is the path to check. [23:03] unop: Randomly, my icons in sys tray keeps moving around whenever I boot Ubuntu, and the "Window List" needs to be added again and again to the Panel.. One day they appear on the left side of the Panel, the next day they appear in the middle etc. Bug? Or something else? [23:03] Cry__Baby: so fire up the terminal, to to /home/user name and look with 'ls -al' and see if root owns anything. [23:03] joker_: yeah, NetworkManager is a GUI based tool [23:03] Hello! [23:03] dragon_: I have a gui [23:03] unop: Dr_Willis thinks it may be caused by some files ownered by root [23:04] is firefox 3.5 available for ubuntu ? [23:04] I am having an issue with VNC [23:04] Cry__Baby: i would bet on it. :) [23:04] dragon_: but it doesnt do anything on the said gui [23:04] Dr_Willis: ok brb [23:04] joker_: it shows up as an icon in the tray, and that icon does the job. [23:04] it's a terminal in a gui [23:04] damn tray [23:04] I dont see my tray [23:04] Cry__Baby, well, you can search for files that you are not the owner with this command. find ~ ! -user "$USER" [23:04] is firefox 3.5 available for ubuntu ? [23:04] dragon_: any way to place the tray in, say, the center of the screen? [23:04] Hi, i have pulugged in an additional display to my notebook and added it to my display settings.. now i can see ubuntu on two monitors, but all my compiz settings got reset.. and the amount of desktops has been reduced to two.. why? and how can i reset this? [23:04] c [23:04] http://tinyurl.com/kt6v9f [23:05] deco, is it even released yet? Isn't it still a beta release? [23:05] when i am logged into my vanilla ubuntu 9.04 via vnc, when i right click my mouse, or use the scroll wheel, it disconnects me [23:05] !ff35 [23:05] Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY [23:05] unop: it got relased yesterday [23:05] Dr_Willis: the files I copied from windows, using Virtualbox, are owneed by root. So I need to change everything to my username.. how? [23:05] dragon_: I miss like 1.5 inche of screen on the outside, including taskbar, tray, and everything important... Damn nvidia driver... [23:05] unop: what? find ~ ! -user "$USER" === River_Rat is now known as RiverGuide [23:06] noobs [23:06] Cry__Baby, ... is a command [23:06] Cry__Baby: if you want the user to access them fully they need to be 'owned' by your user.. correct. [23:06] hi! [23:06] unop: should 100% every file in my "Home Folder" NOT be root? [23:06] joker_: i'd suggest getting the graphics fixed so that you could use the box to the fullest. i'm looking for the commands to connect without using GUI. [23:06] Cry__Baby: dont use the term 'home folder' the proper path to the users home is /home/YOURUSERNAME [23:06] Dr_Willis: so how does that move the icons around the Panel whenever I boot? [23:07] Cry__Baby, it would be very unusual for any file in your "home directory" to not be owned by you - but it is definitely possible tho [23:07] Cry__Baby: everything but ../ [23:07] I search command terminal to delete all doc in trash [23:07] Cry__Baby: of the config files were saves/written by root.. then they are owned by root.. your user cant overwrite them [23:07] unop: how do I change from root to username? [23:07] any suggestions to my display problem? . [23:07] whats my solution now? [23:07] Cry__Baby: a command similer to --------> sudo chown -R username.username /home/username (i think) [23:07] Cry__Baby, find ~ -user "root" -exec chown "$USER"."$USER" {} + [23:07] when i am logged into my vanilla ubuntu 9.04 via vnc, when i right click my mouse, or use the scroll wheel, it disconnects me [23:07] === I need to know what backports package to install to get my wifi working on an EeePC 900 on Intrepid Ibex === [23:08] Cry__Baby: that sets all files in /home/YOURUSERNAME to be owned by your user [23:08] unop: do I type this as is? find ~ -user "root" -exec chown "$USER"."$USER" {} + [23:08] Cry__Baby: and use your actual 'username' not 'username' [23:08] i have installed the latest ubuntu on a 64 bit machine, all is except when i try to fireup firefox, it crashes the entire computer. this a common problem? [23:08] Cry__Baby, yes [23:08] delaman: try getting firefox from the repos again [23:08] delaman: ive no issues with firefox and 64bit here. [23:08] unop: now what? [23:08] maybe get the 32-bit firefox if that doesn't work [23:09] dragon_: I enlarged the taskbar to 100pixels and I see the icon. I set it up but it doesnt connect... [23:09] Cry__Baby, i dunno - continue what you were doing i suppose? [23:09] unop: didnt work.. example.. chown: changing ownership of `/home/lisa/Three/1942009.pdf': Operation not permitted [23:09] dragon_: it keeps asking for a password... [23:09] sudo aptitude install firefox [23:09] rhinoserious: i tried to remove firefox but i still shows up on the menu [23:09] joker_: that happens when you enter the wrong password... [23:09] delaman: sudo apt-get install firefox [23:09] unop: it sys that for every file.. "Operation not permitted" [23:09] Cry__Baby, try this then. find ~ -user "root" -exec sudo chown -v "$USER"."$USER" {} + [23:09] sudo apt-get upgrade firefox actually [23:09] humm lets see [23:09] unop: ok brb [23:09] unop: fancy.. :) /me jots that down. [23:10] so someone can help me to delete the doc on my trash [23:10] i've lost the use of caps lock, ctrl, alt, and shift. anyone have any ideas how i can fix this [23:10] Travis-42: try upgrading xorg [23:10] unop: I think it worked... how can I check? [23:10] wen I clic rigt et delete I have to doc not delete by permission [23:11] samorai: what? [23:11] Cry__Baby, find ~ ! -user "$USER" ## see if this command returns something [23:11] unop: still gives 2 errors. e.g find: `/home/lisa/.Trash-0/files': Permission denied [23:11] dragon_: for some reason it does nothing... [23:11] rhinoserious commande terminal to delete doc on trash [23:11] dragon_: it doesnt even have the little things that mooves in circle anymore [23:11] Is there any service that will let me host like..heh, 30 gigs of information on the net for 5 hours or so? [23:11] rhinoserious: i'm pretty sure everything is up to date. however i can't type my password in anyways [23:11] Cry__Baby, hmm. what does this give you? ls -l /home/lisa/.Trash-0/files [23:11] samorai: so it's already delted? [23:12] Travis-42: try booting into run level 3 [23:12] unop: that command found 3 files.. e.g /home/crybaby/.Trash-0/files/Database.kdb [23:12] then see if you can use those keys [23:12] joker_: there's a neat software called wifi-radar [23:12] I have to doc new doc in trash and it impossible to delete it Now [23:12] dragon_: do I have to disconnect from the wired connection in order to connect trough wireless or is it possible to be connected twice to the same network on a single computer? [23:12] !info wifi-radar | joker_ [23:12] joker_: wifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.9-1.1 (jaunty), package size 38 kB, installed size 232 kB [23:12] and I forgot the command to delete them [23:12] Cry__Baby, ok, paste the output of this one here. ls -ld /home/lisa/.Trash-0/files [23:12] joker_: no, you don't have to disconnect [23:12] unop: it saYS: total 44 [23:12] rhinoserious: how do i install the 32 bit verison, this version is not working, it just crashed again and im rebooting the machine [23:13] dragon_: installing wifi-radar [23:13] rhinoserious: ah good call, i can use those keys there. and xorg is up to date -- i'm using 9.04 too [23:13] delaman: what do you mean crash [23:13] unop: when I typed ls -ld /home/lisa/.Trash-0/files it says: total 44 [23:13] Travis-42: I have no idea then. It's a problem with your xorg [23:13] rhinoserious: freezes the ENTIRE computer , i cant do anything [23:13] try googling it or posting on forums [23:13] unop: drwx------ 2 lisa lisa 4096 2009-06-14 10:17 /home/lisa/.Trash-0/files [23:13] hmm ok thank you rhinoserious [23:13] delaman: can you kill X? [23:13] Travis-42, what were you doing right before you lost the use of those keys? [23:13] rhinoserious: ctrl+alt+bakcspace ? [23:14] yes [23:14] dragon_: it asks for a "driver" in wpa... whats up with that? [23:14] I had a freeze. now when i try to fsck the partition, i get a message about bad superblock. testdisk also can't handle the partition. is there something else i can try to recover the data? [23:14] unop: now? [23:14] oh wait, they changed that [23:14] DarkMage26: editing a css file in vim, heh [23:14] Cry__Baby, well, i wouldn't worry too much about this file right now, it looks ok to me [23:14] it won't work anymore [23:14] Hi - I'm running 9.04 and experiencing really slow ripping and burning from my dvdr. I believe it is due to a low dma setting as it is currently loaded as MWDMA2. How do I go about changing it to a UDMA mode? [23:14] delaman, rhinoserious: no, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace won't work [23:14] try cntrl+alt+f1 [23:14] Cry__Baby, well, what were you ultimately trying to do? [23:14] DarkMage26: it must be another process that is running, i'm suspecting vmware [23:14] PLEASE help me [23:14] rhinoserious: yeah about to say, it doesnt work [23:14] delaman: use Sysrq [23:14] dragon_: whats that "driver" for wpa ? [23:14] i need wifi eeepc900 8.10 ubuntu, pleeeease help [23:14] !sysrq | delaman [23:14] delaman: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [23:14] been asking for an hour [23:14] Travis-42, what ver of vmware? [23:14] Cry__Baby: log out and log back in and see if your icons line up [23:14] hi, am I able to switch between gnash and flash plugins on firefox? I am having issues with mebeam and gnash. I will have to install flash but dont pretend to use it. I will file the issue to gnash project and maybe go for a fix [23:15] Rino ??? [23:15] anyone got a good irc client to recommend? I don't like Xchat, it doesn't seem very configurable (color/theme-wise) [23:15] unop: I went into .Trash and deleted everything in there [23:15] dragon_: what's the think to remembeer that? [23:15] DarkMage26: i'm running vmware workstation 6.5, which is the latest [23:15] I never remember [23:15] Kurisuchan: irssi [23:15] Travis-42: why not use virtualbox? [23:15] pidgin [23:15] unop: do I need to create a "file" folder in .Trash? [23:15] bucky: I was kind of thinking about an X application [23:15] DarkMage26: because i run a vmware image provided by my work [23:16] Kurisuchan: irssi [23:16] virtualbox 3.0 now supports direct 3d [23:16] Cry__Baby, no, they'll be created for you automatically when something is deleted next [23:16] Kurisuchan: pidgin ^^ [23:16] Travis-42: oic [23:16] dragon_: ? [23:16] Kurisuchan: you can run irssi in an xterminal... [23:16] unop: ok ill reboot and see if the icons in Panel stay in the same place now [23:16] So I can wate if you finish no mater ! ,) (-_-) [23:16] ok, seems like alot of people use irssi, I will check out it's homepage [23:16] Cry__Baby: log all the way out [23:16] joker_: driver depends on the hardware [23:16] Cry__Baby, ok [23:16] lcabrini: aah, didn't think about that [23:17] can anyone help? === Vermoot_ is now known as Vermoot [23:17] dragon_: oh... google? [23:17] rsr: yea, vmware has had directx support for a while in workstation, but i'd be interested to see if it works better in virtualbox [23:17] joker_: good idea [23:17] rhinoserious: might be nvidia for some strange reason, i didnt try it before i installed nvidia drivers, let me uninstall those and test it [23:17] !anyone | rsr [23:17] rsr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [23:17] delaman: okay [23:17] Gnea: I did [23:17] rsr: oh, about gnash? [23:17] yes === AakashPatel|Away is now known as AakashPatel [23:18] rsr: i just install flashplugin-nonfree and be done with it, i don't even bother with the others. no problems that way. [23:18] can I switch between the two plugins? disable one momentarily [23:18] why? [23:18] I mean, why not just stick with one that works? [23:18] Gnea: Im a developer and I likegetting involved [23:19] rsr: good reason. :) [23:19] rsr: you should be able to switch. I believe firefox handles plugins well [23:19] trash~/delete/* [23:19] rsr: I don't see why not... just create 2 profiles and disable one in one and the other in the other and switch between those? [23:19] dragon_: it says "connected to puka - IP: none).... [23:20] rhinoserious: firefox works without the nvidia driver :( [23:20] Gnea: how do I disable one in firefox [23:20] Gnea: I can only imagine system wide [23:20] I can't get my desktop system with fresh install/updates to shut down. It gets stuck in some weird part of the shut down sequence. [23:20] ok i just installed ubuntu on a pc and on the first bootup after i remove the cd i just get a blinking _, any suggestions? [23:20] unop: when I rebooted, the time/date in Panel moved from right to middle. And the icons I added to Panel, moved from left to right side/... What causes this? [23:20] bonsoir [23:20] rsr: firefox --help will tell you how to bring up the profile selector [23:21] bonsoir rien a voir [23:21] unop: whenever I reboot Ubuntu, the icons and time/date etc all move to different locations in Panel... What on Earth causes that? [23:21] delaman: good luck [23:22] rhinoserious: going to try an older version of the nvidia driver ,,,,, crosses fingers [23:22] joker_: try these: http://pastebin.com/f56be35b4 [23:22] Gnea: I just removed gnash [23:23] was a bit faster === erth64net is now known as erth [23:23] in the end you were right, since I have the package ill install it later [23:24] dragon_: trying it [23:24] Where in ubuntu does it set where the color of your prompt is? [23:24] I can't get my desktop system with fresh install/updates to shut down. It gets stuck in some weird part of the shut down sequence. Stuck at line stating "[328458.037765] ---[ end trace 5b13605ce865d127 ]--- [23:24] ScottG: ~/.bashrc at least you can set it there [23:24] @ScottG which prompt is your question in regards to? [23:24] rsr: well, I recommended separate profiles instead of separate accounts, that way you could see how the browser reacts without much fanfare - plus you can just link stuff on the commandline in the profile directories - but it's just a suggestion :) [23:25] I ssh to 2 other machines frequently and they all have the same colored prompt and I frequently don't realize I am on one of them [23:25] nathaniel_: What do you mean which prompt? The prompt in bash/ [23:25] ScottG, I saw a fix for that [23:25] OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODY!!!!!! [23:25] ScottG: do you have hostname in the prompt? using bash? [23:25] DSFDSFDSGF [23:25] PATPAT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:25] PATPAT: thats one way to get totally ignored.... [23:26] dragon_: I don'T quite understand but the second line gives me an error, saying that that's not the right format... [23:26] !caps | PATPAT [23:26] PATPAT: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [23:26] dragon_: I have the hostname and then directory [23:26] ScottG, the fix was to alter the console background when on different machines [23:26] PATPAT: tell the channel the problem in clear concise terms. [23:26] so that it's obvious which you're on [23:26] Kind sir, i would like to know how to install a .tar.gz file [23:26] dragon_: forget it, I needed root privilleges [23:26] i dont know how im new [23:26] PATPAT: .tar.gz files are archives, like .zip files [23:26] ScottG: that hostname is a good way of knowing which machine you are on.. [23:26] PATPAT: extract it then read the included README or INSTALL [23:26] @ScottG http://tinyurl.com/2twktz [23:26] PATPAT: you normally 'compile' source code. that normally comes in tar.gz archives [23:26] halberd: Ah. I think that just a change of prompt color would be fine [23:26] PATPAT: what is it you are trying to install exactly. [23:27] ScottG: The setting of PS1 determines the prompt. Especially the digits just before an "m". [23:27] mac4lin [23:27] i dont know how to extract it [23:27] dragon_: still same error [23:27] and install [23:27] Ill have to read up on profiles I didnt know it was able to handle that. Couldnt find it quick enough to talk to a friend [23:27] PATPAT: what file type is it? [23:27] PATPAT: so you'd need to use the tar command: tar -xzvf file.tar.gz [23:27] its a tar.gz [23:27] DarkMage26: he said .tar.gz [23:27] joker_: which is? [23:27] Gnea: thanks [23:27] ScottG: theres a 'bash prompt howto' that gives more info on settting bash prompts then you would ever imagine possible. [23:27] oh ok thank u [23:27] let me try [23:27] dragon_: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 21 [23:27] !enter | PATPAT [23:27] PATPAT: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:27] eventually it fails [23:28] @patpat, if you downloaded it you uncompress it to you desktop, on the uncompress folder and double click the "install" file, run in terminal and follow the prompts [23:28] ScottG, export PS1="\[\e[34;40m\]\h\[\e[0m\]:\w \u\$ " [23:28] that's what I have for my prompt [23:28] Im trying to recall what 'mac4lin' even is. [23:28] dragon_: No DHCPOFFERS received [23:28] oh ok [23:28] I seem to recall win4lin [23:28] @Dr_Willis it's a mac osx skin for gnome [23:28] mac4lin makes ur computer look like a mac [23:28] and girls will like you [23:28] and what your digits [23:28] lol [23:28] nathaniel_: wow.. such critical files! [23:28] I have shut down issue. http://paste.ubuntu.com/207771/ [23:28] ScottG: I also use the full terminal background as a reminder of different systems. Create gnome-terminal profiles with slightly different background colors and ssh commands to specific systems as the custom command for each profile. [23:29] PATPAT: that's what Enlightenment is for ;) [23:29] mac4lin is a theme that utilizes other things like AWN's dock to completely look like Mac [23:29] Dr_Willis: Yea someone I know has a 2 line prompt which I wouldn't mind getting. This is my prompt now: "PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '" [23:29] LoL [23:29] actually i found/followed some make gnome look like a mac site.. and i dont recall needing to compile anything. [23:29] except you have to do some extra tweaking to get the full mac look [23:29] Bluetooth Experts. I have experiencing some issues with my mouse. If I go away for X minutes, the mouse eventually get disconnected and does not respond. I don't know if that's Bluetooth mouse or the protocol itself. However, I was able to get it back by deleting known device, add a new device, reconnect, use hidd --search, etc. Suggestion? :( [23:29] joker_: can you try setting the IP manually? (hint: ifconfig wlan0 ...) [23:29] I also refalling it being a wast of time also. [23:29] dragon_: sure, lets try that [23:29] @dr_willis ... yup i always thought, if you wanted your computer to look like a mac, why not get one?? leave ubuntu as it is :| [23:29] ScottG: Just put a new line just before \$ [23:29] dragon_: done [23:29] Anyone know how to get drag and drop to work with an eGalax touchscreen? [23:29] unop: busy? [23:30] I find mac OS-X interface worse then the normal gnome interface.. everythings in the wrong place. :) [23:30] Right now, holding my finger on the screen simply issues a right click event [23:30] stroyan: Thats a good idea. I think it might be better to just change the settings on the server though so it works on w/e computer [23:30] ThJ, you probably have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf but I don't know the details [23:31] hi [23:31] halberd: I have some settings there already. [23:31] can i test initramfs without rebooting?:) [23:31] PATPAT: there is a README file in your 'mac4lin' package. Did you refer to that file? [23:31] @ThJ can you apply delay's to the "commands" that are tagged to certain movements on the screen? [23:31] im looking thr [23:31] halberd: I have googled quite extensively, hard to find info on it. [23:31] through [23:31] Rawplayer: use qemu? [23:31] !qemu [23:31] qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo [23:32] PATPAT: if you are refering to the 'metacity theme tar.gz package' you DONT uncompress it.. You just tell the theme manager to load it. [23:32] nathaniel_: well, there is a delay setting for right clicks, it's set pretty low right now [23:32] How do I find out what the color codes are for the bash prompt? [23:32] lscolors? [23:32] umm its this theme im not sure which it is [23:32] file:///root/Mac4Lin_v1.0.tar.gz [23:32] PATPAT: read and follow directions perhaps --> http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac [23:33] !root | PATPAT [23:33] PATPAT: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [23:33] ScottG: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansi_escape_codes [23:33] test? [23:33] dsgas [23:33] let me see [23:33] PATPAT: and theres No need for you do be doing this stuff as the 'root' user. [23:33] sudo su [23:33] dragon_: somehow, when I'm forcinbg the IP, I loose all connections (apparently) [23:33] no need to ever do 'sudo su' either. :) [23:33] lol [23:33] yes i was just at the website u sent me but the thing is i ahve a tar.gz file [23:33] I have a shut down issue. http://paste.ubuntu.com/207771/ [23:34] dragon_: I had to take wlan0 down to get back here [23:34] http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/ [23:34] how do I find out what the color codes are for the terminal? [23:34] PATPAT: that url i gave says 'install the theme .tar.gz file in th theme tool' basically [23:34] ScottG: See the wikipedia link I posted earlier [23:34] joker_: i have a gut feeling that there's something about the key. Remove it from that network config file, and try to get to the NetworkManager [23:34] oh ok [23:34] oh sorry didnt see [23:34] so just go to the them and load it/ [23:34] dragon_: The card is sending lots of packets (according to ifconfig) but receiving only a few - over a tousand versus 70) [23:35] PATPAT: upen up the theme/config tool.. drag/drop the tar.gz to it.. may work [23:35] dragon_: aight [23:35] joker_: besides that, there's no security block on the router, right? [23:36] it doesnt locate it [23:36] dragon_: no mac adress filters nope... [23:36] i think i tneed to do the xzvf thing but i dont know the full command [23:36] PATPAT: tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz [23:36] PATPAT: the gui also can handle archives... double click.. drag the folder from the archive to the desktop [23:37] is there an equivalent of that little accessibility keyboard in windows visa for ubuntu? [23:37] oh ok [23:37] !info unp [23:37] unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (jaunty), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB [23:37] PATPAT: or install the 'unp' command. and use 'unp whatever.tar.gz' :) [23:37] dragon_: I commented out everything in the file interfaces [23:37] PATPAT: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [23:37] scroll down [23:38] 1 sec [23:38] that archive is not a 'theme' archive.. it has scripts and lots of extras in it. [23:38] I'm trying to help a friend importing a-mails from pst-outlook to thunderbird in ubuntu - no windows, just the pst - anyone? [23:38] dragon_: Wife calls for dinner... be back later. Thanks so far! [23:38] joker_: you're welcome [23:38] i wonder, is there a free alternative to ubuntu landscape? [23:39] Vonor: Spacewalk, but AFAIK it still has a hard dependency on Oracle. [23:39] Vonor: this IRC channel? [23:39] mneptok, spacewalk is for redhat based systems only? [23:39] A|i, did you sort out the -ati trouble we discussed yesterday [23:39] hello can someone please help me setup my fstab to load all my drives automatically when mint start please. Here's a list of my drives http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m35943bca [23:39] Vonor: not if you write the necessary changes. ;) [23:39] PATPAT: that archivbe also has a 'mac4lin' installer .sh script.. extract the archive.. cd to the archive directory and run that script.. GOOD LUCK. :) [23:40] hi. Please can anyone tell me how to change my open office into french? [23:40] evon, see the wiki [23:40] evon: this channel is not for help with Mint. [23:40] the xcvf.tar.gz command worked [23:40] and said its installed [23:40] but i dont see changes [23:40] tormod, yep, no more freezing so far [23:40] PATPAT: its not INSTALLED if you just extracted it. [23:40] thunderbird channel? [23:40] do i need to go in the apearnce them and install [23:40] touch wood [23:40] ok so how to i installed it now [23:40] A|i, what did you do? [23:41] PATPAT: you extract the archive somewhere. it made a directory called Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 [23:41] evon Well some are probably already there. We'd need to see your existing fstab file. And output of mount. [23:41] tormod, in bios i found out that AGP was set to 8, so i set it to 8 in ubuntu [23:41] PATPAT: you go TO that directory and fromthe terminal, run that installer script [23:41] yeas it ddid [23:41] !enter | patpat [23:41] patpat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:41] ok and what is the installer script? [23:41] apt-install? [23:41] PATPAT: apt-get is only used with packages in the repos [23:41] I have a shut down issue. Can ne1 help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/207771/ [23:41] oh ok [23:41] does anyone know when/if there will be 64 bit support for pptpconfig? [23:42] soo............what is it [23:42] mneptok: mint and ubuntu are foundationally the same so I think that whatever advice i get here will be fine === cthulhu is now known as Guest20551 [23:42] A|i, that "a" in the agp mode means 8x, "9" would be 4x [23:42] usr13: how do i get the output of mount? [23:42] Ubuntu 9.04 ---- Fstab trouble granting user permissions to a hard disk. This the line for it: UUID=af23b608-6d0a-4662-aa6f-525b4ce6a2e5 /media/storage ext4 relatime,rw,user 0 0 [23:42] PATPAT: extract the archive.. go to the directory the archive made. run the install script. its that simple it seems.. [23:42] evon: Type mount [23:42] tormod, yes, and i think it was set to 4 in xorg [23:42] OHHHH you didnt explain it right [23:42] i thoughtu wanted me to run a terminal [23:43] PATPAT: you MUST run the insdtall command from a terminal.. correct [23:43] PATPAT: its a terminal command. :) [23:43] usr13: where is the fstab file [23:43] A|i, but you said you had "a" in the log? [23:43] ? [23:43] PATPAT: or perhaps click on it and tell it to 'run in terminal' [23:43] evon, /etc/fstab [23:43] oh ok [23:43] evon: as bastidrazor said /etc/fstab [23:43] PATPAT: i nowhave a ugly OS-X looking desktop after running that script. [23:43] so what is the command to install [23:44] i dont mind [23:44] PATPAT: LOOK in the Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 directory [23:44] PATPAT: make install [23:44] i just dont like this [23:44] milo_: what language setting do you have? That is, what does 'print $LANG' in a terminal say? [23:44] tormod, this is my log from yesterday: tormod> and the mode is 4 IIRC. try setting 8 [23:44] PATPAT: read the README [23:44] its a shell script in that directory.. look/read its rather straight forward [23:44] i see the install file it i click then nothing i right click and i cant run it [23:44] tormod, (II) RADEON(0): [agp] Mode 0x1f000a0a [AGP 0x1106/0x0282; Card 0x1002/0x4152 0x174b/0x7c19] [23:44] A|i, IIRC mean if I remember correctly. And I did not :) [23:44] usr13: http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m11fdcc04 thanks for the help in advance [23:45] tormod, thanks you, now i have to count down for another freeze! :/ [23:45] PATPAT: then run it from the termianl like i just did. open a terminal, cd whever/you/got/that/extracted/to/Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 [23:45] usr13: i just want everything to mount when i boot into linux [23:45] PATPAT: then run the script ./Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0.sh [23:45] oi como vai com vc [23:46] A|i, so you already had been running 8x. did you file a bug report? It is supposed to work without fiddling with xorg.conf, so we can add a quirk to the driver if needed. [23:46] Ubuntu 9.04 ---- Fstab trouble granting user permissions to a hard disk. This the line for it: UUID=af23b608-6d0a-4662-aa6f-525b4ce6a2e5 /media/storage ext4 relatime,rw,user 0 0 [23:46] let me see for a sec [23:46] How can I tell apt that I have texlive so I can install auctex without Ubuntu's texlive? [23:46] porque voce nao fala portugues [23:46] em [23:46] lacabrini: the command LANG is not working. Should i be root b4? the open office is in English [23:46] hey, i installed hamster-applet, but i cant find it under "Add to Panel..". how come? [23:46] tormod, i was running 4x up to yesterday, now 8x [23:46] quem é vc [23:47] milo: type 'echo $LANG' [23:47] tormod, i'll file a bug if it happens again with 8x [23:47] mine says it_IT.UTF-8 and I get openoffice in Italian [23:47] A|i, you should file a bug if the driver does not pick the right speed itself (without any xorg.conf) [23:48] cube: maybe the panel isn't yet aware of its existence; run "killall gnome-panel" (panel will reappear automatically) and try again [23:48] Upgrade Problem. Went from 8.04 to 8.10 t Jaunty. My graphics will only start in low resolution. How to fix? Thanks [23:48] i installed ubuntu and it will not boot. i tryed the recovery option on the cd to reinstall grub but either i am doing it wrong or something else. it tells me the the format of the device is not supported, please help [23:48] * Dr_Willis is glad to say that the Mac4Lin Uninstaller script worked.. :) [23:48] tormod, ok [23:49] Dr_Willis: good for you and thx for mentioning unp, really useful [23:49] man it didnt work [23:49] VCoolio: yes.. its one ofthose tools that get 'overlooked' :) [23:49] i created a script like u said [23:49] VCoolio: kthx [23:49] VCoolio: i also like the 'qmv' command [23:49] PATPAT: i never said 'make' a script..i said run the one thats in the archive [23:50] pnema, ubuntu-bug xorg [23:50] how do I restart X? I just update xorg.conf and want to restart the windows [23:50] PATPAT: do you understand the term "working directory" [23:50] usr13: ? able to help? [23:50] VCoolio: tried it, not working [23:50] tormod: thanks, trying it out [23:51] evon, you should read the wiki docs that people have written for you [23:51] evon: Ok, everythings mounting already accept for sda2 and sda3 so you can create entries for them, but first you have to create mount points. You can name them something similar to NTFS1 and NTFS2 or MS1 and MS2, etc. it is up to you, but you have to create the mount points like this: mkdir /MS1 /MS2 and then add lines to your fstab file like this: /dev/sda2 /MS1 ntfs noauto,user,rw 0 0 #and /dev/sda3 /MS2 ntfs noauto,user,rw 0 0 [23:51] tormod: where do i find those? [23:51] what's the command for searching for a package by a part of name? [23:51] apt-cache? [23:51] yea [23:51] evon, wiki.ubuntu.com ! [23:51] ooooh ok. So I separate each thing I want with a ; [23:51] dragon_: Just type a partial name. [23:51] dragon installed or in the repos? [23:51] but it doesnt do anything [23:51] usr13: thanks for your help [23:51] i see the install file [23:51] mobi-sheep: type where? [23:52] Hi guys. anyone good with linux kernel paramaters? i can't seem to get device_nomsi= working right... [23:52] PATPAT: cd into the working directory and sudo ./installmystupidtheme.sh [23:52] evon: NP [23:52] usr13: can i post my fstab edit for you to look over? [23:52] bucky: repos [23:52] dragon_: "sudo aptitude search firef" -- for packages only. [23:52] bucky: or installed.. [23:52] evon: Yes [23:52] dragon_: "sudo aptitude search firef" -- packages and in description too. [23:52] dragon apt-cache search some_string [23:52] dragon_: Err.. apt-cache search^^ [23:52] evon: When your done, just issue command sudo mount -a or reboot. [23:53] cool [23:53] anybody an idea? [23:53] usr13: great thanks [23:53] what about searching only installed ones? [23:53] PATPAT: using the terminal, you 'cd' to the diretory where the files are at.. and run the installer from the terminal. [23:53] I need help [23:53] ls [23:53] Ubuntu boots into a black screen [23:53] evon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DrivesAndPartitions (they moved things a bit) [23:53] and its acking me to log in [23:53] or is there another way of disabling msi on certian hardware? (to get suspend working) [23:53] Bluetooth Experts. I have experiencing some issues with my mouse. If I go away for X minutes, the mouse eventually get disconnected and does not respond. I don't know if that's Bluetooth mouse or the protocol itself. However, I was able to get it back by deleting known device, add a new device, reconnect, use hidd --search, etc. Suggestion? :( [23:54] wehn I log in I still get the black screen [23:54] rhinoserious: you mean you have a normal text console? With login prompt? [23:54] <-- Newb with wireless issues has returned *dumdumdum* === sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy [23:54] lcabrini: yes [23:54] hey, i installed hamster-applet but its not appearing in the add to panel menu!? [23:55] tormod: what was that command to check your xorg.conf file? Thanks for the resend [23:55] but the other day [23:55] cube: It's probably there. Except that "hamster" isn't what you're looking for. [23:55] PATPAT: did you ever tar xvzf Mac4Lin_v1.0.tar.gz [23:55] hi [23:55] channel for wine? [23:55] someone on here told me to use the command rm -r something [23:55] rhinoserious: seems like xdm/gdm/kdm is failing to start. Log in and check /var/log/Xorg.0.log [23:55] and i mean not #wine [23:55] pnema: less /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:55] Godel-Paradox, ##winehq [23:55] I think I'm getting this sort of figured out, sort of - could someone remind me, there's a command to get a list that people keep telling me to use and I keep forgetting that lists drivers or something [23:55] lcabrini: should I /exec -o it? [23:55] cube: hamster-applet is time tracking applet for gnome. So you need to find something related to time tracking. [23:55] pnema: or: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:56] i installed ubuntu and it will not boot. i tryed the recovery option on the cd to reinstall grub but either i am doing it wrong or something else. it tells me the the format of the device is not supported, please help [23:56] usr13: paste the xorg.conf? [23:56] Or lists all those sound cards and modems etc, anyhow [23:56] LogicalGhost: lsmod, perhaps? [23:56] chaotic: what do you mean by it won't boot [23:56] explain further [23:56] pnema, it should work without any xorg.conf. otherwise file a bug using: ubuntu-bug xorg [23:56] rhino: all i get is a blinking _ [23:56] pnema: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:56] no text then? [23:57] rhino: nope [23:57] PATPAT: http://drop.io/dr_willis has the 'exact' commands i used to download/insttall the mac4lin thing. [23:57] chaotic, do not repeat yourself, there is enough noise here [23:57] lcabrini: No, it gave me a list that had like "PCI" and "Ethernet" and lots of other fun acronyms [23:57] pnema tormod is correct, you do not need xorg.conf file. [23:57] mobi-sheep: OMG!! it works. lol. thanks alot! [23:57] LogicalGhost: lshw then? [23:58] cube: Zomg. :3 [23:58] Cause I'm trying to install my wireless driver and getting a lot of weirdness . . . that could be it [23:58] Dr_Willis: where does it install those files.. do you need sudo to write? [23:58] cube: "sudo apt-cache search applet" will list you nearly all possible applet (if you didn't know that yet) :) [23:58] lcabrini: I don't think that was it but it might help [23:59] usr13: http://pastebin.com/m7caadade [23:59] Hello all. Any reason why my multimedia keys suddenly stopped working? [23:59] usr13: so mv xorg.conf and restart X? [23:59] The bizarre part is that the computer doesn't seem to recognize that there's a wireless card at all - it says it's "disabled" - but as far as I know the thing doesn't have an on/off switch