
macvrhyperair: hi... how to remove a comment from lp?04:38
macvror even edit the comment04:39
hyperairmacvr: you can't.08:34
macvrhyperair: how did you do it then?08:34
hyperairdo what?08:34
macvrwasnt it you how removed your own comment from the papercuts , saying it was off-topic?08:35
hyperairi just emailed the bug saying it was offtopic, and emailed you the reply directly08:35
macvrah... 08:35
macvrhyperair: you had me confused ;p , i was wonder how the hell you did it but i'm not allowed ;p didnt notice you had sent mail directly08:38
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macvrmpt: maybe you can look at this and consider for your appcenter idea ? > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/39460811:46
mptmacvr, yes, that should be fixed, thanks for pointing it out11:47
lamalexmpt: what's the implementatin status, still targetted for karmic?11:47
mptmacvr, however, for 9.10 at least Update Manager won't be part of AppCenter, and in the meantime it should be fixed in Update Manager11:47
mptlamalex, yes. mvo and glatzor are working on apt-daemon, mvo is trying to wrestle xapian into a helpful state, and I'm starting to write up the design spec11:48
lamalexcool beans :)11:50
macvrmpt: how many tiers are the used for the updates? classified as critical/security?11:50
mptmacvr, as far as Update Manager is concerned, just two. Security, and everything else.11:50
ScottKThat's all there are.11:51
ScottK ... at least post-release.11:51
macvrmpt: ah... so you are leaving out the critical updates to be notified only at 1 week? :(11:51
mptFor example, if you're subscribed to a daily-build PPA, or subscribed to backports, Update Manager doesn't show them differently from other updates.11:52
mptmacvr, the developers who issue the updates regard security updates as more important than the others, so Update Manager acts accordingly. Personally I'd rather security was a subset of critical.11:55
macvr ^+1  ... since there is more need for ciritical updates than security updates!11:56
ScottKIt can actually get much more complex since the criticality of updates in general and security updates in particular is very context dependent.11:57
macvrScottK: critical ,can be used fixes that solve crashes/memory leaks/major improvements + security updates .. the problem now is that, the critical[fixes for crashes] updates *dont* trigger notifier until 1 week !12:00
ScottKmacvr: Right.  I think that the entire concept of hiding updates from users is fundamentally wrong and broken.12:01
macvrin the old notifier this wasnt a problem , since the updates ,show up soon12:01
artirI have a small proposal for the update manager12:01
artirright now, it pops out a window each time I click on update12:01
artirIt shpuld be better to display the loading bar inside the app12:01
artirlike this http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6358/pantallazojpb.png12:02
artirthe buttons would be replaced by that bar when u click on update12:02
macvrartir: this could be considered while designing mpt's appcenter12:03
macvras he says it will be included in later releases12:03
mptartir, absolutely12:04
* mpt -> lunch12:04
artirit could be even implemented in time for karmic12:04
artirit's kinda a papercut12:05
macvrartir: a redesign is not a papercut ;p12:06
artirit's a fleshwound :P12:06
macvrjust minor fixes12:06
artiri'll add it to AppCenter/Comments on the wiki12:08
* MacSlow -> lunch12:09
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
macvrScottK: mpt: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/?p=49612:19
macvrsometimes too many updates can be frustrating too ;p12:19
macvrso hiding the non-critical really is not a bad that bad an idea :)12:20
ScottKmacvr: What's non-critical?12:22
macvrScottK: trivial fixes , anything that doesn fix a major crash/freeze/or give major improvement to the app 12:24
ScottKmacvr: We don't do those post-release.12:24
macvrScottK: anything the averge user doesnt obviously benefit from12:24
ScottKWe have a policies in place for what should be fixed post-release and it should prevent minor stuff from getting out.12:24
macvrbut , things miss out, the Jaunty release caused random X restarts! post release and this was for a month!12:25
ScottKExistence of a bug doesn't equate to a fix.12:26
ScottKParticularly with X where many problems are hardware specfiic we need to be very careful as one person's fix may be another person's regression.12:26
macvrScottK: ^thats the problem! so when we are fixing one's problem , someone else can have new ones , these are critical for average users, since they just want to use it. maybe such updates can be given higher priority12:28
ScottKOf course such updates are essential for one person and irrelevant for another.12:32
macvrbut we cant distinguish them , and present the updates at leisure 1 week later for users who need them, but again as you say " entire concept of hiding updates from users is fundamentally broken"12:34
macvroh... its not only probs with X , gedit post 8.10 was highly buggy , causing system freezes and 100%cpu usage , , so things sometimes slip out inspite of the policies13:14
mptmacvr, we reduce people's fixation on the number of updates in 9.04 by not displaying the number14:01
macvrmpt: thats what i like about not having the notification area icon. i dont think  much about it14:02
macvrmpt: btw , in karmic , i saw it back!14:02
macvrare you planning to return notification area icon?14:02
macvrThank goodness14:03
macvrmpt: but still not a fan of the pop-unders ;p14:03
lamalexI hate that thing, I'm fighting with my company right now to remove it from ours. The other devs think you guys were wrong on removing it. developers--14:03
mptWe're simplifying the window for Karmic14:04
mptAnyway, Update Manager isn't really related to Ayatana, it's more of a subject for #ubuntu-desktop :-)14:05
macvrmpt: you should have a look at the ubuquity slideshow , IMO the design aint that great14:06
mptmacvr, I know, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2009-June/002124.html14:10
mptunfortunately I just don't have time for it at the moment14:10
macvrmpt: hehe, i pointer HS to you 14:11
macvri told him though mpt is quite a busy guy14:11
tgpraveenhi in karmic according to karmic-notify-osd blueprint it is planned to suppress notify-osd bubbles which are non critical for fullscreen apps.14:36
tgpraveen so will empathy/pidgin msgs be critical or non critical?14:36
* lamalex had an incident with im bubbles yesterday14:41
macvrtgpraveen: i think there is also plan for a status indicator which will control it ,well atleast it was mentioned in the mailing list14:49
tgpraveenmacvr: like a do-not-disturb mode14:50
tgpraveencoz by default IM msgs should be considered critical if in fullscreen they should NOT be suppressed14:50
tgpraveenthough if i am in do-not-disturb mode i guess it makes sense to suppress it14:51
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rgreeningkwwii: ping18:04
rgreeningkwwii: are there any .mng oxygen icons for things like copy files, etc?18:04
rgreeningkwwii: in the usb creator, I have a progress bar, but it would be nice to have an icon for each step in the progress, like "install bootloader", "copying files", "Creating file system", "Making/formating filesystem", "Syncing media"...18:06
rgreeningthen I can remove the useless time remaining estimator text...18:07
rgreeningkwwii: actually, that would be harder to implement by step... maybe one simple .mng to represent building a usb stick... like a puzzle or building blocks...18:10
kwwiirgreening: until now we do not have any mng files in the theme18:33
kwwiiactually, for whatever reason, everyone tries to avoid using them in desktops18:33
rgreeninghmm.. ok18:33
kwwiirgreening: sounds like an interesting idea18:33
rgreeningI was thinking it would look cool.18:33
rgreeningbut not necessary... hows the usb icon coming. :P18:34
kwwiiwell, I started it ;)18:34
kwwiimaybe I can finish it tomorrow18:34
SiDiheya mrooney ! when do you release wxbanker 0.6 ? :p18:49
mrooneySiDi: good question! :)18:53
mrooneyI'm working on recurring transactions and online syncing with mint.com18:53
mrooneyalso tags are implemented by someone else so I'd like to merge that18:54
tgpraveenSiDi: what is wxbanker?18:59
SiDitgpraveen: its an app mrooney develops19:00
mrooneytgpraveen: personal finance app19:08
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
macvrbeuno: hi... your thoughts on this> https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/38913320:35
SiDimacvr: want mines ? (*grins*)20:36
macvrSiDi: you will always oppose me ... so no ;p20:37
macvri doubt that one is a papercut20:37
beunomacvr, give me a few minutes, I'll take a peak20:38
SiDimacvr: i must say im 80% against this feature to be implemented20:38
SiDimost users dont user what kill'ing a proc means20:38
SiDiand its not so common that a proc refuses to end when asked to20:38
macvrSiDi: as i said no thoughts from you ;p20:38
macvrSiDi: but i had the same thoughts as you... :)20:39
SiDibut apart from the fact that it'd be a regression, its a perfectly valid papercut :D20:39
SiDiits true its not easy for the user to guess how to kill a proc that doesnt wanna end, but right clicking it is not so much harder to guess after having gone through the process of discovering the sysmonitor and finding the processes20:40
SiDiand windows users are _very_ used to the advanced options of ctrl+alt+suppr anyway </troll>20:40
SiDimacvr: should i be the bad guy on the bug report ?20:40
macvrActually i dont mind ... its just that Rich has done the patch, didnt want to dissapoint him :)20:41
SiDithings that happen20:42
SiDii began patching an app in a totally unknown language today because it was using actions20:42
SiDi(mail-notification throwing bad popups due to actions use without cap checking)20:42
SiDiand half-way to the process, i have a popup telling me i got a new mail for this report20:43
SiDiin which it is linked to a dupe with a complete patch.. :D20:43

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