
dgroosWorking on following the directions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPLocalAppsJaunty but it looks like I can't update the image with: sudo ltsp-update-image -a i38601:14
dgroosafter trying to update the image it says:01:14
dgroosInfo: port 2000 is already defined with /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img in inetd.conf  and...01:15
dgroosInfo: taking no action.01:15
dgroosso, does that mean that, after appearing to do a lot of updating the image, that nothing was written?01:16
dgroosOK--answered this myself--ogra says it's no issue on this page http://www.linux-archive.org/edubuntu-user/28568-ltsp-update-image.html :)01:32
dgroosOK, trying to further regress to locate problem.03:02
dgroosWhy can't I simply install a program in the chroot???!03:02
dgroosI use: sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get install firefox and says E: couldn't find package firefox...03:03
dgroosWhy can I install to the regular root (sudo apt-get install graphviz) but not to the chroot (sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get install graphviz)?  In the latter...04:35
dgroosI get the message, "E: couldn't find package graphviz).04:36
dgroosdo they use different source lists?  I'm bamboozled.  Help anyone?04:37
nubaegreets jbianquetti09:20
jbianquettihi nubae09:20
asanchezhi nubae, I can see that you are in Spain due your ISP10:10
asanchezas you would notice jet our broadband connections aren't as broad as we need10:11
nubaehui asanchez10:18
nubaehehe, bueno, me dieron una linea de 20mb hace 2 anos, solo para quitar la por coger el pack trio con lo de la televeision inutil10:20
nubaey no mencionaron lo del cambio de 20mb a 3mb....10:22
nubaepero esto paso cuando yo no estaba... lo pidio mi madre, que era para su casa, y ya sabes... mas o menos la estafaron con inutilidades10:23
nubaecomo antivirus10:23
nubaeasanchez, jbianquetti have u seen: linux-for-education.org ?10:36
jbianquettinubae: yes. It's interesting...10:43
jbianquettimaybe, it's a possible point of collaboration between our project and others projects...10:44
jbianquettiAndalucian's teachers likes moodle a lot!10:45
nubaesi... creo que un portal de contenido moodle es como oro10:46
nubaey se puede utilizar tanto aqui como en sud america10:46
nubaecon el projecto sugar, ya deberia a ver material para Moodle...10:47
nubaelo unico son las licencias... que eso no lo tienen claro las escuelas ni los profesores... para mi es obvio que tiene que ser Creative Commons por defecto10:48
nubaepero se puede ensenar un ejemplo muy bueno donde el material es creative commons y es uno de los moodles mas grande del mundo... el de open university10:49
nubaebueno pues me han mandado un email oficial parece, y ahora me llaman :-)11:16
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sbalneavMorning all15:08
highvoltagemorning sbalneav!15:09
SvenstaroHi chumps15:53
truk77hi there, perhaps somebody can help me? My wife has installed edubuntu on our ubuntu install (9.04, I believe), and now it seems to be freezing at boot up.  Does edubuntu affect the boot sequence at all?18:32
dgroosHi truk77!18:47
truk77hi dgroos18:47
dgroosI must say I don't know the answer to your question, but sometimes, 2 people, both not knowing, can still figure things out...18:48
dgroosSo, how did you install it?18:48
truk77that's the problem...I didn't...wifey did :)  Heh.  She installed it from within Ubuntu, using synaptic, and I think she may have installed Edubuntu-Server18:50
truk77unfortunately, the laptop's at home and I'm at work, so I can't really get into it18:50
truk77my only guess is that it is trying to start some server processes at boot time and failing because there's no internet connection (laptop uses wifi that has to be configured after boot)18:51
dgroosWhat have you tried so far?18:51
truk77well, it seems like after booting, it goes to some blinking cursor18:55
truk77I've tried getting her to switch virtual consoles, but that hasn't seemed to work18:55
truk77actually, I apologize, but I've got step away from the keys for a bit18:56
AikoAnyone willing to help an idiot?19:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:07
LnsAiko, ^^ =)19:07
AikoI was trying to install edubuntu and evidently installed the sever portion as well.  Now my computer tries to boot up, goes to a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the top left hand corner and ubuntu will not load.  Anyone able to help me?19:08
LnsAiko, are you truk77's doppelganger?19:09
AikoI'm his wife.19:09
Lnsahh, that explains it =)19:10
AikoHe's at work, I'm at home. :)19:10
Lnsit was working fine before you installed edubuntu packages?19:10
Aikono problems before I tried to install19:10
AikoWhen I did the install, it tried to do something with apache.  It also gave me a message stating it was having difficulties with mooble...or moogle...or something like that.19:12
Aikoyes, moodle19:12
Aikoguess I got Final Fantasy on the brain19:13
Lnshmm, too bad nubae isn't here19:13
Aikoresident expert?19:13
Lnshave you logged in on a text console and looked through the logs?19:13
Lnsresident moodle expert, yeah19:13
Aikohwo do I log into a text console?19:14
Aikoah, tried that19:14
Aikoit says 'loading, please wait' and sticks there.19:14
Aikoblank screen with the blinking cursor19:15
Lnsdoesn't sound much like an edubuntu issue to me...sounds like a bootloader issue19:15
Aikotried that too19:15
Aikoproblem is, it didn't happen until I tried to install edbuntu19:15
Lnsbut edubuntu, afaik, isn't much besides some services and applications...possibly the bootsplash is doing something wrong though, i wouldn't think that would cause the system to just freeze upon bootup though19:16
Aikothere's a server option too19:17
Aikoedubuntu server19:17
Aikowhich stupid me didn't think to uncheck19:17
alkisgAiko: can you select the "recovery mode" in the boot manager?19:17
Aikoyes, but it freezes too19:17
LnsAiko, what release of *buntu are you using?19:18
AikoI'm not certain.  That would be a question for Truk7719:18
Aikocalling him to ask19:19
Lnsdo you recall it installing any different kernel ?19:20
Aikoedubuntu?  I have no idea.  It did ask me to restart.19:20
Aikothat's when the problem started.  it said I had ot restart to have the changes take effect.19:21
alkisgAiko, when you select the recovery mode, what does it say when it halts? It shouldn't be saying the same thing, there's no splash screen in the recovery mode...19:22
Aikolet me go write it down19:22
Aikohm, it's not in recover right now.  Her'es what it says when I hit alt-f1: starting up, [      0.256016]   .. MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC  Loading, please wait...19:25
Aikolemme restart into recovery19:25
Aikook, restart into recovery, last thing it says is this: [  2.166894] Adding 225540k swap on /dev/ramzswap0.  Priority: 100 extents: 1 across: 225540k19:28
Aikothen it just sits there with a blinking cursor19:28
Aikoit figures I would be the one to break it.  Meh.19:30
Aikooh,something else to note19:32
Aikowhen the computer is trying to boot up, the logo is blue instead of red and orange19:32
LnsAiko, no chance you're out of disk space?19:32
AikoDon't know, I don't think so19:33
Aikowouldn't it at least boot up?19:33
Lnsnot if your swapfile generation is taking up the last of the disk space19:34
Aikoand if I didn't have space, wouldn't it have said something when I was trying to install edubuntu?19:34
Aikoso what do I do?19:34
AikoI guess that could be a problem.  how do I fix it?19:34
alkisgAiko, if the logo is blue, the recovery mode won't start etc there's not much you can do. Someone more experienced is needed to check the hardware, and if that's ok then to boot with a live cd to fix things.19:35
AikoI'm pretty sure the hardware is okay19:35
alkisgBlue logo?19:35
alkisgI'd guess the graphics card is not seated well..19:35
Aikoit's a laptop19:35
alkisg.... :)19:36
Aikothe logo was orange before I installed edubuntu19:36
AikoNONE of this stuff happened before that.19:36
Aikoso whatever it is, it's related.19:36
alkisgAh, ok I don't know what color the edubuntu logo is, I thought that was the ubuntu logo showing blue.19:36
LnsAiko, IIWY i'd check the disk space. It's good to at least eliminate possibilities19:36
alkisgAiko: do you have a live cd handy, so that you can at least try some things?19:36
Aikolemme ask Truk7719:37
AikoLNS, how do I check disk space?19:38
Aikoalkisg if I don't have a CD, I can burn one pretty easily19:38
alkisgAiko, ok, but keep in mind that in such difficult cases even an expert sitting right there would need some time to figure out the problem. Doing it over the irc will require much time... :)19:39
AikoAlas, the expert is at work and all that's here is me, the dimwit19:39
truk77stuff never has the common courtesy to go wrong when I'm actually there19:40
Aikoof course not19:40
Lnsthatwould be too logical19:40
AikoI'm cursed.19:41
alkisgtruk77: Do you think you could direct her to boot with a live cd and enable the embedded vnc server (=vino), so that you could connect to her PC and fix it?19:41
Aikoworking on it.  Gonna have to download as we don't have the latest version19:42
Aikogoing afk a while.  thanks fora ll the help guys!  I'll be back in a bit19:42
bencrisfordhey pygi :)20:46
pygihighvoltage: poke :D21:25
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dgroosGood Afternoon--23:07
dgroosI'm still doing battle with not being able to install programs into the client chroot.23:08
dgroosI use the normal command: sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get install xyz and it won't install.23:09
dgroosI can install programs with sudo apt-get install xyz.  That works fine.  Any ideas?23:09
dgroosI should say, I can install in the chroot I'd made earlier for experimenting with local apps: sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386_w_localapps apt-get install xyz23:12
dgroosI check the logs... the auth.log says: 2 17:18:41 gxyz sudo:   dgroos : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/dgroos ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get install firefox (when I tried to install firefox in chroot).23:21
Lnsdgroos: so does firefox actually perform an install when you did that?23:27
Lnsif not, what is the error?23:27
dgroosWhen I did the install in the i386 or the i386_w_localapps chroot do you mean?23:27
Lnsuh, both I guess? Which chroot are you using localapps with?23:29
dgroosWell, I was testing with the test chroot I had made a few days ago i386_w_localapps and it seems to work fine, there.  However, I decided to operate on the original chroot yesterday but now can't install software into it.23:31
Lnsdgroos: what's the error you're getting?23:33
dgroosReading package lists... Done23:34
dgroosBuilding dependency tree23:34
dgroosReading state information... Done23:34
dgroosE: Couldn't find package firefox23:34
Lnsdgroos: have you copied the server sources.list to the chroot you're working in and done an apt-get update ?23:34
dgroosI don't believe so--but I have searched for the source.list files and looked at them and the one in the chroot seemed in order...23:40
Lnsdgroos: if it can't find the firefox package, your package list (derived from sources.list) isn't up to date23:43
dgroosI'm looking for a command to copy the source list but only see that it must be done...23:43
dgroosfound the command.  Will try.23:45
dgroosLns: THANKS!  It's working again.  Funny how a single little (size is relative, of course!) road block can stymie one for many hours.  Have a good evening--guess it's late afternoon where you are :-)23:52
Lnsdgroos: =) Glad to have helped.23:52

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