
* Riddell snnoz00:15
* Riddell snoozes00:15
shtylmanRiddell: http://shtylman.com/stuff/kubuntu_installer/version2/ <-- implementation of mofux mockup ... which ones these or old do you like?00:32
ScottKshtylman: How much vertical space are you taking up?  For kubuntu-netbook we want to install in 576 pixels.00:44
shtylmanScottK: that will be a reach... the center part is 800x60000:52
shtylmanI can aim for 576 ... but that is cutting it very very close on some of the screens00:53
yuriyshtylman: the header is taking up a lot of space, so you can probably save there01:16
yuriylooks beautiful01:16
yuriytext is cut off on the user screen "installatio"01:16
lex79ScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging02:01
ScottK-desktopshtylman: Next cycle I'm going to want 480 for MID devices ....  So 576 should be relatively quite easy.02:20
e-jatanyone here have porb with kernel 2.6.31-1 ?02:39
shtylmanScottK: ... is that really called for? I think at that point a different type of install sequence might be needed... just so you know the current one will NOT got to 480 ... at least not well03:31
shtylmanScottK-desktop: ^03:31
ScottKshtylman: OK.  Well something to be thinking about for karmic +1 then.03:31
shtylmanScottK: will do03:32
ScottKIt'll be a distinct flavor if we do it, so DI can be different.03:32
ScottKubiquity too03:32
ScottKlex79: Uploaded (pim-runtime).  Thank you.03:36
lex79if you have time you can upload also qtcurve :)03:37
lex79but don't worry we can do later03:37
ScottKIt's getting late here.03:37
lex79btw I finished the backport03:38
lex79tomorrow I can copy to ppa backport03:39
lex79tomorrow or today :) I'm confusing, too many kubuntu time in this days :P03:40
pktvorian: what package?04:56
v12extremexcan anyone help with a sound problem?05:24
tseliotRiddell: do you know where (i.e. which part of the code) I can start to fix this bug (see the last comment for a screen shot)? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17502009:19
ubottuKDE bug 175020 in general "Better volume management in Dolphin" [Wishlist,New]09:19
jussi01hrm, is there some sort of system to tell people what you like about kde? ie. something that is the opposite of a bug?10:44
tsimpsonumm, no10:46
tsimpsonperhaps there should be something on LP, like a kudos section10:49
jussi01I think often we tell people to tell us what is wrong with it, and it gets to be a very negative world. perhaps people telling us the things that rock is also a metric to see how things are?10:50
tsimpsonI think it's a good idea10:51
tsimpsonit could be quite useful for many projects10:52
* jussi01 wonders what others think... Riddell you around?10:54
mgraesslintsimpson: +1 sounds like a good idea10:54
mgraesslinperhaps some place for downstream and upstream10:55
mgraesslinas people saying thanks to Kubuntu probably want to thank KDE as well :-)10:55
jussi01maybe a bug type system, whare you file against a package? in $package, this rocked10:56
tsimpsonstrange that no one's really thought of that already10:58
mgraesslinthe German ubuntuusers Forum has a thread for people wanting to say "thanks"10:59
jussi01mgraesslin: yeah, the ubuntu forums has a way to thank forumites who help also, but Im thinking more about features in programs, or the waythings are done in kde11:00
tsimpsonI mean more in a project space, more "official" I guess11:01
tsimpsonit can also tell devs on what users like, so improve other applications11:01
DreadKnight1my wireless is acting up since a recent kernel update11:06
DreadKnight1i think11:06
ScottKlex79: kde-style-qtcurve uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.11:49
Riddelljaunty users needed to test RC 1 https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging11:59
RiddellSime: ^^ fancy testing?11:59
ScottKRiddell: It looks to me like when you added the COPYING files for kdepim-runtime you just did so in trunk and not also in the 4.3 branch.  I think it's needed there too.12:13
Riddellgood point12:14
ScottKRiddell: Also the debian-cd changes for kubuntu-netbook are uploaded so we are one RT ticket away from having images.12:16
tsimpsonthere's a couple of issues with the -dbg packages:12:48
tsimpsondpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-dbg_4%3a4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/kde4/kcm_filetypes.so', which is also in package kdebase-dbg12:48
tsimpsondpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-dev_4%3a4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/designer/ksysguardlsofwidgets.so', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-libs4+512:49
tsimpsonRiddell: ^12:50
Tm_Ttsimpson: should people use staging packages freely?12:50
RiddellI asked him to test them12:50
tsimpsonTm_T: for testing the upgrade only12:50
Tm_Tsure, so if people starts using them as "the release" I should make noise of it?12:51
Tm_Tjust trying to make sure there's no unnecessary breakage for users12:51
tsimpsonthis is just testing before we say they are ready12:51
=== gkiagia_ is now known as gkiagia
Tm_Tgot it right there?12:54
Riddelltsimpson: if you do dpkg --instlal --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-dev_4%3a4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1_i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-dbg_4%3a4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2_i386.deb are there any more?12:54
tsimpsonRiddell: no more errors so far12:54
jussi01grrr... pioneers has stopped working... no more procrastination!!!!!!!12:55
Tm_Tjussi01: noooooo12:55
jussi01Tm_T: its a disaster!!12:57
tsimpsonRiddell: a few more overwrite errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/208080/13:00
DreadKnightbug 19865013:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198650 in deskbar-applet "Deskbar Applet crashes when typing "gk" as a query and selecting Admin-Terminal to start... (dup-of: 154428)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19865013:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 154428 in deskbar-applet "deskbar-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in gnome_desktop_item_launch_on_screen_with_env()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15442813:04
DreadKnightno bugs.kde here i see13:04
Riddellkde bug 19865013:05
ubottuKDE bug 198650 in general "Make Queue Track first item in right-click menu" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19865013:05
DreadKnightoh nice :) thanks13:05
tsimpsonRiddell: no other issues installing13:05
DreadKnightwireless acting up for me13:05
ScottKNCommander: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegames/4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1/+build/1102238/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.kdegames_4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz looks like a build failure with your name on it (KDE 4.3 RC1, so time to get fixing).13:08
gorgonizerhello, just wish to say that the upgrade to KDE 4.3 RC1 (from testing repo) went well, did kill the X server, but after reboot everything looks good :)13:09
Riddellgreat thanks gorgonizer13:14
jussi01Riddell: is there a changelog from beta -> RC 1?13:15
gorgonizerThe X crash seemed to occur during the dist-upgrade part of the process (I ran it from the CLI), not sure if that helps..13:15
ScottKNCommander: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4.5.2-0ubuntu1/+build/1097116/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.qt4-x11_4.5.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz too.  I did retry it once already and it failed identically both times.13:15
Riddelljussi01: probably.  on kde.org13:16
jussi01Riddell: super, thanks.. goes to looks13:16
jussi01Riddell: also, did you see my suggestin earlier, and if so, have you an opinion?13:16
TroubleRiddell: Don't know if you saw in #kubuntu. I upgraded two machines and on both X bombed out, but again after monitoring the update on a console and a reboot it looks fine13:17
seaLnei had problems with the new kernel from yesterday which ment X wouldn't work i'm currently using the pervious kernel13:18
seaLnei get blue screen with lines13:18
Riddellthis X killing is quite worrying13:21
gorgonizerRiddell: from looking at my apt logs, the crash occurred whilst installing kdebase-workspace packages and kdm..13:23
gorgonizerI also have Stopping K Display Manager: kdm not responding to TERM signal in the log13:24
RiddellI doubt we've changed anything in the postinst scripts there13:24
TroubleI have nothing for workspace13:26
TroubleBut later on during the upgrade I do have:13:26
TroublePreparing to replace kdm 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2 (using .../kdm_4%3a4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1_amd64.deb) ...13:26
TroubleStopping K Display Manager: kdm not responding to TERM signal (pid 3582).13:26
DreadKnightTrouble: no plasmoids on your workspace?13:28
TroubleIt seems I had a kernel update this morning, but hadn't rebooted13:28
TroubleDreadKnight: No plasmoids, except Folder View13:29
DreadKnightTrouble: the RC made some shitty new empty workspace...13:29
DreadKnightand really confused me13:29
DreadKnightworkspaces vs virtual desktops are a bit annoying13:30
DreadKnightone workspace for one desktop is a shitty option, too obscure somehow13:30
DreadKnighti hate the workspace view atm; but i understand it's far from finished13:31
DreadKnightwish it would had a damn black background or even white, that grid is annoying and fugly13:31
DreadKnighti should make some mockup in near future13:33
tsimpsonseems all my KDE settings were reset13:35
TroubleScreen corruption and a hang13:36
TroubleReboot and I'm back13:36
TroubleBack on kernel 2.6.28-11 now13:37
gorgonizer2.6.28-13-generic (64bit) here, no issues thus far..13:37
gorgonizerfrom what I can tell, all KDE settings and plasmoids remained from 4.3 Beta 2 after upgrade.13:38
OdyXryanakca_: Hi. Do you intend to package pem as in http://bugs.debian.org/500100 ?13:39
tsimpsonnot from 4.2.4 it seems13:39
Troubletsimpson: I updated from 4.3 beta 2 and I've got my settings13:39
gorgonizertsimpson: iirc I lost settings when I went from 4.2 to 4.3 Beta 1..13:40
OdyXryanakca_: ECHAN => #d-d-fr13:40
TroubleI didn't lose my settings from 4.2.4 to 4.3 beta 113:41
tsimpsonI lost my theme, wallpaper and plasmoid settings at least13:41
tsimpsonhaven't checked all the rest13:41
TroubleI've just turned my Desktop Effects back off13:41
Troubletsimpson: Ahh, I had the default theme, wallpaper and plasmoid settings ;-)13:42
Riddelltsimpson: that's the plasmarc -> plasma-desktoprc issue13:47
Riddellsurprised upstream hasn't sorted that13:47
tsimpsonthe choice of default plasmoids is interesting, "Microblogging", "Folder View" and "openDesktop"13:48
tsimpsonand openDesktop immediately opens a dialog asking for a username/password, with it not being obvious what it's about13:49
TroubleThere are some redrawing issues too. One of my Konsole windows doesn't have any decorations. Though they flash when I hover over them. Might be having stopped Desktop Effects within KDE and not logging out and in13:49
tsimpsonother than that, everything seems to be ok13:51
tsimpsonooh, sub-menus under internet. that makes things less cluttered13:53
TroubleIs it normal for the following in /var/log/dkpg.log13:57
Riddellpackages uploaded to fix overwrite issues13:57
Trouble2009-07-02 13:05:27 status half-installed kdm 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa213:57
Trouble2009-07-02 13:05:28 status unpacked kdm 4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa113:57
Trouble2009-07-02 13:05:28 status unpacked kdm 4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa113:57
Trouble2009-07-02 13:05:52 configure kdm 4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1 4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa113:57
Trouble2009-07-02 13:05:52 status unpacked kdm 4:4.2.95-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa113:57
Trouble(last line repeated 14 times)13:57
tsimpsonTrouble: yes14:01
TroubleThanks. I rarely look in dpkg :)14:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you please sponsor gtk2-engines-qtcurve from bzr? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/gtk2-engines-qtcurve/ubuntu14:07
macouh, did kde 4.3 get rid of the option to rebuild the imap index & cache for the entire account? ive got one account showing the folder list that belongs to a different account14:26
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping14:28
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong14:28
QuintasanJontheEchidna: the RC1 will be put in kubuntu-experimental as usual?14:29
QuintasanJontheEchidna: also about translation, do you know the deadline?14:29
* JontheEchidna has been out of it with a nasty sinus infection for most of the packaging cycle14:29
* Quintasan pats JontheEchidna14:30
neversfeldewill koffice-2.0.1 go to the official backports?14:30
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: so to answer the question, I know they're staging the update in the kubuntu-ppa/staging repo, but beyond that I don't know that much14:30
neversfeldewhile it is in the backports ppa you cannot install it without using 4.3 beta, some users complained about it14:31
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: final deadline for Ubuntu translations is the 15th14:31
JontheEchidna...of October14:31
Quintasanmeans I still have time :P14:32
JontheEchidnaI don't know if they've even opened translation for karmic yet14:32
JontheEchidnathey are soon if they haven't done so already14:32
dpmJontheEchidna: they haven't been opened yet, but soon14:32
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: I'd file a request, I see no reason it shouldn't14:33
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thank you14:33
* Quintasan wonders when AcetoneISO upstream will respond14:33
JontheEchidnabbl, going to the neighbors to feed their pets14:33
* Daskreech can't get the openDesktop plasmoid working15:14
sebasAre there packages for 4.3-rc1?15:26
jussi01sebas: in the staging repo atm15:26
sebasjussi01: those go into backports then?15:27
jussi01sebas: yeah, after the testing is doen15:27
sebask, what's the sources.list entry for the staging repo?15:27
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
jussi01sebas: look here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging15:28
sebasCool, thanks :)15:28
Troublesebas: Remember they are for testing, and there have been a few installation problems reported. Remember to take the entry out of sources.list when you've finished15:29
sebasTrouble: sure, I can deal with that :)15:30
sebasTHanks for the warning though15:30
Troublesebas: Watch out for X bombing in the middle of the installation ;-)15:30
jussi01Trouble: sebas is a superstar :D15:30
sebasX bombing, that would be odd, but not quite unexpected :)15:31
sebasjussi01: hah!15:31
mgraesslinis there an estimation when we will have the packages in backports?15:31
mgraesslinif not I'll try the staging repo as well :-D15:32
jussi01mgraesslin: how long is a peice of string?15:32
=== lool- is now known as lool
Riddellhuh, libc gets upgraded15:51
TroubleUpdated my KDE RC1 with the latest builds and along comes KDM and X bombs again :D15:51
TroubleI'll watch any further KDM updates15:52
shtylman_ScottK: I lied... the center piece is 750x550 so it meets your requirements :)15:54
* shtylman_ always trembles in fear when libc get upgraded15:55
* Quintasan trembles in fear at KDM updates 15:56
shtylman_indeed ... but I figure I can always just startx ... but if libc fails... well then...15:56
Riddellso do I move rc 1 to backports or not..?16:04
lex79haloa :)16:05
Riddelllex79: packages all work but KDM seems to get killed during upgrade16:09
lex79sami issue in karmic16:09
lex79now is fixed ?16:10
Riddellnot fixed16:11
Riddelldon't know what's up with it16:11
lex79I remember there was also in beta216:12
Quintasanargh, I can't use kde 4 :/16:13
Riddellwonder if it's something in the merges16:13
Riddellwell it's only an RC, I'll copy it over and put a bit warning on the page16:13
Quintasannixternal: \o16:14
* Quintasan wonders why KDE 4 is so slow for him16:14
nixternalthe archives are crawling this morning16:14
ScottKshtylman_: Great.  That should do nicely.16:14
instructorJust installed KDE 4.3 RC in Koala16:17
instructorBad idea?16:17
Riddellinstructor: why would it be bad?16:18
TroubleI've updated 2 machines a total of 3 times (including KDM) and X has bombed each time :)16:18
ScottKinstructor: How did it go?16:18
instructorkilled X16:19
instructorkdm says restart is not a known option16:19
instructorkdm stop says / is busy16:19
ScottKRiddell: It seems a pretty consisten pattern now.16:19
instructorstartx seems to work well16:20
Riddelldoes indeed16:20
rgreeningI did a sync, and then kdm stop; kdm start16:21
instructorOh you had file system erors as well?16:21
instructorI could just get bash to start first time the computer rebooted16:21
rgreeningI had it report some Ext issue..16:21
rgreening"couldn't read superblock16:22
rgreeningwhich was weird.16:22
ScottKrgreening: We are very close to netbook images.  Is the USB creator uploaded yet?16:22
instructorrgreening: same here and there was no existence of /dev/null16:23
ScottKinstructor: I'm looking at the init and it definitely has restart.16:23
instructorand bash couldn't find any start up files except /etc/bash_profile16:23
rgreeningScottK: In my PPA.16:23
ScottKrgreening: OK.  How soon to have it in the archive?16:23
instructorScottK: my /etc/init.d/kdm is a binary file16:24
instructorit matches though16:24
instructoras in grep finds a match for restart in it16:25
ScottKinstructor: line 132 is where it starts.16:26
instructorScottK: It's a blob for me16:26
ScottKAnyone had X get killed on Jaunty from the PPA?16:26
rgreeningkdm puked again16:26
rgreeningScottK: evand is rewriting some backend bits to move to devicekit-disks (replacing HAL)16:26
rgreeningScottK: so, it will take a bit longer for that to hit main. for now my PPA is only available16:27
ScottKrgreening: Can we get something in the interim?16:27
instructoractually I can cat it. It's only 88 lines long ScottK16:27
instructorNo wait it's 89 with some weird null symbol in line 8916:27
rgreeningScottK: not afaik. evand needs to concentrate on fixing the backend. it's critical16:27
instructorshould I pastebin it?16:27
ScottKrgreening: OK.16:28
ScottKinstructor: Is it different than the link I pointed you to.16:28
instructorScottK: oh not sure hold on16:28
instructorlet me wget it16:28
instructorScottK: They have different md5sums16:30
ScottKinstructor: If you wget the web page that'll happen.16:31
instructorScottK: one is 1268 lines long16:31
instructorah of course :)16:31
ScottKPastebin what you have.16:31
ScottKIf you aren't sure16:31
* Sime starts moving in the direction of GCDS.16:32
instructorScottK: I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's differnt16:33
ScottKOK.  Pastebin please16:33
instructorhttp://pastebin.com/f703e6058<< KDM.init http://pastebin.com/f4c473a78 << /etc/init.d/kdm16:35
instructorScottK: ^^^^16:35
ScottKinstructor: What architecture are you running?16:37
instructori686 as reported by uname16:38
instructorI dont know if there was a kernel being installed at the same time helped cause the errors16:39
instructorIf I copy out the essence of the page to etc/init.d/kdm it should work?16:41
ScottKIt should.  http://pastebin.com/f1bfad3bc is what is shipped in the .deb.16:43
ScottKRiddell: It looks like his init is corrupted and is not what is shipped in our .deb.16:43
ScottKinstructor: Here's another idea ....16:44
ScottKinstructor: wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28627342/kdm_4.2.95-0ubuntu2_i386.deb and then sudo dpkg -i kdm_4.2.95-0ubuntu2_i386.deb16:44
instructorScottK: Apparently kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins is missing16:50
macohas anyone pointed out that kdewallpapers wants to overwrite a file that belongs to another package yet?16:51
ScottKmaco: I don't think so.16:52
instructormaco: which file?16:53
maco /usr/share/wallpapers/Blue_Curl/contents/images/1280x800.jpg16:53
macoit belongs to kdebase-workspace-wallpapers16:53
ScottKmaco: What was the error message (it will also tell what package it used to be in)?16:54
macodid i just answer that?16:54
macoi think our messages collided mid-umm.......mid-internet16:54
macoor was that not the response you wanted?16:55
macotrying to overwrite `/usr/share/wallpapers/Blue_Curl/contents/images/1280x800.jpg', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-wallpapers16:55
ScottKThat's the one.16:55
ScottKAnd which package was being installed at the time?16:56
macokdewallpapers 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu116:56
lex79is fixed in kdeartwork 0buntu216:59
ScottKmaco: ^^17:00
macois that in the archive yet?17:01
macowow 121 updates in the last 14 hours17:02
ScottKWe've been busy17:03
ScottKrgreening: How does your /etc/init.d/kdm look?17:13
rgreeningScottK: checking17:13
* Trouble` is about to upgrade his third 4.3 beta 2 machine17:14
rgreeningScottK: looks normal to me. something in particular I need ot search for?17:15
ScottKdid you see instructor's pastebin?17:15
ScottKIt looks like his got corrupted somehow17:15
lex79my init http://paste.ubuntu.com/208248/17:16
rgreeningScottK: nope, my kdm same as stock.17:17
rgreeninghe has diff issue... perhaps using Ext4 and had a sync issue...17:18
ScottKinstructor: You definitely need to reinstall kdm.17:18
Keis there any simple documentation to kde settings systems17:18
instructorScottK: Can't relies on kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins17:19
Keie. what happens when you save/read settings and how do you do it17:19
nixternalanyone have issues with the new kernel at all?17:19
nixternalUbuntu is fine but my Kubuntu box will not boot17:19
instructorWhich needs kdebase-workspace17:19
ScottKinstructor: reinstall kdm the way I said (with dpkg -i) and then do sudo apt-get -f install17:20
maconixternal, tunnel interfaces are broken17:20
instructorScottK: did all t hat17:20
instructorwon't install17:20
ScottKPastebin the error message17:20
nixternalmaco: is that causing usplash not to come up?17:21
ScottKActually pastebin everything you got told.17:21
macoi wasnt watching when 2.6.31 booted17:21
nixternalactually it is more than that, because it gets to the part where the screen gets smaller and then goes black17:21
macoit is causing openvpn to be broken17:21
mgraesslinthanks for the RC packages - great job :-D17:21
nixternalwell, i can't even boot with the new kernel17:21
macofun fun17:21
* JontheEchidna wonders if anybody has packaged aurorae yet17:22
mgraesslinJontheEchidna: nobody has told me to update the links on kde-look.org so I guess no17:23
Trouble`KDM bombed out again *sniff*17:28
instructorScottK: http://pastebin.com/f1b63244617:28
ScottKinstructor: That looks like it installed.17:29
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
instructorScottK: ok apt-get -f install is handling the kdebase-workspace-bin error now17:30
JontheEchidnamgraesslin: could you please include COPYING in the tarball?17:32
maconixternal, it did kernel panic just after login for me on the first boot17:32
mgraesslinJontheEchidna: what do you need in COPYING?17:32
JontheEchidnaa copy of the GPL17:32
mgraesslincomplete license or just author information?17:32
mgraesslinI'll prepare a new package with commits from svn17:33
JontheEchidnacool, thanks17:33
Unksianyone else have problems starting up kopete?17:35
instructorScottK: http://pastebin.com/f4570f8ab17:37
* JontheEchidna testbuilds the package17:38
instructorScottK: yes it installed17:38
ScottKinstructor: Using ext4?17:38
instructorScottK: umm hold on I forget :-)17:39
macoeek. updates have filled /17:39
macoi just did an apt-get clean last night :(17:39
ScottKinstructor: OK.  It looks like you've got some kind of corruption issue going on. I'd suggest hand downloading and installing the .deb for each package that has an error there.17:40
JontheEchidnamaybe you have a lot of old kernels installed taking up disk space?17:40
JontheEchidnamaco: ^17:40
macooooo yeah...17:40
JontheEchidnathat's what usually happens to me17:40
macothough /var being 1gb on its own seems rather high too17:41
ScottKinstructor: I think  libtidy-0.99-0 and libqjson017:41
macobaobab says /boot is only 84mb17:41
macoi do find it interesting that df -h says my / is 9.2gb, 8.8gb in use, 0.0 available17:42
macosomething about that math seems strange17:42
mgraesslinJontheEchidna: new tarball is uploaded17:44
JontheEchidnamgraesslin: thanks17:45
macoJontheEchidna, ooooh i see why i am lately able to fill a 10gb /  ...back when 10gb was enough to hold everything, i didnt install tons of -dev and -dbg packages17:45
maco /usr/lib/debug is 1.2gb on its own17:45
* JontheEchidna bumped his up to 1217:46
instructorX feels very very slow :(17:49
macowho was saying plasma-desktop crashed a lot? i change my mind. i agree with them.17:54
instructormaco: I can't tell if it crashes. I know that X starts moving very slowly then I kernel panic18:01
JontheEchidnamgraesslin: looks like a 4 hour wait: https://edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/ppa18:10
macoooo new theme!18:11
macoit has stripes...18:11
JontheEchidnasexy: http://imagebin.ca/view/hXA3W2nZ.html18:14
instructorScottK: seems back on track now. I removed those two packages and dropped them from the cache and everything else installs fine without them18:14
JontheEchidnahmm, jpeg makes my fonts look horrible18:15
macoJontheEchidna, your panel doesnt appear to have diagonal stripes of higher opacity like mine does18:16
macoi like that kwin theme18:16
macokinda makes me wish my wm had borders18:17
* JontheEchidna might have an old version of the panel theme hanging around18:17
mgraesslinJontheEchidna: sad so I can18:17
mgraesslin't test today :-(18:17
JontheEchidnaanybody wanna revu the package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kwin-style-aurorae18:21
* vorian has a free moment18:22
JontheEchidnaoh, wow: kwin-style-aurorae_0.1.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz  1337 Bytes18:23
JontheEchidnathe packaging is exactly 1337 bytes18:23
vorianit's a sign18:23
voriannow this is sick http://imagebin.ca/view/zdZVZE.html18:27
vorianJontheEchidna: good from me18:27
JontheEchidnanow we must upload it and never update it so that it always stays 1337 bytes18:28
vorianworks for me18:28
shtylman_I would like to query the x server to the unicode character corresponding to a certain kersym/keycode given a certain keyboard layout ... ideas anyone?18:45
ScottKRiddell: Any thoughts on refactoring our seeds from desktop and netbook to kubuntu-common + desktop and netbook with only the (small) differences between them?18:56
macoseele, i see what you mean in kate. "abort closing" is rather confusing19:08
macoseele, that string is when its asking if you really want to quit without saving. "Do Not Close" makes more sense than "Abort Closing" ...especially with one of the other buttons being "Do Not Save"19:09
seelemaco: sounds good to me19:17
Monika|KI find "abort closing" totally clear19:43
lex79ScottK: launchpad bug 39481819:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394818 in kdepim-runtime "kdepim-runtime conflict with libmaildir4, file override" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39481819:44
macoit gets that weird double-negative thing to me19:44
lex79ScottK: fixed in bzr19:44
ScottKlex79: Looking19:45
Quintasan_I hate to admit it but Amarok really sucks :/19:45
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ScottKQuintasan: What do you think of Juk?19:46
Quintasanhmm let's try it19:47
QuintasanI used minirok but it's too simple19:47
QuintasanAmarok would be okay but it's a resource hog, when I maximize it from tray it takes ~10sec to paint the interface :/19:48
Monika|K10 seconds? what kind of slow computer are you using?19:48
macocan anyone think of any other apps that use abort instead of cancel? kontact and kate are all ive got so far19:48
Monika|KAre you running it on your graphic calculator? ^^19:49
blizzzjuk is a pain19:49
QuintasanMonika|K: thanks, AMD Athlon 64 3000+. Radeon 9550 and 1,5 GB memory19:49
Monika|Kmaco sorry, can't tell, they both get translated to Abbrechen, so I don't notice the difference19:49
macoMonika|K, ah. theyre swapped about all over the place in kde to the point that you'll see one in the tooltip and the other when you click the button in kmail19:50
* Quintasan sometimes wants to throw his box trough the window19:51
lex79JontheEchidna: where is aurorae package ? :)19:53
macooooh krunner's pretty. i like the way the highlight swoops from item to item as you move the mouse19:54
Quintasanaurorae? it's the new plasma decoration?19:54
lex79window decoration19:54
JontheEchidnalex79: in queue in my ppa, pending acceptance in the ubuntu archive19:55
* Quintasan adds another PPA to his ultra unstable box19:55
QuintasanScottK: hmm JuK seems to be good :P19:59
Quintasanbut I miss the shoutcast library, looks like you can't have everything :P20:00
Quintasanlol @ estimted build start20:01
ScottKlex79: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu20:03
macouh..... kdelibs has a debian/patches with a LOT of patches in it, but there's no series file. i'm confused.20:24
Riddellkdelibs from KDE 3 uses simple-patchsys which doesn't need a series file20:24
Riddellkde4libs from KDE 4 uses quilt which odes20:24
RiddellScottK: desktop-common makes sense, what does ubuntu do?20:25
ScottKRiddell: It's completely separate, but Ubuntu desktop and mobile are much more different than Kubuntu desktop and netbook will be.20:26
ScottKThey don't even build out of the same seed collection/meta package source.20:26
ScottKThey are also managed separately.20:26
macoRiddell, ah ok thanks20:29
macowhats the difference between kdelibs4 and kdelibs4c2?20:30
dtchenthat harkens back to breezy20:31
macokde4 existed back then?20:32
dtchenit was the g++ 3.4/4.0 abi transition20:32
dtchenkdelibs4 != kde420:32
macokdelibs5 then?20:32
dtchenread https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyToolchainTransition if you want some of the history20:32
macoi cant figure out what package corresponds to svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdelibs20:33
ScottKmaco: Should be kde4libs20:34
macoummm..... now im getting into the annoying difference between apt-get source and something else, right? just like when you try to apt-get source on the kernel and just get linux-meta?20:36
Riddellmaco: there isn't a kdelibs4, there is a kde4libs which is the source for KDE 4's libs20:36
Riddellkdelibs4c2a is the binary from KDE 3 libs (the KDE version and the SONAME version don't match alas)20:36
macoRiddell, but apt-get source kde4libs is not possible. there's some other way to get the source package based on its name instea of a derivative binary package, isnt there?20:39
Riddellapt-get source kde4libs  works fine here20:41
Riddellyou could also use   apt-get source kdelibs520:41
dtchenunless you want the bits for kde "3.5.10", in which case you'd apt-get source kdelibs (in karmic)20:42
macohm interesting. it does work, just doesnt show up in tab completion suggestions20:42
nixternalScottK: you want to get together within the next week and start discussing making Kubuntu Netbook Edition totally rock...see what all we need? I should have a netbook by tomorrow I think so I will be able to spend some time on it20:48
ScottKnixternal: Sure.  Mine is delayed to July 14 now.20:48
ScottKnixternal: First thing we need is to find someone in Paris to go pry the netbook default settings out of Tonio's hands.20:49
ScottKnixternal: We have #kubuntu-netbook20:49
nixternalI am going to play around with some other netbook os' and see what I like and dislike and maybe come up with a list of what we can use or improve and get some ideas20:49
dtchenmaco: i've fixed the volume ramping for the IDTs, so if you need to wipe my HP Mini, have at it.20:51
macodtchen, for playing with kne?20:52
dtchenmaco: sure.20:52
macodtchen, yay toys!20:52
macodtchen, i need to reinstall betty umm.....lets go with tomorrow too. have to up / by a few more gb20:53
macoor hmm "by a few G more B"?20:53
dtcheni'm travelling tomorrow, but you know where the hw is located.20:54
macodtchen, thanks ;)20:54
macodtchen, on the floor?20:54
neversfeldeis someone using the icecc pbuilder hook?20:57
nixternalhey, no lover scheming in the damn channel!21:03
ScottKneversfelde: hsitter uses it.21:05
neversfeldeScottK: thanks, I will ask him when he returns21:06
nixternalt-minus 44 hours until the Tour de France. VIVA LA FRANC21:08
maconixternal, floor = location of hw. hw = hp mini 1021:09
nixternaloh man, the hp mini is so hawt!21:09
james_whey hey Kubuntu21:10
nixternalit has the greatest keyboard ever..I am really excited to play with my new Dell 10v when it gets here21:10
nixternalwasabi Mr. Westby21:10
james_wthere's a few grumbles in bug 35327821:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353278 in policykit-kde "[jaunty] kpackagekit doesn't prompt for user password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35327821:10
nixternalwhat are you planning on breaking james_w that brings you here? :p21:10
james_wheh, not this time :-)21:10
james_wthere's people that can't update their systems due apparently to policykit crashing21:11
nixternalyes, we did that purposely, so when you are away your cat can upgrade your system21:11
nixternalScottK: who is working on pk stuff for us?21:11
james_wah, feline computing, neat21:11
ScottKnixternal: You mean packagekit?  I think Tonio mostly.21:11
nixternalyes, Ubuntu is only for human beings, Kubuntu covers everything21:11
james_wthat the error appears in ~/.xsession-errors suggests it is the authentication agent that is making the bad call21:12
james_wpretty irritating that it doesn't give you a process name or a backtrace or anything21:12
james_wif someone with the requisite skills can reproduce then working out which process it is will be easy21:13
nixternalthat is an iteresting little bugger21:13
ScottKjames_w: Part of the problem is that policykit is a KDE 4.4 target (Karmic +1) so what support we do have is a bit spotty.21:13
ScottKnixternal: For policykit I don't think anyone has focused on it.21:14
ScottKnixternal: I'd say go for it.21:14
james_wI've tried looking at the code a bit, but the abstraction via qt is foxing me21:14
ScottKWhat about it?21:16
instructoris it buildable for Koala?21:18
ScottKYes.  It's our default media player in Karmic21:19
instructorHmm havne'21:19
instructort noticed yet21:19
lex79damn...forget to backport kdepim-runtime :(21:20
lex79I'm going to do21:20
james_whttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=197115 looks possibly related21:21
ubottuKDE bug 197115 in general "kded4 crash in dbus code" [Crash,New]21:21
james_wI'm starting to peel some of the layers off21:34
james_wthe incorrect usage of dbus_set_error seems to be a policykit bug21:34
james_wbut it does mean that they are getting an error when they request auth21:34
lex79kdepim-runtime uploaded to backport21:41
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* txwikinger_work enjoys the KDE 4.3 release candidate21:52
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== Sir-Gon is now known as Gon
instructorI have 4 kio_http processes taking up 100% of my CPU22:21
instructorAnyone seen anything like that22:21
instructorI think they might be linked to arora22:21
JontheEchidnaarora wouldn't use kio's22:22
instructorThat was my thought as well22:24
macoi usually see it for kio_imap...perfectly normal behaviour for kmail22:24
instructorbut arora is the only thing close to using the same amount of CPU as those22:25
macoakregator maybe?22:25
instructorDon't have kmail or akregator open22:25
instructorI bet I know what it is. The opendesktop plasmoid22:25
instructorYep looks like opendesktop22:36
instructorMight be a lower level kdedaemon bug22:36
instructorAh no. Seems it was planetkde22:39
PollywogI was sent here from #kde-devel.  I have some Kopete crashes in the Neon nightly builds.  Are there dbg packages for the Neon nightly builds?  I thought the Amarok nightly package contained them but apparently not.22:48
instructorPollywog: There are two neon packages one for KDE and one for Amarok. I can see the confusion22:56
Pollywoginstructor, ty22:57
macook this is totally *not* my imagination23:31
macoall the knotify popups are gone23:31
macothat my volume is up is the only reason im even aware when i get a pm23:31
macoseele, kdebugdialog has an "abort on fatal errors" checkbox. i'm assuming this should not change, since SIGABORT is a real thing and this is one of those things developers see and it makes sense to them and non-dev users just dont see23:45

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