
kaddihi, my update-notifier is not working correctly. When I do a sudo apt-get update, it needs 100% of cpu for about a minute, without doing anything. The moment the image of the notifier appears in systray the usage drops to 0 - 0.1% and it works normally. Anyone know if this is a known bug or if there is a simple solution? (and before somebody tells me to get rid of it: I like it, I think it's useful and I want to keep it. Just wondering if00:14
kaddisomeone else had that issue and solved it)00:14
=== Joschi_ is now known as Joschi
kaddiHy, I have an issue with the kde update-notifier, when I do sudo apt-get update, the update notifier gets started and takes 100% cpu for a minute before appearing in systray, once it appears in systray the cpu usages drops to 0.1%00:31
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dthackerkaddi: what's the issue?  It may need a burst of CPU to start.00:54
kaddidthacker: the issue is that it takes a minute to load, which I think is too long00:56
dthackerIf it's not configurable (hint: look for a man page) then your only recourse is to file a bug.00:58
kaddithere is no man page for update-notifier-kde. I will look into filing a bugreport then00:59
kaddiit does have a help function though :D01:00
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
zerothisHow do I share folder on the network. the share tab is gone from the properties?01:31
EagleSnsharing Linux to Linux or Linux to Windows?01:33
zerothisLinux ti Linux01:34
wirechiefzerothis have you tried rsync ?01:39
zerothisno, that's CLI? it used to be simeple, it was in the properties from right-clicking01:41
wirechiefrsync -av 192.168.1.xxx:/home/user/shared/ /home/user/shared/  this will share a folder and sync its contents from the remote to local01:42
wirechiefor reverse the source and destination as needed01:42
wirechiefi create a simple script file with one line in it and call the script  sharefolder.sh01:43
wirechiefcheck out rsync with google its really cool01:44
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JDSheweyHey, having trouble rebuilding a RAID0 array.02:27
lorecasterI need help with Samba and Synergy... is there a synergy room? what is the samba channel02:28
JDSheweyWhey I run mdadm --create I get /dev/sda1: device or resource busy and for /dev/sdb2 (and two other partitions) I get "this device appears to be part of an array". Any suggestions?02:28
JDSheweylorecaster: try /join #samba02:29
JDSheweyPS: /dev/sda1 is unmounted and is part type linux raid autodetect02:29
ben__after amarok wasn't assiging artists correctly i restarted Kubuntu and everything is in ubuntu like no KDE at all. the only other thing i did was install a few programs from adept and the ones i tried worked fine. Please help! thanks!02:33
JDSheweyben_: you can install kde by typing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. This will install kde alongside gnome.02:35
ben__i'll try that but what happend to my desktop i had?02:36
JDSheweyNot sure. Perhaps you accidenally installed ubuntu-desktop?02:36
JDSheweyand uninstalled kubuntu-dekstop?02:36
zhjieplease wait02:37
ben__i don't know how i would have done that02:37
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zhjiemy eglish is  so poor02:39
ben__no dice  and the terminal said i had the latest version all it did was say some packages that were no longer needed, and the kubuntu splash and login still comes on restart02:43
fg56xfdFor some reason my computer will see my wireless router sometimes, and other times It wont see it. What could cause this?02:47
JDSheweyOK, so if you click on session type at the login screen, what are you options?02:47
fg56xfdFor some reason my computer will see my wireless router sometimes, and other times It wont see it. What could cause this?02:47
ben__let me check02:49
JDSheweyfg56xfd: what type of card do you have?02:50
fg56xfdJDShewey: Atheros02:51
fg56xfdSome nights i get full signal, others i get none. (The router is less than 6 inches from the laptop)02:51
JDSheweyfg56xfd: Have you tried changin the channel withing the router? And does rebooting the router cause it to show up again?02:52
ahmoshi, i need to know the program that puts icons set on the desktop and when i point the mouse on one of them it become larger02:53
fg56xfdIve tried restarting it, havent tried changing channels.02:53
fg56xfdahmos: Folder View?02:53
Judith_anyone succeeded in configuring wifi on the LG X110 netbook?02:54
fg56xfdJDShewey: I dont see how to change channel.02:55
fg56xfdJDShewey: Found out how, going to try it now.02:55
JDSheweyfg56xfd: often times poorly shielded devices in the same spectrum as wireless routers can cause problems. You should look to see if perhaps someone in your home or a neighbor is using a cordless phone or the microwave when you can't see your wireless.02:56
ahmosfg56xfd like the icons in that picture http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs40/f/2009/031/3/c/KDE_4_2_on_Kubuntu_8_10_by_SSRI.jpg02:56
ahmosat the bottom02:56
JDSheweyfg56xfd: We used to have that problem in my college dorm. We had to ban cordless phones and microwaves from students dorm rooms :D02:56
mase_workhey guys, is anyone running karmic here ? If so are they able to log in after the latest round of updates ?02:59
afeijothats weird, my sound works for flash (youtube), but not to any .avi file :(02:59
afeijowhen I open an avi, it says HDA intel not work, switching to HDA Intel S/PDIF03:00
fg56xfdJDShewey: I changed channel, and its still not showing any signal.03:00
fg56xfdAnd I cna usually see a few other people's connections, but now i dont.03:01
JDSheweySo you can't see other WAPs where normally you can?03:01
afeijoany way to check if my audio driver is updated?03:03
JDSheweyfg56xfd: it sounds like an issue with the card. I suspect that if you had another laptop, you would find that you wireless would be showing up.03:03
JDSheweyIf you can try  the card in another computer, or try running windows and seeing if you can reliably see the network that way.03:04
JDSheweyThis will help you figure out if it is driver related or hardware related.03:04
fg56xfdNo computers with windows, and the card is in the chipset.03:04
JDSheweyYou could try bartPE if you want a windows live CD.03:04
JDSheweyKind of hard to troubleshoot otherwise.03:05
fg56xfdBut why would it see it fine some times, and not see it other times?03:05
JDSheweyDunno. Could be an intermittent hardware failure. Could be that the card needs to be reseated. Could have something to do with a memory leak.03:06
JDSheweyThe easiest thing to eliminate is hardware failure though.03:06
JDSheweyYou could also try a Linux live CD to see if the problem shows up.03:06
JDSheweyI know that you have an integrated wireless chipset, but what most don't realize is that it is still replacable, so coming unseated still applies.03:07
JDShewey*usually still replacable. There are always exceptions :-D03:07
ahmoscould anybody tell me please what is the program name that shows these icons at the bottom of this screenshot please http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs40/f/2009/031/3/c/KDE_4_2_on_Kubuntu_8_10_by_SSRI.jpg03:08
kyleqmy browser sound isnt working03:09
JDSheweyahmos: this is probably KSmoothDock03:09
kyleqmy browser sound isnt working03:11
Brandonmsg nickserv register <monkey16> <v12extremex@live.com>03:11
Brandonughh, my sound isnt working period03:11
Brandonanyone know anything i can do03:11
JDSheweyBrandon: did it ever work?03:12
=== Brandon is now known as v12extremex
v12extremexHello, can someone please help me03:13
JDSheweymaybe. but only if you tell us what is wrong.03:14
v12extremexi just installed kubuntu 9.04 and my sound isnt working03:14
JDSheweyif you type sudo lspci, do you see your soundcard in the output?03:14
v12extremexyes would you like me to paste it on here?03:15
fg56xfdJDShewey: Tried a live cd, it didnt connect either.03:24
JDSheweyfg56xfd: sounds like the card is going bad. Best way to confirm is to run windows from a USB drive or user bart PE to confirm that it does not work from windows.03:26
kyleqmy browser sound isnt working03:27
o_aWhen will KDE 4.3 RC be available for download?03:29
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KDesko_a: I don't know, for karmic I see packages, maybe tomorrow they will be for jaunty :)03:30
o_aTomorrow in GMT time?03:31
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thesandmancan anyone explain to me what x-session mangager is and how to disable it?03:34
Guest18649JDShewey: Tried a live cd, it didnt connect either.03:35
JDSheweysounds like the card is going bad. Best way to confirm is to run windows from a USB drive or user bart PE to confirm that it does not work from windows.03:36
AdolaI need to change a folder called /security in root......What's the terminal for adding myself as an owner, so I can edit it?03:37
CoJaBo-AztecAdola: chown?03:40
eMyllerhow could i share a 3g connection through wireless?03:48
v12extremexcan someone help me in private chat with my sound03:49
mase_workhey guys , should we be adding bug reports for Karmic yet ?03:59
brian_ok im running kde4 and when i try to download new plasma widgets from the install widget screen everytime i get a install failed04:23
brian_anyone els get this04:23
brian_anyone in here run into screen distortion when using konqueror04:31
ytooxI have banshee and tangerine music sharing, but although other people can see my computer on the network they can't access my shares04:44
ytooxcan you help me?04:44
AdolaLets say, I wanted to make a launcher to a location, the location can be edited by anyone, but, using the launcher, you have to put in a password before it will open the location?04:49
mase_workAdola:  I guess it depends on the location as to if you need to add password or not. Can you give an example04:52
mase_workare you trying to make this ?04:52
AdolaOk, I've got this webcam program called "motion" it saves pictures to /Security  that folder can fill up quickly, and I wanted a nice convenient way to open the folder in my "Security" section on my menu.  Basically, I wanted to have a "Start Motion" "End Motion" and "Open Folder" ....I have the first two, the "Open folder" needs to require a password.  However, the actual folder /Security is owned by me, so I can delete folders.  Kinda understand at04:54
AdolaLike, can' I just make a launcher with..."Sudo <Whateverprogramopensfiles> /Security"?04:54
mase_workah i see. erm you can probably use kdsu04:55
mase_worki'm not entirely sure to be honest04:55
mase_workhow are you making the launcher ?04:55
AdolaWell, what is the file explorer thingy called?04:55
AdolaIn the menu.04:55
mase_workdolphin ?04:55
AdolaOh noes..04:56
AdolaThis is Kubuntu :/04:56
AdolaWhoops, I meant to ask this in Ubuntu.04:56
AdolaI'm using Ubuntu Remix04:56
mase_workheh no probs.04:56
AdolaAhhh, sudo nautilus /Security  :3 Worked like a charm!05:00
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BluesKajhello yo05:11
blacksheepWhat would cause the sound to work on amarok but no where else?05:11
v12extremexCan Anyone Help Me With A Sound Problem???05:13
BluesKajdefine nowhere else , and desribe your sources05:13
BluesKajnm , he left05:14
v12extremexwell can you help me with a sound problem05:14
v12extremexOMG, for a help room on kubuntu, nobody sure can seem to help me05:15
Dragnslcr!ask v12extremex05:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask v12extremex05:17
Dragnslcr!ask | v12extremex05:17
ubottuv12extremex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:17
v12extremexok, i just installed kubuntu and i have absolutly NO SOUND. How do i fix this?05:18
kkathmanEvening BluesKaj  :)05:18
BluesKajkkathman, hiyas05:19
v12extremexuhh, someone please help me with my sound problem05:20
BluesKajup late tonite , just got back from a hot garage party ..the band was really shit tight05:20
kkathmanAww too bad05:21
kkathmanYeah My Linux Box is a little under the weather, so I'm on my Mac using X-Chat05:21
BluesKajheh, xchat , everyones backup client :)05:22
v12extremexCan anyone help me fix my sound??05:24
kkathmanBluesKaj, well its free and works great on the Mac :)05:24
kkathmanIts what I use on my Linux Box too05:25
v12extremexCan someone please  help me with sound problems05:25
netdaemonhi...having a slight issue with the gmail-plasmoid05:26
netdaemonwhen i try to add an account, and click Add...it doesn't respond...05:27
netdaemonlikes to crash plasma every so often too05:27
BluesKaj! patience | v12extremex05:27
ubottuv12extremex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience05:27
Rulzerndoes anyone have any ideas on why ktorrent would keep freezing every few minutes while downloading anything? seems to correlate with the updates in the log viewer that say "FreeBytes" "Remaining" etc.05:28
BluesKajv12extremex, your question is too general, be more specifc and maybe someone who has experience solving that problem will haelp you.05:29
denbeiWhat is the simple way to manage bandwith?05:31
dj-vapordenbei, buy more bandwidth :)05:31
netdaemonhm..well that didn't work...05:31
denbeiSorry, my friends here always eat up all bandwith as much as he could05:31
denbeiSo, I have to manage the bandwith05:32
denbeiI've heard HTB. But what is the common or recommended way to manage bandwidth?05:32
v12extremexok, well i just installed kubuntu, and i love it, but i have no sound at all. Ive checked fourms, and none are much too helpful. if i go into the "alsamixer" under master i have no sound bar thing to adjust. i would really like to  get my sound up and running05:33
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v12extremexExcuse me, i have no sound in kubuntu 9.04, can anyone help06:06
thesandmanCan anyone tell me why I cant use my brasero, and K3B software to copy and burn cd/dvd?06:10
=== neverendingo_ is now known as neverendingo
Saillehi, i've a kubuntu 9.04 and i try to use a dualscreen here my xorg.conf http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/790 and the command i try to use a dualscreen: xrandr --output VGA --mode 1680x1050 --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 --right-of VGA the only thing that happens is, that i go back to the login07:02
Sailledoes anyone know, why my dualscreen doesnt work?07:04
jagadeeshhow do I remove openjdk and install sun java07:12
ugurhi after configuring static ip for my ethernet card now i am unable to use it with dhcp07:12
ugurjagadeesh i think you can do it from KPackageKit easily07:13
ugurfirst remove openjdk07:13
ugurbut you may need to adjust an input parameter before installing sun java07:14
ugurbecause it asks for confirmation07:14
tsimpsonjagadeesh: you can install and use both, just install sun-java6-jre, then use "sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun"07:14
jagadeeshugur: ok07:14
Saillehi my dual screen doesnt work, with kubuntu 9.04, here my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/790 and the command i try to switch to dual screen: xrandr --output VGA --mode 1680x1050 --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 --right-of VGA all i got is that i go back to the login manager, does anyone know, why my dualscreen doesnt work?07:14
jagadeeshtsimpson:  will try that first07:14
tsimpsonugur: you can't use both static and dynamic IP assigning07:15
jagadeeshtsimpson:update-java-alternatives: directory does not exist: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun07:16
jagadeeshtsimpson:  I got that error07:16
ugurtsimpson : can you tell how shall i make the network manager take control of the networking for ethernet again?07:18
tsimpsonjagadeesh: did you install "sun-java6-jre" first?07:18
ugurbecause it says unmanaged for ethernet but i can use wireless07:18
jagadeeshtsimpson: nope. openjdk installed by default.07:18
tsimpsonjagadeesh: you can have more than one jre installed at the same time, so just install sun-java6-jre then run the command I gave07:19
jagadeeshtsimpson:  it would have got installed as part of eclipse installation07:19
jagadeeshtsimpson:  yes.  I see sun-java-5 installed07:20
tsimpsonugur: System Settings -> Network Settings -> Network Management07:20
tsimpsonjagadeesh: you should install sun-java6-jre, rather than sun-java5-jre07:21
ugurnetwork manager widget is running and i am connected via wireless now07:21
jagadeeshtsimpson: you are correct. now I will cleanup everything and install sun-java607:22
jagadeeshtsimpson: using synaptic for that07:22
ugurpreviously i was able to use ethernet while having a static ip because when i restarted the widget it would take control of the networking07:22
ugurbut now it isnt possible now07:23
ugurjagadeesh what tsimpson is saying is that you don't need to uninstall sun-java5-jre in order to install sun-java6-jre07:24
jagadeeshugur: I got  it . but I want only one java to live in my box07:24
tsimpsonugur: you can setup different "profiles" for networking I believe, so one can be static and another dhcp07:25
ugurno i don't want a static ip now but i want to use dhcp07:25
jagadeeshThanks guys for helping understaning this problem07:26
tsimpsonugur: then you can edit the connection from system settings, just click on the connection and the Edit button07:27
PeepsHi, How do I uninstall (Read: Reinstall) XP onto my laptop? I /believe/ I need to reformat the HDD to FAT3207:28
PeepsUninstall Linux*07:29
tsimpsonPeeps: you'll get better support in ##windows, but you just put in the windows cd and install normally. the windows installer has a basic partition editor07:30
PeepsIt told me there was no HDD07:30
ugur_tsimpson: i have solved my problem by manually editing /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf and changing managed to true07:39
ugur_thanks for your patience07:39
bohunhi all, does anybody know when will be KDE 4.3 RC1 packages available for kubuntu?07:48
tsimpsonbohun: soon, it's being packaged07:56
bohunI know soon07:57
bohunbut do you have any concrete information?07:57
bohunany chance for today?07:57
Tm_Tbohun: noone cannot know the future (;)07:57
Tm_Tplans are "yesterday" so07:58
tsimpsonit'll be released when we think it's ready07:58
Tm_Ttsimpson: indeed, no point hurrying this kind of release07:58
bohuntsimpson, are you one of the super kubuntu ninja team member?07:58
Tm_Tand it's RC not final, so people shouldn't be too eager with it07:59
tsimpsonbohun: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;)07:59
Tm_Ttsimpson: I don't think IRC supports SIGKILL08:00
bohunif you are, I would really say thank you for your work08:00
tsimpsonTm_T: if only08:00
alba_hi! i am wondering why i have four blocked updates... i dont seem to be able to make them active08:03
alba_and it happens to be a new kernel... not that it really worries me, but id like to know why it's blocked08:04
bohunI suppose it's because not to change working kernel08:05
bohunnew versions of kernels08:05
tsimpsonalba_: probably because the upload is incomplete08:05
alba_hmm its been there like for a week now...  and i have also marked unsupported and pre-released updates, just in case08:05
tsimpsonsome packages are missing or not updated and so the package manager won't upgrade it yet08:05
alba_ahaaaa i see what you mean tsimpson ... i thought i was doing something wrong somewhere08:06
alba_thank you guys :D:D08:06
tsimpsonif you want a more detailed error report, try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a shell (pressing "n" to cancel)08:07
alba_hmmm ok lets try08:07
alba_hmm tsimpson  apparently apt-get will let me upgrade it08:08
pushraxhi all.  I have a problem where fglrx thinks it's still apart of the kernel.  How can I remove any residue?08:08
alba_should i just let it do?08:08
pushraxwhen tryinf to install virtualbox it's failing as it thinks it has to construct fglrx which I have no longer installed.08:09
Tm_Talba_: no unless you are really sure what you're doing08:09
alba_hmm then i will press n :p08:09
tsimpsonalba_: look for any held back packages08:09
Tm_TSandGorgon: hi, like to change your "realname" from your irc client?08:10
alba_how do i look for that tsimpson ?08:10
tsimpsonalba_: it should say something like "the following packages will be held back:"08:11
alba_nothing tsimpson.. i will pastebin it sec... looks perfectly normal to me08:11
alba_standard i mean hold on a sec08:11
alba_tsimpson, http://pastebin.com/m665e4e108:12
alba_oo wait08:13
alba_now when i refresh the package manager cache i have even amarok in blocked updates... what about apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?08:14
alba_it's a mess ;(08:15
tsimpsonapt-get upgrade will only update packages that don't require any new packages installed or removed08:15
SandGorgonTm_T, huh ?08:15
alba_now tsimpson  i just can think that i am still missing some packages for this kernel? because these held back the kernel and amarok i.e08:15
alba_but dist-upgrade won't08:16
alba_computer stuff is better in winter, with -15 outside hehe08:16
tsimpsonalba_: it's odd, the package manager should allow it08:16
alba_blocked, along with one amarok update... after enabling unsupported and prerreleased and refreshing, i have like 60, but these are still blocked08:17
alba_and i still dont get why dist-upgrade allows it while package manager doesn't... *sigh*08:17
tsimpsonI'd recommend disabling pre-released updates unless you are willing to do testing on package updates08:18
alba_hmm rather not... i will disable it08:18
tsimpsonif the package manager is failing, but apt-get is working, it's most-likely an issue with the package manager and you should report a bug against it08:20
ratsany of you have an smtp server running?08:20
alba_how do i do that tsimpson ?08:20
alba_i will try apt-get dist-upgrade and check if it works, what about that?08:21
tsimpsonalba_: you can report bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu (you'll need to get a Launchpad account)08:22
alba_hmm that i dont have... but i will do it later :)08:22
tsimpsonrats: there is a guide to getting mail services running here: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html08:22
tsimpsonalba_: all the ubuntu management and most the communication is on launchpad.net (run by canonical who make ubuntu), so it's a good thing to have an account there :)08:23
alba_i see i will do it today at work.. and in the evening report... tsimpson  i have the output from the terminal and a screenshot from packagemanager... do you think i will need something else?08:24
tsimpsonalba_: that should do, just remember to post the version of kubuntu you are using and the version of the package manager too. you can do this quickly with the "ubuntu-bug kpackagekit" command from Jaunty08:26
tsimpsonor with "apt-cache policy kpackagekit" from the command line08:26
alba_oki i will save these lines as well...just in case i cannot catch you in the evening hehehe ;D08:27
pushraxhi all.  I have a problem where fglrx thinks it's still apart of the kernel.  How can I remove the residue?  When trying to install virtualbox it's failing as it thinks it has to construct fglrx which I have no longer installed.  Any brains trusts out there?08:28
alba_ok guys thanks for your help :) i need to leave or i will be late!!!!08:29
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ratsanyone got smtp09:00
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
shadeslayerone of my friends just installed kubuntu by formatting his vista partition....he also had windows XP,but grub did not autodetect the boot loader..will adding the lines manually to the menu.lst work?09:13
ugurhi all. I want to install new Firefox 3.5 from PPA repositories of mozilla but package manager says i need to install also lots of gnome packages09:13
uguri am using kubuntu jaunty with KDE 4.2.209:14
shadeslayerugur: there is ff 3.5 in the standard repo too....09:14
uguris there a way of having a KDE version of FF 3.5?09:14
shadeslayerugur: ff is primarily gnome :P09:14
shadeslayerugur: try arora,its not dependent on gnome libs..09:15
Quintasanugur: there is no Qt version of Fx. There was a project to port it but it's dead.09:15
bohunhe wants FF09:15
QuintasanI forgot09:15
Tm_Tugur: also PPA repositories usually (and especially in this case) have zero warranty09:16
Quintasanugur: firefox in Ubuntu depends on ubufox09:16
ugurok i will deactivate PPA of mozilla and check again09:17
Quintasanugur: try unselecting ubufox and it should download xulrunner and firefox09:17
alakhiashadeslayer: doesn't hurt to try by adding xp to menu.1st09:17
shadeslayeralakhia: didnt work...im fixing his XP MBR and then reinstalling grub...09:17
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shadeslayeralakhia: maybe because XP is not on the first partition...09:18
alakhiai'm pretty sure xp boots of 2nd or 3rd partition too09:18
|eagles0513875|alakhia: wouldnt matter as long as you have grub to trick xp into thinking its using ntbootloader you should be fine09:19
alakhiain that case, replacing grub with xp's boot loader on mbr won't help09:21
uguri have disabled PPA for mozilla but i see only beta 4 for Firefox 3.509:21
ugurand i remember reading somewhere that since 3.5 is a major release it will only be available in Karmic repos09:22
ugurshould i install beta version in repos or should i wait?09:24
alakhiai've been using 3.5 from ppa for some time now09:25
shadeslayeralakhia: hm..currently im trying to get him to boot XP (more important)09:26
shadeslayeralakhia: i can personally go and correct grub later on...09:26
alakhiait's been working pretty well for me09:26
alakhiashadeslayer: yeah, i see, if the standard chanloader lines don't boot xp, you might end up having to reinstall the os altogether09:27
Tm_Tugur: it will be in Jaunty09:27
Tm_Tugur: just like those betas are09:27
alakhiajavascript is 2x faster in 3.509:27
alakhiabased on how long gmail takes to log me in09:27
alakhiashadeslayer: good luck with xp09:28
shadeslayeralakhia: reinstall XP?09:28
alakhiaworst case, you install into the same partition so that the data files are intact09:31
shadeslayeralakhia: so everything will be preserved?09:31
alakhiathe data will be ... the apps may be a bit confused since the old registry will be gone09:32
alakhiaprobably will need to reinstall some apps like office and so on09:32
alakhiasome apps like winamp just keep working and readd the stuff in the registry09:33
alakhiaer, re-add09:33
shadeslayerhehe.. ok ive gtg right now,see ya later :)09:33
Daemon_anyone know y kubuntu will not let me config my monitor to 60hz?09:35
Daemon_geforce 9500gt running through dvi-d cable to a 24 inch monitor09:36
Daemon_only lets me do 50hz09:37
Daemon_any way to manually config my display?09:37
Daemon_how can i change my display refresh rate to 60hz?09:51
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bart416damned quassel, anyway :|10:18
bart416anybody around that is any good at grub?10:18
bart416it seems to dislike the fact that my operating systems are installed on a disk that is labeled as slave instead of master10:18
bart416and changing such would require me to open up my computer, pull out really everything except the mobo to get to the HD >_>10:19
bart416and considering the wire mess it'd take several hours to get back in place10:19
bart416so now I have a HD with both win xp and kubuntu installed on a HD in IDE Channel 1 as Slave10:20
bart416with Grub not being fond of it10:20
bart416oh yes, already tried chroot & update-grub10:21
bart416but that doesn't work out that well either10:21
bart416it kind a gets pissed off at this part: Can't open /dev/null: Permission denied10:21
bart416Can't open /dev/null: Permission denied10:21
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venomenLooo! You are on mybrute and want to get a bear? Be my Pupil and get one GUERANTEED at Level4 experience at the game: http://lecktsmiamorsch.mybrute.com/ get my Pupil!10:37
Peace-any news for kde 4.3 RC packages ?10:41
jussi01Peace-: in due time...10:41
jussi01keep an eye on the experimental ppa, that is where they will likely be first10:42
Peace-kde is rocking guys10:43
Peace-kdenlive 0.7.5 has been released10:43
Peace-and is in a ppa repo :D10:43
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hatseranybody knows a good download manager (for rapidshare) I don't want to get Wine though10:52
tsimpsonkget works well10:52
tsimpson!info kget10:53
ubottukget (source: kdenetwork): download manager for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1279 kB, installed size 3508 kB10:53
=== mehrab is now known as mehrab_
radi82Hello. I'm about to upgrade to KDE 4.3, because i've had some trouble with 4.2. Can someone tell me how to savely go back to 4.2 if anything goes wrong?11:27
mehrabhey, I get this error whenever I want to install a plasmoid : http://pastebin.com/d1772804211:31
Troubleradi82: I'm not totally sure, but as a start backup the hidden .kde directory in your home directory.  Also wait for KDE 4.3 RC1 to be released to the Kubuntu Backports PPA today or tomorrow11:31
radi82Trouble: Okay. Thank you. What would I have to do if I wanted to delete the new version and switch to the old one again?11:34
Mehrab1131Hey, I get this error whenever i want to install a plasmoid: http://pastebin.com/d1772804211:34
Troubleradi82: To be honest I wouldn't downgrade, it could be a nightmare with so many KDE packages!11:37
Troubleradi82: Technically I suppose you could remove the Kubuntu Backports PPA from your sources, log out of KDE, switch to a console with CTRL+ALT+F1, then use apt-get to downgrade to a specific version using something like "sudo apt-get install kde-package-name=4:2.0.012ubuntu8" for each KDE package11:39
TroubleBut TBH I wouldn't go there11:39
kaddi__Mehrab1131: what does apt-cache policy kdebase-workspace-bin say?11:40
TroubleEither wait for the RC1 if you're happy to live with some bugs, or wait for the stable version of 4.311:40
TroubleRelease schedule is here: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.2_Release_Schedule11:40
TroubleSorry, here: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Release_Schedule11:40
radi82Trouble: My problem is that I'm having some trouble with fonts in 4.2 than noone else semms to have. So I hope to get rid of them by updating.11:41
TroubleSounds like a last desperate attempt to me :)11:42
TroubleIf no-one else is having the same problem I'd look to a local configuration problem11:42
jussi01radi82: whats the trouble?11:42
kaddi__radi82: what kind of problem are you having with your fonts?11:42
=== kaddi__ is now known as kaddi
kaddiMehrab1131: did you get my last question?11:43
radi82Sometimes all fonts in a window get unreadable. Resizing the window solves the problem then but it it's realy anoying.11:43
kesussee this its incredible ->> http://palizasasas.elbruto.es/11:44
Mehrab1131kaddi__ yes : http://pastebin.com/d4d23a4911:44
Mehrab1131kaddi:  yes : http://pastebin.com/d4d23a4911:44
Troubleradi82: What graphics card do you have?11:45
radi82Trouble: I dont'think its a locla-config-problem, because it also happens in completly untouched standrat installs of Kubuntu. Developers on LinuxTag in Berlin last week said this was known for Intel-card but I use a Nvidi-chip.11:45
TroubleOh, I was going to say about Intel cards :-(11:46
radi82Yeah I thought so, but my enlish is not the best so I need to long to type ;)11:46
TroubleThough I belive the problem with Intel cards is fixed in proposed updates11:46
TroubleHaha, I'm at work anyway - doing two things :D11:47
TroubleSo it's all good11:47
kaddiMehrab1131: it has to be an issue with the version of kdebase-workspace-bin you are using, I'm not sure I can help you. What version of kde are you using? Have you tested plasmapkg i your terminal? Does it exist?11:48
Troubleradi82: Tbh I've found the latest beta in the Kubuntu Backports PPA quite stable, so I'm expecting RC 1 (hopefully released for Kubuntu today or tomorrow) will be stable too11:48
=== javier_ is now known as javier__
Freyri have 4 blocked updates in update manager. all are referring to linux kernel11:49
Freyrhow can i unblock those updates ?11:49
Troubleradi82: I've not got any suggestions, I assume you've tried all the usual stuff like disabling Desktop Effects?11:50
radi82Trouble: Thanks a lot. I'll give it a shot I think and if things go to bad I'll have to switch to "ugly-gnome" for a while ;)11:50
TroublefrankS2: run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" on the command line11:50
radi82Trouble: Yes, I have.11:50
dendrayahi guys.11:50
kaddiMehrab1131: all i can tell you is that the command exists and works fine in 4.2.4, as you are running a newer version, I think it is either a bug or a change for the 4.3 beta11:50
Mehrab1131kaddi: I'm using KDE 4.3 b2. and no there isn't any plasmapkg and it says install kdebase-workspace-bin11:51
Troubleradi82: Like I say it is possibly to downgrade, but afaik there is no simple way11:51
TroubleAnd I wouldn't :D11:51
dendrayai'm just curious when kde 4.3 beta will be updated to kde 4.3 rc11:51
dendrayait's released yesterday, but nothing in the repos so far11:51
Troubleradi82: Probably easier to backup your entire computer, then boot from a Live CD and restore it ;-)11:51
TroubleIf you've got somewhere to back it up11:51
Troubledendraya: Hopefully today or tomorrow iirc11:52
Troubledendraya: The build has beeen done, but I think they want to do a test install first11:52
dendrayaTrouble: ok... thx a lot for the info :)11:52
kaddiMehrab1131: It seems as if plasmapkg may have moved from that package to plasma-runtime, but I'm not sure. Maybe ask that question in #kde ?11:55
Mehrab1131kaddi: OK, I'll do that. thank you11:56
tsimpsonMehrab1131: it's in kdebase-runtime12:02
Mehrab1131tsimson: it says: kdebase-runtime is already the newest version12:03
vleroyHi, any idea when 4.3RC1 will be in the backports ?12:16
tsimpsonas soon as we test it some more12:16
vleroyso it's on the way, ok, thanks12:18
Riddellany jaunty users able to test KDE 4.3 RC 1?12:30
Riddellvleroy: want to test?12:30
tsimpsonI'm downloading it now12:31
=== Dayla is now known as ricepatty
=== ricepatty is now known as Dayla
Riddelltsimpson: from staging?12:33
tsimpsonRiddell: yes12:33
Riddelltsimpson: upgrading from beta?12:33
tsimpsonRiddell: no, from 4.2.412:33
tsimpsonRiddell: I could install the beta then upgrade if you need me to though12:34
marco_any news about Kde 4.3 RC1?12:35
Riddellno that's fine12:35
Riddelljust want to know what's been covered in the testing12:35
Riddellmarco_: testing needed if you want to volunteer12:35
TroubleIt someone tells me it's not horribly broken I'll upgrade my beta installation12:36
Riddellwe've no idea, that's why we need testing12:36
marco_Ridell where its the atp source for that?12:36
TroubleThat's why I'll wait for tsimpson to report back :D12:36
Riddellmarco_: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging12:36
TroubleI'll update my laptop12:36
tsimpsonTrouble: I'm not running the beta, so we need testers who are12:37
Riddellmarco_: what do you have instaled currently?12:37
bushwakkohey, kubuntu karmic hangs right after grub menu on "Starting up ..."12:37
marco_Kde 4.3 beta 212:37
bazhangbushwakko, #ubuntu+1 for that12:38
marco_Ridell Kde 4.3 beta 2, why do you ask me that?12:39
gorgonizerupgrading to KDE 4.3 RC1 from KDE 4.3 Beta 2 currently :)12:41
marco_Ridell teh apt source https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging12:42
marco_did no work for me12:42
marco_when doing apt-get update and apt-get distupgrade12:42
marco_nothhing happend12:42
TroubleDownloading the packages on my Dell Mini 9 from KDE 4.3 beta 2 to RC1... 116 packages upgraded, 1 new.12:43
Troublemarco_: It's "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main "12:44
Tm_Toh boy...12:45
marco_how many time its going to be in testting before goign to back ports repo?12:46
marco_how many time its going to be in testting before goign to back ports repo?12:49
tsimpsonas many as is needed so we can be reasonably sure it won't break horribly for everyone12:50
TroubleIf my laptop is OK, I'll upgrade on my desktop too. I've downloaded all 110 packages ready to press the button...12:50
tsimpson*NOTE*: make sure you remove the staging PPA after the testing is done, you don't want to keep it permanently12:52
TroubleX has bombed out while doing the updates :-/12:52
Tm_Tjust to make sure everyone knows, those staging repositories are for testing, may (and will?) contain issues and should not be used anything else but testing12:53
hw_Where does KGpg store the decrypted attchment of (kmail) emails? I'm unable to find the location... =)12:56
TheNumberHello !12:57
marco_Trouble did the upgrade to kde 4.3 rc1 work for you?12:57
Troublemarco_: Just logging in to KDE now...12:59
marco_Trouble crash?13:00
Troublemarco_: X bombed out at some point of the upgrade for some reason, so I dropped to a console, and could see the upgrade continuing in the background13:00
Tm_Thw_: hmm, perhaps somewhere ~/.kde/cache-* or tmp-*13:01
Tm_Thw_: where * is your hostname13:01
gorgonizerupgrade to KDE 4.3 RC1 appears to have completed successfully..13:04
TroubleKDE 4.3 RC 1 seems to have installed fine on my Dell Mini 9 (from beta 2)13:04
TroubleUpgrading my desktop...13:04
Peace-gorgonizer: repository?13:04
gorgonizerdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main is the repo I used..13:05
tsimpsonplease report to #kubuntu-devel13:06
gorgonizerI upgraded from 4.3 Beta 2, not sure if that will make a difference or not..13:06
hw_Tm_T: There is nothing13:06
tsimpsonPeace-: it's testing upgrade, not considered final yet13:06
Tm_Thw_: interesting, I cannot help then )13:06
hw_Tm_T: To store, decrypt and open take looong... ;)13:07
Peace-tsimpson: o well :D i ma on kde 4.3 beta 213:07
hw_Tm_T: anyway thx for xour help13:07
TroubleX also bombed on my desktop when upgrading to KDE 4.4 RC113:09
Trouble4.3 obviously sorry13:10
Peace- xD13:10
TroubleStupid fingers13:10
gorgonizerTrouble: I had that issue as well..13:10
TroubleGood good13:10
TroubleIt's happened on two machines for me13:10
Peace-will see  if i get the same13:10
TroubleThe upgrade goes OK if you monitor it from the console13:10
sparkartI am having trouble with no volume at Youtube.13:10
TroubleI didn't know the default theme was changing with the RC - it's all white!!13:11
gorgonizerTrouble: it is the new Air theme, looks good, but will take getting used to after using Oxygen for so long ;)13:12
TroublePlasma segfaulted when I turned on Desktop Effects (Executable: plasma-desktop Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault). I'll click Report Bug13:12
dhuvhello all13:15
dhuvI was wondering when the official kubuntu package will be released for firefox-3.5, the repositories currently have 3.5-b4 and there is a Mozilla PPA available for the release but they both want 100MB worth of Gnome packages13:17
Dragnslcrdhuv- the official answer is "when it's ready"13:17
jussi01dhuv: same as with all ff packages they want loads of gnome, use --no-install-recommends13:17
Dragnslcrdhuv- you might try seeing if any of the package maintainers are in #ubuntu (since Firefox certainly isn't specific to KDE)13:19
Troubledhuv: A couple of things...13:19
Troubledhuv: #1: Keep an eye here for Firefox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/39397813:20
Troubledhuv: #2: The Ubufox recommend in Firefox installs all the Gnome junk. On the command line use: "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install firefox-3.5" (iirc)13:21
Troubledhuv: I believe Firefox 3.5 is currently in testing, so should be out soon13:22
DragnslcrTrouble- the release from Mozilla is official13:23
DragnslcrUnless you mean the Ubuntu packages13:24
sparkartI am having trouble with no volume at Youtube.13:25
Peace-sparkart: volume up13:31
sparkartWow, you idiot13:31
Peace-sparkart: be polite13:32
Peace-well i was bombed to console too but kde rc works here13:32
sparkartDo you know where I can get Intel Mobile 4 Series driver?13:33
Peace-i am sorry if i am idiot i don't know kid13:34
sparkartPerhaps I should turn on monitor, huh.13:35
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venikwhy do some windows get minimized automatically when others are maximized?14:47
venikOr-- How can I stop this annoying behavior from happening?14:47
DragnslcrCan't say I've ever seen that happen14:48
venikI have seen it b4, and it went away, and now returned14:48
venikThe windows in question are Pidgin and Lyx and Dolphin14:48
venikI cannot keep all three on the screen at the same time14:49
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veniksome windows simply seem to be "linked" to each other, and are minimized or maximized whenever their sister windows are doing the same thing14:50
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venikClosing one of the linked windows and then re-running the application seems to cure this curious behavior14:55
Matissewhere can I set "Strg + Alt + Backspace" as "kill X-Server"15:27
MatisseI already saw it somewhere in the settings some time ago and now I dont find it anymore15:27
Dragnslcr!dontzap | Matisse15:31
ubottuMatisse: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.15:31
MatisseDragnslcr, thanks!15:32
jimmy51_where does one play with desktop effects in jaunty?16:06
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Tm_Tjimmy51_: systemsettings -> desktop16:07
jimmy51_Tm_T: thanks16:07
Tm_Tjimmy51_: systemsettings has search/filter bar in top, does help finding things16:09
jimmy51_Tm_T: sweet.  I've got my tricked out nicely at home.  this is for a buddy, and I'm not at the machine to read them.  What are the typical favorites?  all i can think of is wobbly windows16:09
Tm_Tjimmy51_: I have no idea about others favourites16:10
jimmy51_i'll advise wobbly windows, jeanie minimize/maximize, and the rolling window switcher16:11
Peace-Hi guys16:26
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raturoalgien me puede ayudar es sobre amule16:30
francisc1701hi everyone!16:32
francisc1701"/var/tmp/kdecache-USERNAME/http" has grown to 2.8 GB. is it ok if I delete some of the files in it? They seem to be bits of websites I visited.16:34
Boufrancisc1701: which webbrowser do you user?16:36
francisc1701konqueror (kde3)16:36
Boucan't you clear konqueror cache from konqueror itself?16:37
Boulike in Firefox?16:37
francisc1701I have no idea. I'll check it out16:37
NiTzerfrancisc1701:  Yes you can clear the cache there.  Go go configure and then it is under web browsing and cache16:38
francisc1701I found it, but that can't be it. Disk cache size is set to 5 MB.16:40
conejohay alguien ahi ?16:41
NiTzerfrancisc1701:  I guess you could move the directory and rename it .old and then relaunch Konq and test16:47
francisc1701NiTzer: I'll try that, thanks16:49
=== xavierp is now known as xxavi
provaqualche italiano ?17:12
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:12
hxHi ever1, i need a music program that can play cds, amarok seem unable to do this.17:15
hxany recommendation?17:15
hxHi ever1, i need a music program that can play cds, amarok seem unable to do this.17:17
hxany recommendation?17:17
ugurhi all. I cannot enable bluetooth in my laptop. It was working before buy i didn't use it for a while17:18
francisc1701hx: I think vlc can play audio cds17:19
ugurwhen i run cat /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth i see it as disabled and when i try to open kbluetooth4 application i can see it in running processes but window doesn't appear17:20
NiTzer hx:  xmms2 can do it as well and is small17:20
tsimpsonhx: there is kscd17:21
NiTzer hx:  you can also do a search for cd audio on freshmeat.net and browse a ton of apps17:21
=== adam is now known as Guest26257
ActionParsniphx: amarok can play audio CDs17:22
ActionParsniphx: click file in the top left17:22
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tsimpsonAmarok 2 does not seem to be able to play CDs yet17:23
NiTzerAmarok 2 seems to want to import and convert if I remember correctly and it takes forever17:24
uguri am using amarok 1.4 on kubuntu jaunty17:25
ugurbecause all my collection info and lyrics was on mysql and amarok 2.0 cannot handle it as far as i know17:26
ugurdoes anyone know how to enable my bluetooth device? Previously it was connected to the wireless button and enabling wireless would also enable bluetooth but now it doesn't work17:29
ActionParsnipugur: i used 1.4 too. so much better than 217:29
uguryes i think amarok 1.4 is more stable than 217:29
gorgonizeranyone know how I can make Amarok 2 transfer music to my iPod?  Currently tells me " Malformed URL" and does nothing..17:30
Peace-...well 1.4 is an old program17:30
Peace-it's obvious17:30
ActionParsnip!ipod | gorgonizer17:30
ubottugorgonizer: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod17:30
a_c_mgetting a really anoying issue, mouse dragging seems to only work some of the time. ie i try to move a window, and it will loose the gab and then insta click on what ever is now under the cursor - anyone know what might be causing this?17:32
gorgonizerI know how to start the process in Amarok 2.1.1, but the process doesn't work, it gives me an information window saying Malformed URL, which I can cancel, but no tracks are transfered..17:32
=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
NerdzEverytime I boot up Kubuntu says its starting in Low graphics mode, is there a way to get around this from happening?17:42
DeadTreeHuggerhi, does anyone know when 4.3rc will be out on kubuntu?17:44
DragnslcrDeadTreeHugger- when it's ready17:45
ugurok i found what i need i ran sudo su first and then echo enable > /etc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth and it worked17:56
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kriox!debian lenny17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about debian lenny17:56
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)17:58
BluesKajkriox, whynot go to #debian17:58
tiborHello. I have a problem with a skype.17:58
tiborIf I am online, my friend can't call me.17:59
krioxBluesKaj: Thanks for help i looking for something like17:59
tiborIf they call me, then my skype told theit that I am offline.17:59
tiborWhat should I do with settings?18:00
NerdzEverytime I boot up Kubuntu says its starting in Low graphics mode, is there a way to get around this from happening?18:01
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chris__i have a problem in jaunty18:08
JuJuBeeAnyone have a suggestion as to how to add an old Parallel Okidata printer (laser) to Jaunty?18:08
chris__a while ago the system started to boot in safe graphics mode. when i kill kdm and restart it, everything works fine18:08
chris__any ideas what might cause this?18:08
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shadeslayerchris__: this happens every reboot?18:12
DrknezzHi guys! How can i make root gtk apps feel the same as kde?18:18
DrknezzNormal apps camo-up fine (Firefox, Totem ...) but root apps wont18:19
=== nino is now known as ana
DrknezzHi guys! How can i make root gtk apps feel the same as kde?18:24
DrknezzNormal apps camo-up fine (Firefox, Totem ...) but root apps wont18:24
DrknezzHi guys! How can i make root gtk apps feel the same as kde?18:29
DrknezzHi guys! How can i make root gtk apps feel the same as kde?18:29
=== s is now known as Guest24286
schroeder_i'm having a strange issue with browsers.  Firefox and epiphany dont start, but I can get sea monkey to run, but it crashes when I try to go to gmail.18:42
shadeslayerDrknezz: unfourtunately the only way is to use KDE apps18:43
Drknezzshadeslayer: :(18:43
Drknezzshadeslayer: kpackagekit and adept both suck18:43
shadeslayerschroeder_: try running them in terminals and see the output for anything18:43
shadeslayerDrknezz: CLI ftw !!18:43
Drknezzill have to stick with synaptic18:43
shadeslayerDrknezz: (that means i use sudo apt-get ;) )18:44
Drknezzshadeslayer: yeah, but it wont help when you dont know the name of the packages18:44
shadeslayerbye all18:44
Drknezzby bye18:44
shadeslayerDrknezz: try apt-cache search :)18:44
Drknezzwelll ;)18:44
shadeslayerDrknezz: apt-cache search <pkg> searches the package you need :)18:44
schroeder_thats not good.  "Segmentation fault"18:44
Drknezznot multiple packages18:45
Drknezzand the output isnt very clean18:45
Drknezzschroeder_: try reinstalling them18:46
Drknezzuninstall with purge18:46
Drknezzinstead of remove ;)18:46
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decembre_does somebody have a problem with grub splashimages ?19:04
g-hennuxhas anyone here dist-upgraded to kde 4.3-rc1?19:10
madsdydHi there. Anyone know how to enable the kwin desktop effects under kubuntu 9.04 (ATI HD 3400)19:14
g-hennuxmadsdyd: they should be enabled by default19:15
madsdydg-hennux: ok - how do I use them, then?19:15
* madsdyd feels like a complete idiot19:15
g-hennuxmadsdyd: otherwise: right-click on window bar -> set window behaviour19:15
madsdydThere it is19:15
g-hennuxthere you can edit all kind of effects19:15
madsdydI swear, it was not there 2 minutes ago!19:15
* madsdyd missese kcontrol19:16
g-hennuxmadsdyd: where do the first three letters of your nick come from? :-D19:16
* g-hennux ducks19:16
=== lauric is now known as Taillecrayon
Taillecrayonquelqu'un maitrise t'il bien le logiciel gimp ici?19:20
Dragnslcr!fr | Taillecrayon19:20
ubottuTaillecrayon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:20
traumaэммм, а это русский канал?19:20
Taillecrayond'accord merci19:21
g-hennuxhas anyone here dist-upgraded to kde 4.3-rc1?19:21
traumaDoes any body uses kubuntu in virtual pc?19:22
rajatthis is first time i'm on IRC.....so hello19:27
neosimagoany suggestions as to best accessing a webdav shared resource on the local LAN?19:29
neosimagoI had the thought that dolphin should be able to map the network drive using the webdav protocol.19:30
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
g-hennuxhas anyone here dist-upgraded to kde 4.3-rc1?19:54
MK13is it possible to install drivers on a persistent USB install of kubuntu?20:05
htrejhi installed kubuntu today, but i am in trouble installing nvidia20:17
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.2.4 available http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.4 | 4.3 RC arriving in Kubuntu Backports PPA (disable if you don't want it) https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Tutorials Monday 19:00UTC https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic
htrejhwhen i try to activate it, nothing happens, so i tried to install nvidia-glx, but it still doesn't work, can someone help me?20:17
BluesKajhtrejh, which nvidia card20:18
htrejhGeforce 9800GT20:18
htrejhworked yesterday when i still used ubuntu, but i did a new install today20:18
htrejhbut when i clicked on "Activate" it didn't react20:19
g-hennuxdoes akonadi work for anyone with kde 4.3-rc1 here??20:19
g-hennuxfor me, it jusn't doesn't show up in kontact nor in the system settings panel20:19
htrejhBlueSkaj: btw: direct rendering: Yes20:19
htrejhbut glxgears freezes the system and i can't use desktop effects20:20
BluesKajhtrejh, nvidia-glx-180 driver ?20:21
htrejhhm dunno what i did, but it works now, strange20:21
BluesKajglxgears ?20:23
mjvHi.. I have some trouble installing from the kubuntu 9.04 amd alternative cd20:29
mjvall goes well until after debootstrapping when the installer tries to mount the cdrom-drive20:30
mjvfor some reason it get IO-errors and the mount fails20:30
mjvand in the ALT-f4 window the installer asks for the the install cd...20:31
krioxhi if it possible that after a few upgrade the sistem go slow?20:31
mjvthe cd is fine according to the test in the beginning20:31
mjvdoes anybody no what is wrong?20:32
madsdydAnyone know what I need to get the twitter plasmoid working?20:34
chris__my system always starts out in safe graphics mode. it's been doing so since one of the updates. restarting kdm brings everything back to normal. does anybody know what this might be?20:35
TheNumberHi All20:36
khaije|amaltahhh... 4.3, i was wondering what was up with that20:37
khaije|amaltthats the first rc? how does it run?20:38
o_aI've upgraded KDE to 4.3 RC20:41
o_aBut then the task manager just disappeared20:42
o_aAnyone else had this bug?20:43
mib486hi guys, how do i get into the properties of a pic, just right-click properties does not show me many details id like to know such as what kind of camera took that pic etc... is there a "sudo" way or something?20:49
serionHi everyone.20:51
secaccmib486: I think, there is no way for that20:52
serionat mib : Try looking for a Exif Reader20:55
serionThe Data (I.e.) What camera took the pic etc,  is called Exif Data.20:55
serion'Ubuntu Exif Reader'20:55
mib486is it in the repos?20:57
xphi all20:57
xpI'me new20:58
TheNumberWellcome xp ^^20:58
xphi guys Linux is good ;)20:59
htrejhi do not get sound using wine, but it works with kde, i have a clean kubuntu desktop (no ubuntu and/or pulseaudio), can someone help me?21:00
xphow can I change my nick?21:00
lettermanThis is a tragedy, why does Firefox 3.0 ship without GTK but Firefox 3.5 require GTK?21:00
serionI don't believe a Exif Reader is in the Repo's. Google is your friend :)21:00
TheNumberxp: /nick TheNickOfYourChoice ^^21:01
divanI must say kde's 4.3.0 RC1 default Air theme is a huge letdown. Its actually quite terrible. I rate it shouldn't be default and certainly shouldn't have made its first appearance in RC1.21:06
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vbgunzanyone know why windows do not fade in or out? is there a tweak for this?21:19
scorpioпривет всем!!!21:28
Unksi!ru | scorpio21:28
ubottuscorpio: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:28
=== vaness is now known as Basilic
Basilicbonsoir tous le monde21:36
Basilicy a t'il quelqu'un pour m'aider pour une config réseau?21:36
Dragnslcr!fr | Basilic21:36
ubottuBasilic: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:36
Basilicsorry every body21:37
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PapaChub!en | PapaChub21:40
ubottuPapaChub, please see my private message21:40
PapaChubAnybody know of an NFS server that supports "static_map" ?21:45
PapaChubEr, "map_static"21:46
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Basilicgood bye21:48
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InforMedHI! Task manger doesn't work on kde 4.3 rc1! Can someone confirm this bug?22:13
InforMed*Task manager22:14
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reagleBRKLNi'm on intrepid using kate-kde3, my menu bar is now kind of screwed up, e.g., there's no entries under the "edit" menu. Any idea what that might be, and where such things are configured?22:37
reagleBRKLNeven if I log in with a new user, they're missing22:37
andy__can anybody see the videos on http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html ?? it says relaplayer or quicktime. But i cannot get it playing. I have mplayer plugin installed.23:04
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jamesjedimasterandy__: I couldn't see the video on the page, but I can on realplayer, taking the src tag from the source code of the page23:15
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andy__jamesjedimaster: I was hoping to be able to do so with only FLOSS apps, so no realplayer23:16
jamesjedimasterperhaps try to reinstall the plugins23:17
kaddiis there an easy way to know if a package is from ubuntu or if it is from kde?23:18
TurkeyroleHi everyone. I just installed Kubuntu 9.04 and I can't get the internet settings to work.23:22
TurkeyroleI've been trying for awhile and even though I have made a new connection with the correct addresses it won't connect23:23
Turkeyrolenew connection settings I should say23:23
TurkeyroleI have static IP, the new connection has the right IP, gateway and DNS entered, however when I click on the toolbar it trys to connect, but doesn't.23:25
TurkeyroleThere is also an etho0 auto connection there and I don't know if it is in the way or how to get rid of it.23:26
TurkeyroleI can't connect to my local router or DSL modem, through Konqueror.23:30
TurkeyroleAfter restarting my new connection isn't found in the toolbar, just etho0. It is still created in the network settings, but I can't try to connect with it now.23:32
AdolaHi!  I'm having huge problems with Alsa, but, I think the problem is actually with my soundcard and it's drivers, how can I check to see if my sound card is recognized?23:33
ign0ramusAdola, "aplay -l"23:35
ign0ramusAdola, or "asoundconf list"23:35
Adolaign0ramus: No sound card found.23:37
AdolaI recently did a security update, and everything broke, i thought it was alsa, but, it's clearly this.23:37
AdolaCan someoen help me with making my sound card work?23:37
ign0ramusAdola, yup. what kernel are you currently using? i think there was an update today23:37
AdolaYes, it was the update today.23:37
Adolauname -r?23:38
ign0ramusAdola, there was a kernel upgrade today for 2.6.29.x but I'm using 2.6.30, so i don't really notice any of those effects23:38
ign0ramusAdola, oh, maybe it was 2.6.28 then... not sure23:39
ign0ramusAdola, you can try your older kernel, or 2.6.30, found here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.3023:40
Adolaign0ramus: That was the kernel I had before.23:40
AdolaWill that ppa update my kernel automatically?23:40
ign0ramusAdola, its just a few .debs to install.  you will still retain your original kernel(s)23:41
Adolaign0ramus: Do I need Headers, source, and image .deb?23:42
ign0ramusAdola, source is not required.  but headers "all" is.23:42
AdolaI just got headers i38623:43
ign0ramusAdola, for 32 bit, do this:23:44
ign0ramusAdola, wget -c http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/linux-headers-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/linux-headers-2.6.30-020630_2.6.30-020630_all.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/linux-image-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb23:44
ign0ramusAdola, then install using: sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb linux-headers-2.6.30-020630_2.6.30-020630_all.deb linux-image-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb23:45
AdolaI'm just getting them http way, I can just install them as regular debs rigth?23:45
plaguehivhey can anyone help me? im ahving trubble to install my ati ax1650 driver.23:45
ign0ramusAdola, sure. but using 2 commands via cli is slicker ;)23:45
ign0ramus!ati | plaguehiv23:46
ubottuplaguehiv: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:46
plaguehivlol, didnt think "that far" tnx -.-'23:46
AdolaDoes it matter the order of install?23:47
ign0ramusAdola, i personally use 2.6.30 because of my Intel graphics, but it has a bunch of upgrades. For more info, see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058223:47
plaguehivwell, when i typ in ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run --iscurrentdistro23:47
plaguehivit says "bash: ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run: Permission denied23:47
Adolaign0ramus: I have intel graphics..23:47
AdolaI think..23:48
AdolaAcer Aspire One D25023:48
ign0ramusAdola, if you do, i strongly recommend that tutorial then :)23:48
thesandmancan someone tell me if these are a list of bash commands and if not where can I find them? http://paste.ubuntu.com/208627/23:48
plaguehivcheers, will come back if i get more trubble.23:48
ign0ramusplaguehiv, cheers :)23:49
ign0ramusthesandman, see here: http://www.ss64.com/bash/23:49
thesandman<IGN0RAMUS>  Thanks23:49
ign0ramusthesandman, np :)23:50
ign0ramusthesandman, there is plenty more you can do in bash, but i believe that represents most of core-utils ;)23:50
hatseris there an opensource skype client?23:50
thesandman<Ign0ramus> I really do appreciate it23:51
ign0ramusthesandman, i know how you feel. that's why i keep coming back ;)23:51
ign0ramushatser, gizmo was touted to be FOSS, but i don't think it's GPL :(23:52
ign0ramusthesandman, this is handy if you're learning bash: http://fosswire.com/post/2008/4/ubuntu-cheat-sheet/23:52
thesandman<Ign0ramus> Honestly you can try and immagine how I feel but I dont think anyone in this chat really understands my frustration and what I'm going through with this linux software...I really am trying to understand it and learn from all you GURU's and I really do appreaciate each and every sould that has helped me DEARLY23:54
ign0ramusthesandman, 1) I'm no guru (see my nick) and 2) Linux is an OS just like any other, only *much* more rewarding when you unlock its capabilities :)23:55
thesandmanwell so far I think Linux has paid off not sure in which area's but I feel it's a tad bit more secure than Microsof.....But any way Thanks People....23:56
ign0ramusthesandman, that's one area that is unquestionable :)  good luck!23:56
simon__Hallo, ich hab kurz ne Frage weil ich grad kubuntu installiert hab, hatte vorher debian lenny installiert.23:58
ign0ramus!de | simon__23:58
ubottusimon__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:58
simon__hi - just got one short question. because i recently used debian lenny, what does kde 3.5 use for an audiosystem?23:59
simon__does it use arts too?23:59

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