
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is matsubara.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
matsubaraWelcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.16:00
matsubara[TOPIC] Roll Call16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Roll Call16:00
matsubaraonly half of you henninge ? :-)16:01
matsubarastub, hi16:01
matsubararockstar, hi16:01
matsubarabigjools, hello16:01
henningematsubara: yes, sorry, concurrent meeting in #ubuntu-meeting16:01
matsubaraok, everyone is here16:02
matsubaraUrsinha sends apologies as she's still ill16:02
matsubara[TOPIC] Agenda16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Agenda16:02
matsubara * Actions from last meeting16:02
matsubara * Oops report & Critical Bugs16:02
matsubara * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm)16:02
matsubara * DBA report (stub)16:02
matsubara[TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  * Actions from last meeting16:02
matsubara * Ursinha to talk to flacoste about buildbot and storm updating for testing when he's available today16:03
matsubaraI've asked Ursinha and she did that16:03
matsubaraso, moving on16:03
matsubara[TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  * Oops report & Critical Bugs16:03
matsubaraI have 1 bug and 2 oopses for today. bug 394560 for malone, OOPS-1274A1231 for translations and OOPS-1274ED146 for registry16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394560 in launchpad "LookupError: unknown encoding: processing email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39456016:04
matsubarawho should I talk to to update ubottu oops urls?16:04
matsubara[action] matsubara to chase owner of ubottu to update the oops url16:04
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to chase owner of ubottu to update the oops url16:04
matsubaraintellectronica, I need to try to reproduce bug 394560 and add more info16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394560 in launchpad "LookupError: unknown encoding: processing email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39456016:05
rockstarmatsubara, you should chase the owner with a bit of wood.16:05
matsubaraintellectronica, once I do that, do you think you can assign someone for a fix?16:05
* intellectronica looking16:06
matsubararockstar, you mean like a club?16:06
flacostei hate to say this, but this looks like a Foundations issue :-(16:06
intellectronicamatsubara: sure, i'll assign to myself and investigate. i have no idea, off the top of my head, what the problem is16:07
matsubaraflacoste, intellectronica: ok, I'll try to reproduce the issue today and let you know. I'll move the bug to the right project accordingly16:07
rockstarmatsubara, :)16:07
flacosteintellectronica: well, it seems that we are trying to decode the string16:07
flacostebased on the encoding specified in the email16:07
flacosteand that encoding is x-unknown16:07
flacostewhich of course doesn't exist16:07
flacosteso i'd say from the face of it it's a client-side problem16:07
matsubara[action] matsubara to reproduce bug 394560, add more info and work with team responsible to have it prioritized16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394560 in launchpad "LookupError: unknown encoding: processing email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39456016:07
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to reproduce bug 394560, add more info and work with team responsible to have it prioritized16:07
henningematsubara: that oops is covered by bug 39422416:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394224 in rosetta "More unique constraints in updateTranslation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39422416:08
matsubarahenninge, I see it's already triaged and prioritized, so thanks!16:08
intellectronicaflacoste: yeah, if that's the case then it's not a bug16:09
matsubarasinzui, the other one is a OOPS-1274ED146 a timeout on team membership view16:09
matsubarasinzui, it's issuing > 3000 queries16:09
matsubaraso it probably can be optimized further16:10
matsubara[action] matsubara to file a bug for OOPS-1274ED14616:10
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to file a bug for OOPS-1274ED14616:10
intellectronicaflacoste: or maybe it's worth coercing x-unknown to None, if that's a common behaviour for mailers16:10
sinzuiThis looks just like the timout for merging teams16:10
sinzuimatsubara: I will ask Edwin to look into this since the problem look identical16:11
matsubarasinzui, thanks. once I have a bug for it I'll assign to him16:11
matsubarasinzui, looking at the page where the oops happened, doesn't seem related to team merge16:11
sinzuiThe two repeat queries are the same that I looked at two hours16:12
matsubaraI see. I'll file a bug anyway and can dupe later on to the team merge bug if that's the case16:13
matsubarasinzui, thanks16:13
sinzuimatsubara: We have a systemic problem in that we do not have a standard method to get a lot of IPerson16:13
matsubarasinzui, so the fix for the team merge one will include such a method?16:14
sinzuiNo not at all, We need a big spec to fix a systemic problem16:14
* sinzui created a spec yesterday to end the nightmare of deactivated account being members or owners of other Launchpad objects16:15
matsubarasinzui, by spec you mean a blueprint or a new story or something else?16:15
sinzuiI mean both. It is a project that requires lots of planning and breakdown into work16:16
matsubarafor the critical bugs: we have two, one in progress which the fix is ready (according to the bug report) and another one in Triaged state16:17
matsubarabug 391903 and bug 39056316:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391903 in launchpad-code "Scanner user needs more database permissions" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39190316:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390563 in bzr "absent factory exception from smart server when streaming 2a stacked branches" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39056316:17
matsubararockstar, do you know about the latter one? the lp-code bugtask is in triaged state16:18
rockstarmatsubara, so, there were two issues here, one client side, one server side.  The server side one has been fixed on Launchpad.16:18
matsubarasinzui, all right. where are you keeping track of this work? I'd like to link bugs that might benefit from it to the spec16:18
stubbug 391903 should probably not be critical - a patch and test update needs to land this cycle sometime. Production is fine at the moment.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391903 in launchpad-code "Scanner user needs more database permissions" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39190316:19
sinzuiA blueprint. I have not scheduled it since my team may state it requires an infinite number of monkeys to complete16:19
matsubarastub, is it not critical anymore because the permissions were granted on the production db?16:19
stubI think so. The patch does have to land before next rollout though or that will revert. Does that count as critical?16:20
matsubarasinzui, right. let me know the URL please16:20
flacostestub, matsubara: that should simply be high16:21
matsubaraI'll lower the importance. thanks flacoste and stub16:21
matsubararockstar, since it was fixed on LP, could you set the bug as fix released?16:21
sinzuimatsubara: systemic problems are not fixed in critical issues. I am mearly stating that I expect to continue to allocate staff to fix these timeout issues until we have new tools to get masses of users and teams from the db16:21
matsubarasinzui, the oops I brought to you today is not critical.16:23
rockstarmatsubara, I think there are some other things we're trying to track (like the client side issue), but I'll raise it in the standup today.16:23
sinzuimatsubara: So I do not need to fix this this cycle?16:23
matsubarasinzui, what I'm trying to do is link those bugs to the blueprint, so when the systemic problem is fixed, we can fix the oopses with the new infrastructure (or at least consider those bugs while implementing the new infrastructure)16:24
matsubarasinzui, I don't think they are critical, since it's a soft time out. I'm bringing the issue to you to keep it on your radar16:25
sinzuimatsubara: I must create a blueprint for this class of problem first16:25
matsubara[action] sinzui to create a blueprint about the systemic problem in retrieving lots of IPerson and let matsubara know16:26
MootBotACTION received:  sinzui to create a blueprint about the systemic problem in retrieving lots of IPerson and let matsubara know16:26
matsubararockstar, thanks!16:26
matsubaraI think that's all for the oops & critical bugs section16:27
matsubarathanks everyone16:27
matsubara[TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm)16:27
MootBotNew Topic:  * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm)16:27
matsubaraherb, ?16:27
herbSince I totally slacked off last week on the OSA report, I'll cover the last two weeks here.16:28
herb2009-06-24 - Production rollout to r2.2.6. Rollout took longer and caused unforseen downtime. Details can be found in the incident report.16:28
herb2009-06-26 - Cherry picked r8204 to codehost16:28
herb2009-06-26 - Cherry picked r8205 to lpnet*, edge* and the scripts server.16:28
herb2009-06-26 - Cherry picked r8701 and r8703 to lpnet* and (part of) soyuz.16:28
herbSince the 2.2.6 rollout we've seen a slight uptick in load on the app servers and, early on at least, significant load on the code importers.16:28
herbStaging has seen signifcant memory leaks. The app server has often been 5-10GB resident. This is a pretty bug that will clearly need to be resolved before we can push to production.16:28
flacosteherb: it's because of the storm update, stub thinks he landed a fix today16:29
flacosteherb: plan is to land this storm update on edge once it clears staging16:29
herbflacoste: I figured. I'd like to see it running on staging for a couple of days without leaks before seeing it on edge.16:29
flacosteherb: sure16:30
matsubaraI'll assign bug 393990 to stub and move to -foundations.16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393990 in launchpad "staging app server using too much memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39399016:30
flacostematsubara: that's actually a dupe16:31
herbmatsubara: that's probably a dupe of 39086116:31
herbsorry #39086116:31
matsubarabug 39086116:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390861 in launchpad-foundations "Appserver memory issues with Storm 0.14" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39086116:31
matsubaraah, ok. so it's all fine16:32
flacostematsubara: bug 39086116:32
matsubarawell, not fine, but at least it's being tracked :-)16:32
matsubarathanks herb and flacoste16:32
matsubaralet's move on16:32
matsubara[TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  * DBA report (stub)16:32
stubStaging is now hopefully running a non-leaking version of Storm (0.14 + r290 from lp:storm). Its been up for maybe an hour now with no sign of memory bloat, so it is looking promising. if all goes well, next step is to land this on launchpad/devel for testing on edge.16:32
stubI repaired about 1300 invalid crosslinks between Person and EmailAddress as best I could. Hopefully these were caused by manual updates or since fixed bugs. The other 2.7 million records are fine. Admins or myself should be able to recover any lost permissions of branches if the reclaim account and merge processes don't suffice. garbo-nightly.py is growing detection of this case (code done, tests to go).16:32
matsubaraquestion to stub?16:34
matsubaraok, I think that's all for today then.16:34
matsubaraThank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See the channel topic for the location of the logs.16:35
herbstub: is the permissions reclamation process documented?16:35
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:35.16:35
matsubaraoops, sorry herb16:35
herbno problem16:35
intellectronicathanks matsubara16:35
stubherb: No - it will depend what the problem is. Most people affected (assuming they are active users) should be able to recover things using their registered email addresses.16:36
stubherb: It should be like a forgotten password...16:36
* stub crosses fingers16:36
herbheh. got it.16:37
sinzuimatsubara: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+spec/efficient-user-sets16:37
matsubarasinzui, thanks16:39
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