
thumpermxpxpod: part of what you are talking about are sub-trees in a bazaar branch00:03
thumpermxpxpod: there has been some work on this recently, but not yet production ready00:03
mxpxpodthumper: oh, really?00:03
mxpxpodthumper: gotcha00:03
thumpermxpxpod: as in you have a branch, and inside there you say src/foo is actually lp:foo00:04
thumpermxpxpod: so when someone gets your branch, it goes and gets the other branch too00:04
thumperhence, sub-trees00:04
mxpxpodthumper: yeah, something like that... sort of like svn:externals00:04
thumpersee #bzr for status00:04
wgrantbeuno: Are you aware that while project custom icons are fixed, project groups are still broken?00:13
beunowgrant, I am not00:14
beunofile it and I'll fix it00:14
beunoassign directly to me  :)00:14
beunothanks wgrant00:14
wgrantWhy are the comment numbers, which are perhaps the least interesting information about the comment, in the prime position in the header?00:16
wgrantAnd why does that use a table?00:16
beunowgrant, comment numbers are used so people can refer to them00:17
beunono idea about the table00:17
wgrantbeuno: They make it harder to quickly scan down the list of comments, looking for interesting ones by a certain person.00:17
beunoit seems to be using up too much space00:17
wgrantAnd I need to know them maybe a few times a month.00:17
beunoyeah, the activity loos broken00:17
beunowgrant, file it as well, we need to have another iteration over this!  :)00:18
wgrantI think those changes also broke lots of other stuff.00:18
wgrantBecause the padding changed.00:18
beunoit did00:18
wgrantAnd two other places use boardComment, although one only started doing so yesterday IIRC>00:18
beunothumper's sad00:18
beunoI'm off to dinner00:19
wgrantSure, thanks.00:19
beunobut we absolutely need to nail this00:19
beunoso thanks for bringing it up00:19
beuno(hadn't seen it live)00:19
wgrantAgainst where shall I file the padding bug? It affects soyuz/launchpad-code, but is probably a malone bug.00:19
beunowgrant, malone is probably best00:19
beunoif in doubt00:19
wgrantYou mean launchpad?00:19
wgrantI'm not sure why foundations would want it. So malone it is.00:20
jercosHi, I just recieved a bug on one of my projects that I can't quite describe as spam... but it basically went "Hi, I'm Alejandra and I need friends"00:57
jercosI didn't see any "delete bug" or "report creator" buttong :-\00:58
nhandlerjercos: You can't delete it, but you can mark it as 'Invalid' so that it does not show up in most listings01:00
nhandlerjercos: If you post a link to the user's profile, the LP admins can decide how to handle it01:01
jercosSo, add an Invalid tag?01:01
nhandlerjercos: No, change the status01:01
jercosactual bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/artemis/+bug/39408301:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 394083 in artemis "alejandra" [Low,Invalid]01:04
spivHuh, I just logged into to launchpad, but the pages afterwards are still asking me to log in/register.01:32
spivHmm, it worked the second time.01:33
wgrantspiv: edge redirect01:35
wgrantBug #16019101:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160191 in ubuntu "Beta testers asked to log in twice (launchpad.net then edge.launchpad.net)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16019101:35
wgrantWhy are there so few amd64 buildds?01:37
wgrantThe queue is quickly getting longer.01:38
spivwgrant: hmm, yes, I guess that's it, I initially loaded LP via a link in an email.01:45
yoliEnter text here...hola06:25
anderskDoes anyone understand why this build failed? https://launchpad.net/~anders-kaseorg/+archive/openafs/+build/110271506:39
anderskThe upload log claims "Upload was rejected: debhelper_7.0.13ubuntu1~dapper1~andersk3_all.deb control file lists section as main/ but changes file has main/devel."06:40
wgrantandersk: The control file in your binary is broken.06:40
* wgrant inspects the source and build log.06:40
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kblinhi folks09:02
kblinI seem to remember some talk about open-sourcing launchpad "pretty soon now" some while ago.. did I miss the announcement or has this not happened yet09:03
tsimpsonkblin: the link in the topic has the information09:03
kblind'oh, missed that one09:04
popeymorning :)09:06
dholbachuntil https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/393914 is fixed, could somebody please set ~locoteams to "restricted"?09:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 393914 in launchpad-registry "~team membership of ~X-merged can not be deactivated" [Low,Triaged]09:06
dholbachwe get a people who want to (pointlessly) join the team :)09:06
dholbachpopey said that LP oopses out, when he tries to set it manually09:07
popeyi see lp has been updated09:07
popeywill try again as i haven't done so in a week or so09:08
popeywill wait till I am off 3g though first09:08
popey30 mins09:08
dholbachpopey: let me try and see if I can do it09:09
dholbachpopey:  "6165 member(s)  have not set their location. Do it for them!"09:09
dholbachholy COW :)09:09
dholbachpopey: ah no, can't change it, I'm not owner09:09
dholbachpopey: I guess I don't need to be admin either09:10
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dstansbyIs anyone else having trouble using launchpad at the moment?09:15
wgrantdstansby: It's working OK for me.09:18
dstansbyI'm using the beta version if that makes a difference09:18
dstansbyIt's just that I've been trying to subscribe someone else to a bug for about 10mins now and it's not working  :(09:18
wgrantdstansby: Ah, there are a few problems in the subscription area. Who are you trying to subscribe?09:20
dstansbywgrant: ubuntu-main-sponsors09:20
dstansbyIt seems to have worked now though09:20
wgrantAnd what happens when you try?09:20
dstansbyIt either didn't work at all, and came up with an error box that didn't provide any useful info and an OK button, or the team came up under subscribers, but was greyed out and wansn't subscribed09:22
wgrantdstansby: Hmm, you're right, edge is a bit broken.09:28
popey(Error ID: OOPS-1279EB60)09:39
popeydholbach: (Error ID: OOPS-1279EC65) when i tried to switch ~locoteams to restricted09:50
dholbachpopey: let's wait for the fine masters of LP to fix it then :)09:56
rmajhello, i get a timeout - (Error ID: OOPS-1279D2101)10:08
rmajI guess my search was too wide10:12
mdzI'm getting quite a few "Please try again" pages10:13
bigjoolselmo: ^10:14
bigjoolsmdz: is that on edge?10:14
mdzbigjools, yes10:14
mdzjust got another10:14
mdzPlease try again10:15
mdzSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.10:15
mdzTry reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.10:15
mdzThanks for your patience.10:15
mdzwhat does that page mean in terms of where the failure occurred?10:15
wgrantIt generally means that an appserver has hung.10:15
wgrantOr, given the frequency of them that I've been seeing, several.10:16
bigjoolsrmaj: that looks like a spurious timeout, I can't see anything wrong other than a slow database response, is it still doing it?10:17
bigjoolswgrant: that's my guess too10:18
wgrantbigjools: Any idea what's going on with empty PPA sections sometimes showing up?10:20
bigjoolswgrant: no, I am going to debug it shortly10:20
wgrantI wonder if it's private archive subscriptions.10:20
bigjoolsI doubt it10:21
wgrantSince the sort of people that I'd expect to have them show the problem.10:21
mdzbigjools, yes, it's still doing it.  is anyone responding?10:48
nailorai am getting lots of "Please try again                    Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.         " recently11:03
nailoraa known problem?11:03
rmajbigjools: I get this all the time11:17
bigjoolsnailora: yes, known problem if you're using the edge servers11:17
bigjoolsrmaj: ok thanks11:18
rmajwell, like 2 out of 4 tries11:18
dholbachbigjools: I guess a "502 Bad Gateway" using edge for the LP API might have the same cause?11:22
bigjoolsdholbach: yes11:22
dholbachoh... the "don't redirect me to edge for 2 hours" button is gone11:27
dholbachdoes anybody have the link to that button? :)11:28
wgrantdholbach: https://launchpad.net/11:28
dholbachah ok11:28
wgrantIt doesn't show up on https://edge.launchpad.net/11:28
dholbachyeah, I just noticed :-)11:28
bigjoolsheh, there's a bug to put that button on the edge front page too11:28
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: Timeouts due to failing app-server -- watch here for updates | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
wgrantBug #39120811:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391208 in launchpad "would like to have the cancel redirect on edge. home page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39120811:30
dholbachwgrant knows Launchpad bug numbers by heart11:30
dholbachthat's amazing11:30
bigjoolshe's our groupie11:30
dholbachI mean it's easy... Launchpad doesn't have that many bugs11:31
wgrantdholbach: 'fraid I just have Evo's search feature.11:31
dholbachbut pedro_ and seb128 are killer: they know all desktop bug numbers, no matter if it's ubuntu, debian or gnome upstream by heart11:31
bigjoolsdholbach: haha :)11:31
dholbacheven the old ones that are already fixed11:31
* dholbach hugs y'all11:32
oSoMoNhi all11:41
mrevellhi oSoMoN11:42
wgrantmrevell: Might it be advisable to recommend turning off the redirect in the topic?11:42
mrevellwgrant: Yeah, good idea11:43
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: Getting timeouts on edge? Visit launchpad.net to disable the timeout. | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
dholbachdisable the redirection? :)11:46
wgrantHe got it right on identi.ca.11:47
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: Getting timeouts on edge? Visit launchpad.net to disable the redirect. | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
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FerzzzWas there a problem with the API of launchpad this morning?12:06
FerzzzWe got plenty of 502 and 503 while trying to create bugs...12:07
wgrantFerzzz: Yep. See the topic.12:08
FerzzzGreat. It's fixed now, but I justed wanted a confimation. Thanks a lot12:09
holzmodemhi, need some help, how can i build a patched kernel inside a ppa, that does NOT over the original one? all my patched kernels override the original, so i cant fallback12:15
tsimpsonholzmodem: you'll get better support on packaging in #ubuntu-motu12:18
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HewHi. I need admin support for changing the bugtracker for the revelation project.13:20
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
mrevellHew: Please file a request at https://answers.launchpad.net/answers and one of the admins will take care of it.13:42
wgrantmrevell: You mean https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad?13:42
mrevellAch, yes13:42
mrevellHew: As wgrant says, that's https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad13:43
Laneywhat's the rationale behind displaying PPA packages on source package pages?14:19
Laneyespecially in such a prominent position14:19
noodles775Hi Laney, it's still a work in progress...14:19
noodles775I'm actually working on a branch right now to make it much less prominent...14:19
noodles775(ie. it'll be a collapsed section that will only be expanded if you click)14:19
Laneyfair enough. Have you had requests for this? I can't think of a use case14:20
noodles775Laney, yes, the discussion is on bug 28095814:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280958 in soyuz "Package page doesn't show related PPAs for that package" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28095814:20
noodles775And if you've got time for a bit of feedback, the last comment there has a 5second video showing the new less-prominent version...14:21
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Laneynoodles775: That's much better. I find myself agreeing with Scott's comments though, give how PPAs are used.14:24
LaneyFor example I sometimes upload random testing uploads that have a high chance of being broken and I'd hate to hear of someone stumbling across and using them...14:25
noodles775Laney: great. Thanks for the feedback.14:25
noodles775Yes, eventually they will be ordered by *rank*14:25
noodles775And that will definitely be an issue until we have ranks (hence trying to be clear about it in the text, that it's ordered by most recently uploaded)14:26
noodles775I'm finding that one of the hardest things with Launchpad UI is that there are two very distinct target user groups with very different expectations...14:27
LaneyI can kind of only see the potential pain and not the benefits. People should only use PPAs if they know why they want to, which is why they're useful when promoted alongside blog posts and the like14:27
Laneyas a developer I don't see why I want this14:28
Laneympt argues for consistency across parts of launchpad, but it's often the case that bzr branches are used very differently from PPAs14:28
mptLaney, I'm asking for consistency between the same type of item on *the same page* :-P14:29
noodles775Laney: I think that's the key thing though, it isn't developers who *would* want this...14:30
LaneyOK consider the recent pidgin bug where Yahoo! was broken14:30
Laneyit's reasonable to think that users would somehow find the Launchpad source package page for this when looking for a solution14:31
noodles775Yes, hence the bold "untrusted and unsupported"14:31
Laneynow what if I upload a package which does rm -rf /....14:31
LaneyI doubt that this will defer people14:31
noodles775Yep, that's a general problem with any .deb that gets installed on a users system right?14:31
Laneyright, but we don't promote them14:31
noodles775We haven't, but people are doing it non-the-less...14:32
Laneythere's a difference between the gun existing and us showing you where it is14:32
noodles775So if it's between installing a deb of the latest blah package or installing the beta-ppa....14:32
Laneyanyway maybe PPA ranking does solve this, I don't know what it is14:33
noodles775Laney, yep, I agree, but is there an option to show people how to best use one (a gun is a bad example...)14:33
noodles775Yes, hopefully.14:33
noodles775Laney: btw, I've been thinking about the concept of 'trusted software archives' lately, if you're interested and have time:14:34
noodles775I'm relatively new to packaging etc., but am keen to learn and help find a good long-term solution to the problem.14:34
LaneyI don't know, it's a very difficult problem. The way it works in Ubuntu is to prove yourself with several months of good work, after which your peers will have enough knowledge to be able to confidently advocate your trustworthiness. It's not obvious how to translate this to PPA archives...14:38
noodles775Yeah... I guess the idea that an actual PPA archive could contain signed certificates, so when you go to add a PPA, you'll know who has said that they trust that PPA (if anyone)14:40
noodles775s/that/is that14:40
mptAh, the expander is a nice way of making them less obtrusive14:40
mptnoodles775, have you sent it to PQM yet?14:41
gaspaHi, changes file have not charset set in Content-Type header... were they utf-8 or what?14:41
noodles775mpt: no... I'm just sending it for review now...14:41
mptok, I'll be quiet then :-)14:42
Laneynoodles775: what about team PPAs though?14:42
noodles775Laney: sorry, in what context? (the current feature, or the topic of trusted software archives)14:43
Laneytrusted archives :)14:43
LaneyI don't know how I could genuinely say that I trust a team PPA, because I have no idea who's going to come along in the future14:44
noodles775Laney: Ah I see... yes, so I guess you would only sign a certificate for teams that you had confidence in (perhaps backed by an organisation, or well established etc.)?14:44
Laneyit's hard to do with a lot of foss projects14:45
Laneyand trusting someone to develop good software isn't the same as trusting them to make decent Debian packages14:45
LaneyI don't envy you trying to figure this out :)14:45
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=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
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geserwhat can cause a "HTTP Error 412: Precondition Failed" when calling task.lp_save() after updating task.status and task.importance for a newly created bug?15:31
salgadogeser, maybe the user doesn't have the rights to set the bug to that specific state15:33
geserhmm, that user was me (I was using requestsync) and I updated the status and importance through the web ui as the bug was already created15:36
MrKanisterHi, I got a question: Why is it that launchpad does convert "LP: #bug" into a link, but "lp: #bug" not15:47
MrKanisterFor example last version of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pybootchartgui15:47
rockstarMrKanister, you could probably file a bug about that.15:49
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MrKanisterrockstar: Thanks for your answer. Should it be filed against the launchpad projekt or something specific?15:50
rockstarMrKanister, file it against launchpad-foundations, please.15:51
MrKanisterrockstar: Thank you. I will do that then.15:52
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oubiwannum, guys? I'm having *serious* problems with launchpad....16:18
oubiwannI can't login16:18
oubiwannand when I do the password request, it says that my account details have not been found16:19
oubiwannI asked radix to check out my user page from the link in Launchpad16:19
oubiwannand he says that he sees a note saying that this user does not use launchpad16:20
radixhe definitely used to, especially given there's a user icon16:20
radixand he has tons of karma16:20
oubiwanndon't take my karma, mr. luanchpad!16:21
oubiwannUrsinha: you around?16:21
Ursinhaoubiwann, yes :)16:21
Ursinhalet me read16:21
oubiwannUrsinha: thanks!16:21
Ursinhaoh, this is odd16:22
oubiwannUrsinha: yeah! I feel like someone's robbed my house :-(16:23
oubiwannand my office!16:23
* oubiwann wonders if he can push branches to lp:~oubiwann...16:24
Ursinhaoubiwann, can you try that, please?16:24
oubiwannUrsinha: fail16:26
Ursinhaoubiwann, hm16:26
oubiwannbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "<Fault -1: 'OOPS-1279XMLP18'>")16:27
evanrmurphydanilos: Out of curiosity, how does message sharing handle Karma points?16:28
danilosevanrmurphy: they are not duplicated (i.e. even if a translation is shared, you get karma points only once)16:29
evanrmurphydanilos: Makes sense, thanks. :)16:30
oubiwannUrsinha: radix mentioned something about a session deletion that happened yesterday... could this be related?16:31
Ursinhaoubiwann, I'm investigating right now16:32
oubiwannUrsinha: thanks!16:33
evanrmurphydanilos: I find the project really exciting. I know some of the Spanish translators put in a lot of hours reapproving translations each release cycle. This could save a ton of work!16:33
danilosevanrmurphy: yeah, it's going to be a big win for everyone involved; hopefully no reapproving will need to happen anymore16:34
Kangarooook hello I wanna kill some bugs.. im doing it with just launchapd thrue firefox. I saw in synaptic there is some ubuntu bug team package? is it with tools for bug team? if not then how can I halp with bug killing? im no linux programmer so how can I start? and I could start with managing and arranging them and testing if they are true or false.. so thouse who are realy bugs then programmers take on their hands16:38
KangaroooI also would need this info so I could make local bug squad in native language..16:38
Kangaroooso is there some programm for bug tracking ? best way to help in launchpad to manage bugs? report/manage/search? tools? programms?16:38
Ursinhahi Kangarooo16:39
UrsinhaKangarooo, a good place to start is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage16:40
UrsinhaKangarooo, also, you can talk to bugs people at #ubuntu-bugs16:40
Kangaroooeverybody sleeps there16:41
Kangaroooim using irc only when im at the momnet.. maybe im missing some irc use? why some are not at keyboard but still in irc?16:42
UrsinhaKangarooo, maybe they're busy or explicitly away16:43
yofelKangarooo: it's common to be in a lot of channels at the same time here - so you can read what happend while you weren't reading in the channel16:43
Ursinhaoubiwann, do you have another account or that one is the only one?16:43
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oubiwannUrsinha: that's the only one16:44
Kangaroooyofel: yes and then when back at keyboard they see someone had problem.. no one answered and they quit irc and now not ever using ubuntu again :)16:44
oubiwannUrsinha: the only one I use, that is...16:44
oubiwannUrsinha: when I logged in today, it sent me to a different account (oubiwann-adytum) which I've never used and don't know how it got created16:45
Kangarooogoing to launchpad and reporting question there for new users is too difficult and they don't think they need to register just for one problem..16:45
Ursinhaoubiwann, hmmm let's check16:45
jon2my LP account seems to have been renamed w/o my knowledge... has anyone run into this before?16:45
oubiwannUrsinha: that accoount has none of my ssh keys and isn't associated with anything I've done with Canonical16:45
oubiwannjon2: yeah, there seem to be some problems today...16:46
jon2oh ok, at least I'm not the only one16:46
jon2although not having access to push to the mainline branch of my project is kind of inconvenient ;)16:47
oubiwannjon2: yeah, tell me about it!16:47
Ursinhahmm, that's becoming very weird16:47
oubiwannlp seems to have forgotten my account and the associated SSH keys16:47
oubiwannUrsinha: are any of the people who were involved with the session data deletion yesterday around?16:48
Ursinhaoubiwann, yes, stub, we're trying to sort this out16:48
jon2Ursinha: if it helps... when I hit lp this morning, I wasn't logged in, which I thought was strange, so I re-logged in and noticed that it has me logged in under a different username.  the new username has my real name, but none of the keys, location, etc.16:49
Ursinhajon2, I see16:49
jon2Ursinha: when I go to the profile page of my old username, it says that "Jon does not use Launchpad" although the creation date of that page says 2006-01-1316:49
Ursinhaoubiwann, you're able to login to the changed one, just as jon2?16:49
oubiwannjon2: sounds like the same exact issue I'm having16:49
jon2the creation date of my new account's profile page is today's date16:49
Ursinhajon2, I see, as oubiwann's one16:50
oubiwannUrsinha: yes, that's what happened to me16:50
jon2the thing that made me notice the problem was that I was trying to push a branch and I got an error about a read-only transport16:50
jon2so then I got on LP to look, and I wasn't on the team that admins my project16:51
jon2so I thought my team membership had expired, but it hadn't...16:51
jon2that's when I noticed my username was different16:51
Ursinhajon2, that's really odd. I'm investigating right now, I'm sorry the inconvenience16:55
SiDiHey people16:55
SiDiis there a way to push to LP behind a firewall ?16:55
SiDionly ports 80 and 443 are open here16:55
jon2Ursinha: no problem - thanks for looking at it16:56
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C10uDhello, i'm having some issues with the launchpad buildd service17:36
C10uDlink: https://launchpad.net/~c10ud/+archive/gst/+build/110324417:37
C10uDbut as you can see i have this: https://launchpad.net/%7Ec10ud/+archive/gst/+sourcepub/662981/+listing-archive-extra in my ppa17:37
C10uDthe package builds correctly in my system, which has the same stuff17:38
C10uDanyone from the build team around?17:41
bigjoolsC10uD: you need to specify it as a build dependency17:41
C10uDbut seems correctly installed from the virtual machine though17:42
C10uDanyway, i'll try that way17:42
bigjoolswhere do you see it installed?  which package?17:42
C10uDSetting up python-gst0.10 (0.10.15-1~bpo40+1) ...17:42
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: Current incident: Unable to log into Launchpad? Email feedback@launchpad.net | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
C10uDand, i get this17:44
C10uDchecking for PYFARSIGHT... configure: error: Package requirements ( pygobject-2.0 >= 2.12.017:44
C10uD   gst-python-0.10 >= 0.10.10 ) were not met:17:44
C10uDNo package 'gst-python-0.10' found17:44
bigjoolsit's python-gst0.10 but you already have it17:45
bigjoolswhat about pygobject-2.017:45
bigjoolsI think that's the one that's missing from your build deps17:46
C10uDpython-gobject-dev should be what he's looking for17:46
C10uDi don't have strange packages for python in my box though17:46
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
C10uDand the virtual machine said "Setting up python-gobject-dev (2.16.1-1ubuntu2) ..."17:47
bigjoolsit might be a problem in that configure script then, how is it detecting the presence of the dev libs it needs?17:47
bigjoolsI am guessing there's a mismatch between what it expects and what the packages install17:48
C10uDsincerely, i don't know since i'm a newbie in build system stuff, but i guess i'll just comment out that check and try again17:48
C10uDstill i don't get why is building correctly here, strange indeed17:48
bigjoolsC10uD: you probably have a local library installed not from a package17:50
C10uDi don't think so, at least, this is not what i usually do :p thanks anyway, now i'll try commenting out that requests17:54
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geserit looks like it uses pkg-config to find the libraries18:44
macowhen using the email interface, if a bug affects >1 package, is it possible to specify which "affects" row in the bug you're setting the "assignee"?18:44
Ursinhamaco, you should click the assignee arrow in the proper row18:46
macoUrsinha, email interface question ;)18:46
Ursinhamaco, oops :)18:47
Ursinhanote to self, read the whole line18:47
geserC10uD: you need python-gst0.10-dev installed/listed in your build-depends as this package contains the .pc file which pkg-config uses to check if a library is available or not18:47
C10uDgeser, i'll added that lately (but didn't tell here), we'll see in the next 5 hours or so, thanks :P18:48
Ursinhagmb, do you know the answer to maco's question?18:48
gesermaco: if I understand the docs correctly you can use "affects" to select the task which "assignee" should be changed18:50
macook...will try18:51
gesermaco: see also "Editing a bug that affects multiple contexts" on https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface#Commands%20reference18:52
macoah ok thanks18:55
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gini107i am trying to make my first commit to a featured branch on launch pad20:54
gini107but i am getting an error20:54
gini107Permission denied (publickey).20:54
gini107bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)20:54
gini107can i get any help on this20:55
macogini107, do you have permission to push to that branch?20:57
nhandlergini107: Have you added your GPG key to your Launchpad profile?21:00
gini107i am in the default review tteam for this branch21:01
radixit's the ssh key that's important here, not the GPG key21:01
nhandlerradix: Yes, that is what I meant ;)21:01
nhandlergini107: Being in the review team does not necessarily mean you can commit21:01
gini107i have uploaded my rsa.pub21:01
radixgini107: that error indicates it's not about team membership, because the error is a basic authentication error21:01
radixgini107: the ssh server can't even identify you21:02
radixgini107: are you using the correct username?21:02
gini107yes yes21:02
gini107i also think the error is because of authentication issues only21:03
gini107i wasn't able to push my code to some other branch also21:03
radixyes, so21:04
gini107however, bzr launchpad-login malveeka (malveeka is my username)21:04
gini107gives no error21:04
radixgini107: are you sure you uploaded the right public key? is your private key in your agent, or are you being prompted for the password when you try pushing?21:04
radixyeah, launchpad-login doesn't do any ssh stuff21:04
gini107i am not beng prompted for a password21:05
radixgini107: is your private key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa ?21:05
radixand it's supposed to be passphrase-protected? if so, maybe the permissions are wrong and ssh is refusing to use it21:05
gini107i'll regenrate a key and upload21:07
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
gini107i regenrated the ssh key21:14
gini107did not gv any passphrase also21:15
gini107i am not even able to checkout code21:15
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JosefAssadmight be an idea next time to provide a password reset. People are suspicious enough of emails mentioning account resets or the like nowadays22:10
JosefAssadEr. Password reset form.22:10
didrockshey, is it possible to create a branch with launchpadlib? can't find any method for that.22:25
Ursinharockstar, do you know the answer for that?22:29
didrocksor at least, set development focus (and so, creating the branch thanks to bzr push) :)22:32
Kangarooohello.. when will launchpad allow for example latvian letters? look https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lv in links section irc uri is not recognized becouse lauchpad doesn't allows latvian letters.. so how can laucpad be even in other languages if letters are not recognized.. I also try html decimal codes and didn't work either..22:34
wgrantMy account was fine 8 hours ago.22:56
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wgrantI did notice I got logged out on production again about 12 hours ago, but I was able to log in again.22:56
rockstardidrocks, what kind of branch do you want to create?22:58
rockstardidrocks, oh, I'm not sure of setting development focus is exposed through the API.22:59
didrocksrockstar: the idea was to create a ~user branch and set it to development focus of a launchpad project23:01
didrocksso, ~user can be created directly in bzr pushing first23:01
rockstardidrocks, yea, I'm not sure if that's exposed.  It would be nice though.23:02
* rockstar looks23:02
wgrantHm, being deactivated also means that the person is sent no email, so it's not harmless.23:08
ajmitchwgrant: you suddenly had a lot less email today?23:15
wgrantajmitch: Yes.23:15
wgrantAnd I can't recover my account the way stub suggests, because all 6 of my email address were in the broken 1300.23:15
wgrantI do hope that somebody answers feedback@launchpad.net while London is asleep.23:16
ajmitchlooks like I can still login, thankfully23:16
ajmitchwho did it end up affecting?23:16
wgrantI found one user last night that I thought shouldn't haven't been deactivated, but thought nothing of it.23:17
wgrantThen this morning I had no bugmail, and mine was deactivated too.23:17
* wgrant wonders why they didn't check that they weren't going to kill any accounts while doing that.23:17
ajmitchFrom what I read, there was some clearing of session data, which somehow deactivated many accounts?23:20
wgrantNo, no, that wasn't it.23:20
wgrantThey 'repaired' 1300 invalid person<->email links.23:20
wgrantAnd 6 of those were repaired from my person to somewhere else.23:21
wgrantThose links were also not particularly invalid, as they worked just fine.23:22
ajmitchit's interesting that it only happened for some email addresses though23:22
wgrantIt is.23:22
wgrantEven more interesting that it happened to all of mine, when they were added over a more than four-year period.23:23
ajmitchand none of mine23:23
ajmitchat least I still appear to have 5 listed on my LP account23:23
wgrantI wonder what breaks as I try to do things as a deactivated person with no confirmed or preferred email addresses.23:26
wgrant(it hasn't logged me out)23:26
Ursinhawgrant, are you able or not to log in?23:26
ajmitchfunny, I've been logged out everywhere23:26
wgrantOh, I was too.23:26
wgrantBut I logged in late last night before things died.23:26
Ursinhaajmitch, the logout was because of a session deletion we did yesterday23:26
wgrantUrsinha: I was logged out twice.23:27
Ursinhahappened to me as well, but I was able to log in23:27
wgrantThe first one I understand, but not the second.23:27
wgrantShould I try logging in? Won't that just create a new Person, confusing the situation even further?23:27
Ursinhawgrant, you haven't tried to login after being logged out?23:28
wgrantUrsinha: I'm not logged out.23:28
wgrantUrsinha: Last time I was logged out, I was able to log in again.23:28
wgrantBut that was 12ish hours ago.23:28
wgrantAnd my person was still fine.23:28
Ursinhaand how did you realize your account have problems?23:28
macoUrsinha, he said all the bugmail suddenly stopped pouring in23:29
Ursinhapeople related they tried to login and that led them to a new account23:29
wgrantUrsinha: I had no bugmail, and my person icon had changed.23:29
wgrantSo I went to my person page, and found that it was telling me that I was not, in fact, using Launchpad.23:29
wgrant+editemails shows that only my one unconfirmed email is still associated with me.23:30
wgrantSo, what was so invalid about these links?23:32
Ursinhawgrant, do you have your regular permissions with the user you're logged in?23:42
wgrantUrsinha: It seems so.23:42
wgrant(which sounds like a bug)23:43
Ursinhawgrant, I see here all the bugs and karma still are attached to this account23:45
wgrantUrsinha: Right. Just the email addresses are gone.23:45
wgrantWhich mainly concerns me because I'm losing email.23:46
Ursinhawgrant, well, stub did a fix for the majority of affected users, and they were told to login again, and do a merge account if needed23:46
Ursinhayou can try that23:46
wgrantUrsinha: That won't work.23:47
wgrantUrsinha: My account has no preferred email address.23:47
wgrantNot even a confirmed one.23:47
wgrants/account/existing person/23:47
wgrantI suppose I could try to add a new address to me old person, log out, log in to the new person, and merge.23:48
wgrantBut, no,23:48
wgrantThat sounds like a recipe for disaster.23:48
wgrantBecause I have things on my account that don't want to be renamed (ie. PPAs)23:49
wgrantAnd I wonder how that interacts with OpenID.23:49
wgrantAnd merging the other way might not work, as the person that would remain is deactivated.23:50
wgrantspm: Do you have instructions on fixing this?23:51
wgrantThe development meeting suggests not.23:51
Ursinhawgrant, spm must have the same instructions as I or matsubara do23:52
matsubarawgrant, we need your preferred email address and account name and you'll have to wait23:53
wgrantmatsubara: I've emailed feedback@launchpad.net.23:53
matsubarawgrant, oh, that's fine than. It'll be looked at when stub comes back23:53
matsubarabut you'll have to wait23:53
matsubaraI'm sorry about it23:53
wgrantmatsubara: I guess that should only be a few hours.23:54
matsubarabut if you keep trying modifying the data you might make things worse23:54
wgrantIt would be fine if there wasn't the bugmail problem.23:54
Ursinhawgrant, yes, only until stub comes agaonm23:54
wgrantThat's why I haven't tried anything.23:54

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