
nettoltlool: are you around?04:57
nettoltso I wouldlike to install ubuntu on a zeus board I have that is currently running arcom embedded linux...but i so not know where to begin04:58
loologra: How is it going with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/391588 ?09:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 391588 in banshee "banshee fails to run on arm" [High,New]09:44
ogralool, waiting on a kernel with proper audio support09:48
ograi will open an upstream bug for it, but proper debugging that excludes codecs and audio devices as cause wont be possible before we have sound support on the desktop09:49
loologra: Does this prevent getting a nicer backtrace as attachment and cleaning up the whiteboard?   :)09:50
ograno, thats what i will do for the upstream task anyway09:51
ograhoping i can reproduce it on non babbage2 (which is already packed up)09:51
loologra: Around?11:18
ograno, slim11:18
ograwhats up ?11:19
loologra: I was looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ogra/+assignedbugs and thinking that perhaps we could clear some bugs here11:19
loolProbably you're not actively working on 338342 and it wont fix in Ubuntu?11:19
loolI'm not sure about usb imagewriter: are we keeping it?  Do you think you'll spend time on it?11:20
ograyes, as an upstream project11:20
ograbut disregard it for work items11:21
ograit always was supposed to be a fun project, never intended to be used like we do now11:21
loologra: I closed 33471111:23
ograthe redboot-tools one is covered by the spec (or the other way round, as you like)11:23
ograthanks, i wasnt sure what to do with it ... and persia will likely complain11:24
ograhmm, why does 391588 show up twice ?11:24
loologra: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.assignee=ogra is probably a better list11:25
loologra: probably ubuntu bug + ubuntu karmic bug task11:25
ogra328167 can be closed ... i need to clearify it upstream though11:25
loolI wonder whether we should make sure it's really fixed and not just hidden; it seemed security sensitive11:26
ogra26986 should be reassigned to the server team and will be obsolete with the new syslogging11:26
ograwell, the workaround is dropped, iÄll try to backport the package to jaunty without -01 and see what happens, then report upstream11:26
ograi dont think i can do anything for 338342 ... we wont re-roll the images for jaunty11:27
loolYou were assigned to the syslog bug in 2006...!11:27
ograyes, and its unsolvable11:28
ograi assigned myself btw ... rsyslogd will fix it11:28
ograsyslog does DNS lookups for every like it logs remotely by default ... thats by design11:29
loologra: So update 338342 to match what you just said?11:29
ograand close it wontfix ?11:29
loolI guess if we don't support ixp4xx anymore you have no other choice11:29
ograhrm, why am i logged out11:30
* ogra pokes LP11:30
loologra: You assigned yourself to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/294403 in November; are you actively working on that?11:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 294403 in ltsp "LTSP error: Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?) " [Wishlist,Triaged]11:30
ograi have a fix, just not the time to fiddle with upstream stuff11:31
ograits really cosmetical11:31
loolPerhaps you can attach it and unassign yourself for now in case someone else picks it up11:32
loolYou can alway assign yourself later on when you're working on it11:32
ograi'D actually like to keep it on my list even if it takes another 6months until i have time for it11:33
ogranobody else will work on it and if i'm not assigned i'll forget abou ti11:33
ogra*about it11:33
loolIt sounds bad if you're keeping actions for 6 months +11:34
ograits ltsp and its an upstream issue, why do you care ?11:34
loolI care that you and I have a good overview of what you're working on   :)11:34
ograsure, just ignore ltsp then11:35
loolIf you have a way to distinguish "actively working on that" from "target of opportunity for later", I'm happy to hear about it11:35
ograi'm not working on it in my worktime apart from answering questions here and there11:35
ograwell, the prob is that LP cant distinguish between what i do upstream in spare time and what i do in worktime11:36
loolOk; so bugs you're currently working on are getting the whiteboard updated on banshee and telling upstream that gnome-keyring is working in karmic but we don't know why; correct?11:36
ograand that my projects all live on LP doesnt help11:36
ograyou said you had skeleton code for fconfig init ?11:37
ograwould you attach that to 348060 ?11:38
ograi'll link the proof of concept redboot-install there too11:38
loolI had a Perl script which did that hackishly, then I started rearchitecting it when I understood what I wanted to do, but it probably doens't work anymore as a result; I'm happy to share it if you consider that it's basically in a bad state and you'd like to work on it11:38
ograwell, that and redboot-install are essentially the redboot-tools spec11:39
ograerm, why did you unassign me from gnome-keyring ?11:40
loolhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/fconfig.pl is how it looks like ATM11:41
loologra: I only unassigned you from the jaunty task which I closed, not from the karmic one11:41
ograheh, FF cant show .pl11:42
loolYou can vi it11:42
ograi downloaded it ...11:42
loolThe two things which kind of discouraged me is when I realized I didn't really want to allow people setting the type of vars or adding new vars to a fconfig11:43
ograi just didnt know .pl was mime assigned on the server instead of being shown11:43
loolWhat I wanted instead is a list of vars/types for a supported platform (board) and all relevant constants for that platform (such as defaults and FIS offset etc.)11:43
ograright, that should be under our control and hardcoded11:43
loolThe other thing which discouraged me is when I realized people were interested in a C version more than in a Perl one11:44
loolBecause perl is too large to fit in an embedded platform11:44
* ogra doesnt care how it looks in the package11:44
loolSo it didn't make sense to do it as cleanly as I thought for many platforms to then have it useless for some people11:44
ograand we dont support any embedded platforms anymore ... at least none that are to small for perl11:44
loolI'm personally happy with what we have11:45
ograeven an iphone or palm pre is powerful enough11:45
ograme too11:45
loolIdeally, we'd really build fconfig.bin as part of the redboot build though11:45
loolAs we just have a fconfig.bin from an old RB, not what we build, and not for all boards11:45
ograwith vars pulled out of redboot, right11:45
loolWith respect to fconfig.c, I thought it wasn't flexible enough and indeed it wasn't for some things, but not as much as I initially criticized; a couple of patches should bring it to shape11:46
ograright and we could pull the init stuff out of the perl script, dump it into the redboot source package and create the blob11:48
ograso the c source doesnt need to grow an init11:48
ograwe still dont have a bzr tree for redboot-tools, right ?11:49
* ogra adds that to his TODO for the spec11:49
loolWe don't have a bzr tree for redboot-tools; however note that these are assembled from two upstreams using SVN11:50
* ogra sighs, indeed i need to urgently print some stuff for fedex and none of my printers work11:55
* ogra curses cups11:56
ograhasnt worked for me in years11:56
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Pantchohello, i have a small ARM mini laptop with WinCE in the main flash HD. i written the .img file to a USB stick and i want to boot from it. when the laptop loads it automaticly runs WinCE. i tried to get to a kind of "boot" menu in the start screen pressed "esc","f2","f1","del" nothing happens and it bam runs WinCE. any suggestions?23:18
Pantchoohhh the dispairrr23:21
ograthats usually not how arm systms work23:24
ograyou need an image thats specifically built for the board in your laptop23:24
Pantchoso trying to install ubuntu wont work well?23:25
ograif you dont have a board we built the image for yu will have to build a rootfs from scratch23:26
ogra(as described in the topic)23:26
ograand need to know how your bootloader works ... and need to build a kernel yourself23:26
Pantchosounds way over my league23:26
ograthe only prebuilt desktop image we have atm is for the freescale imx51 CPU23:27
ogra(i doubt you have such a laptop, though if you do you should be able to boot the image from SD card )23:28
Pantchothats not ARM or.. ? whats going on here23:28
ograimx51 is an ARMv7 CPU23:28
Pantchothanks for your help23:29
Pantchoi will give this up23:29
ograwe also support the ixp4xx CPU which is used in the NSLU2 device in jaunty (9.04) and an ARMv5 as well as versatile ARMv5 for the qemu emulator23:30
Pantchoi have ARMv523:30
ograwell, if you find a kernel and know how your bootloader works it should be possible to run ubuntu on it, but it will be a bit of work and learning required23:31
ograits sadly like that with ARM hardware by design23:31
ograyou dont have something standardized like a BIOS23:32
Pantchosorry i have "AKARM,ARM920-AKCHIP"23:32
Pantchoi get what you are saying23:32
ogralooks like you have an Anyka23:35
ograAK780x ?23:35
Pantchoi don't know actually. the model name is not mentioned.23:36
Pantchoall i know when it boots it says "http://zenithink.com"23:36
ograyeah, thats the one23:36
Pantchoin order to know i guess i will have to open it with screwdriver23:36
ograit has only 64M23:36
Pantchoyes yes23:36
Pantchowow i can't beleive you know the model hehe23:37
ograwouldnt be much fun with ubuntu23:37
ograi know google :)23:37
Pantchoso ubuntu wont run on it good you say23:37
ograyou might have more luck trying to get android on it23:37
Pantchoany other good linux distro that can run on it with out playing with kernal stuff which i have no clue about?23:37
ograwell, 64M isnt much23:38
Pantchothe WinCE lets you use the flash devices ram23:38
ograyou indeed can run ubuntu in 64M but it would unlikely look like an ubuntu desktop does23:38
ograflash is slow23:38
Pantchoso when i add a USB stick it can get more ram23:38
ograno, you get more swapspace ...23:38
ograa normal ubuntu desktop needs about 256M23:39
Pantchoso u nkow any other distros?23:39
Pantchothat might work ok? i just need open office and a browser that supports hebrew fonts23:39
ograwell, i'd recommend android but thats for mobile phones ... you could also check if a build of angstrom exists for that cpu23:40
Pantchomy main problem is that wince dont support hebrew23:40
ograwell, i cant help much with CE ...23:41
Pantchothanks for the info tough23:42
ograhmm, the sites that talk about the device say there was a version shipped with linux23:43
Pantchowhich site?23:43
ograyou should probably mail http://zenithink.com and ask if they offer a linux version23:44
Pantchowill do that23:44
ograhttp://www.rothberger.net/pages/reviews/ps_firstview701.shtml its german, nit sure it hels you23:44
ograah, there is a translation link at the bottom :)23:45
Pantchohehe done that already :)23:49
Pantchogood night!23:58

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