
seb128which I didn't do here00:00
asacso yeah00:00
asacnow i have the problem ;)00:00
seb128you found a build depends issue thanks ;-)00:00
asacseb128: http://pastebin.com/f2dfdea6f00:06
asactry that00:06
asacinstead of rules00:06
seb128asac, you should use pastebin.ubuntu.com it's nicer ;-)00:06
seb128asac, that seems to do the trick indeed, I tried something near before but my escaping was not correct apparently00:10
asacseb128: also use this for runtime: http://pastebin.com/f6c3a4c1100:10
asacits not tested, but should do the right thing if my python-fu was good enough00:10
asacoh there is a ) missing00:11
asacthat one00:12
asacseb128: at least you get rid of the runtime depends on the pkg-config files ;) (e.g. depends: xulrunner-1.9-dev)00:12
seb128asac, are the "" required in the first change?00:12
seb128the build one00:12
asacseb128: its safer i think00:13
seb128why? just being curious ;-)00:13
asacin case of whitespaces00:13
seb128anyway the runtime changes work, let me try the runtime thing too00:13
seb128asac, can you add the changes to the GNOME bug too for reference maybe?00:14
seb128asac, thanks a bunch00:14
asacseb128: i will. please just confirm that the runtime thing works00:16
asace.g. that gnome-shell now works with those changes00:17
seb128asac, it's building one sec00:18
seb128asac, it "works"00:19
seb128ie it does the same that the upstream code is doing00:19
seb128I'm not impressed by gnome-shell but that's an another topic00:19
seb128asac, you rock ;-)00:19
seb128asac, one beer for you at next sprint00:20
asaci will remember that ;)00:22
asacok patches submitted00:22
asacnot sure if they find them too ubuntu centric00:22
asacbut if other distributions tweak the version in the pkglibdir path00:22
asacthey should also keep the --gre-version fixed00:22
asac(like debian does it)00:22
asacseb128: unfortunately we probably will have to make libmozjs a top-level citizen lib in main ... too many apps use it :(00:27
asaci still try to push that back, but with couchdb using it, it doesnt get easier ;)00:27
seb128asac, "unfortunately"?00:27
asacseb128: well. upstream does not give any firm commitment that they will not break it in a security update00:28
asacfor them its an internal thing ;)00:28
seb128you can convince upstream to make it a first class citizen too and guaranty stability?00:28
asactelling them that we want ABI guarantees is one thing00:29
asacthe other thing would be to convince them to use SONAME versioning00:29
seb128there is any reason they would not agree?00:30
asacdepends who you ask. javascript folks would agree. some firefox folks probably would argue that libmozjs on linux is not that important and that it will cause work in the future if they commit to make it a first class linux lib/product00:32
seb128asac, well we have a list of client applications, might be worth trying to convince them about it being useful00:33
asacseems we will try again ;)00:34
asacseb128: so will mutter get in the archive soonish?00:37
robert_ancellbryce: you there?00:37
seb128asac, it's in the ppa for now00:37
seb128robert_ancell, hey, waking up early today?00:37
robert_ancellseb128: I woke up and my X wont start :(00:38
seb128asac, we will probably wait for a stable tarball before uploading to karmic, should happen after GUADEC00:38
asacseb128: i noticed that ;) ... just wondering, because there is a network-manager-netbook applet that uses mutter.00:38
TheMusorobert_ancell: What kernel, and what video card?00:38
seb128robert_ancell, what error do you get? never upgrade just before travelling ;-)00:38
robert_ancellIs there a command-line way of running network manager?00:38
asacseb128: ok so its expected to be in universe for karmic?00:38
seb128asac, yes that's the plan if things go correctly00:39
asacrobert_ancell: NetworkManager --no-daemon ;)00:39
robert_ancellATI R300 it says I need to go to low resolution mode but that doesn't seem to work00:39
asacrobert_ancell: but i guess you want to manage NM with command line00:39
robert_ancellasac: but will that connect to my wireless network automatically?00:39
seb128using fglrx or the ati driver?00:39
asacrobert_ancell: configure your wireless connections as "auto connect" and "available to all users"00:39
asacthen it will automatically connect00:39
robert_ancellasac: where is that config?00:40
asacrobert_ancell: at best create it using the appet connection editor once00:40
seb128robert_ancell, did you look if you still have the previous deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb ?00:40
brycerobert_ancell, yep00:40
robert_ancellbryce: anything change in X between 7.4+3ubuntu2 and 7.4+3ubuntu4?00:41
asacrobert_ancell: if you have that config set up it would be in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections00:41
brycerobert_ancell, I posted a new -ati snapshot yesterday00:41
asacrobert_ancell: alternatively configure it in /etc/network/interfaces and set NM to managed=true mode in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf00:42
robert_ancellbryce: I have 1:6.12.2-2ubuntu2 installed00:42
asacrobert_ancell: like http://paste.ubuntu.com/207811/00:43
robert_ancellasac: thanks00:43
brycerobert_ancell, the changes to xorg between  7.4+3ubuntu2 and 7.4+3ubuntu4 are not ones that I would think could cause a failure to setup the driver00:43
brycerobert_ancell, were you able to verify that downgrading to 7.4+3ubuntu2 restored your system?00:44
robert_ancellbryce: I haven't tried yet, I'm running on live cd at the moment00:44
bryceok, well there's several other changes that have gone in lately that could cause this behavior00:45
bryceI could make random guesses, but it'd probably be more time efficient if you could reproduce the issue and then file a bug via ubuntu-bug xorg00:46
brycemight save you from chasing wild gooses too :-)00:47
robert_ancellbryce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/207815/ my gdm log00:47
robert_ancellhmm, I _don't_ have a /usr/X11R6/bin00:47
seb128robert_ancell, those issues have been fixed in gdm...-0ubuntu500:48
seb128robert_ancell, you can change the xserver path in gdm.conf if that's the issue00:48
seb128but that's probably an another bug than the one I mention because xorg wouldn't start otherwise I think00:49
robert_ancellcool, I have ubuntu3. will update that00:49
seb128they dropped the X11R6 compat in the recent xorg upload00:49
seb128and gdm was still using it in its default config00:49
seb128the configure detection relies on the xserver to be installed which is not the case on the buildds00:50
seb128and the fallback is coming from an another age ;-)00:50
seb128anyway should be fixed in current karmic00:50
bryceyeah seb128's right.  updating should fix it.  Or edit your gdm.conf if you want to avoid updating temporarily.00:51
robert_ancellcool, brb00:53
seb128bryce, not sure if that's a known issue but xorg segfault on start with 2.6.31 on intel00:53
seb128crash in intel_drv.so00:53
seb128and there is a no mode found error just before00:53
bryceseb128, kees mentioned that to me earlier00:55
ccheneynew 2.6.31 kernel crashes on me on boot, anyone else see an issue like that?00:56
ccheneyunfortunately it didn't log it to kern.log00:56
* ccheney rebooted back to 2.6.30 to be able use his system00:57
ccheneyugh and firefox for some reason is constantly crashing on me00:59
* ccheney can't wait until FF 3.5 becomes default, maybe it iwll be less crashy01:01
robert_ancellmuch better...01:02
seb128wb robert_ancell01:03
seb128walters, there? do you know if there is a GLib.gir somewhere?01:03
robert_ancellthanks all01:07
seb128_dsl disconnected01:16
seb128_did somebody replied to my question? and what was displayed on the channel before that?01:16
seb128_just to know how much I typed before noticing I was disconnected01:17
waltersseb128: should be built from gobject-introspection01:18
seb128_walters, hum, it's not01:18
seb128_walters, how much of what I was typing did you read?01:18
seb128_did you read my description of the current gnome-shell issues?01:18
waltersseb128_: last thing i saw was  walters, there? do you know if there is a GLib.gir somewhere?01:18
seb128_<seb128> ok, non working gnome-shell upload to the ubuntu-desktop ppa now01:18
seb128_ running gnome-shell starts a xephyr which is similar to what a standard xorg session looked 15 years ago01:18
seb128_ with only an X in a corner, a command line a eyes looking to your cursor01:18
seb128_ I guess that the actual shell is not working, -v says it exit01:18
seb128_ there is also "Log level 32: Execution of main.js threw exception: Error: Unable to construct boxed type Color since it has no zero-args <constructor>, can only wrap an existing one" displayed01:18
seb128_ trying gjs on a gnome-shell .js gives errors though01:19
seb128_     JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Error: Requiring GLib, version none01:19
seb128_ I expect that's part of the issue01:19
seb128_ anyway I will see that tomorrow, first package version in the ppa if somebody wants to work on it01:19
seb128_ 01:19
seb128_walters, ^ basically where I got gnome-shell now01:19
seb128_looking why gobject-introspection has no GLib.gir01:19
waltersseb128_: hmm, is there anything interesting before that?01:19
seb128_before what?01:19
waltersseb128_: any errors in the output01:20
seb128_for gjs or gnome-shell?01:20
waltersseb128_: either01:20
seb128_walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/207826/01:21
seb128_not sure if that's meant to be used that way01:22
waltershm, that site isn't responding01:22
waltersah there it goes01:22
waltersseb128_: this looks like the root: JS IMPORT: Module 'gi' reported an exception but gjs_import_native_module() returned TRUE01:22
waltersseb128_: hmm...i think that means it's failing to import one of the extensions01:23
seb128_walters, as said I've no GLib.gir if that's required01:23
waltersseb128_: not at runtime no01:24
waltersseb128_: hmm does 'make check' inside the gjs source work ok?01:25
waltersseb128_: or another check, try gjs-console on examples/gtk.js from there01:25
seb128_walters, make check seems to work01:26
seb128_PASS: gjs-unit01:26
seb128_$ gjs-console /usr/share/gjs-1.0/signals.js01:26
seb128_works too01:26
seb128_gjs-console examples/gtk.js -> error01:26
waltersinteresting, can you pastebin that?01:27
robert_ancelllater, until GUADEC...01:27
seb128_walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/207828/01:27
seb128_robert_ancell, have a nice flight see you at GUADEC01:27
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
waltersseb128: ok, do you have GLib-2.0.typelib in /usr/lib/girepository-1.0 ?01:28
seb128$ ls /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/GLib*01:28
waltersseb128: ok can you pastebin: strace -o /tmp/gjs.strace gjs-console examples/gtk.js ?01:30
waltersseb128: output in /tmp/gjs.strace01:30
seb128walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/207832/01:31
seb128open("/usr/lib/girepository", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)01:32
seb128should be /usr/lib/girepository-1.0?01:32
seb128where is that path defined?01:33
waltersit's hardcoded inside libgirepository-1.0.so01:34
seb128I'm wondering if there is something which needs to be rebuilt with the new gobject-introspection and which didn't01:34
walterswell, unfortunately at the moment, if introspection changes in general you need to rebuild everything that depends on it01:35
waltersthat's not the long term plan =)  but we haven't landed everything we need to for final01:35
waltersbut this problem makes me think you have a quite old version01:35
seb128gobject-introspection is 0.6.301:36
seb128gir is a git snapshot from yesterday01:36
seb128gjs is 0.201:36
walterswell, we switched quite a while ago: 63cd2160        (Johan Dahlin   2009-01-15 22:31:07 +0000       135)      typelib_dir = g_build_filename (libdir, "girepository-1.0", NULL);01:37
seb128we had 0.6.1 until yesterday01:37
seb128which was using the old location01:37
seb128you rolled 0.6.3 tarball recently01:37
waltersdo: ldd /usr/lib/gjs-1.0/gi.so01:38
waltersis it linked to libgirepository-1.0.so.0?01:38
seb128$ ldd /usr/lib/gjs-1.0/gi.so | grep gir01:38
seb128libgirepository.so.0 => /usr/lib/libgirepository.so.0 (0x005fa000)01:38
waltersok that's what's wrong01:38
waltersbut how did the unversioned so get there?  is it from a package?01:39
seb128libgirepository0: /usr/lib/libgirepository.so.001:39
seb128yes, that's the binary from 0.6.101:39
seb128it has not been uninstalled since nothing conflict with it01:39
seb128"gjs-console examples/gtk.js" works now01:40
waltershmm so...well i'm not sure of the details here01:40
seb128well it's just that gjs got built with gobject-introspection 0.6.101:40
seb128and not rebuilt after the upgrade01:40
seb128walters, new error http://paste.ubuntu.com/207843/01:43
waltersyeah, you can't run that file alone01:43
waltersthe entry point is the gnome-shell script01:43
seb128hum ok01:44
seb128I will keep debugging tomorrow I think, it's getting late01:44
seb128but it still doesn't work01:44
seb128walters, thanks for the help tracking the gjs build issue!01:46
seb128good night everybody01:46
cxoWhat exactly is the Desktop team? Do you guys build gnome for ubuntu?06:15
cxoOh. You guys are good06:18
didrocksgood morning o/07:52
pittiGood morning07:55
pittihey didrocks07:55
TheMusoMorning pitti.07:55
pittihey TheMuso07:55
didrockshey pitti and TheMuso07:55
TheMusopitti: I've just had a review of rtkit by dholbach on revu, so it won't be long till we get that into universe, and then main, so we can get pulse in and deprecate hal even more. :p07:59
pittiTheMuso: \o/ just read your call for testing07:59
pittiTheMuso: should we just drop pulse-hal from the ubuntu-desktop seed, since pulse itself already depends on it anyway (and will drop it later)?08:01
TheMusopitti: Yeah, good idea.08:02
pittiTheMuso: also, perhaps -udev should conflicts:/replaces: -hal, to clean it up on upgrade and avoid having both ("double detection")?08:02
TheMusoAnd 9.16 depends on the udev module instead, so yeah.08:02
TheMusopitti: I think I did that somewhat with 9.16, but I'll check to be sure.08:02
pittiTheMuso: I'm just doing an upgrade, and -hal isn't cleaned08:03
pittioh hang on, I'm lying08:03
TheMusopulseaudio-module-dev replaces, but doesn't conflict, since they have different files.08:03
pittiit does remove -hal, sorry08:03
pittieww, screwage08:03
TheMusook good.08:03
pittirtkit fails to configure08:03
TheMusoyep fixed08:03
* TheMuso checks to see if its built08:04
pittiadduser complains about "just give one name" (loosely translated)08:04
TheMusohrm seems I didn't upload it.08:05
* TheMuso headdesks08:05
TheMusopitti: Yeah in rtkit.postinst, there is a -d flag given to adduser that should not be there.08:05
* TheMuso uploads rtkit08:05
pitti--home /proc ? :)08:05
TheMusonot --home -d /proc08:06
pittiyep, works now, thanks08:06
pittirtkit scares me08:06
TheMusoYeah it does me a bit, but I think lennart has justified why its needed, at least in the README.08:06
TheMusoOh and the name just shows that people at RedHat are lazy.08:06
pittiTheMuso: p-hal unseeded08:07
TheMusopitti: how does rtkit scare you? Is it how it goes about things?08:09
TheMusoI'd like to get Kees' input on it as well I think. However, pulse absolutely has to have it now so we may be stuck with it.08:09
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy updated08:11
didrocksgreat, hal removal is in good progress :)08:13
TheMusoYeah, just a bit annoyed that another dependency not even in the archive is needed to update pulse.08:14
pittiTheMuso: scare> having a system daemon controllable by the user which elevates privileges of other systems08:16
pittithis is just as bad as CAP_SETPCAP, which got rejected over and over in the kernel for good reasons08:16
TheMusoRIght, makes sense.08:17
TheMusoIt does use policykit however.08:17
TheMusobut I am not sure how much that migigates things?08:17
TheMusomitigate even08:17
TheMusobah cold hands, and its the end of the day. :)08:17
pittiwell, it remains a potential trap, and I figure that it by default allows you access if you are on a local console08:18
TheMusoAnyway, back on later for some ports/community workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.08:19
* pitti fixes TheMuso's bouncing key08:21
seb128hey pitti08:21
pittibonjour Monsieur Bacher!08:22
seb128pitti, do you also get a polkit dialog at login on karmic?08:22
seb128it tries to mount some internal partitions at boot for some reason08:22
pittiseb128: yes, that's the autologin for internal disks which we need to disable08:22
pittiit's on my TODO list08:22
seb128ok thanks08:22
pittiwe disabled that in hal for good reasons, need to do the same in, erm, is it nautilus?08:23
seb128I doubt anything is doing automounting at boot in GNOME08:23
pittiseb128: when will you leave to Desktop SUmmit?08:23
seb128pitti, tomorrow morning around 8am08:23
seb128summit is starting on saturday08:23
pittiseb128: I planned to bzrify gdm, update it to latest upstream stuff, hope that this fixes teh session handling (or fix it), and push to karmic; are you okay with that?08:24
pittiI still have some stuff to do today, but I hope to get that done today or Friday (and upload Monday)08:24
seb128you want to do a git snapshot?08:24
seb1282.26.1 is current otherwise08:24
seb128I planned to upload today too08:24
pittioh, ok08:24
pittior check Fedora for patches08:24
seb128I did that yesterday08:25
pittiseems that the session handling works with GNOME 2.2608:25
pittibut not with our 2.27?08:25
seb128checked fedora and git for patches08:25
seb128and bugzilla08:25
pittiah, cool08:25
pittiso, our problem then08:25
seb128yeah, I'm not sure why08:25
seb128I get no warning with compiz08:25
seb128do you use compiz too?08:25
pittiseb128: in gdm? I don't know, I suppose not08:26
pittiI didn't change the gdm session08:26
seb128no, as your default wm for GNOME08:26
pittiyes, I do08:27
pittibut I thought that was the end of gdm, not hte start of my session08:27
pittiand it wants to save the gdm greeter08:27
seb128ok, I'm not sure where the warning come from, I don't get it on my laptop but I use autologin there08:27
pittiah, so my session is picking up the gdm greeter which is still running?08:27
seb128not sure what is going on, that needs debugging08:27
seb128but that's just a warning right?08:27
seb128ie it doesn't break the login?08:27
pittiyou just have to click it away08:28
pittinot a blocker, just a wart08:28
didrockshi seb128! Did you succeed in "packaging gnome-shell in 30 minutes"? ;)08:30
seb128didrocks, hey, not really, was rather in 3 hours08:30
seb128it's in the ubuntu-desktop ppa now but still doesn't work for some reason08:30
didrocksyes, it seems to FTBFS08:30
seb128but the packaging is done and you can run it08:30
pittiseb128: ok, seems we should do it today then08:31
didrocksok, I will have a look this evening08:31
pittiseb128: and I'll have a look at regression reports and collect the pieces08:31
seb128didrocks, grrr08:31
seb128pitti, thanks08:31
seb128didrocks, I retry the build, I think the issue was the gjs-dev doesn't depends on gjs08:31
seb128didrocks, I fixed that yesterday evening too but the new version was not published yet08:32
didrocksseb128: oh ok, and as it was late, it wasn't worth to wait for the first version to published before uploading the fix.08:33
seb128didrocks, it took me a while because I ran into those libmozjs not being in /usr/lib issues owen talked about08:33
seb128didrocks, it was 3am yes, it was time to go to bed not to wait for a ppa publisher run ;-)08:33
didrocksseb128: yes, I remember about owen's remark... how did you fix it, finally?08:34
seb128asac helped me08:34
seb128using a LD_LIBRARY_PRELOAD hack in the build08:34
seb128and some running hacks too08:34
didrocks(3am is a good time to sleep, even with 28°C in the accomodation :))08:34
seb128too warm there!08:34
didrockshum, traditional mozilla hacks :p (LD_LIBRARY_PRELOAD prepends to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?)08:35
seb128didrocks, no, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version` rather08:36
seb128I had the good idea but I tried to export that from the rules first which broke other things08:37
seb128and then I changed it not at the right locations in the autotools08:37
seb128but after some tweaking and asac's help that was ok08:38
seb128enough to get it "running"08:38
seb128then I ran into "gjs is built with the previous gobject-iintrospection library and looking in wrong location"08:38
seb128which made things no find glib.gir for a non obvious reason08:38
seb128walters helped me to track this one down08:39
didrocksok, it seems you really had fun :) (FYI, you still kept the LD_LIBRARY_PATH change commented in debian/rules)08:40
seb128_grrr, dsl disconnecting when the phone ring, and yes I've the phone connected to a filter already08:43
seb128_didrocks, what did you read or say before I disconnected?08:43
didrocksseb128_: [09:46] <didrocks> ok, it seems you really had fun :) (FYI, you still kept the LD_LIBRARY_PATH change commented in debian/rules)08:43
seb128_didrocks, oh right, was late ;-)08:44
crevettedidrocks, you're three minute ahead in the time08:44
seb128_it's huats's server08:44
didrockscrevette: I know, blame huats' server (even with that, he's always late ;))08:44
seb128_I already told him some days ago08:44
* didrocks will remove time from copy/paste ;)08:44
seb128_still doesn't build08:45
seb128_ah, new error08:45
didrocksseb128_: I know that one08:46
didrocksseb128_: you have to add the bin package for gobject-repository. The dev doesn't depends on it08:46
seb128_right, I just figured that too08:46
didrocksgobject-introspection-repository rather08:46
seb128_gobject-instrospection rather no?08:47
didrocksyes, (after an apt-file search /usr/bin/g-ir-scanner) ;)08:47
chrisccoulsonhi pitti - thank you for your comments. they're appreciated:)08:49
* asac says helllo08:57
asacpitti: now gudev-dev doesnt ship any ".la" file anymore?09:03
huatsmorning everyone09:04
asachi huats09:04
huatshey asac09:04
seb128_lut huats09:07
seb128_hey asac, thanks again for yesterday debugging ;-)09:07
huatshello seb128_09:08
asacseb128_: welcome!09:09
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128_chrisccoulson, I commented on your motu application too now09:09
chrisccoulsonseb128_ thank you too:)09:09
seb128_you're welcome, thanks for the work you are doing ;-)09:10
seb128_huats, you should fix your server time btw, the clock is running 3 minutes to fast apparently09:10
huatsseb128_: ?09:11
seb128_huats, didrocks keeps being told he's not on right time when copying IRC logs09:11
seb128_huats, and he blames it on your server09:11
seb128_<didrocks> crevette: I know, blame huats' server (even with that, he's always late ;))09:12
huatsseb128_: LOL09:12
didrocksseb128_: oh traitor! :p09:12
didrockshuats: everyone asks me when I copy/paste why I'm 5 minutes in advance09:12
huatsseb128_: you know didrocks has admin access to my server... so he can fix that...09:12
seb128_didrocks, I'm doing you a favor since apparently you are too shy to ask huats to fix the issue ;-)09:12
didrockshuats: I just tell them that's you who don't want to be late (even inf ;))09:12
huatsseb128_: I am sure he was about to tell me that next week at the RMLL09:13
huatsdidrocks: but please yourself change the time...09:13
didrocksok, let me fix the time on huats' server :)09:13
seb128_ok, so gnome-shell doesn't want to build grrrr09:13
didrockss/inf/if... ;)09:13
didrocksseb128_: still ? :/09:13
seb128_didrocks, lacks a build-depends on gobject-introspection-glib-2.0 now09:14
seb128_that's one of those cases where I should use pbuilder ;-)09:14
didrocksseb128_: it was the same for mutter ;)09:15
didrocksseb128_: and yes, +2 for pbuilder so :)09:15
didrocks(2 missing build-deps)09:15
seb128_I'm pondering saying we are good after this one and just upload09:15
seb128_but I'm going to blame myself if there is still an issue ;-)09:15
pittiTheMuso: still here?09:30
pittichrisccoulson: my pleasure!09:30
pittiasac: do you need them?09:30
pittiTheMuso: ah, unping09:31
didrocks"unping" :)09:31
pittiseb128_: weird, new gdm shows "RealtimeKit" in the user list, but it's a system user (115:127)09:31
seb128_weird indeed09:32
seb128_"    self._scanner.parse_macros(filenames)09:32
seb128_RuntimeError: parse macro takes a list of filenames"09:32
seb128_gnagna gnome-shell09:32
* didrocks thinks that seb128_ is going to take craziness with gnome-shell09:33
* pitti -> back to intel debugging09:34
seb128_pitti, xorg crashing on boot on 2.6.31?09:34
asacpitti: no, all fine i think. just noted that i had to rebuild my existing git trees ;)09:37
TheMusopitti: I'm around now.09:42
pittiseb128_: no, testing a patch from Jesse for pipe underruns09:45
pittiseb128_: 2.6.31 works fine here; does it crash for you?09:45
pittiTheMuso: right, I suspected it would create rtkit without --system, but it does; itz gdm bug09:45
=== asac_ is now known as asac
TheMusopitti: ok. Just aheads up pulse would also be broken atm, since I left out some new files that were added to pulse upstream that I forgot to package. Someone filed a bug about it, so I'll push up a new package that fixes it, so it you encounter no sound, thats probably why.09:51
seb128_didrocks, ok, got it, that was stupid issue again and the error was not clear09:53
pittiTheMuso: right, haven't tested that yet (I usually have my speakers turned off)09:53
pittithanks for the heads-up09:53
TheMusopitti: np09:53
didrocksseb128_: what was the matter?09:56
seb128_didrocks, my pbuilder is still a intrepid one ;-)09:56
seb128_didrocks, I did add the karmic source, the ppa and installed the build-depends09:57
seb128_but python was still 2.509:57
seb128_after upgrading to 2.6 it builds09:57
seb128_something python-ish but I don't care enough to try to understand09:57
seb128_that works on a karmic version ;-)09:57
didrocksseb128_: oh, you could have create a karmic pbuilder. This would have been easier :)09:58
didrocks(not sure about the speed with your connection, though)09:58
seb128_would have taken 1 hour rather than 5 minutes to install updates09:58
seb128_but it would have spared the debug round ;-)09:59
seb128_anyway uploaded let's see if it builds now09:59
didrockssure :-)09:59
seb128_ok, I'm moving in the outside and taking my laptop, it's getting too warm there to work correctly ;-)10:00
seb128_be back in a bit10:00
pittiTheMuso: confirmed, no joy with paplay here10:05
pittiTheMuso: btw, do you know about dh_install --{list,fail}-missing? pretty handy10:05
didrockspitti: the only thing it that it doesn't work with uncompressed manpages and dh_gconf (listing missing ./etc/gconf/... even if installed by dh_gconf to usr/share/gconf)10:07
pittiright, you can use -X to blacklist them10:07
didrocksI must do that in my pbuilder hooks10:08
TheMusopitti: No I didn't, thanks.10:08
TheMusopitti: anyway, just uploaded a fixed package.10:08
hyperairwhy won't my usb drives mount?!10:15
* hyperair must have compiled something wrongly in the kernel =(10:16
pittihyperair: dmesg sees it?10:22
edgarmattern14 what is this room here?10:22
pittihey edgarmattern1; for discussing development of Ubuntu desktop stuff10:23
Tm_Tedgarmattern1: also read topic10:23
seb128pitti, not sure if you read my comment about gst-plugins-good before, did you talk to slomo about the changes?11:27
seb128we were on sync with debian and I would like to keep things this way11:27
pittiseb128: I didn't, ken did the coordination; however, it's being done upstream, so eventually we should go back to sync11:32
waltersseb128: what was the error btw? =)11:32
seb128pitti, would be nice to talk to the debian maintainer to keep good relations with them in such cases11:32
seb128walters, nothing clear11:34
seb128Log level 32: Execution of main.js threw exception: Error: Unable to construct boxed type Color since it has no zero-args <constructor>, can only wrap an existing one11:34
seb128and that it exits apparently11:34
waltersseb128: can you pastebin the whole thing?11:34
waltersseb128: or at least more11:36
seb128walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/208034/11:38
seb128lunch time, be back in half an hour11:39
waltersseb128: do you have Clutter-0.9.typelib installed?11:40
seb128walters, yes, a /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Clutter-0.9.typelib11:41
seb128anyway lunch bbl11:41
rodrigo_seb128: if I want to have jaunty and karmic packages on my PPA, should I submit them twice, once for jaunty and one for karmic?11:43
rodrigo_ah, he's gone for lunch11:44
rodrigo_pitti: ^^11:44
didrocksrodrigo_: FWIW, yes :)11:45
rodrigo_oh, ok11:46
rodrigo_it would be great to just submit once for both, if the packages are the same11:48
didrocksrodrigo_: I think that has been discussed recently (ubuntu open week?) and is on launchpad team schedule (btw, for more accurate information, #launchpad)11:49
rodrigo_ok thanks11:49
rodrigo_Already uploaded to playground on ppa.launchpad.net11:49
rodrigo_Doing nothing for json-glib_0.7.2-1_source.changes11:49
pittirodrigo_: usually you upload a version to karmic, and then version~jaunty1 to jaunty PPA11:50
rodrigo_I guess I need to change the version also?11:50
rodrigo_ah ok11:50
pittirodrigo_: I think you can also upload to jaunty and then use the "copy packages" button for karmic11:50
pittibut I'm not sure whether this just works between PPAs, or also between releases11:50
rodrigo_ah, trying that, much easier if it works11:50
rodrigo_no, doesn't work11:52
rodrigo_pitti: but I guess I can create another PPA just for jaunty?11:52
pittirodrigo_: well, you should use the same PPA11:52
rodrigo_it doesn't work, it says the sources already exist11:52
pittiright, you need a different version number11:53
rodrigo_ok, I'll submit then with the ~jaunty1 thing11:54
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128 RE12:11
seb128ups, re12:12
seb128walters, so yes Clutter-0.9.typelib installed12:12
seb128rodrigo_, upload to jaunty and do a ppa copy to karmic12:12
rodrigo_ah, ok12:12
waltersseb128: ok, has it been built after introspection?12:12
rodrigo_so the other way around doesn't work?12:12
seb128walters, yes12:13
seb128walters, I did rebuild gnome-shell after fixing gjs yesterday12:13
waltersseb128: well, Clutter-0.9.typelib comes from the clutter package12:13
seb128that one might not have been12:14
* seb128 checks12:14
seb128but I think it would be in an another directory than /usr/lib/girepository-1.0 if that was not the case12:14
walterswe have a minor version for typelib incompatibility but we haven't been consistent about bumping it =/12:14
seb128since that's the new location12:14
didrocksseb128: Clutter-0.9.typelib is probably in the -dev package12:14
seb128didrocks, I've that installed, the file is on disk12:15
didrocks(less than ideal, we should move .gir and .typelib in the bin one, seeing mutter depends :/)12:15
waltersseb128: the problem may be that it was built with an older gobject-introspection and the typelib format changed12:15
seb128Get:3 http://ftpmaster.internal karmic/universe gobject-introspection 0.6.3-0ubuntu112:15
seb128walters, no, it built using 0.6.312:16
waltersok hm12:16
waltersblah, the example is broken12:19
rodrigo_hmm, gwibber in karmic gives me unauthorized errors, is that known, or is it me?12:20
seb128rodrigo_, dunno I'm not use gwibber, I think it's a question for kenvandine12:22
seb128walters, anything else I could run to check that the stack is correcly installed?12:22
rodrigo_ugh, now it crashed12:22
rodrigo_kenvandine: any idea12:22
seb128rodrigo_, he might be travelling to GUADEC12:23
seb128rodrigo_, when is your flight btw?12:23
rodrigo_seb128: ok, I can live without it for a bit :)12:24
rodrigo_seb128: tomorrow at 16:35 I get to GC12:24
waltersseb128: trying to do that now sec12:24
seb128rodrigo_, where do you fly from tomorrow?12:24
rodrigo_seb128: Zaragoza12:24
seb128rodrigo_, ok, not the same flight, I switch plane in madrid landing at 16:5012:25
pittibryce: yay -intel fixing bugs! I reported https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20520 and http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21719, and both got a working patch now12:25
seb12816:50 in GC12:25
ubottuFreedesktop bug 20520 in Driver/intel "[945GM] display freezes a few minutes after resuming" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]12:25
* pitti is happy about perfect suspend/resume with KMS now12:25
rodrigo_seb128: ah, ok, I'll wait for you then, if you want12:25
seb128lool is in the same plane12:25
rodrigo_it's just 15 mins diff12:25
rodrigo_seb128: no direct flights from Strasbourg?12:26
seb128rodrigo_, I'm flying from luxembourg, and not every day12:26
seb128I got a direct return on wednesday12:26
seb128but there was nothing directory today or tomorrow12:26
rodrigo_I'm also have one stop, in fuerteventura (another island in the canaries)12:27
seb128directory -> direct, autofingers ;-)12:27
rodrigo_but comig direct on Friday12:27
rodrigo_seb128: ah, you come back on Wed12:27
pittiseb128: is https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/nautilus/1: useful on its own right, or only in conjunction with gvfs? IOW, should this still be moved to -updates, or should we pull it from hardy-proposed?12:27
rodrigo_seb128: I'm staying till Fri for the guadec-es12:27
seb128rodrigo_, yeah, over a week is long for a conference12:28
seb128I usually go for core days12:28
rodrigo_seb128: yes, too long12:28
seb128and that was either direct fly on wednesday12:28
seb128or over 10 hours in airplanes on thursday or friday12:28
seb128easy choice ;-)12:28
seb128pitti, don't move it, it might have some side effects, it making things not open when they should12:29
seb128pitti, it was in coordination with the gvfs behaviour change12:29
pittiseb128: okay, thanks12:29
rodrigo_seb128: yeah, better to come back on Wed12:30
rodrigo_seb128: I guess I'll use some slot in Wed or Thu to go to the beach and relax12:30
seb128rodrigo_, good plan ;-)12:31
rodrigo_if we are not many people for guadec-es, we can even do the talks in the beach, close to the bar :)12:31
seb128walters, is examples/clutter.js in gjs supposed to display something?12:33
seb128"    JS G OBJ: Defining method show in prototype for (null) (Clutter.Actor)12:33
seb128do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.12:33
seb128Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter.12:33
waltersseb128: that's what i'm fixing12:33
seb128it displays an empty window12:33
waltersseb128: oh it's blank for you?  that implies to me it's picking clutter 0.812:33
seb128walters, should I move Clutter-0.8.gir out of the way?12:34
waltersnevermind the old version hardcoded 0.812:34
walterswell a patch to clutter is needed to make it work with 0.912:35
seb128walters, is current git working for anybody? ;-) I'm wondering if I'm fighting packaging issues there or upstream bugs12:36
waltersi'm working upstream right now12:36
waltersthat failure is about the earliest thing we do in js, so it's a fairly fundamental issue12:36
didrocks(I'm around if a patch is needed for clutter package ;))12:36
tgpraveenin the karmic-notfy-osd blueprint it is mentioned non-critical bubbles will be suppressed for full screen apps12:38
tgpraveenmessage from empathy/pidgin are crtiical or non critical?12:39
waltersseb128: i'm out of immediate ideas, but if gtk.js works then it's something going wrong with clutter/introspection, i'm not sure exactly what though12:39
seb128walters, examples/clutter.js is working for you? or is that an another way test than clutter works there?12:40
seb128walters, thanks anyway for the help, I guess that will wait for after GUADEC, people will probably be busy and travelling soon now12:40
waltersseb128: it wasn't, but it is now with a small clutter patch ( http://fpaste.org/paste/17179 ) and i just unilaterally pushed the gjs patch12:41
seb128walters, ok, let me try that one12:41
didrocksthe bottleneck is that gobject-introspection has a soft depends on clutter 0.8. But owen told me it was not important.12:42
tgpraveenthis is the right channel for this question right?12:42
waltersdidrocks: well...gir-repository does, but honestly that package needs to die =)12:42
didrockswalters: I hope it will be possible to kill it soon ;)12:43
seb128tgpraveen, you want to talk to MacSlow when he's back from lunch12:43
tgpraveenseb128: k. thx12:43
pittidobey: weird, lintian has 9 complains for ubuntuone-client for me12:52
seb128walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/208079/12:59
rodrigo_seb128: I think you're coming in the same flight than ara and other canonical people13:02
seb128rodrigo_, could be, lool and dbarth are in this plane too apparently13:02
rodrigo_seb128: I was going to wait for ara, so yeah, we'll meet all at the airport13:03
waltersseb128: can you do g-ir-generate /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Clutter-0.9.typelib > /tmp/clutter.xml13:03
waltersseb128: then search that file for clutter_color_new and pastebin the context around there13:03
waltersseb128: when does your gjs date from btw?13:04
seb128walters, current tarball, I'm building git as we speak since that's around 6 months old13:04
seb128walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/208084/13:04
seb128walters, http://paste.ubuntu.com/208089/ using gjs git13:10
seb128walters, but gnome-shell stats now \o/13:10
waltersseb128: yeah that one needs the clutter patch13:11
seb128walters, thanks again, would be nice to roll a new gjs tarball ;-)13:11
seb128walters, http://fpaste.org/paste/17179 is not the full patch though, is it?13:11
seb128walters, ie it seems to change only the documentation no?13:11
waltersfor clutter it should be yeah13:11
seb128I rebuilt clutter using that13:11
seb128any gnome-shell start \o/13:12
seb128walters, thanks again for the help there ;-)13:12
mvogeser: I uploaded a apt into my PPA that fixes the http problem for me, please let me know if it works for you as well13:33
crevetteseb128, so how is gnome-shell?13:36
seb128crevette, too slow to be usable13:37
crevetteah, what is your hardware?13:37
seb128crevette, intel 96513:38
seb128works great with compiz in a smooth way13:38
crevetteso without mutter it is better?13:39
seb128dunno I didn't try without it13:39
crevetteah I thought gnome-shell was better with compiz13:40
seb128crevette, how do I do that?13:46
seb128crevette, gnome-shell --replace kicks compiz out13:46
crevetteI don't know if this is possible, I don't the new shell that much13:46
seb128<crevette> ah I thought gnome-shell was better with compiz13:46
seb128ok, that was just random comments? ;-)13:47
waltersno, gnome-shell is coded to metacity internals13:47
walterswell, mutter13:47
crevetteseb128, no I answered that because of "<seb128> works great with compiz in a smooth way"13:47
seb128well compiz is fast on intel13:47
crevettewalters, for  what I tried, I don't like the mutter animation on window opening/close :)13:48
seb128anyway I got gnome-shell to run13:48
seb128it's working fine but sloooow13:48
waltersyeah, compiz is pretty optimized at this point, and we have some general slowness, and in particular for the overlay transition are doing some stupid stuff13:48
seb128ie switching between applications the animation takes over 1 second13:48
seb128it feels very sluggish13:48
walterscrevette: fair enough =)  i doubt it'd be terribly hard to port/rewrite whatever random flaming window effect plugins13:48
seb128walters, anyway it's working in the ppa now so I expect we will soon have daily builds or something so we can help you guys to get some easy testing13:49
crevetteno no, I don't like faming and such, I love simple thing13:49
seb128pitti, can't jockey tell that intel doesn't need closed source drivers in a decent time? ;-)13:50
waltersseb128: hmm something is definitely wrong, i think other people have it ok on 965, but we know it's pretty bad on 94513:50
seb128pitti, the bouncing bar taking 7-8 seconds when activating desktop effects drives me crazy13:50
seb128walters, it's karmic which has intel and UXA so it should be decently fast yes13:51
seb128owen said yesterday he was doing changes which should make performances better though13:51
dobeypitti: weird indeed13:51
waltersseb128: how big is your screen?13:52
crevetteseb128, nice if you create a ppa13:52
seb128walters, 1440x900 15"13:52
seb128crevette, <crevette> ah I thought gnome-shell was better with compiz13:52
seb128crevette, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa13:52
waltersseb128: among the fixes he's done is we get a lot slower the more big windows you have since we redraw them all (before his fix)13:53
seb128ok, now I would like to figure what is eating ressources there13:53
seb128load is 3.65!13:53
seb128but nothing is using cpu in a excessive way in top and nothing special is running13:53
seb128and it's not gnome-shell since I stopped it13:53
crevetteseb128, thanks, should be better to have a dedicated ppa for gnome 3.0 package? (/me didn't want to upgrade to GDM, I know I can refuse but I know I will forget to uncheck the box)13:54
seb128crevette, I'm going to upload gdm in karmic today so that will be cleaned from the ppa13:54
seb128walters, the "use xephyr or restore desktop when being stopped" is very neat13:55
crevetteseb128, ah you upload gdm and run to hide for a week on an island. nice plan :)13:55
waltersseb128: yeah, among the first things i did...having a good development/test cycle is important13:55
seb128crevette, pitti will cover for me while I'm away13:55
dobeypitti: is it really a requirement that DEB_DH_MKSHLIBS_ARGS be after the includes?14:03
seb128ok, back to normal14:05
seb128wb pitti14:07
dobeyhey pitti14:07
seb128pitti, gnome-panel uploaded to drop the fusa detection, I'm ready to upload gdm if you say to do it now ;-)14:08
pittiseb128: intel jockey> we might add some special case there14:08
seb128pitti, why does it take 7-8 seconds to check for a driver?14:08
pittidobey: yeah, it's weird that it doesn't work to declare it before the includes14:08
pittiseb128: go, Seb, go! *hug*14:08
seb128I'm curious to know what is so slow14:08
seb128and couldn't it cache the information?14:08
seb128I'm using the desktop effects tab several times and it's slow on each try14:09
seb128pitti, ;-)14:09
* seb128 hugs pitti14:09
pittiseb128: it's the combined slowness of d-bus activation and python and jockey not hardcoding knowledge about drivers :(14:09
pittiapt querying apt, etc.14:09
dobeypitti: ok14:10
pittiseb128: ok, jockey speed is something to look into after beta14:10
crevettewalters, gnome-shell is supposed to replace the goooood-old panel we love? :)14:11
walterscrevette: yep14:11
seb128pitti, it's nothing new, I'm just complaining because I've been playing with the desktop effects quite a lot today14:13
seb128and I keep waiting for this bouncing which makes no sense on intel14:13
didrocksseb128: do you think it worths uploading patched clutter 0.9 in universe?14:15
seb128didrocks, it doesn't seem to be required for gnome-shell14:15
didrocksseb128: just polishing your http://paste.ubuntu.com/208089/ error, right?14:16
seb128didrocks, that one is after applying the change14:18
seb128didrocks, feel free to upload the change that doesn't hurt ;-)14:20
didrocksseb128: I'm not confortable to break everything if you have an experimental stuff that works for next week. So, if it can wait for next release...14:21
seb128didrocks, that will not break anything don't worry14:22
didrocksok, so let's patch ;)14:22
seb128didrocks, cool14:23
spcdamn im planning to make me a htpc or better a multimedia pc i tryed kubuntu (but its paint when watching videos from lan, it copies them first) so i tryed ubuntu which is a bit better but i have problems on (k)ubuntu with my cheap labtec wirless keyboard.so anyone can suggest me some good distro or sth to test?14:24
seb128spc, try #ubuntu14:24
gesermvo: looking at your PPA apt FTBFS there14:41
seb128the notice about ppas having the same package than yours is sort of cool14:49
seb128ie I know that mvo has an outdated clutter-0.9 in his ppa now ;-)14:50
pittiseb128: nice, where's that displayed?14:51
seb128pitti, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-0.9 for example14:52
Artirclutter 1.0 is suposed to fall soon14:52
didrocksclutter-0.9_0.9.4-0ubuntu3 waiting for build ;)14:55
mvogeser: thanks, looking14:55
pittiseb128: meh, gvfs git trunk doesn't build, it complains about the lack of G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRINGV15:16
pittiseb128: did you happen to see this already for something else?15:16
pittiit's nowhere in /usr/include/glib-2.0/15:16
pittigio/gioenums.h has all sorts of G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_*, but not that one15:17
pittiah, that was committed on June 25, so I guess that needs a newer glib15:18
seb128pitti, right15:20
pittihm, 2.21.2 is current15:20
pittiseb128: ah, http://git.gnome.org/cgit/glib/commit/?id=0ed9201ad2051c33f5d049754bd8a1644d19ab7c15:24
pittiseb128: mind if I upload that patch to karmic?15:24
seb128pitti, what are you trying to get?15:24
pittiseb128: build gvfs git head15:24
seb128for karmic or locally?15:24
pitti(to do some more hal -> gudev porting)15:24
seb128anyway feel free to update15:25
pittiseb128: ok; it's just adding new stuff, shoudnl't break anything15:25
seb128but gvfs got lot of changes recently15:25
pittiright, that's also why I want to develop against git head15:25
seb128not sure doing a git snapshot now is the best thing15:25
pittiseb128: oh, I don't want to upload gvfs git head15:25
seb128oh ok15:25
seb128feel free then15:25
pittiseb128: just the new gio patch for the _STRINGV attribute15:25
seb128works for me15:26
seb128go go go ;-)15:26
pittiuhg, that's a heavy thunderstorm/rain15:27
pittiif I fall off the planet, look for some wet small black heap of ash15:27
seb128rain would be good there, the temperature is over 30°C since the start of the week now15:31
seb128looking forward GUADEC to get some wind and water ;-)15:32
seb128pitti, on what architecture are you now?15:37
pittiseb128: amd64, since about jaunty beta or so15:38
seb128hum ok15:38
seb128pitti, I will ask you to test gnome-shell in a bit if that's ok but amd64 will take a bit longer15:39
pittiseb128: I'm happy to15:39
pittiyay new crack!15:39
pittiseb128: does it start fast?15:39
pittiseb128: does it conflcits: gnome-panel, or does the autostart file do some magic to not start the panel if g-s is running?15:40
seb128pitti, yeah, less than 5 seconds on my laptop when testing15:40
seb128pitti, gnome-shell does start it in a xephyr so you can test without breaking anything15:40
pittiI'd test it with another user15:40
seb128pitti, gnome-shell --replace replace gnome-panel but start it back when you stop gnome-shell15:40
seb128it's pretty neat15:40
pittiif I can have both pacakges installed15:40
pittiseb128: can we make it to start by default and suppress panel?15:41
pittiif you have the package installed?15:41
seb128I have to look into that but I expect it's just adding gnome-shell to the session15:41
pittifor now, that's great for testing15:41
seb128it's pretty similar to the unr switcher I guess15:41
seb128you can switch between modes easily15:42
pittiand I can just use it with my own user then15:42
seb128I really like that they made it so easy to test15:42
seb128it doesn't break anything running nor your config15:42
seb128you can just run it and ctrl-c and you are back to your desktop for normal use15:42
seb128on a side note gdm 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 uploaded to karmic15:43
seb128pitti, ^15:43
pittigo, seb, go!15:43
seb128as alex wrote on the gtk list "maybe we live in interesting time" ;-)15:44
seb128(they landed client side rendering to gtk)15:44
crevetteseb128, lot of things are changing :)15:44
seb128(ie rewrote most of gdk)15:44
seb128and glib got tons of changes too15:44
seb128for one time we got all the crack on a crack cycle and not on a lts one ;-)15:45
crevettewould be nice if someone was able to build currnet gk for windows in order I can test it15:47
crevetteI know I'm a little bit off-topic :)15:47
pitticrevette: what is windows?15:47
pittisounds like some new GTK theme :)15:47
crevettesomething you don't have to care about but I use averyday15:47
seb128crevette, install vmware? ;-)15:48
crevetteyeah I should consider that but it require to re-install all my stuff15:51
crevetteI seen one of my customer do that when he sent me a screenshot15:51
kenvandinepitti, i'll get those other MIRs done today.. thx for uploading that stuff :)16:21
pittihey kenvandine16:25
kenvandinehey pitti16:25
* kenvandine feels a little dizzy preparing for the trip... wish tomorrow wasn't a holiday here16:26
loolmvo: I've pushed your rpm bdep change upstream17:23
mvolool: thanks a lot!17:25
* mvo hugs the unstoppable lool17:26
brycepitti, good news on those two bugs.  Since the patches are kernel patches, you should let the kernel team know (via lp bugs tagged xorg-needs-kernel-fix) to pull them17:29
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
pittibryce: well, the first is already in trunk, the second will be submitted soon17:31
pittias long as they make it into karmic, I'm happy17:31
=== proppy1 is now known as proppy
mvogeser: another apt is in my ppa now (sorry that it took so long)17:32
pittibryce: I didn't even bother to create LP bugs for them17:34
gesermvo: thanks, I can't reproduce it anymore17:48
mvogeser: great, but everything else keeps working?17:48
seb128pitti, ok, gnome-shell built for amd64 if you want to give it a try17:51
mvoseb128: is it in your ppa ?17:52
pittiseb128: ubuntu-desktop PPA?17:52
seb128pitti, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell && gnome-shell17:52
pittiso there it is17:52
seb128pitti, it works here but I'm interested to make sure I got the depends right etc17:52
gesermvo: yes, as far as I can tell, apt-get -d install downloads all build-depends for camlimages flawless (with around 45 MB/s) and doing a test-build of camlimages with the patched apt installed in my pbuilder worked also17:53
seb128mvo, ubuntu-desktop17:58
seb128pitti, ^17:59
pittiseb128: yup, already downloaded; dpkg grinding :)17:59
pittidrum roll, please18:00
pitti$ gnome-shell18:00
pittixauth:  creating new authority file /tmp/gnome-shell.y8BHnK/database18:00
pittiCould not find Xephyr.18:01
pittiwhy xephyr? I want it in my current session18:01
pittiseb128: oh, there was this magic --replace or si?18:01
seb128pitti, xserver-xephyr is xephyr18:01
pittihmm, "gnome-shell -r" rearranged my panel a bit, but nothing else18:02
seb128pitti, otherwise you can --replace yes18:02
seb128so it seems to be crashing for you :-(18:02
seb128gnome-shell -r -v ?18:02
pittiI ^C'ed it, and now it moved all my windows to workspace 1, and I have a dysfunctional almost-empty panel18:02
pittiit seems to exit mid-way, and I get back to basha18:04
mvogeser: excellent, thanks a lot!18:04
pittiand compiz restarts18:04
pittiseb128: ^18:04
seb128pitti, can you dget https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+files/gjs_0.3~git20090702-0ubuntu0.2.dsc18:04
mvogeser: it works well for me too, but additional confirmation is always good18:04
* mvo hugs geser18:04
pittiseb128: do you get these JSErrors, too?18:04
seb128pitti, no18:05
pittiseb128: got it18:05
seb128pitti, go to the source and gjs-console example/gtk.js18:05
seb128gjs-console examples/gtk.js18:06
pitti"Hello World"18:06
pittiseems to work18:06
pittiif I click on it, it exits cleanly18:06
seb128ok, so the gtk part is working18:06
pitti"Typelib file for namespace 'Meta' (any version) not found"18:06
pittiis that a missing dependency?18:07
seb128well I'm looking for that but I don't have this typelib either in /usr/lib/girepository-1.018:07
seb128walters, ^ any idea?18:07
waltersneed to build mutter with introspection18:08
pittimissing mutter gobject-introspection b-dep or so?18:08
seb128I'm wondering why it's working for me18:09
seb128could be an issue in the amd64 build18:09
pittino, it does install that18:09
seb128pitti, the ppa build is working there18:09
* seb128 looks to build logs18:09
didrocksI added introspection to mutter18:10
pittiamd64 mutter log does have it, apparently18:10
seb128pitti, oh, you need libmutter-dev18:11
seb128pitti, install that an try again?18:11
pitti-dev? weird18:11
seb128didrocks, ^ could you move the .typelib to the lib?18:11
didrocksseb128: yes, and .gir too18:11
pittiwhat are all these fancy new file types?18:11
didrocksas we saw that it makes frightening dependencies :)18:11
seb128pitti, I would say it's a packaging error but quicker to install the -dev for now18:11
seb128didrocks, .gir is a build time thing no?18:11
pittisounds like (g)object (introspection) (r)ambling18:12
seb128pitti, gobject introspection18:12
didrocksseb128: let me try and see what depends it adds18:12
pitticool, it works!18:13
pittiit condensed all my workspaces into one18:13
pittiand the activities thing works18:13
didrocksseb128: seing that this morning, I was thinking about moving both files. But ok, let's try with typelib only18:13
seb128pitti, excellent, thanks for the testing18:15
seb128pitti, it does the same there, not sure if that's a design decision or a bug18:15
seb128the "no workspace"18:15
seb128didrocks, I'm not sure, checking what other packages do18:15
seb128didrocks, not that we have lot of gir packages to compare18:15
seb128didrocks, but I think .gir is used for the build18:15
seb128pitti, working at a normal speed or sluggish?18:15
pittiveeeeery sluggish18:15
pittiand it totally breaks notify-osd18:15
didrocksseb128: dunno. I added a bunch of .gir files in clutter because of adding introspection :)18:15
pittiI see some shadows, but no real bubbles that I can read18:15
seb128pitti, yeah, MacSlow was expecting that for notify-osd18:16
pittidoes this have an equivalent concept of workspaces?18:16
pittilike, can I continue to have my "development view" (terminals, IRC), "communication view" (empathy, mail), and "web view" (firefox)?18:17
pittiseb128: so it's not just slow for me?18:17
kenvandinepitti,  yeah... you can drag the windows around between workspaces in the activities view18:17
MacSlowpitti, you mean gnome-shell and notify-osd don't go well together?18:18
pittiMacSlow: that, too18:18
MacSlowpitti, that's something I cannot address atm18:19
pittihm, is there a way to make some better use of this very large and unused top panel?18:19
kenvandinei want the indicator in it :)18:19
kenvandineit is too think18:19
pittiyes, and just 30% used18:19
pittiand now I have this "recent docs" and other stuff on the left hand side18:20
pittithis could go to the top panel18:20
pittiand I have a bottom panel :(18:20
kenvandineyou can collapse that stuff18:20
seb128pitti, not yet that I know18:20
pittiI did, but still18:20
kenvandinei know18:20
kenvandinei hate that it has two clocks :)18:20
kenvandinenot sure why that bugs me so much18:20
pittiah, just discovered that big + button18:21
kenvandineoh... yeah... to get more workspaces18:21
pittican't drag/drop to the third, nice bug18:22
kenvandineoh... yeah18:23
kenvandineyou can in the 2nd and 4th18:23
kenvandineit's the "bottom left" one18:23
kenvandineno matter how many you have18:23
walterspitti: the way metacity and compiz represent workspaces is different, i forget exactly how but the gnome workspaces applet papers over it18:28
pittiah, right, it's a metacity fork18:28
didrocksnew version updated, you don't have anymore to install whole world of -dev deps for libmutter0 :)18:36
didrockspitti: when this version will be built, can you try please to aptitude purge libmutter-dev and see if it still works?18:36
didrocksre seb12818:37
seb128yeah, internet back to normal, my issues since yesterday were due to my switch18:37
seb128it keeps turn off and on again for some reason18:38
seb128did somebody say something for me recently?18:38
didrocksso, nothing related with the phone as you were infering18:38
pittididrocks: sure18:38
seb128didrocks, no, the phone issue is a real one, it tends to cut the internet when ringing18:38
didrocksseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/208306/18:39
seb128didrocks, thanks18:39
didrockspitti: thanks :)18:39
seb128didrocks, you didn't forget the Replaces right? ;-)18:39
seb128just checking18:39
didrockshum… :/18:40
seb128walters, well both workspace and viewports work with wnckapplet18:40
seb128didrocks, ;-)18:40
didrocksI told myself it was an experimental package and we wanted something cleaned. Didn't think about you poors guys updating :)18:40
didrocksok, so, if you really want to upgrade wait -ubuntu3 is under release ;)18:43
didrocks(I think we will clean that when the package will enter ubuntu)18:44
seb128didrocks, we will18:44
seb128hey rickspencer3!18:48
rickspencer3seb128: !18:48
rickspencer3do you know what hotel we were booked into?18:48
seb128had a good trip to desktop summit?18:48
seb128rickspencer3, www.hotelfataga.com18:49
pittihey rickspencer318:49
didrockshi rickspencer318:50
kenvandinehey rickspencer318:50
rickspencer3hi guyses18:50
rickspencer3so I'm at the conference, just got here18:50
pittirickspencer3: give seb128 a big hug! gnome-shell packaged!18:51
* rickspencer3 hugs seb12818:51
rickspencer3thanks seb128 you are awesome18:51
kenvandinei would use it full time if it had an indicator plugin :)18:52
seb128rickspencer3, np, that was quite some work but didrocks, asac and walters helped me a lot ;-)18:52
kenvandineand now it shouldn't keep breaking... like using jhbuild did18:52
mclasenif the indicator stuff was upstream...18:52
kenvandinewell... it is upstream :)  ayatana is upstream for now, but there is plans to try to get it hosted on fd.o18:54
* kenvandine wonders how hard it would be to write a plugin for the gnome-shell panel18:55
mclasenkenvandine: your 'upstream' will have to fix the integration issues then, I guess...18:56
awe /back19:01
rickspencer3good morning awe19:02
awerickspencer3: morning19:02
rickspencer3well ... it's evening here! and time to find the hotel19:02
* rickspencer3 requires food and beer, not necessarily in that order19:03
awei bet the weather's nicer than here in boston ( rain, rain, more rain )19:03
awerickspencer3: enjoy!19:03
rickspencer3awe: yes, I am certain the weather is nicer than Boston ;)19:03
pittibetter here: rain, rain, rain, and major thunderstorm :)19:03
awethey cancelled the fireworks tonite because of rain!  ;(19:04
didrockspitti: lucky… it's too warm here and no wind :)19:04
rickspencer3awe: tonight?19:04
awethey stagger them around here...19:05
rickspencer3I thought we were 6 hours ahead, not two days behind Boston19:05
awethe big boston fireworks are still saturday!  ;)19:05
* rickspencer3 high fives seb128 and didrocks and asac19:05
rickspencer3gnome-shell looks very comfy in the ppa19:06
didrockspitti: I can't change the quickly spec status19:07
didrockspitti: sorry, I was not logged, strangely :/19:08
pittididrocks: LP threw me out as well several times in the last days19:08
didrockspitti: but I still can't change the Definition :)19:09
pittididrocks: URL, and which state do you want?19:09
* pitti -> dinner, bbl19:10
didrockspitti: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-quickly and "Review" as rick seems to agree with my changes19:12
didrockshave a good dinner19:12
pittididrocks: changed19:42
didrockspitti: thanks19:45
pittigood night everyone!20:14
pittiseb128, kenvandine: have a safe trip, and enjoy the summit!20:14
* pitti hugs the Gran Canarians20:14
* pitti will call it a day now and spend some time with his wife20:15
pittiI managed to port gvfs' gphoto volume monitor to hal \o/20:15
pittierm, to udev, of course :)20:15
kenvandinepitti, thx20:16
didrocksgood night pitti!20:17
hggdhseb128, was it expected that the new gdm would kill X on install/config?20:18
hggdhi.e., under synaptic, selected all updates (including gdm), and suddenly my Gnome session vanished20:20
artirnow all u are at about 200 km of me :)20:21
crevettegdm update wants to remove fusa which will remove ubuntu-desktop, is it intended?20:33
seb128hggdh, no, it should open a new session but your running one is still open20:36
seb128hggdh, ie you can switch back to it20:36
seb128crevette, changelogs are made to be read especially in unstable versions ;-)20:36
seb128crevette, reply "yes", fusa has not been ported to new gdm I wrote it in the changelog20:36
seb128pitti, thanks20:36
crevetteseb128, actually the update manager greyes the update, asking to dist-upgrade, but the dist-upgrade is cancelled by a dialog telling my system is up to date, and the dist-upgrade will be cancelled :)20:38
* crevette wil fetch the changelog by himself20:40
* ajmitch wonders if anyone really uses metacity anymore20:40
hggdhseb128, this did not happen. There was no GDM left20:40
crevetteajmitch, I use it everyday :)20:40
seb128hggdh, are you sure? or you didn't use the right ctrl-alt-fn?20:40
seb128hggdh, it autolog your user again when starting if you have autologin for example20:41
hggdhseb128, ctrl-alt-f6/7/8/920:41
ajmitchcrevette: great, you haven't seen it chewing 100% CPU time have you? :)20:41
seb128hggdh, but the session is still running20:41
hggdhps -ef | grep gdm20:41
seb128hggdh, gdm might not be running bug your session?20:41
crevetteajmitch, do you use compositor?20:41
* ajmitch isn't seeing his problem in the list of open bugs yet20:41
hggdhseb128, I was thrown back into term120:41
ajmitchcrevette: no20:41
ajmitchI tried switching & it fails20:42
seb128hggdh, ok, maybe xorg crashed on vt switch or something for you20:42
seb128hggdh, I doubt it's due to gdm itself though20:42
crevetteajmitch, I didn't had the issue you report20:42
ajmitchcrevette: I'm probably unique like that ;)20:42
crevettesorry :/20:43
* ajmitch will file a bug later20:43
seb128ajmitch, it was making gconf use cpu there while using compiz today but I played with gnome-shell before20:43
hggdhseb128, please see http://pastebin.ca/148223720:43
seb128so not sure if some manager switch didn't work correctly20:43
ajmitchthere's some switching that isn't working properly for me, but it's the metacity process that ends up taking the CPU time20:43
hggdhseb128, GDM was stopped20:44
seb128hggdh, you have kdm in this log too20:44
ajmitchI'll have to wait until I have time this evening to sort it out20:44
hggdhseb128, yes. I have KDE, xfce, and gnome. I usually run gnome. The important piece is the apt log showing a STOP action on GDM, and KDM configuration stating no display :0.0 was found -- ergo, no X20:45
seb128hggdh, well there is no stop action in the gdm.postinst and I've never seen this issue neither did other people who tried the update20:45
seb128hggdh, ie "dunno"20:45
hggdhseb128, well, if nobody has it, I think we can throw this on into the WTF bin ;-)20:46
hggdhbut it is clear that somebody sent a STOP to gdm. This is rather weird20:47
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