
cpscottiAmpelbein: thanks, I figured out the dh_helper issue and fixed it00:03
aboudreaultWhen a package needs a few modifications to be built in Ubuntu (from debian)... you make the changes, add some notes in the changelog... and that's it... but when you resynch the package from debian... you just drop the current changelog and update the debian one or you always keep the changelog with all all modifications00:33
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Ampelbeinaboudreault: there is no fixed rule, but it is common practice to preserve the changelog in case of merges. for sync's (= copying the debian package and rebuild in ubuntu with no changes) the ubuntu-changelog is dropped.00:36
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nhandlerAny ideas why I am getting 'dpkg-genchanges: error: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory01:41
nhandlerThat is in a pbuilder build of a package01:41
maxbSomething ran dh_clean when it shouldn't have, perhaps?02:27
nhandlerI resolved the issue. It was Arch: any with an empty binary-arch.02:30
TheMusoWould any MOTu who has some time kindly look over http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=6234 please? I ask for it to be ASAP, as it will be making its way into main to be used with pulseaudio.02:41
qiyongis it in restricted section or in main?03:08
Hobbseesarah@pluto:~% apt-cache madison samba-common                           12:15PM03:15
Hobbseesamba-common | 2:3.3.5-1ubuntu4 | http://silver.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main Packages03:15
Hobbseeqiyong: ^.  Also, packages.ubuntu.com03:15
droolpalScottK: Regarding freeglut3, why can I not install via apt-get then?04:07
ScottKdroolpal: Not sure.04:08
droolpalit does not show up in synaptic either04:08
droolpal(of course)04:08
droolpalScottK: do you see it if you apt-get check freeglut3 ?04:09
ScottKdroolpal: Yes.  You might have a bad mirror.04:10
droolpalScottK: for some reason I did not have my main sources "turned on"! could main and multiverse sources be disabled by adding a different ppa source via the command line? (as some sites show users how to do..)04:15
slytherindoko: In case you haven't already noticed. openjdk-6 is in DEPWAIT because the build dependency llvm-dev is in universe.05:08
james_wthere's an MIR filed for llvm05:09
slytherinjames_w: do you have link? a simple search for llvm didn't turn up anything on wiki.05:10
james_wI think it's just a bug05:10
* slytherin checks05:10
james_wor the bugs ~ubuntu-mir is subscribed to05:11
slytherinfound it05:12
slytherinpersia: can you please tell me how did you use the chroot provided by cjwatson. I am having trouble setting up sbuild.05:15
TheMusoslytherin: What part are you having trouble with?05:22
slytherinTheMuso: let me tell you error.05:23
slytherinTheMuso: I am using 'file' type chroot. I get this error - http://paste.ubuntu.com/207923/05:25
TheMusoslytherin: And as for the texlive-base/dpkg-trigger problem, I have an idea as to what it could be, which is why05:25
TheMusoslytherin: Try geting into the chroot using schroot -v05:25
TheMusoto see if you can find out what dir its having problems with.05:26
slytherinTheMuso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/207925/05:27
TheMusoslytherin: hrm, not sure then. Have a read of the sbuild-setup manpage and make sure the dirs and permissions it talks about are set correctly. You don't want to follow its guide, but it will give you an idea fr what to look for.05:29
slytherinTheMuso: Ok. I guess I will try tonight.05:30
slytherinTheMuso: And you said you have an idea about dpkg-trigger problem?05:30
TheMusoslytherin: Yes, and its to do with the way the buildds are set up for powerpc. Sbuild can operate in whats known as split mode, where the host dpkg/apt tools are used to install the packages, before the chroot is entered to build a package. I think this is one way they probably prevent networking for package builds.05:33
TheMusoslytherin: Since powerpc buildds still use dapper, and there is probably an upgraded dpkg, this is causing problems somehow. I don't know more without reproducing it, which I can't.05:33
TheMusoI have poked infinity, but I think cjwatson may be interested in my theory.05:33
TheMusoAs well as persia.05:33
slytherinTheMuso: If I get this sbuild setup properly, I may be able to help at least to try reproducing it. AFAIK, persia couldn't reproduce the problem.05:34
TheMusoRight, and I think we can't produce it because we use the chroot mode, which uses the dpkg/apt tools that are inside the chroot for setting things up./05:36
TheMusoI tried to set up sbuild in split mode, but had no luck.05:36
lifelessTheMuso: btw did you land the dmraid stuff?05:37
slytherinI hope this will be solved soon enough. There are too many builds failing because of the problem.05:38
RAOFTheMuso: It seems the ubuntu-audio rtkit package fails to install for me with an adduser error: "adduser: Specify only one name in this mode."05:38
wgrantRAOF: Ah, so it's not just me. I fixed it by removing the '-d' from the adduser args.05:39
RAOFI suspect I could fix it by manually creating an 'rtkit' system user, too.05:39
TheMusoRAOF: thanks will look at that in a bit.05:39
TheMusolifeless: Its been pushed to Debian, however I can do a dmraid upload with it included if you really want it.05:39
lifelessTheMuso: no need, thanks05:47
* TheMuso chuckles. Here we go again, but now on the MC list. :)06:03
lifelessMC list ?06:04
RAOFOverGod strikes again?06:06
TheMusoRAOF: Try opening up rtkit.postinst, removing the -d for the adduser comand, and installing again. The -d shouldn't be there.06:07
TheMusoRAOF: Yes, and lifeless, motu council list.06:07
RAOFTheMuso: Yeah, done that & it works.06:08
TheMusogoodo, uploading to PPA and revu.06:08
lifelessah thanks06:10
dholbachgood morning06:34
ajmitchgood morning mr holbach06:35
dholbachSeƱor Mitchell! :)06:36
dholbachUbuntu Development and Packaging Q&A in 10m in #ubuntu-classroom06:50
* TheMuso might come along and help out.06:51
dholbachTheMuso: you ROCK! :)06:51
dholbachTheMuso: I'll take a look at rtkit later on :)06:53
TheMusodholbach: Thanks.06:54
ajmitchdarn, missed the start of the packaging session07:17
dholbachTheMuso: does rtkit need to be in the audio group?07:32
dholbachTheMuso: does dbus need to be reloaded in the postrm?07:32
TheMusodholbach: dbus gets reloaded for the fedora package, and pulseaudio does it as well.07:43
TheMusodholbach: no doesn't need to be in the audio group, because its not audio specific.07:43
dholbachTheMuso: I meant in the postrm07:44
ajmitchit'd make sense to do so if you're removing the package, wouldn't it?07:44
TheMusoNo, because if the config is loaded in the postrm and the daemon is still running, that could cause issues for the running session.07:44
TheMusoPulse doesn't reload dbus in the postrm.07:44
TheMusoand nor does the fedora package reload in the postrm either07:45
dholbachah ok07:45
dholbachgot it07:45
dholbachTheMuso: other than that - the package looks great to me07:45
TheMusodholbach: ok.07:45
ajmitchnew PA which I'd love to test, pity I value my nvidia graphics drivers :)07:46
TheMusoajmitch: I know what you mean. :)07:46
TheMusoThis cycle has been the best in terms of audio, because we are actually on the bleeding edge for a lot of pieces, which allows audio to be too.07:47
ajmitchadmittedly I'm still running a jaunty kernel & alsa & PA, so I won't get all the new toys07:49
* slytherin plans to update to karmic once the kernel on powerpc is fixed.07:51
TheMusoslytherin: That shouldn't be too long.07:52
slytherinTheMuso: yes, I am keeping watch on git logs. :-)07:52
TheMusoslytherin: great.07:53
dholbachTheMuso: ACKed the package :)07:53
TheMusoslytherin: You are aware that the powerpc kernel is being moved back into the main linux source, at the request of the archive admins?07:53
TheMusodholbach: So I saw.07:53
slytherinTheMuso: yes I know.07:53
TheMusoslytherin: ok great.07:54
TheMusoNow all we need to do is fix the texlive-base weirdness, and we can actually get to work and do some serious testing of the powerpc port.07:54
* TheMuso hasn't upgraded to karmic for this reason.07:55
TheMusoon his powerpc hardware.07:55
slytherinTheMuso: right. that is another issue blocking upgrade for me.07:56
slytherinTheMuso: isn't there anyway to upgrade the OS on buildds, one at a time?07:56
TheMusoslytherin: Yes, but the issue is that the hardy powerpc kernel doesn't boot on the powerpc hardware that are being used in the data centre.07:56
slytherinTheMuso: really? that is bad.07:59
TheMusoslytherin: Yeah, ufnrtounately I don't have sed hardware, so can't test myself.08:00
slytherinTheMuso: is the problem only with hardy original release or with point releases as well?08:01
TheMusoslytherin: DOn't know.08:07
TheMusoI would say point releases as well, since kernel updates wouldn't be addressing powerpc issues necesarily.08:07
slytherinTheMuso: But testing the point release with live CD might be worth a shot.08:08
TheMusoslytherin: If we had access to the same hardware, yes.08:08
slytherinTheMuso: have you asked NCommander? he seems to have access to pretty weird hardware.08:09
TheMusoslytherin: He doesn't have access to Xserves, which I think is what is being used.08:10
TheMusoAre we still doing single advocations for packages on revu uploaded by MOTUs, or does everything get 2 acks now?08:13
* ajmitch doesn't know what the current policy is, or if people generally follow it 08:15
slytherinsingle AFAIK.08:16
quadrisprociao gaspa08:19
RAOFTheMuso: I'm pretty sure the fact that you uploaded it to revu is considered the first MOTU advocation :)08:20
TheMusoRAOF: Yeah butg I am not really involved with the MOTU community any more, so wasn't sure if things changed.08:20
quadrisproTheMuso: what do you think about using new format for the debian/copyright? (Debian DEP-5, I'm talking about rtkit)08:22
ajmitchTheMuso: more involved than many of us08:22
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TheMusoquadrispro: Don't know enough about it sorry.08:25
TheMusoand don't really have time to research it, unless its a must have.08:26
quadrisproTheMuso: it's quite simple to use, that's an example -> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/xvidenc-0907020900/xvidenc-8.1.6/debian/copyright08:26
TheMusoI'll have a look later.08:26
* TheMuso is outa here for now.08:26
iulianBleah, that guy (vido) who was talking about the god has just sent an email to MC :-(08:34
iulianEven though nixternal said to don't bring it to the MC list.08:35
iulianIMO, the conversation becomes tedious.08:39
Hobbseeiulian: It'll be good fun fo the MC to come up with an explanation as to why it won't happen, in a polite way, but strong enough so that he doesn't try again.  I look forward to persia's response.08:45
iulianThat'd be good.08:45
HobbseeAs there's not eally any othe feasible option08:46
directhexis his mail in english?08:54
geserdirecthex: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2009-July/002145.html08:58
directhexgeser, parser error. can't understand a word08:59
StevenKdirecthex: I don't like the name of this package, since I'm Christian, purge it from the archive.08:59
* iulian sniggers.09:00
directhexStevenK, what's the package? i cba guessing the redacted letter09:00
StevenKdirecthex: 'overgod'09:00
Hobbseedirecthex: not much different from the last version.  My religion doesn't like it, so you should remove it, as you're Ubuntu for human beings.09:00
directhexhttp://www.humanism.org.uk/home !09:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:01
Hobbsee!msgthebot > qiyong09:02
ubottuqiyong, please see my private message09:02
qiyongplz tell me what is the restricted section?09:02
qiyongHobbsee: ^09:02
qiyongshould I chose it09:02
Hobbsee!components > qiyong09:03
ubottuqiyong, please see my private message09:03
rawang!componets > rawang09:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about componets09:03
rawang!components > rawang09:03
ubotturawang, please see my private message09:03
gaspaStevenK: seems more muslim than christian, IMO09:04
gaspaanyway, strange one. :p09:04
cjwatsonTheMuso: I can never remember exactly how things are set up, but that seems a theory worth exploring with Adam, yes09:30
qiyongjaunty-security doesn't have universe or multiverse09:44
qiyongso this line is incorrect:09:45
TheMusocjwatson: Yeah I expressed that to infinity already via PM, but he hasn't got back to me yet, so I'll wait to see if he gets back to me.09:45
qiyongdeb http://localhost/ubuntu/ jaunty-security main restricted universe multiverse09:45
qiyongam i right?09:45
Hobbseeqiyong: please, #ubuntu for non-packaging support questions.09:45
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cjwatsonqiyong: incorrect, anyway09:55
cjwatsonqiyong: your local mirror might not have them ...09:56
directhexany ruskies about?09:59
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cpscottiAmpelbein: so, all the previously mentioned issues solved, any other from your point of view?10:13
recreatedmehow does one "relibtoolize" a source? is it dificult?10:20
pochurecreatedme: you can just "autoreconf -fiv", but that may not be the right way to do it (always)10:20
pochuit usually works though10:21
recreatedmeah ok, thanks pochu10:21
recreatedmeis it just advisable to no touch it? until upstream does?10:22
cjwatsonrecreatedme: if you aren't familiar with the autotools already, asking for upstream help may be a good idea10:28
recreatedmeok :)10:28
cjwatsonrecreatedme: I strongly recommend using revision control or similar to look at what change any commands you run make to the generated files - also makes it easier to revert and start over :)10:28
recreatedmeoh i see10:29
recreatedmehmm, never really thought of RC when doing packaging, but yeah it does make sense :)10:30
cjwatsonwell, even if you just do 'bzr init && bzr add && bzr commit -m test', fiddle around, and then rm -rf .bzr when you're done, still a good way to see what any given command changes in a directory tree10:31
ximioncould someone please review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/projectm-jack and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/projectm-jack ? The packages provide projectM-visualisation support for JackAudio.10:54
ximion(I asked this some time ago, but did not recieved a reply... The packages are both ready I can't find any problems anymore)10:55
slytherinximion: both of your links are same10:55
ximionoh, I mean http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/projectm-qt and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/projectm-jack (The projectM-qt package is needed by projectM-jack)10:56
ximionhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libprojectm-qt and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/projectm-jack now it's right!10:57
slytherinany revu hackers here?10:58
quadrisproScottK ScottK-desktop: I'm working again on xvidenc and I have a question: should I add some kind of prefix to the package? (I'm asking you this because it's going to enter to the multiverse component)11:08
ScottKquadrispro: You mean something special about the name?  If so, no.11:47
quadrisproScottK: so, no particular prefix or Section?11:47
quadrisproe.g. contrib/multiverse11:47
ScottKNo.  That'll be handled by the archive admin when it goes through New.11:48
quadrisproScottK: perfect, thank you11:48
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holzmodemhi, need some help, how can i build a patched kernel inside a ppa, that does NOT overwrite the original one? all my patched kernels overwrite the original, so i cant fallback12:19
ScottKholzmodem: PPA support is in #launchpad.12:23
holzmodemScottK, hmm the guys of #launchpad says i have to ask here12:24
tsimpsonScottK: it's not PPA support, it's packaging, which #launchpad is not the right place12:24
ScottKtsimpson: It's also not Ubuntu so this isn't the right place either.12:25
ximiongaspa: Are you there? Could you please give me the link where the smile-package is waiting for sponsor / submission to debian? (I only want to see/know the progress)12:25
holzmodemwhich is the right channel to ask about packaging (patched ubuntu kernel) ???12:27
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cjwatsonholzmodem: PPAs can only store one version of any given binary package name for a single release at any one time (and the people at #launchpad should have been able to tell you that). In order to keep multiple versions around the only possible way is to give them different package names - or you could just mirror the binaries somewhere else.12:32
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dholbachnhandler: thanks for posting the log13:16
dholbachnhandler: I wanted to do it, but forgot about it when I saw that irclogs.u.c wasn't updated yet :)13:16
MrKanisterHi. I need someone to delete an package upload request from REVU: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/debcleaner13:35
MrKanisterI commented on it that it can be removed some time ago and I think keeping REVU clean is important13:36
LaneyMrKanister: it's been archived, no need to do anything more13:38
MrKanisterLaney: Thanks for your answer. I read the help page stating that unused packages should be nuked, but if archived is enough than it's ok13:39
MrKanisterThanks again13:40
Laneywell I can nuke it if you want13:40
RainCTomg is that fuy a13:40
RainCTomg is that fuy a13:40
RainCTthat is all for now13:40
RainCTargh sorry :P13:41
MrKanisterLaney: The package is absolutely useless, so maybe better nuke it13:41
* Laney blinks a lot13:41
LaneyMrKanister: ok13:41
MrKanisterLaney: Thanks :)13:41
slytherinRainCT: is there anyway to display the 'Last Updated' field on revu main page?13:42
RainCTslytherin: Yes, could be done.13:42
gaspaximion: http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/sponsor-pkglist?action=details;package=smile13:43
slytherinRainCT: it helps keep track of which packages were updated recently.13:43
RainCTslytherin: I don't see much use for this but if you thing it'll help you, file a bug13:43
slytherinRainCT: file a bug where?13:44
RainCTslytherin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/revu (and patches are welcome, of course; should be easy to do, just changing the big evil query -you'll recognize it if you look at the source ;)- to give this information and changing the template to display it)13:44
slytherinI will see.13:45
ximiongaspa: Thanks!13:46
RainCTBtw, anyone agrees that only Ubuntu Developers should be allowed to raise stuff to the MOTU Council? (ie., that you need to be a MOTU or need some MOTU to agree with you for something to be discussed by the Council; as the Council is supposed to represent the MOTU, if there isn't a single developer who cares about something then the decision should be that they don't care, anyway)13:47
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cjwatsonRainCT: I bet I know why you're asking :-) I'd be cautious about going that far though; as a parallel, there are certainly cases where the TB would consider things coming from outside the developer community (e.g. claims of patent infringement). Perhaps it would be better to say that all other avenues need to be exhausted first14:11
Laneythat's interesting, LP now shows PPAs which provide a given package14:12
slytherinLaney: yes, it's really nice feature.14:12
LaneyI don't know what the point of it is14:13
RainCTcjwatson: Yeah, your guess is most likely right ;).  I was writing an answer to your comment, but I think I'll just forget about it; the point for it was to avoid unnecessary discussions (I'm sure the MOTU Council has more interesting things to do), but if this is going to cause even more discussion there's not much point for it given how rare such problems are.14:16
RainCTLaney: really? where?14:17
JontheEchidnaRainCT: on the source package page14:18
LaneyRainCT: any source package page, for example https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc614:18
RainCTohh, nice14:18
LaneyI'm not so sure14:19
gaspais there hope of having more space on ppa?14:20
gaspa...building vtk takes more that half of it...14:20
Laneyyou can have multipile PPAs14:20
gaspaLaney: yes, but also multiple dput.cf stanzas...14:21
gaspano one has already requested an increase of ppa size?14:22
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slytheringaspa: use your own machine for building packages. :-)14:30
jpdsgaspa: re: multiple dput.cf stanzas: Not really, no.14:33
jpdsgaspa: http://blog.launchpad.net/ppa/simplifying-dputcf-for-multiple-ppas14:33
ximionI would like to have an option for removing packages directly in PPA. At time they're only marked as "Deleted"14:35
jpdsWell, stand still laddie!14:35
gaspajpds: ah, awesome :P14:37
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AnAntHello, can someone help me with the sl-modem issue that I've sent by email on the ML ?15:52
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AndrewGeeHi. Any MOTUs around to review my 'gpxviewer' package? It's an app that helps you view GPS traces. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gpxviewer - Thanks!16:10
dholbachdoes somebody have a good example for a get-orig-source target that downloads a current tarball, removes a lot of cruft that I don't want, then calls it project_version+repack.orig.tar.gz?16:47
sebnerdholbach: ahoi! I have only an example with moving stuff. calling it repack isn't difficult, only mkdir the new folder or rename the old folder16:55
sebnerdholbach: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/yahtzeesharp/trunk/debian/rules?op=file&rev=0&sc=016:55
dholbachgreat, thanks sebner16:56
Laneyyou should make that rule deterministic!16:57
Laneythere's some tar/gzip flag to pass otherwise it doesn't create md5sum-identical tarballs each time16:57
sebnerLaney: heh, k16:57
Laneyi think it's -n to gzip16:58
Laneyit includes timestamps otherwise16:58
AnAntI have a question about sl-modem's license17:24
AnAntthe license says: All rights reserved, then a 3-clause BSD license17:25
AnAntisn't that contradicting ?17:25
ScottKOddly enough, no.17:26
AnAntcould you explain ?17:26
ScottKMy understanding is legally that gets interpreted as all OTHER rights reserved since clearly you've said some rights are not reserved.17:27
AnAntok, another matter, there are 2 binary blobs in sl-modem17:27
AnAntdo I have to put something about them in debian/copyright ?17:28
AnAntactually I do, but I dunno how17:28
AnAntthe binary blobs contain proprietary code17:28
ScottKWell they are covered by the license unless there is some other license for them?17:29
AnAntwell, there is nothing explicit as far as I can see17:29
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ScottKSo the thing that puts that package in multiverse is the lack of source, not the specific licensing terms17:30
AnAntI hope that convinces nonfree@release.debian.net guys17:32
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AnAntScottK: did you see my email on ubuntu-motu ML about sl-modem?17:33
ScottKI don't recall it.17:33
AnAntScottK: btw, thanks for the endorsement, I'm now a u-c-d17:35
ScottKAnAnt: You're welcome.17:35
ScottKI'm afraid I know nothing about udev, so won't be much help17:36
AnAntScottK: you know who I can ask ?17:36
ScottKNot really.17:36
AnAntubuntu-kernel ?17:36
geserAnAnt: try asking Keybuk17:42
AnAntgeser: I tried in last cycle17:42
p3rrori uploaded a package using dput18:21
p3rrorbut i can not see the change in http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/18:22
p3rrorwhat happened18:22
p3rrorIn my ~/.dput.cfg i have18:23
p3rrorfqdn = revu.ubuntuwire.com18:23
p3rrorincoming = /incoming18:23
p3rrorlogin = anonymous18:23
p3rrorprogress_indicator = 218:23
p3rrorallow_unsigned_uploads = 018:23
p3rrorcan anyone help me with this18:25
c_kornp3rror: when did you upload your package?18:27
p3rrorat the morning18:28
p3rrorand i got18:28
p3rrorSuccessfully uploaded packages.18:28
c_kornp3rror: sorry, I cannot help you then. I just guessed it was impatience :P18:34
geserp3rror: did you use the _source.changes file for upload?18:42
p3rrori did18:44
p3rrorbut what you mean by _source.changes18:44
p3rrori upload de deb package18:44
ScottKp3rror: REVU only takes sources, not deb packages.18:45
p3rrorAh ok18:46
p3rrorthank you18:47
debfxis there an easy way to add apport/report bug support to a Qt application?19:45
debfxspecifically an icon for the menu entry19:45
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debfxliblaunchpad-integration1 provides one but depends on gtk19:47
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Martin_vWHello. I'd like to fix a bug in Ubuntu's durep package that has a BT entry both in Launchpad and in the Debian BT. I see "(closes: #123456)" entries everywhere in the changelog; if I now want to add such a tag to my changelog entry, should I use the Debian bug ID or the one from Launchpad?20:09
dtchenMartin_vW: if you intend to close the bug affecting Ubuntu, then use LP: #foo syntax20:09
Martin_vWdtchen: ah, ok. So closes: refers to the Debian BT, and LP: refers to Launchpad.20:10
dtchenloosely, yes20:10
Martin_vWHmm... while I'm at it, would it make more sense to fix the bug in Debian's package or in Ubuntu's package? My personal motivation is that I'm using mainly Ubuntu and the bug annoys me, so I want to get it fixed. What would be the fastest way?20:12
runasandMartin_vW: fix in ubuntu and give debian a patch?20:13
ScottKGenerally that's a good model.20:14
geserMartin_vW: both; get it fixed in Debian, so we don't need to keep the delta forever, and get it fixed in Ubuntu too (if you don't want to wait on Debian)20:14
Martin_vWThe patch is actually already in the Debian BT, it just has to be applied and repackaged ( http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=482061 ), but nobody is doing that atm. Or do you mean some kind of a debdiff?20:14
ubottuDebian bug 482061 in durep "durep: closedir on invalid dirhandle" [Normal,Open]20:14
dtchensince it's already in BTS, i'd go ahead and apply it in the source package and have it sponsored into Ubuntu20:15
Martin_vWOK, I'll do that. Thanks for your help!20:15
Ampelbeinnhandler: hi! would you kindly add me as a reviewer in REVU? My launchpad-id is amoog.20:18
nhandlerSure Ampelbein20:19
nhandlerAmpelbein: Done20:20
Ampelbeinnhandler: thank you very much!20:20
nhandlerAmpelbein: Also, you might consider reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/New if you haven't already20:21
Ampelbeinnhandler: indeed, I haven't read that article, doing it now.20:23
savvasdid anyone ever stumble upon a "Failed to run depmod" while upgrading linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic ?20:52
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cpscottiAmpelbein: Thanks for the last comment on the harpia package. I just finished fixing those issues!22:52
Ampelbeincpscotti: thanks for your work.22:52
cpscottiIts exciting... my first package.. lol!22:53
Ampelbeincpscotti: advocated23:00
cpscottiAmpelbein: thanks!23:00
p3rrorporthose are you there23:10
cpscottiHey, can someone advocate/review this package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/harpia . It already got one advocate, ready to fly!!!23:12

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