
mbanahello all00:07
asacmorning folks09:00
micahgnight :)09:02
* micahg is off to bed09:02
asacgood night micahg09:04
asacsleep weel09:04
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacia32-apt-get ... whats that?09:55
asac02 Goswin von Brederlow      (4.6K) Re: [Pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers] Bug#535365: ia32-apt-get: Should drop 32-bit version of type-handling09:56
asachmm. and why do i get that mail ;)09:56
asacdebian bug 53536509:56
ubottuDebian bug 535365 in type-handling "ia32-apt-get: Should drop 32-bit version of type-handling" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53536509:56
vadi2just so its not missed out, ff 3.5 isn't reporting 'ubuntu' in the UA anymore14:49
asacvadi2: thats because ubufox isnt installed15:16
asacerr enabled ;)15:16
vadi2it said it was not compatible with 3.515:16
asacvadi2: right. wait a sec15:23
asacvadi2: i can give you the working xpi if you want15:23
vadi2yes please15:24
asacvadi2: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/tmp/ubufox.xpi15:24
asacnext ubufox update will also enable it so remember to uninstall it manually again then15:24
vadi2if I'd like to have it enabled15:27
asacvadi2: uninstall it in the UI will make the system installed extension reappear15:44
asacotherwise you will stay forever at the version from the URL above15:44
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
* asac off to dinner17:54
micahgif someone's requesting a ff3.5 upgrade in Jaunty in a bug, what should I mark it?18:39
asacmicahg: if its filed against -3.0 -> wont fix ... otherwise its fix committed (in -security PPA)19:21
micahgok, people have been asking to upgrade 3.0 and I've been marking invalid with an explanation19:22
micahgbut I'll mark them won't fix now19:22
asacmicahg: in karmic its not wont fix ... for jaunty its wont fix19:30
asacin karmic its "in progress"19:30
asacand consider tolink the bug to the blueprint19:30
asacmicahg: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-firefox-3.519:30
asaci thnink you can link blueprints to bugs19:30
asacor just bugs to blueprints ... hmm19:30
asacnot sure now19:30
asacif it doesnt work just point them to it19:30
asacand set in progress19:31
BUGabundoboas noites22:18
asacis that at least proper pt ... or some slang i am learning here ;)22:20
BUGabundohey asac22:20
BUGabundoPT of course22:20
asacits proper?22:20
BUGabundoits Good Evening22:20
BUGabundowould you think I would treat anyone bad?22:20
asacyeah wanted to know if its slang ;)22:20
asacslang != bad22:20
asacif i say "moin" ... its meaning good morning, but its not good german ;)22:21
BUGabundono slang! pure and clear words22:21
asacgood ... then i learned something22:21
BUGabundoBom dia, good morning22:22
BUGabundoBoa tarde, good afternoon22:22
BUGabundoBoa noite, good night/evening22:22
ftadtchen, i'm trying to make the <video> tag work in chromium, so far it just freezes the tab. if i start chromium with --disable-audio, the video is fine. rings a bell?23:31
BUGabundoit did work for me when I tried it fta23:32
BUGabundowhat URL are you using ?23:32
ftait's a bit slow today23:33
BUGabundofta yep. chromium freezes23:40
BUGabundoFF3.6 is slugish23:40
BUGabundobut I need kernel -31 to fix all my bugs23:40
BUGabundoso only after reboot it should be better23:40
asacif its better at all ;)23:42
BUGabundodon't put me down :(23:43
ftait's slow because it's crowded23:45
BUGabundono! the full video was already here23:45
BUGabundoon both browsers23:45
ftaBUGabundo, what is that? generated dents?23:51
ftaBUGabundo, http://identi.ca/fta/all23:52
asacfta: i guess there is no parameter to specify a rule != get-orig-source for getting latest daily?23:52
asaclike get-daily-source ;)23:52
ftano, why would you want that?23:52
BUGabundofta xmpp FTW23:52
asacfta: because i would prefer get-orig-source to always get the current source23:53
ftadefine current source, for me current = tip23:53
asaccurrent ==  as in changelog23:54
ftait's not how i interpret the debian policy23:55
asaci dont think the debian policy is made for snapshots ... releases usually are easy to find the tarball for, though for snapshots that are not released, you usually need to produce what is in changelog23:56
asacbut its ok23:56
asaci can probably work around somehow23:56
asachave to get the trunk builds working first anyway ;)23:58
ftaget-orig-source (optional)23:58
fta    This target fetches the most recent version of the original source package from a canonical archive site (via FTP or WWW, for example), does any necessary rearrangement to turn it into the original source tar file format described below, and leaves it in the current directory.23:58
fta    This target may be invoked in any directory, and should take care to clean up any temporary files it may have left.23:58
fta    This target is optional, but providing it if possible is a good idea.23:58
asac"most recent version of the original source package"23:59
asaccould mean latest upstream23:59
asacor most recent changelog upstream versoin23:59

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