
elkywell, i dont personally see a problem with that vanity factoid, aside from never having seen the need for it. i suppose we might be at the point that people who dont know might be starting to wander through, though00:02
mneptokelky: it strikes me as a bad precendent. where do we stop?01:06
mneptokdo i add a factoid for Monty?01:06
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org01:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guido01:07
jpdsmneptok: 'tis already there...01:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monty01:08
mneptokjpds: ?01:08
jpdsmneptok: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clPYfaTvHT001:09
mneptokjpds: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Widenius01:17
jpdsmneptok: Oh, right. I've always preferred Postgres.01:19
majnoonelky awake now ??01:55
elkybusy right now01:55
majnoonwas just wondering if could get unbanned from ot chan 01:56
majnoonchecking in to see if i can get unbanned in ot chan 03:21
ubottudragon_ called the ops in #ubuntu (PATPAT)03:44
mneptokIch bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand!05:55
indushi some user using bad words07:53
induscalled micah07:54
industhank you07:54
elkywhich channel?07:54
indusnvm someone taking care of it07:55
Myrttiindus: it's | with that, not >07:55
ikonianote - the feds is back07:56
ikoniateh feds07:56
indusya sorry i forgot07:56
ikonia"thefeds" even07:56
Myrttiindus: anything else?07:56
elky* FloodBot3 removes exempt on emme!n=45c8ed67@gateway/web/flash/eris.tuxhacker.org/x-e30a8b2c7c32e665 <- oh really now?07:57
Myrttiikonia: where?07:57
ikoniaMyrtti: he's in gentoo now07:57
Myrttioh, ok07:57
elkyikonia, correct me if i'm wrong, but the princess of propaganda *knows* full well she's banned from #u, yes?07:58
ikoniahand on heart I don't know. I assume so 07:59
elky* emm (n=45c8ed67@gateway/web/flash/eris.tuxhacker.org/x-92210c1243a79951) has joined #ubuntu-devel07:59
elkywth is she up to now?08:00
Myrttiit isn't her, it's her one-armed sister08:00
ikoniathere is no active ban in #u08:00
elkyshe was actually in #u twice simultaneiously08:00
elkyikonia, not even on her cloak?08:00
ikoniaher cloak has changed, but no08:01
tsimpsonnot that I can see either08:01
elkywth, since when?08:01
ikoniathe only one that remains is #kubuntu-devel as hobbsee holds firm08:01
elkywho on earth removed them from #u?08:02
ikonialooks ike there has not been one there for a while08:04
elkyi remember there being one there very recently08:05
ikoniaI think that was the fix-your-connection one08:05
elkymight be the -ot one i'm recalling08:05
ikoniashe came in and had that removed as her connection was stable08:05
ikoniathen there was an issue in -ot with popey with $someone pm'ing club-ubuntu links again08:06
ikoniaor 0uk 08:06
ikoniaor -uk08:06
jussi01iirc we made an agreement she could be in #ubuntu, but not -ot08:07
ikoniaah, the memory man cometh08:07
jussi01and did anyone else notice bigfuzzyj enter and leave -ot? is he still banned from there?08:07
ikoniadon't know who he is08:08
elkyikonia, there was a troll from club in -women last night08:08
elkywell, had been lurking around for about a week, but started asking creepy questions such as if girls like beards and how many in the channel were married08:09
Tm_T"just making conversation"08:10
elkyTm_T, what was it he told club? "i was polite and everything"08:12
* elky headdesks08:12
UbuntuLOVERikonia: 08:17
UbuntuLOVERdid you ban me?08:17
UbuntuLOVERwhy why why?08:17
UbuntuLOVERi'm a long time ubuntu user08:18
UbuntuLOVERI want to install opera on my ubuntu comp, and you ban me?08:18
ikoniabecause you keep asking which debian release is closest to ubuntu - I have asked you to stop many times, you didn't I removed you from the channel- you came back in and asked straight away 08:18
ikoniayou then changed your nickname to try to get around the ban08:18
UbuntuLOVERI asked straight away as we are all told to. "Don't ask to ask. Just ask"08:18
ikoniaUbuntuLOVER: don't play dumb, you say me ask you twice to stop asking08:19
ikoniaUbuntuLOVER: you also saw me remove you and ask again08:19
UbuntuLOVERikonia: at first i thought it was a glitch.08:19
ikoniaUbuntuLOVER: I know you saw me asking as you responded and told me to look at the list08:19
UbuntuLOVERikonia: 08:19
UbuntuLOVERyes, did you see the list?08:19
ikoniaUbuntuLOVER: I'm not discussing this - I'm discussing your lack of ability to follow polite requests08:20
UbuntuLOVERwhat's your request?08:20
ikoniaand this is not the first time you've asked about this debian / ubuntu versioning08:20
ikoniaUbuntuLOVER: my request was to stop asking - they are not the same08:20
UbuntuLOVERikonia, may i ask another question?08:20
UbuntuLOVERto you.08:20
UbuntuLOVERI would like to install opera repository so that my opera browser would auto-update. What ought one to do?08:22
UbuntuLOVERikonia: you there?08:22
UbuntuLOVERplease what?08:22
ikoniaUbuntuLOVER: this is not a support channel, I'm discussing your inability to follow direction in the channel only08:22
UbuntuLOVERikonia: i see. so what do i do now that you have banned/kicked 08:23
ikonia!guidelines | UbuntuLOVER 08:23
ubottuUbuntuLOVER: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:23
ikoniahave a read through those08:23
ikoniacome back tommorow and we'll look at removing your ban08:23
ikonia@mark 08:24
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg08:24
elkyhe sounds like fun08:24
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops UbuntuLOVER also known as jeancalvin persistantly asks about debian->ubuntu version compariisons08:24
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:24
ikoniaelky: a pain to be quite frank08:25
* elky rewinds time and encloses that statement in sarcasm tags08:25
ikoniawork time08:26
ikoniaelky: I did get you08:26
tsimpsonikonia: I think they wanted to know to get the .deb, but that's pretty irrelevant now08:27
tsimpsonand opera have Ubuntu .debs anyway08:27
jussi01cant say Im overly happy about this, but what do others think:08:33
jussi01[06:20:26] <-- Flare183 (n=Flare183@botters/flare183) has quit ("1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d")08:33
elkyjussi01, not happy either. maybe utilise the wonder that is memoserv08:35
Flannelmemoserv +108:35
elkywe really should try use it more often08:35
FlannelMaybe we should use it to send valentines to each other next February.08:36
jussi01elky: feel free to go and do it, Im just running out for lunch, if nobody has done it by the time I get back, then Ill do it08:36
FlannelYeah... ignore me.08:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mc10:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:13
MyrttiAlagos: can we help you with something?10:13
Alagosi`m interesting how to install ubottu in supybot?10:14
Alagoswill you help me?10:15
elky_worki dont know how10:15
Alagoshow ubottu working?10:16
Alagosi mean how to run it?10:16
Tm_TAlagos: does its wikipage tell something?10:16
Myrttithere's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:17
Myrtticertainly some info there10:17
Alagosi`m came from http://ubottu.com/ If you want him to join your         channel ask in #ubuntu-ops. it`s mean that you came whith your own bot to the channel whitch invite you?10:20
Myrttiso you want to run your own bot, or do you want ubottu or its clone (run by us) to join?10:21
elkyAlagos, what channel?10:23
* jussi01 waves10:23
Alagosi`d like to rum my own bot, if it possible and if you don`t mind10:23
Alagoselky: channel where i`m testing bot is #4ubuntu10:24
jussi01Alagos: you are free to run your own bot in any channels you own. however, #*ubuntu* channels should only be used for official reasons10:25
jussi01Alagos: you can ask about our custom plugins in #ubuntu-bots, but for basic supybot items please use #supybot10:25
Alagosjussi01: i`ll change name of channel10:26
jussi01Alagos: if you have an official ubuntu channel and want a clone, then you ask here, otherwise #supybot 10:26
Alagosjussi01: i am use supybot already10:26
jussi01Alagos: well then Im sure you know how to add plugins, thats all ours are10:27
Alagosjussi01: thank you10:27
jussi01no probs.10:27
jussi01Alagos: anything else we can help you with?=10:27
Alagosjussi01: you already helped enough. thank you10:29
jussi01!idle | Alagos10:29
ubottuAlagos: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.10:29
Alagossee you later10:30
elkywell he can stay if he wants to be asked a hundred times a day where he's banned from :P10:31
Flannelwhy are people being stupid tonight10:31
elkyFlannel, checked the moon phase?10:31
jussi01Flannel: its not just tonite10:31
Flannelelky: It's half!10:31
Flanneljussi01: I know10:31
Flanneljussi01: but...10:31
jussi01did someone memoserv flare?10:31
elkyFlannel, ok, so you check the same things i do then ;)10:31
Flannelit makes me feel better to think it's isolated10:31
elkyjussi01, dont think so10:32
FlannelI suppose it's mostly related to FF3.510:32
elky_workif people want a rolling release, they're welcome to go for gentoo or whatever :P10:44
Flannelno reason to throw them to the wolves10:44
MyrttiLINUX MINT FOR THE WIN!!!!!111110:45
elkyexcept sending an ex-ubuntu person to debian is pretty much the same in terms of callousness10:45
elkyespecially if they're the beg-for-help type10:45
Flannelelky: Yeah, but at least it keeps them in the family.10:46
Flanneldeb has to take over the world somehow, afterall.10:46
jussi01ikonia: ping10:46
FlannelSave us all from rpms10:46
jussi01i can just see that in a prayer... "and dear $deity, give us our daily bread, and save us all from RPMs..."10:47
elky_workFlannel, i'd need a new job. my boss is allergic to non-redhat systems :(10:48
Flannelelky_work: I think there's a pill you can take for that10:49
elky_worksh: Linux: command not found10:49
Flannelbetter living through science and all10:49
elky_workLinux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 #1 SMP Thu May 7 10:39:21 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux10:49
elky_worki mean srsly                                                                                                            ^ save me now10:49
elky_workugh, too much space10:49
FlannelCKY: Hi.11:12
FlannelCKY: You're not in #ubuntu11:12
CKYwhat do you mean..?11:13
FlannelCKY: What channel were you attempting to join?11:13
tsimpsonyou need to change your ident to join #ubuntu11:13
jussi01CKY: you need to change your ident before you can join #ubuntu11:13
CKYhow i do it..?11:14
tsimpsonhow did you set it?11:14
MyrttiCKY: it's the "fuckyou" part11:18
CKYok sorry..11:19
jpdsUhm, guys.11:48
jpdsIs it me or does LimCore ring a bell at the back of my mind?11:48
bazhangvery well known troll11:48
jpds-bugs then.11:49
bazhang'another day, another epic Ubuntu failure' and the like when he entered #ubuntu in the past 11:49
jussi01tsimpson: seems like we havoe our own FF3.... 4.3RC1!!12:18
tsimpsonI don't remember there being much interest in the beta's, who would have guessed those two little letters would make all that difference12:19
Myrttiof course they make the difference12:20
tsimpsonwell, to me, RC1 does _not_ mean "It's finished!!!" ;)12:21
Tm_Ttsimpson: for kids it is12:21
bazhangjg_ seems like a t r o l l 12:41
Myrttino kidding12:42
Tm_Tt-roll, new fastfood12:42
Tm_Teasy to get, gives stomach issues12:42
Tm_Tand leaves you cranky and hungry12:43
jpdsbazhang: I /msg'ed him the apt-get command for flash about 4 minutes ao.12:50
Myrttibazhang: he might have it installed already12:50
bazhangjpds, strange that he said it installed in just 4 seconds though12:51
bazhangMyrtti, could be12:51
jpdsbazhang: Some of us have gig-links ;)12:51
bazhangjpds, yeah here too :)12:52
jpdsWell, he's using http://www.telenor.dk/english/index.aspx12:52
ikoniajpds: where is/was limcoe13:07
ikoniajussi01: ping back13:07
ikonialimcore even13:07
jpdsikonia: rmaj?13:08
ikoniais that him ?13:08
ikoniaahhh yes13:08
ikoniait was him13:08
jpdsYes, otherwise I wouldn't have said so.13:09
ikoniajpds: sorry I didn't see that part I didn't know if you knew who I was talking about13:09
ikoniawhen was he active ?13:10
bazhangearlier today13:10
ikoniaI saw him this morning13:10
ikonia(my time) 13:10
bazhangah sorry, time is relative13:11
jpdsikonia: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/07/02/%23ubuntu-bugs.html - 10:19 onwards.13:12
jussi01ikonia: re-ping?13:32
jussi01ikonia: pm13:33
ikoniajussi01: ta13:43
elkysomeone else please. Myrtti?14:12
elkyif i do it now, it'll be 'too personal'14:12
elkychristel, can ircd-7 please have an IQ filter? :(14:13
qe2eqeelky kicked me out of #ubuntu-offtopic over ""Unzip, strip, touch, grep, mount, fsck, fsck, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, unmount, sleep."14:19
MyrttiGOOD FOR HER!14:20
Myrttiin reality, she didn't14:20
Myrttishe kicked you out, because you showed considerable amount of not understanding the guidelines14:21
elkyoh, i thought it was outright refusal to even consider them14:22
Myrttielky: you'd really know better than me ;-) just a suggestion14:22
elkywell he can choose which it was. works for me either way.14:23
Myrttiqe2eqe: so, anyway... what's your point? what part of this do you want to discuss?14:26
topyliqe2eqe: please part this channel if you have no further business. idling is not allowed here14:32
qe2eqeSo warm, so kind, so gentle. Thankyou, my happy shepherds.14:32
elkyanyone would think i banned him14:36
Tm_TI have whacky moment, I decided to join to #u and #u-ot16:03
Myrttisave yourself16:05
Tm_TI cannot be saved16:06
UbuntuLOVERikonia: hi22:11
UbuntuLOVERcan you now unban me22:11
UbuntuLOVERcan someone unban me22:11
Seeker`be patient22:14
UbuntuLOVERwhat should i wait for?22:15
UbuntuLOVERSeeker`: ?22:15
Seeker`it was ikonia that banned you?22:16
UbuntuLOVERSeeker`: yes.22:18
UbuntuLOVERnow i'm penitent22:18
UbuntuLOVERi've paid my dues22:18
UbuntuLOVERand am ready to leave the prison22:18
UbuntuLOVERdo you have the key?22:18
Seeker`you will have to wait for ikonia to deal with it22:19
UbuntuLOVERdo i have to be in irc for the unban to happen?22:20
UbuntuLOVERcan he just unban while i'm offline22:20
Seeker`he will probably want to speak to you before he does it22:20
UbuntuLOVERcan we set a time?22:20
UbuntuLOVERi don't want to just hang around in this room22:20
UbuntuLOVERcan we do so via email?22:21
Seeker`i cant set a time for him22:21
UbuntuLOVERi see his name in the list of people in this room.22:21
Seeker`he isn't active at the moment22:21
UbuntuLOVERcan i send him a message while he's inactive?22:21
Seeker`come back in a few hours and see if he is back22:21
Seeker`if not, come back tomorrow sometime22:21
UbuntuLOVERSeeker`: all right.22:21
UbuntuLOVERif you see him here, please give him my regards.22:22
UbuntuLOVERand pass on my message, please.22:22
ubottupronoy called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:28
ubottudragon_ called the ops in #ubuntu (Jennyyy)22:28
ubottumickster04 called the ops in #ubuntu (jennyyy)22:28
Flannel!away > TamCore[oFF] 22:34
pronoyhow to add to ubottu's bank ?22:46
pronoyi mean how to add into ubottu's bank of knowledge 22:48
pronoyi have written a small tut for noobs22:48
pronoyand i was hoping it'll be made available freely22:49
Seeker`you mean a factoid?22:49
pronoyah yes !! factoid22:49
pronoyhad forgotten that22:49
pronoyyou see its a more simplified version of an earlier factoid22:50
pronoySeeker` you there ?22:51
Myrttiof what factoid?22:54
pronoyMyrtti adding a repo and bit of a help with flash plugin22:55
pronoyimmense no. of questions22:55
Myrttican you give straightforward suggestions22:55
Myrttibecause you're not giving anything to work with here22:55
pronoyMyrtti here's a pastebin  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/208562/22:55
Myrttijust a bit of hand waving and waffling ;-)22:56
pronoysorry for not being clear22:56
pronoyby all means carry on please22:56
ikoniastew: limcore is now on line - you said to ping you23:00
Seeker`ikonia: ubuntuLover wanted unbanning23:00
ikoniaSeeker`: yup saw thank you, told him to come back tommorow so he came back a few hours later23:02
ikoniaI'll sort out tommorow23:02
stewikonia: indeed. thanks.23:02
ikoniastew: thanks23:02
pronoyMyrtti there ?23:02
tomawis the person responsible for the ubuntu irc logs on your website on irc?23:07
Myrttipronoy: um, so what do you actually want for a factoid to say?23:07
pronoyMyrtti how to enable the repo and how to solve the most basic problem of getting youtube to work for noobs23:08
pronoythe first timers have repeatedly asked the same questions over and over again23:08
ikoniait's enabled by default23:09
* tomaw throws Myrtti something pink in return for contact details of whoever is responsible for those logs23:09
pronoyikonia the repos are added but not enabled i am talking about the 3rd party software sources23:10
Myrttitomaw: #canonical-sysadmin might know better? I don't know23:10
ikoniapronoy: then they are 3rd party and needed adding23:10
ikoniapronoy: it's that simple23:10
tomawMyrtti: ta :)23:10
pronoyikonia yes but to explain it 100 times to every new person who comes on board requires a few steps simplified version....so.......23:11
Myrttipronoy: there's a limit to the length of the factoids23:12
Myrttipronoy: so we cannot add that *MONSTER* into a factoid23:12
pronoyMyrtti you can edit it or you can just link it to the earlier one23:12
ikoniapronoy: there are wiki pages23:12
pronoyyou don't have to display the whole thing !! 23:12
ikoniapronoy: just point them at the wiki page23:13
pronoyikonia yes but they requrire simplification23:13
ikoniapronoy: plus 3rd party repos should have documentation about adding them on their sight23:13
ikoniapronoy: no - it doesn't if you can't follow the process of adding a line to a gui/text file - you should'nt use it23:13
pronoyikonia: to a basic new user a 3rd party repo holds no meaning whatsoever ..they want to install software or just get started with youtube23:14
ikoniapronoy: they don't need a 3rd party repo for youtube23:14
pronoyikonia how do you ask them to enable the flash plugin then ?23:15
pronoydownload from adobe ?23:15
pronoyall the time >23:15
ikoniainstall the flashplugin-nonfree package - or follow the guide on the wiki23:15
pronoyikonia to install that you need to enable the official repo for 3rd party23:15
Flannel!info flashplugin-nonfree23:16
FlannelNo info here?23:17
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)23:17
pronoylook all i can say is to a new person its hard to understand what a repo is or how to go about, the wiki pages are good but they do need simplification . You don't have to add that factoid just simplify it so that we don't have to explain it to every noob everytime he's discovering linux23:17
pronoythats all23:17
FlannelActually that's transitional, ikonia, new one is flashplugin-installer apparently23:17
Flannelpronoy: You don't need to enable a third party repository for flash, it's in multiverse.23:18
pronoyeither way if its not possible (i can understand) i'll direct them to my website where i'll post it 23:19
pronoyno problem23:19
pronoyand thanks Flannel23:19
pronoydidn't know that23:19
ikoniapronoy: there you go - no problem then23:19
pronoythanks for your time ikonia Myrtti23:19
ikoniano need for any other websites23:19
pronoyikonia Basic issue was how to enable the repos23:20
pronoythe flash thing was secondary23:20
pronoyread the thing first23:20
ikoniapronoy: it's a one line update that is well documented in the wiki23:20
pronoyikonia ok...another website it is23:20
Flannelanother website? what?23:20
ikoniaFlannel: he wanted to have a factoid point at his website - end of discussion, all the other stuff was just justiciation23:21
Flannelikonia: Gotcha23:21
ikoniastew: you failed to get through 23:22
stewikonia: i'm struggling to, did he join?23:25
stewor is he doing something somewhere?23:26
ikoniastew: #ubuntu-bugs "wait I was PMing about some nonsense ban list on ubuntu"23:26
ikoniastew: same trolling behvaiour in #ubuntu-bugs as #debian #ubuntu etc etc23:26
stewyes, he thinks the ban is nonsense23:27
ikoniahence why he tried so hard to dodge it23:27
ikoniahe was banned for life23:27
stewhe is saying it would be trivial to evade23:27
stewbut he is clearly understanding that he should not evade it23:27
ikoniahe didn't manage very well the other day23:27
stewno, he didn't23:28
stewdoes someone have handy the nicks he was using the other day?23:30
ikoniaI can grab them23:31
ikoniaand finally rmaj23:32
limcorehello, is it ok to be here to discuss my ban23:37
ikonialimcore: there is nothing to discuss23:37
ikonialimcore: you are banned - you will not be unbanned23:37
ikonialimcore: anything else ?23:38
limcorewell, if you are really this childish then ban as well my entire nick so I do not join by accident when not cloacked23:39
limcoregood. this is really mature ;)23:40
ikoniaanything else ?23:40
stewplease continue to keep me informed23:45
ikoniastew: he's gone all quiet now23:46
ikoniastew: now pm'ing me telling me he's going to evade the ban as it will kill my goldfish as I will take it personally ????23:53
stew18:56 <limcore> I contacted ikonia to say that Im sorry23:57
ikoniareally - more like to tell me he was going to ban dodge and it would kill my gold fish ???23:57
ikoniahe did say sorry after that though to his credit23:57
ikoniabut it 's pretty hollow23:57
ikoniaalmost the exact seconds you join #ubuntu-bugs funny enough23:58

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