
kees2.6.31 totally fails mode detection for me.  :( 00:10
keeswell, where "totally" is "doesn't see the non-VESA modes"00:10
brycejbarnes, :-/00:37
tormodinteresting: the new karmic kernel has radeon kms by default00:46
tormoddon't know if it was intentional but certainly brave00:48
bryceoh wow, really?00:52
tormodyeah I could not believe it myself and double-checked a couple of times :)00:53
RAOFI didn't think that our userspace knew how to interact with radeon kms?00:58
tormodRAOF, it doesn't really so X does its own thing and runs DRI1 etc00:58
RAOFAnd X tries it's own modesetting?  That's got to be a recipe for fun!00:59
tormodit actually works fine here00:59
bryceman, the .31 upload has borked a lot of X stuff for a lot of people  8-/01:00
tormodI get old-time slow VT switching to a brand-new hi-res text console01:00
tormodmaybe we need a kernel-edgers team :)01:01
tormodanyway, I am refreshing the radeon-kms ppa with the corresponding user space01:04
tormodthe good thing about a broken, new-version kernel is that you still have the old kernel intact01:07
brycehmm, good point01:10
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
tormodok radeon-kms ppa is updated, will test (full) kms01:34
tormodok radeon-kms ppa works fine, DRI2 and everything. gotta reboot a bit more though now that restarting X means restarting kernel...01:40
brycejbarnes, if you're around, could you give me some background on cec9fc6f ("Make KMS set_resource function return TRUE") - I'm trying to understand the scope of bugs it will fix03:56
jbarnesit allows the edid to be exported in kms mode03:57
bryceif EDID is not being provided with KMS, that could explain a range of various bugs people have been reporting lately03:57
jbarnesas a randr property03:57
jbarnesit was being provided but the server was ignoring it because set_resource was returning an error03:57
brycejbarnes, so like, if xrandr is unable to show/set non-vesa resolutions when booted in KMS?03:57
jbarnesno that's a separate bug03:58
jbarnesalso fixed in git03:58
jbarnesthat was due to our kernel code not populating a full mode list for panels03:59
jbarneslike the 2d driver did03:59
jbarnesok dinner time :)03:59
bryceprobably I should just pull a new git snapshot... but it'd be interesting to know what bugs are fixed so I don't bother y'all with already-fixed ones03:59
keesjbarnes: do you have to have the commit handy for the "zomg, where did my mode go?" bug you mentioned with "< jbarnes> no that's a separate bug".05:26
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
Craigy90hi everyone12:56
Craigy90how should I report a bug that affects xorg only when compiz is running?12:57
* hyperair grumbles about usb-storage malfunctioning on 2.6.3114:29
crevetteI didn't manage to have my machine booting with 2.6.31, it kept stuck in the boot process14:34
hyperaircrevette: rc1's broken with 965 machines. you'll need rc2 (when it arrives) or git15:12
crevettehyperair, thanks for information15:21
hyperaircrevette: np.15:43
* Ng wonders how 2.6.31 is doing on G45s. just ordered a new laptop ;)15:56
hyperairi wonder =\16:03
hyperairi'm very interested to see usb-storage actually *work* on .31 though16:03
seb128I'm interested to see xorg work on .31 ;-)16:03
crevetteseb128, i965 like me IIRC :)16:04
seb128crevette, indeed16:04
hyperairseb128: wait until rc2 drops by =)16:05
Sarvattso should we just start putting all the radeon kms stuff directly in xorg-edgers now since the kernel has radeon KMS enabled by default? :D20:21
bryceSarvatt, yep I think so20:29
brycebtw I had a phone conversation with AMD this morning about fglrx20:30
bryceamong other things, we need to be cognizant that if the radeon drm module is there, and the user installs fglrx, then something needs to cause that radeon module to not get loaded20:31
brycesimilar problem will exist with -nvidia and -nouveau20:31
superm1like adding a blacklist file in modprobe.d?20:31
brycemaybe yeah20:32
bryceor some flag in initrd?20:32
Sarvattyeah i see a problem with drm getting loaded for combined intel/radeon boards and drm needs to be unloaded for fglrx to work too, at least i think that was the problem20:32
superm1well bcmwl has to do something similar because of b43/ssb20:33
superm1ssb has a tendency to load from the initrd too, so the  blacklist file is sufficient for it20:33
superm1with someone with onboard intel and add-in fglrx that's probably a problem Sarvatt 20:33
Sarvatti think it was just intel/radeon hybrids with the problem because onboard intel shouldnt get initalized if theres an addon card, but i would have to dig through the bug reports to verify that20:39
Sarvattoookay pushing radeon KMS to edgers, just built the new libdrm for radeon-kms and it builds right locally but theres 4 hour queues on the PPAs20:43
Sarvatti'm still unsure if master works correctly with KMS now though so going to just copy tormods kms-support branch ati for now20:43
Sarvattlooks like master works correctly with kms now though..20:44
Sarvattasking over in #radeon20:47
bryceI've emailed apw and pgraner with amd's q's on this.  Also brought up the hybrid intel/ati case we should keep in mind20:48
Sarvatt<agd5f> Sarvatt: xf96-video-ati master should support kms now20:55
* Sarvatt cheers20:56
Sarvattnow to wait 4 hours for libdrm to build so i can upgrade mesa and the ddx to support it20:56
* bryce wonders what to work on today20:57
bryceoh btw, one other thing amd mentioned, they've noticed how many installation-related bugs get filed and are (finally) interested in ideas for making the procedure more robust.  We're planning on talking about it in more depth in a couple weeks, meanwhile if anyone has good ideas or suggestions, lemme know21:00
bryceI'm going to mention the glx incompatibilities with -ati and -fglrx, that we've written up in our wiki21:00
superm1well definitely if tjaalton can come up with a patch that sets fglrx/nvidia as default when it's installed, i think a lot of the "problems" would go away21:05
superm1(or at least i'd like to think so)21:05
bryceyou mean in xserver?21:05
bryceI think I own that task actually21:06
Sarvattsomething like http://pastebin.com/m1a4a8ab9 ?21:10
tjaaltonvery easy21:11
brycedoes that cover both the with-xorg.conf and no-xorg.conf cases though?21:11
tjaaltononly without21:11
superm1so for the "with" case, can just have the plan for jockey to enable21:15
superm1so jockey should test if it's there, and modify if so, otherwise plan on doing nothing21:16
bryceso unless there's any other tweaks needed, I can pop Sarvatt's patch into the xserver today21:17
bryce(just working on getting new inkscape merged in at the moment; will do after)21:17
superm1Sarvatt's patch, meaning what tjaalton was referring to, or something different?21:18
tjaaltonbetter squeeze nouveau there too21:18
tjaaltonafter nvidia21:18
Sarvatt(had to update it)21:18
Sarvattits just fedoras nouveau patch and i added nvidia in, feel free to edit more stuff in :D21:19
tjaaltonSarvatt: you replaced nouveau with nvidia, add it back :)21:19
Sarvattwait a second, forgot some ; :D21:20
tjaaltonyep, better21:21
tjaaltonnow the same for ati chips21:21
Sarvattwait, still wrong lol21:23
tjaaltonheh, right21:23
Sarvattadded nouveau for 0860 0840 devices21:23
tjaaltonfix the index too :)21:23
Sarvattok last one http://pastebin.com/m280b5611 you can fix it up from there :D21:26
Sarvatti dont even know if that'll work21:26
superm1so the same thing - does that work for fglrx?21:29
superm1I thought it needed some extra line to declare depth or something21:29
superm1some deficiency in fglrx21:29
tjaaltondoes it still hold true?21:30
superm1well throw the fglrx in there, and then we can have a bug for bryce to feed AMD if necessary21:30
superm1and hopefully they can sort it out by release21:30
brycepackaging up sarvatt's patch21:30
brycedefinitely want to stage this one in xorg-edgers for a bit first ;-)21:30
brycedo we have a lp# open about this?  *browse*21:32
tjaaltonnot on the wishlist bugs21:33
brycehuh, surprising, would have thought there'd be one21:35
tjaaltonthere probably was at some point21:35
bryceI see we have a newer xorg-server in edgers already, so I stuck this into my own ppa for now21:37
bryce...and committed to git21:37
bryceah apw is on holiday this week, that's why he's not responded to our pings lately ;-)21:39
Sarvattit doesnt apply, did you clean it up? some characters got lost cut and pasting it to pastebin21:39
Sarvattneeds to be @@ -181,7 +181,34 @@ videoPtrToDriverList(struct pci_device *dev,21:39
Sarvatt@@ got lost21:39
tjaaltonbryce: he released .31-1.14 though ;)21:40
Sarvatteven if i add it removes it on pastebin, eww21:40
Sarvattadded it on edgers too21:45
bryceNow at patch 178_nvidia_autodetect.patch21:45
brycegreat thanks21:45
bryceI'll update xorg-edgers with this too21:45
Sarvattalready did :D21:47
Sarvattwont apply to master, they added openchrome autodetection after nvidia21:49
tjaalton1.6 has it too21:50
Sarvattdoes it?21:50
Sarvatt        case 0x10de: case 0x12d2:   driverList[0] = "nv";       break;21:50
Sarvatt        case 0x1106:                driverList[0] = "openchrome"; break;21:50
Sarvatt        case 0x1163:                driverList[0] = "rendition"; break;21:50
Sarvatt(on master)21:50
Sarvatt        case 0x10de: case 0x12d2:   driverList[0] = "nv";       break;21:50
Sarvatt        case 0x1163:                driverList[0] = "rendition"; break;21:50
Sarvatton server 1.6 branch21:51
tjaaltonyes but openchrome is there too21:51
Sarvattah its just moved around21:51
tjaaltonmaybe it should be numbered as 104, since I guess it'll be around some time..21:51
tjaaltonhmm, the patch looks weird on cgit: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/xserver/xorg-server.git;a=commitdiff;h=399677d1582d4c6f1c5f4546d31ba7cb1acae74621:54
tjaaltonmake that gitweb21:55
Sarvattits got an offset applying because of 103_psb adjusting the lines21:55
Sarvattyeah silly pastebin mangles it21:56
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/178_nvidia.patch  is right though21:56
tjaaltonno I mean the characters after every line21:57
tjaaltonend of line21:58
tjaaltonopen it with vi :)21:58
tjaaltonbryce: did you release the xserver already?22:04
brycenot yet22:04
tjaaltons/karmic/UNRELEASED/ :)22:04
tjaaltonand the patch is the broken one22:05
tjaaltonbut I can fix those22:07
bryceok updated in git now22:07
tjaaltonheh, quick22:07
brycewill let Sarvatt update xorg-edgers22:07
bryceI'm going to hold off on pushing this out live until we've got a couple independent tests done on the patch on xorg-edgers first22:07
Sarvattdid awhile go and built it locally already too22:07
tjaaltonSarvatt: how did you come up with this patch?22:08
tjaaltonI mean, how did you do it22:08
tjaaltonI'm just curious why the newline characters are ^M22:08
Sarvattits because of  pastebin switching to windows encoding22:09
tjaaltoncan't remember what that was called..22:09
tjaaltonbut the one on your webpage has those too22:09
bryceI'm pbuilding the git tree locally as well22:09
Sarvattreally? what the heck?22:09
Sarvattyou're right, they're there in vi, i use nano22:10
Sarvattjust grab the fedora patch, add the 3 lines and adjust the offset :D i was just giving an example asking if thats what you meant to do, assumed you guys wanted to add fglrx to it too22:11
Sarvattsorry for the trouble22:12
Sarvattit still applies and works fine with ^M's there oddly22:13
tjaaltonyep, and diff doesn't show them22:14
Sarvattand i dont see the ^M's in nano 22:14
bryceI've got a dos2unix script that might strip them out22:15
bryceokay, new inkscape uploaded22:16
Sarvattah i saved the patch from pastebin to debian/patches then fixed the @@ it left out manually22:17
brycehmm, not seeing any ^M's in my copy of the patch22:17
tjaaltondos2unix fixed it22:17
tjaaltonbryce: which editor?22:18
brycevim emacs gedit nano22:20
tjaaltonvim shows it here22:20
tjaaltonactually it doesn't, but invoked as vi does22:21
tjaaltonvim tells you it has dos formatting22:21
tjaaltonbryce: I'll renumber it too as 104 because I think it'll be there for a while?22:22
RAOFCool!  A new kernel that hopefully won't panic while loading drm.22:32
lesshastehi.. do people know about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39469122:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 394691 in ubuntu "[9.04 amd64 + nvidia = FAIL] security hole in screensaver" [Undecided,New]22:50
Sarvattok uploading mesa now, as soon as that builds the main xorg-edgers fully supports radeon KMS on karmic with the ubuntu 2.6.31-1 kernel22:51
brycewhat do you think of this approach for adding fglrx support?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/208587/23:13
Sarvattis there a way to get glxgears to output fps even with the disable patch? i use it as a way to tell if i'm in mutter compiz or metacity so I like it there :D23:14
brycedivide by 5 in your head?  ;-)23:14
bryceno, I removed the code entirely, there's no option to reenable it23:15
Sarvatttrue :) or just start using ps to tell like i should, i just like the pretties :)23:15
Sarvatti've got a problem enabling compiz in karmic though, for some reason its loading metacity too and that takes up 100% cpu silently23:15
Sarvatti have to killall metacity to get the cpu usage back down23:16
bryceI'm a bit ambiguous on what pci id's specifically that fglrx supports... guess I could email them23:16
Sarvattthe highest thing in htop is gconf2 taking up around 10% cpu load but my cpus are fully loaded until i kill metacity23:16
bryceoh I guess it isn't too ambiguous... 0x791E and up23:18
Sarvatt793F isnt it?23:19
Sarvattlooks like 791E is RS690, isnt that r500 based?23:19
Sarvattmight even be the 9400+ like you put, im not sure23:20
bryceok so it is a tad ambiguous ;-)23:20
Sarvatt(looking at http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati/tree/src/ati_pciids_gen.h)23:20
Sarvattlooking up the fglrx source now, should be in fglrxko_pci_ids.h23:21
apwbryce just for thur and fri ....23:21
Sarvattyeah its 9400+ bryce23:21
apwbut if you need something ... let me know23:21
Sarvattlib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/fglrxko_pci_ids.h in the fglrx-installer package23:22
bryceapw, great thanks, nothing that can't wait until next week.23:23
bryceaha.  I poked around in the fgrlx-installer source but didn't spot that file23:24
brycefrom that it sounds like 0x9400 and up23:24
Sarvattthey sure are nice to use device id's in order like that unlike nvidia :D i guess rs740 is r500 based as well too23:26
bryceguess they must be renaming them to new generations to clear out the warehouses of the old stock ;-)23:27
Sarvattmy htpc mobo just died and i'm going to replace it with one with ati integrated so i can play with this stuff too23:27
Sarvattlooks like i want something with rs690 or rs740 to mess with KMS, i have a pci-e hd2400 to play with otherwise23:30
bryceok, fglrx autodetect stuff pushed to git23:31
brycetjaalton, named it 10523:31
Sarvattwill be nice to move away from mediaportal/vista on that thing, i've been running ubuntu in vbox on it for my irc bouncer and other things so i can go linux directly now.23:31
Sarvatti'll push that to edgers too23:31
brycesame thing; will wait on upload until we get a few positive test results23:32
Sarvattthere might be a little problem with the nvidia side, at least on git master xorg its not loading the nvidia glx doing it this way23:32
Sarvattbut i dont think thats a problem on 1.6 branch23:32
Sarvattwhats wrong with -nvidia creating an xorg.conf like it does when you manually install it from nvidia binary packages?23:34
Sarvattyeah looks like the glx problem is git master xserver specific so no worries there23:34
Sarvattwhats the deal with radeonhd also?23:35
Sarvattwould someone with a 9400+ ati device id want radeonhd instead of ati?23:36
Sarvattas the secondary if fglrx fails in your patch23:36
Sarvattor maybe fglrx - radeonhd - ati23:38
Sarvattsince radeonhd wouldnt always be there and just fail and move on to ati if its not23:39
Sarvattalso is the driver called ati or radeon?23:44
RAOFUm... where is libdrm being maintained in Ubuntu now?23:46
Sarvattlike this for example http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/208624/23:47
RAOFWhen I pull libdrm from alioth, the ubuntu branch only seems to go up to 2.4.9-2ubuntu123:47
Sarvatt(dont use that diff because i didnt refresh the add/subtract lines)23:47
Sarvattit just hasnt been updated on alioth RAOF23:51
bryceyeah I thought about radeonhd23:51
brycenouveau we have plans to move to, but radeonhd not so much23:51
RAOFSarvatt: Yes... so what git repository do I pull to get our current branch? :)23:51
bryceotoh I guess it doesn't hurt to have it in there23:51
RAOFOr is our current package not in git at all?23:51
Sarvattyeah its just not in git at all23:51
jbarneswow fairly hard failure in karmic today23:52
jbarnesdid an update... my machine eventually crashed, and now gconfd won't start so my desktop fails massively23:53
Sarvatthmm i havent rebooted since the GDM 2.26 update, you're scaring me about doing it now :D23:53
jbarnesmight be the crash23:53
RAOFSarvatt: Eh, gdm works.  Although it did accidentally change my VT to the new gdm screen.23:54
jbarnesyeah looks like gconf just lost its mind23:54
jbarnesthe update is probably ok23:54
bryceheya jbarnes, yeah development seems to have suddenly kicked up a notch, lots of breakages getting found23:55
RAOFSo, what are we doing about libdrm?  Shall I just throw another patch onto the the not-in-git package?23:56
Sarvatttheres a huge bug where starting compiz on my machine makes gconf2 use a ton of cpu (well  only 10% but I get 100% cpu usage until i killall -9 metacity)23:56
bryceRAOF, sure23:56
Sarvattmetacity is getting started starting compiz for some reason and it makes things go wonky unless i kill it23:56
Sarvattkilling it has no affect on the machine so i dont know what purpose it serves starting it is all, but its causing 100% cpu usage running at the same time23:58
Sarvattshoot, its restarting automatically too after some time of being killed23:59
Sarvattno wonder my battery keeps dying so fast23:59

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