
tormodpnema, yes00:00
PATPATim stuck on the last part00:00
evonusr13: is this line ok? /dev/sda1       /media/datadisk ext3 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro00:00
mdganyone here have experience with MTP-tools  at CLI?00:00
tormodJimmio, are you on 9.04?00:00
PATPAT/root/Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0$       i cant install once im here00:00
Jimmiotormod: Yep00:00
pnemausr13: what is the command to restart X?  Thanks00:00
tormodpnema, log out and in again00:00
pnemathanks tormod00:01
elli222is there another channel where people might know about device_nomsi=xyz?00:01
delamanrhinoserious: looks like ubuntu nvidia driver doesnt like my onboard motherboard video card,,,, works find with an add on video card :(00:01
buckyPATPAT: if you type Dr_Willis he might see you in this traffic00:01
mdganyone here have experience with MTP-tools  at CLI?00:01
lcabriniLogicalGhost: 'sudo lshw -C network' would give you what you're looking for00:01
LogicalGhostI know wireless cards can have on/off switches because the Windows computer I'm working on right now has one, but it's a big switch on the front - is it possible to have an off switch inside the unit?00:01
buckyPATPAT: i.e.  Dr_Willis:  my question here00:01
buckyPATPAT: how old are you?00:02
usr13tormod: What exactly is pnema trying to do?00:02
PATPATlisten this is my 3 day using linux00:02
PATPATgive me a brake00:02
evonpatpat: lol00:02
ScottGgeirha: Hey thats. It was hard to figure out those codes at first but I think I have a pretty cool thing going. I'm gonna color code hostnames and usernames since I only really use 2-300:02
lcabriniJimmio: thousands of possible reasons. Be more specific.00:02
tormodusr13, low resolution only00:02
P_KableHi, I installed NFS server (nfs-kernel- and nfs-common) and since that no samba shares are viewable from windows clients, any idea ?00:02
ericdbI just installed firefox-3.5 from the mozilla repository, but "Firefox Web Browser" in my apps menu still opens 3.0.00:02
mdganyone here have experience with MTP-tools  at CLI?00:03
usr13bucky: he is 3 days old.  Give him a brake!00:03
buckyPATPAT:  sudo  ./Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0.sh00:03
rski!ff 3500:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff 3500:03
rski!firefox 3500:03
usr13tomsku: Oh, ok.00:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox 3500:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epicfail00:03
P_Kableff 3.5 ???00:03
evonusr13: did you see the line i posted for you to look at?00:03
lcabriniPATPAT: if that is the case, spend a little time to get to know your system before trying to turn it into a christmas tree.00:03
Dr_Willisbucky:  Huh? what files ehere? the mac4lin thing can install things 'system wide' as root.. the script asks if you want to do so,00:03
ericdbCome on ubottu, give up the info!00:03
DarkMage26I has a shut down problem, can anybody help? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/med9c2a700:03
P_Kableff 3.0 works just fine for me ;)00:03
tormodfor firefox 3.5 see planet.ubuntu.com00:03
usr13evon: Sorry, must have missed it.00:03
Dr_Willisbucky:  you do NOT need to do 'sudo ./Mac4lininstaller.sh'00:03
buckyDr_Willis: oh my bad00:04
kelvy_como instalo xmms en ubuntu  9.0400:04
Dr_Willis!xmms | kelvy_00:04
ubottukelvy_: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.00:04
pnemausr13: THANKS!00:04
usr13!es | kelvy_00:04
ubottukelvy_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:04
evonusr13: here it is again, /dev/sda1       /media/datadisk ext3 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro00:04
Dr_Williskelvy_:  if you must have xmms - compile it from source.00:04
pnemaSame to you tormod !00:04
buckyDr_Willis: tell him to mv the file out of /root and into his ~/ if he has one00:04
tormodpnema, it works now?00:04
pnemausr13 | tormod how to check screen resolution?00:04
kelvy_ok Dr_Willis00:04
Dr_Willisbucky:  he shouldent even be doing any of this as root.. :)   My example just 'redownloaded' the file to  a working directory.00:05
ericdbtormod, thanks for the pointer.00:05
LogicalGhostDoes anyone know if it's possible to turn a wireless card "on" even if it has no on/off switch?00:05
buckyDr_Willis: he's got it in /root00:05
usr13pnema: That will not work.  sda1 is ntfs not ext3    ...and why are you mounting it in /media/datadisk  ?00:05
buckyi got an idea... you have been using linux for 3 days... dl a 40 MB theme and install it before you know how to log in00:05
JimmioLogicalGhost: You most likely don't have the Wireless driver for it. Wireless was always a PITA to get working.00:05
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  you do NOT need to be doing any of this 'as root' you should not be messing with the '/root' directory at all.00:05
tormodpnema, xdpyinfo00:06
PATPATHey bucky thanks it worked00:06
CaneToadWhere should I go to investigate I/O performance issues on Jaunty?  If I run a job creating an ISO from a lot of files, system performance hits rock bottom even though CPU is only about 10% or less.  Seriously, performance is worse than windows in the same scenario.00:06
DarkMage26LogicalGhost: how do you know it is "off"?00:06
buckyit aint over yet00:06
pnematormod: states - xdpyinfo:  unable to open display "".00:06
usr13pnema: Did you create the mount point /media/datadisk ?00:07
tormodpnema, run it _inside_ X00:07
BornRebelwhat is the Super button?00:07
pnematormod, sorry for NEWBEE questions, but apprecrate your help00:07
LogicalGhostDarkMage26: When I type sudo lshw -C network I get the word "DISABLED" in the output00:07
JimmioBornRebel: Windows Flag key.00:07
Dr_WillisBornRebel:  the 'windows key' is known as the 'super' key also00:07
BornRebelok ty00:07
LogicalGhostJimmio: How can I figure out what driver I need?00:07
[A]KangB<BornRebel> what is the Super button? <- the key this the Window$s logo00:07
tormodpnema, np this is a newbie channel de facto, however there is an official newbie channel00:08
* Dr_Willis sticks a superman sticker over his windows logo.00:08
buckyPATPAT: how about cat README in that directory so you know what you're doing00:08
mdganyone here have experience with MTP-tools  at CLI?00:08
JimmioLogicalGhost: By the name of the card. If you don't know it, PM me, I'll help you so you can actually read what I say o.o00:08
PATPATionly see 2 ready me00:08
Dr_Willisbucky:  the archive came with no readme. :)00:08
PATPATand its about some fonts00:08
buckyif it says Mac in it anywhere... don't touch it00:09
usr13bucky What is  PATPAT trying to do?00:09
PATPATinstall a them00:09
usr13PATPAT: What are you trying to install?00:10
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  its not just a 'theme' its a combination of theme/ and other settings.00:10
buckyusr13: install some 40 MB theme with no docs in his 3rd day on linux00:10
PATPATtrying to install mac4lin00:10
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  the comments at  http://drop.io/dr_willis show exactly how i isntalled that mac4lin thing via the command line.00:10
ericdbtormod: I enabled the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA, but it didn't seem to affect anything.  firefox-3.5 doesn't seem to require any packages from there, and nothing else was installed.  Still no 3.5 on my system.  Do you know what I should do next?00:10
usr13PATPAT: Are you sure this is something you need?  If so, try to find it in the repos first.00:10
PATPATok let me try that00:10
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  you run the commands from a terminal as a user, not root.00:10
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  i mentioned this about 10 min ago. :P00:11
PATPATdr wlliss what is the differents?00:11
buckyusr13: it's so cutting edge there is no documentation for it00:11
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  clarify your question?00:11
usr13bucky: We should advise him not to use it.00:11
[A]KangBhi guys! i have to install serveral programs (whit dependences) on 4 computers whitout internet... I need to install all programs installed in this computer. I have read about APTonCD, butit reads APT cache that I have cleaned it. Suggestions? Sorry for my bad English ^^00:11
Dr_Willisusr13:  we have told him to not use it. :) i did test it.. the installer and uninstaller scripts do work.00:12
tormodericdb, I doubt any "security" ppa is the right one, but I haven't read the docs myself00:12
PATPATI mean what is the difference between the user and the root?00:12
usr13Dr_Willis: Ok, well press on... :)00:12
lcabriniPATPAT: apart from the install location, you mean?00:12
bucky[A]KangB: you need an entry for your cd rom in sources.list... prolly ad it with synaptic00:12
ericdbtormod: I was just following that page you gave me, planet.ubuntu.com.  It seemed to indicate that I should add that PPA, but I don't know.00:12
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  root - the administrator.. you DONT need to be doing this stuff as  the root user. You should not even be logged in as root in any way.00:12
evonusr13: thanks usr13 it worked00:13
usr13evon: Very good....00:13
[A]KangBbucky, I know how to add a CD on source.list... I don't know how to do a CD with the packages00:13
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  login as a normal user, open up a gnome-terminal, follow the commands i used...  note the 'wget' command is one LOOOOOOOOOOOONG line.. not 2 lines, like it looks like in the pasteing i gave.00:13
PATPATNo i  mean is this for som e security puposes? that00:13
linxeh[A]KangB: there are sites like this http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/07/24/howto-download-packages-and-dependencies-for-offline-installation/00:13
PATPATyea i see that i will follow it00:14
Dr_WillisPATPAT:   root is the super-duper-can-do-anything user.00:14
[A]KangBlinduxed, thanks.. reading00:14
DarkMage26I have a shutdown issue. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/med9c2a700:14
PATPAToh alright so you are more of an administrator00:14
linxeh[A]KangB: there is http://www.debianadmin.com/recursively-lists-package-dependencies-using-apt-rdepends.html too00:14
PATPATwith no restriction00:14
linxehthis last one looks better00:14
Dr_WillisPATPAT:   i said root was the 'adminiatorator' just earlier..00:14
Dr_Willisroot is easier to spell. :)00:15
edbianPATPAT: in windows you are sort of the root user all the time (windows version of it anyway) and that is a big reason that windows has problems with viruses / spyware / malware.00:15
buckybill gates is an administrator00:15
tormodericdb, I looked at http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/160-FAQ-Where-can-I-get-firefox-3.5-for-Ubuntu.html and you're right about the ppa. did you install firefox-3.5 ?00:15
Dr_Willis'root is the 'ROOT' user.. the core/first user, from which all other users spawn. :)00:15
ericdbtormod: I did.  But it was before I enabled that PPA.  I'm removing it and trying to reinstall now.00:15
[A]KangBlinduxed, i'm form Spain. There's nothing on Spanish and I don't know who to browse this on Google in English ^^ thanks again00:15
Dr_WillisNow is the time to start suggesting 'required reading' for linux fundamentals.00:16
linxeh[A]KangB: ahh - well good luck!00:16
tormod[A]KangB, ubuntu-es ?00:16
PATPATi followed your command00:16
Dr_Williscommands....  :)00:17
[A]KangBtoresbe, nothing there00:17
PATPATNote: Xfce users will need to00:17
PATPAT      manually enable the UI00:17
PATPAT 00:17
PATPATi got this00:17
FloodBot3PATPAT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  read/follow what the installer says.....00:17
[A]KangBtoresbe, about i am looking for00:17
PATPATi am00:17
buckyPATPAT: are you still logged in as root00:17
PATPATInstalling Mac4Lin UI...00:17
PATPATtar: /root/.themes: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory00:17
PATPATtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now00:17
PATPATtar: /root/.themes: Cannot chdir: No such file or dire00:17
FloodBot3PATPAT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
PATPAThow do i enable the UI00:18
PATPATand no im not00:18
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  you are still doing things as root . we told you to NOT do stuff as root.00:18
PATPATi got out of the root00:18
PATPATwhat do you mean00:18
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  i suggest logging out.. and logging back in as  the normal user..00:18
buckyPATPAT: don't flood  /topic and use the paste bin00:18
Dr_WillisYou are not out of the root.. as your paste suggests.00:18
Dr_WillisPATPAT > tar: /root/.themes:   <------------------ says root right there.00:18
PATPAToh alright00:19
usr13DarkMage26: I don't know but you might run a memtest00:19
PATPATill log out after this is finish00:19
BornRebelI enabled desktop cube in the CompizConfig settings manaer but i dont see the hotkey to activate it so i can see the cube00:19
PATPAThow do i enable the UI00:19
DarkMage26usr13: the mem is fine.00:19
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  No.. you dont understand.. you MUST run this stuff as your user.. NOT as root.. thats the core of the issue.00:19
dvanzoI´m new to IRC..., It´s this chat the right place to ask about Ubuntu installations options????00:20
Dr_WillisPATPAT:  you have a mixture of root and your user stuff hanging about it seems.00:20
usr13DarkMage26: I don't know then...  Sorry...00:20
DarkMage26usr13: The numbers are different every time it shuts down also00:20
PATPAToh ok00:20
Dr_WillisHmm... theres 3 peopel at my drop.io site looking at things.. heh00:21
=== Joschi_ is now known as Joschi
draI'm running Jaunty with the newest nvidia driver. For developing OpenGL applications, I also installed the nvidia-glx-180-dev package. Works like a charm if I use OpenGL 1.1. But the OpenGL version supported by the driver is 3.0. The header files installed through nvidia-glx-180-dev are only version 1.1. What's the catch? Are the correct OpenGL header files in the repository somewhere?00:22
JonathancwHi all , if i install the standard ubuntu can i install KDE after the fact?00:22
draJonathancw, yes.00:23
lcabriniJonathancw: yes00:23
usr13Jonathancw: Yes, but why not cut to the chase and install Kubuntu?00:23
JonathancwIs it difficult?00:23
JonathancwI've already downloaded the Gnome version heh00:23
leaf-sheepJonathancw: Not difficulty at all.  You must be new to linux. :)00:23
draJonathancw, it's not difficult, no.00:23
bastidrazor!purekde | Jonathancw00:24
ubottuJonathancw: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »00:24
JonathancwI am new to linux :)00:24
leaf-sheepJonathancw: Welcome to the bright side! :)00:25
Dr_Willismixxing up kde and gnome - can get the menus a bit cluttered.00:25
usr13Jonathancw: Welcome aboard!  :)00:25
Dr_WillisYou might want to just try out gnome for a few weeks.00:25
JonathancwDoes ubuntu work well with the new pentium processors with Raid hard drives?00:25
Dr_WillisThe processors have raid hard drives?00:25
JonathancwI've used FBSD in the past , I prefer KDE personally.00:25
dvanzoGiven the following configuration: Dual-boot (WinXp - Ubuntu 9.04). Wich is the best way to erase the WinXp partition, boot  directly to Ubuntu and use the free space with Ubuntu???00:25
Jonathancwhmm.. smarty.00:25
Dr_WillisJonathancw:  you do realize kubuntu is 'KDE4' ?00:25
Adremelech|LaptoThey make new pentiums?00:25
draJonathancw, installing software on Ubuntu is very much different from installing software on Windows in most cases. However, once you get used to everything being available, you won't want to miss it. ;)00:25
draI'm running Jaunty with the newest nvidia driver. For developing OpenGL applications, I also installed the nvidia-glx-180-dev package. Works like a charm if I use OpenGL 1.1. But the OpenGL version supported by the driver is 3.0. The header files installed through nvidia-glx-180-dev are only version 1.1. What's the catch? Are the correct OpenGL header files in the repository somewhere?00:26
usr13Jonathancw: What version of KDE did you use? 3.x  or 4.x ?00:26
Jonathancwhehe 2.x00:26
dekushrubDoes anyone know how I can completely replace firefox 3 with firefox 3.5?00:26
Time`s_Witnesshey all. i installed ubuntu on a computer with vista, resizing vista's partition. somehow it screwed up and cant load anymore. it's in grub menu but it won't load. is this problem often? How can i solve this please?00:26
Dr_WillisJonathancw:  i would suggest  trying tnome then.00:26
Time`s_Witnessubuntu boots with no problem00:26
Dr_Willis!ff35 | dekushrub00:26
ubottudekushrub: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY00:26
kelvycomo entro a ubuntu es en xchat00:27
dekushrubDr_Willis not true, the official release of FF3.5 just came out yesterday00:27
JonathancwYou know I had an odd thing happen to me the other day.00:27
JonathancwI had Ubuntu installed Via windows..00:27
usr13Jonathancw: Beware, 4.x is WAY different.  3.5 is what I use and I like it.  Some like 4.2 or whatever the latest KDE is and it's widget based.  It's pretty fancy, but too much for me.  And again, it is WAY different.00:27
Dr_Willisdekushrub:  tell the bot . not me.00:27
kelvycomo entro a ubuntu es en xchat00:27
kelvycomo entro a ubuntu es en xchat00:27
kelvycomo entro a ubuntu es en xchat00:27
FloodBot3kelvy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
JonathancwWhen I tried to go into Ubuntu it gave me:  Buffer I/o error on device SR100:28
bastidrazor!es | kelvy00:28
ubottukelvy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:28
usr13Jonathancw: You can install KDE3.5 but it's a little more complicated because it is not the default version.00:28
Dr_Willisdekushrub:  and from what i read of the bot saying.. it will appear int he repos when its ready00:28
patrickeeecan u please send me the link again00:28
patrickeeedr willis00:28
JonathancwAnyone else seen that issue?00:29
patrickeeedr willis00:29
Time`s_Witnesscan anyone help me please? :S i installed ubuntu resizing vista's partition and somehow screwed vista's boot. it attempts to boot but doesn't succeed. how can i fix that please?00:29
halberdwhen upgrading to 9.04 from 8.10 will I keep my old settings, like in xorg.conf?00:29
patrickeeeDR WILLIS00:30
patrickeeeplease send me the link00:30
[A]KangBlinxeh, not usefull :(00:30
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  try 'dr_willis' :)00:31
usr13Jonathancw: You might be interested in:  http://jaunty-kde3.tokra.lv/00:31
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  link for what?  the http://drop.io/dr_willis ?00:31
patrickeeeDr_Willis: can u send me the ink00:31
patrickeeeyes that thanks00:31
* Dr_Willis thinks its rather easy to rember. :)00:31
linxeh[A]KangB: you want to download a bunch of debs onto a cd to install onto other machines right ?00:31
Dr_Willis!tab | patrickeee00:31
ubottupatrickeee: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:31
Dr_Willistheres also a chat feature on that web page patrickeee00:32
[A]KangBlinxeh, yeah... but it only have URL to download it00:32
linxeh[A]KangB: what is it you want to install?00:32
patrickeeeyea i dont like the roots00:32
[A]KangBmencoder, mplayer, playonlinux, eclipse, ...........00:33
=== Wharblgarbl is now known as WHARRGARBL
Dr_WillisI bet everyone is grabbing my conky configs i got at http://drop.io/dr_willis00:33
patrickeeeDr_Willis: Question00:34
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  Hmm?00:34
patrickeeeI'm just now aware of the difference between users and root00:34
buckyDr_Willis: what's the url for your flickr site00:34
=== hadi_ is now known as Black_Phantom
Dr_Willisbucky:  never used flicker.. just drop.ip00:34
Dr_Willisbucky:  no twitter wither. :)00:34
patrickeeeso do we have two profiles00:34
Dr_Willispatrickeee:   you have different users.. you could have 1000+ users  if you wanted00:35
patrickeeeyes i know00:35
patrickeeebut the users and the root00:35
lbswho installed HP 1020 Printer under Ubuntu?00:35
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  all users have their own /home/USERNAME directory for their own stuff...   no idea what yoy mean by 'profiles'00:35
patrickeeei have the same user and root name00:35
brainthunkwhats faster xubuntu or kubuntu?00:35
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  the root user has all the 'rights' to do amdin tasks00:35
Dr_WillisBarridus:  xubuntu uses less resources.00:35
Dr_WillisBarridus:  xubuntu has less features also00:36
patrickeeei dont understand the only diffferent is i have to type sudo su00:36
brainthunkwell ubuntu is just full of alot of useless crap so i was  wondering00:36
patrickeeebut i have practically the same account with different user profile settings00:36
BarridusDr_Willis, huh?  why are you triggering my highlights for no reason00:36
buckypatrickeee: it has to do with linux security which you can google ad infinitum00:36
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:37
patrickeeei c00:37
lcabrinibrainthunk: you can remove what you don't need. Like gnome.00:37
Dr_WillisBarridus:  bad tab completion. :)00:37
usr13patrickeee: Are you telling us that you set your user account name as "root"00:37
Dr_WillisI got to find that irssi script that reorders the tab completion via "ESP"00:37
usr13patrickeee: Ok, good.00:37
patrickeeeI'm on backtrack 400:37
linxeh[A]KangB: I'm confused - those things can be downloaded with apt, then you could just copy the debs from the cache?00:38
* Dr_Willis has no idea what 'backtrack4' even is00:38
leaf-sheeppatrickeee: Backtrack4 isn't supported here?00:38
[A]KangBlinxeh, cache has been cleaned by aptitude :D00:38
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  if you want to use 'ubuntu' then use ubuntu. not some variant of it00:38
linxeh[A]KangB: so uninstall them, or force a reinstall ?00:38
lcabriniDr_Willis: Linux for l33t haxx0rs..00:38
Dr_Willislcabrini:  im to leet to be leet.00:38
patrickeeeI'm using it for learning purposes00:39
Dr_Willis!training | patrickeee00:39
ubottupatrickeee: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:39
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  time to do some learning then i guess.00:39
[A]KangBlinxeh, it will download the program.. but no the dependence00:39
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  and stop messing with eye candy :P00:39
mobi-sheeppatrickeee: You want to ask people in #remote-exploit00:39
nogagplzLinux is too noobified now though, BSD is for the leets ;)00:39
Dr_Willisnogagplz:  to try 'tiny core linux'00:39
patrickeeeWell since Mac4lin is Ubuntu feature i figure i come here for the basics00:39
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  mac4lin is for 'linux/gnome' users..  not ubuntu specific at all.00:40
patrickeeesimple question, my sound doesn't seem to work in User mode is there somthing I'm missing?00:40
buckyMac4Lin is NOT a ubuntu feature00:40
patrickeeeyea well I'm on ubuntu so00:40
linxeh[A]KangB: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110081600:40
buckyif it was it would be in the repos00:40
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  You just said you were not using ubuntu.00:40
patrickeeeI meant as general bucky00:40
nogagplzDr_Willis, peeked at it before, content with crux and hvlinux00:40
linxeh[A]KangB: synaptic will generate a list of files for you to download00:41
usr13nogagplz: Linux is like BSD on steroids00:41
patrickeeeBacktrack 4 is built on Ubuntu00:41
ARMENIANis there a way to change the background of just one workspace?00:41
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  so is a lot of things.. but its NOT ubuntu.00:41
buckypatrickeee: apt-get install mac4lin00:41
patrickeeejust got extra security feature00:41
patrickeeebucky i got it00:41
lwellsAny good personal wiki apps on Ubuntu??00:41
[A]KangBlinxeh, ok.. investigating......00:41
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  perhaos its features are what  is screwing with the sound then. we have no idea about it in here.00:41
Dr_Willisbucky:  thats not in the repos..  for which we are truely thankfull...00:42
usr13lwells: pmwiki00:42
linxeh[A]KangB: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-309151.html maybe too00:42
buckyDr_Willis: and therefore not a ubuntu feature00:42
linxeh[A]KangB: look at the post by yota00:42
catharcystis firefox 3.5 in the repos?00:42
linxeh(the 8:28 one)00:42
Dr_Willis!ff35 | catharcyst00:42
ubottucatharcyst: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY00:42
[A]KangBlinxeh, ok... reading00:42
buckyBut PATPAT could package it for the next release00:42
catharcystthanks ubottu00:43
catharcysti installed it using the tar for now00:43
buckypatrickeee: go make a mac4lin deb and don't come back until you're done00:43
sebsebseb!thanks |  catharcyst00:43
ubottucatharcyst: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:43
patrickeeethe mac4 isnt going to work on here i guess00:44
Dr_Willisbucky:  it does too many things to ever be a deb.. :) im00:44
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  it works fine here for me.. i just followed those commands i gave.00:44
patrickeeeI get a bunch of weird errors I really don't want to mess with it anymore00:44
Dr_Willispatrickeee:   login as a user.. run the commands.. it worked.00:44
patrickeeeDr_willis it installed fine but just errors00:44
terdmanhow would I install fluxbox in ubuntu over gnome??????00:44
patrickeeeI'm in user right now00:44
buckypatrickeee: reinstall and install it from your user home dir as user like you're supposed to00:44
linxeh[A]KangB: another option is apt-zip00:45
linxeh[A]KangB: not tried it though :p00:45
patrickeeeI am in users00:45
lcabriniterdman: what do you mean with 'over gnome'.00:45
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  to ask in Backtrack 4  perhaps... i guess... of course runningstuff as root.. may of broken things...00:45
patrickeeethats why my name changed00:45
patrickeeeit could have but its ok00:45
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  try making a 'new' user.. see if the commands work for them.00:45
terdmanumm.. can I switch between the too00:45
[A]KangBlinxeh, apt-zip!? whta's that!?00:45
lcabriniterdman: yes. 'sudo aptitude install fluxbox'00:45
patrickeeeYour command is fine00:46
Dr_Willisterdman:  you install other window mangers.. an the gdm login screen has a menu item to select the ones you use for that login session00:46
patrickeeeI think it's just the back track00:46
twig11What does the "Rescue a broken system" boot option on the ubuntu 9.04 alternate install disc do? Will I be able to access the existing filesystem on the computer after using it? I'm working on an older PC for a friend, and I'd like to get Ubuntu running on it. It seems there is a graphics problem on this machine because the standard Ubuntu and Xubuntu desktop cds crash when I try to boot from them, even though the machine has 5100:46
patrickeeetheres alot of things I can't really do00:46
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  i would have to suggest getting a normal ubuntu cd. and installing normal ubuntu then.00:46
patrickeeeYes, after I'm done with what I'm here for00:46
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  and what are you here for then?00:47
usr13twig11: "the machine is 51"?00:47
patrickeeenetwork security00:47
[A]KangBlinxeh, I have found the way to do so that i was looking for00:47
twig11usr13: I'm not sure what you're asking. I did say it has 512 Mb RAM.00:47
usr13Dr_Willis: patrickeee  ?00:47
[A]KangBlinxeh, sudo dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip > Packages.gz00:48
usr13twig11: Oh.. well you cut the last few characters off.00:48
usr13patrickeee: What is your question about network security?00:48
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:48
twig11usr13: Oh, sorry, it showed up fine in my chat client.00:48
ravigehlotHey guys...we went strictly Ubuntu at home. We do not have any more Windows running in any of our computers. We are looking for a good brand-name printer that is compatible with Linux.00:48
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  good luck.. I dont do 'network security' much..  I just dont run stuff i dont need.00:49
ARMENIANis there a way to change the background of just one workspace?00:49
[A]KangBlinxeh, I do a synaptic script to download the packages... then I download it to a folder... ther I run that on this folder. Then copy all to a CD :D00:49
patrickeeeOh I just meant ill install ubuntu after I'm done with the back track features that I'm here for00:49
Dr_Willisravigehlot:  avoid 'canon'00:49
ravigehlotDr_Willis: I heard Brother is pretty good00:49
Dr_Willisravigehlot:   check cups.org also  befor you buy.00:49
twig11usr13: 512 Mb RAM and 1GHz cpu.00:49
funkyHatravigehlot: HP would be a good bet, and avoid brother (cups bugs)00:49
bazhangpatrickeee, backtrack is not supported here; try #remote-exploit00:49
Dr_Willisravigehlot:  not tried them.. it end to stick with HP. but some HP's have less then perfect linux support.00:49
usr13twig11: That should do fine, if the hardware is all operational.00:49
Dr_Willisravigehlot:  hp has a low end color laser i was looking at last year.. but the linux drivers were lacking then.. they may be better now.00:50
patrickeeeDr_Willis: Just our networks vulnerbility and what we can do to inprove it from intruders00:50
ravigehlotDr_Willis: I need Laser00:50
Dr_Willispatrickeee:   dont run serveices you dont need..00:50
patrickeeebazhang I know that00:50
ravigehlotfunkyHat: Brothers seems to be one of the brands with the most interest in Linux00:50
terdmanok i have fluxbox installed but how do i switch to that window manager now ???00:50
usr13twig11: What video card does it have in it?00:50
Dr_Willisravigehlot:  yep - this was a color laser for $300 i think  (low end model)  I got a 14 yr old HP laserjet 6l  thats still running.00:50
Dr_Willisterdman:  gdm screen.. menu items..00:50
bazhangpatrickeee, so please Ubuntu only questions here. not Ubuntu-based (ie BT4)00:51
terdmangdmscreen ? sorry00:51
mdganyone know how to send files from mp3 player via mtp-tools?00:51
Dr_Willisterdman:  yes.. at the GDM login screen.. theres menu items somewhere to select a session00:51
patrickeeeI'm in school for computer networking I have to learn about these type of things like arp poisoning MiTm attacks , crossite scripting etc00:51
=== catharcyst is now known as seeds
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters ravigehlot00:51
Dr_Willispatrickeee:  sounds like you got lots of reading to do.00:51
mdganyone know how to send files from mp3 player via mtp-tools?00:51
patrickeeebazhang I haven't asked any question about backtrack the only question I've asked here was how to install a Mac4lin00:52
ravigehlotDr_Willis: NewEgg has a wirless workgroup printer for $124 and it has drivers for Linux00:52
funkyHatravigehlot: a friend of mine has trouble with his brother printer, that might be only that particular model though. it's an mfc-235c (I think)00:52
bazhangpatrickeee, and you were answered00:52
twig11usr13: right. Obviously there's a problem with the machine; that's why I'm using the alternate cd. If I use the "rescue a broken system" boot option, will I be able to get access to the existing filesystem? (Win XP Professional)\00:52
ravigehlotbazhang: checking....00:52
patrickeeeYes Dr Willin but I can do two of the three00:52
usr13patrickeee: Linix is definately for you if you want to learn about networking and network secruity tools etc...00:52
usr13twig11: If it is readable, yes.00:53
ravigehlotfunkyHat: I see. I am not going for MFC models. I am sticking with just a printer without multifunction00:53
mdgHow do I handle spaces in my mp3 file names when transferring via MTP-tools00:53
patrickeeefor windows we have cain and abel for linux theres back track 4...so far I think BT4 is great00:53
bazhang!ot > patrickeee00:53
ubottupatrickeee, please see my private message00:53
ravigehlotbazhang: Nice. Thanks man.00:53
twig11usr13: I know it's readable, because XP still boots, but it's pretty unstable. I'm not sure how to find out what graphics card it has.00:54
bastidrazormdg, file\ name00:54
mdgARMENIAN: are you using KDE or gnome?00:54
mdgbastidrazor: slash and a space?00:54
bastidrazormdg, yes00:54
usr13twig11: After booting linux from CD use command  lspci00:55
CanadianLinuxCan someone give me a hand. New ubuntu install, everytime I run a wine app, the screen flickers, the app eventually loads but crashes.00:55
mdgbastidrazor: can you give an actual example?00:55
=== Gun_Smok1 is now known as Gun_Smoke_
ravigehlotOK. The model I am looking to buy  Brother HL-5730DW is supported but it has 1 glitch00:55
usr13twig11: or:  lspci |grep -i vga00:55
mdgARMENIAN: KDE or gnome desktop?00:55
ARMENIANmdg: gnome00:55
=== Gun_Smoke_ is now known as Gun_Smoke
bastidrazormdg, Live Music.mpe  = Live\ Music.mpe00:55
mdgbastidrazor: oh! okay.  thanks!00:56
twig11usr13: I'm not sure how to boot linux to a command line using the alternate cd. Can you explain?00:56
mdgARMENIAN: Not possible to change just one in gnome.  KDE can do that though00:56
ARMENIANmdg: ohh, crap, thanks anyway :)00:56
bastidrazormdg, same goes for directories.00:56
twig11usr13: I'm at the main menu with the options "Install ubuntu" "Check disc" "00:57
mdgbastidrazor: excellent!  thanksomuch  :)00:57
twig11usr13: Test memory, boot from hard disk, rescue etc.00:57
bastidrazormdg, also try tab-completion  .. Live*hit tab00:57
jeffssup every one?00:57
swajis Wubi just virtualization on the back end? or does it boot from an image on your hardware? (like Windows 7 boot to VHD)00:57
twig11usr13: sorry for that disjointed sentence00:57
usr13twig11: rescue00:57
twig11usr13: thanks. and I'm afraid I'm going to need some advice going through it.00:58
twig11usr13: language: English. I can do that.00:58
jeffsany one hear know how to use the jack connection kit?00:59
twig11usr13: Maybe this gives you a clue: "No common CD-ROM drive was detected"00:59
twig11Load CDROM drivers from removable media?01:00
twig11And I don't have removable media from which to load any drivers.01:00
jeffsany one hear know how to use the jack connection kit?01:01
DarkMage26Having shut down issue. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6a36b97601:01
soreaujeffs: Either google for jack on gentoo or ask in #jack01:01
soreaujeffs: Or maybe #alsa01:01
usr13twig11: What type of CDROM is it?01:01
twig11usr13: the drive or the disc?01:02
jeffshow to I whisper someone, im new to ubuntu and irc01:02
bastidrazorjeffs, /msg nick msg01:02
usr13 twig11 The drive. What type of CDROM drive is it?01:03
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
twig11usr13: I don't know. It's internal, and I haven't opened it. shall I shut down and find out?01:04
twig11Or is there another way?01:04
usr13twig11: No, there is no other way.01:04
usr13twig11: What type of PC is it?01:04
=== jack_ is now known as JPSman
wWaleshow can i make it so when i type dict in teminal it will run curl dict://dict.org/d: with the search term filled in as a flag to dict, for example dict encyklopedia would bring the dict.org entry01:05
mojo_good morning everyone01:05
mojo_it's just crazy to see so many ppl here01:05
mojo_what a great community01:06
twig11usr13: it looks like a generic box somebody built themselves. It's got a 1GHz AMD processor and 512 Mb RAM that's about all I know.01:06
twig11mojo_: well hi mojo01:06
wWalesor is there another way of acessing a dictionary trough the terminal?01:06
usr13twig11: Open it and see what type of CDROM is inside.01:07
twig11I'm doing that.01:07
usr13!usb | twig1101:07
ubottutwig11: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:07
usr13usr13 throws dannyboy997 a life line!01:09
bastidrazorwWales, create an alias01:10
DarkMage26Issue with shutting down system. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6a36b97601:10
usr13dannyboy997: Ask your question(s). (I was only teasing.)01:10
wWalesbastidrazor: i found a way to make aliases, thanks for the tip!01:11
bastidrazorwWales, i had some links ready if needed. good luck and happy alias'ing01:12
[A]KangBthnaks people... thanks linxeh01:12
usr13DarkMage26: Try:  shutdown -r now01:13
usr13wWales: It's just:  ifconfig eth0:0  ;  ifconfig eth0:0   etc..01:14
twig11usr13: okay, I've got my drive out now. It's made by NEC Corporation and it has a model number. What do I need to get it working when I boot?01:15
DarkMage26usr13: stuck on the other line that states "*Stopping GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ]01:15
usr13twig11: I dono. Get another CDROM drive01:15
usr13twig11: Or do USB01:15
usr13!usb | twig1101:15
ubottutwig11: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:15
twig11usr13: thanks, will look into it.01:16
bastidrazorDarkMage26, from my understanding shutdown doesn't turn off a computer... shutdown sends a request to the init(8) daemon to bring the system down  into  the  appropriate  run‐level  ..01:16
usr13twig11: NP01:16
terdmananyone use packagekit01:17
usr13DarkMage26: What happens when you hit the power button.  (That's how I shut mine down.)01:17
ghostofthephoeniHi all!'01:18
DarkMage26usr13: I can only shutdown once it freezes by holding down the power button. Nothing happens when I just press it and then release it.01:19
usr13DarkMage26: bastidrazor is correct, shutdown does not turn off the computer.01:19
usr13DarkMage26: I don't know, but sounds like acpi is broken.  See:  http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/acpi/01:21
usr13DarkMage26: If you hit the power button when the system is running, it is supposed to shut down the OS and power off the PC, (if all is working as expected).01:22
bastidrazorDarkMage26, under power management you can specify how your box will react to a power button press01:23
ShazbotMcNastyhey - most of the songs on my girlfriends ipod are locked when I try to listen to them on banshee, does anyone know how I can unlock them, or how to listen to them?01:24
intangirhow do i start a seperate X session on ubuntu 9.04.. since FOREVER on ANY distro ive been able to just say 'startx -- :1' and it worked.. now it doesnt01:24
Dr_WillisShazbotMcNasty:  if she bought them fro the itunes store.. they will only play on that ipod i think01:24
ShazbotMcNastythat's no good01:25
Dr_Willisintangir:  use 'sudo' befor that?  ive not tried it in ages also.01:25
dsdeizi downloaded firefox 3.5 from the ppa, what is this shiretoko? :-/01:25
intangirive never had to use sudo before it before01:25
intangirand i dont think it would be a good idea01:25
usr13ShazbotMcNasty: I don't know, but I sure am happy with my Sansa Express.01:25
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  perhaps the code name for the release.01:26
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  or the ppa maintainer.01:26
DarkMage26usr13: I use the shut down command from the desktop to init the shut down. It starts to shut down by going black and it shows "Broadcast message from root@holly-desktop (unknown) at <time>", which then repeats before "The system is going down for halt NOW!"01:26
dsdeizDr_Willis: oh okay.. so it's still firefox 3.5?01:26
usr13ShazbotMcNasty: I just rip my own CDs01:26
tenachShiretoko is the developer milestone for the latest Firefox01:26
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  i imagine 3.5 will be in the normal repos soon enough01:26
ShazbotMcNastyusr13, it's actually not my ipod - it's my girlfriends, and she wanted to listen to her music on her computer01:27
dsdeizDr_Willis: ok, thanks.. then I guess I'll wait01:27
zerwastestdisk shows a partition size of 598939482 TiB01:27
usr13ShazbotMcNasty: Copy it to the computer first.01:27
Dr_WillisShazbotMcNasty:  if she bought the tunes from the itunes store.. i dont think she can. not without 'cracking' the DRM?01:27
ShazbotMcNastysomewhere it said I can burn then on an audio cd and then rip them onto the computer, but that sounds like a lot of hassle, and somewhat expensive considering she's got over 60 gigs of music01:27
ShazbotMcNasty :/01:28
dunksyay to DRM ._.01:28
dunksAlthough I think you can unlock them if you use iTunes via her account details01:28
dunksbut I'm not sure, and that's only with iTunes01:28
usr13ShazbotMcNasty: I think you first need to jailbreak it.01:28
jribShazbotMcNasty: you should be contacting apple about this.01:29
ShazbotMcNastyI don't have the ipod with me, but I'll try to copy them to her computer or something...01:29
ShazbotMcNastythat's true01:29
ShazbotMcNastyalthough they probably don't give a flip01:29
usr13ShazbotMcNasty: And then you can just copy the music to your /home/user/music directory, (or where-ever you want).01:29
jeffrey_hey when I mount a directory where is it located in the filesystem?01:29
dunksdepends where you mount it01:29
jeffrey_like via sftp01:29
jribShazbotMcNasty: if that's true, then you should reconsider giving them money.  But whenever I've dealt with apple customer service they have been great01:30
ShazbotMcNastyif it'll let me..01:30
jribjeffrey_: where you mounted it01:30
ShazbotMcNastyI shall try01:30
ShazbotMcNastyshould I call them or something?01:30
jeffrey_using the "connect to server" functionality, I mounted it through that01:30
dunkstry 'mounted'01:30
dunksit'll tell you.01:30
jribShazbotMcNasty: worth a try01:30
jribjeffrey_: ~/.gvfs if you need a way to get to it on the command line01:30
jeffrey_jrib, thats exactly what I needed! excellent, thanks01:31
zerothisHow do I share folder on the network. the share tab is gone from the properties?01:31
songerhello people01:31
mrpocketszerothis, so do it the real way and edit samba.conf01:31
songerhow can i update tu sid?01:31
usr13zerothis: scp01:31
jribsonger: are you using ubuntu?01:32
usr13zerothis: or:  nfs01:32
Dr_Willissonger:  ask in #debian?01:32
zerothissamba, for NSF shares?01:32
ilyaswhat is best hard drive ? western digital or sagate or matrox01:32
usr13zerothis: Yes01:32
jrib!ot | ilyas01:32
ubottuilyas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:32
jribilyas: try ##hardware maybe01:32
usr13!nfs | zerothis01:32
ubottuzerothis: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:32
Dr_Willisilyas:  i had a 500gb hd die. seagate.. and they gave me no hassles with their warrenty. I will be getting seagate more often in the future.01:32
* Dr_Willis shuts up now.01:33
TetracommHow do I open the address bar in Nautilus?01:33
Dr_WillisTetracomm:  if its hidden.. theres a menu item to show it01:33
mrpocketsDr_Willis, we've been seeing a TON of Maxtor 2 gig externals die lately (cough i'm off topic cough)01:33
bastidrazormrpockets, 2gig.. i'd kill them too01:33
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY01:34
hydesteri think my 4gb thumbdrive is hosed/  it suddenly says "no medium found" when i try to access it.  anybody know of any tools to help troubleshoot this further?01:34
zerothisusr13: THat's terribly complicated what happened to the simpe right-click, share, shrer this folder?01:34
TetracommWhich item?01:34
Joelitowhat happen to ubuntu.org :\01:34
jeffrey_Firefox is out!!01:34
mrpocketsTHE BOX IS OUT?!01:34
zerothisjeffrey_: agreed, Firefox is out the window01:35
DarkMage26how do I find what version of acpi I'm running?01:35
jeffrey_what is up with ubuntu.org?01:35
bastidrazorDarkMage26, acpi -v01:35
Dr_Willisjeffrey_:  you mean to imply that the site is non-functional?01:35
DarkMage26bastidrazor: thanks01:35
SimetricalIs the firefox-3.5 package in Jaunty going to have the final release installed as an update?01:35
JoelitoDr_Willis: I do :)01:35
SimetricalAh, looks like it, never mind.01:36
Dr_WillisThen youy should say so. :P01:36
dragon_a simple command to create a disk image of an external HDD?01:36
Dr_Willisdragon_:  dd if=/dev/hdXX of=image01:36
jeffrey_Dr_Willis, the site is a redirect01:36
dragon_Dr_Willis: will it take care of the size and format and everything?01:36
Joelitowell..direct to site http://www.ubuntu.com/ :)01:37
wWalesis there a way to focus a window from terminal?01:37
mrpocketswWales, thats a great question...01:38
DarkMage26usr13: does a desktop need acpi installed to shut down correctly?01:38
zerothiswWales: maybe zenity but I don't know01:38
usr13DarkMage26: Yes01:38
zerothiswWales: KDE windows have options using QT commands01:39
Godel-Paradoxhow can i create an iso from cd?01:39
wWalesmrpockets: i know oyu could alt+tab but with 10+ windows running it get tiresome at times, but id like to have a way to run something like "focus firefox"01:39
zerothisGodel-Paradox: Add/Remove programs search for iso and choose an app to install. there's a command line way to do it also01:40
mrpocketsisn't that what the mouse is for?01:40
mrpocketswWales,  you have Compiz running?01:40
usr13DarkMage26: apt-get install acpi  acpid acpi-support01:40
wWalesmrppckets: no i havent01:41
usr13Godel-Paradox: mkisofs01:41
usr13!mkisofs | Godel-Paradox01:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkisofs01:41
mrpocketsif you install Compiz there're some windows flippers that make it a little more convienant to organize a larger multitude of windows01:41
Dr_Willisdragon_:  nope.. wont take care of much of anything.. thats not what you asked for.01:41
wWaleszerothis: the QT 4 Settings in gnome doesnt allow me to set any terminal commands01:41
shino__HEY i just finished watching starwars in the terminal haha01:42
owhHi folks, trying to update Gutsy to Hardy. Need to bring Gutsy up to date, that is, the last released packages. The software sources have been set to main server, but the archive shows 404 errors. What do I do next?01:42
shino__HEY i just finished watching starwars in the terminal haha01:42
DarkMage26usr13: then what?01:42
mrpocketsshino__, ?01:42
shino__idk just01:43
underHi, how can I add program in startup?01:43
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:43
shino__just wondering is there more than just starwars?01:43
usr13Godel-Paradox: Applications like k3b do it, but can be done from CLI and I think it's something like:  mkisofs -o some-name.ios  /media/cdrom/01:43
wWalesshino_: try this; apt-get moo01:43
underHi, how can I add program in startup *by shell*?01:43
usr13DarkMage26: Then try it and see if it works.01:43
Dr_Willisshino__:  mplayer has an 'ascii output' feature that lets you watch anything in the console.01:43
mrpocketsshino__, or aptitude -v moo01:44
usr13DarkMage26: reboot01:44
mrpocketsshino__, or aptitude -vv moo01:44
InevGlitchHi all.  I'm in dire need of some assistance.  I posted a thread on the forums, but no responses and it's been a couple days.01:44
shino__ok let me check it out01:44
dunksWhat's the link? :)01:44
InevGlitchAny chance someone can help me out?01:44
mrpocketsinversions, you're in luck, because I'm in dire need of answering some questions01:44
mrpocketsexcept reguardless how dire my need IS, i'm unable to fulfill unless you ask one..01:45
InevGlitchI posted a link to my thread, it's all explained in there to the best of my knowledge.01:45
mrpocketsso either reword yourself, or give me a link01:45
mrpocketsI'm not about to go splunking through the forums01:45
kevin__ snowcavalier01:45
InevGlitchBasically, my computer won't load the gui, I need help troubleshooting.01:45
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n1lqjquestion:  apache2 I have added Authenticated directories to my httpd.conf and this works, but now the directories are hidden, is there an option to make them visible in apache?01:45
shino__haha funny01:46
owhNever mind, this tells it all: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:46
mrpocketsshino__, whats the startwars in terminal you speak of?01:46
DarkMage26usr13: no such luck. still need to hold the power button to complete the shutdown. :(01:47
shino__telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl     type that in the terminal01:47
shino__you will see star wars like never before01:47
kpasQuestion: I need to manually change my screen resolution but not via the GUI interface because it only allows me to select 800xxxx  I am running 9.04 desktop01:47
dahliaI just upgraded my video card in my 8.04 x64 system to a nvidia 9800 from an 8600. How can I make sure I have the latest drivers?01:47
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wWalessomehow, the terminal reminds me of Edward, in Cowboy Bebop, they have the same style?01:48
ctmjrdahlia: open nvidia-settings it will tell what driver ver. you have01:48
DarkMage26I have a shut down problem. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m531b0a301:48
JdGordonI've got a problem with autofs... if I manually mount  a smb share like this "sudo mount -o username=guest,password= //server/stuff /media/temp/" it works fine, but if I fix the /etc/auto.smb file to look like "mountopts="-fstype=cifs -o username=guest,password="" and then goto /smb/server/stuff if works, but the directory listing keeps being the same as whats in /smb/server.... any ideas?01:48
shino__haha so im guessing you were able to see starwars?01:48
dahliaty ctmjr, where do I find that?01:48
mrpocketsthis is freak'en halarious01:48
shino__haha i know!!01:49
vossdahlia, What drivers are you currently running?01:49
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ctmjrdahlia: i am not sure in gnome xfce it is in settings you can type nvidia-settings in a teminal01:50
dahliathe hardware drivers dialog says NVIDIA accellerated graphics driver (latest cards)01:50
vossdahlia system----preferences----hardware drivers01:50
dahliaty ctmjr01:50
dahliagot that open now voss01:50
wWalesshino_: i had heard about this easter egg but i hadnt watched it until now, haha01:51
voss8600 and the 9800 should use the same drivers01:51
dahliakk ty voss :)01:51
shino__i had been putting it off for a while01:51
kpasQuestion: I need to manually change my screen resolution but not via the GUI interface because it only allows me to select 800xxxx  I am running 9.04 desktop01:51
vossIf your using version 180 youre fine01:51
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wWaleskpas; try using the xrandr command01:52
mrpocketscould you make an alaias for the command sudo rm -rf / to just echo something like "Jesus you're a noob!"01:52
bazhangshino__, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:52
shino__haha ok?01:52
kpasthansk will try01:53
bazhang!ot > mrpockets01:53
ubottumrpockets, please see my private message01:53
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dahliahmm I guess I have version 169.1201:54
dahliacan I update that with aptitude?01:54
wWalesaside to mrpockets command he doesnt want you to run: its the equivalent of "format c:" in winbased systems01:55
Guest69400alguien que sepa como configurar mi propio servidor IRC01:55
dragon_!es | Guest6940001:56
ubottuGuest69400: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:56
JdGordonanyone use autofs and samba shares?01:57
BitWraithwhen I add/trust bluetooth devices, where is this convfiguration saved?01:57
nathaniel_hey guys i've just tried to login to terminal as sudo but gives me an authentication error... any ideas?01:57
BitWraithnathaniel_: log in as a normal user, then use sudo01:58
BitWraithsudo isn't a user, it's a program01:58
Dr_Willismrpockets:  i dont think an alias can have spaces like that.. You coule replace 'rm' with a script that does sanity checks however.01:58
ctmjrdahlia: you should have a hardware driver tap in your menu if it says your using the driver go to nvidia and download the current driver and follow the how to, it is simple01:58
tsai1Hi all, I'm having problems with  grub,  I have followed the instructions at http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/140845-error-2-a.html.  I still get device not found even though I can see it with a live ubuntu disk.  Any ideas?01:58
Dr_WilliswWales:  that command is worse then format c:. :) format c - will erase one drive..  the rm command will erase every file on every mounted r/w filesystem.01:59
ctmjrdahlia: just to let you know they are up to driver version 185 so yours is a little outdated01:59
Dr_WillisNvidia drivers are alwyas  outdated in ubuntu :() thats just how it works.02:00
dahliaya the new card isnt working as good as I thought it should :/02:00
nathaniel_@BitWraith ... I know it's a program ... ok say i type in sudo apt-get install packagexyz ... it's asks me for the root password. i type it in and then i gives me an authentication error02:00
shino__how do i change to another server?02:01
Dr_Willisshino__:  if you mean irc server... /server new.server.name02:01
DarkMage26I have a shut down issue. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m531b0a302:01
stennant101Hello all02:01
shino__haha yea were can i find like a list of servers?02:01
Dr_Willisshino__:  deends on what irc network you want02:02
ubottufreenode is Freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. Freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on Freenode also have their own !guidelines02:02
wWalesDr_Willis: ok ok so its format c: with quad-damage... i find this a reoccuring theme with using linux after having been a long time windows user xD02:02
shino__like to for new tech dissconsions or sumthin random02:02
guedesavgood morning/noon/night02:02
guedesavI have a strange problem with hald, it disconfigures my keyboard misteriously...02:03
guedesavanyone has a clue of why?02:03
mrpocketsDr_Willis, yeah, soemthing like that02:04
mrpocketsidk, just wondering about the possibility of idiotproofing linux02:04
Nubo_Haucenteguedesav: Same happened to me02:04
Nubo_HaucenteI rebooted02:05
Nubo_HaucenteAnd fine again02:05
guedesavyeah, me too02:05
guedesavthe problem is that means I can't use any kind of GUI for wireless connection and such02:05
guedesavcause they need dbus and hald running02:05
guedesavand I can't rely only on iwconfig and iwlist, sometimes it just doesn't work, especially with WPA02:05
guedesavI need to know why HAL simply assumes my keyboard is "evdev" when it's explicitly stated in xorg.conf that it is "xorg"02:06
wWalesmrpockets: theres no inbuilt prompt on such a rm command?02:07
wWalesit all just goes *poof*? :(02:07
Dr_WilliswWales:  linux commands do what you tell them to..02:07
mrpocketsIIRC it'll stop at /bin02:07
Dr_Willismrpockets:   err.. no it wont. :)02:07
mrpocketson the count of it'll delete the rm command02:07
mrpocketsbut I've never tried it :-P02:07
Dr_Willismrpockets:  'disk cache in ram'02:07
uvstudioshello everyone how are you guys doing?02:07
guedesavno, it'll keep goin02:07
guedesavrm will already be in the RAM, and will keep executing02:08
Dr_Willismrpockets:  you can  use fdisk and delete a running systems / and other filesstems.. and it will run.. for a while.02:08
mrpocketsuntil you reboot?02:08
linuxguy2009Is 9.10 gonna be the next LTS or guys?02:08
DarkMage26http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m531b0a3. This is a shut down issue I'm have, can anyone help?02:08
lstarneslinuxguy2009: no, 10.0402:09
mrpocketsDarkMage26, you just keep getting lines liek that one after the other?02:09
linuxguy2009ok thanks02:09
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linuxguy2009thats right my bad02:10
wWalesDr_Willis: oh no, im generally in favor of that architecture, its just that in this case... ...its -everything- then again, i can imagine if all you wanna do is sweep filesystems (which i can imagine you could be in a position where that happens alot) then it makes a bit more sense, after all, there are ways to make your own prompts if that what you tell linux to do :)02:10
kpasso I type xrandr -s 1280x102402:11
DarkMage26mrpockets: I keep getting it through most of the screen until the end. I get the *Stopping GNOME... [OK]. Then the cursor just sits there and blinks02:11
kpasand get Size 1280x1024 not found in available modes02:11
derenrich_so still no FF3.5 in the repos?02:11
mrpocketsI cant say for sure, but i had a similar issue. Go to shut down and it'd do the [ 112.6340404]  CONNET DEBOUNCE FAILED!02:11
mrpocketsended up being faulty hardware (USB Port to be specific)02:12
kpashow can I add 1280x1024 as a selection so I can set it from 800xXXX to 1280x102402:12
uvstudioshey guys i have a question about formating a disk, i know you are busy but do you have time to answer?02:12
ctmjrkpas: what does xrandr output by itself?02:12
lstarnesuvstudios: we can't answer a question that hasn't been asked02:13
DarkMage26mrpockets: how can I check for that?02:13
kpas4 opitions02:13
kpasmax 800x60002:13
DarkMage26uvstudios: what are you wanting to do?02:13
uvstudioshahaha well thank you guys02:13
ctmjrkpas: did you install any graphic card drivers?02:13
platyhelminthHi, how to make a script that simulate the use of a keyboard key every second ?02:13
uvstudioshere i typed it out in another place but no one was able to help let me just grab what i typed02:13
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uvstudiosi have a 7.5 TB disk array and i am trying to format it, i tried fdisk but i was stupid and didnt know that it could only do 2TBs. So now i'm sitting here thinking if i should use parted, but i want to create a parition that windows users can use and also mac users too. I'm trying to set up a file server and will eventually cluster the data together with another server. I was thinking of02:14
kpasI moved it ti a beklin share device02:14
uvstudiossetting up a logical volume with the disk, but i'm not so sure that i will need to do this, i guess i'm trying to ask what would be the best way to format my 7.5 TB drive and what format?02:14
mrpocketsDarkMage26, run memtest, pull your unnecessary hardware out and see if it goes away, run fsck on the Hard Drive02:14
kpasBelkin KVM02:14
kpasI moved it ti a beklin KVM02:14
DarkMage26mrpockets: How do I do memtesting?02:15
kpasI had it directly connected to the monitor and was able to get the higher resolutions02:15
uvstudiosmy question is in regards of formating a disk that is 7.5 TB's and how i should format it for users that will be using a mac and a pc.02:16
vossI would love to go back in time to 1999 and tell people, hey Im gonna format my 1.5 terrabyte external hard drive with my $200 linux netbook and just watch their mouths hang open, and then tell them "everybody uses linux in the future, microsoft went out of business 2 years ago"  ;-)02:16
mrpocketsDarkMage26, you have that Ubuntu CD you installed from?02:16
WHARRGARBLis ubuntu server supported here?02:17
ctmjrkpas: i do not know how to help you i do not know a thing about the kvm switch and how to configure it02:17
DarkMage26mrpockets: Just use the cd tool on reboot?02:17
WHARRGARBLIs Ubuntu server supported gere?02:17
mrpocketschances are, if its your ram, you'll  have other problems too02:17
mrpocketsWHARRGARBL,  #ubuntu-server02:17
kpasis there a file I can edit to add more resolution opition02:17
DarkMage26mrpockets: No other problems that I can see. Will run mem test now.02:18
mercutio22in firefox when middle click a link a new tab opens in the end as opposed to by the side of the parent tab, is there an extension to make the daughter tab be opened by the side of the parent tab?02:18
mrroboto_Can anyone give me a hand getting the ATI proprietary driver installed correctly?  I tried using the included application for it, but when I rebooted,  just got neon static...02:18
lethukpas, might be xorg.conf under X11 folder if I recall well02:18
mrpocketsDarkMage26, and i might be sending you barking up the wrong tree02:19
mattybAnyone know when PHP 5.3 will be in the repos, or do we have to build from source?02:19
Godel-Paradoxhow can i create02:19
Godel-Paradoxan iso from cd?02:19
altf2olast I saw on the php mailing list was debian had deb files for testing, but were experimental.02:20
Dr_WillisGodel-Paradox:  you can 'image' a cd to a .iso file with the proper dd command02:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd02:20
cellofellowGodel-Paradox: use dd. `dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/image.iso` should get you started02:20
wabobman dd02:20
cellofellowGodel-Paradox: man dd02:20
altf2oso anything 5.3 at this point is likely to be custom built or installed from an experimental tree/source02:20
mrpocketsdd if=/dev/cdrom02:20
mrpocketshe beat me to it02:20
mattybaltf2o: thanks.02:21
Godel-Paradoxcan i use a program for this02:21
Dr_Willisyou will wan tto use the 'bs=1024' option also - for speed.02:21
Godel-Paradoxk3b or something?02:21
cellofellowActually, you can just right-click a CD-ROM icon on the desktop in Nautilus and I think it has a Copy Disk item.02:21
ctmjrmrroboto_: boot into a terminal and type sudo  aticonfig --initial then try to reboot agian and see if it worked02:21
Dr_WillisGodel-Paradox:  theres other tools that can do it.. but dd will be just as easy/fast02:21
provvlMBPhi guys02:21
provvlMBPif you could label "groups" (or "piles" i guess) of icons on your desktop, what would those labels be?02:21
Godel-Paradoxcellofellow: this didnt work02:21
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Godel-Paradoxthe iso when i mount it wasnt ok02:21
mrpocketsprovvlMBP, come again?02:21
mrroboto_ctmjr: I already removed the driver so I could boot up again.  It's no longer in the hardware driver app to reinstall, either.02:22
cellofellowGodel-Paradox: so use dd.02:22
sam555hello all!02:22
ctmjrmrroboto_: how did you remove it?02:23
sam555how would I know which version of ubuntu server I should dl?02:23
Devilsprey99http://paste.ubuntu.com/207858/ can anyone help me with this02:23
sam55564 or 32?02:23
patdk-lapany idea how to stop ubuntu from beeping when I plug/unplug a/c power?02:23
patdk-lapcan't seem to find any results on google02:23
sam555It's going on a dell optiplex 330 (a typical desktop computer)02:23
provvlMBPlets say,02:24
patdk-lapsam555, depends on if it supports 64bit, and if you have >4gigs of ram02:24
provvlMBPif you have a lot of icons in your desktop,02:24
provvlMBPand they kind of all fit into groups,02:24
mrroboto_ctmjr: Id have to look back to find the exact command, but it was a terminal command, which essentially comes down to purge=fglrx02:24
benjehello i use firefox 3.0.11 under ubuntu ibex kernel 2.6.27-14 and when i try to read html page which in css there a 120em for <a> it freeze the entire system02:24
altf2osam555 - any should suffice, I run 8.10 on an 500mhz athlon, 256mb ram. going to upgrade to 9.04 tomorrow02:24
provvlMBPinstead of making folders to put them in, if you were to push them into a group that could have a label, what would your labels say?02:24
provvlMBPfor example i have "open source code" and "pics" and stuff02:24
sam555patdk-lap: altf2o: I don't have 4gb, just 2gb of ram.  Should I just go for ubuntu server 32 then?02:26
sam555kk. thanks!02:26
patdk-lap64bit uses almost twice as much ram as 32bit02:26
patdk-lapso unless you need it, don't waste it02:26
mrroboto_ctmjr: found it, it was apt-get remove --purge=fglrx*02:27
ChaorainI need help compiling blender on 9.04 I'm using Cmake. Help? http://www.pasteall.org/640802:27
altf2of you're CPU supports 64bit feel free to use it. I don't recall if the 330s do02:27
boss_mcpatdk-lap: can you source that claim? (the one about double memory consumption)02:28
boss_mcChaorain: blender is in the repos, why are you compiling it?02:28
altf2o<--- prefers scons when compiling blender. #blender-dev can likely help02:29
Chaorainboss_mc, for optimization and verse.02:29
boss_mcChaorain: ok, just checking :)02:29
benjealtf2o: optiplex 330 support core 2 duo02:29
ctmjrmrroboto_: ok go here and follow this guide to get it back but after you are doen installing it make sure to run aticonfig --initial so the driver will get loaded for you, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:30
dahliahow can I start my 8.04 desktop without starting X? I need to run the nvidia installer and it wants the X server shut down but I dont see an option to do that02:30
benjeif it's celeron support emt64 so yes he can use 64bit os02:30
altf2ogood deal.02:30
Jonathancw_Hi , i installed Ubuntu...but when it restarts the system, it goes to windows repair mode..  Its not even showing the ubuntu load screen or anything..02:31
Chaoraindahlia, System>Administration>Hardware Drivers02:31
jules__hi, i'm having a problem with xubuntu but nobody answears in the xubuntu channel, can someone help me?02:31
boss_mcdahlia: I somewhat doubt you have to install nvidia without X (have you seen !binary) but if you do, ctrl+alt+f1 to get to tty1 and then sudo service gdm stop will stop X02:31
Godel-Paradoxi used dd02:31
mrroboto_ctmjr: gotcha, ill report back in a bit with success, or on my laptop.  Am I safe to assume that the module version requirements are met by the default install of 9.04?02:31
ChaorainJonathancw_, one Hard Drive or two?02:32
Jonathancw_Two hard drives, Raid config, mirroring02:32
susbwoyHi, where can I find out what is new with the ubuntu kernel update 2.6.28-13.45?02:32
ctmjrmrroboto_: the first guide is for jaunty so i hope so02:32
ChaorainJonathancw_, Hardware raid or fake raid(shows up as two disks in ubuntu)?02:33
mrroboto_ctmjr: roger, I'm off to give it a shot02:33
Jonathancw_Hardware raid.  Ubuntu showed one hard drive - but theres two each 500 gb02:33
sage_hey what channel is for wine help???02:33
Mike_lifeguardsage_: #winehq02:33
susbwoysage_: #winehq02:33
sage_thANKS  Mike_lifeguard02:33
Mike_lifeguardmwahaha, beat you to it, susbwoy :P02:34
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Godel-Paradoxif i change the name of an iso02:34
Godel-Paradoxwill this02:34
ChaorainJonathancw_, ok do you see grub on boot?02:34
Godel-Paradoxdestroy the iso?02:34
boss_mcGodel-Paradox: nope02:34
Godel-Paradoxi made the iso with dd02:34
Jonathancw_No I do not02:34
FloodBot3Godel-Paradox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:34
susbwoyMike_lifeguard: my new kernel image was installing :( and my screen jumped02:34
Jonathancw_IT trys to go to Start Windows Normally or Windows Rescue02:34
ChaorainJonathancw_, best bet is to reinstall grub02:35
Jonathancw_How would I do that?  I reinstalled Ubuntu twice02:35
boss_mc!grub | Jonathancw_02:35
ubottuJonathancw_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:35
Godel-Paradoxi created an image of the cd with dd. Now how can i mount it?02:35
Godel-Paradoxas a cd02:35
JDSheweyHey, having trouble rebuilding a RAID0 array.02:35
geirha!iso | Godel-Paradox02:35
ubottuGodel-Paradox: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:35
ChaorainJonathancw_, one sec02:35
JDSheweyWhey I run mdadm --create I get /dev/sda1: device or resource busy and for /dev/sdb2 (and two other partitions) I get "this device appears to be part of an array". Any suggestions?02:36
Jonathancw_Thanks for your help btw02:36
JDShewey/dev/sda1 is unmounted and is part type linux raid autodetect02:36
ChaorainJonathancw_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435102:36
Godel-Paradoxgeirha: an example?02:36
Chaorainbut did you install windows after ubuntu?02:36
jules__i'm having a problem with an audio card on xubuntu, can anybody help me?02:36
ChaorainJonathancw_, But did you install windows after ubuntu?02:37
JDSheweyjules__: depends on your problem. What is it?02:37
scuniziHow do I sort the items listed in the menus?02:37
Jonathancw_no it was installed before ubuntu02:37
geirhaGodel-Paradox: replace <ISO-filename> with the path to the iso, and <mountpoint> to the dir you want to mount it to; for instance /media/cdrom02:37
Godel-Paradoxgeirha: sudo mount -o loop /alpha/file.iso dev/cd02:37
jules__i've been two days trying to install an audio card02:37
jules__it's a creative awe02:37
Godel-Paradoxgeirha: i want it to look like i have 2 cdroms02:37
jules__creative awe3202:37
Devilsprey99hi plz can anyone help me02:38
jules__model CT367002:38
ChaorainJonathancw_, weird. Grub should be installed.02:38
jules__i found out that i have to use the module snd-sbawe02:38
Godel-Paradoxgeirha: so /media/cdrom1 and /media/cdrom2?02:38
jules__it works02:38
ChaorainJonathancw_, is ubuntu on a primary partition or extended?02:38
JDSheweyDevilsprey99: depends on your problem. What is it?02:38
jules__audio now only works if i run applications with administrator rights02:38
jules__(using sudo)02:38
scuniziGodel-Paradox: geirha ususally it's /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom102:38
DarkMage26mrpockets: Got no errors from mem test. Still can't get system to turn off.  :(02:38
Devilsprey99JDShewey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/207858/02:39
jules__i'de like not to have to run all the audio associated programs from console and using sudo02:39
geirhaGodel-Paradox: the mountpoints must exist and be directories, so create them if they don't already exist02:39
jules__any idea?02:40
jules__i modified the module file02:40
jules__i added snd-sbawe at the end02:40
jules__it loads the module02:40
JDSheweyDevilsprey99: Try setting the resolution manually using the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file > http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=xorg.conf+example&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10&fp=kE0CVI1PqvM02:40
jules__i mean... automaticly02:41
jules__at startup02:41
jules__but it's only usable under administrator rights, as i said02:41
JDSheweyjules__: I assume since you are using sudo, you are not working graphically. Can you get sound from within X?02:41
neothecathowdy.  i am running 64 bit 9.04.  has anyone had any problems with flash 10 sometimes working, sometime not in firefox 3.0.1102:42
jules__if i run programs from X (x server, right?) then i have no sound02:42
jules__i'm using fluxbox, don't know if that matters02:42
odinsban1I've got troubles with Network Manager, I want nm to start when my computer does, and I need to run a script to turn on the wireless card.02:42
odinsban1er nm-applet.02:42
jules__for example... if i run in the terminal "gnome-alsamixer" it has no sound controls02:43
jules__as if the card doesn't exist02:43
odinsban1jules__: are you using pulse audio or alsa?02:43
jules__but if i run "sudo gnome-alsamixer" then i do have the audi controls02:43
jules__i'm using alsa02:44
jules__pulse isn't even installed02:44
jules__like i was saying02:44
odinsban1jules__: I think you have to add your user to the alsa group or something along those lines.02:44
jules__"exaile" doesn't hve audio unless i use sudo02:44
boss_mcjules__: the sound group (?)02:45
jules__can you tell me how to do it?02:45
jules__i'm a newbie :)02:45
adantehi, when i boot up /bin/nash uses 100% cpu, what is this?02:45
DarkMage26I have a shut down problem. here is info: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f02:45
boss_mcodinsban1: can't you create an rc script which turns on the card and give it a lower start vaule that networkmanager?02:45
manguyI'm tracking to debug a problem I'm having in apache, and one of the solutions I read said to make sure that the apache user has the correct permissions.  How can I check to see if a certain user (apache in this case) has the permissions needed to access the files?02:45
jules__i haven't read/heard about sound or alsa groups02:45
odinsban1boss_mc: possibly, which rc script should I include that in?02:46
JDSheweyjules__: I am not sure why you can't use your soundcard as a standard user, however you can use the sudoers file to allow your standard user to automatically run certian programs with full permissions without having to enter a password. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers02:46
boss_mcodinsban1: make a new one02:46
JDSheweyIf adding to the sound group does not work.02:46
mitchellvcplease, some time ago i was able to open a png or jpeg file from openoffice impress in presentation mode (through a link) with eye of gnome, now i cant do it since i reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 and i dont know how to do ti02:46
dsdeizhow do fix a broken install again?02:46
ChaorainCan Iget help with this? http://www.pasteall.org/640802:47
Devilsprey99anyone here plays freetennis02:47
jules__i guess that would work but it's a little... untidy? i don't know how it's said in english02:47
ctmjrjules__: try sudo adduser  "user name" audio02:47
mitchellvcplease, some time ago i was able to open a png or jpeg file from openoffice impress in presentation mode (through a link) with eye of gnome, now i cant do it since i reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 and i dont know how to fix it02:47
boss_mc!repeat | mitchellvc02:48
ubottumitchellvc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:48
JDSheweyjules__: I would call that a "kludge"02:48
boss_mcjules__: although untidy is fine... ;-)02:49
jules__i'll google it02:49
boss_mcjules__: a kludge is an untidy solution to a problem which works but there should be a better solution02:50
jules__ctmjr should i reboot now?02:50
chalcedonyare there any tricks to get a computer to enter the bios?02:50
boss_mcjules__: restart X or reboot02:50
boss_mcchalcedony: the very first screen after you turn it on should say press <blah> to enter bios/setup02:50
ctmjrjules__: yes02:51
boss_mcchalcedony: press <blah>! (it's often esc, f2, f10, tab or f8)02:51
DarkMage26chalcedony: usually esc or f11 or f1202:51
boss_mcchalcedony: basically anything.... :(02:51
din7press the any key02:51
JDSheweychalcedony: It is also often the delete key02:51
jules__boss_mc i thought it had to be something like that... thanks!02:52
jules__"restart X" means to log out and in, am i right?02:52
boss_mcjules__: that will be enough in this case02:52
jules__or restarting fluxbox is enough?02:52
boss_mcjules__: or thtt02:53
JDSheweyjules__: yes. CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE will do this very abruptly also02:53
boss_mc!dontzap | JDShewey02:53
ubottuJDShewey: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.02:53
jules__i'll try and then i'll report back02:53
boss_mcJDShewey: ctrl+alt+backspace was dropped in Jaunty02:53
JDSheweyright you are. Forgot about that.02:54
Belboz99Hey all, for years I have used the cp command to copy a device (usually a CD or DVD) to an ISO file, this has worked flawlessly, until now, what has changed?02:54
JimmioJDShewey: sudo apt-get install dontzap and then run dontzap --disable.02:54
din7how about sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:54
boss_mcBelboz99: the standard tool to do that is dd (I don't know why cp has stopped working, or why it ever did...)02:55
JimmioCould Compiz be screwing up Gnome Remote Desktop? The Windows user sees a screenshot, not a moving video D:02:55
Belboz99boss_mc: thanks, I just tried dd, and I got the exact same results, it copied 1.7MB and failed02:55
boss_mcdin7: involves switching tty and is as abrupt as ctrl+alt+backspace02:55
boss_mcBelboz99: corrupt CD/damaged drive?02:55
Belboz99boss_mc: this has occurred identically on two seperate PC's with 2 separate discs02:56
chalcedonyDarkMage26 boss_mc it *says* to hit tab to enter bios ..NOTHING happens differntly .. whether i press it and hold it, tap it once or tap it fast or slow02:56
geirhaJimmio: Likely, yes.02:56
DarkMage26chalcedony: did you try the other keys said?02:56
Belboz99boss_mc: I can also browse the disk just fine, both through the CLI and  through Nautilus02:56
goanUbuntuhi all i am new to this chanel02:57
dsdeizis there like a password manager package?02:57
goanUbuntui would like to ask a Q re Wireless connectivity02:57
boss_mcchalcedony: normally pressing esc shows you the boot messages, try that while pressing tab, see if anything changes02:57
chalcedonyboss_mc what other keys .. i did tab and delete02:57
odinsban1Something that is strange, the nm-applet and this wireless card and nm-applet work great from live cd, but from the actual install I can't turn on the card, I have to use a script.02:57
Belboz99boss_mc: only things that have changed that I am aware of is a recent kernel update, should I go ahead and revert back to an older kernel temporarily?02:57
boss_mcBelboz99: no idea, you could try it, report a bug if that fixes the problem...02:58
DarkMage26boss_mc: chalcedony: esc, f1, f2, f5, f8, f11, f1202:58
chalcedonyok i'm trying to use the ubuntu live cd.. when it trips out on my monitors then ill try escape with it, thank you :)02:58
JimmioIs there a way to turn off compiz temporarily and restart it the exact way it was including the emerald decoration manager?02:58
boss_mcJimmio: sudo metacity --replace02:59
boss_mcJimmio: then sudo compiz --replace02:59
Belboz99okay, thanks boss_mc, I'm going to be rebooting the server, so all my internet connectivity will be down for about 3 min02:59
boss_mcrun these from alt+f2 launcher02:59
boss_mcJimmio: not from command line (or if you do, run them with & after them)02:59
boss_mcJimmio: i.e. sudo metacity --replace &02:59
boss_mcBelboz99: kl, gl03:00
goanUbuntuthe 2 green balls show on upper panel and the spining blue circle03:00
ctmjrJimmio: or install the fuzion icon03:00
goanUbuntuboth green balls are lit03:00
JimmioDoesn't do anything, Fuzion icon?03:00
goanUbuntubut ehtn after 30 secs goes back to tiny computer screen s w/red x03:00
goanUbuntumenainsg it wasnt able to connect03:00
goanUbuntui have confirmed that my u/p is correct03:00
goanUbuntuany clue?03:00
goanUbuntuis there a wirelss/WiFi connection log i can review to see if there is an error?03:01
boss_mcJimmio: or install simple-ccsm and use custom desktop effects, rather than the two defaults03:01
usr13goanUbuntu: iwconfig03:01
geirhaJimmio, boss_mc: metacity --replace &   # WITHOUT sudo03:01
linux101hey can someone help me out?03:01
boss_mcgeirha: ah yes... it's been a while since I toyed with compiz....03:01
usr13linux101: Only if you ask a question.03:02
boss_mcgeirha: thanks03:02
goanUbuntugot it usr1303:02
usr13goanUbuntu: No log, just to see what is configured now.03:02
linux101i installed ubuntu 5.1, its the only install cd i have, im trying to install adobe flashplayer03:02
goanUbuntui see03:02
usr13goanUbuntu: or not configured. as the case may be.03:03
linux101i have read the forums and documentation but i keep getting an error03:03
Godel-Paradoxhow can i make the dd command to work?03:03
Godel-Paradoxto make an iso from cd03:03
goanUbuntu1 sec plz03:03
usr13Godel-Paradox: isofs03:03
Godel-Paradoxdd i mean03:03
linux101any1 wanna help me :P03:03
usr13Godel-Paradox: mkisofs sorry...03:03
scunizilinux101: 5.1?  don't think so .. even if it was numbered that it's so old as to be unusable.03:03
mrrobotoctmjr: It worked!  *Thrusts the pelvic thrust of the gods*  Thanks for the direction =)03:04
boss_mcusr13: 5.1 reached it's EOL, you should try to find a supported version (8.04+)03:04
Godel-Paradoxnot mkisofs is03:04
Godel-Paradoxfor hdd files03:04
ctmjrmrroboto_: your welcome03:04
usr13Godel-Paradox: dd if=/dev/hdc of=/home/username/cd.iso03:04
geirhaGodel-Paradox: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/image.iso03:04
scunizilinux101: can you download the latest or the LTS version and burn it?03:04
mobi-sheepOh my!  I just ran XChat with a clean directory.  The default theme is really ugly. ;<03:04
goanUbuntuhere is what i see:03:05
goanUbuntuwlan0     IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:""             Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.467 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated              Tx-Power=20 dBm              Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B              Power Management:off           Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0           Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0           Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:003:05
usr13Godel-Paradox: where /dev/hdc is your cdrom and /home/username is your home dir and cd.iso is the desired name you wanna use.03:05
linux101i cant burn anything because i cant install any burning software for my dvd drive03:05
boss_mclinux101: can you boot off usb (and have a 1Gb+ USB pen)?03:05
linux101can i mount the isos and install from a partition on my harddrive?03:05
linux101i have a 512mb usb03:05
scunizilinux101: why can't you install any burning software?03:05
jorgerosalinux101:  maybe here: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/distronotes/ubuntu-x86.html#flash-install-macromedia03:06
linux101because if i try to install anything it just gives me package does not exist03:06
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coleyslinux101: sudo apt-get update03:06
linux101i did that coley03:06
scunizilinux101: AH.. because you installed the older version of ubuntu?03:06
linux101i update repositories03:06
coleyslinux101: What version?03:06
boss_mclinux101: you can play games with unetbootin to turn a partition into an installer, boot into that, install into a seperate partition then delete the installer partition03:06
linux1015.1 really old its the only cd i had03:06
linux101boss that sounds really difficult :( im a newb03:07
boss_mclinux101: or use debootstrap (but that might well not work from your early version of ubuntu_03:07
boss_mclinux101: fair03:07
coleysboss_mc:Is the unetbootin for ubuntu any good?03:07
boss_mccoleys: fine, no problems with it03:07
jorgerosalinux101:  checked that link?03:07
earthmeLonI want to add an entry to grub that will allow me to boot Ubuntu Desktop without gui (pretty much make it run like the server version would).  Any suggestions on where to start?03:07
boss_mccoleys: what's it like for windows nowadays?03:07
usr13boss_mc: What?  (was that for me?03:07
scunizilinux101: you can always order a free cd or visit a friend that has a burner and capacity to download the iso03:08
linux101no jorge, im trying to install a new copy of ubuntu03:08
whoisHi guys03:08
coleysboss_mc: I havn't actually ever used it, was hoping it was a good version for ubuntu =P Cause thats the only way ill try it.03:08
whoisI ahve a linksys wireless-b usb network adapter03:08
boss_mcusr13: no...03:08
scunizilinux101: you may also find a magazine with an ubuntu cd in it03:08
boss_mccoleys: yeah, it's very useful!03:08
scunizilinux101: where are you at in the world?03:08
coleysboss_mc: Yeah and i've heard very fast aswell... =D03:08
whoisIts the gui is not showing up so that I can connect to wireless03:08
BornRebelIs there a shockwave player for ubuntu?03:09
scunizilinux101: you should have a user's group up there you could get a copy from.. hang on I'll check03:09
usr13whois: iwconfig03:09
whoisdoes any know the softaware I need to enable and run my V03:09
boss_mcBornRebel: nope, nor will there probably ever be...03:09
usr13whois: run your "V"?03:09
vid_I just upgraded to the newest mythbuntu and lost audio support systemwide.  What should I look for?03:09
BornRebelboss_mc: why will there never be?03:09
whoisI was trying to paste03:10
linux101sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin03:10
coleysvid_: Search your audio card in google + ubuntu =)03:10
odinsban2If I press my wireless button it doesn't turn the wireless on and off, so I need to use a script and sudo.  Is there a way to change the permissions for that?03:10
coleysvid_: lspci | grep -i audio03:10
linux101E: Couldn't find package libflash-mozplugin03:10
DarkMage26whois: you don't have the wireless icon on the bar?03:10
boss_mcBornRebel: they've been 'working on it' for 8 years with no output, and they're trying to phase it out in favour of flash03:10
odinsban2I mean, maybe the button doesn't work because of permissions03:10
whoisiwlinksys wireless-b usb network adapter03:10
vid_ack, some kind of onboard soundcard.  I'll take a look, thanks03:10
jerknextdoorany help with getting 8.10 to recognize a pcmcia card?03:10
whoisI have a desktop03:10
Godel-Paradoxhow can i use the dd command?03:10
Godel-Paradoxi have error03:10
boss_mcBornRebel: so they have very little incentive to work on it, only very few sites still use it03:10
whoisI want to swith from thernet to wireless03:10
usr13odinsban2: You can just do ifdown03:11
coleysvid_: Yeah, just run that command it will tell you which card you have.03:11
danbhfivewhois: did you use ndiswrapper, or is it supported natively?03:11
ctmjrwhois: there is no support for linksys usb wireless cards in linux you need to use ndiswrapper03:11
whoisI just plugged the linksys wireless-b usb network adapter03:11
whoisbut its not whowing up03:11
BornRebelboss_mc: so what r my options for viewing shockwave stuff? wine + firefox?03:11
cyberworm20hello everyone03:11
boss_mcBornRebel: unfortunately that seems to be the case03:11
scunizilinux101: check this link out and make contact http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33345903:11
mibbitcan someone help me connect a pptp vpn?03:12
mibbitcan someone help me connect a pptp vpn?03:12
boss_mcBornRebel: I havn't even seen a decent attempt at an open source replacement03:12
mibbitusing 9.1003:12
lomezhey jambarama could you be a little more specific?03:12
DarkMage26I can't get my system to complete the shut down process. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:12
usr13!pptp | mibbit03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp03:12
lomezvid_, could you be a little more specific?03:12
cyberworm20anyone using bactrack 4 here?03:12
mibbit<usr13> !pptp | mibbit03:13
mibbitwhat's that03:13
linux101is there any other options? can i mount ubuntu isos and installed them from my harddrive from a virtual drive?03:13
usr13mibbit: Sorry, I don't know anything about pptp03:13
coleyslinux101: Whats your issue, why can't you boot from disc?03:13
* zerozerozero hello i want to install and configure alsa on ubuntu server so far i have done the following sudo apt-get install alsa03:14
boss_mclinux101: you got 2 HDs?03:14
PATPATHey why can't i creat a new account ?03:14
coleysalsa on ubuntu server ? =p03:14
boss_mc!alsa | zerozerozero03:14
ubottuzerozerozero: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:14
usr13zerozerozero: alsaconf03:14
linux101no just 1, im sure i can mount iso and install from my harddrive i used to do that for windows03:14
coleysPATPAT: sudo useradd username ... then to change its password... username passwd03:14
scunizilinux101: someone mentioned that "unetbootin" can be used from a partition like you just mentioned.. however you may have to read a lot to figure out how that works03:14
PATPAToh ok03:15
boss_mclinux101: unfortunately not because you'll have to repartition the drive your on which can't be done while it's active03:15
coleyslinux101: You can also load a flash drive with unetbootin aswell.03:15
jim____coleys: wtf?  PATPAT sudo adduser username; passwd username03:15
boss_mccoleys: he's only got a 512Mb on...03:15
scunizicoleys: he's installed the only copy of ubuntu he has ... 5.1 and can't get to repos to download a burner for a more recent version.  also doesn't have a largge enough usb stick03:15
tensai_On a fresh Ubuntu 9.04 install the update manager was running and computer froze. Restarted, now on boot it says it gave up waiting for the root device and drops to a shell.03:15
kosharilinux101 you can in a virtual machine,03:15
tensai_I broke it so reinstall?03:16
jim____tensai_: mdadm raid by chance?03:16
danbhfivelinux101: http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html    you can sorta follow that.  But, instead of using grub for dos, I think you can enter the commands directly from grub since you already have grub installed03:16
linux101im confused03:16
coleysjim____: Lawl, my bad= )03:16
tensai_nope nothing fancy - putting ubuntu on my 2yo's new comp (ancient box from the garage) so she can play fisher price games online03:16
tensai_only thing I installed was flash03:16
DarkMage26I can't get my system to complete the shut down process. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:17
jim____coleys: useradd's valid too, but not as friendly as adduser IMO.03:17
lbswho installed HP 1020 Printer under Ubuntu?03:17
Travis-42Is there an alternative program similar to soundconverter?  It locks up on me03:17
coleysjim____: Yeah, i completely agree =o... getting late =P03:17
PATPATI mean why can't I add user from administrative menu03:17
boss_mclinux101: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux look at method 103:17
coleysPATPAT: You should be able too..03:17
PATPATits grayed out03:18
scuniziPATPAT: hit the "unlock" button03:18
PATPATits so weird03:18
DarkMage26I can't get my system to complete the shut down process. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:18
coleysPATPAT: Is there unlock?03:18
PATPATwhat unlock button03:18
tensai_there were several 'usplash: setting mode [random resolution] failed' messages as well03:18
doink12123i am using pcsx for the first time, and i dont understand what the control configurations are for the keyboard, the menu isnt clear at all03:18
chaorain_help? http://www.pasteall.org/641103:18
PATPATNo there isnt03:18
scunizilinux101: do you have a windows machine?03:18
JDSheweyDarkMage26: you need to give some hardware details: what type of PC, mobo, etc03:18
coleysPATPAT: Any non greyed out buttons?03:18
PATPATTheres user and groups03:18
danbhfivelinux101: here are the actual instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet03:19
DarkMage26JDShewey: I don't know the details of the machine cuz I don't know where to look for it.03:19
boss_mclinux101: the debootstrap way is nice, but probably wont work with your version unfortunately03:19
PATPATit say click Administrator mode button to allow modification but theres none03:19
coleysPATPAT: Reopen the window?03:19
majnoon!ot |majnoon03:19
ubottumajnoon, please see my private message03:19
linux101nah i changed my only windows machine to linux i have a laptop with vista but the screen is broken03:19
kosharilinux101 seriousely though with how easy unetbootin is you would be silly to use any other methood03:19
PATPATlet me try03:19
gggghello,is it possible to login with the same yahoo account in pidgin of different machine?03:19
doink12123What are the default keyboard controls for PCSX?03:20
linux101but boss said it wont work03:20
JDSheweyDarkMage: is this a laptop, desktop? HP? Dell? Whitebox?03:20
boss_mckoshari: he's not got a big enough USB03:20
kosharilinux101 it will work but its a long winded way03:20
boss_mclinux101: did you get my link?03:20
linux101yea i got everyones link :P03:20
DarkMage26JDShewey: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:20
linux101any1 want to vnc into my linux and fix it :P03:21
koshariboss_mc well looks like he may need to shell out ten bucks then03:21
boss_mckoshari: or beg a copy off someone03:21
kainhi all, i was wondering if anyone knows how to upgrade firefox 3.0.11 to firefox 3.5?03:21
boss_mcnight all!03:21
gggghello,is it possible to login with the same yahoo account in pidgin of different machine?03:21
boss_mckain: sudo aptitude install firefox-3.503:21
linux101no1 wants to vnc and fix it for me :(03:22
kainboss_mc: will it uninstall my old version?03:22
kosharilinux101 you could even use a removable usb hdd03:22
doink12123gggg: i dont know why not03:22
boss_mckain: not that I'm aware of, i think it does a update-alternatives thing03:22
linux101i dont have 1 would 512mb usb stick be enough?03:22
ggggdoink12123, so it's possible to login with the same account in different pc?03:22
kainboss_mc: ok, cause i went into synaptics manager and installed firefox-3.5 but it was a beta, not the official version that just came out03:23
doink12123gggg: it should be possible. Ive always used pidgin on multiple computers at once03:23
ggggdoink12123, ok, is it possible for aMSN and emense, too?03:23
linux_trojanI have been trying to view TV on Ubuntu using Mythbuntu, Freevo, and other stuff, there has to be an easier way, something without all the configuration, something just plug and play?03:23
danbhfivelinux_trojan: hulu.com?03:24
doink12123gggg: i dont see emense as a login option, but MSN is there03:24
scunizilinux_trojan: using a tuner card?03:24
linux101koshari in the meantime is there any video players i can install to watch videos?03:24
linux101i cant watch anything03:24
linux_trojanyea happauge03:24
ggggdoink12123, ok thanks03:25
kosharilinux101 vlc, mplayer, totem,03:25
linux_trojanI will try Hulu.com see what they got03:25
linux101i tried totem but it just gives me errors03:25
linux101and i dont really know how to install mplayer03:25
kosharilinux101 you more likely will want the codecs03:25
coleyslinux101, Try smplayer =)03:25
scunizilinux_trojan: #mythbuntu for configuation support.. there's also xbmc as an alternative from mythbuntu03:25
cyberworm20r root?03:25
linux101how do i install the codecs?03:25
linux101because on totem it gives me codecs error03:26
cyberworm20how do i change the password for root03:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:26
kosharilinux101 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:26
DarkMage26I can't get my system to complete the shut down process. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:26
linux_trojan#mythbuntu is a graveyard, they are barely alive to answer questions03:26
danbhfivelinux101: I thought you couldn't install anything at all?03:26
scunizilinux101: you don't without functional repositories..03:26
linux101E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras03:27
linux101i just get errors when i try to install03:27
coleyslinux101, I believe you are not supported anymore. You'll need a more recent version of ubuntu.03:27
scunizilinux101: the oldest repository available is for version 6.0603:28
linux101explains y i cant install a thing03:28
kosharilinux101 what version are you usung?03:28
linux101argh im starting to hate this03:28
linux_trojanI am looking at your recommendations, bbl, thanks03:28
scunizicoleys: could linux101 change the repo references in synaptic and then just update?03:28
doink12123My keyboard does work with the PCSX emulator? How do i fix this?03:29
coleysscunizi, No, don't think so.03:29
kosharilinux101 thats 4 years old!03:29
linux101its the only operating system cd i have03:29
coleysUpdates are sketchy anyways...03:29
=== purpzey_ is now known as purpzey
kosharilinux101 is there any reason you cannot up grade?03:29
doink12123linux101: you cannot burn a new one?03:29
coleyskoshari: Hes way past LTS. =P03:29
scunizilinux101: either order the cd, contact the local loco in your area, attempt the netboot install link given earlier03:29
coleyskoshari: So the servers are allllll dead.03:29
linux101i have a blank dvd r but i cant install burning software03:30
koshari linux101 use netbootin03:30
coleyslinux101: http://getdeb.net03:30
linux101sunizi the netboot install will work?03:30
purpzeyIf I upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty will it effect my home directory and application settings?03:30
kosharilinux101 unetbootin03:30
DarkMage26I can't get my system to complete the shut down process. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:30
kosharipurpzey noty if you back them up03:31
coleyslinux101: See if you can find burning software at http://getdeb.net03:31
linux101coley it wont let me install it will say package not found03:31
scunizilinux101: you have nothing to loose.  give it a try03:31
linux101is this unetboot03:31
kosharicoleys you dont need burning software with netbootin03:31
coleysTell him that =P03:31
danbhfivelinux101: no, its not, but give it a try anyway.  Its a net install03:31
kosharilinux101 use a usb drive03:32
Hilikusi installed i don't remember what to be able to play flash in FF, for all of them i get a play icon (the triangle) but most of them don't work after clicking them. some do though. any idea what's the problem?03:32
linux101i only have a 512mb03:32
kosharilinux101 get another one,03:32
kosharithere cheap03:32
koshari10 dolalrs03:32
linux101im gonna try this03:33
coleys koshari What if he wants installed now... =)03:33
linux101ahh even this netboot is to difficult for me03:33
kosharihe could use unetbootin and get the minimal iso which is 15meg and do the rest over the net, but it will be test installer and very slow03:33
linux101FU WINDOWS03:34
kosharilinux101 unetbootin is simple,03:34
linux101these commands and directories are cnfusing me03:34
kosharilinux101 and unetbootin runs on windows or linux03:34
kosharilinux101 http://www.h33t.com/details.php?id=0af99609353a41eb92e9261acbcff0e7b4ab2af203:35
danbhfivelinux101: the other option is: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/   it will take awhile, but it will be an easier learning curve :)03:35
kosharilinux101 sorry wrong link03:35
kosharilinux101 http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/03:35
linux_trojanit looks like xbmc is not for actually watching tv, but for viewing media?03:36
mase_worklinux101: also your local newsagent/ magazine store probably has a computer magazine with ubuntu included on it03:36
kosharilinux_trojan correct,03:36
dragon_!enter | koshari03:36
ubottukoshari: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:36
linux_trojanthe game is all locked up03:37
thesandman can anyone explain to me what x-session mangager is and how to disable it?03:37
kosharidragon it was the wrong link yu clown03:37
linux101unetbootin will download the isos as well?03:37
scunizithesandman: are you trying to install a video driver and following instruction?03:37
mase_worklinux101: yes it can do that for you03:37
kosharilinux101 no you download the iso you want to place on your key03:37
mase_workkoshari: no, the new versions do this for you03:38
mase_workwell they can do this for you03:38
Mr_Sonomahas anyone tried Jaunty with a Verision 720 aircard? how successful were you?03:38
scunizikoshari: his key isn't large enough.. he needs to use unetbootin on a seperate partition03:38
linux101i downloaded unetbootin and it wont open the file...03:38
dragon_Mr_Sonoma: you might want to check the documentation, if there's anything mentioned about your card03:39
dragon_!wifi | Mr_Sonoma03:39
ubottuMr_Sonoma: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:39
koshariscunizi he can use the minimul iso and install text mode ,03:39
scunizikoshari: ah! I forgot about that..03:39
DarkMage26I can't get my system to complete the shut down process. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f649f03:39
PATPATWhy can't I do sudo su?03:39
dragon_PATPAT: it's a bad practice.03:39
danbhfivePATPAT: sudo -i03:39
scuniziPATPAT: ubuntu doesn't support it..03:39
koshariscunizi although i still beleive hes better off getting another usb key03:39
PATPATyes it does03:40
scunizikoshari: me too .. or contacting the local lug or loco03:40
linux101when i try to open it it says cannot display unetbootin03:40
Mr_Sonomais your root account disabled?03:40
linux101what am i suppose to do?03:40
papnaIs it possible to make a popup in another user's graphical environment? A Gnome equivalent of write?03:40
PATPATwhy can't i do this sudo look PS3 is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.03:40
roxiei am running ubuntu netbook remix and when i went to youtube to play a video this is what is says "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. " what should i do? im new to ubuntu03:40
leaf-sheep!flash | roxie03:40
ubotturoxie: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:40
dragon_PATPAT: you need to add the user to the group "admin"03:41
PATPATOh alright03:41
PATPATthank you03:41
dragon_PATPAT: usermod -aG admin PS303:41
PATPATone more question03:41
PATPATwhen i log on into my account why does this stupid thing ask me for a pass key?03:42
PATPATusermod admin does not exist it say03:42
danbhfivePATPAT: its because your passwords are encrypted, I believe03:42
roxiethe "click here to install flash" doesnt work03:42
linux101can some1 help me with unetbootin03:42
PATPATok so what does it what me to do03:42
PATPATok so all i have to do is add it to admin group then i can do sudo su right03:43
kosharilinux101 what do you want to know03:43
DulakPATPAT: sudo -i03:43
linux101i downloaded it and now i am trying to run the unetbootin file03:43
dsdeizi always get this error message in pwsafe "WARNING: pwsafe unable to use secure ram (need to be setuid root)".. any ideas?03:43
linux101but im egtting an error03:43
dragon_DarkMage26: you have encountered a kernel bug. You should check if there's a related bug report, and if not, file one.03:43
PATPATthey are doing sudo su everwhere03:43
kosharilinux101 what is the error03:43
linux101Failed to run /home/test/Desktop/unetbootin-linux-356 'rootcheck=no':03:44
linux101 Wrong password.03:44
dragon_DarkMage26: note the line that says: Jul  1 19:20:29 holly-desktop kernel: [ 1218.283173] kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/arch/x86/mm/pat.c:298!03:44
dragon_!enter | linux10103:44
ubottulinux101: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about penis03:44
thesandmanscunizi: no I was trying to install some apps to work with k3b and brasero to burn and copy dvd's but that was like way before I formatted my system....and the x-session manager is still here for some reason...does anyone know what it is?03:44
kosharilinux101 are you running it as sudo?03:44
dragon_!ops | PATPAT03:44
ubottuPATPAT: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:44
DarkMage26dragon_: what should I look for in the bug reports?03:45
scunizi!X | thesandman03:45
ubottuthesandman: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:45
elkyPATPAT, are you planning to contribute anything valuable to this discussion at all?03:45
linux101im double clicking to open and type the password but it just gives me the same error i am not using terminal03:45
dragon_DarkMage26: a situation similar to yours. By the way, are you running on a customized kernel?03:45
PATPATYes...possibly in the near future.........03:46
thesandmanthanks ubot!!!!!!!!!....LOL....03:46
linux101koshari can u please help me out03:46
scunizithesandman: to kill the x session in gnome type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop.. in kde use sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:46
=== root is now known as Guest19588
DarkMage26dragon_: how do I know. This is a fresh install from live cd with all the newest updates.03:46
elkyPATPAT, good, well if you can abstain from the pointless and immature nonsense until that time, it'd be appreciated03:46
dragon_DarkMage26: then it's not customized.03:47
PATPATyes sir03:47
elky!guidelines > PATPAT03:47
ubottuPATPAT, please see my private message03:47
dragon_DarkMage26: the best thing to do is to file a bug, and copy that trace there. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug03:48
mobi-sheepWhat's the best way to run VLC although I have no Xorg?  I don't mind installing Xorg but no GDM and such?  Something that would run VLC under X.03:48
linux101any1 please help me with unetbootin03:49
dragon_mobi-sheep: xfce?03:49
scunizimobi-sheep: you could ssh -X <yada yada> to connect and have access to x related programs03:49
mobi-sheepscunizi: Uh.  I tried ssh and I ended up getting movie run in ascii mode.03:50
mobi-sheepscunizi: Not just ssh.  I ran that on the machine "vlc video.avi"03:50
yogaany indomesian people?03:50
scunizimobi-sheep: movie in ascii mode is always interesting..03:50
dragon_!ot > yoga03:50
ubottuyoga, please see my private message03:50
draginxanyone know how to get skype working on 64 bit with ubuntu 8.04? my sound isnt working with skype03:51
thesandman<SCUINIZI>...Thank you so kindly03:51
dragon_!skype | draginx03:51
ubottudraginx: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga03:51
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga03:51
* dragon_ drops a pin03:53
linux101mtools not found. This is required for USB Drive install mode.03:53
linux101Install the "mtools" package or your distribution's equivalent.03:53
linux101what do i do now?03:53
=== steven is now known as opop
dragon_!find mtools03:54
ubottuFound: mtools, cpmtools, fmtools, ogmtools, pmtools03:54
dragon_!info mtools03:54
ubottumtools (source: mtools): Tools for manipulating MSDOS files. In component main, is optional. Version 3.9.11-1 (jaunty), package size 194 kB, installed size 472 kB03:54
=== opop is now known as umpop
dragon_linux101: is this what you're looking for?03:54
thesandman<SCUNIZI>.....cans you re-give me those commands again please?03:54
gogetamsdos lol03:54
gogetacan you say old school03:55
linux101i dont know im trying to get unetbootin to work03:55
* zerozerozero i am trying to install alsa on ubuntu server here is my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file http://pastebin.com/f614f3cfe. and my lspci -v | less output http://pastebin.com/f7a195c2.i noticed that in alsa-base.conf file the soundcard module is not present (i am planing to use te yamaha soundcard) so i want to add this line "options snd-card-ymfpci model=3stack" (there are 4 jacks on the soundcard).will this enable audio ???03:55
dragon_linux101: sudo apt-get install mtools03:55
scunizithesandman: hang on and I'll give you a more complete link03:55
gogetalinux101: apt-get install unetbootin03:55
gogetalinux101: the one from the site has a dep issue for some reasion03:56
thesandman<SCUNIZI>...ok that's find too but I want those commands that you gave out earlier...for some reason I cant scroll up and get them the page has been deleted03:56
draginxdragon_, im getting Audio Playback errors =/03:56
bazi am trying to setup nfs on my client (server is already set up) do I need to apt-get nfs-common? Anything else to apt-get?03:56
gogetalinux101: have your usb device aruldy mounted and start unetbootin all should go well03:57
linux101i cant install mtools03:57
scunizithesandman: ssh -X <yada yada> is what I gave you.. here's a link http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=ssh+x11+forwarding+ubuntu&aq=f&oq=ssh+x11+forwarding&aqi=&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&fp=kE0CVI1PqvM03:57
dragon_draginx: i've seen those. hold on.03:57
linux101gogeta i am doing a frugal install from harddrive03:57
samoraisome wone can help me to install chat on my own serveur03:57
gogetalinux101: you mean a wubi?03:58
dragon_samorai: what kind of chat?03:58
kosharidragon hes running 5.10 with no repos03:58
thesandman<SCUNIZI>...that's not what you gave me earlier....as far as commands...they were gnome and kde x-session commands to remove the x-manager03:58
linux101and i cant install a thing so im out of luck03:58
dragon_koshari: what do you mean?03:58
gogetalinux101: oh easy make a iinstall partation have unetbooting install there03:58
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
samoraidragon_ it's flash chat03:59
kosharidragon he cannot install anything from the repos as they are no more for 5.1003:59
linux101i cant just make a partition03:59
dragon_koshari: who are you talking about?03:59
gogetalinux101: you just said you wanna do hs to hd install03:59
kosharigogeta i beleive he cannot install unetbootin as he misses a dependency by the looks of it03:59
geirha!nfs | baz03:59
ubottubaz: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:59
kosharidragon linux10103:59
gogetakoshari: get it from apt-get\\04:00
gogetalinux101: get unetbooting from apt-get04:00
kosharigogeta there are no 5.10 repos04:00
samoraidragon_  ?04:00
linux101what koshari said04:01
dragon_yeah samorai?04:01
gogetakoshari: lol04:01
gogeta5,10 jeez04:01
pnemaUse to be able to use the mouse whell to switch between windows but now I cannot. How do I fix?  (FYI: I just upgrade to Jaunty)04:01
scunizigogeta: he has unetbootin .. apt-get doesn't work for him because the repos are so old they don't exist anymore04:01
Apollo2366Hey guys, recently downloaded emerald theme manager, and I'm watching a video on how to use it. Thing is, I was told to run emerald --replace and it worked, but when I closed the terminal, instead of the theme going back to human-clearlooks, it got rid of all window borders. No title bar, no buttons, no nothing. Help?04:01
=== steven is now known as opop
dragon_linux101: time to upgrade?04:01
gogetalinux101: option to use grub to boot the iso directly04:01
linux101dragon thats what im tryong to do04:01
roothello everyone.  I'm having a weird problem04:01
scuniziApollo2366: try emerald --replace &04:01
colerhow do i deal with "ou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server04:01
dragon_Apollo2366: emerald --replace &04:01
=== root is now known as Guest15477
linux101gogeta i wouldnt know how to do that04:02
gogetalinux101: dont you have a spare cdr04:02
kosharigogeta he has no burning software04:02
dragon_coler: use a terminal to type "sudo nvidia-xconfig"04:02
linux101a blank cd? yes but no burning software04:02
dragon_!terminal | coler04:02
ubottucoler: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:02
linux101and respos to download burning software04:02
SeaPhorif you log in as root, then you really do have a problem, but prolly not the one you came here for...04:02
gogetalinux101: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77453904:03
Apollo2366That got the border back, not human clearlooks though. Plus whenever I close the terminal, it repeats the problem04:03
gogetabootting iso w grub04:03
MrJaycan someone answer a question for me04:03
dragon_linux101: where do you live?04:03
pnemaHow does one configure the mouse wheel to switch between virtual windows?04:03
geirhaApollo2366: And don't close the terminal with the X button. Type "logout" or hit Ctrl+d to close it04:03
dragon_linux101: i feel like mailing you a CD04:03
gogetalinux101: just dont format the drive installing from04:03
kosharilinux101 out of interest what are the specs of your machine?04:03
draginxdragon_, any continuation..? :P04:03
gogetalinux101: yea ubuntu mailes free cds04:04
geirhaApollo2366: Make that "exit", not "logout"04:04
sh4d3sl4y3r_hello guys.... being a debian user since a while and now a jaunty user, i have a query. how does ubuntu handles the package suggestions in a terminal? i.e. when a package is not installed , it suggests to install it using apt-get.... is there a specific package for such behaviour ?04:04
=== opop is now known as umpop
linux101its a core2duo like 2gb ram  and some crappy hdd04:04
dragon_draginx: running skype now04:04
linux101i guess its back to windows for me04:04
kosharilinux101 why dont you use unetbootin in windows?04:05
sh4d3sl4y3r_if neone could clear my query, would be informative04:05
scunizilinux101: if you go to windows you can burn a cd of ubuntu04:05
pnemaHow does one configure the mouse wheel to switch between virtual windows?04:05
coleri keep getting You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server04:05
dragon_draginx: skype wouldn't run on my machine. there was a setting under hardware section in skype i guess. tried playing with those?04:05
Apollo2366Mkay, the window border is persistent now, but how do I switch control back and forth between Emerald and the default themer?04:05
coleri already ran it in terminal04:05
linux101im gonna buy windows 7 i dont have any windows cd if i buy 7 i dont plan to go back for a while04:05
linux101plus windows 7 is like $50 for preorder04:05
jeffshow do I use 3d desktop switcher?04:05
draginxdragon_, the sound things? yeah man04:05
dragon_linux101: i hate you.04:05
kosharilinux101 buy a 1gb usb stick instead04:06
pnemacoler: I was advise to rm the xorg.conf file and it worked for me04:06
scunizilinux101: as an upgrade only.. you have to already have an install cd to use it04:06
geirhaApollo2366: gtk-window-decorator --replace &04:06
linux101ill figure it out :P dont hate me i tried ubuntu atleast04:06
linux101later bye04:06
colerwhat is x server, (said to restart x server)04:06
Shwaiilhi ppl04:06
dragon_linux101: good luck.04:06
Apollo2366geirha, Cool, thanks :)04:07
scunizicoler: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart in a terminal04:07
dragon_draginx: not sure what's the exact cause. maybe try searching the forums, and google.04:07
samoraiI check someone how can help me to install flash chat04:07
* dragon_ gotta go. later peeps04:07
draginxdragon_, already doing :) thanks mate04:07
sh4d3sl4y3r_can anyone clear out my query above? : (04:07
pnemacoler: what hardware are you using?04:07
dragon_sh4d3sl4y3r_: it's a feature called command-not-found04:08
Tjh_hi i have installed language-pack-gnome-sa and language-pack-sa-base, where do i change language to sa?04:08
dragon_info command-not-found | sh4d3sl4y3r_04:08
sh4d3sl4y3r_ok thanks man04:08
dragon_!flood | wabob04:09
ubottuwabob: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:09
ShwaiilQ: I want to start using ubuntu (I have no experience with any linux distro); I want to get a manual, to help me learn it, but I dont have enough money for current books. So, how  diferent is Ubuntu 6.06LTS compared with newer versions? Will the book help me ? (Actually, I'm probably going to install that old version of ubuntu). Tks for your time!04:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date04:09
dragon_!botabuse > wabob04:09
ubottuwabob, please see my private message04:09
Tjh_hi i have installed language-pack-gnome-sa and language-pack-sa-base, where do i change language to sa?04:09
dragon_Tjh_: right before you login04:09
=== TheQ_ is now known as TheQ
scuniziShwaiil: you can download a pdf for free.  http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html04:10
Tjh_umm there is no sa in the menu HELP04:10
scuniziShwaiil: if you install anything then install version 8.0404:10
geirhaTjh_: Try installing the language packs with System -> Administration -> Language support04:11
zerozerozerowhere can i find modules.conf file?>04:12
Tjh_geirha: i dont have that option in my menu04:12
Shwaiilscunizi, thanks for your help! I really like to read books, in spare times, train, you know. So, an older book is like $3 bucks! So, its better to get something newer, like 8.04, right ? I supose is not a good idea to get the book for 6. something.04:12
Tjh_geirha: he;llo? i managed to get the entry,   however sanskrit is not one of the languages listed04:14
scuniziShwaiil: they are *very* similar.. small differences.. however version 6.06 isn't supported anymore.. ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months and occationally a LTS version like 6.06 or 8.04.. LTS = Long Term support04:14
Tjh_i have the sanskrit gnome base04:14
Tjh_but i have no way of enabling it04:14
Shwaiilscunizi, I supose just for the first 4 months, just to learn it, is ok. What do you think ? Newer books, is like $30 + shipping :P04:15
scuniziShwaiil: for $3 it's worth it.. makes a good reference..04:16
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
Shwaiilscunizi, Thanks for your help! I'm going buy it, keep for 4 months, when I'm done, I'll get up to current version, and start reading the newest, freely, available documentation online :)04:17
short__errordoes any one know how to go about installing the TSP Codec?04:17
mazda01anyone able to connect jailbroken iphone to ubuntu?04:17
mazda01for tethering internet purposes?04:18
scuniziShwaiil: the best thing is to jump right in and learn while you do.. you can do that in windows using Virtualbox or ubuntu's provided wubi installer.. later you can install to an older machine or dual boot your current machine04:18
JimmioHello all, sorry to not specifically be on the topic of Ubuntu, but what does anyone of you here do to get motivated to complete something?04:19
geirhaTjh_: Hm, have you tried asking in the indian channel?04:20
scuniziJimmio: motivation is an emotional response.. sometimes you just have to "do it" with no motovation..04:20
Tjh_geirha: wqhich is whaat?04:20
Tjh_geirha: where is the indian channel?04:20
geirha!in > Tjh_04:20
ubottuTjh_, please see my private message04:20
Tjh_o thx04:21
Jimmioscunizi: I'd love to do that... But I am in the position of "Why bother? It's not like anyone will want to use it..". This happens a lot when I'm writing software... I have to find something motivational.04:21
jeffsI have a M-audio Quattro usb sound card, which works well in ubuntu, but when I use it with jack, the sound is choppy and staticy. I tried fooling around with the jack settings, but no luck.04:22
scuniziJimmio: If you can't do it for self satisfaction then you're doomed.. move on to something else04:22
jeffsI think that I may need a firmware update or something, or mabe I should disable the bios sound? any one?04:22
mazda01anyone use iphone to tether internet over bluetooth?04:24
Tjh_hmm that channel seems to be emtpty,, anyone?04:25
Guest14623does this channel offer ubuntu server suppport04:25
scuniziGuest14623: sometimes.. also #ubuntu-server..04:25
=== root is now known as Guest89349
Tjh_Guest89349: do not log in as root, log out create user and log back in as regular user...its for your own safety04:26
mazda01no one uses bluetooth?04:27
Jimmio!ask | mazda0104:27
ubottumazda01: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:27
Jimmiomazda01: What I meant was, ask your question, not if anyone uses bluetooth, unless that IS your only question04:28
Tjh_can someone please help me use the package04:28
Tjh_why is it there if no one knows how to make it do anything?04:28
mazda01can't seem to connect iphone to my hardy heron computer for tethering purposes. I am getting a connection refused error/04:28
mazda01I am using blueman from ppa repo for blue-utils.04:29
wuqwhuwhere can I ask questions about vpns in ubuntu04:30
wuqwhuwhere can I ask questions about vpns in ubuntu04:31
Guest14623i am pulling out my hair on this issue i am having . Please please can somone take a look and tell me what they think http://paste.ubuntu.com/207882/04:33
shane2peruI have a serious problem with my network settings on jaunty, how can I purge them and completely install them like the beginning?  I really hate the new jaunty network system04:33
Apollo2366Anyone know how to change the color of the text in the top and bottom panels?04:33
Dulakshane2peru: install wicd and laugh at all the suckers using network manager04:34
shane2peruis there any gui tool to work with network settings?04:34
shane2peruDulak: it seems as though they did away with network manager04:35
Hilikushow do i remove the packages that were installed as dependencies of a package taht i'm removing?? synaptic is leaving the dependencies installed04:35
shane2peruDulak: it used to be nice, now it is a nightmere04:35
JimmioHilikus: sudo apt-get autoremove04:35
shane2peruis wicd easy, or is it going to hose my system?04:35
shane2peruDulak: ^^^04:35
risentis there anyone who use gnome-do?04:36
JimmioHilikus: BE CAREFUL THOUGH. I've seen it comepletely uninstall ubuntu before. if you see Ubuntu-desktop as a package to be removed, DO NOT RUN IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.04:36
Dulakshane2peru: well I haven't used anything but wicd in over a year now, it's superior to the way they were doing it04:36
HilikusJimmio: i'll try that, but i don't think it'll work04:36
=== Gun_Smok1 is now known as Gun_Smoke_
shane2peruDulak: at this point I would try anything, thanks for the tip, installing now.04:37
Ghoti_Morning, folks..  quick question- what's the best short-list of packages to remove in order to (somewhat) sanely remove X, GNOME, and all the associated things that depend upon them?04:37
JimmioHilikus: I never install via Aptitude when I can avoid it. It works perfectly normally, and after that run sudo apt-get autoclean to remove extra kernel data that's no longer needed04:37
trollaxorubuntu rox!!!04:37
shane2peruDulak: will this auto-replace my current messed up network manager?04:37
Dulakshane2peru: I believe it will uninstall it04:37
Dulakshane2peru: been over a year since I did it, I don't quite remember04:38
xmedexhello all04:38
xmedexi have a question here04:38
edbianGhoti_: Remove "ubuntu-desktop"  then auto-remove everything else.  (Or use aptitude)04:38
shane2peruDulak: it just dumped my applet, and seemingly disconnected me, but here I am. :)04:38
edbianxmedex: What might it be?04:38
JimmioGhoti_: I think you can't because Ubuntu-Desktop depends on it. That means everything gets uninstalled and it no longer boots.04:38
shane2peruDulak: how do I edit wicd, or get into it?04:39
xmedexany details how to setup multiple ubuntu server04:39
Dulakshane2peru: Applications->Internet04:39
Ghoti_Jimmio, edbian: to confirm, apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && apt-get autoremove, yes?04:39
edbianxmedex: What do you mean?  Please be more specific04:39
shane2peruDulak: ahh, there it is, thanks04:39
Ghoti_Jimmio, edbian: I still want to be able to boot to a console, of course04:39
xmedexmultiple server setup for thin client04:39
JimmioGhoti_: Your system won't be usable anymore.04:39
edbianGhoti_That will remove X, and Gnome.04:39
edbianJimmio: I04:39
Dulakshane2peru: the best part is, once you have everything setup, it will do the network config before login, so you get network before you are even logged in04:40
shane2peruDulak: cool even got my dns stuff again04:40
xmedexany details how to???04:40
JimmioGhoti_: Don't run that... It will also remove the linux kernel. I'm 99% sure of it.04:40
edbianJimmio: Are you sure?  I'm pretty sure that you can still boot to a console without X / Gnome / Ubuntu-desktop04:40
trollaxorwhy is ubuntu so slow on my DP machine04:40
trollaxori even overclocked it04:40
Jimmioedbian, Ghoti_: Hold on, let me see04:40
shane2peruDulak: I think in hardy or intrepid it was simple and usable, either intrepid or juanty made a mess out of it, and took away the gui tools to fix things04:40
edbianJimmio: I think you might be right04:40
dsdeizsome people in ##linux easily get ticked off04:41
abe3kguys, just so you should know, to move a group of buttons on the ubuntu panels just shift+middle drag them and make sure none of them are locked :D:D:D04:41
* Ghoti_ does an apt-get --simulate04:41
Dulakshane2peru: I never liked that I didn't get network until after login, that's why I originally switched04:41
xmedexplease somebody help me on how to setup & config for multiple server setup04:41
edbianGhoti_: Try simply "aptitude remove gnome" ??04:41
derenrich_so...ff3.5 in ubuntu. Is it going to be a thing in the repos or am i going to install from source04:41
=== Severity2 is now known as Severity1
shane2peruDulak: I guess that didn't matter to me so much, just to be able to tinker and configure stuff was what I was lookng for.04:41
xmedexim doing thin client on ubuntu04:41
Dulak!ff35 | derenrich04:41
ubottuderenrich: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY04:41
edbianxmedex: What is a multiple server setup?  What do you want these servers to do?04:42
shane2peruDulak: thanks for the tip on wicd, hopefully that will fix my issue, very easy and straight forward to use04:42
edbianxmedex: Are you talking about pxe booting?04:42
Dulakshane2peru: np04:42
Jimmioedbian, Ghoti_: It removes everything, and I think that would screw everything up too.04:42
xmedexedbian: instead of running one server, i want to have 5 server04:42
abe3kis Plymouth really going to ship with ubuntu 8.10 ?04:42
edbianxmedex: 5 servers to do what?  Web servers, email servers, file servers, print servers?  What?04:43
xmedexedbian: thin client server04:43
JimmioGhoti_: Maybe try autoremoving ubuntu-desktop and installing ubuntu-server? I think it would work. THINK. Not my responsibility if it breaks...04:43
Ghoti_edbian: if I remove GNOME, that will leave X behind.. I have a (more or less) headless server, and I'd just as soon remove the GUI entirely if at all possible04:43
edbianxmedex: What exactly would a "thin client" server do?  pxe boot?04:43
xmedexedbian: combine that 5 server to be 1 server for thin client04:43
DulakJimmio: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package, removing it only removes that single package, not everything installed by the package04:43
xmedexedbian: yes pxe boot over lan network04:44
edbianGhoti_: Then "sudo aptitude remove X.org and Gnome?"  (admittedly I'm guessing now :D)04:44
Ghoti_edbian, Jimmio: do you think that apt-get install ubuntu-server ubuntu-desktop- would do the trick?04:44
JimmioDulak: Yes, unless you run autoremove, it'll remove everything, because it's not needed by anything.04:44
edbianxmedex: Before you said you want to create 5 servers.  Now you said you want to combine the 5 to make 1.  You're confusing me.  Why do you need more than 1 to pxe boot anyway?04:44
DulakJimmio: my bad missed the autoremove04:45
xmedexedbian: http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/multiple-server-setup.html04:45
JimmioGhoti_: Honestly, I'd say leave the GUI there, just turn it off. Keeps things from breaking.04:45
xmedexedbian: take a look at there04:45
Jordan_UJimmio: there is still ubuntu-minimal04:45
edbianxmedex: Ok, hang on while I read.04:45
xmedexedbian: i just want a better explanations on it04:45
xmedexedbian: alright dude04:46
gogetaJimmio: ubuntu mini iso does a base net install04:47
Jordan_UGhoti_: running "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove" should still leave you with a working minimal system04:47
jokeris there a way to force X to resize the screen? (nvidia tv-out has a bug since... forever and they arent fixing it appaently so I have 1 inche all around the tv where I dont see the screen = n otask bar, no menu, etc...)04:47
ytooxhello, I have installed banshee and tangerine music share but other people on the network see my laptop but can't access the folder Im sharing04:47
edbianxmedex: Well I think the point they're making is some-what obvious & trivial but.  Here's what I get from this.  Having 1 server pxe boot every computer in your network can be slow / hard on the server if your network is large.  In this even create multiple pxe servers!  (Well duh04:47
ytooxcan you help me?04:47
nadineI can't get sound from my logitech usb headset in ubuntu 9.04, it's worked in every other version of ubuntu...04:47
gogeta!ask | ytoox04:47
ubottuytoox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:47
Ghoti_Jordan_U, edbian, Jimmio: Thanks! I'll test it in a VM before I lobotomize my server with it first, but sounds good at first glance.  Thanks again!04:47
ytooxubottu: fine thanks04:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fine thanks04:48
ytooxubottu: are you going to answer or rant about rules?04:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:48
edbianxmedex: Simply split up your computers into logical groups (according to IP) and make 1 pxe server for each group of ip addresses (computers).  Do you have a more specific question?04:48
Jordan_UGhoti_: np04:48
edbianGhoti_: Always like to help :)04:48
Ghoti_as do I :)04:48
JimmioGhoti_: No problem. My server is a laptop and runs GDM constantly fyi, works fine.04:48
edbianytoox: ubottu is a robot you know04:48
forceshow can I install firefox 3 in jaunty?04:49
shane2peruytoox:  what is the question?04:49
forcesfirefox 3.504:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff2504:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3.504:50
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY04:50
shane2peruforces: sudo apt-get install firefox04:50
forcesI dont want beta04:50
forcesI want the final04:50
scunizithen wait04:50
edbianforces: It doesn't exist yet for linux :)04:50
forcesit was released yesterday04:50
Ghoti_forces: I think it's the beta package for the final release04:50
forcesmaybe tomorrow?04:50
Piciforces: its not packaged for ubuntu yet.04:50
edbianforces: It was released yesterday for windows04:50
nadineI can't get sound from my logitech usb headset in ubuntu 9.04, it's worked in every other version of ubuntu04:50
forceswhen will be ready for linux?04:51
gogetaforces: when its done04:51
Piciforces: After its done being tested, just like the factoid says.04:51
pedestrianentranusing the mv command, how can i move ONLY directories, not files?04:51
forcesok, I have another pc with hardy04:51
forceshow can I install flash 10 in hardy?04:51
scunizipedestrianentran: so you don't want the files in the directories to move?04:51
gogetapedestrianentran: mv -d04:52
forcesand openoffice if its possible04:52
ytoox I installed banshee and tangerine music sharing with it, but no one on the network can access my music04:52
edbianforces: Right to the point aren't we?  Do you know what the repos are??04:52
pedestrianentrangogeta: thanks! i cant beleive its that easy...04:52
forceshardy repos come with flash 904:52
Ghoti_pedestrianentran: for a in /path/to/source/*; do [ -d $a ] && mv $a /path/to/destination/; done04:52
nadineso nobody knows anytyhing abut sound?04:52
forcesand openoffice 2.404:52
edbianforces: Then I'm assuming you can install open-office.04:52
Ghoti_gogeta: mv -d would be easier, I suppose :)04:52
nadineI've tried pulse and alsa and no joy04:53
forcesI want openoffice 304:53
edbianforces: Are you sure you want these on hardy?04:53
pedestrianentranGhoti: yeah i don't think move -d works though...04:53
edbianforces: If you simply upgrade to 9.04 you'll have open office 3 and flash 10 will be in your repos.04:53
Hilikusedbian how do i install flash 10?04:54
edbianHilikus: On ubuntu 9.04??04:54
forcesthe problem is the graphic card04:54
geirhapedestrianentran: mv */ /path/to/destination04:54
forcesjaunty has problem with intel graphic card04:54
edbianHilikus: open synaptic and search "flash"04:54
pedestrianentrangeirha: outstanding04:54
Hilikusedbian:  i installed something to play flash but it sometimes doesn't work in some videos so i'm assuming its because those are flash 1004:54
forcesand hardy is more stable04:54
edbianHilikus: You are using the open source flash player (only works on some sites).  Do you have synaptic open / searched?04:55
Jordan_Uforces: What problem were you having with intel and jaunty? The main crashing bug ( which also meant that compiz was disabled ) has been fixed in updates04:55
edbianforces:  Check out backporting.  It allows you to get packages from repos that are newer than your current ubuntu version's repos.04:55
Hilikusedbian i'll search for flash04:55
edbianforces: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports04:56
edbianHilikus: ok :)  Let me know when you're ready :)04:56
Piciedbian: Err.. people actually have to package those applications for prior releases, its not an automatic process.04:56
gogetaHilikus: flash 10 is in ubuntu04:56
Hilikusedbian: flashplguin-installer?04:57
edbianPici: Really?  I never backported so I assumed.04:57
gogetaHilikus: flash-nonfree04:57
edbianHilikus: First purge all of the flash related packages you have installed.  If you have more than one they block each other out when you go to a site.04:57
Hilikusgogeta: This package is a transitional package that can safely be removed after you installed04:57
forcesflash in hardy backports doesn't work04:57
forcesthe package is lost04:58
gogetaHilikus: its fine04:58
nellmathewforces: another option is to add ubuntu-tweak to your repos (search google) and it'll add support for quickly adding third-party sources to your repos.. (openoffice 3.1, latest firefox (even 4.0 dev), ect..)04:58
forcesor was remove04:58
edbianHilikus: Did you so what I wrote??04:58
Hilikusedbian: i don't remember which ones, how can i search for that?04:58
forcesok i'll check that04:58
edbianHilikus: All of the ones that are green boxes are installed.  You can sort them by green / not-green.04:58
Dragster2006hey everybody04:58
edbianHilikus: Am I making sense?04:58
wuqwhuwhere can I ask a vpn pptp question?04:58
lopezeHey, one of my installation hung at Install/Select software on the Heron alternate install. I continued with my installation. Is there anyway to install the software through the command line that comes up from boot?04:59
Hilikusedbian: libswfdec-0.8-0 and swfdec-mozilla04:59
nellmathewlopeze, is it at 6%?04:59
Hilikusedbian:  so i remove those?04:59
edbianHilikus: That's the open source one :).  Yeah remove them04:59
edbianHilikus: If you search "flash" none of the files that come up should be installed :)04:59
edbianHilikus: Once it is in that state then install "flashplugin-nonfree"05:00
Jordan_Ulopeze: Yes, did you want a desktop install or server install?05:00
Hilikusedbian: k, i'll do that05:00
lopezeDesktop Install.05:00
nellmathewlopeze, the problem is 1) you either burned at a high speed, so try the lowest 8x or something.. or 2) your cd-rom just isn't that great, which was the problem i had. try lowering the burn speed and come back here, PM me if i don't respond.05:00
edbianHilikus: :)  Flash is a little counter-intuitive that way.  I think it is a problem.  Hopefully they fix it down the line.05:00
lopezeAlright sounds good.05:00
lopezeThanks I"ll try that out.05:00
Jordan_Ulopeze: "sudo dpkg --configure -a" then "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" should do the trick05:01
Hilikusedbian: just out of curiosity, the description seems to imply flashplugin-installer superseeded flashplugin-nonfree05:01
Hilikusis that not true?05:01
nellmathewlopeze, do you have broadband?05:01
lopezeYes I do.05:01
edbianHilikus: I don't know.  Like I said all of those packages are sort of a mess right now.  All I know is that you need "flashplugin-nonfree"  That is adobe flash 10 for sure.05:02
Jordan_UHilikus: The name of the package was simply changed, flashplugin-nonfree was the old name, flashplugin-installer is the new name.05:02
HilikusJordan_U: so it doesn't matter which one i use05:02
Jordan_UHilikus: Exacltly05:03
edbianHilikus: Jordan_U: That's news to me but probably true :)05:03
xmedexedbian: i dont understand05:04
cxoI think i asked this before, but i forgot, how do you find the package information from a particular file in the system? the equivalent of rpm -qf05:04
jerknextdoorany help with getting a modem to work in 8.1005:04
nellmathewlopeze: what i eventually ended up doing (because i tried lowest speed, and no matter what my cd-rom would hang retrieving one package or the other - at 6%, before extracting it) is trying the minimal iso: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD - when you boot it up type in "cli" and go through the same installation process as you would with alternate (use an ethernet connection, not wifi) and after it's done and you 05:04
xmedexedbian: what do you mean by split05:04
Jordan_Ucxo: dpkg -S /path/to/file05:04
edbianxmedex: Do you have a pxe server set up now?05:04
cxoS! i tried F05:04
edbianHilikus: Let me know if you get it working! :)05:05
xmedexedbian: yes05:05
edbianxmedex: One of the configurations is to tell the server what IP's to send the kernel image out to correct?05:05
xmedexedbian: then05:05
cxoJordan_U, thanks, is there a way of getting more information about that package, than just the name?05:06
edbianxmedex: Just tell each server to send the image out to 1/5 of the ip addresses.  Understand?  That way the five of them cover the entire network just like the single old one did.05:06
cxoi tried -S -I together, but it didnt like that05:06
Jordan_Ucxo: apt-cache show package-name05:07
xmedexedbian: i understand but how to?05:07
edbianxmedex: - 192.168.51 for server one. -
edbianfor server 205:07
Hilikusit worked!! thanks a lot edbian05:08
edbianHilikus: NP!05:08
Jordan_Ucxo: I don't think there is a built in way to do both at once, it would be trivial to script though05:08
edbianHilikus: You should have more faith in us :)05:08
xmedexedbian: i can see it05:08
edbianxmedex: I probably am not the best person to ask.  I have never set up anything like this before.  Perhaps pose the question to everybody else?05:09
egasusi want to ask05:09
egasusa quick question. sudo pecl install memcache05:09
jerknextdoorany help with getting a modem to work in 8.10?05:09
egasusit says pecl isnt found05:09
egasuswhat can i do?05:09
xmedexedbian: thanks for your help05:09
xmedexedbian: ok05:09
edbianxmedex: sorry I couldn't help more :(05:09
xmedexedbian: np05:09
edbianegasus: What is pecl?  What are you trying to do?05:09
egasusi dont know05:10
egasushave a look there05:10
edbianegasus: lmao.  I have never seen anyone say they "don't know" what they're trying to do :)  You made my day there :)05:11
cxoJordan_U, I switch to ubuntu after using fedora/redhat for over 10yrs. The brain just refuses to remember any dpkg/apt commands05:11
edbianegasus: Also if you're addressing me directly start with my name like I do to you so that I notice what you're saying easier.  Thanks :)05:11
egasus:) i mean05:11
egasusi am following the steps there05:11
egasusok edbian05:12
egasusedbian: ok05:12
didiIs it possible to login as a different user with the gnome-terminal without using ssh?05:12
edbianegasus: You're tying to make a PHP enabled web server?05:12
egasusyes with ncix05:12
egasusedbian: and i am going to eat the nuts05:12
Jordan_Udidi: su ?05:12
didiJordan_U: Don't know. I will try.05:13
edbianegasus: lol05:13
egasusedbian: would it be problem if i only use "sudo install memcache  " instead of "sudo pecl install memcache"05:13
unopdidi,  sudo05:13
nadinelogitech usb headset made for the PS2 no sound on reformat install of 9.0405:13
Jordan_Udidi: "su username" is the command to change users05:13
didiJordan_U: Really cool. Thanks.05:13
edbianegasus: Ok, look at my PM05:13
egasusnope not working05:13
egasusroger that05:14
mazda01i am getting a connection refused when trying to connect to my iphone over bluetooth. what am I doing wrong?05:15
didiAnother one: I am trying to mount a NFS filesystem (wuala) but the directory keeps been mounted to user and group root. I can mount it as a normal user but the owner is handed to root. How can I make the mount directory being owned by the user that mounted it?05:15
cxoHow do I apt-get upgrade just one file?05:15
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY05:16
juan_hello everyone05:16
juan_I have a question05:16
AdolaDo I have to install samba to get 2 ubuntu machines to share files?05:16
didiHere is the line at the fstab: localhost:/wuala /home/user/wuala/direct nfs defaults,users,noauto,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr05:16
Jordan_Ucxo: You mean one package? I don't think there is a supported way to upgrade one file05:16
SandGorgon!nfs | Adola05:16
ubottuAdola: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:16
cxoAdola, No. Samba is only used in conjunction with Windows shares05:16
cxoJordan_U, single package, not one file05:17
Apollo2366!ask | juan_05:17
ubottujuan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:17
Jordan_Ucxo: apt-get install ( it also upgrades if there is a newer version available )05:17
Houba1986hey, i was wondering, is anyone else experiencing slow flash playback full screen through firefox with ubuntu 9.04? and if so, is there a fix for this?05:18
juan_I am running a dual startup machine with kUBUNTU and WindowsXP, when I was in Windows, someone on the Messenger attacked my system05:18
AdolaWell, the reason I ask is because I've got _This_ machine on dial-up, and I got a netbook recently, I can't connect to dial-up with the netbook, how do I network the netbook and this machine?  (Both are ubuntu)05:18
juan_and he telled me that he knew that I had also Linux05:18
Jordan_UHouba1986: browse youtube with totem instead of the browser :)05:18
Houba1986Jordan_U: does it work with other sites as well? or only youtube?05:19
juan_Should I have to be affraid of any leak in my Kubuntu system?05:19
cxojuan_, its very very unlikely someone who compromised your windows while in windows, could access the data in the linux partition05:20
cxojuan_, but wherever there is a will, there is a way05:20
Rob235i dont know what to install next05:20
OmarmanAny word yet on firefox 3.5 getting rolled out officially on Ubuntu Netbook Remix Jaunty?05:20
legend2440cxo: i'm not familiar with rpm -qf. but are you asking for a way to find out which package contains a certain file?05:21
Dulak!ff35 | Omarman05:21
ubottuOmarman: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY05:21
Jordan_UHouba1986: Only youtube and BBC, you can also often play the flash video with totem by looking for the temporary file flash creates ( /tmp/Flash* )and dailymotion will support playing videos without flash with Firefox 3.5. As for fixing flash itself, I don't know :)05:21
Rob2353.5 doesnt seem any different to me, except a bit faster i guess05:21
Rob235whats supposed to be good about it05:21
joebodoeclipse does not seem to accept the max memory setting in the ini ... am i doing something wrong ?05:22
Houba1986Jordan_U: so it's not just my computer that's experiencing this problem?05:22
DulakRob235: javascript is a lot faster in 3.5 than it was in 3.0, plus html 5 support05:22
Rob235i see05:22
cxolegend2440, i got it, it was dpkg -S and apt-cache show05:22
legend2440cxo: ok05:22
juan_cxo, thanks, when i started linux there was an error "io.slave cannot run ... " or something like that, i ran the update mannager and the error is gone05:23
Rob235with AWN how do you make it so you can open more than 1 of the same program, i see when you load a program and the icons are different then you can open as many as you want, any other way?05:24
chetnickguys, how can i change default runlevel, in other linux distro i edit /etc/inittab, but in Ubuntu there seems to be no /etc/inittab file. Can somebody help me?05:24
OmarmanThanks.. I'll try to install the beta05:24
mheathThis is kind of an odd question, but does anyone know if there is ever a time when / is mounted RW, but the rest of the fstab isn't mounted yet?05:24
mheathOR does startup remount / from RO to RW at about the same time that everything else is mounted?05:25
mazda01i can't get my iphone to connect via bluetooth. any suggestions on what to use?05:25
juan_can someone sniff in my computer while I am using linux?05:25
bp0how can i set up ubuntu so that when i plug in a usb headset it uses that for sound, but when it is unplugged it will use the sound card05:25
edbianmheath: I think I read somewhere that / is never mounted RW (that generally causes massive corruption :D )05:25
Rob235a mac05:25
chetnickjuan_: yes05:25
mazda01bp0, yes, if you're aren't behind a firewall or router05:25
edbianjuan_: Yes but if you are up to date there are no security holes.05:26
=== MikeChelen0 is now known as MikeChelen
mneptokchetnick: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:26
mazda01bp0, sorry, mean to write that to juan_05:26
unopchetnick , on ubuntu (and debian) - runlevels 2-5 are all identical, so why do you need to change the default?05:26
juan_chetnick, what can I do to be protected?05:26
mazda01juan_,, yes, if you're aren't behind a firewall or router05:26
mheathedbian: that doesn't make sense. If that was true, you could never save a file or install anything, if you had a one partition arrangement.05:26
edoceoIf I have an existing Ubuntu machine that's running the 32bit SMP how hard is it to upgrade-in-place to 64bit?05:26
chetnickedbian: if somebody penetrated his network he dont need any holes in OS. they can sniff traffic and  do MITM attack.05:26
edoceoJust add the 64bit kernel and then update all packages?05:26
chetnickjuan_: protect your network (specially WiFi)05:27
edbianchetnick: I never knew that! Thank you :)05:27
geirhamheath: It's mounted read-only at an early stage, then mounted rw along with the rest of fstab05:27
rnd_nullSorry to interrupt...Quick question:  Where is the file that is written by the "Keyboard Shortcuts" app in Ubuntu?05:27
chetnickunop: i need no GUI, i want to boot to runlevel 3.05:27
juan_I am new in this and I'm not sure to have a firewall, I thought that Ubuntu had one, isn't it?05:28
mheathgeirha: so its remounted at *exactly* the same time as the rest of fstab is mounted? (I know its odd I care so much, but I'm attempting something where this actually matters quite a bit)05:28
chetnickunop: i guess that was my question, how do i do that ?05:28
unopchetnick, runlevel 3 is exactly the same as runlevel 2 (ubuntu's default)05:28
edbianmheath: o that's when errors are found.  Hence the fstab option: "errors=remount-ro"05:28
unopchetnick, if you don't want a gui .. disable the GDM service05:28
unop!boot | chetnick05:28
ubottuchetnick: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:28
juan_chetnick; where can I have all the tips to protect my machine?05:29
chetnickunop: isnt the runlevel 5 the same as ubuntus default?05:29
unopchetnick, no, that's with redhat, etc .. with debian.etc - runlevel 2 is the default05:29
chetnickmneptok: thanks i will check that out.05:29
OmarmanFirefox 3.5 shows up as Shiretoku?05:30
chetnickunop: yes its default but not the same as runlevel 3 on most of the linux distros.05:30
edbianchetnick: I too would like an answer to juan_'s question.  Where can I find a good tutorial for tips on securing my machine?05:31
chetnickthanks everybody, will look into disabling GDM service, or upstart doc.05:31
unopchetnick, why would I tell you something that's not true :)  - go have a look for yourself, you'll see /etc/rc2.d/* match up with /etc/rc3.d/* etc05:31
edoceoHow do I change my install from i686 to x86_64 ? just update sources.list?05:31
chetnickedbian: uh let me check some good web sites for that.05:32
rnd_nullAnyone want to help me out with a keyboard shortcut problem?05:32
edbianchetnick: If you're just gonna google I can do that.  You don't need to waste your time on me :D05:32
mneptokedoceo: hardly. the easiest and most pain-free way is to re-install. less likely to suffer breakage.05:32
OmarmanOk.. I have Shiretoko installed.. And yes, It's what firefox 3.5 shows up as on Linux. I love that the stable firefox stays installed as well.. WTG!05:33
cxornd_null, i'll give it a shot05:33
chetnickjuan_: edbian You can start from here, http://www.practicallynetworked.com/support/wireless_secure.htm05:33
Jordan_Uedoceo: You can re-use your /home among other things05:33
juan_chetnick, thank you05:33
heroe_01que tal chivita05:34
chetnickyeah, just google it and you will find plenty info.05:34
OmarmanWhen ff3.5 final gets pushed up to repository, will it uninstall 3.0?05:34
chetnicknp, anytime.05:34
edoceoyea - my vendor deployed with wrong version, now I have to start almost-all-over -05:34
rnd_nullcxo: ok, i've defined a keyboard shortcut with the gnome app for that...then I updated...now it does not work and will no work...so- how to I access the file for that and edit myself to fix it?05:34
edbianchetnick: Thanks :)05:34
heroe_01chivita? eestas ahi?05:34
lstarnesOmarman: I don't think so.  It will likely be a separate package05:34
rnd_nullcxo: sorry- bad grammar05:35
cxornd_null, the app for setting shortcuts stopped working?05:35
Omarmanlstarnes, thanks.. I can do the uninstall myself when 3.5 becomes official05:35
Jordan_Uedoceo: Is there any specific reason why you don't want to re-install? ( there may be a way to get the same effect you want without "upgrading" in place )05:35
denbeiWhat is the recommended way to manage bandwidth? I've heard HTB, TCNG. But the tutorials I found seems too old. Is there any better way?05:35
rnd_nullcxo: nope, all my shortcuts still work *except* for the one that opens my web browser05:35
cxornd_null, And it worked before the update?05:36
edoceoJordan_U: does the server install wipe out what's already there?  If not I can install on-top-of and keep my configs (in /etc and /var/www and other odd places)05:36
rnd_nullcxo: i've redefined it a couple of times and it still won't work...i was hoping that someone would be able to tell me where the file is that has the shortcut definitions...yes, it worked before the update05:36
geirhamheath: It's done a little bit sooner, in /etc/init.d/checkroot05:37
rnd_nullcxo: it hasn't worked for over a year now...i just haven't gotten around to messing with it until now05:37
cxornd_null, Ok, give me a minute, i think i know where the file is, but i think the problem might be due to a change in X server or driver05:38
bpZerobah, i was using opera for chat and it crashed, and now it wont start again, so i use xchat now05:38
bpZeroso, anyone have an answer to the usb headset question05:38
bpZeroI was bp0 before...05:38
edoceoWhere does Ubuntu keep the arch setting?05:38
edoceoHow does it know to get i686 or to get x86_64 packages?05:39
rnd_nullbpZero: maybe this will help... http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/07/08/how-i-got-my-usb-headset-to-work/05:40
AdolaI made a shared folder on one of my ubuntu machines, how can I view it on the other?05:41
Adola(I went to "network" and nothing is there)05:41
bullgard4After 8.04.2 dist-upgrade to 9.04 I cannot switch on my WiFi adapter 2200BG any more pressing Ctrl+Alt+W. The Linux kernel module ipw2200 is loaded. /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/acerhk.ko exists. How to fix that?05:42
ubuntuserhey I have to press enter at the ubuntu login screen should I be concerned about a possible keylogger?05:42
WzcocoonHi guys05:42
psycovicis there an easy way to install the 2.6.29 kernel?05:42
PS3im trying to install a theme and one of the setting require me to creat a new folder05:42
PS3in tiles05:42
PS3how can i do this?05:43
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Did you upgrade to 8.10 then 8.04 ( skipping is not supported exept LTS to LTS )05:43
PS3it doesnt let me05:43
ubuntuserlike when I have my password in and press enter I have to press it again before it logs in05:43
FloodBot3PS3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
bullgard4Jordan_U: Yes sir.05:43
bpZerornd_null, when i type in the first line it tells me it is going to remove ubuntu_desktop... don't i need that?05:43
cxornd_null, hmm i think its being set by gconf these days, i'm not sure where the file is, but one way to check if the problem is driver related is to manual capture the key and see if that works, check out, showkey and setkeycode05:43
rnd_nullcxo:  I'm a dummy...sorry for the bother...i just found my gconf editor for metacity...05:44
WzcocoonLike most of the guys here I have a problem I just upgraded from 8.4 to 9.4 but for some raison now all of my windows have no more buttons on the top right corner so I have to use alt f4 to close them any ides why and how to fix that? thanks05:44
PS3how do i create a folder in user share?05:45
cxoWzcocoon, were you using an ati card?05:45
PS3i keep getting access denied05:45
cxoPS3, sudo mkdir /usr/share/blah05:45
geirhaWzcocoon: Does it help if you hit Alt+F2 and run "gtk-window-decorator --replace" ?05:45
Jordan_UWzcocoon: "metacity --replace" if that fixes it then go to sysetm > preferences > appearance and disable compiz ( "desktop effects" )05:45
johnnyghow do I install firefox 3.5 through synaptic?05:45
rnd_nullbpZero:  I'm not sure...I was just giving you somewhere to start...what brand/model of headset is it?05:45
legend2440psycovic: http://www.ramoonus.nl/2009/03/24/linux-kernel-2629-installation-guide-for-ubuntu-and-debian-linux/05:46
Wzcocoonwill try the gtk05:46
cxoYou guys are cool!05:46
Wzcocoonand let you know05:46
OmarmanJohnyg, search for firefox-3-5 in synaptec05:46
bpZerornd_null, logitech 350 "premium"05:46
Omarmanjohnnyg just search in synapeic05:47
bpZerobut i can get it to work, i want to make it automatically switch to it when i plug it in05:47
Wzcocoonmetacity did it thank you guys05:47
johnnygOmarman: the most recent I show is firefox 3.1, even after reload05:47
bpZeroand switch away when i unplug it05:47
lopezeTo fix a problem where my Alternate Heron installation would hang at 6% I installed the minimal iso install. Now when I boot I am led to a shell. What do I do to get to the gnome desktop?05:47
PS3another question how do i paste something into that folder after i make the fold in share05:47
Omarmanjohnnyg, search for firefox-3-505:47
Jordan_Ulopeze: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:47
rnd_nullbpZero:  what is wrong with it?05:48
johnnygOmarman: no luck. Blank result set.05:48
Jordan_Ujohnnyg: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/160-FAQ-Where-can-I-get-firefox-3.5-for-Ubuntu.html05:48
bpZeronothing, but it will not switch to it when i plug it in, and switch back to sound card when i unplug it05:48
johnnygJordan_U: thanks!05:48
PS3how do I paste sometimng into a share folder ? it doesn let me05:48
bpZeroevery time i must manually change the settings05:48
Omarmanjohhnnyg firefox-3.505:49
Jordan_Ujohnnyg: np :)05:49
mobi-sheepPS3: Make it writeable too.  Not just readable.05:49
thesandmancan someone please tell me what's going on here http://paste.ubuntu.com/207930/05:49
PS3how do i do that05:49
rnd_nullbpZero: what does dmesg say about it?05:49
mobi-sheepPS3: I don't know.  I don't use Samba. :)05:49
scunizilopeze: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:49
PS3thers gonan be a way05:50
lopezescunizi + Jordan_U: Trying it now. Will update.05:50
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Guntheris there any way to connect o ubuntu desktop from windows like vnc05:50
Hilikusi have some files in a samba share and when i access the server directly they are encoded correctly but when i mount it in my other computer some spanish characters are encoded incorrectly. i don't know if it's the samba share or the mount in the end point. any suggestions to fix it?05:50
PS3some one help me please05:51
Jordan_UGunther: Yes, System > Preferences > Remote Desktop ( you can then connect via a vnc client )05:51
PS3im trying to paste something in a share folder but it wont let me05:51
scuniziGunther: tightvnc on windows and activate remote access on ubuntu in System>Preferences>Remote Desktop05:51
Hilikusps3 smb?05:51
kilrathiI'm having some trouble doing a release upgrade from Feisty to Hardy.  Anyone here that can help me out with this?05:51
PS3i think05:51
lstarnes!eolupgrade | kilrathi05:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eolupgrade05:52
PS3i was able to create the folder with sudo05:52
HilikusPS3: make sure your smb process has write access in the folder05:52
Guntherscunizin: i will try that,  thanks05:52
lstarneshmm, wrong factoid05:52
PS3how do i do that05:52
Jordan_UHilikus: Are the server and client both using utf8 for file names?05:52
lstarneskilrathi: there's a qay to upgrade to fiesty then to gutsy then to hardy05:52
HilikusPS3: what user are you using to mount the share?05:53
PS3i have no idea05:53
HilikusJordan_U: they are both ubuntu 9.0105:53
lstarneskilrathi: but since feisty and hardy are unsupported there's a special process for doing it.  I'll see if I can find the page related to it05:53
PS3im kinda net05:53
HilikusPS3: can you access you remote share at all?05:53
Hilikusps3 or this is all local still?05:53
Guntherhow to install jdk5 and netbeans on ubuntu using apt-get05:54
Jordan_Ulstarnes: Hardy is still supported since it's LTS :)05:54
Gunthercan anyone help ?05:54
lstarnesJordan_U: but feisty and gutsy aren't05:54
mneptok!info netbeans05:54
ubottunetbeans (source: netbeans): Extensible Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-0ubuntu2.1 (jaunty), package size 850 kB, installed size 2356 kB05:54
PS3i think i can only view05:54
PS3i think i have to switch to root05:54
lstarneskilrathi: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:55
Hilikusps3 im not sure what youre doing. did you mount the share already?05:55
PS3i wait05:55
PS31 sec05:55
Guntherubottu: can you tell me how to install, I'm new to linux and ubuntu05:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:55
boxjonthe real firefox 3.5 where is it!05:56
lstarnes!ff35 | boxjon05:56
ubottuboxjon: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY05:56
cazzin my van, come child!05:56
bullgard4After dist-upgrade 8.04.2 > 8.10 > 9.04 I cannot switch on my WiFi adapter 2200BG any more pressing Ctrl+Alt+W. The Linux kernel module ipw2200 is loaded. /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/acerhk.ko exists. How to fix that?05:56
kilrathilstarnes: checking it out now.. thanks!05:56
boxjonok thankies05:56
* scunizi snickers.. ubottu strikes again05:57
scuniziGunther: once you get the desktop installed you can use Synaptic package manager to install netbeans05:58
boxjonits all quiet lol06:00
e0n`I remember something somewhere about ubuntu server having a cluster utility built in, or was that eucalyptus the cloud computing software06:00
scunizime thinks it's the lull before the next release06:01
spvenskohas anyone here successfully run ubuntu on a newer macbook pro? i've heard reports that it and ubuntu have a tendency to kill MBPs due to heat regulation issues and i'm not sure if this is Apple FUD or a legit concern06:01
boxjonnext release?06:01
boxjonlike, karmic/06:01
lstarnesboxjon: yes06:02
scuniziboxjon: there's always a next release.. typically just before it's official release there is a lull here.. quiet times06:02
boxjonwehn is that scheduled to come out06:02
lstarnesboxjon: october06:02
Jordan_Uspvensko: I have run it on an older macbook-pro, and since the fans are regulated by the firmware ( though you can manually override it's default settings, I am pretty sure Ubuntu doesn't ) I don't see how it would.06:02
phrontisthow can I check how a HDD is partitioned?06:02
lstarnesboxjon: it's 9.10 so month 10 of 200906:02
=== e0n` is now known as eon`
boxjono i c06:03
Giraffe_has anybody else been getting savage lag spikes from firefox 3?06:03
spvenskoJordan_U, have any experience running debian on it?06:03
AdolaI can't set any folders to NFS, only samba.  What's wrong with it?06:03
phrontistin other words, how can I check how many partitions a particular mounted drive has?06:04
phrontist(and of what type)06:04
Jordan_Uspvensko: Yes, though I havn't used the machine for a while.06:04
Dulakphrontist: sudo fdisk -l06:04
spvenskoJordan_U, may I PM you?06:05
SandGorgonanyone know where is the tarball for FF 3.5 AMD64 ?06:05
phrontistso, I want to do a clean reinstall of Ubuntu, but I don't want to lose about 100GB of stuff in my home directory06:06
mobi-sheepSandGorgon: Not on Mozilla site?06:06
* mobi-sheep will look for you.06:06
phrontistany way to pull that off, if it's all on the same partition?06:06
SandGorgoni can only see 32 bit06:06
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=== Zombies is now known as MrPocketz
mobi-sheepSandGorgon: This? http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.5&os=linux&lang=en-US ?06:07
SandGorgoncrap .. i think 64 bit firefox 3.5 is not gonna happen http://blog.cosmix.org/2009/06/23/we-don%E2%80%99t-have-64-bit-support-for-linux-in-3-5/06:07
scuniziphrontist: create a partition large enough to accomidate the data and copy it there.. including the hidden directories.. then create 2 new partitions.. 8gigs for / (root) and 1 gig for /swap06:07
boxjonother then kernel 2.6.30 any improved or new features in Karmic?06:07
lstarnesSandGorgon: there should be a package available for it06:07
lstarnesboxjon: ask in #ubuntu+1.  that channel is speficially for karmic06:07
lstarnes!ff35 | SandGorgon06:08
ubottuSandGorgon: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY06:08
scuniziphrontist: then reinstall using the new partitions06:08
boxjonok i will06:08
thesandmanCan anyone tell me why I cant use my brasero, and K3B software to copy and burn cd/dvd?06:08
SandGorgonlstarnes, look at the blog post - 64 bit FF is crippled06:08
lstarnesSandGorgon: I have had no issues with the PPA builds of it06:08
phrontistscunizi: I only have 13GB of free space though :-/06:08
scuniziphrontist: external usb drive?06:09
SandGorgonlstarnes, neither do i , but apparently the javascript engine is going to be 32 bit only... that's the thing they dont tell u06:09
phrontistscunizi: well, I have one, and it has the space, but it's FAT32 :-/06:09
lstarnesSandGorgon: I haven't heard anything about that from mozilla06:09
phrontistand I have a bunch of files with illegal file names06:09
rarguetahi, my problem is howto configure my resolucion video06:09
phrontistcharacters like "\" and such06:09
scuniziphrontist: reformat it to ext3 if that's possible06:09
SandGorgonlstarnes, http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/tracemonkey-demo/#comment-20906:09
lstarnesSandGorgon: and it would make no sense for thr javascript engine to work only on 32-bit when it can be compiled from source06:09
boxjonwow its even more quiet over there06:10
scott_nwoktechLong live ubuntu!! death to centos!!06:10
scott_nwoktechfull convert speaking there06:10
bazhang!ot > scott_nwoktech06:10
ubottuscott_nwoktech, please see my private message06:10
phrontistscunizi: sadly, it's on loan from someone who has a ton of data on it I can't remove06:10
phrontist*bangs head*06:10
ajamison5579someone wants evolution working06:11
halberdI want to use 2 finger scrolling, but my /etc/X11/xorg.conf looks like a stub, with no section for the touchpad and only very brief sections for a few other things06:12
bazhangajamison5579, dont paste that here06:12
halberdwhere is the touchpad being configured if not in xorg.conf?06:13
ajamison5579ok chief06:13
SandGorgonhalberd, /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/11-x11-synaptics.fdi06:14
ajamison5579sorry i found it comical06:14
halberdSandGorgon, how do I enable touchpad scrolling then?06:15
halberd2 finger scrolling06:15
SandGorgonhalberd, no idea.. just knew about that file06:16
halberdalso I'm not 100% sure it is a synaptic touchpad06:16
phrontisthelp me interpret this: http://pastebin.com/d75cb69d106:17
phrontisthow many partitions do I have, how big are they?06:18
phrontistis it likely that my OS stuff is in a seperate one?06:18
phrontist(the visual dialog ubuntu presents shows an "OS" drive, which gives me hope)06:18
phrontistis there any way to see that in non-block units? (GB?)06:19
cxophrontist, df -h06:19
scuniziphrontist: you have 6 partitions on drive one and one on drive 206:19
chachinanyone here knows who owns #idlerpg :o06:19
cxophrontist, fdisk -l06:20
bazhangchachin, ask for #channel support in #freenode06:20
scuniziphrontist: one of the partitions is actually and extended partition.. so officially 5 partitions06:20
chachini need to talk to the bot's owner :(06:20
phrontistI'm confused06:21
phrontistthat's the output of du -h06:21
chetnickcan anybody tell me how to connect to wpa protected wifi using terminal?06:22
phrontistwhich shows me as having a 200GB HDD06:22
boxjonsorry for the foolish qustions earlier im kinda new to xchat06:22
phrontistbut I thought it was 500GB06:22
halberdwhat is the purpose of "lock to panel" for panel items?06:22
halberdit just prevents me from moving them until I uncheck the box, does it do anything else06:22
lopezeDoes anyone know of a full tutorial to completing a Minimal iso install?06:22
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 chetnick06:22
chetnickhalberd: you cant move them.06:22
scuniziphrontist: that's reporting on either sda3 or sda6 hard to tell06:22
halberdchetnick, but I can move them if I uncheck the box06:23
Jadeholy hell, that's a lot of users...06:23
Jadeoh sorry!06:23
chetnickhalberd: yes06:23
halberdwhat use would a feature that just prevents me from moving them be?06:23
halberdwhy would I ever want that?06:23
SJrMy CPU while using wine and VMWare basically sits in the wa state 90% of the time.06:23
scuniziphrontist: you have a fat32 partition that looks pretty big06:23
chetnickhalberd: lets say you start program that will show up on panel ..... it wont be able to push or move locked icons.06:24
chetnicklocked one will be always where its locked.06:24
phrontistscunizi: yeah, that's the portable HDD06:24
[WOLF]RoscoeI'm rather new to Ubuntu and the Gnome shell.  Would somebody mind answering a question for me?06:24
phrontistbut my MP3's have crazy unicode characters in their filenames06:25
scuniziphrontist: not likely unless all the other partitions are also on the portable06:25
chetnick[WOLF]Roscoe: nobody will answer you that question. just ask.06:25
halberdchetnick, new programs that I start don't show up on the panel, do they?06:25
halberdI don't think there's a way to enable that06:25
phrontistscunizi: oh reaaallly...06:25
chetnickhalberd: some of them, skype does, vlc does, etc ....06:25
chetnickpidgin does too.06:25
halberdoh yeah06:25
[WOLF]RoscoeChetnick: Fair enough.  How the hell do I get my taskbar back?06:25
phrontistwhich is this large fat32 partition?06:26
halberdI guess xchat does that06:26
scuniziphrontist: sda is drive 1... sdb is drive 2 .. sdc is drive 3 etc.. sda1-6 are partitions on drive 106:26
scuniziphrontist: sda206:26
chetnick[WOLF]Roscoe: you have any left?06:26
chetnick[WOLF]Roscoe: top bottom?06:26
[WOLF]RoscoeBottom is gone, top is still there06:26
[WOLF]RoscoeBut doesn't show minimized program windows06:26
phrontistscunizi: how big is it?06:27
chetnick[WOLF]Roscoe: right click on the empty space of the top one, and click add new panel.06:27
phrontist(wth is it presented in sectors... why isn't there a -h option?)06:27
scuniziphrontist: I can't tell by block size.. but you might be able to mount it and then check it06:27
chetnick[WOLF]Roscoe: after that, right click on newly created panel and click add to panel, and than find minimized windows, or something like that.06:27
halberdhow do I find if my touchpad is synaptics or not?06:28
chetnickcan anybody tell me how to connect to wpa protected wifi using terminal?06:28
scunizihalberd: you might try lspci in a terminal06:28
halberdchetnick, you use iwconfig06:28
phrontistthe FAT32 is a dell rescue thing06:28
halberdscunizi, lspci shows nothing relevant as far as I can see06:28
halberdit doesn't show touchpads06:28
chetnickhalberd: hehe, how? iwconfig wont work without wpa_supplement ....06:28
scunizihalberd: try sudo lshw.. you'll get lots more info06:28
[WOLF]Roscoechetnick, thanks very much06:29
chetnick[WOLF]Roscoe: np, anytime.06:29
halberdscunizi, I tried lshw and looked through it but didn't see anything that said touchpad or mouse06:29
phrontistscunizi: not very big... 2GB or so :-/06:29
halberdI'll try a grep06:29
scuniziphrontist: sda1 might be the media button ..06:29
phrontistmedia button?06:30
chetnickhalberd: i know how to connect to wpa using iwconfig, but not wpa, i found how to connect to wpa using wpa_supplement, but in 9.04 wpa_supplement.conf does not exist, so something is changed ... and now i am stuck.06:30
phrontistwell in any case06:30
halberdyeah grep shows nothing in lshw that says either pad or mouse06:30
phrontistwhat I need to do is rename all my mp3's to remove bad characters06:30
halberdchetnick, I thought it was wpa_supplicant06:31
scunizihalberd: how 'bout wacom?06:31
soreauphrontist: You could probably write a one liner in bash (ask in #bash)06:31
phrontistthe perl "rename" utility should do it06:31
phrontistI'm kind of hesitant though06:31
halberdscunizi, no... although funny coincidence I do also own a wacom tablet06:31
scuniziphrontist: copy some of the files to a different directory and try it there.06:32
phrontistscunizi: oh, not about that06:32
phrontistI'm confident I can make it work properly (though I will test on a small case first)06:32
phrontistI'm just afraid I'll overwrite something inadvertaently06:33
phrontistif I have fæl.mp3 and fael.mp306:33
SnakDocany of you use lilo instead of grub ?06:34
phrontistSnakDoc: I would avoid LILO if possible06:34
halberdthis touchpad has an annoyingly shorter shift key, it doesn't extend all the way below the enter key06:35
SnakDocwhats difference ? kind of what i was wondering haven't seen much about it06:35
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halberdthat's a nuisance for me, when I want to type a pipeline |06:35
Campfirehow do fdisk on ubuntu on a lap top with only one slot for a hard drive in terminal to tranfer to none working pc06:35
phrontistLILO is, as I understand it, just a less featurful bootloader that's semi-deprecated06:35
phrontistit's smaller, I think06:35
phrontistwhich might make it useful in embedded apps or something06:35
* phrontist shrugs06:36
SnakDocok just wounder :)06:36
koshariphrontist can you use easytag?06:37
Campfirecan i ask a question06:37
phrontistkoshari: yes, and I have :-)06:37
phrontistthat's kind of the problem06:37
phrontistnow I have mp3's with crazy unicode chars in them06:37
phrontistthat i can't backup to a FAT32 partition06:38
phrontistwhich is all I've got :-/06:38
phrontistlong story...06:38
phrontistanyway "rename" will avoid overwrite by default06:38
phrontistso that's the ticket06:38
phrontistthanks for all your help scunizi06:38
scuniziphrontist: :)06:38
Campfireget help and try to help other people06:39
Campfireyou rick06:39
WIGGMPkCan someone explain why I have a /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-server ??? I never installed any server images or kernels06:39
halberdI heard that in avant window navigator, you can slide it to one side or the other06:40
halberdis that true?06:40
halberdI want to put it over to the left of the bottom of the screen06:40
WIGGMPkthat depends on what "it" is06:40
Campfiremodules mean its a program?06:41
Campfireor you have to make install06:41
Hilikuswhat determines the permission in the client of a samba share once mounted?06:41
Hilikusfor some reason the mount point is root:sambashare but when i mount the share it becomes all 115:ntp06:42
WIGGMPkHilikus: whoever set the samba share up, determines user permission..06:42
Campfirei never tryed samba06:42
Campfirehows samba treating you06:43
HilikusWIGGMPk: in the server side i have everything using something different altogether06:43
mase_workCampfire: it's pretty useful. I replaced a windows 2k8 fileserver recently because it was having performance issues06:43
bazhangCampfire, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:43
WIGGMPkHilikus: I have no idea what you are trying to tell me06:43
jeffshi...can any one show me how to use the 3d desktop switcher??06:43
bazhangjeffs, the cube?06:44
P_Kablehi, someone has nfs server installed ? where are LOGS ?06:44
HilikusWIGGMPk: the permisions of the folders in the server are ok to be shared. they have rw access and the client uses that same user to mount it. problem is once the client mounts it, it sees the permissions screwed. not to what they are in the server06:45
bazhangjeffs, install ccsm, make sure you have the 3D drivers for your card, and set (in general) of ccsm virtual horizontal desktops to 406:45
bazhang!ccsm | jeffs06:45
ubottujeffs: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:45
mase_workP_Kable: i dunno about LOGS , but the log files are located in /var/log/ i imagine. proabably /var/log/nfs or something like that06:45
P_Kablemase_work=> that's my problem06:45
P_Kableit is not there06:46
mase_workthe nfs config files should tell you where they log to , otherwise syslog will tell you06:46
angel12hey guys quick question: i just install ubuntu server 9.04, and now after a reboot i cannot reload apt or install any packages, but i can ping the us.archive.ubuntu.com server06:46
mase_workP_Kable: that wasn't the problem you stated.06:46
WIGGMPkHilikus: im not sure then.. if you have the permission set properly then it should work06:46
P_Kableanyway I don't find any log for NFS (that's my problem)06:47
halberdangel12, what a coincidence I also just installed 9.04 (upgrade from 8.10)06:47
halberdlike just finished half an hour ago06:47
P_Kableanyone with nfs-kernel-server installed ?06:47
\\`ootHowdy everyone06:47
mase_workP_Kable: what does the nfs config file list for logging  ? does it have its own log file or does it use syslog ?06:47
\\`ootAnyone upgrade to FireFix 3.5 yet?06:47
u_dparteanyone that's running 9.04 w/ an nvidia card I highly recommend installing the 185 driver from nvidia ... fixed a ton of issues as well as performance06:48
bazhang!ff35 | \\`oot06:48
ubottu\\`oot: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY06:48
P_Kablei don't know where the conf file is either mase_work :)06:48
nellmathewlopeze, how'd it go?06:48
\\`ootbazhang: Perfect... I like getting in on the 'testing'...06:48
P_Kable/etc/exports jsute has share definitions06:49
angel12apt just tries to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com and then doesnt connect06:50
angel12any ideas?06:50
mase_workangel12:  try a different archive ?06:50
viseHi.. I installed Qemu and SDL on my ubuntu 8.10... But qemu cannot initialize SDL since, as i found on the web, SDL in ubuntu does not get the frame buffer. Can someone suggest a workaround. I really need to run Qemu..06:50
angel12mase_work:  im trying to apt-get update06:50
angel12it just worked about 15 minutes ago06:51
u_dparteangel12, you need to modify your sources to look for another repo06:51
angel12i cant install any packages from apt06:51
mase_workangel12: i don't see how that prevents you from trying a different server06:51
u_dpartebut apt-get update is working fine for me and I'm using us.archive06:51
mase_workdns issue maybe ?06:52
linuxguy2009Hey guys is there any kind of keyboard shortcut or anything that when I want to have an app open and a nautilus window open that I can press a key combination or do something to make it faster to get both windows side by side using the whole desktop rather than manually resizing each and every time? Just wondering it would be very helpful.06:52
angel12i can ping it fine06:52
mase_workangel12: that doesn't mean that it's pinging the right server :)06:53
mase_workwhat IP address do you get for it?06:53
sagredoyo crew06:53
sagredowhat's up06:53
u_dparteangel12, i get
viseHi.. I installed Qemu and SDL on my ubuntu 8.10... But qemu cannot initialize SDL since, as i found on the web, SDL in ubuntu does not get the frame buffer. Can someone suggest a workaround. I really need to run Qemu..06:54
lucax1any ideas about that program?06:54
bullgard4After dist-upgrade 8.04.2 > 8.10 > 9.04 I cannot switch on my WiFi adapter 2200BG any more pressing Ctrl+Alt+W. The Linux kernel module ipw2200 is loaded. /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/acerhk.ko exists. How to fix that?06:55
bazhanglucax1, uck is easier imo there are other options as well06:55
bazhang!remaster | lucax106:55
ubottulucax1: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility06:55
u_dpartevise, why qemu?06:55
u_dpartewhy not something like virtualbox or wine?06:55
koshariwhats shiretoko?06:56
lucax1i want to make it out of my current installation06:56
viseu_dparte, I do osdev, and I need something that quickly goes through the bios stage, since i code and run pretty often...06:56
angel12im a b00n, i turned on the firewall lol06:56
bazhanglucax1, a clone?06:57
bullgard4What is the command-line command to switch on a WiFi adapter having the driver ipw2200?06:57
u_dpartevise, ic ... can't help you then, I don't have any exp. with it06:57
shahalamhi all06:58
lucax1bazhang: yeah i want to make a dist type cd with my current ubuntu... like one of the options of remastersys, but the thing is that ive installed the 2.6.30 kernel, and for some reason remastersys doesnt work with it... i can do it with 2.6.28 kernel but not .3006:58
u_dpartebullgard4, when I need to switch wifi interfaces I do sudo ifconfig <wifi interface> down06:58
u_dpartesudo ifconfig <other wifi interface> up06:58
viseu_dparte, Have you ever run qemu/virtualbox for windows, in wine? Or that would be too slow.. :(06:58
sagredoyo crew06:58
sagredotrying to connect to the internet06:59
shahalami plan to buy a tv tuner card can any one suggest me a good one compatible with ubuntu 9.04 ?06:59
sagredowhat should I install06:59
u_dparteI've run XP/osX in virtualbox without any issues06:59
sagredoto get the little wireless icon in my taskbar06:59
sagredoso I can click it and see available networks06:59
kosharishahalam usb or pci?06:59
mase_worku_dparte: OSX works in VB ?06:59
u_dpartemase_work,  ... very carefully06:59
kosharidvico ones work well06:59
u_dpartemase_work, it's not what you would call stable07:00
WzcocoonHello every body, I just ugraded to 9.4 and under 8.4 I coud use compix with my graphic cart nvidia but now I cannot any longer any idea what can be adjusted to make it work? thank07:00
u_dparteWzcocoon, have you install nvidia drivers?07:00
dangerdaveIs there an official AMI for 9.04, or are there only AMIs for Intrepid and Hardy?07:00
WzcocoonI have the driver 180.44 installed07:00
BlackDexhello there07:01
BlackDexi have a problem with my hdd07:01
BlackDexwhen i run e2fsck -f i get a view questions07:01
u_dpartehave you run sudo nividia-config07:01
BlackDexand i don't realy know what they do07:01
u_dpartetry that first07:01
Wzcocoonwill do that now07:01
BlackDexentry x has an invalide inode. clear (y)07:01
u_dparteit will setup your xorg.conf07:01
BlackDexWhat happens when i select yes?07:01
BlackDexdoes it remove the associated file07:01
mase_worku_dparte: we have a piece of software that we wanted to test in OSX but the macbook we have is broken. So we have a free licence and all we wanted bought the macbook for was testing an application that we had written07:01
shahalamthanks koshari07:01
Wzcocoonsudo: nividia-config: command not found07:02
WIGGMPkBlackDex: just run "e2fsck -f -y"07:02
BlackDexWIGGMPk: i did that07:02
bazhangWzcocoon, nvidia07:02
BlackDexbut then it complains about having it to run manualy07:02
u_dparteWzcocoon, lemme check real quick .. i just ran it for the 185 driver07:02
WIGGMPkBlackDex: what do you mean 'complains'07:02
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u_dparteWzcocoon, nvidia-xconfig07:03
BlackDexit gives me an kind of error message.. saying that i have to run e2fsck manually.. without -a or -p07:03
BlackDexyou have -y07:03
FloodBot3BlackDex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
WzcocoonI just got WARNING messqges07:03
u_dpartemase_work, I would suggest doing a google search for how to run osX ... it's not really supported esp. in here07:03
BlackDexbut clearing an inode wont remove the file?07:04
WIGGMPkBlackDex: why are you running fsck anyway? if the drive is marked clean then you dont need to run it07:04
u_dparteWzcocoon, did you run as sudo?07:04
mase_worku_dparte: just interesting to note, it's not high on our priority list as we only have a few customers that care and they are reasonably technical.07:05
BlackDexWIGGMPk: well during boot. it gave an error07:05
WIGGMPkBlackDex: then you dont need the -f to run it if there is an error.. -f forces checking even if the filesystem is marked clean07:06
u_dpartemase_work, ya - I don't really use osX except for testing ... and walking clients through installs etc...07:06
mase_worku_dparte: yeh its not my cup of tea either07:06
WIGGMPkmase_work: installed MAC OSX on ANYTHING other than Apple hardware violates the EULA and is not for a good topic of conversation in this chat.07:07
ThingymebobWzcocoon: Had similar with mine had to add the following to the "screen" section in my xorg.conf07:07
mase_workWIGGMPk: ah crap07:08
lucax1this is giving me a really really hard time...07:08
u_dparteWIGGMPk, ... not true ... if you look at their license it is now a 1 machine agreement ... however you are right that is irrelevant07:08
WIGGMPkmase_work: im not saying "it cant be done" but it definitely is frowned upon in here and by Apple07:08
bazhangit's not legal and offtopic here07:08
bullgard4u_dparte: What do you mean by <other wifiinterface>?07:09
WIGGMPku_dparte: I work for a company that ships every Apple product on the East Coast of the US, the license is like that for a reason lol07:09
u_dpartebullgard4, I have a wifi1 and wifi0 -- -two diff. wifi cards07:09
u_dparteto switch between the two you bring 1 down and 1 up07:09
u_dpartevisa versa to switch them07:09
bullgard4u_dparte: Your messages do not answer the question which have put.07:10
davidguardHey all. I'm wondering if I can some advice for a friend. He tells me that after a recent upgrade ATI drivers in the repositories caused his monitor to become bricked. What could have caused this? Could it be: Ubuntu/Canonical not testing the driver sufficiently before including it in the repository; him using binary drivers; him not being careful enough. The reason I'm asking is because he is saying this is his reason fo07:10
bazhangjeffs, you have ccsm installed? (here and not via PM)07:10
bazhangjeffs, please answer here (NOT PM)07:11
Jordan_Udavidguard: What makes him think that the drivers bricked the monitor? If it wasn't a CRT then I don't see how that would be possible, and even then not likely.07:11
mase_workWIGGMPk: i don't want to do anything illegal and i'd rather not support that platform if thats the approach they are taking.07:12
jeffsyes its installed07:12
WIGGMPkdavidguard: well.. I would start by assuring him that a driver can not "brick" a monitor..07:12
halberdis it possible to get wicd to connect automatically to known wireless networks?07:12
bazhangjeffs, open ccsm and look at general settings (general)07:12
halberdknown = connected to them before07:12
viseOk.. one more question... Is it possible to cleanly uninstall a program which was installed using 'make install' from the source tarball? Most programs don't have an uninstall script in their Makefile. Or is there a program that would parse and reverse changes by looking at the install script in the Makefile?07:12
davidguardJordan_U: He says that was the case. I have no idea whether it's true or whether he even knows what he's talking about. That's why I'm asking.07:12
u_dpartebullgard4, what are you trying to do exactly07:12
davidguardWIGGMPk: that's good news. I can tell him that.07:13
halberdvise I don't think that's likely... maybe someone has tried07:13
bazhangjeffs, under General Options (top row) click on Desktop Size07:13
halberdvise often a program will say where it installs things07:13
davidguardDoes anyone have any other related info I could use to continue advocating Ubuntu to him?07:13
halberdvise like in the readme07:13
bazhangthen horizontal virtual size set to 4 jeffs07:13
WIGGMPkdavidguard: drivers can not render hardware (the monitor) useless.. he most likely does not have the ATI drivers installed correctly, or does not have the xserver setup properly. Its tough to say without providing information and config files07:13
halberdvise so to uninstall it you could simply remove wherever it said it installed to07:13
visehalberd, Yes, but there are a lot of locations... It takes time to remove them all.. It puts configurations, binaries and icons etc...07:14
halberdusing your good judgment07:14
davidguardWIGGMPk: so that main thing is it's not Ubuntu's fault... right?07:14
digitaltaoAnyone here install Firefox 3.5 yet?07:14
u_dpartedigitaltao, yes07:14
jeffsare you a bot07:14
u_dparteworks great07:14
digitaltaoIs it much quicker??07:15
Jordan_Udavidguard: CRT or LCD? I really doubt that even a CRT could be bricked, but I am willing to say it might be possible ( too high a refresh rate might concievably cause problems with a CRT ), an LCD on the other hand I don't know how it would be possible.07:15
bazhang!ff35 | digitaltao try yourself07:15
ubottudigitaltao try yourself: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY07:15
u_dpartedigitaltao, fairly - I haven't noticed the big 50% increase like they claim07:15
WIGGMPkdavidguard: well.. technically no.. if he installed the drivers 'the ubuntu way' then no, its not Ubuntu's fault.. If he started by using binaries from ATI and switched to Ubuntu's repositories for the driver than its definitely a config issue07:15
bullgard4u_dparte:  After dist-upgrade 8.04.2 > 8.10 > 9.04 I cannot switch on my WiFi adapter 2200BG any more pressing Ctrl+Alt+W. The Linux kernel module ipw2200 is loaded. /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/acerhk.ko exists. How to fix that?07:15
digitaltaoi think i will just wget the non real deal07:16
digitaltao***er the non beta07:16
WIGGMPkdavidguard: I have never used ATI drivers on Ubuntu but have heard of them being troublesome.. If its relatively similar to nvidia drivers than Ubuntu should be able to handle them.07:16
davidguardJordan_U: At this stage I'm unware of the monitor type... he's an old friend I haven't seen in about 10 years... I recently only came in contact with him through Facebook. His replies to a status update are causing anyone seeing them to be misled, if what he's saying is untrue of course.07:16
u_dpartedigitaltao, they have them in one of the repos ... my upgrade last night caught it and upgraded07:16
u_dpartei think its the proposed repo07:16
croddyhello, is there a way to configure grub to wait forever for me to select a kernel before it boots?07:17
jeffshow do I make sure that my video card drivers are properly installed?07:17
high-rezSo...  I just tried to install and it hung at "scanning the mirror"./07:17
Jordan_Ucroddy: Yes07:17
u_dpartebullgard4, I'm not sure ... dist-upgrades are not ideal IMO ... try running system>>administration >> hardware drivers to see if you need to install one07:17
davidguardThanks for the advice guys. I will try explaining that so that no one gets the wrong idea.07:18
dinarвсем привет07:18
bazhangdinar, #ubuntu-ru07:18
Jordan_Ucroddy: IIRC if you remove the "timeout" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst it won't boot anything automatically but let me check before you try that.07:19
croddythat seems to cause it to instantly boot the default entry07:19
davidguardOh one other question: does Ubuntu have dual screen support... I've never tried.07:19
bazhang!xrandr | davidguard07:20
ubottudavidguard: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:20
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Jordan_Udavidguard: Yes, but how easy / stable it is depends on the driver07:20
davidguardThanks bazhang I'll have a look.07:20
davidguardJordan_U: thanks for that.07:21
high-rezMan what the heck - I see posts about this from like two years ago and its still not been fixed.  What a terrible user experience.07:22
boozlerI'm running desktop effects with this video card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121019 and it's performing rather poorly... Can any one confirm that they would expect this card to perform poorly (other hardware aside)07:22
Jordan_Ucroddy: Commenting out / removing the timeout line should do it ( just checked ).07:23
croddyok, thanks07:23
davidguardOh one last point of clarification: this could not have been caused by simply upgrading? Yes/No?07:25
steph_i had a soundcard which didnt work now i changed to usb soundcard and dunno whys not working either07:25
Thingymebobboozler: Are you using Nvidia or nv drivers07:25
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boozlerthingymebob nvidia07:26
mubuAnyone know when Firefox 3.5 will be released in the ubuntu jaunty 9.04 repositories? Thanks07:26
gauravsrfHELLO EVERY ONE07:27
leaf-sheep!ff3.5 | mubu07:27
ubottumubu: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY07:27
Thingymebobboozler: My old Nvidia works OK so I would expect this to be ok too, What exactly do you mean by poor.07:27
stealth-anyone know a java decompiler for linux?07:27
gauravsrfcould any one help me in the situation like i want to syncronize my one of folder from windows partition to the linux partation and same way via versa is it possible if so how ?07:27
aacosta_can anyone help me out with vsftpvd07:28
aacosta_i dont know for some strange reason im not able to do file transfes07:28
Spike1506gauravsrf, i would use rsync to do such thing07:28
aacosta_locally from one ubuntu box to another07:28
leaf-sheepgauravsrf: Use Unison if you need GUI.07:28
Spike1506gauravsrf, altough im not sure howto do it.07:28
boozlerThingymebob its somewhat slow and not very smooth. I also trying to run it in 1920x1080...07:28
mubuleaf-sheep, have a real answer?07:29
Siegfriedi don't understand something, if i put http://pastebin.com/m2bbded83 in babelfish, spanish to english07:30
justanothercoderhow do i change the timezone on an ubuntu-server?07:30
Siegfriedenglish to spanish07:30
Siegfriedquotes are changed to spanish quotes in firefox, but in lynx wget or curl it doesn't show any quote07:30
kbpbetween Norton Ghost & Partimage, which one is faster?07:30
Siegfriedsudo tzconfig justanothercoder07:31
Siegfriedor dpkg-reconfigure tz-data07:31
Mike94287Instead of having to type 'php /path/to/file.php' in terminal to run a php script, is there a way to add a custom right click menu option in Nautilus that will open terminal with that line in it?07:32
gauravsrfcould any one help me in the situation like i want to synchronize my one of folder from windows partition to the Linux partition and same way via versa is it possible if so how ?07:32
MooKowtaking my name XD07:33
justanothercoderSiegfried : it says tzconfig is deprecated07:34
lopezeCan anyone help me set up a full Ubuntu install post installation with a minimal iso?07:34
justanothercoderand i should use  dpkg-reconfigure tzdata07:34
Thingymebobboozler: http://www.nabble.com/Jaunty:-How-do-you-activate-video-acceleration--td227 looks like poster was having same issue07:34
digitaltaowhy lopeze?07:35
bullgard4u_dparte: From my investigations I conclude that the proper driver is installed. Something with my configuration seems to be not all right after the dist-upgrade. --  Thank you for commenting.07:35
Yossarianhey guys07:35
boozlerThingymebob links no good for me07:35
u_dpartebullgard4, n/p .. sorry i can't help much07:35
Yossariani'm using latest amarok and i'd like to listen to last.fm radio through it but it doesn't seem to work07:35
manpreethoe r u07:35
lopezedigitaltao: With the alternate Hardy Heron disk it always hangs at 6 percent. The only way I can get it to install is through the minimal iso.07:35
Yossarianit show it's playing but it doesn't output anything07:35
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Jordan_Ubullgard4: Did it work in the LiveCD session?07:36
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Or, can you try it with a jaunty LiveCD?07:37
gauravsrfcould any one help me in the situation like i want to synchronize my one of folder from windows partition to the Linux partition and same way via versa is it possible if so how?07:37
bullgard4Jordan_U: I obtained a 9.04 CD only yesterday. I will test it now.07:37
legend2440Mike94287: like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33619307:38
gauravsrfany help07:38
Thingymebobboozler: what version is your driver?07:38
Jordan_U!rsync | gauravsrf07:38
ubottugauravsrf: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync07:38
Jordan_Ugauravsrf: It also works locally07:39
jahchelp.. my netbook only has 4gb solid state non upgradeable hard drive. after installing every app codec addon plugin and software I want to do what I want to do, I've only got about 600mb left! I need more space for my music and youtube clips!07:39
boozlerThingymebob 18007:39
jahcwhat can I delete that isnt essential?07:39
jahcneed gcc (just in case), need openoffice.org..07:39
vadviktorGood morning PPL! Anyone knows a way how to get information on an unmounted hdd before mounting? Like what labels or partitions does it have?07:39
Thingymebobboozler: have you tried 173?07:40
Mike94287legend2440: Kind of, but instead of just being in the directory and still having to type 'php file.php' I'd rather have it be there right away when I open the file with terminal07:40
boozlerThingymebob ill need to try that i suppose07:40
Yossarianok nevermind it works :D07:41
Jordan_Uvadviktor: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdxx07:41
Thingymebobjahc: install localepurge to get rid of all languages you don't need07:41
vadviktorJordan_U: thank you very much! :)07:42
Thingymebobjahc: sudo apt-get clean07:42
kilrathi_I'm trying to upgrade from gutsy to hardy, but apt tells me there are no release upgrades at this time.  I've been following the eol pages on the ubuntu site.  Can anyone help?07:42
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legend2440Mike94287: try this  right click Desktop and select Create Launcher   Select Type   Application in Terminal  Name it Whatever you want then in command try this foe example     gnome-terminal --working-directory='/usr/src'  When you click it it opens in  /usr/src07:44
Thingymebob!upgrade | kilrathi_07:44
ubottukilrathi_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading07:44
ThingymebobKilrathi_ : sorry, just read you've been following those!07:45
kilrathiThe other problem i've been having with that page is it seems to only refer to the gui upgrade.  I'm doing this all through the cli.  X isn't even installed.07:46
Guntherhi when i given the #xhost
Guntheri'm getting the error xhost:  unable to open display ""07:47
lopezeAnyone able to help me complete a full install of ubuntu as if it was done with the live cd, however in this case it is done with the minimal iso install?07:47
Gunthercan any one help07:47
bullgard4I have started the Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition CD. It tells me that the radio networks are diabled. How to enable them?07:48
Jordan_Ulopeze: As I told you before, just "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"07:48
lopezeEven then I cannot get the graphical display to appear even with start x.07:49
lopezeAfter doing that the machine also tells me that the filesystem has errors that even with a manual fsck do not go away.07:49
bullgard4I have started the Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition CD. It tells me that the radio networks are disabled. How to enable them?07:49
Jordan_Ulopeze: Are you sure that the hard drive is good?07:49
justanothercodermy cron doesn't seem to be firing, i setup crontab right. is there a way to check some error log or something?07:49
indusGunther: what are you trying to do07:50
micahsup motherfuckers07:50
lopezeShould I be running the command as root or under the username?07:50
indusmicah: wrong channel07:51
indus!ops > micah07:51
ubottumicah, please see my private message07:51
bullgard4Ich habe die Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition CD gestartet. Sie meldet: "Funknetzwerke sind deaktiviert." Wie aktiviert man sie?07:51
micahdont even know what the hell that means07:52
Cosmo1I am having a odd couple of problems one is that my keyboard layout keeps changing from dvorak back to qwerty even though I have removed the qwerty layout and it seems at random times it goes back to qwerty and I have to run setxkbmap dvorak in a launcher07:52
indus!ops > indus07:52
ubottuindus, please see my private message07:52
indusmicah: watch your language07:52
Guntherindus: i want to open X in a remote ssh session07:52
micahi do what i want bitch dont tell me what to do07:53
Guntherindus: and run some gui applications07:53
chiquesAnyone have any idea why my videos are really choppy (e.g. Youtube, facebook...) when playing in Firefox?07:53
tanathneed. help. removed secondary HD and now machine won't boot07:53
PC_Nerd101Hi - is there a way I can get ubuntu to display what runtime (rc) its in?07:53
tanathfreezes at 'reading hardware drivers' and caps lock starts blinking07:53
ikoniamicah: this channel has a clean language policy, please control your language, I hope that makes it clear07:54
tanathwhat does blinking capslock mean?07:54
micahoh thats hella messed up we should have freedom of speech07:54
ikoniamicah: then you don't have to be in this channel if you can't follow the rules07:54
ikoniatanath: sounds like it's probing and not completing07:54
micahhow to i switch channels?07:54
ikoniamicah: /join #channel_name07:55
gauravsrf_rsync how to use it local folders07:55
Jordan_Utanath: Usually a kernel panic07:55
ikoniamicah: /part will make you exist this channel07:55
tanathikonia: all i did was remove an unnecessary hard drive07:55
Jordan_Utanath: Basically the equivalent of a BSOD07:55
ikoniatanath: may be more nessasary than you thought, what was on it ?07:55
tanathikonia, Jordan_U, i have a sata drive i removed, and now my ide boot drive won't load ubuntu. freezes during bootup splash07:56
Jordan_Ugauravsrf_: Just have the source and destination paths both be local07:56
tanathikonia: videos & stuff07:56
tanathikonia: just storage07:56
ikoniatanath: as you said, that really shouldn't effect it07:56
tanathikonia: indeed07:56
tanathikonia: but now i can't boot. doesn't seem to make sense07:56
ikoniatanath: can you boot into single user mode ?07:56
tanathikonia: i'm in recover console right now07:57
indusGunther: what error are you gettinh07:57
kbphello I gonna backup my Windows and Ubuntu partitions (1 is NTFS, 1 is ext3). so which type of partition do I use to store the image backup file? Thank you very much07:57
jahcthunder: excellent, i've freed up around 150mb07:57
tanathikonia: i booted to recovery mode, but not sure how to fix when i'm unsure of the problem07:57
jahcnice :)07:57
ikoniatanath: and that works ok ?07:57
jahcits not THAT much but every bit helps on 4gb solid state soldered in hard drives!07:57
jahcthanks guys07:57
indusGunther: xhosts <ip>07:57
tanathtanath: well, i can get the recovery prompt. i ran irssi to get here07:58
ikoniatanath: here is my suggestion, go to your grub menu.lst and remove the splash option so there is no splash - watch what happens when you boot up and see where it hangs07:58
tanathikonia: woops, see last msg07:58
Jordan_Ukbp: Doesn't matter, the image can be stored on anything ( well, not fat because it has a 4 GIG file size limit, but anything else :)07:58
Cosmo1 I am having a odd couple of problems one is that my keyboard layout keeps changing from dvorak back to qwerty even though I have removed the qwerty layout and it seems at random times it goes back to qwerty and I have to run setxkbmap dvorak in a launcher. How do I fix this07:58
tanathikonia: what do i add to the line?07:58
kbpSpike1506: ext4 is buggy and every1 avoid it at the moment07:58
Spike1506i use it07:58
kbpthank you Jordan_U07:58
Jordan_Ukbp: Or are you not actually creating an image but just copying the files?07:58
tanathikonia: er, woops. you mean remove the 'splash' param?07:59
Spike1506dont have any problems with it.07:59
ikoniatanath: that's it07:59
tanathikonia: been i while07:59
tanathikonia: ok07:59
ikoniatanath: no problem07:59
Guntherindus:hostname: Unknown host07:59
Guntherxauth: (argv):1:  bad display name "nortrans01:0" in "list" command07:59
Guntherxauth: (stdin):1:  bad display name "nortrans01:0" in "add" command07:59
GuntherX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.07:59
Guntherxauth: (argv):1:  bad display name "nortrans01:0" in "remove" command07:59
GuntherCouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console07:59
FloodBot3Gunther: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
tanathikonia: ok, i'll have a look. back in a bit if i don't figure it. thanks07:59
kbpJordan_U I gonna use Norton Ghost to make partition image (Partimage doesnt work well)07:59
AluminOK, this is kinda a shot in the dark, but anybody else with a Synaptics touchpad on a laptop see it stop working today with package updates?08:01
Aluminbeen a little while since I updated packages on the laptop, so maybe within a week or so08:01
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:01
joebodoAlumin what release ?08:01
adhokHi, I'm having difficulties dropping out of the graphic interface and into the shell by using ctrl + alt + F1.  Whenever I do it .. makes my keyboard go wonky.  It won't allow me to type any real characters, so I can't log in to complete this darn driver installation :(  Anyone know what the problem could possibly be?08:01
AluminXubuntu Jaunty08:02
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u_dparteadhok, did you try a restart into a freshly running ubuntu X08:02
u_dparteadhok, I just had the same thing while updating to the nvidia 185 drivers08:03
kbpadhok: how about Ctrl+Alt+F2 - F3 - F4 ... ? is it the same?08:03
joebodoAlumin updating my eeepc now08:03
adhokyes I did, although I didn't purge my machines memory, I even tried doing the recovery option and logging in as root with terminal.. and it still was giving me issues08:03
Jordan_Uadhok: First of all you probably shouldn't be installing the nvidia drivers manually which is what I assume you are doing08:03
adhokhavent tried ctrl + alt and any other Fkeys08:03
Aluminif it helps, I noticed that removing and re-inserting the "psmouse" kernel module had an effect08:03
u_dparteadhok, which drivers are you installing?08:03
Spike1506when will firefox 3.5 be available in ubuntu?08:03
Cosmo1my gnome panel keeps disapearing, how do I get it to stop doing that?08:03
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY08:03
Aluminwhen I "modprobe psmouse", the touchpad works for about a second, then stops responding again08:04
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adhokbeta drivers for my gtx280s.. all the available drivers that are recommended just won't work08:04
u_dparteadhok, I had to kill some services like postfix, apache, sshd to get it to drop to a shell correctly08:04
adhokkk thanks u_dparte, that's a good idea08:04
V1Who here is using pidgin?08:05
synta10V1: me, why?08:05
supravatwhy ??08:06
jschiffpidgin is terrible :(08:06
V1Pidgin is total pwnage08:06
Severity1no it is not08:06
AluminI'm going to try the suggestions on the page ActionParsnip suggested, maybe that'll help08:06
jschiffan IM client without webcam support *sigh*08:06
supravatwhy u think that ??08:06
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Severity1well it is an instant messenger08:06
Aluminjschiff: you'd really hate my setup then, I use BitlBee most of the time :)08:06
Severity1just use skype08:07
joebodoAlumin touchpad seems fine after update08:07
Aluminjoebodo: bah to you, then  :D08:07
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jschiffI have a lot of friends that just use msn/yahoo and aren't tech savvy enough to use skype08:07
UbUnTu-Vm-PwnLol yea08:07
Aluminmine is an Acer Aspire One ... it went into suspend and didn't come back out properly, that may have something to do with it too perhaps08:08
jschiffthat's why IM clients need to have webcam support over the msn/yahoo protocol08:08
Cosmo1I tried using empathy I was not impressed08:08
jschiffunfortunately kopete is by far the best IM client for linux08:08
jschiffhowever limiting itself to qt is agrivating08:08
Guntherindus: i want to open gui applications in ssh can you help ?08:09
jschiffGunther: ssh -X08:09
UbUnTu-Vm-PwnIs there like an online software repository, but in a web browser instead of sudo-apt get blah blah blah???08:09
rayno_bHello there - I need some assistance with the "X Server" on Ubuntu Server while using Putty?08:09
Thingymebobkilrathi: Its not recommended and is frowned upon here but you can upgrade by changing your sources. PM Me if you want me to guide you through it08:09
bullgard4I have started the Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition Live CD. It tells me that the radio networks are disabled. How to enable them?08:10
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adhokhrm, apparently I have no services running except for root, and it still has the same issue :(08:10
Jordan_UUbUnTu-Vm-Pwn: Try Applications > Add/Remove, it's probably more what you are looking for08:10
emiliei can't log in gmail and in any other <form> like the gmail login form, i can solve it by removing the .firefox directory, but I'd like a beeter solution08:10
ikoniabullgard4: enable your wirless card08:11
bullgard4ikonia: hehe. I just asked how to enable it.08:11
Guntherjschiff: i'm using putty from windows machine08:11
ikoniabullgard4: normally with a kill switch on the machine08:11
jschiffGunther: Install Cygwin-X08:12
jschiffwill allow you to run an X environment on windows08:12
jschiffthus allowing ssh -X tunneling08:12
tanathikonia: blargh08:12
steph_my sounds dont works at all08:12
ikoniatanath: ?08:12
tanathikonia: error msg wasn't that helpful08:12
rayno_bjschiff do you mind if I pvt you please?\08:12
bullgard4ikonia: My computer does not have a hardware kill switch.08:12
ikoniatanath: anything at all ?08:12
jschiffgo ahead rayno_b08:12
tanathikonia: there were 3 relevant lines at end08:12
u_dpartesteph_, did you just install ?08:12
ikoniabullgard4: is it a PC or a laptop08:12
tanathikonia: 'Code: (lots of hex)' then..08:12
bullgard4ikonia: It is a laptop computer.08:12
steph_yesterday, i installed drivers yesterday and in pulse it shows sound, but i cant hear it08:13
steph_@ u_dparte08:13
ikoniabullgard4: then it will either have a kill switch or a kill key sequence08:13
tanathikonia: 'EIP: avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x186/0x1b0' then...08:13
ikoniatanath: that does sound like a panic08:13
tanathikonia: 'Kernel panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt'08:13
soreausteph_: Try running 'alsamixer' in your terminal?08:13
ikoniatanath: game over08:13
jeancalvinhi guys, which "debian version" is closest to ubuntu 9.04? Please see this list before you answer: http://deb.opera.com/ .08:13
steph_i did08:13
ikoniajeancalvin: none08:13
tanathikonia: it was fine before removing the HD. not sure why it'd do that08:14
soreau! audio | steph_08:14
ubottusteph_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:14
jeancalvinikonia, please just look08:14
jschiffdebian 5.0 jeancalvin08:14
ikoniatanath: that really shouldn't effect it....but, have you tried putting the hardware in08:14
jeancalvini just need to install opera08:14
ikoniajeancalvin: no - they are not related08:14
jeancalvinjschiff: pls look at the list.08:14
tanathikonia: not yet. i didn't before 'cause it was being copied to & from08:14
steph_ohh wait now comes something different in terminal08:14
steph_i try that08:14
tanathikonia: i could now, but i'd like to know what the prob is08:14
tanathikonia: if it works... there could still be a prob, only hidden08:15
steph_i had always problems with audio08:15
jeancalvinhi guys08:15
jeancalvinpotato, woody, sarge, etch, lenny, or sid?08:15
ikoniatanath: if it works we can look into it more, but as it stands it's hard to work out due to the panic08:15
ikoniatanath: I'll be surprised if it works when the disk goes back in, but it's certainly worth trying08:15
tanathikonia: i'd be surprised if it didn't, 'cause nothing else has changed... though it is odd08:16
ikoniatanath: lets find out08:16
tanathikonia: well thanks. it's late. i'm off for now08:16
tanathikonia: yeah, i'll try it, but i'm off for now08:16
tanathikonia: thanks08:16
lijeroque tal08:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:17
SnakDoccan you run any gui app with x11 forwarding ?08:17
steph_i also lost my sound icon in panel it was there b408:18
jschiffSnakDoc: ssh -X and yes08:18
SnakDocsteph: right click panel and hit add to panel08:18
SnakDocsteph: look for volume control should be what you are wanting08:19
indusGunther: hi sorry was away08:19
indusGunther: you found help already?08:19
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indusGunther: nice tutorial here http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/170-run-remote-x-applications-over-network-using-ssh.html08:20
Cosmo1 I am having a odd couple of problems one is that my keyboard layout keeps changing from dvorak back to qwerty even though I have removed the qwerty layout and it seems at random times it goes back to qwerty and I have to run setxkbmap dvorak in a launcher. How do I fix this?08:24
u_dparteare you kidding me ... what is this aol now08:24
steph_i did that the page wanted but still nothing its says failed in terminal08:25
Guntherindus:thanks, indus i will read that tutorial08:25
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indusGunther: let me know if it works, i havent tried this yet08:28
rubydiamondhow to install firefox 3.5 for ubuntu 8.10 using apt08:29
indusGunther: i think xforwarding is the issue you have , make sure you set it up on the server08:29
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY08:29
AndorinKatoHi, guys! A little while back my multimedia keys on my laptop (Play/Pause, Stop, etc) stopped working for any music player. I know it's not a hardware issue since Ubuntu detects the usage of the keys themselves; they just don't function. Their keyboard shortcut assignments haven't changed. Any thoughts?08:31
indusrubydiamond:i suggest you directly download ff from mozilla08:31
rubydiamondindus, then how can I install it?08:32
indusrubydiamond: go to site and download08:32
AndorinKatoI think it happened after I installed a small group of updates via the Update Manager. However, on my other Jaunty install on my PC, the keys work fine.08:32
rubydiamondindus, but it will break apt ff08:32
zirodayindus: please don't recommend that.08:32
indusrubydiamond: no it wont its not a deb file08:33
zirodayrubydiamond: follow the factoid given to you above. Wait patiently or use the mozilla-security PPA if you have to08:33
indusrubydiamond: ziroday:well,iam using the ff beta from synaptic08:33
tweaker25someone can tell why some softwares need more hardware on linux than windows and why linux always grow bigger in hardware specifications need when it only does the same things as before ???08:33
indusziroday: whatas wrong with using it from mozilla? works fine08:34
AndorinKatotweaker25: It's the other way around... Ubuntu needs 4 GB of HD space when it's installed, and Windows 7 needs 16 GB.08:34
jschifftweaker25: examples?08:34
zirodayindus: if you'll join me in #ubuntu-offtopic I'll explain why using the packages to source from mozilla.org is not a good idea08:34
AndorinKatoLinux runs a lot better on older computers than Windows.08:34
indusziroday: ok08:34
tweaker25miro software is a good example ... linux isn't windows so cut the comparaison there ...08:35
tweaker25yep it run better but where cutting at it slowly with ubuntu and ubuntu just do the same as other distros08:36
AndorinKatoDoes anyone have any suggestions for the problem I described above?08:36
* tweaker25 wait and pray for the next xubuntu-killer lubuntu as an official distro !!!08:37
AndorinKatotweaker25: Ubuntu is actually a more resource-hungry distro because of its fancy GUI and desktop effects.08:37
djiezesAndorinKato: have you tried reconfiguring those shortcuts?08:37
AndorinKatoSo I'm not really sure what you're asking about.08:37
AndorinKatodjiezes: I have; I've tried assigning the functions to different keys, and those don't work either. Hence, not hardware issue.08:38
tweaker25AndorinKato some software need a little more on linux than on windows, the softwares need more tweaking or what ?08:38
djiezesAndorinKato: just this session, or also after other reboots?08:40
SlemmingHi, any word on when firefox will be updated in repo to 3.5?08:40
AndorinKatodjiezes: I tried it a while back... want me to again just to be sure?08:40
djiezesAndorinKato: you're saying rebooting didn't fix the issue?08:40
sultanI tried you mama08:41
AndorinKatodjiezes: Indeed.08:41
Aluminwell, I tried "modprobe psmouse synaptics_resume_reset=N" but still no dice...works for about a second then dies again08:41
djiezesAndorinKato: hm ... i'm running out of ideas ... sorry08:41
JimmioHello all. How do I use gnome-session-save? It's not working at all... but the --logout parameter works >_>08:41
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AndorinKatoThat's okay, thanks anyway. :)08:41
AndorinKatoCan anyone offer advice on nonfunctioning multimedia keys?08:42
djiezesAndorinKato: maybe another application is preventing the use of your keyboard shortcuts. ... but that's just a guess08:42
SlemmingAndorinKato: do they generate an event?08:42
Aluminanybody know where I can edit my Xorg configuration now?  This new idea of "we don't need xorg.conf, everything's auto-detected" is fine and dandy until something breaks and you need to tweak one thing :)08:42
Slemmingrun xev, press multimedia keys, see if something changes in console08:43
Slemming(run xev from a terminal)08:43
niarbehtAndorinKato: as in, you press it at the console (the real one, not a term inside X) and no random-seeming gibberish spits out?08:43
=== peppe is now known as pepito987
AndorinKatoSlemming: They do. I know it's not a hardware issue because of that, and because I've tried changing the keys of the shortcut.08:43
niarbehtAlumin: are you talking about messing w/ input device configuration?08:43
SlemmingAndorinKato: Where are you trying to bind the keys?08:43
AndorinKatoEr... bind meaning?08:44
Slemmingassigning shortcuts08:44
jschiffAlumin: /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
Aluminniarbeht: yeah, I think there was an Xorg update recently that borked my (synaptics) touchpad08:44
Aluminjschiff: that's where I would expect to find it, yeah08:44
niarbehtAlumin: Oh, JOY.  To xorg-server 1.5, I'm guessing?  Lemme look up where the hal stuff is on my gentoo install...08:44
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AndorinKatoUh... well, for example, I'm trying to assign Fn+Home (on a laptop) to XF86AudioPlay. Is that the sort of answer you're looking for?08:45
hossamhello, i am trying to enable multiple backgrounds for my workspaces and tried to follow this tutorial http://anuragbansal.wordpress.com/2008/05/10/how-to-get-different-wallpapers-on-each-workspace-in-ubuntu/08:45
SlemmingAndorinKato: Aren't those hardwired?08:45
jschiffAlumin: you try a "mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.bak}" then a "Xorg -configure" and using that config?08:45
niarbehtAlumin: /etc/hal/fdi/policy/47-some-logical-policy-name.fdi08:45
hossambut now compiz cube doesnt have the background option since ubuntu 9.0408:45
Slemmingas in "does the fn key alone generate an event?"08:45
hossamis there anythign i can do to get this background feature back?08:46
AndorinKatoSlemming: It does not.08:46
Aluminjschiff: my point is that there is no xorg.conf there now...but I'll try the -configure, one sec08:46
Verlexhave a good morning to all people in chatt08:46
Aluminniarbeht: lemme see what I have in there08:46
niarbehtAlumin: what you'll wanna do is find a HAL policy file for a synaptics touchpad, and add/tweak options as appropriate.08:46
SlemmingAndorinKato: And you want fn+home to be assigned to XF86AudioPlay?08:46
AndorinKatoBut other Fn functions work, like shutting off the screen. My multimedia keys and mute are the only ones that don't work.08:46
AndorinKatoSlemming: Indeed, that's where it normally is.08:46
Slemmingwhat does fn+home generate now?08:46
niarbehtAlumin: Mine is under /etc/hal/fdi/policy/11-x11-synaptics.fdi, I can pastebin the contents for you if you want.08:46
SlemmingAndorinKato: And that's your hardware issure08:47
jschiffAlumin: "Xorg -configure" then "mv /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf"08:47
Aluminniarbeht: by the way I already followed the instructions on this page:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:47
jschiffas root of course08:47
AndorinKatoSlemming: Are you sure? If I assign XF86AudioPlay to another key (say Insert), it still doesn't work.08:47
AndorinKatoSlemming: Okay, maybe I misunderstood your question earlier... apologies.08:48
AndorinKatoI'm still rather new to this. ^^;08:48
SlemmingAndorinKato: I'm not sure about that part (remapping a key to another)08:49
niarbehtAlumin: well, those seem rather decent.  If you've updated to xorg-server 1.5 as your X server, then you'll need to edit a HAL policy file rather than the xorg.conf file.08:49
hossamanyone know how to have multiple desktops for your workspaces in ubuntu 9.04?08:49
Slemmingbut if the OS doesn't detect that fn+home is being pressed, it sounds hard to use that as bindings08:49
Slemmingstill, it's possible that I'm wrong08:49
vlSorry if this is a FAQ, but since a kernel update this morning (German time) my windows kvm virtual machine does not boot anymore.08:49
AndorinKatoSlemming: It's what makes me think it's a software thing... plus the fact that they stopped working, like, right after I installed a handful of updates. Also, xev deects Fn+Home, but not Fn alone.08:50
vlIs that a known issue?08:50
vlRunning 9.0408:50
Aluminniarbeht: I think my package versions are on a different track from yours, mine is 1:7.4~5ubuntu108:50
Aluminie the Jaunty version08:50
SlemmingAndorinKato: Ah, so it does detect fn+home?08:50
superlinuxi have tutorial videos that i made . They are about debian installation.  they are on my server. www.superlinux.net. just click the links. discard the Arabic. videos are in arabic and english at the same time. I hope you download them. they are FREE!08:50
djiezesAndorinKato: i don't get it, what's the point of mapping a multimediakey to insert for example. What I do (in amarok for example) is binding 'Next Track' to XF86Forward. That works ...08:50
SlemmingAndorinKato: Not a hardware issue then, probably08:50
sf_thailand_haii#join a208:50
Slemmingdjiezes: I'm thinking other way around, so that insert would be xf86home08:51
jschiffsf_thailand_haii: "/join #a2"08:51
AndorinKatodjiezes: It was to test whether or not the Fn+Home function was physically broken somehow... which can't be the case since both keys still work.08:51
roxiehow do i install java runtime environment on ubuntu netbook remix08:51
SlemmingAndorinKato: It's not broken if it generates a xev event08:51
jschiffroxie: apt-get install sun-java6-jre08:51
djiezesSlemming , AndorinKato : okay, it was a test, now i got it :)08:51
AndorinKatoEither way, Insert was just a temporary test; I changed it back. My media player is Songbird 1.2, with the plugin that allows for multimedia key use. The same software that's on my PC, where multimedia keys /do/ work.08:51
Aluminniarbeht: I think copying your HAL config file is probably my best bet at this point; if you don't mind putting yours online I'll gladly snipe it :)08:51
djiezesAndorinKato: is it in gnome settings only that it doesnt work, or are you trying a specific application?08:51
roxieE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:52
roxieE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:52
Flannelroxie: Prefix it with sudo08:52
AndorinKatodjiezes: I tested it in Songbird and in Amarok.08:52
u_dparteroxie, sudo08:52
niarbehtAlumin: yeah, that version number you quoted was the xorg-x11 front, not the xorg-server version.  I think post-7.3 uses xorg-server 1.5, so you do need to use HAL policies.08:52
jschiffubuntus sudo paradigm is annoying08:52
niarbehtAlumin: just a sec08:52
djiezesAndorinKato: and in Amarok, in 'Global Shortcuts' ?08:52
Slemmingroxie: You can't install stuff when you08:52
AndorinKatodjiezes: I'll check real quick just to make sure it's assigned.08:52
Slemmingroxie: are not admin, that's why it needs sudo08:53
AndorinKatoI can't remember whether I've used Amarok before on this computer.08:53
Aluminjschiff: I tried the "Xorg -configure" deal and when I launch with that config I just get a black screen and an error saying "get fences failed: -1"08:53
jschiffnever heard that error before08:53
AluminI have to go back to the invoking terminal and Ctrl-C, it doesn't respond to ctrl-alt-backspace08:53
SlemmingAndorinKato: Where do you map "fn+home" to XF86Home?08:53
jschiffWell you can thank ubuntu for ctrl-alt-backspace not working08:53
niarbehtAlumin: I'd also recommend reading the man page for the synaptics driver once you write out my policy file and restart X08:53
AndorinKatodjiezes: Nope, it doesn't work in Amarok either.08:53
Jordan_Ujschiff: Well, actually upstream Xorg :)08:54
AndorinKatoSlemming: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts08:54
jschiffyou can put Option "dontzap" in your server config in Xorg08:54
jschiffto bypass that08:54
SlemmingAndorinKato: that doesn't remap a key to another?08:54
Flannel!dontzap | Alumin, jschiff08:54
ubottuAlumin, jschiff: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.08:54
AndorinKatoSlemming: It remaps functions to different keys, doesn't it?08:54
jschiffflannel that's a stupid way of doin it08:54
roxiemozilla 3.5 is not recognizing the java plugin i guess08:54
r_a_fello -- I need Live CD working on 250 MB RAM and usb support - any suggestions PLS ?08:54
jschiffwhy install stuff to remove functionality that's disabled08:54
niarbehtAlumin: That way, you can customize it.  Btw, if your pad supports two- and three-finger actions, this policy file does two-finger scrolling (up-down and left-right), as well as two-finger-tap middle-click and three-finger-tap right-click =D    http://pastebin.ca/148163408:54
jschiffwhen you can just toggle a Xorg option08:55
SlemmingAndorinKato: yes, which function are you binding to fn+home?08:55
Flanneljschiff: Installing a package is much easier than manually configuring anything.08:55
Jordan_Uroxie: How did you install firefox 3.508:55
jschiffnot really >_<08:55
Flanneljschiff: If you'd like to discuss this further, I'd be happy to do so in #ubuntu-offtopic, but it's not appropriate for here.08:55
AluminFlannel: not for everone :)08:55
roxiego to ubuntumini.com08:55
jschiffi'd hardly call editing a file manually configuring.. lol08:55
Aluminniarbeht: thanks :)08:55
jschiffpeople make xorg.conf out to be this big scary beast, but it's really not all that bad08:55
niarbehtr_a_f: DSL?  Damn Small Linux?  There might be one by them.....08:55
SlemmingJordan_U: you could install firefox-3.5 from repo, though it's not up to date08:56
niarbehtjschiff: nope, it isn't, it's just messy sometimes.08:56
jschiffand it's good to get users familiar with it08:56
jschiffso they don't become dependent on ubuntu's automagic configurator08:56
Flanneljschiff: again, discussions (and rants, etc) belong in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  Thanks08:56
niarbehtAlumin: please do tell if it works.  And remember you'll need to completely restart X first...08:56
Jordan_USlemming: I am asking how he did it to help debug his problem08:56
roxieJordan_U: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/06/install-firefox-35.html08:57
AndorinKatoSlemming: XF86AudioPlay... not sure if you saw that message.08:57
SlemmingJordan_U: Sorry, missed that08:57
SlemmingAndorinKato: XF86Home isn't listed as an action to me?08:57
niarbehtAlumin: also, the left/right two-finger drag may cause a back or forward action in Opera instead of scrolling.  Stupid Opera L/08:57
r_a_fniarbeht:THANKS :)08:58
AndorinKatoSlemming: XF86Home? Where did you get that?08:58
SlemmingAndorinKato: Obviously didn't, sorry, mixed that up08:58
matibis there someone ?08:59
SlemmingAndorinKato: Still, XF86AudioPlay is listed as a shortcut, not an action08:59
niarbehtr_a_f: did you find what you were looking for?08:59
AndorinKatoSlemming: It's okay, but I might have mixed something up too... like, it looks like the system detects that FN+home is AudioPlay, it's just not letting it execute.08:59
SlemmingAndorinKato: Does fn+home generate a XF86AudioPlay event?08:59
AndorinKatoSlemming: Yeah, sorry, I confused that. Um, I'll check now..08:59
roxiehow do i change my default web  browser on ubuntu netbook remix?08:59
r_a_fniarbeht: yo - i try DSLinux on old hardware ;)09:00
SlemmingAndorinKato: Try setting XF86AudioPlay (fn+home) to open a Terminal09:00
Slemmingthen see if fn+home opens a terminal09:00
AndorinKatoSlemming: Yes, I believe so. The resulting output includes XF86AudioPlay. And yes, I will.09:00
AndorinKatoSlemming: It opened.09:01
SlemmingAndorinKato: So the key works, and also does binding it09:01
Slemmingwhat functionality did you want out of fn+home?09:01
djiezesAndorinKato: Slemming : i'm trying it too, the XF86AudioPlay doesn't work either, but other keys like XF86Forward & XF86Back do work ...09:01
niarbehtr_a_f: I once ran Gentoo on a Pentium II w/ 384mb of RAM.  Compiles took forever... but it was a router, so it did alright.  Except for the bad hardware.09:02
AndorinKatoSlemming: To play a track if one isn't playing, or to pause a currently playing track. So play/pause.09:02
michelleILare there any other chanels except this one?09:02
AndorinKatodjiezes: None of mine work- play/pause, stop, forward, back. Oh, and my mute function is out.09:03
SlemmingAndorinKato: Are you sure that your music player recognises play/pause?09:03
niarbehtmichelleIL: #freebsd ?09:03
AndorinKatoSlemming: It's worked before, like I said, so I'm pretty sure it does.09:03
niarbehtmichelleIL: sorry, bad joke.09:03
Slemmingdjiezes: Do you know if amarok listens to play or pause?09:03
AndorinKatoSlemming: It does, because I've used it before.09:04
Slemminggnome's play or pause09:04
Aluminniarbeht: I'm pretty sure gdm restarts X when you log out, but I'm gonna go ahead and just reboot just to be sure09:04
AndorinKatoI just don't use Amarok normally. I find it to be not-particularly-user-friendly. Plus not including .mp3 support by default is a little annoying.09:04
=== Caleb is now known as Guest33544
Aluminnope, no dice09:04
djiezesSlemming: i'm using Amarok14, and it doesn't react to my XF86AudioPlay. I do know amarok has a play/pauze button in one.09:05
SlemmingAlumin: ps aux | grep X, sudo kill -9 "that pid"09:05
AluminI'm not entirely sure it's an Xorg issue, though09:05
AluminSlemming: appreciate the thought, but you're answering the wrong question :)09:05
SlemmingAlumin: Meant for forcing a X restart :)09:05
SlemmingAlumin: ah sorry09:05
SlemmingAlumin: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart09:06
r_a_f niarbeht: i need to do copy from an old 240 ram computer - so need usb support for pendrive09:06
AluminSlemming: yeah, but I'm lazy and this netbook restarts really fast :P09:06
SlemmingI'm not sure if that should be done from within the running session09:06
djiezesAndorinKato: it's weird, overhere it's the only key not working, the rest works as it should09:06
SlemmingAlumin: right :)09:06
AndorinKatodjiezes: Running Jaunty?09:06
niarbehtAlumin: to my knowledge, you can set that option somewhere.  GDM in gentoo defaults to not restarting X, but I have no idea about ubuntu.09:06
djiezesAndorinKato: yep, 64bit though09:06
Aluminniarbeht: the interesting thing is that the touchpad does work for about 1 second if I remove and re-insert the "psmouse" module09:07
niarbehtAlumin: O.o09:07
SlemmingAndorinKato: Check inside Amarok -> Settings -> Configure global Shortcuts09:07
AluminI did mention that before, but I don't think you were watching the channel yet09:07
boiboitebon matin !!!09:08
Aluminso I checked /var/log/(dmesg|messages|syslog), but I don't see any errors09:08
boiboitedites, j'ai besoin au démarrage de la machine d'ajouter un vairable d'environnement ?09:08
AndorinKatoSlemming: Did, and I had to assign it, but once I did it still didn't work. Will double-check.09:08
SlemmingAndorinKato: Assigned to XF86AudioPlay?09:08
Caleb_With my ubuntu it says it has like 600 updates.When i go to see, everything is ticked.How do i untick everything so i can tick what i want? Manually unticking every update would take AGES09:08
AndorinKatoSlemming: It calls it "Media Play" in Amarok09:09
niarbehtHey, boiboite wants to know how to add an environment variable methinks.09:09
Jordan_UCaleb_: Use synaptic or apt-get instead, but make sure you install all security updates at least :)09:09
SlemmingCaleb_: Not sure if this is how to do it, don't have an uninstalled update to try, but I'd try synaptic09:10
Alumin/etc/profile hehe09:10
Caleb_Ok, i got the lts09:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:10
zirodayCaleb_: select the top package, hold shift go down to the bottom, select the bottom package and then untick. Did that work?09:10
djiezesAndorinKato: i got it working !09:10
SlemmingCaleb_: Actually I'd rather go with apt-get09:10
AndorinKatodjiezes: Oh boy, what's the process?09:10
djiezesAndorinKato: in amarok14 that is. I deleted the XF86AudioPlay shortcut. used the primary one (Win+C) then reconfigured the XF86AudioPlay one09:11
Aluminniarbeht: thanks for the config file anyway though, once I get this stupid touchpad working again it'll be nice to tweak the options09:11
djiezesAndorinKato: and that did the trick overhere09:11
AndorinKatodjiezes: K, I'll try it.09:11
Aluminthe ironic part is, I !@#$% hate touchpads09:11
salil__is it possible to extend my root partition?09:11
Caleb_When i get adsl2+(Oh yeaaa) I can install them all09:11
SlemmingCaleb_: sudo apt-get install *that package you wanted to upgrade*09:11
Aluminif they made a netbook-sized device with a trackpoint I would drop-kick this thing :)09:11
djiezesAndorinKato: all in 'Global Shortcuts', Amarok itself ...09:11
Caleb_Ah ok09:11
AndorinKatodjiezes: Nope, didn't fix it.09:12
Aluminsalil__: if it's on LVM then yeah09:12
Jordan_Usalil__: What do you mean by expand? If you have free space on the disk you can use a liveCD to expand the partition.09:12
Caleb_Netbooks are...Dodgy09:12
salil__Jordan_U, Yes.. answered...09:12
AluminCaleb_: I guess...mine's been a trooper until this mouse issue09:12
djiezesAndorinKato: I might have reconfigured the key first in gnome settings too ...09:12
Aluminwell, except for the fact that it has a ***** trackpad :D09:13
djiezesAndorinKato: do you use Amarok2, or Amarok14?09:13
AndorinKatodjiezes: I've already done that, with the Insert thing.09:13
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY09:13
Alumindid I mention I don't like trackpads?09:13
SlemmingAndorinKato: did it not listen to insert as pause/play?09:13
AndorinKatoSlemming: Nope, it did not.09:13
niarbehtAlumin: I've no idea why it's not working :/09:13
djiezesAndorinKato: Oh, i use 1.4, maybe that makes a difference09:13
SlemmingAndorinKato: Does it listen to any other shortcut?09:13
Aluminniarbeht: yeah, I don't think it's an X issue09:13
Caleb_Notebooks on the other hands are great.I also dont use the ******* trackpad i use a notebook mouse09:14
Slemmingdjiezes: Possibly, he mentioned it was working before09:14
niarbehtAlumin: Lenovo might (they inherited the Thinkpad series...)09:14
Aluminniarbeht: the mouse doesn't work in console either09:14
SlemmingAlumin: Probably isn't09:14
AndorinKatoSlemming: For any other function, you mean? Or do you mean if I were to reassign it to another different key combination?09:14
Caleb_Sorry i type slow on ipod touch09:14
SlemmingAlumin: driver/driver settings I'd think09:14
djiezesAndorinKato: overhere there's a primary & alternative shortcut. primary i Win+C, i used that before I reconfigured XF86audioplay as alternative binding.09:14
djiezes(just to see if it worked, and it did)09:14
SlemmingAndorinKato: Try assigning Enter to "play/pause"09:14
Slemmingthen try assigning it to say Forward09:14
Cosmo1I am having a problem one is that my keyboard layout keeps changing from dvorak back to qwerty even though I have removed the qwerty layout and it seems at random times it goes back to qwerty and I have to run setxkbmap dvorak in a launcher. How do I fix this?09:15
AndorinKatoSlemming: It might not let me but I'll try09:15
SlemmingCosmo1: Do you have a bind to change layout that you're not aware of?09:15
AndorinKatoYeah, had to use Ctrl+Enter09:15
Caleb_Dvorak is really odd09:15
AndorinKatoSlemming: Annnnd it does not work.09:15
djiezesNow i'm puzzled as to how i got it working ... & why the same procedure doesn't do it for AndorinKato09:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:16
SlemmingAndorinKato: ctrl+enter shouldn't be picked up by the system, so obviously global keybinds does not work for amarok209:16
Aluminholy cow it is way past my bedtime09:16
Caleb_You choose the layout in the installation prcess09:16
AndorinKatodjiezes: I've been setting the shortcut to the global commands, not the alternate09:16
Cosmo1Slemming: not that I know of, and it keeps doing it at random times09:16
umari can open a readonly file like "sudo vim filename" and edit it. how can i make text editors like 'gedit' 'eclipse' etc edit read-only files?09:16
SlemmingCaleb_: Can change it too09:16
* Alumin shakes his fist in the air at the trackpad09:16
AndorinKatoSlemming: I tested Ctrl+Enter with Songbird09:16
SlemmingCosmo1: Are you positive it's random?09:16
MooKowlol, it's way past my bedtime too09:16
SlemmingAndorinKato: test xf86playaudio with songbird rather09:16
MooKowgoing tos leep soon ^.^09:16
djiezesAndorinKato: oh, i've got the multimedia keys as alternate, maybe try the same.09:16
AndorinKatodjiezes: K09:17
Aluminthanks a lot for the help with this, guys (even though it's still not working hehe)09:17
djiezesAndorinKato: and check if the primary key (win+c) works09:17
umarthe above probelm prevents me from using eclipse on a project that is readonly. i wasn to edit it without changing permissions09:17
AluminI have a USB mouse that works fine, so it's not epic fail at the moment09:17
AndorinKatodjiezes: Nope, still doesn't work.09:17
djiezesAndorinKato: what about the primary keybinding?09:17
Caleb_Cosmo1:Dvorak is something you cant pronounce.Qwerty is easily pronouncible09:17
AndorinKatodjiezes: My primary is Space, which DOES work.09:17
Aluminmy primary uses for the netbook are remote administration with SSH, and lounging on the couch playing nethack...neither of which require a mouse09:18
Cosmo1yes Caleb_ but dvorak is better09:18
djiezesAndorinKato: and you've got the xf86audioplay binded in gnome settings shortcuts as play/pauze too?09:18
AndorinKatodjiezes: Yeppers09:18
SlemmingAndorinKato: Though that's not the same?09:18
Aluminso it's not so bad...and I won't have to worry about the **** touchpad messing with my window focus while I'm typing YAY lol09:18
djiezesAndorinKato: then you've got the same settings as i do, except you have amarok2, i got 1.409:19
=== Caleb is now known as Guest13632
SlemmingAndorinKato: Your regular key works, it's the global bindings that are the problem?09:19
AndorinKatoSlemming: Seems that way to me.09:19
djiezesAndorinKato: set it both in 'global shortcuts' and 'shortcuts'09:20
djiezes(or does amarok2 not have those 2 options?)09:20
Guest13632Is there an online software repository but like a webpage, not sudo-aptitude-get-program?09:20
AndorinKatodjiezes: I can't, it only lets me assign XF8PlayAudio in one area at a time in Amarok09:20
FlannelGuest13632: to browse?09:20
Guest13632/nick PooIsYum09:21
djiezesAndorinKato: are you sure? I've got it in both.09:21
FlannelGuest13632: packages.ubuntu.com09:21
susbwoyHi, what program can I use to measure write performance on my harddrive?09:21
djiezessusbwoy: hddparm09:21
susbwoydjiezes: cheers09:21
AndorinKatodjiezes: I'm sure, I just tried it again.09:21
djiezesAndorinKato: I'm starting to think it might be an amarok2 issue?09:22
AndorinKatodjiezes: Except that it also doesn't work in Songbird.09:22
djiezesAndorinKato: maybe they both have issues? have you tried other apps, like rhythmbox or something?09:23
AndorinKatodjiezes: I will now.09:23
AndorinKatodjiezes: Nothing.09:23
GlowballI can find my shared Ubuntu files on my Windows machine, so Samba seems to be working fine, but where can I find them the other way round?09:23
SlemmingAndorinKato: I wouldn't depend on songbird catching that09:23
AndorinKatoNot from any of the keys.09:23
thefedsCan I make a USB installer with an Imation Cool USB flash drive?09:24
AndorinKatoSlemming: Songbird normally /does/ work with the keys, though, since it's my primary media player on both computers; I just need to install a plugin for it to work09:24
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:24
zirodaythefeds: should do09:24
=== Caleb is now known as Guest42245
SlemmingAndorinKato: Btw, does this involve an update to the systems with components that haven't been restarted?09:24
AndorinKatoSlemming: I don't know, how would I check that?09:24
djiezesAndorinKato: sry, now I'm really starting to run out of ideas. Only thing I can say is that I got it working after some fiddling. So: fiddle ... (?)09:25
AndorinKatoSlemming: Also remember that these keys stopped working right after updating my system09:25
SlemmingAndorinKato: Have you rebooted the computer since the problem came up?09:25
Slemmingsince the update*09:25
AndorinKatoSlemming: Yes, I've shut it down and powered it back up multiple times; the update was a few weeks ago.09:25
wislerhi anyone09:25
u_dpartewisler, hi09:25
SlemmingAndorinKato: Obviously not the problem then09:26
wisleri have a problem compiling samba3.3.6 for ubuntu can anyone help me?09:26
SlemmingAndorinKato: Getting 'desperate09:26
zirodaywisler: what's wrong with 3.3.2?09:26
ehshis there any program like google earth for Ubuntu?09:27
indusis firefox 3.5 a backport09:27
Slemmingtry running amarok2 from a terminal09:27
thefedsziroday: it has an encrypted section of the USB09:27
indushmm probably no since the newer ubuntu hasntbeen released09:27
thyri!AAI .g amarok09:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about AAI .g amarok09:27
Slemmingand see if it says something interesting09:27
u_dparteindus, it's not release in the repos yet09:27
AndorinKatoSlemming: If it comes to it I can always reinstall Ubuntu; I did that the other day with my PC, updated it and the keys work.09:27
u_dparteindus, i think you can get it from proposed repos though09:27
SlemmingAndorinKato: Try sudo apt-get purge amarok09:27
Slemmingthen reinstall amarok09:27
Slemmingrather than reinstalling the OS09:27
zirodaythefeds: well as long as there is enough blank unpartitioned space for the usb creator to work09:28
indusu_dparte: hmm its in the regular repos in beta, so i hear it will be upgraded to final09:28
industoo many repos09:28
Slemmingindus: 3.5v4 is in repo09:28
ehshis there any program like google earth for Ubuntu?09:28
thefedsDoesn't the OS need the first block of the USB to boot it09:28
thyri!ehsh .g ubuntu google earth09:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:28
wislermy pdc dont work09:28
wislerby login in all is ok09:28
wisler wisler: but by logging out it cant renew the profile09:28
thefedsI think the first block is part of the encrypted part09:28
Jordan_Uehsh: There's google earth :)09:29
thyri.g ubuntu google earth09:29
AAAIthyri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth09:29
djiezesehsh: there's: google earth :-)09:29
Thingymebobehsh: iGoogle earth is in medibuntu repos09:29
thefedsI.E the OS can't read the part where ubuntu starts09:29
thefedsIsn't that right?09:29
u_dparteindus, yeah i had the beta and just last night one of my repos caught the actual release09:29
djiezesehsh: it's in the medibuntu repository09:29
Thingymebob!medibuntu : ehsh09:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:29
Slemmingehsh: Google Earth or Marble is what wikipedia lists09:29
Thingymebob!medibuntu | ehsh09:29
ubottuehsh: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:29
indusu_dparte: hmm really>? proposed? or normal?09:29
thyri.g ubuntu dvd09:30
AAAIthyri: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/09:30
u_dparteindus, tbo honest not sure ... I have proposed plus several others from installs ... I believe it came from proposed09:30
ehshi ont understand nothing09:30
u_dpartelemme check09:30
AndorinKatoSlemming: It's not letting me run any sudo commands, it says another process is using the administration directory... I'm going to reboot, brb09:31
Slemmingu_dparte: Are you having any non-regular repos? Because apt-get update && apt-get install firefox-3.5 doesn't give me the latest09:31
SlemmingAndorinKato: close synaptic09:31
u_dparteSlemming, yes I have some no standard repos09:31
u_dpartei'm looking to see which one it came from09:31
indusis opera in the repos?09:32
induslike third party or something , is that called partner09:32
SlemmingBtw: Why does firefox-3.5 as a package depend essentially on firefox-3.0?09:32
lesshasteI've remove the /var/cache/debconf directory by mistake, how can I restore it? It makes apt-get install unhappy09:32
thyri.wik ubuntu opera09:32
AAAI"What programming tools does Ubuntu have?-- (talk) 01:46, 11 June 2008 (UTC)" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Archives/Computing/2008_June_1109:32
thyri.g ubuntu opera09:33
AAAIthyri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:33
Slemminglesshaste: Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf09:33
Thingymebobehsh: What don't you understand?09:33
u_dparteSlemming, indus : #deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main09:33
lesshasteSlemming: that gives ebconf: DbDriver "config": could not open /var/cache/debconf/config.dat09:33
Slemmingu_dparte: :) obviously09:34
u_dparteSlemming, indus : #deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main09:34
lesshasteSlemming: well.. debconf...09:34
Slemmingare you getting ubufox icons or?09:34
indusu_dparte: thanks09:34
u_dparteworks fine for me09:34
ehshso linux is open source,how can i see the source,how can u change the source ?09:34
u_dpartei have the latest and haven't had any issues with it09:34
lesshasteehsh: join #linux09:34
johnibanezHello, I'm a Windows user and I'm planning to move to Ubuntu.09:34
Thingymebobehsh: download the source packages09:34
lesshasteSlemming: can I just reinstall it somehow?09:34
indusziroday: i installed ff 3.5 from mozilla but it wont run :)09:35
Slemmingindus: run it from a terminal, does its output say anything?09:35
indusSlemming: ya trying now09:36
Slemminglesshaste: I'd presume apt-get install --reinstall debconf doesn't work09:36
AndorinKatoSlemming: No good, I purged and reinstalled it and it still insists on not working, and I ought to point out that the ubuntu-restricted-extras package also isn't letting me play my .mp3s in Amarok09:36
indusSlemming: which exe should i run iam thinking09:36
Thingymebobehsh: sudo apt-get source packagename09:36
AndorinKatoSlemming: Meaning, it should, but it isn't.09:36
indusSlemming: run mozilla.sh? or firefox-bin09:36
Thingymebobwill put the source package in you current directory09:37
wisleranyone help me to compile samba-3.3.6 for ubuntu 9.04????????????09:37
Slemmingindus: I'd say firefox-3.509:37
indusSlemming: error when loading shared libraries libxul09:37
Jordan_USlemming: firefox-3.5 doesn't depend on firefox-309:37
indusSlemming: even though its there in the ff folder09:37
bright4_chrisAnyone know how to automatically run a custom script on insertion of a CD on an Ubuntu install without GUI ?09:37
ehshE: Unable to find a source package for packagename09:37
jenifferhello friends. I have a question: How can i make the HDD temperature to go down a little bit. In ubuntu, the HDD temperature is a lot higher than in windows.... is it possible to reduce it under linux???????????09:38
Slemmingindus: sudo apt-get install xulrunner-1.9.109:38
u_dparteehsh, google around till you find the actual command09:38
AndorinKatojeniffer: Is your drive getting adequate ventilation and cooling from the fans?09:38
Slemmingindus: I think, that's one of the dependancies my firefox 3.5v4 has09:38
indusSlemming: oops iam on hardy09:38
wisleranyone help me to compile samba-3.3.6 for ubuntu 9.04????????????09:39
u_dpartefirefox-3.5 firefox-3.5-branding xulrunner-1.9.109:39
AndorinKatoAndorinKato: Do I even know what I'm talking about?09:39
Jordan_Uwisler: Why not use the packaged samba?09:39
jenifferAndorinKato exactly the same when i have booted windows....09:39
indusSlemming: but the thing is, mozilla binaries come with their own version of xul i believe and it loads it from same directory09:39
psycolizardwow, lotsa people. I got the error of "BIOS does not provide ACPI _PSS objects in a way linux understands" can someone please tell me what that means and how to fix?09:39
wislerbecause it dont work09:39
Thingymebobehsh: Replace packagename with the name of whichever package you want the source for e.g gedit gnome-terminal etc09:39
wisleri have done as it is discribted in the wiki but it didnt work09:40
AndorinKatoSlemming: I think I may just end up wiping and reinstalling, it's not a tall order for me to xfer a few hundred music tracks and some miscellaneous files to the laptop with Giver after a reinstall09:40
Jordan_Uwisler: In what way, and why do you think that it will work if you compile from source?09:40
Anirban1987 How can I set my personal web hosting Control panel on a different port than port 80 like CPanel is in port 2082 ?09:40
SlemmingJordan_U: The following extra packages will be installed: firefox firefox-3.0 firefox-3.0-branding firefox-3.5-branding ubufox09:40
lesshasteI reinstalled debconf, now I get these errors when doing a kernel upgrade in ubuntu09:40
u_dparteAnirban1987, that depends on your server configuration09:40
Jordan_USlemming: firefox-3.5 *recommends* ubufox, which depends on firefox-3.0 ( which is understandable but still a bug )09:41
Lord-ReadmanHello, I am trying to get a webserver working, I followed the how to forge perfect server 9.04 but didnt install ISPconfig2, I can get one domain working on the server, but I cant seem to create a vertualhost for another domain to point to a different folder, i.e. i set it to /home/mysite/ and it still loads from /var/www/ and says IT WORKS! and I have restarted.09:41
Anirban1987u_dparte : Mine is Ubuntu 9.04 server 32 bit. How to set it up like that ?09:41
johnibanezHello, I'm a Windows user and I'm planning to move to Ubuntu. I'm a freelance web developer and I use Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash and other Adobe products. I have the CS3 Masterpack. My question is would these programs work well with Ubuntu and wine? And would I be able to run multiple simultaneous programs with Wine?09:41
Jordan_USlemming: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 --no-install-recommends09:41
SlemmingJordan_U: that was apt-get install firefox-3.5 only09:42
u_dparteAnirban1987, you will need to set your http config to listen on those ports I believe on ubuntu their is a file called ports.conf09:42
h4fhi all09:42
Jordan_Ujohnibanez: No to the first( only CS2 ), yes to the second09:42
sagemodejohnibanez: All of the is not 100% working but alternatives are all great09:42
zirodayjohnibanez: most of those applications don't work well with wine unfortunately. However you can use a windows virtual machine and run all those applications, or use linux alternatives to those applications09:42
u_dparteAnirban1987, I'm not positive though b/c I only use redhat for web server and the configs are different09:42
Jordan_USlemming: I know09:42
monckyjohnibanez: for compatibility and wine have a look at the winehq site, to your final point, yes you can run multiple programmes09:43
djiezesjohnibanez: no, CS3 does not work with wine under linux/ubuntu.09:43
sagemodejohnibanez: I giveup adobe for gimp, and inkscape: and I work with neatbeans6.509:43
monckyjohnibanez: My question would be, why move a way from windows if your current software requires it?09:43
wisleri have compiled samba now the error message is error while loading shared libraries: litdb.so.109:43
Anirban1987u-dparte : Actually I want the EHCP control panel to appear on http://xyz.com:2082/ like that09:44
u_dparteAnirban1987, do you have a 64bit processor?09:44
psycolizardsigh this is a nightmare, can someone who knows about BIOS issues pull me aside in a private message please?09:44
Anirban1987u_dparte : Its in a Virtual Machine09:44
Jordan_Ujohnibanez: Linux might not be a good choice for your needs yet, unless you want to run windows in a VM.09:44
vcvghey, anybody know how to force 'make' to ignore error at a line?09:44
sagemodejohnibanez: You can also use virtualbox seamless mode if you have kickus desktop... but that's not moving away from a window09:44
Lord-ReadmanAnyone here good with apache on ubuntu I really need some help09:45
Daemon_can someone help me with my monitor09:45
sagemodejohnibanez: r u from phil..?09:45
discorpiai have a samsung syncmaster 2493hm, i'm running freshly installed 9.04, how do i get it to detect the monitor (currently set to a generic supporting maximum 1280x900, but can't find any way to change it)09:45
monckyLord-Readman: just ask somone might know09:45
Jordan_U!anyone | Lord-Readman09:45
ubottuLord-Readman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:45
u_dparteLord-Readman, what's your problem09:45
Lord-Readmani did ask09:45
Lord-Readmanthe chanel is moving very fast09:45
discorpiathere doesn't seem to be any proper display/screen sections in xorg.conf nowadays either09:45
Lord-ReadmanHello, I am trying to get a webserver working, I followed the how to forge perfect server 9.04 but didnt install ISPconfig2, I can get one domain working on the server, but I cant seem to create a vertualhost for another domain to point to a different folder, i.e. i set it to /home/mysite/ and it still loads from /var/www/ and says IT WORKS! and I have restarted.09:45
thechefHow do I change the master password of my keyring?09:45
FloodBot2Lord-Readman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
sagemodejohnibanez: r u from phil.. join #ubuntu-ph09:46
StdhtCould someone please help me09:46
StdhtI have in sound devices HDA intel alc268 (ALSA) , HDA intel analog alc268 (OSS),HDA intel analog alc268 (OSS), Alsa advanced linux sound architecture, OSS open sound system, PulsaeAudioServer09:46
Stdhtwhy so many devices/// comparing to windows09:46
u_dparteapache people IM me I will try to help you but the chat is moving to fast09:46
indusSlemming: ok it runs but loads old firefox .09:46
dutchHi can some one help please i dont seem to have the appearance icon so i can install new themes could any one help09:46
zirodayStdht: ALSA and OSS are different soundsystems. I recommend you pick the first option09:46
monckyLord-Readman: have a look at your httpd.conf there is a setting there that you neet to change so you can use /home dirs09:47
Daemon_how can i change my display refresh rate to 60hz?09:47
johnibanez@Jordan_U, sagemode, ziroday, djiezes: Thank you mates. @moncky, I got spotted by Team Philippines Anti Piracy team and some of my freelance mates.09:47
indusdutch: its in system>preferences>appearance no?09:47
johnibanez@sagemode : Yes I'm from the philippines. :D09:47
zirodaydutch: open a terminal and type in gnome-appearance-properties, does anything pop up?09:47
Jordan_Ujohnibanez: np09:47
discorpiadpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg gives nothing related to monitor selection, where am i supposed to change this??09:47
Slemmingindus: doh09:47
u_dpartediscorpia, nvidia?09:48
indusSlemming: yeah had this problem before, have to remove old ff profile probably09:48
zirodayStdht: please don't PM. ALSA and OSS are both soundsystems and are seperate from each other. You should pick ALSA09:48
Slemmingindus: mine migrated09:48
dutchyes it does when run in the ter09:48
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SlemmingAndorinKato: Gotta dostuff, good luck with your problem09:48
Jordan_Udiscorpia: System > Preferences > Display09:48
Stdhtziroday ok09:48
discorpiaJordan_U: yeah, as i said, i can't change monitor typ there and only have a few resolutions to choose from09:48
zirodaydutch: then its installed in your system :), it should be under System > Preferences > Appearance09:48
AndorinKatoSlemming: Thank you for your help L)09:49
sagemodejohnibanez: Yup Phil Anti Piracy is moving up these days09:49
Stdhtziroday so I have both installed,09:49
Jordan_Udiscorpia: What gfx card?09:49
dutchno its not there but that is perfect with the command thaanks09:49
zirodayStdht: it would appear so but I'm not certain09:49
Daemon_how can i change my display refresh rate to 60hz?09:49
sagemodejohnibanez: Join ubuntu-ph mate!09:49
discorpiashould that matter since it's not my graphics card it's the monitor parameters i want to change? does gfx card matter?09:49
Stdhtif I choose sound devices I see09:49
indusdutch: you can right click on main menu and add it then09:49
racecar56how do i get 3D working nicely on my ati radeon 9800 pro?09:49
StdhtHDA intel alc268 (ALSA) , HDA intel analog alc268 (OSS),HDA intel analog alc268 (OSS), Alsa advanced linux sound architecture, OSS open sound system, PulsaeAudioServer09:49
discorpiait's ati, but i haven't installed fglrx yet because when i tried to install it things got really slow and the xorg process kept going on 96%09:49
zirodayracecar56: it should work out of the box with the -ati driver09:50
racecar56ziroday, it sucks09:50
racecar56ziroday, bad09:50
zirodayracecar56: pardon?09:50
racecar56ziroday, it lags really bad09:50
psycolizardCan someone tell me what this means and how to fix it please? "BIOS does not provide ACPT _PSS objects in a way linux understands"09:50
SlemmingAndorinKato: Glad I could... well... try .)09:50
humboltare firefox 3.5 packages available for jaunty already? the final version and as full replacement for FF3.1 not as parallel install with extra preferences dir and the such?09:50
Stdhtziroday I can test all of them but only HDA Intel(alc268) do not work09:50
zirodayracecar56: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log please09:50
racecar56ziroday, k09:50
zirodayStdht: okay, well then use the one that works then09:50
Jordan_Udiscorpia: Yes, unfortunately the proprietary drivers don't support the standard interface for configuring monitors.09:51
niarbehtpsycolizard: that relates to cpu frequency scaling.  What CPU do you have?09:51
Stdhtziroday so I do but why there so many devices comparing to windows09:51
zirodayStdht: because of the different sound systems, windows only has one sound system (AFAIK)09:52
racecar56ziroday, http://racecar56.pastebin.com/f7cee64a709:52
humboltwhy is my system so slow (tons of IO wait) after resuming from suspend?09:52
gralcohi is anyone interested in learning C++ along with me09:52
discorpiaJordan_U: oh, ok. but i haven't installed those drivers yet. it is a ati radeon 3450, but performance is miserable when i try running fglrx, so something must be buggy with the proprietary drivers and that card then09:52
Jordan_Uhumbolt: suspend to disk?09:52
niarbehtziroday: technically, there's been more than one sound system, it's just relatively transparent because they all co-exist....09:52
humboltJordan_U: no RAM09:52
psycolizard@niarbeht AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core 6400+ 3.2ghz dont know what you need09:52
Stdhtziroday so How to choose which device will soundplayer use?09:53
discorpiai was hoping i could get full resolution, just not fully accelerated without using the fglrx/ati drivers09:53
racecar56psycolizard, :( you got nice processor09:53
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racecar56psycolizard, i only have an amd sempron 3100+09:53
zirodayracecar56: well the radeon driver is loaded, what does glxinfo | grep direct return?09:53
Thingymebobdutch: create a new text file in /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop, copy this into it http://paste.ubuntu.com/207983/ chown to root and chgrp to root then chmod +r09:53
psycolizardi built my comp from the ground up, when i still had a job lol09:53
racecar56ziroday, direct rendering: Yes09:53
Jordan_Udiscorpia: Can you pastebin the output from /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?09:53
zirodayracecar56: and glxinfo | grep render09:53
indusracecar56: i have athlon x2 4400+ :)09:53
discorpiaJordan_U: with our without the proprietary drivers?09:54
niarbehtWell, ever poked around in your BIOS before?  Find and turn on the Cool and Quiet option in there and the complaints from the kernel will cease.  That, and you might be able to convince your computer to do dynamic CPU frequency scaling, causing your computer to run cooler when idle, saving power not just in terms of the CPU's power usage, but also in terms of your AC bill :P09:54
Stdhtziroday I cant test ALSA on HDA intel and at the same time when I play wav file with a pleyer I can use HDA intel ALSA in volume contorl and voulme really changes?09:54
racecar56ziroday, same thing as before and OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 8x TCL09:54
zirodayStdht: I have no idea what you are saying sorry.09:54
Jordan_Udiscorpia: without first09:54
racecar56indus, mine is 1.8 ghz :|09:54
racecar56indus, old comp=yes09:54
zirodayracecar56: right, well then the correct driver is loaded and 3D accelerated rendering is working. Not much more I can do sorry.09:54
racecar56ziroday, kk09:55
niarbehtpsycolizard: that big blurb was for you, btw09:55
Stdhtziroday, my english needs much to be regarded ... but I'll try once again...:)09:55
psycolizardhonestly i dont know much about computers, this is my first build... i know how to run it not so much program it. any chance u can explain it a bit to me09:55
indusracecar56: ziroday:ATI has dropped support for older r 200 (and r300) cards in newer releases ,so hardy is the only option for the driver, else use the open source driver09:55
zirodayStdht: what's your native language?09:55
indusnot sure about the r 300 though09:55
zirodayindus: correct...09:55
humboltpidstat -d 1 tells me firefox is constantly reading something on the disk09:56
Stdhtziroday russian09:56
racecar56indus, thats what i am using09:56
racecar56indus, open source09:56
indusziroday: he seems to have the r 300 and he is using jaunty i presume09:56
racecar56indus, and i on 9.04 :|09:56
discorpiaJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m2b3e7abe09:56
zirodayStdht: then #ubuntu-ru might be helpful too :)09:56
racecar56indus, yep09:56
zirodayindus: and?09:56
Stdhttnks i'll try09:56
racecar56indus, r350 i think09:56
indusracecar56: ziroday:oh ok sorry but i missed some of the posts09:56
dAnonmy graphics driver doesn't work, I tried running Enemy Territory, and it just quits the game before even launching09:56
niarbehtpsycolizard: I'm not talking about programming it.  Got the motherboard manual?  Look for a section about entering the BIOS.  Usually, you just spam the "delete" key like a madman when starting the system up.  Once in there, be careful not to go changing things you don't understand, just find the cool and quiet option and turn it on :P09:56
thummyHi Humanas (ubuntus), I was setting up some netboot. When I boot the client, it gets tha IP address but fails to get the image. It says "tftp: client does not accept options" and/or "tftp:file not found". Any one who can figure the problem?09:56
rayno_bhey there - I'm trying to install Ubuntu within VirtualBox, but the VirtualBox display loads the CD, but the screen is completely blank.  I can see the screen for a brief second when I shut down that VirtualBox.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?09:56
indusracecar56: whats the problem? system not using the ati drivers?09:57
racecar56indus, laggy 3D09:57
zirodayracecar56: the issue is your graphics card is too old. Disable some of the effects you don't need or disable compiz all together.09:57
vngwhere is log file of pidgin? I want to view the log of #ubuntu channel09:57
indusracecar56: ziroday:open source ATI drivers wont perform like the proprietary ones09:57
ziroday!logs > vng09:57
ubottuvng, please see my private message09:57
racecar56ziroday, i dont use gnome.......09:57
indusfor 3d at least09:57
psycolizardif its that simple it should be no problem. my mobo lets me in its bios easily, unlike my old stock computer, eww stock09:57
racecar56ziroday, i use lxde09:57
zirodayracecar56: yes but you use compiz?09:57
racecar56ziroday, no09:58
racecar56ziroday, i have no desktop fx09:58
dAnonmy graphics driver doesn't work, I tried running Enemy Territory, and it just quits the game before even launching, installed 173 driver, this is terrible09:58
zirodayracecar56: that what is laggy?09:58
h4f1Is there a way to set up network usage priority ? EX I use FF and Transmision. Transmision uses all bandwidth so when I go FF I get nothing. I can limit Transmission bandwidth but then when FF is IDLE bandwidth is not used at all. I need some kind of QoS09:58
racecar56ziroday, 3d games e.g. vdrift09:58
racecar56ziroday, or i could have compiled stupid09:58
racecar56ziroday, but i dont think so09:58
indusdAnon: run the game from terminal and see the error09:58
discorpiaJordan_U: not sure if all of it is relevant, but didn't want to cut anything out09:59
indusdAnon: also,which graphics card09:59
zirodayracecar56: right, as I said your graphics card is just old. Lower the settings on the game then.09:59
vnghow about the log on my machine?09:59
racecar56ziroday, kk09:59
gralcohi is anyone interested in learning C++ along with me09:59
dAnonindus 7800GT, it says no opengl subsystem09:59
psycolizardso if I turn on cool and quiet in there it should solve the ACPI fail?09:59
nininaI don't know if this is the place to ask this, but I feel like I want to get involved in open source dev. Anyone know a good place to start out or something?09:59
djiezesh4f1: do you have a router? if so you could try prioritizing network traffic there. set up portforwarding for your torrents should have some effect.09:59
zirodayvng: its under ~/.purple/logs09:59
indusdAnon:paste output of glxinfo | grep render10:00
rayno_bhey there - I'm trying to install Ubuntu within VirtualBox, but the VirtualBox display loads the CD, but the screen is completely blank.  I can see the screen for a brief second when I shut down that VirtualBox.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?10:00
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:00
racecar56ziroday, it seems my older Radeon 9200SE is faster hmmm10:00
h4f1djiezes: yeap I have a modem. but how does it relate to application usage10:00
racecar56ziroday, i have 2 gfx cards (not at once) and they are both old10:00
vngziroday: thank you10:00
racecar56ziroday, the older 9200SE is faster O_o10:00
kosharihow do i set firefox 3.5 as default browser so links open in 3.5 instead of 3.1?10:00
zirodayracecar56: not much that I can do sorry10:00
racecar56ziroday, k10:00
discorpiaJordan_U: when i enter display settings it says Samsung 17" as monitor name, where does it get that from? why is xorg.conf basically empty?10:01
zirodaykoshari: System > Preferences > Preffered Applications10:01
djiezesh4f1: torrents use a different port than normal browsing. if you set  up portforwarding for your torrents, it helps ... really, check http://portforward.com/ for how to do so.10:01
lesshastewhat's the ubuntu equivalent of  apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>10:01
discorpiai don't even recognize linux anymore when i'm fiddling with ubuntu and xorg10:01
racecar56discorpia, i have mine saying acer 22"10:01
racecar56discorpia, i also wonder how it knows...10:01
zirodayracecar56: some of the options in http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI#Performance_tuning might be able to help, but be very careful with what you do and only change xorg.org settings10:01
discorpiaracecar56: mine doesn't know per se, since it's dead wrong, but it assumes, and that annoys me when it doesn't tell me how to affect that assumption :D10:02
jenifferfriends why hard disk temperature under linux is higher than in windows???? is is something to reduce it (except power off the laptop)????10:02
koshariziroday cheers10:02
dAnonindus it spams Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"10:02
AndorinKatoHey, guys, I have a question... I'm trying to install a plugin for Pidgin, and I'm very new to compiling... the README tells me to run the configure script, but when I paste in the command it tells me I need to specify where Pidgin is installed to... but a search through my system for pidgin gives a LOT of results. How do I tell where Pidgin is installed? It came installed by default with Jaunty...10:02
indusdAnon: the driver is not installed10:02
koshariziroday there was no option so i edited the custom line to add -3.510:02
h4f1djiezes: yeap. sound kind of solution. but I have to do that for all applications now :( not nice. I would prefer to apply something like cpulimit and nice to a process. but in network sense10:02
dAnonindus but I installed it, so who's fault is this?10:03
zirodaykoshari: Web browser > Custom10:03
indusdAnon: how did you install the nvidia driver? did you do it from system>administration>hardware drivers?10:03
dAnonsay indus yes10:03
djiezesh4f1: you don't, you only need to configure your torrent application/port. It'll solve other network issues. torrent is quite heavy on network traffice & congests your router.10:03
psycolizard@niar well im gonna go try that, if i cant get it ill be back on here, if it works than tyvvm10:03
indusdAnon: open hardware drivers and tell me what it says10:03
koshariAndorinKato cant you use the gui tools > plugins?10:03
rayno_bwhen I start "startx", my screen does not seem to like the resolution and goes off until I ctrl+C the startx session.  How do I set the resolution a bit lower?10:04
AndorinKatokoshari: That's only for configuring them, not installing them... the plugin came as a .tar10:04
koshariAndorinKato ok, i guess you will need to firuge out where the plugins reside10:04
dAnonindus 173.14.1610:05
halberdmy inspiron 15n laptop came with 8.10 preinstalled, which I just upgraded to 9.04... now suspend no longer works10:05
halberdanybody know a fix?10:05
h4f1djiezes: the problem is that I said FF and Torrent as example. Some time I am running very bandwidth hungry application10:05
Jordan_Uh4f1: Try trickle10:05
mcfarlaneWhen I do tail /var/log/messeges, what does the -- MARK -- processes mean?10:05
zuguhello all10:05
AndorinKatokoshari: And how do I do that?10:05
indusdAnon: does it say the driver is currently in use?10:05
h4f1 Jordan_U: thanks10:05
koshariAndorinKato can you find or locate the name of an existing plugin?10:05
u_dpartehalberd, version upgrades are not that consistent ... your better off doing a clean install if you can10:05
Jordan_Uh4f1: np10:05
dAnonindus where do I figure this out?10:06
AndorinKatokoshari: That would be a good place to start, I guess ;)10:06
zugucan someone explain me why all the good stuff on getdeb.net is not present in Ubuntu's repositories?10:06
Lord-ReadmanI need to unjail my user account when I login in stuck in my home folder, and I wish to browse to my /var/www/10:06
u_dpartezugu, because much of it is not officially supported10:06
indusdAnon: at the bottom , it will say this driver is currently in use along with a button on the right to enable or disable10:06
zuguu_dparte: I'm afraid I don't understand; why isn't it officially supported? Are the packages on getdeb not safe?10:07
u_dpartezugu, not necessarily ... just means they might cause problems with your system10:07
dAnonI click it10:07
dAnonindus and it says it's enabled and in use10:07
indusdAnon: did you just install nvidia driver?10:08
zuguu_dparte: then why does everyone point me to getdeb when I ask where I can find more recent software?10:08
u_dpartezugu, before you install anything though you should research it and find out any known issues10:08
lesshastewell I tried to restore debconf and not something has gone wrong when trying to install the kernels?  See http://pastebin.ca/148169710:08
dAnonindus and it says it's enabled and in use, I installed it from here10:08
indusdAnon: open synaptic,search for nvidia-glx-173 or something and install if from there10:08
Jordan_Udiscorpia: The xorg.conf is mostly empty because Xorg can auto detect pretty much everything that the Xorg.conf generating scripts could. You can still add to the xorg.conf and it will honor the settings10:08
AndorinKatokoshari: Not getting a lot of luck here; so far out of the several I've searched for, only one gave results and I got 25 hits10:08
h4f1Jordan_U: trickle is goo. I need something like that per process . like cpulimit10:09
lesshastehelp! :)10:09
zuguI mean, it's not right; some packages in Ubuntu's repositories are out of date, why are they not updated like the ones on getdeb?10:10
dAnonindus why isn't it working in the first place?10:10
Lord-Readmananyone know howto unjail a user account when so when i FTP I can browse to my /var/www/10:10
dAnonindus I've got them marked as installed10:10
Flannelzugu: Packages are mostly frozen a few months before release, after that they just get updates for bugs and security fixes.10:10
indusdAnon: i dont know, i had the same problem and i finally installed from synaptic10:10
u_dpartezugu, its not uncommon to have additional repos.. i use them all the time, but there is way to much software out there to test each pack to ensure its completely safe to install10:10
indusdAnon: just reinstall it10:10
dAnonindus reinstalling as we speak10:11
indusdAnon:good and dont forget to restart10:11
monckyLord-Readman: you could create a group and add the user to that group and give the group access to /var/www, or add the user to the apache group10:11
u_dpartezugu, ubuntu tests common packages that a majority of there users will need and leaves the rest up to you and I10:11
halberdhow would I diagnose a failure with suspend?  when I ask if pm-is-supported --suspend it tells me yes10:11
Flannelzugu: The reason for the freeze is to ensure everything works correctly together.  If you're not satisfied with this approach, you might be more interested in a rolling release like debian testing.10:11
dAnonindus reinstalling, rebooting10:11
halberdbut when I try pm-suspend it does nothing10:11
halberdthe command exits with no action10:11
AndorinKatoOk, grr, this isn't working...10:11
induswhats a rolling release10:12
AndorinKatoCan someone who has experience with compiling PM me? I'm having trouble with what is probably a basic concept...10:12
zuguFlannel: curious, I never knew this; so basically people are stuck with older software? On Windows I can install whatever version of some specific software I want, straight from the developer's website; why is this so difficult with Ubuntu? Or am I missing something? Sorry, I'm a noob10:12
Flannelindus: New package version are put into the same release more or less when they become stable, as opposed to only updating those things eery six months10:12
indusFlannel: which do you prefer and why10:13
u_dpartezugu, it's not difficult just not supported ... windows doesn't support other developers software either10:13
h4f1cpulimit - limit the cpu usage of a process (expressed in percentage, not in cpu time). I need same think for Network Bandwidth10:13
Stdhtziroday: as i thought in russian channel - no help at all10:13
Flannelzugu: There's nothing wrong with "old" software.  Its only a few months old generally.  Yes, you can install software straight from the developers website on Ubuntu, its just "as easy" as on Windows, but you then have to keep track of updates/etc yourself.10:13
zuguu_dparte: yes, but the developer supports the software directly, on Ubuntu I am fosced to depend on the repositories10:13
Stdhtziroday: so may I ask you once again?10:14
Jordan_Uzugu: Ubuntu has descrete releases and to keep things stable and predictable they only release updates for bugs and security fixes. There are other distros called "rolling" distros that always have the latest of everything and never have releases, you just constantly upgrade bit by bit.10:14
u_dpartezugu, no you have several options for installing software10:14
u_dparteyou can compile from source10:14
Flannelzugu: Package management is a really nice feature, because it keeps you up to date, and means that software plays well with each other, etc.10:14
AndorinKatoCan someone who has experience with compiling PM me? I'm having trouble with what is probably a basic concept...10:14
u_dparteyou can install rpms, debs etc..10:14
Flannel!compile > AndorinKato10:14
ubottuAndorinKato, please see my private message10:14
indusFlannel: ubuntu talks about stability and hence a 6 month cycle, then why have an LTS i wonder10:14
dAnonindus this is hopeless, still same thing10:15
u_dparteindus, its for people who install servers that can't be upgraded every 6 months10:15
Flannelindus: Because you get even more stability with a two year cycle.  Also (the bigger reason) some people don't like upgrading every six months.  A two year cycle suits their needs much better.10:15
u_dparteindus, I have a server still runing 7.1010:15
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Flannelu_dparte: That's unsupported.10:15
psycolizardsigh, im back. cool and quiet got rid of the ACPI error, but it gave me the same screen, a black dos like screen that talks about ubuntu and its software... what do i do?10:15
zuguFlannel: there are a lot of things wrong with old software; look at pidgin: the latest version in Jaunty is 2.5.5 and I really need 2.5.8 because 2.5.5 cannot connect to Yahoo! anymore; Ubuntu won't update the pidgin in its repositories and getdeb is not officially supported; on Windows I can install 2.5.8 right away from www.pidgin.im10:15
=== Guest74027 is now known as thankyou
indusdAnon: can i see your xorg.conf file paste output of cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:16
koshariAndorinKato look in the .purple dirs, pidgin used to be called gaim remember and i think they changes the dir names to purple10:16
u_dpartezugu, then why not ask how to install the latest and greatest here?10:16
h4f1cpulimit - limit the cpu usage of a process (expressed in percentage, not in cpu time). I need same think for Network Bandwidth  any one :(10:16
halberdhow could I try to diagnose a problem with pm-suspend?10:16
zuguu_dparte: I need the latest and greatest, but I do not want to install unsupported software10:16
Flannelzugu: In the past there have been updates to fix protocols (since those are bugfixes), I'm not sure what the timeframe for that is though.10:17
induswhat other distro would people here recommend similar to ubuntu10:17
Flannelzugu: You can still install pidgin right away, it just wouldn't be via package management10:17
Jordan_Uu_dparte: You should really upgrade to 8.04, for security updates if nothing else. You can stay with 8.04 for a long time since it's LTS10:17
Flannelindus: Try debian testing if you're looking for a rolling release.10:17
lesshastewell I tried to restore debconf and not something has gone wrong when trying to install the kernels?  See http://pastebin.ca/148169710:17
u_dpartezugu, that's what we're here for buddy10:17
lesshasteany idea what to do about it?10:17
zuguFlannel: the person who introduced me to Ubuntu said I should only install software from the official repositories10:17
indusFlannel: i somehow dont feel at home with debian :) too geeky10:17
Flannelzugu: I agree with them.10:18
u_dparteyes, I would but I'll probably end up smashing it with a sledgehammer before I upgrade10:18
rayno_bHi I need some assistance with xorg - If I run startx my screen goes into sleep mode.  Any suggestions?10:18
Flannelindus: You... know that Ubuntu is based on debian, right? (and for some values of 'is' basically, is debian?)10:18
indusFlannel: anyways ill discuss it off topic with you people later10:18
zuguFlannel: then why is it so hard to find an officially supported pidgin 2.5.8 on ubuntu?10:18
indusFlannel: yes i know that.but somehow ubuntu seems more down to earth10:18
AndorinKatokoshari: Still doesn't help... :(10:19
Flannelzugu: 2.5.8 won't ever be in Jaunty, the version number won't change from 2.5.5, but it'll have the patch for yahoo introduced into it.  Like I said, I'm not sure about the timeline for this.  Have you checked launchpad for a bug report?  That might have more information on the current status10:19
thummyI was setting up netboot. When I boot the client, it gets an IP address from the server but it fails to get the boot image. The sysylog message on server says "tftpd[11658]: tftp: client does not accept options". But the client says "tftp error: file not found". Anyone who can help?10:19
u_dparteJordan_U, new server from prgmr is running centos5.2 ... can't wait to move everything to a stable box10:19
koshariAndorinKato urs/lib/purple-2/plugins.so10:20
zuguFlannel: there's a bug report on Launchpad, but it concerns the next Ubuntu release10:20
dAnonindus http://www.sendspace.com/file/bzqcuo this is what I've got in my xorg.conf10:20
koshariAndorinKato sorry /usr/lib.................10:20
rayno_bHi I need some assistance with xorg - If I run startx my screen goes into sleep mode.  Any suggestions?10:20
zuguFlannel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/39373610:21
u_dpartezugu, many times installing a current release is a good thing10:21
psycolizardi still cant get my computer to install ubuntu. it starts, gives me language select, gives me menu of "install" "demo" etc, if i hit either one it takes me to black screen with info about ubuntu and its software and has a doslike prompt... can someone help me?10:21
thummyI was setting up netboot. When I boot the client, it gets an IP address from the server but it fails to get the boot image. The sysylog message on server says "tftpd[11658]: tftp: client does not accept options". But the client says "tftp error: file not found". My server is Ubuntu 9.04 Anyone who can help?10:21
indusdAnon: please use paste, sendspace is banned here10:21
raevolcan anyone help me figure out why totem is stretching the movies i watch, so the aspect is wrong10:21
u_dpartezugu, ex. I was having issues w/ my source control being corrupted ... come to find out by building the latest from source everything was all better10:21
u_dpartezugu, the latest from the repos was out of date by like a bunch of versions10:22
Flannelzugu: right, that wouldn't be the same thing.  What you should do is file a bug about yahoo in jaunty not working (and ask for them to patch the yahoo version)10:22
zuguu_dparte: I don't like to compile things10:22
AndorinKatokoshari: Thank you, but still getting the same error when trying to configure... I just don't know jack about compiling.10:22
induszugu: Flannel:well its a known bug and tehy are working on it i believe10:22
u_dpartezugu, compiling is fun - it's like a birthday present except you don't know if your getting a bag of crap or a block of gold10:22
Flannelindus: Do you have a bug report?10:22
Flannelu_dparte: Please don't recommend that in this channel.10:23
indusFlannel: wait let me check on pidgin site10:23
industhere is i believe. its a famous bug now10:23
Flannelindus: pidgin bugs don't count.  We need Ubuntu bugs, since this is an ubuntu issue.10:24
zuguFlannel: I give up; it's easy on Windows, it should be just as easy on Ubuntu10:24
Flannelzugu: It is easy.  But package management doesn't work that way.  If you go outside of package management, it's just as trivial.10:24
indusFlannel: hmm i mean,,,, pidgin cant connect to yahoo and the pidgin devs are aware and workin on it, its also an ubuntu bug ?10:24
edgarmattern1Hi, can someone help me, since a kernelupdate (I think it was one) my system does'n start enymore.10:25
zuguFlannel: yes, but I won't ever go outside the package management10:25
Flannelindus: There needs to be a bug reported in launchpad (against Ubuntus pidgin), because the fix for yahoo (which is in 2.5.8) needs to be put into 2.5.510:25
u_dparteedgarmattern1, how so?10:25
u_dpartedoes it go into grub?10:25
digitaltaohah, has any one ever done the alt+f2 free the fish command (if you run gnome)10:26
indusFlannel: http://tinyurl.com/pidgin-yahoo10:26
edgarmattern1yas, the loadingscreen is there and the caps lock and the scrool lock aer blinking.10:26
zuguthank you guys for trying to help, but I find all this to be too unnecessarily complicated10:26
Flannelzugu: You're holding your OSes to a double standard.  But sure, if you won't go outside of package management, file a bug about it.  There isn't currently one.10:26
Flannelzugu: Or, switch to debian testing, which is a rolling release where they don't freeze versions, so you're constantly being updated.10:26
induszugu: http://tinyurl.com/pidgin-yahoo10:27
u_dpartewhen you boot up hit alt+f2 and it will show you all the things going on behind the scenes ... see if you can pinpoint where it is going wrong based on the text output10:27
rayno_bHi I need some assistance with xorg - If I run startx my screen goes into sleep mode.  Any suggestions?10:27
zuguI'll go back to XP, since lack of Yahoo connectivity is a showstopper for me; it's not a Pidgin problem, they fixed it; it's an Ubuntu issue10:27
bart416rayno_b: tried generating a new configuration file already?10:27
edgarmattern1kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt.10:27
Flannelzugu: Bye10:27
zugubye all10:28
bart416anybody here any good at grub?10:28
indusaah wait10:28
AndorinKatoOkay, guys, I would really like someone to help me install a plugin for Pidgin... my issue is that when configuring I don't know where to point the installation to...10:28
bart416it somehow seems to dislike the idea of booting an OS on a disk marked as slave instead of master >_>10:28
monckyAndorinKato: is it asking for where the binary is?10:28
Flannelindus: Again, that's not a launchpad bug report, Ubuntu's pidgin people need to be told about it, and I don't believe they have been.10:28
AndorinKatomoncky: The binary of Pidgin?10:29
kosharibart416: whats ya prob10:29
monckyAndorinKato: yeah where is it asking you to point to10:29
psycolizardi still cant get my computer to install ubuntu. it starts, gives me language select, gives me menu of "install" "demo" etc, if i hit either one it takes me to black screen with info about ubuntu and its software and has a doslike prompt... can someone help me?10:29
bart416well, my HD with my operating systems is in IDE Channel 1 but it's slave, not master10:29
AndorinKatomoncky: Um.. I don't know... it tells me that it doesn't find the packages 'pidgin' or 'purple'10:29
thummyI was setting up netboot. When I boot the client, it gets an IP address from the server but it fails to get the boot image. The sysylog message on server says "tftpd[11658]: tftp: client does not accept options". But the client says "tftp error: file not found". My server is Ubuntu 9.04 Anyone who can help?10:29
bart416changing the jumper would take several hours cause of the way the hardware is fitted in the case10:29
bart416so that's not really an option10:29
rayno_bBart, do you mind if I pvt you?10:30
bart416the HD has both win xp and kubuntu on it (I'm happy I didn't try debian)10:30
bart416now if I boot it'll load grub10:30
indusFlannel: it was a popular problem or bug, and if you telling me that the devs will only fix a problem if you file a launchpad  report, thats really arrogant, but i dont believe thats how they work.10:30
bart416the side issue being that it gives error 2210:30
u_dpartepsycolizard, at the first menu after the language try hitting f4 and selecting the safe graphics mode10:30
kosharibart416: it wont care if its master or slave, its the dev that it cares about, and you may need to install the grub onto the mbr if you have changes drives10:30
monckyAndorinKato: purple is a library for pidgin, pidgin is installed to /usr/bin in my system10:30
u_dpartepsycolizard, if it's not that, you might have a bad disk ... did you check the disk for errors?10:31
bart416well, the fact that it loads means it's in the mbr koshari10:31
indusFlannel: but anyway ill file one if thats what it will take10:31
halberdhey is it possible to revert my kernel to an older version?10:31
Flannelindus: You're saying that the people in charge of packaging pidgin need to be omniscient?10:31
qe2eqeindus, =(10:31
bart416cause if it was booting directly from the slave it'd load xp10:31
bart416it wrote the mbr on one of the sata disks10:31
u_dpartehalberd, when you but up you can select which kernel10:31
psycolizardill go check that, i guess brb, whether it works or not10:31
indusqe2eqe: yes?10:31
kosharibart416 it looks like the grub mbr is pointing to the wrong drive then10:32
AndorinKatomoncky: Here are the brief install instructions and the error I get when I attempt to follow them: http://pastebin.com/d7cb15c9 I just suck at compiling and have no idea what to do with the 'configure' step10:32
dAnonindus Section "Device"10:32
dAnonIdentifier     "Device0"10:32
dAnonVendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"10:32
bart416koshari: I wouldn't know10:32
dAnonBoardName      "GeForce 7800 GT"10:32
indusdAnon: well it looks fine10:33
kosharibart416 so what did you change for it not to work anymore?10:33
kosharibart416 or have you not had it working yet?10:33
bart416I didn't have it working yet10:33
bart416just reinstalled my operating systems10:33
MyrttidAnon: please use pastebin for those!10:34
kosharibart416 ok pastebin the output of fdisk -l, menu.1st and devices.list10:34
dAnonindus use what?10:34
venomenLooo! You are on mybrute and want to get a bear? Be my Pupil and get one GUERANTEED at Level4 experience at the game: http://lecktsmiamorsch.mybrute.com/ get my Pupil!10:34
geirha!pastebin | dAnon10:34
ubottudAnon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:34
indusFlannel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/38932210:34
indusFlannel: who told you the devs havent been notified yet10:35
dAnonlike this10:35
Flannelindus: Apparently it's been fixed in Jaunty already.  Wonder what zugu's issue was then.10:36
bart416koshari: well there's another issue10:36
bart416getting fdisk to run10:36
indusFlannel: yeah sorry about thta10:36
Flannelindus: No worries10:36
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kosharibart416: use sudo10:36
andrukwhy is the number pad on Gnome Sudoku upside down from a normal number pad?10:36
indusFlannel: yes it seems fixed but you know yesterday i couldnt connect10:36
bart416koshari: oh yes I tried that10:36
indusFlannel: maybe fix was released today? does it say when they released the fix?10:37
bart416gimme a minute, going to try something else to get it working10:37
kosharibart416 you tried "sudo fdisk -l" ?10:37
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indusFlannel: 2 hours ago it seems :)10:37
AndorinKatoCan somebody please help? <-- Trying to install a plugin for Pidgin, those are the instructions and error; I have no idea how to resolve the error, please help?10:37
bart416yeah, it's not working cause I chrooted earlier :P10:37
AndorinKatoDammit, forgot link! ^^;10:37
MyrttiAndorinKato: which plugin?10:37
koshariwhy dont you boot from the live disc, you need to be ther to run grub anyway10:38
gangilis there a way to get the temperatures in Ggkrellm on the task bar10:38
AndorinKatoMyrtti: Guifications, also: http://pastebin.com/d7cb15c910:38
AndorinKatoThe link that should have been in that message. :P10:38
gangilas the applet takes a lot of screen space....10:38
MyrttiAndorinKato: and why can't you use the ready packaged plugin from the package management?10:38
indusFlannel: btw, i have an interesting bit, many users make the mistake of using full yahoo id instead of just username , and they cant connect . Yahoo only needs the part before the @10:38
=== Nexos is now known as fdelanoy
Flannelindus: it may not be on all the servers yet, you're looking for 2.5.5-1ubuntu8.2, it'll be rolling out to a mirror near you sometime within the next few days, it just needs to be verified that it's safe10:39
AndorinKatoMyrtti: Because I'm a Linux noob who forgets about this sort of thing? :D10:39
indusFlannel: hmm iam at work ,not sure what version is at in jaunty10:39
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Myrtti!info pidgin-guifications| AndorinKato10:40
ubottu'AndorinKato' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner10:40
AndorinKatoMyrtti: Thank you.10:40
Flannelindus: 8.1, it's in the queue to be rolled out, but still needs a smidge of verification first before the general public sees it10:40
dAnonindus any idea yet?10:40
Myrtti!info pidgin-guifications | AndorinKato10:40
ubottuAndorinKato: pidgin-guifications (source: guifications): toaster popups for pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-3 (jaunty), package size 157 kB, installed size 1000 kB10:40
AndorinKatoMyrtti: Yeah, thank you, I did find it in the package manager.10:40
nikorHi - Running Ibex on this box - just finished loading the new AMD 64bit Jaunty on another new box - I did not write down my user name and can't remember what it was - on the Ibex box here it always shows my desktop login name - Is there away I can figure out what name I used on the newer Jaunty box ? ?10:40
indusdAnon: hi wait 1 min10:40
psycolizardwell, im back... checked disk, no errors, ran safe graphics mode, gave same screen "the software included on ubuntu is free...etc" why wont this work :/10:40
indusdAnon: not sure how to solve this10:41
indusdAnon: xorg looks fine, so iam trying to think why it wont use the nvidia driver10:41
fivetwentysixSo what's the preferred method of installing the new firefox 3.510:41
indusdAnon: do this again ... glxinfo | grep render10:41
fivetwentysixsince it's not in the repo's yet.10:41
nikorIs there a way to find out your login name if it's not showing ?10:41
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY10:42
u_dpartepsycolizard, you did select install ubuntu now correct .. not trying to be patronizing10:42
Flannelfivetwentysix: Wait for it to be packaged.  It'll be updated from RC2 to final soon.10:42
edgarmatternu_dparte: Kernel Panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt.10:42
indusFlannel: but my version in jaunty says b4?10:42
indusFlannel: ff i mean10:42
Flannelindus: Eh, might be beta, whatever.  It'll be updated soon.10:42
fivetwentysixindus: Even worse, it's shiretoko! And firebug wont install on it.10:43
dAnonindus http://paste.ubuntu.com/208004/plain/10:43
indusfivetwentysix: that version has a lot of bugs10:43
u_dparteedgarmattern, this might not be preferable for you but if that was my box I'd nuke it and reinstall10:44
fivetwentysixwhat's wrong with make installing from source ?10:44
u_dpartesounds like you've got some corrupt blocks on your HD10:44
indusdAnon: do you have an integrated card also? please disable it in the bios or set pci express as primary display adapter10:44
CynnerNew web browser based game, check it - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113973084410:44
=== gary_ is now known as Guest91006
CynnerNew web browser based game, check it - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113973084410:44
gangilWhich utility can display the GPU and motherboard temp. on the task bar , I am using gkrellm but it takes a lot of screen space , can I just see the temp. on the task bar????10:44
=== Guest91006 is now known as GaZZ--
qe2eqeTo do etherwake well, I need to sudo. How do I write a script with the privilege that etherwake will need?10:44
psycolizardi dont understand it, it installed just fine on the other computer. why wont it work on the better one -.-10:45
halberdxclip stopped working, it seems10:45
halberdwith the upgrade to 9.0410:45
u_dpartehey psycolizard ... i had something similiar happen to me several months back ... not quite the same10:45
dAnonindus I do not have any integrated gpu10:45
u_dpartebut I couldn't run an install10:45
halberdI do xclip -sel -clip <filename> and then I do a middle click but it doesn't paste the contents of the file10:45
halberdit used to work10:45
djiezesgangil: the hardware-sensors applet (gnome, right?)10:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:46
u_dparteturned out .. for some reason my bios had a floppy drive enabled which I didn't have one ... that was causing the ubuntu install to crash10:46
gangildjiezes: yes  , it's gkrellm10:46
dAnonoh wait10:46
psycolizard-.- the ghost floppy drive doesnt like ubuntu?10:46
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.510:46
indusdAnon: which version of ubuntu are you using10:46
edgarmatternu_dparte: what can i do?10:47
indusdAnon: use the 180 driver10:47
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY10:47
djiezesgangil: well, the hardware-sensors applet does the trick, but you'll need to have the sensors package installed & configured too.10:47
dAnonindus I'll try it for once more10:47
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gangildjiezes: are you referring to lm - sensors?10:48
u_dparteedgarmattern, that's beyond me without pysically being at the computer or being able to pull the hd ... you can boot up into safe mode and check your file system, but I don't know if that would work tbo10:48
djiezesgangil: alternatively, you could use conky to display those temps (also via the sensors package) on your desktop, but that'll take some configuring & tweaking10:48
djiezesgangil: yes10:48
indusdAnon:try this step   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:48
ubuntuhow can j install .img to run moblin2, it's not iso, and it, does not burn.10:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about privileges10:48
ubuntuj tried to burn .img like an iso10:49
jorisslobCan somebody help me with troubleshooting Apache2 - Tomcat connection?10:49
edgarmatternu_dparte: after check file system nothing happend...10:49
edgarmatternu_dparte: thx...10:49
u_dparteedgarmattern, sorry don't know what to tell you ... maybe there's someone else around w/ more experience w/ things like this10:49
qe2eqeedgarmattern, it sounds like a hardware problem to me.10:50
edgarmatternis there a possiblity to restrore the old kernel?10:50
edgarmatternoh, ok.10:51
hemanthon ubuntu 9.04 with USB webcam , test video is showing horizontal lines, image not clear10:51
psycolizardanyone else have suggestions for why it wont install. it wont even run the demo from the disk...10:52
hemanthlsusb showed OmniVision Technologies, Inc. OV519 WebCam10:52
qe2eqeedgarmattern, did this happen out of the blue?10:52
edgarmatternafter kernel update (the system updated it today)10:52
u_dparteedgarmattern, can you select a prev. kernel from grub?10:53
edgarmatternthis is the prev.kernel i'm chatting with :)10:53
gangildjiezes: I was taking of real -time temp. the lm - sensors give me that only when i type sensors in the terminal , I mean that temp. must be shown on my task bar  , and must be real-time , much like CPU scaling...10:53
u_dpartehah  ... ici10:54
djiezesgangil: exactly, the hardware-sensors applet does that, but depends on the lm-sensors package ...10:54
henuxwe have a server machine with HP UPS, do you know if i can use the apcuspd / uspd found from the Ubuntu repos with that?10:54
qe2eqeedgarmattern, oh. Well it'd be nice if you filed a bug report for something that supermajorserious. My advice would be to look into blocking the package, or changing grub's conf file10:54
djiezesgangil: you can configure it to refresh every x seconds or so, so that's pretty much realtime10:54
u_dparteedgarmattern, just did a googley search and it looks like your not the only one experiencing this10:55
edgarmatternor what habe you searched?10:55
edgarmatternfor what...10:55
psycolizardok, what are the differences between ubuntu x86 and x64, because if theres no preformance/appearance differences than ill just try x8610:55
BuGo_laptophow can i disable firefox auto updates for all users and all sessions10:55
u_dparteedgarmattern, kernel panic not syncing ubuntu10:55
u_dparte2nd one down is from the ubuntu forums10:55
gangildjiezes: do you refer to *sensord* package in the synaptic ,  as the hardware-sensors template10:56
u_dpartepsycolizard, do you have a 64bit processor?10:56
psycolizardyes, im even running vista ultimate 64 as we speak10:56
djiezesgangil: no, in synaptic it's called sensors-applet10:56
quixotiC-can i make a comment on the ubuntu website here?10:57
quixotiC-a bug, sort of10:57
u_dpartepsycolizard, you'd probably be better off w/ x8610:57
u_dpartex64 can be very difficult to get working if your not real comfortable w/ linux already10:57
u_dpartethough it has improved10:58
psycolizardwhat is the difference, ive always wondered10:58
djiezespsycolizard: biggest reason to switch to x64 is if you have 4gb ram or more10:58
quixotiC-so this is not the place for bug reports on the website? :P10:58
psycolizardi do have 4gb10:58
qe2eqequixotiC-, =/ wish I knew. I doubt the webdevs scan irc logs10:59
djiezespsycolizard: then it'd make sense to go for x64, but you might run into some issues with flash for example, or adobe air, be ready to do some tweaking.10:59
u_dpartepsycolizard, many of the applications compiled for x64 take advantage of the multi-threading capabilities that your process was built for10:59
quixotiC-ok understood, thanks :)10:59
psycolizardso x64 is what i want/need, but its not wanting to work :/10:59
u_dparteproblem is there are still packages out there that haven't been compiled for 64 bit architecture10:59
psycolizardif i do x86, and that works, what will the issues be with my ram?11:00
djiezespsycolizard: it'll work, but some things won't 'out of the box', I run jaunty 64bit & had to fix some flash issues and also some adobe air apps don't work.11:00
u_dpartehow much ram do you have?11:00
psycolizard4 even, 2 and 211:00
u_dpartethat's the same as me .. I run x86 and it reads all of mine11:01
quixotiC-linux 32 bit does have support for more then 3 gigs of ram11:01
psycolizardok, because i know vista has that problem if its not x64, hence me running vista 6411:01
u_dpartepsycolizard, tbo you won't noticed a difference running x64 unless your doing something really processor intensive like folding or something like that11:01
indusu_dparte: or video editing11:02
psycolizardalright, ill see if its just not wanting to take because its linux 64, ill try 32 and i it dont work then I guess its my mobo or something11:02
u_dparteindus, no offense to linux but i'll leave my video editing to mac... for the time being11:02
indusu_dparte: or windows :P11:03
quixotiC-mac = linux, no offence taken :P11:03
u_dpartequixotiC-, true11:03
psycolizardalright, well i suppose ill be right back, ill let u know if x32 works11:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:03
u_dpartepsycolizard, good luck11:03
qe2eqeu_dparte, no. Mac = Darwin. Linux = Linux.11:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about darwin11:04
u_dparteqe2eqe, wasn't mac orig based on bsd?11:05
dvs-i dont know if im in the right place now, but im desperate after some help with my Dell xps m1330 and Ubuntu 9.04, im really struggeling with the Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS getting overheated, even with the 173 driver11:06
u_dpartedvs-, the nvidia drivers are up to v. 185 now ..11:06
dvs-yes, but then its even worse11:06
u_dpartenot sure if that has anything to do w/ your heat issues11:06
thefedsWhat happens if I create 3 partitions and make them use the same mount point /?11:06
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qe2eqeu_dparte, which is a microkernel. =) Linux's kernel is monolithic? but they're both modeled after unix so, they feel the same.11:06
thefeds3 separate hard disks11:06
thefeds3 partitions11:06
thefedsall mounted with mount point /11:07
thefedswill that confuse ubuntu?11:07
u_dparteqe2eqe, thanks11:07
thefedsWill they be working?11:07
dvs-u_dparte, i tried to install 185 driver, but then i got some troubles with the X config, and had to reinstall ubuntu11:07
qe2eqethefeds, that doesn't even sound legal. I know if you try that on the fly it won't let you11:07
thefedsSo you can't have 2 partitions with the same mount point?11:08
u_dpartedvs - yikes .. did you follow this guide?:  http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=9951311:08
thefedscan you just have a partition without a mount point?11:08
thefedsWhat do I do?11:08
u_dparteI just used it earlier and it worked great11:08
mcfarlaneWhen I do tail /var/log/messeges, what does the -- MARK -- processes mean?11:08
fdelanoythefeds: I think you can, but only the last mounted one will be visible/active11:08
dvs-u_dparte: ill have a look at it11:08
thefedsWhat happens if I don't set a mount point?11:08
qe2eqethefeds, well, you can look at /etc/fstab, which should make sense11:09
fdelanoythefeds: why would you want to do that BTW?11:09
thefedsWhat happens if I don't set a mount point?11:09
hklopWhen are the updates going to stop for dapper drake?11:09
qe2eqethefeds, no mount = no use11:09
duckwarshow do I find an external hard drive in ubuntu through the terminal?11:09
thefedswell if I have 3 hard disks, how do I partition them11:09
thefedsso I can use 311:09
thefedsin ubuntu11:09
qe2eqethefeds, unless you're using it to help raise the temperature of your case in an arctic climate.11:09
fdelanoyduckwars: /media11:09
u_dparteduckwars, cd /media/disk/<drives>11:09
thefedsSo how do I use all three drives?11:10
monckythefeds: format them with seperate mount points eg /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk211:10
monckythefeds: though I would reccomend not doing that and instead looking at LVM11:10
duckwarshow do I use terminal to copy a file from another computer I'm logged into to my local computer?11:11
qe2eqethefeds, well, you might want to look into raid techniques if you want a seamless transition, but that also more than triples the likelihood you lose data. =/ I'll walk you through an example mount. You have sda1, sda2, sda3. Type mkdir /mnt/sda1     and try  mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda111:11
thefedsIf I make the mount point /disk1 instead of /mnt/disk1, will non root be able to look at it?11:12
qe2eqethefeds, it won't work if you don't have any filesystem, so you might need mkfs, ubuntu has neat scripts to help you with that11:12
thefedsone disk is mounted as /11:13
thefeds2 are /disk1 /disk211:13
thefedsand a swap partition11:13
qe2eqethefeds, well, if non-root can't see it, all you have to do is change permissions, which i don't remember off-hand11:13
thefedsIf I have a hard disk as a slave to a CD-ROM drive, how much slower will it be?11:14
thefedsright now one of my hard drives is a slave11:14
thefedsto the CD rom drive11:14
psycolizardsigh... no luck. x86 didnt work either. must be my computer11:14
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indusPsychoholic: whats teh problem?11:14
qe2eqethefeds, ubuntu should really do all of that automatically, though11:15
thefedsIt only does one drive11:15
Psychoholicam i typing unknowingly?11:15
duckwarsIf I ssh into another computer how do I describe the filesystem of the computer I'm on?11:16
qe2eqethefeds, I did the cd > hd slave thing like that before when jury rigging a micro case... it didn't seem ridiculously slow, but i didn't do benchmarks, either11:16
ubuntuduckwars: describe?11:16
duckwarsI want to use the cp command to copy a file from the computer I'm ssh'd into to the one I'm physically at11:16
qe2eqeduckwars, I never could figure that out. =/ I used wget once, but that was already set up as server and easy11:17
rayno_bany virtualbox guru's out here?  I'm having trouble with loading an Ubuntu Guest on Ubuntu Host with VirtualBox.  When I load the Virtual Machine to start loading the system, the CD boots, but the screen remains black so I can't see what I'm selecting :(11:17
geirha!scp | duckwars11:17
ubottuduckwars: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/11:17
indusduckwars: use scp11:17
psycolizardi already have a windows dual boot setup so it uses windows boot manager, could that be the reason i cant install ubuntu? i read that using a different boot manager can cause problems11:17
duckwarsoh, I just figured there was someway to do it through terminal... I can do it through cyberduck for os x11:17
joebododuckwars use scp from the machine you are connecting from11:17
indusPsychoholic: why cant you install ubuntu?11:18
indusPsychoholic: sorry wrong nik11:18
induspsycolizard: why cant you install ubuntu?11:18
psycolizardi think u mean me, and i wish i knew11:18
induspsycolizard: whats the error?11:18
imaginativeonehow do I unfreeze my system?11:19
kosharirayno_b you mount the guest iso and run the app inside the VM11:19
joebodoimaginativeone alt-sysrek k will restart X11:20
indusjoebodo: alt-SysRq-K11:20
indusjoebodo: oops11:20
CKYcan someone help me ..?11:20
psycolizardok, start comp with disk in, goes to language select, select english, goes to menu "install, demo, etc." both install and demo run the ubunto loader bar, then goes to a black screen that says that all software is free for ubuntu and that there is no warranty, and it has a doslike prompt that looks like "ubuntu$:" or somethin like that.11:20
induspsycolizard: what demo11:21
psycolizardhow u can run ubuntu from the disk to try it before u install11:21
joebodo!ask | CKY11:21
ubottuCKY: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:21
psycolizardthat demo11:22
induspsycolizard: did you select the first option11:22
psycolizardive tried both. they both go to the same place11:22
induspsycolizard: try 2nd option safe graphics mode11:22
psycolizardtried that too, same screen...11:22
induspsycolizard: did you do a startx11:22
psycolizarda what?11:22
induspsycolizard: at that ubuntu-$ prompt type startx11:23
ubuntupsycolizard: you should use the check disk option to see that CD is OK11:23
psycolizardoh, ive run the disk check from the menu, said no errors11:23
Guntheri have installed jdk5 and netbeans6.7 in ubuntu, when i run netbeans from root it is working fine11:23
Guntherbut when i try from another user say "Gunther" netbeans just hangs, may be it is a problem with jdk execute permissions11:23
Gunthercan anyone help me solve this11:23
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joebodoGunther have you tried starting from command line to see if there are any errors ?11:24
MyrttiCKY: ask?11:24
induspsycolizard: did you trythat command11:24
ubuntupsycolizard: there is an option to us 'verbal' startup so u could see where it hangs11:24
psycolizardno, not specifically startx, ill try that. and what do u mean verbal startup?11:25
CKYok..i have a strange sound problem,it started just today before that all was just fine but now it make sounds as if the speakers are broken,by the way i have laptop..i tried to do something with the sound system and i manged to solve the problem and now only few application are working ,but the almost everything does not including the background sound of the OS11:26
Gunthercan anyone give the pasting link11:29
lstarnesGunther: http://paste.ubuntu.com11:29
induspsycolizard: any luck11:29
CKYcan anyone help me from where to start,where to read..something11:29
indusCKY: can you tell us what exactly you did11:30
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:30
joebodois this sound message relevant anymore ?11:30
CKYthat's the funny thing..nothing11:30
psycolizardi was waiting to hear what the verbal thing was, its this computer i cant install it on so i have to reboot to install it11:30
christophsturmhow can i configure when my harddisks go to sleep? I have a server with a big raid and the server is always running, but i want the harddisks to spin down after some time11:31
chrissianyone got a quick hint how to run a programm at startup with root privileges?11:31
psycolizardill try now, be right back, hopefully with good news11:31
induspsycolizard: well , press ctl f1 during boot for more info11:31
bart416k, that took longer than I expected :|11:31
Guntherjoebodo: can you please have a look, i don't know wheather it's an error messagehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/208024/11:31
bart416nobody had to publish a note that kubuntu automatically tries to install outdated nvidia drivers >_>11:31
discorpiahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/208025/  anyone who's good with ATI and can give a clue?11:32
bart416discorpia, change your monitor identification in the xorg config file to screen0 ;)11:33
packet-sentIf my motherboard has a limit on hard drive size so cannot it fails to recognise a 120GB drive, would installing ubuntu on a compatible 40GB drive allow me to use the 120GB as a slave ?11:33
joebodoGunther: that's the output on the console ??11:33
aytekin_hello there11:33
discorpiabart416: it's that simple? :D i tried a blank to make it trye "screen" but it required a number, but should have tried that as well, i'll check, thanks mate11:33
Guntherjoebodo: yes11:34
bart416discorpia, that looks like a logical solution :|11:34
discorpiabart416: the monitor or the screen section?11:34
aytekin_ i need a suggestion how to be made chmod 777 in ubuntu11:34
bart416good question11:34
Guntherjoebodo: i got it when  i run netbean from command line11:34
aytekin_ i have installed php-5 and apache2 server11:34
discorpiai understand absolutely nothing about monitors in xorg now, it seems tied to the graphicscard-driver, not any monitor sections etc11:35
joebodoGunther: not much to go on -11:35
bart416does the ati driver have any auto configuration utility?11:35
tylerwhats the difference between a screenlet and a desklet...and can they both be enabled in compiz fusions widget layer?11:35
discorpiabart416: aticonfig11:35
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bart416can't that thing solve the issue?11:35
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discorpiabart416: no, uhm, maybe not auto, i probably misunderstood you. but i think aticonfig is as close as it comes11:36
joebodoGunther: try this ... xhost +11:36
discorpiabart416: and nobody anywhere (been googling all morning) seems to be able to say how to force it to a new monitor typ11:36
discorpiaand with the proprietary drivers all gnome setting dialogs regarding screen/resolution/etc are defunct11:37
Guntherjoebodo: same resutl11:38
joebododiscorpia i added my monitor definition to the xorg.conf to get the proper resolutions to select from11:38
joebodoGunther: sorry - no help here...11:38
bart416discorpia, mhhh typical ATI stuff :|11:38
aytekin_ i need a suggestion how to be made chmod 777 in ubuntu11:38
discorpiajoebodo: i tried but it seemed to completely ignore it :/11:38
tw3akgood morning11:38
aytekin_ i have installed php-5 and apache2 server11:39
bart416why do I have the feeling I'm installing 90% of gnome the moment I install a GTK application :|11:39
joebododiscorpia did you restart X after modifying xorg.conf ?11:39
tw3akI wasn't aware that while compiliiing kernel I could disable SElinux and my Xserver LOL11:39
discorpiajoebodo: yeah, and it was the right depth too11:39
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tw3akXorg needs inet6 to boot ? that was wierd11:39
discorpiajoebodo: i'm trying to find the xorg.conf with my monitor in it that i used to copy&paste, my monitor is a SyncMaster 2493HM (Samsung), maybe it was something funky with the line11:40
BigMack83if two users that are in the same group, and they have a link in their home folder that links to a dir (out of their home dir) that is owned by the same group they are a member of. why would only one be able to access it and not the other? i have logged them out and back in but no change. i cant figure it out11:40
imaginativeonemy window controls disappeared in kOrganizer.  How do I get them back?11:41
dayohow do i auto-generate passwords in ubuntu?11:41
tw3ak<<< I make a backup /etc in my home/dir / etc_backup for all my customized files11:41
saliakI'm having some trouble setting up postfix for my server.  I followed the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and it works through "testing", but if i try to send an email (say, via telneting to port 25 and manually issuing commands) locally or remotely, it doesn't work.  any ideas where i should/could start?  the test email i sent o my address @gmail.com is still in the outgoing queue and it says the connection to gmai.11:41
BigMack83i have checked the /etc/group file and confirmed they are a member of said group11:41
joebododiscorpia this is basically what i added to my monitor section to get it to identify properly:     HorizSync       31.0 - 89.<cr>  VertRefresh     55.0 - 160.011:41
joebododiscorpia i had to google the correct values for my monitor11:42
gastlyhi all, can anyone tell me how do I get smooth fonts with a custom firefox build? I've already tried the --enable-system-cairo option, but the fonts are nowhere near the fonts of firefox in the official ubuntu repo's11:42
tw3akgastly there is a book called Ubuntu Kung Fu that I downloaded that gives you all the stuff about fonts as well as lot of other stuff11:43
tw3akit's free11:43
lyhana8hi, does anyone manage to run Starcraft on a Virtualbox machine on fullscreen ?11:43
gastlytw3ak, cool, thanks I'll check it out11:44
tw3ak<< newb actually helped someone11:44
discorpiajoebodo: seems samsung is semi-known for sending invalid EDID info11:44
rskilyhana8: you can't starcraft dosent upscale11:44
kesussee this its incredible ->> http://palizasasas.elbruto.es/11:44
tw3aklyhana have you run Virtualbox full screen on anything else?11:44
rskikesus: fuck off11:44
BennitHello, anyone know why nrouter+nadapter don't perform as well under ubuntu as under for example win7?11:45
Bennitis it the drivers or are there other issues?11:45
krautkesus: gtfo and die!11:45
gastlytw3ak, but I doubt that it shows how to compile firefox and get nice fonts working :)11:45
BennitI get 2.7mb/s max, under wiN7 it's 7-8mb/s11:45
Myrttikraut: mind your language11:45
lyhana8tw3ak: yeah all apps work fullscreen except SC11:45
tw3akit doesn't show firefox but it does show nice fonts they are not related11:45
ubuntuwhat was the name of that minimum ubuntu/linux install where you can decide yourself whick packages to install?11:46
tw3aklyhana8 I would say it has something to do with memory then or your card11:46
BigMack83can anyone help with a groups issue? i have two users on my server that are in the same group, but one of the users cant access a directory (via a link in the home dir) that is owned by that same group yet the other user can go inside the dir11:46
krautMyrtti: ok, but i hate such idiots...11:46
tw3akvideo card11:46
Myrttikraut: doesn't justify language11:46
gastlyhmm...but I wanted to replicate the fonts that are in the firefox build of the ubuntu repositories...everything else is fine, no problems with fonts on any other app :)11:46
dAnoncan someone explain me what X server actually is?11:46
tw3akgastly the firefox site tells how to compile firefox11:46
GlowballWhere can I see my processor's temperature?11:46
koshariGlowball you need to install sensors11:47
mgolischBigMack83: does it have execute permission for the group?11:47
gastlytw3ak, yup, I've tried that and compiled it, but they don't tell anything about which font toolkit is good11:47
tw3aknot sure but firefox 3.5 if out now11:47
BigMack83mgolisch:  yes, the perms for that dir are 77511:47
krautMyrtti: that's why i said "ok" ;)11:47
lyhana8dAnon: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System11:47
kosharitw3ak: its in the repos11:47
tw3akYolinux is another font site11:48
dAnonlyhana8: thx11:48
tw3akko thanks11:48
joebodoBigMack83 link and target dir perms are the same ?11:48
gastlyor maybe anyone can tell which is the best freetype2 or xft when it comes to font rendering? :)11:48
tw3ak< << compiling a custom kernel  why does not compiling inet6 break Xorg?11:49
BigMack83yea, the link itself is owned by root:root, but the dir itself is owned by "root:devgroup" which they are both a member of. both links point to the same place11:49
tw3akis it just a function of init?11:49
tw3akexcuse Xinit11:50
rayno_bHow can I display my server X remotely on a Windows XP machine?11:50
alex12hellos, im having problmes with firefox on ubuntu 8.10 - it __contsantly___ crashes all the time, the windows turns into a shade of grey then i have to force close the application, ive tried a ton of things to fix it, anyone have any suggestions  on how to fix this? why is it so unstable?11:51
kosharirayno_b tightVNC11:51
BigMack83the only difference is that the user that can access the dir from the link is that using "ls -la" the link looks normal colors from my bash file, but when looking from the user that cant access the dir the link is red11:51
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dAnonhow do I uninstall nvidia drivers11:51
BigMack83mgolisch joebodo ^^11:51
psycolizardok, im back... still wont install, ive tried everything suggested so far11:52
joebodoalex12 i find firefox more stable on ubuntu - do you have many plugins installed in firefox ?11:52
pretenderEeebuntu how can i  restore the default gdock11:53
alex12joebodo, i have firebug installed, but even when disabled she still crashes11:53
joebodoalex12 k - i have firebug also...11:53
ubuntuwhat was the name of that minimum ubuntu/linux install where you can decide yourself whick packages to install?11:54
BigMack83joebodo:  yea but does it make a difference if firebug is installed from the repos or from mozillas plugin site?11:54
dAnonwhy ain't 185 drivers on the synaptic11:54
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rskidAnon: it's to new11:55
psycolizardi can not get Ununtu to install in this computer, I have tried everything suggested and it just will not work...11:55
bart416Psychoholic, what's the problem?11:55
rskipsycolizard: that tells absolutely nothing11:55
joebodoBigMack83 i installed from mozilla site11:55
dAnonwhy can't I use glx11:55
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:55
bart416psycolizard, does the live cd boot?11:56
dAnonand why isn't it the part of the fucking drivers11:56
rskidAnon: probably because it's broken somehow.11:56
BigMack83ah, i didnt know if that made a difference for the issue you were referring to11:56
ubuntupsycolizard: i wonder if xubuntu would install to it easier. is it old computer? what kind of HW. specially Graphics?11:56
dAnoneverything is broken in linux11:56
rskidAnon: it's part of the drivers11:56
rskidAnon: please dont live not everything is broken11:56
joebodoBigMack83 me either - i guess it depends upon what version is loaded from apt11:56
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bart416ubuntu, if regular ubuntu doesn't want to install I doubt kubuntu or xubuntu will install either ;)11:56
bazhangdAnon, watch the language11:56
dAnoncan't run Enemy Territory11:57
psycolizardits a new computer, i built it in febuary. AMD64 6600+ cpu, sli nvidia 8600gts gpu cards, 4gb ram... what else need to know?11:57
thankyoudoes anyone know how to get the widget layer working in compiz-fusion?11:57
psycolizard6400+ my bad11:57
rskipsycolizard: that didnt help11:57
qe2eqedAnon, run glxinfo | grep render       --- yes or no?11:57
joebodoBigMack83 possibly try removing the link and recreating when logged in as the problem user11:57
rskipsycolizard: tell us what you tried and how it failed11:57
bart416psycolizard, what's the install problem?11:58
bazhangpsycolizard, tried the alternate cd yet? what about bootoptions?11:58
joebodoBigMack83 if the link is created correctly - i see no reason why it would be unusable for one person and not the other11:58
imaginativeonehow do I get my window controls back?11:59
bazhangthankyou, widget layer? in kde4?11:59
thankyouno gnome...theres a widget plugin in compiz-fusion where u push f9 and widgets appear11:59
BigMack83joebodo:  ok as my user if i go into the users profile and run "ll" the link is blue, normal colors. but as that user the link is red. i will try creating the link as the other user11:59
bazhangthankyou, let me take a look at mine12:00
qe2eqeis it possible for a script, run by not root, to have privileges user would not have -- without using passwords in the script12:00
psycolizardreboot with disk in takes me to language select which takes me to menu with demo, install, check cd, etc. both install and demo bring me to black screen that says all of software is free for ubuntu. tried startx and got a few things that ill post in a second. tried graphic safe took me to same screen. tried both x86 and x64 disks12:00
thankyoubazhang: thanks!12:00
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bazhangpsycolizard, paste.ubuntu.com with errors please12:00
discorpiajoebodo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/208043/   does that xorg.conf look weird to you? (or to anyone else for that matter)12:01
psycolizardi dont know what that means... im new to this12:01
bazhangpsycolizard, did you md5 the iso? and do the disk integrity check after burning at very low speed?12:01
BigMack83joebodo:  the user that cant access the dir is allowed to create the link to the dir (does not have sudo access)12:01
psycolizarddid the integrity check, and ive installed it on one computer already12:01
bazhangpsycolizard, what graphics card12:01
psycolizard2x nvidia 8600GTS12:02
qe2eqepsycolizard, I bet your answer lies in a video option to pass at boot time.12:02
remoteCTR1can someone pls point me the way to a howto on creating an ubuntu on a pendrive without having ubuntu or windwos installed to do so?12:02
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bazhangremoteCTR1, pendrive connected to what12:02
rskiremoteCTR1: not possible12:02
qe2eqerski, I disagree12:03
rskiwell if you run mac it is12:03
dAnonqe2eqe ran it12:03
rskiso agreed12:03
remoteCTR1bazhang, pendrive connected to debian lenny12:03
qe2eqedAnon, if you run it in a terminal it tells you yes or no.12:03
bazhangremoteCTR1, #debian12:03
remoteCTR1bazhang, err... i want to have ubuntu on the pendrive?12:04
qe2eqerski, =) If you don't count a livecd as a ram installation?12:04
dAnonqe2eqe http://paste.ubuntu.com/208046/plain/12:04
bazhangremoteCTR1, or pendrive website (really a #debian issue though)12:04
dAnonthis is what it returns12:04
remoteCTR1bazhang, im not sure i follow... in jaunty there is a menu item in system menu to create an image, theres also gotta be a manual way, right?12:05
qe2eqedAnon, that blows my mind why it returned anything.12:05
bazhangremoteCTR1, you specified without Ubuntu though (check the pendrive website for more)12:06
qe2eqedAnon, Have you made sure you enabled proprietary hardware drivers through the menu?12:06
psycolizardthis is what startx gave me : primary device not pci, (EE) no devices detected, Fatal Server Error: no screens found12:06
remoteCTR1bazhang, humm... will do thanks:-/12:06
dAnonit is enabled12:06
dAnonsays it's enabled and running12:07
dAnonused 173 this time12:07
dAnon180 also failed12:07
qe2eqedAnon, have you tried using envy / envyng ?12:07
qdbi have stardict question12:07
dAnoncan't get this stupid glx to work12:08
ubuntupsycolizard: maybe try to install with one card first? and then try to get it working later with two so u can edit Xorg etc conf files12:09
bazhangthankyou, not working here either, could be an issue on how to activate  let's ask in #compiz12:09
psycolizardugh, im not takin my card out, too much of a hastle. i was worried that could be it tho. -.- guess i just have have ubuntu12:11
psycolizard*cant have12:11
rayno_bhow can I remotely see my xorg x screen?12:11
thankyoubazhang: im trying this now http://www.ubuntugeek.com/screenlets-work-with-compiz-widget-layer-in-ubuntu-gutsy.html12:11
kosharibazhang whats the plugin?12:11
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bazhangkoshari, widget layer12:11
qe2eqedAnon, im no expert, but I'd say completely undo everything envy did, check glx, and then run ubuntu in recovery mode and use the menu to reconfigure x, then check glx12:11
ubottuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it12:12
qe2eqedAnon, of course, also do lspci and google your specific card for pitfalls and caveats and things12:12
joebodo!xdmcp | rayno_b12:12
ubotturayno_b: please see above12:12
qdbi have stardict question12:12
qe2eqejoebodo,  cool link12:12
qe2eqe!xdmcp | qe2eqe12:12
ubottuqe2eqe, please see my private message12:12
rayno_bthx ubottu12:12
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bazhangthankyou, getting some answers in #compiz you may want to join there as well12:13
toddydoes anyone know how to use webcam chats in the kopete program?12:13
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qdbhow to use special searcher here? alis? alice?12:13
lstarnesqdb: alis12:13
ubuntupsycolizard: doesnt look goof with pci-e6600 ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-15311.html12:13
psycolizardim going to try the alternate disk, if that dont work, i give up :(12:13
lstarnesqdb: /msg alis help list12:13
jorisslobAccording to the #tomcat topic, people should use mod_proxy_ajp instead of mod_jk. This is not in the Ubuntu repository however. What should I do? Stick with Ubuntu's repository, or get mod_proxy_ajp from somewhere else?12:13
qdbthank you12:14
suppihi all12:14
vistakillerwhen we get the new firefox update?12:14
suppii installed a program using the .bin file.....how do i uninstall tat program??????pls help12:15
bazhangthankyou, you need to choose some widgets to add as it is otherwise empty12:15
bazhangthankyou, to quote: the widget layer plugin is empty of actual widgets  it is just a layer to place them you can also place applications like terminal or any application actually12:15
toddyI have been searching alot of time on how to get video chats on msn messenger programs 4 linux. is anyone able to help me.?12:15
TailsofFateDoes anyone know hot to start an IRC server?12:15
* zerozerozero how do i Set the default sound card for alsa12:15
bazhang if an application  open the application and ccsm  and go to the widget layer plugin then the Behaviour tab and click the yellow  +  icon  again a quote thankyou12:16
psycolizardubuntu: theyre 8600s, not that its any different to linux i suppose12:17
thankyoubazhang: ccsm?12:17
dAnonit's 3rd day I can't get the properly working driver12:17
bazhangthankyou, the compizconfig settings manager, where you activate do the settings for the various plugins12:17
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winterkHiya - I was wondering if anyone here knows how I might be able to port the old default Human theme from Intrepid's GDM to Jaunty's? I have the GDM theme files from 8.10, just not sure how to port them over instead of the current black screen.12:18
psycolizardhowever that says that the 32bit install should work just fine. whereas theyre having the same error, both 32 and 6412:18
bazhangthankyou, found under system-->preferences12:18
thankyoubazhang: yeah im there i asee the little add icon...what text do i add?12:18
thefedsIs sshd running in a default ubuntu install?12:18
suppiguys help me out12:18
thankyoubazhang: its asking me for type value relation and invert12:18
bazhangthankyou, check the quotes I pasted above12:19
zerozerozerowhere can i find modprobe.conf file??12:19
thefedsIs sshd running in a default ubuntu install?12:19
lstarnesthefeds: not of the desktop edition12:19
sabgentonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick this is very cool looking but is there a dd image that someone has prepared earlyer?12:19
thefedsIs it installed?12:19
qe2eqethefeds, no12:19
jorisslobzerozerozero: That should be in your /etc directory12:19
thefedssudo apt-get install sshd12:19
robin__hello anyone can help wats is e meaning of not a sudoers file????12:19
robin__hello anyone can help wats is e meaning of not a sudoers file????12:19
sabgentonor anyware12:20
thefedswill it run on start up if I do that?12:20
lstarnesthefeds: its package name is openssh-server12:20
thefedsIf I install it will it start on startup?12:20
thefedsor is that a config you have to do?12:20
lstarnesthefeds: I think so12:20
moncky!patience | sabgenton12:20
ubottusabgenton: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:20
zerozerozerojorisslob: /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf?12:20
joebodosshd will start by default12:21
_ClausHello one and all, does anyone know how to change the suspend command to shutdown in 8.10? :)12:21
sabgentonmoncky: I wasn't repeating I was trying to say does any one or anyware / anywebsite12:21
sabgentonhave it12:21
bazhangsabgenton, you are using jaunty?12:21
zerozerozerojorisslob: modprob.d folder doesnot have modprob.conf12:21
jorisslobzerozerozero: I believe that the modprobe.conf is split up in multiple files inside the modprobe.d under ubuntu12:21
kosharisabgenton care to be more specific, the link just gives a tut on unetbootin ect12:21
jg_i need help12:22
sabgentonit lets u make a usbstick installer12:22
bazhangsabgenton, any reason not to use the usb-creator within jaunty?12:22
jg_is there not msn on ubuntu12:22
jg_im a new user12:22
jorisslobzerozerozero: So every module can get its seperate file12:22
kosharisabgenton just use unetbootin12:22
sabgentonanyone made one that can dd the image?12:22
bazhangjg_, amsn12:22
jg_and youtube dosent load12:22
jg_so bad12:22
zerozerozerojorisslob: oh i had added a sound card to my system i want to make it the default soundcard12:22
bazhangjg_, dont type two words and hit enter key12:23
jg_youtube dosent work on ubuntu12:23
bazhangjg_, you need to install flash12:23
joebodozerozerozero try /etc/modules12:23
rskijg_: there is msn on ubuntu12:23
tw3akok, hope there are some kernel builders here, I screwed up...... again...............SElinux disabled at boot would it be kernel config or init change?12:23
bazhang!flash > jg_12:23
ubottujg_, please see my private message12:23
rskijg_: also do you have flash installed12:23
_Clausjg_ you could also use emesene http://www.emesene.org/12:23
robin__hello anyone i just intall fedora 11 i try install xchat and it says robin is not in the sudoers file wat is e meaning????????????12:23
jorisslobzerozerozero: Hmm, sorry, maybe someone else has more experience, this is all I can find/know12:23
bazhangrobin__, #fedora12:23
jg_i got flash12:23
rskijg_: how does it not work then12:24
jg_claus_ are you danish12:24
_Clausjg_ yes sir12:24
jg_ooh so am i12:24
bazhang!ot > jg_12:25
ubottujg_, please see my private message12:25
_Clausjg_ cool but it would not be polite to speak in our native tounge in this channel.12:25
jg_oooooh ok12:25
Myrtti!dk | jg_12:25
ubottujg_: For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.12:25
Myrtti!english | jg_12:25
ubottujg_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:25
jg_i am actually not danish i am invandrer immigrant12:25
bazhangjg_, this is not the chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic for that12:25
jg_omfg what is this channel12:26
_Clausjg_ thats why ;) but you can also use www.ubuntuforums.dk if you which to speak danish12:26
lstarnesjg_: this is the support channel for ubuntu12:26
Myrttijg_: English Ubuntu Support12:26
bazhangjg_, watch the language12:26
jg_what language12:26
jg_omg i need help12:26
jg_man i need so much help12:26
sabgentonkoshari: meh ok12:26
Myrttijg_: no cursing, not even with acronyms12:26
jg_I need help12:27
jg_can anyone help12:27
jg_send me a message to private if you can help12:27
ziroday!details | jg_12:27
ubottujg_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:27
rskijg_: worst question you can ask12:27
jg_I have a problem youtube dosent play12:27
thefeds1380 people here, someone surely can help12:27
Myrtti!pm | jg_12:27
ubottujg_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:27
sabgentonkoshari: just don't have cd drive on me right now12:27
qe2eqeMyrtti, what if the acronym is more popular in minced oath fashion than in vulgar?12:27
dAnonI can't be helped12:27
rskijg_: so i asked how does it not play12:27
lstarnesjg_: how did you install flash?12:27
dAnonI am reinstalling Ubuntu 3rd time now12:28
joebodojg_ you could try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras - that will install flash properly12:28
jg_from flash player site12:28
rskijg_: try from the repo instead12:28
kosharisabgenton you dont need one with unetbootin thats the whole point, it simply loads the iso on the usb drive12:28
thefedsWhy are you re-installing dAnon12:28
jg_wtfu is repo12:28
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lstarnesjg_: you should use the flashplugin-nonfree package12:28
Myrttiqe2eqe: no cursing - in any form.12:28
jg_i am totally new to ubuntu12:28
sabgentonkoshari: yeah I get ya12:28
badeagleoh jeez this is really off topic, but in the USA if i'm exposed to an extremely rare anthrax bug, who should I call?12:28
Myrttijg_: NO CURSING, please!12:28
jg_i dont know anything about ubuntu12:28
dAnonI got so lost in all this pointless crap12:28
lstarnesjg_: look in system > administration > synaptic package manager12:28
sabgentonkoshari: does usb-creator work if you run the live cd12:28
dAnoncan't just get fucking opengl to work12:28
bazhang!ot | badeagle12:28
ubottubadeagle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:28
jschiffbadeagle: ghostbusters12:28
zirodayjg_: go to a flash website, click the Install flash button12:28
jg_ok 2secs12:28
sabgenton(for if you do have a cd drive)12:29
sabgentonif you run it from the live cd i mean12:29
kosharijg_ repos are where all the software packages are stored, like a big comprehensive tucows for ubuntu12:29
zirodayjg_: or open a terminal and type in sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:29
badeagle*aptitude ?12:29
jg_ok wait il do the terminal thing12:29
dAnonlinux is incompatibile with everything12:29
bazhangdAnon, stay on topic and stop cursing12:30
rskidAnon: i've already told you not to lie12:30
jg_theres written sudo password12:30
jg_wt is that12:30
zirodayjg_: its the password you logged in with12:30
lstarnesjg_: just type in your account's password12:30
waqarHi, I dont know wether thats the right place to ask this question, DOES MOBILE HAS BIOS12:30
rskiit's the sudo password12:30
jg_ok wait12:30
dAnonno lie just 3rd or 4th day and still no 3d acceleration on very popular video card12:30
commodore256It's Compatible With x86, x86-64, PowerPC, Sparc and ARm12:30
zirodaywaqar: it depends on the device. Ask in ##hardware12:30
ubuntujg_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and you get flash working12:31
bo7amnydose ubuntu 9.04 have any problems with nvidia cards ?12:31
waqarLETS SAY iPHONE12:31
jschiffbo7amny: not reall12:31
dAnonI doubt it's nvidia fault12:31
jg_ dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. there is written this12:31
Myrttiwaqar: how about #ubuntu-offtopic12:31
dAnonmaybe 9.04 is a big pile of poo12:31
commodore256or go in to synaptic and look for "Ubuntu Restricted Extras"12:31
lstarnesjg_: try sudo dpkg --configure -a12:31
dAnonthis is my first linux and I am disappointed12:31
bo7amnynot like intel cards , right?12:31
bazhangdAnon, please stop.12:32
jschiffdAnon: then go running back to windows :)12:32
zirodayjg_: run sudo dpkg --configure -a12:32
commodore256Stop Being CLI Crazy with noobs12:32
dAnonbest advice you could have give me jschiff, especially on #ubuntu channel12:32
waqarSome body answering me??????12:32
jschiffno prob12:32
bazhangwaqar, #ubuntu-offtopic12:32
qe2eqedAnon, it's always the manufacturers fault for calling API's trade secrets ;)12:32
commodore256Tell them the GUI way12:32
lstarnescommodore256: the cli is more efficient for simple tasks12:32
waqarbazhang: Whats that12:32
jg_now theres written Processing triggers for libc6 ...12:33
jg_ldconfig deferred processing now taking place12:33
jg_Setting up xchat-gnome (1:0.18-2ubuntu4.1) ...12:33
indusdAnon: you still cant get it to work?12:33
dAnonI just give up12:33
commodore256The CLI is for people that know what they are doing12:33
bazhangwaqar, a channel to ask about iPhone12:33
dAnonI don't know what to do12:33
zirodayjg_: that's fine, its installing xchat-gnome which you asked it to install for12:33
jg_i wanted youtube12:33
jg_not xchat12:33
dAnonI want to launch enemy territory12:33
waqarbazhang: thanx12:33
lstarnesjg_: it's probably just trying to fix broken installs from earlier12:33
jg_ok lol12:33
jschiffto all in this chatroom: I'm going to have to say, ubuntu has THE BEST user base of all operating systems, Windows fan base: arrogant, Mac fan base: selfish elitists, Ubuntu fan base friendly and helpful12:34
lstarnesjg_: after that's finished, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:34
commodore256The CLI isn't for noobs12:34
jpdscommodore256: Well, we all have to learn some day.12:34
qe2eqecommodore256, I disagree whole heartedly. CLI hacks saved my noob butt left and right12:34
zirodaycommodore256: the command line is a very direct and easy way for helpers to guide you into doing exactly what is needed to be done.12:34
jg_now tyheres written Reading package lists... Done12:34
jg_Building dependency tree12:34
jg_Reading state information... Done12:34
jg_E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-exstas12:34
FloodBot2jg_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:35
zirodayjg_: its ubuntu-restricted-extras12:35
lstarnesjg_: you typoed -extras12:35
armagheddonsgwhi guys i need serious help with my comp. ubuntu seems to be CAPABLE of fixing it, but i dont know how. in windows, disk 1 (hard drive) and both optical drives cant be found. in ubuntu however the partitions on disk 0 cant be mounted12:35
qe2eqejg_, you'll learn real quick to measure twice and cut once with text commands. =)12:35
commodore256If they just came from monoploy OS, the last thing they wanna do is use the thing that looks like the command prompt that they never used.12:36
jg_Need to get 36.4MB of archives.12:36
jg_After this operation, 105MB of additional disk space will be used.12:36
jg_Do you want to continue [Y/n]?12:36
qe2eqearmagheddonsgw, alot of times, in that setup, problems happen when the windows partitions haven't been unmounted proper, i.e, windows not shut down well12:36
rskijg_: and?12:36
lstarnesjg_: you probably want Y12:36
armagheddonsgwyeah i know WHAT the problem is12:36
armagheddonsgwi want to know HOW to fix it12:36
zirodaycommodore256: nobody is forcing you to use the command line, however the person helping you often prefers it as its quicker, more direct and easier to follow12:37
qe2eqejg_, try to be polite and conserve how many lines you post in this channel.12:37
joebodoOMG I have to use the buttons with the letters on them !!12:37
jg_shut up12:38
armagheddonsgw.... yes thats called a keyboard joebodo.12:38
commodore256Driving is only quicker than walking only if you know how to drive12:38
rskithat's not being polite jg_12:38
jg_ok i know srry lol12:38
bazhangjg_, lose the attitude12:38
qe2eqecommodore256, besides, gui is like communicating with gestures, cli is like language. You'd like to think that computing's final form exists in the latter, less cavemanish ways.12:38
zirodaycommodore256: I'm sure if you asked the helper they would be happy to explain to you what is going on.12:38
armagheddonsgwuhh... someone going to help me or do i have to wait all day for someone to notice i need help?12:39
jg_hello i need help12:39
qe2eqearmagheddonsgw, did you shut down windows gracefully last time?12:39
jg_i have got a problem12:39
armagheddonsgwwell... before the problem occurred12:40
Myrttijg_: yes, we know12:40
jpdsjg_: Welcome back!12:40
qe2eqearmagheddonsgw, What problem?12:40
jg_i cant play youtube12:40
qe2eqe!ask | armagheddonsgw12:40
ubottuarmagheddonsgw: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:40
zirodayjg_: we just told you what to do12:40
monckyjg_: have you installed flash?12:40
jg_i cant see what you write12:40
jg_can u write it in private message12:40
jpdsjg_: Do: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree - like we told you too.12:40
bazhangjg_, please dont use enter key after one or two words12:40
jpdsjg_: So, how do you know we're writing stuff?12:40
zirodayjpds: was thinking the same thing :)12:41
qe2eqejg_, can you do other flash apps? i.e. games?12:41
smashboxjg_: Like speaking shattner?12:41
jg_i can do some miniclip12:41
jg_but is slow12:41
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:42
sniff__ecryptfs question: i re-installed jaunty that had ecrypfs'd /home partition on a separate drive. now, i didn't realize ecryptfs was dependent on a system partition /var, so i wiped by keys. i do remember the passphrase for the encrypted /home however, so i would like to know, what steps does it take to regenerate ~/.ecryptfs -> /var/lib/ecryptfs/sniff contents, that is: wrapped passphrase and Private/Public.sig? is it possible to ge12:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:42
qe2eqesmashbox, shatnever doesn't say o.k. he says 'good'.12:42
bart416you could simply install the restricted extra package if you want flash12:42
jg_help plz12:42
bart416that way you'll get all the things at once12:42
armagheddonsgwqe2eqe: pm'd you.12:43
jg_are you gonna give me some good help or not12:43
Dr_WillisI always install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package also :) it grabs flash and java and other bits.12:43
jpds!flash | jg_ - read this page12:43
ubottujg_ - read this page: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:43
armagheddonsgwjg_: from experience, you need to be patient to get help here12:43
bazhangjg_, we have answered you several times. Please stop repeating12:43
sniff__by keys == my keys that is12:43
Myrttijg_: if you refuse to be helped, there's nothing we can do12:43
jg_i dont know what you are saying your writing 100 things on one time12:43
jg_just tell me the command i have to put in for getting flash player12:44
jg_that sudo thing12:44
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:44
bazhangjg_, pay attention12:44
jg_why cant you message me in private12:44
sniff__ecryptfs? anyone? :D12:44
bart416sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:44
Myrtti!pm > jg_12:44
ubottujg_, please see my private message12:44
bazhangjg_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:44
bazhangjg_, enter that command in a terminal.12:45
qdbdictionary archives with name starting with "stardict" like stardict-mueller7-2.4.2.tar.bz2 work,  i do not know how to install dictionaries with names like comn_dictd03_ushakov.tar.bz2 .12:45
armagheddonsgwjg you can download a .bin file from adobe n screw around play with some settings to get ubuntu to treat it as a .deb.12:45
jg_ok i did12:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ecryptfs12:45
bazhangjg_, it will take quite some time to download12:45
jg_no it wont12:45
huwenfenghi, i setup squid as transparent proxy for other people. but in the localhost( the firewall, running the squid), web traffic does not go through squid , but connect the internet directly! how can i let the localhost's web traffic also goes through squid? transparently!12:45
jg_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:45
Myrttijg_: have you restarted your browser after installing flash?12:46
qe2eqehuwenfeng, admirable project you have. I never got through the squid manual when I tried =/12:46
joebodohuwenfeng change your localhost browser to use the proxy12:47
Dulakhuwenfeng: http://venturehosting.net/squid-as-a-transparent-proxy-on-a-stand-alone-machine/12:47
joebodohuwenfeng or wget or whatever12:47
jg_so its downloading now12:47
jg_Download done.12:47
jg_Flash Plugin installed.12:47
jg_what now12:47
Dr_Willisexit/restart the browser12:47
discorpiaseriously, this is getting on my nerves.. is there no way to ignore/disable EDID in xorg? none of the options i'm trying seems to work at all12:47
monckyjg_: you will need to kill firefox and restart it12:47
jg_how do i do that12:48
discorpiamy monitor section in xorg.conf seems to be completely ignored as well12:48
bazhangjg_, quit firefox12:48
monckyclick the x in the top right of the firefox window12:48
jg_i am not in firefox now12:48
jg_shell i open now again12:48
lstarnesjg_: yes12:48
Dr_WillisIf you want to test firefox.. Yes.. you do need to start firefox....12:48
sniff__my logic is, wiping a system partition shouldn't make /home on separate disk inaccessible, if passphrase was asked to encrypt it.. and i don't remember it asking about keyfiles12:49
sniff__(regarding ecryptfs)12:49
joebodooh the suspense12:49
jg_it still wont work12:49
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:49
bazhangjg_, where did you dl flash from12:49
jg_it still dosent work12:49
jg_from sudo12:49
cemunalwill xubuntu 8.04.3 release when ubuntu 8.04.3 release?12:49
jg_sudo apt-get install.....12:50
bazhangjg_, it could not have installed that fast12:50
jg_it did12:50
jg_i swear12:50
bazhangjg_, stop wasting our time.12:50
jg_i am not12:50
Dulaksomething is weird, first file 1g, get 2meg/sec throughput, second file 1.4g, 4meg/sec throughput, third file 8.7g, 26m/sec throughput.12:50
jg_i want to WATCH YouTUBE12:50
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Dulakhow the hell does that work?12:50
zirodayjg_: please screenshot the output of dpkg -l | grep flashplugin-nonfree and going to youtube.com in your browser12:51
jg_ok i willl12:51
jg_il be back in 5 min12:51
cemunalwill xubuntu 8.04.3 release when ubuntu 8.04.3 release?12:52
zirodaycemunal: #xubuntu will know (hopefully) :)12:52
bazhangcemunal, no reason why it would not12:52
discorpiaisn't there anyone here who has used ubuntu long enough and can tell me how to turn of all the automatic bullsh*t it does when starting xorg? i want to use an old plain xorg.conf but everything seems to get overridden12:52
bazhangdiscorpia, no cursing12:52
discorpiamy apologies12:53
zirodaydiscorpia: and if you're xorg.conf is defined correctly it will be used12:53
sniff__discorpia: apt-get remove gdm kdm xdm ?12:53
sniff__then login and startx12:53
sniff__it'll still go gnome/kde/xubuntu though12:54
discorpiaziroday: and if it's not shouldn't it atleast tell me? i've used all EDID-disabling switches i've found, even tried some deprecated ones, but it still ignores all monitor modes etc and uses EDID to (wrongly) identify the monitor12:54
lstarnessniff__: that seems a bit too radical12:54
Dr_Willisdiscorpia:  its also X itself thats doing all the auto config stuff for the most part. Not really 'ubuntu' doing it.12:54
Dr_WillisOr thats how i understand it at least.12:54
sniff__lstarnes: well, just disable them in rc?.d12:55
huwenfengDulak: Oh, yes, it now goes through the squid proxy now, but just block them, i can not use firefox to browse the internet now, though it do go through the proxy12:55
JediMasterare there any distributed file systems that are supported on ubuntu?12:55
sniff__i figured discorpia doesn't want display managers :)12:55
discorpiaDr_Willis: i haven't seen this high level of automation in any other dist actually12:55
_ClausJediMaster yes AndrewFS is one, but I dont know how to set that up12:55
discorpiasniff__: i just want to force to accept my resolution no matter what it _thinks_ the monitor is12:56
discorpiai'm all for autoidentifying stuff, but it's a real nightmare when you're given no tools to override12:56
Dr_Willisdiscorpia:  they may not be using the same X version.  also the 'hal' configs (i think) can let you tweak some of the automated configs for X.12:56
JediMaster_Claus: not heard of it, how any ideas on performance and reliability?12:56
hemanthneed some help on http://pastebin.com/m10a6d32212:57
jg_hello again12:57
zirodayjg_: hi, screenshots?12:57
jg_i will now take a screenshot12:57
bazhang!imagebin | jg_12:57
ubottujg_: Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.12:57
_ClausJediMaster sorry not really. but I suspect that a quick google will answer any of your questions. But from what I know of it, it seems to be very scalable. e.g. the dns service I use supports DNS resolution for AFS12:57
sniff__discorpia: how about xvidtune? at least it works with plain rgb crts12:58
bazhangjg_, we cant access that12:58
discorpiahere is my xorg.conf (http://paste.ubuntu.com/208076/) and my X.log (http://paste.ubuntu.com/208078/)12:58
zirodayjg_: upload it to imagebin, like bazhang asked you to12:58
jg_what do you mean12:58
sniff__or nvidia-settings or similar from ati :) if amd has made one12:58
Dr_Willisdiscorpia:  you may want to check out --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config#hal  also12:58
jg_what is imagebin12:59
ziroday!imagebin | jg_12:59
ubottujg_: Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.12:59
bazhanghttp://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add   <------- jg_12:59
discorpiaDr_Willis: thanks mate12:59
sniff__no ecryptfs experts then?12:59
JediMaster_Claus: thanks12:59
jg_ok il upload that feakin image now12:59
discorpiasniff__: i'll take a look at it, thanks12:59
jg_wait a min12:59
_ClausJediMaster NP12:59
jg_and send me that command to terminal so i can take a screenshot12:59
zirodayjg_: dpkg -l | grep flashplugin-nonfree13:00
jg_i have sent it13:02
zirodayjg_: we need the URL13:02
bazhangjg_, give us the link13:02
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zirodayjg_: you didn't show us a youtube video13:02
jg_you ment that13:03
jg_ok wait13:03
zirodayjg_: note a youtube video, not the youtube homepage13:03
sabgentonis it old school now to make a boot partion13:04
sabgentonI seem to see guides with out making a boot partion13:04
jg_hello here it is13:04
sabgentonis that cause of grub213:04
jg_people have you seen it13:05
eurythmiasabgenton, boot partitions may be "old school," but they're still not a bad idea. Especially if you compile custom kernels.13:05
sabgentonyeah i have always used them13:05
jg_i need help13:05
joebodoflash is loaded if there's a black window13:05
jg_man havent you seen it yet13:05
FloodBot2jg_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:06
sabgentoneurythmia: did legacy grub not support a system with out a seperate boot13:06
Dr_Willissabgenton:  I keep a boot partition.. to keep a 'mini' linux on :) for 'rescue' purposes or other specilized needs.. heh.13:06
sabgentoncompared to modern grub13:06
jg_anyone can you help13:06
jg_heres the link man13:06
bazhangjg_, dont repeat13:06
zirodayjg_: flash is installed.13:07
Dr_Willissabgenton:  grub supports a /boot/ so did lilp13:07
eurythmiasabgenton, nope ... grub always supported not having a boot partition13:07
jg_yes what the prob then13:07
Dr_Willissabgenton:  lilo had limitations that often made it where you HAD to have a /boot/ partition at the start of the hard drive13:07
bazhangjg_, you have compiz running?13:07
humboltlaptop-mode-tools and acpi-support are not part of a jaunty standard install anymore, are they?13:07
jg_whats compiz13:07
Dr_Willis!compiz | jg_13:07
ubottujg_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz13:07
humboltafter so many upgrades, I need to clean up my system a bit13:07
bazhangjg_, desktop effects, like wobbly windows, the cube and so on13:07
jg_oh its a desktop efect13:08
bazhangjg_, alt f2 metacity --replace13:08
sabgentonDr_Willis: I spose lilo is fine now13:08
jg_whats metacity13:08
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bazhangjg_, just do that  ---> alt f2  metacity --replace13:08
jg_whats metacity13:08
tdnI have just installed a virtual installation of ubuntu with ubuntu-vm-builder. I have started it with "run.sh", but it only gives me console access. How do I start it with X?13:08
jg_there is no button called metacity13:09
bazhangjg_, use the alt and f2 keys13:09
bazhangthen type metacity --replace13:09
jg_and theres written run in terminal13:09
jaahii76can you help me?13:10
jg_ok i did13:10
jaahii76my mouse not work13:10
jg_so now what happend13:10
bazhangjg_, reload the youtube page now13:10
jg_ok 2secs13:10
jg_its still black13:11
jg_i presed alt f2 then i typed in metacity --replace13:11
jaahii76laptop acer 3100 mouse and usb not works13:11
joebodojg_ what happens if you right click on flash window ?13:11
jg_where is the flash window13:11
BigMack83anyone using the pagination module?13:12
joebodojg_ where the video is supposed to be13:12
jaahii76run application?13:12
bazhangjg_, what is your native language13:12
jaahii76ati xpress110013:12
jg_i am half turkish half pakistani but live in denmark13:12
jaahii76what write this terminal13:13
jg_i have to go13:13
jg_il  be back in 10min13:13
jaahii76kukaan suomalainen?13:13
gregrehow can i deinstall a binary programm wich i installes by ./name13:14
xukunI have sony bravia kdl-40w4500 which supports 24p. I think I need to adjust the modlines for xorg.org so the tv do 24p. Anyone an idea?13:14
bazhangjaahii76, you wish the Finnish channel?13:14
joebodogregre try ./name --help13:14
jaahii76hmm ok13:14
bazhang#ubuntu-fi jaahii7613:14
imsjaahii76, Alt+F2 >>Alt+t  >>in terminal Type: sudo shutdown -r now13:16
giacowhat's the "backports" repository?13:17
jpds!backports | giaco13:18
ubottugiaco: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging13:18
bazhang!backports > giaco13:18
ubottugiaco, please see my private message13:18
humboltsince when is SHIFT+LeftMouseButton in nautilus not marking the endpoint of a selection, but opening a dir in the dir tree?13:18
Zopiaci can't get frostwire to work on Jaunty 32bit, i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m462f2f1313:18
Zopiacim guessing i have the wrong java version, or something13:19
joebodoZopiac more like a classpath issue13:20
shesekanyone known if Adimex's EW-7326Ig (PCI Wifi) should work on ubuntu?13:20
shesekit seems like they're providing linux drivers13:20
shambatI like pico/nano but there is no support for extended chars like the scandinavian chars æ ø å ... any command line text editor that supports them?13:20
Zopiacjoebodo: do you know how to go about fixing it?13:20
joebodoZopiac is this started by a script ?13:21
Zopiacjoebodo: only by typing 'frostwire' into a terminal13:21
aseemshakuntali am good how do you do13:23
joebodoZopiac the app is not able to find the jars needed to run - you could see if frostwire is a script - if so, take a look at it and see if it defines the  location for the jars13:24
shesekanyone known if Adimex's EW-7326Ig (PCI Wifi) should work on ubuntu?13:24
jg_i need help13:24
Zopiacjoebodo: what do you mean, like, look at the /usr/bin/frostwire folder?13:24
Zopiacer, file13:24
jg_i need help13:24
joebodoZopiac - type: 'which frostwire' - that will show the location of the command13:25
jg_why cant i extract rar files13:25
salil__jg, repeat your question13:25
Dr_Willis!unrar | jg_13:25
rskijg_: because you haven't learned yet13:25
ubottujg_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free13:25
Zopiacjoebodo: it is /usr/bin/frostwire, i was just asking13:25
Zopiacjoebodo: it is a script, copying to pastebin....13:26
jg_Look i downloaded a rar file so it says file archive not supported13:26
joebodoZopiac here's a link that shows how to fix the problem you are having: http://forum.frostwire.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6241#p2310813:26
Zopiacjoebodo: http://pastebin.com/m1e39bd3b13:26
jg_why dosent anyone want to help me13:27
discorpiajg: are you sure the archive is not broken?13:27
jg_there is written    Could not open "ne94kg_45.rar"13:27
jg_Archive type not supported.13:27
discorpiatry apt-get install rar13:27
Dr_Willisjg_:  you install the unrar tools.13:28
jg_i dont have the unrar tools13:28
jg_do you have to have them13:28
rskithat's a good idea to have them yes13:28
Dr_Willisjg_:  they are in the repositories like 99.9999% of the tools you will need.13:28
Dr_WillisI always install them.13:28
jg_ok then send me a link13:28
jg_with tem13:28
Dr_Willisjg_:  they are in the repositories.. no need to download them from some link. Use the package manager tools to install them13:29
giacoI'd like to use libgl1-mesa-dri package from karmik because the stable in 9.04 is broken fro my graphic card. How can I download this package and all the dependencies automatically?13:29
jg_what is repoistories13:29
Zopiacjoebodo: only one problem13:29
Dr_Willis!repo | jg_13:29
ubottujg_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:29
Zopiacjoebodo: the /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh file that i need to edit doesnt exist13:29
jg_what is that13:29
Dr_Willisjg_:  they are the main servers/system wher eyou get new programs from.13:29
bazhangjg_, please read the links given to you13:29
AdvoWorkanyone recommend a network plan/tool(for representing comps/ips) in a graphical way, for ubuntu?13:30
Dr_Willisjg_:  the whole 'package manager' system is oneof the MAIN thints that make linux so much easier then windows.13:30
Dr_Willisjg_:  so fire up synaptic and look for  the 'rar' tools and install them13:30
bazhangjg_, lose the caps13:30
jg_I dont understand plz tell me in private13:30
joebodozopiac that's not good :) maybe install didnt complete sucessfully ?13:30
salil__jg_, Please check the links that ubottu gave you.13:31
Dr_Willisjg_:  time to go read some ubuntu  docs then i guess.  I dont PM. and i dont read docs to people.13:31
bazhangjg_, read some of the links first13:31
bart416AdvoWork, EtherApe13:31
jg_send some of the links THEN13:31
Zopiacjoebodo: maybe i have to do it before i open it up the first time? idk, it says 'before you run frostwire' in the forum13:31
bazhangjg_, scroll up13:31
salil__jg_, ubottu gave you!!13:31
Zopiacjoebodo: im uninstalling/reinstalling it, just in case13:31
joebodothe install should have created the script -13:32
* Dr_Willis counts like 7 links...13:32
jg_i dont have time to sit and read like a nerd.. i need to know it instant now i h13:32
hemanthneed help on http://pastebin.com/m10a6d32213:32
bazhangjg_, you need to read. Nothing happens in an instant.13:32
Dr_Willis08:30 | Dr_Willis > jg_:  so fire up synaptic and look for  the 'rar' tools and install them13:32
salil__jg_, ubuntu only for nerds.. :)13:32
Zopiacjg_: just try to be patient :) help is not always readily available at a touch of a button13:32
jg_anyway thnx for the help13:32
jg_i am hacker lol13:33
bazhangjg_, not here13:33
jg_lol im jokin13:33
jg_but ty for help13:33
jg_cya friends13:33
Zopiacjoebodo: hm, didnt work, and i just installed13:33
jg_omfg rood people13:33
raddari wonder how old he was13:34
aurilliancedo MS .Net applications work under wine anyone?13:34
Dr_Willisaurilliance:  ive heard they can.. but they never do...13:34
bazhangaurilliance, check the appdb13:34
Dr_Willisaurilliance:  i barely get them to work in windows.. :) (i HATE .net)13:34
bazhang!appdb > aurilliance13:34
ubottuaurilliance, please see my private message13:34
aurillianceraddar: darn, did I just miss a funny rant/troll/etc ?13:34
aurilliancety all 3 :P13:34
raddaraurilliance yeah13:34
Zopiacjoebodo: hm, another post seems credible, ill give it a shot13:35
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seb9rcould someone help me installing the fglrx driver? got several unsolvable problems with it,even after much googling13:37
aurillianceseb9r: what does the fglrx driver do? OpenGL stuff?13:37
Zopiacjoebodo: oh cool it worked, thanks for the link :D13:38
seb9rye its a driver for ati graphic cards13:38
aurillianceseb9r: ah. sorry, nvidia here ;P13:38
aurilliance;( *Has the "blank tty screen" bug... *bump* lol13:39
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armagheddonsgwok my hard disks are working again, but my dvd drives arent. how do i mount a dvd drive using the sudo mount ______ -o force?13:39
seb9rwell could you maybe tell me why sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt work exactly? i just got some questions concerning my keyboard13:39
Titan8990_!doesntwork | seb9r13:40
bart416ok, how the hell do you put the kde clock on 24 hours :|13:40
ubottuseb9r: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:40
raddari like this 1 !13:40
aurilliancebart416: is there any context menu?13:41
armagheddonsgwyeah ok how do i get my problem fixed? (mounting dvd drives using force)13:41
aurillianceI remember doing it by right clicking or so13:41
bart416yeah, but it doesn't have an option for it aurilliance13:41
seb9ri just mentioned it, i just get some questions concerning my keyboard but not every questions mentioned in the ubuntu wiki13:41
Dr_Willisbart416:  in time/date settings.. then you ahve to  logout/back in or some how restart the clock - i recall.13:41
Dr_Willisbart416:  the #kubuntu guys proberly can tell you exactly how13:41
bart416there is somebody alive over there? :P13:42
seb9rmy xorg.conf is pretty minimal too...i dunno why13:42
seb9rits just Section "Device"13:42
seb9rIdentifier"Configured Video Device"13:42
seb9rSection "Monitor"13:42
seb9rIdentifier"Configured Monitor"13:42
FloodBot2seb9r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:42
Dr_Willisbart416:  i gave up on Kde 4. so no idea.13:42
armagheddonsgwalright, let me rephrase my problem: whats the terminal command for mounting a dvd drive? (primary)13:43
aurilliancebart416: yep, alive and kicking here ^13:43
Byron_bart416, I used to be alive13:43
EdgEyarmagheddonsgw, try /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom013:43
armagheddonsgwok ty13:43
EdgEyso like mount /wherever /dev/sr013:43
histolo2Question: will cannonical upgarade to firefox 3.5 in there repo?13:43
EdgEyerr sorry other way around13:43
aurilliancehistolo2: why is it an issue13:44
lucianogpanybody noticed in Ubuntu when installing ff-3.5 that window alerts produce the drums sound that usually appears when you have to log in?13:44
armagheddonsgwuh guys i have a dvd1 and dvd2 in my /dev folder13:44
armagheddonsgw(2 dvd drives)"13:44
histolo2I just wanna know should i wait a few days or upgrade thru the mozilla ppa13:44
Dr_Willishistolo2:  id just wait.13:45
histolo2So word is it'll be upgraded soon (unlike oo.org where we had to wait to ubuntu 9.04)13:46
seb9rcouldnt someone tell me why my xorg.conf is that minimal and im not able to reconfigure it completly? :o13:46
lucianogpI read in a blog it's just a couple of days away13:46
Dr_Willisseb9r:  the new X versions auto-configure for the most part.13:46
histolo2ok thanks guys13:46
Dr_Willisseb9r:  or use the hal fdi configs for tweaking13:47
seb9rthe problem is that i cant install my ati drivers probably due to that13:47
seb9rit just says Identifier"Configured Video Device"13:47
seb9rand installing the driver  just causes my ubuntu not to boot anymore13:47
hemanthwebcam help needed  http://pastebin.com/m10a6d32213:47
Dr_Willisseb9r:    ati drivers should auto-configure also automatically. however ATI has dropped many cards from their 'fglrx' drivers.. so you just use the radeon/ati Open sourced driver for those cards now.13:48
seb9ri have the x850xt which is actually supported13:48
armagheddonsgwuh guys whats the filesystem for an optical drive?13:49
seb9rand im just wondering why there isnt a ati entry anywhere if its auto-configured13:49
Dr_Willisarmagheddonsgw:  iso9660 or 'udf' normally13:49
armagheddonsgwso just sudo mount -t udf <mountpoint> -o force yes?13:49
Dr_Willisseb9r:  its  auto configured as X loads.. i have systems with no xorg.conf file at all..   it dosent auto-configure as in 'generates a xorg.conf'13:50
om26erhi plz tell me is there a way to set my other hardrive to automatically mount at startup13:50
Dr_Willisseb9r:  you may want to check the forums for tha texact card.13:50
seb9rah alright13:50
Dr_Willisom26er:  edit /etc/fstab with a proper line for that drive.13:50
seb9rhow can i check if opengl and directcd works?13:50
Dr_Willis!ati | seb9r13:51
ubottuseb9r: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:51
armagheddonsgwah screw it. ty for the help guys13:51
seb9ri followed all these instructions already and it didnt work13:52
Dr_Willisseb9r:  ati drivers are often in a 'unstable' state it seems..13:52
Dr_Willisseb9r:  so it mah be the ati drivers/that card/ have issues13:52
derek6711yes they are13:52
Dr_Willisone very big reasin i now only use nvidia13:52
zugiartgood evening, everyone!13:52
seb9rthe strange thing is that the driver actually worked about 2 months ago13:52
derek6711i have a vista that the screen freezes on with an ati graphics card13:52
Dr_Willisseb9r:  new X versions.. new atti driver versions....13:53
JohnneyleeHello, can I get some help with something?13:53
seb9rwhen i use this aticonfig--initial or smth comand it just says that i dont have a compatible video card13:53
om26erDr_Willis: can u plz give me an example13:53
seb9rbut concerning lspci | grep VGA i got one13:53
arand!ask | Johnneylee13:53
JohnneyleeI have a goal of setting up a mail server.13:53
ubottuJohnneylee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:53
derek6711got any programs you want to use13:54
JohnneyleeI have looked into it and attempted quite a few times.13:54
derek6711what program13:54
JohnneyleeI have no preferences.13:54
JohnneyleeI'd like to send an recieve mail to my domain name.13:55
derek6711ill see what i can dig up13:55
JohnneyleeThank you.13:55
JohnneyleeI'm stoked that I set up my x11 forwarding through ssh.13:55
zugiartquestion on SMBMOUNT: what will happen if I smbmount-ed a directory over and over again? e.g. 1) smbmount from a windows share to a dir. 2) smbmount from a windows share to the same dir AGAIN. is this bad? and if so how can I check if there's anything mounted on that dir already or not ?13:55
seb9rdr_willis, could you tell me why my graphic card does not show up in system -> hardware drivers?13:56
derek6711i am assuming you have the desktop version of ubuntu13:56
seb9ror is that normal?13:56
JohnneyleeCan you use smb sharing across the internet?13:56
om26erhi plz tell me is there a way to set my other hardrive to automatically mount at startup13:56
zugiartjohneylee: yes you should be able to. It will be slow tho13:56
arand!fstab | om26er13:57
ubottuom26er: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions13:57
seb9rcould anyone tell me why my graphic card ati x850xt does not shopw up in system -> hardware drivers?13:57
derek6711om26er, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/13:57
JohnneyleeThe reason I ask is I am setting up a server that will allow people to sign up and get a home directory with a shell I made and I wanted people to be able to mount it in smb as well as ftp and a few other options.13:58
humboltcopying large files seems to pretty much stall my system. what is going on there?13:58
humboltit never was like that13:58
seb9rcould anyone tell me why my graphic card ati x850xt does not shopw up in system -> hardware drivers?13:58
hemanthCannot open video device /dev/video0 : No such file or directory13:58
tw3akwhat's the ubuntu chat name?13:58
humboltsomething seems awfully wrong13:59
arandtw3ak: #ubuntu ?13:59
tw3aknot support just chat13:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:59
seb9rcould anyone tell me why my graphic card ati x850xt does not shopw up in system -> hardware drivers?14:00
tw3akno such channel14:00
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seb9rmy graphic card isnt broken for sure because it worked just 1 day ag14:00
Myrttitw3ak: #ubuntu-offtopic ?14:00
LTAFF#offtopic !!!!!!!!!!14:01
bart416seb9r, is your motherboard chipset actually fully supported?14:01
MyrttiLTAFF: behave14:01
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seb9rim sure it is because it all worked 2 months ago14:01
LTAFFBut ish tru :<14:01
seb9rlspci | grep VGA shows my graphic card as well14:01
EdgEyhow can i stop ubuntu thrashing the system to copy files14:01
EdgEylike throttle the copy or something14:01
seb9rbut it just doesnt show up14:01
EdgEyif i copy files from one HDD to another, everything is unusable, browser can take minutes to load a web page14:02
bart416EdgEy, use a HDD controller that can do it without the processor?14:02
seb9rany suggestions bart416?14:02
humboltEdgEy: I am having the same problem suddenly!14:03
MyrttiEdgEy: use rsync?14:03
humboltEdgEy: do you use ext4?14:03
EdgEyhumbolt yes but not on the drive i am copying from14:03
bart416seb9r, try to manually force it?14:04
EdgEyi use ext4 for my main partition and ext3 for data14:04
=== sabgenton_ is now known as sabgenton
seb9rye i tried following the instructions on ati.com14:04
humboltEdgEy: no ext4 involved in the copying process then14:04
seb9ri caused my pc not to boot anymore14:04
EdgEyhumbolt nope14:04
bart416seb9r, try the instructions on the ubuntu wiki :P14:04
seb9rthere just appeared some strange colors14:04
seb9rtried them as well14:04
EdgEyit happens if i copy ext3->ext3, ext3-> ntfs, ntfs-> ext314:04
seb9rbut they start with14:04
seb9rEnable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager, then do:14:05
seb9rand as i said i cant enable them because they does not show up14:05
LTAFFHelp! when i run ubiguity i get error message :<14:05
LTAFFubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:05
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 12714:05
seb9rbecause my graphic card does not show up *14:05
humboltEdgEy: hmm, this was my first suspect, as that is all I changed since I am seeing this behaviour14:05
humbolthave to check my noatime settings ...14:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:06
Kangarooouestion about apt-get.. in ysnaptic I installec openbox so I could try it.. now it made some session save and opens automatically xchat and firefox in gnome. I wanted to remove openbox but in synaptic if complete remove then only 2 packages will be removed but it installed more.. I don't want no dirt left.. I want clean.. so I try in terminal sudo apt-get purge openbox and it still show that it wants to remove only 7741 kB and only 2 pacages.. but it al14:07
indy_hi all14:08
indy_need some help with my samba setup14:08
indy_for some reason i can't browse the window shares using nautilus14:09
indy_keeps saying cannot mount14:09
derek6711indy_, does it prompt for a password14:09
indy_and yet if i do a smbclient -L i can see the shares14:09
Kangaroooindy_: I had same problem.. I think its broken.. I could find help also..14:10
bart416Kangarooo, the other packages might be dependencies of other software as well14:10
indy_derek6711: not anymore14:10
indy_i turned off the password for shared files in Vista14:10
derek6711indy_, did you check the permissions of the share on the actual computer and check the workgroup?14:10
indy_Kangarooo: hope not...14:10
boss_mcKangarooo: try removing it with aptitude (sudo aptitude remove blah)14:11
boss_mcKangarooo: or using sudo apt-get auto-remove after removing it with apt-get14:11
indy_ok..it's removed14:12
KurlonIs there a way to increase the time required for X to call a mouse click a 'drag' event?14:12
derek6711indy_, so you made it public, that never seemed to work for me even with windows14:12
LTAFFubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:12
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 12714:12
derek6711i need help putting applications in the menu14:13
joebodoindy_ i can succesfully use my windows shares - but i have windows XP14:13
indy_i've always though something is definately strange with vista14:13
derek6711i installed a program called gtkatlantic but i cant seem to figure out how to put it into the games menu14:13
indy_now i've removed it what shall i do next?14:14
LTAFFubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:14
Kangaroooboss_mc: remove will do the same thing as purge. purge also purges. so ok ill purge then..14:14
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:14
gauravsrfis there any way to delete the file permanently from hard disk without any way to recover it  ? mean to say that any way by which it's being deleted and can not be recovered by any tool or software14:14
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:14
FloodBot2LTAFF: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:14
Thingymebobderek6711: System>Preferences>main menu14:14
boss_mcKangarooo: you could try deborphan after (it looks for packages that were installed as dependencies but their dependant is now gone)14:14
arandgauravsrf: There's a shred tool I think14:15
joebododerek6711 use the preferences->main menu to configure menu entries14:15
Exilehey has anyone got a minute? I'm trying to install gnome on ubuntu server14:15
derek6711joebodo, so i just add it in the menu using that gui?14:15
joebododerek6711 yup14:15
modderxisn't gnome included in a meta-package?14:15
derek6711joebodo, ok that is the same thing i did on the panel14:16
jschiffmodderx: ubuntu-desktop14:16
derek6711joebodo, i also have another problem14:16
indy_kangarooo: shall i reinstall samba?14:16
ExileI dont know, I'd like to avoid doing something like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop as it installs aload of stuff I dont want14:16
derek6711joebodo, i have a game called domination it is a form of risk14:16
ExileI just want gnome running on my server14:16
Exileany ideas how I go about this?14:17
derek6711joebodo, it is a java file that i cant figure out how to run so i created a command shortcut14:17
modderxlike apt-get install gnome-desktop yeah thanks jschiff14:17
modderxdisregard the apt comment14:17
jschiffmodderx: like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:17
jschiffyeah np14:17
ExileI tryed  apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and that didnt work14:18
Kangaroooindy_: well I haven't yet experienced that bug is lost by removing and intalling again.  but if some files are lost then that will put files back in polace and that means it will work14:18
derek6711joebodo, it is a jar so i combined a cd command with a java command14:18
Exileso like that14:18
Exilebut working14:18
ExileI just ran  apt-get install ubuntu-desktop on a server terminal14:18
Exileand it still wouldnt boot into gnome14:18
derek6711joebodo, and when i start the shortcut it opens a terminal and says error creating child processes14:18
Exileeven when I type startx14:18
naiadI just installed ubuntu-desktop 9.04 and it seems ipv6 is compiled into the kernel directly instead of a module.  My router doesn't seem to want to give it any connetion at all.  Fromwhat Im reading the only way to disable it is to recompile the kernel?  (ive tried a few kernel options in menu.lst but it doesnt seem to help)14:18
KangaroooExile: sudo put in start.. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desk and press TAB it will autocomplete14:18
joebododerek6711 you may be able to do this : java -jar <name of jar>14:18
derek6711joebodo, here is the command14:18
jribExile: did you try starting gdm?14:19
derek6711joebodo, cd ~/bin/Domination; java -jar Domination.jar14:19
Exileno I'll try that before doing Kangaroos suggestion14:19
joebododerek6711 give this a try: java -jar ~/bin/Domination/Domination.jar14:19
derek6711joebodo, There was an error creating the child process for this terminal14:19
discorpiai'm giving up and going back to xp for now, already spent two workdays on trying to get this fixed. i've tried ati cards, nvidia cards and vesa drivers but i find no way to make xorg recognize the resolutions my monitor can handle14:19
discorpiathanks everyone for the help and links14:20
jribdiscorpia: you've read !fixres?14:20
joebododerek6711 you can try from the command line first to see if it works correctly14:20
Exileok jrib I got start: Unknown job: gdm14:20
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:20
jribExile: what did you type...?14:20
Exilestart gdm14:20
jribExile: sudo service gdm start14:20
derek6711joebodo, it doesnt appear to have done anything14:21
Exileubottu I am using the server version14:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:21
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
discorpiajrib: yeah, and tried all the nvidia guides, i just can't get X to accept my monitor as anything else than either A) wronlgy identified EDID monitor with max resolution of 1024 or B) generic device with max res of 64014:21
KangaroooExile: installing is possible with supermegadmin acceptance only.. and it can be given only with command sudo.. it then asks for password.. why like that? so no auto spy virus installation without permission is possible.14:21
joebododerek6711 did you try from command line ?14:21
gauravsrfsorry didn't find that any other way to delete as such14:21
derek6711joebodo, i am right now14:21
Exilejrib I got unrecognised service14:22
=== Cream is now known as pkoffff
Exilewhat you mean I am root?14:22
jribExile: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop14:22
derek6711joebodo, that worked but why wont the shortcut work14:22
joebododerek6711 hmm - maybe try putting in the full path to your jar -14:22
Exileit says its not installed14:23
joebododerek6711 instead of the ~14:23
=== pkoffff is now known as Cream
derek6711joebodo, the terminal just disappears14:23
Exileok kangarooo I have been doing all this as root14:23
KangaroooExile: yes only root can install programms. so to install use in front of installation use sudo14:23
jribdiscorpia: you should pastebin what you tried after reading !fixres and the results (description and logs), if you still want help14:23
naiadcan anyone confirm i have to download a new version of the kernel to disable ipv6 on 9.04 as i dont see the sources available through the disc?14:23
mindframe-anyone maintaining the firefox-3.5 package in 9.04?14:23
joebodoare you using just: java -jar ... (without the cd command) ?14:23
gauravsrfis there any way to delete the file permanently from hard disk without any way to recover it  ? mean to say that any way by which it's being deleted and can not be recovered by any tool or software14:23
hateballgauravsrf: shred14:24
jribExile: you should get in the habit of reading output from commands you type14:24
Kangaroooah ok then its installed.. Exile: maybe restart and change session.. session manage has some other then gnome as default? press button session at login screen and there choose14:24
Exilejrib I am using putty14:24
jribgauravsrf: read « man shred »14:24
derek6711joebodo, /usr/share/themes/Glossy/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:49: error: lexical error or unexpected token, expected valid token14:24
Exilecan I copy and paste14:24
Exilebeacuse it wont let me14:24
KangaroooExile: !pastebin14:24
jribExile: so you're on windows?14:24
joebododerek6711 another way to do this is put the command in a script file, set the perms on the file like chmod +x scriptname14:24
spcdamn im planning to make me a htpc or better a multimedia pc i tryed kubuntu (but its paint when watching videos from lan, it copies them first) so i tryed ubuntu which is a bit better but i have problems on (k)ubuntu with my cheap labtec wirless keyboard.so anyone can suggest me some good distro or sth to test?14:25
Kangaroooups Exile www.pastebin.com14:25
joebododerek6711 then use that script for the menu entry14:25
derek6711joebodo, how can i make it run the java files14:25
Exileno I am on a ubuntu desktop box ssh'd into my ubuntu server that I am trying to install gnome on14:25
derek6711joebodo, instead of the jar14:25
Exilesorry should have said14:25
ExileI am also using putty14:25
joebododerek6711 you basically put in the script exactly what you did from the command line to get it to work14:26
derek6711joebodo, what do you mean14:26
ExileI could take screenshots?14:26
BoohbahExile: why would you install gnome on a server?14:26
om26erplz tell me how to set my other harddrive to automatically mount at startup. i dont know how to edit fstab14:26
Exilebecause I need to run a windows application14:26
jrib!fstab | om26er14:26
ubottuom26er: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:26
joebodo!fstab | om26er14:26
Kangarooospc: xubuntu is good but if you have been using linux for long time then try crunchbang its more ligher then xubuntu but it needs more experience.. or you'll be asking questions all the time :)14:27
joebodoom26er it's pretty easy actually14:27
derek6711joebodo, how can i put it in the games menu and make it use its picture as well as run the run.sh14:27
Exilethis to be precise http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/14:27
hateball!apache | Exile14:27
ubottuExile: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:27
joebododerek6711 you can assign a new icon for the menu entry by dragging a picture into the menu command icon window14:27
arandgauravsrf: "info shred"14:27
hateballugh, that was overkill for apache...14:27
om26erjoebodo: if i give u my fstab in the pastebin can u edit it for me plz14:28
LTAFFubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:28
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 12714:28
joebododerek6711 you also configure the games menu from preferences->main menu14:28
derek6711joebodo, where?14:28
spcKangarooo thanks for info.i didnt tryed xubuntu but i think is not so different from ubuntu.also one thing driving me mad is remote desktop work.since i have effects enabled vnc is not working ok.some sort of bug...u suggest sth?14:28
derek6711joebodo, drag a picture from where14:28
jribgauravsrf: you should read the man page REALLY closely.  Especially about its comments on journaled file systems14:28
BoohbahExile: sounds like apache with a DirectoryIndex does the same thing much simpler14:28
Exileok can users upload remotly?14:29
joebododerek6711 youll need to have a picture file for what you want displayed in the menu14:29
Exilevia a web broswer?14:29
joebododerek6711 doesnt seem to work consistently though14:29
Exileand no other software?14:29
derek6711joebodo, it comes with a globe picture but where does it get it14:29
spcKangarooo also i hate kubuntu network manager since i have to disable it in order to get my iptv working on another lan card.14:29
Exileif so that might be a better way to go about it14:29
BoohbahExile: with an ftp server14:29
joebododerek6711 not sure - to put in games menu, go to preferences->main menu click on games in the left side, then click new item14:30
haytham-medhi all, gpg error14:30
Exileyou see I really would like to keep the users in a browser beacuse it means I have to show a load of people how to use a ftp client14:30
Kangarooospc crunchbang has same network manager as ubuntu and xubuntu so that's why I give 1 whole star for all theese..14:30
Exileso is it even possible to install a gui like gnome or kde on ubuntu server?14:31
derek6711joebodo, found the picture14:31
rskiExile: yes14:31
=== short__error|AFK is now known as short__error
jribExile: I don't see how the two are related.14:31
jribExile: more specifically, what does gnome have to do with allowing users to upload files with a web browser remotely?14:32
haytham-medHash Sum mismatch, how to solve that?14:32
jribhaytham-med: context?14:32
LTAFFubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:32
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:32
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:32
FloodBot2LTAFF: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
LTAFFInhibit all polling failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui14:32
Thingymebobhaytham-med: Try changing the server back to the main one14:32
Exilethe app I want use to needs wine14:33
jribExile: are the users going to be physically using the server machine?14:33
KangaroooExile: yes. you can also use just desktop ubuntu as server but some extra lemmon of traffic speed/calculations will be slowwe then14:33
short__errorGood morning i was wondering how to get  /usr/lib/win32/ ???14:33
Exileone sec guys14:34
Exilegotta take a phone call14:34
derek6711joebodo, does gimp work to convert the picture from .ico to .svg?14:34
joebododerek6711 not sure - if not you can use an online image converter - there are many14:35
spcKangarooo nice this crunchbang but why should i go for lighter distro since my hw is quite good.14:35
BoohbahExile: there are tons of open source CMS's that can do the file upload within the browser14:35
derek6711joebodo, i have a .png and .ico can either work for icons14:35
bazhangspc, Kangarooo please discuss non-Ubuntu distros in #ubuntu-offtopic14:36
joebodopng should work14:36
BoohbahExile: without the need for X, gnome, wine14:36
derek6711joebodo, sweet, i got it to work14:36
Exilesorry about that guys14:36
Exilelike what?14:37
derek6711joebodo, thanks for all your help14:37
ExileI am linux n00b14:37
om26eri typed this  in fstab but the partition was not mounted automatically14:37
Exileso have still got all these windows apps in my head14:37
short__errorI am needing help installing the TSP codec????14:37
Kangarooospc: global warming.. moving 1mb on internet takes one coal..14:37
haytham-medsorry, another problem, how to solve this update gpg error: http://www.linuxac.org/forum/attachments/forum45/8247d1246536005-screenshot-untitled-window.png14:37
Exilelike what boohbah?14:37
bazhang!ot > Kangarooo14:37
ubottuKangarooo, please see my private message14:37
om26er/dev/sda1 /media/ssd auto rw,noauto,user,sync 0 014:37
BoohbahExile: i am googling, one sec14:37
BoohbahExile: what type of files will you be dealing with?14:38
Exileno jrib users will not be physicaly using the machine14:38
joebodoom26er have you tried mounting using command line ?14:38
ExileI wish I could say14:38
om26erno i edited fstab file14:38
Exilemany types14:38
Exilesome I dont even know14:38
jribExile: then you don't need a gui like gnome or kde, it will not help you14:38
justanothercoderis there anyway to open a new terminal shell in a tab of an existing terminal window, rather than opening a new window everytime.?14:38
justanothercoderfrom the commandline14:38
joebodoom26er does your mount point exist ? the /media/ssd ?14:39
JohnneyleeI'm using James mail server from apache and I was wondering if someone could provide me the command to start it?14:39
qe2eqejustanothercoder, it depends on the term you're using. Convention seems to be ctrl+shift+t for vt's that support it14:39
Exilethe reason I t14:39
Exilethink I wanteda gui14:39
justanothercoderqe2eqe : i want to know how to do it from the command line14:39
Exilewas beacuse I had it all working in a desktop version of ubuntu14:39
Thingymebobhatham-med: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115261914:39
Exileheres what we have14:39
haytham-medok thanks14:39
Exilewe have a file server14:39
jribjustanothercoder: check gnome-terminal --help.  It suggests --tab14:40
joebodoom26er one sec - i mount an ssd on another machine - ill get the fstab entry14:40
tel0snot necessarily an ubuntu question, but how would i make this multiple line command, span one line (it's so i can use it ina  python script)  http://debian.pastebin.com/ma3d5e6414:40
Exilethat windows users can just drag & drop files onto14:40
om26erjoebodo: ok14:40
jrib!enter | Exile14:40
ubottuExile: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:40
Exileonce sorry guys14:40
jribExile: what software is it using?14:40
discorpiajrib: thanks mate, but i think i've pasted about 7-8 pastebins/xorg.conf/X.log.0 and all the tips (including all guides i've followed where i try to override EDID) has failed14:41
jribdiscorpia: ok14:41
short__errorI am needing help installing the TSP codec????14:41
discorpiajrib: my problem is that this model reports corrupt EDID and that i can't seem to find a way to get xorg to ignore it14:41
jribdiscorpia: modelines14:41
tel0snot necessarily an ubuntu question, but how would i make this multiple line command, span one line (it's so i can use it ina  python script)  http://debian.pastebin.com/ma3d5e6414:41
justanothercoderjrib : its not working for me somehow14:41
Exileok we have a file server that windows users can drag & drop files onto. These files would automaticly be browseable via web broswer for off site access. users can also upload via browser.14:41
Exilejrib it was using bartpe14:42
jribtel0s: delete the \'s and join the lines?14:42
Exilea kind of like windows14:42
qe2eqejustanothercoder, I never got my head around sending commands to running processes. I have no idea how firefox knows to use same process with new window, but that script might be a place to start...14:42
tel0sjrib: tried that. it doesnt work :S14:42
jribExile: but you had to be running some software on the server?14:42
discorpiajrib: yeah, used cvt to generate modelines, didn't work. X.log didn't even mention it14:42
jribtel0s: you didn't do it correctly then.  Pastebin14:42
Exilethen I got it all working on a ubuntu-desktop machine14:42
Exileyeah hfs14:42
FloodBot2Exile: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
joebodoom26er sorry - did that on another machine that's not with me currently14:42
jribdiscorpia: again, you should pastebin this stuff14:42
tel0sjrib: ok one second14:43
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discorpiajrib: i have, i have been here the whole day :D my browser history is filled with my own pastebins14:43
jribExile: i see, it's it's own server14:43
jribdiscorpia: ok, but *I* cannot help you then14:43
discorpiajrib: true14:43
Exileyeah sorry I should have explained14:43
om26erjoebodo: yes??14:43
h00kDoes anybody know of - I had heard the answer once and forgot - I have download speeds that start at full speed and slow down to bytes per second, something with Cisco equipment14:43
h00kand TCP window14:44
tel0sjrib: http://debian.pastebin.com/m2642967a14:44
BoohbahExile: there must be some similar software for linux but i'm having trouble finding it.14:44
ExileI litteraly had what I wanted working on a live bartpe windows cd, but I wanted to get the same working under ubuntu14:44
Sirisian|WorkWhere do you report old or corrupted packages in the package manager?14:44
jribtel0s: how does that show me that it doesn't work?14:44
ExileI know I cant belive there isnt somethingout there14:44
joebodoom26er sorry i did it on another computer that's not with me14:44
BoohbahExile: it's just that all that excess graphical stuff running on a server will slow it down14:44
joebodoom26er my daughter's eeepc14:45
Exilethanks for your effort Boohbah14:45
tel0sjrib: thought you wanted to see the command i used, one moment.14:45
jribtel0s: anyway, you didn't copy it right.  Look at line 414:45
Exilesure but I have enough power for that to be not a problem14:45
Exileof course if you know a better solution I dont mind trying things14:45
tel0sjrib: that extra "-"?14:45
jribtel0s: s/extra//14:45
om26erjoebodo: i am giving u my fstab in the pastebin check it14:46
om26erjoebodo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/208145/14:46
tel0sjrib: http://debian.pastebin.com/m234e6f4d correct now?14:47
jribtel0s: looks ok to me14:47
tel0sjrib: I'll test it now14:47
Exilecan I use ubuntu-desktop as a server and remove the unnecessary packages?14:48
tel0sjrib: may I ask how that - affects the command? it seems like its passing an argument like -l or -v but without the character? wtf14:48
ExileI know this isnt ideal14:48
iiiidoes anybody know how to use external displays on the eee 701?14:48
jribExile: you might try the php channel or some other server-side scripting language to see if there exists something similar14:48
jribtel0s: -O - tells wget to send the output to stdout14:48
tel0sjrib: ah ok, many thanks.14:49
aethelrickExile: yes, in short you can14:49
Sirisian|WorkAnother quick question. Where is dpkg-buildpackage? Is it in build essentials or something? or dpkg-dev ?14:49
aethelrickExile: I'd suggest adding a firewall if you're going to put your ex-desktop-now-server out on the web as well14:50
jribExile: I'd describe what you are looking for as a web interface for a file server14:50
Exileok on top of my router firewall?14:50
joebodoom26er ur sure sda1 is correct ?14:50
Sirisian|Workoh nvm it is in dpkg-dev14:50
Exileyeah I need a webbrowser interface for a samba file server to be exact14:50
joebodoom26er and what's the file system formatted as ?14:51
om26erdo i have to use #14:51
Exilethis is another problem14:51
Exilesome is ntfs14:51
Exilesome fat14:51
Exilesome ex14:51
iiiicould someone please tell me how I'd go about using an external display on an asus eee 701 w/ Ubuntu?14:51
FloodBot2Exile: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
Exileubuntu seems to be the only thing that can reliably read and write them all14:52
frostburnExile, you can do that on any linux os with apache14:53
derek6711om26er, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/14:53
discorpiajrib: http://pastebin.com/m598f2f73 this is my X.log.0 .. (my xorg.conf is currently barebone nvidia http://pastebin.com/mb2d264b), and this is the results i get from xrandr (http://pastebin.com/m1daccb1f)14:53
aethelrickbe careful writing to NTFS, it's a minefield14:53
jribExile: if you need it for samba, then try the samba channel?  They're more likely to know about such a thing14:53
discorpiajrib: the xrandr commands are based on the !resfix url14:53
Exileok thanks for your help guys14:54
ExileI think I'm gonna try a few things as you have given me a few ideas14:54
derek6711does anyone know how to resize a partition that is currently running the OS?14:55
Titan8990_derek6711, can't resize mounted partitions, unless it is an LVM volume14:55
Exilethanks jrib, frostburn, aethelrick, Boohbah, ubottu, Kangarooo, and rski for all your help!14:55
KangaroooExile: im continuing... slower then without gui.. with gui of course its easyer.. but gui takes little cpu and now we have global warming.. so maybe use cloud computing or.. maybe this is also possible... my friend installed just server without gui on virtual server and maybe its possible to manage from other comp with gui?14:56
derek6711Titan8990_, well i made a 5 or 6GB partition for ubuntu because i didnt know if i would like it but i now wish it was 14GB with is half my HD14:56
derek6711Titan8990_, if you can find a way i could care less about the windows that is only my other partition14:57
CynnerNew web browser based game, check it - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113973084414:57
Marticuswhat are some good UCP books?14:58
derek6711Titan8990_, could i boot from a live cd and do it that way?14:58
joebodoMarticus: what's UCP14:58
LogicalGhostQuick newbie question: I'm trying to move a file from one folder to another but it says "permission denied." What do I do?14:58
Marticusubuntu certified professional14:59
RovanionHello there guys. I need to set up my Ubuntu to send some pritty picures trough an S-Video cable to my TV. How do I do this with the opensource ATI-drivers?14:59
tel0sLogicalGhost: sudo !!14:59
derek6711LogicalGhost, DEPENDS upon where you are trying to move it15:00
MarticusI think I need LPI first though15:00
jribdiscorpia: are you able to set the resolution you want using nvidia-settings?15:00
derek6711LogicalGhost, you may have to get root permissions to move it there which can be obtained by sudo15:00
hemanthneed help to fix my webcam badly15:00
lianimatorhow do I make Sound Recorder record my output channel?15:00
LogicalGhostderek6711: from the desktop to lib/modules/
LogicalGhosttel0s: I'm trying to just drag and drop, I don't know how to do it via terminal15:01
derek6711LogicalGhost, you will probably need root and find some way of copying the file via terminal15:01
hemanthOmniVision Technologies, Inc. OV519 WebCam any tried hacking with it15:05
NEderek6711: no. When creating the partition, you will have to tell the partitioner that you want it to be of type ext315:05
derek6711that was a nice cleanout15:05
te_Rovanion: Did you find an answer yet?15:05
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can access .7z files...i am unable to access .7z files15:06
NEderek6711: just as you know that a ntfs partition is not such because it's name/label is such :)15:06
derek6711NE, what is the ubuntu partition15:06
ghang hi , my VIM come up some probelm so i wanna to reinstall , but I cannot remove or reinstall my vim with always pop up this message " E: vim: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 " .15:06
Rovanionte_: Nope, googling as hard as I can but I cannot find anything15:06
Rovanionte_: Do you have  a clue?15:06
NEderek6711: most probably it's ext315:06
NEderek6711: you can see it with "sudo fdisk -l15:07
derek6711NE, ty15:07
NE(take the " away)15:07
te_Rovanion: I found some discussion about it and appears that you just set proper settings in xorg.conf file and it will play.15:07
Rovanionte_: Hmm okey, can you send me then link?15:07
derek6711NE, /dev/sda1   *           1        2687    21583296    7  HPFS/NTFS15:08
derek6711/dev/sda2            2688        3648     7719232+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)15:08
derek6711/dev/sda5            3316        3648     2674791    7  HPFS/NTFS15:08
derek6711/dev/sda6            2688        3281     4771242   83  Linux15:08
derek6711/dev/sda7            3282        3315      273073+  82  Linux swap / Solaris15:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:08
Kartagishow can I set the default browser?15:08
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NEderek6711: your sda6 is your ubuntu partition15:08
te_Rovanion: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/peripherals-hardware/29096-ati-radeon-7200-s-video.html15:09
derek6711NE, so my sda7 is my extension15:09
jribKartagis: system -> preferences -> default applications15:09
NEderek6711: no. That's the swap partition. Consider it the swap file of windows. Leave it untouched!15:09
derek6711Kartagis, i think you can do that inside the browser when you open it or in the preferences15:09
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Kartagisthank you jrib15:10
derek6711NE, so sda2 is my extension because i already extended it when i installed the OS15:10
derek6711NE, my extension shows up on windows15:12
_Claushi all.. Anyone know how to change the ACPI suspend command to trigger a power off instead?15:12
AssociateXwhat is like ifconfig but for wireless?15:12
NEderek6711: yes. sda2 is your extended partition where you have sda5 as the logical partition, say, your D: drive15:12
derek6711NE, so sda5 is what i am taking from15:13
NEderek6711: yes15:13
te_Kartagis: The alternate method suggested by derek6711 is correct.  Edit > Preferences > Advanced >15:13
chocobananaHi everyone!!!!!15:13
JupppAssociateX, iwconfig15:13
derek6711te_, thank you15:14
Kartagisthank you derek671115:14
te_derek6711: No, thank YOU!15:14
Kartagisand te_15:14
derek6711te_, im flattered, lol15:14
derek6711Kartagis, no problem15:14
AssociateXJuppp: thank you15:14
derek6711NE, how do you suppose i go about thsi15:15
derek6711NE, this15:15
Marticusany UCPs here?15:15
derek6711whatever that is...15:15
induswhats ucp15:15
te_Marticus: What is your question(s)?15:15
DulakUbuntu Certified Professional iirc15:15
JeZ-l-LeeAnyone running ubuntu Linux 9.04 32bit in VirtualBox? kinda stuck on something15:15
Marticuste_: just looking for recommended books15:16
hemanthwhich is the best way to voice chat with gtalk users from ubutnu ?15:16
chocobananaJeZ-l-Lee: you should go ahead and ask the question15:16
NEderek6711: you could either use any windows software to shrink your logical partition and then create the new partition in the free space provided, or you can see to do it in ubuntu using gparted.  As ubuntu doesn't use that partition (unless you have it mounted) you'd be able to modify it.15:16
MK13JeZ-l-Lee, what's ur problem?15:16
MK13!ask | JeZ-l-Lee15:16
ubottuJeZ-l-Lee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:16
Marticusis there a more appropriate irc channel for ucp discussion?15:17
derek6711NE, i set it to automatically mount but i can unmount easy15:17
NEderek6711: nothing mounted is modifiable. Only viewable.15:17
derek6711NE, my other sources say it is easier just to reinstall the whole thing because it isnt too customized yet15:18
RovanionNo luck there. Is there anyone here who knows how to set up a second display with the open source ati driver?15:18
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derek6711NE, so i cant mount the new partition and call it a extension until i boot from a live cd?15:19
NEderek6711: well that's a choice actually. If the ubuntu system doesn't have much in it and you don't loose stuff from reintalling, that could prove easier. This other way though, gives more oportunity to learn things.15:19
Boohbahi can't run 'ionice -c3 /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate' even as root. Fails with 'ioprio_set: Operation not permitted.' does root have to be in some group to do this? https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14794415:19
fiver22updated to firefox 3.5 which is branded as 'shiretoko' -wondering if this will update automatically (well, via update notifications) or if by installing this I'm stuck with the shiretoko branding.15:20
lianimatorsuppose I have an OGV file and an MP3, how do I merge them together into one video file? e.g. mpg or avi?15:20
derek6711NE, i have maybe 6 or 7 programs but my e-mail and messenger all set up15:20
kad_heya need help why when i log in i see volume ALSA is always mute i remove silent and restart the same and i check the chkconfig -l  alsa-utils                0:off  1:on   2:on   3:on   4:on   5:on   6:off15:20
kad_ thx15:20
intangirlianimator: i think mencode can do stuff like that15:21
NEderek6711: in ubuntu, you can do anything with a partition, till you mount it. So you can shrink your sda5 for eg, create your sda8 for eg, make it be an ext3 partition, format it as such, then mount it and start using it :)15:21
te_lianimator: audacity15:21
intangiror mencoder or something15:21
lianimatorte_: I can do Video in audacity?15:21
sjokkishi. when i go to the network tab in the gnome file manager, and try to access the shares in the workgroup i'm part of (WORKGROUP), i'm prompted for a username and password. i'm not sure what username/password that would be. it doesn't accept my login credentials for either the machine i'm on or the one that shares files15:21
te_lianimator: oh no... sorry15:21
skullhacksno you cant do video in audacity15:21
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lurk1Hi, im running ubuntu 9.04, trying to connect me phone to do some file transfer only mobile internet connection thing popps up, cant find the device to do some transfers...15:21
MarticusI guess there isn't much interest in certifications here15:21
NEderek6711: no reboots are required so far.15:22
derek6711NE, but doesnt that make it slow if it is an extension?15:22
tel0slurk1: unplug it, and replig it in, opena  terminal and type dmesg and see if a new drive is detected and allocated a device15:22
derek6711lurk1, does it recognize it15:22
Lord-Readmanhello when I create a .htaccess file I get an internal server error, no matter what is inside the file.15:23
NEderek6711: well. that depends on the hard disk, the driver running it and such. I can't give consel in this. But partitioning like this are common in linux world.15:23
lurk1telos, i get bunch of stuff on that command15:24
kad_heya need help why when i log in i see volume ALSA is always mute i remove silent and restart the same and i check the chkconfig -l  alsa-utils                0:off  1:on   2:on   3:on   4:on   5:on   6:off15:24
derek6711Ne, cool15:24
tel0slurk1: near the bottom it should mention a /dev/ when you plug it in15:24
ZykoticK9lianimator, check out AVIDEMUX (it's in the repo) - it "should" do what you want.  Good luck.15:24
_fynnhi.. i recently updated to the 2.6.30 kernel because of performance problems with the intel driver.. i removed the 2.6.28 kernel.. but now the update manager always wants to reinstall 2.8.28 updates.. is their a way to tell apt not to update this?15:24
tel0slurk1: if you are having difficulty using dmesg, try "sudo fdisk -l" and see if the device is in the list.15:25
Boohbahusing ubuntu 8.04 i can't run 'ionice -c3 /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate' even as root. Fails with 'ioprio_set: Operation not permitted.' does root have to be in some group to do this? https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14794415:25
Bojangles37does anyone know how to get ubuntu 8.10 to mount my phone memory card?15:25
saliakanyone good with/understand postfix?15:25
fiver22kad_ don't know if this is the right solution for you or not but you could try: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html#more-130115:25
derek6711NE, that soothes me a little15:25
krishnawhere are the bookmarks from firefox tored  /? is it a text file that can opened and readable ??15:25
derek6711NE, i also heard i should perform a defrag on it before resizing it15:26
lurk1tel0s, no differrence plugged in our out...15:26
NEderek6711: well, there's comon also that the / filesystem is in one partition, the /home in another,  the /var in another, the /usr in another, and /boot in another :)15:26
Boohbahkrishna: ~/.mozilla/firefox/something.default/bookmarks.html15:26
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edbianderek6711: It is generally a good idea but it is not necessary.15:26
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tel0slurk1: Im unsure what the issue is then :( hope someone else can help you :D15:26
NEderek6711: yes. the soon-to-be-shrinked partition should be defraged15:26
ZykoticK9krishna, it's an HTML file - it's in ~/.mozilla/firefox/PROFILENAME/bookmarks.html15:26
Boohbahsaliak: sure, i was editing my main.cf earlier15:27
armagheddonsgw¬_¬ ok, im having serious issues with this pile of crap. windows XP is not detecting the partitions on my slave hdd, external hdd and isnt detecting my 2 optical disk drives. ive tried mounting them manually in ubuntu. it hasnt helped in XP.15:27
derek6711NE, what is Var and usr have in it15:27
fiver22hey _kad: was that link any help?15:28
krishnaZykoticK9, that doesnt have any of my bookmakrs ? :(15:28
krishnaZykoticK9, i have only one profile.. the default15:28
krishnaZykoticK9, but it just has a word called "bookmarks"15:28
Bojangles37can somebody please help me to get ubuntu to recognize my phone?  if i plug it in USB, it does not show on the desktop and i cannot get it to mount the memory card15:28
NEderek6711: mostly system stuff. You keep it under /  unless you know you want them in separate partitions. What you will be doing is moving /home in the new partition.15:28
saliakboohbah - coolio.  do you have a local smtp server setup?15:28
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Anything you do in ubuntu is likely to not have an effect on the way XP behaves.  From the sound of it ubuntu is finding all of these drives that windows is missing correct?  Then I would say it's safe to rule out hardware error.  Maybe look at the jumpers on the drives themselves?  Make sure they're set to cable select.15:28
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY15:29
derek6711NE, i might consider it15:29
AJC_Z0Is there a Gnome setting for the bell, as in "xset b"?15:29
edbianderek6711: /var stands for variable meaning files that change in size often.15:29
armagheddonsgwedbian its purely a software issue. the system has been fine in its current hardware configuration for 2 years.15:29
ZykoticK9krishna, I have no idea - but there "should" be an html file in the path that Boohbah and I gave you.  Don't know why it wouldn't be there sorry.15:29
NEderek6711: your call there.15:29
RovanionIs there noone here who knows how to do a dual monitor setup in 9.04 with the open source ATi drivers? There must be someone15:29
metalfan_how can i change the apt mirror from the console?15:29
edbianarmagheddonsgw: When did windows stop seeing these drives?  Is there anything you changed that might have caused it?15:30
armagheddonsgwreinstalling all my OSs would fix it, but its not a viable option due to licensing issues.15:30
armagheddonsgwthis morning.15:30
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Unfortunately this is ubuntu support so if ubuntu doesn't have a problem you're really in the wrong channel.15:30
derek6711NE, i know some1 that does that for all there music15:30
krishna!ff35 > krishna15:30
ubottukrishna, please see my private message15:30
thyri.g apt mirror15:30
AAAIthyri: http://apt-mirror.sourceforge.net/15:30
piasdomg'mornin all15:30
edbianderek6711: /usr I believe is for common user files like program binaries etc etc15:31
NEderek6711: I have my /home/username/downloads  as a separate partition :)15:31
saliakboohbah - so, my deal is that i'm trying to get outgoign mail to work.  i'm using comcast as an isp, and they've blocked port 25.  to get email to go out, i need to relay through an external server (rhgt)?15:31
armagheddonsgwedbian the issue is preventing ubuntu from running off my hard disk.15:31
armagheddonsgwim running it off the liveCD atm15:31
thyri!apt mirror > matalfan_15:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt mirror15:32
AJC_Z0saliak: As a client you should connect to the submission port (587) of their mail server to relay15:32
piasdomis there an alarm in hardy to let me know a certain time?15:32
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Explain to me in more detail please :).  What are your partitions on these drives?  Where is ubuntu.  Which drive to you boot from etc etc.15:32
edbiandrive do you*15:32
POPEYEI've installed Ati drivers and now ubuntu9.04 just hangs up when it goes to gui15:32
thyri.g ubunut alarm15:32
AAAIthyri: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-alarm-clock15:32
AJC_Z0saliak: Are you sure they are blocking 25 for the mail relay? That seems unlikely15:32
ghostofaphoenixHi all!15:32
saliakajc_z0 - comcast blocks all port 25 access15:33
piasdomthyri: thanks15:33
Titan8990_AJC_Z0, very common practice in the US15:33
derek6711NE, prevents viruses15:33
armagheddonsgwalright. i have 5 partitions on the master hdd, 2 on the slave. the external is all 1 partition and my dvd drives.... well... theyre exactly that. ubuntu is on the second partition in the slave drive. the bios finds it without difficulty but doesnt boot it correctly15:33
Titan8990_saliak, that only effects incoming SMTP however, if you want a SMTP server, you do need to use a smarthost15:33
Titan8990_saliak, but it will be against your ToS regardless15:33
POPEYEhow to disable automatic gui startup15:33
NEderek6711: and provides a fast way to backup/move-around/replicate all what I have there.15:34
armagheddonsgwubuntu was installed within windows.15:34
Titan8990_POPEYE, remove splash and quite from the kernel line in menu.lst15:34
saliakajc_z0 - so i'm trying to run RT on my local server.  i need my system to be able to send out emails with various "from" addresses15:34
edbianarmagheddonsgw: What do you mean "doesn't boot it correctly"?  Would the bios boot the slave drive if it had windows on it?15:34
thyri.g ubuntu grub15:34
AAAIthyri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:34
AssociateXwhat gives cc1plus?15:34
Titan8990_saliak, sounds malicous15:34
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Do you mean with wubi?15:34
saliakajc_z0/tital8990_ - really? why so?15:34
thyri.g wubi15:34
AAAIthyri: http://wubi-installer.org/15:34
derek6711NE, that too15:34
Titan8990_saliak, just sounds useful to someone interested in relaying spam15:35
derek6711NE, say i wanted to make the whole thing an extension15:35
armagheddonsgwyeah with wubi15:35
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Are these all ntfs partitions?15:35
derek6711NE, could i associate the whole drive and moves the program files to it15:35
derek6711NE, make it an install directory15:35
saliakajc_z0/tital8990_ - i guess that's true.  so maybe i'm not phrasing my question correctly.  i have a support@mygoogledomain.com address that i can use fetchmail to get email from, and have it entered into my rt system15:35
_antarezhi people....15:36
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Ok.  Wubi is kind of a hack just so you know.  Did you boot windows on the master drive and install wubi from there onto a new NTFS partition on the slave drive?15:36
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saliakajc_z0/tital8990_ - and all that works great.  the issue is that all of the email generated from my server comes from support@mygoogledomain.com, even if it should be associated with aother address, say support@myothergoogledomain.com15:36
armagheddonsgwubuntu made a 30gb file it uses as a hard drive.15:36
Titan8990_saliak, what are you using to generate the messages to be sent?15:37
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_antarezanyone know anything about WISP?15:37
NEderek6711: well, you can do it but you will need to move stuff from the current place to the new one. The process is the same in all cases, but instead of moving your personal files, you'll be moving system files. Do you want to do that ?15:37
ghostofaphoenixSo I am on a laptop running an older ATi Radeon card and ubuntu 9.04. The problem is that 9.04 works very nicely with my wireless card, but not my ATi Radeon card, but 8.04 works perfectly with my Radeon and not nice with my wireless.  Any suggestions?15:37
thyri.g WISP15:37
AAAIthyri: http://www.wispresort.com/15:37
saliaktital8990_ - RT (http://bestpractical.com/rt/)15:37
_antarezwireless ISP15:37
edbianarmagheddonsgw: I don't think you can do that with wubi :).  I have no experience fixing wubi either :(.  I can however help you install ubuntu the correct way (on it's native filesystem).  Unfortunately this will replace (and erase all the data on) the current ubuntu wubi install (partition).15:38
_antarezi wanna set one up as a local community15:38
derek6711NE, i have 139MB let on this system15:38
thyri.wik Wireless isp15:38
AAAI"Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) are Internet service providers with networks built around wireless networking." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_internet_service_provider15:38
AssociateXwhat gives cc1plus?15:38
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Would you like to do that?  Otherwise you can ask somebody else for help fixing wubi15:38
armagheddonsgwreinstalling all OSs is not viable. have you heard of SPORE?15:38
Sonjaany Hebrew speakers in here?15:38
saliaktital8990_ - so i send an email to support@xitome.com, sits in a gmail box till my server grabs it, realized it's a new supprot ticket request, then genreates a response with a ticket #15:38
scunizighostofaphoenix: the older driver in 8.04 works with your card .. the newer driver obviously doesn't.. if you can use the older driver15:38
derek6711NE, i want to at least get a few GB more15:38
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Yeah.  Is it a good game??15:38
armagheddonsgwyeah its alright15:38
armagheddonsgwi have 5 installs for it15:39
saliaktital8990_ - then when you respond via email, to support@xitome.com, it associates all the emails with that ticket record15:39
armagheddonsgwim already on the 5thy15:39
armagheddonsgwit will not install again.15:39
NEderek6711: what does this give?         sudo du -h -s /home15:39
ghostofaphoenixI read that the old driver does not work with X.Server 1.615:39
fiver22anyone play the MUD Medievia? I'm looking for help with installing the font.15:39
edbianarmagheddonsgw: All we'd have to do is replace 1 install.  The ubuntu wubi install.  Everything else would remain untouched.  Why do you need multiple OS's to play a game?  Ubuntu doesn't play spore natively anyway?15:39
thyri.g Ubuntu MUD medievia font install15:40
AAAIthyri: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119349815:40
armagheddonsgwwindows plays spore. also i cant get my sound card to work on ubuntu due to drivers15:40
saliaktital8990_ - but i'd like to use the same rt installation to handle multiple queues from various email accounts, how do i get postfix to send using mutliple authenticated, outgoing accounts? i'm not even sure i'm using the right vocabulary15:40
scunizighostofaphoenix: you might be right.. I use nvidia so I don't keep up with the ati nuances.. you might just have to run the generic drivers15:40
armagheddonsgweven if there was a way to get ubuntu to run spore.15:40
derek6711NE, du: cannot access `/home/derek/.gvfs': Permission denied15:41
metalfan_armagheddonsgw, what soundcard is that?15:41
djiezesarmagheddonsgw , edbian : ubuntu runs spore fine with WINE15:41
armagheddonsgwcreative soundblaster.15:41
metalfan_armagheddonsgw, which one?15:41
ghostofaphoenixlol, ATi FTW!!! lol, j/k.  It makes it harder that my wife loves ubuntu so much more than windows.15:41
DonaldShimodahi, somebody knows when will jaunty put firefox3.5 in the repos?15:41
armagheddonsgwelite pro.15:41
nogagplzarmagheddonsgw, check the appdb for spore. http://appdb.winehq.org/15:41
NEderek6711: that means your personal files use only 278M. The rest is system files.15:41
edbianarmagheddonsgw: I'm confused.  Why do you need multiple OS's to play a game?  see what djiezes said? ^15:41
armagheddonsgwno sound on ubuntu15:41
metalfan_armagheddonsgw, ok....dont know about that one. the "mainstream" soundblaster has great support15:42
armagheddonsgwnothing can be done about that as the necessary drivers do not exist.15:42
derek6711NE, and programs15:42
scunizighostofaphoenix: you could pop for a cheap nvidia card..15:42
derek6711NE, my downloads are considerable15:42
ghostofaphoenixit is a laptop. :(15:42
derek6711NE, my music is 2GB15:42
edbianmetalfan_: He is using WUBI right now.15:42
armagheddonsgwalready been down the route of trying to get sound to work on ubuntu. it didnt end well.15:42
NEderek6711: the downloads don't reside under /home ?15:42
metalfan_edbian, ok...im out.15:42
derek6711NE, that is on the other partition15:42
thyri.g ALSA Ubunut > armagheddonsgw15:42
AAAIthyri: http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=870001&page=2915:42
derek6711NE, they go to /home/derek/bin15:43
edbianarmagheddonsgw: I still don't understand why you need 5 OS's to play spore?  Is there critical data on the ubuntu wubi install or not?15:43
asteriskmonkeyanyone have issue with gtkterm not passing keyboard signal to the serial?15:43
thyri.g Pulseaudio >armagheddonsgw15:43
armagheddonsgwno theres not. the main issue is in XP but ubuntu may have the necessary tools to fix it.15:43
AAAIthyri: http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=870001&page=2915:43
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giacohow can I force the reinstallation of an ubuntu package?15:44
NEderek6711: To what it seems so far, your /home and all within it, are on their turn under  /15:44
derek6711NE, my music is on the other partition under derek/my documents/my music15:44
thyri.g reinstall ubuntu > giaco15:44
armagheddonsgwfor whatever reason, i cant mount the drives that XP CAN use in ubuntu15:44
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Ok. Do you want help getting a real ubuntu install?  I can't help you getting spore to work under windows.  If you ask a different ubuntu related question I can help with that too.15:44
AAAIthyri: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-232593.html15:44
edbianarmagheddonsgw: Ignore what I just said cause you answered it :)15:44
derek6711NE, ????15:44
NEderek6711: you have mounted that partition somewhere in /home/derek ?15:44
edbianarmagheddonsgw: ubuntu can't mount your DVD drive?15:44
armagheddonsgwubuntu cant mount either of them15:45
armagheddonsgwincluding the one the ubuntu liveCD is in15:45
derek6711NE, what partition15:45
snifBuenas dias ¿ sabeis por que alguien optaria por un Debian DVD que necesita diez horas para decargar por un Debian en CD que unicamente necesira 1:30 hrs ?15:45
=== Gun_Smok1 is now known as Gun_Smoke_
skullhackshie hie hie15:46
skullhackswhats up15:46
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scunizi!es | snif15:46
ubottusnif: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:46
NEderek6711: what does this give    sudo  mount | grep sd15:46
ptrmif the /dev/sda11 on /media/%1 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal), kernel line should be ro root=LABEL=/%1 rhgb quiet ?15:47
crankyhey everybody, is gutsy still being updated?15:47
ghostofaphoenixI can't find a reliable package/driver to use for my wireless card for 8.04 :( I guess for now we will have to keep Vista installed and that makes me a sad panda.15:47
sschneiderHow does one get 9.04 to work on 64-bit intel?  (I have 9.04 installed, but it doesn't see all four gigs of my memory.)  I assume the amd64 release won't work.15:47
derek6711NE, /dev/sda6 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)15:47
derek6711/dev/sda1 on /media/disk type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)15:47
derek6711/dev/sdb1 on /media/USB Disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush)15:47
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scunizisschneider: you assume wrong.. amd64 is the 64 bit release.. ALL 32 bit OS's won't see all 4 gigs15:48
sschneiderscunizi: so I can install the amd64 on my intel box, eh?15:48
scunizisschneider: yes15:48
mikealeonettiwhat package owns libSM.so.6?15:48
sschneiderscunizi: thanks.15:48
mikealeonettiI'm missing it apparently15:49
NEderek6711: and this?    df -h | grep sd15:49
Titan8990_mikael79, sudo dpkg -S /usr/share/libSM.so15:50
derek6711NE, /dev/sda6             4.5G  4.1G  180M  96% /15:50
derek6711/dev/sda1              21G  6.1G   15G  30% /media/disk15:50
derek6711/dev/sdb1             7.5G  2.6G  5.0G  34% /media/USB Disk15:50
qe2eqescunizi, what about 64-bit emulation?15:50
scuniziqe2eqe: ?15:50
derek6711NE, you really dont need to see my flaash drive, srry15:50
Dulakmikealeonetti: libsm615:50
derek6711NE, forgot to censor it 4 u15:50
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mikealeonettiDulak: thank you15:51
scuniziqe2eqe: do you me running 32 bit programs on 64 bit ?15:51
abbazabbahey everybody, does anyone know if they are still updating gutsy gibbon through update manager?15:51
Boohbahusing ubuntu 8.04 i can't run 'ionice -c3 /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate' even as root. Fails with 'ioprio_set: Operation not permitted.' does root have to be in some group to do this? https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14794415:51
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.15:52
nsahoohey, you know the screen locker, that can have a picture? I want it to show the picture larger. Is it possible?15:52
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:52
frozsynhi there! i've got a kernel panic while using the wifi, and I've found the trace in /var/log/kern.log (which do not happen often on my computer). As it seems to be a good source of information, I was wondering where is the good place to propose this (useful?) log15:52
NEderek6711: and your home was 278M you said.  hmmm. It seems like if it's not a chore for you to repartition and reinstall with a bigger partition for ubuntu, that's what you should do.15:52
ghostofaphoenixI just realized something, this laptop is AMD Turion 64x2 I have the 32-bit Ubuntu installed does it make a difference?15:52
abbazabbascunizi: think there is any way to get the last of the updates from them?15:52
scunizighostofaphoenix: for most uses no15:52
masqueradeghostofaphoenix: if it runs then it runs^^15:53
masqueradefrozsyn: to propose?15:53
NEderek6711: take from your sda5 to give to your sda615:53
derek6711NE, can i use spm to view all my installed files some how15:53
ghostofaphoenixlol, it does it run pristine!!! lol I want XBMC to work darn it!!!15:53
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scuniziabbazabba: here's what's currently available as far as I can find .. http://packages.ubuntu.com/15:53
derek6711NE i need to reinstall windows so i can do that then reinstall ubuntu when i get my new CD in the mail15:53
frozsynmasquerade: sorry, I meant "to offer"15:54
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ghostofaphoenixIs there a way to enable vsync with the open source driver used.15:54
Botan|caRI need free sheLL15:54
masqueradefrozsyn: you mean a place to upload/paste the log?15:54
NEderek6711: I don't think you'll have to reinstall windows. You're shrinking your other drive, not your C: (system) drive, right ?15:54
abbazabbascunizi: thank you sir15:54
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derek6711NE, i have to the key is all screwed up15:55
Botan|caRcan i get it15:55
sheikhi got a problem15:55
masqueradesheikh: hi15:55
nareshovhttp://picpaste.de/screen_help_please.png <-- can someone please explain what that "(@)" stands for?15:55
NEderek6711: that's some other story then15:55
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masqueradesheikh: whats your question?15:55
sheikhi need to find user's LANG while logged in as root15:56
derek6711NE, i have that CD i just am waiting for my ubuntu cd cause i cant live without ubuntu now15:56
masqueradesheikh: sorry, cant help you with this15:56
nareshovand I get "10!" "15!" with a red bg sometimes15:56
frozsynmasquerade: no, I'm looking for a place where there is somebody who can do something useful with, like correcting the bug... launchpad seems good, but I don't really know which bug it is. So if anybody here has already bug report this wifi kernel panic problem...15:56
nareshovwhat does it represent?15:56
Dulaknareshov: @ is an op15:56
derek6711NE, only have been using it like a month or two and now i cant live without it15:56
sheikhmasquerade: where should i ask this question?15:56
nareshovDulak: i'm referring to screen15:56
nareshovnot irssi15:56
masqueradesheikh: youre in the right channel15:57
nareshovlook at bot-right please15:57
NEderek6711: lol. then use the time wisely, and read around for methods of partitioning, what to consider, etc.15:57
masqueradefrozsyn: oh, alright. well, i dont know any other than launchpad15:57
derek6711i might split 14, 1415:57
crdlbnareshov: how did you enable that? that's not in a default screen instance15:57
sheikhthere command i am using is this " su "username" -c env | grep LANG15:57
sheikhbut this does'nt work on ubuntu15:57
raisHELP, i'm facing a problem with my usb mouse.it doesn't work after suddenly shutdown15:57
sheikhthe command i am using is this " su "username" -c env | grep LANG15:58
scunizisheikh: use sudo instead of su15:58
bullgard4'~$ ifconfig; ...; eth1 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Address 00:16:6f:XX:XX:XX UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1, ..." What does "UP" mean here?15:58
Dulaknarevshov: oh in screen @ signifies output from a screen in the background15:58
jribsheikh: why shouldn't it work on ubuntu?15:58
Dulaknarevshov: man screen and have a look at the monitor section15:58
ignitionHi! under ubuntu 8.10, 32bit, there you can specify if the java console should be shown when running a java application. under ubuntu 8.10, 64bit, i can't find this option.15:58
scunizijrib: he's using su instead of sudo15:58
edbianrais: Try removing the mouse and re-plugging it.  Also try rebooting.15:58
nareshovcrdlb: screen-launcher or screen-profiles, not sure which15:58
jribscunizi: so?15:58
masqueradenareshov: what irc client is this?15:58
sheikhits returning english15:58
metalfan_why is there 2.6.27 on 8.10 and 2.6.28 on 9.04?15:58
nareshovDulak: ok15:59
sheikhwhere as user's lang is german15:59
NEsheikh: what if you:  sudo "su - username" and then in that you do:  env | grep LANG      and then  exit ?15:59
ignitioni need to see the java console in order to find out why a java web start application doesn't start up correctly.15:59
sheikhlet me try15:59
nareshovmasquerade: pardon me?15:59
NEsheikh: ah you are already root. Then just  su  instead of  sudo su15:59
masqueradenareshov: the screen shot you just posted15:59
sheikhi am already root so dont need to sudo it15:59
jribsheikh: Why do you want to do this?  What's your end-goal?16:00
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NEsheikh: yea. just become that user with    su - username16:00
sheikhbecause i use "sudo -s" before typing this command16:00
masqueradenareshov: i did feature an irc client, right?16:00
derek6711NE, from what i understand if i reinstall windows it will kill my grub16:00
nareshovmasquerade: yes, irssi is running inside screen16:00
Dulakmasquerade: it's irssi under screen16:00
masqueradenareshov: nice, thanks16:00
NEderek6711: well.... it will kill it yes. So read around how to restore it. You can, windows only overwrites the boot record, but if you don't explixitly delete your "unknown" partitions, you can rebuild the boot record with grub again.16:01
sheikhultimate goal is to get "username"'s LANG while logged in as root16:02
sheikhultimate goal is to get "username"'s LANG while logged in as root16:02
javbIs there anyway to get an specific screen resolution, without installing the ATI drivers, on my laptop? (just installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS)16:02
jribsheikh: I don't understand what you mean by "username"'s LANG.  What if the user changes it after logging in?16:02
sheikhsuppose i m running my app. as root and i need to know certain user's LANG16:02
sheikhwhatever the current LANG is16:03
vegombreii have a question .. how do i install an icon pack thats taz.gz?16:03
scunizijavb: sometimes xrandr -S 1280x1024 (or whatever the rez should be)..16:03
jribsheikh: what if it's different between terminals?16:03
Marticusanybody familiar with michael jang's books?16:03
jribvegombrei: extract to ~/.icons/16:03
sheikhits can't be different bz that the user's language being set at login16:04
NEsheikh: what of this:        su -l username  -c "env | grep LANG"16:04
Optimus55does anyone know if there's a quick LAMP installer for ubuntu similar to WAMP installer on windows??16:04
sheikhyes i tried that but with no luck16:04
ZapeliusI'm trying to get lenny boot off a PCMCIA-CF adapter, I have grub loading, kernel and initrd loaded, but the kernel can't find the CF attached in the PCMCIA slot, any suggestions for howto's ?16:04
masqueradeRolls 2 6-sided dice: 5 616:04
NEsheikh: it works for me though....16:04
javbscunizi, Size 1366x768 not found in available modes16:04
Zapeliusso far I've tried this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootFromPCMCIA16:04
scunizijavb: is this a laptop or desktop?16:04
jribsheikh: no, what if he sets a different lang in GDM for instance... That won't be reflected in what you get with your su command16:04
javbscunizi, laptop.16:05
vegombreijrib: thanks16:05
masqueradeFlips a coin: HEADS16:05
derek6711NE, i will see how this all goes down, ty16:05
sheikhuser will not set different LANG in my scenrio16:05
NEderek6711: no problem. Have fun with it :)16:05
MarticusI guess what I'm interested in is finding a book written by someone in the community, not some random author asked by a publisher to write a book on something about which he or she knows little16:05
derek6711NE, o ya, lots of fun16:05
scunizijavb: I'll have ubottu send a link for you.. there are suggestions there on how to proceed.. basically you need to get the appropriate resolution listed as available.. you might also have to list monitor specs in xorg.conf.. but check the link out..16:06
derek6711NE, i better start dumping my music16:06
scunizi!resolution | javb16:06
ubottujavb: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:06
nareshovfont `/usr/share/figlet/success..flf' not found16:07
javbscunizi, please note that im trying to do this without installing the graphic card driver (ATI)... because the last time i installed it, i had weird problems...16:07
NEderek6711: hehe. Some stakes add to the thrill. anyhow, I'm out. take care all16:07
scunizijavb: yes and probably a smart thing to do.. avoid installing the ati driver that is.. xrandr is what you want to read about or randr16:08
scunizijavb: also if needed making the appropriate additions to xorg.conf16:09
jribsheikh: then you already have your answer.  Use the su command16:09
javbthanks scinizi, lets read a bit.16:09
sheikhbut su is not working16:09
jribsheikh: yes it is.16:09
sheikhits just returning root LANG16:09
sheikhrather than user's LANG16:10
travellerhi, I'm running ubuntu 9..04 on my netbook. But I cannot connect to wireless network with wpa-psk16:10
jribsheikh: have you changed root's lang and verified?16:10
travellernow I am windows and can connect without a problem16:10
travellerany ides pls?16:10
shadowstraveller: is the wifi enabled in windows?16:10
derek6711sheikh, su is to become root but if you havent set the root password you wont know it16:10
jribsheikh: you are running: su - USERNAME -c 'env | grep LANG'  ?16:10
derek6711sheikh, sudo is the alternate16:10
derek6711sheikh, akternative16:11
travellerwith ubuntu i can connect to wep/wpe216:11
sheikhwhat command r u trying16:11
shadowstraveller: hmm.. are you sure you use the same configuration as in windows?16:11
travellerbut not to wap-psk16:11
sheikhremember u have to be logged in as "root"16:11
zirodaytraveller: what wireless card?16:11
shadowstraveller: 1 second...16:11
travellerthe thing in ubuntu is when i enter the password it changes it16:12
sheikhi cant use root because soln has to be independent of platform16:12
travellerw8t a sec to have a look16:12
shadowstraveller: uh...? i have a call, wait one sec please^^16:12
om26erhow to set my other harddrive to automount at startup16:13
om26eri cannot understand the fstab16:14
derek6711om26er, hang on16:14
ikoniaom26er: what's the issue with it ?16:14
derek6711om26er, ill give you a link16:14
bullgard4'~$ ifconfig; ...; eth1 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Address 00:16:6f:XX:XX:XX UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1, ..." What does "UP" mean here?16:14
te_om26er: You must first create a mount point16:14
flojanis something like this still existing?16:14
flojan http://kerneltrap.org/node/382216:14
flojan should be looking like this, but i want it in better quality: http://nightmonkeys.de/extern/pics/linuxcare.jpeg16:14
sheikhit has to work on all linux distros and sudo is specific for ubuntu16:14
ikoniaom26er: if you look in the fstab you'll see a disk identified by uuid or a device name, then a mount point16:14
om26erte_ its created16:14
ikoniabullgard4: device up16:14
sheikhlet understand the background16:15
om26ereverybody i am pasting my fstab in the pastebin16:15
te_then add a line in the fstab file that first has device and then mount point and options and then  0  016:15
derek6711om26er, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/16:15
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you.16:15
KurisuchanI have this problem that applications (skype  to name one) "steals" the sound, so you can't listen to music etc in the background, is there a simple solution for this problem?16:16
sheikhapplication wanting to know user's lang is root.16:16
te_om26er: /dev/hde3 /MS-Windows  auto  noauto,rw,users 0  016:16
jribsheikh: you haven't answered my qusetion16:16
sheikhsorry m8 whats ur question?16:16
te_om26er: or:  /dev/hde3 /mount/point ntfs noauto,rw,users  0 016:17
sheikhthe command i am running is "su sheikh -c env | grep LANG16:18
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD16:18
monty_hallhow do I add open type fonts?16:18
shadowsmonty_hall: i had to convert them to truetype16:18
scunizi!fonts | monty_hall16:18
ubottumonty_hall: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mplaer16:19
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs16:19
travellerlet me explain: I click on the network manager. I find the network and choose wpa-personal. I enter the the psswd "flya-2008" and never connects. When I unhide the password is a number like this asdferh4854333fdf16:19
sheikh@jrib: your command is returing null16:20
masqueradetraveller: maybe reinstall wifi drivers..?16:20
derek6711traveller, is wireless enabled?16:20
shadowstraveller: maybe reinstalling wifi drivers?16:20
gianfrixhi! do someone know how to set the default theme in GNOME in the LiveCD using Ubuntu Customization Kit?16:20
te_om26er: for further info see:  man fstab16:20
travelleron ubuntu?16:20
derek6711gianfrix, live cd discards changes at shutdown16:20
jribsheikh: well there you go16:21
travelleryes it is enabled16:21
derek6711gotta ask the stupid stuff too16:21
om26erte_ thanx16:21
gianfrixderek6711: I am building a livecd but I want to customize the default theme... I have to bring it in exams and I want to set Dust as the default theme... xD16:22
te_traveller: iwconfig   #see if the essid is correct16:22
homyHello! How can I speed up ubuntu (jaunty) boot time? I already did "profile" kernel option.16:22
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shesekshould I simply install mythtv, or is it better to install the mythbuntu-desktop packacge ?16:22
derek6711gianfrix, i have never messed with and iso, sorry16:22
bullgard4I have started the Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition CD. It tells me that the radio networks are disabled. How to enable them?16:22
alazyworkaholicHey everyone. I just had a severe problem & have lots to say, what's that pastebin (I think) that I'm supposed to use for that? (new irc user)16:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:23
sheikhi've tried ur command which is "su -sheikh -c env | grep LANG" it returns null16:23
derek6711gianfrix, you can try this http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=62316:24
gianfrixderek6711: I tried it but it did not start...16:24
sheikh@NE i tried the command "su -l sheikh -c env | grep LANG"16:24
karrigood evening16:24
derek6711gianfrix, what os are you using?16:24
sheikhbut this one return's root's lANG16:24
sheikhnot the sheikh's LANG16:25
pingpong3hi all16:25
abbazabbasilly question, i'm trying to install 8.04 via cdrom, but all the cd's i have, after the menu, it looks to load up, but then it goes straight to the terminal16:25
gianfrixderek6711: Ubuntu 9.04 Live (I don't use it everyday)16:25
abbazabbahow would i install it via the terminal16:25
sheikhis anyone here to help16:25
derek6711abbazabba, redownload the iso or request a cd from canonical store16:25
karriwhat's with my jaunty? it seems to jam to "loading hardware drivers" for 5 seconds, a bit annoying16:25
derek6711gianfrix, kk16:26
abbazabbaderek6711: i've installed it from these cd's before though sadly16:26
abbazabbaderek6711: i guess they just fell apart?16:26
questionHi, im trying to update to firefox 3.5, but every method I try leaves me with Firefox 3 running, any ideas?16:26
derek6711gianfrix, You will be surprised that creating your own LiveCD is nothing more than walking through a wizard with few simple screens. The only challenge is knowing to open up a terminal within the application in order to install the extra applications you need.16:27
derek6711abbazabba, reuesting a cd is nice too, i am currently getting one in the mail right now16:27
zagabar1My webcam is detected as video0 but when I try to get playback from it, I get nothing. I tried with both vlc, motion and mplayer. I could do it with my other cam. What can be wrong?16:28
gianfrixderek6711: I went into my liveCD with chroot before building it but I don't know what to modify16:28
derek6711abbazabba, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/16:28
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derek6711gianfrix, like i said, i havent messed with iso's before, looks like a topic to look in to though16:29
derek6711gianfrix, ill do some more research16:29
Guest22692anyone help slow user with 9.04 crash16:29
porter1Does anyone know whether an Ubuntu system will stay updated even if only regular (non-admin) users  log in over a long peroid?16:29
pingpong3question: try ls -l /usr/bin/firefox16:29
te_porter1: No, not by default16:29
homyHi, how can I speed up ubuntu boot?16:29
te_!updates | pingpong316:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates16:30
Titan8990_homy, compile a custom kernel and drop initrd16:30
questionpingpong3: It says its firefox 3.016:30
sebsebseb!speed |  homy16:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about speed16:30
porter1te_, I was thinking of writing something to run at startup to keep it updated.16:30
bullgard4homy: Use 9.04. Do not use many GUI programs.16:30
porter1A simple update and upgrade16:30
Titan8990_homy, disable nearly all services except for ones needed for the gui such as hal16:30
Titan8990_bullgard4, not using programs does not increase boot time16:30
Titan8990_homy, and when you do a kernel w/o initrd, make sure all kernel debugging features are off16:31
hostnamewhere can I download firefox 3.5 for linux/amd64?16:31
derek6711gianfrix, try this, i have to go, sorry http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-441088.html16:31
te_porter1:  yes that is fairly easy...16:31
Titan8990_hostname, mozzila.org?16:31
abbazabbawould anyone know how i could get my monitor to work with 9?16:31
gianfrixderek6711: ok, thanks! bb16:31
Guest22692no one else have crash problem with 9.0416:31
porter1te_, can I simply put apt-get update && apt-get upgrade in rc.local?16:31
ctmjrhomy: disable all programs not needed at start-up is one trick16:31
qe2eqehelp! I need to kill quite a few PIDs - thousand or so. All are xfce-screenshot16:31
=== Bolt__ is now known as Guest96627
Myrttiqe2eqe: killall xfce-screenshot?16:32
JediMastercan someone point me to the upgrade instructions from 8.04 LTS to 9.10 for server edition? the current upgrade page doesn't do the change that makes it not only look for LTS releases16:32
te_porter1: You could set a cron job for it, but I think the update-manager has an option for auto-updates16:32
Titan8990_homy, on my gentoo machine I have achieved a boot time of grub -> login in 8secs16:32
raishello channel, i need help. how to solve "unable to enumerate usb port". it's usb mouse. it works before suddenly poweroff16:33
POPEYEThe coputer simply hangs up after installing Ati diver from add/remove programs. What to do?16:33
sheikhthis command works when u open the new terminal16:33
Guest22692thanks all16:33
sheikhbut if u switch to "root" using sudo -s16:33
sheikhand run it then16:33
monckyPOPEYE: just leave it for a bit, it may recover16:33
sheikhit wont work16:33
sheikhthats when i want it to work16:33
ctmjrPOPEYE: are the drivers still installed?16:34
homyUhm... I don't want to compile my own kernel etc., because then I have to track updates manually and loose the comfort of ubuntu.16:34
POPEYEtherre is a trash on the screen16:34
qe2eqeMyrtti,  you just rescued my system. It was nearly unresponsive... thanks!16:34
porter1te_, I do have it to just auto install withou any confirmation, but it appears as though admins are the only oneswho can upgrade16:34
monckyPOPEYE: trash? as in a recycle bin type trash?16:34
NET||abusehmm, just loaded up the chromium-browser ppa repo,,, nice, have chromium browser, but is it different to the google chrome browser?16:34
te_porter1: You can always add others to the admin group16:35
porter1NET||abuse, it's just chrome on windows in WINE16:35
sillyCEOHey, I can't seem to boot into Bios!!! I'm pretty sure its because some "Boot Accelerator" is tunred on, and it doesn't have enough time to catch the F2. Any ideas?16:35
edbianNET||abuse: It's just a port.  Essentially the same software as chrome.16:35
POPEYEctmjr: I've tried to uninstall it in console but it seems that something is still left16:35
Orange_v_Blueanyone know if there's a google IRC channel?16:35
porter1te_, heh I would but then there would be other security problems :)16:35
edbiansillyCEO: use a PS/2 keyboard instead of USB.  They are recognized quicker.16:35
questionpingpong3: In my bin folder I have three  firefox scripts, firefox, firefox 3.0, and firefox 3.516:35
NET||abuseedbian, porter1, would you run one over the other for any reason? is google's much more stable? any advantage features wise?16:35
sillyCEOedbian: good idea- thax.16:36
qe2eqeMyrtti,  I'm going to submit that as a bug. There's no need to spawn 500 processes in 6 seconds just because you accidentally left a key down16:36
porter1NET||abuse, thwe one you are using is google's.16:36
edbianNET||abuse: I use firefox :)16:36
porter1NET||abuse, google hasn't gotten around to writing a native linux version yet16:36
te_porter1: sudo crontab -e16:36
ctmjrPOPEYE: try this in a terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:36
UnderSampledI burned a DVD of 9.04, but when I boot into it, the only option that works is the memory checker.16:37
scunizijavb: :)16:37
NET||abuseporter1, oh, but the first page that came up when i ran chromium-browser is "this is not googles browser!"16:37
porter1NET||abuse, which is suprising considereing they use a ubuntu like dist internally16:37
homywhen will the package "firefox-3.5" in jaunty be updated to 3.5 final? If I want 3.5 instead of 3.0, can I just install firefox-3.5 via apt to replace the old firefox?16:37
metalfan_how can i get a fresh /etc/apache2 dir ?16:37
porter1NET||abuse, hm. I'm not sure which you are running then. Does it haver the same interface as chrome?16:37
Myrtti!ff35 > homy16:37
ubottuhomy, please see my private message16:37
metalfan_homy, yes youre a homy16:37
javbscunizi, weird, did all changes on xorg, did the command xrandr, but none of them made ANY EFFECT16:37
javbAdded the modes...16:37
te_metalfan_: mkdir /etc/apache216:38
UnderSampledAll other options either showed the blinking '_' cursor, or around a page full of text that I can't copy without paper. Either of these had the capslock and scroll lock lights on my keyboard flash16:38
vegombreihi how do i install a theme thats tar.bz2?16:38
metalfan_te_, with the apache2 config files16:38
te_metalfan_: Not sure I understand our question.16:38
NET||abuseporter1, yes, very much like it so far, not noticing much diff.... what they say exactly is "Chromium is an open source browser project. Google Chrome is a browser from Google, based on the Chromium project."16:38
edbianporter1: NET||abuse: I'm pretty sure it says that because some outside party ported chrome to linux which is chromium.  It's like ice-weasel.  Ice weasel isn't firefox but it's code is almost identical.16:38
homyMyrtti: thanks, it seems I just haveto be less impatient :)16:38
metalfan_te_, ive reinstalled it. but no fresh configs16:38
homymetalfan_: what do you mean?16:38
scunizijavb: did you restart "X" ?16:38
te_metalfan_: What are you actually trying to accomplish?16:39
javb3 times.. not just X, but the computer16:39
metalfan_te_, getting the default config files16:39
NET||abuseedbian, i think i heard a while ago that the google did setup a ppa for ubuntu to run chrome on16:39
metalfan_te_, modified mine and screwed16:39
vegombreijribas: you there?16:39
te_metalfan_: I guess you could have just deleted the directory before re-installing.16:39
UnderSampledI have installed before with 8.10 on a cd, and I have burned a dvd (same type) or windows 7 beta with the same drive, and both were successful16:39
metalfan_te_, ive moved it. but reinstalling doesnt create /etc/apache216:39
scunizijavb: did you find a way to force xrandr to list the resolution?16:40
edbianNET||abuse: We really shoulda looked it up sooner :)  http://code.google.com/chromium/16:41
javbscunizi, it does show it, but with the opcion "-s" it doesnt work, but with the sintax explained in the link the bot gave, it does bring up any error, nor any effect.16:41
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metalfan_te_, ah it was apache2.2-common16:41
jribasvegombrei: yes16:41
te_metalfan_: you might try dpkg -P16:42
short__errordoes any one know about installing TSP codec??16:42
UnderSampledIf it helps any, Both the md5 check out ok, and IMGBurn verified that it burned correctly16:42
NET||abuseedbian, despite it's slightly light features, it is snappy lil browser, even on linux16:43
te_metalfan_:  dpkg -P apache2.2-common16:43
metalfan_te_, says that some other packages depend on it16:44
scunizijavb: googling this issue is horrendous.. have you considered a cheap nvidia card?16:44
edbianNET||abuse: I tried it out once.  It is quick (especially the java-script).  Now if we could just get google to write a flash engine :)16:44
metalfan_te_, isnt apt intelligent enough to reinstall all that was installed when i did the first time "aptitude install apache2?16:44
javbIt's a laptop...16:45
NET||abuseedbian, haha, that'll be news worthy, google faceoff against adobe!!! :P16:45
javbscunizi, its a laptop :(16:45
te_metalfan_: I guess you could use --force16:45
javbscunizi, i think i ll give it a try to the driver, AGAIN :(16:45
metalfan_te_, that will fuck up all16:45
scunizijavb: my del had the option of what kind of card.. I believe it was just a snap in vs. hardwired..16:45
jshriveranyone know what the following error is16:45
jshriverfatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server16:45
te_metalfan_: or --ignore-depends16:46
scunizijavb: check the card type against the driver and the current Xorg system.. there are compatibiliity issues with older cards.. they don't work anymore.16:46
javbscunizi, what about a new driver, from amd?16:46
metalfan_te_, im not trying to be smater than apt. i want apt to solve the problem16:46
carmljshriver try ctrl+alt+delete if you've trouble with X16:46
jshriverit's only with a specific application16:46
te_!language | metalfan_16:46
ubottumetalfan_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:46
jshriverworks on some machines but not on others.16:46
jshriverso wondered if it was a video driver problem16:46
javbscunizi, my card is very new, i think, ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility HD 367016:46
metalfan_te_, what did i say?16:46
NET||abuseedbian, one nice thing,, i have google chrom and chromium open at same time. no problem it seems16:47
scunizijavb: the older driver won't work with the new Xorg and the new driver doesn't work with some ati cards.. your card might work.. google HD 3670 ubuntu and see what you get16:47
te_metalfan_: dpkg -P apache2-common apache216:47
edbianNET||abuse: How are you running chrome on linux?  I thought the only option was chromium??16:48
NET||abuseedbian, :) http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/eula_dev.html?dl=unstable_amd64_deb16:49
dam0hi, how can i find out how mutch ram my pc has?16:49
dgilpintrying to get an instant message program16:49
dgilpinpidgin won't connect for some reason16:49
te_dgilpin: connect to what?16:49
te_dgilpin: IRC?16:49
dgilpinit just says connecting16:50
scunizidgilpin: to yahoo?.. this is a known issue and is being worked on...it's because yahoo made some changes16:50
dgilpinnever does connect16:50
monckydam0: cat /proc/meminfo16:50
dgilpini want to be able to im with yahoo messenger, aim, etc...16:50
edbianNET||abuse: Are you on the mailing list or something?  How did you get to that page??16:50
monckydimedo: centerim have fixed the Yahoo issue16:50
scunizidgilpin: everything works right now except yahoo16:50
NET||abuseedbian, :) it was linked when i rooted around the googlel code pages.16:51
dam0MemTotal:        2060748 kB16:51
dam0  <----does thatmean i have 2GB of ram16:51
NET||abuseedbian, linked from http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel#TOC-Linux16:51
dgilpinoh, yahoo doesn't work?16:51
monckydgilpin: centerim have fixed the Yahoo issue16:51
dgilpinwhat is centerim?16:51
dam0 MemTotal:        2060748 kB <---does this mean i have GB of ram?16:51
NET||abuseedbian, nice huh? :)16:51
scunizimoncky: dgilpin however the fix hasn't filtered downstream to Pidgin yet16:52
monckyscunizi: centerim isnt upstream from pidgin its a seperate programm16:52
dgilpinwhat is weird is when i was running debian and pidgin it worked16:52
scunizimoncky: ah16:52
dgilpini just switched to ubuntu and now doesn't16:52
edbianNET||abuse: I'm impressed :)16:52
NET||abuseedbian, i was asking questions about it earlier as i had heard on some sites that google had quietly pushed this out, so i was hunting ;)16:53
dgilpinis there an im that i can use?16:53
NET||abuseedbian, i thought someone in here might have a clue about it, but i guess it's still new news16:53
masqueradedgilpin: i thought this issue have been fixed in the latest update..?16:54
zagabar1My webcam is detected as video0 but when I try to get playback from it, I get nothing. I tried with both vlc, motion and mplayer. I could do it with my other cam. What can be wrong?16:54
edbianNET||abuse: new to me!16:54
scunizizagabar1: check it with cheese16:55
edbianNET||abuse: Very quiet of them indeed.16:55
monckydgilpin: have a look at centerim16:55
UnderSampledCan I ask a question?16:55
masqueradedgilpin: afaik it has just been released. did you try checking for upgrades yet?16:55
NET||abuseedbian, hehe, those snakey bastads.... awsome though,, it is damn snappy16:55
masqueradeUnderSampled: sure, shoot16:55
linduxedive got a usb-memory from a friend that has a windows-virus on it. ive tried scanning it with clamav and it gives me no results. is there some other way?16:55
m477i cant unrar file.rar16:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:55
UnderSampledmasquerade: my question: could someone help me? :P16:55
edbianUnfortuately I don't have amd64 arch :(16:55
masqueradem477: what program do you use?16:55
m477masquerade: unrar command16:56
masqueradeUnderSampled: oh, i must have missed your question16:56
NET||abuseedbian, we had some heavy js animations that once our record sets got into the thousands caused a little bit of slowness on FF on linux, windows rendered it plenty fast but js/flash basic mvotion rendering on linux is not so great16:56
UnderSampledmasquerade: Read my above lines16:56
dgilpinchecking now...16:56
masqueradem477: any output?16:56
mdmlinduxed, is this virus in a file that is in an archive?16:56
m477masquerade: Extracting  Divine Heresy - Face Breaker [2009]/Divine+Heresy+01+Undivine+Prophecies.mp3 Failed16:56
metalfan_te_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7551204#post755120416:57
te_metalfan_: Yes?16:57
m477masquerade: mainly name file + "filed"16:57
edbianNET||abuse: Yeah I know!  It's sooo annoying.  I wish that open-source firefox worked best on an open-source platform.  I guess that's the nature of the beast though :(16:57
linduxedmdm: dunna16:57
metalfan_te_, i wrote it down, somehow apt plays with me16:57
panesar_sandeepi have got an pdf file in french language. i wish to translate it to english sum how. but the problem is that the contents of that file are in image format. whenever i right click sumwhere, instead of copying the text, it copies the block of text as an image. pls help...16:57
linduxedmdm: dunno16:57
linduxedmdm: i just know its there somewhere16:57
te_metalfan_: How's that?16:57
masqueradem477: did you try ´ unzip'?16:57
NET||abuseedbian, i don't know if it's a firefox issue or if it's X related, or what.. but it is annoying.16:57
m477masquerade: no, i will try16:57
masqueradem477: brb16:58
masqueradem477: oke16:58
edbianNET||abuse: Yeah.16:58
kk_jauntihello, can some one tell me if ekiga works fine on ubuntu 9.04?  I get the error which says you will have to manually configure the network.  I have the internet working but as soon as I double click ekiga, I get that error.16:58
panesar_sandeepi have got an pdf file in french language. i wish to translate it to english sum how. but the problem is that the contents of that file are in image format. whenever i right click sumwhere, instead of copying the text, it copies the block of text as an image. pls help...16:58
mdmlinduxed, the only way clamav would not have found the virus is if it were in an archive it could not open.  Barring that, there probbly inst an infected file on the usb drive and your friend is mistaken about it16:58
zagabar1scunizi, I tried cheese, it couldn't open it for displaying16:58
m477masquerade: i supoust unzip wont work cuz i cant finish name of folder by tab16:59
metalfan_te_, read the post if youre interrested16:59
m477masquerade: long name file16:59
UnderSampledmasquerade: sorry, I have to leave16:59
m477masquerade: also i have manager archive16:59
m477masquerade: it says that done and i got empty folder17:00
studenthow to see 3gp video in ubuntu jaunty?17:01
vegombreii donno why i cant seem to understand something ... i go to theme download sites ... download a bunch of them . extract to the .themes folder .. i dont think i can get it to work ...17:01
panesar_sandeepi have got an pdf file in french language. i wish to translate it to english sum how. but the problem is that the contents of that file are in image format. whenever i right click sumwhere, instead of copying the text, it copies the block of text as an image. pls help...17:02
mdmpanesar_sandeep, you can not, that is one of the main reasons people publish in PDF17:03
Denialлюді, у меня не відіт ide венік, когда я его подключаю вместо двд-прівода. Не подскажіте как смонтіровать венік?17:03
studentpls 3gp and jaunty17:04
NET||abusehmmm, what i'd like in the linux chromium browser, access system colours scheme please... it looks awful with the human look or new wave theme in jaunty.17:04
panesar_sandeepmdm, is there sum way i can get it translated sum how, using google translate or sumthing else17:04
metalfan_student, what?17:04
scunizi!ru | Denial17:04
ubottuDenial: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:04
=== mike is now known as Guest34766
metalfan_i guess in a few years the people are lazy enough to even join irc, in these days they try to write sentences17:05
metalfan_panesar_sandeep, no. the author doesnt want you to17:05
te_panesar_sandeep: If you put it on a webserver or send it to a gmail account, maybe...17:06
studenthow to viw 3gp video in ubuntu17:06
mdmpanesar_sandeep, unless you want to type the text.  You are under the impression that file contains text.  It contains rendered text.  *IF* they were dumb enopugh to write a pdf file that renders text you can try a copuy of Acrobat 6 to modify it.  Barring that there is no text to select, which again, is why they publish in PDF.17:06
javbHi, scuzini, installed the ATI propietary. Let's see how much it will last.17:06
te_panesar_sandeep: You need to somehow convert the pdf image to text.17:06
metalfan_student, please use google try "3gp ubuntu"17:07
javbGuys, firefox closes unexpextably... It is ANOYINH  ! !!17:07
=== Guest34766 is now known as mickster04
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY17:07
mickster04whois hi17:07
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
mickster04hii can i help you?17:10
astra-xHow well do the ATi Radeon 4870 and 4890 stay stable with the ati blob drivers?17:10
astra-xin 9.0417:11
enthudrivesi installed ubuntu. i have windows xp and ubuntu as two partitions. i want to increase the partition size of ubuntu. how can i do tat?17:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:11
vikhailOpen question. How do I convert .mp3 to .aac using SoundKonverter?17:12
ActionParsnipenthudrives: boot to livecd, you can use gparted to do it. make sure your data backups are recent17:12
enthudrivesok thanks i ll try it. and what if i make ubuntu, the only OS in my system?17:13
ActionParsnipenthudrives: http://www.nishants.net/articles/ntfsresize.htm17:13
ActionParsnipenthudrives: then delete the ntfs partition, edit /boot/grub/menu.list17:13
thehumanerrorDoes anyone use full disk encryption with Ubuntu 9.04?17:14
thehumanerrorI am wondering, my machine seems quite slow now, how do I tell if it's because of that or not?17:14
ActionParsnipenthudrives: you can then create a new ext3 partition with the space and mount it to a folder and use it as data storage17:14
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: if you run top, you can see whats chewing your cpu17:14
vikhailthehumanerror: It would slow down if you have to decrypt the process before running it.17:15
=== Roland_melting is now known as Roland
thehumanerrorI know, I've ran top17:15
thehumanerrorI'm assuming kcryptod is something to do with it17:15
thehumanerrorit's just, it seems really sluggish doing anything17:15
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: what cpu speed / ram do you have17:15
thehumanerroris there away in Pidgin to squash all these leaving / entering notifications17:15
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: and what DE do you use?17:16
thehumanerrorSempron 3300+, 1GB RAM17:16
hiihi guys please help me. i want to install ubuntu along with windows xp17:16
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: you can enable the plugin17:16
thehumanerrornot the 64-bit-type Sempron, a rebadged Athlon XP 3200+17:16
ActionParsnip!dualboot | hii17:16
ubottuhii: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:16
hiiubottu: thanks17:17
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:17
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: athlonxp is a bit better than a semperon, its not just "rebadged"17:17
thehumanerrorthis Sempron is rebadged17:17
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: wow, crazy17:17
thehumanerrorwhen they sold off the last 32-bit Athlons, they made them Semprons, I think17:17
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: what de do you use, gnome, kde, lxde, fluxbox?17:17
mdmthehumanerror, a disk is the slowest part of the computer.  Go look at waitio on top.  You took the slowest part and made it even slower making every IO have to go though software encryption.  Encryption is for security, not for speed.17:17
FloodBot2thehumanerror: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:17
rayno_bI've setup DNS and all is working fine from all computers except the computer running dns.  This server cannot resolve anything?17:18
thehumanerrorI know what encryption is for, thanks ;)17:18
ActionParsniprayno_b: add to /etc/resolv.conf       nameserver
dam0where will i get my next drugs action? rite here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-mLIdLZZeI17:19
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: what de do you use...one last try17:19
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:19
thehumanerroroh right, sorry17:19
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: gnome, kde, lxde, fluxbox?17:19
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: 4 times a charm eh17:19
rayno_bActionParsnip - Thanks man - That did it (so easy!17:19
ActionParsnipnetworking is easy17:20
thehumanerrorwell it's hard to see what's going on with all these random notifications flying about17:20
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thehumanerrorthere's more of them than actual chat17:20
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: you can turn on the entry / leaving messags with the pidgin plugin, its part of a default install17:20
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: i also type your name every time so it highlights17:20
thehumanerroram looking for it17:20
thehumanerrorthat's very nice17:21
ActionParsnipthehumanerror: main window -> tools -> plugins  and select join/part hiding17:21
Ace2017_-Hi al17:22
ActionParsnip!hi | Ace2017_-17:22
ubottuAce2017_-: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:22
thehumanerrorgot it17:22
thehumanerrornice one, thanks :)17:22
Ace2017_-i'm downloading ubuntu breezy badger because there is an old game i want to play, are the repos for it still online?17:22
Ace2017_-i think i need to install opengl17:22
thehumanerrorright, yeah, so how much slower is it supposed to be with crypto? I'm just wondering if it's worth reinstalling without17:23
jribAce2017_-: what game?17:23
edbianAce2017_-: The games that are available in the breezy badger repo are more than likely in the juanty (current) repo.17:23
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: breezy is dead and gone17:23
ubottuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:23
hwildeAce2017_-, see old-releases.ubuntu.com17:23
Ace2017_-jrib: its called ballistic, i downloaded the demo17:23
ActionParsnip14 years dead17:23
ActionParsnip!info ballistic17:23
ubottuPackage ballistic does not exist in jaunty17:23
thehumanerrorwhat was this thing about waitio?17:23
Ace2017_-14 years dead? it was out in 2005 wasn't it?17:23
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: read ubottu's output, she is the way17:24
edbianAce2017_-: Just install your game on 9.04.  It will probably work17:24
te_Ace2017_-: Not so sure you need to go all the way back to 5.10 for a game17:24
ActionParsnip14 months + 12 (misread the year17:24
ActionParsnipits too hot17:24
Titan8990_Ace2017_-, ubuntu release have short lifespans a part from LTS release17:24
Titan8990_!lts | Ace2017_-17:24
ubottuAce2017_-: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04)17:24
thesandman i'm still having problems getting my dvd burner to burn...the same problem out of brasero and k3b...  can anyone tell me what's going on here in paste been?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/208249/17:24
Ace2017_-Well, here is ballistic: http://linux.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/Ballistics-Screenshot-27447.html17:24
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: is it a futuristic racing game?17:25
Titan8990_thesandman, looks like a bad disc or failing drive17:25
E5noHPthat's slick17:25
mdmthehumanerror, your CPU spends allot of time wiating, it waits for slow cache, it waits even  longer for slow DDR2 memory, and still longer flow excessivly slow 15K ROM fiber channel disks.  Wait IO (abreviated as wa in top) is the expression of all this waiting.17:25
thehumanerrorwa, thanks17:25
Ace2017_-try atop17:25
mickster04hii you need help?17:26
thehumanerrorit's pretty much always 0%17:26
alazyworkaholicjust checking, did anyone read my dead disk/filesystem problem? no ideas?17:26
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: looks like a paid for game, the .run file will run just fine17:27
ubuffhi guys17:27
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: http://demofiles.linuxgamepublishing.com/ballistics/ballistics-demo.run17:27
thesandmanTITAN8990: well I know that disc is'nt  bad I got a box of those...but as far as the drive i'm not sure but someone just told me that it may be the burn speed17:27
ubuffis firefox 3.5 going to be available for jaunty anytime soon ?17:27
Ace2017_-ActionParsnip: thats what i have now17:27
ActionParsnip!ff3.5 > ubuff17:27
ubottuubuff, please see my private message17:27
mdmthehumanerror, measuing your system while it is idle is like measuring gas milage by pushing the car down a hill.  You have to DO something with the computer, try a dd to /dev/null17:27
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: great, then chmod +x the file and then run it17:27
Ace2017_-i found the windows version but i can't get windows 98 to work17:27
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: tried wine?17:27
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: with the game, not 9817:28
Ace2017_-ActionParsnip: i have 64bit linux, so i need a 32bit distro17:28
Ace2017_-actually i'll try wine now17:28
ActionParsnipAce2017_-: wine runs 32bit windows apps17:28
hasonhow do u do ?17:28
Ace2017_-hason: hi17:29
hasonplz could any one help me ?17:29
Ace2017_-hason: we will try17:29
mickster04i cant get bbc iplayer working but youtube does? any clues?17:29
Ace2017_-mickster04: what browser are you using? firefox and flash 10 64bit has worked fine for me17:30
mdm!ask | hason17:30
ubottuhason: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:30
sebsebseb!anyone |  hason17:30
ubottuhason: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:30
ActionParsnipmickster04: install flash17:30
hasoni wanna  driver for graphic17:30
sebsebseb!details | hason17:30
ubottuhason: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:30
mickster04ActionParsnip, for youtube to work it has to be17:31
Ace2017_-!nvidia | hason17:31
ubottuhason: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:31
mickster04Ace2017_-, ff 3217:31
thehumanerrorwhat is id in top?17:31
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thehumanerrorthat's really high, 94.4%17:31
te_mdm: sebsebseb Wouldn't it be easier to just tell 'em to "ask your question(s)"?17:31
sebsebsebhason: system >  administaration > hardware drivers   anything there?17:31
Dulakthehumanerror: idle17:31
Mike_lifeguardI currently have 4 primary partitions. To add more, I need an extended partition, which means I first have to remove a primary partition. Is there a way to do this without losing any data that's on these primary partitions I already have?17:32
sebsebsebte_: you meant to answer our questions?17:32
thehumanerrorokay, cheers17:32
mickster04ActionParsnip, ut i[layer says "content not working" altho it does on my pcc (im using eeebuntu on this atm?17:32
thehumanerrorso, presumably on a desktop machine that's fairly normal17:32
ActionParsnipmickster04: maybe bbc player uses something else17:32
te_sebsebseb: Was a retorical question. Never mind :)17:32
Dulakthehumanerror: yeah, I sit at 90-95% idle most of the time17:33
thehumanerrorMike_lifeguard: I think you'll have to back the data in one of the partitions, into one of the other ones17:33
Ace2017_-Mike_lifeguard: backup one of the partitions and then delete it and make a new partition17:33
thehumanerrorMike_lifeguard: Or onto another disk17:33
MaYobihello evryone17:33
Mike_lifeguardalright, will do that17:33
mickster04ActionParsnip, rubbish...17:33
mickster04ActionParsnip, i mean iplayer is, not ur answer17:33
te_!gparted | Mike_lifeguard17:33
ubottuMike_lifeguard: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:33
MaYobiany body knoew, why mplayer show error "too many video packets in the buffer" ? I can fix this?17:34
ActionParsnipmickster04: well it makes sense, if you can use flash for youtube and is fuine but the bbc player doesnt work then its a different plugin isnt it]17:34
hasonmy laptob  sony  type S VGN-SZ53b/b17:34
Mike_lifeguardte_: uh, yeah, i know17:34
thehumanerroris X usually so high up in terms of processor use?17:34
hasonit's from japan17:34
ActionParsnipmickster04: maybe it needs java. Its not something i use17:34
mickster04ActionParsnip, yeah, it used to maon about not havin flash...suck, i thought eeebuntu came with it17:34
andre_plis there an alternate for keyserver.ubuntu.com ? I can't seem to connect to it17:34
baba_b00iehow do i know if firefox is running under my user or as sudo ? i ran some commands at cli for a plugin and ever since firefox won't load bookmarks or my homepage17:34
te_Mike_lifeguard: But if you only need to delet the last or last partitions, it won't effect the first ones17:34
baba_b00iei dropped to cli and ran firefox %u and it still doesn't load the current logged in user profile17:35
Mike_lifeguardte_: I know. I was asking about making partition table changes without changing (ie losing) the data17:35
te_Mike_lifeguard: If you have 4 partitions and you delete #4  it will not effec the others.17:35
mickster04ActionParsnip, well it lets me click "play" ut then when it tries to load it, it just FAISL17:35
hasonwhere r u?17:35
Mike_lifeguardte_: I know.17:35
te_Mike_lifeguard: Otherwise  use gparted17:36
abbazabbahey everybody, i'm trying to install 8.04 on my system, which has had it before.. however when i try to run it off the cd, busy box comes up and i get a "initramfs" command line17:36
ActionParsnipmickster04: i only get audio but get no change of video off the static imnage17:36
abbazabbawhen i take this cd out and put it in another machine it boots fine.17:36
mickster04ActionParsnip, lucky u :P17:36
orhanhi there17:36
ThingymebobActionParsnip, mickster04: BBC iPlayer definately uses flash works fine for me17:36
abbazabbaanyway to install via cd?17:36
orhancan someone help me to connect to amsn17:36
te_Mike_lifeguard: Did I missunderstand your question?17:36
Mike_lifeguardte_: YES :D17:37
mdmabbazabba, does that happen when you boot the OS from the disk for the first time, or does this happen when you try to boot the CD?17:37
Thingymebobmickster04: Worked fine out of the box with ubuntu-restricted-extras installed17:37
hasonis there anyone can help me17:37
ActionParsnipThingymebob: i dont have any interest in it so i'm not fussed it doesnt work17:37
te_Mike_lifeguard: You can also bittorrent partition magic17:37
mickster04Thingymebob, yeah, in normal ubuntu, i don't have that, im using eeebuntu. although it does have flash installed17:37
te_Mike_lifeguard: What is your question?17:37
mickster04hason probly whats up?17:37
abbazabbamdm: from the cd.. i can't load it off the cd17:37
Mike_lifeguardte_: it already got more-or-less answered, but thank you for trying to help17:37
orhanplease help a lady17:37
ActionParsniphason: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18017:38
hasonthe nvidia driver17:38
mickster04Thingymebob, i can get it working in normal ubi17:38
mdmabbazabba, did you check your BIOS and make sure the CD is in the boot order? also does it see and register the CD drive?17:38
sebsebseb!details |  orhan17:38
ubottuorhan: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:38
te_Mike_lifeguard: Ok, sorry if I only caused confusion...17:38
AndyBDoes anyone know if there has been an update on 9.04 support for the 256MB ATI Mobility RADEON HD 3650?17:38
ActionParsniphason: then reboot, job done17:38
abbazabbamdm: yep, top of the boot order, and it knows that it's a compaq dvd drive17:38
ActionParsnipAndyB: head over to www.ati.com  there will be a driver tere17:38
ActionParsnip!ati > AndyB17:38
ubottuAndyB, please see my private message17:38
NerdzI know this isnt the Kubuntu Channe., but ever since I  installed, it keeps  saying Ubuntu has started in Low graphics mode. How can I stop this from happening?17:39
hasonand i have a problem with desktob efficts17:39
mdmabbazabba, ether the MB has a chipset that ubu does not recognise or more likly it has broken BIOS that puts out bad int13 calls.  It is a hardware issue you need to debug.17:39
AndyBActionParsnip, Thanks17:39
Thingymebobmickster04: wonder whats playing eee up, I put full ubu on my old mans eee so can't help with specifics, but I though the only diff was that eeebuntu had a custom kernel and a couple of extra packages17:39
mickster04Thingymebob, yeah so did i :/17:39
orhani have ubuntu muslim edition and i cant connect to amsn at all it juqt says connection and i wait a lot of time and nothing17:40
abbazabbamdm: ever since i threw in a second hard drive, the bios screen has been up for a couple more seconds.. do you know of anyway to go about fixing it?17:40
hasonhow could i reboot the job done17:40
a_c_mgetting a really annoying issue, mouse dragging seems to only work some of the time. ie i try to move a window, and it will loose the gab and then insta click on what ever is now under the cursor - anyone know what might be causing this?17:41
baba_b00ieabbazabba, you prolly have the second hard drive set to auto detect drive(s) manually enter the CHS and you should see the delay disappear17:41
=== MadMax is now known as Guest54967
hasonwhere r u17:41
mdmabbazabba, when you put in the second harddrive did you cable and connect themn properly? Did you set them to master and slave and not use cable select?  if you used cable select do you have the apporprate cable? Puttin in drives that are cabled incorrectly can most surly case int13 problems17:41
ActionParsniphason: sudo shutdown -r now17:41
sebsebseborhan: you could try another program17:42
carmlorhan: try pidgin,maybe you'll be able to use msn17:42
Mike_lifeguardAny suggestion for options when mounting your ntfs Windows partition?17:42
abbazabbababa_b00ie: thank you i'll have to try that out17:42
sebsebseborhan: as well as properly removing amsn and  the program user data, and  re installing17:42
orhani can use pidgin but i need amsn for vide and audio conversations17:42
hasonthis is for reboot the job17:42
baba_b00ieabbazabba, either that or you're using a cable select cable on a jumpered hard drive.. or the other way around..17:42
sebsebsebhason: I think kmess might be able to do that as well17:42
baba_b00ieabbazabba, assuming you're using IDE of course17:42
sebsebseb!info kmess17:42
ubottukmess (source: kmess): Instant messenger to use MSN on KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1840 kB, installed size 4272 kB17:42
carmlMike_lifeguard:the one to remember the preferences you set?17:43
abbazabbamdm: i put it on the same ide as the first hard drive.. it's been in for a month now and this is the first time i'm having a problem, aside from the slower boot up17:43
hasonok i'll see17:43
Thingymebobmickster04: Have you tried the lowe bandwidth version, link is at the bottom of each page, I think it uses older flash and is the one that wii uses17:43
MaYobiany body know, how fix the problem with mplayer when he get error "too many video packets in the buffer"???17:43
Mike_lifeguardcarml: I'm not sure what you mean? I'm just wondering if using defaults is actually sensible for an NTFS partition.17:43
stealth-whats a command that lets me see the history of logged in users?17:43
ActionParsniphason: you install the driver then reboot. what more do you want ?17:43
mdmabbazabba, did you check it for size, does bios know what it is, did you set it manually like baba_b00ie said (also I did skip asking you if this was all IDE)17:44
hasonthe effict desktob dose not enable17:44
sebsebseborhan: open a terminal17:44
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY17:44
orhanand than17:44
carmlMike_lifeguard: I mean you have the option to set to default the preferences you set,so you don't need to set them again17:44
whatis_tuxdoes anyone know  just a menu launcher (for apps) ?17:44
Mike_lifeguardDoes it make sense to put backups on their own separate partition? Does that actually reduce the likelihood of them being damaged?17:45
sebsebseborhan: ok  first of all you got nothing to lose from amsn I assume?17:45
Mike_lifeguardcarml: Yes, I'm talking about /etc/fstab17:45
abbazabbamdm: size is what it should be, bios does, idk what you mean by set it manually?17:45
tomlikestorockon my server, console-kit-daemon is taking up 100% cpu... I've done some googling and found out what it was for, but how to I mitigate it? Can I just remove it?17:45
orhani just need video and audio17:45
carmlMike_lifeguard:yes put backups on separate partition17:45
sebsebseborhan: ok17:45
orhanif there is any other programme17:45
sebsebseborhan: sudo apt-get purge amsn17:45
sebsebseborhan: that will remove amsn and it's config files17:45
TheFuzzballHow do I install WPA2 support?17:46
Mike_lifeguardcarml: k, thanks. Any idea about NTFS defaults in /etc/fstab?17:46
sebsebseborhan: then you can also view the hidden folders in home to make sure  .amsn is also gone which is your program user  data17:46
sebsebseborhan: in fact you could just  delete/move that without uninstalling the program first17:46
Titan8990_TheFunkbomb, wpa_supplicant supports wpa2 and is installed by default17:46
sebsebseborhan: then when you re open it's like you just installed amsn for the first time17:46
Titan8990_TheFunkbomb, but not compatible with all cards17:46
abbazabbathink i should unplug the hard drive and give it a whirl?17:47
mdmabbazabba, int13 is a low level identifucation for drives.  It does things like start them, read their geometry, etc.  It is how linux in genneral enumerates drives on a bus.  You miscable a drive and it can still be acccessed but not addresses (a very common thing with misusing cable select cables).  To make things worse Windows will seem to see the drive fine (because it ignores int13 and jumps direct to 32 bit access).  Really I would go look at the drives a17:47
mdmnd see how you cabled  and jumpered them.17:47
abbazabbamdm: alrighty, let me take a gander17:48
sebsebseborhan: did you understand me?17:49
orhani tried now to reinstall it and to install it agin but no work17:49
sebsebseborhan: is it still using your old settings from before?17:49
TheFuzzballTitan8990_, it was working by default in 8.10 but now it doesn't work17:49
orhanhow to check that17:50
sebsebseborhan:  when you re installed, you didn't have to set up your MSN account again?17:50
mickster04Thingymebob, nearly...it just keeps loadin :/17:50
orhanno it was there17:51
sebsebseborhan: what was there?17:51
sebsebseborhan: the account was set up yes?17:51
orhanthe id and pass17:51
sebsebseborhan: ok17:51
sebsebseborhan: close AMSN17:51
=== pali is now known as p_s
orhani reinstalled it17:52
sebsebseborhan: yes, but it's not as simple as just that17:52
orhanacctually deleted17:52
chazcoHi... does anyone know of an open source alternative to the touchkit drivers?17:52
sebsebseborhan: ,because  sometimes you have to remove the actsaul program user data your self, or move it some where if you don't want to just delete17:52
orhanhow can i do that17:52
sebsebseborhan: in fact this is a good thing about Linux,  it keeps the programs and  the program  user data seperate, which means if you  have a problem,  just  move or delete the user data normalley,  rather than  re intall the program17:53
sebsebseborhan: open the home folder17:53
sebsebseborhan: then  view > show hidden files and folders,  or do  ctrl and h17:54
yellowtapeAnyone ever get a burning animation in their Ubuntu? It's pretty weird. I had it a few weeks ago on the bottom of my screen and could only get rid of it via a reboot. Now it's back in the top right hand corner.17:54
sebsebseborhan: program user  data  goes in   hidden .folders in home17:54
orhanwhat now17:55
orhani c the hiden files17:55
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sebsebseborhan: ok good, is there a  .amsn ?17:55
samitheberberhow I can set x-terminal-emulator to be different for one user only?17:55
Guest40008change my nickname  8-}17:55
sebsebseborhan: that's your current AMSN settings,  so just delete it, or move it somewhere else if you want to keep it17:56
sebsebseborhan: is AMSN closed now?17:56
samitheberberGuest40008: do not irc with root user!17:56
sebsebseborhan: ok now when you re open AMSN, you will need to set up your account again17:56
sebsebseborhan: and hopefuly this time it will connect :)17:56
joeymG'day.. I'm about to burn the cd image I just downloaded from the ubuntu page.  I only have a dvd writer and dvd media at the moment.  Can I burn a cd image to a dvd with growisofs from dvd+rw-tools?  In other words, would doing "growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0=/home/joey/dl/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso" do the trick or give me a coaster?17:57
orhanill give a try17:57
te_joeym: No17:57
p_sHello, I can not find any amarok packages in synaptic package manager. Can you please help me, which repositories should I add?17:58
te_joeym: DVD images are for DVD media and CD images are for DC media.17:58
sebsebsebp_s: synaptic heh  easier to use the terminal when you know what you want to install17:58
baba_b00ieanyone know where mozilla stores its bookmark file exactly with firefox 3.0 and running under ubuntu 90417:58
sebsebsebp_s: sudo apt-get install amarok17:58
Mike_lifeguardDoes anyone use nssbackup? Good? Bad? Ugly?17:58
orhanno luck17:58
orhanstill same it says connection17:59
sebsebsebbaba_b00ie: it  uses  syllite databases now17:59
sebsebseborhan: ok  let's try something else17:59
p_sis there a way in apt-get how to install amarok in version 1.4? not the new one?17:59
sebsebseborhan: can't remember if kmess does web cam,  and if not  I know of a program that will17:59
orhanis there oother oprogram for video and audio conversation17:59
edbianbaba_b00ie: do you know about the hidden folders in your /home ??17:59
baba_b00iesebsebseb, yeah i'm at the cli now i don't do file management using gui to much18:00
sebsebseborhan: in the terminal :)    sudo apt-get install kmess18:00
joeymThanks te_ According to someone on the ubuntu forums is can work (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=424634), but they are using higher level burning apps like k3b.  Maybe the program does some sort of conversion.18:00
baba_b00ieedbian, i'm at cli, under /home/.mozilla18:00
sebsebseborhan: that's a KDE program, so if you have never installed a KDE program before, it's going to want to put on quite a few things18:01
te_p_s: You probably just need to get the .deb in the version of your choice and install manually.18:02
orhanok kmess is now installed18:02
sebsebseborhan: ok try that one18:02
Thingymebobmickster04: What happens if you open firefox from a terminal with firefox -jsconsole, I get a ton of warnings about unknown properties and parsing values for properties but no errors.18:02
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* AndyB is trying to get ubuntu 9.04 back on a usb that will support my ATI card for compiz18:02
baba_b00iesebsebseb, do you know where the files are stored under the /.mozilla folder ?18:03
sebsebsebbaba_b00ie: not exactly, but in Firefox18:03
sebsebsebbaba_b00ie: bookmarks > organize bookmarks18:03
sebsebsebbaba_b00ie: and you can do things18:03
orhanwhere can i find here my cam18:04
sebsebseborhan:  just look around the program, anything for web cam?18:05
ronaldprettymanhey everyone, quick question, on 9.04 what is the process name for the splash screen18:05
orhanno webcam settings18:06
ronaldprettymanfor the pupose of killing during boot with a script that needed to access the console18:06
mickster04Thingymebob, i get the same18:06
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baba_b00iesebsebseb, i found the directory and file names. it's xxxx.json18:06
wildc4rdevening all18:06
sebsebsebbaba_b00ie: yeah that's it18:06
Thingymebobmickster04: Just a thought18:06
baba_b00iei miss the old bookmark.html files18:06
* Thingymebob thinks some more18:06
sebsebseborhan: AMSN normalley has no problem going on MSN18:07
ronaldprettymanusplash is the package name, thanks anyway, yall have a goodone18:07
te_ronaldprettyman: I think the spash screen is called up by grub and so you might find a clue in grub.conf18:07
ronaldprettymanyeah grub just has a line to file the argument to the kernel18:08
orhanthis kmess works but i cant find the webcam options18:08
DulakJust take splash and quiet off your boot line in menu.lst18:08
ronaldprettymanits compiled into the intrd image i believe18:08
ronaldprettymanbut they changed the name of it a few time18:08
mickster04Thingymebob, idea?18:08
sebsebseborhan: ok hold on18:08
lzmcan i get kde3.5 in jaunty? my google-fu is failing me18:08
ronaldprettymanDulak thanks, but thats a totally different thing, this is for a script, thanks yall, have a good one18:08
Thingymebobmickster04: Not yet, I'm slowly removing stuff to see when it breaks.18:09
JuJuBeeAnyone have a suggestion as to how to add an old Parallel Okidata printer (laser) to Jaunty?18:09
p_ssebsebseb how can I install amarok 1.4 using the command apt-get?18:09
sebsebseblzm: yes you can18:09
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora18:09
te_ronaldprettyman: make that menu.lst18:09
lzmsebsebseb: is there a howto about this?18:09
sebsebseblzm: there's a remix CD,  but you can also add a repo18:09
lzmwhat repo?18:10
sebsebseblzm: yeah if  you  get on the annoucnement from before on  the kubuntu site it will explain18:10
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page18:10
mdm!cups | JuJuBee18:10
ubottuJuJuBee: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:10
te_JuJuBee: Shouldn't be any differebt than other printers.18:10
Thingymebobmickster04: Do other streaming sites work (youtube etc)?18:10
te_!printer | JuJuBee18:10
JuJuBeemdm I know, but I don't see an option for Parallel18:10
mickster04Thingymebob, yeah....18:10
te_JuJuBee: lpt18:11
sebsebseborhan: ok uhmmm there's a program that  I think can do it, but  I need to find out the name again hold on,  also I know of one that should do it for sure18:11
Thingymebobmickster04: :-/..... still removing stuff....18:11
elena09my hard disk has 50 celsius degrees with ubuntu jaubty, and i'm just reading an article, why?18:11
sebsebseborhan: ,but that one  is  closed source,  made by one guy, and can be a little buggy at times18:11
JuJuBeete_:  not one of hte device choices18:11
mdmJuJuBee, does it list LPT#?18:11
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mdmJuJuBee, does the computer HAVE a paralel port, it is enabled in BIOS?18:12
JuJuBeeYes and Yes.  It was working prior to jaunty18:12
te_JuJuBee: What model is it?18:12
JuJuBeeOL 810e (very old)18:12
mdmJuJuBee, is parport0 loaded as a module?18:13
JuJuBeeduno... how to check?18:13
sebsebseborhan: ok I haven't used it yet,  but  it's getting  popularish on Ubuntu,   it's going to replace Pidgin in Ubuntu 9.10  I think as well18:13
mdmJuJuBee, lsmod | grep parport18:13
JuJuBee8.527442] parport0: PC-style at 0x378, irq 7 [PCSPP,TRISTATE]18:13
JuJuBeefrom dmesg18:13
orhanill use it also if it has cam and sound18:14
mdmJuJuBee, now check for lp18:14
JuJuBeemdm yes parport_pc and parport18:14
sebsebseborhan: ok  nevermind,   the program I was thinking of isn't  quite it, but   emesene is,   I haven't tried yet, but I think it may be able to do what you want18:14
JuJuBee[   10.471144] lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven). <- from dmesg18:15
sebsebseborhan: sudo apt-get install emesene18:15
mdmJuJuBee, then go looat at /var/log/cups/error_log and see why it does not like the port18:16
gladiatorhi .. i just downloaded 9.04 iso .. how do i burn the image on to a cd ? i am currently using 8.1018:16
gladiatorwould the Image Burner write the iso file or will it properly extract and write the image?18:17
orhani connected there18:17
orhanbut i dont see my contacts18:17
sebsebseborhan: oh18:17
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fdelanoygladiator: most probably18:17
gladiatorfdelanoy: ive only got one writable cd .. no second chances :P18:18
mdmJuJuBee, when you looked at dmesg did parport0 show a printer attached?18:18
orhanno cam settings here neither18:18
fdelanoygladiator: no rw anywhere?18:18
fdelanoygladiator: read-write18:19
gladiatorno. ive just got on writable cd18:19
sebsebseborhan: thought I had lost you18:19
JuJuBeemdm http://pastebin.com/m48c3f5f018:19
orhanim here18:19
sebsebseborhan: ok  web cam in development for that one,  I just Googled18:20
orhando u think if i restart the pc that amsn could work18:21
gladiatorany idea if sudden halting and flickering of the screen could be caused by overheating?18:21
sebsebseborhan: probably wont be as simple as that18:21
mdmJuJuBee, go into your BIOS and turn on EPP18:21
sebsebseborhan: ,but  I know of a program that will do web cam for sure :)18:21
orhanok ill try18:21
orhani come soon18:21
JuJuBeemdm ok.18:21
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JuJuBeeDon't recall turning it off since I upgraded...18:21
JuJuBeeI'll be back ...18:22
HalitechUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24 on i686, any reason why it would only show 1gig of ram with 3 installed? computer does show 3 gig on boot18:23
ersinHow can i resolve Grub Error COde 17 ?18:23
sahakIn nautilus I can access a remote server either via sftp or ssh. Which one of those protocols is faster?18:24
Thingymebobmickster04: does eeebuntu have it own restricted extras package?18:24
mdmersin, you have an incorrect device selected, most likly your boot partition (as in the root entry) in your menu.lst file18:24
mickster04Thingymebob, how do i find out, i dunno off by heart18:25
eluxis the package manage on ubuntu and debian the exact same? i understand ubuntu uses debian' aptitude manager18:25
ersinmdm: i get error code 18 when i solve it i get error code 17, i do a clean reinstallation of sabily18:25
Halitechelux, yes, both use apt, aptitude, synaptic and dpkg18:25
Milos_SDHi all... I was doing something with fonts rendering options (changeing .fonts.conf file), but didn't do a backup. Can someone help me restore all to default?18:26
eluxHalitech: does ubuntu also do the stupid shit like stable/testing/unstable/experimental and back ports?18:26
Thingymebobmickster04: synaptic, type in restricted-extras in quicksearch,18:26
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mdmersin, it means "I did not find a kernel because I could not find the drive you said it was on", i.e. invalid device18:26
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Mike_lifeguardIf I'm going to make a partition for backups, what filesystem would be most reliable for that sort of thing?18:26
jribMike_lifeguard: ext3?18:26
Halitechelux, I wouldn't call it stupid but thats me :)  no, Ubuntu just uses strange animal names for thier versions ;)18:27
Mike_lifeguardok, thx18:27
ersinmdm: yesterday it worked fine till i do a stupid kernel update, do i need to correct the device from bios or do i need to change menu.lst with live cd ?18:27
eluxHalitech: i see.. i think its very stupid. the stable versions are also so much older.. its not practical18:27
mickster04Thingymebob, it does indeed18:27
mdmersin, pastebin a fdisk -l, df -k and your /boot/grub/menu.lst please18:27
Thingymebobmickster04: is it installed?18:27
sebsebseborhan: hi18:28
Halitechelux, maybe not for you but with their way of thinking, stable is just that, stable and if you were a sys admin running a server farm would you want stability or the latest untested packages?18:28
giacohow can I upgrade a single package from jaunty to karmik? Obviously with all the dependencies18:28
mickster04Thingymebob, no, actually it has restricted modules not eeebuntu specific restricted extra's an the extra's aren't installed18:28
orhanit doesnt work18:28
Thingymebobmickster04: Are you saying ubuntu-restricted-extras aren't installed?18:29
mickster04Thingymebob, correct18:29
Thingymebobmickster04: install them18:29
eluxHalitech: im a developer, and i cant be bothered using 1 year old versions of software..18:29
sebsebseborhan: ok thinking what to suggest and so on18:29
hai_u think i can now convert to windows18:29
ersinmdm: im doing a reinstallation now, i will paste it when it is finished18:30
mickster04Thingymebob, i have to reboot due to updates too so will brb!18:30
eluxHalitech: i dont mind apt-get install package/testing .. thats fine, but then if i run apt-get upgrade, it will try to upgrade everything to use testing.. ?18:30
Thingymebobmickster04: ok18:30
Mike_lifeguardDoes Gparted's "format to" option erase the data?18:31
orhanis it hurd to set up ubuntu boot vista18:31
Halitechelux, then you are thinking as a developer who needs cutting edge, not someone who needs stability. what about the people running Ubuntu 8.04? are they stupid for running an old version if it suits their needs?18:31
orhanand from there to use msn18:31
sebsebseborhan: what was that?18:31
orhani saw i guy he got in vista throught ubuntu18:32
Halitechelux, there is a way of not upgrading everything if you have a testing repo listed but I'm not sure how as I use just testing myself18:32
sebsebseborhan: yes with enough RAM, you can virtual machine Windows18:32
orhanactually using ubuntu and vista18:32
eluxHalitech: no they're not stupid if it works. but when designer a new product, i consider the new features of the services available to me and leverage them to make a better product and then monitor stability closely and fix issues as they come.. but in my experiences nothing has been devastating if you have back ups18:32
sebsebseborhan: inside Ubuntu18:32
orhanthis pc is good18:32
sebsebseborhan: how much RAM?18:32
orhanand fast18:32
eluxHalitech: ohh you make testing your default branch for all packages?18:32
orhan3gb ram18:32
sebsebseborhan: ok cool18:32
JuJuBeemdm it seems to have found it but test page printing gibberish18:33
theunixgeekWhere can I get free Chinese unicode fonts?18:33
Halitechelux, it comes down to what you need and want in your daily use18:33
Halitechelux, yes I do18:33
eluxHalitech: but testing doesnt have security updates.. no?18:33
mdmJuJuBee, that is a matter of selecting a proper PPD, make sure you select one that matches the capability of the printer18:33
sebsebseborhan: ok many options then18:33
orhanguide me pls18:33
sebsebseborhan: I don't want to flood the channel with loads of stuff though,  did you get my pm?18:33
=== MadMax is now known as Guest14264
SurfNewsNetworkholy jesus A_Yoshi is here18:34
orhani need msn and i adore ubuntu18:34
mdmJuJuBee, also did you enable DMA for it?18:34
Halitechelux, yes it does18:34
eluxHalitech: btw. what about backports .. do those original from testing?18:34
eluxoriginal == originate18:34
Halitechelux, I'm not sure on backports, I've never used them and I don't feel I need the latest and greatest when what I get installed is working the way I feel it should18:34
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Halitechelux, if I wanted to be on the cutting edge I'd go SID or Sidux :D18:35
tumiiIs ext4 faster than ext2 with / as mount?18:36
eluxyea i dont need cutting edge18:36
eluxi need a mix.. hand picked packages18:36
JuJuBeemdm thanks, was the wron ppd.  I chose 810 ps/foomatic or something like that.  Switched to 800 laserjet.18:37
Mike_lifeguardtumii: you should check actual benchmarks18:37
JuJuBeeWorking :)18:37
tumiiMike_lifeguard: where18:37
Halitechelux, then Debian would be the better way to go as from what I know (and I stand to be corrected) there is no easy way to get packages from a newer version of ubuntu without PPA or backports which aren;t from Canocal18:37
mdmJuJuBee, im glad it works, also if you did not already do so, enable DMA for the EPP on that port18:37
eluxi see. good to know18:38
eluxi was interested in the differences. thanks for the talk18:38
Mike_lifeguardtumii: http://lmgtfy.org?q=ext4+benchmarks18:38
JuJuBeeK, I will go back and check.  Weird, I never changed the settings in bios.18:38
tumiiMike_lifeguard, thanks18:38
mdmJuJuBee, DMA is not necessary.  Its just nice to have so you dont hold up your kernel while sending bits to the printer18:39
mdmerr im sorry its pralel, sending bytes18:39
fuffalohas anyone here used the opensource package emailrelay?  I'm having problems with it timing out when a filter takes more than ~33 seconds18:41
silidanis there a way to automatically rebuild the tree /var/cache ?18:41
mickster04Thingymebob, no luck :( neither plays, still same as before18:41
lianimatorin Kino, when I imported a wide screen video, it became squeezed into a 4:3 ratio, how do I change back?18:41
mdmsilidan, ????18:42
silidanyea i was stupid enough to delete all that has been in /var/cache now my system is screwed18:43
chetnickWhen i add vga option to grub menu.lst, i get a blank screen. I tried vga=791, vga=792, and vga=793. I am guessing that those codes are nots supported by my monitor. What code should i use for 24" wide screen. That is my guess, maybe that is not problem at all. vga=791 works just fine on my laptop. Thanks18:43
shuanHi everyone18:43
mdmsilidan, reboot the system qand crash recover everything that you just wiped out its runing cache.  Most thing can recover from that18:43
shuanI would like to know if i can possibly enable ntfs file system as im running a dual boot with vista18:44
dgilpinhey, can't remember who helped me with the pidgin issue18:44
dgilpinit worked18:44
Thingymebobmickster04: I'll be honest, i'm lost here and don't want to sit here blindly telling you to add & remove stuff, The only things that managed to break it for me were restricted extras and open-jre. I would suggest, if there isn't anyone else here who can help a post on the forums.18:44
ThingymebobCan Anyone here shine some light on mickster04's issue with BBC iplayer on eeebuntu18:45
silidanmdm: you mean by running dpkg-reconfigure?18:45
shuanI would like to know if i can possibly enable ntfs file system as im running a dual boot with vista18:45
elena09Does Ubuntu jaunty have some bug related to HDD? My HDD temperature is pretty high without doing anything and it seems spinning all time, I have a laptop18:45
mdmsilidan, /var/cache is a place for programs to store things like state data and running data.  Apt put things like its repo cache output there.  You can rerun any program and it will recreate them.  Sometimes you need to trigger it, with an update, sometimes it will do it on its own.  But whatever you wiped out will make the programs unstable, reboot the system18:46
mickster04Thingymebob, thanks alot anyway!18:46
shuananyone know how i can enable ntfs18:46
silidanmdm: i already rebooted and apt update only worked after i created the path it said it could not read (cause it wasnt there)18:47
elena09Does Ubuntu jaunty have some bug related to HDD? My HDD temperature is pretty high without doing anything and it seems spinning all time, I have a laptop18:47
mmlj4how do I change the locale settings, please?18:47
silidanmdm: nothing recreates itself, unless the path already exists18:47
silidanmdm: at least this is what i observed18:47
TheMuffinMani need help18:48
tw3akUrb0xhello all18:48
mdmsilidan, rerun apt-get update18:48
TheMuffinMani need help18:48
mudkipz_lulz_900u do18:49
shuananyone know how i can enable ntfs18:49
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TheMuffinManhow do u install themes18:49
ABobashaun it should be enabled by default18:49
TheMuffinManhow themes18:50
ABobashaun just try mounting the device and see if it works18:50
shuanhow would i mount it18:50
derenrichTheMuffinMan: calm down18:50
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silidanmdm: after it was run finishing with done, i get without doing anything the following error:18:50
ABobashaun is it listed in your places?18:50
shuani can see 1 partition of my ntfs drive18:50
shuanthe partition with windows isnt showing18:51
silidanmdm: Failed to open connection to "system" message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket : no such file or directory18:51
shuani checked system monitor and it lists both of them18:51
mdmsilidan, restart dbus, also you may have to go recreate the directories by hand18:51
daviddolphinis there an off topic ubuntu channel?18:52
ABobashaun you using jaunty?18:52
silidanmdm: no shit?, that was why i was asking if there is an automated way of doing all this18:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:52
shuanyes jaunty18:52
mdmsilidan, yes reinstall the OS.  we call this a learning experience18:52
tw3akUrb0x<<<<<<<< pro at reinstall LOL18:52
tw3akUrb0xdefined newb18:53
silidanbut its linux its must be fixable without reinstall18:53
Titan8990_silidan, linux can always be fixed without reinstall18:53
shuanABoba: yes jaunty18:53
mdmsilidan, this is multiple programs that you have screwed up its running state and its data.  You can fix them, one by one, or you can reinstall the OS and let it do it.  Either way do not go deleting /var any more18:54
ABobashaun check your messages18:54
Titan8990_silidan, but you have to compare a 1 hour reinstall to 12hr fixing session18:54
Titan8990_silidan, but /home partitions make OS reinstall nothing major18:54
silidanlet me guess i will loose all data then?18:54
ZzeissYeah.  If you've hosed /var, it might be a better use of your time to simply reinstall.  Or find a machine you can copy from.18:54
Titan8990_silidan, did you make a /home partition?18:54
silidani have no /home partition its all in one, sadly18:55
Titan8990_silidan, then you will need to backup prior to reinstalling18:55
mdmsilidan, yes you will loose all the data in them, go copy your /home directory and /etc directory somewhere (home is your persoanl files, etc will allow you get get any custom configs back)18:55
iaindaltonAccording to the documentation, "aptitude install gnumeric/karmic" would install the karmic version of gnumeric, even though I'm on a different distro, right?  I get "release not found"; do I need to add a line to sources.list or something?18:55
mmlj4halp! running dpkg-reconfigure locales on my linode fails, and I'm still getting "locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory", when "LANGUAGE = "en_US.utf8"," and friends are indeed set18:55
Zzeisssilidan: Actually, now is an _ideal_ time to upgrade your machine, to put in a bigger disk, etc.18:55
Zzeisssilidan: do you have a spare / larger disk handy?18:55
mdmsilidan, co make a tar backup of them, we call this a learning experiance too18:55
Zzeiss(usually, when I frak up this bad, it's time for me to make it a bigger machine.  :) )18:56
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Thingymebobmickster04, you still about18:56
silidana large disk, yes but its full and as second drive in another pc18:56
xiongi dearly wish i had some help with evolution -- online info seems to contradict itself18:56
mickster04Thingymebob, yeah18:57
MK13is the nvidia driver's .deb the same for kubuntu & ubuntu?18:57
silidanone question if one recompiles a kernel how much disk space is used at peak during compilation?18:57
mdmsilidan, tar and gzip the files in home, store them somwhere else, reinstall the OS (this time making a seperate root and home parition) then reinstal and restore the backup18:57
Titan8990_MK13, yes18:57
MK13Titan8990_, can you not install drivers on a persistent usb made by the startup usb creator?18:58
Zzeisssilidan: Well, you might want to think about buying another disk then.  If you have no disk to spare, you have no room to play.18:58
Thingymebobmickster04: I think iplayer uses wm for drm so you might need w32codecs or non-free-codecs from the medibuntu repositories18:58
Titan8990_MK13, wouldn't know18:58
dtownherocan somebody help me install a program using ./configure make etc... ?18:58
mickster04yeah tat could be18:58
Titan8990_silidan, 796M/usr/src/18:58
Titan8990_silidan, that sources for 4 kernels18:58
Thingymebobmickster04: worth a shot eh?18:59
Titan8990_silidan, and binaries that have already been compiled18:59
Titan8990_silidan, the actual kernel image is about 2mb18:59
silidanstrange i tryed to compile the kernel and it ended up using over 4 GB and running out of space18:59
Titan8990_silidan, you were doing something very wrong18:59
mickster04Thingymebob, yeah18:59
silidanthats why i needed to delete cache, to get my space back18:59
MK13what would cause nvidia's driver not to install on a persistent usb install?18:59
Titan8990_silidan, and ubuntu does not have the best support for custom kernels18:59
silidanall in all ubuntu cost me alot of stress im about to install vista just to say ubuntus fault19:00
edbiansilidan: Have fun with that...19:00
Zzeisssilidan: Well, I'd disagree.  But nobody can stop you.19:00
mickster04Thingymebob, will give you a shout when im done19:00
silidanubuntu cost me 4 days to get the desktop properly running at beginning, and everytime there is an update something screws19:01
mdmsilidan, go reinstall, putting about 25G or so as root the rest as home.  Pay attention to the size of /usr/src and /var/log.  But basicly you can spend multipel hours diagnosing programs, or you can reinstall the OS19:01
Thingymebobmickster04: cool19:01
NickWebHASomething very weird just happened with rsync and it has be pretty worried. I was syncing something from my pen drive (rsync -v --progress -h --stats -r -t --delete ./ /media/windows\ vista/_backup/64gb_usb/) and everything on my pen drive just disapeared half way through.19:01
edbiansilidan: If you don't want help with an ubuntu problem than you're in the wrong place bud19:01
silidanok will consider reinstall19:01
NickWebHAI have a half-completed backup now.19:01
Zzeissdo .fdi files automatically reload or do I need a reboot to make that happen?19:01
edbianNickWebHA: perhaps the pen drive filled up?19:02
NickWebHAResulting in it wiping the whole thing?19:02
silidanwell actually the help was just to say reinstall thats something id expect from a windows forum tough (altough i know i did screw it up that hard)19:02
mdmsilidan, those 4 days is why I suggested backing up /etc as well.  Things like /etc/asound.conf, /etc/X11/xorg.conf, all of /etc/mail and /etc/samba are there19:02
edbianNickWebHA: Yeah, I know.  It should never do that.  Just a thought.19:02
mdmsilidan, basicly all that "stuff" you configured by hand is there.  Everything else (like your gnome settings) are in /home so back that up too19:03
silidani really regret switching from suse just cause of a memory leak problem... now19:03
mdmsilidan, then relay out the OS so you dont have to do this yet again in the future.  The more painfull this is the more you will learn19:03
NickWebHAIt still says the 50GB is used on the pen drive. I just can not get a file list.19:03
Dulaksilidan: it's a time thing, if you knew linux well, it would be a non-issue, but not knowing linux and having hosed the system so thoroughly, reinstalling is gonna be much faster than walking you through fixing everything that is broke19:03
silidanthe funny thing is when i start gdm now my mouse and keyboard stop woring...19:04
edbianNickWebHA: 50GB pen drive?!?!19:04
NickWebHAI am only using 50GB on it.19:04
Dulaksilidan: same exact situation on a hosed windows box, 6 hours to fix it, 1 hour to reinstall, nobody paying hourly is gonna choose the 6 hour option19:04
theunixgeek"only" ;)19:04
NickWebHAI wish I could get my hands on a 128GB. This 64GB has caused me to compromise on a few things. :-P19:04
edbianNickWebHA: I didn't know they even came that big!!  Anyway.  Is there a .Trash folder that's filled up with all that junk ??19:04
NickWebHANope. Not a single item in the file list.19:05
theunixgeekNickWebHA: do you not use your hard drive? ;)19:05
mdmNickWebHA, go get a sata drive and external USB enclosure.19:05
mickster04NickWebHA, are you sure its GB? not Mb?19:05
silidano the .Trash another nice ubuntu issue, sometimes it ends up in homes trash sometimes in roots sometimes you need root rights to delete it... nice funny thing19:05
NickWebHABetween my 4GB Ubuntu-on-a-stick installation and my pen drive I can move to any PC and have my environment.19:05
MK13what is the command to clear the trash of a connected usb device w/out unmounting and waiting for the clear trash prompt?19:05
edbianTry perhaps copying something new to the drive.  Maybe the drive died in the middle of the transfer.19:05
uma_hello, did anybody tried to export sqlite db into mysql?19:06
NickWebHAI am sure: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682022037019:06
elena09Does Ubuntu jaunty have some bug related to HDD? My HDD temperature is pretty high without doing anything and it seems spinning all time, I have a laptop19:06
bjoern_hello. i've got a question. i have read today that it is possible to make an iso file from the installation of ubuntu. i can use it as a live cd to. i have forgotten the name of the program, but i remember words like recovery and sys. can anybody help?19:07
NickWebHABe right back. Am going to try rebooting as even thought I pulled the drive out it still sees it and refuses to unmount it.19:07
te_elena09: More than likely a hardware issue.19:07
silidanelena09: yea i heard of a bug or feature related to harddrives, somthing to do with powermanagement i think19:07
edbianNickWebHA: Very nice drive.  I'm sorry but I have no idea why it would blank the whole thing.  The rsync command is fine AFAIK.  Perhaps just run the command again.  Maybe it was a fluke?19:08
mdmuma_, you have to dump the sqllite to sql them import it to mysql.  Then you have to change any program that relied on that data to use a new source.  There are pleny of websites that show you how to do this19:08
elena09te_ I have Ubuntu jaUNTY19:08
te_silidan: has info for you.19:08
elena09te_ perhaps it is Ubuntu settings19:08
aytekin_hello there19:09
tristanmikeHi all :) I have a question that I would appreciate some help on. I have an ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe Motherboard. I have just purchased a new SATA drive (640GB) and I would like Ubuntu to see it. I've tried the command "sudo lshw -C disk" however it is not listed, which I suppose means it's not seen in the BIOS. The product page says it supports Serial ATA but the manual only describes the Windows installation, any help would be ap19:09
tristanmikepreciated. Thanks.19:09
tw3akUrb0xhero what are you trying to install?19:09
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aytekin_i ve installed amarok219:09
aytekin_bu it dint work19:09
samuelstjcan anyone help me with a choice about kernel? i bought a new pc, core 2 quad, 4Gb RAM and I don't know what version of ubuntu (32 bits or 64bits) choose19:09
te_tristanmike: sudo fdisk -l19:10
derenrichtristanmike: wait so does the bios see it?19:10
derenrichtristanmike: have you checked?19:10
edbiantristanmike: Does it show up in your bios post??19:10
aytekin_what sort of prob wolud be19:10
aytekin_what sort of prob would be19:10
samuelstji also need to choose the kernel image19:10
mickster04samuelstj, what processor is it19:10
Dulaksamuelstj: if you want to use all 4g of ram go 64 bit19:10
uma_mdm: can you link me to something? actually I'm trying to do this for amarok db following the wiki instructions but I get this error: ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 9: Duplicate entry '1' for key 119:10
Holek_hello, when the final version of firefox 3.5 will be available thru repos?19:11
mickster04dulak surely he has to have a 64 it processor?19:11
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:11
samuelstjmickster04, Dulak,  core 2 quad 2.8 and 4 GB RAM19:11
Dulakmickster04: core 2 duo are all 64 bit19:11
tristanmikete_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/208337/19:11
mickster04oh ok19:11
mdmuma_, it sounds as if you tried importing it twice.  That or the sql dump come from an improper databse19:11
Holek_mickster04: thanks ^^19:11
Dulakmickster04: or quad even19:11
samuelstjDulak: and about the kernel image?19:11
silidanwhat packages are responsible for keyboard and mouse input?19:11
mdmuma_, however if all you are worried about is amarok just remove the database and let it recreate it.19:12
Dulaksamuelstj: ??19:12
te_tristanmike: dmesg | less19:12
Holek_mickster04: simply just installed this beta package and was wondering if you know any ETA :)19:12
silidani dont like amarok it feels so bloated19:12
Dulaksamuelstj: You lost me, what are the choices?19:12
samuelstjDulak: i am from Brazil, sorry about my english =D19:12
mickster04Holek_, nope sorry19:13
Holek_kthxbai ^^19:13
uma_mdm: I am just afraid to lose the data of the old sqlite db... anyway if i took the wrong database to import I already lost it :(19:13
mickster04samuelstj, define kernel image?19:13
fantasaimy clock is often off by an hour after resuming from suspend. Can I tell it to sync via NTP or something, even though it's off by an hour and not just a minute or two?19:13
mdmuma_, however you may also be running into problems withe the differnces in sql from sqllite to mysql, things like the differnce between autoincrement and auto_increment (which is sounds like it did happen to you)19:13
te_tristanmike: See that the cable(s) are connected properly/securely. Look at bios for config settings that might have an effect.19:13
aytekin_i ve installed amarok2 but it didnt work what kinf of problem could be , i dont have any idea19:13
samuelstjDulak: i will choose 64 bits, but are so many kernel images in apt. p4-smp and k8-smp19:14
aytekin_somebody could help me19:14
Jazzywhat is the default username and password for ubuntu19:14
Thingymebobaytekin_: How did you install19:14
te_tristanmike: Watch as the computer boots for errors or something indicating that the drive is being detected.19:14
silidanjust to inform you i am now downloading the install cd for ubuntu 9.0419:14
mdmJazzy, there is none, its why it asks you for one when you install19:15
aytekin_i ve installed over the synaptic pack19:15
uma_mdm: yep I thins so... the wiki just told me to "remove all commands beginning with CREATE, BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT "and I did it manually...19:15
Dulaksamuelstj: k8 is amd only19:15
samuelstjDulak: ok19:15
Thingymebobaytekin_: what happens when you try to launch it?19:15
samuelstjDulak: thx a lot19:15
Jazzyokay damn19:15
Jazzyoh well19:16
tristanmikederenrich, te_, upon boot, doesn't detect SATA, just my IDE and two ROMs (IDE)... in the BIOS, it doesn't appear that they have their own section, in the same way the IDE drives do19:16
mickster04Thingymebob, boh no luck, ill be ok without it on my laptop19:16
JazzyPS ubuntu sucks19:16
FloodBot2Jazzy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
MK13tristanmike, also check your master/slave settings19:16
Thingymebobmickster04: Thats real weird19:16
mdmuma_, about the only thing you will loose is your streaming settings (like podcasts), just rescan your library and resetup your streams19:16
tristanmikederenrich, te_, It should be noted that I currently have an 80GB IDE drive which Ubuntu currently resides19:16
derenrichtristanmike: well it's not an ubuntu problem. master slave won't matter since it's sata...19:17
aytekin_while launching list of the track just skimming and  vent playing19:17
aytekin_it oesnt play the list19:17
tristanmikederenrich, right, it's more of a "how do I get Ubuntu to see it" kinda thing19:17
aytekin_it doesnt play the list19:17
derenrichtristanmike: you've gone into the bios settings right? not just looking at the post results?19:18
uma_mdm: I don't have any, I just lost the ratings (stars, etc) I just don't understand if switching to mysql did substitute my old file "collection.db" with a new one19:18
derenrichtristanmike: your bios can't see it, so clearly ubuntu can't19:18
mickster04Thingymebob, if there was anyway i could find the error messages that would be gr819:18
aytekin_there is no any sot of sound19:18
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.519:18
tristanmikederenrich, yes, but it's not listed in the same way IDE is... that is to say, on the main BIOS screen19:18
aytekin_there is no any sort of sound19:18
silidanhow much space does your /usr folder use?19:18
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:18
te_tristanmike: Do you have any boot disks?  Like maybe gparted liveCD?19:19
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mdmuma_, it did replace it, but it rebuilt it when you started amarok again.  It may just be that your library is small enough and your computer fast enough that you didnt notice19:19
aytekin_i think i ve shortage of codec19:19
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te_tristanmike: Or a slackware CD, or... any other boot disk?19:19
derenrichtristanmike: well, do you know the drive is spinning up? working? plugged in? does your mobo support it? etc.19:19
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tristanmikeI have a live Ubuntu CD19:20
derenrichtristanmike: live cd's can't help19:20
m477anyone know name channel of java programmers ?19:20
Thingymebobaytekin_: What type of files are they?19:20
uma_mdm: I'll try to rescan without worrying too much and see what happens... maybe I just don't need this export stuff. Do you have a better idea?19:21
jmiteIf someone could help me, I'm having trouble with VirtualBox. I downloaded the new 3.0 version. Oddly, the beta worked fine, but when I downloaded the official release, the VM window is half transparent19:21
tristanmikederenrich, http://www.asus.com/Product.aspx?P_ID=wAsRYm41KTp78MFC  -- says it supports it19:21
aytekin_an other kinds19:21
te_tristanmike: Boot the live Ubuntu CD and see if you can find it.19:21
Thingymebobmickster04: stumpled on this, but I think we've done everything here http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=6031419:21
tristanmikederenrich, plugged in, check19:22
mdmuma_, no just do what you are doing now.  Basicly you will have to redo all your custom ratings, watched statitics and so on19:22
kenichi_hello, what's the proper way to manage /etc/alternatives?  (new to ubuntu/debian)19:22
aytekin_but while running rhytimbox, there is no problem with my mp3s19:22
uma_mdm: ok thanks a lot... nobody cared to help me in mysql channel :(19:22
aytekin_just i ve with amarok219:22
tristanmikederenrich, working - well, I'm not quite sure as the BIOS doesn't recognize it.... te_, I'll see what happens when I boot the live CD see ya in a bit. :D19:22
te_m477 /join ##java19:23
derenrichlive CD wtg19:23
mdmuma_, baislcy this is an amarok problem, not a mysql one19:23
jmiteanybodie have any ideas about my virtualbox problem?19:23
aytekin_i think i ll keep searching over forums19:23
derenrichte_: a live cd won't help him19:24
om26erhow to completey remove mplayer19:24
m477te_:  ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel , what does it mean ?19:24
derenrichm477: get an irc accoutn19:24
te_derenrich: Yea probably because the computer is not recognizing it.19:24
derenrichte_: ... he's just wasting his time now19:24
te_m477: So register your nic19:24
aytekin_many times i ve tried many ways, but no result just as old as19:25
toniim477: /nickserv help, to register your nick19:25
edbianom26er: "sudo apt-get purge mplayer" will remove mplayer and all config files19:25
m477 /nickserv help19:25
te_derenrich: Well, we told him from the beginning so.... not much else to do.19:25
davenproI'm looking for a howto on how to convert a default 9.04 install to netbook remix19:26
om26eredbian: thanx19:26
davenpronot finding anything19:26
davenproanyone know of one?19:26
edbianom26er: np19:26
m477tonii: no answer19:26
edbiandavenpro: Just remove compiz and install the UNR package.19:26
derenrichdavenpro: isn't there just a meta package that you can install (i don't know, I've only installed it directly)19:26
alka_trashis there a firefox 3.5 deb out there for amd64 and Jaunty?19:26
davenproedb: from what I've read/seen theres more to it than that19:26
toniim477: check "status windows" or whatever it's called :)19:27
te_m477: Go to statas page19:27
m477ok i know now , thx19:27
derenrichalka_trash: there are no debs out at all19:27
Thingymebobaytekin_: install phonon-backend-xine and remove phonon-backend-gstreamer19:27
davenproreason I did normal install first is I wanted disk encryption19:27
davenproso I installed 9.04 from the alternate cd19:27
davenpronow I want UNR :)19:27
alka_trashderenrich thanks19:27
M1K3how do you empty the trash of a mounted usb drive?19:27
jmitenever mind, I fixed it19:28
te_M1K3: Probebly just delete .trash19:28
codeshahhey guys, I am opening a mov file but I cannot seek to any particular location or rewind...19:28
icerootwhat is a good alternate-program for dvd shrink i can use with ubuntu? i want to copy a video-dvd19:28
M1K3te_, then it would be put in a .trash (eg. cycled)19:28
thomcwhich log file will contain a record of jobs performed by cron/anacron?19:28
davenproI basically want this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/TurnUMPCDesktopIntoNetbook19:29
davenprofor desktop19:29
davenproinstead of UMPC19:29
edbiandavenpro: I'm reading it right now19:29
edbiandavenpro: I think there is 1 package now that handles maximus / netbook launcher / go-home-applet.  Other than that all the tutorial says is to make them start when you login.19:30
michaeltanakahow can i install19:31
michaeltanakawhat is this program19:31
davenproedb: any idea what the package is?19:31
aytekin_hello again19:31
FloodBot2michaeltanaka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
kane77how can I measure the dns response speed?19:31
aytekin_ok guys i ve solved amarok2 problem at last19:31
michaeltanakaWhat is this program19:32
m477te_ tonii thx i registered :)19:32
derenrichaytekin_: you fixed its inumerable bugs?19:32
aytekin_i thought i ve shortage of codec19:32
Thingymebobaytekin_: how19:32
aytekin_i was right19:32
edbiandavenpro: See the line :  Automatically turn on the netbook apps...19:33
aytekin_i ll give a site address19:33
toniim477: np :)19:33
edbiandavenpro: No, I have no idea lol.  Try searching UNR or ubuntu-netbook or "netbook"19:33
aytekin_i ve just installde a codec19:33
davenproyeah I have, just info on the 'main' UNR install19:33
davenpronothing about converting/installing on a default install19:33
aytekin_problem was about codec19:34
davenprowtf can't they just include disk encryption on all the releases :P19:34
Kangarooois there ar gui tool witch also includes hddtemp ?19:34
aytekin_thx again you all19:34
edbiandavenpro: It says soon there will be a package that does it all for you...  I think that package already exists and the page is outdated.19:34
Kangarooodavenpro: what encryption? in witch release its not?19:34
edbiandavenpro: It's all just software packages isn't it?19:35
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davenprokang: full partition/disk encryption19:35
zozohello, I changed motherboard and now network doesnt work. I think new driver needed, can somebody help?19:35
davenproyou need the alternate install cd to do it19:35
edbianzozo: Does your network connection show up in the nm-applet?19:36
davenprowhich UNR doesn't ahve19:36
* Stull1 Testet IRC19:36
edbiandavenpro: Isn't the encryption done by a software package?  Does it have to be before the system is installed??19:36
doomguyhelp, i cant boot into any other resolution than 640x480 16bit depth. I can only change resolutions after i boot into this resolution but the screen is split into different parts. i m using the intel 2.4 drivers and intrepid version.19:36
datacrusherhi there. i had many problens with my audio and alsa, using ubuntu 8 lts, so i changed to OSS. everything works fine, games, audio files, movies... but i cant use some apps, like skype, and flash movies, they got no audio. is there a way to use skype and OSS, and watch youtube movies with audio?19:36
zozoedbian, nm-applet?19:36
edbianzozo: Is this a typical ubuntu install?  gnome-desktop?19:37
confoundsanyone know what the default for logrotation is on 8.04? my system doesn't have the logrotate package/command, but it's been rotating logs anyway19:37
zozoedbian: yes it is19:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde19:37
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zozoedbian: network manager seems to fail connection19:38
The_Techiei shall be back one sec19:38
wildc4rdon a CPU usage app (gkrellm for example), CPU use, I understand sys time and user time, what is 'nice' time please19:39
dusty_what is the command to set flags on a hard drive?19:39
jrock2004Is there a way in ubuntu to set a list of sites that can be viewed but block the rest19:40
datacrusherjrock2004, its a whitelist u wanna19:40
jrock2004datacrusher: yes19:40
datacrusheris a single station, or got firewall and stuff?19:40
edbianzozo: Sorry I had to step out for a minute.  So there is a "wired connection" but it won't connect?19:40
jrock2004datacrusher: Well they are LTSP servers19:40
derenrichanyone use tripwire in ubuntu?19:40
jrock2004datacrusher: As far as firewall that has not been setup yet19:41
datacrusherhm... the easyest solution is a proxy19:41
kansanlooking for some kind of counter ... that can count how many calls i make in a given day.. something as an app or as a gnome-applet woudl be great19:41
zozoedbian: yes there is wired connection but disconnects19:41
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dusty_is there a tool to set flags on a hard drive via the console?19:41
jrock2004datacrusher: would I have to change everyones browser though?19:41
rskidusty_: hdparm i think can do it19:41
datacrusheri dont think so19:41
dusty_rski: thanks i'll look at that quick19:42
datacrusheru can create a single gateway, and pass all the stations trought it19:42
davenproedbian: yes, it's an encrypted LVM volume so it has to be done @ install19:42
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datacrusherderenrich, sorry man, english is not my mother language19:42
derenrichdatacrusher: I'm just joking19:42
zozoedbian: i would like to keep settings and programs, everything works after MB change but network19:42
datacrusherwhats the correct one? easiest?19:42
edbianzozo: It disconnects?  (Changing the motherboard should not effect any of your apps.  Those are stored on the HDD)19:43
datacrusherliving and learning19:43
jrock2004datacrusher: so I would need something like squid proxy or is there a better one?19:43
datacrusherjrock2004, if you set this gateway to be the proxy, every security issue you alter will affect instantly all the stations that got connected throught it19:43
datacrushersquid is friendly, lots of documentation... will do just fine19:43
om26er2can any1 plz tell me how to set my other harddrive to automount at startup19:44
edbianzozo: Can you connect and then does it bump you off?19:44
om26er2i cannot understand fstab19:44
dusty_om26er2: edit your fstab19:44
edbianom26er2 I can!19:44
lesshastewell I tried to restore debconf and not something has gone wrong when trying to install the kernels?  See http://pastebin.ca/148169719:44
edbianom26er2 see me pm??19:44
lesshasteany ideas?19:44
zozoedbian: i dont want to do a clean install. It seems to try connect then display massage connektion aborted19:44
nubi cant get wireshark to recognize my ethernet drive as a collection point.. are there any other protocol analyzers that are as good as wireshark/ ehtereal that i can install on ubuntu.. i have already tried the synaptics package manager but couldnt find anything.. thanks for the help!!!19:45
edbianzozo: You do not need to reinstall.19:45
mickster04Thingymebob, sorr yhad to dash if you had any new ideas i'd love to hear them but i havent yet recieved them:p19:45
zagabar_Hm, I seem to have a ghost here... zagabar1. It won't let me log in cause that is in use...19:45
zagabar_How can I fix it?19:45
lesshasteI tried to restore debconf and now something has gone wrong when trying to install the kernels?  See http://pastebin.ca/148169719:45
tristanmikete_, derenrich, OK, thanks guys, you made me look a little deeper and in my manual, in a tucked away paragraph it mentioned jumpers...it appears that the jumpers were set do disable SATA. I've enabled them and now the BIOS sees it and according to "lshw -C disk" the disk is there proper as well, http://paste.ubuntu.com/208374/19:45
mickster04zagabar_, ghost them19:45
edbianzozo: Perhaps your network is the problem?19:45
edbianzozo: I don't really know.  Ask around!  Sorry I can't help more :(19:46
mickster04zagabar_, /ghost <Username> <password>19:46
derenrichtristanmike: woo!19:46
derenrichtristanmike: I knew you could do it!19:46
lstarneszagabar_: /msg nickserv ghost nick password19:46
zozoedbian: my network is ok because i did a clean jaunty install too and there works19:46
mickster04zagabar_, sorry like lstarnes said19:46
tristanmikederenrich, Not without you all to push me a little further :D19:46
jrock2004datacrusher: thanks for your input19:47
dusty_it doesn't look like hdparm can set the "raid" flag. are there any alternatives? i really don't want to boot a live cd...19:47
zagabar_mickster04, lstarnes thanks it worked!19:47
datacrusherbe welcome19:47
dusty_it doesn't look like hdparm can set the "raid" flag. are there any alternatives? i really don't want to boot a live cd...19:48
xiongfinally found a decent vector graphics editor and it's been abandoned :(19:48
wildc4rdgetting some skipping of audio/video in Totem player, is this normal behaviour?19:49
dusty_wildc4rd: are you using gstreamer?19:49
ltcabralcan anyone point me a tutorial to set up a MIT Kerberos 5 server on my local machine?19:49
n2diy I just did a fresh install of 8.04, and have the system up to date. I'm customizing my desktop, and when I move the top panel down to the bottom of the desktop, both panels dissapear, and I have to ctrl-alt+backspace, to regain control of the system. When I log back in, everything is ok, until I try to move the top panel again, what gives?19:49
dusty_it doesn't look like hdparm can set the "raid" flag. are there any alternatives? i really don't want to boot a live cd...19:49
wildc4rddusty_, its local content19:49
zozoIs it possible to reinstall network driver? realtek rtl8111dl19:50
deanyif PSD is for Photoshop, what is for Gimp?  I know it can save as PSD files, but it for some reason cant save layers that use the Dodge layer effect.19:50
=== TamCore[oFF] is now known as TamCore
krammer_You have mail in /var/spool/mail/krammer how can i open this msg?19:50
dusty_wildc4rd, what is your multimedia framework?19:51
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive throught the console?19:51
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive throught the console?19:53
wildc4rddusty_, I'm pretty new to linux, how am I going to te;19:53
wholeIs there anyone on here that would be able to help me with a question relating to creating a custom liveusb?19:53
doomguyhow do you choose vga=ask in boot menu19:53
silidanwhich linux distro will do best as low latency audio workstation ? (with realtime kernel)19:53
dusty_wildc4rd, gstreamer is basicall the system that drives your audio system. it is the "driver" if you will.19:54
davertronhi, i just installed jaunty on my macbook pro 2,2, everything seems to work fine except i see no wireless networks in network manager and the networks are definitely there because i'm connected via my iphone; can anyone help?19:54
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive throught the console?19:54
kromari installed a wrong gpu driver and now my display is all fancy colors and screwed u, how can i fix that?19:54
lesshastecan anyone help with this ? http://pastebin.ca/148219419:54
davertronalso, the "wireless" section that shows up when i click on the network manager icon is greyed out, which seems weird19:54
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive throught the console?19:55
krammer_kromar, unistall that driver19:55
davertronif I do "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" i see the wireless network i want to connect to19:55
davertronjust doesn't shot up in network manager for some reason19:55
kromarkrammer_: and how do i do that when i cant see anything?19:55
krammer_kromar, how did you install it?19:55
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive through the console?19:55
kromarkrammer_: in the add/remove app19:55
krammer_kromar,now go back and uncheck it then apply19:56
kromarkrammer_: i cant even log in, i dont see anything19:56
MrQuietGuyAfter today's update I have No Soundcard Found and, consequently, no sound.  Anybody has a link to the solution?19:56
xiwhello pals.19:56
davertroncan anyone help me with troubleshooting some wireless issues?19:57
krammer_kromar, can you log into the console?19:57
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive through the console?19:57
xiwis there any simple way to manually change the Show Desktop button logo and the Trash Can logo in Gnome?19:57
kromarkrammer_: yes19:57
SnakesAndStuffI'm using Ubuntu 8.04.3, 64-bit version.  When I open up gedit, and then try to open a file from within, gedit crashes.  It does not crash when I do a "gedit filename" or drag and drop a file onto gedit.  It seems the open file dialog box is causing the crash.  GnomeBaker, gimp, other programs function normally it seems.19:58
krammer_kromar, log in as root then apt-get unistall <file>19:58
krammer_how go to go19:58
SnakesAndStuffIs there a way that I can install packages with debugging symbols in them so that I can step it through and supply a core dump to aid in fixing?19:58
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a hard drive through the console?19:58
kromarkrammer_: well i dont even know the exact file name... how can i find that one? o_O19:59
MrQuietGuyThis thing is kind of a zoo!19:59
davertronMrQuietGuy: ha20:00
davertronMrQuietGuy: welcome to IRC :)20:00
Alex1Acnaven estas?20:00
MrQuietGuyUpdate just broke my sound, anybody have a recommendation?20:00
smotchkkisshello everyone20:01
naiadIs there a way to force dhclient to look for an ipv4 address isntead of ipv6?  I think my router does not like 6 i cannot access my network at all20:01
smotchkkissI was curious if we could change the name to "unbuntu"? can we get a vote going?20:01
trohsHello everybody, i have a doubt: Why firefox is not auto up20:01
lwellsHow do I get more involved in Ubuntu?20:01
trohsHello everybody, i have a doubt: Why firefox is not auto updating to 3.5?20:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3-520:01
lwellsI want to learn and help20:01
lstarnes!ff35 | rski20:01
ubotturski: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:01
rskilwells: feel free to do what you want :)20:01
kromarhow can i get a list of installed packages in console?20:01
lwellsrski, but how20:02
trohsubottu: thanks20:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:02
lwellsI am a NoOb20:02
rskilwells: well what do you want to doo20:02
davertronyou can also install firefox3-5 pretty easily manually without mucking up your 3.0 profile20:02
lwellsHelp with the code somehow20:02
smotchkkissI personally think unbuntu has a better sound to it. I think it would help people adopt this distro when comparing it to others. Where can I officially submit this suggestion?20:02
naiadive gone through a lot of articles and it seems in 9.04 ipv6 is compiled into the kernel and people say you to install a different kernel to get around it.  either a newer one or one from 8.10  but i cant get online at all as it currently stands20:02
rskilwells: launchpad.net is a good place to start and look around20:02
lwellsLook at code try to figure out how to fix problems20:03
Spike1506Whats the best FTP client for Ubuntu?20:03
robin_anyone here can help i can get my ubuntu to fullscreen all i get now is a center screen??20:03
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:03
nascentmindhi. does anybody get part black screen with ati cards? what's the cause of it?20:03
lwellsrski, you can participate at launchpad?20:03
udettnerhi, i used launchpad app-collect but it pasted the data to the wrong bug. Its in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3d/+bug/75006 instead of https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/75006  how can i change this?20:03
rskilwells: yea20:04
trohsnascentmind: I've got it with intel card...20:04
lwellsYou can send messages that you want to get involved20:04
robin_anyone here can help i can get my ubuntu to fullscreen all i get now is a center screen??20:04
davertronrobin_: sounds like you probably have a non-native resolution set on that monitor20:04
smotchkkissrobin_: i'm trying to get a vote going to change the distro name to "unbuntu." I can help you with your issue if you'll help me.20:05
nascentmindtrohs, i get this whenever i open firefox and part of the screen is black.. whenever i minimize maximize will it go away. does this happen to you too?20:05
lwellsrski, launchpad is all Ubuntu code?20:05
trohsnascentmind: Because I've tried to install the drivers by myself20:05
davertronsmotchkkiss: lol20:05
kromarhow can i pause a output in console before it scrolls out of the screen?20:05
trohsnascentmind: No...20:05
rskilwells: in the ubuntu section, yes :)20:05
Kangarooodoes somebody knows what is a load cycle? its something with hdd.. so it just works.. so how can it have problems? I just read that there were some mystic load cycle problems what can't find what is load cycle20:05
trohsnascentmind: But I'm almost sure you have a driver problem20:05
smotchkkissI think it's close enough to the original name that people won't be confused, but more catchy in that more people will adopt this distro compared to others.20:05
jrib!participate | lwells20:06
ubottulwells: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate20:06
smotchkkissdavertron: don't you think though?20:06
trohsnascentmind: In fact, I am sure you have a driver problem20:06
marco__hi guys20:06
jriblwells: #ubuntu-bugs is a good place to start if you want to help with bugs (see the wiki)20:06
smotchkkissrobin_: try /nick unbuntu20:06
davertronsmotchkkiss: but what will it MEAN?20:06
signpostI've got this software raid 1 array from another system that I plugged in.  I was able to assemble an array from one pair of drives, but when I try the second pair, it says "mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sde1: Device or resource busy"  Does anyone have any insights?20:06
jrib!ftp | Spike150620:06
ubottuSpike1506: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd20:06
MrCraighi everyone :)20:06
datacrusherhi there. i had many problens with my audio and alsa, using ubuntu 8 lts, so i changed to OSS. everything works fine, games, audio files, movies... but i cant use some apps, like skype, and flash movies, they got no audio. is there a way to use skype and OSS, and watch youtube movies with audio?20:06
kromarhow can i pause a output in console before it scrolls out of the screen?20:06
jribkromar: a real console or terminal in X?20:07
toniisignpost: unmount the hd, maybe?20:07
trohsnascentmind: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22496 (have you already tried this?)20:07
smotchkkissdavertron: no one truly knows what ubuntu means right now; the meaning was lost in the medieval times. people would think unbuntu is just another mysterious word.20:07
kromarjrib: real console20:07
signposttonii: not mounted anywhere20:07
davertronsignpost: yeah, agree with tonii, sounds like you have that drive mounted or something20:07
jribSnakesAndStuff: have you tried running it from a terminal first?20:07
jrib!debug | SnakesAndStuff20:07
ubottuSnakesAndStuff: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures20:07
kromarjrib: i cant access the systemm20:07
toniisignpost: unmount it anyway, just for the fun of it :D20:07
jribkromar: hit the pause button on your keyboard, or scroll lock (I forget which)20:07
davertronsmotchkkiss: ahhhh, so why is it an improvement then?20:08
signposttonii: did20:08
MrCraigFrom my win box I use putty to ssh my home server and tunnel mysql through - I do this so that the only port open on my database server is 22.   From my linux box though, I don't know how to setup a tunnel through ssh - can anyone help me out please?20:08
jribkromar: why not?20:08
MK13kromar, you can use 'command > filename' to print out to a file and then look at the file (most of the time)20:08
jribsmotchkkiss: this isn't really related to ubuntu support...20:08
tristanmikeIf I'm filesharing between Linux and Windows, is it still recommended to use FAT32 for all shared partitions/disks ??20:08
robin_anyone here can help i can get my ubuntu to fullscreen all i get now is a center screen??20:08
toniisignpost: oh, then I don't know. software raid ain't my thing tbh :)20:08
signposttonii: neither partition is mounted, tried unmounting both20:08
signpostblast! :D20:08
smotchkkissdavertron: it's purely a phonetic improvement. in fact, we could go one step further and call it unbuntun. that way we have the repetitive UN sound three whole times!20:08
nascentmindtrohs, yes i have20:08
signpostit's my media drive :D20:08
amireldorMrCraig, check the -L option on ssh man page20:09
lstarneskromar: you could also try piping through a pager such as less or most20:09
jribkromar: seems like scroll lock is what you want20:09
kromarjrib: because i installed some crap app for the gpu which messed up my screen and i cant see anything so i try to find that app and remove it20:09
SnakesAndStuffjrib: Yup, tried running it from a terminal, no output that says why it crashes20:09
MrCraigty amireldor20:09
jrib!fixres | robin_20:09
ubotturobin_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:09
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack
jribSnakesAndStuff: the !debug link ubottu gave has repositories for packages with debug symbols20:09
davertronsmotchkkiss: hmmm, i do kind of like that...20:09
Grabhow can i search for a regex in nano ?20:09
kromarjrib: pause or scroll lock doesent work i cant pause it manually because its to fast20:09
jribSnakesAndStuff: you should see if it happens with a fresh new user too20:10
kromarjrib: isnt there a command like in dos to halt after one screen?20:10
jribkromar: what exactly are you doing?20:10
toniisignpost: sde1, is that usb?20:10
trohsnascentmind: i have no idea, sorry... keep asking20:10
jribkromar: pipe to less as someone said20:10
MK13te_, ?20:10
kromarjrib: i want to list the installed packages20:10
trohsnascentmind: try also #ati20:10
jribkromar: aptitude search '~i' | less20:10
shuanI have created a directory for my NTFS partition in the media folder and when i click on the NTFS folder it opens my windows filesystem however this isnt showing the partition in COMPUTER or my desktop20:10
nascentmindtrohs, ok20:10
te_MK13: mistake20:10
Mike_lifeguardHow do I update grub to boot from a different partition than it's set up for now?20:10
SnakesAndStuffjrib: Many thanks!  I want to help, just didn't know where to start... Now I have a direction20:10
kromarjrib: what does that do?20:10
jribkromar: why you would ever want to scroll through that though is beyond me.  Try it20:10
te_Mike_lifeguard: edit menu.lst20:10
MK13te_, kk20:10
edbianshuan: You mounted it manually?20:11
te_Mike_lifeguard: But what have you done?20:11
edbianshuan: But it isn't in computer??20:11
=== cmstone_ is now known as cmstone
smotchkkissdavertron: I think it's a worthwhile improvement. I understand there are countless places to update the name but the transition wouldn't have to be a rapid one as, at first glance, unbuntun /looks/ just like ubuntu; however, if someone actually takes the time to read it, they will be very pleased with its phonetic harmony!20:11
shuanits only in the media folder20:11
kromarjrib: because i dont even know the name of the package. how would you remove it if you dont know the name?20:11
jrib!ot | smotchkkiss20:11
ubottusmotchkkiss: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:11
Mike_lifeguardte_: on the new root partition? isn't there something like reinstall-grub command you also need to run?20:11
robin_anyone here can help i can't get my ubuntu to fullscreen all i get now is a center screen??20:12
jribkromar: but there will be thousands of things on that list.  You don't know anything about the package?20:12
te_!grub | mike20:12
ubottumike: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:12
smotchkkissah i'll head to #unbuntun-offtopic20:12
sagredohey buds20:12
NickWebHAI figured out my rsync  from the 64GB pen drive problem.20:12
te_Mike_lifeguard: Yes20:12
sagredowhat's the deal with this compilation error20:12
sagredo-DDEBUG -I/opt/gnome/include    -c -o src/main.o src/main.c20:12
sagredoPackage gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.20:12
sagredoPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'20:12
sagredoto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable20:12
FloodBot2sagredo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
jribrobin_: read the link ubottu gave you20:12
NickWebHAUbuntu has a fit. A reboot fixed it. No data lost.20:12
NickWebHA^ had20:12
redsoxkingis it possible to have a ubuntu on a smart phone, I hate WM6.120:12
te_Mike_lifeguard: There's grub-instal20:13
davertronrobin_: what resolution is your monitor, and what is the video hardware on the machine you're running ubuntu on?20:13
kromarjrib: not really, only know its some ati stuff20:13
Mike_lifeguardright, thanks20:13
kromarjrib: or is there a way to roll back or something like that?20:13
shuanedbian: its not in COMPUTER or DESKTOP, only in Media folder20:13
kansanlooking for some kind of counter ... that can count how many calls i make in a given day.. something as an app or as a gnome-applet woudl be great  (thats not a calculator)20:13
MK13is it possible to install drivers on a USB peristent install of Ubuntu?20:13
kansanis there a way to run firefox 3.5 on ubuntu hardy?20:13
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:13
te_Mike_lifeguard: (The tab-key is your friend.)20:13
jribkromar: I don't understand how you cannot know anything about what you want to remove.  Why don't you explain what you end-goal is20:14
* smotchkkiss invites davertron to #unbuntun and #unbuntun-offtopic20:14
tristanmikeIf I'm filesharing between Linux and Windows, is it still recommended to use FAT32 for all shared partitions/disks ??20:14
Devon_Chey guys, I'm having some trouble with Firefox right now. Whenever I go to forzamotorsport.net I get stuck in a loop with a dialogue box that asks me if I want to continue even though there's a possibility of being on an unencrypted connection20:14
edbianshuan: I'm not sure.  That is strange. :/20:14
Devon_CI disabled all the dialogue boxes20:14
Devon_Cand I still get stuck20:14
kromarjrib: i explained it 3 times already, i want to "REMOVE" the diplay drivers so ican acctually see something in ubuntu20:14
shuanedbian: yes it is20:14
sagredoI got to get these binaries compiled like pronto20:15
sagredowhat gives20:15
te_Devon_C: Tell it not to ask you again.20:15
Donedeezrandom: can anyone help me with rc.d? and further explain what it is20:15
sagredolet me link pastebin20:15
Devon_Cte_: won't let me20:15
edbianshuan: lol.  I don't have any ideas.  Sorry :(20:15
jribkromar: removing them would not doing anything.  And this is the first time you have explained it to me.  Just change the driver being used in your xorg.conf20:15
Devon_Cte_: I visit the site regularly too, I dont know why it started doing it now20:15
te_Donedeez: Startup scripts20:15
davertronkansan: read this, it'll probably get you going http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=68105220:15
shuanedbian: isit possible to make a shortcut to it20:15
Donedeezte_: i have rc1.d up to 6.d but no actual 'rc.d'. do i need it?20:16
SnakesAndStuffjrib: : just tried it under a different user, it works.... I guess I probably have something funky in a conf file then?20:16
edbianshuan: Yeah.  But you can't place (symlinks they're called) in computer20:16
jribSnakesAndStuff: yeah, good luck!20:16
kromarjrib: and how would i do that?20:16
jribkromar: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:16
kromarjrib: and how can i paste something when i cant enter the system??20:17
jrib!pastebinit | kromar20:17
ubottukromar: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit20:17
sagredosomeone's got this20:17
Donedeezcan anyone help me with rc.d?20:17
sagredogcc compilation error20:17
sagredohook me up20:17
confoundshow do you tell logrotate to never delete any old, rotated log files?20:17
jrib!compiling > sagredo20:17
ubottusagredo, please see my private message20:17
te_Donedeez: No, you only need rc1.d rc2.d rc3.d20:18
te_Donedeez: What do you need?20:18
te_Donedeez: What are you trying to do?20:18
Donedeezsocket files20:18
Donedeezand a script relies on rc.d20:18
Donedeezi was wondering if i coudl just edit the script to one of hte numbers20:18
te_Donedeez: Yes you can edit them...20:19
te_Donedeez: What do you need to do?20:19
Donedeezk. does it matter which number i use?20:19
Donedeezi am trying to set up a socket policy file20:19
B0BBYHello People.20:19
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
redsoxkingis it possible to have a ubuntu on a smart phone, I hate WM6.120:19
te_Donedeez: It only orders them, (order in which they are run)20:19
kromarjrib: thats nice and all but i dont have inet connection on that pc...20:19
B0BBYso a Sheeva Plug has a ubuntu variant or something installed.20:20
B0BBYwould it be ok to ask questions for that in this channel?20:20
jribkromar: what version of ubuntu?20:20
Donedeezk so it doesnt really matter which number i use then i guess.. yea?20:20
MK13redsoxking, you might try Android...not ubuntu but you might like it better than wm620:20
jribB0BBY: depends on the question, give it a try.  Worst-case scenario, it seems like it's not default ubuntu behavior and we send you away :)20:20
semitemoscould someone assist me in finding out which graphics driver I'm using?20:21
jribkromar: you should be fine with just renaming xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup20:21
dusty_how do i create a partition on a /dev/sda using parted?20:21
jribdusty_: use gparted20:21
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B0BBYjrib: ok I'll send my friend with the question in here. :)20:21
dusty_jrib - it's a server install. i'm SSHing into it20:21
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=== semitemos is now known as semitones
edbiandusty_: Do you know what gparted is / how to get it??20:22
kromarjrib:wahts the command to rename?20:22
te_Donedeez: If you'll notice, rc2.d and rc3.d are same, so if you put what you want in rc2.d, that's prbably all you need to do.20:22
semitonescould someone help me with my graphics driver?20:22
jribdusty_: http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/parted.html I guess then20:22
signposttonii: nah, I just have a crapload of disks; it's a server20:22
jribkromar: mv old new20:22
kromarjrib:and where exactly is the xorg.conf located?20:22
dusty_edbain: yes i know what gparted it. i do not have gnome installed. it is a headless server20:23
jribkromar: /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:23
dusty_jrib: thanks i'll look at that manual20:23
toniisignpost: ah :P20:23
Mike_lifeguardSo, I'm booting from a new HD -- what do I need to remember to change? UUID in /etc/fstab, grub...?20:23
jribdusty_: there might be a parted channel but for something so simple I imagine the manual is probably faster20:23
Ace2017_-how many years of support does dapper have left?20:23
mdmdusty_, use fdisk20:24
kromarjrib: still the same problem....20:24
jribAce2017_-: 2 on the server20:24
jribkromar: you rebooted?20:24
tristanmikeIf I'm filesharing between Linux and Windows, is it still recommended to use FAT32 for all shared partitions/disks ?? Or what would be suggested ?20:24
semitonesis there an easy way to find out what drivers the computer is using right now?20:24
Ace2017_-jrib: does 2 on the server mean that the repos for dapper will be up for 2 more years, i need it for a VM20:24
jribAce2017_-: why not use hardy?20:25
te_semitones: lsmod20:25
dusty_jrib: right. if i have to i'll boot a live cd. i just want to see if i can avoid connecting a cd rom20:25
semitoneste_, thanks20:25
Mike_lifeguardtristanmike: isn't ntfs default for windows? linux can read/write to ntfs just fine20:25
Ace2017_-jrib: i'm running an old program in the VM, its binary only20:25
dusty_mdm: fdisk can do that?20:25
te_semitones: NP20:25
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kromarjrib: jup, reboot, still same messed up display20:25
dusty_mdm: i guess i knew that :s lol20:25
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
jribAce2017_-: well the repos will always be up you just won't get security updates after support ends20:25
kromarjrib: gona reinstall everything... this is to stupid20:25
enterneoi am on ubuntu live installer, the install failed at 94% (when grub was installing), I tried to reinstall grub with the terminal but found errors there too - http://pastebin.com/mf7358b320:25
Ace2017_-thats fine20:26
chetnickMike_lifeguard: yes it has support to r/w NTFS but it needs to be compiled into kernel.20:26
barbarellatristanmike:depends if you like to set permissions20:26
PantchoHello, i have an ARM mini laptop with crap wince5.0 on it. i want to install ubuntu 9.04 that it is said supports ARM. but i have a usb only interface on my mini laptop. anyone know a guide to do this installment? thank you.20:26
nascentmindI am getting the following part black screen --> http://imagebin.ca/view/Fm-2heDG.html20:26
tristanmikebarbarella: how so ?20:26
dexter_i need help20:26
Mike_lifeguardenterneo: I don't see any errors20:26
dexter_i get error 2120:26
kromaranyone knows where i can get a ATI FireGL 9000 driver?20:26
Mike_lifeguardoh, yes I do20:26
enterneo_i am on ubuntu live installer, the install failed at 94% (when grub was installing), I tried to reinstall grub with the terminal but found errors there too - http://pastebin.com/mf7358b320:27
Mike_lifeguardenterneo_: please don't repeat yourself20:27
Zopiaccan the mount command mount isos?20:27
barbarellatristanmike:cause you can't set permissions on a fat32 partition20:27
tristanmikeMike_lifeguard: yes, NTFS is default of OS install (XP), but I just want to make sure the support for NTFS is "proper" now... I haven't used Windows in years and last time I did, NTFS was not recommended20:27
tristanmikebarbarella: from Linux ? Really ?20:27
jrib!iso | Zopiac20:27
ubottuZopiac: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:27
dexter_grub error 21 when booting up  on my windows harddive and even if i switch the hardrive boot sequance i get that error only if i unplug the windows harddive and just load the linux one can i boot up into linux but i can't boot up into windows please help20:27
te_Zopiac: Short answer: Yes20:28
Zopiacjrib: thanks20:28
jribdexter_: are you using UUID in your menu.lst?20:28
dusty_mdm: thanks for telling me to use fdisk. It worked like a charm, and i didn't have to look anything up :)20:28
dexter_jrib, i havent20:28
mdmdusty_, np it is the standard btw.20:28
Mandrake6join #ubuntu-br20:28
jribdexter_: that would fix your problems20:28
dexter_jrib, i havent messed with that yet i have just installed it on a harddive20:28
dexter_jrib, how do i fix it?20:28
nascentmindcan somebody help me with the video problem ?20:28
barbarellatristanmike:security is not an issue?20:29
dusty_mdm: i'll remember that for next time :) i'm glad i could avoid the whole live cd thing ;)20:29
jribdusty_: are you on the working system now?20:29
te_nascentmind: Ask your question(s)20:29
jribdexter_: are you on the working system now?20:29
dexter_jrib, yes kinda20:29
jribdexter_: erm, "kinda"?20:29
shuananyone know why my ntfs drive is not showing up in computer or desktop20:29
dexter_jrib, i am working on one of the harddive20:29
dusty_jrib: technically. i'm sshing into it. i got it working now20:29
dexter_jrib, the one with linux20:29
te_shuan: Not mounted?20:30
dexter_jrib, but not the one that gets the error20:30
jribdexter_: ok.  Pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst20:30
robin_anyone here can help i can't get my ubuntu to fullscreen all i get now is a center screen??20:30
te_shuan: sudo fdisk -l20:30
jribdexter_: wait.  You have more than one linux installed?20:30
tristanmikebarbarella: no, just my personal computer, like I was saying to Mike, I haven't used Windows in years, I (unfortunately) need to now, so I wanted to make sure NTFS support was fine as last time I had Windows and Linux together, NTFS was "use at own risk" kinda thing.20:30
enterneoi am on ubuntu live installer, the install failed at 94% (when grub was installing), I tried to reinstall grub with the terminal but found errors there too - http://pastebin.com/mf7358b320:30
barbarellashuan:try to mount it manualy, man ntfs-3g20:30
=== root is now known as SheevaPlug
nascentmindI get part of the screen black and the other part normal. why is that? how can if fix it? http://imagebin.ca/view/Fm-2heDG.html20:30
dexter_jrib, http://pastebin.com/m59a8221320:31
tristanmikebarbarella: the reason I'm even curious is because I'm concerned about the FAT 4 gig file limitation...20:31
SheevaPlugTrying to get rt2870 drivers compiled, anyone done that?20:31
dusty_jrib, mdm: all is well now. ran fdisk, created a new partition, and then ran mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 and its workin like a champ now. thank you both :)20:31
matslspci | grep ati20:32
barbarellatristanmike:depends on many things, one i have already said, the other is big files20:32
jribdexter_: does linux always work then regardless of how your disks are ordered?20:32
jribdusty_: cool20:32
B0BBYI see you SheevaPlug ....20:32
dusty_how do i set the "raid" flag now?20:32
dexter_jrib, no it only works if i unplug the windows harddive when booting up20:32
dexter_jrib, but i can load it now20:32
jribdexter_: what happens exactly when you don't unplug it?20:32
dexter_jrib, not windows but i can see inside the windows harddive20:32
om26er1/dev/sda1 /media/ssd ext4 rw,user,reltime,auto 0 220:33
barbarellatristanmike:take a look at ntfs-3g20:33
Pantchohttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/jaunty/release/ - i have ARM processor which image/iso should i download?20:33
om26er1is there anythin wrong20:33
om26er1/dev/sda1 /media/ssd ext4 rw,user,reltime,auto 0 220:33
om26er1help me plz20:33
dexter_jrib, ok so i am booting up and i unplug the windows harddive and then i get the  grub menu which has options to boot up into windows or ubuntu but when i click windows it doesn't work because the harddive isn't pluggged in20:34
te_jrib: He more than likely installed when the MS Windows driver was unplugged. so...20:34
barbarellatristanmike:so you can partition your windows drive as a ntfs partition and write to it from linux20:34
om26er1help me plz20:34
tristanmikebarbarella: right, I understand that, the large files is my concern, so my question is, if I were to share partitions between Windows and Linux, is it safe to use NTFS. The last time I had to use shared partitions, the NTFS write support in Linux was "could corrupt data"20:34
jribom26er1: I'm pretty sure the "reltime" option does not exist20:34
tristanmikebarbarella: so it is perfectly safe to write to NTFS from Linux ?20:34
SheevaPlugBobby have you gotten the rt2870 working before?20:34
dusty_Does anyone know how to set the raid flag on a drive on the console?20:34
matsthomas what is it20:34
tristanmikebarbarella: well, "safe enough" ;)20:34
barbarellatristanmike:the ntfs kernel driver, not ntfs-3g20:35
te_dexter_: Are joking?20:35
jribdexter_: alright, but what happens when it is plugged in?20:35
diffredcommand line to delete all but .txt files?20:35
dexter_te_, what?20:35
diffredsomething like rm !*.txt?20:35
jribdiffred: do you happen to use zsh...?20:35
diffredjrib: nope20:35
x_OHow do you install Firefox 3.5 from source in 8.04?20:35
jribdiffred: then use find20:35
tristanmikebarbarella: which does Ubuntu use by default ?20:35
jrib!firefox | x_O20:35
ubottux_O: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.520:35
tristanmikebarbarella: if you know20:36
dexter_jrib, even if its the secondary hardddive i get an error saying grub loading error 2120:36
rojanuAfter upgrade to jaunty on boot my system halt at20:36
rojanusetting advanced power management level to 0xfe (254)20:36
edbianom26er: You there still??20:36
x_Ojrb would be nice if that halped20:36
x_Obut im on 9.0420:36
x_O8.04 *20:36
x_OHardy Heron20:36
FloodBot2x_O: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:36
jribx_O: did you actually read it?20:36
dusty_figured out how to set raid flag. using gparted type "set 1 raid on"20:36
dexter_jrib, it might be another number but i think its 2120:36
mdmtristanmike, it was never a NTFS on linux isssue.  It was a fuse on pre 2.6.9 kernels, just use a newer kernel and it will be fine20:37
jribx_O: erm, the page changed since I last looked.  Go through the history, you'll see instructions on installing the tar.gz20:37
=== ToXBoT is now known as ToXBoT-AFK
x_Oyea... hmm seeing alphas20:37
thomas__i dont know how to install xserver, my graficchip is nvidia 8400m g, please have a look to http://pastebin.com/da92c9d420:37
jrib!away > ToXBoT-AFK20:37
ubottuToXBoT-AFK, please see my private message20:37
barbarellatristanmike:and do a mount -t ntfs-3g20:37
tristanmikemdm: oh, ok, so when I install the current version of Ubuntu, I should be cool as ice ?20:38
SheevaPlugI'm trying to compile wifi driver for shevaplug and it's failing20:38
x_Onot seeing that20:38
mdmtristanmike, yes20:38
enterneo_i am on ubuntu live installer, the install failed at 94% (when grub was installing), I tried to reinstall grub with the terminal but found errros in between, although the process shows as successful - http://pastebin.com/mf7358b3 , but when I reboot I see no list but only the grub prompt20:38
thomas__can anybody help me?20:38
x_Ogoogle is of no help20:38
jrib!grub | dexter_20:38
ubottudexter_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:38
tristanmikemdm: just wanted to be sure, like I've said, haven't used Windows and Linux for years and last time I did, NTFS wasn't suggested. Thanks20:38
jribdexter_: you can probably just reinstall it with supergrub, that will be the easiest thing to try20:39
dexter_jrib, where do i get supergrub apt install20:39
dexter_jrib, ???20:39
jribx_O: I see a hardy repo for the mozilla ppa.  What's wrong with that?20:39
jribdexter_: see ubottu20:39
mdmtristanmike, I didnt say I suggested it, rather that it wasnt a fault of ntfs-3g.  If you want my suggestion format it to ext3 and forget about windows20:40
B0BBYSheevaPlug: what is your error ?20:40
dexter_jrib, ok all read the links you got me thanks20:40
x_Olast time i checked that it was release canditates20:40
thomas__please, could someone help me?20:40
=== kt- is now known as redstick
SheevaPlugI'm getting a make error 2 when compiling wifi drivers20:40
jribx_O: are you sure?  "daily build"20:40
x_OFirefox 3.6?  o_O20:41
tristanmikemdm, LOL, I unfortunately must use windows for certain apps, believe me, it's not something I want to do, but I won't be spending much time there, I just want to make sure that my my music and movies will be available to me when I'm there20:41
B0BBYwhat's your kernel version?20:41
didiIt seems an odd question, but is it possible to run a program by a user which hasn't a shell?20:41
jribdidi: with su -c I guess?20:42
tristanmikemdm: which is why the concern for the 4 gig FAT limitation (mostly for the video)20:42
SheevaPlugBobby Linux ubuntu 2.6.30-rc6 #2 PREEMPT Wed May 20 05:42:04 MDT 2009 armv5tel GNU/Linux20:42
dexter_jrib, so i am confuzed what grub menu list should i be modfing20:42
tuxloverhey guys20:42
mdmdidi, yes, in fact its preferable for many programs to run as a user whos shell is set to /bin/false20:42
x_OIt's still a tar.gz20:42
x_Odoesn't answer my question on how to install it.20:42
jribx_O: no.  Read the wiki page that explains how to use ppa's20:42
dexter_jrib, is their one on the windows harddive i shoould know about or do i just modife the one on the linux harddive20:43
tuxloveri have a question can anybody tell me someting about howto get the webcam sl-6825 to run20:43
didijrib: Don't know. I will try it. Just to clarify I want to run a tor process but I want the user which will run it to have less to none privilege.20:43
jribdexter_: you should just follow the instructions on the wiki about reinstalling grub20:43
semitoneste_ which of these drivers is the display driver though? I don't see anything like "nv" or "nvidia"20:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:43
x_OI see no such wiki.20:44
mdm!help | rich_20:44
ubotturich_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:44
x_OI am seeing three package files too. Only one is 42mb ... guessing I don't need the other two.20:44
didimdm: Run it like jrib suggested?20:44
B0BBYguys does ubuntu repo has the kernel sources for  2.6.30-rc6?20:44
jribx_O: the first link you clicked on that then linked you to the ppa20:45
mdmdidi, yes or more precisly depends on the program.  Some have command switches to run as a user20:45
jrib!who | x_O20:45
ubottux_O: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:45
enterneo_i manually installed grub from terminal (after grub install failed during jaunty install), it went find - http://pastebin.com/mf7358b3 , but on reboot I see no menu list, I am on ubuntu installer right now20:46
keiichiHi, I've tried testing Grub2 as per the wiki page, but get a No Such Disk error, anyone able to help as I'd like to test this20:46
=== WAVIN is now known as processor
didimdm: Tor have a config switch that says "drop root privileges and use this user instead". But I am actually not very comfortable believing in that.20:47
B0BBYlooking for kernel sources  2.6.30-rc6.20:47
jrib!kernel > B0BBY20:47
ubottuB0BBY, please see my private message20:47
gourletubuntu fr#20:48
mdmdidi, its not very difficult to implement in a program, it it says it will run as a user, and ps shows it running as that user, well it is doing what it was set to do20:48
gourlet3 ubuntu fr20:48
gourlet# ubuntu-fr20:48
B0BBYjrib: thanks.20:48
OB1FoShoBhey had anyone got flash working in firefox 3.5, i just have it installed in a folder running manually until repos get updated20:49
gourletsoory I shear going un Chat ubntu french20:49
irocksui just want to make sure is the best current practise for dual boot: first install windows, then linux with grub bootloader?20:49
jribirocksu: yep20:49
irocksuor did something change radically.20:49
irocksuone more thing: should i use 8.04 or 9.04?20:50
B0BBYjrib: I see. I guess I'm not sure how to retrieve a particular version.20:50
dayoirocksu: 8.1020:50
B0BBYjrib: My friend and I are tyring to compile a wifi driver. which need the kernel sources....20:50
B0BBYjrib: header files and such.20:50
didimdm: Well. I think that you're right. But don't you fell very uncomfortable running something as root?20:50
jribB0BBY: you are using the default linux kernel?20:50
ersini dont my mouse in xorg.conf20:51
ersini use sabily20:51
dayoirocksu: i use 8.04 on my servers. the only reason one should have for upgrading, is that it fixes an issue/bug. my reason for upgrading my laptop from 8.04 to 8.10 is that 8.10 gives me far less pulseaudio troubles.20:51
gourletje veux aller sur le fprum francais mais je ne sais jamais comment aller sauf en passat par là et sa dérange du monde20:52
mdmdidi, me personally no, but then again the stuff I run as root I know about, can read the source code and understand what it does.  I do with with mythtv so I can set proity threads, then again my myth frontends are more appliances then systems20:52
B0BBYjrib: it's a Sheeva Plug which report to uname -a with a ubuntu something something 2.6.30-rc620:52
irocksubut why not 9.04?20:52
irocksuthe current release20:52
guntbertgourlet: type "/join #ubuntu-fr" (without the ")20:52
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:52
B0BBYjrib: it's on the MIPs arch.20:52
jribB0BBY: ah...20:52
irocksui understand bigger is better, but 8.10?20:52
gourletthing you20:52
dabidehi, i have a ubuntu 7.10 virtual server, and i'm currently trying to set up my very first cronjob, but "crontab -e" or "sudo crontab -e" give me both: "crontab: command not found" - shouldn't crontab be some kind of systemtool, and be always available?20:53
guntbertgourlet: pas de quois20:53
jribB0BBY: use the git instructions and checkout the right version, does that help?20:53
dayoirocksu: i have no reason to. my pulseaudio misbehaves maybe once a month, now. i'm ok with that.20:53
didimdm: Hum. Well, for now I will try the jrib solution until I get around the idea.20:53
didijrib: Thank you.20:53
mdmdidi, implitly root is not evil, its just dangerous.  Especially in the hands of a semi-knowledgeable user.  Or quite literally "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"20:53
irocksuhmmm... ok20:53
Mike94287Where are the gedit theme files placed?20:53
B0BBYjrib: that does help. I just have to now figure out all of that. :)20:53
B0BBYjrib: so when you say get out my own, you mean from kernel.org sources, right?20:54
jribirocksu: if you need LTS use 8.04, otherwise use 9.0420:54
didimdm: The all concept of running a process with super privileges just make me fell funny.20:54
irocksujrib ok.20:54
jribB0BBY: if your kernel is a vanilla kernel without the ubuntu patches, yeah20:54
B0BBYjrib: otherwise, it could be trouble...?20:55
dayodabide: type    which crontab     what's the output?20:55
jribB0BBY: I don't know20:55
irocksuthanks guys.20:55
B0BBYjrib: hehe, it's always a lot of fun compile random drivers, eh?20:55
mdmdidi, I dont think it was jribs idea as much as he gave you the command to run a program as a different user.  I would call it jrib was correct.20:55
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:55
B0BBYjrib: that's for your help.20:55
jrib!wifi > B0BBY20:55
ubottuB0BBY, please see my private message20:55
jribB0BBY: that may have some hints about your card too20:55
tumiiI need help installing these things: OpenGL, ALSA, GTK, GTKGLEXT, libxml220:55
B0BBYjrib: cool. thanks for your help.20:55
jribtumii: why?20:55
tumiijrib: how do I install them?20:56
mdmdidi, some things HAVE to run as root, thigns that access hardware directly (xorg being most notable).  But not all things need root.20:56
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
jrib!software > tumii20:56
ubottutumii, please see my private message20:56
ersini have no mouse in xorg.conf but my mouse is working, can anyone help me out? i want to configure more buttons20:56
dabidedayo: "which crontab" does not produce any output20:56
jribtumii: that's how to install them20:56
didimdm: I think I didn't quite understand what you meant about jrib "idea".20:56
gourletsorry for my English20:56
dayodabide: odd. looks like it's not installed.20:56
KiRLihi, how can i format ufs my /media/disk1 on ubuntu?20:56
dabidedayo: can i get it via apt-get?20:56
mdmdidi, ok, but pay attention to what jrib tells you, he is knowledgeable20:57
irocksuKiRLi: sudo cfdisk20:57
* jrib claims no such thing20:57
irocksu and the device20:57
dayodabide: yes u can20:57
didimdm: I know, I know. (although there are many people that do not like the idea of xorg been run as a privileged process)20:57
gourletWhat is your Linux distribtion?20:57
dayodabide: sudo aptitude install crontab20:57
irocksusudo cfdisk /dev/sda2 or something... you need to figure out what hd it acutally is20:57
irocksudont format the wrong one ;)20:58
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora20:58
guntbertgourlet: you english is better than my french :), this is the support channel for ubuntu20:58
jrib!away > D3f020:58
ubottuD3f0, please see my private message20:58
=== Dopppp is now known as Doppp
mdmdidi, like I said, root isnt dangerous any more then a rifle is.  It is how it is used (I would say misused) that is.20:58
KiRLiirocksu, fatal error20:58
irocksuKiRLi: why do you want to format your disk?20:58
KiRLiscond hdd, backup20:58
irocksuwhat device is your hd?20:59
epztmy raid is broken and can't start in degrade mode20:59
gourletguntbert: sorry I don't enderstant and Yes this chat is for Ubuntu20:59
didimdm: I personally would say that a rifle is *always* dangerous. But let not visit that place.20:59
semitoneshey everyone -- how do I find out which graphics driver I'm using? There seems to be a problem20:59
irocksuthen try /dev/sda120:59
irocksuwait... not sure20:59
dabidedayo: thx, got it working - bye!20:59
justinAcan someone please send me the hardy default source.list file20:59
keiichianyone able to help with chainloading grub2?20:59
wildc4rdwhats my best bet software wise for tracking resource use of PC's remotely?20:59
irocksucould you check /etc/fstab?21:00
KiRLitry, mount umount device ?21:00
justinAor a link with the exact list of default sources21:00
funkjaWill my Ubuntu automatically update my firefox to 3.5 now that it's released or will I have to do it myself?21:00
irocksuunmount it21:00
guntbertgourlet: ubuntu support here, ubuntu chat -> #ubuntu-offtopic21:00
jrib!ff35 | funkja21:00
ubottufunkja: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:00
epzthow can I repair my raid from intramfs console ?21:00
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
aceDoes anyone know a good software for converting video?21:01
justinAcan someone send me the hardy default source.list file21:01
funkjajrib: That's not quite up to date.21:01
irocksuKiRLi what does fstab tell you21:01
justinAor a link to the list of sources21:02
jribfunkja: why do you say that?21:02
KaiZhi, does anyone know how to update firefox 3.0 to 3.5 on ubuntu 9.04?21:02
jrib!ff35 | KaiZ21:02
ubottuKaiZ: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:02
funkjajrib: nvm. I understand - the beta is referring to ubuntu specific packages - not ff itself.21:03
jribfunkja: right21:03
KiRLiirocksu, I tried but did linux file system, i want to ufs file systems21:03
=== rambo3 is now known as joomla_user
abbazabbai have a silly question.. i'm on 8.04, and usually i am able to enable my videocard hardware driver, which then breaks my system bringing me back to a menu that lets me select nv and my monitor.. which lets me raise the resolution. now, i don't have anything in my hardware driver section, and when i check out xorg.conf it has what i want in it.. i'm still stuck at 800x600 though.. any ideas? i'm thinking maybe erase xorg.conf21:03
acebarbarella: Thank you!21:03
irocksuKiRLi: you want what?21:04
derek6711the update informantion is outdates. This may be caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer available. Can some one help me21:04
SerenityKill3ranybody know a good OGG Vorbis DAP?21:04
SerenityKill3rcheap preferably21:04
irocksuufs never heard of it.21:05
te_abbazabba: Yes. If you're using opensource driver, you can rm xorg.conf21:05
kenichi_why, when i start screen on jaunty, does it resize my terminal to 80 cols?21:05
threethirtyIn my conky config im catting a text file (its a todo list) but i cant get it to show more than 10 lines, here is my current config http://linuxcranks.pastebin.com/m2bd1910f anyone have any ideas?21:05
abbazabbate_: i am not sure if i'm using an opensource driver, i am using "nv".. and i don't want to remove it, i just want to bring it back to zero so i could set my own options (which are the options it already has in it..)21:06
irocksuyou need to format your drive and then create a new file syste with mkfs21:06
te_abbazabba: nv is the opensource driver21:06
acebarbarella: How do you use Mencoder?21:06
abbazabbate_: so just delete it?21:07
te_abbazabba: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:07
te_abbazabba: Or mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf~21:07
bo7amnyhow can i open a program or a folder from the terminal and set the size and the position of the window ?21:07
uncolaHelp.. anyone know a guide that tells you how to update to the newest nvidia driver?21:08
epztsomeone to help repairing a broken raid21:08
te_bo7amny: Can you restate your question?21:08
Titan8990_!nvidia | uncola21:08
ubottuuncola: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:08
derek6711te_, you could use sudo mv because it could require admin permissions21:08
derek6711te_, by the way, im back =)21:08
abbazabbate_: wish me luck21:09
theholyduckhmm, just having fglrx installed (without even using it) is making my system lock up21:09
aceAnyone know of an EASY video converter21:09
te_derek6711: derek6711 Yes, you are correct.21:09
Dr_Willisace:  winff, avidumex21:09
Dr_Willis!find avid21:09
ubottuFound: avida-base, avida-qt-viewer, avida-viewer, mediawiki-metavidwiki, sword-comm-tdavid (and 4 others)21:09
theholyduckace, easy is just another way of saying its rubbish and the audio will be out of sync21:09
epztace: ffmpeg21:09
Dr_Willisi never can spell avidmux right21:09
derek6711te_, could very well be correct21:09
Dr_Williswinff is very handy.21:09
edbianDr_Willis: avidemux* he he21:10
aceDr_Willis: Thank you21:10
derek6711te_, not situated with ubuntu yet but google does wonders =)21:10
threethirtyace: media convert  is  a gui  for ffmpeg21:10
te_derek6711: Oh yes, google is your friend.21:10
bo7amnyex : firefox -size 800 600 -pos 100 10021:10
threethirtyIn my conky config im catting a text file (its a todo list) but i cant get it to show more than 10 lines, here is my current config http://linuxcranks.pastebin.com/m2bd1910f anyone have any ideas?21:10
te_derek6711: BTW, there's also google.com/linux21:10
derek6711te_, especially since there are so many people that helped develop ubuntu and linux it is like free help desk21:11
te_derek6711: Yep...21:11
Dr_Willisthreethirty:  check the conky homepage/configs - they got examples of doing that stuff..  you may need to set the  min/max sizes of the 'conky' window manually21:11
tw3akUrb0xhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/208475/ I'm building a customized kernel , everything is working however I have a few questions........... in my default boot there is no comments in "dmesg" about MTRR or PAT are these parts of the kernel needed? or can they be safely removed from my next build?21:11
derek6711te_. i didnt know that21:11
edbianderek6711: Not to mention the best help desk around! :)21:11
didijrib: If I switch the shell from /bin/bash to /bin/false I cannot execute the su -c command. Another idea?21:11
bo7amnyte_, ex : firefox -size 800 600 -pos 100 10021:11
Dr_Willisthreethirty:  my conky configs --> http://drop.io/dr_willis21:11
threethirtyDr_Willis: ty21:11
derek6711edbian. dont think too high of yourself21:11
Dr_Willisthreethirty:  i do a similer thing with log files.21:11
edbianderek6711: ha ha ha21:11
n3vermindjoin #polska21:12
edbianderek6711: I was talking about everybody else!21:12
derek6711edbian, here is a nice test of your abundance of knowledge21:12
NoiseEeeany reason that apache wouldn't prompt me for a login/pass once i've added .htaccess and .htpasswd to the relevant places?   anything i need to adjust on the default ubuntu server installation?21:12
te_bo7amny: What was your original question?21:12
jonaskoelkerHi all.  My pulseaudio is sending a lot of data over the network.  How do I see which streams make up that traffic?21:12
edbianNoiseEee: Did you restart apache?  sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart  ??21:12
uncolathat guide you linked me to is what caused me problems in the first place :(21:12
derek6711edbian, i have a repository that the update manager uses and it wasnt updated with the downloads21:12
derek6711edbian, now my updater is yelling at me21:12
te_NoiseEee: did you restart the server?21:12
edbianderek6711: Wasn't updated with the downloads?  What do you mean?21:13
derek6711te_, so it is just http://www.google.com/linux ?21:13
te_derek6711: Yes.21:13
derek6711edbian, it didnt update for some reason21:13
comicinker jonaskoelker: watch -n 1 "netstat -tupen"21:13
edbianderek6711: sudo apt-get update ??21:14
NoiseEeete_, edbian:  yep restarted apache21:14
=== ubuntu is now known as clusty
myk_robinsonhave any of you installed Firefox 3.5 yet, and if so, are your links in the "Awesome Bar" blue all of a sudden??21:14
jonaskoelkercomicinker: and look for what?21:14
derek6711edbian, the update information is outdated. This may be caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer available. Can some one help me21:14
derek6711edbian, first message i posted21:14
jonaskoelkercomicinker: the only program names I see are chromium-brow (there's a missing "ser") and ssh, none of which (apparently) play sound21:14
edbianderek6711: Perhaps the repo is down?  or (more possibly) "no longer available"21:14
derek6711te_, thanks21:15
te_derek6711: NP21:15
derek6711edbian, but my computer updated, it just didnt update the system information21:15
edbianderek6711: That is very strange.  Did you have more than 1 package manager running ??21:15
clustyi am having a rather strange problem with my ubuntu: I changed some bios settings (like enabling AHCI) and now grub is not working no more: error 2221:15
te_clusty: Must have re-oreder the drives.21:16
L3dPlatedLinuxI went ahead and made another user account for my wife and out it in the admin group so i thought and all but she doesnt have wifi access and she cant edit the user and groups accounts either how would i fix this21:16
derek6711edbian, i may have had the update manager and spm21:16
threethirtyDr_Willis: my old conky config fit the whole screen and i just removed some of the sections, shouldnt the window size still be the same (and how are you starting multiple conkies?)21:16
clustyi boot the live cd mount the partition do a chroot, find /boot/grub/stage1 but it cannot find anything21:16
derek6711edbian, does it matter?21:16
clustyte_: but should my stuff not be there?21:17
clustyte_: stuff=stage121:17
comicinkerjonaskoelker: just a start. maybe you can identify the connected IP addresses and the average amount of tcp packats related to it... it was a shot into the dark...21:17
edbianderek6711: You're not supposed to be able to do anything in any of them if more than one is open.  That way it can keep track.  (How would it keep track if multiple apps were changing things all at once).21:17
edbianderek6711: Usually it yells at you if you try.21:17
te_clusty: probably still there just not designated as was before.21:17
derek6711edbian, i think i just had it open while i was updating21:18
clustyte_: so whats the fix? (possibly without a full ubuntu reinstall)21:18
NoiseEeeis there a specific module i should be enabling for Apache to respect .htaccess restrictions in Ubuntu server?21:18
edbianderek6711: When you say it's "yelling at you" what is it saying??21:18
te_clusty: Boot a liveCD and do fdisk -l  and see what is different.21:18
derek6711edbian, here are the problems21:18
derek6711edbian, GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4874D3686E80C6B7Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/deb-src/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not Found21:18
derek6711Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not Found21:18
derek6711Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/jaunty/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not Found21:18
derek6711Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:18
FloodBot2derek6711: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
clustyte_: will reinstall the whole bloody sys. will be faster. hope I won'y have to be back :D21:19
derek6711edbian, so it seems to be the links or something21:19
edbianderek6711: "failed to fetch" means that it cannot get in contact with the server.  Remove them from your sources temporarily and try to update21:20
edbianderek6711: update = "reload" and the GUI's call it.21:20
derek6711edbian, i can still update it just when i check for updates21:20
edbianderek6711: Yeah.  I think those repos are down.  Try removing them from your software sources and see if the problem persists.21:21
derek6711edbian, how will i go about this21:21
te_clusty:  why not just go into the bios and change it back the way it was?21:21
buckyNoiseEee: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialApacheAddingLoginSiteProtection.html21:22
edbianderek6711: System -> Admin -> software sources21:22
clustyte_: did not do the trick :D21:22
te_clusty: Oh21:22
edbianderek6711: Go to the third party tab and uncheck them.21:22
mickster04anyione not being served?21:23
te_clusty: if you can get the drives back in the order they were, it will boot again21:23
derek6711edbian, it is updating21:24
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=== kldjhfsoeghjv is now known as jarhead
pronoy_i seem to be suddenly having trouble with my flash plugin ...how to fix this...21:25
wolterwhy is my update manager crashing my sound??21:25
derek6711it could be updating your sound21:25
mickster04wolter what are you doing other than updating?21:25
edbianderek6711: Hows it going?21:25
edbianderek6711: Errors?21:26
pronoy_i seem to be suddenly having trouble with my flash plugin ...how to fix this...21:26
derek6711edbian, it opened the update manager and is updating21:26
woltermickster04, was listening to music with banshee21:26
buckypronoy enable all your repos and install adobe-flashplugin21:26
edbianderek6711: No errors?21:26
mickster04wolter, it may have also been updating banshee?21:26
gnubieedbian;  ty21:26
pronoy_bucky its to its newest version..21:26
mickster04wolter, or does it happen everytime21:26
derek6711edbian, i think it was just 1 sourve21:26
wolterI made myself a script to fix sound21:26
derek6711edbian, source*21:27
wolterand when I run it update manager crashes21:27
wolterso its one or the other21:27
mickster04wolter so how does it break21:27
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buckypronoy what kind of video chip/card do you have21:27
woltermickster04, the update manager?21:27
mickster04wolter, oh so you've fixed it21:27
clustyte_: reinstalling. luckily i have the home on a diff partition so i can just format / and put new one21:27
woltermickster04, no21:27
mickster04wolter, no the sound, does the device dissappear?21:27
woltermickster04, fixing it would be making it not happen again21:27
edbianderek6711: Those repos aren't necessarily down.  Perhaps it was just a typo.  Why did you add them??21:27
mickster04wolter, but to have a script fix it, you should know what the problem is?21:28
buckybanshee sucks21:28
pronoy_bucky vga is 8600gt other than that sound is onboard and the trouble i am having has come up after certain kernel updates ...21:28
woltermickster04, when i run the sound tests on the sound control panel it tells me that the device is currently in use by some other application21:28
woltermickster04, yes, kindof...21:28
woltermickster04, now that the update manager finished sound works again21:28
derek6711edbian, i didnt add any21:28
derek6711edbian, it was only one21:28
mickster04wolter, then i guess it does do sumat to the sound?21:29
derek6711edbian, it was the same thing but 3 errors21:29
jg_i need help21:29
TheNewGuyhowdy, are there games in the repository?21:29
jg_I Need HELp!21:29
edbianderek6711: What repo had errors?21:29
tmavyhi everyone21:29
pronoy_TheNewGuy yeah tons21:29
jacatoneDoes anyone know how to add themes to Xubuntu 9.04?21:29
te_wolter: is firefox running?21:29
mickster04!ask | jg_21:29
ubottujg_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:29
derek6711TheNewGuy, there is in spm21:29
wolterte_, now it is, but firefox remains neutral to the problem21:29
jg_my youtube dosent work21:29
=== pronoy_ is now known as pronoy
TheNewGuyare they listed in the synaptic manager?21:29
derek6711edbian, http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu/binary-i386/Packages21:29
rickestjg_: "doesn't work" is as useful as "I need help"21:29
derek6711TheNewGuy, yep21:30
pronoy!flash | jg_21:30
ubottujg_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:30
mickster04jg_ have you installed flash non-free21:30
woltermickster04, what is sumat?21:30
jg_it just shows a black page21:30
mickster04wolter, sorry sumat = something in my accent21:30
edbianderek6711: You didn't add that?21:30
clustyjg_: you need FLASH21:30
TheNewGuycool.  I assume that if we get something in the repository we can assume it is clean and does not have viruses?21:30
mickster04wolter apologies21:30
te_wolter: lsof21:30
pronoyjg_: dude check the link you got from the bot21:30
derek6711edbian, nope21:30
jg_tell me how21:30
derek6711edbian, i dont know how to add em21:30
pronoybucky...any ideas or should i repost21:30
wolterwell the problem is fixed now21:30
jg_is ubottu a robot21:30
te_wolter: lsof | grep dsp21:30
clustyjg_: sudo apt-get install flash-non-free21:30
wolterit aparently happens when update manager starts installing applications21:31
edbianderek6711: It was under 3rd party apps?21:31
clustyjg_: inside a terminal21:31
derek6711edbian, could have been put in with an app21:31
pronoyjg_: just a bot...a robot is hardware linked21:31
derek6711edbian, ya21:31
jg_il try now21:31
woltergconf-hel  7056           wolter  mem       REG                8,6    81496 1118724 /usr/lib/libspeexdsp.so.1.5.021:31
jg_whats the password21:31
wolterte_, (sound works again and firefox is no longer open)21:31
derek6711clusty, thank you21:31
derek6711clusty, i needed that command21:31
pronoyyo ! anyone having trouble lately with the flash plugin ? seems to be in all browsers21:31
TheNewGuysorry, was that a dumb question?21:31
clustyderek6711: what for? :D21:32
te_wolter: That's interesting.21:32
clustyohh ok :D21:32
mickster04jg_ password21:32
pronoyTheNewGuy the games one ? nope21:32
mickster04pronoy i have youtube sorta working in ff on eeebuntu21:32
derek6711clusty, my flash sucks and wont work right21:32
clustyderek6711: hope is correct the package name that is21:32
mickster04jg_ sorry, what password*21:32
wolterte_, yeah21:32
jg_tehers writetn this21:32
jg_ sudo apt-get install flash-non-free21:32
clustyjg_: man, you set up that password?21:32
TheNewGuyNo, about can I assume that the files in the repository are clean and have not viruses or trojens?21:32
derek6711clusty, it is different from mine21:32
FloodBot2jg_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:32
pronoymickster04 my flash video displays a huge play button in a circle and unless clicked it doesn't load automatically21:32
jg_jg@jg-desktop:~$  sudo apt-get install flash-non-free21:32
jg_[sudo] password for jg:21:32
jg_Sorry, try again.21:32
jg_[sudo] password for jg:21:32
jg_Reading package lists... Done21:32
wolterte_, i am 100% sure that the problem is caused when update manager locks the system to install the downloaded updates21:33
pronoy!pastebin | jg_21:33
ubottujg_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:33
clusty...and there goes the young padwan :D21:33
mickster04pronoy, thats supposed to e like that, you have to click to start the video?21:33
jg_help me plz21:33
mickster04jg_ e patient21:33
mickster04jg_ be patient*21:34
clustyfingers crossed... doing the reboot21:34
pronoymickster04: yeah before kernel 2.7.27-14 update everything was cool and it used to load automatically and it sure isn't supposed to act like that21:34
pronoyjg_ dude what's the problem ?21:34
mickster04pronoy ah ok21:34
jg_my youtube dosent work21:34
mickster04pronoy well i always had to start it myself21:34
pronoyjg_: did you do what was asked to you in the terminal ?21:34
ramfistI am having trouble getting my install of ubuntu to work, booting from cd or hard drive keeps getting me to BusyBox 1.10.2 what should i be doing differntly during install/ startup?21:34
jg_can we pm21:35
mickster04pronoy he did21:35
pronoyjg_ cool21:35
TheNewGuyJG, unload flash and then reload the adobi flash.  not the three one.  and no, I don't know how to do it well enough to tell you.21:35
jg_can we private message21:35
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:35
TwoToneSpiritramfist:  live cd?  USB stick?21:35
mickster04just as a hint21:35
ramfistlive cd21:35
TheNewGuyanyone have a suggestion for a good car game?  rally?21:36
comicinkerTheNewGuy: you decide if you trust a software repository. technically, a repository can blow your system, install viruses and rootkits. so watch out which repositories you add to your system21:36
TheNewGuyReally!  It thought it was monitored by someone.. or a group.21:36
ramfistI dung thru the formus at their  support site, thre seems to be similar  problems with 8  but i am running 9.0421:37
ramfistoh wow, my spelling is terrible21:37
pronoymickster04 he's on pm wimme...doesn't have his repo enabled anyways...so what bout the flash thing  ? any ideas21:37
TheNewGuyChit man... I need too re think this.21:37
mickster04pronoy, ermmm...i had just installed the normal nonfree flash an it worked with eeebuntu21:37
comicinkerTheNewGuy: well, the default repositories are  trustfull21:37
pronoyTheNewGuy dude google for top 25 linux games you'll get one21:38
RadtooTheNewGuy: Well, there's only so much certainty with any repository / group. even the original authors of software could do something bad, and I'm not sure everything would be caught.21:38
TheNewGuythats the 4 basic ones.  the one that come active in umbuto 9.04.  right?21:38
pronoymickster04 ah eeebuntu don't know bout that...running intrepid here DAMN KERNEL UPDATE !!21:38
mickster04pronoy ah, what u using (pcwise)21:38
TheNewGuyOK, good to know.  I am new to linux... but after a week, I love it.21:39
bluef00tcould anyone point me to how to write a shell script that automatically feeds in the password for a command that asks for one.21:39
mickster04pronoy although desktop edition of 9.04 worked seamlessly on my pc so it mght have somat to do with hardware too21:39
edbianTheNewGuy: It's gets better and better21:39
pronoymickster04 well on a 2.7 C2D 2 gig ram and 8600gt and onboard sound "and i didn't have problems before the kernel fix"21:39
mickster04bluef00t, that would nullify all security on ur oc/laptop21:39
TheNewGuyYea, I can see that in a few years it could go main stream.21:40
mickster04pronoy ah, no eeebuntu would be pointless for you21:40
CynnerDownload new music, films, games and lot of more, check it - http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113973084421:40
pronoyPici you around ?21:40
bluef00tmickster04, yes, kind of, but i am annoyed by entering the same command and then root password again and again. Any way around?21:40
mickster04pronoy i would suggest updating to the new ubuntu as it worked from scratch on my botch-job pc21:40
comicinkerTheNewGuy: that's what they said 10 years ago ;)21:41
edbianbluef00t: In the GUI you can have it save the password for the session21:41
pronoymickster04 well too many bugs on jaunty i am waiting for karmic ..21:41
Radtoobluef00t: one simple trick to keep a root shell open is to run screen first.21:41
x4merhi, all21:41
mickster04bluef00t, if your using terminal it should keep the sudo for about 15mins no?21:41
pronoyTheNewGuy: mainstream ?21:41
red-lichtieOne thing that gets on my nerves regarding Ubuntu is that after a kernel update  I am forced to 1) reinstall NVIDIA driver (NVIDIA-blabla.run), reinstall omnibook module & download/recompile the kernel just to get my MemoryStick support to work again. Any ideas on how to get this to happen automatically when there is a kernel update ?21:41
mickster04pronoy, bugs? i havent had one yet?21:41
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:41
pronoymickster04 were you around when it launched ?21:41
mickster04pronoy ah no21:42
te_red-lichtie: Get everything from the package-manager.21:42
roothello everyone21:42
pronoypisecx what is this deal with ff3.5 anyways ? why the hype ?21:42
mickster04]hi root21:42
=== root is now known as Guest96894
TheNewGuyLOL.... yea.. things more slowly.   the push has been to get the major features working, the detailed ease of use and integration really take a lot of programing to get very very smooth... so smooth that grandma can use it.  That is going to take some time.21:42
mickster04pronoy on windoze it is blitz fast in comparison21:42
red-lichtiete_ if I only knew the locations to add I would21:42
te_red-lichtie: and / or use  open source21:42
pronoymickster04 you should have seen the shit we were sailing in ...every new dude came in and yelped for help21:42
pronoymickster04 watch this21:42
mickster04pronoy lol21:42
bluef00tyes...but i want to automate the whole thing..cause my internet goes down again and again and i need to do sudo pon provider after 20 mins. I just want to automate this.21:42
Radtoored-lichtie: yes, thats the pain with external modules. allmost everyone has to. but the memorystick I can't understand, it should be supported by the kernel itself, no?21:42
cicadaI'm having trouble running the demo for X2 on Jaunty that I downloaded here: http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/info.php?id=23&21:43
x4meri have a question and i haven't found the answer on google: are iso images from ubuntu testing page updated dayly or only on milestones such as alpha2/3/beta/rc ?21:43
pronoyHEY GUYS WINDOWS SUCKS RIGHT ? people who agree say aye !21:43
te_!nvidia | red-lichtie21:43
ubottured-lichtie: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:43
red-lichtiete_: omnibook IS opensource + MemoryStick is simply no compiled as a module in the Ubuntu releases :/21:43
TheNewGuywow, I just read what I wrote... Honest, I am not drunk.21:43
bluef00tmickster04, yes...but i want to automate the whole thing..cause my internet goes down again and again and i need to do sudo pon provider after 20 mins. I just want to automate this.21:43
TheNewGuyeye.... I poked my eye using windows.21:43
Radtoox4mer: snapshots. the thing thats updated more frequently is the repository of installable packages.21:43
pronoymickster04 see and if an op were around you'd find a !ot with my name on it21:44
mickster04i was about to:P21:44
coleysRadtoo: Ahoy =D ///21:44
pronoymickster04 huh :D21:44
cicadaAnyone have an issue trying to run demo games from Linux Publishing?21:44
mickster04pronoy, i was gona ot! you till i realised you were right21:44
pronoymickster04 anyways im still stuck with this flash thingy21:44
pronoymickster04 haaww ! betrayel21:45
te_TheNewGuy: I might agree with you if what you are saying that being restricted to MS would be similar to getting poked in they eye with a sharp stick. :)21:45
threethirty   /wc21:45
TheNewGuyis there a good "visual C" enviroment free ware?  I want to try to learn how to program c.  I used to do basic years ago.21:45
ali1234why does my display keep doing this? : http://imagebin.org/54330 - using nvidia driver and compiz. it started happening after todays updates21:45
jgHI again21:46
jgneed help from the guy pm'ing me before21:46
pronoyTheNewGuy try ur hand on the command line...it is beautiful :) you'll be asking for a lot of command line stuff after you know how powerful it really is21:46
ali1234it happens about every 10 minutes, and switching to console and back makes it go away... for another 10 minutes21:46
RadtooTheNewGuy: theres a lot of IDE for C21:46
mickster04pronoy,, i had some input about ubuntu restricted extra's21:46
dockcode::blocks is nice21:46
jgplz help man21:46
mickster04thenewguy try c++ with codeblocks21:46
cicadaAnyone know of a channel where people are doing more than bs?21:46
jgi need help plz anyone21:47
* red-lichtie completes complete kernel download/recompile just for memstick (+ pro) modules, not exactly a wonderful user experience21:47
coleys!question | jg21:47
ubottujg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:47
TheNewGuypronoy, is there a primer or something to give me the basics.  I really am the new guy.21:47
jgcan u pm me21:47
dockanyway i have a wierd problem21:47
danbhfiveIs anyone able to use the "Pictures folder" screensaver without problem, ie, with it working and without a memory leak (on 9.04)?21:47
mickster04cicada pardon?21:47
TheNewGuyRadtoo, what is IDE?21:47
RadtooTheNewGuy: you can use specialized editors like code::blocks, multipurpose ide like anjuta / kdevelop / eclipse / netbeans, or even text editors like vim or emacs (they can do a lot for you)21:47
pronoyyo ! i thought you went away21:47
buckycicada: #debian21:47
coleysjg: Just ask your question =)21:47
pronoyyo ! i thought you went away jg21:47
coleysjg: someone else might be having the same problem.21:47
RadtooTheNewGuy: integrated development environment21:47
red-lichtieAdd to that the fact that my BT won't work without the omnibook module, makes every kernel update nightmare21:47
jgits ok21:48
dockmy tab key is broken so i xmodmaped it to capslock, sure i can tab again but i cant alt tab which is rather crucial for me21:48
jgim pming with pronoy21:48
pronoyyey ! i am famous !!21:48
TimX4209can we asked questions about tiny core linux here21:48
cicadaNo one is helping me.. And it appears that this is more or less a hangout.  I'm looking for people that actually want to help out.  Is there a channel for that?  I'm having problems trying to run a demo on Jaunty.21:48
coleysjg: pronoy Should allow other people to see your solution, if they have the same problem =P.21:48
TheNewGuyI check it out.21:48
rohtiehey everyone! Does anyone know how i can configure my trust tablet?21:48
pedestrianentra1id like to grab all link titles of my website and put them in a file.... Ive looked at man wget and can't figure out how. Any ideas?21:48
guntbert!patience | cicada21:48
ubottucicada: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:48
mickster04cicada, if you hadn't noticed theres lots of people helping other people out, be patient, mayb i can help21:49
pronoycoleys how many have the problem of not knowing how to enable the repos...21:49
buckyTimX4209: isn't anyone in #tinycorelinux ?21:49
dockpede: check out download them all plugin for firefox21:49
coleyspronoy: Many... ?21:49
RadtooTheNewGuy: Meaning code editor, compiler, debugger, documentation, ... yadda yadda all combined in or controlled by one program.21:49
AdolaI just did an update, and when I restated, ALSA isn't installed, or so it seems.21:49
TimX4209they dont talk their21:49
pronoycoleys cool bring it here21:49
Adola"Alsamixer" doesn't work in terminal.21:49
AdolaAnd my sound isn't working.21:49
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edbiancicada: How is it not working?  What have you tried to do?21:49
mickster04cicada, whats the matter  then?21:49
coleysAdola: alsamixer (withoutcaps)21:49
Adolacoleys: Yeah, I did.21:50
mickster04adola you havent muted it have you:P21:50
TimX4209bucky no one talks in tinycorelinux chat21:50
TheNewGuyLast question.  I have compez (compiz.. whatever) and I can flip my chart upside down, but is there a way to then mirror it? or flip it right to left (or left to right)  ?21:50
pronoyis there a guide as to how to enable the repos for noobs ?21:50
Adolamickster04: No, and not only that, I had to reinstall an ethernet driver too.21:50
mickster04TimX4209, what is the problem21:50
cicadaI get this warning error when running the X2 game demo from Linux Publishing..I'll post it in a sec..21:50
pronoyor is ubottu loaded with one ?21:50
TheNewGuyWhen I say chart, I mean screen.21:50
uofm49426 (ntfs-config:7198): WARNING **: /media/windows contains an invalid caracter.21:50
uofm49426you must choose a name, not a directory.21:50
a1fahello.. i dont have access to ubuntu forums.. can anyone download http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=94477&d=1227872015 and pastebin it for me, please?21:50
mickster04adola what did you do?21:50
TimX4209i want to changes the windows manager to icewm21:50
rohtieAnyone know how i configure my trust tablet?21:50
TimX4209and i want to put some programs on a usb21:50
edbianTheNewGuy: ctrl + alt + button one to hold the "screen"21:50
TheNewGuyI am using this is a charting program.21:50
guntbert!repos | pronoy21:50
ubottupronoy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:50
coleysAdola: sudo apt-get install alsa-libs21:50
TimX4209and connect to my ahteros wifi 500721:50
Adolamickster04: I just did an update21:50
dockwow the flood in here21:51
pronoyguntbert: thanks a lot mate....21:51
TheNewGuywhat do you mean hold the screen?21:51
pronoy!repos | jg21:51
ubottujg: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:51
edbianTheNewGuy: Also you have a 2 sided plane because you only have 2 desktops.  If you add 2 more (4 total) You'll have a square21:51
guntbertpronoy: :)21:51
cicadaGtk-WARNING **: Failed to load module "libcanberra-gtk-module.so": libcanberra-gtk-module.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:51
enterneo_I had no menu.lst in my /boot/grub , so I am writing one manually for my new jaunty install, Grub complains '21:51
pronoyedbian you mean a cube21:51
edbianTheNewGuy: Just try it: ctrl + alt + left click21:51
Adolacoleys: E: Couldn't find package alsa-libs21:51
a1fahello.. i dont have access to ubuntu forums.. can anyone download http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=94477&d=1227872015 and pastebin it for me, please?21:51
coleysAdola: Have you sudo apt-get update21:51
dockno one here knows about xev/xevmodmap21:51
edbianpronoy: TheNewGuy dube*21:51
Adolacoleys: I'll do it again.21:51
mickster04cicada, try to use full nicks too i see when you've written then21:52
coleysAdola: if so, try... sudo apt-get install alsa-lib21:52
enterneo_I had no menu.lst in my /boot/grub , so I am writing one manually for my new jaunty install, Grub complains 'no such partition', I am wondering if someone could see my menu option and correct it?21:52
ZykoticK9red-lichtie, i was researching your kernel modules problem (i initially though I remembered an application that would automatically rebuild external modules - but I can't find it, so I guess i remember incorrectly), I haven't found a solution yet that i feel comfortable implementing but this person did some work re-nvidia drivers, and i imagine it could be modified to suite (personally i'm don't like it much) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p21:52
ZykoticK9hp?t=835573  Good luck man.21:52
edbianTheNewGuy: Understand??21:52
pronoya1fa dude we heard you the first time you probably aren't allowed to view that cuz its for the admins or something21:52
Adolacoleys: It doesnt' work.21:52
buckyTimX4209: tiny core linux has a nice website with docs and a searchable forum http://www.tinycorelinux.com/21:52
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a1fapronoy : actually my proxy is blocking forums21:52
cicadamickster04: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>21:52
cicadaLike that?21:52
a1fapronoy : its vmware patch21:52
coleysAdola: sudo apt-cache search alsa21:52
te_enterneo_: We would also need to see output of sudo fdisk -l21:53
danbhfivea1fa: http://pastebin.com/f75de4f4121:53
pronoya1fa  ok .. so use a tunnel21:53
a1fadanbhfive : thank you sir21:53
te_enterneo_: and cat /etc/fstab21:53
rohtieok i give up >_>21:53
rohtiebai everyone21:53
TimX4209on tinycorelinux they want u to download the stuff with their distro and i cant get online with their distro so i need to put the drivers and programs on a usb with the tiny core21:53
Guest87898hi i am trying to remote login to my windows vista laptop using ubuntu 9.04 desktop ...... can someone help me to solve this.21:53
a1fadanbhfive : i appreciate it21:53
cicadamickster04: what are full nicks?21:53
TimX4209cuz my atheros wifi 5007 does not work on any distro except ubuntu21:53
RadtooTimX4209: Entirely different disto, not the right channel to talk about that here.21:53
mickster04cicada, that :D mickster04 instead of mickster :p21:54
jg_help needed21:54
rullquelqu'un parle français et connait bien ubuntu21:54
mickster04jg_ we know21:54
TimX4209but this is the only distro that my wifi works on21:54
enterneo_te_: I am currently on ubuntu installer, I can assure you, / is installed on /dev/sda5 , and I manually installed grub on (hd0,4), should I paste back the menu list option to your PM?21:54
TimX4209im on ubuntu right now21:54
jg_my youtube wont work21:54
pronoyjg_ dude you retarded or something ?21:54
Radtoorull: #ubuntu-fr perhaps?21:54
Adolacoleys: http://pastebin.com/m20f383b821:54
mickster04cicada, http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/support.php21:54
te_enterneo_: enterneo_ Ok21:54
mickster04pronoy !ohmy21:54
jg_pronoy watch what your saying21:54
jg_i started ubuntu yesterday21:54
jg_i dont know how to use it21:54
TimX4209anyone know how ubuntu connects to wifi with atheros 5000721:54
jg_i need help21:54
jg_tell me21:54
edbianjg_: You need to install flash.  First go to the repos.  Do you know what the repos are??21:54
FloodBot2jg_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
rayluhow do i check the name of the driver my X11 is currently using? i have an intel mobile 421:54
pronoymickster04 oi ! that wasn't necessary he's on pm with me...and he keeps quitting and issuing the same question21:55
jg_i dont now what repos is21:55
cicadamickseter: yeah, I tried there support page...they haven't gotten back me just yet..21:55
pronoyjg_ i thought you were on a pm wimme21:55
RadtooTimX4209: Most likely ubuntu has a more recent kernel. But we'd not know what the other dists did not have.21:55
edbianjg_ see my pm???21:55
daedraanyone know of an app to automatically tag my mp3s?21:55
pronoyjg_ and i told you how to enable them21:55
coleysAdola: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils alsamixergui21:55
mickster04cicada, whats the error, but i would suggest waiting :D21:55
TheNewGuyedbain... why did you do that21:55
TimX4209i tried the new fedora and my wifi did not work21:55
edbianTheNewGuy: Do what?21:55
TheNewGuyis there a monitor in here?21:55
cicadamickster: do you know if Jaunty comes with glibc installed?21:55
mickster04pronoy, it was still a little harsh, in public21:55
TheNewGuyyou told me to put in a command that shut me down... WTF21:55
ZykoticK9daedra, check out easytag - the "scanner" feature is quite powerful.21:56
mysticdarkhackhello, anyone here experience vlc is not working and it give you an error message saying owner die at: /usr/lib/libvlccore.so.0(vlc_pthread_fatal+0xb5)[0xb7fe323521:56
TimX4209my sound is also not working good on alot of distros on windows it uses conexant high def audio21:56
mickster04cicada, no i dont, try synaptics? or search the uuntu site a little21:56
raylucicada: yes, of course it does21:56
TheNewGuyis there a room monitor in here?21:56
RadtooTimX4209: You could always try to deploy a recent .30 or even 31 rc kernel on your own and see if that helps. Its not easy on some distros tho. Also, why not just use ubnutu if it works?21:56
pronoymickster04 he's on 2 seperate pms with me ! with 2 nicks and he's issuiing the same question5 times on the channel21:56
mickster04raylu ta21:56
rayluTheNewGuy: #ubuntu-ops21:56
pronoybut i apologize21:56
edbianTheNewGuy: ???  I told you to press ctrl + alt + mouse button 121:56
TimX4209if i update my ubuntu i lose sound also21:56
TimX4209so im waiting for 9.1021:56
mickster04pronoy tell an op21:56
daedraZykoticK9: ok thanks21:56
mysticdarkhackanyone here know or fix this?21:56
TheNewGuyno, you did not say the mouse button21:56
pronoymickster04 nah...that'21:56
a1fathe patch didnt work21:57
pronoymickster04 that'll be like crucification21:57
BCM43is there a way to check a ntfs file system for errors? I have a hard drive for a windows computer that copies to my hard drive for a bit before freezing up.21:57
edbianTheNewGuy: I might have said left click?21:57
TheNewGuyWTF... I had three hours of work going and several running.21:57
mickster04pronoy he might listen to them21:57
rayluBCM43: no21:57
BCM43raylu: damn. Any suggestions?21:57
mickster04mysticdarkhack, ask again21:57
mysticdarkhackhello, anyone here experience vlc is not working and it give you an error message saying owner die at: /usr/lib/libvlccore.so.0(vlc_pthread_fatal+0xb5)[0xb7fe323521:57
rayluBCM43: get a windows recovery disk21:57
edbian<edbian> TheNewGuy: ctrl + alt + button one to hold the "screen"21:57
pronoymickster04 you know i should probably pastebin steps of adding a repo and add it to ubottu21:57
BCM43raylu: k, thanks21:58
mickster04mysticdarkhack, oh no i havent had any problems with vlc, whats the scenario21:58
TheNewGuybutton one... the one key21:58
mickster04pronoy, not a bad idea21:58
amit_hi i am trying to remote login to my windows vista laptop using ubuntu 9.04 desktop ...... can someone help me to solve this.21:58
Donedeezdoes anyone know anything about 'missing LSB tags and overrides'?21:58
mickster04thenewguy he prolly means left mouse click, 2 is right and 3 is scroll click21:58
TheNewGuynot everyone here has 10 years of exp with linux.   come on man.. .this is a support chat.21:58
henuxwhats the proper way to regenerate /etc/motd ?21:58
TheNewGuyyea I guess he does meant that but see my last post21:58
mickster04amit_, whats the problem?21:58
TheNewGuyso what does that do ebain?21:59
mysticdarkhackmickster04, not really sure and I wonder if it the latest ubuntu update.21:59
edbianTheNewGuy: See my pm??21:59
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ZykoticK9BCM43, it "might" be possible using a virtual machine, other then that there is pretty limited ntfs filesystem tools under linux.  good luck.21:59
Adolacoleys: http://pastebin.com/m6d65f3d621:59
TheNewGuywhat.. I'm in the pm.21:59
mickster04mysticdarkhack, possibly, there seems to be a couple of problems...21:59
Donedeezdoes anyone know anything about "missing LSB tags and overrides"?21:59
BCM43how can I find out the size of a folder from the command line?21:59
pronoycyberworm_ yo ! release the caps22:00
mickster04cicada, you still here?22:00
cicadaraylu:  ok..I ask because it is required for a game demo I'm having trouble running that I got from Linux Publishing.  I get this error: Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load module "libcanberra-gtk-module.so": libcanberra-gtk-module.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:00
cicada...  This makes me think that a library file is missing.  However, I checked synaptec package manager and the libcanberra-gtk package was installed.  The only thing I found for glibc in synaptec listed was glibc source and docs..  That's why I'm asking if glibc comes with ubuntu..  I guess what I want to know is if there is anything I need to do -- like compile source -- so that it can be seen by programs that need it..22:00
ZykoticK9BCM43, "du"22:00
BCM43!patience | CyberGabber22:00
ubottuCyberGabber: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:00
mysticdarkhackmickster04, yeah and I even --purge autoremove and reinstalling vlc again, but same resault.22:00
mickster04mysticdarkhack, what are you doing and what is the error22:00
ZykoticK9BCM43, "du -h" for human readable might be of interest.22:00
RadtooBCM43: du -hs is useful if you don't want to read bytes and individual files22:00
cicadamickster: that's for you too :-D22:00
RadtooBCM43: And well, all my experience with this topic amounts to use Windows to check ntfs and/or get rid of it asap.22:01
UbNoobHello everyone.  I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty w/Firefox 3.0.11 browser.  Some websites (facebook), I'm unable to see all the webpage, for instance, some of the games.  Any suggestions on what to check?22:01
raylucicada: and what does this have to do with libc? what's missing is libcanberra-gtk22:01
cicadaubnoob: I can see these sites fine with Ubuntu and Firefox..22:02
tonsofpcsUbNoob: if you have flash installed22:02
buckyUbNoob: the scrollbar at the bottom22:02
lesshastecan anyone help with this ? http://pastebin.ca/148219422:02
raylucicada: glibc is a metapackage. it's provided by libc622:02
mysticdarkhackmickster04, well I run vlc on terminal since I can't seem to launch from sound/video menu. the error I get was LibVLC fatal error locking mutex in thread 3081668304 at misc/objects.c:395: 13022:02
mysticdarkhack Error message: Owner died at:22:02
n2diy I had ubuntu installed on my test box, and I replaced it with Xubuntu. I didn't reformat /home, would the old setting from Ubuntu conflict/confuse Xubuntu?22:02
raylun2diy: no22:02
comicinkerTheNewGuy: I think edbian didn't want you to loose your work. Nobody in this room is a professional supporter. He forgot to tell you how to return to graphic console22:02
mickster04UbNoob, if you do ctrl = (scroll direction) it zooms in or out depending on the direction of scroll22:02
UbNoobI wonder if it's the old laptop that I have Ubuntu on?  I have flash installed already.22:03
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pankohi, how do i cut or disable the time of the remembering the password in gnome session? thx22:03
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mickster04mysticdarkhack, are you running it as sudo? if u are try gksudo otherwies theres a bigger oproblem if you cant run it from the menu22:03
comicinkeroh, maybe there are professional supporters. sorry to them ;)22:03
bandrewsUbNoob: I've notice flashed being messed up with firefox updates22:03
edbiancomicinker: I worked it out with him in a PM.  I told him to ctrl + alt + left click though.  I don't know where the confusion came form.22:03
cicadaraylu: well, I'm not a C programmer..I took a class in C, but I'm not a hacker..yet anyhow..  Still, I'm not sure, but I thought there are two main libraries that are used for writing in C on linux systems: glibc and libc.  My thinking is that maybe Ubuntu uses libc, where the games requires glibc.  I'm out of my element here..22:03
TheNewGuyMy apology to edbain.  we had a communication brake down.   Thanks again edbain.22:04
UbNoobI'm have firefox version 3.0.11.  Is there a newer version?22:04
mysticdarkhackmickster04, no not as sudo or gksudo22:04
mickster04mysticdarkhack, oh ok, well there is a problem that u cant run it from the menu, which isnt brilliant22:04
n2diyUbNoob: 3.5 was released Tuesday.22:04
tumiiI put ' aptitude search sdl ' and got a list of packages, what should I install?22:04
bandrewsUbNoob: Just sec, let me find the directory22:05
buckyraylu: so apt-got libcanberra-gtk022:05
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:05
joaojeronimoHi guys... Does someone know a build of cx-python available for Ubuntu 9.04 ? For some reason I can only find one for 9.10....22:05
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UbNoobok bandrews22:05
DonedeezHey, can anyone help me with missing LSB tags and overrides?22:05
mickster04mysticdarkhack, why can t u run it from the menu22:05
joaojeronimo*I'm sorry, I wanted to say cx-freeze22:05
UbNoobn2diy....have you upgraded?22:05
Quasi1börjar bli rätt seg i kolan22:05
mysticdarkhackmickster04, yeah even in terminal22:05
mickster04!Patience | Donedeez,22:05
ubottuDonedeez,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:05
Quasi1hmm...wrong window, sry22:05
cicadabucky: what will 'so apt-got libcanberra-gtk0' do??22:05
n2diyUbNoob: no, I'm waiting for the repos to catch up with it.22:05
mysticdarkhackmickster04, no clue22:05
UbNoobn2diy - probably wise22:06
mickster04mysticdarkhack,  i have a feeling it may be related? what system you running?22:06
mysticdarkhackmickster04, jaunty on dell vostro22:06
buckycicada: he wanted libcanberra-gtk  the name of the package is libcanberra-gtk0  use any one of the 20 different package manager front ends for apt-get  to install it22:06
chris_when i get on pandora it says were sorry but unless you agree to share registration information with %s22:07
n2diyUbNoob: yes, I get myself into enough trouble with the stuff Ubuntu approves of.22:07
bandyo1Hi everyone. I am new here. I messed up some bluetooth related files. My desktop used to have a bluetooth dongle, but not anymore. Now I get an error message when the application "bluez" tries to be updated. I cannot install, uninstall, or update this bluez from Synaptic or Update Manager. Help. Thanks.22:07
UbNoobn2diy - ha ha!22:07
raylubucky: please read scrollback; that's not the issue22:07
buckyraylu: sorry too much work22:07
mickster04mysticdarkhack, oh ermm..well has it worked before22:08
chris_when i try to get on Pandora it says We're sorry, but unless you agree to share registration information with %s, you will be unable to listen to %s, why does it do this?22:08
raylucicada: again, glibc is a metapackage. all it's functionality is provided by libc. your issue has _nothing_ to do with (g)libc at all22:08
UbNoobbandrews - stepping away from my computer but will stay signed on.  Thank You for looking.22:08
cicadaraylu: Ok.  Thanks for the reassurance..22:08
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mysticdarkhackmickster04, yeah since I fresh install jaunty22:08
jobi want to make my top panel completely transparent but transparency is not apply to either end. any idea?22:08
chris_does anyone know?22:08
mickster04mysticdarkhack, when did it break22:09
antibody:S I hope every single Bluray involved person dies22:09
derek6711edbian, it worked22:09
mysticdarkhackmickster04, I might think of reinstalling jaunty and so where it goes from there.22:09
antibodyI had no idea bluray DRM was like this :(22:09
mickster04chris_, hang on22:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluray22:09
cicadaraylu: any ideas why it can't find that file?22:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blu-ray22:09
edbianderek6711: Yay!22:09
mickster04mysticdarkhack, ok22:09
raylucicada: though, i'm wondering if you have libcanberra-gtk-module installed?22:09
buckyraylu: he might need libc6-dev to build something... but afaik cicada just wanted to install a demo game fro Linux Publishing and who knows what that entails22:09
fabioblu ray doesnt work in ubuntu?22:09
chris_k thanks22:09
derek6711edbian, thanks a lot22:09
edbianjob: Are you talking about the hiding buttons?22:09
edbianderek6711: NP22:09
bandrewsUbNoob: Check the location of the flash plugin for firefox. There are a couple directiories depending on the version. Try making sure they all have it22:10
mysticdarkhackmickster04, not really sure since I haven't us vlc in quite awhile22:10
antibodyany pro in bluray to help me out reading a movie?22:10
AdolaI did "important security updates" and I can't use alsa now.  Or rather, I don't see it.  How can I check>  Or anything like that? (I believe, it changed my kernel version, should I purge Alsa, and try again?)22:10
jobedbian yes22:10
rayluHow do i check the name of the driver my X11 is currently using? I have an intel mobile 422:10
edbianjob: They don't go transparent :(22:10
mickster04mysticdarkhack, well mine has worked gr8 :P well if there is nothing important things on ur set up it might e easier, update firstly :D22:10
bandrewsUbNoob: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and also /usr/lib/firefox*/plugins22:10
rayluAdola: restart after kernel upgrades22:10
jobedbian even the background of icons and menu area22:11
mezquitaleanyone knows the steps to install NX server, the edition that can have up to 2 connections???22:11
Adolaraylu: I have...Secveral times.22:11
jobapps places & system22:11
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edbianjob: Are you running compiz??22:11
mysticdarkhackmickster04, yeah22:11
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mysticdarkhackwell I'm off now all22:11
jobedbian: yes compiz22:11
buckyraylu: try lsmod |grep agpgart22:11
edbianjob: Your Applications Places and System menu isn't transparent??22:11
mysticdarkhacklater and ty for your asistant22:11
mickster04mysticdarkhack, tara22:12
jobedbian: no it isn't just the middle part22:12
cicadaraylu: yes, according to the synaptic pkg mgr22:12
raylubucky: nothing22:12
rayluAdola: alsamixer22:12
buckyraylu: then no 3d22:12
edbianjob: I'm sorry but IDK?  Maybe kill your gnome-panel and restart it. ??22:12
xiambaxAnyone know why a TPLink WN951n would lock up my computer upon connect? It does the same thing in Windows 722:12
mickster04anyone not being answered?22:13
raylubucky: agp = ?22:13
jobedbian: thanks i will try that22:13
TheNewGuyThanks for the all the help today!  really nice to know all you volunteers are here.   Thanks for your time. have a great weekend.  The NEW GUY.    Who is a little less new, and now even more less new.... a little more... .... some more less new... ok, now a whole lot more less new but still kinda new compared to some people, but much less new then others. LOL... OLD or new it feels great to be out from under Bills thumb.   bye   .22:13
Adolaraylu: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory22:13
raylubucky: and that wasn't really the question. i'm just wondering which driver is in use22:13
jgwhers the guy who helped me22:13
rayluAdola: sudo aptitude reinstall alsa-utils22:13
buckyraylu: try lsmod and see which video driver is loaded22:13
jgmy pc lagged plz pm me i dont remmber your name22:14
raylubucky: i see an intel_agp22:14
edbianjg: Was it me?22:14
jgno the other one22:14
edbianjg: What are you trying to do?22:14
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jgi was trying to make youtube work22:14
jgthen my pc lagged22:14
jgand wont move22:14
jgso i restarted22:14
UbNoobbandrews:  in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, there is a flashplugin-alternative.so    Am checking next directory.22:14
jgand i want to find the guy hwo pmed me22:15
jgand helped me hes name was po something22:15
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buckyraylu: are any other modules listed on the same line that would infer that they depend on intel_agp22:15
raylubucky: no22:15
jgNeed Help any helpers pm me plz22:15
jghelp me dudes22:16
bucky!xconfig | raylu22:16
ubotturaylu: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes22:16
chris_anybody know how to fix my Pandora problem?22:16
Adolaraylu: http://pastebin.com/m632d665222:16
AdolaIt's still not in "volume control" alsa that is.22:17
jgOMG when thf are you gonna help me22:17
bandrewsUbNoob: I also have it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins . I'm not really sure why they are all there22:17
=== mike_ is now known as Guest14742
UbNoobbandrews:  in /usr/lib/firefox/   flashplugin-alternative.so   There is nothing in the /usr/lib//firefox 3.0.11/plugin directory.    Also, nothing in the  /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugin directory.22:17
pronoyjg what did i tell you22:18
=== Guest14742 is now known as mickster04
mickster04pronoy is he ack22:18
pronoymickster04 yes22:18
clustyfinally windows choked :(22:18
pronoymickster04 back on pm wimm22:19
jorickE: Package php5-mysql has no installation candidate => huh?22:19
mickster04xchat just froze :/22:19
bandrewsUbNoob: copy the flashplugin-alternative to both the other plugin dirs and try restarting firefox22:19
joricki'm trying to solve my problem with php not executing mysql_connect....22:19
arcskyanyone know a nice simple snmp and mrtg howto?22:19
UbNoobbandrews:   I will try that and be back in a few....22:19
GinoI've got some some questions about mail in ubuntu/linux, first: How much mail is "too much" for one user? Seccond: On a ubuntu installation, is there an application I can use to move mail between user accounts?22:20
AdolaI've reinstalled alsa, it doesn't work.22:21
bandrewsMy screen does some sort of auto-dim/auto-brightness adjust when something like 60% of the screen is black.  I can't find any settings to turn this off.22:21
JimmioHello all, I have a feeling gnome's keyboard shortcuts broke for some reason, as if there's something that's taking input before it can receive it because my multimedia keys are now dead x.x What can I do?22:21
RadtooGino: depends on how you handle mail, to begin with.22:21
rayluGino: how do you have your mail stored?22:21
Jimmiobandrews: I have that too. It's called X-Contrast and it's on your monitor, not ubuntu22:21
raylubucky: not interested in reconfiguring... just wondering what i'm using22:21
kromarwhy does blender not get updated in the package manager?22:21
bandrewsJimmio: Ah thanks! I was looking through monitor settings, but couldn't find it. Wasn't sure if it was a compiz thing or what22:22
=== Vermoot_ is now known as Vermoot
Jimmiokromar: Security updates and bug fixes. Not new features and not community software updates most of the time.22:22
Jimmiobandrews: You're welcome :)22:22
RadtooGino: if you use some normal graphical email client, I guess its just like you were storing files on your hard disk drive. no clients I know of have anywhere near the degressive behviour of outlook that leads people to believe there's "too much" email, so its bacially like handling files, constrained by drive space.22:22
lesshastecan anyone help with this ? http://pastebin.ca/148219422:22
mickster04anyone not bein served? im free22:23
bandyoHi everyone! I am trying to update Bluez and getting following errors:Preparing to replace bluez 4.32-0ubuntu4 (using .../bluez_4.32-0ubuntu4.1_i386.deb) ...22:23
bandyo * Stopping bluetooth                                                    [ OK ]22:23
bandyodund: no process killed22:23
bandyoinvoke-rc.d: initscript bluetooth, action "stop" failed.22:23
bandyodpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 122:23
FloodBot2bandyo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
bandyodpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...22:23
Jimmiobandrews: I actually recommend getting used to it and using it because LCDs are very bad at color reproduction.22:23
imaginativeonewhich version of samba do I want to install?22:24
hamaneywhat a question22:25
short__errorCan someone help me with openarena?22:25
bandrewsJimmio: Ah didn't think about that.  I only hate it when I'm trying to read code ;)22:25
mickster04not me:/22:25
pjm90041Can anyone help me - I can't get my freshly installed Ubuntu dual boot system to boot up Windows...22:25
buckyraylu: since ubuntu has weened itself off the dependancy of the /etc/X11/xorg.config file there's no easy way of readily finding that out now unless you do specifically tell it to use a certain driver through reconfiguring... that being said, dmesg might tell you22:25
raylulesshaste: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:25
Jimmiobandrews: Yeah, that's why I turned mine off xD22:25
matrixblueis gspca in the repositories?22:25
lesshasteraylu: what does that do?22:25
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:25
Radtoomatrixblue: it should be in newer kernels, no?22:25
raylubucky: Xorg.0.log: (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,22:26
raylubucky: heh.22:26
matrixblueRadtoo, I can't get my webcam working so I'm guessing no22:26
joaojeronimo__Hi guys, I'm trying to build cx-freeze (since I can't find a version to work with 9.04, just with 9.10..) and I'm stuck with this error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz" How can I solve it ?22:26
AdolaI did a security update, now alsa won't work.22:26
raylulesshaste: starts configuring packages that aren't configured, such as your kernel and its header22:26
buckyraylu: so which driver is that?22:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:26
raylubucky: "Intel" is the name :P22:26
raylubucky: i'm just glad i'm not using vesa22:26
buckyraylu: mine is nvidia22:27
pronoy!upgrade | jg22:27
ubottujg: please see above22:27
bandyoHi I am having trouble updating Bluez See http://paste.ubuntu.com/208542/22:27
UbNoobbandrews:  Won't let me copy.  Says permission denied.22:27
lesshasteraylu: ok .. it gives http://www.pastebin.ca/148233422:27
GinoRadtoo: Sounds about right, any idea about moving mail?22:27
Radtoomatrixblue: Well I think it is in since .27 or so. Not sure what you're using.22:27
bandyoSorry for flooding earlier. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/208542/ Anyone help!22:28
raylubucky: lucky :P22:28
RadtooGino: From...?22:28
matrixblueRadtoo, using Jaunty22:28
lesshasteraylu: I think I need to find out what exactly is failing22:28
lesshasteraylu: any way to do that?22:28
FloodBot2Jennyyy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
buckyraylu: there have been performance issues with intel video and flash.. wasn't that what started this conversation?22:28
mickster04!op jennyyy22:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about op jennyyy22:28
GinoRadtoo: from one users account to another, I have a user A with 10,000 email's, but I want to copy them to a new email account B22:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:28
lesshastejust kick Jennyyy please22:28
dragon_!ops | Jennyyy22:28
mickster04!op | jennyyy22:28
ubottuJennyyy: please see above22:28
ubottujennyyy: please see above22:28
raylulesshaste: that error message _is_ exactly what's failing22:28
raylulesshaste: why do you have both ati and nvidia drivers?22:29
FloodBot2Jennyyy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:29
lesshasteraylu: I don't want the nvidia drivers22:29
mickster04cheers mez22:29
dragon_this one took a while..22:29
pronoyMez thanks22:29
RadtooGino: to the account itself? well... humm, I think you need to just use imap and like, drag & drop the emails in the client, usually.22:29
lesshasteraylu: I already removed nvidia-common.. what else can I remove22:29
Mezdragon_: less than a minute from the !ops22:29
Gino10,000 emails = quite a long time and alot of network traffic22:29
bandrewssudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/22:29
raylulesshaste: aptitude search nvidia22:29
raylulesshaste: anything with an i in the left column is installed22:29
bandrewsUbNoob: sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/22:30
joaojeronimo_Hi guys, I'm trying to build cx-freeze (since I can't find a version to work with 9.04, just with 9.10..) and I'm stuck with this error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz" How can I solve it ?22:30
dragon_what's the syntax of `find` command's -exec argument?22:30
GinoRadtoo: I was hoping there was some application or method of doing it on the server22:30
lesshasteraylu: it's very weird as this only started since the latest kernel update in intrepid22:30
mezquitaleanyone knows the steps to install NX server, the edition that can have up to 2 connections???22:30
rayludragon_: find -exec echo {} \;22:30
RadtooGino: almost certainly but it depends on which server it is and I don't know most of them :022:30
bandyoHi everyone! Can anyone help me with this update error? thanks. http://paste.ubuntu.com/208542/22:30
dragon_raylu: thanks22:30
GinoRadtoo: Just a ubuntu 7.04 box we have somewhere22:31
GinoRadtoo: I'm not sure if I can move mail from one home dir to another22:31
chris_does anybody know how to fix Pandora22:31
jgHello the guy who helped me22:32
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jgplz pm me22:32
rayluGino: your ubuntu 7.04 box is actually serving as a mailserver? are you sure it's not the mail client?22:32
mickster04jg please be patient,22:32
=== TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF]
Ginoraylu: yes I know.... don't get me started on the person who built the "servers" where I work....22:32
jgok im waiting for that guy dont remember his name22:32
RadtooGino: There's various formats in which mail could be stored and such. It still matters what exactly you use...22:32
mickster04pronoy you about22:32
jgpronoy pm me22:33
lesshasteraylu: removing anything with the word nvidia in it...22:33
pronoymickster04 yeah here22:33
RadtooGino: And what applications that ultimately display the email and so on. There's no "generic" way to move these.22:33
mickster04pronoy goodluck22:33
pronoymickster04 thnks..need it :)(22:33
slovenianhi all! i need help with gparted and partitioning22:34
pjm90041Can anyone help me with my "Grub" problem?  I'm a relative newbie...22:34
slovenianwho can help me?22:34
raylu!anyone | pjm9004122:35
ubottupjm90041: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:35
mickster04pjm90041, maybe22:35
raylu!details | slovenian22:35
ubottuslovenian: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:35
lesshasteraylu: ok so this is the situation now... aptitude search nvidia|grep ^i22:35
lesshaste  but http://www.pastebin.ca/148234222:35
FloodBot2lesshaste: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
imaginativeonehow do I find out which Ubuntu version I have?22:35
Flannelimaginativeone: lsb_release -a22:36
imaginativeonedoes anyone know how to find out which Ubuntu version I have?22:36
imaginativeoneheh heh22:36
mickster04!repeat | imaginativeone22:36
ubottuimaginativeone: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:36
Ginoimaginativeone: cat /etc/issue22:36
lwellsI want to create a partition for my data, but I cannot resize the partitions?, why22:36
pjm90041Does anyone know how I might get Windows to reboot on my recently isntalled dual boot system?  Ubuntu 9.04 boots fine from Grub, but when I choose Windows I just get a blank screen that says "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist..."22:36
Myrttilwells: are the partitions mounted?22:37
lesshastelwells: have you made a parted boot disk?22:37
zimbreshi, Does anyone here has a pc "project" that is fully gnu/linux compatible and quite up to date? So that I can steal it:)22:37
RadtooGino: If you can't give further information about your setup, I can't help you any more than this...22:37
lesshasteraylu: any ideas?22:37
imaginativeoneUbuntu 8.1022:37
Kristof_Dimaginativeone: take a look at system->about Ubuntu it should be in there somewhere22:37
lesshastelwells: yes to which question?22:37
mickster04pjm90041, are you sure you idnt dlete it22:37
mickster04pjm90041, or otherwise remove it?22:37
imaginativeonethanks everyone (who helped)22:37
raylulesshaste: i didn't get most of your last message22:37
lwellsSorry, my boot drive is mounted yes22:37
Radtoozimbres: ehm, what?22:37
raylulesshaste: oh you're saying there's nothing with nvidia in it22:37
lwellsMyrtti, do I need to unmount it first?22:37
GinoRadtoo: Running email, using a maildir format? Does that help?22:38
lesshasteraylu: ah sorry... basically there is no nvidia pacakge installed but it still fails22:38
pjm90041mickster04: no, because when I log into Ubuntu I can find the Windows files (and all my precious documents) in the correct folders22:38
lesshastein the same way22:38
mickster04pjm90041, hmm i cant on my dual boot system...:/22:38
Myrttilwells: would help22:38
pjm90041I tried to follow some advice and play around with the grub menu.lst file... before teh blank screen just saod "Starting up" and sat there forever22:38
lesshastewhat's the magic command to see which package owns a file again?22:38
lwellsIf I unmount it, that does not mess up my install right Myrtti?22:38
bandyoI am running 9.04 32bit on an old desktop. I had attached an USB Bluetooth dongle sometime back. I got it working. And now it is not there. I may have uninstalled some bluetooth stuff. Now I get an Recommended update for Bluez. But it fails to update or uninstall. The error message is in http://paste.ubuntu.com/208542/ Please help me uninstall this Bluez thing or update it. Thanks.22:38
slovenianok: I'm preparing partitions for further work. I have disk with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2 (which includes sda5), and unallocated partition. I want to merge sda1 and unallocated space to make partition bigger and to install. sda 2 (or sda5) contains important data.22:38
raylulesshaste: for now, i suggest removing fglrx too22:38
lesshasteraylu: but why is it still doing this nvida thing?22:39
Myrttilwells: if you're using the partition, you can't unmount it22:39
mickster04pjm90041, are the uid's the same22:39
raylulesshaste: not sure, actually. dpkg -S nvidia-common may help22:39
pjm90041micskter04: What's a "uid"?  Please be patient with me.  As I said, I'm a relative newbie...22:39
lwellsMyrtti: so then how can I resize the partition?22:40
lesshasteI want to know where /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common comes from22:40
RadtooGino: yes... I think usually you can just move the file storage location and change permissions.22:40
nono__hello, i have usb very no speed with nautilus ???22:40
mickster04pjm90041, sorry pastein your menu.lst22:40
zimbresRadtoo, I have to buy a new PC, and I am afraid of so incompatibilities(hardware,driver) So I would like see configurations of someone someone else that was successful.22:40
Ginols -lmc22:41
pjm90041mickster04: paste in to this line?  It's a file with many lines....22:41
=== TAZ is now known as Pulga
mickster04noooo pastebin22:41
=== Pulga is now known as TAZMANIA
mickster04pjm90041,  noooo pastebin22:41
pjm90041mickster04: again, with your indulgence, what's "pastebin"?22:42
mickster04pjm90041,  then give me the link22:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:42
cactusfrogi need help with grub22:42
pronoymickster04 hey all done with jg22:42
lesshasteraylu: ok I am confused .. nvidia-common owns /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common apparently.. but nvidia-common is not installed22:42
=== TAZMANIA is now known as Pulga
cactusfrogi need to reinstall it because evertime i try to install it i get error 1722:42
slovenianmy problem is that i can't merge those two partitions22:42
mickster04pronoy well done22:42
pronoymickster04 he's a 12 year old !! hahaha22:42
mickster04pronoy ah makes sense22:43
cactusfrogand when i try to boot up with my windows harddive attached to my computer i get another number error like error 21 or somethign22:43
raylulesshaste: strange. consider dpkg -r nvidia-common22:43
Radtoozimbres: ah. you know, with all the different hardware being offered all the time, this is almost impossible to do. the opposite approach as well, as the list of supported hardware is very long22:43
cactusfroghow can i fix this22:43
raylulesshaste: also, i've got to go now22:43
Myrttilwells: with a live disk of ubuntu (or gparted)22:43
cactusfrogi tried booting up with the live disk22:43
UbNoobbandrews:   It copied...but still didn't work.   I appreciate your help though.   Would uninstalling then reinstalling firefox do anything to fix it maybe?22:43
j0nrevening, can anyone help me with the correct syntax for rdiff-backup, remote source to local dir, using a NON-standard port please? I know I should be using --remote-schema, but can't quite get it right22:43
lesshasteraylu: Ah I needed purge22:44
lwellsAhh ok, that is what I am going to be doing , installing Karmic, Myrtti22:44
cactusfrogbut i follow the steps and just get error22:44
pjm90041micskter04: I'm working on a different machine than the one that won't boot Windows.  I think the line you mean read "rootnoverify (hd0,1)"22:44
Radtoozimbres: I think you best either go into a shop and ask them whether they would let you run a live dvd with linux to see if things work, or get the specs of candidate machines and at least check whether the wlan card, graphics card, peripherials and special devices (say, fingerprint reader, camera, ...) are listed as supported on the net.22:44
cactusfroganyone know how to fix the error i have22:44
bobesponjaI get internet from my wireless wlan0 and I would like to forward it to eth0 which is connected to another laptop.22:45
mickster04pjm90041, well i'd like to see it all:/ nm i dont have my dual boot here eiterh22:45
buttons840I'm using screen.  How can I run a command with arguments?  I try typing "screen asterisk -vvvr"  but screen thinks the -vvvr arg belongs to it, but it should be passed to asterisk22:45
bobesponjahow do I forward wlan0 to eth0?22:45
cactusfrogevertime i boot up my computer with the windows harddive plugged in grub wont load22:45
cactusfrogso i was told to reinstall it but i can't do that22:45
lesshasteraylu: heh.. purge was the solution it seems!22:45
cactusfrogbecause i get another errror22:45
pjm90041micjster04: I chnaged it to "rootnoverify (hd1,) and then added two "map" lines after that, one reading "map (hd1) (hd0)" and the other "map (hd0) (hd1)"22:45
slovenianraylu: ok: I'm preparing partitions for further work. I have disk with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2 (which includes sda5), and unallocated partition. I want to merge sda1 and unallocated space to make partition bigger and to install. sda 2 (or sda5) contains important data.22:46
imaginativeonehow do I find smb.conf?22:46
mickster04pjm90041, ermmm im not sure what tha will do:?22:46
lcabriniimaginativeone: /etc/samba/22:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu.lst22:46
ZykoticK9buttons840, try -- screen "asterisk -vvvr" --22:46
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:46
pjm90041mickster04: sorry, I meant to say I changed it to "rootnoverify (hd1,0)"22:46
zimbresRadtoo, Yes, I think I am going to get specifications, because I am not going to buy it on a shop, I am planning to piece by piece on the net. I will certainly need a list of supported hardware.22:47
mickster04!grub | pjm0616,22:47
ubottupjm0616,: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:47
mickster04pjm0616, sorry,22:47
cactusfrogit doesn't help!22:47
pronoymickster04 check this if it needs more adding    http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/208562/22:47
mickster04!grub | pjm9004122:47
ubottupjm90041: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:47
cactusfrogi can't figure the fuckign thing out!22:47
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:48
bandyoHelp me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/208542/22:48
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  you could install grub on both hard drives... the grub homepage/docs are also very well done. Grub is a powerfull/flexiable/comlex tool.22:48
buttons840ZykoticK9, doesn't work22:48
cactusfrogDr_Willis: how22:49
ZykoticK9buttons840, you could just launch screen then launch the app22:49
cactusfrogDr_Willis: i am new to linux and am going insain22:49
mickster04pronoy awesome give it to a op22:49
=== root is now known as Guest23912
Guest933hey guys i'm getting this error: http://attachr.com/12391 can anybody help me? i already googled a lot but none of the solutions i found work for me22:49
=== Guest23912 is now known as javaboy
pronoymickster04 yeah talking to one22:49
Jagjr12345678i cant get flash to work :(22:50
Radtoozimbres: Ah, nice. Well, I can report that I assembled a variety of machines myself and didn't have any significant problems with these. Two things that most frequently were a bit of a pain after doing this check for support were certain ACPI modes and AHCI on some mainboards, and ati's graphic cards with certain kernel versions. Other than that, it always worked out just as expected by what I figured from doing web site searches.22:50
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:50
ZykoticK9buttons840, Actually try $ screen `asterisk -vvvr`22:50
slovenianit looks raylu isn't here anymore, can someone else help me?22:50
Jagjr12345678i already have flash installed.. i still cant view youtube22:51
Dr_Williscactusfrog:   the thing to rember is that with grub. if you add/remove drives that may 'reorder' the layout of the drives thus messing up the  drive names from the menu.lst (id sda1 became sdb1 and so on) also rember grub starts counting at ZERO.  and does not use the same drive names as 'linux'    You can 'install' grub to the mbr of a hard drive using  the 'grub-install' command  or other ways.22:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:51
javaboyi know this is a dumb error but i don't know how to fix it: when i click on the FF icon in the panel, it doesn't materialize. when I run it from the terminal, it doesn't create a window unless I use sudo. its pointing to /usr/bin/firefox . Anyone know what I've done?22:51
naiadanyone ever have problems with jaunty nvidia mcp55 network controller and ipv6 ( not able to get an ipv4 address from my router )22:51
nadinecan anyone list me some linux games that will run acceptably on a 6150SE IGP? I.E. 30FPS minimum average22:51
buttons840` or ' do you mean?22:51
javaboythis is a brand new install, I just downloaded all the reccommended updates22:51
CounterspellI'm running Ubuntu 9.04. My ~/Pictures folder is linked to a directory under a mounted SMB fileshare (via VMware /mnt/hgfs/.../Pictures). When I try to open the linked directory in the GUI X crashes. When I open it directly in the GUI using the original path (/mnt/hgfs/...) then no crash.22:51
zimbresRadtoo, Your information is valuable for me. Thank you22:51
Radtoozimbres: It really isn't that likely that things don't work as far as the usual components found in every computer go. Even if you blindly chose hardware you'd probably never have to replace more than one or perhaps two components in the end...22:51
axos88 hello! Can anyone tell me of the help channel of openssl? #openssl seems to be (almost) empty22:51
ZykoticK9buttons840, nope `22:52
nadine Geforce 6150SE*22:52
Jagjr12345678i cant get flash to work :(22:52
j0nrevening, can anyone help me with the correct syntax for rdiff-backup, remote source to local dir, using a NON-standard port please? I know I should be using --remote-schema, but can't quite get it right22:52
Radtoozimbres: And this much, you should always expect when assembling computers on your own. They're cheap these days, but also get poor QA for each component. Well, good luck!22:52
mickster04!patience | Jagjr12345678,22:52
ubottuJagjr12345678,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:52
pronoyJagjr12345678 you having trouble with youtube >22:52
Jagjr12345678yer + adult sites :P22:52
pjm90041mickster04:  Does this mean that you're referring me to those web sites?22:53
pronoyJagjr12345678 ok gross..anyways go to the terminal and type   sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin22:53
bandyohelp http://paste.ubuntu.com/208542/22:53
ralf_1985am new at ubuntu .. what is edgy and dapper ?22:53
mickster04pjm90041, ???22:53
fergushi u there....22:53
pronoyralf_1985 versions of ubuntu22:53
mickster04pjm90041, what sites?22:53
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.22:53
ralf_1985mine is 9.0422:53
Jagjr12345678james@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin22:53
Jagjr12345678Reading package lists... Done22:53
Jagjr12345678Building dependency tree22:53
pjm90041mickster04: I managed to get it back to where it says "Starting up ..." when I choose Windows from the Grub menu, but then it just sits there with "Starting up..." on the screen...22:53
Jagjr12345678Reading state information... Done22:53
mickster04pjm90041, oh ubottu? hes a bot with wise info22:53
Jagjr12345678adobe-flashplugin is already the newest version.22:53
FloodBot2Jagjr12345678: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
Jagjr12345678The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:22:54
pronoyralf_1985 its the latest its called jaunty jackalope22:54
mickster04pjm90041, is it the windows starting up?22:54
cactusfrog so here is what i have done so far. First i have installed ubuntu on my secondary harddive. THen when i boot up i get an a message that says error 17 or something so i tried unplugging my linux harddive but that didn't fix anything.  then i changed my windows harddive to slave and my ubuntu harddive to master but still received the same error.  Then i unplugged my windows harddive  so only the ubuntu harddive was connected to my c22:54
ralf_1985yeah i knew it22:54
ralf_1985but is it edgy ? lool22:54
pronoyJagjr12345678 use pastebin.ubuntu.com to display outputs22:54
Jagjr12345678-_-.. flood bot22:54
ralf_1985srry for asking22:54
pronoyralf_1985 no22:54
zimbresRadtoo, Waht do you mean with "poor QA"?22:54
pjm90041micskter: the Windows SHOULD be starting up, but I just get a blank screen with "Starting up..." on it22:54
pronoyJagjr12345678 paste ur o/p there and paste the link here22:54
ralf_1985thanx pronoy22:55
axos88 I have a source of true random numbers, which I would very much like to use with openssl for generating keys, and signing data. How can this be done?22:55
pronoyralf_1985 np22:55
mickster04pjm90041, try what ubottu said22:55
slovenianhi, i'm running gparted from ubuntu 8.04 live cd right now and i have special desires for partitioning. who can help me?22:55
mickster04!grub | pjm90041,22:56
ubottupjm90041,: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:56
mickster04pjm90041,  try 'em out22:56
mickster04slovenian, what do u wanna do22:56
ward-i do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-xen-desktop , then i reboot and i choose the -server kernel from my grub list...22:56
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  these are all IDE drives?22:56
ward-then ubuntu does not boot22:56
ward-because it doesnt have the nvidia driver in the server kernel...22:57
cactusfrogDr_Willis:  ihave no idea what that means22:57
pjm90041mickster04: it was  jusr a link to some web sites that give information about Grub - it's of no use to me.  I don't think it's Grub that's the problem - it's somethign that's preventing Windows from starting up once Grub tells it to start...22:57
mickster04pjm90041,  well that the windows partition then, if grub is working,22:57
cactusfrogDr_Willis: what do i have to do to get the grub to load when my windows harddive is plugged in?22:57
the_dark_warriois it possible to install the new themes that come with Jaunty on Intrepid?22:57
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  ide drives.. vs sata - the different kind of connectors..22:57
slovenianmickster04: i have 2 partitions which can't be merged or resized to one.22:57
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  install grub to the windows hard drive. Or tell teh bios to boot the OTHER hard drive.22:57
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  telling the bios may be the easier trick.22:58
cactusfrogDr_Willis: sata22:58
pjm90041mickster04: Hmmm.  What do you suggest, then?22:58
PapaChubDoes anybody know of an NFS server that supports "map_static" in /etc/exports?22:58
mickster04slovenian you ll have to keep asking ....22:58
cactusfrogDr_Willis: wait if they  both are connected the same then they are both the same harddive right?22:58
slovenianmickster04: this means you can't help me?22:59
cactusfrogDr_Willis: because i know one is a SATA hardive says so on the box22:59
PapaChubnfs-kernel-server complains about "unknown keyword" and unfsd just says "syntax error" :-(22:59
mickster04pjm90041,  iunno..sounds like windows is kinda dead, or your grub set up is wrong22:59
mickster04slovenian, yeah22:59
Jagjr12345678nvm i fixed it22:59
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  sata drives dont   do master/slave -  - if both drives are connected at the same time.. You got one that will be sda, and one that is sdb, or in grub terms (hd0) and (hd1)22:59
mickster04slovenian, i wouldnt have thought it's possible...but it must be22:59
pjm90041mickster04: Okay.  Thanks anyway.23:00
hugodordoes anyone here know assembly?23:00
slovenianmickster04: structure looks like this: sda1 - sda2 - unallocated space.   i want to merge sda1 and unallocated space23:00
lcabrinihugodor: on which arch?23:00
pronoyhugodor a bit ...23:00
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  normally when installing linux. I plug in one sata drive..  insttall linux, let it put grub on that hard drive..  THEn  i plug in the windows hd.. and tell the bios to boot the proper hard drive.. if i want windows. i tell bios to boot the other HD.23:00
laymansnerdi think i screwed up royally here....23:00
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  or you can set up grub to boot the windows hard drive also.23:00
mickster04slovenian, try removing the sda and using all unallocated for one new drive23:01
ward-i do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-xen-desktop , then i reboot and i choose the -server kernel from my grub list...23:01
ward-then ubuntu does not boot23:01
andrukdoes anybody know if this will work on linux: http://www.alesis.com/usbprodrumkit ?23:01
ward-because it doesnt have the nvidia driver in the server kernel...23:01
lcabrinihugodor: no, but if you need me to do something on a vic-20.. :)23:01
ward-any ideas?23:01
FloodBot2ward-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
laymansnerdi installed another drive in my case and now all of my drives are out of whack and i can't even access my new ext4 drive23:01
SerenityKill3rwow fx3.5 is fast as all hell23:01
ward-what was i thinking asking in here23:01
cactusfrogDr_Willis: ok thanks so when i boot up on only my windows harddive grub gives me an option for windows so if i specify in bios to boot up on the linux harddive everything should work23:01
ThJI have some manual config lines in xorg.conf for an evtouch-driver based touchscreen, and when I unplug the screen from USB, the calibration info isn't loaded. It seems that hotplug doesn't care about my config lines. How can I make it care?23:01
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:   they problery all shifted down a drive letter..  this is why mounting with  'uuid' type naming - is so handy.23:02
mickster04ward-, patience23:02
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  if you boot the linux drive.. it will need grub on it also...23:02
mickster04SerenityKill3r, true, is it ot yet23:02
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  thers several ways you can set this up.. Grub on windows drive. bootung either os. is a common way to set it up.23:02
slovenianmickster04: it doesn't work, i can get old size as the maximum. do you maybe know, why i have exclamation mark near the partition?23:02
ward-mickster04, i'll probably find a solution to this crappy bug myself23:02
mickster04slovenian, nope :/23:02
SerenityKill3ryeah it is mickster23:03
cactusfrogDr_Willis: i already have grub on linux so can i just boot up on that23:03
mickster04ward-, yeah probly, certainly23:03
mickster04ward-, yeah probly, certainly try *23:03
cactusfrogDr_Willis: or do i have to configuer grub for windows too.23:03
laymansnerdok i got rid of the old associations from my fstab i'm gonna try to reboot...cause i had my two NTFS drives mounting at boot23:03
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  if you want grub to boot windows.. it will need a windows entry in its menu.lst23:03
ward-mickster04, just frustrating thats all, it NEVER EVER just works23:03
mickster04SerenityKill3r, ubuunutu?23:03
slovenianbye all23:03
cactusfrogDr_Willis: it already has that23:03
Dr_Willisbios --> (grub)(on either hard drive) -> reads menu.lst -> shows menu.23:03
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY23:04
Kristof_Dward-: can't you start up in text mode and install the driver that way?23:04
cactusfrogDr_Willis:  ah ok23:04
SerenityKill3rif u want to install mickster23:04
SerenityKill3rtype "wget -O - http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.5/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 | tar xj -C ~"23:04
SerenityKill3rinto the terminal23:04
SerenityKill3rit will install into your home folder23:04
mickster04SerenityKill3r, i dont want the beta23:04
SerenityKill3rits not beta23:05
SerenityKill3rits full23:05
FloodBot2SerenityKill3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
cactusfrogDr_Willis: oh i know the problem i get an error when the windows drive is plugged in so basicly it does this23:05
cactusfrogDr_Willis: bios----> windows harddivve--->grub-->error23:05
ward-Kristof_D, no but never mind, ubuntu just installs the segver kernel for fun i foudn out23:05
ward-i dont need it23:05
ward-another bug23:05
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  if you have more then 1 sata conector on the motherboard.. move the windows drive to a different one perhaps..23:05
ward-this whole thing is one giant bug23:05
ward-time for debian again23:06
RubinI need to generate divx files for use with a portable dvd player. Anyone know how to get mencoder to have support for divx?23:06
ward-i've been using debian since ubuntu 7.1023:06
Dr_Willisward-:  have fun.23:06
cactusfrogDr_Willis: tried that i have 423:06
panadowhy do some themes cause display/window update problems but others are fine?23:06
ward-thought 9.04 would be nice since i heard so much good about it but i keep finding new bugs every minute :s thanx anyway23:06
Dr_WillisRubin:  i convert to divx.xvid all the time with mencoder/menplayer/winff/avidumes23:06
Rubini guess i dont really understand the relationship between divx and xvid23:07
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  time to learn some fundamentals on how linux and grub 'organize' disks23:07
Dr_WillisRubin:  they are sort of the same thing. :)23:07
dsdeizanyone using the "trayer" ?23:07
cactusfrogDr_Willis: :S ok well will that teach me how to reinstall grub for windows23:07
RubinDr_Willis, sort of enough for an embedded device like a dvd player to think so?23:07
Dr_WillisRubin:   the wiki pages ive read state divx has some extended features23:07
mickster04SerenityKill3r, do you knkow when itll e in the repos23:07
lenswipehey guys, how do i download a text file with wget and then have wget change the extention on the text file to something other than .txt23:08
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  you install grub to a drive you boot.. the proper menu.lst entry will then boot whatever..  thers no 'reinstall grub for windows' -> you 'install grub' :)23:08
lenswipehow do i download a text file with wget and then have wget change the extention on the text file to something other than .txt23:08
Dr_WillisRubin:  from what i recall (been a while since i read it) both are just  mpeg4   with some extras23:08
lenswipehow do i download a text file with wget and then have wget change the extention on the text file to something other than .txt23:08
mickster04!patience | lenswipe23:08
ubottulenswipe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:08
laymansnerdpermission to a drive....how do i gain it?23:09
SerenityKill3rGUYS, theres a video of michael jackson rehearsing on CNN23:09
cactusfrogDr_Willis: ok well i want to boot of the ubuntu harddive because grub works on their so how do i make sure grub doesn't boot of my windows hardive23:09
mickster04!ot | SerenityKill3r23:09
ubottuSerenityKill3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:09
SerenityKill3rsorry, got excited23:09
Dr_Williscactusfrog:  you tell the bios to boot what hard drive you want.. if you want a grub menu. You tell the bios to boot the hard drive that has grub installed to it..  Install grub to  the linux drive (if its not allready installed there)23:10
cactusfrogDr_Willis: thanks all try that23:11
laymansnerdhow do i change the permissions on a drive23:11
laymansnerdgot my previous problem fixed23:11
* Dr_Willis cant wait for the vast confusions/chaos thats going to come about when we all start ussing Grub2 :)23:11
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:  depends on the filesystem/files23:11
mickster04!patience | laymansnerd23:11
ubottulaymansnerd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:11
Radtoolaymansnerd: chmod or perhaps you need to use mount options23:12
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:  then you use chown/chmod as you would any other linux file/filesystem23:12
laymansnerdchmod 774?23:12
Radtoolaymansnerd: ah ignore the latter part for ext4. use chmod/chown.23:12
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:  depends  on the details..   you can chante the permossions on teh mounted filesystem (after its mounted) if you wanted.23:12
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, remember we did transition from lilo to grub successfully (prior to Ubuntu probably)23:13
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:  but thats NOt going to change the permissions for every file on the drive.. (unless you specifically change them)23:13
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  i recall the chaos about that also. :)23:13
laymansnerdthere's nothing on the drive23:13
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:  then chown/chmod the mountpoint - AFTER the drive is mounted.. that chowns/chmodes the 'root' of the drive23:13
laymansnerdi want to transfer some files from an ntfs to this ext4 so i can format my 1tb to ext423:13
Dr_Willislaymansnerd:  or make a directory ON the drive.. and chown/chmod that.23:14
Dr_Williswhich is a little 'neater' arangement23:14
mickster04laymansnerd, i presume you can mount both?23:14
laymansnerdoh yes23:14
Radtooq: Is there any application that can find duplicate files (exact match) for ubuntu, perhaps even one that can even look into archives like .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 for this purpose?23:15
mgolischRadtoo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fdupes this also list other candidates23:17
ZykoticK9Radtoo, kleansweep (available in repo) is a pretty powerful duplicate finder, not sure if it can look inside .gz or .bz2 files but give it a look.  good luck.23:17
mgolischhope that helps23:17
u_dpartehello, i just installed jaunty and as soon as I boot up after install the system freezes ... alt+f2 during the boot up screen shows a write to ADC failed error - not sure if that's relevant23:17
u_dpartei've installed on this box before but for some reason it's failing everytime23:18
cocoa117hi, is it possible to create nested group under traditional Linux group access method? e.g. in /etc/group can i create a group inside another group?23:18
mickster04u_dparte, have u ran the disk check23:18
u_dparteyes and it checks out fine23:18
coldjack1hello how can my ipod touch works with ubuntu jaunty23:19
ZykoticK9cocoa117, groups can be members of other groups i believe23:19
=== lance_ is now known as Guest32557
PapaChubcocoa117, Not in any *NIX I've ever used.23:20
\\`ootHi... how can I make a program that needs access to a SMB:// file "see" that mounted share?23:20
cocoa117ZykoticK9, how do i put it in /etc/group file?23:20
Radtoomgolisch, ZykoticK9: yes, that helps. Thanks!23:20
cocoa117PapaChub, what do we do if we want to create nested group? using ACL?23:21
ZykoticK9cocoa117, not really a great idea to be directly editing that file if you don't know what you're doing.  there are commands for adding users/groups to the system (sorry off the top of my head can't remember them)23:21
pronoymickster04 they declined23:21
PapaChubCopy+paste :-?23:21
u_dparteZykoticK9, cocoa117 groupadd and useradd23:21
mickster04pronoy shame23:21
\\`ootanyone, anyone?... Bueller?23:22
pronoymickster04 check pm23:22
cocoa117u_dparte, i assume u want to me to use useradd group1?23:22
PapaChubgroupadd/useradd *create* new groups & users.  I've only ever used "vigr" to "vi /etc/group"23:22
u_dpartecocoa117, yes ... check the man pages for exact syntax your needing23:23
andruk\\`oot: what have you tried, and how familiar are you with samba?23:23
u_dpartecocoa117, add groups and add access rights to those groups, then add users to those groups as needed23:23
\\`ootandruk: So far I'm just using the GUI to mount the share via Places --> Connect to Server23:23
doink1212The keyboard controls for PCSX are not workings, how do i get them to function?23:24
andruk...okay, good, thats all i know how to do.  just making sure you werent a complete newb being mislead by a bad error message that told you to check the SMB share or something23:25
pronoy!repository > pronoy23:25
ubottupronoy, please see my private message23:25
wolterwhich module contains the wacom drivers23:26
proqwhat command can I use to print a file from the command-line?23:26
PapaChubproq lpr ?23:27
soulwarpHi I'm having a problem with one of my packages. It wasn't installed properly because the power went out in the middle of installing. Here is my pastebin http://paste.debian.net/4085623:27
doink1212can anybody help me with PCSX? its a playstation emulator23:27
ZykoticK9doink1212, what are you having problems with?23:28
=== rdz_ is now known as rdz
ZykoticK9doink1212, first off check out pSX and/or epsxe - i find them a little better then pcsx -- just an FYI23:29
doink1212i can start up the games but there is no keyboard input... will it only work with a controller?23:29
woltermy usbmouse drivers where unloaded for some strange reason23:29
wolterhow do I get them back?>23:29
Radtoodoink1212: unless you actually mean pcsx2, I agree with ZykoticK9.23:30
ZykoticK9doink1212, you can configure the keyboard input in the options menu i'm sure.  try just starting the emulator and see if you can find the input configuration23:30
c0rleonesomeone can help install artwiz-fonts?23:30
soulwarpHi I'm having a problem with one of my packages. It wasn't installed properly because the power went out in the middle of installing. Here is my pastebin http://paste.debian.net/4085623:30
doink1212the menu doesnt seem to do anything...23:30
c0rleoneim follow this how-to23:30
c0rleonebut when i type sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config, nothing happens23:31
=== Qtpaxa1 is now known as Qtpax1
riotkittiesoulwarp: try running sudo apt-get install -f23:31
doink1212after pcsx I tried, pcsx2, psx, and pcsx2 on wine... all to little or no avail (im not that great at installing from .tar)23:31
soulwarpriotkittie: yeah i tried that before http://paste.debian.net/4085723:32
c0rleonesomeone can help me please :(23:32
doink1212pSX will not load its bios file, which i put in its folder23:33
ZykoticK9doink1212, re psx and epsxe you don't really install them, if you download the tar files just extract them, cd into the directory and directly run the executable (sometime in subdirectories like "bin").23:33
lwellsHow do I change the default email client for like Firefox to use when sending out links?23:33
Radtoodoink1212: I dont think the wine way is worth pursuiting for this purpose.23:33
wolterhow do i get my mouse working again??23:33
wolterusbmouse is loaded23:33
lwellsCurrently it is using Evolution23:34
ZykoticK9doink1212, i agree with Radtoo on that - wine is NOT the way to go for emulation on Linux, there are EXCELLENT emulator that run on Ubuntu!23:34
doink1212I extracted everything, but i am lost in errors and configuration menus23:34
=== Qtpax1 is now known as Qtpaxa1
doink1212"Could Not Load GS Plugin '/home/nick/pcsx2/plugins/': /home/nick/pcsx2/plugins/: cannot read file data: Is a directory"23:35
pronoycya peeps23:35
=== Qtpaxa1 is now known as Qtpaxa
soulwarpriotkittie: watch what happens when i do "sudo apt-get remove -f miro" http://paste.debian.net/4085823:36
ZykoticK9doink1212, sometimes these sorts of emulators have dependency problems, try running the executable from a terminal and see if you have any errors (probably near the top) about "missing" this or that (then try and install through Synaptic whatever package is missing - sometime this requires some research about what package provides...)  anyways best of luck man.23:36
buckyc0rleone: you don't have fontconfig-config installed23:36
doink1212"Not Detected SSSE323:36
doink1212Not Detected SSE4.1"23:36
doink1212on pcsx223:36
=== spc_ is now known as spc
doink1212"Can't open libZeroGSoglr.so.0.96.2: libCg.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"23:38
intxanyone here have a netbook that they've hooked up to an external monitor?23:38
doink1212i have in the past... does work that well23:38
ZykoticK9intx, my old first gen eee hooks up to external monitors (only way to run Google Earth at full speed is by output 1280x1024 or greater)23:38
AJC_Z0intx: What's the real question?23:39
riotkittiesoulwarp: try it again without the miro.   although i'm not sure that will make a difference.23:39
iradis there a way to setup gnome to have an animated background like - Dreamscenes in Windows Vista?23:40
steinomitehow does one disable the loud beep that seems to come with jaunty? (note: i googled it but did not find the information i wanted)23:40
soulwarpriotkittie: http://paste.debian.net/4086023:40
soulwarpriotkittie: wait a sec, synaptic is ope23:41
riotkittiesteinomite: system beep?23:41
zugiarthey folks23:41
K0mp1exAnyone know if I can get songbird working with the "now playing" screenlets?23:41
ZykoticK9irad, Screensaver as wallpaper? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScreensaverAsWallpaper23:41
Radtoodoink1212: I know pcsx2 a little. The SSE messages probably are just for your information.23:41
Patrickplease help me23:42
steinomiteriotkittie: yes. happens in terminal and on shutdown/reboot23:42
zugiartquestion: How can I use a different directory for my desktop. i.e. if I don't want to use ~/Desktop ?23:42
intxdoink1212: what netbook acer?23:42
xubeanguys i need help setting up sound on my hp 3510nr laptop.. i hunted around the internet, but didn't find any solution.. any suggestions?23:42
Patricki need to complely uninstall something how do i do this?23:42
intxZykoticK9: the eees are good23:42
doink1212intx: aspire one23:42
=== Patrick is now known as Guest2816
Guest2816please help me23:42
intxdoink1212: yeah, i tried an acer, that's what i'm trying to avoid now by my question23:42
bcsteinomite: xset b off (from the terminal), and optionally sudo rmmod pcspkr23:42
ZykoticK9intx, i've owned 3 of them, i like them a lot.23:42
Guest2816im trying to uninstall dekoron but i dont know how23:42
riotkittiesteinomite: you can totally disable it by... uhm, i'm not on jaunty, but probably somewhere under Sounds under  the Preference menu. You can disable it temporarily wtih sudo rmod pcspkr23:42
Guest2816im talking about complete installing it23:42
intxdoink1212: it works great for it's own display, but that vga port sucks23:42
intxAJC_Z0: i'm trying to find a netbook that can display externally, vga, non-blurry23:43
intxthe aspire one (acer) did something like this: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4362/simulatedbadvgav.png23:43
xubeanguys i need help setting up sound on my hp 3510nr laptop.. i hunted around the internet, but didn't find any solution.. any suggestions?23:43
Guest2816anyone know how to completely uninstall something?23:43
Radtoodoink1212: On the other hand, well, missing libraries like the libCg.so must matter. But I didn't have this issue in particular, possibly since I built pcsx2 from source (and even some plugins).23:43
bcGuest2816: perhaps 'apt-get autoremove <package>'23:43
doink1212intx: ive had no problem with the VGA itself just trying to configure and run the netbook on weird resolutions (i was on a projector)23:43
ZykoticK9Guest2816, you might want to research "purge"23:44
Guest2816let me try23:44
steinomiteis there a way to change the volume of it without completely disabling it? I can't find anything under Preferences > Sounds23:44
doink1212radtoo: so if i can build from source that may fix my problem23:44
savage1howdie folks23:44
bcsteinomite: is it the PC speaker beep?23:44
Radtoodoink1212: possibly. although, have you used a package for pcsx2 or just downloaded and extracted it?23:44
savage1i'm following some instructions that asked me to add a line to my sources.list which I've done23:44
steinomitebc: yes23:44
savage1the line is:  deb http://repos.groupoffice.eu/ main/23:44
savage1I added it to the very end of the file23:45
bcsteinomite: not sure.. check out xset man page, might have an option23:45
savage1when I try to install the software after having run apt-get update, it says 'some of the packages cannot be found'23:45
doink1212radtoo: there currently is no package for pcsx2, i downloaded and extracted it... I have the original zip as well23:45
savage1and it's the packages that are fromt he respo...23:45
steinomitebc: ok. is there any reason why i might not want to disable it?23:45
Radtoodoink1212: the latter would at least require you to manually ensure dependencies are met. I recall they listed what pcsx2 needed on the homepage or maybe their forums.23:45
bcsteinomite: I checked, yes it does -> "The  b  option  controls  bell volume, pitch and duration. "23:45
bcsteinomite: I dunno, but I have xset b off in my startup script and don't miss it23:46
savage1anyone know how I can make sure I edited that right? does that syntax look right?23:46
Radtoodoink1212: and the linux version doesn't appear to be in a .zip, but a .tar.gz23:46
bcsteinomite: (for about 10 years)23:46
doink1212radtoo: sorry i interchange the terms23:46
soulwarpriotkittie: no joy http://paste.debian.net/4086123:46
steinomitebc: ok i will try turning the volume down first. thanks!23:46
TetracommI am trying to set up a Brother M-1809 printer in Ubuntu 8.10.23:46
soulwarpHi I'm having a problem with one of my packages. It wasn't installed properly because the power went out in the middle of installing. Here is my pastebin http://paste.debian.net/4085623:47
AJC_Z0intx: I have a Samsung SyncMaster 2233 connected to the VGA port on my Toshiba Tecra and it looks fine at full resolution23:47
AJC_Z0using the nvidia driver23:47
doink1212lols this storm is gonna knock out my power soon23:47
ZykoticK9savage1, i think you have one to many "/" it should probably be "...groupoffice.eu/ main"23:48
postscriptdoink1212: don't you love that?23:48
Radtoodoink1212: all right. well, all I know has been said, I guess. good luck.23:48
\\`ootHello?  Is it possible to make programs in linux "see' smb:// mounted shares from the network??23:48
Guest2816what is wrong with ubuntu?23:48
Cosmo1I am having a problem my keyboard layout keeps changing from dvorak back to qwerty even though I have removed the qwerty layout and it seems at random times it goes back to qwerty and I have to run setxkbmap dvorak in a launcher. How do I fix this so that it stays dvorak?23:48
Guest2816(Reading database ... 192274 files and directories currently installed.)23:49
Guest2816Removing kwin ...23:49
Guest2816     AM i suppose to wait?23:49
Lhorn73 /join #aurora dawn23:49
buckyGuest2816: it's based on debian ?23:49
TetracommI am trying to set up a Brother M-1809 printer in Ubuntu 8.10, but, I can't find a driver for it in the printer setup, help?23:49
doink1212radtoo: is this what i need to do http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-2298.html23:49
MidsummerDawnIs that me?23:49
buckyGuest2816: what's wrong with it23:49
bernz(hm, i got disconnected there; anyway...) so, what's the deal with my boot not finding the .map file it wanted (which *is* there)?23:49
Guest2816i want to remove the program and the directory becase when i installed it was giving meerrors23:50
Guest2816now when i start the program theres no menue23:50
Guest2816i need to remove it completely23:50
Guest2816how do i do this23:50
ZykoticK9\\`oot, if you mount the SMB shares from /etc/fstab for example you can simply have programs reference where you mount them too and the program will never have to know it's an SMB share, it will only be on the file system.  Good luck.23:50
\\`ootZykoticK9: Thanks... appreciate it23:50
riotkittiesoulwarp: what happens if you sudo apt-get install --reinstall miro ?   probably won't work.    i know i've had the same problem with another package in the past, but for the life of me... can't remember what was required to fix it. sorry.23:51
Radtoodoink1212: from a quick look, that seems better than the instructions I used, although I guess it links to the same instructions for the (possibly) tricky compilation as well.23:51
doink1212radtoo: these instructions aren't exactly clear,23:52
daishadarhow do i prevent a package from being updated?23:52
soulwarpriotkittie: I've tried that too, http://paste.debian.net/40863, thanks anyway23:52
savage1zy: when I drop that last / it says I have a malformed line when I run apt-get update23:52
beliveyourdreamhello ... i installed ubuntu 9 on a dell pavillion dv5 and i have some problems with sound .it works after i boot up but after a while it stops working. i restarted alsa-utils but no luck .. if i do a reboot it works again . what could be the problem ?23:52
Radtoodoink1212: found the instructions I used: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/wiki/CompilationGuideForLinux23:53
apoc_What's the deal with all these option windows where changes have effect immediately and there is no Ok/Cancel?23:53
Guest2816someone please help me23:53
Guest2816i need to remove a program23:53
Guest2816and its registry23:53
mdgGuest2816: what program?23:53
buckyGuest2816: dpkg --purge <packagename>23:54
ZykoticK9beliveyourdream, the next time it happens, try restarting pulse audio, then restart alsa (or vice-verca).  Good luck.23:54
VCooliobeliveyourdream: you can check if pulseaudio took over (I had that when I switched to alsa); run "ps aux | grep pulse" to see if that is the case and if so, kill it and disable pulseaudio for good. Other than that I can't help23:54
buckyGuest2816: did you install it as a deb file?23:54
mdgGuest2816: dpkg --purge dekoron23:54
Tamnakzanyone here know the term 'an ID is a terrible thing to waste" and if so can you please enlighten me?23:55
Guest2816a deb file?23:55
beliveyourdreami do have pulseaudio started ... how do i disable it for good ?23:55
buckyGuest2816: that's what package managers are for23:55
Guest2816it jpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove kwin-style-dekorator which isn't installed.23:55
VCooliobeliveyourdream: I don't remember, I followed some howto on the net23:55
Guest2816yea but it doesnt remove the whole registry23:56
Guest2816because when i try to intall a fresh new one it doesnt show menue23:56
Cosmo1I am having a problem my keyboard layout keeps changing from dvorak back to qwerty even though I have removed the qwerty layout and it seems at random times it goes back to qwerty and I have to run setxkbmap dvorak in a launcher. How do I fix this so that it stays dvorak? I dont know if this is related but I did notice that in my xorg.conf most of it is commented out "due to hal"23:56
buckyGuest2816: i can't find it in my repos so why don't you make it easy for us and tell us where you got it23:56
postscriptTamnakz: You know what an ID is, right?23:56
Radtoodoink1212: Hm. Well, I don't have anything better to offer. It was easy enough for me.23:56
doink1212radtoo: the instructions are for debian23:56
dexteraftter installing ubuntu everytime i try to boot up in windows i get an error23:56
Guest2816oh i got it from doing apt-get install kwin23:56
doink1212i am only familiar with ubuntu commands23:57
ZykoticK9Tamnakz, this is OT but i'm sure it refers to Process ID's and at one time killing one off would have been a MUCH bigger deal then today.  I stress "ONLY A GUESS"23:57
mdgCosmo1: which version of ubuntu - gnome, KDE ,etc.?23:57
=== cqscqscqscqsc is now known as bobesponja
dexterif i boot through ubuntus grub i get an error saying error 13 unsupported executable format23:57
Cosmo1mdg: gnome23:57
doink1212never mind i need to install subversion23:57
mdgCosmo1: out of curiosity, does it happen in a certain program or just any time?23:58
Radtoodoink1212: ubuntu is sorta debian-based, many to most things are exactly the same.23:58
SerenityKill3rUbuntu IS Debian based23:58
buckyGuest2816: sudo dpkg --purge kwin-style-dekorator23:58
TamnakzDo you know who might have SAID it?23:58
Cosmo1mdg: seems random including when I am not at my computer23:58
mdgCosmo1: wow!23:58
dexterif i don't have the ubuntu HD as the main HD get an error saying grub loading stage 1.5 /n grub loading please wait /n error 21 (/n means new line)23:58
buckyGuest2816: if it says it's gone then it's gone23:59
bazhangTamnakz, please non-support questions to #ubuntu-offtopic23:59
VCooliobeliveyourdream: I did some steps from here, but not all of them http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/ubuntu-904-jaunty-keeping-the-beast-pulseaudio-at-bay/ ; I remember doing step 1 and 2, not the rest23:59
mdgCosmo1: Have you tried choosing layout through Menu > Preferences >Keyboarda?23:59
dexterif i boot through ubuntus grub i get an error saying error 13 unsupported executable format. if i don't have the ubuntu HD as the main HD get an error saying grub loading stage 1.5 /n grub loading please wait /n error 21 (/n means new line)23:59
dexterhow can i boot up into windows23:59
doink1212radtoo: ok i am running through the terminal commands and crossing my fingers thanks for your help23:59

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