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teknicogood morning08:56
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alanbellhi all12:24
alanbellI have been playing with xpra12:26
alanbellwhich is kind of like screen for x applications12:26
alanbellit is packaged for Karmic which is nice12:27
alanbellso you can have applications run in a server in the cloud, and connect to them and disconnect from them at will12:27
alanbellwhich is nice for things like pidgin for example12:28
alanbellI was going to run it on one of my servers, I think something like that would be really cool for U1 to provide.12:28
thisfredalanbell: sounds *very* interesting indeed!12:33
thisfredalanbell: it would be a good fit for U1, I think, but it's different to the other services we've planned right now, in that people would be running more or less arbitrary software on our cloud, where what we've got lined up is a set of services reachable through the net. I'm not sure I'm making the distinction clear.12:36
thisfredalanbell: providing xpra would probably mean providing virtual machines in the cloud, in a similar way to what amazon does with EC2. This is not yet part of our plans, AFAIK.12:37
thisfredbut I'm definitely going to check out xpra!12:37
alanbellthat makes sense12:37
alanbellbut a virtual machine in the cloud (maybe a lower spec one than the EC2 small instance) would be handy with desktop integration12:38
thisfredalanbell: we are thinking about screen sharing at some point, and this could be offered similarly, where our service could take care of the negotiaton between the xpra host and guest system through firewalls etc.12:40
thisfredand I would love to have a virtual machine in the cloud as well. That's not going to be simple or cheap to build and maintain I fear, though.12:41
alanbella virtual machine in the cloud is a commodity item, but I am thinking of something less visible12:43
thisfredbut perhaps with eucalyptus :)12:43
thisfredright, a virtual account on a virtual machine perhaps12:43
thisfredbasically servers that *do* run X :)12:44
thisfredwith accounts that are fairly limited in resources and permissions.12:44
thisfredcould work12:44
alanbellFrom the user experience point of view what I would like is to have the gnome menu have an extra button against each entry so I can run any app locally, or run it remotely with persistence12:44
thisfredyeah, that'd be awesome12:45
alanbelland if I log on to another computer (or the same one for that matter) and give it my launchpad ID, all my remote apps appear12:45
alanbellfrom a user perspective I don't really consider it a vps12:46
alanbelljust Ubuntu apps that can run remote12:46
alanbelland it might not be available for all apps12:47
alanbellperhaps not OpenOffice.org12:47
alanbellor virtualbox :-012:47
thisfredI'd imagine leightweight apps that care about connectivity mostly12:47
thisfredpidgin empathy, gwibber12:48
benjamin__hi, is ubuntuone-client suposed to work with kubuntu?12:48
thisfredalthough, for gwibber maybe not12:48
CardinalFangOh gods, it is painful to call my internet-service tech support.14:01
CardinalFangI just had to say "Okay, please stop talking.  Nothing you said in the last two minutes is close to true."14:05
CardinalFangAt least they're still demonizing the very concept of cookies.14:05
dobeyeh, cookies are great14:06
CardinalFangBetween mixing kilo-and mega- and -bytes and -bits, this guy is woefully unprepared to talk about numbers.14:07
urbanape"Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"14:09
jdobrienCardinalFang: he read in a magazine that cookies are evel14:09
CardinalFangI learned that they're malicious little leeches on your bandwidth that are always vying to talk back to their home servers, (and this is the good part) *even when you're not visiting those sites, or even USING A WEB BROWSER*.  AIEEE!  If I only had known!  Woe is me.14:12
CardinalFang...and this is why I get half the bandwidth I expected.14:12
jdobrienA tip to ubuntuone users reporting problems in launchpad. Instead of adding a comment, use the link "This bug doesn't affect me (change)"14:15
jdobrienIt's a very confusing link IMO14:15
thisfredurbanape: you seem to have dropped off the other channel14:23
urbanapewhich other channel?14:24
thisfredsshhhh! ;)14:24
thisfredthe sekrit internal one!14:24
urbanapeam I back?14:25
jdobrienhas anyone seen urbanape?14:25
jdobrienI need to ask him something14:25
urbanapeask away14:26
thisfredurbanape: yep14:27
CardinalFangWow -- much better 26Mb/s & 1.9Mb/s.14:27
dobeyCardinalFang: those are some odd numbers14:54
* CardinalFang blames Teh cookies.14:55
tahorgthere are viruses in cookies14:56
tahorgI've read it in "BoostUrPC magazine"14:56
teknicoMEETING BEGINS15:00
teknicoWelcome to the Ubuntu One Developers meeting. Please say "me" if you are here to attend!15:00
dobeythank you freenode15:04
teknicoBLOCKED: nothing15:05
teknicoNEXT: urbanape15:05
urbanapeDONE: got closer on FF extension, observers observing, various CouchDB libraries in play, Face duty was pretty light yesterday.15:05
urbanapeTODO: get it to properly GET/PUT to CouchDB, chat with aquarius15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: various JS goofiness, but nothing major15:05
urbanapeNEXT: '()15:06
dobeyoh hi irc15:06
teknicoMEETING ENDS15:06
dobeyme in case you didn't get it15:06
aquariusjblount: are you pursuing righteousness through the medium of YUI? Or actual JS?15:06
teknicoaquarius, sex 'n' drugs 'n' rock'n'roll ;-)15:06
aquariusO HAI netsplit dobey15:06
dobeyDONE: Nautilus file sharing UI reincarnation15:06
dobeyTODO: Fix client lint warnings, Remove --signup option, Fix #39224915:06
dobeyBLCK: None.15:06
dobeyCardinalFang: speak up!15:07
jblountaquarius: My righteousness will be a combined YUI and JS monster that will only prove useful for U1, then I will retreat to a cave to serve my remaining years as a monk in the care of Brendan Eich15:07
aquariusjblount: ah, if you're fighting YUI then you're on your own. I fight it as much as you do :)15:08
jblounturbanape: Have you pinged aquarius about your question from last night? He may be the right person for it.15:09
CardinalFangDONE: Bought a replacement desk chair.  Eyeballed asyncore and SSL.  Cleaned up15:09
CardinalFangDBUS/Avahi code and added reverse-lookup (addr->name) function.15:09
CardinalFangTODO: Push tests and get reviews.  SSL in pairing somehow.15:09
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:09
urbanapejblount: we're skyping now15:09
* jblount has gone from prophet to historian15:09
teknicoMEETING ENDS (REALLY!)15:10
dobeyverterok: migration branch looks good. why haven't you proprosed it yet? :)15:10
verterokdobey: I'm running the ubunet tests, just to be sure I didn't broked anything ;)15:11
rodrigo_dobey: btw, not sure if someone already told you, but the packages in nightlies/ppa (not sure which) have different versions, and syncdaemon is dying with ImportError's15:11
verterokdobey: also, went to sleep a few hours15:11
dobeyah ok15:11
rodrigo_dobey: trunk looks ok, so I guess it's a package issue15:11
dobeyrodrigo_: it's because the metadata has the old module paths hardcoded15:11
dobeyrodrigo_: verterok's migration branch will fix it :)15:12
rodrigo_ah ok15:12
dobeyaquarius: http://www.hulu.com/watch/79898/attack-of-the-show-the-transformers-talk-about-the-autobot-and-decepticon-war start at 2:3015:19
jblountdobey: Doesn't hulu only work in the states?15:25
dobeyi don't know15:28
dobeyi'm not not in the states15:28
rodrigo_it doesn't work from here15:33
rodrigo_dobey: where are you?15:33
dobeyrodrigo_: in the US of course15:34
jblountlamalex: Yo, would you mind hitting this url and tell me what you see? https://ubuntuone.com/invitation/2/request/15:35
rodrigo_ah, you just said you're not in the states :)15:35
dobeyrodrigo_: no, i said i'm NOT not in the states :)15:35
lamalexjblount: i get openid login15:35
jblountlamalex: Are you beta testing Ubuntu One?15:36
lamalexso i log in and get a server 500 error15:36
dobeylooks like a bug in the server15:37
jblountlamalex: Does it provide a OOPS id?15:37
lamalexOops-ID: 1278appserver13415:38
jblountlamalex: Perfect, thanks.15:38
lamalexno prob15:38
jblountdobey: yeah, I was just confirming that the 500 template weirdness was fixed.15:38
dobeyi didn't realize ubottu did that15:38
lamalexjblount: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/8276/server500t.png there's the whole thing if you need anything else15:41
jblountlamalex: Thanks, I didn't realize it still wasn't loading the stylesheet, so that is helpful.15:47
jblountWhy is CouchDB always telling me to relax? Am I high strung!?!16:20
* dobey pokes jblount 16:22
dobeyrelax guy16:23
urbanapeThe only way I could be more hoopy is if I had DON'T PANIC written across my Couch.16:31
* urbanape knows where his towel is.16:32
facundobatistaHi all16:34
jblountfacundobatista: yo!16:35
siveldid you guys figure out what the server problem was?16:36
sivelI eventually killed the daemon because it had been in the scanning phase for 6 hours and my hard drive light was lit solid the whole time16:37
facundobatistaHi sivel16:37
sivelstarted it this morning.  it has been running for nearly 2 hours and still in the scanning phase16:37
facundobatistasivel, this is the first time you run the daemoin?16:39
sivelwell...like 3rd or fourth time16:39
facundobatistasivel, did you let it finish any of those times?16:39
sivelno...like I said the first time I let it run 6 hours.  the hard drive was lit solid the entire time and was impacting my machines performance16:40
sivelCPU was also hanging around 50%16:40
facundobatistasivel, how many files do you have in the Ubuntu One directory?16:41
sivelI was told yesterday it was likely being caused by a server issue and the servers would likely have to be restarted16:41
sivelfacundobatista: 16000 total16:41
facundobatistasivel, the process when you throw a file into Ubuntu One implies that the file will be hashed, then compressed, then uploaded16:42
facundobatistasivel, 16k files will imply a lot of work16:42
sivelwell I deumped 16000 all at once16:42
facundobatistasivel, are those small files (say, 1k, 2k), or are big ones?16:42
sivelmost are caused by subversion16:43
sivelso very small16:43
facundobatistasivel, it's ok to have a lot of disk and cpu usage if you drop them all at once16:43
sivelit is only like 150MB of files total16:43
facundobatistasivel, we can check the logs if you want16:44
sivelthat would be fine with me16:44
sivelI'd like to use the service if possible16:44
sivelwas trying to use dropbox but it kept denying uploading of some of the subversion files which would break the working dir on my other machines16:45
facundobatistasivel, what's your state now?16:47
facundobatistasivel, you have all files there, and the daemon stopped?16:47
verterokfacundobatista, sivel: I think this is related to the bug about "high memory usage"16:47
facundobatistaverterok, oh, maybe... 16k files at once could trigger that16:47
sivelI have all files in the dir...daemon is started and reporting "Scanning"16:48
sivelbeen like that for nearly 2 hours16:48
sivelthe daemon is utilizing 97% CPU currently and 28% of my available RAM16:49
facundobatistasivel, it's ok for you to leave it running as long we discover that "it's working ok"? or we should do something to avoida that usage?16:49
sivelfacundobatista: sure. I can leave it running16:50
sivelif need be I will switch to my ther machine and just let it run16:51
facundobatistasivel, we can check if it's running ok, if you want16:52
siveldo you need my email addr?16:52
facundobatistasivel, not at all16:53
siveldidn't know if you needed to look at my account16:54
facundobatistasivel, no... verifying it works ok would imply checking the logs16:54
facundobatistawhich are in your machine16:54
siveland where are said logs?16:55
facundobatistasivel, ~/.cache/ubuntuone/logs/syncdaemon.log16:55
facundobatistayou can do a "tail -n 2000 syncdaemon.log | pastebinit" and give me the address it returns (beware: that would be freely accessable)16:57
facundobatistasivel, other maybe safer path is to clean everything and start again, throwing the files in less quantity16:57
sivelI am tailing the file now and seeing activity16:58
facundobatistasivel, how is memory usage?16:58
sivelup to 35%17:00
sivelup 7% in 10 minutes17:00
facundobatistasivel, it's a risk if it grows and grows17:01
sivelok...I can try maybe adding around 3000 files at a time17:02
facundobatistasivel, we have a bug that you triggered when throwing so many files at once17:02
facundobatistasivel, yeap17:02
sivelok...just killed the daemon. which by the way is the only way I can get it to stop17:03
facundobatistasivel, if you clean everything, start it, wait for it to stabilize (it will have17:05
facundobatistato delete all that you already uploaded :( )17:05
sivelI had not seen any files in my file listing on the web site17:05
sivel0 bytes of 2.0 GB Used (0.0%)17:06
sivelremoved all the files...status is 'Idle'17:08
sivelafter starting the daemon again17:08
facundobatistasivel, let's be gentle, throw *one* file, see what happens, check the logs17:08
facundobatistasivel, only to see that it's ready to start17:08
sivelstatus is working with 1 file and 1 dir17:10
sivelok that worked17:11
sivelso I found out one thing so far17:11
sivelthat making My Files a symlink of another directory does indeed work17:12
sivelwhat is the format of .cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/vm/shares/r/o/o/root_node_id  ?17:13
facundobatistasivel, making MyFiles a symlink of what?17:15
facundobatistasivel, don't know if it's safe to do that17:15
facundobatistasivel, note that we don't support symlinks inside My Files17:16
facundobatistaregarding .cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/.17:16
facundobatistaregarding .cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/.... it's internal stuff, you shouldn't mess with that17:16
sivelfacundobatista: here is another thing I am trying to do17:16
facundobatistasivel, but, if you still want to know, we could get some source code and show how it works17:17
sivelI want to sync a dir other than $HOME/Ubuntu One/My Files17:17
facundobatistasivel, not supported yet17:17
sivelso I had done: ln -s /var/www $HOME/Ubuntu\ One/My\ Files17:17
sivelwhich works17:17
sivelbut I just noticed that the root_node_id file has the path in it17:18
facundobatistasivel, not supported yet17:18
sivelnot supported doesn't mean it wouldn't work17:18
verteroksivel: currently the root node is somewhat hardcoded17:18
sivelI will probably just stick to the symlink for now17:19
facundobatistasivel, it does not work correctly17:19
verteroksivel: you could change the ~/Ubuntu One for anouther directory, but that will make all your metadata invalid17:19
verteroksivel: so, not supported ;)17:19
sivelln -s /var/www $HOME/Ubuntu\ One/My\ Files seems to work for me17:20
facundobatistasivel, it may work in some cases, it may not work in others... me for myself, I will not mess with symlinks until they are supported17:22
sivelI will give it a shot and see how it works.  if it doesn't work I cannot use this service until it supports arbitrary sync paths17:24
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jblountfacundobatista: Hi! Would you mind trying to recreate this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/393950 ?17:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 393950 in ubunet "I had a problem with russian symbols in uploaded file name." [Medium,Incomplete]17:34
jblountyou'll need firefox 3.5, an image with a russion name, and some patience with the updown server17:35
facundobatistajblount, ok... do you know the best way to install FF 3.5 in Jaunty?17:37
dobeyjblount: it behaves differently with ffox 3.5 than with 3.0?17:37
facundobatistajblount, oh, it's in the repo17:37
dobeyhrmm, it works for me with a utf-8 file17:51
dobeyso maybe ff3.5 is broken17:51
sivel3.5 in jaunty is on b4 I think17:54
sivelnot final17:54
jblountdobey: Yeah, it worked with me, so I was trying to figure out if it was a ff3.5 issue, or something else altogether.17:55
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atrusfacundobatista: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa18:46
facundobatistaatrus, thanks18:49
atrusnot official per se, but if everything goes right that's the firefox-3.5 package that will end up in universe, as i understand it.18:49
dobey    171:  [E0202, LocalRescan._compare] An attribute inherited from InotifyTests hide this method18:54
* dobey wonders how to deal with thato ne18:55
dobeythat one18:55
facundobatistadobey, I'm doing grey magic with LocalRescan._compare in that test... never saw that E0202, though19:03
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dobeyfacundobatista: there are a couple more like that, in other files19:11
facundobatistadobey, pastebin?19:13
facundobatistajblount, finally... it works ok for me19:15
CardinalFangWhoa, bug in Python.  Fun.19:15
facundobatistaCardinalFang, ¿?19:16
CardinalFangfacundobatista: ¡Garbage collector frees what it thinks is a cycle!19:19
CardinalFangFound a note here:  http://www.nabble.com/Garbage-collection-prematurely-clears-cyclical-objects-referenced%09from-GTK-callbacks-td18960271.html19:19
CardinalFangIt may be minor.19:20
facundobatistaCardinalFang, it seems an issue in pygtk, no python19:23
facundobatista(for what I've read in that link)19:23
dobeyfacundobatista: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/208352/ <- most of those are in oauthdesktop.oauth though19:23
CardinalFangIn GTK, I create a widget and assign a reference to it.  I then define a function that I will connect to the widget's signal, and in that function I update a property of the widget.  Then I connect the widget signal to that function.  When running it, I get a NameError about the widget reference from inside the function.19:23
facundobatistaCardinalFang, code?19:24
dobeyyah code plz19:24
facundobatistadobey, the other one in LocalRescan is the same case19:25
facundobatistadobey, I'm overwriting LocalRescan methods with some customized function to test some stuff19:25
facundobatistadobey, feel free to add a "pylint die die die" comment to avoid the error19:26
CardinalFangfacundobatista, dobey: http://ubuntuone.pastebin.com/m1ea7e6d319:27
CardinalFangI have a plan to work around the problem.  I'll say if it works.19:27
dobeyfacundobatista: hmm19:27
facundobatistaCardinalFang, that's a typical error19:28
facundobatistalet me show you a simpler example19:28
CardinalFangHmmm, maybe "widget" parameter is the same as what I'm trying to refer to.  I bet it is!....19:29
facundobatistaCardinalFang, mmm... you have NameError? Not UnboundLocalError?19:29
CardinalFangfacundobatista: Yep.  "NameError: free variable 'listen_button' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope"19:29
dobeyCardinalFang: "widget" == "listen_button" there19:30
dobeyCardinalFang: so you want to use "widget" there instead of "listen_button"19:30
dobeybecause the later is out of scope19:30
facundobatistadobey, why out of scope?19:33
facundobatistaCardinalFang, on which line you get that? and it's in runtime or compile time?19:34
facundobatistaCardinalFang, can you reduce that to a workable example?19:34
CardinalFangfacundobatista: Runtime, at  listen_button.set_sensitive(False) .19:34
facundobatistaCardinalFang, why are we discussing this in this channel and not in #python or sth?19:35
CardinalFangI don't know.  I don't need help.  I was just expressing surprise at first, then answering your questions.19:36
dobeyfacundobatista: it's not assigned in the enclosing scope19:36
facundobatistadobey, why it does not search it in the outside one?19:37
dobeyfacundobatista: i don't know. ask python :)19:37
facundobatistadobey, I can't reproduce it just with python, don't now if it's something so simple as scope searching19:38
dobeyfacundobatista: probably because the enclosed function is a callback from a GObject from C19:39
facundobatistadobey, it may be, yes19:39
dobeyfacundobatista: but i have a question about event_queue.py in the syncdaemon :)19:39
facundobatistadobey, shoot19:40
dobeyfacundobatista: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/208369/ <- isn't that for loop a bit unneccessary?19:40
dobeyshouldn't it just be the if foo: return?19:40
facundobatistadobey, we want to see if any component of the path is partial19:41
facundobatistalike /foo/bar/.partial/baz19:41
dobeyfacundobatista: shouldn't it check against "part" then instead of "path"?19:42
facundobatistadobey, yes it should!19:42
* dobey fixes19:43
dobeymeh, it's almost 3 pm19:44
facundobatistajblount, ping20:26
facundobatistajblount, see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/39395020:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 393950 in ubunet "I had a problem with russian symbols in uploaded file name." [Medium,Incomplete]20:29
CardinalFangThat's raises a good question.  Do we always expect filenames to be encoded in UTF8?20:30
verterokCardinalFang: I think it's a yes20:32
verterokat leats in the syncdaemon20:32
dobeyCardinalFang: i think the problem here is firefox 3.5, and not us20:38
dobeyfacundobatista: hrmm. in test_eq_inotify.py in ubuntuone-client, what is the difference between the two test_suite() methods at the bottom of the file?20:39
facundobatistadobey, the one with the X is not executed automagically, only test_suite(). The other one is to not run everything, only a couple of tests, used in dev time20:42
dobeyfacundobatista: is the name "Xtest_suite" important, or could it be called "dev_test_suite" for example?20:45
facundobatistadobey, it could be called "function_with_a_lot_of_stuff_in_the_name_instead_of_only_an_X_that_you_should_remove__test_suite", ;)20:46
facundobatistadobey, if you're cleaning up, you can also remove it totally20:46
dobeyfacundobatista: ok20:47
dobeyfacundobatista: should i remove both then?20:47
dobeytest_suite as well?20:47
facundobatistano no20:52
facundobatistathe other is necessary for the tests to run20:52
BUGabundoboas noites22:17
jkakarIs there anything in the way of an API available for the storage system yet?  I have ideas for apps that back their data on UbuntuOne that I want to start hacking on. :)22:25
jblountjkakar: Oh man, I don't think there is yet.22:27
pfibigerjblount: what about the stuff rodrigo is doing w/ tomboy sync22:28
pfibigerthere must be some sort of api, no?22:28
jblountjkakar: I take it back, rodrigo is doing some stuff with CouchDB22:28
jblountOh, and there's the firefox plugin that urbanape is working on.22:28
verterokjkakar: there is a "low level API", which is ubuntuone-storage-protocol, but that's only for files, if you want to store structured content, the couchdb bits is what you are looking for22:29
pfibigerjkakar: the "desktop couch" stuff is what you want, i think. aquarius or rodrigo would almost certainly be the best person to check in with.22:30
jkakarThanks guys.22:32
urbanapejblount: yeah, but it's not really a U1 "storage".22:46
urbanapeit just talks CouchDB22:46
jblounturbanape: Good point.22:48
urbanape(much to my own disappointment)22:48
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 63, Protocol Revno is 47 | Release 0.90.3

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