
Keybukthe einit guys totally jumped the shark12:38
Keybukthey renamed it to kyuba12:38
Keybukand started implementing their own libc!12:38
Mdare they djb groupies as well?13:00
MdI think there is a significant correlation with people implementing their own libc...13:01
Keybukoh, wait13:03
sadmac2Keybuk: eglibc was a fun announcement14:47
sadmac2- Good for embedded stuff14:47
sadmac2- Maintainer doesn't hate you and all your ilk14:48
sadmac2- See above14:48
Keybukthe first one is debatable14:50
Keybukthere is only one diff between the trees14:50
Keybuk-Ulrich Drepper14:50
sadmac2Uli is very lucky that he's somewhat large14:54
Keybukreally, I always imagined him to be somewhat gaunt and lanky14:54
Keybukperhaps he has so much anger that I mentally placed an image of Matthew Garrett over him14:54
sadmac2Keybuk: angryfacts.com ?14:54
sadmac2Keybuk: First time I met Uli, he was wearing black socks with sandals. Even his fashion sense was rife with hostility.14:55
sadmac2Keybuk: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Ulrich_Drepper.jpg15:05
sadmac2he looks like a long-washed-up 80s hair metal guitarist15:06
Keybukyeah I saw15:10
Keybukwhy does this test case *pass*15:16
Keybukoh, I see15:18

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