
zerothisHow do I share folder on the network. the share tab is gone from the properties?01:31
jules__Hi, i'm having a problem with an audio card, can someones help me?02:26
R1cochetis there a way to take a borderless screenshot of a window?02:48
jules__It worked!!03:00
jules__thanks to everybody!03:00
ron_oR1cochet, 'select a region' option?03:05
ron_oI don't take many screen shots.03:07
R1cochetyea i was just wondering if there was a different way to get it w/out window borders03:13
R1cochetty much03:13
=== MikeChelen0 is now known as MikeChelen
mozbuntucan anyone help with a copuple of issues regarding screen resolution xubuntu and a xubuntu installation that needs tweaking to work08:16
mozbuntu can anyone help with a copuple of issues regarding screen resolution xubuntu and a xubuntu installation that needs tweaking to work09:08
mozbuntuI am trying to get Xubuntu to match a new HP  screen resolution09:08
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
Slonkie!hi | nikolam10:22
ubottunikolam: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!10:22
nikolamhow do I make Xubuntu 9.04 64-bit, remember resolution?10:23
nikolamEvery time I log in, resolution is set to highest, the same gdm is using10:23
nikolamalso network manager does not work so i had to edit network settings files maually10:24
nikolamI make netwotk connection in network manager and it always disappear10:24
nikolamAlso, how do I lock the screen in Xubuntu?10:25
nikolamand again, there are no callouts over network monitor applet in the panel10:27
nikolamIn network manager it states that "device is not managed" and i can not be used to set network settings..10:28
Kangarooowhere is sessions saved? withch folder?12:34
Kangarooo1something strange.. im not using sessions and deleted session folder.. but xchat and firefox auto starts.. maybe some bug if openbox installed also?12:38
cemunalhi all12:44
Kangarooo1ok ill try again correctlly.. I have xubuntu and sessions are not saved. and session folder deleted 1week ago. so no session should be opening any programms.. but.. I installed openbox and try switching between openbox and gnome sessions. then electricity lost and since I start computer now FF and Xchat starts.. since electricity I think has nothing to do with this problem maybe then openbox?12:44
cemunalwill xubuntu 8.04.3 release when ubuntu 8.04.3 release?12:45
Kangarooo1its already ubuntu 9.04 and xubuntu 9.0412:45
Kangarooo1I think yes 100% xubuntu team released xfce ubuntu version immidiatlly12:46
ShmeckI have a serious problem, but I don't think you guys can help me13:06
ShmeckI've been using xubuntu for a few days now13:07
Shmeckand now I have this job I have to do on my other machine, which is a windows machine13:07
Shmeckand I seriously don't feel like doing it :D13:07
Shmeckonly I still don't really appreciate Vim13:08
Shmeckblasted thing13:08
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
iiiiDoes anyone know how to use an external monitor on an eee 701 w/ xubuntu?14:45
knomeiiii, settings > display14:47
iiiiI don't have setting > display, but settings > settings manager > display doesn't give me multi-monitor options14:53
hhh2how  can update ristretto image viewer? i have xubuntu hardy16:29
hhh2from 0.0.18 to 0.0.2216:30
hhh2i have downloaded ristretto-0.0.22-tar.gz  yet16:30
Ben_Csan offtopic question:17:43
Ben_Csthose of you that code in python: what's your favorite editor/ide17:44
S0210I have Xubuntu 9.04 with Opera 9.64 but I can only see a big white square on the youtube pages. The flash plugin is installed and I can even hear the videos but I can't see anything. What to check?17:44
S0210But it's strange because I can see the embedded video on http://unite.opera.com/ ... {:-.17:52
ramrodi have the same problem S021018:02
ramrodsound but no picture in opera18:03
S0210ugh... at last somebody confirming the bug :-)18:04
S0210I also tried to ask about it on operanet but no response at all18:05
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo
Kangaroooramrod and S02120 maybe flash block? I just checked and didn't see video also when I unblocked video18:31
Kangaroooin FF18:31
slimjimflimanybody know how to et wpa working?  wifi-radar doesn't seem to like it18:33
n2diyI just did a fresh install of 8.04, and have the system up to date. I'm customizing my desktop, and when I move the top panel down to the bottom of the desktop, both panels dissapear, and I have to ctrl-alt+backspace, to regain control of the system. When I log back in, everything is ok, until I try to move the top panel again, what gives?18:51
kromarhi, any idea where i can find a driver for a ATI FireGL 9000?19:37
kromaror how i make this card work with xubuntu?19:38
kromararr looks like i installed a wrong driver... now the display is all colored and cant recognize anything:/ how can i remove something with console?19:50
SiDikromar: if the hardware drivers window doesnt offer you any driver then there likely is none20:27
SiDithere could be free / proprietary drivers for a more ancient / recent version of the kernel, though, kromar20:27
SiDibut you should look for an #ati channel for such information20:27
kromarand where could i find one of these ancient drivers?20:27
SiDion ati's website, i guess.. i never downloaded ati drivers20:41
SiDikromar you should join #ati and ask them out20:42
kromarremember the problem i had that my desktop wallpaper and other settings got reset after rebooting?21:44
SiDikromar: its very confusing21:44
SiDianother "kromar" left 30 minutes ago21:44
SiDibut yes i remember ;)21:44
kromari guess that was me:D21:45
SiDiokey :p21:45
SiDinot the same hostname :D21:45
kromarwell guess what, i reinstalled form the downloaded 9.04 (last time you told me to try it) and i have the same problem again:/21:45
kromarhmm strange:O21:45
SiDiIt's your hardware then :|21:46
SiDiyou're in ext3 with a clean install from the liveCD, right ?21:46
kromarexactly... maybe the problem is that the wallpaper is on a different drive? (ntfs format)21:47
uofm49426how would i mount it and have it mount everytime i boot21:56
uofm49426ntfs window21:56
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:57
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount21:57
SlonkieExplains it quite well.21:57
n2diyI have a new install of 8.04 on my test box, and I can't change my keyboard layout, or move my panels around?21:57
uofm49426why wont ntfs-config tool work21:59
uofm49426keeps telling me this ** (ntfs-config:23610): WARNING **: /media/windows contains an invalid caracter.21:59
uofm49426you must choose a name, not a directory.21:59
n2diyI had ubuntu installed on my test box, and I replaced it with Xubuntu. I didn't reformat /home, would the old setting from Ubuntu confict/confuse Xubuntu?22:00
kromarwhen my ntfs drives only get mounted when i access them then the mount entry is wrong? or is that how its supposed to be?22:12
kromarand why the heck cant i turn my sound up to 100%? i always need to open the properties and turn it up manually:/22:16
kromarand if its on 100% and i change the volume over the panel icon it will max to 90% again....22:17
kromarand even when everything is maxed its not very loud.. how can i boost the volume so its as loud as it should be? o_O22:19
SiDin2diy: no it should be ok22:30
SiDikromar: do you have the ntfs drive automounting in /etc/fstab ?22:31
SiDikromar: i think i asked you the last time if you were using ntfs/fat partitions.; :D22:31
SiDikromar: the 90% bug is fixed in xfce22:31
SiDikromar: it'll disappear in karmic22:31
kromarSiDi: i havent changed anything yet, its a fresh install22:31
SiDikromar: okey22:31
kromarSiDi: do i need to change the fstab manualy?22:32
SiDikromar: the reason may be that when the wallpaper is loaded, the ntfs partition isnt mounted by xfce yet, the solution is to put it in /etc/fstab so its mounted before22:32
SiDikromar: yes22:32
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:32
SiDihere are some resources22:32
SiDikromar: as for its not very loud, there are 2 clues : go to xfce4-mixer, properties, check every box, max out PCM / Headphones too (and maybe other tracks too)22:33
SiDiand the second possibility is that your card model isnt exactly recognised, but we'll see this after fstab and after you checked the tracks22:33
kromari already tested every slider, but anything other than front,speaker and master there is no change in volume22:34
SiDiok then22:35
SiDiand at the bottom of the french doc there is a quite accurate list of most common models (read the english one first :p) http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/audio_intel_hda22:36
kromarok ok first the fstab, that has priority^22:37
kromarok looks like there is only the floppy and dvd in fstab22:39
SiDiindeed ;)22:42
SiDicheck the tuxfiles.org link above22:42
SiDiit has examples as far as i recall22:42
kromaryeah im reading how to set up the other drives:D22:42
SiDii need to reboot, brb22:43
kromarSiDi: can you take a look at this line and tell me if its correct? /dev/sdb1/media/Seagatentfsauto0122:52
SiDiit looks ok22:52
kromarthe mount point is correct like that?22:53
SiDiturn "auto" into "defaults, auto"22:53
SiDitype sudo mount -a to check22:53
kromarthe folder exists like that in /media22:54
SiDii hope it does22:54
SiDiany error appearing when you type the command ?22:55
kromarnothing, just new line in the terminal22:55
kromarthere is an entry in fstab like UUID=f53140ac-ee0a-4b08-8d4a-8e60d2d835de ..... is that my xubuntu partition?22:56
kromargona reboot and see if it works22:59
kromarwohoo seems to work:D23:01
kromararr but sound again at 0%23:02
SiDiookey :P23:04
SiDias for sound, open xfce4-mixer and unmute every track23:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hda23:04
kromarwhere is this mixer? is it the one in the control panel?23:05
SiDiclick the sound button in the panel23:06
kromarthx got it23:06
kromargona read that page and see if it fixes my problem23:06
kromarbtw why does blender not get updated in the package manager? its already v2.49a out and its still 2.48 in the downloader o_O23:07
SiDi!info blender jaunty23:07
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.48a+dfsg-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 9881 kB, installed size 25480 kB23:07
SiDiThe way Ubuntu works : every release, all the packages are updated in the whole ubuntu repositories23:07
SiDiby the meanwhile, only security fixes and sometimes important feature fixes are added to the updates23:08
SiDito avoid breaking working apps (even if it'd happen 1/1000 for 1/10000 users, its still annoying)23:08
SiDiso you have several possibilities : 1) wait | 2) find a ubuntu repository for blender (https://launchpad.net/blender is a good start) | 3) download and compile source (bad idea)23:09
kromarwhy is compiling a bad idea?23:09
SiDibecause :]23:11
kromarwell blender 2.49 is out for some month now if im not wrong... so how long will it take for the new version to be available?23:11
SiDibecause the deb installed with the package manager will also be managed by it23:11
SiDithe correct way to go would be : 1) compile | 2) package | 3) install23:11
SiDiand you dont wanna try 2)23:11
SiDikromar: as i said, it'll take up to 6 months23:12
SiDi!info blender karmic23:12
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.48a+dfsg-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 9881 kB, installed size 25480 kB23:12
SiDiIt's actually gonna be done before 17th of august23:12
SiDibut jaunty wont have it23:12
kromarby august 2.5 might be available...23:13
kromarif i download a packed blender, how do i install that?23:16
SiDibefore 17th of august, blender will pass from 2.48 to 2.##, ## being the last stable release23:16
SiDiuse the link above and install the PPA23:16
kromarthats a link to blender 2.4523:17
SiDididnt notice they stopped uploading23:17
SiDidownload the ubuntu .deb23:18
SiDinot the source23:18
SiDiand then double click on the .deb file whenyou have i23:18
kromaroh didnt see that one:O23:18
kromaryou think its possible to install the 32 and the 64 bit version?23:19
SiDiinstall the one you need23:24
SiDiif you're on a 32b install, use the 32b one23:24
kromari normally work with the 64bit version but do some stuff for crysis from  time to ttime and the exporter only works with the 32 bit version:/23:25
kromarthats why im asking^23:25
SiDiit has no importance :)23:26
SiDi32/64 refers to your CPU's architecture23:26
SiDinot to the files you generate23:26
kromaryeah but i prefer having some more ram available when rendering some huge scenes23:27
kromarhmm having some problems with the sound setup...23:31
kromarit says i should add the model to the end of  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, but the file is empty23:32
kromarso what exactly should be in that file?23:32
SiDii'll update the wiki23:33
kromaralso it says to search for the model in ALSA-Configuration.txt but i cant find my model in there23:34
SiDiwhat model is it ?23:41
kromarRealtek ALC889A23:42
kromarwhy is it that when my default browser is opera the links in the Add/remove application will open firefox?23:44
SiDiwhere does it say its default ?23:46
SiDiApps -> Params -> Favourite apps23:46
SiDiOpera can claim to be default, but usually they epicly fail at implementing this kind of function23:47
kromari acctually set the web browser in "Prefered Applications"23:47
kromarbut thats a good idea to set it in opere, might acctually fix that^23:48
SiDiit wont23:48
SiDikromar: no idea for your browser23:49
kromari know but cant hurt to try:O23:49
SiDiif you want me to give you your model i need the WHOLE name of the chipset + laptop name23:49
kromarbut why does the link open with ff crap when i set the default to opera?23:49
kromarits not a laptop o_O23:50
kromaris that howto for laptops?23:50
SiDiits howto for intel hda23:51
SiDiusually they're in laptops :P23:51
kromarok i dont have any intel stuff in this system...23:51
SiDiyou do :P23:53
SiDitry this as a model ac97_quirk23:53
SiDiinside your soundcard23:53
SiDi6track-dig usually works on many desktop mobos too23:54
kromarKernel driver in use: HDA Intel       Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel23:58

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