
=== Kangarooo is now known as Kangarooo|Zzz
=== Kangarooo is now known as Kangarooo|Runnin
=== Kangarooo|Runnin is now known as Kangarooo
wizzI am a student from MMU melaka malaysia17:33
wizzi am now currently working on a proposal to make a linux and open source conference.17:34
wizzCan anyone tell me what ubuntu can help in business? Because we will invite company in our city to the conference.17:35
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo
wizzhi, i am a student from MMU melaka malaysia. I am now currently working on a proposal to make a linux and open source conference.Can anyone give me a link or some advice on how to find how ubuntu or linux can help business? Because we will invite company in our city to the conference.19:10
=== Hellow_ is now known as Hellow

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