
RenatoSilvawhere should I look for 1.16.1 source? here in https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/1.16, or in trunk?00:13
LarstiQRenatoSilva: I'd download the 1.16.1 tarball?00:13
LarstiQmaybe I don't get what you're after00:14
mzzthere's a "download" button on bazaar-vcs.org, the source tarball is not far from there00:14
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: 1.16.1 in in 1.16 or trunk?00:14
RenatoSilvamzz: oh you're here too00:14
mzzor do you mean you want a bzr branch?00:14
RenatoSilvamzz: I want to browse with loggerhead00:15
* LarstiQ blinks00:15
RenatoSilvasomeoneme must know which next version is in trunk00:15
LarstiQRenatoSilva: then the url you pasted sounds like the choice, bzr.dev/trunk has moved quite a bit since 1.1600:15
RenatoSilvaif 1.17 or 1.16.200:15
LarstiQRenatoSilva: never 1.16.200:15
mzzthis'd be easier if launchpad loaded00:15
LarstiQRenatoSilva: 1.16.2 will be made from the 1.16 branch, not the development focus00:16
* LarstiQ still doesn't get what the goal is00:16
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: so anything under 1.16 will be in the 1.16 branch right?00:16
mzzRenatoSilva: yes, that's what the 1.16 branch is for00:17
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: the goal is browsing source code in launchpad, that simple00:17
RenatoSilvaok thanks00:17
* mzz wonders if loggerhead does tags00:17
LarstiQRenatoSilva: well, the 1.16 branch might have moved a little from 1.16.1, but it's the closest00:17
mzzmost recent commit there is "Tweak NEWS file for 1.16.1 release."00:18
mzzso probably not00:18
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: humm, so there's not a "static" branch for 1.16.1...00:18
mzzRenatoSilva: there should be a tag, but I don't see any tags in loggerhead00:19
RenatoSilvamzz: when loggerhead implement tags we'll be able to do it00:19
mzzRenatoSilva: anyway, the head of the 1.16 branch should be it. Trying to confirm but it'll take a bit.00:20
LarstiQRenatoSilva: I don't think it's really useful, but I'll look around to see if there is00:20
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: tags? there's not00:20
LarstiQno, a 'static' 1.16.100:21
RenatoSilvaah ok00:21
RenatoSilvamzz: bug 24673900:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246739 in loggerhead "tags are not available" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24673900:21
mzzand "bzr tags -d lp:bzr/1.16" isn't working very well either00:22
LarstiQmzz: what goes wrong with that?00:23
mzzLarstiQ: it takes forever00:23
mzzLarstiQ: well, it grabbed a few MiB worth of data if I can trust the progress indicator, then I aborted it00:23
mzzI'm just pulling the branch, but it'll take a while because of the slowness of the network partition I'm pulling it into00:23
LarstiQRenatoSilva: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.16/1.16.1 just has the release files00:24
* LarstiQ checks branches00:24
LarstiQbut I'm pretty sure we don't do branches for point releases00:24
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: where did you find this link, it's not listed in 1.16 series00:25
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: ok got it, sorry00:25
LarstiQRenatoSilva: launchpad.net/bzr, click on the 1.16.1 link in the series canvas thingy00:25
* RenatoSilva is trying bzr tags -d lp:bzr/1.16, slow too00:27
RenatoSilvais it downloading the branch or only the .bzr?00:27
RenatoSilvato where?00:27
* mzz frowns00:28
LarstiQthe branch is a subset of .bzr00:28
mzzeither this repo is a lot further behind than I realised or I'm doing something stupid with repository type mismatches.00:28
* LarstiQ looks at what cmd_tags does00:28
LarstiQa cursory glance looks like it really shouldn't be slow to get the tags00:32
RenatoSilvait is in 3082KB, no progress in bar00:33
RenatoSilvaseems to be downloading a big stuff00:33
mzzmy "bzr branch" is now at revision 800/6292, and looks like it'll take a while still.00:34
* LarstiQ tacks on a -Dtransport00:34
mzzI don't know how much of that is the bzr+ssh I'm downloading through and how much is the sshfs I'm downloading onto, but the latter is probably significant.00:34
mzzI really should switch that to something faster one of these days.00:34
LarstiQmzz: why do you have things set up like this?00:35
LarstiQoh boy00:37
mzzLarstiQ: I have my repositories sitting on a server on my lan. I should upgrade that to nfs instead of an sshfs though.00:37
mzz(they're treeless repositories, with lightweight checkouts sitting on my local drive)00:38
* RenatoSilva just download the source, and found C code o.O00:39
LarstiQRenatoSilva: there are python fallbacks, so you can run in pure python00:39
LarstiQRenatoSilva: but the C (generated from pyrex) is faster for a couple of bits00:40
mzzit runs well enough as pure python that it took people a bit of time before they realised the release tarballs were missing the c files (twice, iirc) :)00:41
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: pyrex? you mean all the C code is entirely generated from python code??00:41
LarstiQRenatoSilva: pyrex code is not exactly pure python code. But yeah, mostly.00:42
LarstiQthere used to be some pure C too though, not sure if we still have that00:42
LarstiQfor the patience diff algorithm I think00:42
LarstiQRenatoSilva: see the *.pyx files00:43
mzzmmm, so if I have a lightweight checkout and the thing it is bound to moves around, how do I re-bind it to the new location?00:43
dashbzr bind or bzr switch00:44
mzz"bzr bind newlocation" is giving me "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: oldlocation/.bzr/branch"00:44
mzzas is "bzr switch"00:44
dashoh, lightweight. i'd be switch00:44
mzzas is "bzr switch --force", and bind doesn't have a --force00:44
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: I see.. the generated C code is crazy00:44
mzzI can just edit .bzr/branch/location, but that's lame.00:44
james_wLarstiQ: thanks00:46
RenatoSilvamzz: I'm reading commands.py...it seems that the only encoding_type value supposed to cause an error is 'strict', but the xmloutput has no command set as 'strict'00:55
mzzRenatoSilva: iirc that's what my patch changed00:55
LarstiQRenatoSilva, mzz: try tags with --show-ids00:56
RenatoSilvamost of them are 'replace', which is supposed to replace with '?' the problematic chars, instead it was raising an error00:56
* RenatoSilva just noticed the tags command finished00:56
LarstiQthe slow part is the revno lookup00:57
mzzLarstiQ: duh00:57
RenatoSilvawhere does it put the downloaded files?00:57
LarstiQRenatoSilva: where does what?00:58
mzzRenatoSilva: it *was* replacing them with ? when you were feeding it unicode (which was written in the wrong encoding)00:58
* LarstiQ is falling asleep00:58
mzzRenatoSilva: it only started erroring once you started explicitly feeding it utf-8 encoded bytes00:58
LarstiQcould one of you file a bug on tags doing that lookup stupidly, and assign it to me?00:58
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: it seems to download a lot of files00:58
LarstiQRenatoSilva: yes but what00:58
LarstiQRenatoSilva: `bzr tags` will not put anything anywhere00:59
mzzLarstiQ: later, I'm also kinda sleepy00:59
RenatoSilvamzz: yes, and 'replace' should try to decode from utf-8 and encode as cp850, and when it fails it should get the problematic chars and replace them with '?', not raise the error to the user, right?01:00
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: so what are those KB growing up01:00
LarstiQRenatoSilva: as I said, naive revid → revno lookup01:01
mzzRenatoSilva: no. With "replace" it expects you to feed it unicode, which it'll encode as cp850. Feeding it utf-8 is unsupported and will blow up as soon as it's non-ascii.01:01
mzzwhich it did.01:01
LarstiQRenatoSilva: try --show-ids to see the difference01:01
* mzz is fairly certain he understands what the commands api wants you to do here now.01:01
mzzwell, mostly01:01
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: ok, but it seems files being downloaded, the message could be fetching revisions instead01:01
mzzRenatoSilva: exactly, which is what he wants a bug filed on01:01
LarstiQRenatoSilva: fsvo files, nothing that would be in your working dir01:02
RenatoSilvamzz: "replace - put in a bogus character (typically '?')"01:03
mzzRenatoSilva: yep, *if* you're feeding it unicode. Once you start feeding it bytes it's free to blow up, that's not the intended use.01:03
LarstiQnot bogus, and always '?', on purpose01:03
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: fsvo?01:03
LarstiQRenatoSilva: for some value of01:03
* LarstiQ sleep now01:04
RenatoSilvamzz: humm01:04
mzzRenatoSilva: up until you mentioned "bzr" yesterday I was assuming your "stdout" was sys.stdout. What a non-'strict'-mode bzr command gets isn't sys.stdout.01:05
RenatoSilvamzz: ?01:05
RenatoSilvamzz: when I don't use > file, isn't it using sys.tdout?01:06
RenatoSilvamzz: it's a file with encoding == cp850, which makes me think it's the terminal01:06
mzzRenatoSilva: it's using sys.stdout wrapped in an object from the codecs module that encodes unicode before handing it to the actual sys.stdout01:06
RenatoSilvamzz: it encodes to the encoding set in outf right?01:07
RenatoSilvamzz: in sys.stdout I mean01:07
mzzRenatoSilva: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/codecs.html#streamwriter-objects that is01:07
mzzRenatoSilva: logic for finding the encoding is in bzrlib.osutils.get_terminal_encoding, which does indeed look at sys.stdout.encoding01:09
RenatoSilvawhy do you say 'replace' expects to receive unicode objects? how can it know that certain unicode char is not supported by the target encoding? does it really know? does it really analyze each char and check against the target encoding? when I was not sending utf-8, sometimes it was sent raw cp850 to encode as cp850, and sometimes it was sending unicode (the dir path). In this last case, you mean ‡Æ was a replacement caused by by encoding_type = 'repla01:17
RenatoSilvasorry for the typos01:17
RenatoSilvahttp://pastie.org/534468 --> this description is a bit confising01:20
RenatoSilvastrict - abort if we cannot decode -- decode an unicode obj???01:21
RenatoSilva exact - do not encode sys.stdout -- so who will encode? because unicode chars are not actual bytes01:22
mzzyou weren't sending raw cp850, it would've failed the same way it did when you sent raw utf-801:22
RenatoSilvaok, always unicode01:23
mzzand I was confused, my patch used 'exact', right?01:23
mzzpatch used exact, so it got the actual unwrapped stdout, which it then wraps using codecs.getwriter (just like bzr would do for us) *but* using utf-8 as the encoding instead of using the terminal encoding.01:23
RenatoSilvaI mean 'replace' should replace çã with ?? not ‡Æ01:24
mzzthe problem was that the characters you were asking it to write *were* available in the terminal encoding (iirc cp850) but the bytes they were mapped to meant something else in whatever encoding whatever you used to view the result used.01:24
RenatoSilvahummm, because N++ does not supoport cp85001:25
RenatoSilvaand no editor I've ever seen ...01:25
mzzI don't know if it doesn't support it, but it wasn't using it when reading the file.01:25
mzzand even if it did the file would be lying: the contents of the file would mention the utf-8 encoding, which it isn't actually encoded in.01:26
RenatoSilvaand when I send str objects when using 'replace' it will try to decode and encode again?01:27
RenatoSilvadecode from get_encoding?01:27
mzzyou read that "what every programmer must..." page you were linked to, right?01:27
RenatoSilvait seems that I didn't01:28
mzzthat page wasn't python-specific, but it's a bit hard for me to explain this if you haven't at least skimmed that article, or are already familiar with what's described in it.01:28
RenatoSilvaI was linked to?01:28
mzzI think you were, sec01:28
mzzhttp://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html is the one I meant01:29
RenatoSilvaoh I read this in the past01:29
RenatoSilvaJoel is boring01:29
RenatoSilvabut I want to read it again01:29
mzzbasically what's passed around inside bzr is usually python unicode objects, which are sequences of unicode codepoints01:30
RenatoSilvaI think my problem here is just to understand how encoding_type, unicode/str and write work together01:30
RenatoSilvamzz: I think I 've got what are u''s and ''s01:31
RenatoSilvamzz: and encode and decode01:31
RenatoSilvamzz: I just don't get how u''/'' and encoding_type and write work together01:31
mzzthat article explains what code points are to some extent. Anyway, like most good bzr commands this one is passing around unicode objects, and they're *correct* (which I checked by having you print the repr of one)01:32
RenatoSilvaI mean, for each encoding01:32
RenatoSilvafor each encoding_type x for each in (unicode, str), what is the behavior of write?01:32
mzzthe command layer then assumes that you're usually running commands interactively, and that most commands deal in unicode, not bytes (aka str) objects01:32
mzzso unless you use a nonstandard mode the "output" you get from the commands layer wants *unicode* objects which it *encodes* to bytes using the terminal encoding (which it gets off sys.stdout.encoding or some other place)01:34
mzznormally this works pretty well01:34
mzzthis was all bzrlib stuff. There's also a general python rule to be aware of: if you pass something a str where a unicode is needed or vice versa python implicitly converts using the ascii encoding, which means it'll blow up unless there aren't any accented or other weird characters in there.01:35
RenatoSilvamzz: I think if I read the right code I will be anwered01:35
mzzso if you're using this mode of the command layer you *cannot* write in a different encoding: you can convert to bytes, but then python will go and decode those back to unicode when bzr tries to helpfully encode using the terminal encoding, which you don't even want!01:36
RenatoSilvaif you pass something a str where a unicode is needed or vice versa python implicitly converts using the ascii encoding, which means it'll blow up unless there aren't any accented or other weird characters in there. ---> oh I didn't know that, I thought it was a bzrlib stuff!!!01:36
mzzno, that's a python thing01:36
RenatoSilvabig news to me01:37
mzzwhat's happening is basically '\xc3\x88'.encode('cp850') (try that one in an interactive python prompt)01:38
mzzI forgot what character you were using, but let's assume it's u'\xc8' (which is an E with a ` on it). If you .encode('utf-8') that you get '\xc3\x88'. Your stdout then tried to .encode('cp850') that.01:40
RenatoSilvamzz: so when I was sending cp850 bytes, python was decoding from preferred encoding (cp850), and then bzrlib was encoding again as preferred encoding (cp850)? :D01:40
mzzbut you can't encode '\xc3\x88': it's already a str. So python tries to convert it back to unicode using the ascii encoding.01:40
mzzthat's what happened when you stuck that explicit .encode('utf-8') in there, and you started getting UnicodeDecodeErrors01:40
mzzwhat happened when you did get output, it just didn't look right in n++, was that n++ was guessing the encoding wrong01:41
mzzguessing encodings is very hard (except for a few of them)01:41
mzzand yes, bzr was decoding and encoding using the preferred *terminal* encoding (cp850) but you weren't actually looking at the file on the terminal.01:42
mzzit *should* have shown up correctly with the output to the terminal, not a file.01:42
mzzIf that *also* failed python was getting the terminal encoding (sys.stdout.encoding) wrong.01:43
RenatoSilva"So python tries to convert it back to unicode using the ascii encoding." ---> Hummm!!!!!!!01:43
mzzall this works much better in python 3, where that implicit conversion was removed01:46
* mzz wantssssss it01:46
RenatoSilvamzz: n++ has ANSI, UCS and UTF8, there's no cp850, and notepad.exe does not have this either01:47
RenatoSilvamzz: I've heard all strings are unicode in py3k01:47
mzzunsurprisingly there's still a "bytes" type (similar to the py2 "str" type), and what's called the "str" type in py 3 is similar to the "unicode" type in py 2. There's no type called "unicode" in py 3.01:48
mzzmore important than the name change is that those implicit conversions went away. The implicit conversions are annoying that you don't realise they're happening as long as your input is ascii (unaccented chars), and that's pretty common when you're coding in english.01:49
RenatoSilvamzz: If that *also* failed python was getting the terminal encoding (sys.stdout.encoding) wrong. --> by falied you mean wrong chars in _terminal_?01:51
Pegasus_RPGhello. How can I search a repo for the latest revision of a now-deleted file?01:52
mzzPegasus_RPG: there's a "heads" command in bzrtools that may be of use01:52
mzzPegasus_RPG: err, wait, I misread that01:52
mzzPegasus_RPG: the file's gone but you just need to go backwards in history to get it back, right?01:52
Pegasus_RPGcorrect, I still want everything else to be current01:53
mzzRenatoSilva: yep01:53
RenatoSilvamzz:  unsurprisingly there's still a "bytes" type (similar to the py2 "str" type), and what's called the "str" type in py 3 is similar to the "unicode" type in py 2. There's no type called "unicode" in py 3.  ----> looks nice, someone cleaned the bedroom01:53
mzzRenatoSilva: note that (assuming an ntfs filesystem) the filenames on disk aren't actually cp850 :)01:53
RenatoSilvamzz: they're cp125201:54
mzzRenatoSilva: yep, that's what py3 is all about. py2 can't fix things like this because it tries to be backwards compatible.01:54
RenatoSilvaI guess01:54
mzzRenatoSilva: they shouldn't be.01:54
* mzz looks up the on-disk encoding name01:54
RenatoSilvashould be what?01:54
Pegasus_RPGmzz: correct, I still want everything else to be current01:54
RenatoSilvamzz: a python function returns cm** or so... but I thought it just meant cp125201:54
mzzRenatoSilva: hopefully utf-16 on disk, but you shouldn't have to care about that. Try sys.getfilesystemencoding()01:55
mzzPegasus_RPG: mmm, I don't quite remember how to do that. Sec.01:56
RenatoSilvamzz: sys.getfilesystemencoding() == 'mbcs'01:56
Pegasus_RPGmzz: to add another wrinkle, I'm working on a branch. the file was deleted back in trunk awhile ago01:56
RenatoSilvamzz: should be some MS UCS01:56
Pegasus_RPG(When trunk was in svn. :) )01:56
mzzPegasus_RPG: shouldn't really matter, I think, assuming this is a bzrsvnified branch01:57
Pegasus_RPGit is01:57
mzzbleh, is launchpad really slow or does it just not like me?01:59
mzzah, I have an idea02:00
mzzor rather the help does02:00
RenatoSilvamzz: lp has been slow to me too these days02:00
mzzPegasus_RPG: can you find a revision that file existed at?02:00
Pegasus_RPGI was hoping bzr could tell me :)02:00
mzzPegasus_RPG: if you do you should be able to "bzr log -rthatrevision.. -p thefile.txt"02:00
mzzPegasus_RPG: from "bzr help log": "To log a deleted file, specify a revision range so that the file existed at the end or start of the range."02:01
Pegasus_RPGI could just give it an insane range02:01
mzzyeah, exactly02:02
Pegasus_RPGok thanks02:02
mzzif you give an open-ended range with one end at a spot where it exists I'd expect it to pick it up02:02
RenatoSilvamzz: thank you for helping02:02
mzzPegasus_RPG: there's also a bzr-undelete thing, but launchpad won't divulge further information to me02:02
Pegasus_RPGRenatoSilva: sorry for interrupting02:02
mzzPegasus_RPG: lp:bzr-undelete, not sure if it's useful or works.02:03
Pegasus_RPGok bzr log found it thanks!02:05
Pegasus_RPGoop, now I need to get that file without messing up my existing checkout02:09
Pegasus_RPGdo I just bzr cat it to a new file?02:10
Pegasus_RPGor can I preserve the history some other way?02:10
mzzI don't remember if "bzr revert -rblah old/rev/filename" works, but I'd expect it to.02:11
mzz"bzr help revert" says it should work.02:11
Pegasus_RPGsweet it did. thanks!02:13
RenatoSilvaPegasus_RPG: you did not02:16
RenatoSilvaPegasus_RPG: interrupt02:16
* RenatoSilva 'll brb02:19
RenatoSilvahow to apply a single patch? it's being rejected...04:25
* RenatoSilva used raw patch tool04:26
RenatoSilvaCreated new stacked branch referring to /~verterok/bzr-xmloutput/trunk.04:39
RenatoSilvawhat's this?04:39
AfCWow. bzr 1.16 feels a lot ... slower. So I tried Robert's strace trick, and saw Bazaar spending ~0.3s trying to unlink .pyc files.04:54
AfCYeah. time bzr-1.15.1 status = 0.19s. time bzr-1.16.1 status = 0.89s. Bloody hell.04:58
spivD'oh, missed AfC.  That's almost certainly an issue with stale .pyc files, which would be a packaging/installer bug.08:56
Glenjaminis there a seprate channel for bzr-svn issues?09:46
Glenjaminnailed the bug:09:58
Glenjaminrequest.auth is an empty dict if a URL redirects09:58
Glenjaminok, reproducible as well10:06
Glenjaminbzr info http://glenjamin.co.uk/other/bzr/menudjen/10:06
Glenjaminthis redirects to a page which is protected by http auth, which then throws a keyerror10:07
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
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YoussefHi GUYS!!!!16:38
Youssefi come to report a bug!16:38
=== eaumontab is now known as abeaumont
gioelesuppose I change a single byte in a text file with very long lines (100k bytes per line). Will bzr save a one-byte difference or will it save the whole line?18:07
Peng_gioele: Unless you're using the development6-rich-root or 2a disk formats, with C extensions compiled, deltas will be line-based.18:09
SamBPeng: ... why doesn't the Python implementation do line-based deltas?18:12
SamBer. I mean, why does it?18:12
Peng_SamB: Simplicity, I imagine, and maybe performance.18:24
Peng_I'm pretty sure I'm right, but I'd kinda like to verify it.18:25
SamBI thought the Python code was supposed to always have the same results as the C code :-(18:26
Peng_SamB: It is compatible, just not as small.18:28
SamBthat seems like it could be a serious issue :-(18:29
Peng_SamB: In what way?19:19
=== Noya_ is now known as Noya
RenatoSilvabzrlib/transport/__init__.py lines 1535 - 155721:56
RenatoSilvacould you help me to understand this code? I'm trying to fix a bug21:56
thumperabentley: I don't suppose you are working on a take-changes for pipelines ATM are you?22:00
thumperabentley: did you see my blog post about pipelines? wrote it last night22:00
RenatoSilvaIs any xmoutput folk here?22:01
LarstiQRenatoSilva: starting with the _urlRE regex?22:02
thumpersomehow bzr 1.16.1 package trumped the daily ppa build22:05
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: line 1569: base = base.encode('ascii')22:05
thumpernow I have bzrtools requiring bzr 1.17 and an "old" bzr22:05
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: isn't it dangerous?22:05
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: that's the cause, when you use non-ascii paths thios code causes an error22:06
LarstiQthumper: hmm22:07
LarstiQthumper: can you list the version numbers involved?22:07
LarstiQRenatoSilva: no22:07
thumperLarstiQ: for the currently installed bzr?22:07
thumperVersion: 1.16.1-1~bazaar1~jaunty122:08
LarstiQRenatoSilva: the interface for get_transport is that you pass it an URL22:08
LarstiQRenatoSilva: URLs _must_ be in ascii. This is a check that no one is passing unicode when they shouldn't22:08
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ:  :param base: either a URL or a directory name.22:08
LarstiQthumper: and the daily package?22:08
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: # Only local paths can be Unicode22:08
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: and it is22:08
LarstiQRenatoSilva: right, then it tries convert_path_to_url22:09
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: humm, it is passing a local Unicode URL...22:09
thumperLarstiQ: 1.16+4508+117 I think22:09
LarstiQthumper: ok, so I think the version on that is bogus then22:10
thumperjames_w: you are the only one in the changelog22:11
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: xmloutput is... how can I convert the non-ascii chars? it is already an URL, so will urlutils.local_path_to_url() work?22:11
thumperjames_w: is your script doing this?22:11
thumperI know nothing about deb version numbers22:11
thumperexcept for that they sometimes go screwy22:11
* thumper runs bzr from trunk until the package gets worked out22:13
eggy_Hello, when I locally clone a bzr repository, it works, but when I do it over bzr+ssh I get 'bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: ...'22:13
RenatoSilvaeggy_: wrong address?22:13
eggy_RenatoSilva: hmm, maybe. Doesn't it start at my home directory?22:14
RenatoSilvaeggy_: you're cloning from lp?22:14
eggy_RenatoSilva: from lp? I dunno, I did 'bzr clone bzr+ssh://myhost/relative/path/from/home/directory/to/repo'22:15
eggy_But I now see that if I prepend home/user it works22:15
LarstiQRenatoSilva: urls should not have unicode. See bzrlib.urlutils22:16
eggy_To the relative path that is22:16
LarstiQthumper: I think it's johnf not james_w?22:16
LarstiQeggy_: it's an absolute path22:16
LarstiQeggy_: /~/ and you get relative to your home directory, however the sftp server interprets that22:17
eggy_LarstiQ: ah, ok, thanks22:17
fullermdNot on bzr+ssh it won't...22:20
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: I't trying to use urllib.quote22:20
LarstiQfullermd: ah, didn't pay attention enough...22:21
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: bzrlib.urlutils.escape?22:21
LarstiQRenatoSilva: bzrlib.urlutils.normalize_url might be more appropriate22:22
RenatoSilvaLarstiQ: ok22:26
mwhudsonjelmer: hi22:56
mwhudsonbzr merge $svn-branch -r revid:revid-not-in-branch stack traces22:57
mwhudsonjelmer: is this a known bug?22:57
jelmermwhudson: depends on the stack trace :-)22:59
mwhudsonjelmer: it's not very exciting, it shouldn't be an internal error i think23:04
mwhudsonjelmer: ^23:04
mwhudson(maybe it's a bzr bug)23:04
mwhudsonjelmer: slightly clueless report of the same problem: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/39590623:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 395906 in bzr-svn "bzr merge crashes on erroneous command line args: NoSuchRevision exception" [Undecided,New]23:08
jelmermwhudson: yeah, that's a bzr bug. it should be handling NoSuchRevision23:23
mwhudsonjelmer: ok23:24
lifelessnpt sure I agree23:25
lifelessan error in fetch is fatal and bad23:26
jelmerlifeless: wrt the bug I mentioned?23:26
jelmerlifeless: "bzr merge -rrevid:foo" blows up in the same way23:26
jelmerlifeless: without bzr-svn involved anywhere23:26
lifelessperhaps the revid: revspec should do validatio23:27
jelmeryeah, that'd make sense. it would mean we didn't have to handle NoSuchRevision in various cmd_* classes in bzrlib.builtins23:27

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