
Svenstarostgraber, yeah I actually know so much. I was merely concerned with the stance of what sounded like "Happy 4th July everywhere in the world" which seems a bit ignorant to me.00:25
vprmcan i install 9.04 on a windows xp with 2 disk, 1 disk is windows, 2 disk is linux??02:00
dgroosHi--just coming back after the party and fireworks.  The weather was great this evening--pure blue skies--and that was different a couple of hours before that as it was a heavy downpour.  Strange, weather...04:45
dgroosI had a friend who said where he came from on the farm there was a saying that if you think you can predict the weather you are either a newcomer or ignorant :)04:46
dgroosSvenstaro: I wanted to address your concern--a few hours ago-- that my reference to my impending, 'July 4th partying' was an expression of ignorant provincialism, assuming that 'everyone would know about the july 4th celebration in the US'.04:49
dgroosActually, one thing that tickles me--delights me to no end--is that here we are conversing from many ends of the world, together.04:50
dgroosI like saying, and reading others say, 'good morning' with full knowledge that many readers are just entering night, or it is mid-afternoon for them or for me.  That's cool :)04:52
dgroosYour comment, however, reminded me, that I need to not forget that while I'm talking in my own language, English, many people are talking, not in their language, but in mine.  This shouldn't be taken for granted.04:53
dgroosWhile I do speak Spanish fluently (though not write--that's different), I'm continually shocked be so many people on the list, such as your self, who write English so flawlessly and with such depth.04:56
dgroosI don't take that lightly.  I realize that there are some weird, shall we say bad, politics of which I generally happen to benefit from and thus can communicate with you-all and not have to speak German, French, Finish, Greek, Portuguese, etc. but my own language.04:58
dgroosAnyway, Svenstaro, thanks for bringing up that which is often just below the surface.  And, I'm lucky and glad you speak more than German!  :)04:59
dgroosThe End :)04:59
dgroosstgraber: I thought you might (?) be interested in the output from when I upgraded from your launchpad--not through the GUI which gave an error, but through the CLI, which worked well.  Here's the paste:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/210132.05:06
dgroosstgrager: Actually, I noticed that the errors I've had these last couple of days with hal sometimes included things about the ldm-server.  I wonder if I didn't properly address this earlier and it led to some problems... FYI05:07
Svenstarodgroos, oh hi again, I see you've taken note of my note taking :P05:11
dgroosSvenstaro: And thinking about time-o-day it would be around 7-8 AM?  Pretty early or late?05:18
SvenstaroLate I guess05:20
SvenstaroI'm starting to think that I might have way too many projects.05:21
SvenstaroAnd thanks for your complements.05:22
dgroosSvenstaro:  :)05:28
stgraberdgroos: that's the expected behavior, ldm-server replaces ldminfod so it conflicts with ldminfod to get it removed15:43
sn9bug 269853 is annoying16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269853 in edubuntu-artwork "Human List Login User List is now empty after Edubuntu add-on to Ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26985316:18
sn9ogra: apparently, the bug triager asked the reporter for more info, and the reporter misunderstood what was asked, leading it to be marked Invalid, but the bug is still there16:29
dgroosstgraber: for sure. Is, 'Try command line interface to install package when package won't install via gui" common wisdom in Linux world?18:27
stgraberdgroos: when using a PPA containing backports of the current development version, yes it's18:53
stgraberupdate-manager (the GUI) is supposed to do the same with the -c option but it's usually used for dist-upgrading to the next release, not dist-upgrading to the current release18:55
Daskreec1 what's a good Biology application for High school level studetns?19:28
dgroosHi Daskreec119:39
dgroosI don't think too many teachers hang out on this list...19:39
dgroosPersonally, I don't know of a good app.  I'd suggest signing up for the edubuntu users list and asking there--Here's the address... https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-users.19:41
dgroosgood luck.19:41
Daskreec1Thanks. Everything seems focused on the molecular or genetic level. I'd like something much lighter19:46
Daskreec1dgroos: Also is there a wikipedia offline reader available ?19:59
Daskreec1hi dgroos welcome back20:15
dgroosDaskreec1: I googled and found no definitive yes--sorry.20:16
a-stDoes the edubuntu cd work with ubuntu and kubuntu?20:20
Daskreec1Thre was a KDE one called knowledge year or so back20:20
a-stSo it just works with ubuntu?20:21
Daskreec1a-st I think there is a edubuntu-kde-desktop package you can install20:23
a-stokay thx20:23
Daskreec1scroll-keepr is taking up 70% of my CPU. What's that supposed to be doing?20:33
Daskreec1!info edubuntu-desktop-kde | a-st20:36
ubottua-st: edubuntu-desktop-kde (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Kubuntu. In component main, is optional. Version 1.70 (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 48 kB20:36
a-stoky thx trying it in a vbox ;)20:37
Daskreec1ok :)20:38
=== vorian is now known as flirty
=== flirty is now known as vorian
UbuntuNewbI have a question about setting up a FTP server on my Unbuntu jaunty...23:02
sn9you sure ftp is what you want?23:02
UbuntuNewbIs it possible I can ask that question here?23:02
UbuntuNewbno, no necessarily, I just want read/write access remotely to my hdd23:03
UbuntuNewbIs there a reason not to choose FTP?23:04
sn9because it's not meant for that?23:04
UbuntuNewbok, what would you recommend then?23:05
UbuntuNewbI'm quite new to ubuntu23:05
sn9ubuntu has an integrated sftp client23:06
UbuntuNewbok, would you recommend it?23:06
sn9yes, since on the server side, setup is dead-simple23:06
UbuntuNewbwhat's it called?23:07
sn9all you do is install a single package on the server, and everything is ready23:07
sn9the package is openssh-server23:07
UbuntuNewbok great..23:07
sn9you don't even need it on the client, just the server23:07
UbuntuNewbok, and I can app it with synaptic?23:08
sn9on the client, Places -> Connect to Server... -> Service type: SSH23:08
sn9yes, install that pkg with synaptic23:09
sn9on the server only23:09
UbuntuNewbmy only issue is that the client will be running on windows machines...23:10
UbuntuNewbdo you know a good ssh client for xp for instance?23:10
sn9then you want to use samba instead23:10
UbuntuNewbaha, ok...23:10
sn9unless it will be over the public internet, which is a bad use of samba23:11
UbuntuNewbit it to be used over the Internet23:11
UbuntuNewbsadlyy.. I'm going abroad and need acess to my files23:11
sn9sftp is ok, then23:11
UbuntuNewbsftp, is it SSL or why is it called sftp?23:12
sn9only sftp client i really know for windows is putty23:12
UbuntuNewbok, will suffice23:12
sn9unless you have access to KDE for windows, which has one called FiSH23:13
alkisgUbuntuNewb: for file copying over sftp, filezilla & winscp23:13
sn9ok, those will likely work better than putty23:14
alkisgYeah, putty is for remote ssh session mainly :)23:14
UbuntuNewbalkisg, thnx23:14
sn9try filezilla first23:14
UbuntuNewbwill do.23:14
UbuntuNewbso How do I setup the server?23:14
alkisgsudo apt-get install openssh-server23:15
sn9install openssh-server and just go23:15
UbuntuNewbmy machine is really slow, I'm running it off a Atom 120023:17
sn9better that than a celeron23:18
UbuntuNewbso, I think it's installing now...23:19
UbuntuNewbalso I'm running the whole setup off of a compactflash card23:19
UbuntuNewbSo, it's dead silent but a little slow...23:20
alkisgWhat, no cpu fan?23:23
UbuntuNewba small cpu fan, low rpm...23:23
sn9make sure you have no swap partition23:23
UbuntuNewband a 12 Cm fan in the chasis, very low rpm23:23
UbuntuNewbyes, I pulled down the "swapiness" to 5 I think23:24
sn9turn it off altogether23:24
UbuntuNewbcould do, I just got recommendations to leasve it on 5... dunno why23:25
UbuntuNewbIt swaps 1 Mbyte at a maximum23:25
sn9the wiki page on ubuntu on the aspireone has better suggestions than that23:25
UbuntuNewbhow do I turn off the swap+23:26
sn9sudo swapoff -a23:27
UbuntuNewbI see now that it exceeds the swapsize I previously mentioned, it swaps ~200MB23:27
sn9but that's only until the next boot23:27
UbuntuNewbopenssh still installing23:28
UbuntuNewbit's not the fastest machine in the world. =)23:29
UbuntuNewbok, done.23:29
UbuntuNewbis there a GUI to setup the ssh?23:30
UbuntuNewbthe ssh server.23:30
alkisgNo need to setup anything, really...23:30
alkisgYou just put your username/password to filezilla, select sftp and copy the files23:30
UbuntuNewbbut I have to set my user/password into the server somewhere don't I?23:31
alkisgIt uses your account info23:31
sn9well, for remote access, don't forget to forward port 2223:31
UbuntuNewbaha. Cool!23:31
UbuntuNewbDo I need a strong  password? I guess I do...23:32
UbuntuNewbthank you guys.. It's not really working right now... but that's probably due to my lousy router23:37
alkisgYeah, you need the port forwarding that sn9 said23:38
UbuntuNewbI've forwarded the port 22 to my local machine23:38
UbuntuNewbstill nothing.23:38
alkisgAnd sometimes the ISP blocks the ports < 1024, so you have to port forward from 8022 to 22 or something23:38
UbuntuNewbI had the same issue with the ftp server I tried earlier23:38
UbuntuNewbah ok...23:38
UbuntuNewbtrying that23:39
UbuntuNewbhmmm.. nope.23:39
UbuntuNewbI get a ping through with reply23:39
UbuntuNewbis it possible that the local firewall (firestarter) is blocking it?23:40
UbuntuNewbok... :s23:41
UbuntuNewb*stopping firewall23:41
UbuntuNewbstill nothing...23:41
UbuntuNewbtimeout is all I get on the client23:41

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