
SiDiis there a way to set a different roundness for top and bottom borders of a widget in gtk+ ?12:06
zniavreSiDi,  bonjour , je ne crois pas12:06
SiDizniavre: bonjour :) thanks12:09
SiDiworking on a fork of dust sand :o http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/1410/capture2s.png12:09
Cimiyou shouldn't fork ubuntu's themes, they have broken gtkrcs12:10
SiDiCimi: im too noob with gtkrc's to notice that :D12:14
Cimiif I could give them a vote from 0 to 10, i would give 312:15
SiDiCimi: rewriting it all from common-gtkrc12:54
SiDiwish me good luck \o/12:54
Cimigood luck SiDi12:55
SiDiIs there a way to have different styles for the menus names (File, Edit, etc) and the menu items inside the menus ?15:20
SiDifound it. GtkMenu.<*GtkMenuItem*> != GtkMenuBar.<*GtkMenuItem*>15:45
dashua_Hey SiDi, what's crackin'?15:51
kwwiiw00t, the desktop summit is a rocking good time15:53
SiDidashua_: fine, you ?15:54
SiDikwwii: meh :p15:54
dashua_Good, recovering from good times.15:54
SiDikwwii: dashua_ you guys know more about gtk themes than me15:58
SiDiwhy the hell does Firefox's menubar's text remain white whatever i do ? :(15:58
SiDiknome: :(16:01
SiDiits annoying you know16:01
SiDihappens with human too :|16:01
kwwiiSiDi: lol, because firefox sucks16:03
zniavre+1 ...16:03
kwwiithe connection here sucks too :(16:03
SiDiok i found it16:04
SiDiits cause i had an old userChrome.css16:04
* SiDi suicides16:04
SiDiits been about 5 MONTHS16:04
SiDiwith WHITE menu bars :D16:04
knomethat's because you suck16:04
dashua_I don't use Firefox16:04
SiDiknome: meh ?16:05
SiDiim getting in love with chromium16:05
dashua_It is a bitch when doing dark theming.16:05
SiDibut its always a bit annoying to use an app which is only half written16:05
SiDihm, xfwm and Menu* done16:06
knomeSiDi, ;)16:06
SiDinow to the toolbar16:06
SiDiknome: did you begin artwork for karmic btw ? :D16:06
knomenope. :P16:07
knomethere's still time... O:)16:07
knomei'm dead bored in computers atm16:07
* SiDi wants a wallpaper undersea with an XFCE mouse swimming among sexy tropical fishes for 10.0416:09
knomeyou don't always get what you want.16:09
knomebesides, fedora has done underwater stuff already16:10
SiDifedora ? whats that ?16:10
SiDiknome: what release was it ?16:11
knomeSiDi, that looks like a dead one16:11
SiDiand why shouldnt we do it too ? we own more than them16:11
knomeSiDi, can't remember, but they had some dna stuff in there16:11
SiDii want a swimming mouse knome :P16:13
SiDii could draw it myself but you wont like it *.*16:14
knomei can't draw one myself ;)16:14
knomei'm not good at drawing anythign realistic16:14
knomewow.. that's nice16:19
knomeplease do an svg version of that and propose it to cody16:19
* SiDi grins16:19
SiDiknome: imagine if he says "yes" :P16:19
knomeits nose is damn cute16:19
SiDiwe'd *lose* users with that16:19
knomeof course he would say yes, that's an awesome piece of art16:20
SiDiyou liar :P16:20
SiDiit would be if i was 3yo knome16:20
SiDibut i'm 4 now, you know16:20
knomeall that layer transparency16:20
knomeSiDi, #xubuntu-devel ;)16:21
=== dashua_ is now known as dashua
SiDiWhat can i use in gtk themes apart from mix/shade/lighter/darker ?19:51
dashua_mix (value, "color")19:58
SiDidashua_: meh :p19:58
dashua_mix (value, "color", shade (value, "color" ))19:59
dashua_What are you trying to do?19:59
dashua_No many other options that I know =/20:03
dashua_I'm sorry I can't help you, blue is not on my color radar ;p20:04
SiDizniavre: why leaving us so far ?23:43
SiDiso fast*23:43
zniavrecauses by a wrong clic23:43
SiDiWrong click when you left, of course ? :D23:43
zniavrea guy asked for xubuntu-dev room i copy/pasted the one you gave sooner23:44
zniavrei do not use xubuntu and i m not dev at all that s why i leaves the room23:44
SiDioh ok zniavre23:44
SiDiits _Antoine_ ?23:44
SiDihe's shy23:44
SiDihe said "hello" and thats all :)23:44
zniavreim trying to do not speak a lot here too23:45

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