
CarlFKcjwatson: tried the preseed file to add the user to the video group, no luck:  http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/a/ubuntulivecd2.png01:33
CarlFKI have a few other live cd questions - whats a good list to post to?01:33
CarlFK    printf "\nADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=1\nEXTRA_GROUPS="video"\n" >> /etc/adduser.conf02:50
CarlFKthere, I fixed it02:50
cjwatsonCarlFK: URL doesn't exist11:05
cjwatsonCarlFK: ubuntu-installer@11:05
cjwatson(as in the topic)11:05
CarlFKcjwatson: thanks13:56
CarlFKI think the reason the preseed didn't work is because there was already a file=u.seed, and I added a 2nd file=my.seed apparently the first one wins.13:57
CarlFKI like the ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS thing better anyway - easier to script / document13:59
cjwatsonCarlFK: yes, if you specify it twice then the behaviour is at best undefined, although actually I think that's a (very minor) bug and the second ought to win14:25
cjwatson(since that's how d-i behaves)14:25
cjwatsonCarlFK: ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS in adduser.conf has different semantics from doing it in preseeding14:26
cjwatsonCarlFK: preseeding affects only the first user; ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS affects all non-system users added using adduser14:26
cjwatsonCarlFK: so if the latter's what you want, fine, but you should be aware of the difference14:26
CarlFKcjwatson: thanks14:31

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