
jeevesafternoon all00:49
jeeveswhat is the simplest way of rsyncing ONLY the changes to a webserver's directories to a remote host?00:49
ballooozahow do I set up apache to redirect somthing that comes onto a domain (witch is set up to redirect to somthing out of my www folder to a differen folder: mysite.com > /var/website/ mysite.com/desktop > /var/eyeos/ (hypotheticaly, you do not need to click the links:) )05:00
ballooozamacd: do you know about apache (you might still be looking at this page)05:04
pwnguinis there a standard system of deploying websites via debian packages?05:48
pwnguinmunin just installed to /var/www, but i see a sites-available, sites-enabled setup05:48
qman__sites-enabled and sites-available are for the site configuration files06:09
qman__you can set them up individually in sites-available and enable them with a2ensite06:10
qman__you define where the site's actual files are in that configuration file06:10
qman__a simpler classic configuration will also work, but I rather like the way it's set up in ubuntu06:11
pwnguini was just wondering if there's a policy suggesting where to put files06:14
pwnguinthat might be a bit more flexible than subdirs of /var/www06:14
qman__that's what I usually do06:15
qman__not sure if there's a standard06:15
pwnguin i see some draft debian policies06:16
ntshananyone have experience running hudson on ubuntu server?06:24
ntshanI have a small nettop machine that I installed ubuntu server on06:25
ntshanand set up subversion06:25
dthackerwhat is hudson?06:29
ntshanit's a continuous integration server06:30
ntshanwhen you check in changes to source code on your project, it runs the build06:30
dthackermy googling has found other people using it, but I've no experience with it.06:31
dthackerIf you have a specific question, ask it here or in the forums.06:31
ntshancool...I was just wondering if there are any ubunty specific issues others have had06:32
dthackerhttp://www.sonatype.com/people/2009/02/the-hudson-build-farm-experience-volume-ii/    looks interesting06:32
ntshanI plan on using ant instead of maven as a build system though07:13
ntshanmostly because my company uses it and I'm trying to test everything at home before pitching it to the company07:14
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pwnguinqman__: http://webapps-common.alioth.debian.org/draft/html/ch-issues.html08:45
chris_d_adamshi guys - I'm running a server that I want to update to using ubuntu intrepid, instead of gutsy09:15
chris_d_adamswhy might aptitude update error on me like this?09:15
matttchris_d_adams: hmm09:19
matttchris_d_adams: have feisty/gutsy been EOLd?09:20
chris_d_adamsmattt: ah, after a bit more googling, i think that might be it09:20
chris_d_adamsthis person had a similar problem09:20
chris_d_adamssorry to sound dense09:20
chris_d_adamsbut is it really just a case of changing all instances of http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu09:21
chris_d_adamsto http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu instead?09:21
mattti don't think so09:22
mattti think the idea of old-releases is to allow you to install packages when still running an EOL'd version09:22
matttfor you, you wish to upgrade ... right?09:22
mobi-sheepJust curious -- In "sudo tasksel" -- There are Basic Ubuntu Server.  What does that do?09:23
chris_d_adamsmattt: yeah -  i have a couple of boxes running intrpeid09:23
chris_d_adamsand I totally forgot this one was running gutsy09:24
matttchris_d_adams: i'm not sure what the upgrade path is, if you can go straight from gutsy to intrepid ... i guess that's what you should be looking at09:24
matttchris_d_adams: perhaps you want to get rid of the references to feisty in your sources.list, and then replace the references to gusty w/ intrepid ... but if it's a live server please research first, as i have no experience doing that :)09:25
chris_d_adamsmattt: duly noted, thanks :)09:25
mobi-sheepchris_d_adams: I think I heard this before.  You switch to the old-releases to ensure that all packages are fully updated/upgraded before you upgrade over to the next version.  I heard it many times on #ubuntu09:25
matttmobi-sheep: would make sense :)09:26
chris_d_adamsah, this looks like it09:26
mobi-sheepWhat is Basic Ubuntu Server?  Should I toggle it on?  I only want to run XBMCbuntu.09:28
mobi-sheepAnd other servers such as print server.  Basic Ubuntu Server is too generic.09:28
matttchris_d_adams: awesome, i love step-by-step instructions :)09:29
chris_d_adamsthanks for the help btw09:29
matttchris_d_adams: np, good luck!09:30
uvirtbot`New bug: #394385 in php5 (main) "[karmic] php packages need update to 5.3" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39438511:05
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CoMp4c7Does anybody knows why apache suexec is compiled to execute scripts in /var/www and not in /home?12:02
joshhuntHey guys12:45
joshhunti am trying to install the latest nightly of transmission through apt12:46
joshhuntI have the correct repo, but apt-get wont get transmission-common from that repo. Instead, it gets it from the default ubuntu repo12:47
joshhuntIs it possible to 'reorder' the priority of the repos?12:47
Anirban1987  Is dedicated RAM of 256 mb enough for me ?13:51
RoyKAnirban1987: that depends what you're going to do14:08
RoyKAnirban1987: what sort of load?14:09
Anirban1987http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/5854/serveryab.jpg . This is a screen shot of my home server. Now I want to shift to a VPS with the same set of apps installed. How much dedicated RAM should I get ?14:12
RoyKwhat is the load?14:16
RoyKis it a webserver?14:16
RoyKa file server?14:16
RoyKvideo streaming?14:17
Anirban1987RoyK : webserver... LAMP14:17
RoyK256 may suffice14:17
RoyKdepending on the database size14:17
Anirban1987RoyK : Hav u seen the screenshot ?14:18
RoyKthe screen shot doesn't say much about the actual load14:18
RoyKonly that the system is quite idle and that it doesn't use all its memory14:18
RoyKwhat is the price diff between the two?14:19
Anirban1987RoyK : The memory is crossing 256 MB . Thats why I am asking...14:19
RoyKon the console, type 'free'14:19
RoyKpastebin the output14:19
RoyKmore memory means better caching14:20
RoyKhow much data is there to cache?14:20
EviltechieHow do you install sun-java6-jre?14:22
RoyKEviltechie: FGFI http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45513714:23
Anirban1987RoyK : http://pastebin.ca/148469614:23
RoyKsee the buffers/cache line14:25
EviltechieE: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate14:25
RoyKit seems your box is only using ~130MB for processes/data14:25
RoyKEviltechie: which version?14:26
RoyKubuntu version?14:26
RoyKhm. i thought it should be in there14:26
EviltechieThere is one called sun-java6-jre-headless14:27
Anirban1987RoyK : So can I settle for 256 MB of dedicated RAM and 0 MB of burstable RAM.14:27
RoyKAnirban1987: should work - just set vm.swappiness = 10014:27
RoyKAnirban1987: in /etc/sysctl.conf14:28
RoyKAnirban1987: that makes the kernel swap out earlier, so that processes that aren't actually doing anything, in time, may be swapped out so that memory can be used for something useful14:29
RoyKEviltechie: from my ubuntu 8.04.2:14:30
RoyKsun-java6-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files)14:30
EviltechieI'm on a vps14:30
EviltechieAnd the headless one is not working either14:30
RoyKit shouldn't matter if you're on a vps or not14:31
EviltechieApt-get is complaining about some language issue with pearl, and wget was missing14:31
RoyKEviltechie: which repositories are you using?14:32
EviltechieRoyK: Not sure14:35
RoyKpastebin /etc/apt/sources.list14:35
EviltechieRoyK: Looks like my universe repos are commented out14:36
RoyKtry enabling them, apt-get update and retry installing the package14:36
EviltechieRoyK: Still no instalation candiate14:38
RoyKwhich ones are you using now?14:38
Anirban1987RoyK : There is no such entry like vm.swappiness (http://pastebin.ca/1484703) . Where shld I add it ?14:38
RoyKAnirban1987: somewhere14:38
RoyKjust add it to the end14:39
RoyKvm.swappiness = 10014:39
RoyKalso, these might be nice14:39
RoyKkernel.panic = 6014:39
RoyKkernel.panic_on_oops = 114:39
RoyKthe former automatically reboots after 60 seconds in case of a kernel panic14:39
RoyKthe latter calls panic() in case of OOPS()14:39
RoyKa kernel panic will stop the machine, so better reboot it if that happens. an OOPS _may_ stop the machine or certain services, so treating those as a panic is just as well14:42
Anirban1987RoyK : If my VPS provider offers 0 MB burstable RAM , is that means that I have no swap file ?14:42
RoyKthe swapping is handled by the guest OS, not the host OS, so no difference there14:43
RoyKthat is, swapping is handled individually by both14:43
Anirban1987RoyK : SO is that means that I have no swap file on the host OS ?14:44
RoyKAnirban1987: are you the administrator of this system?14:44
RoyKthe host OS is the one running one or more VPSes14:44
RoyKthe VPSes are the 'guest' OSes14:45
Anirban1987RoyK : Ya , I am the admin of a VPS. No access to host OS14:45
RoyKthen you don't have to care for the host OS14:45
RoyKthe guest OS should be treated like linux installed on bare iron14:46
RoyKEviltechie: are you using multiverse?14:46
bogeyd6actually very look iron is used in making a computer14:46
bogeyd6look = little14:47
* RoyK bitchslaps bogeyd6 14:47
EviltechieI don't think so http://pastebin.com/m1460ed914:48
bogeyd6bare metal would be a more accurate descriptor14:48
RoyKEviltechie: try adding it14:48
RoyKbogeyd6: pedantic today, are we?14:48
bogeyd6your big words anger and confuse me14:49
bogeyd6i do appluad your vast understanding of vm14:49
RoyKbogeyd6: if you're here to fuck around and just that, perhaps there's a better place elsewhere?14:51
Anirban1987 Do the amount of RAM eaten up depends upon the web hosting panel used ?15:00
RoyKbut not a lot15:00
Anirban1987RoyK : I am amazed why my home server with only LAMP and EHCP panel installed taking so much RAM !!15:02
RoyK130 megs isn't really a lot15:03
RoyKAnirban1987: do a "ps axfv" to see how much memory each process is using15:09
RoyKAnirban1987: the RSS column shows how much memory is really in use. DRS shows the memory the process has requested15:10
Anirban1987RoyK : Check it out http://pastebin.ca/148471415:18
RoyKAnirban1987: try ps axfvwwwwww15:20
Anirban1987RoyK : http://pastebin.ca/148471515:23
RoyKhm... summing up those processes makes them use 280MB or so15:23
RoyKbut then, I guess most of the apache processes share a lot15:24
RoyKps can't show shared (CoW) memory after forks - it just shows what the process can address, not if it's dedup'ed by the fork15:24
Anirban1987RoyK : hmm... So how much dedicated and burstable RAM should I settle for ?15:25
RoyKwhat is the price diff?15:26
RoyKLAMP likes memory. even if it can run on 128MB or perhaps even less, it won't hurt to give it more15:26
RoyKbut again, it depends on your workload15:27
Anirban1987RoyK : http://ideastack.com/vps.html Stuck btw Gold and Platinum ...15:27
Anirban1987RoyK : And I must admit my budget is severely limited. Need to do as much optimization as possible15:28
RoyKAs long as an upgrade is possible/affordable, I'd start at silver and see if that works well15:28
RoyKinstall sysstat and so on to monitor the system15:28
RoyKif it's too slow, upgrade15:28
RoyK10GB of disk space is hilarious15:29
Anirban1987RoyK : Ya, upgrade is possible . Giv me necessary web links for "sysstat" to install .15:31
RoyKapt-get install sysstat15:32
RoyKedit /etc/default/sysstat to enable it15:33
RoyKstart it with /etc/init.d/sysstat start15:33
RoyKuse the 'sar' command to view system activity15:33
RoyKbut then I'm off - catch you later15:33
Anirban1987 How to use the "sar" command to view the amount of RAM consumed ?16:07
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n0gearhow do i set up my network manually? Automatic didnt work in installation? only lo now17:12
n0gearactually thats weird, but it doesnt even show eth0?!17:14
qman__n0gear, use ifconfig -a17:17
qman__you can configure your network in /etc/network/interfaces17:17
n0gearhmmm it doesnt get ip addr from dhcp? i dont have a router and all other comps get an ip straight from ISP ... anything i could edit manaually?17:26
qman__n0gear, /etc/network/interfaces is where you configure it to use DHCP or a static IP17:36
qman__but, just for testing17:36
qman__you can use ifconfig to set a manual ip, or you can use dhclient to try and pick up a DHCP lease17:36
qman__first, use ifconfig -a to see if your interface shows up or not17:37
qman__the default 'ifconfig' hides unconfigured interfaces, but -a shows all of them17:37
qman__if it doesn't show up with -a, you need drivers17:37
n0gearqman__: yes eth0 now shows. i put all the auto eth0 things to /interfaces17:39
n0gearbut for somereason it doesnt get ip from isp?17:40
n0gearbecause i dont have router i dont think i can invent an ip address for the server??? need to get assigned from my ISP right?17:43
Tom_Assn0gear, how many IPs can you get from your ISP?17:44
n0gear5. Only 2 in use at the moment ... unless i've got 'visitors' on my WLAN. Whats the reason the autoconf didnt work on install17:45
DormantOdenhay, after I use useradd to create a user what default password do they have?17:47
Tom_AssDormantOden, you type in a password when you add the user, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html for more info17:50
Tom_AssDormantOden, then you can change it with "sudo passwd <user>", then you will be prompted to type a new password17:59
DormantOden=P cheers18:00
DormantOdennow i just have to remember what file I have to change bin/bash -> bin/false in =/18:01
DormantOdenany idea?18:01
Tom_Assand I think the recommended way to add users are in that link I gave you18:01
DormantOdenits to stop people login in18:01
DormantOden...or getting to bash18:01
DormantOdenunless theres a new fangled way =P18:02
qman__DormantOden, /etc/passwd18:13
qman__you can also use usermod18:13
qman__n0gear, you either need to configure the IP statically, or inform your ISP of the MAC address, they can't just know what box is yours ;)18:14
qman__DormantOden, if you didn't set the password during creation, there is no password set18:15
qman__and the user cannot log on18:15
DormantOdenah, that explains why I couldnt login then :P18:17
DormantOdenkl, its all working nicley now18:17
DormantOden* =D18:17
n0gearqman__: might i use dyndns address as a ip address?18:21
qman__no, you need an IP18:22
qman__DNS is just a convenience18:22
qman__DNS can be used to host multiple websites on one IP, or other similar tasks, but every node needs an IP address, either on the net, routed, or NATed18:23
n0geardamn, i think im screwed unless i get a NAT router18:23
Tom_Assn0gear, have you checked so you don't have any unwanted w-lan visitors using up all your IPs?18:25
qman__n0gear, you can also use a linux box with iptables as a NAT router18:26
qman__though that gets complicated18:26
n0gearokay i disconnected wlan now. lets see if that helps18:27
Tom_Assit can be quite power consuming too18:29
n0gearno luck18:29
qman__in order to receive a DHCP address, the ISP has to identify you in some way, usually that means giving them your MAC addresses18:30
qman__it depends on your ISP and connection type18:30
qman__you should call and find out18:30
n0gearyep. unfortunately customer service not open today :(18:31
EviltechieHow do you setup subdomains with apache?18:32
qman__by subodmains, do you mean dynamic subdomains or just a couple?18:33
Eviltechieqman__:  What's the difference?18:33
qman__what I mean by that is18:33
qman__do you want to have it automatically create subdomains for you, or do you just want to create a few sites manually?18:33
Eviltechieqman__:  Just a few18:34
qman__for that, you configure your sites using a virtualhost configuration18:34
qman__fortunately, ubuntu defaults to this kind of setup18:34
qman__in the configuration file for the website, in /etc/apache2/sites-available18:34
qman__you set each site's file like this18:34
qman__<Virtualhost subdomain.domain.tld:80>18:35
qman__instead of using an IP or just *18:35
qman__set up multiple configurations, one for each site18:35
qman__you can use the default one as a template18:35
qman__then enable them with the a2ensite command18:35
qman__for that to work, you need a working DNS setup, and you can't have any sites listening based on IP18:36
sseiersencan I make ubuntu as a boot from lan server?18:37
sseiersento boot systems from the network?18:37
qman__sseiersen, yes, look up LTSP18:38
qman__IIRC the alternate install disc has this capability as an install feature18:38
Eviltechieqman__: Like this? http://pastebin.com/m5a9f670e18:41
qman__you create each of your subdomains that way, and enable them18:41
Eviltechieqman__: Ok18:41
qman__and if DNS works correctly, the sites will work correctly18:41
Eviltechieqman__: The subdomain works, but the regular one doesn't. It mirrors the subdomain.18:45
qman__did you make sure to point the two sites to different file paths?18:46
EviltechieDocumentRoot /var/home18:47
qman__each site should point to a different root18:48
qman__to the files for each site18:48
Eviltechieqman__: They do. I was having this problem before when I tried this another way.18:48
qman__looks like there is another approach18:50
qman__using ServerName instead of the virtualhost directive to define which site is which18:51
qman__in the main apache configuration, you set18:51
qman__NameVirtualHost *18:51
qman__then each site will contain18:51
qman__<Virtualhost *>18:51
EviltechieFirst, how do I undo the sites avalaible thing?18:51
qman__ServerName domain.tld18:51
EviltechieLike that? http://pastebin.com/m3f72775818:53
qman__and make sure NameVirtualHost * is used, but only once, not in each site18:54
EviltechieThat did the exact same thing, mirrored the main domain off the sub domain18:54
qman__preferrably in the main configuration, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf18:54
EviltechieI put this in httpd.conf, right/18:54
qman__preferrably the sites would be defined in individual site files18:55
qman__and the NameVirtualHost * would be in the main configuration, either httpd.conf or apache2.conf18:55
qman__but, if it's all in one file it'll still work18:55
qman__the separation is only for organization and convenience18:56
EviltechieWhat is this namevirtualhost thing you speak of?18:56
qman__NameVirtualHost *18:56
EviltechieWhere does it go?18:56
qman__literally, should be in the configuration somewhere18:56
qman__but only once18:56
qman__and not within a virtualhost section18:56
qman__I would put it in apache2.conf18:57
EviltechieI just put it in httpd.conf18:57
qman__that's fine18:57
qman__apache must be restarted afterward, or at least have the configuration reloaded18:57
EviltechieNow the subdomain is mirroring off the main one18:58
qman__try changing the main site to www.site.tld18:59
qman__but place it first18:59
EviltechieHow do I do that?19:00
qman__in the ServerName directive, change the name from domain.tld to www.domain.tld19:00
qman__on the main site19:00
qman__and leave the subdomain as sub.domain.tld19:00
qman__and as long as the main site comes first in the configuration, it'll be the default19:01
qman__so one who does not define www. will still get to the main site19:01
EviltechieWhere is this directive?19:01
qman__in the virtualhost configuration19:01
EviltechieAnd where is that?19:01
qman__for the main site19:01
qman__inside the <Virtualhost *>19:02
qman__you should have two of those, one for each site19:02
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EviltechieHere is what httpd.conf looks like now http://pastebin.com/m4660126319:04
qman__are all sites in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ disabled?19:04
EviltechieI don't know19:05
EviltechieI disabled the one I made19:05
qman__you need to disable the default site too19:05
EviltechieBut the default and default-ssl are in there19:05
qman__a2dissite default19:05
qman__yeah, you need to disable them both to do it that way19:05
qman__if all sites are disabled, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ should be empty19:06
EviltechieI think it works now19:07
EviltechieOk, all good. Thanks19:10
EviltechieJust one thing19:10
Eviltechie[Sun Jul 05 18:06:13 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts  ... waiting [Sun Jul 05 18:06:14 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts19:10
EviltechieThat happened when I restarted the server19:10
qman__somewhere in the configuration "NameVirtualHost *:80' exists19:11
qman__probably in apache2.conf19:11
qman__look for it and remove it, should be all set19:11
EviltechieNameVirtualHost * <--Remove that?19:11
qman__you need that, but one that says *:80 should be removed19:12
qman__a remnant from the default configuration19:12
DormantOdenanyone know how I can stop my server getting stuck on "Checking battery..." when shutting down?19:12
DormantOdenor even why it does?19:12
Eviltechieqman__: The only instance is NameVirtualHost * in my httpd.conf19:13
dbz3222hi there i'm trying to understand why the deadline schedule is in use in the 9.04 kernel vs the cfq one19:14
dbz3222can someone explain why this is picked?19:14
qman__Eviltechie, the error means it's in there somewhere, hang on a sec19:15
qman__for FILE in `find /etc/apache2`; do echo $FILE; grep NameVirtualHost $FILE; done19:16
qman__run that in a terminal, it'll help you find it19:17
dbz3222qman__: what are you doing that for ?19:20
Eviltechieqman__: That chucked out a bunch of files19:21
dbz3222you can just run grep -R ....19:21
Eviltechieqman__: It's in ports.conf19:23
Eviltechieqman__: Should I just take it out?19:25
qman__yes, you can comment it if you're unsure19:25
Eviltechieqman__: Ok, no errors on restart19:27
danliiI tried to install a dhcp server, but encountered this error message instead "dhcp3-server: Depends: dhcp3-common (= 3.1.1-5ubuntu8) but 3.1.1-6 is to be installed" - what can i do to resolve this?19:40
qman__what method did you go about to install the dhcp package19:40
danliisudo apt-get install dhcp3-server19:41
qman__then you need to check your repositories19:41
qman__somehow you installed a newer version of dhcp3-common than is available from your current set19:41
qman__so either you need to update your repositories, or you previously used incorrect ones19:42
danliiActually, I "upgraded" my system from Debian 5 just by changing the repositories and do aptitude dist-upgrade...19:42
qman__that's the problem19:42
qman__you're pretty much screwed now19:42
qman__you've got major version conflicts19:42
danliiBut removing and reinstalling dhcp3-common did the trick actually, so thank you for pointing me in the right direction. :)19:42
ssmdanlii: you _should_ probably backup, reinstall, and restore your data and configs19:43
qman__yeah, that's likely not the only version conflict you have19:43
qman__and some of them can be rather nasty19:43
danliissm: Nah, too much trouble. I'd rather fix problems as i encounter them. ;)19:43
ssmor at least, keep good backups :)19:43
danliiEverything else seems to work.19:43
danliiIt's just my firewall, so there's not much to backup.19:44
ssmdanlii: good.  Now, make sure you have backups of your config and data :)19:44
dbz3222so why should i be using deadline vs cfq on my server?19:51
EviltechieWhat's the group you add a user to make them an admin?20:31
EviltechieIs it sudo?20:32
pmatulisEviltechie: admin20:42
Eviltechiepmatulis: It says that group dosen't exist.20:43
Eviltechieuseradd: unknown group admin20:43
pmatulisEviltechie: what was your full command?20:43
Eviltechie# useradd -G admin ivan20:43
pmatulisEviltechie: try '$ sudo useradd ivan admin'20:44
pmatulisadduser rather20:44
Eviltechieivan is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.20:45
pmatulisEviltechie: the user issuing the command *must* have access to root privileges20:45
EviltechieThere is no admin group. I checked /etc/group20:45
pmatulisthen you erased it20:46
Eviltechiepmatulis: The only user that has those privlidges is root20:46
pmatulisEviltechie: by default, the user created during install is a member of admin group20:46
EviltechieI'm in a vps, the only user that was created was root20:47
pmatulisthis is the user you should be using to have access to root privileges20:47
pmatulisand what is a vps?20:47
EviltechieVirtual Private Server20:47
pmatulisEviltechie: how did you install it?20:48
EviltechieI set how much disc space, the root password, and clicked the install button. Then I waited 30 seconds, and sshed into the root account.20:49
pmatulisi'm not familiar with VPS.  all i can say is that i don't think you have Ubuntu there20:51
EviltechieIt's ubuntu, just not how I'm used to it.20:52
pmatulisoutput to: '$ lsb_release -a'20:52
EviltechieNo LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 9.04 Release:9.04 Codename:jaunty20:53
ajmitchyou could just add the admin group & add the %admin line back into /etc/sudoers20:53
EviltechieOk, now for a silly question, where do yo type your password in evolution?20:56
ajmitchno idea, I haven't used it for years :)20:57
pmatulisEviltechie: evolution is not a valid topic for this channel20:58
n0gearIIqman__: DUDE guess what was wrong with nor getting IP!?21:07
n0gearIIhow do i update manually from cli?21:41
qman__change your IP? ifconfig eth0 netmask
qman__change the IP and mask with the ones you're supposed to have21:43
n0gearIIqman__: ip problem is now ok! didnt realise i had 2 network cards on my comp :)21:46
n0gearIIbut now i need to install updates manually. how do i do that?21:47
ballooozahi, dose anyone here know how to get the kernel source to compile (or install I guess) the vmware server (2.0.0) on jaunty, the kernel-source-devel appears to be gone23:04
ajmitchthen you pro0bably need linux-headers-generic or linux-headers-server, depending on which kernel you're using23:15
ballooozaajmitch, thanks, I will see if it was what I needed23:16
ghostlineshi all23:40
ghostlinesI'm telnetting to may postfix smtp server on ubuntu 9.04, and when i run the starttls command i get this error 502 5.5.1 Error: command not implemented23:41
ghostlinesanyone know why this may be23:41

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