
louis_Could someone here by chance help me with a startup script? (or maybe I'm going about this wrong and that's not even what I need)02:48
Raggshi louis02:53
louis_Hi raggs02:53
louis_I guess if I want help you'd like some more details, eh?02:53
Raggswhat are you trying to do?02:53
louis_I wrote two scripts - both called 16-optimizations.sh, located in /etc/acpi/ac.d/ and /etc/acpi/battery.d/02:54
louis_They're just scripts to optimize for performance or for battery life, depending on if I'm on AC or battery02:54
louis_they work great, and everything switches when I change from AC to battery and vice versa02:55
louis_the problem I am having is, I want on startup, a script to check my current state and to run one of the two scripts depending which I am on02:55
louis_otherwise, I boot up on battery and my battery script doesn't run until I switch to ac then back to battery02:55
louis_so they're ONLY running on a power state switch. I tried... many things02:56
Raggshelluva a question that02:56
louis_I know the script works, because if I bootup and run it manually, it sets my power options correctly02:56
louis_but for example, I ifconfig eth0 down in my battery script02:57
louis_because seriously, if I'm using an ethernet cable, I might as well plug in02:57
louis_but when I first boot, I ifconfig and eth0 is up. so I run my power-optimizations.sh (what I'm trying to get to run on bootup) and then ifconfig again, and eth0 is down as it should be02:58
louis_I also change my scaling_governor so I've been using that as a reference if it's applied or not, and it's not.02:59
louis_I've literally been working on this for 6 hours now, and am about to lose it02:59
Raggsi have found that taking a break can help02:59
louis_I'm not a very experienced linux user, and I last used ubuntu as a primary OS on... warty03:00
louis_so it's been a while03:00
louis_I think I must be doing something wrong03:00
Raggsi havent written scripts in a way long time03:00
louis_it appears that /etc/rc.local does nothing now?03:01
louis_and I have not the slightest clue on how to write anything for /etc/init.d/03:01
louis_well, do you know how to make something run on boot?03:01
louis_I mean, even if not, thanks for the help. You at least responded to me, which is more than I got in #ubuntu03:03
S0210The font size of the main top menu does not follow system settings. (Xubuntu 9.04) I also tried to change the fontsize in Tools/Preferences from 9 to 10 to 12 but nothing happened... How do I force Opera to follow the system default font size?05:05
Nameless_auhi. i had centos and vista installed on my laptop, i added a xubuntu install - the centos install no longer appears on GRUB. what can i do to restore it?05:25
S0210_"DejaVu Sans 12" is the default system font. But some applications menu (Opera, Thunderbird) uses smaller (let's say 4mm) letters for its main top menu and some others uses bigger (let's say 5 mm) fonts. How's that possible?06:52
=== S0210_ is now known as S0210
S0210can this be linked anyhow to qtconfig?06:54
KittyKattI just installed today and I think XUbuntu is having trouble reading my volume slider.08:14
KittyKattany help?08:14
=== pod_ is now known as Guest8286
R1cochetKittyKatt: what volume slider?08:21
KittyKattThe hardware one on my08:22
KittyKattToshiba Satellite L305D-S5934 laptop.08:22
KittyKattI've been told it's a problem in HAL.08:23
KittyKattAnd, while I know what that is, I have NO idea how to fix it.08:23
R1cochetwell i dont know this HAL u speak of but i have a volume slider on my mx500 kb08:25
R1cochetand when i installed 9.04 it didnt work either08:25
R1cochethowever i was able to fix it by adding kb shortcut08:26
KittyKattlol thanks.08:26
R1cochetapps>settings>xfce4 settings manager08:26
KittyKattOkay I know where those are.08:26
R1cochetgoto keyboard08:26
R1cochetok cool08:26
KittyKattI just need ot know the shortcut.08:26
R1cochetnow enter this in for.....08:27
R1cochetto raise: amixer -c 0 sset Master 5+08:28
R1cochetto lower: samcommand as above except 5-08:28
R1cochetthat will increase and lower volume by 508:28
R1cochetu can change 5 to whatever u like08:28
R1cochetnow if u have a mute button that doesnt work try this08:28
R1cochetamixer -c 0 sset Master toggle08:29
KittyKattThat's what I was looking for.08:29
R1cochetahh ok08:29
R1cochetwell thats the key u press08:29
R1cochetbut those r the commands u need to map to the keys08:30
KittyKattI'm migrating from Linux Mint 7, so this is a bit of a switch. :P08:30
R1cocheteverything work for u now?08:30
KittyKattLet me test it...08:30
KittyKattWhile I'm doing that....got any advice on codecs? T_T08:30
KittyKattI installed Banshee...only to find it couldn't play anything.08:31
R1cochetwell i use totem w/ gstreamer as it no longer uses xine backend08:31
KittyKattMight look intot hat.08:31
R1cochetwell it wont play the dvd menus :(08:32
R1cochetit will play dvds but not the menus08:32
R1cocheti just installed smplayer last night and rather enjoy it08:32
R1cocheti didnt like how mplayer has controls seperate from window08:32
R1cochetyea smplayer08:33
KittyKattlol...I noticed there's not a "media" tree menu in synaptic.08:33
R1cochetuses mplayer but has controls in same window :)08:33
KittyKattlol multiimedia08:33
KittyKattI'm blind08:33
R1cochetgoto smplayer website and grab there most recent package. they have a link for it08:34
R1cochetback to codecs tho....08:34
R1cochetgrab xubuntu-restricted-extras08:34
R1cochetthat will select all the codecs u should need08:35
KittyKattyay for libpulseaudio08:35
R1cochetu will need to install libdvd... to play dvds08:35
KittyKattI <3 Pulse08:35
R1cochetto do that i think u need to add medibuntu repos08:36
R1cochetthere should be a howto online08:36
R1cochetcant remember myself08:36
KittyKattI'll find it.08:36
R1cochetu will also need to add libdecss or something like that08:36
KittyKattOnce I find 'em add 'em to /etc/apt/sources.list?08:37
R1cocheti dunno08:37
R1cochetu can add them through synaptic08:37
R1cochetanything else?08:38
KittyKattR1cochet: did you have troubles with touchpad support?08:38
R1cocheti dont have one tho08:39
KittyKattCouldn't find options in XFCE Settings Manager for touchpad.08:39
R1cochethowever i have installed on 2 diff hp's and they worked fine08:39
KittyKattEven under the Mouse dialog.08:39
R1cochetur touvhpad doesnt work?08:39
KittyKattNo, I had to edit some files themselves to make tap-to-click go away.08:39
KittyKattBut that also killed my vertical scrolling.08:40
KittyKattSucks. T_T08:40
KittyKattI wonder if anyone here knows how to get a compromise between the 2.....08:40
R1cochetwell i remember seeing something about a package for touchpad somewhere08:40
R1cochetgoogle it08:40
KittyKattWould I be able to find it in synaptic?08:41
KittyKattStupid question.08:41
R1cocheti would do a "search" not quick search tho08:42
KittyKattquick search fails08:42
KittyKattNothing in synaptic.08:43
KittyKattfound an article online08:44
dahaichello everybody :) I have a little problem with VPN [not sure whether this is the place to ask]08:47
R1cocheti would think so08:47
dahaicactually it's two problems08:47
R1cochetjust ask and some1 will help u in time08:47
R1cochetsry i cant but im not familiar w/ vpn08:48
* KittyKatt shrugs08:48
dahaicfirst) even if I check "automatic connection", it doesn't connect automatically :/08:48
R1cochetlmao the security word is gipsy08:49
dahaicsecond, when I connect, I want to use the vpn just to access one particular server, but as soon as I add routing via "route add ... dev ppp0", my original connection start to have horrible probably DNS resolution times08:52
dahaicevery page waits for ~5 seconds with "looking for ..." status08:53
dahaiceven if I have "route default dev wlan0" :/08:53
R1cochetignore my previous comment wrong channel08:53
KittyKattR1cochet: did it. :P09:00
KittyKattsynclient MaxTapTime=009:01
KittyKattThat disables tap-to-click09:01
KittyKatt But doesn't disable scrolling09:02
R1cochetbut i didnt do it :)09:03
KittyKattThis makes me happy.09:03
KittyKattI also have buttons for play,mute,stop,previous song, and next song on my keyboard.09:04
KittyKattAny idea on the commands for those?09:04
R1cochetwell i gave u mute earlier09:04
KittyKattyou did?09:04
* KittyKatt scrolls up09:04
KittyKattyou did.09:05
magic_ninjazwhats the name of the program that lets me adjust mouse speed in xubuntu09:05
KittyKattShouldn't that be under Applications>>>Settings>>>Mouse and be labeled Accelleration?09:06
dahaicacceleration is something else09:07
KittyKattJust a guess. ^^;09:07
R1cochetKittyKatt: checking on play/stop09:08
KittyKattthanks R1cochet! :D09:08
KittyKattWhere, might I ask?09:08
KittyKattFor future reference.09:08
KittyKattI may be able to find some other useful info there.09:08
R1cochetor ubuntu forums09:09
* KittyKatt feels thoroughly stupid09:09
R1cochetand i dont know what to tell u about play/stop cuz work for me w/out shortcuts09:09
dahaicmagic_ninjaz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5148273&postcount=609:10
KittyKattYeah, not working.09:11
KittyKattNeed to boot into another liveCD with them all configured already09:11
KittyKattGood thing I have LM7 right here....lol....09:11
R1cochetmagic_ninjaz: did u get it working?09:17
R1cochetwhat was it?09:23
om26erplz tell me where to get this theme  http://xubuntu.com/get09:27
R1cocheti believe its come w/ xubuntu09:28
om26erwats the name of the theem09:28
R1cocheti dunno search through them in settings09:28
om26ermy present theme is murrinastormcloud09:29
R1cochet??? KittyKatt09:29
om26erand it does not look a like09:29
R1cochetso change it then if u dont like it09:29
KittyKattHaven't been able to make play/stop/next/previous work yet.09:29
om26erkittykatt is not in the list09:29
R1cochetyes it is09:30
om26erno it is no there09:31
R1cochetwhich part of that theme r u looking for?09:32
R1cochetwindow decorator?09:32
R1cochetom26er: ????????????????????????????09:34
R1cochetom26er: look at gnome-look.org u can prolly find it there then09:35
om26erR1cochet: ok09:42
R1cochetvery well10:20
psycho_oreosHow does one enable thermal monitoring of hardware? I had it working before with both an older version (ibex) and on another hard drive (which later died) Could it be by any chance its 2.6.28-13-server was not built with i2c or i2o (whatever its called) support?15:14
psycho_oreosrunning gkrellm, I was only able to get the temperature of my nvidia card15:14
psycho_oreosprior to that I was able to get temperatures of 3 hard disks, recently I bought myself 4th hard disk which is exactly the same as the other three and I was not able to get temp readings15:15
psycho_oreosor wait.. I think I need something like hddtemp15:15
psycho_oreoshmm interesting, hddtemp daemon wasn't started where it used to originally.. but what about stuff like cpu temp?15:19
SiDiDo you have lm-sensors installed ?15:21
psycho_oreosnope, think I'll grab that now thanks15:24
psycho_oreosI've enabled the hddtemp setting via /etc/default/hddtemp15:25
psycho_oreosinteresting how it wasn't set to start but oh well15:25
* SiDi never looked into these things15:29
psycho_oreosthe other thing is superkaramba and boinc, have you ever gotten those combos to work? it needed Kross scripting15:29
psycho_oreosyeah, all eye-candy stuff imo :)15:30
psycho_oreosI've tried getting kde4-exra but I that didn't solve the issue, I was following up some old thread and on a different distro.. SuSE and posts were dated 200715:35
SiDiI never used that either15:40
SiDiare you on Xubuntu or Kubuntu ?15:40
psycho_oreosxubuntu jaunty15:41
psycho_oreosI have superkarmba installed ontop of xubuntu, needless to say that it needed kde packages from kubuntu/repository.. well I did that and I got the necessary eye-candy monitoring stuff loaded but I can't get boinc to work with it15:42
psycho_oreosI've gotten those sensor things to work thanks :) i've gotten lm-sensors and all the extra suggested packages, etc15:42
psycho_oreosapt-get install lm-sensors sensord read-edid i2c-tools libi2c-dev python-smbus <--- that was the command for getting the sensors (and any extra stuff) but sensors work well within gkrellm15:48
psycho_oreosthanks for the help anyway, the kross scripting platform was resolved with probably libkrosspython0 from the thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80294216:08
=== Raggs is now known as Darth_Tux
=== Darth_Tux is now known as Raggs
=== mickael is now known as botchchikii
mib486hi guys, my laptop only gets connected via ethernet, b4 with windows i was using this wireless usb pen as an airport and getting connected via it. i also tried this same pen on my desktop computer that runs ubuntu and it works. how can i make it work on this laptop with xubuntu? i dunno how to install it or anything, how can i do? thanks17:11
mib486what is the .bin file for System Monitor?17:17
gabkdllymib486: are you running a different version of xubuntu than on your desktop ?17:32
mib486on my desktop i have ubuntu17:35
mib486on the laptop i have xubuntu alternate cd17:35
gabkdllywhich version ? (on both please)17:35
mib486i read this thread about installing ndiswrapper, which is what im doing (both 9.04 the latest one)17:35
mib486am i following the right path?17:36
gabkdllymib486: both ubuntu and xubuntu use hal and networkmangager, as far as I know17:40
gabkdllyyou might post your problem to the forums, along with out put from dmesg after connecting the dongle to your laptop17:41
gabkdllyfeel free to post a link here, if you like17:41
mib486thatz what im following17:42
mib486i hope it'll work17:42
gabkdllymib486: ok, good luck17:44
mib486so the wireless driver is finally installed but the connection won't work18:10
mib486could someone help?18:10
mib486it seems like ndiswrapper doesnt see network manager, when i go to configure network it says "couldnt find a config tool"18:12
mib486no-one? im going nuts :D please18:48
SiDiCan't help, sorry :/19:03
SiDinever used ndiswrapper19:03
SiDijust make sure that its loaded after a reboot19:04
SiDilsmod will tell you what mods are loaded19:04
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as kangarooo1
=== kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo1
mib486SiDi: how do i add an apps icon to the "applications" menu?19:09
SiDiyou have to write a .desktop file for this application and put it in ~/.local/share/applications/19:09
mib486anyway its weird, it does see the device but it doesnt find the wifi connection... but there is!19:09
mib486how do i write a .desktop file?19:09
SiDiYou can grab some examples in /usr/share/applications19:10
mib486ok i think ive understood what to write inside but how do i actually create it?19:12
SiDiopen your text editor19:13
SiDiput some text inside it19:13
SiDiand same the file19:13
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo
eu-nl1Please can you support/help me? I can not log in my xfce4 desktop. Here is my errorlog from xsession-errors; http://paste.ubuntu.com/210526/20:18
eu-nl1I have first installed ubuntu server 8.04. and later i did install with sudo tasksel xubuntu desktop20:19
eu-nl1It is my server. And i want a desktop on it. To make it easy to use.20:21
eu-nl1Sorry but i do not know where i must put the right path for XDG_CONFIG_DIRS  ?20:31
eu-nl1Thanks for help, I will try it another time. And have a good night for Them in europe.20:41
YartUh... does anybody know if Xubuntu comes with the drivers for the ATI Radeon HD 3200 card?21:03
YartThat's what I'm running onboard right now and YouTube runs like poop. :/ Which is pathetic considering the rest of the system's specs and Window's ability to run it just fine.21:03
forcesYart, you can download after the installation21:03
YartAlright. Where abouts, forces?21:04
om26ermy default theme is not as graphical as in the xubuntu page21:08
Kangarooowhere are sessions saved? I want to delete sessions21:09
om26ercan any i help me my theme is like all windows 200021:09
om26erwhenever i change theme everything changes except the window21:11
om26erwindow panel does not change21:11
YartOkay what is this crap? I have drivers installed now and YouTube still goes at like 5FPS, and then freezes for like 30 seconds.21:13
SiDiYart: we are not shipping proprietary drivers by default, but you can install them with a few clicks : Applications -> System -> Hardware drivers21:25
YartK! Done!21:25
SiDiYart: if none are listed or if they blatently suck, please contact ATi and let them know :]21:25
SiDiWe can't write drivers instead of them ;)21:25
YartI think the main problem though is the default app to run Flash.21:26
YartI'm following a small tutorial I found on the Ubuntu forums now to properly get things going.21:26
SiDiATi has all the cool stuff : experimental KMS, experimental DRI2, and horrible performances :]21:26
SiDiMy nvidia based computers can play flash :p21:26
YartThank goodness this ATi card is onboard. I'll buy a separate nVidia one down the road. :P21:26
SiDithe problem with ATi is that their opensource drivers are not finished, their proprietary drivers suck, and they dont support all their cards :|21:26
YartOh ew.21:27
SiDiit should be better in a year for sure21:27
SiDisince they'll have released decent opensource drivers for most of their cards, with KMS (and maybe Gallium3D implemented ?)21:27
SiDiNvidia wont be able to do so. BUt their proprietary drivers ARE fast :d21:27
SiDi(as fast as windows for running OpenGL2 games :p)21:28
YartOh dang!!21:28
YartK yeah I'm going nVidia on my next card purchase.21:28
YartMan at first I thought I got ripped off or something too. I JUST bought this computer and after seeing YouTube reacting like that I was like "......"21:28
YartWell golly! The tutorial worked. YouTube is working fine now. Stupid flash...21:33
YartBut yay! It's perfect!21:34
* Yart hugs his new system. "I don't hate you anymore!"21:34
SiDianyway you're only allowed to hate ATi :)21:35
YartIndeed. :P21:35
YartWell I'm happy to see sound works out of the box!21:35
YartThough the volume is low... even when maxed out.21:36
YartMind you I don't know if it's just my card or not. I never had Windows on this thing to compare yet.21:36
YartK guys?21:48
YartNow when I try to ./configure something before "make"ing, it's like "C compiler cannot create executables" and I'm like "OMFG WHY?!"21:48
YartWhat am I missing?21:50
Raggsare you getting any error?21:52
Yartconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables21:53
slimjimflimhi, what's the xubuntu equivelent to the ubuntu 'system -> preferences -> sound'?21:55
Raggsyart so you ./configure xyz and what output do you get?21:56
Yartconfigure: error: /bin/bash tools/config.sub xyz failed21:57
YartOh and the line right before it...21:57
Yartchecking build system type... Invalid configuration 'xyz : machine 'xyz' not recognized21:58
KittyKattHaving a lot of trouble using compiz in xubuntu. Anyone have suggestions?21:59
YartRaggs: Could it be what I'm compiling or is there just something wrong with my compiler?22:05
RaggsYart, i wouls guess it is a compiler issue22:06
YartBlarg! What should I do? Like... how could I possibly reinstall it or something?22:06
Raggstry sudo apt-get install gcc22:06
YartIt's already latest version.22:07
Raggstry apt-get install gcc-c++22:07
YartCouldn't find package gcc-c22:08
YartI added the "++" at the end but it removed it.22:08
Raggsi see, looking into it a bit22:09
YartIt did make a log file if you want to look at that.22:09
Raggsand cooking dinner,22:09
YartOh gotchya.22:09
Raggsi would suggest in the mean time you google the exact error you are getting22:10
jgamio Yart did you instal  build-essential22:12
YartSame error.22:14
SiDiYart: for your volume, click on the volume button on the panel, on the mixer window poppin up, click properties22:17
YartI already did that. :/22:17
SiDiYart: then check all the boxes, and max out all the slides22:17
YartAlready done.22:18
SiDislimjimflim: xfce4-mixer22:18
SiDislimjimflim: we have less options22:18
SiDiits g++22:18
SiDinot gcc-c++22:18
YartOh. Yeah I already installed g++22:19
SiDiwhat are you building ?22:19
YartWine. I don't want to pull it out of the repository.22:19
YartI'd rather build it towards my system. :/22:19
slimjimflimSiDi: i got it22:19
YartSheesh I can't seem to be able to compile anything. Even xmame isn't working.22:25
SiDiYart: WHY build wine ? :|22:32
SiDiuse the PPA for 1.1.2522:32
SiDi(btw, #ubuntu-wine is a great place for help building wine, since its the channel of our wine maintainer)22:33
knome#ubuntu-whine? ;)22:33
KittyKattI'm having compiz troubles. Could anyone help me?22:35
SiDiknome: eek22:35
SiDiknome: i wonder how many accounts people on xfce-look.org have22:35
SiDiin order to vote up their own artwork22:35
SiDibecause some things show at 60-80 % and are just ugly. Uglier than this afternoon's wallpaper22:35
knomesounds bad.22:35
knomethat rating system is not really accurate22:36
knomei once created a oo impress template22:36
SiDiand gnome sound - gnome X11 mouse themes spam the xfce themes out of the first page in no time22:36
knomeand looked the other at the same time - looked like the worst had the best rating22:36
SiDior it means you cant be using linux AND have taste :| ?22:37
knomemore like you can't use linux seriously and rate at xfce-look22:38
SiDifound a screenshot of a guy with Quod Libet22:39
SiDii never managed to make it work more than a minute22:39
knome"of a guy" ?!22:39
SiDiknome: go drink some rum22:39
SiDiand dont leave me any :P22:39
KittyKattCan anyone help me with my compiz troubles?22:39
knome!compiz | KittyKatt22:40
ubottuKittyKatt: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:40
SiDiKittyKatt: maybe if you began by asking a question ;) But we're not experts with it, not many of us run it22:40
KittyKattWell, compiz is running fine after I installed the packages compiz-fusion* compiz-gnome compiz-settings-manager fusion-icon and emerald.22:41
KittyKattExcept now I can only have 2 workspaces.22:41
KittyKattIt won't let me have any more or any less than 2 workspaces.22:42
SiDiand if you right click the workspaces22:42
SiDican't you edit this value ?22:42
KittyKattI can make it go up and down.22:43
KittyKattBut that doesn't do anything to the ACTUAL number of workspaces.22:43
SiDiand if you change them in xfce ?22:43
KittyKattI can't.22:43
SiDiask in #compiz then please22:43
Kangarooowhere are sessions saved? I want to delete sessions22:45
* KittyKatt is away22:45
SiDiKangarooo: ~/.cache/sessions22:48
Kangarooook there were some files but strange couse I deleted that folder 2or3 weeks ago. maybe I have found bug.. couse I deleted that folder but after installing openbox some strage session has been openin firefox and xchat and after purging openbox now 2 terminals are opening.. ill say if all is ok now.. restarrt..22:51
_Antoine_Hello, can you say me the name of the dev Channel of xubuntu?23:41
^Alitahi to all23:57
^Alitasomeone can tell me if update-apt-xapi is useful? it's using lot of resources23:57
SiDihi ^Alita23:58
SiDino idea what it is, but i never had it running here23:58
^Alitai've found some info in internet, it seems a xubuntu 9 characteristic23:59
^Alitais something linked to synaptic23:59

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