
mazda01 anyone know how I would integrate mythtv-status into my script that I want to run which basically checks to make sure the slave backend is running and if not, start it.06:57
EssobiMorning all.14:04
read_cahello - can anyone help a newbie with some EPG and TV channel config for the UK?14:07
Eggheadany know of a good how to for a newb to compiling for kernel module for lirc in ubuntu (mythbuntu 9.04)?22:51
Seeker`what do you need to compile it for?22:56
Eggheadtrying to use irgousb receiver, but it seems to stop working after awhile, i found a patch that seems like it might fix the problem22:59
Eggheadbeen googling, but only finding how to's on recomiling the kernel itself, was thinkinh the kernal module might be tricker then just compiling a c proggie23:02
Seeker`are you sure the patch hasnt been applied somewhere already?23:12
Eggheadthere is a bug report at launchpad, #364699, but it ended up in triage :(23:16

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