
psypointer-acodec copy only copies the first soundtrack00:00
smerz10.0.2.2 yeah my bad :D:00:00
dayosaif: are u using NAT for your guest?00:01
saifdayo : yes00:01
laura_hi !00:01
saifdayo : the the host ip is ... ?00:01
dayowhat does ipconfig show?00:01
smerzsaif: all i can tell you is that the default gateway ( most likely) is your host OS. you should be able to ping and access any other services that your host OS is running (such as apache maybe)00:01
sebsebseblaura_: hi00:01
sebsebseb!welcome | laura_00:02
ubottulaura_: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.00:02
mobi-sheepAnybody expert with ALSA sounds + Command line?  I can't get sounds to work and I have no GUI.00:02
=== BfrOv3rfl0w is now known as [h4ck
saifdayo : ip :  subnet:class c default gateway= host ip00:02
adi__mobi-sheep, type in terminal alsamixer00:02
=== [h4ck is now known as [h4ck1nb3rg]
adi__mobi-sheep, if not working type gstreamer-properties00:03
wahnfriedenmy mouse acceleration settings are messed up. when i move my pointer too quickly, it stops moving at all, like there's some threshold00:03
=== [h4ck1nb3rg] is now known as [h4ck1nb3rg]fl0w
wahnfriedenis there some way i can reset the mouse configuration? I think it was a bad /etc/hal/fdi/policies/ setting00:03
losher psypointer: check out 'mapping channels' on http://howto-pages.org/ffmpeg  Maybe it will help....00:03
dayosaif: is the Network Adapter of guest enabled?00:03
mobi-sheepadi__: I have Master + Headphone on Green 00.00:04
=== [h4ck1nb3rg]fl0w is now known as hgb^fl0w
saifdayo : yes00:04
dAnonis 8.10 much diffrent from 9.04?00:04
KillGorackhey, I  have 2 monitors..  when I play a game it's on both screens... how do I fix that? (nvidia settings somewhere)00:04
adi__mobi-sheep, try to grow up00:04
losherdAnon: not really. Check the release notes for details....00:05
KillGorackgot it "seperate x screen"00:05
dayosaif: i'm wondering why u got a 192.168. IP00:05
adi__mobi-sheep, rise up with jog buttons on keyboard00:05
Dr_WillisKilleroid:  twinview lets you drag windows/resize them across both displays..00:05
saifdayo : i used to00:05
KilleroidDr_Willis: ????00:06
saifdayo : i mean that is what i know only00:06
mobi-sheepadi__: Master (100) and PCM (100<>100) is already "rised" to the max.00:06
adi__mobi-sheep, and dooesn't work?00:06
dayosaif: well, i can't figure out the problem. maybe try #vbox ?00:06
oOarthurOoHi... I have associated *.xls files with excel, which I have installed via wine. However, double clicking an xls file only opens excel, it doesn't open the file I clicked.00:07
Dr_WillisKilleroid:  twinview  = one 'big' monitor.. seperate X displays '2 seperate monitors'00:07
losherpsypointer: check out 'mapping channels' on http://howto-pages.org/ffmpeg  Maybe it will help....00:07
saifdayo ,smerz : thanx very much and i am really sorry00:07
Heller_Bardehi guys! I have a problem. My ubuntu server doesn't start up again after an update... It freezes at "Starting Up..." right after GRUB. how can i make that part of the boot more verbose, so i can see more closely why it hangs?00:07
smerzsaif: could you please post the output of  "ipconfig" from guest OS?. no need to apologize :)00:07
mobi-sheepadi__: That's right.  I have been frustrated with this for some hours now.  This is for XBMC too.00:07
Dr_WillisKilleroid:  ive rarely seen a need for Seperate X displays.00:07
dayosaif: u're welcome. too bad we weren't able to help.00:07
KilleroidDr_Willis: ???? what are you talking about?00:07
Dr_WillisKilleroid:  misstaken nick completion. :) lol.00:07
saifsmerz : i `ll give give u the link on pastebin00:07
KilleroidDr_Willis: oh, ok00:07
saifdayo : thanx again00:07
dayosaif: u're welcome :-)00:08
Dr_WillisKilleroid:  he left as i hit tab it seems. :)00:08
smerzsaif: good thinking. dont post that stuff here ;). either pastebin or screenshot or something00:08
samosaer, can i pm someone i have hardware question?00:08
Dr_Willissamosa:  just ask the channel00:08
erUSUL!pm | samosa00:08
ubottusamosa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:08
samosaI ran memtest86 and got 88 errors, my question is, i am running e7200 @ 3.00ghz , 2x1gig ram @948mhz.....I need to get new memory would it be wise to get 1066mhz ram or 800mhz....(I got 800mhz before which i think is what made it corrupted....)00:09
telephinzjust tried to activate wifi card under Hardware drivers it said it was using another version of the driver then after activate said that it had been recently deactivated but was still in use00:09
adi__mobi-sheep, try too gstreamer-properties in terminal, maybe can help for u00:09
saifsmerz: http://pastebin.com/m582976fd00:09
mobi-sheepadi__: gstreamer-properties not installed.  Should I go ahead and install it?  (If you truly think it'll help me).00:10
Dr_Willissamosa:  you may want to try removing/cleaning/reseating the ram  and retesting/switch ram/sockets. and try ram in just 1 socket.. I had a MB once that one ram socket was bad. no mater what i put in it.00:10
MK13samosa, i would prolly get the 1066, just to make sure the ram could handle what was sent to it00:10
smerzsaif: thanks. and is not pingable? second question if the network settings are on NAT in VBox can you browse the web from guest OS ?00:10
adi__mobi-sheep, install with synaptic00:10
Heller_Bardehi guys! I have a problem. My ubuntu server doesn't start up again after an update... It freezes at "Starting Up..." right after GRUB. how can i make that part of the boot more verbose, so i can see more closely why it hangs ?00:10
saifsmerz : i cant ping in either cases and i dont have internet on the guest00:11
mobi-sheepadi__: sudo aptitude (will be sufficent).  I should point out I have no GUI.00:11
smerzHeller_Barde: ctrl + alt + f1 i think00:11
Heller_Bardesmerz: in GRUB?00:11
adi__mobi-sheep, apt-get install packet00:11
smerzHeller_Barde: after grub. that should give you the verbose output00:11
netsurf3is there a netbook remix channel?00:11
Dr_WillisHeller_Barde:  edit the grub lines (hit e i think) and use noquiet at the end. there may be a 'verbose' option you can append also.00:11
Heller_Bardesmerz: I don't even get to the splashscreen00:11
Heller_BardeDr_Willis: oh thanks00:11
samosaok thanks00:12
Don_MiguelHeller_Barde, I have the same problem with my 8.04 desktop lately ...00:12
smerzsaif: thats weird. if you set it to NAT in vbox then you should get inet. well I really dont know whats the issue then sorry :(00:12
telephinzafter update to 9.04 atheros ar5007 card not working anymore tried reactivation of driver through Hardware drivers with no luck00:12
Dr_WillisHeller_Barde:  i normally use 'nosplash nofb verbose noquiet' but some of those optons may be incorrect/redundant. Ive not messed with it in ages.00:12
saifsmerz : no problem ...i `ll search and if i solved it i `ll tell u :D00:13
Heller_BardeDr_Willis: thanks, but it seems that my computer hangs even before these options even apply00:13
Don_MiguelDr_Willis, that sounds like a good place to start00:13
smerzHeller_Barde: well i dunno. i think ctrl + alt + f1  right after grub should get you the verbose output, ought to be quick then or something ;D00:13
Heller_Bardesmerz: will try, thanks00:13
Dr_WillisHeller_Barde:  thats very odd then.. its hanging befor  the kernel even loads.. or soon after it loads eh.00:13
Dr_WillisHeller_Barde:  it only has the one kernel entry in the menus?00:13
* Don_Miguel goes to look for more info00:13
Heller_BardeDr_Willis: yep... only one, it's a very young ubuntu installation00:14
MK13is there a way to take a partition out of an extended volume?00:14
thesandmanDoes anyone know  how do you defrag on ubuntu/linux?00:14
smerzthesandman: there is no need to defrag the linux file systems00:14
Dr_Willisthesandman:  thers rarely ever a need to deffrag ext2/3/4 filesystems00:14
vigoHow do I find where the or a screen-saver thing is so I can edit it?00:14
soulwarphow can i download this picture using the command line http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/93/l_5b94f471ec904e7b88c26d6072d2af17.jpg00:15
adi__vigo, start-- system--screensaver00:15
thesandmanwell how do you formatt the system?00:15
Dr_Willissoulwarp:  use the wget command.00:15
smerzsoulwarp: wget url00:15
vigoadi__: Thank you00:15
Dr_Willisthesandman:  you format a filesystem with the mkfs commands.  thats not related to 'defragging'00:15
pznHi. I just buy an original DVD and it is not playing in ubuntu. I already played protected DVDs before (css). This DVD seems to fail in decrypting. any hints?00:15
MK13soulwarp 'wget URL'00:15
adi__vigo, or display settings00:15
MK13oops, too late00:15
Dr_Willispzn:  rip it to video.avi perhaps? i always seem to do that.00:16
thesandmanDr_Willis: I know it's not but I wanted to know that also00:16
vigoadi__: I want to edit the Matrix one and insert AYB stuff into it.00:16
Dr_WillisGERSON:  they are all in #puppylinux00:16
smerzpzn: there are css decryption packages. not sure if thats what you need though00:16
losher!es | GERSON00:16
ubottuGERSON: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:16
adi__vigo, same thing, right there u'll find all u need00:16
pznDr_Willis, smerz: seems not to work... it seems to use a newer encryption, not css...00:17
KnePiG32hi all, i installed wubi on my computer and put it on C: After using ubuntu a wile my file system got corrupted and the computer strugle to work. Anyhow i manage to fix the computer by uninstalling wubi. Any suggestions why that happend? Wubi should work fine on same partition. Btw my OS is vista :(00:17
vigoadi__: Thank you kindly. Now fun time!00:17
melhisedekcan you make xchat open links as I click them? Not to have to right click on link and chose "Open in browser"00:17
adi__Dr_Willis, try mplayer00:17
smerzpzn: some info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs00:17
soulwarp!caps | GERSON00:17
ubottuGERSON: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:17
smerzpzn oh then i really dont know ;(00:17
Dr_Willispzn:  id  check google for that exact video title.. and try the k9copy and dvdrip programs.. I have to wonder how a video can have 'new' encryption.. and still play in all these old dvd players...00:17
Patrickaaaadoes anyone here use netsus00:17
MK13Dr_Willis, i never understood why copy programs couldnt just act as a dvd player and output frames to a file instead of showing them O.o00:19
thesandmanDr_Willis: I have that a similar problem my self00:19
soulwarpGERSON: stop sending me messages00:19
JeruvyMK13: no, you'll need to rebuild it.  But ubuntu doesn't care what kind of partition it is providing its valid so I'm not sure why you're asking the question?00:20
shaullxhow can i install a compiler for c++? when i try i get this error00:20
shaullxMedia Change: Please insert the disc labeled 'Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release amd64 (20090420.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press [Enter].00:20
shaullxbut my ubuntu cd is in :(00:20
adi__shaullx, change the dvd unit or try to install from a external unit00:20
shaullxhow do i do that00:21
kef0902anyone manage to get Juniper Network Connect working on 64 bit 9.04?00:21
shaullxwait u mean the dvd burner?00:21
shaullxthe device?00:21
netsurf3Dr_Willis, i have some weirdness with ubuntu netbook remix. i have been trying to optimise the boot time of the system. bootchart tells me that the system halts for 5 seconds while running a process called resume. where is the best place to ask about this? is there a dedicated UNR channel?00:21
adi__shaullx, if u have one just plug the usb and done00:21
MK13Jeruvy, cause i have a partition in an extended volume from when i had too many primary partitions and just want to have all primary partitions00:21
adi__shaullx, yes, device00:21
space_cadetscunizi, deany   remember me complaining about my vm ubuntu install freezing?00:21
shaullxthe device works..00:21
shaullxi can read the cd00:21
JeruvyMK13: you can only have 400:21
shaullxit doesnt labeled Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release amd64 thought00:22
arivannaDoes anyone know how to sync an iphone 2G with Ubuntu? Amarok?00:22
adi__shaullx, try to rewrite the ubuntu on a virgin cd00:22
shaullxi just burned it00:22
adi__shaullx, at low speed00:22
smerzMK13: if you want more than 4 partitions you need to convert one of the 4 partitions into an extended partition. within that extended partition you can create more partitions00:22
shaullxi think it because of the label could it be?00:22
space_cadetscunizi, deany  I figured out ... when my download speeds > 1.1 MiB/s is when it happens..  i switched to the intel PRO/1000 MT Server and the problem seems to have left00:22
adi__shaullx, could be yes00:22
Jeruvysmerz: try and keep up eh ;)00:23
MK13smerz,... i had already done that... now i have less partitions and want to turn an extended into a primary00:23
shaullxwhat is the best image burner?00:23
smerzah well while im here i try to help :o)00:23
adi__shaullx, did u make the checksum of the iso?00:23
JeruvyMK13: the best bet would be to image the partition, wipe it out, and recreate it as primary then restore it00:23
smerzMK13: ok so if you have 3 partitions now. you can create a new 4th partition but be sure it is an extended partition00:23
EagleScreenwhen I press Ctrl Alt Supr (Ctrl Alt Del) in tty, computer reboots. I know there is a config file to change this to shutdown instead, which file is it?00:23
adi__shaullx, 8X for a data cd, 4X audio cd00:24
shaullxi will now but what is the best image burner i can get?00:24
MK13Jeruvy,i was just about to ask that00:24
adi__shaullx, k3b on linux or nero in windoz00:24
erUSUL!best | shaullx00:24
ubottushaullx: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:24
shaullxk3b it is then:)00:24
MK13smerz, i dont want to create a new partition...00:24
GArReT`Hi guys.00:25
GArReT`Can you guys please help me00:25
smerzMK13: oh sorry. i thought you wanted more than 4 partitions. my bad then :)00:25
adi__shaullx, the easy one it's brasero00:25
GArReT`Version 7.10 Doenst have TCL pre-installed!00:25
GArReT`where can i get it?00:25
smerz!package tcl00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package tcl00:25
CreamGArReT`, Ubuntu has names00:25
MK13smerz, appreciate your enthusiasm tho :D00:25
Creaminstead of numbers.00:25
Jeruvy!pm | GERSON00:25
ubottuGERSON: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:25
GArReT`uhm... the cd is installing in my computer atm... i just know it is something about 7.10 i38600:26
shaullxnice i already have k3b installed :O00:26
smerzGArReT`: sudo apt-get install tcl00:26
GArReT`i did that00:26
GArReT`it says package not found! :(00:26
Jeruvy!info tcl00:27
smerztry "tcl8.4"00:27
ubottutcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.16-2 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 68 kB00:27
CreamGArReT`, it is for eggdrop i suppose?00:27
Jeruvy!package tcltk-defaults00:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
GArReT`smerz, tried that and i tried tclx8.4 as well00:27
GArReT`same error00:27
GArReT`and yes Cream, it is for eggdrop00:28
shaullxadi_ how should i label the cd?00:28
adi__just let it blank00:28
JeruvyGArReT`: try looking for 'tcl' in synaptic, you should find the packages easier.00:28
GArReT`is that a website or in Ubuntu?00:29
JeruvyGArReT`: nope, 'accessories -> add/remove'00:29
GArReT`lol i've been there as well!00:29
JeruvyGArReT`: hmm ok one sec.00:29
CreamGArReT`, simply sudo apt-get install eggdrop00:30
Creamit'll install tcl along the way.00:30
smerzGArReT`: try "tclx8.3" that package exists in 6.0400:30
adi__GArReT`, try from terminal apt-get install tcl8.3 for me works00:30
GArReT`adi__, what version do you have?00:31
smerzor creams solution should give you the dependencies too00:31
adi__GArReT`, yes00:31
GArReT`and smerz, i really really did try that! it gives an error00:31
JeruvyGArReT`: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/tcl00:31
adi__GArReT`, it's already installed nnow00:31
GArReT`I'll send you the error as soon as the fresh copy of ubuntu is installed onto my pc again00:31
krzys-999ubuntu shit00:31
z3ro3xI'm trying out a dark theme in gnome and no matter what colors I change the text to I can't seem to change the default dark blue for all URL's through out gnome.  Firfox is the only program that lets me change URL colors.  How do I change it for all of gnome?00:32
smerzGArReT`: i understand you tried "tclx8.4" but did you try the older version "tcl8.3" and/or "tcxl" ? my apologies for asking ;)00:33
smerzGArReT`: correction "tclx8.3" sorry00:33
GArReT`hmm.. no i dont remember trying..00:33
shigutsohi, I'm having a problem: I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and when I use my wi-fi usb to connect to my PSP through ad-hoc, it connects, but when I run "ifconfig", it doesn't apper, only with "-a". Because of that, a program called xLink Kai isn't working properly. When I try "sudo ifconfig wlan up", it says "access denied". What can I do??00:33
GArReT`I will try this as soon as its done installing again... then you can see the errors i'm getting00:33
smerzalrighty :)00:34
mick_laptophi everyone, i have done an upgrade on my box and now X is hosed. I tried: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but when I startx then the screen hangs (It hangs the computer, not just X)00:34
adi__z3ro3x, start--system-prefferences and take the third from top00:34
lawrenceHi all. I have been trying to correct a problem I am having with my display defaulting to 640*480 from 1024*768 fpr my nvidia geforce fx 5200. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the recommended 173 driver about a dozen times using the package manager and envyng. I have selected and unselected it from the hardware driver windows, used a different driver and all that - still no change. Help anyone? Thanks.00:34
mick_laptopctrl+alt+backspace don't even work, any ideas? i'm guessing that it is a messed up video driver00:34
aless12hi, is there a way to free memory usage?. Apache is consuming a lot of memory so i killed it. But mamory remains used.00:35
AdolaCan someone help me with SSHFS?00:35
AdolaIt keeps saying Mount point not empty00:35
=== sean is now known as Guest49340
smerzmick_laptop: it was removed in jaunty or newer X versions or smth00:35
adi__lawrence, try to push ctrl+alt and + buttons00:35
losherAdola: so *is* the mount point empty or not?00:36
KellermanAdola: mountpoint exists ?00:36
lawrenceadi: nothing happened00:36
mick_laptopaless12: use `top` to see what is taking up the memory and then use "k" to kill the process ID00:36
Adolalosher: Both are empty.00:36
mick_laptopsmerz: ok, how do i get it to work ;)00:36
kef09021anyone able to run Juniper Network Connect with 64 bit 9.04???00:36
mick_laptopAdola: just for the heck of it create another directory and mount it in there00:37
z3ro3xadi__, start--system-preferences ?00:37
KillGorackI have issues with the nvidia-settings dialogue.. I have 2 monitors,and want to separate them. Which I can do easily... however the "main" scren defaults to the incorrect screen... how can I change that??00:37
losherAdola: *both*? I thought we were talking about a single mount point?00:37
adi__z3ro3x, yes00:37
smerzmick_laptop: there is a patch to get the old behaviour back. i just dont know where it is :D maybe google or someone else here knows it00:37
Adolalosher: yeah, sorry, only one mountpoint.00:38
mick_laptopsmerz: you know how painful it is to find anything w/ links or w3m?00:38
AdolaI want to copy files from my desktop to my laptop.00:38
M1K3KillGorack,explicitally set the size instead of having it as auto?00:38
adi__z3ro3x, search themes...or something like this there. in it u can change the font and colors00:38
z3ro3xadi__, Do I type that in shell because it came up command not found.00:38
losherAdola: and empty when checked with 'ls -al' ?00:38
smerzmick_laptop: i guess not. but i dont know where that patch is. so my guess is as good as yours ;)00:39
AdolaHidden files?00:39
adi__z3ro3x, no. in taskbar u have applications, resources and system00:39
Adolalosher: Hidden files?00:39
adi__in system---preff. and look in there00:39
losherAdola: yes, hidden files....00:39
AdolaYes, all are gone.00:39
AdolaI've got a new error.00:39
mick_laptopsmerz: ok, any idea what i should be looking for?00:39
Kellermanit's interesting00:39
mick_laptopsmerz: what i should be "googling"00:39
AdolaIt's saying fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /home/adam/sshfs: Permission denied.  But, I have permission set to full on that folder.00:40
smerzmick_laptop: no :o( maybe ask kindly here if someone knows where to find it. other wise "CTRL ALT BACKSLASH" sounds like a good place to start00:40
z3ro3xadi__,  You mean System -> Preferences -> Appearance ?00:40
lawrenceadi: display settings only give me 640*48000:40
adi__z3ro3x, yes00:40
Heller_Bardewhat do i have to be careful about to reinstall grub? should grub-install /dev/sda do the trick ( no i don't care about data-loss, everything is safely backupped )00:40
shaullxwhy are my compiz fusion effect are not enabled on startup/00:40
KellermanAdola: you, but maybe not user that do mount00:40
lawrencethe same with the nvidia x server settings tool00:40
adi__z3ro3x, i have the system in italian, i don't know how it's in english00:40
bacon1989hello, does anyone know how I can go about getting more specific debug information for the USB enumeration process of a USB connection? dmesg dosn't provide enough information00:41
tiyowanHeller_Barde: To install it in the correct location.00:41
KellermanAdola:  i mean fusermount00:41
AdolaKellerman: How do I add it?00:41
Heller_Bardetiyowan: what can i do wrong as long as i get the right drive00:41
thedarkonehey all00:41
thedarkoneon my msi mother board it has a front audio00:42
tiyowanHeller_Barde: Besides from installing it in a partition's boot record instead of the MBR, not much.00:42
lawrenceadi: appearance does not allow you to change the display resolution, or am I misunderstanding?00:42
thedarkoneif i hook that up i get no sound from the back00:42
z3ro3xadi__, I tried that.  Under the Theme tab and Customize at the bottom.  Then Colors.  It gives you 4 options for Background and Text and none of these have any effect on the color of URLs on web sites.  I don't mean the URL box in the browser I mean the color of the text of links.00:42
adi__lawrence, no00:42
mick_laptopsmerz: i think i found something -- they say you have to remove xserver-xorg -- then reinstall for it to work00:42
KellermanAdola: 1st, try to give rwx to all users, chmod a+rwx00:42
* mick_laptop crosses fingers00:42
KillGorackMIK3,ok I've set the "main"monitor at its native rez.. with an absolute position of 0,0.. then the secondary monitor at its native rez, with a position  "right" of I'll try that again.00:42
KellermanAdola: then don't forget to fix that00:43
smerzmick_laptop: that sounds drastic and im doubtful but that may just be me00:43
adi__z3ro3x, yes, understand, there is all u can have, nothing more00:43
soulwarp!lol | SunTapyr00:43
ubottuSunTapyr: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:43
mick_laptopsmerz: btw, i already mentioned ctrl+alt backspace didn't work (any key combo didn't work)00:43
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mick_laptopafter using startx everytghing freezes00:44
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shaullx<shaullx> why are my compiz fusion effect are not enabled on startup/00:44
shaullx<shaullx> ?00:44
M1K3KillGorack,that is what i do to go into dual screen :)00:44
smerzwell mick i gotta boot windows now to update my firmware on my mobile. hopefully it fixes an issue of my own00:44
bacon1989mick_laptop: they changed that key combination00:44
adi__thedarkone, it's namedd bypass. if u plugin in back u don't have sound in front. must work in this way00:44
smerzi'll press ctrl alt backspace now. if i like timeout it has worked ;D00:44
smerzok it doesn't work :P00:44
smerzas i said heh00:45
smerzgotta go now. good luck though00:45
KillGorackmik3, it's being finiky00:45
bacon1989mick_laptop: the new key comboination is alt-SysRg + k00:45
xim_is there an easy way to save a file from an http server without using a browser like firefox00:45
xim_assuming i know the url?00:46
M1K3xim_, wget url00:46
mick_laptopbacon1989: what?00:46
xim_mik3 adi__ thanks00:46
tiyowanxim: wget -c url00:46
mick_laptopbacon1989: what key prey tell is SysRg00:46
aguitelhow upgrade firefox to firefox 3.5 with repo ?00:47
tiyowanzim: -c option = auto-resume00:47
bacon1989mick_laptop: you wre trying to restart the xserver with ctrl-alt-baclspace. that was removed in jaunty00:47
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xim_tiyowan: cool thanks!00:47
bacon1989mick_laptop: they changed that key combination to alt-sysreq-k00:47
mick_laptopbacon1989: know who removed that?00:47
adi__bacon1989, and change the rezolution with a shortcut?00:47
M1K3i miss xchat while not on ubuntu D:00:47
mick_laptopah i now see that key00:47
lwellsI just ran "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5", but it did not replace the previous version of firefox and did not but it in the applications menu, why?00:47
KillGorackmik3, still when I get back in it's all reversed the main screen is the incorrect screen...00:47
M1K3KillGorack,sometime i have to go back and forth clicking "main" until it does correctly00:48
bacon1989no, i don't00:48
KillGorackmik3,click main? where is that?00:48
lwellsIs it not working for Ubuntu yet?00:48
tiyowanmick_laptop: you can re-enable ctrl-alt-backspace00:48
mick_laptopi hate it when someone breaks expected functionality (for over 10 years i've used that key combo)00:49
bacon1989yeah, i don't know why either00:49
M1K3KillGorack, or what ever button it is to set the default monitor at 0,0; I can't go into detail b/c i am on Vista atm :(00:49
adi__bacon1989, there is a shortcut to change the resolution like before with alt ctrl + ?00:49
GArReT`Vista sucks more then XP00:49
bacon1989it was claimed the key combination was messing with some netbooks due to the different keyboard layouts00:49
tiyowanmick_laptop: open a terminal, sudo dontzap --disable00:49
KillGorackMIK3, once you do the "seperate" x-screen" off.. that check box goes away...00:49
adi__GArReT`, right00:50
bacon1989but why not make thier netbooks an excpetion then?00:50
scunizimick_laptop: the rationalle was "accidental" implementation of the formentioned key combo.. DOH!00:50
bacon1989just add it to the netbook release00:50
tiyowanmick_laptop sudo apt-get install dontzap first00:50
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purepainmick_laptop sudo apt-get install dontzap && sudo dontzap --disable00:50
purepainshould do the trick00:50
MK13KillGorack, i am about to switch to ubuntu to help you out, brb00:51
Linux-Rookiehello ppl! can u tell me how to change the logonscreen and startup sound00:51
scunizipurepain: why would you --disable ??  doesn't that disable the install of dontzap?00:51
tiyowanmick_laptop: what purepain said00:52
Linux-Rookiestartup / logon00:52
tiyowanscunizi: "dontzap the xserver when ctrl-alt-backspace is pressed" disable to disable00:52
purepainindeed :D00:53
scunizitiyowan: --disable to disable ctrl+alt+backspace?  then why instlal dontzap to begin with?00:53
mralexandroi am not able to Enabling SHMConfig00:53
tiyowanscunizi: because dontzap is a convenient utility that edits the option in your x.org conf file00:53
bacon1989disable the zapping of that combination I guess00:53
tiyowanscunizi: you don't need to install dontzap, you could add in the option into your x.org conf file manually00:53
Linux-Rookiehello ppl! can u tell me how to change the logonscreen and startup / logon sound??00:54
tiyowanscunizi: Section "ServerFlags" Option "DontZap" "false" EndSection00:54
mralexandrocan i get help to enable SHMConfig in ubuntu 8.04. i do not know how to properly edit the xorg.conf file.00:54
adi__scunizi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap00:54
mokkanhey, i removed my old Sound Blaster Live! and installed an Audigy 2, and now i don't have any sound... what should i do?00:54
scunizitiyowan: that I understand .. and the install of dontzap edits xorg to restore the older key combo.. but then --disable removes the old key combo .. or am I backwards on this?00:55
tiyowanscunizi: --disable instructs the dontzap utility to -insert- the "dontzap" "false" option in your x.org conf file.00:55
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tiyowanscunizi: it is enabled by default in the new x.org, so you have to explicitly put in the option to disable it00:56
scunizitiyowan: ah.. I just looked at the link adi__ gave me.. and my "logic" thinking was reversed.. I understand now..00:56
tiyowanscunizi: :)00:57
KillGorackanyone here have knowledge of dual monitors (separate X screens) and knowing how to switch the monitors around?00:57
TheNewGuyHi, I need some assistance with java.  Can any one help?00:58
tiyowan!ask | TheNewGuy00:58
ubottuTheNewGuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:58
scuniziKillGorack: nvidia?  and weren't you on a day or so ago looking to be able to move an open window from one screen to the other?00:58
MK13KillGorack, u there?00:58
KillGorackscunizi, no, I was not..00:58
KillGorackmik3 yea00:58
scuniziKillGorack: k.. just wondered.. with nvidia dual monitor is pretty easy00:59
Kellermanbye all01:00
Paranoidiany large packages that are safe to drop out? I'm running out of upgrade space on my eee ...01:00
MK13KillGorack, are you goingserperate x screens, or twin view?01:00
KillGorackI have the physical monitors set up.. (larger main one" to the left of the smaller one.. I have the larger ones position set as absolute 0, 0.. and the smaller one set as "right of"01:00
TheNewGuyi have the latest java in stalled on the latest umbutu.  I am trying to download a java ap and when I open the down load window it suggests a file to associate with my download.  the one that it suggests is wrong that the download fails.   what file do I need to associate it with.  I assume the Java exe, but I'm the new guy and don't really know.01:00
mazda01i can't figure out how to enable compiz  with emerald. i have no window manager after I enable compiz in the appearance tab.01:00
MK13i use twin view :O01:00
KillGorackMK13, separate01:00
MK13KillGorack, i use twinview01:01
Shadowbosssome speaks spanish?01:01
MK13KillGorack, so i dunno about sep x01:01
tiyowan!es | Shadowboss01:01
ubottuShadowboss: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:01
KillGorackhow do you keep games from NOT taking up both screens?01:01
scuniziKillGorack: using xinerama?01:01
purepainmazda01 emerald --replace in terminal01:01
KillGorackthat is off01:01
tiyowanTheNewGuy: What extension does the file you're trying to download have?01:01
KillGorackscunizi that option os not checked.. not sure what it os01:01
KillGorackI may have larger issues...list to the left X Screen 0 is the smaller screen, but under the GPU 0 tree it has that same monitor listed as CRT-1 (its not even a CRT)01:02
adi__Paranoidi, try cleaning system... or reinstall the system on first ssd and the /home on second ssd the 16gb01:02
scuniziKillGorack: pre change of Xorg. and on older nvidia drivers back when xorg was hand configured, xinerama worked great for seperate dual monitors01:02
Paranoidiadi__: tried cleaning (apt-get clean, janitor) and home is on 16gb ssd01:02
scuniziKillGorack: is this an nvidia card or what?01:02
adi__Paranoidi, it's all u can do01:03
KillGorackscunizi, I'm not awesome at configuring stuff.. I'd probably just get back to windows before something like that happenend01:03
KillGorackyea.. 9400GT01:03
adi__more then this...? uninstall progs u don't need01:03
kellyhKilleroid: is the monitor coming up as CRT-1 connected by VGA?01:03
scuniziKillGorack: and are you using the drivers provided by ubuntu or did you install drivers direct from nvidia?01:03
KillGorackYea.. thats why it says CRT?01:03
furrySatanis anyone familiar with intel video cards + ubuntu?01:03
jackstrawI have a question. I am trying to play multiplayer games and I cannot connect to any servers on any game is there a dependency that I need to install01:04
TheNewGuyty you there?01:04
adi__furrySatan, which one?01:04
kellyhKillGorack: yes, i had my TFT come up as CRT-0 or CRT-1 if i had it plugged in via VGA01:04
KillGorackthrough the hardware drivers via the admin menu01:04
kellyhKillGorack: The VGA conversion prevents it from detectin the monitor properly01:04
scuniziKillGorack: When you go to System>Admin>  is there an option for Nvidia x server settings?01:04
mralexandrocan i get help enabling shmconfig?01:05
KillGorackit was set up at install correctly.. when as twinview and could not go back to the way it was ;-/01:05
KillGorackyea scunizi that's where I am now01:05
KillGoracksudo nvidia-settings01:05
mralexandroi have tried adding entry in xorg.conf but i do not know how to do it correct obviously01:05
tiyowanTheNewGuy: I'm checking.01:05
TheNewGuyis there a way to get a complete list of applications on your system?  i have down loaded stuff from the repositories and they don't show up anywhere.01:06
tiyowanTheNewGuy: Applications -> Add/Remove, or System -> Administration -> Synaptic01:07
scuniziKillGorack: with that utility you can try enabling the xinerama setting .. log out and then back in and see how it works.. you might be pleasantly supprised.01:07
mazda01can't get emerald compiz going. any suggestions?01:07
Paranoidiadi__: naah, there are useless packages here and there .. just having hard time finding those which don't want to remove ie gnome-desktop as well =)01:07
purepainmazda01 emerald --replace in terminal or alt + F2 and emerald --replace01:07
TheNewGuythanks ty,01:08
KillGorackwhy would X Screen 0, show up as CRT-1, and X Screen 1 show up as DFP-0 within the GPU tree towards the bottom of the list.. are they mixed up somehow??01:08
scuniziKillGorack: but for it to save the setting I believe you have to start nvidia-settings from the terminal using sudo to be able to overwrite xorg correctly.. that way when you restart the changes will be there.. backup xorg first before doing that though.01:08
TheNewGuyty this is a java aplication01:08
KillGorackyea scunizi I get that part.. I can go back to twqin view easily..01:08
budowhat is the website you go to to see if a particular piece of hardware is supported on Ubuntu?01:08
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  ive rarely seen a need for seperate X sessions. I alwayys use twinview.01:09
bazhang!hcl > budo01:09
ubottubudo, please see my private message01:09
KillGorackdr-willis, how do you keep video games from taking both screens/01:09
adi__Paranoidi, space on eee will be ever a big problem. i've sell my 900 and buyed a 1000. 160gb...no more pain01:09
scuniziKillGorack: sometimes the computer isn't receiving the info from your monitor through the vga adaptor so it defaults to crt.. if its working don't fix it.01:09
TheNewGuyI need to associate a file to java.  What is the java application name.. specifically or how do I find it?01:09
MK13Dr_Willis, i think he likes playing games on one x instance, and app on the other01:09
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  the only programs ive seen that take over 'both' are badly written ones..  and some java apps.01:10
AJC_Z0Apart from Evolution, what Palm client(s) work with the conduit stuff in Gnome? I'm used to using jpilot, which talk directly to the serial device01:10
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  i play a great many games.. and they fullscreen on only one monitor.01:10
mazda01purepain, i tried that. it merely makes it so that desktop is nothing, no window manager. I don't see anything? it's like there a theme or something missing.01:10
Paranoidiadi__: except now you have lower battery life and brekable moving parts =)01:10
scuniziDr_Willis: I've seen most full screen games take both monitors using twinview in the default mode.01:10
GArReT`Right guys i'm back01:10
KillGorackdr_willis even the linux community isn't safe from badly written stuff ;0) doesn't mean I don't wanna run it..01:10
Dr_Willisscunizi:  ive never had that issue.01:10
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  you could also use the xrandr stuff to temparly disable the 2nd monitor.01:11
adi__Paranoidi, no...autonomy from 3...to 6 hours01:11
KillGorackI have other issues I think then.01:11
GArReT`I've tried "tcl8.3" and that didnt work neahter guys01:11
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  what game are you refering to?01:11
jackstrawI have a question. I am trying to play multiplayer games and I cannot connect to any servers on any game is there a dependency that I need to install01:11
KillGorackI know.. it worked perfectly at one time.. just wanna get it back to the way it was..01:11
adi__Paranoidi, with kpowersave. works better01:11
scuniziDr_Willis: I haven't tried in a while due to a lack of another monitor.. and I was using an older release01:11
kellyhDr_Willis: nvidia-settings doesn't support xrandr, so by default it wouldn't be enabled01:11
purepainmazda01 is the newest version of emerald installed (sudo apt-get install emerald)?01:11
Paranoidiadi__: I guess one could place the package download location to larger ssd by mount binding or something01:11
blaahhey guys, whats the command to list used Ports through terminal?01:11
TheNewGuyI am down loading a file in umbutu, how do i set the down load location?01:12
KillGoracksauerbraten also01:12
kellyhblaah: netstat?01:12
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mralexandrono one know how to enable shmconfig? i thought it was a simple procedure, i have tried to enter it like it said in the ubuntu forum, but obviously i cant do it.01:12
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  intalling trem. now.. that game always makes me dizzy and pukey tho. :)01:12
adi__Paranoidi, u can change the second ssd. the big one with a 32gb or 130gb...but it's not cheap. 300 euro a ssd 130gb on ebay :D01:12
Dr_Willismralexandro:  i recall researching that once befor.. its some hal/fdi config file you edit.01:12
MK13Dr_Willis, u must play as alien01:12
KillGorackheh it's ok.. I like it.. runs on linux-gamers live usb pretty good01:12
Dr_WillisMK13:  i dont play much at all now. :) everyone else was always the marines...01:13
KillGorackyea hard to get in there and not be a bug01:13
Dr_WillisI do like Savage201:13
Paranoidiadi__: yeah, or place 1.8" hdd .. if not degraded motherboard (haven't checked)01:13
TheNewGuyCan you down load files with umbutu?01:13
Dr_WillisTheNewGuy:  err.. yes... you can download files with ubuntu.01:13
adi__Paranoidi, doesn't fit in01:13
budook. thank you. @ ubottu01:14
TheNewGuygreat, how do I set the path for the files?01:14
MK13Dr_Willis, sadly i still depend on windows for games :(01:14
tiyowanTheNewGuy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1020808&highlight=jnlp&page=201:14
Dr_WillisTheNewGuy:  depends on what/how you are downloading it.01:14
Dr_WillisMK13:  ive gotten where i dont  need games. :P01:14
Paranoidiadi__: err? sure it does, I've seen tutorials for that at least01:14
buckySave File As01:14
buckyor look in Desktop01:14
adi__Paranoidi, i'm talking about easy ways...not how to destroy a netbook :P01:14
scuniziMK13: I would be a good experiment to try the latest Vbox which support directx 8 & 9.. unless your games need 10+01:14
mralexandroDr_Willis, i have tried that.  can you direct me to the correct guide, or the one you read?01:14
Paranoidiadi__: this is at least with 901 that I have01:15
mazda01purepain, i am using hardy heron. but yes, i installed emerald01:15
Dr_Willismralexandro:  not really - i researched it for someone ages ago.. I might have it tagged on my delicious links.01:15
TheNewGuyok,.... not really sure how to answer that.  I click on an Icon and a down load window pops up.01:15
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Paranoidiadi__: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJdNQk5AfkE01:15
mralexandroDr_Willis, alright:) please let me know if you find it again:)01:15
adi__Paranoidi, aha, thks.01:15
purepainmazda01 and you have enabled a theme in emerald theme manager (system<preferences)01:16
TheNewGuyI am not given an option to select the location.  Seems like a simple thing... I am surprised that linux does not have that feature yet on a download window.01:16
MK13scunizi, what kinda of specs would i need?01:16
Dr_Willismralexandro:  it may be one of the many links i got tagged at --> http://delicious.com/dr_willis01:16
mazda01purepain, i don't know how? I have something called Advanced Desktop Effects Settings01:16
Dr_WillisTheNewGuy:  features in 'firefox' are not 'linux features'01:17
scuniziMK13: not sure.. you might ask in #vbox or check their site..01:17
fiber_cutHow do I tell if this ubuntu is running the 64-bit version or the 32?01:17
KillGorackI'll be right back..01:17
buckyTheNewGuy: do you know how to right click on a dl link and select Save As ?01:17
christophsturmfiber_cut: uname -a01:17
scuniziTheNewGuy: are  you referring to downloading in Firefox?  if so check it's options and enable "ask every time"..01:17
mralexandroDr_Willis, i will check it then:)01:17
fiber_cutThat doesnt tell me01:17
scuniziTheNewGuy: then you can choose the download location.01:18
MK13scunizi, might give that a try... then i could run windows in vbox for games and visual studio01:18
TheNewGuyscunizi, why would I want to save the link?  IU need the file01:18
adi__thks Paranoidi. nice video01:18
fiber_cutLinux abrandt-laptop-fujitsu 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux01:18
scuniziTheNewGuy: it for the download not the link01:18
Paranoidiadi__: yeah, unfortunately asus did remove the ZIF(?) connector from motherboard at some point01:18
Dr_Willismralexandro:  i think i found it -->> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig01:18
Dr_WillisTheNewGuy:  the link points to the file....01:19
TheNewGuyyes it does but when I save the link and click on the link, I have the same problem.01:19
christophsturmfiber_cut: the i686 at the end means that its 32bit01:19
tiyowanTheNewGuy: You need to set .jnlp files to open with /usr/bin/javaws01:19
adi__Paranoidi, :))) didn't know if the hdd comes with the flat cable :D01:20
Dr_WillisTheNewGuy:  then you dident save the right link....  - then again.. if this is about java stuff.. no idea. I dont mess with jnlp01:20
scuniziTheNewGuy: you're doing something wrong.. the behavoir is the same in windows or linux when using Firefox to download a file.01:20
mralexandroDr_Willis, thanks, that is the same guide i tried. it is not the hal file guide, it is a link to that on the bottom of that page, but that guide should work, allthough it didnt01:20
Paranoidianyone know if eee 901 hardware works on default 9.10 kernel?01:20
sage_how do you open .sh files01:20
adi__Paranoidi, yes, works01:20
Dr_Willismralexandro:  no idea. thats all ive tried and it worked.. i recall.01:21
lstarnessage_: run then with sh or bash01:21
TheNewGuyhow about this, since it is a firefox browser window, I could go into prefrences and change them there.  Good idea?01:21
Paranoidiadi__: all of it? since I don't think it worked even with 9.0401:21
MK13sage_, to run or edit?01:21
adi__Paranoidi, works well both01:21
sage_run MK1301:21
adi__webcam and all stuff01:21
scuniziTheNewGuy: I said options but ment Preferences.. yes that is the location to change the download behavoir01:21
ewsubachhow do i list or change user modes of irc?01:22
adi__Paranoidi, the only problem u must remove sound module first of power off01:22
mralexandroDr_Willis, do you recal what you did after you had added the content to the file. or if there was any other content in the file. like could i ask you what you have on that file now, cause mine was blank beofre i added the stuff from this guide01:22
Paranoidiadi__: wth?01:22
lstarnesewsubach: which client do you use?01:22
adi__otherwise will not power off. it's a bug but work well01:22
ewsubachlstarnes: xchat01:22
sage_got it never mind all01:22
lstarnesewsubach: /umode01:22
TheNewGuyTy, that is a link to a suggestion that does not work.   according to the last person that posted.01:22
KillGorackdr_willis, xinerama is ok.. just the screens are still freaking backwards.. ;-/01:23
Dr_Willismralexandro:  that was a few installs ago.. I dont even thinki have that laptop any more.01:23
MK13sage_, oh i just usually drag them to an open terminal (i get lazy :)01:23
ewsubachlstarnes: thanks01:23
adi__Paranoidi, doesn't power off01:23
Paranoidiadi__: hmmh.. http://array.org/ubuntu/ seems to claim that not everything works in 9.04 with default kernel01:23
mralexandroDr_Willis,  thank anyways01:23
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  twinview is 'xinerma+extrafeatures' - Just using 'xinerma' can cause issues.. its the twinview extensions that enable  the smarter 'features'01:23
adi__Paranoidi, i don't  lnow what to say. myne was working well. the only thing was the audio module.01:24
scuniziDr_Willis: didn't know that.01:24
adi__all the rest was fine01:24
buckyTheNewGuy: "Thanks, that worked. I set ".jnlp" files to open with /usr/bin/javaws and that seems to work."01:24
Paranoidiadi__: hmm, how about turning wifi/bluetooth on/off with those extra buttons?01:24
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  tremulus seems really really brain dead. :) it did 'full screen'' to the wrong screen.. and was off position by 1/2 the screen01:24
tiyowanTheNewGuy: Could you try it though? :)01:24
MK13KillGorack, try flipping them the other way?01:24
TheNewGuyI don't know how to try it.01:25
TheNewGuyI would like to.01:25
KillGorackdr_willis yea that's what I get.. it plops it in the middle.01:25
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KillGorackMK13 I hope you dont mean physically do you?01:25
adi__Paranoidi, wi-fi works with propretary drivers. myne was without bluetooth01:25
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adi__Paranoidi, try live cd and u'll see. if u have a usb unit01:26
buckwildhello everyone01:26
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  i edited the config file and told it to not go 'fullscreen' and gave it a proper res for the window. it is at least now appearing in a window and is playable. :)01:27
Godel-Paradoxhow can i setup a wired network using ethernet between ubuntu and vista pcs?01:27
buckwildim having trouble installing programs and would appreciate any assistance01:27
tiyowanTheNewGuy: You need to download the jnlp file, right-click it, select properties, open with, and select the application01:27
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  it even defaulted to  the wrong res for the monitor it was appearing on..01:27
sage_dlling cedega01:28
TheNewGuyok, will try01:28
KillGorackdr_willis, thanks I've been there too not satisfied with it..01:28
buckyTheNewGuy: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-get-.jnlp-java-apps-to-run-from-firefox-in-gnome-516902/01:28
adi__buckwild, ask01:28
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
sookiokay, so i did a fresh install yesterday, and i put /home on a sepperate partition and then later realized it was too small and gparted refuses to let me make it larger, so is there a way i can delete the partition and just have /home on the same partition as the rest of the drive?01:28
KillGorackwhat is the "panning" option for?01:28
Godel-Paradoxcan someone help me01:29
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  or try the xrandr trick to disale the 2nd monitor.. run game.. exit game.. reneable 2nd monitor.01:29
Godel-Paradoxi am trying to connect 2 pcs 1 vista 1 ubunty01:29
scunizisooki: you can't resize while the partition is mounted.. boot to the live cd and use that to adjust01:29
buckwildfor instance, i downloaded a program and the instructions say that i have to compile it or build it01:29
buckwildive never done this01:29
KillGorackhehe dr_willis why would I do that when it's worked before.. just gotta get it to where it was before..01:30
adi__sooki, it's hard. the fast way...reinstall it01:30
Dr_Willisbuckwild:  this is why theres repositories of precompiles stuff..01:30
TheNewGuyok, that works... its a shame it does not work in the download window... I accociated it with the same file that was suggested in the download window.01:30
KillGorackI think I found the issue01:30
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Dr_WillisKillGorack:  so you broke it! shame! :)01:30
KillGorackYes I broke it01:30
adi__buckwild, which program?01:30
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  the aliens are eating your brainz01:30
sookiscunizi, it's the live CD that won't let me do it01:30
scunizibuckwild: what program?  did you check the repo's first for it?01:30
KillGorackmaybe you can still help though01:30
TheNewGuyI guess I just have to down load and then associate the files manualy.01:30
KillGorackthis meta mode button...01:30
sookiwon't let me make it any bigger than its max size for whatever reason it doesn't say01:30
tiyowanTheNewGuy: You only need to associate them once01:30
TheNewGuythats good.01:31
KillGorackwhen I click one monitor it seems to have infor for the other.01:31
buckwildits for making music01:31
KillGorackI think my stuff is garbeleld01:31
scunizisooki: you might be looking at the live cd's /home and not your physical /home.. that's the only use case that I can think of unless you don't have the room to make it bigger.01:31
antonius602anyone know the command for the screensaver setup utility?  gnome-screensaver-????01:31
KillGorackoh nevermind it has info for both screen there01:31
mralexandroDr_Willis, how do i install the synpatics touchpad driver?01:32
Dr_Willismralexandro:  from what i recall.. its allready installed. its part of the X stuff01:32
adi__buckwild, type in terminal apt-get install lmms01:32
Dr_Willis!find synaptics01:32
ubottuFound: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, gsynaptics, libsynaptics-dev, libsynaptics001:32
sookino it's the normal install's /home partition, it's the same size it should be, about 15 times to size of gparted's live CD iso, and yes, i shrunk the / partition by about six gigs, it won't let me increase /home01:33
Dr_Willismralexandro:  that gsynapics tool can help configure it - or at least it used to work...01:33
mralexandroDr_Willis, alright thanks. then i will just add it to my xorg folllowin  guide01:33
sookibut is there a way to just move /home onto the / partition and delete the /home partition and increase / to its full size?01:33
Dr_Willismralexandro:  some Upodates to X, have broken/changed some things with the synaptics drivers..  not sure how stable they have became lately01:33
scunizisooki: was /home right next to / ? and are you using the graphical "drag the bar" to increase the size01:34
mralexandroDr_Willis, ok does that mean i should not add it'?01:34
buckwildpermission denied. i am the root user01:34
adi__buckwild, start --- accesories--- terminal. after in the window type apt-get install lmms. after say Y01:34
Dr_Willismralexandro:  try gsynaptics - see if it works for you.01:34
Dr_Willismralexandro:  ive not had to tweak the touchpads on my new laptops.01:34
adi__buckwild, in terminal?01:34
buckwildim new to ubuntu01:35
buckwildyes in terminal01:35
sookino, it appeared to be in its own tree branch sort of, don't know how to describe that, and no, i right clicked and chose move/resize, and then hit the up arrows on the max size or whatever's inputbox, and it would just try to add blank space before/after and actually make the partition smaller01:35
adi__buckwild, type sudo -s01:35
adi__buckwild, put the root password (your password)01:35
buckwildi think its working :)01:36
adi__after type apt-get install lmms01:36
scunizisooki: the partitions are labeled sda<number>, what is the labeling for / and for /home?01:36
adi__buckwild, now u'll find lmms in audio & video01:37
buckwildcool.  i hope this works.  I appreciate your help :-D01:37
sookiumm, not sure, i'd have to boot back into to be sure01:37
scunizisooki: no.. the partition editor should tell you..01:37
adi__one more cigar and good night ppl01:38
sookii'm in windows land at the moment :P01:38
scunizisooki: really hard to do this from there..01:38
buckwildi don't see it :(01:38
tiyowansooki: the partitioning labelling is independent of the mount points01:38
adi__buckwild, did ask it to say yes for installing?01:38
sookiwell, explore2fs states hda2 and hda4?01:39
sookii don't know how to get it to show from within windows01:39
EseI'm having sound problems in my jaunty install01:39
Eseand I think it all started when I uninstalled Totem01:39
Eseany clue or help?01:39
adi__buckwild, search in start---applications-audio and video or multimedia01:39
zackhello, im having a problem with my sound... my sound card is the intel 82801G sound card.. its snd-intel for the kernel module it isnt legacy.. what do i need to do to get sound out of my computer? im running ubuntu 9.04 and stock alsa that it came with01:39
nick125Anyone here know where I can get a more up-to-date hplip in Jaunty?01:40
adi__buckwild, or simply type in terminal lmms01:40
buckwilda dialog box came up01:40
adi__saying what?01:40
sooki\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 and \Device\Harddisk0\Partition3 is what explore2fs says in detailed  partition options01:41
buckwildit just wanted me to define a working directory01:41
buckwildhow can i get the icon on the applications menu?01:41
adi__just hit ok01:41
sookilet me boot into it and see if we can figure this out01:42
adi__buckwild, click right on desktop and choose new shortcut, in the field command type lmms, hit ok and exit01:42
adi__right click*01:42
Jeruvybuckwild: use control center to add it.01:42
buckwildok. thanks01:42
whileimhereHi I have a 4.4 gig iso file that I need to backup to CDR not DVD. Will any of the burners burn across CDRs?01:43
adi__whileimhere, a bootable image?01:43
faileasI'd like to get a certain minimal set of apps for an older box with no network access I've tried out the config i want on top of a xubuntu cd01:43
whileimhereNo asi_ I dont think so01:44
scuniziwhileimhere: multisession.. maybe k3b but I'm not sure.01:44
whileimhereIts a Picasa backup ISO01:44
faileasAny way i can do a 'test' install, and use a second disk to install just what i want on top of a minimal install?01:44
whileimhereI want to backup my Photos but I do not own a DVD burner01:44
adi__whileimhere, split it with 7zip in chunks after burn it01:44
whileimhereI probably should just do them by hand01:44
buckwildcan anyone suggest a good book to give me a good start on learning how to use ubuntu properly??01:45
faileaswhileimhere: why not compress the disk and split it, or split it with a appropriate tool, or just mount the image, and seperate it into 700 mb chunks by hand?01:45
faileasadi__: 7zip? ;p01:45
faileasthought that was windows only01:45
adi__faileas, linux too. search in synaptic01:46
adi__bye ppl01:46
adi__nice chat01:46
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ buckwild01:47
scuniziadi__: thanks for all the assist everywhere :)01:47
buckwildthx bazhang01:47
buckwildi refuse to go back to windows and i am determined to learn this01:48
scunizibuckwild: that's half the battle.. :)01:48
faileasbuckwild: To be honest, I learnt a lot of what i know right here ;p01:48
* faileas don't need no stinky books ;p01:48
whileimhereCan 7zip really do much compression on folders of jpgs?01:49
budothat was one way i was planning to learn was in here01:49
budoreading questions and people replies to questions01:49
buckwildim trying to get my wife to let me install ubuntu on her PC.  all she does is internet01:50
jerry_how do list the devgid for my usb devices?01:50
mb_againbuckwild: my wife is windows xp home and she is much happier, she has tried my linux and finds it difficult, even though she has to do zero setup01:50
buckwildwe just never win01:51
scunizimb_again: she's comfortable and not open to learning something new right now..01:51
ewsubachmy mom can't even work windows. I set up a vnc server so when she needs help i can connect and do it for her01:51
buckwildthey even made this look like windows i'm so amazed01:52
scunizimb_again: occationally call her from someplace else and have her use your computer to look something up.. learn it so you can walk her through it on the phone.. :) forced learning01:52
sookiscunizi, /home is on /dev/sda1 and the rest is on /dev/sda201:52
buckwildscunizi good idea. im gonna try that01:53
mb_againdifferent here, she is a power xl user and power word user, windows does not scare her. But she chose ooo over the cost of MS office, very happy with ooo picassa filezilla and firefox01:53
scunizisooki: the rest meaning / (root) ?01:53
sookiand the swap partition01:53
whileimhereI have a desktop comp that needs a wireless card (PCI) installed in it. It will never be able to get close enough to have an etho cable run to it. What kind of card am I looking for? Are they expensive? How compatible are they with Ubuntu?01:53
sookibut noone likes swap partitions cause they're loners01:53
buckwildyou guys have been great.  now i know where to go for help. good night01:53
scunizisooki: ok when you reduced the size of root (sda2) did you reduce it from the end of the partition or the beginning?01:54
Jeruvy!hcl | whileimhere01:54
ubottuwhileimhere: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:54
sookilooks like fromt the beginning01:54
mb_againwhileimhere: i had good success with very cheap pcmcia cards on laptops, zero luck with usb wireless. i suggest carefully researching the cheapest add in pci cards available for good quality linux driver support01:55
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scunizisooki: then you should be able to stretch the end of /home to the beginning of root01:55
whileimheremb_again yeah. I was given a D510 compaq and everything works great with Ubuntu except I need wireless on it.01:55
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sookihow would i do that?01:56
mb_againwhileimhere: i will need to do that with a compaq craputer I gave to a nephew soon, similar model. my brother also does not want to run wires01:56
whileimheremb_again I have been using it for photos and editing them mostly and with the 128 meg nvidia card I had laying around installed in it I cant tell the difference between my new laptop and it.01:57
os11guys how do u watch mov files?01:58
scunizisooki: in the partition editor pick the partition with the drop down menu in the upper right and on the graphical display of the space used you should be able to drag the right or left edge of the partition in the direction needed.01:58
tiyowan!codecs | os1101:58
ubottuos11: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:58
sookiwell, i'm attempting to upload a screenshot, but konqueruereurer segfaulted01:58
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scunizisooki: your on KDE? kubuntu?  not sure if the partition editor looks the same there as it does on gnome.. probably but....01:59
alejandro_que onda01:59
mb_againwhileimhere: I just looked at the hw list (link posted above) and it is organized by manufacturer. shop, note models and prices, look them up. Should be quite easy.01:59
sookiwell, it should, just really ugly-like as i haven't found the gtkqt lookike engine thing yet01:59
sookiand it looks the same as it does on the live CD02:00
earthmeLonI recently destroyed my sound card due to static.  Now, many programs wont even run because there are errors.  Is there any ways I can remove the sound card or do something so that apps that try to use sound don't crash when they try to access my sound card?02:00
scunizisooki: did you just install recently? and if so are you dual booting?02:00
sookiyeah, just did a fresh install yesterday, i'm dual booting but winders is on a second drive02:00
GArReT`how can i fix this error02:01
GArReT`checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables02:01
naiadcurious if there are any cedega users that have nvidia twinview enabled here?  Having some issues having both enabled.  I know this isn't the cedega channel but its pretty dead in there :)02:01
sookiis there any way i can just move /home to / partition and just delete the /home one so i can expand / back, as i don't plan on switching distros, like ever02:01
earthmeLonGArReT`: do you have build-essential package installed?02:01
scunizisooki: you could sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop from inside a termial if you wanted gnome.. kde is a different animal since 4.xx .. I haven't played with it.02:01
GArReT`earthmeLon, i dont think so02:01
GArReT`what is that?02:01
scunizisooki: you could also just reinstall and manually partition during the process02:02
lstarnesGArReT`: it contains the c compiler and packages needed to make it work02:02
earthmeLonGArReT`: It's a package of commonly used files needed to do what you're doing.  Try sudo apt-get build-essential02:02
alejandro_alguien que hable español02:02
sookiyeah, i was hoping to avoid that, but it wouldn't be a big issue02:02
lstarnes!es | alejandro_02:02
ubottualejandro_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:02
bazhangalejandro_, /join #ubuntu-es02:02
sookiand they should for the most part operate the same, shouldn't they, as i do almost everything from the terminal02:02
RubyYou still there?02:02
scunizisooki: you haven't accumulated anything that you can't do without.. a reinstall would only take 40 mins. or so.02:02
GArReT`it says invalid operation02:02
sebsebsebRuby: hi02:03
earthmeLonGArReT`: It's a package of commonly used files needed to do what you're doing.  Try sudo apt-get install build-essential02:03
techbertCan anyone help with pam modules and time.conf?02:03
earthmeLonGArReT`: I added INSTALL to the line02:03
earthmeLonMy bad02:03
RubyAlright so I burned a disk02:03
Rubyand its booting on the laptop02:03
sebsebsebRuby: ok  good  do you still have the ISO by the way?02:03
sookialright, thanks for the help scunizi02:03
RubyNo flash drive though02:03
sebsebsebRuby: ,because it's a good idea to do a little check to make sure your  ISO downloaded properly02:04
RubyCheck disk for defects?02:04
sebsebsebRuby: well there is that, but I think that's only to check the CD isn't scratched and such02:04
sookiooo, dolphin has tabs02:04
Dr_Willisalways a good idea to check iso files md5sums02:04
sebsebseb!md5sum |  Ruby02:04
ubottuRuby: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more02:04
earthmeLonAlso, GArReT`, when replying to what someone says, make sure you type their name.  That way they get a notification and they know you're talking to them.  You can type earth and then hit tab, and it will COMPLETE my nick02:05
scunizisooki: no problem.. I occationally run kubuntu in a vm in vbox.. nice.. but I need a production machine and kubuntu is still developing .. that is the new kde is still in growing pains.. it's pretty though.. I like it.02:05
GArReT`earthmeLon, this is the error i get02:05
GArReT`The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:05
GArReT`  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or02:05
GArReT`                            libc-dev02:05
GArReT`                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed02:05
GArReT`E: Broken packages02:05
FloodBot2GArReT`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
earthmeLonGArReT`: Use pastebin.com to show multiple lines02:05
GArReT`my bad02:06
sookiyeah, i tried it when 4 just came out and it had a looooot of bugs02:06
monostonehello, i want to install spamassassin but there is a dependency error with libmail-spf-query-perl since it says that /usr/sbin/spfd is already present in the cpan-libmail-spf-perl package. Any pointers as in how to resolve this issue? thank you02:06
earthmeLonGArReT`: When you do sudo apt-get install build-essential, it should automatically install all the dependencies you need02:06
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sookianyway, off i go, thanks for the help again02:07
earthmeLonGArReT`: try:  sudo apt-get clean all && sudo apt-get update02:07
whileimhereis 7zip better compression than taz.bz?02:07
earthmeLonbz is 7z whileimhere02:08
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whileimhereoh it is?02:08
sebsebsebRuby: still here?02:08
earthmeLonwhileimhere: Yeah, you would use 7z e file.tar.bz and then tar xvf file.tar02:08
GArReT`earthmeLon, ok its done.. what then?02:08
earthmeLonGArReT`: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:09
whileimhereearthmeLon I am just using the archive Gui tool to do it.02:09
GArReT`earthmeLon, it gives the same error02:09
RubySays the hashes are different02:09
RubySebsebseb: yes02:09
earthmeLonGArReT`: sudo apt-get install libc6-dev libc-dev02:10
sebsebsebRuby: ok so you get a program that  does the MD5sum  of the ISO, then  the code you get should be the same as the one here:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/MD5SUMS02:10
sebsebsebRuby: that's what I was going to put before02:10
alejandro_alguien de veracruz para platicar02:10
sebsebseb!es |  alejandro_02:10
ubottualejandro_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:10
Rubythey are the same02:10
earthmeLonyeah, whileimhere 7z is the best and rar is pretty good too.  tar itself doesn't actually compress files, just puts them together02:10
sebsebsebRuby: you sure your getting exactly the same code?  webpage and md5sum program?02:11
whileimhereThis is creating a file called Archive.tar.bz02:11
sebsebsebalejandro_: :)02:11
RubyI am02:11
sebsebsebRuby: ok good02:11
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techbertI can't seem to restrict users by time with "account    required  pam_time.so" uncommented  and login;tty*;luser;!Al0000-240002:11
sebsebsebRuby: now boot lap top from Live CD02:11
pahomhi all02:11
earthmeLonShould be pretty good whileimhere.  Just remember, some files (like mp3s) are already compressed, so you might not see that great of compression.  It depends on what you're compressing02:11
Rubyits at the ubuntu livecd menu02:12
earthmeLonI recently destroyed my sound card due to static.  Now, many programs wont even run because there are errors.  Is there any ways I can remove the sound card or do something so that apps that try to use sound don't crash when they try to access my sound card?02:12
giacoflash has always been slow and a cpu eater, but with 9.04 he's able to fill up a 4 cpus computer and consume 80W for a youtube video02:13
sebsebsebRuby: ok boot up the live session02:13
RubyAlright its booting02:13
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sebsebsebRuby: the data can be  networked over using Samba, but you will need to know the internal ip address of the computer you want to move it  over to02:14
jonathancwAnyone know of any luck getting SLI 9800 GT Video cards to work with ubuntu?02:14
DrLameI've loaded ubuntu with an HDMI cable plugged in. I look into the Resolution Manager and all it shows is one monitor (unknown) which I assume is the laptop monitor.... Where is mai tv?  \(o.O)/02:15
taget_i rran a pair of 8800's02:15
jonathancwtaget_ odd enough i cant get it to work with x.  i install 1.85, even added the bus id to the xorg.conf file, etc.  nothing seems to work02:15
MoltenBobcatDrLame: is there an input switcher on the laptop like on my netbook I have to hit Fn f8 to switch to the vga port most laptops have something like that02:15
KillGorackhey, can you install .run files into ubuntu?02:16
sebsebsebKillGorack: yes, but  I am not that sure how02:16
scunizijonathancw: you might need the latest driver from nvidia.. check out the following for the release notes and install instructions. http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_185.18.14.html  read carefully and don't shortcut it..02:16
taget_jonathancw that is odd all i had to do was use the nvidia controla panel and enable sli02:16
techbertWell maybe another time02:16
KillGorackI wanna play this02:17
vardhanis there a repos that has more frequent update of software02:17
scuniziKillGorack: it's a kick.. lots of fun02:17
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  world of padman?02:17
vardhanfor example, i currently can't upgrade to firefox 3.5 :(02:17
RubyLive cd booted, sebsebseb02:17
scuniziKillGorack: check out www.getdeb.net02:17
DrLameMoltenBobcat: my function buttons don't seem to work in ubuntu... Nothing happens with the monitor one, and the mousepad disable one doesn't work either...02:17
bazhang!ff35 > vardhan02:17
ubottuvardhan, please see my private message02:17
sebsebsebRuby: see above I said  about internal ip address02:17
KillGorack]found it02:18
Rubyhow do I find that ):02:18
Rubyjust like02:18
zack_hello! i just installed my alsa drivers for my computer but theres a problem, it doesnt know what codec module to use.. my card is the Realtek ALC887 Codec.. what module should i be using?02:19
sebsebsebRuby: no that's the external ip address02:19
sebsebsebRuby: the one  the  Internet gets02:19
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  check out02:19
KillGorackcheck wht out?02:19
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  check out    http://en.djl-linux.org/     its a 'steam like front end' that can install/run/update GPL games.02:19
KillGorackubuntu does it nicley https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage02:19
sebsebsebRuby: ok in Windows do you know the command prompt?02:20
RubyWould it make any difference if I checked on the laptop or this computer02:20
KillGorackstill didnt figure my screens out ;0(02:20
sebsebsebRuby: you'll do it on Windows02:20
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  found a few neat games via Djl thats not in the repos. :)02:20
sebsebsebRuby: and also move the data over to your Windows  computer02:20
RubyGive me a second let me get a power cord for the laptop02:20
KillGorackdumb dsl.. 45 minutes for 550MB ;0(02:20
RubyYeah I figured that02:20
KillGorackwhat games dr??02:20
DrLameAnyone else have any ideas on how to get HDMI up or figure out if my hardware is functioning?02:21
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  been playing Numpty Physics lately..  and a few others.   The app has screenshot/descriptions of various games..02:21
furrySatandoes anyone know how to set the rendering method in the xorg.conf file?02:22
r3l1cHi everyone. I have looked in the wiki ... I am trying to share a folder, on the internet for a friend. I have firestarter policy to allow smb... I forwarded the service to the gateway, and forwarded the port on the router.. Still no luck. Any ideas?02:22
RubyGive me a second i'm going to do something02:22
sebsebsebRuby: ok02:22
Dr_Willisr3l1c:  you dont use 'samba' to share over the internet.. you would best use ssh for transfering files over the internet.02:23
jonathancwscunizi oddly enough man ive tried everything02:23
Dr_Willisr3l1c:  smb over the internet is a HUGE security loophole.02:23
jonathancwevven had a few people try and help me walk through the installation and i cant get it02:23
r3l1cDr_Willis:  It is tempory02:23
KillGorackthey should FORCE everyone to use torrents02:24
sebsebsebKillGorack: for downloading Ubuntu or whatever,  I disagree02:25
r3l1cThanks Dr_Willis I have disabled and will it up through ssh02:25
r3l1cwill set it up02:25
KillGorackI getta lotta corupt downloads.. Never had any issues with any kinda torrents02:25
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jonathancwanyone else pretty dang good with nvidia02:25
sebsebsebKillGorack: well that's what md5sum is about  and  that other check which is similar02:26
KillGorackis that kinda check after the fact?02:26
Foxy999I have written an sh script, how can I make the script run when I type a command like "dog" into terminal if the program isn't in the directory?02:26
sebsebseb!md5sum |  KillGorack02:26
ubottuKillGorack: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more02:26
KillGorackafter it's downloaded correct?02:27
scunizijonathancw: nvidia has a linux forum you might want to paruse..02:27
RubyI'm back.02:27
KillGorackhehe my slow connection i'd rather be proactive a little.. why dissagree with the flavors on torrents?? just curious02:27
r3l1cFoxy999:  chmod -x {filename}02:28
DrLameNo one's keen on HDMI issues/ =/02:28
sebsebsebRuby: ok you could  also move the data over to Ubuntu on the other computer,  but  it doesn't really matter02:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:28
sebsebsebRuby: Samba is great02:29
sebsebsebRuby: and easy to do02:29
RubyAlright how do I set up samba, give me a link because that seems like a definition for what it is02:29
KillGorackdr_willis I did't know about the Djl website ;0) thanks!!02:29
sebsebsebRuby: nah i'll guide you a bit :)02:29
Dr_WillisKillGorack:  yea.. its nifty. :) makes installing some games a lot easier. (the non gpl ones)02:29
sebsebsebRuby: ok first of all you  need to know the internal ip address of the computer your going to move the files to, so open the command prompt02:30
sebsebsebRuby: on Windows02:30
dennis00hi, in vnc my mouse doesn't work with ubuntu. how do I change mouse settings without mouse? (shortcuts?)02:30
Foxy999r3l1c, that doesn't work02:30
dennis00how do I get into terminal? what shortcut?\02:30
kebomixguys , i have problem with topcoder arena , i use this command to run it  "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/javaws   %ArenaPath%/ContestAppletProd.jnlp  "  it begin with download and then it doesn't open arena , any solution !02:30
KillGorackis that in the synaptic?02:30
MutantTurkeyalt+f2 gnome-terminal02:30
MutantTurkeydennis ^^^^02:30
Rubyso what is it that I enter02:31
sebsebsebRuby: ipconfig /all02:31
dennis00thanks! alt f2 gets me in terminal02:31
dennis00it's not synaptics02:31
dennis00just the normal mouse02:31
quesoI'm having trouble getting my wireless USB adapter to work.  I've explained the issue here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1203540  Any help you could provide is appreciated!  Thanks :)02:32
dennis00I try to connect to ubuntu via vnc on a vmware server.02:32
RubyIP4 address would be it?02:32
dennis00but it opens popups of trash - file browser.02:32
dennis00it's very strange.02:32
FloodBot2dennis00: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
el_locoi'm trying ot set opendchub in ubuntu 9, but i cant get my client (linuxdcpp) on the same box to connect to the hub02:32
KillGoracksebsebseb, is there issues with downloading things like ubuntu with torrents?02:32
sebsebsebRuby: nah something like for example  something02:32
dennis00on every mouse movement and every mouse click, it just opens 'trash - file browser', when I click...02:32
sebsebsebKillGorack: no02:32
kebomix i have problem with topcoder arena , i use this command to run it  "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/javaws   %ArenaPath%/ContestAppletProd.jnlp  "  it begin with download and then it doesn't open arena , any solution !02:32
RubyWould the internal address happen to be what I use to access my router control panel via browser?02:33
sebsebsebRuby: yes02:33
RubyAlright then02:33
sebsebsebRuby: well  the main internal ip address will be for the router config page02:33
Rubyso I have my address02:33
Rubynow what02:33
sebsebsebRuby: then  it  may say in there,  what they are for each individual computer as well02:33
sebsebsebRuby: ok you need to make a shared folder on Windows, where your going to move the stuff to02:34
sebsebsebRuby: so for example make something in my documents02:34
monostonehello, i want to install spamassassin but there is a dependency error with libmail-spf-query-perl since it says that /usr/sbin/spfd is already present in the cpan-libmail-spf-perl package. Any pointers as in how to resolve this issue? thank you02:34
el_locodoes anyone know how to set up opendchub in ubuntu... i've been googling, but i cant find any useful results02:34
sebsebsebRuby: then right cilck   and properties and make it a shared folder.  your on XP or Vista on there?02:34
DigitalFizis there a way to make the icons line up on the right side instead of the left side?02:34
richardpradenasque tal02:34
haydenmicallefmonostone, are you installing it via synaptic?02:34
sebsebsebRuby: ok  I think you still get the hand icon on Vista, when it's shared02:35
el_lococomo ta' richardpradenas02:35
monostonehaydenmicallef: yes02:35
dennis00When I click with my mouse anywhere on the screen, it opens a new popup with 'trash - file browser' in Ubuntu. Keyboard seems to give no problems, but I need to be able to use the mouse via VNC. VNC is configured via the .vmx file. I've tried connecting via multiple XP-nodes, same problem. The VMWare-OS keeps opening 'trash - file browser' pop-ups. I have installed a new Ubuntu, but unfortunately same problem.02:35
richardpradenasbien y tu02:35
richardpradenasuna pregunta02:35
richardpradenastu usas linux02:35
sebsebseb!es |  richardpradenas02:35
ubotturichardpradenas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:35
FloodBot2richardpradenas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:35
bazhangrichardpradenas, el_loco /join #ubuntu-es02:35
RubyGive me a minute02:35
richardpradenassabes como instalar un programa02:35
el_lococool... thanks02:35
haydenmicallefMonostone: Try uninstalling libmail-spf-query-perl maybe, then install spamassassin02:36
nickhCan some suggest a multi-channel audio editor that works with .wav files in Ubuntu?02:38
scunizinickh: audacity02:38
Lionyxnickh: Ardour02:39
KillGoracknickh audacity02:39
peter_how do i change my background in  ubuntu02:39
sebsebsebpeter_: like Windows02:39
scunizinickh: ardour, like Lionyx says, will also work but is more difficult to install.. it's a higher end program02:39
DrLameHmm... how do you run an /rpb file?02:39
sebsebsebpeter_: right cilck on the desktop02:39
taget_peter_ right lcikc on desktop[ and select chagne background02:39
bazhangpeter_, right click on desktop02:39
el_locoopendchub on ubuntu... anyone?02:39
Lionyxscunizi, agree02:40
nickhI'll try Audacity -- any others?02:40
mike3i'm having some issues with cron. The cron log shows that it has executed my custom scripts but the scripts are not actually running. I can run the manually just find and they work. Any idea???02:40
rwwmike3: is there a blank line at the end of your crontab? that's usually what i do wrong >.>02:41
rww(i.e., you want one there)02:41
rwwalso, % needs escaping02:41
mike3rww in crontab -e ?02:41
rwwmike3: yeah02:41
monostonehaydenmicallef: ok, i'll try that, though im scared that a CP i have built in perl might not like the change from cpan-libmail-spf-perl to libmail-spf-query-perl02:41
el_locomike3 use the executable full name (/home/abc/bin/hello_world)02:41
mike3rww at the end of the file?02:42
Lionyxnickh, here's the important thing about this sws, try one, than after explore it and find out something it does not works on, you may move on, but try starting with this and see if it's cool enought for ya ;)02:42
rwwmike3: the file that crontab -e edits needs to have a blank line at the end of it, yes.02:42
haydenmicallefOk, but uninstall at your own risk.. Usually anything you do can be undone02:42
mike3rww okay give me a sec to check02:42
nellmathewanyone here use banshee? if you do and you're interested, can you help me compile this shoutcast extension for it? (adds shoutcast radio to banshee)..02:43
mike3rww not having this line will still report in the cron logs it launched?02:43
Lionyxtalking about music softwares, recently i've wine "emulated" Encore 4.5.5 here, cause for some reason, the 5.0 doesn't work. did some one ever did it work?02:44
rob__well aftermuch hard work i got the resolutions to work on my Gforce can get 1900x1050 but still no 3d stuff02:44
jonathancwAnyone have any experience getting NVIDIA 9800 GT SLI Video cards working with X?02:44
=== deniz is now known as Guest55117
Guest55117when i do lshw, it says my ram is 667mhz but the package on which i bought it says PC2 6400 meaning 800mhz, so which is it? i remember it being advertised as 800mhz too02:45
shaullxgodamn this compiz i need to manualy start it each time i start ubuntu02:46
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:46
bazhangshaullx, watch the language02:46
coleysshaullx: There is clearly an easy fix, don't get pissed about something so trivial.02:47
bazhangLionyx, you may wish to check the appdb for wine02:47
mike3el_loco i am02:47
el_locoshaullx, there is a way to set compiz to run un starup... i remember reading a guide on it easy to find through google02:47
balleynehow can I install a 64-bit kernel in Ubuntu?02:47
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org Lionyx02:48
nellmathewanyone know how to fix "gmcs: Command not found " ?02:48
shaullxim searching google and ubuntu forums for an hour i will be glad if you could give me a link02:48
jonathancwAnyone have any experience getting NVIDIA 9800 GT SLI Video cards working with X?02:48
scuniziballeyne: you have to install the 64 bit version of ubuntu02:48
Lionyxbazhang, see what i can get there, tks02:48
rob__With out being buzz kill as regards to Linux , but something as simple as a GFX card should really be a Pnp expirence,02:48
shaullxnothing seems to work02:48
nevynrob__: gfx card simple?02:48
coleysshaullx: sudo apt-get install fusion-icon, then add fusion-icon to startup applications.02:48
nevynrob__: srsly you think a gfx card is simple?02:49
balleynescunizi: ah, thanks. so, reinstall necessary? no way to convert a 32-bit installation?02:49
scunizirob__: it isn't on windows.. you still have to install the right driver.. otherwise you're using a generic driver.. Ubuntu does that too.02:49
haydenmicallefNellmathew: Install gmcs02:49
shaullxi have fusion icon how do i add it to startup, coleys?02:49
scuniziballeyne: not that I'm aware of.02:49
el_locomike3, im not sure.. i had trouble like that in the past and been able to get it working by trial an error02:49
bazhangballeyne, correct, full re-install02:49
ggaborhi .. how can i install swfdec.tar.gz to ubuntu?02:49
rob__yea I was , gfx from nvida02:49
balleynescunizi, bazhang: thanks02:49
coleysshaullx: System > Preferences > Startup Applications02:49
bazhangggabor, that should be in repos02:49
rob__taken about 6 days just sort the resolution02:50
shaullxill try02:50
rob__out , now the 3d engin to sort out02:50
nellmathewhaydenmicallef - simple enough, i'll remember that in the future, thanks!02:50
joebodosigh - eclipse completely unstable under ubuntu ...02:50
=== mike is now known as Guest21849
ggaborwhat is repos? repos?02:50
rob__and reading this IRC many other people have the same issues02:51
Lionyxtalking about 3d cards, does anybody knows where can i get a elctronic schematic of a Gforce FX5500? mine just blowed 2 caps...02:51
poseidonWhat package do you need to install to get the acmkdir utility?02:51
smil3yggabor>  !repository02:51
coleys!repos > ggabor02:51
ubottuggabor, please see my private message02:51
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:51
rob__I love linux , but how can you advise people to use it , when something like GFX can cause so many problems02:51
shaul_well now fusion-icon starts on startup but i still need to right click it and click reload02:52
nevynrob__: so you got an unsupported piece of complicated hardware working in 5 days with your operating system.. that's pretty good really02:52
ggaborthx your messages02:52
rob__< Lionyx> i just put a new one up on Ebay02:52
haydenmicallefNellmathew___: As in: "sudo apt-get install gmcs"02:52
coleysrob__: It depends on hardware, don't whine =P. Some will have alot harder then you, some will have it just plan easy, actually most will. =P02:52
shaul_any help? :(02:53
[Pwner]Johnwhat the program02:53
[Pwner]Johnto run unbuntu on windows02:53
Ruf_BSU_IT4leivince di lagi ku kasulod comsoc nga room..ehehe02:53
[Pwner]Johnwhile windows is still running02:53
Lionyxrob__, tks buddy, but it's more about the fixing challenge than the real use of it ;)02:53
jefinc!patience | shaul_02:53
ubottushaul_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:53
[Pwner]JohnUbuntu does NOT have a seperate partition02:53
coleysshaul_: It shouldn't. Just set it to what you want it to use i.e. window decorator --> emerald window manager --> compiz02:54
shaul_its set to compiz02:54
shaul_but i still need to click reload windows manager so it will enable the effects02:55
ubnewbeemy graphics seem to pain-crawl on my new Acer Aspire 4530, running a nVidia 9100m G card.  Anyone else experience something like this?02:55
=== nathan is now known as wermse
rob__< Lionyx>  K oh and its 5200 not a 55000 i got up soz02:55
ubnewbeeI'm running 9.0402:55
ubnewbee64-bit version02:55
wermseim trying to install jaunty, it boots up just fine into the installer, then when it gets to the detect and mount cdrom part it fails saying it can't find a cdrom.  i tried a different jaunty cd and it wont even boot up the installer.  i have a centos cd that installs just fine.  any idea what may be causing this and how i could fix it?02:56
rob__< coleys > notr really moaning on my behalf, but Jo bloggs ,02:56
mike3wermse possibly AHCI02:56
=== Cream|GONE is now known as Blond_Guy
MK13shaul_, have you put "USE_EMERALD='YES'" in ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager ?02:56
ubnewbeewermse, is cd-rom boot turned on in your BIOS?02:56
mike3wermse I had weird issues with this. Check to see if yhou can turn off and on this feature in your bios02:56
rob__< coleys> if Linix want to make it into the homes more its needs to be out of box expirence,02:56
wermseohh, another thing, when it says boot from atapi cdrom it says no emulation02:56
shaul_i dont want to use emerald02:57
bazhangrob__, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic02:57
shaul_only compiz effects02:57
=== Blond_Guy is now known as Cream
wermsetrying one more time again here quick, if it doesn't work i'll check the bios for boot stuff02:57
MK13shaul_, mb02:57
coleysrob__: If you want a complete out of the box experience try something that doesn't have license issues. (Such as mandriva-one).. Ubuntu isn't really out of box, its on the edge, but not out of the box.02:57
bazhangwermse, did you md5 the iso, burn at low speed, do the disk integrity check02:58
rob__< bazhang> sozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz02:58
wermsei've used this cd a few times before, yesterday i used it on a different machine, i dont suspect it is an issue with the cd, but i guess that is a possibility02:58
coleyswermse: Do you have a flash drive?02:58
bazhangwermse, then check bootoptions02:58
bazhang!bootoptions > wermse02:58
ubottuwermse, please see my private message02:58
wermseyes, i do have a flash drive02:58
rob__OK - I got the rez sorted , on my gforce any idea onthe 3d stuff02:59
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:59
VadimerHello all02:59
coleys!unetbootin | wermse02:59
ubottuwermse: please see above02:59
wermsei am looking at that page now02:59
mike3cron is forked!03:00
MK13wermse, you can make a usb disk easily using ubuntu by going to system>admin.> create usb startup disk03:00
shaul_also when i run compiz --replace i get this error "Checking for Xgl: not present. "03:00
wermseok, that is another option, i will try this one, then the next, then the next.  thanks for the help everyone, hopefully i get this working03:00
coleyswermse: I highly suggest unetbootin.03:00
kitty_everyone familiar with the rescue/recovery mode options when booting, how do you enable that mode through yaboot, i've tried adding the "append='single ro'" options but it just drops me to a "enter root passwd for maintenance" prompt03:00
soreaushaul_: For compiz issues, visit #compiz03:01
wermsecoleys: ok03:01
MK13coleys, why unetbootin?03:01
coleysMK13: Works, and its fast.03:01
CleanLaundryanyone in here familiar with NUBUNTU?03:01
SamperNeed help with setting up RandR on laptop with SIS graphics driver.... cheers03:02
MK13coleys, ahh, the built-in ubuntu tools seems fast too, not to mention creates persistent usb disks :D03:02
skylso I am trying to forward port 80 through a stupid belkin wireless router to a linux box that has a static IP at ... anyone help me diagnose why I can see the webserver on my LAN but not from the WWW?03:02
coleysMK13: Im under the assumption he needs to install ubuntu first, which is why he's asking about his LiveDisc03:02
dennis00how do I change vnc port/remote desktop on ubuntu?03:03
MK13coleys, the tool is on the live cd (or is the livecd not booting on any computer?)03:03
Jeruvyskyl: add a port forward for 80 on
coleysMK13: Not entirely sure.03:03
coleysMK13: Ask him I  guess.03:04
mike3cron is being stupid. According to the cron logs it says it launces my custom scripts but nothing actually happens.03:04
bobohey guys what are some good drawing apps ala gimp, krita, xara xtreme?03:04
Jeruvydennis00: 'system -> preferences -> remote desktop'03:04
coleysbobo: inkscape03:04
mdgCleanLaundry: what is NUBUNTU?03:04
rob__< skyl>  can you see the http requests in youe apache access log 1st03:04
skylJeruvy you would think that would be it but I'm having no luck03:04
bobocoleys: tried it already, didnt really like it03:04
MK13wermse,can you boot into the ubuntu live cd at all?03:04
CleanLaundrymdg | nubuntu03:04
CleanLaundrynubuntu | mdg03:05
skylrob__ no, and the server if fine behind the router03:05
Jeruvyskyl: what router make/model?03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu03:05
bazhangCleanLaundry, that is offtopic here03:05
ubottugimpshop is a hack that makes The Gimp look and feel more like Photoshop.  A .deb for Ubuntu is available via http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29403:05
skylJeruvy the portforward.com article is of no use03:05
bobooh cool03:05
CleanLaundrymdg, security version of ubuntu03:05
dennis00Jeruvy: it doesn't give alternative port at remote desktop page03:05
mdgCleanLaundry: oh...03:05
KB1JWQCleanLaundry: I've never heard of it.03:05
mike3is there a way I can see a verbose log of when cron runs a jobs?03:06
dennis00how to restart vino?03:06
jonathancwAnyone have any experience getting NVIDIA 9800 GT SLI Video cards working with X?03:06
KB1JWQLearn something new every day.03:06
kitty_recovery mode options when booting, how do you enable that mode through yaboot, i've tried adding the "append='single ro'" options but it just drops me to a "enter root passwd for maintenance" prompt03:06
Jeruvydennis00: click the advanced tab, then check 'use alt. port' and enter the port03:06
coleysjonathancw: wah, still struggling? D:03:06
rob__< skyl>  sudo tcpdum -i eth0 src belkin router  <. check if any traffic is hittind the server03:06
CleanLaundrymdg, KB1JWQ since it is off topic I wont talk about it anymore but google, it, or go to nubuntu.org03:06
jonathancwcoleys hehe ya man i am =/03:06
dennis00Jere`: there is no advanced tab03:06
wermsehmm. i wonder if this old machine can even boot off a usb drive03:07
dennis00I tried gnome-conf editor, but not sure if gnome restart is a good idea.03:07
kitty_how do you customize the desktop resolution using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?03:07
Jeruvydennis00: there sure is :)03:07
coleyswermse: Quick try never hurts =)03:07
coleyskitty_: Nvidia?03:08
jonathancwcoleys i dont think anyone knows how hehe03:08
dennis00Jeruvy: not for me, no tab.03:08
coleysjonathancw: Yeah... Im baffled... as to why it doesn't work. Maybe your cards are *TOO* new? :p And I though I would never ever have to say that =P03:08
Jeruvydennis00: what are you using?03:08
dennis00Jeruvy: uBUNTU 9.0403:09
jonathancwcoleys damnit hah03:09
wermsehmm. unetbootin can't do ubuntu 904?03:10
Jeruvydennis00: ah right they moved it, I'll see if I can find it03:12
M1K3wermse, there is a tool that can boot from cd, then it has a boot loader that can then boot from usb :D03:12
thedarkoneon my msi mother board it has a front audio03:12
mdgCan anyone here comment as to how ubuntu runs on an acer aspire one?03:14
SunTapyryou can inhale it03:14
BCM43Could someone recomend a good antivirus program?03:15
Jeruvydennis00: http://freemor.wordpress.com/2009/05/20/jaunty-remote-desktop-and-advanced-settings/03:15
SunTapyrkaspersky !?03:15
GallimaufryIs kaspersky in the repos?03:15
SunTapyrbrings viruses on ubuntu too03:15
SunTapyror clamav03:15
SunTapyrbut that contains tapir magic yet03:15
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:15
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:15
jonathancwAnyone have any experience getting NVIDIA 9800 GT SLI Video cards working with X?03:16
GallimaufryI cant get ubuntu to run because I dont have windows installed03:16
Gallimaufryis there a way to install without windows?03:16
dennis00jeruvy: thanks!03:16
thedarkoneon my msi mother board it has a front audio  and only get very little out of it and nothing out of others03:16
BCM43Everybody says their OS  not get viruses, linux, mac, BSD, yet I always get them03:17
kenyonGallimaufry: you don't need windows to install ubuntu03:17
mdgGallimaufry: You have a live cd?03:17
GallimaufryI thought linux used windows drivers03:17
M1K3Gallimaufry, just boot from the live cd03:17
Gallimaufrylike FAT03:17
GallimaufryI just downloaded the exe03:17
Gallimaufryit was something like ubuntu.exe03:17
mdgGallimaufry: it can use the windows driver to set things up like your wifi card03:17
mike3cron is dumb on ubuntu!03:17
gooseGallimaufry, do you know how to burn an iso?03:18
mike3It states it runs my scripts but it doesn't do it propery from cron. I cannot see why as the logs just tell me it runs the scripts...03:18
kenyonmike3: care to elaborate?03:18
mdgGallimaufry: show us the link you used03:18
kenyonmike3: ah.03:18
kebomixhow to install swfdec firefox plugin ?03:18
GallimaufryLet me find it03:18
tr3etthis is for "dar" (for backing up your hard drive). what does this mean?: "Note that the reference backup can be another full backup or another differential backup. This way you can make a first full backup, then many differential backup, each taking as reference the last backup made."03:18
goosekebomix, can you find it under the firefox plugins on the mozilla site? that's the easiest way03:18
SunTapyrwrong channel03:18
mike3kenyon - I have custom scripts I run via cron. I've ported them over from Gentoo. Cron shows that it executes them but it doesn't fully finish my custom scripts...03:18
Jeruvymike3: can't you see from the cron log whats happening?  Perhaps you don't understand ubuntu's methodology?  It is considerabley different from some other distros.03:19
mike3kenyon All the scripts work fine manually launching them.. So what the heck is the deal. Is there anyway to get a detail log out put from cron..maybe there is an error03:19
Ruby1I have no idea03:19
Ruby1what happened03:19
Ruby1my internet just disengaged for a bit03:20
mb_againkenyon: i like to soft link my custom scripts into /etc/cron.daily and hourly etc , that is all present on ubuntu and should work fine03:20
Gallimaufrymdg: from here http://fileshunt.com/rapidshare.php?file=ubuntu+setup+exe03:20
wermsemike: do you know what the thing is called to boot off cd into a boot loader and boot off the usb drive?03:20
kebomixgoose: it is not there  it is firefox plugin for swfdec flash player program03:20
mike3jeruvy it says it launched the script. that's it03:20
goosekebomix, ah, I'm not sure. I just installed VLC with the mozilla plugin :303:20
kenyonmike3: the output of cron jobs is emailed to the user who ran the jobs.03:20
Jeruvymike3: my scripts will output notifications by design, and my logs reflect the same output.03:20
kebomixgoose: i installed it from sudo apt-get install swfdec-mozilla    , but it doesn't appear on firefox plugins !03:21
gooseGallimaufry, the iso's come from www.ubuntu.com and you don't need windows to install it03:21
kebomixgoose: vlc runs flash !!03:21
somfdaskhey does anyone here have any experience getting audio to work over HDMI in Ubuntu?03:21
Ruby1When I set the sharing folder to well03:21
Ruby1my internet disengaged03:21
gooseGallimaufry, download the .iso file that suits your needs, burn it to a CD, then boot from that CD03:21
sebsebsebRuby1: ok your back good :)03:21
GallimaufryI tried to install Apple software, osx, and it wouldnt work either03:21
somfdaskI just bought a computer I'd like to use with an HDMI cable hooked up to my TV and video works fine but audio doesn't appear to work correctly03:21
GallimaufryI think linux need to get its act together and make it easier03:21
goosekebomix, but VLC is win :> Sorry, I don't know how to help you any further...03:21
kebomixgoose: okay thx03:22
mike3jeruvy - okay well I dont' want to rewrite my scripts... These scripts work fine manually so I don't see why it won't from cron.03:22
mike3jeruvy cron just launches them at certain times.. That's it.03:22
kebomixany one here runs swfdec plugin on firefox ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:22
mdgGallimaufry: I've never seen that before - I clicked the ubuntusetup.exe link (trusted version) three different times and it took me to three different websites03:22
Jeruvymike3: nor do I, perhaps you don't have them setup correctly03:22
mike3jeruvy what setup correctly???03:22
mdgthat was bogus!03:23
Jeruvymike3: I dunno...what exactly is the situation. ;)03:23
alcalde84Hi everyone. I'm using Twitux 0.62 in Ubuntu 8.04. Twitux had been working fine, but now I do not get the popup notifications when a twit arrives, even when the preference option is enabled.03:23
mb_againjeruvy dont forget to check permissions ... very common issue03:23
sebsebsebRuby1: yeah I saw you disappear out of here03:23
alcalde84What could be the problem, how can i fix it?03:23
Jeruvymb_again: I've been bitten by that one myself :) thanks.03:23
Ruby1Yeah it just quit03:23
sebsebsebRuby1: ok is the folder shared now?03:24
mike3jeruvy the issueis that cron says it launched the cron jobs but yet the jobs don't seem to have launched correctly. I have a script that calls 4 other binaries and scripts and base off the logs from those applications they weren't run03:24
timetel|sanyone using kernel 2.6.30 and ati drivers?03:24
Ruby1Uh I deleted it because it just quit when it was set to shared03:24
sebsebsebRuby1: oh I see heh,  ok well  that  shoudn't have disconnected your Internet03:24
sebsebsebRuby1: try again03:24
=== Ruby1 is now known as Ruby
Jeruvymike3: which cron?  User cron, root cron or crontab?03:25
mike3jeruvy user03:25
mdghi Ruby !03:25
nasrullahi am getting problem with pidgin ,it is not working your help pls03:25
mdgRuby: did you get your stuff saved?03:25
sebsebsebmdg: no she is going  to do Samba, once she has the shared folder sorted out and that03:26
Jeruvymike3: ok and the script is executing within userspace and not seeking something outside of user permissions?03:26
timetel|sanyone with ati and kernel 2.6.3003:26
mike3jeruvy - yep.. Like I said I can run it manually just fine03:26
RubyYeah not yet03:26
Sam_Can I install Ubuntu over my Vista and be able to switch between both anytime?03:26
mdgRuby: bummer :(03:26
sebsebsebSam_: install over Vista?03:27
Rubyit may screw over03:27
jueveshi, Im new over here ..what's the most Important thing to know about this thing?03:27
Rubyi apologize if it does03:27
RubyHey guys03:27
sebsebsebRuby: just read what it says for  doing a shared folder  properly, and should be ok03:27
RubyAm I still here?03:27
sebsebsebRuby: yes03:27
RubyI am03:27
FloodBot2Ruby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:27
RubyI set it to sharing03:27
Sam_I mean I have vista installed, can i have both in the same machine03:27
mb_againjuves: dont give up at the first sign of trouble03:27
Jeruvymike3: if you run it now, and review /var/log/syslog for cron events what does it tell you?  Is there anything from a previous failure?03:27
juevesthat's a scary first advice :P03:27
fadzlany malay?03:28
M1K3Sam_, you will need to dual boot03:28
sebsebsebSam_: you can dual boot, or with enough RAM virtual machine Vista,  won't be that good for 3D Windows gaming though,  altough Virtualbox 3.0 has some more support :)03:28
RubyOkay so its set to sharing, sebsebseb03:28
mdgjueves: you have something specific you need help with?03:28
RubyNow what03:28
nasrullahselemat pagi03:28
skylI want to log in to my modem .. I wonder what is the IP?03:28
jueveshmm...actually not, I just needed some human company =P03:28
sebsebsebRuby: ok good03:28
somfdaskdoes anyone know anything about HDMI audio in ubuntu?  I don't think it's detecting my HDMI sound device03:28
juevesis there an especific channel for that?03:28
sebsebsebRuby: your on the Live CD still yes?03:28
Sam_M1K3: is that something that will be done automatically?03:28
fadzli cant update my pidgin to new version03:28
juevesor is ok, if I stay around here03:28
kitty_ok i need some help configuring xserver-xorg03:28
mb_againjuves: with ubuntu now, almost everything <<just works>> but there are always bits around the edges. I love the installer, just ran it on five year old box, smooth as silk03:29
RubyIt is03:29
sebsebsebRuby: install samba on the live cd03:29
mike3jeruvy - nope I get mail saying it was sucessfully ran03:29
wermsehmm, well i got this image on the usb drive, but my motherboard can't boot off a usb drive.  i should be able to add an entry into grub, right?  my usb device is coming up as sda.  my hard drives are hda, hdb, hdc.  any idea what sda would be in grub?03:29
juevesnot true.. my webcam wont work in ubuntu03:29
skylnothing that is the output of $route or $ifconfig apparently and unfortunately03:29
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:29
M1K3Sam_, put the cd while in vista and then run wubi.exe that is on the cd03:29
kitty_wermse if it works, you can just goto the grub menu and hit "c" for command prompt then just type in "root = (hd" then hit tab and see if anything is listed beyond your normal disks03:30
mdgM1K3: wubi = bad03:30
gooseM1K3, wubi is fail, just boot from CD03:30
=== Tiago is now known as Guest61674
sebsebsebRuby: I think it's samba-common you want to install03:30
RubyOkay can you just simplify it, and have it redirect to where I should be reading03:30
fadzlwubi bad?03:30
skylcan anyone tell me how to find the IP of my modem from the CL?03:30
wermsekitty_:  it was only listing my normal disks.  so perhaps that wont be possible?03:30
sebsebsebfadzl: yes Wubi is usually bad03:30
RubySo just sudo apt-get install samba-common?03:30
Jeruvymike3: so cron reports it works fine, but it doesn't?03:30
sebsebsebRuby: yep try that03:30
gooseSam_, burn the Ubuntu CD, put it on your computer and restart. if your bios is not setup to boot from CD then HDD, then modify it to do so03:30
kitty_wermse was the usb disk in when you booted?03:30
nasrullahpidgin is not working your help pls03:30
mike3jeruvy yep...........03:31
wermsekitty_: yes03:31
goosenasrullah, details?03:31
KB1JWQnasrullah: Please to be definining "not working"03:31
kitty_wermse, it'll only list the disks recognized by bios03:31
skylshould the computers on my LAN have the same Bcast or different?03:31
mdgSam_: YOu have to burn the cd as an .iso image03:31
tr3etwould anyone be willing to explain to me how dar updates its backups?03:31
Jeruvymike3: hmm, can you pastebin the script?03:31
nasrullahi cannot open it03:31
Sam_goose: i don't want to run it as live03:31
sebsebsebfadzl: quite a few reasons, runs inside Windows, nasty Windows virus or some such bye bye Ubuntu,   if  windows is all fragmented Ubuntu can be slow.  the boot loaders can mess up, so people can't just access Ubuntu, then they also can't just use a Live CD to get hold of data, and so on03:31
wermsekitty_: well i guess that explains that.  stupid 10 year old computers.03:31
goosefadzl, when I installed via wubi it made my computer take a large crap and then need reformatting and reinstalling03:31
Sam_i wanna keep it installed03:31
leachim6in gpg when you use the "gpg" command it says "Type your message" what do you do when you're finished typing it?03:31
kitty_you can always make a small boot partition or just shove your vmlinuz and initrd on your fat disk and do it that way03:31
mdgSam_: Have you ever used ubuntu?03:31
kitty_and just point its root to your usb disk by uuid03:31
kitty_or you could make a boot cd03:32
gooseSam_, you can install from CD at boot, you don't have to run it live03:32
mike3jeruvy you know what, nevermind.. I installed mailx and i'm seeing log output now03:32
Sam_that's too complicated03:32
sebsebsebSam_: do you need to make space on your hard disk for Ubuntu?03:32
Jeruvymike3: I thought so :) good stuff03:32
gooseSam_, are you serious?03:32
sebsebsebSam_: and setting up a dual boot is pretty easy03:32
kitty_wermse i have a computer i built in 98 and it boots from usb just fine :P03:32
gooseSam_, you put the CD in your computer, then restart it03:32
gooseunplug it and plug it back in even, if you like03:32
RubySays it already has samba-common03:32
juevesis there any other channels?03:32
fadzloh thanks,03:32
gooseit's even easier than wubi03:32
wermsekitty_: hmm, maybe this one can, although i cant seem to find anything.  perhaps if i upgraded the bios it would be able to03:33
sebsebsebSam_: let Vista resize itself, or  dataloss can happen03:33
sebsebsebRuby: ok try this03:33
kitty_good luck with that03:33
skylhttp://dpaste.com/63589/ <-- something is coming through my router?03:33
wermseis it at all possible to start the ubuntu installer from another linux distro?03:33
sebsebsebRuby: open up the file manager03:33
Sam_i know, the live cd is working but i'm afraid of installing ubutu03:33
sebsebsebRuby: get the location bar and put in03:33
sebsebsebRuby: smb:// your internal ip address03:33
kitty_Anyone want to wade through some driver issues with xorg and my mental inadequacies ?03:33
mike3jeruvy if i want to disable email logs.. is this possible?03:34
gooseRuby, there's a bug with samba, let me explain03:34
sebsebsebRuby: you can also try  places >  Network  and then Windows network and see if you can get into your shared folder like that03:34
=== Tiago is now known as Guest46847
shaullxwhere is the file .gnomerc ?03:34
sebsebsebRuby: I am not sure what goose is on about,  but  Samba usually works well :)03:34
jueveswhy does your nick change to guest# ?03:34
bazhangjueves, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic03:35
gooseRuby, when you try and use Samba via IP, you can't just use the IP, i.e. smb:// won't work, you need to specify a target folder. i.e. smb:// or it won't find the host03:35
jueveshow do I get there baz03:35
goosesebsebseb, samba works well :) just that folder bug I just mentioned is an annoyance03:35
gooseSam_, well you're gonna install ubuntu either way, and wubi is the less stable way to do so03:35
rwwjueves: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:35
bazhangjueves, /join #ubuntu-offtopic (or click channel name)03:35
juevesokis, thanks03:35
M1K3goose, wubi is not fail for a new comer03:35
sebsebsebM1K3: Wubi is fail03:36
rww!register | jueves: and to pick and reserve a nickname...03:36
ubottujueves: and to pick and reserve a nickname...: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode03:36
gooseM1K3, referring newbies to wubi is uberfail03:36
sebsebsebM1K3: even some of the Ubuntu ops are  against it  which must mean something,  as well as many other experienced Ubuntu users03:36
goosewubi shouldn't have been created at all, imho03:36
goosewaste of code and space03:36
fadzlwubi just for try ubuntu03:36
kitty_wubi is fun :P03:36
M1K3sebsebseb, it is no worse than a frugal install :D03:37
juevesthank you ubottu , I'll come here when I had more important questions then :P03:37
kitty_trying ubuntu, thats what the live cd is for03:37
mdgkitty_: you use wubi?03:37
sebsebsebM1K3: I have been here a few times before, when  people get Wubi issues03:37
kitty_no, but it was fun to play with03:37
Rubysebsebseb: Okayy I went in via network03:37
sebsebsebkitty_: well a virtual machine of Ubuntu would have been way more fun to play with :)03:37
ponpullatrying to connect to irc.j3di.org03:37
kitty_who wants to help me with my Xorg.conf file?03:37
fadzl1st time, just use wubi03:37
M1K3sebsebseb, so it is better to make the ppl that have trouble using wubi try to partition ?03:38
goosekitty_, if by "help" you mean "sympathize" :>03:38
M1K3sebsebseb, good luck w/ that03:38
mdgkitty_: you getting a black screen and prompt?03:38
CleanLaundryI cant move files and folders because I dont have permission to see them? how do I fix this03:38
sebsebsebM1K3: yes,  or  get them to virtual machine  Ubuntu to begin with, even if that means Windows as host, and Windows as host is pretty eww really03:38
kitty_no by help i mean i've read the man pages and i still can't get the thing to work03:38
goose1st time use live CD. when you like it, install with GRUB, the right/real/correct way03:38
alcalde84Hi everyone. I'm using Twitux 0.62 in Ubuntu 8.04. Twitux had been working fine, but now I do not get the popup notifications when a twit arrives, even when the preference option is enabled. Does anyone knows how to fix it?03:38
mdgkitty_: get what thing to work?03:38
tr3etwould anyone be willing to explain to me how dar updates its backups?03:38
goosealcalde84, have you modified your theme at all?03:38
fadzluse wubi=windows crash, ubuntu crash03:39
sebsebsebM1K3: only thing though to test the hardware more properly need a  Live CD or some such or sure Wubi03:39
RubyOkay I keep trying to get in03:39
kitty_i try to launch gdm, and it falls back to failsafe (i wish i could just use those settings and they'd work) and tells me that the config is wrong, and the log file states that there are no devices found03:39
ponpullacan anyone help me connect to irc.j3di.org03:39
Rubyand it says failed to mount to windows share03:39
sebsebsebRuby: can you get into the shared folder?03:39
sebsebsebRuby: that other guy  did a good explination of how to do this03:40
M1K3fadzl, wow, i didnt have a windows or ubuntu crash while using wubi... w/ VISTA03:40
ewsubachCleanLaundry: do you have root access?03:40
gooseponpulla, this is the support channel for Ubuntu OS. but try /server irc.j3di.org03:40
sebsebsebRuby: so  like he said, but folder is the full path to your folder03:40
CleanLaundryewanchic, yes03:40
earthmeLonUGH!!!! Everytime I put a file on my computer from SAMBA, it's owned by nouser:nogroup.  How can I change this >_<03:40
CleanLaundryewanchic, using the drag and drop03:40
alcalde84goose, i have modified it twice at most, but how does it affect the popups?03:40
mdgkitty_: do you log in at the black screen?03:40
RubyYeah I'm trying My IP/users/administrator/documents/backup03:40
sebsebsebWubi is  really for newbies that don't know better!   Should drop the subject here really :)03:40
fadzlemm but so slow03:40
alcalde84goose, well not modified the theme, changed it03:40
kitty_i log in @ ssh03:41
goosealcalde84, I know modifying mine messed with my pidgin-guifications plugin a while back. just offering the thought, I have no idea how to fix your problem :/03:41
ewsubachCleanLaundry: so you are using the gui to drag it and it gives permission denied or something?03:41
erik_i have problem03:41
Rubyit isnt shared03:41
mdgkitty_: so its an ssh issue...03:41
CleanLaundryewanchic, yes, because I dont have permission to view the files03:41
sebsebsebRuby: ok03:41
erik_i just installed xubuntu03:41
kitty_no its a xorg issue03:41
CleanLaundryewanchic, I tried chown and chmod03:41
Rubynow its shown03:41
RubyStill says03:41
RubyFailed to mount to windows share03:41
erik_no task bar at bottom or top03:41
CleanLaundryewanchic, on the folder, but maybe my parameters were incorrect03:41
RubyWhen i try to browse into it03:42
FloodBot2Ruby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
sebsebsebRuby: that was the windows network way yes?03:42
ewsubachCleanLaundry: try sudo chmod 777 file_or_folder_name03:42
gooseerik_, have you tried right clicking, then adding the panel?03:42
sebsebsebRuby: that ways sometimes works, but normalley fails03:42
CleanLaundryewanchic, did that already03:42
RubyYes I set the folder to sharing then looked in network on ubuntu03:42
mdgerik_: Can you get a menu by pressing alt + F1?03:42
alcalde84goose, thank you, :)03:42
ewsubachCleanLaundry: try sudo lsattr file_name and tell me what it says03:42
Rubyand its there03:42
goosewelcome alcalde84 :)03:42
Rubybut when I try to go into it03:42
erik_how is that done on xubuntu03:42
sebsebsebRuby: ok03:43
sebsebsebRuby: opn the file manager03:43
RubyUnable to mount location; Failed to mount Windows share03:43
rww!enter | Ruby03:43
ubottuRuby: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:43
CleanLaundryewanchic, just was able to move it will command line, while getting errors saying do not have permission, it still moved the folder and files03:43
mdgerik_: also try Alt + Esc and see if that brings up a menu03:43
=== Cream is now known as Cream|GONE
kitty_how can i get xorg to use the settings from failsafe mode?03:43
mdgxubuntu uses xfce right?03:44
erik_i can right click an get to applications03:44
wermsehmm. if i made the usb drive thing from an ubuntu cdrom, and i am able to boot off the cdrom, but it fails later, should i be able to just mount the usb key as /cdrom and win?03:44
MK13mdg, yes03:44
goosekitty_, reboot and at GRUB select "Recovery Mode" then chose the "Try and fix x server" option?03:44
CleanLaundryewanchic, thanks!03:44
sebsebsebRuby: if you open computer for example03:44
sebsebsebRuby: can you get it showing the locationbar/addressbar ?03:44
ewsubachCleanLaundry: i think you figured it out by yourself :P03:44
mdgwhat does a left click on desktop do in xfce?03:44
tr3et>X-( could anyone PLEASE tell me how dar works? all i want to know is how it updates backups. i dont get what itsays in the manual or at the website03:45
kitty_ok goose, how do i enable recovery mode from yaboot, i add the append="ro single" and it drops me to a "enter root password for maintenance" prompt03:45
mdgkitty_: you have a PPC mac?03:45
sebsebsebRuby: view > location bar03:45
goosekitty_, no idea D: I no can has use mac03:45
mdgkitty_: I have a G4 iMac (looks kinda like a lamp) :)03:45
gooseit makes my soul heart too much kitty_ :p03:46
sebsebsebkitty_: oh Linux on a Mac,  that's  interesting and :)03:46
kitty_well its working03:46
kitty_i just can't get the damn xorg config to work03:46
mdgkitty_: what kind of PPC?03:46
kitty_old pos imac03:46
mdgkitty_: how old - mine was "born" in 200003:47
sebsebsebsam__: hold on03:48
kitty_sebsebseb any suggestions?03:48
Rubysebsebseb Back and no dice03:48
sebsebsebsam__: you know how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows now yes?03:48
sebsebsebsam__: and as I said before make sure VIsta resizes itself or possible dataloss might happen03:48
kitty_and question, why the hell does failsafe config list the pci address different then lspci?03:49
sebsebsebkitty_: nah  not got a Mac, but I know some things are a bit different on Mac  than  with PC when it comes to Linux03:49
kitty_only booting03:49
sebsebsebRuby: you coudn't get the location bar to show?03:49
kitty_once you're in linux its all the same if your drivers work03:49
Rubyit shows03:50
chameleonhi all03:50
Rubybut it gives the same message03:50
Rubywhen I try to go into the oflder03:50
mdgkitty_: you have a 64bit system?03:50
chameleoni just installed ubuntu and iam haveing troble geting the flash player for the firefox03:50
erik_this will be fun03:50
cornjulioxi'm on the 8.04 livecd right now, is there any way to enable flash support so i can watch youtube vids?03:50
fadzl<chameleon> hi03:50
nyperslt tlm03:51
kitty_i feel like killing this thing so hard03:51
dff64bitschameleon, what porblem dude?03:51
kitty_how do i set screen resolution limits in the xorg.conf?03:51
mdgkitty_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=427714 - go to Ubuntu PowerPC Downloads for walkthrough tutorials03:52
mdgkitty_: I mean Ubuntu PowerPC FAQ for tutorials03:52
oldgeezerI have hammer ready myself kitty03:52
mdgkitty_: I have ubuntu 8.10 working on my iMac03:53
installing-ubunthello, I'm trying to install 9.04 and I've run into a snag. I have two drives, an IDE and a SATA. I have XP on the 80GB IDE and I've installed Linux on the SATA. The installation worked as it's mounted in the current Live session, but no grub. can someone please give me a hand. Thanks in advance.03:53
chameleoni dont know how to install flashplayer03:53
oldgeezeri am getting somewhere since i downloaded a wine application to run a chat client i wanted but still no cookie as yet03:53
dff64bitsgo to Synaptic03:53
dff64bitssearch for flashplugin-nonfree03:53
dff64bitsand install that03:53
sebsebsebRuby: ok trying to get someone to join that can also help :)03:53
tr3et>X-( could anyone PLEASE tell me how dar works? all i want to know is how it updates backups. i dont get what itsays in the manual or at the website03:54
MK13!enter | dff64bits03:54
ubottudff64bits: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:54
KB1JWQtr3et: man dar didn't help?03:54
tr3eti said that03:54
dff64bitsMK13, ok.. sorry03:55
wizzo50chameleon: When you install FlashPlayer, you have to go to its regualer site and install it for Linux03:55
C-S-B__how can I keep my wifi connection when i close the lid on my ac powered netbook?03:55
kitty_ok so i have the entire system working, i can force it to gointo failsafe mode and run the xserver in low graphics mode (which is what i want it to NORMALLY do) how do i get it to just work for me?03:56
chameleoni tryed that wizzo5003:56
sebsebsebRuby: ok he's coming03:57
cabreyRuby, open Places > Home Folder03:57
RubyAh back03:57
Rubydoing so03:57
sebsebsebcabrey: oh you were in here all along :D03:57
RubyAlright done03:57
cabreyRuby, do you see that small button directly under the back button?03:57
RubyYes I am aware of it03:58
Rubyand I am aware of how to use that03:58
RubyThe problem you see03:58
Rubyis that when I try to navigate into the folder via samba, both by double clicking on the folder and by using that upper bar03:58
Rubyit gives the same message03:58
RubyUnable to mount location03:58
RubyFailed to mount Windows share03:59
cabreyis that all?03:59
wizzo50chamelon Which one did you select? .deb03:59
kitty_ok someone help me before i blow my brains out03:59
cabreyRuby, then we will try a different way :). open a terminal and run sudo aptitude install smbfs03:59
rww!enter > Ruby (Please see the private message from the bot)03:59
sebsebsebkitty_: is  your issues a more general Linux one?03:59
RubyIf I try to use the upper bar it gives Could not display "filepath" Error: Failed to mount Windows share Please select another viewer and try again03:59
smil3ychameleon>  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:59
sebsebsebcabrey: she installed samba-common  is that the correct thing?04:00
cabreysebsebseb, we want smbfs04:00
ZencydeI was on here a few weeks ago and remembered seeing someone mention a guide to fixing that issue where master volume is muted on startup.04:00
sebsebsebRuby: ok my fault,  I haven't done this for a while04:00
smil3ychameleon> if you install outside repos your not going to get updates04:00
kitty_i got it to launch x finally, but it is out of monitor sync so i just get the black screen o death04:00
sebsebsebcabrey: :)04:00
sebsebsebcabrey: thanks04:00
sebsebsebRuby: sudo apt-get install smbfs04:01
Rubyjust had it do04:01
ZencydeWould anyone happen to know how to fix this problem or where the solution lies?04:01
RubyI did sudo aptitude install smbfs04:01
cabreyRuby, after that is installed you'll need to make a folder (call it anything, like share for example) in /media04:01
cabreyRuby, so sudo mkdir /media/share04:01
sebsebsebcabrey: in media hmm well she is just going to share to a folder on Windows04:01
Rubyshould I do sudo apt-get install smbfs too04:02
RubyI already did sudo aptitude install smbfs04:02
cabreyRuby, then we'll mount it via the smbfs. sudo mount -t smb -o username=USERNAME_HERE //IP.Addr.of.Computer/share /media/share04:02
sebsebsebRuby: oh your using aptitude :)   well  for this apt-get and aptitude will do the same thing04:02
cabreyRuby, aptitude and apt-get do the same thing04:02
bullgard4The metacity process takes 96% of CPU time. What might be the reason?04:02
Rubywhat username04:03
Rubythe one that im moving FROM04:03
Rubyor the one that im moving TO04:03
FloodBot2Ruby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
wizzo50chameleon> You have to install the Package Installer adobe-flashplugin  http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/04:03
sebsebsebRuby: well  aptitude is meant to be better with dependancies, so  for bigger stuff could be useful  for example kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop04:03
installing-ubunthello, I'm trying to install 9.04 and I've run into a snag. I have two drives, an IDE and a SATA. I have XP on the 80GB IDE and I've installed Linux on the SATA. The installation worked as it's mounted in the current Live session, but no grub. can someone please give me a hand. Thanks in advance.04:03
cabreyRuby, the username of the remote computer with privledges to copy stuff over there04:03
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: in what order did you install the os?04:04
sebsebsebinstalling-ubunt: I can't  exactly help, but I am curious about something,  maybe you have the same issue as someone else.   You have a sata hard disk,  installed Ubuntu on it?  ,but nothing will boot?04:04
RubySo the one that I'm copying the stuff from?04:04
bullgard4installing-ubunt: In help.ubuntu.com look for Grub.04:04
wizzo50Our Fireworks are going off now at the lake since rain canceled it Friday04:04
erik_i got the panel back04:04
=== MK13 is now known as M1K3
sebsebsebwizzo50: ok that's like fun, but  by the way your off topic04:05
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: XP on the IDE and then Ubuntu on the SATA04:05
sebsebsebwizzo50: that sounds like fun above04:05
cabreyRuby, which way do you want to go from Ubuntu -> Windows? or on Windows and retrieve from ubuntu?04:05
RubyI'm copying the stuff from ubuntu to windows04:05
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: does windows boot?04:05
sebsebsebcabrey: maybe  Ubuntu to Ubuntu is better even, she dual boots04:05
sebsebsebcabrey: the other computer04:05
=== TheQ_ is now known as TheQ
erik_if the panel04:05
sebsebsebcabrey: Ubuntu  to Windows and then she will clean install04:06
erik_ever disappears on xfce04:06
installing-ubuntsebsebseb: well, yes, I suppose. It's properly installed, as I can see it in the Live session, but it appears that Grub did not get installed on the MBR causing Grub not to show... but it is installed, just no option to boot linux04:06
wizzo50 chameleon> Did you get your Flashplayer installed yet? If not, read what I said above04:06
erik_run xfce4-panel04:06
erik_in terminal04:06
sebsebsebinstalling-ubunt: right and so your BIOS would detect it04:06
RubyOh dear04:06
user1_join #django04:06
sebsebsebRuby: what happended?04:06
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: yes, boots just fine.... my guess is that grub isn't installed to the MBR04:06
RubyI'm trying to copy the stuff from the old installation into the share folder04:06
RubyAnd it says I don't have the permissions04:06
sebsebsebRuby: gksudo nautiilus now you do problem solved04:07
sebsebsebRuby: nautilus04:07
C-S-B__have you tried booting from live cd and doing a grub-install /dev/sda?04:07
wizzo50sebsebseb: Yea it is fun. Watching Larry The Cable Guy last night was more fun with his comedy jokes.04:07
cyanidebubbleWhen i boot ubuntu 9.04 it hangs up at checking for bluetooth which i dont have, any suggestions?, ive run hardy on this same comp with no kinks....04:07
sebsebsebRuby: be careful with that though, since  that's  root/admin for  nautilus04:07
iantosebsebseb: Don't go advising using root privelages in nautilus!04:07
sebsebsebianto: what are you on about?  it's  fine if they are careful04:08
sookianyone know the app/whatever that makes gtk2 apps not look like crap in kde4?(#kubuntu's dead at the moment)04:08
RubyAlright problem solved04:08
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: actually, dont do that directly, check where /boot is04:08
installing-ubuntsebsebseb: well....no, see, the board I have is A7N8X-Deluxe... it supports SATA, but it's like a secondary boot. SATA doesn't show up in the actual BIOS proper, but after memory check, the next screen is where it lists the SATA hard drive (and RAID setup)04:08
RubyI'll tell you when I have it moved04:08
RubyWhere are bookmarks for firefox stored in ubuntu?04:08
sebsebsebRuby: .mozilla in home a hidden folder04:08
iantosebsebseb: Well if they need to ask how to move/copy/write to protected areas, nautilus as root isn't the best suggestion!04:08
cabreyRuby, probably in ~/.mozilla04:08
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: it appears that /boot is on the SATA, if that's what you're asking04:09
sebsebsebianto: what do you think is?04:09
cabreyianto, well on a livecd, so doesnt matter *that* much04:09
C-S-B__and whats the location of the sata drive? /dev/sd?04:09
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: ^04:09
RubyI cant find the share folder in media04:09
cabreyRuby, did you create it first?04:10
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: iirc /dev/sda  for the SATA04:10
sensecan someone tell me the easiest way to update ktorrent?04:10
iantosebsebseb & cabrey: It's bad practice, surely you can help with a direct "sudo mv/cp /source /dest"04:10
RubyI typed mkdir media/share so I assume so04:10
cabreyianto, for new users, GUI > coreutils04:10
CleanLaundrycan I get some help with these errors while trying to build a driver? http://pastebin.com/f175444ab04:10
cabreyRuby, it's sudo mkdir /media/share, not media/share04:10
sebsebsebsense: sure from the  repo :D only thing with that is they only do security updates for it04:10
RubyI did /media/share04:10
sebsebsebsense: maybe there's a ppa though04:10
RubyMy apologies04:10
sebsebseb!ppa >  sense04:11
ubottusense, please see my private message04:11
Rubyit said permission denied04:11
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: try using grub-install /dev/sda04:11
cabreyRuby, and there were no errors when mounting?04:11
RheaChiQhello guys how to download all updates?04:11
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: from this live session ?04:11
cabreyRheaChiQ, System > Administration > Update Manager04:11
RubyHavnt mounted04:11
Rubyas you have not told me which username to put04:11
RheaChiQhello guys how to download all updates?my wireless seems not working now.before when i install 9.04, it auto detect wireless and i have already wireless software isntalled near at clock..04:12
RubyI'm moving from ubuntu to windows04:12
cabreyRuby, the computer you are copying files to, is it a vista computer?04:12
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: before I do this, can you refresh my memory on how to check each device ?04:12
RheaChiQcabrey : done that but i already update it.i just want to update it all so that maybe i could get the wireless application installed.04:12
cabreyRuby, and what username do you log in with?04:12
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: what do you mean?04:12
cabreyRheaChiQ, what wireless hardware do you have?04:12
RubyAlthough the computers name is set to AM04:13
RubyOr do you mean the ubuntu computer04:13
wermsedoes anyone know what i can do to be able to boot off of a usb drive with a motherboard that is unable to boot from usb?04:13
RheaChiQcabrey : broadcom i guess04:13
cabreyRuby, ok so you would use sudo mount -t smb -o username=Administrator //ip.addr.remote.computer/share /media/share04:13
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: how do I double check each disk, to make sure the SATA is sda rather than 'b' ?04:13
iantoRuby: Lesson 1, never use the admin account in Vista, that is a serious design flaw04:13
kitty_someone please, just shoot me!04:13
cabreyRheaChiQ, you need to be more specific04:13
sebsebsebRuby: yeah don't run Windows as admin unless your installing programs,  big tip04:13
C-S-B__you can right click properties, i think that tells you04:13
sebsebsebRuby: the reason  so many viruses and such exist for WIndows in the first place is, because most users run as the admin account04:14
RheaChiQcabrey : but there is no problem before when i just update all..why now i have problem?its a 2nd install bte04:14
RubyCommon sense is the best anti virus04:14
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: or you can check /etc/fstab to see where its mounted04:14
RheaChiQcabrey : how to now the wireless?im sure its broadcom04:14
sebsebsebRuby: which is not to run admin in Windows, unless it's needed for example to install or uninstall a program04:14
cabreyRheaChiQ, broadcom is a very generic term, can we have the model number?04:15
sebsebsebRuby: use a limited account otherwise04:15
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: also blkid04:15
RheaChiQcabrey : how to know the model?04:15
[Pwner]Johnwhats the program that allows ubuntu to run the same time as windows?04:15
RubyI just tried04:15
RubyUnknown filesystem type "smb"04:15
cabreyRheaChiQ, erm look at the card? or try lspci | grep Wireless04:15
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
RheaChiQcabrey : lenovo 1400204:15
cabreyRuby, hmm maybe it is sudo mount -t smbfs <snip>04:16
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: ok, so the SATA is sda and the IDE is sdb... windows is on sdb and linux is on sda04:16
C-S-B__[Pwner]John: bsod.sh lol04:16
Rubyit wants me to enter a password04:16
smil3y[Pwner]John>  virtualbox, qemu, vmware, take your pick04:16
bullgard4The metacity process takes 96% of CPU time. What might be the reason?04:16
RheaChiQcabrey : $ lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01) 06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5906M Fast Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)04:16
Rubywhich computers password should I be entering04:16
sebsebsebRuby: the Windows one04:16
cabreyRuby, the password you use to log into vista04:17
RheaChiQcabrey : it was easy before.when i installed ubuntu 9.04 and update it, i already have wireless selection in the clock area04:17
RubyConnection refused04:17
cabreyRheaChiQ, have you tried going to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?04:17
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: try installing grub to sda's mbr04:17
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: I'm assuming I want "grub-install /dev/sdb"04:17
wizzo50Is there a data saver program that can be ran in here to store usernames and passwords in it like Firefox Mozillia has so you can just click on the name you put it under and it automatically puts them in there , password and username?04:17
Rubythis sure would be alot easier if I had my flash drive04:17
sebsebsebRuby: yeah I was thinking that just now as well04:17
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: if thats where you want your computer to boot grub from04:17
RubyI need to find it :/04:18
sebsebsebRuby: try  smb://internal ip address again in the location bar04:18
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: you could install it to sda and tell your computer to boot from the sata drive04:18
RubyGive me a minute to scramble around04:18
Rubytrying to find it04:18
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: ....interesting04:18
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: in your bios04:18
wermsedoes anyone think, that if i try an ubuntu livecd instead of just a normal server install cd, that i'd have any more luck with it detecting the cdrom, or would i just be wasting a cd?04:18
wizzo50any help or answers to my question above04:18
RubyCould not display smb -snip04:19
RubyError failed to retrieve share list from server04:19
kasperooneycan someone help me please - i lost sound suddenly on ubuntu 9.1004:19
danbhfivewizzo50: arent you using firefox?04:19
Rubyplease select another viewer and try again04:19
installing-ubuntC-S-B__: well, I'll have to check, see my BIOS doesn't see the SATA drives, but I think it's in the boot order... but I'll do some investigating and thanks for the help. you may see me again, ;) lol04:19
danbhfivewizzo50: so, you answered your own question?04:20
kasperooneyi was just watching a movie and then restarted and then suddenly the sound was lost...plz give a solution for this04:20
furrySatandoes anyone know about intel drivers on ubuntu?04:20
furrySatanvideo drivers i mean04:20
cabreyRuby, you dont actually type out <snip>04:20
wizzo50I have it in there, but I am talking about when you 1st load Ubuntu to save your usernamd and paswword and not have to type it in everytime?04:20
danbhfivewermse: I don't think the livecd will do you any better04:20
C-S-B__installing-ubunt: no worries, you can always manually install grub and you could always make a boot partition on the ide drive if the worst came to the worst, just as long as grub see the sata, which it should04:20
RheaChiQcabrey : its now downloading in hardware.. why is i like this?before i didnt go there.it was already installed...i choose main sever to update ll packages04:21
wermsedoes anyone have any other ideas as to how i could manage to get ubuntu installed.  i can get into the installer just fine, but when it gets to the mounting cdrom step it dies on me saying it cant find a cdrom.  i've tried various boot parameters in grub, it seems my machine can't boot from a usb drive although i do have a usb drive with the install cd on it.04:21
ivan__how do you find out the wireless link you computer uses if it is built in to the computer04:21
C-S-B__[Pwner]John: whats the prob?04:21
Rubythen what is snip04:21
wizzo50danbhfive: I have it in there, but I am talking about when you 1st load Ubuntu to save your usernamd and paswword and not have to type it in everytime?04:21
RubyCurse words?04:21
smil3y[Pwner]John>  anyone what?04:21
kasperooneywow there sure are a lot of questions in here....no one has answer to my sound problem/04:22
danbhfivewizzo50: you mean when it asks for the master password?04:22
cabreyRuby, no just so I didn't have to type out that long command again, apparently more trouble than it's worth04:22
senseI am trying to install something and it says i need to get development packages (Qt,KDE,libgmp,QCA2) how do i get them04:23
oldude67kasperooney, try typing alsa reload into terminal and see if it helps.04:23
C-S-B__how can I keep my wifi connection when i close the lid on my ac powered netbook?04:23
smil3ysense>  your trying to compile something?04:23
senseyea...new ver of ktorrent04:23
senseunless there is an easier way to get it04:23
RubyI suppose I can try to find my flash drive04:24
RheaChiQsense : ktorrent is cli torrent?04:24
smil3ysense> im sure theres a deb somewhere04:24
Rubyif all else I'll buy a new one04:24
kitty_C-S-B you may have that setting in your bios, or you may have a large enough ground field in the back panel of your lid (aluminum) to kill the weaker signal that you're connected to04:24
RheaChiQsense : how to install a cli torrent?04:24
C-S-B__sense: sure theres not a prebuilt deb in launchpad04:24
sebsebsebRuby: nearly there I think04:24
sensei just need to upgrade it, i dont know how04:24
kasperooneyoldude67: nope that didnt work....do i have to restart again?04:24
smil3ysense>  maybe an ubuntu ppa or something check the ktorrent website04:24
cabreyRuby, you want sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=Administration //ip.address.remote.computer/share /media/share04:24
C-S-B__kitty_: it's local to ubuntu...04:24
smil3ysense>  no idea, wheres the page your looking at?04:25
RubyYeah I think the remote IP address isnt right04:25
sebsebsebRuby: you have to  edit his command a little bit as well04:25
kitty_do you mean the problem only occurs in ubuntu or that you're wifi hotspot is close to your ubuntu box?04:25
sensesmil3y: http://ktorrent.org/?q=downloads04:25
Rubybecause I tried just smb://(ip) and it gave errors both times I tried to navigate04:25
cabreyRuby, run ipconfig on the Windows computer and that'll give it to you04:25
RheaChiQcabrey : what is the best music player and movie player to install in 9.04?04:25
fotoflowhich version of apache does 8.04 use?04:25
sebsebseb!best |  RheaChiQ04:25
ubottuRheaChiQ: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:25
fotoflo2.0 or 2.2?04:25
wizzo50danbhfive: Yes, the 1st 2 pages asking user name and pasword . So I was wondering if there is a program to remember them for the next time you power the computer on and I select Ubuntu and then it ask for the username and pasword, so that is where I was wanting to know if there is a program to run at that time to autimatically put it in there.04:25
RubyYeah I tried the ipv4 address and another address and they didnt work04:25
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: install these :)  banshee vlc and  mplayer04:25
C-S-B__kitty, the connection only drops when the lid is closed in ubuntu, maybe a power feature?04:26
sebsebsebRuby: you can pastebin the  output of  your  ipconfig command,  and show us04:26
cabreyRheaChiQ, is your wireless working?04:26
sebsebsebRuby: and we can tell you which one to use04:26
sebsebseb!pastebin |  Ruby04:26
ubottuRuby: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:26
iantofotoflo: 2.2.804:26
sensesmil3y: its in add/remove programs but i just want to update04:26
kitty_i still trying to figure out how to specify an exact refresh rate and screen resolution for X to use in the xorg.conf04:26
RubyLook well04:27
iantofotoflo: Apache version 2.2.8 ^04:27
RubyThanks for the help guys but I'll just try to find that flash drive04:27
RheaChiQcabrey : i didnt see wizard that tells if its done or not..do i need to reboot? :)04:27
PlasmaSheepHow could I make ubuntu wake up on schedule?04:27
sebsebsebRuby: hang on04:27
RheaChiQsebsebseb sebastian thanks im downloading it now :)04:27
sebsebsebRuby: your close now you really are, if you don't just give up yet, also this is good for learning04:27
PlasmaSheepHow could I make ubuntu wake up on schedule and run a program?04:27
fotofloianto: thanks04:27
RubyBecause it seems my lazy method is actually the harder and more tedious method04:27
RubyAlright, how do I copy stuff in the windows commandline04:27
wizzo50danbhfive: Did you get my statement question above?04:27
kitty_PlasmaSheep, man chron ?04:28
dassoukiis there anyone that can help me wiht my webcam04:28
C-S-B__Ruby: copy <from> <to>04:28
sebsebsebRuby: the thing the bot gave,  talked about uploading screenshots as well,  you can upload a screenshot04:28
dassoukiit doesn't work on 9.0404:28
danbhfivewizzo50: do this is not a firefox password.  This is ubuntu asking, right?  I think there is a program that let's you change your main password.  You should change it to a blank password, by deleting it, and then entering a blank at next boot04:28
kitty_you might be using foxycron or anacron or something else but they're all time based daemons04:28
PlasmaSheepkitty_: does cron wake the system up from sleep?04:28
cabreyRheaChiQ, uhh does it say activated?04:28
kitty_nope, don't put it to sleep if you want it to wake up04:28
kitty_your bios might have that ability04:28
PlasmaSheepkitty_: well, that's completely unhelpful, considering that's what I asked04:29
kitty_but as for ubuntu, once your cpu stops cycling, its not gonna do anything04:29
C-S-B__PlasmaSheep: maybe use another pc to w-o-l?04:29
iantodanbhfive!!!! NEVER tell a user to change his password to something blank!!!!04:29
janosdoes anybody know to kill a process that listens on a known port?04:29
kitty_setup wake on lan, go over to another computer that'll be on 24.7 and setup a cron job there04:29
sensesmil3y: do you see where im talking about04:29
PlasmaSheepI don't care if I need to do it via ubuntu, I mean AT ALL04:29
PlasmaSheepwithout another machine, C-S-B__04:29
* kitty_ shoos PlasmaSheep away04:29
wizzo50danbhfive: I don't want to change any words, I just want something to memorize it so I don't loose it and it automatically puts them in there for you04:29
RubyI tried and
PlasmaSheepkitty_: what?04:30
legend2440wizzo50: if your asking if ubuntu has autologin yes it does open  system>admin>login Window>security Enable  Auto Login04:30
oldude67kasperooney, try alsa unload alsa reload.04:30
kitty_check your bios, or just live with the computer being on04:30
PlasmaSheepkitty_: You can't take someone saying "how can I do X" and tell him "DUN DO Y SO Z OLOLOLOLZ"04:30
oldude67that should stop whats using it.04:30
C-S-B__PlasmaSheep: if the machine is asleep, only the ram and nic are going to have power, iirc, therefore bringing it's self out of sleep would have to be a bios thing..04:31
kitty_plasmasheep no, you're asking the impossible04:31
smil3ysense>  yeah i was just looking around, look at this, theres a ppa repo04:31
danbhfivewizzo50: I don't think I get it then, sorry04:31
kitty_actually the usb will as well04:31
dassoukiis there anyone taht can help a newb with camera04:31
smil3ysense> http://ktorrent.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2896&sid=8b2e30e34c8929152ca75fa1889a13ef04:31
wizzo50Where you go to enable Auto Login04:31
PlasmaSheepC-S-B__: Is there a guide on how to do this via the BIOS?04:31
bsmith_Hi I am attempting to setup a basic webserver using a Linux WRT54G router, ubuntu 9.04 32-bit server edition, and the howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.04-ipconfig-3.  I just got started and can't set up the openssh.  Can someone help?04:31
cabreywizzo50, System > Administration > Login Windows04:31
kitty_but if you're not gonna use another box, its pretty pointless to consider any of those options to boot it up04:31
legend2440wizzo50: i open  system>admin>login Window>security Enable  Auto Login04:31
cabreys/Login Windows/Login Window04:31
sebsebsebRuby: ok   a lot of that is unessary, so  I really don't blame you for getting confussed04:31
C-S-B__PlasmaSheep: I dont know your bios or if it could do it im afraid...04:31
kitty_hey i have an idea, you could make an alarm clock, that is wired up to your power button! yeah yeah04:31
sebsebsebRuby: well maybe not confussed, but not being  exactly sure which ip to use04:32
hacimi'm on hardy, do I need to upgrade to ibex before going to jaunty/04:32
RheaChiQcabrey : yes it says activated and already using it. but when i check the wireless at the time clock, its not working there..i couldnt see any available wireless ssid names there... :)04:32
PlasmaSheepC-S-B__: okay, and is there a way to execute a command when it wakes up from sleep (is cron started again?)04:32
sebsebsebRuby: you talked about  your router config page earlier,  if you access that,  it will probably say the internal ip addreses for each computer04:32
kitty_cron never stopped04:32
kitty_and yes you can have it do "catchup" or "if missed" schedules04:32
C-S-B__PlasmaSheep: anacron iirc performs all tasks it couldnt do while asleep04:32
PlasmaSheepC-S-B__: cool, thanks04:33
PlasmaSheepkitty_: no thanks to you04:33
kitty_oh waaa plasma04:33
kitty_my feelings are so hurt04:33
sensesmil3y: hey04:33
sensesmil3y: what do you mean theres a ppa?04:33
cabreyRheaChiQ, then how are you using it?04:33
RubyNo dice.04:33
fotoflohmm, i am a system admin and I would like to restrict users so that they can only read files from a directory at a rate of x files per hour...04:34
fotofloany way to do that?04:34
PlasmaSheepkitty_: go tell someone else to "GO BY A NW CARD SO U DUN NEED TO FIX DRIVERS LOLOL IM GENUS LOLOLOZ"04:34
ninjafuryhello I need some help getting suspend to work with my laptop, google/forums were no help. details:04:34
PlasmaSheepI'm sure everyone will love you04:34
kitty_what the hell is your problem plasma?04:34
sebsebsebRuby: in your browser put
PlasmaSheepkitty_: People like you that give "support".04:34
mralexandroi need help writing permision to folder: /usr/share/vuze04:34
sebsebsebRuby: and hopefuly that will bring up the page04:34
PlasmaSheepYou don't help, you just tell people not to bother you.04:35
wizzo50legend2440: Where does it ask to put your password at up there in the   system>admin>login Window>security Enable  Auto Login04:35
kitty_well plasma, you don't seem to listen when people tell you that "thats not possible"04:35
ninjafuryjaunty 64, with latest nvidia (binary) drivers, the laptop can suspend if I explicitly click suspend, it won't do it automatically. when battery is very low it auto-shuts down instead of suspending. how do i fix this?04:35
PlasmaSheepkitty_: You don't need to tell me it's not possible when you clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.04:35
RubyIt did04:35
Rubybut theres nothing I could find04:35
sebsebsebRuby: ok good04:35
kitty_i donno, telling you that your cpu stops cycling when your computer is in sleep mode, didn't really mean anything to you, so what am i gonna do04:35
sensecan anyone tell me how to use ppa?04:35
Rubyit listed a couple of addresses04:35
RubyI tried them04:36
Rubyno dice.04:36
FloodBot2Ruby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
kitty_plasma, you can wake up too04:36
wizzo50legend2440: Where does it ask to put your password at up there in the   system>admin>login Window>security Enable  Auto Login04:36
sebsebsebRuby: now getting some where I think04:36
PlasmaSheepkitty_: If I need to do this at a specific time, I probably can't do that.04:36
PlasmaSheepC-S-B__ is a great example of how to give support, kitty_.04:36
PlasmaSheepLearn something.04:36
kitty_then you'll need to leave the computer on, bravo, this sounds sooo familiar04:36
ninjafurycan anyone help, i have no idea how to solve this?04:36
sebsebsebRuby: smb://internal ip address04:37
kitty_plasmasheep, you really are dense yeah?04:37
PlasmaSheepkitty_: Brill- oh, wait, that's not what I asked for...04:37
sebsebsebRuby: in the bar try each one04:37
sensesmil3y: how do i use the ppa04:37
legend2440wizzo50: it doesnt just use dropdown box to choose user you want to be able to Auto Login04:37
Ahadielninjafury, Do you have it set in gnome-power-manager to suspend on low battery?04:37
mralexandrolegend2440, :D hey again:)04:37
smil3ysense>  personal packages archive04:37
ninjafuryAhadiel, i'll check04:37
bsmith_can anyone help I've posted above but no one has responded?04:37
RubyI did04:37
mralexandrolegend2440, fixed the synaptis issue:D04:37
legend2440mralexandro: hi04:37
RubyDidn't work04:37
RubyThats what I've been doing, actually04:38
legend2440mralexandro: good04:38
kitty_so back to suggesting to xorg the exact refresh rate and monitor resolution to use in the xorg.conf file, anyone got suggestions?04:38
sensesmil3y: how can i use/get it?04:38
RubyAnd brb, trying to cope with the brain cell loss suffered from reading posts by an internet tough guy04:38
mralexandrolegend2440,  now i have luxus problems:) can you help me on how to write permitions on to following folder: /usr/share/vuze04:38
PlasmaSheepkitty_: Buy a new computer and the problem will go away.04:38
sebsebsebRuby: by  an  iternet tough guy?04:39
RubyInternet tough guy; the kind of guy who threatens to beat you up or kill you, on the internet.04:39
mralexandroRuby,  hehe:D04:39
RubyIE: who the hell you think you are...............a senior member or a critic......................so shut up and dont enter to my posts or i will fuck you up.04:39
ninjafuryAhadiel, no i just did though, but even when it tries to auto-suspend, the screen goes blank with a shell cursor and thats it, cpu is still running. so battery will die and system just dies.04:39
tristanmikeC-S-B__: hello, it's me, installing-ubuntu04:39
rww!guidelines | Ruby: It would be a really good idea for you to read these now04:40
ubottuRuby: It would be a really good idea for you to read these now: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:40
ZencydeRuby will fuck you up. Ruby will rail you.04:40
Ahadielninjafury, I'm not sure then. Never had any issues with suspend myself.04:40
sebsebsebRuby: uhmm  an odd thing to say,  and I never did anything like that :)04:40
iantoZencyde: ++ for the Rails quote04:40
ZencydeYou're welcome. :)04:40
RubyOther tactics include saying that they live near/are friends with/is a relative to the creator of the forum04:40
RubyI'm not saying you did04:40
tristanmikeC-S-B__: as you can see, I did find the boot device and get booted into the OS, however, when I select the XP option, XP doesn't boot, black screen04:40
RubyI'm multitasking04:40
ninjafurythanks Ahadiel, can anyone else help?04:40
RubyI'm reading forums04:40
FloodBot2Ruby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
C-S-B__hi tristanmike]04:40
C-S-B__so ubuntu is working off grub?04:40
smil3ysense>  you may want to try here  #kubuntu04:41
tristanmikeC-S-B__: yeppers :)04:41
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE04:41
C-S-B__tristanmike: ok, so you dont get anything from windows?04:41
wizzo50lengend2440> Right, Auto login when I first power the computer and I select Ubuntu between Windows XP or Ubuntu. Then when it loads the page, it asks for a User name and password. So I want to make Ubuntu ro remember it from now on each time I log in on Ubuntu and that I don't have to type it in there everytime. Like what Firefox has too04:41
ninjafurywho should I ask for help, so I cn get their attention?04:41
tristanmikeC-S-B__: no, not when I select the XP option from Grub, I'm sure if I change the boot order again, I'll get windows,04:41
sensesmil3y: thanks04:41
C-S-B__grub can boot xp no prob04:42
smil3ysense>  im sure theres a ppa repo for testing debs, im not gonna google all nite for it though lol, tried long enough04:42
tristanmikeC-S-B__: I do see my Windows drive in Ubuntu, which is good04:42
tristanmikeC-S-B__: I know it can, it just isn't right now04:42
RubyMy head still hurts from argueing with the christian extremists who claimed that dinosaurs ran around when adam and eve existed and that they were herbivores and had sharp teeth to puncture coconuts and then telling me to give them a video of a fish morphing into another animal04:42
C-S-B__whats the config in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:42
RubyI pretty much gave up all hope in humanity at that point, but anyway I'm veering off topic04:42
wiphi everyone, i need to have /dev/video1394-0 to /dev/video1394/0. how?04:42
C-S-B__tristanmike: ^04:42
jreyes33Hello all. I'm having problems with Dropbox. It won't run. The icon appears for a second in the system tray and then disappears04:43
rwwRuby: seriously, reading the guidelines would be an /excellent/ idea04:43
iantoRuby: Do you need a therapist? :)04:43
mralexandrolegend2440,  i found it sudo chown -R 777 /usr/share/vuze04:43
ninjafurypretty please :) I can't get my laptop to auto suspend properly, can someone please help?04:43
smil3yjreyes33>  never used it, but may want to start it from a terminal and see the error messages there04:43
RubyI know for a fact that I suffer from OCD, along with a myriad of other possible disorders.04:43
wipis a symbolic link enough?04:43
mralexandrolegend2440, sorry should have googled first04:43
C-S-B__PlasmaSheep: as a thought, do you have an openwrt/dd-wrt style router? you could setup a cron job on that to ping your computer and wake-on-lan04:43
sebsebsebRuby: well this was worth a try, but  I give up now,  well good luck with finding your USB stick or buying a new one, so you can put the data on that instead04:43
RubyThanks for the help man04:44
RubyI did appreciate it04:44
tristanmikeC-S-B__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/210892/04:44
[Pwner]JohnAnyone know the program?04:44
tristanmikeC-S-B__: would the hard drive have to be in the boot order in the BIOS ?04:44
wizzo50legend2440:  Did you see my message above?04:44
smil3y[Pwner]John>  what program04:45
sebsebseb!scp |  Ruby04:45
ubottuRuby: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/04:45
sebsebsebRuby: don't remember how though04:45
sebsebsebRuby: probably best to just use USB stick in your case :)04:45
C-S-B__tristanmike: your computer is picking it up, so it should be ok04:45
RheaChiQcabrey : maybe restart is the solution?04:45
RheaChiQcareby : let me restart it :)04:45
cabreyRheaChiQ, try it04:45
Rubyis there any possibility of hooking two computers together and having one of them treat the other as a USB stick or external HDD?04:46
legend2440wizzo50: did you enable Auto Login in  System>Admin>login Window>Security?04:46
RheaChiQcabrey : but you know some cli torrent?04:46
[Pwner]Johnthat let04:46
FloodBot2[Pwner]John: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
tristanmikeC-S-B__: yeah, it's the right device...again, perhaps the drive needs to be in the boot order, afer the sata ??04:46
[Pwner]Johnubuntu and windows run at the same time04:46
RheaChiQcabrey : how to install cli torrent?i have limited resources so i need cli torrent.. :)04:46
iantoRuby: If you're feeling really adventurous you could take one hdd out of one pc and put it in the other and transfer files between hdds04:46
danbhfiveRuby: er, maybe an SATA/IDE to usb converter?04:47
RubyYeah the only problem is that one is a laptop04:47
C-S-B__tristanmike: shouldnt make a difference, the bios boot order is only used if the first bootable device isnt present04:47
RubyI could probably get away with it but my mother would have a freakout04:47
smil3y[Pwner]John>  virtualbox, qemu, vmware like i said before04:47
cabreyRheaChiQ, use rtorrent04:47
wizzo50legend2440: Yes I enable Auto Login04:47
tristanmikeC-S-B__: that's what I would think, just throwing it out there04:47
RubyTime for the (possibly) easier ordeal; Installing ubuntu 64bit on my second HDD04:47
smil3y[Pwner]John>  take your pick any will work04:47
tristanmikeC-S-B__: after selecting the XP option, I see the words "Starting up..." then the screen blinks to black and nadda04:48
[Pwner]Johngive me an example04:48
C-S-B__tristanmike: try booting into the windows disc and doing a fixmbr on in the repair console04:48
iantoRuby: Right, from what to what do you want to transfer the data?04:48
legend2440wizzo50: sorry i dont dual boot windows and ubuntu. maybe that makes a difference in how you do it. not sure04:48
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justfil After installing the Nvidia driver fonts gone terribly small, what caused this? I am using Debian but I guess i can ask you Ubuntu guys too =)04:49
tristanmikeC-S-B__: I didn't do the command earlier, in case you think I did04:49
smil3y!ask | [Pwner]John04:49
ubottu[Pwner]John: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:49
wizzo50How you do it?04:49
RubyHopefully I can get 64bit working on my second HDD before sleep deprivation induced auditory hallucinations kick in04:49
danbhfivejustfil: maybe your resolution just went up?04:49
mralexandroby typing in sudo chown -R 777 /usr/share/vuze i did not fix my problem. i want the torrent program vuze to be able to uppgrade it self. it wont!!04:49
RheaChiQcabrey : thanks :) im downloading it now sudo apt-get install rtorrent04:49
C-S-B__tristanmike: ok ignore what i just said...04:49
[Pwner]Johnso... you dont know the answer?04:50
justfilwell... no, it's still 1280x1024@8504:50
tristanmikeC-S-B__: I figured that's what the fixmbr04:50
sebsebsebRuby: How much RAM do you have?04:50
C-S-B__tristanmike: so you got grub booting by changing the boot priority was?04:50
Ruby4 gb04:50
wizzo50legend2448> How do you do yours?04:50
sebsebsebRuby: ok04:50
tristanmikeC-S-B__: that's correct, from floppy/cdrom/hdd to floppy/cdrom/scsi (which is scsi/sata on my board)04:51
legend2440wizzo50: i already told you how i enabled auto login in ubuntu  open  system>admin>login Window>security Enable  Auto Login04:51
C-S-B__tristanmike: awesome04:51
tristanmikeC-S-B__: then grub boots up fine, and into linux, etc... selecting the XP option yeilds "Starting up...." then black screen"04:51
tristanmikeC-S-B__: LOL04:51
wizzo50oh, ok04:51
danbhfivetristanmike: have you pastebin'ed your menu.lst yet?04:53
hacimi'm on hardy, do I need to upgrade to ibex before going to jaunty?04:53
mralexandrofound it, to change permission to folder type sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/vuze04:53
mralexandroso chmod not chown04:53
sebsebsebhacim: yes, but04:53
C-S-B__tristanmike: have you tried a chkdsk -r ?04:53
tristanmikedanbhfive: the XP section, yes04:53
smil3yhacim>  yes04:53
bastidrazorhacim, yes, if you have a seperate /home partition a reinstall is less painful.04:54
RubyI owe my procrastinating self04:54
RubyI've been working all day on this stupidity04:54
hacimsmil3y: but?04:54
Rubytomorrow I get to play prototype all day04:54
wizzo50legend2440: How do you put your password in there where you say?04:54
sebsebsebhacim:  upgrading 8.10 to 9.04 isn't quite worth the upgrade,  espesially  when  you been using  8.04 all this time04:54
tristanmikedanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/210892/04:54
sebsebsebhacim: also once 9.10 is released at the end of October people need to clean install anyway for full Ext4 support04:54
giacoI need to update dvn to 1.6, how can I do this?04:55
smil3yhacim>  yes?04:55
legend2440wizzo50: it doesnt ask for password   just use dropdown box to choose user you want to be able to Auto Login04:55
tristanmikeC-S-B__: apparently a fresh 9.04 does not come with chkdsk, lol04:55
sebsebsebhacim: also  there has been an issue that I got on the computer, but also other people, where they upgraded 8.04  to 8.10, but then lost their Internet conneciton04:55
wizzo50legend2440: ok, Thanks. I'll try this now.04:55
sebsebsebhacim: that I got on the other computer above04:55
danbhfivetristanmike: yeah, it looks like you are busting out the various tricks.04:55
C-S-B__tristanmike: its ms windows tool :P, try that then do fixmbr from the windows repair console. :)04:56
tristanmikeC-S-B__: oh, duh.....04:56
C-S-B__tristanmike: in fact, firstly just try a fixmbr04:57
wipanyone have knowledge on firewire and ubuntu? i don't have /dev/dv1394?04:57
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
danbhfivetristanmike: be aware, fixmbr will remove grub04:57
C-S-B__tristanmike: yeh true, but if windows doesnt boot, you know thats where the prob is04:58
C-S-B__so you can choose to repair that then reinstate grub04:58
tristanmikeC-S-B__: danbhfive, windows would boot if I change the boot order04:59
C-S-B__tristan are you sure?04:59
danbhfivetristanmike: boot order?  is that a bios setting?04:59
tristanmikeC-S-B__: tell you in 5 minutes...be right back05:00
tristanmikedanbhfive: I'll explain in just a moment05:00
C-S-B__danbhfive: yes it is05:00
C-S-B__danbhfive: maybe his boot.ini is broke?05:01
danbhfiveC-S-B__: o, I've no idea about that.  Though, I have heard that windows can be finicky with grub sometimes05:02
C-S-B__danbhfive: youre right about that, unlike linux it has to be on a primary partition, doesnt like not being in certain configs etc..05:04
mazda01root crontab not running but it runs from command line. this is what it is: 0 6 * * *  root /usr/local/bin/automysqlbackup.sh05:05
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
RheaChiQcabrey : how to install flash player / shackwave ? so that i could play swf and other movie player and adobe player05:06
cabreyRheaChiQ, install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:06
Rapet0uanyone has a solution to fix the mouse lag?05:06
mazda01someone help me out with the root crontab not running?05:06
aditya_i lost sound suddenly in jaunty...can someone help?05:07
RheaChiQcabrey : thanks :) any other packages that needs to be installed? :)05:07
aditya_in alsamixer master is turned on but there is no sound!05:07
RheaChiQcabrey : before i reboot :)05:07
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: you only re boot Ubuntu for major stuff05:07
scuniziaditya_: just a thought.. try adding the "front" volume control and turn that up.05:07
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: for example a kernel upgrade05:08
tristanmikeC-S-B__: danbhfive, changing the boot order lets windows boot, but again, no grub, have to change the boot order to boot back into Ubuntu05:08
RheaChiQsebsebseb : i want to reboot because of wireless.and do i need to upgrade the kernel?im not sure why i need to upgrade kernel..im using 9.0405:08
tristanmikeC-S-B__: danbhfive, Ubuntu does mount the Windows drive as well05:08
C-S-B__tristanmike: how bizarre...05:09
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: newer kernel probably don't need that05:09
RheaChiQsebsebseb : do i need to upgrade the kernel?05:09
tristanmikeC-S-B__: that's what I was thinking05:09
RheaChiQsebsebseb : im using 9.04 ubuntu.this is my 2nd fresh install05:09
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: ok well get all the updates05:10
aditya_ scunizi the volume slider is not working with up and down arrow!05:10
C-S-B__tristanmike: back up your menu.lst and try removing the 'map' lines...05:10
scuniziRheaChiQ: upgrading the kernel is only really necessary if it is included in an update..05:10
meoblast001which package do i need to install to use CGI web applications?05:10
RheaChiQsebsebseb : how to get all updates? :)05:10
RheaChiQscunizi : im using 9.04 ubuntu..05:10
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: it should have said there were updates available after first intalling05:10
tristanmikeC-S-B__: won't hurt I guess ;)05:10
scuniziaditya_: are you doing this on the cli or terminal?  you can also double click the volume icon up by the clock.. sometimes that is easier.05:10
C-S-B__tristanmike: so you just have root(hd1,0) chainloader +1 etc05:10
meoblast001is there some apache mod?05:10
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: system > administaration > update manager05:11
scuniziRheaChiQ: doesn't matter.. the same applies to all releases05:11
lstarnesmeoblast001: it depends on what language is used05:11
aditya_ scunizi: im doing it in the terminal....by client do u mean the volume control properties?05:12
meoblast001lstarnes: it's for CGIIRC.. i'm purposely using the CGIIRC that is not in the repos05:12
meoblast001but i don't know what packages i need installed and httpd-cgi has no installation candidate05:12
lstarnesmeoblast001: check the first line of the .cgi files that come with it05:12
lstarnesmeoblast001: that will tell you what the interpreter is, and thus which language it uses05:13
scuniziaditya_: never mentioned client.. just the speaker icon up by the clock.. properties yes.. you should have options to make other items visable in the display with slider volumn controls.. "front" is what I was suggestion you activate for visability then turn that up.05:13
meoblast001so perl05:13
RheaChiQscunizi sebsebseb : do i need to install kde?i want to try kde..but it wont work "sudo apt-get install kde" :)05:13
lstarnesmeoblast001: you'll probably need mod_perl for that05:13
sebsebsebRheaChiQ:  sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop05:13
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: and once installed you change to it from  the log in screen by selecting the session05:14
scuniziRheaChiQ: do you need to .. no.. if you're confused now don't do it.. if you want to try then you can have both.. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop .. it will take a while.05:14
RheaChiQi want to use some less resources environment.i have a low resources.. :)05:14
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: and if your up for it you can try out the nice blubuntu  gdm theme :)  log in window theme05:14
scuniziRheaChiQ: then xubuntu-desktop .. that uses less05:14
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: ok well kubuntu isn't it then, but  xubuntu will be05:14
lstarnesmeoblast001: that's probably it05:14
RheaChiQscuniz : is it okay to install kde? :)05:14
scuniziRheaChiQ: sure.. kde xubuntu whatever desktop system you want..05:15
RheaChiQscunizi : i can switch to gnome,kde,fluxbox or xebuntu whenever i want right?05:15
scuniziRheaChiQ: yes.05:15
scuniziRheaChiQ: but I would get use to one before trying another.. no sense in confusing yourself all at once.05:15
meoblast001lstarnes: still won't work05:16
meoblast001restarted apache too05:16
cabreyRheaChiQ, KDE is very heavy05:16
RheaChiQscunizi : it wont mess the OS if i installed fluxbox,xubuntu,kde?05:16
C-S-B__RheaChiQ: ratpoison, use that... :) light as anything05:16
scuniziRheaChiQ: not really..05:17
sebsebsebC-S-B__: heh heh and it has  a really nice name :) :D05:17
C-S-B__RheaChiQ: you can install all you want and select your session at boot05:17
aditya_ scunizi: "front" is displayed in switches and it is checked, but there is no slider bar for that05:17
SmoKeyCastleHi, I am having problems when i change my mac address on my wireless device, it stops being able to connect to my AP.05:17
RheaChiQC-S-B : ok sudo apt-get install ratpoison now05:17
SmoKeyCastlemy ap has currently got no security and does not restrict based on mac addresses05:17
scuniziaditya_: that just means that you have a different sound card then me.. sorry .. I tried.05:17
SmoKeyCastlehow would i go about troubleshooting this?05:17
lstarnesmeoblast001: you might need to add ExecCGI to the options somewhere05:18
sebsebsebRheaChiQ: you can even do the older  version of KDE,  KDE  3 if  adding the repo,  or  using that remix cd05:18
sebsebseb!kde3 |  RheaChiQ05:18
ubottuRheaChiQ: Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page05:18
tristanmikeC-S-B__: so removing the "map" lines stops the boot at "Starting up...." and it just stays on that screen05:18
meoblast001lstarnes: in my apache2 config?05:18
C-S-B__RheaChiQ: i probably wouldnt try it, it was slightly sarcastic, ratpoison is very abstract05:18
lstarnesmeoblast001: but first, try sudo a2enmod mod_perl205:18
tristanmikeC-S-B__: otherwise, black screen after "Starting up..."05:18
C-S-B__tristanmike: mmm...05:18
lstarnesmeoblast001: er, sudo a2enmod perl05:18
meoblast001lstarnes: ERROR: Module mod_perl2 does not exist!05:18
RheaChiQC-S-B ok :) im still waiting for the smplayer to finish05:18
meoblast001lstarnes: Module perl already enabled05:19
C-S-B__tristanmike: whats your boot.ini?05:19
C-S-B__tristanmike: ...windows05:19
SmoKeyCastleHi I am having trouble when i change my mac address on my wireless device. the mac shows as being changed on ifconfig but when i try to connect to my wireless ap that has no security on it the connection times out and keeps asking me for a password.05:19
tristanmikeC-S-B__: ....yeah.... lol05:19
Daemon_were can i get more usplash themes with the .so file05:19
meoblast001lstarnes: i think i'm supposed to have a CGI-BIN folder05:20
lstarnesmeoblast001: by default, you're supposed to keep executable scripts in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/05:20
meoblast001i'll install CGIIRC from the repos then uninstall CGIIRC05:20
aditya_ scunizi: ok thanx anyway05:20
=== EvaStrmpebuk is now known as Wolford
tristanmikeC-S-B__: where's it located "usually" ?05:20
C-S-B__tristanmike: root05:21
Curly_QSmokeyCastle have you tried rebooting your router ?05:21
tristanmikeC-S-B__: the boot.ini file ?05:21
SmoKeyCastleyes, i had initially secured my router with a wep key05:21
C-S-B__tristanmike: yup.05:21
SmoKeyCastleno luck05:21
C-S-B__tristanmike: do you have another computer?05:21
SmoKeyCastlesince trying to troubleshoot the issue i have removed all security on the router.05:21
tristanmikeC-S-B__: no, but I can browse the Windows drive in Ubuntu05:22
SmoKeyCastleadditionally when i restart the PC, the new mac gets removed and replaced with the old hardware mac05:22
C-S-B__SmoKeyCastle: Wep key is as good as no security.05:22
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, try this if it will work. If you have a MODEM that has a battery in it. Remove the battery or both batteries and let it sit for about 1 minute and then put the battery back in and then reboot.05:22
meoblast001lstarnes: i haven't done this in a long time so what's the URL you do for things in /usr/lib/cgi-bin?05:22
C-S-B__tristanmike:  i was thinking you could irc on a serperate  computer so you can chat while trying different configs05:22
scuniziCurly_Q: never heard of such a thing.. but then there are some strange hardware configurations out there. :)05:23
Curly_QMost MODEMS have a DHCP server in them.05:23
lstarnesmeoblast001: I'm not sure what it is by default.  it might be /cgi-bin05:23
meoblast001i'm so confused05:24
the-ermAnyone know when firefox 3.5 is going to be in the repo?05:24
meoblast001this documentation doesn't help much either05:24
C-S-B__scunizi: ive never hear of a battery in a modem either, all eeproms ive seen ...05:24
meoblast001it assumes i'm a CGI pro05:24
Curly_QScunizi, lots of the newer MODEMS have batteries which hold the IP address till it is re-Initialized when the battery is removed.05:24
tristanmikeC-S-B__: boot.ini http://paste.ubuntu.com/210908/05:24
danbhfive!ff35 | the-erm05:24
ubottuthe-erm: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY05:24
scuniziC-S-B__: maybe in 3rd world countries where the power is unpredictable..05:25
meoblast001nevermind.. i'll work on it later05:25
meoblast001lstarnes: thanks for helping me with the packages05:25
scuniziC-S-B__: still eproms work much better ..05:25
Curly_QIt is somewhat like a CMOS BIOS battery holding a password protect.05:25
C-S-B__tristanmike: maybe its because win thinks it's booting from the first disk...05:25
tristanmikeC-S-B__: interesting idea...05:26
akoreok, I am sick of downloading apps illegaly05:27
akoreIm going to try using ubuntu now05:27
scuniziakore: you'll be much happier :)05:27
C-S-B__tristanmike: change rdisk to (1) set grub hdd to be bootable in your bios and try that05:27
akoreall of my files are on the windows ntfs partition, and I want to integrate that into linux, so it's the default for everything05:27
akoreI dont want to move the location, and would like to continue saving files to that ntfs area05:28
akorethis /home this keeps popping up though05:28
tristanmikeC-S-B__: on both lines ?05:28
brodymcdhi all: I have a Dell Inspiron 1526 I am dual booting Vista (yuck, came with it) and Ubuntu 8.10... not using 9.04 because my wireless stopped working when I upgraded...  my question is this: although wireless works in BOTH Windows and Ubuntu 8.10, it is rock solid in Vista and spotty in U... sometimes doesn't connect at all, sometimes fine. WHY would the same card that is recognized and does work in both work BETTER in Vista?05:28
akoreso how do I make my desktop, document, pics, and all of that link to say drive C instead of the default linux partition05:28
sebsebsebakore: loads of great opensource/freesoftware out there,  once you got Ubuntu installed  give  Synaptic Package Manager a good browse   (  system > administaration >  synaptic package manager )  also  to give you a feel of this kind of software check out http://www.osalt.com and http://www.linuxeq.com even though you can run most of these programs on Windows as well05:29
sebsebseb!freedom |  akore05:29
ubottuakore: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing05:29
C-S-B__tristanmike: yes, it might also be the disk(1) variable, im not too hot on the boot.ini config, im just checking05:29
scuniziakore: /home is where your personal data lives in linux.. the file system is ext3 typically and better then ntfs.. so continuing to store stuff on the other partition might be "dangerous".. as in you might loose it at some point.05:29
akoreits a different disk05:30
scuniziakore: move your stuff to the linux partition..05:30
C-S-B__tristanmike: actually, first try changing the disk(0) variable to disk(1) on both lines...05:30
RheaChiQthenk you so much cabrey sebsebseb scunizi C-S-B__ ubottu  :) im going to reboot now and try wireless cabrey :)05:30
akorecant, need windows for itunes05:30
akorefor loading the ipod05:30
sebsebsebakore  scunizi   Ext4 by default for clean installs  in Ubuntu 9.10 released at the end of October05:30
Curly_QBrodymcd, are you using a wireless in your home or work place with a legit Point of Access?05:30
mbsehi all05:30
scuniziakore: no windows.. no need for ntfs.. backup data stored there and reformat to ext3 and put the data back :)05:31
sebsebsebakore  scunizi  and people need to clean install for full support05:31
brodymcdCurly_Q: yes05:31
mbsehave a problem with building an app using flock.c.05:31
brodymcdCurly_Q: my home05:31
mbseany idea what package this is a part of?05:31
scunizisebsebseb: ext4 is the default file system in 9.10? I didn't realize that..05:31
mbsescunizi, it isnt05:31
sebsebsebscunizi: yep it is :)05:31
Curly_QPerhaps your antenna is not adequate for the distance between your wireless and Access Point.05:31
scuniziok.. which one is it.05:31
akorescunizi: I still need windows 7 for apps I got from school such as photoshop, premiere pro, etc05:31
C-S-B__tristanmike: you ok?05:32
mbsesebsebseb, i always have to select it and manually partition my drives05:32
scuniziakore: then you're dual booting...05:32
mbseotherwise it will default to ext3 when i auto partition05:32
sebsebsebmbse: I said 9.10 not 9.0405:32
giaco/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy05:32
akorescunizi: yes lol that may have been important to note05:32
tristanmikeC-S-B__: yep, just getting it ready05:32
mbsesebastien, i know05:32
mitussakore for windows 7 use virtualbox05:32
mbsesebsebseb, i know05:32
akoremituss: the apps I use dont work when in virtualized environments like premiere pro05:32
sebsebsebscunizi  mbse   http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha2   and average end users, don't  get  that, it's the development version, so bugs05:32
mbseunloess there was an update i didnt know about05:32
akoreI just plan on using ubuntu for daily shit05:33
mitussakore ou yes they do05:33
C-S-B__tristanmike: so you are changing disk(0) to disk(1) ignore rdisk(0) for the min05:33
Curly_QBrodymcd, another factor is that your Ubuntu wireless setup is scanning on multiple channels which will give the results that you are describing.05:33
tristanmikeC-S-B__: yes05:33
akoremituss: they dont work well, I have tried05:33
brodymcdCurly_Q: I dn't know what that means - scanning on multiple channels... can I get that stopped? Is this why 9.04 doesn't work for me?05:33
mitussi could make you a movie and post it on youtube05:33
sebsebsebmbse: I haven't  ran Karmic yet, but it says on that page that Ext4 will be default and so :)05:34
mituss and show you that all cs3 adobe05:34
brodymcdCurly_Q: I would be willing to buy a different router if that would help.05:34
mituss work under virtualized env05:34
scunizisebsebseb: AH HA.. karmac is going to be ext4 by default. that's cool.. that would mean a full backup, clean install, restore to use it properly.05:34
mbsesebsebseb, ah ok05:34
tristanmikeC-S-B__: brb05:34
sebsebsebscunizi: yes  exactly as I was saying basicalley05:34
Crayboffcommand to send terminal output to a txt file? even better, to a pastebin?05:34
Curly_QIt is possible Brodymcd. Not only that, it may be that the drivers you have for Ubuntu are not backwards compatible for the wireless device, etc.05:34
scunizisebsebseb: got it.05:34
mitussand if i'm correct do you give me your house and car keys?05:34
rwwCrayboff: install pastebinit, then  do commandgoeshere | pastebinit05:35
Crayboffthanks rww05:35
Curly_QFor example:   802.11   g etc.05:35
rwwjang_: hello05:35
brodymcdCurly_Q: It is a Broadcom card... I bought a Dell because I (mistakenly) assumed since they load U, it would work well out of the box05:35
Crayboffrww, does that work with profilers?05:35
scunizibrodymcd: depends on what features you choose.. I've got a vostro 1400 and I made sure to upgrade to nvidia and changed the wireless card to one that was compatible.. research.. research.. research05:36
sebsebsebscunizi: a little off topic here, but Fedora 11 already uses it by default :)  and the   2.6.30 kernel  or  now  a slighty later one05:36
rwwCrayboff: I don't know. Other possibilities would be commandnamehere > /path/to/output/file     or look in the program's man page for an option to redirect output05:36
rwwkarmic has 2.6.31 now05:37
sebsebsebrww: good05:37
Curly_QBrodymcd it appears that the drivers with Windows is compatible with the device but there seems to be a compatibility problem with Ubuntu. If  you purchase a newer device or look on Google for a compatible device.05:37
akoremituss: in a native environment, my projects render much faster.05:37
BeatlesFanhi all05:37
scunizisebsebseb: they've always been a little more cutting edge.. sometimes you pay for that :)05:37
akoremituss: I dont doubt you can get it to work, but it wouldnt be worth it05:37
machinebaconhi BeatlesFan -  good band05:37
jang_hihi rww05:37
oldude67how long does ebox usually take to install its like in hang mode now for about 5 minutes05:37
akoremituss: and I am familiar with virtualbox, so i tried it but wasnt satisfied05:38
sebsebsebscunizi: yeah I want to put it on as host OS,  but  i'll still help here when I do that05:38
tristanmikeC-S-B__: same as before, "Starting up..." then blinks to black screen, it's almost like it's going to boot, get the white bar at the bottom, but it never comes05:38
scunizisebsebseb: why? as host?05:38
sebsebsebscunizi: then maybe 9.10 will become my host05:38
Daemon_could someone plz tell me were i can download some usplash .so files?05:38
sebsebsebscunizi: now we go pm :)05:38
C-S-B__C-S-B__: whats your boot.ini now?05:38
machinebaconDaemon_ I think on www.gnome-look.org - maybe05:39
tristanmikeC-S-B__: same as before expect the disk numbers changed from 0 to 1 on both lines05:39
scunizisebsebseb: I'm still on hardy on the laptop and intrepid on the desktop.. I like to watch what the problems are for new releases before installing or upgrading.. they are both production machines..05:39
brodymcdCurly_Q: I have done the legwork on the card before, way back at 8.04... and so it is supported somehow, but since a lot of this stuff is above my head, it gets tough. I'm thrilled there are 2 people helping me tonight - usually no one will help me with this. SO... I would PREFER to use 9.04 AND it claims Broadcom works - so how can I get the exact model of the wireless and then determine how to make things work?05:39
Guest55117PC2-6400 RAM is 800Mhz DDR2 right?05:39
Guest55117and not 667Mhz, right?05:40
C-S-B__tristanmike: how long did you wait?05:40
oldude67Daemon_, are you running kubuntu?05:40
tristanmikeC-S-B__: a minute, maybe two05:40
Ruby1Hey where are firefox bookmarks stored?05:40
sebsebsebscunizi: ah ok05:41
sebsebsebRuby1: in the hidden .mozilla folder in home05:41
Ruby1how do I view hidden folders?05:41
Curly_QBrodymcd, just put it this way, if Ubuntu is a new concept with Linux, then, most likely the drivers with Ubuntu is cutting edge drivers. Which means that with Windows, there is privided backwards compatibility. Ubuntu on the other hand will deal with the latest technology which leaves the older hardware in the lurch so to speak.05:41
kbrosnanRuby1: ~/.mozilla/firefox/...05:41
scunizisebsebseb: I like to play but not too hard. :)05:41
tristanmikeC-S-B__: it should be noted, the hard drive light on my case ceases to blink/flash05:41
sebsebsebRuby1: open home and ctrl  h.  or  view > show hidden files and folders05:41
machinebaconRuby1 nautilus, press Ctrl-H05:41
sebsebsebRuby1: found your USB stick then?05:41
brodymcddual boot question: I am going to dual-boot my desktop with WinXP (to run carbonite backup and for my wife) and then occasionally boot into 9.04 for me... carbonite will only backup the MAIN drive, so how can I have all my data stored in win partition and then just small linux partition for me to run sometimes.05:41
C-S-B__tristanmike: this is solvable!05:42
tristanmikeC-S-B__: I'm all in :D05:42
Ruby1Ah no05:42
Ruby1I realized05:42
Daemon_oldude67: looking there all the files are targz files how do i get the .so files needed for SUM?05:42
Ruby1I could upload the information from this computer onto the internet05:42
Ruby1and send the link to the other computer05:42
Gran_GerHi, I need to open the 5900 tcp port to use vnc with a WinXP running into Virtual Box05:42
Ruby1Not much info I need to be storing05:42
Gran_GerHow can I do that?05:43
Curly_QBrodymcd, there is one thing that I have questions about is that in the BIOS settings, does Ubuntu use PLUG AND PLAY or is that shut off. That could be a factor.05:43
Ruby1I went into home05:43
Ruby1pressed ctrl h05:43
Ruby1folders flashed, no mozilla05:44
YuSsOuFGran_Ger what is status of firewall05:44
tristanmikeC-S-B__: ok, is it possible that it's the way the mother handles sata ?05:45
Ruby1Little help05:45
kbrosnanRuby1: .mozilla05:46
Ruby1Trying /media/disk/.mozilla05:46
C-S-B_tristanmike: im leaning towwards blackmagic at the moment05:46
Ruby1I'm trying to get to a disk from the live cd to copy it05:46
Gran_GerYuSsOuF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/210919/05:46
Ruby1from the live cd05:46
FloodBot2Ruby1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
=== andrew_ is now known as FAMBOLUGA
guest1010hey...what's a 'search domain'?05:47
akorewhen I click "go to inbox" with gmail notifier it doesnt do anything05:47
tristanmikeC-S-B_, heheh05:47
brodymcdCurly-Q: don't know about the plug-and-play... how would I check that?05:47
C-S-B_tristanmike: you may as well stick those map lines back in...05:47
C-S-B_then try booting again.05:48
Ruby1would be nice to have a slight idea as to what to do05:48
Curly_QBrodymcd, the only to find out is to go into the CMOS setup and turn either Plug and Play on or off and see if the drivers work.05:48
C-S-B_tristanmike: in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:48
Ruby1I'm in the root folder/whatever05:48
Ruby1Its set in preferences, view hidden folders05:48
Ruby1i cant find .mozilla05:48
brodymcdCurly_Q:  I will try that - many thanks!05:49
Crayboffrww: it worked, thanks05:49
Curly_QPlug and Play is a Windows thing.05:49
tristanmikeC-S-B_, I did that first thing ;)05:49
Crayboffthe pastebin worked for the profiler, i mean, rww05:49
rwwCrayboff: awesome, glad I could help :)05:49
JimmioCurly_Q: Yeah, Plug and Play doesn't exist in Linux... it just works.05:49
SmoKeyCastleHi I am having trouble when i change my mac address on my wireless device. the mac shows as being changed on ifconfig but when i try to connect to my wireless ap that has no security on it the connection times out and keeps asking me for a password. I have restarted my wireless router, reset the config on the router and removed the security on the router. I have previously changed my mac on windows and was able to connect successfully to the router usin05:49
jholdermanCan someone help me get multimonitor support to work in 8.1005:49
JimmioCurly_Q: Or is that (tm) Apple? Meh.05:49
C-S-B_tristanmike: you tried both grub configs after altering boot.ini?05:50
Curly_QJimmio Apple is simply a Windows thing too.05:50
JimmioCurly_Q: Uhh... What? xP05:50
C-S-B_tristanmike: have you considered installing grub on your windows drive?05:51
Curly_QThe point is that most computers are designed for Windows. If you use Ubuntu or any Linux forum, then, you are bound to have all of these questions here because of the CMOS setup.05:51
Curly_QEspecially when dual booting.05:53
jholdermanI get no signal on my second monitor and nothing shows up in the screen resolution05:53
jholdermanIs there something like multimon for Linux?05:53
roccity_is there a way to build deps from source? I know that I can build apps from source.05:53
tristanmikeC-S-B_, I guess I considered it, I sort of wanted to keep it completely separate, but whatever works05:53
bullgard4my Ubuntu 9.04 computer shows much less  startup messages (befor login) than another one. How can I fix that?05:54
Ruby1I'm in nautilus05:54
SmoKeyCastleHi I am having trouble when i change my mac address on my wireless device. the mac shows as being changed on ifconfig but when i try to connect to my wireless ap that has no security on it the connection times out and keeps asking me for a password. I have restarted my wireless router, reset the config on the router and removed the security on the router. I have previously changed my mac on windows and was able to connect successfully to the router usin05:54
Ruby1And I'm trying to move a file05:54
bullgard4my Ubuntu 9.04 computer shows much less  startup messages (before login) than another one. How can I fix that?05:54
Ruby1it says I can't because i don't have permission05:54
C-S-B_tristanmike: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17990205:54
dthackerSmoKeyCastle: why are you changing your MAC address?05:54
jholdermanwhen moving files I use terminal and sudo command if needed05:54
jholdermansudo mv /usr/share/foo /usr/share/foo/bar05:55
tristanmikeC-S-B_, wowzers05:55
SmoKeyCastlebecause the wifi connection at work requires a specific mac address that is associated with my work laptop05:55
rwwbullgard4: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove "quiet" from the defoptions line, then run "sudo update-grub"05:55
SmoKeyCastlehowever my work laptop has been out of commission for the past two years05:55
sage_anyone have cedega05:56
dthackerSmoKeyCastle: so you have changed your wireless device MAC to match work, but now you cannot connect to your home AP, correct?05:56
SmoKeyCastlecorrect, i have not as yet tried connecting to the work ap either though05:56
SmoKeyCastleI am at home now05:56
dthackerwell, let's stay home.  it's to soon to go to work05:57
SmoKeyCastlethe mac changes in ifconfig but after a restart the mac reverts to the hardware mac05:57
SmoKeyCastleand with the new mac i cannot connect to the AP05:57
dthackerone problem at a time please05:57
Ruby1I'm trying to move a file from an old HDD05:58
Ruby1And I keep getting "cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it."05:58
=== guest1010 is now known as whatever
dthackerSmoKeyCastle: ^^^^05:58
=== whatever is now known as whatever1
dthackertnx Curly_Q05:58
Ruby1Would be nice if I was heard05:58
C-S-B_tristanmike: read that through, it should be doable, looks like you need the mapping05:59
dthackerRuby1: I hear you but I'm working with another person.05:59
SmoKeyCastlei have been using the macchanger command in terminal05:59
CleanLaundryHow do I change the view of all the folders I open?05:59
SmoKeyCastleit shows in ifconfig that the new mac has been implemented05:59
scuniziRuby1: use sudo with the copy command05:59
tristanmikeC-S-B_, yeah, I've read something that caught my eye06:00
SmoKeyCastlebut wont let me connect to the wireless ap after the change has gone through, and a restart wipes out the change and puts the hardware mac back in place06:00
C-S-B_tristanmike: whats that?06:00
tristanmikeC-S-B_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1624300&postcount=2206:00
Curly_QHow to change a MAC address in Linux Under Linux, you can change your MAC address with `ifconfig <interface> hw <class> <address>`, or you can use the GNU MAC Changer.06:01
SmoKeyCastlecurly, i have been using the gnu macchanger06:01
dthackerSmoKeyCastle: can you connect with the original MAC address? (at home, before you change it)06:01
SmoKeyCastlei am connected with it now\06:01
SmoKeyCastlethe ap is downstairs in a closet06:02
zetheroo1I installed Xubuntu onto my X31 which has 2GB of RAM and a 1.4GHZ Intel Pentium M CPU ... I am just wondering why writing documents in OpenOffice Writer or in Abiword is not a smooth ordeal ... pages don't load or scroll smoothly and text sometimes doe not appear for a few seconds after typing06:03
Curly_QSmokeyCastle have you tried  ifconfig /flushdns   also  /flush dns cache   ?06:03
C-S-B_tristanmike: you could always give up having grub boot xp and just use your bios boot menu?06:04
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SmoKeyCastleno i have not Curly_Q06:04
Ruby1this is annoying06:05
sarthorHi, i updated my ubuntu, before the Linux version was 2.6.28-11 , and now its 2.6.28-13, but my yahoo messenger on kopete is not working now, How to make it work, i reinstalled kopete, but no success06:05
Ruby1I went into the permissions06:05
Ruby1and I set it all06:05
FloodBot2Ruby1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:05
Ruby1but it is still being all ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff06:05
tristanmikeC-S-B_: well, according the post link I sent you, that's exactly what the person has achieved. They can boot into windows, but if somehow grub gets corrupt, they can just revert using the bios...so this is prime...the menu.lst looks identical with a couple of minor changes, I'm going to apply them and see what happens06:05
SmoKeyCastleany other suggestions Curly_Q before i go offline to try this out?06:06
Gran_GerYuSsOuF? Did you see my pastebin?06:06
akoreanyone here use mandvd?06:06
C-S-B_tristanmike: make sure not to change anything comp specific, like the location of windows...06:06
C-S-B_tristanmike: good luck06:07
Ruby1It keeps returning with permission denied06:07
bullgard4rww: The line starting with '# defoptions=' does not include a "quiet".06:07
Ruby1whenever I try to move it06:07
mralexandrois there some command to load the mmc reader? like do i have to locate it in fdisk first?06:07
C-S-B_Ruby1: you going to have to move with sudo on the command line06:07
C-S-B_Ruby1:  sudo mv <orgin> <destination>06:07
scuniziRuby1: what are you copying from (location and file name) and where are you copying to (location and file name) and are you doing this on the termial or with nautilus?06:07
mralexandrois there some command to load the mmc reader? like do i have to locate it in fdisk first?06:08
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, the only thing that I can think of in this case is that if wireless works on one boot but not on the other, there may be a compatitibility issue perhaps in the BIOS CMOS setup which works with Windows and must be set otherwise with Ubuntu and/or a driver or antenna issue.06:08
C-S-B_root nautilus is bad...06:08
mralexandrois there some command to load the mmc reader? like do i have to locate it in fdisk first?06:08
mralexandroops sorry06:08
mralexandroi am in irssi06:08
mralexandrodid not mean to repeat06:08
mralexandrothe screen image lags in irssi06:08
scunizimralexandro: souldn't06:08
type0negmy whole desktop just dissapeared...the only way I got in here was by typing Alt + F2 and running 'konversation'06:08
type0negany idea how to 're-start' the desk top??06:09
C-S-B_type0neg: startx?06:09
mralexandroscunizi: well it does not auto detect here06:09
mralexandromaybe i do not have the correct drivers for it06:09
scunizitype0neg: in a terminal.. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:09
Curly_QAlso a permissions issue. But you say it works then it doesn't work. Which would lead one to think that it is a DHCP issue.06:09
C-S-B_type0neg: ctrl-alt-backspace06:09
mralexandroscunizi: i go back to xchat, this was unusual06:09
scunizimralexandro: autodetect what?06:09
type0negsudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart06:09
C-S-B_scunizi: isnt he kde?06:09
type0negi'll try it....brb06:10
mralexandroscunizi: 5 sec change irc client06:10
scuniziC-S-B_: I don't know.. wasn't following everything.. just his last line06:10
iMatter WTF my screen has a black hole ftp://crashpad.no-ip.org/Pictures/Screenshots the WTF ones, i even changed the background and the lower half is still disappear-o06:10
sarthori removed kopete with apt-get purge kopete, and then i reinstalled, but the administrative password is still saved, how can i totally remove from the roots ?06:10
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, do you have a Dynamic or Static address?06:10
C-S-B_type0neg: what version of ubuntu? in 9.04 theyve disable ctrl-alt-backspace but that restarts x06:11
mralexandroscunizi, autodetect the mmc memory card. in my card reader. at my dell xps m1330 :)06:11
type0negkubuntu....i got it06:11
type0negalt + f2 then run plasma06:11
type0negthanks guys06:11
C-S-B_type0neg: all working?06:11
type0negyea - that did it06:11
goshiehiya folks06:12
type0negnetwork manager crashed and took everything06:12
C-S-B_type0neg: good, looks like you figured it out yourself. :P06:12
type0negDaskreech got it for me in the other channel06:12
C-S-B_type0neg: ive heard kde network manage is a bit sucky06:12
AdolaHOw do I unmount my ipod with terminal?06:12
AdolaIt's name is ADAM06:12
type0negcan't take the credit  :)06:12
tristanmikeC-S-B_: nope :(  lol06:12
scunizimralexandro: that's frustrating.. I've got a dell vostro 1400 with Hardy installed and suddenly it stopped recognizing card inserted into the built in slot.. I haven't found a solution.06:12
alteregoathe credentials in FSTAB, are they stored in the cache?06:12
goshieis there anyone who might be able to help with a silly issue involving installing WoW06:12
C-S-B_Adola: use umount06:13
C-S-B_Adola: probably umount /media/ADAM06:13
mralexandroscunizi, ironaically enough i might know the reason, i doubt it since you havent found a solution. i think i remember that you have to unmount it properly in vista or xp or whateever windows system you have and then boot the linux and it should work. i do not know06:13
C-S-B_tristanmike: how about you just kill windows and use it as storage lol :)06:14
scunizimralexandro: that might be true but it's never been on a win system.. only linux06:14
mralexandroscunizi, oh:/ well i will try and i will let you know:D06:15
scunizimralexandro: k06:15
tristanmikeC-S-B_: I haven't used Windows in years, the only reason I've installed it is because my 50+ year old father wants me to play Battlefield 2 with him.... LOL06:15
mralexandroscunizi, back in 1006:15
alteregoawhere are the smbcredentials stored?06:15
scunizitristanmike: hey.. I resemble that age06:15
goshiehow would i allow permission to install a game on cd rom .. wine tells me i don't have permission?06:15
tristanmikescunizi: maybe you can play with him :P06:16
scunizitristanmike: I like FPS games.. blowing things up and chasing others is fun06:16
scunizitristanmike: but thanks for the offer :)06:16
Curly_QScunizi, try shutting off the computer and pulling out the card and waiting about 1 minute. Then put the card back and see if the BIOS recognizes it again. The card may be not seated in the slot.06:17
C-S-B_tristanmike: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=343806:17
tristanmikeC-S-B_: I suppose for now, I'm "giving up" but I'll find an answer dang nabbit06:17
alteregoai like rpgs, getting rich by using the brain06:17
C-S-B_tristanmike:  wine kind of works06:17
C-S-B_tristanmike: never give up.06:17
scuniziCurly_Q: ah.. I've done everything.. it works when I use an external card reader. It's just the built in that's failing.. and I keep the "dummy plug" in it at all times to keep the dirt out too.06:17
legend2440pop a tape in the old eight track player and play Battlefield 2. sounds like fun06:17
alteregoaFPS are made for idiots, thats why so much peoples using that ( just like TV)06:18
tristanmikeC-S-B_: "kinda works" doesn't really cut the mustard in fast paced, online, fps, I've already checked wine ;) believe me, I didn't want to install Windows, but can't say no to the old man, no offence scunizi ;P06:18
goshieis there anyone who can give me a hand with that issue?06:18
scunizialteregoa: don't judge.. we could say the same about other but leave them to what they like..06:18
Curly_QScunizi, then it seems obvious that the external is compatible and the internal fails.06:18
dhong:), anyone knowns how to record sound from commandline06:18
alteregoai don't judge, i just told the truth06:18
scunizitristanmike: of course.. respect thy elders :)06:19
xILegerityIxdoes anyone here know how to change the color of text while renaming a file? When I try to rename a file it becomes white on white while typing06:19
scuniziCurly_Q: the internal use to be compatible.. it just stopped.06:19
C-S-B_xILegerityIx: it will be in your theme config06:19
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:20
SmoKeyCastleHi ok i am back, i tried the flush dns commands given to me before and neither worked.06:20
Curly_QScunizi, the only thing I would recommend for your situation and most all of the comments here on this channel is to keep LOGS of any change you have made. Keep a good LOG BOOK and you will and can backtrack what and where the problem lies.06:20
SmoKeyCastleas in neither was the correct wording to actually be used06:20
SmoKeyCastlei tried ifconfig /flushdns06:21
SmoKeyCastlealso /flush dns cache06:21
scuniziCurly_Q: I've been at this for 3 years and have figured what works and what doesn't for me.. unfortunately the occational install might screw something up.  but my suspicion is that an update changed something or the hardware just failed.06:22
SmoKeyCastleadditionally dns comes into play after the connection with the AP is established, ie after i have recieved an ip address from the ap (which i have not gotten to that stage yet06:22
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, have you tried to run a straight through RJ45  cable directly to the internet rather than through your router?06:22
SmoKeyCastlecurly_q, i am trying to change the mac address on my wifi, I am connected through the AP right now speaking to you.06:22
alucardromeroHello. :)06:22
SmoKeyCastlethe problem is that when i change the mac address i can no longer connect06:23
tristanmikeC-S-B_: well, thanks for your help, I'm going to try my luck with the ATI drivers now06:23
antonius602anyone here know how to set up the autostart apps in XFCE 4.6?06:23
C-S-B_tristanmike: youre just on painful suicide missions arent you?06:23
antonius602would be much appreciated....06:23
alucardromeroHas anybody been able to get the SoundBlaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio PCIe sound card to work in 9.04 under x64?06:23
C-S-B_tristanmike: ill see you in 5?06:23
scuniziSmoKeyCastle: I'm thinking that you need to release and renew your ip address.. if you're getting an address with dhcp..06:23
tristanmikeC-S-B_: hopefully ??06:24
SmoKeyCastleThe actual problem is not IP address related. The issue is that after changing my mac address in linux I suddenly become unable to establish a connection or session with my wireless access point.06:25
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, anytime you change the MAC Address, you are telling the router it is a counterfeit. It is possible that your Internet Provider won't allow another MAC address unless you inform them of the change. I have seen this happen. In fact, I had to tell the IP that I have so many MAC addresses and had to inform them of it. I am not sure if that is the case with you.06:25
antonius602alucardromero:  i helped a friend w/ this...to no avail....aparently the card is "supported"...but working is a different story06:25
C-S-B_SmoKeyCastle: the mac you are changing to, does it exit on the network?06:25
SmoKeyCastleThe router is owned by me06:25
SmoKeyCastleI cannot even connect to the router and get an IP address06:25
alucardromeroantonius602: Yeah, I've Googled everything I could, and I have found no success.06:25
iMatterAnyone free to help someone?06:25
SmoKeyCastleI bring the wifi device down using ifconfig, change the mac, then bring the device back up using ifconfig06:25
antonius602alucardromero: drivers DO exists...iirc06:26
SmoKeyCastlethen try to connect, no luck06:26
SmoKeyCastleis there some logs somewhere that show me how far in the connection i was able to get?06:26
scuniziCurly_Q: SmoKeyCastle when you're behind a router the isp doesn't know how many machines are hooked up .. they can only ping the "internet modem".. unless the modem itself is also the router.. then all bets are off.06:26
alucardromeroHmm... I guess it's finding and compiling.06:26
C-S-B_SmoKeyCastle: dmesg | tail?06:26
SmoKeyCastlei want to connect to the wireless router after i have changed my mac06:26
SmoKeyCastlecurrently i cannot connect to the router.06:26
SmoKeyCastlethe router is owned by me06:26
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, have you unplugged your router before changing the MAC Address? In other words, Rebooting the computer and first shutting down and litteraly unplugging the router voltage cable?06:27
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antonius602alucardromero:  pretty sure...the creative website???  maybe...can't recall mate06:27
alucardromeroHmm... I'll check it out.06:27
konnerz          06:27
konnerz 06:27
konnerz        06:27
FloodBot2konnerz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
SmoKeyCastleyou asked me to do that before, i spent 15 mins afterwards re inputting the config06:27
Curly_QEven if you are behind a firewall or router, the MAC address is broadcasted.06:28
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: is there a device that shares the mac of the one you are changing your card to?06:29
skylso, when changing /etc/network/interfaces to have a static IP what are the network and broadcast directives?06:29
SmoKeyCastleCurly_Q: I cannot even connect to the router with the new mac address. I have connected to the router previously using windows with the new mac address and that worked fine.06:29
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, here is another solution. If you want to change your MAC address, why not just install another NIC CARD.06:30
skylnetwork  ... broadcast, I think I'm okay with address, gateway and netmask06:30
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SmoKeyCastleBecause i need a specific mac address to connect to the ap at work06:30
skylshould different machines have different Bcast from ifconfig?06:30
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: is there a device that shares the mac of the one you are changing your card to?06:30
SmoKeyCastlemy work computer that is currently pretending to be a dead toaster06:31
SmoKeyCastlework laptop rather06:31
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: is that machine turned off?06:31
SmoKeyCastlethat machine is turned off06:31
scuniziSmoKeyCastle: have you tried to change the mac then bring the nick card down (turn off) then back up again? that should make the machine request a new ip from the router with the new mac address I would think.06:31
c_nickhow to copy from one folder to another in the terminal (ubuntu 8.04)06:31
SmoKeyCastlei have brought the wlan0 down then changed the mac then brought it back up06:32
scunizic_nick: cp /folder/location/from/file /folder/location/to06:32
SmoKeyCastleafter bringing it back up i cannot connect. if i bring it down again atd change the mac to the wifi's default mac then bring it back up again i am able to connect06:32
scuniziSmoKeyCastle: ah..a perplexing problem..06:33
Curly_QSmokeyCastle, if you change your MAC address, have you tried ifup eth0 or eth1 etc?06:33
SmoKeyCastlewhat does that do?06:34
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: what if you try a mac that is not your work laptops, can you connect then?06:34
Curly_QIt tells the system to see your MAC address and your NIC card.06:34
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: as in a completely made up mac06:34
SmoKeyCastlethats a good question C-S-B!06:34
SmoKeyCastlebrb will try that06:34
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C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: well?06:38
Adman65Anyone have problems installing 9.04 in Virtualbox? Im stuck on 'scanning mirror'06:38
SmoKeyCastleno luck06:38
mralexandroi want to increase fan speed on my xps m1330 laptop. any sugestion/ideas/guide/software?06:39
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: looks like its a problem with the state your card is in after changing the mac...06:39
SmoKeyCastlehow do i fix/check that?06:39
Curly_QSmokeyCastle try this:   after you change your MAC address     ping localhost06:39
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: what chipset?06:40
SmoKeyCastlehow do i check that C-S-B06:40
Curly_QAlso try:       ping
SmoKeyCastleIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] shown in system testing06:41
SmoKeyCastleloopback ip address?06:41
C-S-Bis it a pci or usb adapter? lspci -vv will show06:41
SmoKeyCastleok do i have to declare that i am trying to ping out of the wlan0?06:41
Curly_QTry it just as it is:
SmoKeyCastleNetwork controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)06:43
SmoKeyCastlethe lspci -vv showed it06:43
Curly_QOK!  It seems that your MAC change works. However, either the router or switch or whatever you have doesn't like it if you can ping
SmoKeyCastleso change the mac, bring the device back up, try to connect to the AP (which will fail) then try the loopback ip address?06:44
SmoKeyCastleok give me a second to test the ping06:45
Curly_QThat is a tough call Smokey. I am trying to figure this one out with you.06:45
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C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: i dont know if it resets the mac, but you could try sudo service networking restart as well06:47
Curly_QSmokey another thing to remember is that if you have dual booting and if you are running two operating systems at the same time such as with VMWARE, both OS's will demand a new IP config which will not be compatible. I hope you understand that.06:47
shortlinerI am having trouble getting the tvout to work on my nvidia geforce2 mx440, I have the driver installed. I think it has something to do with the xorg.conf file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/210936/06:48
exia_hey anyone setupped flashfxp for linux from this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=351841 ?06:49
SmoKeyCastle1rpt@home:~$ ping -I wlan006:49
SmoKeyCastle1PING ( from wlan0: 56(84) bytes of data.06:49
SmoKeyCastle1From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable06:49
SmoKeyCastle1loopback does not work after the mac change06:50
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle1: not pinging localhost is bad.:(06:50
Curly_QSmokey, It is obvious that if you see anything with a 192.168.anything, it means that you are assigned a Dynamic IP address.06:50
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle1: have you tried restarting networking?06:50
SmoKeyCastle1Curly_q that stats were from when i was connected with the wireless using my normal mac06:51
Curly_QI see.06:51
Curly_QWhat are the stats when you change the MAC address?06:51
C-S-BCurly_Q: dns will cache the ones from when it last connected, just wont ping06:51
SmoKeyCastle1from lspci -vv06:51
exia_can you say me please what dependency should i install ? i get this "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libartsc0 (>= 1.5.0-1)06:52
exia_" while trying to install flashfxp06:52
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle1: try restarting networking post mac chang06:52
Curly_QFlush the cache and try again.06:52
SmoKeyCastle1C-S-B: how do i restart networking?06:52
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle1: sudo service networking restart06:52
SmoKeyCastle1will try that06:53
Curly_QHello there C-S-B nice to meet you. You seem like a knowledgeable person.06:53
C-S-Bhi Curly_Q06:54
C-S-BCurly_Q: im not too bad...06:54
Curly_QHey there C-S-B.06:54
CIIXIs there a way to fiix this unstoppable volume wheel on the toshibas (and others)... you know the damn bug that if you touch the volume, It's just gonna keep increase...06:54
Curly_QGood to meet you.06:54
Curly_QWhat do you do for a living?06:54
exia_can you say me please what dependency should i install ? i get this "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libartsc0 (>= 1.5.0-1)06:54
JoeMI've got a new SSD for my new computer, is there anything special I should do for optimization before I move data over?06:54
exia_" while trying to install flashfxp06:54
JoeMsame question for the RIAD 0 I'll use for /home06:55
Curly_QI teach CISCO classes and A+ classes at a Network Technology Academy.06:55
Curly_QI also teach Electrical and Electronics Engineering.06:56
lbsjackwho knows GNOME applets program?06:56
lbsjackI'd like to add applet to menu.06:56
lbsjackbut I cannot find the applet program file.06:56
C-S-BCurly_Q: at the moment im travelling and have temp settled in Oz, i am kind of in limbo after doing an on off job fixing consumer pcs. Professionally i am a sys admin, primarily ive down windows, but my last job in england was linux centric. I managed a few linux servers and virual solutions etc...06:57
Curly_QSounds good C-S-B. It is always nice to keep active in computers and networking.06:58
akore1anyone here use mandvd?06:58
joebodo_lsbjack what applet ?06:58
Curly_QLately I have been working with Forensic Data Recovery.06:59
C-S-BCurly_Q: sounds like your quite knowledgeable yourself, i love spreading my knowledge so would love to get into teaching it somewhere06:59
kfogelAnyone know why my jaunty dell xps m1330 suddenly has disabled wireless?  In Network Manager, it's greyed out, and I can only get wired connection.06:59
C-S-BCurly_Q: i know networking pretty well..06:59
joebodo_!ot C-S-B06:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot C-S-B06:59
joebodo_!ot | C-S-B06:59
ubottuC-S-B: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:59
CIIXHi everybody, I would like to know if anyone has/had the same bug as I have right now : When I touch my volume wheel, it never stops increasing, or decreasing.... it's the most annoying bug the THA WORLD !06:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mandvd06:59
akore1ah finally its doing something07:00
hateballCIIX: I have that on a laptop too. I just bind it to some other keys and that's that...07:00
m2rk0hi! how can I remove shokwave flash player?07:01
SmoKeyCastlethat did not work07:01
Curly_QC-S-B, I went looking for work about 4 years ago. I stumbled upon the Academy that I have been with since. I have recieved a $50,00.00 scholarship for free. I have been with the Academy for all of this time. I have met may great Computer Scientists.07:01
SmoKeyCastleC-S-B: Can i send you a private message with the data that i collected from that attempt, it is a bit big to spam the channel with07:02
CIIXhateball, so that's it... I just have to try not to see it?07:02
C-S-BSmoKeyCastle: my pm is all yours...07:02
tristanmikeC-S-B: ...I hate ATI :(07:02
C-S-Btristanmike: lol!07:02
hateballCIIX: No, the proper solution would be to bugreport it :)07:03
hateball!bugs | CIIX07:03
ubottuCIIX: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:03
tristanmikeC-S-B: I have a HD360 and my GeForce FX5200 does circles around this card07:03
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CIIXubottu, thank you... I hope it's gonna get fixed real soon !07:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:03
tristanmikeC-S-B: well, at least the driver support, lol07:03
rsa_md5what is the differenve between flash-nonfree and adobe-flashplugin packages07:06
rsa_md5do I need to uninstall one to keep the other?07:06
Curly_QCIIX check this web site out:     https://bugs.launchpad.net/fedora/+source/linux/+bug/27170607:07
icerootrsa_md5: flash-nonfree = flash 9 the other is flash 1007:08
icerootrsa_md5: use adobe-flashplugin07:08
rsa_md5iceroot, ah thanks :)07:08
icerootrsa_md5: np07:08
jigpepldt weroam anyone?07:09
jigpei followed this blog but i guess its a scam..it wont work http://xdefender.blog.com/2009/06/19/pldt-weroam-config-on-ubuntu-desktop-904/07:09
Curly_QIceroot, if you are running a server, that should not matter. Only if you are using a client should that matter.07:09
icerootCurly_Q: what?07:10
Curly_QIn other words, running a server will allow any forum or platform to be served. Using plugins and other stuff to monitor what is being served was the question.07:11
icerootCurly_Q: i dont get, why you tell this to me07:12
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents07:12
Curly_QIceroot, I was just making conversation.07:13
viseHi.. I created a 15 gig partition with ext for excess storage. But I cannot write to it (requires sudo) as the owner is root. How can I own it?07:13
Curly_QVise, you cannot own anything unless you are root.07:14
Giraffe_vise: chown/chmod?07:14
rsa_md5iceroot, I removed flashplugin-nonfree and installed adobe-flashplugin . Now it doesn't show up in about:plugins in firefox07:15
viseCurly_Q, Giraffe_, I tried sudo chown vise ./more_ext   where more_ext is the mount folder. It still says operation not permitted...07:15
Black_PhantomWhats the difference between 9.04 DVD and CD, exactly ?07:15
Black_Phantommore pre-installed packages ?07:15
Giraffe_vise: hmm07:15
Curly_QVise, you don't have permissions.07:15
rwwBlack_Phantom: more packages on the DVD (not pre-installed), and more language translations07:15
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Black_Phantomoh ok, thanks07:16
viseCurly_Q, Giraffe_, Well, how do i use it then without bothering sudo.. I created it!!07:16
Giraffe_vise: what are the permissions for ./more_ext?07:16
Black_PhantomI can only see dvds, in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/release/ why ?07:17
rwwBlack_Phantom: see the first paragraph of that page :)07:17
Black_Phantomoh ok :p, thanks again rww07:18
=== ali_ is now known as AliBinDuden
viseGiraffe_, drwxr-xr-x  3 root  root       8192 2009-07-06 11:44 more_ext07:18
viseGiraffe_, I can't even set the owner for sub-folders.07:19
testtestassswhen using lspci -v, i can't seem to find my wifi device...any ideas?07:19
Giraffe_honestly, I don't know07:19
viseWow.. I thought this is a simple one..07:19
Giraffe_you did sudo chown and it said permission denied?07:19
rwwtesttestasss: try lsusb. Mine shows up there.07:19
mneptokvise: what is more_ext?07:19
visemneptok, mount folder07:20
Black_PhantomHow can a normal user, benefit from Ubuntu Server Edition ?07:20
mneptokvise: for ... ?07:20
testtestasssrww, nothing about wifi07:20
visean ext partition of 15 GB i just created from an empty FAT one for more storage07:20
visemneptok, an ext partition of 15 GB i just created from an empty FAT one for more storage07:20
mneptokvise: any reason not to put it in /media ?07:20
viseGiraffe_, yes... chown returns "operation not permitted"07:20
visemneptok, If that will make a difference, i am going to try it now...07:21
rwwBlack_Phantom: generally, they wouldn't. Ubuntu Server doesn't have a GUI, for example, so it's not really end user-oriented07:21
mneptokvise: sudo rm -r /more_ext && sudo mkdir /media/more_ext && sudo chown -R vise:vise /media/more_ext07:21
Curly_QVise, you need to understand that even if you create a directory or anything for that matter. You may have been given permission to create it but you have not been given permission to delete it or control it. Only Root can dictate what you can do with a newly created anything.07:22
Black_PhantomI see07:22
rwwvise: can you copy the output of "mount" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, then link it here, please?07:22
testtestasssany help?07:22
=== JJFPP is now known as Numenios
viserww, I am going to try the suggestions first. brb07:22
mneptoktesttestasss: try lsusb07:23
testtestasssalready did07:23
testtestasssnothing about wifi anywhere07:23
ActionParsniptesttestasss: sudo lshw -C network07:23
tristanmikeC-S-B: hey, thanks again for all the help this evening, it's very appreciated. I'll be searching for the answer and I'll fire you off an email if/when I find a solution. Peace :D07:25
Curly_QIt was nice meeting you good folks. I hope to see you again soon. Take care.07:25
Curly_QNice talking with you C-S-B.07:25
testtestassshttp://pastebin.com/m4bc3a6b8 can anyone get anything out of that?07:25
ActionParsniptesttestasss: yes, you only have a wired etwork device07:26
[thirdwheel]hey all, trying to bridge a wired and wireless connection - I've got the bridge in place, but for some retarded reason I can't ping from one side of the bridge to another07:26
testtestasssActionParsnip: im on a laptop with builtin wifi07:27
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php07:27
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ActionParsniptesttestasss: then you have the killswitch off or its not enabled in bios07:27
rwwtesttestasss: my friend's wifi chip disappeared once. turns out he disabled it in his laptop's BIOS =/07:27
[thirdwheel]who is that pointed at ActionParsnip ?07:27
ARMENIANwhen is ubuntu repos releasing firefox 3.5?07:27
rwwtook me half an hour to figure that one out. i hit him upside the head afterwards.07:27
ActionParsniptesttestasss: even if you dont have a driver setup, lshw will see it07:27
rwwARMENIAN: soon. it's in testing right now, so it shouldn't be too long.07:27
testtestassswell, i have a wifi power button, but...when i push it, nothing happens07:28
testtestasssstays orange07:28
testtestassswhen it should be blue07:28
visemneptok, It does the same thing. I mounted /dev/sda6 in /media/more_ext and still, the ownership change is not permitted.07:28
ActionParsniptesttestasss: you need to get that sorted first then, hit the bios to have the wifi turned on at boot07:28
gbear142751is there a howto someone might be able to point me to for getting updates to clamav within ubuntu 9.04?  I am able to see there are updates available... just no way to get them :(07:28
ARMENIANrww: lol ok good cause I asked like 4 days ago and i was told 3-4 days :P07:28
visemneptok, I use sudo for mounting.. sudo mount /dev/sda6 /media/more_ext07:28
testtestasssActionParsnip, bios don't have no option for wifi, done looked07:29
gbear142751it would be really really nice if clam updated itself :)... but for now just making sure I have this installed correctly would be nice07:29
lobfhey guys07:29
lobfi'm having an issue with my ipod07:29
ActionParsniptesttestasss: have you found any guides for you laptop make / model07:29
mneptokvise: sudo chown -R vise:vise /media/more_ext07:29
ActionParsnip!ipod  > lobf07:30
ubottulobf, please see my private message07:30
lobfI was having some troubles with it that ended up with me having to transfer my entire 26 gig collection back onto it. midway through the machine froze, i had to restart, and now it doesn't recognize my ipod07:30
lobfit says "unable to mount location"07:30
Lartza_How could I move over 4GB file away from my ubuntu?07:30
visemneptok, Nope.. Still gives operation not permitted.07:30
Lartza_cp -r to usb, too big file(over 4GB)07:30
mneptokvise: what format is this partition?07:30
Lartza_ftp, on other side fireftp says it's too big07:31
Lartza_If I change ftp client will my ftp server send the file still?07:31
rwwLartza_: what filesystem is the other side using? FAT32, NTFS, etc?07:31
visemneptok, I don't remember. I just use mkfs on /dev/sda6.. whatever is the default format that way..07:31
Lartza_rww: NTFS07:31
Lartza_but i think it's only the ftp client's problem I am using07:32
Lartza_OH, but my usb had fat3207:32
xerox1hi, i have been looking for a new notebook; because of certification  i looked at dell (for a m1330 or something similar) - could not find it on the website: did they quit the collaboration with ubuntu?07:32
rwwLartza_: yeah, FAT32 can't do files bigger than 4GB, so that explains that07:32
Lartza_well with ftp, will the server send over 4gb?07:32
Lartza_ext3 to ntfs07:32
lobfanybody know anything about my issue?07:32
rwwLartza_: I've done it in the past with Filezilla, I think.07:32
Lartza_Alright, juts to make sure since i moved 4gb with usb1.1 which was slowww... dont wantt  o start again with ftp and get stuck on 4gb too07:33
OttifantSirDoes anyone have an idea why my audio desyncs with the video when recording with gtk-recordmydesktop?07:33
plantain_chipNo clue, it's always worked for me07:34
mneptokxerox1: http://dell.com/ubuntu07:34
plantain_chipEven with my old computer07:34
plantain_chipSo, would I be frowned upon here if I said that Arch was the best Linux distro?07:34
Gorlistmay have made a slightly mistake. for my ubuntu 8.04 box I installed everything as root user before disabling the account07:34
mneptokplantain_chip: yes. so stop.07:34
Gorlisthow does this mean all the bits setup (crons etc) will no longer function as root doesn't exsist07:35
plantain_chipOkay, I was joking07:35
xerox1mneptok, thx, exactly what i was looking for07:35
OttifantSir@Lartza: If it is your own network, you'll probably have a speed of 100mbps, whereas USB 1.1 is 12mbps.07:36
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X11How do I register a username and password for this server?07:37
rww!register | X1107:37
ubottuX11: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode07:37
OttifantSir@Lartza: If it is to a server/computer online/The Net, you're limited to the upload speed of your line.07:37
testtestassshow could? i run a hp bios flasher program using wine successfully07:37
redsoxkingdoes anyone know how to run windows 7 from VirtualBox inside an external hard drive?07:38
visemneptok, rww, Giraffe_, Done! The format was vfat. I don't still understand why it didn't allow me to change the permission. I know perms don't exist with vfat. But then it should atleast not make it root if it can't be changed. Anyway.. I formatted it to ext3 and then did a sudo chown.. Its working fine now.. Thank you!07:38
rwwsweet, i guessed right07:39
WIGGMPktesttestasss: I recommend stripping down a copy of windows and putting it on a USB stick and booting into windows that way07:39
Severity2redsoxking, i think you should declare the external drive in fstab07:39
testtestassssigh lol :(07:39
testtestassssaw that coming lol07:39
WIGGMPkcomplain to the manufacture of the motherboard...07:40
viseredsoxking, I think that involves accessing the hd directly. I don't know if virtual box can allow accessing hds like /dev/sda1 etc directly...07:40
testtestasssyea, i know the story :P07:40
redsoxkingSeverity2, whaqt is fstab? is it inside of virtual box or a seperate app?07:40
OttifantSir@redsoxking: It shouldn't be harder than to choose Windows 7 as OS in Machine, then set the virtual harddrive-location to the external harddrive, and make sure it is mounted every time you want to run Windows 7. However, it will be slower than running it from an internal virtual harddrive.07:40
alteregoai was asking for credentials in the fstab07:40
WIGGMPktesttestasss: no seriously.. complain.. they wont help you when you complain.. but complain.. it has to start somewhere..07:41
Severity2redsoxking, it is the file in your box that list down all filesystems automounted on startup07:41
alteregoawhere are they stored? or cached?07:41
Severity2you declare there the mountpoint the permission etc07:41
alteregoathe cifs permissions07:41
Severity2heres what i understand07:42
gbear142751is it possible to dual boot between a xen hypervisor and regular ubuntu install?07:42
OttifantSirDoes anyone have an idea why my audio desyncs with the video when recording with gtk-recordmydesktop?07:42
Severity2virtualboc is installed on your machine right?07:42
redsoxkingOttifantSir, my problem is that im on an old laptop with a 60gb hdd with a dual boot of xp and ubuntu 9.04, and my grub bootloader is whipped out when i do a normal install07:42
alteregoawhite sox, jackson capable07:42
Severity2but you want the .vdi(virtual hardisk to be saved on your usb?)07:42
Severity2i mean on your external07:43
Severity2i think vbox can handle your situation as is07:43
viseredsoxking, Where does your w7 come in picture then07:43
redsoxkingvise, just to see07:43
Severity2just make sure that your machine can detect the external hard disk07:43
xFluxHello - I have Ubuntu Server 9.04 installed on a HPDL360-G6.  Multiple servers run fine, and some have random lock ups that are unexplained in the logs.  They seem to lock up, not allowing me to reboot, or issue any local commands.  #shutdown -r now, I can see was initiated, but it hangs on multiple KxxProcess scripts07:44
redsoxkingSeverity2, so I can install VirtualBox to my external hdd via the synaptic?07:44
xFluxI keep guessing something is wrong with the raid drivers in Ubuntu, but wanted to check if anyone had suggestions?07:44
Severity2redsoxking, when you make a virtual hardisk(where the virtual os will be installed) you will have the option on where you will save it07:44
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Severity2you want to install vbox on synaptic? or you already have vbox on your machine07:45
redsoxkingSeverity2, I have VB on my internal and I want the virtualmachine to run on my external, sorry I have only had ubuntu for 3 weeks still a noob07:46
Geoffrey2is there somewhere I can find FF 3.5 debs for Ubuntu?07:46
Severity2redsoxking, no problem i understand :)07:46
OttifantSir@redsoxking: I don't see the problem: Install Virtualbox from virtualbox.org, create a Wndows 7 machine, make a .vdi (Virtual Disk Image) on your external harddrive, make sure it is mounted before starting the machine. Should work fine.07:46
Severity2i think you can do that07:46
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY07:46
Severity2wait let me simulate your situation on my vbox07:46
neoso quiet07:47
Geoffrey2Kazriko, thanks07:47
skylI have a dsl connection, a belkin router and a server here.  It was working but my old router went out and I can't for the life of me get my server listening to the outside world as it was.  I have reset everything.  If someone can help get my server running I can give accollades, money whatever, please help, I am in router hell.07:48
OttifantSirDoes anyone have an idea why my audio desyncs with the video when recording with gtk-recordmydesktop?07:48
Severity2redsoxking, PM me07:48
lobfman, i hate to just add to the echoing questions, but...07:48
skylmotorola netopia --> belkin router --> server with static and dhcp with wireless .. is it possible to have some machines get dhcp address and some to get static, I thouhght that is how I had it before07:49
lobfI'd like to add a windows install to this computer07:49
lobfhow do i select the drive letter?07:49
lobfam i going to write over any info on the ubuntu partition?07:49
skylOttifantSir are you using JACK?07:49
daurnimator_how do you get a package into ubuntu reps??07:49
viselobf, Do you have an excess partition on your disk for your windows? (> 5 GB)?07:50
iMatterermac0, how would i go about updating firefox to 3.5 from the tar.bz from Mozzilla's Website07:50
OttifantSir@skyl: No. Tried installing it, and tweaking the settings trying to get it to work for two days, then gave up. My soundcard is HDA Intel, at least in Mixer control07:50
viseiMatter, That is complex.. Wait for repository of ubuntu...07:50
iMattervise :S07:50
Kazrikohttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa << instead of a tar.gz, you can use the daily ppa, but it's the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge. the url in the !ff35 has other options.07:51
viseiMatter, or i will give u a link07:51
iMatterI'll go for the link..07:51
skylOttifantSir I seemed to get get good sync but I would have to load Ardour and qjackctrl and then start gtk-RMD ... idk, it's tricky...07:51
OttifantSir@lobf: If you don't have Windows on the machine already, you can't add it after Ubuntu, other than as in a Virtual Machine. Windows wipes everything on the drive.07:52
viseiMatter, Version of ubuntu?07:52
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skylI'm about to cry; please help me forward my ports and set my IP addresses :'(07:52
lobfwhat about a partition?07:52
pryda_virtual sux07:52
iMattervise,  ubuntu hardy heron07:52
viseOttifantSir, Not if you have a partition07:52
OttifantSir@lobf: True as vise says, but you will lose GRUB, and need to use a live CD to repair it later. Plenty of threads for that at ubuntuforums.org07:54
C-S-B__skyl: not wanting to hear you cry, what are you trying to do?07:54
lobfI need data that I have on this drive07:54
lobfbut i need to access it in windows?07:54
lobfor, if you can tell me why ubuntu won't recognize my ipod we could skip all this07:55
viselobf, OttifantSir, Yes grub is lost. But in case you don't want to do the live cd thing, you can get Grub4DOS and install it in windows. That will add grub. Then all you need to do is to add the entries for your linux in the menu.lst...07:55
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lobfi wouldn't need windows to fix this shit if I could access it in ubuntu07:55
lobfi don't even know what grub is07:55
skylC-S-B just get a webserver running behind modem and router (with wireless dhcp of other computers)07:55
lobfi have been using ubuntu for about a week07:55
OttifantSir@lobf: You need access to the data from a Windows OS? Is the Ubuntu partition ext3? Or FAT?07:55
lobfi think it's ext307:55
viselobf, Did you find out what device your ipod comes up as?07:56
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lobfusb device07:56
skyland then know how to put other ports to that server ... it's so sad b/c it was set-up and then that router died and I can't get it going now and I am back to square one07:56
OttifantSir@lobf: GRUB is a boot loader. If you have more than one OS, it's what lets you choose which one to use.07:56
lobfand it's "USB Drive"07:56
C-S-B__skyl: well the modem/router config is off topic but you need to forward port 80 to your server ip (the setting on your modem will most likely be under nat)07:56
viselobf, Immediately after plugging your ipod, type dmesg at console. In the last few lines, there should be the "/dev/whatever" device coming up and info about it. Find that out first...07:57
lobfin properties about everything is unknown07:57
vegombreiis there an effective way to convert flv to mpeg or avi?07:57
Mashi got ubuntu 9.04 and installed inside my windows how long it takes if i use 9gb of my partition for ubuntu ?07:57
C-S-B__skyl: your server, if it doesnt already, will need a static ip07:57
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viseMash, How long it takes to do what?07:57
OttifantSir@vegombrei: I personally like WinFF. Got a bunch of presets and takes most anything you throw at it.07:58
Mashto finish the "creating a virtual disks" vise07:58
lobfvise: usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning07:58
vegombreiOttifantSir: winff .. do i need wine for that?07:58
skylC-S-B__ it has had one but I've basically run around in circles until I am back to default on everything07:58
lobfthat's where it stays07:58
vegombreiOttifantSir: can i apt-get it?07:58
andrew_46vegombrei: winff has an ubuntu package07:59
viseMash, Does not depend on the size. It will copy files that are needed... (i think 15 min?)07:59
vegombreiandrew_46: apt-gettable?07:59
lobfyou copy, vise?07:59
viselobf, Hmm... :O07:59
Mashuhmmm ok07:59
Mashlet see it that takes long im now on 10 minutes07:59
andrew_46vegombrei: http://code.google.com/p/winff/wiki/UbuntuInstallation07:59
lobfany tips, vise/08:00
lobfor anyone?08:00
yaboohow does one get vimeo to work on ubuntu under firefox, also can I upgrade to firefox 3.5, running desktop 9.0408:01
OttifantSir@vegombrei: You can also get it from the menu Programs -> Add/Remove... -> Search for winff. Make sure you have "All Available Programs" checked. in the drop-down list to the left of the search bar.08:01
viselobf, Uhm.. Are you sure there is no "/dev/sdb" or something like that displayed? Try plugging it in in some other usb port.. (say 1.0 instead of 2.0 or 2.0 instead of 1.0) and then check for dmesg again...08:01
OttifantSir@vegombrei: No need for Wine. It's just a GUI for FFMpeg.08:02
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RiverLaptopStrange problem here.  My system goes through the log-in sessions stuff right but then it starts to a blank desktop.  I put an icon for a terminal on the desktop and when I click on it it opens a terminal but with no decorations and there are no Gnome panels running.  Issuing the gnome-panel and gnome-wm commands get things back to normal but what did I screw up to stop them from auto starting?08:04
lobfvise- nothing08:04
viselobf, Hmm.. Then i have no idea..08:05
cattellarcan I use mysql to run .sql databases?08:06
andrew_46OttifantSir: My apologies I did not realise winff had hit the repositories. Started in Jaunty by the look of it08:06
cattellarbtw, mysql-server is broken on jaunty08:06
viselobf, But i will try to search on the net for you..08:06
maccam94anyone else having trouble reaching the official ubuntu repositories/ppa's today?08:06
lobfI'm trying the same08:06
halberdI just accidentally reduced the font size of one of my terminals08:07
halberdI have customized my terminals so that they do not have a menu bar since I hardly use it08:08
halberdhow do I change it back?08:08
Mashand it was a problem vise the cd is deffect and need a request one again08:08
OttifantSir@andrew_46: No need to apologize. Noone knows everything.08:08
halberdoh I got it08:09
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY08:11
dragon_ubottu: tell them to make it quick?08:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:11
dragon_i know, i know08:11
halberdwhy are you so eager dragon?08:11
halberdwhat do you want in ff3.508:12
dragon_halberd: cuz ff3.5 is faster and not really a bloat like ff308:12
halberdI haven't noticed a speed problem on ff3, other than my internet connection08:13
DigitalFizdragon_, wasnt that what they said about ff2 to ff3?08:13
bullgard4ekiga -d 4: "PCSS Created PC sound system endpoint." What does PCSS stand for?08:13
redsoxkingnothings perfect08:13
halberdhave you googled it bullgard4 ?08:13
DigitalFizim happy with ff308:13
dragon_DigitalFiz: yeah, no doubt ff3 was better than ff208:14
dragon_halberd: ff3.5 renders websites faster, if you noticed08:14
redsoxkingdragon_, have u tried the add-on FasterFox???08:14
bullgard4halberd: Is that all you are able to add to solve the question put?08:14
dragon_redsoxking: not yet, checking it out08:14
halberdbullgard4, googling would answer your question, why should I tell you the answer?08:15
DigitalFizit was a valid follow up to the question i think08:15
bullgard4yet another troll08:15
dragon_redsoxking: i've used something similar in past, but that's about network. ff3.5 is about rendering.08:16
redsoxkingI saw some improvement with speed, also add Ad Block Plus, take away all those ads speeds site boot time dragon_08:16
DigitalFiznow people are trolls for giving valid suggestions hmm08:16
dragon_redsoxking: got noscript already08:16
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DigitalFizand honestly the answer was in your question bullgard408:16
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Crayboffalright when ssh-ing, I'm running my bot on another server, which I ssh-ed to. However, how do i log out of the ssh session without closing the bot?08:17
kdubif you set a cron job every 5 minutes, and turn your computer off for 15, is that cron job skipped 3 times? or is it ran 3 times when you turn the computer back on?08:18
dragon_btw ff3.5 did way better than ff3 on the acid3 tests - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid308:18
redsoxkingdragon_, how fast do u really need ur browser to be? I dont understand ur need for speed on this08:18
dragon_kdub: skipped08:18
Necrogamithey are skipped08:18
kdubthats what would make more sense, thanks08:19
dragon_redsoxking: my ff3 used to get stuck when loading a large webapp, like facebook08:19
dragon_Crayboff: run the bot in background08:19
Crayboffdragon_: how08:20
xFluxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7568741#post7568741  <------ Really need some expert advice08:20
dragon_Crayboff: $ command &08:20
dragon_Crayboff: append an "&" at the end of the command, and it will be sent to background08:20
Crayboffwill i get feed to the terminal?08:21
maccam94firefox 3.5 is now in jaunty-proposed btw08:21
dragon_Crayboff: as long as you're connected08:21
Crayboffthe program prints debugging info and stuffs08:21
Crayboffooh cool08:21
maccam94how do you update ubottu?08:21
dragon_Crayboff: you can also send the feed to a file, using >08:21
redsoxkingdragon_, I was having the same problem with that site but there is an add-on for just facebook scripts too, check it out, now i understand08:21
Severity1redsoxking, yo08:22
dragon_Crayboff: command > /path/to/logfile &08:22
redsoxkingSeverity1, yo08:22
Severity1sorry about earlier the power grid went down again so i checked all the other stations here08:22
Severity1i already checked it btw08:22
Crayboffdragon_: ok, ummm setting it as a background thing doesn't help when i close the terminal08:22
dragon_Crayboff: the program quits?08:22
Crayboffwhen i add & immediately after the program08:23
Crayboffpython craybott.py&     is the command i used08:23
kdubCrayboff: <cmd> & disown08:23
redsoxkingSeverity1, so choosing were to put the vdi is wear it runs from08:23
Severity1redsoxking, yes thats it08:23
Severity1because .vdi is treated as the hardisk08:23
dragon_Crayboff: add a space between .py and &08:23
Severity1so it should be okay if its stored on the external08:24
dragon_Crayboff: i just verifed this method over ssh. it works08:24
redsoxkingSeverity1, thank you for your help08:24
Severity1as long as the external is properly detected by the computer08:24
epalmi don't quite understand apt-get it seems.  i have firefox 3.0.11, and i'd like 3.5.  "sudo apt-get install firefox" tells me "firefox is already the newest version"08:24
Severity1there shouldnt be any problems08:24
kdubCrayboff: putting disown after the ampersand "detaches" the process from the terminal, surviving the close08:24
Severity1glad to help redsoxking08:24
lstarnes!ff35 | epalm08:24
ubottuepalm: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY08:24
epalmohhh kay, thanks08:25
kdubepalm: thats the newest official release in the release. you need to update your sources. see ubottu08:25
kduberr, in the repo :P08:25
epalmapt-get update, yes?08:25
kdubepalm: no, you need to the repository for the 3.5 release. its not in the standard repositories yet08:26
epalmi can wait, i didn't know it wasn't in the std repos yet08:26
epalmwhy is there an "apt-get upgrade", won't "apt-get install" upgrade packages?08:26
lstarnesepalm: apt-get upgrade upgrades all packages needing upgrades08:27
kdubupgrade does all upgrade-able08:27
kdubto echo lstarnes08:27
Crayboffkdub: well i want to be able to see all printing it uses as debugging in real time08:28
Crayboffit's not just debugging, it also uses messages like who joins a channel, when someone uses a certain command08:28
kdubCrayboff: direct the output to a file, then detach it from the terminal. it will keep the log, and you can view it however you like08:29
Crayboffcan i view it in the terminal in real time?08:30
kdubCrayboff: perhaps you need to look into the program "screen". it allows for "detaching" a terminal and "reattaching" later on08:31
Crayboffooh cool08:31
viseAre their any configurable cache settings for the root ext3 file systems (like in proc or somewhere?)?08:32
halberdI wish i could configure my workspace switcher so that it had a brighter color for the workspace i'm in08:32
halberdlike blue instead of orange08:32
The_Warlockhow do i install sendmail on jaunty?08:32
halberdthat way it would be easy to remember by looking up08:32
Rishab_can any one tell me how to restore the ubuntu OS ??08:32
viseRishab_, From what state? What has happened?08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbeans08:34
mejobloggsi cant get my projector to work on my ubuntu laptop, is there a way to tell if its an os setting problem, or hardware? fyi when it's plugged in it appears in nvidia drivers, but just cant get a picture08:34
Rishab_vise actually I installed some packages from other repo and my system got unstable08:34
Spike1506hmm, anyone knows how long it usually takes before a netbeans update makes it to the ubuntu repo?08:34
viseRishab_, other repo? Can't you uninstall them?08:35
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Rishab_vise and now while bootin my system the GDM fails to load and automatically my screen gets to sleep state //08:36
kdubRishab_: "other repos" are not always to be trusted. you can try uninstalling the packages you installed, but it is possible that those programs modified affected configurations that wont be undone with an uninstall08:36
Rishab_kdub is there any way to restore my system as it was on tomoro08:37
toterin kde4, when I hover the mouse on Kickoff, it shows an annoying popup. Actually, this popup shows in every icon I hover on the taskbar. is there a way to remove this nagging popup?08:37
kdubRishab_: unless you set it up, not really. full system snapshots don't really make sense08:38
viseIsnt there a recovery option for ubuntu? :O08:39
Rishab_vise but my GDM fails to start how can i recover in text mdoe08:40
Rishab_or in single user mode08:40
kdubyou have to take steps to set it up08:40
CooosmiChaospress escape select recovery mode08:40
viseI mean put your install cd or live cd, and see if there is a recovery option... I am not sure.. :(08:40
CooosmiChaosdont you have one in grub???08:41
heroidwith the alternative cd08:41
heroidyou got recovery mode08:41
heroidand with the dvd08:41
kdubRishab_: my advice is to uninstall the other packages, and fix any problems08:41
Rishab_no i donot have CD to recover it08:41
viseCooosmiChaos, Grub just boots into text mode.. Hes already in text mode.. lol08:41
kdubCooosmiChaos: his problem is not that he can't access the terminal, its that a package caused unstable system configs08:41
viseRishab_, What did you install it with?08:42
kdubif you go into recovery mode, you still have to know what you're doing08:42
heroidyep that happend to me08:42
Rishab_kdub actuallt i don't rememb. all the packages i installed08:42
heroidit can cause kernel panic08:42
CooosmiChaosim not in it at the hole, is this system installed on hd or does the live-cds dont work?08:43
Rishab_any other ideas ??08:44
SmoKeyCastleHi, In ifconfig, it shows multiple interfaces, two of which are mon0 and mon1, how would i find out what physical adapter these are associated with?08:44
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viseRishab_, You have to have a cd.. What did you install it from?08:45
Rishab_vice i have the CD but in that no recovery option08:46
jilberthi all08:48
jilbertdoes anybody know how to install crossover to 64bit jaunty?08:49
SmoKeyCastlewhat kind of devices have a 16 key hw address?08:50
Faithfulupgraded to jaunty and now amarok only plays some mp3s and not others... what is that???08:50
hatorihello i got an eeepc 1000he with intel gma 950 and the it doesnt detect my external monitor when i resume my system08:50
hatoridoes anyone know that issue{08:50
hatoridamn. thats supposed to be ?08:51
Faithfulhatori, no but there is plenty of docs about getting eepc to work right08:51
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!08:52
hiugHow is the Ubuntu community different from the Debian community?08:52
hatoriFaithful: well its working all right. might as well just be some karmic issue08:54
JoeMcould someone explain how to turn on PAE mode?  I want to use more than 4G of ram without having to reinstall as 64bit08:55
dragon_!enter | hatori08:55
ubottuhatori: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:55
viseJoeM, You have to recompile kernel with PAE option i think..08:55
JoeMhmm... that's almost as irritating as having to reinstall08:56
bullgard4Why does '~$ sudo netstat -a -n -o -p –inet –inet6 | grep ekiga > ekiga.txt' respond with "usage:"?08:57
JoeMhmm... besides 2 years of configuration tweaks, what do I risk losing if I reinstall as 64bit?08:57
JoeMIE, wine still work (have one app I need for work), all basic apps, etc08:57
viseJoeM, Why would you lose if you reinstall? You just format the partition.. You have to backup required data (installer packages)08:58
Faithfulof course you need to install phonon-backend-xine for amarok to play *all* mp3s ???08:58
lstarnesbullgard4: try using --inet instead of --inet and --inet608:58
JoeMvisa some apps don't work under 64bit08:59
JoeMment vise there, heh08:59
lstarnesbullgard4: wait, never mind.  What you had looks correct, but it's using something else instead of --08:59
adam7JoeM: what do you need to run that doesn't work?09:00
* Mayazcherquoi is away: Can't you see that i'm away? Gosh!09:01
lstarnes!away > Mayazcherquoi09:01
ubottuMayazcherquoi, please see my private message09:01
JoeMadam7 I haven't installed yet, hence I'm asking what (basic things, like wine) doesn't work09:01
MayazcherquoiSorry lstarnes :(09:02
MayazcherquoiDidn't know it was such a nuisence.09:02
adam7JoeM: AFAIK wine works in 64bit09:02
viseJoeM, No idea about 64 bit..09:02
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»09:02
JoeMadam7 main things I need are Hamachi (via google appears it will work), Synergy, wine, skype, vuze , wmctrl... just about everything else is default installed so they should work09:03
adam7JoeM: almost anything open source will work09:03
adam7JoeM: I use skype, that works09:03
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JoeMadam7 debating on just moving current 32bit to new hardware (but then I'd have to deal with turning PAE back on after any kernel updates) or just doing 64bit clean install and trying to remember all the extra things I installed09:05
adam7JoeM: also, if you don't reformat /home then you can keep your settings09:05
adam7JoeM: and synaptic can give you a list of installed packages09:05
adam7JoeM: and if you want, you can probably copy /etc and then dump that in your 64bit install09:05
JoeMadam7 really... I didn't think that would work... (the /etc part)09:07
bullgard4lstarnes: '~$ sudo netstat -a -n -o -p –inet | grep ekiga works but does not produce output. --  So -inet6 is the culprit.09:07
adam7JoeM: why not? it's all config files09:07
JoeMadam7 which would you do, I'm putting together a i7 920 system09:07
JoeMadam7 I don't know which sections of the OS are different under 64bit09:07
aimHi guys, can some one help me with name resolution?09:07
lstarnesbullgard4: 'sudo netstat -anop --inet --inet6' worked for me09:07
aimIP/name resolution is shocking.09:07
imatechI need an epson workhorse 500 print driver09:08
aimIt just turns itself off.09:08
JoeMadam7 I have about 2 years worth of little changes I've made, most of which I don't even remember (but I will when I start saying WHY WON'T THIS WORK...)09:08
aimand then on again after ~20seconds09:08
adam7JoeM: I've been using 64bit for a couple of years, so I'm not much help in migrating...09:08
JoeMadam7 heh, I'm thinking that would be the better way... just a bit more painful to get things back09:08
adam7JoeM: but you should be able to copy /home and /etc to a new install with minimal trouble, and then use Synaptic to get a list of teh installed packages and reinstall them09:08
JoeMadam7 do you have any experience with SSD?09:08
adam7JoeM: nope09:09
bullgard4lstarnes: For me too. --  Thank you very much for your help.09:09
adam7JoeM: I just have an AMDx2 that I run my 64bit on with a normal drive09:09
adam7works great09:09
redsoxkingquick question, is there a way for me to make an ISO image of my current ubuntu, that I can use to boot into a new computer with all of my same apps and configs?09:09
JoeMadam7 just got an i7 920, OCZ Vertex 30G for the OS drive and Samsung SpinPoint F1 (2x in RAID 0) for /home09:10
adam7JoeM: is an i7 an intel quad?09:10
adam7JoeM: how much RAM do you have?09:10
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate09:10
JoeMadam7 yeah, it's the quad09:10
JoeMadam7 right now 6G that I can use, I have another 2G but since the i7 uses tri-channel I need to buy two more sticks (so I'll have 12G in a few weeks)09:11
bobbyyuHey guys.09:11
JoeMadam7 with 6-12G of ram, would it be safe to go without a swap?09:11
ralfgromorning! I've some problems setting up kerberos (active directory) auth for offline clients (eg laptops)09:11
adam7JoeM: I have no idea what anyone would possibly use that much RAM for, but anyway. You'll need to enable PAE or use 64bit to use it all09:11
ralfgroI configure pam for local linux auth and krb509:11
redsoxkingubottu, ur pretty helpful for a boot lol09:12
adam7JoeM: I occasionally go without swap with 2gb, you should be fine. But if you want to use hibernate you'll need 1:1 RAM:swap09:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:12
ralfgroadditionally pam_ccreds.so09:12
bobbyyuHas anyone here who uses Transmission notice freezing in the program?09:12
ralfgroI can login with the local unix pw and the ad pw when online09:12
JoeMadam7 yeah, I knew that part (PAE or 64bit)... hmm hibernate would be good09:12
ralfgrobut I always get the 60 second timeout when offline with the ad password09:12
bobbyyuI'm not making an ass out of myself, but I just want to point it out.09:13
jilberthi.. is there a way for me to join my Desktop in windows 2003 Domain?09:13
pirxhi! if i want to install ubuntu on some 16 servers, and would like to do this with some kind of network-install of some pre-built image that i have compiled, what system should i look at?09:13
JoeMadam7 think 17G would be enough for a OS partition (I could split my 30G SSD for swap)?09:13
pierre3400Hey, anyone here the knows anything about getting ubuntu and vista to talk over a network? I installed samba, and did what i am suppose to, but they still wont find each other?09:13
adam7JoeM: if the only drive you have is that SSD I would just forget hibernate and use it all for root09:13
vigopirx: 8.04LTS would be my guess.09:14
adam7pirx: if they're identical servers, you could make a disk image and use dd to write it09:14
JoeMadam7 I'll have 2TB for home, so I can easily put it there, but the SSD is the faster one09:14
pirxvigo: yes, it will be 8.04lts version of ubuntu, but i am looking for some way to "pump" it out to the servers, with some software pre-installed09:15
adam7JoeM: unless your doing some crazy 3d rendering or something you're never going to use more than 3 gb probably09:15
MindVirusHello. Can anyone with libpng3 please send me /usr/lib/libpng.so.3?09:15
MindVirusThat is, if you're on a 32-bit system.09:15
JoeMadam7 not yet, but I may in the future... but plan to upgrade again before than anyway09:15
adam7JoeM: but anyway, if you want to use hibernate you can stick the swap parition on one of your drives09:15
pirxadam7: hmm. doesnt that sound kind of primitive? :) isnt there some "boot and install over network" system?09:16
vigopirx: What adam7 said was on time, like a net install or better yet a mv or cp09:16
JoeMadam7 you've been helpful, I think I'll try a fresh install of 9.04 64bit and if it's too painful or some things don't work I'll try PAE mode instead09:16
adam7pirx: there is, but I've never used it :)09:16
adam7!install | pirx09:16
ubottupirx: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:16
hiugIs Ubuntu better than Debian?09:16
adam7pirx: also, there is a channel for ubuntu servers, #ubuntu-server I think09:16
aimhiug: depends on your requirements and definitions of 'better'09:17
Myrttihiug: that's a matter of opinion09:17
aim_zic, hi09:17
pirxadam7: ah yes, there is, thanks!09:17
MindVirusMyrtti, also a matter of specifics.09:17
adam7pirx: they'll know more about that then us09:17
aimeveryone: In general, there's no right answer.09:17
pierre3400Hey, anyone here the knows anything about getting ubuntu and vista to talk over a network? I installed samba, and did what i am suppose to, but they still wont find each other?09:17
pirxadam7: but its a good idea for me to read that installation url first:)09:18
aimrestart the vista machine (make sure file sharing is enabled09:18
MindVirusCan anyone with libpng3 please send me /usr/lib/libpng.so.3?09:18
pirxpierre3400: are they in the same workgroup?09:18
adam7pirx: yep, if you can install it somehow, it's probably there09:18
=== murat is now known as Guest7873
MindVirusI know someone here has libpng3.09:18
MindVirusI would really appreciate it.09:18
pierre3400good question, how do i know this?09:18
_zicdoes anyone know whether firefox 3.5 will be available for ubuntu 8.04 through repositories ?09:18
pierre3400where can i find my vista workgroup name?09:18
adam7MindVirus: packages.ubuntu.org, you can download anything09:19
SlartMindVirus: ehm.. so any version will do? 47 bit, home compiled risc version? =)09:19
aimright click on mycomputer>properties09:19
MindVirusSlart, no, I specifically said 32-bit.09:19
ubuntu__folks, how can i check the chmod of a folder?09:19
MindVirusAnd I would assume that a 32-bit system with libpng3 nowadays runs x86.09:19
MindVirusadam7, that's definitely invalid.09:19
SlartMindVirus: "10:18 < MindVirus> Can anyone with libpng3 please send me /usr/lib/libpng.so.3?"09:19
adam7MindVirus: what is?09:19
MindVirusSlart, previously I stated 32-bit.09:19
pierre3400thnx i think i found my problem there09:20
MindVirusadam7, the site.09:20
ubuntu__im trying to find out what chmod a certain forlder is09:20
aimthe default for ubuntu is "workgroup" I believe09:20
SlartMindVirus: nevermind.. just go to packages.ubuntu.com09:20
adam7MindVirus: sorry, it's http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:20
adam7I mixed up the org/com09:20
MindVirusAhh, OK. :D09:20
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY09:21
pierre3400ok, the workgroup on my vista is called workgroup and also on ubuntu, so now imma restart, hope it works09:23
aimpierre3400: gl09:23
=== Bilbo_Baggins is now known as MrBill
pierre3400oh yeh, it works now :) thnx09:25
pierre3400i can find my vista pc on ubuntu but no ubuntu on vista09:26
aimpierre3400: almost?09:26
pierre3400yes almost09:26
pierre3400i can find my vista pc on ubuntu but no ubuntu on vista09:26
MindVirusSlart, adam7: I don't know how to get files from the package without installing.09:26
MindVirusThe packages contain the file I'm looking for but it's 0 bytes.09:26
adam7MindVirus: right click, and use the archive manager to open it09:27
ubuntu__folks i chmoded a windows xp to 777 and now in xp i cannot access the folder09:27
SlartMindVirus: hmm.. hang on.. let me download it and check09:27
MindVirusadam7, I did.09:27
ubuntu__can anyone recommend me what to do?09:27
aimpierre3400: http://us6.samba.org/samba/ will have more information on how to configure Samba.09:27
aimIt could also be the vista machine, check your firewall etc.09:28
aimalso all your settings should allow filesharing etc.09:28
viseubuntu__, How do you chmod a whole os?09:28
pierre3400the firewall is off09:28
ubuntu__vise, i didnt, just a certain folder09:29
viseubuntu__, File system? NTFS?09:29
SlartMindVirus: that package (libpng) depends on libpng12 something.. it's listed on the page for the package09:29
viseubuntu__, What does Xp say? Access denied?09:29
MindVirusSlart, OK...09:29
ubuntu__vise yea09:30
=== ubuntu__ is now known as gavi
SlartMindVirus: it might just be a symbolic link to some other file09:30
gaviahh thats better09:30
gavivise,  any suggestions?09:30
MindVirusWhat the hell.09:30
MindVirusSlart, are you 32-bit?09:30
wapkoubuntu__: cant you just copy the contents of the folder to a new folder ?09:30
visegavi, Yeah.. copy to new folder..09:31
gaviwapko, in windows or in ubuntu live?09:31
SlartMindVirus: not at the moment, no09:31
visegavi, ubuntu live09:31
wapkogavi: in ubuntu09:31
gavi make the folder with ubuntu09:31
gaviill try that09:31
SlartMindVirus: what are you trying to do? why not just install libpng3 using apt-get?09:31
MindVirusSlart, I have it installed using apt, but one of the games I play is 32-bit.09:32
MindVirusAnd it depends on libpng.so.3.09:32
MindVirusDoes anyone here run a 32-bit system?09:32
gaviif i create a new folder on a windows ntfs partition than ubuntu will by default make the new folder compatible for windows?09:32
visegavi, Yes09:33
SlartMindVirus: but aren't there tools available to download 32-bit stuff on a 64-bit machine? I seem to remember something that did that automagically09:33
jilbertgavi, correct09:33
MindVirusSlart, no clue.09:33
visegavi, Ubuntu doesnt do anything.. But the chmod mostly messes up with NTFS..09:33
gavivise, jilbert, good 2 know thanks09:33
JoeMadam7 on Synaptic, File-> Generate Package Download Script... is that what I want, to get a list (sounds like a script to download that list) of packages I have installed?09:33
SlartMindVirus: but anyways.. if you look at your system   "ls -l `locate libpng.so.3`" you'll see that libpng.so.3 is just a symbolic link to libpng12.so.009:33
MindVirusHmm. OK.09:34
MindVirusI'll buy that.09:34
jilbertdoes anybody know how to install crossover on 64 bit?09:34
pierre3400ok so now i've restarted both machines, wish me luck09:34
jilbertgood luck pierre340009:35
pierre3400how ubuntu wont find my laptop :/09:36
kennyyuhi there, can i be told how to see the cpu utilization if i have got several cpus?09:36
ActionParsnip1jilbert: contact the devs, they will support you as you have paid for support as well as te product09:36
vegombreiOttifantSir: thanks ... winff is indeed amazing09:36
jilberti will. thanks. ^^09:36
pierre3400now ubuntu wont find my laptop :/09:36
rwwkennyyu: System > Administration > System Monitor > Resources tab in GNOME, the "htop" package and command from the command-line (probably alternatives, but that's what I use).09:39
n0gearIIhow do i set dyndns on my server?09:39
ikonian0gearII: just change your dns servers to point to dyndsn servers09:39
censushqi downloaded wp8 and cant get the package to install09:40
Slartn0gearII: check the dyndns site.. I think they have tutorials there for all kinds of systems... there are some updaters available in the repos09:40
ikoniacensushq: wp8 ?09:40
n0gearIIikonia: at /etc/network/interfaces ???09:40
censushqwordperfect 809:41
ikonian0gearII: use the gui if you are not sure09:41
censushqfor linux09:41
pierre3400This is annoying! Why wont it find my vista laptop now?!09:41
ikoniapierre3400: what's the issue ?09:41
n0gearIISlart: yes i found the update client. hope it works on cli as well09:41
Slartn0gearII: it does.. I run it09:41
silidanpierre3400: did you find youre vista laptop?09:41
lokasennaWhat does ppa# stand for?09:41
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.09:41
kennyyurww: thanks, but i'm using LTS.. :(09:42
Slartn0gearII: but I installed it so long ago that I don't really remember what I did09:42
rwwcensushq: WordPerfect for Linux has been obsolete for about four years. If you have WordPerfect documents you need to open. OpenOffice should be able to do it.09:42
rwwkennyyu: and?09:42
kennyyuso you mean htop the command right?09:42
censushqis there an openoffice import filter for wpd09:42
n0gearIISlart: no worries. seems theres pretty decent howtos on dyndns site.09:42
pierre3400im trying to get my laptop and stationary talking over the network. Laptop running vista and stationary running ubuntu, before i restarted unbuntu had found my laptop on the network, but the laptop found nothing09:42
censushqr u in the same network domain09:43
pierre3400both are on WORKGROUP09:43
kennyyurww: thanks a lot!09:43
rwwcensushq: looks like it, though i don't have any wordperfect documents to test with09:43
clankpierre3400: "found"? what are you talking about?09:43
censushqok thanks, will try oo09:43
pierre3400found mening showing up, being able to see it, click it access it09:44
clankshow up where?09:44
censushqsometimes vista uses lowercase "workgroup"09:44
clankyou can even ping each other?09:44
censushqmy Xandros EEEPC requires the domain in lowercase09:44
pierre3400i checked it running "WORKGROUP" :)09:44
censushqmy ubuntu wants uppercase09:44
pierre3400wtf?! everytime i restart ubuntu more and more goes missing or settings dont stay saved :S09:45
censushqare there other channels on this hostname09:45
silidantype /list09:46
ikoniapierre3400: please control your language. We know what "wtf" means and don't need to see it09:46
ikoniacensushq: see the freenode website09:46
censushqi have been using irc over 15 years09:46
silidanwindows tends to find things?09:46
censushqi did my masters thesis about irc09:46
discorpiahello. i have a problem with my monitor/resolution. the resolution is right but all pixels seems "out of phase", when zoomed in it's not very noticable, but small text is unreadable. if i move windows around, the text "jumps"/"leaks" color on the sides. 1px red or 1px blue, anybody what the cause of this could be? invalid sync values? wrong dpi?09:46
ikoniacensushq: then stop asking basic questions09:46
n0gearIISlart: well that was easy. apt-get and it asked all the questions and now its running ... well i hope it is09:47
franshello everyonw09:47
fransi need your help... please09:47
silidani dont have any help left sorry09:47
maarten_hello all09:47
Slartn0gearII: well.. it's hard to know.. until it breaks =)09:47
achadwickdiscorpia: is your monitor a flatscreen or a CRT?09:47
shaullxsomething happened and i can't watch youtube videos :O09:47
shaullxi just see a white space09:48
silidani guess the principle dont ask to ask just ask applys here09:48
harobedhave you also this annoying issue : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/343371 ?09:48
discorpiaachadwick: flatscreen, with a manually patched EDID-file (which i guess is part of the problem, i just can't figure out which parameters gives these artifacts)09:48
achadwickdiscorpia: also, assume you've checked that Appearance > Fonts > subpixel rendering isn't wrong for your monitor09:49
ActionParsnip1!ask | frans09:49
ubottufrans: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:49
Slartdiscorpia: hmm.. perhaps there is a setting for in which order the rgb-cells are.. and you're using the subpixel rendering.. that's about the only thing I think of09:49
n0gearIISlart: an it does work! excellent09:49
discorpiaachadwick: yeah, it affects all graphics, not just text. but it's the exact same feature as you get with faulty cleartype settings09:49
fasilkakshi e'one...good day...09:49
fasilkakscould anyone help with dns server setup09:50
achadwickdiscorpia: run xdpyinfo in a terminal. are the dimensions OK for screen #0 (or whatever)?09:50
pierre3400why am going backwards :(09:50
achadwickdiscorpia: also, does it look misaligned, i.e. somewhere red fringing, somewhere blue fringing?09:51
discorpiaachadwick: yeah, that's it exactly. misaligned09:51
ikoniafasilkaks: hi there, you'll find it a lot easier to chat in here if you don't use capslock09:51
ikoniafasilkaks: people respond better to lower case conversation09:51
Slartfasilkaks: a first hint.. don't use caps or people will ignore you09:51
fasilkaksno issues09:51
fasilkaksthanks a lot09:51
ikoniafasilkaks: first of all, what is your end goal09:51
vegombreibrasero has issues burning VCD's ... i looked up if there are plugins etc but didnt find any .. whhats the best all purpose cd/dvd burning software for ubuntu?09:51
discorpiaachadwick: do you know what that could stem from?09:51
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:52
achadwickdiscorpia: sorry, meant -consisently- misaligned over the entire screen, or misilingned so as to get different fringing at diff. horiz / vert positions?09:52
fasilkaksikonia: i would have a machine which i need to setup as a dns09:52
thesandmancan anyone help me diagnois an eaves dropping problem with ubuntu?09:52
ikoniafasilkaks: do you want your machine to be able to use DNS, or run a DNS server09:52
ikoniathesandman: eaves dropping ?09:52
BalkrahHELP! My window manager has crashed and the only way i can get it to work is to log in as root!09:53
discorpiaachadwick: oh, the latter. it's misaligned with either red or blue "overbleed" depending on position09:53
fasilkaksikonia: i would like the machine to be my dns server09:53
ActionParsnip1fasilkaks: http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/11/07/how-to-setup-a-dns-server-in-ubuntu/09:53
discorpiaachadwick: xdpyinfo says, dimensions:    1920x1200 pixels (341x272 millimeters), resolution:    143x112 dots per inch, which is probably a part of the problem then, because the active area is supposed to be 518x32409:53
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY09:53
ikoniafasilkaks: do you understand the princiapals of DNS - you need two static IP address to host a DNS domain, do you have that ?09:53
ActionParsnip1fasilkaks: you can also simply install dnsmasq which will give you a local dns server and speed up web browsing09:53
thesandmanIkonia: yess I clicked on an app offline and it didn't respond right away and a box poped up saying a malicious software might be eavesdropping?09:54
franshello every one. i need help. i just installed ubuntu 8 as second os. my first os is winxp. after the ubuntu installation completed, i can't boot winxp. it said 'missing hal.dll'. i have tried modifing grub and boot.ini but no solution. anyone can help?09:54
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:54
ikoniathesandman: which application did you click on ?09:54
ikoniafasilkaks: yes what ?09:54
ActionParsnip1frans: did you resize an ntfs partition to make space for ubuntu?09:54
fasilkaksi have two ips09:54
ikoniafasilkaks: you have two static ip addresses ?09:54
fransno i did not. i have spared a partition for linux.09:54
Balkrahfrans: the same thing happened to my friend, who had to reinstall *everythin*09:54
fasilkaksikonia: yes09:55
pierre3400Im seriously going backwards here, first i changed the workgroup names so they matched, and then my vista laoptop showed up on ubuntu, but now nothing shows up, not even the ubuntu machine shows up on the network in ubuntu?!09:55
ikoniafasilkaks: super so what part are you not clear on ?09:55
ActionParsnip1frans: ok, but was it ALL NTFS then you resized to make space for ubuntu09:55
achadwickdiscorpia: the mm setting is largely irrelevant. Sounds like a wrong-resolution issue to me.09:55
n0gearIIwhat would be a light weight web browser?09:55
thesandmanikonia: are you familiar with any malicious software with ubuntu that eaves drop?09:55
jeremy1can anyone help me install vmware player?  it is giving me an error of can't find kernel headers09:55
ikoniathesandman: what application did you click09:55
ActionParsnip1n0gearII: firepup, swiftfox, kazenchase09:55
n0gearIIActionParsnip1: ty09:55
ActionParsnip1!vmware | jeremy09:55
ubottujeremy: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware09:55
thesandmanikonia: scroll up^....mouse app09:56
fasilkaksikonia: the first thing is that i am using kubuntu for my laptop. and all the studies i carry out in a centos pc.09:56
discorpiaachadwick: yeah, one might think so, but the native resolution of this screen is supposed to be 1920x1200, so not sure where to go from now09:56
fransActionparnsip1: it was all ntfs. i intended make 3 partitions: one for linux, one for data and one for winxp09:56
ikoniafasilkaks: do you want to put a dns server on ubuntu or centos ?09:56
n0gearIIActionParsnip1: none of those can be found from repos :(09:56
fasilkaksikonia: in centos09:56
ikoniathesandman: I cannot find any reference to the mallicious popup in gnome's desktop design09:57
jeremy1ive already installed it manually, it just won't find the headers for Kernel Linux 2.6.27-8-eeepc09:57
ikoniafasilkaks: then ask in #centos09:57
thesandmanikonia: it does'nt matter about the software...all i'm concerned about is the malicious software that's causing the attacks...are you familiar with it at all?09:57
ikoniathesandman: which mouse app exactly09:57
fasilkaksikonia: i dont know how to get in there09:57
ikoniafasilkaks: /join #centos09:57
ActionParsnip1frans: then you may have damaged the file, i suggest you get a new copy of the file or run a repair install, the fact that it boots means grub is ok09:57
fasilkaksikonia: lemme try and thanks for ur help :)09:57
fransactionparnship1: can you explain how the file (hal.dll) damaged?09:58
thesandmanikonia: all I know it's in the app bin at the top of the page in others, but that's besides the point quit asking which app...the problem is "MALICIOUS EAVES DROPPING OK"09:58
pierre3400is it possible to a system restore on ubuntu?09:58
ActionParsnip1frans: well if you've resized the partition and its gone a bit weird then it may damage or destroy the file09:58
ikoniathesandman: I suspect that is a webpage popup rather than an application09:58
ikoniathesandman: please tell me exactly which application you clicked09:59
ActionParsnip1frans: their is nowarranty of garuntee with linux so this can happen which is why you should make sure your backups are recent before startig09:59
thesandmanikonia: I just told you I was offline when I clicked on the MOUSE APP09:59
ikoniathesandman: which mouose app - please stop using capps09:59
ikoniathesandman: web pages don't have to be online depending on your browsing habbits10:00
ActionParsnip1frans: i'd ask in ##windows on how to recover the file10:00
Supersaiyan_IVfrans, did you resize your partiton?10:00
fransactionparnsip1: i already have 3 partitions long ago. the third partition is unused. before i install linux, the winxp boots normally.10:00
thesandmaniknoia: quit asking me which "APPS" if you cant help me then quit asking me which "APPS"10:00
ikoniathesandman: just tell me the name of the application you clicked10:00
n0gearIIwhats the smallest web browser that can be found from the repo?10:01
fransSupersaiyan_IV: no i did not resize it. i already have the partition long before i install ubuntu. i installed ubuntu this morning.10:01
thesandmanikonia: YOUR VERY STUPID10:01
ikonian0gearII: there are text based ones such as lynx or elinks10:01
Slartn0gearII: links? it's command line though10:01
aimthesandman, if you do want help, be polite.10:01
ActionParsnip1frans: you said " i can't boot winxp. it said 'missing hal.dll'. i have tried modifing grub and boot.ini but no solution. anyone can help?"10:01
n0gearIIwould have to be GUI10:01
aimOops, my words of wisdom are too late I guess ikonia10:01
ActionParsnip1frans: now you are saying it boots normally?10:01
ActionParsnip1n0gearII: midori or firepup10:02
fransActionParsnip1: yes10:02
Supersaiyan_IVfrans, im no windows expert so no idea why some dll file dot damaged10:02
n0gearIIActionParsnip1: ty10:02
ActionParsnip1frans: so which is it, sounds like you dont have any issue as you said initially that ubuntu boots ok and xp doesn't, now you say xp is ok so sounds like you are ok10:02
discorpiaachadwick: thanks for the feedback mate10:02
aimikonia, can you help me again?10:03
Supersaiyan_IValthough I must add that triple boot works flawlessly10:03
ActionParsnip1n0gearII: it depends on plugins and addons really10:03
ikoniaaim: what's up, sorry, I missed your question10:03
aimikonia; I asked you last night10:03
sixxxxanyone use virtualbox with ubuntu ?10:03
ikoniaaim: I don't remember, can you please remind me10:03
n0gearIIActionParsnip1: midori seems ok.c. 50mb. Tried FF3.5 and it would have been almost 200mb10:03
frans ActionParsnip1: no. first i have winxp with 3 partitions. then i install ubuntu on one of the partition. then i can't boot winxp.10:03
aimikonia: I have the intermittent name resolution/packet loss problem.10:04
Supersaiyan_IVn0gearII, is FF3.5 in PPA?10:04
ActionParsnip1frans: ahh so you had 3 windows partitions and you sacrificed one for linux10:04
ikoniaaim: ooh yes, that's right, on the wirless connection wasn't it10:04
aimikonia: I'm not sure what's wrong really10:04
n0gearIISupersaiyan_IV: yes it was there as an option10:04
ikoniaaim: what have you done so far to resolve it ?10:04
fransActionParsnip1: yes10:04
ActionParsnip1frans: can you boot safemode10:04
pierre3400Right, i changed the name of the workgroud once more, this made me able to see the vista pc again, but no access10:05
ActionParsnip1frans: i think you'll get better support in ##windows as they use the OS10:05
aimikonia: Not much, I've got two terminals open constantly pinging google, one using the IP address, the other using the 'name' or whatever you call it10:05
esb_frans: Dependencies for MBR ? Same disc..?10:05
fransActionParsnip1: how? because when i choose the winxp entry from grub, it instantly display the 'missing hal.dll' message.10:05
ikoniaaim: ok - what's the output of those commands ? does one always work, the other not etc10:05
sixxxxanybody use virtual box ?10:05
ActionParsnip1frans: as long as its not the system partition that you destroyed you should e fine10:05
fransActionParsnip1: how to join #windows?10:05
ActionParsnip1frans: /join ##windows10:05
silidansixxxx: what you want to get to run?10:06
pierre3400when i right click and go to permissions, it says The permissions og "smb" could not be determined10:06
fransActionParsnip1: just joined. thanks.10:06
kosharisixxxx many do10:06
aimikonia: sort of, one changes like, when I ping the name (google.com) whenever the timeout occurs the output changes, but does not timeout itself10:06
sixxxxim not sure about the networking side of it silidan ..ive installed host on ubunut and my guest is slackware but not sure how to network em together10:07
n0gearIIahh crap. midori screws up the forum page that i need to use a lot10:07
ikoniaaim: what does the output change to ? if you can caputre it and log it in a pastebin we'll see if we can take it forward10:07
aimikonia:  This is a typical output from the name ping: 64 bytes from jp-in-f99.google.com ( icmp_seq=1152 ttl=242 time=226 ms10:07
aimikonia: and it changes to this, 64 bytes from icmp_seq=966 ttl=242 time=223 ms10:07
silidanwhy does synaptic and apt-get aftersome reboots just segfault ?10:08
ActionParsnip1n0gearII: there are many brosers dude. Try a few10:08
ikoniaaim: can you please pastebin the output of "netstrat -rn" please10:08
aimneed root?10:09
silidanlook at th help page, there is something about initiating an ipx network10:09
aimikonia: need root?10:09
silidansixxxx: look at th help page, there is something about initiating an ipx network10:09
sixxxxk silidan thanks10:09
ikoniaaim: nah10:09
aimikonia: w/o root: bash: netstrat: command not found10:09
ikoniasorry, typo10:10
aimlol. I just copied and pasted, oops.10:10
aimikonia: Kernel IP routing table10:10
aimDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface10:10
aim192.168.1.0   U         0 0          0 wlan010:10
aim169.254.0.0     U         0 0          0 wlan010:10
aim0.0.0.0         UG        0 0          0 wlan010:10
FloodBot2aim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
silidansixxxx: or look here http://www.dosgames.com/forum/post-93916.html10:10
ikoniaaim: I asked you to pastebin it but never mind10:11
ikoniaaim: please open another window and run "ping and see how that responds10:11
aimikonia: It'd help If I knew what pastebin meant XD10:11
ikonia!pastebin > aim10:11
ubottuaim, please see my private message10:11
ikoniaaim: if you don't know what something means, just ask10:11
aimikonia: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=155 time=1.41 ms10:11
ikoniaaim: leave it going and see what happens in your next drop out10:12
silidanapt-get and synaptic segfaults what can i do?10:12
aimikonia: that isn't the wireless router btw, that's the modem.10:12
ikoniaaim: thats fine10:12
aimOk cool.10:13
aimmight be 15min till next dropout.10:13
ikoniaaim: thats ok10:13
sixxxxthanks silidan10:13
Slartsilidan: hmm.. system corruption? I would do a complete reinstall10:13
kosharimy ubuntu 9.10 is locking up, i checked hardware, ram ect and it seems a software issue, my backup from 26-june seems solid, of the top of my head the only changes i can recall are installing ff 3.5 which the logs were saying was segfaulting, other events prior to the lockup were hda iqg issue,  any ideas?10:13
hiugIs there anything wrong with Debian compared to Ubuntu?10:14
silidanSlart: i had this issues before after a reboot they were fixed10:14
Slartsilidan: you might be able to fix the problems you can spot easily but there might be other things crashing and running amok where you can't see them..10:14
Slartsilidan: oh.. well.. a reboot is a pretty easy thing to try.. but I would look into what might be causing the problems.. could be bad memory or something10:15
bullgard4'man netstat': "If you don't specify any address families, then the active sockets of all configured address families will be printed." Can you pleas list all 'address families' that are known to netstat?10:15
silidanSlart: exactly thats why im asking10:15
kosharihiug depends on what you want, are you looking at sid?10:15
Slartsilidan: there is a memtest option in the grub menu .. run that for a day or so10:16
silidana memtest command?10:16
Slartsilidan: it's best to run it from a live cd or from the grub menu..10:16
silidanone day or so...10:16
kennyyuhi there, how can i check if my server is heavily paging or not?10:17
silidanno option10:17
kosharikennyyu top?10:17
silidanbut what can i do to find out why synaptic or apt-get do segfault atm?10:17
Slartsilidan: there are some memory checkers you can run while the system is running too.. but you won't be able to check all your memory that way10:17
kennyyukoshari: thanks.. but which number should i read? i thought it only tells me what processes are running there10:18
FaithfulIs there any resolution on the notebook overheating issue in Jaunty?10:18
kosharikennyyu will tell you % of memory also10:19
silidansixxxx: by the way what game are you trying to play?10:19
indusupdate notifier where are you10:19
kennyyukoshari: ar.. understood.10:19
wersopening ssh for my ipod touch causes nautilus to crash. any idea why?10:21
alteregoaDas Merkel hat 50'000 Anhänger10:21
violinI am running Ubuntu with KDE. I have not installed the GNOME environment, but I need to use GNOME applications. How can I configure GNOME font without installing the GNOME environment?10:23
varunhello, i am new to ubuntu and have a ques10:23
varuncan anybody help me10:24
silidannot at the moment10:24
Myrttivarun: ask, we couldn't tell if we can help you if you don't ask10:25
Myrttisilidan: be helpful, or be quiet10:25
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY10:25
varunhow do we apply a GDM theme?10:25
indusvarun: go to system>adminuistration>login window10:26
indusvarun: use preset or install custo,10:26
indusvarun: see?10:26
aimikonia: are you there?10:27
varunumm no10:27
indusvarun: in local, you see some default themes10:27
indusvarun: add button right side of themes10:27
ikoniaaim: yes10:27
zetheroo1I have been trying to get my documents to open with another program than Abiword in Xubuntu but nothing I try works10:27
indusadd your theme you downloaded10:27
aimikonia: as far as I can tell, this is the only difference in between the two windows10:28
aim64 bytes from icmp_seq=707 ttl=155 time=1.34 ms10:28
aim64 bytes from icmp_seq=708 ttl=155 time=92.2 ms10:28
ikoniaaim: has anything stopped working yet ?10:28
zetheroo1this is very frustrating ... its like Abiword will not back off from opening documents10:28
aimBut not sure if it coincides with the stopping working.10:28
aimyeah it has.10:28
aimthose spikes in times appear more often though.10:28
ikoniaaim: can you try to match it up - as you can see at some point your link to your modem goes from 1 ms, to almost 1 second which is a mssive slow down10:29
varunyes done tnx10:29
aimok, will try.10:29
v3traezetheroo1: might want to try in #xubuntu chan10:29
indusvarun: can u share that theme with me? which one is it10:29
zetheroo1v3trae: ok thanks10:29
Ryan52what comes after karmic?10:30
varunits avio-GDM10:30
indusvarun: link?10:30
induscan anyone tell me whether they get update notifications in 9.04?10:30
dragon_indus: i think it has to be enabled10:31
aimikonia: the sequences coincide now, so I should be able to match them up.10:31
indusdragon_: i did that but it wont show ever10:31
dragon_indus: try sudo apt-get update10:31
indusdragon_: uhh, i know that is manual process10:32
koshariindus i do10:32
indusdragon_: i want the notification in panel auto appear10:32
karamellagood morning all a wanna help how can install fonts from cd10:32
indusdragon_: right now situation is so desperate , i have added update-manager as a shortcut on the panel :(10:32
koshariRyan52 10.0410:32
ikoniaaim: cool10:33
aimikonia: the timeouts do not coincide with the router ping spikes.10:33
indusvarun: nice gdm10:33
Ryan52koshari: I want to know it's name10:33
karamellagood morning all a wanna help how can install fonts from cd10:33
=== IRConan_ is now known as IRConan
dima_Hallo ubuntu citizens!10:34
koshariRyan52 i doubt it will have a nick untill round 9.10 launch time10:34
ikoniaaim: really, thats frustrating10:34
induskaramella: live cd?10:34
ikoniaaim: that does suggest you have a problem there too then10:34
Ryan52ah, okie doke10:34
shaullxwhat music player can you rec me?10:35
aimMaybe. Or it's just the fact that a lot of people are using the same internet connection :P10:35
aimikonia: Maybe. Or it's just the fact that a lot of people are using the same internet connection :P10:35
gartralwhats a lightweight RSS reader for gnome?10:35
kosharikaramella good question because the ttfonts package is an online installer,10:35
ikoniaaim: are multiple people in your house going over the same modem ?10:35
pierre3400http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1205299 anyone able to help me out here?10:35
silidanupdate: i found out that its not synaptic or dpkg that segfaults but its sudo, so what can cause this?10:36
dima_any news from the ATI open source driver developers?!?10:36
aimYes, but atm, I'm the only one on the wireless.10:36
aimwe have a wireless router/switch connected to a gigabit switch, connected to a modem.10:36
v3traeaim: install etherape, it'll let you monitor all network traffic, let you see if someone else is spiking when your pings die.10:36
ikoniaaim: that is possible that your modem is congested10:36
ikoniaaim: that would explain the slow down10:36
aimikonia: ok, will do that.10:37
pierre3400http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1205299 anyone able to help me out here?10:37
aimikonia: is it in the repos?10:37
v3traeaim: i told you about it =P10:37
_zicshaullx, i own a 1st-gen ipod nano with rockbox installed, i'd recommend you the same :)10:37
v3traeaim: it should be under apt-get10:37
silidanill be back10:37
ikoniaaim: is what in the repo ?10:37
v3traeikonia: replying to me10:38
aimikonia:  oh ok.10:38
shaullx_zic i meant for linux lol10:38
aimv3trae: Yeah meant you :P10:38
v3traeaim: figured as much =P10:38
_kl_haw then upper fraimbuffet wath tv on ful screen?10:39
aimikonia: okkk.... wtf10:39
aimThe underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.10:39
_kl_mplayer -vo fbdev file.avi not help(10:39
aimI can't use sudo, nor open synaptic...10:39
v3traeaim: you get that while doing what?10:40
ikoniaaim: control the language a bit please,10:40
shaullxwhere can i get xmms player?10:40
aimikonia: sorry10:40
JoeMthis is off topic a little, but I'm putting together my new system and a little confused about the power connectors on the GTX 26010:40
v3traeshaullx: sudo apt-get install xmms10:40
lstarnes!xmms | shaullx10:40
ubottushaullx: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.10:40
aimv3trae: opening synaptice and trying to use sudo in terminal10:40
ikoniaaim: no problem10:40
shaullxxmms2 is improved xmms?10:40
ikoniaaim: use the gui to open synaptic10:40
_zicshaullx, sorry lol i use vlc, i think it's the best one10:40
aimikonia: I did, it gave me10:40
aimThe underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.10:40
lstarnesshaullx: I think it's a fork of xmms10:41
ikoniaaim: open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get update" see what it says10:41
shaullxi use vlc for video10:41
shaullxi dont like it for music10:41
aimikonia: hamish is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.10:41
aimikonia: that's me btw.10:41
shaullxxmms2 is not gui ><10:42
dragon_!sudo | aim10:42
ubottuaim: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)10:42
ikoniaaim: ok - so there is a problem, you have created a user called hamish that is not in the admin group10:42
v3traeaim: you have to put yourself into the sudoers file if you haven't already.10:42
ikoniav3trae: he needs to be in the admin group10:42
aimikonia: I only have one user.10:42
ikoniaaim: then you have taken yourself out of the admin group10:42
indusanyone here knows how to get the old notification back?10:42
aimikonia: and that is, I've used it to configure everything.10:43
pierre3400http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1205299 anyone able to help me out here?10:43
aimikonia: How have I done that, can I put myself back in?10:43
ikoniaaim: on a terminal please type "id" and show me the output10:43
myselfyeah put me back in aim10:43
myselfput me in real good, just be gentle10:43
aimikonia: uid=1000(hamish) gid=1000(hamish) groups=29(audio),1000(hamish)10:43
myselfwell be as rough as you want actually10:43
ikoniaaim: you're missing a lot of groups10:43
ikoniaaim: you'll need to boot into "recovery" mode and do a "usermod -G admin hamish"10:44
aimikonia:  apparently, I was fiddling with the terminal before... should teach me a lesson lol :P10:44
aimikonia: What do I need to input?10:44
ikoniaaim: you'll need to boot into "recovery" mode and do a "usermod -G admin hamish"10:44
aimikonia: is that all?10:44
aimikonia: I can then reboot?10:45
v3traeikonia: excuse me if i'm wrong but he couldn't he just SU and run that command?10:45
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:45
ikoniaaim: that's it10:45
v3traeikonia: assuming he has set a root password at some point?10:45
ikoniav3trae: the root user has no password, if he has set a password then sure10:45
aimikonia: I have a root password.10:45
ActionParsnip1aim: its less secure if you have one10:45
ikoniaaim: then su -10:45
v3traeaim: if you have a root password then just su and run the command ikonia gave you10:45
aimikonia: atleast I'm pretty sure I do10:46
ActionParsnip1if you havent, you can use   sudo -i10:46
aimikonia: Gave me invalid option -G10:46
jeremy1quick question,,, how do i find where my kernel headers are installed?10:46
ikoniaaim: usermod -G admin10:47
JoeMlast question for the night.. I hope.  How do I get a list of all installed packages off synaptic?10:47
linduxedhttp://xkcd.com/ <--- Today's one is great10:47
linduxedsorry wrong channel10:47
aimikonia: again gave me invalid option -G....10:47
indusanyone here knows how to get the old notification back?10:47
indusanyone here knows how to get the old notification back?10:47
xbmc666how can i know which id a disk has, like /dev/sdb2 or similar?10:48
v3traeikonia: lawl10:48
ActionParsnip1JoeM: dpkg -l | less10:48
iGamaindus, google for disable notify-osd10:48
ikoniaaim: show me the command youre using10:48
indusiGama: that fix doesnt work for me10:48
=== MalayMafia is now known as cipan
ActionParsnip1jeremy1: sudo find / -name linux | grep kern10:48
mathematicianI have problem displaying the Russian files names ?10:48
aimikonia: su usermod -G admin10:49
ikoniaaim: no  !10:49
JoeMactionparsnip1 ugly, but that works.  Thanks10:49
xbmc666how can i know which id a disk has, like /dev/sdb2 or similar?10:49
ikoniaaim: "su -" will make you root, then do usermod -G admin hamish10:49
aimikonia: Ah I see, sorry for idiodicy.10:49
v3traeaim: we all start somewhere10:50
aimikonia: Ah yeah no root pw.10:50
ActionParsnip1JoeM: not really ugly, its cli....10:50
aimikonia:  well I assume authentication failure means not root PW.10:50
v3traeaim: then do the recovery mode like ikonia suggested10:50
[1]mattare there any e-mail clients for ubunt that can import Pegusus mail folders?10:50
ActionParsnip1JoeM: dpkg -l > ~/output.txt; gedit ~/output.txt if you like10:50
JoeMactionparsnip1 I mean the list it spits out is ugly, cli or gu doesn't bother me10:50
ActionParsnip1JoeM: dpkg -l is really useful as you can grep and awk the output :)10:51
aimOk, brb...10:51
xbmc666can anyone tell me?10:51
papulhow do create a trash icon in my desktop?10:51
ActionParsnip1!uid | xbmc66610:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uid10:51
ActionParsnip1!blkid | xbmc66610:51
ubottuxbmc666: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)10:51
JoeMactionparsnip1 I'm building a new system and doing a clean install of 9.04 64b (old one is 8.10 32b) so just needed a list so I know what to go back and reinstall10:51
ActionParsnip1!clone | JoeM10:52
ubottuJoeM: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:52
ActionParsnip1JoeM: you shouldv'e said ;)10:52
JoeMbefore I shut the other computer down and start installing my new system... anyone know if there are any worthwhile tweaks when using a SSD for OS drive?10:52
RaceConditionwhy aren't databases and configuration migrated to 8.4 when upgrading from PostgreSQL 8.3?10:53
JoeMactionparsnip1 even better... that'll work even when goign 32b to 64b?10:53
RaceConditionI thought Ubuntu does this automatically10:53
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning10:53
amdfanboyCan anybody explain why AMD processor have low L2 cache compare to Intel Core 2 Duo ?10:54
v3traeamdfanboy: because intels are superior =P10:54
=== angela is now known as Guest67532
aimikonia: Thanks, that worked.10:55
v3traeaim: NOW do etherape =)10:56
aimikonia: I can use sudo and synaptics now10:56
aimv3trae: Yeah will do :P10:56
aimv3trae: Do I want to run as root?10:57
v3traeaim: it's been a while, i usually do10:58
v3traeaim: but i always do it through a livecd, so not very concerned about security10:58
Slartpapul: you can either use desklets or run "gconf-editor" from a command line and go to "Apps, Nautilus, Desktop" and put a checkmark in the box for "trash_icon_visible"10:58
aimI guess only for a few min I should be sweet.10:58
aimok it's runnig now10:59
v3traeaim: k, watch your ping, and watch for big spikes in etherape10:59
v3traeif you see one, figure out where they're going from/to, then you can figure out if another user is pumping a lot of traffic10:59
=== jer_ is now known as smeg
aimv3trae, Oh this is cool... it gives the entire networks information...11:01
v3traeaim: yessir, i like it11:01
aimThis could be quite useful in the flat, figuring out who the bandwidth whores are, can it be logged?11:01
aimok brbr11:01
v3traeaim: not sure11:01
=== jer_ is now known as Neo
mathematicianhow can I change the mp3 id3 tag to unicode ?11:03
v3traeim outta here, gn11:04
ActionParsnipinfo mp3info-gtk11:05
ActionParsnip!info mp3info-gtk11:05
ubottump3info-gtk (source: mp3info): MP3 info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor -- GTK+ version. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.5a-1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 88 kB11:05
deanyanyone else getting transparent guests in vbox 3?11:05
ActionParsnip!info easytag11:05
ubottueasytag (source: easytag): viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-1.1 (jaunty), package size 967 kB, installed size 3080 kB11:05
ActionParsnipdeany: i'd get support in #vbox11:06
prathameshhi i am using pidgin messenger in ultimate ubuntu for internet chatting. when i add an irc account & connect it uptil it works fine. but when i clicked & try to open that channel my pidgin crash.11:08
ActionParsnip!ultimate | prathamesh11:08
ubottuprathamesh: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition11:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about etherape11:09
prathameshubottu: but this same thing happend with ubuntu when i was using it11:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge11:09
ubottuSearch factoids for term: !search <term>11:10
[thirdwheel]!search bridge11:10
[thirdwheel]!search br011:10
Guest24244Hi, guys. I hope I'm in the right channel. Will Jaunty (9.04) ever have Firefox 3.5, or will that be in 9.10?11:10
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY11:10
gangilI love doin that :D11:11
vigoIs fun11:11
Guest24244Okay, thanks for the info. I was wondering what was taking so long.11:11
gangilinstall opera till then it's much better..11:11
ActionParsnipGuest24244: you've managed with the version you curently have for a while. The new one will come soon.11:12
vigoI like IceCat11:12
ActionParsnipgangil: +111:12
Guest24244FF3.5 actually has a couple of bugs on the websites I commonly use11:12
Guest24244I'm an IRC noob. How do I change my nickname?11:12
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:13
=== Guest24244 is now known as richardcavell
awkhrm.... strange problem after edit /etc/network/interfaces I add iface eth2 inet static && address && netmask && gateway   issue is when I restart  networking and check ifconfig that eth2 device is not coming up... even after a reboot.. if I set eth2 to dhcp it picks up a dhcp ip?11:13
richardcavellthanks, actionparsnip11:13
moncky!ask | linux11:14
ubottulinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:14
ActionParsnipawk: try: auto eth2 just above it11:14
richardcavellI use mail.com webmail as my primary email. The text entry box is wider than the screen on FF3.511:14
awkActionParsnip: ok thanks11:15
richardcavellAnd no scrollbar appears at the bottom so it's impossible to display some of the text.11:15
ActionParsnipawk: it will then come up automagically11:15
awkActionParsnip: blah, works... sorry ...11:15
richardcavellIt's a bug because when typing an email, I can type text into areas that cannot be displayed. In fact I don't have any other option11:15
linuxi wanna work with gtk i've installed it and did the make what do i need to do to get it running11:15
ruslanrrichardcavell: I see11:15
richardcavellFF3.0.11 doesn't have any issue11:15
ActionParsnipawk: makes system boot faster too as dhcp doesnt need to take place11:16
vigoThunderbird works fine for me.11:16
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser11:16
richardcavellI want to keep all my email in the cloud because I trust an external provider more than my internal hard disk11:16
ActionParsniprichardcavell: good call, they will have better backups too ;)11:17
weedarGNOME doesn't starte gnome-panel at login (I disabled it while trying out AWN..), but no I have no panel, dock (AWN,gnome-do,..) or any running program when I start Gnome - how can I start a program or at least spawn an xterm every time Gnome starts?11:17
Krenarii want to install g++ and one recomanded ide. for c++11:17
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:17
richardcavellI keep all my really important emails at hotmail. Say what you like about Microsoft but I know that if those emails are ever lost, we're probably in a nuclear holocaust11:18
Krenarican anyone recommand me something11:18
ActionParsnipKrenari: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:18
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans11:18
richardcavellKrenari, you're asking for an IDE to do some C++ coding, right?11:18
Krenariand a compiler11:18
Krenariim very new in ubuntu :011:19
richardcavellKrenari, I've heard good things about eclipse11:19
Krenariyeah i like eclips too11:19
Krenarii have used in windows11:19
ActionParsnipKrenari: build-essential will give you a c/c++ compiler + common libs11:19
richardcavellI can't imagine writing a proper program in gedit. Apple apparently built Safari using XCode11:19
ActionParsniprichardcavell: use nano then :)11:20
richardcavellI need to have tooltips and class wizards and a dialog editor just to get Hello, World11:20
KrenariActionParsnip: im installing11:20
Krenarican u tell me how ot install eclipse11:20
linuxi wanna work with gtk i've installed it and did the make what do i need to do to get it running?11:20
richardcavellI like Visual C++. It makes programming easier.11:20
vigorichardcavell: Tried Ruby?11:20
richardcavellNo, vigo11:21
vigoRuby is a solid rock stomper11:21
richardcavellOkay. Is it a frontend for GNU CC?11:21
Krenaririchardcavell: i dont want microsoft products here :D11:22
richardcavellYears ago I did some coding on Visual C++, and it made testing and debugging so much faster11:22
weedarActionParsnip: Without gnome-panel I don't have a System-button to click - I login to a completely empty screen, all I see is the background image and the mouse pointer11:22
richardcavellI was doing server/client stuff, and I needed to compile the client and transport it to another computer and run it and debug it, over and over again11:22
vigoIs rather independent, but in the same sense it is iteroperational with Mic/Appl or even Basic11:22
richardcavellwould have driven me nuts doing that with nano and gcc from the command line11:23
vigoLook at ruby.org11:23
richardcavellokay, vigo, I'll take a look at it11:23
ActionParsnipweedar: press alt+f2 and type: gnome-panel11:23
richardcavellI want to stay with gcc because I want to build OS X Apps, and Apple have modified GCC to do Universal binaries11:23
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY11:23
ActionParsnipweedar: theres these too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84010511:24
vigorichardcavell: On the site is a "hello world" program in browser in 15 seconds.11:24
weedarActionParsnip: alt+f2 yields no response11:24
ActionParsnipweedar: bizzarre, thats common to all de's even fluxbox and lxde11:24
Theeb__hi, why is firefox slow when i run flash videos, but not on seamonkey? i have flash installed from adobe website11:24
richardcavellTheeb, are you using the 64-bit FF/Flash?11:25
ActionParsnipTheeb__: seamonkey is lighter, do you have the same addons in both?11:25
weedarI've even tried moving to a shell (alt + ctrl + 1) and set the DISPLAY environment variable to :0 and then running GUI apps...Firefox and some others work, but unfortunately not gnome-panel, gnome-terminal and anything else useful I could think of :/11:25
richardcavellThe 64-bit Flash isn't real good IMHO11:25
ActionParsniprichardcavell: works awesome here11:25
Theeb__ActionParsnip, I didnt put anything on them, so no11:25
richardcavellActionParsnip, I have trouble with youtube11:25
weedarActionParsnip: That link to the forums is probably my best bet, thanks!11:25
ActionParsniprichardcavell: i dont use the repo one as its never worked in 64bit for me11:26
richardcavellmind you, it is labelled as 'alpha' release, so I suppose I shouldn't complain11:26
richardcavellActionParsnip, until you said that I didn't know there was a repo one!11:27
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ActionParsnip!info flash-installer11:27
ubottuPackage flash-installer does not exist in jaunty11:27
ActionParsnip!info adobe-installer11:27
ubottuPackage adobe-installer does not exist in jaunty11:27
richardcavellthere is flashplugin-installer11:28
ActionParsnipsomething like that11:28
ActionParsnipapt-cache search flash | grep install11:28
Theeb__when will they update the seamonkey to the latest version, i kinda have no idea how to install the update :p11:28
vigoGnash sorta works.11:28
richardcavellall that does is download the Adobe add-on11:28
ubuntistaswhen firefox is gone be updated by the canonical staff?11:28
ActionParsnipTheeb__: depends how you installed it11:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:28
ActionParsniprichardcavell: its !info <package>11:29
Theeb__ActionParsnip, by the add/remove11:29
vigoTheeb_: Look at Pshycocats or the Forums, that is covered very well and step by step.11:29
richardcavell!info flashplugin-installer11:29
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)11:29
ActionParsnipTheeb__: then it will come down when te new version is added to one of your repos11:29
richardcavellyeah, all it does is download the Adobe one11:29
richardcavellI doubt that anyone could improve on the Adobe one11:30
awesomezfirefox is getting worse & worse :(11:30
ActionParsniprichardcavell: not te 64bit ine as far as ive seen. it uses a wrapper11:30
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Theeb__ActionParsnip, hehe k, but it is taking too long ;P11:30
richardcavellthat might be preferable until they get the 64-bit one working right. Are you using the wrapper, Parsnip?11:30
KrenariActionParsnip: thank you ! g++ is working fine !11:31
ubuntistaswhen firefox is gone be updated by the canonical staff?11:31
ActionParsnipTheeb__: its open source / gpl. They could stop development and you can complain all you want but they have no contracts or oblifation to do anything11:31
ActionParsnip!ff3.5 | ubuntistas11:31
ubottuubuntistas: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY11:31
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=== prathamesh__ is now known as prathamesh
ActionParsnipKrenari: no worries duder11:33
Theeb__ActionParsnip, lol i wasnt complaining man11:33
prathameshfor ultimate ubuntu is there other channel11:33
ActionParsnipTheeb__: no worries dude :D. Just how it is11:33
indusanyone here knows how to get the old notification back?11:34
ActionParsnipprathamesh: #ubuntu-offtopic is my guess11:34
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ActionParsnipprathamesh: why not install an official release11:34
prathameshActionParsnip: i dont want offtopic11:34
ActionParsnipprathamesh: then you will be supported in the official room?11:34
ActionParsnipprathamesh: well its not here, thats for sure11:34
ActionParsnipprathamesh: whats different in ultimate to a regular ubuntu install?11:35
prathameshActionParsnip: i just asked11:36
indusprathamesh: ultimate just comes preinstalled with all the stuff you would generally install in regular ubuntu11:38
prathameshi am using pidgin for internet chat messenger for chatting. when i tried ti open any irc channel in pidgin. my pidgin get crashed.11:38
ActionParsnipprathamesh: its a derivative of and comes with lots of extra fluff but will be packaged differently to ubuntu so is hard to support11:39
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:39
indusprathamesh: dont use pidgin for irc, xchat is the preferred tool for irc11:39
ActionParsnipprathamesh: all i can suggest is you close pidgin fully and rename ~/.purple11:39
ActionParsnipindus: why is xchat "preffered"11:39
wapkoi like irssi, even in x11:39
ActionParsnipindus: i've used pidgin for irc since it was gaim11:40
indusActionParsnip: cos it easier to configure for irc?11:40
richardcavellI'm using chatzilla. Is that a good choice?11:40
prathameshcurrently i am using Konversation11:40
ActionParsnipindus: not really11:40
ActionParsnipindus: add an account, set irc then add server and screen name11:40
indusActionParsnip: it doesnt even show you list of irc servers or channels11:40
indusActionParsnip: sorry,but i cant figure it out, and since a lot of ppl here do use x chat, i said its preferred11:41
vigoPidgin has been having problems lately, or so read. xchat, has a nice Gnome frontend/GUI11:41
Simply_Lionhi guys11:41
ActionParsnipindus: you can go to main window. tools -> room list11:41
ActionParsnipindus: then select the account you want te room list for11:41
ActionParsnipindus: in the computer community, windows is more used. Is that "preffered" too11:42
indusActionParsnip: what are you talking about? add account irc, then what11:42
indusActionParsnip: there is no server list at all11:42
ActionParsnipindus: if you add an account and connect11:42
prathameshActionParsnip: can u tell me what exactly to do. which file or folder hav to remane ~/.purple11:42
ActionParsnipindus: then in the main window click tools -> room list11:43
richardcavellI'm thinking of downloading xchat. Do you think I should?11:43
=== paigeadele is now known as stfu___
ActionParsnipprathamesh: killall pidgin; mv ~/.purple ~/.purple_old11:43
indusActionParsnip: i dont think you understand? how do i select a server ?11:43
ActionParsnipindus: you type its name11:44
indusActionParsnip: all it shows is irc.ubuntu.com11:44
indusActionParsnip: and who will give me the name?11:44
ActionParsnipindus: you find the server you want to connect to11:44
indusActionParsnip: from where?11:44
ActionParsnipindus: the web11:44
indusActionParsnip: xchat has that list, pidgin doesnt11:44
ActionParsnipindus: never said it didnt11:44
indusActionParsnip: haha the web , so i hope you get the point now11:45
richardcavellI'm downloading xchat. 3 min 2 s remaining11:45
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indusActionParsnip: xchat makes it easier for you,11:45
ActionParsnipindus: no thats not te point. no irc  client is preffered is the point11:45
ruadh  /quit11:45
indusActionParsnip: well, so now its back to that point then11:45
ActionParsnipindus: i'm not comparing functionlity. you are saying just because something is more used it is "preffered" which is preposterous11:46
indusActionParsnip: whatever the case, pidgin is not preferred surely11:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:46
ActionParsnipindus: it is to me11:46
bazhangindus, what is the issue11:46
ActionParsnipvigo: exactly11:46
ActionParsnipindus: i only use pidgin for all chats11:46
bazhangindus, you having trouble connecting to other servers or what11:46
induspeople trying to argue about whats right and whats not, when all iam doing is helping someone11:47
prathameshActionParsnip: thanks11:47
Simply_Lioncan anyone tell me how protected is ubuntu on IRC, and secondly by starting a firewall how much protection does that give? or do i need to make personal adjustments?11:47
vigoAnd best-bot is FUN.11:47
ActionParsnipbazhang: indus is saying xchat is "the preffered irc client" which is a ridiculous statement11:47
bazhangindus, please chat about best etc in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks11:47
indusi repeat again to the ops and to others . dont force your point down my throat11:47
indusActionParsnip: no offence11:47
ActionParsnipprathamesh: get a proper install of ubuntu, you will be supported.11:47
ActionParsnipindus: i'm not i'm just saying what you are saying is false.11:48
prathameshActionParsnip: i am using ultimate ubuntu11:48
awkhrm, what is similar to rpm -qa ? to verify package information for installed packages?11:48
bazhangprathamesh, that is not supported here11:48
ActionParsnipprathamesh: its not an official relese so isnt supported in the official channel11:48
indusActionParsnip: and what you are saying is not true either11:48
ActionParsnipawk: dpkg -l | less11:49
indusso we are even11:49
bazhangindus, please stop11:49
awkActionParsnip: thanks11:49
prathameshActionParsnip: but now its working completly fine11:49
vigoawk: dkpg (then some -switch)11:49
ActionParsnipprathamesh: its still not supported here11:49
indusbazhang: ask parsnip to stop11:49
elkyindus, the 'preferred' irc client is the one in the default installation.11:49
awkI was using apt-cache showpkg package but.... that was not for installed..11:49
vigowhoops, dpkg11:49
induselky: isnt it xchat then11:49
prathameshActionParsnip: ohk fine11:49
elkyindus, no.11:49
dbuggerHi guys!11:49
awkdam :( was hoping this new ubuntu had php 5.3 included :(11:50
dbuggerCan someone please tell me how can I get a thumbnail from a video from the command line?11:50
awkany idea when php 5.3 will be released to ubuntu11:50
shift_Hello, does anyone have experience with using an external monitor on a laptop?11:50
ActionParsnipawk: apt-cache search php | less11:50
richardcavell_Okay, guys, I'm on xchat now11:50
indusso whats the preferred client for irc then ??11:51
awkActionParsnip: its only php 5.2.611:51
dbuggerindus, I use xchat, but I dont like any. Im developing my own :D11:51
ActionParsnipindus: any you prefer, notice how I had stopped and you started up again11:51
ActionParsnipawk: then you need a repo with the later version on, or compile11:51
indusseriously, is there anything better?11:51
bricks-i can't browse my pictures on facebook anymore, is anyone experiencing the same problem?11:51
richardcavell_indus, I don't necessarily prefer xchat to chatzilla11:52
rikki_maxindus: have u used kvirc?11:52
ActionParsnipindus: imho no11:52
iMatterIs there a Mumbles in Ubuntu Repos?11:52
ActionParsnipindus: but i use about 6 other protocols so it makes sense to use the irc functionality rather than have 2 apps11:52
vigoI can go on forever, there is no BEST.11:52
indusActionParsnip: yes i too prefer pidgin, but i had to waste quite a bit of time googling for the undernet server name11:53
ActionParsnipindus: i'm sure you had to "google" a bit as well to get your pc setup after the install11:53
indusActionParsnip: so i was forced to go to xchat ,which is great btw, but i will try chatzilla too11:53
rikki_maxindus: have u tried kvirc?11:53
indusActionParsnip: true, so this saves time doesnt it11:54
indusrikki_max: no not yet11:54
bricks-lol you all have totally passed me by11:54
ActionParsnipindus: same process, same mentality11:54
rikki_maxindus: it is the better of the ones i have tried if u r used to msl scripting11:54
prathameshwhen i tried to open home folder then it directly onening into the kaffine palyer11:54
indusActionParsnip: leave it.11:54
bazhangprathamesh, in ultimate?11:54
ActionParsnipindus: i did, you started it p again. i was talking to prathamesh11:55
prathameshin ubuntu11:55
prathameshmy friend getting this problem11:55
bazhangprathamesh, thought you just said you were using ultimate11:55
prathameshbut my friend using ubuntu11:55
richardcavell_in xchat, how do I turn off messages that say that someone has entered/left?11:55
bazhangprathamesh, go to ultimate support for help with "ultimate"11:56
bazhangrichardcavell_, right click channel name11:56
prathameshbazhang: my friend getting this problem11:56
prathameshbazhang: he is using ubuntu 9.0411:56
bazhangprathamesh, we need to ask your friend some questions11:56
richardcavell_aha! Thanks, bazhang. I knew it had to be easy.11:56
prathameshbazhang: what question11:56
bazhangprathamesh, to troubleshoot his Ubuntu11:57
prathameshbazhang: so ask me na i will ask it to him11:57
prathameshbazhang: i just want solution11:57
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
indusActionParsnip: pm11:58
bazhangprathamesh, easier to talk with your friend directly.11:58
wapkodbugger: you can use mplayer : mplayer -vo jpeg -frames 1 movie.avi11:59
pinoyskullhi, anybody has experience with using Huawei E220?11:59
prathameshcan anybody help me what to do. my friend using ubuntu 9.04 from last few days he getting some problem while opening home folder. when he tried to open his home folder then the caffine player is open11:59
wapkodbugger: that gives you the first frame, if you want later frames specify the starttime with -ss option. replace jpeg with png if you want png11:59
temporarytaohi, looking for help on using airdump-ng12:00
bazhangprathamesh, this is Kubuntu then?12:00
dbuggerty wapko!12:00
bazhangtemporarytao, #aircrack12:00
temporarytaocool, thanks12:00
pinoyskullprathamesh, somebody mess up that shortcut then12:00
vigoprathamesh: Has the freind tried a Recovery thing or a dpkg fix?12:00
prathameshbazhang: bullshit just get lost12:00
prathameshpinoyskull: so what hav to exactly do12:01
bazhangprathamesh, watch the language12:01
temporarytaoanother thing. i have an existing ubuntu 9.04 setup and i want to lighten it up (in the direction of crunchbang)12:01
prathameshbazhang: watch ur answers12:01
bazhangtemporarytao, install openbox12:01
iMatternight everyone..12:01
n0gearIInomachinr doesnt work with xfce?12:01
wapkodbugger: for scaling it you might want to play with the -vf scale option12:01
pinoyskullprathamesh, how does he access his homefolder?12:01
temporarytaobazhang, what's a good file manager to go with openbox?12:01
dbuggernoted down! thanks ;)12:02
dbuggeri'll do tuning later :)12:02
bazhangtemporarytao, that is the one used with crunchbang12:02
pinoyskullprathamesh, how does he access his homefolder?12:02
bazhangtemporarytao, better still would be lxde or the like12:02
shift_how do I allow a user to startx?12:03
prathameshpinoyskull: he just click on places & then click on home12:03
shift_(to avoid using root)12:03
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:03
bazhangshift_, you want to login using user pass (sudo)12:03
th0rshift_: normal users should already have access to startx12:04
shift_th0r, X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.12:04
temporarytaoi got the openbox part. that's the window manager, right?12:04
temporarytaowhat about the file manager? for one thing, i'd like something with a trash box at least. :)12:04
th0rshift_: then something has gone amiss, I am running jaunty and the default for startx is 75512:04
temporarytaobazhang: lxde is the file manager? or is that the window manager?12:04
prathameshpinoyskull: hey what to do12:04
bazhangtemporarytao, not up on openbox tbh, know more about lxde (metapackage that pulls in other stuff as well)12:05
shift_th0r, I think the user needs to be in some group or something12:05
prathameshpinoyskull: is there any solution on it12:05
th0rshift_: nope....those permissions give execute to the world12:05
temporarytaohmmm...googling lxde12:05
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bazhangtemporarytao, its in the repos12:05
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shift_th0r, I can execute the file fine... it's just that it refuses to run X, giving the error message I pasted below.12:05
bazhang!info lxde | temporarytao12:06
ubottutemporarytao: lxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB12:06
stefhandqq1 peut m'aider?12:06
stefhanda l'aide !12:06
bazhangstefhand, #ubuntu-fr pour francais12:06
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deveahI was here before, right?12:06
temporarytaobazhang: so if i use that, i can just choose it from the login screen?12:06
bazhangtemporarytao, correct12:06
th0rshift_: odd. I haven't done it in years, but it should be ok to set up the system to boot to the login prompt and not run X unless requested by the user. I used to run my servers that way12:06
shift_th0r, yeah, that's the idea here... people seem to be suggesting sudo, but I would much rather avoid it.12:07
deveahI came back with fresh errors! :D12:08
th0rshift_: I would want to avoid that also. Check further into the issue as you should be able to do what you want12:08
viseHi, is xmms player available form Gnome, Ubuntu Intrepid? I can't find a package.. There is something called xmm2 client or something.. But it doesnt seem to be the player... Any ideas?12:08
deveah"udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured."12:08
bazhangvise, replaced with audacious12:08
visebazhang, Ew!.. Il search that.. thanks12:08
th0rshift_: http://kerneltrap.org/node/220012:09
shift_th0r, sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common12:10
shift_th0r, think it will work now.12:10
=== ptrm is now known as tunx
th0rshift_: according to that link (an old thread) it might be a path issue12:10
tunxhello. when i try to boot hd(0,6), i got error 15 file not found.12:10
shift_th0r, all fixed. thanks.12:11
deveahdudes, what does udevadm do?12:11
psypointeris there any good tutorial for setting up a vpn server / client? i want to route my traffic over my root server..12:11
shift_th0r, just had to run the command and select 'anybody' as the user.12:11
zirodaypsypointer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN12:12
th0rshift_: thanks...have added that to my helpfiles12:12
^Alitahi to all12:12
shift_th0r, your help files? O_o12:12
visethere is no 'all' here12:12
th0rshift_: I have an entire directory of little four line notes on how to fix things12:13
R_Ddayanyone know Hebrew fonts for Linux ?12:13
^Alitacan i know wich is the process that is using the HD so hard?12:13
th0rshift_: 219 items including subdirectories12:13
^Alitatop can't help me, system moniton neither12:13
vise^Alita, How much RAM do you have?12:14
gidnaI want to coppy all files in a directory to another no the directory itself12:14
shift_th0r, nice12:14
gidnaHow can I do it?12:14
^Alita128 mb :( you think it's the swap?12:14
psypointerziroday: thank you!12:14
michael__hi how to resize partition?12:14
zirodaypsypointer: have fun12:15
vise^Alita, Very much... Normal usage of RAM on my pc is 500 MB... 1GB is required.. unless you use the text mode.. :)12:15
shift_gidna, cp source/* dest/, or better yet rsync source/ dest/ -av .... that should work12:15
vigomicheal__: gparted or some such thing12:15
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:15
^Alitai'm using xfce on xubuntu and only firefox and xchat12:15
michael__i unmount the drive and then how do i resize it?12:16
vise^Alita, Try not using firefox for some time and see if it helps.. If it does, we will have to tweak firefox..12:16
ActionParsnip1^Alita: you could run swiftfox or kazenchaze for a lighter gecko based browser12:16
vigomicheal__: That might be an fdisk thing12:16
vigomicheal__: What file system is the drive using?12:17
shift_gidna, I may be wrong but I think if you use the directory itself, then it will copy the directory, but if you add / at the end of it, it will copy what's in the directory.. not sure though12:17
temporarytaomichael__: you need gparted to resize a partition12:17
gidnaok thank you12:17
gidnai did it12:17
gidnaI should put /*12:17
th0r^Alita: with only 128MB it is almost certainly swap12:17
^Alitauhm, i will one of this. anyway, there is a way to know who is using the hd, like top for cpu and memory?12:18
nixiepixelI have an ubuntu studio machine where the system load average is up over 15 right now, and is crashing every time I try to do anything with it, even though no processes are taking up a large percentage of CPU or memory. But even terminal commands don't get run with a system load this high. What can I do to resolve this?12:18
michael__please see screenshot http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/9907/screenshotsly.png12:19
deveahhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devmapper/+bug/358654 this is exactly my problem12:19
ActionParsnip1^Alita: you can use du to find out the size of folders and files12:19
michael__i just unmount sda5 i want to resize sda5 to smaller size and then increase the size of sda6, how do i do it?12:20
CooosmiChaoslol cd is busy, all windows are closed, howto unmount?12:20
CooosmiChaoskill nautilus once?12:20
viseActionParsnip1, ^Alita requires processes doing IO at a given time (disk IO)12:20
CooosmiChaosit was a damaged cd backed via mondorestore12:20
ActionParsnip1vise: oic12:20
gidnaHow can I play videos using /win32 codecs with totem... I can with mplayer but I would with totem12:21
^AlitaActionParsnip1, yes, vise is righ12:21
temporarytaomichael__: you want to make sda5 bigger, ryes?12:21
viseAnd apparently I too am curious as to what software can be used to view IO instead of CPU like top...12:21
michael__make sda5 smaller12:21
temporarytaosorry, missed your last msg12:21
michael__make sda6 bigger12:21
shift_How do I tell X which monitor to use, if I have VGA and the LVDS, what do I need to add to Xorg to only use one or the other?12:21
^Alitavise, yes, maybe very useful12:22
gidnaHow can I do that? it's a big matter12:22
temporarytaowhere are you running your gparted from? i suggest running from a live cd or usb12:23
michael__how to change screen resolution in ubuntu 9.04?12:24
werswhere can i delete the config files for ssh networks on nautilus? i want a fresh start12:24
Myrttisharperguy2: grandr can do that12:24
os11how to change the screen resolution in ubuntu 9.04?12:25
awkhrm, anyone use freednd through afraid?12:25
awkseems their ns's are down?12:25
shift_ok, nvrm my question... found how to do it using xrandr12:25
viseosll, System->Preferences->Screen Resolution12:25
ianyue@os11 you can find it in prefences12:25
alteregoai eat a banana and rama12:26
bazhang!ot > alteregoa12:26
ubottualteregoa, please see my private message12:26
alteregoa!ot >alteregoa12:26
alteregoaok i agree12:27
visebazhang, What was that private msg? Im curios.. :)12:27
bazhangvise /msg ubottu ot12:27
d0b3join nsfw12:28
visebazhang, Oh! I thought its got swear words.. .lol12:28
adhellagai rame ya?12:28
bazhangadhel, English please12:29
prathamesh_yahoo messenger not wokking in pidgin. i created my yahoo account in pidgin but its not connecting12:32
bazhang!yahoo > prathamesh_12:32
ubottuprathamesh_, please see my private message12:32
bazhangprathamesh_, also check #pidgin12:32
deveahcan somebody help me with a little thing?12:35
deveahpm me please if you can12:35
Dr_willisask the question and see...12:35
Dr_willisi dont do pm's12:35
deveahokay then12:35
deveahhow do I fix the bug?12:35
deveahquick, if possible12:35
Dr_williscare to summarize the problem?12:35
deveahread that page please12:36
Dr_willisand if i dont have a browser?12:36
Dr_willis:) not everyone has X going12:36
deveahokay then12:36
wapkoDr_willis: dont need x to browse :P12:37
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=== StrangeCharm_ is now known as StrangeCharm__
=== StrangeCharm__ is now known as StrangeCharm
_KubaIn Jaunty, my notifies (libnotify) don't go to "queue", ie. only one is seen at the moment, is it ok?12:38
Dr_williswapko:  i do to click on that url. :)12:39
wersi'm trying to connect to my ipod touch by running "ipod-touch-mount" but I get "ssh: connect to host ipod port 22: No route to host" any idea why? :)12:39
deveahcan you read pms, Dr_willis?12:39
_Kubawers: is it JB?12:39
Dr_willisI have pm's set to ignore deveah12:39
deveahUbuntu doesn't boot.12:39
wers_Kuba, yep. 2.2.112:39
Dr_willisdeveah:  from what i am reading at that url you gave - they give several possible fix's to try.12:39
wers2nd gen12:39
=== erpiter is now known as pcoca_home
ninjafurycan anyone please help, google/forums haven't helped. I can't get my centrino nvidia laptop running jaunty 64 with latest nvidia (binary) drivers to auto suspend. Laptop screen just goes to black with a cursor and cpu still runs. can anyone PLEASE help?12:40
deveahyes, Dr_willis, but I'm a complete noob, can you tell me exactly what steps I need to do?12:40
_Kubawers: wifi on? ;]12:40
_Kubawers: openssh-server on ipod installed?12:40
Dr_willistype the commands they gave   'sudo dpkg-reconfigure WHATEVER'12:40
deveahdpkg-reconfigure udev ?12:41
milozhi, I tried install windows under qemu with kqemu, but the speed was really slow. Any VM solution will be better than qemu?12:41
wers_Kuba, wifi on, openssh installed through cydia. i'll search the openssh-server package12:41
deveah"and then return mkinitramfs"12:41
deveah ?12:41
* Dr_willis quotes the site (last entry) ---> so for me the fix was to run "aptitude reinstall udev" and then "update-initramfs -u -k all"12:42
_KubaAnyone could help with my notifies/buble connected problem?12:42
Dr_willisthat might fix it -- might not..12:42
wers_Kuba, i dont have the BSD subsystem package as "Installer" doesnt update anymore and it's not on cydia. could that be the problem?12:42
anteaterNethackhi.  i run karmic.  can i ask a question about gdm here, or is there a better channel+12:42
wers_Kuba, what's your prob with the notify-osd?12:42
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  try #ubuntu+112:43
deveahDr_willis - from that BusyBox shell?12:43
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  unless its a real generic gdm question12:43
Dr_willisdeveah:  they seem to imply you boot a live cd, and chroot into the existing install12:43
_Kubawers: only one bubble is seen at once12:43
harjotwers:  your nME IS ALLAN12:43
^Alitavise, i found someting: iotop12:43
anteaterNethackdr_willis: ok, the question is: the option for just using the users .xsession instead of a registered window manager does not exist anymore.  what to do?12:44
* harjot knows everybodies names12:44
deveahgotta fix shit, bye12:44
wers_Kuba, oh. happens to me too...12:44
harjotanteaterNethack: your name is matthias12:44
bazhangdeveah, watch the language12:44
_Kubawers: Eg. here are 2 at one moment: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=notification-bubble.jpg12:44
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  make a .desktop file to use the .xsession perhaps..  (gdm gets all the sessions from a set of *.desktop files)12:45
anteaterNethackharjot, yes, it is.  why?12:45
prathamesh_how to setup cable net / sify broadband in ubuntu.12:45
bazhangharjot, take chat elsewhere please12:45
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  try 'locate gdm.desktop' to see where they are at.12:45
harjoti just felt like finding your ip adresses12:45
_Kubawers: and there should be openssh-server package in cydia's repo12:45
bazhang!ot > harjot12:45
ubottuharjot, please see my private message12:45
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  its possible thers some premade .desktop files for that.. but not in the proper place by default12:45
anteaterNethackdr_willis, ok.  i can do that.  i already looked into it, but was not sure if this was the preferred "default" root.12:46
_Kubawers: have You tried ssh-ing into ipod manually?12:46
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  if you have access to an olkder release with the option, you could see what desktop  file/config its using.12:46
wers_Kuba, i seem to have it installed. do i really need bsd subsystem? How do i ssh manually?12:46
=== rainofkayos is now known as BladeNBrocade
anteaterNethackdr_willis, thanks.  i will look into #ubuntu+1, too.  and if they don't suggest anything else there, I'll go your route.12:48
_Kubawers: I meant `ssh root@ipods-ip`12:48
wers_Kuba, i simply want to transfer music using ubuntu. i'm trying to run "ipod-touch-mount" just because it's in howtos. what's the most decent way you can suggest for me to transfer music?12:48
* Miki2 wait for torchwood children of the earth12:48
ikoniaMiki2: ?12:48
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  thats ius how GDM gets its sessions.. i doubt if its changed in the next release much. :)12:48
_Kubawers: Dunno then12:49
anteaterNethackdr_willis, probably. :o)12:49
_Kubawers: Try googling ubuntu wiki pages12:49
richardcavell_Does anyone know - is there a way to throttle the bandwidth that each of my Internet programs get?12:49
_Kubawers: There is setup guide12:49
bazhangrichardcavell_, trickle ?12:49
=== kasia is now known as Guest13432
bazhang!info trickle | richardcavell_12:49
ubotturichardcavell_: trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (jaunty), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB12:49
_Kubawers: Maybe it helps you12:49
ikoniarichardcavell_: you can do that through iptables and qos12:50
wers_Kuba, thanks man12:50
bazhangah just one person12:50
BladeNBrocadecertainly can12:50
richardcavell_bazhang, thanks for the info12:50
hawkenWho wants to play werewolf in irc.bergnetworks.com/#werewolf12:51
Dr_willisanteaterNethack:  there might be some package that has the proper .desktop file somewhere..   i recall some example ones being in other placces12:51
hawkenWe need two more.12:51
ikoniahawken: please don't spam/recruit in here12:51
hawkenA quiqk game :(12:51
bazhanghawken, ask elsewhere please12:51
_KubaActually nothing works correctly with notify-osd12:51
hawkenWell bye12:51
salil__Ahem.. Offtopic but, Im vise.. But the old nick has dropped the connection.. I had to reconnect but 'vise' still exists and i cant use it... Wth?12:51
Dr_willistake it to #debian harjot12:51
Dr_willisoops :)12:51
Dr_willistab com,pletion as he leaves = fail12:52
_KubaTried notify-send -t 1 "a", and timeout is not taken into consideration12:52
bazhangsalil__, if it is grouped you can ghost it, ask in #freenode12:52
salil__nvm.. Il just use this..12:52
tarskidoes anyone know an ubuntu equivalent to URL snooper for windows?12:52
nooooooobHi I'm trying to insert the content of a file to a certain line number of the other file how do I do that?12:52
csabaI have ssh access to my computer, which means only console. How can I setup vnc access?12:54
ianyuetarski, do you find this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2254?12:55
richardcavell_trickle is command line... anything with a GUI?12:55
dracironGreetings folks... Got a problem with upgrading 7.10 get 404 errs every time I try.12:55
ziroday!upgrade | draciron read the 7.10 -> 8.04 section12:55
dracironThat is with an apt-get upgrade or from GUI package managers.12:56
dracironCan't move up a version, using a Dell laptop with propriatory drivers.12:56
ziroday!upgrade | draciron12:56
ubottudraciron: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:56
dracironI think I stated my question poorly. Apt-get and GUI package mgrs give me 404 errs when I try to do updates.12:58
ikoniadraciron: look in /etc/apt/sources.list and check the URL's for your repos12:58
BladeNBrocadedid your souces.lst change?12:58
jeffshi, i'm new to ubuntu. can some one show me how to install packages that are downloaded from the internet?12:58
salil__Ok.. http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/  is a program that will allow you to view the IO activity processwise.. Use python setup.py build and python setup.py install to install it... Then use iotop at shell... Nice application.. :)12:58
dracironI didn't change it.12:58
zirodaydraciron: 7.10 is EOL, you need to use old-releases to upgrade. Read the factoid ubottu gave you earlier12:58
os11is it possible to resize a partition which ubuntu is running on that partition?12:58
ikonia!synaptic > jeffs12:58
ubottujeffs, please see my private message12:58
BladeNBrocadewhy not iostat?12:58
ikoniajeffs: visit https://help.ubuntu.com and read the new users guide12:59
dracironI tried to install flash from adobe and not been able to install since.12:59
ikoniadavenpro: you don't install it from adobe, you install it from the repo12:59
dracironziroday I have propriatory drivers. Can't upgrade.12:59
zirodaydraciron: why not?12:59
ikoniaos11: not while it's running12:59
BladeNBrocadeu can upgrade12:59
BladeNBrocadeu just need to recompile after12:59
dracironWithout drivers I'll have no vid, sound, etc.13:00
roshan08hello all, i am developing an application for blogging from desktop, i want to release a deb for ubuntu, how do i get the deb into ubuntu repo13:00
salil__BladeNBrocade, Since it doesnt tell you which process is doing the io...13:00
richardcavell_draciron, how unique is your laptop? Are you sure 9.04 won't work?13:00
dracironI don't have src for drivers. It's a Dell, came with Ubuntu pre-installed13:00
zirodaydraciron: you can reinstall the drivers after the upgrade, or it will be done automatically for you during the upgrade.13:00
Kartagisis there a way to get firefox 3.5 in Turkish but from the repos?13:00
ikoniaroshan08: read the "motu" process on wiki.ubuntu.com13:00
dracironInspiron 152513:00
roshan08ikonia, cool13:00
richardcavell_Kartagis, no, we can't even get the English version eyt13:00
BladeNBrocadethere has to be some switch for that..13:00
zirodayKartagis: no, as FF3.5 is not in the repo's13:00
aimIs there a linux chat program that runs on the MSN network?13:00
Titan8990roshan08, join #ubuntu-dev, most of the time it will sit in a 3rd party repo before it makes its way into the main13:00
zirodayaim: pidgin does13:01
Titan8990aim, pigdin13:01
ikoniaaim: pidgin13:01
=== Cream|GONE is now known as Blond_Guy
roshan08Titan8990, ok13:01
icerootziroday: ff3.5 is not in the repos?13:01
DhavaL_has anyone been able to Dual Boot 9.04?13:01
zirodayiceroot: correct13:01
dracironTarball is easy enough with FF anyway.13:01
ikoniadavenpro: many people13:01
richardcavell_Dhaval, I'm booting it13:01
ikoniaDhavaL_: many people13:01
richardcavell_dual booting with OS X13:01
icerootziroday: look at apt-cache search firefox-3.5  it is in the repos13:01
DhavaL_Well, did you have to delete your existing partitions13:01
zirodayiceroot: not final.13:01
dracironI always use the tarballs so I don't have to wait for the archives.13:01
=== Blond_Guy is now known as Cream
salil__BladeNBrocade, No... Manual page says it only reports for devices and NFS...13:01
BladeNBrocadei guess ..iostat is based more on the device so ur right13:01
ikoniaDhavaL_: no, but that will dpend on your personal setup13:01
ianyueaim: emesene also is a good choice.13:01
richardcavell_Dhaval, you can resize the existing partitions13:02
BladeNBrocadeis true13:02
DhavaL_I have 30 GB free space13:02
Kartagisrichardcavell_, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/fta/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main it's here13:02
richardcavell_DhavaL, you can fit Ubuntu in there13:02
DhavaL_I tell it to install on the largest continuous partiton13:02
icerootziroday: so it will never be the final with jaunty?13:02
dracironSo anyway I'm SOL on the 7.10 archives? They don't exist any more so that's why I'm getting the 404s?13:02
ikoniaKartagis: that is unsupported13:02
Kartagisit is?13:02
ikoniaKartagis: yes13:02
DhavaL_But in the pre instal screen it tells me that it is going to clear the partition tbale13:02
laegcould somebody point me in the right direct for setting up an openvpn on my ubuntu box to tunnel http/im traffic through for a windows box?13:02
BladeNBrocadedraciron: likely yes13:02
DhavaL_So will I use all my other NTFS partitions?13:03
aimDoes it? how?13:03
aimikonia: How does pidgin do video?13:03
aimAhhh, I forgot to mention video.13:03
ikoniaaim: no13:03
dracironMan that's pretty sad. No uprade path, no updates cept manual through tarballs.13:03
richardcavell_Kartagis, that's experimental13:04
aimikonia: Is there a video chat one?13:04
BladeNBrocadeis 7.10 supported?13:04
DhavaL_Will all my other partitions go *poof*?13:04
BladeNBrocadekopete does video i believe13:04
marissai was wondering uno how do i get yahoo games or pogo games to play on my comp13:04
dracironIt does?13:04
richardcavell_DhavaL, I don't see why you can't resize.13:04
DhavaL_Why would I want to resize13:04
DhavaL_I have 30 gb free space13:04
BladeNBrocadeyes im sure,, which which clients im not13:04
DhavaL_I specify it to install on that free space13:04
ikoniaDhavaL_: if you delete them - yes13:04
dracironKapote doesn't do Yahoo vid, not unless I need to install something.13:04
DhavaL_why should it create a new partition table13:04
richardcavell_Dhaval, Okay, you want to put Ubuntu in there13:04
BladeNBrocadebut kopete recognized my webcam fine on my dell laptop13:04
DhavaL_I do13:04
richardcavell_should work fine, DhavaL13:04
ikoniaaim: not sure if amsn supports video13:05
BladeNBrocadedraciron: i think u need to install something13:05
DhavaL_But it says that its going to create a new partition table.13:05
aim'does kopete work on MSN network?13:05
zirodayaim: yep13:05
richardcavell_Are you using the Live CD installer? You should be able to do it graphically13:05
DhavaL_Yes I am using the LiveCD installer13:05
DhavaL_but i don't want a new partition table13:05
richardcavell_You can manually look at the start and end blocks of each partition before and after. They shouldn't change13:05
aimOK I'll try kopete, thanks guys13:05
salil__DhavaL_, Have you selected guided partitioning or something?13:06
richardcavell_Well, it's going to edit the existing partition table13:06
marissahello do you no how to install yahoo games on ubuntu or were to get games?13:06
DhavaL_Maybe yes.13:06
DhavaL_i just selected 'use largest continous free space'13:06
DhavaL_edit, not delete?13:06
salil__DhavaL_, Then it will change the partition table for creating swap IMHO..13:06
DhavaL_So I wil have all my other partitions,?13:06
FoerdyHello there. Can anybody tell me how to look up an ip-adress in a windows-network? I got the computername of the client I want to look ab the ip-adress.13:07
richardcavell_DhavaL, you ought to be able to see where Ubuntu is going to go in. Can't you look at it manually?13:07
salil__DhavaL_, yes13:07
DhavaL_You sure salil?13:07
BladeNBrocadeFoerdy: --> nslookup <host> <dnserver>13:07
joaopintoFoerdy, man nmblookup13:07
DhavaL_and what happens if I don't install the Boot Loader.13:07
BladeNBrocademan on windows?13:07
richardcavell_DhavaL, you want the boot loader somewhere13:07
salil__DhavaL_, you dont boot into ubuntu...13:07
ubuntunewbie wanted to ask if I press ctrl+alt+backspace , how do I go back to login screen or gui ?13:07
DhavaL_I think it should show me 2 OS's when i press F8 and then i can choose right13:07
lstarnesubuntunewbie: it should reload automatically13:08
salil__DhavaL_, No.. The bootloader will change..13:08
richardcavell_do you have GRUB somewhere else on your system?13:08
salil__DhavaL_, But it will detect windows installations13:08
DhavaL_I know13:08
joaopintoBladeNBrocade, he wants to see the ip for a windows host, because he asking here I assume he is using Ubuntu13:08
DhavaL_But not installing grub will save me the trouble of trying to uninstall it later.13:08
ubuntunewbielstarnes: ? I am using 8.0413:08
Foerdyyes i am using ubuntu13:09
lstarnesubuntunewbie: have you tried using ctrl+alt+backspace before?13:09
BladeNBrocadedig nm/nslookup etc would do the job13:09
lstarnesubuntunewbie: when that is used, it usually closes out the currently running X server, but gdm or another display manager usually restarts it13:09
lstarnesubuntunewbie: that display manager also manages the login screen13:10
Foerdyit works! thank you for your help :)13:10
DhavaL_Yes, so Salil, should I go ahead and instal ubuntu on the free space?13:10
BladeNBrocade=) yaay13:10
ubuntunewbielstarnes: so what I need to type going back to login screen ?13:10
DhavaL_and I can dual boot with Grub?13:10
lstarnesubuntunewbie: it will show up automatically13:10
DhavaL_?  ?  ?13:11
BladeNBrocadeDhavaL_: yes13:11
TriMeHello Anyone Here See This Picture? :: Whats the System Monitoring program that allows this? http://www.cairo-dock.org/index.php13:11
DhavaL_alll righty...13:11
ubuntunewbielstarnes: I had tried ctrl+alt+backspace before once , it goes to something like terminal dos alike13:11
DhavaL_I'll be back.13:11
bazhangTriMe, cairo-dock or some other?13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about welldone13:12
BladeNBrocadei was going crazy when i set my first dual boot with the live cd too =)13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about goodwork13:12
lstarnesubuntunewbie: it doesn't do that for me and I don't recall changing any settings related to that13:12
ubuntunewbielstarnes: there are few times my gui crash but ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't go into terminal13:12
bazhangindus, /msg ubottu please13:12
vasslerwwhat are qt applications?13:12
TriMebazhang:  nar the System Monitor Not Cairo Dock lol..13:12
marissahello will someone tell me about online gameing on ubuntu? im having a hard time finding online gameing13:13
bazhangTriMe, conky?13:13
derspanksterbazang: conky?13:13
BladeNBrocadeapplications using qt runtime i believe13:13
lstarnesvassler: applications that use qt as their widget toolkit13:13
TriMeyeah ?13:13
ubuntunewbielstarnes: anyhow i had fix the gui crash , just incase it happen , what should I do to reboot back my pc ?13:13
BladeNBrocadeand not gnome13:13
indusbazhang: i was trying to find out if that word has been added13:13
lstarnesvassler: most kde applications use it13:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky13:13
dracironmarissa what kind of games are you looking for?13:13
ubuntunewbielstarnes: the screen is totally black , no sound and etc13:13
indus!info | conky13:13
ubottu'conky' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner13:13
ubottuconky: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>13:13
vasslerlstarnes: ok thank you13:13
dracironWesnoth is a good stratigy based game.13:13
bazhang!info conky | TriMe13:13
ubottuTriMe: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 179 kB, installed size 556 kB13:13
dracironNeziuz a good FPS13:13
ubuntunewbielstarnes: how to restart pc without pressing my COmputer reset button ?13:13
BladeNBrocadeconky is annoying =)13:14
lstarnes!ssyrq | ubuntunewbie13:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssyrq13:14
TriMeCheers ubottu and bazhang13:14
derspanksterbazang: http://conky.sourceforge.net/13:14
marissawell i tryed yahoo games but it wont download none will i like word games13:14
lstarnes!sysrq | ubuntunewbie13:14
ubottuubuntunewbie: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key13:14
bazhangTriMe, there is a thread on ubuntuforums with the configs for conky13:14
stefhandubuntu fr13:14
indusubuntunewbie: ctl-alt-del?13:14
TriMeArgh KK Cheers Budd13:14
dracironGive me a sec, I'll see if I can dig a few up for ya Marissa.13:14
induslstarnes: thanks for that]13:14
bazhang!dontzap > indus13:14
ubottuindus, please see my private message13:14
marissaok thanx13:14
stefhandcanal français13:15
lstarnes!fr | stefhand13:15
ubottustefhand: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:15
bazhangstefhand, /join #ubuntu-fr13:15
ubuntunewbieindus: Ctrl+alt+del doesn't work13:15
ubuntunewbielstarnes: Ctrl+alt+del doesn't work13:15
lstarnesubuntunewbie: I know13:15
indusubuntunewbie: works here it shows up the shutdown window etc13:15
lstarnesubuntunewbie: but did you see that factoid about the alt+sysrq trick?13:16
industhen i select what i want13:16
TriMebazhang:  LOL!!! Where does it install to??? :P13:16
ubuntunewbieindus: I mean while my gui crassh13:16
marissano online games! yikes13:16
ubuntunewbieindus: it wouldn't wor13:16
bazhangTriMe, you need to configure it13:16
indusubuntunewbie:yes follow lstarnes13:16
ubuntunewbielstarnes: yes13:16
zirodayhi marissa, game are you trying to play?13:16
marissaon yahoo13:16
zirodaymarissa: link?13:16
ubuntunewbielstarnes: yep , thanks a lot , next time incase it happen again it'll use that13:16
dracironmarissa most of the online games use supported formats.13:16
marissaor pogo13:16
=== tyler is now known as Guest99924
ruffinI wanna the reply that which country be here?13:17
TriMebazhang: I used SPM to Instal...13:17
ubuntunewbielstarnes: Thank you ;-D13:17
marissai see13:17
dracironusually you have to install flash and away you go.13:17
bazhangTriMe, let me find the thread on ubuntuforums13:17
zirodaymarissa: can you give us a link to the game you are trying to play please13:17
dracironBeen looking for some more specific ones for ya, but "word games" is a little too vague.13:17
marissaok how do i install flash?13:17
zirodaymarissa: do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"13:17
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 TriMe13:18
prathameshi am using ubuntu & want to use ekiga but i am getting error while i started ekiga. the error is Ekiga didnot manage to configure ur network automatically u hav to it with manually but still u can use it13:18
TriMebazhang:  Thanks for ur Help!!!13:18
bazhangTriMe, you're welcome13:18
marissathank you13:18
ruffinI want to improve my English, Who can help me?13:19
aimruffin, what do ou want to know?13:20
bazhangruffin, ##english NOT here13:20
ruffinHere is Ubuntu13:20
ohir!ot | ruffin13:20
ubotturuffin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:20
bazhangruffin, its offtopic here13:20
induslstarnes: oops that command crashed my gui :)13:20
ruffinEr, I use Xubuntu now13:20
ruffinSo I have the right to be here!13:21
bazhangruffin, for support questions, yes; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:21
=== gerrit is now known as moddi
deveahhhello again13:22
aimhello again13:22
deveahhI still didn't fix my problem13:22
megloIs there a FAQ I can read about FF3.5 in Jaunty/etc so I don't have to bother people here? I'd like to go through official repos if that is possible - to maintain branding and ubufox plugins with file-format software associations.13:22
deveahhI couldn't actually13:23
ziroday!ff35 > meglo13:23
ubottumeglo, please see my private message13:23
deveahhhow do I mount a partition?13:23
megloziroday: Thank you very much!13:23
zirodaydeveahh: where is the partition located, and what is the mountpoint?13:23
znagsorry 4ot but is anyone else having problems dling from sourceforge today?13:23
zirodaymeglo: have fun13:23
salil__deveahh, sudo mount /dev/whatever <folder>13:23
zirodayznag: #ubuntu-offtopic13:23
deveahhfrom the livecd?13:23
csabaI've setup vnc on my computer, and I can connect to it. However, when I click on something, or type something, the screen is not updated. It is happening, but it looks as if the screen is frozen. How to fix this?13:24
GreyGhostdeveahh, man mount13:24
deveahh"The solution is to use a live-CD to mount the system (or boot from a completely separate installation), mount the failed OS partition(s), and complete the update process"13:24
deveahhhow exactly?13:24
deveahhalso, I've been told to try the last post thing13:25
bloupotloodWhat are LVM partitions/volume groups?13:25
ruffincsaba resetup may fix you problem13:25
deveahhruffin - my problem?13:25
=== akgraner__ is now known as akgraner
csabahow to "resetup"?13:25
QuantumKaoswhere can i find info on what company uses linux server instead of win server?13:25
zirodaydeveahh: um that bug has been fixed, you sure that is your bug?13:25
deveahhit's exactly what it told me13:26
deveahhziroday, can we pm? this channel is too busy13:26
zirodayQuantumKaos: as in the advantages/disadvantages?13:26
zirodaydeveahh: I'm sorry I don't really know the solution to your problem13:27
coleysdeveahh: You should keep it in the channel so people with same problems, or people just learn in general what your speaking of.13:27
coleysdeveahh: Whats your problem anyways.13:27
deveahhI have that bug I posted a link to13:28
coleysdeveahh: I wasn't at my keyboard, post it again.13:28
deveahhwell I posted a link to a page talking about it13:28
deveahhcoleys - Ubuntu doesn't boot13:28
coleysdeveahh: And why do you think that is? pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst13:29
QuantumKaosziroday: no, i would only like to know if its true that important and big company that host servers use linux or window systems13:29
zirodayQuantumKaos: question better suited for #ubuntu-ofttopic13:29
deveahhcoleys - I'm not on any Ubuntu now13:29
zirodayQuantumKaos: err #ubuntu-offtopic13:29
deveahhhow do I do that?13:29
coleysQuantumKaos: Linux... Is always a better server.13:29
SolarisBoyalways a better one13:29
dunks_not it's not coleys13:29
dunks_and SolarisBoy13:29
SolarisBoyYES IT IS13:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:29
JoeMI set up RAID 0 via the MB (Intel Matrix Storage Manager) but the 9.04 installer still sees two disks... how can I fix this?13:29
QuantumKaoscoleys: i heard about that but id like to see who actually uses it13:30
dunks_"YEAH OK LOL"13:30
Bilbo_BagginsWhat is wrong with Solaris?13:30
coleysIt actually is =P But your entitled to your oppinion.13:30
bazhangtake chat elsewhere please13:30
dunks_Ok, and how's that coleys? :)13:30
SolarisBoyhence the majority the business world builds on it13:30
bazhangdunks_, SolarisBoy Bilbo_Baggins #ubuntu-offtopic13:30
testiRecently i installed wine from winehq sources. Now it installed a few fonts, but I have the impression that these fonts are also used in other applications than wine (e.g. firefox). Is Verdana an original font preinstalled with Ubuntu? That font is displayed on a web page, and I really don't like the look of it. I don't think it's an original font.13:30
dunks_No it doesn't, Windows has the majority share13:30
SolarisBoysrry ... i was being human =)13:30
SolarisBoyand oh.. windows has majority of workstations13:31
SolarisBoynot servers13:31
DhavaL_I have returned13:31
DhavaL_This is what it says pre-install13:32
DhavaL_If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks.13:32
DhavaL_Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually.13:32
DhavaL_WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as13:32
DhavaL_well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.13:32
DhavaL_The partition tables of the following devices are changed:13:32
FloodBot2DhavaL_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
DhavaL_ SCSI5 (0,0,0) (sda)13:32
aguitelanyone know how upgrade firefox-3.0.11 to firefox-3.5 with repositories ?13:32
bazhang!ff35 > aguitel13:32
ubottuaguitel, please see my private message13:32
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY13:33
DhavaL_If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks.13:33
DhavaL_Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually.13:33
DhavaL_WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as13:33
DhavaL_well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.13:33
DhavaL_The partition tables of the following devices are changed:13:33
DhavaL_ SCSI5 (0,0,0) (sda)13:33
FloodBot2DhavaL_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:33
dunks_SolarisBoy: http://resources.zdnet.co.uk/articles/features/0,1000002000,39424186,00.htm article from 2008, so not that old, 80% of servers surveyed run windows13:33
bazhangDhavaL_, dont paste here13:33
dunks_sorry, 81%13:33
bazhangdunks_, please stop13:33
moncky!paste | DhavaL_13:33
ubottuDhavaL_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:33
ubuntunewbiehi , does anyone know how to play midi file ? using ubuntu 8.04 , i tried numerous player but non of them successfully play mid13:33
monckyubuntunewbie: you would need a midi sequencer13:34
DungeI inadvertently copied the /usr folder from a ARM device over the /usr folder of my ubuntu machine while trying to move it to somewhere else (I know, this is very bad and stupide). So afterward I took the /usr data from another VMWare macine who had the same image and copied it over... but I'm getting some stange behavior... is my installation good for the thrash?13:34
ubuntunewbiemoncky: ? where to find it ?13:34
monckyubuntunewbie: raspberry or somthing irrc13:34
monckyubuntunewbie: the only ones I have ever used are external hardware devices13:35
monckyubuntunewbie: what is it you are trying to do exactly?13:35
ubuntunewbiemoncky: I mean a .mid which I found at the internet13:35
bamballhello! Does anyone experience random firefox freeze from time to time on x64 ubuntu??13:35
ubuntunewbiemoncky: I can't use amarok or other player to play it13:35
ubuntunewbiemoncky: not sure which plugin , it run but no sound13:35
DhavaL_Well? What do I do. Will I have to delete my partition table?13:36
monckyubuntunewbie: midi is not an audio file, its more like a communications protocol13:36
wapkobamball: i did when i used flashblocker. but since i removed it, no more problems13:36
ubuntunewbiemoncky: huh ? sorry new to ubuntu , any way to play it ?13:36
bamballvapko: is that part of firefox by default?13:36
wapkobamball: no, it isnt13:37
reZois it possible to resize an extended partition, it contains two logical partitions which are both full, i'm wanting to resize one of the logical one's, therefore need to change the extended partition size, is this possible?13:37
monckyubuntunewbie: do you have a midi controler?13:37
monckyubuntunewbie: http://tinyurl.com/ef5sm13:37
reZoand i have alot of unallocated space which i want to resize the extended partition into13:37
DhavaL_WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.13:38
bamballwapko: I am experiencing this on 2 machines, one intel laptop and one AMD desktop.. but usually it only happens 3 times a day, each freeze can last for 10 to 20 seconds13:38
DhavaL_This is what I get wehn I try to install Ubuntu;13:39
ubuntunewbiemoncky: i dont have that piano board13:39
DhavaL_What do I do?13:39
ubuntunewbiemoncky: erm , I just wanted to play a midi song....13:39
monckyubuntunewbie: or http://tinyurl.com/pq4v9v but you still need somthing to generate the sound13:39
bazhangubuntunewbie, play? or convert13:39
bazhangrosegarden should be able to play it13:39
bazhang!info rosegarden | ubuntunewbie13:39
ubottuubuntunewbie: rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.7.2-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 3885 kB, installed size 9552 kB13:39
wapkobamball: i dont experience that. i have both an intel desktop and an amd laptop. so i dont know what you can do about it13:40
testiI'd like to remove all unoriginal fonts from my system (the wine package of winehq installed me some ugly fonts and they appear in firefox) How do I remove these?13:40
monckyubuntunewbie: why not get the mp3? it would make more sense13:40
bamballwapko: Maybe it's my house's power-supply LOL13:40
DhavaL_WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.13:41
monckyubuntunewbie: with midi you still need a seperate bit of hardware to make the sound13:41
DhavaL_so what can I do?13:41
ubuntunewbiemoncky: sorry , kinda complicated to understand. is it same as mp3 ?13:41
DhavaL_Can anyone hear me?13:42
ubuntunewbiemoncky: it's just some Final fantasy mid battle song that I had downloaded , nothing much13:42
JediMasterhey guys, I'm being told by our host that because our VPS virtual machine (running through Xen I believe) uses LVM for the drives that it's not possible to re-partition the virtual machine's drive. Does that actually make any sense??13:42
bazhangDhavaL_, what are you trying to do? edit partition table, then what13:42
JediMasterthere's currently a swap and ext3 root partition13:42
DhavaL_I am not trying to edit the partition table exactly13:42
viseDhavaL_, Just do it.. Are you sure you selected the right partition to install? If yes.. do it!13:42
DhavaL_I have 30 gb free memory13:42
monckyubuntunewbie: read the wiki article, MIDI contains no audio13:42
DhavaL_i tell it to install Ubuntu on it.13:42
monckyubuntunewbie: nothing like MP313:42
bazhangDhavaL_, explain clearly then what you are trying to do13:43
ubuntunewbiemoncky: oh..13:43
DhavaL_But then it tells me this13:43
bazhangDhavaL_, yes we saw13:43
DhavaL_I'm trying to install Ubuntu on 30 gb free space13:43
DhavaL_I am using the partition editor I get during install13:43
viseDhavaL_, Read it again.. You have not formatted any other partition have you? Then how will you lose data?13:43
ubuntunewbiemoncky: so , the only way playing it is to install rosegarden ?13:43
bazhangDhavaL_, and you have backed-up important data?13:43
DhavaL_Well why would I need to13:43
DhavaL_hang on..13:43
bazhangbecause it's important?13:44
DhavaL_If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually. WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.13:44
DhavaL_This is what it tells me pre-install and then:13:44
dmascletjoin #vod_zne13:44
bazhangDhavaL_, yes we saw; did you back up important data?13:45
DhavaL_The partition tables of the following devices are changed: SCSI5 (0,0,0) (sda)The following partitions are going to be formatted:partition #10 of SCSI5 (0,0,0) (sda) as swap partition #9 of SCSI5 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext313:45
exia_hi people i have a problem trying to jump over an MKV file in smplayer13:45
DhavaL_Well I don' think I have to13:45
viseDhavaL_, That statement does not mean that it will delete data not on your install partition... *paranoia*13:45
exia_i cant jump anywhere over it :(13:45
DhavaL_it does give me that warning13:45
bazhangDhavaL_, always a good idea to have a back up13:46
DhavaL_I know, I know13:46
DhavaL_But I don't want to lose my WinXP install13:46
bazhangwithout is At your own risk13:46
DhavaL_just have Linux and Windows13:46
bazhangexia_, vlc should play that13:47
exia_bazhang, yes it plays but the video lags a little13:47
DhavaL_so i should go ahead and let it install?13:47
bazhangexia_, probably the video quality13:48
exia_bazhang, it's h264 24 minute video 368 mb, in smplayer it works perfect but i cant' jump13:48
bazhangexia_, ah I see13:48
exia_bazhang, do you know how can i set vlc the way it could play my mkvs faster?13:48
imsantosohelp, anyone using skype13:48
bazhangexia_, there is a setting in vlc to play faster (ie Fast Forward button) mouse over will reveal it13:49
mauriziojoin #ubuntu.it13:49
bazhangmaurizio, /join #ubuntu-it13:50
DhavaL_If i use WuBI, it'll use a virtual machine, won't it?13:51
exia_bazhang, well i cant find that setting :(13:51
bazhangDhavaL_, not really13:51
viseDhavaL_, No... WUBI does a vfs over disk images13:51
exia_bazhang, truly i dont rly know what are you talking about :)13:51
bazhangvise, for more info on ghost /msg ubottu !ghost13:51
DhavaL_it'll still dual boot?13:51
dreimarkhow can i reactivate eth0?13:51
viseDhavaL_, It will treat files of images as filesystems and mount them...13:52
bazhangexia_, there are two windows for vlc, the player window and the controller bar13:52
Kellermanifconfig eth0 down, then up..13:52
dreimarkI have replaed my hd to a identical system. everything works besided /dev/eth0 is missing13:52
DhavaL_so when i reboot13:52
DhavaL_How do I boot to Ubuntu?13:52
viseDhavaL_, If you are still a paranoid, you might try WUBI install.. It is not slow..13:52
[[webrat]]hi... i am using a "M2N68-AM SE2" and having some issues installing the graphics controller13:52
bazhangexia_, in the controller bar, there are buttons; mouse over them (move your mouse briefly and hold over them) and reveal their function13:52
[[webrat]]is there any possible way i can optimize my screen resolution?13:52
DhavaL_But how is it different from installing in some partition?13:53
DhavaL_it isn't right?13:53
dreimarkwhat can i do when there is no /dev/eth0 /dev/eth1 ?13:53
bazhangDhavaL_, grub will handle that13:53
[[webrat]]hi... i am using a "M2N68-AM SE2" and having some issues installing the graphics controller13:53
quesoI am having trouble getting my wireless working.  I've started a thread to get some help, but no one has responded: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1203540  If you have any time, I'd appreciate your help. Thanks ;)13:53
[[webrat]]is there any possible way i can optimize my screen resolution?13:53
DhavaL_I see...13:53
DhavaL_So it is like installing on a partiton13:53
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.13:53
bazhang[[webrat]], dont repeat so quickly13:53
exia_bazhang, yes but oh well... maybe i said it incorrectly... i just need VLC play my video faster without any lags13:53
bazhangDhavaL_, no, it is installing a file in Windows (like add/remove)13:54
esbexia_:  What rig do you got ?13:54
prathameshi want to use ekiga for video chatting. when i open ekiga it showing me error that ekiga failed to configure ur network automatically. so u hav to configure it automatically. & it given me error & a website link http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Enable_port_forwarding_manually which is wiki page. so i went through the instruction & tried to change my router settings as per the instruction in services & chekout nat in that nat option i selected nat optio13:54
DhavaL_i'll go with that13:54
prathameshcan i use ekiga w/o doing all these things13:54
exia_esb, ehh rig?)13:54
DhavaL_I've done it before13:54
viseDhavaL_, WUBI will keep the whole ubuntu install in a folder in your windows drive..13:54
[[webrat]]do i still have a chance on my ne3w machine?13:54
DhavaL_I see...13:54
DhavaL_well that's nice13:55
esbexia_: AMD, intel ... amount of ram etc13:55
DhavaL_and it'll also install grub?13:55
kerimbasoliptables -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT13:55
MaT-dg1I want to settup a php5/mysql server on ubuntu13:55
exia_esb, ah well core 2 duo 2,1 ghz, 1 gm ram, geforce 8600 gts 256 mb13:55
vise!enter | DhavaL_13:55
ubottuDhavaL_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:55
JediMastercan anyone think of a way of resizing the root partition while it's mounted? the machine has only just been installed, so can afford to screw it up (it's a VM and has almost instant restore)13:55
viseDhavaL_, No.. No grub.. It uses ntldr / bootmgr for Xp/vista to install the ubuntu entry.. No change to anything..13:56
kerimbasolyou can only do with xfs file system.When your system working13:56
kerimbasolfor resize13:56
DhavaL_:) Yay. Ok then. Here we go...13:56
esbexia_:  If it's 1080p you trying to play it might be slow. I suggest you use SMplayer and activate multi threaded decoding and allow frame drop (x.264 only)13:56
imsantoso_help, anyone use skype13:57
JediMasterkerimbasol: what about in recovery mode from grub?13:57
bamballesb: does 9.04 mplayer come with multi-threaded support by default?13:57
exia_esb, but i played such videos earlier in windows using the kmplayer %)13:57
kerimbasolWhat will you do with grub ?13:57
exia_esb, if i use smplayer it doesnt allow me to jump over the MKV13:57
exia_esb, but it works perfect in it, but VLC lags13:57
JediMasterkerimbasol: I mean the recovery option that ubuntu adds to grub, doesn't that put you in single user mode?13:58
esbexia_: It should be just the same as mplayer.13:58
esbbamball: I don't know.. I only use SMplayer. It' probably the same though13:58
kerimbasolJediMaster: I know recovery mode of grub.I can fix my boot solutions with a live or rescue cd13:58
kerimbasolJediMaster: and then rewrite grub with my own configuration13:59
ethanolis there a good tutorial/faq somewhere on automounting an smb share from a network machine?13:59
JediMasterkerimbasol: I can't boot from an image/cd, it's a VPS/virtual machine with no ability to upload/specify an image to boot from13:59
bamballesb: I had to download the source to build a version which has multi-threaded support in 8.10.. dun want to do this again after upgrade...13:59
kerimbasolethanol: I can send an example about automount13:59
ethanolthat would be swell too. pastebin perhaps?14:00
exia_esb, well okay frame drop is allowed in smplayer but14:00
esbbamball: Use SMplayer and you'll have it included14:00
kerimbasolJediMaster: instert iso image and boot with it14:00
exia_esb, but i still cant find that multi threaded encoding14:00
JediMasterkerimbasol: read what I just wrote, I can't boot from anything other than the installed OS (ubuntu 9.04)14:01
kerimbasol/   /network/linksys/backup cifs    username=administrator,password=secret 0 014:01
esbunder settings and preformance14:01
kerimbasolethanol: this is fstab14:01
kerimbasolethanol: ok ?14:01
ethanolcifs is for samba?14:01
bamballesb: I dun think so.. SMplayer is just a front-end to call the mplayer binary.. i tried b4 on 8.10, didn't really use more than 100% cpu until i point my mplayer binary to the custom build one (i use smplayer too)14:01
dbuggerhi guys!14:02
kerimbasol //   /network/linksys/backup cifs    username=administrator,password=secret 0 014:02
kerimbasolethanol : this correct14:02
esbexia_: ... set Threads for decoding (MPEG-1/2 and H.264).. set it to more than 1... I use the same as the amount of processor-cores14:02
kerimbasolethanol: yes cifs for samba you can use smbfs instead of it14:02
dbuggerLet's see if you can help me with this. Im quite rusty on me shell skills... If I have 3 commands, say cmd1, cmd2 and cmd3, and I want to run cmd2 after cmd1, but I dont want to wait for them to finnish to do cmd3, how would I write that???14:02
=== dale is now known as nibsa1242b
kerimbasolJediMaster: which vm do you use ?14:03
ethanolI need to mkdir /net or /network first I presume?14:03
DungeI inadvertently copied the /usr folder from a ARM device over the /usr folder of my ubuntu machine while trying to move it to somewhere else (I know, this is very bad and stupid). So afterward I took the /usr data from another VMWare machine who had the same image as mine and copied it over... but I'm getting some strange behavior... and now i'm stuck in initramfs. Is my installation good for the thrash?14:03
exia_esb, okay thanks. well i didnt found that14:03
exia_esb, in smplayer in performance14:03
kerimbasolethanol:  /network better in  redhat i encoured with a problem14:04
exia_esb, theres only allow frame drop and its switched on14:04
Ranakahhi... i have one problem...14:04
esbexia_: no Threads for decoding ?14:04
vigodbugger: Are you using the Tab things?14:04
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Ranakahand when i push CTRL+D system work normaly... but then i don't see /boot partition14:04
dbuggerwhat tab thing?14:04
esbexia_:  You using the 0.6.7 version ?14:04
exia_esb, ah yeah i see, min14:04
nibsa1242bNeed GRUB help, I'm building a computer for a friend... They have decided to allow me to put Ubuntu on it. They want windows to be the default booting OS. I see in the menu.lst file I can set a # for a default option, but that seems like with every kernel update the # for Windows ( the last entry ) will change. Can I make windows ( or any other OS ) the first option without screwing anything up?14:04
exia_esb, well i set it 214:05
vigodbugger: In Terminal one can use multiple tabs.14:05
exia_esb, but i still cant jump over the video :-)14:05
exia_esb, its my main problem... not performance14:05
visedbugger, cmd1; cmd2; (cmd3 &)14:05
dbuggervigo, it's for scriting actually..14:05
esbexia_:  What output driver do you use ?14:05
dbuggerty vise!14:05
[[webrat]]is there any possible way i can optimize my screen resolution?14:05
exia_esb, XV14:05
visedbugger, Not sure! try first...14:05
dbuggerI will!14:06
kerimbasolnibsa1242b: you can make your default selection from default14:06
esbexia_: Sorry... can't be of anymore help = / Good luck anyways14:06
kerimbasolnibsa1242b: from menu.lst14:06
exia_esb, thanks you too man :) i'll try to solve this problem14:06
dbuggervise, not really good... I keep getting them in order14:06
[[webrat]]hi... i am using a "M2N68-AM SE2" and having some issues installing the graphics controller14:07
vigolet me test that,,,,14:07
visedbugger, Put cmd3 & as the first one instead.. That should dispatch cmd3 in background..14:07
exia_esb, yeah!14:07
nibsa1242bkerimbasol: problem is... if I make #6 default now, and then a kernel update comes out, the desired default OS would move to #9 but it would still default to whatever #7 is14:07
exia_esb, i solved it :D seems that that MKV was broken, i just switched on one option ...14:07
dbuggervise, the thing is im scripting for PHP and I have to call some "exec" function" but I want to keep displaying my page while the server processes :S14:07
Medo42I'm using the Karmic alpha and gdm stopped working. It only shows a "busy" mouse cursor on a black screen. I can move the corsor but nothing else happens.14:08
exia_esb, Rebuild index if needed14:08
esbexia_: Congrats =)14:08
exia_esb, it's called ... yeah im so glad14:08
kerimbasolnibsa1242b: i understood.Which version ubuntu do you use14:08
visedbugger, So did you try (cmd3 &); cmd1; cmd2 ?14:08
nibsa1242bkerimbasol: 9.0414:08
dbuggerthe thing is that there's not really a 3rd command, I just want to send the output of "cmd1; cmd2; to other flow that's not the screen14:09
indusMedo42: use ubuntu+1 channel14:09
dbuggerto put it simple, how would you execute a script.sh so that you can keep using the terminal while it's being executed?14:10
MK13dbugger, drag it into an already open terminal14:10
kerimbasolnibsa1242b: I forget its command but a command recreate the menu.lst.I am trying to remmember14:10
kerimbasolat kernel update14:10
dbuggerMK13, im scripting for PHP. Cant do that14:10
dbuggerwb vise14:11
MK13dbugger,  i don't think it would let you use it while executing my way anyway14:11
dbuggerto put it simple, how would you execute a script.sh so that you can keep using the terminal while it's being executed?14:11
visedbugger, ./script.sh &14:11
dbuggerIm gonna try that...14:11
kerimbasolnibsa1242b: i remembered the name of command update-grub this is your beginning14:12
easwarhow do you redirect stderr to /dev/null ?14:12
easwarlike command &(1,2,3,what?)>/dev/null14:12
kerimbasoleaswar: you will use like this echo 2>&114:12
kerimbasoleaswar: you will use like this echo Hello 2>&114:12
visedbugger, You can't use that with sudo though...14:12
kerimbasoleaswar: this is redirect stdout14:13
dbuggerI dont need sudo :)14:13
easwarkerimbasol, ok,and stderr?14:13
kerimbasoleaswar: this is stderr to stdout if you want to redirect stdout to stderr echo Hello 1>&214:13
viseHow do I exit the shell which has the child process as this xchat without exiting xchat.. Can you reparent or something?14:14
kerimbasoleaswar: if file redirection echo 2>&/tmp/error.txt14:14
kerimbasoleaswar: ok ?14:15
Titan8990vise, launch xchat with: xchat & disown14:15
MaT-dg1I want to install torrentflux-b4rt, but have no idea how to set up database in mysql14:15
viseTitan8990, So i can't do anything now.. :(14:15
easwarkerimbasol, yeah.but now I want to run this command in background,so command & 2>/dev/null , correct?14:15
Titan8990vise, if you atleast sent it to background you can still disown it14:15
kerimbasoleaswar: It isnt corrent command sythax14:16
Titan8990vise, but no, not if its in foreground of the terminal14:16
viseTitan8990, Yes.. it is in background already14:16
easwarkerimbasol, then?14:16
viseTitan8990, How do i do it?14:16
kerimbasoleaswar: command 2>&/dev/null this is correct one14:16
ubuntunewbiemoncky: installed rosegarden but still no sound .. the mid runs but no sound14:16
easwarkerimbasol, then bash gives me ambiguous redirect14:17
kerimbasoleaswar: i saw background question now14:17
ubuntunewbiemoncky: JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running14:17
ubuntunewbiewhat does JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running means ?14:17
lstarneseaswar: try command 2>/dev/null &14:17
viseTitan8990, How do I disown xchat which i started as background?14:17
ethanolwhich log contains fstab errors? some entries are not being mounted and I don't know why :(14:17
lstarnesvise: just type disown14:17
viselstarnes, Should I exit the shell now then?14:18
easwarlstarnes, thanks that worked14:18
kerimbasoleaswar: wait a minute14:18
lstarnesvise: see if it works14:18
easwarkerimbasol, ok14:18
viselstarnes, Okay.. If it doesnt.. Il reconnect and kill you... lol14:18
lstarneseaswar: I usually use command >/dev/null 2>&1 &14:18
lstarneseaswar: that will redirect both stdout and stderr14:19
easwarlstarnes, hmm,right now I was trying to find a way stop conky telling me it's drawing to double buffer and all14:19
viseyay! lstarnes.. It worked.. You are safe..14:20
j0nrhi all14:20
ubuntunewbiewhat does JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running means ?14:20
easwarkerimbasol, ??14:20
lstarnesubuntunewbie: it means exactly that14:20
JoeMactionparsnip1 you still here?14:20
lstarnesubuntunewbie: you are not running the jack server14:20
kerimbasoleaswar: command 2>/dev/null try this14:20
ubuntunewbielstarnes: what is a jackserver?14:20
kerimbasoleaswar: command 2>/dev/null & try this14:20
easwarkerimbasol, that's exactly what lstarnes said,and it worked14:21
JoeMguess not14:21
lstarnesubuntunewbie: it's commonly known as jackd.  It's one of several audio servers14:21
lstarneseaswar: no, it's not.  kerimbasol's command does not redirect stdout14:21
easwarlstarnes, your first command14:21
JoeMI am doing a complete update (hardware, os, etc) old was 8.10 32b and new is 9.04 64b, I have a list of all the packages my 32b had installed, if I just go and install them all that shouldn't break anything should it?14:22
kerimbasolthanx :)14:22
easwarlstarnes, when you first joined this conversation14:22
ethanolwhich log contains fstab errors? some entries are not being mounted and I don't know why :(14:22
ubuntunewbielstarnes: i really have no idea , I still can't play midi files14:22
lstarnesubuntunewbie: what are you using to play them?14:22
easwarJoeM, you will have to get the 64 bit packages,you won't be able to use any packages you might have backed-up(well,you could,but it's not recommended)14:23
susscorf1my printer supports stapling where can i find the option if ubuntu supports it ?14:23
JoeMeaswar I mean I just have a list (the one the bot says to make for cloning), I woudl assume it would automatically choose the 64b version of them... unless the name is different too14:24
easwarJoeM, Are you talking of a list generated by Synaptic?14:24
ubuntunewbielstarnes: tried using amarok , rythmbox , audiacous all not working14:24
evonise`empwhen I try to install ubuntu on my old laptop (Acer Aspire 1310) it freezes on install, also on alternate install, what can I try to do to fix it?14:24
JoeMeaswar aptitude, but basically yes14:24
JoeMeaswar just a list of package names14:24
easwarevonise`emp, RAM?14:25
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:25
evonise`empeaswar i did a mem test14:25
lstarnesubuntunewbie: I usually use rosegarden with timidity for midi files14:25
JoeMeaswar I did that (first half)14:25
easwarJoeM, hmm,I never migrated from 32 to 64,when I did,it was because my HDD crashed14:25
dbuggerHow can I redirect the output of a script to another output so that it wont bother me??14:25
easwarJoeM, I shouldn't think it should break anything14:26
JoeMeaswar guess I'll find out the hard way!  It's a clean install so no harm if it screws things up14:26
lstarnesdbugger: do you want to redirect somewhere where you can retrieve it later, or do you want to discard the output?14:26
easwarevonise`emp, I meant amount of RAM14:26
kerimbasoldbugger: do you want to pipe mechanism14:26
evonise`empeaswar i have 512 mb ;o14:26
ubuntunewbielstarnes: I jsut downloaded rosegarden but it show JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running14:26
jcapincalright when is ubuntu releasing FF 3.5?14:26
easwarevonise`emp, have you ever tried ubuntu on this machine earlier?14:26
lstarnes!ff35 | jcapinc14:26
ubottujcapinc: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY14:26
ubuntunewbielstarnes: timidity ?14:26
evonise`empeaswar no i havent...14:27
dbuggerIm executing a "exec" call in PHP but I want the web to keep rendering, and the PHP web says this: "If a program is started with this function, in order for it to continue running in the background, the output of the program must be redirected to a file or another output stream. Failing to do so will cause PHP to hang until the execution of the program ends."14:27
JoeMeaswar loving this new SSD, install so speedy14:27
easwarJoeM, :)14:27
lstarnesubuntunewbie: it's a cli-based midi player and server14:27
easwarevonise`emp, hmm14:27
* easwar thinks14:27
kerimbasoldbugger: may be you can use popen and it is a kind of stream like file stream14:28
dbuggerwhat's "popen"?14:28
kerimbasoldbugger: You can send its output to users web browser...14:28
=== Amy is now known as iga
easwardbugger, pipe open14:28
dbuggerlol :D14:28
kerimbasoldbugger: it is a kind of async process output communication14:29
dbuggerso simply $popen("./script.sh")14:29
kerimbasoldbugger: yes ;)14:29
dbuggerlet's try..14:29
ubuntunewbielstarnes: should I install timidity ?14:29
lstarnesubuntunewbie: yes14:29
ubuntunewbielstarnes: ok14:29
easwarevonise`emp, sorry,no idea,maybe try adding boot parameters like acpi=off and noapic14:29
^cheekyhi,err i kind put some of my music albums and other files in the trash and i cant seem to restore it, when i click and move it even to the desktop it says, no file or directory exists, maybe coz it was deleted ... how can i restore my files14:29
JoeMok... that's not good14:30
lstarnesubuntunewbie: I've heard that fluidsynth is supposedly better14:30
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ubuntunewbielstarnes: will let you know after I install , take some time since my connenction speed wasn't that good14:30
evonise`empeaswar ok, im not that into linux, so ill google :)14:30
kerimbasol^cheeky: You can restore with testdisk photorec14:30
easwarevonise`emp, lol14:30
lstarnesubuntunewbie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/SoftwareSynthesisHowTo might be useful14:30
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kerimbasol^cheeky: Or wait a minute i will better recovery software advice14:31
JoeMI think I was dumb and forgot to set the boot flag on the OS drive14:31
IGITIHIHi everyone! I have a problem with rar files. Can someone help me?14:31
JoeManyway to fix that without reinstalling?14:31
evonise`empeaswar thanks14:31
^cheekykerimbasol, so there is no restore function .. :/14:31
dbuggerna, that doesnt work on the shell :( only in C programming14:32
swoodyevonise`emp:  did you do anything to cause the freeze?14:32
easwarty swaj14:32
Baba_B00ieanyone know of a bug in firefox 3.0.11 where it erases the bookmarks ?14:32
easwarty swoody14:32
swoodyeaswar:  yup :)14:32
kerimbasol^cheeky: http://www.howtoforge.net/recover-deleted-files-with-scalpel14:32
swoodyevonise`emp:  or have you run memtest on your laptop recently?14:33
easwarswoody, yeah,he has14:33
swoodyah, ok good14:33
evonise`empswoody, i was installing ubuntu from the cd14:34
swoodyevonise`emp:  and it came up with no errors?14:34
* easwar watches on the sidelines14:34
zak_ ima connected to a distant machine using ssh , how can i launch amarok on that distant machine14:34
evonise`empswoody u mean the memtest?14:34
swoodyevonise`emp:  yes14:34
kerimbasol^cheeky: another one is "foremost"14:34
kerimbasol^cheeky: ok ?14:34
evonise`empswoody, when installing with grapical interface, it freezed at 22 %, and at alternate install on 83 %14:34
zak_ ima connected to a distant machine using ssh , how can i launch amarok on that distant machine*14:35
^cheekykerimbasol, yeah man thank you iam reading up on scalpel14:35
swoodyevonise`emp:  it sounds like you don't have enough HDD space14:35
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:35
^cheekykerimbasol, what do you use ?14:35
evonise`empswoody the memtest was busy for 1,5 hours or somthimg, i dont know what it was still doing, but it ran fine i guess14:35
easwar!repeat| zak_14:35
ubottuzak_: please see above14:35
swoodyevonise`emp:  is this a clean install, or is there another OS on your HDD?14:35
kerimbasol^cheeky: if you select file by type i can advice foremost14:35
evonise`empswoody there is somthing on the hdd, but i chose to use the whole disk14:35
susscorf1my printer supports stapling where can i find the option if ubuntu supports it ?14:35
evonise`empswoody and the hdd is 30 gb14:35
swoodyevonise`emp:  what options did you pick during install? To use the entire drive?14:36
evonise`empswoody yes, i did not really understand the linux partitioning, but as far as i know i used the whole disk14:36
viseWhere can I get xserver-xorg-input-synaptics driver source code for ubuntu? Driver is installed.. But it is buggy while tapping.. So it would be cool if i get to change it...14:36
easwarevonise`emp, if you wanted to use the whole disk,you would have chosen the first option14:36
kerimbasol^cheeky: http://www.howtoforge.net/recover-deleted-files-with-foremost14:37
evonise`empeaswar in graphical or alternate install?14:37
kerimbasol^cheeky: ok ?14:37
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easwarevonise`emp, graphical14:37
evonise`empeaswar ok14:37
* easwar has alternate CDs but never used them14:37
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swoodyevonise`emp:  on the installation, did you select to "Install Ubuntu to entire hard drive", "Install Ubuntu to entire free space on hard drive",  or do it manually?14:37
ethanolok. so I mounted an smb share. but it tries to read usernames from my local machine, rather than from remote server.14:37
^cheekykerimbasol, thank you14:37
kerimbasol^cheeky: i understood you will rescue only mp3 hence select foremost.Did i understand right ?14:37
evonise`empswoody on the entire disk14:37
evonise`empswoody i will try it again, but what i dont understand: why doesnt it give an error then like: you dont have enough space?14:38
^cheekykerimbasol, well .avi/ mp314:38
swoodyevonise`emp:  well you may want to check the installation media. So when you boot from the liveCD again, try running the option "Test install disc for errors"14:38
simoncpuhello fellow weirdos14:38
simoncpuanyone here uses digiKam?14:38
swoodyevonise`emp:  it'll be on the menu that first comes up when you boot from the disc14:39
bishopEemp  what os were u runnin?14:39
=== davidebian is now known as Davidebian
* easwar no KDE14:39
evonise`empswoody i did that the time when i used the desktop iso and the graphical setup, it returned with no errors14:39
evonise`empswoody and it still freezed14:39
evonise`empswoody i will do it now with the alternate iso14:40
swoodyevonise`emp:  what kind of HDD do you have? i.e. who's it made by?14:40
* ivalladt is back. 14:40
evonise`empswoody ok wait14:40
J_Phey all, what package contain arial.ttf font?14:40
ivalladtJ_P: apt-file14:40
evonise`empswoody 30 GB HDD IBM Travelstar 2.5" 4200 RPM (Serial nummer: IC25N030ATCS04-0)14:41
swoodyevonise`emp:  one sec....14:41
evonise`empswoody thanks mate14:41
karamellahi all ( indus ) r u their14:42
indusof course iam14:42
simoncpuget a room14:43
indusok :D14:43
dbuggerjoin #bash14:43
induskaramella: so is your problem solved?14:43
induskaramella: what is the problem tell14:44
karamellai copied all font in ttf14:44
mickster04good afternoon indus14:44
indusmickster04: good evening mickster0414:44
karamellabut the file i wanna to read is not combat-able14:44
induskaramella: what file is this? and what is the error14:44
swoodyevonise`emp:  go ahead and try the mini.iso, but if that doesn't work for you either, you may want to try and run a complete diagnostic on your HDD. Here is the link from your manufacture's website straight to it: http://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/support/download.htm#DFT14:44
swoodyevonise`emp:  you'll need to download the .iso for Drive Fitness Test, burn it to a cd, and run it in your computer14:45
karamellacould i send the file to u and tell me what the suitable font14:45
evonise`empswoody what is the mini.iso?14:46
* easwar thinks Debian14:46
swoodyevonise`emp:  oh, sorry. The alternate install of Ubuntu14:46
evonise`empswoody i have the alternate install iso14:46
induskaramella: yes14:46
indussend it14:47
evonise`empswoody: ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso14:47
karamella1 sec14:47
lynnDoes anyone running Jaunty have an issue with Firefox not properly un-maximizing?  (it stays the maximum size when you un-maximize instead of going back to the last-known unmaximized size).14:47
swoodyevonise`emp:  yeah, that's what I meant, sry :)14:47
indusmickster04: how are things mic14:47
mickster04indus fine, u got that one sorted? anyone not eing seen to?14:47
evonise`empswoody, and what do i want to do with that iso?14:47
evonise`empswoody i already tried to install that one, but it freezed at 83 %14:48
mickster04lynn, havec u got compiz set up, and are uu using themes?14:48
evonise`empswoody its now checking for errors on the CD14:48
indusevonise`emp: disconnect network cable and you will reach 100 %14:48
evonise`empindus i dont have any network cable lol14:48
indusevonise`emp: its a silly bug14:48
evonise`empindus :(14:48
indusevonise`emp: disconnect wireless then14:48
evonise`empindus disconnect wireless :S?14:49
lynnmickster04: no compiz or themes.14:49
indusevonise`emp:/me wonders how to disconnect a wireless con :)14:49
evonise`empindus this laptop doesnt have a wireless onboard14:49
* indus wonders14:49
* evonise`emp wonders indeed14:49
mickster04lynn ok just checking...sometimes they have issue with each other, nm then14:49
evonise`empswoody, but what do u think, that i should try that drive fitness test?14:49
indusevonise`emp: hmm then wait for it to get over the freeze, probably feeling chilly at 83 %14:50
evonise`empindus, you think it will go on after some time?14:50
evonise`empindus i think i let it at 83, for about 30 mins14:50
evonise`empindus on the graphical ionstall i could see if the mouse was still moving :P14:50
Hellscreami am cornholio14:50
evonise`empswoody indus, the cd check returned no errors14:50
Davidebianmay the cd be broken?14:51
swoodyevonise`emp:  good, good. Try burning that HD fitness test I linked you, and run that14:51
Hellscreamya cd are boken14:51
indusevonise`emp: the point where it freezes, what is the installer doing? it will be saying something14:51
bazhangHellscream, please stop14:51
korwI'm setting up a ubuntu file server at the moment and I'm unsure of the best RAID configuration with 4 drives. Any advice out there for me? :)14:52
evonise`empindus, i cant remmeber i will try it again now14:52
indusevonise`emp: its a live cd correct?14:52
Hellscreamwhen will karmic reach rc stage?14:52
evonise`empswoody ok i will try that after i checked what indus says14:52
bazhang!karmic > Hellscream14:52
ubottuHellscream, please see my private message14:52
evonise`empindus: its this one: ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso14:52
indusevonise`emp: oh alternate14:52
indusevonise`emp: then iam not sure14:53
evonise`empindus: oh :(14:53
indusevonise`emp: whats wrong with the live cd?14:53
evonise`empindus it also freezed -.-14:53
indusevonise`emp: swoody probably follow swoody advice14:53
indusevonise`emp: freezed at where?14:53
evonise`empindus ok thanks14:53
evonise`empindus at 22% once, and 25% trhe second  time14:53
Davidebianit always falls at 83 % ?14:53
mintuxI set my wireless ip static and it can connects to modem but it can not ping and said Destination Host Unreachable14:54
evonise`empindus dunno what it said there14:54
indusevonise`emp: hmm thats strange, check hard disk cables14:54
evonise`empindus lol. its a laptop, it wroked fine :(14:54
easwarDavidebian, please use nick while addressing someone14:54
bishopEemp  try a reintall linexline with swoody.14:54
indusevonise`emp: hmmmmmmm14:54
evonise`empindus: dunno how i can check that in a laptop :D14:54
evonise`empindus maybe ill try that drive fitness test then14:54
J_Pivalladt: I install apt-file. And after did #apt-file  update  but he stop here. not show messages that updating...14:55
indusevonise`emp: ya thats good too,but do you have software for that?14:55
evonise`empindus, what do u mean?14:55
indusevonise`emp: i mean... how are you gonna check fitness14:55
evonise`empindus i read here that it is a bootable cd14:55
evonise`empindus: http://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/support/download.htm#DFT14:56
Davidebianeaswar: there's a friendly way to do that?14:56
easwarindus, swoody provided a link to manufacturer's software14:56
Hellscream!karmic > indus14:56
ubottuindus, please see my private message14:56
easwarDavidebian, yeah,type the starting characters of a nick and press tab14:56
evonise`empeaswar, is that the manufacturars website :S?14:56
Hellscream!karmic > bazhang14:56
ubottubazhang, please see my private message14:56
indusHellscream: why are you sending me this link? for karmic14:56
easwarevonise`emp, that's what swoody said14:56
Davidebianeaswar:  yeah, just fine14:56
evonise`empeaswar, i have a IBM travelstar, and this site is hitachi's14:56
melhisedek Can I get Xchat to open links right away? And not have to right click on it and select "Open in browser" ?14:57
swoodyevonise`emp:  there is a bootable .iso there. You need to burn it to a CD, and reboot to load it, just like a liveCD14:57
indusHellscream: karmic rc is dated sep 2314:57
evonise`empswoody, ok, but is it ok since this site is hitachi's, and my drive is a IBM travelstar ?14:57
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:57
Hellscreami thought its dated oct 0914:57
bazhangHellscream, yes I know14:57
swoodyevonise`emp:  and don't worry about it saying Hitachi. IBM and Hitachi merged into one company, so that' the correct tool to use14:57
kantxxany squid gurus here?14:57
erxinhi, i use Ubuntu14:58
axisyswhat is a itune like app ?14:58
evonise`empswoody: ok thanks, also easwar and indus: i will try it now cya :)14:58
easwaraxisys, Rhythmbox14:58
easwarerxin, we all do14:58
swoodyevonise`emp:  ok, let us know how it goes :)14:58
easwarevonise`emp, np,besta luck14:58
axisyseaswar: will it let me purchase songs ?14:58
evonise`empi will14:58
Hellscreamdiff between debian and ubuntu packages?14:58
erxini configured my Compiz, but i dont know what i did, now nothing is working of my compiz effects14:58
indusevonise`emp: comeback soon :))14:58
easwaraxisys, not from the iTunes store14:58
erxinhow can i reset to defaults again ?14:58
bazhangHellscream, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic14:58
mickster04erxin, mosts of us do here:P14:59
axisyseaswar: dont care about itune store14:59
axisyseaswar: how about amazon cd?14:59
RickXanyone know how to export a rhythmbox playlist so it can be used in a cd cover?14:59
erxinthen most of u can answer my question :P14:59
mintuxno suggestion ?14:59
easwaraxisys, It has tie-ups with Jamendo and Magnatune14:59
mickster04!ask | erxin14:59
ubottuerxin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:59
mickster04erxin just go for it14:59
axisyseaswar: i just searched for john powell .. found nothing14:59
axisyseaswar: using rhythmbox14:59
erxinthe effects of CompizConfig dont work anymore, how can i reset to defaults ?15:00
DonksHi Can any one please help me?15:00
easwaraxisys, both Jamendo and Magnatune concentrate on non-famous artists15:00
easwarerxin, do you have compizconfig settings manager installed?15:00
indusDonks: mickster04:yeah micster will help you15:00
axisyseaswar: hmm.. i want to listen to the bourne soundtracks.. if i like i then want to purchase15:00
mickster04!ask | donks15:01
ubottudonks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:01
easwarerxin, can't you select what effects you lost?15:01
easwaraxisys, hmm15:01
axisyseaswar: any other tool.. close to itunes?15:01
bishopdonks just ask ?15:02
easwaraxisys, not that I know of15:02
mickster04donks just put my full nick before so i know ur speakin to me:P15:02
erxinno how can i do that15:02
ethanolanyone able to help me debug why my smb shares aren't mounted properly. as in, owners/groups on the remote machine are not recognized as the local machine and reading/writing is screwed up due to this15:02
ethanolnot recognized on the local machine*15:02
axisystrying to see if pandora can help.. so far no go15:02
easwarerxin, um,use the tickboxes in front of the effects?15:02
CrAzYoNiHi all,15:03
DonksI have repartitioned my hdd's and as a result I have wiped ubuntu from the drive, I am now getting a grum erro 17 and cannot boot into windows. I have googled this, I do not have a live cd to change the setting is there anything I can do to fix this?15:03
CrAzYoNiThere is no "write" permission on apache channel.. I hope you'll might help me...15:03
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:03
ActivDoes somebody know openBSD ?15:03
mickster04donks, yeah get a live cd would be the easiest way15:03
easwar!details| CrAzYoNi15:03
ubottuCrAzYoNi: please see above15:03
bazhangActiv, wrong channel for that15:04
Donksis there anyother way to do this?15:04
ActivWhat channel i have to join ?15:04
bazhangActiv, the one for that system15:04
DonksI cant boot from any cd's for some reason including the win cd.15:04
bazhangDonks, what about usb15:04
CrAzYoNiApache2 under Ubuntu Jaunty is configured, by default to hold inside "/etc/apache2/envvars", the path to the file that will hold the PID number of the root Apache - /var/run/apache2.pid15:04
mickster04donks, i've never tried..sorry...an i wouldnt actually know how to..cos it sounds like you can't access the grub settings?15:04
CrAzYoNiI'm writing a script that will make sure that the Apache service is up...15:05
Donksno I cannot input anything the system just hangs there15:05
CrAzYoNiWhat can cause the /var/run/apache2.pid to be without read permission?15:05
xtalmathin Jaunty: originally I got a popup for password everytime I mounted a partition in Computer folder. Now it doesnt. When I mount a vfat partition I can make directories etc, when I mount an ext3 I cant. Both say "could not determine permissions" in the properties pane.15:05
bazhangDonks, nothing boots? can you get into bios?15:05
Titan8990CrazyEddy, check the init script that creates the pid15:06
mickster04donks how do expect to be able to do anything if u can't actually use the system?15:06
bazhangDonks, then set to boot from cd15:06
Donksi have disable all boot devices excpet the cd this also is not working15:06
bazhangsounds like a bad burn Donks15:06
DonksI have always had an issue booting from cd for some reason15:07
bishopfyi there iz a live partition editor u can download and burn if u want to look at partitions.15:07
bazhangmd5 the iso, burn at low speed, then do the disk integrity check Donks15:07
zini2I just installed two libraries (Ogre, OIS) through the package manager. But now a 3rd library complains, that it can't find the .pc files when I run cmake for it. Do I have to take additional actions or is there a problem with the packages or what?15:08
mateoi have a problrm with opera unite, i cant make it work15:08
mickster04donks, is it a pc or laptop?15:08
Donksits a pc15:08
evonise`empswoody, that hdd test cd im running now, what do u expect it will do? can it fix the hdd aswell?15:08
ethanolcome on guys, can anyone help me with smb shares?15:08
mateothink i cant portforward15:08
indushow do i enable language in open office15:09
mickster04donks, (please put my nick at the front, i have to keep searching for you,) mayb try gettin a usb with nbr on it an boot from that, do the grub stuff then try again15:09
mateocan anyone help me?15:09
swoodyevonise`emp:  not sure what the program can do. If it comes across any errors, see if it has a way to try and fix them, but otherwise it may just let us know if there's something wrong with your HDD15:09
evonise`empswoody i understand15:09
mickster04mateo port forwarding is hiandled by the router no?15:09
Donksmickster, what is nbr?15:09
mateoi guess15:10
mateoi have a router15:10
mickster04donks 9.04 comes in three flavours, desktop, server and netbookremix15:10
Anirban1987How to use OpenDNS on an ubuntu LAMP Server ?15:10
GJAfternoon fella's15:10
mickster04donks mickster04 is my nick....15:10
lunixHei people:)   I am trying to make fbi work so I guess I need to  enable my frambuffer by removing it from  /etc/modprobe.dblacklist-framebuffer.conf    My problem is that  I cant find out what videocard thats installed.. Is there any  command to do that??  Or maybe what im doing is not the best way  of fixing it.. If you know a better way please tell also ;)15:10
mickster04mateo, have you had a look at routersettings?15:10
monckyubuntunewbie: hey sorry I was afk, you still need a seperate midi controller to make the noise15:11
monckyubuntunewbie: did you read the article I linked for you15:11
ctmjrlunix, lspci | grep VGA15:11
ubuntunewbiemoncky: is ok15:11
mickster04!pm | mateo15:11
ubottumateo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:11
mickster04donks, u dont have to install it, infact possily better if u dont, but u can use it to boot off a usb stick15:12
ubuntunewbiemoncky: haven't finist all still reading , still i can't play at other media15:12
lunix Thanks ctmjr:)  Ill try that15:12
ubuntunewbiemoncky: other member lstarnes was helping me just now too15:12
GJQuestion: I was wondering how I could set my default audio program, atm when I open an audio file it starts Totem Mediaplayer, but I wan't to use Rythmbox15:12
lesshaste I just installed kile but when I go to Build->Compile it doesn't bring down any options. none of compile, convert, view or other show anything15:13
Donksmickster04, after i get that working on the flash drive can i remove grub?15:13
mickster04 well i would suggest you follow the instructions you saw before, its just u need to boot up off something...so if u dont wanna do a cd, use a usb stick instead15:14
mickster04donks well i would suggest you follow the instructions you saw before, its just u need to boot up off something...so if u dont wanna do a cd, use a usb stick instead15:14
=== neechan is now known as nee-chan
legend2440GJ: right click the audio file choose properties then open with and select  Rhythym box15:15
GJok thanks Legend!15:16
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY15:18
JoeMI'm reinstalling again... but what would cause an error of "OS Fails to load" on a clean install of 9.04 64b?15:18
ubuntunewbielstarnes: i downloaded it and it play midi file :-)15:18
vytasHi. Is it normal for X to use 1GB of memory?15:18
shay27Hello , is it possible to create ssh connection in my local network without typing all the time the ssh password ?15:19
ubuntunewbielstarnes: i didn't use the timidity or syth , I just tried with rosegarden15:19
vytasshay27: just use authentication files15:20
xtalmathneed help mounting15:20
ubuntunewbielstarnes: but some instrument wasn't synchronize as it should be...15:21
Davidebianhey, about firefox 3.5 , when will the icedove clone be ready?15:22
bazhang!ff35 > Davidebian15:22
ubottuDavidebian, please see my private message15:22
lcabriniI'm looking for an application that performs the same function as the gnome character selector applet but does not assume I have a panel to put it on.15:23
=== violin is now known as Guest1234
zirodaylcabrini: such as gcharmap15:24
Davidebianubottu: following your link15:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:24
lcabriniziroday: nope, such as allow me to select a list of characters that I frequently insert.15:24
lcabriniand allow me to push to clipboard15:24
zirodaylcabrini: ah, well perhaps a clipboard manager such as glipper or parcelite then15:25
lcabriniziroday: hm.. still a bit off, unfortunately.15:25
zirodaylcabrini: closest I know of sorry15:25
=== petllama_away is now known as petllama
lcabriniziroday: np, thanks for the help anyways15:26
zirodaylcabrini: good luck15:26
homyHi, is there a demo site that shows all the new features of Firefox 3.5 (Not in a video, I mean one that you access with firefox 3.5 to see it in action)?15:26
zirodayhomy: err what in particular are you looking for?15:26
homyA website which shows e.g. the new css and svg features of firefox 3.515:27
pantera69hy to all15:28
totykoalguien me ayuda con una tarjeta ati 920015:28
zirodayhomy: best I can find is http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/3.5/releasenotes/15:28
pantera69_hy to all15:28
totykono me deja activar los efectos de escrorio15:28
ziroday!es | totyko15:29
ubottutotyko: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:29
pantera69hy to all15:29
kbrosnanhomy: hacks.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org15:29
misteralexanderI am trying to install NDISWRAPPER on a computer with no internet.  So, I'm downloading all the NDISWRAPPER .deb's to a thumb drive and installing it one at a time. Well, it seems, there are like a thousand dependencies . . . causing me to endlessly run back & fourth.  Is there a way to get EVERYTHING all at once, instead of one at a time . . . FOREVER???15:30
homykbrosnan: thanks!15:30
faileasmisteralexander: install it on another box, use apt-on cd to grab all the files it installed15:31
cabreymisteralexander, where are you getting debs from?15:31
indusmisteralexander: maybe use the package from medibuntu,. you will get all15:31
cabreymisteralexander, or use faileas suggestion :)15:31
m477i which option i can change standard browser ?15:31
faileasor use sudo apt-get install -s from another box, and use that to decide what debs to install15:31
zirodaym477: System > Preferences > Preferred Applications15:31
misteralexandercabrey: I'm getting the debs from the "Lenny" "Debian" site.15:32
ziroday!offline | misteralexander15:32
ubottumisteralexander: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:32
m477ziroday: thx15:32
induskaramella: i just sent u email15:32
zirodaymisteralexander: also mixing distro's is *really* not a good idea15:32
misteralexanderindus: I didn't know there was a Medibuntu Package.15:32
bazhangmisteralexander, don't15:32
induskaramella: go to system>administration>language support click on arabic and install15:33
bazhangmisteralexander, breakage will ensue15:33
misteralexanderbazhang:  Good to know, I assumed a deb was a deb was a deb.15:33
DalyorHello all !  I need a irc server francophone for Ubuntu please15:33
misteralexanderbazhang: many thanks15:33
indusbazhang: what breakage15:33
ubuntunewbiemoncky: hi15:33
indusbazhang: thats where i got skype from15:33
ubuntunewbiemoncky: I had install muse but it still keep on saying that jackserver fail15:34
zirodayindus: mixing different distro's debs is dangerous.15:34
zirodayindus: heck mixing different ubuntu releases debs is dangerous15:34
indusziroday: different distros?15:34
bazhangindus, very bad choice. please NEVER recommend that here.15:34
NoNickпо русски помогают ?15:34
bazhangNoNick, #ubuntu-ru15:34
indusam i missing something15:34
zirodayindus: as in its not a good idea to use debian .debs or repositories in ubuntu15:34
indusziroday: aah debian debs15:35
cabreyindus, the skype binary will be the same across many distros15:35
bazhangindus, yes. don't use debian stuff in Ubuntu. ever.15:35
indusyes i forgot, thats 3rd party15:35
indusbazhang: but iam suggesting he search for an ubuntu version there15:35
indushmm oops there is no such thing15:35
bazhangindus, at medibuntu15:36
indusmisteralexander: where did you get ndiswrapper debs from15:36
monckyubuntunewbie: have you asked the muse communtiy15:36
cabreyindus, he already said from the debian repository15:36
indusoh sorry missed it15:37
ubuntunewbiemoncky: community ?15:37
henkboomIs there a way to get gnome to automatically switch to a workspace when a window in it demands focus?15:37
cabreyhenkboom, no, that would be pretty annoying15:38
induskaramella: did u install, now try open it with open office and on start up it will give you options for character etc, try select arabic-windows or arabic iso15:38
martin__i just installed ubuntu and its already running out of space, but i have partitions with free space that i want to add, but how do i do this ?15:38
ubuntunewbiemoncky: how do I check whether I had jackaudio installed. Why does it fail even on rosegarden15:38
induskaramella: i still cant get it to use arabic in text editor15:38
karamellaI'M TRYING SIR15:39
henkboomcabrey: umm, you have to assume that applications only demand focus when they should be focused, otherwise what's the point of that functionality?15:39
indusok i gtg15:39
indusbye all15:39
indussee u in some time from home15:39
henkboomin this case I click on a pidgin notification: it does nothing, since the window is on another workspace15:40
homyIn jaunty with proposed-updates, when I install firefox-3.5 I get weird branding like a different logo and it is called shiretoko. Can I somehow get the normal name and branding for jaunty?15:40
henkboommaybe I'll have to switch back to xfce, where app focus works properly =/15:40
cabreyhenkboom, are you talking about the black translucent bubbles?15:41
zirodayhomy: shiretoko is the code name of the 3.5 release, and no you can't get the normal firefox branding.15:41
henkboomcabrey: no,15:41
cabreyhenkboom, what do you mean by pidgin notification then?15:41
geniihomy: firefox-3.5-branding15:41
zirodaygenii: that still names it shiretoko AFAICT15:41
henkboomif pidgin gets a new message, the system tray icon turns into a notification symbol, and when I click it it's supposed to raise the message15:41
homygenii: this gives this ugly logo and shiretoko name.15:41
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:42
homyziroday: how come thats not possible? Who *wants* this ugly logo and name?15:42
newbieRyafter a successful installation on my acer desktop, the installation to my toshiba satellite a305-s6909 is acting funny, I finally heard the sound for the login page but am at a white screen with crawling black lines.  Last thing I saw was after installing in Windows Vista, removing the disc, at the Ubuntu loading image.  And I am trying to install ver 8.04, any hints on how to fix the display?15:42
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
geniihomy: The "minefield" releases will always have the globe logo, etc15:42
martin__i just installed ubuntu and its already running out of space, but i have partitions with free space that i want to add, but how do i do this ?15:42
cabreyhenkboom, well usuallly the notification is a black bubble... what version of ubuntu?15:42
homygenii: what do you mean with "minefield"?15:42
henkboomcabrey: I get the black bubble as well of course15:42
zirodayhomy: its because you have two versions of firefox installed15:42
henkboomI'm not talking about the libnotify notifications15:42
geniihomy: Development versions15:43
rolandanyone installed CLAM(C++ Library for Audio and Music) successfully?15:43
homyziroday: if i uninstall the package firefox-3.0, will I get normal branding?15:43
zirodayhomy: no15:43
henkboomI'm talking about the pidgin system tray notification15:43
homygenii: but it is the final version: dpkg-query -W firefox-3.515:43
henkboomthe focus problem also happens when I click a link in another app, firefox should raise, and it does when I'm in the same workspace15:44
henkboombut if I'm in a different workspace nothing happens15:44
cabreyhenkboom, well it's possible there is a gconf setting...15:44
henkboomcabrey: where would I look to find it?15:45
sebsebseb!welcome |  mitch_15:45
ubottumitch_: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.15:45
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joebodohenkboom are you using compiz ?15:46
henkboomjoebodo: no, metacity15:46
sebsebsebGuest90073: why change the guest name?15:46
sebsebsebGuest90073: to the guest name15:46
zak__ how to open a vnc session15:47
Guest90073hi wer u from guys15:47
xtalmathI dont have write permissions for an ext3 drive how come?15:47
JoeMok... what is going on... I've tried to install 9.04 four times now (64b) and each time the install completes it tells me not bootabe15:47
sebsebseb!ot |  Guest9007315:47
ubottuGuest90073: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:47
erUSUL!addingfs | xtalmath15:47
ubottuxtalmath: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab15:47
melhisedekanyone can check if steam is working right now please?15:48
zak__ how to open a vnc session15:48
sebsebsebzak__: why?15:48
cabreyhenkboom, alt-f2 -> gconf-editor15:48
xtalmath!permissions | xtalmath15:48
ubottuxtalmath, please see my private message15:48
cabreyhenkboom, though it is kinda hard to navigate15:48
henkboomcabrey: yeah, but finding what setting it is15:48
sebsebsebzak__: yeah why you want to do one of those?15:49
xtalmath!fstab | xtalmath15:49
pefhi, i would like to use 3D with Jaunty and this graphic card : VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M800/K8N800/K8N800A [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01), unfortunatly openchrome drivers are not able to do that, what can I do ?15:49
zak__just wanan try it :d15:49
kklimondahow big differences make settings like CONFIG_HZ=100 in kernel config? i.e. how suitable is server kernel for desktop?15:49
zak__sebsebseb: so?15:51
sebsebsebzak__: who you want to connect to?15:51
zak__i want to connect from my desktop to my lappy15:51
sebsebsebzak__: ok15:51
sebsebseb!vnc |  zak__15:51
ubottuzak__: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX15:51
Nameless_auhey i'm using xubuntu, but can i stay in this channel please?15:52
sebsebsebzak__: and you don't need to use SSH  when  doing it  over a LAN (local area network)15:52
evonise`empswoody, i finished the fitness test, it returned no errors15:52
sebsebsebzak__: ,but on the Internet  ssh should be used with it15:52
zak__got it :)15:52
erUSULkklimonda: CONFIG_HZ=100 affects latency so things like media playback and others can suffer with a low value... desktop ubuntu uses 250 so maybe its not that important15:53
martin__i just installed ubuntu and its already running out of space, but i have partitions with free space that i want to add, but how do i do this ?15:53
erUSULmartin__: you can move /home to that partition that is a good thing in case of reinstalling and helps freeing space15:54
martin__okay ill try that15:54
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:54
erUSULmartin__: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:55
sebsebsebmartin__:   what's the partition set up you done?15:55
wiehanI can't install ia32-libs, it says could not find package with sudo apt-get install ia32-libs, can't find it in synaptic either... This is so strange.15:55
martin__i installed ubuntu with dual booting windows xp15:55
sebsebsebmartin__: what partitions do you have?15:55
martin__but they are on seperate hard drives15:55
kklimondawiehan, you sure you are running 64 bit?15:56
erUSULwiehan: maybe you are on 32 bits ubuntu ?15:56
wiehanUbuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux This isn't my pc, but that mean 32 bit or 64 bit?15:56
erUSULwiehan: i686 <<< 32 bits15:56
sebsebsebwiehan: it means the version of Ubuntu that is installed is 32bit15:57
kklimondawiehan, than it's a 32bit version of ubuntu and it doesn't need ia32-libs15:57
wersWhenever I try opening my iPod Touch via ssh I get Cannot display location "sftp://mobile@<IP add>/  Timed out when logging in" Any idea why? It didnt even ask for a password15:57
wiehanahhh, ok...15:57
sebsebsebwiehan: it does not mean that the computer can't do 64bit OS's15:57
JoeMUbuntu doesn't seem to play nice with the ASUS P6T raid controller... anyway to fix that, or another way to do raid?15:57
wiehanthank you though15:57
sebsebsebwiehan: ok np15:58
wiehanI keep on getting this error while I'm installing an official samsung printer driver::   export: 1667: 2009: bad variable name15:59
erUSULJoeM: use linux software raid if you do not have dual bott with windows15:59
marko-_-!enter > marko-_-15:59
ubottumarko-_-, please see my private message15:59
martin__on the seperatehome site it says "This guide is for creating a separate /home partition if you already installed Ubuntu without a /home partition (i.e., /home is just a folder inside your / partition). "16:00
martin__but i think i did install it with a home partition16:00
erUSUL!fakeraid | JoeM also to install on bioses raid follow this16:00
ubottuJoeM also to install on bioses raid follow this: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:00
wiehanWhat does this error mean: export: 1667: 2009: bad variable name16:01
NoGe!seen gkovacs16:02
ubottuI have no seen command16:02
exia_can anybody explain what is =time out= for data connection?16:02
exia_i mean for FTP server...16:02
nsahoois there a way to configure a key for toggle maximize?16:02
misteralexanderbazhang: I'm still trying to get ndiswrapper to work.  Problem1, AptOnCd, no burner.  Problem2, when I tell Synaptic to make a "Generate a Package Download Script", it only makes a file with !#bin/sh or something like that, nothing else. Problem3, there is no ndiswrapper package in Medibuntu.16:02
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misteralexanderbazhang: Any Ideas?16:03
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Slartmisteralexander: before you clicked the "generate download script" did you mark any packages in the list?16:03
misteralexanderbazhang: And the list of dependencies still numbers in the thousands.  I get one dependency only to find that IT has 20 other things IT depends on, so on & so fourth.16:04
boghoghello. is there seomthign I can do to make my Intel GPU behave better? I'm runing Ubuntu 9.04 and it locks up X a lot and produces a garbled screen when I try to run 3D applications16:04
sebsebseb!intel |  boghog16:04
ubottuboghog: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.16:04
JoeMerUSUL tried 5 times, alternate CD seems to work but then it won't boot... if i understand those links correctly, I can set up linux software raid via the alternate cd?16:04
misteralexanderSlart: Well shit, I feel like an ass . . . I highlighted them, I didn't "Check" them.16:04
boghogthanks sebner / ubuntulog16:04
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Slartboghog: I'm not sure but it could be that the intel bugs aren't really all fixed yet16:04
boghogerr, ubottu16:04
sebsebsebboghog: sebner ???16:04
Slartmisteralexander: =).. give it a try..16:04
boghogI fail at tab-completing nicknames :D16:05
JoeMerUSUL: I have two 1TB drives I want to put into RAID 0 to use as /home16:05
donksI have downloaded netbook remix to try and boot from how do i make this into a bootable disk?16:05
sebsebsebboghog: yeah would be easier if those other two weren't here :)  I never see them chat in here anyway16:05
bazhang!info ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 | misteralexander16:05
ubottumisteralexander: ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (source: ndiswrapper): Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper Linux kernel module. In component main, is optional. Version 1.53-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 124 kB16:05
sebsebsebboghog: oh only one  not two at the moment :)16:05
misteralexanderSlart, okay, yeah . . . the script built just fine, but the problem is that the target computer has no internet & how to I make sure all dependencies get satisfied?16:06
noodleboySo, I'm seeing something really strange with login on a fresh jaunty install.  I have to attempt multiple times for GDM logins, ssh logins, sudo, etc.16:06
misteralexanderSlart: okay, yeah . . . the script built just fine, but the problem is that the target computer has no internet & how to I make sure all dependencies get satisfied?16:07
noodleboyI thought maybe I had a stuck key or something, but the problem persists testing ssh auth from another machine16:07
noodleboyAnyone else seen this?16:07
AscavasaionCan any recommend a nice CD to OGG ripper for Ubuntu with Gnome?16:08
Slartmisteralexander: now you save that script on a big flash drive and go run it on a computer that does have an internet connection16:08
DawnLightcan anyone help with bug #389992 please? i'm willing to pay16:08
Slartmisteralexander: it's basically the same as aptoncd.. but with a little more manual work16:08
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar16:08
misteralexanderSlart: Oh, and it'll just download to the flash drive?  Do I need to specify somewhere that the Flashdrive is the target?  And will it just pull the Dependencies automatically?16:09
exia_can anybody explain what is =time out= for data connection?16:09
exia_i mean for FTP server...16:09
kerimbasolexia_: different every ftp server.16:09
AscavasaionSlart, In gnome?16:09
Slartmisteralexander: I think it will download it to the same directory as the script file.. it's just a simple text file that runs some wget commands.. open it up and look at it16:09
misteralexanderexia: Your FTP Server is expecting to hear from the other side in a certain ammount of time, if it doesn't then the connection will "Time Out"16:09
SlartAscavasaion: sound juicer doesn't work in gnome?16:10
SolarisBoy is there any snapshot feature of ext3 on ubuntu?16:10
misteralexanderSlart: Yeah, I did open it . . . and it is just wget commands.  Do you know anything about the dependencies?16:10
zak__sebsebseb: how to start tightvnc manually?16:11
SolarisBoytightvnc & ?16:11
Slartmisteralexander: if the dependencies get "marked" too I think they will be included.. but if you go back far enough it will depend on almost everything that is in the default install..16:11
lesshaste I just installed kile but when I go to Build->Compile it doesn't bring down any options. none of compile, convert, view or other show anything16:11
sebsebsebzak__: don't use that16:11
Slartmisteralexander: so if it did recursive dependencies you would end up downloading all the packages in the install cd..16:11
misteralexanderSlart, Okay, thanks.16:11
sebsebsebzak__: x11vnc :)16:11
misteralexanderSlart: Okay, thanks.16:11
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zak__sebsebseb: typed x11vnc , then ?16:12
Ascavasaionthanks Slart that nis the one I was looking for... I installed 8.1 and it never [reinstalled it and I could not recall the name.  thank you man.16:12
SlartAscavasaion: you're welcome16:12
sebsebsebzak__: read the bot links or something16:12
lianimatorhi, I used to have this nautilus script to convert any image to jpeg, and to png.. I can't seem to google it again. someone direct me in the right direction please16:13
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erxinmy compiz effects still not working can anyone help me out ?16:14
zak__sebsebseb: vncviewer+ip doesn t start anything16:14
misteralexanderSlart:  What is a "Recursive Dependensies"?  And I checked, Synaptic does (at least for me) auto select dependencies.16:16
bazhangerxin, which effects16:17
detrixhello all.  I have a new nvidia card.  its not saving my current settings.  I am using the nvidia X server settings manager.16:17
dunks__run it as root i think16:17
erxinthey worked fine for me but now none of all arent working16:17
bastidrazordetrix, gksudo nvidia-settings16:17
exortushello all16:17
stevecoh1want to upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04.  Ubuntu says this is not supported must upgrade to 8.10 first.  But ubuntu download pages only offer 8.04 and 9.04, not 8.10.  wtf?16:17
bazhangerxin, which effects please clarify16:17
Slartmisteralexander: I meant for example,  you install openoffice, it depends on gnome, gnome depends on X and so on..16:17
ziroday!upgrade | stevecoh116:17
ubottustevecoh1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:17
bazhangstevecoh1, watch the language please16:18
erxinshaking windows for example16:18
Myrttistevecoh1: if you're upgrading with the internal tool, you don't need any "download pages"16:19
erUSULJoeM: sorry been away... to use the bios raid you need to install with desktopcd if you plan to use linux software raid (recommended) any of the two should work16:19
detrixbastidrazor: thanx.  I think that will work.16:19
bazhangerxin, right click on desktop, change desktop background, then go to tab marked 'visual effects'16:19
erUSUL!raid | JoeM16:19
ubottuJoeM: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:19
xtalmathso I tied using fstab, it just seems like boottime mount command options... and the permissions faq is about setting permissions... file permissions has a paragraph on volumes, but it refers to umask in fstab faq. There umask is only about ntfs and vfat, not about ext316:20
misteralexanderSlart:  That's exactly what I mean, everything seems to depend on everything else . . . it's beyond irritating . . . that you know of (or anyone reading this), is there some magical thing to type [  sudo apt-get install depedencies ndiswrapper  ] to just make it work?  I'll be trying to satisfy dependencies for days if I do it one by one!16:20
erxinrightclick dont work on my desktop thats strange too16:20
bastidrazordetrix, be sure to save to X configuration when done.. there is an option to do that. that will ensure it saves. you will also get prompted to merge or make new xorg.conf .. i tend to make new but that is your call16:20
bazhangerxin, right click does not work? what about alt-f216:20
JoeMerUSUL Trying it through the alternate cd as software raid now... hopefully this will work16:20
karamellahi indus16:20
erxinAlt F2 works, but i need right click on my desktop too to create quicklaunchers16:21
Slartmisteralexander: why is that irritating? apt-get will only install the stuff you need to run the program..  the base stuff should already be installed16:21
karamellar u still here16:21
bazhangerxin, your mouse is not functioning at all?16:22
erxinmouse works fine16:22
* {H} &16:22
* {H} &216:22
xtalmatherUSUL: still not clear how to set volume permissions for ext3 (whether fstab or manual mount)16:22
FloodBot2{H}: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:22
ziroday!offline | misteralexander16:22
ubottumisteralexander: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD16:22
bazhang{H}, stop that16:22
erxinbut there is somehting wrong with my desktop and compiz settings i think, there is no function to reset16:22
bazhangerxin, try alt f2 metacity --replace16:23
erUSULxtalmath: easiest way is to create folders on the volume as root then give those folders the apropiate owners permissions16:23
erUSUL!permissions | xtalmath16:23
ubottuxtalmath: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:23
{H}umm, ok16:23
erxinmy numeric keys right on m y kebyoard dont work anymore too16:23
xtalmathI just went to the page, but I wouldnt like to have to change to root everytime I make a folder on the drive16:23
bazhangerxin, please try this command first16:23
erxini did16:24
misteralexanderSlart:  Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  For instance, the target computer needs "dpkg", which has nearly 30 dependencies itself.  Either I download just dpkg, or I (to "save" time) download them all, and THEN each of THOSE things has 20 dependencies, that's the irritating part.16:24
bastidrazormisteralexander,  you could also look at package.ubuntu.com .. for example   http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9  notice it shows the dependencies16:24
techqbertIs there any feasible way to stream over NFS/OpenVPN a 480p video on a consumer-grade comcast line withou tthe video stuttering?  I'd like to downsample in flash16:24
erxinsome windows opened and closed, i returned back to this window16:24
bazhangerxin, now try right clicking16:24
Slartmisteralexander: ahh.. but you create the synaptic script on the computer that needs the packages... then it will just download the stuff that it needs16:24
erxinnope it dont work16:25
Gravitonerxin: Try checking if mouse keys have been enabled in System > Preferences > Mouse Keys, it has happened to me several times16:25
erUSULxtalmath: other option is to change the owner of the mount point16:25
xtalmathchown the mount directory?16:25
misteralexanderOkay, i'll just hold my breath & try it.16:25
bazhangerxin, is this problematic hardware? bluetooth kb and mouse? when did this problem first flare up?16:25
misteralexanderSlart: Okay, i'll just hold my breath & try it.16:25
JoeMgrrr, someone hates me16:26
MrPocketsI've got a dynamic IP16:27
MrPocketson Ubuntu16:27
MrPocketsand i need to set it staticlaly, in the CLi16:28
wersquick question: I need to setup a static IP add for my iPod touch. what would be a valid one? I tried . it was really stuck to that IP but it broke my internet connection16:28
Slartwers: 192.168.X.X should work nicely16:29
tvburgerHi all, I need to install Xdmx, but can't find the package for it. What is it called?16:29
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GravitonMrPockets: edit /etc/network/interfaces as described here: http://www.sematopia.com/?p=5016:29
Slart!find xdmx16:29
wersSlart, any other rule? no 1 or 0 no avoid?16:29
ubottuFound: xdmx, xdmx-tools16:29
megloI downloaded gstreamer codecs for mp3 through Totem and they play fine, but for some reason Rhythmbox is choking on mp3's when I try to import them: "The GStreamer plugins to decode "MP3" files cannot be found"16:29
need_helpwers u need to use private address not public16:30
megloI guess I'll see what happens after the importing is done.16:30
need_helpwers as i see16:30
need_helphello need help was studying i need to know Xinetd.d use for what? if i put file in this directory? Thx =)16:30
megloBut it is filling up with annoying errors.16:30
Slartwers: is a good start.. I don't think you're allowed to have  though16:30
tvburgerubottu: to bad, not on my machine. which ubuntu version?16:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:30
bazhangtvburger, xdmx in the repos16:30
Slart!info xdmx | tvburger16:30
ubottutvburger: xdmx (source: xorg-server): distributed multihead X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.6.0-0ubuntu14 (jaunty), package size 1458 kB, installed size 2324 kB16:30
wersSlart, got that. just have to avoid having the same ip as other devices. thanks16:31
megloIt is also trying to search for codecs on other non-media files from MIME type... they should have a white-list of proper media files it doesn't import improperly.16:31
BrekitzI open Ubuntu Studio controls. I close Ubuntu Studio controls. I try to open it again and it tells me (in so many words) that it's already running. No fair.16:33
MrPocketsGod it. Thanks friend!16:33
GravitonNo problem16:33
tvburgerbit of new be question: so it's available, but not on my hardy version. How to get the 'optional' package?16:33
wersSlart, it also broke my internet access :| if i use more conventional ip adds they dont remain static16:33
whatvnBrekitz, try to "grep" it, then kill its process16:33
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Slartwers: try using instead.. is a common default for home routers and such16:34
need_helpwers what the ip of the ipod ? or the one u r trying to connect with ?16:34
bazhangtvburger, not available in hardy repos16:34
JoeMis it possible to grow a software RAID 0 array, ie add disks without losing data?16:35
bk|workI have a question abouta dvd version of ubuntu or a cd version of ubuntu, whats the difference between the isos?16:35
Brekitzwhat's the process name?16:35
Slartbk|work: more packages on the dvd.. that's all afaik16:35
whatvnBrekitz, ps -ef|grep -i control or something like that16:35
bazhangtvburger, intrepid is the earliest it appears16:35
whatvnBrekitz, I dont use Ubuntu studio center16:36
Martin31sebsebseb were you the one who helped me with my partitions/separatehome16:36
Emeryis 9.04 the newest version ?16:36
SlartEmery: yes16:36
bazhangEmery, yep16:36
wersneed_help, i trie,, etc. the one i'm trying to connect with? usual but i'm confused because we have a wifi connected to a wired router :|16:36
SlartEmery: 9.10 will be available in month 10 of 2009.. ie october16:37
xtalmatherUSUL: thanks, indeed sudo chown -R username mountpoint16:37
Paddy_NI_Is there anything apart from running a constant ping that could keep my mobile broadband connection alive or from going idle (disconnecting)?16:37
sebsebsebMartin31: I don't remember your name, but I done that kind of thing before16:37
whatvnwers, which one is dhcp server?16:37
Brekitz29767 29749  0 11:36 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i control     ...now what?16:37
EmerySlart, ok16:37
need_helpwers if the AP have ip and subnet /24 , then use ip: and subnet and default gateway:
Martin31my name before was martin__16:38
sebsebsebMartin31: helped people with that kind of thing16:38
bk|workSlart: ok, but if I download the dvd iso of ubuntu server (im wanting to use LAMP) itll just give me more packages right, is it a waste of space or are certain things useful (like ill want ssh and other sorts)16:38
Martin31but i did the separatehome tutorial and i still have low free space16:38
VeDosiscan anyone point me in the right direction for saslauthd help?16:38
Martin31but i have another partition now formatted in ext3 with 20 gb space16:38
fccfneed_help: you might try subnet
donksif any one could help, i have wiped the ubuntu partition on my pc, getting the grub error17, i have d/l the net book remix and it wont brun to a disk im using mac it keeps giving me an error tryed super grub boot disc, also tryed various windows cds and different drives to make sure, i am really stuck here any syggestions?16:38
need_helpfccf huh! there is no such like this subnet16:39
sebsebsebMartin31: ah ha just now you mean,  right  I ended up doing something else16:39
Slartbk|work: if you have a normal internet connection I would say downloading the dvd isn't that useful.. you can get the same packages (or newer16:39
Slartbk|work: if you have a normal internet connection I would say downloading the dvd isn't that useful.. you can get the same packages (or newer) from the online repositories16:39
Martin31sebsebseb: hah but can you help me ? :S16:39
bk|workSlart: ok, ill try them both out and see if there is a difference, thanks16:39
sebsebsebMartin31: probably16:40
Martin31when i go to computer and right click Filesystem and go to Properties it shows free space 6.8 MB16:40
sebsebsebMartin31: you made a seperate home?16:40
Brekitzwhatvn, What does "grep" mean?16:40
sebsebsebMartin31: ok upload a screenshot of gparted and give me the link16:41
roobly_rooWhere could I get an ext3 driver for Windows?16:41
sebsebsebroobly_roo: why do you want it?16:41
whatvnBrekitz, this process named ubuntustudio-controls16:41
humboltI am having huge trouble running jaunty on an acer revo (with nvidia ION chipset). WLAN does not work and I am not able to use nvidia's proprietary drivers.16:41
hrehf-hrmm, i'm trying to compile the intel video driver, but autoconf fails with a libdrm >= 2.4.11 dependency ("No package 'libdrm' found"). Anything i can do about that?16:41
roobly_roosebsebseb: So I can mount and read ext3 file systems...16:41
whatvnBrekitz, man grep16:41
sebsebsebroobly_roo: well yeah, but why do you want to from Windows?16:41
Brekitzhmm.. makes sense16:42
imbezolanyone know if quotas work on ext4 in jaunty? i found this and my version matches the non working version: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quota/+bug/33447416:42
rolandso how do you enable WMA playback in Rhythmbox?16:42
imbezolit would seem like something from may should have been fixed if it's a simple version bump but i can't get them to work16:42
sebsebsebroobly_roo: also I would suggest not using that driver  to  read  your /    or  /home if you have a seperate  home,  only to use it for an actsaul data only partiton, which you would share between the two OS's16:42
roobly_roosebsebseb: This isn't a question of why I want to, but where I can find such a driver.16:42
iktroland: are gstreamer codecs installed?16:42
Martin31sebsebseb: http://i39.tinypic.com/2s6mz9u.png16:42
dmsupermanHow can I see which people are connected to my SSH server?16:43
sebsebsebroobly_roo: well  I just gave you a good tip,  also some people  woudn't even recommend that driver in the first place16:43
sebsebseb!ext3 |  roobly_roo16:43
ubotturoobly_roo: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org16:43
tvburgershould I use 32 or 64 bit version for Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU X9650  ?16:43
sebsebsebtvburger: how much RAM?16:43
iktdmsuperman: the command: who16:43
sebsebsebtvburger: and you sure the computer does 64bit?16:43
Slarttvburger: how much memory16:43
Martin31sebsebseb: http://i39.tinypic.com/2s6mz9u.png16:44
tvburgerCurrently 4GB.16:44
sebsebsebMartin31: yeah I got it the first time16:44
Slarttvburger: 64bit then16:44
tvburgerah. ok.16:44
sebsebsebMartin31: I was on the verge of going on, when you gave a second time16:44
Martin31oh sorry16:44
Martin31thought you had missed it xD16:44
=== hhh is now known as harshu
=== harshu is now known as hhhhhhhhh
rolandikt: there are lots of gstreamer* stuff installed16:45
sebsebsebMartin31: your partitions are pretty wrong really16:45
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fanta_whats a good dock to use..16:46
donksany help please?16:46
sebsebsebfanta_: avant window manager or cario dock which they say is better16:46
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sebsebseb!details |  donks16:46
ubottudonks: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:46
Martin31yeah i know i always sucked at hard drive stuff16:46
roobly_roosebsebseb: I appreciate your concern, and more so appreciate the link.  I'm doing something outside of the normal practice.16:46
sebsebsebroobly_roo: which is?16:47
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iktroland: if you search add/remove programs for wma, is that particular plugin installed? I've never had a problem playing wma files tbh16:47
iktat last resort I'd just plain convert them to mp316:47
roobly_rooTesting my companies software's abillity to mount different file systems from backups of virtual machines.  My main concern was with UFS, but I also want ext3 and reiserfs.16:48
sebsebsebMartin31: new to Ubuntu?16:48
donkssebsebseb, ok i deleted the ubuntu partition now i get a grub erroe 17, i d/l the net bk remix but with my mac i cannot get it to burn to a disc, also tryed my win discs, no luck and also super grub cd no luck also im really stuck with this16:48
sebsebsebdonks: oh this is on a Mac?16:48
sebsebsebdonks: on  a PC  it's simple,  you just  install  Windows for example, and it goes over  Grub16:49
donkssebsebseb: the linux was on a pc16:49
Martin31sebsebseb: very. been using winxp for like 6 years16:49
sebsebsebdonks: you got rid of Ubuntu?16:49
sebsebsebdonks: why?16:49
donkssebsebseb: my pc wont boot from the win disc, i have changed the boot order and tryed 2 drives16:49
Martin31still not completely understanding all the ext3 home and root stuff16:49
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Guest413hello all16:49
sebsebsebMartin31: ok you know NTFS or Fat32 in Windows?16:50
Rolandhow to make rhythmox play WMA files? gstreamer+plugins seem to be installed16:50
donkssebsebseb: i was going to install win 7 so i re partitioned my second drive then i was going to put both on16:50
sebsebsebRoland:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras that should take care of that, as well as other things16:50
Martin31sebsebseb: yes16:50
sebsebsebdonks: ok install Windows first16:50
sebsebsebdonks: then put Ubuntu back on, that's the easiest way to do it16:50
Rolandsebsebseb: rrestricted extras are installed16:51
donkssebsebseb: it wont install that the prob cant get any cd to boot just get the insert media error16:51
AhadielRoland, Do you have w32codecs installed?16:51
sebsebsebdonks: no CD's will boot up at all?16:51
donkssebsebseb: thats right16:51
sebsebsebdonks: ok sounds like a hardware error   tell  them that in ##hardware16:52
RolandAhadiel: yes, w64codecs are installed16:52
AhadielRoland, Hrm...16:52
sebsebsebMartin31: yep those are the file systems16:52
fanta_how would  i go about mapping my laptop drives to my pc?16:52
AhadielRoland, Have you tried any other players the aforementioned wma files?16:52
AhadielRoland, with the**16:53
sebsebsebMartin31: Ext3 is the current default  for most Linux distributions,  however  Ext4  is already the default in Fedora 11 :)  and will be in the next version of Ubuntu16:53
sebsebsebMartin31: the default in next Ubuntu, but for full support people need to clean install16:53
Martin31sebsebseb: so ill need to reformat when the next ubuntu comes out to get ext416:53
sebsebsebMartin31: for full suppourt yes16:54
sigvelienim trying to install the artwiz fonts in ubuntu, and everything is fine, until the last part, where i type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config" - then nothing happens. shouldnt i be prompted some questions?16:54
donkssebsebseb: is there anything else i could try?16:54
kklimondasebsebseb, what do you mean by "full support" ?16:54
kantxxanyone know why wbinfo -u cant find users until i restart wbinfo service?16:54
scunizisigvelien: nope16:54
sebsebsebkklimonda: the  Ext3  to Ext4  isn't quite the real thing16:54
kklimondasebsebseb, why?16:54
sigvelienhmm? according to this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-artwiz-fonts-in-ubuntu.html - i should16:55
Martin31sebsebseb: well the only problem i really have now is not enough disk space. i tried to do the separate home but i still have only like 6 mb free16:55
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sebsebsebkklimonda: Google it or something,  I have read articles and such,  or  search http://www.linuxtoday.com for the Ext4 articles or something,  I am helping  Martin31 :)16:55
hrehf-I'm trying to compile the intel video driver, but autoconf fails with a libdrm >= 2.4.11 dependency ("No package 'libdrm' found"). my libdrm2 package is version "2.4.11+git20090519.f355ad89-0ubuntu0sarvatt~jaunty", but i can't try to switch to 2.4.11-0ubuntu1 because that wants to uninstall e.g. xorg :/ anything i can do to have the autoconf script run?16:56
sebsebsebMartin31: yep we are going to get all that sorted out16:56
Ahadielkklimonda, http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ext416:56
RolandAhadiel: ok, tried Exaile, and it plays16:56
Ahadielkklimonda, They mention the pros/cons of converting ext3 to ext416:56
Brekitzwhatvn, launchpad Bug #39580316:56
imbezolis it possible to add the karmic repo for only one package?16:56
AhadielRoland, Hrm, I think Exaile uses gstreamer as well16:56
sebsebsebMartin31: before you can do proper partition stuff, you need to be on the Ubuntu Live CD really though16:56
AhadielRoland, Weird.16:57
sebsebsebMartin31: for example you can't resize the /    when Ubuntu is running it16:57
whatvnBrekitz, I dont think it's a bug, just an process didn't fully stop16:57
Martin31sebsebseb: i know thats what i did when i took the 20gb from one partition and made it into a new ext3 partition16:57
RolandAhadiel: after trying to play a random wma faile in rhythmbox you can't play any other filetype until you restart the application16:57
scunizisigvelien: that was written 2 years ago. subpixel font handling etc has improved a lot.. those same options can be see in one of the menu items off System>Admin... The real question is DO you have access to the fonts?16:57
sebsebsebimbezol: don't do that,  things can mess up16:57
Martin31sebsebseb: and after that i changed that into the new home16:57
whatvnBrekitz, just kill its process and everything will be ok16:57
AhadielRoland, could be a bug16:57
AhadielRoland, Maybe check launchpad16:58
kklimondaAhadiel, at least extents are working when you convert ext3 to ext4.. and extents aren't compatible with ext3 so the reasoning in Cons of converting isn't right16:58
sebsebsebMartin31: ok your on a Live CD now?16:58
imbezolsebsebseb: then what's the proper way to install that one package?16:58
sebsebsebimbezol: which package is it? and there may be a ppa for it16:58
GJAnyone here used Kile before to create LaTeX files? I just installed it via 'add-remove' and when I try to preview my code, I get kinda stuck. When I click preview selection or compile, or anything, I have no clue at all about how to view it16:58
sigvelienscunizi, yea. i do16:58
Martin31sebsebseb: no, ill be right back, have to reboot ;)16:58
imbezolsebsebseb: quota16:58
sebsebseb!ppa >  imbezol16:58
ubottuimbezol, please see my private message16:58
imbezolsebsebseb: what's a ppa?16:58
sebsebsebimbezol: I haven't heard of your program16:58
sebsebsebMartinp23: ok16:59
scunizisigvelien: good.. check this link for future reference.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts16:59
KjellGJ: try alt + f216:59
imbezolsebsebseb: quota is a standard linux utility to manage user and group quota16:59
viseHi.. How do i insert a binary file1 into a binary file0 at a given offset?16:59
* dreimark ubuntu-desktop (from kubuntu) seems to have unresolved dependcies currently17:00
imbezolsebsebseb: and ppa doesn't sound like what i want.. i'm not uploading anything.. it's something that's already fixed in karmic17:00
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
sebsebsebimbezol: no ppa's are so you can get later versions of programs,  without having to wait for the next Ubuntu release17:00
derekSi want to see how much we use? i want to see how much I use?17:00
need_help`is LVM use as extend parition from 5 and above?17:01
imbezolneed_help`: no.. lvm has little to do with partitions17:01
imbezolneed_help`: you don't even need partitions on the disks17:02
imbezolneed_help`: though you can add partitions as PVs if you like17:02
GJBut Kjell, when I have some tex code written, and when I compile it or anything, where do I view it? Shouldn't need a command for that :D17:02
need_help`imbezol  thx got any link can help me to understand it?17:02
KjellGJ: you can use kdvi to view the files you compiled17:03
CowboyXhemaif you want, i can write that17:03
RolandAhadiel: seems like it's a known bug that rhythmbox doesn't play wma files when crossfading is enabled.(9.04)17:03
imbezolneed_help`: if you google LVM howto there are tonnes of them17:03
RolandAhadiel: thnx anyway :P17:03
GJI can't preview them directly from inside Kile?17:03
imbezolneed_help`: you need to get a grip on the basic layout of LVM and then it'll be easy17:03
AhadielRoland, np17:04
imbezolneed_help`: PVs, VGs, LVs,17:04
KjellGJ: kile will open kdvi17:04
Martin31sebsebseb: okay im on the live cd17:04
wershow do i know my dhcp range?17:04
KjellGJ: kile just edit the code17:05
sebsebsebMartin31: Ubuntu only on there now yes?17:05
CowboyXhemahow can i see the install history of aptitude? what packages where installed/deinstalled when?17:05
Flare183Did someone ping me?17:05
Martin31sebsebseb: what do you mean ? I still have a windows partition17:05
alan_i'm trying to get WEP working with an NDISwrapped wireless card. I think I'm doing something wrong with wpa_supplicant. Would someone be willing to walk me through it?17:05
sebsebsebMartin31: yes I am wondering what downloads is17:05
DawnLightin what language are kernel modules written, please?17:06
GJKjell: Don't think I got kdvi installed, leme do some diggin' and try to find if I can set it to fire up another program17:06
Martin31sebsebseb: I have four hard drives that just the one with ubuntu17:06
th0rDawnLight: C17:06
scunizialan_: why bother.. web is useless.. you'd be better off implementing wireless restrictions by mac address and turning off broadcasting.17:06
evonise`emphey guys, i have talker here before on problems while installing: but still my laptop wont install ubuntu from the alternate iso: it freezes at 28%: Preparing cups. what can i do?17:06
DawnLightthanks th0r17:06
sebsebsebMartin31: and your NTFS Downloads partition which is being used by Windows and Ubuntu?17:06
KjellGJ: you likely have the unifide program then. alt + f1 should open it17:06
Martin31sebsebseb: the windows partition is on a completely different hard drive. its on /dev/sda117:07
alan_scunizi -17:07
RolandWhat kind of encryption does the OTR plugin for pidgin use?17:07
JonathanEllisCan anyone recommend an easy to use web development application for someone with limited experience with web development. I did my first website with FrontPage but eventually it broke my site beyond repair and I had to start again from scratchI did a website with html and css but the navigation was a nightmare to maintain as it had to be copied into the top of every page. Before that I used Frontpage until it broke my site. I understand Dream17:07
sebsebsebMartin31: ok, but is the Downloads partition being used by both OS's?17:07
BrekitzOkay we're good. Thanks, whatvn17:07
GJKjell: alt f1 or alt f2 just launch up my Programs and Command line from Ubuntu, they're not Kile keys.17:07
Martin31sebsebseb: I dont think so, its empty anyway17:08
alan_scunizi - this is my folk's network, and they have a lot of random laptops come through that they want to give immediate access17:08
GJKjell: when using them inside Kile*17:08
alan_scunizi, but still have some semblance of protection; i know, i've told them too17:08
sebsebsebMartin31: If  that drive is meant to be your Linux drive, why have you got a NTFS  partition?17:08
netbios139is it neccesary to be proficient in swahili to install Ubuntu?17:08
bazhangnetbios139, of course not17:08
netbios139thanks Got17:08
Martin31sebsebseb: because i dont want to use the whole 1TB for just an ubuntu drive17:08
GJKjell: Aha found how to get it working :) Thanks alot17:09
KjellGJ: ok the new viewer is called okular which should be install when you installed kile. otherwise you can use evince to view the files17:09
bullgard4Does http://paste.debian.net/41167 give a hint why I have only an unidirectional connection to sip:500@ekiga.net?17:09
ratkymarcellhi! how can I "unmount" a special usb device, which seems to be at /dev/ttyUSB0, and cannot be unmounted, because it dont need to be mounted at all? It's a microcontroller programming unit, and I'd like to have acces to it via a virtualboxed XP. That's why [host] ubuntu has to release it...17:09
sebsebsebMartin31: yes I thought it would be  something like that, well here's the thing,   most later Linux's can read and write to NTFS no problem, as long as Windows shut it down, but there is also a driver for Windows to read Ext317:09
GJKjell Yep Okular is what it uses :)17:09
sebsebsebMartin31: so you might want to change that to an Ext3  partition and use  the driver for Windows,  but it does not really matter that much17:10
JonathanEllisDamn pressed enter too soon! Can anyone recommend an easy to use web development application for someone with limited experience with web development? Back in my Microsoft days I did my first website with FrontPage but eventually it broke my site beyond repair and I had to start again from scratch. So then I used html and css but the navigation was a nightmare to maintain as it had to be copied into the top of every page. I have heard that Qu17:10
netbios139so there ist Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, but i still haven't found Wubuntu?17:10
sebsebseb!ext3 |  Martin3117:10
ubottuMartin31: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org17:10
bazhangnetbios139, what is wubuntu17:10
GJOr Bubuntu, netbios139 :D17:10
Martin31sebsebseb: might be a good idea, ill do that17:10
KjellGJ: but you can change what it launch it its settup. I find that kdvi is much better for image viewing17:10
sebsebsebMartin31: It's Windows XP yes?17:10
Martin31sebsebseb: yes it is17:10
sebsebsebMartin31: and  I would advice not to let Windows read and write to your  /  or  /home17:10
netbios139so there ist Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, but i still haven't found Wubuntu?17:11
GJKjell Ok I'll take a look at that ^17:11
bazhangnetbios139, do you have a support question, or just wish to chat?  #ubuntu-offtopic for chat17:11
Martin31sebsebseb: well i really plan on not using windows at all, if i get ubuntu all set up17:11
netbios139Wubuntu , could be a great Idea for a new Release,17:11
bazhang!ot > netbios13917:11
ubottunetbios139, please see my private message17:11
WDCI am having a pretty annoying problem. I just switched OSes, and my old Ubuntu ecryptfs will not mount correctly. Would someone please help?17:11
GJKjell: One more quick question, when I compile the .tex file and stuff it should create some other files too (log file, .aux file etc), where do those end up?17:12
sebsebsebth0r: Did you see his screenshot?   You didn't have to pm me about his drive,  if you have suggestions for his drive as well,  he may appreciate you telling him17:12
netbios139I'm using irssi from cmd, now idea how to read private messages!17:12
WDCnetbios139, you use alt+the number of the window17:12
bazhangnetbios139, take chat elsewhere17:12
scunizinetbios139: alt right arrow to get to the next window.. or alt and the window number17:13
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations!17:13
sebsebsebMartin31: you can move data around no problem at the moment?  or onto an external hard disk?17:13
KjellGJ: in the same folder .tex file is17:13
wersSlart, apparently, i needed a one that is not along my dhcp range. so there are two requirements, something that will remain static and is not along the dhcp range. how do I know? hehe17:13
Martin31sebsebseb: yes i can move it around, but i just cant use the Update Manager because theres no space left17:14
scuniziwers: if you17:14
WDCSomebody please help? what's the syntax to mount my private directory17:14
scuniziwers: if you17:14
Slartwers: what ip do you have on your desktop computer? type "ifconfig" in a terminal to find out17:14
scunizifat fingers17:14
FloodBot2scunizi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:14
Slarthehe.. the bots are coming for you, scunizi ;)17:14
sebsebsebMartin31: yeah  I was thinking if   it was worth doing something slightly special  to make  the  9.10 clean install easier, once that's out,   but does not sound like it in this case.   Ok this is easy to sort your partitions out17:15
Martin31sebsebseb: it doesnt make sense to me that theres no space left, i thought after i did that separate home there would be more17:15
sebsebsebMartin31: your / is to small way to small that's the issue17:15
Martin31sebsebseb: so thats why my separate home didnt work, because i only changed that and not /17:15
wersscunizi, ?17:15
GJKjell: Ok thanks!17:15
Slartwers: then go with for your iphone17:15
sebsebsebMartin31: Ubuntu put's itself and the programs and such on /17:16
sebsebsebMartin31: /  would be like  C  in  Windows with  Home being D17:16
Slartwers: you can basically change anything but the 10... so would also work17:16
KjellGJ: btw was it alt + 1 or alt + f1?17:16
scuniziwers: if you're trying to set a static ip in a dhcp environment you should be able to do that.  Make the computer that is static high up in the ip range for dhcp on your router.. so if the last address is .. then make it that. In other words, keep static addresses high up and let dhcp take care of the lower addresses ..17:16
meoblast001hi.. i'm very confused with the CGI in Ubuntu17:16
Martin31sebsebseb: well i let ubuntu have a whole 1 tb drive to make all its partitions on i wonder why it made its own / partition so small >S17:16
GJKjell: Forgot to check honestly, but alt+f1 fired up my Ubuntu applications menu (from the panel)17:16
sebsebsebMartin31: yeah those guided installs aren't perfect, they can go wrong17:16
scunizimeoblast001: ?17:17
sebsebsebMartin31: a lot more control if you  set up the partitions yourself :)17:17
meoblast001suppose i have a file irc.cgi at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc and want to access it.... do i go to http://localhost/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi17:17
KjellGJ: alt+1 then17:17
wersSlart and scunizi thanks :)17:17
sebsebsebMartin31: how much RAM do you have by the way?17:17
meoblast001i'm getting 404s17:17
Martin31sebsebseb: 2 GB17:17
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sebsebsebMartin31: it's also given you a really stupid sized swap17:17
Martin31sebsebseb: yeah i read that something about that17:18
Martin31sebsebseb: what should i change it to be17:18
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wersSlart, cant go online with
wersthis is really odd17:18
sebsebsebMartin31: SWAP  well  in Windows it's known as virtual memory,  with 2GB RAM it really isn't needed,  unless your going to attempt to hibernate/sleep/suspend and then it should be double your RAM17:18
derekSis there a a tool like powertop to estimate desktop power usage for an old desktop?17:18
Slartwers: are you using some kind of router/gateway thingy?17:19
Martin31sebsebseb: well im not gonna hibernate and all that17:19
Martin31so is the swap fine for me as it is _17:19
SlartderekS: powertop should work for older desktops too.. or it doesn't ?17:19
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sebsebsebMartin31: well then you can just delete it, and you should still be fine,  I ran  without  SWAP and 1GB  RAM before, pretty well indeed17:19
wersSlart, i have a wifi router connected to a wired router which is connected to my dsl17:19
sebsebseb!swap |  Martin3117:19
ubottuMartin31: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info17:19
derekSSlart: i don't think apcm is working...17:19
sebsebsebMartin31: Do what you want regarding SWAP,  it really isn't important in your case17:20
derekSSlart: powertop tells me it can't get any readouts?17:20
karamellahi indus17:20
zini3I just had a very strange crash. Suddenly the screen went white (and the NumLock key locked up). I guess some of the system was still running, because I could hear Pidgin sound effects. But there was no way out of it and so I had to physically shut the box down.17:20
Slartwers: it's probably something that the router is doing then17:20
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derekSSlart: err acpi17:20
SlartderekS: oh... yea.. that might make sense.. not sure if there is anything else out there.. I've only used powertop myself17:20
scuniziwers: where did you put that number
zini3Is there any way to find out what has happened?17:20
Martin31sebsebseb: i'm just going to leave the swap there, it doesnt bother me17:20
karamellaany one can tell me how to make clean up system17:20
wersscunizi, static ip for ipod touch17:20
derekSSlart: " Detailed C-state information is only available on Mobile CPUs (laptops)"17:21
netbios139anyone know a good tutorial how to deploy XEN on Ubuntu?17:21
C-S-B__zini3: check dmesg?17:21
sebsebsebMartin31: and the extended  is a container.   as  far as I know you don't really need one unless having four or more partitions17:21
scuniziwers: that's not a valid ip address. try and see what happens17:21
sebsebsebMartin31: however those guided installs seem to like to make extended's if people need them or not17:21
zini3C-S-B__: How do I do that? (only on Linux for 48h now)17:22
sebsebsebMartin31: so extended sometimes has to be used, because of the amount of partitions,  and  then they go in the extended17:22
scuniziwers: depending on how the router defaults you might need to
C-S-B__zini3:  dmesg | tail17:22
C-S-B__that will show you some of the last log entries17:22
sebsebsebMartin31: it was suggested by that other person,  to  have a seperate home, but you don't really need one17:22
Martin31sebsebseb: im formatting my old windows partition and reattaching it to the other partition on that drive, and it says 3 hours remaining :(17:23
wersscunizi, still cant go online. i'm on a netgear. it's ip is connected to a linksys wired router
sebsebsebMartin31: normalley  I would  make my   /   about  12GB,  and then have a big seperate home17:23
zini3C-S-B__: http://pastebin.com/m6d95729f17:23
sebsebsebMartin31: the downloads partition or what do you mean?17:24
Martin31sebsebseb: what is the separate home for, why is the default one not good enough _17:24
C-S-B__wers: have you got your gateways correct? why do you have them configured on different networks17:24
sebsebsebMartin31: formatting means removing data!17:24
scuniziwers: the netgear is probably not acting as the dhcp server ..the linksys is.17:24
Martin31sebsebseb: no its on a different drive, and i dont want the windows anymore, and i have all the data backed up17:24
wersscunizi, btw, the netgear is the wireless, in case i didnt state correctly17:24
sebsebsebMartin31: your / is to small it's as simple as that, it's just  over  2GB17:25
Martin31okay, and since i already made a separate home should i keep that or move back _17:25
th0r Martin31 with a separate home directory you can totally reinstall ubuntu and not lose any of your configs or data17:25
wersC-S-B__, i dont know. sorry. hehe17:25
sebsebsebMartin31: really  /'s should be about 8GB,   with netbooks being the exception when they only have like 4GB space, but also there's a special version for netbooks anyway17:25
C-S-B__zini3: nothing bad in your log... you can look through them all in administration ->log file viewer17:25
C-S-B__wers: i would recommend getting all your devices on the same network.17:26
Martin31okay so i will keep my separate home for the next ubuntu17:26
C-S-B__192.168.1.0 network would suffice17:26
sebsebsebMartin31: it's fine to keep that seperate home for now, as long as Ubuntu is using it no problem17:26
megloWhat are the standard programs for ripping and burning disks? Versions before Jaunty had Brasero and Sound Juicer... but these didn't seem to install for 9.04. Is the functionality now embedded with Nautilus or something?17:26
scuniziwers: yea.. I got that.. typically when you have a seperate wireless adaptor connected to a wired router, the wireless needs to be in a "re-broadcasting" type mode.. I forgot the actual term.. but basically the wireless gets it's ip and the ip for all connected devices from the primary router responsible for that.. ie your linksys17:26
Martin31anyways thanks for the help sebsebseb im going to eat dinner now17:26
th0rmeglo: brasero is still there, and I use acidrip for dvds and grip for cds17:27
C-S-B__wers: as scunizi says, best to have just one dhcp server running17:27
sebsebsebMartin31: no  you will start over  when 9.10 is out,   guided installs  will do Ext4 by default :)   ,but as I hope you have learnt now, you get much more control  when setting up partitions yourself,  so you will probably do that :)   oh and when I do that,  I tend to  set things up in gparted a bit first, then finnish off in manual install17:27
megloth0r: Ok, Brasero is still there. Did Sound Juicer/Audio CD Extractor come with your default install, though? Did you replace it with those programs or did you just add them for lack of the application(or just them being superior?17:28
wersscunizi, so my ipod touch ip should be based on the wired linksys  right? but all the 192.168 IPs cant go online on my ipod while 10.0.x.x IPs dont remain static :|17:28
th0rmeglo: I installed gnome but run xfce for day to day. I did not delete soundjuicer and it isn't in the menus, so I assume it isn't in gnome either.17:28
wersC-S-B__, how do I do that?17:28
zini3C-S-B__: Would this qualify as something bad (in my Log?) http://pastebin.com/m2d82715917:29
th0rmeglo: brasero was there by default...it is I think the default cd/dvd burning software for gnome17:29
th0rmeglo: I think I did have to install acidrip and grip postfacto17:29
megloth0r: Interesting. Thanks. Nautilus from GNOME can burn discs it seems, so I suppose Canonical thought Sound Juicer was redundant?17:29
=== JonCat is now known as Dox
bullgard4Does http://paste.debian.net/41167 give a hint why I have only an unidirectional connection to sip:500@ekiga.net?17:29
C-S-B__zini3 segfaults are bad, but im not sure whats causing them...17:29
C-S-B__zini3: if it just happened the once, i wouldnt worry so much.17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3.517:30
zini3C-S-B__: 3rd time now. Twice in a row today and once yesterday17:30
forceflo1!firefox 3.517:30
hzlocky hello, how to defin which application is running on port 2 on my machine17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox 3.517:30
albechis the ubuntu remix only different in the way the desktop is designed?17:30
C-S-B__wers: i havent the time at the moment, but essentially use your browser to go to the config page of your ap and router etc and configure from there.17:31
maximo!hello \ sebsebserb17:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:31
shani^Hello friends17:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:31
kbrosnan!ff35 > forceflo117:31
ubottuforceflo1, please see my private message17:31
C-S-B__wers: if your stil having trouble tomorrow, i might have a bit of time to sit you through it.17:31
scuniziwers: the linksys on the general setup page allows you to tell it how many addresses or the range of addresses that are allowed.  It usually defaults to 20 or so.  That would be the entire range the router will allow. the netgear needs to be in (I think its called) a bridged mode.. log into it's setup screen and poke around.. or google.. this really is a #hardware issue and OT for this channel17:31
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
megloth0r: Sorry, I meant Nautilus can rip discs now it seems**, not burning discs. Brasero is still there for this reason.17:31
wersC-S-B__, thanks :) i'll research more about it. and I hate netgear. lol17:31
C-S-B__essentially, you dont want the ap to be giving out dhcp address, just the main router.17:31
th0rmeglo: I use Thunar in xfce, and to be honest would use it in gnome as well due to the config possibilities17:32
C-S-B__wers: and you want them both on the same network. (i use
shani^ Very strange problem in ubuntu 8.10, after security update the system went into read only file system , i hv found many tutorial and remount the harddisk, but now i have the same situtation at startup , and ubuntu misses to remount the harddisk, can any one help me and tell me how i can remount the hard disk on boot. thanx17:32
C-S-B__wers: the modem will be the default gateway17:33
wersscunizi, okay. one last thing, i tinker with the linksys or netgear?17:33
Maximosebsebseb: hello17:33
scuniziwers: netgear17:33
megloth0r: I was running xubuntu, but it wasn't as powerful(but it was fine to use) as GNOME + related stuff. I'd use Nautilus because of the intense integration still, but people have their preferences and Thunar is a very good file manager.17:33
sebsebsebMaximo: hi17:33
meoblast001this is confusing17:33
wersscunizi, C-S-B__ thanks a lot!17:34
th0rmeglo: I am old school...I want a program to do one thing and only one thing, and I expect it to do that flawlessly17:34
meoblast001is /usr/lib/cgi-bin the default cgi-bin in Ubuntu?17:34
shani^Very strange problem in ubuntu 8.10, after security update the system went into read only file system , i hv found many tutorial and remount the harddisk, but now i have the same situtation at startup , and ubuntu misses to remount the harddisk, can any one help me and tell me how i can remount the hard disk on boot. thanx17:34
scuniziwers: np17:34
FloridaGuyubuntu is at firefox 3.0.11...thefirefox site has 3.5....when is ubuntu going to have 3.517:34
kklimondaFloridaGuy, when 9.10 is released17:35
aboyzwhat time does cron run on? 1 0 * * * ? does it run on 12:01 midnight?17:35
sebsebseb!ff35 |  FloridaGuy  kklimonda17:35
ubottuFloridaGuy  kklimonda: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY17:35
megloth0r: I'm way old school, I unwillingly use netbsd(the cat came back from Berkeley waving flags) and stick with my emacs. Just kidding, I don't care about elitism or 'old-school' stuff anymore.17:35
sebsebsebFloridaGuy: Ubuntu normalley only do security updates in the repos,  and  well  Firefox 3.5 does not count as one17:35
ARMENIANwhen is firefox 3.5 coming out? damn, it's taking long17:35
kklimondasebsebseb, you mean Fx 3.5 will be a default for Jaunty?17:35
sebsebsebkklimonda: no17:35
sebsebsebit won't be17:36
sebsebsebas far as I know17:36
meglosebsebseb: What about in 9.04.1 possibly?17:36
sebsebsebmeglo: I don't think there will be one of those either17:36
sebsebsebsince not LTS17:36
th0rmeglo: well....I think 'integration' is adding pontoons to a sports car. I would much rather have the performance than the 'extras'17:36
megloIt will be in the regular repos by then, sebsebseb, I don't see why they wouldn't...17:36
meglosebsebseb: I think if it was LTS they'd be less willing to put a new release in the repos for a core program mid-distro lifetime.17:37
sebsebsebUbuntu is not about  having the very latest stuff,   it's about  having   stability,  and then people can use ppa's or whatever if they want later stuff,  or wait for the next release17:37
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY17:37
derenrichit's been that way for a week now...17:37
sebsebsebthere are other distros that are about having the later stuff first :)17:37
sebsebsebUbuntu tends to always be behind those, when it comes to later versions of programs17:38
meglosebsebseb: Ubuntu is about usability and a happy medium of features and functionality for desktop users. It doesn't have the latest stuff, and if you're looking for good stability you should be running LTS. For Jaunty I'm unsure of why they wouldn't package FF3.5 in 9.04.1 and will await an official decision unless there already is one.17:38
iamslangowhy does the Pidgin buddy list show up in the Window List widget for every workspace, even though I've told it to only show up on the workspace it runs on?17:38
shani^Very strange problem in ubuntu 8.10, after security update the system went into read only file system , i hv found many tutorial and remount the harddisk, but now i have the same situtation at startup , and ubuntu misses to remount the harddisk, can any one help me and tell me how i can remount the hard disk on boot. thanx17:38
kklimondameglo, there won't be a point release for 9.0417:38
sebsebsebFirefox 3.5 in  Jaunty   as an update from the repo I doubt it17:38
th0rI installed 3.5 off the mozilla site and just replaced the link in /usr/bin17:38
sebsebsebespeasilly considering how Open Office 3.0 wasn't in 8.1017:38
sebsebsebwhen nearly every other distro had it17:38
meglokklimonda: Oh, you're right.17:39
sebsebsebinstead people had to do a ppa for  Open Office  or  install another way, if they wanted it so badly in 8.1017:39
meglokklimonda: Moving from debian 4.0r8 and 5.0.3 and stuff :P17:39
kklimondameglo, Fx 3.5 is in universe already, I guess it will be updated to stable release when ready17:39
linuxguy2009Ahh I need some help guys. Im using gtkrecordmydesktop and have a 5min ubuntu tutorial that i have edited together with Pitivi video editor.I put all the clips together with no problem. Now I just did a voiceover with Sound Recorder and I have it done. My problem is that my recording is a mono recording and I cant seem to import it to Pitivi to use for the audio track. Does it need to be a stereo converted track or does Pitivi not suppo17:39
meoblast001suppose i have a file irc.cgi at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc and want to access it.... do i go to http://localhost/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi17:39
sebsebsebmeglo: make sure you didn't miss what I just said about Open Office 3.0 in 8.1017:40
meglosebsebseb: Ok well I suppose it wont be by default in main. But the endorsed repos available will certainly have it, eh?17:40
meglosebsebseb: I read.17:40
jakeriverdoes anyone know why my firefox is collapsing all the time when flash show starts? i have this newest ubuntu.17:40
bullgard4Does http://paste.debian.net/41167 give a hint why I have only an unidirectional connection to sip:500@ekiga.net?17:40
kklimondameglo, well, yes - it's already in universe as firefox-3.5 package17:40
linuxguy2009 jakeriver: Are you using the Adobe flash plugin or one of the free alternatives?17:40
meglokklimonda: Ah, yeah.17:41
kklimondameglo, it won't be promoted to main for jaunty for sure (also there is no reason to do it anyway)17:41
sebsebsebmeglo: Probably in most Ubuntu developers eyes and  Canoncial  the Firefox 2 series is good  enough,  untill   Karmic  Koala  Ubuntu 9.10  released at the end of October17:41
meglokklimonda: I understand that, I assumed that would be how main would operate. I just missed the fact that point releases are for LTS only.17:41
kklimondasebsebseb, sure - that's why 8.04 was released with 3.0 beta :P17:41
jakeriverlinuxguy2009: ffox offered that installation and i took it. i dont know what is it.17:41
sebsebsebkklimonda: that would be the exception since it's LTS17:42
sebsebsebkklimonda: don't just  expect  something that isn't a security update, to be available in  the 9.04 repo17:42
linuxguy2009 jakeriver: Your using a free flash player thats why your having issues. Go to adobe web site and download and install the deb for 8.04+. That fix ya.17:42
kklimondasebsebseb, well, they wouldn't make an exception if 2.x was "good enough"17:42
kklimondasebsebseb, i know how it works.17:42
rsrcan I save evolution memos to be seen on another app?17:42
jakeriverlinuxguy2009: okey. i will try that, thank you.17:42
sebsebsebkklimonda: if you want later stuff first,   use Fedora  11  or something :)17:42
hzlockyhow to define what remote desktop is on port 2 in ubuntu and change its password?17:43
rsrexport evolution memos?17:43
meglokklimonda: I used a ppa of ubuntu-mozilla-security to install FF3.5. Would I be able to safely migrate to the betas provided in universe? Just remove the ppa and... 'downgrade' to the universe package?17:43
jakeriverlinuxguy2009: should i uninstall this free first somehow?17:43
toehio3How do I use LILO to boot ubuntu from a  different partition?17:43
sebsebsebkklimonda: Fedora tend to  have  newer stuff quite a  bit before Ubuntu17:43
kuba_hello everybody17:43
linuxguy2009 jakeriver: umm Im not sure how I have never messed with the others. Adobe one might over ride it maybe.17:43
kklimondasebsebseb, nah, I'm stuck with ubuntu by my own choice. ;)17:43
C-S-B__toehio3: is there a reason not to use gnome?17:43
meglosebsebseb: I think he knows more about this linux stuff in general than you think.17:44
jakeriverlinuxguy2009: okey, let's see what happens.17:44
toehio3<C-S-B__> do you mean grub?17:44
kuba_is there anyone who has an expirience in network programming with gnutls?17:44
C-S-B__toehio3: yes, exactly, sorry!17:44
Rolandtoehio3: yes, if you want to use some other GUI17:44
linuxguy2009Nobody does any screencasting or video projects here? Dang.17:44
meglokklimonda: Would you happen to know anything about migrating nearly the same package between repos as I described?17:45
J_Parial.ttf don't have in ubuntu? I try apt-file search arial.ttf and not find.17:45
megloI'd like it to drop the bits in without using a PPA, as it would have ubufox, file associations, and the official branding.17:45
sebsebsebmeglo: right so just  install it directly from Mozilla?17:46
meglosebsebseb: Err no.17:46
kklimondameglo, there is nothing that would prevent you from downgrading them in distribution itself17:46
toehio3C-S-B__: I am using an intel mac. Ubuntu is installed along with grub on an external drive. I have manged to get lilo working from a cd and want to use it to boot ubuntu.17:46
meglosebsebseb: Ah it doesn't matter anyway. I need to get ecryptfs working in the ubiquity installer and do a clean-slate install. kklimonda/sebsebseb I didn't see encrypted /home offered for 9.04 in my installation procedure...17:46
kuba_I have some questions to gnuTLS, can somebody help me?17:47
kklimondameglo, the only problem I can think of is that ppa has newer version of firefox 3.5 that has an incompatible format of data..17:47
toehio3C-S-B__:  On intel macs you can't directly boot usb so I thought of using lilo because that's all I have right now.17:47
sebsebsebmeglo: it is available on the alternate CD17:47
meglokklimonda: Yes, I would have to see if I can downgrade properly.17:47
clonewarshello there17:47
kklimondameglo, firefox is only 3 or 4 packages so it shouldn't be hard17:47
sebsebsebmeglo: downgrading Ubuntu versions can really mess things up,  also downgrading  repo programs might as well17:47
meglosebsebseb: But it is also available in Ubiquity from what I hear. I want to use ubiquity for myself and other friends/family. I already did the alt-install but that isn't good for other people.17:47
meoblast001suppose i have a file irc.cgi at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgiirc and want to access it.... do i go to http://localhost/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi17:48
meglosebsebseb: Which is why I'll probably just do a clean reinstall with encrypted /home for cleanliness.17:48
clonewarsnow i have an theme installed on ubuntu , but when i create an new user its not there, how do i make it system wid? so that every new user will have that theme17:48
sebsebsebmeglo: it's best to use offical things from Canonical also,  instead of these 3rd party Ubuntu apps17:48
kklimondameglo, I've reinstalled 9.04 today and I can't remember having an option to encrypt /home17:48
meglosebsebseb: ubuntu-mozilla-security isn't totally 3rd party though17:48
sebsebsebkklimonda: alternate CD17:48
kklimondasebsebseb, yes - but he's talking about desktop cd17:49
meglokklimonda: I saw screenshots of a checkbox to do so. ecryptfs allows for using your user account pass as encryption key for /home...17:49
sebsebsebkklimonda: yes, but I was saying to you that it's available on the alernate17:49
megloWhich is what i want17:49
karamella i wanna a service17:49
kklimondameglo, wasn't it from 9.10?17:49
toehio3C-S-B__: do you know if there are any grub live cds available for download?17:49
meglokklimonda: It was on that one linux hardware site that is popular... from various sources it appears that it should be present in 9.04...17:49
meglokklimonda: I've asked about this before in here but didn't get an answer.17:50
jamiejacksonhow do i get the currently installed version of a package from CLI?17:50
djiezesfyi, it looks like firefox 3.5 is in the ubuntu repository17:50
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY17:51
meglodjiezes: A real final, or just beta?17:51
kklimondameglo, beta from march17:51
djiezesmeglo: installing now, version says 3.5, not 3.5b4 like before17:51
meglodjiezes: Interesting...17:51
megloI'll backup my profile and bookmarks, remove my PPA and update the repo cache and see17:52
kklimondaoh, wait17:52
djiezesmeglo: okay, it's shiretoki 3.5, not the beta17:52
kklimonda3.5 was just released to jaunty-security17:52
jamiejacksonjamiejackson: dpkg -s <packagename>17:52
jiongyehi, I tried to set up postfix in ubuntu 8.10, I follow all the default setting when install postfix and mailx, but when I tried to send mail to external, the mail never got sent, but I can send mail to internal users, can anyone tell me what I need to do in order to send mail to external?17:53
kklimondaI wonder why it doesn't have an official branding though17:53
sebsebsebkklimonda: the development versions of Firefox  and Thunderbird don't get proper Mozilla branding17:54
kklimondasebsebseb, 3.5 was uploaded to jaunty-security today17:54
sebsebsebkklimonda: well where is it as in an update then?  :D17:55
meglo<djiezes> meglo: okay, it's shiretoki 3.5, not the beta.17:55
megloThat is the code-name17:55
meglodoes it have the firefox branding?17:55
megloor just the globe...17:55
kklimondasebsebseb, if you have firefox-3.5 then you have to wait for mirrors to catch up17:55
sebsebsebmeglo: the globe is for the deveopment versions17:55
kklimondameglo, for some reason it doesn't17:55
mnkchwleftfb in here ?17:55
sebsebsebglobe = development version17:56
sebsebsebFirefox logo = final version17:56
meglosebsebseb: But it looks like it was upgraded to final. Shouldn't final be a release? It should have official branding - if djiezes has the final I'm wondering if he has branding.17:56
sebsebseb!ff35 |  meglo17:57
ubottumeglo: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY17:57
karamellaplease i need any one help me how to speed up my system and clean up17:57
shift_Hello, is sound in Ubuntu somehow dependant on gstreamer?17:57
djiezesmeglo & sebsebseb, it's the blue globe, not the firefox icon. but i don't think that's gonna change in jaunty.17:57
meglosebsebseb: I have seen that many many many times, thank you once more!17:57
kklimondashift_, most gnome applications that somehow work with multimedia are dependent on gstreamer17:57
humboltext4 sucks!17:57
megloshift_: No. Gstreamer is a higher-level gnome framework for multimedia17:58
gimpchristcan anyone help a linuxnoob?17:58
sebsebsebhumbolt: if you think that you must be noob,  or  be  using  another file system, which isn't Ext, but is also good17:58
humboltjust lost a config file due to my system freezing17:58
humboltsebsebseb: I'll revert back to ext317:58
Emeryi've just installed ubuntu with the minimal cd ... if i did apt-get install KDE ... which version would i get ?17:58
shift_kklimonda, meglo, yeah I just uninstalled totem and gstreamer related packages.... left alsa intact and now sound doesn't work at all (even if I use mplayer)17:59
sebsebsebhumbolt: and yeah Ext4 isn't quite perfect in 9.0417:59
alex_mayorgaIs there a way to make Network Monitor Applet keep track of the packets received/sent between sessions?17:59
gimpchristMy cpu used to have sound, but i left it on for three days and when i came back my sound was fried....tried reboot, tried diff speakers and hedfones, nothing works.17:59
sebsebsebhumbolt: it  would be if they did things a bit differnetly though, but no17:59
shift_sorry, it works again.17:59
sebsebsebhumbolt:  maybe not perfect, but much better17:59
gimpchristany way to reset original config of sound in terminal?17:59
megloshift_: What other packages were removed, besides gstreamer? Probably something pulse-audio related which is screwing with things...17:59
megloshift_: Err ok.17:59
th0ralex_mayorga: I think ifconfig does that17:59
humboltsebsebseb: well I really can't accept loosing config files. If at least they would stay as they were before editing. But ending up empty?!18:00
humboltsebsebseb: unacceptable!18:00
sebsebsebhumbolt:   however it's also not default in 9.04,  so   seen as some as being buggy or development,  even though other distros such as Fedora 11 use as default, but  also  have  a  proper kernel for it.   saying that though the good news is  Ubuntu 9.10  will have Ext4 by default, and a proper kernel for it :)18:00
alex_mayorgath0r, let me check, I'm on a pay per GB connection and would like to have my own records instead of paying blindly whatever the ISP asks for18:00
th0ralex_mayorga: in a terminal type "watch ifconfig <iface>'18:01
humboltsebsebseb: when is the next LTS release due?18:01
ARMENIANhow do i rip an audio cd to mp3?18:01
sebsebsebhumbolt:  there is even some stuff in the 9.04 release notes and Ext4 issues18:01
sebsebseb!notes |  humbolt18:01
ubottuhumbolt: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes18:01
kklimondahumbolt, well - in theory the next LTS is going to be 10.0418:01
gimpchristuhhhmmmm, anyone willing to help a noob...18:01
th0ralex_mayorga: and I believe the numbers in ifconfig are continuous, they don't reset every day or anything like that. Also there are a number of network monitoring tools that will do that work for you, create graphs and everything18:02
sebsebsebhumbolt: yep 10.04 will be the next one,  April 201018:02
alex_mayorgath0r, thanks that helps, but that wont keep record for subsecuent sessions, right?18:02
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping ARMENIAN18:02
kklimondahumbolt, but Shuttleworth was saying that he's considering holding it off till october so we can release it when new debian is released18:02
humboltkklimonda: sebsebseb: hope ext4 issues and damn pulseaudio are sorted out until then!18:02
sebsebsebhumbolt: yeah  sound issues,  that's not fun18:02
ARMENIANbazhang: thanks :)18:03
humboltpulseaudio, especially for the recording side of things, sucks increadibly!18:03
th0ralex_mayorga: that's what I mean...I think the totals will continue between sessions, so you take a reading now, another at the end of the month and there you have it. Also look into nagios, whatsupgold, big brother and others18:03
kklimondahumbolt, it was explicitly said in release notes for 9.04 that ext4 may not be as stable as ext318:03
ericdbI'm using Jaunty on a Dell xps m1210...sometimes I lose the ability to suspend or even shutdown.  The power button does nothing, nor does closing the lid.  But usually it works.  What can I look at to troubleshoot this?  Right now I'm having the problem.  Oh, scratch that...after about 60 seconds, the dialog finally came up.18:03
gimpchristMY sound doesnt work anymore, it used to work, i did nothing to my cpu for it to fry, someone please help me. Any way i can reset the sound settings through terminal18:03
humboltkklimonda: yes, that's ok. I am not moaning about that anymore.18:03
th0ralex_mayorga: also...look at installing gkrellm, it is in the repos. The network monitor there keeps daily, weekly and monthly totals18:03
alex_mayorgath0r, would keep an eye on that command and check your suggestions18:03
kklimondahumbolt, and wrt pulseaudio every new release should be better than that last one18:03
ScrondoSorry, I'm totally a newbie and I need some help about downloading from fserve. Chatzilla works fine, but if I use pidgin and type the trigger, then I don't get the long message with command list in response. What's wrong?18:04
megloWindows users can just install 3.5 right when released. Linux needs a stable ABI and the community has to merge into a single distro with great corporate backing to weather out the coming legislative apocalypse(DMCA 2.0, prompted cyber-terror/katrina crackdowns, whatever the EU has in store). We'll need TC signed kernels with escrow, klipper chips and mandated LSM modules from our respective federal authorities. Behold the future.18:04
Travis-42for a command in the crontab, is there a way to insert the current month, day, or hour into the parameters of the command being called?18:04
th0ralex_mayorga: for simple....gkrellm, for complete and impressive, nagios or whatsupgold18:04
DasEi1!kubuntu | Emery18:04
ubottuEmery: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE18:04
kklimondasebsebseb, btw - firefox 3.5 from jaunty-security is a stable version. for various reasons (SRU mainly) it doesn't have an official branding thouch18:04
sebsebsebmeglo: what are you on about?  and loads of the other distros do  it by default now, or have as an update just like that18:04
dattai need to know something about flock18:04
bazhangmeglo, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic18:04
sebsebsebmeglo: it's just Ubuntu is always behind with stuff like this18:04
EmeryDasEi, i'm not using kubuntu ... it's ubuntu ..18:04
ARMENIANbazhang: is sound juicer no longer installed on ubuntu by default?18:04
dhqi need help .... i am a MSc computer network security student and have to do a project as part of my course...  can anyone suggest some topics which are feasable18:04
GJWhat's the most lightweight ubuntu distro?18:05
kklimondaGJ, define lightweight18:05
dattai use the ubuntu system made by dell but i dont know what i should download from flock's site18:05
alex_mayorgath0r, I'm using http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-netstatus/2.26/ for now18:05
meglosebsebseb: So you're saying balkanized distros are causing my problems?18:05
Travis-42:q/join #linuxhelp18:05
humboltkklimonda: I just hope that LTS will be a really stable release this time. Not like the last time, when pulseaudio, which is still not really production ready, has been pushed in in the last minute!18:05
stewTravis-42: no, but all though are available via the date command18:05
Travis-42stew: ok thank you18:05
alex_mayorgath0r, it seems to reset the numbers by session though18:05
GJkklimonda: The ones that don't take alot of memory to run, and thus run quite good on older systems.18:05
DasEi1Emery: other surfaces, but installed by minimal, the body off all (ubu,kubu,xubu .. and so on ) is same18:06
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.518:06
rsa_md5has anyone here tried using debootsrap on ubuntu with apt-proxy?18:06
kklimondaGJ, probably arch linux with some lightweight WM18:06
sebsebsebmeglo: no  I am saying if you want later stuff first,  and sometimes  even  when it's beta,   get  a distro such as Fedora.   For  example   Fedora 11 came with  Firefox  3.5  Beta 4.18:06
shabooHi, I'm gaving trouble setting the IP address from the command line.  I have edited the /etc/interfaces but when I do /etc/init.d/networking restart, it looks like it's restarted OK but the IP details have not changed, even after a reboot.  ANy ideas ?18:06
bazhangARMENIAN, it is optional (ie needs to be installed) sound-juicer is the package name18:06
th0ralex_mayorga: I found the system monitors in gnome took an awful lot of system resources. I installed gkrellm (even under gnome) and it monitors a ton of stuff with very little impact on system resources18:06
stewTravis-42: for instance, "date +%d" would give you day of month, see man date for others18:06
GJkklimonda Thanks:)18:06
kklimondahumbolt, audio stack was always the least polished part of linux.18:06
ARMENIANbazhang: yeah, was trying soundjuicer and it wasnt working then i did apt-cache search and found it, thanks18:06
meglosebsebseb: Oh well. Fedora breaks easily.18:06
bazhangmeglo, sebsebseb please continue this discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic18:06
ishkurhey all, when im trying to upgrade my sys, it says cant install 'ubuntu-desktop' please report this as a bug. what should i do next?18:07
meglobazhang: It is over. Thanks for keeping an eye out.18:07
sebsebsebmeglo: well then  I suggest sticking with Ubuntu and not complaining loads that you haven't  got Firefox 3.5  as an update18:07
kklimondaishkur, report a bug on launchpad18:07
Travis-42stew: yea that helps, and I should be able to just put it between ` ` to insert it as a parameter. thanks!18:07
DasEi1ishkur: could you paste your sources.list ?18:07
sebsebsebbazhang: I am ending the discussion now :)18:07
meglosebsebseb: Do as channel cops say, I'm not going to engage.18:07
shabooI've edited /etc/interfaces because I want to change my IP but even after a reboot I get no change, any ideas?18:07
SolarisBoySunOS solaris 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris18:07
kklimondameglo, sebsebseb  but 9.04 was also released with firefox 3.5 - just not as default.18:08
moltenbobcatshaboo: wrong file /etc/networking/interfaces18:08
shaboomoltenbobcat, ah thx18:08
meglokklimonda: I understand that. I have patience, I can wait.18:08
ishkurif you tell me where to find it, sure18:08
moltenbobcatshaboo: and you don't have to reboot you can just do a /etc/init.d/networking restart18:08
linuxguy2009Anyone know what program I can use to combine a WAV audio track with an AVI video?18:08
kklimondameglo, i'm lost - for what? ;)18:09
DasEi1!who | ishkur18:09
ubottuishkur: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:09
shaboomoltenbobcat, what's the file interfaces in /etc for ?18:09
DasEi1ishkur: open a terminal ...18:09
ishkurdaseil, done18:09
DasEi1ishkur: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:09
moltenbobcatshaboo: not sure but the one I edit is in networking18:09
moltenbobcatwas there something in that file already?18:09
DasEi1ishkur: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list18:10
meglokklimonda: For FF3.5 as a stable, branded, integrated package from official repos for 9.04. Unless I'm mistaken, and this will never happen?18:10
attorianzothere is a program I execute by shell. Is there any way to know its dependences?18:10
kklimondameglo, it will never happen for 9.0418:10
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:10
DasEi1ishkur: copy the url from trml in here18:10
GJWoops >_<18:10
meglokklimonda: So FF3.5 will be finalized in universe, but stay unbranded?18:10
megloWhy do they even bother to have it in universe if not for an option that users have to upgrade? I'm not saying they need to remaster the ISOs, I'm talking post installatoin.18:11
kklimondameglo, there are various reasons - the main are that having both 3.0 and 3.5 with the same icons would confuse users and it's explicitly forbidden in SRU policty to change UI18:11
kklimondameglo, yes - it's already finalized if you use main mirror18:11
kklimondameglo, because 3.5 still breaks things18:11
mbkingsim new to ubuntu and trying to figure out wine so i can us office 07 for work could anyone help pls18:12
meglokklimonda: 'firefox' can be symlinked to FF3.5 trivially, and all icons will launch FF3.5 and update .mozilla18:12
kklimondameglo, for example none of extensions I have installed from repository works with 3.5 yet18:12
Flannelmeglo: It was released with 3.0, 3.5 isn't "bugfix/security" updates.  3.5 exists for those who wish to use 3.5, but 3.0 is still the official.18:12
ishkurdaseil http://pastebin.com/f12fc3b7218:12
sebsebsebmeglo: kklimonda has a point there,  must add ons for the Firefox 2 series won't work with Firefox 3.5 yet18:12
DasEi1mbkings:did you try openoffice ?18:12
linuxguy2009mbkings: Your aware that openoffice can open some MS office docs right?18:12
sebsebsebmeglo: most not must above18:12
meglosebsebseb: I use few updates directory from mozilla which are compatible.18:12
kklimondameglo, also it would break working systems - imagine that you have 100s of computers with custom extensions and after a single update they are all broken18:12
meglosebsebseb: that is not an issue for me18:12
mbkingsyes but will it work in reverse also?18:12
kklimondameglo, then you can install 3.5 by hand18:13
DasEi1mbkings: yes18:13
linuxguy2009mbkings: Yes whataver openoffice can open Im shure it can save as well.18:13
kklimondameglo, developers have to think about broader picture.18:13
meglokklimonda: I don't ask for it to be marked as an update! I just wonder if it will be available in the official mirrors for users to install at their own will.18:13
mbkingswell sweet then i will boot office 07 then to18:13
kklimondameglo, it is - as a firefox-3.5 package18:13
mbkingsthankyou for the help18:14
DasEi1mbkings: you can decide in which format oo stores, just for text I prefer abiword, as it loads faster18:14
linuxguy2009mbkings: welcome18:14
meglokklimonda: Then I have no problem other than it needs to be compiled with official branding and the ubufox extension updated for it, maybe also marked as a beta dependency18:14
kklimondameglo, it's was already updated to a final version - it just don't replace 3.0 in any scope and doesn't use official branding to avoid confusion.18:14
megloI don't see why this is hard.18:14
DasEi1ishkur: your sources.list ?18:14
meglokklimonda: I don't want it to be replacing anything. I just want it to be an option.18:14
kklimondameglo, a) SRU policy explicitly forbid changes to packages that change user interface.18:14
linuxguy2009Now if only there were some video editing peeps here.ah18:14
ARMENIANwhy do I have mp3 as a profile setting in sound juicer, but I can't choose it when trying to extract?18:15
megloWindows users get all the latest FOSS software without having to worry about their base system. Haha.18:15
sebsebsebmbkings: hi most of Office 2003 works well under wine and I think Office 2007,  however ideally you should  use the alternatives first,  Open Office,  KOffice,  Abiword, and Gnumeric a spreadsheet app18:15
ishkurdaseil: http://pastebin.com/f12fc3b7218:15
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: trying to extract what?18:15
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: an audio cd to mp318:15
sebsebsebmbkings: and for email the default Evolution or Mozilla Thunderbird or some such :)18:15
kklimondameglo, you can use a distribibution with rolling updates and have all the newest software18:15
meglokklimonda: Base system doesn't matter to me. If that is the problem then why is it even in universe? There are thousands of packages that change the user interface.18:15
DasEi1!tab | ishkur18:15
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Oh you need Lame installed and bad and ugly and both in multiverse so you get all codecs.18:15
ubottuishkur: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:15
mbkingswill do thanks sebsebseb18:16
Hilikusi'm getting this mail every day18:16
HilikusUse of uninitialized value in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/sbin/syslogd-listfiles line 12918:16
sebsebsebmeglo: Windows users blah de blah,   it depends on the Linux distro, if you just  get a later program version just like that or not18:16
Hilikusany ideas how to fix that?18:16
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: hmm i think i have bad and ugly installed and i tried sudo apt0get install lame and it said that it was mnually installed and up to date18:16
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: I actually prefer to use sound juicer for CD to FLAC and then Sound Converter for FLAC to MP3, AAC etc. Sound Juicer requires you to know ungodly amounts of gstreamer coding.18:16
meglosebsebseb: I don't understand what you're saying. Also what is with the 5 spacings between arbitrary words? Is your keyboard broken?18:16
kklimondameglo, to change a package in a released ubuntu version you have to follow SRU procedure. this procedure states explicitly that you can't change an interface in any way.18:17
sebsebsebmeglo: I already told  you about another distro, where you get most of the later Linux programs first, before Ubuntu18:17
sebsebsebmeglo: and as defaults18:17
megloWe have a beta package that is finalized in FF3.5. I shall install that, but kklimonda says this SRU forbids them from applying official branding?18:17
megloThis sounds ridiculous.18:17
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: hmm it seems it does it itself though if u have all the codecs, im gonna see if I have ugly and bad installed18:17
mbkingsthanks for the help cya laters18:17
megloWe have the ability to offer users a choice for FF3.5, but 'eh, just wait until late october'18:17
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: With sound converter theres no gstreamer coding stuff you just pick and choose format and bitrate.18:17
evonise`empswoody, u there?18:17
sebsebsebmeglo: http://www.distrowatch.com :)18:18
pp7can anyone get vdpau to work with mplayer in jaunty?18:18
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Yeah but umm good luck if you want to change the sound juicer bitrates for any format at all.18:18
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: isn't sound juicer the same thing?18:18
DasEi1ishkur: is there a reason for you having backports enabled ? in which circumstance you get your error ?18:18
swoodyevonise`emp:  yeah, how'd it go?18:18
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Same thing as what?18:18
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: :P I don't need to change any bitrates, this cd was recorded from mp3s either way :P18:18
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Have you looked at how to change the MP3 bitrate in sound juicer yet? Its horrible.18:19
linuxguy2009oh ok18:19
meglosebsebseb: Or I can just work with this to get what I want. I guess there is some silly rule that forbids official branding? Well screw official branding then. I already have firefox symlinked to FF3.5 rather than FF3, and just want the integration(ubufox, file associations).18:19
megloI only see the globe when I go to Help -> About.18:19
shaboomoltenbobcat, Thx heaps that worked a treat18:19
ishkurDasEi1: backports? i get the error when ubuntu tries to update itself18:19
megloOh, and the 'Shiretoko' as the process name.18:20
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: I know K3B lets you copy right off the disk to any format you want. Thats a cool feature.But all the other bells and whistles in K3B scare me.hehe18:20
sebsebsebmeglo: it might also be to do with Mozilla why it's a globe your getting,  this stuff can be pretty difficult to explain, espesailly to someone that is moaning18:20
jesaipahi all18:20
shruggarhow do I properly, permanently, uninstall kvm? I tried it out months ago, and it didn't work. Now, every time I boot up, "kvm" and "kvm_intel" uselessly load, and I need to rmmod them manually in order to use VirtualBox18:20
linuxguy2009jesaipa: Hello how are you today?18:20
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: yeah I've actually tried k3b much more options than brasero18:20
DasEi1ishkur: you got several foreign sources, like backports of (!dapper) older ones in, that could be the problem; unless for a certain reason, on jaunty use standard for that18:20
jesaipaanybody know the usb<>serial module please ?18:20
meglosebsebseb: I'm not moaning about anything, you can't effectively explain this absurdity except "lol go to distrowatch". What does it have to do with Mozilla? Nothing at all, except the package was compiled without official branding enabled. I understand this. It isn't difficult.18:21
moltenbobcatshaboo: no peroblem18:21
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: what I'm looking for is simple, fast, interface audio cd to mp318:21
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Im an idoit I meant to say KDE not K3B. duh im lamer18:21
ishkurDasEi1: so if i edit the backports out i should b ok?18:21
sebsebsebmeglo: heh  maybe you should be happy your not running  Debian  which Ubuntu is based on,  because  then you get Iceweasel  instead of  Firefox,  because of some sort of disagreement between Debian and Ubuntu.  Iceweasel being based on Firefox18:21
sebsebsebmeglo: of course you could  install  the  proper Firefox there directly from Mozilla,   you can talk further about this stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want18:22
meglosebsebseb: And the same thing nearly happened with Ubuntu also until Canonical worked out a deal with Mozilla.18:22
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Well if you dont care about changing settings sound juicer will do it. Otherwise you have to go hunt the web for lines of gstreamer code to paste in.Sucks.18:22
alan_the Network Connections menu doesn't seem to support 64bit WEP encryption. Am I correct in this? If so, is it still possible to do so?18:22
NemesisUKdoes anyone know how I could block access to a website thru iptables or if not iptables another probgam18:22
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: :P18:22
swoodyevonise`emp :  how'd it go?18:22
DasEi1ishkur: As you don't seem to know about their existance, backup old sources list, and use the one comin' in a moment18:22
kklimondameglo, buy you just don't seem to understand a reasoning behind this decision - if you did you wouldn't call it an "absurd" decision18:22
jesaipa<linuxguy2009> I'm fine and you ?18:22
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: any clue what it defaults to?18:22
sebsebsebkklimonda: maybe we should take him to  off topic like the ops wanted18:22
slaytonNemesisUK, you can add the url to /etc/hosts and redirect it to localhost18:22
shruggarNemesisUK, I would recommend a squid proxy18:22
meglosebsebseb: This isn't off-topic and applies to Ubuntu. Official branding doesn't matter, just the Ubuntu-specific modifications that offer better integration. I wonder if that is offered by the universe package.18:23
Flannelmeglo: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic18:23
NemesisUKwill that work if the machine is a router18:23
DasEi1ishkur: (in trml) sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list  /etc/apt/sources.listBackup18:23
kklimondasebsebseb, there should be an #ubuntu-advocacy channel for that ;)18:23
meglokklimonda: Link me to the SRU.18:23
Flannelmeglo: It is offtopic.  This channel is for support only, #ubuntu-offtopic is for non-support ubuntu chatter.18:23
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Umm lets see here...audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 vbr-quality=6 ! id3v2mux umm18:23
meglokklimonda: A lot of the things in GNOME's HIG is absurd, and I call it as such.18:23
slaytonNemesisUK, yes18:23
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: VBR quality 6?18:23
slaytonNemesisUK, the /etc/hosts file is checked before a DNS query is sent out18:23
kklimondameglo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:24
sebsebsebkklimonda: what were you trying to say?18:24
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: lol, what bitrate what that be?18:24
megloFlannel: I'll just straight up stop talking. These fellows wont follow me to an alternate channel for a proper discussion. Telling people to go to #ubuntu-offtopic is basically a "stfu" move in practice.18:24
kklimondasebsebseb, that offtopic isn't really a channel for this kind of discussions ino18:24
Flannelmeglo: No, it's not.  It's a "please let people get support in here"18:24
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: See thats why I dont use sound juicer for anything but FLAC and then use sound converter to do all my encoding.18:24
sebsebsebmeglo: wrong  I just joined  #ubuntu-offtopic after telling you to join18:24
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: and it's weird i have lame, bad, and ugly, and still don't get the option the profile is there and active but it doesnt show up when i want to choos ethe profiole for encoding18:24
private_metaheya... small question, I'm quite unsure about this one: Is it normal for the current ubuntu to start up to run level 2 only?18:24
megloFlannel: Sure, but lets take discussion of #ubuntu-offtopic to #ubuntu-offtopic shall we?18:25
Flannelmeglo: I'd love to.18:25
kklimondasebsebseb, and maybe we need another channel for all those "why does ubuntu do it this way" discussions18:25
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: have the bad multiverse and ugly multiverse as well?18:25
Flannelkklimonda: It's #ubuntu-offtopic.  Please go there now.18:25
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Restricted extras maybe too?18:25
kklimondaFlannel, sure18:25
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: that i might not have18:25
ishkurDasEi1: done18:25
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: what's the multiverse anyway?18:25
Flannelmeglo: Waiting on you.18:25
sebsebsebkklimonda: maybe, but really   it's not that good to talk bad about Ubuntu in it's offical channels,  even if only little things18:25
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Just stuff outside the normal repos I think. Or legal type stuff.18:26
Flannelsebsebseb: That's entirely incorrect.18:26
NemesisUKbizzare as Ive added them to the routers hosts file and it still getting the pages18:26
megloFlannel: I said I'm just going to stop talking. This isn't worthwhile. But I'll put offtopic on autojoin because it looks like I'll be using it more often.18:26
sebsebsebFlannel: well unless support or something,  or  what were you trying to say?18:26
ottoshmidta little question: would sending shutdown signal when Totem is on break totem?18:26
DasEi1ishkur: it's really a wierd mixture you got there, you may consider backup other stuff from your sys too, lot's of dapper-sources in it18:26
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: so could u tell me what i would need to do exactly to get the profile to work i mean my bad ugly and lame are all up to date it says18:26
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: I think either multiverse or universe are stuff they cant legally distribute on the distro releases.18:26
Flannelmeglo: For the record, *everyone* you're discussing the mozilla thing with is in -offtopic now.  But if you insist on being difficult, that's your perogative.18:27
kklimondaok, time for a real question - how suitable is server kernel for desktops?18:27
DasEi1!dapper | ishkur18:27
ubottuishkur: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.18:27
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Do you have the multiverse of each of those as well? Thats what you need.18:27
Flannelkklimonda: You generally want to use the -desktop kernel, because you'll benefit from PREEMPT18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel18:27
kklimondaI know what options are set differently in server kernel, I would like to know how they affect performance. for example preempt and config_hz18:27
kklimondaFlannel, I can't decide which is more important to me - PREEMPT and CONFIG_HZ or using whole 4GB of ram..18:28
Flannelkklimonda: Sometimes you'll notice the mouse lagging slightly due to the (lack of) preempt and stuff.18:28
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: You need to have Lame, gstreamer bad, gstreamer bad multiverse, gstreamer ugly, gstreamer ugly multiverse. Lots of apps use those.18:28
Flannelkklimonda: Is 64bit not an option?18:28
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: well i just checked and the soources are enabled18:29
kklimondaFlannel, I've used it for some time and imo it just creates new sources of problems18:29
* trident523 can't see his SD card reader in ubuntu, it just dosen't show up as anything when a card is inserted. What should I do?18:29
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: ok so go install em all.18:29
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: now just i need to know the name of the gstreamer multiverse ugly package18:29
slaytonARMENIAN, try using aptitude search18:30
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: just look for gstreamer bad or ugly the will be listed right by them cant miss em.18:30
DasEi1ishkur : http://paste.ubuntu.com/211418/18:30
bazhangARMENIAN, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?18:30
sebsebseb!welcome |  maria18:30
ubottumaria: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.18:30
ARMENIANbazhang: not sure let me see18:30
bazhangARMENIAN, also a couple of packages from medibuntu as well ( medibuntu.org )18:30
rom1vI need help with apt-get / aptitude : I have a dependencies problem18:31
mariaWell... really This's a computer of my sister... I'm alexander.. Nice to meet all.. guys =)18:31
ARMENIANbazhang: now i have it installed :P18:31
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: might want to get libdvdcss as well while your getting stuff. DVD playback.18:31
overcan i install firefox 3.5 rc3 on ubuntu18:31
mariasomeone here understand spanish languaje?18:31
sebsebseb!ff35 |  over18:31
ubottuover: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY18:31
trident523!es | maria18:31
ubottumaria: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:31
mariahola como estas ...18:31
ortsvorsteher!es | maria18:31
akikanbut is it safe to use?18:31
ishkurDasEi1: so if i replace my sources list with that one i should be ok?18:32
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: it's ok i just use vlc and i dont play many dvds mostly divx and xvid ;-)18:32
harjotmaria: type /nick alexander to change ur name18:32
slaytonrom1v, have you tried in #ubuntu-fr18:32
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:32
Flannelakikan: Yes.  It's currently an older version, but it'll be updated to final once the final package is finished testing18:32
bazhangARMENIAN, also in addition to what linuxguy2009 suggests, the w32codecs18:32
ARMENIANbazhang: u the man :)18:32
ARMENIANbazhang: the ubuntu-restricted- did it18:32
akikanflannel: wil it earse my current 1? and will i get it as an ubuntu update wen the ful version is out?18:32
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: thanks for the help :D18:33
maria<linuxguy2009> hi you know a program for video?18:33
FaethinHow can I remove the requirement to enter sudo for a specific command?18:33
DasEi1ishkur: I think so, though I'm not shure for every little typo, to compare, here is my working jaunty one : http://paste.ubuntu.com/211422/18:33
cousteauwhen I try to boot from 2.6.28-13 grub makes an error 13, what can this be? I tried reinstalling the package18:33
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: yeah restricted extras are almost a necessity.18:33
ARMENIANmaria: what kind of video?18:33
Flannelakikan: It won't.  You'll have 3.0 and 3.5 both installed, and it'll automatically update.18:33
sebsebsebmaria: VLC  banshee mplayer :)18:33
bazhangARMENIAN, nice :)18:33
akikanok thanks alot18:33
ishkurDasEi1: thanks for help will try that18:33
slaytonFaethin, you can login as root.. or change the permissions of the program you're trying to run, but you really SHOULDNT do this18:33
akikanbtw ban me im the guy from yesterday who was illegal18:33
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: i mean i could play mp3s and stuff without it yet couldnt encode even though I had lame weird idk18:33
FaethinI need to be able to eject a media device without having to type sudo eject /media/<devicename>18:33
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY18:34
Faethinslayton: it'd be just for one command18:34
Faethinslayton: the command that ejects my iPod18:34
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: yeah you just have to have all the dependencies for all of that stuff to work right.18:34
cousteauis it possible that the module of the nvidia card is mesing up the kernel image?18:34
slaytonFaethin, have you tried umount?18:34
FaethinI have18:34
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: You dont happen to know an app to join a WAV and AVI together in ubuntu do you?18:35
Faethinslayton: see, I have to input the eject command on Amarok in order to properly unmount my iPod from my laptop18:35
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: u might like to give avidemux a try18:35
Faethinslayton: umount doesn't work18:35
slaytonFaethin, well everybody has execute privledges on eject, it has to do with the privledges on the device you're trying to eject18:35
DasEi1linuxguy2009:you just want to play them ?18:35
slaytonFaethin, you're ipod isn't mounting with the proper permissions18:35
Faethinslayton: how can I get around this then?18:35
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: yeah avidemux should do it18:36
Faethinslayton: Oh, and how do I fix this?18:36
mariano no.. it's for edite video.. ok i explain.. I used the Avidemux. But I can't understand one question this program not paste the subtitles and the video contunous... cuz the video are in Mp4 with codec h264 and when you try in paste the subtitles in this video and put in AVI have a prolems the audio appear first than the video .. So my question is if someone here can help how I can paste the subtitules in this video18:36
linuxguy2009DasEi1: No im starting to do screencast tutorials to help folks here.18:36
slaytonFaethin, does the ipod show up on the desktop?  can you right click on it and select umount volume18:36
FaethinIt does and I can18:36
rom1vslayton, yes, I tried…18:36
Faethinslayton: And it unmounts it with no problem at all18:37
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Thanks Ill have to give that app another go. i thought it was just for seperating them.18:37
DasEi1linuxguy2009:rigt i right, then18:37
mariaand my other question is How I can put my 5.1 channels in this computer?18:37
slaytonFaethin, then why can't you just do that?18:37
* trident523 can't find his SD card reader that's hardwired into his system as anything in ubuntu. what am I doing wrong?18:37
EmeryIf i did, apt-get install kde, what version would i get ?18:37
slaytonrom1v, can you paste bin the apt-get error?18:37
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: u press file - append and it should combine them18:37
Faethinslayton: because I'm neurotic and like to tie loose ends. :p18:37
slaytontrident523, have you tried lsusb?18:37
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN:Sweet ill give it a try. Ill let you know here in a min.18:37
slaytonFaethin, have you tried in #amarok?18:37
bazhangEmery, for jaunty?18:38
Faethinslayton: in all seriousness, because I'd like to merely plug, add music and unplug from a single context18:38
trident523slayton: not there, I think. There's some random items though.18:38
Faethinslayton: I have18:38
mariaThe program AVI Demux are prolems with the paste of subtitles guys! xD heeh18:38
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: so what u do is open ur first file with open and then go to file append for every file u want to add to the end of the one before it18:38
Emerybazhang, yes18:38
Faethinslayton: People there aren't very helpful at all18:38
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: ok :)18:38
bazhangEmery, kubuntu-desktop would deliver kde418:38
rom1vslayton, http://pastebin.com/f279e3de418:38
FloodBot2harjot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
Emerybazhang, i don't want kde4 i want 318:38
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: and this sound juicer is crap, I press extract and ti just quits, i even tried help and it just quits, what a broken app18:38
mariawhat do you from all?18:39
bazhang!kde3 > Emery18:39
ubottuEmery, please see my private message18:39
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN:try using it for FLAC extraction and just use sound converter.It works great.18:39
ARMENIANmaria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNt6mEQ658s18:39
FloodBot2harjot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
mariasomeone wanna help me please?18:39
bazhangharjot, dont paste here18:39
slaytonFaethin, its not that they aren't helpful they probably don't know how to fix the problem18:39
hobanhello all. Is there any official Upstart documentation? All I can find on the wiki links me to this article: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/12597718:39
shruggarWhen I hit a combination of keys, a window minimizes. Is there any way to say "just tell me who intercepts this keypress first" ?18:39
slaytontrident523, try messing around with lsusb18:39
Emerybazhang, i must be able to install it from apt-get without downloading a cd18:39
bazhangharjot, dont paste here18:39
* harjot sighs at his ppc18:40
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Ah no luck with avidimux.18:40
bazhangEmery, not sure if a ppa exists for that or not18:40
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: what happens?18:40
linuxguy2009append error18:40
DasEi1hoban : http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-9.0418:40
Faethinslayton: I don't say this lightly. I've had a bunch of questions and basically none of them have been answered at #amarok18:40
mariaThis is my first time in this IRC xD jeje18:40
slaytonhow long did you wait around for answers?18:40
Faethinslayton: I've gotten more help from #rhythmbox :p18:41
linuxguy2009Im using raw avi uncompressed till I get it all done so Im not losing quality each and every edit.18:41
mariaThanks armenian18:41
slaytonFaethin, oh how I love irc18:41
Emerybazhang, i find it a bit odd that kde3 isn't included ..18:41
Faethinslayton: don't we all18:41
hobanDasEi1, that says nothing about Upstart, nor is it official documentation18:41
ARMENIANmaria: sure :)18:41
rom1vslayton, wait, I am posting the english version18:41
bazhangEmery, kde4 is the official as of now18:41
mariaYeah, i see.. But I can't put well the subs18:41
hobanDasEi1, but thanks anyway18:41
ARMENIANmaria: haven't tried that so let me know how it works out18:41
DasEi1hoban: got you in the wrong way, to a start up, upstart18:41
rom1vhere is my apt-get problem : http://pastebin.com/f6346698c18:42
Faethinslayton: returning to my initial question, is there a way to remove the command from the sudo list?18:42
mariaok ok.. armenian .. YOu know other program for edit video?18:42
hobanDasEi1, ah, no. I was referring to Ubuntu SysV init replacement, Upstart18:42
linuxguy2009 rom1v: What are you trying to do exactly?18:42
slaytonFaethin, its not that the command is on a list... in order to execute the command it must be run able by either user, group, or everybody... eject is runable by anybody so you don't need to be root to run eject... ohwever the permissions on your ipod are screwy so only root can unmount it18:43
rom1vlinuxguy2009, just using apt-get normally18:43
DasEi1hoban: understood, not to familiar with it, sry18:43
slayton!permissions | Faethin18:43
ubottuFaethin: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:43
rom1vevery time I apt-get something, I have this problem18:43
Faethinslayton: thanks :D I'll have a read.18:43
linuxguy2009 rom1v: If apt-get fails then maybe you have a bad or corrupted sources list? Are you able to install from synaptic or add/remove?18:44
mariawell My msn is nemesiskrak@hotmail.com.. If someone wanna help me with the video agree me18:44
rom1vI am able to install even with apt-get (apt-get install vlc for example), but at the end it always try to reconfigure linux-image-2.6.28-13 and never manage to)18:44
ARMENIANmaria: there is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kino_(software) but it's probably not as advanced as avidemux18:44
rom1vand the system doesn't boot on this kernel (-13)18:44
linuxguy2009 rom1v: Try clearing out your APT cache and try again?18:45
mariaI used Kino Amenian and this program are not good18:45
rom1v(both with apt-get or aptitude)18:45
slaytonrom1v, did you pastebin the english error?18:45
ARMENIANmaria: only other way u could do is probably ffmpeg but that's command line18:45
rom1vslayton : http://pastebin.com/f6346698c18:45
ARMENIANmaria: yeah there aren't too many for linux18:45
ARMENIANlinuxguy2009: what append error does it give u?18:46
linuxguy2009 rom1v: Synaptic package manager.settings preferences. files tab, delete cached package files.18:46
bazhangmaria, kdenlive also comes to mind along with avidemux18:46
slaytonrom1v, file a bug report18:46
chris__can anybody help me with getting Pandora to work with ubuntu18:46
slayton!flash | chris__,18:46
ubottuchris__,: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:46
rom1vfor package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic on launchpad?18:46
mariaYeah! I used Kdenline and not are good hehe.. really i need a other program18:47
mariawell see later armenian18:47
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN: Just says :Something failed while appending.18:47
bazhangmaria, that is pretty much it at this point18:47
mariathank's for all18:47
ARMENIANmaria :)18:47
slaytonrom1v, you're installing a kernel from launchpad?18:47
mariayou have msn?18:47
linuxguy2009ARMENIAN:Color of the video is inverse also.Strange18:47
bazhangmaria, amsn, pidgin sure18:47
rom1vslayton : no, it's a standard upgrade from standard repositories18:47
rom1vin ubuntu18:47
mariaPlease you gime me you msn'18:48
slaytonrom1v, hmm... you should really file a bug report18:48
rom1vwhen you said "fill a bug", you mean bugs.launchpad.net?18:48
linuxguy2009rom1v: Clear your cache and try again?18:48
GJMight not want to do that in public chat.18:48
bazhangoh misunderstood sorry18:48
slaytonoh yes18:48
slaytonrom1v, "^18:48
rom1vlinuxguy2009, for the moment I access only using shell on the computer18:48
ARMENIANmaria: u want my msn?18:48
rom1vso I can't launch synaptic18:48
mariayeah pliz<18:48
rom1vhow can I clear the cache18:48
linuxguy2009Anyone want to help rom1v and say how to empty the apt cache from terminal?18:48
slaytonrom1v, https://launchpad.net/linux18:48
ARMENIANmaria: it's gev323@live.com18:49
mariaok thank's18:49
ARMENIANmaria: what's urs ill add u18:49
ARMENIANor if u want add me18:49
mariaadd me my msn is18:49
sburwoodAnyone wanna help me open up my EEE PC 900?18:50
mariasee latter18:50
scott__my access to the web is waaaaay too slow on ubuntu. I've got a brandnew 8.10 install with zero changes. IT IS NOT IPV6, TURNING IPV6 DOES NOT FIX IT18:50
linuxguy2009rom1v: Cant get to a desktop at all huh?18:50
bazhangscott__, lose the caps18:50
slaytonrom1v, apt-get clean18:50
sburwoodI undid the screws.  I don't want to force it and break it, but ...18:50
lordnoidhey does anyone know what's the best way to setup dual monitors with an ati hd4850? I tried it last night with just the catalyst control but that went wrong.18:50
rom1vah it seems to be a bug18:50
slaytonsburwood, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic this channel is for ubuntu support only18:50
sburwoodok, sorry18:50
bazhangsburwood, #eeepc or ##hardware NOT here18:50
scott__bazhang, zip it. caps don't only mean yelling, they are sometimes used to emphasize a point.18:51
b0redwhy everytime when I restart Ubuntu, my network card gets a new name.. eth0 eth1..18:51
bazhangscott__, please be civil.18:51
^cheekykerimbasol, hey, man figured it out it was dump on my side, it was the trash can applet that did not let me move files out but i was managed to get my files out of the trash via terminal under .trash. thank you for your time cheers18:53
rom1vand there are 44 duplicates !18:53
scott__i need to know if switching to a static IP will improve my web speeds. and i'll need someone to walk me thru it. please, only those that KNOW what they're talkin about18:54
Titan8990scott__, no, it will not effect web speed18:54
chris__even after i downloaded the flash plug in, when i try to run Pandora it says "We're sorry, but unless you agree to share registration information with %s, you will be unable to listen to %s18:54
Titan8990scott__, it will increase boot time since the boot proc does not need to wait on the DHCP server to respond18:55
Gausianscott_, are you wired or wireless?18:55
scott__i'm hard wired18:55
scott__2 puters on one modem18:55
Titan8990i doubt its a modem18:56
MrKeunerwill firefox-3.5 be replaced with jaunty's firefox 3 eventually?18:56
sebsebseb!ff35 |  MrKeuner18:56
ubottuMrKeuner: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY18:56
DulakMrKeuner: it will not be replaced but there is a firefox-3.5 package in universe you can install and use18:56
bazhangMrKeuner, two separate items18:57
antiiCan I use Ubuntu 8.10 livecd for backing up my files on a EXT3 drive to a NTFS drive?18:57
sebsebsebantii: that didn't make proper sense18:57
sebsebsebantii: it did, weird I didn't read the word backing18:57
Titan8990antii, yes but its not needed18:57
antiisebsebseb: :P18:57
antiiTitan8990: huh?18:58
antiiWhat u suggest me to do..18:58
Titan8990antii, use the actual install18:58
lordnoidhi does anyone know what's the best way to setup dual monitors on ati hd4850? I tried aticonfig/catalyst but that didn't work out really well.18:58
antiiTitan8990: but i wont install.18:58
sebsebsebantii: you can copy files from Ext3 to NTFS that's easy to do18:58
JPZHello everyone. I need help with Firestarter, its generating a massive amount of logs regarding broadcast msgs, I've already disabled the block broadcast msgs, but msgs keep on coming.18:58
Titan8990antii, then yes18:58
scott__ok router then, lets plz stop kibitzing over words and caps for the love of Pete! all i wanna do is get my speed back. since switching from windows xp to ubuntu, my speed is waaaay slower. clearly something is wrong, all i wanna do is fix it.18:58
sebsebsebantii: as long as Windows shut down the NTFS properly18:58
antiisebsebseb: didnt work in 7.04, just read only so trying 8.10 now18:58
desiNerdcan someone help me on installing gmailfs on ubuntu 9.04?18:59
sebsebsebantii: yeah the proper  read and write NTFS support didn't come along untill 7.1018:59
* antii trashes his 7.04 cd18:59
sebsebsebantii: heh :)18:59
antii4 min left! :)19:00
Gausianscott_, how big a of a speeed dif are we talking here?  a few MB/s?19:00
SjoerdMi messed up my ubuntu 9 installation is their a recovery option? (cant acces the gui anymore)19:00
sebsebsebantii: for what?19:00
antiisebsebseb: 8.10 cd :P19:00
=== _ is now known as Guest63210
sebsebsebantii: why 8.10 and not 9.04  by the way  9.04 isn't that great really,  8.10 :)   and then do another clean install once 9.10 is out so you can have full Ext4 support and by default :)19:01
desiNerd@sjoerdm ,,,then try recovering using text mode only19:01
b0redwhy everytime when I restart Ubuntu, my network card gets a new name.. eth0 eth1..19:01
SjoerdMdesiNerd: how can i acces a text only mode?19:01
antiisebsebseb: cause i use a mac as my primary computer and need my movies and so from my ext3 drive to my htpc19:01
sebsebsebSjoerdM: you still got the Grub boot loader right?  ,but it's only on the screen for like 3 seconds?19:02
sebsebsebantii: oh right19:02
scott__gausian no we're talkin about my isp pumpin 850ish (upload) and from speedtest.com i'm only getting .00219:02
SjoerdMsebsebseb: yes19:02
desiNerd@sjoerdm...login using single user mode...did you try thta.....what exactly is the problme...can you elaborate a bit19:02
scott__gausian i called my isp, all is well, i looked at the router and it confirms it19:02
sebsebsebSjoerdM: that can be changed in the menu.list file to longer, but I think you can just press esc on it, and then access recovery mode from it19:02
antiisebsebseb: so ntfs-3g is enabled by default? read write that is19:03
sebsebsebantii: yep  as of  7.1019:04
yeldudfirst time trying  xchat just want to see if it works; good afternon19:04
sebsebsebyeldud: evening here19:04
yeldudyes it does19:04
mcrawforfirefox 3.5 - wtf?19:04
ryan_how do i move a directory?19:04
mcrawforI installed the "firefox-3.5" package on jaunty19:04
sebsebseb!langauge |  mcrawfor19:04
ubottumcrawfor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:04
mcrawforand I get Shiretoko still19:04
OttifantSirDoes anyone have any idea why my audio de-syncs with the video when I record my desktop with gtk-recordmydesktop?19:04
sebsebsebmcrawfor: yes the bot link will explain19:04
sebsebseb!ff35 |  mcrawfor19:05
ubottumcrawfor: Firefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY19:05
sebsebsebmcrawfor: or the bot message, or both19:05
mcrawforsebsebseb: still, huh? wild19:05
sebsebsebmcrawfor: go on the link it's good :)19:05
mcrawforI saw the update today, which drops the "rc" label19:05
antiisebsebseb: burning now :! D:19:05
mcrawforbut still beta apparently thanks19:05
sebsebsebantii: by the way good idea to md5sum your ISO19:05
silidan1is there an open source alternative to google earth ?19:05
sebsebsebantii: download check to make sure no problems with the ISO19:05
antiisebsebseb: always ^_^!19:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext419:06
lightbrickoI'm recording my breathing during sleep using a microphone to check for sleep apnea. What recording and analyzing software is suitable for this? I'd like to see some kind of volume graph so I can easily see when my breathing changes.19:06
geboycan somebody tell me whats the big diff between the gui version and the server version of ubuntu?19:06
sebsebsebantii: you do it?19:06
antiisebsebseb: yarr19:06
sebsebsebantii: good19:06
Slartsilidan1: no, not that I've heard of at least19:06
desiNerdsilidan: why dont you tyr google earth itself...wahts the prob19:06
geboycoz i intended to run proxy server in ubuntu desktop19:06
sebsebsebsilidan1: don't think so, but  there is Google Earth for Linux as well19:06
geboywhat would be the down side of it?19:06
desiNerd@lightbricko.....are you a nerd???19:06
desiNerdof what19:06
yeldudhad problems getting google earth to work on linux19:07
silidan1you know the things about closed source: they may be free now... but what in the future?19:07
sebsebsebgeboy: well first of all do you want to run some sort of server?19:07
lightbrickodesiNerd: What do you mean?19:07
sebsebsebgeboy: and if so what kind of server exactly?19:07
desiNerdwhat was the problem installing google earth on linux19:07
Slartlightbricko: there is audacity for sound editing.. not sure how well it works for this though19:07
geboy@sebsebseb: squid19:07
darkhammhi people, i must copy a big folder to my ubuntu from windows, is the other pc of my home, how can i do that quickly?19:07
silidan1no there wasnt a problem19:07
lightbrickoSlart: Thanks, I'll check it.19:07
sebsebsebgeboy: are you going to use the computer as just a server,   or as a server, but also desktop usage?19:07
desiNerdtickling the funny bone....btw you can try audacity ...its a good option though19:08
darkhammi enebled the guest access on a shared folder on my ubuntu, how can i open it from windows?19:08
geboy@sebsebseb: just as a server, but i don't like looking at the command line x)19:08
sebsebsebgeboy: well  then  maybe you need to learn the command line a tiny bit19:09
silidan1darkhamm: this is a windows related question i guess19:09
antiisebsebseb: its fine19:09
yelduddown loaded from web; but seems to be no connection; do I need to use command line19:09
sebsebsebgeboy: ,but then you want the  Ubuntu  8.04.2  server version, yes the LTS19:09
sebsebsebgeboy: LTS is recommended for proper servers,  since  5 years of support19:09
sebsebsebgeboy: 3 for desktop LTS19:09
sebsebseb!lts |  geboy19:09
ubottugeboy: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04)19:09
geboy@sebsebseb: ic19:09
geboyi'm usually using the server as the base of my squid19:10
geboyuntil recently i'm having some thought of trying using desktop19:10
sebsebsebgeboy: you can run a server in the desktop version as well19:10
geboysebsebseb: btw, it will run on vm tho19:10
sebsebsebgeboy: the server is going to run in a vm?19:11
geboysebsebseb: yup19:11
sebsebsebgeboy: what's the host OS?19:11
geboysebsebseb: xp19:11
sebsebseboh dear19:11
scunizi ouch19:11
sebsebsebno :(19:11
nibbler__hi. is it possible to display ctime in nautilus list mode? somehow this is missing in my view->visible columns :\19:11
geboyoh dear oh why?19:11
sebsebsebgeboy: Windows as host = bad,  unless your a newbie to Linux and just going to do some testing of it, before  doing a proper partitioned install19:11
geboyand the downside?19:12
antiiUnstable, unfree19:12
antiietc :)19:12
sebsebsebgeboy: which virtual machine program?19:12
dunks__windows server is stable.19:12
desiNerdits better to try out things in vm before doing a partitioned install....19:12
geofftWhat's the term for the things which are Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.? "variant"? "flavor"? "edition"?19:13
desiNerdi thing vmware is the best option19:13
sebsebsebdunks__: are you trolling in here now?  :D19:13
dunks__No, are you?19:13
nibbler__dunks__: i dont know many windows server which dont have a scheduled nightly reboot...19:13
SjoerdM_sry internet connection was away19:13
dunks__Well then you must have a pretty poorly setup production enviroment nibbler__19:13
sebsebsebgeboy: which vmware product? VMware server? workstation?19:13
geboydesiNerd: the thing is, this squid server is not taking much resources19:13
desiNerdthey alll differ on the the desktop manager...19:13
dunks__You do have one yes?19:13
geboyworkstation 619:13
SjoerdM_okay im in text mode, problem was that somehow it was complaning that my home directory was listed as home/sjoerd but didnt exist anymore now i navigated to my home directory and i see that the sjoerd dir is still there?19:13
nibbler__dunks__: simple setups at various costumers19:14
desiNerdubuntu: gonme , kubuntu: kde xubuntu: xfce etc19:14
Pickenzaknibbler__: Hehe, Nibbleeer! :)19:14
sebsebsebgeboy: well  Linux tends to win when it comes to the proper OS technical stuff,  hence why  most of the Internet is run by Linux distros :)  ,but  also why most super computers run it19:14
dunks__Maybe you should re-evaluate how they're setup then if you have schedueled nightly reboots19:14
desiNerdyes ,,,absolutely right19:14
PapaChubDoes anybody know of an NFS server that supports "map_static" in /etc/exports?19:14
dunks__Anyway, this is offtopic19:14
PapaChubnfs-kernel-server complains about "unknown keyword" and unfsd just says "syntax error" :-(19:14
geboysebsebseb: actually i have run this squid server for a year in its own box19:15
sebsebsebgeboy: with Windows well,  you might think your secure enough, but  really your not  or  whatever.  yeah viruses  and so on.   Windows  XP is a lot more likely to crash than  Ubuntu as well19:15
geboysebsebseb: and see that its a waste of resource, coz it only utilizes the pc below 50%19:15
ryan_how do i move a directory or redfine the file path?19:16
nibbler__dunks__: its mainly affecting terminal/citrix servers, its common practice... its not that the server crashes, its that printers stop working etc.... it happens on simple installations.... nightly reboot is ofc not needed nightly, but you never know when something gets stuck....19:16
nibbler__but this is an ubuntu channel, so sorry for offtopic chat :)19:16
nibbler__anyone any idea about how to display ctime in nautilus?19:16
sebsebsebgeboy: well do  what you want,  but   a lot of people  that  know computers pretty well woudn't recommend Windows as a host OS19:16
Pickenzakls -l /home/Sjoerd19:17
PickenzakOr ls -l /home/sjoerd19:17
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: it gives total 1619:17
Pickenzakthen its there19:17
geboysebsebseb:thanks alot, seb. now i need some kind of enlightment. i wanna try using squid  in ubuntu desktop. ad see the performance19:17
geboyafterall its only a home network19:18
PickenzakSjoerdM_: whats the problem...19:18
geboyless then 10 pcs to serve19:18
sebsebsebgeboy: don't know since not used it19:18
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: i will reboot and type the message exactly19:18
tvburgerHey guys, someone Xdmx running? got segfault straightaway]19:18
PapaChubSjoerdM_, Are you sure user homedir is /home/sjoerd ? Try:  echo ~   and:  ls -l ~19:19
Mr_Giraffehey, I keep experiencing fairly regular freezes on Firefox where it takes up 100% of my CPU and stops responding for a few seconds. This happens every minute or so. Does anybody know how to fix it?19:19
cousteauI upgraded from ext3 to ext4 and now I'm having problems with grub19:19
cousteau(just because I didn't read all those advices about ext4 and grub...)19:20
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: flash issue19:20
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: ask the firefox folks19:20
NarusegawaI've accidentally broken grub, and can't find how to reinstall it. find /boot/grub/stage1 inside grub can't find file19:20
SjoerdM_"your home directory is listed as:' /home/sjoerd' but it does not appear to exist. Do you want to login in with the / (root) directory as your homedirecotory? It is unlikeliy anything will work unless you use a failsafe session19:20
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: thats the error19:20
Mr_GiraffePickenzak, I don't even have flash up right now19:20
PickenzakSjoerdM_: bad permissions on it19:20
Mr_Giraffeotherwise npviewer.bin would be using the CPU, right?19:20
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: any addon could be19:21
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: any addon could b19:21
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: what page ?19:21
geboywell then, i read that desktop and server having different kernel setup. whats the diffrent?19:21
Mr_GiraffePickenzak, any page will cause it at any time19:21
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: which permissions should it have? i already tried chmod 64419:21
sebsebsebgeboy: ah yes   the server version is meant to have a kernel version which is better for servers19:21
Mr_Giraffeit happens once a minute, freezes for about 2-3 seconds, then stops19:21
Mr_Giraffeand everything is back to normal19:21
PickenzakSjoerdM_: drwx------19:22
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: what dist, or windows ?19:23
JBauerI recently had some problems with Ubuntu, repaired them but now the login screen sais it can't find theme.xml. In adition, I can't change add any themes. Now I don't have one19:23
Mr_GiraffePickenzak, 8.1019:24
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: is that chmod 777 ?19:24
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: 9.latest is much cooler19:24
SjoerdM_uh 755 sry19:24
PickenzakMr_Giraffe: upgrade19:24
Mr_GiraffePickenzak, I use this laptop for work, I don't have time to just upgrade19:24
cjaeI need to bulk rename files and compare doubles any suggestions19:25
Mr_Giraffeand frankly I've heard enough about bugs from 9.x that I'm going to hold off on that19:25
cjaeI see meld, but I am mainly in in kde environment19:25
mohammed510hi every body19:25
PickenzakSjoerdM_: i think so, yes19:25
PapaChubcjae,   /bin/ls *.old | while read i; do mv -i "$i" "`echo $i | sed -e 's/new/old/'`"; done19:25
Jeruvycjae: sed and awk are your friends :) ^^19:26
PickenzakSjoerdM_: its '0755'19:26
JBauerI recently had some problems with Ubuntu, repaired them but now the login screen sais it can't find theme.xml. In adition, I can't change add any themes. Now I don't have one19:26
bruenigPickenzak: don't parse the otuput of ls19:26
mohammed510I couldn't understand the difference between the 4 types of repositroies in the ubuntu diestribution (( main ... restrictions ... universe ... multiverse))19:26
mohammed510Can any one  help me ??19:27
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: ty just editted it but it still gives the error...19:27
bruenigPickenzak: for i in *.old; do mv -i "$i" "$(echo $i | sed 's/new/old')"; done19:27
bruenigso so much better19:27
desiNerd@moham...yeh whats the prob19:27
PapaChubbruenig, That fails on files with spaces19:27
bruenigPapaChub: it certainly does not19:27
PickenzakSjoerdM_: could be that the files .bashrc and so on doesnt have the right permissions19:27
bruenigPapaChub: *.old is bash globbing, bash internall knows how to field separate its own globs19:27
desiNerdvery oftion......19:28
bruenigit is when you pipe external apps into bash that the separation messes up19:28
bruenighence why you don't mess with ls19:28
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: could be, dont know it19:28
mohammed510Any one can help ?? I couldn't understand the difference between the 4 types of repositroies in the ubuntu diestribution (( main ... restrictions ... universe ... multiverse))19:28
Pickenzaksjoerd__: ls -la | grep bash19:28
dsdeiztext based twitter client anyone? :D19:28
PapaChubbruenig, That's why to use "while read i" instead; each file is on its own line19:28
dsdeizthat is, aside from using curl19:29
Pickenzak-rw-r--r--+  1 MyUser MyUser     124 29 feb  2008 .bashrc19:29
bruenigPapaChub: *.old is just better, it doesn't require external apps nor the while read hackaround19:29
CloudCarriermohammed510: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu19:29
bruenigjust saying19:29
bruenigdo what you want19:29
desiNerd@mohammed510.....it depends on the type of tooll.....everything cannt be put under a single repo19:29
Tomi-871Hi all! Yesterday I installed a 9.04 on a HP Pavilion zv5000 and had problems with the wireless driver (broadcom b43). It wasnt shown in the drivers list. I downloaded one through wired connection (i havent this option right now, typing from another computer). Now I have the b43 driver installed and activated and i have also a "software modem" in that list (cant activate it.) BUT I still cant connect to any wireless networ19:29
SjoerdM_-rw------ 1 root root 1110 Jul 6 20:25 .bash_history and -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 227 Dec 23 2008 .bashrc19:30
SjoerdM_Pickenzak: is that okay?19:30
desiNerd@tomi -- what are the probs your are facing19:30
desiNerdat what step your are getting stuck...when u t r trying to connect to the network19:30
desiNerdseem so19:31
PapaChubbruenig, On recent distros, perhaps...  I've been burned WAY too many times in the past by "#!/bin/sh" Bourne-shell scripts, I suppose19:31
PickenzakSjoerdM_: No, i dont think so... what caused it ?19:31
desiNerdfor what19:31
mohammed510CloudCarrier: Restricted - Supported software that is not available under a completely free license19:31
Tomi-871desinerd: even if I have the b43 driver installed I cant connect to wireless network19:31
desiNerdhave you configureed things properly19:31
PickenzakSjoerdM_. where you on irc too long to get craxxored ?19:32
desiNerdin your b43 driver19:32
mohammed510CloudCarrier: Does this means that it is not completely free of charge? or does it mean that it is not completely open source??19:32
Tomi-871yes, the computer cant find any network19:32
bruenigPapaChub: well, I am only talking about bash, I am not sure if this works for sh. Nonetheless, this has been standard bash behavior for a good 5-6 years at least19:32
PapaChubbruenig, Which is why I also explicitly type "/bin/ls" to ensure I don't get any fancy "-F" or color codes, etc.19:32
desiNerd@mohammed ...its the 2nd one...not completely open source19:32
DarkMindcan any one help with grub ?19:32
Tomi-871after install i have to configure it? oops.19:32
SjoerdMPickenzak: internet connection lost...19:32
desiNerd@darkmind,,,,whats the prob....dont ask to ask..jsut ask19:33
PickenzakSjoerdM: righty19:33
SjoerdMPickenzak: any ideas how to fix it?19:33
DarkMindi installed kubuntu after f11 and win719:33
DarkMindand now i can boot only ubuntu and win719:33
DarkMindand no entry for f1119:33
mohammed510desiNerd: Is this like the packages for mp3 ??19:33
desiNerd@tomi...yes ....you have to make sure all your network parameters are set properly...then only you can connet to the network..else not19:33
DarkMindi want to boot it has my imp data and backups19:33
desiNerd@mohammed...yeh...some decoders are not free. so you have to get the non-free extras19:34
desiNerd@darkmind...u r not clear19:34
Tomi-871desinerd: r u talking about configuring the network connection or configuring the driver? as i cant see any network the first one - if i understand u well - is not possible i think19:35
brailsmtI need both libldb and libmapi to compile the latest evolution, but using apt-get to install one, removes the other...  is there a way I can install both?19:35
mohammed510desiNerd : Now , I can understand , but I want to know why it can't be free as the most other packages in the cd , Specially the mp3 decoders?19:35
JBauerI recently had some problems with Ubuntu, repaired them but now the login screen sais it can't find theme.xml. In adition, I can't change add any themes. Now I don't have one19:35
DarkMindlook i got f11 and win7 installed on my lappy having 2hds 250 gb each okie .. now i installed ubuntu based bt4 os and after instalation i cannot boot any more f11 !!!19:35
Paddy_NIbrailsmt: is there a ppa for the latest evolution?19:35
proqcan someone point me to an alternative to lpr for printing a pdf from command-line?  lpr will print text documents, but it won't print any PDFs here19:36
brailsmtPaddy_NI: i have no idea...19:36
PickenzakSjoerdM: chmod 640 /home/.bashrc      (or 644, not sure)19:36
Paddy_NII also think you may need a more recent gnome in order for that to work19:36
Paddy_NIbrailsmt: ^19:36
Paddy_NIso that would be a bit of a difficult undertaking19:36
brailsmti've been compiling the thing from scratch, but it doesn't like compiling evolution-mapi19:37
PickenzakPaddy_NI: You mean a 'TTA'19:37
PickenzakTime to arrival19:37
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:37
PapaChubbruenig, Ahh, the reason I've become accustomed to "/bin/ls | while read i;..." is when using find(1).  "find . -name '*.old' | while read i" works better than "for i in `find . -name '*.old'`"19:37
DarkMindi have no entry in boot for my f11 after installation of ubuntu .. how can i boot it now it has my all data !19:37
PapaChubYou're right that for simple cases, "for i in *" does suffice.19:37
PickenzakNewKidsOnTehBl0xx0r we see19:38
joe_hey i am new to Ubuntu how do i change my username and password at login19:38
yeldudchange user name a edit; Preferences19:39
desiNerd@satya....what friends....???19:39
kerimbasoljoe: you will write at terminal passwd19:39
DarkMind@desiNerd i have no entry in boot for my f11 after installation of ubuntu .. how can i boot it now it has my all data !19:39
gizmobayDoes anyone know where this screensaver or blanker image is coming from http://imagebin.org/54608?19:39
Pickenzaksatya2881988: FRIEND Omg teh.Starrz!19:39
satya2881988can anyone tell me how to disable filesystem check at boot because i have a hdd having badblocks but only one partition doesnt hv badblocks19:40
desiNerd@darkmind....do you have the ubuntu live cd..use that for repairing ....19:40
DarkMindreparing of what ?19:40
desiNerdyour installation19:40
DarkMindubuntu is workin19:40
JBauerI recently had some problems with Ubuntu, repaired them but now the login screen sais it can't find theme.xml. In adition, I can't change add any themes. Now I don't have one\19:40
_ibrahim_anyone german here? i've got troubles with firefox 3.519:40
DarkMindf11 isnt !! which has my data19:40
joe_yeldud: thank you i will see if that works19:40
djiezes!de > _ibrahim_19:40
ubottu_ibrahim_, please see my private message19:40
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desiNerd@dark...then login to your ubuntu , then just mount your fedora11 partitions and pull out the data or whatever your want19:41
DarkMindi m right now on ubuntu19:41
desiNerdthats it...all right19:42
DarkMindbut i cannot see any data because of LVM2 format19:42
DarkMindit gives error !19:42
desiNerdrun this: sudo fdisk -l19:42
satya2881988can anyone tell me how to disable filesystem check at boot because i have a hdd having badblocks but only one partition doesnt hv badblocks19:42
Bluefalcon09hey i started a channel named #BRAN if anybody wants to join they can19:42
desiNerdare you able to see your fedora partitions ... are then ext3???19:42
DarkMinddesiNerd: no they are linux LVM19:43
DarkMinddesiNerd, : /dev/sda2              26       30401   243991201   8e  Linux LVM19:43
desiNerdwhats the outut of fdisk -l19:43
DarkMindhere it is19:43
desiNerdlvm is the volume manager19:43
desiNerdjust this one only....19:43
DarkMindlemme copy all19:43
desiNerdget the full lone...19:43
DarkMindshould i copy19:44
DarkMindpaste here19:44
DarkMindi mean19:44
FloodBot2DarkMind: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
desiNerduse pastebin19:44
desiNerdas told by flood19:44
desiNerdand put the link here19:44
DarkMindokie am pasting there with my nick19:44
desiNerdget me the link19:44
satya2881988can anyone tell me how to disable filesystem check at boot because i have a hdd having badblocks but only one partition doesnt hv badblocks19:45
DarkMinddesiNerd, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/211464/19:45
desiNerdk wait a min19:45
Fzang_Hi, I just switched from kde to gnome and now it closes kdm, so im left with a blank screen. How do I get back to GUI?19:45
desiNerd@fzang_ alt+ctrl+bakc will restart desktop manager19:46
=== Fzang_ is now known as Fzang
satya2881988can anyone tell me how to disable filesystem check at boot19:46
MrKeunersatya2881988, http://www.google.com/search?q=changing%20fsck%20frequency&hl=en19:46
toniiwhy would you want to do that?19:46
DarkMinddesiNerd, : saw it ?19:47
adi__desiNerd, don't works. first must edit xorg.conf19:47
desiNerd@darkmind...you have two disks..right??and i think currently your are using the second one..sdb, right? then19:47
FzangdesiNerd: Nothing happens :s19:47
MrKeunersatya2881988, you can also hit esc19:47
DarkMindi installed ubuntu in sdb second disk19:47
DarkMindam on partions with } sign19:47
DarkMind* sign !!19:47
erUSUL!enter | DarkMind desiNerd19:48
ubottuDarkMind desiNerd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:48
desiNerdk then run this...so you just have to mount the first disk...where your f11 sits, right?19:48
DarkMindrun what19:48
SjoerdM___pff still not working :( "your home directory is listed as:' /home/sjoerd' but it does not appear to exist. Do you want to login in with the / (root) directory as your homedirecotory? It is unlikeliy anything will work unless you use a failsafe session" pff anyone else a solution?19:49
desiNerdnow tell me, what partition you want to pull data from, full sda or a part of it?19:49
MidnightDevilhow can i install dr17 on ubuntu 9.04 ?19:49
Titan8990sjoerd__, create a homedir for the user? Use adduser to add new users insted of useradd?19:50
DarkMindi want to pull data from sda 2 which has LVM manager !! its f11 and has data and backup19:50
SjoerdM___Titan8990: problem is that the dir exists...19:50
SjoerdM___DarkMind, i tried sharing the directory and think someting went wrong19:51
Titan8990SjoerdM, there is a space in that error19:51
coz_MidnightDevil,  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-e17-enlightenment-desktop-in-ubuntu.html19:51
Titan8990SjoerdM, looks like it thinks your homedir is:   \ /home/sjoerd19:51
MidnightDevilty coz_ :)19:51
DarkMind/dev/sda1 is boot !  /dev/sda2  is f11 so it has all data !19:51
coz_MidnightDevil,  there is a beta e17 with compiz installed19:51
SjoerdM___Titan8990: how can i check this? i typed th error so maybe i made a typo19:51
desiNerdk now create a directory with a name say recover in your home directory, and mount the partition sda2 using the following command: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /home/<yournamae>/recover19:52
MidnightDevilawesome :D19:52
MidnightDevilis on that site?19:52
coz_MidnightDevil,  let me find that hold on19:52
MidnightDevilokay :)19:52
SjoerdM___DarkMind: shall i check it first ;)19:52
megloUbuntu-Desktop livecd with Ubiquity installer: In 9.04 is it at all possible to use ecryptfs for /home? I didn't see it when I tried to install, but I hear about boot parameters to enable the feature before booting the livecd.19:52
Titan8990SjoerdM___, grep -i sjoerd /etc/passwd19:52
MidnightDevili've been a fan of enlightenment since i remember... it would be awesome with compiz in it19:52
DarkMinddesiNerd, : okie lemme do it !19:52
scott_ino2anyone with mobility radeon HD 3400 and proprietary ati drivers have working suspend?19:52
anghelhow can i make to work pidgin ??19:52
coz_MidnightDevil,  its called ELive  but it is a complete distribution so you can download and burn the ELive live cd and test it19:52
SjoerdM___... :/home/sjoerd:/bin/bash19:53
desiNerdand then  cd to that directory.....and now its like any other current partition...do whatever you want19:53
MidnightDevilhum i tried elive a while ago, its kinda buggy tho19:53
coz_MidnightDevil,  I believe it is based on ubuntu though19:53
MidnightDevili'll give it a go :)19:53
evonise`empi've asked questions today before about my problem on installing ubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1310 laptop. the problem is that it keeps freezing while installing. i tried a drive fitness test, the ubuntu memtest, the cd check, the alternate install cd, but my problem stays there. what can i do?19:53
MidnightDeviltks a lot coz_19:53
coz_MidnightDevil,  no problem   I have already tested ELIve  it looks promising :)19:53
scott_ino2or anyone who can help me diagnose or know tricks on getting ati and suspend to work19:53
DarkMinddesiNerd, : mount: mount point /home/hasan/recover does not exist19:54
desiNerd@dark...done ? or still facing problems19:54
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DarkMinddesiNerd, : mount: mount point /home/hasan/recover does not exist19:55
desiNerd@i told you to create a directory with that name...a blank dirctory...run this in your home directory...mkdir recover19:55
SjoerdM___Titan8990: ... :/home/sjoerd:/bin/bash looks okay?19:55
Titan8990SjoerdM___, yep, looks good19:56
SjoerdM___Titan8990: whats the next step i could try?19:56
coz_scott_ino2, look here  maybe there is something explained there  they do talk about ati and suspend on that page  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#Suspend.2FHibernation19:56
Titan8990SjoerdM___, what were you trying to do in the first place?19:56
DarkMinddesiNerd, : root@smoke:/home/dark# sudo mount /dev/sda2 /home/dark/recover19:56
DarkMindmount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'19:56
SjoerdM___i was setting up a webserver for home use, and tried sharing my home directory and a couple of other directories, everything looked fine till i did a reboot19:56
deanyUpgraded virtualbox and the network device has changed, so ubuntu (server) is saying it no longer exists, how do I get it working again?19:56
scott_ino2coz_, ty19:57
SjoerdM___Titan8990: so that could be the problem19:57
Titan8990SjoerdM___, shard how?19:57
Titan8990SjoerdM___, webdav?19:57
SjoerdM___Titan8990: what do you mean?19:57
sandy_with winamp, a playlist/library is only updated on request....with banshee and rythmbox it seems to need an update each reboot which takes time....is there a simpler program?19:57
hqrsieI'm trying to install 9.04 on an old Toshiba laptop (xp era centrino).  I select to boot from CD and have a working copy in the drive.  It spins for around 45 sec then boots back to XP without showing installation menu19:57
Titan8990SjoerdM___, when you say that you shared you home directory, what did you actually do?19:57
Tomi-871@desinerd the b43 again. did u mean i have to configure the network connection or something with the driver? Because I cant see any networks so the first one i cant do (if i understood u well)19:58
SjoerdM___Titan8990: right click it, sharing options and set all to read write,19:58
Titan8990SjoerdM___, oh, I don't know anything about samba or windows crap19:58
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SjoerdM___Titan8990: well me neither so i want to restore everything like it was19:59
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Titan8990SjoerdM___, try: chmod -R 644 /home/sjoerd19:59
Titan8990SjoerdM___, there may be negative side-effects however19:59
SjoerdM___Titan8990: okay rebootng now20:00
PickenzakSjoerdM___: agreed, wont be a bad thing to do20:00
akos_Hi! The GNOME 2.26 release notes says that there is a new Volume Control app (http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.26/#rnusers.volume), however I can't find it (I'm using Jaunty).20:00
th0rTitan8990: directories have to be executable20:00
cjaePapaChub, Jeruvy sorry that seem a little over my head ;)20:01
Pickenzakakos_: add to the panel20:01
Titan8990th0r, to list contents it does, yes20:01
th0rTitan8990: to get into it I think it does20:01
SjoerdM___Titan8990: still get tehe same message20:01
cjaehas anyone used kdiff?20:01
Pickenzakakos_: It could be Horizon-Tal :)20:01
DarkMindhow can i mount LVM2 partion in ubuntu ??????20:01
danbhfiveakos_: I don't know about that, but there is a PA volume control app that you can install20:01
Titan8990DarkMind, probably need install lvm20:02
DarkMindhow i can i install it20:02
Rictooon dapper drake, what's the default dhcp client?20:02
Rictoomy bro is having network problems20:02
Titan8990DarkMind, i saw earlier, your trying to mount the physical partition20:02
Titan8990DarkMind, you can't do that20:02
DarkMindyess and i failed20:02
ronjI'm looking for a way to know in which package an installed binary comes from, and can't get Google to answer me. anybody?20:02
Titan8990DarkMind, you have to mount the logical parition: eg - /dev/vg/usr20:02
DarkMindit gives error root@smoke:/home/dark# sudo mount /dev/sda2 /home/dark/recover20:02
DarkMindmount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'20:02
ratkymarcellre. Can anyone please help with the following:20:02
ratkymarcellhi! how can I "unmount" a special usb device, which seems to be at /dev/ttyUSB0, and cannot be unmounted, because it dont need to be mounted at all? It's a microcontroller programming unit, and I'd like to have acces to it via a virtualboxed XP. That's why [host] ubuntu has to release it...20:02
Titan8990thats because that a physical partition20:03
Titan8990DarkMind, you need to mount one of its volumes20:03
DarkMindTitan8990, : so now what u think i should do20:03
jadewso... I used to compile stuff on my ubuntu 8.10 and run it on another machine (red-hat kernel 2.6.9), now I upgraded to 9.04 and I can't run my code anymore on that machine, I get FATAL: kernel too old wth is that?20:03
erUSULratkymarcell: /dev/ttyUSB0 is a serial device/port like /dev/ttyS020:03
akos_danbhfive, Pickenzak : thanks20:03
danbhfiveronj: there is a dpkg command, something like dpkg -S20:03
Rictoowhat's the default dhcp client on Dapper Drake?20:03
Titan8990DarkMind, mount the volume you need to mount??20:03
SjoerdM___Titan8990: if i click yes (login with /) i get the message User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permisions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users20:03
Rictooor daemon*20:03
Pickenzakakos_: np20:03
DarkMindTitan8990, : i tried but how can i mount that logical volume20:04
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toniijadew: exactly what it tells you, the kernel is to old20:04
erUSULratkymarcell: you do not "mount" it you access it with some special program or a generic serial client like minicom20:04
Titan8990SjoerdM___, chown -R sjoerd:sjoerd /home/sjoerd20:04
jadewwell, what's the problem what got changed, how can I fix that?20:04
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Titan8990DarkMind, sudo mount /dev/vg/NAMEHERE /mnt/mountpoint20:04
Titan8990DarkMind, I don't know how you set up the volumes20:04
EgyCoder09hi all , can i know what is my ram type ( DDR1 , DDR2 ) from ubunto without any hardware solutions like see the ram ??20:04
ratkymarcellerUSUL, okay, but Ubuntu somohow holds it. So, the xp in virtualbox cannot acces this device.20:05
toniijadew: I suppose you mean new binaries compiled under 9.04 can't be run on the redhat?20:05
evonise`empi've asked questions today before about my problem on installing ubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1310 laptop. the problem is that it keeps freezing while installing. i tried a drive fitness test, the ubuntu memtest, the cd check, the alternate install cd, but my problem stays there. what can i do?20:05
SpecEgyCoder09: i believe there's a way to dump your bios information20:05
jadewtonii: yeah20:05
Titan8990EgyCoder09, easiest to just look at the speed in the BIOS20:05
jadewthey used to work when I compiled them on 8.1020:05
Titan8990EgyCoder09, lshw might tell though20:05
SpecEgyCoder09: dmidecode20:05
DarkMindTitan8990, : i didnot i had it because i had f11 before and i installed kubuntu and after that i had no entry for boot of f11 !!!20:05
erUSULratkymarcell: i do not use Vbox i dunno if you can share host's serial devices with the guest OS ask in #vbox20:05
SpecEgyCoder09: yeah, dmidecode will tell you20:05
toniijadew: upgrade kernel in redhat. if there is no way to compile for older kernels.20:06
Specjust double checked20:06
danbhfiveevonise`emp: you probably should file a bug report on launchpad20:06
ronjdanbhfive, that's exactly what I needed. thanks!20:06
Titan8990DarkMind, run: sudo vgscan20:06
SjoerdM___Titan8990: hm still nothing20:07
DarkMindTitan8990, : The program 'vgscan' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:20:07
DarkMindapt-get install lvm220:07
DarkMindbash: vgscan: command not found20:07
jadewI can't upgrade that kernel with out like... a week of useless work. This lack of backward compatibility is completely retarded. Linux.20:07
Titan8990SjoerdM___, just make a new user and move all the contents from the home folder, then stay away from crappy MS protocols and ACLs20:07
DarkMindTitan8990, : am installing lvm2 now !20:07
erUSULratkymarcell: google is your friend http://techtooltip.wordpress.com/2008/09/12/using-host-serial-port-from-guest-in-virtual-box/20:07
Titan8990DarkMind, k20:07
toniijadew: don't know much about compiling, but there probably is a way to compile the code for older kernels.20:08
jadewtonii: yeah, I'll ask the glibc guys, I have a feeling that it's their fault20:08
SjoerdM___Titan8990: will all software still work that i installed?20:08
Titan8990SjoerdM___, yes everything should be the same only with a different username20:09
DarkMindTitan8990, : root@smoke:/home/dark# vgscan20:09
DarkMind  Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...20:09
DarkMind  Found volume group "VolGroup" using metadata type lvm220:09
EgyCoder09Spec: i can know the size but i want to know it's DDR1 or DDR2 ??20:09
red_my x server keeps on freezing. is ther any way to check a log to see what causing this?20:09
Titan8990SjoerdM___, you will need to fix perms after you copy the data20:09
toniijadew: sounds like a good idea. :)20:09
routh(Repeat) I have an issue with an NFS share under Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit - The NFS share is being exported fine, and mounting corrrectly. Although the export is set for full read-write access however, only the 'root' user or a user running 'sudo' can change the files from the client. Anyone experienced with NFS here?20:09
evonise`empdanbhfive, how can i do that?20:09
Titan8990DarkMind, now: fdisk -l20:09
puffI have a file that has a .rtf extension but when I open it in openoffice it appears to contain gibberish.  How would If igureout what sort of file format it is?20:09
danbhfive!bug | evonise`emp20:09
ubottuevonise`emp: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:09
puffThe file commands says it's Rich Text Format but that may just be becaues of the extension.20:09
SjoerdM___Titan8990: is there a link or tutorial? or is it just very easy?20:09
DarkMindTitan8990, : am pasting in pastebin20:10
schummelpilzi have problems configuring gnome-network-manager correctly. i can connect to my pptp vpn server at home but i cant ping computers in my LAN or do anything like it. you can find logfiles here: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/problem-mit-pptp-vpn-auf-wrt54gl/20:10
Titan8990SjoerdM___, its very trivial to me but I am an experienced user20:10
erUSULpuff: file does not use the file extension to find out what a file is20:10
DarkMindTitan8990, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/211480/20:10
SjoerdM___Titan8990: hm okay well im just a nooby ;)20:10
EgyCoder09i want to know my ram type is it DDR1 or DDR2 ??? help me20:11
toniiEgyCoder09: check bios?20:11
erUSULEgyCoder09: dmidecode | less20:11
Titan8990DarkMind, it looks like something has altered the geometry of your disk20:11
evonise`empubottu: how can i do a command if i cant install ubuntu?20:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
Titan8990DarkMind, does sda1 mount properly?20:11
Rictoowhat's the default dhcp client on Dapper Drake?/daemon20:11
DarkMindTitan8990, : yess am right now on it !20:11
SpecEgyCoder09: look in dmidecode20:11
erUSULRictoo: dhclient20:11
evonise`empdanbhfive how can i do a command if i cant install ubuntu?20:11
SpecEgyCoder09: sudo dmidecode > file.txt, and pastebin the results and i'll tell you20:12
Titan8990DarkMind, lucky, if it was ntfs it would be toast20:12
routhI have an issue with an NFS share under Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit - The NFS share is being exported fine, and mounting corrrectly. Although the export is set for full read-write access however, only the 'root' user or a user running 'sudo' can change the files from the client. Anyone experienced with NFS here? I'm just running out of time for this, getting frustrated. My apologies. Every howto and forum post I've read says20:12
mechajuniorwhy cant you install ubuntu ??20:12
routhmy config on both the server and client are correct, however my issue is unchanged. I should have full RW access.. but only superusers do. I have info on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m739c2af220:12
cjaeHow do I use kdiff to weed out duplicate mp3's, I am not sure this program is for that sort of thing20:12
danbhfiveevonise`emp: you want the manual option.  File a bug report through that link, and include all the steps you have taken.  Hopefully, someone will be able to help you figure out what is going on20:12
DarkMindTitan8990, : prob i think is that it sda1 is replaced by ubuntu boot ! :S20:12
evonise`empdanbhfive ok thanks20:12
M0E_lnxdoes anyone know how to make os-prober detect the os installed to the running / ?20:13
Titan8990DarkMind, what do you mean?20:13
erUSULcjae: no it is not meant for that type of task afaik20:13
SjoerdM___Titan8990: can you spit some command? :D20:13
SpecEgyCoder09: My 'sudo dmidecode' clearly tells me I have Type: DDR2 FB-DIMM20:13
toniirouth: dows the user have permissions to alter files on the nfs-share, or just root?20:13
nowimprovedMy url bar is blinking with an autofill in every time i type even like two letters. Its annoying, anyone have a solution?20:13
nowimprovedjust started recently20:13
RictooerUSUL, how do you use dhclient -.-20:13
Specdhclient <iface>20:13
EgyCoder09Spec : in which part ??20:14
erUSULRictoo: sudo dhclient «iface»20:14
SpecEgyCoder09: pastebin it?20:14
Titan8990DarkMind, run: sudo vgdisplay & sudo lvdisplay20:14
EgyCoder09Spec : ok20:14
DarkMindTitan8990, : i mean i had sda1 was boot partition of f11 of 200mb and sda2 was f11 ! and now after installation ubuntu is using same sda1 for its boot u can see the * sign !!!20:14
SpecEgyCoder09: 'cause it's not obvious :p20:14
erUSULRictoo: where iface is eth0 or wlan0 or ppp0 or whatever20:14
routhtonii: As far as I know, ALL users should have full read write access.. according to the How To's20:14
toniirouth: hm, was some time ago I played with nfs. I20:15
toniiI'll look through the pastebin20:15
fastputtyhow do i change the svn client user ?20:15
fastputtysvn commit will use by default the old one how can i change it20:15
DarkMindTitan8990, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/211483/20:15
DarkMindhere i pasted dem in it20:15
cjaeerUSUL, do you know of something I can use to do this?20:15
toniirouth: hm, isn't mounts through fstab mounted as root, and as such only root is able to alter the files?20:16
erUSUL!info fdupes20:16
ubottufdupes (source: fdupes): identifies duplicate files within given directories. In component main, is optional. Version 1.50-PR2-1 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 84 kB20:16
vegombreiwhats the difference between gnome and kde? what happens if i installed a kde package on gnome?20:16
sebsebseb!gnome |  vegombrei20:16
ubottuvegombrei: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.20:16
sebsebseb!kde |  vegombrei20:17
ubottuvegombrei: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde420:17
red_my x server keeps on freezing. what is the log to check a log to see what causing this?20:17
RictooerUSUL, my bro ran it and said a bunch of stuff scrolled by20:17
Rictooand while it was running he tried to ping his router20:17
Rictoobut it said host unreachable20:17
sebsebseb!xubuntu |  vegombrei20:17
ubottuvegombrei: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:17
erUSULRictoo: well it would help to see that stuff to see what the problem is20:18
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:18
danbhfivered_: I think: /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:18
EgyCoder09Spec: http://pastebin.com/m64e25c0520:18
indushello i have got firefox 3.5 in jaunty20:18
indusits final  i believe20:18
routhtonii: Thats what I'm unsure of, the HOWTO's I followed seem to indicate this setup allows full RW.. but it doesn't.. I want the shar to load at boot for all users, is there a setting I can change in FSTAB to allow this?20:18
sebsebsebvegombrei: and then you can choose which one you want to run from the log in screen,   also  KDE apps can run in Gnome, just like Gnome apps can run in KDE,  most of them20:18
DarkMindTitan8990, : dere ?20:18
SpecEgyCoder09: you have DRAM20:18
indusjust updated20:18
vegombreiwow thanks ubottu :)20:18
EgyCoder09spec : more details plz20:18
gillesHow do I find out what directory my USB drive is at, I need to unmount it :/20:19
EgyCoder09Spec: 1 or 2 ?20:19
Titan8990DarkMind, sudo mount /dev/VolGroup/lv_root /mnt/foobar20:19
RictooerUSUL, it says "listening on *mac address* sending on *mac* then dhcp discover on blabla 3, then diff interval number"20:19
gillesvegombrei: Ubottu is a bot :)20:19
sebsebsebvegombrei: there is even a way to run the older KDE3 :)  which I prefer to KDE4,  except for some of it's apps which I run in Gnome anyway so :)   so the Live CD  and the repo20:19
Rictoothen finally "no dhcp offers received"20:19
sebsebseb!kde3 >  vegombrei20:19
ubottuvegombrei, please see my private message20:19
Titan8990DarkMind, /dev/VolGroup/lv_root is the volume you are wanting to mount20:19
SpecEgyCoder09: 120:19
sebsebsebvegombrei: wanted to do that in the channel really20:19
SpecEgyCoder09: as it doesn't say two20:19
xy_42hi - i am trying to execute a binary built on another machine.  It gives segmentation fault when I run it.  What are the options I have?20:19
EgyCoder09Spec: can i know it from my proccessor speed ?20:19
toniirouth: as I said, was sime time ago I played with NFS. I'd have to look up some info to answer you correctly :)20:19
DarkMindTitan8990, : and /mnt/foobar is created or i should creat ?20:19
SpecEgyCoder09: you have a 512 mb DIMM, DRAM in bank 1, in bank 2 you have a 1024 mb DIMM/DRAM, both are at 533 mhz20:20
EgyCoder09Spec: coz my proc is 2.0 GHZ20:20
xy_42the binary was built on a ubuntu machine20:20
SpecEgyCoder09: no20:20
vegombreisebsebseb: so which one is the least processor hungry from the lot?20:20
SpecEgyCoder09: i just told you everything important about your memory that's available :p20:20
Titan8990DarkMind, whenever you see foobar it is a variable intended to be replaced20:20
Titan8990DarkMind, make it or change it, your choice20:20
sebsebsebvegombrei: Xubuntu probably,   then Gnome,  then I expect  KDE 3, and then KDE 420:20
EgyCoder09Spec: thanks20:20
sebsebsebvegombrei: proccessor or do you mean RAM?20:21
pufferUSUL: okay, so it's RTF, how od I get it to be not-gibbrish?20:21
gillesWhy can't I output stuff to /dev/sdb1 (my USB stick)?20:21
DarkMindTitan8990, : mount: special device /dev/VolGroup/lv_root does not exist20:21
sebsebsebvegombrei: also there are loads of lite waight window managers20:21
erUSULpuff: i would try another word processor like abiword...20:21
SjoerdM___Titan8990: please? ;)20:22
erUSULpuff: maybe the file is just corrupt... can you get a fresh copy ? redownload ?20:22
vegombreisebsebseb: well yeah .. both actually ... processor, and ram20:22
DarkMindTitan8990, : mount: special device /dev/VolGroup/lv_root does not exist20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windowmanager20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm20:22
toniirouth: you need to add "rw" to your fstab on the client ;) http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/ar01s04.html#nfs_boot_time20:22
Titan8990SjoerdM___, sudo adduser test && sudo cp -al /home/sjoerd /home/test && sudo chown -R test:test /home/test20:23
=== GreyGhost|AFK is now known as GreyGhost
Titan8990DarkMind, not sure man20:23
SjoerdM___Titan8990: ty later on i can rename it ? and restore everything?20:23
DarkMindwat u suggest then20:23
Titan8990DarkMind, sudo lvscan20:23
Titan8990DarkMind, then try again, if it doesn't work, I recommend the forums20:23
sebsebsebvegombrei: here's a useful site in your case http://xwinman.org/20:24
DarkMindroot@smoke:/mnt# lvscan20:24
DarkMind  inactive          '/dev/VolGroup/lv_root' [226.91 GB] inherit20:24
DarkMind  inactive          '/dev/VolGroup/lv_swap' [5.78 GB] inherit20:24
vegombreisebsebseb: this pc is a 3.4ghz p4 1gb 64mb gnome kinda brings it to its knees .. i disabled compiz but if you say xubuntu is lighter ill try that out20:24
routhtonii: ok I tried that, and removed it - because there was no change20:24
DarkMindTitan8990, :20:24
toniirouth: tried it, and remounted?20:24
sebsebsebvegombrei: check out the link I just gave you,   those window managers and such  they will be lite20:24
puffEruaran: I have the imopession that re-downloading is not feasible, but I'll try abiword first.20:24
routhtonii: yep.. I'm going to readd it and remount now.. but I think this may be based around the UID20:24
vegombreisebsebseb: thanks :)20:25
DarkKraiDoes anyone know of a script that executes a shell script on right click?20:25
sebsebsebvegombrei: np  by the way  Xubuntu to me is just a cut down version of Gnome,  that isn't  as good20:25
DarkMindTitan8990, : dunno bro it isnt working i hope datas lost ! i think i ill go for format all OS !!!!20:26
Titan8990DarkMind, might want to avoid lvm unless your looking to do a lot of learning with it20:27
vegombreisebsebseb: dude too many options on that link .. you got any recommendation?20:27
sebsebsebvegombrei: :)  yeah Linux is all about choice20:27
epaphusHey guys, how do I uncompress a gz file..? through the command prompot20:27
DarkMindTitan8990, : what u suggest ? format or some more trying ?20:27
toniirouth: I'm off, need to get some sleep. hope you can solve the problem though. :)20:28
cjaewhen you copy commmands from a website and paste them into the terminal, why sometimes does it hit enter for you?20:28
routhtonii: thanks - night mate20:28
sebsebsebvegombrei: personally  I didn't get that far wm trying,  because I ended up with something  I didn't like or whatever,  but  Fluxbox and Enlightment are pretty popular these days,  however I would rather use XFCE/Xubuntu  unless  I  used the Elive CD or something, which I haven't tried yet,  where they have made  Enlightment good20:28
max__whats up dawg20:28
Slartcjae: because sometimes you copy the newline character too20:28
routhcjae: There was a newline or enter char on the end of the line that you copied20:28
cjaeah ok thanks20:29
Slartcjae: be sure to just mark enough so you get the last character, that usually works20:29
DarkMindTitan8990, : thx anyways !!! :)20:29
sebsebsebvegombrei: Gnome and KDE the two most  popular,  then  XFCE20:29
scottji've got a fresh install of 8.10, and still having slow web connection on all web apps. isp is fine, and modem confirms it. lookin for definitive advice ONLY plz20:30
vegombreisebsebseb: oh ok .. so switching desktops wont really ease the stress basically20:30
sebsebsebvegombrei: you can install loads of wm's and such,  and try20:30
sebsebsebvegombrei: what is the stress exactly?20:30
erUSULepaphus: gunzip file.gz20:30
sebsebsebvegombrei: things are slow?  how much RAM?20:31
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fergus/j #zagaia20:33
scottjdo i understand correctly that a static ip will improve lookup speeds?20:33
ikoniascottj: no20:33
scottjiknoia, elaborate20:34
ikoniascottj: it won't improve lookups20:34
scottjgee thanks for the elaboration.....20:34
ikoniascottj: what do you want me to say ?20:34
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora20:35
Dulakscottj: the client's ip has zero correlation with the time it takes to do a lookup.  Static or Dynamic, it's still just an ip requesting a lookup.20:35
ikonia!away > D3f020:35
ubottuD3f0, please see my private message20:35
scottjdulak thanks, that sorta helps. so much for all the know it alls i encounter during google searches huh?  anychance you can assist in narrowing down what is boggin down my web apps in 8.10? didn't have this issue in winxp20:37
ikoniascottj: what is in your /etc/resolv.conf file20:37
=== nexus6 is now known as Nexus6
vegombreisebsebseb: its like my display card fan .. goes flat out at times gets a little annoying mate20:37
sebsebsebvegombrei: hmm sounds like some sort of hardware issue to me20:38
Dulakscottj: the problem is on load?  As in it takes a long time to load up a page you request for the first time?  How are multiple hits to the same page?  If you refresh a page a couple times is it nice and fast on the refresh, or just as slow as the initial load?20:38
sebsebsebvegombrei: display card fan??    what did you mean by flat out?20:39
scottjdulak its slow all around. pages take forever to load, on the order of 30-45 secs, torrents just barely trickle, but i'm sure that is another subject all together20:39
ikoniascottj: what's in your /etc/resolv.conf file20:40
scottjikonia i don't know, how do i find out20:40
ikoniascottj: open that file in a text editor20:40
scottjthat doesn't help me, i'm new to ubuntu20:41
ubu_hi,does someone have a mp510 the french wiki thing(*DefaultInputSlot: asf -> *DefaultInputSlot:frontplain) doesn't work20:41
Cubehey can somebody PM me i'm testing if it's working?20:41
ikoniaCube: please keep this channel for ubuntu support20:41
sebsebsebubu_: Do you maybe want the French Ubuntu channel?20:42
Cubeikonia: pardon me brah20:42
ubu_sebsebseb, nobody is responding there20:42
vegombreisebsebseb: flat out is when somethings running at its max possible speed20:42
sebsebsebvegombrei: and display fan?20:42
vegombreisebsebseb: like fffffflat out :)20:43
romanВСЕМ ПРИВЕТ!!!20:43
sebsebsebvegombrei: anwyay ##hardware is the channel for hardware issues20:43
scottjdulak you think you can help?20:43
palomerfrench people never respond20:44
vegombreisebsebseb: yeah im sure its that coz it only happens when youre surfing like one of those porn sites or something with flash video ... thats it .. my dispays on heat and the fan goes absolutely flat out20:44
Dulakscottj: wish I could mate, but I've gotta leave, sorry20:44
sebsebsebvegombrei: oh in Firefox?20:44
sage_came today :>20:44
sebsebsebvegombrei: I have had problems where  Firefox in Ubuntu made my computer go really bad, and slow and yeah20:44
mdwrightDoes anyone have any experience getting a kickstart install working with 9.04? I have it working in 8.04 but need help getting it working on 9.0420:44
scottjok thanks anyway, dulak, but can ya point me in the right direction? something i could read up on? this seems to be a fairly common problem with ubuntu users but the only solutions i find involve turning off ipv6 and that didn't help20:45
usr13Is Ubuntu9.04-PS3 32bit or 64bit?20:46
vegombreisebsebseb: sebsebseb i guess its time to upgrade for my sake ... i been researching some hardware and its absolutely insane man .. they have water colling now so you dont hear the fan ..20:46
usr13Can one install mplayer on Ubuntu9.04-PS3 ?20:46
sebsebsebvegombrei: normalley with many  tabs open and  Flash.   well  Firefox 3.5  is out now, but  as usual  Ubuntudevelopers/Canonical  aren't dealing  with  later major  final versions of software properly,  hence why you can't  install the proper final just yet  from an offical Ubuntu repo20:46
sebsebseb!ff35  >  vegombrei20:47
ubottuvegombrei, please see my private message20:47
ubottuAside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )20:47
sebsebsebvegombrei:  you probably got an actsaul hardware issue of some sort though, so yeah ##hardware20:47
vegombreiubottu: how? im on irssi20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
indusi got the new ff 3.5 in jaunty20:47
indusfrom the repos20:47
gillesubottu, I love you!20:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about I love you!20:47
indusupgrade folks20:48
sebsebsebindus: ok  that's nice20:48
ubu_anyone? does someone have a canon MP510? I ve spent the whole day trying to make it work with the 2nd paper slot....the upper one eat the paper so I need to make the other paper slot work20:48
sebsebseb!love >  gilles20:48
ubottugilles, please see my private message20:48
induseven though it still says shiretoko in menu :!20:48
gillesindus: I DL'd my 9.04 yesterday, and the FF seems to be just fine.20:48
sebsebsebindus: yes it's not the final,  it's well the bot link explains20:48
indusgilles: its firefox 3.520:48
gillessebsebseb: Lolz!20:48
sebsebsebgilles: indeed :)20:49
gillesindus: Haven't been reading along, but what's wrong with it?20:49
indussebsebseb: bot is old now. just got the updates an hour ago20:49
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:49
indusff 3.5 twice as fast as 320:49
sebsebsebindus: good, but is it faster than Opera?20:49
indussebsebseb: not yet but probably with 3.6 or 420:49
SNAXwhere does ubuntu store the drivers it already has20:49
gillesindus: Is opera that fast? Never really tried it20:49
indusgilles: yes it is great but i dont like to deviate too much from ubuntu stuff20:50
sebsebsebgilles: Opera is meant to be  the most fastest browser,  also it  does a great job at following web standards,  just like  Firefox, and  Chomre, and so on,   pretty much everything except that  Internet Explorer disaster20:50
sebsebsebgilles: that was Chrome above20:50
gillesindus: Yeah sorry for going offtopic20:51
quesoI am having trouble getting my wireless working.  I've started a thread to get some help, but no one has responded: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1203540  If you have any time, I'd appreciate your help. Thanks ;)20:51
scottjhow do i go about fixing (once and for all) slow web-ness? all web apps are unbearably slow20:52
gillesscottj: Are you sure it's not your internet, might be someone downloading from your network and eating all the bandwith20:53
=== gilles is now known as GiJ
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY20:53
indusubottu: ff 3.5 is ready !20:53
humboltseems my ATOM has no frequency scaling20:54
GiJHe's just not *that* intelligent ^^20:54
NfuidSI was wondering in which runlevel I should put the sphinx search engine script? 2 or 3?20:54
sebsebsebindus: Fedora 11  came with  Firefox  Beta 4,  and  must have  got the final way before  Ubuntu  as well :D20:54
humboltin jaunty20:54
scottjGiJ yes i'm sure its not my isp, i called them all is well, my modem confirms it as well20:54
NfuidSI see that postfix is using rc3.d and I thought it would have been in rc2.d20:54
sebsebsebindus: Firefox 3.5  Beta 4 that was20:54
d4rkfe4rQuick ?.  Where does ubuntu store all the driver info when you install them?20:54
indussebsebseb: ya maybe,20:54
bzrkscottj: use different name servers20:54
indussebsebseb: same in ubuntu ff b420:54
scottjbzrk like what?20:54
bzrklocal bind20:55
indussebsebseb: i was happy to see when i open browser after update it said ;you have been upgraded to 3.520:55
induswhat i dont get is, why not remove ff 3 and make 3.5 default20:55
mdwrightDoes anyone have any experience with Ubuntu and Kickstart?20:55
bzrkscottj: apt-get install bind920:55
GiJindus: Meh! Mine is 3.0.11 :(20:55
alfacatHi. I want to buy a nvidia board to use with jaunty. What's the best supported recent graphics board?20:56
bzrk/etc/resolv.conf: nameserver
scottjbzrk what is that?20:56
sebsebsebindus: ,because most of the add ons won't work on  Firefox 3.5 yet20:56
indusGiJ: install it from synaptic, its next to ff 3.020:56
bzrka nameserver20:56
indussebsebseb: hmm yes agreed20:56
DarkKraialfacat, I use and nvidia geforce 7600 gt oc20:56
GiJindus I prefer 'lynx' for browsing them internets!20:56
DarkKraiit works fine20:56
indussebsebseb: but the community is already working fast on it20:56
ptingis there a work around on jaunty amd64 where when you upload a file through flash on ff, the whole UI updating blocks until the file is done uploading?20:56
indussebsebseb: it still has the old ff logo from dapper though20:57
indusblue globe20:57
sebsebsebindus: yeah that's for development version20:57
alfacatDarkKrai: is it good? can you do 3D?20:57
scottjbzrk, your gonna have to dumb it up some, i ain't got a degree in network science20:57
DarkKraiits not expensive either20:58
indussebsebseb: i guess they will update logo too soon cos in about ff it says 3.520:58
bzrkscottj: it converts names of webpages to ip adresses20:58
GiJHow do I hide my IP when using Kongregate to get on IR?C20:58
alfacatgreat! :-)20:58
fraserHow do you make it so that your comp never sleeps?20:58
sebsebsebindus: I don't think the logo will get updated that soon20:58
etzerdhello all20:58
sebsebsebindus: if  at all20:58
fraserI have it set to 'never' but all the connections I have running die after a few hours20:58
cabreyfraser, System > Preferences > Power Management20:58
etzerdcan anyone tell me what is the name of the last ubuntu version20:58
GiJJaunty something20:58
cabreyetzerd, Jaunty Jackalope20:58
ferret_GiJ: kongregate is a website, not an irc client20:58
indusbye all enjoy20:59
stroyanrom1v: You nvidia-common configure problem looks more like a duplicate of  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/30379520:59
GiJferret MEEEH! I meant Konversation +.+20:59
bzrkscottj: just run sudo apt-get install bind9 and edit /etc/resolv.conf so there is only a line "nameserver" in it20:59
GiJferret, Too much time spent on Kongregate for me ,)20:59
makarakiHello everyone greetings from spain I have a problem with my wireless detection using ifconfig it does not appear but if I use iwconfig instead it shows that it exists20:59
etzerdbecause everytime I go to Medibuntu it give me an error.20:59
etzerdone more ?20:59
scottjbzrk isn't my modem supposed to handle that sorta thing? and if sooooo many ppl are having probs with web apps in ubuntu, why can't ubuntu just fix it? (2nd question is rhetorical)20:59
bzrkscottj: then check if it has improves20:59
ferret_GiJ: You're telling me; I have it on highlight20:59
etzerdwhere can I download the codecs so I can Play DVD21:00
bzrkscottj: your modem will be using your isps nameservers and if they suck there is not a thing ubuntu can do21:00
keith-does grub install to the mbr with a default install?21:00
GiJetzerd: Totem Mediaplayer should update them themselves21:00
scottjbzrk so what your saying is, is that my problem is related to dns?21:00
bzrkscottj: i say it might be21:00
bzrkscottj: in fact it is the likeliest cause21:01
rom1vmoreover I have no nvidia21:01
makarakikeith-: Theres always a boot loader in every mbr21:01
GiJAnyone know how I can hide my IP with Konversation?21:01
scottjbzrk if in the event that it does not improve my problem, autoremove will uninstall it and make it go back to normal?21:01
danbhfivebzrk: scottj: installing resolvconf might work better than editing resolv.conf21:01
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY21:01
bzrkscottj: if it does not help run sudo apt-get --purge remove bind921:02
cabreyGiJ, request a cloak in #freenode21:02
GiJThanks Cabrey21:02
fanumso will it replace the 3.0 release once its final (instead of coexisting)21:02
scottjok bzrk i'll give it a shot21:02
cabreyfanum, no, it coexists with 3.0.1121:03
makarakiHello people can anyone give me some help with network interface handling21:03
cabreyfanum, it will not replace the firefox package21:03
Hilikuswhats the recommended firewall for ubuntu *SERVER* ?21:03
RubyHey I'm trying to install ubuntu on my second HDD, I set the CD drives boot priority in the  BIOS to first21:03
Rubyand it still just boots onto the second HDD21:03
cabreyHilikus, IP Tables21:03
JesusCake[BoT]Hi I was wondering if there was a way to take my ubuntu partition off of the boot sequence and just make a virtual machine with it within windows21:04
RubyAny idea as to what to do21:04
TenkawaJesusCake[BoT]: use a p2v converter21:04
cabreyJesusCake[BoT], dd your partition to a img and then convert that from raw -> virtualbox format21:04
Tenkawacabrey: heh or that way too21:04
makarakiHi again I have Ethernet card working ok and also a wireless card but the last one the wirless card does not appear when I type the ifconfig command21:05
scottjbzrk bind9 installed, plz walk me thru next step21:05
Tenkawaqemu-img does wonders21:05
cabreymakaraki, try ifconfig -a21:05
cabreymakaraki, or iwconfig21:05
TenkawaRuby: that sounds like a bios issue to me21:05
makarakicabrey: iwconfig shows me the interface in monitor mode21:06
Tenkawaif its booting from the wrong drive21:06
erUSULHilikus: ufw ? shorewall ? firehol ?21:06
RubyYeah it also thinks it has a floppy drive so yeah21:06
TenkawaerUSUL: I prefer iptables cli21:06
bzrkscottj: backup /etc/resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf.bnup; use your favorite editor to remove all contrent from /etc/resolv.conf and insert the line nameserver
=== john is now known as Guest97474
HilikuserUSUL: i'm looking into ufw, which one do you like better?21:06
cabreymakaraki, it appears, yes?21:06
RubyLet me think21:06
fanumRuby: double check the bios settings, and see if there is a bios update fgor your motherboard21:06
cabreyHilikus, ufw is an interface to iptables21:06
makarakicabrey: yes it appears using the iwconfig21:06
TenkawaRuby: bios' are kinda funny about floppies (and their (non)existence)21:06
scottjbzrk sorry for being a noob but i don't know how to do that21:06
cabreyHilikus, sort of a manager, if you will21:06
cabreymakaraki, wasn't that your question?21:07
bzrkscottj: then first go find an editor you like21:07
Hilikuscabrey: thats what i read, thanks21:07
scottjbzrk like gedit21:07
bzrkscottj: you need to edit the file as root21:07
bzrkscottj: so use sudo21:07
makarakicabrey: well I remember that long time ago I was trying to use the airpack and such stuff and I think I did a big mess with all settings and dirvers21:08
stroyanrom1v: If you have no nvidia device on the system then "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-common" is definitely a good first step to correcting the problem.  If  apt-get doesn't want to do that you could use "sudo dpkg --purge nvidia-common".21:08
scottjbzrk sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf? that brings up the conf file, but how to back it up?21:08
makarakicabrey: so I want to know the best way to configure my wireless card again21:08
erUSULHilikus: i use firehol but my comp is a desktop...21:08
rom1vIt resolved the problem :21:08
Pickenzakstroyan: Inhale a virus, same thing.21:08
rom1vI reinstalled it and it works21:08
rom1v(even if useless)21:08
bzrkscottj: the file gets replaced when you restart so you dont really need to back it up21:08
cabreymakaraki, network manager21:09
rom1vthank you very much21:09
RubyThe BIOS update is a .ROM file21:09
RubyI take it I burn it to a disk and then put it in my CD drive and reboot?21:09
defaultk hello21:09
=== default is now known as acad
makarakicabrey: Actually I tried using the Knetworkmanager21:09
TenkawaRuby: not necessarilpy21:09
CrAzYoNiIn Ubuntu, I noticed that Mailx must be installed for be in use - it not coming by default with the installion.21:09
CrAzYoNiThough what about Mail?21:09
makarakicabrey: so I will try to reinstall it21:09
Tenkawaer necessaarily21:09
fanumRuby: what motherborad is it?21:09
nellmathewanyone here have a broadcom (4306 rev 3) and use ndiswrapper instead of b43-fwcutter? b43 keeps disconnecting every so often, i want to know if this problem can be fixed without ndiswrapper before going through all the trouble..21:10
CrAzYoNiBecause I already installed Mailx I don't know what about Mail...21:10
RubyASUS m4A79 deluxe21:10
Tenkawayou should read the bios update readme/instructs21:10
CrAzYoNi*Mail (CLI command)21:10
Tenkawathis is the first machine I'21:10
scottjbzrk what is the command to back up the /etc/resolve.conf?21:10
Tenkawave run into that the wireless had a module in the stock install but the wired didnt... ironic21:11
rom1vsudo cp /etc/resolv.conf{,.bak}21:11
bzrkscottj: what rom1v said21:11
scottjso just copy/paste that?21:11
tyler_d_I would like to list all files from within directories and sub-directories?21:11
makarakicabrey: thanks for your support I will try to find an acces point to check if the network manager detects the essid if it is public configured21:11
fanumruby: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119806221:11
RubyYeah I'm going to boot onto windows for a bit21:11
bzrkscottj: you shouldnt copy paste as root21:11
GiJUbuntu lacks a mail and lynx command21:11
fanumoh if you have windows21:12
bzrkscottj: type read rerread press enter21:12
TenkawaGiJ: install them21:12
fanumsee if you can find an executible for your bios update21:12
Flare183GiJ: Actually it has a mail and lynx command21:12
GiJTenkawa: I know, I'm just amazed they aren't here standard21:12
Flare183GiJ: You have to install them first tho21:12
TenkawaI was j/k21:12
makarakibye people see you latter21:12
Tenkawamail I can understand21:12
Tenkawalynx... maybe21:12
GiJTenkawa: Lynx is the best!21:13
lopezeIs it possible to install Windows Vista under VirtualBox with just an upgrade disc?21:13
GiJWhat mail package should I install? mailutils or heriloom-mailx21:13
Tenkawalopeze: ummm... wrong channel21:14
fanumlopeze: no21:14
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MaT-dg1still no way to upgrade to firefox3.5? (really an upgrade, not the shiretoko thingie)21:15
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Tenkawaheh not use to having actual battery life anymore21:15
Tenkawathis is nice21:15
donaldanyone know anything about setting up dual monitors21:15
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GiJTenkawa: Desktops rarely have a batery, Tenkawa ,)21:16
TenkawaGiJ: I only run notebooks or server hardware21:16
Tenkawahavent had a21:16
Tenkawaer "desktop" in years21:16
umutwhen do we have ff 3.5?21:16
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Tenkawamind you my current 2 servers are just overmodified desktops21:17
Guest94072I need help setting up dual monitors21:17
nellmathewumut , MaT-dg1 : give it a few more days, they did this with 3.0 too, just making sure everything's right21:17
cjaeok since I am getting frustrated with gui apps, anyone know a simple syntax command to get rid (with prompt preferably) of duplicate mp3's it does not need to re cruse, I have use fslint and fdupes and still see the many many duplicates21:17
GiJTenkawa: I just vacuum cleaned the desktop that was eating dust next to me, it got too nasty... Trying to find a really lightweight linux distro to run some stuff on it, tests and stuffles^^ Has to be fun21:17
danbhfiveGuest94072: have you tried xrandr?21:17
TenkawaGiJ: ahh21:17
acan i as a none-linux related question. I want to go to germany in a week, but dont know where to go, and what to do. Anyone have any ideas?21:17
bzrkGuest94072: nvidia card?21:18
GiJTenkawa: Got any sugestions? has to be graphical but really lw :)21:18
TenkawaGiJ: hmm...21:18
umuta: which city in Germany?21:18
Tenkawayou can make debian pretty small with xfce21:18
lwellsWhen do you think firefox will be available in the repo and not as beta?21:18
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Guest91120my screen closed on me.......what was the program name for dual monitors?21:19
aumut berlin, hamburg perhaps21:19
Tenkawalwells: we all wonder21:19
asomething in the north21:19
danbhfive!xrandr | Guest9112021:19
ubottuGuest91120: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1221:19
GiJTenkawa: O Really? People told me Arch Linux was really lw, Gentoo too, but too hard to setup21:19
aumut since im droping leaving from sweden21:19
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Tenkawathey are ok too...21:19
ReligionsBlowAh, thats better21:19
umutIn Berlin go see the wall, in hamburg eat hamburger :)21:19
lwellsTenkawa, they are currently testing it?21:19
Tenkawaall get to be a bit more work21:19
bzrka: if hamburg visit the reeperbahn21:19
Guest91120@danbhfive - I had it setup and had to reinstall21:19
Tenkawalwells: I hope so but I do not know21:20
abzrk what is taht?21:20
Guest91120now my screen says "unknown"21:20
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bzrka: its a famous red light district street21:20
ackebzrk: my pregnant gf will not like that very much,21:20
olof_I have started to investigate migrating software-properties-gtk to use policykit instead of sudo, but I need some help with policy-kit-related stuff. Where do I get assistance? Should I talk to someone involved in  ubuntu, policykit or software-properties-gtk?21:20
bzrkacke: its not as bad as it sounds ^^21:21
ackewould you know of any site that could help me out with what events are planned in germany in july?21:21
ackein english21:21
bzrkacke: basically id say that and the harbour21:21
GiJacke: Try google.21:21
umutacke: only event you will get in Germany in July is rain :)21:22
hqrsiei hear Germany is a total sausage festival21:23
Hilikusany comments on ufw vs shorewall anyone?21:23
TenkawaHilikus: iptables cli :)21:24
TenkawaHilikus: ;)21:24
Tenkawaer :)21:24
nellmathewanyone know if ndiswrapper fixes the random disconnection issues with broadcom 4306s (b43)?21:24
scottjbzrk i noticed a slight improvement after changing resolv.conf to read only nameserver but you mentioned that that change will be erased after a reboot?21:24
Tenkawadoes ubuntu keep a list of hardware pci ids to module mapping on the website?21:25
Tenkawaor where should I go to investigate that21:25
PromilleHey. What program can i use for monitoring my CPU temp ?21:25
TenkawaPromille: lm-sensors backend21:25
bzrkscottj: with installing bind it should stay locally, the file gets replaced it if is not there on boot, it might be overwritten by your dhcp client updating your ip from your router21:25
Tenkawaand any gnome/kde frontend21:25
PromilleTenkawa: thanks, ive tried that, but it says there is no sensors, though i am pretty sure it is21:26
bzrkscottj: i dont know you need to check that for yourself21:26
PhinsfanHas anybody had any luck installing lexmark printer X2600?21:26
TenkawaPromille: odd21:26
PromilleTenkawa: do i have to restart to make it work ?21:26
Tenkawabzrk: he might need some nsswitch tweaks too21:26
scottjbzrk am i to do anything with bind9 or just let it do its thing after installing?21:27
bzrkTenkawa: you want to walk him though them? :P21:27
Tenkawabzrk: heheh no21:27
bzrkscottj: you dont need to change anything in bind21:27
TenkawaI'd have to look them up again21:27
Guest91120Why is my screen showing up as UNKNOWN and the external screen (attached to my laptop) is not showing up?21:27
Tenkawascottj: what is your goal you are trying to accomplish?21:27
Guest91120dual screen21:28
PhinsfanHas anybody had any luck installing lexmark printer X2600?21:28
bzrkscottj: wait and see what ip is in the resolv.conf after reboot or after a few hours21:28
TenkawaGuest91120: even after detect screens?21:28
uhuru2problem in pidgin ..;gtalk failed to connect21:28
Guest91120@ Tenkawa - yeah21:28
TenkawaGuest91120: odd21:28
bzrkscottj: if it changes again you need to do something, if not, youre good to go21:28
scottjtenkawa; improve web speeds, all my web apps like browsers and torrent clients are uber slow21:28
Guest91120@ Tenkawa - seriously!21:28
TenkawaGuest91120: hmm... you try the function switch key or make sure which one is default in bios?21:28
scottjbzrk thanks so much for the help21:29
uhuru2 8-)21:29
Tenkawascottj: umm.. bind locally shouldnt be needed for that21:29
bzrkscottj: np yw21:29
scottjtenkawa i'm open to suggestions21:29
uhuru2your help pls for pidgin21:29
c-manhey guys, i'm running ubuntu 9.04 and i downloaded some files, and it is a .rar folder. for some reason it won't open, someone help?21:29
Guest91120@ Tenkawa - I tried fn...but not the bios....21:29
Guest91120c-man - you need an un-rar21:29
Tenkawayou got something else probably causing a problem like a bad name service delay or ipv6 lookups or avahi, appletalk, etc lookups delaying21:30
Guest91120@ Tankawa - lol....in english?21:30
scottjtenkawa thatz all greek to me21:30
c-manwhere do i get an un-rar program?21:30
TenkawaGuest91120: the last was for scottj21:30
thiebaudeuhuru2: whats wrong with your pidgin?21:30
_UsUrPeR_hey all.21:30
TenkawaGuest91120: yuou might cxhecking the bios to see if there even is a toggle21:30
magnetronhi, how do i find out which package contains a specific file (not yet installed)21:30
_UsUrPeR_I'm looking for some help with a touchscreen implementation21:30
uhuru2gtalk failed to connect21:31
magnetronc-man: use synaptic and add the "unrar" package21:31
Tenkawamagnetron: apt-file21:31
magnetronTenkawa: ty21:31
Guest91120@ Tenkawa - how is that done?21:31
c-manalright, mucho gracias :D21:31
_UsUrPeR_for some reason, I am not able to get it working properly with 9.04. Though I can cat the output (it's a serial device) from /dev/ttyS0.21:31
_UsUrPeR_which shows it's working21:31
Tenkawa_UsUrPeR_: not working at all or flaky?21:31
_UsUrPeR_Tenkawa: I have not gotten it to work in Jaunty yet21:32
Tenkawa_UsUrPeR_: ouch21:32
Tenkawaserial.. ouchiw21:32
Tenkawaer ouchie21:32
_UsUrPeR_like I said: I can cat the output from /dev/ttyS0 (I can see output when I touch the screen), but I cannot get it to control the mouse21:32
Tenkawa_UsUrPeR_: probably needs a driver/module to interact21:33
uhuru2no one not able to solve my problem21:33
Tenkawadid it work before?21:33
Tenkawauhuru2: not really giving us any info to work from21:33
Tenkawais there a verbose error or debug trace?21:34
thiebaudeuhuru2: do you get any errors?21:34
uhuru2i cannot open pidgin , it flashes out21:34
_UsUrPeR_Tenkawa: the driver I am using is apt-getable. the package is xserver-xorg-input-elographics21:34
Tenkawa_UsUrPeR_: ahhh21:35
TurlI'm trying to set up a ipv6 tunnel, but ufw makes it get 100% packet loss21:35
Turlany idea on how to solve it? disabling ufw makes it work21:35
sage_what is the channel for crossover games21:35
_UsUrPeR_I am referencing this with an xorg.conf (it has some calibration that must be done), but it's just not picking up the input21:35
Tenkawa_UsUrPeR_: very odd21:35
* _UsUrPeR_ puts on his manacle21:36
_UsUrPeR_flpxj s/manacle/monocle21:36
xiongunder what circumstances should i not accept an automatic update?21:36
uhuru2you may mail me on nasrullah1983@sabily.org please21:36
uhuru2thank you21:37
uhuru2good night21:37
Nameless_auxiong: when it conflicts with other repositories21:37
tyler_d_how do I create an md5 hash for a file.... from terminal21:37
Ktrontyler_d_, md5sum <file>21:37
tyler_d_Ktron: ty21:37
thiebaudexiong: if its me i accept all updates21:37
Tenkawafound the wired driver....21:38
ubuntu__Oh god21:38
Tenkawathis might be21:38
Maddogi got a quesiton about ubuntu21:38
hipitihopI have a machine which goes to dark screen after a given user logs in but can't see errors. I can ssh in. What log do I need to see what is wrong ?21:38
MaddogI have no sound i have the crappy PPC version but thats all i have for my machine is there a way to scan and fix your sound?21:38
Ktronhipitihop, dark for every user, or one user?21:39
ubuntu__I wanted to remove all the data in /tmp due to lack of space. So I do sudo rm * -r, and it starts deleting all the files21:39
ubuntu__Then I realise I was in /21:39
Turlany ufw guru in here?21:39
chazcoHi... i have a netbook running at 1024x600... is it possible to run VNC at a higher resolution on a host computer (e.g. a desktop at 1440x900)...21:39
Tenkawachazco: should be able to21:39
Flare183ubuntu__: I think Ubuntu itself should have stopped you21:39
xiongNameless_au, how would i know that i had a conflict with 'other repositiories' -- i don't even have a clear idea of 'repository'21:40
ubuntu__Flare183: No I use Debian, I'm just on Ubuntu live CD ATM21:40
hipitihopKtron: that's a little involved but I think in short, just the one21:40
Flare183ubuntu__: Ahh ok21:40
chazcoTenkawa - Any idea how? Most of the VNC servers only seem to provide the clients resolution...21:40
Tenkawachazco: hmm.. I thought there was a toggle for it but its been a while21:41
ditty_kong@ chazco: Maybe if your grapghics card is configured to be able to you might21:41
chazcoditty_kong - Afaik the maximum the netbook GPU can offer is 1024x60021:41
Ktronhipitihop, if its just the one, I'd look in that users home directory (verify they have one) for files like .xinitrc and see if they have something bizarre configured21:41
chazcoTenkawa - You can choose "Scale" on the client but that just stretches it, doesnt actually run at the chosen resolution21:42
Tenkawathats what I was thinking about21:42
owner_anyone can help me?21:42
MrCraighi all - I reeeally need some help here.  A few weeks ago I made the mistake of buying a usb-> parallel printer cable as my laptop doesn't have an lpt port - no matter what I tried I couldn't get the printer to work (HP Laserjet4),  but I'm suffering without it.  If there is anyone with good knowledge of cups / usb please IM me, any help you can give is appreciated.21:43
Tenkawaowner_: gotta tell us what the problem is first21:43
humboltis there a vdpau enabled mplayer repository available already?21:43
owner_how to install b43 in ubuntu kernel 2.6.28-13 ?21:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4321:43
Tenkawaowner_: the broadcomm driver?21:44
ditty_kongI thought broadcom works out of the box in Ubuntu, it does fo rme21:44
Tenkawacant help myself.. no broadcom here21:44
Tenkawaditty_kong: certain nics21:44
Tenkawajust like atheros is missing a few too21:44
ditty_kongI had to compile the kernal module myself when I switched to Debian I might be able to help21:44
jiffeanyone used gfs before?  I'm having trouble creating/mounting a partition, I run 'mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_dlm -t web:log1 /dev/sdb1' which runs fine, but then 'gfs_tool getsb /dev/sdb1' claims it is not a gfs partition21:44
jiffenot entirely sure where I am going wrong21:45
owner_anyone can help me?21:45
ditty_kongwhat is the boradcom driver specifically. run in terminal lspci and post it here21:45
Tenkawajiffe: you sure it put it "as" /dev/sdb1?21:45
Tenkawasome of those tools can be odd21:45
ditty_kong@owner_  in termanl <lspci> and find the broadcom u r using and tell me what it is21:46
cjaeok so I need to compare files not by md5sum eg. mp3's how can I do that?21:46
jiffeit doesn't say otherwise21:46
GiJWhat was the hotkey to go to kernel again in ubuntu? :/ ANd the one to switch back21:46
jiffeI fdisked /dev/sdb, giving it the full space, which created /dev/sdb121:46
sloth-118hey all does any 1 no how to get on backtracks irc channel21:46
justinHONKAnyone know any good linux distros under 500 MB?21:47
justinHONKwith wireless support?21:47
ditty_kong@ justinHONK: Puppy Linux, Slackware....21:47
owner_my device is bcm4312 rev 221:47
owner_ditty_kong: my device is bcm4312 rev 221:47
GiJjustinHONK: ArchLinux is pretty small too21:47
Pirate_HunterjustinHONK, ubuntu! there are many depends on how you set it up21:47
jiffeI tried just /dev/sdb, does the same21:47
hipitihopKtron: looking into it.21:47
ditty_kongok gimmie a sec to find ur driver21:48
justinHONKI just need something I can fit on a 512 mb usb drive with wireless support for my atheros card21:48
snarksterhowdy, can someone direct me to howto get my mic to work.. teamspeak doesnt work so good with a mic21:49
henryCI've spent many hours now trying to get php 5.3 working with openssl transport on ubuntu jaunty.  Anybody else solved this problem?  Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?21:49
Pirate_HunterjustinHONK, oh that is different still check dsl and puppy linux dont know about the whole wireless feature (hmmm i think puppy might be the way not certain havent used it in a while)21:50
ditty_kongowner_ what Ubuntu are u running? 64 or 32 bit?21:50
owner_32 bit21:50
ditty_kongthis site has ur driver21:50
owner_but i dont want sta driver21:51
ditty_kongyou will have to compile it yourself though21:51
owner_i want b4321:51
humboltwhen I have a 64bit capable CPU, would my system be faster when I go for the amd64 release?21:52
jjg76Hello, sorry for interrupting21:53
cabreyhumbolt, theoretically21:53
ditty_kong@ owner_ r u certain the card is compatable with b43?21:53
cabreyjjg76, you aren't interrupting anything :)21:53
Tenkawabut you could lose some compatibility with certain things21:53
jjg76I've got a problem with my webbrowser21:53
GiJjjg76: Shoot:)21:53
jjg76That's nice to hear21:53
cabreyjjg76, let me guess... flash?21:54
cabreyoh wow, thats a first :P21:54
cjaesomeone told me to use sed and awk for my nmp3 collection but I am still trying to grasp how to use them21:54
humboltcabrey: where does the uncertainty come from?21:54
Guest26991hi guys^21:54
humboltcabrey: and how about 64bit flash? is that available now?21:54
GiJGuest26991: HeyHey21:54
Tenkawacjae: apt-cache search fdupes21:54
Tenkawasee if that seems useable21:55
GiJjjg76: What's wrong with your browser, jjg7621:55
Vero2_30845 Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or21:55
jjg76I've changed my view>style to no style and can't get it back to default style21:55
GiJjjg76: What browser are you using?21:55
jjg76The default firefox in 9.0421:55
cjaeTenkawa, used that it only does comparison by md5sum and is leaving huge amounts of duplicates21:55
Vero2_14847 Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or21:55
GiJjjg76: I see two options, no style and basic-style21:55
Tenkawacjae: bummer... sorry.. tried21:56
GiJjjg76: Can you swap back to basic-style?21:56
Vero2_28469 Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or21:56
jjg76No, that' the problem21:56
Guest99924hey is filezilla my best choice for ftp client for linux...what is the most popular?21:56
PhinsfanHas anyone sucessfully installed lexmark X2600 printer?21:56
jjg76I've searched every forem but no one seem to have this problem21:57
GiJjjg76: Why not? Is the option missing or is your menu missing or something?21:57
cjaeTenkawa, unless I am using it wrong :/21:57
_PiLoT_hi there ive got an issue when installing buntu onto an old laptop it says * setting kernal variables (/etc/sysct1.d/10-console-security.conf)... segmentation fault21:57
_PiLoT_any ideas?21:57
cabreyhumbolt, sorry about that, it's what happens when running an alpha OS21:57
Tenkawacjae: nah.. its probably not doing enough bitlevel checking21:57
jjg76No it's just not responding21:57
cabrey!flash64 | humbolt21:57
ubottuhumbolt: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava21:57
rinsmasterjjg76, why not just reinstall firefox?21:57
jjg76I tried that with synaptic21:57
tanathanyone else start getting a corrupted display recently?21:57
mama22mama30054 Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or  http://mamalibre.eshost.com.ar/?q=node/14521:57
PhinsfanCan anyone help me?21:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:58
GiJjjg76: Tried refreshing your page? :)21:58
rinsmasterjjg76, try mark for *complete* removal21:58
fjebus_22302 #Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or  http://mamalibre.eshost.com.ar/?q=node/14521:58
jebus__14550 Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or  http://mamalibre.eshost.com.ar/?q=node/14521:58
mad131814 #Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or  http://mamalibre.eshost.com.ar/?q=node/14521:58
sr1nux_12134 Join #supremos, official Ubuntu support channel.  We also invite you to join  http://srinuxubuntu.homelinux.com/ and/or  http://mamalibre.eshost.com.ar/?q=node/14521:58
jjg76Yes al those things21:58
shiznebitspam ?21:58
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:58
=== NacH__ is now known as frednach
pp7 jjg76: try removing (backup first) your ~/.mozilla dir21:58
Guest99924hey is filezilla my best choice for ftp client for linux...what is the most popular?21:58
cabreyspam flooding :/21:58
jjg76I'm running puppy with seamonkey, and seamonkey does respond21:58
Pirate_Huntertanath, dont know if it is recently but moving from different tty screen to f7 gives me corrupted graphics, still why do you ask21:58
PhinsfanHas anyone sucessfully installed lexmark X2600 printer?21:58
TenkawaGuest99924: I just use "ftp"21:58
Guest99924tenkawa: is it gui?21:59
jjg76I'm a n00b and on a learning curve21:59
Guest99924lookign for gui though21:59
tanathPirate_Hunter, my display is corrupt. happened after a recent update21:59
nanotubeGuest99924: try "gftp", if you're looking for a gui client. if you are into commandline, just plain old ftp is always there, or if you want something a little more fancy, lftp is nice.21:59
budohi ubottu. ubottu are you a person?21:59
GiJjjg76: Yeah, I fail to find some way to fix it too21:59
tanathPirate_Hunter, i've ruled out it being compiz, because reloading doesn't fix it, and it's still corrupt with metacity...21:59
badeagleubottu: being a person.21:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about being a person.21:59
SNAXhow do I install drivers :)21:59
_PiLoT_hi there ive got an issue when installing buntu onto an old laptop it says * setting kernal variables (/etc/sysct1.d/10-console-security.conf)... segmentation fault22:00
jjg76That odd isn't it22:00
GiJubottu: being sexy.22:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about being sexy.22:00
Pirate_Huntertanath, you mean dist upgrade or just normal update, have you turned off compiz etc and check xorg log for errors22:00
Tenkawaubottu: reality22:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reality22:00
tanathPirate_Hunter, it occasionally gets better or worse, but never completely goes away22:00
GiJjjg76: weird part is that it doesn't respond22:00
jjg76My google is now with no style, and i can't get it back the way it was22:00
GiJYeah, I saw it without style, that's not good ;D22:00
nanotubeGuest99924: see also http://linuxreviews.org/software/ftp-clients/22:01
Tenkawayou've either got a denied cookie or block on google in some way it sounds like22:01
tanathPirate_Hunter, normal updating. and as i said, it's still corrupt with straight metacity. no xorg errors22:01
jjg76No it is defenitly not goog:-(22:01
hipitihopKtron: ok have access to the users home drive. where is .xinitrc22:01
Tenkawaor a plugin blocking scripts possibly22:01
Ktronhipitihop, it'd be in their home directory22:01
jjg76I also haven't got any audio22:01
Ktronhipitihop, it might not be there22:02
Tenkawajjg76: ouch22:02
hipitihopKtron: not there.22:02
Guest99924nanotube: thanks22:02
GiJjjg76: Did you have audio before?22:02
Pirate_Hunteryou mean you get like blurry view, cause if that the case it might be your resolution i know weird however i can achieve higher res but that is after i mess with me cable... still what do you mean by corrupt?22:02
jjg76I've got 2 maudio delta 1010 soundmodules, but none of the 20 outputs give any audio22:02
tanathPirate_Hunter, seems to have been caused by an update from a few days ago22:02
Ktronhipitihop, hm, if its only for this one user, than it must be some configuration setting of this user22:02
jjg76I had audio with 8.10 x6422:02
jjg76Just right away22:03
Ktronhipitihop, so its got to be one of the files in there... are you using Gnome?22:03
tanathPirate_Hunter, resolution hasn't changed...22:03
tanathPirate_Hunter, there are graphical glitches everywhere22:03
hipitihopKtron: yes, standard Ubuntu Jaunty22:03
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tanathPirate_Hunter, lots of dotty horizontal lines...22:04
tanathPirate_Hunter, random crap on screen22:04
hipitihopKtron: and I agree it is probably some setting as this user worked fine before.22:04
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora22:04
angelgirlhi evry one22:04
Ktronhipitihop, do they have any weird files/directories in their home dir that start with .x?22:04
Ktronhipitihop, or .X?22:05
nanotubeGuest99924: np :)22:05
hipitihopKtron: .xmoto22:06
tanathPirate_Hunter, http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/84/screenshot1adi.png22:06
tanathPirate_Hunter, screenshot i just took of my desktop. sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. trying to fix it by repainting & such often makes it worse22:06
mtnd3whello, can someone tell me what are some good contact managers for Ubuntu Gnome?22:06
Pirate_Huntertanath, could you backup your current xorg and redo it again, seems more like resolution problem, anyway log off go into another tty and kill gdm22:07
NacH__can someone help me with python ?22:07
mohammed510What does a virtual package mean?22:07
SNAXdoes anyone know how to install this damn card "NETGEAR WPN311 RangeMax Wireless PCI Adapter"22:07
Pirate_Huntertanth were going to redo xorg might help not promissing22:07
Pirate_Huntertanath, *22:07
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jjg76Any tips on my firefox issue?22:08
angelgirlnach can i ask u a quetion??22:08
henrik_can anyone help me to get my HDMI sound working?22:08
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tanathPirate_Hunter, even if changing xorg config fixes it... it's still a bug in something, because it was fine before a recent update. i've been running jaunty for several months now22:08
mohammed510Any one can help in ubuntu !! .What does a virtual package mean?22:08
NacH__angelgirl, yes22:08
angelgirlwhat is python??22:08
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jjg76Any Guru around that can help me?22:09
Maximois Magicjack working with Ubuntu or not?22:09
tanathangelgirl, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)22:09
NacH__angelgirl, python is programing language ...22:09
buckya big snake22:09
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hipitihopjjg76: ask a specific question, don't ask for a guru. if someone knows the answer they will respond22:09
tanathbucky, no, that would be 'what is a python'? ;p22:09
jjg76Well here's the problem22:10
mohammed510Any  one knows what the virtual package means?22:10
Pirate_Huntertanath, i dont know what the update did for you it could be xorg or you graphic driver that got messed up im just trying stuff. youve stopped all composite so its not that now redoing xorg manually might help (even if it is a pain) than it could just be a case of reinstalling the drivers for your card which i dont want to get into22:10
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=== Guest12822 is now known as someonelse
jjg76I've changed my view in  firefox from basic to no style and can't change it back\22:11
angelgirlnow all those people dosnt have any other subject only wthat my q was....22:11
dunks__mohammed510: a virtual package more or less points/lists to actual packages22:11
nicklas_hello, how do i make a bin or run file executable in xfce? i right click it and go into preferences, but there are no option to make it executable like in gnome22:11
tanathPirate_Hunter, actually, i had a manual xorg config for the longest time, but i noticed the custom stuff had been commented out, and i was using automatic already anyway22:11
derenrichnicklas_: can always do it from the terminal22:11
dunks__like, ubuntu-restricted-extras is a virtual package, as it's more than just one thing22:11
tanathPirate_Hunter, commented out by HAL22:11
mohammed510dunks__: some thing like aliase ??22:11
badeaglethere will someday be a programming language called eagle22:12
rwwdunks__: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a metapackage. that's not the same thing as a virtual package.22:12
buckymohammed510: it's a package that only draws in dependancies but doesn't really have any capabilities of it's own22:12
tanathPirate_Hunter, i've tried reinstalling lots of potentially relevant packages, including drivers22:12
erUSULbadeagle: i know of one named falcon ;P22:12
jjg76I've tried reinstalling firefox, reload the page and stuff like that, but notings working22:12
nicklas_derenrich, and how do i do that?22:12
derenrichjjg76: try purging firefox and reinstalling?22:12
derenrichnicklas_: chmod +x <filename>22:13
mohammed510bucky: Is there any link that I have to follow to know more ?22:13
jjg76I tried reinstalling with synaptic22:13
hipitihopjjg76: in your home folder, there is a hidden folder .mozilla , if you close firefox. delete that folder, then restart firefox, you should be back to defaults. Warning this may clear bookmarks and other settings too22:13
nicklas_derenrich, i have to be in catalogu for the file?22:13
buckymohammed510: google22:14
Randomtimejjg76: I'd rename the folder to .mozillabak so you keep your settings22:14
mohammed510bucky: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm22:14
derenrichnicklas_: you need to be in the directory of the file22:14
buckyjjg76: firefox-gnome-support22:14
buckyget the whole enchilada22:14
Pirate_Huntertanath, hmmm potential packages (lifts eye brow in a conspicuous manner) ok well others might be able to help you i dont get that unless im moving from tty to xorg screen, it is not that annoying for me to fix it yet, still ask again someone might have a simpler answer to your question22:15
jjg76Ok thanks for the advice, it is probably a bug22:15
rwwdunks__, mohammed510: a virtual package isn't an actual package in the repositories, but is provided by other packages. for example, x-window-manager is a virtual package provided by packages like metacity. a metapackage is a package that exists in the repositories, depends or recommends other packages, but doesn't itself do anything. e.g. ubuntu-restricted-extras recommends a bunch of useful stuff, but doesn't itself have anything.22:15
jjg76Another thing, my soundcard's arrent working22:15
tanathPirate_Hunter, well it's rather annoying to me. i often have difficulty reading text. and i was trying to work in terminal but couldn't read anything, and repainting only made it worse22:15
mohammed510rww: Now, I can understand22:16
buckymohammed510: maybe i got that mixed up with meta package22:16
jjg769.04 seems to reconise them, but none of my (no kidding) 20 outputs give a sound22:16
mohammed510bucky , rww : Thanks very much now I really understand22:16
hipitihopKtron: no other ideas ? I'm wondering about in the home dir but nothing stands out22:16
buckymohammed510: if you google virtual package it's the first hit22:16
nicklas_derenrich, ty22:16
jjg76With 8.10 it worked wright away22:16
tanathPirate_Hunter, i reinstalled compiz packages, my vid driver package, and some other things i forget22:17
nicklas_derenrich, didnt use sudo but it worked anyway, does that matter?22:17
derenrichnicklas_: shouldn't need sudo22:17
MicheleZHello, I have a problem with Nautilus. Cannot access trash, sftp, network etc... it seems I have a problem with glib and gvfs not being in the same location, but don't know how to solve this issue22:17
d135-1r43Hi! My Ubuntu now tries to install libpurple-bin for 10 mins. What went wrong?22:17
jim____Anyone know why my lo interface isn't coming up at boot anymore?  I have to `ifconfig lo up` it manually.  Sure, I can put it in a bootscript, but I'd like to figure out what happened22:17
jjg76Any advice with this soundcard problem?22:17
MK13is there a 'network login' option in ubuntu like there is in windows22:18
tanathPirate_Hunter, i just learned something interesting22:18
tanathPirate_Hunter, you mentioned yours only did it on coming back from other ttys...22:18
tanathPirate_Hunter, well, i just tried my other ttys and they're all corrupted, and unsuable. with the bottom of the screen showing what X was displaying there...22:19
hipitihopMK13: not sure what you mean, but if you are asking if it is possible to setup a thin client or have the users home dir mounted on a remote file system then yes to all above22:19
tanathPirate_Hunter, and X is now on tty 9 instead of 7 like it used to be22:19
tanathPirate_Hunter, also, display was fine when i switched back, but is slowly glitching up now22:19
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[ROSedu]AlexJis there anyway to execute a command as if i was inside the GUI while i am a CLI over ssh22:20
jjg76any soundcard tips22:20
MK13hipitihop, well like in windows a server can be setup then when you logon to any of the computers on the network you can use your login without each computer needing to have you added on each one22:20
jjg76No audio with 2 maudio delta 1010 soundcarts22:21
quesoI am having trouble getting my wireless working.  I've started a thread to get some help, but no one has responded: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1203540  If you have any time, I'd appreciate your help. Thanks ;)22:21
x2bhello people, does anyone of you have experience with the 2.6.30 vanilla kernel?? I built it but each time I try to boot it I get the error "/lib/modules/" no such file or direcotry... Even though the file _does_ exist...22:21
jjg76Can anyone help me?22:22
LogicFanhrm, any word on when firefox 3.5 will officially hit the repos?22:22
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.522:22
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is currently being built and tested for Jaunty. If you *need* to install it, the firefox-3.5 *beta* package from the repositories will be updated when testing is complete. See also http://is.gd/1jkNY22:22
macvrx2b: are you using ext4?22:22
x2bnope, ext322:22
erUSULx2b: i get the same error but afaics is harmless everything works fine22:23
Pirate_Huntertanath, you did a lot which may not have been needed, tty 9 (hmm weird i thought it is on 7 by default, something new) it sounds to me the latest update messed either with your xorg or driver. The way i would approah this would be by removing graphics and backing up xorg, stop all composite including conky and run on basic graphics 800*600 by default. graphic driver installed first (tested) and so on22:23
Pirate_Huntertanath, i dont know how to help you except like that you may ask again to see if soemoen knows an easier way I do stuff manually and never let ubuntu configure stuff for me22:24
x2bwell, a critical error during boot shouldnt be harmless should it?22:24
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81022:24
tanathPirate_Hunter, i'm actually used the default open source driver. fglrx doesn't work sometimes and is often a pain22:25
AE^^laptophow can i know the name of a drive i wanna mount?22:25
tanathPirate_Hunter, thanks for your help though22:25
Rolandwhat videocards have hardware accelerated video playback on linux/ubuntu?22:26
hipitihopMK13: yes that is possible. there are also lots of options though. home drives can be setup to mount from the server pretty simply. password authentication is a little more involved.22:26
AE^^laptopnvidia 8x00 and above22:26
AE^^laptopi just told you22:27
Pirate_Huntertanath, sorry i wasn't of any help dont think there would be an easier way to approach your problem but do ask again22:27
Guest26991can someone help me??22:28
hipitihopMK13: authentication see e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/network-authentication.html22:28
MK13hipitihop, kk22:28
tanathPirate_Hunter, i'd try that, but i despise 800*600. the stuff on my screen doesn't even fit >.<22:29
RolandGuest26991: just ask22:29
Guest26991i need help with the xorg.conf22:29
Guest26991i have a hybrid sli notebook..22:29
Guest26991and want the 3d accelrated nvidia driver work with the nvidia chip..22:30
hipitihopKtron:  thanks for trying, giving up for now, time to do some work22:30
jiffealright, I created a gfs2 partition, when I try to mount it, it complains '/sbin/mount.gfs2: can't connect to gfs_controld: Connection refused'22:30
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OttifantSir@Guest26991: From Category5.tv: Try using an older nvidia driver. That may solve the problem.22:31
MK13how can i backup a partition over lan?22:31
Guest26991which one u mean....not the 18022:31
mnmldmageis hire any bulgarians22:31
Guest26991or u mean a legacy driver??22:32
OttifantSir@Guest26991: I have never had nvida cards, so can't say more. All I know, is that 180-driver didn't work as expected for Robbie on Category5.tv, and he used 173 I think.22:32
Guest26991ah ok...22:33
Pirate_Huntertanath, that res is for testing purpose still i wonder if the same problem would occur if you were using a different wm like icewm or flux...22:33
Guest26991i'll give it a try..22:33
AE^^laptophow can i know the name of a drive i wanna mount?22:33
mnmldmagehow to change tha language i write ?22:33
linuxguy2009Ok I am like 5min away from calling it quits with screencasting on here.Just doesnt seem to be anything worth a darn in video editing. All I want is to add a wav voiceover to a AVI lossless screencast. Then after that i will re-encode the final to MP4 and youtube it. Im stuck.Can anyone help?22:34
tanathPirate_Hunter, strange, it's find with icewm22:34
tanathPirate_Hunter, wait, no it isn't22:34
tanathPirate_Hunter, but switching to icewm has messed my desktop switcher in bottom right corner. i have 4 (for cube) and each is displayed 4 times.... >.<22:35
reporterdudehi all22:35
reporterdudeI have a question about dual booting between Vista and Ubuntu 9.0422:36
WindowsUsercan I disable ctrl+alt+f1 somehow?22:36
linuxguy2009Someone here recomended before that I do the screencast and use sound recorder for the audio.I did that and now Im just stuck.No idea how to combine em.22:36
jiffewell there is a kernel module for gfs, so apparently it should work, I can't find any documentation stating that anyone has gotten it to work though22:36
iceroot!ask | reporterdude22:37
ubottureporterdude: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:37
Hilikuswill ufw by default limit the number of connections to avoid floods? i see the option in user.rules but i don't know if it applies to everything22:37
Hilikus-A ufw-user-limit -m limit --limit 3/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "[UFW LIMIT BLOCK] "22:37
reporterdudeis there away to run each os in such a way that i dont have to keep restarting to get from one to the other ??22:37
linuxguy2009reporterdude: Wanting to run some virtual machines?22:38
icerootreporterdude:: just with a vm22:38
iceroot!vbox | reporterdude22:38
ubottureporterdude: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:38
linuxguy2009reporterdude: virtualbox.org22:38
WindowsUserHilikus: you're looking at a tiny part of something, that could be a limit so it only logs 3 a minute ;)22:38
Pirate_Huntertanath, why is compiz running and i aint aware compiz worked with icewm, huh? just wanted to make sure other wms worked without glitching it would be a temporary solution till you fixed gnome22:39
HilikusWindowsUser: how do you know its just a part??22:39
reporterdudevbox ?? ok.. i will download it.. I knew there was a way, but couldnt figure it out on my own.22:39
MrCraigkernel: [17166.741088] usb 3-1: config 1 has an invalid descriptor of length 26, skipping remainder of the config <-- mean anything to anyone?22:39
reporterdudelinuxguy, thanks for the link22:39
tanathPirate_Hunter, compiz wasn't running - it doesn't. i switch between them with fusion-icon22:40
linuxguy2009reporterdude: There is the open source version in the repos and there is the other one at virtualbox.org.I recomend the later because it has USB support.22:40
WindowsUserHilikus: it looks like iptables syntax, and ufw passes stuff around a bit22:40
HilikusWindowsUser: it is iptables. are you familiar with ufw?22:41
WindowsUsernope :)22:41
linuxguy2009Well i guess Ill go back and try to get my USB headset to work with gtkrecordmydesktop again.Looks like the only complicated solution.hehe22:42
Pirate_Huntertanath, ok no clue about that just checked online, if you dont get glitching if other wms you can use those for now it you get gnome working try searching the form for your problem22:42
maccam94i'm currently installing ubuntu server. if i set up / on an lvm + raid1 logical volume, can grub boot it?22:43
KDE4000how can I make a process for cron run as a certian user?22:43
WindowsUserKDE4000: edit that users crontab or put it in /etc/crontab22:44
maccam94joejc: hold down shift when you type to negate capslock22:44
joejcany fix that doesnt requre my to hold something down?22:45
lostsonthat is classic22:45
ryanakcaShould one use otpw or OPIE for one time password logins (for ssh from untrested clients, etc?)22:45
lostsonyeah fix your keyboard22:45
WindowsUserKDE4000: it should have an example like "0 0 * * * root reboot " ^_^22:45
maccam94joejc: try unplugging and plugging the keyboard back in?22:45
joejcits wireless22:45
daveycHi guys, really quick question. Did ubuntu release a bunch of updates around 2 hours ago, or does autoupdate on ubuntu set to update at around that time?22:45
MrCraigblue tack on the shift key?22:45
ryanakcajoejc: You can pop the key off with a knife or a screwdriver, just squeeze it under the key and pry it off... check if there's anything sticking...22:46
OttifantSir@maccam94: That should work, depending a little on if you run hardware-RAID or software-RAID, and in which order you do it. That's all I know about it. Have set up LVM, but not RAID, so ask again for more info on what is best and in which order.22:46
maccam94daveyc: i believe update checks are scheduled by your computer22:46
WindowsUserdaveyc: the apt-get update from cron is once a day22:46
willywgHi folks!22:46
maccam94OttifantSir: i'm just using software raid and lvm through the 9.04 installer.22:46
MrCraigjoejc - weird idea I know, but try bashing the left and right shift keys alternately for a sec - I had a wireless keyb that sometimes did that in windblowz and that seemed to fix it22:46
daveyc@windowsuser don't suppose you know the default time it checks do you?22:46
ryanakcajoejc: is it caps lock in a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F1 to check, type in stuff, is it caps?, Ctrl-Alt-F7 to switch pack)22:46
willywgI want to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy, but I can't install update-manager-core22:47
willywghere is the error: http://pastie.org/53628922:47
OttifantSir@maccam94: I seem to remember that hardware RAID is preferable in that situation, but not certain.22:47
reporterdudei just installed virtualbox on ubuntu 9.04. where would i find it now ??22:48
MrCraigok - I'm now offering to mail 1 packet of jammy dodgers and 1 packet of custard creames to anyone who even has a go at fixing my printing issue.22:48
frostburnreporterdude, when you restart, alternatively hit alt f2 and type VirtualBox22:48
maccam94OttifantSir: i've made a single partition on each of the two hard drives, taking up the whole drive. then i used the installer to create a raid1 array using those two partitions, and then made that array into a volume group22:48
reporterdudethank you22:48
ryanakcajoejc: try popping off the key.22:48
OttifantSir@maccam94: Try going to this link. I haven't read it, it was the top of google-search22:48
joejcis it possible to shift lock?22:48
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
maccam94OttifantSir: you didn't paste the link22:49
OttifantSir@m94 ooooopppsss... forgot the link: http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_chapter/parted_7.html22:49
rashed2020_What's the difference between ifconfig and ip?22:49
faryshta_Hi, were can I get drivers to get injection on an atheros card?22:50
Wolfman2000Afternoon/evening.  I right now have Postgresql 8.3 installed via aptitude on Intrepid.  I do not know how long it will be before 8.4 comes down the pipeline.  If Iwere to compile 8.4 manually, would it interfere with the current install?22:50
joejcfaryshta_, why would u want injection?22:50
faryshta_joejc, Aircrack. I would like to learn about it.22:51
KDE4000WindowsUser: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * ircd   /home/mydir-to/ircdcron/ircdchk >/dev/null 2>&1 ?22:51
bullgard4On 2 laptop computers the Volume Control Applet 2.26.1 (after Ubuntu dist-upgrade 8.04.2 > 8.10 > 9.04) appears with Mute=asserted after computer startup. How can I configure it so that it will automatically not appear as muted after bootup?22:51
joejcfaryshta_, ur sure your card can do it?22:51
ericindc_Is it possible to set aliases for a user name?22:51
ericindc_So for example the user "joeuser" could also just log in as "joe"?22:52
faryshta_joejc, yes I am sure. But the last time I patched the kernel, now the patches have been disabled.22:52
WindowsUserKDE4000: I only count 4 time fields in there22:53
WindowsUserwheres the dow?22:53
WindowsUser0 0 * * 0 ircd <-- midnight on mondays22:53
owner_anyone can help me configure b43 driver?22:55
GravitonWindowsUser: That would be midnight on Sundays22:55
AE^^laptophow do i update the virus definitions in clamav?22:55
owner_anyone can help me configure b43 driver?22:55
* WindowsUser points at his /nick22:56
OttifantSir@AE^^laptop: If I remember correctly, you have to run ClamAV as superuser. "gksu clamav"22:56
cornerstoneany idea why my numeric keypad works on login but not after login? I cant get it to work within the OS after the GDM screen is passed22:58
shino__nick Shino22:58
OttifantSir@cornerstone: Not even after pushing NumLock?22:58
owner_anyone can help me configure b43 driver?22:58
cornerstoneOttifantSir: nope, once I get logged in, i cant get it working at all22:59
OttifantSir@cornerstone: Is it a stand-alone keypad for a wireless set?22:59
AE^^laptopOttifantSir: not sure anything happens when i executed that22:59
cornerstoneOttifantSir: got it working, found this:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4444700&postcount=523:00
OttifantSir@AE^^laptop: Let me install it and see how I did it last time.23:00
cornerstoneOttifantSir: thanks for at the very least responding. Good evening..23:00
owner_anyone can help me configure b43 driver?23:04
erUSULowner_: define configure? you need to enable the driver or configure the connection or what ?23:04
klemeni hawe ubuntu 9.04 fresh user, noob, my question is how/where to get drivers for graphic card, my computer is rebooting ewery 20 minuts asking me for pass and user name!thanks23:04
erUSUL!pm | owner_23:04
ubottuowner_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:05
klemenany help, advice?23:05
erUSULowner_: did you installed the b43-fwcutter package ??23:05
owner_but not work23:06
owner_not show in package driver23:06
OttifantSir@AE^^laptop: I'm not sure I ever got ClamAV to work when I see it again. I much prefer avast! to any other AV out there: http://avast.com/eng/download-avast-for-linux-edition.html23:06
klemenare this package in software manager  like software updates?23:06
erUSULowner_: you do not get wlan0 after reboot ? on the iwconfig output?23:06
silidan1hi, i want to install nvidia drivers form nvidia site, do i have to remove the ubuntu drivers before i do that?23:06
owner_only eth123:06
ryan____when trying to run Glest i get the following error. Exception: Error accessing value: AutoTest in: glest.ini23:06
ryan____Value not found in propertyMap: AutoTest, loaded from: glest.ini23:07
owner_use by broadcom STA driver23:07
erUSULowner_: maybe your card is not supported by b43 ?23:07
erUSULowner_: lspci | grep -i net23:07
klemensilidan i hawe a same problem, some people told me that ubutnut has driwers in their base...so i dont know frome where to get driwers23:07
erUSULklemen: what graphic card do you have ?23:08
klemenATI radeon23:08
BloodyScumI have been running a dual boot on this comp for a while of ubuntu 7.10 and XP now i have a laptop that i have made ubuntu the sole OS on, and i want to remove it from this desktop. i would also like to remove the boot loader from this drive without damaging the XP operating system, is that possible? and how?23:08
owner_before this..i can use b43 driver..but now i forgot how i do before23:08
CaptainMorganBloodyScum, yes, it's possible23:08
owner_owner@Silent-evil:~$ lspci | grep -i net23:08
owner_00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: nVidia Corporation MCP67 Ethernet (rev a2)23:08
owner_04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 02)23:08
AhadielBloodyScum, boot from the windows CD, get to a recovery console, and type "fixmbr"23:08
FloodBot2owner_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
AhadielBloodyScum, or something along those lines23:09
OttifantSir@owner: If you have eth1 and Broadcom STA driver, it should work. You probably used ndiswrapper before23:09
BloodyScumAhadiel: i follow you, thanks23:09
CaptainMorganBloodyScum, do a search for fixmbr -- you need boot into win, run that little program, then you can reboot into Ubuntu23:09
klemenerusul what woudkl be the best thing for insatling driwers?23:09
owner_but..i want b43 driver23:09
CaptainMorganfrom there, you can delete the win partition and re-partition the whole thing23:09
Ahadielowner_, you probably need to blacklist wl23:10
erUSULklemen: system>administration>hardware drivers23:10
owner_than i can use b43?23:10
AhadielCaptainMorgan, he can just resize the windows partition to fill the rest of the drive23:10
Ahadielowner_, uhhh, let me see23:10
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »23:10
owner_ubottu: ?23:10
CaptainMorganAhadiel, ya, there's more than one way to everything23:11
owner_follow that?23:11
Ahadielowner_, gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist23:11
erUSULBloodyScum: first use a windows cd to restore the windows bootloader then do whatever you please with the ubuntu partitions (remove them to make a ntfs one for example)23:11
Ahadielowner_, and paste, "blacklist wl"23:11
owner_with " ?23:11
Ahadielowner_, nope23:11
klemenerusul the program said:No propriatery drivers are in use in this system23:11
erUSULklemen: again. what graphic card do you have in your system?23:12
Ahadielowner_, reboot and it should load b4323:12
klemenati radeon 9600 pro23:12
Ahadielowner_, assuming b43 is configured and working23:12
BloodyScumAhadiel, CaptainMorgan, erUSUL thanks23:12
Ahadielowner_, yeah23:12
owner_i try?23:12
owner_how about installation b43?23:12
cjaeis there any easytag genius' in here23:12
Ahadielowner_, Did you install b43 via the Hardware Drivers GUI?23:13
owner_but before this i already install b43-fwcutter23:13
owner_not..i install in terminal23:13
Ahadielowner_, have you tried System -> Admin -> Hardware Drivers?23:13
=== ddddd is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr
owner_i see first23:13
Ahadielowner_, I'm not sure if the b43-fwcutter package also grabs the required drivers from broadcom23:13
Ahadielowner_, I'm almost positive Hardware Drivers does23:13
KDE4000how do i rename a ubuntu machine?23:14
erUSULAhadiel: owner_ it grabs the firmware for the card. it is the only missing piece23:14
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab23:14
KDE4000i keep trying to set the hostname, and it just returns it to what it was before23:14
klemenerusul so where to get driwers for GC?23:14
AhadielerUSUL, ah, okay.23:14
owner_missing place?23:15
owner_where my mistake?23:15
owner_can sure for me?23:15
owner_how about blacklist wl?23:15
erUSUL!envyng | klemen23:15
ubottuklemen: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver23:15
Ahadielowner_, System -> Admin -> Hardware Drivers23:15
Ahadielowner_, enable b43, and remove anything else23:15
Ahadielowner_, then reboot23:15
owner_b43 not show up23:15
Ahadielowner_, What does show up then?23:15
HiNoSakihi you all23:15
owner_b43 not show up in hardware driver23:15
owner_broadcom STA driver23:15
klemenTHE last time i try to use order in terminal ENYNG i couldnt get anymore in system, that was in linux mint23:16
Ahadielowner_, and that's it?23:16
klementhan there was order enyng --unistall -all23:16
owner_and nvidia graphic driver23:16
owner_that all23:17
owner_no b43 driver show up23:17
Ahadielowner_, Did you add "blacklist wl" to that file yet?23:17
OttifantSir@owner: That's what I have too. But I have had both before I used the STA driver. Try Deactivating it, reboot, go to Hardware Drivers and check again23:17
cjaehow the hell do you the cddb search in easytag, you have to have to album first? how do you apply to tag23:17
Ahadielowner_, Okay, then reboot and see if it works.23:17
owner_but i not yet restart23:17
owner_i must restart first?23:17
KDE4000its still renaming itsself back23:17
owner_i try..23:17
klemenso if i download driwers frome amd site would be ok?23:17
Ahadielowner_, well.. wait23:17
owner_i i`ll back23:17
Ahadielowner_, We could probably just reload the module23:18
KDE4000reboot it, and its back23:18
KDE4000in /etc/hostname23:18
Ahadielowner_, sec23:18
Ahadielowner_, pastebin the output of iwconfig23:18
Ahadieloh well, he's gone23:18
OttifantSir@AHADIEL: Sorry bout that. I know you could have probably used modprobe and such, but to me, it seemed easier to check with a reboot23:19
CleanLaundrywhat is the difference between "mv" and "cp" ?23:19
AhadielOttifantSir, meh23:20
mohammed510I have a question about the command locate23:20
OttifantSir@CleanLaundry: mv = move the files and delete them from source. cp = copy the files to destination and keep them in source directory23:21
Ahadielmohammed510, What's the question?23:21
CleanLaundryOttifantSir, great thanks23:21
mohammed510Ahadiel : It doesn't search in the mounted partitions23:21
Ahadielmohammed510, have you run updatedb?23:21
mohammed510Ahadiel : yes23:21
Ahadielmohammed510, hrm23:22
mohammed510Ahadiel : I have a mounted partition it's label is VBOX23:23
th0rI am having problems with the workspace switcher in xfce. Does anyone know of another software package that could give me multiple desktops in xfce?23:23
Ahadielmohammed510, what filesystem is it?23:23
mohammed510Ahadiel: When I make ... locate VBOX  .... The result is no thing23:23
mohammed510Ahadiel : They filesystem is vfat23:24
packet-sentI have an file which I need to ensure has been copied correctly, does ubuntu perform error checking when copying files to ensure every bit is sent correctly and  then check the new location for integrity of the copied data23:24
Ahadielmohammed510, where is "VBOX" mounted? ie. /media/disk23:24
mohammed510Ahadiel : It is mounted in /media/VBOX23:25
Ahadielmohammed510, hrm23:25
mohammed510Ahadiel: What doesn hrm means?23:25
Ahadielmohammed510, Can you pastebin your /etc/updatedb.conf?23:25
mohammed510Ahadiel Ok23:25
Ahadielowner_, Didn't work?23:26
owner_Ahadiel:  not work23:26
OttifantSir@packet-sent: Install gtk-hash. Make a md5sum of the file before copying, then check it after it's copied. Or any other hash-check program you wish. I only know of gtk-hash that has a GUI.23:26
Ahadielowner_, So you had to re-enable wl?23:26
owner_i remove my blacklist23:26
cephashey all23:26
Ahadielowner_, I'm thinking.23:27
n2diyhow would I execute the bell command over ssh?23:27
Ahadielowner_, try reinstalling b43-fwcutter23:27
mohammed510Ahadiel : http://pastebin.com/m2e6a9ffe23:27
owner_how to re-install b43-fwcutter23:27
Ahadielmohammed510, remove the "/media" from PRUNEPATHS23:27
packet-sentOttifantSir: I have used md5sum to check the file just wondered if the copy process does error checking on the file and destination nativly23:28
Ahadielmohammed510, then run updatedb again23:28
Ahadielowner_, Let me see23:28
cephasJust a quick shout: Ubuntu based laptop for sale http://is.gd/1p42623:28
KDE4000I cannot rename this ubuntu server, i set /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, reboot, and the files are back the way they were before23:28
mohammed510Ahadiel , Does the PRUNPATHS stop the locate command?23:28
=== owner_ is now known as Owner
Ahadielmohammed510, the folders in PRUNEPATHS are ignored by updatedb IIRC23:29
OttifantSir@packet-sent: Not to such a degree as a hash-checker. It checks the data while copying, and doesn't delete the file from the source before it's completely moved if that's what you're doing.23:29
AhadielOwner, apt-get --reinstall install b43-fwcutter23:29
AhadielOwner, sudo apt-get --reinstall install b43-fwcutter23:29
loshern2diy: the 'bell' command?23:29
Ahadielmohammed510, That's why locate VBOX didn't return anything.23:30
Ahadielmohammed510, because /media isn't indexed23:30
Ownerthis is reinstalling right?23:30
AhadielOwner, yeah23:30
mohammed510Ahadiel: Thanks , the problem is solved23:30
Ahadielmohammed510, Glad to have helped.23:30
n2diylosher: actually, I've learned it is an imbedded character. Yes, bell, makes the machine beep.23:30
Owneralready..but required to restart not showing23:31
Ahadieln2diy, \a23:31
AhadielOwner, what?23:31
Owneri must to manually myself to restart this system?23:31
adi__hi ppl23:31
loshern2diy: control-G ?23:31
AhadielOwner, let me see23:32
mohammed510Ahadiel: May I know your nationality??23:32
Owneri already reinstall b43-fwcutter23:32
Ahadielmohammed510, Canadian23:32
billybigrigAhadiel: where abouts? calgary here23:32
mohammed510Ahadiel : I am Egyptian23:32
Ahadielmohammed510, I'm white/asian :D23:32
Ahadielbillybigrig, BC23:32
n2diylosher: nope, didn't work.23:33
AhadielOwner, can you pastebin the output of "iwconfig"?23:33
mohammed510Ahadiel : May I ask you to be friends?23:33
Ownerin terminal?23:33
AhadielOwner, run that command in the terminal, and copy/paste the output to pastebin23:33
Ahadiel!paste | Owner23:33
ubottuOwner: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:33
Ahadielmohammed510, Sure.23:34
Owneri show u23:34
mohammed510Can I have your mail-address in the private?23:34
Ahadielmohammed510, nope23:34
indy_hi all23:34
Ahadielmohammed510, But you can come in here and ask for help anytime :D23:34
OwnerAhadiel:  ?23:34
AhadielOwner, sec23:34
loshern2diy: I've done something like it in the past using echo "^G" . You could then do ssh <host> 'echo "^G"' but the quoting is tricky and you need an editor that will let you embed the ctrl-G character23:35
mohammed510Ahadiel: Ok , no problem23:35
mohammed510Ahadiel: Thanks again for your help23:35
Ahadielmohammed510, yeah, no problem23:35
n2diylosher: yes, my playing with the concept now, but the syntax is tricky.23:36
owen1can i comment all the deb-src entries in my sources.list ?23:36
vegarturocan anyone tell me how to add a linux-swap to a partition?23:37
indy_can anyone help me out with some advise on ndiswrapper?23:37
loshern2diy: might be easier to write a little C program called 'beep' and invoke that instead23:37
vilemaximjoin /vmware23:37
nibbler__is there any filebrowser like nautilus, which can deal with ctime, and not just m/atime?23:38
loshervilemaxim: try /join #vmware23:38
adi__vegarturo, terminal -- cfdisk -- new partittion in empty space, choose type swap23:38
n2diylosher: I just found that \a is the same as C-g. Roger on the program, might be an option if I can find a perl  or bash script.23:38
AakashPatelis there some type of application to make an automated voice answering system that uses the modem?  like it has menus and such, and will transfer you...etc?23:38
AhadielAakashPatel, I think asterisk does that.23:39
losherowen1: yes, should be fine if you aren't downloading source code23:39
AhadielAakashPatel, http://www.asterisk.org/23:39
owen1losher: got it , thanks23:39
indy_if i use the ndiswrapper to install my native wifi drivers how can i got back to the linux ones if it doesn't work?23:39
AakashPatelAhadiel: astrisks can use the modem? i thought iwas only ip23:39
AhadielAakashPatel, oh, maybe you're right.23:40
DulakAakashPatel: it can't use a modem, but it can use an analog card that plugs into normal phone lines23:40
Cyberkaiahola, disculpen que los moleste alguno me podria pasar una sources.list para ubuntu 7.1023:41
losher!es | Cyberkaia23:41
ubottuCyberkaia: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:41
Cyberkaiaporque estoy tratandod e ayudar a un amigo hace horas.. y solo errores..23:41
AakashPatelDulak: analog card?23:41
OttifantSir@AkashPatel: Asterisk can be used with Voice over IP (SIP, H.323, IAX and more) standards, or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through supported hardware. (From Synaptic)23:41
DulakAakashPatel: yes an analog PSTN card, you can get it in 1, 2, and 4 per card23:42
Hilikuswhat does this mean23:42
Hilikusi'm not familiar with the / syntax23:42
pp7i wanna know that too23:43
pp7i think it means the something about the lowest 16 bits23:43
pp7those bits being 0.023:43
pp7i mean 0,023:44
OttifantSir@Hilikus: If I remember correctly, uses the entire 192.168.0.x-range, while /16 uses only 16 of the 255 available23:44
pp7erm 0.023:44
DulakNo, a /16 is the entire block23:44
Dulak256 class c network blocks23:44
Arimalhello all!23:45
nlkohi guys, how do i play things like youtube in firefox? ive downloaded the plugin it asked me to, but it just freezes23:45
HilikusDulak:  so if i want - i should use  ?23:45
coleysnlko: 64 bit?23:45
Arimalcan anyone help me out with using dpkg-scanpackages to make a repository? for some reason it is not printing anything into the Packages file23:45
DulakHilikus: yes23:45
nlkocoleys: 3223:45
HilikusDulak: cool, thanks23:45
coleysnlko: Download .deb from flash website. =o23:46
=== mstrobert is now known as mstrobert`
DulakHilikus: wait, that's a /24, not a /823:46
HilikusDulak: how come???23:46
DulakHilikus: because each octet is a /823:47
nlkocoleys:  should i remove swfdec ?23:47
coleysnlko: Yeah. =O23:47
DulakHilikus:,, etc23:47
DulakHilikus: for 256 hosts, it's /2423:47
DulakHilikus: http://krow.net/dict/subnet.html23:47
HilikusDulak: thanks!23:48
=== EruditeHermit_ is now known as EruditeHermit
muts_salut tout le monde y a des francophones?23:53
kujiumuts_: bonjour, pour les francophones merci d'aller sur #ubuntu-fr23:54
henrik_can anyone help me to get my HDMI sound working?23:54
muts_merci kujiu23:54
=== EruditeHermit_ is now known as EruditeHermit
coffeejIt seems I need gspca for my webcam.  I downloaded it from synaptic.  what do i do next?23:57
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
nlkocoleys: ive installed flash player 10, and it still just shows a big grey 'play' button23:57
mun_does anyone know how to convert powerpoint files to pdf in the terminal?23:57
vegarturoi'm running the update manager and it gives me "Could not download all repository indexes"23:57
adi__coffeej, just put it on trash. i own me too one webcam and gspcav it's full of bugs23:57
coffeejthanks for the encouragement! ;o)23:58
adi__coffeej, i've waste a week to make it working without success23:58

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