
_MMA_Can anyone in here tell me if the "Ubuntu One" folder in ones home dir is themeable? ie: Like the XDG user folders. Using something like "folder-ubuntuone"?00:04
BUGabundormcbride: are you sure? I just upgraded and still missing gnome client00:05
BUGabundo  Candidate: 0.90.3+r64-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty00:05
* BUGabundo wonders when there will be a karmic ppa. it has been promised since week 2!00:08
rmcbrideBUGabundo: should now install ubuntuone-gnome-client and it will pull what is needed00:18
* BUGabundo checks for updates yet again00:19
rmcbrideBUGabundo: jblount updated the web documentation on that... it's POSSIBLE that the beta PPA index hasnt' picked up revno64 yet.00:19
BUGabundooh ok00:19
rmcbrideI'm building karmic packages btw, BUGabundo, I do not know the status of the ubuntuone-ppa package right now though00:19
BUGabundoI'm using 64 bits00:20
rmcbrideBUGabundo: So am I :)00:20
rmcbrideBUGabundo: I'm about to eat dinner but I'll check back a little later00:20
BUGabundoGet:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main ubuntuone-client-gnome 0.90.3+r66-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty [101kB]00:20
rmcbrideBUGabundo: ah you're on the nightly PPA00:21
BUGabundowon't catch me here by then00:21
BUGabundogonna take a bath and hit the sach00:21
BUGabundocrazy guy I am00:21
rmcbrideBUGabundo: looks like your sources.blah (don't remember the filename at the moment) is configured to pull for jaunty?00:22
BUGabundormcbride: yes. jaunty00:24
BUGabundono one told me there was a karmic yet00:24
rmcbrideBUGabundo: there's been karmic for a while. I didn't realize you weren't told. If you change the distro on your deb and deb src lines you should be fine (I'd uninstall the jaunty version first)00:25
BUGabundodoing so now00:25
* BUGabundo $ do radom_pool (bath;sleep;breakfast;work);01:25
VK7HSEdobey: I'll do that ... and add any info to the bug report....01:33
kklimondahmm.. I got a crash in nautilus that seems to be somehow related to u1 based on backtrace01:35
VK7HSEerr.. there is no package called ubuntuone-client-gnome-dbg available! so a back trace is going to be a little difficult with out it!... also I have just installed the latest update for U1 client... see hot we go!01:45
kklimondaoh ffs01:48
kklimondathere are no dbgsym packages for u1 binaries..01:48
VK7HSEnup just check that out already!01:49
VK7HSEthe bug I filed yesterday seems to have been removed from my launchpad profile! (weird!)01:49
kklimondaI have a stacktrace like this from nautilus: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28749866/Stacktrace.txt01:51
VK7HSEahh here's why it's gone it a duplicate! see Bug #39571001:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395710 in ubuntuone-client "Opening "Places/Computer" nautilus crash with Segmentation fault" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39571001:57
kklimondaach, I get the same one01:57
rmcbrideThe nautilus segfault bug is fixed in the nightly builds and the fix should be posted to Beta tomorrow02:55
=== Brownout_ is now known as Brownout
facundobatistaHi all11:51
jblountaquarius: http://uk.techcrunch.com/2009/07/07/palm-pre-launches-with-telefonicao2-in-europe/12:20
aquariusjblount: indeed it does. No word on an actual release date, though, and I'm buying it contractless anyway :)12:20
jblountaquarius: :)12:21
jblountDoes anyone have any more info on this: http://identi.ca/notice/6150769 ?13:00
thisfredjblount: I think there was a session at #gcds about telepathy and the collaborative desktop. Not much more info than that.13:15
thisfredjblount: from the identica buzz, I think it's at mock up stage still13:18
thisfredOT: I need a bit of advice on US ISPs: I'm looking at the comcast pages, and they make a distinction between single computer and multicomputer? How (if at all) would that be enforced? Does the cable modem check mac-addresses?13:20
thisfredIs  comcast just a bad option?13:20
jdobrienjblount: I do13:22
Chipaca thisfred: maybe the multicomputer means they all get public ips?13:22
jdobrienjblount: he is Guillaume has been talking to us about screen sharing, he works for collabora13:23
jdobrienjblount: facundobatista put tested it out13:23
thisfredChipaca: I don't think so: they seem to imply you can only hook up one computer, and need to buy an expensive wireless modem from them if you want to have more than one (up to 5)13:24
facundobatistajdobrien, me what?13:24
jdobrienfacundobatista: jblount was asking about cassidy's screen sharing demo at GCDS13:24
thisfredI seem to remember the same thing happening in the Netherlands back in the dark ages, where the mac address was checked, although it was easy to hack around13:24
thisfredanyhow, I'll just go with single computer, and hope it works13:25
thisfredlooks like verizon or comcast are my options. Any opinions?13:27
jblountthisfred: I'm reasonably happy with comcast, and I don't think they do any checking to see if you have multiple machines.13:35
vdsChipaca: I'm trying to sync files between my laptop and my netbook13:35
thisfredjblount: ok thanks :)13:35
jblountthisfred: That's probably more for people who aren't happy to plug in a wireless router or whatever.13:35
Chipacavds: why would you want to do that? that's crazy13:36
thisfredright, I assumed it was more directed at non technical folks, but the wording was slightly scary ;)13:36
Chipacavds: :-P13:36
vdsChipaca: I know but I have lots of time to waste :P13:36
vdsChipaca: I've moved some files on in the Ubuntu One folder on my laptop, installed the ubuntu one packages on the netbook13:37
vdsafter hours and hours of spinning logo13:37
vdson the netbook I have all the folders and all the files I have on the laptop13:37
vdsbut all the files are empty (0 bytes)13:38
Chipacavds: cool. All of them?13:38
vdsall of them13:39
Chipacavds: what does the web ui say?13:39
Chipacavds: are they 0 bytes on the web?13:39
vdsChipaca: nope13:40
Chipacavds: can you show me the logs of the client?13:40
Chipacavds: on the netbook13:41
vdsChipaca: sure13:41
vdsChipaca: it's 13Mb...13:47
vdsyou need all of it?13:48
Chipacavds: bzipped?13:48
vdsChipaca: log on its way13:57
Chipacavds: email, or ubuntuone?13:58
vdsChipaca: let's try both :)13:58
vdsChipaca: does the desktop client sharing menu work again?13:59
vdsor I should use the web ui?13:59
Chipacavds: I dunno. Let me see...14:00
statikmoshi moshi14:00
vdshi statik14:00
crowfaxis it just me that appears to have lost the UbuntuOne executable since the last update?14:01
artirit's true14:03
artiri don't have my icon :(14:03
crowfaxok glad it's not just me then :-P14:03
crowfaxyou using 64bit?14:03
* Chipaca updates14:03
verterokcrowfax: do you have both ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-client-gnome installed?14:04
verterokartir: ^14:04
crowfaxubuntuone-client-gnome isn't installed14:04
crowfaxhow weird. new package?14:04
crowfaxi saw aptitude remove a bunch of ubuntuone packages and install new ones the next day, but clearly ubuntuone-client-gnome wasn't included :-/14:05
crowfaxwell, that package fixed it14:06
mattgriffinChipaca: hi Chipaca. do you have access to update the topic for this channel?14:07
Chipacamattgriffin: yes14:07
verterokcrowfax: yes, the packaging changed a bit14:07
Chipacastatik: could you point me wherever it was you pointed me at to read about getting op on this channel?14:08
* jblount has a severe crush on https://edge.launchpad.net/~haibunku14:08
crowfaxah well, it's fixed now, thanks for the advice chaps14:08
Chipacasomewhere on freenode, it was14:08
mattgriffinChipaca: cool. can you add your name as the Face Duty guy. also can you pastebin me instructions or send a link on how to do it?14:08
Chipacavds: it seems the menu item for sharing is not there, if that is what you were asking about14:10
vdsChipaca: it is there, on the folder14:11
statikChipaca, sure, i'll find the page now14:11
vdsChipaca: I've tried to share it from the desktop, the folder doesn't appear on the web ui yet14:12
Chipacavds: can you try killing ubuntuone-syncdaemon, removing the log, and clicking connect in the applet?14:12
vdsChipaca: sure14:13
Chipacavds: removal of the log shouldn't be necessary; it should rotate on its own14:13
Chipacavds: if you want, see if it does :)14:14
vdsChipaca: too late! :)14:15
Chipacaok :)14:15
Chipacaverterok: puede ser that it's only rotating the log on startup, and not when running?14:15
vdsChipaca: now it's writing A LOT of things14:16
vdsshould I wait few minutes before sending you the log again?14:17
verterokChipaca: I can confirm that he logs are rotated on startup14:17
Chipacaverterok: yeah, I thought I'd seen that too :)14:17
verterokChipaca: but should also be rotated on midnight too14:17
Chipacavds: it had gotten into an impossible state14:17
* verterok checks14:17
Chipacavds: impossible states are states it shouldn't get into and can't get out of14:17
* Chipaca is to blame for that14:17
Chipacaverterok: and if the machine is always suspended before midnight?14:18
verterokChipaca: suspended like in "not on"?14:18
verterokChipaca: I think python logging framework don't have support for rotating while suspended ;)14:18
Chipacaverterok: suspended like "syncdaemon won't start up when machine returns from suspend, but machine won't see midnight either"14:19
verterokChipaca: we are using TimedRotatingFileHandler, so it should rotate the file th enext time a log msg is emitted14:19
=== Chipaca changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 64, Protocol Revno is 47 | Release 0.90.3 | Your friendly community help contact for today is: Chipaca
* verterok is afraid to give the wrong answer, as Chipaca is OP now14:20
vdsChipaca: I see a lot of OSError14:20
Chipacavds: pastebin one of 'em plz14:20
vdsChipaca: http://pastebin.com/m1a24587b14:24
Chipacafacundobatista: ping?14:24
Chipacavds: how much is a lot?14:24
Chipacavds: also: are you editing or modifying these files while ubuntuone is sync'ing them?14:25
vdsChipaca: I'm not editing any files14:26
vdsthose have been there for days14:26
facundobatistaChipaca, pong?14:26
vdsChipaca: I have tens of OSErrors14:26
Chipacavds: grep -c OSError ~/.cache/ubuntuone/etc/etc14:27
Chipacafacundobatista: vds is getting tens of OSErrors about missing partials, and I'm not sure if that is normal (I think not)14:27
facundobatistaChipaca, did you check the logs?14:28
Chipacafacundobatista: http://pastebin.com/m1a24587b14:28
vdsChipaca: 1567114:28
Chipacavds: that's more than tens :)14:29
vdsChipaca: it's...many many tens14:29
facundobatistavds, did you do something weird with your files?14:32
vdsfacundobatista: weird like what? :)14:33
facundobatistavds, like throwing a lot of files and remove full directorys while syncing14:33
facundobatistavds, the WARNING you're seeing is not bad.. it tried to remove something but found that it was already removed14:34
vdsfacundobatista: nope14:34
facundobatistavds, are you sure you have only *one* syncdaemon in memory?14:34
vdsfacundobatista: let me check14:35
vdsfacundobatista: only one14:35
facundobatistavds, is the daemon idle now?14:35
vdsfacundobatista: running14:36
facundobatistadoing what?14:37
vdsfacundobatista: how do I know?14:38
vdsfacundobatista: it is writing a lot of stuff on the logs14:39
facundobatistavds, did you throw a lot of files at once?14:40
vdsfacundobatista: I'm trying to sync the netbook with the laptop, and the laptop have  a lot of files in the Ubuntu One folder14:40
facundobatistavds, so you had your laptop with a zillion files, with U1 in IDLE, and run for first time U1 in your netbook?14:43
vdsfacundobatista: not zillions but quite a few but yes that's what happend14:44
Chipacafacundobatista: ~2.7k files14:47
Chipacavds: right?14:47
Chipacavds: find ~/Ubuntu\ One/My\ Files/ -type f | wc -l14:47
vdsChipaca facundobatista 471914:48
Chipacavds: tks14:48
facundobatistavds, and while SD was running in your netbook, did you create/delete/modified the files?14:50
vdsfacundobatista: no14:50
vdsfacundobatista: ah wait I deleted a folder, with one file in it14:50
maettuI made a softlink of a folder I want to backup/share into Ubuntu One/My Files. The link is present on my computer but not in the web interface. How to add folders without copying them "physically" into Ubuntu One?14:51
facundobatistamaettu, we don't support symlinks yet14:51
Chipacamaettu: you can move them, and symlink them?14:51
facundobatistavds, I would need the full logs to see what happened14:51
Chipacamaettu: i.e. backwards from what you're doing14:51
Chipacamaettu: support for symlinks is in the roadmap, but it's not going to be there for a while14:52
vdsfacundobatista: ok14:53
vdsI stop the SD then?14:53
maettuhey, tank you for your answers14:53
maettusymlinks are crucial, I would like to say :-)14:54
Chipacamaettu: thank you for helping us make Ubuntu One be awesome! :)14:54
Chipacamaettu: actually, no, they're not14:54
Chipacamaettu: but let me explain14:54
maettuyes, please :-)14:54
Chipacamaettu: when we support symlinks, we'll do it by copying *the actual symlink*14:55
Chipaca maettu: i.e. it will appear as a symlink when you synchronize it to another computer14:55
facundobatistavds, just the logs so far14:55
Chipacamaettu: *however*, we'll also support synchronizing arbitrary folders14:55
Chipacamaettu: which is for what people want us to follow symlinks when synchronizing, right?14:56
Chipacamaettu: so in that sense, I think what you mean is that the ability to synchronize arbitrary folders is crucial14:57
Chipacamaettu: and I agree with you there :)14:57
vdsfacundobatista: sent14:57
maettuChipaca: absolutely. Set a symlink of a folder you need, then it's synchronized and just remove the links as soon as you don't neet to sync any more14:57
dobeyfolder sync is hard14:58
maettuChipaca: when doing it the other way round, you have to remove the link into Ubuntu One and the move the folder14:58
Brownoutis there any way to add the ppa manually for apt? I don't use synaptic and browser integration for package management.14:58
ChipacaBrownout: sure14:58
ChipacaBrownout: there are instructions linked off of the ppa page14:59
ChipacaBrownout: give me a second and I'll point you at it :)14:59
dobeyBrownout: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/beta14:59
ChipacaBrownout: what dobey says :)14:59
* jblount wonders about adding a advanced installation instructions page14:59
dobeyBrownout: but if the GPG key or anything changes, you'll have to manually update your settings14:59
dobeyjblount: i don't see the point15:00
jblountdobey: Yeah, I guess all anyone needs is the ppa, they can get the package name from the apt link easy enough...15:00
aquariusmaettu: the symlink stuff becomes semi-confusing when you add a second computer to the mix, though15:00
dobeyjblount: they don't even need that any more, unless they want to keep up to date with trunk15:01
dobeyaquarius: or when you add the web. and especially so if second computer is a system that doesn't support symlinks.15:01
maettuaquarium: o.k., admitted. Syncing multiple machines is always semi-confusing, at least ;-)15:03
statiklooks like it's 3 minutes past meeting time15:03
statikif you're here for the (short) developer meeting, please say me15:03
maurizio_Hi have just received the invitation for ubuntuone. I've ubuntu 8.04, does exist a software to manage this service ?15:04
statikaquarius, will you start things off?15:04
statikmaurizio_, we currently only support 9.0415:04
aquariusDONE: publically outed the Firefox bookmark sync extension code (lp:bindwood); wrote branch to start D-Bus port advertiser for desktop Couch; wrote branch to use desktop Couch for bookmarks in bindwood if it exists; got completely hacked off with Launchpad link-a-branch UI and filed a detailed bug explaining what it should be like15:04
aquariusTODO: write OSCON presentation; show viewers around my house; get excited that they might buy it; receive feedback that they don't want to make an offer; cry15:04
aquariusBLOCKED: still using the horror of lsof to find CouchDB port until the print-the-port logfile patch goes in15:04
aquariusstatik: you're next15:04
statikDONE: 4 code reviews, helped pfibiger OOPS, merged wsgi-oops fix. Sorted plan for stable update of sourcedeps. Planning session with joshuahoover and mattgriffin. Started work on a script to update project management spreadsheet by querying launchpad bugs API.15:04
statikTODO: resume work on packaging spawning, figure out whether south could be made to work with storm, finish bug status script, lots of phone calls.15:04
statikBLCK: None.15:04
statikCardinalFang, your turn15:04
maurizio_statik is it possible to use it with filezilla?15:04
dobeymaurizio_: no, we don't have ftp/dav support yet15:05
statikmaurizio_, not currently although we plan to add WebDAV support at some point15:05
maurizio_dobey ok! So the only solution for the moment is to upgrade to ubuntu 9.04?15:05
CardinalFangDONE: more fiddling with SSL and asyncore.  Not done at all.15:05
CardinalFangTODO: get server end without keys to work.  I auth other end another way.15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKED: yes!  ssl is hard.15:05
statikmaurizio_, you can use the web UI to upload/download files one at a time15:06
statiki think dobey is after CardinalFang15:06
maurizio_statik ok! thank you15:06
dobeymaurizio_: or use the web ui, or back-port the dependencies and packages to 8.0415:06
dobeyDONE: Small package fixes for ubuntuone-client, Fixed #395710, Made storage-protocol check more strict,15:07
dobeyTODO: Finish removing --signup option15:07
dobeyBLCK: None.15:07
dobeyjblount: you are up15:07
jblountDONE: Some bug triage, lots of email triage,15:07
jblountTODO: Land a branch that fixes mkdir on /files/new/, chat with matt and jdo about upgrades15:07
jblountBLOCKED: Could use some help triaging the /files/new bugs, as it is I'm just attacking them starting with low hanging fruit, and I think I'm treading water a bit too much.15:07
jblountteknico: your turn :D15:07
teknicoDONE: work on making the Django test client work with our code15:07
teknicoTODO: completing the tests for the web ui interface for resetting contact devices15:07
teknicoBLOCKED: nothing15:07
teknicoNEXT: vds15:07
maurizio_dobey how can I do the backport?15:07
vdsDONE: discussed with markgsaye and thisfred about snapshooting a contact db, read-only mode for mobiles, landed phone reg ui branch, started  a new branch for read-only mode sync,keeping busy Chipaca and facundobatista with some problem with file sync15:07
vdsTODO: coding read-only mode sync branch, continue to bother facundobatista and Chipaca15:07
vdsBLOCKED: no15:07
statikurbanape, around?15:08
dobeymaurizio_: you need to take the packages we require which ar packaged for 9.04, and rebuild them for 8.04, fixing any issues along the way15:08
statikurbanape, I think you're up15:09
urbanapeDONE: Made great progress on FF extension with aquarius, tracked down FF GUID silliness15:09
urbanapeTODO: Get onItemRemoved handlers working properly, get our own guids working15:09
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:09
statikcongrats on the FF stuff guys, it's looking cool15:09
urbanapeMight have to run out to the Apple Store to get them to downgrade my EFI Firmware. Having horrible disk stalling.15:10
statikteknico, vds: please put on your TODO figuring out an ETA for funambol server deployments in production and what the next steps are15:10
statikjblount, want to have a call right after this?15:10
teknicojblount, what's funny? :-)15:10
statikCardinalFang, do you need an SSL expert? I can help find one for you15:11
vdsmarkgsaye_: ^^15:11
jblountstatik: have a call then, can we postpone till 11-ish?15:11
statikthanks for all the notes guys, awesome work15:11
statikMEETING ENDS15:11
vdsstatik: ok15:11
jblountteknico: ?15:11
maurizio_dobey I don't think to have enough skills to do this operation.15:11
teknicojblount, [16:07:38] <jblount> teknico: your turn :D15:11
jblountteknico: I like smiling with my whole face :D!15:12
=== rockz is now known as ymalheiros
statikjblount: sure, ping me whenever you are ready15:12
teknicojblount, great, careful about the flies though ;-)15:12
dobeymaurizio_: i don't know why you are still on 8.04, but if there are no seriously valid reasons for it, i'd suggest upgrading to 9.0415:13
maurizio_dobey ok15:13
maettuis there an aggregation of ubuntu one - "cool uses" around?15:13
maurizio_dobey I thought that the 8.04 version would have been the most stable because it has long term support15:14
Chipacamaurizio_: yes, that is correct15:14
Chipacamaurizio_: however, ubuntu one is not stable15:14
dobeymaurizio_: support isn't a measure of stability15:14
statikmaettu, i don't think so but we should totally make one. probably under here somewhere: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne15:14
maurizio_dobey, anyway the LTS seems to be a good way to gain the stability, isn't it?15:15
statikmaurizio_, one of the main ways that LTS releases are kept stable is by not introducing new features and software into them15:15
dobeymaurizio_: what LTS means is that it gets updates for a longer period of time than non-LTS distros. you can still install unstable software on it if you want, but that tends to reduce stability :)15:16
CardinalFangstatik, I probably do need an expert.  I can read the error message that py + libssl gives me, and I understand it.  I just don't believe what it says.  :)15:17
CardinalFangTODO: Oh, and I'm on-call reviewer today.15:17
dobeymaurizio_: it's also very hard to develop software against older versions, since it may lack certain bug fixes or features we need15:18
maurizio_Ok, thank you for the explanation, now it's surely more clear. I'm good with the software the 8.04 include, I don't need more, just the software to manage the ubuntuone service :) I will use it with the ui from the browser until ftp support or other will be activated. Anyway thank you thousand15:19
statikdobey: do you remember if someone sent in a patch before and we were waiting on a signature for the contributor agreement?15:21
statikaquarius, i was looking at chads couchdb pairing branch last night and it looks like there is a separate project there that needs to be split out and packaged. anything I can do to help with that?15:25
aquariusstatik: I'm not sure on that front; I can't decide whether I think that installing desktop Couch should also install the pairing directly, or whether you might want one without the other15:27
aquariusstatik: I am open to discussion on this point :)15:27
statikaquarius: how about we make a desktopcouch project with one sourcepackage, and if we want that to compile into two or more binary packages thats ok?15:28
aquariusstatik: could do (certainly it should be one source package), but...if you always want two packages together, why make them two packages?15:28
dobeystatik: sianis made a patch to do something with localization, and accepted the agreement i think, but i don't know if he made a branch15:28
statikaquarius: right, we could start out with one package. usually optional stuff (like stuff only a developer would use, or documentation) is split out into separate packages15:30
statikdobey: ah right, sianis. I need to update the contributors team15:30
aquariusstatik: yeah, so I think just one package. I don't, I confess it, really understand the packaging stuff :(; kenvandine did it15:32
statikaquarius: oh, is there a package already?15:33
aquariusstatik: sort of. packages/desktopcouch15:33
statikok, i just saw a setup.py in there. so I'd like to move that stuff out to a separate launchpad project, get tarball releases being made, and then add an ubuntu package on top of the tarball releases15:34
aquariusstatik: that sounds like a great idea. I don't know how to do any of that, though, so anything you can do (and sk00l me at the same time) would be much appreciated15:35
statikaquarius: cool! how about I start hacking on it, and ask you to review (and merge) the branches, and we can have lots of discussion in the middle15:37
statikaquarius: the project name should be desktopcouch in launchpad, yeah?15:37
aquariusstatik: yes and yes, definitely, that'd be excellent15:40
aquariusstatik: I'd really like the discussion, so I know what it is you've done so I don't have to look like a wimp and ask for help again next time ;)15:40
VK7HSECool! just added nightlies ppa to my list \o/  great work guys/gals!15:48
gnomefreakdid python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol replace ubuntuone-storage-protocol in the nightlys15:54
Chipacagnomefreak: yep15:55
gnomefreakChipaca: thanks15:55
Chipacaalthough I seem to have both, and both at the same version :)15:56
Chipacarmcbride: what's the Word re that?15:56
dobeyit replaced it everywhere15:57
dobeyChipaca: that's weird15:57
Chipacaubuntuone-storage-protocol is at 0.90.3+r47-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty and python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol is at 0.90.3+r47-0ubuntu1~ppa2~jaunty15:58
gnomefreaki was replaced in Karmic nightlies16:01
gnomefreakwhen installing ubuntuone-client16:01
rmcbrideChipaca: it should have removed the old package for you. it did here...16:01
gnomefreakit was held back16:01
Chipacayes, I didn't mean I had both *installed*16:01
ChipacaI mean apt-cache show shows both16:02
dobeyChipaca: you implied it :)16:02
Chipacadobey: the implication was not intended, my apologies16:02
dobeyChipaca: perhaps your apt cache is out of date then? :)16:05
Chipacadobey: I don't think that's possible, but what do I know :)16:05
dobeyoh, no you have the nightlies ppa, and the ppa publishing didn't remove the old version16:06
dobeyit has the latest 2 versions in the ppa16:06
Chipacathere you go :)16:07
rmcbrideWow, the rename appears to have confused the PPA archive, I guess since the sourcepackage didn't change?16:09
rmcbrideSummary/latest version still only shows most current16:10
VK7HSEI can con firm that version 0.90.3+r66 solves the nautilus segmentation fault \o/ \o/16:10
rmcbrideAwesome VK7HSE!16:11
VK7HSEI've also added a question for the UbuntuOne project  ... #7631216:12
VK7HSEmust get some sleep! cya16:15
dobeyrmcbride: btw, those 2 branches are landed now16:30
=== rph is now known as rphwrk
natewiebe13anyone know how to add a pc?16:41
natewiebe13to a ubuntuone account?16:42
facundobatistavds, ping16:43
natewiebe13okay.. got it.. it actually worked this time16:43
vdsfacundobatista: pong16:44
facundobatistavds, I checked the log16:44
facundobatistavds, you didn't have a clean environment in your laptop16:44
vdsfacundobatista: ok16:44
facundobatistasorry, netbook16:44
vdsfacundobatista: how do I proceed?16:44
facundobatista(bah, the destination)16:44
vdsah netbook16:45
vdsyes the netbook16:45
facundobatistayou had metadata, with files in "SERVER" status16:45
vdsfacundobatista: what do I do to clean up the netbook?16:45
facundobatistavds, it should converge to "sync", but so far in the logs it was finding a lot of files that were in "SERVER" status, but no .partial of that file16:47
facundobatistavds, and local_rescan is finding them, so you *have* file there from before16:47
vdsfacundobatista: so, should I wait till the netbook is synced or do something?16:49
facundobatistavds, I would wait16:49
BoardstupidHi, sorry to interupt but I wonder if anyone can tell me if ubuntuone works with kde?16:50
vdsfacundobatista: consider that I've been waiting for many many hours now16:51
BoardstupidI tried looking for the ubuntuone-client-gnome with adept and synaptic but nothing appears16:51
BoardstupidOh, and I've already added the PPa so that's not the issue16:51
facundobatistavds, consider that you had a very very mess in your files16:52
vdsfacundobatista: ok16:52
vdsfacundobatista: I'll wait, thanks! :)16:52
stupotsHi all.  Have just followed instructions to sign up, the package is installed but nothing happens when I start the applet.  Any ideas?16:55
yosttheskankerIs ubuntuone only for Jaunty users?17:01
facundobatistavds, you're in a particular bad case where fixing the differences to go towards sync makes it scan the same dir a lot of times17:01
facundobatistavds, you can stop the client and remove some dirs, if you want, to go faster17:02
verterokyosttheskanker: Jaunty and Karmic17:02
yosttheskankerThanks, seems like it's time to upgrade my eeepc then17:03
vdsfacundobatista: if I have to wait for days, I rather get rid of all the file and sync again. right?17:03
facundobatistavds, yes17:03
verterokyosttheskanker: or any other linux distribution with the required dependencies installed :)17:03
vdsfacundobatista: so, what do I need to delete? would it be enough to delete stuff from the netbook or there is some server-side operation needed?17:04
facundobatistavds, no, just from the netbook17:04
yosttheskankerwhere can I find information about the required dependencies, I tried an install on intrepid with a nice fail.17:04
vdsfacundobatista: ok, what do I need to delete?17:05
facundobatistavds, I don't know what you had there... you say you were clean, but you're not17:06
facundobatistavds, what about the EBooks directory?17:06
vdsfacundobatista: what?17:07
vdsI mean what's the problem with that folder17:07
facundobatistavds, you have .partial files there, right?17:08
vdsfacundobatista: no17:09
facundobatistavds, in any part of the subtree?17:09
facundobatistavds, so it seems that Local Rescan already fixed that part17:09
facundobatistavds, anyway... you're in a performance corner case... I opened a bug because that: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/39662817:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 396628 in ubuntuone-client "Local Rescan re-scans a directory when the transaction was dirty by itself" [Medium,Confirmed]17:10
* jblount stabs firefox 3.517:10
jblountHas anyone seen the "OMG, self-signed cert! You are going to die" msg in firefox 3.5? I don't have a button to accept the certificate.17:11
vdsfacundobatista: ok, so I'll leave it there till tomorrow, then we'll see what's the status, how does it sound?17:11
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
facundobatistavds, for me it's ok17:13
vdsfacundobatista: cool17:13
fkramer2hey, I just got an invite for the beta, and once I added the PPA and went to the program, nothing happened... any ideas? I tried reinstalling via synaptic and now it isn't even in the menu under "internet" anymore17:17
Chipaca_fkramer2: 1 sec17:17
Chipaca_fkramer2: what does `dpkg -l '*ubuntuone*'` print out?17:17
Chipaca_fkramer2: (without the backquotes)17:17
fkramer2it just goes to a17:18
Chipaca_fkramer2: try another '17:18
fkramer2| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend17:18
fkramer2|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)17:18
fkramer2||/ Name           Version        Description17:18
fkramer2un  nautilus-ubunt <none>         (no description available)17:18
fkramer2ii  python-ubuntuo 0.90.3+r64-0ub Ubuntu One client Python libraries17:19
fkramer2ii  python-ubuntuo 0.90.3+r47-0ub Python library for Ubuntu One file storage a17:19
fkramer2un  python2.5-ubun <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2un  python2.5-ubun <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2un  python2.6-ubun <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2un  python2.6-ubun <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2ii  ubuntuone-clie 0.90.3+r64-0ub Ubuntu One client17:19
fkramer2rc  ubuntuone-clie 0.90.3+r64-0ub Ubuntu One client GNOME integration17:19
fkramer2un  ubuntuone-oaut <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2un  ubuntuone-ppa  <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2ii  ubuntuone-ppa- 2009.05.14-0ub GPG keys and sources for the Ubuntu One pack17:19
fkramer2pn  ubuntuone-stor <none>         (no description available)17:19
fkramer2un  ubuntuone-stor <none>         (no description available)17:19
Chipaca_fkramer2: try installing ubuntuone-client-gnome17:19
fkramer2yeah, for some reason when I looked at synaptic before only ubuntuone-client was there17:20
fkramer2and not ubuntuone-client-gnome17:20
fkramer2hold on a sec17:20
* Chipaca_ holds17:20
stupotsMy problem is the package is installed ok but nothing happens when I start the applet.  Anyone?17:21
fkramer2ok, it's installed, but when I click on the app nothing comes up in firefox17:21
fkramer2hey, just like that!17:21
fkramer2this was actually my original problem17:22
stupotsMy dpkg output is *exactly* the same as yours fkramer217:23
fkramer2did you check to see if ubuntuone-client-gnome was installed?17:24
Chipaca_fkramer2: ok, now do «ps fx | grep ubuntu[o]ne»17:24
fkramer2 5113 ?        Sl     0:05 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup17:24
fkramer2is what it returns17:25
Chipaca_fkramer2: and you're using firefox 3?17:26
natewiebe13if you copy a file to the shared folder why doesnt it sync properly?17:26
fkramer2yeah, I'm using firefox 317:26
stupotsI'm using 3.0.1117:26
natewiebe13it shows up in the web file browser but shows as being 0 bytes17:26
Chipaca_natewiebe13: right now, the files first show up at 0 bytes, and then, once they're all created at 0 bytes, the uploads begin17:27
Chipaca_natewiebe13: ... it seemed reasonable at the time17:27
Chipaca_fkramer2: can you kill that process and run the same thing from the commandline?17:28
natewiebe13Chipaca: there is only one file (a picture)17:28
natewiebe13Chipaca; the client is at idle17:28
fkramer2ok, now I ran "ps fx | grep ubuntu[o]ne" and it didn't return anything17:29
fkramer2was that what you wanted me to run?17:29
fkramer2or did you want me to run ubuntuone-client-applet17:30
stupotsWhen I do that Chipaca, it returns me back to a prompt within a second or so - nothing else happens - no process left running afterwards either17:30
natewiebe13Chipaca_: got it, had to restart the client17:31
Chipaca_fkramer2:  /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup17:31
Chipaca_natewiebe13: could you report a bug for that? including then doing the apport thing17:31
Chipaca_natewiebe13: thanks!17:31
Chipaca_stupots: no page waiting in firefox?17:31
fkramer2ok, that got it now17:32
natewiebe13Chipaca_: apport thing?17:32
Chipaca_natewiebe13: 1 sec, I've got it somewhere17:33
Chipaca_natewiebe13: apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client <the bug number launchpad gives you>17:34
Chipaca_natewiebe13: that will push several interesting logs at us17:34
Chipaca_natewiebe13: if you have confidential information in your file *names*, don't do it17:34
stupotsAh, ok, when I run it as "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup" from a shell it fires up ok.  Just doesn't work from the application shortcut17:35
Chipaca_stupots: ah17:35
Chipaca_stupots: ok, disregard PM then17:35
Chipaca_dobey: I believe you're already investigating the "applet does not work for signup from menu", right?17:36
Chipaca_dobey: if not, I'll have twentythree different people file bugs at you :-D17:36
* CardinalFang hears the siren call of Beefy King. "Lunch time! Afk."17:40
natewiebe13Chipaca_: there17:41
natewiebe13Chipaca_: bug # 39664017:42
natewiebe13Chipaca_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/39664017:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 396640 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-client-gnome only creates files and doesn't sync" [Undecided,New]17:42
Chipaca_natewiebe13: thanks17:44
Chipaca_coffee time, bbiab :)17:45
jblount /me is jealous of CardinalFang, but enjoys his PB&J17:46
Chipaca_jblount: you're enjoying CardinalFang's PB&J?17:48
pfibigerjblount: how's your branch going? if we're going to roll out today, i'd like to do it early afternoon17:49
* Chipaca_ wants in on the 'ubuntu one for physical objects' beta too17:49
jblountpfibiger: pqm should be chomping on it, one second17:50
jblountpfibiger: Yeah, pqm has it in it's grasp, should be done soonish.17:51
=== Chipaca_ is now known as ChipAway
=== ChipAway is now known as Chipaca
dobeyChipaca: as soon as we get a quantum teleporter built, we'll be able to sync physical objects to the server too! we can even store them in couchdb!18:10
dobeyjblount: ping18:12
dobeyjblount: perhaps we should add more info on the install page about subscriptions, since the redirection seems to be causing some confusion18:13
Chipacadobey: apt-get install python-quantum-teleporter says it depends on in-your-dreams and that they are uninstallable18:13
dobeyChipaca: nah, quantum teleporters exist. they just aren't affordable for consumers :)18:14
dobeyChipaca: are you working on the files-apparently-not-syncing bug?18:16
jblountdobey: I'm not following18:16
dobeyjblount: if you don't have a subscription, and you start the client on the desktop, the web site redirects to /plans/18:18
jblountdobey: aha.18:18
jblountMaybe we can use the rerrer and make a /plans/ that makes what is happening more clear.18:21
dobeyjblount: yeah. i don't remember if we're preserving that correctly and redirecting back to the oauth page after subscribing, but we should do that as well18:22
dobeyman, browser configuration on linux must be extremely confusing18:23
jblountdobey: I'll write up a bug / feature thingie that we can point all the bug reports at, should be able to get something together for rollout on Thursday18:24
dobeyjblount: you can probably just re-use the bug i just re-assigned to you :)18:24
jblountdobey: Will do18:24
Chipacadobey: could you reply to that bug explaining the issue?18:28
Chipacaah, you did18:28
Chipacadobey: thanks!18:28
vryccan I ask you a question please18:30
dobeyyou don't need to ask to ask :)18:30
dobeyjust ask18:30
vrycI have made a translation of Ubuntu One into Czech language and I am wondering if it is possible to send it to the developers directly or I have to go through the translation group18:31
vrycI have it ready in the .po file18:31
jblountdobey: What does that person need to do at this point? subscirbe to a plan, kill the client and restart?18:32
dobeyvryc: you should manage it through the launchpad translations interface18:32
dobeyjblount: yes, unless we do the right thing on the site and redirect back to the original url, which should call the local web server18:32
jblountdobey: Sure, I was meaning today, not after we fix the bug :)18:33
vrycdobey: well I would love to, but it keeps redirecting me to the translators group18:33
dobeyjblount: well i don't recall what the exact behavior is. it's been doing this since march :)18:33
dobeyvryc: i don't know how it works exactly. i guess you need to talk to the translators group then. we just pull the po files from launchpad translations18:36
dobeywhich reminds me that i need to upload a new pot file soon18:36
jblountdpm: ^^ Can you help out here?18:37
* jblount smacks his head when he realizes how late it is in Berlin18:38
vrycok, than you, it just drives me crazy :) it took me 15 min to translate and 3 hours to look for someone to accept the file :-S I guess I will just flush it down the toilet18:38
CardinalFangstatik, tree is finished.  tool is yours.18:39
jblountvryc: Instead of the toilet, feel free to send it to joshua@canonical.com, I can try to chase someone down for you :)18:39
dobeyjblount: i think dpm is in gran canaria18:40
jblountdobey: Oh, right on. Still probably out of touch right now, hopefully everyone is out drinking or having fun18:41
vrycjblount, Thank you I will mail it to you18:43
jblountvryc: No problem, thanks for your help!18:45
statikthanks CardinalFang18:49
Chipacacan anybody confirm that the client is started as root on install?18:50
dobeyChipaca: how do you mean?18:50
dobeyChipaca: the packages do not run the client, so no, it wouldn't be automatically run as root18:50
Chipacadobey: we have had several users report bugs where the cause was that ~/Ubuntu\ One was owned by root18:50
Chipacadobey: and now Wise Ferret on the forums confirms this18:51
jblountChipaca: Doesn't that say that it's created by his user, not root?18:51
Chipacarmcbride: I have the impression you have a host of virginal ubuntu installs hanging around. Could you try for this issue?18:51
Chipacajblount: after he nuked it and restarted, it got created ok18:51
rmcbrideChipaca: looking at backscroll18:52
Chipacajblount: the installation ended with a folder owned by root18:52
dobeyChipaca: perhaps people are root inside a terminal and starting it from there immediately after installing?18:52
ChipacaI'll ask18:52
Chipacathat would be ... less than smart18:52
rmcbrideChipaca: I can't think of anything else it would be. The client always creates teh Ubuntu One folder under the user account... can't duplicate the "owned by root" scenario described18:54
Chipacarmcbride: figures18:56
dobeyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=69053 <- not me :(18:56
ChipacaI suspect Mr. dobey has the truth of the matter18:57
Chipacadobey: you sure? :)18:57
dobeythe only way it could be owned by root is if they're running as root, or their dbus config is screwed up and the syncdaemon is getting started as root by dbus18:57
dobeywhich would be super odd18:58
dobeyChipaca: i'm not french, and i hate php/web "programming" :)18:58
Chipacadobey: are you *sure*? :-P18:58
dobeyalso, i am definitely not 3818:58
Chipacadobey: don't you sometimes wake up feeling dirty?18:58
dobeyjcastro: ping18:58
dobeyalthough he's probably drinking in las palmas right now too18:59
leoquanthi, whats the correct PPA for ubuntone? : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/beta?18:59
Chipacaleoquant: that's a good one, yes18:59
leoquantI ask because the update stay's untouched/grey in the update manager19:00
jblountleoquant: The packages were split to make it nicer for other projects, if you install ubuntuone-client-gnome it should sort things for you.19:01
Chipacaleoquant: the fix for that should be ready soon19:01
jblountdobey: ^^ What is the science for this?19:01
Chipacaleoquant: otherwise, yeah, install ubuntuone-client-gnome and be happy :)19:02
dobeyi don't know why the update-manager thing is broken19:03
leoquantok thx19:03
dobeybest i can guess is that update-manager isn't as smart as it should be19:03
statiki think upgrade doesn't install new packages19:03
statikonly dist-upgrade does19:03
statikso maybe the packages are held because update-manager doesn't want to install the new ones19:04
dobeystatik: if that were the case, it would pop up the "You need a partial upgrade" thing19:04
statikah, true19:04
dobeystatik: but upgrade does pull new packages if needed.19:04
jblountdobey: I was more meaning, should we let users know how to upgrade through this change?19:04
dobeyjblount: it should "just work"19:04
dobeyjblount: if it doesn't, it's a bug :)19:04
jblountdobey: I love your quote marks :)19:04
statikjblount: i asked rmcbride to add a dependency to pull in the gnome client also so existing users get a smooth upgrade19:04
jblountstatik: Neat19:05
statikfor a couple of weeks anyway, then we could drop it again19:05
statikif I do 'cat licenseheader.txt >> foo.py', it is appended to the end of the file. is there a trick for inserting a file at the beginning of another file?19:06
jblountvryc: Just got your mail, thanks again!19:06
dobeya circular dep might break update-manager19:06
vrycjblount, I thank you. Hope I can help soon with something else.19:07
CardinalFangstatik, no.  $ cat foo.py >> licenseholder.txt-copy; mv ...19:08
dobeystatik: use emacs and create a keybinding for "insert license header text" :)19:10
Chipacastatik: perl -0777 -pi~ -we 'if (defined $header) {s/^/$header/} else {our $header=$_}' header onefile twofile threefile19:16
sid_Is there no way to just add folders to the cloud by adding softlinks into the default ubuntu one folder?19:17
sid_Like in DropBox19:17
Chipacastatik: that leaves a spurious backup header~ file19:18
Chipacastatik: you can avoid that and all backups by dropping the ~ from -pi~19:18
Chipacasid_: nope19:18
sid_Chipaca: Can we expect that feature soon19:18
Chipacasid_: give me a second19:19
Xpistos|workSo, where can I go to get some good info on UbuntuOne and what I am going to do with it?19:19
Chipacasid_: in short: symlinks are going to be supported as symlinks, not as things to be followed; there also will be support for syncing arbitrary folders19:19
sid_Cool... Also an exclusion list for filtering may be a good idea19:20
Chipacasid_: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/59819:20
Chipacasid_: filtering is part of what we've called "policy", and that is for later too19:20
Chipacasid_: policy is things like priorities in up/downloads, limits, conditionals, etc19:21
sid_Thats cool...Thanks19:21
Chipacasid_: in the meanwhile, you might try doing things backwards, i.e. moving things into the ubuntu one tree and symlinking back to them19:22
Chipacasid_: if space is a problem for that to work, you can do19:23
jblountXpistos|work: I really like reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne, it has a ton of great info.19:23
jblountXpistos|work: As far as what you will do with it, I don't know if we have a way to tell the future yet :)19:23
ChipacaXpistos|work: in my experience, you're going to try editing things in there, and the syncdaemon will go all crazy, and create conflict files about it, and you'll get upset. But we're fixing that issue already :)19:24
ChipacaXpistos|work: meanwhile, don't use vi to edit things inside the ubuntu one tree19:24
Chipacathe stuff it does with .swp files really drives the current syncdaemon crazy :-/19:24
Chipacavim, that is19:25
Xpistos|workjblount: Thanks for that link and why can't we tell the future? ;-)19:25
Xpistos|workChipaca: Thank you much.19:25
sid_Chipaca: yeah but thats not user friendly.... Also will there be a facility to get back old files... Just in case we deleted them by mistake? That can be good too )19:25
jblountXpistos|work: Hmm. I'm not sure, but I think maybe someone is working on it ;)19:25
Xpistos|workjblount: I knew you were going to say that.19:26
Chipacasid_: agreed, it's a workaround while we get the feature in place19:26
Chipacasid_: there will be undo at some point, also19:27
Xpistos|workI heard Aq talking about it on Linux Outlaws and I started to think that maybe this just isn't a dropbox clone. Maybe we got something special here!19:27
sid_I mean the coolest thing is to have your dev workspace linked into UbuntuOne and press ctrl-s in the editor and it just syncs.... :)19:27
sid_Chipaca: Thanks again19:28
Chipacasid_: the issue seems to be mostly with vim19:28
Chipacasid_: the issue re editing inside the tree19:28
Xpistos|workCan I change the location of the folder on my system without messing up any functionality?19:28
ChipacaXpistos|work: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/7632119:28
dobeyXpistos|work: we don't support that yet, no19:28
jblountXpistos|work: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/7632119:29
* jblount starts to bookmark a few FAQs for future use19:29
dobeybut we're very responsive to questions :)19:29
ChipacaXpistos|work: that question shows you how you can do it19:29
sid_That is so cool19:30
ChipacaXpistos|work: it's not an option in the gui, is what dobey meant; the method detailed in that question is basically tricking the syncdaemon into doing what you want19:30
Chipacajblount: if I say that question is a faq, will it list it in the faqs? it seems to want to answer the person who asked the question with "this is a faq, go away" or something19:30
Chipacajblount: "it" being launchpad19:31
natewiebe13Chipaca: is 0.90.3+r66 in the ppa19:31
natewiebe13Chipaca: or where can i get it from?19:31
Chipacanatewiebe13: good question19:31
dobeynatewiebe13: it's in the nightlies19:32
Chipacanatewiebe13: same as beta, but /nightlies19:32
dobeyrmcbride: ^ can we sync that to beta, or is there another update in the works for today?19:32
dobeynatewiebe13: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies19:32
rmcbridedobey: another update is in work19:32
Chipacanatewiebe13: the key is the same, so you can skip that bit19:33
dobeyrmcbride: coolness19:33
rmcbridedobey: and pending a 10 hour queue :/19:33
natewiebe13awesome thangks19:33
jblountChipaca: I'm a bit confused about this myself, perhaps joshuahoover can be of some assistance19:33
dobeyrmcbride: fail :(19:33
jblountjoshuahoover: Hi! How can Chipaca make an exisiting lp answer a FAQ?19:33
Chipacanatewiebe13: nightlies might break, so you might want to change it permanently19:33
natewiebe13this should fix the segmentation fault though?19:33
Chipacanatewiebe13: allegedly :)19:33
joshuahooverjblount: i haven't converted one before...i normally create a new one and then reference that new FAQ19:33
dobeynatewiebe13: it does, yes19:33
dobeyjblount: "convert"?19:34
dpmjblount: hm, the guy asking about translations earlier on is gone. dobey: unfortunately, I did not go GUADEC this time19:34
dpmdoes anyone know who that was? Basically, to answer his question, he should go to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/trunk/+pots/ubuntuone-client/cs/+translate, and if he's can start adding suggestions. He should then get in touch with the Czech translation team at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-cs to review them19:34
natewiebe13great.. once again.. love this project19:34
dobeyjblount: just mention it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne i guess19:34
jblountdobey: Shouldn't I be able to say, "ah! this is a good lp answer, I should make it a LP FAQ"19:34
Chipacadobey: I thought I was on r66 this morning when it crashed, but I'm not certain so I'm staying quiet about it :)19:34
dobeydpm: i don't know his name/lpid19:34
Chipacajblount: +119:34
joshuahooverjblount, Chipaca: if you want to convert a question into an FAQ, you go to the question and then on the right side of links you select "This is a FAQ"...not sure what happens after you click that though19:35
dobeyChipaca: you could have had new packages, and old code :)19:35
jblountdpm: Thanks for checking in on us! I think he just was sad about waiting for approval, so I put up the .po file myself and will follow through the process. Good experience for me, and didn't want to lose his translation for my lack of experience.19:35
dobeyChipaca: since upgrading doesn't restart nautilus19:35
Chipacajoshuahoover: exactly, it looks like "this is a faq" tells the *user* that the question is a faq already19:35
dobeyjblount: launchpad has "FAQs" ?19:35
Chipacajoshuahoover: which isn't what we wanted at all19:35
jblountChipaca: Maybe this is a LP bug19:35
joshuahooverChipaca: ahhh...got it19:36
Chipacadobey: ah, that's it; I restarted the client but not the nautilus19:36
natewiebe13would you guys reccomend sticking with the beta or nightly ppa?19:36
jblountdobey: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faqs19:36
Chipacajoshuas: yeah19:36
joshuahooverChipaca, jblount: then i just create a new FAQ and then link from there...not sure if there's a better way than that19:36
dobeyjblount: ah, interesting19:36
dpmjblount: great! if you've got the po file, I can contact the Czech translators to review it, if you want.19:37
natewiebe13Chipaca, dobey: would you guys recommend sticking with the nightly or beta ppa?19:37
Xpistos|workChipaca: I am sorry, I don't understand. It is possible to move the folder? How would I go about doing that19:37
Chipacanatewiebe13: depends on how confortable you are with coming in here, saying "it broke!", and being ignored :)19:37
ChipacaXpistos|work: did you read the question I linked you to?19:38
ChipacaXpistos|work: there I explain how to do it19:38
jblountdpm: That'd be great, it's already uploaded, I see it here: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/trunk/+imports19:38
natewiebe13Chipaca: haha.. so in other words the beta is more stable?19:38
Xpistos|workChipaca: I don't see that link19:38
Chipacanatewiebe13: we only push to beta when rmcbride says we've been good children19:38
dpmjblount: ok, thanks, I'll tell the Czech guys19:39
ChipacaXpistos|work: one second19:39
rmcbrideChipaca: natewiebe13: currently I'm waiting on the new nightly packages to build19:39
rmcbrideand then I can test them before posting to Beta19:39
ChipacaXpistos|work: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/7632119:39
Xpistos|workChipaca: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/7632119:39
jblountdpm: Neat! Thanks again!19:39
rmcbridethey introduce a new dependency factor that might cause a problem, so they have to be tested from nightly first19:39
ChipacaXpistos|work: exactly19:39
rmcbrideSadly the PPA build queue is ~10 hours long19:39
rmcbrideat the momment19:40
Xpistos|workSorry, I had to look a few times before I actually found it again. thanks for being patient19:40
dpmdobey: jblount: talking about translations, could anyone have a look at bug 330746? Basically, translations are not loaded in the UI, which always appears untranslated. I provided a branch with a patch, but I'm not a Python developer, and it'd be good for non-English users if someone could have a look at that19:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330746 in ubuntuone-client "User Interface needs to be Translated" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33074619:42
dpmand complain at my poor coding skills if necessary19:42
dobeydpm: if you have a branch, you should propose it for merging into trunk19:43
dpmok, I'll do19:43
dobeydpm: although, you probably need to re-merge with trunk in your branch, as there have been some big changes since then19:43
dpmdobey: ok, I'll see if I can do it this evening19:44
natewiebe13Chipaca: worked great.. thanks for putting up with my questions19:44
Chipacanatewiebe13: enjoy!19:44
Chipacalast call for questions, ladies and gentlemen19:44
* Chipaca leaves in 15 minutes19:45
dobeyChipaca: I'll have the Gossling's Black19:49
Chipacadobey: that's with one S, I believe19:50
dobeyso it is19:51
dobeyclearly i need more of it19:51
Chipacadobey: sorry, I'm fresh out of Gosling's19:52
dobeybest go to the packy then19:52
jblountdobey: *cough* https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/396647 *cough*19:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 396647 in ubuntuone-client "Please, fix ubuntuone icon in documentation" [Undecided,Invalid]19:53
jblountdobey: Do you want me to try with a real install (not a live cd thing) ? Does that make it different?19:54
dobeyit shouldn't19:54
dobeyi'm about to try on my shiny new kneetop19:55
jblountdobey: You and your miniature computers.19:55
rmcbridehaha "kneetop"19:58
dobeyjblount: i get an icon when i install20:00
* rmcbride hides20:00
ChipacaFile Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 64, Protocol Revno is 47 | Release 0.90.320:00
jblountdobey: Jaunty/Karmic ?20:01
dobeyjblount: jaunty20:04
dobeyi have to use jaunty on it, because of the video card :-/20:04
jblountdobey: Strange, I'm installing now to see if that provides different results.20:04
dobeyhi sheepeatingtaz20:07
* Chipaca waves20:07
sheepeatingtazhi dobey20:09
ozboltWhat is the "default keyring"?20:10
ozboltMy password doesn't fit20:11
ozboltneither does my account password20:11
dobeyozbolt: you probably created it with a different password when it was created20:13
dobeysheepeatingtaz: if you disconnect, and re-connect, with the applet, does it sync your data?20:15
sheepeatingtazdobey: not exactly...20:15
sheepeatingtazI added a single file in nautilus, and a different file throught he web interface20:16
dobeysheepeatingtaz: did it at least download the bits that were on the web?20:16
sheepeatingtazdobey: no, the other way around!20:16
sheepeatingtazfile added in nautilus now appears in the web20:16
sheepeatingtazfile added through web is still only viewable on the site20:16
dobeysheepeatingtaz: interesting :)20:20
ozboltthanks dobey20:21
sheepeatingtazdobey: apparently so ;-)20:23
sheepeatingtazI'm just going to leave it for a bit, see if things 'catch up'20:24
stealthbananatried looking on launchpad bugs, anyone getting nautilus seg faulting when trying to access ftp, ssh, computers, etc via places?20:24
dobeystealthbanana: yes, the bug in question is "Fix Committed". 0.90.3+r66 in the nightlies PPA has the fix, and there's a newer version in the works to end up in nightlies and beta later today20:25
stealthbananagreat, thanks20:25
stealthbananaI'll wait for the beta update20:26
VK7HSE0.90.3+r68 is in the cue to be built for the nightlies ppa20:34
stealthbananaAlso is it worth mentioning a wee glitch in the web client when using a netbook?20:34
dobeystealthbanana: that's what bug reports are for, yes :)20:35
stealthbananajust long file names are kinda hidden and it does not know what  ods file is20:36
dobeystealthbanana: indeed. the long filenames issue is known20:36
VK7HSEplus the screen resolution wouldn't help either (800x480 on the Eee 701 is a little painful!)20:39
VK7HSEin my case! ;)20:39
dobeyVK7HSE: i guess that was meant for another channel? :P20:39
dobeyVK7HSE: but resolution was a big reason for not getting a netbook, for me20:40
VK7HSEno I was refering to stealthbanana's comment and screen capture...20:40
VK7HSEI haven't slept tonight! err.. well its now morning... (utc+10)20:41
stealthbanana1024 * 600 AA one20:41
stealthbananasorry on phone20:41
VK7HSELaunchPad seems to be a little slow! https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies/+build/110921720:43
dobeyVK7HSE: yeah, lp can be slow to build sometimes20:45
CpuWhizif i delete/upload a file via the web interface it doesn't want to trigger the client to resync the folder. is it going to check every X min or something?20:46
VK7HSEdobey: yes I package for Me TV and I find the best time to upload is around 11am in the morning (local time!)20:47
dobeyCpuWhiz: no, but there is work going on, on the server side, to tell connected clients that a file was deleted or added via the web20:48
dobeyCpuWhiz: it is a known issue that is being worked on :)20:48
dobeyCpuWhiz: a disconnect/reconnect on the client side should have it sync up20:48
CpuWhizor drop some new file in the folder. i searched the tracker for "delete" and i didn't see anything that sounded like it but ok20:49
CpuWhizand the web interface doesn't refresh itself either?20:50
dobeynot currently, but there is also a new web ui being worked on as well :)20:50
dobeyand yeah, the launchpad search feature isn't that great20:51
VK7HSEall in good time! ;)20:51
CpuWhizis the old one that bad? it's a total rewrite? or by "new" you mean improved version of the current one20:51
jblountCpuWhiz: the new one is mostly a rewrite. Most of the internals will be the same, it's just a fresh batch of html and css for the front end20:56
patricksanhey guys, I tried to install the ubuntuone today in my company, but there I had proxy. I could not start the client. At home without Proxy, it is working ok.21:00
dobeypatricksan: where does it fail exactly?21:07
patricksanit was the first time that I was installing. So it was before I receive the message to add the computer. At my company I didn't receive this page in the mozilla. The client also didn't appears at the panel.21:11
patricksandoes it make sense.21:11
trothigarhi, i'm having problems launching ubuntuone-client-applet21:13
jblounttrothigar: Hi! What exactly is going wrong?21:15
trothigarjblount, i can't launch the program21:15
trothigarjblount, when i do it from the terminal i get no output21:15
trothigarjblount, but it doesn't quit21:15
jblounttrothigar: Yikes! Is this the first time you are installing the client?21:16
trothigarjblount, yes, it installed correctly  (i assume) first time21:17
dobeypatricksan: ah, did mozilla open and give you an error then?21:18
trothigarjblount, however i didn't sign up to a service until after i launched it for the first time21:18
patricksanno, mozilla didn't open.21:18
trothigarjblount, mozilla opened showed me a local page then redirected to the subscription options (2gb or 10gb)21:19
dobeypatricksan: oh ok. perhaps that is a different issue unrelated to the proxy then.21:19
patricksandobey: should I open it as a bug? Is there any file that I could send to help?21:20
jblounttrothigar: This sounds like a familiar problem, one moment...21:21
dobeyi think there is probably already at least 3 bugs opened about it :)21:21
jblounttrothigar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/396643/comments/321:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 396643 in ubunet "Oauth confirmation w/o subscription should redirect nicely" [Medium,Triaged]21:23
jblounttrothigar: those instructions should sort things for you, basically you need a subscription (even if it's only the free one) for the oauth authentication magic to happen :)21:23
jblountdobey: I finally finished testing that icon in menu thing, I'm still not getting it on a full install.21:24
jblountdobey: I was hoping that Jaunty + all updates would fix it for me, but I still see that missing icon thing.21:24
trothigarjblount, thanks, its working now21:24
dobeyjblount: someone just filed a bug about it. there must be a bug in the panel that doesn't always occur21:24
jblounttrothigar: Great!21:25
dabblerBTW will ubuntuone work with Kubuntu and if not, when?  thx21:25
jblountdabbler: define "work" :)21:26
dabblerwill not install21:26
dabblercannot finf synaptic  LOL21:26
trothigarif you put a symlink inside "ubuntu one" to a folder will it just copy the symlink or the stuff inside as well, is a hardlink the solution?21:26
jblounttrothigar: We don't follow symlinks, but do have plans to sync arbritrary directories.21:27
trothigarjblount, a hardlink would work though?21:27
jblounttrothigar: The work around now would be to move the folders into your ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ directory, then symlink them to the location they used to be.21:27
jblounttrothigar: I don't think I'm familiar with 'hardlink'21:28
jblountverterok: ^^ ?21:28
trothigarjblount, its when you create a symlink which points to the data directly on the disk ( i don't get the internals)21:29
dabblerplease guys...will Ubuntuone function under Kubuntu ?21:29
trothigarjblount, if you remove the file/folder will disappear as well.21:30
verterokjblount, trothigar: I don't know the details of how python handles hardlinks, but if python think it's a file/dir, syncdaemon 'll sync it21:30
dabblerKDE 4.3 to be specific21:30
verterokdabbler: it works on Kubuntu21:30
trothigarverterok, thanks21:30
verteroktrothigar: np :)21:30
dabblerok ty21:30
verterokok.. /me goes back to coding this hashqueue thingy21:31
jblountverterok: Thanks, sorry to distract :)21:32
verterokjblount: at all, glad to help21:32
verterokjdobrien: just finishing some tests ;)21:34
jdobrienverterok: ?21:34
verterokjdobrien: oops, jblount ^21:35
verterokjdobrien: sorry :)21:35
* verterok stabs tab completion21:35
jblountverterok: Now you've distracted jdobrien !21:35
verterokjblount: never!21:36
* Ng curious what the upgrade strategy is for the PPA deb when people go 9.04->9.1021:37
rmcbrideNg: currently I believe we've got the numbering correct so that they would get upgraded to the 9.10 version of the package.21:43
Ngrmcbride: won't update-manager disable the ppa?21:44
rmcbrideNg: ah21:44
rmcbrideNg: I was thinking the PPA version of each, as opposed to the release verison21:44
statikNg: ubuntuone-client is already in 9.10 universe and working it's way toward main if we can get the bugs fixed fast enough21:45
statikwe'll probably completely delete ubuntuone-ppa package when karmic hits beta21:45
* Ng nods21:46
m68kanyone having problems accessing desktop icons or places?21:56
__lucio__m68k: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/396742 ?21:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 396742 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_str_hash() (dup-of: 395710)" [Undecided,Invalid]21:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 395710 in ubuntuone-client "Opening "Places/Computer" nautilus crash with Segmentation fault" [Critical,Fix committed]21:56
dobeym68k: r66 of ubuntuone-client fixes it (in the build queue for the PPA)21:57
kklimondadobey: can you somehow push it? there are over 100 builds in ppa builders atm :/21:57
dobeystatik: i think it might be useful to keep around, for people that want to use nightlies or something21:57
dobeykklimonda: i wish i could21:58
m68kwhere do find this r66?21:58
dobeym68k: that's the revision number. an update will be in the ppa with that number or higher (0.90.3+r66 or higher)21:58
kklimondadobey: u1 team has no connections with LP admins? i.e. you can't ask them personally? I thought you were all one big, happy family :)21:59
statikdobey: sure22:00
* jblount joins #ubuntu-meeting22:00
statikfor anyone who is interested, the ubuntu community council meeting is starting up over in #ubuntu-meeting, there is an ubuntuone topic on the agenda again I believe22:04
jcastrodobey: pong, what's up22:08
dobeyjcastro: i realized you weren't around, so i @dented you instead :)22:08
dobeyjcastro: wondering if there's any way i can claim "dobey" on ubuntu forums, since it's not me, and he seems to be inactive22:09
dabblercan someone help me with a key for Ubuntuone?22:10
dabblerneed a key to install the software22:11
dobeywe don't require a key to install the software22:11
dabbleri'm using Kubuntu and error I get is something to do with authentication22:12
dobeyyou've installed it, but you get an error trying to run it?22:13
dobeycan you clarify what the specific error is?22:13
dabblerGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4DA51AF64BD0ECAE22:14
BUGabundodabbler: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4DA51AF64BD0ECAE22:14
BUGabundohey thekorn22:15
thekornhi BUGabundo22:15
dobeyoh, you didn't install the ppa package, but added it manually22:15
dobeyit's not really an error, but a warning22:16
dabblerpublic key "Launchpad Private PPA for Ubunet" imported22:16
BUGabundognomefreak: ?!?!??!?!22:16
BUGabundoyou ARE BACK gnomefreak22:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo: for a little while22:17
kklimondaheh, I had to remove ubuntuone-client-gnome to get access to mounted ftp share.. I couldn't use it though ~/.gvfs/ :/22:23
m68kjust updated the ppa, still cannot access places.  any ideas?22:42
dobeym68k: the new version is not in the beta ppa yet22:46
dabblerjust installed under KDE but no menu item...pls help me with command line executable for KDE22:47
dobeydabbler: you need to install ubuntuone-client-gnome as well22:47
dabblerah ok thx22:47
m68kdobey, i updated with r68 from the nighlies22:48
dobeym68k: what does "dpkg -l ubuntuone-client-gnome" say?22:48
dobeyr68 isn't built yet22:49
dobeybut if you do have r66, and nautilus crashed, it is probably because you hadn't restarted nautilus afterward, and since it crashed, it will probably work again :)22:49
m68kit says "No packages found matching ubuntuone-client-gnome"22:49
synginhey folks22:49
dobeym68k: then you don't have the nautilus extension installed, and so any nautilus crash can't be us, right? :)22:50
dobeyhi syngin22:50
m68kcouldn't find r66, this was the place recommended... https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies22:51
dobeym68k: you added the sources listed there to your apt config?22:52
dobeym68k: and then did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ?22:52
m68kaye, added to apt config22:52
dobeyor apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome ?22:52
m68ki thought ut updated through the update manager22:53
dobeym68k: the more gnome-specific bits were split out into a separate package, so that when we add kde support we can also have a -kde package, and avoid having each desktop depend on the other22:55
dobeym68k: and the upgrade doesn't pull in ubuntuone-client-gnome automatically if you didn't already have it :-/22:55
m68kupdating through nautilus gives me an "unable to lock list directory" error22:56
dobeym68k: so i guess you need to install ubuntuone-client-gnome now22:56
dobeyi don't know what "updating through nautilus" means... afaik it doesn't have an updater22:56
m68kinstalling the gnome client now.  i had forgotten to add sudo :P23:05
jblountm68k: Don't be sad, I do that all the time23:06
m68kprogress... ubuntu one now appears under apps!23:10
jamesjedimasterhi, this ubuntu one will also run on kubuntu?23:11
m68kthanks for the help.  i'll be back in a moment.23:17
m68ki've got ubuntu one working now. but i need some help getting my "places" back.23:32
dobeymjanos: your 'places'?23:36
dobeym68k: your places?23:36
m68kno window opens when i click on documents, music, desktop, etc.23:37
m68knor can i actually click on the desktop icons23:37
dobeyand if you do "pkill -9 nautilus" in a terminal, do they come back?23:37
BUGabundowasn't kklimonda saying the same thing ?23:37
kklimondaBUGabundo: mine problem is restricted to remote shares I think23:38
dobeykklimonda: your problem is that it's crashing, right?23:39
m68kdobey, that lets me open a window but all of my desktop icons disappeared23:39
kklimondadobey: yes23:39
dobeym68k: they don't come back?23:39
dobeykklimonda: right, you haven't installed the new version then i guess. and computer:/// would crash for you as well23:40
rmcbridedobey: revno 66 did not make it over to BETA from nightly before the rebuild with the temporary dependency patch. And of course the PPA is not looking like THAT is going to build before Midnight EST23:43
rmcbridehmm one sec23:44
rmcbrideNope, the copy package interface also does not show it for me to copy. meh23:45
dobeyrmcbride: yeah, i tried to copy it earlier and couldn't see it23:52
dobeyrmcbride: but if you add the nightlies ppa, it's installable (and you can browse the url to install it as well)23:53
rmcbrideYea that is true23:53
dobeybrowse http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/nightlies/ubuntu that is23:53
dobeyanyway, i gotta go work on my truck23:54
rmcbrideYea my dinner is done. Have fun23:54

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