
PsynoKhi0uh "Macintosh Mouse button emulation"... why emulate 1 button when you have at 2? o.O00:01
knomeif you like white plastic?00:02
PsynoKhi0I mean, under Mouse I have 2 devices, my Logitech and that tosh00:03
PsynoKhi0just wondering, in case that would prevent me from using my mouse wheel to change desktop00:05
PsynoKhi0something that hasn't changed from kubuntu though is that ufw apparently refuses to keep its "logging" setting00:06
SiDiufw ?00:11
SiDiPsynoKhi0: i agree with you for wine but somehow it doesnt have one. Thank you if you file a bug for it (against xubuntu-desktop in launchpad.net)00:11
PsynoKhi0SiDi: might be solved00:25
PsynoKhi0NoDisplay=true <- my /usr/shar/applications/wine.desktop has that00:25
Nameless_audoes xubuntu gave a graphical sudo program?00:27
PsynoKhi0you mean gksudo?00:28
Nameless_auapt-get won't let me install gksudo00:29
PsynoKhi0gksudo is a command that's preinstalled00:30
PsynoKhi0gksudo synaptic00:30
PsynoKhi0makes you launch the package manager from a terminal00:30
PsynoKhi0but prompts you for password in a new window00:31
PsynoKhi0SiDi: nvm wine.desktop it's not the app menu entry00:32
SiDiPsynoKhi0: gksudo asks for the password graphically and doesnt damage your home folder00:37
SiDicontrarily to sudo which is only for CLI apps00:37
SiDi(and for apps that dont touch your config files)00:37
PsynoKhi0bedtime, bye00:44
coffeejI need to install gspca to get my webcam working.  downloaded from synaptic, but what now?00:55
SoopaI'm trying to get wireless networking to start automatically01:15
Soopanm-applet starts when I log in, but it wants a password01:15
Soopahow can I have wireless start at boot?01:15
ron_ocoffeej, I don't know anything about gspca, however, you need to tell gspca where your webcam is, or viceversa.01:15
ron_othat really isn't a lot of help, I know, but that's about all I can tell you.01:16
SiDi_Soopa: do you mean it asks for your network'sp assword ?01:16
SiDi_Soopa: if so, did you enter it at least once correctly ? If you did it shouldnt ask it anymore01:16
SoopaSiDi_: No, I mean it asks for a keychain password01:16
Soopaor something like that01:17
ron_ois your webcam USB? plug it in and then run #demsg and it will probably tell you where it's located.01:17
SiDi_(sudo dmesg, coffeej )01:17
=== Nathan is now known as Guest19364
SoopaErr, keyring, actually01:20
wolfgangwhat codecs do i need to download to play avi???02:12
wolfgangmy vlc player closes anytime i try to play any file02:12
ron_owolfgang, dowload every codec you can find..02:15
ron_othat's all I do.02:15
wolfganghah thats pimp02:15
ron_otry add/run programs and synaptic02:15
ron_oespecially gstreamer stuff02:15
wolfgangyeah becasue the program i was using to play the file couldnt find anything02:15
ron_oand run vlc in a terminal to see why it's crashing.02:15
_Pete_or install all from medibuntu repos02:16
wolfgangim goa have to do it myself... also my vls player doesnt function at all02:16
ron_oI have several video players. I really like mplayer (no gui) or smplayer (gui version)...02:16
ron_othe problem with mplayer itself is you need to manually install the codecs.02:16
wolfgangIllegal instruction02:16
wolfgangthats what it tells me whenever i try to open any file mp3 avi whatever02:17
ron_otry another video/audio player..02:17
ron_oon xubuntu when using totem, many times it will ask you if you want to download more codecs to play the video.02:18
wolfgangyeah  .. i like vls though dont know why its messe dup tried uninstalling it and istalling it again .02:18
wolfgangwhat is medibuntu?02:18
ron_ogot to the site and it will tell you.02:18
wolfgangyeah thats what im doing02:19
ron_oit's a repository with all the stuff you may be looking for.02:19
_Pete_for me after installing stuff from that02:19
_Pete_everything works02:20
_Pete_using hybridsystem02:20
_Pete_Xfce desktop + some gnome/kde apps02:20
_Pete_with this http://quadcore.homeunix.net/phpsysinfo/index.php?disp=dynamic02:21
ron_oactually, running mintubuntu is better for most folks.02:21
ron_othey include everything automatically for various multimedia codecs and such.02:22
wolfgangwhats the difference betwen linux mint and mintubuntu.. same thing right02:22
ron_owell, let's get something straight... linux is a kernel. That's the core of the Operating System (OS). The media rerfer to all distros with linux kernel as a linux OS./02:23
ron_oUbuntu is just one flavor of linux OS.02:23
_Pete_or better yet GNU linux02:23
wolfgangdamn you have a pimp computer.. my main compute is an imac g3 with like 200 mb of ram02:23
ron_oxubuntu another... and then there's something like mintbuntu, which is just ubuntu with all the multimedia and other stuff already installed.02:23
ron_o_Pete_, yah.. :)02:23
wolfgangso is linux mint and mintubuntu the same thing?02:24
ron_ono.. is there a _linux mint_?02:24
ron_oI don't think so.02:24
_Pete_wolfgang: are you totally newbie to linux?02:24
wolfgangi guess os then02:25
ron_omintbuntu just uses ubuntu as the base and then adds a few things to it to make it their own. Totally legit in the Open Source world.02:25
wolfgangyeah thats what linux mint is02:25
wolfgangits ubuntu based02:26
_Pete_never tried that one02:26
ron_owolfgang, sorry. That's my fault. That's what I meant.02:27
ron_oit's linuxmint, and not mintbuntu.02:27
ron_oLinuxmint is ubuntu with a few added codecs and multimedia already supplied with the distro.02:28
ron_oI have linuxmint setup as a virtual OS.02:29
_Pete_have you tried this02:29
ron_oit really looks great.02:29
_Pete_for me it gaves strange results02:29
_Pete_1. Gentoo Linux02:29
_Pete_2. FreeBSD02:29
_Pete_3. NetBSD02:29
_Pete_4. Debian GNU/Linux02:29
_Pete_5. Archlinux02:30
ron_onever seen it before.02:30
ron_oGentoo #1, it must mean you are a control freak.02:30
ron_oGentoo really sux man.02:30
_Pete_I think I am02:30
ron_oactually, I never tried gentoo by Sabayonlinux... but it was still difficult.02:30
_Pete_since being pro programmer and doing that for a job also02:31
ron_o1. Fedora02:32
ron_o2. Ubuntu Linux02:32
ron_o3. openSUSE02:32
ron_o4. Debian GNU/Linux02:32
ron_o5. Mandriva Linux02:32
ron_oit's not very useful, IMHO.02:32
_Pete_which one?02:32
ron_oFedora, me thinks is RPM based. I don't care for that much.02:33
ron_oI don't think the quiz helps out much.02:33
_Pete_actually started using linux with red hat02:33
_Pete_with rpm-hell02:33
ron_owhen people ask me I just tell them ubuntu or one of their flavors, like Linuxminut.02:33
ron_ohehe, me too, in 1999 or so.02:34
ron_obought a book and everything. What a joke.02:34
ron_odependencancy hell sucked.02:34
ron_owhy anyone would deal with such stuff like that, I have no idea.02:34
_Pete_last time tried centos02:35
_Pete_couple of years ago02:35
ron_oit was like that?02:35
ron_ois Redhat still like that?02:35
_Pete_dont know02:35
_Pete_and wont want to02:35
ron_ogawd, I hope not. What the hell.02:35
_Pete_centos is something derieved from current rhos base02:35
ron_othat's why I hate compiling my own stuff.02:35
ron_oyup, it is.02:36
_Pete_when I tried it02:36
_Pete_yum was slow like shit02:36
_Pete_compiling is most important part of my job02:37
_Pete_and doing that also for/with linux02:37
ron_othen gentoo is for you.02:37
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
_Pete_like doing software for that rumored maemo/N900/nokia phone yet to come02:38
wolfgangyeah know i now why you guys thoiught i was acomplete n00b02:39
_Pete_dont worry02:39
_Pete_I only started using unix/internet 1987 or so02:40
_Pete_have learned something since then02:40
wolfgangyeah i wasnt even born yet :x02:41
wolfgangyeah  got me right on the money02:41
wolfgang1. Ubuntu Linux02:41
wolfgang2. Debian GNU/Linux02:41
wolfgang3. openSUSE02:41
wolfgang4. Mandriva Linux02:41
wolfgang5. Fedora02:41
wolfgangim a debian guy02:41
_Pete_good for you02:41
wolfgangtried yellow dog on my imac it was ok then debian it was way more responsive02:42
wolfgangand now im with xubuntu02:42
_Pete_Today I just realized that there are slow computers also02:42
_Pete_my personal desktop is 8G mem / top-raid02:43
_Pete_so everything is blinding fast02:43
wolfgangdamn thats awesom02:43
_Pete_with this Eee PC02:43
_Pete_it just feels so slow for everything02:43
wolfgangyeah i wish i had cash for a pimp computer ... i know there not even that expensive anymore02:43
wolfgangyeah i have an eeepc also02:44
wolfgangwhat os you running on it?02:44
_Pete_it had XP02:44
_Pete_wiped that with ubuntu02:44
wolfgangsame here02:44
wolfgangxubuntu though02:45
_Pete_which model you do have?02:45
wolfgangim gona try lxde after it02:45
wolfgangthe 100ha02:45
wolfgangwith hard disc drive02:45
wolfgangi upgraded to 2gb ram02:45
wolfgangand still sometimes feels a little slow02:45
_Pete_I have the same02:46
wolfgangyeah its not too big not too small02:46
wolfgangthe 7 in is ridiculous02:46
_Pete_and the PINK one02:46
wolfgangthats awesome02:46
_Pete_uber stupid cool :)02:46
wolfgangis that the acer netbook or eeepc also has a pink one?02:46
_Pete_Eeepc 1000he pink02:47
wolfgangalso wanted to try out pupeee02:47
_Pete_I am going to put some apple sticker on the back02:47
wolfgangpuppy linux02:47
wolfgangis the flash video playback slow? like off outube02:48
_Pete_haven't tried yet02:48
wolfgangyeah im thinking of reinstalling xp dual boot. so that the wireless can work at the university and so for whenever i want to watch streaming video of the net02:49
_Pete_is that other word for porn?02:51
wolfgangthats pimpm02:52
wolfgangyeah sure but also like music off youtube and stuff like that02:52
_Pete_just tried02:52
_Pete_flash dont work02:52
wolfganghow does it perform?02:52
wolfgangoh man02:52
_Pete_maybe need to do that medibuntu things02:53
wolfgangyeah tahts what im doing right now on my imac so i cann watch this  anime that i found02:53
_Pete_Imac and iAnmine suxx02:53
wolfgangneon genesis evangelion  i have the whole series burnt as avi02:53
_Pete_that's also game02:54
_Pete_you know mame?02:54
wolfgangeee dont hate :) i dont like alot of anime either02:54
wolfgangmame like the arcade emulator02:54
wolfgangyea they have a badass evangelion game for arcade?02:54
_Pete_I think so02:55
wolfgangthats cool... i havent tried a mame emulators before but i have snes  nes sega all these other ones on my wii02:55
wolfgangand on my eeepc02:55
_Pete_does they run fullspeed on eeepc?02:55
pteaguei think the series for neon genesis evangelion was much better than the short...02:56
wolfgangthey run pretty good02:57
wolfgangmy favorite is killer instinct for ssuper nintendo02:58
_Pete_how about C64=02:58
wolfgangyeah your talking about dead of evangelion right02:58
wolfgangthe movies02:58
wolfgangee i havent tried the 64 emulator02:58
_Pete_it still have most best games02:58
wolfgangthe nintendo 64/02:59
wolfganghey pete how old are you.... my best friends name is also pete02:59
_Pete_I meant commodore 6403:00
_Pete_just turned to 3703:00
wolfgang23 here03:00
wolfgangoh commodore 64 yeah for sure it must run on the eeepc03:00
_Pete_it's for me most coolest computer for demoscene03:01
wolfgangwhat kinda games do they have for the c 64?03:01
_Pete_they are doing some unbelievable things on that03:01
wolfgangoh what kinda of things?03:01
wolfgangyeah i guess since ive been using this imac for so long im kinda into low end machines03:02
_Pete_it is hard to explain03:02
_Pete_if you dont know it03:02
wolfgangnot that i wouldnt mind a pimp quad core like the link from earlier03:02
wolfgangyeah i remmeber my high chool had a comoodore 64 in the media department03:03
_Pete_where do you live?03:03
wolfgangto super impose those kinda graphics03:03
wolfgangsouth texas03:03
wolfgangbut its pretty much mexico03:03
_Pete_C64 was first home computer which really hit the masses03:04
_Pete_and I guess still has the tittle most computer sold ever03:05
wolfgangthe culture and the food... damn the foods good here theres this place called taco palenque its open all night for the people that get drunk ... its good... thats awesome about the comodore 64..  i believe theres an comodore 64 emulator for the wii03:05
_Pete_dont know about wii03:06
_Pete_but for others there is03:06
wolfgangso the c64 theres still tons of games coming out for it?03:06
wolfgangwhat is the c64 emulator on linux called?03:08
wolfgangyeahi  just found it03:08
wolfgangit was comodore 64 because it had 64k ram?03:09
wolfgangthats cool03:14
wolfgangeee cant play that theres no flash for ppc linux :\03:14
wolfganghaha ans swfdec only works somtimes03:15
wolfgangwhat is that video of?03:15
_Pete_about C64 games/music03:15
wolfgangsweet il take alook at it in later on a notehr comp03:23
_Pete_wolfgang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpddeXlKgSM03:28
duckwarshow can I right-click in xubuntu when using a mac that has only one mouse buton?03:31
Raggscontrol click?03:38
=== sancas_ is now known as sancas
_Pete_stupid enough?03:44
duckwarsyes, it is stupid enough03:52
erik_how do u switch window mangers04:24
erik_anyone here04:26
wolfgangyo pete04:56
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:54
erik_i am have problem with sound06:40
erik_anyone here06:51
erik_can someone help with sound problem07:03
forceserik_, ?07:14
forceswhat's the problem?07:14
erik_cant get no sound07:14
forceserik_, you speak spanish?07:14
erik_im having problem with no sound07:14
forcesbut you speak spanish?07:15
erik_no english07:15
forceswhich sound card do you have07:16
whitesmithhey all07:24
whitesmithTo get this out of the way:  I'm completely now to Xubuntu, and am an amateur with Linux in general.07:25
whitesmithI was wondering if someone could tell me how to gain access to my Windows/NTFS partition from within Xubuntu.07:26
forcessince xubuntu 7.10, xubuntu has active by default read/write NTFS07:27
whitesmithThat's great to hear!  How do I get to the partition in File Manager, though?07:28
whitesmithI'm assuming the Filesystem shortcut is just for the partition that Xubuntu is installed on.07:30
forcesyou should see the partition in thunar07:31
forcesyou can mount it with a "click"07:31
whitesmithI don't see it, though.  Maybe it wasn't auto-detected?07:32
whitesmithThank you very much for the help, by the way.07:33
heroid_i have a problem07:38
heroid_with my xubuntu07:39
heroid_it doesnt display my other ntfs drive07:39
whitesmithIt looks like heroid and I have a similar issue.07:39
heroid_how do i display thme07:40
heroid_because ubuntu is to damn slow07:40
heroid_in that pc07:40
psycho_oreosI'd check to see if the device was even detected, and there are more partitions and dmesg showed no errors07:44
whitesmithYeah, see...  Problem with that is I'm a newbie; no idea how to do that.07:51
psycho_oreosdump your lsusb output along with fdisk -l (this requires root), and the last few lines of dmesg (dmesg| tail) into pastebin07:52
psycho_oreos!pastebin | whitesmith07:53
ubottuwhitesmith: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:53
marcPVhi there08:05
intokAH Help! I went to reinstall my old box with 8.10 but it hung at installing the usb drivers, which it had never done before, trying again after a force restart it refused to load the gui even from a live cd, so I found a win 98 cd and reformatted the drive, now when I load the live cd I get either dropped at the command prompt or it says there is a graphics error and offer to load ubuntu in low graphics mode, but doing so l08:05
intokeaves me with a blank screen.08:05
intokthe hardware is an ABit AB-BX6 mobo with the intel 440 chipset, P3 600, 512Mb ofram and an S3 Savage4 GT AGP card08:06
whitesmithI think that's what you asked for, but I'm not 100% certain.08:08
marcPVi got an error on the updates, any idea?08:10
whitesmithStill there, psycho_oreos?08:16
zetheroothunar is not working properly for me08:17
zetheroowhen I try to change the default program that documents open with, the settings are not kept08:18
kbmaniacintok, I am not the most knowledgeable here, but you had 8.10 on it, working I assume, now the 8.10 live cd refuses to give you X, sounds like a hardware issue08:19
SiDizetheroo: did you ever run thunar with sudo in the past ?08:19
SiDizetheroo: do not do it ever again08:20
zetheroowhy not?08:20
SiDiwhen you use sudo, it will use your home directory's config files but with root rights08:20
kbmaniacintok, have you tried unplugging ALL usb devices, power down and try again with live CD ?08:20
intokkbmaniac tested for that already hardware checked out in windows08:20
SiDiand so the files will be created with ownership to root and you wont be able to write on them08:20
SiDizetheroo: if you cant write on the files, settings are not changed anymore ;)08:20
kbmaniacSo 98 installed and worked AOK08:20
SiDizetheroo: "sudo chown -R <yourname>:<yourname> ~/.config08:21
intokand yep had nothing but PS/2 kb mouse and monitor connected the entire time08:21
zetherooSiDi: so that command will fix it?08:21
kbmaniac...mmm... thinking08:22
kbmaniacintok, when you say USB drivers refused to load, what exactly happened ? kernal panic ?08:22
zetherooSiDi: so thunar cannot be run with root privileges ?08:23
zetherooI have installed nautilus now ....08:23
SiDizetheroo: DO NOT run nautilus with root privileges08:24
SiDizetheroo: there is "gksudo" for using graphical apps instead of sudo ;)08:24
SiDigksudo manages the config files correctly, without risk08:24
SiDiand you should never never use sudo or gksudo for a file manager08:24
SiDithis IS dangerous, you can easily trash files08:25
zetheroothats what I do ... sorry I did not make that clear before08:25
zetherooI always use gksudo for that08:25
SiDihm did you still typed that chown command above,08:25
intokkbmaniac at that point in the install it had not crashed but had stayed at 94% for over an hour and a half, even given the gage of said hardware I had to assume that the install had crashed silently, 94% was where the gui was telling me that the usb drivers where being installed. but from previous installs on this same hardware the install never took more then 30-40 mins to complete08:25
zetherooSiDi: doing it now08:26
zetherooSiDi: ok did it08:27
kbmaniacintok, have you thought of using the alternative install CD, I did it a long while ago, it is a text based install so you can see more what is happening08:27
zetherooSiDi: its still not working08:27
kbmaniacintok, though its wierd, if 98 installs and runs AOK, hardware is basically AOK + you used to run 8.04 on it so its compatible ????08:28
intokkbmaniac never tried it before, but I give it a shot, already grabbing the official torrent08:28
zetherooI go into the document properties and try to change the program it opens with and it does not stick ... as soon as I close the properties box the document is set back to opening with Abiword08:28
SiDizetheroo: go to .local/share/applications08:29
SiDiand tell me who owns mimelist file08:29
zetherooI own it08:29
zetherooread and write permissions08:29
intokkbmaniac yeah, I was playing around with the machine with xubuntu and qimo a kids mod of of xubuntu that apparently isn't going anywhere now after their first release, so I was going to go back to xubuntu, I was planing on giving the box to my cousin's kids who are 2, 4 and 6, but edubuntu is a bit heavy for the hardware08:30
zetheroo1this is zetheroo ---- ok now I am on the Xubuntu machine08:30
zetheroo1I can open the mimeapps.list file and see there the changes I am trying to implement08:31
zetheroo1[Added Associations]08:31
zetheroo1text/richtext=IBM Lotus Symphony.desktop;08:31
zetheroo1application/rtf=IBM Lotus Symphony.desktop;08:31
kbmaniacintok, good luck, if xubuntu is slow, look at zenwalk, it has some limitations but is a faster XFCE08:32
SiDizetheroo1: please find a png image and make it open with firefox08:33
SiDiand tell me if it works08:33
zetheroo1a PNG08:33
intokkbmaniac it's a bit slow for some things yeah, but for basically a diy leapfrog/playskool machine it was plenty fast. not like the little ones are going to be fragging in quake for a few years at least... but then again ...08:34
zetheroo1SiDi: yes that worked08:36
SiDizetheroo1: is IBM Lotus Symphony.desktop working ?08:36
SiDiand what kind of file are you asking it to open ? and how do you do exactly ?08:36
zetheroo1the program IBM Lotus Symphony is working08:37
zetheroo1I also had the same issue with trying to change the default to OpenOffice Writer08:37
zetheroo1this is an RTF file08:37
zetheroo1but its with any document08:38
whitesmithSo, I guess no one has any idea what I should do with regards to accessing my NTFS partition?08:38
kbmaniacintok, :)08:38
zetheroo1SiDi: again ... it works perfectly in Nautilus ....08:39
SiDizetheroo1: sounds weird to me :-|08:42
zetheroo1yeah I know ... :)08:42
zetheroo1is there a way i could try it out in the terminal and see if there is an output of some kind08:43
SiDiit works here if i change this kind of files to OOO08:43
SiDiwhen you do right click -> properties -> open with08:43
SiDiis Lotus listed ?08:43
zetheroo1I wish i could remove Abiword08:43
zetheroo1yes its there08:44
SiDiselect it and close, double click08:44
zetheroo1yes and it opens with Abiword08:44
zetheroo1I am removing Abiword08:45
SiDiare you *sure* its an RTF file ?08:45
SiDiif its named .XXX but its .YYY it'll use the .YYY's file handler08:45
zetheroo1the file is called Linux.rtf08:46
SiDiand does the file ommand say its a rtf ? :p08:48
zetheroo1what about a program like gconfig08:49
zetheroo1can i change it in there?.08:50
* SiDi doesn't know08:50
MikeChelenis there any way to run desktop icons with a single-click?09:20
TheSheepthey were supposed to fix it in 4.6 but they didn't09:25
TheSheep just disabled icons and put large panel with launchers instead09:26
MikeCheleni like using single-click for the file manager09:26
MikeChelenwant it available for desktop as well09:26
TheSheepI'm with you there09:27
MikeCheleni guess the panel launchers will do09:27
MikeChelenany idea if there is a feature request somewhere i can +1?09:27
TheSheepin the xfce's bugtracker09:27
MikeChelencool thanks, ill look there09:28
Nameless_aui guess this is more a linux question, but... in terminal, in order for me to paste what i've copied i must press shift and insert. is there a way to make good ol' ctrl-V paste into terminal?10:45
MikeChelenNameless_au, that works in xfce4-terminal11:03
Nameless_auMikeChelen: sheers i knew that, but for some reason those keystrokes are unresponsive11:04
Nameless_auhence my use of shift-insert11:05
MikeChelenhmm well shift insert is another option11:05
MikeChelenbut shift+control+v should work too11:05
MikeChelenah lol11:05
Nameless_aui agree it should lol11:05
MikeChelenmaybe the keyboard shortcuts got changed?11:05
Nameless_aumaybe, dunno - i'll live with ctrl-shift-v working most of the time11:06
Nameless_aumaybe different terminal11:07
Nameless_auive seen 3 different ones on here so far11:07
MikeChelenyeah that's possible11:42
kasia_hi, how could i change the appearance of gtk apps in xubuntu to match with my destop? I would like them to look like thunar with oxygen icons from kde14:38
kasia_pcmanfm and "places" now looks very ugly14:39
Slonkieplaces as in thunar?14:58
bazhangevening all; how to change the clock time to 12 hr from 24 hr?15:01
bazhangthis is jaunty btw15:02
ablomenbazhang, right click on clock=>properties=>uncheck use 24-hour clock15:02
bazhangablomen, thanks much!15:03
Nameless_authat doesnt work15:03
ablomendid that change?15:03
bazhangjust testing it; not my computer (helping someone else)15:04
Nameless_auis there somewhere where i can do a screenshot paste?15:04
Nameless_aubazhang: i have xubuntu xfce running now it will not work15:04
ablomenoh and that goes to Imagebin :)15:05
Nameless_auablomen: http://imagebin.ca/view/8Oqru8Rl.html15:09
Nameless_aushows what options are avail15:09
Nameless_auyou can see that it has 24-hr time with PM :)15:10
Nameless_auyou can put custom, but i don't know what the parameters are15:10
Nameless_auian_ is here about the same bug15:10
ian_i'm heree!!!15:11
Nameless_aui think that is an xfce thing personally but i could be wrong15:13
Nameless_auian_ WAS here about the same bug...15:29
Nameless_auablomen: i have found a fix for the clock15:51
ablomenok cool, but bazhang is gone already :)15:51
Nameless_auablomen: the clock uses the strftime variables, so to do what he wanted to do15:51
Nameless_auin 'Custom', paste %l:%M %P15:52
Nameless_auall available variables are found here: http://au2.php.net/strftime15:52
Nameless_authat is officially my first workaround for the Open Source community. Thank you.15:53
* Nameless_au takes a bow15:53
Nameless_auit wasn't bazhang with the problem, it was me and ian_15:53
Nameless_auablomen would you know how to increase the font in panel apps?16:03
ablomensome apps scale fonts (so if you make the pannel bigger the font gets bigger) but only a few, the only other option i know is change the font size of the user interface (in the settings manager)16:05
Nameless_aui'm looking at xfce's keyboard layout app16:05
Nameless_auyes, as i increase the panel, the font of the 'us' or 'ru' on the button increases16:06
Nameless_auit's just at a normal sized panel, the 'us' and 'ru' on the button is too small16:06
Nameless_auin my ~/.config/xfce4/panel/ folder i have a file called xkb-plugin-12469673334.rc , the contents of which are here: http://pastebin.ca/148695016:11
Nameless_auare there variables i can add in this file to increase font? or is the actual button i see in the gui a small jpeg or somethign similar?16:12
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Nameless_aui have a program asking for me to specify where libxfce4util4 is installed on my system, and to point to it in the $PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable. however, although i can confirm it is installed, i don't know how to tell $PKG_CONFIG_PATH where it is because i can't find libxfce4util4 at all17:09
Nameless_auwhat do i do?17:10
PsynoKhi0in a terminal: locate libxfce4util417:13
charlie-tca__Use "dpkg -S libxfce4util4" in a terminal17:14
charlie-tca__or "which libxfce4util4" in a terminal17:14
charlie-tca__to find the executable17:15
c0nfus3dHi All, I am trying to figure how I can change the text in Ubiquity "Prepare Disk Space" window - kindly refer the following image - http://imagebin.org/5485517:18
charlie-tca__Perhaps better to ask that in #ubuntu-installer, where they work with Ubiquity more17:18
charlie-tca__That text normally changes with each version you are installing17:19
c0nfus3dok chanks charlie-tca__17:20
c0nfus3di got the answer17:20
charlie-tca__You are welcome17:20
c0nfus3djust to share the info17:20
c0nfus3dchange /.disk/info on the CD17:20
c0nfus3dthe first two fields are used for the partitioning display17:20
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th0rSiDi: remember my problem with the xfce pager?18:23
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SiDith0r: yeh18:42
SiDith0r: found the solution ?18:42
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th0rSiDi: yup. I am running a straight ubuntu install and added xfce afterwards. When I did, xfce kept metacity as the wm instead of switching to xfwm4. Changed to that and the whole issue went away. Additionally, a small video glitch that had plagued me disappeared <smile>18:44
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SiDith0r: oh crap18:52
SiDith0r: did you install "xfce" or "xubuntu-desktop" ?18:53
Nameless_auis there a difference in: 1) installing ubuntu and then installing Xfce    2) Installing Xubuntu ?18:53
th0rSiDi: just xfce18:53
th0rSiDi: been wondering if I should go back and install the xubuntu desktop...think so?18:54
charlie-tca__There is a difference between installing xfce and installing xubuntu-desktop.18:54
charlie-tca__xubuntu-desktop is a metapackage to insure all the components get installed, xfce is just the desktop18:55
SiDith0r: you can install it now18:55
th0rSiDi: yeah...think it might be a good idea18:55
SiDith0r: contains the whole xfce desktop + some goodies + artwork + our default settings18:55
charlie-tca__+ xfwm + ...18:56
th0rSiDi: kind of wish I had opted for xubuntu in the first place....knew from the getgo I was going to use xfce18:56
th0rcharlie-tca__: xfwm was there, it just wasn't picked up as the wm when I switched the session to xfce18:56
charlie-tca__Which is what xubuntu-desktop helps make happen18:57
th0rcharlie-tca__: yeah...got it installing now. But I wish they would delete totem from the dependencies list...I hate that program18:59
charlie-tca__It works, though18:59
th0rcharlie-tca__: maybe for you...I have never succeeded in getting it to work right. Will always kick something out that vlc accepts without complaining19:00
th0rcharlie-tca__: and I know all my mime types will be changed to that now and I will have to go back one by one and make them vlc again19:00
SiDith0r: or you purge totme :p19:04
SiDitotem *19:04
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th0rSiDi: yeah...I tried to unmark it but synaptic complained. The problem with synaptic is if I do things like that it will report xubuntu-desktop as a broken package or list missing deps19:05
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SiDith0r: you need to keep xubuntu-desktop only for upgrades19:06
charlie-tca__After installing, you can remove xubuntu-desktop without problems. It is only needed again to upgrade19:06
SiDiyou can remove it also if you ant by the meanwhile19:06
charlie-tca__to the next version of Xubuntu19:06
rameshworcan i enable compiz 3d ..cube..effects in xuubntu 9.04 by default or i need some other packages...?19:07
* charlie-tca__ too slow again. And, it wasn't even knome beat me19:07
charlie-tca__rameshwor: you need to add compiz19:07
rameshworcharlie-tca__: yes. just wanted to give it a try.. ..19:07
charlie-tca__It is not installed by default in Xubuntu19:08
charlie-tca__you have to install it19:08
rameshworcharlie-tca__: ok..19:08
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rameshwori tried mounting my window partition ...but..  sudo mount /dev/sda5 mounted-disk     gives error    ..  why ? if i specify ntfs  then also error  ?  isn't there gui for mounting19:13
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PsynoKhi0depends on the error19:14
timeoutrameshwor: how did you specify ntfs?19:15
timeouthave you got ntfs-3g installed?19:16
rameshwortimeout: don't know ntfs-3g installed or not ... i used xfce from ubuntu  ...8.1019:16
timeoutwell, you need to install ntfs-3g, so sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g19:17
rameshwortimeout: but i used to mount it in gnome   ..19:17
timeoutand then you need mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /path/windows19:17
th0rtimeout: (sudo)19:18
rameshwortimeout:   i used xfce from ubuntu8.10...      still i need ntfs-3g  what's it a plugin  or what ?19:18
timeouthmmm... maybe it is installed, what happens, if you just try the mount using the ntfs-3g file type?19:18
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timeoutth0r: oh yeah, you need sudo to mount, of course, but rameshwor already seems to know that19:19
intokdamit I still can't get the GUI to work19:19
rameshwortimeout: ok i'll be trying that.. but i'm on win right now. becoz my xchat wont' work in ubuntu... ( i'm using http proxy server )..... any help with that ?19:20
timeoutrameshwor: with your chat program? I use irssi...19:21
rameshworirssi ?  ?19:21
timeoutrameshwor: irssi.org have a look, it works for me19:22
timeoutrameshwor: but xchat should work as well.19:22
rameshworshould i do any manual settings for proxy server connection or what ??19:22
timeoutrameshwor: don't know, sorry19:23
th0rrameshwor: there is a place in the preferences to enter the proxy information19:23
timeoutrameshwor: what's the problem- what are your settings using windows?19:23
rameshwortimeout: settings ?  what settings ..   i have xchat on windows right now i'm currently from MIRC  but still xchat won't work..19:24
timeoutrameshwor: are you using the proxt with windows as well?19:25
rameshwor HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden19:26
rameshwor Proxy traversal failed.    yes  same http proxy server.. i'm from college LAN..19:26
intokOk, I reinstalled my old xubuntu box with 8.10 but durring the install it hung at 94%, since then I can't get any version of xubuntu or ubuntu to load into gui, I reither get the ubuntu command prompt or I get a part of the gui to load that asks to load into low graphics mode or to troubleshoot the problem, loading low graphics give me a blank screen and trouble shooting it just loops it back to the menu19:26
timeoutrameshwor: probably not all that useful, but: http://irssi.org/documentation/proxy19:27
SiDiintok: did you check the cd's integrity before beginning the install ?19:27
intokI've never had an issue with running xubuntu on the machine, its a p3 600, 512Mb of ram, abit ab-bx6 mobo with the intel 440bx chipset and an S3 Savage4 GT19:28
timeoutrameshwor: google it. th0r seems to be right.19:28
th0rtimeout: (let me get a screenshot of that!)19:28
intokSiDi yep, tried it with xubunt 9.04, 8.10, ubuntu 8.10, 8.04 and qimo 1.019:29
timeoutth0r: sorry, seems should read: is!19:29
intokDiDi tested all cds, isos, hardware works fine under windows 9819:29
timeoutintok: is there any information during the install at all? Isn't there a boot time option to turn on messages etc?19:31
timeoutintok: when it hangs at 94% is it doing something, like downloading- I'm just trying to remember- are you on the net?19:32
intoktimeout there seems to be an error thrown, but it only appears for a split second before the screen blanks, can tell it's an error as the fail text shows up red19:33
timeoutintok: are you installing to the right partition?19:34
SiDiintok: ok then we dont have drivers for your GPU19:34
intoktimeout 94% it said it was installing usb drivers, having installed ubuntu on the same hardware before and the install had never taken more then 30-40 mins, but it hung at 94% for an hour and a half19:34
timeoutintok: can you boot into the live cd?19:34
SiDiintok: old ATI card ?19:34
SiDior SiS ?19:34
timeoutintok: and no hard drive activity?19:35
intokSiDi its an S3 card, it's the only old AGP card I had that would do 1600x1200 @ 32 Savage4 GT AGP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savage4#Savage419:37
intoktimeout tried live cds same issue, when it hung on install there was no hdd or network activity19:38
intokit's all very strange that it suddnely crashed and now refuses to load a gui in linux but windows 98 will still run fine...19:39
SiDiintok: i dont think you will find linux drivers for recent kernels for this card19:39
SiDiif you try a linux from 98 it will run fine too. :P19:39
timeoutintok: ok- so you can't boot the kernel. Hmmm.. it is strange19:40
intokSiDi true there was a regression in the drivers from 8.04 to 8.10 but 8.10 still ran perfectly till I had reinstalled, I had gone from xubuntu 8.10 to qimo linux 1.0 and was going back to xubuntu 8.10 when it crashed during install, till then the box had run linux just fine19:41
SiDihttp://knoppix-fr.org/hardware/5 intok19:41
SiDiwell 9.04 has a new X.org server19:42
SiDiso there is little chance the S3 devs made drivers for it19:42
SiDithere is a channel for ubuntu install problems though19:42
SiDi#ubuntu-installer if my memory doesnt betray me19:42
intokSiDi I had figured the unichrome devs would have made drivers for it since they used the savage chipset in many motherboard chipsets preceeding the chrome series gpous form S319:43
SiDiintok: im really not the guy who would know about that ^.^19:44
intokSiDi the link you gave says the savage4 works perfectly19:45
timeoutintok: can you install without gui?19:45
SiDiintok: its for knoppix, they have older kernel / xorg19:46
intoktimeout yes, I installed 9.04 with the alt install  but I get the same issue19:46
timeoutBut the graphics card shouldn't be stopping the kernel from booting- if there's a graphics problem you should get kicked to a console at least19:47
timeoutbut you're not sure if it isn't something to do with your usb?19:48
PsynoKhi0on older hardware I usually use noapic nolapic acpi=off as kernel parameters19:51
intoktimeout as far as I can tell it's moved into just being a gui problem that hadn't previously existed at all using the same versions of xubuntu on the same hardware, and it's not a hardware fault as it still runs windows 98 without fault, and it's shouldn't be a usb isue as no usb devices where connected at the time of install19:52
PsynoKhi0have you tried those? they're available from a menu when you press F6 at at the cd boot screen19:52
timeoutintok: you should try PsynoKhi0's advice. Also, see here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Kernel_parameters19:56
timeoutstrange though, that a distro which used to work doesn't now19:56
timeoutyou don't have a spare mobo lying around somewhere?19:57
intokslot 1 mobo? no, I'll try the acpi stuff20:07
Raggswhy is there so much gnome in Xubuntu?20:07
PsynoKhi0careful, 2 are spelled with aPIC, one with aCPI20:07
charlie-tca__It isn't gnome, but if an application used in gnome works the best for xubuntu, it is included20:08
PsynoKhi0they're different things though the acronyms are similar20:08
PsynoKhi0Raggs: you mean GTK apps?20:08
Raggsjust looking in synaptic i see a bunch of gnome stuff, network manager, games and such20:09
charlie-tca__Raggs, Xubuntu will use whatever works best.20:10
Raggsbest or easiest20:11
charlie-tca__both, best and easiest. If the app works well and doesn't use a lot of resources, why not let gnome maintain it20:11
PsynoKhi0at least no mono ;P20:11
charlie-tca__mono is resources20:12
PsynoKhi0too controversial for me to bother with for now20:13
charlie-tca__leave the controversy behind, use what works without breaking my 256MB ram20:14
evonise`emphey guys, when doing xubuntu install from the live CD, i ran into this problem: laptop freezes at 5% xubuntu install "partitions formatting" creating ext3 file system in partition #1 SCSI1 (0,0,0)20:36
charlie-tca__evonise`emp: how much memory do you have?20:37
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ i have 512mb ram20:37
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ i also tried ubuntu, but i also had problems there20:37
charlie-tca__Might not be freezing, but working. It can take several minutes to get through some parts20:37
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ the mouse was not moving anymore.. is that normal?20:38
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ for such a long time, while ubuntu also did that20:38
charlie-tca__mouse always moves for me. But I have seen it take 16 minutes at times20:38
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ so when my mouse stops from moving, and the HDD stops from making sounds20:39
charlie-tca__Is the disk already formatted?20:39
evonise`empthe whole computer stops making sounds20:39
evonise`empi first had windows XP running smoothly, then i tried windows 7,20:39
evonise`empbut it failed20:39
evonise`empblue screens and stuff20:39
charlie-tca__If you are using the entire disk, you could remove the partitions first, then restart and run the install20:39
evonise`empthen i tried ubuntu, but that failed the same as xubuntu now20:39
charlie-tca__Maybe you have a bad disk?20:39
evonise`empi did a drive fitness check20:40
evonise`empit ran fine20:40
evonise`emp(did that because someone from ubuntu supoprt channel told me20:40
evonise`empalso did a mem test for about 1,5 hours (from the ubuntu cd)20:40
evonise`empdid the alternate install from ubuntu20:40
evonise`empthey freeze at different percentages, but they all freeze20:41
evonise`empand i checked the CD from errors everytime i burned a diferent on20:41
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, any ideas?20:41
charlie-tca__could still be a bad cd drive20:41
evonise`empye true20:41
evonise`emphow can i check that?20:42
charlie-tca__I had one installed 15 out of 16 times. It failed on something like the 8th install, come to find out the cd drive was bad20:42
charlie-tca__look in the installer logs20:42
evonise`emphow can i see those?20:42
charlie-tca__If you boot from the live cd, look in /var/log/installer20:43
evonise`empok thanks m8!20:43
evonise`empill try that right away20:43
charlie-tca__If you boot from the alternate cd, go to alt-F2 and look in /var/log/installer20:43
evonise`empill do it from the live cd of xubunty20:43
evonise`empcan i see logs from older install attempts?20:44
evonise`empor only from the latest20:44
charlie-tca__Sometimes they will still be there and you can look at them.20:44
evonise`empk cool20:44
evonise`empthis channel is much easier to talk in20:44
evonise`empthe ubuntu channel is so crowded20:45
evonise`empi could barely see who is talking to me hah20:45
charlie-tca__and we even know the answer sometimes20:45
evonise`empye that would be a sad thing :p20:45
evonise`empthen i would try windows XP again on my laptop -.-20:45
evonise`empoh i misread ur last thing20:46
evonise`empthought u said: and we NEVER know the answer sometimes20:46
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ there is no such log20:49
evonise`emp. /var/log/installer20:49
charlie-tca__should be in system, /var/log/installer20:50
charlie-tca__Is there anything in /var/log ?20:50
evonise`empa few folders, and files20:50
evonise`empapparmor, apt, concolekit, cups (folders)20:51
charlie-tca__but no installer folder. Look at dmesg20:51
evonise`empand more..20:51
evonise`empi see dmesg20:51
charlie-tca__see if it has anything about the cd drive20:51
evonise`empwhat is dmesg20:51
evonise`empthere is allot in it ...20:52
evonise`emp30 kb plain text20:52
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ where should i look for20:52
charlie-tca__Just gotta look for cd drive, see if it mentions anything.20:53
charlie-tca__I usually go through the entire log, scanning for things mentioning it.20:53
evonise`empit says alot about the cd20:54
charlie-tca__You might have to try to install again, then when it hangs, hit Alt+F4, which gives a running log of the install. It will tell the time it last did anything20:54
evonise`empkernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/casper blabla20:55
charlie-tca__check the minutes and seconds against the clock to see how long it sits20:55
evonise`empif it hangs, will it do alt f4?20:55
charlie-tca__It if it frozen, check the /var/log/installer logs, and dmesg for why20:55
evonise`empbacause i cant do anything when it freezes, i just turn off the laptop20:55
charlie-tca__does caps lock or num lock blink the lights at all?20:56
evonise`empill try next time, but my laptop doesnt have these lights i thought lolo20:56
evonise`empoh yes it has them20:56
evonise`empso i can check that20:56
evonise`empif it hangs20:56
evonise`empnice on20:56
charlie-tca__If the lights work, it is not frozen20:56
charlie-tca__it is just working20:57
evonise`empif it hangs, and caps is doing anything, i can do alt f4 ?20:57
evonise`empok ill try that first20:57
evonise`empin dmesg20:57
PsynoKhi0charlie-tca__: or it's a kernel panic :P20:57
evonise`empthere is no time indicator20:57
evonise`emplol whats that20:57
charlie-tca__If it is working hard, it might take a minute to switch.20:57
evonise`empto switch caps light?20:57
charlie-tca__time indicator is the numbers on the left20:57
charlie-tca__hours, minutes, seconds20:57
PsynoKhi0keyboard lights blink when the kernel goes loopy20:57
evonise`emploopy? what?20:58
charlie-tca__PsynoKhi0: that won't apply if he hits caps lock to see the light20:58
PsynoKhi0ah nvm I' ll just confuse you :D20:58
evonise`empoh lol wait :p20:58
charlie-tca__they blink on their own for a kernel panic20:58
evonise`emphahaha PsynoKhi0 :D20:58
evonise`empbut the time indicator says: 2.62xxx all the time20:59
charlie-tca__that ain't it.20:59
PsynoKhi0it was a pun at "< charlie-tca__> If the lights work, it is not frozen"20:59
evonise`empthen there is no time indicator20:59
charlie-tca__you are right. You will see it during the install on Alt+F4 though20:59
charlie-tca__Usually the hours are off, but minutes are right21:00
evonise`empill try to install again, and see if caps lights work21:00
evonise`empthey should go instantly right?21:00
charlie-tca__It should not stall more than a minute or two at a time21:00
charlie-tca__no, not instantly if it is busy, but within a minute or so21:00
evonise`empthanks ill try it now21:00
charlie-tca__Gotta go to a meeting now21:00
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evonise`empcharlie-tca__ ok!21:15
evonise`emphey guys, ive been trying to install xbutuntu on my laptop, but im getting random freezes at different points in the install process. what can be wrong?21:39
PsynoKhi0pretty much anything21:47
PsynoKhi0can you run a live session?21:49
charlie-tca__evonise`emp: did that Alt+F4 work?21:51
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ hey man, no luck there22:02
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ i came a bit further22:02
evonise`empthis bug is i think what i have22:02
evonise`empsomeone also states having the same laptop as me, and someone knows a workaround, and he says that the problem is because of his cd player (which is the same as mine!)22:03
evonise`empbut i dont know how to do that workaround -.-22:03
evonise`empcan u help me?22:03
charlie-tca__You saw this: The problem was due to my CD drive, QSI SBW-242, causing occasional system freezes, when used with UDMA/33.22:04
evonise`empand then that workaround22:05
evonise`empi dont know how to do that22:05
evonise`empi tried adding this22:05
evonise`empoptions libata force=2.00:pio422:05
evonise`empto the line22:05
evonise`empbut maybe because im trying to install xubuntu now, is that a problem?22:05
charlie-tca__You use the alternate cd and hit F6 before starting the install, at the menu22:05
evonise`empsince that is ubuntu22:05
charlie-tca__Then you type that into the end of the line on screen, after the dashes22:06
evonise`empah  then i need to burn the alternate install again lol22:06
charlie-tca__then hit enter22:06
evonise`empafter -- ?22:06
evonise`empso xxx -- options libata force=2.00:pio422:06
evonise`empi tried that22:06
evonise`empwith xubuntu22:06
charlie-tca__Is this a laptop?22:06
evonise`empAspire 131022:06
evonise`empbut i tried blabla -- options libata force=2.00:pio422:07
evonise`empand it freezed even during the selection of keyboard22:07
evonise`empso it freezed much faster this time22:07
charlie-tca__The freeze point jumps around?22:07
evonise`empthe point of freeze differs yes22:08
evonise`empjust like they say on that bug reoprt22:08
evonise`empbut mostly on 22-23% of copying files22:08
charlie-tca__ooops, instead, hit f6 at the menu of the live cd, type break=top22:08
evonise`empand which option should i do then22:09
charlie-tca__When the prompt comes up, type echo 'options libata dma=0' >> /etc/modprobe.d/options22:09
evonise`empye tey said that there, but how can i type there?22:09
evonise`empit goes so fast22:09
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: nothing, press escape to close the popup22:09
charlie-tca__break=top should make it quit22:09
evonise`empi c22:09
PsynoKhi0f6 -> esc -> type "break=top"22:09
PsynoKhi0without quotes22:10
evonise`empthe option i choose22:10
evonise`empis Install xubuntu right22:10
evonise`empnot try it first from cd22:10
evonise`empand then isntall22:10
charlie-tca__I am looking at the menu, just a minute22:10
evonise`empk cool22:10
evonise`empi was searching on google for a screenie :p22:10
crazygiris this still relavent to creating tun/tap interfaces? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17947222:10
whitesmithLast night, I was trying to figure out how to access my NTFS partition using thunar, but was unable to (I believe xubuntu didn't recognize the partition for some reason.  One of the people in here suggested I $ lsusb, $ sudo fdisk -l, and $ dmesg, sending all the information to pastebin, which I have.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/211742/ - Is there anyone here who can help out an amateur to Unix-like OSes, who is also a complete b22:10
whitesmitheginner to xubuntu?22:10
evonise`empwhitesmith yes22:11
evonise`empwhitesmith nvm, i thought u were talking to me ;p22:11
charlie-tca__evonise`emp: F6, ESC, break=top after the --22:12
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, i do f6,22:12
charlie-tca__Use Install Xubuntu22:12
evonise`empi have that now22:12
evonise`empthen i have to type it again22:12
charlie-tca__It will stop partway, at a # I think22:12
evonise`empcus it dissapears when i use down arrows22:13
charlie-tca__type the echo in, hit enter22:13
charlie-tca__type exit, hit enter22:13
charlie-tca__It should go on22:13
charlie-tca__what disappears?22:13
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: highlight Install Xubuntu, hit f6, then esc, type break=top, press enter22:13
evonise`empPsynoKhi0 yes, idid that now, np charlie-tca__22:14
charlie-tca__bad disk or bad cd drive22:14
evonise`empnow i see: (initframfs) _ (flashing _)22:14
evonise`empbecause of the break=top probabbly22:14
evonise`empits the busybox22:15
evonise`empso i should type that echo?22:15
charlie-tca__including echo22:16
evonise`empshould it say something afterwards? cus it doenst22:16
whitesmithAnyone have any ideas on how to get my NTFS partition showing up in thunar?22:17
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, just exit afterwards?22:17
charlie-tca__nope, won't say anything22:18
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: could you add the fstab file located under /etc?22:18
PsynoKhi0to your pastebin output22:18
PsynoKhi0cat /etc/fstab22:18
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, its loading the installer right now i think :)22:18
charlie-tca__Okay. See if it will work this time22:18
evonise`empye hope so ;p22:18
charlie-tca__Freeze should be in the same place every time if the cd drive is bad22:19
evonise`empits not22:19
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, the freeze that is22:20
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7526772 <- that should help you :)22:20
whitesmithchecking URL22:21
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: one thing bothers me with that thread though22:21
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: they say you should start mousepad with: sudo mousepad /etc/fstab22:22
whitesmithso, no sudo?22:22
PsynoKhi0I've always been told that for graphical apps, one should use gksudo22:22
PsynoKhi0sudo for command line stuff, gksudo for graphical stuff22:22
whitesmithoh...  i don't know if it makes much of a difference22:22
whitesmithmind you, i'm the moron who uses abiword instead of mousepad22:23
whitesmithi always thought xubuntu had ntfs support for a long while now?22:24
whitesmithso, is sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g really needed?22:24
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ :(((((22:25
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ its getting stuck at 24% now22:25
PsynoKhi0hmm just checked myself and ntfs-3g is included (at least in jaunty=22:25
charlie-tca__leave it alone for 10 minutes22:25
evonise`empmouse stopped working and capslock light doest work22:25
charlie-tca__It should be unpacking the language packs22:25
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: so fstab22:25
evonise`emponce while i was installing ubuntu (or: i was trying to) i left it for 30 mins22:26
charlie-tca__Might be just working the cpu hard22:26
evonise`empnothing worked22:26
evonise`empk ill just wait then22:26
evonise`empotherwise, what can be a problem?22:26
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: but in your case, it should be /dev/sda122:26
charlie-tca__bad cd disk or hardware issues22:26
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: not /dev/sda222:26
evonise`empcd? i checked it for errors22:26
evonise`empand windows xp went fine22:27
charlie-tca__It can pass the error checks and still be bad22:27
evonise`empim using a rewritable disk, is that a problem?22:27
evonise`empbtw, i also dont see the hdd disk led flashing or something22:28
whitesmithok...  should i try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=785263&highlight=sudo+fdisk first?22:28
evonise`empand dont hear anything22:28
charlie-tca__I don't know, I would try a different disc, cd-r if you have one22:28
evonise`emp(think of hdd rattling sound)22:28
evonise`empye k22:28
charlie-tca__hdd led won't flash if the cpu is working,22:28
evonise`empthe fan is working though22:29
evonise`empall the time22:29
evonise`empbut sometimes during other freezes, the fan didnt do anything22:29
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: sounds good22:30
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, i think it defenitely freezed22:30
whitesmiththx a lot.  i'll get back to you on it when i know22:31
charlie-tca__PsynoKhi0: any ideas on the install freeze? been 4 minutes without activity22:31
charlie-tca__evonise`emp: hit Alt+F422:31
evonise`empthe only thing that is active is the fan, its on all the time, while usually it stops22:32
evonise`empok, how can i see if that worked?22:32
charlie-tca__Are you using the laptop keyboard?22:32
charlie-tca__like 1 minute22:32
evonise`empi have nothing inserted (usb stuff or input cards or something)22:32
evonise`empso, alt+f4, and then wait 1 min?22:32
charlie-tca__I guess try a cd-r22:32
charlie-tca__yeah, alt+f4, wait 1 minute22:33
evonise`empye ill try that after, is it a problem if i burn ubuntu then?22:33
evonise`empnormal ubuntu?22:33
charlie-tca__see if it switches22:33
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: thank you too for the ntfs-config tip :D22:33
charlie-tca__Don't matter what you burn22:33
evonise`empye since this is the xubuntu channel :p22:33
charlie-tca__If you install ubuntu, you can install xubuntu-desktop to get to xubuntu if you want22:33
evonise`empah ok22:33
charlie-tca__install failure is an install failure, for me22:34
charlie-tca__I run 8 a day, 6 days a week22:34
whitesmithlol it was the thread you referred me to that had a reference to another thread with that in it, so it's all you.  ;)22:34
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, its not doing anything after alt+f422:35
charlie-tca__Only other thing I got is try a different cd-r22:35
evonise`empk ill try that22:35
charlie-tca__I have a horrible time with cd-rw's, myself22:35
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: though I wonder if you shouldn't create the mount point by hand at first22:36
whitesmithi think that's a better idea22:37
whitesmithin ubuntu, where'd the mount point usually be if it were autogenerated?22:37
whitesmithor xubuntu, i should say22:37
PsynoKhi0hmm... under /media or /mnt22:37
PsynoKhi0sudo mkdir /media/windows22:38
PsynoKhi0would be safe IMO22:38
whitesmithi have my cdroms and floppies listed under media so, that'd prolly be best, eh?22:38
whitesmithhmm... in that NTFS config tool, it's telling me to set a mount point22:40
whitesmithyeah i said that, and got an error22:40
whitesmithyou must choose a name, not a directory.22:41
whitesmith"/media/windows contains an invalid caracter.  you must choose a name, not a directory."22:41
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, at what speed should i burn the cd?22:42
Slonkielowest possible22:42
whitesmithit'll create the dir by itself apparently22:42
SlonkieThen you should be pretty sure it's not messed up.22:42
whitesmithso, i shouldn't have sudo mkdir'd one22:42
evonise`empcharlie-tca__ and what program? im using cdburnerXP22:42
evonise`empSlonkie, u talking to me :D?22:43
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: I wasn't sure it would create is so... anyway22:43
whitesmithi think all i need to do is sudo rm -rf windows in media22:43
evonise`empSlonkie ok thanks!22:43
Slonkieuse imgburn in windows, evonise`emp!22:43
evonise`empSlonkie how does that work :S22:43
whitesmithlol we both assumed wrong there - linux on the desktop has come a far way from when i was a kid  lol22:43
evonise`empSlonkie i have XP22:43
whitesmithnow everything seems to be done for you22:44
Slonkiedownload imgburn, install, burn.22:44
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: cdburnerxp should do, but Slonkie beat me to is, imgburn is usually better22:44
Slonkievery simple.22:44
PsynoKhi0to it*22:44
evonise`empoh ok, i know that one, i didnt know u meant it22:44
evonise`empk ill do it22:44
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: spoon fed, ubuntu style :P22:44
PsynoKhi0and now something completely unrelated: usually I hate standard GUI appearance settings in OSes... but darn I can't find a gtk theme I like more than MurrinaStormCloud22:46
whitesmithlol huh - that's kewl22:46
SlonkieDurt is nice.22:46
whitesmithI haven't got into looxing at themes, yet.22:46
SlonkieDusty 2*22:47
whitesmithI just like my system to do what it's told, and don't care if it's pretty.  :p22:47
evonise`empSlonkie, so what speed should i do? 2x?22:47
Slonkieyea evonise`emp22:47
evonise`empSlonkie i can also do 1x lol22:47
Slonkiewon't take long anyway.22:47
Slonkiewell 2-8x is what i prefer22:47
whitesmithMind, apparently the Bladerunner theme for e17 is awesomeness.  lol22:47
evonise`empk ill do 222:47
whitesmithholy cow it worked lol22:48
evonise`empSlonkie, wtf, it said access denied (or something like that): hint: wmp is running. close it and try again!22:48
evonise`empSlonkie what the hell is that :P, i closed wmp and it worked, but wtf?22:48
SlonkieNo idea.22:49
Slonkiewmp is shit anyway ;).22:49
whitesmithnow, I just need to restart to see if it does automount22:49
whitesmithbtw, ntfs config wont autorun or anything silly like that, right?  it just makes a now line in fstab?22:50
evonise`empSlonkie haha22:50
evonise`empSlonkie, cant my cd/dvd drive not be dirty? (and might that not be the problem for the freezes?)22:51
Slonkiei don't understand?22:51
Slonkienot be dirty?22:51
SlonkieSorry i haven't been here all the time, i diden't get to read your problem.22:52
charlie-tca__evonise`emp: yes it could22:52
charlie-tca__sorry, I am following the community council meeting22:52
PsynoKhi0whitesmith: I actually don't know... but so far the program has been smarter than we thought so... :P22:53
whitesmithkk restarting to see if it automounts - brb22:54
PsynoKhi0have you checked that there was a new linein your fstab?22:54
whitesmithno, actually i didn't - good idea22:55
whitesmithbtw...  why are there two of you?  one with a 0 and one with an 8?  :s22:55
SlonkieThere's only one of him... eeeh23:01
whitesmithlol there's only one of him in here, but i'm getting private messages from another him  lol23:02
whitesmithor...  (more likely) i',m an idiot and my font is off23:03
whitesmith "/dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_CA.UTF-8 0 0"23:03
whitesmithdoes that look right to you?  :p23:03
whitesmithkk sorry for being such a moron at all of this23:05
whitesmithi'll restart just to be sure, and let you know if it worked (which i'm sure it will at this point).23:06
evonise`empcharlie-tca__, i burned the cd on a cd-r, 2x speed, im gonna try install now normally23:11
charlie-tca__good luck23:12
evonise`empheh ye :)23:12
FitnessFirsthi guys23:12
crazygirwhen you create a tun/tap interface associated with a nic, is that device then dedicated to this tun/tap device?23:12
charlie-tca__I think it is, crazygir23:13
charlie-tca__It should be using the tap? instead of eth? too23:13
charlie-tca__or is it br?23:13
charlie-tca__Okay, gotta go now. See you all later.23:15
crazygirdunno.. i'd like to keep the original interface running without interruption23:16
evonise`empah damn23:20
evonise`empchar.. just left23:20
evonise`empdid u follow what we talked about?23:20
PsynoKhi0erm not really23:21
PsynoKhi0let me scroll23:21
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, i tried a CD-r instead of the RW,23:22
Name141Hello, I have had an issue with my NIC working since Intrepid and doesn't even work in Jaunty.  However, it worked fine in Hardy.  Anyway, I have to remove the module e1000e, then modprobe it for the network connection to come back.  Is it possible that I could find a way to install ubuntu on to my flash drive , TO MAKE changes with?  Rather than just keeping it a LIVE session ?  That way I can make a bug report.23:22
Name141Would I be able to install it directly to it like it was a hard drive, but put the boot image (lilo/grub?) on to the hard drive?23:24
PsynoKhi0Name141: what kind of flash drive?23:25
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, so do u have any idea? it is stuck now on 22%23:26
Name141PsynoKhi0: eh if it matters, a 8 GB Toshiba23:26
evonise`empcopying files23:26
Name141(7.64 GB really)23:26
evonise`empSlonkie, the CD-R also doesnt work (install freezes at 22%, copying files)23:27
evonise`empany ideas?23:28
Slonkieno sorry :/23:28
evonise`empSlonkie k np..23:28
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: did you try any other boot paramenter besides break=top?23:28
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, not this time23:29
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, shall i do that again? because with the RW it failed23:29
evonise`empalthough that was xubuntu, it got stuck at 24% copying files23:30
evonise`empnow ubuntu, 22% freeze (but without break=top and that echo part)23:30
PsynoKhi0well yeah, you should keep using beark=top...23:31
evonise`empk ill try it now23:31
evonise`empand this: echo 'options libata dma=0' >> /etc/modprobe.d/options23:31
evonise`empwhat does that do actually23:31
PsynoKhi0Name141: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-xubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/ <- something like that? note that it requires windows23:31
=== FitnessFirst is now known as cranky
=== cranky is now known as FitnessFirst
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: from the looks of it it tells the part of Ubuntu that controls your drives to stop using a setting your drives cannot use23:34
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, k i did that echo, its loading the installer now,23:34
evonise`emphm ok23:34
onewartxubuntu, fuck yeah!23:34
PsynoKhi0if that sounded confusing it's ok, I'm not sure I know how to explain it in proper terms23:34
whitesmithlol @ onewart - Agreed.23:34
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, if this doesnt work, any ideas what can be the problem?23:34
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, haha no problem mate!23:35
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: if it doesn't work I don't know, really... either try to dig more info on the net, try another distro, get a new comp, give up... the possibilities are endless :P23:38
evonise`empPsynoKhi0 lol23:39
evonise`empit freezed again23:40
evonise`empon 23% this time23:40
evonise`empdamn this! :D23:40
PsynoKhi0alt f4?23:40
evonise`empand  then?23:40
PsynoKhi0shows anything?23:40
evonise`empi did that last time23:40
evonise`empoh let met ry23:40
evonise`empjust like last time23:40
evonise`empsome other guy that helped me before said look in the installer logs23:41
PsynoKhi023% of copying stuff?23:41
evonise`empor something23:41
evonise`empyes, exactly23:41
evonise`empits been 24%, 22%, 23$23:41
evonise`empall of those23:41
PsynoKhi0I mean, the harddrive had been partitioned?23:42
evonise`empyes before that23:42
evonise`empit did that23:42
evonise`empalthough sometimes it crashed during that23:43
evonise`empand once it crashed during keyboard layout23:43
evonise`empsetting stuff23:43
PsynoKhi0ok one last try, then I'm out of ideas23:43
PsynoKhi0you're gonna do the same as before: select install, press F623:44
evonise`empbut i dont understand, i thought i hadthis bug23:44
evonise`empok yes sorry ;p23:44
PsynoKhi0after pressing F6, select noapic nolapic, then press escape23:44
PsynoKhi0and enter the following:23:45
evonise`empso: noapic and nolapic?23:45
PsynoKhi0hang on, lost the paper I had written something on23:46
evonise`empoh lol :o23:46
PsynoKhi0ah there it is... after pressing esc to close the little menu, type:23:46
PsynoKhi0xforcevesa all_generic_ide break=top23:47
evonise`empafter --23:47
evonise`empa space after that? or doesnt that matter23:47
PsynoKhi0no space, it's alrady there23:49
evonise`empye i c23:49
evonise`empok ill hit enter ;p23:49
PsynoKhi0not that it would break anything with extra space afaik but think of your keys' life span!! :P23:50
PsynoKhi0Name141: getting your usb drive up?23:50
evonise`empso what now? since the break=top23:50
evonise`empim in the busybox23:50
evonise`empPsynoKhi0 ?23:52
evonise`empehm, what now, im in the busybox23:53
PsynoKhi0still the echo thingie23:53
evonise`empoh ok23:53
evonise`empits loading the installer now23:55
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, but what i dont understand, im having the exact bug as described on that site, why isnt it working23:55
PsynoKhi0no idea =/23:56
evonise`empthey also say: Still occurs for 8.10 Alpha5. Occurs when booting with "all_generic_ide" option, as well.23:57
evonise`empPsynoKhi0, Same issue on Acer Aspire 1310 ... (my laptop :P)23:57
PsynoKhi0evonise`emp: I know, notice that the message appears before the break=top suggestion23:58
PsynoKhi0so all_generic_ide on its own didn't help23:58
evonise`empPsynoKhi0 k, what about the via chip they are talking about23:59

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