
BlueChiliyou may try to download the plugin manually00:01
BlueChiliseevee: what's the uotput of: ls /usr/lib/mozilla00:01
L3dany one know a good ati 9000 drv ??00:01
L3dits sommetin ubuntu changed right ?00:02
BlueChiliseevee: sorry it's ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:02
L3dupd manager ?00:02
BlueChiliL3d: there's a problem with Xorg and ati drivers00:03
L3dim gona search00:03
L3d.. damn double clicks00:03
L3deh ticks ..00:04
BlueChiliL3d: the solution it's to roll back xorg to the previous version, the one shipped with Intrepid if I recall00:04
L3d8.04 ? can u say what version xorg?00:05
BlueChiliL3d: 8.10's version00:05
L3dwil do and i gued00:06
L3dgues its just the prev version00:06
L3dthnx man00:06
seeveeBluechili: ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins gives flashplugin-alternative.so00:07
BlueChiliL3d: ok, google it a bit, it should come up within the top reults00:07
BlueChiliseevee: whatś happens is that you have installed a version of flash, probably from gnash, so the alternatives and the propietary plash plugin don't get along00:08
nikitisIs there a good web page designer for linux?00:09
BlueChiliseevee: on your package manager search for flash, remove any plugin, gnash, swfdec or whatever00:09
seeveeBlueChili: ok, but the package manager gives me the bomb nearly every time I run it.00:10
BlueChiliseeve: that may act as a flash alternative, then again do a sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:13
seeveeok. in process.00:14
BlueChiliseevee: if the package manager it's kicking you, open konsole and use aptitude ;)00:15
seeveeBlueChili: You rock!00:15
seeveeit's running.00:16
seeveeI removed in pkg mgr and ran the apt-get command, restarted firefox, and it works.00:16
BlueChiliseevee: nice :)00:17
BlueChili!info kopmoze00:24
ubottuPackage kopmoze does not exist in jaunty00:24
BlueChili!info kompoze00:24
ubottuPackage kompoze does not exist in jaunty00:24
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typ30n3gativ3how do i back up my kmail?00:49
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emarusHey there everyone - I've got Ubuntu 9.04 installed (also tried this on 8.1) and the NIC that I'm using is a 3com 3c900-tpo. It's not being recognized as an 'eth' but rather as 'pan0'. I can't use it at all. Any ideas?01:59
Serpardumyou try googling for something like "eth pan0 nic ubuntu" ?02:02
Serpardumand you might want to try in #ubuntu02:02
akSeyaguys.. i have some problem with with my touchpad.. probably you all may know what I'll say next..02:12
akSeyawhile I'm typing, if I touch it with my hand, it clicks elsewhere02:13
wirechief_akSeya: what lappy ?02:13
akSeyait's an Acer Aspire 592002:13
wirechief_ah ha02:13
wirechief_using fn f7 might toggle it on/off02:14
akSeyayeah.. but I don't want to turn it off..02:14
wirechief_it worked on my Acer Aspire one02:14
wirechief_hehe well ok02:14
wirechief_google synclient02:15
akSeyai was trying to use gsynaptics to configure it.. but had no success02:15
wirechief_there are tricks for making it wait a few seconds before moving02:15
fg56lxIs there any other type of package management besides kpackagekit? (like the old add/remove or aptitude in 8.10)02:15
wirechief_i use a external mouse, that mousepad is a total disaster when trying to type02:16
eamonnHey, I have an annoying issue with kpackagekit, anyone know if its common?02:18
emarusThanks Serpardum - I've tried both of those things, to no avail... It's a curious problem02:19
eamonnAnyone have a problem with kpackagekit, one that results in it telling you that a synched process took too long, and that they need to fork?02:22
rodolfojcjgood night <---> buenas noches02:22
rodolfojcjgreetings for everyone <---> saludos para todos02:22
eamonnNo bites?  Darn.02:24
eamonnDoes anyone have a consise way to apply the alredy cached updates with apt, then?02:25
eamonnWhat do you do on an IRC server other then talk!?02:27
bazhangeamonn, support for Kubuntu OS here, chit chat in #kubuntu-offtopic02:28
eamonnIf anyone wants me to stfu and go away, just say so :(02:28
eamonnHello, anybody there?02:29
bazhangyes, support question eamonn ?02:30
eamonnI can hear my own echo in here...02:30
fetusbubblejust for the sake of it.02:31
fetusbubble18:21:51 | < eamonn> Anyone have a problem with kpackagekit, one that results in it telling you that a synched process took too long, and that they need to fork?02:31
eamonnYeah.  I was not sure if I was connected.02:31
eamonnAnyhow, anybody know about that?02:32
eamonnI would not be surprised if someone'd fixed the bug, but I can't do anything about it, as the bug manifests it's self as I try to apply updates!02:32
eamonnI never had a problem with Adept, up to and including the point at which I used it to upgrade.02:33
m4vI get that bug sometimes, I just ignore it and fire up apt-get02:33
akSeyai changed the some configurations on xorg.conf, but synclient changes are not working at all02:33
eamonnHow do I apply the cached updates with apt-get?02:34
akSeyafor example, a simple synclient -m 100 should show some info about pressure on the touchpad02:34
m4veamonn: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"02:34
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m4veamonn: probably the upgrade is enough though02:34
rodolfojcjdo you know how to set a transparent taskbar with KDE 4.2 Kubuntu 9.04 ???02:35
eamonnSomeone prolly fixed the bug?  Thanks.02:35
fetusbubblehas anyone ever heard of random letters being inputed during high load.. even if i haven't touched the keyboard?02:36
eamonnIt decided to keep back four updates regarding lunix headers.  Is this normal?02:37
eamonnNo, though sometimes it randomly clicks, putting my cursor in the middle of a word.02:37
m4veamonn: yes, if you do want to update the kernel use apt-get dist-upgrade02:37
eamonnit did something02:38
eamonnI can't dump all of the text here, but let me see...02:38
m4v!paste | eamonn02:38
ubottueamonn: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:38
fg57lxIs there any package manager in 9.04 like the old add/remove and aptitude package managers in 8.10?02:38
eamonnYeah, we want the old packagers back, KPK fails :(02:39
akSeyaserv identify g4br13l02:39
m4vyou can install adept02:39
eamonnit tells me that there is a corrupted filesystem tarfile02:39
fg57lxeamonn: Yes, KPK is very lame.02:39
eamonnAnd... oh no, corrupted package archive02:40
fg57lxIt just intalled fine for me.02:40
eamonnrrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/cups_1.3.9-17ubuntu3.2_i386.deb02:40
fg57lxTry downloading the .deb from the ubuntu package database.02:40
akSeyanice... :S02:41
m4vis hard to guess without the complete error log02:41
fg57lxeamonn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/adept There you go.02:41
eamonnThat would be nice if my package man was not crashing on me :(02:41
eamonnI tried it with kpackage kit, hit the same brick wall that it always does.02:42
fg57lxIs there not an add/remove anymore though? So you can browse through each category?02:42
eamonnI don't know.  I also don't know if I should just call it a loss, move my files, and install a clean OS02:43
eamonnCoulden't it be a persistant problem with OOword or something?  It had to be the package maniger...02:44
eamonnAnyone know where I can find a non-corrupt copy of "cups_1.3.9-17ubuntu3.2_i386.deb"?02:45
eamonnSo, nobody has anything new to add?02:46
eamonn(again, stop me if I get annoying)02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about add/remove02:47
bazhangbest to wait more than a minute to get an answer.02:47
eamonnI'll see what add/remove programs is called, hold on02:49
Daemonany way to download youtube videos ?02:50
eamonnThere are several ways.02:50
eamonnDo you have flash and everything?02:51
eamonn(Firefox with the flash plugin)02:51
Daemoneamonn: yup02:51
bazhangyoutube-dl Daemon02:51
bazhang!info youtube-dl | Daemon02:51
ubottuDaemon: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB02:51
eamonnYou win.02:52
bazhangDaemon, youtube-dl -t url02:52
akSeyaany idea why synclient changes are not working on the fly? here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m5a9c9b6802:53
eamonnApt-get only downloads the packages, or does it install them also?02:53
Daemonbazhang: ty is that a synaptic package or command line02:53
eamonnSearch for it in synaptic.02:53
bazhangDaemon, I think you mean gui or command line; sudo apt-get install youtube-dl (use from the Konsole) ; apt-cache search youtube will give some results as well02:54
eamonnOhh, meticafe DL too... just in case someone wanted to DL from that.02:54
Daemonsweetnes thanks guys02:55
akSeyait does not work on the fly, and changes are lost after restart :@02:55
akSeyaI really don't get it...02:56
Daemonbazhang: any tips to using youtube-dl or were to find it02:57
eamonnWhat would be the command (or commands) to make apt install any upgrades or updates?02:58
eamonntry typing "man youtube-dl" into your terminal.  "man foo" will find foo's manual pages, and show them to you.02:59
bazhang Daemon, youtube-dl -t url02:59
bazhangDaemon, I think you mean gui or command line; sudo apt-get install youtube-dl (use from the Konsole) ; apt-cache search youtube will give some results as well02:59
eamonnHe means where in his GUI03:00
eamonnnot where to find the package03:00
david_got an apt-get lock can't undo...forgot all the different ways to fix...anyone remind me pls?03:00
david_apt-get install -f doesn't work, neither does dpkg --configure -a03:01
bazhang!aptfix | david_03:01
ubottudavid_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:01
Daemonbazhang: ok i have installed the youtube-dl package now how do i use it03:02
eamonnman youtube-dl03:02
Daemoneamonn: what is man03:03
eamonnDaemon: it is a command to look up the manual page of the command.03:04
david_bazhang: thank you, system unlocked now :-)03:04
eamonnDaemon: Type man man, it'll explain it's self (skip the complicated-looking part and read the description)03:04
bazhangDaemon, no need to man; in konsole (command line), type : youtube-dl -t (url of the video you want to download here)03:05
eamonnDaemon: When I say 'type', I mean open up a terminal and type it.03:05
Daemonlemme try it03:06
bazhangDaemon, you need a youtube url to do it with.03:06
Daemonbazhang: seems to be working now were do i find my videos03:09
bazhangDaemon, check your home folder03:09
bittinsomone here knows anything about wvdail?03:13
Daemonbazhang: any way to get a better quality video?03:13
bazhangDaemon, from youtube?03:14
Daemonbazhang: yes sir03:14
bazhangDaemon, afaik their video quality is quite low03:15
BluesKajyoutube does have an HD section03:18
glennwhipmy processor: AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58, should i be using 64bit version or is 32 bit OK?03:19
kaotikzenyou can use either03:21
glennwhipi've been using 32bit but i just wanted to be sure03:22
kaotikzenyou might find 64 bit to be a bit faster03:24
kaotikzenmight is an operative word there though03:24
bittinsomone know how to get mobile broadband to work with wvdail?03:25
glennwhipseems it's harder to find programs for 64bit03:25
glennwhipthis kde 4.3 rc is a nice piece of work03:26
linuxman410is kde 4.3 included in karmic 9.1003:27
linuxman410cool downloading now03:27
bittinhere is the error: http://pastebin.se/19847103:35
fg56lxIs there any reason that updates would be rediculously slow? I get great down speeds usually, but im installing quite a few programs and its going very slow. Over an hour to fetch 70mb.03:42
akSeyai see some sites about installing kde3 on kubuntu 9.04 , the problem is that they point to http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/ and I get only ERROR 403 on that site03:49
akSeyais there any other way to install kde3 on kubuntu 9.04?03:49
akSeyaor should I stay with 8.04?03:50
fg56lxakSeya: There is the KDE3.5 remix of 9.04.03:52
terettes15i need help03:53
fetusbubblewhat with?03:53
fg56lx!question | terettes1503:53
ubottuterettes15: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:53
terettes15installing programs. every time i try to install one it gives me this message - There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.03:54
akSeyafg56lx, but since I already have 9.04 installed, isn't there a way to install kde3.5 over it?03:54
akSeyai found some how to, but as I said, they refers to that site...03:54
terettes15i have tried everything to fix it but nothing is working03:54
danneien español03:55
glennwhipakSeya: why you want 3.5 ... 4.3 is so much better03:55
fg56lxakSeya: I'm pretty sure there is.03:55
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fg56lxglennwhip: Not at all. KDE4 is horrible.03:55
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akSeyaglennwhip, it has some nice visual features...03:56
fg56lxBut this isnt the place for that discussion.03:56
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terettes15and i have been on here many times and no one answers me back03:56
akSeyabut I don't like it.. this visual features are not really necessary03:56
fg56lxakSeya: you should be able to just add the kde3 repos, and then 'sudo apt-get install kde3-desktop03:56
stephensdoes anyone know how to make a program use a certain network interface?03:57
fetusbubbleis there any difference between using aptitude and apt-get?03:57
stephensdannei: hola. Solo hablas espanol?03:57
glennwhipsorry just saying i liked 3.5 but now that i've used 4.x and got used to it is getting better03:57
akSeyafg56lx, yeap.. i tried that, but it said that that repo doesnt have the public signature03:57
terettes15me fetusbubble?03:58
danneisi, dime por favor donde consigo para chat en español03:58
stephens!es | dannei03:58
ubottudannei: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:58
fetusbubbleno, that was directed at everyone03:58
akSeyaI found that the pgp should be in http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/public.gpg .. but as I said.. forbidden :(03:59
bittinno iam going to bed and trying to fix it when iam more non tired03:59
fg56lxfetusbubble: aptitude and apt-get are the same thing03:59
terettes15im trying to install programs. every time i try to install one it gives me this message - There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.04:00
fg56lxakSeya: I wouldnt recommend using the 3.5 remix anyway. I tried it at first because i was appauled at kde4.1, and i encounted problems almost every day with the 3.5remix.04:01
stephensterettes15: I just ignore it. I checked a few times, and could not find a problem04:01
terettes15damn i cant instal any programs than04:01
stephensterettes15: try running sudo apt-get update in a a terminal04:01
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stephenspastebin the output04:01
stephens!pastebin > terettes1504:02
ubottuterettes15, please see my private message04:02
fg56lxI would either recommend sticking with 8.04, switching to gnome, or updating from kde 4.2 to 4.3(4.2.95) There is quite a difference between them and 4.3 is actually pretty nice.04:02
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terettes15tekteen: i have tried to update it through my terminal it didnt work04:05
tekteenterettes15: you need to pastebin your output04:05
terettes15how do i do that04:05
tekteenI had ubottu send you the pastebin link04:05
tekteen!pastebin > terettes1504:06
ubottuterettes15, please see my private message04:06
terettes15oh ok04:06
akSeyafg56lx, looks like the site is up again.. now I'm able to apt-get update04:06
akSeyaalready downloading kubuntu-desktop-kde3 ... hope it works ;)04:06
terettes15tekteen: im sorry im still learning what do you mean my output?04:06
fg56lxakSeya: I hope it works better for you than me. I just had problem after problem. And you cant get help here in the irc since its apparently ALOT different than kde4.04:07
tekteenyou type sudo apt-get update in a terminal. Then a lot of lines are printed. I need to know what it said.04:07
terettes15tekteen: ok i now pasted it what do i do now?04:09
tekteengive me the link04:09
tekteenI am sure ubottu said that :-\04:10
terettes15no sorry04:10
terettes15i think thats it04:11
tekteenterettes15: the link to what you posted?04:11
terettes15tekteen: did it work?04:12
tekteenterettes15: did you click paste?04:13
tekteenif so, give me the url you are on right now04:14
terettes15that should be it. i clicked paste04:15
tekteendid you click paste after pasting it?04:15
tekteenterettes15: do it again. Put a name in the poster field04:15
Serpardumwht's the command to create a link?04:16
tekteenSerpardum: ln04:16
tekteenln -s for a symbolic link04:16
Serpardumln for LiNk  kay, thanks04:16
Serpardumwhat's diff between symbolic and regular?04:16
terettes15tekteen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212363/04:16
SerpardumI've heard of symbolic links and that's what I've always thought of links as.04:16
tekteenSerpardum: regular is hard wired. That means that neither one is more "real" then the other04:17
tekteenbut they need to be on the same partition04:17
SerpardumOh, kinda like making a diectory entry pointing to the real entry.  got it04:17
tekteensymbolic links are pointers to the "real" file04:17
Serpardumkay, thanks04:18
tekteenSerpardum: there was no error :-\04:18
tekteenoops, wrong person04:18
tekteenterettes15:  there was no error :-\04:18
tekteenterettes15: now do sudo apt-get upgrade04:19
tekteenterettes15: did that cmd print any errors?04:21
tekteenterettes15: then you should be good04:21
terettes15tekteen: now its saying some pachages could not be autheticated04:22
tekteendon't worry04:22
terettes15but when i go into adept installer i still get the same message and it wont let me install any of my programs04:23
tekteenterettes15: I do not know why04:24
fg56lxIs there any way to edit what is in the kmenu?04:24
tekteenterettes15: the issue is wit the gui. Not the your system04:24
terettes15i just need a new computer04:24
tekteenfg56lx: kmenueditor?04:24
tekteenfg56lx: kmenuedit04:25
fg56lx"Package kmenuedit is not available, but is referred to by another package"04:25
tekteenI already have it installed04:25
tekteendid you check?04:25
fg56lxAh, i did have it, just didnt have an icon for it in the editor.04:26
* tekteen needs to go04:26
terettes15tekteen: is there anyone else that might be able to help me04:26
tekteenterettes15: maybe04:26
tekteenI just waited until the update that fixed it04:27
tekteenyou prob have an old version of kubuntu?04:27
terettes15yeah i do. this computer could hold anything else04:27
linuxman410how old is your computer04:29
terettes15my computer was rebiult from a windows xp computer04:31
linuxman410what are the specs04:32
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terettes15linuxman410: will you be on later04:32
linuxman410maybe if not i will be on early in morning04:33
terettes15ok cause i have to go04:33
KDeskI want to download the source kdebase deb package of KDE 4.3rc that is used in Jaunty, where can I get it? Is it the same as the one of Karmic?04:46
eamonnI try to open firefox, and it tells me "Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*."04:46
Serpardumeamonn: https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4425504:51
SerpardumI just googled for "compatible GRE between version" with quotes and it came up04:52
Serpardumgoogle is your friend04:52
eamonnWell, how do you know that I have a working browser at all ;)04:52
fg56lxHow can i diable the firefox icon in the system tray?04:52
Serpardumbecause one comes with kubuntu and this is #kubuntu04:52
eamonnI also googled it.  They told me to order it to "sudo xulrunner-1.9 --register-global", I did, and it was fixed.04:52
eamonnGoogle is, in deed, my friend :)04:52
eamonnAlso, I'd suggest to everyone to have at least two browsers installed, in case one fails.04:53
SerpardumI always do04:53
Serpardumin windows, in linux, wheverever04:53
eamonnWhat is a good secondary for vanilla ubuntu?  Opera?04:53
Serpardumalthough you can ftp to netscape.com and ftp a browser there04:53
SerpardumI wonder if that's still active04:54
fg56lxSerpardum: Well, both Dolphin and Konqueror can browse the web, and they are both installed by default.04:54
eamonnIf you are a guru.04:54
eamonnBut if you are a guru, you probably won't have a problem in the first place.04:54
SerpardumI could never figure out how to put in a url in dolphin04:54
eamonnDolphin can browse?04:54
eamonnDidn't bill gates try that?04:54
eamonnYeah, and when he did it, it landed him in anti-trust court.04:55
* fetusbubble tries it out of curiousity04:55
Serpardumbut he did it anyway04:55
eamonnBy implimenting that, is dolphin admitting that it is a good idea?04:55
eamonnBecause I still think that it is a dumb idea.04:55
eamonnI think that you should have a GUI program, and subprograms that are connected via pipes that do the browsing/file messing.04:56
SerpardumI can't figure out how to open a web site in dolphin04:56
fetusbubble"Dolphin does not support web pages, the web browser has been launched"04:56
Serpardumhow did you type in the url fetusbubble?04:56
fetusbubbleSerpardum: right click on the location, edit, http://www.google.com04:56
eamonnSpeaking of windows, on an other (fast) machine, I'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu.04:57
eamonnI'm so proud of ubuntu... it runs most of the games that I could find better.04:57
eamonn(Namely OpenGL games, such as Nexuiz and Assault Cube)04:58
fetusbubbleexcept for the ones without a linux port or that don't play too well with wine ];04:58
Serpardumnever heard of Assult Cube04:58
Serpardumor Nexuis really04:58
fg56lxHow can i diable the firefox icon in the system tray?04:58
Serpardumdelte it04:58
eamonnHaven't tried many WINE games...04:58
eamonn(on that comp anyway)04:58
Serpardumright click, delete04:59
Serpardumer, no04:59
fg56lxThere is no delete.04:59
Serpardumhmm... left click and delete key?04:59
SerpardumIf orget04:59
eamonnI wish Tiberian Sun worked on WINE...04:59
Serpardumlet me get linux desktop up04:59
fg56lxSerpardum: This is in the "system tray"04:59
eamonnLeft click, select "do not display"04:59
Serpardumoh you need to remove it04:59
eamonnOn the KDE bar thing its...04:59
eamonnRight click, Ctl+R05:00
Serpardumright click and quit05:00
fg56lxLeft click does nothing, neither does right click ctlr+r.05:00
eamonnWhat are you clicking on?05:00
fetusbubblespeaking of that.. is there any way to run pidgin in the background on KDE? on gnome i know there's a 'notification area' thingie for the panels.. but on KDE it's totally different o.O05:01
eamonnThe Icon in question, right?05:01
eamonnThere is a system tray05:01
eamonnLet me see what the name of the toy is05:01
fg56lxI found it.05:01
eamonnYeah, it is system tray05:01
fg56lxHad to hide that.05:01
eamonnThe pastebin thing is so cool, btw05:01
eamonnBeing able to switch between copied strings05:02
eamonnBack on windows, I had to have a notepad window open as scratch paper :P05:02
eamonnhey, if I want to reinstall cupsd, what command would that be?05:03
eamonn"apt-get install cupsd"?05:03
eamonnMy existing copy seems to be corrupt05:03
eamonnHey, if anyone is having trouble with minimised apps not showing up05:05
eamonnThe solution is to add the "task manager" widget to the bar.  That took me so long to figure out, and I'd hate for anyone else to have to.05:06
MakkaPakkaNot sure if this belongs in here, or #kde:   dpkg: error processing ... kdebase-runtime... trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu', which is also in package kdesudo05:09
MakkaPakkaThats coming from following the 4.2.4 note in the /topic05:10
MakkaPakkaHow do I fix it?05:10
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silentContenderHow do I fix this error? "Object::connect: No such signal KLineEdit::downPressed() in /build/buildd/amarok-2.1.1mysql5.1.30/amarok-2.1.1/src/widgets/ProgressiveSearchWidget.cpp:5705:47
silentContenderQSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set"05:47
racecar56why is pidgin starting up every time i start kde, i dont want it to do that05:58
darthanubisracecar56: close pidgin before you logoff06:03
darthanubiskde remembers running programs06:03
yogaAfter upgard to KDE 4.3 RC1, my Task Manager does not show any task at all.06:13
racecar56_darthanubis: is it possible to make it not remember it/ignore pidgin/something06:13
QuantumKaoshi guys, what about a good netbook for linux?06:14
COm_BOYAcer Aspire One06:20
QuantumKaosand with what distro?06:20
COm_BOYis better then others netbooks06:20
COm_BOYplz dont go for ASUS EE PC06:20
QuantumKaossure ill not :D06:21
QuantumKaostrust me :D06:21
QuantumKaosbut could u explain further?06:21
COm_BOYthere are quite a lot of netbooks06:23
darthanubisracecar56_: I told you06:23
darthanubisracecar56: close pidgin before you logoff06:23
COm_BOYlike... IBM , MSI Wind.. and almost every vendor is offering netbooks now a days06:23
QuantumKaosCOm_BOY: u kiddin me or what? i no, i just want to know why u suggest aspire06:25
COm_BOYbecause I like it :D06:25
copprofirefox has some serious rendering issues: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/8572/badtabs.png06:35
fetusbubblemaybe it's just biased.06:37
copproIt's been like this since Ubuntu shipped the new, hideous theme06:39
skreechQuantumKaos: ASUS Is in the dog house now07:18
QuantumKaoswho let it out?07:19
QuantumKaoswoof woof07:19
skreechQuantumKaos: sold a few million LInux EEE PCs infact the EEE PCs got on the map because they were Linux devices and now they are shouting out Linux on the netbook market and only offering WIndows XP and WIndows 707:20
skreechLinux community isn't happy with them07:20
skreechQuantumKaos: what's important to you in a netbook?07:21
skreechor HP actually07:22
QuantumKaoshmmm... DS!07:23
skreechin any case07:24
skreechI'm out!07:24
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khaije|amaltcould someone try to connect to http://basillica.dontexist.net pls?07:35
khaije|amaltit shouldn't be accessible, but i can't tell if my gw is doing local loopback or if it's misconfigured07:36
namelezzdo we have changing of  log on screen like windows07:37
namelezz do we have changing of  log on screen like windows?07:40
divobtechsomeone can say me how to answer a specific personne On quassel Irc07:40
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
namelezzon ubuntu 8.04 u can change the log on screen07:42
namelezzcan u do it on ubuntu 907:42
divobtechnamelezz you talk with me?07:43
namelezzyes........on ubuntu 8.04 u can change the log on screen .......can u change it on ubuntu 9???07:44
namelezz<divodtech>yes........on ubuntu 8.04 u can change the log on screen .......can u change it on ubuntu 9???07:46
kasperooney namelezz: it is possible to change the log on screen and also the splash screen on ubuntu 9.04 :)07:47
namelezz<kasperooney>how can i do it??07:48
namelezz<kasperooney>change the log on screen picture07:48
kasperooney namelezz: i suppose u know that u can select the log in screen from system-->administration-->login window?07:49
jussi01!tab | namelezz07:49
ubottunamelezz: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:49
kasperooney namelezz: search google for login screens07:49
divobtech__-osh-__: divobtech07:50
kasperooney namelezz: and then point the downloaded theme in the login window07:50
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=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
Mist_Under Kubuntu 9.04, is it the usb-creator or the usb-imagewriter to use in order to make a bootable usb flash drive with for example mix install of Ubuntu with an IMG file?08:42
Mist_guide refers to gnome ubuntu and adminstration->system so kubuntu doesn't have that setup he he.08:43
jussi01Mist_: if you have an img file, then its the writer, if you have an iso its the creator09:00
Mist_jussi01: thanks :) I  installed creator and was looking for img file. Didn't notice untill u said it now that is is for iso ^^09:01
Mist_im about to install on an nc10 :P09:02
Mist_samsung nc10 seem feel very nice. No wonder it is in the top with the asus 1000he09:06
Mist_now.. why don't I use unetbotin for instead.. good question Mist_ :P very good question indeed. I must have alzheimers 0o09:12
Mist_ah.. I don't. Because it doesn't have 9.04 available it seems.09:14
Mist_sorry for talking to myself, I just like to share information around me in case anyone learn from it by accidently picking it up :)09:16
=== ruebenjo is now known as Bla
=== SolusChristus is now known as Autoscum
AutoscumDoes anyone have any experience with Wine? I'm trying to run a Windows game, it runs perfectly until it wants a CD.09:44
AutoscumThere are no working cracks for it.09:44
AutoscumI set the drive in Wine, select the directory it's mounted in and nothing happens.09:45
vinay-Indiacheck www.winehq.org for compatibility09:45
AutoscumCompatibility with what? :/09:47
vinay-Indiai know little09:47
AutoscumYeah, it is compatible.09:47
AutoscumThere are screenshots. :)09:47
vinay-Indiaohh so u have issues with virtual drives?09:49
AutoscumIssues with virtual drives. :)09:52
AutoscumOh, wait.09:53
AutoscumThe ISO doesn't mount. :(09:53
AutoscumI use the mount /mnt/iso/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop009:53
AutoscumThen when I go to the directory, it's empty.09:54
eyebexhey, does anyone know how to scale prints in okular? I have a pdf-document sized 152 x 229 mm and when i print it on a din a4 paper it does not scale up to fit the page correctly. it works with adobe reader09:54
Autoscumeyebex: Have you read the documentation? :)09:55
AutoscumIt should be there.09:56
=== Evil_DuDe_ is now known as Evil_DuDe
eyebexthx i'll try09:57
pavan_vinay-India: :09:59
vinay-Indiaru from blr?09:59
vinay-Indiaru Pavan Keshavamurthy??09:59
eyebexi searched the ubuntuusers.de wiki but there's nothing about it. is there any other? i even can't find it on okular.kde.org10:00
Autoscumeyebex: Try the "Help" button :)10:03
vinay-Indiapress F1 lols10:05
eyebexi read it before but there's no information about it10:07
vinay-Indiamay be okular at present does not support that10:07
eyebexwhat is miss is the option "scale to page size " or something like that in the print-window10:08
=== ubuntu is now known as heroid
vinay-Indiaso u wanna resize the document eyebex??10:12
eyebexyes, i want to fit the text to the din A4 page without big borders. Adobe Reader and also evince does that10:14
vinay-Indiacompared to adobe pdf reader okular is 2 simple10:14
Autoscumvinay-India: привет, товарищ10:14
eyebex(while evince slides the text a bit)10:14
vinay-Indiathat is russian sccript10:14
vinay-India ????????10:17
vinay-Indiaeyebex: y don't u use printer options10:19
eyebexwhich options do you mean exactly?10:21
vinay-Indiaeven most printers have all such options10:21
teiwazanybody try to instal Fallout 3 in kubuntu?10:21
teiwazнарод, кто нить устанавливал 3 далаут на кубунту?10:22
Autoscumteiwaz: It will probably work10:24
Autoscumteiwaz: Hold on, I'll try to run it with Wine10:24
eyebexi have a brother dcp 135 but there are no options to scale size10:25
teiwazAutoscum, i'll try thank10:25
heroidWere planing a conferenc in august Free Software Conference visit our website10:25
FloodBotK2heroid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
AutoscumSorry, didn't work. :(10:26
=== mikro is now known as dharman
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:29
fg56lxAnyone have any tips on getting an Atheros wireless chipset to work?10:32
Peace-fg56lx: here works10:36
Peace-fg56lx: need of help for that?10:36
=== nhnFreespirit is now known as nhn
fg56lxIt jsut works out of the box for you?10:36
Peace-well yes but sometimes ath5k doesn't work for a fucking bug i think10:36
Peace-it doesn't show the network10:36
fg56lxIve gotten it to work twice. Most of the time i just cant get it to work.10:36
Peace-i dunno why10:37
fg56lxThats what happens to me.10:37
fg56lxIt just wont see any networks.10:37
fg56lxEven my router that is 6 inches form the laptop.10:37
Peace-well i have used madwifi10:37
fg56lxAnd if i enter the ssid manually, it says nosignal.10:37
Peace-yea yeah10:37
fg56lxHow can i install that? I've tried using the "hardware drivers" but it never works.10:37
Peace-i know10:37
fg56lxOk, glad im not the only one that happens to!10:38
Peace-just a second i will give you my link10:38
fg56lxThank you very much.10:38
Peace-wtf this damned but that i hate10:38
Peace-*damned bug10:38
Peace-fg56lx: lokk at my blog here http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/06/kubuntu-904-atheros-communications-inc-ar242x-80211abg-wireless-pci-express-adapter-rev-01/10:39
Bauldrickhow can i remove old icons from kickoff application launcher?10:39
fg56lxPeace-: Ok, Im following your guide and I get this "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.10:46
fg56lxDoes that mean it didnt work, or that it did and thats just a warning or what?10:46
fg56lxThat happened when I tried "sudo modprobe ath_pci"10:46
Peace-fg56lx: which version of kubuntu ?10:47
Peace-you should write blacklist.conf10:47
fg56lxThats what I did. I did "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf10:48
fg56lxand added the blacklist ath5k.10:49
fg56lxPeace-: I followed your guide, and it's still not working.10:52
fg57lxPeace-: I restarted, and its still not working.10:55
=== stephen is now known as Guest11720
blackflagHello all :) OT Im looking for a alternaive for ampache where I have file upload. Someone knows  a good webased software? Or can give me a hint for wath software type I have to look? Can someone help?11:00
Peace-fg56lx: sorry i was out11:02
fg57lxNot a problem.11:02
Peace-fg56lx: lsmod | grep ath11:02
Peace-fg56lx: mm sudo rmmod ath5k11:05
Peace-fg56lx: looks like you have not blacklisted ath5k anyway..11:06
Peace-fg56lx: mm sudo rmmod ath5k11:06
fg57lxPeace-: "The program 'mm' can be found in the following packages:11:06
Peace-fg56lx: without mm...11:07
Peace-fg56lx:  mm = mumble11:07
fg57lxOk, did that command,.11:08
Peace-iwlist ath0 scan11:08
arkwired_who install paket .tar.gz???11:08
Peace-arkwired_: ?11:08
fg57lxPeace-: ath0      Interface doesn't support scanning.11:08
Peace-wow :)11:08
Peace-fg56lx: iwconfig11:08
arkwired_i am not speak inglish good11:09
Peace-arkwired_: on kubuntu you can install only deb11:09
arkwired_and ubuntu?11:10
fg57lxPeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212619/ and also, after I did that last command there is no longer a "wireless" tab in the network manager widget11:10
eagles0513875arkwired_: what language do you speak11:10
eagles0513875!es | arkwired_11:11
ubottuarkwired_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:11
Peace-fg57lx: lspci | grep Ath11:11
fg57lxPeace-: 07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)11:11
eagles0513875de nada arkwired_11:11
Peace-fg57lx: omg you have the same of mine11:12
Peace-fg57lx: please read better the documentations... i have posted that card works for sure11:12
Peace-fg57lx: anway11:12
fg57lxI followed your guide to the letter.11:12
Peace-fg57lx: i don't think so because you have not blacklisted ath5k11:12
Peace-fg57lx: that is proved by your lsmod | grep ath11:13
fg57lxI did blacklist it. And that is proved by this; http://paste.ubuntu.com/212624/11:14
arkwired_a have tp link 56mb wi-fi ,pci card athero work good11:14
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
=== arkwired_ is now known as arkwired
=== computer is now known as frozen_flame
Peace-fg57lx: you should answer to this , why you have ath5k on your lsmod if it's blacklisteed..11:17
fg57lxI dont know.11:17
frozen_flamehow are you?11:17
Peace-fg57lx: you have made something of word that is the answer11:17
Peace-fg57lx: dude i have right now that wifi card11:17
fg57lxPeace-: Are you saying im lieing to you?11:18
Peace-and it's working fine with ath_pci11:18
fg57lxWhy would I do that? Why would i purposfully do something like that when I am the one trying to get help?11:18
Peace-i have not said you are lieing11:19
fg57lxThat pastebin is the full content of my "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" no more, no less.11:19
Peace-i have said you have made someting of wrong11:19
fg57lxHow? I copy/pasted everything on your guide.11:19
Peace-well if you have done right you should get only a driver: ath_pci11:19
Peace-and iwconfig should show you ath0 interface11:20
fg57lxI did just what your guide shows, and the only error that ever occured was the "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release."11:20
Peace-fg57lx: i don't know it's your business now . that is the way11:21
Peace-and it works on kubuntu 9.0411:21
Peace-for sure11:21
fg57lxApparently it doesnt work on kubuntu 9.04 for sure.11:21
Jontyis there a cannoical kde backup manager?11:24
Jontyor even kubuntu?11:24
Peace-fg57lx: well untill you use 2 drivers11:24
Peace-for sure it doesn't work11:24
fg57lxI blacklisted the driver, i don't know why its saying i didnt.11:25
Peace-lsb_release -a11:26
fg57lxAnd here is me going through your tutorial, word for word. http://paste.ubuntu.com/212644/11:28
bradleywhen i go to myspace's app youcams, i try to connect my mic, the flash settings thing comes up and wont let me do anything11:29
bradleyany help11:29
bradleysom1 pls help11:31
Peace-fg57lx:  and that error apperars only on fedora forum and some sidux forum ... http://www.sidux.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-14968.html11:32
Peace-kubuntu 9.04 with standand packages and atheros ar242x here works with that tutorial sorry i can't help because here works11:34
fg57lxOk, but apparently that error has no problem here, since the blacklist does end in .conf11:34
Peace-on you computer i don't know why it doesn't11:34
fg57lxIm coming off a fresh install too.11:34
fg57lxJust lastnight.11:34
Peace-i have no idea11:34
Peace-here works it's the only think i can say11:34
Peace-and i have used that tutorial11:35
Peace-no error when i have made that stuff11:35
Peace-the strange thing is the blalisted module not blacklisted xD11:35
fg57lxDo you think it would work if that wasnt happening?11:36
Peace-i dunno11:37
Peace-never see that11:37
Peace-this is my lspci http://pastebin.ca/148799211:37
Peace-and i have the same stuff as you can see11:37
fg57lxPeace-: What if i put that line in "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" instead of "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" becuase I know "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" works, because i added "blacklist pcspkr" to it earlier and it stopped it.11:47
Peace-fg57lx: i dunno, try it if you think can be usefull11:48
fg57lxAlright, ill try.11:48
fg57lxOk, what was the command that checked to see if it was blacklisted or not?11:49
Peace-read that tutorial...11:49
Peace-lsmod | grep ath11:49
Peace-but you should restart the pc...11:49
=== gcds is now known as eeanm
fg57lxYour tutorial never mentions "lsmod | grep ath11:50
fg56lxPeace-: Ok, I restarted, and its still doing the not showing connections thing.11:55
Peace-fg56lx: no more idea11:56
fg56lxThanks anyway.11:57
fg56lx!join #wireless11:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about join #wireless11:59
|PaperTiger|What's the best program to unzip .rar files?11:59
fg56lx|PaperTiger|: Ark.11:59
riano|PaperTiger|: unrar ?11:59
Peace-!restrictedformats | riano12:00
ubotturiano: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:00
rianounrar is a restricted format?12:00
Peace-ark after installing that stuff manage rar12:01
|PaperTiger|fg56lx, I get an error with Ark when I try unzip this file12:01
fg56lx|PaperTiger|: "sudo apt-get install unrar"12:01
Peace-unrar and unrar-nonfree or something like that12:01
|PaperTiger|Thanks :)12:02
|PaperTiger|How can I view a .rar comment?12:12
=== eli__ is now known as Elirips
alarmhello, anyone experienced a really slow login into kde after upgrading kernel ?13:00
alarmmy system needs like 3 times more time to boot into kde after upgrading to the latest kernel and reinstalling nvidia13:00
rianomine's the same still, do you know of any other changes you made?13:04
alarmasking me ?13:05
=== Nathan is now known as Guest59619
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
=== Guest59619 is now known as Nathan
=== Nathan is now known as NvdH
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
crazy_busI get the ubuntu drum sound on messages in gnome programs like firefox.  How can I turn this off?  I tried turning all the notifications off in pulseaudio13:20
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
kubuntuuserhow do I check file transfer progress if plasma crashes during a large transfer?13:22
rianokubuntuuser: thats a good question, the only way I can think off is by checking the filesize on the destination13:26
chris__is there somebody here?13:26
rianochris__: anything we can help you with? :)13:27
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
chris__i just wana talk... some frenchs in the place?13:28
chris__i just wana talk... some frenchs in the place?13:31
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tsimpson!fr | chris__13:35
ubottuchris__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:35
=== gcds_ is now known as eean
yogaWhen I apt-get upgrade, there are some packages 'hold back'.  What does that mean?13:42
whyty?? help13:42
rianoyoga: Those packages may conflict with currently installed packages or have dependencies that aren't yet available13:45
rianowhyty: whats the problem?13:45
whytyi have a big and f..cking problem13:45
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
whytythat's my cdrom13:46
yogariano: Aftar I did apt-get update , apt-get upgrade, my Taske Manager on the Panel does not show any task.13:46
whytythe OS didn't want to see it13:46
rianoyoga: did you change any settings? maybe remove the taskbar from the panel?13:48
whytynope man13:48
whytyi'd reinstall the Os many times13:48
whytyand every time the OS never see the DVD-rw13:49
hateballwhyty: is it a laptop?13:49
whytyit it a f..king laptop13:49
yogaI did not change any setting.  I did try to remoce it from t the panel, and add the task manager wedget again, but it does not help, same problem again.13:49
bazhangwhyty, no cursing13:49
whyty it's boght from romania13:50
hateballwhyking: I have a issue on one of my laptops... where if the DVD is enabled in BIOS, it wont work in Linux...13:50
bazhangwhyty, some hardware issue? or problem with Kubuntu13:50
whytyi have the same one13:50
hateballSetting it to disabled.. it wont boot from it, but it works just fine in Linux13:50
whytyman, i don't know13:50
whytyi'm not pretty sure13:50
whytyi tried to boot from it13:51
whytyand it never works13:51
bazhangwhyty, burn another cd13:51
bazhangwhyty, first, check the md5 of the iso13:51
whytyit's not the cd13:51
whytyit's the optical unit13:52
bazhangwhyty, then burn at very low speed, and do the disk integrity check13:52
whytythe DVD writer13:52
bazhangwhyty, hardware then13:52
rianoyoga: I have no idea what the problem could be, google doesn't seem to tell me much either.. maybe your taskbar widget is kaput13:52
bazhang##hardware whyty13:52
whytywhat i want to tell u13:52
whytyit's that it works a time13:53
lovrehi all13:53
yogariano: How do I reset my panel?13:53
bazhangwhyty, then follow the instructions I give you13:53
whytyi had before linux the big shit named WINDOWS13:53
bazhangwhyty, STOP cursing.13:53
lovrethe software updates shown up, and there is 24 updates and 68 blocked updates. why are theese 68 updates blocked, and why., and can i unblock them?13:53
whytytell me13:53
rianoyoga, only thing I can think of is to add another panel first13:54
bazhangwhyty, follow the instructions I gave you above.13:54
whytyi don't see the instructions13:55
whytyplease rewrite it13:55
rianolovre: The blocked packages either have unmet dependencies or conflict with your currently installed packages. You can force install them by manually installing them rather than through an update13:55
bazhangwhyty, first, check the md5 of the iso  then burn at very low speed, and do the disk integrity check13:56
bazhang!md5 | whyty13:56
ubottuwhyty: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:56
bazhangwhyty, keep it in channel (no PM)13:56
whytyok, i understud13:57
lovreriano: so i can expect due to theese conflicts that i wont have critical updates on my system? That doesnt make much sense. :(13:57
whytybut it's possible that the hardware is the problem13:57
BluesKajHey all13:58
whytycause now i'm on linux13:58
bazhangwhyty, then ask in ##hardware13:58
whytyok tnx a lot13:58
rianolovre: Critical's wouldn't be blocked I don't think13:58
bazhangno problem13:58
lovreriano: ok, thanx13:58
yogariano: Add another panel, then add Task Manager, also negative.13:58
lovrewhats the command for database update?13:58
=== atom32k is now known as atomekk
rianolovre: apt-get update?13:59
lovreriano: i was thinking about the local update that keeps track of my files....13:59
rianoyoga: it doesn't show any program, not minimalized ones either?   -- I'm still pondering how this is happening13:59
rianolovre: updatedb?14:00
lovreriano: yes, thats it. ty14:00
yogariano: It shows a problem.  The newly added panel become shorter after I add the Task Manager.14:01
christian86hi all, how can i switch off/deactivate the monitor power off effect in jaunty for e.g. presentation. it is a bit annoying if monitor turns off every 10minutes :)14:02
hatserwhen will there be a skype version for jaunty?14:03
yogariano: There is no task shows up on on the newly added task manager neither.14:03
lovresystem settings -> display ->power control14:03
lovrechristian86: system settings -> display ->power control14:03
christian86lovre: i still switched of the energy function :(14:04
rianoyoga: do you have any other users on your computer?14:04
yogariano: yes I have, try that one?14:04
christian86lovre: or should i activate and set all values to zero, in effection that they are deactivatet?14:05
rianoyoga: yeah, they have a different home folder and that might tell us if it's a setting or a gobal issue14:05
lovrechristian86: no, thats not it. i have the solution14:05
lovrechristian86: go go Advanced tab in system settings14:05
lovrechristian86: and click Power Management14:06
lovrethen select Edit profiles14:06
lovrechristian86: find the profile you use for presentations14:06
lovreand on the right lower you can see Screen14:06
lovrechristian86: select it and uncheck the Enable display power management14:06
christian86lovre: ah merci i think i found it^14:07
lovrechristian86: no problem14:07
yogariano: Actually I only have one user,  I am creating a new one.14:07
christian86lovre: there are three tabs called "action" "screen" "processor and system"14:08
lovreyes, you click on Screen14:08
lovrechristian86: There you can uncheck it14:08
christian86lovre: yes big thx :)14:09
lovrechristian86: np14:09
whytybazhang a new problem14:11
whytyif u can help me14:11
whytyit seems that my browser it's down14:11
whytyi use mozilla14:12
whytyand it didn't open any pages14:12
lovrewhyty: what do you mean? it does even open? or it opens but doesnt show pageS?14:13
whytyand i'm tring the arora and do same thing14:13
whytyit opesn but not shows the pahges14:13
lovrewhyty: blank?14:13
whytyafter few minutes14:14
whytyit shown an network error14:14
whytybut the network works14:14
rianodns issue?14:15
lovrewhyty: can you open firefox and instead of URL adress, type this:
lovreriano: i was going for that14:15
lovrewhyty: does it open google with that address?14:16
whytyand a few adresses14:17
lovrewhyty: ok then the problem is definettly DNS14:17
lovreyour DNS might be having problems14:17
lovrewhyty: try changing to different DNS in your Network settings14:18
rianoor just not be configured14:18
lovrewhyty: it will work14:18
whytyok, i understand now14:18
whytyi have the main page on google14:18
whytyand that it's the problem:P14:19
lovrewhyty: oh14:19
lovrewhyty: you didnt try to open other pages?14:19
lovrewhyty: might want to try other DNS anyway14:19
whytyor i tried14:19
whytybut few more didn't works14:19
yogariano: I just login to the new user, the task manager shows no program.  I fired up some apps.14:20
whytylike yahoo, or  a few romanian14:20
rianoyoga: can you tell me which packages are held back by your updater?14:20
whytyif i can remove on the main server yes14:21
whytybut on my pc never work14:21
whytybecause i'm on static ip's14:21
whytyi'm student14:21
lovrewhyty: i guessed so. I am also, and i share internet with a big local network.14:22
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whytyand i'm staying in the university campus, where the internet it's free, but it's very bad14:22
rianowhyty can you go into a konsole and do 'ping google.com' ?14:23
whytyat me , it came yep14:23
lovrewhyty: there are two problems with this, the administration can block certain pages as they see fit, and other is when there are many people downloading the connection can get from slow to  unasable.. The sad truth is, you cant do anything about it, neither can i..14:23
whytyi do also this14:23
whytyu're right14:24
whytyi've many problem here14:24
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whytyand the big one is because some things are free or very chip, and are shitty14:25
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yoga`riano: kde-printer-applet kdebase-plasma kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data kdegraphics-strigi-plugins kdeplasma-addons kdm kopete linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-widgets-workspace14:27
rianoyoga: you could manually force the updates to install, this might fix your problems as they are plasma updates14:28
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rianobe forewarned though, the crash ratio of plasma could go up14:28
lovrei have a big problem14:28
yoga`riano: I don't want to upgrade my kernel though.14:28
rianolovre: don't we all :)14:29
rianoyoga: then just leave those out14:29
rianoyoga: don't do  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic and linux-restricted-modules-generic14:29
lovremy plasma crashed, and i restarted X. Now all desktop is messed up, there is no background, only gray rectangles, the tray is all messed up, there is no window decorations, i cant move them, i cant run ALT+F2, NOTHIN is working. I tried turning off desktop effects, didnt help. I did the updates before this, with some package repository i just added..... what could be happening?14:31
rianotry running plasma-desktop14:32
lovre hmm14:32
rianoI get that screen for a seconds when plasma poops itself14:33
lovredidnt work14:34
rianothen there's the CTR+ALT+Backspace14:35
lovrethe konversation is open and i cant move the window so i have to close it in order to get to the console14:35
lovreriano: did that a few times14:35
lovreriano: allways the same14:35
lovreriano: hate when things go like this with no apparent reason14:36
lovreriano: is there a way i can revert the last changes?14:36
lovreriano: or reinstall plasma?14:36
lovreor reconfigure14:36
lovrei dont know14:36
rianoyou're running the kde beta from launchpad?14:36
lovreriano: ?14:37
lovreriano: im not sure14:37
rianoare there still updates being held back?14:37
lovreyes 6814:37
rianoanything plasma related?14:38
lovreriano: didnt check them all tbh. but i added some new repository to install amarok 2.1, and it showed me like 24 new updates with i installed. that might be the problem14:38
rianoI believe amarok 2.1 is in the beta set yes14:39
rianocan you get to a console?14:39
lovreyes, but i have to close konversation first :(14:39
rianoalt+tab doesn't work either?14:40
lovreriano: maybe i could login to gnome and then create a new session with kde in another terminal?14:40
lovreno, nothing works14:40
rianosure you can login on gnome and update the packages14:40
lovreriano: but they are blocked?14:40
rianothen you manually tell them to unblock themselves ;)14:41
lovreriano: how to unblock them14:41
lovreriano: how?14:41
rianosudo apt-get install <package>14:41
lovreriano: one by one?14:41
rianosudo apt-get install <package> <package2> <package3> etc14:41
lovreriano: ok im going to gnome, brb14:41
rianogood luck :)14:41
lovre_ok im in gnome14:43
lovre_how can i get to the list of those packages from here?14:43
rianotime for that console :)14:43
rianoin a console, type: sudo apt-get update14:43
rianothen: sudo apt-get upgrade14:43
Ramblurrhas anyone noticed themeing issues with the gtk-qt-engine theme in firefox 3.5's tabs14:43
rianoit will complain about the held back packages14:43
lovre_riano:  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 68 not upgraded.14:44
lovre_riano: ah, and there is the list14:44
lovre_riano: those are mostly apps i use regularrly.... why wont they be upgraded?14:45
PiciIs there a reason why you aren't using dist-upgrade instead of 'upgrade'?14:45
lovre_Pici: have no idea... newb.14:45
Picilovre_: apt-get dist-upgrade  will pull in packages that may have been held back if they depend on new packages.14:46
rianoit's a fair question.. which version of k/ubuntu are you using lovre?14:46
rianoreally? I never tried14:46
lovre_riano: how do i check the version*14:46
rianoI figured it'd do a distribution upgrade14:46
Picilsb_release -a14:46
lovre_but maybe kde version is not newest14:47
lovre_4.2.95 (4.3RC1)14:47
rianosome of the KDE updates are being held back, yeah, which is why I used install to pull em in14:47
lovre_riano: so what do i do? install them all or do dist-upgrade?14:48
rianoend result is the same I suppose, Pici's solution is faster though:   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:48
lovre_ok installing....14:48
lovre_hope this fix it14:48
rianoI think it will14:49
lovre_what acctually did i upgrade to, seems im allready at newest version, so i dont quite get it?14:49
rianoI guess dist-upgrade forces to grab all the latest packages, if there's a new distribution those are newer..14:49
lovre_riano: ok.. thanx. i will get back in a few minutes with the results14:50
ncfi1013_how do you turn blutooth on on your computer?14:54
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yoga`riano: The Task Manager works after I upgrade the kept back packages, thanks.15:04
rianoyoga: no problem, glad it helped15:04
leumashello evry115:06
vltHello. How can I find out the time a user logged out when the login was recorded in what is now /var/local/wtmp.1 but the logout was after wtmp.1 was created?15:07
yoga`riano: The update hangs while at the end, when kdm trys restart, stop at checking batteries... I had to reboot, I hope that it will be ok.15:07
lovre_riano: ok the installation is done, im restarting x now, brb15:07
ncfi1013_where is the accessories menu? how do i disable an onboard graphics card if bios doesnt see it?15:17
rianodoesn't your system turn it off automatically when you insert an alternative?15:17
ryannare there still WPA issues with plasma-widget-networkmanagement?15:20
zulfahi all15:29
zulfai'm trying pam with radius, can someone point me to the right direction?15:29
Xnet0Has anyone got multiple wallpapers to work independently on each desktop?15:30
Xnet0So a unique wallpaper for each virtual desktop?15:30
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rootè una merda15:55
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brad777Hello :-D I just recently purchased a new motherboard and I was wondering if I plug my current hard drive into the new one will I need to reinstall kubuntu?16:51
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Dragnslcrbrad777- depends on how much other hardware changed. You can try it and see what happens17:02
MadAGuwhy my cursor theme doesn't change right?17:14
MadAGusome cursors are changed , but some are still from the oxygen theme.... and it happens with ALL cursor themes i've tried....17:15
PhantalI just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04, and now I'm unable to use wireless.  I just use the command line tools (iwlist, iwconfig, dhclient) for configuring it and obtaining an IP.  Now I'm unable to get any dhcp responses17:19
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shadeslayerPhantal: if youre using wpa then the knetworkmanager wont work...17:20
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PhantalI don't remember what I setup.  I know it isn't the encryption scheme most people recommend, and I've been meaning to re-configure my wireless to use it, but I seem to remember it being wep12817:22
shadeslayerPhantal: then try wicd...thats all i can think of...17:23
shadeslayerPhantal: it will remove knetworkmanager...17:23
Phantalwell, knetworkmanager wasn't installed in the first place it would seem17:24
shadeslayerPhantal: \o/17:24
PhantalI originally installed ubuntu and switched to kde after the fact17:24
shadeslayerPhantal: then try knetwork-manager first17:25
Phantalafter installation, I ran it and nothing happens17:27
Phantalno one uses command line tools to set stuff up anymore?17:27
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Phantali hate gui tools just for this very reason, if the tool isn't working you get very little feedback17:28
shadeslayerPhantal: you need to add a widget in the taskbar17:28
shadeslayerPhantal: look for network manager in the add wiget windo17:28
shadeslayerKDesk: hey17:32
PhantalI looked around for network manager, knetwork-manager, and knetworkmanager in the add widgets things, nada, and searched for one to download17:35
KDeskusing kde 4.3rc when I delete a file (move to trash) with dolphin or konqueror the process kio_trash takes like 10s to finish, it takes 50% of cpu (1 core of 2). Anyone has also this issue?17:35
gwtl[ircII]I have lost use of my x-screen17:36
gwtl[ircII](or whatever kde uses)17:36
KDeskPhantal: you can install plasma-widget-network-manager17:36
gwtl[ircII]so i am using a text irc client17:36
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gwtl[ircII]where can I go for help?17:37
KDeskgwtl[ircII]: have you tried to restart you pc and in grub select the recovery mode, andd then fixX ?17:37
shadeslayergwtl[ircII]: or try sudo kdm in a terminal...17:37
shadeslayergwtl[ircII]: yeah...itll pop out some info which might be useful17:38
gwtl[ircII]it didn't show anything17:39
KDeskgwtl[ircII]: did you install a video driver or changed someting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?17:39
KDeskgwtl[ircII]: and this:    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart17:39
shadeslayerKDesk: and did X start at console 7 ?17:39
gwtl[ircII]this is a new install17:39
gwtl[ircII]and I installed the ati driver17:39
gwtl[ircII]and then tried some desctop effect17:40
gwtl[ircII]wich might have done something17:40
shadeslayergwtl[ircII]: all in one line please17:40
KDeskgwtl[ircII]: do you mean the restricted driver, from amd site?17:40
gwtl[ircII]It is blank, but somehow konqueror still shows up17:40
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KDeskgwtl[ircII]: what is you graphics card? the driver was the free ati of the non-free from amd?17:42
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PhantalThis network manager won't save the wep key17:46
Phantaland I'm a little unsure how to make it connect to a network.  There's no option to connect, only 'connect automatically', whose setting also gets reverted after I close the network connection editor17:47
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jeiworthhi all, anyone converted an existing ext3 to ext4 yet? looking for a good howto, seems a good option is to boot from a live-cd to convert / as well17:52
derenrichis there anyway to get icons on the desktop ala KDE3 or even earlier kde4?17:56
baron86Hello does anyone knows how to make shared folders in virtualbox with host kubuntu and as guest windows XP?17:59
shadeslayerPhantal: just click on the manager...it should show the wireless networks17:59
geopolderenrich, you can put application icon on desktop by going to your kickstart menu and right click on app.=sen to desktop. The other way would be for directories is to add widget desktop17:59
shadeslayerjeiworth: theres a proper how to...you need to learn to google :P18:00
derenrichgeopol: thanks i'll try that18:00
shadeslayerjeiworth: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto18:00
jeiworthshadeslayer: i am currently reading the 3rd howto, just fishing for tips and experiences here :P18:00
jeiworthshadeslayer: thx,already read that18:01
shadeslayerjeiworth: well thats the  unofficial guide18:02
jeiworthshadeslayer: and old, it mentions patches and whatno that the others newer ones do not, i better stick with ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111829518:03
AlexZionamarok 2.1 doesn't works ...., "too much error on the......"18:04
shadeslayerjeiworth: hmm18:04
AlexZionI just updated to kde 4.3 , should I change something ?18:04
KDeskis amarok 2.1 slow startup slow for every one or only for me?18:05
shadeslayerAlexZion: change what?18:05
AlexZionsome settimg for example ...18:05
shadeslayerAlexZion: why would you need to change settings??18:06
AlexZionbeause amarok doesn't work more ....18:06
AlexZionor should I just leave amarok to use something else ?18:06
shadeslayerAlexZion: well try amarok in a terminal...18:07
csuser13salut patate :)18:07
AlexZionwait, , amarok appeare, and looks better than vefore, but the sound doesn't come out ... :)18:08
csuser13ya qqn?18:08
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AlexZionthe message I get is something like "too much error on the playlist"18:08
shadeslayerAlexZion: hmm... no idea there...try reinstalling amarok18:09
jeiworthor emptying the playlist..18:10
AlexZionwell,probably is much better using something else .... ;)18:10
AlexZionthanks mate ...18:10
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csuser13CS: alllooooooo :)18:11
csuser13c la fille chinoise :P18:11
jeiworth!french csuser1318:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about french csuser1318:11
jeiworthcsusers, if you don have anything to contribute here plz take it to #kubuntu-offtopic18:12
AlexZionI don't know guys but actually Amarok seems to be something outside KDE ....18:12
jeiworthAlexZion: how so?18:13
AlexZionI mean , it doesn't have the same "style ..."18:13
baron86Amorok is perfect for me18:13
AlexZionI always got problem with amarok , especially with the version 2.x18:14
jeiworthhehe well, maybe, they changed a lot in the version 2, i still prefer 1.418:14
AlexZionme too ....18:14
baron86Does anyone have problem with the paste in virtualbox?18:14
jeiworthbaron86: you mean c&p from and to vm and host?18:15
baron86no i mean inside the guest18:15
AlexZionI'd like to have some kind of songbird, more integrated in kde ... :)18:15
baron86to move for example a pic in another file.. the copy is done the paste is disabled18:15
jeiworthbaron86: ah, uhm, no, never noticed anything out of the ordinary there18:15
baron86can i do copy from host and paste to guest?18:16
baron86or just use shared?18:16
jeiworthbaron86: nope, dont think so, currently have an xp running as guest and can't c&p18:17
jeiworthbaron86: use shared folder18:17
baron86i did18:17
baron86but i cant move them to the right place cause paste is disabled18:17
jeiworthso within the guest you are trying to c&p frmo the shared folder to a folder within the guest and its not working?18:18
SpectreI have a problem, I was setting some effects up in kubuntu 9.04, but it has frozen :( so I tried ctrl + alt + backspace, but didn't work... so I restarted. But next time it was same... now I cannot see any graphic, it's screwed up... can I reconfigure it from console?18:18
jeiworthbaron86: hmm let me check...18:19
baron86well anything not just folders.. and not from shared form everywhere18:20
Spectrecan you help me please? I'm here from laptop, my desktop's waiting18:20
jeiworthbaron86: strange, drag&drop works though18:21
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baron86well the problem is that i want copies..18:22
baron86but yes drap and drop works fine18:22
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jeiworthbaron86: if you drag and drop from a network drive, default of windows is to generate copy and not move the file iirc18:24
baron86well i just tryied it and it works thnx but... the problem is that if i want to move a file inside windows then what?18:24
baron86the only way i figured is zip and unzip18:25
melhisedekIs it possible to have new Firefox windows open to the right of the "first/main" window and not to the left? I mean when you have them on taskbar18:26
jeiworthbaron86: well, you could have 2 explorer windows open and drag and drop there, if you want to generate copies instead of moving hold <ctrl> while dragging18:26
jeiworthor just before dropping, even18:27
baron86okie thnx :D18:29
jeiworthnp ;)18:29
jeiworthstrange, never noticed that c&p doesn't work for xp...18:30
DaskreeCHAnyone has planetkde.org in a feed reader?18:30
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shadeslayerDaskreeCH: http://planetkde.org/rss20.xml18:32
DaskreeCHshadeslayer: That's time limited18:34
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: time limited??18:34
DaskreeCHit only keeps blog entries for a short time. I'm looking for something that is older than it's blog expiry date18:35
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: no idea18:36
DaskreeCHGot it! :-)18:36
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armewurstcan someone help me? i have problems with installing kubuntu19:02
riano|afkwhat kinda problems?19:04
armewursti want to install but after the choosing install kubuntu my monitor screen turns black .. wrong frequenz19:06
roey_can anyone help me out with X for a sec?19:06
riano|afkdownload the alternative CD, it has a text-based installer19:07
roey_the usual chans (#xorg, #ati) are being unresponsive so I'd really appreciate help here19:07
riano|afkI can try, roey_, but probably not going to be able to help much.. whats up?19:07
armewursthm ..19:07
roey_my X is hosed; when I start it, I get garbage on my screen (I think it's leftover cruft from a bad Catalyst/Radeon 3450 install).  So at this point I19:08
riano|afkarmewurst: the text-based installer will work, then once your installed, your monitor should be configured properly19:08
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armewursthm ok .. i will try .. thx19:08
rianonp, gl19:08
roey_I'm trying to just get VESA working.  I start with an empty xorg.conf and no radeon/fglrx kernel modules loaded, but I still get a frozen X with cruft on the screen.  What to do now?19:08
roey_riano: thanks19:09
rianothats interesting19:09
roey_yeah, I'd say.19:09
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rianothis is a longshot, but have you tried reconfiguring xorg?19:13
roey_dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg? eyah19:13
roey_didn't affect the behavior19:13
rianodpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:13
scherfaHello, i have a bad issue on kde4.3RC.19:15
roey_tom___: that's an itnerestng secondary nick19:15
scherfaIf i click on an http link in kmail kfmclient starts in a loop ... so it unusable:-(19:15
rianoroey_: it's out of my league, sorry.. try #kde maybe, it's a bit more generic19:15
scherfaI have to kill kfmclient ...19:16
rianoscherfa: hm, have you tried changing your default webbrowser setting?19:16
scherfaNo ... wait.19:16
scherfariano: The field is empty ... hmm i try with the first option ...19:17
sysieriushi all19:17
rianohell sysierius19:18
riano.. hello, too19:18
scherfariano: Thanks thats it. But this options makes kde unusable. Should i fix it?19:18
roey_riano: thanks anyway!19:18
sysieriushow are you to dayyyyyy¿ :319:18
rianoscherfa: how does this make KDE unusable?19:19
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scherfariano: It opens kfmclients in a loop so that a slow system stops working. Until i kill all kfmclients ....19:19
rianoscherfa:  but it's fixed now, no?19:20
scherfariano: The same issue if i open a link from any other kde app.19:20
scherfariano: Yes. Switching the default browser helps but what if a user selects the wrong option?19:21
rianoit's worth a bug report19:21
rianoor if you can fix it, that could work too ;)19:21
scherfariano: Ok, i think so. I open a bug report. Thanks.19:21
sysieriusare you all here on linux?19:22
sysieriusi am on ubuntu 8.1019:22
tsimpsonscherfa: make sure to report on bugs.kde.org (not bugs.launchpad.net)19:22
rianoyou can probably expect most people here to be on Linux, it's a Kubuntu channel :)19:23
scherfatsimpson: Ok.19:23
frenchyhello every one :)19:23
sysieriuswhere are you on? linux to?19:23
rianoKubuntu 9.0419:24
roey_good vintage there ;)19:24
roey_riano: you know.... we didn't ahve any kubuntu boot cds in the office so I tried ubuntu19:24
sysieriuskubuntu is coollll19:24
sysieriuslooks like windows vista19:24
roey_wow, Gnome is stark.19:24
roey_what a piece of garbage!19:24
roey_doesn't have half the functionality of kde!19:25
rianoit's what Gnome prides itself for, configure less, do more19:25
rianoKDE tends to let it's users decide for themselves19:25
roey_one of the things I don't liek about gnome19:26
roey_two rather19:26
roey_1) file dialog19:26
roey_2) instant-action in dialog boxes.19:26
sysieriusi like the cube XD19:26
roey_before you hit OK19:26
frenchyI tried to install my modem but instead it i messed up my sound card. how do i reinstall my sound card driver with kubuntu ???19:27
sockmonkeyI just installed a slave drive and copied my Kubuntu partition to the slave.  I've updated grub and changed fstab to reflect the new UUID.  Is there anything else I'm missing?19:27
rianosockmonkey: booting to the right drive?19:27
sockmonkeyriano: Yup19:28
rianosockmonkey: and given that your asking here, I'm assuming it's not working? :)19:28
rianosockmonkey: how far do you get? Grub? Boot?19:28
sockmonkeyriano: Wrong assumption... I'm on the livecd now (everything boots properly, but I don't have a login... this is my mom's computer) -- just want to make sure the switch will be seamless to her19:29
rianoif the cloning to the new drive was done properly, and it's booting right, /I/ can't think of anything else19:30
sockmonkeyCool, just wanted to make sure.  I didn't do a clone (used cp -pr), because cloning also clones the UUID -- which can be troublesome if I want to keep both drives in.19:31
sysieriusAAHHHH... i have here NO music ? bot i have speakers19:33
adamsI have a pcmcia sound card and I cant seem to get flash to output any sound.  anyone aware of solutions that do not involve moving the bckend over to PulseAudio?19:35
jimmy_Can someone help me ?19:48
rianojimmy_: maybe.. it depends on your problem19:49
ugaanyone here is also having trouble with locales with the last karmik package updates?19:49
jimmy_Hehe, I wanna download A torrent program called Vuze, but I dont know how19:49
ugaI got them reset to en_US, and tried reconfiguring locales, but dpkg-reconfigure gave me this... http://pastebin.com/m7707710819:49
ugashouldnt it allow me to configure locales again???19:50
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ugaI tried setting LANG etc in the default config file, as you can see, at no avail19:51
AlexZionhi everyone, today I installed kde 4.3.rc1, but  there is a package with an error ..., I mean , the file "libindi0" can't be installed ...., any suggestion ?19:52
AlexZion /var/cache/apt/archives/libindi0_0.6-0ubuntu1_i386.deb19:54
AlexZionE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:54
ugaAlexZion: you possibly see more errors before that19:55
ugaerror code 1 is a generic error code. Doesn-t mean anything specific19:55
gwtlhi again19:57
gwtl(I asked earlier about a blank screen)19:58
gwtlI was wondering if somebody knew about a easy way to restore the display settings to default19:58
AlexZionthat's what I get , trying with "sudo apt-get -f install", http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/148860719:59
alarmhello. i got a problem with the new kernel and/or nvidia drivers. after upgrading to the new kernel. i need like 3 times more time to boot into kde. what happens is that it appears the nvidia logo. then it shows me the console login, then again the nvidia logo, then again and console login... and after switching the monitor like 4-5 times on/off automaticaly it finally logs in20:01
alarmthat happened after using the new kernel and reinstalling nvidia drivers again20:01
ugaAlexZion: possibly the error explanation is this  tentata sovrascrittura di `/usr/bin/indiserver', che si trova anche nel pacchetto ind20:03
ugaAlexZion: but unfortunately I speak no italian other than figa, kazzo and spaguetti20:03
AlexZionso , what I should do ?20:03
ugaAlexZion: possibly people at #kubuntu-it can help better20:03
AlexZionthat's good man .. :), in anycase, it means , attempt to overwrite `/usr/bin/indiserver which is in the package ind as well20:04
ugaAlexZion: ok, then apt-get remove ind20:04
alarmyes please?20:04
ugaand try resinstalling the pack20:04
ugaAlexZion: that should do it20:05
alarmunfortunately i dont know where to look20:05
ryannalarm: i had something similar a few weeks ago.  does your grub show previous kernel imagtes?20:05
ugagotta go now, fixing locales, an dnobody is helping here...20:05
alarmbut if i use previeous kernel i need to reinstal nvidia drivers for that kernel20:05
alarmany ideas where or what i could look for ?20:06
AlexZionuga: nothing , the only solution seems to be remove "kstars" which needs of "indilib0"20:08
AlexZionso now I can go to cook some " spaghetti alle vongole " , delicious .. :D, thanks for your help ....20:12
vbgunzAny one trying 4.2.4 out? Do you have an nvidia with desktop effects enabled? Do you notice an insane peek at performance when you first startup? does your performance begin to drain though rapidly in less than a day making effects look shotty?20:20
vbgunz4.2.95 actually sorry20:21
loanBonsoir à tous !20:21
ruhaan_how do i get kubuntu to auto connect to a wifi network?20:23
User3137i have a very big problem20:38
brad777Hello :-D I just recently purchased a new motherboard and I was wondering if I plug my current hard drive into the new one will I need to reinstall kubuntu?20:40
toniigood question. try and see? :D20:40
User3137i have 2 sata drives as raid-0 and 1 ide drive .. on the raid i have installed winxp ... and i installed kubuntu at the ide drive .. now if i start my pc i get a grub error and cant boot kubuntu or winxp20:40
User3137how can i get back my winxp?!20:41
tonii!info grub-rescue20:41
ubottuPackage grub-rescue does not exist in jaunty20:41
toniiah, hm.20:41
toniithere is a way to rescue grub.20:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub-rescue20:41
User3137i have no idea what to do20:44
toniiUser3137: http://www.google.se/search?hl=sv&q=grub+rescue&btnG=Google-s%C3%B6kning&meta=&aq=f&oq=20:45
User3137i only want my winxp back .. there is a lot of data on it20:45
NamShubI am writing a very simple script that toggles my screen (turn off compositing + disconnect second monitor) but I was wondering what command I can use to query the number of screen so I can do a "smart toggle"20:47
NamShubanyone knows the command to query the number of active screens / if twinview is activated?20:47
User3137@tonii: sry i am neewbie.. i dont know what to do20:49
toniiUser3137: well, restore grub maybe.20:51
fg56lxMy Kmix isnt showing the slider for panning. How can I get it to show up?20:52
toniiUser3137: I gave you a link, look at it and figure it out.20:52
Captain_HaddockUser3137: try using supergrubdisk.org to boot into Kubuntu... You'll then need to edit grub to boot into the right discs/partitions.20:53
User3137sry as i said .. i am newbie .. and it is very hard to find the right harddisk as my winxp system is running at raid-020:53
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engeluser3137: is the xp cd capable to create a mbr? maybe that would be a good solution to go for? but i don't know it for sure, since i left that sphere some decades ago21:04
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User3137it has fixboot and fixmbr21:05
User3137but im not sure as it cant destroy partitions21:05
engelit cant? so you should be on the safe side?21:07
engelor what would you like to destroy?21:07
User3137sry it can ;)21:07
User3137but i wonder why kubuntu did that .. it shows me my raid part. on sda and sdb and my ide drive as sdc .. it installed on sdc and it said bootloader will install on sdc too21:09
User3137now i was able to start kubuntu with super grub disk.. what should i do next?!21:13
engellook for the systemsettings menu entry ... there should be a "extended" tab ... in the tab you have a "grub editor" ... it should be quit intuitive to use21:17
engelbut be aware that you are the only one who knows your hardware config and how to handle it correctly21:18
engelthere you can tell grub to reinstall on the "primary" mbr21:18
engeland you can also add a grub boot entry for you winxp partition21:18
User3137sry there is no grub editor21:20
engelbut i don't know how the grub loader is able to jump into a raid partition, the last time i used grub in relation to raid i had to configure the boot options with some raid driver params21:20
engelso leave the kubuntu stuff and try to go the other way around ... http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314058/en21:21
engelmaybe the keywords "MAP" and "FIXMBR" might help you21:23
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User3137it worked with super grub disk .. i deinstalled grub with it .. THX a lot .. u guys saved my data :)21:30
gwtlwhat is a good to restore basic failsafe settings to kde's window manager or x21:34
dhqhow do i downgrade from 9.04 to 8.XX21:36
Eternal_Sinhi everyone21:37
dhqwhen ever i transfer files to my external harddrive my cpu hangs and crahes21:39
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=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
Goliath23I try to install libqt4-dbg, but that fails:21:57
Goliath23libqt4-dbg: Hängt ab: libqtcore4 (= 4.5.0-0ubuntu4.1) aber 4.5.1-1ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1 soll installiert werden21:57
Goliath23I seem to have qt 4.5.1 installed but no -dbg packages are available for it!21:58
christophe_probleme de son avec kubuntu22:14
baron86Hello... i Got a question about modifying.. Its about adding custon background images in each folder22:15
bogdanhello guys, i am having a big problem with kopete...it won't show the list of my contacts22:17
bogdani don't think it even connects22:17
bogdancan someone help me?22:17
ubuntuOh I am completely lost, HELP me somebody. I have crashed my computer totally and I am locked, I cannot do anything at all if this does not work. I crashed my previous kubuntu while I was tryng to upgrade to karmic alpha 2 with alternate cd through internet. And now I am running an old desktop CD, the only one and the installer DOES NOT WORK. It says it check harddrives but exits there and nothing happens. Help?22:22
ubottuDas österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.22:24
ubuntudpkg, can I restore something there? Hal, can i unlock drives there? and so on? Seems that some drive is locked or something so that hardrive check locks itself in an infinite loop.22:24
ubuntuOr is it possible to mount an desktop cd inside my desktop environment which is running from cd now? :D22:25
ubuntuI just want to restore my harddrive in someway. The only thing I can do for the moment is to restore from cd.22:26
domenicoho sorry22:27
domenicowhat's the list22:27
domenicothe link of the list22:28
ninjastylehi people22:39
ninjastyleanybody tried kde4 for mac?22:39
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Captain_Haddockubuntu: try using the alternate cd?22:41
ubuntuCaptain_Haddock: I Am on that Cd right now :D And it was because of the alternate cd everything fucked up at the beginning.22:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:42
Captain_Haddockwell, you shouldn't be messing with alpha software in the first place :)22:43
ubuntuCaptain_Haddock: I know, but other people has been successful with karmic alpha.22:45
ubottuDas österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.22:45
ubuntuCaptain_Haddock: The problem was that I did not install a clean copy.22:45
ubuntuCaptain_Haddock: I messed up and got to an infinite loop and initrd dissapeared and nothing worked. My only hope is/was my desktop live cd22:46
ubuntuCaptain_Haddock: Well now I clean up my system anyway, thats good. I do not understand how I came up with a 40 GB drive when Kubuntu is so small from the beginning. Does cache never disappear in GNu/Linux? :D22:48
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=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
tuvokError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-anubis" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 022:52
tuvokhow do I get rid of these errors?22:53
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Captain_Haddockdarthanubis: is anubis a username?22:55
Captain_Haddockhave you tried just rebooting?22:56
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Captain_Haddockdarthanubis: that should have cleared /tmp, no?22:57
darthanubisis owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 022:58
darthanubiscleared or not, it seems to be expecting a different uid?22:58
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Moryddare there currently any options for getting kipi-plugins 0.4.0 in kubuntu other than compiling?23:25
KDeskMorydd: I think there is one deb, let me see.23:29
* kesnol sais hello23:34
KDeskMorydd: I only found this http://packages.debian.org/sid/kipi-plugins you have to see if have all deps installed23:35
MoryddKDesk: thanks for looking. Not even close on dependencies. Oh well.23:43
KDeskMorydd: Do you use jaunty?23:44
MoryddKDesk: yes.23:44
KDeskWhich packages you don't have?23:45
AlexZionhi guys , I have a problem with firefox, it doesn?t show me the integrated youtube video in the pages ...23:46
dijonmustardAnyone ever played with projectm?23:46
MoryddKDesk: http://pastoid.com/a4d23:47
AlexZionis always the same problem with firefox ... ?, I mean , the only way to fix it , is to delete the firefox profile folder ?23:47
alexshenoycan somebody help me with firefox 3.5 crashes in kubuntu. i was wondering if there were packages for the official release yet23:49
KDeskMorydd: ah, you need KDe 4.2.4 and Qt 4.5.123:49
KDeskMorydd: you can get the stable KDE from here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa23:49
MoryddYeah. It's not worth upgrading the whole system for the plugins right now. I'll let it be for now.23:50
AlexZionthat's great , I0m trying to install firefox 3.5 in order to fix some problem .... :(23:50
KDeskMorydd: Qt from here https://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/qt. KDE is recomended because of stability patches.23:52
AlexZionanyway guys , I think firefox is getting worst , always have some problem with flash contents ..., and personally I'm looking for something different ..., any advice ?23:54
rysiek|plAlexZion: don't use flash23:54
rysiek|plAlexZion: no, seriously.23:55
dwidmannAlex135: Arora? Opera?23:55
phhaleon04_: it will be the same with every browsers... the problem is just flash23:55
phhthe only thing you can do is install flashblock23:55
dwidmannoops, wrong alex o_o23:55
rysiek|plAlexZion: you have problems with flash, because it's a binary blob that nobody apart from Adobe can do anything about23:55
phhwrong al* here :D23:55
phhryanakca: yeah... nvidia's driver sucks too.23:56
rysiek|plAlexZion: and so, as soon as you use flash in Teh Browser Of Your Choice, things will start to fsck up23:56
phhgod, there is too many people to use tab23:56
dwidmannphh: sad but true23:56
AlexZionlook mate , I was using the ubuntu flash , but I got the sam eproblem ....23:57
rysiek|plAlexZion: you can try Chrome - process per tab means that when flash fscks up, only a tab get's to go to meet The Source23:57
rysiek|plAlexZion: as in: gnash?23:57
dwidmannI was just thinking about that actually ... http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.labnol.org%2Fsoftware%2Fdownload-google-chrome-for-mac-linux%2F4555%2F&ei=PSRVSp_rNIb-Mf_E4OEN&usg=AFQjCNGvkV466ZgoAZeCEyOrbYqnp6UOGQ&sig2=MS3VeLUWPN4w3GiYbF6P6Q23:57
phhyeah, chrome is your best luck, still it's far from being a solution23:57
rysiek|plbesides, Ff is said to be going to get process-per-tab soon23:58
AlexZionI was using the free plaer for flash ...23:58
AlexZionor the adobe one , but the result is the same ...23:58
phhrysiek|pl: they don't release often, so this feature won't appear for public until some months23:58
rysiek|plAlexZion: see, the problem is: you can either use a binary blob from Adobe, and get full support for Flash features, but random crashes23:58
phhAlexZion: use flashblock, you'll have way less problems23:59
AizawaI don't want to click that link, so I'm sorry, but chrome's released for linux now?23:59
AlexZionsince I'm using linux ..., began with forefox 2.0.14 until now ...23:59
rysiek|plphh: it's being done outside the trunk, AFAIK23:59
AlexZionalways the sam eproblem ...23:59
phhAizawa: there has been for weeks23:59
phhrysiek|pl: so not before years ?23:59
phhAizawa: but only a beta23:59
rysiek|plAlexZion: ...or use some free implementation (gnash, swfdec), but those are reverse-engineered23:59

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