
kb9vqfIs there a reason most of the build machines are down?00:08
wgrantkb9vqf: I believe most of the buildds are not dedicated machines - they're only used as buildds when they're not doing other things. Sometimes they're needed for their original purpose, so they go missing for a while.00:15
kb9vqfThanks!  Is there a way to set up a private builder on one of my servers here?00:16
wgrantNot one that will upload to Launchpad, no.00:16
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james_wwgrant: do you know of a faster way to get the list of source packages than iterating over getPublishedSources?00:26
james_wdoing that is dog slow00:26
wgrantjames_w: I iterate over Packages.00:27
wgrantSo, no.00:27
james_wI can just grab the Sources files and read them, but that's a pain00:27
james_wok, thanks00:27
wgrantYou could iterate over getPublishedSources with a large batch size, and just get the names out of the resource URLs, rather than actually fetching them.00:28
james_wyeah, that would speed it up00:28
pooliespm: are you here, or still on leave?00:31
pooliehi james_w00:31
james_whey poolie00:31
* wgrant kicks edge a few times.00:32
wgrantI just got a 503 from it.00:32
mwhudsonmthaddon: ^ edge appserver fail?00:32
wgrantThat doesn't normally cause a 503, though...00:32
wgrantHm. Reproducible.00:32
mthaddonmwhudson: not according to nagios...00:32
* wgrant catches.00:32
* mthaddon does a manual check00:32
mthaddonall seems to be up - what URL, wgrant?00:33
wgrantA timeout, of course.00:33
wgrantNever mind me.00:33
wgrantjames_w: Does getPublishedSources not time out for you?00:35
wgrantMaybe if I narrow my search...00:35
james_wnot currently00:35
james_wa whole one does00:36
james_wsome I'm always careful to call it with arguments00:36
james_wthe biggest thing I do is (state="Published", distro_series=ubuntu.current_series)00:36
james_wwhich seems to sneak in00:36
wgrantA bit strange that even a small slice times out if there are no args.00:36
Ampelbeinthe cve-icon in bug 396807 is displaced, firefox3.0 on edge.01:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396807 in amule "Security issue allows code execution, CVE-2009-1440" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39680701:06
Ampelbeinin fact, the whole cve link looks displaced.01:07
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-dinner
micahgsame in FF3.501:09
wgrantBug #39318601:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393186 in launchpad "CVE reference links are misformatted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39318601:11
Ampelbeinwgrant: ah, the allknowing wgrant. thanks! ;-)01:12
Ampelbein(or at least the know-how-to-search-with-correct-keywords-wgrant)01:12
mwhudsonwgrant: please tell me if you get one of those 500s from codebrowse01:59
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wgrantmwhudson: Will do. Is it fixed already?02:13
mwhudsonwgrant: no, but it's proving to be much harder to reproduce than i expected, which means that i don't really know what's going on02:14
wgrantmwhudson: Ah, OK.02:14
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islam0645064506430646 0646062a06390631064104:26
islam 062706300627 064506270641064a0647 06450646063904:26
islam 06270628064a 06390631062804:26
micahgislam: this is an english channel04:27
persiaislam, Please use UTF8 also04:27
* wgrant wonders why anybody would use anything other than UTF-8.04:40
persiaIt's not the default encoding for some operating systems.04:40
persiaFor example, all the handhelds in Japan use ISO-2022-JP, which means that email in Japan is now nearly all ISO-2022-JP, and switching to UTF8 has *huge* penalties with the installed base.04:41
persia(these are mostly TRON, but some Windows, some Linux, and some other stuff)04:41
RAOFInteresting story: a gnome-do contributor was wondering why loggerhead was showing his newly added source file as a binary file.  Turns out his copy of visual studio saves source files in UTF-16.04:42
persiaDoesn't Vista usually use UCS2 (not UTF16)?04:42
RAOFNo idea, the closest I've got to it is a windows 7 VM.04:44
persiaMostly the same as UTF16, except non-extensible (every character is 16 bits), which limits the codespace.04:45
persia(I believe all UCS2 is UTF16, but not all UTF16 is UCS2).04:45
RAOFThat could be right; I just ran "file" against the source file.04:46
RAOFIt said UTF-16, but if that's true then there's no way it could distinguish UCS2 from UTF16.04:46
persiaHmm.  Looking it up, it appears Microsoft has declared a migration from UCS2 to UTF16, so I may out-of-date.04:47
islamEnter text here..ghhhhhhhhhh.04:51
wgrantThose are quite some build queues.06:02
starkthere's like ten million nicks here but nobody actually reading?07:09
micahgstark: what it your issue?07:10
persiaLots of people reading.  Nobody likely to respond to such a vague question.  The more specific your question, the more likely someone will answer.07:10
starkhow do i turn off the subject prefixing?07:10
persiaIn what context?07:11
starkin launchpad mailing lists07:11
starksorry for before, i waited a minute after joining and didn't see any messages,07:12
starkalso, i forgot to go to sleep last night so i'm a bit testy, i should probably log off before i say something else ill-advised07:14
persiaSometimes there isn't much traffic, until someone has a new question.  Now you just have to wait until someone who knows about mailing lists reads the backscroll.  Be warned, it may be a fair few hours.07:14
starkuhm, does anyone here now know wich mailing list manager launchpad uses? or did it roll its own?07:15
wgrantstark: Launchpad uses Mailman. There is no per-user option exposed to turn off subject-prefixing.07:18
wgrant(in the Launchpad implementation, that is)07:18
starkmailman has such a per-user option07:18
persiaIs there a per-list option so exposed?07:18
wgrantRight, but Launchpad has it's own UI.07:18
wgrantpersia: I don't think so, but I don't remember.07:18
starkwell i don't really care about the ui07:19
persiastark, Except that without a UI element, you can't twiddle it, which makes the UI all-important.07:19
starkI have to say prefixing subjects is idiotic to begin with but making it mandatory is even worse07:19
wgrantstark: I agree.07:20
wgrantstark: Consider filing a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+filebug.07:21
starkhaving it be optional doesn't really solve all the problems since the prefixes still pop up randomly depending on what order you receive the messages, but it's better than nothing if people are going to insist on making this error with every new mailing list out there07:21
starki meant every new mailing list manager out there but every new mailing list almost works too07:21
starkwell there you go07:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 396888 in launchpad-registry "prefixing subjects in mailing list posts considered harmful" [Undecided,New]07:36
starkfeel free to pipe up supporting me :)07:36
* wgrant already me-too'd and subscribed.07:38
persiamailing lists are registry bugs?07:41
wgrantpersia: Yes.07:41
wgrantThey're owned by teams, which are Registry's domain.07:41
wgrant"The Registry is the Launchpad core: distributions, project-groups, projects, persons, and teams. Communication tasks like email and mailing lists are also part of the Registry."07:42
persiaDescribed that way, it makes sense.07:42
micahgshould a bug about content in emails be filed against launchpad or another component?08:14
wgrantmicahg: What type of email?08:15
micahgstatus update of bug08:15
wgrantmicahg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+filebug08:15
micahgattachments removed when private are linked in same e-mail as changes done after bug is made public08:15
wgrantThat's already filed.08:16
wgrantBug #385400, it seems.08:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385400 in malone "Apport retracer removal of coredump attachments fails to protect privacy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38540008:17
micahghmm thought it was bug 18136508:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181365 in malone "Link to CoreDump.gz is sent by e-mail when Apport bug is marked as duplicate" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18136508:18
micahgI guess you found the dupe08:18
wgrantAnd I even commented on that old one :(08:19
micahgyou've got over 600 bugs open related to you08:19
micahgI wouldn't worry about forgetting one of them :)08:19
micahgthanks for letting me know it was in there though08:21
micahgI guess I just have to remove coredumps over a span of time until it's fixed08:22
micahgwait for th efirst e-mail08:23
micahgthen make it public08:23
wgrantThat won't help, unfortunately.08:23
wgrantYou have to wait for librarian to expire and remove the file.08:23
wgrantAs the URL is visible in the activity log.08:23
micahgthat makes it even worse08:23
micahghow long does that take?08:23
wgrantI don't know. But it could well only delete things every 24 hours, or even less frequently.08:24
micahgugh, that bug should be publicized at least for Bug Control08:24
micahg1I'lll talk to bdmurray in the morning about it08:26
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
* micahg needs sleep...thanks again for your help wgrant08:28
wgrantNight micahg.08:28
micahgnight wgrant08:28
GarfeildI have problem with launchpad. I have account on launchpad since 2007, but now it looks like deactivated. https://launchpad.net/~garfeild-ubuntu08:41
wgrantWhat perfect timing stub had.08:43
wgrantGarfeild: There was a problem about a week ago with some accounts. Try emailing feedback@launchpad.net, mentioning your Launchpad username and email address. They can probably sort you out.08:44
Garfeildthank you08:49
Xhemagood morning09:48
Xhemacan someone please approve my pot file imports?09:48
mrevelljtv:  are you able to help Xhema?09:51
jtvXhema: having a look09:51
Xhemajtv, thanks dude09:52
maxbwgrant: Does the librarian ever expire things?09:52
Xhemawe can use the poedit to work offline09:52
Xhemabut it would be nice to get the translations going09:52
* jtv wonders how Xheme knows he's a dude... :)09:53
jtvmaxb: yes it does09:53
jtvXhema: I see differently-structured uploads...  Best is to keep each template in its own directory.  I'll keep the structure uploaded by the loco.09:53
jtvXhema, routine question: are you the authors of this program?09:54
Xhemajtv, no09:55
jtvXhema: oh, this is a "translating X to Y" project.  That's a problem.09:55
Xhemai am the loco09:55
jtvXhema: the way Launchpad works, a project is registered exactly once.  From there you can then translate to any language.09:55
Xhemai used the structured option to import from bzr09:55
Xhemathe project open office is registered already09:56
Xhemathe are using some pootle thing to translate09:56
Xhemawe would like to use lauchpad for the albanian translation09:56
Xhemabecause there are more translators there09:56
Xhemaand the pootle is not ever setup yet09:56
Xhemathere is no albanian translation of open office available as open source09:57
Xhemawe have taken the open source po files09:57
jtvWhat about the Ubuntu OO.o package?09:57
Xhemathat is an packaging, but the translations are managed upstream09:57
Xhemaour goal is to do the work in launchpad09:57
Xhemaand submit the results to oo.org for inclusion09:57
Xhemain the upstream09:57
Xhemathen it will trickle down to the normal ubunutu09:58
Xhemathere are 70 people on the albanian translators in launchpad09:58
Xhemaand we dont want to have to get them to learn pootle09:58
jtvXhema: I'm afraid we can't have a separate project for this...  But how about this?09:58
Xhemaand register on another server09:58
Xhemai am listening09:58
jtvYou work on the Ubuntu translations, then use the new "only changes made in Launchpad" export option to get what you change.09:59
jtvThen you can easily submit those upstream.09:59
Xhemalets see09:59
Xhemayou are saying that the open office strings are there?09:59
Xhemai doubt it09:59
Xhemai looked for a while and could not find anything09:59
* Xhema looks09:59
jtv(It's a bit hard to navigate...)09:59
* Xhema looks10:00
jtvNot sure we have exactly the export option you need there though.10:01
Xhemathats find10:01
Xhemanow where is the albanian?10:01
Xhemai see why i did not find it.10:01
Xhemai was looking in the albanian language10:01
Xhemait is not setup there10:01
Xhemaas long as we can translate10:01
jtvHmm... it should be listed there, even if the Albanian translation is still empty.10:01
Xhemawell, that is a different issue10:02
Xhemai should make an question?10:02
henningeXhema: do you have albanian set as a preferred language?10:02
Xhemaperfered, let me see10:02
Xhemanot on this computer, i am not logged in10:03
jtvhenninge: the distroserieslanguage listing includes all languages, not just preferred ones.10:03
henningeXhema: in Launchpad, I mean10:03
Xhemai am not logged in on this comptuer,10:03
Xhemahold on10:03
henningejtv: yes, but if there really are no translations in Albanian it is only listed if you have it set as a preferred language.10:04
Xhemai see10:04
Xhemaso we can stard10:04
Xhemajust wait10:04
Xhemathanks guys10:04
Xhemai can close my project if this works10:05
jtvXhema: two things though:10:05
Xhemathat is great10:05
* Xhema listens10:05
Xhemajtv, ?10:05
jtv1. I'm not sure we're actively using the LP OO.o translations in Ubuntu at the moment.  Of course if you submit upstream that won't matter much in itself,10:05
jtvbut of course it's better if there's someone to keep the templates up-to-date.  :)10:06
Xhema1. agreed. we just want to use launchpad as a staging system10:06
jtvdpm may know.10:06
Xhemaand i am registerd on oo.org10:06
Xhemaand trying to get the project started there10:06
Xhemait is very difficult due to historical issues10:06
ubuntui started translating on launchpad ooo10:06
jtv2. The "Launchpad changes only" export option is available when exporting the Albanian translation of a single template, but not for the whole package.  (And there are rather a lot of templates).10:06
Xhemabut we will get that upstream going10:07
Xhema2. that is what perl is for, right?10:07
dpmjtv: Xhema we're currently not using the Launchpad translations for OO.o, but we're working on enabling them for Karmic10:07
Xhemawe are going to work one template at a time10:07
Xhemaand really, i can script it if needed10:07
jtvXhema: wouldn't have picked perl myself, but hey, anything that'll script.  :-)10:07
Xhemasure jtv, i can also make it in some other language if you like10:07
Xhemalike c :)10:08
Xhemaor nasm10:08
jtvXhema: up to you.  :-)  The hardest part is catching the email that you get with the link to the exported file.10:08
Xhemaeven python10:08
* jtv boggles at the thought of scripting this stuff in assembly10:08
Xhemathat must be the smallest problem10:08
jtvActually making the request you can probably do with a single wget or curl command line.10:08
=== ubuntu is now known as heroid
Xhemai think we can work on the writer first10:09
Xhemaheroid, welcome. he is my translator genious10:09
Xhemai dont speak albanian really :)10:09
Xhemaok here is the first string.10:10
Xhemait works.10:10
Xhemaok, guys10:11
XhemaI will shut down that project and help you guys with the main jaunty stream10:11
Xhemaof course that was my orginial intent10:11
Xhemayou can see from my question here, that was wrongly answered, we always wanted to use what is available :10:11
Xhemathey did not point us at this project10:13
jtvXhema: from a quick scan the answer doesn't look wrong as such, just missing a bit.10:13
Xhemawell, the important bit was that we dont need to do all that10:13
jtvIt's a very natural thing, because Launchpad almost has two different faces...  projects, and Ubuntu.10:13
Xhemajust to go to this link here and start translating10:13
jtvIs there an Albanian translation team for Ubuntu yet?  If no, you may want to set one up.10:14
Xhemayes there is10:14
jtvAh ok10:14
Xhemawith 70 active members10:14
Xhemawe want to get them working on open office10:14
Xhema it would be a high profile project here in the albanian speaking region10:14
jtvThen they should be able to review the translations you enter; if they have no interest in working on openoffice then you could consider applying for membership and organizing yourselves around OO.o.10:14
Xhemaone of our highest profile one10:14
Xhemai am registered in oo.org10:15
jtvI imagine.  There are markets that Microsoft isn't interested in, where free software can do a job they can't.10:15
wgrantmaxb: It expires and removes things that are no longer referenced.10:15
Xhemaand we are working on getting the project setup there10:15
Xhemajtv, microsoft is very big here10:15
jtvSorry to hear that.10:15
Xhemaand has corrupted everyone10:15
Xhemai am working on educating people about floss10:15
Xhemaand you can see the conference we are working on in august10:16
Xhemawe are working on finding young people like heroid10:16
Xhemawho have not been corrupted yet10:16
Xhemaand work with them to learn about floss10:17
heroidyep im working on it too :D10:17
jtvXhema, heroid: very glad to hear it.  Hope everything works out.10:18
Xhemawe are going to get kicking on this translation10:18
Xhemaok, so lets just delete this project10:20
jtvyup, have to get an admin for that.10:20
Xhemawill do10:22
Xhemaas soon as i get my laptop online10:22
Xhemajtv, thanks again. this is really great news. we have been going in circles on this for weeks10:23
jtvXhema: no worries.10:25
Xhemajtv, i think i will keep the project for now10:41
Xhemaand use it as a way to track the merging of the files10:41
Xhemathe po files from various sources10:41
Xhemawe can always delete it later10:41
jtvXhema: what you really need for that is a wiki and other such stuff that LP won't give you.10:41
Xhemai mean the lauchpad project10:43
Xhemawe have a wiki10:44
Xhemaand all that10:44
Xhemajtv, now sugar10:49
Xhemahow can i find the launchpad translation for that10:49
henninge_Xhema: Hm, that is a project group.10:51
jtvXhema: have you tried "Browse projects4" on the LP front page?10:51
Xhemai gotta go10:52
Xhematalk later10:52
Xhemalots of meetings10:52
Xhemathanks dudes10:53
jtvby Xhema!10:56
RenatoSilvaAre you seeing two "Maçã" strings there?11:08
RenatoSilvalines 54 and 5811:08
RenatoSilvait seems a bug with loggerhead11:09
RenatoSilvathe second one should be "Maçã"11:09
mwhudsonRenatoSilva: huh, that's a bit strange11:12
RenatoSilvamwhudson: what are you seeing?11:14
mwhudsonwhat you are seeing11:15
RenatoSilvawhat I said11:15
RenatoSilvatow "maçã" strings11:15
RenatoSilvait should be only the 1st11:15
RenatoSilva2nd should be "Maçã"11:15
mwhudsonRenatoSilva: yes, looks like a bug11:16
RenatoSilvayeah, notified them11:16
RenatoSilvaweird bug btw11:16
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RenatoSilvaanother bug: I just ugraded ff from 3 to 3.5, and my comment is not wrapped anymore (box overflow on the right):  https://code.launchpad.net/~renatosilva/bzr-java-lib/log-view-fix/+merge/837711:27
RenatoSilvamaybe a ff 3.5 bug, maybe a bad html/css in lp11:27
RenatoSilvamaybe word-wrap: break-word; is no longer supported11:28
RenatoSilvait is not standard css afaik11:29
* RenatoSilva is using firebug11:30
RenatoSilvachanging the <pre> to the  valid css "white-space: normal" fixes the bug11:30
RenatoSilvaactually I'd remove such a <pre>, comments are not code11:31
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
james_wI'm getting a bunch of 503 from the API today12:33
james_wanything going on, or have the timeouts been reduced or anything?12:33
james_we.g. OOPS-1285EC14912:39
noodlesjames_w: Am I reading that oops correctly? Total SQL time 195ms... and it's timing out?12:55
james_wnoodles: I'm never sure how to read them12:55
james_wbut I just hit one where the entire process run time was << 1s12:55
james_wsomething seems wonky12:55
noodlesYes, it seems to be only 541ms for the oops you linked above too... wierd...12:56
noodlesbigjools: ^^^^ any ideas?12:56
bigjoolsI had one of those this morning too12:56
bigjoolsno idea12:56
james_wit's making it impossible to get anything done on this project today12:57
noodlesjames_w: I'll ask on IS...12:57
bigjoolsthanks noodles12:58
james_wI'm thinking I should implement a retrying wrapper anyway, but these are too frequent to make that a workaround today12:58
james_wOOPS-1285EC161 for comparison12:58
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
stubbigjools, noodles: I suspect we are not adding the query that is timing out to the statement log or the timings. I think there is an open bug on this.13:17
stubSo it is a bug in the OOPS/database guts rather than a mystery.13:17
noodlesstub: oh, I see.13:18
noodlesYes, the query that's listed at the timeout is not included in the list of statements. Right.13:19
bigjoolsstub: I remember that, but I also earlier had a page that timed out very fast (2 seconds)13:19
stubYer - just tested the query. Not a pretty query plan, but executes in half a second.13:20
stubSo its back to a mystery again where the time went.13:21
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noodlesstub, james_w: bug 396993 if you've got any more info.13:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396993 in launchpad-foundations "API timeouts for 500ms queries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39699313:33
nfiluswho is reviewing newly uploaded translations (.pot)?13:34
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ubottuUbuntu bug 396987 in debian "[needs-packaging] Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back" [Unknown,Fix committed]14:39
cyberixaeWhy did this get set to "Fix Committed" for Debian?14:40
cyberixaeI cannot see any hint towards that direction at the actual Debian bug web page.14:40
Kangarooowhat's better- put one wish list with all posibilities in one bug report or to put each possible solution in new bug report? if each then in one then some will be decidaed as not gona happen and other will happen. but if all in one then at first discusion could happen witch is better option and then decide for only half that not gonna happen but after 1 week again mind could be changed.. or if all options in each own bug report then maybe all linking14:42
nfilusKangarooo: which package do you mean?14:44
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
KangaroooI have some ideas for pidgin.. it totally needs improvements and I could put a one big bug report with all possibilities and learning how to make user friendly aplication or I could put many small bug reports- wishlists what could be changed and made better and removed..14:45
nfilusthen the upstream project is much better for wishlists and discussions14:46
Kangaroooalso what to tell to people who have ideas but don't want to help make ubuntu better? what would you say so they report what's better.. ?14:47
nfilusbesides that ubuntu may/will drop pidgin from default install14:47
Kangarooonfilus: why? how did you know that? I want also some inside info.. :)14:47
Kangarooowhat then people will use?14:48
james_wnoodles: the problem seems to have resolved itself somewhat14:48
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
james_wI'm going to grab some lunch then work some more on it14:49
james_wand try and deal with the 412s I am getting, which I think are because of the scanner14:50
nfilusKangarooo: there's a long ongoing discussion to move to empathy (like on planet.ubuntu.com)14:50
noodlesjames_w: that's good to hear... but I'm still keen to know why it was happening :)14:50
james_wme too14:51
james_wif we don't know why then it might come back :-)14:51
james_wdoes the web UI retry if there are conflicts in flight?14:52
james_wwhat I think is happening is that the scanner is setting the last_scanned_id on the branch at the same time that I am setting lifecycle_status, and so I get 41214:52
noodlesI'm not sure... I don't have much to do with the code UI. I know within soyuz if an ajax request fails but update the ui with a retry link for ajax-related stuff.14:56
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: sinzui | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
nhandlerIs it a known issue that the Map on Launchpad only displays direct members of a team afaict15:23
salgadonhandler, it's like that by design15:24
nhandlersalgado: That is what I was thinking, but IMO, that is a flaw. For instance, if I look at ~ubuntumembers to try and see if there are any Ubuntu members living near me, I wouldn't see any. However, I know for a fact that good old nixternal is just a short drive away.15:25
sinzuinhandler: the server would timeout trying to get that many members.15:26
nhandlersinzui: It would be slightly over 100 more members to get15:27
sinzuinhandler: not for many teams15:27
nhandlersinzui: Well, maybe generate a large static map image. I think that would be more useful than an incomplete google map15:28
sinzuinhandler: since the API is JS, that is not an easy task. May this is doable with OSM15:29
nfilusKangarooo: tell them, that complaining is simple and if they really wish to change something, they should write bug reports, submit  and vote for ideas on brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:30
persiasinzui, How many teams have very large numbers of subteams?15:31
* persia remembers seeing maps including locations of indirect members previously15:31
sinzuinfilus: this is a meritocracy like all open source projects. there is no vote.15:31
sinzuipersia: I don't know off hand. the number in is the hundreds, and they are popular15:32
persiaHrm.  I agree with nhandler on this, as there are often important subteam components of various teams.15:32
sinzuinhandler: but a bug report suggesting how the feature might work would be very helpful15:32
persiaOtherwise the map becomes not so useful for some use cases.15:32
persiaYes, it's a server load, but that's part of having the map.  Having a incorrect map strikes me as worse than not having one at all.15:34
nhandlersinzui: I was going to write one up after checking in here15:36
nhandlersinzui: What should I file it against? launchpad?15:38
sinzuiyes, but if you report it against launchpad-registry it will be tagged quicker15:39
persianhandler, please subscribe me as well15:46
nhandlerpersia: Will do15:47
sinzuiI imagine we will have a big bill from Google if we implement this feature15:47
persiaI believe it used to be implemented that way though.15:47
* sinzui hopes that OSM hackers will help Launchpad switch15:48
persiaActually, it appears to still be so.  cf. https://launchpad.net/~motu-council15:48
persianhandler, Are you sure about this bug?  Is it maybe only on edge?15:49
sinzuipersia: yes, for about 2 months. it has performance issues and we had to switch to https. That is not a free service15:49
nhandlerpersia: It might only be on edge. I'll check15:49
persiasinzui, Ah.  That makes more sense.15:49
sinzuipersia: nhandler: we have not change maps rules in 6 months. the code cannot be tested (again because it is hosted on google) so we change it only as needed15:50
persiaThen I think that the bug is different than described.15:51
nhandlerpersia: Nope, non-edge still doesn't show me on the ~ubuntumembers map15:51
persiaI think what is being seen is the optimisation for very large teams, which isn't just about indirect membership.15:51
sinzuithere is a real bug in the interaction between google and geonames that wrong maps people near 0 degrees longitude in Kazakhstan. That is insane to debug15:51
maxbCould a kind admin rescore this build, please?  It's not my PPA, but I'm waiting to test that fix.  It seems to have a score of zero, but the other architectures have built, so whyever it was retried, it should be find to build now. https://launchpad.net/~kim.nguyen/+archive/ppa/+build/110988616:05
bigjoolsmaxb: sure thing16:06
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savvas0Who should I subscribe to a bug for a possible problem between bzr and rosetta .po/.pot files import? bug #384217 ( and specifically https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/384217/comments/7 )16:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 384217 in launchpad "subscribed to a code branch, but did not receive most updates" [Undecided,New]16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384217 in launchpad "subscribed to a code branch, but did not receive most updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38421716:50
savvas0I mean when the bzr branch is connected to rosetta for automatic translations import :)16:53
dpm_savvas0: you can use the 'Also affects project' link and choose 'rosetta'16:58
henningesavvas0: This is a bit tricky but I'd say it is between code and translations.16:58
henningesavvas0: yeah, probably ours ... ;)16:59
savvas0ok, thank you both! :)17:00
savvas0I was kind of brainstorming with a friend of mine for this one, we were looking for common stuff between the bzr imports hehe :P17:03
felipecI don't understand translations.launchpad.net UI17:26
felipecin my projects I've merged all the .po's, how do I tell that to launchpad?17:27
henningefelipec: you can't really do that.17:29
felipechenninge: I think I got it: set an official branch to my vcs-import, and then configure the translation settings to import template and translation files17:31
henningefelipec: yes, you will need to re-import the template and the translations.17:32
felipechenninge: what? why? is it going to be imported automatically from git?17:32
henningefelipec: sorry, that is what I meant ...17:33
henningefelipec: what is the project?17:33
felipechenninge: msn-pecan17:34
henningefelipec: I only see one template? What did you mean by "merged all the pos"?17:36
felipechenninge: pos, not pot17:36
henningefelipec: so do you mean you merged the po's from Launchpad back into those in the source?17:37
felipechenninge: yeah, in every release17:38
felipechenninge: but they still show as purple17:38
henningefelipec: yes, so importing them again will turn them green.17:39
henningefelipec: and you can do that using bzr imports as you mentioned earlier.17:39
felipechenninge: yeah, I set it as automatically and also requested a one time import17:40
felipechenninge: but I guess it will take time17:40
henningefelipec: no, there is a problem with the naming of the files.17:41
henningefelipec: the exported po files you get from Launchpad cannot be imported directly back the way they are named.17:42
henningefelipec: I see files like "po/libmsn-pecan-pt.po" in the queue and that is how our export names the files.17:42
henningefelipec: for the import to work automatically, it should just be named "po/pt.po" etc.17:43
henningefelipec: that way the language can be read from the file name.17:43
felipechenninge: pretty limited17:45
henningefelipec: yes, I admit, that does need some improvement.17:45
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felipechenninge: fortunately nothing else seems to be depending on the libmsn-pecan prefix17:48
henningefelipec: not that I know of.17:48
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felipechenninge: ok, I've renamed them17:51
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ftad'oh! http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/ppa-queues2.png19:02
ftait's bad as it means it's impossible to produce a single daily19:03
ftawhen a given package finally gets built (after 24h+), it ftbfs with "State: Failed to upload" because the next version is already in the queue19:04
maxbfta: ooh,  your graph is prettier that my graph. What draws it?19:20
ftaoo calc :(19:21
Toasteris there cloaking for launchpad users?19:26
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
felipechenninge: ok, the code is updated and launchpad is still not picking it up20:16
beunofelipec, there are some moving parts which sometimes take a few minutes20:16
beunowhere are you not seeing it reflected?20:16
felipecbeuno: https://translations.launchpad.net/msn-pecan20:16
beunofelipec, you pushed a bzr branch with updated translations?20:17
felipecbeuno: no, I have always had the updates in my git repo, which is mirrored by vcs-import20:18
felipecbeuno: and https://code.launchpad.net/msn-pecan is reflecting the latest commit20:18
beunofelipec, oh, that's a different URL now20:19
felipecbeuno: yeah, which reflects the changes are imported20:19
beunofelipec,  Last successful import was 35 minutes ago.20:19
beunoThe next import is scheduled to run in 5 hours.20:20
felipecbeuno: I know, I said, it's reflecting the latest commit20:20
beunoso what's the issue?20:20
felipecbeuno: git latest commit == bzr latest commit20:20
* beuno nudges mwhudson 20:21
felipecthat https://translations.launchpad.net/msn-pecan is not updated20:21
felipecnever has been20:21
beunofelipec, I have no idea why you're talking about translations20:21
beunois your project getting translations from the branch?20:22
felipecbeuno: I'm talking about translations because I'm interested on translations and translations don't work20:23
beunofelipec, let's start again20:23
beunoyou said:20:23
felipecbeuno: if you go to the URL, you'll see they show in purple: Newly translated in Launchpad20:24
beuno< felipec> henninge: ok, the code is updated and launchpad is still not picking it up20:24
* beuno nudges danilos as well20:24
felipecbeuno: yeah, henninge told me to rename the files so that translations.launchpad.net would pick them up20:24
felipecbeuno: since the code is updated in the bzr branch, the translations should update20:25
beunook, felipec, good, now I'm back on track20:25
beunoand ahve you specified that Launchpad should be using that branch for translations?20:25
felipecbeuno: yes20:25
beunonow, danilos, can you take a look  ^20:26
beunofelipec, when did you update the git branch with this change?20:26
felipecbeuno: some hours ago20:26
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beunook, so that's about as dar as I can go into translations, I'll need either henninge or danilos to pitch in20:27
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felipecbeuno: ok, thanks20:29
beunofelipec, maybe the import is done once a day20:29
beunonot sure20:29
felipecbeuno: I also requested a manual import20:30
Saviqguys, any way to search for bugs that _don't_ have a tag set?20:49
Saviqlike "-tag" or something?20:49
Saviqor !tag?20:49
beunoSaviq, yes20:50
* beuno looks it up20:50
beunoSaviq, http://blog.launchpad.net/bug-tracking/searching-bugs-with-tags-now-with-wings20:52
Saviqbeuno: thanks20:52
henningefelipec: still around?21:12
felipechenninge: yeap21:14
henningefelipec: I am sorry, I only told you half the story ;-)21:20
henningefelipec: In order to associate the files automatically with the template their path needs to match that of the template.21:22
henningefelipec: but the template is just called "messages.pot", no path.21:22
henningefelipec: but no worries21:23
Ursinhahey henninge :)21:23
UrsinhaI have a question21:23
* Ursinha sees henninge running21:23
henningefelipec: the new names for the files were a great help21:23
henningeUrsinha: hold on a sec21:23
Ursinhahenninge, sure21:23
henningefelipec: I approved all the files which was much easier not having to pick the language for each, just the template.21:24
henningefelipec: so they are being imported now and the bars are turning green.21:24
henningefelipec: sorry for the complications here. Subsequent imports should work without problems now as long as the file names stay the same.21:25
henningeUrsinha: what can I do for you?21:25
Ursinhahenninge, it's a question that came up on FISL21:25
Ursinhaa guy asked me how ubuntu handles the translations that come with debian packages21:26
Ursinhahenninge, it's an international free software forum that happens in Brazil21:26
Ursinhaforum internacional software livre in portuguese21:26
henningeUrsinha: I believe that debian just uses the normal gettext system so the translation files that come with a debian package are installed in the locale dir and can then be used.21:27
henningeUrsinha: nothing special about it, should work.21:27
Ursinhahenninge, right21:28
henningeUrsinha: ubuntu only has special casing for main packages which are found on the CD21:28
henningeUrsinha: that is what we produce language packs for.21:28
henningeUrsinha: all other packages have to bring their own translations.21:29
Ursinhahenninge, so, is it possible to start doing the translation of a given package using lp?21:30
felipechenninge: cool, so only the .pot file is missing?21:30
henningefelipec: no, no need to do anything about it now.21:30
felipechenninge: yeah, I see that all the translations are green :)21:31
henningefelipec: you will have to include it in your tree, though, to automatically pick up its changes.21:31
felipechenninge: but I mean in the future21:31
henningefelipec: yes, just put it in the po dir in your source tree.21:31
felipechenninge: po/messages.pot will be ok?21:32
henningefelipec: yes21:32
felipechenninge: cool, thanks :)21:32
felipechenninge: I can also manually upload it, right?21:32
henningefelipec: sure21:33
henningefelipec: it gets a bit more complicated if you ever decide to have more than one template (translation domain).21:33
felipechenninge: no, it will stay as one21:34
henningefelipec: then you are fine.21:34
beunohenninge, are all these instructions in a wiki somewhere?21:34
henningebeuno: yes21:35
beunohenninge, where?21:35
beunoand why aren't you pointing felipec to it  :)21:35
felipecbeuno: because I already did all I had to do hours ago :)21:36
beunomy question is21:36
beunomaybe the wiki page isn't clear enough, so that you still don't understand what needs to be done21:36
beunomaybe we need to improve our help  :)21:36
henningebeuno: that is well possible21:37
henningebeuno: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/ImportPolicy21:37
felipecbeuno: definitely... somebody else might have the same issue21:37
beunohenninge, that page doesn't talk about bzr at all21:38
henningebeuno: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject#Uploading%20translation%20files21:39
beunowhich takes us to21:40
beunofelipec, could you take a peak at that  ^21:40
beunoand tell us if there's anything that could be improved?21:40
henningebeuno: yeah, you are right, I could have pointed to that.21:41
henningeI actually wrote that ...21:42
beunonot that helping out on IRC isn't great21:42
beunojust wondering why it happened21:42
felipecbeuno: I don't speak bzr, so I can't read that wiki page that well =/21:42
felipecbeuno: I don't understand "project series"21:43
henningefelipec: it is not really bzr specific21:43
beunohenninge, that's an interesting comment21:43
beunonot knowing what a series is21:43
beunoand having set up everything without knowing21:43
beunomaybe the doc could reflect that?21:43
henningebeuno: trunk is created automatically.21:43
henningebeuno, felipec: Also, I see that it does not mention po files import, either.21:44
felipecbeuno: the only thing that confused me is the "settings" in "msn-pecan" and the "settings" in "msn-pecan/trunk"21:45
beunohenninge, exactly21:45
beunoyet we talk about it as something you should know, when you actually don't21:45
felipechenninge: and the template of the files e.g. "po/it.po"21:46
henningefelipec: yes, that is mentioned elsewhere, though, because it is not specific to bzr imports. But I guess there should be a reference here.21:47
henningeUrsinha: hey :)21:52
henningeyour question ...21:52
henningeUrsinha: I am not sure now if there are packages outside main (universe) in Launchpad.21:54
henningeUrsinha: but if there are you could use rosetta for them21:55
henningeUrsinha: but the preferred way is to talk to upstream and coordinate with the way they translate.21:55
henningeUrsinha: Of course, upstream projects are always welcome to register their project with Launchpad and use it for translations (and whatever else we offer) ;)21:56
Ursinhahenninge, I need to talk to the guy to clarify this with him21:59
Ursinhabut thank you very much for your answers21:59
henningeUrsinha: you are welcom :)21:59
Ampelbeinhi there. is it intentional that security-uploads don't show in /+uploaded_packages?22:23
henningebeuno, felipec: I updated the wiki page.22:27
henningeI have to go now, good night. ;-)22:27
felipechenninge: thanks, good night :)22:28
ronan__anyone know how to temporarily disable emails while away on holiday?22:31
ronan__..to avoid out of office messages being sent22:32
BjornTronan__: it should be fine, if you make sure that your 'out of office' responder is well-behaved, and doesn't respond to messages that have a 'precedence: bulk' header.22:36
BjornTronan__: there is no way of temporarily disable e-mail in Launchpad, apart from changing the preferred address to some other address.22:37
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ronan__BjornT : thanks. The responder is outside my control, but claims to ignore mailing lists. We'll see tomorrow.22:45
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