
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
neilvhi. i reported a DoS security bug against ubuntu's packaging of apache. there's been no apparent activity, a week later. is this typical?01:15
Ampelbeinneilv: have you subscribed the security-team?01:15
neilvthey are subscribed. i flagged it as a security bug from the start01:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 394350 in apache2 "RLimitCPU has no effect in Apache" [Undecided,Incomplete]01:16
Ampelbeinhmm, you seem to have done everything correctly. try #ubuntu-hardened or #ubuntu-server and see if a security-team member is around.01:18
rjmoorei know that this is not a support channel but do you think someone could help me figure out a problem with the repositories??06:40
pittiGood morning07:09
asac_mvo: did you change apt to hold back stuff that breaks something rather than removing?10:03
asac_i rmember that seb wanted you to do that last sprint10:03
mvoasac I have not changed that code, its a fiddling beast. if you have a good example situation I can look at it again10:03
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mvonow would be a good time I guess10:03
asacmvo: please look at NM ppa10:03
asacmvo: i have added a breaks libmbca0 to mobile-broadband-provider-info10:04
asacbut it seems taht apt is holding the upgrade back now10:04
asacinstead of removing10:04
asacmvo: should i have used a conflicts rather?10:04
asac11:00 [freenode] [torgny_j(n=quassel@] The following packages have been kept back:10:05
asac11:00 [freenode] [torgny_j(n=quassel@]   mobile-broadband-provider-info network-manager-gnome udev-extras10:05
asaci forgot to remove libmbca0 from the Recommends of network-manager-gnome10:05
asaci how thats not the reason ;)10:05
mvoasac: what is the output of -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true ?10:07
asacmvo: i asked him10:10
asacwhat does "Enhances: " mean?10:10
mvoasac: not a lot currently, its something like a reverse suggests10:10
mvoasac: but its not used by apt10:10
mvo(or any other tool)10:10
asacgood. then why are folks using it ;)10:10
asacjust to confuse me ;)10:11
seb128pitti, hey11:15
seb128pitti, can you build ppa builds priorities too?11:15
seb128bump priority rather11:15
pittiseb128: hey11:17
pittiseb128: yes, I can11:17
seb128pitti, https://edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/+archive/ppa11:17
seb128pitti, can you bump the json-glib build there?11:18
asac11:27 < asac> ppa weather: http://identi.ca/notice/618897011:18
seb128pitti, some people need that to do a demo at GUADEC after lunch11:18
pittiseb128: done11:18
seb128pitti, thanks11:18
pittiwow, the PPAs have a huge backlog11:19
asacnow we have 6 builders again at least on i38611:19
seb128pitti, can you do the same for the karmic version there?11:23
pittiseb128: bumped11:24
seb128pitti, danke11:24
pittiseb128: jaunty all built11:24
seb128pitti, btw gnome bug #586708 might be the bump you were looking for about gvfs11:25
ubottuGnome bug 586708 in general "User Choice of VFAT Mount Option" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58670811:25
asacmvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212636/11:26
asacmvo: so situation is: old mobile-broadband-provider-info depends on libmbca0 ... new one breaks libmbca0; new udev-extras seems to conflict with hotkey-setup11:27
asacmvo: what does the number mean after the package name?11:30
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chrisccoulsonpitti - just looking at the GDM source - do you agree that the only reason GDM needs to depend on gnome-session right now is because it needs to tell the session manager what autostart directory to use, and other session managers don't support this?12:07
pittichrisccoulson: well, gdm itself is half of a GNOME session now12:08
pittiso it certainly needs gnome-session-bin12:08
pittibut we don't need gnome-session's dependencies and shipped .desktop files12:08
pitti(which is what they split out in Debian, AFAIK)12:08
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering if it's possible to use other session managers to load the GDM session, but they would need to support the "--autostart" option to specify what autostart directory to use12:09
chrisccoulsonthe only reason i mention it is because it looks like xubuntu will have to have both gnome-session and xfce4-session by default now, unless i'm misunderstanding something12:10
chrisccoulsonif that's the case, perhaps the right thing to do is to adapt xfce4-session so that it can load the GDM session12:11
pittiah, perhaps yes; I haven't looked into it that deeply12:11
pittichrisccoulson: but as a first mitigation, I think merging with Debian and just depending on -bin should work12:11
pittithen this at least stops pulling in gnome-panel, nautilus, compiz, etc.12:11
seb128gdm is the GNOME display manager, I don't see the issue with depending on gnome-session12:12
chrisccoulsoni had a look at the xfce4-source, and it seems possible to do that - as long as that is the only reason GDM needs gnome-session12:12
seb128xfce can use xdm they want or something else12:12
chrisccoulsonhi seb12812:13
seb128hey chrisccoulson12:13
chrisccoulsonhaving a good week?12:13
seb128out of the internet connection there12:14
seb128GUADEC core is over now though12:15
didrockshey o/12:19
didrockssame internet connection at RMLL :(12:19
seb128hello didrocks12:23
seb128didrocks, how is that going?12:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - were you involved with any tracker discussions at GUADEC? ;)12:27
seb128not really, they have a hacking session this afternoon but I'm flying back today12:28
seb128anything you wanted to know about it?12:28
seb128I don't think there is much new out of what has been on planet recently12:28
chrisccoulsonit was just more for general interest really12:28
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asacudev (142-2) breaks dmsetup (<= 2:1.02.27-4ubuntu5)12:38
asacpitti: do you in which way it breaks it?12:38
* asac tries to get udev >= 142 to jaunty 12:39
mdzI just re-enabled desktop effects (had been unstable earlier in karmic), and now gnome-session is continuously respawning metacity (which fails because compiz is running)12:40
seb128mdz, right several people have been running into this issue12:42
mdzseb128, is bug 389686 the best one for this issue?12:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389686 in metacity "compiz --replace fails to kill metacity, resulting in cpu overload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38968612:44
seb128mdz, I've not looked to bugs too much this week but I think you can use this one, the other comments I did read are confusing "gconf is using too much cpu"12:45
mvoasac: the number is the score that apt assigns to the package (how important it thinks it is)12:45
asacso seems udev-extras isnt important enough to make hotkey-setup go away12:46
asacsame for libmbca0 breaks12:46
asacmvo: so conflicting is better than breaks maybe?12:46
mdzseb128, ok, I'm marking that one triaged and moving it to gnome-session (since that seems a more likely culprit than metacity)12:47
seb128mdz, thanks12:47
seb128chrisccoulson, do you think you could have a look to this one?12:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can take a look at that. although, gnome-session hasn't really changed yet in karmic12:49
chrisccoulsonbut, i suppose that doesn't mean it isn't a gnome-session bug12:49
mvoasac: what do you want to archieve that libca0 gets removed from the users system? the effect should be the same, in both cases the score is calculated the same way12:54
asacmvo: well. new mobile-broadband-provider-info would break libmbca0 parser12:55
asacso it doesnt work again12:55
seb128lunch time bbl12:55
asacalso the new nm-gnome applet doesnt need libmbca0 anymore12:55
asacso it can go away12:55
asacmvo: we could just keep libmbca0 installed ... that wouldnt hurt, because noone is using it. but it wouldnt be just to not conflict/breaks on it i think12:56
mvoasac: well, if there is a new version that supports the new format the lib should be updated.12:56
mvoasac: it will be picked up as a automatic deepndency if nothing is using it anymore12:56
asacmvo: there is no version12:56
mvoasac: so that should be fine, at most the next release upgrade will rmeove it automatically12:56
asacits supposed to die imo12:57
asacso only solution is to make libmbca0 an empty package?12:57
chrisccoulsonmdz - i can't test this metacity respawing issue until i get home, but, jut out of interest - what is the output of "gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager" just after you've enabled desktop effects?12:58
asacmvo: and let it slowly die by dist upgrader?12:58
chrisccoulsondoes it still say metacity?12:58
mvowell, or making sure that its not used by anything anymore and using the break or conflict12:58
mvobut the score of 1 indicates that something is still depending on it12:58
mdzchrisccoulson, it says compiz right now (after letting it spin for a long time and then running killall metacity)12:59
chrisccoulsonmdz - thanks. i'll take more of an in depth look at it later, but the fact that it stops if you run "killall metacity" makes it look like it's actually a metacity bug - it's probably asking to be restarted13:01
mdzchrisccoulson, ok, feel free to move it back, I was guessing13:02
asacmvo: are you talking about libmbca0? nothing uses it afaik13:02
asacmvo: at least after the upgrade13:02
chrisccoulsonno problem. i'll leave it as it is for now13:02
asacmvo: only thing i forgot is a recommends in the -gnome package13:02
asacmvo: is that a problem?13:02
asace.g. do recommends bring a score of 1?13:02
mvoasac: in the past it did not, but I fixed that recently, not sure if you version is affected or not. I think I need to re-create the situation in a chroot to check - do you get this on your machine or is it from a user bugreport?13:04
asacmvo: so you say recommends now bring in a score? that would explain it13:05
asacno need to reproduce if it doesnt go away after removing recommends ill let you know13:05
pittiasac: breaks> no idea, I'm afraid; Keybuk?13:26
pittiasac| udev (142-2) breaks dmsetup (<= 2:1.02.27-4ubuntu5)13:28
pittiasac| pitti: do you in which way it breaks it?13:28
pitti   -*- asac tries to get udev >= 142 to jaunty13:28
asacKeybuk: do i need to backport devmapper 2:1.02.27-4ubuntu6 from karmic or was the break introduced because it needed a rebuild?13:41
Keybukasac: the udev rules format changed13:57
Keybukand we moved from using vol_id to blkid13:57
* hyperair grumbles about gdm's user switcher being incredibly bulky14:18
hyperairat least fusa was shrinkable in its preferences14:20
nerd_blokeWould it make sense for a developer to add an Alpha 5 milestone to this bug, Update manager stopped showing the number of updates available https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/330439 ? Avoid hitting the KK UI Freeze like it did with JJ...14:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 330439 in update-manager "[jaunty] update manager stopped showing the number of updates available" [Medium,Triaged]14:50
mvonerd_bloke: I have a look14:53
chrisccoulsonmdz - i'm failry certain that the metacity respawning issue looks like a metacity bug rather than a gnome-session one, so I've re-assigned it back now. i can't test it until i get home from work, but i've had a look at the code and i've got a rough idea of what is happening now14:54
mdzchrisccoulson, thanks for looking at it14:55
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome14:56
seb128chrisccoulson, you are doing some good work as usual ;-) being accepted as motu yet? ;-)14:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet. i've put myself on the motu-council meeting agenda for 23/715:04
nerd_blokemvo: thanks15:04
chrisccoulsonthe next meeting is actually friday, but i couldn't make that one else i'd be late for work;)15:04
seb128chrisccoulson, ok15:06
SiDi_Does anyone know if we have (even officious) stats about the adoption rate of security updates over time ?15:28
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* hyperair fumes16:16
hyperairwho was the brilliant one who decided that it would be a good idea to stop gdm while upgrading?!16:17
* hyperair (im)patiently waits for apt to finish its stuff before gdm can come back on16:17
pittihyperair: see #ubuntu-devel /topic; it was a bug16:20
pittiand u-d-a@16:20
Laneyis there a bug about mass storage devices no longer automounting?16:20
hyperairi see16:20
* Laney assumes yes16:20
hyperairmass storage devices not automounting?16:21
hyperairit does for me now =\16:21
pittiit doesn't auto-popup nautilus, though16:21
pittithat's a bug16:21
Laneynope, didn't mount at all16:21
hyperairi disabled that anyway, so i didn't notice anything16:21
Laneyjust tried with my phone though, I'll check with a usb key later16:22
* hyperair curses16:29
hyperairi can't even launch a browser now because it won't give me anything but a bloody black screen16:29
pittihave to run out early today, cu tomorrow16:34
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asacpitti: there? so NM maintainer aims for Fedora 12 (end of october/begin of nov) for 0.8 release. so if we want to do that, we need to accept that we will get a final version SRU post-release18:22
asacif thats ok, i will ensure that he doesnt break abi after our final release cut (like he did for intrepid) ... and then i would now start preparing the 0.8 bits18:24
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=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch

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