
Nafallojpds: ubot2 seems to have forgotten !karmic :-/00:44
ubot2gump called the ops in #ubuntu-se ()02:14
jpdsNafallo: What?11:24
jpdsTaking a look.11:25
jpdsNafallo: Working fine by what I can see.11:29
Nafallojpds: that's because I added it back :-P11:43
jpdsHa, so my work is done.11:43
* jpds hugs Nafallo.11:44
jpdsNafallo: Oh, can you cp ~jpds/ubot2 /etc/logrotate.d/ too?11:53
jpdsNafallo: And maybe install logrotate as well so that it actually works :)11:54
Nafallojpds: haven't I done that CP already?11:57
jpdsNafallo: Changed from weekly to daily rotation.11:58
Nafallojpds: this has been done.12:00
jpdsNafallo: Awesome!12:00
Toasterhi, i'd like to get a ubuntu/member/-cloak, what do i have to do?19:33
PiciToaster: are you an Ubuntu Member? What is your launchpad page?19:34
Toasternot sure what exactly i'd have to do to became a "member", i use it, i use launchpad and i use the german ubuntu community (ubuntuusers.org) ^^19:35
PiciToaster: It doesn't look like you are part of the ubuntumembers group on Launchpad.19:35
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember19:35
PiciToaster: See the link from ubottu19:35
Toasterok, thx19:36
Picino problem.19:37
Toastermh...everytime i try to sign the code it says my key is expired, but i'm pretty sure its not Oo19:56
Toasterok...the version on keyserver.ubuntu.com is expired, but my local one isnt, how can i update the one on the keyserver?20:10
erUSULToaster: resync keys with Seahorse ? aplications>accesories.. but i find weird that the same key can be expired in the server and not in your keyring or viceversa20:11
Toasterwhen i created the key, i added a date to expire, but then i thought it would suck to make a new key every couple of month, so i changed that setting to 0, but on the server is the older version20:14
Toasterbut, whats seahorse?^^20:15
Toasterok, got it20:16
Toaster gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys was the way20:16
=== MTecknology is now known as Masterbuntu
=== Masterbuntu is now known as sysman
erUSULToaster: seahorse is a nice gui around key handling for gnome20:30
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
erichammondHow might one go about proposing that an Ubuntu channel be added to irclogs.ubuntu.com?22:48
nhandlererichammond: I think you need to file an RT ticket requesting the bot join your channel23:00
erichammondRT or Launchpad?23:00
erichammondI found what appears to be Canonical RT, but apparently need a login.23:02
Nafalloerichammond: what channel, if I may ask?23:05
erichammondNafallo: #ubuntu-ec223:05
Nafalloerichammond: yeah. that would be RT then.23:05
erichammondI'm going to seek a consensus of the members and see if there are any objections, but was trying to figure out the process.23:06
Nafalloerichammond: rt@ubuntu.com23:06
erichammondnhandler, Nafallo: Thanks23:06

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