
ogasawaraJFo: not really, take a look at comment 1900:00
JFook, so we have apport data for Jaunty...00:00
ogasawaraJFo: yup, so they've provided the requested info00:01
ogasawaraJFo: the only thing it seems they did not do was test the latest upstream kernel00:01
JFoso this one needs to be sent upConfirmed for Jaunty, Test Upstream00:01
ogasawaraJFo: right00:01
JFosorry, I keep saying that00:01
ogasawaraJFo: actually just a reminder to test upstream if they could00:01
JFoso, standard response from the bug jam page00:02
ogasawaraJFo: since it was already asked if they could test upstream in comment 1900:02
ogasawaraJFo: we can actually remove the "needs-kernel-logs" tag since they ran the apport-collect command00:03
ogasawaraJFo: unfortunately removing the tag is a separate step from posting a comment and updating status00:03
ogasawaraJFo: if you look at the bug description you'll see the list of "Tags"00:04
JFoI see them00:04
ogasawaraJFo: click on the little yellow pencil icon at the end of the list00:04
JFoand the 'edit' icon :)00:04
JFoheh, right00:04
JFojust removing needs-kernel-logs, yes?00:05
ogasawaraJFo: yup00:05
ogasawaraJFo: so one last thing, setting the Importance00:05
ogasawaraJFo: for the most part, bugs usually fall under the Medium Importance00:06
JFoI can't change that00:06
ogasawaraJFo: hrm, must be a bugcontrol thing.  I'll change it00:06
JFoyeah, permission related as the tool tip tells me00:06
JFoor hover text or what have you00:07
ogasawaraJFo: once you feel comfortable enough triaging bugs, you'll want to apply for membership to ubuntu-bugcontrol00:07
JFosounds good00:07
ogasawaraJFo: it requires a small application process where you submit 5 bugs you triaged in order to prove you know what you're doing00:07
ogasawaraJFo: ok, lets move to the next bug00:08
ogasawaraJFo: bug 30778000:08
JFoI'm with you00:08
ubot3Malone bug 307780 in linux "Suspend/Hibernate Not Working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30778000:08
ogasawaraJFo: this is another Incomplete bug, but you'll see they never responded to the last inquiry for information00:09
JFoso we need to ping them again?00:09
ogasawaraJFo: actually, if they don't respond after 6weeks, I close them00:09
JFogood call00:09
JFoso this one is well over that00:10
ogasawaraJFo: I post a comment why we're closing it and let them know they are free to reopen the bug at any time00:10
ogasawaraJFo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/BugDay/20090623#Old Incomplete00:10
ogasawaraJFo: that's a typical stock reply that I'd use for that scenario00:11
JFogreat 00:11
ogasawaraJFo: you probably can't set it to Won't Fix, so go ahead and set it to Invalid00:11
JFoso technically they don't get closed, they just get set to WontFix?00:11
ogasawaraJFo: Won't Fix, Invalid, and Fix Released are all considered closed states in launchpad00:12
JFobut able to be reopened00:12
JFoI see00:12
ogasawaraJFo: I think we're ready to tackle some of the bugs on the bug day list now00:13
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ogasawaraJFo: I know we can look at the community sections, but lets steal some from Tim Gardner's list (he's away on vaca)00:14
JFoI'm ready00:14
ogasawaraJFo: bug 35248400:14
ubot3Malone bug 352484 in linux "Wireless network not working, System lock-ups with Intel 4965 wireless" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35248400:14
ogasawaraJFo: so as you read, the focus of the developer's list of bugs are wifi related bugs00:15
JFoI see that00:15
ogasawaraJFo: for some drivers, like the iwl4965 driver, there are a few extra things they can test00:16
JFoso they have tried backports00:16
JFodo we need kernel logging for this too eventually?00:16
JFoor is this separate00:16
ogasawaraJFo: we'll want to ask a bunch of things.  even though they tested linux-backports-modules-intrepid, we need them to test the newer Jaunty release00:17
ogasawaraJFo: if the issue remains in Jaunty, they should also try linux-backports-modules-jaunty00:18
ogasawaraJFo: then run apport-collect to get debug files00:18
ogasawaraJFo: also, I usually like to request they also confirm against the latest upstream compat-wireless stack00:18
JFomakes sense00:18
JFoso, standard response from the bug jam page for backports00:19
ogasawaraJFo: it's sorta a lot to ask the bug reporter, bug if you make it a simple multi-step process it's much easier00:19
JFolooks like00:19
ogasawaraJFo: so we'll likely want to mix and match some of the stock replies00:19
JFoI see00:20
ogasawaraJFo: basically combining the "Test Jaunty" and "Test linux-backports-modules-jaunty" stock replies00:20
ogasawaraJFo: whenever I ask someone to test the latest upstream compat-wireless stack I tag the bug "compat-wireless"00:21
ogasawaraJFo: likewise if I ask them to run apport-collect, I tag "needs-kernel-logs"00:21
JFomakes sense00:21
JFodone.. very straightforward00:23
JFosee what you think00:23
JFoall I did was add the backport stuff before the 'let us know' bit and added an 'Also,'00:24
ogasawaraJFo: looks great.  one small nit pick is when I paste the apport-collect command, I usually insert the actual bug #00:24
JFoI didn't see that00:25
JFo<- slack00:25
JFoenabling them to copy/paste the command00:25
ogasawaraJFo: no worries.  it's usually not an issue until you run into the bug reporter that copies and pasts verbatim and complains apport-collect crashes00:25
JFoI should have seen that00:25
ogasawaraJFo: lemme see if I can find another good example under the Community section before I turn you loose to do a few on your own00:26
JFoheh, ok00:26
ogasawaralets look at bug 2134400:28
ubot3Malone bug 21344 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Hang when loading ipw2100" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2134400:28
JFowow 200500:28
ogasawaraJFo: it's an oldie00:28
ogasawaraJFo: so one thing I want to start preventing is Triaged bugs which stagnate00:29
JFoI can certainly understand that00:29
ogasawaraJFo: as you pointed out, this was reported way back in 2005 and the most recent comment was back in Dec of 0800:29
JFoI see that too :-/00:30
ogasawaraJFo: and that was from the janitor no less, so the last real comment was back in Sep 0800:30
JFodo we need a 'Check for Jaunty' here?00:30
ogasawaraJFo: Triaged to a developer should indicate a bug is up to date ready to be worked on00:30
JFoor is there something more00:30
JFoah hah00:30
ogasawaraJFo: yup, so pretty much go through the same motions of asking the test against the latest release00:30
JFobut this is ooooold version00:30
JFokick back to incomplete as well, yes?00:31
ogasawaraJFo: yup00:31
ogasawaraJFo: so you'll notice a lot of triaging can be pretty redundant sometimes00:31
JFobut very necessary00:32
ogasawaraJFo: there are some shortcuts, to make that easier :)00:32
JFonice :)00:32
ogasawaraJFo: first I'd point you to the launchpad greasemonkey scripts (noted in the bug day page)00:32
JFoscripts or built in LP tools?00:32
ogasawaraJFo: both00:32
ogasawaraJFo: I'd direct you specifically to the stockreplies gm-script as well as the karma suffix00:33
* JFo needs to unpack his Jaunty Lappy00:34
ogasawarathe stockreplies will allow you to save canned responses, like test jaunty, test linux-backports-modules, and inject them automatically with a single click00:34
JFoI likey00:34
ogasawarathe stockreplies gm-script is also capable of also setting the status and importance00:34
JFovery nice00:34
ogasawaraJFo: I'm even lazier though and will often revert to using launchpadlib to knock out a whole list of bugs00:35
JFoI like that even more :)00:35
ogasawaraJFo: but I'll save the launchpadlib stuff for a later date00:35
JFothis is good ofr now00:35
ogasawaraJFo: best to make you triage old school first00:36
JFoI need to understand first00:36
JFoyes :)00:36
JFohow often do you generate the list of bugs for the devs?00:36
ogasawaraJFo: I generate them every 2 weeks00:36
JFofor instance, if I wanted to look over some of these this weekend...00:36
JFook good :)00:37
ogasawaraJFo: but I'd be happy to generate some custom lists for you if you like00:37
JFowell, if it isn't too much trouble00:37
JFoI'd like to have a good list to tackle if you think I am up to it00:37
ogasawaraJFo: definitely.  let me put together a few groups of bugs for you to work on.  I'll email you it tomorrow.00:38
JFoI look forward to it00:38
ogasawaraJFo: hope this quick triage session helped00:38
ogasawaraJFo: obviously feel free to ping/email me with any additional questions00:38
JFoI'm glad to see that I will be able to help quicker than I thought00:38
JFook, will do00:38
JFowell, thank you for that excellent training ogasawara 00:42
JFoI'll hold off for today on the bugs until I see the list tomorrow00:42
ogasawaraJFo: sounds good.  thanks for helping out00:43
JFomaybe I can help tackle some of the backlog00:43
JFono problem at all :)00:43
ogasawaraJFo: indeed, that would be great00:43
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\shhow can we get rid of klibcs ipconfig inside the initramfs really fast...it's a nightmare in enterprise environments using PXE/NFS rootfs mounts07:31
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bullgard4What does 'mmc' stand for in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c?10:17
ogramultimedia card10:19
smbbullgard4, multi media controller? 10:19
ogra(SD cards)10:19
smbas far as I know its those controllers supporting multiple card types10:20
ograyeah, or rather contrller :)10:20
ogra(damned i'm constantly using o's since a few days ... and cant find where they go)10:20
smbogra, o's?10:21
smboverdose on style guide consumption?10:23
bullgard4ogra, smb Thank you for explaining.10:25
Ngis rfkill likely to be somewhat broken in 2.6.31 atm?10:28
smbNg, Assuming on the fact there has been a rewrite: maybe10:29
Ngit's just that i noticed that in 2.6.30 the gnome bluetooth thing showed two killswitch tickboxes for my thinkpad's internal bluetooth adapter which correctly disabled it, but they don't in 2.6.3110:30
apwthere is a likelyhood of rfkill horkage yes10:31
apwthought you should report it10:31
* apw notes that his machine is much happier under build loads with the latest karmic kernels11:30
james_wapw: I'd agree about the latest kernels and performance under I/O load13:38
apwits been a revelation, i can no build a kernel in the background wihtout need for ionice13:38
james_wI've got two parallel builds going, with the UI much more responsive than before13:39
james_wshame my disk is still really slow, but it's definitely an improvement13:39
apwi've not seen a single compix fade out since i've been running 31-* kernels, was normal before with heavy load13:40
james_wI thought I was seeing a little improvement with .31, but the -2.16 seems to be a lot better again13:41
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apwsmb, whatever happened to your mmc patch?15:45
smbPierre thinks there might be a better solution and wanted to investigate that15:45
apwany sign of the better soln?15:46
smbBut I have not heard of something better15:46
apwmaybe worth a poke as we are carrying your patch15:47
smbYou certainly can change the block layer to carry additional references15:47
smbI did poke (not sure how long ago) to get the answer above15:47
apwok good enough then15:48
apwthe worry is if its a differnt soln. we may get it without a collission with yours and carry both15:48
smbapw, Found it, the answer is from first of Jul15:49
apwso pretty recent then15:49
smbright. His answer was "I plan to have a closer look at this first. I believe your solution is15:49
smba workaround and doesn't solve the real issue. As such, I want to have15:49
smbone more go at finding and fixing the real problem before committing15:49
smbthis. Your analysis should help a lot in that effort.15:49
apwcking_, i am pushing your first bisect kernel now, should be about 15 mins16:25
apwcking_, http://people.ubuntu.com/~apw/cpu-bisect/16:31
cking_apw.. nearly tested16:57
cking_yeah.. double checking to be sure16:57
apwpositive or negative?16:57
cking_I will let ya know in a jiffy16:58
cking_first time the hibernate screwed up17:00
cking_hrm and 2nd time around hibernate gets loads of I/O errors...17:04
apwbah so hibernate may not work at all17:04
cking_looks hosed to me17:05
apwwill make a bisect tricky17:05
cking_let ,me do one more test17:06
apwis it an amd?17:07
cking_Nope, Intel 17:18
* cking_ wastes time fsck'ing disc after screwed up hibernate :-(17:21
cking_this is annoying. some times it works, some times it does not.17:23
cking_makes testing more time consuming.17:25
* smb can't stand the tension any longer and leaves for a happy place...17:27
cking_have a nice beer time smb17:28
smbcking_, ta :)17:28
=== cking_ is now known as cking
apwcking, any luck?17:30
apwcking, what is a sonoma processor?  we have an old patch for them in your name17:30
* cking tries to recollect17:31
ckingwhat's the commit id?17:31
ckingsome kind of pentium M I believe17:32
cking2nd gen Centrino17:34
ckingapw, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrino#Sonoma_platform_.282005.2917:34
apwodd we are carrying a patch for it17:35
ckingwhy odd?17:35
mjg59Is this for cpufreq-centrino?17:37
mjg59The issue there was that the different Sonoma models need different frequency/voltage tables17:39
mjg59So you have to get the information from ACPI, but some machines were missing it17:39
mjg59You could patch it to add one table, but there was no way to know which you should use17:39
ckingThe freq/voltage tables can be selected from from the cpu id info, and max cpu setting.17:46
ckingit's not pleasant, put it that way.17:46
ckings/max cpu/max freq/17:48
* cking suspect apw is working his way through a gazillion patches17:49
apwcking, its odd cause we are still carrying it so long after17:50
apwand yeah a lot of reading17:50
ckinghrmph. phase of the moon bug this one.18:01
cking2.26.27*18  FAIL, OK, OK18:02
cking2.6.27*10 OK, OK18:03
cking2.6.27*14, FAIL, OK, OK18:03
cking2.6.27*12, OK, OK18:03
ckingapw, ^^ it's not easy to reproduce 100% of the time.18:04
ckinggonna take a break, neck is killing me.18:04
apwcking, hrmmm ... bottom18:04
ckingGonna revist this again later when it's cooler and my neck  is under some pain killers18:05
apwcking, it'll wait18:07
JFohi ogasawara 23:18
ogasawaraJFo: hiya, just getting your list of bugs I promised put together23:18
JFoexcellent :)23:18

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