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Ddordawhere is this channel logged?02:49
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:49
Ddordathank you02:49
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cjwatsonhmm, no robbie?16:00
robbiewsorry...processing emails16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is robbiew.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
* slangasek waves16:02
* robbiew assumes everyone is here...accept al-maisan who's on holiday16:02
* mvo is here16:03
robbiew[TOPIC] 8.04.316:03
MootBotNew Topic:  8.04.316:03
robbiewthe new, new release date is 07/16...right? :/16:03
robbiewslangasek: still no word from Desktop on bug 20707216:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207072 in nautilus "nautilus does not display samba shares for machines inside an ADS network." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20707216:05
slangasekwe have another kernel in -proposed now that wasn't expected; apparently a security upload had clobbered the previous one before we'd gotten it published to -updates16:05
robbiewdouble :(16:05
slangasekthe kernel issue was a surprise, but shouldn't affect the timeline16:06
cjwatsondo you need a d-i rebuild against the new kernel?16:06
slangasekcjwatson: I guess we should, to pick up the security fixes16:07
mterry_ahem, hi16:07
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
cjwatsonslangasek: on its way16:08
robbiewslangasek: should we just drop bug 207072, since I doubt we can get a tested fix in anytime soon16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207072 in nautilus "nautilus does not display samba shares for machines inside an ADS network." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20707216:09
slangasekrobbiew: we /shouldn't/ drop it, given the consequences, but I don't see that we really have a choice at this point16:09
slangasekif we are letting it slip 8.04.3, we at least need to have a game plan for getting it fixed soon after16:10
cjwatsonhow far has this one been escalated so far?16:11
cjwatsonsorry, that's sort of code for "has somebody cleared slipping this bug with mdz?"16:11
* robbiew notified via email...but he's catching up on that16:11
robbiewI have a call with him today16:11
robbiewand it will be on the agenda16:11
robbiewslangasek: what was the other bug of concern?16:12
* robbiew cannot recall16:13
slangasekrobbiew: bug #23664016:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236640 in open-iscsi "iSCSI install fails under hardy" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23664016:13
slangasekI've uploaded a fix to karmic now, and will upload a hardy SRU today to address the remaining issues that Etienne has highlighted - and will prod for a quick testing turnaround16:13
robbiewok, thanks16:13
robbiewok..moving on16:14
robbiew[TOPIC] Karmic Alpha 3 Deliverables16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Alpha 3 Deliverables16:15
robbiewevand1: usb-creator for windows....still alpha 3, or should be push back?16:15
evand1I think Alpha 3 is still reasonable16:16
robbiewKeybuk: how's the i586 work progressing?  is that still on for alpha 3?16:17
cjwatsonI haven't heard any progress updates on the rebuild since around the last call I had with IS; I have another one of those tomorrow and will bring it up16:17
cjwatsonit's supposed to be done by now16:18
Keybukrobbiew: I've not heard any progress either16:18
robbiewwill mark it "yellow" until I hear back on it16:18
robbiewmterry: the rsyslogd stuff is done, right?16:19
mterry_rsyslog is just waiting on MIR work, and then a seed change.  The actual code changes needed have been pushed.  Should be able to make it in time, pending MIR16:19
cjwatsonhave you been in touch with any of the MIR reviewers directly?16:20
cjwatsonI think it'd be best to do that, to move things along16:20
mterry_kees assigned both MIR bugs to himself16:20
mterry_But I can poke him16:20
mterry_Oh, I should say pitti assigned them to kees.  :)16:21
robbiewheh...that does make a difference16:22
robbiewmvo: AptURL policy...no actual code, right?16:22
mvorobbiew: some code in software-properties, but it should have all landed now16:22
robbiewah...ok, great16:23
* mvo needs to review the spec again to be sure16:23
mvopython-robustness may get delayed for alpha416:23
mvoI need some input from doko for it16:23
mvolandscape should be ok from my side now too, its up to the landscape guys to test/use it now :)16:24
dokomvo: I know ...16:25
mvodoko: no problem16:25
robbiewcjwatson: the server installer improvements is on track, correct?16:25
robbiewthat was switched from Alpha 4 to 3...I think16:26
cjwatsononline help is done modulo actual help text for things (we'll at least have extended partitioning help for alpha 3)16:26
cjwatsonI'm in progress on the LVM/RAID stuff; a few roadblocks but I believe it's still basically on track16:26
robbiew[TOPIC] Sponsorship Queue16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Sponsorship Queue16:28
* mvo did a bad job here last week and will make up for it this week16:29
robbieweh..could be worse16:29
robbiewas a team...we do okay16:30
robbiewnowhere near the machine-like progress of some of the Desktop team folks16:30
robbiewbut...i think that's also related to what they work on16:31
robbiewcool...moving on16:31
robbiew[TOPIC] Good News16:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News16:31
* robbiew is running Karmic 64bit with grub2 and ext416:31
robbiewand I'm still up :P16:31
* robbiew also got his office in somewhat workable conditions...no more working from the dining room table 16:32
* slangasek is running with kms on 2.6.31 and the worst of the damage is that my monitor is stretching my eyeballs16:32
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB16:34
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:34
* ScottK says thanks for the t-shirt16:35
james_wthe new kernel in karmic is apparently better under I/O load16:35
james_wno more firefox freezes when building hopefully16:35
* robbiew just realized that mterry needs a Foundations Team shirt16:35
Keybukand some whiskey16:36
mterry_Gotta collect 'em all.  OEM and Foundations down...16:36
robbiewours is WAY better ;)16:36
* ScottK wants in on the whiskey ration16:36
* mterry_ looks sadly at my empty whiskey bottle16:36
robbiewok...the meeting has digressed16:37
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:37.16:37
robbiewthanks all16:37
ScottKmvo: How's it looking for getting to the backports spec?16:37
slangasekthanks, all16:37
mvoScottK: no progress on this, sorry16:38
ScottKmvo: OK.  Please just keep it in mind for your 'spare' time.16:39
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henohey everyone17:58
henofader: are you guys participating in the meeting or sprinting?17:59
henovarious people are away today, at GCDS or sprinting18:02
henobut we can start18:02
MootBotMeeting started at 12:02. The chair is heno.18:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:02
henoagenda as always: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings18:03
henobdmurray: I added some items for you just now ;)18:03
henopedro is not here, anyone want to comment on bug days?18:03
heno[TOPIC] UbuntuBugDay highlights -- ?18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  UbuntuBugDay highlights -- ?18:04
ogasawaraI have some highlights from yesterday's kernel bug day18:05
henook go!18:05
ogasawaraoverall stats can be seen at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20090707.html18:05
ogasawaraI'd again like to thank Andreas for helping out as well as a newcomer JFo18:06
bdmurrayogasawara: what do the up and down arrows mean?18:07
ogasawarabdmurray: deltas for rate of change18:07
henoit would be nice to have a measure of 'total bugs touched' as well18:07
ogasawarabdmurray: it was hard to see what bugs were getting touched so that tries to give a rough idea18:08
henomight not be 100% accurate of course18:08
henothanks ogasawara18:09
heno[TOPIC] New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:09
MootBotNew Topic:  New bug control members! -- bdmurray18:09
henoany this week?18:09
bdmurrayNo, we haven't seen any applications in a bit.18:09
henohm, ok. summer effect I guess18:10
heno[TOPIC] Bug Squad meeting -- bdmurray18:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Bug Squad meeting -- bdmurray18:10
henoanything to note for the wider QA meeting?18:10
bdmurrayyesterday day we had the bug squad meeting and discussed preparing for the global jam with some triaging classes in #ubuntu-classroom18:10
bdmurraythere was also some interest in the progress on the mentoring program18:11
bdmurrayand some further discussion on how to go about increasing apport coverage18:11
bdmurraywhich is great!18:12
henobdmurray: are you doing a class on writing hooks at dev week?18:12
heno(or was that something else?)18:13
bdmurrayYes, I'll add myself to the schedule for that18:13
henoI've also spoken with Bjorn on the LP bugs team about the adoption spec18:14
henothey had some test failures from the new code but are working on that now18:14
henohe says we might see it this week18:14
heno(but no promises)18:15
heno[TOPIC] SRU Verifications -- sbeattie18:15
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU Verifications -- sbeattie18:15
sbeattieThanks to Alex Magaz, Damian Frick, Stu Redman, Miklos Juhasz, David M. Lee, Nizar Kerkeni, Michael B. Trausch, Jaume Sala, and bluishgreen for providing feeding on SRUs this week.18:16
sbeattieSRUs for 8.04.3 continue along.18:16
henocare and feeding of SRUs?18:16
sbeattieheno: ?18:16
sbeattieoh, sorry, feedback18:16
henoright :)18:17
henowhich brings us to ...18:17
heno[TOPIC] 8.04.3 status check -- heno18:17
MootBotNew Topic:  8.04.3 status check -- heno18:17
henowhat's the latest story on kernels and CD spins?18:18
henosbeattie: what was decided yesterday?18:18
sbeattienew proposed kernels got accepted that include the last security update; but I don't think the corresponding debian-installer upload happened until this morning.18:19
sbeattieso isos with the new kernels need to be spun.18:20
fadersbeattie: 20090708.1 images are being tested in the certification environment at this very moment18:20
sbeattiefader: awesome!18:20
fadersbeattie: Do these contain the latest kernel?18:20
sbeattieI haven't looked yet.18:20
fader(sorry for showing up late; I'm sprinting at the moment)18:20
faderOkay, if new images show up we'll test those as well :)18:21
henofader: that's good news but also a good question!18:21
henocjwatson, slangasek: do you know?18:21
sbeattiefader: how long roughly is it taking for a round of automated testing to go through?18:21
henodo the latest CDs have the new kernel and installer?18:22
fadersbeattie: It takes around 30-45 minutes to make a full test run including reboots, installs, testing, etc.  Unfortunately, if a previous install failed there is a 2 hour timeout before the next image will be tested18:22
fader(This is a known issue and cr3 is planning to address this very soon)18:23
sbeattiefader: are we seeing any failures on 8.04.3?18:23
henofader: most 8.04.3 runs I've seen the past few days have had 0 test results18:23
fadersbeattie: So far no.  Though I can't tell yet if there are machines that are failing on the install... I need to wait for all the results to come in to be able to see that18:24
henois there a known (and fixed) issue?18:24
faderBut everything that has returned results so far has passed18:24
henook, that's encouraging18:25
faderheno: There were two separate issues hitting us.  One was an issue where the PXE install image did not have the same kernel version as the install environment, which caused it to fail to install.18:25
faderheno: The other issue was that the certification server had a memory leak that caused it to miss its own check for new CD images and it removed the old one, leaving us with no image to install to test.18:26
faderBoth of these have been addressed now, and test results are trickling in.18:26
sbeattieheh, oops.18:26
sbeattiefader: great, thanks!18:26
henodavmor2: are you around to help with some install testing as well?18:27
fadersbeattie: No worries :)  (The HTML report on the test results is still pending; sorry for the delay, but there were Real Issues as outlined above.)18:27
henoIt's not listed on the tracker though18:27
sbeattieheno: right, I poked slangasek just before the meeting about when he wanted to start iso testing, but haven't heard back.18:28
henook, I guess we'll see over the next few hours18:29
henoany other business?18:29
henothanks everyone!18:30
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:30.18:30
schwukthanks heno18:30
slangasekfader: new ISOs will have to be rolled today/tomorrow; I didn't remember to binary NEW the kernel upload until this morning, so it'll be a few hours before we have a d-i build matching the new kernel18:45
faderslangasek: Thanks for the info.  I'll keep an eye out for it and make sure we get some results for that image18:46
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
boredandbloggingJoeb454: ping20:11
boredandbloggingoops, wrong window20:11
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=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch

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