
ajmitchcpscotti: you're still depending on things like libv6-dev & gcc - surely they aren't required to run the package, but only to build it?00:08
cpscottithe harpia package is a c source code generator00:09
cpscottiajmitch: and it builds it on runtime00:09
ajmitchhow evil :)00:09
cpscottiyou go on connecting blocks (like in simulink... in a flowchart manner) and it generates the code.. compiles.. and runs00:10
cpscottiu can use your webcam as an input (or any pic, any video file) and apply many computer Vision/image processing algorithms on it and see the results in real-time00:11
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binarymutantdoes Empathy use Mono? Just curious not trolling fyi01:20
Ampelbeinbinarymutant: no, it does not.01:21
binarymutantty Amaranth :)01:21
AmpelbeinAmpelbein. it's Ampelbein. ;-)01:22
binarymutantah yes sorry01:23
binarymutantthe tabs always get me :(01:23
Ampelbeini know that problem.01:23
Ampelbeinbinarymutant: no need to be sorry, btw. I was joking.01:23
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* masterkernel is away: Away03:08
dcravenSo I'm making a new package for Karmic, and I need to include a patch (I'm using quilt). I assume I need to include the change that the patch makes in the changelog file. So I just mention it like any other change or does it have to refer to the patch somehow?03:08
nhandlermasterkernel: Could you please disable that away script?03:09
nhandlerdcraven: Just mention it like any other change. You should also include a patch header03:09
dcravenPatch header eh?03:11
* dcraven goes to look that up.03:11
dcravenThanks for the advice nhandler.03:11
vorianpatch headers for the win03:11
nhandlerdcraven: It is just a comment at the top of the patch file explaining what the patch does, linking to the upstream bug (You did send the patch upstream, right ;) ), etc.03:12
dcravenOh. I can just edit the diff stick a comment up there. Good idea.03:13
voriandcraven: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines03:15
dcravenThanks guys.03:16
dcravenUgh.. lintian want's me to make a manpage for this bloody package :/03:34
RAOFYup.  It'll do that.03:36
persiadcraven, help2man can help with that, if it has --help.03:36
dcravenpersia: Nice tip. I'll cross my fingers that this has --help. :)03:38
persiaTHe page would still benefit from manual editing, but it gives a decent starting framework.03:39
dcravenpersia: Cool.03:39
dcravenSo does the manpage need to be added with a patch or can I just stick it in the package? And yes I'll send it upstream :)03:49
nhandlerdcraven: Just put it in the debian directory, no patch needed03:50
persiaWell, that's kinda a patch, but it's certainly easier that way.03:50
dcravenIn the debian dir. Good call.03:51
nhandlerpersia: True, but he doesn't need to use something like quilt to add it03:52
nelleryis pull-debian-source failing for anyone else with the latest version of ubuntu-dev-tools (0.75)?04:32
ajmitchnellery: failing on what way?04:33
ajmitchlots of perl errors?04:33
nelleryajmitch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212377/04:34
nhandlernellery: Let me check on that04:35
ajmitchnellery: same as what I get, but I suspect that's a debian problem04:35
ajmitchhttp://qa.debian.org/madison.php?package=php5&a=&b=&c=&s= is showing postgres errors04:35
nelleryI know there was a new version released today04:35
* ajmitch is getting the same errors with 0.7404:37
coolbhavihello team if nobody has any objections I ll prepare diffs for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/39116504:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 391165 in dpkg "Dpkg::Deps mishandles newlines in Build-Dependencies" [Undecided,Fix released]04:46
geofftwait, isn't that bug fixed?04:47
ScottKcoolbhavi: Also dpkg is in Main, so #ubuntu-devel is a better place to discuss.04:51
coolbhavigeofft, I mean packages affected by that bug04:56
geofftoh, okay05:01
RoAkSoAxHey guys, what can ccause this kind of build errors: Makefile:262: .deps/main.Po: No such file or directory05:40
RoAkSoAxthe ones related to .deps ?05:40
dholbachgood morning07:02
=== gaspa1 is now known as gaspa
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siretart`morning motu!08:20
\shhey siretart`08:23
ajmitchhey siretart`, \sh08:23
siretart`hey \sh, hi ajmitch!08:25
siretart`what do you think about bug #374900 ?08:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374900 in faac "Libfaac not LGPL" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37490008:25
\shsiretart`: I'm in NBG tomorrow...I don't know if I'm staying overnight ... when it's possible we could catch up for a beer :)08:25
siretart`\sh: wow, sounds great! :-)08:26
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siretart`\sh: do you still have my mobile number?08:26
\shsiretart`: yepp :)08:30
\shsiretart`: I'll call you :)08:31
StevenKRAOF: Around?08:32
\shsiretart`: your bug doesn't sound good...08:46
siretart`strictly speaking, the package seems pretty unredistributable to me08:47
siretart`but before proposing to pull out that package, I wanted to hear opinions08:48
\shsiretart`: reading the sentence: ISO/IEC gives08:49
\shusers of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio standards free license to this08:49
\shsoftware module or modifications thereof for use in hardware or08:49
\shsoftware products claiming conformance to the MPEG-2 NBC/ MPEG-4 Audio08:49
persiaDoes that mean we just have to claim conformance somewhere to suddenly have a license?08:50
siretart`wtf is a 'free license'?08:51
sorenStrictly speaking, it doesn't say "a free license", but just "free license".08:51
persiaI think it's a verb.08:51
sorenWhich one?08:52
sorenAnd how so? :)08:52
siretart`the package is in pretty miserable shape anyway. it claims GPL, whereas there are several licenses in the package, including LGPL and MPL.08:53
RAOFStevenK: Yeah, am now.08:59
dstansbyHi guys, just wondering if anyone could help me with a small problem I'm having.09:40
dstansbyI'm trying to build a package using dkpg -S, and I'm getting the following error message:09:40
dstansby'You must specify a valid ANT_HOME directory!'09:40
persiadstansby, Building Java source packages usually requires all the build-depends to be installed.09:41
dstansbyThanks, I'll isntall all the build deps and see what happens then09:41
dstansbyIs there a command that I can use to automatically isntall all of the build-deps of a package?09:42
fabrice_spdstansby, sudo apt-get build-dep <package>09:43
dstansbyfabrice_sp: Thanks :)09:43
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dupondje381 builds on i386 for PPA :) lol its crazy10:06
fabrice_spgeser, do you plan to work on the merge of magicor?10:14
fabrice_spfyi, I've sent the differences to Debian10:16
geserfabrice_sp: the magicor changes look pretty ubuntu specific to me because of our changes to cdbs10:18
geserfabrice_sp: it looks like al-maisan started to work on a merge as he has a merged package in his PPA10:19
fabrice_spgeser, ok. I'll ping him if Debian accept the changes (the change is not harmful in Debian)10:20
fabrice_spand look after another merge :-)10:20
dholbachdirecthex: are you up for repeating your packaging sesssion at UDW?10:21
dholbachmaybe with the Debian gang again? :)10:21
ajmitchoh what a shame, most of the slots are filled up already on there :)10:25
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directhexdholbach, yeah, probably11:27
directhexalso, Laney for CC!11:27
Laneyfor what now11:28
dholbachdirecthex: great - could you get in touch with the people with whom you'd like to hold the session? I'm trying to round up speakers :)11:28
* Laney wills Banshee to stay alive long enough to get tunes onto his phone11:28
directhexLaney, http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=443 !11:30
LaneyI think not11:30
Laneyjpds for CC!11:31
directhexhow about nyu, then?11:32
jpdsLaney: Haha, that would be interesting.11:34
lamotheI just asked a user to enable apport for Jaunty so he can send me the details for a segfault that I can't replicate.  Have I done the wrong thing?  I was doing some reading which suggested that enabling apport for a stable release is not really a good thing to do.12:26
lamotheI assume that it's just the submission to LP that's the issue.12:27
ScottKlamothe: No.  It's a fine thing to do for trouble shooting.  We just don't want piles of duplicates in LP.  Even submission of a small number of bugs is fine particularly if you are going to triage them.12:28
lamothedholbach: Thanks for uploading Me TV to Karmic.12:28
lamotheScottK: For sure I will be dealing with it.  Thanks for the response.12:29
dholbachlamothe: no worries12:30
ograsiretart, ping12:36
=== erhesrhsrtb54vyh is now known as Elbrus
cypherbiosHey guys. There is a bug report on Launchpad regarding an issue with the package "aptoncd" (LP 272509). This bug was already been fixed upstream, but was never updated on the Ubuntu package (I am one of the upstream guys).13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272509 in aptoncd "APTonCD crashes" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27250913:36
cypherbiosWould be great if some MOTU packaged it for Karmic, and hopefully for intrepid too13:37
cypherbiosThis bug is considered critical and lots of users are complaining about it13:40
cypherbiosIf someone can lend me a hand, I will be around13:40
fabrice_spcypherbios, you can submit yourself submit an update to the package13:41
Laneywhat happened to Rafael?13:42
Laneywait, that's you!13:43
Laneywhy is it so dead in Debian?13:43
cypherbiosfabrice_sp: I would like someone more experienced and skilled to do that instead of me14:04
cypherbiosfabrice_sp: there is a lot of packaging rules that have been updated since the last package I made and I haven't been able to keep up with14:05
Laneycypherbios: why didn't you orphan it?14:05
cypherbiosLaney: because I have been almost dead (virtually, for personal reasons) for the last few months14:07
Laneywell if you don't intend to maintain it any more then that's what you should do14:07
cypherbiosLaney: could you point me of how to do that?14:07
Laneyreportbug -B debian wnpp14:07
Laneyfollow the screens14:07
cypherbiosLaney: thank you. I will do that14:09
fabrice_spcypherbios, I don't see any new release. Is it just a patch to apply to the package?14:15
fabrice_spI'm looking at https://sourceforge.net/projects/aptoncd/files/14:16
cypherbiosfabrice_sp: the upstream project is hosted at launchpad and there is no public release besides the direct packaging from the bzr repo14:16
cypherbiosfabrice_sp: here it is http://lauchpad.net/aptoncd14:16
cypherbiosfabrice_sp: there is a lot of web presence that must be changed regarding this project (remove the sf.net project page, redirect to launchpad, etc...)14:18
cypherbiosfabrice_sp: I gotta go. If you are to do something about the package and need anything, please just let me know14:18
fabrice_spcypherbios, ok: I'll have a look14:19
cypherbiosthank you. I really appreciate that14:19
alkisgI heard something here the other day, and I was wondering... if I put (LP: #396567) to a line in my changelog, will publishing the .deb to my ppa automatically close the bug in launchpad?14:53
persiaalkisg, It isn't supposed to do that, and I think it doesn't anymore, although it once did.14:55
alkisgThank you persia :)14:55
persiaYou might try it, but do so with a bug you know you're fixing, and watching, and if it does, unclose it until the fix can go from your PPA into the repo.14:56
alkisgAh, the PPA is the official repo for this, so I don't really mind if it closes it!14:56
gaspawho should I bother to be added as a reviewer in revu?14:57
persiaalkisg, If It's a bug against Ubuntu, I care if it closes it, because then the bug status of the Ubuntu task is incorrect, and nobody is going to put effort into pushing the fix into Ubuntu.14:58
ScottKBug 39656714:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396567 in sch-scripts "το ltsp δε δουλεύει μετά την εκγατάσταση bind/squid" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39656714:59
persiagaspa, Me.14:59
alkisgpersia: yeah, I got it; but it's for an app of my own, hosted only on my ppa, so it's not a problem either way...14:59
persiaalkisg, So, there's no Ubuntu task on the bug?14:59
gaspapersia: cool, can you please add me? :P15:00
persiagaspa, Yes.15:00
alkisgpersia: no; it's just a bug against my scripts, e.g.: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sch-scripts/+bug/39656715:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 396567 in sch-scripts "το ltsp δε δουλεύει μετά την εκγατάσταση bind/squid" [Low,Confirmed]15:00
persiaalkisg, I'm not sure that would close then.  I don't think there is any upload-closes-bug for anything other than an Ubuntu task, although you could ask in #launchpad15:01
persiagaspa, done15:01
gaspathanks a lot, persia15:01
alkisgpersia: ok, I just uploaded the bug-closing version, I'll just watch it for some time to see if it automatically closes... if not, I'll close it myself, np... Thanks!15:02
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\shwow...google chrome os15:20
persiaJust another thin client, no?15:21
\shshould run on arm and x86...linux kernel as base and a new windowing system15:21
\shapplications should run on this basement as web apps15:22
\shno android stuff as they say15:22
persiaI wonder if it's the same sort of stripped linux that was Android, or if it's full linux, with some directfb/chrome fast-loading interface overlay.  I suppose we'll see in time.15:23
\shfirst appliances should hit the market in the second half of 2010 ... if it's true what heise wrote15:24
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
siretartogra: pong?16:09
ograsiretart, does the ubuntu-burning team plan to update the cdrecord packages in the ppa for newer releases than intrepid ?16:10
ograthere is a heated discussion (including joerg) going on on the ubuntu-users ML16:11
siretartogra: I'm on the leave, I'll checkout ubuntu-users16:11
azeemoh my16:11
siretartogra: if you find someone to do the upload, sure.16:11
ograi think there would be some interest of some people to have the upstream version packaged16:11
* ogra doesnt want to get his hands dirty or be anyhow connected to joerg, else i would :)16:12
siretartmh, that'd be too late for me16:12
ogra... just to have silence again on the ML16:12
siretartogra: I'm on the leave, I'll query you tonight or tomorrow and give you a status update on the matter, ok?16:13
ogratake your time, not urgent to me ... just wanted to know if there are any plans16:13
ograor if it was completely dead16:13
siretartmy status: blocked on joerg16:14
siretartanyway, cu later!16:14
ograsiretart, thanks16:21
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
sn9debfx: are you gonna put vbox3 in jaunty, too?16:36
debfxsn9: I can try to get it into jaunty-backports16:41
sn9debfx: it's not even in your ppa16:42
debfxsn9: usually I'm waiting until it's uploaded to karmic16:44
thermhello everbody16:45
thermhas anyone a tip how to get my package into my pbuilder-chroot?16:48
debfxsn9: as I'm not a motu, Daniel reviews the package and sometime does additional changes16:48
sn9you don't trust yourself with your own ppa; understandable16:49
debfxmainly it saves me from uploaded the packages twice16:52
sn9also understandable16:53
debfxtherm: your package isn't in a repository?16:55
thermdebfx: No it is on Revu, and I was asked to test if it builds with pbuilder16:56
debfxtherm: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto16:59
sn9i thought pbuilder was used for the ppa's16:59
debfxbasically first you need to create the pbuilder chroot: sudo pbuilder create --distribution karmic --override-config17:00
debfxand then build the package with: sudo pbuilder --build --distribution karmic x.dsc17:01
thermdebfx: ahh ok17:01
thermdebfx: thanks17:04
RoAkSoAxHey guys, I'm packaging an APP, and when debuilding it, it shows me this: Makefile:262: .deps/main.Po: No such file or directory17:32
RoAkSoAxmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `.deps/main.Po'.  Stop.17:32
RoAkSoAxWhen compiling it, that warning is not showed since all the files under .deps/ are created17:33
RoAkSoAxbut they are not when packaging it, anyone know what could be wrong?17:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
thermdebfx: pbuilder is now moaning about that the depending packages are not installed...how to install them?17:57
thermdebfx: something like17:57
thermdebfx: pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy depends on debhelper (>= 5); however:  Package debhelper is not installed.17:57
debfxtherm: it should automatically install the required packages after printing those messages17:59
thermdebfx: The following packages have unmet dependencies:18:02
therm  pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libswt-gtk-3.4-java which is a virtual package.18:02
thermThe following actions will resolve these dependencies:Remove the following packages:pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy18:02
thermdebfx: and later on Current status: 0 broken [-1].18:03
thermAptitude couldn't satisfy the build dependencies18:03
thermE: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.18:03
thermdebfx: any idea?18:03
thermdebfx: may it has something to do that this is in universe18:04
sn9change your depends18:05
debfxtherm: not really sure, there seems to be a package conflict, can you post the whole output somewhere (pastebin ...)18:05
thermdebfx: http://pastebin.com/d4eb2751a18:07
therm debfx: added an othermirror with karmic universe and now it loads some packages18:09
thermdebfx: maybe thats it18:09
thermdebfx: yeah that was it, it builds fine now18:21
debfxgreat :)18:22
=== dpm__ is now known as dpm
stashi guys, I got a problem, I'm trying to rebuild a package and I succeeded using dpkg-buildpackage19:08
stasbut when uploading to my ppa19:09
stasit got refused cause I didn't use debuild -S19:09
stasI'm trying to follow th docs on rebuilding the same package with debuild -S19:09
geserwhich error message do you get emailed?19:09
stasUpload rejected because it contains binary packages. Ensure you are using `debuild -S`, or an equivalent command, to generate only the source package before re-uploading. See https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA for more information.19:10
stasgeser: a19:10
stasIam I doing something wrong?19:10
* stas sorry for typos19:10
geseryou seem to be trying to upload both source and binary19:11
geserbuild with debuild -S -sa or dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa to build only a source package and dput the _source.changes file19:11
stasok, let me try19:12
geserif you already have the .orig.tar.gz uploaded once you can skip the -sa switch19:12
thermsomeone out there who knows in wich package "org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar" is in?19:29
thermcould find this19:29
Picitherm: Have you looked on packages.ubuntu.com? or with apt-file?19:30
thermPici: I looked with apt-file but could not find this, I hoped that someone knows this, I may has a different name and so I dont find it19:31
thermit is for h2(java database)19:32
stasgeser: thank you, it seems to work19:42
staslast question, I'm rebuilding packages for nexenta where I need to upload also the debs19:43
stasin my ppa the build job is done by soyuz?19:43
stasso I don't have to upload the builds?19:43
azeemstas: right19:44
stasI see. smart move :)19:44
stasthank you guys19:44
geserstas: the buildd takes your source upload, builds it and puts the debs in your PPA19:44
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
RoAkSoAxheya guys, do you now by any chance which packages provides this : GTK+ 2.10.0 or later, GNOME Desktop 2.16.0 or later, GStreamer 0.10.0 or later  ?20:25
geserfor build dependencies?20:26
slytherinRoAkSoAx: libgtk*-dev, libgnome*-dev, libgstreamer*-dev.20:26
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RoAkSoAxgeser, for Depends20:26
sn9there should be a script to autodetect dependencies20:27
=== Masterbuntu is now known as sysman
RoAkSoAxslytherin, thanks, though I need for Depends rather than Build-Depends :)20:27
slytherinRoAkSoAx: you don't need to add dependencies manually, use ${shlibs:Depends} (please check variable spelling for correctness)20:28
RoAkSoAxslytherin, ok then :)20:28
geserthey should be detected by dh_shlibdeps, you usually don't put them yourself in Depends20:28
RoAkSoAxok thanks geser :)20:28
RoAkSoAxOne more question. When the tarball comes in .tar.bz, should I unpack it, create a .tar.gz and on debian/rules add get-orig-source right?20:33
thermI do have here a built.xml wich is download jar-file from an webserver, what is recommendet to do with this?20:35
thermarghh my english^^20:36
gesercheck if the jar it needs are already packaged, package them if necessary and use them during the build (the buildd don't have net access anyways)20:39
thermgeser: there are 4 libs wich are downloaded, 3 of them are in repos, 1=org.osgi.core-1.2.0.jar I didnt know. But how to disable this if the compile statement requires the donwload statement?20:42
slytherinRoAkSoAx: check manpage of uscan. You will probably simply need to add 'uscan --verbose --repack' to get-orig-source20:46
slytherintherm: I believe it (osgi) is one of the eclipse components. You can patch build.xml such that compile does not have dependency on download. But I am not sure if your build will work in that case.20:47
thermslytherin: Ok, will do this, wasnt sure if this is allright. Osgi has something to do with eclipse...I wanted to probe if eclipse-common-nls has it20:49
thermslytherin: but then the download section came20:49
RoAkSoAxok thanks slytherin  :)20:50
directhexslytherin, --repack doesn't produce deterministic gzips21:00
slytherindirecthex: what do you mean?21:00
directhexslytherin, run it three times, get three different md5sums on orig21:01
directhexslytherin, --repack is why we have fakesyncs21:01
slytherinoh, that. But isn't that because the timestamp of gz file gets changed?21:03
debfxhow do you call quilt when using override_dh_... style rules?21:04
debfxI know about dh --with-quilt but don't want to use it due to backportability21:04
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
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Laneywe *could* fix --repack21:33
Ampelbeinnellery: hi there. apparently you uploaded isight-firmware-tools just when I commented on bug 393049. ;-) I think for such a change a ubuntu-diff is not necessary, in particular when the current debian package has a newer version and fixes the issue.21:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393049 in isight-firmware-tools "Invalid end-of-line backslash in Build-Depends" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39304921:49
Ampelbeinnellery: see http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/isight-firmware-tools.html, though it's not noted in the changelog,it's still fixed.21:49
nelleryAmpelbein: just saw that21:49
nellerythe maintainer didn't document it in the changelog, and I didn't see a bug filed for it21:50
nelleryI missed that21:50
Ampelbeinnellery: yeah, i was thinking about forwarding the change to debian and decided it would be better to first check the new package.21:50
nelleryeither way I think it's worth requesting a sync for it21:51
Ampelbeinnellery: that's a good example for why we need every single change to be documented.21:51
nelleryAmpelbein: yep.. I saw another that that maintainer didn't document, but there was a bug filed for it.21:51
Ampelbeinnellery: do you want to request the sync or should I do it?21:51
nelleryAmpelbein: I can take care of it21:52
Ampelbeinnellery: ok, thanks.21:52
RoAkSoAxHey guys where can I find which variables (info about them) handles directories in debian/rules: such as CURDIR, DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE, etc22:16
chrisccoulsonRoAkSoAx - the debian policy manual can be useful. also check out http://cdbs-doc.duckcorp.org/en/cdbs-doc.xhtml22:33
chrisccoulsonCURDIR is exported by make though. it's specified in the manual for GNU make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html22:34
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
evanrmurphyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#CDBS%20with%20Simple%20Patchsys%20(Example%20Package:%20pmount) explains how to write a patch for package pmount with cdbs-edit-patch. But how do you apply the patch after it's written, just with "debian/rules patch"?22:47
RoAkSoAxevanrmurphy, if you have added the includes, they it will be patched automatically22:55
evanrmurphythanks, RoAkSoAx :)22:56
binarymutantis elgibc replacing glibc in Karmic or the next release?23:10
pochubinarymutant: do you mean eglibc?23:11
pochuheh yeah23:11
binarymutantah yes :)23:11
pochuI read elglibc :)23:11
pochuno decission has been made TTBOMK23:11
pochuI mean23:11
pochunot in karmic for sure23:11
binarymutantk, thanks pochu :)23:11
pochuno decission has been made whether karmic+1 will switch to eglibc or will stay using glibc23:12
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
ScottK-desktopIt might be Karmic yet depending on how much difference there is.23:28
binarymutantit's already in unstable that's why I ask23:29
binarymutantbut I didn't know if glibc is synced or is maintained differently like the kernel23:29
ScottK-desktopWe merge from Debian.23:33
ScottK-desktopIt's not like the kernel.23:33
binarymutantah ok23:33

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