
PriceyWe ban the jesus ident?00:07
PriceyHow long has that been there/00:07
PiciI suspect it was because of bigfuzzyjesus00:08
PiciHe was banned at one point, we probably can remove it00:08
elkyPici, it's not because of bigfuzzyjesus. it's because ompaul and i grepped our logs and could not find a sensible, non-trolling line said by anyone who held that ident within the 12 months prior.00:48
Flannelcan someone check bt for phix?  I don't have a browser that'll get there at the moment00:56
Flannelbut his nick rings a bell00:56
Pici!bansearch phix00:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bansearch phix00:56
Pici@bansearch phix00:56
ubottuNo matches found for phix!n=threat@ in any channel00:56
FlannelI didn't see anything00:56
PiciWhy do you think hes banned?00:57
Flanneldoes that search for "just nick"as well?00:57
FlannelNot banned, just marked00:57
PiciThen yes, there are a lot of by nick results for phix in the bantracker00:58
dragon_would it be reasonable to have a single factoid for "imagebin" and "screenshot"?01:03
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.01:03
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. See also !imagebin01:03
dragon_they are small and closely related to each other01:03
dragon_here's what I came up with: 01:04
dragon_Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.01:04
Pici!no screenshot is <reply> Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a  link to it.01:18
ubottuI'll remember that Pici01:18
Pici!no screenshot is <reply> Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.01:18
rwwG'day. Grenfell apparently decided to return to #ubuntu-offtopic and continue to enlighten us with monologues about his doctor. It'd be awesome if one of you could let him know that we really don't care for that.01:31
rwwAnd while you're at it, his occasional random mentions of some VP at Google are kinda creepy, though he last did that yesterday, not today.01:32
rwwelky: thanks01:39
elkyi was hoping to get some work done today :(01:40
bazhangodd there is a listing in bt for phix as being banned ; can't see any sign of removal of said ban either01:58
FlannelYeah, there is.  in #u and -ot02:00
FlannelIP bans02:01
Flanneler, host bans02:01
Flanneland now he has just a plain IP02:01
bazhangthe ban in the bt matches the one he is using now02:01
FlannelNo, because he doesn't have the tpgi.com.au stuff curerntly, just a plain IP02:02
bazhangah right02:02
elkyFlannel, the same person as who brutalised the firefox 3.5 page has now gone and added an out of date link to the InternetRelayChat page04:34
Flannelelky: Lovely05:14
Flannelelky: I had a large discussion with him in -docs today, he seems to be of the belief that if we hide information from people, they won't see it anywhere else, even when its plastered all over the internet05:15
FlannelIf I didn't know better, I'd say he just discovered the wiki and is trying to play lets-touch-everything05:21
mneptokoooo! LET ME BE YOUR WIKI!05:24
* mneptok drops his pants05:24
Flannelmneptok: Some of us are eating dinner.  Please be considerate.05:25
mneptokkielbasa's back on the menu!05:27
mneptokoh ... OK. cocktail wieners.05:27
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, google is <reply> While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:13
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux06:31
Flannelooh, I like that.06:31
elkyFlannel, i got that impression too06:40
elkyso um, have there been any new blatherings about goobuntu?06:56
FlannelIt was talked about in -ot in passing a little bit ago06:59
Flannelbut, I haven't esen much, no06:59
elkybe prepared.06:59
FlannelThey're just releasing gOS? or... is this something else?07:05
FlannelAh, no, it's something else entirely.07:05
elkyyep. allegedly written from scratch07:11
jussi01elky: have you heard news today about ayres rock... there was something on the radio here, but I didnt understand it, and theage.com.au doesnt seem to be reporting something...07:20
elky_workjussi01, nope...07:20
elky_workseems they banned climbing it or something07:21
jussi01yeah, I thought they said closed it on the radio, seems I wasnt that far off07:22
elky_workit pretty much does mean the rock itself is closed, yeah07:25
jussi01I wonder what pete will do...07:28
jussi01Peter Garret...07:33
mneptokOlder than Kosciuszko, driven back to Alice Springs. Endless storms and struggle marks the spirit of the age.07:45
jussi01mneptok: mhm...07:49
mneptokyou mentioned Peter Garret ...07:50
jussi01mneptok: yes. :D you are an oils fan?07:51
mneptokmaybe i could send him to go hit jdub with a cluebat07:51
mneptokjussi01: got their discography.07:51
jussi01mneptok: wow!! (they are my favourite band, and I have pretty much every album)07:52
jussi01btw, mneptok have you seen this? http://www.gratefulchild.org/projects/gcweb/gc/html/MO/BlackRain.html07:54
jussi01I have the original video to that.07:55
jussi01just brilliant07:55
jussi01If anyone else wants to watch an amazing street concert - go watch that video07:56
jussi01including a version of "instant karma"!07:56
bazhangnice one Pici the ppagpg13:01
ubottuIn #xubuntu, knome said: ubottu, xubuntu is meant to be used with xubuntu.13:04
bazhangbavarbot is in -ot, just removed from #ubuntu seems like sykopomp's bot (archlinux fame)14:55
Pici!tmi > badeagle16:50
Myrtti!pm > thinkertinker_ 16:55
Myrttieracc: what was the point of your quit message?16:57
eraccMyrtti, it is a geekish tongue in cheek administrator joke.17:00
eraccI've used it for a few years now.17:00
Myrttido you realise that since #ubuntu is mostly inhabited by inexperienced users, some of them might actually be foolish enough to tinker around with it?17:01
* eracc wonders how he got here actually17:01
eraccMyrtti, okay. I won't /join #ubuntu any more.17:02
Myrttior banforward17:02
eraccMyrtti, I figured someone was messing around with IRC ops caommands. :)17:02
Myrttimode/#ubuntu [+b eracc!*@*!#ubuntu-ops] to be precise17:02
eraccMyrtti, yup.17:03
eraccOkay, #ubuntu is off my join list. Have a nice day.17:04
Piciadded some more info about shiretoko to !ff3517:44
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)17:57
Picilagged bot17:58
Flannelsilly floodbots, lag is for kids.17:58
Picibleh. Someone in #u is trying to install Netscape Navigator18:39
Tm_Twhy not18:40
PiciBecause even Netscape says its unsupported18:40
Tm_Tif you're aware that it is unsupported, then go for it, but I believe it's not then issue of #u18:41
PiciTm_T: Eh? I already told the person that, I'm just complaining here ;)18:41
Tm_TPici: I know, I just said what I'm thinking, nothing against you, son (:18:42
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
ikonia$10 monteledwards kicks off in #u21:46
ikonia@mark #ubuntu Wormik advertising home-build-suspcious-firefox packages, told not to, he will be back doing it again though22:06
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:06
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
majnoonmay i get unbanned from the ot chan they told me 1 day it been 5 22:45
ikoniahi there22:46
ikoniaone moment please22:46
ikoniamajnoon: you've been banned a few times - do you know why you where banned this time22:48
majnoonfirst time BANNED ,got kicked a few times 22:49
majnoonBAD joke 22:49
majnoonreally bad22:49
ikoniaahhh yes you kept saying it22:50
majnoonabout 5 times iirr 22:51
majnoonbut like 1-2 hours between though 22:51
ikoniawhy did you keep saying it ?22:51
majnoonhave aspergers and was born 22:51
majnoonand WAS quiet in there 22:52
ikoniayou seem to struggle to control it - hence the number of kicks22:53
ikoniaand just because it is quiet is no reason to just repeat random nonsense/jokes22:54
majnoonnm was told you was fair 22:54
majnoonwas wrong22:54
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops majnoon attitude on him when being asked simple questions22:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:55
majnoonwas told 1 day ban been 1 WEEK 22:56
ikoniamajnoon: you're rejoined, hopefully without the attitude this time22:56
ikoniamajnoon: it will be longer if you don't drop the attitude when people are talking polite to you 22:56
ikoniamajnoon: being a child and storming out of the channel after calling me "not fair" won't get you very far22:57
majnoonusually i go weeks without saying anything22:57
ikoniathat doesn't change anything22:57
ikoniamajnoon: I was about to actually unban you from the channel before you stormed out with childish comments22:57
ikoniamajnoon: so I suggest you take another week out and think about how you act towards those trying to help you, or those you've requested help from22:58
majnoonmost of last few days i was told to wait til elky got back to me and ignored period22:58
ikoniamajnoon: I wasn't ignoring you - I was talking with you trying to understand the situation22:58
majnoonnot even told to go to hell THAT would be something22:58
ikoniamajnoon: don't be pathetic - I wasn't ignoring you, I was talking to you about your ban22:59
ikoniaplease don't use that as an excuse22:59
ikoniayou where engaged in polite conversation and decided to be rude and storm out22:59
majnooni try to be polite most of time i ask about it and stay in chan for hours to wait for answer then was told to leave 22:59
ikoniamajnoon: was that the situation in this instance23:00
ikoniamajnoon: you asked and someone responded in 10 seconds and was dicussing to you23:00
majnooni don't honestly know 23:00
ikoniamajnoon: really - you don't know23:00
majnooni have a form of autism 23:00
ikoniamajnoon: it doesn't stop you being aware of time23:00
ikoniamajnoon: it doesn't stop you knowing if someone is responding to you23:01
majnooni try to figure out what people mean but have hard time sometimes 23:01
ikoniawell, I'm sorry but I find your attitude unacceptable - and your history also, so I won't be removing the ban as it is clear you cannot engage in normal conversation without random tantrums23:02
majnoonok here the problem yester day i asked in here no answer for 2 hours,then was told to leave or be perm banned 23:03
ikoniamajnoon: if you'd like to come back at a later time to discuss your ban with elky 23:03
majnoon2 days ago 3 hours and same thing23:03
ikoniamajnoon: the problem you had yesterday is nothing to do with your discussion/behaviour towards me, so please don't use it as an excuse23:03
majnooni apologize but kept getting the could shoulder for last week 23:04
ikoniamajnoon: I suggest you speak to elky (she is in .au time zome)23:04
majnoonok nm23:04
ikonia!staff | http://tinyurl.com/n73zqk23:30
ubottuhttp://tinyurl.com/n73zqk: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)23:30
ikonia!staff | Tht spam links ^^23:30
ubottuTht spam links ^^: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)23:30
* tomaw beeps23:30
tomawmeh, she's not even cute23:31
ikoniajust hit ##linux too23:31
ikoniadoing other channels now23:33
ikonia##php I think he just did23:33
ikonianot %10023:34
ikoniaI keep seeing him join /part 23:34
ikoniaalso Deltachaos23:34
tomawsame url?23:35
ikoniaalthough not seen him hit a channel with it yet23:35
ikoniawaitinc in see what he does23:35
tomawhe stopped when I asked him to23:36
tomawI cannot see more spam after him agreeing to stop23:36
ikoniahe left and logged in with new nick23:36
ikonianew nick hasn 't done anything yet23:36
tomawI think he thinks he's more anonymous than he is23:37
tomawdefault foreign "can speak english fine until caught, then speaks no english" story.23:38
* tomaw finds a german23:38
ikoniaha ha ha23:39
Seeker`"I'm not a troll honest" "ah, so you speak english" "no, only that sentance, and this one explaining it" "you're kidding?" "que?"23:41
Seeker`I may set up an autokick when people mention 4chan23:55
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jared__ said: ubottu bot is a g as well.23:56
Seeker`there aren't really any good reasons to refer to it23:56
Seeker`at least, I cant think of any23:56
tomawyou could kick people warning against something just mentioned23:57
tomawin fact, you could kick your bots as iirc they respond to the channel on unknown queries too23:59

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