
RAOFtjaalton: I'm _fairly_ sure that I don't have to bump shlibs on libdrm-nouveau1, and that the symbols file supercedes that.  Building the DDX against the un-bumped libdrm-nouveau1 picks up a correct versioned dependency of 2.4.11-0ubuntu2, which is what's in the symbols file.00:00
RAOFHm.  FSVO "correct" :)00:01
tjaaltonRAOF: don't add the packaging version to the shlibs00:02
RAOFBut the symbols were added in that Ubuntu revision; they're _not_ in 2.4.1100:02
tjaaltonscratch that00:02
RAOFOk.  How do I change my committer name & email in git?00:14
RAOFSo, the ubuntu branch in libdrm should be good to go.00:36
Sarvatthmm anyone know if radeon HD3300 IGP is supported by fglrx?00:58
Sarvattsweet, pciid 9614 so it is01:03
Sarvattanyone have a fglrx supported system that could test if this patch works for 2.6.31 support for fglrx-installer? http://sarvatt.com/downloads/900_fglrx_31_compat.patch.txt01:09
Sarvattmy only ati is a powerpc01:09
Sarvattregarding https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/39498501:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 394985 in fglrx-installer "fglrx: Unknown symbol find_task_by_vpid" [High,Confirmed]01:10
Sarvattgo figure, xserver 1.6.2 right after i go and make the livecd :D01:50
Sarvattah it wont build today anyway -- i386      456 builds waiting in queue 01:52
tjaaltonRAOF: right, according to the dpkg-shlibdeps manpage, it'll look up the symbols file first if it exists, so just having it should be enough08:27
RAOFtjaalton: That is the behaviour I saw in my tests, yes.09:00
jcristauRAOF: git config --global user.name 'foo bar'; git config --global user.email foo.bar@example.com09:37
Nghrm, is xserver-xorg-input-synaptics not in the default install?10:32
jcristauNg: see scrollback10:34
NgI thought I'd gotten lucky and bought a laptop with an unsupported touchpad10:36
Ngnow I have to go and disable it in the bios ;)10:36
Ngahh fantastic, disabling the touchpad via gnome doesn't break the trackpoint's mouse buttons like it used to \o/10:39
popeyhah, never knew there was such an option10:41
popeyjust unticked 'Enable touchpad' then realised i didnt have a mouse10:41
popeyspacebar to the rescue10:41
Ngit should really say "erm, I can only see one input device, are you *really* sure?"10:46
levonshehello all,  Please help me with the next problem :CHROME(0): [dri] DRIScreenInit failed. I have VIX VX800 graphic card, I see in  dmesg that drm module is loaded succesfully, but /dev/dri/card0 is not created, why ??? ([drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810), 11:54
tjaaltonlevonshe: because the drm module is crap, like I said12:02
tjaaltonand probably doesn't support your card12:02
levonshetjaalton, since I do not know much about acceleration, you mean this graphic card does can not do direct rendering, so xvmc is not possible ??12:16
tjaaltonlevonshe: what's the pci-id of the card?12:32
tjaaltonlevonshe: lspci -nn | grep VGA12:34
tjaaltonI guess it's 1106:1122, in which case it's not supported12:36
tjaaltonand it's a chrome9 chip12:37
levonshetjaalton, you was right, it is indeed 1106:1122. Do you have any info if this board is going to be supported in the near future, other chrome9 boards have atleast 2D acceleration?13:50
tjaaltonlevonshe: probably not even in 9.1014:02
tjaaltonbut AIUI the newttm is now merged in 2.6.31 and that should make it easier to push the new driver upstream14:06
=== crevette__ is now known as crevette
* hyperair grumbles about compiz eating up 2G of GEM memory *instantly* upon startup16:36
hyperairwtf happened?!16:36
* hyperair pokes Sarvatt 16:40
hyperairhmmm not mesa, not drm16:58
hyperairmust be xorg-server16:58
hyperairaha it is xorg-server17:07
tormodwow, google chrome OS. wow. are they gonna use X on it?17:53
tormodSteve B must be throwing a lot of chairs today17:54
Sarvattintel not building because of that commit17:59
Sarvattwhat a headache to wake up to :D18:10
Sarvatthyperair: downgrade xserver if you can18:16
tjaaltonthey all should fail to build18:16
Sarvatti'm stumped unless i go and revert that commit from xserver18:27
jcristaui suspect there'll be an 1.6.3 soon :)18:34
Sarvattahhh i should have read the chat log for #xorg-devel, looks like you guys were talking about it already18:40
Sarvattyeah i'll revert it for now, then wait the 12 hours for it to build and reupload intel and ati and it'll probably be fixed in server1.6 branch by then. wish you could turn off PPAs so people dont download broken stuff :D18:44
jbarnesSarvatt: what did I miss?  the memory eating bug?18:59
Sarvattintel ddx not building against xserver 1.6.2 and things being broken using intel compiled against, dont upgrade edgers stuff yet if you havent today :D19:01
jbarnestoo late :)19:02
Sarvattuploaded the fix for xserver so intel will build but theres a 12 hour queue on launchpad19:02
* Ng wonders why i386 is so backed up19:03
Sarvattoh crap19:03
Sarvattits 2 pm19:03
NgI know a lot of the PPA buildds dropped out in the last couple of days, but that's surprisingly unbalanced19:03
Sarvattmozilla/chromium build bots beat me19:03
Sarvattso maybe closer to 24 hours19:03
Sarvattits because theres like 1/4 the normal amount of builders19:04
Ngyeah they come and go as the hardware is used eleswhere, it just seems odd that i386 is significantly more behind than amd6419:05
Ngbut it could juts be that the i386 hardware pool was depleted more significantly19:05
Sarvattit probably got stuck compiling gcc's or something that takes a long time like that, or theres a large amount of generic arch builds queued up since those build on i386 (just guessing here)19:06
Sarvatti dont get how amd64's queue got so low with only 3 builders now that you mention it19:07
tjaaltonNg: aren't you tending those :)19:07
Ngtjaalton: we're nominally responsible, but the hardware is shared, so if the other users need it there's nothing we can do about it :)19:08
Sarvatt[Disabled] thorium AUTO (113, 'No route to host')  ?19:08
Sarvattthats a new one19:08
tjaaltonNg: ah, ok :)19:09
NgSarvatt: that happens a fair bit, it means that buildd has been reclaimed for something else and isn't routable on the PPA network anymore19:09
NgSarvatt: oh good point, the arch:all stuff builds on i386 afair19:09
Sarvatthopefully its just that there are a ton of things from the translations ppa or that keyring PPA in the queue that'll go by fast or something19:12
Sarvattheyo bryce20:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 389686 in metacity "compiz --replace fails to kill metacity, resulting in cpu overload" [High,Triaged]22:00
* Sarvatt cheers22:00
Sarvattwow chromium alone takes 1.5 hours per build and is building 12 times? theres only 12 builders, no wonder22:09
superm1why does it build 12 times?22:27
Sarvatt4 seperate distros, 3 arches per distro22:50
superm1oh yeah trying to build for all supported ubuntu releases; makes sense22:58
superm1i think it's silly that lpia is still on the PPAs for karmic+22:58
superm1would much rather see that turned into another couple i386 builders22:59
superm1oh Sarvatt, regarding that fglrx patch you posted, I highly doubt that would work.  pid is not an integer in pid_task, but a struct22:59
superm1it might compile an load, but that code path would be broke22:59
Ngsuperm1: why is it silly for lpia to be there? it's a supported arch23:50
brycejbarnes, hey btw did anyone get to porting the pci quirks over to the kernel?23:52
jbarnesbryce: some of the quirks are ported23:53
jbarnesedid and some of the tv & lvds stuff afaik23:53
jbarnesthough our tv detection is better in the kernel I think23:53

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