
Amarstis there some trick to getting webdav to work on ubuntu?00:00
Amarsti can connect fine using windblows, and firefox00:00
Amarst(read only on firefox)00:00
samosagraphics drivers, do i install propietery or no?00:00
Amarstbut when i go to places - connect to server, it never works00:00
Amarstinstall proprietary if you want good graphics00:00
Irishmanlukebastidrazor: I should report that so that problem can be fixed00:00
samosaok, i did cancel...how do i get the message to install propietay graphics drivers again?00:01
bastidrazorIrishmanluke, no, the problem is on your end. the installer stopping was a good thing. you lost no data .. you could just change the previous /home/luke to /home/luke.old and install fine.00:01
Amarstsamosa:  system - administration - hardware drivers00:02
samosaAmarst: thank you00:02
bastidrazorIrishmanluke, i do this when i upgrade to new distro's.. i have a seperate /home partition and i always use the same username. before installing i change the username to username.old then install. i can pull any data out of the old username without fear of lost data00:02
evonise`emphi, im almost having this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/253321 (laptop gets stuck at 22-25% of install and freezes) im trying to do that workaround but it doesnt work. anyone else has an idea?00:03
tristanmikeI'm trying to dual boot Linux and XP. I've installed XP first on an IDE drive (sdb) and I've installed Ubuntu on the SATA (sda). Installation for both went fine, but upon boot, selecting the XP option yeilds the following "Starting up..." then the screen blinks (as it's handing it off) then it stays at a "black" screen and does nothing. I must power the computer off/on. Any ideas ? Here's my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:05
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LuthorHow do you dual boot Vista and 9.04?00:08
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ultimatelifeformcan I get 3d graphics on an intel gma 950?00:09
=== hello is now known as Wolter
njovanov08does anyone know how to have access to a usb external hardisk in virtual box running winodws xp00:11
nikitisWhat is a good Web page design program?00:12
Dr_Willisnjovanov08:  you mean you have XP running virtualbox?00:13
njovanov08no excuse me00:13
=== treetopj is now known as treetop
njovanov08i have my main OS is ubuntu 9.0400:13
njovanov08i am using virtual box and in it running windows xp00:14
rkeg1I've been having problems w/ getting X to run w/ sli enabled in 9.04. I've tried the restricted drivers as well as the install from the nvidia site. The best I can get is a blank screen. any help available?00:14
u_dparteanyone in here have exp. w/ nginx00:14
Dr_Willisnjovanov08:  you have to configure vbox to access usb devices in its settings - the virtualbox from the VBOX homepage has that feature.. the ones in the default repos does not.00:14
samosaok, installed video propietary drivers, good thing is fan speed has gone down drastically. bad thing is when i go to SYSTEM > PREFERENCES > DISPLAY, it basically starts making the screen flicker and ubuntu becomes slow/unresponsive. any one get this symtom? (<---ati hd 4850)00:15
Dr_Willisnjovanov08:  you can set up vbox  with  'vbox share' that would also allow the guest OS to see/access teh filesystem on teh hard drive00:15
rogue780how do I run a command in the terminal so it gets pushed to the background and I'm immediately returned to the prompt?00:15
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Dr_Willisnjovanov08:  if you install the vbox guest addations on the guest os.00:15
Irishmanlukebastidrazor: you don't think there should have at least been an error message, would have saved me alot of time00:15
njovanov08Dr_Willis, how do i do the share please?00:15
Dr_Willisrogue780:  bash job conroll basics.  use command &00:15
samosahappened when i tryed to change the display fps from 60 to 75.00:16
Dr_Willisnjovanov08:  its in the virtualbox settings. and detailed in the vbox docs.  You can share any folder00:16
rogue780Dr_Willis, thanks. I kept thinking it was $ for some reason00:16
L3dsows synaptic package manager doesnt force versions ,dont know waht to do00:16
njovanov08ok i will look through that. Thank you for your help!!!00:16
IrishmanlukeI guess most people that go into the manual partition editor know what they're doing00:16
Dr_Willisrogue780:  also use the 'exit' command if you want to close the terminal. do NOT hit the 'close' button. that may kill any spawned to the background processes00:16
uvacavanyone know if there has been any success getting any portion of the Iphone SDK to run on linux?00:16
Barridusis openbox-gnome no longer usable in jaunty?00:17
L3dhow can i roll back the xorg ati part i dint instal wich wont show the force version button.00:18
samosais there a way to make it remember username/password...so i dont have to keep typing it in ...everytime i log in?00:18
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SebsPigeonsamosa, i think you can in the login window thing00:18
SebsPigeonlet me see..00:18
coleyssamosa: System > Administration > Login Window00:19
coleysThen Security.00:19
L3dor its in the menu00:19
samosaAh, thanks.00:19
rjmoore1hello all!!!!00:19
L3di gues im using gnome .. :/00:19
monostonehi! I have qmail installed as my mail server on a virtual domain setup, I would like to know if any webmail application integrates nicely with this setup, thanks00:19
Halitechmonostone, squirrelmail says it will work with any mail system00:20
Cry__Babyhow can I stop Ubuntu from every day telling there are updates available?00:20
Ademandoes anyone know of a ppa or other deb repository for recent or nightly e17/efl releases?00:20
Cry__BabyAdeman: e17?00:20
L3droll back ??00:20
AdemanCry__Baby: enlightenment, a window manager00:21
HalitechCry__Baby, why would you not want to get updates?00:21
AdemanCry__Baby: you can use gconf to fix your issue00:21
Dr_Willischeck the enlightment homepage?00:21
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monostone<Halitech> ill inform myself, thanks00:21
Cry__BabyHalitech: on monthly quota.  how?00:21
forrestv_is there a way to disable xinerama?00:21
Cry__Babygconf to fix your issue?00:21
samosalol...this is wierd...I downloaded latest stable ubuntu, but firefox version it has is 3.0.11 ...isnt ff like on version 3.5 now, how do i update it?00:21
coleysAdeman: Get elive00:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about elive00:22
sebsebseb!ff35 |  samosa00:22
ubottusamosa: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY00:22
Cry__Babysamosa: i noticed the same..00:22
L3dhow can i roll back the xorg ati part i dint instal wich wont show the force version button. and ff00:22
Devon_Csamosa: go to mozilla.com or .net00:22
Cry__Babysamosa: the current FF is ok00:22
coleysAdeman: http://www.elivecd.org/00:22
Ademancoleys: that's not a bad idea, but i'm comfy here in ubuntu00:22
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dabukalamhi all i have a problem with my integrated intel wireless driver. It's not detecting any wireless networks...00:22
samosaok....and how comes it wont let me do 'check for updates'?00:22
HalitechCry__Baby, not sure, Ademan says gconf should be able to deal with it00:22
EtherNetthere's Firefox 3.6 for Ubuntu jaunty, take a look at it00:22
SebsPigeonCry__Baby, I think he wants the new one00:22
AdemanCry__Baby: pop open a terminal, run gconf-editor00:23
Cry__Babyhow can I stop Ubuntu from every day telling there are updates available?  I told it to stop looking for updates, but its still doing it. WHY? bug?00:23
nikitisNobody knows of a web page designer for Linux00:23
SebsPigeonEtherNet, ff just released 3.5 ...00:23
rjmoore1dabukalam::: is that a new install of ubuntu00:23
Devon_Cdabukalam: do you have a software disk for your intel driver?00:23
Cry__Babywhat can the new FF do that the old cannot?00:23
EtherNetSebsPigeon, check this out: aptitude search firefox-3.600:23
Dr_WillisCry__Baby:  telling you as in the terminal mesage? or a X dialog poping up?00:23
AdemanCry__Baby: i'm telling you how to fix your issue...00:23
EtherNetSebsPigeon, 3.5 is not the real new branch, 3.6 actually is.00:23
rankinrCry_Baby: it's likely stopped looking, but still has updates recorded from the last time it checked.00:23
L3dhow can i roll back the xorg ati part wich wont show the force version button. and ff..00:23
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: pop up window keeps popping up all the time,.. annoying :(00:24
grendal_primeis there a way (in gnome) to just create a launcher in  a dir i have open00:24
Dr_WillisCry__Baby:  I just update... :)00:24
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SebsPigeonEtherNet, i got nothing out of running that :S00:24
AdemanDr_Willis: I assumed it's because update-notifier actually launches the update-manager when it detects updates, because someone thought that was a good idea...00:24
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: i told it in settings to NOT look for updates.. but it keeps reporting it00:24
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L3dpm pls..00:24
Cry__Baby!UPATE BUG00:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about UPATE BUG00:24
EtherNetethernet@amdthron:~$ sudo aptitude search firefox-3.600:24
EtherNeti   firefox-3.6                     - safe and easy web browser from Mozilla00:24
Dr_WillisCry__Baby:  like rankinr  said.. its  sees theres updates from a earlier time00:24
rankinrCry__Baby: it's likely stopped looking, but still has updates recorded from the last time it checked.00:24
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: ahh i hear ya00:25
AdemanCry__Baby: i know how to fix your issue... open a terminal and run gconf-editor00:25
Cry__Babyrankinr: ok ty00:25
Dr_WillisI dont consider that a bug. :000:25
u_dparte firefox is pissing me off00:25
ultimatelifeformcan I get 3d graphics on an intel gma 950?00:25
EtherNetultimatelifeform, yea00:25
Dr_Willisultimatelifeform:  proberly can..   most intel cards can do 3d00:25
L3dabrowser hmm?00:25
EtherNetultimatelifeform, I do run such graphic card with acceleration00:25
EtherNetultimatelifeform, although it's not the best card... it works.00:25
Cry__BabyAdeman: I ttyped gconf-editor. now what00:25
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: I need it to be able to do wobbly windows and 3D games like AssaultCube.00:25
AdemanCry__Baby: a window came up, right?00:26
u_dparteanyone else having random crashes w/ firefox 3.500:26
u_dparteit's shutting down my entire system00:26
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: where can I get the drivers?00:26
neonuxalguien save como habrir un php en firefox00:26
Cry__Babyu_dparte:  firefox is pissing me off <-- try using IE :)00:26
edbianu_dparte: It is beta software00:26
EtherNetultimatelifeform, it's just enough, it's brought by your distribution.00:26
EtherNetultimatelifeform, you don't need extra drivers.00:26
L3dme2 sommetimes my mouse doesnt click on the browser bit x|00:26
Cry__Babyu_dparte: its not FF thats doing it00:26
Cry__Babyu_dparte: its bad RAM00:26
u_dparteedbian, I don't have this issue on my other systems .. just ubuntu/firefox00:26
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: Ok. Thanks,00:26
EtherNetultimatelifeform, have you already installed Ubuntu on that computer?00:26
AdemanCry__Baby: click on the 'apps' folder, then scroll down and find the 'update-notifier' folder and click on that.  then on the right there is a checkbox that says "auto_launch" uncheck that box, and you're done00:26
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ultimatelifeformEtherNet: And that'll give me Compiz?00:26
edbianu_dparte: firefox 3.5 on ubuntu (or any linux) is not stable yet.00:26
CorpXim trying to move a .pl file to the www apache folder, but it keeps saying permission denied00:26
CorpXany ideas?00:27
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: no, I'm building.00:27
samosaok lol, so i go to mozilla.org, download 3.5 and it downloads this tar.bz2 type file, so i click on it and it opens up windows showing buntch of file in directory. =/ how do i install this?00:27
Dr_WillisCorpX:  use the proper root user permissions/tools to do system type tasks like that.00:27
EtherNetultimatelifeform, yeah you're able to enable compiz although I seriously do not recommend it on such card.00:27
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: I want to be able to install Ubuntu if OS X doesn't work.00:27
Cry__BabyAdeman: I ttyped gconf-editor. now what???00:27
bastidrazor!ff35 | samosa00:27
ubottusamosa: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY00:27
u_dparteedbian, I know that ... but I have to use it for development00:27
L3dstill 1 gb instead o 2 couse i know i have 2 see00:27
Dr_WillisCorpX:  sudo cp whatever whever00:27
AdemanCry__Baby: ... did a window pop up?00:27
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: yeah, it's not very good.00:27
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HalitechCorpX, sudo cp /path/to/original/file /var/www/*.pl00:27
CorpXis there a way to do it straight from the gui?00:27
u_dparteedbian, where would I find log files to track down whats causing it00:27
L3dannywho ill leave this open ..00:27
ultimatelifeformEtherNet: I'm just getting what I can afford right now.00:27
HalitechCorpX, gksudo nautilus00:28
minimecsamosa: There is a Readme file or an Install file containing all informations.00:28
AdemanCry__Baby: did a window pop up when you ran gconf-editor?00:28
EtherNetultimatelifeform, go ahead. and try to get it working.00:28
edbianu_dparte: IDK.  The usual dmesg ?00:28
Cry__BabyAdeman: yes, but now what?00:28
CorpXeven with nautilus it wont let me copy the file00:28
Dr_WillisCorpX:  warning.. 'gksudo nautilus' can goof things up.. its BEST to learn to do root tasks from the terminal00:28
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neonuxno me abre el php en firefox, alguien save porq?00:28
AdemanCry__Baby: click on the 'apps' folder, then scroll down and find the 'update-notifier' folder and click on that.  then on the right there is a checkbox that says "auto_launch" uncheck that box, and you're done00:28
Dr_WillisCorpX:  try the proper 'sudo cp ..............' type command then00:29
HalitechCorpX, press ALT + F2 then type in gksudo nautilus00:29
L3dUse Abrowser !00:29
Cry__BabyAdeman: too much work, cant be bothered. ty anyway :)00:29
Devon_Cneonux: esta es el chat para ingles00:29
samosabastidrazor: "just install the currently available firefox-3.5 package from universe and wait." ?? thats what is says in the link.00:29
L3dehh .. right?00:29
* Dr_Willis advises people to never to run Nautilus as root.00:29
Devon_Cneonux: pienso que hay otra canal para los hispanoblantes00:29
Cry__Babyuse Opera then00:29
AdemanCry__Baby: you're 3 clicks away...00:29
samosaminimec: I looked at read me....it just points to a release notes web page...not how to install.00:29
neonuxok grasias00:29
L3ddang hew00:29
Wolter!es | neonux00:29
ubottuneonux: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:29
Cry__BabyAdeman: 2 clicks too many :-)00:29
L3dhes right .00:29
L3dwhaa the bleeping00:30
bastidrazorsamosa, firefox-3.5 would be the packagename to install. i have it installed and it works fine00:30
Cry__Baby!opera > samosa00:30
ubottusamosa, please see my private message00:30
Devon_Cneonux: el canal es #ubuntu-es00:30
nikitisSo a web page designer program?  Anyone know of any?00:30
Cry__Babynikitis: yes I know one00:30
Halitechnikitis, gedit, mousepad, notepad, leafpad :)00:30
samosa!chrome > Cry__Baby00:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chrome00:30
L3diittss  inn bboois  i  gues00:31
samosaaw... :(00:31
nikitisHalitech: no, like a drag and paste kind of web page designer00:31
Devon_Cneonux: el canal es #ubuntu-es00:31
Cry__Babynikitis: Kompozer00:31
samosano google chrome for linux?00:31
Devon_Cneonux: para espanol00:31
Halitechnikitis, you didn't specify ;)00:31
sebsebsebsamosa: there's a development verison00:31
Cry__Babysamosa: no.. get Opera if you hate FF so much00:31
sebsebsebsamosa: and chromeium which Chomre is based on00:31
minimecsamosa: I think you can just dubble-click on the firefox file and it will lsunch it. You may want to copy the directory to /opt and make a symlink for the firefox launch file in /usr/bin00:31
nikitiskompozer, ok, any more?00:31
Cry__Baby!repeat > samosa00:31
ubottusamosa, please see my private message00:31
Devon_Cwho was the person who had the question about Firefox 3.5?00:31
Dr_WillisThe default FF icon launches  ff 3.1 for me.00:31
Cry__BabyDevon_C: samosa00:32
samosaCry__Baby: heh, i hate firefox in windows. i have yet to test in ubuntu ;p00:32
Dr_Willismany of my extensions do not workin FF3.5 it seems. I will stay with 3.1 for now00:32
Guest819how do i launch mplayer from terminal so it opens in the gui?00:32
Cry__Babyi use FF and Opera00:32
Devon_Cah, yeah - I'm having the same problem. I just downloaded the .tar.bz2 file from Mozilla.com and tried installing it in Synaptic after I extracted it00:32
L3dsame buton ownly i hear a sound eaven backspacwe .00:32
Cry__Babysamosa: :-) ok00:32
Devon_Cbut it's still launching FF 3.0100:32
snailshellWhen I try to chkdsk /R E:00:32
snailshellI get "Access Denied"00:33
Cry__Babyi personally love FF... and the 3.5 is hot00:33
Devon_Cis there a console command for updating it?00:33
L3dso i hear ..00:33
Ademandoes anyone know what gconftool-2 accepts for boolean values?  probably 0 and 1, "true" and "false" ?00:33
CorpXive changed the chmod of the file and it still wont run it.   goign to the http://<ip/test.pl forces the download of the perl file00:33
Devon_CAdeman: that would be my guess 0 being false 1 being true00:33
Barridusis openbox-gnome no longer usable in jaunty?00:33
Dr_WillisDevon_C:  make an icon that launches 3.5 perhaps? Im not sure its a good idea tomake 3.5 the 'default' at this time.00:33
gmachine_24FF 3.5 is good but it's called something else in the dropdown menu under "Internet" ... Shiroteku or something...00:33
Devon_CDr_Willis: why not?00:33
Dr_WillisBarridus:  ive never noticed a openbox-gnome - you can run gnome and use openbox..00:34
gmachine_24Devon_C, because it's new00:34
L3dwait what video x11 or genome multimedia device?00:34
Cry__Babyanyone who doesnt use FF is either 1. ignorant 2. programmed and conditioned with a MS windows mind-set 3. an Alien00:34
Dr_WillisDevon_C:  it dosent support my extensions for one thing... its the testing branch as people have been saying for another...00:34
Dr_WillisCry__Baby:  or likes Opera.00:34
AdemanDevon_C: right, sorry i worded that poorly, i meant, are "true" and "false" acceptable values as well?00:34
Devon_CI thought it said Final Release on the website O:00:34
legend2440Guest819: in terminal   gmplayer00:34
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: hehe ;)00:34
ChousukeCry__Baby: OR using any of the numerous other IE alternatives :P00:34
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: what can Opera do that FF cannot?00:34
Cry__BabyChousuke: hehe yeah :)00:35
Dr_WillisCry__Baby:  its all about personal choice.. use what you like.00:35
gmachine_24can you guys argue about Web browsers someplace else pleaes00:35
BarridusDr_Willis, i can't get ubuntu to use openbox.  i select openbox-gnome (or is it gnome-openbox, whatever :) in the gdm login session selection, and after login i am in metacity not opembox00:35
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: i like FF, its stable, solid and secure.00:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:35
tristanmikeI'm trying to dual boot Linux and XP. I've installed XP first on an IDE drive (sdb) and I've installed Ubuntu on the SATA (sda). Installation for both went fine, but upon boot, selecting the XP option yeilds the following "Starting up..." then the screen blinks (as it's handing it off) then it stays at a "black" screen and does nothing. I must power the computer off/on. Any ideas ? Here's my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:35
ChousukeCry__Baby: I know a guy who doesn't fit in that category, nor 1 and 2.00:35
ChousukeCry__Baby: He must be an alien.00:35
Cry__BabyKjell: you an OP?  or the channel police?00:35
dispatchCan anyone point me in the right direction to get totem to play dvd's00:35
Cry__BabyChousuke: lol00:35
Cry__Babydispatch: I use VLC00:36
Cry__Babydispatch: VLC will play your DVD's00:36
Dr_WillisBarridus:  make a custom desktop session perhaps for gdm that launches just openbox then set openbox to run what gnome parts you want perhaps.. or it could be something else is   some how making openbox quit and spawn metacity.00:36
dispatchCry__Baby: what is VLC00:36
gmachine_24dispatch, the codecs, etc., should be d/l at the same time as Vlc (SHORT FOR video lan client)00:36
Cry__Baby!vlc > dispatch00:36
ubottudispatch, please see my private message00:36
rogue780Dr_Willis, ok I tried using the '&' token like this "&php -f ./test.php" but it says -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&'00:36
tristanmike!dvd | dispatch00:37
ubottudispatch: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:37
Dr_Willisrogue780:   huh?  what are youy trying to do exactly?00:37
Cry__Baby!dvd > dispatch00:37
rogue780Dr_Willis, I'm trying to run a php script in the background from the command line00:37
BarridusDr_Willis, in hardy i simply installed the openbox package and selected it as the session00:38
Cry__Babyrogue780: youre on the right track, asking our local Doctor Willis :)00:38
Dr_Willisrogue780:  you REALLY should spend an hr reading a bash tutorial or 2.. the syntax is -->      '  Run_this_command & '00:38
Dr_Willisrogue780:  note the & is at the END of the command00:38
EtherNetPEOPLE; there's a new VLC version 1.0.0 !! after 8 years00:38
Cry__BabyDr_Willis is one of the most helpful people I ever met in this channel.00:38
Dr_WillisCry__Baby:  wait til you get my bill. :)00:38
gmachine_24EtherNet, is it any better than the old one00:39
Cry__BabyDr_Willis: I already did lol,, paypal was it? lol00:39
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EtherNetgmachine_24, I think it works a bit faster than the latest00:39
Cry__Babybbl. have a great day everyone00:39
samosasystem monitor shows usage of like 750mb out of 2GB...isn't that like allot...did i do something wrong? o_O00:39
Dr_Willissamosa:  usage of what?00:40
Kjellsamosa: ram you mean?00:40
edbiansamosa: Is your computing just ideling?  ARe you running 10 things right now?00:40
samosajust firefox with 5 windows.00:40
Dr_Willissamosa:  looks like you got 1.25 gb of ram being wasted.. because its NOT being used to me... :)00:40
Dr_Willissamosa:  drive cache = most of the ram i imagine.00:40
wapkosamosa: in the precesses tab you can sort by memory consumption and see what programs are using up all that memory00:40
edbiansamosa: What are you at without firefox running ;)00:41
rjmoore1does anyone know how to clean up ubuntu...00:41
KjellDr_Willis: That is another way to say it =p00:41
edbianrjmoore1: What is the mess?00:41
samosawinxp 5 windows firefox = 400mb00:41
Dr_Willisrjmoore1:  damp cloth and some elbow grease?00:41
=== jesirobendebua is now known as nwc_neo
L3d100 mostly .. 54$"3$%£"$£00:41
rjmoore1idk?? im still learning...does it get messy like windows??00:42
dispatchCry__Baby: thanks for the info.. looking into it now00:42
Dr_Willisrjmoore1:  its not really a problem.00:42
rjmoore1cahce / temp files /ect..00:42
edbianrjmoore1: It does not do hardly anything like windows :)00:42
phoenixandthorhello everyone00:42
phoenixandthorfinally manager to log in00:42
Dr_Willisrjmoore1:  windows teaches people to do things  they SHOULDENT have to ever do in a good OS. :)00:42
samosaer wait...how do i save windows....is there like control alt delete here...? crash recovery normally reopens windows.00:42
rjmoore1well..........i just reinstalled and its running alot faster00:42
edbianrjmoore1: I understand that you're coming from windows and just learning but as a general rule of thumb.  Don't fix it if it isn't broken. :)00:42
Counterspellwhat do you people use for colorizing logs?00:42
nwc_neohi there00:42
Dr_WillisCounterspell:  ive seen several tools for that.. but not used any in ages.00:43
nwc_neoare here any web designers/developers00:43
rjmoore1and my repositories arnt working00:43
nwc_neoI need an advice00:43
phoenixandthorI agree with edbian00:43
ShortWaveI'm a web designer/developer00:43
ShortWavebut why?00:43
nwc_neowhatapplication is best for image editing00:43
Dr_Willisccze - A robust log colorizer Linux Man Page00:43
edbiannwc_neo: I have a limited knowledge.  What are you trying to do?00:43
ShortWaveI ain't building nothing for free.00:43
phoenixandthornow what you should do is keep windows on a seperate partition00:43
edbianphoenixandthor: Thanks! :)00:43
Dr_WillisCounterspell:  i uses ccze ages ago00:43
Counterspelli went to the ccze page and it's like ancient and the download links are broken00:43
ShortWaveAnd/or Corel painter.00:43
gmachine_24nwc_neo, depends on what kind of "image"00:43
phoenixandthorthen when you find all the right software to replace your windows apps, put windows in a corner and set it on fire00:44
nwc_neogmachine_24:  .psd file00:44
ShortWaveFireworks is largely superior for web-based graphics, Corel Painter is great for whipping stuff up, and Photoshop is probably best for editing photographs.00:44
Dr_WillisCounterspell:  check the package manager.. proberly somthing replaced it00:44
hagghi, does anybody know if it's possible to use "cryptsetup luksOpen UUID=..." instead of "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sd.."?00:44
edbiannwc_neo: I use gimp for all of my web image editing :)00:44
pixlboxdoes anyone know of a good web development ide for ubuntu ?00:44
edbianpixlbox: gedit and firefox :)00:44
haggwith UUID its not possible, but is there a similar way?00:44
gmachine_24nwc,neo then I would say GIMP. Which should be installed as part of the basic Ubuntu install00:44
nwc_neopixlbox:  netbeans runs well00:44
phoenixandthorthe perfect way to learn xhtml, among others00:45
ShortWavepixlbox: NVU00:45
edbianpixlbox: bluefish works too :)00:45
Kjellpixlbox: I say the vim is good.00:45
Halitechnwc_neo, GIMP ftw00:45
jb510The non of the ATI drivers for older cards work with xorg-xserver 1.6 in Jaunty.  Does anyone know of a work around to use anything other than the default open source drivers? Could I somehow roll back to xorg-xserver from Hardy?00:45
nwc_neopixlbox: I'm using aptana, its better for js development00:45
phoenixandthorNVU is wysiwyg00:45
pixlboxoh right cool00:45
phoenixandthorbluefish is raw sourdce editing, but it includes menus for every possible tag00:45
phoenixandthorand little template wizards00:46
rjmoore1nwc_neo  ...did you get that??00:46
ShortWavepixie79: http://nvu.com00:46
shane2perunfs help!  :)  how do I determine my name instead of using the ip address???00:46
nwc_neorjmoore1: you're about what ?00:46
gmachine_24Just for the record, the Mozilla software package also has an html editor. It's not as good as NVU and some others, IMO, but for the record00:46
ShortWavebut I prefer Flex/AIR anyway00:46
pixlboxmenu for all tags sounds very useful :)00:46
nwc_neorjmoore1: Aptana ?00:46
rjmoore1did you get hat link??00:46
ShortWaveI can't be bothered to screw with javascript, given that it sucks ass for most of my use cases.00:46
gmachine_24hat link?00:46
phoenixandthoryeah, for the fossil record00:46
shane2peruthe how too's I read say a name can be used, but it isn't really clear to me how to determine that name.00:46
dragon_talking ubuntu, are we?00:47
samosa_yup, with everything closed its 500-600mb. (xp is 300mb) so i must make logical conclusion that my ubuntu has virus, which is why its taking so much ram.00:47
bastidrazorshane2peru, local network?00:47
rjmoore1that link??00:47
phoenixandthoryou realize how old the mozilla suite is?00:47
phoenixandthorand then is mangles the source when you save a file!00:47
ShortWaveUsing javascript for anything other than mouse overs and/or form validation is like trying to build a house with toothpicks.00:47
dragon_!virus | samosa_00:47
ubottusamosa_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:47
dragon_samosa_: nice name btw00:47
gmachine_24phoenixandthor, lol..... I was just sayin'....00:47
shane2perualso I keep getting this error: mount.nfs: mount system call failed  What am I missing??00:47
wolfganguck yeah00:47
phoenixandthorubuntu can't have a virus00:47
wolfgangsamosas are so good00:47
pixlboxubuntu virus??? dont be silly00:47
samosa_dragon_: !joke/sarcasm > dragon_00:47
gmachine_24ubuntu can have a virus00:47
rjmoore1lolol!!!    what about a phone you could SMELL through!!00:48
rwwphoenixandthor: it was replaced with SeaMonkey, which last released 15 days ago.00:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:48
edbianphoenixandthor: There are viruses for ubuntu but they are all proof of concept.  None free in the wild.00:48
samosa_bot sux00:48
shane2peruhmm am I connected?00:48
edbianshane2peru: You are!00:48
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  if we say no.. what would that mean?00:48
light__Hey, I have a dvd and it says I don't have permision, I@m using 9.04 and have installed libdvdread4, what else do I need????00:48
phoenixandthorthere has to be some kind of script or daemon running in the backround00:48
Kjellsamosa_: think you can write top in a command and check which program that uses that much ram?00:48
pixlboxhas anyone ever messed around with hadoop00:48
dragon_samosa_: lol i'd call it a bug00:48
Kalmi_!dvd | light__00:48
ubottulight__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:48
phoenixandthorit also depends on your hardware. 300-400MB of ram is about normal00:49
SuborbitalPigeonsebsebseb: wahey00:49
Kalmi_light__, you need that libcss thingy...00:49
edbianlight__: libdvdcss200:49
jb510Anyone know of a workaround for ATI drivers not working with 9.04, at least for old cards?00:49
samosa_Kjell: thats the problem, there is a list of system files that dont dont that much ram, but there are so many as a whole they have large sum.00:49
rwwlight__: specifically, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#Installing%20libdvdcss00:49
phoenixandthorupgrade you card @ jb510?00:50
tristanmikejb510: if you feel brave, you can check out this http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide00:50
jb510@phoenix - laptop :)00:50
light__it says that if I install it, it will conflict with other software00:50
rwwjb510: By "ATI drivers", you mean fglrx? There isn't one. The older versions of fglrx don't support the current version of Xorg.00:50
light__libdvdcss2 that is00:50
Dr_Willisjb510:  ati removed many cards from their fglrx drivers. those cards are now supported by the ati/radeon gpl drivers..  theres no work around for that.. if thats what you mean. (00:50
Kjellsamosa_: Do you run any server?00:50
phoenixandthorIf you are using the kubuntu varient, I suggest reinstall the normal ubuntu release00:50
samosa_and cpu usage 20% wtf? (<---- e7200 @ 3.00ghz. its should be using like 0.0001%)00:51
SuborbitalPigeonwebpigeon_laptop: heh00:51
pixlboxhadoop ? anyone ever messed around with it00:51
samosa_Kjell: no00:51
L3dpm me pls00:51
bennihey you fucking faggots what's up?00:51
samosa_I just installed ubuntu today lol00:51
jb510I was wondering if I could roll back xorg-xserver but keep 9.04...  is that insane?00:51
SuborbitalPigeonuh oh00:51
edbiansamosa_: firefox on linux is a resource hog :(00:51
typ30n3gativ3hey guys...how do i back up my mail?  is there a program for that?00:51
L3dim roling a joint00:51
phoenixandthorjb510, yes, insane00:51
phoenixandthoryou realize how many config files you'll have to deit?00:51
samosa_edbian: forget firefox00:51
jb510I'm still new to linux...  I figured that, but figured I'd ask...00:52
rwwtyp30n3gativ3: depends on where it's stored right now00:52
L3di can say tht right?00:52
FlannelL3d: Please stay on topic00:52
samosa_edbian: how much ram does ubuntu take with no programs running?00:52
phoenixandthorsamosa_, you dissin firefox?00:52
typ30n3gativ3I have a load of e-mail - about 300 or so and wanted to archive it, put it on a seperate drive00:52
Kjellsamosa_: Strange then.00:52
edbiansamosa_: You're just idling ?  For me a little less than 200mb typically00:52
tristanmikeAfter installing the ATI driver on 9.04, xorg has a tendency of maxing the cpu, can anyone help with this ?00:52
samosa_phoenixandthor: Neveh.00:52
edbianWhen I first start up the machine sometimes under 150.00:52
typ30n3gativ3rww: i'm using kmail00:52
tristanmikeit never releases the cpu either until a logout/in00:52
shane2peruok, am I connected now?00:52
benniwhy are my ubuntu I dont even00:52
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  yes you are00:53
puffI'm having a problem related to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gthumb/+bug/3407700:53
Halitechshane2peru, no ;)00:53
edbianshane2peru: Again, yes.  You have been.00:53
puffIt appears that the bug is resolved but I'm not seeing my photos and F-spot can't impor tthem.00:53
pixlboxhadoop? no one has ever set it up ?00:53
benniWhat if god was one of us?00:53
phoenixandthorwho was the one with the rediculous claim the ubuntu has a virus?00:53
rwwtyp30n3gativ3: ah, okay. I haven't used kmail in a while, so I'm not sure how to do it, but I think there'sa File > Save Message command or something like that. Perhaps the #kubuntu people would know, since it's a KDE app.00:53
Flannelbenni: Please stay on topic00:53
ShortWavepixlbox: I'm curious what you're going to do with it.00:53
benniok what is the topic00:54
rww!topic | benni00:54
ubottubenni: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:54
typ30n3gativ3let me look for that....brb00:54
cabreybenni, /topic for the channel topic00:54
SuborbitalPigeonphoenixandthor: depends on your definition I suppose00:54
L3dword o days .. gaze00:54
dewentedoes someone know a good dns free service for my home server?00:54
edbianphoenixandthor: I said there are some proof of concept viruses but none in the wild.  Are you talking about me?00:54
dragon_dewente: dyndns.org00:54
Halitechdewente, dyndns.com00:54
pixlboxShortWave i have quite a few old computers and wanted to hook them together as like a backup drive thingy00:54
dewentethat one is no longer free !! Dyndns00:54
samosa_how can i create log? and like pastebin it or something, cuz i cant tell difference between services which are important/ and those which are unneccesary.00:54
benniyou are too nice I can't even troll you what's wrong with you guys00:55
darnellCan someone tell me how to get the keyring from coming up for my network connection everytime I start my PC?00:55
Ughstupid trolls.00:55
cabreysamosa_, logs are in /var/log00:55
pixlboxi heard that hadoop is kinda that same as google GFS00:55
phixWhy does NetworkManager exist for? it seems to conflict with /etc/network/interfaces00:55
edbiancabrey: He's talking about making a list of the processes running.00:55
samosa_ok thanks00:55
puffWhere does Ubuntu mount a camera when you plug it into a USB cable?  I dont' see it showing up under /media00:55
Dr_Willisdarnell:  you bsically use the config tools to set the password it asks for to be blank. :)  i found the answer in the forums00:55
edbiansamosa_: Are there a few that you're unsure about that you could ask?00:55
cabreyphix, that is the old debian way of manually managing network interfaces00:55
th0rpuff: it becomes /dev/video00:55
dewentedoes someone know a good dns free service for my home server?00:56
ShortWavepixlbox: "Google GFS"? Or Redhat GFS?00:56
typ30n3gativ3rww: do you know of any back-up software that can do it?  the 'save as ' option only gets 1 message, not the whole branch00:56
rwwphix: because /etc/network/interfaces isn't user-friendly. If you want to use it, go ahead, and NetworkManager should get out of the way.00:56
samosa_edbian: what is your total physical ram?00:56
cabreyphix, nm automatically configures network interfaces now00:56
shane2perudoes anyone know about nfs setup?00:56
cabreydewente, dyndns or no-ip00:56
rwwtyp30n3gativ3: you can't select multiple messages and then do that? I swear I did something similar last time I was moving mail around.00:56
samosa_edbian: ah, well that explains allot.00:56
pixlboxi read it was a very good copy of googles GFS00:56
puffth0r: Don't see it there.  This is a standard digital still camera, canon powershot a520.00:56
edbiansamosa_: Such as?00:56
darnellDr.Willis: How do I do that?00:56
typ30n3gativ3let me try that....00:56
phixI have a HSPDA / UTMS wireless connection to my ISP, I use a sierra USB dongle and NetworkManager likes to delete /dev/ttyUSB[0-2] entries for me, stuffing up my connection00:56
Dr_Willisdarnell:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=747079500:56
phoenixandthorOkay, the text is moving a little too fast for me00:56
macman_what is the source for devde00:56
th0rpuff: ah....those should mount as usb drives00:56
dewentecabrey, dyndns is no longer free00:56
qe2eqein #ubuntu-offtopic00:56
dragon_darnell: remove the keyring password. It isn't safe though.00:56
darnellDr.Willis: thank you!00:56
th0rpuff: have you turned on the camera?00:57
jonexhellow everyone00:57
puffI see it in lsusb, but how do I see where it's mounted?00:57
shane2peruI keep getting errors after having been through the documentation00:57
cabreymacman_, you want the source code?00:57
Halitechdewente, http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/ according to here it still has a free service00:57
phixrww: NetworkManager deletes stuff from /dev00:57
Dr_Willisdarnell:  you run the connfig tool that lets you change the keyring password and enter blank passwords for the 'new' password00:57
samosa_edbian: the more ram you have the more it takes. I have 2GB...so it takes more ram at idle....i am guessing 4GB ubuntu machine at idle will take a gig at idle?00:57
edbiandewente: I'm currently using it to host my site.  You can get a sub-domain for free.00:57
cabreydewente, their updating service is free, I use it00:57
puffth0r: yeah, it's on and it's in playback mode.00:57
shane2peruhow do I determine the computer name, so I don't have to use the IP address?00:57
th0rpuff: mount should show if it is mounted00:57
macman_cabrey: no i want to apt-get install devde00:57
cabreymacman_, it is devede00:57
dewenteyes I used to use too00:57
edbiansamosa_: It isn't that cut and dry but generally yes.  The more ram you have the more ubuntu will use.00:57
cabreyphix, no it doesnt00:57
dewentebut now they change their politic00:57
jonexi have Ubuntu x64 n i need flash player00:57
phixrww: also, if I setup a wireless network interface in NetworkManager, do I need to login for it to auto connect?00:57
Dr_Willisshane2peru:   for samba you mean? or somthing else?00:57
darnelldragon: why isn't it safe? It doesn't come up on my laptop00:57
ShortWavepixlbox: So you know that "hadoop" is like a suite of things right?00:57
usserdarnell, easier yet, in the connection properties put a checkmark "available for all users"00:57
jerknextdooranyone use sbackup?00:57
phixcabrey: it doesn't?00:58
shane2peruDr_Willis: NFS, sorry, should have specified that.00:58
darnellusser: Thank you00:58
edbiansamosa_: 1GB & 200 at idle does not necessarily mean 4GB and 800 @ idle00:58
phixcabrey: it is deleting /dev entries though00:58
cabreysamosa_, using ram is good00:58
puffth0r: mount shows a lot of stuff, but none of it jumps out at me as the camera...00:58
rankinrjonex: I'd recommend the alpha of flash 1000:58
shane2peruwhen I open the terminal it should be what appears after the @ symbol correct Dr_Willis?00:58
Kalmi_!flash | jonex ... Just click that link on the page, it will install fine...00:58
ubottujonex ... Just click that link on the page, it will install fine...: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:58
edbiansamosa_: Take a look at tuning swappiness:  http://kerneltrap.org/node/300000:58
=== josh____ is now known as josh
th0rpuff: it would show as /dev/sdb or sdc00:58
cabreyphix, if that is actually the case, something is seriously wrong00:58
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  for nfs. you need a proper hosts file (on my simple lan) or some other way to get hostnames and ip#'s assoicated . samba does it a diffrent way so dosent need the hosts file trick00:58
rwwphix: you have three options: 1) login at the login window and have it automatically open your keychain, 2) login automatically and have it ask for your keychain password, 3) login automatically and set a blank keychain password00:58
rankinrjonex: technically, it's not supported, but works way better than what Ubuntu supplies00:58
Kalmi_!flash | jonex00:58
ubottujonex: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:58
robewald_good link to recovering a bad partition table: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/recovering-ext2.html#other00:58
phoenixandthorI got 4GB in my machine with gnome, compiz, and xchat all open and I'm pulling no more then 500MB00:58
pixlboxShortWave well i know its software that runs ontop of the OS filesystem and that it has built in replication and stuff00:59
jonexI went to the flash page and says wrong arquitecture...i think the only have  32 version00:59
th0rpuff: if you are in gnome it should have put an icon on the desktop for the 'drive'00:59
phixrww: why do I need to set a password at all? my ISP doesn't require one00:59
rwwphix: the third of which is not particularly recommended since it stores stuff in the keychain insecurely00:59
jonexwhere i get Alpha?00:59
Kalmi_!flash | jonex00:59
dragon_darnell: keyring encrypts your passwords so that no one else could gain access to it. without keyring, if someone gains access to your machine, they will be able to see your passwords in clear text.00:59
macman_cabrey: E: Couldn't find package devede00:59
L3dwhat is a good gui fire wal and anti virus and howto update deffinitions ?00:59
rwwphix: to connect to wireless? usually that'd be a function of your wireless card, not your ISP.00:59
Dr_Willis!firewall | L3d00:59
ubottuL3d: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist00:59
cabreymacman_, what version of ubuntu are you on?00:59
shane2peruDr_Willis: ok, I assume I can google up an example host file?  is that /etc/host file?00:59
WolterL3d, you don't really need an antivirus here00:59
Dr_WillisL3d:  you preoberly dont need either..00:59
edbiansamosa_: What you should notice is that 200mb at idle but it is nearly impossible to max out your ram.  Try opening as many thing as you possibly can.  I can never seem to get over 500 mb01:00
phixrww: no, it has a SIM card in it01:00
rankinrjonex: one second, I'm googling it01:00
WolterL3d, this is not windows ^.^01:00
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:00
typ30n3gativ3rww:  you da man!!  that worked.  saved a 162mb file with extension 'mbox'01:00
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  its a simple file layout. I tend to cheat and use the 'findsmb' command to give me  the basic info  when making my own. :)01:00
rwwphix: oh, that type of wireless. no idea about that.01:00
=== nwc_neo is now known as jesirobendebua
dragon_!virus | L3d01:00
ubottuL3d: please see above01:00
phixrww: GPRS / HSDPA / that other one, UMTS or something01:00
tristanmikeI'm trying to dual boot Linux and XP. I've installed XP first on an IDE drive (sdb) and I've installed Ubuntu on the SATA (sda). Installation for both went fine, but upon boot, selecting the XP option yeilds the following "Starting up..." then the screen blinks (as it's handing it off) then it stays at a "black" screen and does nothing. I must power the computer off/on. Any ideas ? Here's my menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:00
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  ip.address  hostname      is about all there is  to it.01:00
rwwtyp30n3gativ3: awesome. glad i could help :)01:01
typ30n3gativ3rww:  thx again - gotta go01:01
darnellDragon; thanks for info.01:01
phixcabrey: so any ideas?01:01
shane2peruDr_Willis: that kind of defeats the dhcp setup01:01
puffth0r: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/212309/01:01
dragon_tristanmike: could you confirm that pastebin link?01:01
cabreyphix, i didnt see any of your replies01:01
shane2peruDr_Willis: everything keeps pointing me to setup static IP's on my lan01:01
ussershane2peru, setup a dns server01:02
cabreyphix, give me a quick summary01:02
Dr_Willistristanmike:  ive seen systems where if you have an ide and sata drive and boot one or the other  the drive 'order' switches.. sda became sdb and so on. You COULD just tell the bios to boot the windows hard drive directly bypassing grub.01:02
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  my router lets me  be sure the machines always get the same ip. So basicially they are static.01:02
rankinrjonex: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Adobe-Flash-Player-64-bit-on-Ubuntu-8-10-98076.shtml01:02
tristanmikedragon_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212293/01:02
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  so it does not defate dhcp. :) they still get the other info from dhcp.01:02
tristanmikeDr_Willis: yes, changing the boot order boots windows, but that's a pain in the arse, :P01:02
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  and any new machines still use dhcp.01:03
shane2peruDr_Willis: mine too, gotta love Linksys, so I can just put that into a host file and be good to go?01:03
th0rpuff: it appears ubuntu is seeing the camera being plugged in, but not recognizing it as a camera and not mounting it as a drive01:03
Dr_Willistristanmike:  edit the menu.lst and alter the windows entry . its proberly setting the wrong hd  perhaps.01:03
phixcabrey: oh, well I want to connect to my ISPs wireless (GPRS / HSDPA / UMTS or whatever service) on boot up, without logging in.  It would be nice if the user can tell if it is up or not (ie some level of NetworkManager usefulness), but that is optional01:03
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
th0rpuff: what kind of camera?01:03
shane2peruusser: I will have to check that out.01:03
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  yea. be carefull.. if the ips DO change and the hosts file is wrong.. that can cause all sorts of odd issues.01:03
tristanmikeDr_Willis: ok, this is what I was thinking, you mean the mapping, right ?01:03
Kalmi_jonex: The easier way:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash  (The 32 bit version works fine (most of the time) on 64 systems...)01:04
phixcabrey: my main issue is, when I do log into the GUI, the NetworkManager tries to reconfigure my wireless device, as a consiquence the /dev/ttyUSB[0-2] devices get removed, which causes my established network connection to die01:04
edbiantristanmike: perhaps (hd1,0)01:04
Dr_Willistristanmike:  yep somthing like that.. been ages since i last had a ide+sata system. My new machiens - i just hit F11 and it lets me pick what HD to boot.. makes it trivial01:04
phixcabrey: did you get all of that/01:04
shane2peruDr_Willis: ok, thanks for the info, much appreciated01:04
puffth0r: Nothing on my desktop;  when I look at it in nautilus it's there and it shows me some folders and a message about "This folder contains digital media" and a button to open f-spot.01:04
tristanmikeDr_Willis: I know, I'm running ancient hardware, don't judge me :P01:04
cabreyphix, yes, I have never heard of nm trying to manipulate device files before O_o01:05
Dr_Willispuff:  i hate that 'this folder contains....' bull.. :) its always wrong for me also.. and its NEVER actually handy when it is right.01:05
th0rpuff: ok....then nautilus is seeing it. can you open f-spot and see your pictures?01:05
puffth0r: Okay, so I just turned it off and back on, and this time, since i'd installed gthumb, the popup offered to let me open it in gthumb as well as f-spot.01:05
justfilneed help to compile rhythmbox01:05
puffDrMe too.01:05
shane2peruanother NFS issue I keep getting is this error:  mount.nfs: mount system call failed   -  Google doesn't seem to be my friend tonight on this01:05
cabreyphix, are you running it as root by chance?01:05
phixcabrey: well it is either doing to directly, or unloading and loading the module again, which is havinbg the same effect01:05
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: why?01:05
puffth0r: No, when I open f-spot I only see my old pictures.01:05
tristanmikeedbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212293/ , that's my menu.lst... as you can see, there is mapping, but all the system does now is give me "Starting up..." then blinks to hand over control and nothing01:05
puffth0r: When I open with gthumb, I get this erropr:01:05
justfilbecause I'm using debian and in the repos there's some sucky strange version01:06
phixLMJ: :D, how's it going buddy?  long time01:06
edbiantristanmike: What the hell?  Why are you mapping back and forth like that?01:06
shane2peruanother NFS issue I keep getting is this error:  mount.nfs: mount system call failed   any ideas on that?01:06
tristanmikeedbian: don't know, that's the config that was created01:06
tristanmikeedbian: I figured it knew what it was doing, lol01:06
cabreyphix, well that sounds like a major bug so if you have a launchpad account you could report a bug there :/01:07
Dr_Willistristanmike:  mixxed ide +sata sstems.. are a tad.. unusual in ways. :)01:07
puffth0r: "Unable to mount Canon, Inc. Digital IXUS 50 (normal mode) / IXY Digital 55 (normal mode) / Powershot A520 (PTP mode) / Powershot SD400 (normal mode)" and then in smaller type below it, "Error initializing camera: -60: Could not lock the device."01:07
puffth0r: It's the A520, btw.01:07
edbiantristanmike: Perhaps it does.  It looks strange to me.  I don't really know what else to try.  I don't really wanna mess with that.  Sorry bud :( Wish I could help more.01:07
tristanmikeedbian: truth be told, I've seen many "fixes" for this issue and adding that mapping has done it... in my case, the mapping is there and isn't working01:07
phixso any way, where ar the docs on NetworkManager? it is a part of gnome right? does this mean that is it only activated once there is a logged on gnome session? or is there a daemon that gets started at boot time?01:07
L3dsrry got .. cut of there , gone read a litle ..01:08
mercutio22I am getting crazy system halts, possibly related to the problem this guy mention in this thread... http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1120895. My system just halted right now. I read somewhere I could log in the machine via ssh and pull an error log with dmesg. CAn someone assist me?01:08
puffphix:  There is daemon process for network-manager.01:08
edbiantristanmike: I guess it's safe to just remove the mapping entirely.  Try to write your own based on the example a little higher up in your menu.lst01:08
L3dbtw opera sgood..01:08
shane2peruDr_Willis: is there a way to reset the /etc/hosts with something??? sudo /etc/init.d/hosts??  restart?01:08
tristanmikeDr_Willis: combined with a strange feeling that the SATA is not controlled, how shall I say, normally... it's almost like an after thought with my board, "Hey, let's add SATA".... ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe01:08
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  no need to do that. its read as needed by the apps.01:09
tristanmikeedbian: did that, and then it froze at the "Starting up..." screen, didn't hand off01:09
shane2peruDr_Willis: ok, thanks01:09
SoxFangood evening...  i have a novice question about the memory check on the installation disk...01:09
th0rpuff: found this in a google search http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25032801:09
pixlboxdoes anyone know how to get vsftp to verify via mysql, ive tried the sourceforge tutorial but its not working01:09
tristanmikeedbian: iirc, it was late the other night, but I'm pretty sure that was the result of removing the mapping lines01:09
Dr_Willistristanmike:  at the time.. they were basically just tossed on the boards. :) i got 2 mbs that way01:09
mercutio22or maybe I should do I filesystem check01:09
edbiantristanmike: You could try to install grub to the ide drive as well and boot to that drive rather than the sata drive.  Just a shot in the dark though.01:09
Dr_Willistristanmike:  once the distos started using sd## for ide drives..i accidently formated my ide drive thinking it was the sata drive... DOH01:10
justfilneed help to compile rhythmbox - the configure script stops in 'No package 'libsoup-2.4' found' though I have 2.4.101:10
quentusrexanyone know of a RAID-5 tutorial that is pure command line?01:10
mercutio22when I try fsck, it says the system has to be unmounted.. so I have to do this from a live cd?01:10
Dr_Willismercutio22:  thats one way01:10
puffth0r: Argh... that really, really, really sucks.  Thanks01:10
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: you need libsoup2.4-dev or whatever it's called01:10
mercutio22Dr_Willis, and the other way?01:10
Flannelmercutio22: It's easier to do it during a reboot: `sudo touch /forcefsck` will make it fsck next time you booyt01:10
tristanmikeedbian: that could probably work, I sorta wanted to keep it all separate but if that's the end means, it's better than changing the boot order every time my 'ole man wants to play BF201:10
WolterL3d, is opera better than minefield in your opinion?01:10
justfilI have it, SuborbitalPigeon01:10
mercutio22Flannel, thanks01:10
Dr_Willismercutio22:  unmunt the filesystem :) but if its in use.. you cant..01:11
puffWtf is the point of a USB jack if you're not going to make it actually possible to get data off the device via USB???01:11
tristanmikeDr_Willis: Yeah, I was confused for a moment when I saw 2 sd devices... I was like, I don't have 2 sata...01:11
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: it needs to be a new enough version01:11
phixpuff: nice, is it usefull?01:11
th0rpuff: also found an item that says they can access the camera using gtkam, but that is old info01:11
pixlboxdoes anyone know how to get vsftp to verify via mysql, ive tried the sourceforge tutorial but its not working01:11
tristanmikeDr_Willis: I just bought the drive, been working with the 80gb IDE since I bought the computer01:11
Dr_Willistristanmike:  yep. I learned the hard way to be carefull01:11
twistedhello everyone, I have looked around every where but still need help. I am trying to setup a ad hoc to share my files with my psp. The psp has to have the addresses manually inputed into it.01:11
Dr_Willistristanmike:  ive been upgrading to 1tb drives on my machines.. :) The Hugeness!01:11
justfilSuborbitalPigeon: Well, it is, the configure asks for 2.4 and i have
puffphix: Depends on what you mean by useful;  I don't find it useful, it keeps trying to "help" and I keep th wanting to say, "You want to help?  Then DON'T help."01:12
th0rpuff: try, in a terminal, gphoto2 --auto-detect01:12
pixlboxsorry howtoforge01:12
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: 2.4 is just the ABI version, it'll likely be a fairly recent one01:12
linxehpuff: hmm I've got an a620, but sadly no ubuntu box around atm :/01:12
tristanmikeDr_Willis: I imagine... 640+80 is enough until I get a new computer...01:12
justfilSuborbitalPigeon, so, what do I need to do to compile it?01:13
tristanmikeDr_Willis: how are you on ATI ? LOL, my xorg likes to max out my cpu and never releases control01:13
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: could you tell me what apt-cache policy libsoup2.4-dev says?01:13
L3dand xterminal is rather weird gives a computer elektro voice ..i already mention ?01:13
tristanmikeDr_Willis: my xorg seems rather barren too01:14
coffeejI need help getting gspca set to (hopefully) get my webcam working01:14
twistedsorry i should mention i am using jaunty01:14
L3dneeded to restart .. not ownly ff locking up :/01:14
linxehpuff: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/some-of-known-ubuntu-904jaunty-jackalope-bugs-with-workarounds.html01:14
CorpXhow do you make the screen slide across01:15
CorpXim doing it accidentally01:15
CorpXbut i cant do it on purpose01:15
Dr_WillisCorpX:  mouse wheel perhaps?01:15
sukuriCorpX: scroll wheel outside the current window01:15
L3dtheres that console bit again .. sigh01:15
Dr_Willistristanmike:  xorg.conf files are minimal now a days01:15
shane2peruok, I'm fed up with inconsistent working of NFS, can someone recommend an alternative?  Please not samba, I sharing on lan with all linux boxes01:16
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  odd. ive had no issues with nfs.  i dont use it a lot however.01:16
linxehshane2peru: CIFS01:16
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  sshfs perhaps>01:16
L3dinstalling xorg and trying to back somethin somethin01:16
tristanmikeDr_Willis: xorg takes over when I select System-Preferences-Display... which doesn't fully load01:16
justfilSuborbitalPigeon, here it is ->
shane2peruDr_Willis: I used to use ssh quite a bit, but NFS is being difficult for me.01:17
tristanmikeDr_Willis: I have to logout/in to regain control, it kills my cpu01:17
shane2perulinxeh: CIFS?  what is it, similar to NFS?01:17
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: which rhythmbox is this?01:17
coffeejI need help getting gspca working to get my webcam up and running01:17
L3di noticed tht 2 mean dont click display until proper drv instal .01:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs01:17
linxehshane2peru: its what smb evolved into01:17
n8tusercifs is new name for samba01:17
shane2peruDr_Willis: perhaps I never got nfs setup correctly, and now it is a mess, I have only connected once or twice with it.01:18
justfilSuborbitalPigeon, you can see the version in the output - rhythmbox-0.12.301:18
linxehn8tuser: no, its the new name for SMB01:18
n8tuseri stand corrected01:18
shane2perulinxeh: wouldn't that be more aimed to connect windows boxes to linux over lan?01:18
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  start over at the beginning with the nfs setup perhaps? its not too hard to configure. (at least not compared to  samba) :)01:18
kosharishane2peru cifs is pretty good, only issue is when shutting down a comp cifs mounts take a while to close01:18
linxehshane2peru: CIFS works nicely with unixes too01:18
Dr_Williscifs i thouhg was smb enhanced to take into account more unix features01:19
L3dwhat does catalyst actualy ad to this whole ati thing ?01:19
SuborbitalPigeonjustfil: looking at configure.ac, you need libsoup 2.26; also, debian is irc://irc.oftc.net/#debian01:19
puffWhoops, lost th0r.01:19
shane2peruDr_Willis: right, it seems fairly simple, is it possible my hardware is giving me problems?  Perhaps router isn't playing nice?01:19
usserkoshari, shane2peru thats if you use NetworkManager which is a total crap01:19
puffWell gphoto2 -a found the camera.01:19
usserkoshari, shares timing out i mean01:19
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  check dmesg output also.. i had a network card that  had fakey drivers once.01:19
shane2peruusser: nope I use wicd, had some probs with network manager01:19
koshariusser: i dont use network manager, i use an fstab entry01:19
shane2peruDr_Willis: will do,01:20
usserkoshari, yea fstab to mount shares, how do you connect to the internet?01:20
nellmathewhey guys, for whatever reason, my panel and desktop trash icons aren't synced.. sometimes when i delete a file my desktop trash icon will change, but my panel won't.. sometimes it's the other way around.01:20
twistedhello everyone, I have looked around every where but still need help. I am trying to setup a ad hoc to share my files with my psp. The psp has to have the addresses manually inputed into it.01:20
shane2peruDr_Willis: dmesg|grep eth0 spit out a buuuuunch of stuff, does it log every connection?01:20
Dr_WillisI Finally figured out how to mount a smb share that has a space in its 'name' via Fstab.....01:21
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  not sure.. it logs a lot of things.01:21
bastidrazorDr_Willis,  name/%20 here ?01:21
CorpXwhat's the best torrent client for ubuntu01:21
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P01:21
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:22
justfilI like Deluge01:22
koshariCorpX much depends on the features you want01:22
nellmathewCorpX, i like deluge too01:22
L3di got a whole map that onwly displays right in dolphin ,can wrtite internal ntfs ,the option isnt optional with the one click prog .. difrent partiton tho01:22
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  nope.. gotta use \040 for the space...01:22
L3dnot mounted01:22
bastidrazorCorpX, i like ktorrent01:22
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  %20 is html/url synatax :)01:22
CorpXi like utorrent on windows, so what's something similiar?01:22
shane2peruCorpX: Transmission is installed by default I think01:22
justfilyes, it is - Deluge is like utorrent01:22
bastidrazorDr_Willis, yeah i couldn't remember i knew it had numbers in it.. i'll brain mark that.. 04001:22
nellmathewCorpX, try deluge if you're using gnome, ktorrent if you're on KDE01:22
Dr_WillisCorpX:  i use transmission.. or you can use wine to run utorrent01:22
koshariCorpX ktorrent would be closest to utorrent01:22
jb510can a home folder (on it's own partition) be shared between a 9.04 and 8.10 installation?  Assuming they don't run at the same time?01:22
pufflinxeh: I'm not sure that's relevant.01:23
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  took me a Long time to research/google/discover that01:23
linxehpuff: nor me now, reading it hehehe01:23
pufflinxeh: However, I tried killing  the process, now I don't get any automount behavior at all.01:23
linxehpuff: hmm, what about restarting it ?01:23
Dr_Willisjb510:  yes. but watch out for different user id's  and gnome settings/change/conflits ith different versions01:23
CorpXi like the screenshots of ktorrent01:23
jb510I think I have to roll back to 8.10....  :( until there is a video driver for x1k ati cards...01:23
L3dthink about this i got 2 kernels .11 and .15 or sommeting and ia stil can load xp01:23
L3di removed linux renel .1101:24
L3dusb gets me 2 live01:24
L3deaven instal safe graph mode leaves me in live sesion01:25
jb510@dr_willis - Thanks...  I'll give a side by side install a shot...  my home is ext3...  9.04's is ext4 but that shouldn't matter....01:25
jb510@dr willis - can they share the same swap partition?01:25
Dr_Willisjb510:  older release wont be able to read ext401:25
Dr_Willisjb510:  they can shre swap. if you dont use hibernate/suspend features.01:25
L3di use ext201:25
jb510@dr_willis - I know ext4 can't be read by 8.10, not a problem, just system stuff.  everything else is ext301:25
jb510@dr_willis - Wondering though about the swap parition, can it be used by both since I think it gets used for hibernation01:26
Dr_Willisjb510:  thats what i said.. :) DONT use hibernate/suspend...01:26
jb510Ahh...  I thought that was becuse of the user account stuff...  no problem, probably won't use 9.04 until someone a better ati driver... i need something that properly support dual monitors01:27
L3dnotify area clear ?01:28
jb510@dr_willis - thanks! over the cliff I go....01:28
Dr_Willisjb510:  ati just keeps dumping more and more things  out of the fglrx drivers.. so  i wouldnt be holding your breath for them to make better drivers soon.01:28
Dr_WillisI rember why i switched from ati a few yrs back :)01:28
shane2peruDr_Willis: someone changed the Ubuntu docs NFS how to since I last visited!  :)01:28
L3dits xorg ?01:29
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  heh - whats changed?01:29
shane2peruI think I had some old docs or something01:29
shane2peruDr_Willis: ^^^01:29
r4banhow can i "takeover" an X session that i opened remotely with windows NXclient?01:29
jb510@dr_willis - I'm hoping the Radeon/RaseonHD group will start supporting X1k cards since ATI isn't anymore...  can't believe ATI f'd up like this, freezing their legacy support right before xserver changed :(01:29
Hades_pthey all01:30
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  nfs has basically been the same for years..01:30
Dr_Willisjb510:  yep. I agree.. and they were all big on 'supporting linux' in their press releases not too long ago.01:30
fool_hey guys i can't find the UFW log anywhere, where can i find it ?01:30
L3duh amd s01:30
shane2peruDr_Willis: this doc sets up the hosts.allow and deny, and the exports file is slightly different, I kept getting no_subtree_check errors, and this has that in the exports file01:31
L3dthe amdays01:31
halberdwhen using Firefox and flash, there are often certain problems01:31
pamIs there a centralized (scriptable) configuration tool? Something like gconftool/dpkg --divert/update-alternatives but for any package?01:31
Dr_Willisshane2peru:  i never messed with those. :)01:31
L3dim going opera01:31
halberdfor example when I go to the menu or perform some actions, the firefox window will disappear for a moment showing the desktop01:31
koshariDr_Willis i steer very clear with regard to radeon after i lashed out big bucks for a 9250 which got trounces by an old mx201:31
koshariusing native drivers01:31
L3dits a patch with ubuntu 9.0401:32
shane2peruDr_Willis: and no async, odd, I must have dug up an old page or something last time I did this01:32
Hades_ptfool_ try grep UFW /var/log/syslog01:32
jb510@Dr_Willis - ATI's website still touts how they work integrally with the open source community... blah blah blah...  anyway, I'll see if Hardy can do what I'm looking for (setting up old laptop as a media server on my TV, need proper dual monitor support).  Off I go..  thanks again.01:32
L3dsows stayin on the 3.001:32
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:32
L3dand adobe also needs reinstals01:32
fool_Hades_pt: nothing in there or anyother place in /var/log01:32
Hades_ptgrep UFW /var/log/syslog | less01:33
shane2peruDr_Willis: as well as the ip setup, I have 192.168.1/24 they have 192.168.1/  Which I don't understand01:33
L3dsow adobe kinda ..01:34
jefinc!enter | L3d01:34
ubottuL3d: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:34
dewenteI want to test my apache server, any one have a proxy tester webpage?01:34
s_ya regreso amiguitos01:34
s_me extrañaran01:34
shane2peruis it possible with NFS to have the server be a client too?  in other words, have both computers on the lan servers and clients?01:34
jefinc!spanish | s_01:34
ubottus_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:34
rikki_maxHello Which package should i reconfigure if i can view console without gdm but with i cannot view anything? and yes i know its config01:36
coffeejanyone able to help with gspca01:36
macman_anyone heard of flv2dvd01:36
fool_hey guys, i've turn ufw logging to full, grep all of /var/log but found no trace of ufw log. what should i do ?01:36
slacker-Hi. I'm trying to install hardy on an asus p5ql-em board with an intel ich10 ide controller but the installer doesn't find the right driver01:37
phoenixandthorstop using ufw, and start using guarddog01:37
coffeej\join #xubuntu01:37
slacker-intrepid installer loads ata_piix driver but this one doesn't appear on the list of available driver for the hardy cd. what can I do?01:37
bastidrazorcoffeej,  /01:37
fool_phoenixandthor: that's not what i was looking for01:38
coffeejyeah, sorry!01:38
quidnuncHow come I can't see a particular windows share in "Network"->"Windows Network"?01:39
quidnuncOthers show up but not the one I am looking for01:39
slak3hi people.. anyone can help me?01:39
slak3problems with sound win ubuntu 901:40
slak3don't play sound in firefox hello01:40
Hades_ptfool_ u need enable logging01:40
slak3i tryed01:41
fool_Hades_pt: i turn on full loggin01:41
Halitechslak3, can you get sound outside ff?01:41
mohammed510I have a question about the ls command01:41
=== Guest819 is now known as tdawgedogg
slak3Halitech: yes01:42
Hades_ptdo u read the man ?01:42
=== Jon is now known as Guest46840
=== Killerkid3 is now known as Killerkid
Guest46840hi i am new to ubuntu i have the effects all the way up i notice when you drag the window it its like water but how to you flip the screen in like a cube01:42
Halitechslak3, where are you trying to get sound?01:42
Jeatonwhat package is it to get all the restricted codecs and so forth?01:42
Hades_ptsry mate i cant help you too rookie01:42
slak3my sound in firefox worked perfect before that install in a sound blaster board01:42
mohammed510When I do ... ls -ld somedirectory .... The result shows that the it is fixed at 409601:42
Guest46840i dont have any sound in ubuntu lol01:43
bastidrazor!dvd | Jeaton follow the link01:43
ubottuJeaton follow the link: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
Guest46840im not sure01:43
Guest46840i get a errror01:43
Guest46840The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.01:43
Guest46840im new to linux i dont know how to configure so01:43
bastidrazorJeaton, also install ubuntu-restricted-extras  .. that is if you're on ubuntu.01:43
morloi have a weird problem with booting from cd, i cant boot anything but the many years old windows install and a reatogo live cd also very old, not any linux live cd or install cd, so im  back and stuck with windows any ideas?01:44
=== sean is now known as Guest96557
Guest46840why when i scroll does it like switch screens?01:44
mohammed510When I do ... ls -ld somedirectory .... The result shows that the it is fixed at 409601:45
SideWinderguest46840 when you are on the desktop and hit the scroll wheel you switch desktops01:45
slak3anyone can help me?01:46
Dr_Willismohammed510:  its showing the size of teh directory.. not the sum of the size of the contents01:46
SideWinderif you want to scroll in say firefox make sure that is your active window ie click inside firefox01:46
Hades_ptfool was that ufw logging LEVEL high01:46
nztalhow do i set ufw to its default (new ubuntu install) configuration from the command line ?  i think install gufw changed it's default rules01:46
mohammed510Dr_willis: The problem is01:47
fool_Hades_pt: ufw logging full01:47
slacker-ok, I had to set the sata controller to ahci, rather than ide. that fixed it. thanks. cu01:47
mohammed510Dr_willis: when thought of that but when I do ...... ls -ld /etc/ >>> then result is01:47
SideWinderslak3 does your sound work outside of ff01:47
slak3yes.. my sound work outside ff01:48
mohammed510Dr_Williws: drwxr-xr-x 143 root root 12288 2009-07-08 03:33 /etc01:48
slak3but i know that the problem is because anythign wrong with config flash01:48
Dr_Willismohammed510:  i notice a few other dirs show a different # also. /lost+found also.. but ive no idea why. or why you even need those #'s01:48
Dr_Willismohammed510:  /proc and /sys show up a 0 :) those are virtual directorys however01:49
SideWinderwhat version of fire fox are you on?01:49
L3dimoff ..01:49
slak3ff 301:49
slak3ff 3.0.1101:49
dewphey guys01:50
Kjell!hi | dewp01:50
ubottudewp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:50
slak3Ursinha eh brasileira?01:50
SideWinderis it only broken with flash?01:50
mohammed510Dr_Willis: I was explaining for some students the idea of the 4096 , But when I gave the example of /etc I was shocked01:50
mohammed510Dr_Willis: How can I know the idea of these things?01:50
slak3youtube, etc01:50
=== Wolter is now known as SpacePigeon
brebrebrei just got locke permanently banned in #Roms because apaprently i said the N-word while drunk, and i dont even remember doing it01:51
Dr_Willismohammed510:  i notice some links are '11' and some are '33' also.01:51
slak3play video without sound01:51
Ursinhaslak3, yes01:51
LadyNikonbrebrebre: !ot01:51
Dr_Willismohammed510:  and some are '4'01:51
bazhang!ot > brebrebre01:51
ubottubrebrebre, please see my private message01:51
slak3qual sua distribuicao?01:51
Hades_ptolá :)01:51
mohammed510Dr_Willis: I mean Who I have to ask or what is the link I have to follow to know the idea01:51
LadyNikonthank you bazhang01:51
bazhangbrebrebre, take chat elsewhere01:51
dewpi connected a defective USB drive on my usb port and want to backup all data. its already that defective that it could not be mounted anymore: http://pastebin.com/m107b6a1d01:51
Dr_Willismohammed510:  google for 'what ls output means' perhaps?01:51
dewpi'd love to have some help with that01:51
dewpi need to secure the data on it01:51
dewpcan i "dd if" ... it somehow?01:52
SideWinderthere is a bug in some of the flash plugins but i hear upgrading to flash 10 works01:52
brebrebrei just realized this. a bot messaged me. im new on irc, just on lockes comp. thus why i keep getting banned. but thanks for atleast telling me. Bye01:52
Dr_Willisdewp:  heres a specialized 'dd_rescue' command that lets you easier dd it to a file, you could then try to mount/repair01:52
emarusHey there everyone - I've got Ubuntu 9.04 installed (also tried this on 8.1) and the NIC that I'm using is a 3com 3c900-tpo. It's not being recognized as an 'eth' but rather as 'pan0'. I can't use it at all. Any ideas?01:52
dewpwow, that sounds great01:53
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
twistedhello everyone, I have looked around every where but still need help. I am trying to setup a ad hoc to share my files with my psp. The psp has to have the addresses manually inputed into it.01:53
twistedsorry i keep repeating but no one has a answer01:53
Dr_Willistwisted:  by address you mean the ip#? or SSID? or MacAddress?01:54
rdw200169twisted, you're trying to set up a ad-hoc wireless network to share files with, right01:54
rdw200169twisted, ok, here you go.  you set up the wireless part with iwconfig.01:54
SideWinderclose firefox, uninstall flash with this command sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree01:54
twistedrdw2001 yes im setting up the ad hoc so nethostfs will allow psp to connect to it but i need to set ip and subnet and gateway mask01:54
Le-Chuck_ITAOk it's 3 am, I have a deadline and a headache, and just discovered that I have no idea on how to spellcheck latex in ubuntu: kile does not use the aspell switch to avoid latex commands, emacs does not find ispell which is not in ubuntu anymore, gedit can't change the aspell command either01:54
Le-Chuck_ITAplease somebody help me! :)01:54
rdw200169twisted, but, that doesn't solve all your problems.  you must also a) set up a dhcp server to provide the address to the psp (which you mentioned isn't necessary) or you use ifconfig or ip to set a static ip on the wireless interface.01:55
SideWinderinstall flash 10 with sudo dpkg -i sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb01:55
dewpDr_Willis, but my USB drive cannot be mounted. is there a way to force the mount? sorry for my newbie questions :-(01:55
SideWinderrestart firefox and your done01:55
rdw200169twisted, its really easy to set ip addresses.  do research on using ifconfig or using the window-based tools that are provided with ubuntu (not NeworkManager)01:55
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: a rought way to do it now is to copy and paste your text to openoffice and let it do the job01:55
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: you mean from the pdf?01:56
phixhow do I disable NetworkManager?01:56
phixI hate it01:56
rdw200169twisted, also, make sure there isn't a firewall running or in the way01:56
rdw200169phix, you can just uninstall it ;)01:56
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: the latex code01:56
phixrdw200169: yeah ok, but I want gnome on there still :)01:56
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: yes but there are lots of commands in it :(01:56
nellmathewhey guys, in bash how would i ONLY get the date (mm/dd/year)? $date returns the time ect right now... i don't like how cron's daily script only works at 12pm or 11, or w/e it seems to be doing01:56
rdw200169phix, oh, right, its part of the ubuntu-desktop package...01:56
phixrdw200169: I am just sick of NetworkManager conflicting with shit and not working correctly01:57
phixit is a POS01:57
twistedrdw200169 okay so network manager is out of the question is there a good window based tool that could help me with this?01:57
bazhangphix, watch the language01:57
the1corruptedHello, I'm having an issue with running a windows program on WINE.  It's a web-based application, but after about five minutes, my internet connection seems to become overburdened with data and I end up lagging out.  Any help?01:57
emarusSorry for repeating myself but I'm pretty desperate - the NIC that I'm using is a 3com 3c900-tpo. It's not being recognized as an 'eth' but rather as 'pan0'. I can't use it at all. Any ideas?01:57
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: yea but you should be able to read through and see red lines01:57
phixbazhang: what? I am, I have a civil tounge01:57
rdw200169twisted, ifconfig will do it, thats on the command line, but i think that will conflict with that horrible NetworkManager01:57
Le-Chuck_ITAhmm thanks, that's a possibility. I first try aspell by hand :)01:57
phixrdw200169: I hate it! :(01:58
phoenixandthorchuck NetworkManager, install Wicd01:58
rdw200169phix, i know i know, me too.  i can't remember how i got mine to shut up01:58
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: just have eveything between \begin{document} ... \ebd{document}01:58
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: I am spellchecking a 10 file document :)01:58
twistedrdw200169 i believe so it says it can not be assured from here network manager is main client. Or such ..01:58
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't remember how I did that last time01:59
samosawhere is that one person i was talking to...01:59
dewphttp://pastebin.com/m107b6a1d <- thats what the log says when i connect the drive. but how can i mount it or get all possible data from it with ddrescue?01:59
rdw200169twisted, i'm not sure, but i think you can set manual ip addresses directly from NetworkManager, i just don't know because i don't use it01:59
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Well I assume you are in a hurry01:59
samosaok now it show 370 mb02:00
twistedaww okay :) i found a web page with setting up using ifconfig02:00
samosaso ram is ok...02:00
Kjellsamosa: That is what my os using now02:00
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: in front of me sits an aspell on ncurses, I didn't even know, will report02:00
samosabut what annoys me is cpu is constantly spiking at 20%. (I have dual core 3.00ghz, is this behavior normal?)02:01
help`hey need help trying to append using tee command not workin : cat moe.txt | cat info.txt | tee  > jeje.txt  thx =)02:01
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Well the old way to spoof check is to read everything backwards.02:01
=== bruenig_ is now known as bruenig
stovicekhelp`: cat moe.txt | cat info.txt | tee -a jeje.txt02:01
phoenixandthorsamosa, you looking for me?02:02
samosaphoenixandthor: yes! :p02:02
help`stovicek thx i try this it only append from file info.txt not with moe.txt thx02:02
dgnortoni have apache installed, only one website (the default), and I want to grant certain users ftp access to just that folder (/var/www).  How's that done usually?02:03
Brekitzhas anyone had a problem with the GTick metronome?02:03
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nsadminBrekitz: have you?02:03
rdw200169dgnorton, well, ftp access is not provided by apache.  thats something else, like proftpd and such02:03
Brekitzyeah it won't work02:03
dgnortonrdw200169, I have vsftp already installed02:04
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: aspell is working very nicely, but does not allow me to type in my own correction. But it's doing at least a reasonable job.02:04
BrekitzCouldn't start metronome. Please check if specified sound device and sample file are accessible.02:04
help`stovicek work thx =)02:04
nsadminwhat's it called again02:04
rdw200169dgnorton, i think it would be better not to direct your ftp clients directly to /var/www which is supposed to have user/group as something like www-data instead of userX etc...02:04
BrekitzGtick 0.4.202:05
dgnortonrdw200169, anonymous disabled...using local accounts (forget the setting)02:05
nsadminand what's the package name?02:05
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: I do not know what I have installed now. But kile is spellchecking ok here. I appear that open office do the same as kile so you can open the files in open office if you want that02:05
rdw200169dgnorton, yeah, it would be better to leave users where they belong, i.e. /home and then symlink read-only to var/www02:05
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: really, what version of kile? In fact I have 2.002:05
nsadmin!info gtick02:05
rdw200169dgnorton, you don't want to compromise the security of a read-only webroot by implementing with ftp, make sense?02:05
ubottugtick (source: gtick): Metronome application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4.2-1 (jaunty), package size 130 kB, installed size 720 kB02:05
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: is it ignoring comments and commands? But do you use gnome?02:06
nsadminahh, package name is gtick02:06
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: 2.002:06
rdw200169dgnorton, hence, the symlinks or whatever02:06
mdghi Devon_C !02:06
dgnortonrdw200169, ok...then I was on the right track.  I have a users locked to their home and a sym in their home folder to /var/www02:06
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: I use gnome. It does not ignore commands02:06
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: well I am on karmic, but on jaunty the same happened, it says it can't find the dictionary but I assume I lack some kde dependency02:06
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora02:06
rdw200169dgnorton, excellent, it also means you can move /home or /var/www without compromising standardized partition/hdd managements etc...02:06
Brekitzit's just call gtick in the synaptic package manager02:06
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: you using english?02:07
mdgDevon_C: Get you ipod working?02:07
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Strange then02:07
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: but really, aspell in console is not so bad02:07
Le-Chuck_ITAnot showable to any user to convert to ubuntu though02:07
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: "The spelling program could not be started. Please make sure you have set the correct spelling program and that it is properly configured and in your PATH."02:08
dgnortonrdw200169, the problem was that when i ftped in, i couldn't access the symlink in my folder02:08
SideWinder 02:08
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: and the funny thing is that 1) it does not tell me which spelling program 2) it assumes I know where to set it, certainly not in kile's config02:09
AaronHi, I need some help with samaba02:09
Aaronit's not working.02:09
rdw200169dgnorton, you mean from /var/www or /home?02:09
dgnortonfrom /home02:09
buckysamaba ?02:09
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Honestly I do not like the new version of kile. The 1.x is much better02:09
dgnortonrdw200169, need to chown it so the user owns it i bet.02:09
nsadminBrekitz So I just got the same message... here's what I want you to do02:09
AaronI got samba installed but it can't find my home microsoft network and it's not workgroup.02:09
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: I know, and the new actually is 2.1, I am using intrepid's repository on karmic for that02:10
Le-Chuck_ITAfor 2.002:10
rdw200169dgnorton, you're going to have to further inspect the permissions/users/groups etc... in the various /home folders.  ftp is extremely picky about that sort of thing, for security reasons.  it would also be helpful to read the config file help page to see what kind of 'leniencies' you can implement to reduce strictness...02:10
nsadminfirst, quit gtick, then run it from the shell02:10
nsadmintry to start it02:10
ARMENIANhow do I change the delay of how long it takes for a song to start playing after i put my cursor on it in nautilius?02:10
nsadminlook at the shell window02:10
apersonis there a way to middleclick close apps on the window list?02:10
dgnortonrdw200169, /var/www is   root:root ... leave it that way?02:11
rdw200169dgnorton, depends on how apache is configured.  ubuntu's default with apache2 is for the contents of /var/www to be www-data:www-data02:11
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Is there a big change from 2.0 and 2.1?02:11
Le-Chuck_ITAthe number of crashes :P02:11
Le-Chuck_ITAit is much higher in 2.102:12
Le-Chuck_ITAand the interface is a bit different02:12
nsadminBrekitz you still there02:12
mrjcarterwhat setting in compiz do I need to configure to allow me to "switch between" desktops, but leave the menu bar and wallpaper02:12
Flanneldgnorton: It's safe to change the owner of /var/www to www-data:www-data02:12
Brekitzit starts up02:12
dgnortonrdw200169, odd...installed the latest server yesterday02:12
mrjcarterI just want the open applications to move, not the wallpaper and menu bar02:12
Brekitzdoesn't say anything02:12
nsadminBrekitz: ok, hit the start button02:12
mohammed510When I do ... ls -ld somedirectory .... The result shows that the it is fixed at 409602:13
rdw200169dgnorton, its an initial installation thing02:13
Brekitz/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy02:13
Flanneldgnorton: by default /var/www is owned by root:root, but the contents are www-data:www-data, you can safely change its owner to www-data:www-data02:13
Aaronanyone know how I can get samba to see my windows network ?02:13
nsadminmohammed510: directories are that until they grow past a certain sixe02:13
dgnortonrdw200169, ahh02:13
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: KDE programs are good in general but the interface gets too fancy lately. :)02:13
rdw200169Flannel, i think i said that, hehe, but maybe we all missed it, i know i thought it ;)02:14
ARMENIANhow do i change the music preview delay in nautilus?02:14
Flannelrdw200169: you said the contents, yeah, he read it as /var/www plus the contents02:14
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: not as fancy as the spellchecker I am currently using anyway :)02:14
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: which by the way is the most productive spellchecker I ever used02:15
dgnortonrdw200169, hmm...says I'm not in the sudoers file.  Sounds...bad?02:15
qe2eqeDo I need xinerama to send windows across a network?02:15
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Any spellchecker that you can use is productive i guess.02:15
justfilwhy the music audio quality in linux is so bad...02:15
Le-Chuck_ITAKjell: not if it keeps forgetting the words I add!02:15
haolehello there... my keyboard has been misconfigured by xorg under ubuntu... all my FX keys (F1, F2...) won't work, but they do appear when i run "xev"... not as F1, lets say, but as some strange code in numbers... what can i do to map them?02:16
ARMENIANhaole: u can use xbindkeys02:16
Le-Chuck_ITAand done! bye kjeli and all, I'll have good sleep :)02:16
rdw200169dgnorton, hmm.. are you working on getting your users to log in correctly?02:16
KjellLe-Chuck_ITA: Sleep well02:17
haoleARMENIAN: but would that make it permanent?02:17
Halitechjustfil, mine sounds pretty good to me02:17
justfilHalitech, well i guess <<default>> doesnt work for me02:17
nellmathewjustfil, it might depend on your drivers, if so : check ubuntuforums for ways to tweak it, and it might be your alsa or pulseaudio settings.. for most people stuff works great out of the box, but for some it requires some tweaking. i consider myself an audiophile and i have no sound issues.02:17
ARMENIANhaole: well what they would be used for is terminal commands02:17
ARMENIANhaole: pm me02:18
myg35spotanyone here know how to use kdiff3?02:18
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY02:18
KjellAnyone knows another sokoban game rather than gsokoban?02:18
rdw200169dgnorton, sudoers is related to sudo and fake sudo root access and such.  i think the default configuration is for users in the admin group to have sudo access02:18
dgnortonrdw200169, was tinkering before I got on IRC.  Added a webdev group and added myself to it.  Now I'm getting these "dgnorton is not in the sudoers file..." messages.02:18
help`hey sorry need to ask this silly question : cat help.txt info.txt > file 2<&1 ( this mean let info.txt apped help.txt info file) thx02:18
rdw200169dgnorton, if dgnorton is not in the admin group, he doesn't have sudo access02:19
the1corruptedHello, I'm having issued with my wireless connection.  Every so often, it will unexpectedly cut out without telling me.  Or it will be extremely slow at times.02:20
=== fartbooger is now known as TobiasBeecher
AaronDoes anyone have youtube video problems? Or any video media problems on the web.02:21
* md22_ using xchat in a ubuntu 9 vm .yah hoo no more dual boot02:21
nellmathewwhat the heck?.. why is firefox 3.5 called "shiretoko" lol02:21
Brekitznsadmin, "/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy"  in case you missed it02:21
dgnortonrdw200169, looks like i successfully removed myself from the admin group...LOL...what an idiot!02:21
rdw200169nellmathew, that was the codename mozilla gave to it before it became stable.  please, ubuntu questions only, please!02:21
AaronI at random times will have the video jerking around. Sometimes the video dosen't even show. At other times the footage stretches or shrinks at times.02:22
AaronI get those. I don't know how to fix it. Does anyone know how?02:22
AaronIs firefox 3.5 any good?02:23
jhkhgkfrom where02:23
jhkhgkthis chat02:23
bazhangjhkhgk, this is Ubuntu support. chat elsewhere02:23
jhkhgkcountry ??02:24
AaronIE 8 has security flaws. Just found out 1 hour ago.02:24
dgnortonrdw200169, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sudo  ... looks fixable at least02:24
bazhangjhkhgk, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat NOT here02:24
HalitechAaron, and this is news? :O02:24
BrekitzDebian Bug report logs - #22235502:24
Aaronbut the flaw allows hackers to take control of your PC... hmmm nice.. they make windows to another dimension of hacking. lol02:25
ARMENIANhow do i change the music preview delay in nautilus?02:27
ruiduraoalquem me pode ajudar com o qemu loader?02:28
rdw200169!es | ruidurao02:29
ubotturuidurao: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:29
=== yarddog is now known as Guest93335
ruiduraodoes anyone can help me with qemu loader?02:29
mankashgetting error "interface doesn't accept private ioctl, compression (8BE0) Invalid argument" when I restart the network02:30
usr13is this a wireless NIC?02:31
ARMENIANhow do i change the music preview delay in nautilus?02:31
usr13mankash: is this a wireless NIC?02:31
apersonwhen I log in from a reboot, my screen stays black with a pointer, but if I restart x and log in, everything is fine02:31
apersonanyone have an idea as to what could be causing this?02:32
usr13mankash: Check the settings02:32
mankashwhat is the relation between mac80211, wpa_supplicant, hostapd02:32
dashixhey can anyone here help me get mu ubuntu to use an older linux kernel?02:34
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering whats the difference between ufw and firestarter and if any which is better to use?02:34
bazhangdashix, why would you need that; how much older are we talking02:34
Aarondashix why?02:34
dashixolder than 2.6.27 and to use flashrom properly02:34
rdw200169L3dPlatedLinux, ufw and firestarter, essentially, perform the same task02:35
rdw200169L3dPlatedLinux, they both work with iptables, the commandline driven interface to the firewall code integrated into the Linux Kernel02:35
mooperdhi, my use password doesnt work02:35
mooperdhas anyone head of passwords changing spontaniously?02:35
usr13mooperd: Nope02:36
mooperdor is there a time I have to wait if I enter a password wrong more than 3 times?02:36
rdw200169L3dPlatedLinux, regardless, from my personal experience, I prefer firestarter, because its really easy, and the firewall configuration it uses is excellent for most client related matters (not suitable for complex networking environments etc...)02:36
usr13mooperd: no02:36
usr13mooperd: Operator error02:36
ARMENIANhow do i change the music preview delay in nautilus?02:37
kerhanocan any1 tell me why i cannot log in to abjects.irc.net which for sum reason i can no longer get into02:38
L3dPlatedLinuxi think what i like about the fs gui is the log easier to see when there is a issue02:38
kerhanoi cant use any server that isnt in my list?02:38
kerhanoi can only use xchats server list and cant add them anymore02:38
Dr_Willismooperd:  ive heard of the caps-lock being on at very bad times.. :)02:38
kerhanoany ideas02:39
salvadorflhello i have a cuestion02:39
Dr_Williskerhano:  you could always go hard core and edit the xchat configs by hand.02:39
Dr_Williskerhano:  ive not used xchat in ages.. I got where i like weechat02:39
kerhanosee but i was able to log in earlier02:39
salvadorfli just install pykaraoke but i am not available to play midi files or kar does anybody knows how to fix it?02:40
falsekerhano: perhaps, that single irc server is down, then?02:40
kerhanonow it wont accept any server i try to log into,accept the ones already pre in the list02:40
dashixso no idea.. hmm.. here is hopin i can take an ubuntu distro and change the kernel and some settings :/02:40
Dr_Willisdashix:  this is linux.. you proberly could.. :) if you had teh skills02:41
dashixi probably lack the skills but we shall see :)02:41
Dr_Willisdashix:  install an older ubuntu :)02:41
dashixi have magic iso so i am going to make it try and install that way first :)02:41
dashixdr_willis: i cant find any02:41
Dr_Willisdashix:  what does magic iso have to do with anything?02:41
Dr_Willisdashix:   the old iso's should be on some archive servers somewhere.02:42
=== adam is now known as Guest15009
salvadorflsome body told me my sound card does not support midis02:42
=== Guest15009 is now known as Steidl
Dr_Willisdashix:  first hit for old ubutnu relesaes --> http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/02:42
Dr_Willissalvadorfl:  theres software midi tools these days. that play  the midis normally02:43
dashixdr_willis: just got it, do you happen to know what kernel those are running?02:43
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:43
Dr_Willisdashix:  not a clue.02:43
ubottuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/02:43
mercutio22this damned system locked up again02:43
mercutio22it gets me sick02:44
dashixdr_willis: i can always look in the iso and see what they have in there i guess :)02:44
salvadorflfor example?02:44
Dr_Willissalvadorfl:  disrtowatch or some othe rsites may compare them all.02:44
Dr_Willissalvadorfl:  example of what? I imagine most sound cards dont have the same 'midi' hardware that used to exist in cards.02:44
Dr_Willisthey do it in software02:45
Dr_WillisMidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo  <<- Software Synthsis :)02:45
Dr_Willisthere may be other stand alone midi players also.02:46
doseryderAre the ubuntu repos (There are several, *I think) update to date with the current (or at least have recent versions) nvidia geforce drivers?02:46
cobra-the-jokerhey there guys ....i heard about ubuntu studio just right now ....what it uses as a desktop enviroment ?02:47
Dr_Williscobra-the-joker:  check their homepage?02:47
cobra-the-jokerDr_Willis , i checked actually i couldnt know what it is actually :D02:48
Dr_Willisi would bet gnome or kde.. most likely gnome02:48
cobra-the-jokeri liked the idea much ...really02:49
dashixdr_willis: i will test it first but it seems ubuntu 8.04.2 has a far enough back kernel version02:49
jefincARMENIAN: as far as I can figure you cannot change the delay for the mp3 preview, but it could be in an update, there are a few posts about it on brainstorm.ubuntu.com02:49
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver02:49
dashixdr_willis: just in case someone else comes by you may remember this ;)02:50
dgnortonrdw200169, fixed...i'm back in the admin group.  Accidentally using "sudo usermod -G" instead of "sudo usermod -Ga" can cause a bit of trouble.02:50
doseryder!Binary Driver | doseryder02:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Binary Driver02:50
rdw200169dgnorton, yes, it can!02:50
doseryder!BinaryDriver | doseryder02:50
ubottudoseryder, please see my private message02:50
scott_ino2lol that's great02:50
scott_ino2silly bots02:50
sfmadmaxj #tlhelp02:51
OrbixxCan anybody explain why when I'm connecting to a WPA/WPA2 wireless network why my connection hangs during negotiation?02:51
jefincARMENIAN: if you can find a way to edit the command that preview sends from mpg321 "file name" to mpg321 --aggressive "file name" it may make it load a little faster, not sure though as that command just changes the priority, sorry I couldn't be of more help02:51
lufisAnyone have any clue what the ubuntu restricted hardware manager is called?02:51
dashixorbixx: your device may not support the protocol have you checked for that?02:51
scott_ino2hardware drivers?02:51
scott_ino2lufis, or do you mean the package02:51
Orbixxdashix: It seems to work on other WPA/WPA2 networks.02:52
lufisThe name of the app02:52
lufisthe path02:52
tuntisI'm using jaunty on a Asus Eee 1000HE - the wireless isn't working: the connection (WPA) shows up but actually refuses to connect. How can I fix this?02:52
Dr_Willislufis:  jockey-gtk (i think)02:52
Dr_Willis!find jockey02:52
ubottuFound: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde02:52
Orbixxtuntis: Sounds like you might have the same issue as me.02:52
dashixorbixx: ahh i recommend then a 30/30/30 reset of the router and to reset your settings02:52
lufisDr_Willis: Never would have guessed that one. ;) thanks02:52
Orbixxtuntis: Does it seem to just hang then when connecting?02:52
tuntisOrbixx: yes02:52
dashixorbixx: routers can be cantankerous sometimes02:52
Dr_Willislufis:  drag icon to the panel, right click on it.. properties.. :)02:53
Orbixxdashix: I have custom firmware on this router and it's tweaked to perfection, every single other client works flawlessly.02:53
scott_ino2Orbixx, ahhh i was just going to ask if you're using stock firmware02:53
dashixorbixx: i see, is it an intel wireless adapter?02:53
knight__oh wow im in an irc window02:53
knight__sorry just installed xchat02:53
Dr_Willisknight__:  A+ :)02:53
Dr_WillisShort Attention span!02:54
Orbixxdashix: I believe it's ralink.02:54
OrbixxThe device itself is an Asus eee 901.02:54
dashixorbixx: hmm.. im assuming you have tried deleting the profile etc? how close are you to the router?02:55
dashixorbixx: you can actually be too close (3ft) in my experience and my laptop wont connect to my dd-wrt modded router02:55
poseidonanyone know how I can install the acmkdir utility?02:55
jeffschuleri just inherited a production server running gutsy.  I understand it's no longer supported... is there somewhere I can still get updates to packages I currently have installed?02:55
Orbixxdashix: Hmm, that's an idea.02:56
chris_How do I install Steam with Ubuntu?02:56
soreaujeffschuler: You can attempt a dist-upgrade to Hardy LTS02:56
rskichris_: with wine02:56
Orbixxjeffschuler: aptitude dist-upgrade02:56
=== qiyang__ is now known as qiyang
jeffschulersoreau: is that the only way?  i am hesitant to risk issues upgrading to hardy, as it's a live server02:57
chris_yes i know that but from there what do i do02:57
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:57
dashixorbixx: a friend of mine had ubuntu installed on his laptop, it was loading two drivers, the ndiswrapper and the factory one02:58
jeffschulerI understand upgrade to hardy is the prescribed thing to do, and will do so, soon.. I'm looking for security updates in the meantime.  is that doable?02:58
dashixorbixx: you may also want to check that02:58
akSeyaany idea why synclient changes are not working on the fly? here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m5a9c9b6802:58
bazhangjeffschuler, eol means no more security updates for it02:58
soreaujeffschuler: My recommendation would be to try a dist-upgrade and if it breaks, be prepared to install fresh and clean. Or, leave it the way it is until there's a problem and try step 102:58
soreaujeffschuler: If it's working, there's no real reason to upgrade02:59
jeffschulersoreau: I'm just concerned about security updates for currently installed software.03:00
Dr_WillisakSeya:  i was thinking there was a X config that had to be enabmed for that to work  somthing with X memory. (schm>?)03:00
jay2grrr I need a new hard drive no one download from me03:00
soreaujeffschuler: Well, good luck03:00
jeffschulersoreau and bazhang: thanks for your help.03:00
akSeyaDr_Willis, SHMConfig03:00
Dr_WillisakSeya:  yea - ive not had to mess with it in ages --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig03:01
chris_after i install wine, how do i get steam to work03:01
Rob235my boyz in da houuuuuuuuse03:01
Rob235whats up guys03:01
akSeyaDr_Willis, it is enabled :(03:01
Dr_Willischris_:  wine steaminstaller.exe    and let it install03:01
jay2anyone know how to remove conflicker from a linux point of view to windows os with out saying yeah go and get linux lol03:01
zelrikriandohow do I connect to my android phone from ubuntu?03:01
Dr_WillisakSeya:  theres been som eothers with issues with that thing in here lately.  perhaps check the forums.03:01
scott_ino2jay2, what do you mean exactly03:01
zelrikriandoIt doesnt seem to work03:01
Dr_Williszelrikriando:  most phones have a usb/data mode and usb 'hard drive' mode. perhaps check the docs?03:02
bazhangjay2, are you using Ubuntu?03:02
jay2sometimes I find a linux view to fixing a windows problem sometimes soves these kinds of issues03:02
zelrikriandoDr_Willis: hu03:02
jay2sorry computer again just gave me grive03:02
bazhangjay2, ##windows03:02
Dr_Williszelrikriando:  my cell phones have a menu item.. one to be a 'data' device over the usb.. other to be a 'hard drive' over usb.03:03
jay2I have conflickter on my machine which has infected the hard drive03:03
shuffle_Hey, i just installed ubuntu on my dell inspiron 600m laptop alongside windows xp home.  I now cannot get the wireless card or ethernet card to work or connect to anything.  I installed both ndiswrapper and ndisgtk, and with ndisgtk I installed as many drivers as i could find but with no luck, what is going on? :(03:03
scott_ino2jay2, why not just  run a utility that gets rid of conficker03:03
bazhangjay2, that is offtopic here please take to ##windows03:03
jay2tryed it and hids03:03
Dr_Willisrun the vaious linux anti-virus apps and see if they can rwemove it.03:03
jay2nah not really hoping for a linux bit but okay03:03
akSeyaDr_Willis, hum.. gonna try that link you said..03:03
dcushmanIs this the right channel for HDD formatting question?03:03
bazhanghe is not using Ubuntu03:04
Dr_WillisakSeya:  good luck.03:04
akSeyaneed rebooting.. be back soon ;)03:04
Dr_WillisLive cd's + av software = part of my PC toolbox.03:04
chris_i dont have the .exe i have .msi03:04
chris_where should i put the .msi installer for steam?03:04
Dr_Willischris_:  so?  wine can run msi's also. i forget how.. google will tell you.03:04
dewdudedcushman, what kind of disk are you trying to format?03:04
Dr_Willis!appdb | chris_03:04
ubottuchris_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:04
zelrikriandoDr_Willis: oh I got it03:04
bittinsomone here knows anything about wvdail?03:05
Rob235umm where should i extract the freedb cddb offline database?03:05
Rob235does it matter?03:05
Kalmi__bittin, couldn't you just use NetworkManager?03:05
dcushman(9.04 JJ) I have a new USB Drive that I've tried formatting with Ext3 in GParted, no problems. But cannot figure out how to make it writeable.03:05
bittinsomone knows how to get it to work with mobile broadbands03:05
bittinKalmi__: nah i dont like NM :(03:05
shuffle_any help? :/03:05
dewdudewell, you formatted it in gparted...i've got no clue how to mae it writable03:06
dewdudei never had that problem03:06
Kalmi__dcushman, have you mounted it?03:06
dcushmanWould be happy to a pointer to a faq if available.03:06
dcushmanIt shows as mounted in "places"03:06
buckwildhello, im new to ubuntu.  all of a sudden my sound no longer works.  Plz help03:06
dewdudethat would be a good question i hoped i'd never have to ask03:06
dewdudedid you try cycling the device?03:06
mdcephasI have no idea what i am doing I am just trying to join this chat for support on Jaunty Jackalope issue with Delta audiophile 2490 soundcard issue03:06
Kalmi__mdcephas, :)03:07
scott_ino2dcushman, also make sure you have admin privileges on the devince03:07
mdcephasDoes somebody know how to configure the card03:07
mdcephasI do03:07
soreaushuffle_: What does 'lspci' report your card as?03:07
BillyGpls i have a problem my comp keeps giving me BSOD03:07
BillyGi use windows vista03:07
mdcephasI am a newbie, pls03:07
BillyGi dont know whats wrong03:07
dcushmanok, that might be the issue, how would I go about gaining admin to a device?03:07
bazhangBillyG, wrong channel03:07
shuffle_lspci in terminal?03:07
BillyGwhy wrong??03:07
BillyGcan you help?03:08
BillyGplz vista03:08
bazhangBillyG, this is Ubuntu support03:08
soreaubuckwild: Try running 'alsamixer' from your terminal and checking the settings03:08
BillyGso plz support me03:08
persiaI seem to have a (working) disk with a corrupt partition table, and I don't seem to be able to write a new parition table.  Does anyone know how I might force a mount of a partition?03:08
mdcephasalsamixer from terminal03:08
bazhangBillyG, ##windows for vista help03:08
BillyGok thx!!!03:08
scott_ino2was that guy serious??03:08
mdcephasthanks I will try that03:08
buckwildhow do i know that everything is ok?03:08
dcushmanyou can never tell...03:08
bazhangseems so03:08
Kalmi__he is not in ##windows yet...03:09
mdcephasThe thing is that when I go to sound configuration and select my sound card and test it, i hear a sound output from the HDMI03:09
kennyyuhi there, i've set up a bind9 server and also my zone file, zone name being 'home.myzone.' .... but then when i ping a client it still replies "64 bytes from myclient.local ("  but nslookup just works fine.03:09
buckwildi have an onboard soundcard and a soundblaster.03:09
mdcephasbut when I try to play a file from any application, silence03:09
soreau! audio | buckwild03:09
ubottubuckwild: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:09
Guiadzfcan anyone convert a package for me?03:10
help`kennyyu how much byte u want it to reply ?03:10
soreauGuiadzf: Convert?03:10
help`kennyyu 32>03:10
kennyyuhelp`: not about the bytes :)03:10
scott_ino2Guiadzf, from what to what03:10
persiakennyyu, That is the reveerse lookup.  You need nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.in-addr.arpa to resolve to your desired name.03:10
help`kennyyu i don't think it's bind problem!03:10
buckwildwhen i initially set up ubuntu, i had to select the primary sound card. i forgot how to do that03:10
Guiadzfscott_ino2, mirage driver to ubuntu03:11
soreaubuckwild: Follow the information ubottu gave you03:11
Guiadzfscott_ino2, mandriva to ubuntu03:11
dgnortonwhy would 'groups' not show all the same groups as 'groups "dgnorton" /etc/group'  ?03:11
kennyyupersia: i thought it was the problem with caching.. so where should it be fixed? in my zone file right?03:11
scott_ino2Guiadzf, there's gotta be something like alien that can do that03:11
soreauGuiadzf: Use alien03:11
buckwildok thx03:11
stimbleanyone know how i can find out what options the default ubuntu server kernel was compliled with?03:12
Guiadzfsoreau, scott_ino2 Unpacking of 'sis.rpm' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Rpm.pm line 15503:12
persiakennyyu, No.  In the xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa zone file: search google on "reverse DNS".03:12
scott_ino2Guiadzf, I've only used alien once for a epson .rpm file to .deb so i doubt i can be of any help. Might wanna try the alien devs mailing list perhaps?03:13
kennyyupersia: you really mean the 'rev.xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa' file, right?03:13
apersonis there an easy way to see what wireless driver I'm currently using?03:14
persiakennyyu, No, I mean the xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa zone.  How that maps to files depends entirely on how you set up your nameserver :)03:14
kennyyupersia: :)03:14
shuffle_soreau: What is the code that I should put?03:14
jpastoreI suddenly lost the ability to connect to my WPA network at home. I can connect to an open network but it's the condo's pay internet access. I tried simple stuff like reconnecting, rebooting, removing the profile and trying again...I'm out of ideas...please help03:14
linuxguy2009Hey guys is it possible to search for multiple files with the gnome search tool like if you seperate the names somehow?03:14
soreaushuffle_: Type 'lspci' in your terminal without quotes and look for the string that is your wifi hardware. Then post the output here03:15
kennyyubtw, i update my zone file but then it seems i still cannot ping (from my client) some of the maachines with their names, sometimes. is it sth related to the cache?03:15
new2linxi just upgraded from hardy heron, to intrpid, then to jaunty. I have a Nvidia video card. The resolution is so small that I can't see the proper resolution to select it. What file is the resolution stored in now days? I know it's not in xorg.conf anymore. I need to enter it from ctrl-alt-F1, then sudo nano whatever file. Any help please.03:16
persiakennyyu, Possibly.  Clear your client cache after each server update to be sure.03:16
soreaunew2linx: Try running 'nvidia-settings'03:16
kennyyupersia: undrerstood. many thanks for your answers :)03:16
jpastoreI have an Intel 3945ABG Golan03:17
Kjellnew2linx: it is in xorg.conf :)03:17
new2linxsoreau,  I did use System, Preference, Hardware Drivers to install the correct nvidia driver for my card but I jsut can't change the res with nvidia-settings because the res is so small.03:17
shuffle_soreau: 02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)03:17
soreau! broadcom | shuffle_03:18
ubottushuffle_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:18
new2linxKjell, it's not in xorg,cong anymore. At least the installer doesn't put anything about resolutiuon in there anymore. When I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it never asked me about the driver to use or the resolution.03:18
K-Zodron||guys, ati dropped support for my x200m, how good are the open source drivers? possible to revert to an old x server in 9.04 to use the 9.3 fglrx?03:18
Kjellnew2linx: you can still manually override it with xorg.conf03:19
edbianK-Zodron||: The open source drivers are just as good if not better for my ati radeon 955003:19
scott_ino2K-Zodron||, depending on your card the open source drivers are just fine and dandy03:19
nsadminsista vista gets a blista03:19
soreaunew2linx: In xorg.conf in the Device section, switch temporarily to "vesa" and restart X. Use nvidia-settings and revert back to "nvidia" maybe03:19
K-Zodron||last time I tried they barely let my play a 2D game at 5fps, possible that they suck for my specific card or I just did something really wrong?03:19
new2linxKjell, could you paste a good xorg.conf for 1280x1024 at pastebin.com for me then?03:19
new2linxsoreau, oh yeah. I didn't think of that. I'll try that. be right back.03:20
K-Zodron||also, should I install some experimental driver version for better performance?03:20
dcushmanscott_ino2: Thanks, I looked up the admin on device to chown -R and that was what I was missing. Working fine now. Thanks!03:20
edbianK-Zodron||: Try them now and see how they work.  How long ago was this?03:20
chris_so i downloaded steam but when i try to install cs, it doesnt open or anything03:20
scott_ino2dcushman, np glad it worked03:20
K-Zodron||not too long, maybe a month03:20
soreauK-Zodron||: All's you have to do is remove all fglrx packages and reboot. You should then be using the open radeon driver03:20
edbiansoreau: He's asking how well they work.03:21
edbiansoreau: He knows how to use them.  Clearly from his last post ^03:21
K-Zodron||ok, thanks for the help03:21
Shivamwhy does a .tif file glitch Ubuntu?03:21
n2diycan I go down stairs, and log in here, from my test box? Or do I need to log out  up here first?03:21
soreauedbian: I'm not keeping up, about to crash soon03:21
scott_ino2Shivam, tiff files shouldn't, what are you doing with it03:21
buckyShivam: what tif veiwer are you using03:22
edbiansoreau: Your system in gonna crash?03:22
soreauedbian: Let's don't be silly03:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:22
Shivamim not using any viewer i just downloaded one and put it on my desktop and my desktop started going crazy03:22
n2diyedbian: bail out, abandon ship03:22
Shivami later put it in a folder and everytime i open the folder it goes crazy03:22
ctmjrK-Zodron||, you might have better luck with the open source drivers from git and install the drm for 3d03:22
Shivamstarts opening/closing things03:22
miyakocould anyone tell me what version of Gtk+ is in Hardy?03:23
edbianShivam: Perhaps the file is corrupt?03:23
K-Zodron||ctmjr any howto? :p03:23
Shivamno idea, i never seen a .tif before until now03:23
ctmjrK-Zodron||, hold on will find it03:23
scott_ino2Shivam, .tif is a TIFF file stands for Tagged image file format it's a image format03:23
edbianShivam: They're used usually for large pictures from a scanner.03:24
Shivami see03:24
scott_ino2edbian, or files that have embedded .icc color profiles03:24
scuniziShivam: I've never had an issue with .tiff's.. either pics or multipage documents.03:24
Shivamits used for other purposes when it comes to PSPs ;)03:24
Shivamthanks for the responses03:24
buckyscott_ino2: Shivam desktop does not know how to make a thumbnail of it and display it03:24
bahaa2008i'm installing mando   http://sourceforge.net/projects/mando/03:24
Shivamyeah thats why it was acting all weird03:25
bahaa2008when i do ./configure03:25
scott_ino2bucky, ahhhhh03:25
scott_ino2that makes sense03:25
bittinsomone know how to get mobile broadband to work with wvdail?03:25
Kjellnew2linx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212344/ put this under section "device" you see in xorg. Remember that Driver "nvidia" is set as well03:25
jpastoreok I need some help. How do I go about completely reloading networking in ubuntu? I lost my wifi connection to my wpa network and when I use a wired connection it spins and times out. why would this suddenly happen?03:25
bahaa2008it stops with error configure: error: Check for OpenGL failed.03:25
bahaa2008anyone can help03:25
help`hello IDE HDD, primary from 1=>4 and extended from 5 and above? thx03:25
scott_ino2bucky, shouldnt it just display a dead file then?03:26
scott_ino2possible bug03:26
qe2eqeHow do you run a command from cli but not 'in a terminal'03:26
bahaa2008scott_ino2, can u help me03:26
Kalmi_jpastore, you disable it and reenable it?03:26
ctmjrK-Zodron||, this is for the radeonhd driver it is pretty much the same as the radeon driver just has hdmi support https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD03:26
jpastoreKalmi_: I rebooted but I'll try to disable and re-enable03:26
K-Zodron||ctmjr so I could install the radeonhd driver or what?03:27
scott_ino2bahaa2008, what's up03:27
Kalmi_jpastore, oh... you reboted... I thought you were asking how to do this without rebooting...03:27
bahaa2008i'm installing mando   http://sourceforge.net/projects/mando/03:27
bahaa2008when i do ./configure03:27
bahaa2008it stops with error configure: error: Check for OpenGL failed.03:27
new2linxcan anyone paste an xorg.conf for Jaunty please. Everytime I activate my nvidia driver, I can't see the darn area to pick the right resolution so I can't use nvidia-settings. If I enable vesa, then I try to go to nvidia-settings, it says that it appears that I am not using an nvidia driver so it won't start. Please help03:27
Kalmi_jpastore, have you tried restarting your router?03:27
scott_ino2bahaa2008, do you have your graphics drivers installed properly?03:28
dtownheronew2linx, did turn off gdm before installing the drivers?03:28
bahaa2008i'm installed the last nvidia driver03:28
bahaa2008and it works great03:28
ctmjrK-Zodron||, yes you can but make sure you follow the first part of the guide and remove any fglrx drivers03:28
dtownheronew2linx, I can paste my config but it sounds like you haven't installed the driver properly03:28
jpastoreKalmi_: no I tried restarting networking, rebooting, removing the profile....no I didn't try restarting the router because my other workstation and wireless laptop can access everything just fine but I'll give it a shot.03:28
buckyShivam: maybe you have the dreaded ImageMagick TIFF File Integer Overflow Vulnerability http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/3511103:28
K-Zodron||ctmjr okay, thanks03:28
scunizidtownhero: sounds like new2linx is just "activating and deactivating" the ubuntu supplied driver.. since he did use the activate word instead of the install word :)03:29
scott_ino2bahaa2008, no idea then, maybe something needs to be changed in the make file, or there's somethin else going on03:29
new2linxKjell, i'll give that a try. thanks03:29
dtownheroscunizi, indeed, either way you phrase it the driver is not installed. I see your point03:30
bahaa2008scott_ino2, so who can help me here03:30
scott_ino2bahaa2008, probably best to ask one of the mando people from their mailing list or something03:30
dtownheronew2linx, the ubuntu driver will not allow you to use the nvidia graphics settings03:31
tim_____where are vino-server logs?03:31
scott_ino2bahaa2008, let me check the package03:31
scunizitim_____: probably /var/log someplace03:31
bahaa2008scott_ino2, no package available03:31
scott_ino2from sourceforge03:32
K-Zodron||ctmjr my x200m is r3xx based  I read, and radeonhd is r500 and higher, sounds like it wont work :p03:32
tim_____scunizi: nothing that i can see03:32
tuntisI'm using an Asus Eee 1000HE netbook on jaunty. The wlan doesn't work - it detects connections but can't actually connect to them. the adapter seems to be a ralink rt286003:33
jpastoreKalmi_: weird, that worked =) thanks!03:33
barcodei need help :(03:33
scunizitim_____: you could try "sudo updatedb" then "locate vino" .. you'll get lots of stuff but will be able to look at the list and find it.03:33
barcodeeverytime i start ubuntu right when i log in it freezes03:34
scott_ino2bahaa2008, im getting a different error03:34
bahaa2008scott_ino2, what's it03:34
scott_ino2bahaa2008, have you tried a different version03:34
bahaa2008nope i tried the last one03:34
bittinhere is the error: http://pastebin.se/19847103:35
scott_ok, i installed ubuntu for a friend and used a temp password on the login but we changed the password but the keyring want the old pasword. how do i change the old password for the keyring? 9.04 here03:35
ctmjrK-Zodron||, go here find your card and what you can get out of the open source radeon and radeonhd driivers http://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature03:36
scott_ino2bahaa2008, checking wether C++ compiler works... configure: error: Failed to compile and link C++ pro03:36
teyuxcomo hago para cotar amsn en xubuntoooo pls hellnec03:36
alazyworkaholicProblem editing a file: I have a .odt ffile on a netbook. I connected to this netbook through connect to server from a laptop. I later suspended the laptop, then turned it on, closed openoffice, & restarted. Now when I try to edit the file using the netbook I'm told that I have to open it read-only or open a copy because it's "locked for editing". What do I do?03:36
scott_ino2even though i believe i have all the build-essentials installed03:36
tim_____scunizi: settings, docs, the program itself , but no logs03:36
bahaa2008scott_ino2, this will solve this issue    sudo apt-get install build-essential03:37
rankinralazyworkaholic: try opening it read-only, then re-saving it03:37
scott_ino2bahaa2008, i just said i thought i had all prerequisits installed03:37
rankinralways works for me03:37
scott_ino2let me check though03:38
K-Zodron||ctmjr well it seems like it should work with the default dizzle, but when I tried ubuntu ~1 month ago the 3d performance was horrible :/03:38
scunizitim_____: sure it's vino and not vinagre?03:38
MTecknologyHow can I resize LVM partitions?03:38
tim_____scunizi: vino as in remote desktop03:38
alazyworkaholicranknr: I know, but how could I avoid having to do that every time I open files remotely then locally?03:39
rankinrno idea, maybe someone else can help03:39
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alazyworkaholicrankinr: thanks anyway03:39
scunizitim_____: vinagre also does that and I think they are both built in.. both off Applications>internet but once is Terminal server client and the other is Remote Desktop..03:40
scott_ino2bahaa2008, guess i didnt03:40
scott_ino2bahaa2008, Check for XTestFakeMotionEvent in -lXtst failed03:40
JPSmanWhich package will install gtk.h into my /user/include directory?03:40
help`hello IDE HDD, primary from 1=>4 and extended from 5 and above? thx03:40
=== tyler is now known as Guest61462
MK13is there a reason my broadcom wireless connection shows as eth1 instead of wlan0?03:40
scunizihelp`: that is not a question.. could you be more clear?03:40
=== jonnyro is now known as JonnyRo
MK13help`,only 3 primaries03:41
scott_ino2MK13, device aliases03:41
bahaa2008scott_ino2, this wil solve that    86  sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev03:41
bahaa2008scott_ino2, this wil solve that    sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev03:41
tuntisI'm using an Asus Eee 1000HE netbook on jaunty. The wlan doesn't work - it detects connections but can't actually connect to them. the adapter seems to be a ralink rt2860.03:41
help`MK13 thx same to SCSI right ?03:41
tim_____scunizi: vinagre is a client vino is a server I'm trying to see server logs, so I know who use my machine and when03:41
MK13scott_ino2, is there a way to change it, or should i just leave it be?03:41
rankinralazyworkaholic: check out this topic http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=8485803:42
rankinrit's a recent discussion. Apparrently, in 8.10 this is not a problem. So maybe revert to intrepid.03:42
MK13help`, i am pretty sure, not 100 percent tho03:42
ctmjrK-Zodron||, ok try this one it has the drm and mesa stuff from git http://www.x.org/wiki/radeon install these first before anything else sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core configure-debian automake autoconf xorg-dev libtool03:43
scott_ino2MK13, I believe so, but i honestly don't remember unless i look it up from an old Fedora post i had03:43
help`MK13 have u take LPI exam? well i'm studying and need to know about LILO if it come in exam since it's old boot loader!03:43
scott_ino2bahaa2008, it's now complaining about boost03:43
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scott_ino2bahaa2008, is there a list of mando's required build packages so i can just get them all03:44
BrinsonHey, is it just me or can you no longer do a command line install from the alternate cd?03:44
scott_ino2so i can test it for you03:44
MK13help`,nope only in programming 2 at the moment :D03:44
headrxso, in both firefox and epiphany browsers , i can goto google, but  if i search for something and then click on it, the window closes .. also does it if i try and open options. any ideas?03:44
bahaa2008scott_ino2,    sudo apt-get install libboost-dev03:44
MK13scott_ino2, just needed to know if it could be done, it doesnt bother me and i've gotten used to it now03:45
help`MK13 oh nice =)03:45
dgnortonin /home/dgnorton I did "ln -sd /var/www" and i can "cd /home/dgnorton/www" and see the contents of /var/www.  If I ftp to the machine and log in as dgnorton (chrooted to /home/dgnorton) I can not cd to the www sym link.  Why?03:45
K-Zodron||ctmjr don't have ubuntu installed right now but I'll try tomorrow, thanks03:45
scott_ino2bahaa2008, that's 180Mb but i like you :-)03:45
scott_ino2im interested to see if i can get it to build03:46
headrxAnyone, in both firefox and epiphany browsers , i can goto google, but  if i search for something and then click on it, the window closes .. also does it if i try and open options. any ideas?03:46
BrinsonSo, no one know anything about the "Install a comand line system" option? I burned the alternate iso but its not there...but I swear there was one in intrepid...03:47
Sylissanyone use wubi for other then ubuntu specific installs?03:47
bahaa2008scott_ino2, what's up03:47
buckwildmy sound stopped working  and I have tried all of the help sites and nothing works.  any ideas?03:47
headrxdead speakers?03:47
Cyrano_DeBrinson: The alt install does a non-graphical instal using curses.03:47
buckwildno my speakers are fine03:47
Brinsonas for the crashing, headrx, run firefox from terminal and see what error pops up when it crashes.03:48
nomasteryodabuckwild, check your settings and look for an optical option along with digital ...03:48
rankinrBrinson: did you try pressing F4?03:48
BrinsonI tried pressing f4, yeah, but...the option just seems to be gone.03:48
JPSmanHi, what package do I install to get gtk.h into my /user/include directory?03:48
headrxBrinson, Segmentation fault03:49
rankinrServer install CD, maybe?03:49
kitcheJPSman: most likely one of the gtk-dev packages think it's the 20 one03:49
fred32892Hello, I installed ubuntu on an external hard drive, now when it's removed, XP won't boot. Grub error 21. I can't believe that the installer touched my internal hard drive! I am assuming that it borked the MBR. I don't have an XP install CD. How do I fix this?03:49
rankinrlast I heard of it was in Hardy, so no clue for Intrepid or Jaunty03:49
Brinsonthe problem with that is it used the server kernel and packages instead of desktop ones03:49
tim_____does anybody know where the remote desktop logs are?03:49
scott_ino2bahaa2008, it's almost done hold up03:49
buckwildit stopped working after i opened a program03:50
nomasteryodabuckwild, is the program a media player?03:50
Brinsonfred32892, the installer only touched your internal hard drive if you chose it as the location of grub.03:50
buckyJPSman: libgtk2.0-dev03:51
BrinsonYou'll need to edit the grub manually.03:51
buckyJPSman: apt-file search gtk.h03:51
nomasteryodabuckwild, what do you see when you try opening alsamixer in the terminal?03:51
rankinrI'm googling, but finding nothing. Did find intrepid, but not jaunty...03:51
leaveso many guys03:51
nomasteryodabuckwild, any muted items ... if so, use the cursor keys to move over to that item, then press "m" to unmute03:52
buckyleave it's slow tonight03:52
buckwildI see a set of colorful lines03:52
fred32892I didn't select that drive to install ubuntu on, i chose my external drive. at any rate, how do i fix the MBR on my XP hard drive with no disk?03:52
nomasteryodabuckwild, mm indicates muted stuff03:52
buckyleave only 135003:52
buckwildit says 0003:52
tim_____fred32892: use ms-sys03:52
JPSmanbucky: libgtk2.0-dev thanks :OD03:52
nomasteryodabuckwild, ok03:52
Brinsonany bootable cd that can take you to a terminal can repair it but the procedure isn't so easy, there are boot cds like super grub and such which make it easier.03:53
nomasteryodabuckwild, anything muted under volume control ?03:53
buckwildi don't know why this happened03:53
BrinsonI've never used ms-sys but I'm sure it would work, too.03:53
rankinrBrinson: if I were you, I'd just do the server and replace the kernel03:54
nomasteryodai've seen some weird stuff with this pulseaudio system they use03:54
nomasteryodaalsa had issues too, but at least it was almost stable03:54
lbsjackHi,who knows about the GNOME applet program?03:54
buckwildwhat now?03:54
nomasteryodawhich card type do you have buckwild ?03:55
scott_ino2bahaa2008, I have officially gotten to where you are03:55
MadEchidnao rly03:55
scott_ino2bahaa2008, after installing many libraries lol03:55
bahaa2008scott_ino2, i did it :D03:56
scott_ino2bahaa2008, you fixed your problem?03:56
nomasteryodabuckwild, i'll wager you have an option for optical and that program activated it ... look about in the volume control, preferences03:56
bahaa2008scott_ino2, yes03:56
scott_ino2im curious now03:56
bahaa2008./configure --with-x=no03:56
scott_ino2yeah i was going to ask if there was an option03:57
bahaa2008to not use mesa opengl03:57
nomasteryodabuckwild, find that optical and digital and put checks on them... then click Switches tab and uncheck the optical03:57
fred32892looking up man for ms-sys right now. Thanks for the tip! I'll get back to you if I have more questions.03:57
bahaa2008and use vendor's one03:57
nomasteryodaplay a tune and xx your fingers buckwild03:57
scott_ino2bahaa2008, well good luck with that that sounds interesting03:57
jawaHi.  I'm new to ubuntu.  I just installed the educational desktop for ubuntu from add/remove program under applications.  What I wanted were the programs but I found upon reboot was that it has changed the startup screen and my icons.  how can I revert to the stock icons/start-up screen?  I tried uninstalling the educational desktop for ubutuntu application, but this did not work.03:58
buckwildno luck  :(03:58
bittinno iam going to bed and trying to fix it when iam more non tired03:59
nomasteryodadid that optical option show up though?03:59
bahaa2008scott_ino2, i'll make my screen touchy :D03:59
nomasteryodabuckwild, i had the same issue but it was not due to that program03:59
nomasteryodahan gon03:59
Brinsonjawa: Not sure, but reinstalling the original ubuntu-themes back may do it, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-artwork04:00
jawaBrinson: that sounds very plausible.04:01
ctmjrjawa, try under system>preferences>appearance then change the theme and icons in there04:01
kennyyuhi there, my boss requires me to install jdk 1.6_13 but then how can i make sure i can get the exact minor revision from apt-get?04:01
jawactmjr: Thank you.  I should have realized it was that simple.04:01
shuffle_How do I do what it says at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx under no alternate Internet access?04:01
BrinsonJawa: He's right, you HAVE all the old themes, you can manually change them back to their originals. I was just thinking there might be a way to do it all at once.04:02
jawaYeah. I can't believe I didn't realize all it did was install a different theme.04:02
jawa*face palm*04:02
jawaThanks guys.04:02
ctmjrjawa, your welcome04:02
fred32892Ok, if I don't come back, whoever suggested ms-sys, you are a lifesaver! :) :)04:02
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shuffle_And how to I put files in /lib/firmware ?04:04
jorvis_anyone use vpnc and have it break recently?04:04
VukodlaKwhy is apt-get upgrade holding back on replacing the kernel with the new one?04:04
tuntisI'm using an Asus Eee 1000HE netbook on jaunty. The wlan doesn't work - it detects connections but can't actually connect to them.04:06
rankinrshuffle_: you download the file on the connection that your on now, and use a USB stick or cd to transfer it04:06
K-Zodron||answer tuntis' question before he gets mad04:06
ctmjrshuffle_, sudo cp /path/file/name    /lib/firmware04:06
rankinrand what ctmjr said04:06
kennyyuhi there, may i know how can i make sure apt-get gets a jdk of 1.6.0_13 but not other (older) versions/revisions? i'm currently having jdk_1.6.0_10 installed by apt-get. does 'apt-get upgrade sun-java-jdk6' serve the purpose?04:07
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY04:07
mobi-sheepAnybody know the best way to demux/mux a MKV file?  Google is beh-beh.04:08
rankinrTuntis: How are you trying to connect? It should work fine04:08
tuntisrankinr: select the network from the taskbar (or whatever it's called), putting in the password (it's WPA)04:08
tuntisit just tries to connect for a while and then the password dialog comes up again04:08
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: you can sudo aptitude show sun-java6-jdk to see what version is available to your distribution04:09
tuntis(yes, I'm putting in the right one)04:09
rankinrJust what I was going to ask ;)04:09
rankinrCan you verify that it is working from another computer?04:09
tuntisrankinr: yes, it works on other computers04:10
musikgoat|mainmobi-sheep: i don't know if it will handle matroska but hand brake is a good h264 tool for alot of tasks, look into that04:10
rankinrtuntis: can you try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111095704:10
Brinsontuntis, I have the exact same problem as you alot of the time. I have no idea why.04:11
shuffle_rankinr: I downloaded the files and now have them on the ubuntu desktop, I also installed b43-fwcutter, now what?04:11
musikgoat|mainmobi-sheep: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4388316&postcount=504:12
rankinrto quote: <ctmjr> shuffle_, sudo cp /path/file/name    /lib/firmware04:12
kennyyumusikgoat|main: thanks, but it doesn't show me the version number :(04:14
mobi-sheepmusikgoat|main: I'll look into that.  Maybe I'll be able to write up a similar script.04:14
kennyyubut then how can i upgrade a specific package? i see in the website that sun-java6-bin is using 1.6.1304:14
[-D35P14D4D0-]i need help, i need program for read in c04:15
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musikgoat|mainkennyyu: that command lists the version included04:15
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: you can also check in synaptic i believe04:15
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: yes, it shows the version04:16
kennyyumusikgoat|main: just this one "Version: 6-10-0ubuntu2"04:16
kennyyumusikgoat|main: do you mean this one?04:17
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: what version of ubuntu, hardy?04:17
shuffle_rankinr: Now I get cannot open input file04:17
kennyyumusikgoat|main: i'm using 8.0404:17
rankinrshuffle_: what command did you run?04:17
armenceHey all, how can I configure my ttys to run fortune when anyone logs on?04:18
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: you cac check hardy backports for it, in synaptic, go to settings -> repositoris -> updates04:18
kennyyumusikgoat|main: i'm using LTS with no X there ;)04:18
Real_AnonymousI have a desktop installation and another server installation using VirtualBox. Does my ordinary delstop installation use the same ip as my virtual server installtion or does they get different kind of ip numbers?04:18
iambluethey will use the same IP I believe04:19
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: oh :) edit /etc/apt/sources.list04:19
shuffle_The one that you said for both files, and it put them in lib/ firmware , and now im doing the one that goes like sudo b43-fwcutter -w04:19
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: look for hardy-backports, and make sure that is not commented out or missing04:20
VaMpHey all04:20
Real_Anonymousiamblue: Ok, what server software will answer then if I have one ordinary server and a virtual server installed in the original server using VirtualBox? If I go to a ip number, what web page would I get?04:20
rankinrshuffle_: from what I've read, you need to run b43-fwcutter -w <file name>04:21
kennyyumusikgoat|main: there are two lines for 'backports there... wait i'm pastebin-ing you in a minute..04:21
rankinrshuffle_: but i'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do04:21
Real_AnonymousIf I use Apache2 on both of them and have the same settings in both the real and the virtual server software.04:21
rameshworcan anyone plz.. i checked the archive site  and didn't know where to look for a specific packags...   there werre main , indices, pool , universe .... how to know which can be found where ??04:21
Real_AnonymousWhat server will ansver on the ip of the servers if they are the same?04:22
iambluetake a look there04:22
kennyyumusikgoat|main: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212368/04:22
kennyyumusikgoat|main:  which line(s)?04:22
shuffle_rankinr: Im running the two commands on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:22
kennyyui think you mean lines 36-44?04:23
shuffle_rankinr:sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-
rankinrshuffle_: oh, sorry04:23
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: remove the comments from 43-4404:23
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: the #04:23
kennyyumusikgoat|main: got it04:24
rameshworwhich packags are in backports,,  universe , main /// ??04:24
rankinrso you downloaded the two files?04:24
kennyyumusikgoat|main: (heh, i still know the effect of # ... :P)04:24
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: then apt-get update;aptitude show sun-java6-jdk04:24
shuffle_And there on desktop and in lib/firmware04:24
KiraI notice that the message shown to me looks different everytime I log on through SSH.04:25
zonylIs there a alternative new kernel repository?  I have a problem with a driver that is hopefully fixed with a more recent kernel.  Im in the processes of building a new one right now, but wanted to know if there is a more official source.04:25
mankash iwconfig ath0 show tx-power off, how to turn ito04:25
rameshworedbian: what packages are in main , what in univser,  backports ??04:25
rankinrshuffle_: what's the output of "ls /lib/firmware | grep wl_apsta"04:25
edbianrameshwor: Are you kidding me?  There are tons in all of them.04:25
ARMENIANjefinc: yeah, thanks for the suggestion, sorry, I was away, seems odd that something so simple would be so hard to change04:26
rameshworedbian: no i meant  if i want to look for a specific one then  how to know where should i look for it ??04:26
KiraFor example, sometimes it tells me how many packages can be updated and how many are security updates, even if there is 0 update. Sometimes this same message is not displayed at all.04:26
edbianrameshwor: http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:26
KiraIs that normal?04:26
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: i think its still going to be the same04:26
kennyyumusikgoat|main: thanks, but then i'm seeing the same output...04:27
kennyyumusikgoat|main: yes04:27
kennyyumusikgoat|main: :(04:27
edbianrameshwor: I am not aware of a way to do it in synaptic.  Although you can look at the "origin" on the bottom left.  I don't think you can search in an origin.04:27
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: why do you need the newer release?04:27
kennyyumusikgoat|main: away for a while, sorry.04:27
robsonhello, someone get this when tried to run google-chrome?04:27
robson[12066:12066:55759498534:FATAL:/b/slave/chrome-official-linux/build/src/app/gfx/font_skia.cc(90)] Check failed: tf. Could not find font: Bitstream Vera Sans04:27
shuffle_rankinr: wl_apsta-
rameshworedbian: my download speed is fast in win, so i would like to download it in windows and use with ubuntu....04:27
Real_Anonymousiamblue: Thanks.04:28
kennyyumusikgoat|main: ar, we suspect that the jvm does not support multithreading on multiple processor well...04:28
kennyyu(my boss just wants to play it safer by installing a newer version)04:28
edbianrameshwor: Why does it matter which repo the package is in?04:28
* kennyyu is away for a while04:28
iamblueno prob04:28
rankinrshuffle_ sorry if I'm being verbose, but just trying to see where the problem is. So, you ran tar xfvj broadcom-wl- without problems, right?04:28
rameshworedbian: it doesn't matter but i should be able to find the packags i want.. that matters and where to look for it....04:28
barcodecan someone help with i problem :/04:30
barcodehow do i reinstall or reset gnome?04:30
rameshworedbian: you got my questin ??04:30
shuffle_I haven't tried yet04:30
kennyyumusikgoat|main: and then if i 'apt-get upgrade' i would be directed to download all the updated packages...04:30
rankinrthat's the command you're supposed to run, first, according to the instruction04:30
rankinralso, shuffle_: so, the command that you ran, 'sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-' seems to be a bit different than the recommended command: sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-
osirisbarcode, basicly delete your .gnome folder in your home directory04:30
rankinrSo I'd try that04:31
kennyyumusikgoat|main: so maybe it's easier if there is a way to just pull *one* update from the repos..04:31
edbianrameshwor: I don't understand.  Please re-phrase your question04:31
rankinrand if it doesn't work, I'm sorry, but I haven't a clue04:31
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: a newer distribution carries newer packages, you would want to into building the binary if you need newer on your distribution04:31
shuffle_rankinr: Arent I supposed to do both?04:32
FohnI am trying to install morphing-tools to build a morphix live-cd. I added the repository, "deb http://www.morphix.org/debian unstable/", to /etc/apt/sources.list and performed apt-get update, however when I try to install the right package it says there is no such package. Is this due to how I have the repo listed in sources.list, or what?04:32
kennyyumusikgoat|main: actually i see from the website that sun-java6-bin is using '1.6.13'...  so can i apt-get to pull it down (without apt-get removing the one that i'm using?)04:32
rankinrshuffle_ not from what I'm reading04:32
rankinrIt says you're supposed to run three commands04:32
new2linxi got it thanks to the pastebin post. I added the 1280x1024 section and all is well. now I am just having fun with pulseaudio. I don't understand why the volume is SOOO LOW????? I have checked all teh setting in Gnome ALsa Mixer, I can turn them up but then I get hissing and whining! Any help?04:32
rankinrI'll privmesg them to you04:32
buckyrameshwor apt-cache show will tell you which repo it's from under Section:04:32
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: that is on jaunty, not hardy (9.04 not 8.04)04:32
kennyyumusikgoat|main: oh, understood.04:33
rameshworbucky: ok..04:33
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rameshworedbian: ok i'll rephrase that tonight..got to go now.  i have exam ..  good bye...04:33
edbianrameshwor: Good luck on your test!04:33
kennyyumusikgoat|main: so to either pull the source and build my on apt package, or to download a binary copy from the official java web site -- if not to upgrade my distro?04:34
qe2eqe #ubuntu-offtopic04:34
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: yes, those are the options04:34
oldude67ubuntu is usually offtopic..lmao04:34
shuffle_rankinr: So what do I run exactly?04:34
rankinrthe three commands I privmeseged you04:34
rankinrdon't know if you can get that dialog on an iphone...04:35
kennyyumusikgoat|main: OK. Thanks for having offered your help! :D04:35
rankinrso I'll do it here at risk of getting kicked04:35
musikgoat|mainkennyyu: yw04:35
rankinrsudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-
rankinrtar xfvj broadcom-wl-
rankinrsudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-
rankinrshuffle_: do you know what? You should just ignore me. I'm obviously too tired to be doing this, I realize, after I look at the first command04:36
buckykennyyu: apt-cache show java-package04:36
kennyyubucky: thanks, but no revision numbers there...04:37
kennyyubucky: i really need the xx digits in 1.6.0_xx04:37
rankinrshuffle_: Never mind04:37
buckykennyyu: it might work.. try it04:37
iamblueCan anyone tell me if I need ident-server installed to join some other channels, like #python?04:37
rankinrYou have the file wl_apsta-, when you're running the command for a different version04:37
Shortguy109I downloaded qvplay to open .cam files from this http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~XG2K-HYS/qvplay-0.93.tar.gz and i extracted it but it's not appearing on the aplications04:37
kennyyubucky: just tried. ;)04:38
rankinrsudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta- should do ya well04:38
kennyyubucky: but thanks anyway. i'm going to download from the java website instead. :)04:38
rankinrit's strange that you somehow wound up with the wrong file...04:38
buckykennyyu: you know  you need the dl for java-package to work right?04:38
buckykennyyu: what version was it anyway04:39
=== jack_ is now known as JPSman
Shortguy109I downloaded qvplay to open .cam files from this http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~XG2K-HYS/qvplay-0.93.tar.gz and i extracted it but it's not appearing on the applications, what'd i do wrong?04:39
kennyyubucky: i have installed 1.6.10 but then i now need 1.6.13 to run on my own 8.10 (or 8.4, not sure..) server04:39
kennyyubucky: sorry need to go... :)04:40
JPSmanSO, say you wanted to teach someone C in ubuntu while utilizing graphics, what do YOU think is the best way to do this?04:40
Shortguy109I downloaded qvplay to open .cam files from this http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~XG2K-HYS/qvplay-0.93.tar.gz and i extracted it but it's not appearing on the applications, what'd i do wrong?04:41
buckykennyyu: it's very faq04:41
FohnI am trying to install morphing-tools to build a morphix live-cd. I added the repository, "deb http://www.morphix.org/debian unstable/", to /etc/apt/sources.list and performed apt-get update, however when I try to install the right package it says there is no such package. Is this due to how I have the repo listed in sources.list, or what?04:41
buckykennyyu: http://rblondon.blogspot.com/2007/09/eclipse-and-java-sdk-15-on-debian-etch.html04:42
musikgoat|mainbucky: that link doesn't have to do with what kennyyu needs04:42
buckymusikgoat|main: yes it does04:42
Shortguy109I downloaded qvplay to open .cam files from this http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~XG2K-HYS/qvplay-0.93.tar.gz and i extracted it but it's not appearing on the applications, what'd i do wrong?04:42
JPSmanShortguy109 - I'm looking at the file now, and I can't read the readme :OP04:43
buckyDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE=[i386]-linux fakeroot make-jpkg java-1.6.13linux.bin04:43
buckythat simple04:43
JPSmanShortguy109 - the program might not show up on the program list, it may just run out of the terminal04:43
Shortguy109JPSman, I tried to run from the terminal i typed it qvplay but it didn't work04:43
kennyyubacky: thanks, i'll have a read on it :)04:44
JPSmanShortguy109 - what was the error message?04:44
ARMENIANhow do i change the music preview delay in nautilus?04:44
Shortguy109JPSman, it just says command not found04:45
RoastedDoes anybody know if I can adjust rhythmbox to view my music just by the files themselves like Exaile can? I don't want music to be sorted by ID tag. I just want it to appear "as is" from my music folder.04:45
edbianompeompe: hi04:45
edbianompeompe: Question?04:46
JPSmanShortguy109 - How'd the installation go?  Try doing a search for the qvplay binary04:46
Shortguy109JPSman, i have no idea what that is O_O04:46
ompeompecan u help me, i want change  my startup but i dont know how04:47
JPSmanShortguy109 - its the compiled version of what you're trying to use.  Hang on, still looking at this tar.gz04:47
EagleScreenompeompe, what exactly?04:48
Shortguy109JPSman, okay04:48
ompeompei m running jaunty04:48
rankinrjaunty server, to be exact...04:48
ompeompeubuntu 904:49
edbianompeompe: What do you mean by "change your startup??"04:49
GhostWolf76hi all.. i have a problem, i just got a kvm switch and when i start my linux machine and windows machine everything works fine but in my linux machine my screen resolution won't go past 640x480 can anyone help me?04:49
EagleScreenompeompe, what do you want to change? be more explicit please04:49
kainhi all04:49
Amerigo       How do you use Terminal to open the display manager with root permission? I've done it before, but forgot how.04:50
kaini was wondering if anyone knew how to know if i have the uvcvideo installed and if not, how to install it?04:50
ompeompei mean how i can change my screen start up, when i booting04:50
FohnI am trying to install morphing-tools to build a morphix live-cd. I added the repository, "deb http://www.morphix.org/debian unstable/", to /etc/apt/sources.list and performed apt-get update, however when I try to install the right package it says there is no such package. Is this due to how I have the repo listed in sources.list, or what?04:50
EagleScreenAmerigo, what "a display manager" is for you?04:50
leaveAmerigo, sudo04:50
edbianAmerigo: Go to the display manager launcher in the menu and click and drag it onto the desktop04:50
alan_all of a sudden sound stopped working. Can someone give me a hint as to where to start hunting this down. I hear a faint hum from them at high volumes, but thats all04:50
GhostWolf76can anyone help me with my problem??04:51
edbianAmerigo: Then right click it and hit properties.  Are you following me so far??04:51
AmerigoNvidia xserver settings04:51
JPSmanShortguy109 - yeah ok, what you downloaded only works for windows and macs.  It says right in the readme - "For Unix environment user, it is horrible. Furtunately, for Unix user, converting software to CAM format image file  (CASIO's original image data format) to JPEG(JFIF) image file is available."04:51
leaveAmerigo, change user to roo04:51
EagleScreenAmerigo, sudo <program> or gksu <program>04:52
JPSmanShortguy109 - so it looks like you'll have to use another program to access your .cam04:52
edbianGhostWolf76: Ubuntu probes your hardware (the screen) to determine what resolutions you monitor can handle.  XP doesn't.  You switch probably reports only that it can handle 640x480 resolution.  I don't think there is an ubuntu work around.04:52
Shortguy109JPSman, oh.. umm know any? xD04:52
EagleScreenompeompe, what is wrong with your boot up screen? how is it now and how do you want it?04:52
edbianAmerigo: Do you know how to run the command as yourself from terminal?04:52
leaveAmerigo, I get it, he wanna to install Nvidia driver for #D04:52
bruenigFohn: pastebin your sources.list04:52
JPSmanShortguy109 - also in the readme - " 'cam2jpeg'  (Auther Jun-ichiro "itojun" Itoh<itojun@itojun.org>) "04:52
leaveAmerigo, 3D04:53
ompeompejust wanna change, nothing wrong's04:53
JPSmanShortguy109 - also " 'camtoppm.pl'  (Auther Shuji Senda <senda@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp>) "04:53
FLJohnAnyone use quotetracker in wine for stock market?04:53
AmerigoIt's already installed. I have to have root access to save the configuration file after making changes.04:54
GhostWolf76edbian it should work for linux i have kubuntu on my linux machine and on the page for the switch which is iogear kvm switch says works with linux but says additional drivers and support may be needed..04:54
leaveAmerigo, kill the gdm or stop the gdm, you can run Nvidia drive file in tty104:54
GhostWolf76and it works fine with my xp machine which im using right now04:54
EagleScreenompeompe, do you ant to change your boot up splash screen?, look for usplash themes and usplash artworks in repositories04:54
leaveAmerigo, sudo vim file04:55
FLJohnTwo parts.  When you download IE in wine, does that compromise your system and do you have to download it to the windows folder?04:55
Daveyhow do you identify urself?04:55
edbianGhostWolf76: So when you boot using the switch you can't change the resolution to anything higher than 640x480.04:55
GhostWolf76and im using the same monitor just using a kvm switch so i can switch back n forth using same monitor04:55
Shortguy109JPSman, i can't find where to download cam2jpg04:55
JPSmanShortguy109 - Hangon, i'll looking into your kind of camera04:55
edbianFLJohn: No and No04:55
bruenig!pm | Fohn04:55
ubottuFohn: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:55
JPSmanShortguy109 - and what the net has to say about qvplay04:55
Shadowgirlumm exuse me how do i get to the off topic channel? I' new to irc04:56
bruenigFohn: try removing that '/' on the end of unstable04:56
edbianGhostWolf76: You probably would benefit from editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  I don't have a lot of experience with that though.  Ask the channel.  Sorry I couldn't help more :(04:56
GhostWolf76ebdian i just hooked it up and yes it won't go higher i don't know if anyone knows how to change it or how i can get my linux box to check for changes04:56
FLJohnAre older versions of IE avail?04:56
leavechange it as 'sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf'04:56
Fohnbruenig: Will do, thanks.04:56
edbianShadowgirl: "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"04:56
Shadowgirlthanks ebian! your always a great help04:56
ompeompewhere? what repositories, sorry i used to use vista, never before ubuntu04:57
Fohnbruenig: I get ": Malformed line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)"04:57
edbianShadowgirl: NP04:57
JPSmanShortguy109 - Do you know how to private message?04:57
bruenigFohn: that line is bogus04:57
EagleScreenFohn, paste your file /etc/apt/sources.list for us04:57
Shortguy109JPSman, lol! i just found my own way of watching them :) I opened it in Kino and it converted it to .DV04:57
FLJohnompeompe at top left in applications04:57
bruenigFohn: deb http://www.morphix.org/debian jaunty unstable04:57
bruenigFohn: it should have something before the unstable04:57
bruenigdon't know what it is, but it should have something there04:58
JPSmanShortguy109 - Nice.  Will that work for you?04:58
bruenigcheck the repo04:58
Shortguy109JPSman, yup, thanks for your help :)04:58
JPSmanShortguy109 - Sure thing.04:58
GhostWolf76has anyone here used a kvm switch with their linux machine?? im having a problem with the one i just bought04:58
* JPSman cracks nuckles. Ok, next guy04:58
thiebaudeJPSman: haha04:58
FLJohnompeompe:  At top left under applications (Add/remove) is the repository04:58
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:59
Fohnbruenig: Alright, I'll try messing around and putting different stuff in, if what you said still doesn't work.04:59
leavesudo apt-get install -f04:59
ompeompeokay then what?04:59
bruenigFohn: the syntax should be deb url distro reponame04:59
leavewill be fine04:59
bruenigFohn: what you listed was just deb url reponame, the distro is left out04:59
FLJohnompeompe: what are you trying to do?04:59
Fohnbruenig: Ah, ok thanks. Hopefully that will solve my problem.05:00
bruenigFohn: unless it is actually deb http://morphix.org/ debian unstable05:00
bruenigwhich would make some sense05:00
FohnYeah that seems to be the case05:00
Fohnbecause it says that the jaunty package is nonexistant05:00
ompeompeFLJohn: i am tryng change startup screen when i loog in05:01
Fohnand when I had it as it was previous I was getting no errors in apt-get update, just wasn't having the desired package available afterwards05:01
leaveit time for launch05:01
losherGhostWolf76: I've had weird behavior from kvms before. Have you tried rebooting with the linux screen is selected?05:01
FLJohnompeompe: you mean the background picture?05:02
JPSmanSO, say you wanted to teach someone C in ubuntu while utilizing graphics, what do YOU think is the best way to do this?05:02
GhostWolf76losher no cause i had my linux and windows machine off sinced i had to get a new keyboard and so i was hooking everything up first then start it up05:02
ompeompeyes bro05:02
AmerigoOk. I got it. "Sudo nvidia-settings". Lucky guess.05:03
FLJohnompeompe: I am new from windows too but have worked my way through several types of problems.  been using for about 2 months now.  will never go back to windows.  I have even started using some programs made for windows under the windows emulator.05:03
losherGhostWolf76: I found it makes a difference, since the monitor gets probed at boot time05:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cd05:03
GhostWolf76losher ok let me give that a try05:03
leaveubottu, download iso img05:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:04
darlekOn line 3, http://pastebin.com/f31429638 , I get a dvdrw drive error.  I'm just trying to play a regular music cd and this error pops up from time to time, not consistently broken.  Any ideas why the drive is confused over itself?05:04
ompeompeFLJohn: yeah maybe u'r right, do u know beryl?05:05
Fohnbruenig: Reviewing the log of 'apt-get update', I see that the parts with the morphix repo are preceded by 'Ign' as opposed to 'hit', could this be part of the issue?05:05
FLJohnompeompe: You want compiz fusion05:05
edbianompeompe: beryl is now part of compiz fusion (the fusion of compiz and beryl)05:05
FLJohnompeompe: what version of linux are you using?05:06
GhostWolf76losher that worked.. that did work.. thanks man least someone told me something simple that can help me lol05:06
ompeompeFLJohn: sorry myfriend, compiz what?05:06
FLJohninstulation is diff for each05:06
ompeompeFLJohn: jaunty, if i ain't correct 9 version05:06
FLJohnompeompe: look up at google how to get Compiz Fusion05:06
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.05:07
Brinsoncompiz fusion and beryl merged, there is no beryl now05:07
losherGhostWolf76: been there....05:07
carlitos__hi  ,   how  to   download  from   remote server with  ssh  from megavideo any help ?05:07
Brinsonrather, compiz and beryl did, and compiz fusion is the result05:07
edbianlosher: Did you edit is xorg.conf?  What worked!  (good job btw)05:07
FLJohnompeompe: http://linuxdesk.wordpress.com/2009/06/15/install-compiz-compiz-fusion-plugins-on-ubuntu-9-04/05:07
darlekata2.00: model number mismatch05:07
Piciompeompe, FLJohn: Compiz should already be installed if you are using a recent version of Ubuntu, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager for more information05:07
bruenigFohn: well ign means ignore so05:07
Brinsoncompiz fusion is much nicer than beryl was, alot more stable, and yeah, its default in ubuntu for the last few released.05:08
=== curtis is now known as Guest56603
losherdarlek: looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/15357505:08
FLJohn Pici:  I believe I had to go in and check market them in synaptic05:08
Fohnbruenig: I got that much, I just don't know how to make it not ignore it05:08
darleklosher, ah launchpad..thanks I'll take a look05:08
GhostWolf76well thanks losher im glad you used a kvm switch and had a problem when it comes to a linux box05:08
edbianFLJohn: compiz is in ubuntu by default.05:08
losheredbian: no, just reboot with the linux screen selected. The monitor gets probed at boot time...05:09
edbianlosher: OIC it probes through the switch to the monitor!  Tricky tricky05:09
edbianlosher: Thanks for letting me know as well :)05:10
jsjoneshow do I mount an iso image in ubuntu?05:10
ompeompeFLJohn: thanx for helping me05:10
losherGhostWolf76: I've had worse problems than that with kvms. I think belkins have a bug switching between windows & linux that has never been fixed!05:10
ompeompeand all u guys05:10
edbianjsjones: same way you mount any filesystem..  What have you tried?05:10
GhostWolf76lol @ losher well the brand i got is IOGear05:10
jsjonesedbian: I am a newb- what should I try first?05:10
edbianjsjones: Alright open the terminal :)05:11
GhostWolf76it only cost me 15 bucks as i've seen online i've got it cheaper than that05:11
jsjonesedbian: ok05:11
EagleScreeni have installed googleearth with googleearth-package tool, it does not run and report me this error: /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/googleearth/libssl.so.0.9.8: undefined symbol: EVP_idea_cbc05:11
EagleScreen; libssl0.9.8 is installed. Any idea?05:11
edbianjsjones: firstly lets make a file to put the ISO in (mount it so to speak).  The proper place to put a file for mounting is in /media or /mnt  Which would you like to use?05:11
jsjonesedbian: /media I guess05:12
losherGhostWolf76: I like kvms but they are sometimes temperamental. Occasionally I have to disconnect mine so the power goes off completely and then reconnect it. Good luck with yours.05:12
PC_Nerd101Hi, - is there any way to get the pcspkr to always work through the physical machine instead of the client machine when connecting and running programs via ssh? - I've got a prpogram which uses the \a output, but it beeps through the ssh client machine instad of the host. thanks05:12
edbianjsjones: alright.  /media is owned by root so we have to be root to put a folder in there.  sudo gives root power.  mkdir makes a directory and then add a name like ISO or something05:12
edbianjsjones: The whole command together is "sudo mkdir ISO"05:12
GhostWolf76losher thanks so far only prob i had was just this one lol and all you have to do to switch back n forth is hit scroll lock button twice05:13
edbianjsjones: (You have to be in /media of course)05:13
GhostWolf76anywho thanks again losher imma go05:13
edbianjsjones: otherwise "sudo mkdir /media/ISO"05:13
carlitos__hi  ,   how  to   download  from   remote server with  ssh  from megavideo any help ?05:13
jsjonesedbian: okay I made the directory05:13
edbianjsjones: alrighty05:14
edbianjsjones: Where is the ISO file?05:14
kainhas anyone been able to work a Logitech Quickcam Fusion on Ubuntu Jaunty?05:14
jsjonesedbian: on a harddrive05:14
jsjonesedbian: its already mounted and I can access the file05:14
MakkaPakkaHow do I get around this sort of error from dpkg? dpkg: error processing ... kdebase-runtime... trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu', which is also in package kdesudo05:15
edbianjsjones: More specifically ( /home/jsjones/ISO) ??05:15
loshercarlitos__: are you sure you got that right? Video sites *never* use ssh as far as I know...05:15
Hosscan anyone tell me the difference between WINE and PlayOnLinux?05:15
jsjonesedbian: the file is at /media/harddrive/file.iso05:15
R_YoYo_Rcarlitos__, right ... is the site http or ftp?05:16
edbianjsjones: To mount we need root power again so "sudo mount /media/harddrive/file.iso /media/ISO"05:16
R_YoYo_Rcarlitos__, you can use wget05:17
derenrich_so any chance i'll see vlc1.0 in this version of ubuntu?05:17
carlitos__but always  get a  error forbiden05:17
R_YoYo_Rderenrich_, compile it yourself05:17
loshercarlitos__: don't you just watch the videos in firefox?05:17
derenrich_R_YoYo_R: i'm considering it, but I don't want the package to update later and that to conflict with my install and such05:18
edbianjsjones: Did it work?05:18
carlitos__losher:  sure I  do , but want  to have  it in my   remote  server :(05:18
jsjonesedbian: it says "is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)"05:18
R_YoYo_Rderenrich_, just pay attention to the updates. keep the source and uninstall when the new one is available05:18
edbianjsjones:??? odd. Yes try that05:18
Hyliani have a strange problem. on some of my programs, like for instance wormux. the game is closed and the music still plays, how can i stop the music?05:18
=== alan_ is now known as crumblebumble
loshercarlitos__: so try R_YoYo_R's suggestion with wget05:19
carlitos__I  did , just  get  an  error05:19
edbianjsjones: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /.../file.iso /media/ISO05:19
jsjonesedbian: it worked! thank you very much05:19
PC_Nerd101any suggestions about pcspkr over ssh ?05:20
edbianjsjones: NP.  Also there is a GUI app you can install called gmount-iso05:20
jsjonesedbian: cool05:20
Hossdoes anyone know the difference between WINE and PlayOnLinux?05:20
edbianjsjones: Happy ubuntu-ing!05:20
R_YoYo_RHoss, never heard of plyonlinux .... you have to pay for that?05:21
HossR_YoYo_R:  I went to thier site and it looks free05:21
Hyliani stopped a program, but the music it was playing does not stop, anyone know how i can stop the music without restarting the pc05:21
carlitos__kill process05:22
jim__anyone know why clicking on "computer" in the "places" menu is crashing nautilus?05:22
losherHoss: playonlinux looks like wine with some value added stuff: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/dev-documentation-5.html. (See also cedega and crossover office).05:22
Hylianhow do i kill the process, i don't know the ubuntu version of the taskmanager...??05:22
jim__happens for "network" as well05:23
VukodlaKkill -905:23
R_YoYo_RHoss, looks like play on linux is based on wine05:23
HossR_YoYo_R: Yeah, I just dont know if it is better than.05:23
crumblebumblei've got a decently working system, and I'm afraid that futzing with it and messing aroung with it will cause things to break etc etc. whats the right way to set a restore point05:23
MakkaPakkaHow do I get around this sort of error from dpkg? dpkg: error processing ... kdebase-runtime... trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu', which is also in package kdesudo05:24
R_YoYo_RHoss, what windows app do you need to run? If windows apps are vital and you have a copy of windows i would run virtualbox and just run windows on top of linux05:24
Hylianis there a gui version of taskmanager for ubuntu05:24
HossR_YoYo_R: Games, and virtualbox/VMware dont really support them very well.05:24
R_YoYo_RHoss, very true. What game you need to run?05:25
n8tusercrumblebumble -> no such thing as restore point i know of within linux,  but you can try cloning05:25
n8tuser!clone crumblebumble05:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:25
mistaloi cannot see the network connection i created. where can i activate the network card pls?05:25
crumblebumblen8tuser eh?05:25
jim__does anyone know how to navigate to "computer" within the filesystem?05:25
R_YoYo_R!clone R_YoYo_R05:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clone R_YoYo_R05:25
n8tusercrumblebumble -> no such thing as restore point i know of within linux,  but you can try cloning05:26
HossR_YoYo_R:  Well, I am trying several atm, Spore, Halo, Age of Empire.05:26
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:26
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate05:26
n8tuser!cloning crumblebumble05:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:26
crumblebumbleso just keep a backup drive05:26
loshern8tuser: you forgot the pipe symbol !cloning | crumblebumble05:27
n8tuserahh okay, i forget things easily.. thanks for reminding me05:27
sheep1364anyone know how to dual boot linux with windows?05:27
Flannel!dualboot | sheep136405:27
ubottusheep1364: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:27
R_YoYo_RHoss,  i have seen halo run under wine ... not sure about the others05:27
Hyliansystem monitor did it, yeah that's the ticket05:27
Hylianthanx all05:27
mistalosheep1364 i used "wibu" its nice05:28
mistalobut not "real" dual boot or something05:28
jim__noone has any idea why my nautilus might be crashing when I click on "computer" or "network"?05:28
n8tuserjim__ -> how often it crashes?05:29
sheep1364I have XP and Win7 on one sata drive, I just put Ubuntu on the 2nd sata drive, and I had the boot loader install on sda1, now I can't get into windows...05:29
R_YoYo_Rjim__, did you look at the error report?05:29
n8tuserjim__ -> the whole system freezes?05:29
jim__just crashes nautilus, windows don't open, desktop icons disappear05:30
R_YoYo_Rsheep1364, well. ... where did you install the bootloader?05:30
jim__comes back if i Alt+F2 and run nautilus05:30
sheep1364on SDA1, which should be hd0,1 according to grub..05:30
jim__no error report pops up, how do i see it?05:31
R_YoYo_Rsheep1364, do you see windows as a selectable option in grub?05:31
n8tuserjim__ -> dont know, but try to see whats recorded under /var/log/messages05:31
sheep1364yea, it says windows longhorn loader05:31
crumblebumbleAlso, I mentioned this before, I had sound working, but after a reboot (possibly a few package installs) I lost it. Would anyone be able to help walk me through a fix05:31
oldude67crumblebumble, have you tried alsa reload?05:32
clustyi am having a really annoying problem: every time i log into my machine the cpu is set to performance mode and i have to set it to ondemand by hand (from the gnome cpu-freq applet). is there a fix for this?05:32
jim__[ 1156.341996] nautilus[3652]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fb2285acb00 sp 00007fff5aeb12e8 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2000.1[7fb228550000+c3000]05:32
crumblebumbleoldude67 sudo alsa force-reload05:32
oldude67crumblebumble, sudo alsa reload ...try that first05:33
VukodlaKwhy is apt-get upgrade holding back on replacing the kernel with the new one?05:34
crumblebumbleoldude67 oops. did that before i asked you. had no noticeable effect, but it did complain that05:34
PiciVukodlaK: because you're using upgrade, not dist-upgrade.05:34
oldude67show complaint in pastebin and send the #05:34
VukodlaKahhh good point05:34
sheep1364where should I install the boot loader when dual booting with 2 separate sata drives?05:34
crumblebumbleoldude67 it did complain that /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper will require a .conf in the future (or something very similar)05:35
oldude67crumblebumble, for alsa?05:35
oldude67do huh?05:35
oldude67crumblebumble, try sudo alsa unload then sudo alsa reload05:36
oldude67sheep1364, do you have windows on one of the drives?05:37
Real_AnonymousIsn't it the same thing to write localhost as my own ip in the Firefox address field? http://localhost/basci.html as http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/basic.html?05:37
sheep1364I have windows xp and 7 on the first hard drive05:37
Geoffrey2anyone had luck installing FF 3.5 out of the repositories?05:37
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys05:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:37
oldude67sheep1364, then your best bet is to put it in that drive unless you want headaches with it.05:37
ohletmeinnowjesudoes anyone know how to check modem properties in ubuntu?05:38
sheep1364so, install the boot loader on sda?05:38
ohletmeinnowjesuto get info like make,model, hw revision etc?05:38
losherclusty: See if this helps: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/05:38
oldude67sheep1364, in sda05:38
Geoffrey2I tried installing FF 3.5, apparently it didn't place icons anywhere, or even a listing in the start menu05:38
fartboogertrying to command my htpc's volume from a laptop. when i run "ssh skabooty@wdma alsamixer" from the laptop (wdma is the htpc) I get "Error opening terminal: unknown." anyone know a fix?05:39
losherohletmeinnowjesu: what *kind* of modem? dsl, cable, dialup?05:39
ohletmeinnowjesulosher: built in dialup05:39
crumblebumbleoldude67 this is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/212411/ it didnt seem to fx it05:40
stinkthere are still dialup services?05:41
calumHi - anyone know of the name for the command line application that was developed by IBM that advises on how to optimise your pc? It tells you what files to edit and commands to run in order to reduce load on your cpu etc05:41
losherohletmeinnowjesu: might be easier to lookup the model & see if it's in the specs. Otherwise, you'll have to connect to it & type AT commands at it05:42
=== fartbooger is now known as Adabesi
oldude67crumblebumble, its trying to use pulseaudio..do you know how to change it to alsa?05:42
losherstink: don't be a snob. Some people still use dialup....05:42
ohletmeinnowjesulosher: you mean like terminal into it?05:42
R_YoYo_Ranyone use dialup?05:43
crumblebumbleoldude67 not a clue05:43
R_YoYo_Rim thinking of cutting costs and using dialup ... is it tolerable?05:43
oldude67crumblebumble, ask some of the others as i look threw my notes on what could be problem.05:43
ohletmeinnowjesulosher: im too lazy to go googling + dell surfing... its here in front of me...all i need to do is get an eeprom dump05:43
Vuenhey linux folks, why can't I man anything from section three? e.g. man 3 rand says no manual entry. am i missing a -doc package somewhere?05:43
silentContenderCan someone help me fix Amarok 2.1.1?  All the icons (system tray, buttons) are gone05:43
crumblebumbleoldude67 k05:43
silentContenderI have an error message of sort.05:44
ARMENIANwhen I try to open a torrent in firefox it shows transmission as the default how can I set it to deluge?05:44
losherohletmeinnowjesu: well, if you're too lazy, why should I bother...?05:44
silentContenderCan some one help me fix this problem with Amarok? "Object::connect: No such signal KLineEdit::downPressed() in /build/buildd/amarok-2.1.1mysql5.1.30/amarok-2.1.1/src/widgets/ProgressiveSearchWidget.cpp:5705:44
silentContenderQSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set"05:44
ohletmeinnowjesulosher: because your not google nor are you dell's maze of a website05:44
oldude67crumblebumble, go into systems settings under multimedia and see if you can change it there..05:45
losherohletmeinnowjesu: sorry, just lost interest in your problem...05:45
ohletmeinnowjesulosher: sorry never took your vague attempt seriously05:45
clustylosher, does not help. the scaling works. its just a matter of setting the default mode to ondemand or conservative as oposed to maxperformance05:45
* losher sometimes thinks it would be better to charge for support05:46
mistalothe network connection i added is not in the list of connections when i try to connect, why?05:46
crumblebumbleoldude67 sorry, really slow here, is that in the menu? under settings somewhere?05:46
Hilikuswhere is the correct place to change the niceness of mysqld??05:47
oldude67crumblebumble, yes probably under preferences.05:47
crumblebumbleoldude67 i see something called pulseaudio preferences, but it doesnt give me that option05:47
oldude67or such05:47
* __d3f0__ is away: Ausente por ahora05:47
rww!away > __d3f0__05:48
ubottu__d3f0__, please see my private message05:48
agent_j!help > agent_j05:48
ubottuagent_j, please see my private message05:48
FohnI am trying to install morphing-tools to build a morphix live-cd. I added the repository, "deb http://www.morphix.org/debian unstable/", to /etc/apt/sources.list and performed apt-get update, however when I try to install the right package it says there is no such package. Is this due to how I have the repo listed in sources.list, or what?05:48
Vuennm found it - installed manpages-dev.05:48
oldude67crumblebumble, what packages where you installing when you lost sound?05:49
losherclusty: in the comments, it looks like if you have /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector you can execute it by hand, which implies you can arrange to have it run automatically, which sounds like it would solve your problem05:49
ARMENIANwhen I try to open a torrent in firefox it shows transmission as the default how can I set it to deluge?05:50
friedtofuassociate torrent files with deluge05:50
lolcashHow do i find better porn than what came with my standard install?05:50
Flannellolcash: Please take it elsewhere.05:51
crumblebumblei hadnt been playing anything with sound for a while when i was working on stuff. I did install wine and MS office under that, but i dont imagine that would have affected it. I did reboot a couple of times. the pulseaudio stuff was me attempting to try and fix it05:51
oldude67crumblebumble, see my private message for you05:51
ragsI use an external smtp server to send/receive mail how to configure ubuntu to do the same?? I understand that postfix is the default MTA, should I use that or go for exim??05:51
losherrags: I've seen tutorials that show you how to configure postfix to send via an smtp host. I'd google for one of those first...05:52
losherrags: receiving mail is separate. Are you sure you also want mail *delivered* to your ubuntu system?05:53
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY05:53
ragslosher: I did search, but mostly I got tutorials on setting up your own smtp server, but I've got something now...05:53
clustylosher, ok that might be one solution. I was hoping of another: at some point i found a "registry" :D setting for gnome, that prescribes the default cpufreq behaviour05:54
ragslosher: I want to only send actaully I want it for notifications only05:54
albechff3.5 just got installed on my system, but it is still the pre release version that is loading05:54
losherrags: send-only is much simpler. I thought I saw someone do it in half a dozen lines of postfix config....05:55
ohletmeinnowjesudoes anyone know how to connect to a laptops built in modem to read its hardware details ?05:55
rwwalbech: the final release version of firefox-3.5 uses the Shiretoko branding on jaunty, if that's what you mean05:55
losherrags: personally, I use ssmtp, which really does only take 6 lines of config. It's not perfect, but it's a cinch to set up05:56
stillinbetaCan you update a standard intrepid build to netbook remix, using tasksel or the like?05:56
albechrww, im just puzzled cause it still say 'version 3.5.1pre' in the about05:56
JPSmanHow can I tell if im running in a 64bit ubuntu or not?  what command do use?05:57
agent_johletmeinnowjesu: the "lshw" command gives you a bit of info about your hardware. it may or may not be enough.05:57
rww albech: run the command "apt-cache policy firefox-3.5" in a terminal, copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, and link the paste page here05:57
mistaloi dont know how to activate the cable connection(LAN) cannot find it in google05:57
tyler_dJPSman: uname -a05:57
tyler_dmistalo: ifconfig eth0 up05:58
rwwJPSman: if "uname -m" returns x86_64, you're running 64bit.05:58
c0l2e1how can I configure my LCD monitor 17" samsung to ubuntu05:58
tyler_dmistalo: being that eth0 is your wired05:58
JPSmantyler_d, rww: Thanks.  what is i686??05:58
rwwJPSman: 32-bit05:58
albechrww, http://paste.ubuntu.com/212421/05:59
tyler_d;) quick quick rww05:59
c0l2e1available modes only 1024x768 only06:00
loshermistalo: System—>Administration —>Networking to configure eth006:00
mistalotyler_d: it says no such device losher:thnaks06:00
rwwalbech: You have apt-get configured to pull from a PPA. By the look of it, that PPA is claiming to have Firefox 3.5.1 nightlies in it. If you want Ubuntu's Firefox 3.5 package, remove the PPA and its firefox-3.5 package, then sudo apt-get update and try again.06:01
albechrww, ty06:01
tyler_dmistalo: you should from terminal figure out what your wired connection is by doing --- ifconfig | awk '{ print $1 }'   --- or such06:01
CutMeOwnThroatwhat are ubuntu releases named after?06:01
tathagatwhere is mozilla in ubuntu?06:02
WIGGMPk2CutMeOwnThroat: the numbers or names?06:02
nellmathewtathagat: mozilla?.. firefox 3.5?06:02
c0l2e1how can I add modeline in xorg?06:03
tathagatthe default with jaunty, trying to stick in an extension06:03
nellmathewtathagat: applications/internet06:03
tathagatnah in the file system06:03
rwwtathagat: try .mozilla/extensions in your home folder. it's hidden by default; press Ctrl-H in GNOME's file manager to show it.06:04
mistalotyler_d: it shows:lo06:04
FloodBot3mistalo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:04
nellmathewah, check /home/user/.mozilla (ctrl+h to show hidden folders)06:04
CutMeOwnThroatWIGGMPk2, the names of course06:04
rwwalbech: out of curiosity, which firefox PPA did you use?06:04
nsadminmistalo: your enter key stuck down?06:04
CutMeOwnThroatjust randomly made-up animals?06:05
WIGGMPk2CutMeOwnThroat: thats an interesting question.. not sure06:05
WIGGMPk2CutMeOwnThroat: no, all the animals are real06:05
tathagatthanks nell06:05
mistalonsadmin: i thought it will be all in one sentence and not in a list like it just happened sorry06:05
albechrww, http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/07/installing-firefox-3-5-the-right-way-on-ubuntu-jaunty.html06:05
rwwalbech: thanks06:06
nsadminmistalo: redirect to a file then edit the file then paste if you're going to06:06
tyler_dlol... no thats the paste from the ifconfig command06:06
JPSmanwhere, oh where, can I find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3?06:06
mistalonsadmin: thanks for the tip06:07
* CutMeOwnThroat hands JPSman a mirror-mirror-on-the wall called apt-file06:07
tyler_dmistalo: the contents of ifconfig will give you a general idea as to waht the internet devices configured are.... eth0 is ethernet 0 ... wlan0 would be wireless....this is the information you need06:07
losherJPSman: does this help: http://www.digitalsanctum.com/2007/01/28/libstdc-libc62-2so3-on-ubuntu/06:08
oldude67i think in the topic when logging in there should be sign that says ask google first..lmao06:08
mistalotyler_d: i have 2 connetions up. lo and ppp006:09
mistalotyler_d: one must be the umts stick06:09
rwwI think the factoid that tells people not to tell people to use Google should be made clearer.06:09
CutMeOwnThroatoldude67, do you need additional proof that the people who don't use google dont read topics either?06:09
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux06:09
RivesHas anyone got 2 video cards working in linux, i have 2 9800GT nvidia cards and i load the drivers and it hangs at Checking battery state, and i can only get into console, if i take one out then i can get into linux and it works fine, but if their both in, its a no go, UsinG SLi06:10
c0l2e1how can I reconfigure my xorg??06:10
mistalotyler_d: i googled for this so9ncew a week!06:10
JPSmanlosher: E: Couldn't find package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.206:10
R_YoYo_Rc0l2e1, this is thinking back to my debian days ... but might work dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg06:11
c0l2e1ah thanks06:11
tyler_dmistalo: ... not sure what you mean... your hardware is not detected... laptop?...06:11
c0l2e1My main problem is that I cannot add modelines06:11
losherJPSman: what version OS are you running?06:11
c0l2e1how can I add 1360x768 modes06:11
R_YoYo_Rc0l2e1, just add to xorg.conf06:12
mistalotyler_d: i downloaded the driver already06:12
tyler_dmistalo: ensure that cat /etc/network/interfaces has eth0 configurations in it.06:12
R_YoYo_Rc0l2e1, edit the file. and add it to the listed resolutions06:12
tyler_dmistalo: I'm no good with drivers :s06:12
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
losherJPSman: sorry, I'm running 8.04. Maybe someone with 9.04 can help you....06:13
c0l2e1R_YoYo_R: sorry but not familiar to it06:13
JPSmanlosher: thank you :OD06:13
R_YoYo_RJPSman, i missed the question. what are you needing help with?06:14
* JPSman asks CutMeOwnThroat what are the magic sytax to ask apt-file for a certain package?06:14
JPSmanR_YoYo_R: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 - where can I find it?06:14
QuantumKaoshi guys, what about a good netbook for linux?06:14
JPSmanR_YoYo_R: er, no, specifically libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.306:14
losherJPSman: I should've asked, why do you need that particular version?06:15
CutMeOwnThroatJPSman, apt-get install apt-file;apt-file update;apt-file search filename06:15
syrothI have a quick grub related question if anyone has a minute ?06:16
loshersyroth: there are very few quick grub questions, but ask...06:16
JPSmanlosher: http://www.thewayoftheninja.org/n_downloads.html06:16
Dayofswordsi cant get the live cd of ubuntu 8.10 to start up06:16
mistalotyler_d: i think you are right. should i just type in eth0 or auto ath0?06:17
oldude67Dayofswords, does your computer boot from cdrom?06:17
mistaloin the interfaces06:17
syrothhaha, well i had a dual boot xp/kubuntu , old xp was on hda1, linux on hda2, swap hda3, n I added an sata hd, which is sda , and on the sda i installed xp06:17
syrothso. Im just a bit lost on exactly where to point grub to,06:18
cellofellowI've got an iPod Shuffle that seems to have 100MB of inexplicable "other" data I can't remove. How would I go about cleaning that off?06:18
tathagatwhat is a good browser for ubuntu other than firefox06:18
Dayofswordsi got it to boot from cd, i choose the try it out, and then it loads the bar, and blank screens, and doesnt do anythjing else06:18
=== philip_ is now known as philip
syrothxp did overwrite the mbr btw, dont knwo if i specified that i installed the second copy of xp afterwards06:18
rww!browser | tathagat06:19
ubottutathagat: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)06:19
oldude67Dayofswords, you might want to try the alternate cd, might be a video card problem06:19
tathagatopera yas...06:19
rwwalso Midori. I guess my factoid suggestion didn't get added :(06:19
tathagatthanks dude06:19
Dayofswordsmy video card is poo, so i'll try that the next time i can download it06:19
rwwno problem06:19
Dayofswordsdail up here, so... sometimelater =\06:20
oldude67Dayofswords, i didnt say it was poo , what type of card is it?06:20
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:21
Dayofswordswell, i really have no idea06:21
asfasdfaHow do I remove tasksel lamp-server?06:21
oldude67Dayofswords, you know , knowing the system and telling us is a big help as well.06:21
oldude67Dayofswords, have you had any other systems on it before?06:21
redsoxkingdoes anyone know how to not allow firefox to take up so much RAM?06:21
SolarisBoyhi all06:22
Dayofswordsi looked at my sytem info on windows and every where it just says "n/a"06:22
qcjnhi, anyone uses geany for html ? cause it doesn't autocomplete the tags ??06:22
CutMeOwnThroat"killall firefox"?06:22
R_YoYo_Rredsoxking, first of all. go sox. second of all ... how much ram is it taking?06:22
losher!grub > syroth06:22
qcjnlike put automatically the second tag06:22
ubottusyroth, please see my private message06:22
syrothlosher, k.. checking them now06:23
losherJPSman: is there a version for 9.04 that's close to libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 ?06:23
redsoxkingR_YoYo_R, like 600 to 700 mb and maxing out my small CPU almost06:23
losherJPSman: is there a version for 9.04 that's close to libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 ?06:23
chrisnva2002anyone know anything about getting nvidia drivers to work? : )06:23
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:25
* JPSman shrugs at losher. I'm updating apt-file now, maybe that'll find it06:25
losherJPSman: I'm guessing that 9.04 has a newer version of libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3. You may be able to get away with installing the newer version and placing a link to the new one with the old one's name, if you see what I mean06:26
R_YoYo_RJPSman, did you try apt-get install build-essential06:27
phixso how does one disable Network Manager?06:27
redsoxkingR_YoYo_R, any thoughts?06:27
phixor tell it not to manage a partciluar device?06:27
JPSmanR_YoYo_R: No but I will once apt-file is done updating.  Thank you :OD06:27
losherJPSman: apt-file takes forever to update....06:28
CutMeOwnThroatnot longer than you've discussed this, though :)06:28
syrothlosher..or anyone else , im running knoppix off of a thumb drive ... not the latest knoppix either, does it having a different version of grub from what a ubuntu live cd would , make a difference?06:28
R_YoYo_RJPSman, losher, for what its worth.... apt-file doesnt find it on 9.0406:29
JPSmanLosher: the only thing I see in the synaptic package for  libstdc++-libc6.* is  libstdc++-libc6.4.  Well, that and I wouldn't know how to A.) Download just the new version B.) Where to put it manually :OD06:29
JPSmanThank you R_YoYo_R :O'06:29
R_YoYo_RJPSman, losher, however build-essential should take care of the files needed06:29
asfasdfaHow do I tell if I've been rooted?06:29
th0rasfasdfa: run chkrootkit06:31
mb_againasfasdfa: thats an odd question unless you have indications already06:31
losherJPSman: well, you could install libstdc++-libc6.4. Then we could look and see which version of libstdc++-libc6 it installed...06:31
JPSmanR_YoYo_R: Yeah just tried the build-essential, said I already had it06:31
losherasfasdfa: it's quite rare to be 'rooted', you understand....06:32
CutMeOwnThroatwell, is there a message "haha, you're pwned" on your screen?06:32
R_YoYo_RJPSman, what about libstdc++6-4.306:32
CutMeOwnThroatactually, come to think of it... I think now there is :-P06:32
yurikolesany idea? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/39687406:33
losherCutMeOwnThroat: less comedy, more support....06:33
losherJPSman: open a terminal, type sudo bash06:33
CutMeOwnThroatmoral! support!06:33
JPSmanR_YoYo_R: Yeah synaptic says I got those too06:33
losherJPSman: apt-cache search libstdc++-libc06:34
mb_againyurikoles: is the mount done by a script, not the mounter (automount?) that reads fstab06:35
losherJPSman: are you there?06:36
yurikolesby mount command06:36
JPSmanlosher: yeah bumpkis06:37
JPSmannothing came back06:37
RivesOk, ive been trying everything to get this SLi Working, i cant get 2 videocards to work06:37
losherJPSman: ok, retry: apt-cache search libstdc++06:37
redsoxkinghow to make fire fox not use so much ram or cpu?06:38
JPSmanlosher: whole bunch of packages, all libstdc++6-4.1 through libstdc++6-4.406:39
losherredsoxking: try #firefox if no joy here06:39
postscriptis there an rtorrent channel?06:39
redsoxkingthanks losher06:39
mase_workpostscript: you can ask the channel for a list of the channels06:39
viseHi.. with the ubuntu intrepid that i have, grub doesnt seem to detect ntfs partitions.. Did they remove the support?06:40
postscriptmase_work: and how do I do that?06:40
losherJPSman: please stand by06:40
redDEADanyone know how to get the logitech mx revolution mouse working in jaunty06:40
JPSmanlosher: NP, thank you anyway :OD06:40
Dayofswordsi have a question, not really techicanal , bt why does ubuntu do X.04,X.10 ,X.04, X.10 ?06:41
mase_workpostscript: my clients offers me the ability to do it , there is an irc command but i forget now. Have a google for it06:41
mase_workDayofswords: they are release dates06:41
mase_work9 04 is 04/200906:41
JPSmandayofswards: one is in april one is in october06:41
mase_work9.10 is 10/200906:41
FlannelDayofswords: Releases are year.month and we release in april (4) and october (10)06:41
mb_againyurikoles: if you really are using ntfs-3g, it might be better if you include that option in the fstab entry, see the docs at http://www.ntfs-3g.org/manual.html, if not ntfs.. then that bug report is unrelated or badly formed06:41
Dayofswordsoh yeah 9.04 came out in april06:41
yurikolesutil-linux is affected too06:42
yurikolessee the comment06:43
oldude67is anybody being a test bunny in here for the .10 coming up?06:43
rjmoorehey yall!!!06:43
rjmooredoes anyone have a dell mini ??06:43
redsoxkingoldude67, I'm downloading it now, fixing to burn it and check it out06:43
bazhangoldude67, #ubuntu+1 for karmic06:43
persiarjmoore, I have a mini06:43
oldude67bazhang, ya i know but that room is so dead06:43
rjmooremine needs help06:44
bazhangoldude67, that is the proper place for discussion and testing06:44
oldude67bazhang, yes i know i was just asking...06:44
dsdeizlightweight desktop rss reader anyone?06:45
rjmooreiv been working on problems with the repositories for 3 days now...06:45
oldude67bazhang, im not in here to ask questions just trying to help is all06:45
oldude67rjmoore, what kind of problems?06:45
kabdotinfobazhang: What would #ubuntu-1 be for then?06:45
rjmoorethey all fail to fetch06:46
oldude67back track..lol06:46
syrothlosher, so i read through all that and im still left with the same question, Im still unsure how to tell grub which disk to install to.... for instance, my linux part. is hda2, but i also have a sata drive, could someone tell me / point me to an explanation of how grub counts drives?06:46
oldude67rjmoore, and your on this machine now?06:46
persiarjmoore, Can you get to them from a web browser on that machine?06:46
syroththat is.. assuming the second hd can even affect how it counts06:46
rjmooreit all started when i got the mini.... "the dell" repositories never worked06:46
rjmoorethen i treid to replace them so far no luck06:47
oldude67rjmoore, are you on this machine now?06:47
rjmoorei am using the mini now06:47
loshersyroth: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ has an explanation, but it looks down right now06:47
oldude67ok that means it is connected to the net then. good06:47
Flannelkabdotinfo: This channel is for all supported versions, there is no such channel06:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bitpim06:47
oldude67rjmoore, have you tried to do a dpkg --configure -a yet?06:47
rjmoorei did put the medibuntu package and repos- and that works fine but none of the others06:48
viseany idea why my intrepid grub wont detect ntfs partitions at boot?06:48
mb_againsyroth : http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy-faq.en.html06:48
rjmooreany ideas06:49
losherJPSman: dang, I can't find the thing anywhere....06:49
bazhangrjmoore, problem with the ubuntu repos?06:49
Flannelrjmoore: Please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update`06:50
syroththnx for the links all06:50
oldude67rjmoore, have you done a dpkg --configure -a yet?06:50
rjmooreno output..06:50
bazhangrjmoore, paste.ubuntu.com with sources.list then06:50
rjmooreand i dont know what that does06:50
persiarjmoore, Also, if you have anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, please paste that.06:51
=== more is now known as Guest12988
rjmoorejust medibuntu06:51
rjmooreand it works06:51
JPSmanlosher: heh, no problem.  Just trying to run a game / learn more about linux06:51
Flannelrjmoore: There won't be no output.  If there's no output, something is wrong.06:51
JPSmanlosher: I really appreciate you looking and taking the time though :OD  thank you06:51
rjmooreok the06:52
rjmooreok then06:52
voyouare you test pmagique06:52
bazhang!info bitpim | klenix106:52
ubottuklenix1: bitpim (source: bitpim): utility to communicate with many CDMA phones. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.6.dfsg.1-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 4576 kB, installed size 17396 kB06:52
R_YoYo_RJPSman, did u google this? there is tons of stuff06:52
warhellhow do you get alot better updates in ubuntu, like firefox 3.5 the new wines and so forth.06:52
snardlesdoes anyone know how to fix an AWOL taskbar in Ubuntu 9.04?06:52
=== fddfoo is now known as fdd
* warhell is running ubuntu 9.0406:53
oldude67rjmoore, have you tried to do a sudo aptitude update yet?06:53
* r4ban is amazed at the speed of nxserver vs vnc06:53
Flannelwarhell: install firefox-3.5, and you'll have firefox 3.506:53
bazhangwarhell, wine has its own repos, ff35 is there already06:53
R_YoYo_Rwarhell, if you really want newer stuff... just install it06:53
rjmoorei ran sudo apt-get update06:54
Dulakr4ban: it's really nice huh?06:54
rjmoorethey all failed except for medibuntu06:54
Flannelrjmoore: Please pastebin the output06:54
RivesCan anyone help me get my SLi Video Cards Working, Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT, i can install the driver and remove a card and it works fine, if i leave both in i get stuck in console when i restart. ?06:54
r4banDulak, yes, i was hoping to get a cheap secure vnc, but i got something nicer06:54
syrothOkay, so another question. I guess now I either need to know... if anyone does, wether grub would count a sata drive or my ide drive first? OR , would it hurt if i pointed grub to the sata, which has a fresh copy of xp on it (non-boot) drive?06:55
losherJPSman: they have a forum. You might try in there...06:55
Dayofswordsdoes ubuntu wok with file sharing on windows computers, i'm doubting it06:55
Dulakr4ban: it runs nice even at 10k/sec, really outstanding software06:55
=== buntunub is now known as archdave
bcdoes anyone know what the '2' means in /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space? I only see values 0 and 1 here -> http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt#28906:55
DulakDayofswords: it works great both ways, sharing and mounting remote shares from windows06:55
Dayofswordsoooooooo sweet06:56
rjmoorecouldnt i just copy someones list that has 8.04??06:56
DulakDayofswords: it's not quite point and click nice, but once you get the configs right it works flawlessly06:56
Dayofswordswell just know it can, is good enough for me06:57
Dayofswordsfigure out the rest some day06:57
Flannelrjmoore: You're using LPIA, which has a different mirror. Let me find you the URL06:57
Dayofswordsfigure out the rest some day06:57
Dayofswordsoops sorry06:57
tathagatso i'm trying to install firefox 3.506:57
syrothwell someone let me know if im wrong.... im assuming eating up the first 512 bytes when there is no mbr on a disk is bad. so I need to figure out how grub will count my drives beforehand06:57
rjmoorewell ..just remember im a dumbass here.. so be easy on me lol06:58
snardlesanyone know how to restore the taskbar in 9.04....please, pretty please with surga on top?06:58
dragon_tathagat: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.506:58
Flannelrjmoore: you need to change the places in there that are http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ change it to http://ports.ubuntu.com/06:58
rjmooresnard: did you disable it??06:58
Flannelrjmoore: So, line 2,3, 5, 6, 10,1106:58
snardlesnot that I know of.  have a kitten that tapdances on my keyboard though06:59
warhellthank you guys06:59
warhellI already installed a theme06:59
warhelllooks nicew06:59
BrinsonI have no idea how the new wave theme got installed on my system but I love it.06:59
phixso how does one disable Network Manager?06:59
oldude67Flannel, bazhang , why didnt you tell him to just got to the systems settings and change it there...06:59
phixor tell it not to manage a partciluar device?06:59
Dustananyone familiar with the usermod -d command07:00
Brinsonright click on the icon and uncheck enable07:00
dragon_phix: sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop07:00
dethrayAnyone use mail-notification-evolution?? I can't seem to get it to detect my inbox with evolution running07:00
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:00
travis_hi guys07:00
=== more is now known as Guest18659
=== Guest18659 is now known as dsilvers
Dustanis it just used like #usermod -d user whatever/newhomedir/07:01
rjmoorestill no go07:01
dragon_Dustan: what are you trying to accomplish?07:01
=== dsilvers is now known as silvers
lvl21nerdhey is there a simpler image editor than GIMP?07:01
tathagatso where did it install the new firefox to??07:02
lvl21nerdGIMP looks really intimidating07:02
Dulaktathagat: ff 3.5?07:02
dragon_tathagat: if you go to a terminal and type `firefox-3.5`07:02
travis_i'm trying to do a dell bios update in 9.04 with the package from synaptic very confused07:02
Dulaktathagat: should be a new binary named firefox-3.507:02
Dustandragon_: I set up a new user with no home dir, now I have created a dir for them and what to set it as their home07:02
oly562question: how can I tell how many hard drives i have via cmd line?07:03
oly562also, how can I tell how many usb ports are in use? thanks07:03
FlannelDustan: yes, it is.07:03
dragon_tathagat: usermod -d /home/dirname username07:03
tathagatyes typing firefox-3.5 in terminal worked07:03
rjmoorehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/212453/   <<< no luck07:03
travis_oly562  you try the gnome device manager?07:03
clankwhy do the ubuntu/debian insist in messing with everything? was inittab too hard?07:03
oly562cmd line, and no07:03
dragon_grr i messed up again07:03
Dustanuser example needs the home directory of /home/www/www.example.com so I can lock him in there07:03
dragon_Dustan: usermod -d /home/dirname username07:04
Flannelrjmoore: Sorry, change the security.ubuntu.com to ports.ubuntu.com too.07:04
oly562is gnome device manager a cmd?07:04
Flannelrjmoore: and it's http://ports.ubuntu.com/ not http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/07:04
lvl21nerdis there a simpler image editor than GIMP, similar to the paint program on windows?07:04
dragon_oly562: for hard drives, blkid07:04
oly562i have a gui, but im asking for cmdline at the moment07:04
Dustanthanks bro, didn/'t want to to mess something up07:04
dragon_oly562: for usb, lsusb07:04
travis_oly562  package is in synaptic07:04
oly562dragon_: thanks07:05
syrothcan anyone help me with grub? im so close yet so far07:05
dragon_!anyone | syroth07:06
ubottusyroth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:06
oly562lsusb is rather bland, how can i tell if it is in use? what am i looking for in stdout?07:06
syrothi already did ask a few times... does that mean i should repeat?07:06
oldude67dragon_, he's asked several times and had several people help him.07:06
rjmoorewow !!!!!!!!!!you are the shit!!!!07:06
dragon_oldude67: oops sorry. what was his question again?07:06
Flannelrjmoore: Please mind your language07:06
rjmoorei owe a huge beer07:06
travis_who can help me do a dell bios update using 9.04?07:07
dethrayis there a good email notifier that doesn't require evolution to be running to check for email?07:07
whatvnrjmoore, mind you mouth07:07
rjmooreiv been pulling my hair out over this07:07
oly562ok, i have one of these, id-usb cables connected to external drive, with own power supply, then usb'd to laptop, trying to read the data off it... suggestions? 1. recognized, 2. is usb seeing it as a storage device or ide or just usb07:07
rjmooreit all work except for the cd ...but i know its not in the drive07:07
tathagatsweet. thanks everyone07:07
rjmoorethank you sooooooo much!!!!07:08
snardlesHow can I restore a missing taskbar in Ubuntu 9.04 when nothihng in the dang OS works?????07:08
oldude67dragon_, he is asking about what to do with boot loader i believe ask him.07:08
syrothtwo drives. sata and regular ide, ide= hda, hda1 was xp, not now, hda2 is ubuntu, sda1 is now xp, sata was added recently, I cant figure out what to tell grub to install to07:08
gartralhow do i list device nodes?07:08
oly562i just noticed with blkid -L that /dev/sdb   (not mounted)07:08
oly562but at least it sees it07:08
oly562there is data on in for sure, how to mount this device?07:09
syrothi figure if i guess wrong then the first 512 of the xp install is gone, not a huge deal but i want to try to save me the trouble of reinstalling. again07:09
oly562should I ...    mount -t ufs -o rw /dev/sdb /mnt/sbd ??07:09
whatvnoly: mount -t type /dev/sdab /mountpoint07:09
Dulakoly562: you mount the partition not the device, /dev/sdb1 for example07:10
oly562i dont know if it is ext3/2/reiser07:10
dragon_oly562: it should be /dev/sdbN something, where n is the partition number07:10
Dulakoly562: fdisk -l /dev/sdb will show the partitions07:10
oly562tanks, brb07:10
oly562Cannot open /dev/sdb07:10
syrothto confuse things more for me, on my original  devices.map hd0 is labled as /dev/sda07:10
syrothwhich is a drive that WAS NOT there last time i booted kubuntu07:11
oly562i think i have 2 hard drives on the laptop by the way.... and this usb thingy is the 3rd07:11
dragon_syroth: what OS does "sda" carry?07:11
dragon_!enter | oly56207:11
ubottuoly562: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:11
oldude67syroth, did you take a hard drive out of one computer and put it in another computer that is more updated?07:11
oly562I show, /dev/sda1 ext3, /dev/sda5 swap, /dev/sdb (not mounted)07:12
syrothsda1 is newly formatted , was ntfs, is now ext3, sda2 is linux sda3 swap, basically, i del. xp from the front of my IDE drive and threw it on a 80gb sata by itself07:12
syrotholdude67, did i answer your question?07:12
oly562!enter dragon_07:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter dragon_07:12
sleepy_catI have a 3MB AVI file i want to reduce the size of this file.. is it possible and how.. i saw Avidemux but thats appending the individually cut frames and making an AVI file.. is there an alternative AVI cutter which will do all this automatically.. i want it to run properly in windows.. linux one runs in linux windows its not proper07:12
oldude67syroth, yes07:12
syrothwell and dragon did i answer yhours as well?07:12
=== more is now known as Guest32217
oldude67you played hard drive shuffle07:13
oly562!enter | dragon_07:13
ubottudragon_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:13
dragon_syroth: yes. did you install or copy XP to SATA?07:13
dragon_!botabuse > oly56207:13
ubottuoly562, please see my private message07:13
=== Guest32217 is now known as silvers
syrothfresh install, last one was hosed anyway (i let my little brother play games and such on it )07:13
dragon_syroth: you can install grub on any of the drives, and i'd recommend putting it on hda since that's where linux is.07:14
gartralhow do i determine the device node? [dev/sdX structure was thrown out the window for Jaunty >.<]07:14
oly562kids,,, anyfoo, back to my issue... I show, /dev/sda1 ext3, /dev/sda5 swap, /dev/sdb (not mounted)... now what should i try?07:14
oldude67syroth, have you booted into windows already?07:14
syrothTo be honest, im not really atatched to any data... I just always pussied out and did fresh installs before, now i want to learn how to fix this sort of thing07:14
sleepy_cat!oly562 | dont fool around07:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oly56207:14
syrotholdude67, yes I have (no nic drivers yet though, for what its worth)07:14
joey_Can anybody help me?07:15
sleepy_cat!dont fool around | oly56207:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:15
sleepy_cat!dont fool around | oly56207:15
dragon_!botabuse > sleepy_cat07:15
ubottusleepy_cat, please see my private message07:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fool\07:15
syrothdragon, ok awesome, but would it hurt the xp install ? theres no mbr on that drive07:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fool07:15
oldude67dragon_, wouldnt xp cry if its not on the first partition tho?07:15
dragon_gartral: do you need some help?07:15
joey_I'm havving this error: The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 63258241 blocks07:15
joey_The physical size of the device is 63257945 blocks07:15
joey_Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!07:15
sleepy_cati ignored the bot by mistake how to unignore07:15
Brekitzubottu, clean my house07:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clean my house07:15
syrothim hoping xp wont.. i realize that can be a whole 'nother can of worms though07:15
joey_I get this error when I run fsck on /dev/sda307:15
l7oly562: have you tried using gparted to take a look?07:15
sleepy_catI have a 3MB AVI file i want to reduce the size of this file.. is it possible and how.. i saw Avidemux but thats appending the individually cut frames and making an AVI file.. is there an alternative AVI cutter which will do all this automatically.. i want it to run properly in windows.. linux one runs in linux windows its not proper07:16
dragon_syroth, oldude67: no, XP will be fine as long as you point to it - it'd be chained in a way07:16
joey_can anyone help me?07:16
gartraldragon_: im trying to figure out where the sdXX device nodes are for Jaunty so I can install a new bootloader into my sansa07:16
Bryanhow do i install wine? im on the newest ubuntu version07:16
sleepy_catcan anyone help me ?07:16
oly562im new to ubuntu , thats why i came here07:16
oly562ill man that. sb07:16
Bryanhow do i install wine' im on the newest ubuntu version07:16
oly562L7 i do not have gparted07:16
dragon_Bryan: sudo apt-get install wine07:17
oly562what should i do once i get that loaded?07:17
syrothdragon, oldude67 , ok, so , I should just try to point grub to (hd0,0) then ? and hope that my IDE drive is hd0 ? because that is the decision i've been hung on07:17
rjmoorehey flannel...07:18
dragon_syroth: even if it's not (hd0,0), you can tinker around with grub's shell to find out the exact one07:18
l7oly562: try "sudo apt-get install gparted", and then look at http://www.fsckin.com/2007/10/21/partitioning-or-resizing-drives-in-ubuntu-using-gparted/  It's a graphical utility that may give you a better idea of how your drives are set up.07:18
l7be careful with it though, or you may accidentally destroy data07:18
hateball!wine | Bryan07:18
ubottuBryan: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:18
Bryanit's not letting me type in my password for the terminal when im tyring to install Wine07:19
dragon_syroth: grub supports autocomplete (the tab key) like bash does, so that should help you figure out what it is if not hd0,007:19
Bryanit's not letting me type in my password for the terminal when im tyring to install Wine07:19
rjmooreFlannel: i got one more for you...07:19
joey_does anybody have any ideas for my fsck problem?07:19
Brekitzubottu, learn how to clean my house07:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:19
frybyeHi - Is it possible to play bluray disks on a system with jaunty??07:19
dragon_Bryan: that sounds like a different problem. are you able to run `sudo su`?07:20
syrothdragon -- OH , and it does say that when u start grub too...... I feel pretty bad for not thinking of that hours ago07:20
R_YoYo_Rfrybye, i assume you have a bluray player?07:20
ActionParsnipsudo -i   is advised07:20
ActionParsnipover sudo su07:20
dragon_frybye: if you have a bluray player, then yes07:20
Brekitzubottu, be awesome07:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about be awesome07:20
BryanI don't really knwo hwo to wokr this im new to this whole ubuntu thing07:20
dragon_syroth: yes, there's an option to jump to the shell in grub. it's probably called command line or something07:20
Bryanwhat should I type to install Wine07:21
snardlesbryan, you know, don't you that when you type in your password nothing shows on the screen?07:21
syrothdragon - k im in knoppix now so im gonna try real quick and see if I manage to break anything07:21
oly562l7: thanks, i will give it a whirl, bbiab07:21
Bryanyes nohing shows when i try to type my password07:21
dragon_Bryan: try `sudo -i`07:21
Bryaniduno the commands07:22
R_YoYo_RBryan, it is normal nothing shows....just type the password and continue07:22
FlannelBryan: Not seeing your password typed is normal.07:22
Bryanit says cannot exacute binary file07:23
ActionParsnipBryan: sudo apt-get install wine07:23
ActionParsnipBryan: what are you trying to launch?07:23
dragon_Bryan: what was the exact command?07:23
Bryanoh thank you that worked07:23
dsdeiz!info raggle07:23
ubottuPackage raggle does not exist in jaunty07:23
dsdeizoh men07:23
dragon_!botabuse > dsdeiz07:24
ubottudsdeiz, please see my private message07:24
ActionParsnipBryan: if you have a windows driver CD it will NOT work in Linux07:24
dsdeiz./window close07:24
ultrasonichi , my computer suddenly rebooted, how do i find the reason ?07:24
Bryaniduno what wine is for my Friend is the one who showed me ubuntu and he didn't tell  me what it is07:24
snardlesits a windows emulator bryan07:25
Bryanoh ookies07:25
Bryanthank you07:25
Bryancause he said it would help me run Ventrilo07:25
oly562has anyone mounted in rw a ide-usb b4?07:25
R_YoYo_RBryan, you should probably read up a little on stuff .....07:25
dragon_ultrasonic: start with /var/log/messages07:25
dsdeizdoesn't wine mean "Wine Is Not an Emulator"? :D07:25
frybyedragon_ i see - so just install and use the bd drive in same way as a dvd drive and use vlc or similar to play the commercial bd films - right?07:25
snardlesif Ventrilo is a windows program it might07:25
visedragon_, yes07:25
rjmooreit will mout the same07:26
Bryanyes its a program for windows07:26
frybyedragon_ no speical problems with hdcp or similar???07:26
FAMBOLUGAventrilo, good luck getting that working like it should07:26
Bryanyea :/07:26
snardlesI've found out not all windows programs run in wine but most I've tried do07:26
R_YoYo_Rventrilo is a native linux app .... wine is not needed07:26
ActionParsnipBryan: go and web search for stuff you need to know about, you clearly have a tonne of questions and its not hugely fair to voluntees to just roll them out. You will find more info online07:26
dragon_frybye: you should take a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD07:26
FAMBOLUGAno its not07:26
Bryanoh thats what i thought!!!07:26
linuxguy2009Hey guys when I am logged into my PC I see that I can switch to a guest session for others to temporarily use my machine, but how do you do it from the login screen? Do I have to setup a user account manually and just give them very little privileges?07:27
FAMBOLUGAventrilo has a linux server, not a client07:27
hanasakihow do I set the default firefox from 3.0 to 3.5?07:28
snardlesActionParsnip I've search the web high and low and haven't found a solution to my problems and found none here as well....you at least are trying to help someone07:28
ActionParsnipsnardles: wassup?07:28
l7oly562: hmm, gparted will help show you what type of partitions you have on your machine.  'sudo fdisk -l' would probably work too.  once you know that, then you can try to mount it.07:28
linuxguy2009hanasaki: Just update the system and when you launch firefox the new version will start by itself.07:28
dragon_hanasaki: sudo ln -sfv /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 /usr/bin/firefox07:28
hanasakilinuxguy2009:  thanks but 3.5 and 3.0 are on the system and 3.0 launches.07:29
Nameless_auhi i'm trying to install a gtk theme in kde. i have already installed qtstyles and have it set to gtk. how do i install and use my gyk theme now?07:29
snardlestaskbar disappeared and I can't get it back is the most recent problem but there are underlying problems in addition07:29
hanasakidragon_:  thanks!    isn't there an ubuntu / debian tool that sets options like that ?07:29
vadviktorsnardles, I ususally give out hte command pkill gnome-panel to restart the panels07:30
l7oly562: make sure you don't actually format or erase any partitions if your goal is to access the data on them though07:30
snardlesthank you.  I'll try that07:30
oly562l7 sorry jumping screens, i will try to follow, tanks07:31
oly562i have /dev/sda1 ext3, sda2 extended, and sda5 swap07:32
oly562i do not see /dev/sdb, but its there im pretty sure, i used blkid -L but shows like i stated b407:32
ActionParsnipoly562: sudo fdisk -l07:32
snardlesAction Parsnip.  No go but thanks.  I'm just gonna toss the whole thing out.  Its nogt worth the frustration07:33
oly562the ide-usb drive is the other issue, seeing it, mounting it so forth...07:33
ActionParsnipoly562: if it is not there then read through:   dmesg | less07:33
oly562i only mentioned that i have a 2nd harddrive on lappy as it i didn't want to be used but as back up drive at some point if primary failed, but i am also trying to beable to read external drives as well ...07:33
ActionParsnipoly562: if the drive is recognised then its partitions will be visible to the kernel07:34
ntnhanCan I use xrandr to enable multi-monitor support on my PC with 1 video card ( 1 ouput VGA) connected to VGA adapter ( 4 ouput)?07:34
l7oly562: how is sdb formated and how many partitions does it have?07:34
telavivIs there a way to create an itunes xml file on linux? I'm trying to set up itunes server for a friend07:34
lbi'm working on a multi user ubuntu system. i've imported my openpgp key pair for my email. now my keys are available in every user account. is this normal. is there any way to seperate my keys ord make them just available in my account07:34
oly562l7 fdisk -l doesnt show the drive, and i pasted its error earlier07:35
oly562ActionParsnip: try to follow thanks07:36
ntnhanCan I use xrandr to enable multi-monitor support on my PC with 1 video card ( 1 ouput VGA) connected to VGA adapter ( 4 ouput)?07:36
ntnhanis there anybody ever tried this ?07:36
oldude67! anybody07:36
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:36
flodinhe asked the question silly :)07:37
oly562l7 /dev/sdb is not formated nor in use, just inside the laptop, and electricity pumping though it07:37
oldude67i know..lol07:37
traininghi, we have a problem with the Screen resoultion of Ubuntu 9.04. We set resoultion on 1920x1080 but after restarting alwayes the resoutlion come back to 1152x86407:37
oldude67but no one is listening..lol07:37
TheCheeksLooking for some help with Openbox. Need Xterms to open on login with commands... if you can help please PM?07:37
dragon_ntnhan: what's the output of `xradnr`?07:37
ActionParsnipoly562: then you will need to run: gksudo gparted   to set up partitions07:37
dragon_sorry, xrandr07:37
ruby_on_tail1I have 2 monitors connected, now I want to turn off one monitor how can I do it ?07:37
ruby_on_tail1switch to 1-monitor mode07:38
lbi'm working on a multi user ubuntu system. i've imported my openpgp key pair for my email. now my keys are available in every user account. is this normal. is there any way to seperate my keys ord make them just available in my account07:38
dsdeizanyone able to install raggle in ubuntu intrepid? :(07:38
oly562ActionParsnip: sb... im multitasking ;)07:38
dragon_!xrandr | ruby_on_tail107:39
ubotturuby_on_tail1: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:39
ntnhandragon_:VGA,LVDS, TV?07:39
l7oly562: so there is no data on /dev/sdb?  if that is the case, you can just partition and format it with gparted07:39
oly562l7 k07:39
ActionParsnipoly562: its not detecting the drive, read through dmesg07:39
oly562i would like it to be back up, maybe raid, dunno yet07:39
oly562ActionParsnip: yep will do07:39
ruby_on_tail1dragon_: that's crazy stuff07:40
oly562looks like an unrecovered read error on deb sdb sector 007:40
dragon_ntnhan: only one VGA means you cannot. I believe VGA adapter allows you to distribute only same output to multiple monitors07:40
traininghi, we have a problem with the Screen resoultion of Ubuntu 9.04. We set resoultion on 1920x1080 but after restarting alwayes the resoutlion come back to 1152x86407:40
BlindHunterStrange behaviour of Ctrl+Shift as a layout changer (US/RU) : it fires only when Shift is first pressed. If you press first Ctrl it is not fired at all ... Alt+Shift works OK. Can you confirm? What is the name of the package with bug(if it's a bug)?07:40
ruby_on_tail1can't I do something from my nvidia X server settings ?07:40
dragon_ruby_on_tail1: it is possible using the xrandr tool. Could you paste the output of xrandr in a pastebin?07:40
dragon_!paste | ruby_on_tail107:40
ubotturuby_on_tail1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:40
AnnonyMouse1anyone here able 2 help me w KVM, pls. the KVM & ubuntu-virt channels are silent07:40
ntnhandragon_: yes, i guess so, but XP can do it07:40
BlindHunterare there any ubuntu bug reporting channels ?07:41
dragon_ntnhan: like 4 different outputs? then we need to look at the complete output of xrandr07:41
dragon_!bug | BlindHunter07:41
ubottuBlindHunter: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:41
papulhi. i wanted to restore grub through live cd but got the error that stage1 could not be read07:41
BlindHunter:) thanks07:41
ntnhandragon_: just 2 diff. output07:41
ruby_on_tail1dragon_:  thanks but I have done it from the nvidia settings only07:42
oly562this is getting very interesting, and thanks, im learning a few new things tonight07:42
papulhow do i view the files in my ram?07:42
ruby_on_tail1not a coder type of person so the page you showe me freaks me:P07:42
AnnonyMouse1papul: u want to see open files or u want to look @ RAM?07:42
ActionParsnippapul: you can show running apps, not sure about files07:42
dragon_ruby_on_tail1: haha no worries. The command is simple though07:42
syrothdragon, so i have been trying to figure out what to do about this but I cant , root (hd0,1) setup (hd0,0) or setup (hd0,1) both return an error saying grub cant find stage 107:43
l7papul: hmm, lsof may be what you want.  if you want to see what files are open.07:43
papulcan i export the output of the ls command to a text file????07:43
ActionParsnippapul: i guess you could look at what the processes are doing and determine the file content07:43
l7papul: lsof >> lsof.txt07:43
l7papul: or ls >> ls.txt07:43
syrothWhich I guess is related to why the 'find' command never worked? i thought nothing of it until now..thinking of it as more of a inconvenience than anything07:43
AnnonyMouse1ls -al papul > files.txt07:43
l7depending on what you are trying to do to07:44
papulwhat does -al do?07:44
syrothand i am positive that hd0,1 contains /boot/grub/stage107:44
=== indos is now known as nie_zaza
l7papul: -l gives you a list format, -a shows hidden files07:44
papull7, are 2 > needed?07:44
l7papul: well, ls -al and ls -a -l will do the same thing07:45
mattconway7papul the two >> should add text to the end of a file07:45
papulwhat does 1 > do?07:46
l7oh that. the extra > will prevent you from overwriting a file by mistake also.07:46
Flannelpapul: > just starts writing to the file, >> appends to the end of it07:46
l7using 1 > will overwrite the file in question, ls.txt or files.txt07:46
syrothdragon, im in knoppix..kubuntu livecd dumps me to cli, has random errors (i/o of sorts) I guess maybe I should try that? grub should still work.. if not I think I have a ubuntu 8.1 disk somewhere, im just not sure it will make a diff07:46
guest_ 07:46
oly562ActionParsnip: your on the right track07:46
* Dayofswords really needs to learn more about using linux, hes not a fan of the command line07:46
papuland 3 > ?07:47
mattconway7papul you can only use one or two07:47
dragon_syroth: there is a chainload command. let me look up the syntax07:47
syrothdragon, k , im completely unfamiliar with chainloading , fyi,07:48
papulany suggestion about web cache+proxy server+firewall software?07:48
dragon_syroth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#Manually%20boot%20into%20a%20Linux%20OS07:48
syrothdragon, oh and did u catch all of my msg's ? including the grub error?07:48
dragon_syroth: i think i did07:49
mattconway7papul I would use squid for cache & proxy07:49
syrothdragon, k just checking07:49
dragon_papul: are you from Windows?07:49
papuldragon_, no07:50
dragon_papul: lol nevermind. check this out:07:50
dragon_!firewall | papul07:50
ubottupapul: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist07:50
syrothdragon, do I need to have grub installed to chainload?07:50
dragon_syroth: yes, these are all grub commands.07:51
papulwhat is ssh and what does it do?07:51
dragon_!ssh | papul07:51
ubottupapul: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)07:51
mobmorning all07:51
dragon_morning, mob ster07:52
bart__hi guya what can i use to save the changes i have made to my distro and maybe be able to install it with the changes to another one07:52
syrothdragon, I think thats my problem though, I cant finish installing grub , when i do setup (hd0) or setup (hd0,0) or (hd0,1) it keeps telling me no stage1 found07:52
syrothcourse i may be misunderstanding07:52
cattellari think something went wrong ... i had a lot of gb's in the trash, I did empty trash then ubuntu frozed, i rebooted, and the system monitors is not showing the gain in hd space, and the trash is empty, could it be an ext4 bug?07:52
staar2any kubuntu friends here ?07:52
dragon_syroth: if grub is gone, you might want to restore it - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:53
dragon_cattellar: consider using Disk Usage Analyzer (under Application > Accessories)07:53
syrothdragon, sorry, I tried that too, give me a moment and I will transcribe that error07:53
mob@ dragon .. u got time?07:54
dragon_mob: yeah, 11:55pm here07:55
mobE: Malformed line 51 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)07:55
Flannelmob: pastebin your sources.list07:56
rjmoorehey whats that tiny site for pics?????????????????????????????????/07:56
TheCheeksI have an xterm window opening at login, how do I make it borderless and not show up in the taskbar in Openbox?07:56
dragon_!imagebin | rjmoore07:56
ubotturjmoore: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.07:56
linuxguy2009Anyone know if its possible to create a new user account that behaves simaler to the guest session where it acts as a sandbox meaning that all changes and new files are not saved?07:56
mobummm source list?07:57
Huahuastephans: hi, Stéphane07:57
rjmooreyea that one07:57
syrothdragon, 'sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/hda2 /dev/hda' <--hda,hda1,hda2, all give me ---->     '/dev/hda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.'07:57
Stevkorjmoore: maybe tinypic.com?07:57
dragon_bart__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization07:57
Flannelmob: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list07:57
Huahuastephans: it seems that WebkitGtk r45620 depend on libsoup-2.27-3 now,07:57
Huahuastephans: but the libsoup2.4-1 in webkit-team ppa is 2.27.2-0ubuntu1~jjwkt1,07:57
linuxguy2009I need a user account like the guest session but for it to be available from the gnome login screen.07:57
Huahuastephans: should we update the libsoup packages on webkit-team ppa?07:57
syrothdragon, and because of that error im not sure if trying another livecd will make any difference,07:57
OinsHi. I have a problem with my gDesklets. In the past, i configured gDesklets by clicking the icon at the information field right. But now, if i klick right (or left) nothing happens. What's wrong?07:57
Flannellinuxguy2009: With a little bit of work you'd be able to do so, sure.07:57
Huahuastephans: thanks07:57
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dragon_syroth: does /dev/hda exist?07:57
mobaah ty flannel sec or two07:57
Flannellinuxguy2009: easiest way to do it would just be to reset the homedir to a default after log out (or during log in)07:58
discorpiais hda even used anymore?07:58
discorpiai thought everything was swrapped in scsi (/dev/sd*)07:58
Flanneldiscorpia: No, the kernel has moved everything to sdX07:58
syrothdragon, yes sir, knoppix also mounted /dev/hda* to /media/hda*07:58
dragon_syroth: Ubuntu might be calling that /dev/hda something else. Names are not tied to the drives..07:59
syrothdragon, come to think of it, doesnt knoppix auto mount read onlyh? if so, do you think that might do it? somehow?07:59
linuxguy2009Flannel:So I would have to somehow erase the home folder of the account before logging out, that what you mean?07:59
syrothdragon, true, im pretty sure it was /dev/hda.. let me see if i can tell07:59
dragon_syroth: blkid07:59
syrothdragon, cmd?07:59
Flannellinuxguy2009: You don't have to do it before logging out, there are some hooks if I remember correctly where you can run things on log out/log in from gnome07:59
dragon_syroth: yes, run that in Ubuntu to see a list of partitions. If /dev/hda isn't present, it's being called something else.08:00
linuxguy2009Flannel:Wow that sounds like it. Thank you very much. Im gonna see if i can find a way.08:00
oly562Anyone know how to mount a ide-usb drive to a filesys on laptop? thanks08:01
oly562cmd line please, thanks08:01
dragon_Flannel: Gnome has an option to start a Guest session. Can't we trigger the same thing from gdm?08:01
syrothdragon, okay, well its getting a bit late for me , and at this point I have to reboot--try to load a *ubuntu live cd, so I will give it a few tries before sleep08:01
syrothdragon, on that note, thank you so much for your help,08:01
dragon_syroth: you're welcome, and good luck.08:02
Flanneldragon_: Not that I'm aware of.  I believe it needs somone else to be logged in (and last I heard, there were some other issues with the guest session anyway)08:02
linuxguy2009Flannel: Im wondering if I simply make a bash script and have it fire up at login using startup apps settings. What do you think?08:02
discorpialinuxguy2009: have you looked at the package gdm-guest-session? i found it referenced here; https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gdm-guest-login   never used it myself though, so not sure if it what it sounds like08:03
mattconway7linuxguy2009: i belive it's possible to mount the "guest" user's home directory to a temporary directory so it doesn't persist08:04
linuxguy2009Oh yeah that sounds awsome. Ill check it out. thanks08:04
dragon_According to gdm-guest-session package's description, The command to launch a guest session is /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/guest-session-launch08:05
dragon_iirc, there is a way to configure custom commands in GDM08:05
linuxguy2009gdm-guest-session is already installed on my system. hmm08:05
dragon_linuxguy2009: yes, that's why you see a "Guest session" option in the switcher08:05
erryHey how can i move my mouse with keybaoard buttons08:06
linuxguy2009dragon_: Yeah the guest session is great but it doesnt seem to be available from the gnome login screen. I need it to be.08:06
oly562Anyone know how to mount a ide-usb drive to a filesys on laptop? i need to format the drive 1st, then mount it all via this ide-usb cable adapter... possible? i think so lol08:06
dragon_linuxguy2009: try adding a custom command to the GDM. Go to System > Administration > Login Window > Commands...08:07
dragon_linuxguy2009: and add the command /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/guest-session-launch08:07
hatorihow can i force the apt-cache to be rebuild?08:07
oly562erry i used to know,, heck that was a long time ago lol... its a hotkey for sure08:07
erryoly562, it's not a hotkey08:07
errythere's an option somewhere but i dont remember where08:07
oly562fine, erry, figure it out yourself ;)08:07
atomic007zaI am having a problem when logging into my LTSP server(edubuntu 9.04) the client logs into/onto the server, and asks fir username /passwd, once it is entered the pc freezes,08:07
atomic007zawould ask in #ltsp but no one home08:08
erryfound it08:08
errythanks for ur help08:08
hatoriwith apt cache i mean the list of packages from apt-get update. i added a source then removed it08:08
dragon_hatori: sudo apt-get autoclean08:08
hatoriand the packages are still inside08:08
erryi really appreciate it08:08
AscavasaionMorning all.  Can anyone tell me approximately how many Megs need to be downloaded to upgrade from 8.1 to 9.04?08:08
dragon_hatori: for that, simply `sudo apt-get update`08:08
wolfgangis there another way to create a usb bootable disc withot unetbootin08:09
hateballAscavasaion: that depends on the amount of packages you have installed08:09
dragon_Ascavasaion: about 800 MB08:09
hatoridragon_: still inside08:09
hatorii tried that08:09
dragon_hatori: inside as in, still installed?08:09
hatorino as in. i still find it in aptitude search or apt-cache search08:09
mob@flannel done08:10
Ascavasaiondragon_, Ouch... that is more than what I have left of my monthly cap :(08:10
dragon_hatori: you need to remove the packages manually. To list all those packages, check the "Local/Obsolete" section under Synaptic08:10
hatoriit conflicts with packages that should be in the official sources08:10
Flannelmob: What's the URL?08:10
hatorii already removed them08:10
mobum sec08:10
hatoritheir not marked as installed. they just won't let me install the stock ubuntu08:10
dragon_Ascavasaion: request or order a CD then..08:10
Ascavasaiondragon_, I know... but I am such an impatient person hehehehe08:10
oly562gparted is not recognizing my second drive nor my ide-usb drive. how to mount both?08:10
dragon_hatori: have you removed the sources that you added previously?08:11
dragon_Ascavasaion: lol yeah. if i were in your place i'd do the same08:11
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, can someone tell me how to check the ALSA driver version i have installed ?08:11
hatoridragon_: yus. can it be that the last update is too recent and apt won't rerun a real update?08:11
hatoridragon_: normally itll download about 10 megs or package metadata08:11
HsystemXAnybody knows where to fing the log of the latest installed packages?08:11
Flannelmob: The last line in that file is wrong.  I don't know what it's supposed to be, but simply removing it will fix the error.08:12
dragon_hatori: no, apt-get update really updates your apt's list.08:12
dragon_hatori: what are you using to check the list after updating?08:12
Hilikusdoes anyone know if its possible to set Evolution to show a list of the upcoming events from the calendar but in the mail view?08:12
mobty ;]08:12
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, can someone tell me how to check the ALSA driver version i have installed ?08:12
Hilikusohletmeinnowjesu: maybe try dpkg -l | grep alsa08:12
atomic007zahi evryone, is there a compatibilty list for LTSP on edubuntu, or a place where certain m/boards wont work?08:13
HsystemXok nevermind found it!08:13
HilikusHsystemX: where is it?08:13
oly562im out l808:13
indusohletmeinnowjesu: alsactl -v08:13
hatoridragon_: ok nvm i found my mistake08:13
dragon_hatori: what was it?08:14
hatoridragon_: misread the aptitude flags08:14
ohletmeinnowjesualso, i had tried to install a linuxant conexant modem driver but it aborted halway and now i see ii  alsa-driver-linuxant                                               ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem08:15
HsystemXHilikus , your asking about what i said? the log stuff?08:15
dragon_!info usb-creator|wolfgang08:15
ubottuPackage usb-creatorwolfgang does not exist in jaunty08:15
dragon_!info usb-creator | wolfgang08:15
ubottuwolfgang: usb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.16 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 556 kB08:15
ZeddeHello I installed syslog-ng and I have a D-link 635 that I have enabled that it will send the logs to a syslog server. How can I see that the server is receiving data ?08:15
* dragon_ gotta go08:16
* dragon_ flaps wings08:16
Dayofswordsarent you able to create a portable ubuntu wwith usb creator?08:16
sephyArgh what the heck.08:16
sephyI cannot find my theme folder o.008:16
rjmoorei did that08:16
rjmooreusb ubuntu08:16
HsystemXHilikus, to see latest packages installed log, in ascendent order, means the latest one are the recently do at terminal: cat /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep "\ install\ " | sort08:16
rjmoorei think they will even sell you one08:16
HsystemXit works !! perfectly.08:16
Dayofswordsso it works =)08:17
HilikusHsystemX: cool, thanks08:17
tuntunHello. What calendar application lists public holdiays?08:17
Dayofswordsnow i just need a computer that cant boot the disc successfully08:18
=== deniz is now known as Guest48544
Guest48544can someone please help me configure buttons on my wacom bamboo tablet?08:18
dsdeizhi! anyone using snownews?08:19
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys need some help : http://pastebin.com/m9dd191708:19
dsdeizanyone? :D08:19
dudetteDoes ubuntu support ACL?08:20
=== more is now known as Guest98913
wolfgangi keep failing at creating a live usb with  xubuntu and unetbootin anyone got this working before?08:21
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys need some help : http://pastebin.com/m9dd191708:21
mattconway7wolfgang: are you trying to create the live usb from an existing ISO or are you using unetbootin to download it instead?08:22
tuntunWhat calendar application can has public holdiays listed?08:22
bullgard4NetworkManager Applet (in Jaunty) rightclick > Edit Connections > Network Connections > shows 5 tabs: 'Wired', 'Wireless', 'Mobile Broadband', VPN', 'DSL'. "Mobile Broadband' seems to include connections via UMTS cards. Does it include GSM too?08:22
dsdeizsnownews can't read googleblog atom feeds :(08:23
meowludowhat is the channel for WINE/playonlinux help?08:23
ZeddeHello I installed syslog-ng and I have a D-link 635 that I have enabled that it will send the logs to a syslog server. How can I see that the server is receiving data ?08:23
atomic007zameowludo: #winehq08:24
meowludoCheers atomic08:24
foul_owlhow do i determine uuid from busybox?08:25
dayodayo: funny how msgs to you get highlited to me too! :-)08:26
Dayofswordsoh lol08:26
atomic007zahi evryone, is there a compatibilty list for LTSP on edubuntu, or a place where certain m/boards wont work?08:26
yaboowhay won't firefox play vimeo videos08:27
yarixhi all08:27
atomic007zaI have a msi board that "freezes" after logging into edubuntu, all others work fine08:27
foul_owli can't seem to figure out what my root partition is08:28
foul_owlno devices are showing up in busybox08:28
yarixпрювет всем08:29
knoppixprivet drug08:29
hatoriok next question08:29
yarixкак оно ? что нет русской клавиатуры08:30
hatoriwhats the apt/source for netbook-remix?08:30
Dayofswordsyarix: is the Russian?08:30
yarixyes бля08:30
hatoricant find it08:30
knoppixme oleme naabrid08:30
dsdeizanyone using snownews again? :D08:31
yarixсейчас будет урок русскаго языка и литературЫ)08:31
hatorii search and search and can't find it08:31
Flannel!ru | yarix08:32
ubottuyarix: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:32
yarixpidgin is bad in work?08:32
=== superfly_ is now known as _tesla
hanasakiwhat is a good and cheap USA based company that will let me run my ubuntu server to host web and email?08:32
yarixi don't see contact list08:33
dayohanasaki: Enron08:33
Guest48544can someone please help me configure the buttons on my wacom bamboo tablet through xorg.conf?08:33
hanasakiDayo umm ya08:33
linxdoes jaunty server edition have the suhosin patch applied by default?08:33
mattconway7haha dayo08:33
=== _tesla is now known as tesla3327
Maexi search a germany channel08:33
dayo!de | Maex08:34
ubottuMaex: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.08:34
Maexthank you08:34
dayoMaex: gern geschehen08:34
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nono0I'm getting frustratet with the dual screen ap... Is there a way to let xorg.conf rule the game again... Sometimes my laptop give my screen 1900x1280 and sometimes it stays black, and sometimes it acts slow08:34
nono0so I do it via trial and errror. Reboots, resets etc...08:35
mintuxI want tar several file's and folder but I don't want some folder .. how can I tar them and ignore that folders for archiving ? in command line ?08:35
dayonono0: jaunty?08:35
linxnick Inyx08:35
nono0dayo, yes08:35
=== linx is now known as Inyx
nono0I have an dell E9300 intel gfx08:35
dayonono0: got some annoyances with it, myself. it seems a bit more sluggish than intrepid08:35
_teslahello, i installed firefox 3.5 by downloading it and running the script but after reboot firefox is still 3.0.11 :(08:36
Inyxim i currently speakin in chan?08:36
nono0yes but this is driving me crazy... Everyday trial and error for 30 min08:36
foul_owlanyone know why no /dev/sdX devices are showing up in busybox? How can i determine my root partition?08:36
nono0so how can I do it manualy08:36
Huahuastephans: it's that https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2698208:36
nono0dayo, where does this config write08:36
dayonono0: what config?08:37
bullgard4NetworkManager Applet (in Jaunty) rightclick > Edit Connections > Network Connections > shows 5 tabs: 'Wired', 'Wireless', 'Mobile Broadband', VPN', 'DSL'. "Mobile Broadband' seems to include connections via UMTS cards. Does it include GSM too?08:37
Bigshot_how can i enable ubuntu desktop effects in virtualbox 3.0 jaunty? it says "effects failed" when i try to start it!08:37
nono0the screen app where does it write it settings08:37
dayonono0: oh. no idea :-(08:37
atomic007zahi evryone, is there a compatibilty list for LTSP on edubuntu, or a place where certain m/boards wont work?08:38
bullgard4Inyx: Yes.08:38
atomic007zaI have a msi board that "freezes" after logging into edubuntu, all others work fine08:38
Inyxbullgard4, thanks, my irc is all jacked up08:38
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:38
Bigshot_bullgard4, can you assist me out man?08:38
bullgard4Bigshot_: To enable Ubuntu Desktop effects?08:39
_teslaanyone wanna take a guess at my firefox upgrade problem?08:39
AnnonyMouse1anyone here familiar w KVM? having trouble on one of my installation & need help finding the fault08:39
bullgard4Bigshot_: No, I am sorry. I never used Virtualbox.08:39
dsdeizwho here is using snownews? :D08:39
Bigshot_anybody using VB in here?08:40
AnnonyMouse1Bigshot_ : sry, no. KVM 4 me08:40
_teslahello, i installed firefox 3.5 by downloading it and running the script but after reboot firefox is still 3.0.11 :(08:44
_teslasorry about the double post...08:44
om26er1_tesla: search for shiretoko08:45
ZeddeHello I installed syslog-ng and I have a D-link 635 that I have enabled that it will send the logs to a syslog server. How can I see that the server is receiving data ?08:45
om26er1_tesla: shiretoko web browser08:45
tuntunWhat calendar application has a wide range of calendar templates?08:45
mattconway7Bigshot_ do you have VirtualBox 3?08:45
_teslaalright i'll take a crack at it08:46
Bigshot_Yes. mattconway708:46
indus_tesla: how did you install it?08:46
foul_owlok i got a simple question. how do i mount a network share with only linux, no windows or samba08:46
indus_tesla: you need to delete old ff to run the new one08:46
_tesladownloaded it from mozilla and it had an install script, installed and ran perfectly08:46
om26er1_tesla: Application>>>Network>>>Shiretoko08:46
indus_tesla: install ff 3.5 from the repos08:47
Myrtti_tesla: sudo aptitude install firefox-3.508:47
indusom26er1: web browser comes under internet , not network08:47
Myrttiindus: depends ;-)08:47
indusMyrtti: why aptitude?08:47
om26er1indus for me its under network08:47
Bigshot_mattconway7, any clue?08:47
fung_tesla: try this http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/07/ubuntu-firefox-3-5-install-use-ubuntu-mozilla-security.html08:48
indusom26er1: you downloaded from mozilla site ?08:48
om26er1indus i downloaded from apt-get install firefox-3.508:48
indusInstall ff 3.5 from repos so both versions run simultaneously08:48
mattconway7Bigshot_ so you're trying to use Compiz on Jaunty, in VirtualBox? What's the host OS?08:48
Myrttifung: you're giving conflicting help now08:48
indusom26er1: hmm need to file a bug then08:48
Bigshot_vista hp mattconway708:48
indusi filed one yesterday cos it still says beta08:49
indusand the bug fix is committed :) alexander was in mozilla room08:49
fungMyrtti: last I checked the ubuntu repo's firefox-3.5 is the beta-4 version08:49
industooltip says beta08:49
om26er1indus: ubuntu is not giving it i addedd ppa08:49
indusom26er1: it arrived 2 days ago08:49
mattconway7Bigshot_ I'm checking it out08:50
Myrttifung: and I installed it from proposed two days ago08:50
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY08:50
Myrttior even normal repos08:50
indusnot proposed but from normal universe08:50
om26er1indus: but still canonical is not giving and also 3.0.11 is not replaced08:50
fungoh guess they finally updated it. my bad08:50
indusom26er1: its officially in repos now buddy08:50
indusom26er1: install from synaptic08:51
_teslaso i add the ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa and I don't need to uninstall or remove any of the old ff?08:51
indusom26er1: it was in beta 4 ,2 days ago got the final08:51
Flannel_tesla: No, don't add the PPA, just use the version in the repositories.08:53
om26er1Flannel: y08:53
_teslai tried to apt-get it --> sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 , it looked as through it installs perfect, I run firefox and it confirms it is 3.5, also confirmed via help -->about = ver 3.5  but after a reboot everytime i fire it up and check its version it defaults back to 3.0.1108:53
prathameshhi my bro using lenovo y500, i just installed ubuntu 9.04 in that machine but when i boot the system then the mouse & keyboard r not activted,so hav to use usb mouse to perform operations, when boot the system multiple times then the keyboard & touchpad become active otherwise i av to use usb mouse & usb keyboard08:54
Flannel_tesla: The default firefox on your system is still 3.0, 3.5 won't override that, but 3.5 is also installed.08:54
_teslaahh i see08:54
om26er1_tesla: are u running it from the panel08:54
_teslagnome do08:54
_teslabut even from the panel it goes to 3.0.1108:55
erryUm can u help with gparted08:55
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY08:55
om26er1_tesla: ubufox does not work with firefox-3.508:55
=== jack_ is now known as JPSman
Hilikusits out??08:56
_teslais there an easy way / tut/ guide to migrate to 3.5 and make it default08:56
om26er1Hilikus: yes08:56
dannyboyhi, i need help installing phpbb308:56
_teslawhats ubufox?08:56
Hilikusom26er1: did you upgrade yet?08:56
om26er1_tesla: prefered applications?08:56
bullgard4NetworkManager Applet (in Jaunty) rightclick > Edit Connections > Network Connections > shows 5 tabs: 'Wired', 'Wireless', 'Mobile Broadband', VPN', 'DSL'. "Mobile Broadband' seems to include connections via UMTS cards. Does it include GSM too?08:56
Bigshot_mattconway7, you there bud?08:56
om26er1Hilikus: yes i am upgraded08:56
erryok fine ignore me08:57
dannyboyi already installed phpbb3 via synaptic and i already have a LAMP server. Now what?08:57
JPSmanwhat sort of tags need to be present in an SVG file for gnome to create a thumbnail out of it?  Some of the SVG's im making (by hand) dont show up.08:57
bazhangerry, patience08:57
Hilikusom26er1: any problems i should expect?08:57
om26er1Hilikus: i am not getting any problem upto now08:57
Hilikusom26er1: do i need to remove the old ff first?08:57
om26er1Hilikus: its kinda quick08:57
Hilikussince it's a separate package08:58
sonneis anyone else experiencing SIGSEGV problems with pidgin when using an alternate graphic theme on GNOME?08:58
sonnenoone seems to be there on #pidgin...08:58
om26er1Hilikus: just type sudo apt-get install firefox-3.508:58
_teslawhat is the command to run firefox 3.5?08:58
mattconway7Bigshot_: I'm here. Just updated my VirtualBox and I'm checking out desktop effects in Ubuntu (OS X host) real quick08:58
Myrtti_tesla: firefox-3.508:59
sephyI believe I'm off to sleep.08:59
_teslawow i suck08:59
om26er1_tesla: just type   firefox-3.508:59
_teslaim changing the settings in pref apps08:59
_teslathanks om26er109:00
om26er1_tesla: NP09:00
om26er1_tesla: and also VLC 1.0 is out]09:00
sonnedannyboy, if i was you, i wouldn't install phpbb via synaptic, instead i would untar it somewhere09:00
sonnebut there are guides for it around, try to have a look09:00
_teslai know saw it on digg today :) havent gotten around to trying it yet09:01
om26er1_tesla: ok09:01
_teslaom26er1, have u?09:01
om26er1_tesla: its again a master piece09:01
dannyboysonne i already installed it via synaptic and it has made some configurations on mysql09:01
om26er1_tesla: have not encountered any problem yet09:01
sonnedannyboy, not too late to start from scratch09:02
_teslaom26er1, as expected vlc was always the goto player when things just didnt work09:02
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twistedcloneany one there09:03
dsdeizwho here is using snownews again? :D09:03
twistedclonei got a problem regarding sd card partions09:03
Hilikusom26er1: how do i launch ff3.5 from the menu?09:04
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Flannel!away > joshthecoder_afk09:07
ubottujoshthecoder_afk, please see my private message09:07
=== twistedclone is now known as qasimalikhawaja
_teslafixed thanks all09:08
=== neechan is now known as nee-chan
dannyboyhi, i need help installing phpbb3. i already installed phpbb3 via synaptic on lamp on ubuntu 9.04 - there seems to be no documentation online on what to do next. can someone assist me please?09:10
mintuxI have 2 directory one of them on my server and one of them in my local . I would like to both content be same and each file changed or added on server be in my local I use this command rsync --progress -e ssh -c -B 2048 --inplace --partial user@server:/home/user/dir /home/my/dir  doesn't work... how can I do that ?09:11
grawitydannyboy: installing webapps from synaptic generally isn't a good idea...09:11
dannyboygrawity: ok but with all due respect - maybe ubuntu should not have put those packages there in the first place if it isn't a good idea09:12
grawitydannyboy: well, tell that to Ubuntu developers.09:13
dannyboygrawity: thanks - phpbb3 has made some entries on mysql - should i just sudo apt-get purge phpbb3?09:13
grawitydannyboy: I don't know if that'll remove the MySQL entries09:14
remoteCTRL1with what command do i enable dma?09:14
dannyboygrawity: ok thanks09:14
tuntunHow do I load public holidays into Evolution?09:16
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY09:16
CyberwormI have to boot windows in order to achieve maximum graphics performance in Ubuntu. Why is that?09:18
euthymoshi I've got to arrange the images in a folder in a particular order09:19
euthymosthen, I want to mass rename them with a numerical pattern in order to keep that sorting09:19
euthymoswhat can I use?09:19
moymoyhow the heck do i use IRC?09:20
prospireI want kcolourpaint for my kde4.209:20
gabkdllyeuthymos: you might want to ls >> files.txt, then sort with a text editor, then use xargs to do the renaming09:20
prospireI cant find it in synaptic package manager09:20
WishingMasterMinhey what is the command to install firefox downloaded from web?09:20
prospirehow do I get it then?09:21
prospirehow do i get kcolorpaint?09:21
FlannelWishingMasterMin: Use the version from the repositories instead.  sudo apt-get install firefox-3.509:22
WishingMasterMinalright Flannel09:22
moymoy3.5 is in repos already?09:22
prospirehow do I get kcolorpaint for my KDE 4.2??09:22
moncky!ff35 | moymoy09:22
ubottumoymoy: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY09:22
Odysseushow do i get lxde on ubuntu 8.04?09:22
WishingMasterMinhow do i unstall it-the old one,i want to remove the old version first and then install the new one09:23
rjmoorei have a dumb question???09:23
moymoyit should install over the old version09:23
euthymosgabkdlly: I would like something more user friendly09:23
prospireOdysseus: synaptic09:23
dsdeizwho here is using snownews again? :D09:23
WishingMasterMini want to unistall it first09:23
rjmoorewill ubuntu USE a swap partition just because its there??09:23
prospireegw_: hi09:23
FlannelWishingMasterMin: Why?09:23
rjmooreor do you have to tell i to do so09:23
euthymosI mean there are lots of images I need the thumbnails to sort them09:24
moymoyit won't use it for no reason09:24
egw_there is any aplication with Document managament?09:24
Odysseusprospire i dont see it there whats the terminal command09:24
prospirecan anybody tell me how do I get kcolorpaint.....as I cant find it in synaptic09:24
WishingMasterMini want to know the command09:24
Flannel!repeat | prospire09:24
ubottuprospire: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:24
FlannelWishingMasterMin: why do you want to remove the other firefox?09:24
Bigshot_mattconway7, any luck man?09:24
egw_any document managament system for linux¿09:24
WishingMasterMini want to know the command to remove the programes09:24
Flannelprospire: It's kolourpaint409:24
moymoyprospire: you can try searching for it at getdeb09:25
prospireFlannel: I cant find it in synaptic09:25
rjmooreso if i JUST NOW created a swap partition (there wasnt one before) will the os just use it or do i have to tell it do do so??09:25
Flannelprospire: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/kolourpaint409:25
Flannel!swap | rjmoore09:25
ubotturjmoore: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:25
dsdeiz!info snownews09:25
ubottusnownews (source: snownews): Text mode RSS newsreader. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-1 (jaunty), package size 145 kB, installed size 652 kB09:25
FlannelWishingMasterMin: you don't want to remove the default firefox, that'll cause problems09:25
dsdeizwho's using that one? lol09:25
WishingMasterMinwell i want to.pls tell me the commanf09:25
mattconway7Bigshot_ I can't think of what exactly would be wrong in your case, but I've seen some other folks in my search who still have 3D (compiz) issues in VirtualBox 3 with Jaunty09:26
FlannelWishingMasterMin: No, you really don't want to.  It will break things.09:26
WishingMasterMinFlannel, like?09:26
moymoyit'll insist on uninstalling ubuntu-desktop package09:26
rjmooreflannel: i understand that part, but there was not a swap partition before and i created one............am i finished??09:26
moymoyand future dist-upgrades will be messed up09:26
FlannelWishingMasterMin: everything that uses firefox, including some of the help system, and a number of other OS components09:26
Flannelrjmoore: No, read the wikipage and it'll tell you how to activate it09:27
rjmoorei read it and it described activating a swap file not a partition09:27
WishingMasterMinFlannel, see i have an issue with firefox.....whenever i save a bookmark,it is removed/deleted as soon as i close firefox09:28
Cyberwormjust lost my connection, did anyone answer to my problem?09:28
viseWhich capture software do i use to take photos/video from my web cam? ubuntu 8.1009:28
hateball!info cheese | vise09:28
ubottuvise: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB09:28
visehateball, ty09:29
Night_Elfhi all. If I wanted to install some sort of web interface to administer a server in a lan, what could I install?  Could I use webmin for this ?09:29
hateball!webmin | Night_Elf09:29
ubottuNight_Elf: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.09:29
Imperionwhy isn't Hardware Drivers picking up the restricted ATI driver that can be installed for my graphics card?09:29
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:30
Night_Elfhateball: ebox. will check right now09:30
Flannelrjmoore: Odd.  it didn't always.  Luckily, the troubleshooting section describes (effectively) how to create a swap partition (except for the partitioning itself)09:30
hateballNight_Elf: it has a lot of gnome-depends tho, iirc09:30
zini1Is there a way to make Pidgin automatically rejoin (join IRC channels, login back to ICQ/Jabber) after an internet disconnect?09:31
viseWhat language is ubottu talking?09:31
Imperionwhy isn't Hardware Drivers picking up the restricted ATI driver that can be installed for my graphics card?09:31
WishingMasterMinFlannel, did u get my issue>09:31
bazhangitalian vise09:31
viseOh right.. im dumb.. "italiano"09:32
ubuntunewbieHi how do I check whether my ubuntu is using swap partition ?09:32
Guest73553cat /proc/swaps   (just guessing)09:32
viseubuntunewbie, Check system monitor09:32
hateballubuntunewbie: swapon -s09:32
rjmooreok i got it now09:32
ubuntunewbieok thanks09:32
rjmooresudo mkswap /dev/sda309:32
rjmoore sudo swapon -a09:33
viseIs there no way to hibernate without a swap partition? since im not using any...09:33
bullgard4Althoug dmesg reports several lines starting with 'sd 0:0:0:0' I cannot find a file 'sd.ko'. What is the filename of the sd driver?09:33
Guest73553vise: no, it uses the swap-partition for restoring the system lateron09:33
ubuntunewbie0 bytes09:33
iMatterKtorrent Icons aren't working properly just showing generic papers which makes it hard to use,  i ran in terminal and i got this repeated a few times and then ktorrent didn't launch, kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found09:34
ubuntunewbiewhy it doesn't use swap ?09:34
rjmoorethe new kernel uses a swapfile so for hibernating it should do it now09:34
Imperionis it me or is there no support for the R300 chipset?09:34
viserjmoore, i have 2.6.27-14.. but no support i think..09:34
kuba_I need somebody who has an expirence in using gnuTLS09:34
rjmoorebut i would think a partition would be be better that a dynamic file09:34
hateballubuntunewbie: There's no need to use swap as long as the system isnt out of RAM :)09:34
kuba_I need somebody who has an expirence in using gnuTLS09:34
mhw87is this the place to be to talk about Ubuntu?09:35
viseI still have a 128 mb ram pc... (not this one).. so swaps are useful...09:35
bullgard4Obgleich dmesg mehrere Zeilen ausgibt, die with 'sd 0:0:0:0' anfange, kann ich keine Datei 'sd.ko' finden. Welchen Dateinamen hat der Treiber sd?09:35
bazhangbullgard4, english please09:36
kuba_mhw87: I think so;)09:36
rjmoorethats whats wrong with windows...........you fill your hdd and your swapfile wont matter09:36
bullgard4Obgleich dmesg mehrere Zeilen ausgibt, die with 'sd 0:0:0:0' anfange, kann ich keine Datei 'sd.ko' finden. Welchen Dateinamen hat der Treiber sd?09:36
rjmoorebut a partition is permanently allocated space09:36
moymoyhow much shorter does having an active swap partition make the lifespan of an HDD?09:36
Guest73553bullgard4: hier spricht man englisch09:36
mhw87Kuba, how do i private message?09:36
moymoyso many reads and writes09:36
moymoythink it's /msg nick09:37
Guest73553bullgard4: maybe it's not a module, but directly in th kernel09:37
visemoymoy, Doesnt matter much.. hds are used to it i think..09:37
rjmoorehard drives are like light bulbs... the box may say 2000hrs but we all know thats debatable09:37
phonghieui have problem09:37
phonghieuCan U help me09:37
moymoystate your problem09:38
visemoymoy, I have used an hd with shit load of swapping for around 10 years..09:38
monckymoymoy: its only a real concern if you are using a solid state hdd09:38
bazhangvise no cursing please09:38
vise*huge load09:38
phonghieui just install VMware workstation on my Ubuntu 9.0409:38
moymoyvise: SSD's .. sort of like flash right?09:38
visemoymoy, Solid State Drive.. yes09:38
phonghieubut, when i run , has pop up09:38
mhw87Does anyone know how to get the second background while using the cube effect?09:38
rjmoorehdd failure is mostly about mileage... solution .. install your os and apps on a primary and store personal stuff on a secondary..09:39
phonghieuneed serial09:39
visemh87: What do you mean by second background?09:39
phonghieuwhy that? every body09:39
mattconway7Bigshot_ I should ask, have you installed Compiz?09:39
JockyWilson"Kernel Data Inpage Error scsiport.sys" get this error when writing to one partition on Seagate HardDisk. Seagate Tools reports drive 100% ok09:39
rjmooreyou could even "mount" the secondary into you "documents" folder09:39
Guest73553phonghieu: what do yyou mean with "need serial" ?09:39
sarmisakGuest73553: he is probably asking for a serial number09:40
moymoyi have 2 drives.. one is 1 TB and the other has 230GB ... but i only have 1 SATA data cable09:40
JockyWilsonswapped Harddisk and problem disappears so it must be a faulty Seagate Harddisk?09:40
viseWith a single hd though you can't do anything.. In fact, placing everything localised would make the life better wouldnt it? Less activity for the head?09:40
bazhangphonghieu, wrong channel for that09:40
phonghieui just install Vmware Workstation 6.009:40
WishingMasterMini want to know the command to remove the a programe like wine or something else09:40
Myrttiphonghieu: you should have received it when you bought it09:40
phonghieui wonder, why this software need serial09:40
Guest73553phonghieu: either you bought it, then you should have one, or there may be serial numebrs for testing on the webpage09:40
bazhangphonghieu, contact vmware support09:41
moymoysay, does anyone know if LainOS is still being developed?09:41
rjmooreWishingMasterMin   :   use add/remove programs in the applications menu of gnome09:41
monckyWishingMasterMin: apt-get remove <app>09:41
popartin@WishingMasterMin sudo apt-get remove xxx (eg wine)09:41
moymoyi came across the website while browsing09:41
phonghieuand, how to use VMware?09:41
JockyWilson"Kernel Data Inpage Error scsiport.sys" Seatools says drive fine, OS says differently09:41
bazhangmoymoy, discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic09:41
WishingMasterMinwhat abt dpkg?09:42
moymoybazhang: yessir09:42
Guest73553bye all...   gotta do some work (*yuck*)09:42
kuba_I need somebody who has an expirence in using gnuTLS, is someone here?09:42
kuba_I need somebody who has an expirence in using gnuTLS, is someone here?09:43
=== scfh_ is now known as scfh
WishingMasterMincan i use dpkg command to remove a programe?09:43
ImperionGODDAMN YOU09:43
Imperionmy 3D is ruined09:44
JockyWilson"Kernel Data Inpage Error scsiport.sys"09:44
bazhangImperion, no cursing please09:44
Imperionsorry, but I'm filled with RAAAAGE09:44
MyrttiImperion: and expressing it here will not get you further09:44
Imperionno, I'm stuck09:44
ImperionI can't do anything09:44
popartin@WishingMasterMin should be dpkg -r <package>09:44
WishingMasterMinpopartin, so if i want to remove wine,then command should be dpkg -r wine?09:45
popartinyes that should do it09:45
Bigshot_yes mattconway709:46
Imperionis there any way to restore 3D support on my Radeon 9600?09:46
temporarytaoneed info about #!09:46
temporarytaoused the 9.04 *unofficial* image and it messed up my grub09:46
kuba_I need somebody who has an expirence in using gnuTLS, is someone here?09:46
bazhangtemporarytao, crunchbang? unsupported here; please go to their forums or channels09:46
bazhangImperion, the radeonhd open source driver is not working?09:47
Imperionbazhang: the card is a Radeon 960009:47
bazhangImperion, not sure if that one is supported by the propietary driver; fglrx is not good at the moment09:48
Imperionbazhang: tell me about it.09:48
dsdeizwhat does xsltproc basically do? the man page is hard to understand :(09:50
=== tesla is now known as _tesla
ubuntunewbiehateball: oh, I had 1GB of ram , Memory use 31% but swap = 0% , I was wondering why , eventhough on window xp , it does use page file .Swap is like page file on window right ? I should be using at lease 10%09:51
bullgard4Guest48544: Note: I have put the same question before in English.09:51
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=== _tesla is now known as tesla3327
DauHi ich habe Problem und zwar Ubuntu hasst meine Grafikkarte und weises nicht warum kann jemand mir helfen?09:52
bazhang!de | Dau09:52
ubottuDau: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:52
=== tesla3327 is now known as _tesla
JPSmanDo you guys know of any HexEditors that do a graphical representation of the hex values?  something that looks like this http://i29.tinypic.com/20qgrau.png09:52
bullgard4What does 'mmc' stand for in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c?09:53
Guest48544bullgard4, where? and by english you mean proper spelling?09:53
=== _tesla is now known as tesla3327
hateballubuntunewbie: Linux is not Windows ;) Windows has the bad habit of using swap as soon as it can. Linux does not. Well you *can* tell it to, but that's stupid...09:54
=== tesla3327 is now known as _tesla
bullgard4Guest48544:   "10:33 < bullgard4> Althoug dmesg reports several lines starting with 'sd 0:0:0:0' I cannot find a file 'sd.ko'. What is the filename of the sd driver?"09:54
Guest48544bullgard4, :S, i really can't tell how that has anything to do with a wacom tablet09:55
Cyberwormhi again09:55
Cyberwormanyone answered to my problem yet?09:55
visewindows xp would never stop using a swap...09:56
=== _tesla is now known as tesla3327
atomic007zaI have a msi board that "freezes" after logging into edubuntu, all others work fine09:57
atomic007zavia ltsp09:57
ubuntunewbiehateball: oh , that's great , since I am new to ubuntu , just switch from window xp to ubuntu which gives me a lot of problem , now everything run well but I need to start learning again quite a lot of things t olearn09:57
hateballubuntunewbie: the command 'free -m' will give you a nice overview of memory usage09:58
viseubuntunewbie, Once you know a few basic things.. linux is much better...09:58
pmjdebruijnis there anywhere, where I can find the split-out patches the Ubuntu team applies to it's kernels?09:58
mneIt really sucks that on ubuntu jaunty anacron no longer runs after resume. This is a bug09:58
bullgard4Guest48544: You have got a terrible nickname. I mixed it with Guest7355.09:58
mneOne has to restart anacron manually each time09:58
Shane1Can I ask a question?09:59
hateball!ask | Shane109:59
ubottuShane1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:59
viseYesterday I got weird lines on the screen after a resume from suspend.. Dell inspiron 1525.. any one knows this issue?09:59
Guest48544bullgard4, do you a solution to my problem or are you also waiting for help?09:59
=== ondarossa is now known as aime
Shane1I am new to ubuntu. I am afraid I am have loaded it wrong. It is trying to download updates and says I don't have enough space.10:00
=== gilles_ is now known as GiJ
ubuntunewbiehateball , vise:yep now start to learn linux ,the main hard things to remember is those terminal , typing command.10:00
hateballShane1: can you run 'df -h' in a terminal and paste the output on pastebin?10:00
Shane1I am dual booting with windows10:00
hateball!paste | Shane110:00
ubottuShane1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:00
bullgard4Guest48544: I have put here 2 questions. 1 has been answered. --  I do not know your problem.10:00
moymoyShane1: thought of wiping windows?10:01
Shane1moymoy yes10:01
Guest48544bullgard4, will u be here tomorrow because im dead tired and there's no point to me in trying to learn this late10:01
viseShanel, How much partition space did you allocate for ubuntu?10:01
bullgard4Guest48544: Probably yes.10:01
moymoyShane1: how big is your harddrive anyway?10:01
viseShanel, Go in system monitor and check the space allocated for "/" partition10:01
Guest48544bullgard4, not that im expecting you to promise anything but what time is it where you live and when do you think would be on tomorrow?10:02
Shane1vise it did it when I loaded the disk. I didn't see to where I could change any settings10:02
rjmooreburn windows!!!10:02
monckyShane1: can you paste the output of df -h into pastebin?10:02
viseShanel, Yes.. but you need to check the current size.. so that we can understand if the space is really falling short..10:03
Shane1Moncky ? I don't understand sorry10:03
GiJ!paste | Shane110:03
ubottuShane1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:03
Shane12.3 gib10:03
monckyShane1: in a terminal type in df -h10:04
Cyberwormshall I repost my problem?10:04
bullgard4Guest48544: It is 11:03 local time here. Problably starting at 06:00 local time.10:04
JPSmanDo you guys know of any hexeditors that output graphical representations of the hex values?  something like this http://i25.tinypic.com/v66y5w.jpg10:04
Guest48544bullgard4, both times are in pm?10:05
Shane1can I allocate more space somehow?10:05
hateball!terminal | Shane110:05
ubottuShane1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:05
bullgard4Guest48544: No both times are AM (or 24 h scale, for that matter.) local time = GMT + 2 at the moment.10:06
hateballShane1: run the command 'df -h' then paste the output on pastebin, provide us with the link :)10:06
Guest48544bullgard4, all right, thanks, ill see you tomorrow hopefully10:07
a-stray-laptophi, if i have windows installed on a different partition, is there an easy way to install the fonts from that partition?10:08
aboSamoorI have thi process that consume too much hard disk access do anyone knows what is it ? find / -ignore_readdir_race ( -fstype NFS -o -fstype nfs -o -fstype nfs4 -o -fstype afs -o -fstype bin10:10
Bigshot_later man10:11
viseaboSamoor, Get this program called iotop and find out..10:12
bullgard4What does 'mmc' stand for in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c?10:12
aboSamoorvise, i got this from iotop10:12
Imperioncan I use the Catalyst 9.3 driver on Jaunty?10:12
viseaboSamoor, You got what?10:13
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Rolcolwhere can I download .deb packages of kernel 2.6.30?10:13
VanDykebullgard4, multimedia card?10:13
aboSamoorvise the line i pasted nothing more10:13
popartinbullgard4 wikipedia says multi media card10:13
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:13
viseaboSamoor, Do you get that when you run the program or while setup of iotop10:13
bullgard4popartin: And other sources say otherwise. What Wikipedia article do you refer to?10:14
Guest57991i'm looking for zend framework channel10:14
popartinbullgard4 german wikipedia, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia_Card10:14
Imperioncan I use the Catalyst 9.3 driver on Jaunty?10:15
Shane1can't get  "df -h" to work10:15
Shane1"df" does10:15
popartinbullgard4 maybe in mmc dir are drivers for all these small cards... and sd.c contains some for sd cards10:16
popartinjust a theory10:16
agent_jShane1: try doing "du -h"10:16
mrtn1231how big is the memory footprint of Ubuntu Live CD compared to Memtest86+?10:16
bullgard4popartin: I do not believe in this theory.10:16
ftabHi is it possible to add a single user to multiple groups?10:16
aboSamoorvise, on the startup of ubuntu10:16
dipplumftab, yes, sure10:17
ftabdipplum how do I do that could you please guide me on that?10:17
viseaboSamoor, I was talking about the "too much hard disk access". iotop is the program to find out which process is doing the hd access...10:18
dipplumftab, try adduser suername groupname, and logout/login10:18
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ftabhmm thanks10:18
ftablet me try10:18
aboSamoorvise, in iotop the command that take too much access is the one i pasted10:19
justanothercoderi am having problems getting php to send mail on ubunu-server. i installed sendmail, but somehow php isn't able to send mail.10:19
ftabI am using debian etch, that command seems to be not there, I am regular ubuntu user, but doing a project on etch10:19
justanothercoderi set the path to /usr/sbin/sendmail in php.ini10:19
justanothercoderand restarted too10:19
moymoyanyone here using smuxi?10:19
bazhangftab, #debian for debian questions10:19
popartinlook at this: http://kerneltrap.org/Linux/MMC_Flash_Memory_Card_Support10:19
viseaboSamoor, Hmm..10:19
popartini do think it's about multimedia cars10:20
dipplumftab, to my knowledge, debian is the same. did you try /usr/sbin/adduser?10:20
ftabyes it's there but not set in env variable10:20
ftab:) I mean the system path, how do I do that ?10:20
pekujaanybody got a Macbook? I was following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook5-1/Jaunty#Trackpad and after doing so, it seems like my touchpad gets disabled after I login10:20
DarudÍàðîä êòî ïî-ðóññêè øïðåõàåò.Ïîìîùü íóæíà)10:21
pekujainside GDM, it works fine, but once I login, it stops working10:21
=== Guest44374 is now known as bredoto
dipplumftab, if you login as root, /usr/sbin will definitely in your $PATH10:21
pekujadoes the HAL policy file get read during login?10:22
exia_how to refresh changes made to /etc/hosts ?10:22
dipplumexia_, it depends, which application are you talking about?10:23
nsadminthat file doesn't need any refresing10:23
justanothercoderexia_ : just restart your browser if its firefox10:23
dipplumexia_, yeah that's right, restart firefox10:23
exia_dipplum, justanothercoder, i need to make my external ip visible to teeworlds server :P10:23
=== adam is now known as Guest75837
justanothercoderexia_ could you elaborate?10:24
nsadminif firefox is reading /etc/hosts, that's broken... the resolver lib should be the only thing reading it10:24
GiJWhat's the mail command in terminal on ubuntu? Just 'mail' doesn't work, and i'd be surprised if there's no cmd builting10:24
sagemodeexia_: reboot10:24
justanothercoderexia_ setting the hosts file on your server does not mean a hostname will resolve to your server, for that you need to change your domain DNS record10:24
Guest75837how to enable wired network10:24
justanothercoderexia_ : the hosts file is only for your machine, all changes are only local10:24
sagemodeGuest75897: Are you using 64bit?10:25
nsadminGuest75837: what kind? modem? ethernet? something else? usb?10:25
indussagemode: what does 64 bit have to do with internt??10:25
nsadminok, try this: sudo ifconfig eth010:25
exia_justanothercoder, well... so my game server is visible by exia.gotdns.org:8303 but players cant play if they enter my IP and it is necessary for servers browser in the game10:25
nsadmindo you get an error?10:25
justanothercodernsadmin : firefox caches dns records i think10:25
Shane1maybe that will help10:25
Guest7583732 bit10:25
exia_justanothercoder, what can be the prob?10:25
haggwhere can i get the original MAC of eth0 after i did a "ifconfig eth0 hw ether..."? i dont want to reboot10:26
nsadminjustanothercoder: well... I still say that's broken or at least inconvenient10:27
GiJShane1: Seems you only assigned 2.3gig to your linux system10:27
justanothercoderexia_ you say your game server is visible, how ar eyou testing that?10:27
Shane1can I change it?10:27
nsadminGuest75837: do you get an error when you do that?10:28
bazhangShane1, is this a wubi install? ie, inside of windows?10:28
exia_justanothercoder, i enter the game and play on it, but I can play only entering exia.gotdns.org:8303 or localhost:8303 and NOT my IP which is necessary for other players who want to find my server -.-10:28
Shane1I think sorry I am all new to this10:28
GiJShane1: Np :) Did you install Ubuntu from inside windows?10:29
Imperiondoes Intrepid have fully working fglrx?10:29
justanothercoderexia_ are you accessing it from the same machine that has the game?10:29
exia_justanothercoder, but maybe thats all visible only for me10:29
exia_justanothercoder, yes10:29
=== ben is now known as Guest19526
justanothercoderexia_ : that explains it. you set the hosts file, so its obviously visible for you10:29
nsadminGuest75837: are you still here?10:30
=== Cyberworm is now known as Wurm|off
Imperiondoes Intrepid Ibex (8.10) have a fully working fglrx driver?10:30
Guest19526I installed a rt73 driver and now it loads instead of the rt73usb driver at startup. How would i make rt73usb dirver load instead at startup ?10:30
exia_justanothercoder, but how to make it visible for others in global? the server console said that it registered my server (i set up my router firewall rules and opened the needed port)10:30
Imperionor is it the same evil present in Jaunty?10:30
exia_justanothercoder, but still nobody can find it in servers browser10:31
bullgard4popartin: I agree. It is no wise wording. Only to be explained for historical reasons.10:31
justanothercoderexia_ i don't think your port is open10:31
Shane1I guess i need to delete this and start over huh?10:31
justanothercoderexia_ i just checked, and its certainly not listening, maybe its bound to your localhost only and not listening on the external interface10:32
GiJShane1: I have no clue if you can change your partition size10:32
exia_justanothercoder, well ok then i need to check my router...10:32
exia_justanothercoder, thankie10:32
justanothercoderexia_ yep, no worries10:32
Shane1Thanks Gij10:33
exia_justanothercoder, but web server works and FTP ^^10:33
nsadminGuest75837: do you get an error when you do "sudo ifconfig eth0"?10:33
justanothercodermaybe the firewall rules or something10:33
GiJIs there a default built-in mail command in Ubuntu?10:34
Guest75837no erro10:34
nsadminok, so you get a paragraph about eth0?10:34
Guest75837yes i think there is an error10:35
nsadminwhat is it?10:35
exia_justanothercoder, do I need NAT in my router enabled?10:35
nsadminand what do you mean you think :) it's right there either way10:35
Guest75837there are two error10:35
exia_justanothercoder, it's Acorp if any... NAT is enabled and Firewall option is disabled, but still need to forward ports10:35
Guest75837one is this " RX packets:21 errors:0 dropped:3497140361 overruns:0 frame:"10:35
Guest75837another error is "TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0"10:36
nsadminoh, so you get a paragraph about eth0 that shows there are errors?10:36
nsadminetn0    blah blah10:37
nsadmin        more blah etc10:37
Guest75837i have problem with my wired network10:37
nsadminGuest75837: wait, answer the question first... do you see something like:10:38
nsadminetn0    blah blah10:38
nsadmin        more blah etc10:38
justanothercoderexia_ your webserver seems to be listening on public ip, so not sure what the problem is10:39
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justanothercoderexia_ i think its got something to do with the config of your game server10:40
base10kHello all, I'm having trouble trying to use the linux release of the piePhone unlocking tool "redsn0w". I get the error "error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_richtext-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [ http://pastebin.ca/1487951 ] but i have installed libwxbase2.8-0 and libwxgtk2.8-0 , any suggestions?10:40
nsadminyou don't see something like that when you do sudo ifconfig eth010:40
exia_justanothercoder, yeah most likely...10:41
Guest75837please help me somebody , i cant eneble the wire network in my lap top, am using ethernet10:41
thefedshow do i download the python source code?10:41
thefedsis there an apt package for it?10:41
thefedsCpython I mean.10:42
nsadminGuest75837: you're not giving enough information10:42
nsadminplease, no msg. on the channel only10:43
Guest75837what information you wnt10:43
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys what does make clean do10:43
thefedsHow do I download the python src/10:43
nsadminwhen you do sudo ifconfig eth0, do you get a paragraph about eth0?10:43
nsadminwe can't move forward without answer to that10:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:44
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:44
nsadminGuest75837: ok, good. and as you said before, that paragraph contains information about errors?10:44
nsadminGuest75837: this means the driver for the card is inserted and most likely working properly.10:45
nsadminso now... you have a cable connected to the port?10:45
Guest75837am using wifi10:45
nsadminI thought you said you were having trouble with your wired ethernet10:46
Guest19526Guest75837:  what card are you using ?10:46
Guest75837how i know that, i have to chak, can u tell me10:47
nsadminif you don't have a cable connected to the port, that could be your problem...10:47
n0gearhow do i mount usb disk and how can i check that ubuntu sees it10:47
nsadminn0gear: latter, try dmesg or wait a moment and see if an automounter opens a window10:48
Guest75837now i have connected ccable, but now im using wifi connection, becasee the wire connectoin is desible10:49
Guest75837and i dont know the name of network card, how i know, how to chak that10:49
nsadminok, your statements aren't making sense, there are several contradictions10:50
nsadminso you want to use the wired ethernet?10:50
nsadminand you're using wireless now?10:51
fland3rshey guys, has anybody noticed some issues with xlsfonts using a XFS(Font Service) with hardy ?10:51
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Guest75837yes now am using wireless10:51
fland3rsI've added a XFS Server entry in xorg.conf which works fine. Also xlsfonts shows the double of my local fonts10:52
beenyboyzCan someone give me a little info about bittorrent I am tryng to use to download a iso file ? message says out of space on ?disk? or somewhere in temp folder.10:52
nsadminGuest75837: take a look at your /etc/network/interfaces10:52
fland3rsTherefore i'm running xlsfonts in a while loop with a sleep2. xlsfonts is still prompting the right values as long as I don't move the mouse.10:52
nsadminbeenyboyz: if  you're out of space you're out of space... check the output of df10:53
fland3rsThen magically the xfs connection gets dropped10:53
Guest75837  "Permission denied"10:54
nsadminit's a file, so you'd use less... you don't run it, it's not an executable10:54
nsadminright now I just want you to see it10:55
beenyboyzFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on10:55
beenyboyz                       5789452   5789448         0 100% /10:55
beenyboyztmpfs                  1030168         0   1030168   0% /lib/init/rw10:55
beenyboyzvarrun                 1030168       116   1030052   1% /var/run10:55
beenyboyzvarlock                1030168         0   1030168   0% /var/lock10:55
FloodBot3beenyboyz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:55
hateball!paste | beenyboyz10:55
ubottubeenyboyz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:55
Guest75837than what i have to do now10:55
beenyboyzok floodbot10:56
hateballbeenyboyz: well ummm, looks like your / is full... which is not good10:56
meowludoI am trying to access my 'playonlinux' folder. does anyone have any idea how i would do that? I need to replace a game file.10:57
nsadminGuest75837: I can't continue... but here's what we know so far: you have an eth0 so presumably that's your ethernet card and there's a driver for it that's already inserted10:58
nsadminwe do know there's an eth0, we are guessing it's your eth card, but it might not be10:58
nsadminwhat you can do is try putting this in /etc/network/interfaces:10:59
fanta_Can anyone help me.. i want to add windows xp to my pc that has ubuntu installed, I have made a new ntfs partition with xp setup. But when i reboot it wont load the next part of setup? so i have tried to reset the mbr or do something with supergrub but no lucky please any!10:59
nsadminiface eth0 inet dhcp10:59
supersashohi.. i tried to install transmageddon, but it says that i need pygobject 2.18 so i found some on http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/source/karmic/pygobject because for intrepid there was just version 2.15 .. so i downloaded it, and (configure,make,make install) everything looked good, but when i try to start transmageddon i get this error http://pastebin.com/d3fd676cd10:59
nsadminadd that to the file, don't remove what's there already11:00
nsadminthen try ifup eth011:00
Guest75837Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0 " whatt is this11:01
nsadminGuest75837: you have to add that line to the file first11:01
kaushikEnter text here...hi11:01
meowludohelllo kaushik11:02
kaushiki need help regarding ubuntu11:02
nsadminkaushik: just ask11:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:02
kaushikhow can i install usb modem11:02
eqisowWhat is considered "user data" for remastersys?11:02
Guest75837i dont know how to add the line to the file11:03
fanta_need help with duel booting xp sp3 and ubuntu on my pc ?11:04
nsadminyou would use a text editor11:04
Guest75837ok then11:05
Guest75837before i used terminal11:06
kaushikplease guide me how can i install gnome-ppp11:08
MusashiHello just a quick question, i have an external hard drive with a bunch of data on it and am wondering if installing GRUB to the MBR of that external drive will erase anything or mess anything up.11:08
Guest75837ok am going format the system & install window 7, i dont have skill to use ubuntu,11:08
strep_bonjour à tous, hi11:08
kaushikhello ubuntu managers please helip me11:09
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strep_hi i have a fullscreen streming video problem with jaunty11:10
gangilkaushik: I think it is there in the synaptic11:10
strep_anybody knows what i should do?11:10
kaushiksir not found11:10
fanta_Can anyone help me.. i want to add windows xp to my pc that has ubuntu installed, I have made a new ntfs partition with xp setup. But when i reboot it wont load the next part of setup? so i have tried to reset the mbr or do something with supergrub but no lucky please any!11:10
Guest75837nsadmin: thanks11:11
WishingMastercaps light issue,anyone have a idea?11:11
kaushiki search but not found11:11
gangilkaushik: try reloading the list , I can see it on my machine11:11
socketbindhi, i have a serious issue with my network card under ubuntu 9.04, in the middle of very fast transfers it silently fails, and the network could only be restored by bringing down and up the interface11:11
socketbindit uses the via_rhine driver, these are ftp transfers and the speed is around 10 MB/s11:11
socketbindi see no kernel error messages, etc.11:12
gangilkaushik: go to system -> administration->Synaptic Package Manager11:12
socketbindand i have no idea on how to fix it, if somebody has an idea please help11:13
kaushikyes i done but in search if i m typing gnome-ppp it not found11:13
gangilkaushik: Now click on the reload button("blue in color")11:13
kaushikin the same place11:13
Vitalazzhi all11:13
kaushikreload after that it will show11:14
kaushikmy ubuntu is latested11:14
gangilkaushik: http://imagebin.org/5497111:15
gangilcan u see the reload button??????11:15
Vitalazzрусские есть?11:15
kaushikwhat is this11:15
gangilthis is synaptic package manager11:16
LuciusMarehello,how to remove some user?11:16
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, anyone knows how to add a dial up connection into the "network connections" in ubuntu intrepid?11:17
gangilkaushik: did u get that?11:18
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, anyone knows how to add a 56k dial up connection into the "network connections" in ubuntu intrepid?11:18
Vitalazzhelp please to me adjust VPN on Kubuntu 8.1011:18
kaushiki can try and come back to you if any problem11:19
gangilkaushik: now just check it , and click on apply , it will install automatically11:19
kaushikthx & regards11:19
iceonnethow do i create a bash file and how should it look like, should it f.ex be called bashfile.sh?11:19
Vitalazzplease help me11:20
kaushikI can do if any problem I will come back to u11:20
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, anyone knows how to add a 56k dial up connection into the "network connections" in ubuntu intrepid?11:20
dirkgently1hey guys... does anyone of you have problems with the problematic Atheros 242x in Jaunty?11:20
WishingMastercaps light issue,does anyone have an idea?11:20
* gangil wonders where have all the big ppl gone11:21
kaushikchecked not found11:21
kaushikdear gandil i have checked gnoem-ppp not found11:22
gangilkaushik: go to System->administration>update manager , and update ur system first11:22
kaushikhow ? withour internet connection11:22
kaushikhow i update my system without internet connection. pls guide me11:23
gangilcmon , u are using internet , how come u r here then11:23
Vitalazzhelp somebody to me11:24
kaushiknow i m using windows11:24
gangilare u running ubuntu on vmware?11:24
kaushiki m chating with you via windows11:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kaushiki installed in d drive11:25
gangil!details |kaushik11:25
ubottukaushik: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:25
kaushikon the time of starting my machine it will ask in how i boot (Windows or Ubuntu)11:25
gangilthen choose ubuntu11:26
gangiland use internet in there11:26
WishingMastercaps lock light?11:26
kaushikbut their is not dialup11:27
kaushikthats why i m asking how can i install dialup so that i can use internet on ubuntu and update my machine11:27
fland3rsany ideas regarding the xfs/xlsfonts issue ?11:28
gangilit is there u can click on the network manager icon on the top right of the screen11:28
kaushikif i found gnome-ppp then i can install dialup11:28
gangilkaushik: sorry buddy :( , but I need to go now...11:29
kaushiknot a problem thx for that bye take care11:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:30
elad`If all I have is one hard-disk, how do I write zeros to it? I mean, since there's only one, I can't boot from an OS installed on another.11:30
elad`I could use a live-cd, come to think of it. OK, so how do I do that? Or any other tool, really.11:31
nellmathewelad`: use a live cd11:31
ActionParsnipelad`: if you want to write 0s to the disk you can boot to a live cd and use: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of/dev/sda   (assuming your disk is /dev/sda, check what it is with sudo fdisk -l)11:31
ActionParsnipsorry its11:31
ActionParsnipsudo dd if/dev/zero of=/dev/sda11:32
nellmathewsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda11:32
ActionParsnipmy hands are quicker than my brain11:32
nellmathewlol happens the the best of us11:32
elad`Thanks. It would take me a while to download the livecd, though (doing that now, but the store is closing...). Is there anything else?11:32
elad`A specific tool?11:33
ActionParsnipelad`: that will write 0s until the end of the disk11:33
ActionParsnipelad`: use a gentoo minimal cd, its about 8mb11:33
ActionParsnipor a minimal ubuntu cd which is about the same size11:33
kebomixhello ,. i need help to install this patch 4 my webcam http://osdir.com/ml/linux.drivers.spca50x.devel/2008-05/msg00003.html11:33
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:33
ActionParsnipelad`: just anything that will give a cli interface will do, you dont need a full blown x desktop11:34
elad`ActionParsnip: I found one that's 80mb, not 8mb.11:34
elad`ActionParsnip: Could you link me?11:34
ActionParsnipelad`: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso11:34
ActionParsnipelad`: MD5 = http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso11:35
elad`Found it. Thanks.11:35
ActionParsnipmd5 = c407656fcb6150ca08729485d46decf711:35
elad`What's the MD5 for?11:35
ActionParsnipelad`: to check the ISO you download is correct and complete11:35
induskebomix: what webcam is it11:35
sdcanyone know of an extension that can save the currently open tabs in firefox?11:35
ActionParsnipelad`: you should ALWAYS check you ISO files11:35
elad`Is it ever really an issue?11:35
indussdc: well,firefox does that automatically doesnt it? How exactly do u want to save it?11:36
ActionParsnipelad`: it just shows the file is correct so if your installs are weird then you KNOW its not the CD11:36
ActionParsnipelad`: if you dont, you have no idea at all if the CD yuo have burned is right or not11:36
sdcindus: i want to hold multiple sessions11:36
induselad`: i never check md511:36
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:37
ActionParsnipi ALWAYS check it, saves heartache later when you realise your ISO was broken and you've spent a few days trying to get an install to work when the media was to blame11:37
ActionParsnipit takes a minute and gives you piece of mind11:37
elad`Thanks. Got to reboot. BRB.11:37
kebomixindus: that's wut appears on lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 17a1:0118  , alot of ppl can't get it work under linux cuz it is not supported , but i found that patch made by someone to get it work11:37
indusActionParsnip: in theory yes11:38
induskebomix: what make of webcam11:38
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys i just went through the painstaking process of installing my conexant soft modem, is there anyway i can test it? other than trying to connect to the ISP? Like a local loopback traffic test or some kind of query?11:39
ActionParsnipindus: i think its a snap to do and very wrth it, the md5 isnt there for kicks so I use it. Ive helped many on answers.launchpad.net with MD5 checks11:39
kebomixindus: it is chinese cheap  webcam called PENMTUIM , the important is the ship :)11:39
indusActionParsnip: the procedure seems reallylong and complicated11:39
ActionParsnipohletmeinnowjesu: make it dial your mobile phone:)11:39
induskebomix: chip11:39
ActionParsnipindus: md5sum ./<isofile>11:39
luciashhello everybody11:39
kebomixindus: yes sry :)11:40
ActionParsnipindus: then simply download the file and run: cat ./MD5SUM | grep <some of the file name>11:40
ohletmeinnowjesuActionParsnip: thats a good point11:40
luciashanybody knows aptitude/apt-get command to reinstall all packages ?11:40
ActionParsnip!clone | luciash11:40
ubottuluciash: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:40
indusActionParsnip: hmm ok thats it? the community docs list a lengthy procedure11:40
ActionParsnipindus: its really not11:40
ohletmeinnowjesuActionParsnip: its just ive misplaced my rj11 cable and and am cable less till tomorrow11:40
Cheranwhy ubuntu netbook remix is having size of more than 900 MB11:41
induskebomix: that procedure is technical and right now, i dont have the patience to help you with adding the patch11:41
CheranCan i use it for MIDs..??11:41
luciashActionParsnip: thx11:41
Cheranany body plz reply11:41
kebomixindus: okay , thanks any way :(11:41
induskebomix: ok wait let me reada a little more11:42
Cheranwhy ubuntu netbook remix is having size of more than 900 MB.. Can i use it for MIDs..?11:42
ActionParsnipindus: e.g.: wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/release/ubuntu-9.04-dvd-i386.iso; wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/release/MD5SUMS; md5sum ./ubuntu-9.04-dvd-i386.iso; cat ./MD5SUMS | grep dvd-i38611:42
kebomixindus: ok , tyt11:42
induskebomix: hmm i think the link ActionParsnip gave you is the best way to learn how11:42
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:42
ActionParsnipindus: then walk away, file will be downloaded and md5 checked when you get back11:42
ActionParsnipCheran: i installed it on an acer aspire one from usb11:43
indusActionParsnip: why cant we have a gui md5 check like in windows? i never ask new users or even mention md5 checks,i burn and give them the cd myself,and of the 100 i have burned , just say 5 havent worked11:43
ActionParsnipindus: not sure, i dont use gui11:44
kebomixindus: where is it !11:44
indus!patch | kebomix11:44
ubottukebomix: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:44
ActionParsnipindus: well for something like that anyhoo11:44
elad`I booted from the linux mini cd, and it's asking me "boot: " What do I do?11:44
ActionParsnipindus: the CD has a self checker too which has an MD5SUM on it also11:44
elad`Oh, pressed enter. Now what? Install?11:45
indusActionParsnip: hmm now why didnt i see that11:45
elad`Surely not Install. How do I get a command line, then?11:45
Cheranwhy ubuntu netbook remix is having size of more than 900 MB.. Can i use it for MIDs..?11:45
indusActionParsnip: ya i think i have seen that yes.Its in live cd correct?11:45
induskebomix: do you have the source file with you?11:45
rskielad`: what's the linux mini cd11:46
ActionParsnipindus: on all11:46
induskebomix: unless you are a programmer or really tech savvy, i suggest you drop the idea and buy a recognised webcam11:46
rskielad`: yea press install11:47
elad`Doesn't it install things to the CD? That's not what I want. I'm trying to write zeros to the HDD.11:47
rskiok no idea then11:47
ActionParsnipelad`: you should be able to get a prompt from the first screen you load11:48
kebomixindus: the code is here http://osdir.com/ml/linux.drivers.spca50x.devel/2008-05/msg00003.html11:48
elad`I see Install, Command-line install, and Advance options.11:48
induskebomix: i know, but iam not  a programmer :)11:48
elad`Neiter Install nor Command-line install got me to a command line.11:48
ActionParsnipelad`: under advanced options I believe11:49
induskebomix: or you need to find someone who can put that code into the driver, maybe send a personal mail to michael ,the writer of the gspca driver11:49
elad`Expert install, Command-line expert install and Rescue mode, ActionParsnip11:49
kebomixindus : i will try that :D11:49
induskebomix: he might do it, or contact someone on ubuntu-devel11:49
JoeMWhat is the proper owner and chmod settings for ~/.gnome2?11:50
ActionParsnipelad`: rescu mode sounds good.11:50
induskebomix: why dont you just get a nice new webcam?11:50
ActionParsnipelad`: considering you are wiping the drive you can't actually go wrong so just play, you will find it11:50
elad`Never mind, got to a shell from within the rescue mode, by perverting it a bit, maybe.11:50
elad`dd... what?11:51
ActionParsnipJoeM: owner is yourname:yourname11:51
ActionParsnipelad`: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<disk name>11:51
indus sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda11:51
kebomixindus: no , i just was testing this old cam , i want to make touch screen using this webcam , not to use it on video chat11:51
ActionParsnipelad`: you'll need   sudo fdisk -l    to find its name11:51
JoeMactionparsnip wonder why mine is set to root... very odd, thanks (and thanks for all the help yesturday, after a lot of pain it all works minus a few more tweaks)11:51
elad`fdisk not found...11:51
ActionParsnipJoeM: because you have been running gui apps with sudo11:51
ActionParsnipJoeM: sudo gedit / sudo nautilus ring a bell?11:52
induskebomix: hmm touch screen? how ?11:52
indus sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda11:52
duckwarsIf I edit my fstab with one drive mounting multiple times in multpile places, will that succesfully make the drive default mount to several places?11:52
JoeMactionparsnip sudo gedit I use, I also did a copy from my old harddrive so that might have messed up some perms too11:52
indusduckwars: hmm yes it works i suppose11:52
ActionParsnipJoeM: it s WRONG and you have got exactly why it is wrong11:52
ohletmeinnowjesuActionParsnip: just checkin, for it to call my phone, can i use gnome-ppp and leave username & pass fields blank?11:52
knoppix anyone knows which package is this from XShmPutImage11:53
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ActionParsnipohletmeinnowjesu: put any old stuff in, you dont need to authenticate for a connectioon11:53
JoeMactionparsnip was easy enough to fix, thanks11:53
p1gmale0nhi all11:53
elad`dd acts the same whether I give it sda or sda9 (which doesn't exist)...11:53
ActionParsnipJoeM: you never use sudo gedit, you use gksudo gedit as it sets up the environment correctly11:53
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:53
ActionParsnipJoeM: sudo is ONLY for cli commands like apt-get, cp, mv, ln etc11:53
JoeMother thing Im having a problem is is with SCIM... for some reason it doesn want to work (I use Korean/Chinese/English typing)11:54
indusJoeM: use (always use) gksu gedit11:54
JoeMactionparsnip that is good to know, thanks11:54
ActionParsnipJoeM: gksudo is for gui apps like gedit and nautilus11:54
indusgksu gksu gksu11:54
ActionParsnip!info gksudo11:54
ubottuPackage gksudo does not exist in jaunty11:54
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:54
JoeMactionparsnip Ive been doing that for years... bet I have a lot of perms wrong, heh11:54
kebomixindus: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=420158928146617680511:54
jillsmittubuntu 9.04 on DVD - is this beta?11:54
ActionParsnipJoeM: i bet you do11:54
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induskebomix: sorry google video is blocked at work11:55
p1gmale0none question.. how i can limit in/out network speed in ubuntu??11:55
indusjillsmitt: its not beta11:55
ActionParsnipjillsmitt: 9.04 is official released, the dvd has more languages and other stuff on the disk11:55
indusjillsmitt: !9.0411:55
ActionParsnipindus: andy@fileserver:~$ gksu[tab] yields    gksu             gksudo           gksu-properties11:55
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents11:55
kebomixindus: then bookmark it till u be home :D11:55
jillsmittokay okay.. just i like ATI in ubuntu, and i have very bad stuffs in kubuntu... cant ubnderstand why11:56
indusActionParsnip: yes but i dont get what you mean11:56
bazhangkebomix, dont paste that here11:56
p1gmale0n how i can limit in/out network speed in ubuntu?? i need limit bt subnets11:56
kebomixbazhang: paste what ?11:57
indusbazhang: whats wrong with that video?11:57
ActionParsnipindus: you put 'gksu gksu gksu' and confused me11:57
bazhangthis is ubuntu support only; indus kebomix such posting should be done in #ubuntu-offtopic11:57
indusActionParsnip: heh ya ok just was emphasizing11:57
kebomixbazhang : k , sry11:58
tvburgerI changed my /etc/hosts file, but it seems ubuntu caches the ip's. How can i flush them?11:58
ActionParsnipindus: please do. I actually have a link to one guy i helped on launchpad with the same thing: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+question/7215111:59
ActionParsnipindus: i keep it for idiots who say "sudo is fine for gui" etc11:59
JoeMIm not even sure what to search for on this... when I type things like ~ I have to hit the key then hit space, apostrophy doesnt even work, but some some odd things like make an m (in I(apos)m) have a tick mark over it12:00
indusActionParsnip: i still can be called one , cos i still use sudo12:00
justanothercodertvburger : restart firefox12:01
ActionParsnipindus: read that link, you'll see hat you will get, as well as you just saw joeM with the same thiing12:01
tvburgerI'm working in a shell.12:01
indusActionParsnip: yes i know, iam starting to remember to use gksu now,but i do remember always to say it here12:01
justanothercodertvburger : install nscd ( sudo aptitude install nscd ) and then use sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart12:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:01
ActionParsnipindus: thats good, not helping people break there systems is cool12:02
justanothercodertvburger : first try restarting networking /etc/init.d/networking restart12:02
tvburgerdone that. doesn't work either.12:02
justanothercodertvburger : that should normally fix it12:02
ActionParsniptvburger: if you nslookup <name>   does it resolve to the right ip?12:03
indusActionParsnip: i did nt understand the question on launchpad clearly though12:03
tvburgerIt's a live webserver, so I prefer doing it without shutting down the whole network...12:03
tinelHi all, does anyone know hot to play a sounf when plugging or unplugging a usb device? thanks12:03
ZeddeHello I installed syslog-ng and I have a D-link 635 that I have enabled that it will send the logs to a syslog server. How can I see that the server is receiving data ?12:03
ActionParsnipindus: basically vuze wouldnt run: if you scroll down you'll see his files were owned by root due to bad sudo use, so i chowned his files back to him and it was fine12:03
viniciushi! is there any way of launching firefox (and its addons through "chrome://" command line) with a custom icon than the standard one? or maybe a good place to get an answer for this =)12:04
tvburgerIt seems that the IP is resolved remotely. This was the case. So some program still has a record of it and caches it (my guess). But I've just added it to /etc/hosts which comes first in /etc/nsswitch.conf .12:04
tvburgerProbably I need the DNS cacher to be flushed.12:04
ActionParsnipvinicius: you can edit the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications to specify your  own icon12:04
indusActionParsnip:i think i should do a fresh install and start using gksu now to see if something changes,i bet flash will work better (dont know why i feel that)12:05
tvburgerWhat seems weird... because /etc/hosts comes first. And I've restarted the nscd service...12:05
ActionParsniptvburger: yeah it should12:05
ActionParsniptvburger: hosts overrides all12:05
tvburgerOfcourse nslookup uses the name server.12:06
indusActionParsnip: hmm i see that many of his hidden files are owned by root12:06
tvburgerThus nslookup will always give the wrong IP. That's fine.12:06
ActionParsnipindus: exactly12:06
ActionParsniptvburger: how about ping?12:06
cantomahey guys i am trying to connect to a network printer using cups but the printer is requesting for ID and Password. How can I tell cups to send that to the printer??12:06
tvburgerBut the programs local on the machine should use as configured in nsswitch.12:06
ActionParsnipcantoma: is the printer attatched to a windows pc?12:07
tvburgerthe host program either doesnot care about the nsswitch stuff!12:07
cantomaActionParsnip, i have no idea12:07
indusActionParsnip: i think this can be a wishlist or feature for 9.10, not to allow sudo on graphical, like not to allow rm -rf on the root12:07
cantomaActionParsnip, i know it is in my cups list12:07
tvburgerActually ping does the right thing (get the IP from /etc/hosts)12:07
viniciusActionParsnip, but will this icon be the same on the gnome-panel?12:07
elad`OK, I booted from a complete live-cd. fdisk -l gives me nothing.12:08
ActionParsnipvinicius: yes, you just need to restart x and it will apply. That is the standard .desktop for all users to run firefox so you can change it and it will affect them all12:08
ActionParsnipelad`: its sudo fdisk -l12:08
=== eXtra_Rice|wAla is now known as jilbert
ActionParsnipelad`: that will show available disks and partitions12:08
ActionParsnipcantoma: if its shared on a windows based pc you will need to create a user on the windows side to authorise use12:09
viniciusActionParsnip, what i want to do is to launch a firefox extension only, but with a different icon, so its firefox too, understand?12:09
elad`In /dev/, I have sda. No sda[num]. Is that guaranteed to be the HDD?12:09
cantomaActionParsnip, this is what is says: The printer's state message is: 'fatal: Incorrect ID or Password. Specify the correct ID and Password.: 15513'12:09
viniciusoops... sorry12:10
FrEaKmAn_hi, how could I disable startup of tomcat in my ubuntu server?12:10
ActionParsnipvinicius: oh like launch firefox but autolaunch chatzilla for example12:10
cantomaActionParsnip: i can login in any windows machine here (using an id and password) and use that printer.12:10
indusActionParsnip: iam beginning to think what a huge mess my system is probably in,works fine , but you think some issues with sound etc could be related to this ?12:11
JoeMSystem->Administration-> Language Support is just a gui for installing SCIM right?12:11
viniciusActionParsnip, yes...12:11
indusJoeM: no its not12:11
viniciusActionParsnip, using "chrome://" on command line12:11
elad`When dd-ing from /dev/zero, the operation would never stop - right/wrong?12:11
viniciusActionParsnip, im creating a new .desktop file12:11
cantomaActionParsnip, so i know the id and password but i don't know how to send it using my linux pv12:11
indusJoeM: it install the necessary language packs, scim is already installed i think and its under system>preferences12:12
JoeMindus oh... then what is it for, input or just display?12:12
ActionParsnipvinicius: then just add the thing as an arg:   e.g.   firefox irc://irc.freenode.net12:12
JoeMindus ah ok, so it just to get the language packs for scim?12:12
viniciusActionParsnip, yes... =)12:12
mac1Hi I am new to the IRC12:13
indusJoeM: yeah either with scim or with the regular keyboard selector ,and for typing in open office etc all those things, also to change the desktop default language , basically all12:13
ActionParsnipcantoma: how about if you smb://<servername>   then right click the printer and click connect (or similar)12:13
viniciusActionParsnip, well... that doesnt change the icon on gnome-panel12:13
viniciusActionParsnip, you said i need to restart X for it to work, right?12:13
JoeMindus Im trying to get back ability to type Korean and Chinese again, as well as fix this irritating issue with some keys not working properly12:13
indusJoeM: i dont use scim,dont know how to. i just use keyboard switcher to change language,but scim gives a lot of options12:13
ActionParsnipvinicius: it should just add itself automagically, have a check. If not then restart x12:14
bazhangJoeM, scim needs to be installed and configured12:14
JoeMindus I used it before I build the new system, SCIM support was one of the few things that didnt seem to migrate properly12:14
viniciusActionParsnip, ok... ill restart12:14
viniciusActionParsnip, thanks12:14
cantomaActionParsnip, how can i find what <servername> should be?12:14
hrgamagic lamp effect from compiz just rocks12:15
hrgagoodbye macosx12:15
ActionParsnipcantoma: its the whatever you connect to to print, so it will be an ip or a netbios name, look at your windows clients12:15
error404notfoundhow can i create raw backups using dd of usb with linux installed in them to my system harddisk?12:16
seanjHello, how to I set my terminal language to USA?12:17
cantomaActionParsnip: something like IP_138.250.110.4012:17
duckwarsFor my vnc server to run I need to have the desktop going, so if I reboot from a foreign computer I can't vnc in... I've tried to start the desktop by startx and running sudo /etc/init.d/gdm on the vnc server but I still can't vnc in.  The only solution seems to log in on the physical computer...12:18
hetthello there people12:18
hettcan anyone tell me why my local area network is lagging after upgrading to 9.0412:19
seanjHello, how to I set my terminal language to USA?12:19
hettworking with ssh is like working in hell12:19
lstarnesseanj: as in US English?12:19
seanjyes lstarnes12:20
jpdshett: How would you know? Have you been there?12:20
seanjIt's set to Canadian French but I don't use a french keyboard.12:20
seanjI figured out how to do it in GNOME but not in the real terminal12:20
hettjpds: heh :) yep, but I'm feeling like I don't want to be there and work with that lag12:20
jpdshett: Anyway, try running 'mtr google.com' and see where it's lagging.12:20
hetthmm, jpds, I've problems with my local ubuntu server12:21
hettas I understand12:21
luciashok, here's my case: i got fried my SATA disk electronics but i have no budget to send it to data recovery now... there were some symlinked dirs on the disk like /usr/share or /var... i have copied some of the missing dirs now from my laptop (same distro) so i have working linux desktop again but there are still some problems/not fully functional apps... how would you do it to recover missing files of installed apps if you don't know exactly which ones ?12:21
Ryan1Hey guys, What does the "." before freemind in the error "STDOUT: User patterns file /home/ryan/.freemind/patterns.xml not found." mean?12:21
jpdshett: Hmm, not sure if mtr'ing it's IP would help.12:21
jpdsRyan1: It's a hidden folder.12:21
hettjpds, avarage ping is 15-25 ms12:22
lstarnesseanj: you could try the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf12:22
jpdsRyan1: You can view them in a directory by doing: ls -A /home/ryan12:22
Ryan1jpds: Things is the file "patterns.xml" exists in /home/ryan/Desktop/Freemind/patterns.xml"12:22
JoeMindus ok, that worked... any idea why my keyboard is missing up on the ~ key, apostrphy/qoute key and a few others?  Its really hard to explain what its doing so I cant google for it12:22
seanjthanks lstarnes.12:22
lstarnesseanj: you could also try editing /etc/environment12:23
jpdsRyan1: So, try: cp ~/Freemind/patternx.xml ~/.freemind/patterns.xml12:23
JoeMindus tried changing the layout, all of them did the same thing, right now its on generic 105 key and us_intl (its really a Logitech MX 5500, Korean)12:23
seanjlstarnes: okay, I'll try that. Thanks.12:23
lstarnesseanj: also, check the enironment variables in the output of locale12:23
Ryan1jpds: cp?12:23
matyyhej, can someone tell me how you call that function, search by typing or whatever, when for example in Nautilus I enter "ne" to jump to the folder "new folder"?12:24
seanjlstarnes: en_CA.UTF-812:24
Ryan1!cp | Ryan12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cp12:24
Exorciaooooooo ^^12:24
matyyI am looking for an "official" name so I can search for it, since it doesn't really work since 8.0412:24
lstarnesRyan1: cp = copy12:24
jpdsRyan1: Do that in the terminal, it means copy.12:24
lstarnesRyan1: it's the command line utility for copying files12:24
hettuh :-/12:25
elad`When dd-ing from /dev/zero, the operation would never stop - right/wrong?12:25
Ryan1jpds: do I have to be in a specific directory to execute the command or must I specify the explicit address - ie. /home/....12:26
lstarneselad`: unless you stop dd using ctrl+C or another control code or signal12:26
jpdsRyan1: No, you can do it anywhere.12:26
lstarnesRyan1: it can be relative to the current directory12:26
luciashis there a utility/way to check what files were (accidentaly) deleted out of a package after installation ?12:26
elad`So how would I know when all of my hdd is full of zeros?12:26
lstarnesRyan1: ~ is always expanded to mean your home directory12:26
jpdsRyan1: the ~ bit means your home directory (/home/ryan/).12:26
luciashso i would know what packages need to be reinstalled12:27
* neo8848 has joined NOTE: he is a newbie12:27
Ryan1ok thanks12:27
moymoyluciash, have you tried apt-get -f install12:27
error404notfoundcan anyone help me creating raw backup of a memory card attached to my system using a card reader? I want to make its backup to a file on my system...12:27
seanjAlso, anyone know to change monitor refresh rate? My monitor can do 85 hz but Ubuntu only lets me go up to 60 hz.12:28
luciashmoymoy: nope, does it install all packages ?12:28
moymoyerror404notfound: use dd12:28
moymoyluciash: it installs all missing dependencies (or tries to)12:28
error404notfoundmoymoy, yes but what would be input file?12:28
luciashmoymoy: i have limited space now when the disk is gone so i would prefer to download and reinstall only what is necessary12:28
lstarneserror404notfound: the memory card's device node12:29
luciashmoymoy: oh, ok, i will give it a try if it helps missing files (not dependent packages only)12:29
error404notfoundlstarnes, how can i figure that out? using lsusb it tells me: "us 005 Device 002: ID 058f:6362 Alcor Micro Corp. Hi-Speed 21-in-1 Flash Card Reader/Writer (Internal/External)"12:29
moymoyerror404notfound: dd if=/dev/whatever of=~/backup.dd12:30
error404notfoundmoymoy, difficult is figuring out that /dev/wahetever part12:30
moymoyerror404notfound: hmm.. try sudo blkid12:30
error404notfoundbtw can i mount dd created images?12:31
steve1i think i have messed up my boot loader, is there a way i can repair/reinstall it?12:32
lstarneserror404notfound: assuming that they have the corret filesystem structure, yes12:32
Ryan1jpds: Thanks it worked - no error message. Could it be that he hidden folder /.freemind is created when the jar file is exectuted. Because I have only extracted Freemind to the desktop, and have not run any "install" file12:32
ziroday!grub | steve112:32
ubottusteve1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:32
hakenslinequelque un as un tips pour faire fonctionner une carte son creative xfi ?12:32
indusJoeM: sorry no idea12:32
badeagle!es | hakensline12:32
ubottuhakensline: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:33
bazhanghakensline, #ubuntu-fr pour francais12:33
JoeMindus just figured it out, not exactly but hidpoint supports it now so that fixed it all..12:33
luciashmoymoy: that command is no help for me, unfortunatelly12:33
badeaglehaha it was french huh?12:33
indushidpoint whats that12:33
JoeMindus or not... damn it12:33
moymoyluciash: what files are you missing?12:33
JPSmanDo you guys know of any hexeditors that output graphical representations of the hex values?  something like this http://i25.tinypic.com/v66y5w.jpg12:33
indusJoeM: restart the PC12:33
moymoyluciash: you might as well reinstall the package12:33
JoeMindus its a system to install drivers for some Logitech devices12:33
luciashmoymoy: that's what i try to find out :)12:34
hrgais there any hex editor included in Ubuntu?12:34
indusJoeM: the logitech keyboard can be selected from keyboard pref12:34
moymoyluciash: do you know which program is acting up at least?12:34
bazhangghex hrga12:34
hrgawhere is located?12:35
=== Ari|pause is now known as Ari|
badeaglehrga, run "sudo aptitude install ghex"12:35
JoeMindus not all of them, like mine MX550012:35
luciashmoymoy: most of them work but e.g. automounting stopped work, authentication (to unlock) in /usr/bin/services-admin and simmilar12:36
villerhi I only have 640x480 under screen resolution preferences (6.06)12:36
indusJoeM: hmm no idea,probably select standard american keyboard12:36
indusviller: why using 6.06 ? why not upgraded?12:36
petsoundshello, i wanna install xbmc on jaunty but it failed 'coz i don't seems to have Keys. how can i add the keys? https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html12:36
luciashmoymoy: i thought there could be some comparison of deb packages what files the install and files i have currently installed12:36
moymoyluciash: hmm12:37
luciashs/files the/files they/12:37
villerindus cause I'm using the old 6.06 liveCD I have lying around :P12:37
bazhang!gpgerr | petsounds12:37
ubottupetsounds: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »12:37
moymoyluciash: what filesystems are on your "automounted" devices?12:37
indusviller: using live cd why? dont have new?12:37
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases12:37
moymoyluciash: err devices you want to automount12:37
luciashmoymoy: common usb-sticks (fat16/32 i guess)12:38
indusviller: dont expect too much support here for 6.06 now12:38
villerok I'll try on my own then12:38
indusviller: but anyways, what system what graphics etc12:38
JoeMmaybe this will help... my keyboard works correctly in any KDE programs (I use Gnome) but not in gnome ones.  IE doesnt work in terminal, but does work in konsole or yakuake12:38
villernvidia 6600gt12:38
orion_E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)12:39
indusyou on live cd now? why?12:39
luciashmoymoy: but it's not the problem i try to figure out... i try to figure out what files installed by packages i have are currently missing after the hdd with /var and /usr/share got burned)12:39
badeagledid "sudo X -configure" work back in 6.06?12:39
moymoyluciash: i remember i had trouble automounting if the sticks were formatted with ext12:39
bazhangorion_, paste.ubuntu.com with your sources.list12:39
deanyanyone tried VLC 1.0 yet?  have they fixed the seperated player/window issue12:39
bazhangdeany, its fixed12:39
moymoyluciash: how did you lose those folders?12:39
luciashmoymoy: i mean they wee automounting fine before the fried disk12:39
petsoundsbazhang : i'm sorry but i don't understand.12:40
luciashmoymoy: i lost them with the burned hdd12:40
bazhangpetsounds, follow the intructions given above; substituting the keys from the ppa you wish to use (they are on the ppa in question's site)12:41
moymoyluciash: have you tried moving all the files in from a fresh installation?12:41
luciashmoymoy: i recovered some of them from another system, but not all files which i try to figure out12:41
moymoyluciash: a bit drastic but.. lol12:41
orion_E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)12:41
orion_E: Unable to lock the list directory12:41
badeagleHow do I fix Konversation to open links in firefox-3.5? I have already set the preference in Gnome Preferred Applications.12:41
bazhangorion_, please paste your sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com12:41
Dr_Willisorion_:  soubnds like a typo on like 5712:41
=== jon is now known as Guest8695
bazhangorion_, please stop repeating, and paste.ubuntu.com with them12:42
llutzbadeagle: : konversation has own settings12:42
luciashmoymoy: i thought deb packages provide information what files they install and if i would check my installed packages and if the files are present or missing in my system i could figure out what i need to re-install12:42
badeaglellutz, haha, i checked twice before but just found it12:43
moymoyi have a feeling that part of the OS is missing12:43
moymoyluciash: i have a feeling that some part of the the CD installation is missing12:43
moymoyluciash: and from what i know, the only time debs are involved in an installation is during update12:44
allenbradleyHow do you use git behind a proxy server?12:45
luciashmoymoy: hmm, so there's no way to check what installed packages files they provide and what are missing on my system ?12:45
LuciusMarehow can i compile something?In the directiory i downlaoded there is no configure to run or makefile12:45
JessicaParkerdoes anyone know a programme that does say automated screen shots ever 20mins ? thanks12:45
LuciusMareonly .h and .cpp files12:45
moymoyluciash: hmm you might be able to write a script to check for missing files12:45
luciashmoymoy: i wouldn't believe that :-)12:46
badeagleLuciousMare, send it to me I'll have a look.12:46
allenbradley@LuciusMare g++ <file.cpp> ?12:46
lstarnesLuciusMare: no autogen.sh, configure.ac, or Makefile.am?12:46
luciashmoymoy: yep, that's what i fear i have to do :)12:46
moymoyluciash: plenty of talented people here12:46
badeagleall of them ugly12:46
badeagle  ;)12:47
Ryan1If I have a file "example.mm" - how do I ensure it runs with the application Freemind (which is executed using the command "java -jar freemind.jar")?12:47
JoeMI think I figured it out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GtkComposeTable  <--- how do I disable that?12:47
allenbradley@Ryan1 : right click on the file12:47
allenbradleygo to custom command12:47
allenbradleyand type the command12:48
luciashmoymoy: i know in synaptics you can see what files an installed package provides... do you know cmd line equiv ?12:48
koshariJessicaParker just use cron to envoke the screengrapbber12:48
allenbradleyif you do it once12:48
luciashbadeagle: LOL12:48
allenbradleyit will do the same everytime12:48
moymoyluciash: nope.. i'm sorry12:48
allenbradleyDid that work?12:48
* luciash digging in the man apt-get and man aptitude again12:49
shaullxwhy compiz effects are not working on startup? i need to right click 'fusion-icon' and 'Restart Window manager' twice before compiz effects are used12:49
luciashshaullx: yup, that is the questin12:49
LuciusMarelstarnes: no,nothing.and i dont know what one to compile12:49
LuciusMarethere are a lot of them12:49
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:50
lstarnesLuciusMare: you probably need to compile all of the .cpp files then link their resulting .o files together12:50
papul__how do i install ubuntu without a gui?12:50
lstarnesLuciusMare: depending on where you got it from, there may be special instructions12:50
allenbradleyDoes anybody know know how to use git behind a proxy12:50
LuciusMarelstarnes: god...12:50
allenbradleypapul_ : server edition12:50
jezi22my machine logged out suddenly.. where can i check the problem?12:50
LuciusMarepapul__: alternate dvd12:50
badeagleLuciousMare: lemme see it! email it badeagle01@gmail.com or something, would ya?12:51
badeaglei just cannot type his name right12:51
LuciusMareuse tab12:51
lstarnesbadeagle: tip: type "luc" then press tab12:51
badeaglesweet it's a game12:52
lstarnesLuciusMare: try http://code.google.com/p/kbang/wiki/UserManual#Linux12:52
badeaglelstarnes: you're good12:53
petsoundsbazhang : negative :(12:53
allenbradleySorry for asking again, but does anyone know how to use git behind a proxy?12:53
bazhangpetsounds, give me the links to the ppa12:54
LuciusMarelstarnes: oh12:54
LuciusMarethank you12:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about group12:54
bazhangindus, please /msg ubottu12:54
petsoundsbazhang : https://launchpad.net/%7Eteam-xbmc#ppas12:54
bazhangpetsounds, which version of ubuntu are you using12:55
indusMSG bazhang Hi12:55
=== papul__ is now known as papul
indusDAMN IT12:55
bazhangindus, /msg12:55
indusya sorry i got it now12:55
petsoundsbazhang : jaunty12:55
industhank you12:55
Dr_Willis!find g15.so12:55
ubottuFile g15.so found in libg15-1, libg15-dev12:55
badeagleholy cow, that's the coolest thing i've ever seen ubottu do12:56
induscan anyone tell me what is user, groups andothers mean12:56
papulcan someone suggest a good virtualbox12:56
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/jaunty-ppa  petsounds the keys are on that page12:56
Picipapul: Er. Virtualbox is an application, what do you mean?12:56
Pici!permissions | indus perhaps this will help12:57
ubottuindus perhaps this will help: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:57
petsoundsbazhang : then what should i do?12:57
lstarnesindus: in file permissions, "user" is the user that owns the file, "group" is the group that owns the file, and "others" are users who don't own the file and aren't in the group that owns it12:57
papulPici, program similar to virtual box but lightweighted12:57
bazhangpetsounds, I will have the bot PM you the instructions.12:57
bazhang!gpgerr > petsounds12:57
ubottupetsounds, please see my private message12:57
SigniusLOL oooh looks like i am no longer banned from the #ubuntu channel :p12:58
induslstarnes: then why is others mentioned in the permissions if they have nothing to do withit?12:58
Pici!ppagpg > petsounds (this has better instructions)12:58
papulPici, ???12:58
lstarnesindus: it controls whteher others can read the file, write to it, or execute it12:58
badeaglerwx sounds like a mazda12:59
lstarnesindus: there are some cases where you would want others to be able to read, write to, or execute a file that they don't own12:59
JoeMfor some reason when I got into sessions and add in some start up applications, they dont stay... how can I fix this (8.10 64 bit)12:59
Picipapul: I'm not sure what exactly you mean by lightweight, what is it that Virtuabox does that you are not happy with?12:59
lstarnesindus: most applications and their shared data need to be readable or executable by everyone, not just root, which usually owns those files12:59
papulPici, i want good virtualization software whose package size is small13:00
Pici!virtual | papul here are your choices13:01
ubottupapul here are your choices: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications13:01
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:02
bazhangpapul, please /msg ubottu with those13:02
Picipapul: Unless you're really tight on harddrive space, package size should really never be an issue, and is not necessarily a factor of how much resources a running program will take up.13:02
neo8848hi everyone, newbie here :13:03
* badeagle points and laughs.13:03
papulPici, i m tight on bandwith13:03
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:03
neo8848is there a way for me to dual boot windows / ubuntu, and share a partition between the two?13:03
bazhangneo8848, certainly13:03
badeagleneo8848, there is every way13:03
neo8848ntfs partition13:03
rskineo8848: yep13:03
ActionParsnipneo8848: sure, set aside a space to use and format it ntfs, both OSes can read and write to ntfs13:04
neo8848and it will have no problems with the ntfs acl whatever-thingy?13:04
arvind_khadri!dual | neo884813:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual13:04
neo8848@ActionParsnip: no special actions required?13:04
ActionParsnipneo8848: alternatively just read and write to the windows NTFS from ubuntu without a special partion, both ways are fine13:04
badeagleneo8848: you can also mount your windows ntfs partitions, that's what i do, i can even access my windows desktop from ubuntu13:04
ActionParsnipneo8848: you'll need ntfs-3g to get write access13:04
badeagle*windows desktop *folder*13:05
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:05
Nameless_auhi. i recently installed xubuntu because i liked the xfce DE, but now i have installed KDE and will probably stick to it because a particular plugin in compiz only works in kde, and not gnome or xfce. should i reinstall the file system, this time however installing kubuntu? or doesn't it really matter?13:05
ActionParsnip!purekde | Nameless_au13:05
ubottuNameless_au: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:05
arvind_khadri!dualboot | neo884813:05
ubottuneo8848: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:05
Nameless_auActionParsnip: i didnt have gnome in the first place13:06
ActionParsnipneo8848: i suggest you plan your partitioning if you are clean installing the whole box. saves all this stupid resizing stuff13:06
ActionParsnipNameless_au: xubuntu is gtk based13:06
Dr_WillisNameless_au:  for KDE4 - one normally dosent need compiz. since kde4 has similer features.    I like some xfce apps.. and some gnome apps.. so i always have a mixture of all the desktops/apps on my systems anyway. :)13:06
JoeMhow do I disalble this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey13:07
Dr_WillisNameless_au:  if it works.. i woldent mess with it or worry about having the extra stuff installed. Unless you are real tight on drive space13:07
Nameless_auDr_Willis: i assure you the one plugin i have in mind works ONLY in kde13:07
* ActionParsnip always uses lxde13:07
badeagleGnome + KDE apps = Good13:07
Nameless_auand only with compiz13:07
Dr_WillisNameless_au:  thats very weird.13:08
neo8848alright, thanks guys... i'll do some reading for now13:08
Nameless_auxfce with like gedit is all i had going lol13:08
Dr_WillisNameless_au:  i found mixing kde4+compiz = real flakey. but i dont use kde4 any more. so have fun.13:08
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: i'd go with super flakey13:08
=== Nathan is now known as Guest59619
badeagleDoes anybody have a clue what JoeM is talking about? He wants to disable unicode I think.13:08
Nameless_auDr_Willis: what do u use?13:09
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  i was being nice.. since i havent used it in ages,13:09
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: i started on kde, then just fell out of love with it13:09
Dr_WillisNameless_au:  i stick with gnome normally these days.13:09
benstehi I installed PAM with my flash drive, but strangely unlocking the screen works only from time to time please help me I'm really helpless cause I don't know what to do after weeks of googling - I thought it may be related to an /dev/sdb1 is not removable error but it seems like it's something else13:09
JoeMbadeagle I want to disable that ComposeKey crap, I have no idea why it was turned on and all my searchs for turning it off talk about configuring it13:09
Nameless_auje deteste le gnome, but each to their own13:09
neo8848wait, just one more question, do i already have this ntfs-3g installed by default, or do i have to apt-get?13:09
Dr_WillisNameless_au:  and i tend to disable 90% of the compiz features.. (or all of them on some machines)13:09
Dr_WillisI find kde4 very unuseable last i tried it (last month)13:10
ActionParsnipNameless_au: me too, its too concerned with what i'm doing rather than just getting on with it13:10
badeagleJoeM, it'll be a setting in xorg.conf... I've messed with xorg.conf a lot so i'll look into it.13:10
ActionParsnipneo8848: try apt-getting it, if you have iit, it will tell you13:10
JoeMbadeagle thats the first place I looked, saw nothing that stood out13:10
ActionParsnipneo8848: if not, you'll pull it down13:10
tritonxhello everyone13:11
ActionParsnip!hi | tritonx13:11
ubottutritonx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:11
badeagleJoem: "man xorg.conf"13:11
bazhangits standard ActionParsnip neo8848 (ie installed already)13:11
Nameless_auActionParsnip: i have a centos install with gnome if i really want to slash my wrists... i use it for RHA classes13:11
ActionParsnipbazhang: thanks. Inever use it so wasnt sure if it was defaut (adds to my gut script)13:12
tritonxI need a little advice to build a new home server with raid1, on the cheap, the old one is starting to have a lots of hiccups, any advice/suggestions ? Wat are the good motherboard/chipset available nowadays ?13:12
* Dr_Willis has used so many different desktops/window managers in the past 10+ yrs.. it dosent really matter much.13:12
JoeMbadeagle yeah, didnt see anything in mine that would say to turn it on... its exactly the same as my old machine was (using the same keyboard/mouse)13:12
ActionParsnip!hcl > tritonx13:12
ubottutritonx, please see my private message13:12
ActionParsniptritonx: intel and nvidia are hugely supported13:13
anonbadgerI am wondering how to install firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 . I used tar -xjvf and then I tried ./configure but there is no configure file. I am confused.13:13
neo8848@bazhang: i have a jaunty installed here now, so I can check if it's there, but is it installed readily in hardy? it's the one i'm using back at home13:13
tritonxdon'T really need a good video card, a onboard intel wioll do fine13:13
ActionParsnipanonbadger: i believe there will be a binary in that file that you can launch13:13
bazhangneo8848, let me check, hang on a second13:14
ActionParsniptritonx: intel also make motherboard chips, as do nvidia13:14
anonbadgeroh rly. so i don't need to compile it.13:14
anonbadgerok sweet13:14
tritonxwhat I need is someone that wioll be great for file reading writing13:14
ActionParsnipanonbadger: if you can see the file, yes13:14
=== Guest59619 is now known as Nathan
ActionParsnip!ff3.5 > anonbadger13:14
ubottuanonbadger, please see my private message13:14
bazhangneo8848, also standard on Hardy13:14
=== Nathan is now known as NvdH
neo8848alright, thanks... you guys are great help13:15
anonbadgerI am using Hardy, I will read the link13:15
anonbadgerIntrepid, rather.13:16
strep_hi, fullscreen video streaming struggles with jaunty, i did not find how to fix this. anybody knows?13:16
tritonxany idea if I could just copey an actual installation onto a new HD/array and boot from that to keep my already setup server ??13:16
badeagleJoeM: http://www.ewp.rpi.edu/hartford/webgen/sysdocs/C/solaris_9/SUNWabe/ADVOSUG/p37.html seems to be on the right track13:17
ActionParsnipstrep_: have you configured video drivers?13:17
ActionParsniptritonx: you'd need partimage or dd13:17
Dr_Willisstrep_:  you mean full screen 'flash' videos ?13:17
moymoytritonx: you can TAR the entire system from a liveCD13:17
tritonxdd will do ?13:17
ActionParsniptritonx: i've not done it that way13:17
tritonxI,ll sure try it13:17
ActionParsniptritonx: makes sense13:17
tritonxbut I'll be coming from a AMD64 install to probably an intel install. .... :/13:18
strep_ActionParsnip, i don't know, Dr_Willis i mean full screan streaming like dailymotion or else13:18
moymoytritonx: the dd path seems like a nightmare .. especially with all the partition resizing and stuff.. i'm assuming you're upgrading to more storage13:18
tritonxmoymoy: yeah more storage hopefully13:18
voxtritonx: just plug the disk in13:18
strep_ActionParsnip, where can i see i ve configured or not this drivers?13:19
ActionParsnipstrep_: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga13:19
tritonxwondering if I'd put the system on a normal array then have files on a raid113:19
voxthe kernel will see different hardware and load the correct modules accordingly13:19
kristian_hey guys n gals! when i try to "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" i only get to the point where i can change keyboard and then it stops and saves. My /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is empty when i look .. ? What's the problem? :)13:19
ActionParsniptritonx: you could populate one drive then tell the controller to replicate the data13:19
tritonxI've had HD error recently, even though the SMART thing seems ok, the system would hang for no reason13:20
badeaglekristian_: try "sudo X -configure" then copy the file it makes from your ~/ dir to /etc/X11/13:20
strep_ActionParsnip,  its---> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)13:20
ActionParsniptritonx: get the test app from the drive manufacturers site (or use the ultimatebootcd which has many of the main drive manufacturers on) and test the device13:20
kristian_badeagle: will try now :)13:20
tritonxaction, good idea13:21
bensteguys, how can I use PAM withouht exeptions so that I can use my flash drive to lock and unlock the screen?13:21
ActionParsnipstrep_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17313:21
ActionParsnipstrep_: then restart the x server, job done13:21
ActionParsnipstrep_: are you using jaunty?13:21
ActionParsnipstrep_: if you are unsure run:  lsb_release -c13:22
strep_yes im sure im using jaunty13:22
kristian_badeagle: it just says "server is already active for display 0" but no file pops up, hmm ..13:22
ActionParsnipstrep_: then the 173 package will give you full hardware accelleration :)13:22
ActionParsnipstrep_: its also why nvidia rock in linux :)13:22
tritonxanyone tried Ultimate Boot CD 5 beta ?, is it ok or should I stick with 4,1 ?13:23
strep_ActionParsnip, that sounds nice :]13:23
strep_but installation doesnt work13:23
strep_when i type the command u told me13:23
kristian_badeagle: and fatal server error .. damn13:23
strep_(sudo apt-get install...)13:23
strep_it says : E: L'opération install-glx-173 n'est pas valable13:24
badeaglekristian_, go to a new terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1) and type "cd /" , "./etc/init.d/gdm stop", "sudo X -configure", then look for the file in your home directory and copy it over /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:24
ActionParsnipstrep_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17313:24
strep_oh ok ok i try this ty13:24
badeagleer, "sudo ./etc/init.d/gdm stop"13:24
ActionParsnipbadeagle: if you delete the first . you can run it from and pwd13:25
ActionParsnipbadeagle: and you don't then need 'cd /'13:25
ActionParsnipbadeagle: the command will also need sudo13:25
badeagleActionParsnip: ah, k, thx13:25
xxx_you are idiota hahahaa13:25
tbsn1rdOk, got a slightly off-topic question that I don't know where else to ask:  if someone is sending me an email saying they are in hawaii, and the IP tracks back to california, am I being BSd or is that standard?13:26
anonbadgerhi again I have firefox 3.5 working13:26
anonbadger./firefox did it13:26
ActionParsnipanonbadger: thats because the archive had the binary in13:26
anonbadgerI also apt-get remove'd firefox13:27
lstarnestbsn1rd: IPs can't always be definitively traced back to a particular location13:27
kristian_badeagle: it says the exact same thing?13:27
lstarnestbsn1rd: their mail server might be in California13:27
anonbadgerThanks ActionParsnip13:27
ActionParsnipanonbadger: you will find some of your addons won't work til the devs get up to speed13:27
tbsn1rdok, he uses gmail13:27
tbsn1rdso I guess that's possible then13:27
ActionParsnip!hi | allan_13:29
ubottuallan_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:29
allan_dose anyone know what the best video card for ubuntu 9.0413:29
strep_ok seem to be ok, thank you very much ActionParsnip :)!13:29
ActionParsnipallan_: nvidia are very supported. There is no best though13:29
ActionParsnipstrep_: np bro13:29
kristian_badeagle: and btw i use no login manager13:29
bensteNO one using PAM here?13:30
allan_i have ati at the momet but is giveing me trubles13:30
ActionParsnipallan_: ati support is getting better13:30
badeaglekristian_: you get my priv-msgs ?13:30
allan_i supose to wait would best i gess13:30
allan_i have it all working just,13:31
ActionParsnipbenste: no need for it personally13:31
kristian_badeagle: i don't know where to look really, im a newbie. I can see the msgs "kristian_: ..", is it those you're refering to?13:32
bensteActionParsnip -  and you don't even know so using it who could help me?13:32
juiCeppespaaam :P13:32
lstarneskristian_: those aren't private messages and are visible to everyone here, but those are directed to you13:32
badeaglekristian_: nope, just a sec...13:32
ActionParsnipbenste: no idea dude, and theres no one in #pam13:33
benstethere is even no #pam for me :-)13:33
juiCeppei'm in pam :D13:33
badeaglekristian_: i'm going to try it myself so i get the commands right, then i'll be right back13:33
ActionParsnipbenste: /j #pam   theres a bot and an motd13:33
benstewhats' amodt?13:33
ActionParsnipmessage of the day13:33
bensteJuiCeppe, so you can help me ?13:33
kristian_badeagle: thanks for helping!13:35
juiCeppedon't be stupid...buy a mac :D13:35
ActionParsnipjuiCeppe: hahahah13:36
badeaglekristian_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/212734/13:36
rskijuiCeppe: please no trolling13:36
juiCepperski sorry :(13:36
ActionParsnipyeah if you don't mind paying double for the same hardware13:36
lucioplease a need chanel in spanish13:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:37
lstarnes!es | lucio13:37
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ubottulucio: please see above13:37
kim0Hi .. I'm trying to create a custom ubuntu CD .. How can I mirror a repo with all updates13:37
sirjoebobRecently upgraded firefox to 3.5 by following instructions at mozilla's site. Now I don't have an icon on any FF shortcuts.... Is there a way to force the system to recognize it and give it the right icon?/??13:37
rskiActionParsnip: it's not the hardware you pay for per say, (generally it's good hw) but you pay for the OS and apps. wich in turn makes it kinda like paying for hardware...13:37
JoeMok... since 8.10 gnome session preferences dont want to work, how can I set a couple commands to run at login?13:37
juiCeppeActionParsnip: well mac it's maybe expensive ... but if you tried once u'll love it :D13:38
roboshi: i have a mac formatted external hard drive that ubuntu can only read, not write to. Is there a way i can transfer a file to it?13:38
ActionParsnipjuiCeppe: i only use my system for chatting and browsiing, any system can do that so why shell out for a mac..13:38
rskialso mac hardware generally run good in linux13:38
tritonxhe sais no trolling ...13:39
ActionParsniprobos: if you run the command: mount    does it say the partiition is mounted rw?13:39
juiCepperobos do us still have a mac?13:39
rskii'm just talking from a linux perspective13:39
robosi still have the mac13:39
tritonxgreat hardware can't say anything else13:39
ActionParsniprski: that always makes me laugh, buy a mac then put linux on it, hilarious13:39
Night_ElfHi all. When I do this:   awk  '{print $2  }'        I can print the contents of the second field of the record. Now, if this contents is a word, how can I print just the first letter of it?13:39
robosactually ty anyways. To early to dork with it :-)13:40
rskiActionParsnip: i've done that :)13:40
juiCeppeActionParsnip: stupid mac user answer because mac looks better :D13:40
ActionParsnipjuiCeppe: who cares about looks.13:40
rskii care about looks!13:40
robosNight_Elf: using awak you can do something like awk '{print $2}' |awk -F" " '{print $1}'13:40
tdnIs there an IRC channel for Ubuntu Netbook Remix?13:40
robosthough a bit hacky13:40
rskimy AWESOME pc :D13:40
jpdstdn: #ubuntu-mobile13:40
tdnWhich netbook would you recommend for use with Ubuntu?13:40
tdnjpds, ok. Thanks.13:40
robosoh, first letter13:41
Night_Elfrobos: I will try it. Hacky or not, if it works it works :)13:41
rskitdn: probablty one that has ubuntu preinstalled =)13:41
tommckI have a machine running mythbuntu 7.10... Now that the RocketRaid 1740 card is recognized by the kernel, I wanted to upgrade (desperately needed!) to jaunty server (non-mythbuntu).  Jaunty indeed recognizes the drives on the card, but it does not recognize that it is a single RAID array.  Do I have to do something special to make it use the array as configured?13:41
ActionParsniptdn: acer aspire one works 100% out of the box with jaunty netbook remix13:41
tdnrski, does such one exist?13:41
rskitdn: yes13:41
robosawk '{print $2}' |sed 's/\(\w\).*/\1/'13:41
robosor something close13:41
tdnActionParsnip, hmm... Ok. Do you have one? Is it good?13:41
tdnrski, which one? I haven't been able to find any.13:41
ActionParsniptdn: it does what it says on the tin13:41
badeaglerski: i'd write aXXo on there too13:41
juiCeppeActionParnip: i care about look...but also because of the useability13:42
rskibadeagle: but that's not a Quakeworld player :(13:42
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering  just a thought  but coming from a winblows world is there anything to speed up ubuntu like there is in winblows not that it needs it. I mean are there any needless running processes running I should shut off or something?13:42
tdnActionParsnip, on the tin?13:42
rskibadeagle: also i't be pretty hard to get axxo here to sign it :)13:42
ActionParsnipjuiCeppe: how about a 50cc engine in a ferrari body?13:42
badeaglerski: omg they're actually signatures huh... cool13:42
ActionParsniptdn: its a netbook, it does what netbooks do13:42
rskibadeagle: ah yea :P13:42
hateballL3dPlatedLinux: if it aint broke, dont fix it ;)13:42
L3dPlatedLinuxhateball,  right on lol13:43
rskiby legendary players suchs as paradoks and razor, interceptor !13:43
hateballL3dPlatedLinux: at least not when you're new... better solve problems as (if) you get them ;)13:43
Night_Elfrobos: that way of awk piping into another awk, worked. Got the first letters of some thousands of entries. :)13:43
matthijshi, how to install ubuntu desktop, and uninstall xubuntu desktop?13:45
L3dPlatedLinuxok with that said  on my wifes lappy i was wondering it there any reason the atheros wifi drive wouldnt work normally  but only when dual booted with windows it does?13:45
rskimarcules: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get remove xubunt-desktop probably13:45
badeaglePeople just need to stop trying other DEs and stick with Gnome.13:45
Halitechmatthijs, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will get ubuntu, sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop13:45
ActionParsnipmatthijs: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:45
L3dPlatedLinuxdriver *13:45
matthijsHalitech, ok, first install then uninstall?13:46
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matthijsActionParsnip, thanks also13:46
rskier wrong nick.13:46
juiCeppegnome rocks ;)13:46
matthijsrski, heh :)13:46
ActionParsnipHalitech: xubuntu-desktop is a metapackage and won't uninstall anything but the metpackage (not its components)13:46
Halitechmatthijs, yes, check here for getting pure gnome http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome13:46
hateballL3dPlatedLinux: does that imply you boot windows first, then reboot to linux?13:46
spreeI am using Gnome. How do I change the font size of my toolbar? Most specifically the clock13:46
tommckany way to get jaunty to recognize existing fake-ish raid arrays on a RocketRaid 1740?13:46
tdnActionParsnip, ok. Are you happy with yours?13:46
ActionParsniptdn: yeah its fine13:46
matthijsHalitech, pure gnome?13:46
HalitechActionParsnip, thought of that after I posted so gave him the link to psychocats page :)13:47
tdnActionParsnip, ok.13:47
kristian_badeagle: IT WORKED! thx. the reason i didn't work first time was that i am using fluxbox without gdm, there x wasn't shutdowm while typing "x -configure".13:47
matthijsActionParsnip, howcan i uninstall xubuntu desktop then?13:47
Halitechmatthijs, the second command will remove all traces of xubuntu13:47
matthijsHalitech, sure? since ActionParsnip said something else13:47
kristian_badeagle: therefore*13:47
badeaglekristian_, yup, you're welcome.13:47
robosNight_Elf: that's because i misread your question. Use my sed example13:47
Halitechmatthijs, if you go to the link I gave you and run the second command it will remove all the xubuntu apps13:48
matthijsHalitech, i see it now yes, thank you13:48
matthijsHalitech, so first install ubuntu dekstop, and then run that scond command?13:48
Halitechmatthijs, yes13:48
ActionParsnipmatthijs: you'll need to remove the xfce stuf fi guess13:48
matthijsHalitech, many thanks13:48
matthijsActionParsnip, are u sure?13:49
matthijsActionParsnip, prior to ubuntu desktop install?13:49
ActionParsnipmatthijs: dpkg -l | grep xfc13:49
Halitechmatthijs, you don't have to remove the xubuntu stuff but you can if you want, otherwise you can select which desktop you want when you start up13:49
matthijsHalitech, ah ok13:50
ActionParsnipmatthijs: i'd do it after but if you got space then i'd just leave it on13:50
matthijsActionParsnip, ok13:50
L3dPlatedLinuxhateball,  nope , ok when I installed 904 ubuntu on it and had it be the only os on there it worked till i updated and did a reboot and after that I couldnt get it to work for the longest time. Now only after I put windblows back on and then dual booted ubuntu it works  any ideas why cause if it were up to me I wouldnt have windows(aka sucks alot) on there at all13:50
vadviktorAnyone knows why could the NFS client change the owner of the directory which is used to mount a remote directory?13:50
hateballL3dPlatedLinux: cant say I do. the only thing I could think of was some software killswitch or something13:51
Odysseushi how do i get lxde for ubuntu 9?13:51
hateballL3dPlatedLinux: as booting with the wifi killswitched and then turning it back on is a bit buggy13:51
hateball!info lxde | Odysseus13:52
ubottuOdysseus: lxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB13:52
ActionParsnipOdysseus: sudo apt-get install lxde13:52
shane_I id an update for 9.04 and lost all sound on my computer.13:52
Mr_SonomaI'm looking into setting up a chat server to go along with a forum, what package would you suggest?13:52
ActionParsnipshane_: run lspci | grep -i audio13:53
L3dPlatedLinuxhateball,  ok here is another question if you dont mind.    When running chkrootkit  the only thing I see that might be something or may be nothing is this line was wondering should I be worried or not ---- her it is , Searching for suspicious files and dirs, it may take a while...13:54
L3dPlatedLinux/usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.11/.autoreg /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/volatile/.mounted /lib/init/rw/.ramfs13:54
* tommck wonders if he accidentally chose black-on-black for his text color...13:54
ethanolcould anyone recommend a good database schema designer / tool ?13:54
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tommckethanol: pen and paper? :)13:55
oskar-ethanol:  pen and paper13:55
ethanolexcluding pen and paper13:55
hateballL3dPlatedLinux: No idea, sorry.13:55
ActionParsnipethanol: i'd ask in #sql13:55
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lulzmachineumm phpMyAdmin/pgAdmin? :)13:55
badeagleethanol: a piece of fecal matter a clean bathroom wall.13:55
shane_I will try that,thank you Actionparsnip13:55
ubuntuhi what happened?13:56
ActionParsnipshane_: you may need to recompile someting if you had to with the old kernel as you have a new kernel now13:56
ethanolcould anyone recommend a good database/schema designer? has to run on linux/ubuntu, paper and pen recommendations ignored.13:56
tommckethanol: seriously, you should ask in a different forum13:56
ubuntuim odysseus and i minimized my windows and they went away :(13:56
ethanoltommck: forum?13:56
tommckethanol: channel, room, whatever you'd like to call it...13:57
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ActionParsnipubuntu: you need to readd the task list to your panel13:57
badeagletommck: try #php or #mysql13:57
badeagletommck: or #web13:57
tommckethanol: "forum" is a generic term for a discussion area13:57
tommckbadeagle: I didn't ask the question13:57
IversenHi guys, I think my Ubuntu got virus, how can I make a scan ?13:57
badeaglewell really my answer then, jeez13:57
tommckbadeagle: that won't help me with my RAID problem :)13:57
* badeagle pulls out a gun.13:57
L3dPlatedLinuxdoes any one else know about it Searching for suspicious files and dirs, it may take a while...13:58
L3dPlatedLinux/usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.11/.autoreg /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/volatile/.mounted /lib/init/rw/.ramfs13:58
ActionParsnipubuntu: do you see the running apps on your task bars when you minimise them, but can alt+tab to them?13:58
* tommck pulls out his green lantern ring :p13:58
vadviktorAnyone knows why could the NFS client change the owner of the directory which is used to mount a remote directory?13:58
balai've problem on gnome-ppp13:58
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ubuntualt tab didnt do anything but bring up 2 windows of the same thing13:58
badeaglebala: which app?13:59
ActionParsnipubuntu: state your issue using plain english and we'll see what we can do13:59
balai can't connect internet over gnome-ppp13:59
* ethanol gives graphviz a try13:59
OdysseusActionParsnip i cant get any clearer13:59
IversenHow can i find out if my ubuntu has a virus or not ?13:59
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2113:59
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:59
balashowning modem can't detect14:00
Odysseusanyway i get this message when trying to get lxde14:00
Odysseussudo apt-get install lxde14:00
balacan anyone help plz?14:00
ActionParsnip!ppp | bala14:00
ubottubala: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up14:00
OdysseusE: Couldn't find package lxde14:00
ActionParsnip!info lxde jaunty14:01
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB14:01
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balai don't have k..........14:01
ActionParsnipOdysseus: make sure you have the universal repos enabled in synaptic14:01
baladon't have k dialer14:01
Iversenubottu thank you for the help but i played this game where i needed to defend my desktop from windows virus, its a game called Virus killer 1.0 when i was game over my desktop looked like this : http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3815/screenshottsc.png14:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:01
balareaded above that sites14:01
tanzox /join #netus14:02
ActionParsnipIversen: dillo is cute14:02
FloodBot3Choubida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
tommck!raid jaunty14:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about raid jaunty14:02
tommckwell, learn something!14:02
IversenActionParsnip So when i lost the game, i got the virus or not ?14:03
balano help?14:03
Odysseuswhere do i enable universal repos in the synaptic14:03
DasEiOdysseus: /etc/apt/sources.list14:03
ActionParsnipIversen: looks fine to me14:04
OdysseusDasEi i dont even know what that is14:04
ActionParsnipOdysseus: if you run: gksudo synaptic    then click the sources you can use the tick boxes14:04
balamodem can't find d port /dev/ttyUSB0 ?14:05
DasEi!sources.list | Odysseus14:05
ubottuOdysseus: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:05
Halitechbala, is it a usb modem?14:05
DasEiOdysseus: in that file the souces to install software are defined14:05
balayeah bro14:05
ActionParsnipDasEi: s/he's gone14:05
balai've huawei ets 2288 wireless modem wll phone14:06
DasEiActionParsnip: yup, saw late14:06
Halitechbala, what does lsusb give for results? use pastebin to post the results14:06
IversenActionParsnip yea well i thought it was a joke made by the makers of the game - and it would go away when i restarted, but insted i got this http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5735/screenshot1nmt.png14:06
balashown tttyusb014:06
balabala@bala-desktop:~$ lsusb14:06
balaBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub14:07
balaBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:07
balaBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:07
balaBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:07
balaBus 002 Device 003: ID 0451:3410 Texas Instruments, Inc. TUSB3410 Microcontroller14:07
FloodBot3bala: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:07
ActionParsnipIversen: ok then change your graphical res14:07
IversenActionParsnip I did that, it dont help - i tried to manually restore the desktop, with menues and such - but each time i reboot the virus takes them away14:07
sleepy_cati want to compress my AVI file as per the Microsoft AVI standard is there something available online14:09
sleepy_catgoogle gives me AVI to others.. not thing which will compress and give back AVI itself14:10
IversenActionParsnip my system is now defenceless agienst the the virra that it got from the game, since ubuntu "cant" get virus, there is not software to remove it14:10
kltrgHow do I find out my wifi card's mac adress?14:10
erUSULsleepy_cat: avidemux; ffmpeg; memcoder ? any of those will be able to do it14:10
oskar-kltrg:  "sudo ifconfig -a"14:10
ikoniakltrg: ifconfig14:10
ActionParsnipIversen: there is clamav14:10
ActionParsnip!av | Iversen14:11
ubottuIversen: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:11
ActionParsnipIversen: all OSs can get viri14:11
tommckso.. uhh.. anyone have any tips on how to upgrade over an existing RAID array?14:11
sleepy_caterUSUL:  no i want to compress using RLE8bit14:11
ikoniatommck: in what way ?14:11
IversenActionParsnip yes - but thats faulted :(14:11
kltrgoskar-, ikonia, Thanks14:11
erUSULsleepy_cat: avi is only a container... what codec are you using ?14:11
IversenActionParsnip since i got the virus from a linux game, not a windows file or application14:11
ActionParsnipIversen: define "faulted"14:11
tommckikonia: I asked a couple times, but got lost in the shuffle..  I am running raid on a RocketRaid 1740.  Support was added to the kernel recently..14:12
ian__Is there a gui way of changing user password in Xubuntu Jaunty?14:12
sleepy_catactually i was using Avidemux only.. i made 13 frames from 139 and then tried to append one to another.. it did work .. but not quiet... because it differs from RLE8bit14:12
albechjust installed 64 bit version of ubuntu 9.04 on my new machine. it boots successful, but once the desktop is loaded it freezes randomly after 5-10 sec.. i believe it is a graphics driver issue, but i cannot install the nvidia drivers14:12
ikoniatommck: ok - so what's the problem ?14:12
tommckikonia: when I run the installer, it does indeed recognize those drives... but it doesn't recognize the existing raid-5 setup...14:12
HalitechIversen, I find it hard to believe a game thats packaged in the repos and has been approved by ubuntu would give you a virus14:12
ecserI use a lenovo R500 in Hungaian Language. On the keybord the spec. Hungarian characters does not work, they type different characters.14:13
ikoniatommck: how can you have been using raid on it before if there has only just been support added14:13
FrEaKmAn_where are startup programs defined in ubuntu server?14:13
ActionParsnip!keyboard | ecser14:13
ubottuecser: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts14:13
DasEiian__:apps>system>user n groups14:13
IversenActionParsnip I defined it now : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=define%3Afaulted14:13
albechsince i cannot access log files i have no way of checking what is causing the freeze14:13
tommckikonia: drivers from HighPoint14:13
ian__DaseEi, thanks I'll look into that.14:14
ikoniatommck: this is fakeraid, so the devices are not going to be portable across hardware kernel modules14:14
DasEialbech : you could boot into safe mode (or try ctrl-alt F1)14:14
ActionParsnipIversen: welcome to ignore. Don't be so insolent. The websearch also talks about rocks. you couldv'e simply explained what it means to you. I could do that with a billion users ere but choice not to be a troll. good luck14:14
tommckikonia: so... I have to backup and restore the data ever time?  That doesn't make much sense to me.14:14
Anirban1987I can go to root by typing "sudo bash" . How can I again come back to normal user priviledges  ?14:15
tommckikonia: every time before, I did have to rebuild the module, but now that it's in the kernel, I expected that would go away14:15
ActionParsnipclose the window14:15
ActionParsnipAnirban1987: its advised to use: sudo -i14:15
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zleapyay, i should auto connect to the right channels now14:15
albechDasEi, i have a new theory that it might be the network card causing this.. is there a way to disable it at boot?14:15
oskar-Anirban1987:  close the shell, with exit or by pressing ctrl+d14:16
ActionParsnipAnirban1987: you can then simply type: exit    and you will be normal user again14:16
DasEialbech : comment it in /etc/network/interfaces14:16
DasEiAnirban1987: exit14:16
Anirban1987ActionParsnip : No, it is not going back to anirban@ubuntu from root@ubuntu by typing "sudo -i" !!!14:16
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ActionParsnipAnirban1987: sudo -i   gets you to an elevated shell, not out14:17
oskar-Anirban1987:  of course not. "sudo -i" ist for getting root14:17
DasEi!sudo | Anirban198714:17
ubottuAnirban1987: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:17
tommckikonia: so, what's different between the new kernels and the old?  I thought the "same" (using the term lightly) code would be in the kernel now... am I missing something?14:17
shay27mHello , i would like to download file using wget command , but someting strange ... when i open mozilla and past this link (pdf document from the UN website into the url place the download start . file = 17 mb) but when i using wget its not working any ideas?14:17
shay27mthis is the link : http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/NR0/732/57/IMG/NR073257.pdf14:18
DasEishay27m: got the link ?14:18
ActionParsnipAnirban1987: you can use    su <your username>    to get out of the root shell14:18
Anirban1987DasEi : Not working ( -bash: !sudo: event not found )14:18
StarLionIsaacshay27m: it may be that they don't let you download not using a browser, wget isn't a browser, therefore it may be denied14:18
oskar-shay27m:  set the correct referrer14:18
tommckshay27m: what does "not working" mean?14:19
shay27mStarLionIsaac: does it possible to tell wget to act like browser ?14:19
Anirban1987ActionParsnip : Thanks, it worked.14:19
albechDasEi, the interface doesnt appear in the interface file when booting safemode to a command line14:19
ActionParsnipAnirban1987: easiest way is to close the terminal window14:19
DasEishay27m: it's comming down, any FW or no writepermission in that folder ?14:19
ActionParsnipAnirban1987: please use the correct way and you will et in less of a mess14:19
StarLionIsaacshay27m: not that I know of, but I believe there's a firefox plugin for it someplace14:19
PiciActionParsnip, Anirban1987: just type 'exit' to get out of sudo -i, su username leaves you still inside the root shell process.14:19
shay27mDasEi: the file should be 17 mb  pdf document . if you download with wget you get html file of few bites..14:20
DasEialbech: so check nm-applet14:20
ActionParsnipPici: gotcha14:20
shay27mDasEi: the file should be 17 mb  pdf document . if you download with wget you get html file of few bytes14:20
ActionParsnipPici: was an educated guess tbh14:20
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albechDasEi, can i prevent nm-applet from being started at boot, so i can trouble shot it?14:22
tommckikonia: still there?14:22
ActionParsnipalbech: sudo apt-get install bum; gksudo bum14:22
DasEishay27m: :right a few kb pdf, not readable14:22
oskar-shay27m:  set referer (--referer=url) and user agent (-U ...) and the web server will not recognize the difference between wget and a browser for direct downloads14:22
ActionParsnipalbech: make a note of whee nm-applet appears and take it out, save settings and restart14:23
ActionParsnipalbech: you can then undo the settings using your notes to get it back if you wish14:23
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
matthijshi, i just removed xubuntu, and installed ubuntu desktop, and now it gives me an error in dutch, and starts in safe mode, what is wrong?14:24
kyjawould it be better to install kubuntu64 rather than 32?14:24
asdzxcis there a final version of Firefox 3.5 available for ubuntu ?14:24
ninja-77so many people here14:24
tommckCan anyone else explain to me why the new kernel support for the RocketRaid 1740 doesn't recognize an existing RAID-5 array defined with the open source drivers in the past?14:25
Picininja-77: Please mind your language here.14:25
Piciasdzxc: Yes, the firefox-3.5 package.14:25
asdzxcPici: i installed it but it's not final14:25
Piciasdzxc: In Jaunty? It is now.14:25
asdzxcPici it is called Shiretoko14:25
StarLionIsaacPici: I don't have a firefox-3.5 package on my intrepid box's lists, am I missing a repo for that?14:26
asdzxcPici where can i find my ubuntu version ?14:26
Piciasdzxc: Thats the final version. It will not be branded 'Firefox' in Jaunty.14:26
rskiasdzxc: lsb_release -a14:26
oskar-tommck:  suggestion: it does not seem to be a real raid controller, so the raid format depends too much on the drivers14:26
help`hello i got windows xp on partition and ubuntu on 2nd parition ,i format the xp but ubuntu seems affect it doesn't appear on boot although i put the /boot on a parition alone! how i can resume my ubuntu? thx14:26
asdzxcPici it is called 'Preview browser'14:26
frink_busy chan14:26
asdzxcPici don't yhink it's final14:26
DasEialbech: right click on it , select the one, delete it14:27
Piciasdzxc: Its the final version, I assure you. I believe  there is a bug filed for it saying that it is the preview edition in its about box.14:27
frink_folks, whats the best option these days for GUI management of a ubuntu server? (managing samba shares, mail server stuff, etc) ?14:27
DasEishay27m: it's a dead link, if I call it in browser, so server-sided problem14:27
asdzxcPici how can i make it look like a firefox in menu ?14:27
tommckoskar-: interesting.  So, the new kernel stuff would have chosen a different way to represent the RAID from the open source drivers written by HighPoint?14:28
StarLionIsaacasdzxc: install normal firefox, and borrow the icon from that14:28
abbfrink_: Depends on if you're managing *one* or *multiple* boxes at once.  I've always found Webmin (webmin.sourceforge.net) to be a great tool when dealing with multiple server boxes (and it works w/ other linuxes as well)14:28
ActionParsnipfrink_: you can manage samba shares via ssh easily with /etc/samba/smb.conf14:29
abbfrink_: oops, forgot to mention that Webmin is a browser-based utility.  GUI, yes, but ... well, you get the idea.  :)14:29
ActionParsnipfrink_: not sure about mail servers. This may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer14:29
Halitechfrink_, there is also ebox14:29
help`hello i got windows xp on partition and ubuntu on 2nd parition ,i format the xp but ubuntu seems affect it doesn't appear on boot although i put the /boot on a parition alone! how i can resume my ubuntu? thx14:29
oskar-tommck:  yes, possible... if you see the single drives, you can perhaps fit them together with device-mapper and maybe get it compatible. but i have no clue how ;)14:29
ActionParsnip!webmin | abb14:29
ubottuabb: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:29
erUSULtommck: where did you defined the raid in the cards bios ? or with linux's mdadm ?14:29
abbActionParsnip: oops, thanks. my mistake!14:30
asdzxcStarLionIsaac: how can i change icon ? and rename it ?14:30
tommckerUSUL: in the BIOS14:30
frink_I am happy to use ssh but other people would like a gui thing, I was thinking webmin.14:31
frink_Halitech: ebox - oh, I'll look at that.14:31
StarLionIsaacasdzxc: in the menu, you need to use the menu editor to change things like that, it should be either in Other on the main menu, or in the Preferences menu14:31
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Halitechfrink_, its a browser app like webmin but is supported14:31
asdzxcStarLionIsaac: got it, thnx14:32
erUSULtommck: linux does not support the fakeraid (via dmraid) that card implements... you have to either use the vendor driver or switch to linux driver + linux software raid14:32
ActionParsnipfrink_: it doesnt work well with ubuntu / debian, ebox is another option14:32
ActionParsnipfrink_: i recommend ssh as its quick and secure14:33
neo8848@everyone : i'm using the ntfs-3g now... works well, thanks  but i did find out that it's not part of the default installation :(, unfortunately i don't have a net connection at home for my hardy box14:33
StarLionIsaachmm, little wireless issue - two laptops, both the same except one on intrepid one on jaunty. wireless network is on WPA2, I can't change that. Intrepid connects fine, Jaunty fails every time14:33
frink_its annoying, even though the Windows GUI admin tools are awfull and you have do dig for options buried in unpteen tabs drop downs and advanced buttons, people still "like" it.14:34
help`hello i got windows xp on partition and ubuntu on 2nd parition ,i format the xp but ubuntu seems affect it doesn't appear on boot although i put the /boot on a parition alone! how i can resume my ubuntu? thx14:35
ActionParsnipfrink_: webmin is used heavily in redhat, it doesnt marry up with debian so we don't advise it14:35
yabooseems the facebook plugin does not work in pidgin14:35
ActionParsniphelp`: reinstall grub via live cd14:35
asdzxcStarLionIsaac: is it possible to change also application icon ? so it will look like a firefox also on Task manager14:35
ActionParsnip!grub | help`14:35
ubottuhelp`: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:35
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  have you tried to watch "tail -f /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log" (or similar named) while connecting?14:35
help`ActionParsnip Thx :*14:36
tommckerUSUL: :(14:36
StarLionIsaacasdzxc: I don't think so, I think that's in the program's own settings14:36
StarLionIsaacoskar-: no, though someone else suggested trying a wpa_supplicant, which actually crashed jaunty entirely, and forced me to fresh install14:36
JIHADhey, is this possibile: one server for my few computers network, one isp with a big internal peering bandwidth and a small external bandwitdth. is there possibile to limit the max internal bw for each computer and not just the external one? i'm not talking about my network's internal speed, it's about the isp which has peering in all the country14:36
erUSULtommck: :| if you where happy using the vendor driver before why not contnuing to use it ?14:37
pik}has anyone here get there HDMI audio to work on the TV from PC with a nvidia card?14:37
pote_de_melcan anyone test a package for me?14:37
diddyWhat is the easiest way to find out what user accounts exist (that have a shell) other than to looking at the /etc/passwd file?14:37
Picididdy: Thats the best place to look....14:37
frink_ActionParsnip: So ebox is the debian/ubuntu webmin? OK, I'll try that. Ita mainly because there will be people who want to add smb shares and admin the mail server who I would not trust with a shell.14:38
StarLionIsaacdiddy: try the users and groups under system->administration14:38
diddyOK. Is there another 2nd best way?14:38
arandpote_de_mel: what's it about?14:38
diddyI mean if only the shell is available.14:38
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  ubuntu is using wpa_supplicant for connecting to wpa2 networks, afaik14:38
pote_de_melarand, i think it's corrupted14:38
tommckerUSUL: I wasn't happy... it was my only option... it made installation a HUGE pain in the butt..14:39
StarLionIsaacoskar-: I can try reinstalling yet again, but since it's a fresh install, I assumed it'd work as it does on the intrepid one - right out of the box, no issues14:39
arandpote_de_mel: error messages? Which package?14:39
pote_de_melarand, i would like to convert this package http://mandriva.c3sl.ufpr.br/devel/2009.1/i586/media/main/testing/x11-driver-video-sisimedia-0.9.1-1.20090622.1.1mdv2009.1.i586.rpm to a deb package14:39
xhunterI installed xampp and now I want to delete it, should I delte it from the /home/xhunter/xampp ?14:39
snarksterpote_de_mel: use alien14:39
yellabsany one have an clue as to what google operating system is or will be?14:40
erUSULtommck: well why not use software linux raid back then ?14:40
pote_de_melsnarkster, shows me an error14:40
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yellabshmm, maybe offtopic...eh?14:40
erUSUL!ot | yellabs14:40
ubottuyellabs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:40
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  yes, it should... try watching, what error causes wpa_supplicant to not connect14:40
=== Wurm|off is now known as Cyberworm
yellabshehe i was faster14:40
pote_de_melsnarkster, Unpacking of 'x11-driver-video-sisimedia-0.9.1-1.20090622.1.1mdv2009.1.i586.rpm' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Rpm.pm line 15514:40
StarLionIsaacoskar-: not sure, I'm using the gnome network manager applet, it tries connecting, asks for the password for the network several times, then disconnects, nothing extra14:41
DasEi!anyone | JIHAD14:41
ubottuJIHAD: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:41
apersonI'm currently running my system without any swap.  I have 4gb of ram.  Is there an issue with this?14:41
pote_de_melsnarkster, what do u think?14:42
Halitechaperson, will if you try to suspend or hibernate14:42
arandpote_de_mel: Yup, alien fails, and file-roller freezes (seemingliy).14:42
DasEiaperson: if you don't hibernate or exceed it, no prob14:42
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  as i said, try: "tail -f /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log", disable wireless networking, enable it, then connect and see, what is added to the log file14:42
StarLionIsaacoskar-: alright, back in a few with result14:43
=== pote_de_mel is now known as dog_pote
apersonWell, I don't plan on suspending or hibernating, but that's good to know.  Thanks Halitech and DasEi14:43
mdmaperson, it all depends on what you plan on doing with the system14:43
DasEiaperson: np, welcome14:44
apersonmdm: how so?  also, do you know a mbm?14:44
mdmaperson, without swap you box can run out of memory.  The memory manager uses swap for more then just extending ram.  But if you use it simply as a desktop, do not watch movies on it, and use it as a network station then probably you will not need swap.14:45
mdmaperson, and yes I know mbm, he and I are not the same person14:46
jilbertwhich is good? 32 bit or 64 bit?14:46
Halitechjilbert, both14:46
mdmjilbert, neither14:46
jilbertokay.. thanks.. :D14:46
jilbertits just that i can't install the crossover my friend gave me on 64 bit14:47
FloodBot3jilbert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
Halitechjilbert, if you have more then 3gigs of ram and your system supports 64bit, go 64, if you have less then 3 gig or your system doesn't support 64, go 3214:47
apersonthanks mdm, I think I can spare a couple of gigs for swap if I need to, is it still recommended to have twice as much swap as ram?14:47
ActionParsnipjilbert: both are good. If you have > 3Gb ram yuo need 64bit14:48
mdmaperson, if you are going to do it put in at least as much as you have physical14:48
oskar-jilbert:  32 bit executables run faster, because they do not consume that much cache space for code and data. for <= 3gb 32 bit14:48
ActionParsnipjilbert: if you are going to do lots of encoding / decoding use 64bit14:48
ActionParsnipjilbert: otherwise 32bit is fine14:48
budohow can i run ubuntu so that the bundled operating system stays and is ran from the CD and any additions in files and programs are read from a USB thumb drive ???14:48
spectohow do you make irssi quiet, I don't want to see join / parts14:48
Pici!quietirssi | specto14:48
ubottuspecto: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS14:48
jilberti have 4 gb then suddenly my other ram got busted14:48
jilbertnow im running 2 GB14:48
ActionParsnipjilbert: if you use yuor system for web browsing and chatting then 32bit is fine14:49
jan247hi guys. how do i fork a process from bash then get its pid?14:49
newuserI currently pay for web hosting service....is there a better/cheaper way of doing this with Amazon/Ubuntu/Eucalyptus???14:49
spectoubottu: is there a way to globally do this?  Sorry I am brand new to irssi14:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:49
jilberti want to run windows isa server over virtual box14:49
Hustlers_23anyone here know how to install gyachi? im struggling, new to linux sorry14:49
jilbertnot unless linux has similar intenet monitoring program or firewall14:50
=== roby_ is now known as wawan
budo how can i run ubuntu so that the bundled operating system stays and is ran from the CD and any additions or modifications in files and programs are read from a USB thumb drive ???14:50
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:50
belcohello.. quick question.. i deleted something using torrentflux.. its no longer in the directory but the space on my hd didnt change.. is there some kind of recycle bin on ubuntu???14:50
oskar-jan247:  ./bla & echo $$14:50
jilbertthen ill go linux full blown14:50
apersonalright, thanks again mdm.  I used to talk tv with mbm :)14:50
StarLionIsaacoskar-: returns CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys then Authentication with 00:00:00:00:00:00 timed out.14:50
jan247oh, tnx oskar14:50
oskar-jan247: sorry, this one:  ./bla & echo $!14:50
newuserI currently pay for web hosting service....is there a better/cheaper way of doing this with Amazon/Ubuntu/Eucalyptus???14:51
jan247ah, great. tnx!14:51
jilbertbudo: are you talking about running linux without affecting your system?14:51
ActionParsnipbudo: you just need to mount the usb to /home/ubuntu and it will be used.14:51
Hustlers_23any1 here know how to install gyachi? i dont know how to sorry14:51
ActionParsnipbudo: it will need to be ownd by the user ubuntu as well14:51
budoyes @ jilbert14:51
monostoneany one with experience using bogofilter with qmail virtual user setup? I need pointers or an example of how bogofilter should be called from within the .qmail file, I am not using procmail, thanks for any pointers14:51
milamberI am currently trying to install Ubuntu on my new netbook, but suffering with the Realtek ALC662, as i can´t get any sound, any ideas?14:51
spectonewuser: It depends on what kind of hosting you are attempting to do... If it is a large website than it could be cheaper14:51
jilbertrun the CD from windows14:52
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  hm, that's not much... does the ap accept the mac of the wlan device?14:52
Hustlers_23specto: do you know how to install gyachi? i've downloaded the pack14:52
Hustlers_23but cant seem to load it14:52
newuserspecto it is rather small, I am a teacher and I use it for my class14:52
jilbertbudo: run the ubunto CD from windows. it will allow you to install ubuntu just like other programs14:52
StarLionIsaacI assume so, it did with XP on it before I formatted it to Ubuntu, same hardware config, just differnet OS14:52
bazhangbavarbot, hi14:52
bavarbotbazhang: (NOTICE #ubuntu :I don't know how to bazhang.14:52
budomount the usb everytime i startup in ubuntu ? @ actionparsnip14:52
StarLionIsaacthe intrepid box that's exactly the same has no trouble though14:52
jilbertbudo: then uninstall it if you don't like it..14:52
jilbertbudo: ubuntu should mount your usb automatically ounce you inset it14:53
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  you could also try to watch the output of "sudo iwconfig" (call it multiple times while connecting), to see, if the device get associated with the ap and gets a key14:53
dog_potei need extract a file14:53
Hustlers_23Anyone here know how to install GYachi? Could really use some help, i cant seem to install it, even tho its been extracted into a folder14:53
newuserHustlers_23 what is GYachi14:53
budowill it save any of my settings on the usb? ~ jilbert14:53
Hustlers_23i googled n its like yahoo messenger, but for ubuntu, supports chat n video14:54
mrpinkyhi :D how can i see the return value of a command line program?14:54
ActionParsnipbudo: yes, you will either need to mount it manually or you can modify the ISO to mount it using blkid (messy to setup but makes things nice, plus if the USB craps out you will needto remaster the ISO again)14:54
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  is it the same network device, that is used? or only a similar? every network device has a different mac address burnt into14:54
spectoHustlers_23: Just use the PPA for gyachi.... https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa14:54
ncfi1013how do you turn blutooth on on your computer?14:54
abbHustlers_23: did you try installing the .deb from the sourceforge page?14:54
ActionParsnip!bluetooth  ncfi101314:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:54
abboops, sorry, I hit enter as I saw specto post (above).  disregard.14:54
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:55
StarLionIsaacoskar-: it's the same network device on both, though I have third computer which has a different device also on jaunty, that fails too14:55
Hustlers_23dont know how to do that sorry, my 2nd day on ubuntu from years of windows lol14:55
vltHello. How can I find out the time a user logged out when the login was recorded in what is now /var/local/wtmp.1?14:55
mdmvlt, last14:55
ActionParsnipHustlers_23: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:55
budothe flash drives crap out or have a limited lifespan? ~ actionparsnip14:55
ActionParsnipbudo: yes but its a decent run.14:56
spectoHustlers_23: got to that site and click on Read about installing page14:56
spectomy spelling just died...14:56
ActionParsnipHustlers_23: copy the lines that start   deb   and    deb-src   to that file, save the new file and close gedit14:56
ActionParsnipHustlers_23: then in terminal type: sudo apt-get update14:56
ActionParsnipHustlers_23: if you tell me the code it gives I'll give you the code to supress the GPG errors14:57
spectoActionParsnip: Might want to check if he is using the terminal.14:57
abbHustlers_23: there is also some install info available on the sourceforge site (http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/download.shtml) but as specto said, use the PPA when you're looking to download/install the prog.14:57
abboh, well, that looks even better!14:57
Hustlers_23im trying to make that language english n struggling lol14:57
Hustlers_23im guessing its indonesian14:57
vltmdm: The sessions aren't shown in `last`, only the login times from `last -f wtmp.1`14:58
jilbertdoes linux servers has MS ISA like program that we can install?14:58
mdmvlt, if they are still logged in it will tell you14:58
belcohello.. quick question.. i deleted something using torrentflux.. its no longer in the directory but the space on my hd didnt change.. is there some kind of recycle bin on ubuntu???14:58
vltmdm: No, they logged out. But they were still logged in when the former wtmp became wtmp.114:58
mdmjilbert, did you mean is there web server software?  Plenty, try apache14:59
=== ben is now known as Guest44026
StarLionIsaacoskar-: it does appear to get a key and connect, but that's as far as it seems to go, it seems to me like it's not sending the network password14:59
Hustlers_23guys ive downloaded it, the version 1.2 of gyachi14:59
jilbertmdm: nope its like a traffic monitoring/firewall software14:59
abbjilbert: what does ISA stand for, the acronym I mean?  (so we can have a better idea of what you're looking for?)14:59
geirhabelco: Yes, the trash icon is to the right on the bottom panel if I remember correctly, though do note that if you delete a file that is currently open, the file will still take up space, until it is closed.15:00
jilbertabb: ISA = Internet Security & Acceleration Server15:00
vltjilbert: You can watch traffic with `iftop` for example, firewall is configured with `iptables` commands (or frontends).15:00
_UsUrPeR_does anyone in here know about DBus? I am having an issue getting a touch screen working, and according to Xorg.7.log, I am being denied access to the DBus by a security policy. I am running Jaunty.15:01
mdmjilbert, smtp?mrtg? I am not familair with what microsoft supplies as ISA15:01
jilbertmdm: thanks..15:01
ActionParsnipHustlers_23: you need to add those 2 lines to /etc/apt/sources.list then run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gyachi15:01
Hustlers_23sorry action, which 2 lines15:01
jilbertvlt: thanks as well.. any way i can run a DHCP server on my Desktop ubuntu?15:02
Hustlers_23and by clicking ALT+F2? add them using ALT+f2?15:02
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  does it expect dhcp which is perhaps not there? you could also try to run wpa_supplicant manually to get more debugging output and find out what causes the problem15:02
mdmjilbert, sure its called dhcpd, pay attention to that last d.  It requires setup before it can run15:02
diddyWhat umask do you guys use?15:02
abbjilbert: sudo aptitude search udhcpd15:02
belcogeirha, is there a command to clear it?? the server is in a datacenter :)15:02
StarLionIsaacoskar-: I don't think so, how exactly do you run it manually, and I'll have a look and try to find out15:03
jilbertmdm: thanks. and from there, can i monitor network traffic from others connected to my server using iftop?15:03
mdmjilbert, and more15:03
Hustlers_23action i think im getting there, add those 2 lines to third party software using Add?15:03
geirhabelco: If it's not a GUI app, it's unlikely it used the trash can. It would be under .local/share/Trash if it was put in trash though15:04
jilbertdhcpd can act like a PDC right? and i can configure windows client to join my domain15:04
jilbertdoes dhcpd do that?15:04
abbjilbert: usually people use samba for handling windows/PDC functionality, IIRC.15:05
_UsUrPeR_no one? DBus?15:05
geirhabelco: Or, if it's on a different filesystem than /home, then .Trash* at the root of that filesystem15:05
oskar-StarLionIsaac:  you have to tell the running wpa_supplicant instance to not configure you wlan device (disable wireless?), then setup a simple wpa_supplicant.conf configuration file (google will find many examples) and run wpa_supplicant as root with the options for device, mode and so on (wpa_supplicant --help will tell possible options)15:05
mdmjilbert, dhcpd just gives out ip addrreses and ip addresses of network services.  if you mean a domain controler altho dhcpd can give out the ip address of a domain controler that is a samab related function15:05
jilbertthere's not much of documentation about dhcpd..15:06
abbjilbert: even on a Windows server, the active directory / PDC functionality is separate from the basic "dhcp" service/daemon15:06
pekujann/win 2015:06
jilbertokay.. so. ill install samba first then ill run iftop15:06
StarLionIsaacoskar-: thanks, hopefully this will solve it15:06
jilbertthat way i can manage/monitor my network15:06
jilberton my Desktop Ubuntu15:06
axisysthis morning my display is not switching to external display when docked my laptop.. it just started behaving like this today.. usually when I dock my laptop the display switches to external monitor externally.. how do I go back to that normal behavior?15:06
mdmjilbert, where did you look?  there are so many sites about dhcp I woudlnt want to count them.  Its use predates email15:06
abbjilbert: I'd recommend that you get samba working *first* (just use a static IP on your test box) and then get to the DHCP part of your project.15:07
Bojan_how do i access the universal repositories?15:07
L3depiphany is a good browser ..15:07
jilbertabb: that i will do..15:07
axisysthe login prompt shows in external gui .. but after the login it goes blank and I can only see the gnome in laptop screen15:07
neo8848hi guys, newbie question #2, if i'm using dualboot ubuntu / xp, and i use ubuntu for browsing, is my xp 100% safe from getting any unwanted virus/spyware?15:08
Hustlers_23action: still no luck15:08
Hustlers_23they are added to source list15:08
ncfi1013actionparsnip where is the accessories menu?15:08
=== Severity2 is now known as Severity1
L3dshould i use the gnome session or x script ?15:08
mdmneo8848, as long as you do not boot the windows os, and as long as you do not mount the directories from it. Probabbly15:08
dagamaI'm trying to make a bash script, which will start another bash script remotely through SSH. This works, however if I for some reason terminate the SSH connection, the bash script on the remote computer stops... Anyone knows how I can keep the bash script on the remote computer running, even though I terminate the SSH connection?15:08
abbjilbert: but I would recommend (if you have the space for it) that you test some of this stuff out using a liveCD or virtual install of Ubuntu Server.  During install, you'll be able to click "samba, dhcp, firewall, blah, blah, blah" and have it all working asap.15:08
abbjilbert: (rather than doing everything off your desktop machine, that is)15:09
L3dutorrents got a good version with udtp15:09
neo8848mdm: still doesn't sound like 100%, but I guess i'll have to go with not mounting the xp partition15:09
mdmneo8848, ot to be more exact its quite posible you can download a virus to your web cache that does not effect nor work on the Linux box that you later mount up in XP and infect15:09
zhoujingruiwhy my ubuntu radio canot use?15:10
abbdagama: the bash script you run on the remote computer needs to be executed with an ampersand at the end -- eg, run blah -option 1 &15:10
mdmneo8848, they do not effect linux, they will effect windows, wine, and vritual hosts15:10
zhoujingruiis there anyone use it?15:10
abbdagama: then you can log off and the program will generally continue running, under most server setups.15:10
Hustlers_23any1 here know how to Install Gyachi?????15:10
dagamaok, will try that :)15:10
L3dgot tnfs with xp partition and maybe not mounted so , still thinking there are linux files on there ^-^15:10
DasEi1zhoujingrui: try streamtuner or amarok or winamp in wine15:10
BlueHatneo Do not mount windows partitions when you are using linux15:11
axisysi ran gnome-display-settings and then picked the external monitor and appky the new settings.. that fixed my display problem.. thanks15:11
neo8848@mdm: yes, i would have to agree, i'd have limited my browsing under a virtualbox if my pc just wasn't too damn slow15:11
pik}has anyone here get there HDMI audio to work on the TV from PC with a nvidia card?15:11
mdmneo8848, in fact if you have a known infected drive intenttianny putting it in linux and running clamav on it is a good idea.  it wil not infect the linux host that you are scanning with15:11
L3di just dont know what to use gnome or x something script15:11
budodid anyone have any luck installing latest ubuntu on virtualbox?15:11
L3dwhat is xcliant ?15:12
DasEi1budo : yep15:12
mdmbudo, several times, several versions15:12
budoit didnt work on me for some odd reason'15:12
budofor *15:12
abbL3d: it might be easiest to boot off a LiveCD that is dedicated to fixing virus-type stuff, as you're describing.  Check out ubcd4win.com and google "antivirus boot CD" for tons, tons, tons of them.15:12
DasEi1budo : installed from a iso file ?15:12
DasEi1budo : mdsum checked ?15:13
budoand the iso file ran from the harddrisk15:13
Hustlers_23ActionParsnips: this is the error when i run ./autogen.sh15:13
Hustlers_23Could not open location 'file:///home/david/autogen.sh'15:13
mdmpik}, I dont know of any nvidia card that has audio inputut to mux them, there are plenty of hardware devices that do however15:13
DasEi1!md5sum | budo15:13
ubottubudo: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more15:13
neo8848mdm: will keep that in mind, thanks15:13
pik}mdm: it works in windoze for me15:13
L3dhirens pferanps fff?15:14
pik}so i should be able to get it working in ubuntu also15:14
budothe boot selection menu came up and before it went to intialize the system, it will stop15:14
L3djust dont know gues xclient is best also then ??15:14
Hustlers_23Anyone here able to help me install Gyachi, i cant :(15:14
mdmpik}, putting audio on hdmi is a matter of hardware.  If you can do it in windows then some it is using a hadware driver.  There is no magic way of getting audio to show up on a video stream, SOMETHING is doing it15:14
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:15
frink_Looks like ebox is broken on 9.04 - there is a bug to fix that15:15
ncfi1013where is the accessories menu?15:15
saiywhat is Gyachi?15:15
ncfi1013how do i disable an onboard graphics card if bios doesnt see it?15:16
budoin the bios i think15:16
Halitechncfi1013, if the option isnt in the bios then plugging a card in should disable it15:16
DasEi1budo : so ensure the iso is in order15:16
Hustlers_23how do u install a program that u extracted into a folder15:16
Hustlers_23now there is files everywher15:16
Hustlers_23im new btw15:16
budothe selection menu came up @ das15:16
DasEi1!compile | Hustlers_2315:17
ubottuHustlers_23: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:17
J_A_Xcan anyone help me figure out why my Lenovo T500 has major problems when resuming from sleep mode?15:17
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glitsj16Hustlers_23: there's a small howto http://m42h31.wordpress.com/2009/06/18/install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-jaunty/ (if that's what you're running) ... the foreign language aside, commands are clearly usuable to get gyachi installed15:17
mdmpik}, what video card do you have?15:17
J_A_Xit either gives me a prompt that I can do nothing, or you see my screen saver and the HD is reading at full capacity and you can't do anything15:17
Hustlers_23ive tried that bro15:17
budoafter you select the language and select to install ubuntu or run it live, the system will hang @ das15:17
Hustlers_23doesnt seem to work for me :(, must be doing it wrong15:18
Hustlers_23any1 keen to do step by step?15:18
DasEi1budo : download is in order ?15:18
novato_brhi, I lost logical partition when I ran partition magic 8 on samsung HD 160GB sata of my notebook. Now I can't to run windows vista and then I would like to know what is it easy tool to recover lost partitions?15:18
ncfi1013halitech when i plugged the card in everything came on except the monitor so it didnt disable it automatically15:18
oskar-novato_br:  testdisk15:19
Halitechncfi1013, are you sure of 1) the card is good and 2) there was no option to disable the onboard video?15:19
novato_broskar-, i've try to use it15:19
novato_broskar-, when I used it I get lost the other partition15:20
budodo torrents usually have bad checksums? @ das15:20
ohirnovato_br: no real chances to restore vista touched by pm815:20
zhoujingruii want to listen radio under unbuntu15:20
zhoujingruiis there some software?15:20
DasEi1!tab | budo , no but sometimes15:21
ubottubudo , no but sometimes: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:21
novato_brohir, I don't care about vista, I just recover my data from E: Logical Partition15:21
novato_brI know the data are there.15:21
Halitechzhoujingrui, online from a local over the air radio station?15:21
R0b0t1I've heard/experience the flash bug where I need to "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"... Is there a page or forum post that has a permanent solution to this problem?15:22
DasEi1novato_br: have you got a second machine ?15:22
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novato_broskar-, isn't there testdisk with gui ?15:22
ohirnovato_br: pm8 tried to move the data then died, likely. You can test testdisk. Next time remember to backup data before touchin partition table.15:23
etfbI'm using Hardy, and experimenting with Mono.  The badgerports Mono version is 1.9.1.  Is it possible to download and install a later version like 2.2 from source, or will that stuff up my system?  Why is it so (relatively) old?15:23
oskar-novato_br:  i don't know, but what would be the benefit of a gui?15:23
novato_broskar-, it is so easier to use.15:23
cpd08e ai15:24
novato_brI dont know how to use lines command of testdisk15:24
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thyrihow ff3.5 on ubuntu...is it stable on addons n good for upgrade15:24
oskar-novato_br:  if testdisk is a bit like photorec, which comes with the same package, then it is very easy15:24
wapkois there a program like prime95 to stress test cpu in repo's ?15:24
novato_brI am desesperate15:24
h4f1hi all. how do I upgrade to 9.10 from 9.0415:24
bazhangthyri, some extensions do not work as of yet15:24
DasEi1wapko. cpuburn ?15:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about photorec15:24
thyri h4f1:upgrade?15:24
wapkoDasEi1: thx ;)15:24
bazhangh4f1, 9.10 is early alpha, not a good idea15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testdisk15:25
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:25
oskar-novato_br:  there is much documentation: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk#Documentation15:25
jocelynquelqu'un saurait il quel valeur renvoiie zenity15:25
h4f1 bazhang: any way. I think they should support some of my hardware15:25
jocelynavec le bouton annuler?15:25
DasEi1wapko: good barbecue15:25
bazhangh4f1, discussion in #ubuntu+1 for karmic15:25
monostoneany one with experience using bogofilter with qmail virtual user setup? I need pointers or an example of how bogofilter should be called from within the .qmail file, I am not using procmail, thanks15:25
h4f1 bazhang: thanks15:26
mdmh4f1, you would wipre out the 9.04 and install 9.10 or preferably install 9.10 on a seperate system.  But since you ask how to do this I would say you dont need to, 9.10 is not stable15:26
wapkohehe. is it the lin something algorithm ?15:26
OttifantSir!ubuntu-fr | jocelyn15:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-fr15:26
h4f1thanks all15:26
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.515:26
DasEi1!fr | jocelyn15:26
ubottujocelyn: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:26
tuxAre here German?15:26
jocelynmerci =)15:26
bazhangjocelyn, /join #ubuntu-fr pour francais15:26
DasEi1tux : nein15:26
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novato_brthx, oskar-15:26
bazhangtux, /join #ubuntu-de15:27
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ahmadz1991#join eglug15:27
lstarnesahmadz1991: /join #eglug15:27
Skepsye ke15:27
deltawariorcan someone help me whit installing a .tar.bz2 package of firefox3.5? Thx!15:28
Drekianyone here use teamspeak? i am trying to figure out how to get it to take input from my logitec USB mic and not my soundcard's mic input, anyone know how i can do that?15:28
novato_brI just rebuild the partition table of Hard disk.15:28
lstarnes!ff35 | deltawarior15:28
ubottudeltawarior: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | For Hardy see http://is.gd/1jkNY15:28
thyrii suggest do a sudo-apt instead15:29
bazhangdeltawarior, no need, is in repos15:29
CarlFKhow can I see what packages are installed that have no dependencies?15:29
zhoujingruihow to use rhythmbox to listen radio?15:29
deltawariorthx will try!15:29
zhoujingruii want to listen radio under ubuntu15:29
DasEi1zhoujingrui: try streamtuner or amarok or winamp in wine15:29
Wazzzaaaanybody knows a latex editor? Currently I use texmaker15:30
cemunalhi all15:30
mdmzhoujingrui, if all you want to do is stream audio there are plenty of apps that do this, rythbox being one of them.  If you really want to listen to radio its RF broadcast and you will need a tuner15:30
cemunalcan somebody help me to use xorg-edit gui15:30
deltawariorthx ubottu and thyri15:30
deltawariordone it :)15:30
help`hello i've formated my xp , the ubuntu take affect  someone told me re-install grub i try using command grub , root hd(0,1) then setup don't work using GUI from CD , manual parition mount /boot and install same thing don't work! any help thx =)15:31
DasEi1cemunal: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ?15:31
thyri!ubuntu grub > help`15:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu grub15:31
cemunalDasEi1: there is a gui called xorg-edit15:31
Wazzzaaahelp`: you've installed ubuntu ?15:32
thyri!grub > help`15:32
ubottuhelp`, please see my private message15:32
diddy Does chattr support directories? chattr +i /tmp/test15:32
help`Wazzzaaa before i install it and i format than xp my xp is on parition and ubuntu another parition and the /boot on a parition15:32
arandthyri: that was already given.15:32
deltawariorPlease restart all running instances of firefox-3.5, or you will experience problems.15:32
deltawariorwhat is that mean?15:32
help`thyri i did what ubottu said didn't work i did the GUI and CLI way15:32
tchalldawayhey ay1 wanna help me fix my virtual box?15:33
DasEi1cemunal: where / which paket ?15:33
lstarnesdeltawarior: that means that if you are currently running firefox 3.5 you need to close it then reopen it15:33
DasEi1!details | tchalldaway15:33
bobfaceafternoon - anybody know where I can get  libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 for Ubuntu 9? I need it for a dodgy smartpass VPN client15:33
ubottutchalldaway: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:33
Musashicould anyone tell me of a program like Dreamweaver that is NOT kompozer?15:34
cemunalDasEi1: not in repos15:34
Wazzzaaahelp`: you can fix your grub menu with supergrub15:34
cemunal!google xorg-edit15:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
WazzzaaaBut I don't know what your problem is exactly15:34
thyrideltawarior:close ff and open it again15:34
help`Wazzzaaa how i can do this ! thx =)15:34
tchalldawayI am running ubuntu hardy and im trying to fix my virtualbox install i keep getting an error saying the kernel is not loaded or its not installed15:34
tchalldawayi cant start any virtual machines15:34
allenbradleyDoes anyone know how to use git behind a proxy?15:34
v3s4what is the program to use when you want to find out what dynamic libraries your program is linked against?15:34
ganesh1Hi,Before I migrate completely from XP to Ubuntu I could like to make sure about few points 1.) I need the old data's in XP Is this possible to install Ubuntu  on C drive and keep the rest alike   2.) what will happen to the data's stored in other partitions .Is Dual boot is the only option.15:34
bobfacei get this barf /usr/smartpass/bin/smartpass: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:35
mdmMusashi, nvu? but in the end its just html, hell vi will work15:35
bobfacedoes ubuntu have compat lbis?15:35
allenbradleyganesh1 yes. You avoid formatting you data partition15:35
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thyri!wubi  > ganesh115:35
ubottuganesh1, please see my private message15:35
arandganesh1: What kind of setup/partitioning do you have currently?15:35
bobfacedoes ubuntu have compat libs even15:35
help`Wazzzaaa u mean download the super grub disk from windows i can fix it ?15:36
Musashimdm: lol that is true. I was hoping to get something with the design/source so i could see what it looks like without opening a browser15:36
DasEi1tchalldaway: yes, on hardy the kernel module gets lost frequently after updates, you reinstall it sperately ( the vbox is giving exact cmd) or just install vbox again15:36
jogyganesh1: yes.. dual boot, install within windows etc there are many options..data stored in other partitions will be accessible from ubuntu15:36
tchalldawayi have installed vbox like billions of time15:36
tchalldawayI need to fix this kernel stuff15:36
DasEi1cemunal: so can't help you with unknown app15:37
mdmMusashi, that is not a new requirement, what you are looking for is called a wysisyg editor, ala 1991's15:37
tchalldawayhow do i reinstall the kernel seperatly?15:37
mdmMusashi, try https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/144915:38
ncfi1013halitech im not sure the card is good but i can take it back if it isnt and yes there was no option to disable it. what are all the possible names that you know of that a graphics card would be named under in the bios?15:38
Drekigow can i set default inputs for teamspeak, like which mic input. it seems to only want to take input from my soundcard and i want it to take input from my logitec USB mic15:38
zulfahi all, i'm trying pam with radius, can someone point me to the right direction?15:38
DasEi1 tchalldaway : it's just the module, maybe ask in #virtualbox, when this part is missing, there is a usable output of  vbox; try to run vbox from commandline15:39
tchalldawayAnyone how do i reinstall or compile the kernel for vbox15:39
Musashimdm: Thank you that looks nice, i'm gonna try it right now. I knew there was a name for these things...15:39
savidI received a hack complaint from someone originating on my server.  Apparently it was a bunch of brute-force ssh login attempts.   I've done a rootkit check using rkhunter and chkrootkit, and nothing's turned up yet.   Any suggestions as to how I can figure out how my ubuntu server was comprimised?15:39
roey_anyone here experienced in installing ATI Catalyst drivers?15:39
tchalldawayill try that channel15:39
danbecksavid: kill everything but initd15:39
DasEi1 tchalldaway :you can also purge the install and down the +.deb from vbox again, install it15:40
saviddanbeck,  It's a production web server15:40
monckysavid: check to see who is running the offending process15:40
danbeckI know, I was joking.15:40
danbeckAre you sure that someone got in?15:40
monckysavid: more than likely it was a weak password as opposed to some master hackery15:40
danbeckwe have brute force attempts on any of our servers that allow port 22 access from any ip.15:40
DasEi1!info dkms | tchalldaway15:41
ubottutchalldaway: dkms (source: dkms): Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 376 kB15:41
mdmsavid, of even IF it was, just because someone said you did does not mean it actually happend.  Go look at the login accounts, see if anyone has a setuid shell it in, look to see what is running, use netstat to see what is listening15:41
deltawariorany drivers for intel 945GM?15:41
lantiziaEvening, is there a policy documents that outlines how ubuntu packages are forked from, maintained, etc -- the rules of -- between yourselves and debian?15:41
forceflo1deltawarrior: check ubuntu x-swat ppa15:41
forceflo1if you have problems15:41
danbecksavid: if you don't have tons of accounts (>100), then go look at each process, see what is running, determine what is rogue.15:41
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mdmsavid, as for brute force logins I used to log attempts at my firewall.  When it got to be over a GB in logs per day, I quit15:41
forceflowthey are pretty buggy atm15:41
danbecksavid: the sysadmin of hte box should be very familiar with each process running on the box15:42
savidmoncky,  mdm, danbeck :  those are excellent suggestions.  Thanks :-)15:42
danbecka good pet is something like  /usr/bin/perl osliselkja -p 53002 blah balh15:42
tchalldawaydaseil i am running hardy15:42
tchalldawayhow do i do that15:43
L3dso my download is a bit slow but itll work ..15:44
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L3dusing opera now ..15:44
wapkocan anybody tell me how to find my real cpu mhz.. i get different results using dmesg and /proc/cpuinfo15:44
wapkoand, yes i have speedstep enabled, and i have overclocked my cpu15:45
L3dwhats a good torrent client ?15:45
DasEi1 tchalldaway : apt-get install dkms15:45
SykaL3d: Transmission15:45
coz_wapko,   cd to the /proc  directory and run  cat cpuinfo15:45
Sykal3d: Failing that, uTorrent under Wine15:45
DasEi1L3d: azureus~vuze15:45
coz_wapko,  or  in terminal    top15:45
stewwapko: what does "grep name /proc/cpuinfo" return?15:45
=== Wizzup is now known as Wizzup`NIN
stewcoz_: that won't tell him what he is looking for, which is the design speed of the cpu15:46
axisyshow do I reset the gnome settings.. ?15:46
wapkostew: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad  CPU   Q9550  @ 2.83GHz15:46
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.15:46
stewwapko: then 2.83GHz is your answer15:46
coz_axisys,     rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity15:46
DasEi1 tchalldaway : did you try vbox from cmd-line ?15:46
Kjellaxisys: delete the folders in home15:46
L3dso gnome does all the work not xclient ?15:46
coz_axisys,  restart x  and all should be back to default15:46
axisyscoz_: i think there is a better tool.. something like gnome-reset .. something.. can't find it15:47
wapkostew: no. i overclocked it. its supposed to run at 3604 mhz15:47
tchalldawaythat command u gave me earlier is hanging15:47
stewwapko: then I don't understand what you are asking15:47
coz_axisys,  well that command should do it for you15:47
wapkobut conky and cat /proc/cpuinfo says 340015:47
stewwapko: you want the speed it was designed to run at? or the speed it is running at now?  or the maximum it could run at now?15:47
L3ddo i need gnome for my video drivers ?15:47
mdmwapko, you do know the model with speed is simply a text string the cpu returns, right?15:47
L3dmean gnome session not xclient ?15:47
wapkostew: the speed it is running at now15:48
ganesh1Hi arand ,I'm completely new to ubuntu ,can you explain me how to install ubuntu without loosing my old records ,(I'm not looking for dual -boot) .When i try to install Ubuntu  step 4 as a choice to select "Use the entire disk " and other two options are 1.)Use the largest continous free space 2.)Specify partition manually .what i have to select when i need to preserve my old records  in XP15:48
wapkomdm: yes i was aware of that15:48
mdmwapko, what does lsmod | grep power tell you?15:48
wapkomdm: nothing15:48
stewwapko: grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo15:48
mdmwapko, did you tweek it in bios?15:48
DasEi1ganesh1: 2)manually15:48
wapkomdm: yes15:49
ChevyHello, can anyone recommend a decent Wireless Keyboard/Mouse combo for Ubuntu 9.04 ? Please and thanks :)15:49
ganesh1thanks DasEi15:49
wapkostew: i know thats supposed to give it, but i believe the result in cpuinfo is incorrect15:49
wapkostew: like it doesnt understand my .5 multiplier15:49
SykaChevy: I'd use Wireless, but any Logitech should do fine15:49
mdmwapko, is the FSB 400 mhz?15:49
wapko8.5 multi15:49
SykaChevy: I wouldn't use*15:49
DasEi1ganesh1:when doing so, might loose (slight chance) winbootloader, maybe backub mbr before15:49
wapkomdm: fsb is 42415:49
stewwapko: what makes you think that?15:49
mdmwapko, what multiplier did you set it to?15:50
L3dcan annyone tell me what to do ,use xclient or gnome ?15:50
wapkostew: cos i set it to 3600 mhz in bios15:50
wapkomdm: 8.515:50
stewwapko: but why do you think that /proc/cpuinfo is wrong?15:50
mazda01i cant seem to get Jaunty and my xorg.conf file correct. i need 1280x1024 using nvida-glx driver and it keeps saying can't parse config file after I add my resolution. Can someone please post a xorg.conf at pastebin for me PLEASE.15:50
savidWhere are SSH login attempts logged on ubuntu server?15:50
wapkostew: because i overclocked my cpu to 3604 mhz in bios, and proc/cpuinfo says 340015:51
ChevySyka: well, I've got my box hooked up to the tv and my wired devices don't reach the couch... I've been reading about Logitech and they have this "SecureConnect" tech... is that ok in linux ?15:51
richardcavellHello everyone15:51
mazda01savid, in auth.log15:51
geirhasavid: /var/log/auth.log15:51
savidahh thanks15:51
L3dand i got ati radeon 9000 heh15:51
dunksmight be intel speed step if your cpu is intel15:51
peolHey. I'm having a dualscreen setup, does anyone know how I move the OSD notifications from the lower right of the top panel to my other monitor (not fixed to any panel at all)? I couldn't find the settings for it.15:51
tchalldawayHOW DO I INSTALL A KERNEL FOR virtual box sorry for caps15:51
L3di dunno15:51
richardcavelltchalldaway, what do you mean?15:52
SykaChevy: If it's the one with a long connector, usually with a button on top, it should work fine15:52
DasEi1mazda01: jaunty xorg is empty by default ; did you check hardwaredrivers and does your card appear there ?15:52
SykaChevy: They usually don't require special drivers15:52
mdmwapko, when you set the fsb to 424 what memory do you have in the system? what is its latency?15:52
L3dcan annyone tell me what to do ,use xclient or gnome ?15:52
h4f1You need to be identified to join that channel ?15:52
h4f1I am trying to join a chanel15:52
geirha!vbox | tchalldaway15:52
ubottutchalldaway: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:52
comatsui have a couple of old HDs im trying to make a clone of.. on windows i use ghost - whats the suggested alternative for ubuntu?15:53
ibuclawh4f1, //join #channel15:53
ChevySyka: thanks, I've been reading the same thing on the net...but compatibility in Linux makes me nervous, so I thought I'd check here before I go buy one, then have to return it, lol  thanks for the advice15:53
dunkscomatsu: man dd15:53
arandganeshi: What kind of setup do you have currently? Where is the data you need located? Do you have several partitions/disks (C: D: ...etc. )?15:53
DasEi1h4f1: some channels nedd registration, checkout #freenode for more15:53
semanticpci have a python installation in my directory ...... is it possible to tell my shell to use this version rather than the default version15:53
mazda01DasEi1, yes. I select the proper nvidia driver, then when I restart the resolution is horrible and tiny. so I open nvidia-settings, select 1280x1024 but when I try to save the xorg.conf it says it can't create the backup. then when I log out and log back in I get the same darn small unusable res again??? So I need to enter the reslution somhwere?15:53
tchalldawayheirha that does not help me15:53
wapkomdm: ehm, latency..?15:54
richardcavellAnyone here running Ubuntu on a Mac?15:54
SykaChevy: No probs. And if it's popular, there would usually be a driver15:54
ActionParsnipsemanticpc: sure, just use export to set the python folder15:54
mazda01ubottu, are you aware if  can take my existing winxp install and virtualize it in virtualbox free in ubuntu jaunty?15:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:54
L3d_xclient remiinds me of xorg15:54
comatsudunks: thanks thats it.. will read that and pop back here if i need assistance :P15:54
wapkomdm: cant remember my. bios has weird fsb:mem dividers15:54
ChevySyka: I suppose I was also looking for a company that is Linux Friendly, as I understand it, logitech isn't15:54
mazda01richardcavell, not yet but I plan on installing it on my ppc powerbook g4.15:54
L3d_cmon .....15:54
vltHello. How can I find out the time a user logged out when the login was recorded to what is now /var/local/wtmp.1 but the logout happened after wtmp was renamed to wtmp.1?15:54
mdmwapko, seting your fsb to a speed your memory does not do is not a good thing.  You bios will see this and no matter what set it back.  Your fsb is running at 400mhz, no matter what you intended or told it to.  Find out why15:55
semanticpcActionParsnip: i am using tcsh .... so export doesnt work i guess .... is setenv the alternative ?15:55
mdmwapko, my guess is its your memory15:55
mazda01richardcavell, i need to backup my harddrive first because I have heard horror stories when using the partition shrinker.15:55
richardcavellmazda, Ubuntu is not officially supported on PPC15:55
ActionParsnipsemanticpc: ive not done it personally, look into bboth15:55
richardcavellAre you using a previous version?15:55
mazda01DasEi1, any sugestions?15:55
DasEi1mazda01: ubott.. is a ro-bot; if you got a install cd of windows, can have a vm, but not clone your existing sys15:55
richardcavellI'm running 9.04 on an Intel Mac15:55
SykaChevy: I'm using a Logitech wireless mouse and wired keyboard ATM... had no problems15:55
L3d_anywho :/15:56
wapkomdm: mem is fine. its actually running below spec.. i belive its running at 53115:56
wapkomdm: theyre pc2-8500's15:56
mazda01DasEi1, oh, darn it. I have read I can clone it using a paid version of vmware but I want the free route. I do have the install cd for WINXP pro I just don't want to have to reinstall windows and all the darn apps.15:56
DasEi1!resolution | mazda01:15:56
L3d_my question is what to use xcleint or gnome sesion wise ?15:56
ubottumazda01:: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:56
ActionParsniprichardcavell: thats because its intel, not a g4 cpu et al15:56
mazda01DasEi1, any thoughts on xorg.conf and having the res stay at 1280x1024?15:56
L3d_x marks the ..15:57
DasEi1 mazda01: open a terminal ..15:57
mazda01ubottu, ok, I'll give that a look. thanks15:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:57
wapkomdm: both bios and windows reports this correctly.. so does dmesg btw..'0.000000] Detected 3604.019 MHz processor.'15:57
mazda01DasEi1, yes15:57
DasEi1 mazda01: sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:57
geirhavlt: What command are you using?15:57
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vltgeirha: `last`15:57
Guest18652Hello. Help, please adjust the resolution of my monitor. I have a 1680 * 1050, 22 inches, and it gives me a maximum of 1360 * 768. NVidia driver installed, edit the section Modes in xorg.conf does not result in the list are the same values.15:57
DasEi1 mazda01: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:57
wapkomdm: so thats why i wondered why /proc/cpuinfo reported it as running 340015:58
DasEi1 mazda01: give url here15:58
DasEi1!brain | mazda0115:58
ubottumazda01: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:58
mdmwapko, 400x8.5 = 340015:58
wapkomdm: but its running 424 fsb15:58
geirhavlt: try with: last <(cat /var/log/wtmp.1 /var/log/wtmp)15:58
geirhavlt: last -f <(...), sorry15:59
vltgeirha: I'll try, thanks15:59
=== bfox_ is now known as bfox
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:00
badeagleGuest18652: paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to http://paste.ubuntu.com and I'll fix it.16:00
mazda01DasEi1, what repo is pastebinit in? I don't have it?16:00
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal16:00
DasEi1!info pastebinit | mazda0116:00
ubottumazda01: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB16:00
MK13is there a way to see who is accessing and monitor a samba share?16:01
amikropHello, can I mount nrg images like that? $ sudo mount -o loop image.nrg16:01
Darck1hi all - anybody else had a problem with previously working services not autostarting anymore? Specifically (for me at least, mediatomb, gnump3d, shoutcast)16:01
amikropHello, can I mount nrg images like that? $ sudo mount -o loop image.nrg16:01
amikropOops, sorry.16:01
eddymvpI"m having problem installing my wireless card16:01
eddymvpwhen I do an ifconfig it doesn't show the device there and the wireless light is off16:01
eddymvp iwl4965: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN driver for Linux, 1.2.016:02
mazda01DasEi1, no wonder, it was already installed. one second/16:02
MK13eddymvp, what wireless card do you have?16:02
eddymvpits the  iwl4965: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN driver for Linux, 1.2.016:02
mdmMusashi, really there is no control over speed to the os, but what does dmi tell you? run dmidecode --type processor 4 and look at the clock16:03
sebaI have a problem with nvidia driver16:03
Guest18652Help to adjust the resolution, please.16:03
MK13eddymvp, does it show and connection when you do "iiwconfig"?16:03
MK13eddymvp, any*16:03
MK13eddymvp, and iwconfig16:04
mazda01DasEi1, http://pastebin.com/f1ff77f0816:04
eddymvpcomand not found16:04
eddymvpit shows my lan connection16:04
badeagleGuest18652: http://paste.ubuntu.com - put your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file up there, and i'll fix it for the resolution you want.16:04
eddymvpeth0      no wireless extensions.16:04
sebawith the driver nvidia , crashout16:04
vltgeirha: `last -f <(cat ...)` didn't work, but creating an output file first and handle that to `last -f` worked fine. Thanks16:04
MK13eddymvp, g2g, sry16:04
mazda01DasEi1, and that's after using nvidia-settings and changing resolution from auto to 1280x1024, applying and then trying to save changes to xorg.conf.16:04
Darck1I changed my menu option for display to be gksudo nvidia-settings if I remember rightly16:05
geirhavlt: Ah ok, nice to know :)16:05
Darck1you need sudo to save some options for nvidia-settings (changes to xorg.conf)16:06
mazda01does anyone know if compiz in jaunty works with the nvidia 180 driver? I get can't enable vidual effects when I try to enable it.16:06
peolmazda01: Works over here16:07
eddymvpdoes anyone know how I can get my wireless card to work?16:07
mazda01peol, any special configurating that you had to do?16:07
monckymazda01: yes works fine for me with no extra config16:07
Darck1nobody else had an issue with autostarting of services not working?16:07
peolmazda01: None at all, I did use envyng to install it though16:07
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
farchordmazda01: is the driver actually enabled? try doing glxinfo | grep OpenGL16:08
DasEi1!wireless | eddymvp16:08
ubottueddymvp: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:08
mazda01peol, i can't get it to work. although I do have 2 x screens running. one at 1280x1024 and one at 1360x76816:08
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ruby_guyhow to install aptana16:08
peolmazda01: I got a 144x900 and a 1280x108016:09
eddymvpI installed ubuntu on another computer with the same hardware and the wireless works fine16:09
peolmazda01: Did you reboot?16:09
mazda01farchord, yes. it's enabled. penGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 180.4416:09
ruby_guyplz tell me how to install aptana???16:09
mazda01peol, yes, plenty of times16:10
ChevyIf I buy a bluetooth keyboard/mouse, is it difficult to get up and running in Ubuntu 9.04 ? Is there anything I should know before hand ?16:10
mdmwapko, sorry I sent it to the srong person what does sudo dmidecode --type processor 4 say the external clock is running at?16:10
farchordChevy: i do believe ubuntu has bluetooth support OOTB16:10
hareldvdAfter upgrade from V8.04 to 9.04 updates are not performed unless I initiate 'sudo apt-get update' first. The update-notifier process is running. Any idea?16:10
richardcavellyes it does farchord16:10
elad`I have a 160GB HDD. I isntalled Windows XP - creating one 100GB partition for it, and leaving the rest free. Now I'm trying to install Ubuntu on the free 50GB. How do I do that?16:10
mazda01DasEi1, what should I do about my xorg.conf file please. I have 2 computers. One I can't get the resolution to stick and compiz works and the other I get the resolution to stick but can't get compiz to work. I am working on multiple problems on this irc chat.16:11
elad`What would "Install them side by side" do?16:11
Chevyelad`: yes16:11
peolmazda01: Composite won't work in panorama, just so you know16:11
richardcavellelad, that would work fine16:11
mazda01peol, I didn't use enyng. that shouldn't make a difference should it.16:11
richardcavellelad, just install it into your free space and give it a swap partition too16:11
biebI did a kernel upgrade and now the prompt in terminal says:  I Have No Name!@server:~ $... How can I change "I Have No Name" to something else?16:12
mazda01peol, i have 2 different x screen, I am not using one display stretched across 2 monitors because the monitors aren't next to each other.16:12
=== snake is now known as smile
elad`"Install them side by side" results in an image (9.04) where I can see 146GB for XP, 51GB free (how?), and none for 9.04.16:12
Seveasbieb, looks like your /etc/passwd and/or /etc/shadow are busted16:12
peolmazda01: Then that's why your composite doesn't work (and compiz won't work without it)16:13
snarksterhas anyone else had a problem with samba after upgrading to 9.04?16:13
snarksteri cant even see my own shares16:13
=== smile is now known as chaplin
elad`Maybe I should go for specifying the partitions manually? What partitions does Ubuntu need?16:13
semanticpcany one using tcsh ??16:13
mazda01peol, here's my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/f492f256a16:14
=== linuxman410 is now known as linuxman410|bbl
badeagleruby_guy: did you download http://www.aptana.com/studio/download/thanks?platform=standalone&os=linux&ev=3.4?16:14
richardcavellelad, you should specify them manually16:14
Seveas!anyone | semanticpc16:14
ubottusemanticpc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:14
richardcavellyou have more control that way16:14
mazda01peol, so you have 2 monitors and you're strecthing your desktop across both?16:15
iGamaHy all16:15
elad`richardcavell: Yes. But what should I do? One main one, for the OS and everything, and one swap? Nothing else?16:15
richardcavellHi, iGama16:15
iGamaneed some help with a LDAP situation16:15
ESphynxhey guys, what would be the 32bit compatibility package for libgif on 64 bit ubuntu?16:15
Darck1ooookay - since nobody answered me I must assume nobody else has the problem but I'll answer it anyway. If you have problems autostarting services, it's an issue with network manager (surprise surprise) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediatomb/+bug/21244116:15
richardcavellOne for Windows XP, one for Linux, and one swap16:15
mazda01peol, i had this working on Feisty but the menus would open so slow. I need to displays because I run mythtv on one of them to watch live tv. So no compiz for me?16:15
slaytondoes anybody know how to activate the internal microphone on thinkpad t61's in Jaunty/16:16
elad`richardcavell: What size should the swap be? Should it be at the beginning, or the end? What system? Ext3? Ext4?16:16
peolmazda01: I don't think compiz (composition) works with that kind of setup, so from my point of view, you're screwed I'm afraid. Perhaps someone else can shed some light on it16:16
novato_brwhich ubuntu version recognize vista partitions?16:16
semanticpci have installed python in my home directory .... i want my tcsh to use this version of python .... how do i do that ?16:16
iGamaI have a LDAP user, i'm able to change its password with passwd, but when I try to change the expire-date of the password with " passwd --maxdays 9999 username" it gives me "passwd: username not found in /etc/passwd" . Any help ?16:16
linuxninjaAnyone ubuntu certified16:16
richardcavellalad, swap has its own filesystem. Don't format it as anything because Linux will overwrite it. Make the swap about twice as large as your RAM. Put it at the end.16:17
SeveasiGama, does chage work?16:17
mazda01peol, what knd of setup do you run with 2 screens.16:17
richardcavellelad, sounds like you have heaps of space so make your swap a good 5 gigs16:18
PromilleHey guys. I would like to add a user on this ubuntu partition. He shouldnt be able to delete/edit any files, but when its transfered to him, he will have full control over the files. Is there a command to do so ?16:18
peolmazda01: Pure twinview, http://pastebin.com/m7a0f3e7516:18
elad`richardcavell: Thanks. Only a few more questions: What type of system for Linux itself? Ext3? Ext4? Something else? Beginning? End? Does it become the Linux partition by having its mount point as "/"?16:18
mazda01peol, and twinview is where your desktop is stretched upon both screens?16:18
richardcavellelad, use ext3. Some people have found ext4 to be unstable, but you can use it if you want. Don't use anything other than ext. Put it after Windows XP. You mount the Linux partition as / and that means that everything will be installed there by default.16:19
peolmazda01: Yeah,http://andreehansson.se/Screenshots/screenshot5.png16:19
elad`Both the swap and the "/" are logical new partitions, not primary, yes?16:19
iGamaSeveas, no16:19
* badeagle has no issues with Ext4.16:19
iGamaSeveas, it gives me the same message, user not found, because its not in the /etc/passwd, its a ldap user16:20
richardcavellelad, what partition table are you using?16:20
richardcavellMBR? GPT?16:20
richardcavellthey'll all be primary partitions since you have fewer than 416:20
elad`richardcavell: Whatever XP, which I installed first, installed.16:20
elad`Won't making them primary override whatever XP has done? Can't there only be one primary per HDD?16:21
mazda01peol, nice big screen. maybe I'll try that and just open mythtv in a window and move it over to the other screen.16:21
Guest92691çäðàñòå :)   ìåíÿ òóò êòîíèòü ïîíèìàåò ? âïëàíå ÿçûêà ?16:21
Mike_lifeguardGuest92691: please use UTF-816:21
lstarneselad`: up to 3 primaries per HD plus one extended, containing up to 64 logical iirc16:21
richardcavellelad, you can use 4 primary partitions16:21
SeveasiGama, ldapvi or ldapmodify it is then :)16:21
thinkertinkerhelp me use nokia phone as a gprs modem..plzzz16:21
linuxninjaubotu 19916:22
Guest92691íàäî ïîìîùü16:22
peolmazda01: I'm running xbmc successfully on one screen, I rarely use the other to do anything else while doing it though, can't say if it interferes with playback or similar16:22
elad`And it matters whether it is logical or primary?16:22
richardcavellelad, make them all primary16:22
SeveasGuest92691, UTF-8 please16:22
lstarneselad`: linux doesn't care if it uses primary or logical for /16:22
elad`Does it matter, performance-wise?16:23
richardcavellSeems as though Linux is used to being second banana on an installation16:23
richardcavellelad, certainly not16:23
=== sean is now known as Guest71548
lstarneselad`: performance is equal16:23
=== Wazzzaaa is now known as Wazzzaaafk
elad`And would XP mind?16:23
richardcavellelad, no16:23
richardcavellelad, XP can't even read the partitions16:23
richardcavellso it will barely know that Linux is there16:24
linuxninjaThere was suppose to be an ubuntu event happening in October or something... Local teams were being organized. Anyone know about it?16:24
iGamaSeveas, but with those I can't seem to find the option of the expiredate :S16:24
richardcavellDoes anyone know how to identify which packages are installed by default on different architectures?16:24
mazda01peol, cool. xbmc is awsome! i have it on both my xboxs which are frontends for my mythtv server. I do have another issue if you could help. I have another computer that I can't get the resolution to stick on. Its running the nvidia 96 version. when I start up the res is so small and unusable. When I open nvidia-settings and change it 1280x1024, then try to save it, it says it couldn;t save backup file. then when I restart x wants to run i16:24
mazda01n low res mode and it defults back to the nv driver. any thoughts on how to get the resoluion to stick?16:24
Guest92691ÏÎ×ÅÌÓ ÁÎËÜØÛÍÑÒÂÎ ÎÁÐÀÇΠUBUNTU ÊÎÖÀÍÛÅ ? è êîíòðîëüíàÿ ñóìà MD5 íå ñîâïàäàåò ?16:24
peolmazda01: run it with "sudo"16:25
peolmazda01: sudo nvidia-settings16:25
badeaglemazda01: peol: http://badeagle.co.cc/screenshot.jpg16:25
Myrtti!ru | Guest9269116:25
ubottuGuest92691: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:25
badeagleno i think that's greek16:26
badeagleor something16:26
DasEi1mazda01 : sry, up on another box for amoment, add  Modes     "1024x768" or whatever you desire in the screen section16:26
pisseMy ubuntu server doesn't bring up eth1 (the local network). I have to write "sudo ifconfig eth1" every time I reboot the server. Is there a way to make the server do this at every startup?16:26
richardcavellyeah, that wasn't Russian16:27
mazda01peol, i am running it with gksudo16:27
peolmazda01: Yeah, same thing, should work16:27
erUSULpisse: man interfaces ( edit /etc/network/interfaces and make an entry for eth1 )16:28
EtherNetanyone know nowadays with powerful computers and memory ram, what is the amount of Swap needed? for e.g. for 1Gb RAM  machine and a 4Gb RAM16:28
richardcavellethernet, rule of thumb is twice the size of your RAM16:28
iGamaEtherNet, it is not even needed16:29
iGamabut 512mbs is enough16:29
DasEi1EtherNet: the double of ram suits most needs16:29
richardcavellbadeagle, it was Basque16:29
EtherNetsure.. that's what I was thinking16:29
ubuntunewbie4EtherNet: If you wanted to hibernate , suggest to have twice the ram for swap16:29
iGamaDasEi1, that is a old rule16:29
EtherNetI remember 486 machines it was double of ram... but nowadays it's not needd16:29
richardcavellI ran Ubuntu on a 1 Gig machine and never used swap ever16:29
CelauranDepends whether or not you want to suspend/hibernate, really. You'll need at least equal to your RAM for that16:29
CelauranOtherwise it doesn't really get used16:29
EtherNetubuntunewbie, sure, for Laptops it's needed for such feature.16:29
EtherNetthanks guys16:29
domasno swap16:29
richardcavellI upgraded my machine to 3 Gig and noticed no improvement at all16:29
domasswap is evil16:30
domasturn it off16:30
erUSULEtherNet: richardcavell twice the ram is overkill nowadays with 2,3,4 GiB ram... make it 1 GB or equal to ram if you plan to suspend the computer to disk (linux writtes ram contents to swap)16:30
ubuntunewbie4EtherNet: if 1Gb , try setting to 2GB , best for 4GB16:30
DasEi1iGama: well , if you suspend a highly powered sys , not really16:30
iGamaEtherNet, now days is what you prefer, the double is to mutch, the same is a very good value and more than enght16:30
elad`Wait a second, what is the swap even used for? If I never want to suspend/hibernate, do I not even need it?16:30
Mike_lifeguardAfter installing phpmyadmin, where should I point my browser to use it?16:30
matthijs_hi, i just installed ubuntu (and uninstalled xubuntu desktop) and i get an error at startup with something about xfce, and now it boots in safe mode, how can i fix this?16:30
CelauranMike_lifeguard: http://localhost/phpmyadmin16:30
comatsui have a usb2ide connector which im using to connect an old HD to my pc. i want to make a clone of that HD using dd. how do i find what the address to the hd is? all i can find is that lsusb sees the usb device connected on bus 005, device 00516:30
linxxk, i need to know how to remove sendmail, i install via apt-get and removed via apt-get however sendmail is still listening on port 25 for some crazy reason16:30
ubuntunewbie4Hi , I need a bit of help here .16:30
ubuntunewbie4Gedit doesn't work16:30
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: Thanks, but there's nothing there16:30
iGamaDasEi1, I even disable swap on some clients because it gives me problems16:30
DasEi1! | elad`swap16:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about elad`swap16:30
elad`!swap | elad`16:31
ubottuelad`, please see my private message16:31
DasEi1!swap  | elad`16:31
ubottuelad`: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:31
ubuntunewbie4Gedit doesn't work16:31
swoodyubuntunewbie:  can you open it by going to Applications>Accessories>Text editor?16:31
erUSULcomatsu: do « tailf /var/log/messages » then plug the disk. you should see the device that the disk got16:31
Mike_lifeguardhm, maybe it needs to be started up...16:31
ubuntunewbie4Hi , I need a bit of help here .The gedit doesn't display16:31
pisseerUSUL: I have an entry, but I haven't written auto eth1 before it. Is that the problem?16:31
linxxi tried reinstalling and aptitude puge sendmail, as well as sudo apt-get autoremove sendmail16:31
savidIs there anything that logs ssh login attempts locally?  That is, if I wanted to see if someone was attempting to use ssh client on my server?16:31
CelauranMike_lifeguard: No, it shouldn't need to be started. Are you getting a 404 error?16:31
erUSULpisse: yes; if you do not put auto eth1 it will not be brought up at start up16:32
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: Yes, a 404. (and btw, the process is running)16:32
erUSULpisse: you have to manually bring it up « sudo ifup eth1 »16:32
richardcavellHow do I know which packages are installed by default?16:32
pisseerUSUL: Thanks! :) You helped me and my friend :P16:32
erUSULpisse: add the auto eth1 line and you are set up16:32
CelauranMike_lifeguard: Very strange. I've got phpmyadmin running fine on my machine and there's no process.16:32
comatsuerUSUL would this be it? sdf: sdf116:32
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  can you open it by going to Applications>Accessories>Text Editor?16:33
mazda01DasEi1, i did and now I am restarting one second. I have another issue. For some reason nautils won't open from docky but if I open it from the application pull down it will open. I have rtemoved and readded the nautilus icon to docky several times.16:33
ubuntunewbie4swoody: yep16:33
CelauranMike_lifeguard: Not that you should have to, but have you tried restarting Apache since installing pma?16:33
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: yeah, I misunderstood what I was looking at16:33
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  and it works fine that way?16:33
erUSULcomatsu: /dev/sdf is the disk; /dev/sdf1 is the first partition so that's it16:33
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: Nope, will restart apache now...16:33
richardcavellis the package xkbset installed by default?16:33
ubuntunewbie4swoody: yep , I had similar problem with this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76402416:33
comatsuerUSUL thanks16:33
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: no effect :\16:34
spectoSo anyone have any job offers that involve ubuntu?16:34
iusospecto: i get to use it daily at work16:34
CelauranMike_lifeguard: You've checked that it's properly installed? whereis phpmyadmin16:34
ubuntunewbie4swoody: typing sudo gedit or even gksudo doesn't work.It doesn't display anything but after 5 min it pop and it crash16:34
spectoI wish I could find an organization that used Ubuntu for their servers and needed to hire.16:35
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: phpmyadmin: /etc/phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin ... it did whinge about a badly put together package when installing16:35
spectoOh and Lighttpd16:35
iusospecto: move to Finland :)16:35
ubuntunewbie4swoody: i really need help , I can't edit anything at all16:35
spectoAt this point I may be tempted16:35
iGamaspecto, is easier to create your own company that gives ubuntu support16:35
CelauranMike_lifeguard: sudo dpkg --configure -a?16:35
CelauranMike_lifeguard: Was that the error?16:36
thinkertinker_help please16:36
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  well for now, you could use "sudo vi /path/to/file" to edit them16:36
iGamaspecto, lots of company are looking for support , but dont want to hire a full time guy16:36
spectoiGama: true.16:36
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: using an old style of packaging or something? I can reinstall to get the text if you like (& actually, it said to complain to the package maintainer anyways)16:36
thinkertinker_help me use nokia phone as a gprs modem..plzz16:36
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  have you tried running "gksu gedit /path/to/file"??16:36
iGamaspecto, create your own service company, based on opensource :)16:36
Myrttithinkertinker_: which phone16:36
richardcavellHey, what's this I read about FF 3.5 being available now for Jaunty?16:36
CelauranMike_lifeguard: No harm in purge & reinstall I guess. I've got pma running without issue on both Hardy and Jaunty, though, so it's a bit strange.16:37
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  you're supposed to run 'gksu' instead of 'sudo' when you're running a command that will open a GUI (such as gedit)16:37
ESphynxlibgif 32 bit on 64 bit?16:37
erUSUL!info firefox-3.5 | richardcavell16:37
ubotturichardcavell: firefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB16:37
spectoiGama: Ya, I am thinking about it, however I just got out of college and I simply have no funding for anything.  I am currently working an internship which won't lead to a job because they don't have any openings.16:37
Mike_lifeguardCelauran: k, I'll do that... thanks anyways16:37
erUSUL!ot | specto iGama16:37
ubottuspecto iGama: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:37
thinkertinker_am a total newbie help me some ways plss16:37
Myrttithinkertinker_: which nokia phone?16:38
ubuntunewbie4swoody: still doesn't work16:38
iGamaerUSUL im giving support :p motivation support hehe16:38
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  gksu didn't work, or using vi didn't work?16:38
ubuntunewbie4swoody: even typing gksu " gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"16:38
KemrCan someone remind me the correct format for this flawed command?: "ffmpeg -input /home/X -output /home/X.dif16:39
richardcavellFirefox 3.5: So I can just install firefox-3.5 and run them side by side with no shenanigans?16:39
ubuntunewbie4swoody: vi works16:39
erUSULrichardcavell: yep16:40
egw_i have a problem with one daemon16:40
egw_how to reinstall it?16:40
egw_its the timsieve of cyrus16:40
Promillewhat daemon ?16:40
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ubuntunewbie4swoody: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list works16:40
ubuntunewbie4swoody: why gedit doesn't work ?16:41
egw_it says:16:41
egw_Could not log on to timsieved daemon on your IMAP16:41
spectoubuntunewbie4: what command are you using?16:41
fbc-mxIs there any way to select the default audio device? My USB headphones always endup being default. I only want the to be used for skype.16:41
cabreythinkertinker_, keep it out here16:41
ubuntunewbie4swoody: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list16:41
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  I'm not sure. Your best bet for now would be to use an vi or another text editor for the meantime, and see if there's a bug report for your problem16:41
richardcavell<< Downloading FF3.5 now16:41
spectoubuntunewbie4: I mean for gedit16:42
swoodyubuntunewbie4:  if not, then you should make a bug report about it16:42
arandubuntunewbie4: does gksu gedit give you any error messages in terminal?16:42
XhemaToday Flossk and University of Prishtina met with Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Haradin Kuqi, who will sponsor the SFK09! Thank You!16:42
ubuntunewbie4specto: not sure what had happen16:42
ubuntunewbie4arand: nope , non of it giving any error message16:42
spectoubuntunewbie4: gksu gedit should work, if not just try sudo gedit if you are in a terminal.16:43
jiffehmm, I'm trying to compile a new kernel, from source using http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu_p2 as a guide, but 'make-kpkg clean' fails with 'Makefile:534: /usr/src/linux- No such file or directory'16:43
ubuntunewbie4swoody , arand , specto : my case is 100% silimar with this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76402416:43
balahello friends i've huawei ets 2288 wireless wll phone modem gnome-ppp can't detect my port /dev/ttyUSB0 can any one help out ?16:44
farchordjiffe: I gotta ask, out of curiosity. What video card do you have?16:44
ubuntunewbie4specto: gksu and gedit doesn't work16:44
matthijs_how to uninstall xscreensaver?16:44
jiffethis is running on vmware, default on vsphere16:44
diddyMy system won't let me set the immutable attribute. chattr: Operation not permitted while setting flags on test. Can only the superuser set attributes with chattr?16:44
farchordoh ok nevermind then16:44
dakarnbala: what version of ubuntu are you using?16:44
KemrCan someone remind me the correct format for this flawed command?: "ffmpeg -input /home/X -output /home/X.dif"16:44
richardcavellLinux has come a long way int he last 10 years. I tried Linux 10 years ago and it was still mainly a command line interface16:44
bala9.04 dakarn16:45
spectoubuntunewbie4: interesting....16:45
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ubuntunewbie4specto: about the sudo vi  , It display at the terminal , not sure whether I  can edit it or not16:45
dakarnbala: it should autorecognize. does your card have a built in memory stick?16:45
spectoubuntunewbie4: Ya, it would probably work, but it's a bit more complicated.16:45
ubuntunewbie4specto: still I can't edit it like text editor .16:46
spectoubuntunewbie4: And you tried sudo gedit?16:46
balano usb phone modem16:46
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:46
ubuntunewbie4specto: does installing gedit works ?16:46
ubuntunewbie4specto: done using sudo but still can't work16:46
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ubuntunewbie4specto: give me a few command to test .16:47
spectoubuntunewbie4: You are using ubuntu 9.04 with gnome?16:47
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ubuntunewbie4specto: sorry forgot to mention i am using 8.0416:47
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Pici!nickspam > _Spike_10116:47
ubottu_Spike_101, please see my private message16:47
WolfcastleI'm having problems with gnome-volume-manager16:47
shaohaibome to16:47
dakarnbala: have you been able to connect with it at all? or is this the first time trying to use it16:47
spectoubuntunewbie4: What file are you trying to edit?16:48
Wolfcastlespecifically it doesn't run the command when connecting a usb mouse16:48
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mercutio22so, if use my home computer to edit some text file in the ubuntu one folder when I get to work it should be there on the second pc?16:48
WolfcastleI'm using jaunty16:48
b1n42yhi all, can someone please tell me where I setup stylus etc for tablet pc it used to be done in xorg.conf16:48
balastill i can't connect over gnome-ppp.. every time i'm using to connect terminal vial wvdial dialer like this16:49
arandubuntunewbie4: just running "gksu gedit" without a file to open, does that crash as well?16:49
ubuntunewbie4specto:  /etc/apt/sources.list  , wanted to paste a repository for cairo dock16:49
dakarnbala: maybe it's a conflict with network manager16:50
ubuntunewbie4arand: it doesn't show up at all.I haveto wait 5 min it show up and hangs there16:50
balahow to resolve that mr.dakarn?16:50
dakarnbala: have you tried configuring a connection through nm-applet?16:50
thinkertinker_am having trouble with nokia 2600c which i connect via a usb bluetooth dongle16:50
balanm-applet mean?16:50
spectoubuntunewbie4: Upgrade to 9.04 :P, I'm off to lunch sorrt16:50
balai don't knw abt nm applet :(16:51
comatsudd of a 40gig drive fails at about 4.3gb (dd: writing `/media/sda3/test1/1.img': File too large) what am i doing wrong?16:51
arandubuntunewbie4: I honestly have no idea, sorry.16:51
ubuntunewbie4specto:  ok thanks for your help16:51
dakarnnm-applet is the network manager gui interface that should have an icon in your system tray16:51
stevemOK I've installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my box (haven't used it since 6.04)... X starts up in blackness with just the little circle timer cursor but doesn't do anything (although I can move the mouse)... any tips? (p.s. Ctrl+Alt+F1 does nothing)16:51
Picicomatsu: What filesystem is sda3 on?16:52
comatsusays msdos .. fat32?16:52
ubuntunewbie4specto: is ok , will still be here to find someoneto help16:52
richardcavellcan Update Manager resume downloads, or remember downloads that have already succeeded?16:52
balathat's mine is dial-up connection :|16:52
Picicomatsu: Likely you've hit the maximum filesize for that filesystem.16:52
Picirichardcavell: apt does that automatically, so yes, Update Manager should do that as well.16:52
dakarnbala: right click and edit connections. there should be a mobile broadband tab16:53
comatsupici: crap, is there a way around other than formatting to another filesystem?16:53
balaok aftr that?16:53
Picicomatsu: Not unless you have another place to put that disk image.16:53
ubuntunewbie4arand: is ok , will still be here to find someoneto help16:54
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dakarnbala: click add16:54
balaadded n also shown welcome screen16:54
dakarnbala: it should auto recognize your country as india, and you select your service provider16:54
mikubuntuthis seems to be a fairly recent phenomenom; lately when i click on a power point presentation, instead of offering to open with open office or save file, all i get is the offer to save the file.  what gives?16:55
balayeah it's shown india connections.. but my is bsnl shown thr16:55
dennis00Hi guys. I get this error while updating a perl rpm, "file /usr/share/man/man3/Compress::Zlib.3pm.gz from install of perl-IO-Compress-2.020-1.el5.rf.noarch conflicts with file from package perl-Compress-Zlib-2.015-1.el5.rf.noarch" How do I solve it?16:55
dakarnbala: bsnl?16:56
help`hello i install windows xp before than i install ubuntu after few days format xp i loose ubuntu i enter LIVE CD and go to grub then menu.lst and add root (hd0,1) even i enter CLI use grub then root (hd0,1) then setup ... didn't work any help thx16:56
balaprovider name is bsnl16:56
arandubuntunewbie4: Could try running "gksu -d gedit" which will give you some debug output...16:56
monostoneany one with experience using bogofilter with qmail virtual user setup? I need pointers or an example of how bogofilter should be called from within the .qmail file, I am not using procmail, thanks16:56
balaand added tooooo16:57
richardcavellhelp: have you reinstalled grub?16:57
chang-lihi all, how do you keep an xterm open after piping command to a program?16:57
thinkertinker_myrtti:Thank you .16:57
balaaftr that?16:57
richardcavellhelp: go to live CD, type sudo grub then root (hd0,1) then setup (hd0,1)16:57
thinkertinker_how am i supposed to dialup a gprs connection from my ubuntu16:57
pooterhi everybody16:57
help`richardcavell i try using CLI : the root hd(0,1) and setup and even using GUI using the cd as ubottu told me with the site :( still16:57
Myrttithinkertinker_: can you connect your phone to your computer with a cable?16:58
richardcavellsetup (hd0,1)16:58
richardcavellhelp`, you did put in the (hd0,1), right?16:58
ubuntunewbie4arand: type gksu -d gedit already , what kind of log it will display ?16:58
help`richardcavell ya i did this16:58
balathis is a not gprs connection16:58
dakarnbala: is it 3g?16:58
richardcavellso help`, is XP booting? Is Ubuntu booting?16:58
Pici!who | bala16:58
ubottubala: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:58
help`richardcavell only XP , ubuntu no16:58
dakarnbala: it's a wired connection?16:58
J_A_Xcan anyone help me?  grub can't find /boot/vmlinuz16:59
J_A_Xis there a way to recreate the file?16:59
balawireless phone   connection dakarn16:59
thinkertinker_currently i dont have a cable and bluetooth is the way left out16:59
sayyestolifeIsn't there a guide for installing ubuntu via USB on PPC (where I don't have to have access to a linux or mac system before hand?)16:59
matthijs_can i turn off the NetworkManager from asking a password?17:00
dakarnbala: gprs/edge/hsdpa/hsupa/evdo type connection?17:00
spectosayyestolife: er, dunno about on ppc17:00
balasorry ubottu.. i'm newbie of this x chat17:00
arandubuntunewbie4: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/212906/17:00
richardcavellhelp`, are you on a Mac or a PC?17:00
help`richardcavell tips: i were before parition /boot as one parition17:00
thinkertinker_Myrtti: bluetooth is the only option available now ..17:00
help`richardcavell no PC17:00
balanot all above dakarn17:01
richardcavellhelp`, I didn't understand what you said about the partition17:01
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thinkertinker_bala: i think we share common problem17:01
help`richardcavell i did one parition for xp , one parition for ubuntu, and one parition for /boot17:01
spectosayyestolife: You could try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:01
dakarnbala: perhaps you will find help on this webpage:  http://www.indiabroadband.net/bsnl-broadband/13261-solved-bsnl-connection-fedora-10-a.html17:01
richardcavellhelp`, your command sequence is 1. sudo grub 2. root (hd0,1) 3. setup (hd0,1)17:01
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mikubuntuthis seems to be a fairly recent phenomenom; lately when i click on a power point presentation, instead of offering to open with open office or save file, all i get is the offer to save the file.  what gives?17:01
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richardcavellhelp`, is /boot your 3rd partition on the internal drive?17:01
LeeQwhat is the command to list users?17:01
dakarnleeQ: currently connected users or all users on a localhost?17:02
help`richardcavell my /boot is on /dev/sda2 and xp is on /dev/sda1 and / is on /dev/sda317:02
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LeeQdakarn: all users17:02
Kdt_Terellhi, somebody here who knows something about UMTS and Ubuntu Jaunty 64-Bit? I've got some.....problems.17:02
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balai searched all web pages.. still couldn't resove this one :(17:02
dakarnbala: i don't understand your connection type. i thought it was a GPRS mobile broadband17:02
richardcavellhelp`, are you in the live CD now?17:03
baladakarn my phone model is huawei ets 228817:03
dakarnbala: perhaps someone at http://broadbandforum.in/bsnl-mobile/  can help you more =/17:03
help`richardcavell no i'm in the xp ! wanna me to go thru LIVE CD ?17:03
stevemLast time I used Ubuntu it was 6.04, just installed 9.04 and X freezes before GDM even prompts for me to log in... any ideas!?17:03
ubuntunewbie4arand: mine wasn't same , http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/212907/17:03
richardcavellhelp`, I'm not sure how to fix this17:03
richardcavellhelp`, your grub installation should work17:04
help`richardcavell :(17:04
stevemand by freeze I mean I can see the hourglass cursor17:04
stevemand move it, but it doesn't animate17:04
spectoubuntunewbie4: Are you logged on as root?17:04
richardcavellhelp`, did it ever boot properly?17:04
help`richardcavell when i do sudo fdisk -l , the condidate "*" is only on /dev/sda1 not on /boot (/dev/sda2)17:04
balagnome-ppp couldn't shown my modem port /dev/ttyUSB017:04
dakarnLeeq: cat /etc/password | cut -d ":" -fl17:04
ubuntunewbie4specto: root ? nope17:04
glitsj16mikubuntu: are you refering to the actions firefox is supposed to take on those ppt files? if so, check firefox preferences > applications and set the prefered app to open those with17:04
visehas ubuntu been affected by patent trolls?17:04
help`richardcavell before formating the xp , it was booting properly17:05
filleokusHello. I have a strange problem with the VNC server on my ubuntu box. When I connect to it from another computer, I can controll the mouse see what's on the screen (of course). But after a few seconds the display freezes, but I can still controll the mouse.17:05
babolat_vise mark shuttleworth has a few things to say about that --> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/11817:05
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richardcavellhelp`, when you did sudo fdisk -l, you were doing it from the Live CD, right?17:06
David2311well, if someone has got an idea...17:06
help`richardcavell yes from the LIVE CD17:06
spectoubuntunewbie: And you are using gnometerminal to type in gksu or something else?17:06
filleokusthe clock stops ticking and if I have someone go and move some text around i.e localy on the box, it's not shown remotely17:06
visebabolat_, Already read that.. I wanted examples...17:06
baladakarn do u knw wireless local loop..? that's mine phone type my model is huawei ets 2288 phone17:06
KemrCan someone remind me the correct format for this flawed command?: "ffmpeg -input /home/X -output /home/X.dif"17:07
babolat_vise, a little googling just now turned up quite some results http://www.google.com.ph/search?hl=tl&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=Jhu&q=ubuntu+patent+cases&btnG=Maghanap&meta=17:07
dakarnbala: oh man it's a phone for real. i have no idea bud =/17:08
thinkertinker_anyone use to dial-up via a nokia phone??17:08
J_A_XI'm missing my /boot/vmlinuz, how do I fix this?17:08
visebabolat_, Hmm... thats google talent..17:08
richardcavellhelp`, it's strange that the asterisk is missing from your fdisk17:08
dakarnthinkertinker: it's called tethering17:08
richardcavellcan you give us the full output, help`?17:08
richardcavellsudo fdisk -l17:08
baladakarn hmmm ok bro17:08
help`richardcavell hold on i'll boot thru the LIVE CD17:09
dakarnbala: sorry i dunno how that system works at all17:09
ubuntunewbie4specto , arand : any idea ?17:09
baladakarn now i'm in ubuntu os.. but connecting through terminal17:09
badeaglelsirc | grep ruby17:09
spectoubuntunewbie4: Are you logged on as root?17:10
spectoubuntunewbie4: sorry, i mean17:10
spectoubuntunewbie4: where are you typing in gksu gedit?17:10
ubuntunewbie4specto: sorry how to check whether I am using root ?17:10
mikubuntuglitsj16: i went into apps prefs and in the fileside there is no entry for powerpoint files, could it be anywhere else?  neither does it seem to have an 'add' function17:11
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stevemis there a CLI version of going to... "System->Administration->Hardware Drivers"17:11
stevemX freezes for me17:11
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spectoubuntunewbie4: I am fairly certain you are not logged in as root if you don't know if you are, but the important question is where are you typing the command gksu gedit.17:12
ubuntunewbie4specto: at terminal17:12
braniffmy nvidia video card does not show up in lspci. What should i do?17:12
linxxcan anyone assist with a postfix issue?17:12
spectoubuntunewbie4: ok, in gnometerminal?17:12
ubuntunewbie4specto: yep17:13
guano_jimbraniff: why do you need it to?17:13
ubuntunewbie4specto: Terminal 2.22.1 A terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop17:13
balathat connection working on ubuntu 8. versions...17:13
spectoubuntunewbie4: try typing in gksu gedit in the ALT+F2 dialog box17:14
braniffguano_jim: so i can install the nvidia driver and use the card instead of the onboard motherboard card17:14
glitsj16mikubuntu: sorry, the help page doesn't offer anything related to adding file types alas17:14
spectoubuntunewbie4: I don't use ubuntu for my desktop so it is hard for me to visualize everything, sorry.17:14
mikubuntuk, thx17:14
joker_I have an Hauppauge PVR-150 and I get glitches. The screen gets artifacts and / or jumps from time to time. Any idea? (Mythbuntu 64bits)17:14
reignaldoubuntu is better then mint17:14
richardcavellI've just downloaded firefox 3.5, but when I load firefox I still get 3.0.11. Do I have to do something else to upgrade?17:14
arandubuntunewbie4: The difference in your output is just that the gksu delay (no password retyping in ~#minutes), I get the same if I run it another time afterwards... I see no differences otherwise...17:14
ubuntunewbie4specto: huh ? so what disro yo uare using ?17:15
PhantalI just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04, and now I'm unable to use wireless.  I just use the command line tools (iwlist, iwconfig, dhclient) for configuring it and obtaining an IP.  Now I'm unable to get any dhcp responses17:15
spectoubuntunewbie4: I am using ubuntu server, I just use the terminal17:15
c7pdoes anyone know how can i change workspace when i am playing alien arena ?17:15
guano_jimbraniff: do you see the card id itself when u boot?17:15
metalfan_what tool does ubuntu use for encrypted home, iirc it doesnt encrypt the whole partition but does it per file?17:15
nztal-has the issue with ext4 and the deletion of files causing instability with ext4 filesystem been fixed in the most recenty jaunty kernel ?17:15
guano_jimcheck its seted in properly?17:15
c7pdoes anyone know how can i change workspace when i am playing alien arena17:16
spectonztal-: I haven't had any problems yet, at least not that I am aware of...17:16
ubuntunewbie4specto: huh..... no gui , ? really expert , I just start learning ubuntu17:16
stevemubuntunewbie, that'd be 'linux'17:16
guano_jimwhat nVidia card is it?17:16
spectoubuntunewbie4: I have used the desktop, I just use windows as my desktop because I play alot of video games :P17:16
nztal-specto, i think the ext4 but refers to extents ?  something about deleting many files or moving many times causing trouble with ext417:17
metalfan_ah, its ecryptfs...thx17:17
spectonztal-: Ah yes, I did read about that17:17
stevemFor the third time... X is freezing... help please17:17
c7pdoes anyone know how can i change workspace when i am playing alien arena17:18
derenrichreconfig x?17:18
nztal-specto, does anyone know if the extents but with ext4 has been fixed ??17:18
stevemderenrich, that directed at me?17:18
spectonztal-: sorry not sure on my end.17:18
teckystevem: for the 3rd time, we would need more of a description of what your experiencing than "x is crashing"17:18
slaytonnztal, try in #linux17:18
stevemtecky, I gave a length description at the start17:18
stevemOK I've installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my box (haven't used it since 6.04)... X starts up in blackness with just the little circle timer cursor but doesn't do anything (although I can move the mouse)... any tips? (p.s. Ctrl+Alt+F1 does nothing)17:18
stevem^ see17:18
AceI have an RAR file that I'm trying to unzip. I have 7zip installed but it wont unzip. Keeps saying "Archive not supported" any ideas?17:18
FloodBot3stevem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:18
ubuntunewbie4specto: haha , I move to ubuntu because I wanted to learn more , games , a bit hard since I don't have a good processor .Amd x2 2ghz17:19
c7pdoes anyone know how can i change workspace when i am playing alien arena17:19
derenrichstevem: did the livvecd work?17:19
matthijs_can i turn off the NetworkManager from asking a password? i tried this, but im getting an error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19228117:19
ubuntunewbie4specto: how do I check whether I am usingroot ?17:19
spectoubuntunewbie4: anyways, did you try typing it in the alt-F2 dialog?17:19
stevemderenrich, I installed using the alternate CD... prefer them over the livecd's17:19
dakarnubuntunewbie4: what video card you using?17:19
teckystevem: is your video card supported?17:20
ubuntunewbie4specto: what should I type ?17:20
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stevemtecky, derenrich, just tried xforcevesa too... no joy17:20
stevemtecky, yes17:20
dakarn!rar |ace17:20
ubottuace: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:20
ubuntunewbie4dakarn : now ? fx series 560017:20
dakarnubuntuenewbie4: you can play games with that =)17:20
ubuntunewbie4dakarn : i had another pc using ati17:20
spectoubuntunewbie4: if you press alt+F4, just type in gksu gedit17:20
dakarnspecto: alt + f217:20
spectoubuntunewbie4: to find out what user you are logged in as in terminal you can type in 'whoami'17:21
spectodakarn: ya sorry17:21
richardcavellI just installed firefox-3.5. How do I make it the default?17:21
spectoubuntunewbie4: Make that alt + F217:21
c7pdoes anyone know how can i change workspace when i am playing alien arena17:22
ubuntunewbie4specto: again still no response17:22
c7pdoes anyone know how can i change workspace when i am playing alien arena17:22
spectoubuntunewbie4: random question, why are you using 8.04 :P17:22
thinkertinkerhi all17:22
stevemhow come the silly FloodBot1 doesn't pick up c7p  ?17:22
m477i installed amarok + mp3 suport and in video player totem i got 1 fps17:23
ubuntunewbie4specto: I installed it last year17:23
ubuntunewbie4specto: I installed it last year on this old pc17:23
c7pstevem: what do you mean?17:23
spectoubuntunewbie4: have you updated 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'17:23
ubuntunewbie4specto: not yet doing now17:24
matthijshi, i first had xubuntu, now ubuntu desktop, but when i boot it says something like "no exec rule in session file xcfe. gnone will now run safe mode" (i translated it from dutch) how can i fix this?17:24
stevemderenrich, do you know how i can do the process of installing the binary drivers from the CLI ?17:24
stevemderenrich, the wiki page only speaks about how to do it on the gnome/kde menus17:24
ubuntunewbie4specto: what is  apt-get dist-upgrade for ?17:24
SuryeIs there no psyco package for ubuntu?17:26
spectoubuntunewbie4: It will upgrade every package.17:26
ubuntunewbie4specto: any harm trying ?17:26
PiciSurye: python-psyco17:26
twig11I'm trying to get a driver working on Jaunty for a Linksys WUSB11v4 Wireless B network adapter. I have ndiswrapper and ndisgtk installed, and I've downloaded the executable from Linksys. I don't have an internet connection on the computer running Ubuntu. What's the proper procedure for getting the driver installed properly on the Ubuntu computer. Is there a way to unpack the driver files here on my iBook G4, and which ones will 17:27
SuryeE: Package python-psyco has no installation candidate17:27
spectoubuntunewbie4: nope, unless you have customized some conf files, but even then it asks17:27
ubuntunewbie4specto: ok will try now17:28
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PiciSurye: What version of Ubuntu are you running?17:28
ubuntunewbie4specto: nothing installed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. will restart pc17:28
spectoubuntunewbie: ok, well nothing happened17:29
spectoubuntunewbie: I don't know much about gksu unfortunately17:29
PiciSurye: It looks like its only available for i386 though17:29
SuryePici: Ah, that would explain it then. Thanks17:29
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ubuntunewbiespecto: hm.. still finding for solution , if gedit doesn't work , most file can't be edit.This must be solve17:30
reignaldomy broadband connection of the ubuntu have some problem!!17:30
PerryArmstrongthough i have upgraded firefox from 3.0 to 3.5 in the update manager....still i am getting firefox 3.0.11...can anyone help17:30
DonaldShimodaubuntunewbie: sudo gedit whatever17:30
spectoubuntunewbie: researching.17:31
spectoubuntunewbie: what happens if you simply type in gedit...17:31
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spectoubuntunewbie: without the ... of course :P17:31
help`richardcavell,  sorry have to update to install xchat17:32
help`richardcavell,  http://pastebin.com/m447c059217:32
Drekihas there ever been a solution to useing xfire on linux, i havent looked in a year or so17:32
glitsj16PerryArmstrong: did you start the newly installed browser via firefox-3.5 command?17:32
ubuntunewbieDonaldShimoda: none of it work17:32
melhisedekwhat irc client you guys use?17:32
DonaldShimodaubuntunewbie, wich do you mind with dont worK?17:33
specto!gksu | DonaldShimoda17:33
ubottuDonaldShimoda: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:33
ubuntunewbiespecto: it just doesn't show anything17:33
reignaldoI have problems with my connection: all connections that i disconnect now, do not will be connect again. what to do ?17:33
ubuntunewbiespecto: sudo gedit17:33
Pici!gksudo | ubuntunewbie17:33
ubottuubuntunewbie: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:33
ubuntunewbieDonaldShimoda: sudo gedit17:33
spectoubuntunewbie: just gedit no sudo please17:33
DonaldShimodaspecto, why you cannot use sudo?17:33
reignaldoanyone know about broadband connection problems of ubuntu?17:34
spectoDonaldShimoda: read the link...17:34
PerryArmstrongglitsj16; no....do i have to always start fromthe console?17:34
looseconfigure: error: *** termcap support not found!!! can any1 help me plz?17:34
porter1Anyone know how I check which driver is being used by X and how do I change it? I'm not sure if X is using intel drivers...17:34
thinkertinkerhi all17:34
spectoloose: for what application17:34
twig11Sorry to post this question again, but I just got disconnected and don't know if anyone answered while I was off.17:34
twig11I'm trying to get a driver working on Jaunty for a Linksys WUSB11v4 Wireless B network adapter. I have ndiswrapper and ndisgtk installed, and I've downloaded the executable from Linksys. I don't have an internet connection on the computer running Ubuntu. What's the proper procedure for getting the driver installed properly on the Ubuntu computer. Is there a way to unpack the driver files here on my iBook G4, and which ones will 17:34
glitsj16PerryArmstrong: no, there should be a new entry in your menu item for firefox-3.517:34
spectoloose: http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2003-May/003970.html required packages17:35
histo!wireless > twig1117:35
ubottutwig11, please see my private message17:35
porter1I tried xdpyinfo but that didn't tell me which driver  was being used17:35
PerryArmstrongglitsj16; so whats the command17:36
ubuntunewbiePici: it does'nt show up anything17:36
porter1Unless ubutu defaults to intel?17:36
nnncan anyone recommend me linux dev environment with gui designer that can be installed easily without complications with dependencies?17:36
ubuntunewbiespecto: guess I need to reinstall gedit on synaptic , is it safe to uinstall and reinstall ?17:36
spectoubuntunewbie: type in whoami in the terminal please17:36
ubuntunewbiespecto: it just came out my username17:37
ubuntunewbiespecto: ub ?17:37
spectoubuntunewbie: reinstall gedit, sudo apt-get reinstall gedit17:37
R0b0t1I've heard/experience the flash bug where I need to "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"... Is there a page or forum post that has a permanent solution to this problem?17:37
glitsj16PerryArmstrong: the command is firefox-3.5, you can add the "-no-remote" switch to run firefox 3.5 beside firefox 3.0.x if you so desire ... isn't there a new menu item? could be called shiretoko (firefox-3.5's codename)17:38
DonaldShimodaspecto : Why is it an issue?17:38
DonaldShimodaWell, to be perfectly honest, most of the time it isn't. For a lot of applications, you can run them the improper way—using sudo for graphical applications and see no adverse side effects.17:38
DonaldShimodafrom the web17:38
spectoubuntunewbie: sorry wait, wrong command17:38
spectoubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gedit17:39
PerryArmstrongglitsj16; ohh yes there's this shiretoko...ohh so thats the code name...i didnt know that17:39
spectoDonaldShimoda: basically you do not want to create an issue if you can help it, sudo sometimes uses the users configuration files and changes the permissions, I personally have ahd this happen to me17:39
loosespecto: should i save these these packages in asterisk folder before i run ./configure command??17:39
glitsj16PerryArmstrong: easily missed i agree17:40
twig11I'm an ubuntu newbie trying to install a wireless driver for a linksys wusb11v4 network adapter. I've read the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Linksys_WUSB11v4_(ndiswrapper)?highlight=(AND)|(ManufacturerModel) but I need some assistance following them. For example, Step 2 says: "If an existing non-functional driver exists, you need to blacklist it." How do I know whether a non-functional driver ex17:40
spectoloose: if you are using ubuntu, you should be able to install the dev packages, so sudo apt-get install libssl-dev , etf17:41
imatech's the grep command to see if a program is running?17:41
glitsj16porter1: you could run "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep driver to see if X uses intel17:41
loosethankoooooooo specto!!17:41
PerryArmstrongglitsj16; ya thanks...17:42
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spectoubuntunewbie: still there?17:43
ubuntunewbiespecto: yep , restarting my pc17:44
spectoubuntunewbie: did you reinstall17:44
Ryan1How guys, have a java application which runs specific type files. When I double click on the a the file, the application doesn't open it. How can I allocate the java application to the filetype?17:44
spectoubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gedit?17:44
ubuntunewbiespecto: type that , now restarting pc ,17:44
twig11Where can I find out whether the Linksys WUSB11v4 network adapter should work with 9.04 out of the box?17:44
twig11The only instructions I found were for 6.06 or 6.10.17:45
specto!wireless | twig1117:46
ubottutwig11: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:46
loosespecto: what command to type to get the termcap downloaded and installed?17:46
nlindbladI get "ALERT - canary mismatch on efree() - heap overflow detected" with PHP5 after upgrade17:47
twig11specto: I've been there, and I'm not experienced enough to figure out all the directions. That's why I'm here.17:47
nlindbladAnyone experiencing the same thing?17:47
ubuntunewbiespecto: same nothing show's up17:47
spectoubuntunewbie: hrm...17:47
matthijs_im trying this: Howto: Get Network Manager to stop asking you for your keyring password (pam_keyring), and while doing it i get this error: configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub, how can i fix this?17:47
spectotwig11: sudo apt-get install bison ncurses-dev libssl-dev libnewt-dev zlib1g-dev initrd-tools cvs procps17:48
loose specto: what command to type to get the termcap downloaded and installed?17:48
ikoniatommck: /window 2217:48
ubuntunewbiespecto: I have the same problem as this TS http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764024&highlight=sudo+gedit17:48
spectoubuntunewbie: I know, I read that, no solution though :S17:48
sportmannautilus isnt working on my live cd17:48
sportmanis there any other file manager17:48
twig11specto: thanks, but is there anything I can do if I don't have an existing internet connection from the computer running Ubuntu?17:49
AwsoonnI have a proccess that is stuck in the uninterruptible state that sudo kill -9 PID does not kill, is there any way to force it to die? w/o rebooting17:49
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ubuntunewbiespecto: not sure whether it's a bug but if I can't fix it , I can't add anything at the repository17:49
massidivento io operatore del porco dio17:49
spectotwig11: you could download each deb file and transfer it over... not so much fun17:49
PhantalI'm having trouble getting wireless to work from a command line.  Everything worked fine before I upgraded from 8.04 to the current distribution of ubuntu17:50
spectoubuntunewbie: uno momento17:50
ubuntunewbiespecto: ???17:50
Phantaliwlist and iwconfig still seem to work fine, but dhclient does not get dhcp responses17:50
alexnetdoes anyone know how to use IpTables to restrict connections to an ip-range rather than an exist ip? eg 208.157.183.*17:50
spectoubuntunewbie: just a second17:50
ubuntunewbiespecto: ok ,17:50
matthijs_im trying this: Howto: Get Network Manager to stop asking you for your keyring password (pam_keyring), and while doing it i get this error: configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub, how can i fix this?/17:51
c0ronaI have heard some rumors of new openssh remote exploit? Does anyone know if ubuntu is affected or not?17:51
glitsj16Ryan1: have you tried right-clicking the file in question and entering the command in the 'Open With' window?17:51
ubuntunewbiespecto: spain huh..17:51
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sephycan anyone suggest a bomb music player? I'm not really liking Amarok17:52
Picic0rona: I don't see a CVE listed or linked from that page, so if it does really exist for new versions of ssh then likely we are vulnerable (as well as other distros ssh versions)17:53
spectoubuntunewbie: does gedit work at all (and no, not from spain, just randomly said that)17:53
msanjairami am india17:53
elli222does the ppdev kernel module do anything even if a physical parralell port dosent exist?17:53
koichirosenautilus crashes when I cut and paste a file from a folder to another. It happens quite a lot17:54
CityofRobotsRhythmbox - Not the bomb but it works for me...17:54
sephycan anyone suggest a bomb music player? I'm not really liking Amarok17:54
ubuntunewbiespecto: oh , nope gedit doesn't work at all17:54
sephyOhh, thanks17:54
Pici!players | sephy17:54
ubottusephy: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:54
th0rCityofRobots: gmusicbrowser, vlc, xmms2, rythmbox17:54
spectoubuntunewbie: oh.17:54
elli222i suggest MPD :)17:54
spectoubuntunewbie: lol, well, sudo apt-get purge gedit17:55
spectoubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get clean17:55
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
spectoubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get install gedit17:55
Delano-Hi... I have Ubuntu 8.04... whenever I boot it up now, it loads a prompt called busybox and I can't get into X17:55
Ryan1glitsj16: I've tried adding a customer command "java -jar executable.jar"17:55
Ryan1glitsj16: using the "Open with" technique17:55
sephyI can't open 7z? sdgsdf17:55
elli222does the ppdev kernel module do anything even if a physical parralell port dosent exist? how can i disable it?17:56
m477where i can change numbers of desktops ?17:56
wuzdizhello, I seem to have a problem with my wireless (driver?) in ubuntu 9.04. when i attempt to torrent or download a big file, my wireless network disconnects, and I am unable to find any networks at all.17:57
glitsj16Ryan1: try the exact command that works to open those files in a terminal window first and add the command sequence that works i'd suggest ... there is also a package called assogiate (MIME database editor)17:57
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.17:58
specto!wireless | wuzdiz17:58
ubottuwuzdiz: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:58
elli222does the ppdev kernel module do anything even if a physical parralell port dosent exist? how can i disable it?17:58
CityofRobotsAdd workspace switcher to your panal...17:58
wuzdizah cheers17:58
CityofRobotser panel17:58
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.17:58
ShKoDrAnIE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.17:58
ShKoDrAnIE: _cache->open() failed, please report.17:58
Nomad_thoses bots seems to have a lots of fun^^17:58
ShKoDrAnIcan some1 give me a hand with that?17:59
safeHello, I am using 9.04 and suddenly all of my user settings are lost.17:59
elli222does the ppdev kernel module do anything even if a physical parralell port dosent exist? how can i disable it?17:59
Delano-Hi... I have Ubuntu 8.04... whenever I boot it up now, it loads a prompt called busybox and I can't get into X... what went wrong?17:59
koichirosedoes anyone know how to set firefox to open all downloaded files with default system applications? it won't work here. Ubuntu 9.04 x6417:59
AkalbulusikusCan ubuntu installed in 128 mb ram- pentium3 pc?18:00
safePici, ok, can you help me here, please?18:00
RanakahAkalbulusikus it's possible18:00
safePici, I am in an emergency.18:00
elli222koichirose, tell firefox to open EVERYTHING with gnome-open ( think it might work)18:00
thinkertinkerhi, i just configured my nokia 2600c to dial-up via bluetooth with wvdial.. but it runs damn slow..any possible errors in my configuration??18:00
Picisafe: I'm just about to run off to lunch here, someone else should be able to assist though.18:00
jimmyOh my god! I love ubuntu <3318:00
m477i installed amarok + mp3 suport and in video player totem i got slow motion18:01
safePici, It is very strange. Now I am with a new user account I had to create to connect to the internet.18:01
safePici, ok18:01
safeHelp, guys, suddenly I lost all my user settings, plus nm-applet, Pidgin and Skype are disappeared from the gnome-panel.18:01
Awsoonnjimmy: ^_^18:01
jimmyIs there a Linix version of WinZip ?18:01
koichiroseelli222: is there a global settings or do I have to do it extension by extension?18:01
safeAlso, I am not connected to the internet.18:01
sebsebseb!zip |  jimmy18:01
ubottujimmy: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:01
jimmyty ty18:02
safeI am really worried, please somebody help me.18:02
luciashmoymoy: pm ;)18:02
Awsoonnsafe: right click on your panel where teh icons use to be and selesct add applete18:02
safeI don't know how that happened.18:02
safeAwsoonn, this doesn't work, also I lost all my user settings18:02
Ryan1glitsj16: it worked. Thanks - I was using ~ instead of /home/...18:02
safeAwsoonn, now I am with a new user account I had to create, to have internet access18:02
jimmycan someone give me that link again :s ?18:03
Awsoonnsafe: ok then, I assume you are comfortable with the terminal?18:03
Ryan1glitsj16: Where's the best place to find out more about MIME?18:03
safeAwsoonn, yes18:03
jimmythe winzip thing18:03
Awsoonnsafe: ok, do you see your old home folder under /home?18:03
glitsj16Ryan1: the web i'd say :)18:04
Awsoonnthere should be a folder for each user on the system18:04
AkalbulusikusThank you18:04
safeAwsoonn, yes, I can see it18:04
Awsoonnok, cd into it and type ls -al18:04
* __d3f0__ is away: Ausente por ahora18:04
safeAwsoonn, done18:04
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:04
jimmyWhat is the newest version of Ubuntu ?18:04
spectojimmy: 9.0418:04
jimmyI got 5.1018:04
Awsoonnso do you see a folder called .purple?18:05
safeAwsoonn, yes18:05
Awsoonntake a look inside, do you see any files and so such?18:05
spectojimmy: might want to do a reinstall :P18:05
Nomad_jimmy:  9.04 on stable 9.10 on testing18:05
Nomad_( to be precise )18:05
jimmyOh man how can I update ?18:05
spectojimmy: I wouldn't reccomend an update, things will break18:06
glitsj16Ryan1: http://standards.freedesktop.org/shared-mime-info-spec/latest/ might be a starting point, as ubuntu follows the freedesktop standard18:06
Flanneljimmy: You can upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06, and then from 6.06 to 8.0418:06
shfhello, could someone walk me through the "No Internet Access" part of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ?  I dont know what im doing and it wont work :(18:06
safeAwsoonn, yes18:06
jimmyHow Flannel ?18:06
Flanneljimmy: But, you might consider just installing a fresh system18:06
specto!upgrade | jimmy18:06
ubottujimmy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:06
rskiFlannel: is there repos up still ? i dont think there is.18:06
Nomad_editing the /etc/apt/sources.list or via the update manager, though i would trully suggest you to stay with the 9.04 release18:06
Ryan1glitsj16: Thanks a lot!18:06
Awsoonnsafe: The .purple folder is where all your pidgin settings are, so those are probalby safe. :)18:06
safeAwsoonn, pidgin is running, as well as skype, but they are lacking from the panel18:06
Flannelrski: Yes, there are18:06
sephyhaha. I'm so stoked. I thought my wireless mouse wasn't going to work for a minute18:07
safeas well as nm-applet18:07
spectoubuntunewbie: things working out?18:07
safeAwsoonn, let me do a last reboot18:07
nlindbladHello! I get the error "ALERT - canary mismatch on efree()" after upgrading PHP18:07
azlonhow can i tell what chipset my wifi card is?18:07
nlindbladAt first I thought it was Wordpress' fault18:07
Awsoonnsafe: You already right clicked on the panel> add to panel> Double click on Notification area?18:07
spectonlindblad: sounds like a personal problem18:07
elli222does the ppdev kernel module do anything even if a physical parralell port dosent exist? how can i disable it?18:07
nlindbladBut two different versions of Wordpress get the same error18:07
glitsj16cylonia here18:08
shfanyone? :/18:08
jimmyOh man im so out-dated18:08
linuxman410has anyone here got gnash to work18:08
nlindbladspecto: In what sense?18:08
elli222anyone :o18:08
jimmyI cant even upgrade with the update manager!18:08
jimmyYour distribution is no longer supported18:08
jimmyPlease upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu Linux. The version you are running will no longer get security fixes or other critical updates. Please see http://www.ubuntulinux.org for upgrade information.18:08
FloodBot1jimmy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
jimmyYeah yeah18:08
Flanneljimmy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades18:08
Flanneljimmy: that'll get you from 5.10 to 6.0618:09
sebsebsebjimmy: probably better and  it will be much quicker, to just clean install18:09
Flanneljimmy: And then once you're at 6.06, you'll upgrade to 8.04 with these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades18:09
sebsebsebjimmy: and put at least 8.04 on the LTS18:09
luciashhey, if anyone is interested i wrote a quick bash script to help if anyone accidentaly deletes some files/dirs from their installed packages or lost them by a hdd crash to recover them by reinstall: http://www.pastey.net/11722818:09
shfhello? :|18:09
jimmyHow can I atleast upgrade to a higher version? because I cannot upgrade to!18:10
spectonlindblad: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22canary+mismatch+on+efree()%2218:10
Nomad_Flannel: just out of curiosity, what would happens from a dist-upgrade straight from 5.04 to 9.04 ( beside mysql/php getting mixed up ) ?18:10
elli222it cant be a difficult question. im sure someone can awnser it...18:10
wuzdizok i can't find anything about my internal card on the ubuntu wireless page18:11
jimmyBe Back Later18:11
wuzdizwhat do i do now?18:11
nlindbladspecto: Yeah, because of course I didn't google it before coming on IRC18:11
sephyPeazip won't download. that is this18:11
spectonlindblad: that first link didn't work for you?18:11
azlonhow can i tell what chipset my wifi card is?18:12
FlannelNomad_: nothing good.  If nothing else went wrong due to complications, you'd be missing out on some transitional packages, so you might wind up not automatically upgrading your kernel (5.10 had arch specific and UP/SMP specific, then 6.06 switched to just arch specific, and now we're just on -generic, for instance)18:12
spectoI would change the value of memory on the /etc/php5/....php.ini to something larger than the default18:12
shfazlon: i think you can do tomething like lspci18:12
safeAwsoonn, should I do a "$ sudo cp /home/new /home/old" or a backup and format?18:13
PhinsfanI'm still trying to install lexmark X2600 printer in 9.04.  Any sugestions?18:13
shfhey, could someone walk me through the "No Alternate Internet Access" part of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ? I dont know what im doing and it wont work :(18:13
phaidrosd' evening18:14
Nomad_Flannel: thanks, i didn't know about the arch params on 5.10 :)18:14
phaidrosany hints on playing a full screen video with 2 graphic cards (both nvidia, mplayer only fullscreens on one card ..)18:14
voiphi guys, what the real difference between "shutdown -h now" and "poweroff" / "shutdown -r now" and  "reboot"18:14
spectoshf: install b43-fwcutter with sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter (this is on the cdrom)18:15
nlindbladspecto: The first link is a naggy blog post about how the PHP community refuses to support Sushido18:15
wuzdizok i can't find anything about my internal card on the ubuntu wireless page, ideas on what to do now?18:15
Awsoonnsafe: well, do you have your tray icons back in yoru new accoutn you just made?18:15
spectonlindblad: ah, well just try to up the amount of memory allowed in php.ini18:15
nlindbladErr, suhosin18:15
spectoshf: than download those two files18:15
shfspecto: I already found and installed the .deb of b43-fwcutter18:15
Ryan1glitsj16: perhaps not 100% sorted... The file will only open in the correct application if I use the open with option. If I double click on it, it asks me to run in terminal or display18:15
spectoshf: than in the same folder use those commands on that link.18:15
AwsoonnIf your new account is working for you, just copy the folders that you need from the old account to the new account and be on your way. (That is what I would do)18:15
shfspecto: and i have the two files, and i did sudo cp /path/filename /lib/firmware/ to both files18:16
sephyOk. Question18:16
Awsoonnif you just copy the folder competely with sudo cp blah you'l certianly run into some issues.18:16
safeAwsoonn, yes18:16
shfspecto: and now the commands say input file not found in terminal18:16
sephyHow the crap do I open .7z?18:16
safeAwsoonn, how do I know which folders do I need?18:17
safeI need all of them :P18:17
nlindbladspecto: Good suggestion, thanks :) But increasing 20MiB does nothing.18:17
Picisephy: If you install the p7zip package, then gnome's archive tool will be able to extract them18:17
spectoshf: you have to make sure you are in the same folder as where you downloaded those two files.18:17
Awsoonnwell, you probalby want your .purple folder and and .mozilla folder18:17
spectonlindblad: hrm, did you compile php yourself?18:18
sephyI'll look, Thanks Pici18:18
glitsj16Ryan1: i see, would a short shell script be a better solution for you? Once you make such a script executable, double-clicking will always work18:18
Imperionhow can I sync my time with internet time servers?18:18
azharcsHi, Is there any easier way to install grub in Jaunty18:18
shfspecto: what do you mean? navigate to the folder and then what?18:18
AwsoonnIt will be a fun time to play aroudn in teh hidden folders.18:18
TyphHow can I remap keyboard keys? I tried xmodmap but it doesn't work in terminal or gvim18:18
spectoshf: navigate to the folder where you downloaded the two files that are linked on the link that you provided18:18
Awsoonnyou can see hidden folders in nautilus by pressign ctrl+h18:18
jim____nlindblad: what's the problem?18:18
shfspecto: ok done18:18
jagjro hai18:18
jagjris it possible to install windows from ubuntu?18:18
spectoshf: than use the commands that are there on that page, sudo.... I'm not there anymore.18:18
wuzdizcan i update my kernel if i have 1.3gb of space left?18:19
sebsebsebjagjr:  not exactly, but you can put it in a virtual machine and run it inside Ubuntu18:19
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Awsoonnyou might need to sudo chown newusername file to make your new user 'own' the files you copy from the old user. if that makes sense.18:19
beamspecto: hello there18:19
azharcsjagjr : No its not possible, you need a Windows CD to install Windows18:19
* specto needs to get back to work, good luck everyone!18:19
Ryan1glitsj16: That would work for the one instance of the file type I wan to use. Bit of a perfectionist and would like it to just work - you know what I mean? How would I write a script for it?'18:19
jagjri have a windows Cd18:19
jagjrbut everytime i boot it up it says it cant recognise my HDD18:19
shfspecto: so i have one window that shows the files, now i go to applications - accessories - terminal and fun the commands?18:20
wuzdizSATA drivers jagjr18:20
elli222jagjr, if its on a seperate HD, you could set up a VM, run the CD and install it to the HD...18:20
beamspecto: i was wondering if you had any idea of how i can publish web pages using ubuntu?18:20
jagjri dont own any floppy discs18:20
jagjror have a floppy drive on my laptop18:20
albechbah i guess windows 7 doesnt honor an ubuntu install either.. killed my grub :(18:20
Flannel!grub | albech18:20
ubottualbech: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:20
lstarnesbeam: do you just want to design webpages for placing on a remote server, or do you actually want to run a web server?18:21
spectoshf: ah, basically, I don't use the gui so I'm not sure how that works sorry, I have to go now18:21
glitsj16Ryan1: it shouldn't be very complicated to produce a shell script for that filetype no, just use a text-editor of choice and start the first line with "#!/bin/bash" .. the second line contains the full command to start java etc18:21
spectobeam: look up web publishing on google.18:21
spectobeam: I have to go sorry.18:21
beamspecto: no problem18:21
albechFlannel, thanks, i know what to do though. just thought those windows designers would have learned how to honor other OSs by now18:21
beamspecto: thanks anyway18:21
shfb43-fwcutter is no gui :/18:21
jagjrso where can i get a SATA driver?18:22
jagjrplus i dont got any floppy discs18:22
demohi i have a problem18:22
FD_Fi  installed via apt-get install firefox3.5 and when i running firefox -      3.0 starts what is firefox3.5 new path ?18:23
demoi installed linux then windows xp and then tried repair grub but when i boot into it i get an error -> uknow filesystem type18:23
lstarnesFD_F: its executable name is probably firefox-3.518:23
glitsj16Ryan1: chmod +x the script file and put in in your ~/bin folder to make sure it's in your PATH18:23
=== kb is now known as Guest12879
albechFD_F, its the symlink in /usr/bin that is pointing to the old FF18:23
dayo!grub | demo18:24
ubottudemo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:24
FD_Flstarnes: thanks works18:24
sephyhow do I uninstall programs that I've downloaded?18:24
demothat doesnt work18:24
dayosephy: aptitude remove packageName18:24
lstarnessephy: if they were packages, apt-get remove18:24
reignaldohow to change the port of connection of mail - Evolution software?18:24
=== Randomtime is now known as PenguinTime
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:25
dayoreignaldo: probably somewhere in the account settings? i don't use Evo, i use Thunderbird18:25
reignaldoi searched , not found18:25
Ryan1glitsj16: ok - how would I associate the file to the java application?18:25
reignaldodayo, how to install Thunderbird ?18:25
dayoreignaldo: sudo aptitude install mozilla-thunderbird18:26
dayosephy: sudo aptitude remove packageName         forgot to add the sudo18:26
azlonhow can i get a list of wifi adapters?18:26
glitsj16Ryan1: same 'Open With' routine as before, this time pointing to the script instead of the java commands18:27
azlonlike i want to know what my intel wifi card's name is... like wifi0 or lan118:27
dayoazlon: lspci18:27
azloni did that but it doesnt say18:27
azlondayo: this is what it gave me: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)18:28
Piciazlon: iwconfig18:28
dayoazlon: try    sudo lshw18:28
reignaldoi downloaded the office 3.1.0 and extracted , now how to install or update ?18:28
bala how to install navigator browser file like tar.gz file18:28
Piciazlon: ifconfig and iwconfig will give you a list of your interface names18:28
azlonPici: thanks, that worked18:29
balaplz help me anyone18:29
dayoazlon: looks like i misunderstood your question18:29
dayo!help | bala18:29
ubottubala: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:30
Picibala: What are you trying to install?18:30
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:30
reignaldohow to install the openoffice 3.1.0 ?18:30
balanavigator browser18:30
dakarnbala: tar -zxvf name.tar.gz18:30
* Dreki blah18:30
KB1JWQreignaldo: sudo apt-get install openoffice?18:30
glitsj16Ryan1: out of curiosity, what file extension is the java application using as filename? A more generic solution i think can be achieved through assogiate and adding a (ficticious) MIME type nothing else uses18:30
dakarnthen /.configure > make > make install18:30
Picibala: netscape navigator?18:30
ubuntunewbie4hi how to add a gpg key ?18:30
reignaldokb1jwq , i already downloaded18:31
balaplz tel me step by step procedures.. cos i'm newbie18:31
CanYouHelpMeHi, I'm looking for a particular driver for wireless chipset, which is apparently necessary to aircrack-ng, but I do not know where I can find. Can someone help me?18:31
KB1JWQreignaldo: I'd use the version n the distro18:31
dakarnbala: did you download the tarball?18:31
balapici netscape navigator18:31
baladakarn tar.gz file downloaded18:31
reignaldokb1jwq , what ?18:31
dakarnbala: sudo su to get a root terminal18:32
glitsj16!gpgerr | ubuntunewbie418:32
ubottuubuntunewbie4: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »18:32
azharcsHi, I am getting some error when I run fdisk -l, Can someone tell me what this means. http://pastie.org/53882318:32
baladakarn ok next18:32
dakarnbala: you unpack tarballs using #tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz18:32
Picibala: Netscape Navigator is no longer supported by Netscape, why don't you use Firefox? It is already installed on Ubuntu by default.18:32
ubuntunewbie4I wanted to put in gpg , but where should i put ? wget -q http://repository.cairo-dock.org/cairo-dock.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -18:32
dakarnbala: there is a .configure file, you run it with /.configure18:32
Piciubuntunewbie4: On a terminal, on one line18:33
reignaldohow to install a package that i downloaded ?18:33
dakarnbala: then you 'make' and 'make install' to compile it and install it18:33
balai can't understan18:33
Picireignaldo: What format is the package in?18:33
ubuntunewbie4Pici: that's it ?18:33
ubuntunewbie4ok done18:33
Piciubuntunewbie4: Thats it18:33
kleinerdrache_hi there18:33
reignaldoI extracted the BrOOo_3.1.0_LinuxIntel_install_pt-BR_deb.tar.gz18:33
baladakarn entered sudo mode18:33
dayo!hi | kleinerdrache_18:33
ubottukleinerdrache_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:33
ubuntunewbie4Pici: I still have a bit of problem18:34
dakarnbala: tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz18:34
Picireignaldo: And is there a .deb inside the extracted folder?18:34
kleinerdrache_I'm here about a firefox bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/392545) - there was no answer since many days...18:34
ubuntunewbie4Pici: everytime I restart my pc the keyring prompt me for password18:34
kleinerdrache_does anyone have an Idea?18:34
reignaldopici, in the folder extracted have a file "update"18:35
roey_I tried install Catalyst 9.6 and my X now freezes.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?18:35
jagjrwhats the command lpcsi?18:35
jagjror summut liek that18:35
Picijagjr: lspci18:35
balatar: filename.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory18:35
balatar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now18:35
balatar: Child returned status 218:35
balatar: Error exit delayed from previous errors18:35
FloodBot1bala: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
Piciubuntunewbie4: I'm afraid I don't know how to fix that, sorry.18:35
dakarnlol bala: replace filename.tar.gz with the name of the file you downloaded18:35
balashown error like this18:35
dakarnbala: make sure you're in the right directory18:36
Picireignaldo: Where did you get this file?18:36
jagjrhow can i view my Sata Hardrive driver?18:36
roey_anyone here using Catalyst drivers (ATI)?18:36
reignaldofrom the openoffice.org18:36
Titan8990bala, looks like you didn't have a file called filename.tar.gz in your working directory18:36
reignaldobroffice.org is from brasil portuguese linguage18:36
Picibetabeat: stop18:36
balathat file in desktop18:37
Acedipwhen i'm trying to change owner of a folder in vfat pendrive connected to my system its saying, operation not permitted??18:37
ubuntunewbie4Pici: is ok , a lot of problem happening now , gedit doesn't work and keyring keep on prompt password18:37
dakarnbala you need to cd ~/Desktop18:38
baladakarn entered desktop18:38
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
dakarnbala: what is the filename18:38
Picireignaldo: There should be a file in there that ends in .deb, see http://www.broffice.org/instrucoes_basicas_de_instalacao#instalacaolinux for further isntructions18:38
dakarnbala: tar -zxvf netscape-navigator-
balastill error18:40
dakarnwhat error18:40
balahow to i type in terminal18:40
HDreadyhello folks :) ; maybe you can help me...atm i've to write a report and heard something about LaTeX from my friend; I downloaded the TeXlive package like it is said in wiki,ubuntuusers.de/LaTeX; as far as i understand i write with my texteditor (gedit in my case). Now my problem ;) is it possible in gedit to use TAB and get the cmd? Same like in the terminal?18:40
baladakarn root@bala-desktop:~# tar -zxvf netscape-navigator-
balatar: netscape-navigator- Cannot open: No such file or directory18:40
balatar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now18:40
balatar: Child returned status 218:40
balatar: Error exit delayed from previous errors18:40
FloodBot1bala: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
HDreadydamn..a lot of text...sorry18:40
dakarn!paste |bala18:40
ubottubala: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:40
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:41
lstarnesbala: is that file on your desktop?18:41
wildc4rdevening all18:41
lstarnesbala: then do this: cd ~/Desktop18:41
lstarnesbala: then tar -zxvf netscape-navigator-
=== aMuleAduGuest675 is now known as serpico
jagjris it possible to put a windows cd in the disk try then install it from within ubuntu18:42
dakarn!ask |serpico18:42
Piciserpico: you need to ask a question first.18:42
ubottuserpico: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:42
Picijagjr: I believe someone has already answered your question.18:43
jagjri know, but i dont want to do that18:43
jagjris it possible to put a windows cd in the disk try then install it from within ubuntu18:43
thiebaudejagjr, no18:43
balashown error18:43
Picijagjr: Then the answer is no.18:43
dakarnjagjr: the recommended way is to use gparted to make a ntfs partition and then install to that partition after booting from the cd18:43
jagjri have done that!18:43
jagjri said the hard disk isnt recognised18:44
jagjrand no one answerd18:44
Picijagjr: you'd need to boot from the Windows CD to install, you cannot install from within Windows.18:44
jagjrim gettin better help from dal.net here18:44
Aragorn_Guardianhi all18:44
thiebaudejagjr, you have the live cd?18:44
Picijagjr: Then ask there, or in ##windows.18:44
Aragorn_Guardiani need install in another machine (notebook) all packages that I have in this.... any (good) sugestion???18:44
Pici!clone | Aragorn_Guardian18:44
ubottuAragorn_Guardian: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:44
Aragorn_Guardiani have the packages saved ...18:44
guntbertHDready: you question was quite understandable, you are looking for an "autocomplete" feature in gedit, right?18:45
dakarnbala: type ls in terminal. does it list your *.tar.gz18:45
Aragorn_Guardianubottu: nice... 8)18:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nice... 8)18:45
balai'm in like this18:45
kmillerI'm having a horrible time with my the ubuntu windows manager (gnome?).  chunks of screen are not updating when I open windows.18:46
omri have iPhone and i wanna syrc in ubuntu ? any ideas ?18:46
kmillerits weird18:46
lstarnesbala: you shouldn't be root if you're accessing your own account's files18:46
HDreadyguntbert: yes and it should support the LaTeX commands18:46
Acedipwhy cant i change owner of files on my pendrive, i cant change its permissions18:46
dakarnbala: are you certain that the package is on your desktop. you should type 'pwd' and it will show your current directory18:46
kmillerwhat can I do to update.  lspci says I have Intel 4 Integrated18:46
dakarnlstarnes: he's going to .configure make make install as soon as he finds out where his package is at18:47
omri have iPhone and i wanna syrc in ubuntu ? any ideas ?18:47
dakarnOH you have to go to bala/desktop18:47
dakarnbala: cd /home/bala/Desktop18:47
monckyomr: i belive you can run itunes in wine18:47
Drekiim having trouble getting flash to work on firefox, runing 9.04 x86 fresh install just now18:48
dakarn!flash |dreki18:48
ubottudreki: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:48
omrno not that good18:48
balayeah i entered dakarn18:48
dakarnbala: type ls  do you see the file?18:48
red-lichtieomr: What is syrc ? (pmfji, but I've never heard of that before)18:48
guntbertHDready: You certainly can have syntax highlighting - go to view/highlight mode/markup/laTex but I don't know about autocomplete18:48
glitsj16omr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone has a nice overview of your options18:49
balayeah shown n also i did  tar -zxvf netscape-navigator-
dakarnbala: now you need to cd netscape-navigator-
Aragorn_GuardianPici: thanks18:50
guntbertHDready: but have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX18:50
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning18:50
baladakarn nexxt step18:50
dakarnbala: then /.configure18:50
lstarnesbala: you do know that netscape navigator isn't supported anymore, right?18:50
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:50
HDreadyguntbert: Well, already did but no auto-complete :) I installed the latex-plugin for gedit but still no auto-complete..gonna have a look at the link ty18:51
balatype that ful command plz18:51
DeadPandaHas anyone had/fixed problems with low (terrible) throughput on rtl8187 cards?18:51
lstarnesbala: ./configure18:51
guntbertHDready: good luck :)18:51
DeadPandaSame card works fine in Windows/Fedora18:51
balano such file r directory18:52
Drekidakarn that didnt work i tried it18:52
balatel me lpz18:53
dakarnbala: cd netscape-navigator.
lstarnesdakarn: there might not be a ./configure in this one18:53
=== skynet is now known as Guest60768
Guest60768what is the name of the ubuntu channel where I can get help?18:53
PiciGuest60768: That would be here.18:53
dakarnDreki: go to synaptic and install flashplayer-nonfree18:54
baladakarn -bash: cd: netscape-navigator. No such file or directory18:54
dakarnbala: what is the output of pwd18:54
reignaldoI dont know to install a package of the OpenOffice.... anyone can help me ?18:54
=== cory is now known as Guest835
Guest60768Pici: THanks I remember last time I asked for help on the default channel they said unkind things to me18:54
dakarnbala: you should install openssh and let lstarnes or me configure this for you =)18:54
PiciGuest60768: I'm sorry that happened, but this is the proper place to ask your Ubuntu support questions.18:54
lstarnesdakarn: that suggestion might cause more confusation18:55
Guest60768What is the name of the connector the wireless card connects to internally on a laptop?18:55
dakarnlstarnes: duly noted...18:55
glitsj16HDready: have you seen http://github.com/nagaozen/gedit-plugin-autocomplete/tree/master yet?18:55
baladakarn how u configure for me?18:55
dakarnbala: what directory are you in18:55
Drekidakarn thank you that worked18:55
reignaldopici what do you do to install a program ?18:55
reignaldothat you downloaded ?18:55
dakarndreki: =)18:55
baladakarn root@bala-desktop:/home/bala/Desktop/navigator#18:56
Guest60768reignaldo: what type of program?18:56
dakarnbala: cd ..18:56
Picireignaldo: I tend to install programs from the Ubuntu repositories. If I download some other program I follow the README and/or INSTALL files inside their archives.18:56
reignaldonormal programs, ei. openoffice18:56
dakarnbala: then type Ls18:56
baladakarn ok i did18:56
Guest60768reignaldo: go to applications>add/remove and then search for what you want18:57
balaGoogleEarthLinux.bin  navigator  netscape-navigator-
HDreadyguntbert: nope o18:57
dakarnbala: what's directories are listed?18:57
HDreadyguntbert: nope i haven't...taking a look two ^^18:57
bala3 files r thr dakarn18:57
Guest60768reignaldo: stuff like open office will b e located there18:57
dakarnbala: we're looking for a folder18:57
beamGuest60768: Hello there18:58
lstarnesbala, dakarn: I think navigator might be the right one18:58
lstarnesbala: you should probably be doing this as bala, not as root18:58
Guest60768beam: why hello to you too!18:58
guntbertHDready: the last hint was from glitsj16 in fact18:58
dakarnbala: type su bala18:58
balatel me next step18:58
Guest60768What is the name of the connector the wireless card connects to internally on a laptop?18:59
balaok i did dakarn18:59
dakarnguest60768: elaborate on your quest. like the physical connector?18:59
HDreadyglitsj16: ok i'm sorry...ty18:59
dakarnbala: what folder is on your desktop?18:59
glitsj16guntbert: HDready: no problem, hope it's what you're looking for19:00
Guest60768dakarn: Yes. Its about .5" across19:00
baladakarn GoogleEarthLinux.bin  navigator  netscape-navigator-
dakarnbala: cd navigator19:00
Guest60768dakarn: I am sure its some sort of PCI with some sort of descritptor like super mini19:00
baladakarn ok entered that19:01
=== neechan is now known as nee-chan
=== Guest60768 is now known as notRoot
baladakarn tel me nxt step bro19:02
dakarnbala: type ./configure19:02
notRootubottu | pci interfaces19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pci interfaces19:02
glitsj16HDready: i got that link to the autocomplete plugin from http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins, all sorts of stuff available for gedit19:03
Aragorn_GuardianPici: about cloning with aptitude. so, with schedule, after import a list with the packages, it can so install all packages correctly? this is cause synaptic cause many errors, cause there are too many packages19:03
notRootubottu | pci19:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pci19:03
balabash: ./configure: No such file or directory19:03
HDreadyglitsj16: guntbert: actually i failed ;) Just looked up and seen that gedit doesnt support code completion ootb...well sad :(...maybe i'll try the plugin you send me...but hitting enter to complete is strange ^^19:03
dakarnguest60768: it's probably called a 4pinfemale19:03
Aragorn_GuardianPici: aptitude, so, does the job? install a long list of packages, and the related libs????19:03
eplawlessHi, I'm trying to package a .deb of my Qt 4 program using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete19:03
dakarni don't think there is a specific name19:03
PiciAragorn_Guardian: You should be able to19:03
eplawlessThe .deb file I've created doesn't contain any binaries, or actually install anything.19:04
lstarnesdakarn: I think navigator might use another build system, unless that tarball contained an executable19:04
eplawlessI am wondering what the hell.19:04
baladakarn can u come to remote desktop?19:04
lstarnesbala: what files are in that directory?19:04
Aragorn_GuardianPici: after trying this with synaptic, many packages became broken, so I reinstalled everithing...19:04
Aragorn_GuardianPici: aptitude is better, so?19:05
=== neechan is now known as nee-chan
baladakarn lot of files thr19:05
PiciAragorn_Guardian: So?19:05
=== nnn is now known as hrga
derenrichaptitude is depricated19:05
Aragorn_GuardianPici: sorry...my english...19:05
lstarnesderenrich: since when?19:05
baladakarn which file name u wanna19:05
derenrichsince a while19:05
dakarnbala type make19:05
Aragorn_GuardianPici: so, aptitude will do the job wothout broke the packages...19:05
PiciAragorn_Guardian: I'm not sure what you are asking.19:05
derenrichthey can't get rid of it since too many people use it19:05
lstarnesbala: can you paste the list of files in http://paste.ubuntu.com then give use the link to it?19:05
PiciAragorn_Guardian: Like I said, it should work fine.19:06
Aragorn_GuardianPici: nice...thanks...gonna try19:06
dakarnguest60768: usually integrated wireless cards use a miniPCI connection, but i don't know what the plug is called19:06
notRootdakarn: I found the answer on my own. Its called MiniPCI Express incase some one ever asks the question again19:06
lstarnesderenrich: I don't think aptitude itself is deprecated19:06
lstarnesderenrich: I know that aptitude upgrade was deprecated in favor of aptitude safe-upgrade19:07
Aragorn_GuardianPici: sorry...one more question about cloning19:07
m477i installed amarok + mp3 suport and in video player totem i got slow motion19:07
balalstarnes pasted19:07
PiciAragorn_Guardian: sure19:07
lstarnesbala: what is the link?19:07
MrPiracycould anyone please help me run SecondLife from jaunty?19:07
flasbang73now i need help with ubuntu livecd 9.0419:07
lstarnesbala: no19:07
derenrichlstarnes: I just remember reading on the mailing lists that they wanted to get rid of aptitude but couldn't because of backwards compatibility19:07
lstarnesbala: what is the full URL in the address bar?19:07
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Aragorn_GuardianPici: ok, aptitude will try install all my packages, but, i till have them in a cd, or just in a directory. there is no ned to download nothing...19:08
flasbang73i need he;p with ubunti live cd 9.0419:08
lstarnesbala: it looks like it's already built.  Try starting it with ./navigator19:08
Aragorn_GuardianPici: how it can find the packages files?19:08
lstarnesderenrich: which mailing list was that?19:08
bala./navigator-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:09
flasbang73i need help with a live cd19:09
balalstarnes again error19:09
* derenrich is not sure and is not at his personal computer19:09
PiciAragorn_Guardian: It will download them by default, or you can use aptoncd to burn them to a cd from your other install.19:09
dakarnbala: you have to download the libraries now19:09
sephyIM getting annoyed19:09
sephyI'm trying to install guild wars on WINE19:09
lstarnesbala: that one likely can't be fixed.  It probably means that the huild of netscape-navigator being used is too old for your system19:09
baladakarn how?19:09
flasbang73i need help with ubuntu live cd 9.04 that im running on a flash drive19:09
sephyand it'll get to the part where it's downloading all the files19:10
sephyand it'll just close.19:10
lstarnesdakarn: libstdc++ is one library that shouldn't be messed with19:10
Hilikushow do i make my ff3.5 the default one, do i need to remove the old one?19:10
sr_srif [ $i_nwam_edit = "y" ] or [ $i_install_version = "2" ]; then19:10
sr_srhelp me pls19:10
lstarnesHilikus: system > administration > preferred applications19:10
dakarnlstarnes: agreed19:10
lstarnesHilikus: replace firefox with firefox-3.5 in there19:10
flasbang73will someone please help me19:10
balalstarnes how to be renew?19:10
lstarnesflasbang73: with what?19:10
jimmy_I cannot download the upgrade19:10
flasbang73a live cd problem19:11
lstarnesflasbang73: explain19:11
sr_sr if [ $i_nwam_edit = "y" ] or [ $i_install_version = "2" ]; then19:11
flasbang73well first of all it's on my flash drive not a cd19:11
lstarnesbala: if that's the newest version of netscape navigator, then you're out of luck unless you can get the spurce code19:11
sr_srhow I can write correct htis???19:11
jimmy_whats the best browser for Ubuntu ??19:11
Picisr_sr: Try #bash19:11
Aragorn_GuardianPici: i tried aptoncd, but think I make some mistake...well...gonna try,,,19:11
Pici!best | jimmy_19:11
ubottujimmy_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:11
Aragorn_GuardianPici: thanks19:11
flasbang73and it doesn't detect my wireless router19:11
glitsj16HDready: you might be interested in checking the features of 'geany' as an alternative to gedit, that has code completion & folding etc. --> http://www.geany.org/Main/About, very nice responsive app19:11
sockmonkeyI just installed a slave drive and copied my Ubuntu partition to the slave.  I've updated grub and changed fstab to reflect the new UUID.  Is there anything else I'm missing?19:12
tarvidhow do I find out which "dev" points to a USB modem19:12
lstarnesjimmy_: firefox is the most popular, but may or may not be the best for you19:12
jimmy_I cannot download firefox 4.519:12
flasbang73and still doesn't work when i have an ethernet cable plugged in19:12
Hilikuslstarnes: that leaves all my links still pointing to the old one19:12
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balalstarnes i got it from that home site of navigator latest version19:12
dakarnlstarnes: he downloaded the unpacked version...19:12
m477i installed amarok + mp3 suport and in video player totem i got slow motion, any advice ?19:12
xim_what does it mean when my screenlets .py files show on the taskbar when they run?19:12
Picijimmy_: Why not?19:13
lstarnesbala: navigator hasn't been updated since 2008 if I remember correctly19:13
Johnny_5can try again19:13
=== Nandesuka is now known as nandesuka
dakarnlstarnes: does ubuntu support yum19:13
lstarnesdakarn: no19:13
Picibala: netscape navigator's website says that it does not support it19:13
balalstarnes oh ho.....................19:13
dakarnyou could try sudo apt-get install compat-lib*19:13
MrPiracyi have installed FF 3.5, but the icon i have on my panel still points to FF 3.0. how do i change it?19:13
balapici oh no19:13
flasbang73someone please help19:13
rski!ask | flasbang7319:14
ubottuflasbang73: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:14
Pici!enter | flasbang7319:14
ubottuflasbang73: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:14
balahow to reinstall that19:14
HilikusMrPiracy: thats exactly my problem, all my icons still point to the old one, let me know if you solve it19:14
lstarnesbala: I would strongly recommend using a newer browser.  firefox's codebase is derived from the one originally used in navigator19:14
flasbang73]ok my live cd won't connect to the internet19:14
flasbang73im running it from a flash drive19:14
nJustin3k-[iPod]right after vmlinuz is laoaded i get a 'crc error - system halted'19:15
lstarnesbala: you could try installing the libstdc++5 package.  It might be able to work with navigator19:15
MrPiracyHilikus: i thought it would acctually upgrade it, but aparently it will just install a new copy and dont create/replace any icons19:15
balalstarnes firefox very slow for me.. some time orkut page can't be loaded :(19:15
lstarnesbala: how much RAM do you have?19:15
HilikusMrPiracy: EXACTLY my feeling. kind of weird that they did it that way19:15
HilikusMrPiracy: anyway, i think i found a way to fix it19:16
lstarnesbala: are you sure that the problem is firefox and not just your internet connection?19:16
sephyOk. what's the deal. Why does guildwars close while it's downloading the files?19:16
MrPiracyHilikus: and what was it?19:16
balalstarnes 1 gb ram n 1 gb for swap19:16
dakarnlstarnes: he can try the compat-libstdc++19:16
flasbang73my live cd internet isn't working im running it off a flash drive here is my ifconfig and iwconfig output http://paste.ubuntu.com/212975/19:16
balalstarnes firefox only19:17
lstarnesbala: have you tried another browser like epiphany or konqueror?19:17
MrPiracycould anyone help me run Second Life from jaunty? I extracted the package but when i run ./secondlife from the command line i get a few error messages19:17
balalstarnes which one is best browser?19:17
flasbang73my live cd internet isn't working im running it off a flash drive here is my ifconfig and iwconfig output http://paste.ubuntu.com/212975/19:17
lstarnesbala: I personally prefer firefox19:17
balanot yet19:17
flasbang73my live cd internet isn't working im running it off a flash drive here is my ifconfig and iwconfig output http://paste.ubuntu.com/212975/19:18
balalstarnes ok bro19:18
bala how to delete that navigator file in desktop19:18
flasbang73my live cd internet isn't working im running it off a flash drive here is my ifconfig and iwconfig output http://paste.ubuntu.com/212975/19:19
Ryan2glitsj16: Hi there, sorry my connection went a bit bust19:19
tuxi'm new19:19
=== cryptide is now known as cryptide_homewor
Ryan2glitsj16: How do I write that script?19:19
truthI don't know what to choose in my Skype sound devices so that people on skype can hear me (right now they can't, but I can hear them)19:19
Piciflasbang73: No need to repeat so often.  Are you expecting wireless to work?19:20
dakarnbala: rm -rf /home/bala/navigator19:20
tuxi use skype very well19:20
flasbang73no it's just noone was answering19:20
MrPiracyhow do i install my usb webcam? if i plug it in, nothing will happen19:20
dakarnbala: take extreme caution you don't mistype that command19:20
dakarnbala: /home/bala/Desktop/navigator19:21
flasbang73my wireless works on windows though19:21
Hilikusif i mv a symling will it move the link of the object?19:21
balai'm in thr19:21
PiciHilikus: It will only move the link itself, not the file its linked to19:21
lstarnesHilikus: mv'ing a symlink will move the link itself19:21
glitsj16Ryan2: use a text editor of your choice and start the new script with the line "#!/bin/bash" .. add the command sequence to your java on a newline and save it to your ~/bin folder (so it gets into your path)19:21
nJustin3k-[iPod]whats a crc error when booting?19:22
matthijs_i just installed ubuntu, in the live CD i heard sound, but now i cant play sound... what can be wrong?19:22
Hilikusthanks Pici lstarnes19:22
tharveyis there any packaged way to update an 8.04 with a > 2.6.24 kernel?   I'm liking the LTS but it does force you on a dated kernel - trying to get updates for better linux-wireless19:22
dakarnbala: rm -rf /home/bala/Desktop/navigator19:22
cvwGot an issue with networking, our interfaces file is setup properly.  when calling "ifup eth0" the interface is brought up properly.  However, /etc/init.d/networking (re)start dose not bring the device up as expected.  What could we be doing wrong here?19:22
ubudanyone know how to  recover vista password19:22
anurag89i installed amark and it does'nt seem to work in gnome ..... although rythmbox and movie player are working fine ??19:22
Piciubud: Ask in ##windows19:22
dakarnbala: rm /home/bala/Desktop/netscape-navigator.
glitsj16Ryan2: run "chmod +x <script name>" to make it executable19:22
lavagolemkin1How do I upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?19:23
HilikusMrPiracy: i got it19:23
ltggnew user here: recently bought a removable hard drive, formatted it but cannot write to it as owner is 'root' ... how do I change this?  running 9.04.19:23
Piciflasbang73: How did you get the output of ifconfig onto the pastebin site? Wired connection? I'm just wondering what troubleshooting tools we have available to us.19:23
DracofodderI'm looking to buy a new comp, has an integrated Nvidia GeForce 6150 SE in it.  will there be any complications with this video card an ubuntu 9.04?19:23
HilikusMrPiracy: sudo mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox.old; sudo ln -s firefox-3.5  /usr/bin/firefox19:23
flasbang73i have 2 computers running 1 with livecd and this one on windows19:24
jb0nd38372Hi, I was wondering if the ubuntu team had fixed the issues that came ouyt when 9 was released, i had to downgrade to 8.10 cause I could not get my ati card to work with open source or official ati drivers.19:24
Ryan2glitsj16: 2 questions:19:24
Ryan21) what is the java command sequence?19:24
Ryan22) what does "so it gets into your path" mean? wrt the ~/bin folder?19:24
HilikusDracofodder: usually nvidia doesnt have any problems, i don't know that specific model though19:24
baladakarn see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/212991/19:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grup19:24
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:25
xomp!yaboot > xomp19:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yaboot19:25
DracofodderHilikus: I too have not had problems with nvidia.. but am always leery of trusting the video card embedded in the motherboard.19:25
zinake1jb0nd38372: i had a similar issue when i installed 9.04 from scratch... i set everything up in 8.10 and upgraded and everything stayed working19:25
xomp!commands > xomp19:25
ubottuxomp, please see my private message19:25
HilikusDracofodder: as long as its nvidia you can always dl their official driver19:25
zinake1jb0nd38372: it's not a fix tho ; ;19:25
ubudwhat is the cmd  to switch to tmp directory in shell19:25
matthijs_i just installed ubuntu, in the live CD i heard sound, but now i cant play sound... what can be wrong?19:25
=== joe_ is now known as linuxn00b
Piciflasbang73: Please prefix replies with my nick so that I will see them faster.  Can you pastebin the output of lspci ?19:26
linuxn00bubud: cd /tmp19:26
Oysterboyhas anyone successfully installed netbook remix onto a USB from windows?19:26
jb0nd38372zinake1: Thanks, i was runn win7 beta, and was hoping maybe a fresh install of 9 with updates might work, before when i tried 9 the system would work, cept for ati, that was abuot 2 maybe 2.5 months ago19:26
sockmonkeyI just installed a slave drive and copied my Ubuntu partition to the slave.  I've updated grub and changed fstab to reflect the new UUID.  Is there anything else I'm missing?19:26
linuxn00bubud: did that work?19:26
glitsj16Ryan2: okay, 1) i mean put the exact command you used to launch the java app from a terminal into your script 2) you can save the script anywhere you want, but if it is in your system path you don't need to type the full location to get it working ... the /home/ryan/bin folder is picked up and added to your path if it exists19:27
flasbang73<pici>ya but i have to transfer with flash drive19:27
baladakarn  http://paste.ubuntu.com/212991/19:27
lavagolemkin1What can I do to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10?19:27
flasbang73pici ya but i have to transfer with flash drive19:27
dakarnbala: sudo rm -rf /home/bala/Desktop/navigator19:27
Piciflasbang73: Or could you tell me if you see something that looks like a network adapter in lspci, and what it is?19:27
flasbang73how do you prefix names19:27
nsadminlavagolemkin1: read the release notes of the later version19:28
Piciflasbang73: You were... just put my name in front of your replies :)19:28
dakarni prefix names with Mr. or Ms. depending on the sex19:28
ARMENIANis there a way to turn off compiz just for wine19:28
flasbang73pici like this or in brackets19:28
balasudo: cannot get working directory19:28
Piciflasbang73: Just like this19:28
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:28
baladakarn sudo: cannot get working directory19:28
flasbang73pici sorry im confused is this time right?19:29
Piciflasbang73: You're doing it fine.19:29
linuxn00b!tab <what does this do, im confused and very new to linux19:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:29
Ryan2glitsj16: I used the command "java -jar executable.jar" which launches the app (with Open With). but not sure how to link it to the actual file I want to open? could you please give me an example of your second point? Thanks so much19:29
Drekii was looking for somthing like peerguardian for linux and i found this: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/ but i dont understand the instructions on how to install it. can anyone walk me through it? im runing 9.04 x8619:29
spectolinuxn00b: just meends use tab19:29
flasbang73pici ok ill get it up on paste bin just hold on19:29
linuxn00bspecto: thanks19:30
lavagolemkin1How do I make the next distribution appear in the update manager?19:30
Pici!tab | linuxn00b19:30
ubottulinuxn00b: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:30
linuxn00bPici: & ubottu : thanks, got it19:30
dakarnbala: i'm trying to figure that out19:30
diddyNow I just set a hard and soft quota and a grace period of 1 hours. Now how does the user get the warning that he is over the limit?19:30
anurag89can anyone tell me why my ararok is not working19:30
baladakarn ok bro19:30
anurag89 ?19:30
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:31
Supersaiyan_IVlinuxn00b, it's the |← key19:31
zinake1lavagolemkin1: System>Administration>Software Sources>Updates Tab> change release upgrade to normal releases19:31
nsadminbala: what does pwd say?19:31
dakarnbala: sudo rm -rf /home/bala/Desktop/navigator/19:31
anurag89although othe rplayers seem to work ... i am using gnome19:31
lavagolemkin1zinake1: It's already set to that.19:31
nsadminthat's unsafe19:31
lavagolemkin1It just says "Your system is up-to-date" in the update manager.19:31
flasbang73pici sorry it has to install my flash drive drive software19:31
=== anurag89 is now known as digitalfallacy
zinake1lavagolemkin1: that's all i had to change when i upgraded mine... sorry19:32
bala dakarn /home/bala/Desktop/navigator19:32
nsadminlavagolemkin1: have you read the release notes yet?19:32
nsadminbala: that's your pwd? ok, try cd ...19:32
glitsj16Ryan2: use that "java -jar executable.jar" line into your script, save it to your /home/ryan/bin folder (naming it myjava-app.sh for ex.) and "chmod +x ~/bin/myjava-app.sh" to make it executable19:32
nsadminbala: that's your pwd? ok, try cd ..19:33
linuxn00bSupersaiyan_IV: thanks, i like the friendliness of this community19:33
MrPiracyHilikus: thx, it solved the problem .... and brought a few new ones ;)19:33
lavagolemkin1I read them, but I must be missing something.19:33
Drekii was looking for somthing like peerguardian for linux and i found this: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/ but i dont understand the instructions on how to install it. can anyone walk me through it? im runing 9.04 x8619:33
Hilikusi still don't understand why the icon is screwed and it calls itself shoroko or something like that19:33
Pici!ff35 | Hilikus19:34
ubottuHilikus: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for more info | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY19:34
balansadmin i did19:34
flasbang73pici this is my lspci output http://paste.ubuntu.com/213002/19:34
nsadminif you do ls now, does it work?19:34
lavagolemkin1Is there a command that will open the upgrade tool?19:34
nsadminalso does it show a dir canneld navigator?19:35
alarm hello, where can i find all the commands that i did run in the console ?19:35
dakarnokay bala: you can change permissions on the folder and delete it from the gui19:35
Ryan2glitsj16: Is this right: The script will run when I double click on it? It will open my application. The file I want open will not open. and I dunno why it's in the bin folder. Soz man :)19:35
ltggrecently bought a removable hard drive, formatted it but cannot write to it as owner is 'root' ... how do I change this to logged-in user?  running 9.04.19:35
baladakarn what that permision?19:35
bclavagolemkin1: see if alt+f2, update-manager works19:35
Hilikusthanks pici19:35
nsadminif you do ls now, does it work?19:35
lavagolemkin1Yes, it works. The update manager opens, it just doesn't detect the next distribution.19:36
KottisenHow do I ban a user on my computer, with a reason? o_O19:36
nsadminbala if you do ls now, does it work?19:36
toothyAnyone here own a Palm Pre?19:36
dakarnbala: one sec19:37
dakarnbala: type cd ..19:37
baladakarn no file on my desktop19:37
glitsj16Ryan2: yes the script will run when double-clicked, if you never use a terminal to launch it you can forget about the ~/bin part sorry19:37
Piciflasbang73: Are you sure that this computer has a wireless card? Is it a usb wifi card?19:37
dakarnbala: you deleted it already19:37
flasbang73no it's built in my computer it's a laptop19:38
nsadminbala: please pay attention... does ls work?19:38
dakarnbala type cd ~/Desktop19:38
baladakarn so much of thanks19:38
KottisenHow do I ban a user on my computer, with a reason? o_O19:38
KottisenI'm running Ubuntu.19:38
flasbang73pici no it's built in my computer it's a laptop19:38
PiciKottisen: Ban? From using what?19:38
dakarnbala: best of luck. probably best to install packages through the package manager tho19:38
KottisenPici: From login.19:38
Ryan2glitsj16: I think I get it. As the terminal open, I just type the script name, and it opens? no need for /home/....19:38
Nameless_audoes gparted do a good job resizing btfs partitions?19:38
flasbang73pici do you think it has to do with drivers?19:38
bclavagolemkin1: to jaunty? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades19:39
Piciflasbang73: I'm looking, I'm not sure which of those is a wifi card.19:39
baladakarn i need another help installation google earth19:39
lavagolemkin1Yes, Jaunty.19:39
glitsj16Ryan2: that only works if you have the script in your system path yes, otherwise you'd have to supply the exact patch to the script each time19:39
Ramon_Firehallo at all, someone knows a program to check wen a website updates itself???19:39
dakarnbala: i don't know about .bin files19:39
Ramon_Firehallo at all, someone knows a program to check when a website updates itself???19:39
lavagolemkin1I understand I have to go through 8.10 first, but ultimately I plan to wind up there.19:40
KottisenRamon_Fire: www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com19:40
baladakarn tGoogleEarthLinux.bin19:40
baladakarn GoogleEarthLinux.bin19:40
bclavagolemkin1: pick your poison: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:40
nonZeroOn intrepid, when mounting a usb storage - I get "Cannot invoke CheckForMedia on HAL" blah blah.  any cure? how do i reset the gnome-usb services?19:40
PiciKottisen: Just disable their accounts, I don;t think you can specify a reason19:40
KottisenPici: Ok. How to disable?19:40
baladakarn download from google site19:40
bcKottisen: passwd -l (man passwd)19:41
dxdemetriourandom keys get stuck while writing, which started after upgrading to Jaunty. Now I have disabled the auto repeat option. There are a lot of bug reports but nothing is giving points how this problem could be fixed.19:41
Kottisenbc: Ok thanks.19:42
flasbang73pici wired connection doesn't work either19:42
ubudlinuxn00: how to eidt a text file using a text editor in shell19:42
Piciflasbang73: Ah... hrm.19:42
darnellI installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my PC yesterday, I was trying to dual boot it with XP. The installer froze and I had to start over. It doesn't bring up the menu to choose which O/S to boot into. Can someone help?19:42
glitsj16Ryan2: if for example you had the script on your desktop, you would need to type "/home/ryan/Desktop/myjava-app.sh" to get it executed ... there's a package called abs in the repositories that contains a HTML version of "Advandced Bash Scripting" to get more info on making scripts19:42
ubudlinuxn00: how to edit a txt file in a shell using text editor19:43
flasbang73pici im just more concerned with wireless19:43
balaglistj16 do u knw how to install .bin file ?19:43
nlkoHi guys, i have compiz installed, do i need something extra to change the settings? like the cube, etc?19:43
Piciflasbang73: What version of Ubuntu are you running?19:44
lavagolemkin1It looks like the do-release-upgrade will work. Will it install the desktop or server edition?19:44
nsadminbala: were there instructions where you got it?19:44
ubudhow ro editor txt file in a shell19:44
flasbang73live cd 9.0419:44
nlkoubud: nano19:44
flasbang73pici live cd 9.0419:44
glitsj16bala: not really no, never used a bin file19:44
balansadmin i downloaded GoogleEarthLinux.bin from google.com19:44
nsadminubud: or a host of others, incl ed19:44
nlkobala: chmox +x bin file19:44
nlkobala: then ./bin file19:44
flasbang73pici it's running off my flsh drive19:44
nlkobala: chmod +x sorry19:45
lavagolemkin1Is there a terminal command to open the upgrade tool directly, since update-manager isn't finding it?19:45
Oysterboycan someone help me with a boot problem with netbook remix?19:45
darnellDPic: Are you available?19:45
nsadminand bala... since it's not a ubuntu package, it might not work19:45
flasbang73pici i have it dual booting vista on one computer and carry the live cd with me for when i use other users computer19:45
nsadminand it will be hard to get rid of19:45
nlkobala: it will work19:45
nonZerohow do i restart gvfsd?19:46
balagoogle earth file shown on application but can't open shown error19:46
Hilikuslavagolemkin1, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:46
Piciflasbang73: It looks like realtek cards have quite a bit of trouble with Linux, but I'm looking for a solution.19:46
balaniko google earth file shown on application but can't open shown error19:47
nlkodid you do chmod +x googleearth.bin19:47
flasbang73pici when i install it the internet works fine though but i also like the convience of a live cd19:47
balaniko no bro19:47
nlkobala: well do that19:47
flasbang73pici well live usb19:47
nlkobala: chmod +x googleearth.bin19:47
nlkobala: then ./googleearth.bin19:48
Piciflasbang73: I think that the realtek card requires that you install a restricted driver which would then in turn require you to reboot, which is useless on a live CD.19:48
FloodBot1SmileNet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
PiciSmileNet: stop19:48
Piciflasbang73: Have you concidered using a persistant USB install instead?19:48
ubuntu_rpattonhello can i get some help on repos19:48
SmileNethi all19:48
sebsebseb!details |  ubuntu_rpatton19:48
ubottuubuntu_rpatton: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:48
ltgg recently bought a removable hard drive, formatted it but cannot write to it as owner is 'root' ... how do I change this to logged-in user?  running 9.0419:48
darnellCan someone help me with a dual boot problem?19:49
sebsebseb!details |  darnell19:49
ubottudarnell: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:49
balaniko GoogleEarthLinux.bin file name19:49
flasbang73pici how do i do that is there a link you could point me to with a tutorial19:49
nlkoltgg: chown user /mnt/hardrive19:49
lavagolemkin1I looked there already. Is the do-release-upgrade from a desktop going to upgrade to a server version?19:49
Piciflasbang73: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:49
balaniko i'm in this root bala@bala-desktop:~/Desktop$19:49
nlkobala: well do chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin instead, you get the idea19:49
ubuntu_rpattonI am having problems adding repos i deleted them all because they werent connecting and ubdating so i tried deleteing them to re add them again and now i cant add any repos to the sources list19:49
ltggnlko: thanks ... will try that19:50
dakarn.bin you should be able to double click from the GUI and it will open in the default package manager19:50
nlkoltgg: no worries19:50
flasbang73pici thank you but will it work on a 4gb flash drive19:50
Picilavagolemkin1: It should detect automatically, but if you're not sure then see do-release-upgrade --help for specifying which one you want.19:50
dakarni'm not sure tho19:50
Piciflasbang73: I'm unsure, sorry, I've never done it before.19:50
darnellI installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my PC that had XP on it.. I set it to run along side XP.. The PC froze during the partition manager and I had to restart the install19:50
nlkorunning .bin from console is easy enough..19:50
balaniko i did that command no replys from terminal19:50
sebsebseb!repos |  ubuntu_rpatton19:50
ubottuubuntu_rpatton: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:50
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nlkobala: yes no do ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin19:51
flasbang73ok well thank you is there any way i could get inn touch with you later if i need more help?19:51
nlkothat will install it19:51
darnellAfter I started the installer again It didn't show XP so I installed it in the free space that was set aside19:51
lavagolemkin1Thanks for your help19:51
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sebsebsebdarnell: ok so re install? set up the partitions again?19:51
Ryan2glitsj16: thanks the script is working19:52
antoranzGuys, is there a presentation I could use to explain to my manager why it's good for me (as an engineer) to use GNU/Linux?19:52
darnellsebsebseb: will I have to reinstall XP again?19:52
nlkoantoranz: visit debian or ubuntu website and take a look at "why linux" section19:52
sebsebsebdarnell: XP was installed first yes, and working fine?19:53
simplexiohow bad is ati on ubuntu when comparing to nvidia ?19:53
darnellsebsebseb: Yes19:53
sebsebsebdarnell: no don't need to re install XP19:53
sebsebsebdarnell: can you boot up anything at the moment?19:53
balanlko yeah shown begin install setup what is install path and binary path19:53
darnellsebsebseb: Yes I boot into Ubuntu fine19:53
nlkobala: dude..19:53
sebsebsebdarnell: ,but XP won't boot?19:53
darnellsebsebseb: no19:54
sebsebsebdarnell: ok I guess for some reason  it didn't get added to the Grub menu19:54
balanlko shown default path may i click enter next?19:54
nlkobala: yes19:54
darnellsebsebseb: Is there a way to add it to the grub menu without an re-install?19:54
sebsebsebdarnell: of course19:55
darnellsebsebseb: GREAT!19:55
Kangarooois there a programm with witch I can just write in terminal http://www.ass.lv | tinyurl and  it gives out tiny url? and copies to paste?19:55
sebsebsebdarnell: open a terminal19:55
nsadmindarnell: it would be helpful if you had a separate machine to talk here on19:55
balanlko shown root error and cache error from home directory19:56
sebsebsebdarnell: gksudo  gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:56
darnellsebsebseb: OK19:56
Kangarooois there a programm with witch I could paste link add | tinyurl command and it would put to pastingclip this tiny url?19:57
badeaglesebsebseb: thanks for reminding me! i've been meaning to clean up my menu.lst for ages.19:57
sebsebsebbadeagle: if you remove older kernels,  then  the stuff from menu.lst for  them should get removed as well19:58
Kangarooohello? is there a programm witch gives tinyurl from url I entered?19:59
mmekKangarooo: there is perl and python scripts for the console and there is plugins for firefox19:59
badeaglesebsebseb: how do i remove an old kernel?20:00
sebsebsebbadeagle: by  finding the stuff for it in synaptic and removing20:01
Kangarooommek: and are the names of thouse scripts witch could work in console? couse I would like to use that in console couse if it works in console the I can use in pidgin with exec plugin.. /exec -o www.xxx.com | tinyurl and it would output a tiny url in mirc20:01
=== Omni is now known as Ensi
sebsebsebdarnell: did you get that file open?20:01
darnellsebsebseb: what do I do when that opens?20:01
Kangarooootherwise I need to go to that tinyurl page and then copy there and then copy again to chat window.. eh that's too long :)20:02
wiphi everyone, any application for renaming all files inside a folder (with gui if possible)?20:02
sebsebsebdarnell: at the bottom is  the  stuff20:02
darnellsebsebseb: yes20:02
sebsebsebdarnell: there's also an example  for adding Windows20:02
sebsebsebdarnell: in the file20:02
EnsiAnyone knows how to totally disable synaptic touchpad ? :)20:02
EnsiI mean drivers ect ...20:02
forceflowusually there's a quick key for that20:02
forceflowah, driver-wise20:03
forceflowisn't it somewhere in the mouse preferences?20:03
EnsiYeah ècause my keyboard is hot :20:03
Ensi:x *20:03
EnsiI don't use my touchpad but I think the power is still on20:03
forceflowEnsi: system -> mouse preferences -> tb "touchpad" -> remove check at enable touchpad?20:04
forceflowif you mean actually not redirecting power to the touchpad ... that's probably hard20:04
EnsiYes, I allready did it20:04
joi had a really weird problem where my ubuntu system suddenly froze up and then spontaneously rebooted.  i just want to know why.  checked just about everything in /var/log but the only thing indicated at the time period is "reboot".20:04
Ensibut i'm not sure it cut the power of touchpad :/20:04
forceflowdon't know if you can do that driver-wise, usually, it's all part of one circuit20:04
forceflowI don't think it does20:04
jois there eanywhere i can look other than /var/log ?20:04
EnsiOn windows the touchpad is cold so I mean maybe on Linux it's possible20:05
EnsiAnyway ty foreflow20:05
darnellsebsebseb: Ok, so where do I add the commands? Right under the examples?20:06
sebsebsebdarnell: no at the bottom of your files is your stuff and not commented with out ## or #20:06
sebsebsebdarnell: the Ubuntu kernel and that20:06
sebsebsebdarnell: and  Windows below that20:06
mr_cathey guys, i have a bunch of partitions with linux installs... how can i find out which partition my current linux that i'm running right now is on?20:07
sebsebsebdarnell: add Windows below that20:07
mneptokmr_cat: df -h20:07
darnellsebsebseb: Ok.. Thanks!20:07
mr_catthanks mneptok :)20:08
Scunizifor some reason I see errors when loading from terminal.. "shm_open() failed: Read-only file system" then a couple "caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE" messages and a "caps.c: Dropping root privileges" message.. how do I fix this.. Inkscape use to load fine.. If I touch the open window too soon the program bombs.20:08
ScuniziInkscape is the program20:08
konzaI  am unable to open php files... please help20:09
twig11I need help implementing the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Linksys_WUSB11v4_(ndiswrapper)?highlight=(AND)|(ManufacturerModel) to install the driver for my network adapter in Jaunty.20:09
twig11To be more specific, how can I find out if I have non-functioning wireless drivers I need to blacklist.20:09
Ensito get your driver20:10
Ensinext modprobe -r thenameofthedriver20:10
konzaI  am unable to open php files... please help20:11
badeagleopen as in edit, or run?20:11
badeaglekonza: to run a php file you need "sudo aptitude install php5-cli"20:12
badeaglekonza: then just do "php myfile.php"20:12
konzabadeagle,  I did that20:12
twig11Ensi: will the driver show up if the USB network adapter is not plugged in?20:13
konzabadeagle,  I have to open it in a browser20:13
Ensi<twig11> I'm not sure20:13
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EnsiIf it's usb try : lcusb20:13
badeaglekonza: then you need a webserver like apache220:13
konzabadeagle,  which package should i install,20:14
konzabadeagle,  is that libapache2-mod-php20:14
badeaglekonza: that should do it20:15
twig11Ensi: lsusb with the network adapter plugged in shows a listing for the adapter. How do I find out if it's working or not?20:15
konzabadbandit,  i installed mysql server  and phpmyadmin also20:15
badeaglekonza: then you'll want to throw your php file into /var/www and browse to http://localhost/myfile.php20:15
twig11Ensi: I'm inexperienced, and wireless networking really perplexes me.20:15
konzabadeagle,  its there in /var/www/drupal20:16
konzabadeagle,   i installed mysql server  and phpmyadmin also20:16
EnsiHave something in iwconfig ?20:16
badeaglekonza, is the file named "index.php" ?20:16
histolo2Question: i have an old winmodem and thought to use it as a fax machine from my computer20:17
konzabadeagle,  yup20:17
histolo2its based on connexant chipset20:17
badeagletry http://localhost/drupal/index.php20:17
DPicwhat's the xchat command to open a dialog window with someone?20:17
SutekjI want to connect to the internet using different pppoe account. How do I do that in ubuntu?20:18
histolo2i know about linuxant but i have to pay 20$ to get the fax work... any other solutions?20:18
badeaglekonza, if specifying the name of the file to browse to works then apache is just not set to recognize index.php as a main (like index.html)20:18
twig11Ensi: no. Just lo, eth0, pan0 all followed by "no wireless extensions"20:18
SutekjI mean different pppoe account than is saved on the router20:18
EnsiI don't know how to check if it's properly working on usb ... :x20:19
engelhey ace, do you know if thb is somewhere around on irc?20:19
konzabadeagle,  i have to install the file install.php20:19
konzabadeagle,  i have to run the file install.php20:19
ruhaan_how do i enable roaming mode in the network manager of ubuntu 9.04?20:20
Piciengel:for finding channels: /msg alis list *searchterm*20:20
badeaglekonza, assuming "install.php" is in /var/www/drupal/install.php, what happens when you browse to "http://localhost/drupal/install.php" ?20:20
deanykonza, you need to run the php file to install something?  like a forum?20:21
Cheeryis there a way to install 32 bit libraries into 64 bit system?20:21
engelpici: dont know the nick of the user in question, ace knows him20:21
Cheerythis far I've fared doing that manually20:21
Piciengel: then use  /msg ace20:21
konzabadeagle,  it opens a dialog box with  open with and save to disk options20:21
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engelk, will do that i private20:22
konzadeany, yup, i need to install drupal20:22
ruhaan_how do i get ubuntu to auto connect to a wifi network?20:22
deanykonza, so you need a lamp setup then20:22
engelstupid me, of course :)20:22
konzadeany,  i am having apache2 installed20:22
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konzadeany, not only apache2 but also mysql, and php,20:23
badeaglekonza: try "sudo aptitude install php5"... have a hunch20:23
deanykonza, I dont know what drupal tbh, but sounds like you need to run a lamp server20:23
twig11How can I check whether a USB wireless-B network adapter is working on Jaunty?20:24
konzabadeagle,  got a mesage .................... its already installed20:24
deanykonza, sudo tasksel install lamp-server20:24
badbanditare you on drugs?20:24
konzadeany, if there is apache server then there is no need to install lamp.......20:25
deanykonza, so does it need mysql as well as php and apache then20:25
deanykonza, I`d assume it does20:25
ruhaan_konza, u still need php and mysql for drupal20:25
konzadeany,  yup20:25
Ensitwig11 Do you have the gnome network available for wireless networks ?20:25
deanykonza,  aka LAMP20:25
konzaruhaan_,  ya20:25
badeaglehe's got apache2, libapache2-mod-php, and php, but it the php ain't working so why bother thinkin about mysql yet20:25
konzaDEA7H,  didnt get u20:26
twig11Ensi: I don't understand; can you reword the question for a newbie?20:26
konzadeany,  didnt get u20:26
deanybadeagle, because, something like a forum for example, you need sql too.20:26
ruhaan_konza, why dont u try installing xampp it has all the stuff u need and its super simple to setup20:26
konzadeany,  drupal is a content management system20:26
badeagledeany, his apache2 isn't even beginning to interpret a php file, it treats it like a binary to download....20:27
EnsiIn the right corner ( on the top ) do you have the gnome appelet for configuring networks ( those with all wireless networks ) ?20:27
glitsj16konza: have you enabled the php module? Have you tried "sudo a2enmod php" yet?20:27
konzaruhaan_, i tried it already , few months before,,, but failed... some probs20:27
deanybadeagle, it needs mysql20:27
gmachineI want to disable compiz and switch to another WM. Any suggestions?20:27
badeaglekonza: deany: i've had this issue before, and it was a pain to fix, i don't remember how20:27
deanykonza, sudo tasksel install lamp-server   and job done..20:27
konzaglitsj16, nope... will try that20:27
gmachineI'm on Ubuntu 9.04 btw.20:28
monckygmachine: i am a big fan of xfce give that a go20:28
gmachinemoncky, thanks. how do I switch?20:28
ruhaan_gmachine, compiz isnt the WM of ubunt by default20:28
konzaglitsj16, Module does not exist20:28
gmachineruhann, ok. How do I disable it then?20:28
glitsj16konza: could be "sudo a2enmod php5"20:28
twig11Ensi: no I don't. I removed it at one time, then couldn't find a way to put it back.20:28
Guest28032hey guys i have a HP notebook with two headphones jacks, when i connect one headphone to the first jack i get sound but when i connect a headphone in the 2nd jack there is no sound at all. Anyone know how could i solve this issue?20:28
twig11Ensi: I have my Network Connections app open.20:29
dunksare you sure it's two headphone jacks and not one headphone and one mic Guest28032? :p20:29
monckygmachine: sudo apt-get install xfce4, once installed restart your x session20:29
ruhaan_gmachine, go the the wallpaper changer go to effects tab and select disable20:29
konzadeany,  if there are more than one server in one machine... it will create probs.... i had installed lamp before... but it didnt work fine... later i switched to apache20:29
gmachineok, thanks people.20:29
Ensiapt-get install network-manager-gnome20:29
monckygmachine: once installed you need to logout and select the different WM20:29
EnsiTo download it20:29
deanykonza,  its a metapackage for apache, mysql and php20:29
badeaglekonza: glitsj16: it is "sudo a2enmod php5"20:29
twig11Ensi: I'm not online with that computer. that complicates things.20:30
deanyI give up20:30
Guest28032dunks: yeap, it has two headphones figures and the numbers 1 and 2. When i'm on vista it works like a charm but in ubuntu it doesn't work20:30
twig11There's no wired network in this building20:30
gmachinemoncky, ok. thanks again.20:30
glitsj16badeagle: thx for clearing that up20:30
konzaglitsj16,  it asked me to restart apache2 and i did it20:30
frewsxcvis there an application for ubuntu where i can see which computers in a network are using the most kb/s?20:30
m477i installed amarok + mp3 suport and in video player totem i got slow motion, any advice ?20:30
erUSUL!info ntop | frewsxcv20:30
ubottufrewsxcv: ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2599 kB, installed size 10812 kB20:30
badeaglekonza: if i remember right i had to fully reboot20:30
EnsiI see :x20:30
ruhaan_m477, install vlc way better than totem20:31
konzadeany,  i know that... but when i installed it before, i had experienced some probms and wasted a hole day before that20:31
ubuntunewbiespecto: i am not sure whether it's a bug but once I disable the network connection , all gedit works well20:31
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deanykonza, i installed it fine, and have 3 different sites running fine.20:31
moncky!xfce4 > moncky20:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfce420:31
m477ruhaan_: it will resollve  ?20:31
twig11Ensi: Let's say I knew the adapter was working and I wanted to connect to a wireless network. How would I do that?20:31
ubuntunewbiespecto: gtg will see you tomorrow20:32
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ruhaan_m477, yes if u play the files with vlc20:32
moncky!xfce > moncky20:32
ubottumoncky, please see my private message20:32
deanykonza, you seem to think its something different to what you installed, its not.  it`ll install apache2 and php5 and mysql and all the libs needed for them to work together.20:32
NamShubHello. I was wondering how can I know (with a cli command) how many displays are currently in use in X?20:32
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deanyI`m done20:32
Ensiif your adapter works fine, and network-manager-gnome is installed you just have to select network in the list20:32
EnsiI'm going to look at command line for testing usb adapter20:33
glitsj16konza: any luck now opening http://localhost/your-php-file.php?20:33
deanykonza, I have a forum thats installed with a php file.. ok20:33
twig11Ensi: okay20:33
konzadeany, i know that, dude.  but..20:33
m477ruhaan_: untill i install that all totem was working20:33
nlkoive installed compiz but dont have the 3d cube, and i dont have a settings application, is there something extra i need?20:33
konzaglitsj16, nope... still the same dialog box with open with and save to disk options20:33
ruhaan_m477, totem is known to have issues with amarok so installing vlc will fix the problem20:34
erUSUL!ccsm | nlko20:34
ubottunlko: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:34
ruhaan_<nlko> u need compiz config20:34
badeaglekonza: i'd reboot20:34
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:34
piccai am looking to install firefox-3.5 ... what does nobinonly mean in the version number20:34
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora20:34
konzabadeagle,  u are asking me to reboot the system?20:34
erUSUL!away > D3f020:35
ubottuD3f0, please see my private message20:35
badeaglekonza: i remeber it helped me when i had your problem20:35
deanybadeagle, apache nor php need a reboot, ever.20:35
konzabadeagle, okay,,, i will try it... bye.... see u after reboooting20:35
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_user_help me/no sound20:37
wapkowhats is up with ff3.5/shiretoko?. the downloads list has no clue how to open files or containing folders, how can i fix this ?20:38
Guest28032hey guys i have a HP notebook with two headphones jacks, when i connect one headphone to the first jack i get sound but when i connect a headphone in the 2nd jack there is no sound at all. Anyone know how could i solve this issue?20:38
konzaDeany, badeagle , glitsj16 ,  it worked... thanks.......... i think  the command a2enmod php5 worked20:38
glitsj16picca: if you are on jaunty you can "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" and look for a new menu item called Shiretoko to launch it20:38
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kristian_hey guys! I installed ubuntu server and now i need to install my sound driver. I know it is "Realtek ALC889A" - how do i install it?20:39
glitsj16konza: nice, now you can script your heart out20:39
_user_kristian:download from oficial site20:39
ohirGuest28032 ain't a small icon of microphone nearby this second hole that gives no sound?20:39
kristian_will try to :)20:40
piccathanks glitsj1620:40
Exorbye :)20:40
konzaglitsj16,  thanks a lot... i was working on it for  the last full day....20:40
glitsj16konza: yes the a2enmod and a2dismod (to disable a module) is the debian way of doing apache, once you're familiar with that it's actually very easy20:41
Guest28032ohir: yes but i want to listen to music with two headphones...20:41
DPicwhat's the xchat command to open a dialog window with someone?20:42
konzaglitsj16,  actulally what is happening with that command20:42
coleysGuest28032: Get a splitter. =D?20:42
coleysDPic: /query name20:42
glitsj16konza: it's explained at http://www.control-escape.com/web/configuring-apache2-debian.html20:43
Guest28032coleys but in Vista i can use the two jacks for headphones (as is supposed to happen with the hp indications)20:43
coleysGuest28032: Intel hda sound?20:43
Guest28032coleys: yeap20:45
coleysGuest28032: Pastebin your alsa-base.conf please =)20:45
kyppcgeekyep driver/ audio conf issue20:46
SutekjHow do I connect to the internet without storing my pppoe details on my router?20:46
Guest28032coleys: ok, where is the alsa-base.conf file?20:47
coleysGuest28032: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf20:47
=== core is now known as Guest39543
kyppcgeekcreate a ppoe dialer under network settings20:47
erUSUL!pm | DPic is "/msg nickname something" but20:47
ubottuDPic is "/msg nickname something" but: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:47
axos88Hello! I tried chrooting into a busybox environment, but my /etc/passwd and shadow files are not reckognized... when I try to use passwd, it says passwd: unknown uid 0. (even though it *is* there). Can anyone help me?20:48
Hilikusdoes anyone know how to dl the default 3.5 theme? the packaged version doesn't have it20:48
Guest28032how do i pastebin? and sorry, i'm not a master haha20:48
kyppcgeektry pwd or pass or password20:48
coleysGuest28032: http://pastebin.ca20:48
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest50135
Guest28032coleys: http://pastebin.ca/148869820:50
duryhi there all :)20:50
popartinHilikus seems to be a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/39678620:50
monostoneany one with experience using bogofilter with qmail virtual user setup? I need pointers or an example of how bogofilter should be called from within the .qmail file, I am not using procmail, thanks20:50
Hilikuspopartin, i know, but is there a way to dl it manually then? i can't find it20:50
laegi'm trying to install and run firestarter but i'm told "the device pan0 is not ready - please check your network device settings and make sure your internet connection is active" - is firestarter even necessary in jaunty? i just want to make sure :22 is open for ssh20:50
coleysGuest28032: Remove model from the last line (i.e. options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=120:51
kyppcgeekApple rules 4 ever!20:51
Picilaeg: If you used our ssh package then it should be open20:51
coleyslaeg: Use UFW instead.20:51
coleyslaeg: X64 of x86?20:52
kyppcgeekhahahah jk20:52
resnoHow do I install gnome along side ubunutu?20:52
popartinHilikus hmmm i am able to select a default theme20:52
coleysresno: Ubuntu is gnome.20:52
kyppcgeekresno: LMAO20:52
resnoI meant I am using Kubunutu.20:52
laegPici: i installed ssh and openssh-server via synaptic, that was correct, right?20:52
coleysresno: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:52
Hilikuspopartin: but its probably the 3.0.11 default theme. it should say so in the name20:52
laegcoleys: think it's x86, how can i check?20:52
resnocoleys: thanks.20:52
coleyslaeg: uname -a20:52
kyppcgeekresno open package installer and select gnome20:52
kyppcgeekit will install20:52
popartinHilikus oh yeah really you are right20:52
Guest28032coleys: ready20:53
resnocoleys: simple enough, couldnt remember the package name, and wanted to use terminal20:53
laegcoleys: Linux skyrocket 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux20:53
coleyslaeg: okay one sec!20:53
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:53
laegcoleys: ty ty20:53
Picilaeg: Yes20:53
ubottuThe only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels.20:53
aspiditeshi all20:53
Hilikuspopartin: do you have the normal ff logo or the blue world?20:53
laegPici: that's cool, are you saying by installing the synaptic ubuntu auto opens the ports?20:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about questionable20:53
duryhurra for linux :)20:53
popartinHilikus blue globe20:53
Picilaeg: It does indeed.20:53
laegPici: i mean installing those packages via synaptic20:53
ubottuFor PPC discussion, join #ubuntu-powerpc. For discussion on Mac software, or help with same, please visit ##apple.20:53
laegPici: i'm impressed, ty20:53
Pici!botabuse | kyppcgeek20:53
coleyslaeg: You are 32 bit, choose which is correct http://www.getdeb.net/app/gufw20:53
ubottukyppcgeek: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:54
kyppcgeekno not abuse20:54
Guest28032coleys now i should restart alsa?20:54
coleysGuest28032: Yes.20:54
kyppcgeekyes guest20:54
Picikyppcgeek: Please /msg ubottu20:54
coleysGuest28032: Or your computer.20:54
duryviva linux :)20:54
Picilaeg: Well, there are no iptables rules by default, so nothing needs to be changed.20:54
Guest28032let me restart my computer, brb20:54
laegcoleys: is it necessary to install? if in increases security great, pici has informed me port 22 is now open, basically i'm trying to set up ssh tunneling from a windows box through my ubuntu one over the net20:54
Guest28032coleys hey and thanks by the way20:54
laegPici: aren't the ports closed by default?20:55
laegcoleys: s/in/it20:55
JosshillCan anyone help me get Skype and Adobe on Ubuntu?20:55
coleyslaeg: Nope not necessary, thought you were searching for firewall software. =)20:55
Picilaeg: Nope, there just isn't anything listening on them.20:55
coleyslaeg: Sorry!20:55
yusuf-mhi've problem when i'm updating my computer20:55
aspiditeslaeg: do you have putty installed?20:55
laegcoleys: nps :) so it wouldn't increase security? then what's the purpose of it? :)20:55
laegaspidites: on the windows box i will yes20:55
coleyslaeg: It will increase security, its not necessary though =)20:55
laegaspidites: it's just for IM and firefox tunneling20:55
laegcoleys: i'll install it so ty :D20:56
aspiditeslaeg: i see20:56
L3dlinuxwas wondering whats the deal with ultamatrix doesnt see my  internet connection?20:56
yusuf-mhGPG error while update , how can i fix it ??20:56
laegPici: so closed is almost the same as not listening?20:56
laegPici: or just as secure?20:56
katakaioJosshill: Both are relatively easy, but you will need to add some repos20:56
coleyslaeg: You might require to open ports in your router.20:56
laegcoleys: i have no physical router20:57
Josshillkatakaio: Yea, Do you have a link or something to the info?20:57
coleyslaeg: "physical" meaning...?20:57
Josshillkatakaio: Ive done it before Just forget how..20:57
laegthere's an antenna on my roof that pics up some wireless signal from the isp (not wimax)20:57
yusuf-mhGPG error while update , how can i fix it ??  http://paste.ubuntu.com/213100/20:57
laegcoleys: physical meaning something you can hold in your hands20:57
katakaioYep. I can give you both repos. They're safe too.20:57
coleyslaeg: Lol, clearly. =P20:57
laegmore relevant to saying no physical firewall :)20:57
yusuf-mhplease help me >>20:57
coleyslaeg: Confirm that your ISP doesn't block certain ports?20:57
laegaspidites: can i use putty to tunnel, not just ssh to my box?20:57
katakaioFor Adobe, add http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner20:57
Hilikushow do i make normal xchat use the gnome notification bubble like gnome-xchat??20:58
laegcoleys: can you tell me how?20:58
DPicerUSUL, i wasn't asking a question. somebody pinged me who is no longer in the channel20:58
coleyslaeg: Umm, possibly contact them>20:58
erUSULDPic: ok; just fyi20:58
katakaioJosshill: You can change "jaunty" to whatever distro you're currently using20:58
aspiditeslaeg: yes IIRC, but it's been forever sine i have. gimme a sec20:58
twig11How do I check if a usb wireless network adapter is working under jaunty?20:58
vassleris there any way to TURN OFF all tooltips?20:58
laegcoleys: i can always change the tunnel port anyway? i think i'm going to tunnel out from the window xp pc on 8020:58
laegaspidites: cheers mate20:58
Josshillkatakaio: Alright20:58
laegafk few mins20:58
=== GHellings_ is now known as GHellings
erUSULtwig11: see if you have the corresponding wireless interface listed in the output of "iwconfig"20:59
aspiditeslaeg: well ssh tunnel anyways20:59
katakaioJosshill: And for Skype, add http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free20:59
vassleris there any way to TURN OFF all tooltips?20:59
yusuf-mhPLZ , help me . how can i fix my GPG error while i'm update ???20:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient20:59
coleys!enter | vassler20:59
ubottuvassler: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:59
GHellingsAny resident sound gurus around? I'm trying Karmic with my SoundBlaster X-Fi and having no luck with sound.20:59
twig11erUSUL: that would be Wlan0 or something like that, right?20:59
Josshillkatakaio I got a Forbidden command from skype.com20:59
katakaioJosshill: The packages are adobe-flashplugin and skype, respectively20:59
erUSULtwig11: yep20:59
twig11erUSUL: There's nothing.21:00
katakaioJosshill: Did you already try adding the Skype repo?21:00
laegaspidites: i had thought i'd input my ubuntu ip and some other details direct into firefox and pidgin on the win pc?21:00
Josshillkatakaio: I dont know where to get that21:00
erUSULtwig11: then it is not working...21:00
Josshillkatakaio: Or how to do it21:00
yusuf-mhnobody wanna help ??21:00
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »21:00
Josshillkatakaio: All I know is how to copy and paste into the terminal.21:01
coleys!question > yusuf-mh21:01
ubottuyusuf-mh, please see my private message21:01
vasslerdoes nobody know?21:01
katakaioJosshill: You can add repos in System -> Administration -> Software Sources21:01
twig11erUSUL: I was trying to get another adapter to work and I blacklisted islsmusb, islsm,21:01
spectoAnyone know of a program that lets you track ups/fedex packages via commandline?21:01
twig11and slsm-usb21:01
spectoor terminal I should say I suppose...21:01
aspiditeslaeg: unfortunately i can't remember how i did everything. i think archlinux has a good putty tutorial though21:01
twig11erUSUL: are those drivers? I was following someone else's directions when I did it.21:02
odlaIIcan the ubuntu 9.04 cd resize ntfs?21:02
coleysodlaII: Yes, but backup data on the windows partition.21:02
aspiditeslaeg: nvm. was plain sshtunnel tutorial. sorry i'm out of the know on this one21:02
odlaIIcoleys: sure ... thanks21:02
erUSULtwig11: let me check21:02
=== alberto is now known as Guest70525
GHellingsAnyone an expert on Sound drivers? My Audigy X-Fi isn't working in Karmic.21:03
Josshillkatakaio: Alright hang on..21:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cake21:03
katakaioJosshill: Take your time. I can repeat the repos if you need21:04
Josshillkatakaio: I cant figure this out.. Im adding the link but it wont allow me to add it21:04
erUSULtwig11: i do not have those modules in my system... so i dunno21:04
coleys!repos > Josshill21:04
ubottuJosshill, please see my private message21:04
=== cryptide_homewor is now known as cryptide
Greencoat421Can someone help me get the sound working on my 9.04 upgrade?21:05
coleysGreencoat421: lspci |grep -i audio (paste output in http://pastebin.ca)21:05
specto!sound | Greencoat42121:05
ubottuGreencoat421: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:05
twig11erUSUL: okay, another simple question: I opened /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist with gksudo gedit, but I don't know how to end the session properly. How do I quit gedit from terminal?21:05
coleystwig11: ontrol + C21:05
Josshillubottu: can you send me that again?21:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:06
coleystwig11: ontrol + C21:06
coleystwig11: Control + C21:06
coleys=P Sorry.21:06
Josshill!repos > josshill21:06
ubottuJosshill, please see my private message21:06
erUSULtwig11: just close the window21:06
dakarntwig11: you can use alt+f2 for an integrated run prompt as well21:06
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
glitsj16specto: http://www.kbrandt.com/2009/03/track-ups-packages-with-perl-webserviceups.html mentions a perl module to track ups, haven't used it myself, just passing along the URL21:06
twig11coleys: erUSUL: Thanks21:07
Greencoat421er, coleys http://pastebin.ca/148878421:07
spectoglitsj16: thanks21:07
=== tyler is now known as Guest47051
Seven-7I'm trying to get a Tower of mine on the internet. Here's the chain: Tower --(eth)--> Switch --(eth)--> Laptop --(wireless)--> Router ---> Internet21:07
kane77how can I get some data (random amount) into a file in a bash script (I know about /dev/rand but how do I tell it I want random length?21:08
Greencoat421That tell you what you needed to know coleys?21:08
spectoSeven-7: ewww.  why not just Tower --> Router21:08
vassleris there any way to TURN OFF all tooltips?21:08
spectoSeven-7: or Tower --> Switch --> Router21:08
Seven-7specto: I would, cep't the tower isn't close to the router.21:08
Seven-7specto: Nor is the switch.21:09
coleysGreencoat421: Do this: 'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf' then add this to bottom 'options snd-hda-intel model=3stack'21:09
coleysGreencoat421: Then save, and restart.21:09
Beatlesfanwow...almost did it... almost switched back to Windows... - what was I thinking!!21:09
glitsj16specto: if you're into PHP this looks nice as well: http://www.marksanborn.net/php/tracking-ups-packages-with-php/21:09
erUSULSeven-7: what is the problem ?21:09
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Seven-7erusul: I'm not sure how to make the router spit the Internet cross the switch to the tower.21:10
Beatlesfantime lapse to install Windows XP sp3 from sp1 CD with all apps - ~5 hours21:10
Seven-7Internet seems to stop at the Laptop.21:10
coleysBeatlesfan: ew.21:10
spectoglitsj16: not quite what I am looking for :P, but thanks21:10
Beatlesfantime lapse to install Ubuntu Jaunty with all apps - < 1 hour21:10
coleysBeatlesfan: <30 mins +D21:10
Josshillkatakaio: Can you help me with the repos.. Im still confused.21:10
Greencoat421ok coleys off to restart if all goes well I shant be back21:10
erUSULSeven-7: you have to make the laptop share the conection it has to the router. how to do it depends on what OS you have on the laptop21:11
coleysGreencoat421: good luck =)21:11
Seven-7erusul: Ubuntu 9.0421:11
aspiditesBeatlesfan: time lapse to install archlinux with all apps you want - < 30 min :) j/k not here to advertise, just wanna help21:11
Seven-7erusul: Desktop edition.21:11
erUSUL!inetsharing | Seven-7 adapt this how to to your case21:11
ubottuSeven-7 adapt this how to to your case: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:11
aspiditesBeatlesfan: assuming you go with minimal desktop of course21:11
coleysaspidites: kdemod ftw. =D21:11
toothyanyone here using a Palm Pre + Ubunut?21:11
toothylol ubunut.... *Ubuntu21:12
JosshillCan anyone help me with adding programs?21:12
Beatlesfanaspidites I went with enhanced desktop and took a little less than an hour to install21:12
AJC_Z0To get on another network from the one given by DHCP using NetworkManager on eth1, I use "sudo ip addr add dev eth1". What's the correct way to automate this?21:12
aspiditescoleys: i was really impressed with kdemod 4.2. curious to see the 4.3 release21:12
coleysJosshill: sudo apt-get install program-name21:12
=== kevin__ is now known as newsai
coleysaspidites: Yeah... (I put it on my parents desktop, told them its vista=D)21:12
erUSUL!software | Josshill21:12
ubottuJosshill: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:12
aspiditescoleys: using musca now though. nerd factor +100021:12
katakaioJosshill: In your case, you'll want to sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin skype21:12
Josshillkatakaio: alright21:13
aspiditescoleys: did something similar to my cousin when his vista started acting up. he's obsessed with the eye candy now21:13
AJC_Z0Josshill: Try using the Symantic Package Manager under System > Administration, or Applications > Add/Remove...21:13
coleysaspidites: Yeah... Easy way to get people to switch =P Eye candy at first. :D21:13
aspiditesBeatlesfan: enhanced desktop. for ubuntu i assume that means gnome + compiz21:13
laegaspidites: no worries friend, ty21:13
erUSULkatakaio: Josshill is flashplugin-nonfree and skype is only aviable on medibuntu21:13
Greencoat421coleys no luck21:13
erUSUL!medibuntu | Josshill katakaio21:13
ubottuJosshill katakaio: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:13
JosshillThanks guys21:14
JosshillThat was what I was looking for.21:14
aspiditescoleys: that + wine so they don't complain that they cant use photoshop or whatever.21:14
Beatlesfanaspidites: right, exactly plus I had to roll back my intel driver so that it could handle it..21:14
katakaioerUSUL: I gave Josshill the official Skype repo already21:14
Greencoat421Is the no sound a widespread problem for 9.04?21:14
aspiditesBeatlesfan: ah. is ubuntu not using fusion plugins yet?21:14
erUSULkatakaio: ok; fair enough21:14
Beatlesfanaspidites: not sure21:14
amcsihow do I install php on a fresh ubuntu 8?21:14
katakaioerUSUL: And adobe-flashplugin is available through the Canonical repo21:14
erUSUL!lamp | amcsi21:14
ubottuamcsi: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:14
coleysGreencoat421: type: 'alsamixer' in terminal. (And move speaker, PCM, Master, and headphones to max)21:14
Beatlesfanaspidites: can't get it to work with my Geforce 6200 Nvidia card21:14
aspiditesBeatlesfan: which nvidia drivers btw? 185.18.14 is running nice with my 860021:15
amcsiawesome, thx21:15
coleysaspidites: What does hardware drivers install...?21:15
Beatlesfanaspidites: again, not sure21:15
coleysaspidites: (version of nvidia I mean)21:15
erUSULcoleys: it depends on the hardware it detects21:15
Greencoat421coleys I have Master, PCM and Front, maxed, but for headphones it just has mm and won't let me change it21:15
Beatlesfanaspidites: I need to do some more research, but Its' working great on my onboard intel 865G video driver21:16
aspiditescoleys: on arch 185.18.14. adds hardware acceleration21:16
=== Hilikus_ is now known as aie
coleysaspidites: Does the driver from the website aswell?21:16
aspiditesBeatlesfan: really? i've heard all kinds of horror stories about intel drivers. particularly framebuffer graphics issues and artifacts while gaming21:16
JosshillError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt4-dbus (>= 4.4.3) So I did everything for Jaunty21:17
aspiditescoleys: i believe that's the one the arch repos are using. (unless you go with aur, then its the beta drivers)21:17
Beatlesfanaspidites: it took me some heavy research but I found a solution that works.. you have to rollback the driver to a previous version21:17
Josshillfor medibuntu21:17
coleysIntel sucks... read sound section in ubuntu forums... = Mostly Intel and (tiny bit of pulse)21:17
Josshillbut I got that error21:17
katakaioJosshill: That's why I rarely use Medibuntu21:17
Beatlesfanaspidites: I thought for sure my Geforce 6200 would work but no joy21:17
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:17
Beatlesfanaspidites: Ubuntu won't even boot21:17
katakaioJosshill: If you use the repos I suggested, you won't have dependency issues21:17
aspiditesyeah. in a 3 month span i went from nvidia drivers jacking up my desktop effects to something really stable. guys at nvidia are doing a bang up job IMHO21:18
rockoso I got this umm, question21:18
rockohow do I get a list of all the commands21:18
katakaioJosshill: It's okay to use Medibuntu, but it means a bit more legwork for you in terms of dependencies21:18
aspiditesBeatlesfan: really? worst i ever got was a crashing x session. i could always get to run level 3 though21:18
rockothat the black and blue box can do, also where do the icons come from on the application box thing down in the corner21:18
JosshillJosshill: For now its simple21:18
aspiditesBeatlesfan: then again, doesn't ubuntu start init 5 and gdm by default anyways?21:19
Josshillkatakaio: For now its simple21:19
rockoI'd ever so appreciate any help21:19
jimcooncatis there a "top" program for network activity?21:19
aspiditesrocko: commands for what? installed apps?21:19
spectorocko: a list of all of the commands ?21:19
Beatlesfanaspidites: Ubuntu starts to boot up , gets about 1/4 way through start up and hangs... screen turns black.. nothing21:19
spectojimcooncat: ntop21:19
specto!info ntop21:20
Josshillkatakaio: How do I download Skype off of Medibuntu?21:20
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2599 kB, installed size 10812 kB21:20
laegsomeone on the ubuntu forums told me to enter "ssh -D username@server.com" to start my server - am i supposed to replace username with my ubuntu system username and server.com with my ip address?21:20
aspiditesjimcooncat: if you have netcfg you could always use iwconfig or iwlist <interface> scanning to get some basic info21:20
katakaioJosshill: I don't know the answer to that. I only use the official Skype repo.21:20
coleyslaeg: ssh username@host21:20
erUSULjimcooncat: iftop21:20
aspiditesrocko: most apps are installed in /usr/bin. so you could always do "ls /usr/bin"21:20
Josshillkatakaio: Can you explain how to use the official?21:21
Josshillkatakaio: The link you sent me was a forbidden link21:21
twig11I'm trying to install a USB wireless network adapter, and I found directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Linksys_WUSB11v4_(ndiswrapper). I have the driver I downloaded from Linksys, I have ndiswrapper and ndisgtk installed. Is Step 1(installing a fresh version of ndiswrapper) necessary if my system is up-to-date?21:21
spectojimcooncat: iftop is better if you want something like top21:21
doorknob20anyone here able to help me with a md software raid issue?21:21
aspiditesrocko: some distros install select apps (like java, limewire, etc) in /opt, so check there as well21:21
jimcooncatthanks specto, aspidites and erUSUL21:21
JosshillIts duckz21:21
ikoniadoorknob20: what's the issue ?21:21
katakaioJosshill: Absolutely. Did you say that21:21
laegcoleys: host name of my system, when i say this i refer to what i named it?21:21
Josshillkatakaio: Yes?21:21
laegcoleys: i.e laeg@skyrocket21:21
coleyslaeg: uhh, preferably IP, Local or internet.21:21
doorknob20it's persistence.  it was there, then ater some reboots, not there.  then again.21:21
laegcoleys: i want to be able to access it from over the internet21:22
ikoniadoorknob20: do you have an mdadm.conf file ?21:22
katakaioJosshill: Sorry - Did you say that "http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free" was rejected?21:22
coleyslaeg: ssh username@internetip21:22
laegsweet :)21:22
laegcoleys: any reason i should just use :22 instead of :1337?21:22
katakaioJosshill: Be sure to include the spaces. That's often my mistake :)21:22
doorknob20possibly.  let me check21:22
aspiditesjimcooncat: welcome. not sure what i did though :P21:22
coleyslaeg: Dunno. defaults ftw? =)21:22
doorknob20yes, iit's there21:23
aspiditescoleys: funny how sane defaults sometimes drive us insane21:23
jimcooncataspidites: got me an iftop, that's cool21:23
ikoniadoorknob20: check it's validity, can you manually start the array ?21:23
coleysaspidites: really is =p21:23
laegcoleys: ya defaults ftw :) so do i need to specify 22 or just leave out the port?21:23
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coleyslaeg: No port required.21:23
doorknob20i'm new to that.  do u know the mdadm command for it?  it's a raid1 device21:23
aspiditesjimcooncat: oh21:24
Josshillkatakaio: Im still getting forbidden..21:24
laegcoleys: ty ty21:24
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ikoniadoorknob20: please pastebin your mdadm.conf file21:24
doorknob20stand by21:24
jimcooncata lot of activity on, I guess that's SMB21:24
Sky3RNhttp://twitter.com/Sky3RN \o/21:24
doorknob20here it is21:25
Sky3RNEt ta mère, elle spams ?21:25
katakaioJosshill: Can you edit the entry after adding it, or is it impossible to add it in Software Sources?21:25
coleys!fr | Sky3RN21:25
ubottuSky3RN: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:25
ikoniaSky3RN: your twitter page has nothing to do with ubuntu21:25
Sky3RNOk, ok. :p21:25
sillyCEOI'm on an Eeepc, can't find where to adjust screen resolution21:25
laegcoleys: it says Bad dynamic port ''21:25
ikoniadoorknob20: ahhh there mdadm.conf file has no config in it for disks21:26
laegcoleys: laeg@skyrocket:~$ ssh -D laeg@my.actual.internet.ip21:26
coleyslaeg: thats not the internet ip, thats localhost. Search whats my Ip on google(on the host computer)21:26
laegcoleys: i did mate21:27
laegcoleys: i have my internet ip21:27
coleyslaeg: no... Just do... ssh username@internetip (no -D)21:27
laegcoleys: ok21:27
laegcoleys: i dunno why the guy on the forums said to use -D21:27
doorknob20that's odd.  it appears every so often and I can mount it21:27
coleyslaeg: Its the otherway, this way's easier =)21:27
Fed51running a LAMP, downloaded wordpress and install it, when viewing from my ubuntu box that is hosting it, it displays fine, but when viewing from an XP machine all CSS seems to be stripped, does this have anything to do with suhosin and is there an easy solution?21:27
katakaioJosshill: Here's my source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype21:28
ikoniaFed51: suhosin ?21:28
kyjaI cant seem to get amarok to work21:28
GHellingsKarmic is only recognizing my SoundBlaster X-Fi as a "Generic [HD-Audio Generic]" -- no sound.21:28
laegcoleys: cool mate, brb smoke! :P21:28
Fed51ikonia: yeah, it's some sort of patch built into php521:28
erUSULGHellings: #ubuntu+1 for karmic please21:28
Josshillkatakaio: In Software sources?21:28
ikoniaFed51: no - it's nothing to do with that21:28
doorknob20so how do I generate a persistent mdmconf file?21:29
Fed51ikonia: ok, so instead of critiquing my lack of knowledge on this issue, why not try and help21:29
Fed51sound good?21:29
ikoniaFed51: the most common cause of things like that is the css being referenced by a FQDN URL21:29
aspiditesFed51: just guessing, but would it be a browser related issue, or are you running the same browser on both machines?21:29
ikoniaFed51: I'm not crituqing - drop the attitude21:29
katakaioJosshill: Yes. System -> Administration -> Software Sources. Then select the "Third-Party Software" tab.21:29
Fed51same browser on both machines21:29
Josshillkatakaio: Ok I got that21:29
ikoniadoorknob20: you need to start the array, then output the output of a scan to the mdadm.conf21:29
Josshillkatakaio: Now what?21:29
Fed51ikonia: sorry, i got my gaurd up cause all the elitists out there21:29
ikoniaFed51: I said an FQDN - not browser21:30
ikoniaFed51: what URL do you access the site on on your ubuntu machine21:30
dmsupermanMy terminals take a bit before the shell prompt comes up, any idea how to determine what's taking so much time? I'm using zsh21:30
katakaioJosshill: First, check the Canonical repo if it isn't already checked21:30
aspiditesikonia: he was talking to me about the browser :)21:30
ikoniaaspidites: ah21:30
Josshillkatakaio: How do I get there?21:30
alejandro_i need some help21:30
coleys!br | alejandro_21:30
ubottualejandro_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:30
doorknob20i'm a simple man here.  what would the mdadm command be to start my array?  It's raid1, dev is /dev/md_d0, disks are /dev/sda and /dev/sdb21:30
Fed51ikonia: not FQDN, just directory reference21:30
katakaioJosshill: Do you see a list of repos on the "Third-Party Software" tab?21:31
ikoniadoorknob20: what command did you use to build the array21:31
erUSULcoleys: he talked in english21:31
ikoniaFed51: ok - so that would be for example "/data/theme/blah/style.css" - how do you access the site from XP ?21:31
coleyserUSUL: I know.21:31
doorknob20i followed a howto it was something like mdadm, the device node, the two drives and auto21:31
Fed51i just put in the ip address of my LAMP server21:31
ikoniaFed51: ok - that makes sense21:32
coleyslaeg: sucess?:)21:32
laegcoleys: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.21:32
ikoniaFed51: you need a URL, themes normally reference by URL rather than IP21:32
alejandro_hello someone could help me with a problem i have with my sound system?21:32
laegcoleys: i was going to paste the next line but it has hex - is that a key?21:32
doorknob20so I should just re-run that command?21:32
laegcoleys: it wants me to accept it21:32
coleyslaeg: No... Just type this 'ssh laeg@internetip' nothing else =P21:32
Fed51ikonia: k21:32
erUSUL!details | alejandro_21:32
ubottualejandro_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:32
coleyslaeg: type: yes21:32
ikoniaFed51: eg: the theme file would be "$URL/theme/style.css" so when you do $IP/theme/style.css it can't find it - so you don't get it loaded in your browser21:32
guntbert!prefix | doorknob2021:33
ubottudoorknob20: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:33
laegcoleys: Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.21:33
laegWrite failed: Broken pipe21:33
coleyslaeg: Then your password on that system.21:33
laegi typed yes and that's what it output21:33
coleyslaeg: Yeah thats fine.21:33
Fed51ikonia: but shouldn't wordpress display correctly if it's an oob install?21:33
ikoniaFed51: oob ?21:33
Fed51ikonia: i've added and changed nothing21:33
Fed51oob = out of box21:33
aspiditesikonia: out of box21:33
alejandro_i was doing a routine upgrade when the upgrade manager crash, i restart my ubuntu and then the sound was doing a weird sound every time i treied to listen something21:33
ikoniaFed51: no - as the theme will normally reference by a full URL21:34
laegcoleys: it didn't ask for pass - that all it output the the prompt21:34
Vincemanwhere can you set the size of your webcam broadcasting?21:34
erUSULalejandro_: did you finished the upgrade ?21:34
coleysalejandro_: lspci |grep -i audio (paste at http://pastebin.ca)21:34
Fed51ikonia: so why would it display properly on the host box?21:34
spectoVinceman: broadcasting?21:34
alejandro_no it was blocked21:34
coleyslaeg: Try 'ssh laeg@internetip' again.21:34
ikoniaFed51: because it's an abousoute path to a directory, not a URL21:34
Fed51ikonia: ah21:34
erUSULalejandro_: try to finish it. « sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade »21:35
aspiditesFed51: dns FTW21:35
Fed51let me double checl on the apsolute path21:35
Vincemanspecto ok, just the size of your webcam21:35
ikoniaFed51: check the path to CSS on the IP url, eg: $IP/theme/info/style.css21:35
spectoVinceman: really depends on what app you are using, and the capabilities of your cam21:35
Vincemanit is a flash app21:36
laegcoleys: i'm connected :) so will this server un all the time by default?21:36
coleyslaeg: Yes.21:36
laegcoleys: is there anything else i need to do with it on the ubuntu side to allow IM/http tunneling to a windows px?21:36
coleyslaeg: Have fun with it =D21:36
coleyslaeg: Not really sure about that, google search?21:37
Fed51ikonia: it's actually referring to
laegcoleys: okay thanks :) one more thing, is it secure? should i set up a key?21:37
laeginstead of my pass which is crptic21:37
ikoniaFed51: well spotted, there is the problem21:37
Fed51ikonia: thanks21:38
ikoniano problem21:38
coleyslaeg: Its secure because people don't know your password for laeg on that system.21:38
bastidrazorlaeg, you can connect from a windows box to ubuntu with putty or winscp .. also you could try cygwin on windows for a shell on windows21:38
gilles_!hey | shwouchkster21:38
ubottushwouchkster: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:38
Seven-7I've entered into the CLI "sudo ifconfig eth1", how do I undo this?21:38
Seven-7It should be eth021:38
Vincemanspecto, what's the difference between flash and other apps?21:38
Vincemanwhy doesn't it work with flash but does it work with other apps?21:39
sephyhow do I start alien arena 2009... it says type ./crx in the shell to run the game but I can't figure out how to get it to run.21:39
coleysSeven-7: sudo ifconfig eth1 down21:39
shwouchksterIs there a way to make a certain connection default? (i.e. I have a mobile broadband connection via my phone, and I want it to be used if both it and wifi are available)21:39
coleysSeven-7: sudo ifconfig eth1 down21:39
Seven-7_Thanks, my net went out for some reason.21:39
aspiditesshwouchkster: command line or certain program you're using?21:39
laegbastidrazor: cool, i've used putty before so i'll stick with that. is this a socks proxy now? i mean can i just input my ip to firefox's connection settings with my ubuntu username and pass?21:39
Seven-7_coleys: Much appreciated.21:39
laegcoleys: secure is good ty :)21:39
sam__hehe I have somehow disabled the desktop? while playing with ubuntu-tweak  i dont see no icons or i cant right click? lol21:40
ikoniasam__: ubuntu tweak is not supported here21:40
shwouchksteraspidites: I use nm-applet but I'm not afraid of bash21:40
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aspiditesshwouchkster: is nm-applet a netcfg front end by chance?21:40
sam__okay.. is there a command to disable the desktop and re enable?21:40
ikoniasam__: no21:41
sam__no idea what i have done lol21:41
ikoniasam__: depends what you did to disable it21:41
sam__i dont rember. something in ubuntu ***21:41
shwouchksteraspidites: now that's a hard question... it's a Networkmanager fe, I don't know what is netcfg21:41
ikoniasam__: that's one of the reasons the aplication is not supported, sorry21:41
bastidrazorlaeg, not that i know of... winscp would be for transferring files while on the windows box.21:42
shwouchksteraspidites: it's how ubuntu manages the network by default21:42
sam__ermm okay thx21:42
aspiditesshwouchkster: oh ok. nvm then. was asking cause i'm only familiar with netcfg and its frontends (wicd for example) both of which are easy to set default networks with.21:42
laegbastidrazor: thanks21:43
aspiditesshwouchkster: haven't used network-mananger in a while since it was buggy on my system, so i'm not sure how to set default. sorry21:43
shwouchksteraspidites: I see. Well, thanks - I'll look into netcfg at least21:43
shwouchksteraspidites: it used to be on mine too, but it's very solid these days21:43
bastidrazorlaeg, also scp on ubuntu is a powerful tool.. it is used just like ssh21:44
aspiditesshwouchkster: sorry i wasn't of any help21:44
coleyslaeg: ssh is fun =D21:44
amcsihow do I make a .deb file install to a different directory?21:45
ikoniaamcsi: you can't21:45
amcsihow about .rpm files?21:45
ikoniaamcsi: they are not supported on debian based systems,  but still no21:45
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dhqwhen ever i transfer files to my external harddrive my cpu hangs and crahes kubuntu9.0421:46
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aspiditesikonia: technically coudln't he extract the deb package change some parameters, then repackage it? would have to do it for each package, but just asking for arguments sake21:47
th0rikonia: actually, you can extract the contents of an rpm using mc in a terminal...put them where you want21:47
ikoniaaspidites: if you'd like to join the real world21:47
ikoniath0r: then that's not installing an rpm - that's putting flat files where you want them21:47
th0rikonia: agreed, but it would allow him to pick and choose the files he wants and where he wants them. Just passing it along for fyi21:48
aspiditesikonia: i'm in the archlinux world where a simple command line switch allows me to change this kind of behavior :)21:48
ikoniaaspidites: he's not compiling it, so it's not relevant21:48
dartemiswhy does my linux freeze all the time ??21:48
coleysalejandro_: Sucesss?21:48
coleysalejandro_: Sim ou Non D+21:49
laegbastidrazor, coleys: thanks guys :)21:49
aspiditesikonia: makepkg does compile, so it is relevant. also, there is a program that allows you to install rpm packages on debian systems, though it isn't recommended21:49
coleyslaeg: No worries =)21:49
sebsebsebdartemis: when exactly does it freeze?21:49
cabrey!details | dartemis21:49
ubottudartemis: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:49
amcsihow do I change the install directory of source files?21:49
ikoniaaspidites: I'm well of aware of this, he's not compiling though, so it's not relevant21:49
ikoniaamcsi: how did you get the source files21:49
ikoniaamcsi: what do you want to install ?21:49
hateneed some help on ubuntu server getting error eth0: transmit error, TX21:49
amcsiflash player21:50
amcsi(for opera)21:50
cabreyamcsi, flash isn't open source21:50
hatewas trying to install lammp, using wget21:50
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amcsithen those aren't source files21:50
amcsithey are something else21:50
erUSULhate: Use synaptic for that21:50
amcsibut they were in a tar.gz21:50
sephyWhy the crap can't I get this game to run!21:50
cabreyamcsi, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-installer21:50
guntbert!info lamp | hate21:50
ubottuhate: Package lamp does not exist in jaunty21:50
sebsebsebsephy: which game?21:50
ikoniaamcsi: there is a documentation page on the opera site on how to do it21:50
sephyAlien Arena 200921:50
aspiditessephy: what game and what errors are you getting/21:50
erUSUL!lamp | hate21:51
ubottuhate: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:51
sebsebsebsephy: that's a Windows game?21:51
cabreyamcsi, sorry flashplugin-installer21:51
amcsiyes, and it tells me to download the tar.gz21:51
coleyssephy: Need.... a graphics with 3d availability21:51
bastidrazorlaeg, you can also set up no passwd for easy access to ubuntu boxes..  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys21:51
erUSULcabrey: amcsi flashplugin-nonfree ??21:51
ikoniaamcsi: untar it - tar zxvf $file.tar21:51
sephyJust one second21:51
aspiditesno. alien area is open source21:51
erUSUL!info flashplugin-nonfree21:51
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)21:51
cabreyerUSUL, same thing, there is a bunch of packages that do the same thing21:51
bastidrazorlaeg, via ssh/scp/putty/winscp .. of course21:51
laegbastidrazor: ya that's what i was talking about21:51
JoeMsomehow ComposeKey got turned on (8.10 64 bit) how do I turn it off?21:51
laegbastidrazor: bookmarked thanks, i'll leave it as a pass for the moment21:51
aspiditessephy: are you sure your hardware supports opengl/ hardware acceleration21:52
aspiditessephy: ie, glcube works?21:52
amcsiI'll pay attention to the website more before asking another question :P21:52
erUSULJoeM: system>Preferences>keyboard21:52
sephyI can run WoW, ect on this laptop21:52
JoeMerusul already tried that, turned off all checkboxes21:52
aspiditessephy: glxgears i mean21:52
laegbastidrazor: in most offices is it likely for port 22 to be blocked?21:52
bastidrazorlaeg, there are also ways to use GUI to connect via ssh.. if you prefer.21:52
coleyslaeg: 22... uhmm I don't think so.21:53
sephyLet me get the error for you. one second.21:53
amcsiit says on the website that the flash player installer will ask me where to install itself21:53
amcsibut it doesn't ask me21:53
aspiditessephy: just because a game runs under windows doesn't mean it'll run under linux. my old graphics card supported directx but not opengl21:53
amcsiit just tells where it wants to install21:53
amcsihow do I change that?21:53
bastidrazorlaeg, that i don't know. my isp blocks it so i have to set a secondary port.21:53
eeepc-userhello all, anyone know anything about eeepan?21:53
skylighthow are the cool grapics called like the burning window ? :$21:53
cabreyamcsi, how are you installing flash?21:53
ikoniaamcsi: MontelEdwards21:53
ikoniaamcsi: oops21:53
sheep96783what does suspend do?21:53
ikoniaamcsi: http://www.opera.com/docs/linux/plugins/install/21:53
ortsvorsteher!anyone | eeepc-user21:53
ubottueeepc-user: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:53
FloodBot2ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:53
jpdsikonia: Haha.21:54
MontelEdwardsikonia: wad up21:54
* erUSUL :)21:54
ikoniaMontelEdwards: sorry typo21:54
ikoniaMontelEdwards: client auto complete21:54
MontelEdwardsno biggie :)21:54
skylightSheep : leaves the session so u can continue it later21:54
intokWhy is ubuntu 9.04 64 bit soooooooooooooo much slower then 32 bit?21:54
ikoniaintok: it's not21:54
cabreyintok, why is the sky blue? we need details!21:54
guntbert!who | skylight21:55
ubottuskylight: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:55
LexyHow do i remove a user and everything in their home folder over SSH?21:55
ikoniaLexy: userdel -r21:55
sheep96783skylight, does the hard drive turn off?21:55
cabreyLexy, you need to use sudo with that21:55
JoeMerusul this is exactly what my typing has become: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GtkComposeTable  doesnt do it in all apps (none of the KDE ones I use on GNOME, and not in terminal)  Any ideas?21:55
skylightsheep96783 nop[e21:55
skylightsheep96783, also not when ur choosing terminate21:56
sheep96783hibernate turns the hdd off doesn't it?21:56
monostoneany one with experience using bogofilter with qmail virtual user setup? I need pointers or an example of how bogofilter should be called from within the .qmail file, I am not using procmail, thanks21:57
skylightsheep96783 i thought so like standy on windows21:57
intokikonia lies, lies and slander, I'm running the 32 bit versionon a sempron 2400+ throughbred-b with 1Gb ddr400 and a geforce 6200 agp, compared to an X2 400+ 1Gb ddr2 800 geforce 6150se 64 bit and the old box running 32 bit runs circles around it21:57
amcsihow do I change the install dir for app-get install?21:57
sheep96783hibernate is on windows too21:57
sheep96783my laptop doesn't like hibernate. it just gives me the blinking _ and nothing else21:57
frostburnintok, define slow21:57
skylightsheep96783 ah other language on my windows its like stanby21:57
Dulakintok: you got something going on there, my 64 bit install smokes a 32 bit install on the same machine21:57
erUSULJoeM: i dunno sorry21:58
ikoniaintok: I suspect it is a false opinion, more likley your nvidia card has better support on the faster machine, etc21:58
skylightsheep96783 it turns the hdd down but saves what u were doing for the next time21:58
frostburnis a specific application not running fast?21:58
ikoniaintok: the benchmarks for 64bit differ with your opinion21:58
intokconstant paging out, slow window redraws, sluggish responce with more then 3 apps running21:58
sheep96783standby is on windows, it's the same as hibernate except you can't come out of it. useless feature21:58
JoeMerusul damn, thanks anyway... been searching for over a day now, at least now I know WHY it's doing this, now to figure out how to stop it :P21:59
ikoniaintok: sounds virual, check the system load compared to redraw21:59
amcsihow do I change the install dir for app-get install?21:59
ikoniaamcsi: you can't21:59
erUSULJoeM: ok; good luck21:59
skylightsheep96783 stanby = ur memory is still running hibernate : the thing on memory on stanby is on the hdd21:59
sheep96783skylight, is the blinking _ normal then? if so, how come out?21:59
amcsiin what way can I get flash player installed in opera then?21:59
skylightsheep96783 just push ur power button once21:59
ikoniaamcsi: read the link I sent you21:59
frostburnintok, if it's paging out, change your swappiness or get more memory, what process is using swap?21:59
amcsiit doesn't say it in the link21:59
sheep96783i think i tried that. i'll test agaoin22:00
ikoniaamcsi: yes it does22:00
ikoniaamcsi: it even has it in the heading22:00
amcsi"Follow the instructions on the download page. The installer will offer to install the plug-in, and for Opera you should choose /usr/lib/opera as the installation path."22:00
erUSULsheep96783: blinking keyboard leds == Kernel Panic == BSOD of Linux22:00
amcsithe installer does not offer that22:00
syslq78What is default shell on ubuntu, bash or dash?22:00
ikoniaamcsi: how are you installing it22:00
stefgamsci: this is not clicking setup.exe. have a read about the FHS and learn about package managers22:00
amcsitar.gz ./install22:00
aspiditessyslq78: bash22:00
stefg!fhs | amcsi22:00
ubottuamcsi: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview22:00
intokfirefox and azureus/vuze, I use both on both, but the old 32 bit box is nowhere near as bad about paging out22:00
ikoniaamcsi: what happens ?22:00
frostburnsyslq78, env | grep SHELL22:01
syslq78aspidites, wasnt there an idea to make dash default or even was in one of the releases?22:01
amcsito install flash 10 now, press enter22:01
ikoniaamcsi: then what22:01
aspiditessyslq78: dunno22:01
erUSULsyslq78: dash *is* default /bin/sh22:01
amcsiadobe flahs player will now be installed into mozilla. proceed? y/n/q22:01
syslq78frostburn, I'm not on ubuntu now :), but I know bash when I see it and this is bash22:01
ikoniaamcsi: there you go22:01
Drekianyone know of a good gnutella-2 app for ubuntu?22:01
ikoniaamcsi: "no" is the answer22:01
amcsiand no gives back the same message22:02
syslq78erUSUL, thanks22:02
ubottufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire22:02
amcsii mean the same question22:02
th0rDreki: gtk-gnutella22:02
amcsii thought n would be logical too22:02
ikoniaamcsi: it is22:02
syslq78frostburn, nevertheless thanks22:02
ikoniaamcsi: read the "INSTALL" file22:02
aspiditesikonia: iirc cant he point opera to mozilla plugin directory?22:02
Drekith0r: does that support gnutella 2? i know it works for gnutella22:02
ikoniaaspidites: I actually don't know that22:02
th0rDreki: not sure...haven't used  it in quite a while22:03
Lexyuserdel -r name, that removes the user, home folder and all contents yes?22:03
ikoniaLexy: yes22:03
LexyCant bring anything back??22:03
WormikI made binary files of FireFox 3.5 for 64-bit systems. It's like 32-bit archive from mozilla.com (russian version), but english was not deleted, and with Flash plugin. Link: http://www.easy-share.com/1906670601/firefox-3.5_x86_64.tar.bz222:03
amcsiikonia: should I find the default installation folder in the file and reqrite it?22:03
ikoniaWormik: please don't advertise / spam in here22:03
aspiditesamcsi: i don't have opera installed right now, but iirc, there is an option in preferences on whee to look for plugins. you could have opera look in the mozilla plugin directory22:03
ikoniaWormik: it you want a package included go through the motu proces22:03
intokand buying more ram is out of the question, I don't buy comp parts, I find whole systems the trash that have thrashed windows installs22:04
amcsiaspidites: that was the first thing I tried. It cannot access it22:04
sheep96783are you sure hibernate doesn't turn the hdd off, because it seemed like my laptop was completely off22:04
skylightsheep96783 hibernate does22:04
aspiditesamcsi: sounds like you tried to go to /usr/share somthing. try the location in your home directory?22:04
skylightsheep96783 standby doesnt22:04
frostburnsheep96783, hibernate turns the computer off, on boot, it will read from the disk hibernation file22:05
frostburnin swap22:05
aspiditesamcsi: .mozilla/plugins ?22:05
ikoniaaspidites: the opera guide says /usr/lib/opera22:05
sheep96783but ubuntu doesn't have standby, which i'm wanting22:05
Wormikikonia, I will made deb later. But don't get link anybody. deb is created now22:05
aspiditesikonia: right but if that isn't working for him/her for whatever reason, i figure an alternative might help22:05
frostburnsheep96783, it does have standby, your motherboard may not support it22:05
sheep96783what's suspend?22:05
badeaglemaking ubuntu debs is hard :(22:06
skylightsheep96783 think like stanby22:06
frostburnit is22:06
laegbastidrazor: if i have the ip address of the windows box is there a way to check what ports are open?22:06
sephyOk. Im having an issue running alien arena 2009 and his is what the terminal says when I try to run this22:06
laegcoleys: maybe i could use port 80?22:06
Lexyover SSH.. How do i see user accounts22:07
LexyAnd groups?22:07
erxini want to turn off dansguardian, there was a gui app on ubuntu to turn off dansguardian with a simply start stop button, but i dont remember the name can anyone help me out please22:07
bastidrazorlaeg, you can not ssh/scp to a windows box unless it  has cygwin installed and running.22:07
ikoniasephy: the config files are not executable22:07
ikoniaLexy: just look in the password/group files22:07
frostburnlaeg, nmap22:07
Exaviornlexy:you could for standard users :cd /home22:07
* Lexy is extremely new to ubuntu and ssh22:07
=== arand_ is now known as arand
ikoniaLexy: open the /etc/passwd file in a text editor, or cat it, or more it22:08
adi_hi ppl watch the movie zeitgeist. it's free. (escuse for this ops) :|22:08
sephyIkonia: Well, I don't know how to fix that.22:08
mohammed510I have a question a bout the command let usually used by while in bash programming , Any one can help me??22:08
ikoniasephy: get support from the games makers, or chmod the file22:08
guntbertbastidrazor: cygwin is no prerequisite for ssh-server, not even on windows :-)22:09
sephychmod 666?22:09
ikoniasephy: executable22:09
bastidrazorguntbert, how else does one ssh to a windows box?22:09
Lexyikonia, whats in that file?22:09
badeaglesophy: chmod +x22:09
LexyI'm looking at it, are they the users?22:09
ikoniaLexy: user accounts22:10
Lexythanks :)22:10
guntbertmohammed510: ask in #bash please22:10
glitsj16badeagle: you might find giftwrap interesting to ease deb creation etc. --> https://launchpad.net/giftwrap22:10
sheep96783i've got another conundrum22:10
sheep96783what's ubuntu's definition of 'sleep'?22:10
guntbertbastidrazor: install a ssh-server...22:10
erUSULsheep96783: suspend to ram22:10
mohammed510guntbert: Thanks very much22:10
nh2hi! how can I show images in gtk dialogs as miniatures? this would make opening images much easier22:10
guntbertmohammed510: :)22:11
coleyslaeg: Um, you can check with websites? Search google for that, and try whatever port you wish.22:11
Halitechopenssh on windows  http://www.openssh.com/windows.html22:11
amcsiyay, flash works22:11
Hilikusis there a way to change the ff3.5 logo???22:11
amcsiI rewrote the install directories in the install files22:11
amcsithank you guys22:11
aspiditesamcsi: finally got access to /usr/lib/opera?22:11
amcsii rewrote the paths22:11
amcsiin the file22:11
amcsiwith vim22:11
aspiditesamcsi: ah22:12
guntbertbastidrazor: to be clear - with cygwin installed its maybe easier - but anyway offtopic here :-)22:12
amcsithe creators must of messed something up22:12
guntbert!enter | amcsi22:12
ubottuamcsi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:12
JanhouseWhy is hibernate not working? After pressing hibernate button screens gets locked and nothing else happens. I am using jaunty22:13
amcsigot it22:13
aboSamoorcan anyone help me with this process it access the hard disk extensively ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/213183/22:13
HilikusJanhouse: it works for me22:13
civixierOkay, Im about to give up. I have tried to fix my resolution for six hours straight now, reading all about xorg.conf, modelines, drivers and what not. I have an Acer x243w and 9800gx2 graphics card. Give me something that gives me 1920x1200. And something to calm my nerves ;)22:14
JanhouseIt doesn't for me.22:14
bastidrazorguntbert, i did not know(or care) ssh-server was separate from cygwin. regardless i agree..OT but useful for those needing ssh on windows22:14
mohammed510guntbert: I want to know who to install this command on ubuntu22:14
erUSULJanhouse: maybe you do not have enough swap to hold your ram ?22:14
guntbertJanhouse: you might want to google for <your computer> hibernate jaunty22:14
mohammed510guntbert: because I can't find it with the whatis commad22:14
Janhouseswap? It stores everything on swap>22:14
erUSULJanhouse: yep22:15
Janhouseone moment22:15
guntbertbastidrazor: :)22:15
JanhouseSwap is 2.8 GB22:15
JanhouseI have 2 GB ram22:15
mohammed510How can I install the command let on the ubuntu22:15
Janhouseand it is not full22:15
Janhouseso no. It can't be the problem22:16
ikoniamohammed510: let is not a command#22:16
erUSULJanhouse: then it is something else... probably a buggy driver or something like that22:16
Seven-7I followed the steps on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing and it isn't working.22:16
guntbertmohammed510: let is not a command22:16
Seven-7ping google.com returns "host not found"22:16
Janhousewhat kind of driver is needed for hibernation? :?22:16
ikoniaSeven-7: no dns22:16
mohammed510ikonia , guntbert: so what is let ??22:16
Seven-7ikonia: I set it up for OpenDNS just like it said.22:16
ikoniamohammed510: shell function22:16
ikoniaSeven-7: not setup correctly22:16
erUSULJanhouse: i meant that some drivers have bugs that prevent the linux kernel from hybernate properly22:17
HalitechSeven-7, can you ping
Seven-7ikonia: No step was missed or done incorrectly.22:17
frostburnJanhouse, no drivers are needed, but some video cards/xorg mods don't react well to being suspended and brought back22:17
ikoniaSeven-7: clearly it was, or it would be working22:17
Janhousemaybe it is because I installed strait to jaunty. On other computer where I upgraded from hardy everything works.22:17
mohammed510ikonia : So , why it doesn't work on ubuntu??22:17
JanhouseAgain clean jaunty installation fucks it all up22:17
ikoniamohammed510: it's not a bash function22:17
jonex_hello everybody who can help me with desktop effects22:17
frostburn!ask | jonex_22:17
ubottujonex_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:17
ikoniamohammed510: sorry - it is a bash function, not a dash function22:17
Seeker`Janhouse: please watch your language22:18
erUSULSeven-7: you have to configure dns servfers on the tower... does it work if you use numeric ip ? try this « ping »22:18
JanhouseI am frustrated. Again jaunty fails me.22:18
jonex_i have COmpiz intalled already y can used the Extra option but the Advanced button doesnt show up22:18
mohammed510ikonia: I made a very simple script using while with let but it didn't work on ubuntu22:18
ikoniamohammed510: let is not a dash fucntion22:18
mohammed510ikonia : the same script worked under centos22:18
ikoniamohammed510: are you listening ???22:19
ikoniamohammed510: let is not a dash function22:19
ikoniamohammed510: ubuntu uses dash22:19
mohammed510ikonia : I am listening , but what is the dash function ?22:19
Seven-7From icmp_seq=31 Destination Host Unreachable22:19
csabawhere can I find the source code for the "file" command?22:19
ikoniamohammed510: dash is the shell being used22:19
Seven-7Repeated on a loop.22:19
ikoniaSeven-7: no network gateway22:20
erUSULmohammed510: ikonia is right just make the script use bash explicitly.22:20
guntbertmohammed510: what is the first line of your script?22:20
mohammed510gentbert: /bin/bash22:20
s3acan someone help me determine what X and Y is in http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=41101&p=241552#p241552 for my problem with restoring grub please? (im using ubuntu 9.04 live cd to do the restoring of grub)22:20
ikoniamohammed510: #!/bin/bash or /bin/bash22:20
Seven-7ikonia: Man, you know what would be awesome? A little more detail.22:20
mohammed510ikonia : #!/bin/bash22:20
ikonias3a: you'll be better using a debian install22:20
ikoniaSeven-7: check your defailt gateway22:21
mohammed510gentbert: !#/bin/bash22:21
Seven-7ikonia: How?22:21
jonex_i have COmpiz intalled already y can used the Extra option but the Advanced button doesnt show up22:21
s3aikonia, one of the partitions is a debian install22:21
ikoniaSeven-7: what ever tool you used to configure your IP - or netstat -rn22:21
mohammed510erUSUL: how can I use bash explicitly?22:21
frostburnSeveas, route, then ping your gateway22:21
ikonias3a: so it's better to use a debian cd to restore grub22:21
ikoniamohammed510: it looks like it should be22:21
s3aikonia, as opposed to ubuntu cd you mean?22:21
erUSULmohammed510: as ikonia pointed out use #!/bin/bash as first line of the script22:21
ikonias3a: correct22:22
dunksit shouldnt make any odds s3a22:22
Seven-7ikonia: You're talking greek to me. I followed the wiki page, that's about as far as I understand.22:22
csabawhere can I find the source code for the "file" command22:22
ikoniaSeven-7: I've just given you the exact command to check it22:22
guntbertmohammed510: ah - it has to be #! /bin/bash not !#...22:22
ikoniacsaba: I think it's in fileutils22:22
s3aikonia, ok but I have debian squeeze, i only have a lenny disc, will it still work?22:22
mohammed510ikonia,erUSUL : I use #!/bin/bash as my first line22:22
ikonias3a: should do, ask in #debian22:22
frostburnSeveas, type            route                 then ping the ip address of your gateway (not an asterisk)22:22
mohammed510I know how to make simple script22:22
frostburnSeven-7, ^22:23
s3aikonia, ok thanks22:23
erUSULmohammed510: what error you get when you run the script in ubuntu ?22:23
Seven-7frostburn: SHould I do that on the Client or the Gateway?22:23
csabasudo apt-get source fileutils22:23
csabaE: Unable to find a source package for fileutils22:23
erUSULcsaba: file has its own package22:23
erUSUL!info file22:23
ubottufile (source: file): Determines file type using "magic" numbers. In component main, is important. Version 4.26-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 43 kB, installed size 140 kB22:23
notRootIs there a way to completly turn off an internal HDD? I can put 2 HDD in my laptop and wanted a low power small SSD with the OS and frequently used stuff on it and a large HDD in the other slot with infrequently used data such as videos.22:23
mohammed510erUSUL : sc.sh: 8: let: not found22:23
frostburnSeven-7, run the ping on your client22:24
guntbertmohammed510: ah - it has to be #!/bin/bash not !#...22:24
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: but It works well under centos22:24
frostburnnotRoot, man hdparm22:24
csabaE: Unable to find a source package for file22:24
erUSUL!es | jonex_22:24
ubottujonex_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:24
Myx0x3why do i get: sh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused? :S22:24
notRootfrostburn: is that a terminal command?22:24
jonex_erUSUL hey22:24
erUSULcsaba: you probably do not have source repositories enabled22:24
mohammed510guntbert: I is already #!/bin/bash22:24
jonex_i have COmpiz intalled already y can used the Extra option but the Advanced button doesnt show up22:25
ikoniamohammed510: ask the administrator of
frostburnnotRoot, yes, hdparm allows you full control of your hard drive settings22:25
csabaoh I thought it would enable it automatically :)22:25
ikoniamohammed510: sorry, not you22:25
jonex_i have COmpiz intalled already and can used the Extra option but the Advanced button doesnt show up22:25
ikoniaMyx0x3: ask the administrator of
guntbertmohammed510: first you said !#/bin/bash22:25
mohammed510ikonia : no problem22:25
notRootfrostburn: Cool thanks!22:25
Myx0x3ikonia:  i am the administrator ;)22:25
ikoniaMyx0x3: the install an ssh server on it22:25
mohammed510guntbert: I made a mistake it is #!/bin/bash22:25
Seven-7frostburn: Ok, ROUTE on the client shows
lincolnHey, does anyone know why Brasero might think that the blank CD-RW I inserted is not blank??22:25
Myx0x3ikonia:  i have ubuntu? does it not include it?22:25
monostoneim trying to use bogofilter with qmail to filter my spam into a spam inbox, im using this in the specific .qmail file: |condredirect box-spam /usr/bin/bogofilter   ./users/goodmail/Maildir/, but nothing is happening, i dont see any error messages in the logs either. Anyone with experience using bogofilter+qmail care to give any advice?22:25
ikoniaMyx0x3: install openssh-server package22:26
Myx0x3ikonia:  okej tnx :)22:26
csabaooo its alive!22:26
Seven-7frostburn: Pinging the works.22:26
guntbertmohammed510: strange - then I don't know - sorry22:26
frostburnSeven-7, that means you do not have a default gateway, check out this guide http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-setup-default-gateway-with-route-command/22:27
losherlincoln: what does k3b say about it?22:27
mohammed510ikonia : Can you help me??22:27
OttifantSir@jonex: You are wondering why you can't change the settings beyond choosing the Extra-option in Appearance, right? Have you installed compizconfig-settings-manager?22:27
ikoniamohammed510: try "bash $sciprt_name"22:27
mohammed510guntbert: Thanks man for every thing.22:27
Myx0x3ikonia:  tnx! it works now :)22:28
mohammed510ikonia , guntbert:22:28
Myx0x3ikonia:  thougt ubuntu included ssh ;P22:28
AlphonseHey. I've just installed Ubuntu and it's my first time ever using linux. How do I install new programs. When I download a program online for linux it comes as a .bin file (so far as I can tell, every time). What do I use to compile the binaries that I download? How do I get my programs running?22:28
guntbertmohammed510: :) and listen to ikonia, he is more resourceful22:28
ikoniaAlphonse: visit help.ubuntu.com and check the basic new user guide22:29
lincolnlosher, what is k3b? do I need to install it?22:29
ikoniaguntbert: very kind, but ill informed22:29
mohammed510ikonia , guntbert: It worked it worked22:29
coleysAlphonse: sudo apt-get install programname22:29
HalitechAlphonse, look in Synaptic for apps22:29
Alphonsethanks ikonia, I should have looked there.22:29
ikoniamohammed510: ok - so it wasn't using bash22:29
coleys!install | Alphonse22:29
ubottuAlphonse: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:29
coleys!applications | Alphonse22:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about applications22:29
arandAlphonse: First take a look at add/remove programs in the main menu.22:29
mohammed510ikonia , guntbert: When I use bash or . to execute the script it works22:29
ikoniamohammed510: that makes sense22:29
AlphonseOh my god it's that easy.22:30
notRootWhat is an easy way to set aside a certain amount of RAM to be used in a less random way like a HDD?22:30
guntbertikonia: see :-), I didn't think of that22:30
losherlincoln: the kde alternative to brasero, but it runs even without kde. It's better than brasero. You have to install it...22:30
OttifantSir@Alphonse: System (top panel) -> Administration -> Synaptic, or you can choose Programs (top panel) -> Add/Remove for a shorter list of programs, but more graphically.22:30
mohammed510ikonia : I know it worked but I don't understand what was the problem because I don't know the difference between sh and bash22:30
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
ikoniamohammed510: they are two different shells, have a little read up on them as there are some subtle differences22:30
guntbertmohammed510: recheck your first line - there might be a typo there22:30
Super_BQgreetings all22:31
losherlincoln: I forgot to ask, what version of Ubuntu are you running?22:31
lincolnlosher, okay.  I'm running xubuntu on a pretty crappy computer since xfce is less demanding.  cool, i'll check it out22:31
notRootSuper_BQ: even me?!22:31
endowhenever i try to get on Pandora it says "We're sorry, but unless you agree to share registration information with %s, you will be unable to listen to %s.22:31
Super_BQcool so there are support ppl here22:31
Seven-7SIOCARRDT: Operation Not Permitted22:31
Super_BQI have a very small issue with my Ubuntu 8.04 box that I hope I can resolve here22:31
erUSULmohammed510: basically dash is strictly posix (a standar) compatible. bash has its own extensions that other shells like dash or ksh or zsh may or not implement22:31
Super_BQi've Googled searched online and havn't found an answer22:32
Seven-7frostburn: route add default gw eth0 >>>SIOCARRDT: Operation Not Permitted22:32
guntbert!ask | Super_BQ22:32
ubottuSuper_BQ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:32
erUSUL!ot | endo22:32
ubottuendo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:32
JanhouseOk I manageo hibernate from terminal. But failed to resume from hibernate22:32
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora22:32
JanhouseWhat log should I check?22:32
Super_BQok my problem is my Ubuntu box won't "Reboot" - it hangs after shutdown22:32
AlphonseThanks for the help you guys problem solved.22:32
frostburnSeven-7, the ip address can't be as that's the network address for your subnet  it's most likely
Super_BQin Gnome , i click to 'Reboot', goes through shutdown stage and just doesn't quite get my Dell box to restart - the monitor goes black (into power saving mode)22:33
MindVirusDoes anyone use a DFI motherboard with working onboard audio?22:34
ikoniaMindVirus: there are many dfi boards22:34
Seven-7frostburn: THat's how it appears on ROUTE :/22:34
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: look22:34
MindVirusikonia, I am well aware.22:34
reignaldohow to change the system administrator password created on linux ubuntu instalation ?22:34
losherMindVirus: let me guess, you installed 9.04 and now sound doesn't work?22:34
MindVirusikonia, the point of what I just said was to get attention.22:34
Super_BQso I end up having to hard reset the box to restart22:34
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: In centos it works even if I use . or sh or bash to run the script22:34
ikoniaMindVirus: then you have failed22:34
MindViruslosher, no, I took out my sound card.22:35
erUSULreignaldo: change the password of the fist user you created22:35
ikoniamohammed510: because the default shell in centos is bash22:35
MindVirusikonia, no, usually nobody responds at all. I believe I've succeeded.22:35
ikoniaMindVirus: I'll be ignoring you for wasting my time22:35
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: In ubuntu it fails when I use sh22:35
frostburnSeven-7, oh, you need to run it as sudo22:35
MindVirusikonia, you wasted your time on me.22:35
ikoniamohammed510: I've explained this22:35
Seven-7ikonia: You're a paragon of people that makes Ubuntu support a hell.22:35
ikoniamohammed510: the default shell on ubuntu is dash22:35
erUSULmohammed510: we already explained why it fails to you22:35
MindViruslosher, why do you ask?22:36
losherubuntu support *is* hell....22:36
lincolnlosher, xubuntu.  did you get that earlier? does it matter which version I run for k3b?22:36
notRootIf you make a bootable flash drive with an OS is it compatable on all computers or only the one that made it?22:36
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: Know I can understand that there are two differnet shells : hash and dash22:36
Seven-7frostburn: God. Well that was dense of me :D22:36
ikoniamohammed510: bash and dash22:36
erUSULmohammed510: you can make bash the default ubuntu shell if you want... but it is easier to change the shebang line of the script22:37
Seven-7frostburn: God. Well that was dense of me :D22:37
losherMindVirus: sound is the commonest malfunction in 9.04 because manufacturers take incredible liberties with sound chips22:37
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: I know about the hast but it is the first time to hear about dash22:37
Halitechlincoln, sudo apt-get install k3b22:37
MindViruslosher, this is an old-school chip.22:37
Halitechlincoln, will get whatever version is current in the repo22:37
mohammed510erUSUL : what should be the line ??22:37
Seven-7frostburn: Er, ok, now it's saying "No Such Process"22:37
Janhousehttp://paste.php.lv/cb9f3f668a688133217724d01f0ae403/nonum Failed to recover from hibernation. Any ideas?22:38
losherlincoln: it should be still be relatively easy to install k3b  using Halitech's command22:38
ctmjrnotRoot, it will work as long as the box can boot from usb22:38
losherMindVirus: and which version of OS?22:38
MindViruslosher, 9.04.22:38
erUSULmohammed510: two options: you either make your shell scripts strictly posix (you do not use let ) or you use #!/bin/bash22:38
ikoniaSeven-7: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-setup-default-gateway-with-route-command/22:38
endomy computer feels slower than normal is there any program i can use to clean it up?22:38
MindViruslosher, I'm trying to make the Karajan audio module that came with my Lanparty nf4 work.22:38
Seven-7ikonia: I just read and followed that.22:39
erUSULmohammed510: to change default shell ? iirc is: sudo update-alternatives --config sh22:39
ikoniaSeven-7: so what's the issue ?22:39
losherMindVirus: there are a bazillion web pages on getting broken sound to work in 9.04. No one solution seems to work for everyone. Start googling & best of luck...22:39
MindViruslosher, yeah, I know.22:39
MindVirusI've been googling.22:39
notRootendo: check memory usage22:39
HalitechMindVirus, does aplay -l give any output?22:39
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
mohammed510erUSUL I swear I use #!/bin/bash as my first line in the script written in ubuntu22:40
losherMindVirus: if I could help you more definitively, I would....22:40
Seven-7ikonia: I just said, "sudo route add default gw eth0" --> SIOCARRDT: No Process22:40
MindViruslosher, I appreciate it. It's cool. :D22:40
endoi have less than 2% used so i think im fine22:40
ikoniaSeven-7: pastebin the output of "ifconfig -a" and "netstat -rn" please22:40
MindVirusHalitech, the card is recognized.22:40
Raxoanyone know an easy way to convince 9.04 to boot to a different runlevel?22:40
Seven-7ikonia: That'd be pretty easy to do...if I could connect to the internet from that machine.22:40
erUSULmohammed510: the fact that doing « bash scriptname » works; contradicts that22:40
ikoniaSeven-7: put it to a file on a disk/usb and do it from another machine22:40
MindVirusHalitech, furthermore, if I turn the volume up all the way, I can hear my music playing, but that's because of electric noise (I presume).22:40
losherRaxo: which level & why?22:41
erUSULRaxo: in debian/ubuntu runlevels 2345 are equal by default22:41
RaxoerUSUL, i've changed that22:41
mohammed510erUSUL : yes when I use bash script name it works22:41
Seven-7This would take like, 2 seconds in WinXP...>:/22:41
Myx0x3how do i make my ubuntu computer to boot whitout Gnome?22:41
Raxolosher, to save resources22:41
ikoniaMyx0x3: disable gdm22:41
HalitechMindVirus, then have you checked alsamixer?22:41
mohammed510erUSUL : but when I use sh script name it doesn't work22:41
Myx0x3ikonia:  how do i disable it?22:41
ikoniaMyx0x3: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/prevent-xorg-from-starting-in-linux/22:42
MindVirusHalitech, I use the GUI, and everything's maxed out.22:42
erUSULRaxo: then edit /etc/event.d/rc-default22:42
HalitechMindVirus, gui sometimes suck, check it in the terminal with alsamixer22:42
erUSUL!upstart | Raxo22:42
ubottuRaxo: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:42
erUSULRaxo: btw; do you happen to be galician ?22:43
frostburnSeven-7, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57551222:43
mohammed510erUSUL : Can you help me ??22:44
MindVirusHalitech, same thing.22:44
MindVirusI don't see any settings that could be wrong.22:44
HalitechMindVirus, nothing muted?22:44
MindVirusHalitech, I cycled everything.22:44
MindVirus(My old card had to have something muted in order to have working sound.)22:45
erUSULmohammed510: we already provided you with all the info including at least two workaraounds/fixes concerning your problem. what else do you need ?22:45
mohammed510erUSUL : No thing , thanks a lot22:45
MindVirusHalitech, thank you by the way.22:46
MindVirusI appreciate the effort.22:46
erUSULmohammed510: ok; no problem. good luck22:46
reignaldo_i am back22:46
Seven-7ikonia: http://pastie.org/53929722:46
reignaldo_how to change the system administrator password created on linux ubuntu instalation ?22:46
HalitechMindVirus, check and see if you can use pulse audio System -> Preferences -> Pulseaudio Preferences22:46
MindVirusHalitech, I am there.22:47
linxehreignaldo_: there isnt one22:47
ikoniaSeven-7: you have a default gateway22:47
Seven-7ikonia: So you were wrong when you told me no default gateway.22:47
linxehreignaldo_: your default user (created at installation time) has the ability to perform system admin tasks via sudo22:47
ikoniaSeven-7: I'll rephrase then "no working default gateway"22:48
Seven-7ikonia: So the gateway (My laptop) is the problem.22:48
Halitech!root > reignaldo22:48
ubottureignaldo, please see my private message22:48
ikoniaSeven-7: is your laptop ?22:49
Seven-7ikonia: Pretty sure, how would I find out?22:49
ikoniaSeven-7: just to be clear is it your laptop that is having the problem ?22:49
reignaldo_I cant change my name and password of the instalation ?!22:50
Seven-7ikonia: THe pastie was the client (The tower), you said it was a problem the default gateway. The gateway is the laptop.22:50
SpongySomething with my bluetooth has broken, and now it bluetooth wont work at all. I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting... Can anyone help?22:50
RockoI have problems installing the ubuntu. I tried to install it withouth windows, then I reinstalled windows and tried to make it compatibile. - I wanted to have both wins and ubuntu. I always face the same error: Invalid Argument. - Here is the link to the error log: http://www.speedyshare.com/457277948.html22:51
Chris8hey room -- help pls... i've installed and ran MadWifi but lshw still shows network adaptor using ath9k driver... what should i do?22:51
ikoniaSeven-7: I don't think .254 is the laptop, the only reason I say this is .1 or .254 is normally reserverd for the gateway issued by the device giving out dhcp addresses22:51
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MindVirusHalitech, you there?22:51
Myx0x3always problem.. why cant i login true SSH when the computer are at gnome loginscreen?22:51
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ikoniaSeven-7: you could always login to the laptop and check it's ip address22:52
erUSULikonia: Seven-7 has a not very common setup (dunno if it already described it): Tower<--wire->laptop<-wireless->router<-->((internet))22:52
robertr994I need major help  lol22:52
Seven-7ikonia:  Via?22:52
ikoniaSeven-7: the laptop won't work as a gateway / router unles you have set it up as a router22:52
ikoniaSeven-7: via opening the lid and logging in22:52
ikoniaSeven-7: I understand you can't access it on the network22:52
glitsj16bye all, enjoy the channel22:52
Seven-7ikonia: Opening the lid and logging in wont tell me the IP.22:52
ikoniaSeven-7: you could also ping the address to see if it responds22:52
HalitechMindVirus, yes22:52
ikoniaSeven-7: the network administrator gui will22:53
MindVirusHalitech, OK. :)22:53
Chris8 hey room -- help pls... i've installed and ran MadWifi but lshw still shows network adaptor using ath9k driver... what should i do?22:53
ikoniaSeven-7: you must have set the ip up to make laptop act as a router22:53
The_CogMyx0x3: Gnome Network Manager doesn't do anything till the user logs in. Try wicd instead22:53
HalitechMindVirus, what did you find out in pulse audio?22:53
robertr994new user, just switched from windows. setting up apache but dont have access to change files.....help22:53
MindVirusHalitech, there was no information. Just a bunch of checkboxes.22:53
ralf_1985has anyone run adobe illustrator successfully on wine ?22:53
HalitechMindVirus, did you try enabling pulse audio?22:53
Seven-7ikonia: Pretty sure I did that according to the Wiki.22:53
erUSUL!blacklist | Chris822:53
ubottuChris8: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »22:53
amigravewhat's the difference between a generic and server kernel ?22:54
MindVirusHalitech, it is enabled.22:54
ikoniaSeven-7: can you ping that address ?22:54
erUSULamigrave: various config options22:54
HalitechMindVirus, try a reboot, might need that to get pulse working22:54
Chris8erUSUL: i should blacklist ath9K driver?22:54
robertr994need help with file access permissions22:54
OttifantSir@robertr994: Do you know where the config files are stored? It's probably permissions-problem22:54
MindVirusHalitech, it's been on.22:54
erUSULChris8: yep; if you do not want it to be used22:54
Seven-7ikonia: Ok, there's a grey area here. Can I ping (what) address from (Where)?22:54
HalitechMindVirus, try turning it off and reboot and see if you have sound then22:55
robertr994I dont know anything, just switched from windows22:55
losher!es | shawe22:55
ubottushawe: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:55
MindVirusYou want me to turn it off, then reboot?22:55
ikoniaSeven-7: can you ping the 254 address from the tower22:55
Chris8erUSUL: do i need to make a new file in modprobe dir or add lines to an existing file?22:55
RockoI have problems installing the ubuntu. I tried to install it withouth windows, then I reinstalled windows and tried to make it compatibile. - I wanted to have both wins and ubuntu. I always face the same error: Invalid Argument. - Here is the link to the error log: http://www.speedyshare.com/457277948.html22:55
Seven-7ikonia: Yes, and I get responses.22:55
HalitechMindVirus, yes, turn off pulse audio and reboot the computer22:55
Chris8erUSUL or can i do it in terminal?22:55
ikoniaSeven-7: ok - so that means it's not acting as a router22:55
erUSULChris8: the factoid is pretty clear22:55
ikoniaSeven-7: so the problem is your laptop not acting as a router22:55
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Seven-7ikonia: Oh. I know what .254 is, it's the switch.22:55
ikoniaSeven-7: assuming .254 is the router22:56
Chris8erUSUL: wha's a factoid?22:56
ikoniaSeven-7: ahhh so thats why what won't let you go anywhere22:56
erUSULChris8: edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the  end of that list22:56
MindVirusHalitech, can I just turn PA off?22:56
Chris8erUSUL SMOOCH22:56
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erUSULChris8: the one i directed to you via ubottu22:56
Seven-7ikonia: You know what? Gimmia a sec, make this easier.22:56
OttifantSir@robertr994: I don't know apache, so we're a bit blind both of us. One moment while I check Synaptic.22:56
SpongySomething with my bluetooth has broken, and now bluetooth wont work at all. I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting... Can anyone help?22:56
HalitechMindVirus, you can try it22:56
reignaldo_I cant change my name and password of the instalation ?!22:56
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ikoniaSeven-7: no problem22:57
robertr994its not a apache problem its root is the owner,  how do I change permissions22:57
Halitechrobertr994, what file are you trying to edit?22:57
Chris8geebs totally missed that :S22:57
erUSULChris8: no problem22:57
Halitechrobertr994, not a good idea to just randomly change permissions on files22:57
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert: know I know what was the problem and why it works now22:58
MindVirusHalitech, I'll reboot. BRB.22:58
tavii have problem whit totem player22:58
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : and I want to share this with you22:58
Halitechrobertr994, sites available is a folder22:58
tavii can't put the files in the list22:59
Chris8erUSUL: i have no write permission, but i should, i'm only only user...22:59
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : The problem that ubuntu switched to some version of sh which doesn't provide let22:59
robertr994ok, lets try this,  just how do I get a website without the IT WORKS page if I dont have permission22:59
axos88hello! After chrooting to a busybox initrd, passwd says "unknown id 0" even though /etc/passwd exists... any ideas?22:59
tavionly one by one22:59
erUSULChris8: use sudo22:59
taviand some doesn't work22:59
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : This explains why It worked under centos and it didn't work under ubuntu22:59
ikoniamohammed510: I TOLD YOU THAT22:59
Halitechrobertr994, you edit the /var/www/index.html file22:59
OttifantSir@robertr994: use "sudo" or "gksu" (without quotations) to open an editor such as gedit, nano, emacs or vim22:59
erUSULmohammed510: we said that to you *many* times22:59
ikoniamohammed510: ubuntu uses DASH as a symlink to SH22:59
robertr994dont have permission to edit23:00
laegcoleys: you still about? i'm told to turn on the socks i need to assign a port like ssh -D laeg@my.internet.ip23:00
robertr994its owned by root23:00
robertr994I cant change it23:00
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : Sorry every body but it the word dash was confusing me23:00
Halitechrobertr994, on your keyboard, press CTRL + F2 and type in gksudo gedit /var/www/index.html23:00
OttifantSir@robertr994: Example: sudo gedit /etc/hosts23:00
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : The problem of the first line23:01
Halitechrobertr994, sorry, ALT + F223:01
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : My first line was #!/bin/bash not #!/bin/ash23:01
OttifantSir@robertr994: That opens your hosts-file as a "super-user"/"root" and you should be able to edit23:01
HalitechOttifantSir, sudo for a graphical app is a bad idea, should use gksudo23:01
Chris8ersUSUL: i am :S it says unknown mime-type and then no write permission23:01
Reformer81I am pretty sure there is some corruption on the drive since Ubuntu would no longer boot and complained of corrupted filesystems (Windows will also no longer boot).23:01
Reformer81When trying to run Gparted (or the installer), it hangs while detecting filesystems... no errors, just sits there indefinitely.23:01
coleyslaeg: Does ssh username@internetip:port ... not work?23:01
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : but when I used sh to run the script the first line is considered as a comment23:01
HalitechOttifantSir, and why would he want to open the hosts file?23:01
mohammed510erUSUL , ikonia , guntbert : So the first line was confusing me too23:02
josh_93Hello, i am having somewhat of a minor problem with firefox on Ubunto linux. Whenever i load certain webpages, such as myspace, it is VERY laggy when you try and scroll. (the login page to myspace is fine though) anyone know why? and how i can fix this? My video card is a GeForce 8500GT 256MB (PCI)23:02
losherReformer81: I'd be worried you have had a hard drive failure....23:02
ikoniamohammed510: we told you this also23:02
SpongySomething with my bluetooth has broken, and now bluetooth wont work at all. I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting... Can anyone help?23:02
OttifantSir@Chris8: It just seems like he's running from terminal. Of course he should use gksu for graphical apps. And the hosts-file was an EXAMPLE! not the file he would edit23:02
robertr994gksudo gedit /var/www/index.html  worked to edit the index page,  I have 40,000 files to add there23:02
erUSULChris8: !!!?? do « sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist » writte the line press Crtl + X23:02
Reformer81losher: That's what I'm afraid of.  This is my brother's system and I'd really like to confirm it and retrieve any data if possible.23:02
mohammed510ikonia : I swear I couldn't understand this23:02
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josh_93Can anyone here help me?23:03
erUSUL!ask | josh_9323:03
ubottujosh_93: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:03
soreaujosh_93: Tried toggling smooth scrolling in FF?23:03
josh_93i did lol, noone answered, i said "i am having somewhat of a minor problem with firefox on Ubunto linux. Whenever i load certain webpages, such as myspace, it is VERY laggy when you try and scroll. (the login page to myspace is fine though) anyone know why? and how i can fix this? My video card is a GeForce 8500GT 256MB (PCI)"23:03
robertr994so how would I get permission to transfer the files to  /var/www/23:04
erUSULjosh_93: sorry; i read your question now... myspace does use flash heavily and flash in linux is lacking. blame adobe23:04
Halitechrobertr994, sudo cp /path/to/file/ /var/www/23:04
kkjhello, with 'rsync' is there anyway to get a more detailed output besides just the files that are been syncd. I am getting a freeze on different files each time I try - and was wondering if there is a way to see the progress of that particular file to see perhaps if there is a network issue or whats happening. thanks23:04
losherReformer81: since you cannot boot, in your place, I would download the manufacturer's diagnostic disk for the hard drive. Or move the drive to a different, working machine & try it from there23:04
laegcoleys: i can connect to it alright through ssh, but he says for the tunneling i need to assign the port with -D23:04
laegcoleys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7583898#post758389823:04
Seven-7ikonia: http://docs.google.com/Presentation?id=dhpg742z_17hc6r9qcz23:04
Seven-7ikonia: There.23:05
Halitechrobertr994, or *VERY CAREFULLY* use gksudo nautilus to give you sudo rights to copy files in23:05
Seven-7It's crude, but it works.23:05
ikoniaSeven-7: looking23:05
Reformer81losher: There are no diagnostics tools within Linux that I could run from the live cd?23:05
losherkkj: there is a --progress flag to rsync which might help23:05
josh_93Ah.. i see. yeah, i remember adobe didnt offer much support with linux. Is there anyway i could fix this though..? like use myspace without it needing to use flash so much? i have tried disabling "themes" on myspace, and it did nothing. any ideas?23:05
coleyslaeg: Sorry man, not sure about tunneling +(23:05
ikoniaSeven-7: ok - so from that diagram your laptop neets to be the default gateway and act as a router with ipforwarding23:06
soreaujosh_93: You could try the free version, gnash23:06
OttifantSir@Halitech, robertr994: Use that WITH EXTREME CAUTION! Specially if you're new to Linux.23:06
kkjloesh: thats much better, thank you!23:06
Chris8erUSUL: i don't have a file called my_blacklist23:06
Seven-7ikonia: I'm pretty sure I followed every step in the wiki. I'll try again.23:06
SpongyWhat is the name of the module that Ubuntu 9.04 uses for PCI bluetooth cards?23:06
erUSULSeven-7: is the ip of the laptops eth0 ??23:06
losherReformer81: there are, but they are very general. The best diagnostics come from the manufacturer's own application. Do you know the make & model of your disk?23:06
ikoniaSeven-7: hang on23:06
Chris8erUSUL: i tried adding the blacklist in the GNU but i couldn't save 'cuz file didn't exist23:06
robertr994well actually if I can edit the file inside apache2/sites-available I can just point it to my home23:06
erUSULChris8: that's the point you have to create it23:06
HalitechOttifantSir, thats why I capped very carefully :)23:06
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robertr994new??  I started linux 2 hrs ago  lol23:07
Chris8erUSUL: ok i'll gnu 'gain sorry23:07
ikoniaSeven-7: you've got the switch set as the gateway, that can't route - so there is problem 1. problem 2 is that your laptop needs to be setup as a router, you said you've done this, and this may work, but you won't know until you tell the tower that the laptop's ip is the default gateway23:07
OttifantSir@Halitech: That one doesn't mind a repeat IMHO.23:07
majnoonUSUALLY *.*.*.254 is the modem/lan broadcast point for dhcp23:07
erUSULChris8: no problem ;)23:07
Chris8erUSUL what function do i use to make file?23:07
ikoniamajnoon: agreed it's an unusual IP for a switch, and a managed switch with an ip at home is just as odd23:07
Seven-7ikonia: Ok, so based on the netstat/stuff I sent you, which IP should I use?23:07
HalitechOttifantSir, I agree, otherwise they are back in a few hours with a totally busted system blaming it on ubuntu instead of their own stupidity23:07
Chris8erUSUL should i add blacklist there too? or just make file?23:07
ikoniaSeven-7: the laptops23:08
erUSULChris8: already told you --> Chris8: !!!?? do « sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist » writte the line press Crtl + X23:08
ikoniaSeven-7: but as majnoon pointed out, having a .254 address on the switch is unusual as thats normally a network gateway address23:08
majnoonusually *.255 and *.255 are reserved for modems/routers23:08
erUSULChris8: the line is «blacklist modulename» (where modulename is ath9k in this case)23:08
josh_93I installed gnash, but it dosent appear like it has helped any =/23:09
majnoonusually 254 is broadcast for dhcp and 255 is usually gateway23:09
* erUSUL confused do switches have ip adresses ???23:09
ikoniamajnoon: other way around23:09
OttifantSir@robertr994: In terminal: cd to the dir, ls and find the file you want to edit, "man nano" (without quotations), "sudo nano <file-to-edit>"23:09
ikoniaerUSUL: mangaged switches do, but thats odd to see one at home23:09
Chris8erUSUL: when i try to save buffer after adding the blacklist it returns error writing etc/modprobe/... No such file or directory23:09
majnoonsomething like that :)23:09
ctmjrjosh_93, try using flash block addon in firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/43323:09
majnooni know BOTH are reserved23:09
Seven-7ikonia: Ok, I'm on the laptop and looking at the Network Tools. How do I find the Laptop's IP?23:09
ikoniamajnoon: they are not reserved23:09
josh_93thats ctm, thats what i meant to ask for was an addon like that, ill check it out23:10
ikoniamajnoon: it is just "the norm" to have a gateway as the last address or the first address in the range23:10
erUSULChris8: yu missed the first / ? is /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist23:10
ikoniaSeven-7: do an ifconfig eth023:10
majnoonSeven-7, in term type ifconfig23:10
ikoniaSeven-7: or "sudo ifconfig eth0"23:10
Chris8erUSUL i just left it out23:10
josh_93awesome! that ct, myspace runs as smooth as ever now :)23:10
majnoonikonia, if just want info no need sudo usually23:10
The_Cog***erUSUL: Some switches have an IP address for management, other simpler switches do not.23:11
ikoniamajnoon: depends if his machine has setuid on ifconfig23:11
robertr994ok just tried the edit command,  let me reboot and see if apache finds my site23:11
majnoononly usually if want to change stuff23:11
Chris8erUSUL: the full return is "Error writing at etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist: No such file or directory23:11
Seven-7ikonia: http://pastie.org/53933223:11
robertr994tyvm for your help, I'm sure I'll be back23:11
ikoniaSeven-7: no ip23:11
ikoniaSeven-7: I think we are in a bit of a mess here23:11
erUSULChris8: you misstyped it is /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist23:11
ikoniaSeven-7: can we walk this through a step at a time23:11
erUSULChris8: with the / in front23:11
ctmjrjosh_93, your welcome23:11
zthhello. im looking to boot my computer from a USB-stick. i've prepared a stick containing 9.04 alternate install, but how do i make the computer boot from the stick? dont seem to find anything in the bios23:11
Seven-7ikonia: Sure.23:11
Chris8erusul SMOOCJ23:12
ikoniaSeven-7: ok - lets deal with the switch first23:12
ikoniaSeven-7: are you %100 sure that has an IP ?23:12
ikoniaSeven-7: the reason I ask is switches don't normally have IP's23:12
majnoonlooks like need to use dhclient (or what the dhcp client called))23:12
ikoniaSeven-7: are you sure it's a switch and not a router with a switch in it23:12
Chris8erUSUL: smooch thanks need reboot :P23:12
Seven-7ikonia: Asking now.23:12
losherzth: not all bioses support booting from usb, especially on older mobos. Are you sure yours does?23:12
ikoniaSeven-7: not doubting you but it is very unusual23:13
Seven-7ikonia: Ugh, it's a router with a switch. Potheads don't make the best details.23:13
Chris8erUSUL is now known as UBUNTU-GOD23:13
ikoniaSeven-7: ok - so this is problem one23:13
ikoniaSeven-7: your "switch" is giving out dhcp information as if it was THE gateway to the internet23:13
zthlosher: im not sure at all really, it's a pretty old motherboard.. im only able to choose from cdrom/floppy/drive, so maybe that's my answer? i simply cant boot from usb?=23:13
Seven-7ikonia: Ah-ha!23:13
ikoniaSeven-7: unless you can disable the "router" functionality of this device you'll get no-where23:13
SpongySomething with my bluetooth has broken, and now bluetooth wont work at all. I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting... Can anyone help?23:13
ikoniaSeven-7: you need it to be a dumb switch23:14
kkjlosher: still getting stuck on random files for no apparent reason, is there a way to during the rsync to skip a file so that it can move on?23:14
Barridusis there some trick to running gnome with openbox in jaunty?  i used to do it with hardy, and i'm having trouble with it now23:14
Seven-7ikonia: I can do that, sec.23:14
losherzth: that's my guess. You could try googling the mobo model for a second opinion....23:14
zthi will, thank you23:15
Seven-7How can I find out the router/switch's IP?23:15
ikoniaSeven-7: you know it23:15
zthgot another question though23:15
Halitechzth, how old is old? P2, P3?23:15
Seven-7ikonia: Yeah, but the real router (The internet one) is also .254.23:15
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ikoniaSeven-7: ahh ip conflict23:15
zththe mini-install iso, will it allow me to encrypt my drive like the alternate install?23:15
losherkkj: I think you need to find out why you are experiencing hangs. Some networking issue...23:15
losherzth: ask away, no charge :-)23:16
ikoniaSeven-7: from the tower .254 will be switch23:16
zthHalitech: it's a nforce3 atleast i think, got a amd64 3200+ on it23:16
kkjlosher: yeah thats what im thinking, but finding it hard to track as any other transfer method works fine23:16
Halitechzth, check around for a BIOS update then, might give you the option of booting from USB23:16
zthhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/351053 <- i've got this bug but nthe stated workaround dont seem to work for me, any ideas on that?23:16
zthHalitech: i will, thx!23:17
Seven-7Right! Uno momento.23:17
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laegcoleys: nps mate :)23:17
losherkkj: that's weird, I can't think of a reason why rsync would fail if other methods succeed, offhand....23:17
majnoonwow found 50 cents in my smoke23:17
kkjlosher: going to try rate limiting to see if that solves anything, perhaps hitting some firewall trigger or something23:17
ikoniamajnoon: you know that's not on topic here23:17
* majnoon goes back hiding23:18
losherkkj: grasping at straws, but I don't have any better suggestions. Though I'm guessing there's some small detail you haven't told me....23:18
Seven-7ikonia: Arlight, I disabled the device's LAN DHCP settings, changed it to .25123:19
ulb? about screen sessions... how do I set password? In screen I type "ctr+A" then ":" and enter the password 2x. it says "saved to the buffer" but how do I copy and paste this into my .screenrc?23:19
Chris8erUSUL: it's not loading MadWifi... i'm getting error23:19
Chris8"SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device"  and lshw has my network adaptor as UNCLAIMED23:19
kkjlosher: nothing more I can think of besides there being 21437 files23:19
majnoonSeven-7, you can USUALLY set the ip # to anything in range and it USUALLY will work too23:20
ikoniaSeven-7: that's not really disabling the routers routing functionality, that's just dhcp23:20
ikoniaSeven-7: you need to disable it's routing ability23:20
majnoonie can set to like 192,168,1,123 if want23:20
losherkkj: can you even tell if the hang is on the client or the server side?23:21
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ikoniaSeven-7: each packet that goes through it, it will try to route - which will go nowhere, unless you disable the routing side of it23:21
zthis there a mini-iso like the alternate cd which will make me able to use LVM+encrypt?23:21
kkjlosher: nope, no idea how to check that23:21
Seven-7Kay, trying again.23:21
ikoniaSeven-7: does what I'm saying make sense to you ?23:21
Chris8Could someone help me setup Madwifi?  it's not booting as a driver23:21
Rocko1I wanted to have both wins and ubuntu. I always face the same error: Invalid Argument. - Here is the link to the error log: http://www.speedyshare.com/457277948.html23:22
losherkkj: a quick test might be to use rsync to copy files to /tmp i.e. no server involved. If the hang is on the client, copying to /tmp will hang also. Make sense?23:22
majnoonikonia, i had to do that to reset modem once23:23
majnoonmade this computer 192,168,1,1 then went to modem "page"23:23
kkjlosher: yep, thanks.. ill try that now23:24
SpongyWhat is the name of the module that Ubuntu 9.04 uses for bluetooth cards?23:24
OttifantSir@Rocko1: I can't say this for certain because I don't use Windows, but someone said here earlier that Wubi didn't work with 9.04. It may be that it don't work with 9.04 and Vista or 7 RC, but that's what I "heard" someone say.23:25
majnooni use wubi on laptop no problems with latest version23:25
ulbn/m I just figured it out23:26
majnoonbut use vista not 7 though23:26
OttifantSir@majnoon: Thanks for disproving what I heard. You have any ide why he can't install 9.04 in Wubi on his computer per his error log?23:26
majnoonmay be something with win 723:26
Rocko1OttifantSir but I can't install it separately either23:27
Rocko1I wanted to have only ubuntu23:27
Leszczomanif I want to unninstall something, what I have to do?23:27
majnoonworks good in vista though23:27
Rocko1btw I should use other version then wubi? - Maybe an earlier version of ubuntu and then update?23:27
LeszczomanRocko1: try with Ubuntu 8.10 maybe23:28
Leszczomanor Kubuntu23:28
majnoonneed AT LEAST 5GB free hard drive space though23:28
OttifantSir@Rocko1: How do you try to install it? And what happens when you try to install it? If you haven't, and you get to the install-menu of the live-CD, check the disc for defects.23:28
HalitechRocko1, use the alt install cd if you only want ubuntu .... looking at the last few lines of your log it looks like it can't find the iso file or can't download it23:28
HalitechRocko1, not to mention, WUBI has not got the greatest track record when it comes to installing properly23:29
ThtIf got a problem with an bash script. ther is the script: http://tinyurl.com/n73zqk23:29
KjetilKI'd like to set up eCryptfs on (K)Ubuntu 9.04 to encrypt my whole home directory, and mount it when logging in.23:30
KjetilKthis is not covered in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory23:30
SpacePigeonhi, i need somebody who can help me force the mounting of a harddrive which appears to have a damaged ntfs23:30
KjetilKis there any documentation somewhere for that?23:30
SpacePigeonKjetilK, i don't really know23:32
taylorCould anyone explain to me why both my wireless adapter and router are both designated as wlan1?23:32
KjetilKSpacePigeon, that's ok, I can't help with your problem either :-) Anyone else?23:33
AhadielIs there a way to get rid of the lines in my window titlebars? http://omploader.org/vMXkzZQ I'm using compiz and gtk-window-decorator.23:34
slukimh redet hier wer deutsch und kennt sich mit torrents aus?^^23:34
taylorAnyone have experience with xbox 360  and internet connection sharing through ubuntu?23:34
OttifantSir!de | sluki23:34
ubottusluki: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:34
kkjlosher: you wont believe... the remote side was hitting a disk space limit. sigh!23:35
losherkkj: I totally believe it. Glad you were able to diagnose it...23:36
kkjlosher: hehe, thanks again23:36
taylorAnyone have experience with xbox 360  and internet connection sharing through ubuntu?23:37
losherSpacePigeon: there is a force option. Not recommended. Better to find a windows box and chkdsk it first....23:38
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xfig1does anyone know how to floodfill a square in xfig ?23:38
Rocko1OttifantSir, Leszczoman, Halitech: I'll try some things over night and get in touch with you all tomorow, after work.23:39
Rocko1THANKS A LOT23:39
fireunI've done due diligence looking for a solution online but havnt see anything specific to my problem so I figure I'll ask here.23:39
fireunUpgraded to Jaunty recently, and among other things that broke, I lost printer support for my brother HL2040 - reinstalled it in the printer config, and everything starts out ok, print job goes to spool, light blinks on printer and it spins up, but then it stops and goes back to idle - no printing haven been done - almost like I sent it an empty file. Any ideas?23:39
unitedpotsmokershello guys, good morning. i need a little help here. i accidently delete a bottom panel, how to enable it back?23:40
Leszczomanbottom panel?23:41
unitedpotsmokerspanel at desktop23:41
Scunizifireun: I didn't update so I'm still on Intrepid.. however at one point my samsung laser does the same thing.. I've found turning it off, count to 15, turn on fixes it.. almost like the computer can't take the printer out of sleep23:41
OttifantSir@unitedpotsmokers: If you've already deleted it, why not exchange it with Avant Window Navigator, SimDock or CairoDock?23:41
zxroddoes anyone know how to enable 3d acceleration for an intel graphics card on ubuntu 64 bit?23:41
majnoon<--uses fluxbox usually23:41
unitedpotsmokersit will show a windows list, workspace23:42
fireunScunizi: nope, that didnt change anything - and under Intrepid for me, it worked perfectly.23:42
Leszczomanunitedpotsmokers: have you searched the trashbin?23:42
unitedpotsmokersLeszczoman, trash also gone23:42
SpacePigeonlosher, ok, i will try that23:42
Scunizifireun: go to http://localhost:631 and check cups peramiters for the printer there... maybe add another instance of it as well... just to test.23:42
OttifantSir@Leszczoman: He deleted the "taskbar" on his desktop. Trash is gone, systray is gone, desktop-switcher is gone23:42
OttifantSirSorry, systray is on top panel23:43
unitedpotsmokersyes... systray23:43
unitedpotsmokersOttifantSir, bottom we call what?23:43
unitedpotsmokersso how to enable it back?23:44
OttifantSirBut as I said, you can use Avant, SimDock or Cairo Dock in its stead. Bottom panel is taskbar.23:44
Halitechfireun, did you download the driver from the brother website? http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Brother-HL-204023:44
KjetilKhmph, I just discovered at http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs/ that it could be done in the install with some magic, but can be done after install?23:44
LeszczomanOttifantSir: Ah, I see. I haven't understood it correct.23:44
unitedpotsmokersok i got it23:44
unitedpotsmokersright click and add a new panel23:44
fireunHalitech: did it get updated from Intrepid to Jaunty?23:44
unitedpotsmokersthanks guys23:44
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Halitechfireun, its not an ubuntu driver, its from brother23:45
fireunHalitech: but it was all working in Intrepid23:45
losherKjetilK: I've never used it, but the web page says "Encrypt home directories when you create new users." which implies it can be done any time after install....23:46
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Halitechfireun, well its not working now so do you have anything to lose by getting the driver from brother?23:46
KjetilKlosher, right, so perhaps if I just delete my user and recreate it...23:46
KjetilKyeah, I'll try that23:47
HalitechKjetilK, be careful if that is the first user with sudo rights23:47
losherKjetilK: make a backup of anything important first, ok23:47
Scunizifireun: I was looking at the brother site today.. I have one of their network all in ones.. there was something to do on ubuntu concerning 9.04.. check out their linux install notes23:48
dijonmustardanyone ever play with projectM?23:48
jared__When I try to install bluefish using apt-get23:53
BigI just installed Ubuntu 9.04, and I am having problems rendering in real time with open GL. I have an onboard Intel graphics chip, and was wondering if I needed to update the drivers somehow to get this to work. TIA :D23:53
OttifantSir@Big: Which Intel chip do you have?23:53
jared__I get this error: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock (next line) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?23:54
jared__As far as I know, I am root.23:54
Bignot sure... is there a way to discover what it is OttifantSir?23:54
bumblebeehey i have this issue i was going through the faqs on lesswatts and i read that cpu shd be in c4 state majority of the time however in my case the average wakeups from idle state is around 150 which the website says is quite high ,any idea if i could significantly reduce the wakeups23:54
Halitechjared__, did you run the command as sudo apt-get install?23:54
jared__No Halitech am I required to sudo? I don't want to be23:54
Halitechjared__, there is no root so you have to use sudo23:55
Halitech!root | jared__23:55
jared__How do I use the sudo command23:55
ubottujared__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:55
OttifantSir@Big: The way I know how, is to check the user manual that came with your computer. There is also lspci "something, something" in terminal23:55
frsandstone77anyone here use ktorrent?23:55
Halitechjared__, you type in sudo apt-get install <program name>23:55
Bigok, thanks OttifantSir :)23:55
frsandstone77any ktorrent users here?23:55
jared__I guess I Just have to accept it lol.23:55
jared__alright thanks halitech23:56
jared__ubottu bot is a g as well.23:56
Halitechjared__, if you want root, look at another distro that allows root23:56
jared__it's not THAT important that i'd switch over it I guess23:56
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Nameless_auJared it took me ages to get used to no su - command23:56
Halitechjared__, some people do :)23:56
OttifantSir@Big: Try System -> Preferences -> Display and see if you can find it there23:56
arandjared__: sudo -i gives you a temporary root session...23:57
Bigcool, thanks again OttifantSir :)23:57
HalitechBig, open a terminal and run lshw -C video and use pastebin to give us the info23:57
jared__Even with sudo I am getting the same error23:57
jared__I tried it once, it asked for my password. I inputed it. Then it gave me the error. Now when I make an attempt it does not offer the password field it just automatically fails and gives me the same error message23:58
Halitechjared__, do you have synaptic open as well?23:58
Dr_WillisQuick Audacious question - Trying to listen to 'last.fm' with audacious - i enabled the scrobbler plugin. Entered my last.fm username/pass.. so.. now what? audacious can PLAY last.fm cant it? i cant find any buttons or items anywhere to tell it to actually start playing my last.fm stuff.23:58
jared__You're good Halitech.23:59
jared__Yes I do.23:59
Halitechjared__, can only run 1 at a time, either look for the program in synaptic or close it and use the terminal :)23:59
jared__Haha. Well that fixed it23:59

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