
Ngwhat does it mean if I have a bunch of .conflict files in my U1 directories?00:23
NgI just synced to a new laptop and most of the files have a .conflict00:23
cainramjust got going with UbuntuOne - does anyone know how to send an invitation00:38
BUGabundocainram: do you need me to send anyone an invite?00:40
cainramwell, I'm at my LUG meeting and I'd like for my LUG mates to get set up00:41
cainramI don't know if three invites is too much to ask of a stranger00:41
jblountcainram: Just share a folder with their email address via the web interface, that'll set them up.00:41
cainramahhhh.... That's what I was looking for, thanks!00:41
BUGabundojblount: :(00:48
BUGabundoyou stole my quota !00:48
M25when I sync some files to my ubuntuone account, do those files in that folder stay on my computer?  or are they exclusively in the cloud, and I won't have to worry about them taking up space?01:27
statikthey stay on your computer01:28
M25right, thanks01:28
Crewsr3So I got my invite to ubuntuone today, installed the client.  I want to upload a folder with all of the subfolders.  How do I do that?02:55
jblountCrewsr3: putting it into ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ woudl be a good start :)03:02
Crewsr3jblount, thanks, figured it out03:02
jblountCrewsr3: No worries, most of us are in European or East Coast US timezones, so sometimes responding takes a while here :)03:03
Crewsr3jblount, so I was thinking of syncing my photos folder, so I just move the folder to the /ubuntu one/my files folder and then it will upload them and keep them synced between computers?03:03
Crewsr3jblount, thanks for getting back to me03:03
d1bhia just wanted to check that the ubuntuone client is open sourcey -> is it ?04:52
jblountd1b: Sure is! https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client (note the bit that says05:09
jblountLicenses: GNU GPL v3 )05:09
d1bjblount: yummy. will put this on said server then!05:11
nellmathewhey guys, i was wondering: i just got my invitation, are the permissions for my "ubuntu one" folder supposed to be access only? (no create/delete ?)05:16
kklimondanellmathew: the idea is that you shouldn't create any folders in Ubuntu One/ but only in My Files/ and Shared With Me/Subfolder/05:50
nellmathewkklimonda: ah alright, makes sense. thanks for the info!05:51
d1bum is there a cli version of ubuntu one ?06:39
kklimondad1b: there are u1sdtool and u1sync commands06:42
d1bany issues with using it on a server then ?06:43
d1bim seeing a bug re filling /tmp06:44
__lucio__d1b: we are working on releasing a tool we have that works like ftp06:57
desertedhey d1b07:07
deserted__lucio__: any plans for a FUSE client to allow mounting as remote drive?07:07
__lucio__deserted: not really. we have the filesystem that gives better performance for the client applications and if you want fuse, you can re mount the fs with fuse07:09
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facundobatistaBuen día!13:16
raphaHow can I change my Ubuntu One folder name?13:33
statikmoshi moshi13:38
__lucio__rapha: theres a question about that. right now you need to have a folder (or link) named like that. But the link can point to somewhere else13:41
raphaokay, then i can just put the link into .hidden ... that'll work13:43
mattgriffinanyone else getting "Authentication Failed" from the sync client?13:51
__lucio__good morning everyone. im face today.13:53
rmcbridemattgriffin: I just upgraded from nightlies and had no auth problems.14:02
mattgriffinrmcbride: were you having auth issues before?14:04
rmcbridemattgriffin: Was still connected before I did the upgrade, checking the other text boxen now14:04
rmcbridemattgriffin: no indication of issues in any logs. I'm finishing up the checklist on nightlies for rollout to beta, I'll poke at it more in the process14:06
CardinalFangDear Twisted, I'm sorry for all the scowling and grumbling I've done since I first met you half a decade ago.  You are wonderful.14:07
jblountCardinalFang: This would be the perfect sort of thing for a Twitter status update.14:09
CardinalFangDeat Twitter, I still hate you.14:10
elkythat would also be a good twitter update.14:10
* CardinalFang tweets and scowls.14:11
CardinalFangjblount: PUG ce soir, yesno?14:13
CardinalFangI don't really hate twitter.  I just don't use it for personal stuff.  I probably have more accounts than is healthy.14:14
jblountCardinalFang: Sadly, no, I have another engagement. No one replied to your call for talks either, I wonder if anyone is planning on attending.14:15
CardinalFangUgh.  I count 50 accounts.14:15
jblountCardinalFang: This is not healthy, you should seek professional help. May I recommend anyone calling themselves "social media expert" ?14:17
pfibigerCardinalFang: but how many of those are just zipcodes? :)14:24
CardinalFangpfibiger: 47.  One container, one for me, one for cafe.14:28
pfibigerCardinalFang: well, break crime down to streets, or blocks14:32
pfibigerthen you'll have twitter accounts :)14:32
CardinalFangI have to solve the CAPTCHA, so more than this is unlikely.14:35
CardinalFangOh, wait....15:00
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:01
jblount( CardinalFang forgot the magic words)15:01
jblountPlease say me if you are here for the desktop+ meeting15:01
teknicoso who's first, jblount or CardinalFang? :-)15:01
teknicodobey, no, not you ;-)15:02
* CardinalFang prepares to rochambeau.15:02
jblountaq's connection is down15:02
jblounturbanape: ?15:03
jblountDONE: Bug triage, code review, fixing small mistake branch, bothering poor pfibiger about rollouts, talking about upgrade paths with jdo and mattgriffin, talking about plan of attack for /files/new with statik and urbanape15:03
jblountTODO: #371839, need to sort out what we need for upgrade path so we can get copy rolling, need to figure out a plan for non-subscribed oauth bug15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:03
jblountCardinalFang: tag!15:03
CardinalFangDONE: Got PQM talking and landed code.  Figured out how to use SSL for pairing tool and that only Twisted has SSL that is flexible enough.15:03
CardinalFangTODO: Changing networking code from asyncore to Twisted.  The minloop will be ha15:03
CardinalFangppier; asyncore and GTK hate each other.15:03
CardinalFangBLOCKED: nil15:03
CardinalFang(car (cdr mtg))  ->  teknico15:03
teknicoDONE: completed supporting the Django test client for unit testing views, discussed with thisfred and markgsaye how to best unit test the contacts web views15:03
teknicoTODO: finishing to write the unit tests for the contacts web views15:03
teknicoBLOCKED: nothing15:03
teknicoNEXT: dobey15:03
dobey DONE: Removed --signup option in applet, Fixed small server deployment problem, Fixed typo in Nautilus extension15:04
dobeyTODO: Fix xdg-open failure handling15:04
dobeyBLCK: None.15:04
dobeystatik: your roll15:04
statikDONE: a bunch of reviews and phone calls TODO: get desktopcouch code released and work on converting to spawning BLCK: nope15:06
statikvds is next i think15:06
vdsDONE: started a branch for read-only sync, which has just been approved, reviewed the roadmap mark and all the others, started a branch to disable contact merging, nearly finished, worked with Chipaca and facundobatista to fix a problem with my local ubuntu one file sharing15:06
vdsTODO: land the first branch I mentioned, continue on the second branch and propose it for review.15:06
vdsBLOCKED: no15:06
vdsnext urbanape15:06
urbanapeDONE: Merged aquarius' branches together into my branch with local uuids for Bindwood. Reviewed and approved a few branches as on-call reviewer.15:06
urbanapeTODO: Propagate deletion tokens, rather than deleting from Couch. Differentiating between different bookmark types on pull. Get back some context for the ubunet new files UI.15:06
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:06
urbanapeNext: '()15:06
jblountMEETING ENDS15:06
urbanapeis aquarius out today?15:07
jblounturbanape: His connection is down, according to the Twitter.15:07
teknicooh right, I forgot the roadmap review, and the code review duty :-)15:08
urbanapejblount: ah, so.15:09
jblountSpeaking of which, I need to step away for the, "Oh, it's 10am, I've been working for 3 hours and haven't had a shower yet" break.15:10
urbanapestatik: any sense of how demo-complete Bindwood is? My most recent branch has pretty much all outstanding work merged in. Dunno if aquarius has anything else local.15:12
statikurbanape: oh, i have no idea15:13
urbanapek. I'm not sure what the demo script entails.15:14
urbanapeSteveA: ping15:18
vdsChipaca: are you on face duty today too?15:19
dobeyvds: he was yesterday15:21
vdsdobey: yes, the topic still says he's the "one"15:21
Chipacavds: no, why?15:21
Chipacabut I unset that before leaving15:22
Chipacadidn't I?15:22
vdsdobey: just updated the client but it doesn't connect15:22
=== Chipaca changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 64, Protocol Revno is 47 | Release 0.90.3 | Your friendly community help contact for today is: __lucio__
dobeyand i don't think we should put it in the topic anyway15:22
vdsdobey: how do the users know who to ping?15:23
dobeyvds: the users shouldn't have to ping a specific person. and that person is supposed to be paying attention to IRC to answer questions anyway15:24
Chipacadobey: putting it on the topic makes discoverable the fact that every day a different person will be paying attention15:26
vdsdobey: well, true but the person is not supposed to do just that15:26
Chipacadobey: as opposed to us all having a personality disorder15:26
__lucio__vds: i am15:26
dobeyChipaca: the former does not preclude the latter ;)15:26
vdshi __lucio__15:26
Chipacadobey: agreed :)15:27
vds__lucio__: as I was saying before, I've updated the client just now and it doesn't connect anymore15:27
vds__lucio__: can you help me?15:27
* vds waiting for pqm and has time to waste bothering the others15:28
dobeyrmcbride: i say we put the new revision in beta anyway, just to fix the crashing issue. the number of duplicates for it is crazy, and continually increasing15:28
dobeyvds: do the logs tell you anything useful? auth failed?15:28
__lucio__vds: i can try. lets see the logs.15:29
vds__lucio__: nothing on the syncdaemon log but15:30
vds__lucio__: http://pastebin.com/m208c6e0915:31
vdssorry was pasting the log of oauth15:31
__lucio__dobey: UbuntuOne.Client.Applet DBusError: The name :1.661 was not provided by any .service files ?15:31
dobeyvds: syncdaemon not running?15:31
dobey__lucio__: yeah, looks like syncdaemon is probably failing to start15:32
vdsdobey: how do start it manually?15:32
dobeyvds: /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon15:33
__lucio__vds: do you have the syncdaemon.log file?15:33
vds__lucio__: yes15:34
__lucio__can i see it?15:34
dobeyit's probably an error that's not getting logged15:35
vdsit is getting logged it seems15:36
verterokvds: hi, did you deleted or played with the syncdaemon metadata directory? :)15:40
__lucio__vds: i cant repeat the answer i got when showing this to the guilty party. im a gentleman.15:40
vdsin a call sorry15:40
verterokvds: ok, let me know when you'r done, I would like to know the steps to reproduce the error15:41
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* jblount looks at http://code.google.com/p/irssi-libnotify with interest16:10
dobeyi don't think it works so well with ssh+screen+irssi16:12
jblountdobey: It says that if I rock ssh -x to forward the x traffic, it'll work... I'll let you know in a second :)16:13
vdsverterok: back16:13
verterokvds: did you "touched" anything inside ~/.cache/ubutnuone/syncdaemon?16:14
dobeyjblount: i have serious doubts16:14
verterokvds: that error means that your shares metadata was upgraded from version 0, but you don't have the .version file with the version, so it's trying to upgrade the metadata again16:15
vdsverterok: I've restored .cache .config and Ubuntu One from a backup16:16
vdsverterok: so yes16:16
verterokvds: oooh16:16
jblountdobey: Could you talk @ me again, to test?16:16
dobeyjblount: no16:17
vdsverterok: "oooh" is usually bad, right?16:17
verteroksort of :)16:17
verterokvds: looks like your backup is missing a file: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/vm/.version16:17
jblountdobey: heh, "/bin/sh: notify-send: not found".. at least I know how to fix that.16:17
verterokvds: so syncdaemon is trying to upgrade the metadata based on that information, but you already have a 0.bkp directory (from a previous upgrade)16:18
dobeyapparently i need to take more breaks from the keyboard16:19
verterokvds: if your My Files and shares are in sync (or you don't care ;), I'ld recommend delete all the metadata, rm -Rf ~/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon and start with a clean env16:19
vdsverterok: ok thanks16:20
verterokvds: sure, np :)16:20
vdsverterok: confirm it is connecting now16:21
thisfredRD @jorge CouchDB session is pretty full, lots of interest from people. #gcds17:01
thisfredlucio: raincheck?17:06
thisfredah wrong # :)17:06
dobeythisfred: when are you moving to the land of the "free" btw?17:26
dobeymaybe i should write a quick python script that marks all new nautilus crash bugs as dups17:29
dobeywould save me the hassle of typing " duplicate 395710" all the time :)17:29
thisfreddobey: the 30th already!17:30
thisfredjust signed up for the dc and baltimore python user groups :)17:31
dobeythisfred: cool17:31
thisfredyeah the appartment looks ok, from the few photos we saw, and it's in a nice area17:32
thisfredvery exciting17:33
jblountTime for some lunching.17:41
dobey"we want to thank you for being a great customer, so we want to ask you to give us more money!"17:48
dobeyand i think the person that called me was indian, trying very hard to suppress her accent, and had a cleft palate17:50
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mercutio22_hello there folks. So let me get this, all I have to do is install ubuntu one in two machines and I have to stop worrying about which computer I last edited that text file?17:59
mercutio22_provided the file is inside the ubuntuone folder?17:59
mercutio22_so the file is uploaded automatically?18:01
mercutio22_and downloaded automatically at the second machine?18:01
thisfredas long as the client is running on both, yes.18:01
dobeyprovided there are no bugs that prevent it and both have the client running and connected, yes18:01
dobeywe /are/ actually in beta (unlike all those other 'beta' services that have been 'beta' for 3+ years)18:02
thisfredwell, we are in beta, but that is how it should work :)18:02
mercutio22_nice! lets do it18:02
mercutio22_are there any bugs related to overwriting newer files with old files? Thats what worries me most18:03
dobeymercutio22_: i wouldn't recommend using it as a primary storage location for data, until we are no longer 'beta' :)18:04
mercutio22_dobey, ok. I will back it up18:05
Tm_TI know I have asked this before but here I go again: what is the status of Kubuntu/KDE support? Last time I tried, it still couldn't run (1 or 2 months in Intrepid now) and I get more and more questions regarding it18:16
Tm_Tso, if I get information if it is or will be supported some way, I would love to share the info forward then18:17
dobeyTm_T: there are definitely people using the applet and sync daemon on kubuntu under kde.18:20
Tm_Thmm, so it should work?18:20
Tm_TI cannot test it myself, so...18:20
dobeyit will work18:21
Tm_Tok, will keep that in mind then, thanks18:21
dobeyTm_T: if there are specific issues you encounter that prevent it from working, please file them either as new bugs, or against the "we should have a kde client" bug18:26
phonixorcan anyone tell me if its allready possible to add a directory to ubuntuone?18:26
Tm_Tdobey: will do, just wondered as I haven't heard any specific news since the release week or two18:26
CardinalFangphonixor: The answer I have is too easy, so perhaps you should ask another way so we know what you mean.18:28
dobeyphonixor: how do you mean?18:28
phonixori want to add /home/phonixor/documents18:28
CardinalFangAh, you want to synchronize something that is not inside "Ubuntu One" dir.  Hrm.18:28
dobeyTm_T: we don't really have time at this point to do anything specific for KDE, and nobody has submitted any branches to do a KDE-spcific client applet or plasma widget or kioslave or whatever18:29
Tm_Tdobey: I understand that fully18:29
dobeyTm_T: the packaging for ubuntu is updated now to be more easy to allow a separate -kde package which provides the kde bits, though, as i've been working mostly on packaging for like the past week and a half18:29
dobeyTm_T: and there is upstream consensus/work going on to have a single keyring system, which will make that much easier to deal with in the future18:30
Tm_Tdobey: aye, I hope events like gcds will bring these two desktop project monsters to closer collaboration (fd.o is really something to develop)18:31
dobeyTm_T: heh, unfortunately i am not in gran canaria to help with that18:33
Tm_Tdobey: then you're like me, helping as staying away (;18:34
phonixoris it possible to add /home/phonixor/documents/ to the synchronization? cause that would be really helpful...18:34
CardinalFangphonixor: I am not an expert, but I think your only recourse is to "cd ~; mv documents Ubuntu\ One/; ln -s Ubuntu\ One/documents"18:35
dobeyphonixor: we don't support syncing arbitrary directories yet, no.18:35
dobeyCardinalFang: that wouldn't work18:35
dobeyCardinalFang: has to be under ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ currently as well ;)18:35
CardinalFangAh, right!18:35
phonixorwhat if i would mount the documents dir inside the ubuntuone dir?18:36
dobeyphonixor: if you put it inside ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ it should sync18:37
phonixordont know if that was clear and if it where the correct words... kinda linux noob :P18:37
CardinalFang$ mount --bind olddir newdir  #?  Hmm.  Try it!18:37
dobeyphonixor: I wouldn't advise keeping your only copy of data inside Ubuntu One yet though18:37
phonixoryeah i figured as much18:37
dobeyphonixor: we are still in beta, and there are bugs we're trying to fish out and get fixed :)18:37
phonixormmmh more in alpha imho... still very cool18:38
dobeywell, it's beta. problem is everyone else has distorted the meaning of beta :(18:40
* dobey kicks google18:40
phonixorthere not in beta anymore...18:43
Tm_Tphonixor: some services are18:44
chuckchow can i re-add a computer with the uo client?  I deleted the wrong computer on the account/machines page, and now can't connect.18:48
phonixorsudo mount --bind /home/phonixor/Documents /home/phonixor/Ubuntu One/My Files/Documents18:49
phonixoraint working18:49
dobeychuckc: remove the token from your keyring using Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys18:49
phonixormaybe i should add qoutes :P18:49
phonixoryeah :P18:50
phonixor<-- newb18:50
phonixordamn it aint syncing :(18:52
chuckcdobey, great, added my computer.   I don't see any of my files though.  See them through the web interface.18:52
chuckcand see all my computers on account/machines18:53
chuckcdobey, er i am reconnecting now, think its ok.18:54
chuckcso is there any cli access ? I don't see any uo mounts18:55
phonixordoes it have sub directory support?18:56
dobeychuckc: the local client stores stuff in a local folder. it's not a separate filesystem18:57
dobeychuckc: you can just cd ~/Ubuntu\ One/ in a terminal for example18:57
dobeychuckc: and u1sdtool is a cli tool to tell the ubuntuone-syncdaemon to connect/disconnect/etc...18:58
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dobeyphonixor: yes. if you make a sub-directory in ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ it should get synced to the server18:58
phonixorthats the problem :P18:58
phonixoryou have to do a full refresh :P18:58
dpmdobey: thanks for the last review on the enable-translations branch, I've resubmitted the merge proposal as suggested18:59
phonixori was just switching between "my files" and "shared with me", which worked fine for files :P18:59
phonixorthanks for the help18:59
dobeydpm: great, i'll look at it18:59
phonixoris there any kind of help file? or documentation of some kind btw?19:04
dobeynot really. there's some man pages for the command line tools, and some documentation for some of the APIs we provide in the python modules, but no real end user docs for the desktop integration bits19:05
phonixorok... the mounting thing aint working... its just not syncing...19:05
phonixor@dobby aah thats a shame..19:06
dobeyphonixor: yeah, but we're trying to design/build it to be blatently obvious. it's a hard job to do on *nix though :)19:06
phonixordobey: nice goal... unrealistic... but a nice goal :P19:08
dobeyphonixor: i think part of the problem is that we use inotify directly19:08
phonixori notify is a directory listner?19:09
phonixorsorry i am kind off a newb on whole linux thing19:09
dobeyit's the file change notification stuff in the linux kernel19:09
CardinalFangphonixor: The Linux kernel must not pass inotify events up past mountpoints for bind-ed mounts.  More than one event per action would be bad, so maybe it makes sense.  I *think* pure mounts would work.19:09
dobeyi think it doesn't work so well for mounts19:09
* CardinalFang lets dobey take over, as he knows more surely.19:10
phonixori think if i do the mount backwards it might work19:10
* CardinalFang nods.19:10
phonixorlol... why in the hell is it umount instead of unmount anyways :P19:13
CardinalFangIt's the way the Unix guys creat'ed it.19:15
CardinalFang(man creat)19:15
phonixorremember me to hit em when i see em...19:16
jblountThose crazy Unix guys!19:16
phonixorand then kiss em for all the stuff they did do good ^^19:16
dobeythe beards got in the way19:16
CardinalFangThey'll probably think you like Plan 9 or Inferno.19:16
jblountdobey: Yo, I'm looking into this "I tried to Oauth, but didn't have a subscription so I end up at /plans/" problem. Do you have a proposition for it?19:16
phonixorhow far/fast does the ubuntuone site refresh/updates itself?19:17
phonixoris it ajax based like gmail?19:17
jblountphonixor: It won't "refresh itself", you'd have to rock a F5 or similar to refresh the interface19:18
phonixoraah... hope that that is on the todo list :P19:18
jblountphonixor: It is "ajax based" in bits, but that's kind of another idea. We plan for it to "refresh itself" sometime soonish.19:18
jblountphonixor: Yes, it is on a very long todo list :)19:18
dobeyjblount: your suggestion seemed appropriate19:19
dobeyjblount: which was to check referrer and put up a useful message19:19
phonixorhehe i still have tons of ideas :P19:19
dobeyjblount: and we should also store referrer in a cookie or something, and redirect back to the oauth page when the user finishes subscribing19:19
jblountphonixor: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone :), we love ideas!19:19
windmillHi, just tried to sign up, but the client won't start and there is no message on the command line....   any ideas?19:20
phonixoryeah already posted some :P19:20
dobeyCardinalFang: oh man, plan 919:20
jblountdobey: Neat, I forgot talking about this before.19:20
dobeyCardinalFang: what is inferno though?19:20
phonixoryou guys really speak in riddles :P19:20
jblountphonixor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_9_from_Bell_Labs19:21
jblountphonixor: They usually speak over my head, but I have a quick google trigger ;)19:21
phonixoraah thanks19:21
phonixori think the backwards mount did the trick though :P19:22
windmillrunning ubuntuone-client-applet --signup on the command line gives: Segmentation fault19:23
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 69, Protocol Revno is 47 | Release 0.90.3 | Your friendly community help contact for today is: __lucio__
windmilland now it's brought up the page.. very strange19:24
rmcbriderevno 69 client packages have just been posted to the BETA PPA. Enjoy19:24
phonixorjoy its working!... now add USB support :P19:25
CardinalFang...and send mail.19:25
dobeywindmill: hrmm19:26
dobeywindmill: can you reproduce the segfault reliably?19:26
phonixorbtw are mount --binds saved during a restart? cause i dont see anything in fstab...19:27
CardinalFangphonixor: no19:27
phonixor... damn...19:28
phonixorcould you make it that way?19:29
phonixoror should i add a service that mounts it?19:29
dobeyyou could add it to fstab i guess19:29
phonixori have some reading todo then i guess ^^19:30
CardinalFangphonixor: /etc/fstab is a boot-time prescription, not a description of the current state.19:30
phonixoryeah... but it would be most usefull if it was done at boot..19:31
phonixoror should i edit something else then?19:31
CardinalFangahgreed.  do it.19:31
dobeyphonixor: you'd need to add it to fstab if you want to mount it on boot19:33
phonixoryeah trying to find a site with the right syntax for fstab to do just that ^^19:34
CardinalFangphonixor: Let's be more specific.  /etc/fstab is read by the "mount" program.  You can always run "mount -a".  It's just ath boot time calls it too.19:35
CardinalFangSo, you need not reboot to test.19:35
phonixoraah thats usefull19:35
CardinalFangYeah, I can't imagine how to fit the "--bind" part in the options. ....19:36
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dobeyCardinalFang: i think it's the "fstype" bit19:37
CardinalFangphonixor: You may need to add it to /etc/init.d/S??local19:37
phonixorriddles again :P19:37
phonixori am gonna try fstab first :P19:37
phonixori love the open as administrator thingy :P19:38
windmilldobey, I ran it again and it started the browser, so no, I can't reproduce it19:41
windmilldobey it does seem to be working now... very strange19:43
dobeywindmill: probably intermittent dbus-python crash :-/19:43
phonixoraww my line is bad :P19:45
phonixor/home/phonixor/Ubuntu\ One/My\ Files/Documents  /home/phonixor/Documents ext4 rw,exec 0 019:46
dobeywell, neither of those is a block device, so yeah19:47
phonixoroke lemme try what you said then :P19:47
jblountCardinalFang: What do you get when you through 'couchdb' into a bash prompt?19:49
dobeyphonixor: you want 'none' instead of 'ext4'19:49
phonixorcardinalfang: /etc/init.d/S??local does not excist... did you mean inetd.conf by anychange?19:49
dobeyphonixor: he meant /etc/init.d/rc.local19:49
phonixoraaah :P19:50
CardinalFangphonixor: ..or  /etc/rc2.d/S99rc.local19:50
CardinalFangI mixed them.  Sorry.19:50
phonixorwhere did you learn all this stuff?19:50
phonixoraah crap... i remember this file19:51
phonixori added gmailnotifie here...19:51
dobeyCardinalFang: isn't that just a symlink to /etc/init.d/rc.local though? :)19:51
CardinalFangPlaying with Slackware in 1994.19:51
phonixorit screwed my computer :P19:51
phonixorprop cause its a gui app..19:51
CardinalFangjblount: I cannot parse that question.19:51
CardinalFang$ couchdb19:52
CardinalFangApache CouchDB needs write permission on the data directory: /var/lib/couchdb/0.8.019:52
jblountCardinalFang: Lo siento, I'm wondering why when I run "couchdb" it crashes, but all of our stuff including lp:desktopcouch works fine19:52
CardinalFangjblount: What's the message?19:53
jblountCardinalFang: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/213030/19:53
CardinalFangjblount: Yes, I get the same on one machine.19:54
jblountCardinalFang: Heh, that makes me feel better19:54
CardinalFangjblount: $ file /etc/couchdb/*ini    # all say "text" ?19:57
jblountCardinalFang: yepper19:58
jblount"ASCII English text"19:58
natewiebe13what was r69?20:13
natewiebe13well, the change in r6920:14
natewiebe13__lucio__: im using r68, what did they change in r69?20:16
__lucio__natewiebe13: i dont know. let me check20:17
phonixorand it worked!20:17
rmcbridenatewiebe13: the only change between 68 and 69 was a spelling error in the nautilus plugin20:17
phonixorthanks all20:17
rmcbridenatewiebe13: it just happened to land before I rolled  new clients out to beta20:17
natewiebe13__lucio__: alright.. thanks20:17
natewiebe13that always sucks20:18
rmcbride__lucio__: oops, should have put you on taht too. ^^20:18
__lucio__rmcbride: np, thanks for replying20:20
phonixorhow are beta invites selected anyways? just first come first served?20:25
jblountphonixor: Yes, we are just trying to protect the servers from going down / catching on fire20:30
phonixoryou mean you have planned the BBQ/stress test for a later date :P20:31
wickeehh... I got my invitation today, I followed the installation guide as far as it helped me... but after I had installed the required software, I got Ubuntu One in my Applications menu, under Internet. I clicked it but nothing happened21:20
wickeI can see that the process is running but I can't continue with installation21:21
__lucio__wicke: let me see what we can do.21:21
__lucio__dobey: ping21:21
dobeywicke: are you using a proxy?21:22
wickeI have NAT if it matters but no proxy21:22
dobeya nat should be fine21:22
dobeywicke: do you have any errors in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log ?21:23
wickeWhile trying to retrieve the URL:21:25
wicke<A HREF="http://ubuntuone.com/oauth/request/">http://ubuntuone.com/oauth/request/</A>21:25
wickeThe following error was encountered:21:25
wickeUnable to forward this request at this time.21:25
sunnydrakehello i have question: can i use ubuntu one service to share my file with person who have windows os? and how?21:26
kklimondasunnydrake: not really21:26
kklimondasunnydrake: they would have to use web interface probably21:26
sunnydrakekklimonda: i not found any "public access" option in web interface...21:27
wickedopey: nvm, the server was just busy today morning21:27
dobey wicke hrmm. interesting. that one's new to me :)21:27
kklimondasunnydrake: well, they would need an account and a folder shared with you.21:27
wickeit's now working21:28
dobeywicke: ok, cool21:28
sunnydrakekklimonda: ..hmm bad.. :(21:29
dobeysunnydrake: we only support sharing of folders at the moment, and not arbitrary public shares21:33
sunnydrakedobey: any plans for future or it not planned at all(as can impact traffic cost)?21:34
raphaHi again21:35
raphaIs it normal that Nautilus crashes when I try to access a folder over SFTP while Ubuntu One is synching?21:35
dobeyrapha: upgrade :)21:35
dobeysunnydrake: i don't know of any concrete plans, but if it's a single file, there are much better ways to share single files that people have been using for years, anyway... IM file transfer, e-mail attachments, etc...21:36
dobeyposting unreadable URLs isn't really all that friendly21:36
sunnydrakedobey: it's a good case for larger files (10mb+), user friendly use ( it's problematic for some people to understand how to connect and use ftp :)), case where server pc(ftp,smb etc) could be offline.21:38
sunnydrakedobey: and collaboartion :)(google docs have restrictions as i remember)21:40
raphadobey: nautilus still crashes21:40
dobeyrapha: with 0.90.3+r69 ?21:40
dobeyrapha: it would crash one last time if you upgraded and did not restart nautilus21:40
raphayes dobey21:41
rapharestart nautilus ... i had only restarted the ubuntuone client21:41
dobeyrapha: right. it probably doesn't crash any more then :)21:41
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raphanow it works :)21:42
sunnydrakedobey: hmm it's possible to use sftp with ubuntu one??? any sftp client compatiable?21:43
raphasunnydrake: no, i just wanted to access another sftp locationw while ubuntuone was running21:44
dobeysunnydrake: no, there was a bug in the nautilus extension that cause nautilus to crash when browsing non-local URIs21:45
* BUGabundo the beared guy, say moooo o/21:47
raphaeven tho it'd be nice if ubuntuone did use encryption21:48
dobeythe amount of increased security by adding encryption only on the endpoints is minimal21:49
tcolewe do use an encrypted transport21:50
tcoleso it's no worse than sftp21:50
dobeywe would have to decrypt the data before sending it back21:50
raphaencrypted transport, that's what i meant21:51
dobeyoh, well, we do transport the data over ssl21:51
raphacool :)21:51
dobeyrmcbride: can we mark #376565 as Fix Released now? :)21:54
rmcbridedobey: I think so. I need to read the massive wall of text again to see if there are any requirements unmet that still apply and then I'll update it.21:56
dobeyrmcbride: cool, thanks21:56
raphahum, i wonder if it was too much to stuff 700MB into the system in one go :P22:12
dobeyrapha: it will definitely cause some heavy resource usage22:19
verterokrapha: also the resource usage 'll depend if the 700MB is single file or 20000 files :)22:24
syngin01impressed so far about ubuntuone. seems to be working well22:43
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raphaverterok: more like 1500 files23:15
verterokrapha: I think you'r going to be ok, syncdaemon is suffering some issues with large file sets ~1000023:15
raphai just thought that'd be the best way to test if it works okay with real-world data :D23:16
jegHegyare there plans to make the client try to connect as soon as networkmanager reports a successful connection?23:19
jegHegyat least as an option (maybe off by default to prevent unwanted traffic for users with mobile access)23:20
raphaoh yeah, that'd be great23:20
raphaand also make it reconnect whenever it looses the connection for some reason23:20
wickeand also make it keep reconnecting when server is busy or unavailable23:24
jegHegysounds like a bug report23:31

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