
Keybukmbiebl: of course, I keep forgetting when talking to Debian, that they're not actually programmers17:35
mbieblw.r.t to startpar, you say?17:39
mbieblmaybe I'm just missing the context :-)17:40
sadmac2Keybuk: this weekend once I finish the tests for the state transfer patch, I'm going to try making 0.6 queue start/stop calls along with events18:15
Keybuksadmac2: shiny18:21
sadmac2Keybuk: I try18:22
sadmac2Md: what is حَوّامتي مُمْتِلئة بِأَنْقَلَيْسون18:23
Keybuk"make all" works in trunk for the first time in ages ;)20:05
PovAddictyou think that's rare? maybe you need to set up a buildbot20:11
KeybukPovAddict: I'm not sure how that would help, other than flagging that it doesn't actually build20:13
sadmac2 |20:43
sadmac2/ \20:43
sadmac2mbiebl: why are we celebrating?20:44
mbiebl[21:05:27] <Keybuk> "make all" works in trunk for the first time in ages ;)20:44
sadmac2mbiebl: oh20:45
mbieblKeybuk: does it only compile or actually boot ;-)20:46
Keybukmbiebl: I haven't tested _that_ :)20:47
KeybukI was being distracted by vim syntax highlight20:47
Keybukwhich doesn't work for me *cry*20:48
mbieblare you using /etc/init/*.conf ?20:48
KeybukI changed that bit20:48
Keybukif I have a file loaded, how do I force vim to use upstart syntax for it20:49
sadmac2Keybuk: :source /path/to/upstart.vim methinks20:49
mbieblset filetype=upstart20:50
sadmac2Keybuk: you're an emacs'er typically, aren't you?20:50
sadmac2Keybuk: ^^mbiebl has it right20:50
Keybukmbiebl: I did that, and it turned off all the syntax highlighting ;)20:50
mbieblWhere did you install the upstart.syntax file into?20:51
Keybukoh, I see20:51
KeybukI'm an idiot20:51
Keybukyou called the file syntax_upstart.vim ;)20:51
Keybukit needs to be upstart.vim in the syntax sub-directory20:51
mbiebloh, yes20:51
mbieblI thought I had added that to the bug report20:52
KeybukI probably didn't read it properly ;)20:52
mbieblIt needs a lot of polishing, but I wanted to wait with that, until the syntax format for 0.6 is finished.20:54
mbieblIt's actually a nice way to document all the keywords etc ;-)20:54
mbiebltime to run make: real0m45.070s20:57
mbiebltime to run make check: real10m35.532s20:58
mbieblon my crappy laptop, i.e.20:58
Keybukthat's not bad21:02
Keybukit passed then? :)21:02
mbieblIt did, yes21:02
* sadmac2 wonders if make check is -j safe21:04
Keybuksadmac2: don't think so21:04
sadmac2Keybuk: I'd imagine the dbus stuff would get hairy21:05
Keybukthough automake may not even allow that21:05
Keybukit might build them in parallel but run them in series21:05
Keybukindeed, that's exactly what it does ;)21:05
Keybukso it's "safe" in the sense that it's ignored21:05
sadmac2Keybuk: I think in the future we shouldn't have dates in the code names. It confuses me.21:55
sadmac2I keep thinking its some other sort of information21:55
Keybukbut it was the release date! :)21:56
sadmac2Keybuk: why were you John Masters?21:56
sadmac2(for who the Sega Master System is named btw. Fun fact)21:57
Keybukdo you not listen to the lkml summary podcast?21:58
sadmac2Keybuk: no. I subscribe to the list... I'm a little behind :P21:59
Keybukpick one at random and listen for a few seconds21:59
Keybukthen you'll understand21:59
sadmac2and now I go home22:00
Keybukwell, holy crap, it booted22:33
mbieblKeybuk: can confirm22:51
mbieblrunning it too ;-)22:51
Keybukare you using the shiny new default jobs? :)22:52
mbieblI do22:52
mbieblrunlevel handling is a bit broken22:52
Keybukoh, what did you find?22:53
mbieblwhen booted, runlevel should be "N 2"22:53
mbieblnot "S 2"22:53
KeybukI think it should be S 2, no?22:53
Keybukyou've come from single-user mode into runlevel 222:53
mbieblno, don't think so22:53
KeybukI know 0.3 said N 222:54
Keybukbut I always thought that was a bug ;)22:54
PovAddictpersonally I wish Ubuntu packages used upstart events instead of init.d scripts :)22:54
mbieblit's not like you stopped after rcS and then switched runlevel manually to 222:54
Keybukhmm maybe22:55
mbieblotherwise, you have the problem that when you enter runlevel 222:55
Keybukjust change the env RUNLEVEL= in rc-sysinit.conf22:55
mbieblall stop links are executed22:55
Keybukshould be just22:55
Keybukenv RUNLEVEL=22:55
Keybukmaybe it wasn't a bug then22:55
mbieble.g. I have apache and mysql installed, but disabled22:56
mbiebland when entering runlevel two, those two are stopped first22:56
mbieblbefore the actual boot continues22:56
KeybukI changed that22:57
Keybuknow when I boot into single-user mode first, it's22:57
KeybukN S22:57
Keybuk(it was S S before, which I agree is a weeeee bit odd)22:57
ionke230434  * sadmac2 wonders if make check is -j safe22:57
mbieblN S for single user mode is correct I think22:57
ion.NOTPARALLEL: or something equivalent should be used if it’s not.22:57
mbieblBut I think, the rcS stage during boot shouldn't be considered "single user mode"22:58
ion(Now that i read further, “something equivalent” is done. :-P)22:58
Keybukyeah, I mean with "single"22:58
Keybukthen when I go from single to multi-user (^D) I get S 222:58
mbieblthat looks about right too22:58
Keybuklet's try booting straight into multi-user22:59
Keybuknow it's N 223:00
Keybukand the system boot record was still written \o/23:00
mbieblwhat I also find a bit weird, is that the jobs are actually named job.conf23:01
mbieble.g. in status etc23:01
Keybukthey are?23:01
Keybukare you sure you installed the 0.6 util directory?23:01
mbieblrc.conf stop/waiting23:02
Keybukactually, that shouldn't make a difference23:02
KeybukI see23:02
Keybukrc stop/waiting23:02
Keybukwhich revno are you at? (upstart & libnih)23:02
Keybuk1160 / 966 here23:02
mbieblI guess it's time for an update then ;-)23:03
Keybukoh, yeah23:03
Keybukyou're missing the revs that dealt with the .conf issue23:03
Keybuk1161 has the rc-sysinit fix23:04
mbieblcompiling ...23:04
ionkeybuk: How are you planning to handle mounting with 0.6 in karmic?23:21
ionI wish i had managed to write the mount daemon, but i haven’t.23:21
Keybukby using a mount daemon :)23:22
ionAny code yet?23:23
Keybukno, that's my next thing to do really23:28
mbieblKeybuk: noticed one more minor issue23:30
mbieblwhen I use startpar, switching to runlevel 6/0 will also stop the service23:30
mbieblwhich were already disabled in 223:30
mbieblfor debugging, I added a pre-start script echo $(runlevel) end script to rc.conf23:31
mbieblthen this problem magically goes away23:31
Keybukodd, why does it do that?23:34
Keybukisn't echo $(runlevel) a little superfluous? :p23:35
Keybukrunlevel would be enough there <g23:35
mbieblI actually have a simple runlevel call ;-)23:35
mbiebljust wanted to make it clear, that it's debugging output23:36
mbiebl/etc/init.d/rc uses the $runlevel and $prevlevel env variables23:36
mbiebland passes that to startpar23:36
Keybukit sets those from $RUNLEVEL and $PREVLEVEL though right?23:37
Keybukthat should be set23:38
mbiebl[ "$previous" = "" ] && previous=N23:38
Keybukset -x that script? :p23:39
mbieblweird is, that simply calling runlevel magically "fixes" it23:40
Keybukthat is weird23:41
Keybukrunlevel doesn't do anything ;)23:41
mbieblI added a runlevel to /etc/init.d/rc23:49
mbiebl(when runlevel and previous are set)23:49
mbiebland on reboot it shows N 6 with startpar23:49
mbieblbut of course it should show 2 623:50
Keybukwhat does it show without startpar?23:51
mbieblfwiw I also get an assertion error from this runlevel call, when it's called during rcS23:51
mbieblwithout startpar it shows 2 623:51
mbieblweird thing is, startpar is called much later in /etc/init.d/rc23:51
Keybukdo you have a core for that?23:51
Keybukor at least the assertion message?23:52
mbieblKeybuk: I'll need to reboot for that and, wait a sec23:52
mbieblrunlevel:error.c:319 Assertion failed in nih_error_get: context_stack != NULL23:55
Keybukgot a core for that?23:59

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