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pittiasac: I wouldn't like to update the entire NM post-release, but certainly we can cherrypick fixes06:58
pittiasac: so I guess it depends whether the beta/rc snapshots are stable enough06:58
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pittihey seb12809:03
seb128hey pitti!09:03
pittiseb128: enjoying the last GCDS day?09:03
seb128pitti, enjoying being back home rather ;-)09:03
seb128pitti, I did travel back yesterday evening09:04
seb128how was the week for you?09:05
seb128thanks for fighting the new gdm issues09:05
seb128pitti, congrats for your gvfs changes being commited ;-)09:07
pittiseb128: week> in between fixing gdm and fixing p-distutils-extra :)09:07
pittiseb128: thanks; I'm sure I can get the gphoto bits in as well09:07
pittiseb128: gdm> bug 396226 is still a pain09:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396226 in gdm "GDM logs out after some minutes of typing on the keyboard" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39622609:16
pittimy preferred solution is to fix getty to exit if it sees that vt1 is already taken09:17
pittiI'll look into that now09:17
seb128is that specific to the changes you did?09:17
seb128because I never had the issue and I'm running the new gdm on 2 boxes every now and then since jaunty09:17
pittiseb128: not particularly to "my" changes, it's just what gdm does09:18
pittigdm starts before getty, so X takes the first available tty, which is 109:18
seb128well it's weird that nobody noticed before the karmic upload while it was in the ppa09:18
pittilater, getty comes along and also listens to tty1, eventually times out, closes the vt, and takes X with it09:18
seb128I'm still running 0ubuntu1 and didn't get the issue either09:19
pittiseb128: are you running with usplash?09:19
pittiseb128: does gdm start at vt1 initially?09:20
seb128pitti, how do I know? I asked you yesterday but got disconnected I think09:23
seb128I'm using autologin so I've no gdm greeter running09:23
pittiseb128: boot, and then do ctrl+alt+f209:23
pittiand ctrl+alt+f109:23
pittithat might change things, yes09:23
pittiseb128: but still ctrl+alt+fn shows you which console X is running on09:24
seb128it's running on vt709:24
seb128my session is I mean09:24
pittiso anyway, I'll look into this now09:24
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:32
pittihey chrisccoulson09:33
chrisccoulsonhi pitti09:33
asac_pitti: cherry picking fixes wont work09:59
asac_well it does09:59
asac_its just a post release bump10:00
asac_if we cant do that i wont do it10:00
asac_we would end up in the same situation as with NM in intrepid10:00
asac_point is that F12 releases a few weeks after us10:01
pittiasac_: ok, so we could give it a lot of testing then10:02
pittiso, either it works well enough to not produce "critical" bug reports, then we can just leave it as it is10:02
asac_yeah of course10:02
pittior we do get them, then we have people who can test the new version10:02
pittiit becomes tricky if the final version relies on a newer kernel, or newer driver versions10:03
asac_pitti: no thats not what will happen10:03
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pittii. e. if they do things like iw->cfg80211 in between our snapshot and final10:03
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:03
seb128hey asac10:03
chrisccoulsonhi seb12810:04
asacpitti: no... i am sure i can confince dan to not do that10:04
asacpitti: same for not changing ABI/API10:04
asacet al10:04
asacseb128: hi10:04
pittiasac: so it seems that it'd be best to get it in early?10:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i got to the bottom of the metacity respawning issue. it was a metacity bug in the end rather than a gnome-session bug10:04
asacill talk today again with dan... otherwise check if if there are problems with any rdepends and if htere is nothing upload10:05
asacsounds good10:05
asacseb128: still on the beach ;)?10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah I read your comments by email, good job there10:07
seb128asac, no, back to rainy germany yesterday evening ;-)10:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - is there any way of starting a failsafe xterm from the new GDM? it's quite useful when debugging issues like that10:09
asacseb128: germany? or elsaß ;)?10:09
seb128asac, neither of those but my part of france which is not elsaß ;-)10:10
mvohey seb128, welcome back \o/10:29
seb128hey mvo!10:29
* seb128 hugs mvo10:29
seb128good to have some working internet again ;-)10:29
seb128mvo, while I'm still thinking about it, I don't think we conclude on the cron discussion the other day10:30
mvoseb128: I have not added it, but I think its fine to do10:30
seb128the xapian things eating my battery at conference, do you consider is as a cron issue?10:31
mvopersonally I think cron.weekly / monstly should not run on battery10:31
mvoits usually heavy stuff10:31
seb128yeah, after stopping xapian I had updatedb10:32
seb128mvo, how come that synaptic is outdated in ubuntu, aren't you upstream for it? ;-)11:01
mvoseb128: version-numbers ... *pfff*11:05
seb128mvo, it's red on http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/versions.html11:05
mvowell, its just a version, they are slightly different in both distros11:06
mvobut I can do a merge :)11:06
mvobtw, is there a way to see how well the buildds for ddebs.ubuntu.com doing? I'm waiting for a updated kernel debug package11:07
seb128grrrr karmic crashing while being away12:34
seb128if somebody wrote something for me during lunch time please do it again12:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i don't think you missed anything. it's been pretty quiet for a little while now12:42
seb128ok thanks12:43
geserseb128: as you uploaded gnome-shell, do you know where gjs-dev is as it depwaits on it?12:56
seb128geser, the gnome-shell upload was a mistake it was supposed to be a ppa upload12:56
seb128dunno who accepted it but it's going to stay in this not building state for a few weeks12:57
seb128it requires git versions or random components and new depends12:57
* asac break14:08
* lool repairs asac 14:13
seb128lool, bien rentré ?14:19
pittiasac: is bug 220628 really a hardy issue in libxcb?14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220628 in libxcb "[MASTER] firefox-3.0b5 received an X Window System error: 'BadIDChoice'" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22062814:21
rickspencer3seb128: lool: are you still enjoying GC?14:23
seb128rickspencer3, hey, had a nice trip back?14:25
rickspencer3seb128: long, but fine14:25
seb128rickspencer3, I was flying back yesterday evening, I'm enjoy working internet in rainy weather today14:25
rickspencer3it's really rainy here to14:26
pittihey rickspencer314:26
pittirickspencer3: back as well, or still at GC?14:26
rickspencer3yes, I am enjoying two days off .. but of course woke up incredibly early this morning14:27
pittiah, the usual westwards syndrome14:27
rickspencer3seb128: lool: I was thinking that perhaps next week the three of us could cuddle so you could advise me on the best way we could help GNOME with GNOME 314:28
rickspencer3I meant huddle, not cuddle14:28
* rickspencer3 notes that the trip was not *that* team building14:28
seb128rickspencer3, yes sure14:29
rickspencer3seb128: thanks ... I think I should be a bit more rational after a few days off ;)14:30
seb128np, taking some time for thinking is often a good idea ;-)14:32
loolseb128: Return was fine yeah14:47
loolrickspencer3: That sounds good (cuddling and chatting around GNOME 3)14:49
dobeyjames_w: ping. why didn't you use cdbs with python-oauth?14:56
james_wbecause I didn't want to?14:57
james_wI find it to be a net loss of time in the long run14:59
praveen1is there any blueprint or list of things being done to reduce power consumption in karmic?15:01
seb128praveen1, try asking on #ubuntu-devel that's not really desktopish15:01
asacpitti: the one left is not yet understood15:09
asacpitti: but its not a regression15:09
asace.g. the bug itself is fixed, what is left is another bug15:09
dobeyjames_w: how so? isn't typing "include blahblahblah.mk" faster than writing out all the build rules? :)15:15
seb128lut didrocks15:18
didrocksseb128: hey o/ To answer to your question, it's better today, but the organization is not so good15:18
james_wdobey: but *reading* blahblahblah.mk is a different matter15:22
seb128let's not troll on cdbs or not15:23
seb128for weird packages when you need to take special action it might be less handy15:24
seb128in common cases it just works15:24
dobeyjames_w: i don't want to read it, i want it to work :)15:25
james_wwe can all dream :-)15:25
asacpitti: did you remove the verification-done tag because the libxcb update was rolled out or because you think its not verified? Bug 22062815:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220628 in libxcb "[MASTER] firefox-3.0b5 received an X Window System error: 'BadIDChoice'" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22062815:31
asaci think the problem reported is really a different bug ... just related and was previously hidden because the other just happened sooner15:31
asacit shouldnt hold back the roll out if libxcb wasnt rolled yet.15:31
asacat least from what i read everybody agreed that its better with that new libxcb?15:31
dobeyjames_w: well it works for python-oauth... i had to switch it over to be able to build it on hardy :)15:40
james_wdobey: shouldn't have15:40
dobeyjames_w: i wouldn't have touched rules if it had Just Worked (TM) :)15:41
dobeyjames_w: but --install-layout wasn't a valid option15:42
james_wwell, let's fix that15:42
dobeyjames_w: bug #397431 if you please then :)15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397431 in hardy-backports "Please backport python-oauth 1.0~svn1053-0ubuntu1 from Karmic to Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39743115:44
dobeyjames_w: i also filed bug #397197 requesting a backport to jaunty, and the karmic package rebuilt as-is15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397197 in jaunty-backports "Please backport python-oauth 1.0~svn1053-0ubuntu1 from Karmic to Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39719715:44
james_wdobey: done15:58
dobeyjames_w: hooray and hugs!16:02
jcastroseb128: are people supposed to not report bugs on -shell?16:23
seb128jcastro, why?16:23
jcastroseb128: I guess you invalided a bunch of bugs from forum users16:24
seb128jcastro, gnome-shell is not in ubuntu proper but in a ppa, I've asked users to report bugs directly upstream for it yes16:24
jcastrook, I will go tell them that.16:24
seb128jcastro, we can't track git builds bugs mixed with ubuntu bugs and there is no ppa bug tracker16:25
seb128jcastro, thanks!16:25
jcastroyeah that's kind of a bummer16:25
seb128the ppa not having a bug tracker is annoying16:25
seb128but flooding the ubuntu components with upstream git bugs is not a good way either16:26
seb128jcastro, how did the couchdb presentation go yesterday?16:28
jcastroit went pretty awesome16:28
jcastroeverything worked, even got applause a bunch of times16:28
jcastrothe pitivi presentation was pretty exciting too, it's all working! didn't even crash.16:29
jcastrothey are going to try to do gstreamer 1.0, jokosher 1.0, and pitivi 1.0 all in time for gnome 316:30
seb128nice to see things aligning around GNOME316:31
pittigood night everyone17:51
pittihave to go now17:51
seb128'night pitti17:58
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chrisccoulsonnearly the weekend:)21:16

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