
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
slytherinCan anyone help me with a particular question in docbook? This is not ubuntu related.10:08
andrew_sayersFlannel: I've now added a page about installing Mozilla builds (FirefoxNewVersion/MozillaBuilds).  I put it on a separate page because Intrepid/Hardy packages are expected.  Give me a shout if you spot anything.10:23
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Kangarooohere is problem.. old info .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP there is no info about JJ21:24
jpdsKangarooo: JJ?21:40
KangaroooJaunty Jackalope21:46
Kangarooojpds: how to install to 9.04 / Jaunty Jackalope / JJ21:47
jpdsWell... someone has to edit the wiki and add it.21:49
KangaroooI want to be in documentation team22:13
Kangaroooask questions. finalize complete documentations.22:13
badenochs_ghost1Hey Avi.22:24
badenochs_ghost1Augustina, Kelvin, and Avi...are we all here?22:30
missaugustinaI am here!22:31
badenochs_ghost1Allo, Avi?22:31
badenochs_ghost1Hmm...will wait 5 minutes.22:32
avi1I am here22:33
avi1The window was blocked.22:33
badenochs_ghost1Let's get started...how is everyone today?22:33
KelvinGardinerSuper, thanks.22:34
avi1Tired! Thanks.22:35
badenochs_ghost1Sorry, Avi.  The time change is difficult.  I managed to get out of work early today.  But lets get right to it so we can get you to bed.22:35
badenochs_ghost1I see that you've been very busy breaking up the work load.   I've been browsing the emails going back and forth.  Should we start the discussion with that?22:35
badenochs_ghost1I'm tracking back through my emails...give me one sec.22:36
badenochs_ghost1Augustina:  It appears that you go the ball rolling with the writing tasks.   Did you want to take the lead on this portion of the discussion?22:37
missaugustinaSure I can do that22:38
missaugustinaFirst off, is everyone ok with how I divided the sections?22:38
missaugustinaThe person who takes a section isn't solely responsible for writing all of the content for that section.22:38
missaugustinaOK cool, just wanted to reiterate.22:39
badenochs_ghost1I think thats brilliant.  It makes it easier if someone has the ultimate responsibility of making sure something is completed even when its a collaboration.22:39
missaugustinaAvi: Have you had a chance to review your sections and decide what you would want Kelvin and I to assist with?22:40
avi1I have begun that22:40
avi1I may want some assistance with teh alternate CD22:40
avi1and I need to check something with Wubi.22:41
missaugustinaOK I can take on the Alternate CD22:41
missaugustinaI've had to use it in the past22:41
avi1As we discussed last week, I think there are going to be some questions that I will bring up regarding wording for the burning the ISO and partitioning, but that can be discussed as it comes up22:41
badenochs_ghost1Avi:  How are you going to approach the CD burning?22:42
avi1I think will describe the general principle and then give a procedure for burning the CD with one specific software program22:43
badenochs_ghost1I agree.  I think that is the best course of action and in line with the guide's philosophy.22:43
KelvinGardinerSounds good to me too.22:43
missaugustinaOK so I'm working on Section A, the Intro + FAQ22:45
missaugustinaHow should our Installation Guide Intro differ from the existing Ubuntu Intro wording?22:45
missaugustinaI'm thinking there is some wording on the main page22:45
missaugustinaI'm thinking for the Installation Guide, explain more about what the Installation guide will cover and assume the person already knows something about what ubuntu is?22:47
badenochs_ghost1The guide is going to be accessible with the ISO download.  So, I think that is a safe assumption.22:47
missaugustinaWhoops we lost DB22:48
missaugustinaWelcome back!22:48
badenochs_ghost1What did I miss?22:48
badenochs_ghost1I always get the last word.22:49
missaugustinaSo for the FAQ, my next step is to put together a list of possible questions.22:49
missaugustinaI am just going to do it brainstorm style and edit it as we go.22:50
missaugustinaI think some of the FAQ will depend on the results of our Usability testing.22:50
badenochs_ghost1This also may be useful:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PageHits.22:50
badenochs_ghost1Augustina:  Agreed.  The usability testing will tell us a lot.22:50
missaugustinaAh yes I remember that page.22:50
badenochs_ghost1That links takes a minute to load.22:50
missaugustinaI will ask whoever is writing the technical session that might relate to a question to submit an answer for the FAQ.22:51
missaugustinaOtherwise, that's all for me.  Kelvin volunteered to take on C.22:51
missaugustina*technical section, sorry22:51
badenochs_ghost1The actual installation?22:52
KelvinGardinermissaugustina: On your email C has the intro in. Are you doing C and I'm doing A?22:52
missaugustinaOK, let me double check how I divided it.  Sorry!22:53
missaugustinaOh you're right, I was backwards.22:54
KelvinGardinerMy plan so far.22:54
badenochs_ghost1So Avi = B, Augustina = C, and Kelvin = A?22:55
KelvinGardinerThe "what's next" will be how to install extra software, about community, how to get involved, where to get further help. It will main point to web pages.22:56
KelvinGardinerbadenochs_ghost1: I'm doing A.22:56
avi1I believe that is correct.22:56
missaugustinaAre you ok with that Kelvin?  You'd asked for C in the email thread now that I'm looking at it.22:56
KelvinGardineryeah, I just pick on at random.22:57
missaugustinaI think I saw you mentioned troubleshooting and just had it in my head you were doing A22:57
KelvinGardinerNot to worry.22:57
missaugustinaOK cool, sorry, I read too fast sometimes ;)22:58
KelvinGardinerThe trouble shooting section will have two parts. First part will be a list of links to hardware specific help pages. This is based on every problem on my macbook having a solution on the macbook wiki pages.22:58
KelvinGardinerThe second part will address common issues, based in the wiki hits page and forum question.22:59
KelvinGardinerHow does that sound?22:59
badenochs_ghost1Sounds fine to me.22:59
missaugustinaI think that sounds great.23:00
missaugustinaAre there areas of the troubleshooting you'd currently like to delegate?23:00
missaugustinaYou can also put topics out for delegation as we proceed.23:00
KelvinGardinerI'll produce a list of issues over the next week and put them on the wiki. Then we can pick which ones we want to do.23:01
missaugustinaI have the shortest 2 sections so I'm more than happy to pick up anything.23:02
missaugustinaAvi: I can do both the Alternate CD + Wubi sections.23:04
avi1I'm probably fine on the Wubi, just need to check a few things23:05
avi1Alternate CD would be great.23:05
badenochs_ghost1Augustina:  What else do we have by way of the writing task to discuss?23:05
badenochs_ghost1Sorry...writing tasks.23:06
missaugustinaThat's all I can think of, unless anyone else has any writing tasks to discuss?23:06
KelvinGardinerWhere are we going to put the draft docs?23:07
badenochs_ghost1KelvinGardiner:  That is an excellent question.  I am still new to this game.  So, I don't know.23:07
badenochs_ghost1I haven't been able to reach Mr. Bull by email since he went on vacation.23:08
missaugustinaShould we set up a bzr branch?23:08
KelvinGardinerMaybe we can have a project on LP with a bzr branch.23:08
missaugustinaWe have a group on LP, right?  Should be easy to set up a group project.23:09
KelvinGardinerI would think so, but I've not used LP for a project.23:11
badenochs_ghost1I'm at launchpad now trying to figure it out.23:11
badenochs_ghost1Should we do this now?23:12
missaugustinaDB: Do you want to take this on and do it when we're done, so Avi can get some sleep?23:12
missaugustinaI am more than happy to hang out and help23:12
badenochs_ghost1I think that would be nice.  Will do.23:12
badenochs_ghost1Let's finish up our discussion and send him to bed.23:13
avi1Much appreciated :-) My mother would be thrilled :-)23:13
badenochs_ghost1I need to address the style guide and we'll be done unless anyone else has something to discuss before I do.23:13
badenochs_ghost1Hearing no other topics, I've settled on the Gnome Style Guide.  It seems to make the most sense for this project.  In the future, there may be a more Ubuntu-centric and updated style guide.23:15
missaugustinaWhat's the link for the Gnome Style Guide?23:15
badenochs_ghost1Any discussion, questions, or feedback?23:16
missaugustinaI think that sounds great.  I am sure we'll have questions as we're going along ;)23:17
avi1Sounds like the best option23:17
KelvinGardinerI'm happy to use that.23:18
badenochs_ghost1Wonderful.  We are all set I think.  If there is nothing else, let's conclude.  Miss Augustina, why don't you hang out for a minute and we'll do the LP project.  Good day, good evening or good night Kelvin.  And to Avi, sweet dreams!23:19
avi1thanks.... Good day/night.23:20
missaugustinaYeah I'm hanging out!  Gnite Avi!!23:20
KelvinGardinerGood night Avi.23:20
badenochs_ghost1I hear my children looking for me.  Let's go ahead and tackle this Launchpad registration and we'll all be done for the day.23:21
badenochs_ghost1What should I name this thing?23:21
KelvinGardinerthanks, is good night for me its.23:21
missaugustinaGood Question, maybe something close to the group name?23:22
KelvinGardiner... 11.20pm here.23:22
missaugustinaGnite Kelvin!23:22
missaugustinaIt's only 3pm here :D  I'm slow :(23:22
badenochs_ghost1That would be night.  Good night, sir.23:22
badenochs_ghost1Augustina:  How about Ubuntu Installation Guide?23:22
missaugustinaYeah sounds good.  I was looking to see what the group name was23:22
missaugustinaUbuntu Installation Guide team23:23
badenochs_ghost1Sure.  Is that the name?23:23
missaugustinayeah Ubuntu Installation Guide is perfect since it's consistent23:23
missaugustinayes that's our team name23:23
badenochs_ghost1OK.   Let's go with Ubuntu Installation Guide.  The URL will be http://launchpad.net/ubuntuinstallguide23:24
badenochs_ghost1OK.  Now I need a project title.23:25
missaugustinaUbuntu Installation Guide ?23:25
badenochs_ghost1That is exactly what I was thinking.  I'll type that in.23:25
badenochs_ghost1OK.  It wants a summary.  Phil summary from the Wiki is:  "There is a clear need for a comprehensive installation guide which targets novice and intermediate users. Such a guide should be written and made easily discoverable to potential new users. "23:26
missaugustinaSounds good to me, we can always change it.23:26
badenochs_ghost1Sorry...Phil's summary from the Wiki...23:26
missaugustinaMaybe mention that it's part of the ubuntu documentation project23:27
badenochs_ghost1OK.  I've started the process.  It wants to make sure I am not reinventing the wheel.23:27
badenochs_ghost1Some similiar projects in here that never went anywhere.23:27
badenochs_ghost1OK.  Now it wants to know what licenses we want to release the project under.23:29
missaugustinayeah i'm doing a test project along with you so i can see the screens23:29
missaugustinaWe are using the same license as ubuntu, I thought23:29
badenochs_ghost1I would think its the Creative Commons license but I'm not sure.23:30
badenochs_ghost1I think all the documentation would go under there.23:30
missaugustinaGnome Style Guide lists GFDL23:30
missaugustinaGNU Free Documentation License23:30
missaugustinaIf we're going by the Gnome Style Guide, should we use their recommended license?23:31
badenochs_ghost1My window just closed and I'll need to restart this thing.23:31
missaugustinak no prob :)23:31
missaugustinaCreative Commons is correct for ubuntu23:31
missaugustinaI just did a quick search23:31
missaugustinaAt least that's the wiki licensing -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/License23:31
badenochs_ghost1OK.  I am caught back up.23:32
missaugustinaCreative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC-BY-SA)23:32
missaugustinaThat's the system docs23:32
badenochs_ghost1Let's go with Creative Commons.  I think that is right.23:32
missaugustinaK that sounds good23:33
badenochs_ghost1OK.  Its done.23:34
missaugustinaWhat are the access rights for the project?23:35
badenochs_ghost1I'm looking for how to change that.23:35
missaugustinaDoes setting up a project in Launchpad automagically create a Bazaar branch?23:37
badenochs_ghost1I don't know.  I'm working on access now for the team and then we can look into it.23:38
missaugustinaK I didn't know if it was related23:38
badenochs_ghost1Augustina:  I need to go help my wife my kids, but I'll get you and the team access as soon as possible and see what is going on with Bazaar as well.23:39
badenochs_ghost1I appreciate your help.23:39
missaugustinaThanks!  Go do your thing.  I don't think there's a huge hurry immediately since we are still getting organized23:39
missaugustinaYou could also post to the list, I'm positive someone on there knows the answers to these questiosn.23:40
badenochs_ghost1Great meeting today.  Talk to you soon.23:40
missaugustinaThx!  TTYL23:40

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